From 54741b6daecd6d698416abfa036b820cd7d35dfa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MarkPotato777 Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2024 16:47:44 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 01/11] ob-mysql OBLexer.g4 & OBParser.g4 init --- .../src/main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBLexer.g4 | 318 ++++++ .../main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBParser.g4 | 910 ++++++++++++++++-- 2 files changed, 1166 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-) diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBLexer.g4 b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBLexer.g4 index a1cbc7ddb8..2647278a61 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBLexer.g4 +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBLexer.g4 @@ -19,6 +19,324 @@ lexer grammar OBLexer; public boolean inRangeOperator = false; } +// the below is what's new in OB +UnderlineUTF8MB3 + : ('_' U T F '8' M B '3') + ; + +UnderlineASCII + : ('_' A S C I I ) + ; + +UnderlineTIS620 + : ('_' T I S '6''2''0') + ; + +ROLE + : R O L E + ; + +JSON_QUERY + : J S O N '_' Q U E R Y + ; + +QUOTA_NAME + : Q U O T A '_' N A M E + ; + +PQ_DISTINCT + : P Q '_' D I S T I N C T + ; + +ADMIN + : A D M I N + ; + +ALLOW + : A L L O W + ; + +NO_MV_REWRITE + : N O '_' M V '_' R E W R I T E + ; + +EUCLIDEAN + : E U C L I D E A N + ; + +STSTOKEN + : S T S T O K E N + ; + +REWRITE + : R E W R I T E + ; + +NO_COALESCE_AGGR + : N O '_' C O A L E S C E '_' A G G R + ; + +VECTOR_DISTANCE + : V E C T O R '_' D I S T A N C E + ; + +PARTITION_TYPE + : P A R T I T I O N '_' T Y P E + ; + +DOT + : D O T + ; + +TASK_ID + : T A S K '_' I D + ; + +COMPUTATION + : C O M P U T A T I O N + ; + +MANHATTAN + : M A N H A T T A N + ; + +AUTO_REFRESH + : A U T O '_' R E F R E S H + ; + +ARRAY + : A R R A Y + ; + +SINGLE + : S I N G L E + ; + +SHARED_STORAGE_DEST + : S H A R E D '_' S T O R A G E '_' D E S T + ; + +DISALLOW + : D I S A L L O W + ; + +UnderlineST_ASMVT + : '_' S T '_' A S M V T + ; + +WITH_PULLUP + : W I T H '_' P U L L U P + ; + +NO_DECORRELATE + : N O '_' D E C O R R E L A T E + ; + +CONDITIONAL + : C O N D I T I O N A L + ; + +WO_PULLUP + : W O '_' P U L L U P + ; + +RB_AND_AGG + : R B '_' A N D '_' A G G + ; + +COMPRESSION_CODE + : C O M P R E S S I O N '_' C O D E + ; + +FILE_BLOCK_SIZE + : F I L E '_' B L O C K '_' S I Z E + ; + +APPROXIMATE + : A P P R O X I M A T E + ; + +MAX_NET_BANDWIDTH + : M A X '_' N E T '_' B A N D W I D T H + ; + +MULTIVALUE + : M U L T I V A L U E + ; + +SHARED_STORAGE_INFO + : S H A R E D '_' S T O R A G E '_' I N F O + ; + +RB_OR_AGG + : R B '_' O R '_' A G G + ; + +DATA_SOURCE + : D A T A '_' S O U R C E + ; + +PROJECT_NAME + : P R O J E C T '_' N A M E + ; + +VECTOR + : V E C T O R + ; + +ENDPOINT + : E N D P O I N T + ; + +DATA_DISK_SIZE + : D A T A '_' D I S K '_' S I Z E + ; + +BUFFER_SIZE + : B U F F E R '_' S I Z E + ; + +PROPERTIES + : P R O P E R T I E S + ; + +ATTRIBUTE + : A T T R I B U T E + ; + +ASIS + : A S I S + ; + +SCALARS + : S C A L A R S + ; + +USER_SPECIFIED + : U S E R '_' S P E C I F I E D + ; + +ACCESS_INFO + : A C C E S S '_' I N F O + ; + +ROARINGBITMAP + : R O A R I N G B I T M A P + ; + +VALIDATION + : V A L I D A T I O N + ; + +COSINE + : C O S I N E + ; + +DECORRELATE + : D E C O R R E L A T E + ; + +SUM_OPNSIZE + : S U M '_' O P N S I Z E + ; + +ACCESSKEY + : A C C E S S K E Y + ; + +MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED + : M I C R O '_' I N D E X '_' C L U S T E R E D + ; + +AUTO_INCREMENT_CACHE_SIZE + : A U T O '_' I N C R E M E N T '_' C A C H E '_' S I Z E + ; + +ACCESSTYPE + : A C C E S S T Y P E + ; + +PQ_GBY + : P Q '_' G B Y + ; + +EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST + : E X T E R N A L '_' S T O R A G E '_' D E S T + ; + +OVERWRITE + : O V E R W R I T E + ; + +MV_REWRITE + : M V '_' R E W R I T E + ; + +LAST_REFRESH_SCN + : L A S T '_' R E F R E S H '_' S C N + ; + +COALESCE_AGGR + : C O A L E S C E '_' A G G R + ; + +RESOURCE_GROUP + : R E S O U R C E '_' G R O U P + ; + +WITHOUT + : W I T H O U T + ; + +MAX_FILE_SIZE + : M A X '_' F I L E '_' S I Z E + ; + +APPROX + : A P P R O X + ; + +MISMATCH + : M I S M A T C H + ; + +SS_MICRO_CACHE + : S S '_' M I C R O '_' C A C H E + ; + +OPTIMIZER_COSTS + : O P T I M I Z E R '_' C O S T S + ; + +PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM + : P A X O S '_' R E P L I C A '_' N U M + ; + +ACCESSID + : A C C E S S I D + ; + +UNCONDITIONAL + : U N C O N D I T I O N A L + ; + +NET_BANDWIDTH_WEIGHT + : N E T '_' B A N D W I D T H '_' W E I G H T + ; + +RB_BUILD_AGG + : R B '_' B U I L D '_' A G G + ; + +LeftBracket + : '[' + ; + +RightBracket + : ']' + ; +// the above is what's new in OB + ACCESS : ( A C C E S S ) ; diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBParser.g4 b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBParser.g4 index b058550572..d194fbfbd0 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBParser.g4 +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBParser.g4 @@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ stmt | deallocate_prepare_stmt | create_user_stmt | drop_user_stmt + | create_role_stmt + | drop_role_stmt + | set_role_stmt | set_password_stmt | rename_user_stmt | lock_user_stmt @@ -140,6 +143,8 @@ stmt | create_tenant_snapshot_stmt | drop_tenant_snapshot_stmt | clone_tenant_stmt + | mock_stmt + | service_name_stmt ; pl_expr_stmt @@ -169,6 +174,8 @@ recover_point_clause transfer_partition_stmt : ALTER SYSTEM transfer_partition_clause tenant_name? + | ALTER SYSTEM CANCEL TRANSFER PARTITION cancel_transfer_partition_clause tenant_name? + | ALTER SYSTEM CANCEL BALANCE JOB tenant_name? ; transfer_partition_clause @@ -179,6 +186,11 @@ part_info : TABLE_ID opt_equal_mark INTNUM Comma OBJECT_ID opt_equal_mark INTNUM ; +cancel_transfer_partition_clause + : part_info + | ALL + ; + expr_list : expr (Comma expr)* ; @@ -207,9 +219,12 @@ complex_string_literal charset_introducer : UnderlineUTF8 | UnderlineUTF8MB4 + | UnderlineUTF8MB3 | UnderlineBINARY | UnderlineGBK | UnderlineLATIN1 + | UnderlineASCII + | UnderlineTIS620 | UnderlineGB18030 | UnderlineGB18030_2022 | UnderlineUTF16 @@ -262,7 +277,9 @@ bool_pri : predicate | bool_pri (COMP_EQ|COMP_GE|COMP_GT|COMP_LE|COMP_LT|COMP_NE|COMP_NSEQ) predicate | bool_pri IS not? NULLX + | bool_pri (COMP_GE|COMP_GT|COMP_LE|COMP_LT|COMP_NE) (ALL|ANY|SOME) select_with_parens | bool_pri (COMP_EQ|COMP_GE|COMP_GT|COMP_LE|COMP_LT|COMP_NE) (ALL|ANY|SOME) LeftParen select_no_parens RightParen + | bool_pri PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR (ALL|ANY|SOME) any_expr ; @@ -294,7 +311,7 @@ simple_expr | (BINARY|Plus|Minus|Tilde|Not|NOT) simple_expr | ROW? LeftParen expr_list RightParen | EXISTS? select_with_parens - | MATCH LeftParen column_list RightParen AGAINST LeftParen STRING_VALUE ((IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) | (IN BOOLEAN MODE))? RightParen + | MATCH LeftParen column_list RightParen AGAINST LeftParen search_expr ((IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE (WITH QUERY EXPANSION)?) | (IN BOOLEAN MODE) | (WITH QUERY EXPANSION))? RightParen | case_expr | func_expr | window_function @@ -304,6 +321,11 @@ simple_expr | relation_name Dot relation_name (Dot relation_name)? USER_VARIABLE ; +search_expr + : expr_const + | func_expr + ; + expr : (NOT|USER_VARIABLE SET_VAR) expr | LeftParen expr RightParen @@ -322,6 +344,11 @@ not // | SOME // ; +any_expr + : select_with_parens + | LeftParen expr_list RightParen + ; + in_expr : select_with_parens | LeftParen expr_list RightParen @@ -422,6 +449,11 @@ case_default //| empty ; +geometry_collection + : GEOMETRYCOLLECTION + | GEOMCOLLECTION + ; + func_expr : func_name=COUNT LeftParen ALL? (Star|expr) RightParen # simple_func_expr | func_name=COUNT LeftParen (DISTINCT|UNIQUE) expr_list RightParen # simple_func_expr @@ -440,7 +472,7 @@ func_expr | utc_timestamp_func # complex_func_expr | utc_time_func # complex_func_expr | utc_date_func # complex_func_expr - | CAST LeftParen expr AS cast_data_type RightParen # complex_func_expr + | CAST LeftParen expr AS cast_data_type ARRAY? RightParen # complex_func_expr | func_name=INSERT LeftParen expr Comma expr Comma expr Comma expr RightParen # simple_func_expr | CONVERT LeftParen expr Comma cast_data_type RightParen # complex_func_expr | CONVERT LeftParen expr USING charset_name RightParen # complex_func_expr @@ -464,7 +496,11 @@ func_expr | WEIGHT_STRING LeftParen expr (AS CHARACTER ws_nweights)? (LEVEL ws_level_list_or_range)? RightParen # complex_func_expr | WEIGHT_STRING LeftParen expr AS BINARY ws_nweights RightParen # complex_func_expr | WEIGHT_STRING LeftParen expr Comma INTNUM Comma INTNUM Comma INTNUM Comma INTNUM RightParen # complex_func_expr + | json_extract_unquote_expr # complex_func_expr + | json_extract_expr # complex_func_expr | json_value_expr # complex_func_expr + | json_query_expr # complex_func_expr + | vector_distance_expr # complex_func_expr | func_name=POINT LeftParen expr Comma expr RightParen # simple_func_expr | func_name=LINESTRING LeftParen expr_list RightParen # simple_func_expr | func_name=MULTIPOINT LeftParen expr_list RightParen # simple_func_expr @@ -478,6 +514,31 @@ func_expr | func_name=ST_ASMVT LeftParen column_ref Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param RightParen # simple_func_expr | func_name=ST_ASMVT LeftParen column_ref Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param RightParen # simple_func_expr | func_name=ST_ASMVT LeftParen column_ref Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param RightParen # simple_func_expr + | func_name=geometry_collection LeftParen expr_list RightParen # simple_func_expr + | func_name=geometry_collection LeftParen RightParen # simple_func_expr + | func_name=UnderlineST_ASMVT LeftParen column_ref RightParen # simple_func_expr + | func_name=UnderlineST_ASMVT LeftParen column_ref Comma mvt_param RightParen # simple_func_expr + | func_name=UnderlineST_ASMVT LeftParen column_ref Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param RightParen # simple_func_expr + | func_name=UnderlineST_ASMVT LeftParen column_ref Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param RightParen # simple_func_expr + | func_name=UnderlineST_ASMVT LeftParen column_ref Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param RightParen # simple_func_expr + | func_name=LAST_REFRESH_SCN LeftParen INTNUM RightParen # simple_func_expr + | func_name=SUM_OPNSIZE LeftParen expr RightParen # simple_func_expr + | func_name=ARRAY LeftParen expr_list RightParen # simple_func_expr + | func_name=LeftBracket expr_list RightBracket # simple_func_expr + | func_name=RB_BUILD_AGG LeftParen expr RightParen # simple_func_expr + | func_name=RB_OR_AGG LeftParen expr RightParen # simple_func_expr + | func_name=RB_AND_AGG LeftParen expr RightParen # simple_func_expr + ; + +vector_distance_expr + : VECTOR_DISTANCE LeftParen expr Comma expr (Comma vector_distance_metric)? RightParen + ; + +vector_distance_metric + : COSINE + | DOT + | EUCLIDEAN + | MANHATTAN ; mvt_param @@ -591,8 +652,17 @@ delete_stmt ; delete_basic_stmt - : delete_with_opt_hint FROM tbl_name (WHERE opt_hint_value expr)? order_by? limit_clause? - | delete_with_opt_hint multi_delete_table (WHERE opt_hint_value expr)? + : delete_with_opt_hint delete_option_list? FROM tbl_name (WHERE opt_hint_value expr)? order_by? limit_clause? + | delete_with_opt_hint delete_option_list? multi_delete_table (WHERE opt_hint_value expr)? + ; + +delete_option_list + : delete_option+ + ; + +delete_option + : QUICK + | LOW_PRIORITY ; multi_delete_table @@ -605,7 +675,7 @@ update_stmt ; update_basic_stmt - : update_with_opt_hint IGNORE? table_references SET update_asgn_list (WHERE opt_hint_value expr)? order_by? limit_clause? + : update_with_opt_hint LOW_PRIORITY? IGNORE? table_references SET update_asgn_list (WHERE opt_hint_value expr)? order_by? limit_clause? ; update_asgn_list @@ -628,7 +698,7 @@ opt_resource_unit_option_list ; resource_unit_option - : (MIN_CPU|MIN_IOPS|MIN_MEMORY|MAX_CPU|MAX_MEMORY|MAX_IOPS|MAX_DISK_SIZE|MAX_SESSION_NUM|MEMORY_SIZE|IOPS_WEIGHT|LOG_DISK_SIZE) COMP_EQ? conf_const + : (MIN_CPU|MIN_IOPS|MIN_MEMORY|MAX_CPU|MAX_MEMORY|MAX_IOPS|MAX_DISK_SIZE|MAX_SESSION_NUM|MEMORY_SIZE|IOPS_WEIGHT|LOG_DISK_SIZE|DATA_DISK_SIZE|MAX_NET_BANDWIDTH|NET_BANDWIDTH_WEIGHT) COMP_EQ? conf_const ; opt_create_resource_pool_option_list @@ -816,7 +886,7 @@ alter_database_stmt ; load_data_stmt - : load_data_with_opt_hint (LOCAL | REMOTE_OSS)? INFILE STRING_VALUE (IGNORE | REPLACE)? INTO TABLE relation_factor use_partition? (CHARACTER SET charset_name_or_default)? field_opt line_opt ((IGNORE INTNUM lines_or_rows) | (GENERATED INTNUM lines_or_rows))? ((LeftParen RightParen) | (LeftParen field_or_vars_list RightParen))? (SET load_set_list)? load_data_extended_option_list? + : load_data_with_opt_hint (LOCAL | REMOTE_OSS)? INFILE STRING_VALUE (IGNORE | REPLACE)? INTO TABLE relation_factor use_partition? (COMPRESSION opt_equal_mark compression_name)? (CHARACTER SET charset_name_or_default)? field_opt line_opt ((IGNORE INTNUM lines_or_rows) | (GENERATED INTNUM lines_or_rows))? ((LeftParen RightParen) | (LeftParen field_or_vars_list RightParen))? (SET load_set_list)? load_data_extended_option_list? ; load_data_with_opt_hint @@ -824,6 +894,11 @@ load_data_with_opt_hint | LOAD_DATA_HINT_BEGIN hint_list_with_end ; +compression_name + : NAME_OB + | unreserved_keyword + ; + lines_or_rows : LINES | ROWS @@ -871,10 +946,15 @@ create_table_like_stmt create_table_stmt : CREATE special_table_type TABLE (IF not EXISTS)? relation_factor LeftParen table_element_list RightParen table_option_list? (partition_option | auto_partition_option)? with_column_group? - | CREATE special_table_type TABLE (IF not EXISTS)? relation_factor LeftParen table_element_list RightParen table_option_list? (partition_option | auto_partition_option)? with_column_group? AS? select_stmt - | CREATE special_table_type TABLE (IF not EXISTS)? relation_factor table_option_list (partition_option | auto_partition_option)? with_column_group? AS? select_stmt - | CREATE special_table_type TABLE (IF not EXISTS)? relation_factor partition_option with_column_group? AS? select_stmt - | CREATE special_table_type TABLE (IF not EXISTS)? relation_factor with_column_group? AS? select_stmt + | CREATE special_table_type TABLE (IF not EXISTS)? relation_factor LeftParen table_element_list RightParen table_option_list? (partition_option | auto_partition_option)? (with_column_group? | ignore_or_replace) AS? select_stmt + | CREATE special_table_type TABLE (IF not EXISTS)? relation_factor table_option_list (partition_option | auto_partition_option)? (with_column_group? | ignore_or_replace) AS? select_stmt + | CREATE special_table_type TABLE (IF not EXISTS)? relation_factor partition_option (with_column_group? | ignore_or_replace) AS? select_stmt + | CREATE special_table_type TABLE (IF not EXISTS)? relation_factor (with_column_group? | ignore_or_replace) AS? select_stmt + ; + +ignore_or_replace + : IGNORE + | REPLACE ; ret_type @@ -926,6 +1006,7 @@ references_clause out_of_line_index : key_or_index index_name? index_using_algorithm? LeftParen sort_column_list RightParen opt_index_options? (partition_option | auto_partition_option)? with_column_group? | (FULLTEXT | SPATIAL) key_or_index? index_name? index_using_algorithm? LeftParen sort_column_list RightParen opt_index_options? (partition_option | auto_partition_option)? with_column_group? + | VECTOR key_or_index index_name? LeftParen sort_column_list RightParen opt_index_options? ; out_of_line_primary_index @@ -953,6 +1034,11 @@ reference_action | SET DEFAULT ; +opt_match_option + : MATCH match_action + | empty + ; + match_action : SIMPLE | FULL @@ -960,8 +1046,9 @@ match_action ; column_definition - : column_definition_ref data_type opt_column_attribute_list? (FIRST | (BEFORE column_name) | (AFTER column_name))? - | column_definition_ref data_type (GENERATED opt_generated_option_list)? AS LeftParen expr RightParen (VIRTUAL | STORED)? opt_generated_column_attribute_list? (FIRST | (BEFORE column_name) | (AFTER column_name))? + : column_definition_ref data_type opt_column_attribute_list? (REFERENCES relation_factor LeftParen column_name_list RightParen opt_match_option opt_reference_option_list)? (FIRST | (BEFORE column_name) | (AFTER column_name))? + | column_definition_ref data_type (GENERATED opt_generated_option_list)? AS LeftParen expr RightParen (VIRTUAL | STORED)? opt_generated_column_attribute_list? (REFERENCES relation_factor LeftParen column_name_list RightParen opt_match_option opt_reference_option_list)? (FIRST | (BEFORE column_name) | (AFTER column_name))? + | column_definition_ref SERIAL column_attribute_list? (FIRST | (BEFORE column_name) | (AFTER column_name))? ; opt_generated_option_list @@ -1003,6 +1090,7 @@ cast_data_type | json_type_i | geo_type_i | (SIGNED|UNSIGNED) INTEGER? + | ROARINGBITMAP ; get_format_unit @@ -1041,6 +1129,10 @@ data_type | json_type_i | collection_type_i | geo_type_i + | ARRAY LeftParen data_type RightParen + | data_type LeftBracket RightBracket + | VECTOR LeftParen INTNUM RightParen + | ROARINGBITMAP | STRING_VALUE ; @@ -1157,6 +1249,7 @@ charset_name : NAME_OB | STRING_VALUE | BINARY + | ASCII ; charset_name_or_default @@ -1177,6 +1270,7 @@ column_attribute : not NULLX | NULLX | DEFAULT now_or_signed_literal + | DEFAULT LeftParen expr RightParen | ORIG_DEFAULT now_or_signed_literal | AUTO_INCREMENT | UNIQUE KEY @@ -1189,6 +1283,9 @@ column_attribute | SRID INTNUM | COLLATE collation_name | SKIP_INDEX LeftParen (skip_index_type | (opt_skip_index_type_list Comma skip_index_type))? RightParen + | lob_chunk_size + | COLUMN_FORMAT (DEFAULT|FIXED|DYNAMIC) + | STORAGE (DEFAULT|DISK|MEMORY) ; now_or_signed_literal @@ -1233,7 +1330,7 @@ table_option | LOCALITY COMP_EQ? locality_name FORCE? | EXPIRE_INFO COMP_EQ? LeftParen expr RightParen | (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM|BLOCK_SIZE|TABLE_ID|REPLICA_NUM - |STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION|TABLET_SIZE|PCTFREE|MAX_USED_PART_ID) COMP_EQ? INTNUM + |STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION|TABLET_SIZE|PCTFREE|MAX_USED_PART_ID|KEY_BLOCK_SIZE) COMP_EQ? INTNUM | ROW_FORMAT COMP_EQ? row_format_option | USE_BLOOM_FILTER COMP_EQ? BOOL_VALUE | DEFAULT? charset_key COMP_EQ? charset_name @@ -1256,6 +1353,32 @@ table_option | KV_ATTRIBUTES COMP_EQ? STRING_VALUE | DEFAULT_LOB_INROW_THRESHOLD COMP_EQ? INTNUM | LOB_INROW_THRESHOLD COMP_EQ? INTNUM + | AUTO_INCREMENT_CACHE_SIZE COMP_EQ? INTNUM + | PARTITION_TYPE COMP_EQ? USER_SPECIFIED + | PROPERTIES COMP_EQ? LeftParen external_properties_list RightParen + + | lob_storage_clause + | MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED COMP_EQ? BOOL_VALUE + | AUTO_REFRESH COMP_EQ? (OFF|IMMEDIATE|INTERVAL) + | MAX_ROWS COMP_EQ? INTNUM + | MIN_ROWS COMP_EQ? INTNUM + | PASSWORD COMP_EQ? STRING_VALUE + | PACK_KEYS COMP_EQ? (INTNUM|DEFAULT) + | CONNECTION COMP_EQ? STRING_VALUE + | DATA DIRECTORY COMP_EQ? STRING_VALUE + | INDEX DIRECTORY COMP_EQ? STRING_VALUE + | ENCRYPTION COMP_EQ? STRING_VALUE + | STATS_AUTO_RECALC COMP_EQ? (INTNUM|DEFAULT) + | STATS_PERSISTENT COMP_EQ? (INTNUM|DEFAULT) + | STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES COMP_EQ? (INTNUM|DEFAULT) + | UNION COMP_EQ? LeftParen table_list? RightParen + | INSERT_METHOD COMP_EQ? merge_insert_types + ; + +merge_insert_types + : NO + | FIRST + | LAST ; parallel_option @@ -1541,6 +1664,14 @@ row_format_option | DEFAULT ; +external_properties_list + : external_properties (opt_comma external_properties)* + ; + +external_properties + : ((((ACCESSID|ACCESSKEY)|(ACCESSTYPE|TYPE))|((ENDPOINT|STSTOKEN)|(PROJECT_NAME|SCHEMA_NAME)))|((COMPRESSION_CODE|QUOTA_NAME)|TABLE_NAME)) COMP_EQ STRING_VALUE + ; + external_file_format_list : external_file_format (Comma? external_file_format)* ; @@ -1551,6 +1682,7 @@ external_file_format | format_key=SKIP_HEADER COMP_EQ INTNUM | format_key=(SKIP_BLANK_LINES|TRIM_SPACE|EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL) COMP_EQ BOOL_VALUE | format_key=NULL_IF_EXETERNAL COMP_EQ LeftParen expr_list RightParen + | format_key=| COMPRESSION COMP_EQ compression_name ; create_tablegroup_stmt @@ -1602,10 +1734,23 @@ create_view_stmt ; create_mview_stmt - : CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW view_name (LeftParen column_name_list RightParen)? table_option_list? (partition_option | auto_partition_option)? create_mview_refresh AS view_select_stmt ((WITH CHECK OPTION) | (WITH CASCADED CHECK OPTION) | (WITH LOCAL CHECK OPTION))? + : CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW view_name (LeftParen mv_column_list RightParen)? table_option_list? (partition_option | auto_partition_option)? (with_column_group)? create_mview_opts AS view_select_stmt ((WITH CHECK OPTION) | (WITH CASCADED CHECK OPTION) | (WITH LOCAL CHECK OPTION))? + ; + +create_mview_opts + : mview_refresh_opt + | mview_refresh_opt mview_enable_disable ON QUERY COMPUTATION + | mview_refresh_opt mview_enable_disable QUERY REWRITE + | mview_refresh_opt mview_enable_disable ON QUERY COMPUTATION mview_enable_disable QUERY REWRITE + | mview_refresh_opt mview_enable_disable QUERY REWRITE mview_enable_disable ON QUERY COMPUTATION ; -create_mview_refresh +mview_enable_disable + : DISABLE + | ENABLE + ; + +mview_refresh_opt : REFRESH mv_refresh_method mv_refresh_on_clause mv_refresh_interval | NEVER REFRESH | empty @@ -1643,7 +1788,7 @@ mv_next_clause ; view_attribute - : (ALGORITHM COMP_EQ view_algorithm)? (DEFINER COMP_EQ user)? (SQL SECURITY (DEFINER | INVOKER))? + : (ALGORITHM COMP_EQ view_algorithm)? (DEFINER COMP_EQ user_with_host_name)? (SQL SECURITY (DEFINER | INVOKER))? | empty ; @@ -1667,6 +1812,11 @@ view_name : relation_factor ; +mv_column_list + : column_name_list + | (column_name_list Comma)? PRIMARY KEY index_using_algorithm? LeftParen column_name_list RightParen index_using_algorithm? (COMMENT STRING_VALUE)? + ; + opt_tablet_id : TABLET_ID COMP_EQ INTNUM ; @@ -1676,7 +1826,7 @@ opt_tablet_id_no_empty ; create_index_stmt - : CREATE (FULLTEXT | SPATIAL | UNIQUE)? INDEX (IF not EXISTS)? normal_relation_factor index_using_algorithm? ON relation_factor LeftParen sort_column_list RightParen opt_index_options? (partition_option | auto_partition_option)? with_column_group? + : CREATE (VECTOR | FULLTEXT | SPATIAL | UNIQUE)? INDEX (IF not EXISTS)? normal_relation_factor index_using_algorithm? ON relation_factor LeftParen sort_column_list RightParen opt_index_options? (partition_option | auto_partition_option)? with_column_group? ; index_name @@ -1711,11 +1861,12 @@ opt_index_options index_option : GLOBAL | LOCAL - | (BLOCK_SIZE|DATA_TABLE_ID|INDEX_TABLE_ID|VIRTUAL_COLUMN_ID|MAX_USED_PART_ID) COMP_EQ? INTNUM + | (BLOCK_SIZE|DATA_TABLE_ID|INDEX_TABLE_ID|VIRTUAL_COLUMN_ID|MAX_USED_PART_ID|KEY_BLOCK_SIZE) COMP_EQ? INTNUM | COMMENT STRING_VALUE | (STORING|CTXCAT) LeftParen column_name_list RightParen | WITH ROWID - | WITH PARSER STRING_VALUE + | WITH PARSER relation_name + | WITH LeftParen vec_index_params RightParen | index_using_algorithm | visibility_option | parallel_option @@ -1819,8 +1970,9 @@ drop_index_stmt ; insert_stmt - : insert_with_opt_hint IGNORE? INTO? single_table_insert (ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE update_asgn_list)? - | replace_with_opt_hint IGNORE? INTO? single_table_insert + : insert_with_opt_hint (HIGH_PRIORITY | LOW_PRIORITY)? IGNORE? INTO? single_table_insert (ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE update_asgn_list)? + | insert_with_opt_hint (HIGH_PRIORITY | LOW_PRIORITY)? IGNORE? OVERWRITE single_table_insert + | replace_with_opt_hint LOW_PRIORITY? IGNORE? INTO? single_table_insert ; single_table_insert @@ -1922,9 +2074,14 @@ no_table_select_with_order_and_limit : no_table_select order_by? limit_clause? ; -// +opt_approx + : APPROX + | APPROXIMATE + ; + simple_select_with_order_and_limit : simple_select order_by? limit_clause? + | simple_select order_by opt_approx limit_clause ; select_with_parens_with_order_and_limit @@ -1979,7 +2136,7 @@ limit_clause ; into_clause - : INTO OUTFILE STRING_VALUE (charset_key charset_name)? field_opt line_opt + : INTO OUTFILE STRING_VALUE file_partition_opt (charset_key charset_name)? field_opt line_opt file_opt | INTO DUMPFILE STRING_VALUE | INTO into_var_list ; @@ -2008,7 +2165,31 @@ field_term_list ; field_term - : ((OPTIONALLY? ENCLOSED|TERMINATED)|ESCAPED) BY STRING_VALUE + : ((OPTIONALLY? ENCLOSED|TERMINATED)|ESCAPED) BY text_string + ; + +file_opt + : file_option_list? + ; + +file_option_list + : file_option+ + ; + +file_option + : SINGLE COMP_EQ? BOOL_VALUE + | MAX_FILE_SIZE COMP_EQ? file_size_const + | BUFFER_SIZE COMP_EQ? file_size_const + ; + +file_partition_opt + : empty + | PARTITION BY bit_expr + ; + +file_size_const + : INTNUM + | STRING_VALUE ; line_opt @@ -2021,7 +2202,7 @@ line_term_list ; line_term - : (STARTING|TERMINATED) BY STRING_VALUE + : (STARTING|TERMINATED) BY text_string ; hint_list_with_end @@ -2098,6 +2279,7 @@ distribute_method | BC2HOST | RANGE | LIST + | BASIC ; limit_expr @@ -2163,6 +2345,11 @@ query_expression_option | SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS | SQL_NO_CACHE | SQL_CACHE + | HIGH_PRIORITY + | SQL_SMALL_RESULT + | SQL_BIG_RESULT + | SQL_BUFFER_RESULT + | STRAIGHT_JOIN ; projection @@ -2196,8 +2383,8 @@ table_reference table_factor : tbl_name - | table_subquery - | select_with_parens use_flashback? + | LATERAL? table_subquery + | LATERAL? select_with_parens use_flashback? | TABLE LeftParen simple_expr RightParen (AS relation_name|relation_name?) | LeftParen table_reference RightParen | LeftBrace OJ table_reference RightBrace @@ -2238,7 +2425,15 @@ table_subquery_alias ; use_partition - : PARTITION LeftParen name_list RightParen + : PARTITION LeftParen (external_table_partitions|name_list) RightParen + ; + +external_table_partitions + : external_table_partition (Comma external_table_partition)* + ; + +external_table_partition + : relation_name COMP_EQ expr_const ; use_flashback @@ -2318,6 +2513,11 @@ relation_sep_option : Comma? ; +relation_factor_in_mv_hint_list + : normal_relation_factor (relation_sep_option normal_relation_factor)* + ; + + relation_factor_in_pq_hint : relation_factor_in_hint | LeftParen relation_factor_in_hint_list RightParen @@ -2345,6 +2545,11 @@ relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list | relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list relation_sep_option LeftParen relation_factor_in_hint_list RightParen ; +coalesce_strategy_list + : WO_PULLUP WITH_PULLUP? + | WITH_PULLUP + ; + tracing_num_list : INTNUM (relation_sep_option tracing_num_list)? ; @@ -2542,11 +2747,12 @@ show_stmt | SHOW SERVER STATUS ((LIKE STRING_VALUE) | (LIKE STRING_VALUE ESCAPE STRING_VALUE) | (WHERE expr))? | SHOW (GLOBAL | SESSION | LOCAL)? VARIABLES ((LIKE STRING_VALUE) | (LIKE STRING_VALUE ESCAPE STRING_VALUE) | (WHERE expr))? | SHOW SCHEMA + | SHOW (PROCEDURE|FUNCTION) CODE relation_factor | SHOW CREATE database_or_schema (IF not EXISTS)? database_factor | SHOW CREATE (TABLE|VIEW|PROCEDURE|FUNCTION|TRIGGER) relation_factor | SHOW (WARNINGS|ERRORS) ((LIMIT INTNUM Comma INTNUM) | (LIMIT INTNUM))? | SHOW COUNT LeftParen Star RightParen (WARNINGS|ERRORS) - | SHOW GRANTS opt_for_grant_user + | SHOW GRANTS opt_for_grant_user (USING role_list)? | SHOW charset_key ((LIKE STRING_VALUE) | (LIKE STRING_VALUE ESCAPE STRING_VALUE) | (WHERE expr))? | SHOW (TRACE|COLLATION|PARAMETERS|TABLEGROUPS) ((LIKE STRING_VALUE) | (LIKE STRING_VALUE ESCAPE STRING_VALUE) | (WHERE expr))? | SHOW TRACE FORMAT COMP_EQ STRING_VALUE ((LIKE STRING_VALUE) | (LIKE STRING_VALUE ESCAPE STRING_VALUE) | (WHERE expr))? @@ -2559,9 +2765,31 @@ show_stmt | SHOW PRIVILEGES | SHOW QUERY_RESPONSE_TIME | SHOW RECYCLEBIN + | SHOW PROFILE + | SHOW PROFILES | SHOW CREATE TABLEGROUP relation_name | SHOW RESTORE PREVIEW | SHOW SEQUENCES ((LIKE STRING_VALUE) | (LIKE STRING_VALUE ESCAPE STRING_VALUE) | (WHERE expr))? (from_or_in database_factor)? + | SHOW CREATE USER Eser_host_or_current_user + | SHOW ENGINE_ relation_name_or_string opt_show_engine + | SHOW OPEN TABLES (from_or_in database_factor)? ((LIKE STRING_VALUE) | (LIKE STRING_VALUE ESCAPE STRING_VALUE) | (WHERE expr))? + | SHOW JOB STATUS + | SHOW JOB STATUS WHERE JOB PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR STRING_VALUE + | CHECK TABLE table_list check_table_options + | CHECK TABLE table_list + ; + +check_table_options + : check_table_option+ + ; + +check_table_option + : FOR UPGRADE + | QUICK + | FAST + | MEDIUM + | EXTENDED + | CHANGED ; get_diagnostics_stmt @@ -2633,6 +2861,10 @@ opt_for_grant_user | FOR CURRENT_USER (LeftParen RightParen)? ; +opt_storage + : STORAGE? + ; + columns_or_fields : COLUMNS | FIELDS @@ -2660,6 +2892,11 @@ calibration_info_list | calibration_info_list Comma STRING_VALUE ; +opt_show_engine + : STATUS + | MUTEX + ; + help_stmt : HELP STRING_VALUE | HELP NAME_OB @@ -2670,27 +2907,57 @@ create_tablespace_stmt ; permanent_tablespace - : permanent_tablespace_options? + : (permanent_tablespace_options | opt_tablespace_options)? ; permanent_tablespace_option : ENCRYPTION COMP_EQ? STRING_VALUE ; +opt_tablespace_option + : ADD DATAFILE STRING_VALUE + | FILE_BLOCK_SIZE PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR INTNUM + | USE LOGFILE GROUP STRING_VALUE + | (((AUTOEXTEND_SIZE|MAX_SIZE)|(EXTENT_SIZE|INITIAL_SIZE))|NODEGROUP) opt_equal_mark INTNUM + | WAIT + | COMMENT opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE + | opt_tablespace_engine + ; + +opt_tablespace_engine + : ENGINE_ opt_equal_mark relation_name_or_string + ; + drop_tablespace_stmt - : DROP TABLESPACE tablespace + : DROP TABLESPACE tablespace opt_tablespace_engine? ; -alter_tablespace_actions - : alter_tablespace_action (Comma alter_tablespace_action)? +alter_tablespace_options + : alter_tablespace_actions + | opt_alter_tablespace_options ; alter_tablespace_action : SET? permanent_tablespace_option ; +alter_tablespace_actions + : alter_tablespace_action (Comma alter_tablespace_action)? + ; + +opt_alter_tablespace_options + : opt_alter_tablespace_option+ + ; + +opt_alter_tablespace_option + : (ADD|DROP) DATAFILE STRING_VALUE + | INITIAL_SIZE opt_equal_mark INTNUM + | WAIT + | opt_tablespace_engine + ; + alter_tablespace_stmt - : ALTER TABLESPACE tablespace alter_tablespace_actions + : ALTER TABLESPACE tablespace alter_tablespace_options ; rotate_master_key_stmt @@ -2701,6 +2968,10 @@ permanent_tablespace_options : permanent_tablespace_option (Comma permanent_tablespace_option)* ; +opt_tablespace_options + : opt_tablespace_option+ + ; + create_user_stmt : CREATE USER (IF not EXISTS)? user_specification_list require_specification? (WITH resource_option_list)? ; @@ -2710,9 +2981,21 @@ user_specification_list ; user_specification + : user_specification_without_password + | user_specification_with_password + ; + +user_specification_without_password : user USER_VARIABLE? - | user USER_VARIABLE? IDENTIFIED ((WITH STRING_VALUE) | (WITH NAME_OB))? BY password + | CURRENT_USER + | CURRENT_USER LeftParen RightParen + ; + +user_specification_with_password + : user USER_VARIABLE? IDENTIFIED ((WITH STRING_VALUE) | (WITH NAME_OB))? BY password | user USER_VARIABLE? IDENTIFIED ((WITH STRING_VALUE) | (WITH NAME_OB))? BY PASSWORD password + | CURRENT_USER IDENTIFIED ((WITH STRING_VALUE) | (WITH NAME_OB))? BY password + | CURRENT_USER LeftParen RightParen IDENTIFIED ((WITH STRING_VALUE) | (WITH NAME_OB))? BY PASSWORD password ; require_specification @@ -2749,8 +3032,16 @@ opt_host_name : USER_VARIABLE? ; +user_host_or_current_user + : user USER_VARIABLE? + | CURRENT_USER + | CURRENT_USER LeftParen RightParen + ; + user_with_host_name : user USER_VARIABLE? + | CURRENT_USER + | CURRENT_USER LeftParen RightParen ; password @@ -2758,13 +3049,39 @@ password ; drop_user_stmt - : DROP USER user_list + : DROP USER (IF EXISTS)? user_list ; user_list : user_with_host_name (Comma user_with_host_name)* ; +create_role_stmt + : create_with_opt_hint ROLE (IF not EXISTS)? role_list + ; + +role_list + : role_with_host (Comma role_with_host)* + ; + +user_specification_without_password_list + : user_specification_without_password (Comma user_specification_without_password)* + ; + +drop_role_stmt + : DROP ROLE (IF not EXISTS)? user_list + ; + +role_with_host + : role USER_VARIABLE? + ; + +role + : STRING_VALUE + | NAME_OB + | unreserved_keyword_for_role_name + ; + set_password_stmt : SET PASSWORD (FOR user opt_host_name)? COMP_EQ STRING_VALUE | SET PASSWORD (FOR user opt_host_name)? COMP_EQ PASSWORD LeftParen password RightParen @@ -2905,26 +3222,30 @@ kill_stmt grant_stmt : GRANT grant_privileges ON object_type? priv_level TO user_specification_list grant_options + | GRANT grant_privileges ON object_type priv_level TO user_specification_list grant_options + | GRANT role_or_priv_list TO user_specification_without_password_list (WITH ADMIN OPTION)? ; grant_privileges - : priv_type_list + : role_or_priv_list | ALL PRIVILEGES? ; -priv_type_list - : priv_type (Comma priv_type)* +role_or_priv_list + : role_or_priv (Comma role_or_priv)* ; -priv_type - : ALTER TENANT? +role_or_priv + | role_with_host + | ALTER TENANT? | CREATE (RESOURCE POOL|USER?) | DELETE - | DROP (DATABASE LINK)? + | DROP (DATABASE LINK|ROLE)? | GRANT OPTION | INSERT | UPDATE | SELECT + | ((INSERT|UPDATE)|(REFERENCES|SELECT)) LeftParen column_name_list RightParen | INDEX | CREATE (RESOURCE UNIT|VIEW) | SHOW VIEW @@ -2939,6 +3260,12 @@ priv_type | CREATE (DATABASE LINK|ROUTINE) | EXECUTE | ALTER ROUTINE + | CREATE TABLESPACE + | SHUTDOWN + | RELOAD + | REFERENCES + | CREATE ROLE + | TRIGGER ; object_type @@ -2958,9 +3285,10 @@ grant_options ; revoke_stmt - : REVOKE grant_privileges ON priv_level FROM user_list - | REVOKE grant_privileges ON object_type priv_level FROM user_list - | REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES? Comma GRANT OPTION FROM user_list + : REVOKE (IF EXISTS)? grant_privileges ON priv_level FROM user_list (IGNORE UNKNOWN USER)? + | REVOKE (IF EXISTS)? grant_privileges ON object_type priv_level FROM user_list (IGNORE UNKNOWN USER)? + | REVOKE (IF EXISTS)? ALL PRIVILEGES? Comma GRANT OPTION FROM user_list (IGNORE UNKNOWN USER)? + | REVOKE (IF EXISTS)? role_or_priv_list FROM user_specification_without_password_list (IGNORE UNKNOWN USER)? ; prepare_stmt @@ -2999,6 +3327,9 @@ var_and_val : USER_VARIABLE (SET_VAR|to_or_eq) expr | sys_var_and_val | (SYSTEM_VARIABLE|scope_or_scope_alias column_name) to_or_eq set_expr_or_default + | SYSTEM_VARIABLE to_or_eq set_expr_or_default + | NAMES charset_name_or_default collation? + | charset_key charset_name_or_default ; sys_var_and_val @@ -3015,6 +3346,25 @@ scope_or_scope_alias to_or_eq : TO | COMP_EQ + | SET_VAR + ; + +set_role_stmt + : SET ROLE set_role_clause + | SET DEFAULT ROLE default_set_role_clause TO user_list + | ALTER USER user_with_host_name DEFAULT ROLE default_set_role_clause + ; + +default_set_role_clause + : role_list + | NONE + | ALL + ; + +set_role_clause + : default_set_role_clause + | ALL EXCEPT grant_privileges + | DEFAULT ; execute_stmt @@ -3146,6 +3496,18 @@ rename_table_action alter_table_stmt : ALTER EXTERNAL? TABLE relation_factor alter_table_actions? | ALTER TABLE relation_factor alter_column_group_option + | ALTER EXTERNAL TABLE relation_factor ADD PARTITION LeftParen add_external_table_partition_actions RightParen LOCATION STRING_VALUE + | ALTER EXTERNAL TABLE relation_factor DROP PARTITION LOCATION STRING_VALUE + ; + +add_external_table_partition_actions + : add_external_table_partition_action + | empty + | add_external_table_partition_actions Comma add_external_table_partition_action + ; + +add_external_table_partition_action + : column_name PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? expr_const ; alter_table_actions @@ -3182,6 +3544,7 @@ alter_partition_option | REORGANIZE PARTITION name_list INTO opt_partition_range_or_list | TRUNCATE (PARTITION|SUBPARTITION) name_list | REMOVE PARTITIONING + | EXCHANGE PARTITION relation_name WITH TABLE relation_factor WITHOUT VALIDATION ; opt_partition_range_or_list @@ -3250,6 +3613,7 @@ alter_tablegroup_option alter_column_behavior : SET DEFAULT signed_literal + | SET DEFAULT LeftParen expr RightParen | DROP DEFAULT ; @@ -3279,10 +3643,11 @@ dump_memory_stmt ; alter_system_stmt - : ALTER SYSTEM BOOTSTRAP server_info_list + : ALTER SYSTEM BOOTSTRAP server_info_list shared_storage_info? | ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH cache_type CACHE namespace_expr? sql_id_or_schema_id_expr? databases_expr? (TENANT opt_equal_mark tenant_name_list)? flush_scope | ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH SQL cache_type (TENANT opt_equal_mark tenant_name_list)? flush_scope | ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH KVCACHE tenant_name? cache_name? + | ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH SS_MICRO_CACHE tenant_name? | ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH DAG WARNINGS | ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH ILOGCACHE file_id? | ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH REPLICA ls_role ls_server_or_server_or_zone_or_tenant @@ -3305,7 +3670,11 @@ alter_system_stmt | ALTER SYSTEM server_action SERVER server_list zone_desc? | ALTER SYSTEM ADD ZONE relation_name_or_string add_or_alter_zone_options | ALTER SYSTEM zone_action ZONE relation_name_or_string + | ALTER SYSTEM alter_or_change_or_modify EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST opt_path_info SET? (ACCESS_INFO opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? (ATTRIBUTE opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? | ALTER SYSTEM alter_or_change_or_modify ZONE relation_name_or_string SET? add_or_alter_zone_options + | ALTER SYSTEM ADD SHARED_STORAGE_DEST opt_path_info (ACCESS_INFO opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? (ATTRIBUTE opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? opt_storage_use_for opt_scope_type + | ALTER SYSTEM DROP SHARED_STORAGE_DEST opt_path_info opt_storage_use_for opt_scope_type + | ALTER SYSTEM alter_or_change_or_modify SHARED_STORAGE_DEST opt_path_info SET? (ACCESS_INFO opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? (ATTRIBUTE opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? | ALTER SYSTEM REFRESH SCHEMA server_or_zone? | ALTER SYSTEM REFRESH MEMORY STAT server_or_zone? | ALTER SYSTEM WASH MEMORY FRAGMENTATION server_or_zone? @@ -3320,6 +3689,12 @@ alter_system_stmt | ALTER SYSTEM RELOAD ZONE | ALTER SYSTEM MIGRATE UNIT opt_equal_mark INTNUM DESTINATION opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE | ALTER SYSTEM CANCEL MIGRATE UNIT INTNUM + | ALTER SYSTEM ADD REPLICA ls SERVER PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? STRING_VALUE REPLICA_TYPE PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? STRING_VALUE (DATA_SOURCE opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? (PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM opt_equal_mark INTNUM)? tenant_name? + | ALTER SYSTEM REMOVE REPLICA ls SERVER PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? STRING_VALUE (PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM opt_equal_mark INTNUM)? tenant_name? + | ALTER SYSTEM MIGRATE REPLICA ls SOURCE PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? STRING_VALUE DESTINATION PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? STRING_VALUE (DATA_SOURCE opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? tenant_name? + | ALTER SYSTEM MODIFY REPLICA ls SERVER PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? STRING_VALUE REPLICA_TYPE PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? STRING_VALUE (PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM opt_equal_mark INTNUM)? tenant_name? + | ALTER SYSTEM MODIFY ls PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? INTNUM tenant_name? + | ALTER SYSTEM CANCEL REPLICA TASK TASK_ID PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? STRING_VALUE tenant_name? | ALTER SYSTEM UPGRADE VIRTUAL SCHEMA | ALTER SYSTEM RUN JOB STRING_VALUE server_or_zone? | ALTER SYSTEM upgrade_action UPGRADE @@ -3404,6 +3779,10 @@ server_info | ZONE COMP_EQ? relation_name_or_string SERVER COMP_EQ? STRING_VALUE ; +shared_storage_info + : Comma SHARED_STORAGE_INFO PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? STRING_VALUE + ; + server_action : ADD | CANCEL? DELETE @@ -3459,6 +3838,18 @@ alter_or_change_or_modify | MODIFY ; +opt_path_info + : PATH opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE + ; + +opt_storage_use_for + : FOR relation_name_or_string + ; + +opt_scope_type + : (REGION|ZONE) opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE + ; + partition_id_desc : PARTITION_ID COMP_EQ? STRING_VALUE ; @@ -3589,6 +3980,238 @@ upgrade_action | END ; +mock_stmt + : install_plugin_stmt + | uninstall_plugin_stmt + | flush_stmt + | handler_stmt + | show_plugin_stmt + | create_server_stmt + | alter_server_stmt + | drop_server_stmt + | create_logfile_group_stmt + | alter_logfile_group_stmt + | drop_logfile_group_stmt + ; + +plugin_name + : NAME_OB + ; + +install_plugin_stmt + : INSTALL PLUGIN plugin_name SONAME STRING_VALUE + ; + +uninstall_plugin_stmt + : UNINSTALL PLUGIN plugin_name + ; + +flush_stmt + : FLUSH (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG | LOCAL)? flush_options + ; + +flush_options + : flush_options_list + ; + +flush_options_list + : flush_option (Comma flush_option)* + ; + +flush_option + : ERROR_P? LOGS + | ENGINE_ LOGS + | GENERAL LOGS + | SLOW LOGS + | BINARY LOGS + | RELAY (LOG NAME_OB|LOGS) + | QUERY CACHE + | HOSTS + | STATUS + | DES_KEY_FILE + | USER_RESOURCES + | OPTIMIZER_COSTS + | PRIVILEGES + ; + +handler_stmt + : HANDLER relation_name OPEN relation_name? + | HANDLER relation_name CLOSE + | HANDLER relation_name READ + | HANDLER relation_name READ handler_read_or_scan (WHERE opt_hint_value expr)? ((LIMIT INTNUM Comma INTNUM) | (LIMIT INTNUM))? + ; + +handler_read_or_scan + : handler_scan_function + | NAME_OB handler_rkey_function + ; + +handler_scan_function + : FIRST + | NEXT + ; + +handler_rkey_function + : FIRST + | NEXT + | PREV + | LAST + | handler_rkey_mode LeftParen expr_list RightParen + ; + +handler_rkey_mode + : PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR + | COMP_GE + | COMP_LE + | COMP_GT + | COMP_LT + ; + +show_plugin_stmt + : SHOW PLUGINS + ; + +create_server_stmt + : CREATE SERVER NAME_OB FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER NAME_OB OPTIONS LeftParen server_options_list RightParen + ; + +server_options_list + : server_option (Comma server_option)* + ; + +server_option + : USER STRING_VALUE + | HOST STRING_VALUE + | DATABASE STRING_VALUE + | OWNER STRING_VALUE + | PASSWORD STRING_VALUE + | SOCKET STRING_VALUE + | PORT INTNUM + ; + +alter_server_stmt + : ALTER SERVER NAME_OB OPTIONS LeftParen server_options_list RightParen + ; + +drop_server_stmt + : DROP SERVER (IF EXISTS)? NAME_OB + ; + +create_logfile_group_stmt + : CREATE LOGFILE GROUP logfile_group_info + ; + +logfile_group_info + : NAME_OB add_log_file logfile_group_option_list + ; + +add_log_file + : ADD lg_undofile + | ADD lg_redofile + ; + +lg_undofile + : UNDOFILE STRING_VALUE + ; + +lg_redofile + : REDOFILE STRING_VALUE + ; + +logfile_group_option_list + : logfile_group_options? + ; + +logfile_group_options + : logfile_group_option + | logfile_group_options logfile_group_option + | logfile_group_options Comma logfile_group_option + ; + +logfile_group_option + : opt_ts_initial_size + | opt_ts_undo_buffer_size + | opt_ts_redo_buffer_size + | opt_ts_nodegroup + | opt_ts_engine + | ts_wait + | opt_ts_comment + ; + +opt_ts_initial_size + : INITIAL_SIZE opt_equal_mark INTNUM + ; + +opt_ts_undo_buffer_size + : UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE opt_equal_mark INTNUM + ; + +opt_ts_redo_buffer_size + : REDO_BUFFER_SIZE opt_equal_mark INTNUM + ; + +opt_ts_nodegroup + : NODEGROUP opt_equal_mark INTNUM + ; + +opt_ts_comment + : COMMENT opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE + ; + +alter_logfile_group_stmt + : ALTER LOGFILE GROUP alter_logfile_group_info + ; + +alter_logfile_group_info + : NAME_OB add_log_file alter_logfile_group_option_list + ; + +alter_logfile_group_option_list + : alter_logfile_group_options? + ; + +alter_logfile_group_options + : alter_logfile_group_option + | alter_logfile_group_options alter_logfile_group_option + | alter_logfile_group_options Comma alter_logfile_group_option + ; + +alter_logfile_group_option + : opt_ts_initial_size + | opt_ts_engine + | ts_wait + ; + +drop_logfile_group_stmt + : DROP LOGFILE GROUP NAME_OB drop_ts_options_list + ; + +drop_ts_options_list + : drop_ts_options? + ; + +drop_ts_options + : (empty Comma)? drop_ts_option + | drop_ts_options drop_ts_option + | drop_ts_options Comma drop_ts_option + ; + +drop_ts_option + : opt_ts_engine + | ts_wait + ; + +ts_wait + : WAIT + | NO_WAIT + ; + +opt_ts_engine + : opt_storage ENGINE_ opt_equal_mark (NAME_OB|STRING_VALUE) + ; + + + method_opt : method_list ; @@ -3753,6 +4376,7 @@ function_name | TRUNCATE | FORMAT | NORMAL + | PASSWORD ; column_label @@ -3783,6 +4407,17 @@ date_unit | YEAR_MONTH ; +service_name_stmt + : ALTER SYSTEM service_op SERVICE relation_name tenant_name? + ; + +service_op + : CREATE + | DELETE + | START + | STOP + ; + json_table_expr : JSON_TABLE LeftParen simple_expr Comma literal mock_jt_on_error_on_empty COLUMNS LeftParen jt_column_list RightParen RightParen ; @@ -3826,6 +4461,48 @@ opt_on_mismatch : empty ; +vec_index_params + : vec_index_param (Comma vec_index_param)* + ; + +vec_index_param + : relation_name PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR vec_index_param_value + ; + +vec_index_param_value + : INTNUM + | relation_name + ; + +json_query_expr + : JSON_QUERY LeftParen simple_expr Comma complex_string_literal (RETURNING cast_data_type)? TRUNCATE? ((ALLOW SCALARS) | (DISALLOW SCALARS))? PRETTY? ASCII? ((WITHOUT WRAPPER) | (WITHOUT ARRAY WRAPPER) | (WITH WRAPPER) | (WITH ARRAY WRAPPER) | (WITH UNCONDITIONAL WRAPPER) | (WITH CONDITIONAL WRAPPER) | (WITH UNCONDITIONAL ARRAY WRAPPER) | (WITH CONDITIONAL ARRAY WRAPPER))? ASIS? (on_empty_query | on_error_query | on_mismatch_query | (on_error_query on_empty_query) | (on_empty_query on_error_query) | (on_error_query on_mismatch_query) | (on_empty_query on_mismatch_query) | (on_error_query on_empty_query on_mismatch_query) | (on_empty_query on_error_query on_mismatch_query))? MULTIVALUE? RightParen + ; + +json_extract_unquote_expr + : column_definition_ref JSON_EXTRACT_UNQUOTED complex_string_literal + ; + +json_extract_expr + : column_definition_ref JSON_EXTRACT complex_string_literal + ; + +opt_response_query + : ERROR_P + | NULLX + ; + +on_mismatch_query + : (DOT|opt_response_query) ON MISMATCH + ; + +on_error_query + : ((EMPTY ARRAY?|opt_response_query)|EMPTY OBJECT) ON ERROR_P + ; + +on_empty_query + : ((EMPTY ARRAY?|opt_response_query)|EMPTY OBJECT) ON EMPTY + ; + json_value_expr : JSON_VALUE LeftParen simple_expr Comma complex_string_literal (RETURNING cast_data_type)? TRUNCATE? ASCII? (on_empty | on_error | (on_empty on_error))? RightParen ; @@ -3861,37 +4538,75 @@ skip_index_type | SUM ; +lob_chunk_size + : CHUNK INTNUM + | CHUNK STRING_VALUE + ; + +lob_storage_parameter + : lob_chunk_size + ; + +lob_storage_parameters + : lob_storage_parameter+ + ; + +lob_storage_clause + : JSON LeftParen column_name RightParen STORE AS LeftParen lob_storage_parameters RightParen + ; + unreserved_keyword + : unreserved_keyword_for_role_name + | unreserved_keyword_ambiguous_roles + ; + +unreserved_keyword_for_role_name : unreserved_keyword_normal | unreserved_keyword_special | unreserved_keyword_extra ; unreserved_keyword_normal - : ACCOUNT + : ACCESS_INFO + | ACCESSID + | ACCESSKEY + | ACCESSTYPE + | ACCOUNT | ACTION | ACTIVE | ADDDATE + | ADMIN | AFTER | AGAINST | AGGREGATE | ALGORITHM + | ALLOW + | ALL_META + | ALL_USER | ALWAYS | ANALYSE | ANY + | APPROX + | APPROXIMATE | APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT | APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS | APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE | ARCHIVELOG | ARBITRATION + | ARRAY + | ASIS | ASCII + | ASYNCHRONOUS | AT + | ATTRIBUTE | AUDIT | AUTHORS | AUTO | AUTOEXTEND_SIZE | AUTO_INCREMENT | AUTO_INCREMENT_MODE + | AUTO_INCREMENT_CACHE_SIZE + | AUTO_REFRESH | AVG | AVG_ROW_LENGTH | BACKUP @@ -3904,7 +4619,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | BASIC | BALANCE | BANDWIDTH - | BEGIN + | BEGI | BINDING | BINLOG | BIT @@ -3923,6 +4638,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | BYTE | BREADTH | BUCKETS + | BUFFER_SIZE | CACHE | CALIBRATION | CALIBRATION_INFO @@ -3944,6 +4660,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | CLEAN | CLEAR | CLIENT + | CLONE | CLOSE | CLOG | CLUSTER @@ -3960,12 +4677,16 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | COMMIT | COMMITTED | COMPACT + | COMPLETE | COMPLETION | COMPRESSED | COMPRESSION + | COMPRESSION_CODE + | COMPUTATION | COMPUTE | CONCURRENT | CONDENSED + | CONDITIONAL | CONNECTION | CONSISTENT | CONSISTENT_MODE @@ -3977,6 +4698,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | CONTRIBUTORS | COPY | COUNT + | COSINE | CPU | CREATE_TIMESTAMP | CTXCAT @@ -3992,7 +4714,9 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | DATA | DATABASE_ID | DATAFILE + | DATA_DISK_SIZE | DATA_TABLE_ID + | DATA_SOURCE | DATE | DATE_ADD | DATE_SUB @@ -4009,14 +4733,17 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | DES_KEY_FILE | DESCRIPTION | DESTINATION + | DEMAND | DIAGNOSTICS | DIRECTORY | DISABLE + | DISALLOW | DISCARD | DISK | DISKGROUP | DISCONNECT | DO + | DOT | DUMP | DUMPFILE | DUPLICATE @@ -4034,6 +4761,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | ENCRYPTED | ENCRYPTION | END + | ENDPOINT | ENDS | ENFORCED | ENGINE_ @@ -4045,12 +4773,12 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | ERRORS | ESCAPE | ESTIMATE - | EVENT + | EUCLIDEAN | EVENTS | EVERY | EXCEPT | EXCHANGE - | EXECUTE + | EXCLUDING | EXPANSION | EXPIRE | EXPIRED @@ -4060,15 +4788,16 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | EXTENDED_NOADDR | EXTENT_SIZE | EXTERNAL + | EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST | FAILOVER | EXTRACT | FAST | FAULTS | FLASHBACK + | FILE_BLOCK_SIZE | FIELDS | FIELD_DELIMITER | FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - | FILEX | FILE_ID | FINAL_COUNT | FIRST @@ -4109,9 +4838,11 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | IDENTIFIED | IGNORE_SERVER_IDS | ILOG + | IMMEDIATE | IMPORT | INDEXES | INDEX_TABLE_ID + | INCLUDING | INCR | INFO | INITIAL_SIZE @@ -4136,6 +4867,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | JSON_VALUE | JSON_ARRAYAGG | JSON_OBJECTAGG + | JSON_QUERY | JSON_TABLE | KEY_BLOCK_SIZE | KEY_VERSION @@ -4143,6 +4875,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | LATERAL | LANGUAGE | LAST + | LAST_REFRESH_SCN | LAST_VALUE | LEAD | LEADER @@ -4168,6 +4901,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | LOGS | LOG_RESTORE_SOURCE | MAJOR + | MANHATTAN | MANUAL | MASTER | MASTER_AUTO_POSITION @@ -4193,9 +4927,11 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | MAX | MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR | MAX_CPU + | MAX_FILE_SIZE | LOG_DISK_SIZE | MAX_IOPS | MEMORY_SIZE + | MAX_NET_BANDWIDTH | MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR | MAX_ROWS | MAX_SIZE @@ -4216,10 +4952,12 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | MINVALUE | MIN_CPU | MIN_IOPS + | MIN_MAX | MINOR | MIN_ROWS | MINUTE | MINUS + | MISMATCH | MODE | MODIFY | MONTH @@ -4227,6 +4965,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | MULTILINESTRING | MULTIPOINT | MULTIPOLYGON + | MULTIVALUE | MUTEX | MYSQL_ERRNO | MAX_USED_PART_ID @@ -4236,7 +4975,10 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | NCHAR | NDB | NDBCLUSTER + | NESTED + | NET_BANDWIDTH_WEIGHT | NEW + | NEVER | NEXT | NO | NOARCHIVELOG @@ -4246,7 +4988,6 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | NODEGROUP | NOMINVALUE | NOMAXVALUE - | NONE | NOORDER | NOPARALLEL | NORMAL @@ -4259,7 +5000,9 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | NULL_IF_EXETERNAL | NULLS | NVARCHAR + | OBJECT | OCCUR + | QUOTA_NAME | OF | OFF | OFFSET @@ -4274,6 +5017,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | ONLY | OPEN | OPTIONS + | ORDINALITY | ORIG_DEFAULT | REMOTE_OSS | OUTLINE @@ -4285,10 +5029,13 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | PARSER | PARTIAL | PARTITION_ID + | PATH | LS | PARTITIONING | PARTITIONS + | PARTITION_TYPE | PATTERN + | PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM | PERCENT_RANK | PAUSE | PERCENTAGE @@ -4314,12 +5061,12 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | PREV | PRIMARY_ZONE | PRIVILEGES - | PROCESS | PROCESSLIST | PROFILE | PROFILES | PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - | PROXY + | PROJECT_NAME + | PROPERTIES | PS | PUBLIC | PCTFREE @@ -4353,7 +5100,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | RELAY_LOG_FILE | RELAY_LOG_POS | RELAY_THREAD - | RELOAD + | REMAP | REMOVE | REORGANIZE | REPAIR @@ -4361,10 +5108,9 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | REPLICA | REPLICA_NUM | REPLICA_TYPE - | REPLICATION | REPORT | RESET - | RESOURCE + | RESOURCE_POOL | RESOURCE_POOL_LIST | RESPECT | RESTART @@ -4374,6 +5120,9 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | RETURNING | RETURNS | REVERSE + | REWRITE + | ROARINGBITMAP + | ROLE | ROLLBACK | ROLLING | ROLLUP @@ -4383,6 +5132,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | ROOTTABLE | ROUTINE | ROW + | ROWID | ROW_COUNT | ROW_FORMAT | ROWS @@ -4390,6 +5140,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | RUN | SAMPLE | SAVEPOINT + | SCALARS | SCHEDULE | SCHEMA_NAME | SCN @@ -4413,12 +5164,16 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | SET_TP | SHARDING | SHARE - | SHUTDOWN + | SHARED_STORAGE_DEST + | SHARED_STORAGE_INFO | SIGNED | SIZE | SIMPLE + | SINGLE | SKIP_BLANK_LINES + | STATEMENT | SKIP_HEADER + | SKIP_INDEX | SLAVE | SLOW | SNAPSHOT @@ -4447,7 +5202,8 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | SQL_TSI_WEEK | SQL_TSI_YEAR | SRID - | ST_ASMVT + | SS_MICRO_CACHE + | UnderlineST_ASMVT | STACKED | STANDBY | START @@ -4470,6 +5226,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | STORING | STRONG | STRING + | STSTOKEN | SUBCLASS_ORIGIN | SUBDATE | SUBJECT @@ -4479,12 +5236,12 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | SUBSTRING | SUCCESSFUL | SUM - | SUPER | SUSPEND | SWAPS | SWITCH | SWITCHES | SWITCHOVER + | SYNCHRONOUS | SYSTEM | SYSTEM_USER | SYSDATE @@ -4501,6 +5258,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | TABLET_SIZE | TABLET_MAX_SIZE | TASK + | TASK_ID | TEMPLATE | TEMPORARY | TEMPTABLE @@ -4523,11 +5281,13 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | TRIM | TRIM_SPACE | TRUNCATE + | TTL | TYPE | TYPES | TABLEGROUP_ID | TOP_K_FRE_HIST | UNCOMMITTED + | UNCONDITIONAL | UNDEFINED | UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE | UNDOFILE @@ -4545,6 +5305,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | USE_FRM | USER | USER_RESOURCES + | USER_SPECIFIED | UNBOUNDED | UNLIMITED | VALID @@ -4555,6 +5316,8 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | VAR_POP | VAR_SAMP | VERBOSE + | VECTOR + | VECTOR_DISTANCE | VIRTUAL_COLUMN_ID | MATERIALIZED | VIEW @@ -4567,6 +5330,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | WEIGHT_STRING | WHENEVER | WINDOW + | WITHOUT | WORK | WRAPPER | X509 @@ -4593,7 +5357,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | PERFORMANCE | PROTECTION | OBSOLETE - | HIDDEN_ + | HIDDEN | INDEXED | SKEWONLY | BACKUPPIECE @@ -4612,6 +5376,14 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | KV_ATTRIBUTES | OBJECT_ID | TRANSFER + | SUM_OPNSIZE + | VALIDATION + | RB_BUILD_AGG + | RB_OR_AGG + | RB_AND_AGG + | OVERWRITE + | OPTIMIZER_COSTS + | MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED ; unreserved_keyword_special @@ -4622,6 +5394,20 @@ unreserved_keyword_extra : ACCESS ; +unreserved_keyword_ambiguous_roles + : SUPER + | FILEX + | PROCESS + | NONE + | EVENT + | PROXY + | RELOAD + | REPLICATION + | RESOURCE + | EXECUTE + | SHUTDOWN + ; + mysql_reserved_keyword : ACCESSIBLE | ADD From f2ca5156b3ced247292eedcc899c8674eae4a9a7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MarkPotato777 Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2024 18:05:04 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 02/11] fix .g4 --- .../main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBParser.g4 | 21 ++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBParser.g4 b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBParser.g4 index d194fbfbd0..c4544170a1 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBParser.g4 +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBParser.g4 @@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ simple_expr | (BINARY|Plus|Minus|Tilde|Not|NOT) simple_expr | ROW? LeftParen expr_list RightParen | EXISTS? select_with_parens - | MATCH LeftParen column_list RightParen AGAINST LeftParen search_expr ((IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE (WITH QUERY EXPANSION)?) | (IN BOOLEAN MODE) | (WITH QUERY EXPANSION))? RightParen + | MATCH LeftParen column_list RightParen AGAINST LeftParen STRING_VALUE ((IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE (WITH QUERY EXPANSION)?) | (IN BOOLEAN MODE) | (WITH QUERY EXPANSION))? RightParen | case_expr | func_expr | window_function @@ -449,11 +449,6 @@ case_default //| empty ; -geometry_collection - : GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - | GEOMCOLLECTION - ; - func_expr : func_name=COUNT LeftParen ALL? (Star|expr) RightParen # simple_func_expr | func_name=COUNT LeftParen (DISTINCT|UNIQUE) expr_list RightParen # simple_func_expr @@ -514,8 +509,6 @@ func_expr | func_name=ST_ASMVT LeftParen column_ref Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param RightParen # simple_func_expr | func_name=ST_ASMVT LeftParen column_ref Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param RightParen # simple_func_expr | func_name=ST_ASMVT LeftParen column_ref Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param RightParen # simple_func_expr - | func_name=geometry_collection LeftParen expr_list RightParen # simple_func_expr - | func_name=geometry_collection LeftParen RightParen # simple_func_expr | func_name=UnderlineST_ASMVT LeftParen column_ref RightParen # simple_func_expr | func_name=UnderlineST_ASMVT LeftParen column_ref Comma mvt_param RightParen # simple_func_expr | func_name=UnderlineST_ASMVT LeftParen column_ref Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param RightParen # simple_func_expr @@ -1048,7 +1041,7 @@ match_action column_definition : column_definition_ref data_type opt_column_attribute_list? (REFERENCES relation_factor LeftParen column_name_list RightParen opt_match_option opt_reference_option_list)? (FIRST | (BEFORE column_name) | (AFTER column_name))? | column_definition_ref data_type (GENERATED opt_generated_option_list)? AS LeftParen expr RightParen (VIRTUAL | STORED)? opt_generated_column_attribute_list? (REFERENCES relation_factor LeftParen column_name_list RightParen opt_match_option opt_reference_option_list)? (FIRST | (BEFORE column_name) | (AFTER column_name))? - | column_definition_ref SERIAL column_attribute_list? (FIRST | (BEFORE column_name) | (AFTER column_name))? + | column_definition_ref SERIAL opt_column_attribute_list? (FIRST | (BEFORE column_name) | (AFTER column_name))? ; opt_generated_option_list @@ -1299,6 +1292,10 @@ signed_literal | Minus number_literal ; +opt_comma + : Comma? + ; + table_option_list_space_seperated : table_option+ ; @@ -1682,7 +1679,7 @@ external_file_format | format_key=SKIP_HEADER COMP_EQ INTNUM | format_key=(SKIP_BLANK_LINES|TRIM_SPACE|EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL) COMP_EQ BOOL_VALUE | format_key=NULL_IF_EXETERNAL COMP_EQ LeftParen expr_list RightParen - | format_key=| COMPRESSION COMP_EQ compression_name + | format_key=COMPRESSION COMP_EQ compression_name ; create_tablegroup_stmt @@ -3057,7 +3054,7 @@ user_list ; create_role_stmt - : create_with_opt_hint ROLE (IF not EXISTS)? role_list + : CREATE ROLE (IF not EXISTS)? role_list ; role_list @@ -3236,7 +3233,7 @@ role_or_priv_list ; role_or_priv - | role_with_host + : role_with_host | ALTER TENANT? | CREATE (RESOURCE POOL|USER?) | DELETE From c6c2815bdb10b1fe5cabff95be948472b000365f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MarkPotato777 Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2024 10:04:23 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 03/11] oboracle OBLexer.g4 --- .../main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBLexer.g4 | 245 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 245 insertions(+) diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBLexer.g4 b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBLexer.g4 index 0a74030a57..0d65adde7c 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBLexer.g4 +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBLexer.g4 @@ -19,6 +19,251 @@ lexer grammar OBLexer; public boolean inRangeOperator = false; } +// the below is what's new in OB +QUOTA_NAME + : Q U O T A '_' N A M E + ; + +PQ_DISTINCT + : P Q '_' D I S T I N C T + ; + +XMLSEQUENCE + : X M L S E Q U E N C E + ; + +NO_MV_REWRITE + : N O '_' M V '_' R E W R I T E + ; +INSERTCHILDXML + : I N S E R T C H I L D X M L + ; + +INDEXTYPE + : I N D E X T Y P E + ; + +STSTOKEN + : S T S T O K E N + ; + +REWRITE + : R E W R I T E + ; + +NO_COALESCE_AGGR + : N O '_' C O A L E S C E '_' A G G R + ; + +PARTITION_TYPE + : P A R T I T I O N '_' T Y P E + ; + +TASK_ID + : T A S K '_' I D + ; + +COMPUTATION + : C O M P U T A T I O N + ; + +AUTO_REFRESH + : A U T O '_' R E F R E S H + ; + +SINGLE + : S I N G L E + ; + +MDSYS + : M D S Y S + ; + +WITH_PULLUP + : W I T H '_' P U L L U P + ; + +NO_DECORRELATE + : N O '_' D E C O R R E L A T E + ; + +WO_PULLUP + : W O '_' P U L L U P + ; + +SPATIAL_CELLID + : S P A T I A L '_' C E L L I D + ; + +COMPRESSION_CODE + : C O M P R E S S I O N '_' C O D E + ; + +NOWAIT + : N O W A I T + ; + +SDO_GEOMETRY + : S D O '_' G E O M E T R Y + ; + +MULTIVALUE + : M U L T I V A L U E + ; + +SERVICE + : S E R V I C E + ; + +DATA_SOURCE + : D A T A '_' S O U R C E + ; + +PROJECT_NAME + : P R O J E C T '_' N A M E + ; + +ENDPOINT + : E N D P O I N T + ; + +BUFFER_SIZE + : B U F F E R '_' S I Z E + ; + +REF + : R E F + ; + +PROPERTIES + : P R O P E R T I E S + ; + +ATTRIBUTE + : A T T R I B U T E + ; + +TRANSFER + : T R A N S F E R + ; + +USER_SPECIFIED + : U S E R '_' S P E C I F I E D + ; + +XMLNAMESPACES + : X M L N A M E S P A C E S + ; + +THROUGH + : T H R O U G H + ; + +SPATIAL_INDEX + : S P A T I A L '_' I N D E X + ; + +ACCESS_INFO + : A C C E S S '_' I N F O + ; + +VALIDATION + : V A L I D A T I O N + ; + +DECORRELATE + : D E C O R R E L A T E + ; + +SUM_OPNSIZE + : S U M '_' O P N S I Z E + ; + +ACCESSKEY + : A C C E S S K E Y + ; + +MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED + : M I C R O '_' I N D E X '_' C L U S T E R E D + ; + +ACCESSTYPE + : A C C E S S T Y P E + ; + +PQ_GBY + : P Q '_' G B Y + ; + +EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST + : E X T E R N A L '_' S T O R A G E '_' D E S T + ; + +OVERWRITE + : O V E R W R I T E + ; + +MV_REWRITE + : M V '_' R E W R I T E + ; + +SPATIAL_MBR + : S P A T I A L '_' M B R + ; + +DELETEXML + : D E L E T E X M L + ; + +LAST_REFRESH_SCN + : L A S T '_' R E F R E S H '_' S C N + ; + +COALESCE_AGGR + : C O A L E S C E '_' A G G R + ; + +XMLTABLE + : X M L T A B L E + ; + +RESOURCE_GROUP + : R E S O U R C E '_' G R O U P + ; + +OBJECT_ID + : O B J E C T '_' I D + ; + +SDO_RELATE + : S D O '_' R E L A T E + ; + +MAX_FILE_SIZE + : M A X '_' F I L E '_' S I Z E + ; + +LATERAL + : L A T E R A L + ; + +SRID + : S R I D + ; + +SS_MICRO_CACHE + : S S '_' M I C R O '_' C A C H E + ; + +PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM + : P A X O S '_' R E P L I C A '_' N U M + ; + +ACCESSID + : A C C E S S I D + ; +// the above is what's new in OB + M_SIZE : M ; From 9f6ebd309b1faa2c41ef287975a6f58459bcfe78 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MarkPotato777 Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2024 10:49:46 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 04/11] adapte oboracle OBParser.g4 --- .../main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBParser.g4 | 265 ++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 247 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-) diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBParser.g4 b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBParser.g4 index 84ee9ab9fd..2e33e5f6a0 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBParser.g4 +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBParser.g4 @@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ stmt | switchover_tenant_stmt | recover_tenant_stmt | transfer_partition_stmt + | service_name_stmt ; drop_package_stmt @@ -342,6 +343,12 @@ bit_expr | BOOL_VALUE ; +conf_expr + : unary_expr + | BOOL_VALUE + | conf_expr (CNNOP|Div|MOD|Minus|Plus|Star) conf_expr + ; + is_nan_inf_value : NAN_VALUE | INFINITE_VALUE @@ -389,6 +396,24 @@ json_function | json_equal_expr ; +gis_function + : spatial_cellid_expr + | spatial_mbr_expr + | sdo_relate_expr + ; + +spatial_cellid_expr + : SPATIAL_CELLID LeftParen bit_expr RightParen + ; + +spatial_mbr_expr + : SPATIAL_MBR LeftParen bit_expr RightParen + ; + +sdo_relate_expr + : SDO_RELATE LeftParen bit_expr Comma bit_expr Comma bit_expr RightParen + ; + common_cursor_attribute : ISOPEN | FOUND @@ -505,6 +530,15 @@ in_expr case_expr : CASE (bit_expr simple_when_clause_list|bool_when_clause_list) case_default END CASE? + | CASE WHEN (case_when_expr_after|case_when_expr_after_end_case) + ; + +case_when_expr_after_end_case + : case_when_expr_after CASE + ; + +case_when_expr_after + : bool_when_clause_list case_default END ; window_function @@ -631,11 +665,11 @@ simple_when_clause ; bool_when_clause_list - : bool_when_clause+ + : bool_when_clause+ (WHEN bool_when_clause)* ; bool_when_clause - : WHEN expr THEN bit_expr + : expr THEN bit_expr ; case_default @@ -669,6 +703,7 @@ single_row_function | environment_id_function | json_function | xml_function ((Dot obj_access_ref_normal) | table_element_access_list)? + | gis_function ; numeric_function @@ -706,7 +741,7 @@ environment_id_function ; aggregate_function - : funcName=APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT LeftParen expr_list RightParen + : funcName=APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT LeftParen (DISTINCT)? DISTINCT expr_list RightParen | funcName=APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS LeftParen expr_list RightParen | funcName=APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE LeftParen bit_expr RightParen | funcName=SUM LeftParen (ALL | DISTINCT | UNIQUE)? bit_expr RightParen @@ -757,6 +792,7 @@ aggregate_function | funcName=TOP_K_FRE_HIST LeftParen bit_expr Comma bit_expr Comma bit_expr RightParen | funcName=HYBRID_HIST LeftParen bit_expr Comma bit_expr RightParen | funcName=XMLAGG LeftParen simple_expr order_by? RightParen + | SUM_OPNSIZE LeftParen bit_expr RightParen ; js_agg_on_null @@ -782,6 +818,7 @@ special_func_expr | POSITION LeftParen bit_expr IN bit_expr RightParen | (DEFAULT|VALUES) LeftParen column_definition_ref RightParen | CALC_PARTITION_ID LeftParen bit_expr Comma bit_expr Comma bit_expr RightParen + | LAST_REFRESH_SCN LeftParen INTNUM RightParen ; access_func_expr_count @@ -826,7 +863,7 @@ func_param ; func_param_with_assign - : var_name PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR (bit_expr|bool_pri_in_pl_func) + : pl_var_name PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR (bit_expr|bool_pri_in_pl_func) ; pl_var_name @@ -851,8 +888,7 @@ updating_func ; updating_params - : STRING_VALUE - | pl_var_name + : bit_expr ; substr_params @@ -1053,8 +1089,8 @@ database_name ; load_data_stmt - : load_data_with_opt_hint (LOCAL | REMOTE_OSS)? INFILE STRING_VALUE (IGNORE | REPLACE)? INTO TABLE relation_factor (CHARACTER SET charset_name_or_default)? field_opt line_opt (IGNORE INTNUM lines_or_rows)? ((LeftParen RightParen) | (LeftParen field_or_vars_list RightParen))? (SET load_set_list)? load_data_extended_option_list? - | load_data_with_opt_hint (LOCAL | REMOTE_OSS)? INFILE STRING_VALUE (IGNORE | REPLACE)? INTO TABLE relation_factor use_partition (CHARACTER SET charset_name_or_default)? field_opt line_opt (IGNORE INTNUM lines_or_rows)? ((LeftParen RightParen) | (LeftParen field_or_vars_list RightParen))? (SET load_set_list)? load_data_extended_option_list? + : load_data_with_opt_hint (LOCAL | REMOTE_OSS)? INFILE STRING_VALUE (IGNORE | REPLACE)? INTO TABLE relation_factor (COMPRESSION opt_equal_mark compression_name)? (CHARACTER SET charset_name_or_default)? field_opt line_opt (IGNORE INTNUM lines_or_rows)? ((LeftParen RightParen) | (LeftParen field_or_vars_list RightParen))? (SET load_set_list)? load_data_extended_option_list? + | load_data_with_opt_hint (LOCAL | REMOTE_OSS)? INFILE STRING_VALUE (IGNORE | REPLACE)? INTO TABLE relation_factor use_partition (COMPRESSION opt_equal_mark compression_name)? (CHARACTER SET charset_name_or_default)? field_opt line_opt (IGNORE INTNUM lines_or_rows)? ((LeftParen RightParen) | (LeftParen field_or_vars_list RightParen))? (SET load_set_list)? load_data_extended_option_list? ; load_data_with_opt_hint @@ -1062,6 +1098,11 @@ load_data_with_opt_hint | LOAD_DATA_HINT_BEGIN hint_list_with_end ; +compression_name + : NAME_OB + | unreserved_keyword + ; + lines_or_rows : LINES | ROWS @@ -1262,6 +1303,7 @@ generated_column_attribute | COMMENT STRING_VALUE | ID INTNUM | constraint_and_name? CHECK LeftParen expr RightParen constraint_state + | SRID INTNUM ; opt_identity_attribute @@ -1307,6 +1349,15 @@ cast_data_type treat_data_type : JSON | udt_type_i + | obj_access_ref_cast + ; + +obj_access_ref_cast + : value_or_type_name (Dot obj_access_ref_cast)? + ; + +value_or_type_name + : NAME_OB ; udt_type_i @@ -1444,10 +1495,20 @@ trans_param_value | INTNUM ; +dblink_info_param_name + : STRING_VALUE + ; + +dblink_info_param_value + : STRING_VALUE + | INTNUM + ; + charset_name : NAME_OB | STRING_VALUE | BINARY + | ASCII ; charset_name_or_default @@ -1472,6 +1533,7 @@ column_attribute | constraint_and_name? PRIMARY KEY | constraint_and_name? UNIQUE | ID INTNUM + | SRID INTNUM | constraint_and_name? CHECK LeftParen expr RightParen constraint_state | constraint_and_name? references_clause constraint_state | SKIP_INDEX LeftParen (skip_index_type | (opt_skip_index_type_list Comma skip_index_type))? RightParen @@ -1547,7 +1609,13 @@ table_option | physical_attributes_option | LOCATION COMP_EQ? STRING_VALUE | FORMAT COMP_EQ? LeftParen external_file_format_list RightParen + | PROPERTIES COMP_EQ? LeftParen external_properties_list RightParen | PATTERN COMP_EQ? STRING_VALUE + | PARTITION_TYPE COMP_EQ? USER_SPECIFIED + | MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED COMP_EQ? BOOL_VALUE + | AUTO_REFRESH COMP_EQ? OFF + | AUTO_REFRESH COMP_EQ? IMMEDIATE + | AUTO_REFRESH COMP_EQ? INTERVAL ; parallel_option @@ -1873,6 +1941,14 @@ opt_compress_level : (LOW | HIGH)? ; +external_properties_list + : external_properties (opt_comma external_properties)* + ; + +external_properties + : ((((ACCESSID|ACCESSKEY)|(ACCESSTYPE|TYPE))|((ENDPOINT|STSTOKEN)|(PROJECT_NAME|SCHEMA_NAME)))|((COMPRESSION_CODE|QUOTA_NAME)|TABLE_NAME)) COMP_EQ STRING_VALUE + ; + external_file_format_list : external_file_format (opt_comma external_file_format)* ; @@ -1883,6 +1959,7 @@ external_file_format | format_key=SKIP_HEADER COMP_EQ INTNUM | format_key=(SKIP_BLANK_LINES|TRIM_SPACE|EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL) COMP_EQ BOOL_VALUE | format_key=NULL_IF_EXETERNAL COMP_EQ LeftParen expr_list RightParen + | format_key=COMPRESSION COMP_EQ compression_name ; create_tablegroup_stmt @@ -1934,13 +2011,26 @@ create_view_stmt ; create_mview_stmt - : CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW view_name (LeftParen alias_name_list RightParen)? table_option_list? (partition_option | auto_partition_option)? create_mview_refresh AS view_subquery view_with_opt + : CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW view_name (LeftParen mv_column_list RightParen)? table_option_list? (partition_option | auto_partition_option)? (WITH_COLUMN_GROUP LeftParen column_group_list RightParen)? create_mview_opts AS view_subquery view_with_opt ; -create_mview_refresh +create_mview_opts + : mview_refresh_opt + | mview_refresh_opt mview_enable_disable ON QUERY COMPUTATION + | mview_refresh_opt mview_enable_disable QUERY REWRITE + | mview_refresh_opt mview_enable_disable ON QUERY COMPUTATION mview_enable_disable QUERY REWRITE + | mview_refresh_opt mview_enable_disable QUERY REWRITE mview_enable_disable ON QUERY COMPUTATION + | empty + ; + +mview_enable_disable + : DISABLE + | ENABLE + ; + +mview_refresh_opt : REFRESH mv_refresh_method mv_refresh_on_clause mv_refresh_interval | NEVER REFRESH - | empty ; mv_refresh_on_clause @@ -2003,6 +2093,7 @@ opt_tablet_id_no_empty create_index_stmt : CREATE UNIQUE? INDEX normal_relation_factor index_using_algorithm? ON relation_factor LeftParen sort_column_list RightParen opt_index_options? (partition_option | auto_partition_option)? with_column_group? + | CREATE UNIQUE? INDEX normal_relation_factor index_using_algorithm? ON relation_factor LeftParen sort_column_list RightParen INDEXTYPE IS MDSYS Dot SPATIAL_INDEX opt_index_options? ; index_name @@ -2401,7 +2492,7 @@ into_clause ; into_opt - : INTO OUTFILE STRING_VALUE (charset_key charset_name)? field_opt line_opt + : INTO OUTFILE STRING_VALUE file_partition_opt (charset_key charset_name)? field_opt line_opt file_opt | INTO DUMPFILE STRING_VALUE | into_clause | empty @@ -2430,6 +2521,29 @@ field_term_list field_term : ((OPTIONALLY? ENCLOSED|TERMINATED)|ESCAPED) BY STRING_VALUE ; +file_opt + : file_option_list? + ; + +file_option_list + : file_option+ + ; + +file_option + : SINGLE COMP_EQ? BOOL_VALUE + | MAX_FILE_SIZE COMP_EQ? file_size_const + | BUFFER_SIZE COMP_EQ? file_size_const + ; + +file_partition_opt + : empty + | PARTITION BY bit_expr + ; + +file_size_const + : INTNUM + | STRING_VALUE + ; line_opt : LINES line_term_list @@ -2543,6 +2657,7 @@ distribute_method | BC2HOST | RANGE | LIST + | BASIC ; consistency_level @@ -2683,7 +2798,7 @@ table_reference table_factor : tbl_name - | table_subquery + | LATERAL? table_subquery | LeftParen table_reference RightParen | TABLE LeftParen (select_no_parens|simple_expr) RightParen relation_name? | select_function relation_name? @@ -2799,6 +2914,17 @@ table_subquery use_partition : (PARTITION|SUBPARTITION) LeftParen name_list RightParen + | PARTITION LeftParen external_table_partitions RightParen + ; + +external_table_partitions + : external_table_partition + | empty + | external_table_partitions Comma external_table_partition + ; + +external_table_partition + : relation_name COMP_EQ expr_const ; use_flashback @@ -2840,6 +2966,10 @@ relation_sep_option : Comma? ; +relation_factor_in_mv_hint_list + : normal_relation_factor (relation_sep_option normal_relation_factor)* + ; + relation_factor_in_pq_hint : relation_factor_in_hint | LeftParen relation_factor_in_hint_list RightParen @@ -2871,6 +3001,11 @@ relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list | relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list relation_sep_option LeftParen relation_factor_in_hint_list RightParen ; +coalesce_strategy_list + : WO_PULLUP WITH_PULLUP? + | WITH_PULLUP + ; + join_condition : ON expr | USING LeftParen column_list RightParen @@ -2923,6 +3058,12 @@ common_table_expr | relation_name (LeftParen alias_name_list RightParen)? AS LeftParen subquery order_by fetch_next_clause? RightParen ((SEARCH DEPTH FIRST BY sort_list search_set_value) | (SEARCH BREADTH FIRST BY sort_list search_set_value))? (CYCLE alias_name_list SET var_name TO STRING_VALUE DEFAULT STRING_VALUE)? ; +mv_column_list + : column_name_list + | column_name_list Comma PRIMARY KEY LeftParen column_name_list RightParen ((USING INDEX opt_index_options) | (USING INDEX))? + | PRIMARY KEY LeftParen column_name_list RightParen ((USING INDEX opt_index_options) | (USING INDEX))? + ; + alias_name_list : column_alias_name (Comma column_alias_name)* ; @@ -3076,6 +3217,8 @@ default_role_clause alter_user_stmt : ALTER USER user_with_host_name DEFAULT ROLE default_role_clause | ALTER USER user_with_host_name PRIMARY_ZONE COMP_EQ? primary_zone_name + | ALTER USER user_list GRANT CONNECT THROUGH user_list ((WITH ROLE role_list) | (WITH ROLE ALL EXCEPT role_list) | (WITH NO ROLE) | (WITH NO ROLES))? + | ALTER USER user_list REVOKE CONNECT THROUGH user_list ; alter_user_profile_stmt @@ -3487,6 +3630,8 @@ var_and_val | USER_VARIABLE to_or_eq PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR | sys_var_and_val | (SYSTEM_VARIABLE|scope_or_scope_alias column_name) to_or_eq set_expr_or_default + | NAMES charset_name_or_default collation? + | charset_key charset_name_or_default ; sys_var_and_val @@ -3591,6 +3736,18 @@ alter_index_option_oracle alter_table_stmt : ALTER EXTERNAL? TABLE relation_factor alter_table_actions | ALTER TABLE relation_factor alter_column_group_option + | ALTER EXTERNAL TABLE relation_factor ADD PARTITION LeftParen add_external_table_partition_actions RightParen LOCATION STRING_VALUE + | ALTER EXTERNAL TABLE relation_factor DROP PARTITION LOCATION STRING_VALUE + ; + +add_external_table_partition_actions + : add_external_table_partition_action + | empty + | add_external_table_partition_actions Comma add_external_table_partition_action + ; + +add_external_table_partition_action + : column_name COMP_EQ? expr_const ; alter_table_actions @@ -3622,6 +3779,7 @@ alter_partition_option | TRUNCATE (PARTITION|SUBPARTITION) name_list | TRUNCATE (PARTITION|SUBPARTITION) name_list UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES | MODIFY PARTITION relation_factor add_range_or_list_subpartition + | EXCHANGE PARTITION relation_name WITH TABLE relation_factor INCLUDING INDEXES WITHOUT VALIDATION ; drop_partition_name_list @@ -3810,8 +3968,9 @@ audit_all_shortcut alter_system_stmt : ALTER SYSTEM BOOTSTRAP (CLUSTER partition_role)? server_info_list (PRIMARY_ROOTSERVICE_LIST STRING_VALUE)? - | ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH cache_type CACHE namespace_expr? flush_scope + | ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH cache_type_or_string CACHE namespace_expr? flush_scope | ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH KVCACHE tenant_name? cache_name? + | ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH SS_MICRO_CACHE tenant_name? | ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH ILOGCACHE file_id? | ALTER SYSTEM ALTER PLAN BASELINE tenant_name? sql_id_expr? baseline_id_expr? SET baseline_asgn_factor | ALTER SYSTEM LOAD PLAN BASELINE FROM PLAN CACHE (TENANT COMP_EQ tenant_name_list)? sql_id_expr? @@ -3836,6 +3995,7 @@ alter_system_stmt | ALTER SYSTEM BACKUP DATABASE (TO opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? PLUS ARCHIVELOG (DESCRIPTION opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? | ALTER SYSTEM BACKUP INCREMENTAL DATABASE (TO opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? PLUS ARCHIVELOG (DESCRIPTION opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? | ALTER SYSTEM BACKUP KEY (TO opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? (ENCRYPTED BY STRING_VALUE)? + | ALTER SYSTEM alter_or_change_or_modify EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST opt_path_info SET? (ACCESS_INFO opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? (ATTRIBUTE opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? | ALTER SYSTEM CANCEL BACKUP (TENANT opt_equal_mark tenant_name_list)? | SET ENCRYPTION ON IDENTIFIED BY STRING_VALUE ONLY | ALTER SYSTEM CANCEL DELETE BACKUP (TENANT opt_equal_mark tenant_name_list)? (DESCRIPTION opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? @@ -3856,6 +4016,12 @@ alter_system_stmt | ALTER SYSTEM RELOAD ZONE | ALTER SYSTEM MIGRATE UNIT COMP_EQ? INTNUM DESTINATION COMP_EQ? STRING_VALUE | ALTER SYSTEM CANCEL MIGRATE UNIT INTNUM + | ALTER SYSTEM ADD REPLICA ls SERVER COMP_EQ? STRING_VALUE REPLICA_TYPE COMP_EQ? STRING_VALUE (DATA_SOURCE opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? (PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM opt_equal_mark INTNUM)? tenant_name? + | ALTER SYSTEM REMOVE REPLICA ls SERVER COMP_EQ? STRING_VALUE (PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM opt_equal_mark INTNUM)? tenant_name? + | ALTER SYSTEM MIGRATE REPLICA ls SOURCE COMP_EQ? STRING_VALUE DESTINATION COMP_EQ? STRING_VALUE (DATA_SOURCE opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? tenant_name? + | ALTER SYSTEM MODIFY REPLICA ls SERVER COMP_EQ? STRING_VALUE REPLICA_TYPE COMP_EQ? STRING_VALUE (PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM opt_equal_mark INTNUM)? tenant_name? + | ALTER SYSTEM MODIFY ls PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM COMP_EQ? INTNUM tenant_name? + | ALTER SYSTEM CANCEL REPLICA TASK TASK_ID COMP_EQ? STRING_VALUE tenant_name? | ALTER SYSTEM UPGRADE VIRTUAL SCHEMA | ALTER SYSTEM RUN JOB STRING_VALUE server_or_zone? | ALTER SYSTEM upgrade_action UPGRADE @@ -3901,13 +4067,18 @@ alter_system_reset_clause ; set_system_parameter_clause - : var_name COMP_EQ bit_expr + : var_name COMP_EQ conf_expr ; reset_system_parameter_clause : var_name ; +cache_type_or_string + : cache_type + | NAME_OB + ; + cache_type : ALL | LOCATION @@ -3941,6 +4112,10 @@ tenant_name_list : relation_name_or_string (Comma relation_name_or_string)* ; +opt_path_info + : PATH opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE + ; + policy_name : POLICY COMP_EQ? STRING_VALUE ; @@ -4347,6 +4522,22 @@ part_info : TABLE_ID COMP_EQ? INTNUM Comma OBJECT_ID COMP_EQ? INTNUM ; +cancel_transfer_partition_clause + : part_info + | ALL + ; + +service_name_stmt + : alter_with_opt_hint SYSTEM service_op SERVICE relation_name tenant_name? + ; + +service_op + : CREATE + | DELETE + | START + | STOP + ; + create_savepoint_stmt : SAVEPOINT var_name ; @@ -4575,7 +4766,7 @@ json_exists_response_type ; json_query_expr - : JSON_QUERY LeftParen js_doc_expr Comma js_literal (RETURNING js_query_return_type)? TRUNCATE? scalars_opt? PRETTY? ASCII? wrapper_opts? json_query_on_opt? RightParen + : JSON_QUERY LeftParen js_doc_expr Comma js_literal (RETURNING js_query_return_type)? TRUNCATE? scalars_opt? PRETTY? ASCII? wrapper_opts? json_query_on_opt? MULTIVALUE? RightParen ; json_query_on_opt @@ -5183,9 +5374,13 @@ oracle_unreserved_keyword ; unreserved_keyword_normal - : ACCOUNT + : ACCESS_INFO + | ACCOUNT | ABSENT | ACCESSIBLE + | ACCESSID + | ACCESSKEY + | ACCESSTYPE | ACTION | ACTIVE | ACTIVATE @@ -5203,9 +5398,11 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | ASIS | ASYNCHRONOUS | AT + | ATTRIBUTE | AUTHORS | AUTO | AUTOEXTEND_SIZE + | AUTO_REFRESH | AVG_ROW_LENGTH | BACKUP_COPIES | BADFILE @@ -5234,6 +5431,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | BOOTSTRAP | BOTH | BTREE + | BUFFER_SIZE | BULK | BULK_EXCEPTIONS | BULK_ROWCOUNT @@ -5275,6 +5473,8 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | COMPLETION | COMPRESSED | COMPRESSION + | COMPRESSION_CODE + | COMPUTATION | COMPUTE | CONCURRENT | CONDITIONAL @@ -5302,6 +5502,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | DATABASES | DATABASE_ID | DATA_TABLE_ID + | DATA_SOURCE | DATE_ADD | DATE_SUB | DATETIME @@ -5355,6 +5556,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | ENCRYPTED | ENCRYPTION | ENDS + | ENDPOINT | ENGINE_ | ENGINES | ENUM @@ -5379,6 +5581,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | EXTENDED_NOADDR | ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID | EXTENT_SIZE + | EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST | EXTRA | EXTRACT | EVALNAME @@ -5449,6 +5652,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | IMPORT | INDENT | INDEXES + | INDEXTYPE | INDEX_TABLE_ID | INCR | INCLUDE @@ -5505,6 +5709,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | KEEP | KVCACHE | LAST + | LAST_REFRESH_SCN | LAX | LEADER | LEADING @@ -5567,6 +5772,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | MATCHED | MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR | MAX_CPU + | MAX_FILE_SIZE | LOG_DISK_SIZE | MAX_IOPS | MEMORY_SIZE @@ -5577,6 +5783,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR | MAX_USED_PART_ID | MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS + | MDSYS | MEDIUM | MEDIUMBLOB | MEDIUMINT @@ -5610,6 +5817,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | MULTILINESTRING | MULTIPOINT | MULTIPOLYGON + | MULTIVALUE | MULTISET | MUTEX | MYSQL_ERRNO @@ -5667,6 +5875,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | PARTITION_ID | PARTITIONING | PARTITIONS + | PARTITION_TYPE | PASSING | PASSWORD | PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME @@ -5676,6 +5885,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | PATH | PATTERN | PAUSE + | PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM | PERCENTAGE | PHASE | PLANREGRESS @@ -5702,6 +5912,8 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | PROCESSLIST | PROFILES | PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM + | PROJECT_NAME + | PROPERTIES | PROXY | PURGE | QUARTER @@ -5758,6 +5970,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | RETURNING | RETURNS | REVERSE + | REWRITE | REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION | REMOTE_OSS | RLIKE @@ -5781,6 +5994,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | SCHEMA_NAME | SCOPE | SDO_GEOMETRY + | SDO_RELATE | SEARCH | SECOND | SECOND_MICROSECOND @@ -5808,6 +6022,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | SIGNAL | SIGNED | SIMPLE + | SINGLE | R_SKIP | SKIP_INDEX | SLAVE @@ -5819,6 +6034,9 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | SOURCE | SPACE | SPATIAL + | SPATIAL_CELLID + | SPATIAL_INDEX + | SPATIAL_MBR | SPECIFIC | SPFILE | SPLIT @@ -5843,7 +6061,9 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | SQL_TSI_SECOND | SQL_TSI_WEEK | SQL_TSI_YEAR + | SRID | SSL + | SS_MICRO_CACHE | STRAIGHT_JOIN | STARTING | STARTS @@ -5859,6 +6079,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | STRICT | STRONG | STANDBY + | STSTOKEN | SUBCLASS_ORIGIN | SUBDATE | SUBJECT @@ -5891,12 +6112,14 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | TABLET_SIZE | TABLET_MAX_SIZE | TASK + | TASK_ID | TEMPLATE | TEMPTABLE | TENANT | TERMINATED | TEXT | THAN + | THROUGH | TIMESTAMP | TIMESTAMPADD | TIMESTAMPDIFF @@ -5939,6 +6162,7 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | UPGRADE | UROWID | USAGE + | USER_SPECIFIED | USE_BLOOM_FILTER | USE_FRM | USER_RESOURCES @@ -6003,14 +6227,19 @@ unreserved_keyword_normal | NETWORK | LOGICAL_READS | QUEUE_TIME + | QUOTA_NAME | HIDDEN_ | INDEXED | SKEWONLY | NAMESPACE | LIB | OBJECT_ID - | LS | TRANSFER + | SUM_OPNSIZE + | VALIDATION + | OVERWRITE + | SERVICE + | MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED ; empty From 8affa3fbbe7ef7cf56c30e70a352049a5504baa3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MarkPotato777 Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2024 15:29:39 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 05/11] fix --- .../oracle/ | 2 +- .../main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBParser.g4 | 12 +- .../main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBLexer.g4 | 43 - .../main/resources/oboracle/sql/ | 8465 + .../main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBParser.g4 | 19 +- .../main/resources/oboracle/sql/ | 137381 +++++++++++++++ .../oboracle/sql/ | 10802 ++ .../oboracle/sql/ | 8979 + 8 files changed, 165634 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-) create mode 100644 libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ create mode 100644 libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ create mode 100644 libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ create mode 100644 libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/oracle/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/oracle/ index a8d7ba3656..0166b88715 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/oracle/ +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/oracle/ @@ -1243,7 +1243,7 @@ private FunctionParam visitFunctionParam(Func_paramContext paramContext) { return new ExpressionParam(visit(bitExpr)); } else if (paramWithAssign != null) { // 函数参数带赋值操作 - String varName = paramWithAssign.var_name().getText(); + String varName = paramWithAssign.pl_var_name().getText(); Bit_exprContext assignExpr = paramWithAssign.bit_expr(); Expression varValue; if (assignExpr != null) { diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBParser.g4 b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBParser.g4 index c4544170a1..faccab3833 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBParser.g4 +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBParser.g4 @@ -491,8 +491,6 @@ func_expr | WEIGHT_STRING LeftParen expr (AS CHARACTER ws_nweights)? (LEVEL ws_level_list_or_range)? RightParen # complex_func_expr | WEIGHT_STRING LeftParen expr AS BINARY ws_nweights RightParen # complex_func_expr | WEIGHT_STRING LeftParen expr Comma INTNUM Comma INTNUM Comma INTNUM Comma INTNUM RightParen # complex_func_expr - | json_extract_unquote_expr # complex_func_expr - | json_extract_expr # complex_func_expr | json_value_expr # complex_func_expr | json_query_expr # complex_func_expr | vector_distance_expr # complex_func_expr @@ -1862,7 +1860,7 @@ index_option | COMMENT STRING_VALUE | (STORING|CTXCAT) LeftParen column_name_list RightParen | WITH ROWID - | WITH PARSER relation_name + | WITH PARSER STRING_VALUE | WITH LeftParen vec_index_params RightParen | index_using_algorithm | visibility_option @@ -4475,14 +4473,6 @@ json_query_expr : JSON_QUERY LeftParen simple_expr Comma complex_string_literal (RETURNING cast_data_type)? TRUNCATE? ((ALLOW SCALARS) | (DISALLOW SCALARS))? PRETTY? ASCII? ((WITHOUT WRAPPER) | (WITHOUT ARRAY WRAPPER) | (WITH WRAPPER) | (WITH ARRAY WRAPPER) | (WITH UNCONDITIONAL WRAPPER) | (WITH CONDITIONAL WRAPPER) | (WITH UNCONDITIONAL ARRAY WRAPPER) | (WITH CONDITIONAL ARRAY WRAPPER))? ASIS? (on_empty_query | on_error_query | on_mismatch_query | (on_error_query on_empty_query) | (on_empty_query on_error_query) | (on_error_query on_mismatch_query) | (on_empty_query on_mismatch_query) | (on_error_query on_empty_query on_mismatch_query) | (on_empty_query on_error_query on_mismatch_query))? MULTIVALUE? RightParen ; -json_extract_unquote_expr - : column_definition_ref JSON_EXTRACT_UNQUOTED complex_string_literal - ; - -json_extract_expr - : column_definition_ref JSON_EXTRACT complex_string_literal - ; - opt_response_query : ERROR_P | NULLX diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBLexer.g4 b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBLexer.g4 index 0d65adde7c..7174e07bfe 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBLexer.g4 +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBLexer.g4 @@ -28,16 +28,9 @@ PQ_DISTINCT : P Q '_' D I S T I N C T ; -XMLSEQUENCE - : X M L S E Q U E N C E - ; - NO_MV_REWRITE : N O '_' M V '_' R E W R I T E ; -INSERTCHILDXML - : I N S E R T C H I L D X M L - ; INDEXTYPE : I N D E X T Y P E @@ -99,14 +92,6 @@ COMPRESSION_CODE : C O M P R E S S I O N '_' C O D E ; -NOWAIT - : N O W A I T - ; - -SDO_GEOMETRY - : S D O '_' G E O M E T R Y - ; - MULTIVALUE : M U L T I V A L U E ; @@ -131,10 +116,6 @@ BUFFER_SIZE : B U F F E R '_' S I Z E ; -REF - : R E F - ; - PROPERTIES : P R O P E R T I E S ; @@ -143,18 +124,10 @@ ATTRIBUTE : A T T R I B U T E ; -TRANSFER - : T R A N S F E R - ; - USER_SPECIFIED : U S E R '_' S P E C I F I E D ; -XMLNAMESPACES - : X M L N A M E S P A C E S - ; - THROUGH : T H R O U G H ; @@ -211,10 +184,6 @@ SPATIAL_MBR : S P A T I A L '_' M B R ; -DELETEXML - : D E L E T E X M L - ; - LAST_REFRESH_SCN : L A S T '_' R E F R E S H '_' S C N ; @@ -223,18 +192,10 @@ COALESCE_AGGR : C O A L E S C E '_' A G G R ; -XMLTABLE - : X M L T A B L E - ; - RESOURCE_GROUP : R E S O U R C E '_' G R O U P ; -OBJECT_ID - : O B J E C T '_' I D - ; - SDO_RELATE : S D O '_' R E L A T E ; @@ -243,10 +204,6 @@ MAX_FILE_SIZE : M A X '_' F I L E '_' S I Z E ; -LATERAL - : L A T E R A L - ; - SRID : S R I D ; diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab1d16a710 --- /dev/null +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ @@ -0,0 +1,8465 @@ +// Generated from OBLexer.g4 by ANTLR 4.9.1 +import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Lexer; +import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStream; +import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token; +import org.antlr.v4.runtime.TokenStream; +import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*; +import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.*; +import org.antlr.v4.runtime.dfa.DFA; +import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.*; + +@SuppressWarnings({"all", "warnings", "unchecked", "unused", "cast"}) +public class OBLexer extends Lexer { + static { RuntimeMetaData.checkVersion("4.9.1", RuntimeMetaData.VERSION); } + + protected static final DFA[] _decisionToDFA; + protected static final PredictionContextCache _sharedContextCache = + new PredictionContextCache(); + public static final int + QUOTA_NAME=1, PQ_DISTINCT=2, NO_MV_REWRITE=3, INDEXTYPE=4, STSTOKEN=5, + REWRITE=6, NO_COALESCE_AGGR=7, PARTITION_TYPE=8, TASK_ID=9, COMPUTATION=10, + AUTO_REFRESH=11, SINGLE=12, MDSYS=13, WITH_PULLUP=14, NO_DECORRELATE=15, + WO_PULLUP=16, SPATIAL_CELLID=17, COMPRESSION_CODE=18, MULTIVALUE=19, SERVICE=20, + DATA_SOURCE=21, PROJECT_NAME=22, ENDPOINT=23, BUFFER_SIZE=24, PROPERTIES=25, + ATTRIBUTE=26, USER_SPECIFIED=27, THROUGH=28, SPATIAL_INDEX=29, ACCESS_INFO=30, + VALIDATION=31, DECORRELATE=32, SUM_OPNSIZE=33, ACCESSKEY=34, MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED=35, + ACCESSTYPE=36, PQ_GBY=37, EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST=38, OVERWRITE=39, MV_REWRITE=40, + SPATIAL_MBR=41, LAST_REFRESH_SCN=42, COALESCE_AGGR=43, RESOURCE_GROUP=44, + SDO_RELATE=45, MAX_FILE_SIZE=46, SRID=47, SS_MICRO_CACHE=48, PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM=49, + ACCESSID=50, M_SIZE=51, E_SIZE=52, T_SIZE=53, K_SIZE=54, G_SIZE=55, P_SIZE=56, + WITH_COLUMN_GROUP=57, HIDE=58, DEFAULTS=59, ACCESS=60, OBJECT_ID=61, ADD=62, + ALTER_HINT_BEGIN=63, NAMESPACE=64, ALL=65, ALTER=66, AND=67, ANY=68, AS=69, + ASC=70, XMLATTRIBUTES=71, AUDIT=72, JSON_OBJECT_VALUE=73, VALUE=74, BETWEEN=75, + BLOB=76, BY=77, BINARY_DOUBLE=78, BINARY_FLOAT=79, CHAR=80, CHECK=81, + CIPHER=82, CLOB=83, CLUSTER=84, COLUMN=85, COMMENT=86, COMPRESS=87, CONNECT=88, + CREATE=89, CURRENT=90, DATE=91, DECIMAL=92, DEFAULT=93, DELETE=94, DESC=95, + DISTINCT=96, DOT=97, DROP=98, MULTISET=99, JSON_ARRAYAGG=100, ARRAY=101, + JSON_ARRAY=102, JSON_EMPTY=103, PASSING=104, ELSE=105, EXCLUSIVE=106, + EXISTS=107, EXCLUDE=108, FILE_KEY=109, FLOAT=110, FOR=111, FROM=112, GRANT=113, + GROUP=114, HAVING=115, HOST=116, ABSENT=117, IDENTIFIED=118, SYNCHRONOUS=119, + IMMEDIATE=120, IN=121, INCREMENT=122, INCLUDE=123, INDEX=124, INITIAL_=125, + INSERT=126, FIELD_DELIMITER=127, INTEGER=128, INTERSECT=129, INTO=130, + ORDINALITY=131, IS=132, ISSUER=133, LEVEL=134, LIKE=135, LOCK=136, LONG=137, + MAXEXTENTS=138, MINUS=139, MODE=140, MODIFY=141, NOAUDIT=142, NOCOMPRESS=143, + NOT=144, NOTFOUND=145, NOWAIT=146, NULLX=147, MISSING=148, NUMBER=149, + OF=150, OFFLINE=151, ON=152, ONLINE=153, OPTION=154, OR=155, ORDER=156, + PCTFREE=157, PIVOT=158, PRIOR=159, PRIVILEGES=160, PUBLIC=161, RAW=162, + REAL=163, RENAME=164, RESOURCE=165, REVOKE=166, ROW=167, ROWID=168, ROWLABEL=169, + ACTIVATE=170, ROWNUM=171, ROWS=172, START=173, SELECT=174, SESSION=175, + SET=176, SETS=177, SHARE=178, SIZE=179, SMALLINT=180, SUCCESSFUL=181, + SYNONYM=182, SYSDATE=183, SYSTIMESTAMP=184, TABLE=185, THEN=186, TO=187, + TRIGGER=188, UID=189, UNION=190, UNIQUE=191, UNPIVOT=192, UPDATE=193, + USER=194, VALIDATE=195, VALUES=196, VARCHAR=197, VARCHAR2=198, VIEW=199, + WHENEVER=200, WHERE=201, REDUNDANCY=202, WITH=203, STANDBY=204, WITHOUT=205, + WITHIN=206, ACCESSIBLE=207, AGAINST=208, ALWAYS=209, ANALYZE=210, ASENSITIVE=211, + BEFORE=212, BINARY=213, BOTH=214, BULK=215, CALL=216, CASCADE=217, CASE=218, + CHANGE=219, CHARACTER=220, CONSTRAINT=221, CONTINUE=222, COLLATE=223, + COLLECT=224, CROSS=225, CYCLE=226, CURRENT_DATE=227, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP=228, + CURRENT_USER=229, CURSOR=230, STATEMENT=231, DAY_HOUR=232, DAY_MICROSECOND=233, + DAY_MINUTE=234, DAY_SECOND=235, DATABASE=236, DATABASES=237, DEC=238, + DECLARE=239, DELAYED=240, DISTINCTROW=241, DOUBLE=242, DUAL=243, EACH=244, + ENCLOSED=245, ELSEIF=246, ESCAPED=247, ALLOW=248, EXIT=249, EXPLAIN=250, + FETCH=251, EVALNAME=252, FLOAT4=253, FLOAT8=254, FORCE=255, FULL=256, + GET=257, GENERATED=258, HIGH_PRIORITY=259, HOUR_MICROSECOND=260, HOUR_MINUTE=261, + HOUR_SECOND=262, ID=263, IF=264, IFIGNORE=265, INNER=266, INFILE=267, + INOUT=268, INSENSITIVE=269, INT1=270, INT2=271, LIB=272, INT3=273, INT4=274, + INT8=275, INTERVAL=276, IO_AFTER_GTIDS=277, IO_BEFORE_GTIDS=278, ITERATE=279, + JOIN=280, KEYS=281, KILL=282, LANGUAGE=283, LATERAL=284, LEADING=285, + LEAVE=286, LEFT=287, LINEAR=288, LINES=289, BADFILE=290, LOG_DISK_SIZE=291, + LOAD=292, LOCALTIMESTAMP=293, LONGBLOB=294, SWITCHOVER=295, LONGTEXT=296, + LOOP=297, LOW_PRIORITY=298, MASTER_BIND=299, MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT=300, + MATCH=301, MAXVALUE=302, MEDIUMBLOB=303, MEDIUMINT=304, MERGE=305, REJECT=306, + MEDIUMTEXT=307, MIDDLEINT=308, MINUTE_MICROSECOND=309, MINUTE_SECOND=310, + MOD=311, MODIFIES=312, MOVEMENT=313, NATURAL=314, NOCYCLE=315, NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG=316, + NUMERIC=317, OPTIMIZE=318, OPTIONALLY=319, OUT=320, OUTER=321, IOPS_WEIGHT=322, + OUTFILE=323, PARSER=324, PROCEDURE=325, PURGE=326, PARTITION=327, RANGE=328, + PLUS=329, READ=330, READ_WRITE=331, READS=332, RELEASE=333, REFERENCES=334, + REPLACE=335, REPEAT=336, REQUIRE=337, RESIGNAL=338, RESTRICT=339, RETURN=340, + RIGHT=341, SCALARS=342, SECOND_MICROSECOND=343, SCHEMA=344, SCHEMAS=345, + SEPARATOR=346, SENSITIVE=347, SIGNAL=348, SPATIAL=349, SPECIFIC=350, SQL=351, + SQLEXCEPTION=352, SQLSTATE=353, SQLWARNING=354, SQL_BIG_RESULT=355, SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS=356, + SQL_SMALL_RESULT=357, SEARCH=358, SSL=359, STARTING=360, STATEMENTS=361, + STORED=362, STRAIGHT_JOIN=363, TERMINATED=364, TINYBLOB=365, TINYTEXT=366, + TABLEGROUP=367, TRAILING=368, TIMEZONE_HOUR=369, TIMEZONE_MINUTE=370, + TIMEZONE_REGION=371, TIMEZONE_ABBR=372, UNDO=373, UNLOCK=374, LINE_DELIMITER=375, + USE=376, USING=377, UTC_DATE=378, UTC_TIMESTAMP=379, VARYING=380, VIRTUAL=381, + WHEN=382, WHILE=383, WRITE=384, XOR=385, X509=386, YEAR_MONTH=387, ZEROFILL=388, + GLOBAL_ALIAS=389, SESSION_ALIAS=390, STRONG=391, WEAK=392, FROZEN=393, + EXCEPT=394, ISNULL=395, RETURNING=396, BLOCKING=397, ISOPEN=398, ROWCOUNT=399, + BULK_ROWCOUNT=400, ERROR_INDEX=401, BULK_EXCEPTIONS=402, PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR=403, + COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL=404, DATA_TABLE_ID=405, WARNINGS=406, LOWER_JOIN=407, + GROUPS=408, CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE=409, FORMAT=410, MINVALUE=411, EXTRA=412, + EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL=413, UNINSTALL=414, UNDOFILE=415, MASTER_SSL_CA=416, + YEAR=417, STOP=418, STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION=419, DISABLE_PARALLEL_DML=420, + PACKAGE_KEY=421, PACKAGE=422, AT=423, RELAY_LOG_POS=424, POOL=425, ZONE_TYPE=426, + LOCATION=427, WEIGHT_STRING=428, MAXLOGMEMBERS=429, CHANGED=430, MASTER_SSL_CAPATH=431, + PRECISION=432, ROLE=433, JSON_QUERY=434, REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION=435, NTH_VALUE=436, + SERIAL=437, REDACTION=438, QUEUE_TIME=439, PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM=440, + TABLET_MAX_SIZE=441, ILOGCACHE=442, AUTHORS=443, MIGRATE=444, DIV=445, + CONSISTENT=446, SUSPEND=447, SYSKM=448, REMOTE_OSS=449, SECURITY=450, + SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER=451, FAST=452, KEYSTORE=453, TRUNCATE=454, CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA=455, + MASTER_SSL_CERT=456, TABLE_NAME=457, PRIORITY=458, DO=459, MASTER_RETRY_COUNT=460, + EXCEPTIONS=461, REPLICA=462, KILL_EXPR=463, UROWID=464, ADMIN=465, CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF=466, + NCHAR_CS=467, OLD_KEY=468, DISABLE=469, STRICT=470, PORT=471, MAXDATAFILES=472, + EXEC=473, NOVALIDATE=474, REBUILD=475, FOLLOWER=476, LIST=477, LOWER_OVER=478, + ROOT=479, REDOFILE=480, MASTER_SERVER_ID=481, NCHAR=482, KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=483, + NOLOGGING=484, SEQUENCE=485, PRETTY=486, PRETTY_COLOR=487, COLUMNS=488, + LS=489, MIGRATION=490, SUBPARTITION=491, DML=492, MYSQL_DRIVER=493, GO=494, + ROW_NUMBER=495, COMPRESSION=496, BIT=497, MAX_DISK_SIZE=498, SAMPLE=499, + PCTUSED=500, UNLOCKED=501, CLASS_ORIGIN=502, ACTION=503, REDUNDANT=504, + MAXLOGFILES=505, UPGRADE=506, TEMPTABLE=507, EXTERNALLY=508, RECYCLEBIN=509, + PROFILES=510, TIMESTAMP_VALUE=511, ERRORS=512, BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN=513, + LEAVES=514, UNDEFINED=515, EVERY=516, BYTE=517, SHARDING=518, FLUSH=519, + MIN_ROWS=520, ERROR_P=521, MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS=522, FIELDS=523, MAX_CPU=524, + LOCKED=525, DOP=526, IO=527, BTREE=528, APPROXNUM=529, HASH=530, REGR_INTERCEPT=531, + OPTIMAL=532, CONNECT_BY_ROOT=533, OLTP=534, SYSOPER=535, GOTO=536, COLLATION=537, + MASTER=538, ENCRYPTION=539, INSERTING=540, MAX=541, TRANSACTION=542, SQL_TSI_MONTH=543, + BECOME=544, IGNORE=545, MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR=546, OFF=547, MIN_IOPS=548, + NVARCHAR=549, PAUSE=550, QUICK=551, DUPLICATE=552, XMLTYPE=553, XMLTABLE=554, + XMLNAMESPACES=555, SDO_GEOMETRY=556, USAGE=557, FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY=558, + WAIT=559, DES_KEY_FILE=560, ENGINES=561, RETURNS=562, MASTER_USER=563, + SOCKET=564, SIBLINGS=565, MASTER_DELAY=566, FILE_ID=567, FIRST=568, TABLET=569, + CLIENT=570, PRIVATE=571, TABLES=572, ENGINE_=573, EXCLUDING=574, TRADITIONAL=575, + BOOTSTRAP=576, STDDEV=577, DATAFILE=578, INVOKER=579, LAYER=580, DEPTH=581, + THREAD=582, TRIGGERS=583, COLUMN_NAME=584, ENABLE_PARALLEL_DML=585, RESET=586, + EVENT=587, COALESCE=588, RESPECT=589, STATUS=590, UNBOUNDED=591, REGR_SLOPE=592, + WRAPPER=593, TIMESTAMP=594, EXTENT=595, PARTITIONS=596, SUBSTR=597, FILEX=598, + UNIT=599, DEMAND=600, LOWER_ON=601, SWITCH=602, LESS=603, BODY=604, DIAGNOSTICS=605, + REDO_BUFFER_SIZE=606, NO=607, MAJOR=608, ACTIVE=609, TIES=610, ROUTINE=611, + ROLLBACK=612, FOLLOWING=613, READ_ONLY=614, MEMBER=615, PARTITION_ID=616, + SHARED=617, EXTERNAL=618, DUMP=619, APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS=620, + GROUPING=621, PRIMARY=622, ARCHIVELOG=623, MATCHED=624, MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR=625, + ASYNCHRONOUS=626, FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS=627, ENCODING=628, SECOND=629, + UNKNOWN=630, POINT=631, MEMSTORE_PERCENT=632, POLYGON=633, ORA_ROWSCN=634, + OLD=635, TABLE_ID=636, CONTEXT=637, FINAL_COUNT=638, MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY=639, + POSITION=640, DISCARD=641, PATTERN=642, RECOVERY_WINDOW=643, RECOVER=644, + PREV=645, PROCESS=646, ERROR=647, DEALLOCATE=648, OLD_PASSWORD=649, CONTROLFILE=650, + LISTAGG=651, SLOW=652, SUM=653, OPTIONS=654, MIN=655, ROLES=656, UPDATING=657, + KEY=658, RT=659, RELOAD=660, ONE=661, DELAY_KEY_WRITE=662, ORIG_DEFAULT=663, + INDEXED=664, RLIKE=665, SQL_TSI_HOUR=666, TIMESTAMPDIFF=667, RESTORE=668, + OFFSET=669, TEMPORARY=670, VARIANCE=671, SNAPSHOT=672, JSON_EXISTS=673, + STATISTICS=674, COBOL=675, SERVER_TYPE=676, COMMITTED=677, PERCENT=678, + RATIO_TO_REPORT=679, SUBJECT=680, DBTIMEZONE=681, INDEXES=682, FREEZE=683, + SCOPE=684, OUTLINE_DEFAULT_TOKEN=685, IDC=686, SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH=687, + ONE_SHOT=688, ACCOUNT=689, LOCALITY=690, ARCHIVE=691, CONSTRAINTS=692, + REVERSE=693, CLUSTER_ID=694, NOARCHIVELOG=695, WM_CONCAT=696, MAX_SIZE=697, + COVAR_SAMP=698, PAGE=699, NAME=700, ADMINISTER=701, ROW_COUNT=702, LAST=703, + LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM=704, DELAY=705, SUBDATE=706, INCREMENTAL=707, QUOTA=708, + VERIFY=709, CONTAINS=710, GENERAL=711, VISIBLE=712, REGR_COUNT=713, SIGNED=714, + SERVER=715, NEXT=716, GLOBAL=717, ENDS=718, ROOTSERVICE_LIST=719, SHOW=720, + SHUTDOWN=721, VERBOSE=722, JSON_EQUAL=723, CLUSTER_NAME=724, MASTER_PORT=725, + MYSQL_ERRNO=726, XA=727, TIME=728, REUSE=729, NOMINVALUE=730, DATETIME=731, + BOOL=732, DIRECTORY=733, SECTION=734, PERCENTILE_CONT=735, VALID=736, + MASTER_SSL_KEY=737, MASTER_PASSWORD=738, PLAN=739, MULTIPOLYGON=740, STDDEV_SAMP=741, + USE_BLOOM_FILTER=742, LOCAL=743, CONSTRAINT_CATALOG=744, DICTIONARY=745, + SYSDBA=746, EXCHANGE=747, GRANTS=748, CAST=749, SERVER_PORT=750, SQL_CACHE=751, + MAX_USED_PART_ID=752, RELY=753, INSTANCE=754, HYBRID_HIST=755, FUNCTION=756, + NAN_VALUE=757, INVISIBLE=758, BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY=759, REGR_SXX=760, + REGR_SXY=761, DENSE_RANK=762, COUNT=763, SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW=764, TREAT=765, + TYPENAME=766, MY_NAME=767, NAMES=768, LOWER_THAN_NEG=769, MAX_ROWS=770, + ISOLATION=771, REPLICATION=772, REGR_SYY=773, INITIALIZED=774, REMOVE=775, + STATS_AUTO_RECALC=776, CONSISTENT_MODE=777, SUBMULTISET=778, SEGMENT=779, + USE_COLUMN_STORE_HINT=780, UNCOMMITTED=781, CURRENT_SCHEMA=782, OWN=783, + NO_WAIT=784, BACKUP_COPIES=785, UNIT_NUM=786, PERCENTAGE=787, MAX_IOPS=788, + SPFILE=789, REPEATABLE=790, PCTINCREASE=791, COMPLETION=792, ROOTTABLE=793, + ZONE=794, REGR_AVGY=795, REGR_AVGX=796, TEMPLATE=797, INCLUDING=798, DATE_SUB=799, + EXPIRE_INFO=800, EXPIRE=801, KEEP=802, ENABLE=803, HOSTS=804, SCHEMA_NAME=805, + SHRINK=806, EXPANSION=807, REORGANIZE=808, TRIM_SPACE=809, BLOCK_SIZE=810, + INNER_PARSE=811, MINOR=812, RESTRICTED=813, GLOBALLY=814, RESUME=815, + INT=816, COMPLETE=817, STATS_PERSISTENT=818, NODEGROUP=819, PARTITIONING=820, + MAXTRANS=821, SUPER=822, JSON_OBJECT=823, COMMIT=824, DETERMINISTIC=825, + SAVEPOINT=826, UNTIL=827, NVARCHAR2=828, MEMTABLE=829, CHARSET=830, FREELIST=831, + MOVE=832, XML=833, PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME=834, IPC=835, MIN_MAX=836, PATH=837, + NO_USE_COLUMN_STORE_HINT=838, TRIM=839, RANK=840, VAR_POP=841, DEFAULT_AUTH=842, + EXTENT_SIZE=843, BINLOG=844, CLOG=845, GEOMETRYCOLLECTION=846, STORAGE=847, + MEDIUM=848, XMLPARSE=849, WELLFORMED=850, DOCUMENT=851, XMLAGG=852, USE_FRM=853, + CLIENT_VERSION=854, MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD=855, DELETING=856, SUBPARTITIONS=857, + CUBE=858, REGR_R2=859, BALANCE=860, POLICY=861, QUERY=862, THROTTLE=863, + SQL_TSI_QUARTER=864, SPACE=865, REPAIR=866, MASTER_SSL_CIPHER=867, KEY_VERSION=868, + CATALOG_NAME=869, NDBCLUSTER=870, CONNECTION=871, COMPACT=872, INCR=873, + CANCEL=874, SIMPLE=875, BEGIN=876, VARIABLES=877, FREELISTS=878, SQL_TSI_WEEK=879, + SYSTEM=880, SQLERROR=881, ROOTSERVICE=882, PLUGIN_DIR=883, ASCII=884, + INFO=885, SQL_THREAD=886, SKIP_HEADER=887, TYPES=888, LEADER=889, LOWER_KEY=890, + FOUND=891, EXTRACT=892, INSERTCHILDXML=893, DELETEXML=894, PERCENTILE_DISC=895, + XMLSEQUENCE=896, XMLCAST=897, XMLSERIALIZE=898, FIXED=899, CACHE=900, + RETURNED_SQLSTATE=901, SKIP_INDEX=902, END=903, PRESERVE=904, ASIS=905, + SQL_BUFFER_RESULT=906, LOCK_=907, JSON=908, SOME=909, INDEX_TABLE_ID=910, + FREQUENCY=911, PQ_MAP=912, MANUAL=913, LOCKS=914, SYSBACKUP=915, GEOMETRY=916, + NO_PARALLEL=917, STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION=918, VERSION=919, INDENT=920, + ISOLATION_LEVEL=921, OVER=922, MAX_SESSION_NUM=923, USER_RESOURCES=924, + DESTINATION=925, SONAME=926, OUTLINE=927, MASTER_LOG_FILE=928, WMSYS=929, + NOMAXVALUE=930, ESTIMATE=931, SLAVE=932, GTS=933, SKIP_BLANK_LINES=934, + EXPORT=935, TEXT=936, AVG_ROW_LENGTH=937, FLASHBACK=938, SESSION_USER=939, + TABLEGROUPS=940, REPLICA_TYPE=941, AGGREGATE=942, PERCENT_RANK=943, ENUM=944, + TRANSFER=945, NATIONAL=946, RECYCLE=947, REGION=948, MATERIALIZE=949, + FORTRAN=950, MUTEX=951, PARALLEL=952, NOPARALLEL=953, LOWER_PARENS=954, + MONITOR=955, NDB=956, SYSTEM_USER=957, MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR=958, R_SKIP=959, + CONCURRENT=960, DUMPFILE=961, COMPILE=962, COMPRESSED=963, LINESTRING=964, + EXEMPT=965, DYNAMIC=966, CHAIN=967, NEG=968, LAG=969, NEW=970, BASELINE_ID=971, + HIGH=972, LAX=973, SQL_TSI_YEAR=974, THAN=975, CPU=976, LOGS=977, SERIALIZABLE=978, + DBA_RECYCLEBIN=979, BACKUP=980, LOGFILE=981, ROW_FORMAT=982, ALLOCATE=983, + SET_MASTER_CLUSTER=984, MAXLOGHISTORY=985, MINUTE=986, SWAPS=987, RESETLOGS=988, + DESCRIBE=989, NORESETLOGS=990, TASK=991, IO_THREAD=992, BC2HOST=993, PARAMETERS=994, + OBJECT=995, TABLESPACE=996, AUTO=997, REGEXP_LIKE=998, MODULE=999, PASSWORD=1000, + SQLCODE=1001, SORT=1002, LOWER_THAN_BY_ACCESS_SESSION=1003, MESSAGE_TEXT=1004, + DISK=1005, FAULTS=1006, HOUR=1007, REF=1008, REFRESH=1009, COLUMN_STAT=1010, + PLI=1011, UNIT_GROUP=1012, ERROR_CODE=1013, UPDATEXML=1014, PHASE=1015, + PROFILE=1016, NORELY=1017, LAST_VALUE=1018, RESTART=1019, TRACE=1020, + LOGICAL_READS=1021, MANAGEMENT=1022, DATE_ADD=1023, BLOCK_INDEX=1024, + DEBUG=1025, SERVER_IP=1026, SESSIONTIMEZONE=1027, CODE=1028, PLUGINS=1029, + ADDDATE=1030, PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME=1031, TRANSLATE=1032, COLUMN_FORMAT=1033, + MAX_MEMORY=1034, CLEAN=1035, NESTED=1036, MASTER_SSL=1037, CLEAR=1038, + SORTKEY=1039, CHECKSUM=1040, INSTALL=1041, MONTH=1042, NEVER=1043, AFTER=1044, + MAXINSTANCES=1045, CLOSE=1046, JSON_OBJECTAGG=1047, SET_TP=1048, OWNER=1049, + BLOOM_FILTER=1050, ILOG=1051, META=1052, PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION=1053, + LOWEST_PARENS=1054, IDENTITY=1055, STARTS=1056, PLANREGRESS=1057, AUTOEXTEND_SIZE=1058, + TABLET_ID=1059, NO_COUNT_TO_EXISTS=1060, NO_REPLACE_CONST=1061, SOURCE=1062, + POW=1063, IGNORE_SERVER_IDS=1064, WF_TOPN=1065, REPLICA_NUM=1066, LOWER_THAN_COMP=1067, + BINDING=1068, MICROSECOND=1069, INDICATOR=1070, UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE=1071, + EXTENDED_NOADDR=1072, JSON_MERGEPATCH=1073, SPLIT=1074, BASELINE=1075, + MEMORY=1076, COVAR_POP=1077, SEED=1078, DESCRIPTION=1079, RTREE=1080, + MEDIAN=1081, UNLIMITED=1082, STDDEV_POP=1083, UNDER=1084, RUN=1085, SQL_AFTER_GTIDS=1086, + OPEN=1087, REFERENCING=1088, SQL_TSI_DAY=1089, MANAGE=1090, RELAY_THREAD=1091, + BREADTH=1092, NOCACHE=1093, DISALLOW=1094, PRIVILEGE=1095, PRIMARY_ROOTSERVICE_LIST=1096, + UNUSUAL=1097, RELAYLOG=1098, SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS=1099, LOWER_THAN_FOR=1100, + PRIMARY_ZONE=1101, TABLE_CHECKSUM=1102, ZONE_LIST=1103, DATABASE_ID=1104, + TP_NO=1105, NETWORK=1106, LOWER_THAN_TO=1107, HIDDEN_=1108, BOOLEAN=1109, + AVG=1110, MULTILINESTRING=1111, APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE=1112, + NOW=1113, PROXY=1114, DUPLICATE_SCOPE=1115, STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES=1116, TABLET_SIZE=1117, + BASE=1118, FOREIGN=1119, KVCACHE=1120, RELAY=1121, MINEXTENTS=1122, CONTRIBUTORS=1123, + MEMORY_SIZE=1124, EMPTY=1125, PARTIAL=1126, REPORT=1127, ESCAPE=1128, + MASTER_AUTO_POSITION=1129, CALC_PARTITION_ID=1130, TP_NAME=1131, SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS=1132, + EFFECTIVE=1133, FIRST_VALUE=1134, SQL_TSI_MINUTE=1135, UNICODE=1136, QUARTER=1137, + ANALYSE=1138, DEFINER=1139, NONE=1140, PROCESSLIST=1141, TYPE=1142, CHAR_CS=1143, + INSERT_METHOD=1144, EXTENDED=1145, LISTS=1146, LOG=1147, TIME_ZONE_INFO=1148, + TIMESTAMPADD=1149, DISMOUNT=1150, BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY=1151, GET_FORMAT=1152, + LOW=1153, PREPARE=1154, WORK=1155, MATERIALIZED=1156, HANDLER=1157, CUME_DIST=1158, + NOSORT=1159, INITIAL_SIZE=1160, RELAY_LOG_FILE=1161, STORING=1162, IMPORT=1163, + MIN_MEMORY=1164, HELP=1165, CREATE_TIMESTAMP=1166, COMPUTE=1167, RANDOM=1168, + SOUNDS=1169, TABLE_MODE=1170, COPY=1171, SQL_NO_CACHE=1172, MISMATCH=1173, + EXECUTE=1174, PRECEDING=1175, SWITCHES=1176, PACK_KEYS=1177, ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID=1178, + SQL_ID=1179, NOORDER=1180, CHECKPOINT=1181, DAY=1182, AUTHORIZATION=1183, + LEAD=1184, JSON_TABLE=1185, JSON_VALUE=1186, DBA=1187, EVENTS=1188, RECURSIVE=1189, + ONLY=1190, TABLEGROUP_ID=1191, GROUP_ID=1192, GROUPING_ID=1193, TOP_K_FRE_HIST=1194, + MASTER_SSL_CRL=1195, RESOURCE_POOL_LIST=1196, TRACING=1197, NTILE=1198, + NULL_IF_EXETERNAL=1199, SKEWONLY=1200, IS_TENANT_SYS_POOL=1201, INLINE=1202, + MOUNT=1203, SCHEDULE=1204, JOB=1205, MASTER_LOG_POS=1206, SUBCLASS_ORIGIN=1207, + MULTIPOINT=1208, INFINITE_VALUE=1209, BLOCK=1210, SQL_TSI_SECOND=1211, + ROLLUP=1212, CORR=1213, MIN_CPU=1214, OCCUR=1215, ACCESSED=1216, DATA=1217, + BINARY_FLOAT_NAN=1218, MASTER_HOST=1219, PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME=1220, VAR_SAMP=1221, + ALGORITHM=1222, CONSTRAINT_NAME=1223, LIMIT=1224, APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT=1225, + DDL=1226, BASIC=1227, DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP=1228, CONTENTS=1229, CONTENT=1230, + XMLELEMENT=1231, ENTITYESCAPING=1232, EXTRACTVALUE=1233, NOENTITYESCAPING=1234, + NOSCHEMACHECK=1235, SCHEMACHECK=1236, NO_PX_JOIN_FILTER=1237, STATEMENT_ID=1238, + HIGHER_THAN_TO=1239, LINK=1240, WEEK=1241, UNCONDITIONAL=1242, CONDITIONAL=1243, + NULLS=1244, MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH=1245, CASCADED=1246, PLUGIN=1247, ENCRYPTED=1248, + TENANT=1249, INITRANS=1250, SCN=1251, LNNVL=1252, INTNUM=1253, DECIMAL_VAL=1254, + BOOL_VALUE=1255, At=1256, LeftBracket=1257, LeftBrace=1258, RightBracket=1259, + RightBrace=1260, DATE_VALUE=1261, INTERVAL_VALUE=1262, HINT_VALUE=1263, + Comma=1264, Plus=1265, And=1266, Or=1267, Star=1268, Not=1269, LeftParen=1270, + Minus=1271, Div=1272, Caret=1273, Colon=1274, Dot=1275, Mod=1276, RightParen=1277, + Tilde=1278, DELIMITER=1279, CNNOP=1280, AND_OP=1281, COMP_EQ=1282, COMP_NSEQ=1283, + SET_VAR=1284, COMP_GT=1285, COMP_GE=1286, COMP_LE=1287, COMP_LT=1288, + COMP_NE=1289, SHIFT_LEFT=1290, SHIFT_RIGHT=1291, COMP_NE_PL=1292, POW_PL=1293, + QUESTIONMARK=1294, SYSTEM_VARIABLE=1295, USER_VARIABLE=1296, PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR=1297, + PLSQL_VARIABLE=1298, MULTISET_OP=1299, A_=1300, NAME_OB=1301, STRING_VALUE=1302, + In_c_comment=1303, ANTLR_SKIP=1304, Blank=1305; + public static String[] channelNames = { + "DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL", "HIDDEN" + }; + + public static String[] modeNames = { + "DEFAULT_MODE" + }; + + private static String[] makeRuleNames() { + return new String[] { + "QUOTA_NAME", "PQ_DISTINCT", "NO_MV_REWRITE", "INDEXTYPE", "STSTOKEN", + "REWRITE", "NO_COALESCE_AGGR", "PARTITION_TYPE", "TASK_ID", "COMPUTATION", + "AUTO_REFRESH", "SINGLE", "MDSYS", "WITH_PULLUP", "NO_DECORRELATE", "WO_PULLUP", + "SPATIAL_CELLID", "COMPRESSION_CODE", "MULTIVALUE", "SERVICE", "DATA_SOURCE", + "PROJECT_NAME", "ENDPOINT", "BUFFER_SIZE", "PROPERTIES", "ATTRIBUTE", + "USER_SPECIFIED", "THROUGH", "SPATIAL_INDEX", "ACCESS_INFO", "VALIDATION", + "DECORRELATE", "SUM_OPNSIZE", "ACCESSKEY", "MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED", "ACCESSTYPE", + "PQ_GBY", "EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST", "OVERWRITE", "MV_REWRITE", "SPATIAL_MBR", + "LAST_REFRESH_SCN", "COALESCE_AGGR", "RESOURCE_GROUP", "SDO_RELATE", + "MAX_FILE_SIZE", "SRID", "SS_MICRO_CACHE", "PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM", "ACCESSID", + "M_SIZE", "E_SIZE", "T_SIZE", "K_SIZE", "G_SIZE", "P_SIZE", "WITH_COLUMN_GROUP", + "HIDE", "DEFAULTS", "ACCESS", "OBJECT_ID", "ADD", "ALTER_HINT_BEGIN", + "NAMESPACE", "ALL", "ALTER", "AND", "ANY", "AS", "ASC", "XMLATTRIBUTES", + "AUDIT", "JSON_OBJECT_VALUE", "VALUE", "BETWEEN", "BLOB", "BY", "BINARY_DOUBLE", + "BINARY_FLOAT", "CHAR", "CHECK", "CIPHER", "CLOB", "CLUSTER", "COLUMN", + "COMMENT", "COMPRESS", "CONNECT", "CREATE", "CURRENT", "DATE", "DECIMAL", + "DEFAULT", 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"COLUMN_STAT", + "PLI", "UNIT_GROUP", "ERROR_CODE", "UPDATEXML", "PHASE", "PROFILE", "NORELY", + "LAST_VALUE", "RESTART", "TRACE", "LOGICAL_READS", "MANAGEMENT", "DATE_ADD", + "BLOCK_INDEX", "DEBUG", "SERVER_IP", "SESSIONTIMEZONE", "CODE", "PLUGINS", + "ADDDATE", "PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME", "TRANSLATE", "COLUMN_FORMAT", "MAX_MEMORY", + "CLEAN", "NESTED", "MASTER_SSL", "CLEAR", "SORTKEY", "CHECKSUM", "INSTALL", + "MONTH", "NEVER", "AFTER", "MAXINSTANCES", "CLOSE", "JSON_OBJECTAGG", + "SET_TP", "OWNER", "BLOOM_FILTER", "ILOG", "META", "PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION", + "LOWEST_PARENS", "IDENTITY", "STARTS", "PLANREGRESS", "AUTOEXTEND_SIZE", + "TABLET_ID", "NO_COUNT_TO_EXISTS", "NO_REPLACE_CONST", "SOURCE", "POW", + "IGNORE_SERVER_IDS", "WF_TOPN", "REPLICA_NUM", "LOWER_THAN_COMP", "BINDING", + "MICROSECOND", "INDICATOR", "UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE", "EXTENDED_NOADDR", "JSON_MERGEPATCH", + "SPLIT", "BASELINE", "MEMORY", "COVAR_POP", "SEED", "DESCRIPTION", "RTREE", + "MEDIAN", "UNLIMITED", "STDDEV_POP", "UNDER", "RUN", "SQL_AFTER_GTIDS", + "OPEN", "REFERENCING", "SQL_TSI_DAY", "MANAGE", "RELAY_THREAD", "BREADTH", + "NOCACHE", "DISALLOW", "PRIVILEGE", "PRIMARY_ROOTSERVICE_LIST", "UNUSUAL", + "RELAYLOG", "SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS", "LOWER_THAN_FOR", "PRIMARY_ZONE", "TABLE_CHECKSUM", + "ZONE_LIST", "DATABASE_ID", "TP_NO", "NETWORK", "LOWER_THAN_TO", "HIDDEN_", + "BOOLEAN", "AVG", "MULTILINESTRING", "APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE", + "NOW", "PROXY", "DUPLICATE_SCOPE", "STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES", "TABLET_SIZE", + "BASE", "FOREIGN", "KVCACHE", "RELAY", "MINEXTENTS", "CONTRIBUTORS", + "MEMORY_SIZE", "EMPTY", "PARTIAL", "REPORT", "ESCAPE", "MASTER_AUTO_POSITION", + "CALC_PARTITION_ID", "TP_NAME", "SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS", "EFFECTIVE", "FIRST_VALUE", + "SQL_TSI_MINUTE", "UNICODE", "QUARTER", "ANALYSE", "DEFINER", "NONE", + "PROCESSLIST", "TYPE", "CHAR_CS", "INSERT_METHOD", "EXTENDED", "LISTS", + "LOG", "TIME_ZONE_INFO", "TIMESTAMPADD", "DISMOUNT", "BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY", + "GET_FORMAT", "LOW", "PREPARE", "WORK", "MATERIALIZED", "HANDLER", "CUME_DIST", + "NOSORT", "INITIAL_SIZE", "RELAY_LOG_FILE", "STORING", "IMPORT", "MIN_MEMORY", + "HELP", "CREATE_TIMESTAMP", "COMPUTE", "RANDOM", "SOUNDS", "TABLE_MODE", + "COPY", "SQL_NO_CACHE", "MISMATCH", "EXECUTE", "PRECEDING", "SWITCHES", + "PACK_KEYS", "ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID", "SQL_ID", "NOORDER", "CHECKPOINT", + "DAY", "AUTHORIZATION", "LEAD", "JSON_TABLE", "JSON_VALUE", "DBA", "EVENTS", + "RECURSIVE", "ONLY", "TABLEGROUP_ID", "GROUP_ID", "GROUPING_ID", "TOP_K_FRE_HIST", + "MASTER_SSL_CRL", "RESOURCE_POOL_LIST", "TRACING", "NTILE", "NULL_IF_EXETERNAL", + "SKEWONLY", "IS_TENANT_SYS_POOL", "INLINE", "MOUNT", "SCHEDULE", "JOB", + "MASTER_LOG_POS", "SUBCLASS_ORIGIN", "MULTIPOINT", "INFINITE_VALUE", + "BLOCK", "SQL_TSI_SECOND", "ROLLUP", "CORR", "MIN_CPU", "OCCUR", "ACCESSED", + "DATA", "BINARY_FLOAT_NAN", "MASTER_HOST", "PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME", "VAR_SAMP", + "ALGORITHM", "CONSTRAINT_NAME", "LIMIT", "APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT", "DDL", + "BASIC", "DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP", "CONTENTS", "CONTENT", "XMLELEMENT", "ENTITYESCAPING", + "EXTRACTVALUE", "NOENTITYESCAPING", "NOSCHEMACHECK", "SCHEMACHECK", "NO_PX_JOIN_FILTER", + "STATEMENT_ID", "HIGHER_THAN_TO", "LINK", "WEEK", "UNCONDITIONAL", "CONDITIONAL", + "NULLS", "MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH", "CASCADED", "PLUGIN", "ENCRYPTED", "TENANT", + "INITRANS", "SCN", "LNNVL", "INTNUM", "DECIMAL_VAL", "BOOL_VALUE", "At", + "LeftBracket", "LeftBrace", "RightBracket", "RightBrace", "DATE_VALUE", + "INTERVAL_VALUE", "HINT_VALUE", "Comma", "Plus", "And", "Or", "Star", + "Not", "LeftParen", "Minus", "Div", "Caret", "Colon", "Dot", "Mod", "RightParen", + "Tilde", "DELIMITER", "CNNOP", "AND_OP", "COMP_EQ", "COMP_NSEQ", "SET_VAR", + "COMP_GT", "COMP_GE", "COMP_LE", "COMP_LT", "COMP_NE", "SHIFT_LEFT", + "SHIFT_RIGHT", "COMP_NE_PL", "POW_PL", "QUESTIONMARK", "SYSTEM_VARIABLE", + "USER_VARIABLE", "PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR", "PLSQL_VARIABLE", "MULTISET_OP", + "A_", "NAME_OB", "STRING_VALUE", "In_c_comment", "ANTLR_SKIP", "Blank" + }; + } + private static final String[] _SYMBOLIC_NAMES = makeSymbolicNames(); + public static final Vocabulary VOCABULARY = new VocabularyImpl(_LITERAL_NAMES, _SYMBOLIC_NAMES); + + /** + * @deprecated Use {@link #VOCABULARY} instead. + */ + @Deprecated + public static final String[] tokenNames; + static { + tokenNames = new String[_SYMBOLIC_NAMES.length]; + for (int i = 0; i < tokenNames.length; i++) { + tokenNames[i] = VOCABULARY.getLiteralName(i); + if (tokenNames[i] == null) { + tokenNames[i] = VOCABULARY.getSymbolicName(i); + } + + if (tokenNames[i] == null) { + tokenNames[i] = ""; + } + } + } + + @Override + @Deprecated + public String[] getTokenNames() { + return tokenNames; + } + + @Override + + public Vocabulary getVocabulary() { + return VOCABULARY; + } + + + public boolean inRangeOperator = false; + + + public OBLexer(CharStream input) { + super(input); + _interp = new LexerATNSimulator(this,_ATN,_decisionToDFA,_sharedContextCache); + } + + @Override + public String getGrammarFileName() { return "OBLexer.g4"; } + + @Override + public String[] getRuleNames() { return ruleNames; } + + @Override + public String getSerializedATN() { return _serializedATN; } + + @Override + public String[] getChannelNames() { return channelNames; } + + @Override + public String[] getModeNames() { return modeNames; } + + @Override + public ATN getATN() { return _ATN; } + + private static final int _serializedATNSegments = 6; + private static final String _serializedATNSegment0 = + "\3\u608b\ua72a\u8133\ub9ed\u417c\u3be7\u7786\u5964\2\u051b\u3dba\b\1\4"+ + "\2\t\2\4\3\t\3\4\4\t\4\4\5\t\5\4\6\t\6\4\7\t\7\4\b\t\b\4\t\t\t\4\n\t\n"+ + "\4\13\t\13\4\f\t\f\4\r\t\r\4\16\t\16\4\17\t\17\4\20\t\20\4\21\t\21\4\22"+ + "\t\22\4\23\t\23\4\24\t\24\4\25\t\25\4\26\t\26\4\27\t\27\4\30\t\30\4\31"+ + "\t\31\4\32\t\32\4\33\t\33\4\34\t\34\4\35\t\35\4\36\t\36\4\37\t\37\4 \t"+ + " \4!\t!\4\"\t\"\4#\t#\4$\t$\4%\t%\4&\t&\4\'\t\'\4(\t(\4)\t)\4*\t*\4+\t"+ + "+\4,\t,\4-\t-\4.\t.\4/\t/\4\60\t\60\4\61\t\61\4\62\t\62\4\63\t\63\4\64"+ + "\t\64\4\65\t\65\4\66\t\66\4\67\t\67\48\t8\49\t9\4:\t:\4;\t;\4<\t<\4=\t"+ + "=\4>\t>\4?\t?\4@\t@\4A\tA\4B\tB\4C\tC\4D\tD\4E\tE\4F\tF\4G\tG\4H\tH\4"+ + "I\tI\4J\tJ\4K\tK\4L\tL\4M\tM\4N\tN\4O\tO\4P\tP\4Q\tQ\4R\tR\4S\tS\4T\t"+ + "T\4U\tU\4V\tV\4W\tW\4X\tX\4Y\tY\4Z\tZ\4[\t[\4\\\t\\\4]\t]\4^\t^\4_\t_"+ + "\4`\t`\4a\ta\4b\tb\4c\tc\4d\td\4e\te\4f\tf\4g\tg\4h\th\4i\ti\4j\tj\4k"+ + "\tk\4l\tl\4m\tm\4n\tn\4o\to\4p\tp\4q\tq\4r\tr\4s\ts\4t\tt\4u\tu\4v\tv"+ + "\4w\tw\4x\tx\4y\ty\4z\tz\4{\t{\4|\t|\4}\t}\4~\t~\4\177\t\177\4\u0080\t"+ + "\u0080\4\u0081\t\u0081\4\u0082\t\u0082\4\u0083\t\u0083\4\u0084\t\u0084"+ + "\4\u0085\t\u0085\4\u0086\t\u0086\4\u0087\t\u0087\4\u0088\t\u0088\4\u0089"+ + "\t\u0089\4\u008a\t\u008a\4\u008b\t\u008b\4\u008c\t\u008c\4\u008d\t\u008d"+ + "\4\u008e\t\u008e\4\u008f\t\u008f\4\u0090\t\u0090\4\u0091\t\u0091\4\u0092"+ + "\t\u0092\4\u0093\t\u0093\4\u0094\t\u0094\4\u0095\t\u0095\4\u0096\t\u0096"+ + "\4\u0097\t\u0097\4\u0098\t\u0098\4\u0099\t\u0099\4\u009a\t\u009a\4\u009b"+ + "\t\u009b\4\u009c\t\u009c\4\u009d\t\u009d\4\u009e\t\u009e\4\u009f\t\u009f"+ + "\4\u00a0\t\u00a0\4\u00a1\t\u00a1\4\u00a2\t\u00a2\4\u00a3\t\u00a3\4\u00a4"+ + "\t\u00a4\4\u00a5\t\u00a5\4\u00a6\t\u00a6\4\u00a7\t\u00a7\4\u00a8\t\u00a8"+ + "\4\u00a9\t\u00a9\4\u00aa\t\u00aa\4\u00ab\t\u00ab\4\u00ac\t\u00ac\4\u00ad"+ + "\t\u00ad\4\u00ae\t\u00ae\4\u00af\t\u00af\4\u00b0\t\u00b0\4\u00b1\t\u00b1"+ + "\4\u00b2\t\u00b2\4\u00b3\t\u00b3\4\u00b4\t\u00b4\4\u00b5\t\u00b5\4\u00b6"+ + "\t\u00b6\4\u00b7\t\u00b7\4\u00b8\t\u00b8\4\u00b9\t\u00b9\4\u00ba\t\u00ba"+ + "\4\u00bb\t\u00bb\4\u00bc\t\u00bc\4\u00bd\t\u00bd\4\u00be\t\u00be\4\u00bf"+ + "\t\u00bf\4\u00c0\t\u00c0\4\u00c1\t\u00c1\4\u00c2\t\u00c2\4\u00c3\t\u00c3"+ + "\4\u00c4\t\u00c4\4\u00c5\t\u00c5\4\u00c6\t\u00c6\4\u00c7\t\u00c7\4\u00c8"+ + "\t\u00c8\4\u00c9\t\u00c9\4\u00ca\t\u00ca\4\u00cb\t\u00cb\4\u00cc\t\u00cc"+ + "\4\u00cd\t\u00cd\4\u00ce\t\u00ce\4\u00cf\t\u00cf\4\u00d0\t\u00d0\4\u00d1"+ + "\t\u00d1\4\u00d2\t\u00d2\4\u00d3\t\u00d3\4\u00d4\t\u00d4\4\u00d5\t\u00d5"+ + "\4\u00d6\t\u00d6\4\u00d7\t\u00d7\4\u00d8\t\u00d8\4\u00d9\t\u00d9\4\u00da"+ + "\t\u00da\4\u00db\t\u00db\4\u00dc\t\u00dc\4\u00dd\t\u00dd\4\u00de\t\u00de"+ + "\4\u00df\t\u00df\4\u00e0\t\u00e0\4\u00e1\t\u00e1\4\u00e2\t\u00e2\4\u00e3"+ + "\t\u00e3\4\u00e4\t\u00e4\4\u00e5\t\u00e5\4\u00e6\t\u00e6\4\u00e7\t\u00e7"+ + "\4\u00e8\t\u00e8\4\u00e9\t\u00e9\4\u00ea\t\u00ea\4\u00eb\t\u00eb\4\u00ec"+ + "\t\u00ec\4\u00ed\t\u00ed\4\u00ee\t\u00ee\4\u00ef\t\u00ef\4\u00f0\t\u00f0"+ + "\4\u00f1\t\u00f1\4\u00f2\t\u00f2\4\u00f3\t\u00f3\4\u00f4\t\u00f4\4\u00f5"+ + "\t\u00f5\4\u00f6\t\u00f6\4\u00f7\t\u00f7\4\u00f8\t\u00f8\4\u00f9\t\u00f9"+ + "\4\u00fa\t\u00fa\4\u00fb\t\u00fb\4\u00fc\t\u00fc\4\u00fd\t\u00fd\4\u00fe"+ + "\t\u00fe\4\u00ff\t\u00ff\4\u0100\t\u0100\4\u0101\t\u0101\4\u0102\t\u0102"+ + "\4\u0103\t\u0103\4\u0104\t\u0104\4\u0105\t\u0105\4\u0106\t\u0106\4\u0107"+ + "\t\u0107\4\u0108\t\u0108\4\u0109\t\u0109\4\u010a\t\u010a\4\u010b\t\u010b"+ + "\4\u010c\t\u010c\4\u010d\t\u010d\4\u010e\t\u010e\4\u010f\t\u010f\4\u0110"+ + "\t\u0110\4\u0111\t\u0111\4\u0112\t\u0112\4\u0113\t\u0113\4\u0114\t\u0114"+ + "\4\u0115\t\u0115\4\u0116\t\u0116\4\u0117\t\u0117\4\u0118\t\u0118\4\u0119"+ + "\t\u0119\4\u011a\t\u011a\4\u011b\t\u011b\4\u011c\t\u011c\4\u011d\t\u011d"+ + "\4\u011e\t\u011e\4\u011f\t\u011f\4\u0120\t\u0120\4\u0121\t\u0121\4\u0122"+ + "\t\u0122\4\u0123\t\u0123\4\u0124\t\u0124\4\u0125\t\u0125\4\u0126\t\u0126"+ + "\4\u0127\t\u0127\4\u0128\t\u0128\4\u0129\t\u0129\4\u012a\t\u012a\4\u012b"+ + "\t\u012b\4\u012c\t\u012c\4\u012d\t\u012d\4\u012e\t\u012e\4\u012f\t\u012f"+ + "\4\u0130\t\u0130\4\u0131\t\u0131\4\u0132\t\u0132\4\u0133\t\u0133\4\u0134"+ + "\t\u0134\4\u0135\t\u0135\4\u0136\t\u0136\4\u0137\t\u0137\4\u0138\t\u0138"+ + "\4\u0139\t\u0139\4\u013a\t\u013a\4\u013b\t\u013b\4\u013c\t\u013c\4\u013d"+ + "\t\u013d\4\u013e\t\u013e\4\u013f\t\u013f\4\u0140\t\u0140\4\u0141\t\u0141"+ + "\4\u0142\t\u0142\4\u0143\t\u0143\4\u0144\t\u0144\4\u0145\t\u0145\4\u0146"+ + "\t\u0146\4\u0147\t\u0147\4\u0148\t\u0148\4\u0149\t\u0149\4\u014a\t\u014a"+ + "\4\u014b\t\u014b\4\u014c\t\u014c\4\u014d\t\u014d\4\u014e\t\u014e\4\u014f"+ + "\t\u014f\4\u0150\t\u0150\4\u0151\t\u0151\4\u0152\t\u0152\4\u0153\t\u0153"+ + "\4\u0154\t\u0154\4\u0155\t\u0155\4\u0156\t\u0156\4\u0157\t\u0157\4\u0158"+ + "\t\u0158\4\u0159\t\u0159\4\u015a\t\u015a\4\u015b\t\u015b\4\u015c\t\u015c"+ + "\4\u015d\t\u015d\4\u015e\t\u015e\4\u015f\t\u015f\4\u0160\t\u0160\4\u0161"+ + "\t\u0161\4\u0162\t\u0162\4\u0163\t\u0163\4\u0164\t\u0164\4\u0165\t\u0165"+ + "\4\u0166\t\u0166\4\u0167\t\u0167\4\u0168\t\u0168\4\u0169\t\u0169\4\u016a"+ + "\t\u016a\4\u016b\t\u016b\4\u016c\t\u016c\4\u016d\t\u016d\4\u016e\t\u016e"+ + "\4\u016f\t\u016f\4\u0170\t\u0170\4\u0171\t\u0171\4\u0172\t\u0172\4\u0173"+ + "\t\u0173\4\u0174\t\u0174\4\u0175\t\u0175\4\u0176\t\u0176\4\u0177\t\u0177"+ + "\4\u0178\t\u0178\4\u0179\t\u0179\4\u017a\t\u017a\4\u017b\t\u017b\4\u017c"+ + "\t\u017c\4\u017d\t\u017d\4\u017e\t\u017e\4\u017f\t\u017f\4\u0180\t\u0180"+ + "\4\u0181\t\u0181\4\u0182\t\u0182\4\u0183\t\u0183\4\u0184\t\u0184\4\u0185"+ + "\t\u0185\4\u0186\t\u0186\4\u0187\t\u0187\4\u0188\t\u0188\4\u0189\t\u0189"+ + "\4\u018a\t\u018a\4\u018b\t\u018b\4\u018c\t\u018c\4\u018d\t\u018d\4\u018e"+ + "\t\u018e\4\u018f\t\u018f\4\u0190\t\u0190\4\u0191\t\u0191\4\u0192\t\u0192"+ + "\4\u0193\t\u0193\4\u0194\t\u0194\4\u0195\t\u0195\4\u0196\t\u0196\4\u0197"+ + "\t\u0197\4\u0198\t\u0198\4\u0199\t\u0199\4\u019a\t\u019a\4\u019b\t\u019b"+ + "\4\u019c\t\u019c\4\u019d\t\u019d\4\u019e\t\u019e\4\u019f\t\u019f\4\u01a0"+ + "\t\u01a0\4\u01a1\t\u01a1\4\u01a2\t\u01a2\4\u01a3\t\u01a3\4\u01a4\t\u01a4"+ + "\4\u01a5\t\u01a5\4\u01a6\t\u01a6\4\u01a7\t\u01a7\4\u01a8\t\u01a8\4\u01a9"+ + "\t\u01a9\4\u01aa\t\u01aa\4\u01ab\t\u01ab\4\u01ac\t\u01ac\4\u01ad\t\u01ad"+ + "\4\u01ae\t\u01ae\4\u01af\t\u01af\4\u01b0\t\u01b0\4\u01b1\t\u01b1\4\u01b2"+ + "\t\u01b2\4\u01b3\t\u01b3\4\u01b4\t\u01b4\4\u01b5\t\u01b5\4\u01b6\t\u01b6"+ + "\4\u01b7\t\u01b7\4\u01b8\t\u01b8\4\u01b9\t\u01b9\4\u01ba\t\u01ba\4\u01bb"+ + "\t\u01bb\4\u01bc\t\u01bc\4\u01bd\t\u01bd\4\u01be\t\u01be\4\u01bf\t\u01bf"+ + "\4\u01c0\t\u01c0\4\u01c1\t\u01c1\4\u01c2\t\u01c2\4\u01c3\t\u01c3\4\u01c4"+ + "\t\u01c4\4\u01c5\t\u01c5\4\u01c6\t\u01c6\4\u01c7\t\u01c7\4\u01c8\t\u01c8"+ + "\4\u01c9\t\u01c9\4\u01ca\t\u01ca\4\u01cb\t\u01cb\4\u01cc\t\u01cc\4\u01cd"+ + "\t\u01cd\4\u01ce\t\u01ce\4\u01cf\t\u01cf\4\u01d0\t\u01d0\4\u01d1\t\u01d1"+ + "\4\u01d2\t\u01d2\4\u01d3\t\u01d3\4\u01d4\t\u01d4\4\u01d5\t\u01d5\4\u01d6"+ + "\t\u01d6\4\u01d7\t\u01d7\4\u01d8\t\u01d8\4\u01d9\t\u01d9\4\u01da\t\u01da"+ + "\4\u01db\t\u01db\4\u01dc\t\u01dc\4\u01dd\t\u01dd\4\u01de\t\u01de\4\u01df"+ + "\t\u01df\4\u01e0\t\u01e0\4\u01e1\t\u01e1\4\u01e2\t\u01e2\4\u01e3\t\u01e3"+ + "\4\u01e4\t\u01e4\4\u01e5\t\u01e5\4\u01e6\t\u01e6\4\u01e7\t\u01e7\4\u01e8"+ + "\t\u01e8\4\u01e9\t\u01e9\4\u01ea\t\u01ea\4\u01eb\t\u01eb\4\u01ec\t\u01ec"+ + "\4\u01ed\t\u01ed\4\u01ee\t\u01ee\4\u01ef\t\u01ef\4\u01f0\t\u01f0\4\u01f1"+ + "\t\u01f1\4\u01f2\t\u01f2\4\u01f3\t\u01f3\4\u01f4\t\u01f4\4\u01f5\t\u01f5"+ + "\4\u01f6\t\u01f6\4\u01f7\t\u01f7\4\u01f8\t\u01f8\4\u01f9\t\u01f9\4\u01fa"+ + "\t\u01fa\4\u01fb\t\u01fb\4\u01fc\t\u01fc\4\u01fd\t\u01fd\4\u01fe\t\u01fe"+ + "\4\u01ff\t\u01ff\4\u0200\t\u0200\4\u0201\t\u0201\4\u0202\t\u0202\4\u0203"+ + "\t\u0203\4\u0204\t\u0204\4\u0205\t\u0205\4\u0206\t\u0206\4\u0207\t\u0207"+ + "\4\u0208\t\u0208\4\u0209\t\u0209\4\u020a\t\u020a\4\u020b\t\u020b\4\u020c"+ + "\t\u020c\4\u020d\t\u020d\4\u020e\t\u020e\4\u020f\t\u020f\4\u0210\t\u0210"+ + "\4\u0211\t\u0211\4\u0212\t\u0212\4\u0213\t\u0213\4\u0214\t\u0214\4\u0215"+ + "\t\u0215\4\u0216\t\u0216\4\u0217\t\u0217\4\u0218\t\u0218\4\u0219\t\u0219"+ + "\4\u021a\t\u021a\4\u021b\t\u021b\4\u021c\t\u021c\4\u021d\t\u021d\4\u021e"+ + "\t\u021e\4\u021f\t\u021f\4\u0220\t\u0220\4\u0221\t\u0221\4\u0222\t\u0222"+ + "\4\u0223\t\u0223\4\u0224\t\u0224\4\u0225\t\u0225\4\u0226\t\u0226\4\u0227"+ + "\t\u0227\4\u0228\t\u0228\4\u0229\t\u0229\4\u022a\t\u022a\4\u022b\t\u022b"+ + "\4\u022c\t\u022c\4\u022d\t\u022d\4\u022e\t\u022e\4\u022f\t\u022f\4\u0230"+ + "\t\u0230\4\u0231\t\u0231\4\u0232\t\u0232\4\u0233\t\u0233\4\u0234\t\u0234"+ + "\4\u0235\t\u0235\4\u0236\t\u0236\4\u0237\t\u0237\4\u0238\t\u0238\4\u0239"+ + "\t\u0239\4\u023a\t\u023a\4\u023b\t\u023b\4\u023c\t\u023c\4\u023d\t\u023d"+ + "\4\u023e\t\u023e\4\u023f\t\u023f\4\u0240\t\u0240\4\u0241\t\u0241\4\u0242"+ + "\t\u0242\4\u0243\t\u0243\4\u0244\t\u0244\4\u0245\t\u0245\4\u0246\t\u0246"+ + "\4\u0247\t\u0247\4\u0248\t\u0248\4\u0249\t\u0249\4\u024a\t\u024a\4\u024b"+ + "\t\u024b\4\u024c\t\u024c\4\u024d\t\u024d\4\u024e\t\u024e\4\u024f\t\u024f"+ + "\4\u0250\t\u0250\4\u0251\t\u0251\4\u0252\t\u0252\4\u0253\t\u0253\4\u0254"+ + "\t\u0254\4\u0255\t\u0255\4\u0256\t\u0256\4\u0257\t\u0257\4\u0258\t\u0258"+ + "\4\u0259\t\u0259\4\u025a\t\u025a\4\u025b\t\u025b\4\u025c\t\u025c\4\u025d"+ + "\t\u025d\4\u025e\t\u025e\4\u025f\t\u025f\4\u0260\t\u0260\4\u0261\t\u0261"+ + "\4\u0262\t\u0262\4\u0263\t\u0263\4\u0264\t\u0264\4\u0265\t\u0265\4\u0266"+ + "\t\u0266\4\u0267\t\u0267\4\u0268\t\u0268\4\u0269\t\u0269\4\u026a\t\u026a"+ + "\4\u026b\t\u026b\4\u026c\t\u026c\4\u026d\t\u026d\4\u026e\t\u026e\4\u026f"+ + "\t\u026f\4\u0270\t\u0270\4\u0271\t\u0271\4\u0272\t\u0272\4\u0273\t\u0273"+ + "\4\u0274\t\u0274\4\u0275\t\u0275\4\u0276\t\u0276\4\u0277\t\u0277\4\u0278"+ + "\t\u0278\4\u0279\t\u0279\4\u027a\t\u027a\4\u027b\t\u027b\4\u027c\t\u027c"+ + "\4\u027d\t\u027d\4\u027e\t\u027e\4\u027f\t\u027f\4\u0280\t\u0280\4\u0281"+ + "\t\u0281\4\u0282\t\u0282\4\u0283\t\u0283\4\u0284\t\u0284\4\u0285\t\u0285"+ + "\4\u0286\t\u0286\4\u0287\t\u0287\4\u0288\t\u0288\4\u0289\t\u0289\4\u028a"+ + "\t\u028a\4\u028b\t\u028b\4\u028c\t\u028c\4\u028d\t\u028d\4\u028e\t\u028e"+ + "\4\u028f\t\u028f\4\u0290\t\u0290\4\u0291\t\u0291\4\u0292\t\u0292\4\u0293"+ + "\t\u0293\4\u0294\t\u0294\4\u0295\t\u0295\4\u0296\t\u0296\4\u0297\t\u0297"+ + "\4\u0298\t\u0298\4\u0299\t\u0299\4\u029a\t\u029a\4\u029b\t\u029b\4\u029c"+ + "\t\u029c\4\u029d\t\u029d\4\u029e\t\u029e\4\u029f\t\u029f\4\u02a0\t\u02a0"+ + "\4\u02a1\t\u02a1\4\u02a2\t\u02a2\4\u02a3\t\u02a3\4\u02a4\t\u02a4\4\u02a5"+ + "\t\u02a5\4\u02a6\t\u02a6\4\u02a7\t\u02a7\4\u02a8\t\u02a8\4\u02a9\t\u02a9"+ + "\4\u02aa\t\u02aa\4\u02ab\t\u02ab\4\u02ac\t\u02ac\4\u02ad\t\u02ad\4\u02ae"+ + "\t\u02ae\4\u02af\t\u02af\4\u02b0\t\u02b0\4\u02b1\t\u02b1\4\u02b2\t\u02b2"+ + "\4\u02b3\t\u02b3\4\u02b4\t\u02b4\4\u02b5\t\u02b5\4\u02b6\t\u02b6\4\u02b7"+ + "\t\u02b7\4\u02b8\t\u02b8\4\u02b9\t\u02b9\4\u02ba\t\u02ba\4\u02bb\t\u02bb"+ + "\4\u02bc\t\u02bc\4\u02bd\t\u02bd\4\u02be\t\u02be\4\u02bf\t\u02bf\4\u02c0"+ + "\t\u02c0\4\u02c1\t\u02c1\4\u02c2\t\u02c2\4\u02c3\t\u02c3\4\u02c4\t\u02c4"+ + "\4\u02c5\t\u02c5\4\u02c6\t\u02c6\4\u02c7\t\u02c7\4\u02c8\t\u02c8\4\u02c9"+ + "\t\u02c9\4\u02ca\t\u02ca\4\u02cb\t\u02cb\4\u02cc\t\u02cc\4\u02cd\t\u02cd"+ + "\4\u02ce\t\u02ce\4\u02cf\t\u02cf\4\u02d0\t\u02d0\4\u02d1\t\u02d1\4\u02d2"+ + "\t\u02d2\4\u02d3\t\u02d3\4\u02d4\t\u02d4\4\u02d5\t\u02d5\4\u02d6\t\u02d6"+ + "\4\u02d7\t\u02d7\4\u02d8\t\u02d8\4\u02d9\t\u02d9\4\u02da\t\u02da\4\u02db"+ + "\t\u02db\4\u02dc\t\u02dc\4\u02dd\t\u02dd\4\u02de\t\u02de\4\u02df\t\u02df"+ + "\4\u02e0\t\u02e0\4\u02e1\t\u02e1\4\u02e2\t\u02e2\4\u02e3\t\u02e3\4\u02e4"+ + "\t\u02e4\4\u02e5\t\u02e5\4\u02e6\t\u02e6\4\u02e7\t\u02e7\4\u02e8\t\u02e8"+ + "\4\u02e9\t\u02e9\4\u02ea\t\u02ea\4\u02eb\t\u02eb\4\u02ec\t\u02ec\4\u02ed"+ + "\t\u02ed\4\u02ee\t\u02ee\4\u02ef\t\u02ef\4\u02f0\t\u02f0\4\u02f1\t\u02f1"+ + "\4\u02f2\t\u02f2\4\u02f3\t\u02f3\4\u02f4\t\u02f4\4\u02f5\t\u02f5\4\u02f6"+ + "\t\u02f6\4\u02f7\t\u02f7\4\u02f8\t\u02f8\4\u02f9\t\u02f9\4\u02fa\t\u02fa"+ + "\4\u02fb\t\u02fb\4\u02fc\t\u02fc\4\u02fd\t\u02fd\4\u02fe\t\u02fe\4\u02ff"+ + "\t\u02ff\4\u0300\t\u0300\4\u0301\t\u0301\4\u0302\t\u0302\4\u0303\t\u0303"+ + "\4\u0304\t\u0304\4\u0305\t\u0305\4\u0306\t\u0306\4\u0307\t\u0307\4\u0308"+ + "\t\u0308\4\u0309\t\u0309\4\u030a\t\u030a\4\u030b\t\u030b\4\u030c\t\u030c"+ + "\4\u030d\t\u030d\4\u030e\t\u030e\4\u030f\t\u030f\4\u0310\t\u0310\4\u0311"+ + "\t\u0311\4\u0312\t\u0312\4\u0313\t\u0313\4\u0314\t\u0314\4\u0315\t\u0315"+ + "\4\u0316\t\u0316\4\u0317\t\u0317\4\u0318\t\u0318\4\u0319\t\u0319\4\u031a"+ + "\t\u031a\4\u031b\t\u031b\4\u031c\t\u031c\4\u031d\t\u031d\4\u031e\t\u031e"+ + "\4\u031f\t\u031f\4\u0320\t\u0320\4\u0321\t\u0321\4\u0322\t\u0322\4\u0323"+ + "\t\u0323\4\u0324\t\u0324\4\u0325\t\u0325\4\u0326\t\u0326\4\u0327\t\u0327"+ + "\4\u0328\t\u0328\4\u0329\t\u0329\4\u032a\t\u032a\4\u032b\t\u032b\4\u032c"+ + "\t\u032c\4\u032d\t\u032d\4\u032e\t\u032e\4\u032f\t\u032f\4\u0330\t\u0330"+ + "\4\u0331\t\u0331\4\u0332\t\u0332\4\u0333\t\u0333\4\u0334\t\u0334\4\u0335"+ + "\t\u0335\4\u0336\t\u0336\4\u0337\t\u0337\4\u0338\t\u0338\4\u0339\t\u0339"+ + "\4\u033a\t\u033a\4\u033b\t\u033b\4\u033c\t\u033c\4\u033d\t\u033d\4\u033e"+ + "\t\u033e\4\u033f\t\u033f\4\u0340\t\u0340\4\u0341\t\u0341\4\u0342\t\u0342"+ + "\4\u0343\t\u0343\4\u0344\t\u0344\4\u0345\t\u0345\4\u0346\t\u0346\4\u0347"+ + "\t\u0347\4\u0348\t\u0348\4\u0349\t\u0349\4\u034a\t\u034a\4\u034b\t\u034b"+ + "\4\u034c\t\u034c\4\u034d\t\u034d\4\u034e\t\u034e\4\u034f\t\u034f\4\u0350"+ + "\t\u0350\4\u0351\t\u0351\4\u0352\t\u0352\4\u0353\t\u0353\4\u0354\t\u0354"+ + "\4\u0355\t\u0355\4\u0356\t\u0356\4\u0357\t\u0357\4\u0358\t\u0358\4\u0359"+ + "\t\u0359\4\u035a\t\u035a\4\u035b\t\u035b\4\u035c\t\u035c\4\u035d\t\u035d"+ + "\4\u035e\t\u035e\4\u035f\t\u035f\4\u0360\t\u0360\4\u0361\t\u0361\4\u0362"+ + "\t\u0362\4\u0363\t\u0363\4\u0364\t\u0364\4\u0365\t\u0365\4\u0366\t\u0366"+ + "\4\u0367\t\u0367\4\u0368\t\u0368\4\u0369\t\u0369\4\u036a\t\u036a\4\u036b"+ + "\t\u036b\4\u036c\t\u036c\4\u036d\t\u036d\4\u036e\t\u036e\4\u036f\t\u036f"+ + "\4\u0370\t\u0370\4\u0371\t\u0371\4\u0372\t\u0372\4\u0373\t\u0373\4\u0374"+ + "\t\u0374\4\u0375\t\u0375\4\u0376\t\u0376\4\u0377\t\u0377\4\u0378\t\u0378"+ + "\4\u0379\t\u0379\4\u037a\t\u037a\4\u037b\t\u037b\4\u037c\t\u037c\4\u037d"+ + "\t\u037d\4\u037e\t\u037e\4\u037f\t\u037f\4\u0380\t\u0380\4\u0381\t\u0381"+ + "\4\u0382\t\u0382\4\u0383\t\u0383\4\u0384\t\u0384\4\u0385\t\u0385\4\u0386"+ + "\t\u0386\4\u0387\t\u0387\4\u0388\t\u0388\4\u0389\t\u0389\4\u038a\t\u038a"+ + "\4\u038b\t\u038b\4\u038c\t\u038c\4\u038d\t\u038d\4\u038e\t\u038e\4\u038f"+ + "\t\u038f\4\u0390\t\u0390\4\u0391\t\u0391\4\u0392\t\u0392\4\u0393\t\u0393"+ + "\4\u0394\t\u0394\4\u0395\t\u0395\4\u0396\t\u0396\4\u0397\t\u0397\4\u0398"+ + "\t\u0398\4\u0399\t\u0399\4\u039a\t\u039a\4\u039b\t\u039b\4\u039c\t\u039c"+ + "\4\u039d\t\u039d\4\u039e\t\u039e\4\u039f\t\u039f\4\u03a0\t\u03a0\4\u03a1"+ + "\t\u03a1\4\u03a2\t\u03a2\4\u03a3\t\u03a3\4\u03a4\t\u03a4\4\u03a5\t\u03a5"+ + "\4\u03a6\t\u03a6\4\u03a7\t\u03a7\4\u03a8\t\u03a8\4\u03a9\t\u03a9\4\u03aa"+ + "\t\u03aa\4\u03ab\t\u03ab\4\u03ac\t\u03ac\4\u03ad\t\u03ad\4\u03ae\t\u03ae"+ + "\4\u03af\t\u03af\4\u03b0\t\u03b0\4\u03b1\t\u03b1\4\u03b2\t\u03b2\4\u03b3"+ + "\t\u03b3\4\u03b4\t\u03b4\4\u03b5\t\u03b5\4\u03b6\t\u03b6\4\u03b7\t\u03b7"+ + "\4\u03b8\t\u03b8\4\u03b9\t\u03b9\4\u03ba\t\u03ba\4\u03bb\t\u03bb\4\u03bc"+ + "\t\u03bc\4\u03bd\t\u03bd\4\u03be\t\u03be\4\u03bf\t\u03bf\4\u03c0\t\u03c0"+ + "\4\u03c1\t\u03c1\4\u03c2\t\u03c2\4\u03c3\t\u03c3\4\u03c4\t\u03c4\4\u03c5"+ + "\t\u03c5\4\u03c6\t\u03c6\4\u03c7\t\u03c7\4\u03c8\t\u03c8\4\u03c9\t\u03c9"+ + "\4\u03ca\t\u03ca\4\u03cb\t\u03cb\4\u03cc\t\u03cc\4\u03cd\t\u03cd\4\u03ce"+ + "\t\u03ce\4\u03cf\t\u03cf\4\u03d0\t\u03d0\4\u03d1\t\u03d1\4\u03d2\t\u03d2"+ + "\4\u03d3\t\u03d3\4\u03d4\t\u03d4\4\u03d5\t\u03d5\4\u03d6\t\u03d6\4\u03d7"+ + "\t\u03d7\4\u03d8\t\u03d8\4\u03d9\t\u03d9\4\u03da\t\u03da\4\u03db\t\u03db"+ + "\4\u03dc\t\u03dc\4\u03dd\t\u03dd\4\u03de\t\u03de\4\u03df\t\u03df\4\u03e0"+ + "\t\u03e0\4\u03e1\t\u03e1\4\u03e2\t\u03e2\4\u03e3\t\u03e3\4\u03e4\t\u03e4"+ + "\4\u03e5\t\u03e5\4\u03e6\t\u03e6\4\u03e7\t\u03e7\4\u03e8\t\u03e8\4\u03e9"+ + "\t\u03e9\4\u03ea\t\u03ea\4\u03eb\t\u03eb\4\u03ec\t\u03ec\4\u03ed\t\u03ed"+ + "\4\u03ee\t\u03ee\4\u03ef\t\u03ef\4\u03f0\t\u03f0\4\u03f1\t\u03f1\4\u03f2"+ + "\t\u03f2\4\u03f3\t\u03f3\4\u03f4\t\u03f4\4\u03f5\t\u03f5\4\u03f6\t\u03f6"+ + "\4\u03f7\t\u03f7\4\u03f8\t\u03f8\4\u03f9\t\u03f9\4\u03fa\t\u03fa\4\u03fb"+ + "\t\u03fb\4\u03fc\t\u03fc\4\u03fd\t\u03fd\4\u03fe\t\u03fe\4\u03ff\t\u03ff"+ + "\4\u0400\t\u0400\4\u0401\t\u0401\4\u0402\t\u0402\4\u0403\t\u0403\4\u0404"+ + "\t\u0404\4\u0405\t\u0405\4\u0406\t\u0406\4\u0407\t\u0407\4\u0408\t\u0408"+ + "\4\u0409\t\u0409\4\u040a\t\u040a\4\u040b\t\u040b\4\u040c\t\u040c\4\u040d"+ + "\t\u040d\4\u040e\t\u040e\4\u040f\t\u040f\4\u0410\t\u0410\4\u0411\t\u0411"+ + "\4\u0412\t\u0412\4\u0413\t\u0413\4\u0414\t\u0414\4\u0415\t\u0415\4\u0416"+ + "\t\u0416\4\u0417\t\u0417\4\u0418\t\u0418\4\u0419\t\u0419\4\u041a\t\u041a"+ + "\4\u041b\t\u041b\4\u041c\t\u041c\4\u041d\t\u041d\4\u041e\t\u041e\4\u041f"+ + "\t\u041f\4\u0420\t\u0420\4\u0421\t\u0421\4\u0422\t\u0422\4\u0423\t\u0423"+ + "\4\u0424\t\u0424\4\u0425\t\u0425\4\u0426\t\u0426\4\u0427\t\u0427\4\u0428"+ + "\t\u0428\4\u0429\t\u0429\4\u042a\t\u042a\4\u042b\t\u042b\4\u042c\t\u042c"+ + 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"\4\u0463\t\u0463\4\u0464\t\u0464\4\u0465\t\u0465\4\u0466\t\u0466\4\u0467"+ + "\t\u0467\4\u0468\t\u0468\4\u0469\t\u0469\4\u046a\t\u046a\4\u046b\t\u046b"+ + "\4\u046c\t\u046c\4\u046d\t\u046d\4\u046e\t\u046e\4\u046f\t\u046f\4\u0470"+ + "\t\u0470\4\u0471\t\u0471\4\u0472\t\u0472\4\u0473\t\u0473\4\u0474\t\u0474"+ + "\4\u0475\t\u0475\4\u0476\t\u0476\4\u0477\t\u0477\4\u0478\t\u0478\4\u0479"+ + "\t\u0479\4\u047a\t\u047a\4\u047b\t\u047b\4\u047c\t\u047c\4\u047d\t\u047d"+ + "\4\u047e\t\u047e\4\u047f\t\u047f\4\u0480\t\u0480\4\u0481\t\u0481\4\u0482"+ + "\t\u0482\4\u0483\t\u0483\4\u0484\t\u0484\4\u0485\t\u0485\4\u0486\t\u0486"+ + "\4\u0487\t\u0487\4\u0488\t\u0488\4\u0489\t\u0489\4\u048a\t\u048a\4\u048b"+ + "\t\u048b\4\u048c\t\u048c\4\u048d\t\u048d\4\u048e\t\u048e\4\u048f\t\u048f"+ + "\4\u0490\t\u0490\4\u0491\t\u0491\4\u0492\t\u0492\4\u0493\t\u0493\4\u0494"+ + "\t\u0494\4\u0495\t\u0495\4\u0496\t\u0496\4\u0497\t\u0497\4\u0498\t\u0498"+ + 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"\u01f5\u00fc\u01f7\u00fd\u01f9\u00fe\u01fb\u00ff\u01fd\u0100\u01ff\u0101"+ + "\u0201\u0102\u0203\u0103\u0205\u0104\u0207\u0105\u0209\u0106\u020b\u0107"+ + "\u020d\u0108\u020f\u0109\u0211\u010a\u0213\u010b\u0215\u010c\u0217\u010d"+ + "\u0219\u010e\u021b\u010f\u021d\u0110\u021f\u0111\u0221\u0112\u0223\u0113"+ + "\u0225\u0114\u0227\u0115\u0229\u0116\u022b\u0117\u022d\u0118\u022f\u0119"+ + "\u0231\u011a\u0233\u011b\u0235\u011c\u0237\u011d\u0239\u011e\u023b\u011f"+ + "\u023d\u0120\u023f\u0121\u0241\u0122\u0243\u0123\u0245\u0124\u0247\u0125"+ + "\u0249\u0126\u024b\u0127\u024d\u0128\u024f\u0129\u0251\u012a\u0253\u012b"+ + "\u0255\u012c\u0257\u012d\u0259\u012e\u025b\u012f\u025d\u0130\u025f\u0131"+ + "\u0261\u0132\u0263\u0133\u0265\u0134\u0267\u0135\u0269\u0136\u026b\u0137"+ + "\u026d\u0138\u026f\u0139\u0271\u013a\u0273\u013b\u0275\u013c\u0277\u013d"+ + "\u0279\u013e\u027b\u013f\u027d\u0140\u027f\u0141\u0281\u0142\u0283\u0143"+ + "\u0285\u0144\u0287\u0145\u0289\u0146\u028b\u0147\u028d\u0148\u028f\u0149"+ + "\u0291\u014a\u0293\u014b\u0295\u014c\u0297\u014d\u0299\u014e\u029b\u014f"+ + "\u029d\u0150\u029f\u0151\u02a1\u0152\u02a3\u0153\u02a5\u0154\u02a7\u0155"+ + "\u02a9\u0156\u02ab\u0157\u02ad\u0158\u02af\u0159\u02b1\u015a\u02b3\u015b"+ + "\u02b5\u015c\u02b7\u015d\u02b9\u015e\u02bb\u015f\u02bd\u0160\u02bf\u0161"+ + "\u02c1\u0162\u02c3\u0163\u02c5\u0164\u02c7\u0165\u02c9\u0166\u02cb\u0167"+ + "\u02cd\u0168\u02cf\u0169\u02d1\u016a\u02d3\u016b\u02d5\u016c\u02d7\u016d"+ + "\u02d9\u016e\u02db\u016f\u02dd\u0170\u02df\u0171\u02e1\u0172\u02e3\u0173"+ + "\u02e5\u0174\u02e7\u0175\u02e9\u0176\u02eb\u0177\u02ed\u0178\u02ef\u0179"+ + "\u02f1\u017a\u02f3\u017b\u02f5\u017c\u02f7\u017d\u02f9\u017e\u02fb\u017f"+ + "\u02fd\u0180\u02ff\u0181\u0301\u0182\u0303\u0183\u0305\u0184\u0307\u0185"+ + "\u0309\u0186\u030b\u0187\u030d\u0188\u030f\u0189\u0311\u018a\u0313\u018b"+ + "\u0315\u018c\u0317\u018d\u0319\u018e\u031b\u018f\u031d\u0190\u031f\u0191"+ + "\u0321\u0192\u0323\u0193\u0325\u0194\u0327\u0195\u0329\u0196\u032b\u0197"+ + "\u032d\u0198\u032f\u0199\u0331\u019a\u0333\u019b\u0335\u019c\u0337\u019d"+ + "\u0339\u019e\u033b\u019f\u033d\u01a0\u033f\u01a1\u0341\u01a2\u0343\u01a3"+ + "\u0345\u01a4\u0347\u01a5\u0349\u01a6\u034b\u01a7\u034d\u01a8\u034f\u01a9"+ + "\u0351\u01aa\u0353\u01ab\u0355\u01ac\u0357\u01ad\u0359\u01ae\u035b\u01af"+ + "\u035d\u01b0\u035f\u01b1\u0361\u01b2\u0363\u01b3\u0365\u01b4\u0367\u01b5"+ + "\u0369\u01b6\u036b\u01b7\u036d\u01b8\u036f\u01b9\u0371\u01ba\u0373\u01bb"+ + "\u0375\u01bc\u0377\u01bd\u0379\u01be\u037b\u01bf\u037d\u01c0\u037f\u01c1"+ + "\u0381\u01c2\u0383\u01c3\u0385\u01c4\u0387\u01c5\u0389\u01c6\u038b\u01c7"+ + "\u038d\u01c8\u038f\u01c9\u0391\u01ca\u0393\u01cb\u0395\u01cc\u0397\u01cd"+ + "\u0399\u01ce\u039b\u01cf\u039d\u01d0\u039f\u01d1\u03a1\u01d2\u03a3\u01d3"+ + "\u03a5\u01d4\u03a7\u01d5\u03a9\u01d6\u03ab\u01d7\u03ad\u01d8\u03af\u01d9"+ + "\u03b1\u01da\u03b3\u01db\u03b5\u01dc\u03b7\u01dd\u03b9\u01de\u03bb\u01df"+ + "\u03bd\u01e0\u03bf\u01e1\u03c1\u01e2\u03c3\u01e3\u03c5\u01e4\u03c7\u01e5"+ + "\u03c9\u01e6\u03cb\u01e7\u03cd\u01e8\u03cf\u01e9\u03d1\u01ea\u03d3\u01eb"+ + "\u03d5\u01ec\u03d7\u01ed\u03d9\u01ee\u03db\u01ef\u03dd\u01f0\u03df\u01f1"+ + "\u03e1\u01f2\u03e3\u01f3\u03e5\u01f4\u03e7\u01f5\u03e9\u01f6\u03eb\u01f7"+ + "\u03ed\u01f8\u03ef\u01f9\u03f1\u01fa\u03f3\u01fb\u03f5\u01fc\u03f7\u01fd"+ + "\u03f9\u01fe\u03fb\u01ff\u03fd\u0200\u03ff\u0201\u0401\u0202\u0403\u0203"+ + "\u0405\u0204\u0407\u0205\u0409\u0206\u040b\u0207\u040d\u0208\u040f\u0209"+ + "\u0411\u020a\u0413\u020b\u0415\u020c\u0417\u020d\u0419\u020e\u041b\u020f"+ + "\u041d\u0210\u041f\u0211\u0421\u0212\u0423\u0213\u0425\u0214\u0427\u0215"+ + "\u0429\u0216\u042b\u0217\u042d\u0218\u042f\u0219\u0431\u021a\u0433\u021b"+ + "\u0435\u021c\u0437\u021d\u0439\u021e\u043b\u021f\u043d\u0220\u043f\u0221"+ + "\u0441\u0222\u0443\u0223\u0445\u0224\u0447\u0225\u0449\u0226\u044b\u0227"+ + "\u044d\u0228\u044f\u0229\u0451\u022a\u0453\u022b\u0455\u022c\u0457\u022d"+ + "\u0459\u022e\u045b\u022f\u045d\u0230\u045f\u0231\u0461\u0232\u0463\u0233"+ + "\u0465\u0234\u0467\u0235\u0469\u0236\u046b\u0237\u046d\u0238\u046f\u0239"+ + "\u0471\u023a\u0473\u023b\u0475\u023c\u0477\u023d\u0479\u023e\u047b\u023f"+ + "\u047d\u0240\u047f\u0241\u0481\u0242\u0483\u0243\u0485\u0244\u0487\u0245"+ + "\u0489\u0246\u048b\u0247\u048d\u0248\u048f\u0249\u0491\u024a\u0493\u024b"+ + "\u0495\u024c\u0497\u024d\u0499\u024e\u049b\u024f\u049d\u0250\u049f\u0251"+ + "\u04a1\u0252\u04a3\u0253\u04a5\u0254\u04a7\u0255\u04a9\u0256\u04ab\u0257"+ + "\u04ad\u0258\u04af\u0259\u04b1\u025a\u04b3\u025b\u04b5\u025c\u04b7\u025d"+ + "\u04b9\u025e\u04bb\u025f\u04bd\u0260\u04bf\u0261\u04c1\u0262\u04c3\u0263"+ + "\u04c5\u0264\u04c7\u0265\u04c9\u0266\u04cb\u0267\u04cd\u0268\u04cf\u0269"+ + "\u04d1\u026a\u04d3\u026b\u04d5\u026c\u04d7\u026d\u04d9\u026e\u04db\u026f"+ + "\u04dd\u0270\u04df\u0271\u04e1\u0272\u04e3\u0273\u04e5\u0274\u04e7\u0275"+ + "\u04e9\u0276\u04eb\u0277\u04ed\u0278\u04ef\u0279\u04f1\u027a\u04f3\u027b"+ + "\u04f5\u027c\u04f7\u027d\u04f9\u027e\u04fb\u027f\u04fd\u0280\u04ff\u0281"+ + "\u0501\u0282\u0503\u0283\u0505\u0284\u0507\u0285\u0509\u0286\u050b\u0287"+ + "\u050d\u0288\u050f\u0289\u0511\u028a\u0513\u028b\u0515\u028c\u0517\u028d"+ + "\u0519\u028e\u051b\u028f\u051d\u0290\u051f\u0291\u0521\u0292\u0523\u0293"+ + "\u0525\u0294\u0527\u0295\u0529\u0296\u052b\u0297\u052d\u0298\u052f\u0299"+ + "\u0531\u029a\u0533\u029b\u0535\u029c\u0537\u029d\u0539\u029e\u053b\u029f"+ + "\u053d\u02a0\u053f\u02a1\u0541\u02a2\u0543\u02a3\u0545\u02a4\u0547\u02a5"+ + "\u0549\u02a6\u054b\u02a7\u054d\u02a8\u054f\u02a9\u0551\u02aa\u0553\u02ab"+ + "\u0555\u02ac\u0557\u02ad\u0559\u02ae\u055b\u02af\u055d\u02b0\u055f\u02b1"+ + "\u0561\u02b2\u0563\u02b3\u0565\u02b4\u0567\u02b5\u0569\u02b6\u056b\u02b7"+ + "\u056d\u02b8\u056f\u02b9\u0571\u02ba\u0573\u02bb\u0575\u02bc\u0577\u02bd"+ + "\u0579\u02be\u057b\u02bf\u057d\u02c0\u057f\u02c1\u0581\u02c2\u0583\u02c3"+ + "\u0585\u02c4\u0587\u02c5\u0589\u02c6\u058b\u02c7\u058d\u02c8\u058f\u02c9"+ + "\u0591\u02ca\u0593\u02cb\u0595\u02cc\u0597\u02cd\u0599\u02ce\u059b\u02cf"+ + "\u059d\u02d0\u059f\u02d1\u05a1\u02d2\u05a3\u02d3\u05a5\u02d4\u05a7\u02d5"+ + "\u05a9\u02d6\u05ab\u02d7\u05ad\u02d8\u05af\u02d9\u05b1\u02da\u05b3\u02db"+ + "\u05b5\u02dc\u05b7\u02dd\u05b9\u02de\u05bb\u02df\u05bd\u02e0\u05bf\u02e1"+ + "\u05c1\u02e2\u05c3\u02e3\u05c5\u02e4\u05c7\u02e5\u05c9\u02e6\u05cb\u02e7"+ + "\u05cd\u02e8\u05cf\u02e9\u05d1\u02ea\u05d3\u02eb\u05d5\u02ec\u05d7\u02ed"+ + "\u05d9\u02ee\u05db\u02ef\u05dd\u02f0\u05df\u02f1\u05e1\u02f2\u05e3\u02f3"+ + "\u05e5\u02f4\u05e7\u02f5\u05e9\u02f6\u05eb\u02f7\u05ed\u02f8\u05ef\u02f9"+ + "\u05f1\u02fa\u05f3\u02fb\u05f5\u02fc\u05f7\u02fd\u05f9\u02fe\u05fb\u02ff"+ + "\u05fd\u0300\u05ff\u0301\u0601\u0302\u0603\u0303\u0605\u0304\u0607\u0305"+ + "\u0609\u0306\u060b\u0307\u060d\u0308\u060f\u0309\u0611\u030a\u0613\u030b"+ + "\u0615\u030c\u0617\u030d\u0619\u030e\u061b\u030f\u061d\u0310\u061f\u0311"+ + "\u0621\u0312\u0623\u0313\u0625\u0314\u0627\u0315\u0629\u0316\u062b\u0317"+ + "\u062d\u0318\u062f\u0319\u0631\u031a\u0633\u031b\u0635\u031c\u0637\u031d"+ + "\u0639\u031e\u063b\u031f\u063d\u0320\u063f\u0321\u0641\u0322\u0643\u0323"+ + "\u0645\u0324\u0647\u0325\u0649\u0326\u064b\u0327\u064d\u0328\u064f\u0329"+ + "\u0651\u032a\u0653\u032b\u0655\u032c\u0657\u032d\u0659\u032e\u065b\u032f"+ + "\u065d\u0330\u065f\u0331\u0661\u0332\u0663\u0333\u0665\u0334\u0667\u0335"+ + "\u0669\u0336\u066b\u0337\u066d\u0338\u066f\u0339\u0671\u033a\u0673\u033b"+ + "\u0675\u033c\u0677\u033d\u0679\u033e\u067b\u033f\u067d\u0340\u067f\u0341"+ + "\u0681\u0342\u0683\u0343\u0685\u0344\u0687\u0345\u0689\u0346\u068b\u0347"+ + "\u068d\u0348\u068f\u0349\u0691\u034a\u0693\u034b\u0695\u034c\u0697\u034d"+ + "\u0699\u034e\u069b\u034f\u069d\u0350\u069f\u0351\u06a1\u0352\u06a3\u0353"+ + "\u06a5\u0354\u06a7\u0355\u06a9\u0356\u06ab\u0357\u06ad\u0358\u06af\u0359"+ + "\u06b1\u035a\u06b3\u035b\u06b5\u035c\u06b7\u035d\u06b9\u035e\u06bb\u035f"+ + "\u06bd\u0360\u06bf\u0361\u06c1\u0362\u06c3\u0363\u06c5\u0364\u06c7\u0365"+ + "\u06c9\u0366\u06cb\u0367\u06cd\u0368\u06cf\u0369\u06d1\u036a\u06d3\u036b"+ + "\u06d5\u036c\u06d7\u036d\u06d9\u036e\u06db\u036f\u06dd\u0370\u06df\u0371"+ + "\u06e1\u0372\u06e3\u0373\u06e5\u0374\u06e7\u0375\u06e9\u0376\u06eb\u0377"+ + "\u06ed\u0378\u06ef\u0379\u06f1\u037a\u06f3\u037b\u06f5\u037c\u06f7\u037d"+ + "\u06f9\u037e\u06fb\u037f\u06fd\u0380\u06ff\u0381\u0701\u0382\u0703\u0383"+ + "\u0705\u0384\u0707\u0385\u0709\u0386\u070b\u0387\u070d\u0388\u070f\u0389"+ + "\u0711\u038a\u0713\u038b\u0715\u038c\u0717\u038d\u0719\u038e\u071b\u038f"+ + "\u071d\u0390\u071f\u0391\u0721\u0392\u0723\u0393\u0725\u0394\u0727\u0395"+ + "\u0729\u0396\u072b\u0397\u072d\u0398\u072f\u0399\u0731\u039a\u0733\u039b"+ + "\u0735\u039c\u0737\u039d\u0739\u039e\u073b\u039f\u073d\u03a0\u073f\u03a1"+ + "\u0741\u03a2\u0743\u03a3\u0745\u03a4\u0747\u03a5\u0749\u03a6\u074b\u03a7"+ + "\u074d\u03a8\u074f\u03a9\u0751\u03aa\u0753\u03ab\u0755\u03ac\u0757\u03ad"+ + "\u0759\u03ae\u075b\u03af\u075d\u03b0\u075f\u03b1\u0761\u03b2\u0763\u03b3"+ + "\u0765\u03b4\u0767\u03b5\u0769\u03b6\u076b\u03b7\u076d\u03b8\u076f\u03b9"+ + "\u0771\u03ba\u0773\u03bb\u0775\u03bc\u0777\u03bd\u0779\u03be\u077b\u03bf"+ + "\u077d\u03c0\u077f\u03c1\u0781\u03c2\u0783\u03c3\u0785\u03c4\u0787\u03c5"+ + "\u0789\u03c6\u078b\u03c7\u078d\u03c8\u078f\u03c9\u0791\u03ca\u0793\u03cb"+ + 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"\3\2\2\2\2\u0191\3\2\2\2\2\u0193\3\2\2\2\2\u0195\3\2\2\2\2\u0197\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0199\3\2\2\2\2\u019b\3\2\2\2\2\u019d\3\2\2\2\2\u019f\3\2\2\2\2\u01a1"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u01a3\3\2\2\2\2\u01a5\3\2\2\2\2\u01a7\3\2\2\2\2\u01a9\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u01ab\3\2\2\2\2\u01ad\3\2\2\2\2\u01af\3\2\2\2\2\u01b1\3\2\2\2\2\u01b3"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u01b5\3\2\2\2\2\u01b7\3\2\2\2\2\u01b9\3\2\2\2\2\u01bb\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u01bd\3\2\2\2\2\u01bf\3\2\2\2\2\u01c1\3\2\2\2\2\u01c3\3\2\2\2\2\u01c5"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u01c7\3\2\2\2\2\u01c9\3\2\2\2\2\u01cb\3\2\2\2\2\u01cd\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u01cf\3\2\2\2\2\u01d1\3\2\2\2\2\u01d3\3\2\2\2\2\u01d5\3\2\2\2\2\u01d7"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u01d9\3\2\2\2\2\u01db\3\2\2\2\2\u01dd\3\2\2\2\2\u01df\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u01e1\3\2\2\2\2\u01e3\3\2\2\2\2\u01e5\3\2\2\2\2\u01e7\3\2\2\2\2\u01e9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u01eb\3\2\2\2\2\u01ed\3\2\2\2\2\u01ef\3\2\2\2\2\u01f1\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u01f3\3\2\2\2\2\u01f5\3\2\2\2\2\u01f7\3\2\2\2\2\u01f9\3\2\2\2\2\u01fb"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u01fd\3\2\2\2\2\u01ff\3\2\2\2\2\u0201\3\2\2\2\2\u0203\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0205\3\2\2\2\2\u0207\3\2\2\2\2\u0209\3\2\2\2\2\u020b\3\2\2\2\2\u020d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u020f\3\2\2\2\2\u0211\3\2\2\2\2\u0213\3\2\2\2\2\u0215\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0217\3\2\2\2\2\u0219\3\2\2\2\2\u021b\3\2\2\2\2\u021d\3\2\2\2\2\u021f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0221\3\2\2\2\2\u0223\3\2\2\2\2\u0225\3\2\2\2\2\u0227\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0229\3\2\2\2\2\u022b\3\2\2\2\2\u022d\3\2\2\2\2\u022f\3\2\2\2\2\u0231"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0233\3\2\2\2\2\u0235\3\2\2\2\2\u0237\3\2\2\2\2\u0239\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u023b\3\2\2\2\2\u023d\3\2\2\2\2\u023f\3\2\2\2\2\u0241\3\2\2\2\2\u0243"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0245\3\2\2\2\2\u0247\3\2\2\2\2\u0249\3\2\2\2\2\u024b\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u024d\3\2\2\2\2\u024f\3\2\2\2\2\u0251\3\2\2\2\2\u0253\3\2\2\2\2\u0255"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0257\3\2\2\2\2\u0259\3\2\2\2\2\u025b\3\2\2\2\2\u025d\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u025f\3\2\2\2\2\u0261\3\2\2\2\2\u0263\3\2\2\2\2\u0265\3\2\2\2\2\u0267"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0269\3\2\2\2\2\u026b\3\2\2\2\2\u026d\3\2\2\2\2\u026f\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0271\3\2\2\2\2\u0273\3\2\2\2\2\u0275\3\2\2\2\2\u0277\3\2\2\2\2\u0279"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u027b\3\2\2\2\2\u027d\3\2\2\2\2\u027f\3\2\2\2\2\u0281\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0283\3\2\2\2\2\u0285\3\2\2\2\2\u0287\3\2\2\2\2\u0289\3\2\2\2\2\u028b"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u028d\3\2\2\2\2\u028f\3\2\2\2\2\u0291\3\2\2\2\2\u0293\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0295\3\2\2\2\2\u0297\3\2\2\2\2\u0299\3\2\2\2\2\u029b\3\2\2\2\2\u029d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u029f\3\2\2\2\2\u02a1\3\2\2\2\2\u02a3\3\2\2\2\2\u02a5\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u02a7\3\2\2\2\2\u02a9\3\2\2\2\2\u02ab\3\2\2\2\2\u02ad\3\2\2\2\2\u02af"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u02b1\3\2\2\2\2\u02b3\3\2\2\2\2\u02b5\3\2\2\2\2\u02b7\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u02b9\3\2\2\2\2\u02bb\3\2\2\2\2\u02bd\3\2\2\2\2\u02bf\3\2\2\2\2\u02c1"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u02c3\3\2\2\2\2\u02c5\3\2\2\2\2\u02c7\3\2\2\2\2\u02c9\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u02cb\3\2\2\2\2\u02cd\3\2\2\2\2\u02cf\3\2\2\2\2\u02d1\3\2\2\2\2\u02d3"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u02d5\3\2\2\2\2\u02d7\3\2\2\2\2\u02d9\3\2\2\2\2\u02db\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u02dd\3\2\2\2\2\u02df\3\2\2\2\2\u02e1\3\2\2\2\2\u02e3\3\2\2\2\2\u02e5"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u02e7\3\2\2\2\2\u02e9\3\2\2\2\2\u02eb\3\2\2\2\2\u02ed\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u02ef\3\2\2\2\2\u02f1\3\2\2\2\2\u02f3\3\2\2\2\2\u02f5\3\2\2\2\2\u02f7"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u02f9\3\2\2\2\2\u02fb\3\2\2\2\2\u02fd\3\2\2\2\2\u02ff\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0301\3\2\2\2\2\u0303\3\2\2\2\2\u0305\3\2\2\2\2\u0307\3\2\2\2\2\u0309"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u030b\3\2\2\2\2\u030d\3\2\2\2\2\u030f\3\2\2\2\2\u0311\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0313\3\2\2\2\2\u0315\3\2\2\2\2\u0317\3\2\2\2\2\u0319\3\2\2\2\2\u031b"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u031d\3\2\2\2\2\u031f\3\2\2\2\2\u0321\3\2\2\2\2\u0323\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0325\3\2\2\2\2\u0327\3\2\2\2\2\u0329\3\2\2\2\2\u032b\3\2\2\2\2\u032d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u032f\3\2\2\2\2\u0331\3\2\2\2\2\u0333\3\2\2\2\2\u0335\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0337\3\2\2\2\2\u0339\3\2\2\2\2\u033b\3\2\2\2\2\u033d\3\2\2\2\2\u033f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0341\3\2\2\2\2\u0343\3\2\2\2\2\u0345\3\2\2\2\2\u0347\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0349\3\2\2\2\2\u034b\3\2\2\2\2\u034d\3\2\2\2\2\u034f\3\2\2\2\2\u0351"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0353\3\2\2\2\2\u0355\3\2\2\2\2\u0357\3\2\2\2\2\u0359\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u035b\3\2\2\2\2\u035d\3\2\2\2\2\u035f\3\2\2\2\2\u0361\3\2\2\2\2\u0363"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0365\3\2\2\2\2\u0367\3\2\2\2\2\u0369\3\2\2\2\2\u036b\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u036d\3\2\2\2\2\u036f\3\2\2\2\2\u0371\3\2\2\2\2\u0373\3\2\2\2\2\u0375"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0377\3\2\2\2\2\u0379\3\2\2\2\2\u037b\3\2\2\2\2\u037d\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u037f\3\2\2\2\2\u0381\3\2\2\2\2\u0383\3\2\2\2\2\u0385\3\2\2\2\2\u0387"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0389\3\2\2\2\2\u038b\3\2\2\2\2\u038d\3\2\2\2\2\u038f\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0391\3\2\2\2\2\u0393\3\2\2\2\2\u0395\3\2\2\2\2\u0397\3\2\2\2\2\u0399"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u039b\3\2\2\2\2\u039d\3\2\2\2\2\u039f\3\2\2\2\2\u03a1\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u03a3\3\2\2\2\2\u03a5\3\2\2\2\2\u03a7\3\2\2\2\2\u03a9\3\2\2\2\2\u03ab"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u03ad\3\2\2\2\2\u03af\3\2\2\2\2\u03b1\3\2\2\2\2\u03b3\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u03b5\3\2\2\2\2\u03b7\3\2\2\2\2\u03b9\3\2\2\2\2\u03bb\3\2\2\2\2\u03bd"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u03bf\3\2\2\2\2\u03c1\3\2\2\2\2\u03c3\3\2\2\2\2\u03c5\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u03c7\3\2\2\2\2\u03c9\3\2\2\2\2\u03cb\3\2\2\2\2\u03cd\3\2\2\2\2\u03cf"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u03d1\3\2\2\2\2\u03d3\3\2\2\2\2\u03d5\3\2\2\2\2\u03d7\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u03d9\3\2\2\2\2\u03db\3\2\2\2\2\u03dd\3\2\2\2\2\u03df\3\2\2\2\2\u03e1"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u03e3\3\2\2\2\2\u03e5\3\2\2\2\2\u03e7\3\2\2\2\2\u03e9\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u03eb\3\2\2\2\2\u03ed\3\2\2\2\2\u03ef\3\2\2\2\2\u03f1\3\2\2\2\2\u03f3"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u03f5\3\2\2\2\2\u03f7\3\2\2\2\2\u03f9\3\2\2\2\2\u03fb\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u03fd\3\2\2\2\2\u03ff\3\2\2\2\2\u0401\3\2\2\2\2\u0403\3\2\2\2\2\u0405"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0407\3\2\2\2\2\u0409\3\2\2\2\2\u040b\3\2\2\2\2\u040d\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u040f\3\2\2\2\2\u0411\3\2\2\2\2\u0413\3\2\2\2\2\u0415\3\2\2\2\2\u0417"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0419\3\2\2\2\2\u041b\3\2\2\2\2\u041d\3\2\2\2\2\u041f\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0421\3\2\2\2\2\u0423\3\2\2\2\2\u0425\3\2\2\2\2\u0427\3\2\2\2\2\u0429"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u042b\3\2\2\2\2\u042d\3\2\2\2\2\u042f\3\2\2\2\2\u0431\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0433\3\2\2\2\2\u0435\3\2\2\2\2\u0437\3\2\2\2\2\u0439\3\2\2\2\2\u043b"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u043d\3\2\2\2\2\u043f\3\2\2\2\2\u0441\3\2\2\2\2\u0443\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0445\3\2\2\2\2\u0447\3\2\2\2\2\u0449\3\2\2\2\2\u044b\3\2\2\2\2\u044d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u044f\3\2\2\2\2\u0451\3\2\2\2\2\u0453\3\2\2\2\2\u0455\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0457\3\2\2\2\2\u0459\3\2\2\2\2\u045b\3\2\2\2\2\u045d\3\2\2\2\2\u045f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0461\3\2\2\2\2\u0463\3\2\2\2\2\u0465\3\2\2\2\2\u0467\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0469\3\2\2\2\2\u046b\3\2\2\2\2\u046d\3\2\2\2\2\u046f\3\2\2\2\2\u0471"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0473\3\2\2\2\2\u0475\3\2\2\2\2\u0477\3\2\2\2\2\u0479\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u047b\3\2\2\2\2\u047d\3\2\2\2\2\u047f\3\2\2\2\2\u0481\3\2\2\2\2\u0483"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0485\3\2\2\2\2\u0487\3\2\2\2\2\u0489\3\2\2\2\2\u048b\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u048d\3\2\2\2\2\u048f\3\2\2\2\2\u0491\3\2\2\2\2\u0493\3\2\2\2\2\u0495"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0497\3\2\2\2\2\u0499\3\2\2\2\2\u049b\3\2\2\2\2\u049d\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u049f\3\2\2\2\2\u04a1\3\2\2\2\2\u04a3\3\2\2\2\2\u04a5\3\2\2\2\2\u04a7"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u04a9\3\2\2\2\2\u04ab\3\2\2\2\2\u04ad\3\2\2\2\2\u04af\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u04b1\3\2\2\2\2\u04b3\3\2\2\2\2\u04b5\3\2\2\2\2\u04b7\3\2\2\2\2\u04b9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u04bb\3\2\2\2\2\u04bd\3\2\2\2\2\u04bf\3\2\2\2\2\u04c1\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u04c3\3\2\2\2\2\u04c5\3\2\2\2\2\u04c7\3\2\2\2\2\u04c9\3\2\2\2\2\u04cb"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u04cd\3\2\2\2\2\u04cf\3\2\2\2\2\u04d1\3\2\2\2\2\u04d3\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u04d5\3\2\2\2\2\u04d7\3\2\2\2\2\u04d9\3\2\2\2\2\u04db\3\2\2\2\2\u04dd"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u04df\3\2\2\2\2\u04e1\3\2\2\2\2\u04e3\3\2\2\2\2\u04e5\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u04e7\3\2\2\2\2\u04e9\3\2\2\2\2\u04eb\3\2\2\2\2\u04ed\3\2\2\2\2\u04ef"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u04f1\3\2\2\2\2\u04f3\3\2\2\2\2\u04f5\3\2\2\2\2\u04f7\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u04f9\3\2\2\2\2\u04fb\3\2\2\2\2\u04fd\3\2\2\2\2\u04ff\3\2\2\2\2\u0501"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0503\3\2\2\2\2\u0505\3\2\2\2\2\u0507\3\2\2\2\2\u0509\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u050b\3\2\2\2\2\u050d\3\2\2\2\2\u050f\3\2\2\2\2\u0511\3\2\2\2\2\u0513"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0515\3\2\2\2\2\u0517\3\2\2\2\2\u0519\3\2\2\2\2\u051b\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u051d\3\2\2\2\2\u051f\3\2\2\2\2\u0521\3\2\2\2\2\u0523\3\2\2\2\2\u0525"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0527\3\2\2\2\2\u0529\3\2\2\2\2\u052b\3\2\2\2\2\u052d\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u052f\3\2\2\2\2\u0531\3\2\2\2\2\u0533\3\2\2\2\2\u0535\3\2\2\2\2\u0537"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0539\3\2\2\2\2\u053b\3\2\2\2\2\u053d\3\2\2\2\2\u053f\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0541\3\2\2\2\2\u0543\3\2\2\2\2\u0545\3\2\2\2\2\u0547\3\2\2\2\2\u0549"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u054b\3\2\2\2\2\u054d\3\2\2\2\2\u054f\3\2\2\2\2\u0551\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0553\3\2\2\2\2\u0555\3\2\2\2\2\u0557\3\2\2\2\2\u0559\3\2\2\2\2\u055b"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u055d\3\2\2\2\2\u055f\3\2\2\2\2\u0561\3\2\2\2\2\u0563\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0565\3\2\2\2\2\u0567\3\2\2\2\2\u0569\3\2\2\2\2\u056b\3\2\2\2\2\u056d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u056f\3\2\2\2\2\u0571\3\2\2\2\2\u0573\3\2\2\2\2\u0575\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0577\3\2\2\2\2\u0579\3\2\2\2\2\u057b\3\2\2\2\2\u057d\3\2\2\2\2\u057f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0581\3\2\2\2\2\u0583\3\2\2\2\2\u0585\3\2\2\2\2\u0587\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0589\3\2\2\2\2\u058b\3\2\2\2\2\u058d\3\2\2\2\2\u058f\3\2\2\2\2\u0591"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0593\3\2\2\2\2\u0595\3\2\2\2\2\u0597\3\2\2\2\2\u0599\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u059b\3\2\2\2\2\u059d\3\2\2\2\2\u059f\3\2\2\2\2\u05a1\3\2\2\2\2\u05a3"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u05a5\3\2\2\2\2\u05a7\3\2\2\2\2\u05a9\3\2\2\2\2\u05ab\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u05ad\3\2\2\2\2\u05af\3\2\2\2\2\u05b1\3\2\2\2\2\u05b3\3\2\2\2\2\u05b5"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u05b7\3\2\2\2\2\u05b9\3\2\2\2\2\u05bb\3\2\2\2\2\u05bd\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u05bf\3\2\2\2\2\u05c1\3\2\2\2\2\u05c3\3\2\2\2\2\u05c5\3\2\2\2\2\u05c7"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u05c9\3\2\2\2\2\u05cb\3\2\2\2\2\u05cd\3\2\2\2\2\u05cf\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u05d1\3\2\2\2\2\u05d3\3\2\2\2\2\u05d5\3\2\2\2\2\u05d7\3\2\2\2\2\u05d9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u05db\3\2\2\2\2\u05dd\3\2\2\2\2\u05df\3\2\2\2\2\u05e1\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u05e3\3\2\2\2\2\u05e5\3\2\2\2\2\u05e7\3\2\2\2\2\u05e9\3\2\2\2\2\u05eb"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u05ed\3\2\2\2\2\u05ef\3\2\2\2\2\u05f1\3\2\2\2\2\u05f3\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u05f5\3\2\2\2\2\u05f7\3\2\2\2\2\u05f9\3\2\2\2\2\u05fb\3\2\2\2\2\u05fd"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u05ff\3\2\2\2\2\u0601\3\2\2\2\2\u0603\3\2\2\2\2\u0605\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0607\3\2\2\2\2\u0609\3\2\2\2\2\u060b\3\2\2\2\2\u060d\3\2\2\2\2\u060f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0611\3\2\2\2\2\u0613\3\2\2\2\2\u0615\3\2\2\2\2\u0617\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0619\3\2\2\2\2\u061b\3\2\2\2\2\u061d\3\2\2\2\2\u061f\3\2\2\2\2\u0621"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0623\3\2\2\2\2\u0625\3\2\2\2\2\u0627\3\2\2\2\2\u0629\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u062b\3\2\2\2\2\u062d\3\2\2\2\2\u062f\3\2\2\2\2\u0631\3\2\2\2\2\u0633"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0635\3\2\2\2\2\u0637\3\2\2\2\2\u0639\3\2\2\2\2\u063b\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u063d\3\2\2\2\2\u063f\3\2\2\2\2\u0641\3\2\2\2\2\u0643\3\2\2\2\2\u0645"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0647\3\2\2\2\2\u0649\3\2\2\2\2\u064b\3\2\2\2\2\u064d\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u064f\3\2\2\2\2\u0651\3\2\2\2\2\u0653\3\2\2\2\2\u0655\3\2\2\2\2\u0657"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0659\3\2\2\2\2\u065b\3\2\2\2\2\u065d\3\2\2\2\2\u065f\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0661\3\2\2\2\2\u0663\3\2\2\2\2\u0665\3\2\2\2\2\u0667\3\2\2\2\2\u0669"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u066b\3\2\2\2\2\u066d\3\2\2\2\2\u066f\3\2\2\2\2\u0671\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0673\3\2\2\2\2\u0675\3\2\2\2\2\u0677\3\2\2\2\2\u0679\3\2\2\2\2\u067b"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u067d\3\2\2\2\2\u067f\3\2\2\2\2\u0681\3\2\2\2\2\u0683\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0685\3\2\2\2\2\u0687\3\2\2\2\2\u0689\3\2\2\2\2\u068b\3\2\2\2\2\u068d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u068f\3\2\2\2\2\u0691\3\2\2\2\2\u0693\3\2\2\2\2\u0695\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0697\3\2\2\2\2\u0699\3\2\2\2\2\u069b\3\2\2\2\2\u069d\3\2\2\2\2\u069f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u06a1\3\2\2\2\2\u06a3\3\2\2\2\2\u06a5\3\2\2\2\2\u06a7\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u06a9\3\2\2\2\2\u06ab\3\2\2\2\2\u06ad\3\2\2\2\2\u06af\3\2\2\2\2\u06b1"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u06b3\3\2\2\2\2\u06b5\3\2\2\2\2\u06b7\3\2\2\2\2\u06b9\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u06bb\3\2\2\2\2\u06bd\3\2\2\2\2\u06bf\3\2\2\2\2\u06c1\3\2\2\2\2\u06c3"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u06c5\3\2\2\2\2\u06c7\3\2\2\2\2\u06c9\3\2\2\2\2\u06cb\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u06cd\3\2\2\2\2\u06cf\3\2\2\2\2\u06d1\3\2\2\2\2\u06d3\3\2\2\2\2\u06d5"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u06d7\3\2\2\2\2\u06d9\3\2\2\2\2\u06db\3\2\2\2\2\u06dd\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u06df\3\2\2\2\2\u06e1\3\2\2\2\2\u06e3\3\2\2\2\2\u06e5\3\2\2\2\2\u06e7"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u06e9\3\2\2\2\2\u06eb\3\2\2\2\2\u06ed\3\2\2\2\2\u06ef\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u06f1\3\2\2\2\2\u06f3\3\2\2\2\2\u06f5\3\2\2\2\2\u06f7\3\2\2\2\2\u06f9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u06fb\3\2\2\2\2\u06fd\3\2\2\2\2\u06ff\3\2\2\2\2\u0701\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0703\3\2\2\2\2\u0705\3\2\2\2\2\u0707\3\2\2\2\2\u0709\3\2\2\2\2\u070b"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u070d\3\2\2\2\2\u070f\3\2\2\2\2\u0711\3\2\2\2\2\u0713\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0715\3\2\2\2\2\u0717\3\2\2\2\2\u0719\3\2\2\2\2\u071b\3\2\2\2\2\u071d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u071f\3\2\2\2\2\u0721\3\2\2\2\2\u0723\3\2\2\2\2\u0725\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0727\3\2\2\2\2\u0729\3\2\2\2\2\u072b\3\2\2\2\2\u072d\3\2\2\2\2\u072f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0731\3\2\2\2\2\u0733\3\2\2\2\2\u0735\3\2\2\2\2\u0737\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0739\3\2\2\2\2\u073b\3\2\2\2\2\u073d\3\2\2\2\2\u073f\3\2\2\2\2\u0741"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0743\3\2\2\2\2\u0745\3\2\2\2\2\u0747\3\2\2\2\2\u0749\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u074b\3\2\2\2\2\u074d\3\2\2\2\2\u074f\3\2\2\2\2\u0751\3\2\2\2\2\u0753"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0755\3\2\2\2\2\u0757\3\2\2\2\2\u0759\3\2\2\2\2\u075b\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u075d\3\2\2\2\2\u075f\3\2\2\2\2\u0761\3\2\2\2\2\u0763\3\2\2\2\2\u0765"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0767\3\2\2\2\2\u0769\3\2\2\2\2\u076b\3\2\2\2\2\u076d\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u076f\3\2\2\2\2\u0771\3\2\2\2\2\u0773\3\2\2\2\2\u0775\3\2\2\2\2\u0777"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0779\3\2\2\2\2\u077b\3\2\2\2\2\u077d\3\2\2\2\2\u077f\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0781\3\2\2\2\2\u0783\3\2\2\2\2\u0785\3\2\2\2\2\u0787\3\2\2\2\2\u0789"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u078b\3\2\2\2\2\u078d\3\2\2\2\2\u078f\3\2\2\2\2\u0791\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0793\3\2\2\2\2\u0795\3\2\2\2\2\u0797\3\2\2\2\2\u0799\3\2\2\2\2\u079b"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u079d\3\2\2\2\2\u079f\3\2\2\2\2\u07a1\3\2\2\2\2\u07a3\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u07a5\3\2\2\2\2\u07a7\3\2\2\2\2\u07a9\3\2\2\2\2\u07ab\3\2\2\2\2\u07ad"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u07af\3\2\2\2\2\u07b1\3\2\2\2\2\u07b3\3\2\2\2\2\u07b5\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u07b7\3\2\2\2\2\u07b9\3\2\2\2\2\u07bb\3\2\2\2\2\u07bd\3\2\2\2\2\u07bf"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u07c1\3\2\2\2\2\u07c3\3\2\2\2\2\u07c5\3\2\2\2\2\u07c7\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u07c9\3\2\2\2\2\u07cb\3\2\2\2\2\u07cd\3\2\2\2\2\u07cf\3\2\2\2\2\u07d1"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u07d3\3\2\2\2\2\u07d5\3\2\2\2\2\u07d7\3\2\2\2\2\u07d9\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u07db\3\2\2\2\2\u07dd\3\2\2\2\2\u07df\3\2\2\2\2\u07e1\3\2\2\2\2\u07e3"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u07e5\3\2\2\2\2\u07e7\3\2\2\2\2\u07e9\3\2\2\2\2\u07eb\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u07ed\3\2\2\2\2\u07ef\3\2\2\2\2\u07f1\3\2\2\2\2\u07f3\3\2\2\2\2\u07f5"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u07f7\3\2\2\2\2\u07f9\3\2\2\2\2\u07fb\3\2\2\2\2\u07fd\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u07ff\3\2\2\2\2\u0801\3\2\2\2\2\u0803\3\2\2\2\2\u0805\3\2\2\2\2\u0807"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0809\3\2\2\2\2\u080b\3\2\2\2\2\u080d\3\2\2\2\2\u080f\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0811\3\2\2\2\2\u0813\3\2\2\2\2\u0815\3\2\2\2\2\u0817\3\2\2\2\2\u0819"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u081b\3\2\2\2\2\u081d\3\2\2\2\2\u081f\3\2\2\2\2\u0821\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0823\3\2\2\2\2\u0825\3\2\2\2\2\u0827\3\2\2\2\2\u0829\3\2\2\2\2\u082b"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u082d\3\2\2\2\2\u082f\3\2\2\2\2\u0831\3\2\2\2\2\u0833\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0835\3\2\2\2\2\u0837\3\2\2\2\2\u0839\3\2\2\2\2\u083b\3\2\2\2\2\u083d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u083f\3\2\2\2\2\u0841\3\2\2\2\2\u0843\3\2\2\2\2\u0845\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0847\3\2\2\2\2\u0849\3\2\2\2\2\u084b\3\2\2\2\2\u084d\3\2\2\2\2\u084f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0851\3\2\2\2\2\u0853\3\2\2\2\2\u0855\3\2\2\2\2\u0857\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u0859\3\2\2\2\2\u085b\3\2\2\2\2\u085d\3\2\2\2\2\u085f\3\2\2\2\2\u0861"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0863\3\2\2\2\2\u0865\3\2\2\2\2\u0867\3\2\2\2\2\u0869\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u086b\3\2\2\2\2\u086d\3\2\2\2\2\u086f\3\2\2\2\2\u0871\3\2\2\2\2\u0873"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0875\3\2\2\2\2\u0877\3\2\2\2\2\u0879\3\2\2\2\2\u087b\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u087d\3\2\2\2\2\u087f\3\2\2\2\2\u0881\3\2\2\2\2\u0883\3\2\2\2\2\u0885"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0887\3\2\2\2\2\u0889\3\2\2\2\2\u088b\3\2\2\2\2\u088d\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u088f\3\2\2\2\2\u0891\3\2\2\2\2\u0893\3\2\2\2\2\u0895\3\2\2\2\2\u0897"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u0899\3\2\2\2\2\u089b\3\2\2\2\2\u089d\3\2\2\2\2\u089f\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u08a1\3\2\2\2\2\u08a3\3\2\2\2\2\u08a5\3\2\2\2\2\u08a7\3\2\2\2\2\u08a9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\2\u08ab\3\2\2\2\2\u08ad\3\2\2\2\2\u08af\3\2\2\2\2\u08b1\3\2\2"+ + "\2\2\u08b3\3\2\2\2\2\u08b5\3\2\2\2\2\u08b7\3\2\2\2\2\u08b9\3\2\2\2\2\u08bb"+ + 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"\2\2\u00ab\u0e01\3\2\2\2\u00ad\u0e08\3\2\2\2\u00af\u0e10\3\2\2\2\u00b1"+ + "\u0e19\3\2\2\2\u00b3\u0e21\3\2\2\2\u00b5\u0e28\3\2\2\2\u00b7\u0e30\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u00b9\u0e35\3\2\2\2\u00bb\u0e3d\3\2\2\2\u00bd\u0e45\3\2\2\2\u00bf"+ + "\u0e4c\3\2\2\2\u00c1\u0e51\3\2\2\2\u00c3\u0e5a\3\2\2\2\u00c5\u0e5e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u00c7\u0e63\3\2\2\2\u00c9\u0e6c\3\2\2\2\u00cb\u0e7a\3\2\2\2\u00cd"+ + "\u0e80\3\2\2\2\u00cf\u0e8b\3\2\2\2\u00d1\u0e96\3\2\2\2\u00d3\u0e9e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u00d5\u0ea3\3\2\2\2\u00d7\u0ead\3\2\2\2\u00d9\u0eb4\3\2\2\2\u00db"+ + "\u0ebc\3\2\2\2\u00dd\u0ec1\3\2\2\2\u00df\u0ec7\3\2\2\2\u00e1\u0ecb\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u00e3\u0ed0\3\2\2\2\u00e5\u0ed6\3\2\2\2\u00e7\u0edc\3\2\2\2\u00e9"+ + "\u0ee3\3\2\2\2\u00eb\u0ee8\3\2\2\2\u00ed\u0eef\3\2\2\2\u00ef\u0efa\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u00f1\u0f06\3\2\2\2\u00f3\u0f10\3\2\2\2\u00f5\u0f13\3\2\2\2\u00f7"+ + "\u0f1d\3\2\2\2\u00f9\u0f25\3\2\2\2\u00fb\u0f2b\3\2\2\2\u00fd\u0f33\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u00ff\u0f3a\3\2\2\2\u0101\u0f4a\3\2\2\2\u0103\u0f52\3\2\2\2\u0105"+ + "\u0f5c\3\2\2\2\u0107\u0f61\3\2\2\2\u0109\u0f6c\3\2\2\2\u010b\u0f6f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u010d\u0f76\3\2\2\2\u010f\u0f7c\3\2\2\2\u0111\u0f81\3\2\2\2\u0113"+ + "\u0f86\3\2\2\2\u0115\u0f8b\3\2\2\2\u0117\u0f96\3\2\2\2\u0119\u0f9c\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u011b\u0fa1\3\2\2\2\u011d\u0fa8\3\2\2\2\u011f\u0fb0\3\2\2\2\u0121"+ + "\u0fbb\3\2\2\2\u0123\u0fbf\3\2\2\2\u0125\u0fc8\3\2"; + private static final String _serializedATNSegment2 = + "\2\2\u0127\u0fcf\3\2\2\2\u0129\u0fd4\3\2\2\2\u012b\u0fdc\3\2\2\2\u012d"+ + "\u0fe3\3\2\2\2\u012f\u0fe6\3\2\2\2\u0131\u0fee\3\2\2\2\u0133\u0ff1\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0135\u0ff8\3\2\2\2\u0137\u0fff\3\2\2\2\u0139\u1002\3\2\2\2\u013b"+ + "\u1008\3\2\2\2\u013d\u1010\3\2\2\2\u013f\u1016\3\2\2\2\u0141\u101c\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0143\u1027\3\2\2\2\u0145\u102e\3\2\2\2\u0147\u1032\3\2\2\2\u0149"+ + "\u1037\3\2\2\2\u014b\u103e\3\2\2\2\u014d\u1047\3\2\2\2\u014f\u104e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0151\u1052\3\2\2\2\u0153\u1058\3\2\2\2\u0155\u1061\3\2\2\2\u0157"+ + "\u106a\3\2\2\2\u0159\u1071\3\2\2\2\u015b\u1076\3\2\2\2\u015d\u107c\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u015f\u1083\3\2\2\2\u0161\u108b\3\2\2\2\u0163\u108f\3\2\2\2\u0165"+ + "\u1094\3\2\2\2\u0167\u109a\3\2\2\2\u0169\u109f\3\2\2\2\u016b\u10a8\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u016d\u10b3\3\2\2\2\u016f\u10bb\3\2\2\2\u0171\u10c3\3\2\2\2\u0173"+ + "\u10d0\3\2\2\2\u0175\u10d6\3\2\2\2\u0177\u10db\3\2\2\2\u0179\u10de\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u017b\u10e6\3\2\2\2\u017d\u10ea\3\2\2\2\u017f\u10f0\3\2\2\2\u0181"+ + "\u10f7\3\2\2\2\u0183\u10ff\3\2\2\2\u0185\u1106\3\2\2\2\u0187\u110b\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0189\u1114\3\2\2\2\u018b\u1130\3\2\2\2\u018d\u1132\3\2\2\2\u018f"+ + "\u113b\3\2\2\2\u0191\u1140\3\2\2\2\u0193\u1149\3\2\2\2\u0195\u114f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0197\u115a\3\2\2\2\u0199\u115f\3\2\2\2\u019b\u1167\3\2\2\2\u019d"+ + "\u116f\3\2\2\2\u019f\u1176\3\2\2\2\u01a1\u1181\3\2\2\2\u01a3\u1189\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u01a5\u1190\3\2\2\2\u01a7\u1198\3\2\2\2\u01a9\u11a3\3\2\2\2\u01ab"+ + "\u11aa\3\2\2\2\u01ad\u11b1\3\2\2\2\u01af\u11b6\3\2\2\2\u01b1\u11bb\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u01b3\u11c0\3\2\2\2\u01b5\u11c8\3\2\2\2\u01b7\u11cd\3\2\2\2\u01b9"+ + "\u11d4\3\2\2\2\u01bb\u11de\3\2\2\2\u01bd\u11e9\3\2\2\2\u01bf\u11f2\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u01c1\u11fa\3\2\2\2\u01c3\u1202\3\2\2\2\u01c5\u1208\3\2\2\2\u01c7"+ + "\u120e\3\2\2\2\u01c9\u121b\3\2\2\2\u01cb\u122d\3\2\2\2\u01cd\u123a\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u01cf\u1241\3\2\2\2\u01d1\u124b\3\2\2\2\u01d3\u1254\3\2\2\2\u01d5"+ + "\u1264\3\2\2\2\u01d7\u126f\3\2\2\2\u01d9\u127a\3\2\2\2\u01db\u1283\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u01dd\u128d\3\2\2\2\u01df\u1291\3\2\2\2\u01e1\u1299\3\2\2\2\u01e3"+ + "\u12a1\3\2\2\2\u01e5\u12ad\3\2\2\2\u01e7\u12c1\3\2\2\2\u01e9\u12c3\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u01eb\u12c8\3\2\2\2\u01ed\u12d1\3\2\2\2\u01ef\u12d8\3\2\2\2\u01f1"+ + "\u12e0\3\2\2\2\u01f3\u12e6\3\2\2\2\u01f5\u12eb\3\2\2\2\u01f7\u12f3\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u01f9\u12f9\3\2\2\2\u01fb\u1302\3\2\2\2\u01fd\u1309\3\2\2\2\u01ff"+ + "\u1310\3\2\2\2\u0201\u1316\3\2\2\2\u0203\u131b\3\2\2\2\u0205\u131f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0207\u1329\3\2\2\2\u0209\u1337\3\2\2\2\u020b\u1348\3\2\2\2\u020d"+ + "\u1354\3\2\2\2\u020f\u1360\3\2\2\2\u0211\u1363\3\2\2\2\u0213\u1366\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0215\u136f\3\2\2\2\u0217\u1375\3\2\2\2\u0219\u137c\3\2\2\2\u021b"+ + "\u1382\3\2\2\2\u021d\u138e\3\2\2\2\u021f\u1393\3\2\2\2\u0221\u1398\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0223\u139c\3\2\2\2\u0225\u13a1\3\2\2\2\u0227\u13a6\3\2\2\2\u0229"+ + "\u13ab\3\2\2\2\u022b\u13b4\3\2\2\2\u022d\u13c3\3\2\2\2\u022f\u13d3\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0231\u13db\3\2\2\2\u0233\u13e0\3\2\2\2\u0235\u13e5\3\2\2\2\u0237"+ + "\u13ea\3\2\2\2\u0239\u13f3\3\2\2\2\u023b\u13fb\3\2\2\2\u023d\u1403\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u023f\u1409\3\2\2\2\u0241\u140e\3\2\2\2\u0243\u1415\3\2\2\2\u0245"+ + "\u141b\3\2\2\2\u0247\u1423\3\2\2\2\u0249\u1431\3\2\2\2\u024b\u1436\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u024d\u1445\3\2\2\2\u024f\u144e\3\2\2\2\u0251\u1459\3\2\2\2\u0253"+ + "\u1462\3\2\2\2\u0255\u1467\3\2\2\2\u0257\u1474\3\2\2\2\u0259\u1480\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u025b\u149e\3\2\2\2\u025d\u14a4\3\2\2\2\u025f\u14ad\3\2\2\2\u0261"+ + "\u14b8\3\2\2\2\u0263\u14c2\3\2\2\2\u0265\u14c8\3\2\2\2\u0267\u14cf\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0269\u14da\3\2\2\2\u026b\u14e4\3\2\2\2\u026d\u14f7\3\2\2\2\u026f"+ + "\u1505\3\2\2\2\u0271\u1509\3\2\2\2\u0273\u1512\3\2\2\2\u0275\u151b\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0277\u1523\3\2\2\2\u0279\u152b\3\2\2\2\u027b\u153e\3\2\2\2\u027d"+ + "\u1546\3\2\2\2\u027f\u154f\3\2\2\2\u0281\u155a\3\2\2\2\u0283\u155e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0285\u1564\3\2\2\2\u0287\u1570\3\2\2\2\u0289\u1578\3\2\2\2\u028b"+ + "\u157f\3\2\2\2\u028d\u1589\3\2\2\2\u028f\u158f\3\2\2\2\u0291\u1599\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0293\u159f\3\2\2\2\u0295\u15a4\3\2\2\2\u0297\u15a9\3\2\2\2\u0299"+ + "\u15b4\3\2\2\2\u029b\u15ba\3\2\2\2\u029d\u15c2\3\2\2\2\u029f\u15cd\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u02a1\u15d5\3\2\2\2\u02a3\u15dc\3\2\2\2\u02a5\u15e4\3\2\2\2\u02a7"+ + "\u15ed\3\2\2\2\u02a9\u15f6\3\2\2\2\u02ab\u15fd\3\2\2\2\u02ad\u1603\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u02af\u160b\3\2\2\2\u02b1\u161e\3\2\2\2\u02b3\u1625\3\2\2\2\u02b5"+ + "\u162d\3\2\2\2\u02b7\u1637\3\2\2\2\u02b9\u1641\3\2\2\2\u02bb\u1648\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u02bd\u1650\3\2\2\2\u02bf\u1659\3\2\2\2\u02c1\u165d\3\2\2\2\u02c3"+ + "\u166a\3\2\2\2\u02c5\u1673\3\2\2\2\u02c7\u167e\3\2\2\2\u02c9\u168d\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u02cb\u16a1\3\2\2\2\u02cd\u16b2\3\2\2\2\u02cf\u16b9\3\2\2\2\u02d1"+ + "\u16bd\3\2\2\2\u02d3\u16c6\3\2\2\2\u02d5\u16d1\3\2\2\2\u02d7\u16d8\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u02d9\u16e6\3\2\2\2\u02db\u16f1\3\2\2\2\u02dd\u16fa\3\2\2\2\u02df"+ + "\u1703\3\2\2\2\u02e1\u170e\3\2\2\2\u02e3\u1717\3\2\2\2\u02e5\u1725\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u02e7\u1735\3\2\2\2\u02e9\u1745\3\2\2\2\u02eb\u1753\3\2\2\2\u02ed"+ + "\u1758\3\2\2\2\u02ef\u175f\3\2\2\2\u02f1\u176e\3\2\2\2\u02f3\u1772\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u02f5\u1778\3\2\2\2\u02f7\u1781\3\2\2\2\u02f9\u178f\3\2\2\2\u02fb"+ + "\u1797\3\2\2\2\u02fd\u179f\3\2\2\2\u02ff\u17a4\3\2\2\2\u0301\u17aa\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0303\u17b0\3\2\2\2\u0305\u17b4\3\2\2\2\u0307\u17b9\3\2\2\2\u0309"+ + "\u17c4\3\2\2\2\u030b\u17cd\3\2\2\2\u030d\u17e8\3\2\2\2\u030f\u17ea\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0311\u17f1\3\2\2\2\u0313\u17f6\3\2\2\2\u0315\u17fd\3\2\2\2\u0317"+ + "\u1804\3\2\2\2\u0319\u180b\3\2\2\2\u031b\u1815\3\2\2\2\u031d\u181e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u031f\u1825\3\2\2\2\u0321\u182e\3\2\2\2\u0323\u183c\3\2\2\2\u0325"+ + "\u1848\3\2\2\2\u0327\u1858\3\2\2\2\u0329\u185c\3\2\2\2\u032b\u1888\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u032d\u1896\3\2\2\2\u032f\u189f\3\2\2\2\u0331\u18aa\3\2\2\2\u0333"+ + "\u18b1\3\2\2\2\u0335\u18c4\3\2\2\2\u0337\u18cb\3\2\2\2\u0339\u18d4\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u033b\u18da\3\2\2\2\u033d\u18ee\3\2\2\2\u033f\u18f8\3\2\2\2\u0341"+ + "\u1901\3\2\2\2\u0343\u190f\3\2\2\2\u0345\u1914\3\2\2\2\u0347\u1919\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0349\u1935\3\2\2\2\u034b\u194a\3\2\2\2\u034d\u1956\3\2\2\2\u034f"+ + "\u195e\3\2\2\2\u0351\u1961\3\2\2\2\u0353\u196f\3\2\2\2\u0355\u1974\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0357\u197e\3\2\2\2\u0359\u1987\3\2\2\2\u035b\u1995\3\2\2\2\u035d"+ + "\u19a3\3\2\2\2\u035f\u19ab\3\2\2\2\u0361\u19bd\3\2\2\2\u0363\u19c7\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0365\u19cc\3\2\2\2\u0367\u19d7\3\2\2\2\u0369\u19ed\3\2\2\2\u036b"+ + "\u19f7\3\2\2\2\u036d\u19fe\3\2\2\2\u036f\u1a08\3\2\2\2\u0371\u1a13\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0373\u1a29\3\2\2\2\u0375\u1a39\3\2\2\2\u0377\u1a43\3\2\2\2\u0379"+ + "\u1a4b\3\2\2\2\u037b\u1a53\3\2\2\2\u037d\u1a57\3\2\2\2\u037f\u1a62\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0381\u1a6a\3\2\2\2\u0383\u1a70\3\2\2\2\u0385\u1a7b\3\2\2\2\u0387"+ + "\u1a84\3\2\2\2\u0389\u1a96\3\2\2\2\u038b\u1a9b\3\2\2\2\u038d\u1aa4\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u038f\u1aad\3\2\2\2\u0391\u1abf\3\2\2\2\u0393\u1acf\3\2\2\2\u0395"+ + "\u1ada\3\2\2\2\u0397\u1ae3\3\2\2\2\u0399\u1ae6\3\2\2\2\u039b\u1af9\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u039d\u1b04\3\2\2\2\u039f\u1b0c\3\2\2\2\u03a1\u1b16\3\2\2\2\u03a3"+ + "\u1b1d\3\2\2\2\u03a5\u1b23\3\2\2\2\u03a7\u1b35\3\2\2\2\u03a9\u1b3e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u03ab\u1b46\3\2\2\2\u03ad\u1b4e\3\2\2\2\u03af\u1b55\3\2\2\2\u03b1"+ + "\u1b5a\3\2\2\2\u03b3\u1b67\3\2\2\2\u03b5\u1b6c\3\2\2\2\u03b7\u1b77\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u03b9\u1b7f\3\2\2\2\u03bb\u1b88\3\2\2\2\u03bd\u1b8d\3\2\2\2\u03bf"+ + "\u1b98\3\2\2\2\u03c1\u1b9d\3\2\2\2\u03c3\u1ba6\3\2\2\2\u03c5\u1bb7\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u03c7\u1bbd\3\2\2\2\u03c9\u1bcc\3\2\2\2\u03cb\u1bd6\3\2\2\2\u03cd"+ + "\u1bdf\3\2\2\2\u03cf\u1be6\3\2\2\2\u03d1\u1bf3\3\2\2\2\u03d3\u1bfb\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u03d5\u1bfe\3\2\2\2\u03d7\u1c08\3\2\2\2\u03d9\u1c15\3\2\2\2\u03db"+ + "\u1c19\3\2\2\2\u03dd\u1c26\3\2\2\2\u03df\u1c29\3\2\2\2\u03e1\u1c34\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u03e3\u1c40\3\2\2\2\u03e5\u1c44\3\2\2\2\u03e7\u1c52\3\2\2\2\u03e9"+ + "\u1c59\3\2\2\2\u03eb\u1c61\3\2\2\2\u03ed\u1c6a\3\2\2\2\u03ef\u1c77\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u03f1\u1c7e\3\2\2\2\u03f3\u1c88\3\2\2\2\u03f5\u1c94\3\2\2\2\u03f7"+ + "\u1c9c\3\2\2\2\u03f9\u1ca6\3\2\2\2\u03fb\u1cb1\3\2\2\2\u03fd\u1cbc\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u03ff\u1cc5\3\2\2\2\u0401\u1cd5\3\2\2\2\u0403\u1cdc\3\2\2\2\u0405"+ + "\u1cee\3\2\2\2\u0407\u1cf5\3\2\2\2\u0409\u1cff\3\2\2\2\u040b\u1d05\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u040d\u1d0a\3\2\2\2\u040f\u1d13\3\2\2\2\u0411\u1d19\3\2\2\2\u0413"+ + "\u1d22\3\2\2\2\u0415\u1d2a\3\2\2\2\u0417\u1d3f\3\2\2\2\u0419\u1d46\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u041b\u1d4e\3\2\2\2\u041d\u1d55\3\2\2\2\u041f\u1d59\3\2\2\2\u0421"+ + "\u1d5c\3\2\2\2\u0423\u1d62\3\2\2\2\u0425\u1d6c\3\2\2\2\u0427\u1d71\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0429\u1d80\3\2\2\2\u042b\u1d88\3\2\2\2\u042d\u1d98\3\2\2\2\u042f"+ + "\u1d9d\3\2\2\2\u0431\u1da5\3\2\2\2\u0433\u1daa\3\2\2\2\u0435\u1db4\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0437\u1dbb\3\2\2\2\u0439\u1dc6\3\2\2\2\u043b\u1dd0\3\2\2\2\u043d"+ + "\u1dd4\3\2\2\2\u043f\u1de0\3\2\2\2\u0441\u1dee\3\2\2\2\u0443\u1df5\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0445\u1dfc\3\2\2\2\u0447\u1e11\3\2\2\2\u0449\u1e15\3\2\2\2\u044b"+ + "\u1e1e\3\2\2\2\u044d\u1e27\3\2\2\2\u044f\u1e2d\3\2\2\2\u0451\u1e33\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0453\u1e3d\3\2\2\2\u0455\u1e45\3\2\2\2\u0457\u1e4e\3\2\2\2\u0459"+ + "\u1e5c\3\2\2\2\u045b\u1e69\3\2\2\2\u045d\u1e6f\3\2\2\2\u045f\u1e8c\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0461\u1e91\3\2\2\2\u0463\u1e9e\3\2\2\2\u0465\u1ea6\3\2\2\2\u0467"+ + "\u1eae\3\2\2\2\u0469\u1eba\3\2\2\2\u046b\u1ec1\3\2\2\2\u046d\u1eca\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u046f\u1ed7\3\2\2\2\u0471\u1edf\3\2\2\2\u0473\u1ee5\3\2\2\2\u0475"+ + "\u1eec\3\2\2\2\u0477\u1ef3\3\2\2\2\u0479\u1efb\3\2\2\2\u047b\u1f02\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u047d\u1f09\3\2\2\2\u047f\u1f13\3\2\2\2\u0481\u1f1f\3\2\2\2\u0483"+ + "\u1f29\3\2\2\2\u0485\u1f30\3\2\2\2\u0487\u1f39\3\2\2\2\u0489\u1f41\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u048b\u1f47\3\2\2\2\u048d\u1f4d\3\2\2\2\u048f\u1f54\3\2\2\2\u0491"+ + "\u1f5d\3\2\2\2\u0493\u1f69\3\2\2\2\u0495\u1f7d\3\2\2\2\u0497\u1f83\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0499\u1f89\3\2\2\2\u049b\u1f92\3\2\2\2\u049d\u1f9a\3\2\2\2\u049f"+ + "\u1fa1\3\2\2\2\u04a1\u1fab\3\2\2\2\u04a3\u1fb6\3\2\2\2\u04a5\u1fbe\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u04a7\u1fc8\3\2\2\2\u04a9\u1fcf\3\2\2\2\u04ab\u1fda\3\2\2\2\u04ad"+ + "\u1fe1\3\2\2\2\u04af\u1fe7\3\2\2\2\u04b1\u1fec\3\2\2\2\u04b3\u1ff3\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u04b5\u1ffc\3\2\2\2\u04b7\u2003\3\2\2\2\u04b9\u2008\3\2\2\2\u04bb"+ + "\u200d\3\2\2\2\u04bd\u2019\3\2\2\2\u04bf\u202a\3\2\2\2\u04c1\u202d\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u04c3\u2033\3\2\2\2\u04c5\u203a\3\2\2\2\u04c7\u203f\3\2\2\2\u04c9"+ + "\u2047\3\2\2\2\u04cb\u2050\3\2\2\2\u04cd\u205a\3\2\2\2\u04cf\u2064\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u04d1\u206b\3\2\2\2\u04d3\u2078\3\2\2\2\u04d5\u207f\3\2\2\2\u04d7"+ + "\u2088\3\2\2\2\u04d9\u208d\3\2\2\2\u04db\u20ac\3\2\2\2\u04dd\u20b5\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u04df\u20bd\3\2\2\2\u04e1\u20c8\3\2\2\2\u04e3\u20d0\3\2\2\2\u04e5"+ + "\u20e9\3\2\2\2\u04e7\u20f6\3\2\2\2\u04e9\u210c\3\2\2\2\u04eb\u2115\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u04ed\u211c\3\2\2\2\u04ef\u2124\3\2\2\2\u04f1\u212a\3\2\2\2\u04f3"+ + "\u213b\3\2\2\2\u04f5\u2143\3\2\2\2\u04f7\u214e\3\2\2\2\u04f9\u2152\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u04fb\u215b\3\2\2\2\u04fd\u2163\3\2\2\2\u04ff\u216f\3\2\2\2\u0501"+ + "\u2184\3\2\2\2\u0503\u218d\3\2\2\2\u0505\u2195\3\2\2\2\u0507\u219d\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0509\u21ad\3\2\2\2\u050b\u21b5\3\2\2\2\u050d\u21ba\3\2\2\2\u050f"+ + "\u21c2\3\2\2\2\u0511\u21c8\3\2\2\2\u0513\u21d3\3\2\2\2\u0515\u21e0\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0517\u21ec\3\2\2\2\u0519\u21f4\3\2\2\2\u051b\u21f9\3\2\2\2\u051d"+ + "\u21fd\3\2\2\2\u051f\u2205\3\2\2\2\u0521\u2209\3\2\2\2\u0523\u220f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0525\u2218\3\2\2\2\u0527\u221c\3\2\2\2\u0529\u221f\3\2\2\2\u052b"+ + "\u2226\3\2\2\2\u052d\u222a\3\2\2\2\u052f\u223a\3\2\2\2\u0531\u2247\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0533\u224f\3\2\2\2\u0535\u2255\3\2\2\2\u0537\u2262\3\2\2\2\u0539"+ + "\u2270\3\2\2\2\u053b\u2278\3\2\2\2\u053d\u227f\3\2\2\2\u053f\u2289\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0541\u2292\3\2\2\2\u0543\u229b\3\2\2\2\u0545\u22a7\3\2\2\2\u0547"+ + "\u22b2\3\2\2\2\u0549\u22b8\3\2\2\2\u054b\u22c4\3\2\2\2\u054d\u22ce\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u054f\u22d6\3\2\2\2\u0551\u22e6\3\2\2\2\u0553\u22ee\3\2\2\2\u0555"+ + "\u22f9\3\2\2\2\u0557\u2301\3\2\2\2\u0559\u2308\3\2\2\2\u055b\u230e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u055d\u2324\3\2\2\2\u055f\u2328\3\2\2\2\u0561\u233c\3\2\2\2\u0563"+ + "\u2345\3\2\2\2\u0565\u234d\3\2\2\2\u0567\u2356\3\2\2\2\u0569\u235e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u056b\u236a\3\2\2\2\u056d\u2372\3\2\2\2\u056f\u237d\3\2\2\2\u0571"+ + "\u238a\3\2\2\2\u0573\u2394\3\2\2\2\u0575\u239d\3\2\2\2\u0577\u23a8\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0579\u23ad\3\2\2\2\u057b\u23b2\3\2\2\2\u057d\u23bd\3\2\2\2\u057f"+ + "\u23c7\3\2\2\2\u0581\u23cc\3\2\2\2\u0583\u23e0\3\2\2\2\u0585\u23e6\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0587\u23ee\3\2\2\2\u0589\u23fa\3\2\2\2\u058b\u2400\3\2\2\2\u058d"+ + "\u2407\3\2\2\2\u058f\u2410\3\2\2\2\u0591\u2418\3\2\2\2\u0593\u2420\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0595\u242b\3\2\2\2\u0597\u2432\3\2\2\2\u0599\u2439\3\2\2\2\u059b"+ + "\u243e\3\2\2\2\u059d\u2445\3\2\2\2\u059f\u244a\3\2\2\2\u05a1\u245b\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u05a3\u2460\3\2\2\2\u05a5\u2469\3\2\2\2\u05a7\u2471\3\2\2\2\u05a9"+ + "\u247c\3\2\2\2\u05ab\u2489\3\2\2\2\u05ad\u2495\3\2\2\2\u05af\u24a1\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u05b1\u24a4\3\2\2\2\u05b3\u24a9\3\2\2\2\u05b5\u24af\3\2\2\2\u05b7"+ + "\u24ba\3\2\2\2\u05b9\u24c3\3\2\2\2\u05bb\u24c8\3\2\2\2\u05bd\u24d2\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u05bf\u24da\3\2\2\2\u05c1\u24ea\3\2\2\2\u05c3\u24f0\3\2\2\2\u05c5"+ + "\u24ff\3\2\2\2\u05c7\u250f\3\2\2\2\u05c9\u2514\3\2\2\2\u05cb\u2521\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u05cd\u252d\3\2\2\2\u05cf\u253e\3\2\2\2\u05d1\u2544\3\2\2\2\u05d3"+ + "\u2557\3\2\2\2\u05d5\u2562\3\2\2\2\u05d7\u2569\3\2\2\2\u05d9\u2572\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u05db\u2579\3\2\2\2\u05dd\u257e\3\2\2\2\u05df\u258a\3\2\2\2\u05e1"+ + "\u2594\3\2\2\2\u05e3\u25a5\3\2\2\2\u05e5\u25aa\3\2\2\2\u05e7\u25b3\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u05e9\u25bf\3\2\2\2\u05eb\u25c8\3\2\2\2\u05ed\u25d2\3\2\2\2\u05ef"+ + "\u25dc\3\2\2\2\u05f1\u25f3\3\2\2\2\u05f3\u25fc\3\2\2\2\u05f5\u2605\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u05f7\u2610\3\2\2\2\u05f9\u2616\3\2\2\2\u05fb\u2629\3\2\2\2\u05fd"+ + "\u262f\3\2\2\2\u05ff\u2638\3\2\2\2\u0601\u2640\3\2\2\2\u0603\u2646\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0605\u2655\3\2\2\2\u0607\u265e\3\2\2\2\u0609\u2668\3\2\2\2\u060b"+ + "\u2674\3\2\2\2\u060d\u267d\3\2\2\2\u060f\u2689\3\2\2\2\u0611\u2690\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0613\u26a2\3\2\2\2\u0615\u26b2\3\2\2\2\u0617\u26be\3\2\2\2\u0619"+ + "\u26c6\3\2\2\2\u061b\u26dc\3\2\2\2\u061d\u26e8\3\2\2\2\u061f\u26f7\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0621\u26fb\3\2\2\2\u0623\u2703\3\2\2\2\u0625\u2711\3\2\2\2\u0627"+ + "\u271a\3\2\2\2\u0629\u2725\3\2\2\2\u062b\u272e\3\2\2\2\u062d\u2735\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u062f\u2740\3\2\2\2\u0631\u274c\3\2\2\2\u0633\u2757\3\2\2\2\u0635"+ + "\u2761\3\2\2\2\u0637\u2766\3\2\2\2\u0639\u2770\3\2\2\2\u063b\u277a\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u063d\u2783\3\2\2\2\u063f\u278d\3\2\2\2\u0641\u2796\3\2\2\2\u0643"+ + "\u27a2\3\2\2\2\u0645\u27a9\3\2\2\2\u0647\u27ae\3\2\2\2\u0649\u27b5\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u064b\u27bb\3\2\2\2\u064d\u27c7\3\2\2\2\u064f\u27ce\3\2\2\2\u0651"+ + "\u27d8\3\2\2\2\u0653\u27e3\3\2\2\2\u0655\u27ee\3\2\2\2\u0657\u27f9\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0659\u2805\3\2\2\2\u065b\u280b\3\2\2\2\u065d\u2816\3\2\2\2\u065f"+ + "\u281f\3\2\2\2\u0661\u2826\3\2\2\2\u0663\u282a\3\2\2\2\u0665\u2833\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0667\u2844\3\2\2\2\u0669\u284e\3\2\2\2\u066b\u285b\3\2\2\2\u066d"+ + "\u2864\3\2\2\2\u066f\u286a\3\2\2\2\u0671\u2876\3\2\2\2\u0673\u287d\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0675\u288b\3\2\2\2\u0677\u2895\3\2\2\2\u0679\u289b\3\2\2\2\u067b"+ + "\u28a5\3\2\2\2\u067d\u28ae\3\2\2\2\u067f\u28b6\3\2\2\2\u0681\u28bf\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0683\u28c4\3\2\2\2\u0685\u28c8\3\2\2\2\u0687\u28db\3\2\2\2\u0689"+ + "\u28df\3\2\2\2\u068b\u28e7\3\2\2\2\u068d\u28ec\3\2\2\2\u068f\u2905\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0691\u290a\3\2\2\2\u0693\u290f\3\2\2\2\u0695\u2917\3\2\2\2\u0697"+ + "\u2924\3\2\2\2\u0699\u2930\3\2\2\2\u069b\u2937\3\2\2\2\u069d\u293c\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u069f\u294f\3\2\2\2\u06a1\u2957\3\2\2\2\u06a3\u295e\3\2\2\2\u06a5"+ + "\u2967\3\2\2\2\u06a7\u2972\3\2\2\2\u06a9\u297b\3\2\2\2\u06ab\u2982\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u06ad\u298a\3\2\2\2\u06af\u2999\3\2\2\2\u06b1\u29b1\3\2\2\2\u06b3"+ + "\u29ba\3\2\2\2\u06b5\u29c8\3\2\2\2\u06b7\u29cd\3\2\2\2\u06b9\u29d5\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u06bb\u29dd\3\2\2\2\u06bd\u29e4\3\2\2\2\u06bf\u29ea\3\2\2\2\u06c1"+ + "\u29f3\3\2\2\2\u06c3\u2a03\3\2\2\2\u06c5\u2a09\3\2\2\2\u06c7\u2a10\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u06c9\u2a22\3\2\2\2\u06cb\u2a2e\3\2\2\2\u06cd\u2a3b\3\2\2\2\u06cf"+ + "\u2a46\3\2\2\2\u06d1\u2a51\3\2\2\2\u06d3\u2a59\3\2\2\2\u06d5\u2a5e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u06d7\u2a65\3\2\2\2\u06d9\u2a6c\3\2\2\2\u06db\u2a72\3\2\2\2\u06dd"+ + "\u2a7c\3\2\2\2\u06df\u2a86\3\2\2\2\u06e1\u2a93\3\2\2\2\u06e3\u2a9a\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u06e5\u2aa3\3\2\2\2\u06e7\u2aaf\3\2\2\2\u06e9\u2aba\3\2\2\2\u06eb"+ + "\u2ac0\3\2\2\2\u06ed\u2ac5\3\2\2\2\u06ef\u2ad0\3\2\2\2\u06f1\u2adc\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u06f3\u2ae2\3\2\2\2\u06f5\u2ae9\3\2\2\2\u06f7\u2af3\3\2\2\2\u06f9"+ + "\u2af9\3\2\2\2\u06fb\u2b01\3\2\2\2\u06fd\u2b10\3\2\2\2\u06ff\u2b1a\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0701\u2b2a\3\2\2\2\u0703\u2b36\3\2\2\2\u0705\u2b3e\3\2\2\2\u0707"+ + "\u2b4b\3\2\2\2\u0709\u2b51\3\2\2\2\u070b\u2b57\3\2\2\2\u070d\u2b69\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u070f\u2b74\3\2\2\2\u0711\u2b78\3\2\2\2\u0713\u2b81\3\2\2\2\u0715"+ + "\u2b86\3\2\2\2\u0717\u2b98\3\2\2\2\u0719\u2b9d\3\2\2\2\u071b\u2ba2\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u071d\u2ba7\3\2\2\2\u071f\u2bb6\3\2\2\2\u0721\u2bc0\3\2\2\2\u0723"+ + "\u2bc7\3\2\2\2\u0725\u2bce\3\2\2\2\u0727\u2bd4\3\2\2\2\u0729\u2bde\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u072b\u2be7\3\2\2\2\u072d\u2bf3\3\2\2\2\u072f\u2c0a\3\2\2\2\u0731"+ + "\u2c12\3\2\2\2\u0733\u2c19\3\2\2\2\u0735\u2c29\3\2\2\2\u0737\u2c2e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0739\u2c3e\3\2\2\2\u073b\u2c4d\3\2\2\2\u073d\u2c59\3\2\2\2\u073f"+ + "\u2c60\3\2\2\2\u0741\u2c68\3\2\2\2\u0743\u2c78\3\2\2\2\u0745\u2c7e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0747\u2c89\3\2\2\2\u0749\u2c92\3\2\2\2\u074b\u2c98\3\2\2\2\u074d"+ + "\u2c9c\3\2\2\2\u074f\u2cad\3\2\2\2\u0751\u2cb4\3\2\2\2\u0753\u2cb9\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0755\u2cc8\3\2\2\2\u0757\u2cd2\3\2\2\2\u0759\u2cdf\3\2\2\2\u075b"+ + "\u2ceb\3\2\2\2\u075d\u2cf8\3\2\2\2\u075f\u2d02\3\2\2\2\u0761\u2d0f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0763\u2d14\3\2\2\2\u0765\u2d1d\3\2\2\2\u0767\u2d26\3\2\2\2\u0769"+ + "\u2d2e\3\2\2\2\u076b\u2d35\3\2\2\2\u076d\u2d41\3\2\2\2\u076f\u2d49\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0771\u2d4f\3\2\2\2\u0773\u2d58\3\2\2\2\u0775\u2d63\3\2\2\2\u0777"+ + "\u2d70\3\2\2\2\u0779\u2d78\3\2\2\2\u077b\u2d7c\3\2\2\2\u077d\u2d88\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u077f\u2d9d\3\2\2\2\u0781\u2da2\3\2\2\2\u0783\u2dad\3\2\2\2\u0785"+ + "\u2db6\3\2\2\2\u0787\u2dbe\3\2\2\2\u0789\u2dc9\3\2\2\2\u078b\u2dd4\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u078d\u2ddb\3\2\2\2\u078f\u2de3\3\2\2\2\u0791\u2de9\3\2\2\2\u0793"+ + "\u2ded\3\2\2\2\u0795\u2df1\3\2\2\2\u0797\u2df5\3\2\2\2\u0799\u2e01\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u079b\u2e06\3\2\2\2\u079d\u2e0a\3\2\2\2\u079f\u2e17\3\2\2\2\u07a1"+ + "\u2e1c\3\2\2\2\u07a3\u2e20\3\2\2\2\u07a5\u2e25\3\2\2\2\u07a7\u2e32\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u07a9\u2e41\3\2\2\2\u07ab\u2e48\3\2\2\2\u07ad\u2e50\3\2\2\2\u07af"+ + "\u2e5b\3\2\2\2\u07b1\u2e64\3\2\2\2\u07b3\u2e77\3\2\2\2\u07b5\u2e85\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u07b7\u2e8c\3\2\2\2\u07b9\u2e92\3\2\2\2\u07bb\u2e9c\3\2\2\2\u07bd"+ + "\u2ea5\3\2\2\2\u07bf\u2eb1\3\2\2\2\u07c1\u2eb6\3\2\2\2\u07c3\u2ec0\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u07c5\u2ec8\3\2\2\2\u07c7\u2ed3\3\2\2\2\u07c9\u2eda\3\2\2\2\u07cb"+ + "\u2ee5\3\2\2\2\u07cd\u2eea\3\2\2\2\u07cf\u2ef6\3\2\2\2\u07d1\u2efd\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u07d3\u2f06\3\2\2\2\u07d5\u2f0e\3\2\2\2\u07d7\u2f13\3\2\2\2\u07d9"+ + "\u2f30\3\2\2\2\u07db\u2f3d\3\2\2\2\u07dd\u2f42\3\2\2\2\u07df\u2f49\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u07e1\u2f4e\3\2\2\2\u07e3\u2f52\3\2\2\2\u07e5\u2f5a\3\2\2\2\u07e7"+ + "\u2f66\3\2\2\2\u07e9\u2f6a\3\2\2\2\u07eb\u2f75\3\2\2\2\u07ed\u2f80\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u07ef\u2f8a\3\2\2\2\u07f1\u2f90\3\2\2\2\u07f3\u2f98\3\2\2\2\u07f5"+ + "\u2f9f\3\2\2\2\u07f7\u2faa\3\2\2\2\u07f9\u2fb2\3\2\2\2\u07fb\u2fb8\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u07fd\u2fc6\3\2\2\2\u07ff\u2fd1\3\2\2\2\u0801\u2fda\3\2\2\2\u0803"+ + "\u2fe6\3\2\2\2\u0805\u2fec\3\2\2\2\u0807\u2ff6\3\2\2\2\u0809\u3006\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u080b\u300b\3\2\2\2\u080d\u3013\3\2\2\2\u080f\u301b\3\2\2\2\u0811"+ + "\u302e\3\2\2\2\u0813\u3038\3\2\2\2\u0815\u3046\3\2\2\2\u0817\u3051\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0819\u3057\3\2\2\2\u081b\u305e\3\2\2\2\u081d\u3069\3\2\2\2\u081f"+ + "\u306f\3\2\2\2\u0821\u3077\3\2\2\2\u0823\u3080\3\2\2\2\u0825\u3088\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0827\u308e\3\2\2\2\u0829\u3094\3\2\2\2\u082b\u309a\3\2\2\2\u082d"+ + "\u30a7\3\2\2\2\u082f\u30ad\3\2\2\2\u0831\u30bc\3\2\2\2\u0833\u30c3\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0835\u30c9\3\2\2\2\u0837\u30d6\3\2\2\2\u0839\u30db\3\2\2\2\u083b"+ + "\u30e0\3\2\2\2\u083d\u30f9\3\2\2\2\u083f\u3107\3\2\2\2\u0841\u3110\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0843\u3117\3\2\2\2\u0845\u3123\3\2\2\2\u0847\u3133\3\2\2\2\u0849"+ + "\u313d\3\2\2\2\u084b\u3150\3\2\2\2\u084d\u3161\3\2\2\2\u084f\u3168\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0851\u316c\3\2\2\2\u0853\u317e\3\2\2\2\u0855\u3186\3\2\2\2\u0857"+ + "\u3192\3\2\2\2\u0859\u31a2\3\2\2\2\u085b\u31aa\3\2\2\2\u085d\u31b6\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u085f\u31c0\3\2\2\2\u0861\u31d1\3\2\2\2\u0863\u31e1\3\2\2\2\u0865"+ + "\u31f1\3\2\2\2\u0867\u31f7\3\2\2\2\u0869\u3200\3\2\2\2\u086b\u3207\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u086d\u3211\3\2\2\2\u086f\u3216\3\2\2\2\u0871\u3222\3\2\2\2\u0873"+ + "\u3228\3\2\2\2\u0875\u322f\3\2\2\2\u0877\u3239\3\2\2\2\u0879\u3244\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u087b\u324a\3\2\2\2\u087d\u324e\3\2\2\2\u087f\u325e\3\2\2\2\u0881"+ + "\u3263\3\2\2\2\u0883\u326f\3\2\2\2\u0885\u327b\3\2\2\2\u0887\u3282\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0889\u328f\3\2\2\2\u088b\u3297\3\2\2\2\u088d\u329f\3\2\2\2\u088f"+ + "\u32a8\3\2\2\2\u0891\u32b2\3\2\2\2\u0893\u32cb\3\2\2\2\u0895\u32d3\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0897\u32dc\3\2\2\2\u0899\u32ed\3\2\2\2\u089b\u32fc\3\2\2\2\u089d"+ + "\u3309\3\2\2\2\u089f\u3318\3\2\2\2\u08a1\u3322\3\2\2\2\u08a3\u332e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u08a5\u3334\3\2\2\2\u08a7\u333c\3\2\2\2\u08a9\u334a\3\2\2\2\u08ab"+ + "\u3351\3\2\2\2\u08ad\u3359\3\2\2\2\u08af\u335d\3\2\2\2\u08b1\u336d\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u08b3\u3392\3\2\2\2\u08b5\u3396\3\2\2\2\u08b7\u339c\3\2\2\2\u08b9"+ + "\u33ac\3\2\2\2\u08bb\u33bf\3\2\2\2\u08bd\u33cb\3\2\2\2\u08bf\u33d0\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u08c1\u33d8\3\2\2\2\u08c3\u33e0\3\2\2\2\u08c5\u33e6\3\2\2\2\u08c7"+ + "\u33f1\3\2\2\2\u08c9\u33fe\3\2\2\2\u08cb\u340a\3\2\2\2\u08cd\u3410\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u08cf\u3418\3\2\2\2\u08d1\u341f\3\2\2\2\u08d3\u3426\3\2\2\2\u08d5"+ + "\u343b\3\2\2\2\u08d7\u344d\3\2\2\2\u08d9\u3455\3\2\2\2\u08db\u3468\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u08dd\u3472\3\2\2\2\u08df\u347e\3\2\2\2\u08e1\u348d\3\2\2\2\u08e3"+ + "\u3495\3\2\2\2\u08e5\u349d\3\2\2\2\u08e7\u34a5\3\2\2\2\u08e9\u34ad\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u08eb\u34b2\3\2\2\2\u08ed\u34be\3\2\2\2\u08ef\u34c3\3\2\2\2\u08f1"+ + "\u34cb\3\2\2\2\u08f3\u34d9\3\2\2\2\u08f5\u34e2\3\2\2\2\u08f7\u34e8\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u08f9\u34ec\3\2\2\2\u08fb\u34fb\3\2\2\2\u08fd\u3508\3\2\2\2\u08ff"+ + "\u3511\3\2\2\2\u0901\u3527\3\2\2\2\u0903\u3532\3\2\2\2\u0905\u3536\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0907\u353e\3\2\2\2\u0909\u3543\3\2\2\2\u090b\u3550\3\2\2\2\u090d"+ + "\u3558\3\2\2\2\u090f\u3562\3\2\2\2\u0911\u3569\3\2\2\2\u0913\u3576\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0915\u3585\3\2\2\2\u0917\u358d\3\2\2\2\u0919\u3594\3\2\2\2\u091b"+ + "\u359f\3\2\2\2\u091d\u35a4\3\2\2\2\u091f\u35b5\3\2\2\2\u0921\u35bd\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0923\u35c4\3\2\2\2\u0925\u35cb\3\2\2\2\u0927\u35d6\3\2\2\2\u0929"+ + "\u35db\3\2\2\2\u092b\u35e8\3\2\2\2\u092d\u35f1\3\2\2\2\u092f\u35f9\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0931\u3603\3\2\2\2\u0933\u360c\3\2\2\2\u0935\u3616\3\2\2\2\u0937"+ + "\u362c\3\2\2\2\u0939\u3633\3\2\2\2\u093b\u363b\3\2\2\2\u093d\u3646\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u093f\u364a\3\2\2\2\u0941\u3658\3\2\2\2\u0943\u365d\3\2\2\2\u0945"+ + "\u3668\3\2\2\2\u0947\u3673\3\2\2\2\u0949\u3677\3\2\2\2\u094b\u367e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u094d\u3688\3\2\2\2\u094f\u368d\3\2\2\2\u0951\u369b\3\2\2\2\u0953"+ + "\u36a4\3\2\2\2\u0955\u36b0\3\2\2\2\u0957\u36bf\3\2\2\2\u0959\u36ce\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u095b\u36e1\3\2\2\2\u095d\u36e9\3\2\2\2\u095f\u36ef\3\2\2\2\u0961"+ + "\u3701\3\2\2\2\u0963\u370a\3\2\2\2\u0965\u371d\3\2\2\2\u0967\u3724\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0969\u372a\3\2\2\2\u096b\u3733\3\2\2\2\u096d\u3737\3\2\2\2\u096f"+ + "\u3746\3\2\2\2\u0971\u3756\3\2\2\2\u0973\u3761\3\2\2\2\u0975\u3770\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0977\u3776\3\2\2\2\u0979\u3785\3\2\2\2\u097b\u378c\3\2\2\2\u097d"+ + "\u3791\3\2\2\2\u097f\u3799\3\2\2\2\u0981\u379f\3\2\2\2\u0983\u37a8\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0985\u37ad\3\2\2\2\u0987\u37be\3\2\2\2\u0989\u37ca\3\2\2\2\u098b"+ + "\u37de\3\2\2\2\u098d\u37e7\3\2\2\2\u098f\u37f1\3\2\2\2\u0991\u3801\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0993\u3807\3\2\2\2\u0995\u381d\3\2\2\2\u0997\u3821\3\2\2\2\u0999"+ + "\u3827\3\2\2\2\u099b\u383a\3\2\2\2\u099d\u3843\3\2\2\2\u099f\u384b\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u09a1\u3856\3\2\2\2\u09a3\u3865\3\2\2\2\u09a5\u3872\3\2\2\2\u09a7"+ + "\u3883\3\2\2\2\u09a9\u3891\3\2\2\2\u09ab\u389d\3\2\2\2\u09ad\u38af\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u09af\u38bc\3\2\2\2\u09b1\u38cb\3\2\2\2\u09b3\u38d0\3\2\2\2\u09b5"+ + "\u38d5\3\2\2\2\u09b7\u38e3\3\2\2\2\u09b9\u38ef\3\2\2\2\u09bb\u38f5\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u09bd\u3908\3\2\2\2\u09bf\u3911\3\2\2\2\u09c1\u3918\3\2\2\2\u09c3"+ + "\u3922\3\2\2\2\u09c5\u3929\3\2\2\2\u09c7\u3932\3\2\2\2\u09c9\u3936\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u09cb\u393d\3\2\2\2\u09cd\u3a35\3\2\2\2\u09cf\u3a42\3\2\2\2\u09d1"+ + "\u3a44\3\2\2\2\u09d3\u3a46\3\2\2\2\u09d5\u3a48\3\2\2\2\u09d7\u3a4a\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u09d9\u3a4c\3\2\2\2\u09db\u3a8d\3\2\2\2\u09dd\u3bb8\3\2\2\2\u09df"+ + "\u3bba\3\2\2\2\u09e1\u3bc9\3\2\2\2\u09e3\u3bcb\3\2\2\2\u09e5\u3bcd\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u09e7\u3bcf\3\2\2\2\u09e9\u3bd1\3\2\2\2\u09eb\u3bd3\3\2\2\2\u09ed"+ + "\u3bd5\3\2\2\2\u09ef\u3bd7\3\2\2\2\u09f1\u3bd9\3\2\2\2\u09f3\u3bdb\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u09f5\u3bdd\3\2\2\2\u09f7\u3bdf\3\2\2\2\u09f9\u3be1\3\2\2\2\u09fb"+ + "\u3be3\3\2\2\2\u09fd\u3be5\3\2\2\2\u09ff\u3be7\3\2\2\2\u0a01\u3be9\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0a03\u3bec\3\2\2\2\u0a05\u3bef\3\2\2\2\u0a07\u3bf1\3\2\2\2\u0a09"+ + "\u3bf5\3\2\2\2\u0a0b\u3bf8\3\2\2\2\u0a0d\u3bfa\3\2\2\2\u0a0f\u3bfd\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0a11\u3c00\3\2\2\2\u0a13\u3c08\3\2\2\2\u0a15\u3c0a\3\2\2\2\u0a17"+ + "\u3c0d\3\2\2\2\u0a19\u3c10\3\2\2\2\u0a1b\u3c13\3\2\2\2\u0a1d\u3c29\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0a1f\u3c2b\3\2\2\2\u0a21\u3c43\3\2\2\2\u0a23\u3c50\3\2\2\2\u0a25"+ + "\u3c52\3\2\2\2\u0a27\u3c5b\3\2\2\2\u0a29\u3c81\3\2\2\2\u0a2b\u3c98\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0a2d\u3c9a\3\2\2\2\u0a2f\u3cab\3\2\2\2\u0a31\u3cbb\3\2\2\2\u0a33"+ + "\u3cc9\3\2\2\2\u0a35\u3cdc\3\2\2\2\u0a37\u3ce0\3\2\2\2\u0a39\u3ce2\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0a3b\u3ce4\3\2\2\2\u0a3d\u3ce6\3\2\2\2\u0a3f\u3ce8\3\2\2\2\u0a41"+ + "\u3cea\3\2\2\2\u0a43\u3cec\3\2\2\2\u0a45\u3cee\3\2\2\2\u0a47\u3cf0\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0a49\u3cf2\3\2\2\2\u0a4b\u3cf4\3\2\2\2\u0a4d\u3cf6\3\2\2\2\u0a4f"+ + "\u3cf8\3\2\2\2\u0a51\u3cfa\3\2\2\2\u0a53\u3cfc\3\2\2\2\u0a55\u3cfe\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0a57\u3d00\3\2\2\2\u0a59\u3d02\3\2\2\2\u0a5b\u3d04\3\2\2\2\u0a5d"+ + "\u3d06\3\2\2\2\u0a5f\u3d08\3\2\2\2\u0a61\u3d0a\3\2\2\2\u0a63\u3d0c\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0a65\u3d0e\3\2\2\2\u0a67\u3d10\3\2\2\2\u0a69\u3d12\3\2\2\2\u0a6b"+ + "\u3d14\3\2\2\2\u0a6d\u3d1d\3\2\2\2\u0a6f\u3d26\3\2\2\2\u0a71\u3d2f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0a73\u3d38\3\2\2\2\u0a75\u3d41\3\2\2\2\u0a77\u3d4a\3\2\2\2\u0a79"+ + "\u3d53\3\2\2\2\u0a7b\u3d5c\3\2\2\2\u0a7d\u3d61\3\2\2\2\u0a7f\u3d7e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0a81\u3db8\3\2\2\2\u0a83\u0a84\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u0a84\u0a85\5\u0a5f"+ + "\u0530\2\u0a85\u0a86\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0a86\u0a87\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0a87"+ + "\u0a88\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0a88\u0a89\7a\2\2\u0a89\u0a8a\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u0a8a\u0a8b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0a8b\u0a8c\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0a8c\u0a8d\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0a8d\4\3\2\2\2\u0a8e\u0a8f\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0a8f\u0a90"+ + "\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u0a90\u0a91\7a\2\2\u0a91\u0a92\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0a92"+ + "\u0a93\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0a93\u0a94\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0a94\u0a95\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u0a95\u0a96\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0a96\u0a97\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0a97"+ + "\u0a98\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0a98\u0a99\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0a99\6\3\2\2\2\u0a9a"+ + "\u0a9b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0a9b\u0a9c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0a9c\u0a9d\7a\2\2"+ + "\u0a9d\u0a9e\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0a9e\u0a9f\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u0a9f\u0aa0\7"+ + "a\2\2\u0aa0\u0aa1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0aa1\u0aa2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0aa2\u0aa3"+ + "\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u0aa3\u0aa4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0aa4\u0aa5\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u0aa5\u0aa6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0aa6\u0aa7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0aa7\b\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0aa8\u0aa9\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0aa9\u0aaa\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0aaa\u0aab"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0aab\u0aac\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0aac\u0aad\5\u0a65\u0533"+ + "\2\u0aad\u0aae\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0aae\u0aaf\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0aaf\u0ab0"+ + "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0ab0\u0ab1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ab1\n\3\2\2\2\u0ab2\u0ab3"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0ab3\u0ab4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ab4\u0ab5\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u0ab5\u0ab6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ab6\u0ab7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0ab7\u0ab8"+ + "\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u0ab8\u0ab9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ab9\u0aba\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u0aba\f\3\2\2\2\u0abb\u0abc\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0abc\u0abd\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u0abd\u0abe\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u0abe\u0abf\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0abf\u0ac0"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0ac0\u0ac1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ac1\u0ac2\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u0ac2\16\3\2\2\2\u0ac3\u0ac4\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0ac4\u0ac5\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u0ac5\u0ac6\7a\2\2\u0ac6\u0ac7\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0ac7\u0ac8\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u0ac8\u0ac9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0ac9\u0aca\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0aca"+ + "\u0acb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0acb\u0acc\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0acc\u0acd\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u0acd\u0ace\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ace\u0acf\7a\2\2\u0acf\u0ad0\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u0ad0\u0ad1\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0ad1\u0ad2\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ + "\u0ad2\u0ad3\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0ad3\20\3\2\2\2\u0ad4\u0ad5\5\u0a55\u052b"+ + "\2\u0ad5\u0ad6\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0ad6\u0ad7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0ad7\u0ad8"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ad8\u0ad9\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0ad9\u0ada\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u0ada\u0adb\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0adb\u0adc\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0adc\u0add"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0add\u0ade\7a\2\2\u0ade\u0adf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0adf"+ + "\u0ae0\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0ae0\u0ae1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0ae1\u0ae2\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u0ae2\22\3\2\2\2\u0ae3\u0ae4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ae4\u0ae5\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u0ae5\u0ae6\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0ae6\u0ae7\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u0ae7"+ + "\u0ae8\7a\2\2\u0ae8\u0ae9\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0ae9\u0aea\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ + "\u0aea\24\3\2\2\2\u0aeb\u0aec\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0aec\u0aed\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u0aed\u0aee\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0aee\u0aef\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0aef\u0af0"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0af0\u0af1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0af1\u0af2\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u0af2\u0af3\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0af3\u0af4\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0af4\u0af5"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0af5\u0af6\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0af6\26\3\2\2\2\u0af7\u0af8"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0af8\u0af9\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0af9\u0afa\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u0afa\u0afb\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0afb\u0afc\7a\2\2\u0afc\u0afd\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u0afd\u0afe\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0afe\u0aff\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0aff"+ + "\u0b00\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0b00\u0b01\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0b01\u0b02\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u0b02\u0b03\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u0b03\30\3\2\2\2\u0b04\u0b05\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u0b05\u0b06\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0b06\u0b07\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0b07"+ + "\u0b08\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0b08\u0b09\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0b09\u0b0a\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u0b0a\32\3\2\2\2\u0b0b\u0b0c\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0b0c\u0b0d\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u0b0d\u0b0e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0b0e\u0b0f\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0b0f"+ + "\u0b10\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0b10\34\3\2\2\2\u0b11\u0b12\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u0b12"+ + "\u0b13\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0b13\u0b14\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0b14\u0b15\5\u0a45"+ + "\u0523\2\u0b15\u0b16\7a\2\2\u0b16\u0b17\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0b17\u0b18\5"+ + "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0b18\u0b19\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0b19\u0b1a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u0b1a\u0b1b\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0b1b\u0b1c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0b1c\36\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0b1d\u0b1e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0b1e\u0b1f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0b1f\u0b20"+ + "\7a\2\2\u0b20\u0b21\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0b21\u0b22\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0b22"+ + "\u0b23\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0b23\u0b24\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0b24\u0b25\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u0b25\u0b26\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0b26\u0b27\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0b27"+ + "\u0b28\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0b28\u0b29\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0b29\u0b2a\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u0b2a\u0b2b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0b2b \3\2\2\2\u0b2c\u0b2d\5\u0a63"+ + "\u0532\2\u0b2d\u0b2e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0b2e\u0b2f\7a\2\2\u0b2f\u0b30\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u0b30\u0b31\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0b31\u0b32\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u0b32\u0b33\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0b33\u0b34\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0b34\u0b35\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u0b35\"\3\2\2\2\u0b36\u0b37\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0b37\u0b38"+ + "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0b38\u0b39\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0b39\u0b3a\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u0b3a\u0b3b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0b3b\u0b3c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0b3c\u0b3d"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0b3d\u0b3e\7a\2\2\u0b3e\u0b3f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0b3f"+ + "\u0b40\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0b40\u0b41\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0b41\u0b42\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u0b42\u0b43\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0b43\u0b44\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0b44"+ + "$\3\2\2\2\u0b45\u0b46\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0b46\u0b47\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0b47"+ + "\u0b48\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0b48\u0b49\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0b49\u0b4a\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u0b4a\u0b4b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0b4b\u0b4c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0b4c"+ + "\u0b4d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0b4d\u0b4e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0b4e\u0b4f\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u0b4f\u0b50\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0b50\u0b51\7a\2\2\u0b51\u0b52\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0b52\u0b53\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0b53\u0b54\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ + "\u0b54\u0b55\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0b55&\3\2\2\2\u0b56\u0b57\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u0b57\u0b58\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0b58\u0b59\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0b59\u0b5a"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0b5a\u0b5b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0b5b\u0b5c\5\u0a61\u0531"+ + "\2\u0b5c\u0b5d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0b5d\u0b5e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0b5e\u0b5f"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0b5f\u0b60\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0b60(\3\2\2\2\u0b61\u0b62"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0b62\u0b63\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0b63\u0b64\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u0b64\u0b65\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u0b65\u0b66\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0b66\u0b67"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0b67\u0b68\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0b68*\3\2\2\2\u0b69\u0b6a"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0b6a\u0b6b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0b6b\u0b6c\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u0b6c\u0b6d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0b6d\u0b6e\7a\2\2\u0b6e\u0b6f\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u0b6f\u0b70\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0b70\u0b71\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0b71"+ + "\u0b72\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0b72\u0b73\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0b73\u0b74\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u0b74,\3\2\2\2\u0b75\u0b76\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0b76\u0b77\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u0b77\u0b78\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0b78\u0b79\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u0b79"+ + "\u0b7a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0b7a\u0b7b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0b7b\u0b7c\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u0b7c\u0b7d\7a\2\2\u0b7d\u0b7e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0b7e\u0b7f\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u0b7f\u0b80\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0b80\u0b81\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u0b81.\3\2\2\2\u0b82\u0b83\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0b83\u0b84\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u0b84\u0b85\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0b85\u0b86\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0b86\u0b87"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0b87\u0b88\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0b88\u0b89\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u0b89\u0b8a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0b8a\60\3\2\2\2\u0b8b\u0b8c\5\u0a39\u051d"+ + "\2\u0b8c\u0b8d\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0b8d\u0b8e\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0b8e\u0b8f"+ + "\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0b8f\u0b90\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0b90\u0b91\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u0b91\u0b92\7a\2\2\u0b92\u0b93\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0b93\u0b94\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u0b94\u0b95\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u0b95\u0b96\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0b96"+ + "\62\3\2\2\2\u0b97\u0b98\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0b98\u0b99\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0b99"+ + "\u0b9a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0b9a\u0b9b\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0b9b\u0b9c\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u0b9c\u0b9d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0b9d\u0b9e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0b9e"+ + "\u0b9f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0b9f\u0ba0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ba0\u0ba1\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u0ba1\64\3\2\2\2\u0ba2\u0ba3\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0ba3\u0ba4\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u0ba4\u0ba5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ba5\u0ba6\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0ba6"+ + "\u0ba7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0ba7\u0ba8\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0ba8\u0ba9\5\u0a5f"+ + "\u0530\2\u0ba9\u0baa\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0baa\u0bab\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0bab"+ + "\66\3\2\2\2\u0bac\u0bad\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0bad\u0bae\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0bae"+ + "\u0baf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0baf\u0bb0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0bb0\u0bb1\7a\2\2"+ + "\u0bb1\u0bb2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0bb2\u0bb3\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0bb3\u0bb4\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0bb4\u0bb5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0bb5\u0bb6\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u0bb6\u0bb7\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0bb7\u0bb8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0bb8\u0bb9\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0bb9\u0bba\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0bba8\3\2\2\2\u0bbb\u0bbc"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0bbc\u0bbd\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u0bbd\u0bbe\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u0bbe\u0bbf\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0bbf\u0bc0\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0bc0\u0bc1"+ + "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0bc1\u0bc2\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u0bc2:\3\2\2\2\u0bc3\u0bc4"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0bc4\u0bc5\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0bc5\u0bc6\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u0bc6\u0bc7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0bc7\u0bc8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0bc8\u0bc9"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0bc9\u0bca\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0bca\u0bcb\7a\2\2\u0bcb"+ + "\u0bcc\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0bcc\u0bcd\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0bcd\u0bce\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u0bce\u0bcf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0bcf\u0bd0\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u0bd0"+ + "<\3\2\2\2\u0bd1\u0bd2\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0bd2\u0bd3\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0bd3"+ + "\u0bd4\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0bd4\u0bd5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0bd5\u0bd6\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u0bd6\u0bd7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0bd7\u0bd8\7a\2\2\u0bd8\u0bd9\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u0bd9\u0bda\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0bda\u0bdb\5\u0a41\u0521\2"+ + "\u0bdb\u0bdc\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0bdc>\3\2\2\2\u0bdd\u0bde\5\u0a61\u0531"+ + "\2\u0bde\u0bdf\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0bdf\u0be0\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0be0\u0be1"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0be1\u0be2\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0be2\u0be3\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u0be3\u0be4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0be4\u0be5\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0be5\u0be6"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0be6\u0be7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0be7@\3\2\2\2\u0be8\u0be9"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0be9\u0bea\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0bea\u0beb\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u0beb\u0bec\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0bec\u0bed\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0bed\u0bee"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0bee\u0bef\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0bef\u0bf0\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u0bf0\u0bf1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0bf1\u0bf2\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0bf2\u0bf3"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0bf3B\3\2\2\2\u0bf4\u0bf5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0bf5\u0bf6"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0bf6\u0bf7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0bf7\u0bf8\7a\2\2\u0bf8"+ + "\u0bf9\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0bf9\u0bfa\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0bfa\u0bfb\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u0bfb\u0bfc\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0bfc\u0bfd\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0bfd"+ + "\u0bfe\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u0bfe\u0bff\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0bffD\3\2\2\2\u0c00"+ + "\u0c01\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0c01\u0c02\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0c02\u0c03\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u0c03\u0c04\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c04\u0c05\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c05"+ + "\u0c06\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c06\u0c07\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u0c07\u0c08\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u0c08\u0c09\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0c09F\3\2\2\2\u0c0a\u0c0b\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u0c0b\u0c0c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0c0c\u0c0d\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0c0d"+ + "\u0c0e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c0e\u0c0f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0c0f\u0c10\7a\2\2"+ + "\u0c10\u0c11\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0c11\u0c12\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0c12\u0c13\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0c13\u0c14\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c14\u0c15\5\u0a65\u0533\2"+ + "\u0c15\u0c16\7a\2\2\u0c16\u0c17\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0c17\u0c18\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u0c18\u0c19\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0c19\u0c1a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c1a\u0c1b"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0c1b\u0c1c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c1c\u0c1d\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u0c1d\u0c1e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c1e\u0c1f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0c1fH\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0c20\u0c21\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0c21\u0c22\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0c22\u0c23"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0c23\u0c24\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c24\u0c25\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u0c25\u0c26\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c26\u0c27\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0c27\u0c28"+ + "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0c28\u0c29\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0c29\u0c2a\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u0c2aJ\3\2\2\2\u0c2b\u0c2c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0c2c\u0c2d\5\u0a57\u052c"+ + "\2\u0c2d\u0c2e\7a\2\2\u0c2e\u0c2f\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0c2f\u0c30\5\u0a39"+ + "\u051d\2\u0c30\u0c31\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0c31L\3\2\2\2\u0c32\u0c33\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u0c33\u0c34\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u0c34\u0c35\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0c35"+ + "\u0c36\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c36\u0c37\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c37\u0c38\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u0c38\u0c39\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0c39\u0c3a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0c3a"+ + "\u0c3b\7a\2\2\u0c3b\u0c3c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c3c\u0c3d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u0c3d\u0c3e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0c3e\u0c3f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c3f\u0c40\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u0c40\u0c41\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0c41\u0c42\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u0c42\u0c43\7a\2\2\u0c43\u0c44\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0c44\u0c45\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u0c45\u0c46\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c46\u0c47\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0c47N\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0c48\u0c49\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0c49\u0c4a\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u0c4a\u0c4b"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c4b\u0c4c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c4c\u0c4d\5\u0a63\u0532"+ + "\2\u0c4d\u0c4e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c4e\u0c4f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0c4f\u0c50"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0c50\u0c51\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c51P\3\2\2\2\u0c52\u0c53"+ + "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0c53\u0c54\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u0c54\u0c55\7a\2\2\u0c55"+ + "\u0c56\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c56\u0c57\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c57\u0c58\5\u0a63"+ + "\u0532\2\u0c58\u0c59\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c59\u0c5a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0c5a"+ + "\u0c5b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0c5b\u0c5c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c5cR\3\2\2\2\u0c5d"+ + "\u0c5e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c5e\u0c5f\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0c5f\u0c60\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u0c60\u0c61\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0c61\u0c62\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0c62"+ + "\u0c63\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0c63\u0c64\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0c64\u0c65\7a\2\2"+ + "\u0c65\u0c66\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0c66\u0c67\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0c67\u0c68\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c68T\3\2\2\2\u0c69\u0c6a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0c6a\u0c6b"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0c6b\u0c6c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c6c\u0c6d\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u0c6d\u0c6e\7a\2\2\u0c6e\u0c6f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c6f\u0c70\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u0c70\u0c71\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0c71\u0c72\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c72"+ + "\u0c73\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c73\u0c74\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c74\u0c75\5\u0a45"+ + "\u0523\2\u0c75\u0c76\7a\2\2\u0c76\u0c77\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c77\u0c78\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0c78\u0c79\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0c79V\3\2\2\2\u0c7a\u0c7b"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0c7b\u0c7c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0c7c\u0c7d\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u0c7d\u0c7e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0c7e\u0c7f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c7f\u0c80"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c80\u0c81\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0c81\u0c82\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u0c82\u0c83\7a\2\2\u0c83\u0c84\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0c84\u0c85\5\u0a43"+ + "\u0522\2\u0c85\u0c86\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0c86\u0c87\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c87"+ + "X\3\2\2\2\u0c88\u0c89\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c89\u0c8a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c8a"+ + "\u0c8b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c8b\u0c8c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0c8c\u0c8d\5\u0a5f"+ + "\u0530\2\u0c8d\u0c8e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c8e\u0c8f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0c8f"+ + "\u0c90\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c90\u0c91\7a\2\2\u0c91\u0c92\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ + "\u0c92\u0c93\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c93\u0c94\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0c94\u0c95\5"+ + "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0c95\u0c96\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0c96Z\3\2\2\2\u0c97\u0c98"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c98\u0c99\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0c99\u0c9a\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u0c9a\u0c9b\7a\2\2\u0c9b\u0c9c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c9c\u0c9d\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u0c9d\u0c9e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0c9e\u0c9f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0c9f"+ + "\u0ca0\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ca0\u0ca1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ca1\\\3\2\2\2\u0ca2"+ + "\u0ca3\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0ca3\u0ca4\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0ca4\u0ca5\5\u0a65"+ + "\u0533\2\u0ca5\u0ca6\7a\2\2\u0ca6\u0ca7\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0ca7\u0ca8\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u0ca8\u0ca9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0ca9\u0caa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u0caa\u0cab\7a\2\2\u0cab\u0cac\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0cac\u0cad\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u0cad\u0cae\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u0cae\u0caf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0caf^\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0cb0\u0cb1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0cb1\u0cb2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0cb2\u0cb3"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0cb3\u0cb4\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0cb4`\3\2\2\2\u0cb5\u0cb6"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0cb6\u0cb7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0cb7\u0cb8\7a\2\2\u0cb8"+ + "\u0cb9\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0cb9\u0cba\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0cba\u0cbb\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u0cbb\u0cbc\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0cbc\u0cbd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0cbd"+ + "\u0cbe\7a\2\2\u0cbe\u0cbf\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0cbf\u0cc0\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u0cc0\u0cc1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0cc1\u0cc2\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u0cc2\u0cc3\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0cc3b\3\2\2\2\u0cc4\u0cc5\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0cc5\u0cc6"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0cc6\u0cc7\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u0cc7\u0cc8\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u0cc8\u0cc9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0cc9\u0cca\7a\2\2\u0cca\u0ccb\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u0ccb\u0ccc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ccc\u0ccd\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0ccd"+ + "\u0cce\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0cce\u0ccf\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0ccf\u0cd0\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u0cd0\u0cd1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0cd1\u0cd2\7a\2\2\u0cd2\u0cd3\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u0cd3\u0cd4\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0cd4\u0cd5\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ + "\u0cd5d\3\2\2\2\u0cd6\u0cd7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0cd7\u0cd8\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u0cd8\u0cd9\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0cd9\u0cda\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0cda\u0cdb"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0cdb\u0cdc\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0cdc\u0cdd\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u0cdd\u0cde\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0cdef\3\2\2\2\u0cdf\u0ce0\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u0ce0h\3\2\2\2\u0ce1\u0ce2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ce2j\3\2\2\2\u0ce3\u0ce4"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ce4l\3\2\2\2\u0ce5\u0ce6\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u0ce6n\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0ce7\u0ce8\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0ce8p\3\2\2\2\u0ce9\u0cea\5\u0a55\u052b"+ + "\2\u0cear\3\2\2\2\u0ceb\u0cec\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u0cec\u0ced\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u0ced\u0cee\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0cee\u0cfd\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u0cef\u0cf1"+ + "\t\2\2\2\u0cf0\u0cef\3\2\2\2\u0cf1\u0cf2\3\2\2\2\u0cf2\u0cf0\3\2\2\2\u0cf2"+ + "\u0cf3\3\2\2\2\u0cf3\u0cfe\3\2\2\2\u0cf4\u0cf5\7/\2\2\u0cf5\u0cf6\7/\2"+ + "\2\u0cf6\u0cfa\3\2\2\2\u0cf7\u0cf9\n\3\2\2\u0cf8\u0cf7\3\2\2\2\u0cf9\u0cfc"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0cfa\u0cf8\3\2\2\2\u0cfa\u0cfb\3\2\2\2\u0cfb\u0cfe\3\2\2\2\u0cfc"+ + "\u0cfa\3\2\2\2\u0cfd\u0cf0\3\2\2\2\u0cfd\u0cf4\3\2\2\2\u0cfe\u0cff\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0cff\u0d00\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0d00\u0d01\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0d01\u0d02"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0d02\u0d03\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0d03\u0d04\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u0d04\u0d13\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0d05\u0d07\t\2\2\2\u0d06\u0d05\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u0d07\u0d08\3\2\2\2\u0d08\u0d06\3\2\2\2\u0d08\u0d09\3\2\2\2\u0d09\u0d14"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0d0a\u0d0b\7/\2\2\u0d0b\u0d0c\7/\2\2\u0d0c\u0d10\3\2\2\2\u0d0d"+ + "\u0d0f\n\3\2\2\u0d0e\u0d0d\3\2\2\2\u0d0f\u0d12\3\2\2\2\u0d10\u0d0e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0d10\u0d11\3\2\2\2\u0d11\u0d14\3\2\2\2\u0d12\u0d10\3\2\2\2\u0d13"+ + "\u0d06\3\2\2\2\u0d13\u0d0a\3\2\2\2\u0d14\u0d15\3\2\2\2\u0d15\u0d16\5\u0a43"+ + "\u0522\2\u0d16\u0d17\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0d17\u0d18\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0d18"+ + "\u0d19\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0d19\u0d1a\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0d1at\3\2\2\2\u0d1b"+ + "\u0d1c\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u0d1c\u0d1d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0d1d\u0d1e\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u0d1e\u0d1f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0d1fv\3\2\2\2\u0d20\u0d21\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u0d21\u0d22\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0d22\u0d23\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0d23"+ + "\u0d24\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d24\u0d25\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0d25\u0d26\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u0d26\u0d27\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0d27\u0d28\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0d28"+ + "x\3\2\2\2\u0d29\u0d2a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d2a\u0d2b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0d2b"+ + "\u0d2c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0d2c\u0d2d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0d2d\u0d2e\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u0d2e\u0d2f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0d2fz\3\2\2\2\u0d30\u0d31\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u0d31\u0d32\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0d32\u0d33\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u0d33"+ + "\u0d34\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0d34\u0d35\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0d35\u0d36\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u0d36\u0d37\7a\2\2\u0d37\u0d38\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0d38\u0d39\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0d39|\3\2\2\2\u0d3a\u0d3b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d3b\u0d3c"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0d3c\u0d3d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0d3d~\3\2\2\2\u0d3e\u0d3f"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d3f\u0d40\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0d40\u0d41\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u0d41\u0d42\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0d42\u0d43\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0d43\u0d44"+ + "\7a\2\2\u0d44\u0d45\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u0d45\u0d46\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0d46"+ + "\u0d47\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0d47\u0d48\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0d48\u0d49\7a\2\2"+ + "\u0d49\u0d4a\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0d4a\u0d4b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0d4b\u0d4c\5"+ + "\u0a43\u0522\2\u0d4c\u0d4d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0d4d\u0d4e\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u0d4e\u0080\3\2\2\2\u0d4f\u0d50\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0d50\u0d51\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u0d51\u0d52\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0d52\u0d53\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0d53\u0d54"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0d54\u0d55\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0d55\u0d56\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u0d56\u0d57\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0d57\u0d58\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0d58\u0082"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0d59\u0d5a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d5a\u0d5b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0d5b"+ + "\u0d5c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0d5c\u0084\3\2\2\2\u0d5d\u0d5e\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u0d5e\u0d5f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0d5f\u0d60\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0d60\u0d61\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0d61\u0d62\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0d62\u0086\3\2\2\2\u0d63\u0d64"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d64\u0d65\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0d65\u0d66\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u0d66\u0088\3\2\2\2\u0d67\u0d68\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d68\u0d69\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u0d69\u0d6a\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0d6a\u008a\3\2\2\2\u0d6b\u0d6c\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d6c\u0d6d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0d6d\u008c\3\2\2\2\u0d6e\u0d6f"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d6f\u0d70\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0d70\u0d71\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u0d71\u008e\3\2\2\2\u0d72\u0d73\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u0d73\u0d74\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u0d74\u0d75\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0d75\u0d76\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d76"+ + "\u0d77\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0d77\u0d78\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0d78\u0d79\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u0d79\u0d7a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0d7a\u0d7b\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0d7b"+ + "\u0d7c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0d7c\u0d7d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0d7d\u0d7e\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u0d7e\u0d7f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0d7f\u0090\3\2\2\2\u0d80\u0d81\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d81\u0d82\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0d82\u0d83\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ + "\u0d83\u0d84\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0d84\u0d85\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0d85\u0092\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u0d86\u0d94\7)\2\2\u0d87\u0d89\t\4\2\2\u0d88\u0d87\3\2\2\2\u0d89"+ + "\u0d8c\3\2\2\2\u0d8a\u0d88\3\2\2\2\u0d8a\u0d8b\3\2\2\2\u0d8b\u0d95\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0d8c\u0d8a\3\2\2\2\u0d8d\u0d91\t\5\2\2\u0d8e\u0d90\t\6\2\2\u0d8f"+ + "\u0d8e\3\2\2\2\u0d90\u0d93\3\2\2\2\u0d91\u0d8f\3\2\2\2\u0d91\u0d92\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0d92\u0d95\3\2\2\2\u0d93\u0d91\3\2\2\2\u0d94\u0d8a\3\2\2\2\u0d94"+ + "\u0d8d\3\2\2\2\u0d95\u0d96\3\2\2\2\u0d96\u0d9a\7)\2\2\u0d97\u0d99\7\""+ + "\2\2\u0d98\u0d97\3\2\2\2\u0d99\u0d9c\3\2\2\2\u0d9a\u0d98\3\2\2\2\u0d9a"+ + "\u0d9b\3\2\2\2\u0d9b\u0d9d\3\2\2\2\u0d9c\u0d9a\3\2\2\2\u0d9d\u0daf\7<"+ + "\2\2\u0d9e\u0da0\t\7\2\2\u0d9f\u0d9e\3\2\2\2\u0da0\u0da1\3\2\2\2\u0da1"+ + "\u0d9f\3\2\2\2\u0da1\u0da2\3\2\2\2\u0da2\u0db0\3\2\2\2\u0da3\u0da7\t\5"+ + "\2\2\u0da4\u0da6\t\6\2\2\u0da5\u0da4\3\2\2\2\u0da6\u0da9\3\2\2\2\u0da7"+ + "\u0da5\3\2\2\2\u0da7\u0da8\3\2\2\2\u0da8\u0db0\3\2\2\2\u0da9\u0da7\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0daa\u0dac\t\b\2\2\u0dab\u0daa\3\2\2\2\u0dac\u0dad\3\2\2\2\u0dad"+ + "\u0dab\3\2\2\2\u0dad\u0dae\3\2\2\2\u0dae\u0db0\3\2\2\2\u0daf\u0d9f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0daf\u0da3\3\2\2\2\u0daf\u0dab\3\2\2\2\u0db0\u0094\3\2\2\2\u0db1"+ + "\u0db2\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u0db2\u0db3\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0db3\u0db4\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u0db4\u0db5\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0db5\u0db6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0db6"+ + "\u0096\3\2\2\2\u0db7\u0db8\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0db8\u0db9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u0db9\u0dba\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0dba\u0dbb\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u0dbb\u0dbc\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0dbc\u0dbd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0dbd\u0dbe\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u0dbe\u0098\3\2\2\2\u0dbf\u0dc0\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0dc0\u0dc1\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u0dc1\u0dc2\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0dc2\u0dc3\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0dc3\u009a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0dc4\u0dc5\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0dc5\u0dc6\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0dc6"+ + "\u009c\3\2\2\2\u0dc7\u0dc8\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0dc8\u0dc9\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u0dc9\u0dca\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0dca\u0dcb\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0dcb\u0dcc\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u0dcc\u0dcd\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0dcd\u0dce\7a\2\2\u0dce\u0dcf"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0dcf\u0dd0\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0dd0\u0dd1\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u0dd1\u0dd2\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0dd2\u0dd3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0dd3\u0dd4"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0dd4\u009e\3\2\2\2\u0dd5\u0dd6\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0dd6"+ + "\u0dd7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0dd7\u0dd8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0dd8\u0dd9\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u0dd9\u0dda\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0dda\u0ddb\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0ddb"+ + "\u0ddc\7a\2\2\u0ddc\u0ddd\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0ddd\u0dde\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u0dde\u0ddf\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0ddf\u0de0\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0de0\u0de1\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0de1\u00a0\3\2\2\2\u0de2\u0de3\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0de3\u0de4"+ + "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u0de4\u0de5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0de5\u0de6\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u0de6\u00a2\3\2\2\2\u0de7\u0de8\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0de8\u0de9\5\u0a45"+ + "\u0523\2\u0de9\u0dea\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0dea\u0deb\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0deb"+ + "\u0dec\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u0dec\u00a4\3\2\2\2\u0ded\u0dee\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u0dee\u0def\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0def\u0df0\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0df0\u0df1\5"+ + "\u0a45\u0523\2\u0df1\u0df2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0df2\u0df3\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u0df3\u00a6\3\2\2\2\u0df4\u0df5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0df5\u0df6\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u0df6\u0df7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0df7\u0df8\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0df8\u00a8"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0df9\u0dfa\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0dfa\u0dfb\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0dfb"+ + "\u0dfc\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0dfc\u0dfd\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0dfd\u0dfe\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u0dfe\u0dff\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0dff\u0e00\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0e00"+ + "\u00aa\3\2\2\2\u0e01\u0e02\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0e02\u0e03\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u0e03\u0e04\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0e04\u0e05\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0e05\u0e06\5"+ + "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0e06\u0e07\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0e07\u00ac\3\2\2\2\u0e08\u0e09"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0e09\u0e0a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0e0a\u0e0b\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u0e0b\u0e0c\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0e0c\u0e0d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e0d\u0e0e"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0e0e\u0e0f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e0f\u00ae\3\2\2\2\u0e10"+ + "\u0e11\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0e11\u0e12\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0e12\u0e13\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u0e13\u0e14\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0e14\u0e15\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0e15"+ + "\u0e16\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e16\u0e17\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0e17\u0e18\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u0e18\u00b0\3\2\2\2\u0e19\u0e1a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0e1a\u0e1b\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u0e1b\u0e1c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0e1c\u0e1d\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u0e1d\u0e1e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e1e\u0e1f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0e1f\u0e20\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e20\u00b2\3\2\2\2\u0e21\u0e22\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0e22\u0e23"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0e23\u0e24\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e24\u0e25\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u0e25\u0e26\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e26\u0e27\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e27\u00b4"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0e28\u0e29\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0e29\u0e2a\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0e2a"+ + "\u0e2b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0e2b\u0e2c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0e2c\u0e2d\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u0e2d\u0e2e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0e2e\u0e2f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e2f"+ + "\u00b6\3\2\2\2\u0e30\u0e31\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0e31\u0e32\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u0e32\u0e33\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e33\u0e34\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e34\u00b8\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u0e35\u0e36\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0e36\u0e37\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e37\u0e38"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0e38\u0e39\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0e39\u0e3a\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u0e3a\u0e3b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0e3b\u0e3c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0e3c\u00ba"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0e3d\u0e3e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0e3e\u0e3f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e3f"+ + "\u0e40\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0e40\u0e41\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0e41\u0e42\5\u0a5f"+ + "\u0530\2\u0e42\u0e43\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0e43\u0e44\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e44"+ + "\u00bc\3\2\2\2\u0e45\u0e46\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0e46\u0e47\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u0e47\u0e48\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0e48\u0e49\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e49\u0e4a\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e4a\u0e4b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e4b\u00be\3\2\2\2\u0e4c\u0e4d"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0e4d\u0e4e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e4e\u0e4f\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u0e4f\u0e50\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0e50\u00c0\3\2\2\2\u0e51\u0e52\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u0e52\u0e53\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0e53\u0e54\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0e54"+ + "\u0e55\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e55\u0e56\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0e56\u0e57\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u0e57\u0e58\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0e58\u0e59\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e59"+ + "\u00c2\3\2\2\2\u0e5a\u0e5b\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0e5b\u0e5c\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u0e5c\u0e5d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e5d\u00c4\3\2\2\2\u0e5e\u0e5f\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u0e5f\u0e60\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0e60\u0e61\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0e61\u0e62"+ + "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0e62\u00c6\3\2\2\2\u0e63\u0e64\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0e64"+ + "\u0e65\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0e65\u0e66\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0e66\u0e67\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u0e67\u0e68\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0e68\u0e69\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0e69"+ + "\u0e6a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e6a\u0e6b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e6b\u00c8\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u0e6c\u0e6d\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u0e6d\u0e6e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0e6e\u0e6f\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u0e6f\u0e70\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0e70\u0e71\7a\2\2\u0e71\u0e72"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0e72\u0e73\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0e73\u0e74\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u0e74\u0e75\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0e75\u0e76\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0e76\u0e77"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0e77\u0e78\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0e78\u0e79\5\u0a43\u0522"+ + "\2\u0e79\u00ca\3\2\2\2\u0e7a\u0e7b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0e7b\u0e7c\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u0e7c\u0e7d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0e7d\u0e7e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0e7e"+ + "\u0e7f\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0e7f\u00cc\3\2\2\2\u0e80\u0e81\5\u0a49\u0525\2"+ + "\u0e81\u0e82\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0e82\u0e83\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0e83\u0e84\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u0e84\u0e85\7a\2\2\u0e85\u0e86\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0e86\u0e87"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0e87\u0e88\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0e88\u0e89\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u0e89\u0e8a\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0e8a\u00ce\3\2\2\2\u0e8b\u0e8c\5\u0a49"+ + "\u0525\2\u0e8c\u0e8d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0e8d\u0e8e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0e8e"+ + "\u0e8f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0e8f\u0e90\7a\2\2\u0e90\u0e91\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u0e91\u0e92\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0e92\u0e93\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0e93\u0e94\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e94\u0e95\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0e95\u00d0\3\2\2\2\u0e96\u0e97"+ + "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0e97\u0e98\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0e98\u0e99\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u0e99\u0e9a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0e9a\u0e9b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0e9b\u0e9c"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0e9c\u0e9d\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0e9d\u00d2\3\2\2\2\u0e9e"+ + "\u0e9f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e9f\u0ea0\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0ea0\u0ea1\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u0ea1\u0ea2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ea2\u00d4\3\2\2\2\u0ea3\u0ea4\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ea4\u0ea5\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u0ea5\u0ea6\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u0ea6\u0ea7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0ea7\u0ea8\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0ea8\u0ea9\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0ea9\u0eaa\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0eaa\u0eab\5\u0a61\u0531\2"+ + "\u0eab\u0eac\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0eac\u00d6\3\2\2\2\u0ead\u0eae\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u0eae\u0eaf\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u0eaf\u0eb0\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0eb0\u0eb1"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0eb1\u0eb2\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0eb2\u0eb3\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u0eb3\u00d8\3\2\2\2\u0eb4\u0eb5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0eb5\u0eb6\5\u0a65"+ + "\u0533\2\u0eb6\u0eb7\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0eb7\u0eb8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0eb8"+ + "\u0eb9\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0eb9\u0eba\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0eba\u0ebb\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u0ebb\u00da\3\2\2\2\u0ebc\u0ebd\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0ebd\u0ebe\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u0ebe\u0ebf\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0ebf\u0ec0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u0ec0\u00dc\3\2\2\2\u0ec1\u0ec2\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0ec2\u0ec3\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u0ec3\u0ec4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0ec4\u0ec5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0ec5\u0ec6"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ec6\u00de\3\2\2\2\u0ec7\u0ec8\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0ec8"+ + "\u0ec9\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0ec9\u0eca\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0eca\u00e0\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u0ecb\u0ecc\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0ecc\u0ecd\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0ecd\u0ece\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u0ece\u0ecf\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0ecf\u00e2\3\2\2\2\u0ed0\u0ed1"+ + "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0ed1\u0ed2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0ed2\u0ed3\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u0ed3\u0ed4\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0ed4\u0ed5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ed5\u00e4"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0ed6\u0ed7\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0ed7\u0ed8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0ed8"+ + "\u0ed9\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0ed9\u0eda\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0eda\u0edb\5\u0a55"+ + "\u052b\2\u0edb\u00e6\3\2\2\2\u0edc\u0edd\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u0edd\u0ede\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u0ede\u0edf\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u0edf\u0ee0\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u0ee0\u0ee1\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0ee1\u0ee2\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0ee2\u00e8\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u0ee3\u0ee4\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u0ee4\u0ee5\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0ee5\u0ee6"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0ee6\u0ee7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ee7\u00ea\3\2\2\2\u0ee8"+ + "\u0ee9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0ee9\u0eea\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0eea\u0eeb\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u0eeb\u0eec\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0eec\u0eed\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0eed"+ + "\u0eee\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0eee\u00ec\3\2\2\2\u0eef\u0ef0\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u0ef0\u0ef1\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0ef1\u0ef2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ef2\u0ef3\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u0ef3\u0ef4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ef4\u0ef5\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u0ef5\u0ef6\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0ef6\u0ef7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0ef7\u0ef8\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ef8\u0ef9\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0ef9\u00ee\3\2\2\2\u0efa\u0efb"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0efb\u0efc\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0efc\u0efd\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u0efd\u0efe\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0efe\u0eff\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u0eff\u0f00"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0f00\u0f01\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0f01\u0f02\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u0f02\u0f03\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0f03\u0f04\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0f04\u0f05"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0f05\u00f0\3\2\2\2\u0f06\u0f07\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f07"+ + "\u0f08\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0f08\u0f09\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0f09\u0f0a\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u0f0a\u0f0b\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0f0b\u0f0c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f0c"+ + "\u0f0d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0f0d\u0f0e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0f0e\u0f0f\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u0f0f\u00f2\3\2\2\2\u0f10\u0f11\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f11\u0f12\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f12\u00f4\3\2\2\2\u0f13\u0f14\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f14\u0f15"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f15\u0f16\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0f16\u0f17\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u0f17\u0f18\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f18\u0f19\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0f19\u0f1a"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f1a\u0f1b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f1b\u0f1c\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u0f1c\u00f6\3\2\2\2\u0f1d\u0f1e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f1e\u0f1f\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u0f1f\u0f20\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0f20\u0f21\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0f21"+ + "\u0f22\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0f22\u0f23\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0f23\u0f24\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u0f24\u00f8\3\2\2\2\u0f25\u0f26\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f26\u0f27\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f27\u0f28\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0f28\u0f29\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u0f29\u0f2a\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u0f2a\u00fa\3\2\2\2\u0f2b\u0f2c\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u0f2c\u0f2d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f2d\u0f2e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f2e\u0f2f"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0f2f\u0f30\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f30\u0f31\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u0f31\u0f32\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0f32\u00fc\3\2\2\2\u0f33\u0f34\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u0f34\u0f35\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f35\u0f36\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0f36"+ + "\u0f37\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f37\u0f38\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0f38\u0f39\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u0f39\u00fe\3\2\2\2\u0f3a\u0f3b\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0f3b\u0f3c\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f3c\u0f3d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f3d\u0f3e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u0f3e\u0f3f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0f3f\u0f40\7a\2\2\u0f40\u0f41\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u0f41\u0f42\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f42\u0f43\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0f43\u0f44"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f44\u0f45\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0f45\u0f46\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u0f46\u0f47\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0f47\u0f48\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f48\u0f49"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0f49\u0100\3\2\2\2\u0f4a\u0f4b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f4b"+ + "\u0f4c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f4c\u0f4d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0f4d\u0f4e\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u0f4e\u0f4f\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0f4f\u0f50\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f50"+ + "\u0f51\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0f51\u0102\3\2\2\2\u0f52\u0f53\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u0f53\u0f54\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f54\u0f55\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0f55\u0f56\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f56\u0f57\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0f57\u0f58\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u0f58\u0f59\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f59\u0f5a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0f5a\u0f5b\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0f5b\u0104\3\2\2\2\u0f5c\u0f5d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f5d\u0f5e"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f5e\u0f5f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0f5f\u0f60\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u0f60\u0106\3\2\2\2\u0f61\u0f62\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0f62\u0f63\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u0f63\u0f64\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0f64\u0f65\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f65"+ + "\u0f66\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f66\u0f67\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0f67\u0f68\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u0f68\u0f69\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f69\u0f6a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0f6a"+ + "\u0f6b\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0f6b\u0108\3\2\2\2\u0f6c\u0f6d\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u0f6d\u0f6e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0f6e\u010a\3\2\2\2\u0f6f\u0f70\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u0f70\u0f71\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0f71\u0f72\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0f72\u0f73"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0f73\u0f74\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f74\u0f75\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u0f75\u010c\3\2\2\2\u0f76\u0f77\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0f77\u0f78\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u0f78\u0f79\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u0f79\u0f7a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f7a"+ + "\u0f7b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0f7b\u010e\3\2\2\2\u0f7c\u0f7d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u0f7d\u0f7e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f7e\u0f7f\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u0f7f\u0f80\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f80\u0110\3\2\2\2\u0f81\u0f82\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0f82\u0f83"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0f83\u0f84\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0f84\u0f85\5\u0a4b\u0526"+ + "\2\u0f85\u0112\3\2\2\2\u0f86\u0f87\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0f87\u0f88\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u0f88\u0f89\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f89\u0f8a\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0f8a"+ + "\u0114\3\2\2\2\u0f8b\u0f8c\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0f8c\u0f8d\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u0f8d\u0f8e\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u0f8e\u0f8f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f8f\u0f90\5"+ + "\u0a65\u0533\2\u0f90\u0f91\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0f91\u0f92\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u0f92\u0f93\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f93\u0f94\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0f94\u0f95\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0f95\u0116\3\2\2\2\u0f96\u0f97\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0f97\u0f98"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f98\u0f99\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f99\u0f9a\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u0f9a\u0f9b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0f9b\u0118\3\2\2\2\u0f9c\u0f9d\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u0f9d\u0f9e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0f9e\u0f9f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0f9f"+ + "\u0fa0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0fa0\u011a\3\2\2\2\u0fa1\u0fa2\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ + "\u0fa2\u0fa3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0fa3\u0fa4\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0fa4\u0fa5\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u0fa5\u0fa6\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0fa6\u0fa7\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ + "\u0fa7\u011c\3\2\2\2\u0fa8\u0fa9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0fa9\u0faa\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u0faa\u0fab\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0fab\u0fac\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0fac\u0fad"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0fad\u0fae\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0fae\u0faf\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u0faf\u011e\3\2\2\2\u0fb0\u0fb1\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0fb1\u0fb2\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u0fb2\u0fb3\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0fb3\u0fb4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0fb4"+ + "\u0fb5\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0fb5\u0fb6\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0fb6\u0fb7\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u0fb7\u0fb8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0fb8\u0fb9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0fb9"+ + "\u0fba\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0fba\u0120\3\2\2\2\u0fbb\u0fbc\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u0fbc\u0fbd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0fbd\u0fbe\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0fbe\u0122\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u0fbf\u0fc0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0fc0\u0fc1\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0fc1\u0fc2"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0fc2\u0fc3\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0fc3\u0fc4\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u0fc4\u0fc5\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0fc5\u0fc6\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0fc6\u0fc7"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0fc7\u0124\3\2\2\2\u0fc8\u0fc9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0fc9"+ + "\u0fca\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0fca\u0fcb\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u0fcb\u0fcc\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u0fcc\u0fcd\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0fcd\u0fce\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0fce"+ + "\u0126\3\2\2\2\u0fcf\u0fd0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0fd0\u0fd1\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u0fd1\u0fd2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0fd2\u0fd3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0fd3\u0128\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u0fd4\u0fd5\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0fd5\u0fd6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0fd6\u0fd7"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0fd7\u0fd8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0fd8\u0fd9\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u0fd9\u0fda\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0fda\u0fdb\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0fdb\u012a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0fdc\u0fdd\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0fdd\u0fde\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0fde"+ + "\u0fdf\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0fdf\u0fe0\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0fe0\u0fe1\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u0fe1\u0fe2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0fe2\u012c\3\2\2\2\u0fe3\u0fe4\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u0fe4\u0fe5\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0fe5\u012e\3\2\2\2\u0fe6\u0fe7"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0fe7\u0fe8\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0fe8\u0fe9\5\u0a41\u0521"+ + "\2\u0fe9\u0fea\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0fea\u0feb\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0feb\u0fec"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0fec\u0fed\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0fed\u0130\3\2\2\2\u0fee"+ + "\u0fef\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0fef\u0ff0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0ff0\u0132\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u0ff1\u0ff2\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0ff2\u0ff3\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0ff3\u0ff4\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0ff4\u0ff5\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0ff5\u0ff6\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u0ff6\u0ff7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ff7\u0134\3\2\2\2\u0ff8\u0ff9\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u0ff9\u0ffa\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0ffa\u0ffb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ffb\u0ffc"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0ffc\u0ffd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0ffd\u0ffe\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u0ffe\u0136\3\2\2\2\u0fff\u1000\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1000\u1001\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u1001\u0138\3\2\2\2\u1002\u1003\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1003\u1004\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1004\u1005\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1005\u1006\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u1006\u1007\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1007\u013a\3\2\2\2\u1008\u1009\5\u0a55\u052b"+ + "\2\u1009\u100a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u100a\u100b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u100b\u100c"+ + "\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u100c\u100d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u100d\u100e\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u100e\u100f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u100f\u013c\3\2\2\2\u1010\u1011\5\u0a55"+ + "\u052b\2\u1011\u1012\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1012\u1013\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1013"+ + "\u1014\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1014\u1015\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1015\u013e\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1016\u1017\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1017\u1018\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1018\u1019\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1019\u101a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u101a\u101b\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u101b\u0140\3\2\2\2\u101c\u101d\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u101d\u101e\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u101e\u101f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u101f\u1020\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1020\u1021"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1021\u1022\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1022\u1023\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u1023\u1024\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1024\u1025\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1025\u1026"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1026\u0142\3\2\2\2\u1027\u1028\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1028"+ + "\u1029\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1029\u102a\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u102a\u102b\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u102b\u102c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u102c\u102d\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u102d"+ + "\u0144\3\2\2\2\u102e\u102f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u102f\u1030\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u1030\u1031\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1031\u0146\3\2\2\2\u1032\u1033\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u1033\u1034\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1034\u1035\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1035\u1036"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1036\u0148\3\2\2\2\u1037\u1038\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1038"+ + "\u1039\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1039\u103a\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u103a\u103b\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u103b\u103c\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u103c\u103d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u103d"+ + "\u014a\3\2\2\2\u103e\u103f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u103f\u1040\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u1040\u1041\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1041\u1042\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1042\u1043\5"+ + "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1043\u1044\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1044\u1045\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u1045\u1046\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1046\u014c\3\2\2\2\u1047\u1048\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u1048\u1049\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1049\u104a\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u104a\u104b"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u104b\u104c\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u104c\u104d\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u104d\u014e\3\2\2\2\u104e\u104f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u104f\u1050\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u1050\u1051\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1051\u0150\3\2\2\2\u1052\u1053\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1053\u1054\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1054\u1055\5\u0a63\u0532\2"+ + "\u1055\u1056\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1056\u1057\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1057\u0152\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1058\u1059\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1059\u105a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u105a\u105b"+ + "\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u105b\u105c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u105c\u105d\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u105d\u105e\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u105e\u105f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u105f\u1060"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1060\u0154\3\2\2\2\u1061\u1062\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1062"+ + "\u1063\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1063\u1064\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1064\u1065\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u1065\u1066\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1066\u1067\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1067"+ + "\u1068\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1068\u1069\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1069\u0156\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u106a\u106b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u106b\u106c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u106c\u106d\5"+ + "\u0a63\u0532\2\u106d\u106e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u106e\u106f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u106f\u1070\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1070\u0158\3\2\2\2\u1071\u1072\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u1072\u1073\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1073\u1074\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1074\u1075"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1075\u015a\3\2\2\2\u1076\u1077\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1077"+ + "\u1078\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1078\u1079\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1079\u107a\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u107a\u107b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u107b\u015c\3\2\2\2\u107c\u107d\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u107d\u107e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u107e\u107f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u107f\u1080\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1080\u1081\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1081\u1082\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1082\u015e\3\2\2\2\u1083\u1084\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1084\u1085"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1085\u1086\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1086\u1087\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u1087\u1088\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1088\u1089\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1089\u108a"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u108a\u0160\3\2\2\2\u108b\u108c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u108c"+ + "\u108d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u108d\u108e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u108e\u0162\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u108f\u1090\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1090\u1091\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1091\u1092\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1092\u1093\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1093\u0164\3\2\2\2\u1094\u1095"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1095\u1096\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1096\u1097\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u1097\u1098\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1098\u1099\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1099\u0166"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u109a\u109b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u109b\u109c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u109c"+ + "\u109d\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u109d\u109e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u109e\u0168\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u109f\u10a0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u10a0\u10a1\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u10a1\u10a2\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u10a2\u10a3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u10a3\u10a4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u10a4\u10a5\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u10a5\u10a6\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u10a6\u10a7\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u10a7\u016a\3\2\2\2\u10a8\u10a9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u10a9\u10aa"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u10aa\u10ab\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u10ab\u10ac\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u10ac\u10ad\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u10ad\u10ae\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u10ae\u10af"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u10af\u10b0\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u10b0\u10b1\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u10b1\u10b2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u10b2\u016c\3\2\2\2\u10b3\u10b4\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u10b4\u10b5\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u10b5\u10b6\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u10b6"+ + "\u10b7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u10b7\u10b8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u10b8\u10b9\5\u0a67"+ + "\u0534\2\u10b9\u10ba\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u10ba\u016e\3\2\2\2\u10bb\u10bc\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u10bc\u10bd\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u10bd\u10be\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u10be\u10bf\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u10bf\u10c0\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u10c0\u10c1\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u10c1\u10c2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u10c2\u0170\3\2\2\2\u10c3\u10c4"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u10c4\u10c5\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u10c5\u10c6\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u10c6\u10c7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u10c7\u10c8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u10c8\u10c9"+ + "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u10c9\u10ca\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u10ca\u10cb\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u10cb\u10cc\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u10cc\u10cd\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u10cd\u10ce"+ + "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u10ce\u10cf\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u10cf\u0172\3\2\2\2\u10d0"+ + "\u10d1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u10d1\u10d2\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u10d2\u10d3\5\u0a39"+ + "\u051d\2\u10d3\u10d4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u10d4\u10d5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u10d5"+ + "\u0174\3\2\2\2\u10d6\u10d7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u10d7\u10d8\5\u0a45\u0523\2"+ + "\u10d8\u10d9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u10d9\u10da\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u10da\u0176\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u10db\u10dc\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u10dc\u10dd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u10dd\u0178"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u10de\u10df\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u10df\u10e0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u10e0"+ + "\u10e1\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u10e1\u10e2\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u10e2\u10e3\5\u0a43"+ + "\u0522\2\u10e3\u10e4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u10e4\u10e5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u10e5"+ + "\u017a\3\2\2\2\u10e6\u10e7\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u10e7\u10e8\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u10e8\u10e9\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u10e9\u017c\3\2\2\2\u10ea\u10eb\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u10eb\u10ec\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u10ec\u10ed\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u10ed\u10ee"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u10ee\u10ef\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u10ef\u017e\3\2\2\2\u10f0"+ + "\u10f1\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u10f1\u10f2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u10f2\u10f3\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u10f3\u10f4\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u10f4\u10f5\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u10f5"+ + "\u10f6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u10f6\u0180\3\2\2\2\u10f7\u10f8\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u10f8\u10f9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u10f9\u10fa\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u10fa\u10fb\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u10fb\u10fc\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u10fc\u10fd\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u10fd\u10fe\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u10fe\u0182\3\2\2\2\u10ff\u1100\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u1100\u1101\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1101\u1102\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1102\u1103"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1103\u1104\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1104\u1105\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u1105\u0184\3\2\2\2\u1106\u1107\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1107\u1108\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u1108\u1109\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1109\u110a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u110a"+ + "\u0186\3\2\2\2\u110b\u110c\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u110c\u110d\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u110d\u110e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u110e\u110f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u110f\u1110\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1110\u1111\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1111\u1112\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u1112\u1113\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1113\u0188\3\2\2\2\u1114\u1115\5\u0a61\u0531"+ + "\2\u1115\u1116\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1116\u1117\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1117\u1118"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1118\u1119\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1119\u111a\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u111a\u018a\3\2\2\2\u111b\u111c\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u111c\u111d\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u111d\u111e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u111e\u111f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u111f"+ + "\u1120\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1120\u1121\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1121\u1122\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u1122\u1131\3\2\2\2\u1123\u1124\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1124\u1125\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u1125\u1126\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1126\u1127\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u1127\u1128\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1128\u1129\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1129\u112a\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u112a\u112b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u112b\u112c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u112c\u112d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u112d\u112e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u112e\u112f\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u112f\u1131\3\2\2\2\u1130\u111b\3\2\2\2\u1130\u1123\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1131\u018c\3\2\2\2\u1132\u1133\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1133\u1134\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u1134\u1135\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1135\u1136\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1136"+ + "\u1137\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1137\u1138\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1138\u1139\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u1139\u113a\7\64\2\2\u113a\u018e\3\2\2\2\u113b\u113c\5\u0a61"+ + "\u0531\2\u113c\u113d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u113d\u113e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u113e"+ + "\u113f\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u113f\u0190\3\2\2\2\u1140\u1141\5\u0a63\u0532\2"+ + "\u1141\u1142\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1142\u1143\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1143\u1144\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u1144\u1145\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1145\u1146\5\u0a61\u0531\2"+ + "\u1146\u1147\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1147\u1148\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1148\u0192\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1149\u114a\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u114a\u114b\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u114b\u114c"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u114c\u114d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u114d\u114e\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u114e\u0194\3\2\2\2\u114f\u1150\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1150\u1151\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u1151\u1152\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1152\u1153\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1153"+ + "\u1154\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1154\u1155\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1155\u1156\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u1156\u1157\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1157\u1158\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1158"+ + "\u1159\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1159\u0196\3\2\2\2\u115a\u115b\5\u0a63\u0532\2"+ + "\u115b\u115c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u115c\u115d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u115d\u115e\5"+ + "\u0a45\u0523\2\u115e\u0198\3\2\2\2\u115f\u1160\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1160\u1161"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1161\u1162\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1162\u1163\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u1163\u1164\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1164\u1165\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1165\u1166"+ + "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1166\u019a\3\2\2\2\u1167\u1168\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1168"+ + "\u1169\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1169\u116a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u116a\u116b\5\u0a45"+ + "\u0523\2\u116b\u116c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u116c\u116d\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u116d"+ + "\u116e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u116e\u019c\3\2\2\2\u116f\u1170\5\u0a63\u0532\2"+ + "\u1170\u1171\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1171\u1172\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1172\u1173\5"+ + "\u0a45\u0523\2\u1173\u1174\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1174\u1175\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u1175\u019e\3\2\2\2\u1176\u1177\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1177\u1178\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u1178\u1179\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1179\u117a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u117a\u117b"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u117b\u117c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u117c\u117d\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u117d\u117e\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u117e\u117f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u117f\u1180"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1180\u01a0\3\2\2\2\u1181\u1182\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1182"+ + "\u1183\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1183\u1184\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1184\u1185\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u1185\u1186\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1186\u1187\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1187"+ + "\u1188\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1188\u01a2\3\2\2\2\u1189\u118a\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u118a\u118b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u118b\u118c\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u118c\u118d\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u118d\u118e\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u118e\u118f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u118f\u01a4\3\2\2\2\u1190\u1191\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1191\u1192\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u1192\u1193\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1193\u1194\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1194\u1195"+ + "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1195\u1196\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u1196\u1197\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u1197\u01a6\3\2\2\2\u1198\u1199\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1199\u119a\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u119a\u119b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u119b\u119c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u119c"+ + "\u119d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u119d\u119e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u119e\u119f\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u119f\u11a0\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u11a0\u11a1\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u11a1"+ + "\u11a2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u11a2\u01a8\3\2\2\2\u11a3\u11a4\5\u0a39\u051d\2"+ + "\u11a4\u11a5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u11a5\u11a6\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u11a6\u11a7\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u11a7\u11a8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u11a8\u11a9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u11a9\u01aa\3\2\2\2\u11aa\u11ab\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u11ab\u11ac\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u11ac\u11ad\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u11ad\u11ae\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u11ae\u11af"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u11af\u11b0\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u11b0\u01ac\3\2\2\2\u11b1"+ + "\u11b2\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u11b2\u11b3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u11b3\u11b4\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u11b4\u11b5\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u11b5\u01ae\3\2\2\2\u11b6\u11b7\5"+ + "\u0a39\u051d\2\u11b7\u11b8\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u11b8\u11b9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u11b9\u11ba\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u11ba\u01b0\3\2\2\2\u11bb\u11bc\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u11bc\u11bd\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u11bd\u11be\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u11be\u11bf"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u11bf\u01b2\3\2\2\2\u11c0\u11c1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u11c1"+ + "\u11c2\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u11c2\u11c3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u11c3\u11c4\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u11c4\u11c5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u11c5\u11c6\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u11c6"+ + "\u11c7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u11c7\u01b4\3\2\2\2\u11c8\u11c9\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u11c9\u11ca\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u11ca\u11cb\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u11cb\u11cc\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u11cc\u01b6\3\2\2\2\u11cd\u11ce\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u11ce\u11cf"+ + "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u11cf\u11d0\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u11d0\u11d1\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u11d1\u11d2\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u11d2\u11d3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u11d3\u01b8"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u11d4\u11d5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u11d5\u11d6\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u11d6"+ + "\u11d7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u11d7\u11d8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u11d8\u11d9\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u11d9\u11da\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u11da\u11db\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u11db"+ + "\u11dc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u11dc\u11dd\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u11dd\u01ba\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u11de\u11df\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u11df\u11e0\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u11e0\u11e1\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u11e1\u11e2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u11e2\u11e3\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u11e3\u11e4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u11e4\u11e5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u11e5\u11e6\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u11e6\u11e7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u11e7\u11e8\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u11e8\u01bc\3\2\2\2\u11e9\u11ea\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u11ea\u11eb\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u11eb\u11ec\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u11ec\u11ed\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u11ed\u11ee"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u11ee\u11ef\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u11ef\u11f0\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u11f0\u11f1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u11f1\u01be\3\2\2\2\u11f2\u11f3\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u11f3\u11f4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u11f4\u11f5\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u11f5"+ + "\u11f6\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u11f6\u11f7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u11f7\u11f8\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u11f8\u11f9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u11f9\u01c0\3\2\2\2\u11fa\u11fb\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u11fb\u11fc\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u11fc\u11fd\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u11fd\u11fe\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u11fe\u11ff\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u11ff\u1200\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1200\u1201\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1201\u01c2\3\2\2\2\u1202\u1203"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1203\u1204\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1204\u1205\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u1205\u1206\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1206\u1207\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1207\u01c4"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1208\u1209\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1209\u120a\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u120a"+ + "\u120b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u120b\u120c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u120c\u120d\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u120d\u01c6\3\2\2\2\u120e\u120f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u120f\u1210\5"+ + "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1210\u1211\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1211\u1212\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u1212\u1213\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1213\u1214\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1214\u1215\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1215\u1216\7a\2\2\u1216\u1217\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1217\u1218"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1218\u1219\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1219\u121a\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u121a\u01c8\3\2\2\2\u121b\u121c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u121c\u121d\5\u0a5f"+ + "\u0530\2\u121d\u121e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u121e\u121f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u121f"+ + "\u1220\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1220\u1221\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1221\u1222\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u1222\u1223\7a\2\2\u1223\u1224\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1224\u1225\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1225\u1226\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1226\u1227\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u1227\u1228\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1228\u1229\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1229\u122a\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u122a\u122b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u122b\u122c\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ + "\u122c\u01ca\3\2\2\2\u122d\u122e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u122e\u122f\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u122f\u1230\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1230\u1231\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1231\u1232"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1232\u1233\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1233\u1234\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u1234\u1235\7a\2\2\u1235\u1236\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1236\u1237\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u1237\u1238\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1238\u1239\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1239"+ + "\u01cc\3\2\2\2\u123a\u123b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u123b\u123c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u123c\u123d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u123d\u123e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u123e\u123f\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u123f\u1240\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1240\u01ce\3\2\2\2\u1241\u1242"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1242\u1243\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1243\u1244\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u1244\u1245\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1245\u1246\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1246\u1247"+ + "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1247\u1248\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1248\u1249\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u1249\u124a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u124a\u01d0\3\2\2\2\u124b\u124c\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u124c\u124d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u124d\u124e\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u124e"+ + "\u124f\7a\2\2\u124f\u1250\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1250\u1251\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u1251\u1252\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1252\u1253\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1253\u01d2\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1254\u1255\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1255\u1256\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1256\u1257"+ + "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1257\u1258\7a\2\2\u1258\u1259\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1259"+ + "\u125a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u125a\u125b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u125b\u125c\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u125c\u125d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u125d\u125e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u125e"+ + "\u125f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u125f\u1260\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1260\u1261\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u1261\u1262\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1262\u1263\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1263"+ + "\u01d4\3\2\2\2\u1264\u1265\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1265\u1266\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u1266\u1267\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1267\u1268\7a\2\2\u1268\u1269\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u1269\u126a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u126a\u126b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u126b\u126c"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u126c\u126d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u126d\u126e\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u126e\u01d6\3\2\2\2\u126f\u1270\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1270\u1271\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u1271\u1272\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1272\u1273\7a\2\2\u1273\u1274\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1274\u1275\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1275\u1276\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u1276\u1277\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1277\u1278\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1278\u1279\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1279\u01d8\3\2\2\2\u127a\u127b\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u127b\u127c"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u127c\u127d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u127d\u127e\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u127e\u127f\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u127f\u1280\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1280\u1281"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1281\u1282\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1282\u01da\3\2\2\2\u1283"+ + "\u1284\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1284\u1285\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1285\u1286\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u1286\u1287\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1287\u1288\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1288"+ + "\u1289\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1289\u128a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u128a\u128b\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u128b\u128c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u128c\u01dc\3\2\2\2\u128d\u128e\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u128e\u128f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u128f\u1290\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u1290\u01de\3\2\2\2\u1291\u1292\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1292\u1293\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u1293\u1294\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1294\u1295\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1295\u1296"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1296\u1297\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1297\u1298\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u1298\u01e0\3\2\2\2\u1299\u129a\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u129a\u129b\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u129b\u129c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u129c\u129d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u129d"+ + "\u129e\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u129e\u129f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u129f\u12a0\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u12a0\u01e2\3\2\2\2\u12a1\u12a2\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u12a2\u12a3\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u12a3\u12a4\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u12a4\u12a5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u12a5\u12a6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u12a6\u12a7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u12a7\u12a8\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u12a8\u12a9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u12a9\u12aa\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u12aa\u12ab\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u12ab\u12ac\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u12ac\u01e4\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u12ad\u12ae\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u12ae\u12af\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u12af\u12b0"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u12b0\u12b1\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u12b1\u12b2\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u12b2\u12b3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u12b3\u01e6\3\2\2\2\u12b4\u12b5\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u12b5\u12b6\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u12b6\u12b7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u12b7"+ + "\u12b8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u12b8\u12c2\3\2\2\2\u12b9\u12ba\7U\2\2\u12ba\u12bb"+ + "\7[\2\2\u12bb\u12bc\7U\2\2\u12bc\u12bd\7\60\2\2\u12bd\u12be\7F\2\2\u12be"+ + "\u12bf\7W\2\2\u12bf\u12c0\7C\2\2\u12c0\u12c2\7N\2\2\u12c1\u12b4\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u12c1\u12b9\3\2\2\2\u12c2\u01e8\3\2\2\2\u12c3\u12c4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u12c4\u12c5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u12c5\u12c6\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u12c6\u12c7\5"+ + "\u0a45\u0523\2\u12c7\u01ea\3\2\2\2\u12c8\u12c9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u12c9\u12ca"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u12ca\u12cb\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u12cb\u12cc\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u12cc\u12cd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u12cd\u12ce\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u12ce\u12cf"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u12cf\u12d0\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u12d0\u01ec\3\2\2\2\u12d1"+ + "\u12d2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u12d2\u12d3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u12d3\u12d4\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u12d4\u12d5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u12d5\u12d6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u12d6"+ + "\u12d7\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u12d7\u01ee\3\2\2\2\u12d8\u12d9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u12d9\u12da\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u12da\u12db\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u12db\u12dc\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u12dc\u12dd\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u12dd\u12de\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u12de\u12df\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u12df\u01f0\3\2\2\2\u12e0\u12e1\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u12e1\u12e2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u12e2\u12e3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u12e3\u12e4"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u12e4\u12e5\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u12e5\u01f2\3\2\2\2\u12e6"+ + "\u12e7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u12e7\u12e8\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u12e8\u12e9\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u12e9\u12ea\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u12ea\u01f4\3\2\2\2\u12eb\u12ec\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u12ec\u12ed\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u12ed\u12ee\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ + "\u12ee\u12ef\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u12ef\u12f0\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u12f0\u12f1\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u12f1\u12f2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u12f2\u01f6\3\2\2\2\u12f3\u12f4"+ + "\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u12f4\u12f5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u12f5\u12f6\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u12f6\u12f7\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u12f7\u12f8\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u12f8\u01f8"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u12f9\u12fa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u12fa\u12fb\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u12fb"+ + "\u12fc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u12fc\u12fd\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u12fd\u12fe\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u12fe\u12ff\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u12ff\u1300\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1300"+ + "\u1301\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1301\u01fa\3\2\2\2\u1302\u1303\5\u0a41\u0521\2"+ + "\u1303\u1304\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1304\u1305\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1305\u1306\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u1306\u1307\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1307\u1308\7\66\2\2\u1308"+ + "\u01fc\3\2\2\2\u1309\u130a\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u130a\u130b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u130b\u130c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u130c\u130d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u130d\u130e\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u130e\u130f\7:\2\2\u130f\u01fe\3\2\2\2\u1310\u1311\5\u0a41"+ + "\u0521\2\u1311\u1312\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1312\u1313\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1313"+ + "\u1314\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1314\u1315\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1315\u0200\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1316\u1317\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1317\u1318\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1318\u1319\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1319\u131a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u131a\u0202\3\2\2\2\u131b\u131c"+ + "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u131c\u131d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u131d\u131e\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u131e\u0204\3\2\2\2\u131f\u1320\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1320\u1321\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u1321\u1322\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1322\u1323\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1323"+ + "\u1324\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1324\u1325\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1325\u1326\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u1326\u1327\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1327\u1328\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1328"+ + "\u0206\3\2\2\2\u1329\u132a\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u132a\u132b\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u132b\u132c\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u132c\u132d\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u132d\u132e\7"+ + "a\2\2\u132e\u132f\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u132f\u1330\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1330\u1331"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1331\u1332\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1332\u1333\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u1333\u1334\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1334\u1335\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1335\u1336"+ + "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1336\u0208\3\2\2\2\u1337\u1338\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1338"+ + "\u1339\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1339\u133a\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u133a\u133b\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u133b\u133c\7a\2\2\u133c\u133d\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u133d\u133e\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u133e\u133f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u133f\u1340\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u1340\u1341\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1341\u1342\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1342\u1343\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1343\u1344\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1344\u1345\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u1345\u1346\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1346\u1347\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1347\u020a\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1348\u1349\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1349\u134a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u134a\u134b"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u134b\u134c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u134c\u134d\7a\2\2\u134d"+ + "\u134e\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u134e\u134f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u134f\u1350\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u1350\u1351\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1351\u1352\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1352"+ + "\u1353\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1353\u020c\3\2\2\2\u1354\u1355\5\u0a45\u0523\2"+ + "\u1355\u1356\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1356\u1357\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1357\u1358\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1358\u1359\7a\2\2\u1359\u135a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u135a\u135b"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u135b\u135c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u135c\u135d\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u135d\u135e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u135e\u135f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u135f\u020e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1360\u1361\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1361\u1362\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1362"+ + "\u0210\3\2\2\2\u1363\u1364\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1364\u1365\5\u0a41\u0521\2"+ + "\u1365\u0212\3\2\2\2\u1366\u1367\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1367\u1368\5\u0a41\u0521"+ + "\2\u1368\u1369\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1369\u136a\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u136a\u136b"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u136b\u136c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u136c\u136d\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u136d\u136e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u136e\u0214\3\2\2\2\u136f\u1370\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u1370\u1371\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1371\u1372\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1372"+ + "\u1373\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1373\u1374\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1374\u0216\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1375\u1376\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1376\u1377\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1377\u1378\5"+ + "\u0a41\u0521\2\u1378\u1379\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1379\u137a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u137a\u137b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u137b\u0218\3\2\2\2\u137c\u137d\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u137d\u137e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u137e\u137f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u137f\u1380"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1380\u1381\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1381\u021a\3\2\2\2\u1382"+ + "\u1383\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1383\u1384\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1384\u1385\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u1385\u1386\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1386\u1387\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1387"+ + "\u1388\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1388\u1389\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1389\u138a\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u138a\u138b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u138b\u138c\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u138c"+ + "\u138d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u138d\u021c\3\2\2\2\u138e\u138f\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u138f\u1390\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1390\u1391\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1391\u1392\7"+ + "\63\2\2\u1392\u021e\3\2\2\2\u1393\u1394\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1394\u1395\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u1395\u1396\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1396\u1397\7\64\2\2\u1397"+ + "\u0220\3\2\2\2\u1398\u1399\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1399\u139a\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u139a\u139b\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u139b\u0222\3\2\2\2\u139c\u139d\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u139d\u139e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u139e\u139f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u139f\u13a0"+ + "\7\65\2\2\u13a0\u0224\3\2\2\2\u13a1\u13a2\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u13a2\u13a3"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u13a3\u13a4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u13a4\u13a5\7\66\2\2\u13a5"+ + "\u0226\3\2\2\2\u13a6\u13a7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u13a7\u13a8\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u13a8\u13a9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u13a9\u13aa\7:\2\2\u13aa\u0228\3\2\2\2\u13ab"+ + "\u13ac\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u13ac\u13ad\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u13ad\u13ae\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u13ae\u13af\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u13af\u13b0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u13b0"+ + "\u13b1\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u13b1\u13b2\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u13b2\u13b3\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u13b3\u022a\3\2\2\2\u13b4\u13b5\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u13b5\u13b6\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u13b6\u13b7\7a\2\2\u13b7\u13b8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u13b8\u13b9"+ + "\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u13b9\u13ba\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u13ba\u13bb\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u13bb\u13bc\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u13bc\u13bd\7a\2\2\u13bd\u13be\5\u0a43"+ + "\u0522\2\u13be\u13bf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u13bf\u13c0\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u13c0"+ + "\u13c1\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u13c1\u13c2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u13c2\u022c\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u13c3\u13c4\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u13c4\u13c5\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u13c5\u13c6\7"+ + "a\2\2\u13c6\u13c7\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u13c7\u13c8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u13c8\u13c9"+ + "\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u13c9\u13ca\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u13ca\u13cb\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u13cb\u13cc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u13cc\u13cd\7a\2\2\u13cd\u13ce\5\u0a43"+ + "\u0522\2\u13ce\u13cf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u13cf\u13d0\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u13d0"+ + "\u13d1\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u13d1\u13d2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u13d2\u022e\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u13d3\u13d4\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u13d4\u13d5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u13d5\u13d6\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u13d6\u13d7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u13d7\u13d8\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u13d8\u13d9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u13d9\u13da\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u13da\u0230\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u13db\u13dc\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u13dc\u13dd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u13dd\u13de"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u13de\u13df\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u13df\u0232\3\2\2\2\u13e0"+ + "\u13e1\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u13e1\u13e2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u13e2\u13e3\5\u0a67"+ + "\u0534\2\u13e3\u13e4\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u13e4\u0234\3\2\2\2\u13e5\u13e6\5"+ + "\u0a4b\u0526\2\u13e6\u13e7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u13e7\u13e8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u13e8\u13e9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u13e9\u0236\3\2\2\2\u13ea\u13eb\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u13eb\u13ec\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u13ec\u13ed\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u13ed\u13ee"+ + "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u13ee\u13ef\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u13ef\u13f0\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u13f0\u13f1\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u13f1\u13f2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u13f2\u0238"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u13f3\u13f4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u13f4\u13f5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u13f5"+ + "\u13f6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u13f6\u13f7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u13f7\u13f8\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u13f8\u13f9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u13f9\u13fa\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u13fa"+ + "\u023a\3\2\2\2\u13fb\u13fc\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u13fc\u13fd\5"; + private static final String _serializedATNSegment3 = + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u13fd\u13fe\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u13fe\u13ff\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ + "\u13ff\u1400\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1400\u1401\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1401\u1402\5"+ + "\u0a43\u0522\2\u1402\u023c\3\2\2\2\u1403\u1404\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1404\u1405"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1405\u1406\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1406\u1407\5\u0a61\u0531"+ + "\2\u1407\u1408\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1408\u023e\3\2\2\2\u1409\u140a\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u140a\u140b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u140b\u140c\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u140c"+ + "\u140d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u140d\u0240\3\2\2\2\u140e\u140f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u140f\u1410\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1410\u1411\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1411\u1412\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1412\u1413\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1413\u1414\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u1414\u0242\3\2\2\2\u1415\u1416\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1416\u1417\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u1417\u1418\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1418\u1419\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1419\u141a"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u141a\u0244\3\2\2\2\u141b\u141c\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u141c"+ + "\u141d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u141d\u141e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u141e\u141f\5\u0a41"+ + "\u0521\2\u141f\u1420\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1420\u1421\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1421"+ + "\u1422\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1422\u0246\3\2\2\2\u1423\u1424\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u1424\u1425\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1425\u1426\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1426\u1427\7"+ + "a\2\2\u1427\u1428\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1428\u1429\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1429\u142a"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u142a\u142b\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u142b\u142c\7a\2\2\u142c"+ + "\u142d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u142d\u142e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u142e\u142f\5\u0a69"+ + "\u0535\2\u142f\u1430\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1430\u0248\3\2\2\2\u1431\u1432\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1432\u1433\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1433\u1434\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u1434\u1435\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1435\u024a\3\2\2\2\u1436\u1437\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u1437\u1438\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1438\u1439\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1439\u143a"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u143a\u143b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u143b\u143c\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u143c\u143d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u143d\u143e\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u143e\u143f"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u143f\u1440\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1440\u1441\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u1441\u1442\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1442\u1443\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1443\u1444"+ + "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1444\u024c\3\2\2\2\u1445\u1446\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1446"+ + "\u1447\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1447\u1448\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1448\u1449\5\u0a43"+ + "\u0522\2\u1449\u144a\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u144a\u144b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u144b"+ + "\u144c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u144c\u144d\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u144d\u024e\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u144e\u144f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u144f\u1450\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1450\u1451\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1451\u1452\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1452\u1453\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u1453\u1454\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1454\u1455\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1455\u1456\5"+ + "\u0a61\u0531\2\u1456\u1457\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1457\u1458\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u1458\u0250\3\2\2\2\u1459\u145a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u145a\u145b\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u145b\u145c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u145c\u145d\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u145d\u145e"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u145e\u145f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u145f\u1460\5\u0a65\u0533"+ + "\2\u1460\u1461\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1461\u0252\3\2\2\2\u1462\u1463\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u1463\u1464\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1464\u1465\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1465"+ + "\u1466\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1466\u0254\3\2\2\2\u1467\u1468\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u1468\u1469\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1469\u146a\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u146a\u146b\7"+ + "a\2\2\u146b\u146c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u146c\u146d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u146d\u146e"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u146e\u146f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u146f\u1470\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u1470\u1471\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1471\u1472\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1472\u1473"+ + "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1473\u0256\3\2\2\2\u1474\u1475\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1475"+ + "\u1476\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1476\u1477\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1477\u1478\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u1478\u1479\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1479\u147a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u147a"+ + "\u147b\7a\2\2\u147b\u147c\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u147c\u147d\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u147d\u147e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u147e\u147f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u147f\u0258\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1480\u1481\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1481\u1482\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1482\u1483"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1483\u1484\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1484\u1485\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u1485\u1486\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1486\u1487\7a\2\2\u1487\u1488\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u1488\u1489\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1489\u148a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u148a"+ + "\u148b\7a\2\2\u148b\u148c\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u148c\u148d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u148d\u148e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u148e\u148f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u148f\u1490\5"+ + "\u0a41\u0521\2\u1490\u1491\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1491\u1492\7a\2\2\u1492\u1493"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1493\u1494\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1494\u1495\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u1495\u1496\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1496\u1497\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1497\u1498"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1498\u1499\7a\2\2\u1499\u149a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u149a"+ + "\u149b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u149b\u149c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u149c\u149d\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u149d\u025a\3\2\2\2\u149e\u149f\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u149f\u14a0\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u14a0\u14a1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u14a1\u14a2\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u14a2\u14a3\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u14a3\u025c\3\2\2\2\u14a4\u14a5\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u14a5\u14a6\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u14a6\u14a7\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u14a7\u14a8"+ + "\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u14a8\u14a9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u14a9\u14aa\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u14aa\u14ab\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u14ab\u14ac\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u14ac\u025e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u14ad\u14ae\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u14ae\u14af\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u14af"+ + "\u14b0\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u14b0\u14b1\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u14b1\u14b2\5\u0a5f"+ + "\u0530\2\u14b2\u14b3\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u14b3\u14b4\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u14b4"+ + "\u14b5\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u14b5\u14b6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u14b6\u14b7\5\u0a39"+ + "\u051d\2\u14b7\u0260\3\2\2\2\u14b8\u14b9\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u14b9\u14ba\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u14ba\u14bb\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u14bb\u14bc\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u14bc\u14bd\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u14bd\u14be\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u14be\u14bf\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u14bf\u14c0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u14c0\u14c1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u14c1\u0262\3\2\2\2\u14c2\u14c3\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u14c3\u14c4\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u14c4\u14c5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u14c5\u14c6\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u14c6\u14c7"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u14c7\u0264\3\2\2\2\u14c8\u14c9\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u14c9"+ + "\u14ca\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u14ca\u14cb\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u14cb\u14cc\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u14cc\u14cd\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u14cd\u14ce\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u14ce"+ + "\u0266\3\2\2\2\u14cf\u14d0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u14d0\u14d1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u14d1\u14d2\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u14d2\u14d3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u14d3\u14d4\5"+ + "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u14d4\u14d5\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u14d5\u14d6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u14d6\u14d7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u14d7\u14d8\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u14d8\u14d9\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u14d9\u0268\3\2\2\2\u14da\u14db\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u14db\u14dc"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u14dc\u14dd\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u14dd\u14de\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u14de\u14df\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u14df\u14e0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u14e0\u14e1"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u14e1\u14e2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u14e2\u14e3\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u14e3\u026a\3\2\2\2\u14e4\u14e5\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u14e5\u14e6\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u14e6\u14e7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u14e7\u14e8\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u14e8"+ + "\u14e9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u14e9\u14ea\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u14ea\u14eb\7a\2\2"+ + "\u14eb\u14ec\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u14ec\u14ed\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u14ed\u14ee\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u14ee\u14ef\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u14ef\u14f0\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u14f0\u14f1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u14f1\u14f2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u14f2\u14f3\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u14f3\u14f4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u14f4\u14f5\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u14f5\u14f6\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u14f6\u026c\3\2\2\2\u14f7\u14f8\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u14f8\u14f9\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u14f9\u14fa\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u14fa\u14fb"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u14fb\u14fc\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u14fc\u14fd\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u14fd\u14fe\7a\2\2\u14fe\u14ff\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u14ff\u1500\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u1500\u1501\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1501\u1502\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1502"+ + "\u1503\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1503\u1504\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1504\u026e\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1505\u1506\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1506\u1507\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1507\u1508\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1508\u0270\3\2\2\2\u1509\u150a\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u150a\u150b"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u150b\u150c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u150c\u150d\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u150d\u150e\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u150e\u150f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u150f\u1510"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1510\u1511\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1511\u0272\3\2\2\2\u1512"+ + "\u1513\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1513\u1514\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1514\u1515\5\u0a61"+ + "\u0531\2\u1515\u1516\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1516\u1517\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1517"+ + "\u1518\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1518\u1519\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1519\u151a\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u151a\u0274\3\2\2\2\u151b\u151c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u151c\u151d\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u151d\u151e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u151e\u151f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u151f\u1520\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1520\u1521\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1521\u1522\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1522\u0276\3\2\2\2\u1523\u1524\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1524\u1525"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1525\u1526\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1526\u1527\5\u0a67\u0534"+ + "\2\u1527\u1528\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1528\u1529\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1529\u152a"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u152a\u0278\3\2\2\2\u152b\u152c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u152c"+ + "\u152d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u152d\u152e\7a\2\2\u152e\u152f\5\u0a63\u0532\2"+ + "\u152f\u1530\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1530\u1531\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1531\u1532\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1532\u1533\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1533\u1534\7a\2\2\u1534\u1535"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1535\u1536\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1536\u1537\7a\2\2\u1537"+ + "\u1538\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1538\u1539\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1539\u153a\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u153a\u153b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u153b\u153c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u153c"+ + "\u153d\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u153d\u027a\3\2\2\2\u153e\u153f\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u153f\u1540\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1540\u1541\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1541\u1542\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1542\u1543\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1543\u1544\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u1544\u1545\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1545\u027c\3\2\2\2\u1546\u1547\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u1547\u1548\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1548\u1549\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1549\u154a"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u154a\u154b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u154b\u154c\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u154c\u154d\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u154d\u154e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u154e\u027e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u154f\u1550\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1550\u1551\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1551"+ + "\u1552\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1552\u1553\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1553\u1554\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u1554\u1555\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1555\u1556\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1556"+ + "\u1557\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1557\u1558\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1558\u1559\5\u0a67"+ + "\u0534\2\u1559\u0280\3\2\2\2\u155a\u155b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u155b\u155c\5"+ + "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u155c\u155d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u155d\u0282\3\2\2\2\u155e\u155f"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u155f\u1560\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1560\u1561\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u1561\u1562\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1562\u1563\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1563\u0284"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1564\u1565\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1565\u1566\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1566"+ + "\u1567\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1567\u1568\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1568\u1569\7a\2\2"+ + "\u1569\u156a\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u156a\u156b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u156b\u156c\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u156c\u156d\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u156d\u156e\5\u0a45\u0523\2"+ + "\u156e\u156f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u156f\u0286\3\2\2\2\u1570\u1571\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u1571\u1572\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1572\u1573\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1573\u1574"+ + "\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1574\u1575\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1575\u1576\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u1576\u1577\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1577\u0288\3\2\2\2\u1578\u1579\5\u0a55"+ + "\u052b\2\u1579\u157a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u157a\u157b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u157b"+ + "\u157c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u157c\u157d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u157d\u157e\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u157e\u028a\3\2\2\2\u157f\u1580\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1580\u1581\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1581\u1582\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1582\u1583\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u1583\u1584\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1584\u1585\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1585\u1586\5"+ + "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1586\u1587\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1587\u1588\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u1588\u028c\3\2\2\2\u1589\u158a\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u158a\u158b\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u158b\u158c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u158c\u158d\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u158d\u158e"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u158e\u028e\3\2\2\2\u158f\u1590\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1590"+ + "\u1591\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1591\u1592\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1592\u1593\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u1593\u1594\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1594\u1595\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1595"+ + "\u1596\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1596\u1597\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1597\u1598\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u1598\u0290\3\2\2\2\u1599\u159a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u159a\u159b\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u159b\u159c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u159c\u159d\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ + "\u159d\u159e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u159e\u0292\3\2\2\2\u159f\u15a0\5\u0a55\u052b"+ + "\2\u15a0\u15a1\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u15a1\u15a2\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u15a2\u15a3"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u15a3\u0294\3\2\2\2\u15a4\u15a5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15a5"+ + "\u15a6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15a6\u15a7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u15a7\u15a8\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u15a8\u0296\3\2\2\2\u15a9\u15aa\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15aa\u15ab\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15ab\u15ac\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u15ac\u15ad\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ + "\u15ad\u15ae\7a\2\2\u15ae\u15af\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u15af\u15b0\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u15b0\u15b1\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u15b1\u15b2\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u15b2\u15b3"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15b3\u0298\3\2\2\2\u15b4\u15b5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15b5"+ + "\u15b6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15b6\u15b7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u15b7\u15b8\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u15b8\u15b9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u15b9\u029a\3\2\2\2\u15ba\u15bb\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u15bb\u15bc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15bc\u15bd\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u15bd\u15be\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15be\u15bf\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u15bf\u15c0\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u15c0\u15c1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15c1\u029c\3\2\2\2\u15c2\u15c3"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15c3\u15c4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15c4\u15c5\5\u0a41\u0521"+ + "\2\u15c5\u15c6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15c6\u15c7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15c7\u15c8"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15c8\u15c9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u15c9\u15ca\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u15ca\u15cb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15cb\u15cc\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u15cc\u029e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u15cd\u15ce\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15ce\u15cf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15cf"+ + "\u15d0\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u15d0\u15d1\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u15d1\u15d2\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u15d2\u15d3\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u15d3\u15d4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15d4"+ + "\u02a0\3\2\2\2\u15d5\u15d6\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15d6\u15d7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u15d7\u15d8\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u15d8\u15d9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15d9\u15da\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u15da\u15db\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u15db\u02a2\3\2\2\2\u15dc\u15dd"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15dd\u15de\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15de\u15df\5\u0a57\u052c"+ + "\2\u15df\u15e0\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u15e0\u15e1\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u15e1\u15e2"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15e2\u15e3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15e3\u02a4\3\2\2\2\u15e4"+ + "\u15e5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15e5\u15e6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15e6\u15e7\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u15e7\u15e8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u15e8\u15e9\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u15e9"+ + "\u15ea\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u15ea\u15eb\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u15eb\u15ec\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u15ec\u02a6\3\2\2\2\u15ed\u15ee\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15ee\u15ef\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15ef\u15f0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u15f0\u15f1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u15f1\u15f2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15f2\u15f3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u15f3\u15f4\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u15f4\u15f5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u15f5\u02a8\3\2\2\2\u15f6\u15f7"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15f7\u15f8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15f8\u15f9\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u15f9\u15fa\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u15fa\u15fb\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15fb\u15fc"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u15fc\u02aa\3\2\2\2\u15fd\u15fe\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15fe"+ + "\u15ff\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u15ff\u1600\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1600\u1601\5\u0a45"+ + "\u0523\2\u1601\u1602\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1602\u02ac\3\2\2\2\u1603\u1604\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1604\u1605\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1605\u1606\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u1606\u1607\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1607\u1608\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1608\u1609\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1609\u160a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u160a\u02ae\3\2\2\2\u160b\u160c"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u160c\u160d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u160d\u160e\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u160e\u160f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u160f\u1610\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1610\u1611"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1611\u1612\7a\2\2\u1612\u1613\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1613"+ + "\u1614\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1614\u1615\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1615\u1616\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u1616\u1617\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1617\u1618\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1618"+ + "\u1619\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1619\u161a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u161a\u161b\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u161b\u161c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u161c\u161d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u161d"+ + "\u02b0\3\2\2\2\u161e\u161f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u161f\u1620\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u1620\u1621\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1621\u1622\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1622\u1623\5"+ + "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1623\u1624\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1624\u02b2\3\2\2\2\u1625\u1626"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1626\u1627\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1627\u1628\5\u0a45\u0523"+ + "\2\u1628\u1629\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1629\u162a\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u162a\u162b"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u162b\u162c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u162c\u02b4\3\2\2\2\u162d"+ + "\u162e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u162e\u162f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u162f\u1630\5\u0a55"+ + "\u052b\2\u1630\u1631\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1631\u1632\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1632"+ + "\u1633\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1633\u1634\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1634\u1635\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u1635\u1636\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1636\u02b6\3\2\2\2\u1637\u1638\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1638\u1639\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1639\u163a\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u163a\u163b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u163b\u163c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u163c\u163d\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u163d\u163e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u163e\u163f\5\u0a61\u0531\2"+ + "\u163f\u1640\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1640\u02b8\3\2\2\2\u1641\u1642\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u1642\u1643\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1643\u1644\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1644\u1645"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1645\u1646\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1646\u1647\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u1647\u02ba\3\2\2\2\u1648\u1649\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1649\u164a\5\u0a55"+ + "\u052b\2\u164a\u164b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u164b\u164c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u164c"+ + "\u164d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u164d\u164e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u164e\u164f\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u164f\u02bc\3\2\2\2\u1650\u1651\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1651\u1652\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u1652\u1653\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1653\u1654\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u1654\u1655\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1655\u1656\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1656\u1657\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1657\u1658\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1658\u02be\3\2\2\2\u1659\u165a"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u165a\u165b\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u165b\u165c\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u165c\u02c0\3\2\2\2\u165d\u165e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u165e\u165f\5\u0a57"+ + "\u052c\2\u165f\u1660\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1660\u1661\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1661"+ + "\u1662\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1662\u1663\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1663\u1664\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u1664\u1665\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1665\u1666\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1666"+ + "\u1667\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1667\u1668\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1668\u1669\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u1669\u02c2\3\2\2\2\u166a\u166b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u166b\u166c\5"+ + "\u0a57\u052c\2\u166c\u166d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u166d\u166e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u166e\u166f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u166f\u1670\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1670\u1671\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1671\u1672\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1672\u02c4\3\2\2\2\u1673\u1674"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1674\u1675\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u1675\u1676\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u1676\u1677\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1677\u1678\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1678\u1679"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1679\u167a\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u167a\u167b\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u167b\u167c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u167c\u167d\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u167d\u02c6"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u167e\u167f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u167f\u1680\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u1680"+ + "\u1681\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1681\u1682\7a\2\2\u1682\u1683\5\u0a39\u051d\2"+ + "\u1683\u1684\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1684\u1685\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1685\u1686\7"+ + "a\2\2\u1686\u1687\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1687\u1688\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1688\u1689"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1689\u168a\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u168a\u168b\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u168b\u168c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u168c\u02c8\3\2\2\2\u168d\u168e\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u168e\u168f\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u168f\u1690\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1690"+ + "\u1691\7a\2\2\u1691\u1692\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1692\u1693\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u1693\u1694\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1694\u1695\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1695\u1696\7"+ + "a\2\2\u1696\u1697\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1697\u1698\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1698\u1699"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1699\u169a\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u169a\u169b\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u169b\u169c\7a\2\2\u169c\u169d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u169d\u169e\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u169e\u169f\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u169f\u16a0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u16a0"+ + "\u02ca\3\2\2\2\u16a1\u16a2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u16a2\u16a3\5\u0a57\u052c\2"+ + "\u16a3\u16a4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u16a4\u16a5\7a\2\2\u16a5\u16a6\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u16a6\u16a7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u16a7\u16a8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u16a8\u16a9"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u16a9\u16aa\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u16aa\u16ab\7a\2\2\u16ab"+ + "\u16ac\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u16ac\u16ad\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u16ad\u16ae\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u16ae\u16af\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u16af\u16b0\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u16b0"+ + "\u16b1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16b1\u02cc\3\2\2\2\u16b2\u16b3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u16b3\u16b4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u16b4\u16b5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u16b5\u16b6\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u16b6\u16b7\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u16b7\u16b8\5\u0a45\u0523\2"+ + "\u16b8\u02ce\3\2\2\2\u16b9\u16ba\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u16ba\u16bb\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u16bb\u16bc\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u16bc\u02d0\3\2\2\2\u16bd\u16be\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u16be\u16bf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16bf\u16c0\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u16c0"+ + "\u16c1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u16c1\u16c2\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16c2\u16c3\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u16c3\u16c4\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u16c4\u16c5\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u16c5"+ + "\u02d2\3\2\2\2\u16c6\u16c7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u16c7\u16c8\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u16c8\u16c9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u16c9\u16ca\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16ca\u16cb\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u16cb\u16cc\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u16cc\u16cd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u16cd\u16ce\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u16ce\u16cf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16cf\u16d0\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u16d0\u02d4\3\2\2\2\u16d1\u16d2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u16d2\u16d3"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16d3\u16d4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u16d4\u16d5\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u16d5\u16d6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u16d6\u16d7\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u16d7\u02d6"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u16d8\u16d9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u16d9\u16da\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16da"+ + "\u16db\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u16db\u16dc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u16dc\u16dd\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u16dd\u16de\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u16de\u16df\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u16df"+ + "\u16e0\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16e0\u16e1\7a\2\2\u16e1\u16e2\5\u0a49\u0525\2"+ + "\u16e2\u16e3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u16e3\u16e4\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u16e4\u16e5\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u16e5\u02d8\3\2\2\2\u16e6\u16e7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16e7\u16e8"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u16e8\u16e9\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u16e9\u16ea\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u16ea\u16eb\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u16eb\u16ec\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u16ec\u16ed"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u16ed\u16ee\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16ee\u16ef\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u16ef\u16f0\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u16f0\u02da\3\2\2\2\u16f1\u16f2\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u16f2\u16f3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u16f3\u16f4\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u16f4"+ + "\u16f5\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u16f5\u16f6\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u16f6\u16f7\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u16f7\u16f8\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u16f8\u16f9\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u16f9"+ + "\u02dc\3\2\2\2\u16fa\u16fb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16fb\u16fc\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u16fc\u16fd\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u16fd\u16fe\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u16fe\u16ff\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16ff\u1700\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1700\u1701\5\u0a65\u0533\2"+ + "\u1701\u1702\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1702\u02de\3\2\2\2\u1703\u1704\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u1704\u1705\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1705\u1706\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1706\u1707"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1707\u1708\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1708\u1709\5\u0a43\u0522"+ + "\2\u1709\u170a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u170a\u170b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u170b\u170c"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u170c\u170d\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u170d\u02e0\3\2\2\2\u170e"+ + "\u170f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u170f\u1710\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1710\u1711\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u1711\u1712\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1712\u1713\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1713"+ + "\u1714\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1714\u1715\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1715\u1716\5\u0a43"+ + "\u0522\2\u1716\u02e2\3\2\2\2\u1717\u1718\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1718\u1719\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1719\u171a\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u171a\u171b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u171b\u171c\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u171c\u171d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u171d\u171e\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u171e\u171f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u171f\u1720\7a\2\2\u1720\u1721"+ + "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1721\u1722\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1722\u1723\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u1723\u1724\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1724\u02e4\3\2\2\2\u1725\u1726\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u1726\u1727\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1727\u1728\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1728"+ + "\u1729\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1729\u172a\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u172a\u172b\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u172b\u172c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u172c\u172d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u172d"+ + "\u172e\7a\2\2\u172e\u172f\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u172f\u1730\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u1730\u1731\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1731\u1732\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1732\u1733\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1733\u1734\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1734\u02e6\3\2\2\2\u1735\u1736"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1736\u1737\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1737\u1738\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u1738\u1739\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1739\u173a\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u173a\u173b"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u173b\u173c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u173c\u173d\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u173d\u173e\7a\2\2\u173e\u173f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u173f\u1740\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u1740\u1741\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1741\u1742\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1742"+ + "\u1743\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1743\u1744\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1744\u02e8\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1745\u1746\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1746\u1747\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1747\u1748\5"+ + "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1748\u1749\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1749\u174a\5\u0a69\u0535\2"+ + "\u174a\u174b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u174b\u174c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u174c\u174d\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u174d\u174e\7a\2\2\u174e\u174f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u174f\u1750"+ + "\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1750\u1751\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1751\u1752\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u1752\u02ea\3\2\2\2\u1753\u1754\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1754\u1755\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u1755\u1756\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1756\u1757\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1757"+ + "\u02ec\3\2\2\2\u1758\u1759\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1759\u175a\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u175a\u175b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u175b\u175c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u175c\u175d\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u175d\u175e\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u175e\u02ee\3\2\2\2\u175f\u1760"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1760\u1761\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1761\u1762\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u1762\u1763\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1763\u1764\7a\2\2\u1764\u1765\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u1765\u1766\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1766\u1767\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1767"+ + "\u1768\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1768\u1769\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1769\u176a\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u176a\u176b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u176b\u176c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u176c"+ + "\u176d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u176d\u02f0\3\2\2\2\u176e\u176f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u176f\u1770\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1770\u1771\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1771\u02f2\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1772\u1773\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1773\u1774\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1774\u1775"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1775\u1776\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1776\u1777\5\u0a43\u0522"+ + "\2\u1777\u02f4\3\2\2\2\u1778\u1779\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1779\u177a\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u177a\u177b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u177b\u177c\7a\2\2\u177c\u177d\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u177d\u177e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u177e\u177f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u177f\u1780\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1780\u02f6\3\2\2\2\u1781\u1782\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u1782\u1783\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1783\u1784\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1784\u1785"+ + "\7a\2\2\u1785\u1786\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1786\u1787\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1787"+ + "\u1788\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1788\u1789\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1789\u178a\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u178a\u178b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u178b\u178c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u178c"+ + "\u178d\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u178d\u178e\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u178e\u02f8\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u178f\u1790\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1790\u1791\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1791\u1792\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1792\u1793\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1793\u1794\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u1794\u1795\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1795\u1796\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1796\u02fa\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1797\u1798\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1798\u1799\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1799\u179a"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u179a\u179b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u179b\u179c\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u179c\u179d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u179d\u179e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u179e\u02fc"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u179f\u17a0\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u17a0\u17a1\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u17a1"+ + "\u17a2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u17a2\u17a3\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u17a3\u02fe\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u17a4\u17a5\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u17a5\u17a6\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u17a6\u17a7\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u17a7\u17a8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u17a8\u17a9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u17a9\u0300\3\2\2\2\u17aa\u17ab\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u17ab\u17ac\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u17ac\u17ad\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u17ad\u17ae\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u17ae\u17af"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u17af\u0302\3\2\2\2\u17b0\u17b1\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u17b1"+ + "\u17b2\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u17b2\u17b3\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u17b3\u0304\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u17b4\u17b5\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u17b5\u17b6\7\67\2\2\u17b6\u17b7\7\62\2\2"+ + "\u17b7\u17b8\7;\2\2\u17b8\u0306\3\2\2\2\u17b9\u17ba\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u17ba"+ + "\u17bb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u17bb\u17bc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u17bc\u17bd\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u17bd\u17be\7a\2\2\u17be\u17bf\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u17bf\u17c0\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u17c0\u17c1\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u17c1\u17c2\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u17c2\u17c3\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u17c3\u0308\3\2\2\2\u17c4\u17c5\5\u0a69\u0535"+ + "\2\u17c5\u17c6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u17c6\u17c7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u17c7\u17c8"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u17c8\u17c9\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u17c9\u17ca\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u17ca\u17cb\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u17cb\u17cc\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u17cc\u030a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u17cd\u17ce\7B\2\2\u17ce\u17cf\7B\2\2\u17cf\u17d0\5\u0a43\u0522"+ + "\2\u17d0\u17d1\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u17d1\u17d2\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u17d2\u17d3"+ + "\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u17d3\u17d4\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u17d4\u17d5\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u17d5\u030c\3\2\2\2\u17d6\u17d7\7B\2\2\u17d7\u17d8\7B\2\2\u17d8\u17d9"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u17d9\u17da\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u17da\u17db\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u17db\u17dc\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u17dc\u17dd\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u17dd\u17de"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u17de\u17df\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u17df\u17e9\3\2\2\2\u17e0"+ + "\u17e1\7B\2\2\u17e1\u17e2\7B\2\2\u17e2\u17e3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u17e3\u17e4"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u17e4\u17e5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u17e5\u17e6\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u17e6\u17e7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u17e7\u17e9\3\2\2\2\u17e8\u17d6\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u17e8\u17e0\3\2\2\2\u17e9\u030e\3\2\2\2\u17ea\u17eb\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u17eb"+ + "\u17ec\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u17ec\u17ed\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u17ed\u17ee\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u17ee\u17ef\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u17ef\u17f0\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u17f0"+ + "\u0310\3\2\2\2\u17f1\u17f2\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u17f2\u17f3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u17f3\u17f4\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u17f4\u17f5\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u17f5\u0312\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u17f6\u17f7\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u17f7\u17f8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u17f8\u17f9"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u17f9\u17fa\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u17fa\u17fb\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u17fb\u17fc\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u17fc\u0314\3\2\2\2\u17fd\u17fe\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u17fe\u17ff\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u17ff\u1800\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1800"+ + "\u1801\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1801\u1802\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1802\u1803\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u1803\u0316\3\2\2\2\u1804\u1805\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1805\u1806\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1806\u1807\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1807\u1808\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u1808\u1809\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1809\u180a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u180a\u0318\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u180b\u180c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u180c\u180d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u180d\u180e"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u180e\u180f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u180f\u1810\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u1810\u1811\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1811\u1812\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1812\u1813"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1813\u1814\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1814\u031a\3\2\2\2\u1815"+ + "\u1816\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1816\u1817\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1817\u1818\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u1818\u1819\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1819\u181a\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u181a"+ + "\u181b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u181b\u181c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u181c\u181d\5\u0a43"+ + "\u0522\2\u181d\u031c\3\2\2\2\u181e\u181f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u181f\u1820\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1820\u1821\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1821\u1822\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ + "\u1822\u1823\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1823\u1824\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1824\u031e\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1825\u1826\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1826\u1827\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1827\u1828"+ + "\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1828\u1829\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1829\u182a\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u182a\u182b\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u182b\u182c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u182c\u182d"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u182d\u0320\3\2\2\2\u182e\u182f\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u182f"+ + "\u1830\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1830\u1831\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1831\u1832\5\u0a4b"+ + "\u0526\2\u1832\u1833\7a\2\2\u1833\u1834\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1834\u1835\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u1835\u1836\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1836\u1837\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u1837\u1838\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1838\u1839\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1839\u183a\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u183a\u183b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u183b\u0322\3\2\2\2\u183c\u183d"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u183d\u183e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u183e\u183f\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u183f\u1840\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1840\u1841\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1841\u1842"+ + "\7a\2\2\u1842\u1843\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1843\u1844\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1844"+ + "\u1845\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1845\u1846\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1846\u1847\5\u0a65"+ + "\u0533\2\u1847\u0324\3\2\2\2\u1848\u1849\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1849\u184a\5"+ + "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u184a\u184b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u184b\u184c\5\u0a4b\u0526\2"+ + "\u184c\u184d\7a\2\2\u184d\u184e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u184e\u184f\5\u0a65\u0533"+ + "\2\u184f\u1850\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1850\u1851\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1851\u1852"+ + "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1852\u1853\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1853\u1854\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u1854\u1855\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1855\u1856\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1856\u1857"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1857\u0326\3\2\2\2\u1858\u1859\7?\2\2\u1859\u185a\7"+ + "@\2\2\u185a\u0328\3\2\2\2\u185b\u185d\t\t\2\2\u185c\u185b\3\2\2\2\u185d"+ + "\u186e\3\2\2\2\u185e\u1860\t\2\2\2\u185f\u185e\3\2\2\2\u1860\u1861\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1861\u185f\3\2\2\2\u1861\u1862\3\2\2\2\u1862\u186d\3\2\2\2\u1863"+ + "\u1864\7/\2\2\u1864\u1865\7/\2\2\u1865\u1869\3\2\2\2\u1866\u1868\n\3\2"+ + "\2\u1867\u1866\3\2\2\2\u1868\u186b\3\2\2\2\u1869\u1867\3\2\2\2\u1869\u186a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u186a\u186d\3\2\2\2\u186b\u1869\3\2\2\2\u186c\u185f\3\2\2\2\u186c"+ + "\u1863\3\2\2\2\u186d\u1870\3\2\2\2\u186e\u186c\3\2\2\2\u186e\u186f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u186f\u1871\3\2\2\2\u1870\u186e\3\2\2\2\u1871\u1882\7-\2\2\u1872"+ + "\u1874\t\2\2\2\u1873\u1872\3\2\2\2\u1874\u1875\3\2\2\2\u1875\u1873\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1875\u1876\3\2\2\2\u1876\u1881\3\2\2\2\u1877\u1878\7/\2\2\u1878"+ + "\u1879\7/\2\2\u1879\u187d\3\2\2\2\u187a\u187c\n\3\2\2\u187b\u187a\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u187c\u187f\3\2\2\2\u187d\u187b\3\2\2\2\u187d\u187e\3\2\2\2\u187e"+ + "\u1881\3\2\2\2\u187f\u187d\3\2\2\2\u1880\u1873\3\2\2\2\u1880\u1877\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1881\u1884\3\2\2\2\u1882\u1880\3\2\2\2\u1882\u1883\3\2\2\2\u1883"+ + "\u1886\3\2\2\2\u1884\u1882\3\2\2\2\u1885\u1887\t\n\2\2\u1886\u1885\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1887\u032a\3\2\2\2\u1888\u1889\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1889\u188a\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u188a\u188b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u188b\u188c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u188c"+ + "\u188d\7a\2\2\u188d\u188e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u188e\u188f\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u188f\u1890\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1890\u1891\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1891\u1892\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1892\u1893\7a\2\2\u1893\u1894\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1894\u1895"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1895\u032c\3\2\2\2\u1896\u1897\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1897"+ + "\u1898\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1898\u1899\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1899\u189a\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u189a\u189b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u189b\u189c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u189c"+ + "\u189d\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u189d\u189e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u189e\u032e\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u189f\u18a0\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u18a0\u18a1\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u18a1\u18a2\5"+ + "\u0a63\u0532\2\u18a2\u18a3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u18a3\u18a4\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u18a4\u18a5\7a\2\2\u18a5\u18a6\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u18a6\u18a7\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u18a7\u18a8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u18a8\u18a9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u18a9\u0330"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u18aa\u18ab\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u18ab\u18ac\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u18ac"+ + "\u18ad\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u18ad\u18ae\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u18ae\u18af\5\u0a55"+ + "\u052b\2\u18af\u18b0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u18b0\u0332\3\2\2\2\u18b1\u18b2\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u18b2\u18b3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u18b3\u18b4\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u18b4\u18b5\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u18b5\u18b6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u18b6\u18b7\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u18b7\u18b8\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u18b8\u18b9\7a\2\2\u18b9\u18ba"+ + "\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u18ba\u18bb\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u18bb\u18bc\7a\2\2\u18bc"+ + "\u18bd\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u18bd\u18be\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u18be\u18bf\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u18bf\u18c0\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u18c0\u18c1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u18c1"+ + "\u18c2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u18c2\u18c3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u18c3\u0334\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u18c4\u18c5\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u18c5\u18c6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u18c6\u18c7\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u18c7\u18c8\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u18c8\u18c9\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u18c9\u18ca\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u18ca\u0336\3\2\2\2\u18cb\u18cc\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u18cc\u18cd\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u18cd\u18ce\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u18ce\u18cf"+ + "\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u18cf\u18d0\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u18d0\u18d1\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u18d1\u18d2\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u18d2\u18d3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u18d3\u0338"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u18d4\u18d5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u18d5\u18d6\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u18d6"+ + "\u18d7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u18d7\u18d8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u18d8\u18d9\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u18d9\u033a\3\2\2\2\u18da\u18db\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u18db\u18dc\5"+ + "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u18dc\u18dd\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u18dd\u18de\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u18de\u18df\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u18df\u18e0\7a\2\2\u18e0\u18e1\5\u0a41\u0521"+ + "\2\u18e1\u18e2\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u18e2\u18e3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u18e3\u18e4"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u18e4\u18e5\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u18e5\u18e6\7a\2\2\u18e6"+ + "\u18e7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u18e7\u18e8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u18e8\u18e9\7a\2\2"+ + "\u18e9\u18ea\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u18ea\u18eb\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u18eb\u18ec\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u18ec\u18ed\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u18ed\u033c\3\2\2\2\u18ee\u18ef"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u18ef\u18f0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u18f0\u18f1\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u18f1\u18f2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u18f2\u18f3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u18f3\u18f4"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u18f4\u18f5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u18f5\u18f6\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u18f6\u18f7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u18f7\u033e\3\2\2\2\u18f8\u18f9\5\u0a5f"+ + "\u0530\2\u18f9\u18fa\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u18fa\u18fb\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u18fb"+ + "\u18fc\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u18fc\u18fd\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u18fd\u18fe\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u18fe\u18ff\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u18ff\u1900\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1900"+ + "\u0340\3\2\2\2\u1901\u1902\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1902\u1903\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u1903\u1904\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1904\u1905\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1905\u1906\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1906\u1907\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1907\u1908\7a\2\2\u1908\u1909"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1909\u190a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u190a\u190b\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u190b\u190c\7a\2\2\u190c\u190d\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u190d\u190e\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u190e\u0342\3\2\2\2\u190f\u1910\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1910\u1911\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1911\u1912\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1912\u1913\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u1913\u0344\3\2\2\2\u1914\u1915\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1915\u1916\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u1916\u1917\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1917\u1918\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1918\u0346"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1919\u191a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u191a\u191b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u191b"+ + "\u191c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u191c\u191d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u191d\u191e\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u191e\u191f\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u191f\u1920\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1920"+ + "\u1921\7a\2\2\u1921\u1922\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1922\u1923\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u1923\u1924\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1924\u1925\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1925\u1926\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u1926\u1927\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1927\u1928\7a\2\2\u1928\u1929"+ + "\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1929\u192a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u192a\u192b\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u192b\u192c\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u192c\u192d\7a\2\2\u192d\u192e\5\u0a61"+ + "\u0531\2\u192e\u192f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u192f\u1930\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1930"+ + "\u1931\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1931\u1932\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1932\u1933\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u1933\u1934\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1934\u0348\3\2\2\2\u1935\u1936\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1936\u1937\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1937\u1938\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u1938\u1939\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1939\u193a\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u193a\u193b\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u193b\u193c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u193c\u193d\7a\2\2\u193d\u193e"+ + "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u193e\u193f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u193f\u1940\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u1940\u1941\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1941\u1942\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1942\u1943"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1943\u1944\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1944\u1945\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u1945\u1946\7a\2\2\u1946\u1947\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1947\u1948\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u1948\u1949\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1949\u034a\3\2\2\2\u194a\u194b\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u194b\u194c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u194c\u194d\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u194d\u194e\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u194e\u194f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u194f\u1950\5"+ + "\u0a43\u0522\2\u1950\u1951\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1951\u1952\7a\2\2\u1952\u1953"+ + "\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1953\u1954\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1954\u1955\5\u0a67\u0534"+ + "\2\u1955\u034c\3\2\2\2\u1956\u1957\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1957\u1958\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u1958\u1959\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1959\u195a\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u195a"+ + "\u195b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u195b\u195c\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u195c\u195d\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u195d\u034e\3\2\2\2\u195e\u195f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u195f\u1960\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1960\u0350\3\2\2\2\u1961\u1962\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1962\u1963"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1963\u1964\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1964\u1965\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u1965\u1966\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1966\u1967\7a\2\2\u1967\u1968\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u1968\u1969\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1969\u196a\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u196a"+ + "\u196b\7a\2\2\u196b\u196c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u196c\u196d\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u196d\u196e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u196e\u0352\3\2\2\2\u196f\u1970\5\u0a55\u052b"+ + "\2\u1970\u1971\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1971\u1972\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1972\u1973"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1973\u0354\3\2\2\2\u1974\u1975\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u1975"+ + "\u1976\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1976\u1977\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1977\u1978\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u1978\u1979\7a\2\2\u1979\u197a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u197a\u197b\5"+ + "\u0a67\u0534\2\u197b\u197c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u197c\u197d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u197d\u0356\3\2\2\2\u197e\u197f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u197f\u1980\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u1980\u1981\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1981\u1982\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1982\u1983"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1983\u1984\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1984\u1985\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u1985\u1986\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1986\u0358\3\2\2\2\u1987\u1988\5\u0a63"+ + "\u0532\2\u1988\u1989\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1989\u198a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u198a"+ + "\u198b\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u198b\u198c\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u198c\u198d\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u198d\u198e\7a\2\2\u198e\u198f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u198f\u1990\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1990\u1991\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1991\u1992\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u1992\u1993\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1993\u1994\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1994\u035a\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1995\u1996\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1996\u1997\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1997\u1998"+ + "\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1998\u1999\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1999\u199a\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u199a\u199b\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u199b\u199c\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u199c\u199d"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u199d\u199e\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u199e\u199f\5\u0a39\u051d"+ + "\2\u199f\u19a0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u19a0\u19a1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u19a1\u19a2"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u19a2\u035c\3\2\2\2\u19a3\u19a4\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u19a4"+ + "\u19a5\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u19a5\u19a6\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u19a6\u19a7\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u19a7\u19a8\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u19a8\u19a9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u19a9"+ + "\u19aa\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u19aa\u035e\3\2\2\2\u19ab\u19ac\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ + "\u19ac\u19ad\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u19ad\u19ae\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u19ae\u19af\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u19af\u19b0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u19b0\u19b1\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u19b1\u19b2\7a\2\2\u19b2\u19b3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u19b3\u19b4\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u19b4\u19b5\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u19b5\u19b6\7a\2\2\u19b6\u19b7\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u19b7\u19b8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u19b8\u19b9\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u19b9"+ + "\u19ba\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u19ba\u19bb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u19bb\u19bc\5\u0a45"+ + "\u0523\2\u19bc\u0360\3\2\2\2\u19bd\u19be\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u19be\u19bf\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u19bf\u19c0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u19c0\u19c1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u19c1\u19c2\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u19c2\u19c3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u19c3\u19c4\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u19c4\u19c5\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u19c5\u19c6\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u19c6\u0362\3\2\2\2\u19c7\u19c8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u19c8\u19c9\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u19c9\u19ca\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u19ca\u19cb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u19cb\u0364"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u19cc\u19cd\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u19cd\u19ce\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u19ce"+ + "\u19cf\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u19cf\u19d0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u19d0\u19d1\7a\2\2"+ + "\u19d1\u19d2\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u19d2\u19d3\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u19d3\u19d4\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u19d4\u19d5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u19d5\u19d6\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ + "\u19d6\u0366\3\2\2\2\u19d7\u19d8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u19d8\u19d9\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u19d9\u19da\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u19da\u19db\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u19db\u19dc"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u19dc\u19dd\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u19dd\u19de\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u19de\u19df\7a\2\2\u19df\u19e0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u19e0\u19e1\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u19e1\u19e2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u19e2\u19e3\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u19e3"+ + "\u19e4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u19e4\u19e5\7a\2\2\u19e5\u19e6\5\u0a61\u0531\2"+ + "\u19e6\u19e7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u19e7\u19e8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u19e8\u19e9\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u19e9\u19ea\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u19ea\u19eb\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u19eb\u19ec\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u19ec\u0368\3\2\2\2\u19ed\u19ee\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u19ee\u19ef\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u19ef\u19f0\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u19f0\u19f1"+ + "\7a\2\2\u19f1\u19f2\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u19f2\u19f3\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u19f3"+ + "\u19f4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u19f4\u19f5\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u19f5\u19f6\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u19f6\u036a\3\2\2\2\u19f7\u19f8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u19f8\u19f9\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u19f9\u19fa\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u19fa\u19fb\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u19fb\u19fc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u19fc\u19fd\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u19fd\u036c\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u19fe\u19ff\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u19ff\u1a00\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a00\u1a01"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1a01\u1a02\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1a02\u1a03\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u1a03\u1a04\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a04\u1a05\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1a05\u1a06"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1a06\u1a07\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1a07\u036e\3\2\2\2\u1a08"+ + "\u1a09\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u1a09\u1a0a\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1a0a\u1a0b\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u1a0b\u1a0c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1a0c\u1a0d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a0d"+ + "\u1a0e\7a\2\2\u1a0e\u1a0f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a0f\u1a10\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u1a10\u1a11\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1a11\u1a12\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a12\u0370\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1a13\u1a14\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1a14\u1a15\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1a15\u1a16"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1a16\u1a17\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1a17\u1a18\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u1a18\u1a19\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a19\u1a1a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a1a\u1a1b"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a1b\u1a1c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1a1c\u1a1d\5\u0a61\u0531"+ + "\2\u1a1d\u1a1e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a1e\u1a1f\7a\2\2\u1a1f\u1a20\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u1a20\u1a21\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a21\u1a22\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1a22"+ + "\u1a23\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1a23\u1a24\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a24\u1a25\7a\2\2"+ + "\u1a25\u1a26\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1a26\u1a27\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1a27\u1a28\5"+ + "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1a28\u0372\3\2\2\2\u1a29\u1a2a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a2a\u1a2b"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1a2b\u1a2c\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1a2c\u1a2d\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u1a2d\u1a2e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a2e\u1a2f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a2f\u1a30"+ + "\7a\2\2\u1a30\u1a31\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1a31\u1a32\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1a32"+ + "\u1a33\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1a33\u1a34\7a\2\2\u1a34\u1a35\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u1a35\u1a36\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1a36\u1a37\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u1a37\u1a38\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a38\u0374\3\2\2\2\u1a39\u1a3a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1a3a\u1a3b"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1a3b\u1a3c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1a3c\u1a3d\5\u0a43\u0522"+ + "\2\u1a3d\u1a3e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1a3e\u1a3f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1a3f\u1a40"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1a40\u1a41\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1a41\u1a42\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u1a42\u0376\3\2\2\2\u1a43\u1a44\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1a44\u1a45\5\u0a5f"+ + "\u0530\2\u1a45\u1a46\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a46\u1a47\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1a47"+ + "\u1a48\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1a48\u1a49\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1a49\u1a4a\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u1a4a\u0378\3\2\2\2\u1a4b\u1a4c\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1a4c\u1a4d\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1a4d\u1a4e\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1a4e\u1a4f\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u1a4f\u1a50\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1a50\u1a51\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a51\u1a52\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a52\u037a\3\2\2\2\u1a53\u1a54\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1a54\u1a55"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1a55\u1a56\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1a56\u037c\3\2\2\2\u1a57"+ + "\u1a58\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1a58\u1a59\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1a59\u1a5a\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u1a5a\u1a5b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a5b\u1a5c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1a5c"+ + "\u1a5d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a5d\u1a5e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a5e\u1a5f\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u1a5f\u1a60\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1a60\u1a61\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a61"+ + "\u037e\3\2\2\2\u1a62\u1a63\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a63\u1a64\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u1a64\u1a65\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a65\u1a66\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1a66\u1a67\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a67\u1a68\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1a68\u1a69\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ + "\u1a69\u0380\3\2\2\2\u1a6a\u1a6b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a6b\u1a6c\5\u0a67\u0534"+ + "\2\u1a6c\u1a6d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a6d\u1a6e\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1a6e\u1a6f"+ + "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1a6f\u0382\3\2\2\2\u1a70\u1a71\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1a71"+ + "\u1a72\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a72\u1a73\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1a73\u1a74\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u1a74\u1a75\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a75\u1a76\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a76"+ + "\u1a77\7a\2\2\u1a77\u1a78\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1a78\u1a79\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u1a79\u1a7a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a7a\u0384\3\2\2\2\u1a7b\u1a7c\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u1a7c\u1a7d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a7d\u1a7e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1a7e\u1a7f"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1a7f\u1a80\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1a80\u1a81\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u1a81\u1a82\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a82\u1a83\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1a83\u0386"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1a84\u1a85\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a85\u1a86\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a86"+ + "\u1a87\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a87\u1a88\7a\2\2\u1a88\u1a89\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u1a89\u1a8a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1a8a\u1a8b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1a8b\u1a8c\5"+ + "\u0a61\u0531\2\u1a8c\u1a8d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a8d\u1a8e\7a\2\2\u1a8e\u1a8f"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1a8f\u1a90\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1a90\u1a91\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u1a91\u1a92\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a92\u1a93\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a93\u1a94"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a94\u1a95\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1a95\u0388\3\2\2\2\u1a96"+ + "\u1a97\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1a97\u1a98\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1a98\u1a99\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u1a99\u1a9a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a9a\u038a\3\2\2\2\u1a9b\u1a9c\5"+ + "\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1a9c\u1a9d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a9d\u1a9e\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ + "\u1a9e\u1a9f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a9f\u1aa0\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1aa0\u1aa1\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u1aa1\u1aa2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1aa2\u1aa3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u1aa3\u038c\3\2\2\2\u1aa4\u1aa5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1aa5\u1aa6\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u1aa6\u1aa7\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1aa7\u1aa8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1aa8\u1aa9"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1aa9\u1aaa\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1aaa\u1aab\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u1aab\u1aac\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1aac\u038e\3\2\2\2\u1aad\u1aae\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u1aae\u1aaf\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1aaf\u1ab0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1ab0"+ + "\u1ab1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ab1\u1ab2\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ab2\u1ab3\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u1ab3\u1ab4\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ab4\u1ab5\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1ab5"+ + "\u1ab6\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1ab6\u1ab7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ab7\u1ab8\7a\2\2"+ + "\u1ab8\u1ab9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ab9\u1aba\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1aba\u1abb\5"+ + "\u0a45\u0523\2\u1abb\u1abc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1abc\u1abd\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ + "\u1abd\u1abe\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1abe\u0390\3\2\2\2\u1abf\u1ac0\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u1ac0\u1ac1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ac1\u1ac2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ac2\u1ac3"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ac3\u1ac4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1ac4\u1ac5\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u1ac5\u1ac6\7a\2\2\u1ac6\u1ac7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ac7\u1ac8\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u1ac8\u1ac9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1ac9\u1aca\7a\2\2\u1aca\u1acb\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1acb\u1acc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1acc\u1acd\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u1acd\u1ace\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ace\u0392\3\2\2\2\u1acf\u1ad0\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u1ad0\u1ad1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ad1\u1ad2\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1ad2\u1ad3"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1ad3\u1ad4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1ad4\u1ad5\7a\2\2\u1ad5"+ + "\u1ad6\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1ad6\u1ad7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ad7\u1ad8\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u1ad8\u1ad9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1ad9\u0394\3\2\2\2\u1ada\u1adb\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u1adb\u1adc\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1adc\u1add\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u1add\u1ade\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1ade\u1adf\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1adf\u1ae0\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1ae0\u1ae1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ae1\u1ae2\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ + "\u1ae2\u0396\3\2\2\2\u1ae3\u1ae4\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1ae4\u1ae5\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u1ae5\u0398\3\2\2\2\u1ae6\u1ae7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1ae7\u1ae8\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u1ae8\u1ae9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ae9\u1aea\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1aea"+ + "\u1aeb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1aeb\u1aec\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1aec\u1aed\7a\2\2"+ + "\u1aed\u1aee\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1aee\u1aef\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1aef\u1af0\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1af0\u1af1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1af1\u1af2\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ + "\u1af2\u1af3\7a\2\2\u1af3\u1af4\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1af4\u1af5\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u1af5\u1af6\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1af6\u1af7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1af7\u1af8"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1af8\u039a\3\2\2\2\u1af9\u1afa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1afa"+ + "\u1afb\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1afb\u1afc\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1afc\u1afd\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u1afd\u1afe\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1afe\u1aff\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1aff"+ + "\u1b00\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b00\u1b01\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1b01\u1b02\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u1b02\u1b03\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1b03\u039c\3\2\2\2\u1b04\u1b05\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b05\u1b06\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b06\u1b07\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ + "\u1b07\u1b08\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1b08\u1b09\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b09\u1b0a\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1b0a\u1b0b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1b0b\u039e\3\2\2\2\u1b0c\u1b0d"+ + "\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1b0d\u1b0e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b0e\u1b0f\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u1b0f\u1b10\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1b10\u1b11\7a\2\2\u1b11\u1b12\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u1b12\u1b13\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1b13\u1b14\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1b14"+ + "\u1b15\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b15\u03a0\3\2\2\2\u1b16\u1b17\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u1b17\u1b18\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b18\u1b19\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1b19\u1b1a\5"+ + "\u0a63\u0532\2\u1b1a\u1b1b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b1b\u1b1c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ + "\u1b1c\u03a2\3\2\2\2\u1b1d\u1b1e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1b1e\u1b1f\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u1b1f\u1b20\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1b20\u1b21\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b21\u1b22"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1b22\u03a4\3\2\2\2\u1b23\u1b24\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1b24"+ + "\u1b25\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1b25\u1b26\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1b26\u1b27\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u1b27\u1b28\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b28\u1b29\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1b29"+ + "\u1b2a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1b2a\u1b2b\7a\2\2\u1b2b\u1b2c\5\u0a39\u051d\2"+ + "\u1b2c\u1b2d\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1b2d\u1b2e\7a\2\2\u1b2e\u1b2f\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u1b2f\u1b30\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1b30\u1b31\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1b31\u1b32"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b32\u1b33\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1b33\u1b34\5\u0a41\u0521"+ + "\2\u1b34\u03a6\3\2\2\2\u1b35\u1b36\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1b36\u1b37\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u1b37\u1b38\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1b38\u1b39\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1b39"+ + "\u1b3a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b3a\u1b3b\7a\2\2\u1b3b\u1b3c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u1b3c\u1b3d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1b3d\u03a8\3\2\2\2\u1b3e\u1b3f\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u1b3f\u1b40\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1b40\u1b41\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1b41\u1b42"+ + "\7a\2\2\u1b42\u1b43\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1b43\u1b44\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b44"+ + "\u1b45\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1b45\u03aa\3\2\2\2\u1b46\u1b47\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ + "\u1b47\u1b48\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b48\u1b49\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1b49\u1b4a\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u1b4a\u1b4b\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1b4b\u1b4c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u1b4c\u1b4d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b4d\u03ac\3\2\2\2\u1b4e\u1b4f\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u1b4f\u1b50\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1b50\u1b51\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b51\u1b52"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b52\u1b53\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1b53\u1b54\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u1b54\u03ae\3\2\2\2\u1b55\u1b56\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1b56\u1b57\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u1b57\u1b58\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b58\u1b59\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1b59"+ + "\u03b0\3\2\2\2\u1b5a\u1b5b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1b5b\u1b5c\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u1b5c\u1b5d\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1b5d\u1b5e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1b5e\u1b5f\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u1b5f\u1b60\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1b60\u1b61\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u1b61\u1b62\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1b62\u1b63\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b63\u1b64\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1b64\u1b65\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b65\u1b66\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u1b66\u03b2\3\2\2\2\u1b67\u1b68\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b68\u1b69\5\u0a65\u0533"+ + "\2\u1b69\u1b6a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b6a\u1b6b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1b6b\u03b4"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1b6c\u1b6d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1b6d\u1b6e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1b6e"+ + "\u1b6f\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1b6f\u1b70\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1b70\u1b71\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u1b71\u1b72\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b72\u1b73\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1b73"+ + "\u1b74\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1b74\u1b75\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1b75\u1b76\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u1b76\u03b6\3\2\2\2\u1b77\u1b78\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b78\u1b79\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b79\u1b7a\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1b7a\u1b7b\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u1b7b\u1b7c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b7c\u1b7d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1b7d\u1b7e\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1b7e\u03b8\3\2\2\2\u1b7f\u1b80\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1b80\u1b81"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1b81\u1b82\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1b82\u1b83\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u1b83\u1b84\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1b84\u1b85\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1b85\u1b86"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b86\u1b87\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b87\u03ba\3\2\2\2\u1b88"+ + "\u1b89\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1b89\u1b8a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b8a\u1b8b\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u1b8b\u1b8c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1b8c\u03bc\3\2\2\2\u1b8d\u1b8e\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1b8e\u1b8f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1b8f\u1b90\5\u0a63\u0532\2"+ + "\u1b90\u1b91\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b91\u1b92\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b92\u1b93\7"+ + "a\2\2\u1b93\u1b94\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1b94\u1b95\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1b95\u1b96"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b96\u1b97\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b97\u03be\3\2\2\2\u1b98"+ + "\u1b99\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b99\u1b9a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1b9a\u1b9b\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u1b9b\u1b9c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1b9c\u03c0\3\2\2\2\u1b9d\u1b9e\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b9e\u1b9f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b9f\u1ba0\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ + "\u1ba0\u1ba1\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1ba1\u1ba2\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1ba2\u1ba3\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1ba3\u1ba4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1ba4\u1ba5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u1ba5\u03c2\3\2\2\2\u1ba6\u1ba7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1ba7\u1ba8\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u1ba8\u1ba9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ba9\u1baa\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1baa\u1bab"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1bab\u1bac\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1bac\u1bad\7a\2\2\u1bad"+ + "\u1bae\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1bae\u1baf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1baf\u1bb0\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u1bb0\u1bb1\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1bb1\u1bb2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1bb2"+ + "\u1bb3\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1bb3\u1bb4\7a\2\2\u1bb4\u1bb5\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u1bb5\u1bb6\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1bb6\u03c4\3\2\2\2\u1bb7\u1bb8\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u1bb8\u1bb9\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1bb9\u1bba\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1bba\u1bbb"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1bbb\u1bbc\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1bbc\u03c6\3\2\2\2\u1bbd"+ + "\u1bbe\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1bbe\u1bbf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1bbf\u1bc0\5\u0a67"+ + "\u0534\2\u1bc0\u1bc1\7a\2\2\u1bc1\u1bc2\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1bc2\u1bc3\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1bc3\u1bc4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1bc4\u1bc5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u1bc5\u1bc6\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1bc6\u1bc7\7a\2\2\u1bc7\u1bc8\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u1bc8\u1bc9\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1bc9\u1bca\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u1bca\u1bcb"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1bcb\u03c8\3\2\2\2\u1bcc\u1bcd\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1bcd"+ + "\u1bce\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1bce\u1bcf\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1bcf\u1bd0\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u1bd0\u1bd1\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1bd1\u1bd2\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1bd2"+ + "\u1bd3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1bd3\u1bd4\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1bd4\u1bd5\5\u0a43"+ + "\u0522\2\u1bd5\u03ca\3\2\2\2\u1bd6\u1bd7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1bd7\u1bd8\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1bd8\u1bd9\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u1bd9\u1bda\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u1bda\u1bdb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1bdb\u1bdc\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1bdc\u1bdd\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1bdd\u1bde\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1bde\u03cc\3\2\2\2\u1bdf\u1be0"+ + "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1be0\u1be1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1be1\u1be2\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u1be2\u1be3\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1be3\u1be4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1be4\u1be5"+ + "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1be5\u03ce\3\2\2\2\u1be6\u1be7\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1be7"+ + "\u1be8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1be8\u1be9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1be9\u1bea\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u1bea\u1beb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1beb\u1bec\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1bec"+ + "\u1bed\7a\2\2\u1bed\u1bee\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1bee\u1bef\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u1bef\u1bf0\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1bf0\u1bf1\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1bf1\u1bf2\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1bf2\u03d0\3\2\2\2\u1bf3\u1bf4\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1bf4\u1bf5"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1bf5\u1bf6\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1bf6\u1bf7\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u1bf7\u1bf8\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1bf8\u1bf9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1bf9\u1bfa"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1bfa\u03d2\3\2\2\2\u1bfb\u1bfc\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1bfc"+ + "\u1bfd\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1bfd\u03d4\3\2\2\2\u1bfe\u1bff\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ + "\u1bff\u1c00\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c00\u1c01\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1c01\u1c02\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1c02\u1c03\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1c03\u1c04\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u1c04\u1c05\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c05\u1c06\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1c06\u1c07\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u1c07\u03d6\3\2\2\2\u1c08\u1c09\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1c09\u1c0a"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1c0a\u1c0b\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1c0b\u1c0c\5\u0a55\u052b"+ + "\2\u1c0c\u1c0d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1c0d\u1c0e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1c0e\u1c0f"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1c0f\u1c10\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c10\u1c11\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u1c11\u1c12\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c12\u1c13\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1c13\u1c14"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1c14\u03d8\3\2\2\2\u1c15\u1c16\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1c16"+ + "\u1c17\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1c17\u1c18\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1c18\u03da\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1c19\u1c1a\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1c1a\u1c1b\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1c1b\u1c1c\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1c1c\u1c1d\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u1c1d\u1c1e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u1c1e\u1c1f\7a\2\2\u1c1f\u1c20\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1c20\u1c21\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u1c21\u1c22\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c22\u1c23\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1c23\u1c24"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1c24\u1c25\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1c25\u03dc\3\2\2\2\u1c26"+ + "\u1c27\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1c27\u1c28\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1c28\u03de\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1c29\u1c2a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1c2a\u1c2b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1c2b\u1c2c\5"+ + "\u0a63\u0532\2\u1c2c\u1c2d\7a\2\2\u1c2d\u1c2e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1c2e\u1c2f"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1c2f\u1c30\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1c30\u1c31\5\u0a39\u051d"+ + "\2\u1c31\u1c32\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1c32\u1c33\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1c33\u03e0"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1c34\u1c35\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1c35\u1c36\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1c36"+ + "\u1c37\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1c37\u1c38\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1c38\u1c39\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u1c39\u1c3a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1c3a\u1c3b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1c3b"+ + "\u1c3c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1c3c\u1c3d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c3d\u1c3e\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u1c3e\u1c3f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1c3f\u03e2\3\2\2\2\u1c40\u1c41\5"+ + "\u0a39\u051d\2\u1c41\u1c42\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c42\u1c43\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u1c43\u03e4\3\2\2\2\u1c44\u1c45\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1c45\u1c46\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u1c46\u1c47\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1c47\u1c48\7a\2\2\u1c48\u1c49\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u1c49\u1c4a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c4a\u1c4b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1c4b"+ + "\u1c4c\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1c4c\u1c4d\7a\2\2\u1c4d\u1c4e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u1c4e\u1c4f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c4f\u1c50\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u1c50\u1c51\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1c51\u03e6\3\2\2\2\u1c52\u1c53\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1c53\u1c54"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1c54\u1c55\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1c55\u1c56\5\u0a55\u052b"+ + "\2\u1c56\u1c57\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1c57\u1c58\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1c58\u03e8"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1c59\u1c5a\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1c5a\u1c5b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1c5b"+ + "\u1c5c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1c5c\u1c5d\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1c5d\u1c5e\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u1c5e\u1c5f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1c5f\u1c60\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1c60"+ + "\u03ea\3\2\2\2\u1c61\u1c62\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1c62\u1c63\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u1c63\u1c64\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1c64\u1c65\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1c65\u1c66\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1c66\u1c67\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1c67\u1c68\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u1c68\u1c69\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1c69\u03ec\3\2\2\2\u1c6a\u1c6b\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u1c6b\u1c6c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1c6c\u1c6d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1c6d\u1c6e"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1c6e\u1c6f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1c6f\u1c70\7a\2\2\u1c70"+ + "\u1c71\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1c71\u1c72\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1c72\u1c73\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u1c73\u1c74\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1c74\u1c75\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c75"+ + "\u1c76\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1c76\u03ee\3\2\2\2\u1c77\u1c78\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u1c78\u1c79\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1c79\u1c7a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1c7a\u1c7b\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c7b\u1c7c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1c7c\u1c7d\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u1c7d\u03f0\3\2\2\2\u1c7e\u1c7f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1c7f\u1c80\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u1c80\u1c81\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1c81\u1c82\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1c82\u1c83"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1c83\u1c84\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1c84\u1c85\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u1c85\u1c86\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1c86\u1c87\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1c87\u03f2"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1c88\u1c89\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1c89\u1c8a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1c8a"+ + "\u1c8b\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1c8b\u1c8c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1c8c\u1c8d\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u1c8d\u1c8e\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1c8e\u1c8f\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1c8f"+ + "\u1c90\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c90\u1c91\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1c91\u1c92\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u1c92\u1c93\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1c93\u03f4\3\2\2\2\u1c94\u1c95\5"+ + "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1c95\u1c96\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1c96\u1c97\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ + "\u1c97\u1c98\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1c98\u1c99\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1c99\u1c9a\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1c9a\u1c9b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1c9b\u03f6\3\2\2\2\u1c9c\u1c9d"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1c9d\u1c9e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1c9e\u1c9f\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u1c9f\u1ca0\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1ca0\u1ca1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ca1\u1ca2"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ca2\u1ca3\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1ca3\u1ca4\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u1ca4\u1ca5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1ca5\u03f8\3\2\2\2\u1ca6\u1ca7\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u1ca7\u1ca8\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1ca8\u1ca9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ca9"+ + "\u1caa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1caa\u1cab\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1cab\u1cac\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u1cac\u1cad\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1cad\u1cae\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1cae"+ + "\u1caf\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1caf\u1cb0\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1cb0\u03fa\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1cb1\u1cb2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1cb2\u1cb3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1cb3\u1cb4\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1cb4\u1cb5\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1cb5\u1cb6\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u1cb6\u1cb7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1cb7\u1cb8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1cb8\u1cb9\5"+ + "\u0a39\u051d\2\u1cb9\u1cba\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1cba\u1cbb\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u1cbb\u03fc\3\2\2\2\u1cbc\u1cbd\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1cbd\u1cbe\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u1cbe\u1cbf\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1cbf\u1cc0\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1cc0\u1cc1"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1cc1\u1cc2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1cc2\u1cc3\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u1cc3\u1cc4\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1cc4\u03fe\3\2\2\2\u1cc5\u1cc6\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u1cc6\u1cc7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1cc7\u1cc8\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1cc8"+ + "\u1cc9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1cc9\u1cca\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1cca\u1ccb\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u1ccb\u1ccc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ccc\u1ccd\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1ccd"+ + "\u1cce\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1cce\u1ccf\7a\2\2\u1ccf\u1cd0\5\u0a61\u0531\2"+ + "\u1cd0\u1cd1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1cd1\u1cd2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1cd2\u1cd3\5"+ + "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1cd3\u1cd4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1cd4\u0400\3\2\2\2\u1cd5\u1cd6"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1cd6\u1cd7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1cd7\u1cd8\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u1cd8\u1cd9\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1cd9\u1cda\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1cda\u1cdb"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1cdb\u0402\3\2\2\2\u1cdc\u1cdd\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1cdd"+ + "\u1cde\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1cde\u1cdf\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1cdf\u1ce0\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u1ce0\u1ce1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1ce1\u1ce2\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1ce2"+ + "\u1ce3\7a\2\2\u1ce3\u1ce4\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1ce4\u1ce5\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u1ce5\u1ce6\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1ce6\u1ce7\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1ce7\u1ce8\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1ce8\u1ce9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1ce9\u1cea\7a\2\2\u1cea\u1ceb"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1ceb\u1cec\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1cec\u1ced\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u1ced\u0404\3\2\2\2\u1cee\u1cef\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1cef\u1cf0\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u1cf0\u1cf1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1cf1\u1cf2\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1cf2"+ + "\u1cf3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1cf3\u1cf4\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1cf4\u0406\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1cf5\u1cf6\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1cf6\u1cf7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1cf7\u1cf8\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1cf8\u1cf9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1cf9\u1cfa\5\u0a41\u0521\2"+ + "\u1cfa\u1cfb\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1cfb\u1cfc\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1cfc\u1cfd\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1cfd\u1cfe\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1cfe\u0408\3\2\2\2\u1cff\u1d00"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d00\u1d01\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1d01\u1d02\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u1d02\u1d03\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1d03\u1d04\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1d04\u040a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1d05\u1d06\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1d06\u1d07\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1d07"+ + "\u1d08\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1d08\u1d09\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d09\u040c\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1d0a\u1d0b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1d0b\u1d0c\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1d0c\u1d0d\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u1d0d\u1d0e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1d0e\u1d0f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ + "\u1d0f\u1d10\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1d10\u1d11\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1d11\u1d12\5"+ + "\u0a43\u0522\2\u1d12\u040e\3\2\2\2\u1d13\u1d14\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1d14\u1d15"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1d15\u1d16\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1d16\u1d17\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u1d17\u1d18\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1d18\u0410\3\2\2\2\u1d19\u1d1a\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u1d1a\u1d1b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1d1b\u1d1c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1d1c"+ + "\u1d1d\7a\2\2\u1d1d\u1d1e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1d1e\u1d1f\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u1d1f\u1d20\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1d20\u1d21\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1d21\u0412\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1d22\u1d23\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d23\u1d24\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1d24\u1d25"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1d25\u1d26\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1d26\u1d27\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u1d27\u1d28\7a\2\2\u1d28\u1d29\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1d29\u0414\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1d2a\u1d2b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1d2b\u1d2c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1d2c\u1d2d\5"+ + "\u0a65\u0533\2\u1d2d\u1d2e\7a\2\2\u1d2e\u1d2f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1d2f\u1d30"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1d30\u1d31\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d31\u1d32\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u1d32\u1d33\7a\2\2\u1d33\u1d34\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1d34\u1d35\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u1d35\u1d36\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1d36\u1d37\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1d37"+ + "\u1d38\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d38\u1d39\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1d39\u1d3a\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u1d3a\u1d3b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1d3b\u1d3c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1d3c"+ + "\u1d3d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1d3d\u1d3e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1d3e\u0416\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1d3f\u1d40\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1d40\u1d41\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1d41\u1d42\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d42\u1d43\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1d43\u1d44\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ + "\u1d44\u1d45\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1d45\u0418\3\2\2\2\u1d46\u1d47\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u1d47\u1d48\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1d48\u1d49\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1d49\u1d4a"+ + "\7a\2\2\u1d4a\u1d4b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1d4b\u1d4c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1d4c"+ + "\u1d4d\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1d4d\u041a\3\2\2\2\u1d4e\u1d4f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u1d4f\u1d50\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1d50\u1d51\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1d51\u1d52\5"+ + "\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1d52\u1d53\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d53\u1d54\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ + "\u1d54\u041c\3\2\2\2\u1d55\u1d56\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1d56\u1d57\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u1d57\u1d58\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1d58\u041e\3\2\2\2\u1d59\u1d5a\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u1d5a\u1d5b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1d5b\u0420\3\2\2\2\u1d5c\u1d5d\5"+ + "\u0a39\u051d\2\u1d5d\u1d5e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1d5e\u1d5f\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u1d5f\u1d60\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d60\u1d61\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d61\u0422\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1d62\u1d63\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1d63\u1d64\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1d64\u1d65"+ + "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1d65\u1d66\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1d66\u1d67\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u1d67\u1d68\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1d68\u1d69\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1d69\u1d6a"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1d6a\u1d6b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1d6b\u0424\3\2\2\2\u1d6c"+ + "\u1d6d\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1d6d\u1d6e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1d6e\u1d6f\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u1d6f\u1d70\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1d70\u0426\3\2\2\2\u1d71\u1d72\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1d72\u1d73\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d73\u1d74\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ + "\u1d74\u1d75\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1d75\u1d76\7a\2\2\u1d76\u1d77\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u1d77\u1d78\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1d78\u1d79\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1d79\u1d7a"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d7a\u1d7b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1d7b\u1d7c\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u1d7c\u1d7d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d7d\u1d7e\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1d7e\u1d7f"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1d7f\u0428\3\2\2\2\u1d80\u1d81\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1d81"+ + "\u1d82\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1d82\u1d83\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1d83\u1d84\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u1d84\u1d85\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1d85\u1d86\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1d86"+ + "\u1d87\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1d87\u042a\3\2\2\2\u1d88\u1d89\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u1d89\u1d8a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1d8a\u1d8b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1d8b\u1d8c\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u1d8c\u1d8d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d8d\u1d8e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u1d8e\u1d8f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1d8f\u1d90\7a\2\2\u1d90\u1d91\5\u0a39\u051d"+ + "\2\u1d91\u1d92\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1d92\u1d93\7a\2\2\u1d93\u1d94\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u1d94\u1d95\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1d95\u1d96\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1d96"+ + "\u1d97\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1d97\u042c\3\2\2\2\u1d98\u1d99\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u1d99\u1d9a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1d9a\u1d9b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1d9b\u1d9c\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u1d9c\u042e\3\2\2\2\u1d9d\u1d9e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1d9e\u1d9f"+ + "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1d9f\u1da0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1da0\u1da1\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u1da1\u1da2\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1da2\u1da3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1da3\u1da4"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1da4\u0430\3\2\2\2\u1da5\u1da6\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1da6"+ + "\u1da7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1da7\u1da8\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1da8\u1da9\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u1da9\u0432\3\2\2\2\u1daa\u1dab\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1dab\u1dac\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u1dac\u1dad\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1dad\u1dae\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u1dae\u1daf\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1daf\u1db0\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1db0\u1db1\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1db1\u1db2\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1db2\u1db3\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u1db3\u0434\3\2\2\2\u1db4\u1db5\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1db5\u1db6\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u1db6\u1db7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1db7\u1db8\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1db8\u1db9"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1db9\u1dba\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1dba\u0436\3\2\2\2\u1dbb"+ + "\u1dbc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1dbc\u1dbd\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1dbd\u1dbe\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u1dbe\u1dbf\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1dbf\u1dc0\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1dc0"+ + "\u1dc1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1dc1\u1dc2\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1dc2\u1dc3\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u1dc3\u1dc4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1dc4\u1dc5\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1dc5"+ + "\u0438\3\2\2\2\u1dc6\u1dc7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1dc7\u1dc8\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u1dc8\u1dc9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1dc9\u1dca\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1dca\u1dcb\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1dcb\u1dcc\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1dcc\u1dcd\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u1dcd\u1dce\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1dce\u1dcf\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1dcf\u043a\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1dd0\u1dd1\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1dd1\u1dd2\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1dd2\u1dd3"+ + "\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1dd3\u043c\3\2\2\2\u1dd4\u1dd5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1dd5"+ + "\u1dd6\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1dd6\u1dd7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1dd7\u1dd8\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u1dd8\u1dd9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1dd9\u1dda\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1dda"+ + "\u1ddb\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1ddb\u1ddc\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ddc\u1ddd\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u1ddd\u1dde\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1dde\u1ddf\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1ddf"+ + "\u043e\3\2\2\2\u1de0\u1de1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1de1\u1de2\5\u0a57\u052c\2"+ + "\u1de2\u1de3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1de3\u1de4\7a\2\2\u1de4\u1de5\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u1de5\u1de6\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1de6\u1de7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1de7\u1de8"+ + "\7a\2\2\u1de8\u1de9\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1de9\u1dea\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1dea"+ + "\u1deb\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1deb\u1dec\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1dec\u1ded\5\u0a45"+ + "\u0523\2\u1ded\u0440\3\2\2\2\u1dee\u1def\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1def\u1df0\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1df0\u1df1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1df1\u1df2\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u1df2\u1df3\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1df3\u1df4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1df4\u0442\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1df5\u1df6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1df6\u1df7\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1df7\u1df8"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1df8\u1df9\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1df9\u1dfa\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u1dfa\u1dfb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1dfb\u0444\3\2\2\2\u1dfc\u1dfd\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u1dfd\u1dfe\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1dfe\u1dff\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1dff"+ + "\u1e00\7a\2\2\u1e00\u1e01\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u1e01\u1e02\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u1e02\u1e03\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e03\u1e04\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1e04\u1e05\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1e05\u1e06\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e06\u1e07\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u1e07\u1e08\7a\2\2\u1e08\u1e09\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1e09\u1e0a\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u1e0a\u1e0b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1e0b\u1e0c\7a\2\2\u1e0c\u1e0d\5\u0a45"+ + "\u0523\2\u1e0d\u1e0e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1e0e\u1e0f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1e0f"+ + "\u1e10\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1e10\u0446\3\2\2\2\u1e11\u1e12\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u1e12\u1e13\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1e13\u1e14\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1e14\u0448\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1e15\u1e16\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1e16\u1e17\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1e17\u1e18"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1e18\u1e19\7a\2\2\u1e19\u1e1a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1e1a"+ + "\u1e1b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1e1b\u1e1c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1e1c\u1e1d\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u1e1d\u044a\3\2\2\2\u1e1e\u1e1f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1e1f\u1e20\5"+ + "\u0a61\u0531\2\u1e20\u1e21\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1e21\u1e22\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u1e22\u1e23\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1e23\u1e24\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1e24\u1e25\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u1e25\u1e26\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1e26\u044c\3\2\2\2\u1e27\u1e28"+ + "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1e28\u1e29\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1e29\u1e2a\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u1e2a\u1e2b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1e2b\u1e2c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e2c\u044e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1e2d\u1e2e\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u1e2e\u1e2f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1e2f"+ + "\u1e30\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1e30\u1e31\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1e31\u1e32\5\u0a4b"+ + "\u0526\2\u1e32\u0450\3\2\2\2\u1e33\u1e34\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1e34\u1e35\5"+ + "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1e35\u1e36\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1e36\u1e37\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u1e37\u1e38\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1e38\u1e39\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1e39\u1e3a\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u1e3a\u1e3b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1e3b\u1e3c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u1e3c\u0452\3\2\2\2\u1e3d\u1e3e\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1e3e\u1e3f\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u1e3f\u1e40\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1e40\u1e41\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1e41\u1e42"+ + "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1e42\u1e43\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1e43\u1e44\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u1e44\u0454\3\2\2\2\u1e45\u1e46\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1e46\u1e47\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u1e47\u1e48\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1e48\u1e49\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1e49"+ + "\u1e4a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1e4a\u1e4b\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1e4b\u1e4c\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u1e4c\u1e4d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e4d\u0456\3\2\2\2\u1e4e\u1e4f\5"+ + "\u0a65\u0533\2\u1e4f\u1e50\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1e50\u1e51\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u1e51\u1e52\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1e52\u1e53\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1e53\u1e54\5"+ + "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1e54\u1e55\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e55\u1e56\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u1e56\u1e57\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1e57\u1e58\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1e58\u1e59\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1e59\u1e5a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e5a\u1e5b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u1e5b\u0458\3\2\2\2\u1e5c\u1e5d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1e5d\u1e5e\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u1e5e\u1e5f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1e5f\u1e60\7a\2\2\u1e60\u1e61\5\u0a43"+ + "\u0522\2\u1e61\u1e62\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e62\u1e63\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1e63"+ + "\u1e64\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1e64\u1e65\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e65\u1e66\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u1e66\u1e67\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1e67\u1e68\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1e68"+ + "\u045a\3\2\2\2\u1e69\u1e6a\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1e6a\u1e6b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u1e6b\u1e6c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1e6c\u1e6d\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1e6d\u1e6e\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e6e\u045c\3\2\2\2\u1e6f\u1e70\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1e70\u1e71"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1e71\u1e72\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e72\u1e73\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u1e73\u1e74\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1e74\u1e75\7a\2\2\u1e75\u1e76\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u1e76\u1e77\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1e77\u1e78\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1e78"+ + "\u1e79\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1e79\u1e7a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1e7a\u1e7b\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u1e7b\u1e7c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1e7c\u1e7d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1e7d"+ + "\u1e7e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1e7e\u1e7f\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1e7f\u1e80\7a\2\2"+ + "\u1e80\u1e81\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e81\u1e82\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1e82\u1e83\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1e83\u1e84\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1e84\u1e85\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u1e85\u1e86\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1e86\u1e87\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e87\u1e88\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1e88\u1e89\7a\2\2\u1e89\u1e8a\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1e8a\u1e8b"+ + "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1e8b\u045e\3\2\2\2\u1e8c\u1e8d\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1e8d"+ + "\u1e8e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1e8e\u1e8f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1e8f\u1e90\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u1e90\u0460\3\2\2\2\u1e91\u1e92\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1e92\u1e93\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e93\u1e94\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1e94\u1e95\7a\2\2\u1e95\u1e96"+ + "\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1e96\u1e97\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e97\u1e98\5\u0a67\u0534"+ + "\2\u1e98\u1e99\7a\2\2\u1e99\u1e9a\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1e9a\u1e9b\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u1e9b\u1e9c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1e9c\u1e9d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e9d"+ + "\u0462\3\2\2\2\u1e9e\u1e9f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e9f\u1ea0\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u1ea0\u1ea1\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1ea1\u1ea2\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1ea2\u1ea3\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u1ea3\u1ea4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1ea4\u1ea5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u1ea5\u0464\3\2\2\2\u1ea6\u1ea7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1ea7\u1ea8\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u1ea8\u1ea9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ea9\u1eaa\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1eaa\u1eab"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1eab\u1eac\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1eac\u1ead\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u1ead\u0466\3\2\2\2\u1eae\u1eaf\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1eaf\u1eb0\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u1eb0\u1eb1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1eb1\u1eb2\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1eb2"+ + "\u1eb3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1eb3\u1eb4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1eb4\u1eb5\7a\2\2"+ + "\u1eb5\u1eb6\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1eb6\u1eb7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1eb7\u1eb8\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1eb8\u1eb9\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1eb9\u0468\3\2\2\2\u1eba\u1ebb"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ebb\u1ebc\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1ebc\u1ebd\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u1ebd\u1ebe\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1ebe\u1ebf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1ebf\u1ec0"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ec0\u046a\3\2\2\2\u1ec1\u1ec2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ec2"+ + "\u1ec3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1ec3\u1ec4\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1ec4\u1ec5\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u1ec5\u1ec6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1ec6\u1ec7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1ec7"+ + "\u1ec8\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1ec8\u1ec9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ec9\u046c\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1eca\u1ecb\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1ecb\u1ecc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ecc\u1ecd\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ecd\u1ece\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ece\u1ecf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u1ecf\u1ed0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1ed0\u1ed1\7a\2\2\u1ed1\u1ed2\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u1ed2\u1ed3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1ed3\u1ed4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1ed4\u1ed5"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ed5\u1ed6\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1ed6\u046e\3\2\2\2\u1ed7"+ + "\u1ed8\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1ed8\u1ed9\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1ed9\u1eda\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u1eda\u1edb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1edb\u1edc\7a\2\2\u1edc\u1edd\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1edd\u1ede\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1ede\u0470\3\2\2\2\u1edf\u1ee0"+ + "\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1ee0\u1ee1\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1ee1\u1ee2\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u1ee2\u1ee3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ee3\u1ee4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ee4\u0472"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1ee5\u1ee6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ee6\u1ee7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ee7"+ + "\u1ee8\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1ee8\u1ee9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1ee9\u1eea\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u1eea\u1eeb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1eeb\u0474\3\2\2\2\u1eec\u1eed\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1eed\u1eee\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1eee\u1eef\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u1eef\u1ef0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1ef0\u1ef1\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1ef1\u1ef2\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ef2\u0476\3\2\2\2\u1ef3\u1ef4\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1ef4\u1ef5"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1ef5\u1ef6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1ef6\u1ef7\5\u0a61\u0531"+ + "\2\u1ef7\u1ef8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ef8\u1ef9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ef9\u1efa"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1efa\u0478\3\2\2\2\u1efb\u1efc\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1efc"+ + "\u1efd\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1efd\u1efe\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1efe\u1eff\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u1eff\u1f00\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f00\u1f01\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1f01"+ + "\u047a\3\2\2\2\u1f02\u1f03\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f03\u1f04\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u1f04\u1f05\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1f05\u1f06\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1f06\u1f07\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u1f07\u1f08\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f08\u047c\3\2\2\2\u1f09\u1f0a"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f0a\u1f0b\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1f0b\u1f0c\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u1f0c\u1f0d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1f0d\u1f0e\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1f0e\u1f0f"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1f0f\u1f10\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1f10\u1f11\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u1f11\u1f12\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1f12\u047e\3\2\2\2\u1f13\u1f14\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u1f14\u1f15\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1f15\u1f16\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1f16"+ + "\u1f17\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1f17\u1f18\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1f18\u1f19\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u1f19\u1f1a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1f1a\u1f1b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1f1b"+ + "\u1f1c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1f1c\u1f1d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1f1d\u1f1e\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u1f1e\u0480\3\2\2\2\u1f1f\u1f20\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1f20\u1f21\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u1f21\u1f22\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1f22\u1f23\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u1f23\u1f24\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1f24\u1f25\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1f25\u1f26\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1f26\u1f27\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1f27\u1f28\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ + "\u1f28\u0482\3\2\2\2\u1f29\u1f2a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1f2a\u1f2b\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u1f2b\u1f2c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1f2c\u1f2d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1f2d\u1f2e"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f2e\u1f2f\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1f2f\u0484\3\2\2\2\u1f30"+ + "\u1f31\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1f31\u1f32\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1f32\u1f33\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u1f33\u1f34\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1f34\u1f35\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1f35"+ + "\u1f36\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1f36\u1f37\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1f37\u1f38\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u1f38\u0486\3\2\2\2\u1f39\u1f3a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1f3a\u1f3b\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u1f3b\u1f3c\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1f3c\u1f3d\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u1f3d\u1f3e\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1f3e\u1f3f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f3f\u1f40\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1f40\u0488\3\2\2\2\u1f41\u1f42\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1f42\u1f43"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1f43\u1f44\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1f44\u1f45\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u1f45\u1f46\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1f46\u048a\3\2\2\2\u1f47\u1f48\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u1f48\u1f49\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f49\u1f4a\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1f4a"+ + "\u1f4b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1f4b\u1f4c\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1f4c\u048c\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1f4d\u1f4e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1f4e\u1f4f\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1f4f\u1f50\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1f50\u1f51\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f51\u1f52\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u1f52\u1f53\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1f53\u048e\3\2\2\2\u1f54\u1f55\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u1f55\u1f56\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1f56\u1f57\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1f57\u1f58"+ + "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1f58\u1f59\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1f59\u1f5a\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u1f5a\u1f5b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1f5b\u1f5c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1f5c\u0490"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1f5d\u1f5e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1f5e\u1f5f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1f5f"+ + "\u1f60\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1f60\u1f61\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1f61\u1f62\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u1f62\u1f63\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1f63\u1f64\7a\2\2\u1f64\u1f65\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u1f65\u1f66\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1f66\u1f67\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ + "\u1f67\u1f68\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f68\u0492\3\2\2\2\u1f69\u1f6a\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u1f6a\u1f6b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1f6b\u1f6c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1f6c\u1f6d"+ + "\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1f6d\u1f6e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1f6e\u1f6f\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u1f6f\u1f70\7a\2\2\u1f70\u1f71\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1f71\u1f72\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u1f72\u1f73\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1f73\u1f74\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1f74"+ + "\u1f75\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1f75\u1f76\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1f76\u1f77\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u1f77\u1f78\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1f78\u1f79\7a\2\2\u1f79\u1f7a\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1f7a\u1f7b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1f7b\u1f7c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u1f7c\u0494\3\2\2\2\u1f7d\u1f7e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1f7e\u1f7f\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u1f7f\u1f80\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1f80\u1f81\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f81\u1f82"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1f82\u0496\3\2\2\2\u1f83\u1f84\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f84"+ + "\u1f85\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1f85\u1f86\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f86\u1f87\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u1f87\u1f88\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1f88\u0498\3\2\2\2\u1f89\u1f8a\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1f8a\u1f8b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1f8b\u1f8c\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u1f8c\u1f8d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1f8d\u1f8e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f8e\u1f8f\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1f8f\u1f90\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1f90\u1f91\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u1f91\u049a\3\2\2\2\u1f92\u1f93\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1f93\u1f94\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u1f94\u1f95\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1f95\u1f96\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1f96\u1f97"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f97\u1f98\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1f98\u1f99\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u1f99\u049c\3\2\2\2\u1f9a\u1f9b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1f9b\u1f9c\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u1f9c\u1f9d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1f9d\u1f9e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1f9e"+ + "\u1f9f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1f9f\u1fa0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1fa0\u049e\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1fa1\u1fa2\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1fa2\u1fa3\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1fa3\u1fa4\5"+ + "\u0a39\u051d\2\u1fa4\u1fa5\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1fa5\u1fa6\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u1fa6\u1fa7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1fa7\u1fa8\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1fa8\u1fa9\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1fa9\u1faa\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1faa\u04a0\3\2\2\2\u1fab\u1fac"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1fac\u1fad\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1fad\u1fae\5\u0a43\u0522"+ + "\2\u1fae\u1faf\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1faf\u1fb0\7a\2\2\u1fb0\u1fb1\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u1fb1\u1fb2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1fb2\u1fb3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1fb3"+ + "\u1fb4\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1fb4\u1fb5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1fb5\u04a2\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1fb6\u1fb7\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1fb7\u1fb8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1fb8\u1fb9\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u1fb9\u1fba\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1fba\u1fbb\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ + "\u1fbb\u1fbc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1fbc\u1fbd\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1fbd\u04a4\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1fbe\u1fbf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1fbf\u1fc0\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1fc0\u1fc1"+ + "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1fc1\u1fc2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1fc2\u1fc3\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u1fc3\u1fc4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1fc4\u1fc5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1fc5\u1fc6"+ + "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1fc6\u1fc7\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1fc7\u04a6\3\2\2\2\u1fc8"+ + "\u1fc9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1fc9\u1fca\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1fca\u1fcb\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u1fcb\u1fcc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1fcc\u1fcd\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1fcd"+ + "\u1fce\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1fce\u04a8\3\2\2\2\u1fcf\u1fd0\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ + "\u1fd0\u1fd1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1fd1\u1fd2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1fd2\u1fd3\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1fd3\u1fd4\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1fd4\u1fd5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u1fd5\u1fd6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1fd6\u1fd7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1fd7\u1fd8\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u1fd8\u1fd9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1fd9\u04aa\3\2\2\2\u1fda\u1fdb"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1fdb\u1fdc\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1fdc\u1fdd\5\u0a39\u051d"+ + "\2\u1fdd\u1fde\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1fde\u1fdf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1fdf\u1fe0"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1fe0\u04ac\3\2\2\2\u1fe1\u1fe2\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1fe2"+ + "\u1fe3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1fe3\u1fe4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1fe4\u1fe5\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u1fe5\u1fe6\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1fe6\u04ae\3\2\2\2\u1fe7\u1fe8\5"+ + "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1fe8\u1fe9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1fe9\u1fea\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u1fea\u1feb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1feb\u04b0\3\2\2\2\u1fec\u1fed\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u1fed\u1fee\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1fee\u1fef\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1fef\u1ff0"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ff0\u1ff1\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1ff1\u1ff2\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u1ff2\u04b2\3\2\2\2\u1ff3\u1ff4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1ff4\u1ff5\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u1ff5\u1ff6\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1ff6\u1ff7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1ff7"+ + "\u1ff8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1ff8\u1ff9\7a\2\2\u1ff9\u1ffa\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u1ffa\u1ffb\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1ffb\u04b4\3\2\2\2\u1ffc\u1ffd\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u1ffd\u1ffe\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1ffe\u1fff\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1fff\u2000"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2000\u2001\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2001\u2002\5\u0a45\u0523"+ + "\2\u2002\u04b6\3\2\2\2\u2003\u2004\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2004\u2005\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u2005\u2006\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2006\u2007\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2007"+ + "\u04b8\3\2\2\2\u2008\u2009\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2009\u200a\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u200a\u200b\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u200b\u200c\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u200c\u04ba\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u200d\u200e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u200e\u200f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u200f\u2010"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2010\u2011\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2011\u2012\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u2012\u2013\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2013\u2014\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2014\u2015"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2015\u2016\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2016\u2017\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u2017\u2018\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2018\u04bc\3\2\2\2\u2019\u201a\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u201a\u201b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u201b\u201c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u201c"+ + "\u201d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u201d\u201e\7a\2\2\u201e\u201f\5\u0a39\u051d\2"+ + "\u201f\u2020\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2020\u2021\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2021\u2022\5"+ + "\u0a41\u0521\2\u2022\u2023\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2023\u2024\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u2024\u2025\7a\2\2\u2025\u2026\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2026\u2027\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u2027\u2028\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u2028\u2029\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2029\u04be"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u202a\u202b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u202b\u202c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u202c"+ + "\u04c0\3\2\2\2\u202d\u202e\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u202e\u202f\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u202f\u2030\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u2030\u2031\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2031\u2032\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u2032\u04c2\3\2\2\2\u2033\u2034\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2034\u2035"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2035\u2036\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2036\u2037\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u2037\u2038\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2038\u2039\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2039\u04c4"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u203a\u203b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u203b\u203c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u203c"+ + "\u203d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u203d\u203e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u203e\u04c6\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u203f\u2040\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2040\u2041\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2041\u2042\5"+ + "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2042\u2043\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2043\u2044\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u2044\u2045\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2045\u2046\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2046\u04c8\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2047\u2048\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2048\u2049\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2049\u204a"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u204a\u204b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u204b\u204c\5\u0a39\u051d"+ + "\2\u204c\u204d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u204d\u204e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u204e\u204f"+ + "\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u204f\u04ca\3\2\2\2\u2050\u2051\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2051"+ + "\u2052\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2052\u2053\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2053\u2054\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u2054\u2055\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2055\u2056\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2056"+ + "\u2057\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2057\u2058\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2058\u2059\5\u0a43"+ + "\u0522\2\u2059\u04cc\3\2\2\2\u205a\u205b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u205b\u205c\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u205c\u205d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u205d\u205e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ + "\u205e\u205f\7a\2\2\u205f\u2060\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2060\u2061\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u2061\u2062\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2062\u2063\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2063\u04ce"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2064\u2065\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2065\u2066\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2066"+ + "\u2067\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2067\u2068\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2068\u2069\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u2069\u206a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u206a\u04d0\3\2\2\2\u206b\u206c\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u206c\u206d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u206d\u206e\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u206e\u206f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u206f\u2070\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2070\u2071\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2071\u2072\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2072\u2073\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u2073\u2074\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2074\u2075\7a\2\2\u2075\u2076\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u2076\u2077\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2077\u04d2\3\2\2\2\u2078\u2079\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u2079\u207a\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u207a\u207b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u207b"+ + "\u207c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u207c\u207d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u207d\u207e\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u207e\u04d4\3\2\2\2\u207f\u2080\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2080\u2081\5"+ + "\u0a65\u0533\2\u2081\u2082\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2082\u2083\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u2083\u2084\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2084\u2085\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2085\u2086\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2086\u2087\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2087\u04d6\3\2\2\2\u2088\u2089"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2089\u208a\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u208a\u208b\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u208b\u208c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u208c\u04d8\3\2\2\2\u208d\u208e\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u208e\u208f\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u208f\u2090\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2090"+ + "\u2091\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2091\u2092\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2092\u2093\5\u0a65"+ + "\u0533\2\u2093\u2094\7a\2\2\u2094\u2095\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2095\u2096\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u2096\u2097\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2097\u2098\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u2098\u2099\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2099\u209a\7a\2\2\u209a\u209b\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u209b\u209c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u209c\u209d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u209d\u209e"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u209e\u209f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u209f\u20a0\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u20a0\u20a1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u20a1\u20a2\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u20a2\u20a3"+ + "\7a\2\2\u20a3\u20a4\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u20a4\u20a5\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u20a5"+ + "\u20a6\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u20a6\u20a7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u20a7\u20a8\5\u0a55"+ + "\u052b\2\u20a8\u20a9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u20a9\u20aa\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u20aa"+ + "\u20ab\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u20ab\u04da\3\2\2\2\u20ac\u20ad\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ + "\u20ad\u20ae\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u20ae\u20af\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u20af\u20b0\5"+ + "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u20b0\u20b1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u20b1\u20b2\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u20b2\u20b3\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u20b3\u20b4\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u20b4\u04dc\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u20b5\u20b6\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u20b6\u20b7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u20b7\u20b8"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u20b8\u20b9\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u20b9\u20ba\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u20ba\u20bb\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u20bb\u20bc\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u20bc\u04de"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u20bd\u20be\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u20be\u20bf\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u20bf"+ + "\u20c0\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u20c0\u20c1\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u20c1\u20c2\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u20c2\u20c3\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u20c3\u20c4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u20c4"+ + "\u20c5\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u20c5\u20c6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u20c6\u20c7\5\u0a43"+ + "\u0522\2\u20c7\u04e0\3\2\2\2\u20c8\u20c9\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u20c9\u20ca\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u20ca\u20cb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u20cb\u20cc\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u20cc\u20cd\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u20cd\u20ce\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u20ce\u20cf\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u20cf\u04e2\3\2\2\2\u20d0\u20d1\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u20d1\u20d2"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u20d2\u20d3\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u20d3\u20d4\7a\2\2\u20d4"+ + "\u20d5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u20d5\u20d6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u20d6\u20d7\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u20d7\u20d8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u20d8\u20d9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u20d9"+ + "\u20da\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u20da\u20db\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u20db\u20dc\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u20dc\u20dd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u20dd\u20de\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u20de"+ + "\u20df\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u20df\u20e0\7a\2\2\u20e0\u20e1\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ + "\u20e1\u20e2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u20e2\u20e3\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u20e3\u20e4\7"+ + "a\2\2\u20e4\u20e5\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u20e5\u20e6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u20e6\u20e7"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u20e7\u20e8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u20e8\u04e4\3\2\2\2\u20e9"+ + "\u20ea\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u20ea\u20eb\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u20eb\u20ec\5\u0a67"+ + "\u0534\2\u20ec\u20ed\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u20ed\u20ee\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u20ee"+ + "\u20ef\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u20ef\u20f0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u20f0\u20f1\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u20f1\u20f2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u20f2\u20f3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u20f3"+ + "\u20f4\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u20f4\u20f5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u20f5\u04e6\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u20f6\u20f7\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u20f7\u20f8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u20f8\u20f9\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u20f9\u20fa\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u20fa\u20fb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u20fb\u20fc\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u20fc\u20fd\7a\2\2\u20fd\u20fe\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u20fe\u20ff\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u20ff\u2100\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2100\u2101"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2101\u2102\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2102\u2103\7a\2\2\u2103"+ + "\u2104\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2104\u2105\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2105\u2106\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u2106\u2107\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2107\u2108\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2108"+ + "\u2109\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2109\u210a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u210a\u210b\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u210b\u04e8\3\2\2\2\u210c\u210d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u210d\u210e\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u210e\u210f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u210f\u2110\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u2110\u2111\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2111\u2112\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2112\u2113\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u2113\u2114\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2114\u04ea\3\2\2\2\u2115\u2116"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2116\u2117\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2117\u2118\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u2118\u2119\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2119\u211a\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u211a\u211b"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u211b\u04ec\3\2\2\2\u211c\u211d\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u211d"+ + "\u211e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u211e\u211f\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u211f\u2120\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u2120\u2121\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2121\u2122\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2122"+ + "\u2123\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2123\u04ee\3\2\2\2\u2124\u2125\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ + "\u2125\u2126\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2126\u2127\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2127\u2128\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u2128\u2129\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2129\u04f0\3\2\2\2\u212a\u212b"+ + "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u212b\u212c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u212c\u212d\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u212d\u212e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u212e\u212f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u212f\u2130"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2130\u2131\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2131\u2132\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u2132\u2133\7a\2\2\u2133\u2134\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2134\u2135\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u2135\u2136\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2136\u2137\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2137"+ + "\u2138\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2138\u2139\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2139\u213a\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u213a\u04f2\3\2\2\2\u213b\u213c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u213c\u213d\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u213d\u213e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u213e\u213f\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ + "\u213f\u2140\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2140\u2141\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2141\u2142\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u2142\u04f4\3\2\2\2\u2143\u2144\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2144\u2145"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2145\u2146\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2146\u2147\7a\2\2\u2147"+ + "\u2148\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2148\u2149\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2149\u214a\5\u0a63"+ + "\u0532\2\u214a\u214b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u214b\u214c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u214c"+ + "\u214d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u214d\u04f6\3\2\2\2\u214e\u214f\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u214f\u2150\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2150\u2151\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2151\u04f8\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2152\u2153\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2153\u2154\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2154\u2155"+ + "\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2155\u2156\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2156\u2157\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u2157\u2158\7a\2\2\u2158\u2159\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2159\u215a\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u215a\u04fa\3\2\2\2\u215b\u215c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u215c\u215d\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u215d\u215e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u215e\u215f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u215f\u2160\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2160\u2161\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2161\u2162\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2162\u04fc\3\2\2\2\u2163\u2164\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2164\u2165"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2165\u2166\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2166\u2167\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u2167\u2168\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2168\u2169\7a\2\2\u2169\u216a\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u216a\u216b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u216b\u216c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u216c"+ + "\u216d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u216d\u216e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u216e\u04fe\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u216f\u2170\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2170\u2171\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2171\u2172\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2172\u2173\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2173\u2174\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u2174\u2175\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2175\u2176\7a\2\2\u2176\u2177\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u2177\u2178\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2178\u2179\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2179\u217a"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u217a\u217b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u217b\u217c\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u217c\u217d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u217d\u217e\7a\2\2\u217e\u217f\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u217f\u2180\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2180\u2181\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2181"+ + "\u2182\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2182\u2183\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2183\u0500\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2184\u2185\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2185\u2186\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2186\u2187\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2187\u2188\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2188\u2189\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u2189\u218a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u218a\u218b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u218b\u218c\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u218c\u0502\3\2\2\2\u218d\u218e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u218e\u218f"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u218f\u2190\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2190\u2191\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u2191\u2192\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2192\u2193\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2193\u2194"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2194\u0504\3\2\2\2\u2195\u2196\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2196"+ + "\u2197\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2197\u2198\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2198\u2199\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u2199\u219a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u219a\u219b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u219b"+ + "\u219c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u219c\u0506\3\2\2\2\u219d\u219e\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u219e\u219f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u219f\u21a0\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u21a0\u21a1\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u21a1\u21a2\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u21a2\u21a3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u21a3\u21a4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u21a4\u21a5\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u21a5\u21a6\7"+ + "a\2\2\u21a6\u21a7\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u21a7\u21a8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u21a8\u21a9"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u21a9\u21aa\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u21aa\u21ab\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u21ab\u21ac\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u21ac\u0508\3\2\2\2\u21ad\u21ae\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u21ae\u21af\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u21af\u21b0\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u21b0"+ + "\u21b1\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u21b1\u21b2\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u21b2\u21b3\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u21b3\u21b4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u21b4\u050a\3\2\2\2\u21b5\u21b6\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u21b6\u21b7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u21b7\u21b8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u21b8\u21b9\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u21b9\u050c\3\2\2\2\u21ba\u21bb\5\u0a55\u052b"+ + "\2\u21bb\u21bc\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u21bc\u21bd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u21bd\u21be"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u21be\u21bf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u21bf\u21c0\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u21c0\u21c1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u21c1\u050e\3\2\2\2\u21c2\u21c3\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u21c3\u21c4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u21c4\u21c5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u21c5"+ + "\u21c6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u21c6\u21c7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u21c7\u0510\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u21c8\u21c9\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u21c9\u21ca\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u21ca\u21cb\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u21cb\u21cc\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u21cc\u21cd\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u21cd\u21ce\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u21ce\u21cf\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u21cf\u21d0\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u21d0\u21d1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u21d1\u21d2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u21d2\u0512\3\2\2\2\u21d3\u21d4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u21d4\u21d5\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u21d5\u21d6\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u21d6\u21d7\7a\2\2\u21d7\u21d8\5\u0a55"+ + "\u052b\2\u21d8\u21d9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u21d9\u21da\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u21da"+ + "\u21db\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u21db\u21dc\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u21dc\u21dd\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u21dd\u21de\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u21de\u21df\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u21df"+ + "\u0514\3\2\2\2\u21e0\u21e1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u21e1\u21e2\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u21e2\u21e3\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u21e3\u21e4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u21e4\u21e5\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u21e5\u21e6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u21e6\u21e7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u21e7\u21e8\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u21e8\u21e9\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u21e9\u21ea\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u21ea\u21eb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u21eb\u0516\3\2\2\2\u21ec\u21ed"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u21ed\u21ee\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u21ee\u21ef\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u21ef\u21f0\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u21f0\u21f1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u21f1\u21f2"+ + "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u21f2\u21f3\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u21f3\u0518\3\2\2\2\u21f4"+ + "\u21f5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u21f5\u21f6\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u21f6\u21f7\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u21f7\u21f8\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u21f8\u051a\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u21fa\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u21fa\u21fb\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u21fb\u21fc\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ + "\u21fc\u051c\3\2\2\2\u21fd\u21fe\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u21fe\u21ff\5\u0a55\u052b"+ + "\2\u21ff\u2200\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2200\u2201\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2201\u2202"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2202\u2203\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2203\u2204\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u2204\u051e\3\2\2\2\u2205\u2206\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2206\u2207\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u2207\u2208\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2208\u0520\3\2\2\2\u2209\u220a\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u220a\u220b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u220b\u220c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u220c\u220d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u220d\u220e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u220e\u0522\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u220f\u2210\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2210\u2211\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2211\u2212"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2212\u2213\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2213\u2214\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u2214\u2215\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2215\u2216\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2216\u2217"+ + "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2217\u0524\3\2\2\2\u2218\u2219\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2219"+ + "\u221a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u221a\u221b\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u221b\u0526\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u221c\u221d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u221d\u221e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u221e\u0528\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u221f\u2220\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2220\u2221\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2221\u2222"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2222\u2223\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2223\u2224\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u2224\u2225\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2225\u052a\3\2\2\2\u2226\u2227\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u2227\u2228\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2228\u2229\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2229"+ + "\u052c\3\2\2\2\u222a\u222b\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u222b\u222c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u222c\u222d"; + private static final String _serializedATNSegment4 = + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u222d\u222e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u222e\u222f\5\u0a67\u0534"+ + "\2\u222f\u2230\7a\2\2\u2230\u2231\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2231\u2232\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u2232\u2233\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2233\u2234\7a\2\2\u2234\u2235\5"+ + "\u0a63\u0532\2\u2235\u2236\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2236\u2237\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u2237\u2238\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2238\u2239\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2239\u052e\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u223a\u223b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u223b\u223c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u223c\u223d"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u223d\u223e\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u223e\u223f\7a\2\2\u223f"+ + "\u2240\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2240\u2241\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2241\u2242\5\u0a41"+ + "\u0521\2\u2242\u2243\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2243\u2244\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2244"+ + "\u2245\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2245\u2246\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2246\u0530\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2247\u2248\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2248\u2249\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2249\u224a\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u224a\u224b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u224b\u224c\5\u0a65\u0533\2"+ + "\u224c\u224d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u224d\u224e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u224e\u0532\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u224f\u2250\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2250\u2251\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2251\u2252"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2252\u2253\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2253\u2254\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u2254\u0534\3\2\2\2\u2255\u2256\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2256\u2257\5\u0a57"+ + "\u052c\2\u2257\u2258\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2258\u2259\7a\2\2\u2259\u225a\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u225a\u225b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u225b\u225c\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u225c\u225d\7a\2\2\u225d\u225e\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u225e\u225f\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u225f\u2260\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2260\u2261\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2261\u0536"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2262\u2263\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2263\u2264\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2264"+ + "\u2265\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2265\u2266\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2266\u2267\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u2267\u2268\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2268\u2269\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2269"+ + "\u226a\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u226a\u226b\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u226b\u226c\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u226c\u226d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u226d\u226e\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u226e"+ + "\u226f\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u226f\u0538\3\2\2\2\u2270\u2271\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u2271\u2272\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2272\u2273\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2273\u2274\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2274\u2275\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2275\u2276\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u2276\u2277\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2277\u053a\3\2\2\2\u2278\u2279\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u2279\u227a\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u227a\u227b\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u227b\u227c"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u227c\u227d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u227d\u227e\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u227e\u053c\3\2\2\2\u227f\u2280\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2280\u2281\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u2281\u2282\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2282\u2283\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2283"+ + "\u2284\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2284\u2285\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2285\u2286\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u2286\u2287\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2287\u2288\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2288"+ + "\u053e\3\2\2\2\u2289\u228a\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u228a\u228b\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u228b\u228c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u228c\u228d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u228d\u228e\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u228e\u228f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u228f\u2290\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u2290\u2291\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2291\u0540\3\2\2\2\u2292\u2293\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u2293\u2294\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2294\u2295\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2295\u2296"+ + "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2296\u2297\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2297\u2298\5\u0a45\u0523"+ + "\2\u2298\u2299\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2299\u229a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u229a\u0542"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u229b\u229c\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u229c\u229d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u229d"+ + "\u229e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u229e\u229f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u229f\u22a0\7a\2\2"+ + "\u22a0\u22a1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22a1\u22a2\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u22a2\u22a3\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u22a3\u22a4\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u22a4\u22a5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u22a5\u22a6\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u22a6\u0544\3\2\2\2\u22a7\u22a8\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u22a8\u22a9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22a9\u22aa\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u22aa\u22ab"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22ab\u22ac\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u22ac\u22ad\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u22ad\u22ae\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22ae\u22af\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u22af\u22b0"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u22b0\u22b1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u22b1\u0546\3\2\2\2\u22b2"+ + "\u22b3\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u22b3\u22b4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u22b4\u22b5\5\u0a39"+ + "\u051d\2\u22b5\u22b6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u22b6\u22b7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u22b7"+ + "\u0548\3\2\2\2\u22b8\u22b9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u22b9\u22ba\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u22ba\u22bb\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u22bb\u22bc\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u22bc\u22bd\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22bd\u22be\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u22be\u22bf\7a\2\2\u22bf\u22c0"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22c0\u22c1\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u22c1\u22c2\5\u0a55\u052b"+ + "\2\u22c2\u22c3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22c3\u054a\3\2\2\2\u22c4\u22c5\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u22c5\u22c6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u22c6\u22c7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u22c7"+ + "\u22c8\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u22c8\u22c9\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u22c9\u22ca\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u22ca\u22cb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22cb\u22cc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22cc"+ + "\u22cd\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u22cd\u054c\3\2\2\2\u22ce\u22cf\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ + "\u22cf\u22d0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22d0\u22d1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u22d1\u22d2\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u22d2\u22d3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22d3\u22d4\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u22d4\u22d5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22d5\u054e\3\2\2\2\u22d6\u22d7\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u22d7\u22d8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u22d8\u22d9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22d9\u22da"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u22da\u22db\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u22db\u22dc\7a\2\2\u22dc"+ + "\u22dd\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22dd\u22de\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u22de\u22df\7a\2\2"+ + "\u22df\u22e0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u22e0\u22e1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22e1\u22e2\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u22e2\u22e3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u22e3\u22e4\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u22e4\u22e5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22e5\u0550\3\2\2\2\u22e6\u22e7\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u22e7\u22e8\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u22e8\u22e9\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u22e9\u22ea"+ + "\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u22ea\u22eb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22eb\u22ec\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u22ec\u22ed\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22ed\u0552\3\2\2\2\u22ee\u22ef\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u22ef\u22f0\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u22f0\u22f1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22f1"+ + "\u22f2\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u22f2\u22f3\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u22f3\u22f4\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u22f4\u22f5\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u22f5\u22f6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u22f6"+ + "\u22f7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u22f7\u22f8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22f8\u0554\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u22f9\u22fa\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u22fa\u22fb\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u22fb\u22fc\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u22fc\u22fd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22fd\u22fe\5\u0a65\u0533\2"+ + "\u22fe\u22ff\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22ff\u2300\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2300\u0556\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2301\u2302\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2302\u2303\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2303\u2304"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2304\u2305\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2305\u2306\5\u0a69\u0535"+ + "\2\u2306\u2307\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2307\u0558\3\2\2\2\u2308\u2309\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u2309\u230a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u230a\u230b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u230b"+ + "\u230c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u230c\u230d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u230d\u055a\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u230e\u230f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u230f\u2310\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2310\u2311\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2311\u2312\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2312\u2313\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u2313\u2314\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2314\u2315\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2315\u2316\7"+ + "a\2\2\u2316\u2317\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2317\u2318\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2318\u2319"+ + "\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2319\u231a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u231a\u231b\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u231b\u231c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u231c\u231d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u231d\u231e"+ + "\7a\2\2\u231e\u231f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u231f\u2320\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2320"+ + "\u2321\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2321\u2322\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2322\u2323\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u2323\u055c\3\2\2\2\u2324\u2325\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2325\u2326\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2326\u2327\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2327\u055e\3\2\2\2\u2328\u2329"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2329\u232a\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u232a\u232b\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u232b\u232c\7a\2\2\u232c\u232d\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u232d\u232e\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u232e\u232f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u232f\u2330\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2330"+ + "\u2331\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2331\u2332\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2332\u2333\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u2333\u2334\7a\2\2\u2334\u2335\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2335\u2336\5"+ + "\u0a67\u0534\2\u2336\u2337\7a\2\2\u2337\u2338\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2338\u2339"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2339\u233a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u233a\u233b\5\u0a45\u0523"+ + "\2\u233b\u0560\3\2\2\2\u233c\u233d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u233d\u233e\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u233e\u233f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u233f\u2340\7a\2\2\u2340\u2341\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2341\u2342\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2342\u2343\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u2343\u2344\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2344\u0562\3\2\2\2\u2345\u2346\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u2346\u2347\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2347\u2348\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2348\u2349"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2349\u234a\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u234a\u234b\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u234b\u234c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u234c\u0564\3\2\2\2\u234d\u234e\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u234e\u234f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u234f\u2350\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2350"+ + "\u2351\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2351\u2352\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2352\u2353\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u2353\u2354\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2354\u2355\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2355"+ + "\u0566\3\2\2\2\u2356\u2357\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2357\u2358\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u2358\u2359\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2359\u235a\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u235a\u235b\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u235b\u235c\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u235c\u235d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u235d\u0568\3\2\2\2\u235e\u235f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u235f\u2360\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u2360\u2361\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2361\u2362\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2362\u2363"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2363\u2364\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2364\u2365\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u2365\u2366\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2366\u2367\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2367\u2368"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2368\u2369\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2369\u056a\3\2\2\2\u236a"+ + "\u236b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u236b\u236c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u236c\u236d\5\u0a61"+ + "\u0531\2\u236d\u236e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u236e\u236f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u236f"+ + "\u2370\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2370\u2371\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2371\u056c\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2372\u2373\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2373\u2374\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2374\u2375\5"+ + "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2375\u2376\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2376\u2377\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u2377\u2378\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2378\u2379\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2379\u237a\7"+ + "a\2\2\u237a\u237b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u237b\u237c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u237c\u056e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u237d\u237e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u237e\u237f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u237f"+ + "\u2380\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2380\u2381\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2381\u2382\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u2382\u2383\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2383\u2384\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2384"+ + "\u2385\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2385\u2386\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2386\u2387\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u2387\u2388\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2388\u2389\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2389"+ + "\u0570\3\2\2\2\u238a\u238b\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u238b\u238c\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ + "\u238c\u238d\7a\2\2\u238d\u238e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u238e\u238f\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u238f\u2390\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2390\u2391\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2391\u2392"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2392\u2393\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2393\u0572\3\2\2\2\u2394"+ + "\u2395\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2395\u2396\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2396\u2397\5\u0a65"+ + "\u0533\2\u2397\u2398\7a\2\2\u2398\u2399\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2399\u239a\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u239a\u239b\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u239b\u239c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u239c\u0574\3\2\2\2\u239d\u239e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u239e\u239f\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u239f\u23a0\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u23a0\u23a1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u23a1\u23a2"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u23a2\u23a3\7a\2\2\u23a3\u23a4\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u23a4"+ + "\u23a5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u23a5\u23a6\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u23a6\u23a7\5\u0a55"+ + "\u052b\2\u23a7\u0576\3\2\2\2\u23a8\u23a9\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u23a9\u23aa\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u23aa\u23ab\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u23ab\u23ac\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u23ac\u0578\3\2\2\2\u23ad\u23ae\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u23ae\u23af\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u23af\u23b0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u23b0\u23b1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u23b1\u057a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u23b2\u23b3\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u23b3\u23b4\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u23b4"+ + "\u23b5\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u23b5\u23b6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u23b6\u23b7\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u23b7\u23b8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u23b8\u23b9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u23b9"+ + "\u23ba\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u23ba\u23bb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u23bb\u23bc\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u23bc\u057c\3\2\2\2\u23bd\u23be\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u23be\u23bf\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u23bf\u23c0\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u23c0\u23c1\7a\2\2\u23c1\u23c2"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u23c2\u23c3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u23c3\u23c4\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u23c4\u23c5\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u23c5\u23c6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u23c6\u057e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u23c7\u23c8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u23c8\u23c9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u23c9"+ + "\u23ca\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u23ca\u23cb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u23cb\u0580\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u23cc\u23cd\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u23cd\u23ce\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u23ce\u23cf\5"+ + "\u0a43\u0522\2\u23cf\u23d0\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u23d0\u23d1\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u23d1\u23d2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u23d2\u23d3\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u23d3\u23d4\7"+ + "a\2\2\u23d4\u23d5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u23d5\u23d6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u23d6\u23d7"+ + "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u23d7\u23d8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u23d8\u23d9\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u23d9\u23da\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u23da\u23db\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u23db\u23dc"+ + "\7a\2\2\u23dc\u23dd\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u23dd\u23de\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u23de"+ + "\u23df\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u23df\u0582\3\2\2\2\u23e0\u23e1\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ + "\u23e1\u23e2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u23e2\u23e3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u23e3\u23e4\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u23e4\u23e5\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u23e5\u0584\3\2\2\2\u23e6\u23e7"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u23e7\u23e8\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u23e8\u23e9\5\u0a39\u051d"+ + "\2\u23e9\u23ea\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u23ea\u23eb\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u23eb\u23ec"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u23ec\u23ed\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u23ed\u0586\3\2\2\2\u23ee"+ + "\u23ef\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u23ef\u23f0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u23f0\u23f1\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u23f1\u23f2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u23f2\u23f3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u23f3"+ + "\u23f4\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u23f4\u23f5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u23f5\u23f6\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u23f6\u23f7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u23f7\u23f8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u23f8"+ + "\u23f9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u23f9\u0588\3\2\2\2\u23fa\u23fb\5\u0a57\u052c\2"+ + "\u23fb\u23fc\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u23fc\u23fd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u23fd\u23fe\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u23fe\u23ff\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u23ff\u058a\3\2\2\2\u2400\u2401"+ + "\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2401\u2402\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2402\u2403\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u2403\u2404\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2404\u2405\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2405\u2406"+ + "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2406\u058c\3\2\2\2\u2407\u2408\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2408"+ + "\u2409\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2409\u240a\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u240a\u240b\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u240b\u240c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u240c\u240d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u240d"+ + "\u240e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u240e\u240f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u240f\u058e\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2410\u2411\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2411\u2412\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2412\u2413\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u2413\u2414\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2414\u2415\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u2415\u2416\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2416\u2417\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2417\u0590\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2418\u2419\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2419\u241a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u241a\u241b"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u241b\u241c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u241c\u241d\5\u0a39\u051d"+ + "\2\u241d\u241e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u241e\u241f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u241f\u0592"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2420\u2421\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2421\u2422\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2422"+ + "\u2423\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2423\u2424\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2424\u2425\7a\2\2"+ + "\u2425\u2426\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2426\u2427\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2427\u2428\5"+ + "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2428\u2429\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2429\u242a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u242a\u0594\3\2\2\2\u242b\u242c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u242c\u242d\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u242d\u242e\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u242e\u242f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u242f\u2430"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2430\u2431\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2431\u0596\3\2\2\2\u2432"+ + "\u2433\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2433\u2434\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2434\u2435\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u2435\u2436\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2436\u2437\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2437"+ + "\u2438\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2438\u0598\3\2\2\2\u2439\u243a\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u243a\u243b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u243b\u243c\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u243c\u243d\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u243d\u059a\3\2\2\2\u243e\u243f\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u243f\u2440"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2440\u2441\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2441\u2442\5\u0a39\u051d"+ + "\2\u2442\u2443\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2443\u2444\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2444\u059c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2445\u2446\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2446\u2447\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2447"+ + "\u2448\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2448\u2449\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2449\u059e\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u244a\u244b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u244b\u244c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u244c\u244d\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u244d\u244e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u244e\u244f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u244f\u2450\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2450\u2451\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2451\u2452\5"+ + "\u0a61\u0531\2\u2452\u2453\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2453\u2454\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u2454\u2455\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2455\u2456\7a\2\2\u2456\u2457\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u2457\u2458\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2458\u2459\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2459\u245a"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u245a\u05a0\3\2\2\2\u245b\u245c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u245c"+ + "\u245d\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u245d\u245e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u245e\u245f\5\u0a63"+ + "\u0532\2\u245f\u05a2\3\2\2\2\u2460\u2461\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2461\u2462\5"+ + "\u0a45\u0523\2\u2462\u2463\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2463\u2464\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u2464\u2465\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2465\u2466\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2466\u2467\5"+ + "\u0a63\u0532\2\u2467\u2468\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2468\u05a4\3\2\2\2\u2469\u246a"+ + "\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u246a\u246b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u246b\u246c\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u246c\u246d\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u246d\u246e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u246e\u246f"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u246f\u2470\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2470\u05a6\3\2\2\2\u2471"+ + "\u2472\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u2472\u2473\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2473\u2474\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u2474\u2475\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2475\u2476\7a\2\2\u2476\u2477\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2477\u2478\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u2478\u2479\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u2479\u247a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u247a\u247b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u247b\u05a8\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u247c\u247d\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u247d\u247e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u247e\u247f"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u247f\u2480\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2480\u2481\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u2481\u2482\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2482\u2483\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2483\u2484"+ + "\7a\2\2\u2484\u2485\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2485\u2486\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2486"+ + "\u2487\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2487\u2488\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2488\u05aa\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2489\u248a\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u248a\u248b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u248b\u248c\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u248c\u248d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u248d\u248e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u248e\u248f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u248f\u2490\7a\2\2\u2490\u2491\5\u0a55\u052b"+ + "\2\u2491\u2492\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2492\u2493\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2493\u2494"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2494\u05ac\3\2\2\2\u2495\u2496\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2496"+ + "\u2497\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2497\u2498\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2498\u2499\5\u0a57"+ + "\u052c\2\u2499\u249a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u249a\u249b\7a\2\2\u249b\u249c\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u249c\u249d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u249d\u249e\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u249e\u249f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u249f\u24a0\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u24a0\u05ae\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u24a1\u24a2\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u24a2\u24a3\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u24a3\u05b0"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u24a4\u24a5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u24a5\u24a6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u24a6"+ + "\u24a7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u24a7\u24a8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u24a8\u05b2\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u24a9\u24aa\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u24aa\u24ab\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u24ab\u24ac\5"+ + "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u24ac\u24ad\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u24ad\u24ae\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u24ae\u05b4\3\2\2\2\u24af\u24b0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u24b0\u24b1\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u24b1\u24b2\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u24b2\u24b3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u24b3\u24b4"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u24b4\u24b5\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u24b5\u24b6\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u24b6\u24b7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u24b7\u24b8\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u24b8\u24b9"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u24b9\u05b6\3\2\2\2\u24ba\u24bb\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u24bb"+ + "\u24bc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u24bc\u24bd\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u24bd\u24be\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u24be\u24bf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u24bf\u24c0\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u24c0"+ + "\u24c1\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u24c1\u24c2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u24c2\u05b8\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u24c3\u24c4\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u24c4\u24c5\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u24c5\u24c6\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u24c6\u24c7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u24c7\u05ba\3\2\2\2\u24c8\u24c9"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u24c9\u24ca\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u24ca\u24cb\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u24cb\u24cc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u24cc\u24cd\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u24cd\u24ce"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u24ce\u24cf\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u24cf\u24d0\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u24d0\u24d1\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u24d1\u05bc\3\2\2\2\u24d2\u24d3\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u24d3\u24d4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u24d4\u24d5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u24d5"+ + "\u24d6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u24d6\u24d7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u24d7\u24d8\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u24d8\u24d9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u24d9\u05be\3\2\2\2\u24da\u24db\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u24db\u24dc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u24dc\u24dd\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u24dd\u24de\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u24de\u24df\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u24df\u24e0\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u24e0\u24e1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u24e1\u24e2\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u24e2\u24e3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u24e3\u24e4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u24e4\u24e5\7"+ + "a\2\2\u24e5\u24e6\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u24e6\u24e7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u24e7\u24e8"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u24e8\u24e9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u24e9\u05c0\3\2\2\2\u24ea"+ + "\u24eb\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u24eb\u24ec\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u24ec\u24ed\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u24ed\u24ee\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u24ee\u24ef\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u24ef"+ + "\u05c2\3\2\2\2\u24f0\u24f1\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u24f1\u24f2\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u24f2\u24f3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u24f3\u24f4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u24f4\u24f5\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u24f5\u24f6\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u24f6\u24f7\7a\2\2\u24f7\u24f8"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u24f8\u24f9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u24f9\u24fa\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u24fa\u24fb\7a\2\2\u24fb\u24fc\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u24fc\u24fd\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u24fd\u24fe\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u24fe\u05c4\3\2\2\2\u24ff\u2500\5"+ + "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2500\u2501\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2501\u2502\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u2502\u2503\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2503\u2504\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2504\u2505\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u2505\u2506\7a\2\2\u2506\u2507\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2507\u2508"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2508\u2509\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2509\u250a\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u250a\u250b\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u250b\u250c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u250c\u250d"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u250d\u250e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u250e\u05c6\3\2\2\2\u250f"+ + "\u2510\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2510\u2511\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2511\u2512\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u2512\u2513\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2513\u05c8\3\2\2\2\u2514\u2515\5"+ + "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2515\u2516\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2516\u2517\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u2517\u2518\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2518\u2519\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2519\u251a\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u251a\u251b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u251b\u251c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u251c\u251d\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u251d\u251e\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u251e\u251f\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u251f\u2520\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2520\u05ca\3\2\2\2\u2521\u2522"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2522\u2523\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2523\u2524\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u2524\u2525\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2525\u2526\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2526\u2527"+ + "\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2527\u2528\7a\2\2\u2528\u2529\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2529"+ + "\u252a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u252a\u252b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u252b\u252c\5\u0a55"+ + "\u052b\2\u252c\u05cc\3\2\2\2\u252d\u252e\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u252e\u252f\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u252f\u2530\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2530\u2531\7a\2\2\u2531\u2532"+ + "\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2532\u2533\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2533\u2534\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u2534\u2535\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2535\u2536\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2536\u2537"+ + "\7a\2\2\u2537\u2538\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2538\u2539\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2539"+ + "\u253a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u253a\u253b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u253b\u253c\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u253c\u253d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u253d\u05ce\3\2\2\2\u253e\u253f\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u253f\u2540\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2540\u2541\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u2541\u2542\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2542\u2543\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2543\u05d0\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2544\u2545\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2545\u2546\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2546\u2547"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2547\u2548\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2548\u2549\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u2549\u254a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u254a\u254b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u254b\u254c"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u254c\u254d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u254d\u254e\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u254e\u254f\7a\2\2\u254f\u2550\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2550\u2551\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u2551\u2552\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2552\u2553\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2553"+ + "\u2554\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2554\u2555\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2555\u2556\5\u0a43"+ + "\u0522\2\u2556\u05d2\3\2\2\2\u2557\u2558\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2558\u2559\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u2559\u255a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u255a\u255b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u255b\u255c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u255c\u255d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u255d\u255e\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u255e\u255f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u255f\u2560\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u2560\u2561\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2561\u05d4\3\2\2\2\u2562\u2563\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u2563\u2564\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2564\u2565\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2565\u2566"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2566\u2567\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2567\u2568\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u2568\u05d6\3\2\2\2\u2569\u256a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u256a\u256b\5\u0a65"+ + "\u0533\2\u256b\u256c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u256c\u256d\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u256d"+ + "\u256e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u256e\u256f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u256f\u2570\5\u0a43"+ + "\u0522\2\u2570\u2571\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2571\u05d8\3\2\2\2\u2572\u2573\5"+ + "\u0a43\u0522\2\u2573\u2574\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2574\u2575\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u2575\u2576\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2576\u2577\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2577\u2578\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2578\u05da\3\2\2\2\u2579\u257a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u257a\u257b"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u257b\u257c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u257c\u257d\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u257d\u05dc\3\2\2\2\u257e\u257f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u257f\u2580\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u2580\u2581\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2581\u2582\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2582"+ + "\u2583\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2583\u2584\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2584\u2585\7a\2\2"+ + "\u2585\u2586\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2586\u2587\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2587\u2588\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u2588\u2589\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2589\u05de\3\2\2\2\u258a\u258b"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u258b\u258c\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u258c\u258d\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u258d\u258e\7a\2\2\u258e\u258f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u258f\u2590\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u2590\u2591\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2591\u2592\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2592"+ + "\u2593\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2593\u05e0\3\2\2\2\u2594\u2595\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ + "\u2595\u2596\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2596\u2597\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2597\u2598\7"+ + "a\2\2\u2598\u2599\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2599\u259a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u259a\u259b"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u259b\u259c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u259c\u259d\7a\2\2\u259d"+ + "\u259e\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u259e\u259f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u259f\u25a0\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u25a0\u25a1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u25a1\u25a2\7a\2\2\u25a2\u25a3\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u25a3\u25a4\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u25a4\u05e2\3\2\2\2\u25a5\u25a6"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u25a6\u25a7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u25a7\u25a8\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u25a8\u25a9\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u25a9\u05e4\3\2\2\2\u25aa\u25ab\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u25ab\u25ac\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u25ac\u25ad\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u25ad"+ + "\u25ae\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u25ae\u25af\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u25af\u25b0\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u25b0\u25b1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u25b1\u25b2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u25b2"+ + "\u05e6\3\2\2\2\u25b3\u25b4\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u25b4\u25b5\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ + "\u25b5\u25b6\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u25b6\u25b7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u25b7\u25b8\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u25b8\u25b9\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u25b9\u25ba\7a\2\2\u25ba\u25bb"+ + "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u25bb\u25bc\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u25bc\u25bd\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u25bd\u25be\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u25be\u05e8\3\2\2\2\u25bf\u25c0\5\u0a41"+ + "\u0521\2\u25c0\u25c1\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u25c1\u25c2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u25c2"+ + "\u25c3\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u25c3\u25c4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u25c4\u25c5\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u25c5\u25c6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u25c6\u25c7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u25c7"+ + "\u05ea\3\2\2\2\u25c8\u25c9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u25c9\u25ca\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u25ca\u25cb\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u25cb\u25cc\7a\2\2\u25cc\u25cd\5\u0a61\u0531"+ + "\2\u25cd\u25ce\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u25ce\u25cf\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u25cf\u25d0"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u25d0\u25d1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u25d1\u05ec\3\2\2\2\u25d2"+ + "\u25d3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u25d3\u25d4\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u25d4\u25d5\5\u0a61"+ + "\u0531\2\u25d5\u25d6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u25d6\u25d7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u25d7"+ + "\u25d8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u25d8\u25d9\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u25d9\u25da\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u25da\u25db\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u25db\u05ee\3\2\2\2\u25dc\u25dd\5"+ + "\u0a39\u051d\2\u25dd\u25de\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u25de\u25df\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u25df\u25e0\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u25e0\u25e1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u25e1\u25e2\5"+ + "\u0a67\u0534\2\u25e2\u25e3\7a\2\2\u25e3\u25e4\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u25e4\u25e5"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u25e5\u25e6\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u25e6\u25e7\5\u0a39\u051d"+ + "\2\u25e7\u25e8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u25e8\u25e9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u25e9\u25ea"+ + "\7a\2\2\u25ea\u25eb\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u25eb\u25ec\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u25ec"+ + "\u25ed\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u25ed\u25ee\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u25ee\u25ef\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u25ef\u25f0\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u25f0\u25f1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u25f1"+ + "\u25f2\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u25f2\u05f0\3\2\2\2\u25f3\u25f4\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u25f4\u25f5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u25f5\u25f6\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u25f6\u25f7\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u25f7\u25f8\7a\2\2\u25f8\u25f9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u25f9\u25fa"+ + "\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u25fa\u25fb\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u25fb\u05f2\3\2\2\2\u25fc"+ + "\u25fd\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u25fd\u25fe\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u25fe\u25ff\5\u0a43"+ + "\u0522\2\u25ff\u2600\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2600\u2601\7a\2\2\u2601\u2602\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2602\u2603\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2603\u2604\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ + "\u2604\u05f4\3\2\2\2\u2605\u2606\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2606\u2607\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u2607\u2608\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2608\u2609\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2609\u260a"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u260a\u260b\7a\2\2\u260b\u260c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u260c"+ + "\u260d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u260d\u260e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u260e\u260f\5\u0a4b"+ + "\u0526\2\u260f\u05f6\3\2\2\2\u2610\u2611\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2611\u2612\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u2612\u2613\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2613\u2614\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u2614\u2615\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2615\u05f8\3\2\2\2\u2616\u2617\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u2617\u2618\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u2618\u2619\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2619\u261a"+ + "\7a\2\2\u261a\u261b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u261b\u261c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u261c"+ + "\u261d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u261d\u261e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u261e\u261f\7a\2\2"+ + "\u261f\u2620\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2620\u2621\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2621\u2622\5"+ + "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2622\u2623\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2623\u2624\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ + "\u2624\u2625\7a\2\2\u2625\u2626\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2626\u2627\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u2627\u2628\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2628\u05fa\3\2\2\2\u2629\u262a\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u262a\u262b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u262b\u262c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u262c"+ + "\u262d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u262d\u262e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u262e\u05fc\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u262f\u2630\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2630\u2631\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2631\u2632\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u2632\u2633\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2633\u2634\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u2634\u2635\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2635\u2636\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2636\u2637\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2637\u05fe\3\2\2\2\u2638\u2639\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2639\u263a"+ + "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u263a\u263b\7a\2\2\u263b\u263c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u263c"+ + "\u263d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u263d\u263e\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u263e\u263f\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u263f\u0600\3\2\2\2\u2640\u2641\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2641\u2642\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2642\u2643\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2643\u2644\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u2644\u2645\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2645\u0602\3\2\2\2\u2646\u2647\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u2647\u2648\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2648\u2649\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2649\u264a"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u264a\u264b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u264b\u264c\7a\2\2\u264c"+ + "\u264d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u264d\u264e\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u264e\u264f\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u264f\u2650\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2650\u2651\7a\2\2\u2651\u2652\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u2652\u2653\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2653\u2654\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ + "\u2654\u0604\3\2\2\2\u2655\u2656\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2656\u2657\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u2657\u2658\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2658\u2659\7a\2\2\u2659\u265a\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u265a\u265b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u265b\u265c\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u265c"+ + "\u265d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u265d\u0606\3\2\2\2\u265e\u265f\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u265f\u2660\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2660\u2661\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2661\u2662\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2662\u2663\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2663\u2664\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u2664\u2665\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2665\u2666\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2666\u2667\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u2667\u0608\3\2\2\2\u2668\u2669\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2669\u266a"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u266a\u266b\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u266b\u266c\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u266c\u266d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u266d\u266e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u266e\u266f"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u266f\u2670\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2670\u2671\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u2671\u2672\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2672\u2673\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2673\u060a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2674\u2675\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2675\u2676\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2676"+ + "\u2677\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2677\u2678\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2678\u2679\7a\2\2"+ + "\u2679\u267a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u267a\u267b\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u267b\u267c\5"+ + "\u0a67\u0534\2\u267c\u060c\3\2\2\2\u267d\u267e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u267e\u267f"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u267f\u2680\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2680\u2681\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u2681\u2682\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2682\u2683\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2683\u2684"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2684\u2685\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2685\u2686\5\u0a69\u0535"+ + "\2\u2686\u2687\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2687\u2688\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2688\u060e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2689\u268a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u268a\u268b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u268b"+ + "\u268c\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u268c\u268d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u268d\u268e\5\u0a61"+ + "\u0531\2\u268e\u268f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u268f\u0610\3\2\2\2\u2690\u2691\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2691\u2692\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2692\u2693\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u2693\u2694\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2694\u2695\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2695\u2696\7"+ + "a\2\2\u2696\u2697\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2697\u2698\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2698\u2699"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2699\u269a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u269a\u269b\7a\2\2\u269b"+ + "\u269c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u269c\u269d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u269d\u269e\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u269e\u269f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u269f\u26a0\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u26a0"+ + "\u26a1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u26a1\u0612\3\2\2\2\u26a2\u26a3\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u26a3\u26a4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u26a4\u26a5\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u26a5\u26a6\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u26a6\u26a7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u26a7\u26a8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u26a8\u26a9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u26a9\u26aa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u26aa\u26ab\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u26ab\u26ac\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u26ac\u26ad\7a\2\2\u26ad\u26ae"+ + "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u26ae\u26af\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u26af\u26b0\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u26b0\u26b1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u26b1\u0614\3\2\2\2\u26b2\u26b3\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u26b3\u26b4\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u26b4\u26b5\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u26b5"+ + "\u26b6\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u26b6\u26b7\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u26b7\u26b8\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u26b8\u26b9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u26b9\u26ba\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u26ba"+ + "\u26bb\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u26bb\u26bc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u26bc\u26bd\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u26bd\u0616\3\2\2\2\u26be\u26bf\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u26bf\u26c0\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u26c0\u26c1\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u26c1\u26c2\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ + "\u26c2\u26c3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u26c3\u26c4\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u26c4\u26c5\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u26c5\u0618\3\2\2\2\u26c6\u26c7\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u26c7\u26c8"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u26c8\u26c9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u26c9\u26ca\7a\2\2\u26ca"+ + "\u26cb\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u26cb\u26cc\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u26cc\u26cd\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u26cd\u26ce\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u26ce\u26cf\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u26cf"+ + "\u26d0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u26d0\u26d1\7a\2\2\u26d1\u26d2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u26d2\u26d3\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u26d3\u26d4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u26d4\u26d5\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u26d5\u26d6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u26d6\u26d7\7a\2\2\u26d7\u26d8"+ + "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u26d8\u26d9\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u26d9\u26da\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u26da\u26db\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u26db\u061a\3\2\2\2\u26dc\u26dd\5\u0a5f"+ + "\u0530\2\u26dd\u26de\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u26de\u26df\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u26df"+ + "\u26e0\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u26e0\u26e1\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u26e1\u26e2\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u26e2\u26e3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u26e3\u26e4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u26e4"+ + "\u26e5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u26e5\u26e6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u26e6\u26e7\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u26e7\u061c\3\2\2\2\u26e8\u26e9\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u26e9\u26ea\5"+ + "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u26ea\u26eb\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u26eb\u26ec\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u26ec\u26ed\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u26ed\u26ee\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u26ee\u26ef\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u26ef\u26f0\7a\2\2\u26f0\u26f1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u26f1\u26f2"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u26f2\u26f3\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u26f3\u26f4\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u26f4\u26f5\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u26f5\u26f6\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u26f6\u061e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u26f7\u26f8\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u26f8\u26f9\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u26f9"+ + "\u26fa\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u26fa\u0620\3\2\2\2\u26fb\u26fc\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u26fc\u26fd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u26fd\u26fe\7a\2\2\u26fe\u26ff\5\u0a63\u0532"+ + "\2\u26ff\u2700\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2700\u2701\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2701\u2702"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2702\u0622\3\2\2\2\u2703\u2704\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2704"+ + "\u2705\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2705\u2706\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2706\u2707\5\u0a4b"+ + "\u0526\2\u2707\u2708\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2708\u2709\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2709"+ + "\u270a\7a\2\2\u270a\u270b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u270b\u270c\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u270c\u270d\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u270d\u270e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u270e\u270f\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u270f\u2710\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2710\u0624\3\2\2\2\u2711\u2712"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2712\u2713\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2713\u2714\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u2714\u2715\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2715\u2716\7a\2\2\u2716\u2717\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u2717\u2718\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2718\u2719\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2719"+ + "\u0626\3\2\2\2\u271a\u271b\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u271b\u271c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u271c\u271d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u271d\u271e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u271e\u271f\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u271f\u2720\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2720\u2721\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u2721\u2722\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2722\u2723\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2723\u2724\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2724\u0628\3\2\2\2\u2725\u2726\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2726\u2727"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2727\u2728\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2728\u2729\7a\2\2\u2729"+ + "\u272a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u272a\u272b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u272b\u272c\5\u0a55"+ + "\u052b\2\u272c\u272d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u272d\u062a\3\2\2\2\u272e\u272f\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u272f\u2730\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2730\u2731\5\u0a41\u0521\2"+ + "\u2731\u2732\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2732\u2733\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2733\u2734\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2734\u062c\3\2\2\2\u2735\u2736\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2736\u2737"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2737\u2738\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2738\u2739\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u2739\u273a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u273a\u273b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u273b\u273c"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u273c\u273d\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u273d\u273e\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u273e\u273f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u273f\u062e\3\2\2\2\u2740\u2741\5\u0a55"+ + "\u052b\2\u2741\u2742\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2742\u2743\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2743"+ + "\u2744\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2744\u2745\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2745\u2746\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u2746\u2747\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2747\u2748\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2748"+ + "\u2749\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2749\u274a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u274a\u274b\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u274b\u0630\3\2\2\2\u274c\u274d\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u274d\u274e\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u274e\u274f\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u274f\u2750\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ + "\u2750\u2751\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2751\u2752\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2752\u2753\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2753\u2754\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2754\u2755\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u2755\u2756\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2756\u0632\3\2\2\2\u2757\u2758\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u2758\u2759\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2759\u275a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u275a\u275b"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u275b\u275c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u275c\u275d\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u275d\u275e\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u275e\u275f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u275f\u2760"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2760\u0634\3\2\2\2\u2761\u2762\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u2762"+ + "\u2763\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2763\u2764\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2764\u2765\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u2765\u0636\3\2\2\2\u2766\u2767\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2767\u2768\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2768\u2769\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2769\u276a\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u276a\u276b\7a\2\2\u276b\u276c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u276c\u276d\5\u0a61\u0531"+ + "\2\u276d\u276e\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u276e\u276f\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u276f\u0638"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2770\u2771\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2771\u2772\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2772"+ + "\u2773\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2773\u2774\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2774\u2775\7a\2\2"+ + "\u2775\u2776\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2776\u2777\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2777\u2778\5"+ + "\u0a43\u0522\2\u2778\u2779\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2779\u063a\3\2\2\2\u277a\u277b"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u277b\u277c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u277c\u277d\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u277d\u277e\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u277e\u277f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u277f\u2780"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2780\u2781\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2781\u2782\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u2782\u063c\3\2\2\2\u2783\u2784\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2784\u2785\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u2785\u2786\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2786\u2787\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2787"+ + "\u2788\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2788\u2789\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2789\u278a\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u278a\u278b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u278b\u278c\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u278c"+ + "\u063e\3\2\2\2\u278d\u278e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u278e\u278f\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u278f\u2790\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2790\u2791\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2791\u2792\7"+ + "a\2\2\u2792\u2793\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2793\u2794\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2794\u2795"+ + "\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2795\u0640\3\2\2\2\u2796\u2797\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2797"+ + "\u2798\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2798\u2799\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2799\u279a\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u279a\u279b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u279b\u279c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u279c"+ + "\u279d\7a\2\2\u279d\u279e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u279e\u279f\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u279f\u27a0\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u27a0\u27a1\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u27a1\u0642\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u27a2\u27a3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u27a3\u27a4\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u27a4\u27a5"+ + "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u27a5\u27a6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u27a6\u27a7\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u27a7\u27a8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u27a8\u0644\3\2\2\2\u27a9\u27aa\5\u0a4b"+ + "\u0526\2\u27aa\u27ab\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u27ab\u27ac\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u27ac"+ + "\u27ad\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u27ad\u0646\3\2\2\2\u27ae\u27af\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u27af\u27b0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u27b0\u27b1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u27b1\u27b2\5"+ + "\u0a39\u051d\2\u27b2\u27b3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u27b3\u27b4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u27b4\u0648\3\2\2\2\u27b5\u27b6\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u27b6\u27b7\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u27b7\u27b8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u27b8\u27b9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u27b9\u27ba"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u27ba\u064a\3\2\2\2\u27bb\u27bc\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u27bc"+ + "\u27bd\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u27bd\u27be\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u27be\u27bf\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u27bf\u27c0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u27c0\u27c1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u27c1"+ + "\u27c2\7a\2\2\u27c2\u27c3\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u27c3\u27c4\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u27c4\u27c5\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u27c5\u27c6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u27c6\u064c\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u27c7\u27c8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u27c8\u27c9\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u27c9\u27ca"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u27ca\u27cb\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u27cb\u27cc\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u27cc\u27cd\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u27cd\u064e\3\2\2\2\u27ce\u27cf\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u27cf\u27d0\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u27d0\u27d1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u27d1"+ + "\u27d2\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u27d2\u27d3\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u27d3\u27d4\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u27d4\u27d5\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u27d5\u27d6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u27d6"+ + "\u27d7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u27d7\u0650\3\2\2\2\u27d8\u27d9\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u27d9\u27da\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u27da\u27db\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u27db\u27dc\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u27dc\u27dd\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u27dd\u27de\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u27de\u27df\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u27df\u27e0\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u27e0\u27e1\5"+ + "\u0a69\u0535\2\u27e1\u27e2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u27e2\u0652\3\2\2\2\u27e3\u27e4"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u27e4\u27e5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u27e5\u27e6\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u27e6\u27e7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u27e7\u27e8\7a\2\2\u27e8\u27e9\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u27e9\u27ea\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u27ea\u27eb\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u27eb"+ + "\u27ec\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u27ec\u27ed\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u27ed\u0654\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u27ee\u27ef\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u27ef\u27f0\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u27f0\u27f1\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u27f1\u27f2\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u27f2\u27f3\5\u0a4b\u0526\2"+ + "\u27f3\u27f4\7a\2\2\u27f4\u27f5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u27f5\u27f6\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u27f6\u27f7\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u27f7\u27f8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u27f8\u0656"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u27f9\u27fa\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u27fa\u27fb\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u27fb"+ + "\u27fc\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u27fc\u27fd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u27fd\u27fe\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u27fe\u27ff\7a\2\2\u27ff\u2800\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2800\u2801\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2801\u2802\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2802\u2803\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u2803\u2804\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2804\u0658\3\2\2\2\u2805\u2806\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u2806\u2807\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2807\u2808\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2808\u2809"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2809\u280a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u280a\u065a\3\2\2\2\u280b"+ + "\u280c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u280c\u280d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u280d\u280e\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u280e\u280f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u280f\u2810\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2810"+ + "\u2811\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2811\u2812\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2812\u2813\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u2813\u2814\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2814\u2815\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2815"+ + "\u065c\3\2\2\2\u2816\u2817\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2817\u2818\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u2818\u2819\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2819\u281a\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u281a\u281b\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u281b\u281c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u281c\u281d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u281d\u281e\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u281e\u065e\3\2\2\2\u281f\u2820\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u2820\u2821\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2821\u2822\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2822\u2823"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2823\u2824\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2824\u2825\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u2825\u0660\3\2\2\2\u2826\u2827\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2827\u2828\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u2828\u2829\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2829\u0662\3\2\2\2\u282a\u282b\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u282b\u282c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u282c\u282d\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ + "\u282d\u282e\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u282e\u282f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u282f\u2830\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2830\u2831\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2831\u2832\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u2832\u0664\3\2\2\2\u2833\u2834\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2834\u2835\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u2835\u2836\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2836\u2837\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2837\u2838"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2838\u2839\7a\2\2\u2839\u283a\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u283a"+ + "\u283b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u283b\u283c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u283c\u283d\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u283d\u283e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u283e\u283f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u283f"+ + "\u2840\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2840\u2841\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2841\u2842\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u2842\u2843\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2843\u0666\3\2\2\2\u2844\u2845\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u2845\u2846\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2846\u2847\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ + "\u2847\u2848\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2848\u2849\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2849\u284a\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u284a\u284b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u284b\u284c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u284c\u284d\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u284d\u0668\3\2\2\2\u284e\u284f\5\u0a55\u052b"+ + "\2\u284f\u2850\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2850\u2851\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2851\u2852"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2852\u2853\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2853\u2854\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u2854\u2855\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2855\u2856\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2856\u2857"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2857\u2858\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2858\u2859\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u2859\u285a\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u285a\u066a\3\2\2\2\u285b\u285c\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u285c\u285d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u285d\u285e\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u285e"+ + "\u285f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u285f\u2860\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2860\u2861\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u2861\u2862\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2862\u2863\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2863"+ + "\u066c\3\2\2\2\u2864\u2865\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2865\u2866\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u2866\u2867\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2867\u2868\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2868\u2869\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u2869\u066e\3\2\2\2\u286a\u286b\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u286b\u286c"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u286c\u286d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u286d\u286e\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u286e\u286f\7a\2\2\u286f\u2870\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2870\u2871\5\u0a39"+ + "\u051d\2\u2871\u2872\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u2872\u2873\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2873"+ + "\u2874\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2874\u2875\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2875\u0670\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2876\u2877\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2877\u2878\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2878\u2879\5"+ + "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2879\u287a\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u287a\u287b\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u287b\u287c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u287c\u0672\3\2\2\2\u287d\u287e\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u287e\u287f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u287f\u2880\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2880\u2881"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2881\u2882\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2882\u2883\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u2883\u2884\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2884\u2885\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2885\u2886"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2886\u2887\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2887\u2888\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u2888\u2889\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2889\u288a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u288a\u0674"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u288b\u288c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u288c\u288d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u288d"+ + "\u288e\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u288e\u288f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u288f\u2890\5\u0a55"+ + "\u052b\2\u2890\u2891\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2891\u2892\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2892"+ + "\u2893\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2893\u2894\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2894\u0676\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2895\u2896\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2896\u2897\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2897\u2898\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2898\u2899\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2899\u289a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u289a\u0678\3\2\2\2\u289b\u289c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u289c\u289d\5\u0a61\u0531"+ + "\2\u289d\u289e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u289e\u289f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u289f\u28a0"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u28a0\u28a1\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u28a1\u28a2\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u28a2\u28a3\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u28a3\u28a4\7\64\2\2\u28a4\u067a\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u28a5\u28a6\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u28a6\u28a7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u28a7\u28a8"+ + "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u28a8\u28a9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u28a9\u28aa\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u28aa\u28ab\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u28ab\u28ac\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u28ac\u28ad"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u28ad\u067c\3\2\2\2\u28ae\u28af\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u28af"+ + "\u28b0\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u28b0\u28b1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u28b1\u28b2\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u28b2\u28b3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u28b3\u28b4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u28b4"+ + "\u28b5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u28b5\u067e\3\2\2\2\u28b6\u28b7\5\u0a41\u0521\2"+ + "\u28b7\u28b8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u28b8\u28b9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u28b9\u28ba\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u28ba\u28bb\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u28bb\u28bc\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u28bc\u28bd\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u28bd\u28be\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u28be\u0680\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u28bf\u28c0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u28c0\u28c1\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u28c1\u28c2"+ + "\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u28c2\u28c3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u28c3\u0682\3\2\2\2\u28c4"+ + "\u28c5\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u28c5\u28c6\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u28c6\u28c7\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u28c7\u0684\3\2\2\2\u28c8\u28c9\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u28c9\u28ca\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u28ca\u28cb\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u28cb\u28cc\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u28cc\u28cd\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u28cd\u28ce\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u28ce\u28cf\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u28cf\u28d0\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u28d0\u28d1\7a\2\2\u28d1\u28d2"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u28d2\u28d3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u28d3\u28d4\5\u0a41\u0521"+ + "\2\u28d4\u28d5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u28d5\u28d6\7a\2\2\u28d6\u28d7\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u28d7\u28d8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u28d8\u28d9\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u28d9"+ + "\u28da\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u28da\u0686\3\2\2\2\u28db\u28dc\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u28dc\u28dd\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u28dd\u28de\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u28de\u0688\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u28df\u28e0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u28e0\u28e1\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u28e1\u28e2"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u28e2\u28e3\7a\2\2\u28e3\u28e4\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u28e4"+ + "\u28e5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u28e5\u28e6\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u28e6\u068a\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u28e7\u28e8\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u28e8\u28e9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u28e9\u28ea\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u28ea\u28eb\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u28eb\u068c\3\2\2\2\u28ec\u28ed"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u28ed\u28ee\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u28ee\u28ef\7a\2\2\u28ef"+ + "\u28f0\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u28f0\u28f1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u28f1\u28f2\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u28f2\u28f3\7a\2\2\u28f3\u28f4\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u28f4\u28f5\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u28f5\u28f6\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u28f6\u28f7\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u28f7\u28f8\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u28f8\u28f9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u28f9\u28fa\7"+ + "a\2\2\u28fa\u28fb\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u28fb\u28fc\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u28fc\u28fd"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u28fd\u28fe\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u28fe\u28ff\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u28ff\u2900\7a\2\2\u2900\u2901\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2901\u2902\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u2902\u2903\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2903\u2904\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2904"+ + "\u068e\3\2\2\2\u2905\u2906\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2906\u2907\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u2907\u2908\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2908\u2909\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2909\u0690\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u290a\u290b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u290b\u290c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u290c\u290d"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u290d\u290e\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u290e\u0692\3\2\2\2\u290f"+ + "\u2910\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2910\u2911\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2911\u2912\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u2912\u2913\7a\2\2\u2913\u2914\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2914\u2915\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u2915\u2916\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2916\u0694\3\2\2\2\u2917\u2918"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2918\u2919\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2919\u291a\5\u0a41\u0521"+ + "\2\u291a\u291b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u291b\u291c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u291c\u291d"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u291d\u291e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u291e\u291f\7a\2\2\u291f"+ + "\u2920\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2920\u2921\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2921\u2922\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u2922\u2923\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2923\u0696\3\2\2\2\u2924\u2925\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2925\u2926\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2926\u2927\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u2927\u2928\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2928\u2929\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2929\u292a\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u292a\u292b\7a\2\2\u292b\u292c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u292c\u292d"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u292d\u292e\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u292e\u292f\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u292f\u0698\3\2\2\2\u2930\u2931\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2931\u2932\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u2932\u2933\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2933\u2934\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2934"+ + "\u2935\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2935\u2936\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2936\u069a\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2937\u2938\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2938\u2939\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2939\u293a\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u293a\u293b\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u293b\u069c\3\2\2\2\u293c\u293d"+ + "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u293d\u293e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u293e\u293f\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u293f\u2940\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2940\u2941\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2941\u2942"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2942\u2943\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2943\u2944\5\u0a67\u0534"+ + "\2\u2944\u2945\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2945\u2946\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2946\u2947"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2947\u2948\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2948\u2949\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u2949\u294a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u294a\u294b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u294b\u294c"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u294c\u294d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u294d\u294e\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u294e\u069e\3\2\2\2\u294f\u2950\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2950\u2951\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u2951\u2952\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2952\u2953\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2953"+ + "\u2954\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2954\u2955\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2955\u2956\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u2956\u06a0\3\2\2\2\u2957\u2958\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2958\u2959\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2959\u295a\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u295a\u295b\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u295b\u295c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u295c\u295d\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u295d\u06a2\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u295e\u295f\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u295f\u2960\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2960\u2961"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2961\u2962\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2962\u2963\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u2963\u2964\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2964\u2965\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2965\u2966"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2966\u06a4\3\2\2\2\u2967\u2968\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2968"+ + "\u2969\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2969\u296a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u296a\u296b\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u296b\u296c\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u296c\u296d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u296d"+ + "\u296e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u296e\u296f\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u296f\u2970\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u2970\u2971\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2971\u06a6\3\2\2\2\u2972\u2973\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2973\u2974\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2974\u2975\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u2975\u2976\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2976\u2977\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2977\u2978\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2978\u2979\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2979\u297a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u297a\u06a8\3\2\2\2\u297b\u297c\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u297c\u297d\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u297d\u297e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u297e\u297f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u297f\u2980"+ + "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2980\u2981\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2981\u06aa\3\2\2\2\u2982"+ + "\u2983\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2983\u2984\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2984\u2985\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u2985\u2986\7a\2\2\u2986\u2987\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2987\u2988\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u2988\u2989\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2989\u06ac\3\2\2\2\u298a\u298b"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u298b\u298c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u298c\u298d\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u298d\u298e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u298e\u298f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u298f\u2990"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2990\u2991\7a\2\2\u2991\u2992\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2992"+ + "\u2993\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2993\u2994\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2994\u2995\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u2995\u2996\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2996\u2997\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2997"+ + "\u2998\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2998\u06ae\3\2\2\2\u2999\u299a\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ + "\u299a\u299b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u299b\u299c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u299c\u299d\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u299d\u299e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u299e\u299f\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u299f\u29a0\7a\2\2\u29a0\u29a1\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u29a1\u29a2\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u29a2\u29a3\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u29a3\u29a4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u29a4\u29a5"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u29a5\u29a6\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u29a6\u29a7\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u29a7\u29a8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u29a8\u29a9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u29a9\u29aa"+ + "\7a\2\2\u29aa\u29ab\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u29ab\u29ac\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u29ac"+ + "\u29ad\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u29ad\u29ae\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u29ae\u29af\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u29af\u29b0\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u29b0\u06b0\3\2\2\2\u29b1\u29b2\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u29b2\u29b3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u29b3\u29b4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u29b4\u29b5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u29b5\u29b6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u29b6\u29b7\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u29b7\u29b8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u29b8\u29b9\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ + "\u29b9\u06b2\3\2\2\2\u29ba\u29bb\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u29bb\u29bc\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u29bc\u29bd\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u29bd\u29be\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u29be\u29bf"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u29bf\u29c0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u29c0\u29c1\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u29c1\u29c2\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u29c2\u29c3\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u29c3\u29c4"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u29c4\u29c5\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u29c5\u29c6\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u29c6\u29c7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u29c7\u06b4\3\2\2\2\u29c8\u29c9\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u29c9\u29ca\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u29ca\u29cb\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u29cb"+ + "\u29cc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u29cc\u06b6\3\2\2\2\u29cd\u29ce\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u29ce\u29cf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u29cf\u29d0\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u29d0\u29d1\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u29d1\u29d2\7a\2\2\u29d2\u29d3\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u29d3\u29d4"+ + "\7\64\2\2\u29d4\u06b8\3\2\2\2\u29d5\u29d6\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u29d6\u29d7"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u29d7\u29d8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u29d8\u29d9\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u29d9\u29da\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u29da\u29db\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u29db\u29dc"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u29dc\u06ba\3\2\2\2\u29dd\u29de\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u29de"+ + "\u29df\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u29df\u29e0\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u29e0\u29e1\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u29e1\u29e2\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u29e2\u29e3\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u29e3"+ + "\u06bc\3\2\2\2\u29e4\u29e5\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u29e5\u29e6\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u29e6\u29e7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u29e7\u29e8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u29e8\u29e9\5"+ + "\u0a67\u0534\2\u29e9\u06be\3\2\2\2\u29ea\u29eb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u29eb\u29ec"+ + "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u29ec\u29ed\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u29ed\u29ee\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u29ee\u29ef\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u29ef\u29f0\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u29f0\u29f1"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u29f1\u29f2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u29f2\u06c0\3\2\2\2\u29f3"+ + "\u29f4\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u29f4\u29f5\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u29f5\u29f6\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u29f6\u29f7\7a\2\2\u29f7\u29f8\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u29f8\u29f9\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u29f9\u29fa\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u29fa\u29fb\7a\2\2\u29fb\u29fc"+ + "\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u29fc\u29fd\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u29fd\u29fe\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u29fe\u29ff\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u29ff\u2a00\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2a00\u2a01"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a01\u2a02\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2a02\u06c2\3\2\2\2\u2a03"+ + "\u2a04\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a04\u2a05\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2a05\u2a06\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u2a06\u2a07\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2a07\u2a08\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a08"+ + "\u06c4\3\2\2\2\u2a09\u2a0a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2a0a\u2a0b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u2a0b\u2a0c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2a0c\u2a0d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2a0d\u2a0e\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u2a0e\u2a0f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2a0f\u06c6\3\2\2\2\u2a10\u2a11"+ + "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2a11\u2a12\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2a12\u2a13\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u2a13\u2a14\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2a14\u2a15\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a15\u2a16"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2a16\u2a17\7a\2\2\u2a17\u2a18\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a18"+ + "\u2a19\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a19\u2a1a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2a1a\u2a1b\7a\2\2"+ + "\u2a1b\u2a1c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2a1c\u2a1d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2a1d\u2a1e\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u2a1e\u2a1f\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2a1f\u2a20\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u2a20\u2a21\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2a21\u06c8\3\2\2\2\u2a22\u2a23\5\u0a4b\u0526"+ + "\2\u2a23\u2a24\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a24\u2a25\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2a25\u2a26"+ + "\7a\2\2\u2a26\u2a27\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2a27\u2a28\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a28"+ + "\u2a29\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2a29\u2a2a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a2a\u2a2b\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u2a2b\u2a2c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2a2c\u2a2d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2a2d"+ + "\u06ca\3\2\2\2\u2a2e\u2a2f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2a2f\u2a30\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u2a30\u2a31\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2a31\u2a32\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2a32\u2a33\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2a33\u2a34\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2a34\u2a35\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ + "\u2a35\u2a36\7a\2\2\u2a36\u2a37\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2a37\u2a38\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u2a38\u2a39\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2a39\u2a3a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a3a\u06cc"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2a3b\u2a3c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2a3c\u2a3d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2a3d"+ + "\u2a3e\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2a3e\u2a3f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2a3f\u2a40\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u2a40\u2a41\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2a41\u2a42\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a42"+ + "\u2a43\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2a43\u2a44\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a44\u2a45\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u2a45\u06ce\3\2\2\2\u2a46\u2a47\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2a47\u2a48\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u2a48\u2a49\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2a49\u2a4a\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u2a4a\u2a4b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a4b\u2a4c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2a4c\u2a4d\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2a4d\u2a4e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2a4e\u2a4f\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u2a4f\u2a50\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2a50\u06d0\3\2\2\2\u2a51\u2a52\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u2a52\u2a53\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2a53\u2a54\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2a54\u2a55"+ + "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2a55\u2a56\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2a56\u2a57\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u2a57\u2a58\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2a58\u06d2\3\2\2\2\u2a59\u2a5a\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u2a5a\u2a5b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2a5b\u2a5c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2a5c"+ + "\u2a5d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2a5d\u06d4\3\2\2\2\u2a5e\u2a5f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u2a5f\u2a60\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2a60\u2a61\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2a61\u2a62\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2a62\u2a63\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a63\u2a64\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u2a64\u06d6\3\2\2\2\u2a65\u2a66\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a66\u2a67\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u2a67\u2a68\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2a68\u2a69\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2a69\u2a6a"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2a6a\u2a6b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a6b\u06d8\3\2\2\2\u2a6c"+ + "\u2a6d\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2a6d\u2a6e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a6e\u2a6f\5\u0a43"+ + "\u0522\2\u2a6f\u2a70\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2a70\u2a71\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2a71"+ + "\u06da\3\2\2\2\u2a72\u2a73\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2a73\u2a74\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u2a74\u2a75\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2a75\u2a76\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2a76\u2a77\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2a77\u2a78\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2a78\u2a79\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u2a79\u2a7a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a7a\u2a7b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a7b\u06dc\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2a7c\u2a7d\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2a7d\u2a7e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2a7e\u2a7f"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a7f\u2a80\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a80\u2a81\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u2a81\u2a82\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2a82\u2a83\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a83\u2a84"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2a84\u2a85\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a85\u06de\3\2\2\2\u2a86"+ + "\u2a87\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a87\u2a88\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u2a88\u2a89\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u2a89\u2a8a\7a\2\2\u2a8a\u2a8b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2a8b\u2a8c\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a8c\u2a8d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2a8d\u2a8e\7a\2\2\u2a8e\u2a8f"+ + "\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2a8f\u2a90\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a90\u2a91\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u2a91\u2a92\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2a92\u06e0\3\2\2\2\u2a93\u2a94\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u2a94\u2a95\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2a95\u2a96\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a96"+ + "\u2a97\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2a97\u2a98\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a98\u2a99\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u2a99\u06e2\3\2\2\2\u2a9a\u2a9b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a9b\u2a9c\5"+ + "\u0a57\u052c\2\u2a9c\u2a9d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2a9d\u2a9e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u2a9e\u2a9f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2a9f\u2aa0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2aa0\u2aa1\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u2aa1\u2aa2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2aa2\u06e4\3\2\2\2\u2aa3\u2aa4"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2aa4\u2aa5\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2aa5\u2aa6\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u2aa6\u2aa7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2aa7\u2aa8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2aa8\u2aa9"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2aa9\u2aaa\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2aaa\u2aab\5\u0a61\u0531"+ + "\2\u2aab\u2aac\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2aac\u2aad\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2aad\u2aae"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2aae\u06e6\3\2\2\2\u2aaf\u2ab0\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2ab0"+ + "\u2ab1\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2ab1\u2ab2\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2ab2\u2ab3\5\u0a43"+ + "\u0522\2\u2ab3\u2ab4\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2ab4\u2ab5\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2ab5"+ + "\u2ab6\7a\2\2\u2ab6\u2ab7\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2ab7\u2ab8\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u2ab8\u2ab9\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2ab9\u06e8\3\2\2\2\u2aba\u2abb\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u2abb\u2abc\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2abc\u2abd\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2abd\u2abe"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2abe\u2abf\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2abf\u06ea\3\2\2\2\u2ac0"+ + "\u2ac1\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2ac1\u2ac2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2ac2\u2ac3\5\u0a41"+ + "\u0521\2\u2ac3\u2ac4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2ac4\u06ec\3\2\2\2\u2ac5\u2ac6\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2ac6\u2ac7\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u2ac7\u2ac8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u2ac8\u2ac9\7a\2\2\u2ac9\u2aca\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2aca\u2acb\5\u0a45\u0523"+ + "\2\u2acb\u2acc\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2acc\u2acd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2acd\u2ace"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2ace\u2acf\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2acf\u06ee\3\2\2\2\u2ad0"+ + "\u2ad1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2ad1\u2ad2\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2ad2\u2ad3\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u2ad3\u2ad4\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2ad4\u2ad5\7a\2\2\u2ad5\u2ad6\5"+ + "\u0a45\u0523\2\u2ad6\u2ad7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ad7\u2ad8\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u2ad8\u2ad9\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2ad9\u2ada\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ada\u2adb\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u2adb\u06f0\3\2\2\2\u2adc\u2add\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2add\u2ade"+ + "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2ade\u2adf\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2adf\u2ae0\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u2ae0\u2ae1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2ae1\u06f2\3\2\2\2\u2ae2\u2ae3\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u2ae3\u2ae4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ae4\u2ae5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2ae5"+ + "\u2ae6\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2ae6\u2ae7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ae7\u2ae8\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u2ae8\u06f4\3\2\2\2\u2ae9\u2aea\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2aea\u2aeb\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u2aeb\u2aec\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2aec\u2aed\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u2aed\u2aee\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2aee\u2aef\7a\2\2\u2aef\u2af0\5\u0a4b\u0526"+ + "\2\u2af0\u2af1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2af1\u2af2\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2af2\u06f6"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2af3\u2af4\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2af4\u2af5\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2af5"+ + "\u2af6\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2af6\u2af7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2af7\u2af8\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u2af8\u06f8\3\2\2\2\u2af9\u2afa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2afa\u2afb\5"+ + "\u0a65\u0533\2\u2afb\u2afc\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2afc\u2afd\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u2afd\u2afe\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2afe\u2aff\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2aff\u2b00\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2b00\u06fa\3\2\2\2\u2b01\u2b02\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2b02\u2b03"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2b03\u2b04\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b04\u2b05\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u2b05\u2b06\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2b06\u2b07\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2b07\u2b08"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2b08\u2b09\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2b09\u2b0a\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u2b0a\u2b0b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b0b\u2b0c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2b0c\u2b0d"+ + "\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2b0d\u2b0e\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2b0e\u2b0f\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u2b0f\u06fc\3\2\2\2\u2b10\u2b11\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2b11\u2b12\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u2b12\u2b13\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b13\u2b14\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b14"+ + "\u2b15\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2b15\u2b16\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b16\u2b17\5\u0a65"+ + "\u0533\2\u2b17\u2b18\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2b18\u2b19\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b19"+ + "\u06fe\3\2\2\2\u2b1a\u2b1b\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2b1b\u2b1c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u2b1c\u2b1d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2b1d\u2b1e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2b1e\u2b1f\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b1f\u2b20\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2b20\u2b21\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u2b21\u2b22\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2b22\u2b23\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b23\u2b24\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b24\u2b25\7a\2\2\u2b25\u2b26\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2b26\u2b27"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2b27\u2b28\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b28\u2b29\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u2b29\u0700\3\2\2\2\u2b2a\u2b2b\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2b2b\u2b2c\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u2b2c\u2b2d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b2d\u2b2e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b2e"+ + "\u2b2f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b2f\u2b30\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u2b30\u2b31\5\u0a5f"+ + "\u0530\2\u2b31\u2b32\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b32\u2b33\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2b33"+ + "\u2b34\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2b34\u2b35\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b35\u0702\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2b36\u2b37\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2b37\u2b38\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2b38\u2b39\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b39\u2b3a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2b3a\u2b3b\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u2b3b\u2b3c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b3c\u2b3d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2b3d\u0704\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2b3e\u2b3f\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2b3f\u2b40\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2b40\u2b41"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b41\u2b42\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b42\u2b43\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u2b43\u2b44\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2b44\u2b45\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2b45\u2b46"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2b46\u2b47\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b47\u2b48\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u2b48\u2b49\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u2b49\u2b4a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b4a\u0706"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2b4b\u2b4c\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2b4c\u2b4d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2b4d"+ + "\u2b4e\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2b4e\u2b4f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b4f\u2b50\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u2b50\u0708\3\2\2\2\u2b51\u2b52\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2b52\u2b53\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2b53\u2b54\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2b54\u2b55\5\u0a45\u0523\2"+ + "\u2b55\u2b56\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b56\u070a\3\2\2\2\u2b57\u2b58\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u2b58\u2b59\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b59\u2b5a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2b5a\u2b5b"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2b5b\u2b5c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2b5c\u2b5d\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u2b5d\u2b5e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b5e\u2b5f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2b5f\u2b60"+ + "\7a\2\2\u2b60\u2b61\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b61\u2b62\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u2b62"+ + "\u2b63\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b63\u2b64\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b64\u2b65\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u2b65\u2b66\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2b66\u2b67\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2b67"+ + "\u2b68\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b68\u070c\3\2\2\2\u2b69\u2b6a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u2b6a\u2b6b\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2b6b\u2b6c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2b6c\u2b6d\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u2b6d\u2b6e\7a\2\2\u2b6e\u2b6f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2b6f\u2b70"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2b70\u2b71\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2b71\u2b72\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u2b72\u2b73\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2b73\u070e\3\2\2\2\u2b74\u2b75\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u2b75\u2b76\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2b76\u2b77\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2b77"+ + "\u0710\3\2\2\2\u2b78\u2b79\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2b79\u2b7a\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u2b7a\u2b7b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b7b\u2b7c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b7c\u2b7d\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b7d\u2b7e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2b7e\u2b7f\5\u0a61\u0531\2"+ + "\u2b7f\u2b80\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b80\u0712\3\2\2\2\u2b81\u2b82\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u2b82\u2b83\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b83\u2b84\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2b84\u2b85"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b85\u0714\3\2\2\2\u2b86\u2b87\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b87"+ + "\u2b88\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u2b88\u2b89\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b89\u2b8a\7a\2\2"+ + "\u2b8a\u2b8b\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2b8b\u2b8c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2b8c\u2b8d\5"+ + "\u0a41\u0521\2\u2b8d\u2b8e\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2b8e\u2b8f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u2b8f\u2b90\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2b90\u2b91\7a\2\2\u2b91\u2b92\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u2b92\u2b93\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b93\u2b94\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b94\u2b95"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2b95\u2b96\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b96\u2b97\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u2b97\u0716\3\2\2\2\u2b98\u2b99\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b99\u2b9a\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u2b9a\u2b9b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2b9b\u2b9c\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2b9c"+ + "\u0718\3\2\2\2\u2b9d\u2b9e\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u2b9e\u2b9f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u2b9f\u2ba0\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2ba0\u2ba1\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2ba1\u071a\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2ba2\u2ba3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2ba3\u2ba4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2ba4\u2ba5"+ + "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2ba5\u2ba6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ba6\u071c\3\2\2\2\u2ba7"+ + "\u2ba8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2ba8\u2ba9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2ba9\u2baa\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u2baa\u2bab\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2bab\u2bac\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2bac"+ + "\u2bad\7a\2\2\u2bad\u2bae\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2bae\u2baf\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u2baf\u2bb0\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2bb0\u2bb1\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2bb1\u2bb2\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2bb2\u2bb3\7a\2\2\u2bb3\u2bb4\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2bb4\u2bb5"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2bb5\u071e\3\2\2\2\u2bb6\u2bb7\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2bb7"+ + "\u2bb8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2bb8\u2bb9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2bb9\u2bba\5\u0a57"+ + "\u052c\2\u2bba\u2bbb\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2bbb\u2bbc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2bbc"+ + "\u2bbd\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2bbd\u2bbe\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2bbe\u2bbf\5\u0a67"+ + "\u0534\2\u2bbf\u0720\3\2\2\2\u2bc0\u2bc1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2bc1\u2bc2\5"+ + "\u0a57\u052c\2\u2bc2\u2bc3\7a\2\2\u2bc3\u2bc4\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2bc4\u2bc5"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2bc5\u2bc6\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2bc6\u0722\3\2\2\2\u2bc7"+ + "\u2bc8\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2bc8\u2bc9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2bc9\u2bca\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u2bca\u2bcb\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2bcb\u2bcc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2bcc"+ + "\u2bcd\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2bcd\u0724\3\2\2\2\u2bce\u2bcf\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u2bcf\u2bd0\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2bd0\u2bd1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2bd1\u2bd2\5"+ + "\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2bd2\u2bd3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2bd3\u0726\3\2\2\2\u2bd4\u2bd5"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2bd5\u2bd6\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2bd6\u2bd7\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u2bd7\u2bd8\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2bd8\u2bd9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2bd9\u2bda"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2bda\u2bdb\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2bdb\u2bdc\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u2bdc\u2bdd\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2bdd\u0728\3\2\2\2\u2bde\u2bdf\5\u0a43"+ + "\u0522\2\u2bdf\u2be0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2be0\u2be1\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2be1"+ + "\u2be2\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2be2\u2be3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2be3\u2be4\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u2be4\u2be5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2be5\u2be6\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2be6"+ + "\u072a\3\2\2\2\u2be7\u2be8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2be8\u2be9\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u2be9\u2bea\7a\2\2\u2bea\u2beb\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2beb\u2bec\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u2bec\u2bed\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2bed\u2bee\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2bee\u2bef"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2bef\u2bf0\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2bf0\u2bf1\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u2bf1\u2bf2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2bf2\u072c\3\2\2\2\u2bf3\u2bf4\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u2bf4\u2bf5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2bf5\u2bf6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2bf6"+ + "\u2bf7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2bf7\u2bf8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2bf8\u2bf9\5\u0a43"+ + "\u0522\2\u2bf9\u2bfa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2bfa\u2bfb\7a\2\2\u2bfb\u2bfc\5"+ + "\u0a41\u0521\2\u2bfc\u2bfd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2bfd\u2bfe\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u2bfe\u2bff\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2bff\u2c00\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2c00\u2c01\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2c01\u2c02\7a\2\2\u2c02\u2c03\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2c03\u2c04"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c04\u2c05\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2c05\u2c06\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u2c06\u2c07\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2c07\u2c08\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2c08\u2c09"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c09\u072e\3\2\2\2\u2c0a\u2c0b\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2c0b"+ + "\u2c0c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c0c\u2c0d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2c0d\u2c0e\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u2c0e\u2c0f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2c0f\u2c10\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2c10"+ + "\u2c11\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c11\u0730\3\2\2\2\u2c12\u2c13\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u2c13\u2c14\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c14\u2c15\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2c15\u2c16\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c16\u2c17\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c17\u2c18\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u2c18\u0732\3\2\2\2\u2c19\u2c1a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2c1a\u2c1b\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u2c1b\u2c1c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2c1c\u2c1d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2c1d\u2c1e"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2c1e\u2c1f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2c1f\u2c20\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u2c20\u2c21\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2c21\u2c22\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c22\u2c23"+ + "\7a\2\2\u2c23\u2c24\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2c24\u2c25\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c25"+ + "\u2c26\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2c26\u2c27\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c27\u2c28\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u2c28\u0734\3\2\2\2\u2c29\u2c2a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2c2a\u2c2b\5"+ + "\u0a61\u0531\2\u2c2b\u2c2c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c2c\u2c2d\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u2c2d\u0736\3\2\2\2\u2c2e\u2c2f\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2c2f\u2c30\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u2c30\u2c31\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2c31\u2c32\7a\2\2\u2c32\u2c33\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u2c33\u2c34\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c34\u2c35\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c35"+ + "\u2c36\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c36\u2c37\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2c37\u2c38\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u2c38\u2c39\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c39\u2c3a\7a\2\2\u2c3a\u2c3b\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c3b\u2c3c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2c3c\u2c3d\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ + "\u2c3d\u0738\3\2\2\2\u2c3e\u2c3f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2c3f\u2c40\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u2c40\u2c41\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c41\u2c42\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2c42\u2c43"+ + "\7a\2\2\u2c43\u2c44\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2c44\u2c45\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c45"+ + "\u2c46\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c46\u2c47\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2c47\u2c48\5\u0a5f"+ + "\u0530\2\u2c48\u2c49\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2c49\u2c4a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2c4a"+ + "\u2c4b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c4b\u2c4c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c4c\u073a\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2c4d\u2c4e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2c4e\u2c4f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c4f\u2c50\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c50\u2c51\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2c51\u2c52\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u2c52\u2c53\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c53\u2c54\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2c54\u2c55\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2c55\u2c56\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2c56\u2c57\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u2c57\u2c58\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c58\u073c\3\2\2\2\u2c59\u2c5a\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u2c5a\u2c5b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2c5b\u2c5c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c5c\u2c5d"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2c5d\u2c5e\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2c5e\u2c5f\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u2c5f\u073e\3\2\2\2\u2c60\u2c61\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2c61\u2c62\5\u0a5f"+ + "\u0530\2\u2c62\u2c63\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2c63\u2c64\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2c64"+ + "\u2c65\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2c65\u2c66\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c66\u2c67\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u2c67\u0740\3\2\2\2\u2c68\u2c69\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2c69\u2c6a\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2c6a\u2c6b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c6b\u2c6c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u2c6c\u2c6d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c6d\u2c6e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2c6e\u2c6f\7"+ + "a\2\2\u2c6f\u2c70\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2c70\u2c71\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2c71\u2c72"+ + "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2c72\u2c73\7a\2\2\u2c73\u2c74\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2c74"+ + "\u2c75\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2c75\u2c76\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2c76\u2c77\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u2c77\u0742\3\2\2\2\u2c78\u2c79\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2c79\u2c7a\5"+ + "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2c7a\u2c7b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c7b\u2c7c\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ + "\u2c7c\u2c7d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c7d\u0744\3\2\2\2\u2c7e\u2c7f\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u2c7f\u2c80\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2c80\u2c81\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2c81\u2c82"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2c82\u2c83\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2c83\u2c84\5\u0a61\u0531"+ + "\2\u2c84\u2c85\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2c85\u2c86\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2c86\u2c87"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2c87\u2c88\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c88\u0746\3\2\2\2\u2c89"+ + "\u2c8a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c8a\u2c8b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c8b\u2c8c\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u2c8c\u2c8d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2c8d\u2c8e\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2c8e"+ + "\u2c8f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2c8f\u2c90\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2c90\u2c91\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u2c91\u0748\3\2\2\2\u2c92\u2c93\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c93\u2c94\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2c94\u2c95\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2c95\u2c96\5\u0a61\u0531\2"+ + "\u2c96\u2c97\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c97\u074a\3\2\2\2\u2c98\u2c99\5\u0a43\u0522"+ + "\2\u2c99\u2c9a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2c9a\u2c9b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c9b\u074c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2c9c\u2c9d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c9d\u2c9e\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2c9e"+ + "\u2c9f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2c9f\u2ca0\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2ca0\u2ca1\7a\2\2"+ + "\u2ca1\u2ca2\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2ca2\u2ca3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2ca3\u2ca4\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2ca4\u2ca5\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2ca5\u2ca6\5\u0a4b\u0526\2"+ + "\u2ca6\u2ca7\7a\2\2\u2ca7\u2ca8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2ca8\u2ca9\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u2ca9\u2caa\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2caa\u2cab\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2cab\u2cac"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2cac\u074e\3\2\2\2\u2cad\u2cae\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2cae"+ + "\u2caf\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2caf\u2cb0\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2cb0\u2cb1\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u2cb1\u2cb2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2cb2\u2cb3\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2cb3"+ + "\u0750\3\2\2\2\u2cb4\u2cb5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2cb5\u2cb6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u2cb6\u2cb7\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2cb7\u2cb8\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2cb8\u0752\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2cb9\u2cba\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2cba\u2cbb\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2cbb\u2cbc"+ + "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2cbc\u2cbd\7a\2\2\u2cbd\u2cbe\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2cbe"+ + "\u2cbf\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2cbf\u2cc0\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2cc0\u2cc1\7a\2\2"+ + "\u2cc1\u2cc2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2cc2\u2cc3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2cc3\u2cc4\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u2cc4\u2cc5\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2cc5\u2cc6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u2cc6\u2cc7\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2cc7\u0754\3\2\2\2\u2cc8\u2cc9\5\u0a41\u0521"+ + "\2\u2cc9\u2cca\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2cca\u2ccb\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2ccb\u2ccc"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2ccc\u2ccd\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2ccd\u2cce\5\u0a39\u051d"+ + "\2\u2cce\u2ccf\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2ccf\u2cd0\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2cd0\u2cd1"+ + "\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2cd1\u0756\3\2\2\2\u2cd2\u2cd3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2cd3"+ + "\u2cd4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2cd4\u2cd5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2cd5\u2cd6\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u2cd6\u2cd7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2cd7\u2cd8\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2cd8"+ + "\u2cd9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2cd9\u2cda\7a\2\2\u2cda\u2cdb\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u2cdb\u2cdc\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2cdc\u2cdd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2cdd\u2cde\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u2cde\u0758\3\2\2\2\u2cdf\u2ce0\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2ce0\u2ce1"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2ce1\u2ce2\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2ce2\u2ce3\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u2ce3\u2ce4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ce4\u2ce5\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2ce5\u2ce6"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2ce6\u2ce7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2ce7\u2ce8\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u2ce8\u2ce9\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2ce9\u2cea\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2cea\u075a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2ceb\u2cec\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2cec\u2ced\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ced"+ + "\u2cee\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2cee\u2cef\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2cef\u2cf0\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u2cf0\u2cf1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2cf1\u2cf2\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2cf2"+ + "\u2cf3\7a\2\2\u2cf3\u2cf4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2cf4\u2cf5\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ + "\u2cf5\u2cf6\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2cf6\u2cf7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2cf7\u075c\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2cf8\u2cf9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2cf9\u2cfa\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2cfa\u2cfb"+ + "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2cfb\u2cfc\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2cfc\u2cfd\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u2cfd\u2cfe\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2cfe\u2cff\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2cff\u2d00"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2d00\u2d01\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d01\u075e\3\2\2\2\u2d02"+ + "\u2d03\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2d03\u2d04\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d04\u2d05\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u2d05\u2d06\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2d06\u2d07\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d07"+ + "\u2d08\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d08\u2d09\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2d09\u2d0a\7a\2\2"+ + "\u2d0a\u2d0b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d0b\u2d0c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d0c\u2d0d\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d0d\u2d0e\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2d0e\u0760\3\2\2\2\u2d0f\u2d10"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d10\u2d11\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d11\u2d12\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u2d12\u2d13\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2d13\u0762\3\2\2\2\u2d14\u2d15\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u2d15\u2d16\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d16\u2d17\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d17"+ + "\u2d18\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d18\u2d19\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2d19\u2d1a\5\u0a41"+ + "\u0521\2\u2d1a\u2d1b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d1b\u2d1c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d1c"+ + "\u0764\3\2\2\2\u2d1d\u2d1e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d1e\u2d1f\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u2d1f\u2d20\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2d20\u2d21\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2d21\u2d22\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u2d22\u2d23\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d23\u2d24\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u2d24\u2d25\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2d25\u0766\3\2\2\2\u2d26\u2d27\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u2d27\u2d28\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d28\u2d29\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2d29\u2d2a"+ + "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2d2a\u2d2b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2d2b\u2d2c\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u2d2c\u2d2d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d2d\u0768\3\2\2\2\u2d2e\u2d2f\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u2d2f\u2d30\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d30\u2d31\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2d31"+ + "\u2d32\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2d32\u2d33\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2d33\u2d34\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u2d34\u076a\3\2\2\2\u2d35\u2d36\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2d36\u2d37\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d37\u2d38\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2d38\u2d39\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u2d39\u2d3a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d3a\u2d3b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2d3b\u2d3c\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d3c\u2d3d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2d3d\u2d3e\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u2d3e\u2d3f\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u2d3f\u2d40\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d40\u076c\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2d41\u2d42\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2d42\u2d43\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2d43\u2d44"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d44\u2d45\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2d45\u2d46\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u2d46\u2d47\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d47\u2d48\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d48\u076e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2d49\u2d4a\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2d4a\u2d4b\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2d4b"+ + "\u2d4c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2d4c\u2d4d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d4d\u2d4e\5\u0a65"+ + "\u0533\2\u2d4e\u0770\3\2\2\2\u2d4f\u2d50\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2d50\u2d51\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d51\u2d52\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d52\u2d53\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u2d53\u2d54\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2d54\u2d55\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2d55\u2d56\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d56\u2d57\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2d57\u0772\3\2\2\2\u2d58\u2d59"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d59\u2d5a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2d5a\u2d5b\5\u0a55\u052b"+ + "\2\u2d5b\u2d5c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d5c\u2d5d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d5d\u2d5e"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d5e\u2d5f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2d5f\u2d60\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u2d60\u2d61\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d61\u2d62\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2d62\u0774"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2d63\u2d64\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2d64\u2d65\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2d65"+ + "\u2d66\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2d66\u2d67\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d67\u2d68\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u2d68\u2d69\7a\2\2\u2d69\u2d6a\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2d6a\u2d6b\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d6b\u2d6c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d6c\u2d6d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u2d6d\u2d6e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d6e\u2d6f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2d6f\u0776\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2d70\u2d71\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2d71\u2d72\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2d72\u2d73"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d73\u2d74\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2d74\u2d75\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u2d75\u2d76\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2d76\u2d77\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d77\u0778"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2d78\u2d79\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d79\u2d7a\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2d7a"+ + "\u2d7b\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2d7b\u077a\3\2\2\2\u2d7c\u2d7d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u2d7d\u2d7e\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2d7e\u2d7f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2d7f\u2d80\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2d80\u2d81\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d81\u2d82\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ + "\u2d82\u2d83\7a\2\2\u2d83\u2d84\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2d84\u2d85\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u2d85\u2d86\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d86\u2d87\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d87\u077c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2d88\u2d89\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2d89\u2d8a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d8a"+ + "\u2d8b\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2d8b\u2d8c\7a\2\2\u2d8c\u2d8d\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u2d8d\u2d8e\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2d8e\u2d8f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2d8f\u2d90\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d90\u2d91\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2d91\u2d92\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u2d92\u2d93\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2d93\u2d94\7a\2\2\u2d94\u2d95\5\u0a55\u052b"+ + "\2\u2d95\u2d96\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d96\u2d97\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d97\u2d98"+ + "\7a\2\2\u2d98\u2d99\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2d99\u2d9a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2d9a"+ + "\u2d9b\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2d9b\u2d9c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d9c\u077e\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2d9d\u2d9e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2d9e\u2d9f\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2d9f\u2da0\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u2da0\u2da1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2da1\u0780\3\2\2\2\u2da2\u2da3"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2da3\u2da4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2da4\u2da5\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u2da5\u2da6\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2da6\u2da7\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2da7\u2da8"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2da8\u2da9\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2da9\u2daa\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u2daa\u2dab\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2dab\u2dac\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2dac\u0782"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2dad\u2dae\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2dae\u2daf\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2daf"+ + "\u2db0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2db0\u2db1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2db1\u2db2\5\u0a41"+ + "\u0521\2\u2db2\u2db3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2db3\u2db4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2db4"+ + "\u2db5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2db5\u0784\3\2\2\2\u2db6\u2db7\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u2db7\u2db8\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2db8\u2db9\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2db9\u2dba\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u2dba\u2dbb\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2dbb\u2dbc\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u2dbc\u2dbd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2dbd\u0786\3\2\2\2\u2dbe\u2dbf\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u2dbf\u2dc0\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2dc0\u2dc1\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2dc1\u2dc2"+ + "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2dc2\u2dc3\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2dc3\u2dc4\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u2dc4\u2dc5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2dc5\u2dc6\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2dc6\u2dc7"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2dc7\u2dc8\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2dc8\u0788\3\2\2\2\u2dc9"+ + "\u2dca\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2dca\u2dcb\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2dcb\u2dcc\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u2dcc\u2dcd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2dcd\u2dce\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2dce"+ + "\u2dcf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2dcf\u2dd0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2dd0\u2dd1\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u2dd1\u2dd2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2dd2\u2dd3\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2dd3"+ + "\u078a\3\2\2\2\u2dd4\u2dd5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2dd5\u2dd6\5\u0a65\u0533\2"+ + "\u2dd6\u2dd7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2dd7\u2dd8\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2dd8\u2dd9\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u2dd9\u2dda\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2dda\u078c\3\2\2\2\u2ddb\u2ddc"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2ddc\u2ddd\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2ddd\u2dde\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u2dde\u2ddf\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2ddf\u2de0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2de0\u2de1"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2de1\u2de2\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2de2\u078e\3\2\2\2\u2de3"+ + "\u2de4\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2de4\u2de5\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2de5\u2de6\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u2de6\u2de7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2de7\u2de8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2de8"+ + "\u0790\3\2\2\2\u2de9\u2dea\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2dea\u2deb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u2deb\u2dec\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2dec\u0792\3\2\2\2\u2ded\u2dee\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u2dee\u2def\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2def\u2df0\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2df0\u0794"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2df1\u2df2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2df2\u2df3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2df3"+ + "\u2df4\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2df4\u0796\3\2\2\2\u2df5\u2df6\5\u0a39\u051d\2"+ + "\u2df6\u2df7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2df7\u2df8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2df8\u2df9\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2df9\u2dfa\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2dfa\u2dfb\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u2dfb\u2dfc\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2dfc\u2dfd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2dfd\u2dfe\7"+ + "a\2\2\u2dfe\u2dff\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2dff\u2e00\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2e00\u0798"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2e01\u2e02\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2e02\u2e03\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2e03"+ + "\u2e04\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2e04\u2e05\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2e05\u079a\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2e06\u2e07\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e07\u2e08\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2e08\u2e09\5"+ + "\u0a65\u0533\2\u2e09\u079c\3\2\2\2\u2e0a\u2e0b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e0b\u2e0c"+ + "\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u2e0c\u2e0d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e0d\u2e0e\7a\2\2\u2e0e"+ + "\u2e0f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2e0f\u2e10\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e10\u2e11\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u2e11\u2e12\7a\2\2\u2e12\u2e13\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2e13\u2e14\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e14\u2e15\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2e15\u2e16\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u2e16\u079e\3\2\2\2\u2e17\u2e18\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2e18\u2e19\5\u0a45\u0523"+ + "\2\u2e19\u2e1a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2e1a\u2e1b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2e1b\u07a0"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2e1c\u2e1d\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2e1d\u2e1e\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2e1e"+ + "\u2e1f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2e1f\u07a2\3\2\2\2\u2e20\u2e21\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u2e21\u2e22\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2e22\u2e23\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2e23\u2e24\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e24\u07a4\3\2\2\2\u2e25\u2e26\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e26\u2e27"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e27\u2e28\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2e28\u2e29\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u2e29\u2e2a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2e2a\u2e2b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e2b\u2e2c"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2e2c\u2e2d\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u2e2d\u2e2e\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u2e2e\u2e2f\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2e2f\u2e30\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e30\u2e31"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e31\u07a6\3\2\2\2\u2e32\u2e33\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2e33"+ + "\u2e34\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2e34\u2e35\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2e35\u2e36\7a\2\2"+ + "\u2e36\u2e37\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2e37\u2e38\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e38\u2e39\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2e39\u2e3a\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2e3a\u2e3b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u2e3b\u2e3c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e3c\u2e3d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e3d\u2e3e\5"+ + "\u0a39\u051d\2\u2e3e\u2e3f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2e3f\u2e40\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u2e40\u07a8\3\2\2\2\u2e41\u2e42\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2e42\u2e43\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u2e43\u2e44\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2e44\u2e45\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2e45\u2e46"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2e46\u2e47\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2e47\u07aa\3\2\2\2\u2e48"+ + "\u2e49\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e49\u2e4a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2e4a\u2e4b\5\u0a43"+ + "\u0522\2\u2e4b\u2e4c\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2e4c\u2e4d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2e4d"+ + "\u2e4e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e4e\u2e4f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e4f\u07ac\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2e50\u2e51\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2e51\u2e52\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2e52\u2e53\5"+ + "\u0a63\u0532\2\u2e53\u2e54\7a\2\2\u2e54\u2e55\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2e55\u2e56"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2e56\u2e57\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2e57\u2e58\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u2e58\u2e59\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2e59\u2e5a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2e5a\u07ae"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2e5b\u2e5c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2e5c\u2e5d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e5d"+ + "\u2e5e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e5e\u2e5f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2e5f\u2e60\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u2e60\u2e61\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2e61\u2e62\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2e62"+ + "\u2e63\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e63\u07b0\3\2\2\2\u2e64\u2e65\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u2e65\u2e66\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e66\u2e67\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2e67\u2e68\7"+ + "a\2\2\u2e68\u2e69\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2e69\u2e6a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2e6a\u2e6b"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e6b\u2e6c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2e6c\u2e6d\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u2e6d\u2e6e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2e6e\u2e6f\7a\2\2\u2e6f\u2e70\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u2e70\u2e71\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e71\u2e72\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2e72"+ + "\u2e73\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e73\u2e74\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2e74\u2e75\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u2e75\u2e76\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2e76\u07b2\3\2\2\2\u2e77\u2e78\5"+ + "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2e78\u2e79\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2e79\u2e7a\5\u0a65\u0533\2"+ + "\u2e7a\u2e7b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e7b\u2e7c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2e7c\u2e7d\5"+ + "\u0a43\u0522\2\u2e7d\u2e7e\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2e7e\u2e7f\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u2e7f\u2e80\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e80\u2e81\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2e81\u2e82\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u2e82\u2e83\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2e83\u2e84\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ + "\u2e84\u07b4\3\2\2\2\u2e85\u2e86\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2e86\u2e87\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u2e87\u2e88\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2e88\u2e89\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2e89\u2e8a"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2e8a\u2e8b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e8b\u07b6\3\2\2\2\u2e8c"+ + "\u2e8d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e8d\u2e8e\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2e8e\u2e8f\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u2e8f\u2e90\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2e90\u2e91\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e91"+ + "\u07b8\3\2\2\2\u2e92\u2e93\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2e93\u2e94\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u2e94\u2e95\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e95\u2e96\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e96\u2e97\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2e97\u2e98\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e98\u2e99\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u2e99\u2e9a\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2e9a\u2e9b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e9b\u07ba\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2e9c\u2e9d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2e9d\u2e9e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e9e\u2e9f"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e9f\u2ea0\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2ea0\u2ea1\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u2ea1\u2ea2\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2ea2\u2ea3\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2ea3\u2ea4"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ea4\u07bc\3\2\2\2\u2ea5\u2ea6\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2ea6"+ + "\u2ea7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2ea7\u2ea8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2ea8\u2ea9\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u2ea9\u2eaa\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2eaa\u2eab\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2eab"+ + "\u2eac\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2eac\u2ead\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2ead\u2eae\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u2eae\u2eaf\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2eaf\u2eb0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2eb0"+ + "\u07be\3\2\2\2\u2eb1\u2eb2\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2eb2\u2eb3\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u2eb3\u2eb4\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2eb4\u2eb5\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2eb5\u07c0\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2eb6\u2eb7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2eb7\u2eb8\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2eb8\u2eb9"+ + "\7a\2\2\u2eb9\u2eba\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2eba\u2ebb\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2ebb"+ + "\u2ebc\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2ebc\u2ebd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ebd\u2ebe\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u2ebe\u2ebf\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2ebf\u07c2\3\2\2\2\u2ec0\u2ec1\5"+ + "\u0a39\u051d\2\u2ec1\u2ec2\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2ec2\u2ec3\7\64\2\2\u2ec3"+ + "\u2ec4\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2ec4\u2ec5\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2ec5\u2ec6\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u2ec6\u2ec7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2ec7\u07c4\3\2\2\2\u2ec8\u2ec9\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u2ec9\u2eca\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2eca\u2ecb\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u2ecb\u2ecc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2ecc\u2ecd\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2ecd\u2ece\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ece\u2ecf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2ecf\u2ed0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u2ed0\u2ed1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2ed1\u2ed2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2ed2\u07c6\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2ed3\u2ed4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2ed4\u2ed5\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2ed5\u2ed6"+ + "\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u2ed6\u2ed7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ed7\u2ed8\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u2ed8\u2ed9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2ed9\u07c8\3\2\2\2\u2eda\u2edb\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u2edb\u2edc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2edc\u2edd\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2edd"+ + "\u2ede\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2ede\u2edf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2edf\u2ee0\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u2ee0\u2ee1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2ee1\u2ee2\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2ee2"+ + "\u2ee3\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2ee3\u2ee4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ee4\u07ca\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2ee5\u2ee6\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2ee6\u2ee7\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2ee7\u2ee8\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2ee8\u2ee9\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2ee9\u07cc\3\2\2\2\u2eea\u2eeb"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2eeb\u2eec\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2eec\u2eed\5\u0a43\u0522"+ + "\2\u2eed\u2eee\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2eee\u2eef\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2eef\u2ef0"+ + "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2ef0\u2ef1\7a\2\2\u2ef1\u2ef2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2ef2"+ + "\u2ef3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2ef3\u2ef4\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2ef4\u2ef5\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u2ef5\u07ce\3\2\2\2\u2ef6\u2ef7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2ef7\u2ef8\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u2ef8\u2ef9\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2ef9\u2efa\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u2efa\u2efb\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2efb\u2efc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2efc\u07d0\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2efd\u2efe\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2efe\u2eff\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2eff\u2f00"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f00\u2f01\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f01\u2f02\5\u0a63\u0532"+ + "\2\u2f02\u2f03\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2f03\u2f04\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f04\u2f05"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2f05\u07d2\3\2\2\2\u2f06\u2f07\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f07"+ + "\u2f08\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u2f08\u2f09\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2f09\u2f0a\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u2f0a\u2f0b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2f0b\u2f0c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2f0c"+ + "\u2f0d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f0d\u07d4\3\2\2\2\u2f0e\u2f0f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u2f0f\u2f10\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2f10\u2f11\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f11\u2f12\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2f12\u07d6\3\2\2\2\u2f13\u2f14\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2f14\u2f15"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2f15\u2f16\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2f16\u2f17\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u2f17\u2f18\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f18\u2f19\7a\2\2\u2f19\u2f1a\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u2f1a\u2f1b\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2f1b\u2f1c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2f1c"+ + "\u2f1d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2f1d\u2f1e\7a\2\2\u2f1e\u2f1f\5\u0a39\u051d\2"+ + "\u2f1f\u2f20\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2f20\u2f21\7a\2\2\u2f21\u2f22\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u2f22\u2f23\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2f23\u2f24\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2f24\u2f25"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f25\u2f26\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f26\u2f27\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u2f27\u2f28\7a\2\2\u2f28\u2f29\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f29\u2f2a\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u2f2a\u2f2b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f2b\u2f2c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f2c"+ + "\u2f2d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2f2d\u2f2e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2f2e\u2f2f\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u2f2f\u07d8\3\2\2\2\u2f30\u2f31\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2f31\u2f32\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f32\u2f33\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f33\u2f34\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u2f34\u2f35\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2f35\u2f36\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2f36\u2f37\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f37\u2f38\7a\2\2\u2f38\u2f39\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2f39\u2f3a"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f3a\u2f3b\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2f3b\u2f3c\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u2f3c\u07da\3\2\2\2\u2f3d\u2f3e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2f3e\u2f3f\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u2f3f\u2f40\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f40\u2f41\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2f41"+ + "\u07dc\3\2\2\2\u2f42\u2f43\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2f43\u2f44\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u2f44\u2f45\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2f45\u2f46\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2f46\u2f47\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2f47\u2f48\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f48\u07de\3\2\2\2\u2f49\u2f4a"+ + "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2f4a\u2f4b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2f4b\u2f4c\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u2f4c\u2f4d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f4d\u07e0\3\2\2\2\u2f4e\u2f4f\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u2f4f\u2f50\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f50\u2f51\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2f51"+ + "\u07e2\3\2\2\2\u2f52\u2f53\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f53\u2f54\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u2f54\u2f55\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2f55\u2f56\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f56\u2f57\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f57\u2f58\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f58\u2f59\5\u0a45\u0523\2"+ + "\u2f59\u07e4\3\2\2\2\u2f5a\u2f5b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2f5b\u2f5c\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u2f5c\u2f5d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2f5d\u2f5e\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2f5e\u2f5f"+ + "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2f5f\u2f60\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2f60\u2f61\7a\2\2\u2f61"+ + "\u2f62\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f62\u2f63\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2f63\u2f64\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u2f64\u2f65\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2f65\u07e6\3\2\2\2\u2f66\u2f67\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u2f67\u2f68\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2f68\u2f69\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u2f69\u07e8\3\2\2\2\u2f6a\u2f6b\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2f6b\u2f6c\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u2f6c\u2f6d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2f6d\u2f6e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2f6e\u2f6f"+ + "\7a\2\2\u2f6f\u2f70\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2f70\u2f71\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f71"+ + "\u2f72\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2f72\u2f73\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2f73\u2f74\5\u0a55"+ + "\u052b\2\u2f74\u07ea\3\2\2\2\u2f75\u2f76\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f76\u2f77\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f77\u2f78\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f78\u2f79\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u2f79\u2f7a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f7a\u2f7b\7a\2\2\u2f7b\u2f7c\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u2f7c\u2f7d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2f7d\u2f7e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2f7e\u2f7f"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f7f\u07ec\3\2\2\2\u2f80\u2f81\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2f81"+ + "\u2f82\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2f82\u2f83\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2f83\u2f84\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u2f84\u2f85\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2f85\u2f86\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f86"+ + "\u2f87\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2f87\u2f88\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2f88\u2f89\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u2f89\u07ee\3\2\2\2\u2f8a\u2f8b\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2f8b\u2f8c\5"+ + "\u0a45\u0523\2\u2f8c\u2f8d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2f8d\u2f8e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u2f8e\u2f8f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f8f\u07f0\3\2\2\2\u2f90\u2f91\5\u0a55\u052b"+ + "\2\u2f91\u2f92\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f92\u2f93\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2f93\u2f94"+ + "\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2f94\u2f95\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2f95\u2f96\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u2f96\u2f97\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f97\u07f2\3\2\2\2\u2f98\u2f99\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u2f99\u2f9a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2f9a\u2f9b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f9b"+ + "\u2f9c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f9c\u2f9d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2f9d\u2f9e\5\u0a67"+ + "\u0534\2\u2f9e\u07f4\3\2\2\2\u2f9f\u2fa0\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2fa0\u2fa1\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2fa1\u2fa2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2fa2\u2fa3\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u2fa3\u2fa4\7a\2\2\u2fa4\u2fa5\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2fa5\u2fa6\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u2fa6\u2fa7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2fa7\u2fa8\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2fa8\u2fa9"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2fa9\u07f6\3\2\2\2\u2faa\u2fab\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2fab"+ + "\u2fac\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2fac\u2fad\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2fad\u2fae\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u2fae\u2faf\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2faf\u2fb0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2fb0"+ + "\u2fb1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2fb1\u07f8\3\2\2\2\u2fb2\u2fb3\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u2fb3\u2fb4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2fb4\u2fb5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2fb5\u2fb6\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2fb6\u2fb7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2fb7\u07fa\3\2\2\2\u2fb8\u2fb9"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2fb9\u2fba\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2fba\u2fbb\5\u0a43\u0522"+ + "\2\u2fbb\u2fbc\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2fbc\u2fbd\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2fbd\u2fbe"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2fbe\u2fbf\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2fbf\u2fc0\7a\2\2\u2fc0"+ + "\u2fc1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2fc1\u2fc2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2fc2\u2fc3\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u2fc3\u2fc4\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2fc4\u2fc5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2fc5"+ + "\u07fc\3\2\2\2\u2fc6\u2fc7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2fc7\u2fc8\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u2fc8\u2fc9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2fc9\u2fca\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2fca\u2fcb\5"+ + "\u0a43\u0522\2\u2fcb\u2fcc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2fcc\u2fcd\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ + "\u2fcd\u2fce\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2fce\u2fcf\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2fcf\u2fd0\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2fd0\u07fe\3\2\2\2\u2fd1\u2fd2\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2fd2\u2fd3"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2fd3\u2fd4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2fd4\u2fd5\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u2fd5\u2fd6\7a\2\2\u2fd6\u2fd7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2fd7\u2fd8\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u2fd8\u2fd9\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2fd9\u0800\3\2\2\2\u2fda\u2fdb\5"+ + "\u0a39\u051d\2\u2fdb\u2fdc\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2fdc\u2fdd\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u2fdd\u2fde\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2fde\u2fdf\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2fdf\u2fe0\7"+ + "a\2\2\u2fe0\u2fe1\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2fe1\u2fe2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2fe2\u2fe3"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2fe3\u2fe4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2fe4\u2fe5\5\u0a65\u0533"+ + "\2\u2fe5\u0802\3\2\2\2\u2fe6\u2fe7\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2fe7\u2fe8\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u2fe8\u2fe9\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2fe9\u2fea\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2fea"+ + "\u2feb\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2feb\u0804\3\2\2\2\u2fec\u2fed\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u2fed\u2fee\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2fee\u2fef\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2fef\u2ff0\5"+ + "\u0a61\u0531\2\u2ff0\u2ff1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ff1\u2ff2\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u2ff2\u2ff3\7a\2\2\u2ff3\u2ff4\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2ff4\u2ff5\5\u0a55\u052b"+ + "\2\u2ff5\u0806\3\2\2\2\u2ff6\u2ff7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2ff7\u2ff8\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u2ff8\u2ff9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2ff9\u2ffa\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2ffa"+ + "\u2ffb\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2ffb\u2ffc\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2ffc\u2ffd\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u2ffd\u2ffe\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2ffe\u2fff\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2fff"+ + "\u3000\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3000\u3001\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3001\u3002\5\u0a69"+ + "\u0535\2\u3002\u3003\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3003\u3004\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3004"+ + "\u3005\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3005\u0808\3\2\2\2\u3006\u3007\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u3007\u3008\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3008\u3009\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3009\u300a\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u300a\u080a\3\2\2\2\u300b\u300c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u300c\u300d"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u300d\u300e\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u300e\u300f\5\u0a43\u0522"+ + "\2\u300f\u3010\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3010\u3011\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3011\u3012"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3012\u080c\3\2\2\2\u3013\u3014\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3014"+ + "\u3015\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3015\u3016\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3016\u3017\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u3017\u3018\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3018\u3019\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3019"+ + "\u301a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u301a\u080e\3\2\2\2\u301b\u301c\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ + "\u301c\u301d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u301d\u301e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u301e\u301f\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u301f\u3020\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u3020\u3021\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u3021\u3022\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3022\u3023\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3023\u3024\7"+ + "a\2\2\u3024\u3025\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3025\u3026\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3026\u3027"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3027\u3028\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u3028\u3029\7a\2\2\u3029"+ + "\u302a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u302a\u302b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u302b\u302c\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u302c\u302d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u302d\u0810\3\2\2\2\u302e\u302f\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u302f\u3030\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3030\u3031\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u3031\u3032\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3032\u3033\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3033\u3034\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3034\u3035\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3035\u3036\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u3036\u3037\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3037\u0812\3\2\2\2\u3038\u3039\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u3039\u303a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u303a\u303b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u303b\u303c"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u303c\u303d\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u303d\u303e\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u303e\u303f\7a\2\2\u303f\u3040\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3040\u3041\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u3041\u3042\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3042\u3043\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3043"+ + "\u3044\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3044\u3045\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3045\u0814\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3046\u3047\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3047\u3048\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3048\u3049\5"+ + "\u0a65\u0533\2\u3049\u304a\7a\2\2\u304a\u304b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u304b\u304c"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u304c\u304d\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u304d\u304e\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u304e\u304f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u304f\u3050\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3050\u0816"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3051\u3052\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3052\u3053\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3053"+ + "\u3054\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3054\u3055\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3055\u3056\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u3056\u0818\3\2\2\2\u3057\u3058\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3058\u3059\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3059\u305a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u305a\u305b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u305b\u305c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u305c\u305d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u305d\u081a\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u305e\u305f\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u305f\u3060\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3060\u3061"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3061\u3062\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3062\u3063\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u3063\u3064\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3064\u3065\7a\2\2\u3065"; + private static final String _serializedATNSegment5 = + "\u3066\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3066\u3067\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3067\u3068\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u3068\u081c\3\2\2\2\u3069\u306a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u306a\u306b\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u306b\u306c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u306c\u306d\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u306d\u306e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u306e\u081e\3\2\2\2\u306f\u3070\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u3070\u3071\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3071\u3072\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3072\u3073"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3073\u3074\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u3074\u3075\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u3075\u3076\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3076\u0820\3\2\2\2\u3077\u3078\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u3078\u3079\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3079\u307a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u307a"+ + "\u307b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u307b\u307c\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u307c\u307d\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u307d\u307e\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u307e\u307f\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u307f"+ + "\u0822\3\2\2\2\u3080\u3081\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3081\u3082\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u3082\u3083\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3083\u3084\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3084\u3085\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u3085\u3086\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3086\u3087\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u3087\u0824\3\2\2\2\u3088\u3089\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3089\u308a\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u308a\u308b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u308b\u308c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u308c\u308d"+ + "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u308d\u0826\3\2\2\2\u308e\u308f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u308f"+ + "\u3090\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3090\u3091\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u3091\u3092\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u3092\u3093\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3093\u0828\3\2\2\2\u3094\u3095\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u3095\u3096\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3096\u3097\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u3097\u3098\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3098\u3099\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3099\u082a\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u309a\u309b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u309b\u309c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u309c\u309d"+ + "\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u309d\u309e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u309e\u309f\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u309f\u30a0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u30a0\u30a1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u30a1\u30a2"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u30a2\u30a3\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u30a3\u30a4\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u30a4\u30a5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u30a5\u30a6\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u30a6\u082c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u30a7\u30a8\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u30a8\u30a9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u30a9"+ + "\u30aa\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u30aa\u30ab\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u30ab\u30ac\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u30ac\u082e\3\2\2\2\u30ad\u30ae\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u30ae\u30af\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u30af\u30b0\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u30b0\u30b1\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u30b1\u30b2\7a\2\2\u30b2\u30b3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u30b3\u30b4\5\u0a39\u051d"+ + "\2\u30b4\u30b5\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u30b5\u30b6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u30b6\u30b7"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u30b7\u30b8\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u30b8\u30b9\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u30b9\u30ba\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u30ba\u30bb\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u30bb\u0830"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u30bc\u30bd\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u30bd\u30be\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u30be"+ + "\u30bf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u30bf\u30c0\7a\2\2\u30c0\u30c1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u30c1\u30c2\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u30c2\u0832\3\2\2\2\u30c3\u30c4\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u30c4\u30c5\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u30c5\u30c6\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u30c6\u30c7"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u30c7\u30c8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u30c8\u0834\3\2\2\2\u30c9"+ + "\u30ca\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u30ca\u30cb\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u30cb\u30cc\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u30cc\u30cd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u30cd\u30ce\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u30ce"+ + "\u30cf\7a\2\2\u30cf\u30d0\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u30d0\u30d1\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u30d1\u30d2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u30d2\u30d3\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u30d3\u30d4\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u30d4\u30d5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u30d5\u0836\3\2\2\2\u30d6\u30d7"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u30d7\u30d8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u30d8\u30d9\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u30d9\u30da\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u30da\u0838\3\2\2\2\u30db\u30dc\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u30dc\u30dd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u30dd\u30de\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u30de"+ + "\u30df\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u30df\u083a\3\2\2\2\u30e0\u30e1\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ + "\u30e1\u30e2\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u30e2\u30e3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u30e3\u30e4\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u30e4\u30e5\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u30e5\u30e6\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u30e6\u30e7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u30e7\u30e8\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u30e8\u30e9\7"+ + "a\2\2\u30e9\u30ea\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u30ea\u30eb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u30eb\u30ec"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u30ec\u30ed\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u30ed\u30ee\5\u0a41\u0521"+ + "\2\u30ee\u30ef\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u30ef\u30f0\7a\2\2\u30f0\u30f1\5\u0a41"+ + "\u0521\2\u30f1\u30f2\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u30f2\u30f3\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u30f3"+ + "\u30f4\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u30f4\u30f5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u30f5\u30f6\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u30f6\u30f7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u30f7\u30f8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u30f8"+ + "\u083c\3\2\2\2\u30f9\u30fa\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u30fa\u30fb\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u30fb\u30fc\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u30fc\u30fd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u30fd\u30fe\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u30fe\u30ff\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u30ff\u3100\7a\2\2\u3100\u3101"+ + "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3101\u3102\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3102\u3103\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u3103\u3104\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3104\u3105\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3105\u3106"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3106\u083e\3\2\2\2\u3107\u3108\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3108"+ + "\u3109\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3109\u310a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u310a\u310b\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u310b\u310c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u310c\u310d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u310d"+ + "\u310e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u310e\u310f\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u310f\u0840\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3110\u3111\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3111\u3112\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3112\u3113\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u3113\u3114\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3114\u3115\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u3115\u3116\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3116\u0842\3\2\2\2\u3117\u3118\5\u0a55\u052b"+ + "\2\u3118\u3119\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3119\u311a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u311a\u311b"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u311b\u311c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u311c\u311d\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u311d\u311e\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u311e\u311f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u311f\u3120"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3120\u3121\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3121\u3122\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u3122\u0844\3\2\2\2\u3123\u3124\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3124\u3125\5\u0a5f"+ + "\u0530\2\u3125\u3126\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3126\u3127\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3127"+ + "\u3128\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3128\u3129\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u3129\u312a\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u312a\u312b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u312b\u312c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u312c"+ + "\u312d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u312d\u312e\7a\2\2\u312e\u312f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u312f\u3130\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3130\u3131\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u3131\u3132\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3132\u0846\3\2\2\2\u3133\u3134\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3134\u3135"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3135\u3136\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u3136\u3137\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u3137\u3138\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3138\u3139\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3139\u313a"+ + "\7a\2\2\u313a\u313b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u313b\u313c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u313c"+ + "\u0848\3\2\2\2\u313d\u313e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u313e\u313f\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u313f\u3140\7a\2\2\u3140\u3141\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3141\u3142\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u3142\u3143\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3143\u3144\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3144\u3145"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3145\u3146\7a\2\2\u3146\u3147\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3147"+ + "\u3148\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3148\u3149\7a\2\2\u3149\u314a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u314a\u314b\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u314b\u314c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u314c\u314d\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u314d\u314e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u314e\u314f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u314f\u084a\3\2\2\2\u3150\u3151\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3151\u3152\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u3152\u3153\7a\2\2\u3153\u3154\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3154\u3155\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u3155\u3156\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3156\u3157\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3157"+ + "\u3158\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3158\u3159\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3159\u315a\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u315a\u315b\7a\2\2\u315b\u315c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u315c\u315d\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u315d\u315e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u315e\u315f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u315f\u3160\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3160\u084c\3\2\2\2\u3161\u3162\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u3162\u3163\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3163\u3164\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3164\u3165"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3165\u3166\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3166\u3167\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u3167\u084e\3\2\2\2\u3168\u3169\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3169\u316a\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u316a\u316b\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u316b\u0850\3\2\2\2\u316c\u316d\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u316d\u316e\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u316e\u316f\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u316f\u3170\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3170\u3171\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3171\u3172\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3172\u3173\7a\2\2\u3173\u3174\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3174\u3175"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3175\u3176\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3176\u3177\5\u0a61\u0531"+ + "\2\u3177\u3178\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3178\u3179\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3179\u317a"+ + "\7a\2\2\u317a\u317b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u317b\u317c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u317c"+ + "\u317d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u317d\u0852\3\2\2\2\u317e\u317f\5\u0a63\u0532\2"+ + "\u317f\u3180\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3180\u3181\7a\2\2\u3181\u3182\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u3182\u3183\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3183\u3184\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3184\u3185"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3185\u0854\3\2\2\2\u3186\u3187\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3187"+ + "\u3188\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3188\u3189\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3189\u318a\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u318a\u318b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u318b\u318c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u318c"+ + "\u318d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u318d\u318e\7a\2\2\u318e\u318f\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u318f\u3190\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3190\u3191\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3191\u0856\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3192\u3193\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3193\u3194\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3194\u3195"+ + "\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u3195\u3196\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3196\u3197\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u3197\u3198\7a\2\2\u3198\u3199\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3199\u319a\5\u0a45"+ + "\u0523\2\u319a\u319b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u319b\u319c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u319c"+ + "\u319d\7a\2\2\u319d\u319e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u319e\u319f\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u319f\u31a0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u31a0\u31a1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u31a1\u0858\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u31a2\u31a3\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u31a3\u31a4\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u31a4\u31a5"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u31a5\u31a6\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u31a6\u31a7\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u31a7\u31a8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u31a8\u31a9\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u31a9\u085a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u31aa\u31ab\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u31ab\u31ac\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u31ac"+ + "\u31ad\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u31ad\u31ae\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u31ae\u31af\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u31af\u31b0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u31b0\u31b1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u31b1"+ + "\u31b2\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u31b2\u31b3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u31b3\u31b4\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u31b4\u31b5\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u31b5\u085c\3\2\2\2\u31b6\u31b7\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u31b7\u31b8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u31b8\u31b9\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ + "\u31b9\u31ba\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u31ba\u31bb\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u31bb\u31bc\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u31bc\u31bd\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u31bd\u31be\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u31be\u31bf\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u31bf\u085e\3\2\2\2\u31c0\u31c1\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u31c1\u31c2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u31c2\u31c3\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u31c3\u31c4"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u31c4\u31c5\7a\2\2\u31c5\u31c6\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u31c6"+ + "\u31c7\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u31c7\u31c8\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u31c8\u31c9\5\u0a41"+ + "\u0521\2\u31c9\u31ca\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u31ca\u31cb\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u31cb"+ + "\u31cc\7a\2\2\u31cc\u31cd\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u31cd\u31ce\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u31ce\u31cf\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u31cf\u31d0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u31d0\u0860\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u31d1\u31d2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u31d2\u31d3\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u31d3\u31d4"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u31d4\u31d5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u31d5\u31d6\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u31d6\u31d7\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u31d7\u31d8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u31d8\u31d9"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u31d9\u31da\7a\2\2\u31da\u31db\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u31db"+ + "\u31dc\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u31dc\u31dd\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u31dd\u31de\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u31de\u31df\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u31df\u31e0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u31e0"+ + "\u0862\3\2\2\2\u31e1\u31e2\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u31e2\u31e3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u31e3\u31e4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u31e4\u31e5\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u31e5\u31e6\7"+ + "a\2\2\u31e6\u31e7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u31e7\u31e8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u31e8\u31e9"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u31e9\u31ea\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u31ea\u31eb\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u31eb\u31ec\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u31ec\u31ed\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u31ed\u31ee"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u31ee\u31ef\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u31ef\u31f0\5\u0a45\u0523"+ + "\2\u31f0\u0864\3\2\2\2\u31f1\u31f2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u31f2\u31f3\5\u0a55"+ + "\u052b\2\u31f3\u31f4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u31f4\u31f5\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u31f5"+ + "\u31f6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u31f6\u0866\3\2\2\2\u31f7\u31f8\5\u0a39\u051d\2"+ + "\u31f8\u31f9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u31f9\u31fa\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u31fa\u31fb\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u31fb\u31fc\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u31fc\u31fd\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u31fd\u31fe\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u31fe\u31ff\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u31ff\u0868\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3200\u3201\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3201\u3202\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3202\u3203"+ + "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3203\u3204\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3204\u3205\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u3205\u3206\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3206\u086a\3\2\2\2\u3207\u3208\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u3208\u3209\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3209\u320a\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u320a"+ + "\u320b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u320b\u320c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u320c\u320d\7a\2\2"+ + "\u320d\u320e\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u320e\u320f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u320f\u3210\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u3210\u086c\3\2\2\2\u3211\u3212\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3212\u3213"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3213\u3214\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3214\u3215\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u3215\u086e\3\2\2\2\u3216\u3217\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3217\u3218\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u3218\u3219\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3219\u321a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u321a"+ + "\u321b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u321b\u321c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u321c\u321d\5\u0a55"+ + "\u052b\2\u321d\u321e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u321e\u321f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u321f"+ + "\u3220\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3220\u3221\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3221\u0870\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3222\u3223\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3223\u3224\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3224\u3225\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u3225\u3226\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3226\u3227\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u3227\u0872\3\2\2\2\u3228\u3229\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3229\u322a\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u322a\u322b\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u322b\u322c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u322c\u322d"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u322d\u322e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u322e\u0874\3\2\2\2\u322f"+ + "\u3230\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3230\u3231\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3231\u3232\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u3232\u3233\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3233\u3234\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3234"+ + "\u3235\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3235\u3236\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3236\u3237\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u3237\u3238\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3238\u0876\3\2\2\2\u3239\u323a\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u323a\u323b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u323b\u323c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ + "\u323c\u323d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u323d\u323e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u323e\u323f\5"+ + "\u0a61\u0531\2\u323f\u3240\7a\2\2\u3240\u3241\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3241\u3242"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3242\u3243\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3243\u0878\3\2\2\2\u3244"+ + "\u3245\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3245\u3246\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3246\u3247\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u3247\u3248\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3248\u3249\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3249"+ + "\u087a\3\2\2\2\u324a\u324b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u324b\u324c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u324c\u324d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u324d\u087c\3\2\2\2\u324e\u324f\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u324f\u3250\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u3250\u3251\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3251\u3252"+ + "\7a\2\2\u3252\u3253\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3253\u3254\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3254"+ + "\u3255\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3255\u3256\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3256\u3257\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u3257\u3258\7a\2\2\u3258\u3259\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u3259\u325a\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u325a\u325b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u325b\u325c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ + "\u325c\u325d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u325d\u087e\3\2\2\2\u325e\u325f\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u325f\u3260\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3260\u3261\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3261\u3262"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3262\u0880\3\2\2\2\u3263\u3264\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3264"+ + "\u3265\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3265\u3266\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3266\u3267\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u3267\u3268\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3268\u3269\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3269"+ + "\u326a\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u326a\u326b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u326b\u326c\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u326c\u326d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u326d\u326e\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u326e"+ + "\u0882\3\2\2\2\u326f\u3270\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3270\u3271\5\u0a57\u052c\2"+ + "\u3271\u3272\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3272\u3273\7a\2\2\u3273\u3274\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u3274\u3275\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3275\u3276\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3276\u3277"+ + "\7a\2\2\u3277\u3278\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3278\u3279\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3279"+ + "\u327a\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u327a\u0884\3\2\2\2\u327b\u327c\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ + "\u327c\u327d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u327d\u327e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u327e\u327f\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u327f\u3280\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u3280\u3281\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u3281\u0886\3\2\2\2\u3282\u3283\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3283\u3284\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u3284\u3285\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3285\u3286\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3286\u3287"+ + "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3287\u3288\7a\2\2\u3288\u3289\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3289"+ + "\u328a\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u328a\u328b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u328b\u328c\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u328c\u328d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u328d\u328e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u328e"+ + "\u0888\3\2\2\2\u328f\u3290\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u3290\u3291\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u3291\u3292\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3292\u3293\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3293\u3294\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3294\u3295\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3295\u3296\5\u0a45\u0523\2"+ + "\u3296\u088a\3\2\2\2\u3297\u3298\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3298\u3299\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u3299\u329a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u329a\u329b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u329b\u329c"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u329c\u329d\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u329d\u329e\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u329e\u088c\3\2\2\2\u329f\u32a0\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u32a0\u32a1\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u32a1\u32a2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u32a2\u32a3\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u32a3"+ + "\u32a4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u32a4\u32a5\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u32a5\u32a6\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u32a6\u32a7\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u32a7\u088e\3\2\2\2\u32a8\u32a9\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u32a9\u32aa\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u32aa\u32ab\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u32ab\u32ac\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u32ac\u32ad\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u32ad\u32ae\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u32ae\u32af\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u32af\u32b0\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ + "\u32b0\u32b1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u32b1\u0890\3\2\2\2\u32b2\u32b3\5\u0a55\u052b"+ + "\2\u32b3\u32b4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u32b4\u32b5\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u32b5\u32b6"+ + "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u32b6\u32b7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u32b7\u32b8\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u32b8\u32b9\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u32b9\u32ba\7a\2\2\u32ba\u32bb\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u32bb\u32bc\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u32bc\u32bd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u32bd"+ + "\u32be\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u32be\u32bf\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u32bf\u32c0\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u32c0\u32c1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u32c1\u32c2\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u32c2"+ + "\u32c3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u32c3\u32c4\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u32c4\u32c5\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u32c5\u32c6\7a\2\2\u32c6\u32c7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u32c7\u32c8\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u32c8\u32c9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u32c9\u32ca\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u32ca\u0892\3\2\2\2\u32cb\u32cc\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u32cc\u32cd\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u32cd\u32ce\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u32ce\u32cf\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u32cf\u32d0"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u32d0\u32d1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u32d1\u32d2\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u32d2\u0894\3\2\2\2\u32d3\u32d4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u32d4\u32d5\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u32d5\u32d6\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u32d6\u32d7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u32d7"+ + "\u32d8\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u32d8\u32d9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u32d9\u32da\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u32da\u32db\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u32db\u0896\3\2\2\2\u32dc\u32dd\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u32dd\u32de\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u32de\u32df\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u32df\u32e0\7a\2\2\u32e0\u32e1\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u32e1\u32e2\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u32e2\u32e3\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u32e3\u32e4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u32e4\u32e5"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u32e5\u32e6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u32e6\u32e7\7a\2\2\u32e7"+ + "\u32e8\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u32e8\u32e9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u32e9\u32ea\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u32ea\u32eb\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u32eb\u32ec\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u32ec"+ + "\u0898\3\2\2\2\u32ed\u32ee\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u32ee\u32ef\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u32ef\u32f0\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u32f0\u32f1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u32f1\u32f2\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u32f2\u32f3\7a\2\2\u32f3\u32f4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u32f4\u32f5"+ + "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u32f5\u32f6\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u32f6\u32f7\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u32f7\u32f8\7a\2\2\u32f8\u32f9\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u32f9\u32fa\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u32fa\u32fb\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u32fb\u089a\3\2\2\2\u32fc\u32fd\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u32fd\u32fe\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u32fe\u32ff\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u32ff\u3300\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3300\u3301\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3301\u3302\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u3302\u3303\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3303\u3304\7a\2\2\u3304\u3305"+ + "\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u3305\u3306\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3306\u3307\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u3307\u3308\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3308\u089c\3\2\2\2\u3309\u330a\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u330a\u330b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u330b\u330c\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u330c"+ + "\u330d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u330d\u330e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u330e\u330f\7a\2\2"+ + "\u330f\u3310\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3310\u3311\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3311\u3312\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3312\u3313\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3313\u3314\5\u0a4b\u0526\2"+ + "\u3314\u3315\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3315\u3316\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3316\u3317\5"+ + "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3317\u089e\3\2\2\2\u3318\u3319\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u3319\u331a"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u331a\u331b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u331b\u331c\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u331c\u331d\7a\2\2\u331d\u331e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u331e\u331f\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u331f\u3320\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3320\u3321\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3321"+ + "\u08a0\3\2\2\2\u3322\u3323\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3323\u3324\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u3324\u3325\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3325\u3326\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3326\u3327\5"+ + "\u0a39\u051d\2\u3327\u3328\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3328\u3329\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u3329\u332a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u332a\u332b\7a\2\2\u332b\u332c\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u332c\u332d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u332d\u08a2\3\2\2\2\u332e\u332f\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u332f\u3330\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3330\u3331\7a\2\2\u3331\u3332\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u3332\u3333\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3333\u08a4\3\2\2\2\u3334\u3335"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3335\u3336\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3336\u3337\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u3337\u3338\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u3338\u3339\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3339\u333a"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u333a\u333b\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u333b\u08a6\3\2\2\2\u333c"+ + "\u333d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u333d\u333e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u333e\u333f\5\u0a63"+ + "\u0532\2\u333f\u3340\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3340\u3341\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3341"+ + "\u3342\7a\2\2\u3342\u3343\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3343\u3344\5\u0a45\u0523\2"+ + "\u3344\u3345\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3345\u3346\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3346\u3347\7"+ + "a\2\2\u3347\u3348\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3348\u3349\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3349\u08a8"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u334a\u334b\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u334b\u334c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u334c"+ + "\u334d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u334d\u334e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u334e\u334f\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u334f\u3350\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3350\u08aa\3\2\2\2\u3351\u3352\5"+ + "\u0a39\u051d\2\u3352\u3353\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3353\u3354\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u3354\u3355\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3355\u3356\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3356\u3357\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u3357\u3358\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3358\u08ac\3\2\2\2\u3359\u335a"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u335a\u335b\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u335b\u335c\5\u0a43\u0522"+ + "\2\u335c\u08ae\3\2\2\2\u335d\u335e\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u335e\u335f\5\u0a5f"+ + "\u0530\2\u335f\u3360\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3360\u3361\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3361"+ + "\u3362\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3362\u3363\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3363\u3364\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u3364\u3365\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3365\u3366\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3366"+ + "\u3367\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3367\u3368\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3368\u3369\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u3369\u336a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u336a\u336b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u336b"+ + "\u336c\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u336c\u08b0\3\2\2\2\u336d\u336e\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u336e\u336f\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u336f\u3370\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3370\u3371\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u3371\u3372\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3372\u3373\5\u0a65\u0533\2"+ + "\u3373\u3374\7a\2\2\u3374\u3375\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3375\u3376\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u3376\u3377\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3377\u3378\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3378\u3379"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3379\u337a\7a\2\2\u337a\u337b\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u337b"+ + "\u337c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u337c\u337d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u337d\u337e\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u337e\u337f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u337f\u3380\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3380"+ + "\u3381\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3381\u3382\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3382\u3383\7a\2\2"+ + "\u3383\u3384\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3384\u3385\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3385\u3386\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u3386\u3387\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3387\u3388\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ + "\u3388\u3389\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3389\u338a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u338a\u338b\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u338b\u338c\7a\2\2\u338c\u338d\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u338d\u338e"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u338e\u338f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u338f\u3390\5\u0a43\u0522"+ + "\2\u3390\u3391\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3391\u08b2\3\2\2\2\u3392\u3393\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u3393\u3394\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3394\u3395\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u3395"+ + "\u08b4\3\2\2\2\u3396\u3397\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3397\u3398\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u3398\u3399\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3399\u339a\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u339a\u339b\5"+ + "\u0a67\u0534\2\u339b\u08b6\3\2\2\2\u339c\u339d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u339d\u339e"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u339e\u339f\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u339f\u33a0\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u33a0\u33a1\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u33a1\u33a2\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u33a2\u33a3"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u33a3\u33a4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u33a4\u33a5\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u33a5\u33a6\7a\2\2\u33a6\u33a7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u33a7\u33a8\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u33a8\u33a9\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u33a9\u33aa\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u33aa"+ + "\u33ab\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u33ab\u08b8\3\2\2\2\u33ac\u33ad\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u33ad\u33ae\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u33ae\u33af\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u33af\u33b0\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u33b0\u33b1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u33b1\u33b2\7a\2\2\u33b2\u33b3"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u33b3\u33b4\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u33b4\u33b5\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u33b5\u33b6\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u33b6\u33b7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u33b7\u33b8"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u33b8\u33b9\7a\2\2\u33b9\u33ba\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u33ba"+ + "\u33bb\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u33bb\u33bc\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u33bc\u33bd\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u33bd\u33be\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u33be\u08ba\3\2\2\2\u33bf\u33c0\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u33c0\u33c1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u33c1\u33c2\5\u0a39\u051d\2"+ + "\u33c2\u33c3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u33c3\u33c4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u33c4\u33c5\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u33c5\u33c6\7a\2\2\u33c6\u33c7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u33c7\u33c8"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u33c8\u33c9\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u33c9\u33ca\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u33ca\u08bc\3\2\2\2\u33cb\u33cc\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u33cc\u33cd\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u33cd\u33ce\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u33ce\u33cf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u33cf"+ + "\u08be\3\2\2\2\u33d0\u33d1\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u33d1\u33d2\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u33d2\u33d3\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u33d3\u33d4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u33d4\u33d5\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u33d5\u33d6\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u33d6\u33d7\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u33d7\u08c0\3\2\2\2\u33d8\u33d9\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u33d9\u33da\5\u0a61\u0531"+ + "\2\u33da\u33db\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u33db\u33dc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u33dc\u33dd"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u33dd\u33de\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u33de\u33df\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u33df\u08c2\3\2\2\2\u33e0\u33e1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u33e1\u33e2\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u33e2\u33e3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u33e3\u33e4\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u33e4"+ + "\u33e5\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u33e5\u08c4\3\2\2\2\u33e6\u33e7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ + "\u33e7\u33e8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u33e8\u33e9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u33e9\u33ea\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u33ea\u33eb\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u33eb\u33ec\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u33ec\u33ed\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u33ed\u33ee\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u33ee\u33ef\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u33ef\u33f0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u33f0\u08c6\3\2\2\2\u33f1\u33f2"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u33f2\u33f3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u33f3\u33f4\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u33f4\u33f5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u33f5\u33f6\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u33f6\u33f7"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u33f7\u33f8\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u33f8\u33f9\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u33f9\u33fa\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u33fa\u33fb\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u33fb\u33fc"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u33fc\u33fd\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u33fd\u08c8\3\2\2\2\u33fe"+ + "\u33ff\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u33ff\u3400\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3400\u3401\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u3401\u3402\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3402\u3403\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3403"+ + "\u3404\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3404\u3405\7a\2\2\u3405\u3406\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u3406\u3407\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3407\u3408\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u3408\u3409\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3409\u08ca\3\2\2\2\u340a\u340b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u340b\u340c"+ + "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u340c\u340d\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u340d\u340e\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u340e\u340f\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u340f\u08cc\3\2\2\2\u3410\u3411\5\u0a55"+ + "\u052b\2\u3411\u3412\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3412\u3413\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3413"+ + "\u3414\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3414\u3415\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3415\u3416\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u3416\u3417\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3417\u08ce\3\2\2\2\u3418\u3419\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u3419\u341a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u341a\u341b\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ + "\u341b\u341c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u341c\u341d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u341d\u341e\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u341e\u08d0\3\2\2\2\u341f\u3420\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3420\u3421"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3421\u3422\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3422\u3423\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u3423\u3424\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3424\u3425\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3425\u08d2"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3426\u3427\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3427\u3428\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3428"+ + "\u3429\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3429\u342a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u342a\u342b\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u342b\u342c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u342c\u342d\7a\2\2\u342d\u342e\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u342e\u342f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u342f\u3430\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u3430\u3431\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3431\u3432\7a\2\2\u3432\u3433\5\u0a55\u052b"+ + "\2\u3433\u3434\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3434\u3435\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3435\u3436"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3436\u3437\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3437\u3438\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u3438\u3439\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3439\u343a\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u343a\u08d4"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u343b\u343c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u343c\u343d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u343d"+ + "\u343e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u343e\u343f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u343f\u3440\7a\2\2"+ + "\u3440\u3441\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3441\u3442\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3442\u3443\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u3443\u3444\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3444\u3445\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u3445\u3446\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3446\u3447\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3447\u3448\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u3448\u3449\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3449\u344a\7a\2\2\u344a\u344b"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u344b\u344c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u344c\u08d6\3\2\2\2\u344d"+ + "\u344e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u344e\u344f\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u344f\u3450\7a\2\2"+ + "\u3450\u3451\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3451\u3452\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3452\u3453\5"+ + "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3453\u3454\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3454\u08d8\3\2\2\2\u3455\u3456"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3456\u3457\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u3457\u3458\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u3458\u3459\7a\2\2\u3459\u345a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u345a\u345b\5\u0a41"+ + "\u0521\2\u345b\u345c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u345c\u345d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u345d"+ + "\u345e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u345e\u345f\7a\2\2\u345f\u3460\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ + "\u3460\u3461\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3461\u3462\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3462\u3463\7"+ + "a\2\2\u3463\u3464\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u3464\u3465\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3465\u3466"+ + "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3466\u3467\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3467\u08da\3\2\2\2\u3468"+ + "\u3469\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3469\u346a\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u346a\u346b\5\u0a41"+ + "\u0521\2\u346b\u346c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u346c\u346d\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u346d"+ + "\u346e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u346e\u346f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u346f\u3470\5\u0a61"+ + "\u0531\2\u3470\u3471\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3471\u08dc\3\2\2\2\u3472\u3473\5"+ + "\u0a41\u0521\2\u3473\u3474\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3474\u3475\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u3475\u3476\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3476\u3477\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3477\u3478\7"+ + "a\2\2\u3478\u3479\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u3479\u347a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u347a\u347b"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u347b\u347c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u347c\u347d\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u347d\u08de\3\2\2\2\u347e\u347f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u347f\u3480\5\u0a57"+ + "\u052c\2\u3480\u3481\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3481\u3482\7a\2\2\u3482\u3483\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3483\u3484\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3484\u3485\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u3485\u3486\7a\2\2\u3486\u3487\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3487\u3488\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u3488\u3489\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3489\u348a\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u348a\u348b"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u348b\u348c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u348c\u08e0\3\2\2\2\u348d"+ + "\u348e\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u348e\u348f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u348f\u3490\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u3490\u3491\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3491\u3492\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3492"+ + "\u3493\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3493\u3494\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3494\u08e2\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3495\u3496\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u3496\u3497\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3497\u3498\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u3498\u3499\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3499\u349a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u349a\u349b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u349b\u349c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u349c\u08e4\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u349d\u349e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u349e\u349f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u349f\u34a0"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u34a0\u34a1\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u34a1\u34a2\5\u0a67\u0534"+ + "\2\u34a2\u34a3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u34a3\u34a4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34a4\u08e6"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u34a5\u34a6\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u34a6\u34a7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34a7"+ + "\u34a8\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u34a8\u34a9\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u34a9\u34aa\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u34aa\u34ab\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34ab\u34ac\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u34ac"+ + "\u08e8\3\2\2\2\u34ad\u34ae\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u34ae\u34af\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u34af\u34b0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u34b0\u34b1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34b1\u08ea\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u34b2\u34b3\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u34b3\u34b4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u34b4\u34b5"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u34b5\u34b6\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u34b6\u34b7\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u34b7\u34b8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u34b8\u34b9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u34b9\u34ba"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u34ba\u34bb\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u34bb\u34bc\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u34bc\u34bd\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u34bd\u08ec\3\2\2\2\u34be\u34bf\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u34bf\u34c0\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u34c0\u34c1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u34c1"+ + "\u34c2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34c2\u08ee\3\2\2\2\u34c3\u34c4\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u34c4\u34c5\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u34c5\u34c6\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u34c6\u34c7\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u34c7\u34c8\7a\2\2\u34c8\u34c9\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u34c9\u34ca"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u34ca\u08f0\3\2\2\2\u34cb\u34cc\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u34cc"+ + "\u34cd\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u34cd\u34ce\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u34ce\u34cf\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u34cf\u34d0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u34d0\u34d1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u34d1"+ + "\u34d2\7a\2\2\u34d2\u34d3\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u34d3\u34d4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u34d4\u34d5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u34d5\u34d6\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u34d6\u34d7\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u34d7\u34d8\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u34d8\u08f2\3\2\2\2\u34d9\u34da"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34da\u34db\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u34db\u34dc\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u34dc\u34dd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34dd\u34de\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u34de\u34df"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u34df\u34e0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34e0\u34e1\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u34e1\u08f4\3\2\2\2\u34e2\u34e3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u34e3\u34e4\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u34e4\u34e5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u34e5\u34e6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u34e6"+ + "\u34e7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u34e7\u08f6\3\2\2\2\u34e8\u34e9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u34e9\u34ea\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u34ea\u34eb\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u34eb\u08f8\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u34ec\u34ed\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u34ed\u34ee\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u34ee\u34ef"+ + "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u34ef\u34f0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34f0\u34f1\7a\2\2\u34f1"+ + "\u34f2\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u34f2\u34f3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u34f3\u34f4\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u34f4\u34f5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34f5\u34f6\7a\2\2\u34f6\u34f7\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u34f7\u34f8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u34f8\u34f9\5\u0a41\u0521\2"+ + "\u34f9\u34fa\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u34fa\u08fa\3\2\2\2\u34fb\u34fc\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u34fc\u34fd\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u34fd\u34fe\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u34fe\u34ff"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34ff\u3500\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3500\u3501\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u3501\u3502\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3502\u3503\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3503\u3504"+ + "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3504\u3505\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3505\u3506\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u3506\u3507\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3507\u08fc\3\2\2\2\u3508\u3509\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u3509\u350a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u350a\u350b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u350b"+ + "\u350c\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u350c\u350d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u350d\u350e\5\u0a5f"+ + "\u0530\2\u350e\u350f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u350f\u3510\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3510"+ + "\u08fe\3\2\2\2\u3511\u3512\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u3512\u3513\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u3513\u3514\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3514\u3515\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3515\u3516\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u3516\u3517\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3517\u3518\7a\2\2\u3518\u3519"+ + "\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3519\u351a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u351a\u351b\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u351b\u351c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u351c\u351d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u351d\u351e"+ + "\7a\2\2\u351e\u351f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u351f\u3520\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3520"+ + "\u3521\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3521\u3522\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3522\u3523\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u3523\u3524\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3524\u3525\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3525"+ + "\u3526\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3526\u0900\3\2\2\2\u3527\u3528\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ + "\u3528\u3529\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3529\u352a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u352a\u352b\7"+ + "a\2\2\u352b\u352c\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u352c\u352d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u352d\u352e"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u352e\u352f\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u352f\u3530\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u3530\u3531\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3531\u0902\3\2\2\2\u3532\u3533\5\u0a4d"+ + "\u0527\2\u3533\u3534\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3534\u3535\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u3535"+ + "\u0904\3\2\2\2\u3536\u3537\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3537\u3538\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u3538\u3539\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3539\u353a\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u353a\u353b\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u353b\u353c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u353c\u353d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u353d\u0906\3\2\2\2\u353e\u353f\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u353f\u3540\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u3540\u3541\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3541\u3542\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u3542\u0908"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3543\u3544\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3544\u3545\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3545"+ + "\u3546\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3546\u3547\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3547\u3548\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u3548\u3549\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3549\u354a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u354a"+ + "\u354b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u354b\u354c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u354c\u354d\5\u0a69"+ + "\u0535\2\u354d\u354e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u354e\u354f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u354f"+ + "\u090a\3\2\2\2\u3550\u3551\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3551\u3552\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u3552\u3553\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3553\u3554\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3554\u3555\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3555\u3556\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3556\u3557\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u3557\u090c\3\2\2\2\u3558\u3559\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3559\u355a\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u355a\u355b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u355b\u355c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u355c\u355d"+ + "\7a\2\2\u355d\u355e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u355e\u355f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u355f"+ + "\u3560\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3560\u3561\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3561\u090e\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3562\u3563\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3563\u3564\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3564\u3565\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3565\u3566\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3566\u3567\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u3567\u3568\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3568\u0910\3\2\2\2\u3569\u356a\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u356a\u356b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u356b\u356c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u356c\u356d"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u356d\u356e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u356e\u356f\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u356f\u3570\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3570\u3571\7a\2\2\u3571\u3572\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u3572\u3573\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3573\u3574\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u3574"+ + "\u3575\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3575\u0912\3\2\2\2\u3576\u3577\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u3577\u3578\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3578\u3579\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3579\u357a\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u357a\u357b\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u357b\u357c\7a\2\2\u357c\u357d"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u357d\u357e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u357e\u357f\5\u0a43\u0522"+ + "\2\u357f\u3580\7a\2\2\u3580\u3581\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3581\u3582\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u3582\u3583\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3583\u3584\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3584"+ + "\u0914\3\2\2\2\u3585\u3586\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3586\u3587\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u3587\u3588\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3588\u3589\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3589\u358a\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u358a\u358b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u358b\u358c\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ + "\u358c\u0916\3\2\2\2\u358d\u358e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u358e\u358f\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u358f\u3590\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3590\u3591\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3591\u3592"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3592\u3593\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3593\u0918\3\2\2\2\u3594"+ + "\u3595\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3595\u3596\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3596\u3597\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u3597\u3598\7a\2\2\u3598\u3599\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3599\u359a\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u359a\u359b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u359b\u359c\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u359c\u359d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u359d\u359e\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u359e\u091a\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u359f\u35a0\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u35a0\u35a1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35a1\u35a2"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u35a2\u35a3\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u35a3\u091c\3\2\2\2\u35a4"+ + "\u35a5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u35a5\u35a6\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u35a6\u35a7\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u35a7\u35a8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u35a8\u35a9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u35a9"+ + "\u35aa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35aa\u35ab\7a\2\2\u35ab\u35ac\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u35ac\u35ad\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u35ad\u35ae\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u35ae\u35af\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35af\u35b0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u35b0\u35b1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u35b1\u35b2\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u35b2\u35b3\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u35b3\u35b4\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u35b4\u091e\3\2\2\2\u35b5\u35b6\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u35b6\u35b7"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u35b7\u35b8\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u35b8\u35b9\5\u0a55\u052b"+ + "\2\u35b9\u35ba\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u35ba\u35bb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u35bb\u35bc"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35bc\u0920\3\2\2\2\u35bd\u35be\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u35be"+ + "\u35bf\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u35bf\u35c0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u35c0\u35c1\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u35c1\u35c2\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u35c2\u35c3\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u35c3"+ + "\u0922\3\2\2\2\u35c4\u35c5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u35c5\u35c6\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u35c6\u35c7\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u35c7\u35c8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u35c8\u35c9\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u35c9\u35ca\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u35ca\u0924\3\2\2\2\u35cb\u35cc"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u35cc\u35cd\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u35cd\u35ce\5\u0a39\u051d"+ + "\2\u35ce\u35cf\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u35cf\u35d0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35d0\u35d1"+ + "\7a\2\2\u35d1\u35d2\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u35d2\u35d3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u35d3"+ + "\u35d4\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u35d4\u35d5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35d5\u0926\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u35d6\u35d7\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u35d7\u35d8\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u35d8\u35d9\5"+ + "\u0a55\u052b\2\u35d9\u35da\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u35da\u0928\3\2\2\2\u35db\u35dc"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u35dc\u35dd\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u35dd\u35de\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u35de\u35df\7a\2\2\u35df\u35e0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u35e0\u35e1\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u35e1\u35e2\7a\2\2\u35e2\u35e3\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u35e3\u35e4\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u35e4\u35e5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u35e5\u35e6\5\u0a45\u0523\2"+ + "\u35e6\u35e7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35e7\u092a\3\2\2\2\u35e8\u35e9\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u35e9\u35ea\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u35ea\u35eb\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u35eb\u35ec"+ + "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u35ec\u35ed\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u35ed\u35ee\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u35ee\u35ef\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u35ef\u35f0\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u35f0\u092c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u35f1\u35f2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35f2\u35f3\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u35f3"+ + "\u35f4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35f4\u35f5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u35f5\u35f6\5\u0a5f"+ + "\u0530\2\u35f6\u35f7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u35f7\u35f8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35f8"+ + "\u092e\3\2\2\2\u35f9\u35fa\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u35fa\u35fb\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u35fb\u35fc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35fc\u35fd\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u35fd\u35fe\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35fe\u35ff\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u35ff\u3600\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u3600\u3601\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3601\u3602\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u3602\u0930\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3603\u3604\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3604\u3605\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u3605\u3606"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3606\u3607\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3607\u3608\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u3608\u3609\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3609\u360a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u360a\u360b"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u360b\u0932\3\2\2\2\u360c\u360d\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u360d"+ + "\u360e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u360e\u360f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u360f\u3610\5\u0a4b"+ + "\u0526\2\u3610\u3611\7a\2\2\u3611\u3612\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u3612\u3613\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3613\u3614\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3614\u3615\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u3615\u0934\3\2\2\2\u3616\u3617\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3617\u3618\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u3618\u3619\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3619\u361a\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u361a\u361b"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u361b\u361c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u361c\u361d\7a\2\2\u361d"+ + "\u361e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u361e\u361f\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u361f\u3620\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u3620\u3621\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3621\u3622\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3622"+ + "\u3623\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3623\u3624\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3624\u3625\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u3625\u3626\7a\2\2\u3626\u3627\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3627\u3628\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u3628\u3629\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u3629\u362a\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u362a\u362b\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u362b\u0936\3\2\2\2\u362c\u362d\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u362d\u362e\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u362e\u362f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u362f\u3630"+ + "\7a\2\2\u3630\u3631\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3631\u3632\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3632"+ + "\u0938\3\2\2\2\u3633\u3634\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3634\u3635\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u3635\u3636\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3636\u3637\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3637\u3638\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3638\u3639\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3639\u363a\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u363a\u093a\3\2\2\2\u363b\u363c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u363c\u363d\5\u0a45\u0523"+ + "\2\u363d\u363e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u363e\u363f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u363f\u3640"+ + "\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u3640\u3641\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3641\u3642\5\u0a53\u052a"+ + "\2\u3642\u3643\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3643\u3644\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3644\u3645"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3645\u093c\3\2\2\2\u3646\u3647\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3647"+ + "\u3648\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3648\u3649\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3649\u093e\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u364a\u364b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u364b\u364c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u364c\u364d\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u364d\u364e\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u364e\u364f\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u364f\u3650\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3650\u3651\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3651\u3652\5"+ + "\u0a69\u0535\2\u3652\u3653\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3653\u3654\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u3654\u3655\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3655\u3656\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3656\u3657\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u3657\u0940\3\2\2\2\u3658\u3659\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3659\u365a"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u365a\u365b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u365b\u365c\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u365c\u0942\3\2\2\2\u365d\u365e\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u365e\u365f\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u365f\u3660\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3660\u3661\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3661"+ + "\u3662\7a\2\2\u3662\u3663\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3663\u3664\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u3664\u3665\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u3665\u3666\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3666\u3667\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3667\u0944\3\2\2\2\u3668\u3669\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u3669\u366a"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u366a\u366b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u366b\u366c\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u366c\u366d\7a\2\2\u366d\u366e\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u366e\u366f\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u366f\u3670\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3670\u3671\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3671"+ + "\u3672\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3672\u0946\3\2\2\2\u3673\u3674\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ + "\u3674\u3675\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u3675\u3676\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3676\u0948\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3677\u3678\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3678\u3679\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u3679\u367a"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u367a\u367b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u367b\u367c\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u367c\u367d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u367d\u094a\3\2\2\2\u367e\u367f\5\u0a59"+ + "\u052d\2\u367f\u3680\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3680\u3681\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3681"+ + "\u3682\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3682\u3683\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3683\u3684\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u3684\u3685\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3685\u3686\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u3686"+ + "\u3687\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3687\u094c\3\2\2\2\u3688\u3689\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u3689\u368a\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u368a\u368b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u368b\u368c\5"+ + "\u0a67\u0534\2\u368c\u094e\3\2\2\2\u368d\u368e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u368e\u368f"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u368f\u3690\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u3690\u3691\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u3691\u3692\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3692\u3693\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u3693\u3694"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3694\u3695\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3695\u3696\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u3696\u3697\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3697\u3698\7a\2\2\u3698\u3699\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u3699\u369a\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u369a\u0950\3\2\2\2\u369b\u369c\5"+ + "\u0a43\u0522\2\u369c\u369d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u369d\u369e\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u369e\u369f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u369f\u36a0\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u36a0\u36a1\7"+ + "a\2\2\u36a1\u36a2\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u36a2\u36a3\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u36a3\u0952"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u36a4\u36a5\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u36a5\u36a6\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u36a6"+ + "\u36a7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u36a7\u36a8\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u36a8\u36a9\5\u0a55"+ + "\u052b\2\u36a9\u36aa\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u36aa\u36ab\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u36ab"+ + "\u36ac\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u36ac\u36ad\7a\2\2\u36ad\u36ae\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u36ae\u36af\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u36af\u0954\3\2\2\2\u36b0\u36b1\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u36b1\u36b2\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u36b2\u36b3\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u36b3\u36b4"+ + "\7a\2\2\u36b4\u36b5\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u36b5\u36b6\7a\2\2\u36b6\u36b7\5\u0a41"+ + "\u0521\2\u36b7\u36b8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u36b8\u36b9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u36b9"+ + "\u36ba\7a\2\2\u36ba\u36bb\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u36bb\u36bc\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u36bc\u36bd\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u36bd\u36be\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u36be\u0956\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u36bf\u36c0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u36c0\u36c1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u36c1\u36c2"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u36c2\u36c3\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u36c3\u36c4\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u36c4\u36c5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u36c5\u36c6\7a\2\2\u36c6\u36c7\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u36c7\u36c8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u36c8\u36c9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u36c9"+ + "\u36ca\7a\2\2\u36ca\u36cb\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u36cb\u36cc\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u36cc\u36cd\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u36cd\u0958\3\2\2\2\u36ce\u36cf\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u36cf\u36d0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u36d0\u36d1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u36d1\u36d2"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u36d2\u36d3\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u36d3\u36d4\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u36d4\u36d5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u36d5\u36d6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u36d6\u36d7"+ + "\7a\2\2\u36d7\u36d8\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u36d8\u36d9\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u36d9"+ + "\u36da\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u36da\u36db\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u36db\u36dc\7a\2\2"+ + "\u36dc\u36dd\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u36dd\u36de\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u36de\u36df\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u36df\u36e0\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u36e0\u095a\3\2\2\2\u36e1\u36e2"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u36e2\u36e3\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u36e3\u36e4\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u36e4\u36e5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u36e5\u36e6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u36e6\u36e7"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u36e7\u36e8\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u36e8\u095c\3\2\2\2\u36e9"+ + "\u36ea\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u36ea\u36eb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u36eb\u36ec\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u36ec\u36ed\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u36ed\u36ee\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u36ee"+ + "\u095e\3\2\2\2\u36ef\u36f0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u36f0\u36f1\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u36f1\u36f2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u36f2\u36f3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u36f3\u36f4\7"+ + "a\2\2\u36f4\u36f5\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u36f5\u36f6\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u36f6\u36f7"+ + "\7a\2\2\u36f7\u36f8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u36f8\u36f9\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u36f9"+ + "\u36fa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u36fa\u36fb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u36fb\u36fc\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u36fc\u36fd\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u36fd\u36fe\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u36fe"+ + "\u36ff\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u36ff\u3700\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3700\u0960\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3701\u3702\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3702\u3703\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u3703\u3704\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3704\u3705\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u3705\u3706\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u3706\u3707\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3707\u3708\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3708\u3709\5"+ + "\u0a67\u0534\2\u3709\u0962\3\2\2\2\u370a\u370b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u370b\u370c"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u370c\u370d\7a\2\2\u370d\u370e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u370e"+ + "\u370f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u370f\u3710\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3710\u3711\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u3711\u3712\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3712\u3713\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3713"+ + "\u3714\7a\2\2\u3714\u3715\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3715\u3716\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ + "\u3716\u3717\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3717\u3718\7a\2\2\u3718\u3719\5\u0a55\u052b"+ + "\2\u3719\u371a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u371a\u371b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u371b\u371c"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u371c\u0964\3\2\2\2\u371d\u371e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u371e"+ + "\u371f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u371f\u3720\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3720\u3721\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u3721\u3722\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3722\u3723\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3723"+ + "\u0966\3\2\2\2\u3724\u3725\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3725\u3726\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u3726\u3727\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3727\u3728\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3728\u3729\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3729\u0968\3\2\2\2\u372a\u372b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u372b\u372c"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u372c\u372d\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u372d\u372e\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u372e\u372f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u372f\u3730\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3730\u3731"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3731\u3732\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3732\u096a\3\2\2\2\u3733"+ + "\u3734\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u3734\u3735\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3735\u3736\5\u0a39"+ + "\u051d\2\u3736\u096c\3\2\2\2\u3737\u3738\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3738\u3739\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u3739\u373a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u373a\u373b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u373b\u373c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u373c\u373d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u373d\u373e\7"+ + "a\2\2\u373e\u373f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u373f\u3740\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3740\u3741"+ + "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u3741\u3742\7a\2\2\u3742\u3743\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3743"+ + "\u3744\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3744\u3745\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3745\u096e\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3746\u3747\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3747\u3748\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3748\u3749\5"+ + "\u0a39\u051d\2\u3749\u374a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u374a\u374b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u374b\u374c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u374c\u374d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u374d\u374e\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u374e\u374f\7a\2\2\u374f\u3750\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3750\u3751"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3751\u3752\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3752\u3753\5\u0a43\u0522"+ + "\2\u3753\u3754\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3754\u3755\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3755\u0970"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3756\u3757\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3757\u3758\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3758"+ + "\u3759\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3759\u375a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u375a\u375b\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u375b\u375c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u375c\u375d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u375d"+ + "\u375e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u375e\u375f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u375f\u3760\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u3760\u0972\3\2\2\2\u3761\u3762\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3762\u3763\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u3763\u3764\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3764\u3765\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u3765\u3766\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3766\u3767\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3767\u3768\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3768\u3769\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3769\u376a\7a\2\2\u376a\u376b"+ + "\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u376b\u376c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u376c\u376d\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u376d\u376e\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u376e\u376f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u376f\u0974"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3770\u3771\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u3771\u3772\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3772"+ + "\u3773\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3773\u3774\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3774\u3775\5\u0a4b"+ + "\u0526\2\u3775\u0976\3\2\2\2\u3776\u3777\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3777\u3778\5"+ + "\u0a57\u052c\2\u3778\u3779\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3779\u377a\7a\2\2\u377a\u377b"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u377b\u377c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u377c\u377d\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u377d\u377e\7a\2\2\u377e\u377f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u377f\u3780\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u3780\u3781\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3781\u3782\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3782"+ + "\u3783\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3783\u3784\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3784\u0978\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3785\u3786\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3786\u3787\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3787\u3788\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3788\u3789\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3789\u378a\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u378a\u378b\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u378b\u097a\3\2\2\2\u378c\u378d\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u378d\u378e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u378e\u378f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u378f\u3790"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3790\u097c\3\2\2\2\u3791\u3792\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3792"+ + "\u3793\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3793\u3794\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3794\u3795\7a\2\2"+ + "\u3795\u3796\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3796\u3797\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3797\u3798\5"+ + "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3798\u097e\3\2\2\2\u3799\u379a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u379a\u379b"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u379b\u379c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u379c\u379d\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u379d\u379e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u379e\u0980\3\2\2\2\u379f\u37a0\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u37a0\u37a1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u37a1\u37a2\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u37a2"+ + "\u37a3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u37a3\u37a4\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u37a4\u37a5\5\u0a5b"+ + "\u052e\2\u37a5\u37a6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u37a6\u37a7\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u37a7"+ + "\u0982\3\2\2\2\u37a8\u37a9\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u37a9\u37aa\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ + "\u37aa\u37ab\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u37ab\u37ac\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37ac\u0984\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u37ad\u37ae\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u37ae\u37af\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u37af\u37b0"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u37b0\u37b1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37b1\u37b2\5\u0a59\u052d"+ + "\2\u37b2\u37b3\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u37b3\u37b4\7a\2\2\u37b4\u37b5\5\u0a41"+ + "\u0521\2\u37b5\u37b6\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u37b6\u37b7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u37b7"+ + "\u37b8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37b8\u37b9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u37b9\u37ba\7a\2\2"+ + "\u37ba\u37bb\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u37bb\u37bc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37bc\u37bd\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u37bd\u0986\3\2\2\2\u37be\u37bf\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u37bf\u37c0"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37c0\u37c1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u37c1\u37c2\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u37c2\u37c3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u37c3\u37c4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u37c4\u37c5"+ + "\7a\2\2\u37c5\u37c6\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u37c6\u37c7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u37c7"+ + "\u37c8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u37c8\u37c9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u37c9\u0988\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u37ca\u37cb\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u37cb\u37cc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37cc\u37cd\5"+ + "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u37cd\u37ce\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u37ce\u37cf\5\u0a63\u0532\2"+ + "\u37cf\u37d0\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u37d0\u37d1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u37d1\u37d2\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u37d2\u37d3\7a\2\2\u37d3\u37d4\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u37d4\u37d5"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u37d5\u37d6\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37d6\u37d7\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u37d7\u37d8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u37d8\u37d9\7a\2\2\u37d9\u37da\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u37da\u37db\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u37db\u37dc\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u37dc"+ + "\u37dd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u37dd\u098a\3\2\2\2\u37de\u37df\5\u0a61\u0531\2"+ + "\u37df\u37e0\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37e0\u37e1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u37e1\u37e2\7"+ + "a\2\2\u37e2\u37e3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u37e3\u37e4\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37e4\u37e5"+ + "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u37e5\u37e6\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u37e6\u098c\3\2\2\2\u37e7"+ + "\u37e8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37e8\u37e9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u37e9\u37ea\5\u0a43"+ + "\u0522\2\u37ea\u37eb\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u37eb\u37ec\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u37ec"+ + "\u37ed\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u37ed\u37ee\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u37ee\u37ef\5\u0a45"+ + "\u0523\2\u37ef\u37f0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u37f0\u098e\3\2\2\2\u37f1\u37f2\5"+ + "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u37f2\u37f3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u37f3\u37f4\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u37f4\u37f5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u37f5\u37f6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u37f6\u37f7\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u37f7\u37f8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37f8\u37f9\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u37f9\u37fa\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u37fa\u37fb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u37fb\u37fc\7"+ + "a\2\2\u37fc\u37fd\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u37fd\u37fe\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37fe\u37ff"+ + "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u37ff\u3800\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3800\u0990\3\2\2\2\u3801"+ + "\u3802\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3802\u3803\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3803\u3804\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u3804\u3805\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3805\u3806\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3806"+ + "\u0992\3\2\2\2\u3807\u3808\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3808\u3809\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ + "\u3809\u380a\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u380a\u380b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u380b\u380c\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u380c\u380d\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u380d\u380e\7a\2\2\u380e\u380f"+ + "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u380f\u3810\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3810\u3811\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u3811\u3812\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3812\u3813\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3813\u3814"+ + "\7a\2\2\u3814\u3815\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3815\u3816\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3816"+ + "\u3817\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3817\u3818\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3818\u3819\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u3819\u381a\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u381a\u381b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u381b"+ + "\u381c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u381c\u0994\3\2\2\2\u381d\u381e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ + "\u381e\u381f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u381f\u3820\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3820\u0996\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3821\u3822\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u3822\u3823\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3823\u3824"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3824\u3825\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3825\u3826\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u3826\u0998\3\2\2\2\u3827\u3828\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3828\u3829\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u3829\u382a\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u382a\u382b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u382b"+ + "\u382c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u382c\u382d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u382d\u382e\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u382e\u382f\7a\2\2\u382f\u3830\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3830\u3831\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u3831\u3832\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u3832\u3833\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u3833\u3834\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3834\u3835\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u3835\u3836\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u3836\u3837\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3837\u3838\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u3838\u3839\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3839\u099a\3\2\2\2\u383a\u383b\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u383b\u383c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u383c\u383d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u383d\u383e"+ + "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u383e\u383f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u383f\u3840\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u3840\u3841\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3841\u3842\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3842\u099c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3843\u3844\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3844\u3845\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3845"+ + "\u3846\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3846\u3847\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3847\u3848\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u3848\u3849\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3849\u384a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u384a"+ + "\u099e\3\2\2\2\u384b\u384c\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u384c\u384d\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ + "\u384d\u384e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u384e\u384f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u384f\u3850\5"+ + "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3850\u3851\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3851\u3852\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ + "\u3852\u3853\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3853\u3854\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3854\u3855\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3855\u09a0\3\2\2\2\u3856\u3857\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3857\u3858"+ + "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3858\u3859\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3859\u385a\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u385a\u385b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u385b\u385c\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u385c\u385d"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u385d\u385e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u385e\u385f\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u385f\u3860\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3860\u3861\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3861\u3862"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3862\u3863\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3863\u3864\5\u0a43\u0522"+ + "\2\u3864\u09a2\3\2\2\2\u3865\u3866\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3866\u3867\5\u0a65"+ + "\u0533\2\u3867\u3868\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3868\u3869\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3869"+ + "\u386a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u386a\u386b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u386b\u386c\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u386c\u386d\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u386d\u386e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u386e"+ + "\u386f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u386f\u3870\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3870\u3871\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u3871\u09a4\3\2\2\2\u3872\u3873\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3873\u3874\5"+ + "\u0a53\u052a\2\u3874\u3875\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3875\u3876\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ + "\u3876\u3877\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3877\u3878\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3878\u3879\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3879\u387a\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u387a\u387b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ + "\u387b\u387c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u387c\u387d\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u387d\u387e\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u387e\u387f\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u387f\u3880\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u3880\u3881\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3881\u3882\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u3882\u09a6\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3883\u3884\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3884\u3885\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3885\u3886"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3886\u3887\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3887\u3888\5\u0a45\u0523"+ + "\2\u3888\u3889\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3889\u388a\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u388a\u388b"+ + "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u388b\u388c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u388c\u388d\5\u0a45\u0523"+ + "\2\u388d\u388e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u388e\u388f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u388f\u3890"+ + "\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u3890\u09a8\3\2\2\2\u3891\u3892\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3892"+ + "\u3893\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3893\u3894\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3894\u3895\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u3895\u3896\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3896\u3897\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3897"+ + "\u3898\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3898\u3899\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3899\u389a\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u389a\u389b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u389b\u389c\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u389c"+ + "\u09aa\3\2\2\2\u389d\u389e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u389e\u389f\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u389f\u38a0\7a\2\2\u38a0\u38a1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u38a1\u38a2\5\u0a65\u0533"+ + "\2\u38a2\u38a3\7a\2\2\u38a3\u38a4\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u38a4\u38a5\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u38a5\u38a6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u38a6\u38a7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u38a7"+ + "\u38a8\7a\2\2\u38a8\u38a9\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u38a9\u38aa\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ + "\u38aa\u38ab\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u38ab\u38ac\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u38ac\u38ad\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u38ad\u38ae\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u38ae\u09ac\3\2\2\2\u38af\u38b0"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u38b0\u38b1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u38b1\u38b2\5\u0a37\u051c"+ + "\2\u38b2\u38b3\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u38b3\u38b4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u38b4\u38b5"+ + "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u38b5\u38b6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u38b6\u38b7\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u38b7\u38b8\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u38b8\u38b9\7a\2\2\u38b9\u38ba\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u38ba\u38bb\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u38bb\u09ae\3\2\2\2\u38bc\u38bd\5"+ + "\u0a45\u0523\2\u38bd\u38be\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u38be\u38bf\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ + "\u38bf\u38c0\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u38c0\u38c1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u38c1\u38c2\5"+ + "\u0a59\u052d\2\u38c2\u38c3\7a\2\2\u38c3\u38c4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u38c4\u38c5"+ + "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u38c5\u38c6\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u38c6\u38c7\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u38c7\u38c8\7a\2\2\u38c8\u38c9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u38c9\u38ca\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u38ca\u09b0\3\2\2\2\u38cb\u38cc\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u38cc\u38cd\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u38cd\u38ce\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u38ce\u38cf\5\u0a4b\u0526\2"+ + "\u38cf\u09b2\3\2\2\2\u38d0\u38d1\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u38d1\u38d2\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u38d2\u38d3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u38d3\u38d4\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u38d4\u09b4"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u38d5\u38d6\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u38d6\u38d7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u38d7"+ + "\u38d8\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u38d8\u38d9\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u38d9\u38da\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u38da\u38db\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u38db\u38dc\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u38dc"+ + "\u38dd\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u38dd\u38de\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u38de\u38df\5\u0a53"+ + "\u052a\2\u38df\u38e0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u38e0\u38e1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u38e1"+ + "\u38e2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u38e2\u09b6\3\2\2\2\u38e3\u38e4\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ + "\u38e4\u38e5\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u38e5\u38e6\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u38e6\u38e7\5"+ + "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u38e7\u38e8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u38e8\u38e9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u38e9\u38ea\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u38ea\u38eb\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u38eb\u38ec\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u38ec\u38ed\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u38ed\u38ee\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u38ee\u09b8\3\2\2\2\u38ef\u38f0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u38f0\u38f1\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u38f1\u38f2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u38f2\u38f3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u38f3\u38f4"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u38f4\u09ba\3\2\2\2\u38f5\u38f6\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u38f6"+ + "\u38f7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u38f7\u38f8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u38f8\u38f9\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u38f9\u38fa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u38fa\u38fb\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u38fb"+ + "\u38fc\7a\2\2\u38fc\u38fd\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u38fd\u38fe\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ + "\u38fe\u38ff\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u38ff\u3900\7a\2\2\u3900\u3901\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u3901\u3902\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3902\u3903\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3903\u3904"+ + "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3904\u3905\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3905\u3906\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u3906\u3907\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3907\u09bc\3\2\2\2\u3908\u3909\5\u0a3b"+ + "\u051e\2\u3909\u390a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u390a\u390b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u390b"+ + "\u390c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u390c\u390d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u390d\u390e\5\u0a3d"+ + "\u051f\2\u390e\u390f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u390f\u3910\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3910"+ + "\u09be\3\2\2\2\u3911\u3912\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3912\u3913\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ + "\u3913\u3914\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3914\u3915\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u3915\u3916\5"+ + "\u0a47\u0524\2\u3916\u3917\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3917\u09c0\3\2\2\2\u3918\u3919"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3919\u391a\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u391a\u391b\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ + "\2\u391b\u391c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u391c\u391d\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u391d\u391e"+ + "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u391e\u391f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u391f\u3920\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u3920\u3921\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3921\u09c2\3\2\2\2\u3922\u3923\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u3923\u3924\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3924\u3925\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3925"+ + "\u3926\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3926\u3927\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3927\u3928\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u3928\u09c4\3\2\2\2\u3929\u392a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u392a\u392b\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u392b\u392c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u392c\u392d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u392d\u392e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u392e\u392f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u392f\u3930\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u3930\u3931\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3931\u09c6\3\2\2\2\u3932\u3933"+ + "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3933\u3934\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3934\u3935\5\u0a51\u0529"+ + "\2\u3935\u09c8\3\2\2\2\u3936\u3937\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3937\u3938\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u3938\u3939\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3939\u393a\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u393a"+ + "\u393b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u393b\u09ca\3\2\2\2\u393c\u393e\t\b\2\2\u393d\u393c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u393e\u393f\3\2\2\2\u393f\u393d\3\2\2\2\u393f\u3940\3\2\2\2\u3940"+ + "\u09cc\3\2\2\2\u3941\u3943\t\b\2\2\u3942\u3941\3\2\2\2\u3943\u3944\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3944\u3942\3\2\2\2\u3944\u3945\3\2\2\2\u3945\u3946\3\2\2\2\u3946"+ + "\u3948\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3947\u3949\t\13\2\2\u3948\u3947\3\2\2\2\u3948"+ + "\u3949\3\2\2\2\u3949\u394b\3\2\2\2\u394a\u394c\t\b\2\2\u394b\u394a\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u394c\u394d\3\2\2\2\u394d\u394b\3\2\2\2\u394d\u394e\3\2\2\2\u394e"+ + "\u394f\3\2\2\2\u394f\u3950\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3950\u397a\3\2\2\2\u3951\u3953"+ + "\t\b\2\2\u3952\u3951\3\2\2\2\u3953\u3954\3\2\2\2\u3954\u3952\3\2\2\2\u3954"+ + "\u3955\3\2\2\2\u3955\u3956\3\2\2\2\u3956\u395a\7\60\2\2\u3957\u3959\t"+ + 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"\3\2\2\2\u3979\u3968\3\2\2\2\u397a\u3a36\3\2\2\2\u397b\u397d\t\b\2\2\u397c"+ + "\u397b\3\2\2\2\u397d\u397e\3\2\2\2\u397e\u397c\3\2\2\2\u397e\u397f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u397f\u3980\3\2\2\2\u3980\u3982\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3981\u3983\t\13"+ + "\2\2\u3982\u3981\3\2\2\2\u3982\u3983\3\2\2\2\u3983\u3985\3\2\2\2\u3984"+ + "\u3986\t\b\2\2\u3985\u3984\3\2\2\2\u3986\u3987\3\2\2\2\u3987\u3985\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3987\u3988\3\2\2\2\u3988\u3989\3\2\2\2\u3989\u398a\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u398a\u39b4\3\2\2\2\u398b\u398d\t\b\2\2\u398c\u398b\3\2\2\2\u398d\u398e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u398e\u398c\3\2\2\2\u398e\u398f\3\2\2\2\u398f\u3990\3\2\2\2\u3990"+ + "\u3994\7\60\2\2\u3991\u3993\t\b\2\2\u3992\u3991\3\2\2\2\u3993\u3996\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3994\u3992\3\2\2\2\u3994\u3995\3\2\2\2\u3995\u3997\3\2\2\2\u3996"+ + "\u3994\3\2\2\2\u3997\u3999\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3998\u399a\t\13\2\2\u3999"+ + "\u3998\3\2\2\2\u3999\u399a\3\2\2\2\u399a\u399c\3\2\2\2\u399b\u399d\t\b"+ + "\2\2\u399c\u399b\3\2\2\2\u399d\u399e\3\2\2\2\u399e\u399c\3\2\2\2\u399e"+ + "\u399f\3\2\2\2\u399f\u39a0\3\2\2\2\u39a0\u39a1\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u39a1\u39b4"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u39a2\u39a4\7\60\2\2\u39a3\u39a5\t\b\2\2\u39a4\u39a3\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u39a5\u39a6\3\2\2\2\u39a6\u39a4\3\2\2\2\u39a6\u39a7\3\2\2\2\u39a7\u39a8"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u39a8\u39aa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u39a9\u39ab\t\13\2\2\u39aa\u39a9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u39aa\u39ab\3\2\2\2\u39ab\u39ad\3\2\2\2\u39ac\u39ae\t\b\2\2\u39ad"+ + "\u39ac\3\2\2\2\u39ae\u39af\3\2\2\2\u39af\u39ad\3\2\2\2\u39af\u39b0\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u39b0\u39b1\3\2\2\2\u39b1\u39b2\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u39b2\u39b4\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u39b3\u397c\3\2\2\2\u39b3\u398c\3\2\2\2\u39b3\u39a2\3\2\2\2\u39b4\u3a36"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u39b5\u39b7\t\b\2\2\u39b6\u39b5\3\2\2\2\u39b7\u39b8\3\2\2\2\u39b8"+ + "\u39b6\3\2\2\2\u39b8\u39b9\3\2\2\2\u39b9\u39ba\3\2\2\2\u39ba\u39bc\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u39bb\u39bd\t\13\2\2\u39bc\u39bb\3\2\2\2\u39bc\u39bd\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u39bd\u39bf\3\2\2\2\u39be\u39c0\t\b\2\2\u39bf\u39be\3\2\2\2\u39c0\u39c1"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u39c1\u39bf\3\2\2\2\u39c1\u39c2\3\2\2\2\u39c2\u39e8\3\2\2\2\u39c3"+ + "\u39c5\t\b\2\2\u39c4\u39c3\3\2\2\2\u39c5\u39c6\3\2\2\2\u39c6\u39c4\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u39c6\u39c7\3\2\2\2\u39c7\u39c8\3\2\2\2\u39c8\u39cc\7\60\2\2\u39c9"+ + "\u39cb\t\b\2\2\u39ca\u39c9\3\2\2\2\u39cb\u39ce\3\2\2\2\u39cc\u39ca\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u39cc\u39cd\3\2\2\2\u39cd\u39cf\3\2\2\2\u39ce\u39cc\3\2\2\2\u39cf"+ + "\u39d1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u39d0\u39d2\t\13\2\2\u39d1\u39d0\3\2\2\2\u39d1"+ + "\u39d2\3\2\2\2\u39d2\u39d4\3\2\2\2\u39d3\u39d5\t\b\2\2\u39d4\u39d3\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u39d5\u39d6\3\2\2\2\u39d6\u39d4\3\2\2\2\u39d6\u39d7\3\2\2\2\u39d7"+ + "\u39e8\3\2\2\2\u39d8\u39da\7\60\2\2\u39d9\u39db\t\b\2\2\u39da\u39d9\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u39db\u39dc\3\2\2\2\u39dc\u39da\3\2\2\2\u39dc\u39dd\3\2\2\2\u39dd"+ + "\u39de\3\2\2\2\u39de\u39e0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u39df\u39e1\t\13\2\2\u39e0"+ + "\u39df\3\2\2\2\u39e0\u39e1\3\2\2\2\u39e1\u39e3\3\2\2\2\u39e2\u39e4\t\b"+ + "\2\2\u39e3\u39e2\3\2\2\2\u39e4\u39e5\3\2\2\2\u39e5\u39e3\3\2\2\2\u39e5"+ + "\u39e6\3\2\2\2\u39e6\u39e8\3\2\2\2\u39e7\u39b6\3\2\2\2\u39e7\u39c4\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u39e7\u39d8\3\2\2\2\u39e8\u3a36\3\2\2\2\u39e9\u39eb\t\b\2\2\u39ea"+ + "\u39e9\3\2\2\2\u39eb\u39ec\3\2\2\2\u39ec\u39ea\3\2\2\2\u39ec\u39ed\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u39ed\u39ee\3\2\2\2\u39ee\u39f2\7\60\2\2\u39ef\u39f1\t\b\2\2\u39f0"+ + "\u39ef\3\2\2\2\u39f1\u39f4\3\2\2\2\u39f2\u39f0\3\2\2\2\u39f2\u39f3\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u39f3\u39f5\3\2\2\2\u39f4\u39f2\3\2\2\2\u39f5\u3a04\5\u0a41\u0521"+ + "\2\u39f6\u39f8\t\b\2\2\u39f7\u39f6\3\2\2\2\u39f8\u39f9\3\2\2\2\u39f9\u39f7"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u39f9\u39fa\3\2\2\2\u39fa\u39fb\3\2\2\2\u39fb\u3a04\5\u0a41\u0521"+ + "\2\u39fc\u39fe\7\60\2\2\u39fd\u39ff\t\b\2\2\u39fe\u39fd\3\2\2\2\u39ff"+ + "\u3a00\3\2\2\2\u3a00\u39fe\3\2\2\2\u3a00\u3a01\3\2\2\2\u3a01\u3a02\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3a02\u3a04\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3a03\u39ea\3\2\2\2\u3a03\u39f7\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u3a03\u39fc\3\2\2\2\u3a04\u3a36\3\2\2\2\u3a05\u3a07\t\b\2\2\u3a06\u3a05"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3a07\u3a08\3\2\2\2\u3a08\u3a06\3\2\2\2\u3a08\u3a09\3\2\2\2\u3a09"+ + "\u3a0a\3\2\2\2\u3a0a\u3a0e\7\60\2\2\u3a0b\u3a0d\t\b\2\2\u3a0c\u3a0b\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3a0d\u3a10\3\2\2\2\u3a0e\u3a0c\3\2\2\2\u3a0e\u3a0f\3\2\2\2\u3a0f"+ + "\u3a11\3\2\2\2\u3a10\u3a0e\3\2\2\2\u3a11\u3a20\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3a12\u3a14"+ + "\t\b\2\2\u3a13\u3a12\3\2\2\2\u3a14\u3a15\3\2\2\2\u3a15\u3a13\3\2\2\2\u3a15"+ + "\u3a16\3\2\2\2\u3a16\u3a17\3\2\2\2\u3a17\u3a20\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3a18\u3a1a"+ + "\7\60\2\2\u3a19\u3a1b\t\b\2\2\u3a1a\u3a19\3\2\2\2\u3a1b\u3a1c\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3a1c\u3a1a\3\2\2\2\u3a1c\u3a1d\3\2\2\2\u3a1d\u3a1e\3\2\2\2\u3a1e\u3a20"+ + "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3a1f\u3a06\3\2\2\2\u3a1f\u3a13\3\2\2\2\u3a1f\u3a18\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3a20\u3a36\3\2\2\2\u3a21\u3a23\t\b\2\2\u3a22\u3a21\3\2\2\2\u3a23"+ + "\u3a24\3\2\2\2\u3a24\u3a22\3\2\2\2\u3a24\u3a25\3\2\2\2\u3a25\u3a26\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3a26\u3a2a\7\60\2\2\u3a27\u3a29\t\b\2\2\u3a28\u3a27\3\2\2\2\u3a29"+ + "\u3a2c\3\2\2\2\u3a2a\u3a28\3\2\2\2\u3a2a\u3a2b\3\2\2\2\u3a2b\u3a34\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3a2c\u3a2a\3\2\2\2\u3a2d\u3a2f\7\60\2\2\u3a2e\u3a30\t\b\2\2\u3a2f"+ + "\u3a2e\3\2\2\2\u3a30\u3a31\3\2\2\2\u3a31\u3a2f\3\2\2\2\u3a31\u3a32\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3a32\u3a34\3\2\2\2\u3a33\u3a22\3\2\2\2\u3a33\u3a2d\3\2\2\2\u3a34"+ + "\u3a36\3\2\2\2\u3a35\u3979\3\2\2\2\u3a35\u39b3\3\2\2\2\u3a35\u39e7\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3a35\u3a03\3\2\2\2\u3a35\u3a1f\3\2\2\2\u3a35\u3a33\3\2\2\2\u3a36"+ + "\u09ce\3\2\2\2\u3a37\u3a38\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3a38\u3a39\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ + "\u3a39\u3a3a\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3a3a\u3a3b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3a3b\u3a43\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3a3c\u3a3d\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3a3d\u3a3e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3a3e\u3a3f"+ + "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3a3f\u3a40\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3a40\u3a41\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u3a41\u3a43\3\2\2\2\u3a42\u3a37\3\2\2\2\u3a42\u3a3c\3\2\2\2\u3a43\u09d0"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3a44\u3a45\7B\2\2\u3a45\u09d2\3\2\2\2\u3a46\u3a47\7]\2\2\u3a47"+ + "\u09d4\3\2\2\2\u3a48\u3a49\7}\2\2\u3a49\u09d6\3\2\2\2\u3a4a\u3a4b\7_\2"+ + "\2\u3a4b\u09d8\3\2\2\2\u3a4c\u3a4d\7\177\2\2\u3a4d\u09da\3\2\2\2\u3a4e"+ + "\u3a4f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3a4f\u3a50\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3a50\u3a51\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u3a51\u3a60\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3a52\u3a54\t\2\2\2\u3a53\u3a52\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3a54\u3a55\3\2\2\2\u3a55\u3a53\3\2\2\2\u3a55\u3a56\3\2\2\2\u3a56"+ + "\u3a61\3\2\2\2\u3a57\u3a58\7/\2\2\u3a58\u3a59\7/\2\2\u3a59\u3a5d\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u3a5a\u3a5c\n\3\2\2\u3a5b\u3a5a\3\2\2\2\u3a5c\u3a5f\3\2\2\2\u3a5d\u3a5b"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3a5d\u3a5e\3\2\2\2\u3a5e\u3a61\3\2\2\2\u3a5f\u3a5d\3\2\2\2\u3a60"+ + "\u3a53\3\2\2\2\u3a60\u3a57\3\2\2\2\u3a60\u3a61\3\2\2\2\u3a61\u3a62\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3a62\u3a66\7)\2\2\u3a63\u3a65\n\f\2\2\u3a64\u3a63\3\2\2\2\u3a65"+ + "\u3a68\3\2\2\2\u3a66\u3a64\3\2\2\2\u3a66\u3a67\3\2\2\2\u3a67\u3a69\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3a68\u3a66\3\2\2\2\u3a69\u3a6a\7)\2\2\u3a6a\u3a8e\3\2\2\2\u3a6b"+ + "\u3a6c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3a6c\u3a6d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3a6d\u3a6e\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u3a6e\u3a6f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3a6f\u3a70\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3a70"+ + "\u3a71\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3a71\u3a72\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3a72\u3a73\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u3a73\u3a82\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3a74\u3a76\t\2\2\2\u3a75\u3a74\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3a76\u3a77\3\2\2\2\u3a77\u3a75\3\2\2\2\u3a77\u3a78\3\2\2\2\u3a78"+ + "\u3a83\3\2\2\2\u3a79\u3a7a\7/\2\2\u3a7a\u3a7b\7/\2\2\u3a7b\u3a7f\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u3a7c\u3a7e\n\3\2\2\u3a7d\u3a7c\3\2\2\2\u3a7e\u3a81\3\2\2\2\u3a7f\u3a7d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3a7f\u3a80\3\2\2\2\u3a80\u3a83\3\2\2\2\u3a81\u3a7f\3\2\2\2\u3a82"+ + "\u3a75\3\2\2\2\u3a82\u3a79\3\2\2\2\u3a82\u3a83\3\2\2\2\u3a83\u3a84\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3a84\u3a88\7)\2\2\u3a85\u3a87\n\f\2\2\u3a86\u3a85\3\2\2\2\u3a87"+ + "\u3a8a\3\2\2\2\u3a88\u3a86\3\2\2\2\u3a88\u3a89\3\2\2\2\u3a89\u3a8b\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3a8a\u3a88\3\2\2\2\u3a8b\u3a8c\7)\2\2\u3a8c\u3a8e\3\2\2\2\u3a8d"+ + "\u3a4e\3\2\2\2\u3a8d\u3a6b\3\2\2\2\u3a8e\u09dc\3\2\2\2\u3a8f\u3a90\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u3a90\u3a91\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3a91\u3a92\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3a92"+ + "\u3a93\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3a93\u3a94\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3a94\u3a95\5\u0a61"+ + "\u0531\2\u3a95\u3a96\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3a96\u3a98\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3a97"+ + "\u3a99\5\u0a81\u0541\2\u3a98\u3a97\3\2\2\2\u3a98\u3a99\3\2\2\2\u3a99\u3a9a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3a9a\u3a9e\7)\2\2\u3a9b\u3a9d\n\f\2\2\u3a9c\u3a9b\3\2\2\2\u3a9d"+ + "\u3aa0\3\2\2\2\u3a9e\u3a9c\3\2\2\2\u3a9e\u3a9f\3\2\2\2\u3a9f\u3aa1\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3aa0\u3a9e\3\2\2\2\u3aa1\u3aa5\7)\2\2\u3aa2\u3aa4\5\u0a7b\u053e"+ + "\2\u3aa3\u3aa2\3\2\2\2\u3aa4\u3aa7\3\2\2\2\u3aa5\u3aa3\3\2\2\2\u3aa5\u3aa6"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3aa6\u3ab3\3\2\2\2\u3aa7\u3aa5\3\2\2\2\u3aa8\u3aa9\5\u0a67\u0534"+ + "\2\u3aa9\u3aaa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3aaa\u3aab\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3aab\u3aac"+ + "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3aac\u3ab4\3\2\2\2\u3aad\u3aae\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3aae"+ + "\u3aaf\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3aaf\u3ab0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3ab0\u3ab1\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u3ab1\u3ab2\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3ab2\u3ab4\3\2\2\2\u3ab3\u3aa8\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3ab3\u3aad\3\2\2\2\u3ab4\u3ab6\3\2\2\2\u3ab5\u3ab7\5\u0a7d\u053f"+ + "\2\u3ab6\u3ab5\3\2\2\2\u3ab6\u3ab7\3\2\2\2\u3ab7\u3bb9\3\2\2\2\u3ab8\u3ab9"+ + "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3ab9\u3aba\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3aba\u3abb\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ + "\2\u3abb\u3abc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3abc\u3abd\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3abd\u3abe"+ + "\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u3abe\u3abf\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3abf\u3ac1\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ + "\2\u3ac0\u3ac2\5\u0a81\u0541\2\u3ac1\u3ac0\3\2\2\2\u3ac1\u3ac2\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3ac2\u3ac3\3\2\2\2\u3ac3\u3ac7\7)\2\2\u3ac4\u3ac6\n\f\2\2\u3ac5\u3ac4"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3ac6\u3ac9\3\2\2\2\u3ac7\u3ac5\3\2\2\2\u3ac7\u3ac8\3\2\2\2\u3ac8"+ + "\u3aca\3\2\2\2\u3ac9\u3ac7\3\2\2\2\u3aca\u3ace\7)\2\2\u3acb\u3acd\5\u0a7b"+ + "\u053e\2\u3acc\u3acb\3\2\2\2\u3acd\u3ad0\3\2\2\2\u3ace\u3acc\3\2\2\2\u3ace"+ + "\u3acf\3\2\2\2\u3acf\u3adc\3\2\2\2\u3ad0\u3ace\3\2\2\2\u3ad1\u3ad2\5\u0a67"+ + "\u0534\2\u3ad2\u3ad3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3ad3\u3ad4\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3ad4"+ + "\u3ad5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3ad5\u3add\3\2\2\2\u3ad6\u3ad7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ + "\u3ad7\u3ad8\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3ad8\u3ad9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3ad9\u3ada\5"+ + "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3ada\u3adb\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3adb\u3add\3\2\2\2\u3adc\u3ad1"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3adc\u3ad6\3\2\2\2\u3add\u3aea\3\2\2\2\u3ade\u3ae2\5\u0a7d\u053f"+ + "\2\u3adf\u3ae1\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3ae0\u3adf\3\2\2\2\u3ae1\u3ae4\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3ae2\u3ae0\3\2\2\2\u3ae2\u3ae3\3\2\2\2\u3ae3\u3aeb\3\2\2\2\u3ae4\u3ae2"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3ae5\u3ae7\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3ae6\u3ae5\3\2\2\2\u3ae7\u3ae8\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3ae8\u3ae6\3\2\2\2\u3ae8\u3ae9\3\2\2\2\u3ae9\u3aeb\3\2\2\2\u3aea"+ + "\u3ade\3\2\2\2\u3aea\u3ae6\3\2\2\2\u3aeb\u3aec\3\2\2\2\u3aec\u3aed\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u3aed\u3aef\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3aee\u3af0\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3aef"+ + "\u3aee\3\2\2\2\u3af0\u3af1\3\2\2\2\u3af1\u3aef\3\2\2\2\u3af1\u3af2\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3af2\u3afe\3\2\2\2\u3af3\u3af4\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3af4\u3af5\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u3af5\u3af6\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3af6\u3af7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3af7"+ + "\u3aff\3\2\2\2\u3af8\u3af9\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3af9\u3afa\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u3afa\u3afb\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3afb\u3afc\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3afc\u3afd\5"+ + "\u0a45\u0523\2\u3afd\u3aff\3\2\2\2\u3afe\u3af3\3\2\2\2\u3afe\u3af8\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3aff\u3bb9\3\2\2\2\u3b00\u3b01\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3b01\u3b02\5\u0a51"+ + "\u0529\2\u3b02\u3b03\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3b03\u3b04\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3b04"+ + "\u3b05\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3b05\u3b06\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u3b06\u3b07\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u3b07\u3b09\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3b08\u3b0a\5\u0a81\u0541\2\u3b09"+ + "\u3b08\3\2\2\2\u3b09\u3b0a\3\2\2\2\u3b0a\u3b0b\3\2\2\2\u3b0b\u3b0f\7)"+ + "\2\2\u3b0c\u3b0e\n\f\2\2\u3b0d\u3b0c\3\2\2\2\u3b0e\u3b11\3\2\2\2\u3b0f"+ + "\u3b0d\3\2\2\2\u3b0f\u3b10\3\2\2\2\u3b10\u3b12\3\2\2\2\u3b11\u3b0f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3b12\u3b16\7)\2\2\u3b13\u3b15\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3b14\u3b13\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u3b15\u3b18\3\2\2\2\u3b16\u3b14\3\2\2\2\u3b16\u3b17\3\2\2\2\u3b17\u3b30"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3b18\u3b16\3\2\2\2\u3b19\u3b1a\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3b1a\u3b1b\5"+ + "\u0a37\u051c\2\u3b1b\u3b1c\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3b1c\u3b31\3\2\2\2\u3b1d\u3b1e"+ + "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3b1e\u3b1f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3b1f\u3b20\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ + "\2\u3b20\u3b21\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3b21\u3b31\3\2\2\2\u3b22\u3b23\5\u0a4f"+ + "\u0528\2\u3b23\u3b24\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3b24\u3b25\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3b25"+ + "\u3b26\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3b26\u3b27\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3b27\u3b28\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u3b28\u3b31\3\2\2\2\u3b29\u3b2a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3b2a\u3b2b\5"+ + "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3b2b\u3b2c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3b2c\u3b2d\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ + "\u3b2d\u3b2e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3b2e\u3b2f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3b2f\u3b31\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3b30\u3b19\3\2\2\2\u3b30\u3b1d\3\2\2\2\u3b30\u3b22\3\2\2\2\u3b30"+ + "\u3b29\3\2\2\2\u3b31\u3b33\3\2\2\2\u3b32\u3b34\5\u0a7d\u053f\2\u3b33\u3b32"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3b33\u3b34\3\2\2\2\u3b34\u3bb9\3\2\2\2\u3b35\u3b36\5\u0a47\u0524"+ + "\2\u3b36\u3b37\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3b37\u3b38\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3b38\u3b39"+ + "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3b39\u3b3a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3b3a\u3b3b\5\u0a61\u0531"+ + "\2\u3b3b\u3b3c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3b3c\u3b3e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3b3d\u3b3f"+ + "\5\u0a81\u0541\2\u3b3e\u3b3d\3\2\2\2\u3b3e\u3b3f\3\2\2\2\u3b3f\u3b40\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3b40\u3b44\7)\2\2\u3b41\u3b43\n\f\2\2\u3b42\u3b41\3\2\2\2\u3b43"+ + "\u3b46\3\2\2\2\u3b44\u3b42\3\2\2\2\u3b44\u3b45\3\2\2\2\u3b45\u3b47\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3b46\u3b44\3\2\2\2\u3b47\u3b4b\7)\2\2\u3b48\u3b4a\5\u0a7b\u053e"+ + "\2\u3b49\u3b48\3\2\2\2\u3b4a\u3b4d\3\2\2\2\u3b4b\u3b49\3\2\2\2\u3b4b\u3b4c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3b4c\u3b4e\3\2\2\2\u3b4d\u3b4b\3\2\2\2\u3b4e\u3b4f\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u3b4f\u3b50\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3b50\u3b51\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3b51\u3b52"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3b52\u3b53\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3b53\u3b54\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u3b54\u3b55\5\u0a7f\u0540\2\u3b55\u3bb9\3\2\2\2\u3b56\u3b57\5\u0a47"+ + "\u0524\2\u3b57\u3b58\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3b58\u3b59\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3b59"+ + "\u3b5a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3b5a\u3b5b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3b5b\u3b5c\5\u0a61"+ + "\u0531\2\u3b5c\u3b5d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3b5d\u3b5f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3b5e"+ + "\u3b60\5\u0a81\u0541\2\u3b5f\u3b5e\3\2\2\2\u3b5f\u3b60\3\2\2\2\u3b60\u3b61"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3b61\u3b65\7)\2\2\u3b62\u3b64\n\f\2\2\u3b63\u3b62\3\2\2\2\u3b64"+ + "\u3b67\3\2\2\2\u3b65\u3b63\3\2\2\2\u3b65\u3b66\3\2\2\2\u3b66\u3b68\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3b67\u3b65\3\2\2\2\u3b68\u3b6c\7)\2\2\u3b69\u3b6b\5\u0a7b\u053e"+ + "\2\u3b6a\u3b69\3\2\2\2\u3b6b\u3b6e\3\2\2\2\u3b6c\u3b6a\3\2\2\2\u3b6c\u3b6d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3b6d\u3b86\3\2\2\2\u3b6e\u3b6c\3\2\2\2\u3b6f\u3b70\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u3b70\u3b71\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3b71\u3b72\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3b72\u3b87"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3b73\u3b74\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3b74\u3b75\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3b75"+ + "\u3b76\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3b76\u3b77\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3b77\u3b87\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3b78\u3b79\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3b79\u3b7a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3b7a\u3b7b\5"+ + "\u0a51\u0529\2\u3b7b\u3b7c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3b7c\u3b7d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ + "\u3b7d\u3b7e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3b7e\u3b87\3\2\2\2\u3b7f\u3b80\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ + "\2\u3b80\u3b81\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3b81\u3b82\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3b82\u3b83"+ + "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3b83\u3b84\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3b84\u3b85\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ + "\2\u3b85\u3b87\3\2\2\2\u3b86\u3b6f\3\2\2\2\u3b86\u3b73\3\2\2\2\u3b86\u3b78"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3b86\u3b7f\3\2\2\2\u3b87\u3b94\3\2\2\2\u3b88\u3b8c\5\u0a7d\u053f"+ + "\2\u3b89\u3b8b\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3b8a\u3b89\3\2\2\2\u3b8b\u3b8e\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3b8c\u3b8a\3\2\2\2\u3b8c\u3b8d\3\2\2\2\u3b8d\u3b95\3\2\2\2\u3b8e\u3b8c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3b8f\u3b91\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3b90\u3b8f\3\2\2\2\u3b91\u3b92\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3b92\u3b90\3\2\2\2\u3b92\u3b93\3\2\2\2\u3b93\u3b95\3\2\2\2\u3b94"+ + "\u3b88\3\2\2\2\u3b94\u3b90\3\2\2\2\u3b95\u3b96\3\2\2\2\u3b96\u3b97\5\u0a5d"+ + "\u052f\2\u3b97\u3b99\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3b98\u3b9a\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3b99"+ + "\u3b98\3\2\2\2\u3b9a\u3b9b\3\2\2\2\u3b9b\u3b99\3\2\2\2\u3b9b\u3b9c\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3b9c\u3bb6\3\2\2\2\u3b9d\u3b9e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3b9e\u3b9f\5\u0a37"+ + "\u051c\2\u3b9f\u3ba0\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3ba0\u3bb7\3\2\2\2\u3ba1\u3ba2\5"+ + "\u0a45\u0523\2\u3ba2\u3ba3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3ba3\u3ba4\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ + "\u3ba4\u3ba5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3ba5\u3bb7\3\2\2\2\u3ba6\u3ba7\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ + "\2\u3ba7\u3ba8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3ba8\u3ba9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3ba9\u3baa"+ + "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3baa\u3bab\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3bab\u3bac\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ + "\2\u3bac\u3bb7\3\2\2\2\u3bad\u3bae\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3bae\u3baf\5\u0a3f"+ + "\u0520\2\u3baf\u3bb0\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3bb0\u3bb1\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3bb1"+ + "\u3bb2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3bb2\u3bb4\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3bb3\u3bb5\5\u0a7d"+ + "\u053f\2\u3bb4\u3bb3\3\2\2\2\u3bb4\u3bb5\3\2\2\2\u3bb5\u3bb7\3\2\2\2\u3bb6"+ + "\u3b9d\3\2\2\2\u3bb6\u3ba1\3\2\2\2\u3bb6\u3ba6\3\2\2\2\u3bb6\u3bad\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3bb7\u3bb9\3\2\2\2\u3bb8\u3a8f\3\2\2\2\u3bb8\u3ab8\3\2\2\2\u3bb8"+ + "\u3b00\3\2\2\2\u3bb8\u3b35\3\2\2\2\u3bb8\u3b56\3\2\2\2\u3bb9\u09de\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3bba\u3bbb\7\61\2\2\u3bbb\u3bbc\7,\2\2\u3bbc\u3bbd\5\u0a45\u0523"+ + 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"\62\2\2\u3cf3\u0a4a\3\2\2\2\u3cf4\u3cf5\t\63\2\2\u3cf5\u0a4c\3\2\2\2\u3cf6"+ + "\u3cf7\t\64\2\2\u3cf7\u0a4e\3\2\2\2\u3cf8\u3cf9\t\65\2\2\u3cf9\u0a50\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3cfa\u3cfb\t%\2\2\u3cfb\u0a52\3\2\2\2\u3cfc\u3cfd\t\66\2\2\u3cfd"+ + "\u0a54\3\2\2\2\u3cfe\u3cff\t\67\2\2\u3cff\u0a56\3\2\2\2\u3d00\u3d01\t"+ + "&\2\2\u3d01\u0a58\3\2\2\2\u3d02\u3d03\t8\2\2\u3d03\u0a5a\3\2\2\2\u3d04"+ + "\u3d05\t9\2\2\u3d05\u0a5c\3\2\2\2\u3d06\u3d07\t:\2\2\u3d07\u0a5e\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u3d08\u3d09\t;\2\2\u3d09\u0a60\3\2\2\2\u3d0a\u3d0b\t<\2\2\u3d0b\u0a62"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3d0c\u3d0d\t=\2\2\u3d0d\u0a64\3\2\2\2\u3d0e\u3d0f\t>\2\2\u3d0f"+ + "\u0a66\3\2\2\2\u3d10\u3d11\t?\2\2\u3d11\u0a68\3\2\2\2\u3d12\u3d13\t@\2"+ + "\2\u3d13\u0a6a\3\2\2\2\u3d14\u3d18\7>\2\2\u3d15\u3d17\13\2\2\2\u3d16\u3d15"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3d17\u3d1a\3\2\2\2\u3d18\u3d19\3\2\2\2\u3d18\u3d16\3\2\2\2\u3d19"+ + "\u3d1b\3\2\2\2\u3d1a\u3d18\3\2\2\2\u3d1b\u3d1c\7@\2\2\u3d1c\u0a6c\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3d1d\u3d21\7}\2\2\u3d1e\u3d20\13\2\2\2\u3d1f\u3d1e\3\2\2\2\u3d20"+ + "\u3d23\3\2\2\2\u3d21\u3d22\3\2\2\2\u3d21\u3d1f\3\2\2\2\u3d22\u3d24\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3d23\u3d21\3\2\2\2\u3d24\u3d25\7\177\2\2\u3d25\u0a6e\3\2\2\2\u3d26"+ + "\u3d2a\7]\2\2\u3d27\u3d29\13\2\2\2\u3d28\u3d27\3\2\2\2\u3d29\u3d2c\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3d2a\u3d2b\3\2\2\2\u3d2a\u3d28\3\2\2\2\u3d2b\u3d2d\3\2\2\2\u3d2c"+ + "\u3d2a\3\2\2\2\u3d2d\u3d2e\7_\2\2\u3d2e\u0a70\3\2\2\2\u3d2f\u3d33\7*\2"+ + "\2\u3d30\u3d32\13\2\2\2\u3d31\u3d30\3\2\2\2\u3d32\u3d35\3\2\2\2\u3d33"+ + "\u3d34\3\2\2\2\u3d33\u3d31\3\2\2\2\u3d34\u3d36\3\2\2\2\u3d35\u3d33\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3d36\u3d37\7+\2\2\u3d37\u0a72\3\2\2\2\u3d38\u3d3c\7#\2\2\u3d39\u3d3b"+ + "\13\2\2\2\u3d3a\u3d39\3\2\2\2\u3d3b\u3d3e\3\2\2\2\u3d3c\u3d3d\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3d3c\u3d3a\3\2\2\2\u3d3d\u3d3f\3\2\2\2\u3d3e\u3d3c\3\2\2\2\u3d3f\u3d40"+ + "\7#\2\2\u3d40\u0a74\3\2\2\2\u3d41\u3d45\7%\2\2\u3d42\u3d44\13\2\2\2\u3d43"+ + "\u3d42\3\2\2\2\u3d44\u3d47\3\2\2\2\u3d45\u3d46\3\2\2\2\u3d45\u3d43\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3d46\u3d48\3\2\2\2\u3d47\u3d45\3\2\2\2\u3d48\u3d49\7%\2\2\u3d49"+ + "\u0a76\3\2\2\2\u3d4a\u3d4e\7)\2\2\u3d4b\u3d4d\13\2\2\2\u3d4c\u3d4b\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3d4d\u3d50\3\2\2\2\u3d4e\u3d4f\3\2\2\2\u3d4e\u3d4c\3\2\2\2\u3d4f"+ + "\u3d51\3\2\2\2\u3d50\u3d4e\3\2\2\2\u3d51\u3d52\7)\2\2\u3d52\u0a78\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3d53\u3d57\7$\2\2\u3d54\u3d56\13\2\2\2\u3d55\u3d54\3\2\2\2\u3d56"+ + "\u3d59\3\2\2\2\u3d57\u3d58\3\2\2\2\u3d57\u3d55\3\2\2\2\u3d58\u3d5a\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3d59\u3d57\3\2\2\2\u3d5a\u3d5b\7$\2\2\u3d5b\u0a7a\3\2\2\2\u3d5c"+ + "\u3d5d\t\2\2\2\u3d5d\u0a7c\3\2\2\2\u3d5e\u3d60\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3d5f\u3d5e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3d60\u3d63\3\2\2\2\u3d61\u3d5f\3\2\2\2\u3d61\u3d62\3\2\2\2\u3d62"+ + "\u3d65\3\2\2\2\u3d63\u3d61\3\2\2\2\u3d64\u3d66\t\t\2\2\u3d65\u3d64\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3d66\u3d6a\3\2\2\2\u3d67\u3d69\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3d68\u3d67\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u3d69\u3d6c\3\2\2\2\u3d6a\u3d68\3\2\2\2\u3d6a\u3d6b\3\2\2\2\u3d6b\u3d6e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3d6c\u3d6a\3\2\2\2\u3d6d\u3d6f\t\b\2\2\u3d6e\u3d6d\3\2\2\2\u3d6f"+ + "\u3d70\3\2\2\2\u3d70\u3d6e\3\2\2\2\u3d70\u3d71\3\2\2\2\u3d71\u3d75\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3d72\u3d74\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3d73\u3d72\3\2\2\2\u3d74\u3d77\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u3d75\u3d73\3\2\2\2\u3d75\u3d76\3\2\2\2\u3d76\u3d79\3\2\2\2\u3d77\u3d75"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3d78\u3d7a\t\n\2\2\u3d79\u3d78\3\2\2\2\u3d7a\u0a7e\3\2\2\2\u3d7b"+ + "\u3d7d\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3d7c\u3d7b\3\2\2\2\u3d7d\u3d80\3\2\2\2\u3d7e\u3d7c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3d7e\u3d7f\3\2\2\2\u3d7f\u3d82\3\2\2\2\u3d80\u3d7e\3\2\2\2\u3d81"+ + "\u3d83\t\t\2\2\u3d82\u3d81\3\2\2\2\u3d83\u3d87\3\2\2\2\u3d84\u3d86\5\u0a7b"+ + "\u053e\2\u3d85\u3d84\3\2\2\2\u3d86\u3d89\3\2\2\2\u3d87\u3d85\3\2\2\2\u3d87"+ + "\u3d88\3\2\2\2\u3d88\u3d8b\3\2\2\2\u3d89\u3d87\3\2\2\2\u3d8a\u3d8c\t\b"+ + "\2\2\u3d8b\u3d8a\3\2\2\2\u3d8c\u3d8d\3\2\2\2\u3d8d\u3d8b\3\2\2\2\u3d8d"+ + "\u3d8e\3\2\2\2\u3d8e\u3d92\3\2\2\2\u3d8f\u3d91\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3d90\u3d8f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3d91\u3d94\3\2\2\2\u3d92\u3d90\3\2\2\2\u3d92\u3d93\3\2\2\2\u3d93"+ + "\u3d95\3\2\2\2\u3d94\u3d92\3\2\2\2\u3d95\u3d99\7.\2\2\u3d96\u3d98\5\u0a7b"+ + "\u053e\2\u3d97\u3d96\3\2\2\2\u3d98\u3d9b\3\2\2\2\u3d99\u3d97\3\2\2\2\u3d99"+ + "\u3d9a\3\2\2\2\u3d9a\u3d9d\3\2\2\2\u3d9b\u3d99\3\2\2\2\u3d9c\u3d9e\t\b"+ + "\2\2\u3d9d\u3d9c\3\2\2\2\u3d9e\u3d9f\3\2\2\2\u3d9f\u3d9d\3\2\2\2\u3d9f"+ + "\u3da0\3\2\2\2\u3da0\u3da4\3\2\2\2\u3da1\u3da3\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3da2\u3da1"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3da3\u3da6\3\2\2\2\u3da4\u3da2\3\2\2\2\u3da4\u3da5\3\2\2\2\u3da5"+ + "\u3da8\3\2\2\2\u3da6\u3da4\3\2\2\2\u3da7\u3da9\t\n\2\2\u3da8\u3da7\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3da9\u0a80\3\2\2\2\u3daa\u3dac\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3dab\u3daa\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u3dac\u3dad\3\2\2\2\u3dad\u3dab\3\2\2\2\u3dad\u3dae\3\2\2\2\u3dae\u3db9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3daf\u3db0\7/\2\2\u3db0\u3db1\7/\2\2\u3db1\u3db5\3\2\2\2\u3db2"+ + "\u3db4\n\3\2\2\u3db3\u3db2\3\2\2\2\u3db4\u3db7\3\2\2\2\u3db5\u3db3\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3db5\u3db6\3\2\2\2\u3db6\u3db9\3\2\2\2\u3db7\u3db5\3\2\2\2\u3db8"+ + "\u3dab\3\2\2\2\u3db8\u3daf\3\2\2\2\u3db9\u0a82\3\2\2\2\u00b2\2\u0cf2\u0cfa"+ + "\u0cfd\u0d08\u0d10\u0d13\u0d8a\u0d91\u0d94\u0d9a\u0da1\u0da7\u0dad\u0daf"+ + "\u1130\u12c1\u17e8\u185c\u1861\u1869\u186c\u186e\u1875\u187d\u1880\u1882"+ + "\u1886\u393f\u3944\u3948\u394d\u3954\u395a\u395f\u3964\u396c\u3970\u3975"+ + "\u3979\u397e\u3982\u3987\u398e\u3994\u3999\u399e\u39a6\u39aa\u39af\u39b3"+ + "\u39b8\u39bc\u39c1\u39c6\u39cc\u39d1\u39d6\u39dc\u39e0\u39e5\u39e7\u39ec"+ + "\u39f2\u39f9\u3a00\u3a03\u3a08\u3a0e\u3a15\u3a1c\u3a1f\u3a24\u3a2a\u3a31"+ + "\u3a33\u3a35\u3a42\u3a55\u3a5d\u3a60\u3a66\u3a77\u3a7f\u3a82\u3a88\u3a8d"+ + "\u3a98\u3a9e\u3aa5\u3ab3\u3ab6\u3ac1\u3ac7\u3ace\u3adc\u3ae2\u3ae8\u3aea"+ + "\u3af1\u3afe\u3b09\u3b0f\u3b16\u3b30\u3b33\u3b3e\u3b44\u3b4b\u3b5f\u3b65"+ + "\u3b6c\u3b86\u3b8c\u3b92\u3b94\u3b9b\u3bb4\u3bb6\u3bb8\u3bc4\u3c08\u3c1b"+ + "\u3c20\u3c24\u3c26\u3c29\u3c31\u3c38\u3c40\u3c43\u3c4a\u3c50\u3c58\u3c66"+ + "\u3c7f\u3c85\u3c89\u3c8b\u3c92\u3c94\u3c98\u3ca4\u3cab\u3cae\u3cb4\u3cb6"+ + "\u3cc1\u3ccf\u3cd5\u3d18\u3d21\u3d2a\u3d33\u3d3c\u3d45\u3d4e\u3d57\u3d61"+ + "\u3d65\u3d6a\u3d70\u3d75\u3d79\u3d7e\u3d82\u3d87\u3d8d\u3d92\u3d99\u3d9f"+ + "\u3da4\u3da8\u3dad\u3db5\u3db8\4\t\u0518\2\2\3\2"; + public static final String _serializedATN = Utils.join( + new String[] { + _serializedATNSegment0, + _serializedATNSegment1, + _serializedATNSegment2, + _serializedATNSegment3, + _serializedATNSegment4, + _serializedATNSegment5 + }, + "" + ); + public static final ATN _ATN = + new ATNDeserializer().deserialize(_serializedATN.toCharArray()); + static { + _decisionToDFA = new DFA[_ATN.getNumberOfDecisions()]; + for (int i = 0; i < _ATN.getNumberOfDecisions(); i++) { + _decisionToDFA[i] = new DFA(_ATN.getDecisionState(i), i); + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBParser.g4 b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBParser.g4 index 2e33e5f6a0..3e86ff8e58 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBParser.g4 +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBParser.g4 @@ -530,15 +530,6 @@ in_expr case_expr : CASE (bit_expr simple_when_clause_list|bool_when_clause_list) case_default END CASE? - | CASE WHEN (case_when_expr_after|case_when_expr_after_end_case) - ; - -case_when_expr_after_end_case - : case_when_expr_after CASE - ; - -case_when_expr_after - : bool_when_clause_list case_default END ; window_function @@ -665,11 +656,11 @@ simple_when_clause ; bool_when_clause_list - : bool_when_clause+ (WHEN bool_when_clause)* + : bool_when_clause+ ; bool_when_clause - : expr THEN bit_expr + : WHEN expr THEN bit_expr ; case_default @@ -741,7 +732,7 @@ environment_id_function ; aggregate_function - : funcName=APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT LeftParen (DISTINCT)? DISTINCT expr_list RightParen + : funcName=APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT LeftParen DISTINCT? expr_list RightParen | funcName=APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS LeftParen expr_list RightParen | funcName=APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE LeftParen bit_expr RightParen | funcName=SUM LeftParen (ALL | DISTINCT | UNIQUE)? bit_expr RightParen @@ -2798,7 +2789,7 @@ table_reference table_factor : tbl_name - | LATERAL? table_subquery + | (LATERAL)? table_subquery | LeftParen table_reference RightParen | TABLE LeftParen (select_no_parens|simple_expr) RightParen relation_name? | select_function relation_name? @@ -4528,7 +4519,7 @@ cancel_transfer_partition_clause ; service_name_stmt - : alter_with_opt_hint SYSTEM service_op SERVICE relation_name tenant_name? + : ALTER SYSTEM service_op SERVICE relation_name tenant_name? ; service_op diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5d62488d81 --- /dev/null +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ @@ -0,0 +1,137381 @@ +// Generated from OBParser.g4 by ANTLR 4.9.1 +import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.*; +import org.antlr.v4.runtime.dfa.DFA; +import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*; +import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.*; +import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.*; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Iterator; +import java.util.ArrayList; + +@SuppressWarnings({"all", "warnings", "unchecked", "unused", "cast"}) +public class OBParser extends Parser { + static { RuntimeMetaData.checkVersion("4.9.1", RuntimeMetaData.VERSION); } + + protected static final DFA[] _decisionToDFA; + protected static final PredictionContextCache _sharedContextCache = + new PredictionContextCache(); + public static final int + QUOTA_NAME=1, PQ_DISTINCT=2, NO_MV_REWRITE=3, INDEXTYPE=4, STSTOKEN=5, + REWRITE=6, NO_COALESCE_AGGR=7, PARTITION_TYPE=8, TASK_ID=9, COMPUTATION=10, + AUTO_REFRESH=11, SINGLE=12, MDSYS=13, WITH_PULLUP=14, NO_DECORRELATE=15, + WO_PULLUP=16, SPATIAL_CELLID=17, COMPRESSION_CODE=18, MULTIVALUE=19, SERVICE=20, + DATA_SOURCE=21, PROJECT_NAME=22, ENDPOINT=23, BUFFER_SIZE=24, PROPERTIES=25, + ATTRIBUTE=26, USER_SPECIFIED=27, THROUGH=28, SPATIAL_INDEX=29, ACCESS_INFO=30, + VALIDATION=31, DECORRELATE=32, SUM_OPNSIZE=33, ACCESSKEY=34, MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED=35, + ACCESSTYPE=36, PQ_GBY=37, EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST=38, OVERWRITE=39, MV_REWRITE=40, + SPATIAL_MBR=41, LAST_REFRESH_SCN=42, COALESCE_AGGR=43, RESOURCE_GROUP=44, + SDO_RELATE=45, MAX_FILE_SIZE=46, SRID=47, SS_MICRO_CACHE=48, PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM=49, + ACCESSID=50, M_SIZE=51, E_SIZE=52, T_SIZE=53, K_SIZE=54, G_SIZE=55, P_SIZE=56, + WITH_COLUMN_GROUP=57, HIDE=58, DEFAULTS=59, ACCESS=60, OBJECT_ID=61, ADD=62, + ALTER_HINT_BEGIN=63, NAMESPACE=64, ALL=65, ALTER=66, AND=67, ANY=68, AS=69, + ASC=70, XMLATTRIBUTES=71, AUDIT=72, JSON_OBJECT_VALUE=73, VALUE=74, BETWEEN=75, + BLOB=76, BY=77, BINARY_DOUBLE=78, BINARY_FLOAT=79, CHAR=80, CHECK=81, + CIPHER=82, CLOB=83, CLUSTER=84, COLUMN=85, COMMENT=86, COMPRESS=87, CONNECT=88, + CREATE=89, CURRENT=90, DATE=91, DECIMAL=92, DEFAULT=93, DELETE=94, DESC=95, + DISTINCT=96, DOT=97, DROP=98, MULTISET=99, JSON_ARRAYAGG=100, ARRAY=101, + JSON_ARRAY=102, JSON_EMPTY=103, PASSING=104, ELSE=105, EXCLUSIVE=106, + EXISTS=107, EXCLUDE=108, FILE_KEY=109, FLOAT=110, FOR=111, FROM=112, GRANT=113, + GROUP=114, HAVING=115, HOST=116, ABSENT=117, IDENTIFIED=118, SYNCHRONOUS=119, + IMMEDIATE=120, IN=121, INCREMENT=122, INCLUDE=123, INDEX=124, INITIAL_=125, + INSERT=126, FIELD_DELIMITER=127, INTEGER=128, INTERSECT=129, INTO=130, + ORDINALITY=131, IS=132, ISSUER=133, LEVEL=134, LIKE=135, LOCK=136, LONG=137, + MAXEXTENTS=138, MINUS=139, MODE=140, MODIFY=141, NOAUDIT=142, NOCOMPRESS=143, + NOT=144, NOTFOUND=145, NOWAIT=146, NULLX=147, MISSING=148, NUMBER=149, + OF=150, OFFLINE=151, ON=152, ONLINE=153, OPTION=154, OR=155, ORDER=156, + PCTFREE=157, PIVOT=158, PRIOR=159, PRIVILEGES=160, PUBLIC=161, RAW=162, + REAL=163, RENAME=164, RESOURCE=165, REVOKE=166, ROW=167, ROWID=168, ROWLABEL=169, + ACTIVATE=170, ROWNUM=171, ROWS=172, START=173, SELECT=174, SESSION=175, + SET=176, SETS=177, SHARE=178, SIZE=179, SMALLINT=180, SUCCESSFUL=181, + SYNONYM=182, SYSDATE=183, SYSTIMESTAMP=184, TABLE=185, THEN=186, TO=187, + TRIGGER=188, UID=189, UNION=190, UNIQUE=191, UNPIVOT=192, UPDATE=193, + USER=194, VALIDATE=195, VALUES=196, VARCHAR=197, VARCHAR2=198, VIEW=199, + WHENEVER=200, WHERE=201, REDUNDANCY=202, WITH=203, STANDBY=204, WITHOUT=205, + WITHIN=206, ACCESSIBLE=207, AGAINST=208, ALWAYS=209, ANALYZE=210, ASENSITIVE=211, + BEFORE=212, BINARY=213, BOTH=214, BULK=215, CALL=216, CASCADE=217, CASE=218, + CHANGE=219, CHARACTER=220, CONSTRAINT=221, CONTINUE=222, COLLATE=223, + COLLECT=224, CROSS=225, CYCLE=226, CURRENT_DATE=227, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP=228, + CURRENT_USER=229, CURSOR=230, STATEMENT=231, DAY_HOUR=232, DAY_MICROSECOND=233, + DAY_MINUTE=234, DAY_SECOND=235, DATABASE=236, DATABASES=237, DEC=238, + DECLARE=239, DELAYED=240, DISTINCTROW=241, DOUBLE=242, DUAL=243, EACH=244, + ENCLOSED=245, ELSEIF=246, ESCAPED=247, ALLOW=248, EXIT=249, EXPLAIN=250, + FETCH=251, EVALNAME=252, FLOAT4=253, FLOAT8=254, FORCE=255, FULL=256, + GET=257, GENERATED=258, HIGH_PRIORITY=259, HOUR_MICROSECOND=260, HOUR_MINUTE=261, + HOUR_SECOND=262, ID=263, IF=264, IFIGNORE=265, INNER=266, INFILE=267, + INOUT=268, INSENSITIVE=269, INT1=270, INT2=271, LIB=272, INT3=273, INT4=274, + INT8=275, INTERVAL=276, IO_AFTER_GTIDS=277, IO_BEFORE_GTIDS=278, ITERATE=279, + JOIN=280, KEYS=281, KILL=282, LANGUAGE=283, LATERAL=284, LEADING=285, + LEAVE=286, LEFT=287, LINEAR=288, LINES=289, BADFILE=290, LOG_DISK_SIZE=291, + LOAD=292, LOCALTIMESTAMP=293, LONGBLOB=294, SWITCHOVER=295, LONGTEXT=296, + LOOP=297, LOW_PRIORITY=298, MASTER_BIND=299, MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT=300, + MATCH=301, MAXVALUE=302, MEDIUMBLOB=303, MEDIUMINT=304, MERGE=305, REJECT=306, + MEDIUMTEXT=307, MIDDLEINT=308, MINUTE_MICROSECOND=309, MINUTE_SECOND=310, + MOD=311, MODIFIES=312, MOVEMENT=313, NATURAL=314, NOCYCLE=315, NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG=316, + NUMERIC=317, OPTIMIZE=318, OPTIONALLY=319, OUT=320, OUTER=321, IOPS_WEIGHT=322, + OUTFILE=323, PARSER=324, PROCEDURE=325, PURGE=326, PARTITION=327, RANGE=328, + PLUS=329, READ=330, READ_WRITE=331, READS=332, RELEASE=333, REFERENCES=334, + REPLACE=335, REPEAT=336, REQUIRE=337, RESIGNAL=338, RESTRICT=339, RETURN=340, + RIGHT=341, SCALARS=342, SECOND_MICROSECOND=343, SCHEMA=344, SCHEMAS=345, + SEPARATOR=346, SENSITIVE=347, SIGNAL=348, SPATIAL=349, SPECIFIC=350, SQL=351, + SQLEXCEPTION=352, SQLSTATE=353, SQLWARNING=354, SQL_BIG_RESULT=355, SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS=356, + SQL_SMALL_RESULT=357, SEARCH=358, SSL=359, STARTING=360, STATEMENTS=361, + STORED=362, STRAIGHT_JOIN=363, TERMINATED=364, TINYBLOB=365, TINYTEXT=366, + TABLEGROUP=367, TRAILING=368, TIMEZONE_HOUR=369, TIMEZONE_MINUTE=370, + TIMEZONE_REGION=371, TIMEZONE_ABBR=372, UNDO=373, UNLOCK=374, LINE_DELIMITER=375, + USE=376, USING=377, UTC_DATE=378, UTC_TIMESTAMP=379, VARYING=380, VIRTUAL=381, + WHEN=382, WHILE=383, WRITE=384, XOR=385, X509=386, YEAR_MONTH=387, ZEROFILL=388, + GLOBAL_ALIAS=389, SESSION_ALIAS=390, STRONG=391, WEAK=392, FROZEN=393, + EXCEPT=394, ISNULL=395, RETURNING=396, BLOCKING=397, ISOPEN=398, ROWCOUNT=399, + BULK_ROWCOUNT=400, ERROR_INDEX=401, BULK_EXCEPTIONS=402, PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR=403, + COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL=404, DATA_TABLE_ID=405, WARNINGS=406, LOWER_JOIN=407, + GROUPS=408, CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE=409, FORMAT=410, MINVALUE=411, EXTRA=412, + EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL=413, UNINSTALL=414, UNDOFILE=415, MASTER_SSL_CA=416, + YEAR=417, STOP=418, STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION=419, DISABLE_PARALLEL_DML=420, + PACKAGE_KEY=421, PACKAGE=422, AT=423, RELAY_LOG_POS=424, POOL=425, ZONE_TYPE=426, + LOCATION=427, WEIGHT_STRING=428, MAXLOGMEMBERS=429, CHANGED=430, MASTER_SSL_CAPATH=431, + PRECISION=432, ROLE=433, JSON_QUERY=434, REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION=435, NTH_VALUE=436, + SERIAL=437, REDACTION=438, QUEUE_TIME=439, PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM=440, + TABLET_MAX_SIZE=441, ILOGCACHE=442, AUTHORS=443, MIGRATE=444, DIV=445, + CONSISTENT=446, SUSPEND=447, SYSKM=448, REMOTE_OSS=449, SECURITY=450, + SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER=451, FAST=452, KEYSTORE=453, TRUNCATE=454, CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA=455, + MASTER_SSL_CERT=456, TABLE_NAME=457, PRIORITY=458, DO=459, MASTER_RETRY_COUNT=460, + EXCEPTIONS=461, REPLICA=462, KILL_EXPR=463, UROWID=464, ADMIN=465, CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF=466, + NCHAR_CS=467, OLD_KEY=468, DISABLE=469, STRICT=470, PORT=471, MAXDATAFILES=472, + EXEC=473, NOVALIDATE=474, REBUILD=475, FOLLOWER=476, LIST=477, LOWER_OVER=478, + ROOT=479, REDOFILE=480, MASTER_SERVER_ID=481, NCHAR=482, KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=483, + NOLOGGING=484, SEQUENCE=485, PRETTY=486, PRETTY_COLOR=487, COLUMNS=488, + LS=489, MIGRATION=490, SUBPARTITION=491, DML=492, MYSQL_DRIVER=493, GO=494, + ROW_NUMBER=495, COMPRESSION=496, BIT=497, MAX_DISK_SIZE=498, SAMPLE=499, + PCTUSED=500, UNLOCKED=501, CLASS_ORIGIN=502, ACTION=503, REDUNDANT=504, + MAXLOGFILES=505, UPGRADE=506, TEMPTABLE=507, EXTERNALLY=508, RECYCLEBIN=509, + PROFILES=510, TIMESTAMP_VALUE=511, ERRORS=512, BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN=513, + LEAVES=514, UNDEFINED=515, EVERY=516, BYTE=517, SHARDING=518, FLUSH=519, + MIN_ROWS=520, ERROR_P=521, MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS=522, FIELDS=523, MAX_CPU=524, + LOCKED=525, DOP=526, IO=527, BTREE=528, APPROXNUM=529, HASH=530, REGR_INTERCEPT=531, + OPTIMAL=532, CONNECT_BY_ROOT=533, OLTP=534, SYSOPER=535, GOTO=536, COLLATION=537, + MASTER=538, ENCRYPTION=539, INSERTING=540, MAX=541, TRANSACTION=542, SQL_TSI_MONTH=543, + BECOME=544, IGNORE=545, MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR=546, OFF=547, MIN_IOPS=548, + NVARCHAR=549, PAUSE=550, QUICK=551, DUPLICATE=552, XMLTYPE=553, XMLTABLE=554, + XMLNAMESPACES=555, SDO_GEOMETRY=556, USAGE=557, FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY=558, + WAIT=559, DES_KEY_FILE=560, ENGINES=561, RETURNS=562, MASTER_USER=563, + SOCKET=564, SIBLINGS=565, MASTER_DELAY=566, FILE_ID=567, FIRST=568, TABLET=569, + CLIENT=570, PRIVATE=571, TABLES=572, ENGINE_=573, EXCLUDING=574, TRADITIONAL=575, + BOOTSTRAP=576, STDDEV=577, DATAFILE=578, INVOKER=579, LAYER=580, DEPTH=581, + THREAD=582, TRIGGERS=583, COLUMN_NAME=584, ENABLE_PARALLEL_DML=585, RESET=586, + EVENT=587, COALESCE=588, RESPECT=589, STATUS=590, UNBOUNDED=591, REGR_SLOPE=592, + WRAPPER=593, TIMESTAMP=594, EXTENT=595, PARTITIONS=596, SUBSTR=597, FILEX=598, + UNIT=599, DEMAND=600, LOWER_ON=601, SWITCH=602, LESS=603, BODY=604, DIAGNOSTICS=605, + REDO_BUFFER_SIZE=606, NO=607, MAJOR=608, ACTIVE=609, TIES=610, ROUTINE=611, + ROLLBACK=612, FOLLOWING=613, READ_ONLY=614, MEMBER=615, PARTITION_ID=616, + SHARED=617, EXTERNAL=618, DUMP=619, APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS=620, + GROUPING=621, PRIMARY=622, ARCHIVELOG=623, MATCHED=624, MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR=625, + ASYNCHRONOUS=626, FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS=627, ENCODING=628, SECOND=629, + UNKNOWN=630, POINT=631, MEMSTORE_PERCENT=632, POLYGON=633, ORA_ROWSCN=634, + OLD=635, TABLE_ID=636, CONTEXT=637, FINAL_COUNT=638, MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY=639, + POSITION=640, DISCARD=641, PATTERN=642, RECOVERY_WINDOW=643, RECOVER=644, + PREV=645, PROCESS=646, ERROR=647, DEALLOCATE=648, OLD_PASSWORD=649, CONTROLFILE=650, + LISTAGG=651, SLOW=652, SUM=653, OPTIONS=654, MIN=655, ROLES=656, UPDATING=657, + KEY=658, RT=659, RELOAD=660, ONE=661, DELAY_KEY_WRITE=662, ORIG_DEFAULT=663, + INDEXED=664, RLIKE=665, SQL_TSI_HOUR=666, TIMESTAMPDIFF=667, RESTORE=668, + OFFSET=669, TEMPORARY=670, VARIANCE=671, SNAPSHOT=672, JSON_EXISTS=673, + STATISTICS=674, COBOL=675, SERVER_TYPE=676, COMMITTED=677, PERCENT=678, + RATIO_TO_REPORT=679, SUBJECT=680, DBTIMEZONE=681, INDEXES=682, FREEZE=683, + SCOPE=684, OUTLINE_DEFAULT_TOKEN=685, IDC=686, SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH=687, + ONE_SHOT=688, ACCOUNT=689, LOCALITY=690, ARCHIVE=691, CONSTRAINTS=692, + REVERSE=693, CLUSTER_ID=694, NOARCHIVELOG=695, WM_CONCAT=696, MAX_SIZE=697, + COVAR_SAMP=698, PAGE=699, NAME=700, ADMINISTER=701, ROW_COUNT=702, LAST=703, + LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM=704, DELAY=705, SUBDATE=706, INCREMENTAL=707, QUOTA=708, + VERIFY=709, CONTAINS=710, GENERAL=711, VISIBLE=712, REGR_COUNT=713, SIGNED=714, + SERVER=715, NEXT=716, GLOBAL=717, ENDS=718, ROOTSERVICE_LIST=719, SHOW=720, + SHUTDOWN=721, VERBOSE=722, JSON_EQUAL=723, CLUSTER_NAME=724, MASTER_PORT=725, + MYSQL_ERRNO=726, XA=727, TIME=728, REUSE=729, NOMINVALUE=730, DATETIME=731, + BOOL=732, DIRECTORY=733, SECTION=734, PERCENTILE_CONT=735, VALID=736, + MASTER_SSL_KEY=737, MASTER_PASSWORD=738, PLAN=739, MULTIPOLYGON=740, STDDEV_SAMP=741, + USE_BLOOM_FILTER=742, LOCAL=743, CONSTRAINT_CATALOG=744, DICTIONARY=745, + SYSDBA=746, EXCHANGE=747, GRANTS=748, CAST=749, SERVER_PORT=750, SQL_CACHE=751, + MAX_USED_PART_ID=752, RELY=753, INSTANCE=754, HYBRID_HIST=755, FUNCTION=756, + NAN_VALUE=757, INVISIBLE=758, BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY=759, REGR_SXX=760, + REGR_SXY=761, DENSE_RANK=762, COUNT=763, SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW=764, TREAT=765, + TYPENAME=766, MY_NAME=767, NAMES=768, LOWER_THAN_NEG=769, MAX_ROWS=770, + ISOLATION=771, REPLICATION=772, REGR_SYY=773, INITIALIZED=774, REMOVE=775, + STATS_AUTO_RECALC=776, CONSISTENT_MODE=777, SUBMULTISET=778, SEGMENT=779, + USE_COLUMN_STORE_HINT=780, UNCOMMITTED=781, CURRENT_SCHEMA=782, OWN=783, + NO_WAIT=784, BACKUP_COPIES=785, UNIT_NUM=786, PERCENTAGE=787, MAX_IOPS=788, + SPFILE=789, REPEATABLE=790, PCTINCREASE=791, COMPLETION=792, ROOTTABLE=793, + ZONE=794, REGR_AVGY=795, REGR_AVGX=796, TEMPLATE=797, INCLUDING=798, DATE_SUB=799, + EXPIRE_INFO=800, EXPIRE=801, KEEP=802, ENABLE=803, HOSTS=804, SCHEMA_NAME=805, + SHRINK=806, EXPANSION=807, REORGANIZE=808, TRIM_SPACE=809, BLOCK_SIZE=810, + INNER_PARSE=811, MINOR=812, RESTRICTED=813, GLOBALLY=814, RESUME=815, + INT=816, COMPLETE=817, STATS_PERSISTENT=818, NODEGROUP=819, PARTITIONING=820, + MAXTRANS=821, SUPER=822, JSON_OBJECT=823, COMMIT=824, DETERMINISTIC=825, + SAVEPOINT=826, UNTIL=827, NVARCHAR2=828, MEMTABLE=829, CHARSET=830, FREELIST=831, + MOVE=832, XML=833, PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME=834, IPC=835, MIN_MAX=836, PATH=837, + NO_USE_COLUMN_STORE_HINT=838, TRIM=839, RANK=840, VAR_POP=841, DEFAULT_AUTH=842, + EXTENT_SIZE=843, BINLOG=844, CLOG=845, GEOMETRYCOLLECTION=846, STORAGE=847, + MEDIUM=848, XMLPARSE=849, WELLFORMED=850, DOCUMENT=851, XMLAGG=852, USE_FRM=853, + CLIENT_VERSION=854, MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD=855, DELETING=856, SUBPARTITIONS=857, + CUBE=858, REGR_R2=859, BALANCE=860, POLICY=861, QUERY=862, THROTTLE=863, + SQL_TSI_QUARTER=864, SPACE=865, REPAIR=866, MASTER_SSL_CIPHER=867, KEY_VERSION=868, + CATALOG_NAME=869, NDBCLUSTER=870, CONNECTION=871, COMPACT=872, INCR=873, + CANCEL=874, SIMPLE=875, BEGIN=876, VARIABLES=877, FREELISTS=878, SQL_TSI_WEEK=879, + SYSTEM=880, SQLERROR=881, ROOTSERVICE=882, PLUGIN_DIR=883, ASCII=884, + INFO=885, SQL_THREAD=886, SKIP_HEADER=887, TYPES=888, LEADER=889, LOWER_KEY=890, + FOUND=891, EXTRACT=892, INSERTCHILDXML=893, DELETEXML=894, PERCENTILE_DISC=895, + XMLSEQUENCE=896, XMLCAST=897, XMLSERIALIZE=898, FIXED=899, CACHE=900, + RETURNED_SQLSTATE=901, SKIP_INDEX=902, END=903, PRESERVE=904, ASIS=905, + SQL_BUFFER_RESULT=906, LOCK_=907, JSON=908, SOME=909, INDEX_TABLE_ID=910, + FREQUENCY=911, PQ_MAP=912, MANUAL=913, LOCKS=914, SYSBACKUP=915, GEOMETRY=916, + NO_PARALLEL=917, STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION=918, VERSION=919, INDENT=920, + ISOLATION_LEVEL=921, OVER=922, MAX_SESSION_NUM=923, USER_RESOURCES=924, + DESTINATION=925, SONAME=926, OUTLINE=927, MASTER_LOG_FILE=928, WMSYS=929, + NOMAXVALUE=930, ESTIMATE=931, SLAVE=932, GTS=933, SKIP_BLANK_LINES=934, + EXPORT=935, TEXT=936, AVG_ROW_LENGTH=937, FLASHBACK=938, SESSION_USER=939, + TABLEGROUPS=940, REPLICA_TYPE=941, AGGREGATE=942, PERCENT_RANK=943, ENUM=944, + TRANSFER=945, NATIONAL=946, RECYCLE=947, REGION=948, MATERIALIZE=949, + FORTRAN=950, MUTEX=951, PARALLEL=952, NOPARALLEL=953, LOWER_PARENS=954, + MONITOR=955, NDB=956, SYSTEM_USER=957, MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR=958, R_SKIP=959, + CONCURRENT=960, DUMPFILE=961, COMPILE=962, COMPRESSED=963, LINESTRING=964, + EXEMPT=965, DYNAMIC=966, CHAIN=967, NEG=968, LAG=969, NEW=970, BASELINE_ID=971, + HIGH=972, LAX=973, SQL_TSI_YEAR=974, THAN=975, CPU=976, LOGS=977, SERIALIZABLE=978, + DBA_RECYCLEBIN=979, BACKUP=980, LOGFILE=981, ROW_FORMAT=982, ALLOCATE=983, + SET_MASTER_CLUSTER=984, MAXLOGHISTORY=985, MINUTE=986, SWAPS=987, RESETLOGS=988, + DESCRIBE=989, NORESETLOGS=990, TASK=991, IO_THREAD=992, BC2HOST=993, PARAMETERS=994, + OBJECT=995, TABLESPACE=996, AUTO=997, REGEXP_LIKE=998, MODULE=999, PASSWORD=1000, + SQLCODE=1001, SORT=1002, LOWER_THAN_BY_ACCESS_SESSION=1003, MESSAGE_TEXT=1004, + DISK=1005, FAULTS=1006, HOUR=1007, REF=1008, REFRESH=1009, COLUMN_STAT=1010, + PLI=1011, UNIT_GROUP=1012, ERROR_CODE=1013, UPDATEXML=1014, PHASE=1015, + PROFILE=1016, NORELY=1017, LAST_VALUE=1018, RESTART=1019, TRACE=1020, + LOGICAL_READS=1021, MANAGEMENT=1022, DATE_ADD=1023, BLOCK_INDEX=1024, + DEBUG=1025, SERVER_IP=1026, SESSIONTIMEZONE=1027, CODE=1028, PLUGINS=1029, + ADDDATE=1030, PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME=1031, TRANSLATE=1032, COLUMN_FORMAT=1033, + MAX_MEMORY=1034, CLEAN=1035, NESTED=1036, MASTER_SSL=1037, CLEAR=1038, + SORTKEY=1039, CHECKSUM=1040, INSTALL=1041, MONTH=1042, NEVER=1043, AFTER=1044, + MAXINSTANCES=1045, CLOSE=1046, JSON_OBJECTAGG=1047, SET_TP=1048, OWNER=1049, + BLOOM_FILTER=1050, ILOG=1051, META=1052, PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION=1053, + LOWEST_PARENS=1054, IDENTITY=1055, STARTS=1056, PLANREGRESS=1057, AUTOEXTEND_SIZE=1058, + TABLET_ID=1059, NO_COUNT_TO_EXISTS=1060, NO_REPLACE_CONST=1061, SOURCE=1062, + POW=1063, IGNORE_SERVER_IDS=1064, WF_TOPN=1065, REPLICA_NUM=1066, LOWER_THAN_COMP=1067, + BINDING=1068, MICROSECOND=1069, INDICATOR=1070, UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE=1071, + EXTENDED_NOADDR=1072, JSON_MERGEPATCH=1073, SPLIT=1074, BASELINE=1075, + MEMORY=1076, COVAR_POP=1077, SEED=1078, DESCRIPTION=1079, RTREE=1080, + MEDIAN=1081, UNLIMITED=1082, STDDEV_POP=1083, UNDER=1084, RUN=1085, SQL_AFTER_GTIDS=1086, + OPEN=1087, REFERENCING=1088, SQL_TSI_DAY=1089, MANAGE=1090, RELAY_THREAD=1091, + BREADTH=1092, NOCACHE=1093, DISALLOW=1094, PRIVILEGE=1095, PRIMARY_ROOTSERVICE_LIST=1096, + UNUSUAL=1097, RELAYLOG=1098, SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS=1099, LOWER_THAN_FOR=1100, + PRIMARY_ZONE=1101, TABLE_CHECKSUM=1102, ZONE_LIST=1103, DATABASE_ID=1104, + TP_NO=1105, NETWORK=1106, LOWER_THAN_TO=1107, HIDDEN_=1108, BOOLEAN=1109, + AVG=1110, MULTILINESTRING=1111, APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE=1112, + NOW=1113, PROXY=1114, DUPLICATE_SCOPE=1115, STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES=1116, TABLET_SIZE=1117, + BASE=1118, FOREIGN=1119, KVCACHE=1120, RELAY=1121, MINEXTENTS=1122, CONTRIBUTORS=1123, + MEMORY_SIZE=1124, EMPTY=1125, PARTIAL=1126, REPORT=1127, ESCAPE=1128, + MASTER_AUTO_POSITION=1129, CALC_PARTITION_ID=1130, TP_NAME=1131, SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS=1132, + EFFECTIVE=1133, FIRST_VALUE=1134, SQL_TSI_MINUTE=1135, UNICODE=1136, QUARTER=1137, + ANALYSE=1138, DEFINER=1139, NONE=1140, PROCESSLIST=1141, TYPE=1142, CHAR_CS=1143, + INSERT_METHOD=1144, EXTENDED=1145, LISTS=1146, LOG=1147, TIME_ZONE_INFO=1148, + TIMESTAMPADD=1149, DISMOUNT=1150, BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY=1151, GET_FORMAT=1152, + LOW=1153, PREPARE=1154, WORK=1155, MATERIALIZED=1156, HANDLER=1157, CUME_DIST=1158, + NOSORT=1159, INITIAL_SIZE=1160, RELAY_LOG_FILE=1161, STORING=1162, IMPORT=1163, + MIN_MEMORY=1164, HELP=1165, CREATE_TIMESTAMP=1166, COMPUTE=1167, RANDOM=1168, + SOUNDS=1169, TABLE_MODE=1170, COPY=1171, SQL_NO_CACHE=1172, MISMATCH=1173, + EXECUTE=1174, PRECEDING=1175, SWITCHES=1176, PACK_KEYS=1177, ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID=1178, + SQL_ID=1179, NOORDER=1180, CHECKPOINT=1181, DAY=1182, AUTHORIZATION=1183, + LEAD=1184, JSON_TABLE=1185, JSON_VALUE=1186, DBA=1187, EVENTS=1188, RECURSIVE=1189, + ONLY=1190, TABLEGROUP_ID=1191, GROUP_ID=1192, GROUPING_ID=1193, TOP_K_FRE_HIST=1194, + MASTER_SSL_CRL=1195, RESOURCE_POOL_LIST=1196, TRACING=1197, NTILE=1198, + NULL_IF_EXETERNAL=1199, SKEWONLY=1200, IS_TENANT_SYS_POOL=1201, INLINE=1202, + MOUNT=1203, SCHEDULE=1204, JOB=1205, MASTER_LOG_POS=1206, SUBCLASS_ORIGIN=1207, + MULTIPOINT=1208, INFINITE_VALUE=1209, BLOCK=1210, SQL_TSI_SECOND=1211, + ROLLUP=1212, CORR=1213, MIN_CPU=1214, OCCUR=1215, ACCESSED=1216, DATA=1217, + BINARY_FLOAT_NAN=1218, MASTER_HOST=1219, PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME=1220, VAR_SAMP=1221, + ALGORITHM=1222, CONSTRAINT_NAME=1223, LIMIT=1224, APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT=1225, + DDL=1226, BASIC=1227, DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP=1228, CONTENTS=1229, CONTENT=1230, + XMLELEMENT=1231, ENTITYESCAPING=1232, EXTRACTVALUE=1233, NOENTITYESCAPING=1234, + NOSCHEMACHECK=1235, SCHEMACHECK=1236, NO_PX_JOIN_FILTER=1237, STATEMENT_ID=1238, + HIGHER_THAN_TO=1239, LINK=1240, WEEK=1241, UNCONDITIONAL=1242, CONDITIONAL=1243, + NULLS=1244, MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH=1245, CASCADED=1246, PLUGIN=1247, ENCRYPTED=1248, + TENANT=1249, INITRANS=1250, SCN=1251, LNNVL=1252, INTNUM=1253, DECIMAL_VAL=1254, + BOOL_VALUE=1255, At=1256, LeftBracket=1257, LeftBrace=1258, RightBracket=1259, + RightBrace=1260, DATE_VALUE=1261, INTERVAL_VALUE=1262, HINT_VALUE=1263, + Comma=1264, Plus=1265, And=1266, Or=1267, Star=1268, Not=1269, LeftParen=1270, + Minus=1271, Div=1272, Caret=1273, Colon=1274, Dot=1275, Mod=1276, RightParen=1277, + Tilde=1278, DELIMITER=1279, CNNOP=1280, AND_OP=1281, COMP_EQ=1282, COMP_NSEQ=1283, + SET_VAR=1284, COMP_GT=1285, COMP_GE=1286, COMP_LE=1287, COMP_LT=1288, + COMP_NE=1289, SHIFT_LEFT=1290, SHIFT_RIGHT=1291, COMP_NE_PL=1292, POW_PL=1293, + QUESTIONMARK=1294, SYSTEM_VARIABLE=1295, USER_VARIABLE=1296, PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR=1297, + PLSQL_VARIABLE=1298, MULTISET_OP=1299, A_=1300, NAME_OB=1301, STRING_VALUE=1302, + In_c_comment=1303, ANTLR_SKIP=1304, Blank=1305, LOAD_DATA_HINT_BEGIN=1306, + INSERT_HINT_BEGIN=1307, MERGE_HINT_BEGIN=1308, SELECT_HINT_BEGIN=1309, + UPDATE_HINT_BEGIN=1310, DELETE_HINT_BEGIN=1311, HINT_END=1312, NO_REWRITE=1313, + READ_CONSISTENCY=1314, INDEX_HINT=1315, QUERY_TIMEOUT=1316, FROZEN_VERSION=1317, + TOPK=1318, HOTSPOT=1319, LOG_LEVEL=1320, LEADING_HINT=1321, ORDERED=1322, + FULL_HINT=1323, USE_PLAN_CACHE=1324, USE_MERGE=1325, NO_USE_MERGE=1326, + USE_HASH=1327, NO_USE_HASH=1328, USE_NL=1329, NO_USE_NL=1330, USE_BNL=1331, + NO_USE_BNL=1332, USE_NL_MATERIALIZATION=1333, NO_USE_NL_MATERIALIZATION=1334, + USE_HASH_AGGREGATION=1335, NO_USE_HASH_AGGREGATION=1336, MERGE_HINT=1337, + NO_MERGE_HINT=1338, NO_EXPAND=1339, USE_CONCAT=1340, UNNEST=1341, NO_UNNEST=1342, + PLACE_GROUP_BY=1343, NO_PLACE_GROUP_BY=1344, NO_PRED_DEDUCE=1345, USE_JIT=1346, + NO_USE_JIT=1347, USE_LATE_MATERIALIZATION=1348, NO_USE_LATE_MATERIALIZATION=1349, + TRACE_LOG=1350, STAT=1351, USE_PX=1352, NO_USE_PX=1353, TRANS_PARAM=1354, + PX_JOIN_FILTER=1355, FORCE_REFRESH_LOCATION_CACHE=1356, QB_NAME=1357, + MAX_CONCURRENT=1358, PQ_DISTRIBUTE=1359, LOAD_BATCH_SIZE=1360, RANDOM_LOCAL=1361, + BROADCAST=1362, HINT_HINT_BEGIN=1363; + public static final int + RULE_sql_stmt = 0, RULE_stmt_list = 1, RULE_stmt = 2, RULE_drop_package_stmt = 3, + RULE_drop_procedure_stmt = 4, RULE_drop_function_stmt = 5, RULE_drop_trigger_stmt = 6, + RULE_drop_type_stmt = 7, RULE_pl_expr_stmt = 8, RULE_expr_list = 9, RULE_column_ref = 10, + RULE_oracle_pl_non_reserved_words = 11, RULE_complex_string_literal = 12, + RULE_js_literal = 13, RULE_literal = 14, RULE_number_literal = 15, RULE_expr_const = 16, + RULE_conf_const = 17, RULE_bool_pri = 18, RULE_is_json_constrain = 19, + RULE_strict_opt = 20, RULE_scalars_opt = 21, RULE_unique_keys_opt = 22, + RULE_json_equal_option = 23, RULE_predicate = 24, RULE_collection_predicate_expr = 25, + RULE_bit_expr = 26, RULE_conf_expr = 27, RULE_is_nan_inf_value = 28, RULE_unary_expr = 29, + RULE_simple_expr = 30, RULE_json_function = 31, RULE_gis_function = 32, + RULE_spatial_cellid_expr = 33, RULE_spatial_mbr_expr = 34, RULE_sdo_relate_expr = 35, + RULE_common_cursor_attribute = 36, RULE_cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount = 37, + RULE_cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions = 38, RULE_implicit_cursor_attribute = 39, + RULE_explicit_cursor_attribute = 40, RULE_cursor_attribute_expr = 41, + RULE_obj_access_ref = 42, RULE_dot_notation_path = 43, RULE_dot_notation_path_obj_access_ref = 44, + RULE_path_param_array = 45, RULE_path_param_list = 46, RULE_path_param = 47, + RULE_dot_notation_fun_sys = 48, RULE_dot_notation_fun = 49, RULE_obj_access_ref_normal = 50, + RULE_func_access_ref = 51, RULE_table_element_access_list = 52, RULE_table_index = 53, + RULE_expr = 54, RULE_not = 55, RULE_sub_query_flag = 56, RULE_in_expr = 57, + RULE_case_expr = 58, RULE_window_function = 59, RULE_first_or_last = 60, + RULE_respect_or_ignore = 61, RULE_win_fun_first_last_params = 62, RULE_win_fun_lead_lag_params = 63, + RULE_generalized_window_clause = 64, RULE_win_rows_or_range = 65, RULE_win_preceding_or_following = 66, + RULE_win_interval = 67, RULE_win_bounding = 68, RULE_win_window = 69, + RULE_simple_when_clause_list = 70, RULE_simple_when_clause = 71, RULE_bool_when_clause_list = 72, + RULE_bool_when_clause = 73, RULE_case_default = 74, RULE_sql_function = 75, + RULE_xml_function = 76, RULE_single_row_function = 77, RULE_numeric_function = 78, + RULE_character_function = 79, RULE_translate_charset = 80, RULE_extract_function = 81, + RULE_conversion_function = 82, RULE_hierarchical_function = 83, RULE_environment_id_function = 84, + RULE_aggregate_function = 85, RULE_js_agg_on_null = 86, RULE_js_agg_returning_type_opt = 87, + RULE_js_agg_returning_type = 88, RULE_special_func_expr = 89, RULE_access_func_expr_count = 90, + RULE_access_func_expr = 91, RULE_dblink_func_expr = 92, RULE_func_param_list = 93, + RULE_func_param = 94, RULE_func_param_with_assign = 95, RULE_pl_var_name = 96, + RULE_bool_pri_in_pl_func = 97, RULE_cur_timestamp_func = 98, RULE_updating_func = 99, + RULE_updating_params = 100, RULE_substr_params = 101, RULE_returning_log_error_clause = 102, + RULE_returning_clause = 103, RULE_log_error_clause = 104, RULE_delete_stmt = 105, + RULE_update_stmt = 106, RULE_update_asgn_list = 107, RULE_normal_asgn_list = 108, + RULE_update_asgn_factor = 109, RULE_create_resource_stmt = 110, RULE_opt_resource_unit_option_list = 111, + RULE_resource_unit_option = 112, RULE_opt_create_resource_pool_option_list = 113, + RULE_create_resource_pool_option = 114, RULE_alter_resource_pool_option_list = 115, + RULE_id_list = 116, RULE_alter_resource_pool_option = 117, RULE_alter_resource_stmt = 118, + RULE_drop_resource_stmt = 119, RULE_create_tenant_stmt = 120, RULE_opt_tenant_option_list = 121, + RULE_tenant_option = 122, RULE_zone_list = 123, RULE_resource_pool_list = 124, + RULE_alter_tenant_stmt = 125, RULE_drop_tenant_stmt = 126, RULE_create_restore_point_stmt = 127, + RULE_drop_restore_point_stmt = 128, RULE_database_key = 129, RULE_database_factor = 130, + RULE_database_option_list = 131, RULE_charset_key = 132, RULE_database_option = 133, + RULE_read_only_or_write = 134, RULE_alter_database_stmt = 135, RULE_database_name = 136, + RULE_load_data_stmt = 137, RULE_load_data_with_opt_hint = 138, RULE_compression_name = 139, + RULE_lines_or_rows = 140, RULE_field_or_vars_list = 141, RULE_field_or_vars = 142, + RULE_load_set_list = 143, RULE_load_set_element = 144, RULE_load_data_extended_option_list = 145, + RULE_load_data_extended_option = 146, RULE_create_synonym_stmt = 147, + RULE_synonym_name = 148, RULE_synonym_object = 149, RULE_drop_synonym_stmt = 150, + RULE_special_table_type = 151, RULE_on_commit_option = 152, RULE_create_directory_stmt = 153, + RULE_directory_name = 154, RULE_directory_path = 155, RULE_drop_directory_stmt = 156, + RULE_create_keystore_stmt = 157, RULE_alter_keystore_stmt = 158, RULE_create_table_stmt = 159, + RULE_table_element_list = 160, RULE_table_element = 161, RULE_column_definition = 162, + RULE_column_definition_opt_datatype = 163, RULE_out_of_line_index = 164, + RULE_out_of_line_constraint = 165, RULE_out_of_line_primary_index = 166, + RULE_out_of_line_unique_index = 167, RULE_out_of_line_index_state = 168, + RULE_constraint_state = 169, RULE_enable_option = 170, RULE_references_clause = 171, + RULE_reference_option = 172, RULE_reference_action = 173, RULE_opt_generated_option_list = 174, + RULE_opt_generated_identity_option = 175, RULE_opt_generated_column_attribute_list = 176, + RULE_generated_column_attribute = 177, RULE_opt_identity_attribute = 178, + RULE_column_definition_ref = 179, RULE_column_definition_list = 180, RULE_column_definition_opt_datatype_list = 181, + RULE_column_name_list = 182, RULE_zero_suffix_intnum = 183, RULE_cast_data_type = 184, + RULE_treat_data_type = 185, RULE_obj_access_ref_cast = 186, RULE_value_or_type_name = 187, + RULE_udt_type_i = 188, RULE_type_name = 189, RULE_data_type = 190, RULE_binary_type_i = 191, + RULE_float_type_i = 192, RULE_character_type_i = 193, RULE_rowid_type_i = 194, + RULE_interval_type_i = 195, RULE_number_type_i = 196, RULE_timestamp_type_i = 197, + RULE_data_type_precision = 198, RULE_int_type_i = 199, RULE_varchar_type_i = 200, + RULE_double_type_i = 201, RULE_datetime_type_i = 202, RULE_number_precision = 203, + RULE_signed_int_num = 204, RULE_precision_int_num = 205, RULE_precision_decimal_num = 206, + RULE_nstring_length_i = 207, RULE_string_length_i = 208, RULE_urowid_length_i = 209, + RULE_collation_name = 210, RULE_trans_param_name = 211, RULE_trans_param_value = 212, + RULE_dblink_info_param_name = 213, RULE_dblink_info_param_value = 214, + RULE_charset_name = 215, RULE_charset_name_or_default = 216, RULE_collation = 217, + RULE_opt_column_attribute_list = 218, RULE_column_attribute = 219, RULE_now_or_signed_literal = 220, + RULE_cur_timestamp_func_params = 221, RULE_signed_literal_params = 222, + RULE_signed_literal = 223, RULE_opt_comma = 224, RULE_table_option_list_space_seperated = 225, + RULE_table_option_list = 226, RULE_primary_zone_name = 227, RULE_locality_name = 228, + RULE_table_option = 229, RULE_parallel_option = 230, RULE_storage_options_list = 231, + RULE_storage_option = 232, RULE_size_option = 233, RULE_int_or_unlimited = 234, + RULE_unit_of_size = 235, RULE_relation_name_or_string = 236, RULE_opt_equal_mark = 237, + RULE_partition_option_inner = 238, RULE_external_table_partition_option = 239, + RULE_auto_partition_option = 240, RULE_column_group_element = 241, RULE_column_group_list = 242, + RULE_with_column_group = 243, RULE_partition_size = 244, RULE_auto_partition_type = 245, + RULE_auto_range_type = 246, RULE_partition_option = 247, RULE_hash_partition_option = 248, + RULE_hash_partition_attributes_option_list = 249, RULE_list_partition_option = 250, + RULE_range_partition_option = 251, RULE_interval_option = 252, RULE_subpartition_option = 253, + RULE_subpartition_template_option = 254, RULE_subpartition_individual_option = 255, + RULE_aux_column_list = 256, RULE_vertical_column_name = 257, RULE_hash_partition_list = 258, + RULE_hash_partition_element = 259, RULE_opt_range_partition_list = 260, + RULE_range_partition_list = 261, RULE_partition_attributes_option_list = 262, + RULE_range_partition_element = 263, RULE_opt_list_partition_list = 264, + RULE_list_partition_list = 265, RULE_list_partition_element = 266, RULE_subpartition_list = 267, + RULE_opt_hash_subpartition_list = 268, RULE_hash_subpartition_list = 269, + RULE_hash_subpartition_element = 270, RULE_opt_range_subpartition_list = 271, + RULE_range_subpartition_list = 272, RULE_range_subpartition_element = 273, + RULE_opt_list_subpartition_list = 274, RULE_list_subpartition_list = 275, + RULE_list_subpartition_element = 276, RULE_list_partition_expr = 277, + RULE_list_expr = 278, RULE_physical_attributes_option_list = 279, RULE_physical_attributes_option = 280, + RULE_opt_special_partition_list = 281, RULE_special_partition_list = 282, + RULE_special_partition_define = 283, RULE_range_partition_expr = 284, + RULE_range_expr_list = 285, RULE_range_expr = 286, RULE_hash_subpartition_quantity = 287, + RULE_int_or_decimal = 288, RULE_tg_hash_partition_option = 289, RULE_tg_range_partition_option = 290, + RULE_tg_list_partition_option = 291, RULE_tg_subpartition_option = 292, + RULE_tg_subpartition_template_option = 293, RULE_tg_subpartition_individual_option = 294, + RULE_opt_alter_compress_option = 295, RULE_compress_option = 296, RULE_opt_compress_level = 297, + RULE_external_properties_list = 298, RULE_external_properties = 299, RULE_external_file_format_list = 300, + RULE_external_file_format = 301, RULE_create_tablegroup_stmt = 302, RULE_drop_tablegroup_stmt = 303, + RULE_alter_tablegroup_stmt = 304, RULE_tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated = 305, + RULE_tablegroup_option_list = 306, RULE_tablegroup_option = 307, RULE_alter_tablegroup_actions = 308, + RULE_alter_tablegroup_action = 309, RULE_default_tablegroup = 310, RULE_create_view_stmt = 311, + RULE_create_mview_stmt = 312, RULE_create_mview_opts = 313, RULE_mview_enable_disable = 314, + RULE_mview_refresh_opt = 315, RULE_mv_refresh_on_clause = 316, RULE_mv_refresh_method = 317, + RULE_mv_refresh_mode = 318, RULE_mv_refresh_interval = 319, RULE_mv_start_clause = 320, + RULE_mv_next_clause = 321, RULE_view_subquery = 322, RULE_view_with_opt = 323, + RULE_with_check_option = 324, RULE_view_name = 325, RULE_opt_tablet_id = 326, + RULE_opt_tablet_id_no_empty = 327, RULE_create_index_stmt = 328, RULE_index_name = 329, + RULE_constraint_and_name = 330, RULE_constraint_name = 331, RULE_sort_column_list = 332, + RULE_sort_column_key = 333, RULE_index_expr = 334, RULE_opt_index_options = 335, + RULE_index_option = 336, RULE_index_using_algorithm = 337, RULE_create_mlog_stmt = 338, + RULE_opt_mlog_options = 339, RULE_mlog_option = 340, RULE_mlog_with_values = 341, + RULE_mlog_with_special_columns = 342, RULE_mlog_with_special_column_list = 343, + RULE_mlog_with_special_column = 344, RULE_mlog_with_reference_columns = 345, + RULE_mlog_with_reference_column_list = 346, RULE_mlog_with_reference_column = 347, + RULE_mlog_including_or_excluding = 348, RULE_mlog_purge_values = 349, + RULE_mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async = 350, RULE_mlog_purge_start = 351, + RULE_mlog_purge_next = 352, RULE_drop_mlog_stmt = 353, RULE_drop_table_stmt = 354, + RULE_table_or_tables = 355, RULE_drop_view_stmt = 356, RULE_table_list = 357, + RULE_drop_index_stmt = 358, RULE_insert_stmt = 359, RULE_opt_simple_expression = 360, + RULE_into_err_log_caluse = 361, RULE_reject_limit = 362, RULE_single_table_insert = 363, + RULE_multi_table_insert = 364, RULE_insert_table_clause_list = 365, RULE_insert_single_table_clause = 366, + RULE_conditional_insert_clause = 367, RULE_condition_insert_clause_list = 368, + RULE_condition_insert_clause = 369, RULE_values_clause = 370, RULE_opt_into_clause = 371, + RULE_returning_exprs = 372, RULE_insert_with_opt_hint = 373, RULE_column_list = 374, + RULE_insert_vals_list = 375, RULE_insert_vals = 376, RULE_expr_or_default = 377, + RULE_merge_with_opt_hint = 378, RULE_merge_stmt = 379, RULE_merge_update_clause = 380, + RULE_merge_insert_clause = 381, RULE_source_relation_factor = 382, RULE_select_stmt = 383, + RULE_subquery = 384, RULE_select_with_parens = 385, RULE_select_no_parens = 386, + RULE_select_clause = 387, RULE_select_clause_set = 388, RULE_select_clause_set_right = 389, + RULE_select_clause_set_left = 390, RULE_select_with_opt_hint = 391, RULE_update_with_opt_hint = 392, + RULE_delete_with_opt_hint = 393, RULE_simple_select = 394, RULE_select_with_hierarchical_query = 395, + RULE_start_with = 396, RULE_fetch_next_clause = 397, RULE_fetch_next = 398, + RULE_fetch_next_count = 399, RULE_fetch_next_percent = 400, RULE_fetch_next_expr = 401, + RULE_fetch_next_percent_expr = 402, RULE_connect_by = 403, RULE_set_type_union = 404, + RULE_set_type_other = 405, RULE_set_type = 406, RULE_set_expression_option = 407, + RULE_opt_where = 408, RULE_opt_where_extension = 409, RULE_into_clause = 410, + RULE_into_opt = 411, RULE_into_var_list = 412, RULE_into_var = 413, RULE_field_opt = 414, + RULE_field_term_list = 415, RULE_field_term = 416, RULE_file_opt = 417, + RULE_file_option_list = 418, RULE_file_option = 419, RULE_file_partition_opt = 420, + RULE_file_size_const = 421, RULE_line_opt = 422, RULE_line_term_list = 423, + RULE_line_term = 424, RULE_hint_list_with_end = 425, RULE_opt_hint_list = 426, + RULE_hint_options = 427, RULE_name_list = 428, RULE_hint_option = 429, + RULE_distribute_method = 430, RULE_consistency_level = 431, RULE_use_plan_cache_type = 432, + RULE_use_jit_type = 433, RULE_for_update = 434, RULE_parameterized_trim = 435, + RULE_groupby_clause = 436, RULE_groupby_element_list = 437, RULE_groupby_element = 438, + RULE_group_by_expr = 439, RULE_rollup_clause = 440, RULE_cube_clause = 441, + RULE_group_by_expr_list = 442, RULE_grouping_sets_clause = 443, RULE_grouping_sets_list = 444, + RULE_grouping_sets = 445, RULE_order_by = 446, RULE_sort_list = 447, RULE_sort_key = 448, + RULE_opt_null_pos = 449, RULE_opt_ascending_type = 450, RULE_opt_asc_desc = 451, + RULE_query_expression_option_list = 452, RULE_query_expression_option = 453, + RULE_projection = 454, RULE_opt_as = 455, RULE_select_expr_list = 456, + RULE_from_list = 457, RULE_table_references = 458, RULE_table_reference = 459, + RULE_table_factor = 460, RULE_select_function = 461, RULE_tbl_name = 462, + RULE_dual_table = 463, RULE_transpose_clause = 464, RULE_pivot_aggr_clause = 465, + RULE_pivot_single_aggr_clause = 466, RULE_transpose_for_clause = 467, + RULE_transpose_in_clause = 468, RULE_transpose_in_args = 469, RULE_transpose_in_arg = 470, + RULE_unpivot_column_clause = 471, RULE_unpivot_in_clause = 472, RULE_unpivot_in_args = 473, + RULE_unpivot_in_arg = 474, RULE_dml_table_name = 475, RULE_order_by_fetch_with_check_option = 476, + RULE_insert_table_clause = 477, RULE_dml_table_clause = 478, RULE_seed = 479, + RULE_sample_percent = 480, RULE_sample_clause = 481, RULE_table_subquery = 482, + RULE_use_partition = 483, RULE_external_table_partitions = 484, RULE_external_table_partition = 485, + RULE_use_flashback = 486, RULE_relation_factor = 487, RULE_normal_relation_factor = 488, + RULE_dot_relation_factor = 489, RULE_opt_reverse_link_flag = 490, RULE_relation_factor_in_hint = 491, + RULE_qb_name_option = 492, RULE_relation_factor_in_hint_list = 493, RULE_relation_sep_option = 494, + RULE_relation_factor_in_mv_hint_list = 495, RULE_relation_factor_in_pq_hint = 496, + RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint = 497, RULE_tracing_num_list = 498, + RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list = 499, RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry = 500, + RULE_relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list = 501, RULE_coalesce_strategy_list = 502, + RULE_join_condition = 503, RULE_joined_table = 504, RULE_natural_join_type = 505, + RULE_outer_join_type = 506, RULE_join_outer = 507, RULE_with_select = 508, + RULE_with_clause = 509, RULE_with_list = 510, RULE_common_table_expr = 511, + RULE_mv_column_list = 512, RULE_alias_name_list = 513, RULE_column_alias_name = 514, + RULE_search_set_value = 515, RULE_analyze_stmt = 516, RULE_analyze_statistics_clause = 517, + RULE_opt_analyze_for_clause_list = 518, RULE_opt_analyze_for_clause_element = 519, + RULE_sample_option = 520, RULE_create_outline_stmt = 521, RULE_alter_outline_stmt = 522, + RULE_drop_outline_stmt = 523, RULE_explain_stmt = 524, RULE_explain_or_desc = 525, + RULE_explainable_stmt = 526, RULE_format_name = 527, RULE_show_stmt = 528, + RULE_opt_for_grant_user = 529, RULE_columns_or_fields = 530, RULE_from_or_in = 531, + RULE_help_stmt = 532, RULE_create_user_stmt = 533, RULE_default_role_clause = 534, + RULE_alter_user_stmt = 535, RULE_alter_user_profile_stmt = 536, RULE_alter_role_stmt = 537, + RULE_user_specification = 538, RULE_require_specification = 539, RULE_tls_option_list = 540, + RULE_tls_option = 541, RULE_grant_user = 542, RULE_grant_user_list = 543, + RULE_user = 544, RULE_opt_host_name = 545, RULE_user_with_host_name = 546, + RULE_password = 547, RULE_password_str = 548, RULE_drop_user_stmt = 549, + RULE_user_list = 550, RULE_set_password_stmt = 551, RULE_opt_for_user = 552, + RULE_lock_user_stmt = 553, RULE_lock_spec_mysql57 = 554, RULE_lock_tables_stmt = 555, + RULE_lock_table_stmt = 556, RULE_lock_table_factors = 557, RULE_lock_table_factor = 558, + RULE_lock_mode = 559, RULE_unlock_tables_stmt = 560, RULE_lock_table_list = 561, + RULE_create_context_stmt = 562, RULE_context_package_name = 563, RULE_lock_table = 564, + RULE_context_option = 565, RULE_lock_type = 566, RULE_drop_context_stmt = 567, + RULE_create_sequence_stmt = 568, RULE_sequence_option_list = 569, RULE_sequence_option = 570, + RULE_simple_num = 571, RULE_drop_sequence_stmt = 572, RULE_alter_sequence_stmt = 573, + RULE_create_dblink_stmt = 574, RULE_drop_dblink_stmt = 575, RULE_dblink = 576, + RULE_tenant = 577, RULE_opt_cluster = 578, RULE_begin_stmt = 579, RULE_commit_stmt = 580, + RULE_rollback_stmt = 581, RULE_kill_stmt = 582, RULE_create_role_stmt = 583, + RULE_role_list = 584, RULE_role = 585, RULE_drop_role_stmt = 586, RULE_set_role_stmt = 587, + RULE_role_opt_identified_by_list = 588, RULE_role_opt_identified_by = 589, + RULE_sys_and_obj_priv = 590, RULE_grant_stmt = 591, RULE_grant_system_privileges = 592, + RULE_grantee_clause = 593, RULE_role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list = 594, + RULE_role_sys_obj_all_col_priv = 595, RULE_priv_type = 596, RULE_obj_clause = 597, + RULE_revoke_stmt = 598, RULE_prepare_stmt = 599, RULE_stmt_name = 600, + RULE_preparable_stmt = 601, RULE_variable_set_stmt = 602, RULE_sys_var_and_val_list = 603, + RULE_var_and_val_list = 604, RULE_set_expr_or_default = 605, RULE_var_and_val = 606, + RULE_sys_var_and_val = 607, RULE_scope_or_scope_alias = 608, RULE_to_or_eq = 609, + RULE_set_var_op = 610, RULE_argument = 611, RULE_execute_stmt = 612, RULE_argument_list = 613, + RULE_deallocate_prepare_stmt = 614, RULE_deallocate_or_drop = 615, RULE_call_stmt = 616, + RULE_call_param_list = 617, RULE_routine_access_name = 618, RULE_routine_name = 619, + RULE_truncate_table_stmt = 620, RULE_rename_table_stmt = 621, RULE_rename_table_actions = 622, + RULE_rename_table_action = 623, RULE_alter_index_stmt = 624, RULE_alter_index_actions = 625, + RULE_alter_index_action = 626, RULE_alter_index_option_oracle = 627, RULE_alter_table_stmt = 628, + RULE_add_external_table_partition_actions = 629, RULE_add_external_table_partition_action = 630, + RULE_alter_table_actions = 631, RULE_alter_table_action = 632, RULE_alter_partition_option = 633, + RULE_drop_partition_name_list = 634, RULE_split_actions = 635, RULE_add_range_or_list_partition = 636, + RULE_add_range_or_list_subpartition = 637, RULE_modify_special_partition = 638, + RULE_split_range_partition = 639, RULE_split_list_partition = 640, RULE_modify_partition_info = 641, + RULE_tg_modify_partition_info = 642, RULE_alter_index_option = 643, RULE_visibility_option = 644, + RULE_alter_column_group_option = 645, RULE_alter_column_option = 646, + RULE_alter_tablegroup_option = 647, RULE_flashback_stmt = 648, RULE_relation_factors = 649, + RULE_purge_stmt = 650, RULE_shrink_space_stmt = 651, RULE_audit_stmt = 652, + RULE_audit_or_noaudit = 653, RULE_audit_clause = 654, RULE_audit_operation_clause = 655, + RULE_audit_all_shortcut_list = 656, RULE_auditing_on_clause = 657, RULE_auditing_by_user_clause = 658, + RULE_op_audit_tail_clause = 659, RULE_audit_by_session_access_option = 660, + RULE_audit_whenever_option = 661, RULE_audit_all_shortcut = 662, RULE_alter_system_stmt = 663, + RULE_opt_sql_throttle_using_cond = 664, RULE_sql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics = 665, + RULE_sql_throttle_metric = 666, RULE_alter_system_set_clause_list = 667, + RULE_alter_system_set_clause = 668, RULE_alter_system_reset_clause_list = 669, + RULE_alter_system_reset_clause = 670, RULE_set_system_parameter_clause = 671, + RULE_reset_system_parameter_clause = 672, RULE_cache_type_or_string = 673, + RULE_cache_type = 674, RULE_balance_task_type = 675, RULE_tenant_list_tuple = 676, + RULE_tenant_list_tuple_v2 = 677, RULE_tenant_name_list = 678, RULE_opt_path_info = 679, + RULE_policy_name = 680, RULE_flush_scope = 681, RULE_server_info_list = 682, + RULE_server_info = 683, RULE_server_action = 684, RULE_server_list = 685, + RULE_zone_action = 686, RULE_ip_port = 687, RULE_zone_desc = 688, RULE_server_or_zone = 689, + RULE_add_or_alter_zone_option = 690, RULE_add_or_alter_zone_options = 691, + RULE_alter_or_change_or_modify = 692, RULE_ls = 693, RULE_partition_id_desc = 694, + RULE_partition_id_or_server_or_zone = 695, RULE_migrate_action = 696, + RULE_change_actions = 697, RULE_change_action = 698, RULE_replica_type = 699, + RULE_memstore_percent = 700, RULE_suspend_or_resume = 701, RULE_baseline_id_expr = 702, + RULE_sql_id_expr = 703, RULE_baseline_asgn_factor = 704, RULE_tenant_name = 705, + RULE_namespace_expr = 706, RULE_cache_name = 707, RULE_file_id = 708, + RULE_cancel_task_type = 709, RULE_alter_system_settp_actions = 710, RULE_settp_option = 711, + RULE_partition_role = 712, RULE_upgrade_action = 713, RULE_alter_session_stmt = 714, + RULE_var_name_of_forced_module = 715, RULE_var_name_of_module = 716, RULE_switch_option = 717, + RULE_session_isolation_level = 718, RULE_alter_session_set_clause = 719, + RULE_set_system_parameter_clause_list = 720, RULE_current_schema = 721, + RULE_set_comment_stmt = 722, RULE_create_tablespace_stmt = 723, RULE_drop_tablespace_stmt = 724, + RULE_tablespace = 725, RULE_alter_tablespace_stmt = 726, RULE_alter_tablespace_actions = 727, + RULE_alter_tablespace_action = 728, RULE_permanent_tablespace = 729, RULE_permanent_tablespace_options = 730, + RULE_permanent_tablespace_option = 731, RULE_create_profile_stmt = 732, + RULE_alter_profile_stmt = 733, RULE_drop_profile_stmt = 734, RULE_profile_name = 735, + RULE_password_parameters = 736, RULE_password_parameter = 737, RULE_verify_function_name = 738, + RULE_password_parameter_value = 739, RULE_password_parameter_type = 740, + RULE_user_profile = 741, RULE_method_opt = 742, RULE_method_list = 743, + RULE_method = 744, RULE_for_all = 745, RULE_size_clause = 746, RULE_for_columns = 747, + RULE_for_columns_list = 748, RULE_for_columns_item = 749, RULE_column_clause = 750, + RULE_extension = 751, RULE_set_names_stmt = 752, RULE_set_charset_stmt = 753, + RULE_set_transaction_stmt = 754, RULE_transaction_characteristics = 755, + RULE_transaction_access_mode = 756, RULE_isolation_level = 757, RULE_switchover_tenant_stmt = 758, + RULE_switchover_clause = 759, RULE_recover_tenant_stmt = 760, RULE_recover_point_clause = 761, + RULE_transfer_partition_stmt = 762, RULE_transfer_partition_clause = 763, + RULE_part_info = 764, RULE_cancel_transfer_partition_clause = 765, RULE_service_name_stmt = 766, + RULE_service_op = 767, RULE_create_savepoint_stmt = 768, RULE_rollback_savepoint_stmt = 769, + RULE_var_name = 770, RULE_column_name = 771, RULE_relation_name = 772, + RULE_exists_function_name = 773, RULE_function_name = 774, RULE_column_label = 775, + RULE_keystore_name = 776, RULE_date_unit = 777, RULE_timezone_unit = 778, + RULE_date_unit_for_extract = 779, RULE_json_mergepatch_expr = 780, RULE_json_mergepatch_on_error = 781, + RULE_opt_json_mergepatch = 782, RULE_js_mp_return_clause = 783, RULE_json_array_expr = 784, + RULE_json_array_content = 785, RULE_json_array_on_null = 786, RULE_js_array_eles = 787, + RULE_js_array_ele = 788, RULE_js_array_return_clause = 789, RULE_json_value_expr = 790, + RULE_json_equal_expr = 791, RULE_json_value_on_opt = 792, RULE_js_doc_expr = 793, + RULE_opt_js_value_returning_type = 794, RULE_json_value_on_empty = 795, + RULE_json_value_on_empty_response = 796, RULE_json_value_on_error = 797, + RULE_json_value_on_error_response = 798, RULE_opt_on_mismatchs = 799, + RULE_opt_on_mismatch = 800, RULE_json_value_on_response = 801, RULE_mismatch_type_list = 802, + RULE_mismatch_type = 803, RULE_json_exists_expr = 804, RULE_opt_json_exist = 805, + RULE_passing_elements = 806, RULE_passing_context = 807, RULE_sql_var_name = 808, + RULE_opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty = 809, RULE_json_exists_on_error = 810, + RULE_json_exists_on_empty = 811, RULE_json_exists_response_type = 812, + RULE_json_query_expr = 813, RULE_json_query_on_opt = 814, RULE_wrapper_opts = 815, + RULE_js_query_return_type = 816, RULE_on_mismatch_query = 817, RULE_on_error_query = 818, + RULE_on_empty_query = 819, RULE_opt_response_query_on_empty_error = 820, + RULE_opt_response_query = 821, RULE_xml_table_expr = 822, RULE_opt_columns_clause = 823, + RULE_opt_sequence_by_ref = 824, RULE_opt_xml_passing_clause = 825, RULE_opt_xml_table_path = 826, + RULE_opt_xml_table_ns = 827, RULE_xml_ns_list = 828, RULE_xml_ns = 829, + RULE_xml_identifier = 830, RULE_xml_table_columns_list = 831, RULE_xml_table_column = 832, + RULE_xml_table_ordinality_column_def = 833, RULE_xml_table_value_column_def = 834, + RULE_xml_table_query_column_def = 835, RULE_opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket = 836, + RULE_opt_xml_table_default_value = 837, RULE_opt_json_table_on_error_on_empty = 838, + RULE_json_table_columns_def_opt = 839, RULE_json_table_expr = 840, RULE_json_table_columns_def = 841, + RULE_json_table_column_def = 842, RULE_json_table_ordinality_column_def = 843, + RULE_json_table_column_def_path = 844, RULE_json_table_exists_column_def = 845, + RULE_json_table_query_column_def = 846, RULE_json_table_value_column_def = 847, + RULE_json_table_nested_column_def = 848, RULE_opt_jt_query_type = 849, + RULE_opt_jt_value_type = 850, RULE_js_value_return_type = 851, RULE_js_return_type = 852, + RULE_js_return_default_type = 853, RULE_js_return_text_type = 854, RULE_json_table_on_response = 855, + RULE_json_table_on_error = 856, RULE_json_table_on_empty = 857, RULE_json_object_expr = 858, + RULE_opt_json_object_content = 859, RULE_opt_json_object_clause = 860, + RULE_entry_op = 861, RULE_entry_set = 862, RULE_entry_obj = 863, RULE_regular_entry_obj = 864, + RULE_json_obj_literal_expr = 865, RULE_js_on_null = 866, RULE_json_obj_returning_type = 867, + RULE_json_obj_unique_key = 868, RULE_opt_skip_index_type_list = 869, RULE_skip_index_type = 870, + RULE_xmlparse_expr = 871, RULE_xml_text = 872, RULE_xml_doc_type = 873, + RULE_xml_element_expr = 874, RULE_xml_tag = 875, RULE_evalname_expr = 876, + RULE_element_name = 877, RULE_xml_value_clause = 878, RULE_xml_value = 879, + RULE_xml_attributes_expr = 880, RULE_xml_attributes_value_clause = 881, + RULE_attributes_name_value = 882, RULE_xml_attributes_value = 883, RULE_xml_sequence_expr = 884, + RULE_insert_child_xml = 885, RULE_delete_xml = 886, RULE_xml_extract_expr = 887, + RULE_xmlcast_expr = 888, RULE_xmlserialize_expr = 889, RULE_unreserved_keyword = 890, + RULE_aggregate_function_keyword = 891, RULE_oracle_unreserved_keyword = 892, + RULE_unreserved_keyword_normal = 893, RULE_empty = 894, RULE_forward_expr = 895, + RULE_forward_sql_stmt = 896; + private static String[] makeRuleNames() { + return new String[] { + "sql_stmt", "stmt_list", "stmt", "drop_package_stmt", "drop_procedure_stmt", + "drop_function_stmt", "drop_trigger_stmt", "drop_type_stmt", "pl_expr_stmt", + "expr_list", "column_ref", "oracle_pl_non_reserved_words", "complex_string_literal", + "js_literal", "literal", "number_literal", "expr_const", "conf_const", + "bool_pri", "is_json_constrain", "strict_opt", "scalars_opt", "unique_keys_opt", + "json_equal_option", "predicate", "collection_predicate_expr", "bit_expr", + "conf_expr", "is_nan_inf_value", "unary_expr", "simple_expr", "json_function", + "gis_function", "spatial_cellid_expr", "spatial_mbr_expr", "sdo_relate_expr", + "common_cursor_attribute", "cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount", "cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions", + "implicit_cursor_attribute", "explicit_cursor_attribute", "cursor_attribute_expr", + "obj_access_ref", "dot_notation_path", "dot_notation_path_obj_access_ref", + "path_param_array", "path_param_list", "path_param", "dot_notation_fun_sys", + "dot_notation_fun", "obj_access_ref_normal", "func_access_ref", "table_element_access_list", + "table_index", "expr", "not", "sub_query_flag", "in_expr", "case_expr", + "window_function", "first_or_last", "respect_or_ignore", "win_fun_first_last_params", + "win_fun_lead_lag_params", "generalized_window_clause", "win_rows_or_range", + "win_preceding_or_following", "win_interval", "win_bounding", "win_window", + "simple_when_clause_list", "simple_when_clause", "bool_when_clause_list", + "bool_when_clause", "case_default", "sql_function", "xml_function", "single_row_function", + "numeric_function", "character_function", "translate_charset", "extract_function", + "conversion_function", "hierarchical_function", "environment_id_function", + "aggregate_function", "js_agg_on_null", "js_agg_returning_type_opt", + "js_agg_returning_type", "special_func_expr", "access_func_expr_count", + "access_func_expr", "dblink_func_expr", "func_param_list", "func_param", + "func_param_with_assign", "pl_var_name", "bool_pri_in_pl_func", "cur_timestamp_func", + "updating_func", "updating_params", "substr_params", "returning_log_error_clause", + "returning_clause", "log_error_clause", "delete_stmt", "update_stmt", + "update_asgn_list", "normal_asgn_list", "update_asgn_factor", "create_resource_stmt", + "opt_resource_unit_option_list", "resource_unit_option", "opt_create_resource_pool_option_list", + "create_resource_pool_option", "alter_resource_pool_option_list", "id_list", + "alter_resource_pool_option", "alter_resource_stmt", "drop_resource_stmt", + "create_tenant_stmt", "opt_tenant_option_list", "tenant_option", "zone_list", + "resource_pool_list", "alter_tenant_stmt", "drop_tenant_stmt", "create_restore_point_stmt", + "drop_restore_point_stmt", "database_key", "database_factor", "database_option_list", + "charset_key", "database_option", "read_only_or_write", "alter_database_stmt", + "database_name", "load_data_stmt", "load_data_with_opt_hint", "compression_name", + "lines_or_rows", "field_or_vars_list", "field_or_vars", "load_set_list", + "load_set_element", "load_data_extended_option_list", "load_data_extended_option", + "create_synonym_stmt", "synonym_name", "synonym_object", "drop_synonym_stmt", + "special_table_type", "on_commit_option", "create_directory_stmt", "directory_name", + "directory_path", "drop_directory_stmt", "create_keystore_stmt", "alter_keystore_stmt", + "create_table_stmt", "table_element_list", "table_element", "column_definition", + "column_definition_opt_datatype", "out_of_line_index", "out_of_line_constraint", + "out_of_line_primary_index", "out_of_line_unique_index", "out_of_line_index_state", + "constraint_state", "enable_option", "references_clause", "reference_option", + "reference_action", "opt_generated_option_list", "opt_generated_identity_option", + "opt_generated_column_attribute_list", "generated_column_attribute", + "opt_identity_attribute", "column_definition_ref", "column_definition_list", + "column_definition_opt_datatype_list", "column_name_list", "zero_suffix_intnum", + "cast_data_type", "treat_data_type", "obj_access_ref_cast", "value_or_type_name", + "udt_type_i", "type_name", "data_type", "binary_type_i", "float_type_i", + "character_type_i", "rowid_type_i", "interval_type_i", "number_type_i", + "timestamp_type_i", "data_type_precision", "int_type_i", "varchar_type_i", + "double_type_i", "datetime_type_i", "number_precision", "signed_int_num", + "precision_int_num", "precision_decimal_num", "nstring_length_i", "string_length_i", + "urowid_length_i", "collation_name", "trans_param_name", "trans_param_value", + "dblink_info_param_name", "dblink_info_param_value", "charset_name", + "charset_name_or_default", "collation", "opt_column_attribute_list", + "column_attribute", "now_or_signed_literal", "cur_timestamp_func_params", + "signed_literal_params", "signed_literal", "opt_comma", "table_option_list_space_seperated", + "table_option_list", "primary_zone_name", "locality_name", "table_option", + "parallel_option", "storage_options_list", "storage_option", "size_option", + "int_or_unlimited", "unit_of_size", "relation_name_or_string", "opt_equal_mark", + "partition_option_inner", "external_table_partition_option", "auto_partition_option", + "column_group_element", "column_group_list", "with_column_group", "partition_size", + "auto_partition_type", "auto_range_type", "partition_option", "hash_partition_option", + "hash_partition_attributes_option_list", "list_partition_option", "range_partition_option", + "interval_option", "subpartition_option", "subpartition_template_option", + "subpartition_individual_option", "aux_column_list", "vertical_column_name", + "hash_partition_list", "hash_partition_element", "opt_range_partition_list", + "range_partition_list", "partition_attributes_option_list", "range_partition_element", + "opt_list_partition_list", "list_partition_list", "list_partition_element", + "subpartition_list", "opt_hash_subpartition_list", "hash_subpartition_list", + "hash_subpartition_element", "opt_range_subpartition_list", "range_subpartition_list", + "range_subpartition_element", 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"NOCACHE", "DISALLOW", "PRIVILEGE", "PRIMARY_ROOTSERVICE_LIST", "UNUSUAL", + "RELAYLOG", "SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS", "LOWER_THAN_FOR", "PRIMARY_ZONE", "TABLE_CHECKSUM", + "ZONE_LIST", "DATABASE_ID", "TP_NO", "NETWORK", "LOWER_THAN_TO", "HIDDEN_", + "BOOLEAN", "AVG", "MULTILINESTRING", "APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE", + "NOW", "PROXY", "DUPLICATE_SCOPE", "STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES", "TABLET_SIZE", + "BASE", "FOREIGN", "KVCACHE", "RELAY", "MINEXTENTS", "CONTRIBUTORS", + "MEMORY_SIZE", "EMPTY", "PARTIAL", "REPORT", "ESCAPE", "MASTER_AUTO_POSITION", + "CALC_PARTITION_ID", "TP_NAME", "SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS", "EFFECTIVE", "FIRST_VALUE", + "SQL_TSI_MINUTE", "UNICODE", "QUARTER", "ANALYSE", "DEFINER", "NONE", + "PROCESSLIST", "TYPE", "CHAR_CS", "INSERT_METHOD", "EXTENDED", "LISTS", + "LOG", "TIME_ZONE_INFO", "TIMESTAMPADD", "DISMOUNT", "BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY", + "GET_FORMAT", "LOW", "PREPARE", "WORK", "MATERIALIZED", "HANDLER", "CUME_DIST", + "NOSORT", "INITIAL_SIZE", "RELAY_LOG_FILE", "STORING", "IMPORT", "MIN_MEMORY", + "HELP", "CREATE_TIMESTAMP", "COMPUTE", "RANDOM", "SOUNDS", "TABLE_MODE", + "COPY", "SQL_NO_CACHE", "MISMATCH", "EXECUTE", "PRECEDING", "SWITCHES", + "PACK_KEYS", "ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID", "SQL_ID", "NOORDER", "CHECKPOINT", + "DAY", "AUTHORIZATION", "LEAD", "JSON_TABLE", "JSON_VALUE", "DBA", "EVENTS", + "RECURSIVE", "ONLY", "TABLEGROUP_ID", "GROUP_ID", "GROUPING_ID", "TOP_K_FRE_HIST", + "MASTER_SSL_CRL", "RESOURCE_POOL_LIST", "TRACING", "NTILE", "NULL_IF_EXETERNAL", + "SKEWONLY", "IS_TENANT_SYS_POOL", "INLINE", "MOUNT", "SCHEDULE", "JOB", + "MASTER_LOG_POS", "SUBCLASS_ORIGIN", "MULTIPOINT", "INFINITE_VALUE", + "BLOCK", "SQL_TSI_SECOND", "ROLLUP", "CORR", "MIN_CPU", "OCCUR", "ACCESSED", + "DATA", "BINARY_FLOAT_NAN", "MASTER_HOST", "PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME", "VAR_SAMP", + "ALGORITHM", "CONSTRAINT_NAME", "LIMIT", "APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT", "DDL", + "BASIC", "DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP", "CONTENTS", "CONTENT", "XMLELEMENT", "ENTITYESCAPING", + "EXTRACTVALUE", "NOENTITYESCAPING", "NOSCHEMACHECK", "SCHEMACHECK", "NO_PX_JOIN_FILTER", + "STATEMENT_ID", "HIGHER_THAN_TO", "LINK", "WEEK", "UNCONDITIONAL", "CONDITIONAL", + "NULLS", "MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH", "CASCADED", "PLUGIN", "ENCRYPTED", "TENANT", + "INITRANS", "SCN", "LNNVL", "INTNUM", "DECIMAL_VAL", "BOOL_VALUE", "At", + "LeftBracket", "LeftBrace", "RightBracket", "RightBrace", "DATE_VALUE", + "INTERVAL_VALUE", "HINT_VALUE", "Comma", "Plus", "And", "Or", "Star", + "Not", "LeftParen", "Minus", "Div", "Caret", "Colon", "Dot", "Mod", "RightParen", + "Tilde", "DELIMITER", "CNNOP", "AND_OP", "COMP_EQ", "COMP_NSEQ", "SET_VAR", + "COMP_GT", "COMP_GE", "COMP_LE", "COMP_LT", "COMP_NE", "SHIFT_LEFT", + "SHIFT_RIGHT", "COMP_NE_PL", "POW_PL", "QUESTIONMARK", "SYSTEM_VARIABLE", + "USER_VARIABLE", "PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR", "PLSQL_VARIABLE", "MULTISET_OP", + "A_", "NAME_OB", "STRING_VALUE", "In_c_comment", "ANTLR_SKIP", "Blank", + "LOAD_DATA_HINT_BEGIN", "INSERT_HINT_BEGIN", "MERGE_HINT_BEGIN", "SELECT_HINT_BEGIN", + "UPDATE_HINT_BEGIN", "DELETE_HINT_BEGIN", "HINT_END", "NO_REWRITE", "READ_CONSISTENCY", + "INDEX_HINT", "QUERY_TIMEOUT", "FROZEN_VERSION", "TOPK", "HOTSPOT", "LOG_LEVEL", + "LEADING_HINT", "ORDERED", "FULL_HINT", "USE_PLAN_CACHE", "USE_MERGE", + "NO_USE_MERGE", "USE_HASH", "NO_USE_HASH", "USE_NL", "NO_USE_NL", "USE_BNL", + "NO_USE_BNL", "USE_NL_MATERIALIZATION", "NO_USE_NL_MATERIALIZATION", + "USE_HASH_AGGREGATION", "NO_USE_HASH_AGGREGATION", "MERGE_HINT", "NO_MERGE_HINT", + "NO_EXPAND", "USE_CONCAT", "UNNEST", "NO_UNNEST", "PLACE_GROUP_BY", "NO_PLACE_GROUP_BY", + "NO_PRED_DEDUCE", "USE_JIT", "NO_USE_JIT", "USE_LATE_MATERIALIZATION", + "NO_USE_LATE_MATERIALIZATION", "TRACE_LOG", "STAT", "USE_PX", "NO_USE_PX", + "TRANS_PARAM", "PX_JOIN_FILTER", "FORCE_REFRESH_LOCATION_CACHE", "QB_NAME", + "MAX_CONCURRENT", "PQ_DISTRIBUTE", "LOAD_BATCH_SIZE", "RANDOM_LOCAL", + "BROADCAST", "HINT_HINT_BEGIN" + }; + } + private static final String[] _SYMBOLIC_NAMES = makeSymbolicNames(); + public static final Vocabulary VOCABULARY = new VocabularyImpl(_LITERAL_NAMES, _SYMBOLIC_NAMES); + + /** + * @deprecated Use {@link #VOCABULARY} instead. + */ + @Deprecated + public static final String[] tokenNames; + static { + tokenNames = new String[_SYMBOLIC_NAMES.length]; + for (int i = 0; i < tokenNames.length; i++) { + tokenNames[i] = VOCABULARY.getLiteralName(i); + if (tokenNames[i] == null) { + tokenNames[i] = VOCABULARY.getSymbolicName(i); + } + + if (tokenNames[i] == null) { + tokenNames[i] = ""; + } + } + } + + @Override + @Deprecated + public String[] getTokenNames() { + return tokenNames; + } + + @Override + + public Vocabulary getVocabulary() { + return VOCABULARY; + } + + @Override + public String getGrammarFileName() { return "OBParser.g4"; } + + @Override + public String[] getRuleNames() { return ruleNames; } + + @Override + public String getSerializedATN() { return _serializedATN; } + + @Override + public ATN getATN() { return _ATN; } + + + public boolean is_pl_parse_ = false; + public boolean is_pl_parse_expr_ = false; + + public OBParser(TokenStream input) { + super(input); + _interp = new ParserATNSimulator(this,_ATN,_decisionToDFA,_sharedContextCache); + } + + public static class Sql_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Stmt_listContext stmt_list() { + return getRuleContext(Stmt_listContext.class,0); + } + public Sql_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sql_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSql_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSql_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Sql_stmtContext sql_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Sql_stmtContext _localctx = new Sql_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 0, RULE_sql_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(1794); + stmt_list(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Stmt_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode EOF() { return getToken(OBParser.EOF, 0); } + public TerminalNode DELIMITER() { return getToken(OBParser.DELIMITER, 0); } + public StmtContext stmt() { + return getRuleContext(StmtContext.class,0); + } + public Stmt_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_stmt_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterStmt_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitStmt_list(this); + } + } + + public final Stmt_listContext stmt_list() throws RecognitionException { + Stmt_listContext _localctx = new Stmt_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 2, RULE_stmt_list); + try { + setState(1806); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(1796); + match(EOF); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(1797); + match(DELIMITER); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(1798); + stmt(); + setState(1799); + match(EOF); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(1801); + stmt(); + setState(1802); + match(DELIMITER); + setState(1804); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,0,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(1803); + match(EOF); + } + break; + } + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class StmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Select_stmtContext select_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Select_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Insert_stmtContext insert_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Insert_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Merge_stmtContext merge_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Merge_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Create_table_stmtContext create_table_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Create_table_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_database_stmtContext alter_database_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_database_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Update_stmtContext update_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Update_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Delete_stmtContext delete_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Delete_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_table_stmtContext drop_table_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_table_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_view_stmtContext drop_view_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_view_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Explain_stmtContext explain_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Explain_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Create_outline_stmtContext create_outline_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Create_outline_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_outline_stmtContext alter_outline_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_outline_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_outline_stmtContext drop_outline_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_outline_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Show_stmtContext show_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Show_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Prepare_stmtContext prepare_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Prepare_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Variable_set_stmtContext variable_set_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Variable_set_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Execute_stmtContext execute_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Execute_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Call_stmtContext call_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Call_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_table_stmtContext alter_table_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_table_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_index_stmtContext alter_index_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_index_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_system_stmtContext alter_system_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_system_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Audit_stmtContext audit_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Audit_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext deallocate_prepare_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Create_user_stmtContext create_user_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Create_user_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_user_stmtContext alter_user_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_user_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_user_profile_stmtContext alter_user_profile_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_user_profile_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_user_stmtContext drop_user_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_user_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Set_password_stmtContext set_password_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Set_password_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Lock_user_stmtContext lock_user_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Lock_user_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Grant_stmtContext grant_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Grant_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Revoke_stmtContext revoke_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Revoke_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Begin_stmtContext begin_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Begin_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Commit_stmtContext commit_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Commit_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Rollback_stmtContext rollback_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Rollback_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Create_index_stmtContext create_index_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Create_index_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_index_stmtContext drop_index_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_index_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Kill_stmtContext kill_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Kill_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Create_mlog_stmtContext create_mlog_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Create_mlog_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_mlog_stmtContext drop_mlog_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_mlog_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Help_stmtContext help_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Help_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Create_view_stmtContext create_view_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Create_view_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Create_mview_stmtContext create_mview_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Create_mview_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Create_tenant_stmtContext create_tenant_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Create_tenant_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_tenant_stmtContext alter_tenant_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_tenant_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_tenant_stmtContext drop_tenant_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_tenant_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Create_restore_point_stmtContext create_restore_point_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Create_restore_point_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_restore_point_stmtContext drop_restore_point_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_restore_point_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Create_resource_stmtContext create_resource_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Create_resource_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_resource_stmtContext alter_resource_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_resource_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_resource_stmtContext drop_resource_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_resource_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Set_names_stmtContext set_names_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Set_names_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Set_charset_stmtContext set_charset_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Set_charset_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Create_tablegroup_stmtContext create_tablegroup_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Create_tablegroup_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext drop_tablegroup_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext alter_tablegroup_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Rename_table_stmtContext rename_table_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Rename_table_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Truncate_table_stmtContext truncate_table_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Truncate_table_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Set_transaction_stmtContext set_transaction_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Set_transaction_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Create_synonym_stmtContext create_synonym_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Create_synonym_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_synonym_stmtContext drop_synonym_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_synonym_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Create_directory_stmtContext create_directory_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Create_directory_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_directory_stmtContext drop_directory_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_directory_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Create_keystore_stmtContext create_keystore_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Create_keystore_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_keystore_stmtContext alter_keystore_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_keystore_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Create_tablespace_stmtContext create_tablespace_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Create_tablespace_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_tablespace_stmtContext drop_tablespace_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_tablespace_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_tablespace_stmtContext alter_tablespace_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_tablespace_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Create_savepoint_stmtContext create_savepoint_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Create_savepoint_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext rollback_savepoint_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Lock_tables_stmtContext lock_tables_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Lock_tables_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Lock_table_stmtContext lock_table_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Lock_table_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Unlock_tables_stmtContext unlock_tables_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Unlock_tables_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Flashback_stmtContext flashback_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Flashback_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Purge_stmtContext purge_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Purge_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Create_sequence_stmtContext create_sequence_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Create_sequence_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_sequence_stmtContext alter_sequence_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_sequence_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_sequence_stmtContext drop_sequence_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_sequence_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_session_stmtContext alter_session_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_session_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Analyze_stmtContext analyze_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Analyze_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Set_comment_stmtContext set_comment_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Set_comment_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Pl_expr_stmtContext pl_expr_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Pl_expr_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Shrink_space_stmtContext shrink_space_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Shrink_space_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Load_data_stmtContext load_data_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Load_data_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Create_dblink_stmtContext create_dblink_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Create_dblink_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_dblink_stmtContext drop_dblink_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_dblink_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Create_role_stmtContext create_role_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Create_role_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_role_stmtContext drop_role_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_role_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_role_stmtContext alter_role_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_role_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Set_role_stmtContext set_role_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Set_role_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Create_profile_stmtContext create_profile_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Create_profile_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_profile_stmtContext alter_profile_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_profile_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_profile_stmtContext drop_profile_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_profile_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Method_optContext method_opt() { + return getRuleContext(Method_optContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_package_stmtContext drop_package_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_package_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_procedure_stmtContext drop_procedure_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_procedure_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_function_stmtContext drop_function_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_function_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_trigger_stmtContext drop_trigger_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_trigger_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_type_stmtContext drop_type_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_type_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Create_context_stmtContext create_context_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Create_context_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_context_stmtContext drop_context_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_context_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Switchover_tenant_stmtContext switchover_tenant_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Switchover_tenant_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Recover_tenant_stmtContext recover_tenant_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Recover_tenant_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Transfer_partition_stmtContext transfer_partition_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Transfer_partition_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Service_name_stmtContext service_name_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Service_name_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public StmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterStmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitStmt(this); + } + } + + public final StmtContext stmt() throws RecognitionException { + StmtContext _localctx = new StmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 4, RULE_stmt); + try { + setState(1912); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,2,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(1808); + select_stmt(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(1809); + insert_stmt(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(1810); + merge_stmt(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(1811); + create_table_stmt(); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(1812); + alter_database_stmt(); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(1813); + update_stmt(); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(1814); + delete_stmt(); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(1815); + drop_table_stmt(); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(1816); + drop_view_stmt(); + } + break; + case 10: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(1817); + explain_stmt(); + } + break; + case 11: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); + { + setState(1818); + create_outline_stmt(); + } + break; + case 12: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); + { + setState(1819); + alter_outline_stmt(); + } + break; + case 13: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); + { + setState(1820); + drop_outline_stmt(); + } + break; + case 14: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); + { + setState(1821); + show_stmt(); + } + break; + case 15: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); + { + setState(1822); + prepare_stmt(); + } + break; + case 16: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); + { + setState(1823); + variable_set_stmt(); + } + break; + case 17: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); + { + setState(1824); + execute_stmt(); + } + break; + case 18: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); + { + setState(1825); + call_stmt(); + } + break; + case 19: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); + { + setState(1826); + alter_table_stmt(); + } + break; + case 20: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 20); + { + setState(1827); + alter_index_stmt(); + } + break; + case 21: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 21); + { + setState(1828); + alter_system_stmt(); + } + break; + case 22: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 22); + { + setState(1829); + audit_stmt(); + } + break; + case 23: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 23); + { + setState(1830); + deallocate_prepare_stmt(); + } + break; + case 24: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 24); + { + setState(1831); + create_user_stmt(); + } + break; + case 25: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 25); + { + setState(1832); + alter_user_stmt(); + } + break; + case 26: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 26); + { + setState(1833); + alter_user_profile_stmt(); + } + break; + case 27: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 27); + { + setState(1834); + drop_user_stmt(); + } + break; + case 28: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 28); + { + setState(1835); + set_password_stmt(); + } + break; + case 29: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 29); + { + setState(1836); + lock_user_stmt(); + } + break; + case 30: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 30); + { + setState(1837); + grant_stmt(); + } + break; + case 31: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 31); + { + setState(1838); + revoke_stmt(); + } + break; + case 32: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 32); + { + setState(1839); + begin_stmt(); + } + break; + case 33: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 33); + { + setState(1840); + commit_stmt(); + } + break; + case 34: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 34); + { + setState(1841); + rollback_stmt(); + } + break; + case 35: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 35); + { + setState(1842); + create_index_stmt(); + } + break; + case 36: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 36); + { + setState(1843); + drop_index_stmt(); + } + break; + case 37: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 37); + { + setState(1844); + kill_stmt(); + } + break; + case 38: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 38); + { + setState(1845); + create_mlog_stmt(); + } + break; + case 39: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 39); + { + setState(1846); + drop_mlog_stmt(); + } + break; + case 40: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 40); + { + setState(1847); + help_stmt(); + } + break; + case 41: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 41); + { + setState(1848); + create_view_stmt(); + } + break; + case 42: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 42); + { + setState(1849); + create_mview_stmt(); + } + break; + case 43: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 43); + { + setState(1850); + create_tenant_stmt(); + } + break; + case 44: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 44); + { + setState(1851); + alter_tenant_stmt(); + } + break; + case 45: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 45); + { + setState(1852); + drop_tenant_stmt(); + } + break; + case 46: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 46); + { + setState(1853); + create_restore_point_stmt(); + } + break; + case 47: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 47); + { + setState(1854); + drop_restore_point_stmt(); + } + break; + case 48: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 48); + { + setState(1855); + create_resource_stmt(); + } + break; + case 49: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 49); + { + setState(1856); + alter_resource_stmt(); + } + break; + case 50: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 50); + { + setState(1857); + drop_resource_stmt(); + } + break; + case 51: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 51); + { + setState(1858); + set_names_stmt(); + } + break; + case 52: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 52); + { + setState(1859); + set_charset_stmt(); + } + break; + case 53: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 53); + { + setState(1860); + create_tablegroup_stmt(); + } + break; + case 54: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 54); + { + setState(1861); + drop_tablegroup_stmt(); + } + break; + case 55: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 55); + { + setState(1862); + alter_tablegroup_stmt(); + } + break; + case 56: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 56); + { + setState(1863); + rename_table_stmt(); + } + break; + case 57: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 57); + { + setState(1864); + truncate_table_stmt(); + } + break; + case 58: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 58); + { + setState(1865); + set_transaction_stmt(); + } + break; + case 59: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 59); + { + setState(1866); + create_synonym_stmt(); + } + break; + case 60: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 60); + { + setState(1867); + drop_synonym_stmt(); + } + break; + case 61: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 61); + { + setState(1868); + create_directory_stmt(); + } + break; + case 62: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 62); + { + setState(1869); + drop_directory_stmt(); + } + break; + case 63: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 63); + { + setState(1870); + create_keystore_stmt(); + } + break; + case 64: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 64); + { + setState(1871); + alter_keystore_stmt(); + } + break; + case 65: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 65); + { + setState(1872); + create_tablespace_stmt(); + } + break; + case 66: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 66); + { + setState(1873); + drop_tablespace_stmt(); + } + break; + case 67: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 67); + { + setState(1874); + alter_tablespace_stmt(); + } + break; + case 68: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 68); + { + setState(1875); + create_savepoint_stmt(); + } + break; + case 69: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 69); + { + setState(1876); + rollback_savepoint_stmt(); + } + break; + case 70: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 70); + { + setState(1877); + lock_tables_stmt(); + } + break; + case 71: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 71); + { + setState(1878); + lock_table_stmt(); + } + break; + case 72: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 72); + { + setState(1879); + unlock_tables_stmt(); + } + break; + case 73: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 73); + { + setState(1880); + flashback_stmt(); + } + break; + case 74: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 74); + { + setState(1881); + purge_stmt(); + } + break; + case 75: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 75); + { + setState(1882); + create_sequence_stmt(); + } + break; + case 76: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 76); + { + setState(1883); + alter_sequence_stmt(); + } + break; + case 77: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 77); + { + setState(1884); + drop_sequence_stmt(); + } + break; + case 78: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 78); + { + setState(1885); + alter_session_stmt(); + } + break; + case 79: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 79); + { + setState(1886); + analyze_stmt(); + } + break; + case 80: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 80); + { + setState(1887); + set_comment_stmt(); + } + break; + case 81: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 81); + { + setState(1888); + pl_expr_stmt(); + } + break; + case 82: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 82); + { + setState(1889); + shrink_space_stmt(); + } + break; + case 83: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 83); + { + setState(1890); + load_data_stmt(); + } + break; + case 84: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 84); + { + setState(1891); + create_dblink_stmt(); + } + break; + case 85: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 85); + { + setState(1892); + drop_dblink_stmt(); + } + break; + case 86: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 86); + { + setState(1893); + create_role_stmt(); + } + break; + case 87: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 87); + { + setState(1894); + drop_role_stmt(); + } + break; + case 88: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 88); + { + setState(1895); + alter_role_stmt(); + } + break; + case 89: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 89); + { + setState(1896); + set_role_stmt(); + } + break; + case 90: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 90); + { + setState(1897); + create_profile_stmt(); + } + break; + case 91: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 91); + { + setState(1898); + alter_profile_stmt(); + } + break; + case 92: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 92); + { + setState(1899); + drop_profile_stmt(); + } + break; + case 93: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 93); + { + setState(1900); + method_opt(); + } + break; + case 94: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 94); + { + setState(1901); + drop_package_stmt(); + } + break; + case 95: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 95); + { + setState(1902); + drop_procedure_stmt(); + } + break; + case 96: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 96); + { + setState(1903); + drop_function_stmt(); + } + break; + case 97: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 97); + { + setState(1904); + drop_trigger_stmt(); + } + break; + case 98: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 98); + { + setState(1905); + drop_type_stmt(); + } + break; + case 99: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 99); + { + setState(1906); + create_context_stmt(); + } + break; + case 100: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 100); + { + setState(1907); + drop_context_stmt(); + } + break; + case 101: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 101); + { + setState(1908); + switchover_tenant_stmt(); + } + break; + case 102: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 102); + { + setState(1909); + recover_tenant_stmt(); + } + break; + case 103: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 103); + { + setState(1910); + transfer_partition_stmt(); + } + break; + case 104: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 104); + { + setState(1911); + service_name_stmt(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_package_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode PACKAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PACKAGE, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode BODY() { return getToken(OBParser.BODY, 0); } + public Drop_package_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_package_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_package_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_package_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_package_stmtContext drop_package_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_package_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_package_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 6, RULE_drop_package_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(1914); + match(DROP); + setState(1915); + match(PACKAGE); + setState(1917); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,3,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(1916); + match(BODY); + } + break; + } + setState(1919); + relation_factor(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_procedure_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode PROCEDURE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROCEDURE, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode IF() { return getToken(OBParser.IF, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXISTS() { return getToken(OBParser.EXISTS, 0); } + public Drop_procedure_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_procedure_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_procedure_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_procedure_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_procedure_stmtContext drop_procedure_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_procedure_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_procedure_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 8, RULE_drop_procedure_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(1921); + match(DROP); + setState(1922); + match(PROCEDURE); + setState(1925); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,4,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(1923); + match(IF); + setState(1924); + match(EXISTS); + } + break; + } + setState(1927); + relation_factor(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_function_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode FUNCTION() { return getToken(OBParser.FUNCTION, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode IF() { return getToken(OBParser.IF, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXISTS() { return getToken(OBParser.EXISTS, 0); } + public Drop_function_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_function_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_function_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_function_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_function_stmtContext drop_function_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_function_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_function_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 10, RULE_drop_function_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(1929); + match(DROP); + setState(1930); + match(FUNCTION); + setState(1933); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,5,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(1931); + match(IF); + setState(1932); + match(EXISTS); + } + break; + } + setState(1935); + relation_factor(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_trigger_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRIGGER() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIGGER, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_trigger_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_trigger_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_trigger_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_trigger_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_trigger_stmtContext drop_trigger_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_trigger_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_trigger_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 12, RULE_drop_trigger_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(1937); + match(DROP); + setState(1938); + match(TRIGGER); + setState(1939); + relation_factor(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_type_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.TYPE, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode BODY() { return getToken(OBParser.BODY, 0); } + public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode VALIDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.VALIDATE, 0); } + public Drop_type_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_type_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_type_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_type_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_type_stmtContext drop_type_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_type_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_type_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 14, RULE_drop_type_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(1941); + match(DROP); + setState(1942); + match(TYPE); + setState(1944); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,6,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(1943); + match(BODY); + } + break; + } + setState(1946); + relation_factor(); + setState(1948); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==VALIDATE || _la==FORCE) { + { + setState(1947); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==VALIDATE || _la==FORCE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Pl_expr_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DO() { return getToken(OBParser.DO, 0); } + public ExprContext expr() { + return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); + } + public Pl_expr_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_pl_expr_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPl_expr_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPl_expr_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Pl_expr_stmtContext pl_expr_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Pl_expr_stmtContext _localctx = new Pl_expr_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 16, RULE_pl_expr_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(1950); + match(DO); + setState(1951); + expr(0); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Expr_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List bit_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Expr_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_expr_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExpr_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExpr_list(this); + } + } + + public final Expr_listContext expr_list() throws RecognitionException { + Expr_listContext _localctx = new Expr_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 18, RULE_expr_list); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(1953); + bit_expr(0); + setState(1958); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,8,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + { + { + setState(1954); + match(Comma); + setState(1955); + bit_expr(0); + } + } + } + setState(1960); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,8,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Column_refContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LEVEL() { return getToken(OBParser.LEVEL, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROWNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWNUM, 0); } + public Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext oracle_pl_non_reserved_words() { + return getRuleContext(Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext.class,0); + } + public Column_refContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_ref; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_ref(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_ref(this); + } + } + + public final Column_refContext column_ref() throws RecognitionException { + Column_refContext _localctx = new Column_refContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 20, RULE_column_ref); + try { + setState(1965); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ROWID: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(1961); + column_name(); + } + break; + case LEVEL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(1962); + match(LEVEL); + } + break; + case ROWNUM: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(1963); + match(ROWNUM); + } + break; + case ACCESS: + case ADD: + case AUDIT: + case CHAR: + case COLUMN: + case COMMENT: + case CURRENT: + case DATE: + case DECIMAL: + case FILE_KEY: + case FLOAT: + case IMMEDIATE: + case INCREMENT: + case INITIAL_: + case INTEGER: + case LONG: + case MAXEXTENTS: + case MODIFY: + case NOAUDIT: + case NOTFOUND: + case NUMBER: + case OFFLINE: + case ONLINE: + case PCTFREE: + case PRIVILEGES: + case RAW: + case RENAME: + case ROW: + case ROWLABEL: + case ROWS: + case SESSION: + case SET: + case SMALLINT: + case SUCCESSFUL: + case SYNONYM: + case TRIGGER: + case VALIDATE: + case VARCHAR: + case VARCHAR2: + case WHENEVER: + case DUAL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(1964); + oracle_pl_non_reserved_words(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ACCESS() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESS, 0); } + public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } + public TerminalNode AUDIT() { return getToken(OBParser.AUDIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode CHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.CHAR, 0); } + public TerminalNode COLUMN() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode CURRENT() { return getToken(OBParser.CURRENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DECIMAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode FILE_KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.FILE_KEY, 0); } + public TerminalNode FLOAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FLOAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode IMMEDIATE() { return getToken(OBParser.IMMEDIATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INCREMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.INCREMENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode INITIAL_() { return getToken(OBParser.INITIAL_, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTEGER() { return getToken(OBParser.INTEGER, 0); } + public TerminalNode LONG() { return getToken(OBParser.LONG, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAXEXTENTS() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXEXTENTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode MODIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.MODIFY, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOAUDIT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOAUDIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOTFOUND() { return getToken(OBParser.NOTFOUND, 0); } + public TerminalNode NUMBER() { return getToken(OBParser.NUMBER, 0); } + public TerminalNode OFFLINE() { return getToken(OBParser.OFFLINE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ONLINE() { return getToken(OBParser.ONLINE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PCTFREE() { return getToken(OBParser.PCTFREE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRIVILEGES() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIVILEGES, 0); } + public TerminalNode RAW() { return getToken(OBParser.RAW, 0); } + public TerminalNode RENAME() { return getToken(OBParser.RENAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROW() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROWLABEL() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWLABEL, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWS, 0); } + public TerminalNode SESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION, 0); } + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public TerminalNode SMALLINT() { return getToken(OBParser.SMALLINT, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUCCESSFUL() { return getToken(OBParser.SUCCESSFUL, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYNONYM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYNONYM, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRIGGER() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIGGER, 0); } + public TerminalNode VALIDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.VALIDATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode VARCHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.VARCHAR, 0); } + public TerminalNode VARCHAR2() { return getToken(OBParser.VARCHAR2, 0); } + public TerminalNode WHENEVER() { return getToken(OBParser.WHENEVER, 0); } + public TerminalNode DUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DUAL, 0); } + public Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_oracle_pl_non_reserved_words; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOracle_pl_non_reserved_words(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOracle_pl_non_reserved_words(this); + } + } + + public final Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext oracle_pl_non_reserved_words() throws RecognitionException { + Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext _localctx = new Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 22, RULE_oracle_pl_non_reserved_words); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(1967); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(((((_la - 60)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 60)) & ((1L << (ACCESS - 60)) | (1L << (ADD - 60)) | (1L << (AUDIT - 60)) | (1L << (CHAR - 60)) | (1L << (COLUMN - 60)) | (1L << (COMMENT - 60)) | (1L << (CURRENT - 60)) | (1L << (DATE - 60)) | (1L << (DECIMAL - 60)) | (1L << (FILE_KEY - 60)) | (1L << (FLOAT - 60)) | (1L << (IMMEDIATE - 60)) | (1L << (INCREMENT - 60)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 125)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 125)) & ((1L << (INITIAL_ - 125)) | (1L << (INTEGER - 125)) | (1L << (LONG - 125)) | (1L << (MAXEXTENTS - 125)) | (1L << (MODIFY - 125)) | (1L << (NOAUDIT - 125)) | (1L << (NOTFOUND - 125)) | (1L << (NUMBER - 125)) | (1L << (OFFLINE - 125)) | (1L << (ONLINE - 125)) | (1L << (PCTFREE - 125)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGES - 125)) | (1L << (RAW - 125)) | (1L << (RENAME - 125)) | (1L << (ROW - 125)) | (1L << (ROWLABEL - 125)) | (1L << (ROWS - 125)) | (1L << (SESSION - 125)) | (1L << (SET - 125)) | (1L << (SMALLINT - 125)) | (1L << (SUCCESSFUL - 125)) | (1L << (SYNONYM - 125)) | (1L << (TRIGGER - 125)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 195)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 195)) & ((1L << (VALIDATE - 195)) | (1L << (VARCHAR - 195)) | (1L << (VARCHAR2 - 195)) | (1L << (WHENEVER - 195)) | (1L << (DUAL - 195)))) != 0)) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Complex_string_literalContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public Complex_string_literalContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_complex_string_literal; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterComplex_string_literal(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitComplex_string_literal(this); + } + } + + public final Complex_string_literalContext complex_string_literal() throws RecognitionException { + Complex_string_literalContext _localctx = new Complex_string_literalContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 24, RULE_complex_string_literal); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(1969); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Js_literalContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public LiteralContext literal() { + return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); + } + public Js_literalContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_literal; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_literal(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_literal(this); + } + } + + public final Js_literalContext js_literal() throws RecognitionException { + Js_literalContext _localctx = new Js_literalContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 26, RULE_js_literal); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(1971); + literal(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class LiteralContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Complex_string_literalContext complex_string_literal() { + return getRuleContext(Complex_string_literalContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode DATE_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATE_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIMESTAMP_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMESTAMP_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode APPROXNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROXNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode DECIMAL_VAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL_VAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTERVAL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.INTERVAL_VALUE, 0); } + public LiteralContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_literal; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLiteral(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLiteral(this); + } + } + + public final LiteralContext literal() throws RecognitionException { + LiteralContext _localctx = new LiteralContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 28, RULE_literal); + try { + setState(1981); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case STRING_VALUE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(1973); + complex_string_literal(); + } + break; + case DATE_VALUE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(1974); + match(DATE_VALUE); + } + break; + case TIMESTAMP_VALUE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(1975); + match(TIMESTAMP_VALUE); + } + break; + case INTNUM: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(1976); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case APPROXNUM: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(1977); + match(APPROXNUM); + } + break; + case DECIMAL_VAL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(1978); + match(DECIMAL_VAL); + } + break; + case NULLX: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(1979); + match(NULLX); + } + break; + case INTERVAL_VALUE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(1980); + match(INTERVAL_VALUE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Number_literalContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode DECIMAL_VAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL_VAL, 0); } + public Number_literalContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_number_literal; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNumber_literal(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNumber_literal(this); + } + } + + public final Number_literalContext number_literal() throws RecognitionException { + Number_literalContext _localctx = new Number_literalContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 30, RULE_number_literal); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(1983); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==INTNUM || _la==DECIMAL_VAL) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Expr_constContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public LiteralContext literal() { + return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode SYSTEM_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM_VARIABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode QUESTIONMARK() { return getToken(OBParser.QUESTIONMARK, 0); } + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode GLOBAL_ALIAS() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL_ALIAS, 0); } + public TerminalNode SESSION_ALIAS() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION_ALIAS, 0); } + public Expr_constContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_expr_const; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExpr_const(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExpr_const(this); + } + } + + public final Expr_constContext expr_const() throws RecognitionException { + Expr_constContext _localctx = new Expr_constContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 32, RULE_expr_const); + int _la; + try { + setState(1991); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NULLX: + case TIMESTAMP_VALUE: + case APPROXNUM: + case INTNUM: + case DECIMAL_VAL: + case DATE_VALUE: + case INTERVAL_VALUE: + case STRING_VALUE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(1985); + literal(); + } + break; + case SYSTEM_VARIABLE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(1986); + match(SYSTEM_VARIABLE); + } + break; + case QUESTIONMARK: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(1987); + match(QUESTIONMARK); + } + break; + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(1988); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==GLOBAL_ALIAS || _la==SESSION_ALIAS) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(1989); + match(Dot); + setState(1990); + column_name(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Conf_constContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATE_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATE_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIMESTAMP_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMESTAMP_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode Minus() { return getToken(OBParser.Minus, 0); } + public TerminalNode APPROXNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROXNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode DECIMAL_VAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL_VAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode BOOL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYSTEM_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM_VARIABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode GLOBAL_ALIAS() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL_ALIAS, 0); } + public TerminalNode SESSION_ALIAS() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION_ALIAS, 0); } + public Conf_constContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_conf_const; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterConf_const(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitConf_const(this); + } + } + + public final Conf_constContext conf_const() throws RecognitionException { + Conf_constContext _localctx = new Conf_constContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 34, RULE_conf_const); + int _la; + try { + setState(2011); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,14,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(1993); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(1994); + match(DATE_VALUE); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(1995); + match(TIMESTAMP_VALUE); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(1997); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Minus) { + { + setState(1996); + match(Minus); + } + } + + setState(1999); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(2000); + match(APPROXNUM); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(2002); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Minus) { + { + setState(2001); + match(Minus); + } + } + + setState(2004); + match(DECIMAL_VAL); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(2005); + match(BOOL_VALUE); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(2006); + match(NULLX); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(2007); + match(SYSTEM_VARIABLE); + } + break; + case 10: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(2008); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==GLOBAL_ALIAS || _la==SESSION_ALIAS) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(2009); + match(Dot); + setState(2010); + column_name(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Bool_priContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List bit_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode IS() { return getToken(OBParser.IS, 0); } + public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } + public Is_nan_inf_valueContext is_nan_inf_value() { + return getRuleContext(Is_nan_inf_valueContext.class,0); + } + public NotContext not() { + return getRuleContext(NotContext.class,0); + } + public Is_json_constrainContext is_json_constrain() { + return getRuleContext(Is_json_constrainContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } + public TerminalNode FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FORMAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode SOME() { return getToken(OBParser.SOME, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_LE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_LE, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_LT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_LT, 0); } + public Sub_query_flagContext sub_query_flag() { + return getRuleContext(Sub_query_flagContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COMP_GE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_GE, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_GT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_GT, 0); } + public TerminalNode Caret() { return getToken(OBParser.Caret, 0); } + public TerminalNode Not() { return getToken(OBParser.Not, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_NSEQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_NSEQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_NE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_NE, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_NE_PL() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_NE_PL, 0); } + public PredicateContext predicate() { + return getRuleContext(PredicateContext.class,0); + } + public Bool_priContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_bool_pri; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterBool_pri(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitBool_pri(this); + } + } + + public final Bool_priContext bool_pri() throws RecognitionException { + Bool_priContext _localctx = new Bool_priContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 36, RULE_bool_pri); + int _la; + try { + setState(2094); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,36,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2013); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2014); + match(IS); + setState(2016); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==NOT) { + { + setState(2015); + not(); + } + } + + setState(2020); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NULLX: + { + setState(2018); + match(NULLX); + } + break; + case NAN_VALUE: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + { + setState(2019); + is_nan_inf_value(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(2022); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2023); + match(IS); + setState(2025); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==NOT) { + { + setState(2024); + match(NOT); + } + } + + setState(2029); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,18,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2027); + match(JSON); + setState(2028); + match(FORMAT); + } + break; + } + setState(2031); + is_json_constrain(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(2033); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2089); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,35,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2062); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,27,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2041); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case COMP_EQ: + case COMP_NSEQ: + { + setState(2037); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case COMP_EQ: + { + setState(2034); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(2035); + match(SOME); + } + break; + case COMP_NSEQ: + { + setState(2036); + match(COMP_NSEQ); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case COMP_LE: + case COMP_LT: + { + setState(2039); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==COMP_LE || _la==COMP_LT) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(2040); + match(SOME); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(2057); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case COMP_EQ: + case COMP_GT: + case COMP_GE: + { + setState(2048); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case COMP_GE: + { + setState(2043); + match(COMP_GE); + } + break; + case COMP_EQ: + case COMP_GT: + { + setState(2045); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_GT) { + { + setState(2044); + match(COMP_GT); + } + } + + setState(2047); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case COMP_LE: + case COMP_LT: + { + setState(2055); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case COMP_LE: + { + setState(2050); + match(COMP_LE); + } + break; + case COMP_LT: + { + setState(2051); + match(COMP_LT); + setState(2053); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,23,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2052); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + break; + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(2060); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,26,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2059); + sub_query_flag(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(2087); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,34,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2071); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case COMP_GT: + case COMP_GE: + { + setState(2064); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==COMP_GT || _la==COMP_GE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(2065); + match(SOME); + } + break; + case COMP_NE: + case COMP_NE_PL: + { + setState(2069); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case COMP_NE: + { + setState(2066); + match(COMP_NE); + setState(2067); + match(SOME); + } + break; + case COMP_NE_PL: + { + setState(2068); + match(COMP_NE_PL); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(2082); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case COMP_GT: + case COMP_LT: + case COMP_NE: + { + setState(2078); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case COMP_GT: + case COMP_LT: + { + setState(2074); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_LT) { + { + setState(2073); + match(COMP_LT); + } + } + + setState(2076); + match(COMP_GT); + } + break; + case COMP_NE: + { + setState(2077); + match(COMP_NE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case Not: + case Caret: + { + setState(2080); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==Not || _la==Caret) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(2081); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(2085); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,33,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2084); + sub_query_flag(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + } + setState(2091); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(2093); + predicate(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Is_json_constrainContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } + public Unique_keys_optContext unique_keys_opt() { + return getRuleContext(Unique_keys_optContext.class,0); + } + public Strict_optContext strict_opt() { + return getRuleContext(Strict_optContext.class,0); + } + public Scalars_optContext scalars_opt() { + return getRuleContext(Scalars_optContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Is_json_constrainContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_is_json_constrain; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterIs_json_constrain(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitIs_json_constrain(this); + } + } + + public final Is_json_constrainContext is_json_constrain() throws RecognitionException { + Is_json_constrainContext _localctx = new Is_json_constrainContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 38, RULE_is_json_constrain); + int _la; + try { + setState(2190); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,52,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2096); + match(JSON); + setState(2098); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,37,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2097); + strict_opt(); + } + break; + } + setState(2110); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,41,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2104); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,39,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2100); + scalars_opt(); + setState(2102); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,38,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2101); + unique_keys_opt(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(2106); + unique_keys_opt(); + setState(2108); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,40,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2107); + scalars_opt(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(2112); + match(JSON); + setState(2113); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2114); + strict_opt(); + setState(2116); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ALLOW || _la==DISALLOW) { + { + setState(2115); + scalars_opt(); + } + } + + setState(2119); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH || _la==WITHOUT) { + { + setState(2118); + unique_keys_opt(); + } + } + + setState(2121); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(2123); + match(JSON); + setState(2124); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2126); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==STRICT || _la==LAX) { + { + setState(2125); + strict_opt(); + } + } + + setState(2128); + unique_keys_opt(); + setState(2129); + scalars_opt(); + setState(2130); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(2132); + match(JSON); + setState(2133); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2134); + scalars_opt(); + setState(2136); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==STRICT || _la==LAX) { + { + setState(2135); + strict_opt(); + } + } + + setState(2139); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH || _la==WITHOUT) { + { + setState(2138); + unique_keys_opt(); + } + } + + setState(2141); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(2143); + match(JSON); + setState(2144); + scalars_opt(); + setState(2145); + strict_opt(); + setState(2147); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,47,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2146); + unique_keys_opt(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(2149); + match(JSON); + setState(2151); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ALLOW || _la==DISALLOW) { + { + setState(2150); + scalars_opt(); + } + } + + setState(2153); + unique_keys_opt(); + setState(2154); + strict_opt(); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(2156); + match(JSON); + setState(2157); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2159); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ALLOW || _la==DISALLOW) { + { + setState(2158); + scalars_opt(); + } + } + + setState(2161); + unique_keys_opt(); + setState(2162); + strict_opt(); + setState(2163); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(2165); + match(JSON); + setState(2166); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2167); + unique_keys_opt(); + setState(2176); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case STRICT: + case LAX: + case RightParen: + { + setState(2171); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==STRICT || _la==LAX) { + { + setState(2168); + strict_opt(); + setState(2169); + scalars_opt(); + } + } + + } + break; + case ALLOW: + case DISALLOW: + { + setState(2173); + scalars_opt(); + setState(2174); + strict_opt(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(2178); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(2180); + match(JSON); + setState(2181); + unique_keys_opt(); + setState(2182); + strict_opt(); + setState(2183); + scalars_opt(); + } + break; + case 10: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(2185); + match(JSON); + setState(2186); + unique_keys_opt(); + setState(2187); + scalars_opt(); + setState(2188); + strict_opt(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Strict_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LAX() { return getToken(OBParser.LAX, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRICT() { return getToken(OBParser.STRICT, 0); } + public Strict_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_strict_opt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterStrict_opt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitStrict_opt(this); + } + } + + public final Strict_optContext strict_opt() throws RecognitionException { + Strict_optContext _localctx = new Strict_optContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 40, RULE_strict_opt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2192); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==STRICT || _la==LAX) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Scalars_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALLOW() { return getToken(OBParser.ALLOW, 0); } + public TerminalNode SCALARS() { return getToken(OBParser.SCALARS, 0); } + public TerminalNode DISALLOW() { return getToken(OBParser.DISALLOW, 0); } + public Scalars_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_scalars_opt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterScalars_opt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitScalars_opt(this); + } + } + + public final Scalars_optContext scalars_opt() throws RecognitionException { + Scalars_optContext _localctx = new Scalars_optContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 42, RULE_scalars_opt); + try { + setState(2198); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ALLOW: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2194); + match(ALLOW); + setState(2195); + match(SCALARS); + } + break; + case DISALLOW: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(2196); + match(DISALLOW); + setState(2197); + match(SCALARS); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Unique_keys_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEYS() { return getToken(OBParser.KEYS, 0); } + public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } + public TerminalNode WITHOUT() { return getToken(OBParser.WITHOUT, 0); } + public Unique_keys_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unique_keys_opt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUnique_keys_opt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUnique_keys_opt(this); + } + } + + public final Unique_keys_optContext unique_keys_opt() throws RecognitionException { + Unique_keys_optContext _localctx = new Unique_keys_optContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 44, RULE_unique_keys_opt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2200); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==WITH || _la==WITHOUT) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(2201); + match(UNIQUE); + setState(2202); + match(KEYS); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_equal_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public List ERROR_P() { return getTokens(OBParser.ERROR_P); } + public TerminalNode ERROR_P(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, i); + } + public TerminalNode BOOL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL_VALUE, 0); } + public Json_equal_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_equal_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_equal_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_equal_option(this); + } + } + + public final Json_equal_optionContext json_equal_option() throws RecognitionException { + Json_equal_optionContext _localctx = new Json_equal_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 46, RULE_json_equal_option); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2204); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ERROR_P || _la==BOOL_VALUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(2205); + match(ON); + setState(2206); + match(ERROR_P); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class PredicateContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LNNVL() { return getToken(OBParser.LNNVL, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Bool_priContext bool_pri() { + return getRuleContext(Bool_priContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public List bit_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode IN() { return getToken(OBParser.IN, 0); } + public In_exprContext in_expr() { + return getRuleContext(In_exprContext.class,0); + } + public NotContext not() { + return getRuleContext(NotContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode BETWEEN() { return getToken(OBParser.BETWEEN, 0); } + public TerminalNode AND() { return getToken(OBParser.AND, 0); } + public TerminalNode LIKE() { return getToken(OBParser.LIKE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ESCAPE() { return getToken(OBParser.ESCAPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGEXP_LIKE() { return getToken(OBParser.REGEXP_LIKE, 0); } + public Substr_paramsContext substr_params() { + return getRuleContext(Substr_paramsContext.class,0); + } + public Exists_function_nameContext exists_function_name() { + return getRuleContext(Exists_function_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { + return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); + } + public Collection_predicate_exprContext collection_predicate_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Collection_predicate_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Updating_funcContext updating_func() { + return getRuleContext(Updating_funcContext.class,0); + } + public PredicateContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_predicate; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPredicate(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPredicate(this); + } + } + + public final PredicateContext predicate() throws RecognitionException { + PredicateContext _localctx = new PredicateContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 48, RULE_predicate); + int _la; + try { + setState(2249); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,58,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2208); + match(LNNVL); + setState(2209); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2210); + bool_pri(); + setState(2211); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(2213); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2215); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==NOT) { + { + setState(2214); + not(); + } + } + + setState(2217); + match(IN); + setState(2218); + in_expr(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(2220); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2222); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==NOT) { + { + setState(2221); + not(); + } + } + + setState(2224); + match(BETWEEN); + setState(2225); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2226); + match(AND); + setState(2227); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(2229); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2231); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==NOT) { + { + setState(2230); + not(); + } + } + + setState(2233); + match(LIKE); + setState(2234); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2237); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,57,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2235); + match(ESCAPE); + setState(2236); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(2239); + match(REGEXP_LIKE); + setState(2240); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2241); + substr_params(); + setState(2242); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(2244); + exists_function_name(); + setState(2245); + select_with_parens(); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(2247); + collection_predicate_expr(); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(2248); + updating_func(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Collection_predicate_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List bit_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode MEMBER() { return getToken(OBParser.MEMBER, 0); } + public TerminalNode OF() { return getToken(OBParser.OF, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUBMULTISET() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBMULTISET, 0); } + public TerminalNode IS() { return getToken(OBParser.IS, 0); } + public TerminalNode A_() { return getToken(OBParser.A_, 0); } + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public TerminalNode EMPTY() { return getToken(OBParser.EMPTY, 0); } + public Collection_predicate_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_collection_predicate_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCollection_predicate_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCollection_predicate_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Collection_predicate_exprContext collection_predicate_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Collection_predicate_exprContext _localctx = new Collection_predicate_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 50, RULE_collection_predicate_expr); + try { + setState(2301); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,63,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2251); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2252); + match(MEMBER); + setState(2254); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,59,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2253); + match(OF); + } + break; + } + setState(2256); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(2258); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2259); + match(NOT); + setState(2260); + match(MEMBER); + setState(2262); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,60,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2261); + match(OF); + } + break; + } + setState(2264); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(2266); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2267); + match(SUBMULTISET); + setState(2269); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,61,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2268); + match(OF); + } + break; + } + setState(2271); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(2273); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2274); + match(NOT); + setState(2275); + match(SUBMULTISET); + setState(2277); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,62,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2276); + match(OF); + } + break; + } + setState(2279); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(2281); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2282); + match(IS); + setState(2283); + match(A_); + setState(2284); + match(SET); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(2286); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2287); + match(IS); + setState(2288); + match(NOT); + setState(2289); + match(A_); + setState(2290); + match(SET); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(2292); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2293); + match(IS); + setState(2294); + match(EMPTY); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(2296); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2297); + match(IS); + setState(2298); + match(NOT); + setState(2299); + match(EMPTY); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Bit_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Unary_exprContext unary_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Unary_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode BOOL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL_VALUE, 0); } + public List bit_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode Plus() { return getToken(OBParser.Plus, 0); } + public TerminalNode Minus() { return getToken(OBParser.Minus, 0); } + public TerminalNode Star() { return getToken(OBParser.Star, 0); } + public TerminalNode Div() { return getToken(OBParser.Div, 0); } + public TerminalNode CNNOP() { return getToken(OBParser.CNNOP, 0); } + public TerminalNode AT() { return getToken(OBParser.AT, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.TIME, 0); } + public TerminalNode ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MULTISET_OP() { return getToken(OBParser.MULTISET_OP, 0); } + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public TerminalNode DISTINCT() { return getToken(OBParser.DISTINCT, 0); } + public TerminalNode POW_PL() { return getToken(OBParser.POW_PL, 0); } + public TerminalNode MOD() { return getToken(OBParser.MOD, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOCAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCAL, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_bit_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterBit_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitBit_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Bit_exprContext bit_expr() throws RecognitionException { + return bit_expr(0); + } + + private Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Bit_exprContext _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Bit_exprContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 52; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 52, RULE_bit_expr, _p); + int _la; + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2306); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,64,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2304); + unary_expr(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(2305); + match(BOOL_VALUE); + } + break; + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(2345); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,67,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + setState(2343); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,66,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bit_expr); + setState(2308); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 12))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 12)"); + setState(2309); + match(Plus); + setState(2310); + bit_expr(13); + } + break; + case 2: + { + _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bit_expr); + setState(2311); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 11))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 11)"); + setState(2312); + match(Minus); + setState(2313); + bit_expr(12); + } + break; + case 3: + { + _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bit_expr); + setState(2314); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 10))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 10)"); + setState(2315); + match(Star); + setState(2316); + bit_expr(11); + } + break; + case 4: + { + _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bit_expr); + setState(2317); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 9))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 9)"); + setState(2318); + match(Div); + setState(2319); + bit_expr(10); + } + break; + case 5: + { + _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bit_expr); + setState(2320); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 8))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 8)"); + setState(2321); + match(CNNOP); + setState(2322); + bit_expr(9); + } + break; + case 6: + { + _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bit_expr); + setState(2323); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 7))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 7)"); + setState(2324); + match(AT); + setState(2325); + match(TIME); + setState(2326); + match(ZONE); + setState(2327); + bit_expr(8); + } + break; + case 7: + { + _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bit_expr); + setState(2328); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 5))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 5)"); + setState(2329); + match(MULTISET_OP); + setState(2331); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,65,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2330); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(2333); + bit_expr(6); + } + break; + case 8: + { + _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bit_expr); + setState(2334); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 4))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 4)"); + setState(2335); + match(POW_PL); + setState(2336); + bit_expr(5); + } + break; + case 9: + { + _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bit_expr); + setState(2337); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 3))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 3)"); + setState(2338); + match(MOD); + setState(2339); + bit_expr(4); + } + break; + case 10: + { + _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bit_expr); + setState(2340); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 6))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 6)"); + setState(2341); + match(AT); + setState(2342); + match(LOCAL); + } + break; + } + } + } + setState(2347); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,67,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Conf_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Unary_exprContext unary_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Unary_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode BOOL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL_VALUE, 0); } + public List conf_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Conf_exprContext.class); + } + public Conf_exprContext conf_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Conf_exprContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode CNNOP() { return getToken(OBParser.CNNOP, 0); } + public TerminalNode Div() { return getToken(OBParser.Div, 0); } + public TerminalNode MOD() { return getToken(OBParser.MOD, 0); } + public TerminalNode Minus() { return getToken(OBParser.Minus, 0); } + public TerminalNode Plus() { return getToken(OBParser.Plus, 0); } + public TerminalNode Star() { return getToken(OBParser.Star, 0); } + public Conf_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_conf_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterConf_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitConf_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Conf_exprContext conf_expr() throws RecognitionException { + return conf_expr(0); + } + + private Conf_exprContext conf_expr(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Conf_exprContext _localctx = new Conf_exprContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Conf_exprContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 54; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 54, RULE_conf_expr, _p); + int _la; + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2351); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,68,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2349); + unary_expr(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(2350); + match(BOOL_VALUE); + } + break; + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(2358); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,69,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + { + _localctx = new Conf_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_conf_expr); + setState(2353); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); + setState(2354); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==MOD || ((((_la - 1265)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1265)) & ((1L << (Plus - 1265)) | (1L << (Star - 1265)) | (1L << (Minus - 1265)) | (1L << (Div - 1265)) | (1L << (CNNOP - 1265)))) != 0)) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(2355); + conf_expr(2); + } + } + } + setState(2360); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,69,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Is_nan_inf_valueContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NAN_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.NAN_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INFINITE_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.INFINITE_VALUE, 0); } + public Is_nan_inf_valueContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_is_nan_inf_value; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterIs_nan_inf_value(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitIs_nan_inf_value(this); + } + } + + public final Is_nan_inf_valueContext is_nan_inf_value() throws RecognitionException { + Is_nan_inf_valueContext _localctx = new Is_nan_inf_valueContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 56, RULE_is_nan_inf_value); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2361); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==NAN_VALUE || _la==INFINITE_VALUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Unary_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Simple_exprContext simple_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Simple_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Plus() { return getToken(OBParser.Plus, 0); } + public TerminalNode Minus() { return getToken(OBParser.Minus, 0); } + public Unary_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unary_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUnary_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUnary_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Unary_exprContext unary_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Unary_exprContext _localctx = new Unary_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 58, RULE_unary_expr); + try { + setState(2369); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,71,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2364); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,70,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2363); + match(Plus); + } + break; + } + setState(2366); + simple_expr(0); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(2367); + match(Minus); + setState(2368); + simple_expr(0); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Simple_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Obj_access_refContext obj_access_ref() { + return getRuleContext(Obj_access_refContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL, 0); } + public Expr_constContext expr_const() { + return getRuleContext(Expr_constContext.class,0); + } + public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { + return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode CURSOR() { return getToken(OBParser.CURSOR, 0); } + public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); + } + public Select_stmtContext select_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Select_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } + public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Expr_listContext expr_list() { + return getRuleContext(Expr_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public TerminalNode MATCH() { return getToken(OBParser.MATCH, 0); } + public Column_listContext column_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode AGAINST() { return getToken(OBParser.AGAINST, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode IN() { return getToken(OBParser.IN, 0); } + public TerminalNode NATURAL() { return getToken(OBParser.NATURAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode LANGUAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.LANGUAGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MODE() { return getToken(OBParser.MODE, 0); } + public TerminalNode BOOLEAN() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOLEAN, 0); } + public Case_exprContext case_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Case_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Sql_functionContext sql_function() { + return getRuleContext(Sql_functionContext.class,0); + } + public Cursor_attribute_exprContext cursor_attribute_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Cursor_attribute_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Window_functionContext window_function() { + return getRuleContext(Window_functionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PLSQL_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.PLSQL_VARIABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRIOR() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIOR, 0); } + public Unary_exprContext unary_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Unary_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode CONNECT_BY_ROOT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECT_BY_ROOT, 0); } + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public TerminalNode MULTISET() { return getToken(OBParser.MULTISET, 0); } + public List column_ref() { + return getRuleContexts(Column_refContext.class); + } + public Column_refContext column_ref(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Column_refContext.class,i); + } + public List Dot() { return getTokens(OBParser.Dot); } + public TerminalNode Dot(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Dot, i); + } + public Dblink_func_exprContext dblink_func_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Dblink_func_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode QUESTIONMARK() { return getToken(OBParser.QUESTIONMARK, 0); } + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Simple_exprContext simple_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Simple_exprContext.class,0); + } + public CollationContext collation() { + return getRuleContext(CollationContext.class,0); + } + public Simple_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_simple_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSimple_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSimple_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Simple_exprContext simple_expr() throws RecognitionException { + return simple_expr(0); + } + + private Simple_exprContext simple_expr(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Simple_exprContext _localctx = new Simple_exprContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Simple_exprContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 60; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 60, RULE_simple_expr, _p); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2445); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,73,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2372); + obj_access_ref(); + setState(2373); + match(COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(2375); + expr_const(); + } + break; + case 3: + { + setState(2376); + select_with_parens(); + } + break; + case 4: + { + setState(2377); + match(CURSOR); + setState(2378); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2379); + select_stmt(); + setState(2380); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 5: + { + setState(2382); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2383); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2384); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 6: + { + setState(2386); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2387); + expr_list(); + setState(2388); + match(Comma); + setState(2389); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2390); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 7: + { + setState(2392); + match(MATCH); + setState(2393); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2394); + column_list(); + setState(2395); + match(RightParen); + setState(2396); + match(AGAINST); + setState(2397); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2398); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(2406); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,72,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(2399); + match(IN); + setState(2400); + match(NATURAL); + setState(2401); + match(LANGUAGE); + setState(2402); + match(MODE); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(2403); + match(IN); + setState(2404); + match(BOOLEAN); + setState(2405); + match(MODE); + } + } + break; + } + setState(2408); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 8: + { + setState(2410); + case_expr(); + } + break; + case 9: + { + setState(2411); + obj_access_ref(); + } + break; + case 10: + { + setState(2412); + sql_function(); + } + break; + case 11: + { + setState(2413); + cursor_attribute_expr(); + } + break; + case 12: + { + setState(2414); + window_function(); + } + break; + case 13: + { + setState(2415); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + } + break; + case 14: + { + setState(2416); + match(PLSQL_VARIABLE); + } + break; + case 15: + { + setState(2417); + match(PRIOR); + setState(2418); + unary_expr(); + } + break; + case 16: + { + setState(2419); + match(CONNECT_BY_ROOT); + setState(2420); + unary_expr(); + } + break; + case 17: + { + setState(2421); + match(SET); + setState(2422); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2423); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2424); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 18: + { + setState(2426); + match(MULTISET); + setState(2427); + select_with_parens(); + } + break; + case 19: + { + setState(2428); + column_ref(); + setState(2429); + match(Dot); + setState(2430); + column_ref(); + setState(2431); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + } + break; + case 20: + { + setState(2433); + column_ref(); + setState(2434); + match(Dot); + setState(2435); + column_ref(); + setState(2436); + match(Dot); + setState(2437); + column_ref(); + setState(2438); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + } + break; + case 21: + { + setState(2440); + dblink_func_expr(); + } + break; + case 22: + { + setState(2441); + if (!(this.is_pl_parse_)) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "this.is_pl_parse_"); + setState(2442); + match(QUESTIONMARK); + setState(2443); + match(Dot); + setState(2444); + column_name(); + } + break; + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(2451); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,74,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + { + _localctx = new Simple_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_simple_expr); + setState(2447); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 23))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 23)"); + setState(2448); + collation(); + } + } + } + setState(2453); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,74,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Json_value_exprContext json_value_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Json_value_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Json_query_exprContext json_query_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Json_query_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Json_mergepatch_exprContext json_mergepatch_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Json_mergepatch_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Json_array_exprContext json_array_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Json_array_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Json_exists_exprContext json_exists_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Json_exists_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Json_object_exprContext json_object_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Json_object_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Json_table_exprContext json_table_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Json_table_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Json_equal_exprContext json_equal_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Json_equal_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Json_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_function; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_function(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_function(this); + } + } + + public final Json_functionContext json_function() throws RecognitionException { + Json_functionContext _localctx = new Json_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 62, RULE_json_function); + try { + setState(2462); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,75,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2454); + json_value_expr(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(2455); + json_query_expr(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(2456); + json_mergepatch_expr(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(2457); + json_array_expr(); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(2458); + json_exists_expr(); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(2459); + json_object_expr(); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(2460); + json_table_expr(); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(2461); + json_equal_expr(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Gis_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Spatial_cellid_exprContext spatial_cellid_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Spatial_cellid_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Spatial_mbr_exprContext spatial_mbr_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Spatial_mbr_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Sdo_relate_exprContext sdo_relate_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Sdo_relate_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Gis_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_gis_function; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGis_function(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGis_function(this); + } + } + + public final Gis_functionContext gis_function() throws RecognitionException { + Gis_functionContext _localctx = new Gis_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 64, RULE_gis_function); + try { + setState(2467); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2464); + spatial_cellid_expr(); + } + break; + case SPATIAL_MBR: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(2465); + spatial_mbr_expr(); + } + break; + case SDO_RELATE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(2466); + sdo_relate_expr(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Spatial_cellid_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SPATIAL_CELLID() { return getToken(OBParser.SPATIAL_CELLID, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Spatial_cellid_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_spatial_cellid_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSpatial_cellid_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSpatial_cellid_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Spatial_cellid_exprContext spatial_cellid_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Spatial_cellid_exprContext _localctx = new Spatial_cellid_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 66, RULE_spatial_cellid_expr); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2469); + match(SPATIAL_CELLID); + setState(2470); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2471); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2472); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Spatial_mbr_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SPATIAL_MBR() { return getToken(OBParser.SPATIAL_MBR, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Spatial_mbr_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_spatial_mbr_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSpatial_mbr_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSpatial_mbr_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Spatial_mbr_exprContext spatial_mbr_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Spatial_mbr_exprContext _localctx = new Spatial_mbr_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 68, RULE_spatial_mbr_expr); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2474); + match(SPATIAL_MBR); + setState(2475); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2476); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2477); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Sdo_relate_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SDO_RELATE() { return getToken(OBParser.SDO_RELATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public List bit_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Sdo_relate_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sdo_relate_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSdo_relate_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSdo_relate_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Sdo_relate_exprContext sdo_relate_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Sdo_relate_exprContext _localctx = new Sdo_relate_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 70, RULE_sdo_relate_expr); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2479); + match(SDO_RELATE); + setState(2480); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2481); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2482); + match(Comma); + setState(2483); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2484); + match(Comma); + setState(2485); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2486); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Common_cursor_attributeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ISOPEN() { return getToken(OBParser.ISOPEN, 0); } + public TerminalNode FOUND() { return getToken(OBParser.FOUND, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOTFOUND() { return getToken(OBParser.NOTFOUND, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROWCOUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWCOUNT, 0); } + public Common_cursor_attributeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_common_cursor_attribute; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCommon_cursor_attribute(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCommon_cursor_attribute(this); + } + } + + public final Common_cursor_attributeContext common_cursor_attribute() throws RecognitionException { + Common_cursor_attributeContext _localctx = new Common_cursor_attributeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 72, RULE_common_cursor_attribute); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2488); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==NOTFOUND || _la==ISOPEN || _la==ROWCOUNT || _la==FOUND) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode BULK_ROWCOUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.BULK_ROWCOUNT, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount(this); + } + } + + public final Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount() throws RecognitionException { + Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext _localctx = new Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 74, RULE_cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2490); + match(BULK_ROWCOUNT); + setState(2491); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2492); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2493); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode BULK_EXCEPTIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.BULK_EXCEPTIONS, 0); } + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public TerminalNode COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.COUNT, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode ERROR_CODE() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_CODE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ERROR_INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_INDEX, 0); } + public Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions(this); + } + } + + public final Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions() throws RecognitionException { + Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext _localctx = new Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 76, RULE_cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions); + int _la; + try { + setState(2505); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,77,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2495); + match(BULK_EXCEPTIONS); + setState(2496); + match(Dot); + setState(2497); + match(COUNT); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(2498); + match(BULK_EXCEPTIONS); + setState(2499); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2500); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2501); + match(RightParen); + setState(2502); + match(Dot); + setState(2503); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ERROR_INDEX || _la==ERROR_CODE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Implicit_cursor_attributeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SQL() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL, 0); } + public TerminalNode Mod() { return getToken(OBParser.Mod, 0); } + public Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions() { + return getRuleContext(Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext.class,0); + } + public Common_cursor_attributeContext common_cursor_attribute() { + return getRuleContext(Common_cursor_attributeContext.class,0); + } + public Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount() { + return getRuleContext(Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext.class,0); + } + public Implicit_cursor_attributeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_implicit_cursor_attribute; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterImplicit_cursor_attribute(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitImplicit_cursor_attribute(this); + } + } + + public final Implicit_cursor_attributeContext implicit_cursor_attribute() throws RecognitionException { + Implicit_cursor_attributeContext _localctx = new Implicit_cursor_attributeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 78, RULE_implicit_cursor_attribute); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2507); + match(SQL); + setState(2508); + match(Mod); + setState(2514); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NOTFOUND: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case FOUND: + { + setState(2511); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NOTFOUND: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case FOUND: + { + setState(2509); + common_cursor_attribute(); + } + break; + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + { + setState(2510); + cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + { + setState(2513); + cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Explicit_cursor_attributeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Obj_access_refContext obj_access_ref() { + return getRuleContext(Obj_access_refContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Mod() { return getToken(OBParser.Mod, 0); } + public Common_cursor_attributeContext common_cursor_attribute() { + return getRuleContext(Common_cursor_attributeContext.class,0); + } + public Explicit_cursor_attributeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_explicit_cursor_attribute; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExplicit_cursor_attribute(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExplicit_cursor_attribute(this); + } + } + + public final Explicit_cursor_attributeContext explicit_cursor_attribute() throws RecognitionException { + Explicit_cursor_attributeContext _localctx = new Explicit_cursor_attributeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 80, RULE_explicit_cursor_attribute); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2516); + obj_access_ref(); + setState(2517); + match(Mod); + setState(2518); + common_cursor_attribute(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Cursor_attribute_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Explicit_cursor_attributeContext explicit_cursor_attribute() { + return getRuleContext(Explicit_cursor_attributeContext.class,0); + } + public Implicit_cursor_attributeContext implicit_cursor_attribute() { + return getRuleContext(Implicit_cursor_attributeContext.class,0); + } + public Cursor_attribute_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cursor_attribute_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCursor_attribute_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCursor_attribute_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Cursor_attribute_exprContext cursor_attribute_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Cursor_attribute_exprContext _localctx = new Cursor_attribute_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 82, RULE_cursor_attribute_expr); + try { + setState(2522); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,80,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2520); + explicit_cursor_attribute(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(2521); + implicit_cursor_attribute(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Obj_access_refContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_refContext column_ref() { + return getRuleContext(Column_refContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public Obj_access_refContext obj_access_ref() { + return getRuleContext(Obj_access_refContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Star() { return getToken(OBParser.Star, 0); } + public Access_func_exprContext access_func_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Access_func_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Func_access_refContext func_access_ref() { + return getRuleContext(Func_access_refContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode QUESTIONMARK() { return getToken(OBParser.QUESTIONMARK, 0); } + public TerminalNode FIRST() { return getToken(OBParser.FIRST, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode LAST() { return getToken(OBParser.LAST, 0); } + public TerminalNode COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.COUNT, 0); } + public Dot_notation_pathContext dot_notation_path() { + return getRuleContext(Dot_notation_pathContext.class,0); + } + public Dot_notation_fun_sysContext dot_notation_fun_sys() { + return getRuleContext(Dot_notation_fun_sysContext.class,0); + } + public Obj_access_refContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_obj_access_ref; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterObj_access_ref(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitObj_access_ref(this); + } + } + + public final Obj_access_refContext obj_access_ref() throws RecognitionException { + Obj_access_refContext _localctx = new Obj_access_refContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 84, RULE_obj_access_ref); + try { + setState(2559); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,83,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2524); + column_ref(); + setState(2529); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,81,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(2525); + match(Dot); + setState(2526); + obj_access_ref(); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(2527); + match(Dot); + setState(2528); + match(Star); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(2531); + access_func_expr(); + setState(2533); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,82,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2532); + func_access_ref(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(2535); + match(QUESTIONMARK); + setState(2536); + func_access_ref(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(2537); + column_ref(); + setState(2538); + match(Dot); + setState(2539); + match(FIRST); + setState(2540); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2541); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(2543); + column_ref(); + setState(2544); + match(Dot); + setState(2545); + match(LAST); + setState(2546); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2547); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(2549); + column_ref(); + setState(2550); + match(Dot); + setState(2551); + match(COUNT); + setState(2552); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2553); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(2555); + column_ref(); + setState(2556); + dot_notation_path(); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(2558); + dot_notation_fun_sys(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Dot_notation_pathContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftBracket() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftBracket, 0); } + public Path_param_arrayContext path_param_array() { + return getRuleContext(Path_param_arrayContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightBracket() { return getToken(OBParser.RightBracket, 0); } + public Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext dot_notation_path_obj_access_ref() { + return getRuleContext(Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext.class,0); + } + public Dot_notation_pathContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dot_notation_path; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDot_notation_path(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDot_notation_path(this); + } + } + + public final Dot_notation_pathContext dot_notation_path() throws RecognitionException { + Dot_notation_pathContext _localctx = new Dot_notation_pathContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 86, RULE_dot_notation_path); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2561); + match(LeftBracket); + setState(2562); + path_param_array(); + setState(2563); + match(RightBracket); + setState(2564); + dot_notation_path_obj_access_ref(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public Obj_access_refContext obj_access_ref() { + return getRuleContext(Obj_access_refContext.class,0); + } + public Dot_notation_pathContext dot_notation_path() { + return getRuleContext(Dot_notation_pathContext.class,0); + } + public Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dot_notation_path_obj_access_ref; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDot_notation_path_obj_access_ref(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDot_notation_path_obj_access_ref(this); + } + } + + public final Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext dot_notation_path_obj_access_ref() throws RecognitionException { + Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext _localctx = new Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 88, RULE_dot_notation_path_obj_access_ref); + try { + setState(2570); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,84,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2566); + empty(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(2567); + match(Dot); + setState(2568); + obj_access_ref(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(2569); + dot_notation_path(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Path_param_arrayContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode Star() { return getToken(OBParser.Star, 0); } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Path_param_listContext path_param_list() { + return getRuleContext(Path_param_listContext.class,0); + } + public Path_param_arrayContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_path_param_array; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPath_param_array(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPath_param_array(this); + } + } + + public final Path_param_arrayContext path_param_array() throws RecognitionException { + Path_param_arrayContext _localctx = new Path_param_arrayContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 90, RULE_path_param_array); + int _la; + try { + setState(2578); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case Star: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2572); + match(Star); + setState(2575); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Comma) { + { + setState(2573); + match(Comma); + setState(2574); + path_param_list(); + } + } + + } + break; + case INTNUM: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(2577); + path_param_list(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Path_param_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List path_param() { + return getRuleContexts(Path_paramContext.class); + } + public Path_paramContext path_param(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Path_paramContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Path_param_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_path_param_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPath_param_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPath_param_list(this); + } + } + + public final Path_param_listContext path_param_list() throws RecognitionException { + Path_param_listContext _localctx = new Path_param_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 92, RULE_path_param_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2580); + path_param(); + setState(2585); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(2581); + match(Comma); + setState(2582); + path_param(); + } + } + setState(2587); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Path_paramContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } + public Path_paramContext path_param() { + return getRuleContext(Path_paramContext.class,0); + } + public Path_paramContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_path_param; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPath_param(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPath_param(this); + } + } + + public final Path_paramContext path_param() throws RecognitionException { + Path_paramContext _localctx = new Path_paramContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 94, RULE_path_param); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2588); + match(INTNUM); + setState(2591); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TO) { + { + setState(2589); + match(TO); + setState(2590); + path_param(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Dot_notation_fun_sysContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Dot_notation_funContext dot_notation_fun() { + return getRuleContext(Dot_notation_funContext.class,0); + } + public Dot_notation_fun_sysContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dot_notation_fun_sys; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDot_notation_fun_sys(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDot_notation_fun_sys(this); + } + } + + public final Dot_notation_fun_sysContext dot_notation_fun_sys() throws RecognitionException { + Dot_notation_fun_sysContext _localctx = new Dot_notation_fun_sysContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 96, RULE_dot_notation_fun_sys); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2593); + dot_notation_fun(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Dot_notation_funContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Token func_name; + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode NUMBER() { return getToken(OBParser.NUMBER, 0); } + public Dot_notation_funContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dot_notation_fun; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDot_notation_fun(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDot_notation_fun(this); + } + } + + public final Dot_notation_funContext dot_notation_fun() throws RecognitionException { + Dot_notation_funContext _localctx = new Dot_notation_funContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 98, RULE_dot_notation_fun); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2595); + ((Dot_notation_funContext)_localctx).func_name = _input.LT(1); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==DATE || _la==NUMBER || _la==SIZE) ) { + ((Dot_notation_funContext)_localctx).func_name = (Token)_errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(2596); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2597); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Obj_access_ref_normalContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Pl_var_nameContext pl_var_name() { + return getRuleContext(Pl_var_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public Obj_access_ref_normalContext obj_access_ref_normal() { + return getRuleContext(Obj_access_ref_normalContext.class,0); + } + public Access_func_expr_countContext access_func_expr_count() { + return getRuleContext(Access_func_expr_countContext.class,0); + } + public Table_element_access_listContext table_element_access_list() { + return getRuleContext(Table_element_access_listContext.class,0); + } + public Var_nameContext var_name() { + return getRuleContext(Var_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Func_param_listContext func_param_list() { + return getRuleContext(Func_param_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PRIOR() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIOR, 0); } + public Exists_function_nameContext exists_function_name() { + return getRuleContext(Exists_function_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Obj_access_ref_normalContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_obj_access_ref_normal; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterObj_access_ref_normal(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitObj_access_ref_normal(this); + } + } + + public final Obj_access_ref_normalContext obj_access_ref_normal() throws RecognitionException { + Obj_access_ref_normalContext _localctx = new Obj_access_ref_normalContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 100, RULE_obj_access_ref_normal); + try { + setState(2643); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,97,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2599); + pl_var_name(); + setState(2602); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,89,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2600); + match(Dot); + setState(2601); + obj_access_ref_normal(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(2604); + access_func_expr_count(); + setState(2608); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,90,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(2605); + match(Dot); + setState(2606); + obj_access_ref_normal(); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(2607); + table_element_access_list(0); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(2610); + var_name(); + setState(2611); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2613); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,91,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2612); + func_param_list(); + } + break; + } + setState(2615); + match(RightParen); + setState(2619); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,92,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(2616); + match(Dot); + setState(2617); + obj_access_ref_normal(); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(2618); + table_element_access_list(0); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(2621); + match(PRIOR); + setState(2622); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2624); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,93,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2623); + func_param_list(); + } + break; + } + setState(2626); + match(RightParen); + setState(2630); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,94,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(2627); + match(Dot); + setState(2628); + obj_access_ref_normal(); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(2629); + table_element_access_list(0); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(2632); + exists_function_name(); + setState(2633); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2635); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,95,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2634); + func_param_list(); + } + break; + } + setState(2637); + match(RightParen); + setState(2641); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,96,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(2638); + match(Dot); + setState(2639); + obj_access_ref_normal(); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(2640); + table_element_access_list(0); + } + break; + } + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Func_access_refContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public Obj_access_refContext obj_access_ref() { + return getRuleContext(Obj_access_refContext.class,0); + } + public Table_element_access_listContext table_element_access_list() { + return getRuleContext(Table_element_access_listContext.class,0); + } + public Func_access_refContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_func_access_ref; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFunc_access_ref(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFunc_access_ref(this); + } + } + + public final Func_access_refContext func_access_ref() throws RecognitionException { + Func_access_refContext _localctx = new Func_access_refContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 102, RULE_func_access_ref); + int _la; + try { + setState(2651); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,99,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2646); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(2645); + table_element_access_list(0); + } + } + + setState(2648); + match(Dot); + setState(2649); + obj_access_ref(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(2650); + table_element_access_list(0); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Table_element_access_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Table_indexContext table_index() { + return getRuleContext(Table_indexContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Table_element_access_listContext table_element_access_list() { + return getRuleContext(Table_element_access_listContext.class,0); + } + public Table_element_access_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_element_access_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_element_access_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_element_access_list(this); + } + } + + public final Table_element_access_listContext table_element_access_list() throws RecognitionException { + return table_element_access_list(0); + } + + private Table_element_access_listContext table_element_access_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Table_element_access_listContext _localctx = new Table_element_access_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Table_element_access_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 104; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 104, RULE_table_element_access_list, _p); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + { + setState(2654); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2655); + table_index(); + setState(2656); + match(RightParen); + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(2665); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,100,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + { + _localctx = new Table_element_access_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_table_element_access_list); + setState(2658); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); + setState(2659); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2660); + table_index(); + setState(2661); + match(RightParen); + } + } + } + setState(2667); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,100,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Table_indexContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Table_indexContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_index; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_index(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_index(this); + } + } + + public final Table_indexContext table_index() throws RecognitionException { + Table_indexContext _localctx = new Table_indexContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 106, RULE_table_index); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2668); + bit_expr(0); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class ExprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } + public List expr() { + return getRuleContexts(ExprContext.class); + } + public ExprContext expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,i); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } + public Set_var_opContext set_var_op() { + return getRuleContext(Set_var_opContext.class,0); + } + public Bool_priContext bool_pri() { + return getRuleContext(Bool_priContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode AND() { return getToken(OBParser.AND, 0); } + public TerminalNode OR() { return getToken(OBParser.OR, 0); } + public ExprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExpr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExpr(this); + } + } + + public final ExprContext expr() throws RecognitionException { + return expr(0); + } + + private ExprContext expr(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + ExprContext _localctx = new ExprContext(_ctx, _parentState); + ExprContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 108; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 108, RULE_expr, _p); + int _la; + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2683); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,102,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2671); + match(NOT); + setState(2672); + expr(5); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(2675); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,101,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2673); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + setState(2674); + set_var_op(); + } + break; + } + setState(2677); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + case 3: + { + setState(2678); + bool_pri(); + } + break; + case 4: + { + setState(2679); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2680); + expr(0); + setState(2681); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(2690); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,103,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + { + _localctx = new ExprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_expr); + setState(2685); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); + setState(2686); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==AND || _la==OR) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(2687); + expr(2); + } + } + } + setState(2692); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,103,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class NotContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } + public NotContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_not; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNot(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNot(this); + } + } + + public final NotContext not() throws RecognitionException { + NotContext _localctx = new NotContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 110, RULE_not); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2693); + match(NOT); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Sub_query_flagContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public TerminalNode ANY() { return getToken(OBParser.ANY, 0); } + public Sub_query_flagContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sub_query_flag; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSub_query_flag(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSub_query_flag(this); + } + } + + public final Sub_query_flagContext sub_query_flag() throws RecognitionException { + Sub_query_flagContext _localctx = new Sub_query_flagContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 112, RULE_sub_query_flag); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2695); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==ANY) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class In_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public In_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_in_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterIn_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitIn_expr(this); + } + } + + public final In_exprContext in_expr() throws RecognitionException { + In_exprContext _localctx = new In_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 114, RULE_in_expr); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2697); + bit_expr(0); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Case_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List CASE() { return getTokens(OBParser.CASE); } + public TerminalNode CASE(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.CASE, i); + } + public Case_defaultContext case_default() { + return getRuleContext(Case_defaultContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode END() { return getToken(OBParser.END, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Simple_when_clause_listContext simple_when_clause_list() { + return getRuleContext(Simple_when_clause_listContext.class,0); + } + public Bool_when_clause_listContext bool_when_clause_list() { + return getRuleContext(Bool_when_clause_listContext.class,0); + } + public Case_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_case_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCase_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCase_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Case_exprContext case_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Case_exprContext _localctx = new Case_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 116, RULE_case_expr); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2699); + match(CASE); + setState(2704); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,104,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2700); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2701); + simple_when_clause_list(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(2703); + bool_when_clause_list(); + } + break; + } + setState(2706); + case_default(); + setState(2707); + match(END); + setState(2709); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,105,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2708); + match(CASE); + } + break; + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Window_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Token func_name; + public Token sub_func_name; + public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); + } + public TerminalNode Star() { return getToken(OBParser.Star, 0); } + public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } + public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); + } + public TerminalNode OVER() { return getToken(OBParser.OVER, 0); } + public Generalized_window_clauseContext generalized_window_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Generalized_window_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.COUNT, 0); } + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public List bit_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode DISTINCT() { return getToken(OBParser.DISTINCT, 0); } + public Expr_listContext expr_list() { + return getRuleContext(Expr_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT, 0); } + public TerminalNode APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS, 0); } + public TerminalNode APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUM() { return getToken(OBParser.SUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX, 0); } + public TerminalNode MIN() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode AVG() { return getToken(OBParser.AVG, 0); } + public TerminalNode MEDIAN() { return getToken(OBParser.MEDIAN, 0); } + public TerminalNode STDDEV() { return getToken(OBParser.STDDEV, 0); } + public TerminalNode VARIANCE() { return getToken(OBParser.VARIANCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode STDDEV_POP() { return getToken(OBParser.STDDEV_POP, 0); } + public TerminalNode STDDEV_SAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.STDDEV_SAMP, 0); } + public TerminalNode WITHIN() { return getToken(OBParser.WITHIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode GROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUP, 0); } + public Order_byContext order_by() { + return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LISTAGG() { return getToken(OBParser.LISTAGG, 0); } + public TerminalNode RANK() { return getToken(OBParser.RANK, 0); } + public TerminalNode DENSE_RANK() { return getToken(OBParser.DENSE_RANK, 0); } + public TerminalNode PERCENT_RANK() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENT_RANK, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROW_NUMBER() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW_NUMBER, 0); } + public TerminalNode NTILE() { return getToken(OBParser.NTILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CUME_DIST() { return getToken(OBParser.CUME_DIST, 0); } + public Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext win_fun_first_last_params() { + return getRuleContext(Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FIRST_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.FIRST_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LAST_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.LAST_VALUE, 0); } + public Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext win_fun_lead_lag_params() { + return getRuleContext(Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LEAD() { return getToken(OBParser.LEAD, 0); } + public TerminalNode LAG() { return getToken(OBParser.LAG, 0); } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public TerminalNode NTH_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.NTH_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode FROM() { return getToken(OBParser.FROM, 0); } + public First_or_lastContext first_or_last() { + return getRuleContext(First_or_lastContext.class,0); + } + public Respect_or_ignoreContext respect_or_ignore() { + return getRuleContext(Respect_or_ignoreContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NULLS() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLS, 0); } + public TerminalNode RATIO_TO_REPORT() { return getToken(OBParser.RATIO_TO_REPORT, 0); } + public TerminalNode CORR() { return getToken(OBParser.CORR, 0); } + public TerminalNode COVAR_POP() { return getToken(OBParser.COVAR_POP, 0); } + public TerminalNode COVAR_SAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.COVAR_SAMP, 0); } + public TerminalNode VAR_POP() { return getToken(OBParser.VAR_POP, 0); } + public TerminalNode VAR_SAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.VAR_SAMP, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_SLOPE() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SLOPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_INTERCEPT() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_INTERCEPT, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_COUNT, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_R2() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_R2, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_AVGX() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_AVGX, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_AVGY() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_AVGY, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_SXX() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SXX, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_SYY() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SYY, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_SXY() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SXY, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEEP() { return getToken(OBParser.KEEP, 0); } + public TerminalNode PERCENTILE_CONT() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENTILE_CONT, 0); } + public TerminalNode PERCENTILE_DISC() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENTILE_DISC, 0); } + public TerminalNode WM_CONCAT() { return getToken(OBParser.WM_CONCAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public TerminalNode WMSYS() { return getToken(OBParser.WMSYS, 0); } + public TerminalNode TOP_K_FRE_HIST() { return getToken(OBParser.TOP_K_FRE_HIST, 0); } + public TerminalNode HYBRID_HIST() { return getToken(OBParser.HYBRID_HIST, 0); } + public Function_nameContext function_name() { + return getRuleContext(Function_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Func_param_listContext func_param_list() { + return getRuleContext(Func_param_listContext.class,0); + } + public Window_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_window_function; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWindow_function(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWindow_function(this); + } + } + + public final Window_functionContext window_function() throws RecognitionException { + Window_functionContext _localctx = new Window_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 118, RULE_window_function); + int _la; + try { + setState(3515); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,150,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(2711); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(COUNT); + setState(2712); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2714); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ALL) { + { + setState(2713); + match(ALL); + } + } + + setState(2716); + match(Star); + setState(2717); + match(RightParen); + setState(2718); + match(OVER); + setState(2719); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2720); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2721); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(2723); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(COUNT); + setState(2724); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2726); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,107,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2725); + match(ALL); + } + break; + } + setState(2728); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2729); + match(RightParen); + setState(2730); + match(OVER); + setState(2731); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2732); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2733); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(2735); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(COUNT); + setState(2736); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2737); + match(DISTINCT); + setState(2738); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2739); + match(RightParen); + setState(2740); + match(OVER); + setState(2741); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2742); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2743); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(2745); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT); + setState(2746); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2747); + expr_list(); + setState(2748); + match(RightParen); + setState(2749); + match(OVER); + setState(2750); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2751); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2752); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(2754); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS); + setState(2755); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2756); + expr_list(); + setState(2757); + match(RightParen); + setState(2758); + match(OVER); + setState(2759); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2760); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2761); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(2763); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE); + setState(2764); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2765); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2766); + match(RightParen); + setState(2767); + match(OVER); + setState(2768); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2769); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2770); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(2772); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(SUM); + setState(2773); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2775); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,108,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2774); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(2777); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2778); + match(RightParen); + setState(2779); + match(OVER); + setState(2780); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2781); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2782); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(2784); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(MAX); + setState(2785); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2787); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,109,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2786); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(2789); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2790); + match(RightParen); + setState(2791); + match(OVER); + setState(2792); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2793); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2794); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(2796); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(MIN); + setState(2797); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2799); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,110,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2798); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(2801); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2802); + match(RightParen); + setState(2803); + match(OVER); + setState(2804); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2805); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2806); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 10: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(2808); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(AVG); + setState(2809); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2811); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,111,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2810); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(2813); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2814); + match(RightParen); + setState(2815); + match(OVER); + setState(2816); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2817); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2818); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 11: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); + { + setState(2820); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(MEDIAN); + setState(2821); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2823); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,112,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2822); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(2825); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2826); + match(RightParen); + setState(2827); + match(OVER); + setState(2828); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2829); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2830); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 12: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); + { + setState(2832); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(STDDEV); + setState(2833); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2835); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,113,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2834); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(2837); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2838); + match(RightParen); + setState(2839); + match(OVER); + setState(2840); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2841); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2842); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 13: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); + { + setState(2844); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(VARIANCE); + setState(2845); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2847); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,114,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2846); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(2849); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2850); + match(RightParen); + setState(2851); + match(OVER); + setState(2852); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2853); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2854); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 14: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); + { + setState(2856); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(STDDEV_POP); + setState(2857); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2859); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,115,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2858); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(2861); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2862); + match(RightParen); + setState(2863); + match(OVER); + setState(2864); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2865); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2866); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 15: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); + { + setState(2868); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(STDDEV_SAMP); + setState(2869); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2871); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,116,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2870); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(2873); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2874); + match(RightParen); + setState(2875); + match(OVER); + setState(2876); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2877); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2878); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 16: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); + { + setState(2880); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(LISTAGG); + setState(2881); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2883); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,117,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2882); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(2885); + expr_list(); + setState(2886); + match(RightParen); + setState(2887); + match(WITHIN); + setState(2888); + match(GROUP); + setState(2889); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2890); + order_by(); + setState(2891); + match(RightParen); + setState(2892); + match(OVER); + setState(2893); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2894); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2895); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 17: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); + { + setState(2897); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(LISTAGG); + setState(2898); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2900); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,118,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(2899); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(2902); + expr_list(); + setState(2903); + match(RightParen); + setState(2904); + match(OVER); + setState(2905); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2906); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2907); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 18: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); + { + setState(2909); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(RANK); + setState(2910); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2911); + match(RightParen); + setState(2912); + match(OVER); + setState(2913); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2914); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2915); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 19: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); + { + setState(2917); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(2918); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2919); + match(RightParen); + setState(2920); + match(OVER); + setState(2921); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2922); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2923); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 20: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 20); + { + setState(2925); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(PERCENT_RANK); + setState(2926); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2927); + match(RightParen); + setState(2928); + match(OVER); + setState(2929); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2930); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2931); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 21: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 21); + { + setState(2933); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(ROW_NUMBER); + setState(2934); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2935); + match(RightParen); + setState(2936); + match(OVER); + setState(2937); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2938); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2939); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 22: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 22); + { + setState(2941); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(NTILE); + setState(2942); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2943); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2944); + match(RightParen); + setState(2945); + match(OVER); + setState(2946); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2947); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2948); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 23: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 23); + { + setState(2950); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(CUME_DIST); + setState(2951); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2952); + match(RightParen); + setState(2953); + match(OVER); + setState(2954); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2955); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2956); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 24: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 24); + { + setState(2958); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(FIRST_VALUE); + setState(2959); + win_fun_first_last_params(); + setState(2960); + match(OVER); + setState(2961); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2962); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2963); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 25: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 25); + { + setState(2965); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(LAST_VALUE); + setState(2966); + win_fun_first_last_params(); + setState(2967); + match(OVER); + setState(2968); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2969); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2970); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 26: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 26); + { + setState(2972); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(LEAD); + setState(2973); + win_fun_lead_lag_params(); + setState(2974); + match(OVER); + setState(2975); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2976); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2977); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 27: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 27); + { + setState(2979); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(LAG); + setState(2980); + win_fun_lead_lag_params(); + setState(2981); + match(OVER); + setState(2982); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2983); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(2984); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 28: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 28); + { + setState(2986); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(NTH_VALUE); + setState(2987); + match(LeftParen); + setState(2988); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2989); + match(Comma); + setState(2990); + bit_expr(0); + setState(2991); + match(RightParen); + setState(2994); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FROM) { + { + setState(2992); + match(FROM); + setState(2993); + first_or_last(); + } + } + + setState(2999); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==IGNORE || _la==RESPECT) { + { + setState(2996); + respect_or_ignore(); + setState(2997); + match(NULLS); + } + } + + setState(3001); + match(OVER); + setState(3002); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3003); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3004); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 29: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 29); + { + setState(3006); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(RATIO_TO_REPORT); + setState(3007); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3009); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,121,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3008); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3011); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3012); + match(RightParen); + setState(3013); + match(OVER); + setState(3014); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3015); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3016); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 30: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 30); + { + setState(3018); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(CORR); + setState(3019); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3021); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,122,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3020); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3023); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3024); + match(Comma); + setState(3025); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3026); + match(RightParen); + setState(3027); + match(OVER); + setState(3028); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3029); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3030); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 31: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 31); + { + setState(3032); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(COVAR_POP); + setState(3033); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3035); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,123,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3034); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3037); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3038); + match(Comma); + setState(3039); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3040); + match(RightParen); + setState(3041); + match(OVER); + setState(3042); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3043); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3044); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 32: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 32); + { + setState(3046); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(COVAR_SAMP); + setState(3047); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3049); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,124,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3048); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3051); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3052); + match(Comma); + setState(3053); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3054); + match(RightParen); + setState(3055); + match(OVER); + setState(3056); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3057); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3058); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 33: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 33); + { + setState(3060); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(VAR_POP); + setState(3061); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3063); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,125,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3062); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3065); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3066); + match(RightParen); + setState(3067); + match(OVER); + setState(3068); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3069); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3070); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 34: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 34); + { + setState(3072); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(VAR_SAMP); + setState(3073); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3075); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,126,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3074); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3077); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3078); + match(RightParen); + setState(3079); + match(OVER); + setState(3080); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3081); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3082); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 35: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 35); + { + setState(3084); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(REGR_SLOPE); + setState(3085); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3087); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,127,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3086); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3089); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3090); + match(Comma); + setState(3091); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3092); + match(RightParen); + setState(3093); + match(OVER); + setState(3094); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3095); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3096); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 36: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 36); + { + setState(3098); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(REGR_INTERCEPT); + setState(3099); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3101); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,128,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3100); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3103); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3104); + match(Comma); + setState(3105); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3106); + match(RightParen); + setState(3107); + match(OVER); + setState(3108); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3109); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3110); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 37: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 37); + { + setState(3112); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(REGR_COUNT); + setState(3113); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3115); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,129,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3114); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3117); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3118); + match(Comma); + setState(3119); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3120); + match(RightParen); + setState(3121); + match(OVER); + setState(3122); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3123); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3124); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 38: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 38); + { + setState(3126); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(REGR_R2); + setState(3127); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3129); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,130,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3128); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3131); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3132); + match(Comma); + setState(3133); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3134); + match(RightParen); + setState(3135); + match(OVER); + setState(3136); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3137); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3138); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 39: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 39); + { + setState(3140); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(REGR_AVGX); + setState(3141); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3143); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,131,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3142); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3145); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3146); + match(Comma); + setState(3147); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3148); + match(RightParen); + setState(3149); + match(OVER); + setState(3150); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3151); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3152); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 40: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 40); + { + setState(3154); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(REGR_AVGY); + setState(3155); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3157); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,132,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3156); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3159); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3160); + match(Comma); + setState(3161); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3162); + match(RightParen); + setState(3163); + match(OVER); + setState(3164); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3165); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3166); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 41: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 41); + { + setState(3168); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(REGR_SXX); + setState(3169); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3171); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,133,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3170); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3173); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3174); + match(Comma); + setState(3175); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3176); + match(RightParen); + setState(3177); + match(OVER); + setState(3178); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3179); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3180); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 42: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 42); + { + setState(3182); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(REGR_SYY); + setState(3183); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3185); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,134,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3184); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3187); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3188); + match(Comma); + setState(3189); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3190); + match(RightParen); + setState(3191); + match(OVER); + setState(3192); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3193); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3194); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 43: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 43); + { + setState(3196); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(REGR_SXY); + setState(3197); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3199); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,135,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3198); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3201); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3202); + match(Comma); + setState(3203); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3204); + match(RightParen); + setState(3205); + match(OVER); + setState(3206); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3207); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3208); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 44: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 44); + { + setState(3210); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(MAX); + setState(3211); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3213); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,136,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3212); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3215); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3216); + match(RightParen); + setState(3217); + match(KEEP); + setState(3218); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3219); + match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(3220); + first_or_last(); + setState(3221); + order_by(); + setState(3222); + match(RightParen); + setState(3223); + match(OVER); + setState(3224); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3225); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3226); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 45: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 45); + { + setState(3228); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(MIN); + setState(3229); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3231); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,137,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3230); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3233); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3234); + match(RightParen); + setState(3235); + match(KEEP); + setState(3236); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3237); + match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(3238); + first_or_last(); + setState(3239); + order_by(); + setState(3240); + match(RightParen); + setState(3241); + match(OVER); + setState(3242); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3243); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3244); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 46: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 46); + { + setState(3246); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(SUM); + setState(3247); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3249); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,138,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3248); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3251); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3252); + match(RightParen); + setState(3253); + match(KEEP); + setState(3254); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3255); + match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(3256); + first_or_last(); + setState(3257); + order_by(); + setState(3258); + match(RightParen); + setState(3259); + match(OVER); + setState(3260); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3261); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3262); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 47: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 47); + { + setState(3264); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(COUNT); + setState(3265); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3267); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ALL) { + { + setState(3266); + match(ALL); + } + } + + setState(3269); + match(Star); + setState(3270); + match(RightParen); + setState(3271); + match(KEEP); + setState(3272); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3273); + match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(3274); + first_or_last(); + setState(3275); + order_by(); + setState(3276); + match(RightParen); + setState(3277); + match(OVER); + setState(3278); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3279); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3280); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 48: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 48); + { + setState(3282); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(COUNT); + setState(3283); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3285); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,140,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3284); + match(ALL); + } + break; + } + setState(3287); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3288); + match(RightParen); + setState(3289); + match(KEEP); + setState(3290); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3291); + match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(3292); + first_or_last(); + setState(3293); + order_by(); + setState(3294); + match(RightParen); + setState(3295); + match(OVER); + setState(3296); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3297); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3298); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 49: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 49); + { + setState(3300); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(AVG); + setState(3301); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3303); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,141,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3302); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3305); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3306); + match(RightParen); + setState(3307); + match(KEEP); + setState(3308); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3309); + match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(3310); + first_or_last(); + setState(3311); + order_by(); + setState(3312); + match(RightParen); + setState(3313); + match(OVER); + setState(3314); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3315); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3316); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 50: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 50); + { + setState(3318); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(VARIANCE); + setState(3319); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3321); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,142,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3320); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3323); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3324); + match(RightParen); + setState(3325); + match(KEEP); + setState(3326); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3327); + match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(3328); + first_or_last(); + setState(3329); + order_by(); + setState(3330); + match(RightParen); + setState(3331); + match(OVER); + setState(3332); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3333); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3334); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 51: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 51); + { + setState(3336); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(STDDEV); + setState(3337); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3339); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,143,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3338); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3341); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3342); + match(RightParen); + setState(3343); + match(KEEP); + setState(3344); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3345); + match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(3346); + first_or_last(); + setState(3347); + order_by(); + setState(3348); + match(RightParen); + setState(3349); + match(OVER); + setState(3350); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3351); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3352); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 52: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 52); + { + setState(3354); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(PERCENTILE_CONT); + setState(3355); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3357); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,144,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3356); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3359); + expr_list(); + setState(3360); + match(RightParen); + setState(3361); + match(WITHIN); + setState(3362); + match(GROUP); + setState(3363); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3364); + order_by(); + setState(3365); + match(RightParen); + setState(3366); + match(OVER); + setState(3367); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3368); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3369); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 53: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 53); + { + setState(3371); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(PERCENTILE_DISC); + setState(3372); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3374); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,145,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3373); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3376); + expr_list(); + setState(3377); + match(RightParen); + setState(3378); + match(WITHIN); + setState(3379); + match(GROUP); + setState(3380); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3381); + order_by(); + setState(3382); + match(RightParen); + setState(3383); + match(OVER); + setState(3384); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3385); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3386); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 54: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 54); + { + setState(3388); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(WM_CONCAT); + setState(3389); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3391); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,146,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3390); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3393); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3394); + match(RightParen); + setState(3395); + match(OVER); + setState(3396); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3397); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3398); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 55: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 55); + { + setState(3400); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(WMSYS); + setState(3401); + match(Dot); + setState(3402); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).sub_func_name = match(WM_CONCAT); + setState(3403); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3405); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,147,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3404); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3407); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3408); + match(RightParen); + setState(3409); + match(OVER); + setState(3410); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3411); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3412); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 56: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 56); + { + setState(3414); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(WM_CONCAT); + setState(3415); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3417); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,148,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3416); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3419); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3420); + match(RightParen); + setState(3421); + match(KEEP); + setState(3422); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3423); + match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(3424); + first_or_last(); + setState(3425); + order_by(); + setState(3426); + match(RightParen); + setState(3427); + match(OVER); + setState(3428); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3429); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3430); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 57: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 57); + { + setState(3432); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(WMSYS); + setState(3433); + match(Dot); + setState(3434); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).sub_func_name = match(WM_CONCAT); + setState(3435); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3437); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,149,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3436); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3439); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3440); + match(RightParen); + setState(3441); + match(KEEP); + setState(3442); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3443); + match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(3444); + first_or_last(); + setState(3445); + order_by(); + setState(3446); + match(RightParen); + setState(3447); + match(OVER); + setState(3448); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3449); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3450); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 58: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 58); + { + setState(3452); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(TOP_K_FRE_HIST); + setState(3453); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3454); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3455); + match(Comma); + setState(3456); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3457); + match(Comma); + setState(3458); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3459); + match(RightParen); + setState(3460); + match(OVER); + setState(3461); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3462); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3463); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 59: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 59); + { + setState(3465); + ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(HYBRID_HIST); + setState(3466); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3467); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3468); + match(Comma); + setState(3469); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3470); + match(RightParen); + setState(3471); + match(OVER); + setState(3472); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3473); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3474); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 60: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 60); + { + setState(3476); + function_name(); + setState(3477); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3478); + func_param_list(); + setState(3479); + match(RightParen); + setState(3480); + match(OVER); + setState(3481); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3482); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3483); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 61: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 61); + { + setState(3485); + function_name(); + setState(3486); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3487); + match(ALL); + setState(3488); + func_param_list(); + setState(3489); + match(RightParen); + setState(3490); + match(OVER); + setState(3491); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3492); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3493); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 62: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 62); + { + setState(3495); + function_name(); + setState(3496); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3497); + match(DISTINCT); + setState(3498); + func_param_list(); + setState(3499); + match(RightParen); + setState(3500); + match(OVER); + setState(3501); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3502); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3503); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 63: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 63); + { + setState(3505); + function_name(); + setState(3506); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3507); + match(UNIQUE); + setState(3508); + func_param_list(); + setState(3509); + match(RightParen); + setState(3510); + match(OVER); + setState(3511); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3512); + generalized_window_clause(); + setState(3513); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class First_or_lastContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode FIRST() { return getToken(OBParser.FIRST, 0); } + public TerminalNode LAST() { return getToken(OBParser.LAST, 0); } + public First_or_lastContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_first_or_last; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFirst_or_last(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFirst_or_last(this); + } + } + + public final First_or_lastContext first_or_last() throws RecognitionException { + First_or_lastContext _localctx = new First_or_lastContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 120, RULE_first_or_last); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3517); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==FIRST || _la==LAST) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Respect_or_ignoreContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode RESPECT() { return getToken(OBParser.RESPECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode IGNORE() { return getToken(OBParser.IGNORE, 0); } + public Respect_or_ignoreContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_respect_or_ignore; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRespect_or_ignore(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRespect_or_ignore(this); + } + } + + public final Respect_or_ignoreContext respect_or_ignore() throws RecognitionException { + Respect_or_ignoreContext _localctx = new Respect_or_ignoreContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 122, RULE_respect_or_ignore); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3519); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==IGNORE || _la==RESPECT) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Respect_or_ignoreContext respect_or_ignore() { + return getRuleContext(Respect_or_ignoreContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NULLS() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLS, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_win_fun_first_last_params; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWin_fun_first_last_params(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWin_fun_first_last_params(this); + } + } + + public final Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext win_fun_first_last_params() throws RecognitionException { + Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext _localctx = new Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 124, RULE_win_fun_first_last_params); + int _la; + try { + setState(3535); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,152,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3521); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3522); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3523); + respect_or_ignore(); + setState(3524); + match(NULLS); + setState(3525); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(3527); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3528); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3529); + match(RightParen); + setState(3533); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==IGNORE || _la==RESPECT) { + { + setState(3530); + respect_or_ignore(); + setState(3531); + match(NULLS); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Respect_or_ignoreContext respect_or_ignore() { + return getRuleContext(Respect_or_ignoreContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NULLS() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLS, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Expr_listContext expr_list() { + return getRuleContext(Expr_listContext.class,0); + } + public Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_win_fun_lead_lag_params; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWin_fun_lead_lag_params(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWin_fun_lead_lag_params(this); + } + } + + public final Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext win_fun_lead_lag_params() throws RecognitionException { + Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext _localctx = new Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 126, RULE_win_fun_lead_lag_params); + int _la; + try { + setState(3559); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,154,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3537); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3538); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3539); + respect_or_ignore(); + setState(3540); + match(NULLS); + setState(3541); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(3543); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3544); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3545); + respect_or_ignore(); + setState(3546); + match(NULLS); + setState(3547); + match(Comma); + setState(3548); + expr_list(); + setState(3549); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(3551); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3552); + expr_list(); + setState(3553); + match(RightParen); + setState(3557); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==IGNORE || _la==RESPECT) { + { + setState(3554); + respect_or_ignore(); + setState(3555); + match(NULLS); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Generalized_window_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public Expr_listContext expr_list() { + return getRuleContext(Expr_listContext.class,0); + } + public Order_byContext order_by() { + return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); + } + public Win_windowContext win_window() { + return getRuleContext(Win_windowContext.class,0); + } + public Generalized_window_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_generalized_window_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGeneralized_window_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGeneralized_window_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Generalized_window_clauseContext generalized_window_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Generalized_window_clauseContext _localctx = new Generalized_window_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 128, RULE_generalized_window_clause); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3564); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PARTITION) { + { + setState(3561); + match(PARTITION); + setState(3562); + match(BY); + setState(3563); + expr_list(); + } + } + + setState(3567); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ORDER) { + { + setState(3566); + order_by(); + } + } + + setState(3570); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ROWS || _la==RANGE) { + { + setState(3569); + win_window(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Win_rows_or_rangeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWS, 0); } + public TerminalNode RANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.RANGE, 0); } + public Win_rows_or_rangeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_win_rows_or_range; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWin_rows_or_range(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWin_rows_or_range(this); + } + } + + public final Win_rows_or_rangeContext win_rows_or_range() throws RecognitionException { + Win_rows_or_rangeContext _localctx = new Win_rows_or_rangeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 130, RULE_win_rows_or_range); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3572); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ROWS || _la==RANGE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Win_preceding_or_followingContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PRECEDING() { return getToken(OBParser.PRECEDING, 0); } + public TerminalNode FOLLOWING() { return getToken(OBParser.FOLLOWING, 0); } + public Win_preceding_or_followingContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_win_preceding_or_following; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWin_preceding_or_following(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWin_preceding_or_following(this); + } + } + + public final Win_preceding_or_followingContext win_preceding_or_following() throws RecognitionException { + Win_preceding_or_followingContext _localctx = new Win_preceding_or_followingContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 132, RULE_win_preceding_or_following); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3574); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==FOLLOWING || _la==PRECEDING) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Win_intervalContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Win_intervalContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_win_interval; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWin_interval(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWin_interval(this); + } + } + + public final Win_intervalContext win_interval() throws RecognitionException { + Win_intervalContext _localctx = new Win_intervalContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 134, RULE_win_interval); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3576); + bit_expr(0); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Win_boundingContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CURRENT() { return getToken(OBParser.CURRENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROW() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW, 0); } + public Win_intervalContext win_interval() { + return getRuleContext(Win_intervalContext.class,0); + } + public Win_preceding_or_followingContext win_preceding_or_following() { + return getRuleContext(Win_preceding_or_followingContext.class,0); + } + public Win_boundingContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_win_bounding; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWin_bounding(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWin_bounding(this); + } + } + + public final Win_boundingContext win_bounding() throws RecognitionException { + Win_boundingContext _localctx = new Win_boundingContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 136, RULE_win_bounding); + try { + setState(3583); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,158,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3578); + match(CURRENT); + setState(3579); + match(ROW); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(3580); + win_interval(); + setState(3581); + win_preceding_or_following(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Win_windowContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Win_rows_or_rangeContext win_rows_or_range() { + return getRuleContext(Win_rows_or_rangeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode BETWEEN() { return getToken(OBParser.BETWEEN, 0); } + public List win_bounding() { + return getRuleContexts(Win_boundingContext.class); + } + public Win_boundingContext win_bounding(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Win_boundingContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode AND() { return getToken(OBParser.AND, 0); } + public Win_windowContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_win_window; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWin_window(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWin_window(this); + } + } + + public final Win_windowContext win_window() throws RecognitionException { + Win_windowContext _localctx = new Win_windowContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 138, RULE_win_window); + try { + setState(3594); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,159,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3585); + win_rows_or_range(); + setState(3586); + match(BETWEEN); + setState(3587); + win_bounding(); + setState(3588); + match(AND); + setState(3589); + win_bounding(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(3591); + win_rows_or_range(); + setState(3592); + win_bounding(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Simple_when_clause_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List simple_when_clause() { + return getRuleContexts(Simple_when_clauseContext.class); + } + public Simple_when_clauseContext simple_when_clause(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Simple_when_clauseContext.class,i); + } + public Simple_when_clause_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_simple_when_clause_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSimple_when_clause_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSimple_when_clause_list(this); + } + } + + public final Simple_when_clause_listContext simple_when_clause_list() throws RecognitionException { + Simple_when_clause_listContext _localctx = new Simple_when_clause_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 140, RULE_simple_when_clause_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3597); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + do { + { + { + setState(3596); + simple_when_clause(); + } + } + setState(3599); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } while ( _la==WHEN ); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Simple_when_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode WHEN() { return getToken(OBParser.WHEN, 0); } + public List bit_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode THEN() { return getToken(OBParser.THEN, 0); } + public Simple_when_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_simple_when_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSimple_when_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSimple_when_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Simple_when_clauseContext simple_when_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Simple_when_clauseContext _localctx = new Simple_when_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 142, RULE_simple_when_clause); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3601); + match(WHEN); + setState(3602); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3603); + match(THEN); + setState(3604); + bit_expr(0); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Bool_when_clause_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List bool_when_clause() { + return getRuleContexts(Bool_when_clauseContext.class); + } + public Bool_when_clauseContext bool_when_clause(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bool_when_clauseContext.class,i); + } + public Bool_when_clause_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_bool_when_clause_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterBool_when_clause_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitBool_when_clause_list(this); + } + } + + public final Bool_when_clause_listContext bool_when_clause_list() throws RecognitionException { + Bool_when_clause_listContext _localctx = new Bool_when_clause_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 144, RULE_bool_when_clause_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3607); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + do { + { + { + setState(3606); + bool_when_clause(); + } + } + setState(3609); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } while ( _la==WHEN ); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Bool_when_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode WHEN() { return getToken(OBParser.WHEN, 0); } + public ExprContext expr() { + return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode THEN() { return getToken(OBParser.THEN, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Bool_when_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_bool_when_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterBool_when_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitBool_when_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Bool_when_clauseContext bool_when_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Bool_when_clauseContext _localctx = new Bool_when_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 146, RULE_bool_when_clause); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3611); + match(WHEN); + setState(3612); + expr(0); + setState(3613); + match(THEN); + setState(3614); + bit_expr(0); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Case_defaultContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ELSE() { return getToken(OBParser.ELSE, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Case_defaultContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_case_default; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCase_default(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCase_default(this); + } + } + + public final Case_defaultContext case_default() throws RecognitionException { + Case_defaultContext _localctx = new Case_defaultContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 148, RULE_case_default); + try { + setState(3619); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ELSE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3616); + match(ELSE); + setState(3617); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + case END: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(3618); + empty(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Sql_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Single_row_functionContext single_row_function() { + return getRuleContext(Single_row_functionContext.class,0); + } + public Aggregate_functionContext aggregate_function() { + return getRuleContext(Aggregate_functionContext.class,0); + } + public Special_func_exprContext special_func_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Special_func_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Sql_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sql_function; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSql_function(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSql_function(this); + } + } + + public final Sql_functionContext sql_function() throws RecognitionException { + Sql_functionContext _localctx = new Sql_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 150, RULE_sql_function); + try { + setState(3624); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case SDO_RELATE: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case UID: + case USER: + case MOD: + case JSON_QUERY: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CAST: + case TREAT: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case TRIM: + case XMLPARSE: + case ASCII: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case JSON: + case TRANSLATE: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case XMLELEMENT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3621); + single_row_function(); + } + break; + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case MAX: + case STDDEV: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case LISTAGG: + case SUM: + case MIN: + case VARIANCE: + case WM_CONCAT: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case REGR_COUNT: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case REGR_SYY: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case XMLAGG: + case REGR_R2: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case WMSYS: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case COVAR_POP: + case MEDIAN: + case STDDEV_POP: + case AVG: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case CUME_DIST: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case CORR: + case VAR_SAMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(3622); + aggregate_function(); + } + break; + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case DATE: + case DEFAULT: + case INSERT: + case SYSDATE: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case VALUES: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case LEFT: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case ISNULL: + case YEAR: + case POSITION: + case TIME: + case MONTH: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(3623); + special_func_expr(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xml_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Xmlparse_exprContext xmlparse_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Xmlparse_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Xml_element_exprContext xml_element_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Xml_element_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Xml_extract_exprContext xml_extract_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Xml_extract_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Delete_xmlContext delete_xml() { + return getRuleContext(Delete_xmlContext.class,0); + } + public Insert_child_xmlContext insert_child_xml() { + return getRuleContext(Insert_child_xmlContext.class,0); + } + public Xmlserialize_exprContext xmlserialize_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Xmlserialize_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Xmlcast_exprContext xmlcast_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Xmlcast_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Xml_sequence_exprContext xml_sequence_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Xml_sequence_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Xml_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_function; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_function(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_function(this); + } + } + + public final Xml_functionContext xml_function() throws RecognitionException { + Xml_functionContext _localctx = new Xml_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 152, RULE_xml_function); + try { + setState(3634); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case XMLPARSE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3626); + xmlparse_expr(); + } + break; + case XMLELEMENT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(3627); + xml_element_expr(); + } + break; + case EXTRACT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(3628); + xml_extract_expr(); + } + break; + case DELETEXML: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(3629); + delete_xml(); + } + break; + case INSERTCHILDXML: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(3630); + insert_child_xml(); + } + break; + case XMLSERIALIZE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(3631); + xmlserialize_expr(); + } + break; + case XMLCAST: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(3632); + xmlcast_expr(); + } + break; + case XMLSEQUENCE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(3633); + xml_sequence_expr(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Single_row_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Numeric_functionContext numeric_function() { + return getRuleContext(Numeric_functionContext.class,0); + } + public Character_functionContext character_function() { + return getRuleContext(Character_functionContext.class,0); + } + public Extract_functionContext extract_function() { + return getRuleContext(Extract_functionContext.class,0); + } + public Conversion_functionContext conversion_function() { + return getRuleContext(Conversion_functionContext.class,0); + } + public Hierarchical_functionContext hierarchical_function() { + return getRuleContext(Hierarchical_functionContext.class,0); + } + public Environment_id_functionContext environment_id_function() { + return getRuleContext(Environment_id_functionContext.class,0); + } + public Json_functionContext json_function() { + return getRuleContext(Json_functionContext.class,0); + } + public Xml_functionContext xml_function() { + return getRuleContext(Xml_functionContext.class,0); + } + public Table_element_access_listContext table_element_access_list() { + return getRuleContext(Table_element_access_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public Obj_access_ref_normalContext obj_access_ref_normal() { + return getRuleContext(Obj_access_ref_normalContext.class,0); + } + public Gis_functionContext gis_function() { + return getRuleContext(Gis_functionContext.class,0); + } + public Single_row_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_single_row_function; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSingle_row_function(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSingle_row_function(this); + } + } + + public final Single_row_functionContext single_row_function() throws RecognitionException { + Single_row_functionContext _localctx = new Single_row_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 154, RULE_single_row_function); + try { + setState(3650); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,166,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3636); + numeric_function(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(3637); + character_function(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(3638); + extract_function(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(3639); + conversion_function(); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(3640); + hierarchical_function(); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(3641); + environment_id_function(); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(3642); + json_function(); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(3643); + xml_function(); + setState(3647); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,165,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(3644); + match(Dot); + setState(3645); + obj_access_ref_normal(); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(3646); + table_element_access_list(0); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(3649); + gis_function(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Numeric_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode MOD() { return getToken(OBParser.MOD, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public List bit_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Numeric_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_numeric_function; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNumeric_function(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNumeric_function(this); + } + } + + public final Numeric_functionContext numeric_function() throws RecognitionException { + Numeric_functionContext _localctx = new Numeric_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 156, RULE_numeric_function); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3652); + match(MOD); + setState(3653); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3654); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3655); + match(Comma); + setState(3656); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3657); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Character_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode TRIM() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIM, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Parameterized_trimContext parameterized_trim() { + return getRuleContext(Parameterized_trimContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode ASCII() { return getToken(OBParser.ASCII, 0); } + public List bit_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode TRANSLATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRANSLATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } + public Translate_charsetContext translate_charset() { + return getRuleContext(Translate_charsetContext.class,0); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Character_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_character_function; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCharacter_function(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCharacter_function(this); + } + } + + public final Character_functionContext character_function() throws RecognitionException { + Character_functionContext _localctx = new Character_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 158, RULE_character_function); + try { + setState(3685); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,167,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3659); + match(TRIM); + setState(3660); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3661); + parameterized_trim(); + setState(3662); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(3664); + match(ASCII); + setState(3665); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3666); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3667); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(3669); + match(TRANSLATE); + setState(3670); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3671); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3672); + match(USING); + setState(3673); + translate_charset(); + setState(3674); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(3676); + match(TRANSLATE); + setState(3677); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3678); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3679); + match(Comma); + setState(3680); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3681); + match(Comma); + setState(3682); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3683); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Translate_charsetContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CHAR_CS() { return getToken(OBParser.CHAR_CS, 0); } + public TerminalNode NCHAR_CS() { return getToken(OBParser.NCHAR_CS, 0); } + public Translate_charsetContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_translate_charset; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTranslate_charset(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTranslate_charset(this); + } + } + + public final Translate_charsetContext translate_charset() throws RecognitionException { + Translate_charsetContext _localctx = new Translate_charsetContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 160, RULE_translate_charset); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3687); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==NCHAR_CS || _la==CHAR_CS) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Extract_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode EXTRACT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTRACT, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Date_unit_for_extractContext date_unit_for_extract() { + return getRuleContext(Date_unit_for_extractContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FROM() { return getToken(OBParser.FROM, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Extract_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_extract_function; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExtract_function(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExtract_function(this); + } + } + + public final Extract_functionContext extract_function() throws RecognitionException { + Extract_functionContext _localctx = new Extract_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 162, RULE_extract_function); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3689); + match(EXTRACT); + setState(3690); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3691); + date_unit_for_extract(); + setState(3692); + match(FROM); + setState(3693); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3694); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Conversion_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CAST() { return getToken(OBParser.CAST, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } + public Cast_data_typeContext cast_data_type() { + return getRuleContext(Cast_data_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode TREAT() { return getToken(OBParser.TREAT, 0); } + public Treat_data_typeContext treat_data_type() { + return getRuleContext(Treat_data_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Conversion_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_conversion_function; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterConversion_function(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitConversion_function(this); + } + } + + public final Conversion_functionContext conversion_function() throws RecognitionException { + Conversion_functionContext _localctx = new Conversion_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 164, RULE_conversion_function); + try { + setState(3710); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case CAST: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3696); + match(CAST); + setState(3697); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3698); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3699); + match(AS); + setState(3700); + cast_data_type(); + setState(3701); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case TREAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(3703); + match(TREAT); + setState(3704); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3705); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3706); + match(AS); + setState(3707); + treat_data_type(); + setState(3708); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Hierarchical_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH() { return getToken(OBParser.SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public List bit_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Hierarchical_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hierarchical_function; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHierarchical_function(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHierarchical_function(this); + } + } + + public final Hierarchical_functionContext hierarchical_function() throws RecognitionException { + Hierarchical_functionContext _localctx = new Hierarchical_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 166, RULE_hierarchical_function); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3712); + match(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH); + setState(3713); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3714); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3715); + match(Comma); + setState(3716); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3717); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Environment_id_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode USER() { return getToken(OBParser.USER, 0); } + public TerminalNode UID() { return getToken(OBParser.UID, 0); } + public Environment_id_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_environment_id_function; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterEnvironment_id_function(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitEnvironment_id_function(this); + } + } + + public final Environment_id_functionContext environment_id_function() throws RecognitionException { + Environment_id_functionContext _localctx = new Environment_id_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 168, RULE_environment_id_function); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3719); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==UID || _la==USER) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Aggregate_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Token funcName; + public Token subFuncName; + public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); + } + public Expr_listContext expr_list() { + return getRuleContext(Expr_listContext.class,0); + } + public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } + public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); + } + public TerminalNode APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT, 0); } + public TerminalNode DISTINCT() { return getToken(OBParser.DISTINCT, 0); } + public TerminalNode APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS, 0); } + public List bit_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUM() { return getToken(OBParser.SUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX, 0); } + public TerminalNode MIN() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode AVG() { return getToken(OBParser.AVG, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON_ARRAYAGG() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_ARRAYAGG, 0); } + public TerminalNode FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FORMAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } + public Order_byContext order_by() { + return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); + } + public Js_agg_on_nullContext js_agg_on_null() { + return getRuleContext(Js_agg_on_nullContext.class,0); + } + public Js_agg_returning_type_optContext js_agg_returning_type_opt() { + return getRuleContext(Js_agg_returning_type_optContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode STRICT() { return getToken(OBParser.STRICT, 0); } + public TerminalNode VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON_OBJECTAGG() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_OBJECTAGG, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } + public Json_obj_unique_keyContext json_obj_unique_key() { + return getRuleContext(Json_obj_unique_keyContext.class,0); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public TerminalNode MEDIAN() { return getToken(OBParser.MEDIAN, 0); } + public TerminalNode STDDEV() { return getToken(OBParser.STDDEV, 0); } + public TerminalNode VARIANCE() { return getToken(OBParser.VARIANCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode STDDEV_POP() { return getToken(OBParser.STDDEV_POP, 0); } + public TerminalNode STDDEV_SAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.STDDEV_SAMP, 0); } + public TerminalNode GROUPING() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUPING, 0); } + public TerminalNode WITHIN() { return getToken(OBParser.WITHIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode GROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUP, 0); } + public TerminalNode LISTAGG() { return getToken(OBParser.LISTAGG, 0); } + public TerminalNode CORR() { return getToken(OBParser.CORR, 0); } + public TerminalNode COVAR_POP() { return getToken(OBParser.COVAR_POP, 0); } + public TerminalNode COVAR_SAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.COVAR_SAMP, 0); } + public TerminalNode VAR_POP() { return getToken(OBParser.VAR_POP, 0); } + public TerminalNode VAR_SAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.VAR_SAMP, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_SLOPE() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SLOPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_INTERCEPT() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_INTERCEPT, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_COUNT, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_R2() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_R2, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_AVGX() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_AVGX, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_AVGY() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_AVGY, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_SXX() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SXX, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_SYY() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SYY, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_SXY() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SXY, 0); } + public TerminalNode RANK() { return getToken(OBParser.RANK, 0); } + public TerminalNode PERCENT_RANK() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENT_RANK, 0); } + public TerminalNode DENSE_RANK() { return getToken(OBParser.DENSE_RANK, 0); } + public TerminalNode CUME_DIST() { return getToken(OBParser.CUME_DIST, 0); } + public TerminalNode PERCENTILE_CONT() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENTILE_CONT, 0); } + public TerminalNode PERCENTILE_DISC() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENTILE_DISC, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEEP() { return getToken(OBParser.KEEP, 0); } + public First_or_lastContext first_or_last() { + return getRuleContext(First_or_lastContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode WM_CONCAT() { return getToken(OBParser.WM_CONCAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public TerminalNode WMSYS() { return getToken(OBParser.WMSYS, 0); } + public TerminalNode TOP_K_FRE_HIST() { return getToken(OBParser.TOP_K_FRE_HIST, 0); } + public TerminalNode HYBRID_HIST() { return getToken(OBParser.HYBRID_HIST, 0); } + public Simple_exprContext simple_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Simple_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode XMLAGG() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLAGG, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUM_OPNSIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.SUM_OPNSIZE, 0); } + public Aggregate_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_aggregate_function; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAggregate_function(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAggregate_function(this); + } + } + + public final Aggregate_functionContext aggregate_function() throws RecognitionException { + Aggregate_functionContext _localctx = new Aggregate_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 170, RULE_aggregate_function); + int _la; + try { + setState(4285); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,229,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(3721); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT); + setState(3722); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3724); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,169,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3723); + match(DISTINCT); + } + break; + } + setState(3726); + expr_list(); + setState(3727); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(3729); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS); + setState(3730); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3731); + expr_list(); + setState(3732); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(3734); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE); + setState(3735); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3736); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3737); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(3739); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(SUM); + setState(3740); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3742); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,170,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3741); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3744); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3745); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(3747); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(MAX); + setState(3748); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3750); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,171,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3749); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3752); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3753); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(3755); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(MIN); + setState(3756); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3758); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,172,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3757); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3760); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3761); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(3763); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(AVG); + setState(3764); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3766); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,173,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3765); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3768); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3769); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(3771); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(JSON_ARRAYAGG); + setState(3772); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3774); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,174,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3773); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3776); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3779); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FORMAT) { + { + setState(3777); + match(FORMAT); + setState(3778); + match(JSON); + } + } + + setState(3782); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ORDER) { + { + setState(3781); + order_by(); + } + } + + setState(3785); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ABSENT || _la==NULLX) { + { + setState(3784); + js_agg_on_null(); + } + } + + setState(3788); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==RETURNING) { + { + setState(3787); + js_agg_returning_type_opt(); + } + } + + setState(3791); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==STRICT) { + { + setState(3790); + match(STRICT); + } + } + + setState(3793); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(3795); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(JSON_OBJECTAGG); + setState(3796); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3798); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,180,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3797); + match(KEY); + } + break; + } + setState(3800); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3801); + match(VALUE); + setState(3802); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3805); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FORMAT) { + { + setState(3803); + match(FORMAT); + setState(3804); + match(JSON); + } + } + + setState(3808); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ABSENT || _la==NULLX) { + { + setState(3807); + js_agg_on_null(); + } + } + + setState(3811); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==RETURNING) { + { + setState(3810); + js_agg_returning_type_opt(); + } + } + + setState(3814); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==STRICT) { + { + setState(3813); + match(STRICT); + } + } + + setState(3817); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH) { + { + setState(3816); + json_obj_unique_key(); + } + } + + setState(3819); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 10: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(3821); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(JSON_OBJECTAGG); + setState(3822); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3823); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3824); + match(Comma); + setState(3825); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3828); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FORMAT) { + { + setState(3826); + match(FORMAT); + setState(3827); + match(JSON); + } + } + + setState(3831); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ABSENT || _la==NULLX) { + { + setState(3830); + js_agg_on_null(); + } + } + + setState(3834); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==RETURNING) { + { + setState(3833); + js_agg_returning_type_opt(); + } + } + + setState(3837); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==STRICT) { + { + setState(3836); + match(STRICT); + } + } + + setState(3840); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH) { + { + setState(3839); + json_obj_unique_key(); + } + } + + setState(3842); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 11: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); + { + setState(3844); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(MEDIAN); + setState(3845); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3847); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,191,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3846); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3849); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3850); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 12: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); + { + setState(3852); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(STDDEV); + setState(3853); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3855); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,192,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3854); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3857); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3858); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 13: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); + { + setState(3860); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(VARIANCE); + setState(3861); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3863); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,193,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3862); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3865); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3866); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 14: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); + { + setState(3868); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(STDDEV_POP); + setState(3869); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3871); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,194,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3870); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3873); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3874); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 15: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); + { + setState(3876); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(STDDEV_SAMP); + setState(3877); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3879); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,195,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3878); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3881); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3882); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 16: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); + { + setState(3884); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(GROUPING); + setState(3885); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3886); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3887); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 17: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); + { + setState(3889); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(LISTAGG); + setState(3890); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3892); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,196,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3891); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3894); + expr_list(); + setState(3895); + match(RightParen); + setState(3896); + match(WITHIN); + setState(3897); + match(GROUP); + setState(3898); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3899); + order_by(); + setState(3900); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 18: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); + { + setState(3902); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(LISTAGG); + setState(3903); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3905); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,197,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3904); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3907); + expr_list(); + setState(3908); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 19: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); + { + setState(3910); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(CORR); + setState(3911); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3913); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,198,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3912); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3915); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3916); + match(Comma); + setState(3917); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3918); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 20: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 20); + { + setState(3920); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(COVAR_POP); + setState(3921); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3923); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,199,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3922); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3925); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3926); + match(Comma); + setState(3927); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3928); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 21: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 21); + { + setState(3930); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(COVAR_SAMP); + setState(3931); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3933); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,200,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3932); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3935); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3936); + match(Comma); + setState(3937); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3938); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 22: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 22); + { + setState(3940); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(VAR_POP); + setState(3941); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3943); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,201,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3942); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3945); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3946); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 23: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 23); + { + setState(3948); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(VAR_SAMP); + setState(3949); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3951); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,202,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3950); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3953); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3954); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 24: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 24); + { + setState(3956); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(REGR_SLOPE); + setState(3957); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3959); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,203,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3958); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3961); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3962); + match(Comma); + setState(3963); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3964); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 25: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 25); + { + setState(3966); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(REGR_INTERCEPT); + setState(3967); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3969); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,204,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3968); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3971); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3972); + match(Comma); + setState(3973); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3974); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 26: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 26); + { + setState(3976); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(REGR_COUNT); + setState(3977); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3979); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,205,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3978); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3981); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3982); + match(Comma); + setState(3983); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3984); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 27: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 27); + { + setState(3986); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(REGR_R2); + setState(3987); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3989); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,206,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3988); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(3991); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3992); + match(Comma); + setState(3993); + bit_expr(0); + setState(3994); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 28: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 28); + { + setState(3996); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(REGR_AVGX); + setState(3997); + match(LeftParen); + setState(3999); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,207,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(3998); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4001); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4002); + match(Comma); + setState(4003); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4004); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 29: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 29); + { + setState(4006); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(REGR_AVGY); + setState(4007); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4009); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,208,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4008); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4011); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4012); + match(Comma); + setState(4013); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4014); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 30: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 30); + { + setState(4016); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(REGR_SXX); + setState(4017); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4019); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,209,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4018); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4021); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4022); + match(Comma); + setState(4023); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4024); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 31: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 31); + { + setState(4026); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(REGR_SYY); + setState(4027); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4029); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,210,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4028); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4031); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4032); + match(Comma); + setState(4033); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4034); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 32: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 32); + { + setState(4036); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(REGR_SXY); + setState(4037); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4039); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,211,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4038); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4041); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4042); + match(Comma); + setState(4043); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4044); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 33: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 33); + { + setState(4046); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(RANK); + setState(4047); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4049); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,212,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4048); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4051); + expr_list(); + setState(4052); + match(RightParen); + setState(4053); + match(WITHIN); + setState(4054); + match(GROUP); + setState(4055); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4056); + order_by(); + setState(4057); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 34: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 34); + { + setState(4059); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(PERCENT_RANK); + setState(4060); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4062); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,213,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4061); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4064); + expr_list(); + setState(4065); + match(RightParen); + setState(4066); + match(WITHIN); + setState(4067); + match(GROUP); + setState(4068); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4069); + order_by(); + setState(4070); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 35: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 35); + { + setState(4072); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(4073); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4075); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,214,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4074); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4077); + expr_list(); + setState(4078); + match(RightParen); + setState(4079); + match(WITHIN); + setState(4080); + match(GROUP); + setState(4081); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4082); + order_by(); + setState(4083); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 36: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 36); + { + setState(4085); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(CUME_DIST); + setState(4086); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4088); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,215,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4087); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4090); + expr_list(); + setState(4091); + match(RightParen); + setState(4092); + match(WITHIN); + setState(4093); + match(GROUP); + setState(4094); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4095); + order_by(); + setState(4096); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 37: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 37); + { + setState(4098); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(PERCENTILE_CONT); + setState(4099); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4101); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,216,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4100); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4103); + expr_list(); + setState(4104); + match(RightParen); + setState(4105); + match(WITHIN); + setState(4106); + match(GROUP); + setState(4107); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4108); + order_by(); + setState(4109); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 38: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 38); + { + setState(4111); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(PERCENTILE_DISC); + setState(4112); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4114); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,217,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4113); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4116); + expr_list(); + setState(4117); + match(RightParen); + setState(4118); + match(WITHIN); + setState(4119); + match(GROUP); + setState(4120); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4121); + order_by(); + setState(4122); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 39: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 39); + { + setState(4124); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(MAX); + setState(4125); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4127); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,218,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4126); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4129); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4130); + match(RightParen); + setState(4131); + match(KEEP); + setState(4132); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4133); + match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(4134); + first_or_last(); + setState(4135); + order_by(); + setState(4136); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 40: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 40); + { + setState(4138); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(MIN); + setState(4139); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4141); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,219,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4140); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4143); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4144); + match(RightParen); + setState(4145); + match(KEEP); + setState(4146); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4147); + match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(4148); + first_or_last(); + setState(4149); + order_by(); + setState(4150); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 41: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 41); + { + setState(4152); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(SUM); + setState(4153); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4155); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,220,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4154); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4157); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4158); + match(RightParen); + setState(4159); + match(KEEP); + setState(4160); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4161); + match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(4162); + first_or_last(); + setState(4163); + order_by(); + setState(4164); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 42: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 42); + { + setState(4166); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(AVG); + setState(4167); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4169); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,221,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4168); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4171); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4172); + match(RightParen); + setState(4173); + match(KEEP); + setState(4174); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4175); + match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(4176); + first_or_last(); + setState(4177); + order_by(); + setState(4178); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 43: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 43); + { + setState(4180); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(VARIANCE); + setState(4181); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4183); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,222,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4182); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4185); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4186); + match(RightParen); + setState(4187); + match(KEEP); + setState(4188); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4189); + match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(4190); + first_or_last(); + setState(4191); + order_by(); + setState(4192); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 44: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 44); + { + setState(4194); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(STDDEV); + setState(4195); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4197); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,223,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4196); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4199); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4200); + match(RightParen); + setState(4201); + match(KEEP); + setState(4202); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4203); + match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(4204); + first_or_last(); + setState(4205); + order_by(); + setState(4206); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 45: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 45); + { + setState(4208); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(WM_CONCAT); + setState(4209); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4211); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,224,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4210); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4213); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4214); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 46: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 46); + { + setState(4216); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(WMSYS); + setState(4217); + match(Dot); + setState(4218); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).subFuncName = match(WM_CONCAT); + setState(4219); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4221); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,225,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4220); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4223); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4224); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 47: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 47); + { + setState(4226); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(WM_CONCAT); + setState(4227); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4229); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,226,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4228); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4231); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4232); + match(RightParen); + setState(4233); + match(KEEP); + setState(4234); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4235); + match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(4236); + first_or_last(); + setState(4237); + order_by(); + setState(4238); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 48: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 48); + { + setState(4240); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(WMSYS); + setState(4241); + match(Dot); + setState(4242); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).subFuncName = match(WM_CONCAT); + setState(4243); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4245); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,227,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4244); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4247); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4248); + match(RightParen); + setState(4249); + match(KEEP); + setState(4250); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4251); + match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(4252); + first_or_last(); + setState(4253); + order_by(); + setState(4254); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 49: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 49); + { + setState(4256); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(TOP_K_FRE_HIST); + setState(4257); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4258); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4259); + match(Comma); + setState(4260); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4261); + match(Comma); + setState(4262); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4263); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 50: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 50); + { + setState(4265); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(HYBRID_HIST); + setState(4266); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4267); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4268); + match(Comma); + setState(4269); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4270); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 51: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 51); + { + setState(4272); + ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(XMLAGG); + setState(4273); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4274); + simple_expr(0); + setState(4276); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ORDER) { + { + setState(4275); + order_by(); + } + } + + setState(4278); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 52: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 52); + { + setState(4280); + match(SUM_OPNSIZE); + setState(4281); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4282); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4283); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Js_agg_on_nullContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public List NULLX() { return getTokens(OBParser.NULLX); } + public TerminalNode NULLX(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, i); + } + public TerminalNode ABSENT() { return getToken(OBParser.ABSENT, 0); } + public Js_agg_on_nullContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_agg_on_null; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_agg_on_null(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_agg_on_null(this); + } + } + + public final Js_agg_on_nullContext js_agg_on_null() throws RecognitionException { + Js_agg_on_nullContext _localctx = new Js_agg_on_nullContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 172, RULE_js_agg_on_null); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4287); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ABSENT || _la==NULLX) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(4288); + match(ON); + setState(4289); + match(NULLX); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Js_agg_returning_type_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode RETURNING() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNING, 0); } + public Js_return_typeContext js_return_type() { + return getRuleContext(Js_return_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Js_agg_returning_typeContext js_agg_returning_type() { + return getRuleContext(Js_agg_returning_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Js_agg_returning_type_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_agg_returning_type_opt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_agg_returning_type_opt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_agg_returning_type_opt(this); + } + } + + public final Js_agg_returning_type_optContext js_agg_returning_type_opt() throws RecognitionException { + Js_agg_returning_type_optContext _localctx = new Js_agg_returning_type_optContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 174, RULE_js_agg_returning_type_opt); + try { + setState(4295); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,230,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4291); + match(RETURNING); + setState(4292); + js_return_type(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(4293); + match(RETURNING); + setState(4294); + js_agg_returning_type(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Js_agg_returning_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode RAW() { return getToken(OBParser.RAW, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Zero_suffix_intnumContext zero_suffix_intnum() { + return getRuleContext(Zero_suffix_intnumContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode NVARCHAR2() { return getToken(OBParser.NVARCHAR2, 0); } + public Nstring_length_iContext nstring_length_i() { + return getRuleContext(Nstring_length_iContext.class,0); + } + public Js_agg_returning_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_agg_returning_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_agg_returning_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_agg_returning_type(this); + } + } + + public final Js_agg_returning_typeContext js_agg_returning_type() throws RecognitionException { + Js_agg_returning_typeContext _localctx = new Js_agg_returning_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 176, RULE_js_agg_returning_type); + int _la; + try { + setState(4307); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,232,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4297); + match(RAW); + setState(4298); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4299); + zero_suffix_intnum(); + setState(4300); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(4302); + match(RAW); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(4303); + match(NVARCHAR2); + setState(4305); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(4304); + nstring_length_i(); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Special_func_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public List bit_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode MONTH() { return getToken(OBParser.MONTH, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ISNULL() { return getToken(OBParser.ISNULL, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.TIME, 0); } + public TerminalNode YEAR() { return getToken(OBParser.YEAR, 0); } + public Cur_timestamp_funcContext cur_timestamp_func() { + return getRuleContext(Cur_timestamp_funcContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode INSERT() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERT, 0); } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public TerminalNode CALC_PARTITION_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.CALC_PARTITION_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode LEFT() { return getToken(OBParser.LEFT, 0); } + public TerminalNode POSITION() { return getToken(OBParser.POSITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode IN() { return getToken(OBParser.IN, 0); } + public Column_definition_refContext column_definition_ref() { + return getRuleContext(Column_definition_refContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } + public TerminalNode LAST_REFRESH_SCN() { return getToken(OBParser.LAST_REFRESH_SCN, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public Special_func_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_special_func_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSpecial_func_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSpecial_func_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Special_func_exprContext special_func_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Special_func_exprContext _localctx = new Special_func_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 178, RULE_special_func_expr); + int _la; + try { + setState(4364); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,235,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4314); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case DATE: + case ISNULL: + case YEAR: + case TIME: + { + setState(4311); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case DATE: + case ISNULL: + { + setState(4309); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==DATE || _la==ISNULL) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + case YEAR: + case TIME: + { + setState(4310); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==YEAR || _la==TIME) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case MONTH: + { + setState(4313); + match(MONTH); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(4316); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4317); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4318); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(4320); + cur_timestamp_func(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(4321); + match(INSERT); + setState(4322); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4323); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4324); + match(Comma); + setState(4325); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4326); + match(Comma); + setState(4327); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4328); + match(Comma); + setState(4329); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4330); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(4332); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==LEFT || _la==CALC_PARTITION_ID) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(4333); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4334); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4335); + match(Comma); + setState(4336); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4337); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(4339); + match(POSITION); + setState(4340); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4341); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4342); + match(IN); + setState(4343); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4344); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(4346); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==DEFAULT || _la==VALUES) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(4347); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4348); + column_definition_ref(); + setState(4349); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(4351); + match(CALC_PARTITION_ID); + setState(4352); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4353); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4354); + match(Comma); + setState(4355); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4356); + match(Comma); + setState(4357); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4358); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(4360); + match(LAST_REFRESH_SCN); + setState(4361); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4362); + match(INTNUM); + setState(4363); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Access_func_expr_countContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.COUNT, 0); } + public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); + } + public TerminalNode Star() { return getToken(OBParser.Star, 0); } + public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } + public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); + } + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode DISTINCT() { return getToken(OBParser.DISTINCT, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEEP() { return getToken(OBParser.KEEP, 0); } + public TerminalNode DENSE_RANK() { return getToken(OBParser.DENSE_RANK, 0); } + public First_or_lastContext first_or_last() { + return getRuleContext(First_or_lastContext.class,0); + } + public Order_byContext order_by() { + return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); + } + public Access_func_expr_countContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_access_func_expr_count; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAccess_func_expr_count(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAccess_func_expr_count(this); + } + } + + public final Access_func_expr_countContext access_func_expr_count() throws RecognitionException { + Access_func_expr_countContext _localctx = new Access_func_expr_countContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 180, RULE_access_func_expr_count); + int _la; + try { + setState(4421); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,240,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4366); + match(COUNT); + setState(4367); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4369); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ALL) { + { + setState(4368); + match(ALL); + } + } + + setState(4371); + match(Star); + setState(4372); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(4373); + match(COUNT); + setState(4374); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4376); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,237,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4375); + match(ALL); + } + break; + } + setState(4378); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4379); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(4381); + match(COUNT); + setState(4382); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4383); + match(DISTINCT); + setState(4384); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4385); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(4387); + match(COUNT); + setState(4388); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4389); + match(UNIQUE); + setState(4390); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4391); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(4393); + match(COUNT); + setState(4394); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4396); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ALL) { + { + setState(4395); + match(ALL); + } + } + + setState(4398); + match(Star); + setState(4399); + match(RightParen); + setState(4400); + match(KEEP); + setState(4401); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4402); + match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(4403); + first_or_last(); + setState(4404); + order_by(); + setState(4405); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(4407); + match(COUNT); + setState(4408); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4410); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,239,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4409); + match(ALL); + } + break; + } + setState(4412); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4413); + match(RightParen); + setState(4414); + match(KEEP); + setState(4415); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4416); + match(DENSE_RANK); + setState(4417); + first_or_last(); + setState(4418); + order_by(); + setState(4419); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Access_func_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Access_func_expr_countContext access_func_expr_count() { + return getRuleContext(Access_func_expr_countContext.class,0); + } + public Function_nameContext function_name() { + return getRuleContext(Function_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Func_param_listContext func_param_list() { + return getRuleContext(Func_param_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NEW() { return getToken(OBParser.NEW, 0); } + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public Opt_json_existContext opt_json_exist() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_json_existContext.class,0); + } + public Json_equal_optionContext json_equal_option() { + return getRuleContext(Json_equal_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Aggregate_function_keywordContext aggregate_function_keyword() { + return getRuleContext(Aggregate_function_keywordContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public TerminalNode DISTINCT() { return getToken(OBParser.DISTINCT, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } + public Exists_function_nameContext exists_function_name() { + return getRuleContext(Exists_function_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Access_func_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_access_func_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAccess_func_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAccess_func_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Access_func_exprContext access_func_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Access_func_exprContext _localctx = new Access_func_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 182, RULE_access_func_expr); + try { + setState(4489); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,242,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4423); + access_func_expr_count(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(4424); + function_name(); + setState(4425); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4426); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(4428); + function_name(); + setState(4429); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4430); + func_param_list(); + setState(4431); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(4433); + match(NEW); + setState(4434); + match(NAME_OB); + setState(4435); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4436); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(4437); + match(NEW); + setState(4438); + match(NAME_OB); + setState(4439); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4440); + func_param_list(); + setState(4441); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(4443); + function_name(); + setState(4444); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4445); + func_param_list(); + setState(4446); + opt_json_exist(); + setState(4447); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(4449); + function_name(); + setState(4450); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4451); + func_param_list(); + setState(4452); + json_equal_option(); + setState(4453); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(4455); + aggregate_function_keyword(); + setState(4456); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4457); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(4459); + aggregate_function_keyword(); + setState(4460); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4461); + func_param_list(); + setState(4462); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 10: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(4464); + function_name(); + setState(4465); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4466); + match(ALL); + setState(4467); + func_param_list(); + setState(4468); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 11: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); + { + setState(4470); + function_name(); + setState(4471); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4472); + match(DISTINCT); + setState(4473); + func_param_list(); + setState(4474); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 12: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); + { + setState(4476); + function_name(); + setState(4477); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4478); + match(UNIQUE); + setState(4479); + func_param_list(); + setState(4480); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 13: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); + { + setState(4482); + exists_function_name(); + setState(4483); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4485); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,241,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4484); + func_param_list(); + } + break; + } + setState(4487); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Dblink_func_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List column_ref() { + return getRuleContexts(Column_refContext.class); + } + public Column_refContext column_ref(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Column_refContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Func_param_listContext func_param_list() { + return getRuleContext(Func_param_listContext.class,0); + } + public List Dot() { return getTokens(OBParser.Dot); } + public TerminalNode Dot(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Dot, i); + } + public Dblink_func_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dblink_func_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDblink_func_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDblink_func_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Dblink_func_exprContext dblink_func_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Dblink_func_exprContext _localctx = new Dblink_func_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 184, RULE_dblink_func_expr); + try { + setState(4521); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,246,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4491); + column_ref(); + setState(4492); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + setState(4493); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4495); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,243,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4494); + func_param_list(); + } + break; + } + setState(4497); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(4499); + column_ref(); + setState(4500); + match(Dot); + setState(4501); + column_ref(); + setState(4502); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + setState(4503); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4505); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,244,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4504); + func_param_list(); + } + break; + } + setState(4507); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(4509); + column_ref(); + setState(4510); + match(Dot); + setState(4511); + column_ref(); + setState(4512); + match(Dot); + setState(4513); + column_ref(); + setState(4514); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + setState(4515); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4517); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,245,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4516); + func_param_list(); + } + break; + } + setState(4519); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Func_param_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List func_param() { + return getRuleContexts(Func_paramContext.class); + } + public Func_paramContext func_param(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Func_paramContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Func_param_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_func_param_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFunc_param_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFunc_param_list(this); + } + } + + public final Func_param_listContext func_param_list() throws RecognitionException { + Func_param_listContext _localctx = new Func_param_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 186, RULE_func_param_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4523); + func_param(); + setState(4528); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(4524); + match(Comma); + setState(4525); + func_param(); + } + } + setState(4530); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Func_paramContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Func_param_with_assignContext func_param_with_assign() { + return getRuleContext(Func_param_with_assignContext.class,0); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext bool_pri_in_pl_func() { + return getRuleContext(Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext.class,0); + } + public Func_paramContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_func_param; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFunc_param(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFunc_param(this); + } + } + + public final Func_paramContext func_param() throws RecognitionException { + Func_paramContext _localctx = new Func_paramContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 188, RULE_func_param); + try { + setState(4534); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,248,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4531); + func_param_with_assign(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(4532); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(4533); + bool_pri_in_pl_func(0); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Func_param_with_assignContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Pl_var_nameContext pl_var_name() { + return getRuleContext(Pl_var_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR() { return getToken(OBParser.PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext bool_pri_in_pl_func() { + return getRuleContext(Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext.class,0); + } + public Func_param_with_assignContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_func_param_with_assign; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFunc_param_with_assign(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFunc_param_with_assign(this); + } + } + + public final Func_param_with_assignContext func_param_with_assign() throws RecognitionException { + Func_param_with_assignContext _localctx = new Func_param_with_assignContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 190, RULE_func_param_with_assign); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4536); + pl_var_name(); + setState(4537); + match(PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR); + setState(4540); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,249,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4538); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(4539); + bool_pri_in_pl_func(0); + } + break; + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Pl_var_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Var_nameContext var_name() { + return getRuleContext(Var_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext oracle_pl_non_reserved_words() { + return getRuleContext(Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext.class,0); + } + public Pl_var_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_pl_var_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPl_var_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPl_var_name(this); + } + } + + public final Pl_var_nameContext pl_var_name() throws RecognitionException { + Pl_var_nameContext _localctx = new Pl_var_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 192, RULE_pl_var_name); + try { + setState(4544); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4542); + var_name(); + } + break; + case ACCESS: + case ADD: + case AUDIT: + case CHAR: + case COLUMN: + case COMMENT: + case CURRENT: + case DATE: + case DECIMAL: + case FILE_KEY: + case FLOAT: + case IMMEDIATE: + case INCREMENT: + case INITIAL_: + case INTEGER: + case LONG: + case MAXEXTENTS: + case MODIFY: + case NOAUDIT: + case NOTFOUND: + case NUMBER: + case OFFLINE: + case ONLINE: + case PCTFREE: + case PRIVILEGES: + case RAW: + case RENAME: + case ROW: + case ROWLABEL: + case ROWS: + case SESSION: + case SET: + case SMALLINT: + case SUCCESSFUL: + case SYNONYM: + case TRIGGER: + case VALIDATE: + case VARCHAR: + case VARCHAR2: + case WHENEVER: + case DUAL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(4543); + oracle_pl_non_reserved_words(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Bool_priContext bool_pri() { + return getRuleContext(Bool_priContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } + public List bool_pri_in_pl_func() { + return getRuleContexts(Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext.class); + } + public Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext bool_pri_in_pl_func(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode AND() { return getToken(OBParser.AND, 0); } + public TerminalNode OR() { return getToken(OBParser.OR, 0); } + public Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_bool_pri_in_pl_func; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterBool_pri_in_pl_func(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitBool_pri_in_pl_func(this); + } + } + + public final Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext bool_pri_in_pl_func() throws RecognitionException { + return bool_pri_in_pl_func(0); + } + + private Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext bool_pri_in_pl_func(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext _localctx = new Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 194; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 194, RULE_bool_pri_in_pl_func, _p); + int _la; + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4554); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,251,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4547); + bool_pri(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(4548); + match(NOT); + setState(4549); + bool_pri_in_pl_func(3); + } + break; + case 3: + { + setState(4550); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4551); + bool_pri_in_pl_func(0); + setState(4552); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(4561); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,252,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + { + _localctx = new Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bool_pri_in_pl_func); + setState(4556); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); + setState(4557); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==AND || _la==OR) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(4558); + bool_pri_in_pl_func(2); + } + } + } + setState(4563); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,252,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Cur_timestamp_funcContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SYSDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSDATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOCALTIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCALTIMESTAMP, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYSTIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTIMESTAMP, 0); } + public Cur_timestamp_funcContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cur_timestamp_func; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCur_timestamp_func(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCur_timestamp_func(this); + } + } + + public final Cur_timestamp_funcContext cur_timestamp_func() throws RecognitionException { + Cur_timestamp_funcContext _localctx = new Cur_timestamp_funcContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 196, RULE_cur_timestamp_func); + int _la; + try { + setState(4572); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case SYSDATE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4564); + match(SYSDATE); + } + break; + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(4567); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + { + setState(4565); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==SYSTIMESTAMP || _la==LOCALTIMESTAMP) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + { + setState(4566); + match(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(4569); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4570); + match(INTNUM); + setState(4571); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Updating_funcContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode UPDATING() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATING, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Updating_paramsContext updating_params() { + return getRuleContext(Updating_paramsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Updating_funcContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_updating_func; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUpdating_func(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUpdating_func(this); + } + } + + public final Updating_funcContext updating_func() throws RecognitionException { + Updating_funcContext _localctx = new Updating_funcContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 198, RULE_updating_func); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4574); + match(UPDATING); + setState(4575); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4576); + updating_params(); + setState(4577); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Updating_paramsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Updating_paramsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_updating_params; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUpdating_params(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUpdating_params(this); + } + } + + public final Updating_paramsContext updating_params() throws RecognitionException { + Updating_paramsContext _localctx = new Updating_paramsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 200, RULE_updating_params); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4579); + bit_expr(0); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Substr_paramsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List bit_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Substr_paramsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_substr_params; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSubstr_params(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSubstr_params(this); + } + } + + public final Substr_paramsContext substr_params() throws RecognitionException { + Substr_paramsContext _localctx = new Substr_paramsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 202, RULE_substr_params); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4581); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4582); + match(Comma); + setState(4583); + bit_expr(0); + setState(4586); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Comma) { + { + setState(4584); + match(Comma); + setState(4585); + bit_expr(0); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Returning_log_error_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Returning_clauseContext returning_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Returning_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Log_error_clauseContext log_error_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Log_error_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Returning_log_error_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_returning_log_error_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterReturning_log_error_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitReturning_log_error_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Returning_log_error_clauseContext returning_log_error_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Returning_log_error_clauseContext _localctx = new Returning_log_error_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 204, RULE_returning_log_error_clause); + try { + setState(4593); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,256,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4588); + returning_clause(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(4589); + log_error_clause(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(4590); + returning_clause(); + setState(4591); + log_error_clause(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Returning_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Returning_exprsContext returning_exprs() { + return getRuleContext(Returning_exprsContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_into_clauseContext opt_into_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_into_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RETURNING() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNING, 0); } + public TerminalNode RETURN() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURN, 0); } + public Returning_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_returning_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterReturning_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitReturning_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Returning_clauseContext returning_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Returning_clauseContext _localctx = new Returning_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 206, RULE_returning_clause); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4595); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==RETURN || _la==RETURNING) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(4596); + returning_exprs(); + setState(4597); + opt_into_clause(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Log_error_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LOG() { return getToken(OBParser.LOG, 0); } + public TerminalNode ERRORS() { return getToken(OBParser.ERRORS, 0); } + public Into_err_log_caluseContext into_err_log_caluse() { + return getRuleContext(Into_err_log_caluseContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_simple_expressionContext opt_simple_expression() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_simple_expressionContext.class,0); + } + public Reject_limitContext reject_limit() { + return getRuleContext(Reject_limitContext.class,0); + } + public Log_error_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_log_error_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLog_error_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLog_error_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Log_error_clauseContext log_error_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Log_error_clauseContext _localctx = new Log_error_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 208, RULE_log_error_clause); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4599); + match(LOG); + setState(4600); + match(ERRORS); + setState(4601); + into_err_log_caluse(); + setState(4602); + opt_simple_expression(); + setState(4603); + reject_limit(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Delete_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Delete_with_opt_hintContext delete_with_opt_hint() { + return getRuleContext(Delete_with_opt_hintContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FROM() { return getToken(OBParser.FROM, 0); } + public Table_factorContext table_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Table_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_where_extensionContext opt_where_extension() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_where_extensionContext.class,0); + } + public Returning_log_error_clauseContext returning_log_error_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Returning_log_error_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode WHERE() { return getToken(OBParser.WHERE, 0); } + public ExprContext expr() { + return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode HINT_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_VALUE, 0); } + public Delete_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_delete_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDelete_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDelete_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Delete_stmtContext delete_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Delete_stmtContext _localctx = new Delete_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 210, RULE_delete_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(4624); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,260,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4605); + delete_with_opt_hint(); + setState(4606); + match(FROM); + setState(4607); + table_factor(); + setState(4608); + opt_where_extension(); + setState(4610); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==RETURN || _la==RETURNING || _la==LOG) { + { + setState(4609); + returning_log_error_clause(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(4612); + delete_with_opt_hint(); + setState(4613); + table_factor(); + setState(4619); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,258,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(4614); + match(WHERE); + setState(4615); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(4616); + match(WHERE); + setState(4617); + match(HINT_VALUE); + setState(4618); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4622); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==RETURN || _la==RETURNING || _la==LOG) { + { + setState(4621); + returning_log_error_clause(); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Update_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Update_with_opt_hintContext update_with_opt_hint() { + return getRuleContext(Update_with_opt_hintContext.class,0); + } + public Dml_table_clauseContext dml_table_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Dml_table_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public Update_asgn_listContext update_asgn_list() { + return getRuleContext(Update_asgn_listContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_where_extensionContext opt_where_extension() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_where_extensionContext.class,0); + } + public Returning_log_error_clauseContext returning_log_error_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Returning_log_error_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Update_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_update_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUpdate_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUpdate_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Update_stmtContext update_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Update_stmtContext _localctx = new Update_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 212, RULE_update_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4626); + update_with_opt_hint(); + setState(4627); + dml_table_clause(); + setState(4628); + match(SET); + setState(4629); + update_asgn_list(); + setState(4630); + opt_where_extension(); + setState(4632); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==RETURN || _la==RETURNING || _la==LOG) { + { + setState(4631); + returning_log_error_clause(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Update_asgn_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Normal_asgn_listContext normal_asgn_list() { + return getRuleContext(Normal_asgn_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ROW() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Obj_access_ref_normalContext obj_access_ref_normal() { + return getRuleContext(Obj_access_ref_normalContext.class,0); + } + public Update_asgn_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_update_asgn_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUpdate_asgn_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUpdate_asgn_list(this); + } + } + + public final Update_asgn_listContext update_asgn_list() throws RecognitionException { + Update_asgn_listContext _localctx = new Update_asgn_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 214, RULE_update_asgn_list); + try { + setState(4638); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ROWID: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case LeftParen: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4634); + normal_asgn_list(); + } + break; + case ROW: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(4635); + match(ROW); + setState(4636); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(4637); + obj_access_ref_normal(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Normal_asgn_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List update_asgn_factor() { + return getRuleContexts(Update_asgn_factorContext.class); + } + public Update_asgn_factorContext update_asgn_factor(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Update_asgn_factorContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Normal_asgn_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_normal_asgn_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNormal_asgn_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNormal_asgn_list(this); + } + } + + public final Normal_asgn_listContext normal_asgn_list() throws RecognitionException { + Normal_asgn_listContext _localctx = new Normal_asgn_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 216, RULE_normal_asgn_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4640); + update_asgn_factor(); + setState(4645); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(4641); + match(Comma); + setState(4642); + update_asgn_factor(); + } + } + setState(4647); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Update_asgn_factorContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_definition_refContext column_definition_ref() { + return getRuleContext(Column_definition_refContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Expr_or_defaultContext expr_or_default() { + return getRuleContext(Expr_or_defaultContext.class,0); + } + public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); + } + public Column_listContext column_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_listContext.class,0); + } + public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } + public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); + } + public SubqueryContext subquery() { + return getRuleContext(SubqueryContext.class,0); + } + public Order_byContext order_by() { + return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); + } + public Fetch_next_clauseContext fetch_next_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Update_asgn_factorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_update_asgn_factor; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUpdate_asgn_factor(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUpdate_asgn_factor(this); + } + } + + public final Update_asgn_factorContext update_asgn_factor() throws RecognitionException { + Update_asgn_factorContext _localctx = new Update_asgn_factorContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 218, RULE_update_asgn_factor); + int _la; + try { + setState(4666); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ROWID: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4648); + column_definition_ref(); + setState(4649); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(4650); + expr_or_default(); + } + break; + case LeftParen: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(4652); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4653); + column_list(); + setState(4654); + match(RightParen); + setState(4655); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(4656); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4657); + subquery(); + setState(4659); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ORDER) { + { + setState(4658); + order_by(); + } + } + + setState(4662); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { + { + setState(4661); + fetch_next_clause(); + } + } + + setState(4664); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_resource_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESOURCE() { return getToken(OBParser.RESOURCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNIT() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Resource_unit_optionContext resource_unit_option() { + return getRuleContext(Resource_unit_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext opt_resource_unit_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public TerminalNode POOL() { return getToken(OBParser.POOL, 0); } + public Create_resource_pool_optionContext create_resource_pool_option() { + return getRuleContext(Create_resource_pool_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext opt_create_resource_pool_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public Create_resource_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_resource_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_resource_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_resource_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Create_resource_stmtContext create_resource_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Create_resource_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_resource_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 220, RULE_create_resource_stmt); + try { + setState(4690); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,269,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4668); + match(CREATE); + setState(4669); + match(RESOURCE); + setState(4670); + match(UNIT); + setState(4671); + relation_name(); + setState(4677); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,267,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4672); + resource_unit_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(4673); + opt_resource_unit_option_list(0); + setState(4674); + match(Comma); + setState(4675); + resource_unit_option(); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(4679); + match(CREATE); + setState(4680); + match(RESOURCE); + setState(4681); + match(POOL); + setState(4682); + relation_name(); + setState(4688); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,268,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4683); + create_resource_pool_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(4684); + opt_create_resource_pool_option_list(0); + setState(4685); + match(Comma); + setState(4686); + create_resource_pool_option(); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Resource_unit_optionContext resource_unit_option() { + return getRuleContext(Resource_unit_optionContext.class,0); + } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext opt_resource_unit_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_resource_unit_option_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_resource_unit_option_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_resource_unit_option_list(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext opt_resource_unit_option_list() throws RecognitionException { + return opt_resource_unit_option_list(0); + } + + private Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext opt_resource_unit_option_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext _localctx = new Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 222; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 222, RULE_opt_resource_unit_option_list, _p); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4695); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,270,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4693); + resource_unit_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(4694); + empty(); + } + break; + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(4702); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,271,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + { + _localctx = new Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_opt_resource_unit_option_list); + setState(4697); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); + setState(4698); + match(Comma); + setState(4699); + resource_unit_option(); + } + } + } + setState(4704); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,271,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Resource_unit_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode MIN_CPU() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN_CPU, 0); } + public Conf_constContext conf_const() { + return getRuleContext(Conf_constContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode MIN_IOPS() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN_IOPS, 0); } + public TerminalNode MIN_MEMORY() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN_MEMORY, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX_CPU() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_CPU, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX_MEMORY() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_MEMORY, 0); } + public TerminalNode MEMORY_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.MEMORY_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX_IOPS() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_IOPS, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX_DISK_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_DISK_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX_SESSION_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_SESSION_NUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode IOPS_WEIGHT() { return getToken(OBParser.IOPS_WEIGHT, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOG_DISK_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.LOG_DISK_SIZE, 0); } + public Resource_unit_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_resource_unit_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterResource_unit_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitResource_unit_option(this); + } + } + + public final Resource_unit_optionContext resource_unit_option() throws RecognitionException { + Resource_unit_optionContext _localctx = new Resource_unit_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 224, RULE_resource_unit_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(4760); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case MIN_CPU: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4705); + match(MIN_CPU); + setState(4707); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4706); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4709); + conf_const(); + } + break; + case MIN_IOPS: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(4710); + match(MIN_IOPS); + setState(4712); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4711); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4714); + conf_const(); + } + break; + case MIN_MEMORY: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(4715); + match(MIN_MEMORY); + setState(4717); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4716); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4719); + conf_const(); + } + break; + case MAX_CPU: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(4720); + match(MAX_CPU); + setState(4722); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4721); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4724); + conf_const(); + } + break; + case MAX_MEMORY: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(4725); + match(MAX_MEMORY); + setState(4727); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4726); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4729); + conf_const(); + } + break; + case MEMORY_SIZE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(4730); + match(MEMORY_SIZE); + setState(4732); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4731); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4734); + conf_const(); + } + break; + case MAX_IOPS: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(4735); + match(MAX_IOPS); + setState(4737); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4736); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4739); + conf_const(); + } + break; + case MAX_DISK_SIZE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(4740); + match(MAX_DISK_SIZE); + setState(4742); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4741); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4744); + conf_const(); + } + break; + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(4745); + match(MAX_SESSION_NUM); + setState(4747); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4746); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4749); + conf_const(); + } + break; + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(4750); + match(IOPS_WEIGHT); + setState(4752); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4751); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4754); + conf_const(); + } + break; + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); + { + setState(4755); + match(LOG_DISK_SIZE); + setState(4757); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4756); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4759); + conf_const(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Create_resource_pool_optionContext create_resource_pool_option() { + return getRuleContext(Create_resource_pool_optionContext.class,0); + } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext opt_create_resource_pool_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_create_resource_pool_option_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_create_resource_pool_option_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_create_resource_pool_option_list(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext opt_create_resource_pool_option_list() throws RecognitionException { + return opt_create_resource_pool_option_list(0); + } + + private Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext opt_create_resource_pool_option_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext _localctx = new Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 226; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 226, RULE_opt_create_resource_pool_option_list, _p); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4765); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,284,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4763); + create_resource_pool_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(4764); + empty(); + } + break; + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(4772); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,285,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + { + _localctx = new Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_opt_create_resource_pool_option_list); + setState(4767); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); + setState(4768); + match(Comma); + setState(4769); + create_resource_pool_option(); + } + } + } + setState(4774); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,285,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_resource_pool_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode UNIT() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT, 0); } + public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNIT_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT_NUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode ZONE_LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE_LIST, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Zone_listContext zone_list() { + return getRuleContext(Zone_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPLICA_TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICA_TYPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public Create_resource_pool_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_resource_pool_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_resource_pool_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_resource_pool_option(this); + } + } + + public final Create_resource_pool_optionContext create_resource_pool_option() throws RecognitionException { + Create_resource_pool_optionContext _localctx = new Create_resource_pool_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 228, RULE_create_resource_pool_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(4798); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case UNIT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4775); + match(UNIT); + setState(4777); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4776); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4779); + relation_name_or_string(); + } + break; + case UNIT_NUM: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(4780); + match(UNIT_NUM); + setState(4782); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4781); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4784); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case ZONE_LIST: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(4785); + match(ZONE_LIST); + setState(4787); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4786); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4789); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4790); + zone_list(); + setState(4791); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case REPLICA_TYPE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(4793); + match(REPLICA_TYPE); + setState(4795); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4794); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4797); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List alter_resource_pool_option() { + return getRuleContexts(Alter_resource_pool_optionContext.class); + } + public Alter_resource_pool_optionContext alter_resource_pool_option(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Alter_resource_pool_optionContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_resource_pool_option_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_resource_pool_option_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_resource_pool_option_list(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext alter_resource_pool_option_list() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext _localctx = new Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 230, RULE_alter_resource_pool_option_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4800); + alter_resource_pool_option(); + setState(4805); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(4801); + match(Comma); + setState(4802); + alter_resource_pool_option(); + } + } + setState(4807); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Id_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List INTNUM() { return getTokens(OBParser.INTNUM); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Id_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_id_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterId_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitId_list(this); + } + } + + public final Id_listContext id_list() throws RecognitionException { + Id_listContext _localctx = new Id_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 232, RULE_id_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4808); + match(INTNUM); + setState(4813); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(4809); + match(Comma); + setState(4810); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + setState(4815); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_resource_pool_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode UNIT() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT, 0); } + public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNIT_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT_NUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } + public Opt_equal_markContext opt_equal_mark() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_equal_markContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Id_listContext id_list() { + return getRuleContext(Id_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode ZONE_LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE_LIST, 0); } + public Zone_listContext zone_list() { + return getRuleContext(Zone_listContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_resource_pool_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_resource_pool_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_resource_pool_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_resource_pool_option(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_resource_pool_optionContext alter_resource_pool_option() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_resource_pool_optionContext _localctx = new Alter_resource_pool_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 234, RULE_alter_resource_pool_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(4843); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case UNIT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4816); + match(UNIT); + setState(4818); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4817); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4820); + relation_name_or_string(); + } + break; + case UNIT_NUM: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(4821); + match(UNIT_NUM); + setState(4823); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4822); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4825); + match(INTNUM); + setState(4833); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DELETE) { + { + setState(4826); + match(DELETE); + setState(4827); + match(UNIT); + setState(4828); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(4829); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4830); + id_list(); + setState(4831); + match(RightParen); + } + } + + } + break; + case ZONE_LIST: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(4835); + match(ZONE_LIST); + setState(4837); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4836); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4839); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4840); + zone_list(); + setState(4841); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_resource_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESOURCE() { return getToken(OBParser.RESOURCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNIT() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Resource_unit_optionContext resource_unit_option() { + return getRuleContext(Resource_unit_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext opt_resource_unit_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public TerminalNode POOL() { return getToken(OBParser.POOL, 0); } + public Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext alter_resource_pool_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode SPLIT() { return getToken(OBParser.SPLIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } + public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); + } + public List resource_pool_list() { + return getRuleContexts(Resource_pool_listContext.class); + } + public Resource_pool_listContext resource_pool_list(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Resource_pool_listContext.class,i); + } + public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } + public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); + } + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public Zone_listContext zone_list() { + return getRuleContext(Zone_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode MERGE() { return getToken(OBParser.MERGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNIT_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT_NUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNIT_GROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT_GROUP, 0); } + public Opt_equal_markContext opt_equal_mark() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_equal_markContext.class,0); + } + public Id_listContext id_list() { + return getRuleContext(Id_listContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_resource_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_resource_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_resource_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_resource_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_resource_stmtContext alter_resource_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_resource_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_resource_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 236, RULE_alter_resource_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(4906); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,301,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4845); + match(ALTER); + setState(4846); + match(RESOURCE); + setState(4847); + match(UNIT); + setState(4848); + relation_name(); + setState(4854); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,298,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4849); + resource_unit_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(4850); + opt_resource_unit_option_list(0); + setState(4851); + match(Comma); + setState(4852); + resource_unit_option(); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(4856); + match(ALTER); + setState(4857); + match(RESOURCE); + setState(4858); + match(POOL); + setState(4859); + relation_name(); + setState(4860); + alter_resource_pool_option_list(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(4862); + match(ALTER); + setState(4863); + match(RESOURCE); + setState(4864); + match(POOL); + setState(4865); + relation_name(); + setState(4866); + match(SPLIT); + setState(4867); + match(INTO); + setState(4868); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4869); + resource_pool_list(); + setState(4870); + match(RightParen); + setState(4871); + match(ON); + setState(4872); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4873); + zone_list(); + setState(4874); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(4876); + match(ALTER); + setState(4877); + match(RESOURCE); + setState(4878); + match(POOL); + setState(4879); + match(MERGE); + setState(4880); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4881); + resource_pool_list(); + setState(4882); + match(RightParen); + setState(4883); + match(INTO); + setState(4884); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4885); + resource_pool_list(); + setState(4886); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(4888); + match(ALTER); + setState(4889); + match(RESOURCE); + setState(4890); + match(TENANT); + setState(4891); + relation_name(); + setState(4892); + match(UNIT_NUM); + setState(4894); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4893); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4896); + match(INTNUM); + setState(4904); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DELETE) { + { + setState(4897); + match(DELETE); + setState(4898); + match(UNIT_GROUP); + setState(4899); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(4900); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4901); + id_list(); + setState(4902); + match(RightParen); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_resource_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESOURCE() { return getToken(OBParser.RESOURCE, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode POOL() { return getToken(OBParser.POOL, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNIT() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT, 0); } + public Drop_resource_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_resource_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_resource_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_resource_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_resource_stmtContext drop_resource_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_resource_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_resource_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 238, RULE_drop_resource_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4908); + match(DROP); + setState(4909); + match(RESOURCE); + setState(4910); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==POOL || _la==UNIT) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(4911); + relation_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_tenant_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Tenant_optionContext tenant_option() { + return getRuleContext(Tenant_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_tenant_option_listContext opt_tenant_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_tenant_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public Sys_var_and_val_listContext sys_var_and_val_list() { + return getRuleContext(Sys_var_and_val_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode VARIABLES() { return getToken(OBParser.VARIABLES, 0); } + public Create_tenant_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_tenant_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_tenant_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_tenant_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Create_tenant_stmtContext create_tenant_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Create_tenant_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_tenant_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 240, RULE_create_tenant_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4913); + match(CREATE); + setState(4914); + match(TENANT); + setState(4915); + relation_name(); + setState(4921); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,302,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4916); + tenant_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(4917); + opt_tenant_option_list(0); + setState(4918); + match(Comma); + setState(4919); + tenant_option(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(4930); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,303,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(4923); + match(SET); + setState(4924); + sys_var_and_val_list(); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(4925); + match(SET); + setState(4926); + match(VARIABLES); + setState(4927); + sys_var_and_val_list(); + } + } + break; + case 3: + { + { + setState(4928); + match(VARIABLES); + setState(4929); + sys_var_and_val_list(); + } + } + break; + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_tenant_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Tenant_optionContext tenant_option() { + return getRuleContext(Tenant_optionContext.class,0); + } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_tenant_option_listContext opt_tenant_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_tenant_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Opt_tenant_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_tenant_option_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_tenant_option_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_tenant_option_list(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_tenant_option_listContext opt_tenant_option_list() throws RecognitionException { + return opt_tenant_option_list(0); + } + + private Opt_tenant_option_listContext opt_tenant_option_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Opt_tenant_option_listContext _localctx = new Opt_tenant_option_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Opt_tenant_option_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 242; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 242, RULE_opt_tenant_option_list, _p); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4935); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,304,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4933); + tenant_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(4934); + empty(); + } + break; + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(4942); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,305,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + { + _localctx = new Opt_tenant_option_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_opt_tenant_option_list); + setState(4937); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); + setState(4938); + match(Comma); + setState(4939); + tenant_option(); + } + } + } + setState(4944); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,305,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Tenant_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOCALITY() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCALITY, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPLICA_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICA_NUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION, 0); } + public TerminalNode STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION, 0); } + public TerminalNode STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRIMARY_ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY_ZONE, 0); } + public Primary_zone_nameContext primary_zone_name() { + return getRuleContext(Primary_zone_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RESOURCE_POOL_LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.RESOURCE_POOL_LIST, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Resource_pool_listContext resource_pool_list() { + return getRuleContext(Resource_pool_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode ZONE_LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE_LIST, 0); } + public Zone_listContext zone_list() { + return getRuleContext(Zone_listContext.class,0); + } + public Charset_keyContext charset_key() { + return getRuleContext(Charset_keyContext.class,0); + } + public Charset_nameContext charset_name() { + return getRuleContext(Charset_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Read_only_or_writeContext read_only_or_write() { + return getRuleContext(Read_only_or_writeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COMMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMENT, 0); } + public Default_tablegroupContext default_tablegroup() { + return getRuleContext(Default_tablegroupContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID() { return getToken(OBParser.ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID, 0); } + public TerminalNode BOOL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL_VALUE, 0); } + public Tenant_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tenant_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTenant_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTenant_option(this); + } + } + + public final Tenant_optionContext tenant_option() throws RecognitionException { + Tenant_optionContext _localctx = new Tenant_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 244, RULE_tenant_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(5017); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(4945); + match(LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM); + setState(4947); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4946); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4949); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case LOCALITY: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(4950); + match(LOCALITY); + setState(4952); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4951); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4954); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(4956); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,308,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(4955); + match(FORCE); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case REPLICA_NUM: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(4958); + match(REPLICA_NUM); + setState(4960); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4959); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4962); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(4963); + match(REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION); + setState(4965); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4964); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4967); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(4968); + match(STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION); + setState(4970); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4969); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4972); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(4973); + match(STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION); + setState(4975); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4974); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4977); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(4978); + match(PRIMARY_ZONE); + setState(4980); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4979); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4982); + primary_zone_name(); + } + break; + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(4983); + match(RESOURCE_POOL_LIST); + setState(4985); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4984); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4987); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4988); + resource_pool_list(); + setState(4989); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case ZONE_LIST: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(4991); + match(ZONE_LIST); + setState(4993); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(4992); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(4995); + match(LeftParen); + setState(4996); + zone_list(); + setState(4997); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case CHARACTER: + case CHARSET: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(4999); + charset_key(); + setState(5001); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(5000); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(5003); + charset_name(); + } + break; + case READ: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); + { + setState(5005); + read_only_or_write(); + } + break; + case COMMENT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); + { + setState(5006); + match(COMMENT); + setState(5008); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(5007); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(5010); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); + { + setState(5011); + default_tablegroup(); + } + break; + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); + { + setState(5012); + match(ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID); + setState(5014); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(5013); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(5016); + match(BOOL_VALUE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Zone_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List STRING_VALUE() { return getTokens(OBParser.STRING_VALUE); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, i); + } + public List opt_comma() { + return getRuleContexts(Opt_commaContext.class); + } + public Opt_commaContext opt_comma(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Opt_commaContext.class,i); + } + public Zone_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_zone_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterZone_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitZone_list(this); + } + } + + public final Zone_listContext zone_list() throws RecognitionException { + Zone_listContext _localctx = new Zone_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 246, RULE_zone_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5019); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(5025); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma || _la==STRING_VALUE) { + { + { + setState(5020); + opt_comma(); + setState(5021); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + setState(5027); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Resource_pool_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List STRING_VALUE() { return getTokens(OBParser.STRING_VALUE); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Resource_pool_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_resource_pool_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterResource_pool_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitResource_pool_list(this); + } + } + + public final Resource_pool_listContext resource_pool_list() throws RecognitionException { + Resource_pool_listContext _localctx = new Resource_pool_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 248, RULE_resource_pool_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5028); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(5033); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(5029); + match(Comma); + setState(5030); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + setState(5035); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_tenant_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public Tenant_optionContext tenant_option() { + return getRuleContext(Tenant_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode VARIABLES() { return getToken(OBParser.VARIABLES, 0); } + public Sys_var_and_val_listContext sys_var_and_val_list() { + return getRuleContext(Sys_var_and_val_listContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_tenant_option_listContext opt_tenant_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_tenant_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Lock_spec_mysql57Context lock_spec_mysql57() { + return getRuleContext(Lock_spec_mysql57Context.class,0); + } + public Alter_tenant_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_tenant_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_tenant_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_tenant_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_tenant_stmtContext alter_tenant_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_tenant_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_tenant_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 250, RULE_alter_tenant_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(5058); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,325,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5036); + match(ALTER); + setState(5037); + match(TENANT); + setState(5038); + relation_name(); + setState(5040); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,322,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(5039); + match(SET); + } + break; + } + setState(5047); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,323,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(5042); + tenant_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(5043); + opt_tenant_option_list(0); + setState(5044); + match(Comma); + setState(5045); + tenant_option(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(5051); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==VARIABLES) { + { + setState(5049); + match(VARIABLES); + setState(5050); + sys_var_and_val_list(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5053); + match(ALTER); + setState(5054); + match(TENANT); + setState(5055); + relation_name(); + setState(5056); + lock_spec_mysql57(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_tenant_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_tenant_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_tenant_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_tenant_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_tenant_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_tenant_stmtContext drop_tenant_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_tenant_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_tenant_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 252, RULE_drop_tenant_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5060); + match(DROP); + setState(5061); + match(TENANT); + setState(5062); + relation_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_restore_point_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESTORE() { return getToken(OBParser.RESTORE, 0); } + public TerminalNode POINT() { return getToken(OBParser.POINT, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Create_restore_point_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_restore_point_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_restore_point_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_restore_point_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Create_restore_point_stmtContext create_restore_point_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Create_restore_point_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_restore_point_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 254, RULE_create_restore_point_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5064); + match(CREATE); + setState(5065); + match(RESTORE); + setState(5066); + match(POINT); + setState(5067); + relation_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_restore_point_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESTORE() { return getToken(OBParser.RESTORE, 0); } + public TerminalNode POINT() { return getToken(OBParser.POINT, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_restore_point_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_restore_point_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_restore_point_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_restore_point_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_restore_point_stmtContext drop_restore_point_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_restore_point_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_restore_point_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 256, RULE_drop_restore_point_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5069); + match(DROP); + setState(5070); + match(RESTORE); + setState(5071); + match(POINT); + setState(5072); + relation_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Database_keyContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DATABASE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SCHEMA() { return getToken(OBParser.SCHEMA, 0); } + public Database_keyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_database_key; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDatabase_key(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDatabase_key(this); + } + } + + public final Database_keyContext database_key() throws RecognitionException { + Database_keyContext _localctx = new Database_keyContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 258, RULE_database_key); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5074); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==DATABASE || _la==SCHEMA) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Database_factorContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Database_factorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_database_factor; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDatabase_factor(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDatabase_factor(this); + } + } + + public final Database_factorContext database_factor() throws RecognitionException { + Database_factorContext _localctx = new Database_factorContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 260, RULE_database_factor); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5076); + relation_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Database_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List database_option() { + return getRuleContexts(Database_optionContext.class); + } + public Database_optionContext database_option(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Database_optionContext.class,i); + } + public Database_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_database_option_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDatabase_option_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDatabase_option_list(this); + } + } + + public final Database_option_listContext database_option_list() throws RecognitionException { + Database_option_listContext _localctx = new Database_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 262, RULE_database_option_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5079); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + do { + { + { + setState(5078); + database_option(); + } + } + setState(5081); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } while ( _la==DEFAULT || _la==CHARACTER || _la==READ || _la==CHARSET || ((((_la - 1066)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1066)) & ((1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1066)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1066)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1066)))) != 0) || _la==DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP ); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Charset_keyContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CHARSET() { return getToken(OBParser.CHARSET, 0); } + public TerminalNode CHARACTER() { return getToken(OBParser.CHARACTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public Charset_keyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_charset_key; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCharset_key(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCharset_key(this); + } + } + + public final Charset_keyContext charset_key() throws RecognitionException { + Charset_keyContext _localctx = new Charset_keyContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 264, RULE_charset_key); + try { + setState(5086); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case CHARSET: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5083); + match(CHARSET); + } + break; + case CHARACTER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5084); + match(CHARACTER); + setState(5085); + match(SET); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Database_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Charset_keyContext charset_key() { + return getRuleContext(Charset_keyContext.class,0); + } + public Charset_nameContext charset_name() { + return getRuleContext(Charset_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPLICA_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICA_NUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRIMARY_ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY_ZONE, 0); } + public Primary_zone_nameContext primary_zone_name() { + return getRuleContext(Primary_zone_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Read_only_or_writeContext read_only_or_write() { + return getRuleContext(Read_only_or_writeContext.class,0); + } + public Default_tablegroupContext default_tablegroup() { + return getRuleContext(Default_tablegroupContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode DATABASE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASE_ID, 0); } + public Database_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_database_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDatabase_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDatabase_option(this); + } + } + + public final Database_optionContext database_option() throws RecognitionException { + Database_optionContext _localctx = new Database_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 266, RULE_database_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(5114); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case DEFAULT: + case CHARACTER: + case CHARSET: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5089); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DEFAULT) { + { + setState(5088); + match(DEFAULT); + } + } + + setState(5091); + charset_key(); + setState(5093); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(5092); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(5095); + charset_name(); + } + break; + case REPLICA_NUM: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5097); + match(REPLICA_NUM); + setState(5099); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(5098); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(5101); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(5102); + match(PRIMARY_ZONE); + setState(5104); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(5103); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(5106); + primary_zone_name(); + } + break; + case READ: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(5107); + read_only_or_write(); + } + break; + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(5108); + default_tablegroup(); + } + break; + case DATABASE_ID: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(5109); + match(DATABASE_ID); + setState(5111); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(5110); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(5113); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Read_only_or_writeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode READ() { return getToken(OBParser.READ, 0); } + public TerminalNode ONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.ONLY, 0); } + public TerminalNode WRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.WRITE, 0); } + public Read_only_or_writeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_read_only_or_write; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRead_only_or_write(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRead_only_or_write(this); + } + } + + public final Read_only_or_writeContext read_only_or_write() throws RecognitionException { + Read_only_or_writeContext _localctx = new Read_only_or_writeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 268, RULE_read_only_or_write); + try { + setState(5120); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,334,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5116); + match(READ); + setState(5117); + match(ONLY); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5118); + match(READ); + setState(5119); + match(WRITE); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_database_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public Database_keyContext database_key() { + return getRuleContext(Database_keyContext.class,0); + } + public Database_option_listContext database_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Database_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public Database_nameContext database_name() { + return getRuleContext(Database_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public Alter_database_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_database_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_database_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_database_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_database_stmtContext alter_database_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_database_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_database_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 270, RULE_alter_database_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5122); + match(ALTER); + setState(5123); + database_key(); + setState(5125); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==NAME_OB) { + { + setState(5124); + database_name(); + } + } + + setState(5128); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SET) { + { + setState(5127); + match(SET); + } + } + + setState(5130); + database_option_list(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Database_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public Database_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_database_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDatabase_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDatabase_name(this); + } + } + + public final Database_nameContext database_name() throws RecognitionException { + Database_nameContext _localctx = new Database_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 272, RULE_database_name); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5132); + match(NAME_OB); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Load_data_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Load_data_with_opt_hintContext load_data_with_opt_hint() { + return getRuleContext(Load_data_with_opt_hintContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode INFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.INFILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Field_optContext field_opt() { + return getRuleContext(Field_optContext.class,0); + } + public Line_optContext line_opt() { + return getRuleContext(Line_optContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COMPRESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPRESSION, 0); } + public Opt_equal_markContext opt_equal_mark() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_equal_markContext.class,0); + } + public Compression_nameContext compression_name() { + return getRuleContext(Compression_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode CHARACTER() { return getToken(OBParser.CHARACTER, 0); } + public List SET() { return getTokens(OBParser.SET); } + public TerminalNode SET(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.SET, i); + } + public Charset_name_or_defaultContext charset_name_or_default() { + return getRuleContext(Charset_name_or_defaultContext.class,0); + } + public List IGNORE() { return getTokens(OBParser.IGNORE); } + public TerminalNode IGNORE(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.IGNORE, i); + } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public Lines_or_rowsContext lines_or_rows() { + return getRuleContext(Lines_or_rowsContext.class,0); + } + public Load_set_listContext load_set_list() { + return getRuleContext(Load_set_listContext.class,0); + } + public Load_data_extended_option_listContext load_data_extended_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Load_data_extended_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LOCAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode REMOTE_OSS() { return getToken(OBParser.REMOTE_OSS, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPLACE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLACE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Field_or_vars_listContext field_or_vars_list() { + return getRuleContext(Field_or_vars_listContext.class,0); + } + public Use_partitionContext use_partition() { + return getRuleContext(Use_partitionContext.class,0); + } + public Load_data_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_load_data_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLoad_data_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLoad_data_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Load_data_stmtContext load_data_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Load_data_stmtContext _localctx = new Load_data_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 274, RULE_load_data_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(5225); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,353,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5134); + load_data_with_opt_hint(); + setState(5136); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==REMOTE_OSS || _la==LOCAL) { + { + setState(5135); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==REMOTE_OSS || _la==LOCAL) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + + setState(5138); + match(INFILE); + setState(5139); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(5141); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==REPLACE || _la==IGNORE) { + { + setState(5140); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==REPLACE || _la==IGNORE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + + setState(5143); + match(INTO); + setState(5144); + match(TABLE); + setState(5145); + relation_factor(); + setState(5150); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMPRESSION) { + { + setState(5146); + match(COMPRESSION); + setState(5147); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(5148); + compression_name(); + } + } + + setState(5155); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CHARACTER) { + { + setState(5152); + match(CHARACTER); + setState(5153); + match(SET); + setState(5154); + charset_name_or_default(); + } + } + + setState(5157); + field_opt(); + setState(5158); + line_opt(); + setState(5162); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==IGNORE) { + { + setState(5159); + match(IGNORE); + setState(5160); + match(INTNUM); + setState(5161); + lines_or_rows(); + } + } + + setState(5170); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,342,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(5164); + match(LeftParen); + setState(5165); + match(RightParen); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(5166); + match(LeftParen); + setState(5167); + field_or_vars_list(); + setState(5168); + match(RightParen); + } + } + break; + } + setState(5174); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SET) { + { + setState(5172); + match(SET); + setState(5173); + load_set_list(); + } + } + + setState(5177); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==BADFILE || _la==REJECT || _la==LOGFILE) { + { + setState(5176); + load_data_extended_option_list(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5179); + load_data_with_opt_hint(); + setState(5181); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==REMOTE_OSS || _la==LOCAL) { + { + setState(5180); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==REMOTE_OSS || _la==LOCAL) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + + setState(5183); + match(INFILE); + setState(5184); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(5186); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==REPLACE || _la==IGNORE) { + { + setState(5185); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==REPLACE || _la==IGNORE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + + setState(5188); + match(INTO); + setState(5189); + match(TABLE); + setState(5190); + relation_factor(); + setState(5191); + use_partition(); + setState(5196); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMPRESSION) { + { + setState(5192); + match(COMPRESSION); + setState(5193); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(5194); + compression_name(); + } + } + + setState(5201); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CHARACTER) { + { + setState(5198); + match(CHARACTER); + setState(5199); + match(SET); + setState(5200); + charset_name_or_default(); + } + } + + setState(5203); + field_opt(); + setState(5204); + line_opt(); + setState(5208); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==IGNORE) { + { + setState(5205); + match(IGNORE); + setState(5206); + match(INTNUM); + setState(5207); + lines_or_rows(); + } + } + + setState(5216); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,350,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(5210); + match(LeftParen); + setState(5211); + match(RightParen); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(5212); + match(LeftParen); + setState(5213); + field_or_vars_list(); + setState(5214); + match(RightParen); + } + } + break; + } + setState(5220); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SET) { + { + setState(5218); + match(SET); + setState(5219); + load_set_list(); + } + } + + setState(5223); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==BADFILE || _la==REJECT || _la==LOGFILE) { + { + setState(5222); + load_data_extended_option_list(); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Load_data_with_opt_hintContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LOAD() { return getToken(OBParser.LOAD, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATA() { return getToken(OBParser.DATA, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOAD_DATA_HINT_BEGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.LOAD_DATA_HINT_BEGIN, 0); } + public Hint_list_with_endContext hint_list_with_end() { + return getRuleContext(Hint_list_with_endContext.class,0); + } + public Load_data_with_opt_hintContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_load_data_with_opt_hint; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLoad_data_with_opt_hint(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLoad_data_with_opt_hint(this); + } + } + + public final Load_data_with_opt_hintContext load_data_with_opt_hint() throws RecognitionException { + Load_data_with_opt_hintContext _localctx = new Load_data_with_opt_hintContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 276, RULE_load_data_with_opt_hint); + try { + setState(5231); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case LOAD: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5227); + match(LOAD); + setState(5228); + match(DATA); + } + break; + case LOAD_DATA_HINT_BEGIN: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5229); + match(LOAD_DATA_HINT_BEGIN); + setState(5230); + hint_list_with_end(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Compression_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { + return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); + } + public Compression_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_compression_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCompression_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCompression_name(this); + } + } + + public final Compression_nameContext compression_name() throws RecognitionException { + Compression_nameContext _localctx = new Compression_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 278, RULE_compression_name); + try { + setState(5235); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NAME_OB: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5233); + match(NAME_OB); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5234); + unreserved_keyword(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Lines_or_rowsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LINES() { return getToken(OBParser.LINES, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWS, 0); } + public Lines_or_rowsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lines_or_rows; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLines_or_rows(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLines_or_rows(this); + } + } + + public final Lines_or_rowsContext lines_or_rows() throws RecognitionException { + Lines_or_rowsContext _localctx = new Lines_or_rowsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 280, RULE_lines_or_rows); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5237); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ROWS || _la==LINES) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Field_or_vars_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List field_or_vars() { + return getRuleContexts(Field_or_varsContext.class); + } + public Field_or_varsContext field_or_vars(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Field_or_varsContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Field_or_vars_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_field_or_vars_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterField_or_vars_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitField_or_vars_list(this); + } + } + + public final Field_or_vars_listContext field_or_vars_list() throws RecognitionException { + Field_or_vars_listContext _localctx = new Field_or_vars_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 282, RULE_field_or_vars_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5239); + field_or_vars(); + setState(5244); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(5240); + match(Comma); + setState(5241); + field_or_vars(); + } + } + setState(5246); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Field_or_varsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_definition_refContext column_definition_ref() { + return getRuleContext(Column_definition_refContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } + public Field_or_varsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_field_or_vars; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterField_or_vars(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitField_or_vars(this); + } + } + + public final Field_or_varsContext field_or_vars() throws RecognitionException { + Field_or_varsContext _localctx = new Field_or_varsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 284, RULE_field_or_vars); + try { + setState(5249); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ROWID: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5247); + column_definition_ref(); + } + break; + case USER_VARIABLE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5248); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Load_set_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List load_set_element() { + return getRuleContexts(Load_set_elementContext.class); + } + public Load_set_elementContext load_set_element(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Load_set_elementContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Load_set_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_load_set_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLoad_set_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLoad_set_list(this); + } + } + + public final Load_set_listContext load_set_list() throws RecognitionException { + Load_set_listContext _localctx = new Load_set_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 286, RULE_load_set_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5251); + load_set_element(); + setState(5256); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(5252); + match(Comma); + setState(5253); + load_set_element(); + } + } + setState(5258); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Load_set_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_definition_refContext column_definition_ref() { + return getRuleContext(Column_definition_refContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Expr_or_defaultContext expr_or_default() { + return getRuleContext(Expr_or_defaultContext.class,0); + } + public Load_set_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_load_set_element; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLoad_set_element(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLoad_set_element(this); + } + } + + public final Load_set_elementContext load_set_element() throws RecognitionException { + Load_set_elementContext _localctx = new Load_set_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 288, RULE_load_set_element); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5259); + column_definition_ref(); + setState(5260); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(5261); + expr_or_default(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Load_data_extended_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Load_data_extended_optionContext load_data_extended_option() { + return getRuleContext(Load_data_extended_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Load_data_extended_option_listContext load_data_extended_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Load_data_extended_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public Load_data_extended_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_load_data_extended_option_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLoad_data_extended_option_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLoad_data_extended_option_list(this); + } + } + + public final Load_data_extended_option_listContext load_data_extended_option_list() throws RecognitionException { + Load_data_extended_option_listContext _localctx = new Load_data_extended_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 290, RULE_load_data_extended_option_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5263); + load_data_extended_option(); + setState(5265); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==BADFILE || _la==REJECT || _la==LOGFILE) { + { + setState(5264); + load_data_extended_option_list(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Load_data_extended_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LOGFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.LOGFILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode REJECT() { return getToken(OBParser.REJECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode LIMIT() { return getToken(OBParser.LIMIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode BADFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.BADFILE, 0); } + public Load_data_extended_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_load_data_extended_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLoad_data_extended_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLoad_data_extended_option(this); + } + } + + public final Load_data_extended_optionContext load_data_extended_option() throws RecognitionException { + Load_data_extended_optionContext _localctx = new Load_data_extended_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 292, RULE_load_data_extended_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(5283); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case LOGFILE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5267); + match(LOGFILE); + setState(5269); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(5268); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(5271); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case REJECT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5272); + match(REJECT); + setState(5273); + match(LIMIT); + setState(5275); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(5274); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(5277); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case BADFILE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(5278); + match(BADFILE); + setState(5280); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(5279); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(5282); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_synonym_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYNONYM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYNONYM, 0); } + public Synonym_nameContext synonym_name() { + return getRuleContext(Synonym_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } + public Synonym_objectContext synonym_object() { + return getRuleContext(Synonym_objectContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode OR() { return getToken(OBParser.OR, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPLACE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLACE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PUBLIC() { return getToken(OBParser.PUBLIC, 0); } + public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } + public Opt_reverse_link_flagContext opt_reverse_link_flag() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_reverse_link_flagContext.class,0); + } + public List database_factor() { + return getRuleContexts(Database_factorContext.class); + } + public Database_factorContext database_factor(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Database_factorContext.class,i); + } + public List Dot() { return getTokens(OBParser.Dot); } + public TerminalNode Dot(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Dot, i); + } + public Create_synonym_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_synonym_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_synonym_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_synonym_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Create_synonym_stmtContext create_synonym_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Create_synonym_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_synonym_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 294, RULE_create_synonym_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(5357); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,376,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5285); + match(CREATE); + setState(5288); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==OR) { + { + setState(5286); + match(OR); + setState(5287); + match(REPLACE); + } + } + + setState(5291); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PUBLIC) { + { + setState(5290); + match(PUBLIC); + } + } + + setState(5293); + match(SYNONYM); + setState(5294); + synonym_name(); + setState(5295); + match(FOR); + setState(5296); + synonym_object(); + setState(5299); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { + { + setState(5297); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + setState(5298); + opt_reverse_link_flag(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5301); + match(CREATE); + setState(5304); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==OR) { + { + setState(5302); + match(OR); + setState(5303); + match(REPLACE); + } + } + + setState(5307); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PUBLIC) { + { + setState(5306); + match(PUBLIC); + } + } + + setState(5309); + match(SYNONYM); + setState(5310); + database_factor(); + setState(5311); + match(Dot); + setState(5312); + synonym_name(); + setState(5313); + match(FOR); + setState(5314); + synonym_object(); + setState(5317); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { + { + setState(5315); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + setState(5316); + opt_reverse_link_flag(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(5319); + match(CREATE); + setState(5322); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==OR) { + { + setState(5320); + match(OR); + setState(5321); + match(REPLACE); + } + } + + setState(5325); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PUBLIC) { + { + setState(5324); + match(PUBLIC); + } + } + + setState(5327); + match(SYNONYM); + setState(5328); + synonym_name(); + setState(5329); + match(FOR); + setState(5330); + database_factor(); + setState(5331); + match(Dot); + setState(5332); + synonym_object(); + setState(5335); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { + { + setState(5333); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + setState(5334); + opt_reverse_link_flag(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(5337); + match(CREATE); + setState(5340); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==OR) { + { + setState(5338); + match(OR); + setState(5339); + match(REPLACE); + } + } + + setState(5343); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PUBLIC) { + { + setState(5342); + match(PUBLIC); + } + } + + setState(5345); + match(SYNONYM); + setState(5346); + database_factor(); + setState(5347); + match(Dot); + setState(5348); + synonym_name(); + setState(5349); + match(FOR); + setState(5350); + database_factor(); + setState(5351); + match(Dot); + setState(5352); + synonym_object(); + setState(5355); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { + { + setState(5353); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + setState(5354); + opt_reverse_link_flag(); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Synonym_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { + return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); + } + public Synonym_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_synonym_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSynonym_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSynonym_name(this); + } + } + + public final Synonym_nameContext synonym_name() throws RecognitionException { + Synonym_nameContext _localctx = new Synonym_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 296, RULE_synonym_name); + try { + setState(5361); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NAME_OB: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5359); + match(NAME_OB); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5360); + unreserved_keyword(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Synonym_objectContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { + return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); + } + public Synonym_objectContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_synonym_object; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSynonym_object(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSynonym_object(this); + } + } + + public final Synonym_objectContext synonym_object() throws RecognitionException { + Synonym_objectContext _localctx = new Synonym_objectContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 298, RULE_synonym_object); + try { + setState(5365); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NAME_OB: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5363); + match(NAME_OB); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5364); + unreserved_keyword(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_synonym_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYNONYM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYNONYM, 0); } + public Synonym_nameContext synonym_name() { + return getRuleContext(Synonym_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PUBLIC() { return getToken(OBParser.PUBLIC, 0); } + public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } + public Database_factorContext database_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Database_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public Drop_synonym_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_synonym_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_synonym_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_synonym_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_synonym_stmtContext drop_synonym_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_synonym_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_synonym_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 300, RULE_drop_synonym_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(5387); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,383,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5367); + match(DROP); + setState(5369); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PUBLIC) { + { + setState(5368); + match(PUBLIC); + } + } + + setState(5371); + match(SYNONYM); + setState(5372); + synonym_name(); + setState(5374); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FORCE) { + { + setState(5373); + match(FORCE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5376); + match(DROP); + setState(5378); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PUBLIC) { + { + setState(5377); + match(PUBLIC); + } + } + + setState(5380); + match(SYNONYM); + setState(5381); + database_factor(); + setState(5382); + match(Dot); + setState(5383); + synonym_name(); + setState(5385); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FORCE) { + { + setState(5384); + match(FORCE); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Special_table_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode GLOBAL() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode TEMPORARY() { return getToken(OBParser.TEMPORARY, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXTERNAL() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTERNAL, 0); } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Special_table_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_special_table_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSpecial_table_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSpecial_table_type(this); + } + } + + public final Special_table_typeContext special_table_type() throws RecognitionException { + Special_table_typeContext _localctx = new Special_table_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 302, RULE_special_table_type); + try { + setState(5393); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case GLOBAL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5389); + match(GLOBAL); + setState(5390); + match(TEMPORARY); + } + break; + case EXTERNAL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5391); + match(EXTERNAL); + } + break; + case TABLE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(5392); + empty(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class On_commit_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMMIT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWS, 0); } + public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRESERVE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRESERVE, 0); } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public On_commit_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_on_commit_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOn_commit_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOn_commit_option(this); + } + } + + public final On_commit_optionContext on_commit_option() throws RecognitionException { + On_commit_optionContext _localctx = new On_commit_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 304, RULE_on_commit_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(5400); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ON: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5395); + match(ON); + setState(5396); + match(COMMIT); + setState(5397); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==DELETE || _la==PRESERVE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(5398); + match(ROWS); + } + break; + case EOF: + case AS: + case DELIMITER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5399); + empty(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_directory_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DIRECTORY() { return getToken(OBParser.DIRECTORY, 0); } + public Directory_nameContext directory_name() { + return getRuleContext(Directory_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } + public Directory_pathContext directory_path() { + return getRuleContext(Directory_pathContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode OR() { return getToken(OBParser.OR, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPLACE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLACE, 0); } + public Create_directory_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_directory_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_directory_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_directory_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Create_directory_stmtContext create_directory_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Create_directory_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_directory_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 306, RULE_create_directory_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5402); + match(CREATE); + setState(5405); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==OR) { + { + setState(5403); + match(OR); + setState(5404); + match(REPLACE); + } + } + + setState(5407); + match(DIRECTORY); + setState(5408); + directory_name(); + setState(5409); + match(AS); + setState(5410); + directory_path(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Directory_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { + return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); + } + public Directory_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_directory_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDirectory_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDirectory_name(this); + } + } + + public final Directory_nameContext directory_name() throws RecognitionException { + Directory_nameContext _localctx = new Directory_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 308, RULE_directory_name); + try { + setState(5414); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NAME_OB: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5412); + match(NAME_OB); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5413); + unreserved_keyword(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Directory_pathContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public Directory_pathContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_directory_path; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDirectory_path(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDirectory_path(this); + } + } + + public final Directory_pathContext directory_path() throws RecognitionException { + Directory_pathContext _localctx = new Directory_pathContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 310, RULE_directory_path); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5416); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_directory_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode DIRECTORY() { return getToken(OBParser.DIRECTORY, 0); } + public Directory_nameContext directory_name() { + return getRuleContext(Directory_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_directory_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_directory_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_directory_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_directory_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_directory_stmtContext drop_directory_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_directory_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_directory_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 312, RULE_drop_directory_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5418); + match(DROP); + setState(5419); + match(DIRECTORY); + setState(5420); + directory_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_keystore_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ADMINISTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ADMINISTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } + public TerminalNode MANAGEMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.MANAGEMENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEYSTORE() { return getToken(OBParser.KEYSTORE, 0); } + public Keystore_nameContext keystore_name() { + return getRuleContext(Keystore_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode IDENTIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTIFIED, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public PasswordContext password() { + return getRuleContext(PasswordContext.class,0); + } + public Create_keystore_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_keystore_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_keystore_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_keystore_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Create_keystore_stmtContext create_keystore_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Create_keystore_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_keystore_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 314, RULE_create_keystore_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5422); + match(ADMINISTER); + setState(5423); + match(KEY); + setState(5424); + match(MANAGEMENT); + setState(5425); + match(CREATE); + setState(5426); + match(KEYSTORE); + setState(5427); + keystore_name(); + setState(5428); + match(IDENTIFIED); + setState(5429); + match(BY); + setState(5430); + password(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_keystore_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ADMINISTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ADMINISTER, 0); } + public List KEY() { return getTokens(OBParser.KEY); } + public TerminalNode KEY(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.KEY, i); + } + public TerminalNode MANAGEMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.MANAGEMENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEYSTORE() { return getToken(OBParser.KEYSTORE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PASSWORD() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD, 0); } + public TerminalNode IDENTIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTIFIED, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public List password() { + return getRuleContexts(PasswordContext.class); + } + public PasswordContext password(int i) { + return getRuleContext(PasswordContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public TerminalNode OPEN() { return getToken(OBParser.OPEN, 0); } + public TerminalNode CLOSE() { return getToken(OBParser.CLOSE, 0); } + public Alter_keystore_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_keystore_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_keystore_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_keystore_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_keystore_stmtContext alter_keystore_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_keystore_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_keystore_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 316, RULE_alter_keystore_stmt); + try { + setState(5460); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,390,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5432); + match(ADMINISTER); + setState(5433); + match(KEY); + setState(5434); + match(MANAGEMENT); + setState(5435); + match(ALTER); + setState(5436); + match(KEYSTORE); + setState(5437); + match(PASSWORD); + setState(5438); + match(IDENTIFIED); + setState(5439); + match(BY); + setState(5440); + password(); + setState(5441); + match(SET); + setState(5442); + password(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5444); + match(ADMINISTER); + setState(5445); + match(KEY); + setState(5446); + match(MANAGEMENT); + setState(5447); + match(SET); + setState(5455); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,389,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(5451); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case KEY: + { + setState(5448); + match(KEY); + } + break; + case KEYSTORE: + { + setState(5449); + match(KEYSTORE); + setState(5450); + match(CLOSE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(5453); + match(KEYSTORE); + setState(5454); + match(OPEN); + } + break; + } + setState(5457); + match(IDENTIFIED); + setState(5458); + match(BY); + setState(5459); + password(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_table_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public Special_table_typeContext special_table_type() { + return getRuleContext(Special_table_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Table_element_listContext table_element_list() { + return getRuleContext(Table_element_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public On_commit_optionContext on_commit_option() { + return getRuleContext(On_commit_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Table_option_listContext table_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Table_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public Partition_optionContext partition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Partition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Auto_partition_optionContext auto_partition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Auto_partition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public With_column_groupContext with_column_group() { + return getRuleContext(With_column_groupContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } + public SubqueryContext subquery() { + return getRuleContext(SubqueryContext.class,0); + } + public Order_byContext order_by() { + return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); + } + public Fetch_next_clauseContext fetch_next_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Create_table_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_table_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_table_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_table_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Create_table_stmtContext create_table_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Create_table_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_table_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 318, RULE_create_table_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(5561); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,409,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5462); + match(CREATE); + setState(5463); + special_table_type(); + setState(5464); + match(TABLE); + setState(5465); + relation_factor(); + setState(5466); + match(LeftParen); + setState(5467); + table_element_list(); + setState(5468); + match(RightParen); + setState(5470); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED))) != 0) || _la==COMPRESS || _la==NOCOMPRESS || _la==PCTFREE || _la==READ || _la==TABLEGROUP || ((((_la - 410)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 410)) & ((1L << (FORMAT - 410)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 410)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 410)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 410)))) != 0) || _la==PCTUSED || _la==ENGINE_ || _la==TABLE_ID || _la==PATTERN || _la==LOCALITY || ((((_la - 742)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 742)) & ((1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 742)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 742)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 742)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 742)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 810)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 810)) & ((1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 810)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 810)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 810)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1039)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1039)) & ((1L << (SORTKEY - 1039)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1039)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1039)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1115)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1115)) & ((1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1115)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1115)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1115)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1115)))) != 0) || _la==INITRANS) { + { + setState(5469); + table_option_list(); + } + } + + setState(5474); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,392,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(5472); + partition_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(5473); + auto_partition_option(); + } + break; + } + setState(5477); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH_COLUMN_GROUP) { + { + setState(5476); + with_column_group(); + } + } + + setState(5479); + on_commit_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5481); + match(CREATE); + setState(5482); + special_table_type(); + setState(5483); + match(TABLE); + setState(5484); + relation_factor(); + setState(5485); + match(LeftParen); + setState(5486); + table_element_list(); + setState(5487); + match(RightParen); + setState(5489); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED))) != 0) || _la==COMPRESS || _la==NOCOMPRESS || _la==PCTFREE || _la==READ || _la==TABLEGROUP || ((((_la - 410)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 410)) & ((1L << (FORMAT - 410)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 410)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 410)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 410)))) != 0) || _la==PCTUSED || _la==ENGINE_ || _la==TABLE_ID || _la==PATTERN || _la==LOCALITY || ((((_la - 742)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 742)) & ((1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 742)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 742)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 742)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 742)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 810)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 810)) & ((1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 810)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 810)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 810)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1039)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1039)) & ((1L << (SORTKEY - 1039)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1039)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1039)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1115)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1115)) & ((1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1115)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1115)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1115)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1115)))) != 0) || _la==INITRANS) { + { + setState(5488); + table_option_list(); + } + } + + setState(5493); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,395,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(5491); + partition_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(5492); + auto_partition_option(); + } + break; + } + setState(5496); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH_COLUMN_GROUP) { + { + setState(5495); + with_column_group(); + } + } + + setState(5498); + on_commit_option(); + setState(5499); + match(AS); + setState(5500); + subquery(); + setState(5502); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ORDER) { + { + setState(5501); + order_by(); + } + } + + setState(5505); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { + { + setState(5504); + fetch_next_clause(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(5507); + match(CREATE); + setState(5508); + special_table_type(); + setState(5509); + match(TABLE); + setState(5510); + relation_factor(); + setState(5511); + table_option_list(); + setState(5514); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,399,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(5512); + partition_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(5513); + auto_partition_option(); + } + break; + } + setState(5517); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH_COLUMN_GROUP) { + { + setState(5516); + with_column_group(); + } + } + + setState(5519); + on_commit_option(); + setState(5520); + match(AS); + setState(5521); + subquery(); + setState(5523); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ORDER) { + { + setState(5522); + order_by(); + } + } + + setState(5526); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { + { + setState(5525); + fetch_next_clause(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(5528); + match(CREATE); + setState(5529); + special_table_type(); + setState(5530); + match(TABLE); + setState(5531); + relation_factor(); + setState(5532); + partition_option(); + setState(5534); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH_COLUMN_GROUP) { + { + setState(5533); + with_column_group(); + } + } + + setState(5536); + on_commit_option(); + setState(5537); + match(AS); + setState(5538); + subquery(); + setState(5540); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ORDER) { + { + setState(5539); + order_by(); + } + } + + setState(5543); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { + { + setState(5542); + fetch_next_clause(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(5545); + match(CREATE); + setState(5546); + special_table_type(); + setState(5547); + match(TABLE); + setState(5548); + relation_factor(); + setState(5550); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH_COLUMN_GROUP) { + { + setState(5549); + with_column_group(); + } + } + + setState(5552); + on_commit_option(); + setState(5553); + match(AS); + setState(5554); + subquery(); + setState(5556); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ORDER) { + { + setState(5555); + order_by(); + } + } + + setState(5559); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { + { + setState(5558); + fetch_next_clause(); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Table_element_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List table_element() { + return getRuleContexts(Table_elementContext.class); + } + public Table_elementContext table_element(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Table_elementContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Table_element_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_element_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_element_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_element_list(this); + } + } + + public final Table_element_listContext table_element_list() throws RecognitionException { + Table_element_listContext _localctx = new Table_element_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 320, RULE_table_element_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5563); + table_element(); + setState(5568); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(5564); + match(Comma); + setState(5565); + table_element(); + } + } + setState(5570); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Table_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_definitionContext column_definition() { + return getRuleContext(Column_definitionContext.class,0); + } + public Out_of_line_constraintContext out_of_line_constraint() { + return getRuleContext(Out_of_line_constraintContext.class,0); + } + public Out_of_line_indexContext out_of_line_index() { + return getRuleContext(Out_of_line_indexContext.class,0); + } + public Table_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_element; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_element(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_element(this); + } + } + + public final Table_elementContext table_element() throws RecognitionException { + Table_elementContext _localctx = new Table_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 322, RULE_table_element); + try { + setState(5574); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,411,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5571); + column_definition(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5572); + out_of_line_constraint(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(5573); + out_of_line_index(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Column_definitionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_definition_refContext column_definition_ref() { + return getRuleContext(Column_definition_refContext.class,0); + } + public Data_typeContext data_type() { + return getRuleContext(Data_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Visibility_optionContext visibility_option() { + return getRuleContext(Visibility_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_column_attribute_listContext opt_column_attribute_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_column_attribute_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode GENERATED() { return getToken(OBParser.GENERATED, 0); } + public Opt_generated_option_listContext opt_generated_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_generated_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode VIRTUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.VIRTUAL, 0); } + public Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext opt_generated_column_attribute_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_identity_attributeContext opt_identity_attribute() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_identity_attributeContext.class,0); + } + public Sequence_option_listContext sequence_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Sequence_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public Column_definitionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_definition; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_definition(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_definition(this); + } + } + + public final Column_definitionContext column_definition() throws RecognitionException { + Column_definitionContext _localctx = new Column_definitionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 324, RULE_column_definition); + int _la; + try { + setState(5661); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,432,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5576); + column_definition_ref(); + setState(5577); + data_type(); + setState(5579); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) { + { + setState(5578); + visibility_option(); + } + } + + setState(5582); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (DEFAULT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==REFERENCES || _la==PRIMARY || _la==ORIG_DEFAULT || _la==SKIP_INDEX) { + { + setState(5581); + opt_column_attribute_list(0); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5584); + column_definition_ref(); + setState(5585); + data_type(); + setState(5587); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) { + { + setState(5586); + visibility_option(); + } + } + + setState(5591); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==GENERATED) { + { + setState(5589); + match(GENERATED); + setState(5590); + opt_generated_option_list(); + } + } + + setState(5593); + match(AS); + setState(5594); + match(LeftParen); + setState(5595); + bit_expr(0); + setState(5596); + match(RightParen); + setState(5598); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==VIRTUAL) { + { + setState(5597); + match(VIRTUAL); + } + } + + setState(5601); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (COMMENT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==PRIMARY || _la==KEY) { + { + setState(5600); + opt_generated_column_attribute_list(0); + } + } + + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(5603); + column_definition_ref(); + setState(5605); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) { + { + setState(5604); + visibility_option(); + } + } + + setState(5609); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==GENERATED) { + { + setState(5607); + match(GENERATED); + setState(5608); + opt_generated_option_list(); + } + } + + setState(5611); + match(AS); + setState(5612); + match(LeftParen); + setState(5613); + bit_expr(0); + setState(5614); + match(RightParen); + setState(5616); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==VIRTUAL) { + { + setState(5615); + match(VIRTUAL); + } + } + + setState(5619); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (COMMENT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==PRIMARY || _la==KEY) { + { + setState(5618); + opt_generated_column_attribute_list(0); + } + } + + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(5621); + column_definition_ref(); + setState(5622); + data_type(); + setState(5624); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) { + { + setState(5623); + visibility_option(); + } + } + + setState(5628); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==GENERATED) { + { + setState(5626); + match(GENERATED); + setState(5627); + opt_generated_option_list(); + } + } + + setState(5630); + match(AS); + setState(5631); + opt_identity_attribute(); + setState(5633); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (((((_la - 122)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 122)) & ((1L << (INCREMENT - 122)) | (1L << (ORDER - 122)) | (1L << (START - 122)))) != 0) || _la==CYCLE || _la==MAXVALUE || _la==NOCYCLE || _la==MINVALUE || _la==NOMINVALUE || _la==CACHE || _la==NOMAXVALUE || _la==RESTART || _la==NOCACHE || _la==NOORDER) { + { + setState(5632); + sequence_option_list(); + } + } + + setState(5636); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (DEFAULT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==REFERENCES || _la==PRIMARY || _la==ORIG_DEFAULT || _la==SKIP_INDEX) { + { + setState(5635); + opt_column_attribute_list(0); + } + } + + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(5638); + column_definition_ref(); + setState(5640); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) { + { + setState(5639); + visibility_option(); + } + } + + setState(5643); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (DEFAULT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==REFERENCES || _la==PRIMARY || _la==ORIG_DEFAULT || _la==SKIP_INDEX) { + { + setState(5642); + opt_column_attribute_list(0); + } + } + + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(5645); + column_definition_ref(); + setState(5647); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) { + { + setState(5646); + visibility_option(); + } + } + + setState(5651); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==GENERATED) { + { + setState(5649); + match(GENERATED); + setState(5650); + opt_generated_option_list(); + } + } + + setState(5653); + match(AS); + setState(5654); + opt_identity_attribute(); + setState(5656); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (((((_la - 122)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 122)) & ((1L << (INCREMENT - 122)) | (1L << (ORDER - 122)) | (1L << (START - 122)))) != 0) || _la==CYCLE || _la==MAXVALUE || _la==NOCYCLE || _la==MINVALUE || _la==NOMINVALUE || _la==CACHE || _la==NOMAXVALUE || _la==RESTART || _la==NOCACHE || _la==NOORDER) { + { + setState(5655); + sequence_option_list(); + } + } + + setState(5659); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (DEFAULT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==REFERENCES || _la==PRIMARY || _la==ORIG_DEFAULT || _la==SKIP_INDEX) { + { + setState(5658); + opt_column_attribute_list(0); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_definition_refContext column_definition_ref() { + return getRuleContext(Column_definition_refContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_column_attribute_listContext opt_column_attribute_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_column_attribute_listContext.class,0); + } + public Visibility_optionContext visibility_option() { + return getRuleContext(Visibility_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Data_typeContext data_type() { + return getRuleContext(Data_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode GENERATED() { return getToken(OBParser.GENERATED, 0); } + public Opt_generated_option_listContext opt_generated_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_generated_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode VIRTUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.VIRTUAL, 0); } + public Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext opt_generated_column_attribute_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_identity_attributeContext opt_identity_attribute() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_identity_attributeContext.class,0); + } + public Sequence_option_listContext sequence_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Sequence_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_definition_opt_datatype; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_definition_opt_datatype(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_definition_opt_datatype(this); + } + } + + public final Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext column_definition_opt_datatype() throws RecognitionException { + Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext _localctx = new Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 326, RULE_column_definition_opt_datatype); + int _la; + try { + setState(5734); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,449,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5663); + column_definition_ref(); + setState(5665); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (DEFAULT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==REFERENCES || _la==PRIMARY || _la==ORIG_DEFAULT || _la==SKIP_INDEX) { + { + setState(5664); + opt_column_attribute_list(0); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5667); + column_definition_ref(); + setState(5668); + visibility_option(); + setState(5670); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (DEFAULT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==REFERENCES || _la==PRIMARY || _la==ORIG_DEFAULT || _la==SKIP_INDEX) { + { + setState(5669); + opt_column_attribute_list(0); + } + } + + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(5672); + column_definition_ref(); + setState(5673); + data_type(); + setState(5675); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) { + { + setState(5674); + visibility_option(); + } + } + + setState(5678); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (DEFAULT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==REFERENCES || _la==PRIMARY || _la==ORIG_DEFAULT || _la==SKIP_INDEX) { + { + setState(5677); + opt_column_attribute_list(0); + } + } + + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(5680); + column_definition_ref(); + setState(5682); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) { + { + setState(5681); + visibility_option(); + } + } + + setState(5686); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==GENERATED) { + { + setState(5684); + match(GENERATED); + setState(5685); + opt_generated_option_list(); + } + } + + setState(5688); + match(AS); + setState(5689); + match(LeftParen); + setState(5690); + bit_expr(0); + setState(5691); + match(RightParen); + setState(5693); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==VIRTUAL) { + { + setState(5692); + match(VIRTUAL); + } + } + + setState(5696); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (COMMENT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==PRIMARY || _la==KEY) { + { + setState(5695); + opt_generated_column_attribute_list(0); + } + } + + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(5698); + column_definition_ref(); + setState(5699); + data_type(); + setState(5701); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) { + { + setState(5700); + visibility_option(); + } + } + + setState(5705); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==GENERATED) { + { + setState(5703); + match(GENERATED); + setState(5704); + opt_generated_option_list(); + } + } + + setState(5707); + match(AS); + setState(5708); + match(LeftParen); + setState(5709); + bit_expr(0); + setState(5710); + match(RightParen); + setState(5712); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==VIRTUAL) { + { + setState(5711); + match(VIRTUAL); + } + } + + setState(5715); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (COMMENT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==PRIMARY || _la==KEY) { + { + setState(5714); + opt_generated_column_attribute_list(0); + } + } + + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(5717); + column_definition_ref(); + setState(5718); + data_type(); + setState(5720); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) { + { + setState(5719); + visibility_option(); + } + } + + setState(5724); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==GENERATED) { + { + setState(5722); + match(GENERATED); + setState(5723); + opt_generated_option_list(); + } + } + + setState(5726); + match(AS); + setState(5727); + opt_identity_attribute(); + setState(5729); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (((((_la - 122)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 122)) & ((1L << (INCREMENT - 122)) | (1L << (ORDER - 122)) | (1L << (START - 122)))) != 0) || _la==CYCLE || _la==MAXVALUE || _la==NOCYCLE || _la==MINVALUE || _la==NOMINVALUE || _la==CACHE || _la==NOMAXVALUE || _la==RESTART || _la==NOCACHE || _la==NOORDER) { + { + setState(5728); + sequence_option_list(); + } + } + + setState(5732); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (DEFAULT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==REFERENCES || _la==PRIMARY || _la==ORIG_DEFAULT || _la==SKIP_INDEX) { + { + setState(5731); + opt_column_attribute_list(0); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Out_of_line_indexContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Sort_column_listContext sort_column_list() { + return getRuleContext(Sort_column_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Index_using_algorithmContext index_using_algorithm() { + return getRuleContext(Index_using_algorithmContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_index_optionsContext opt_index_options() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_index_optionsContext.class,0); + } + public Index_nameContext index_name() { + return getRuleContext(Index_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Out_of_line_indexContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_out_of_line_index; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOut_of_line_index(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOut_of_line_index(this); + } + } + + public final Out_of_line_indexContext out_of_line_index() throws RecognitionException { + Out_of_line_indexContext _localctx = new Out_of_line_indexContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 328, RULE_out_of_line_index); + int _la; + try { + setState(5757); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,454,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5736); + match(INDEX); + setState(5738); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==USING) { + { + setState(5737); + index_using_algorithm(); + } + } + + setState(5740); + match(LeftParen); + setState(5741); + sort_column_list(); + setState(5742); + match(RightParen); + setState(5744); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMMENT || _la==PCTFREE || _la==WITH || _la==USING || _la==DATA_TABLE_ID || _la==PCTUSED || ((((_la - 693)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 693)) & ((1L << (REVERSE - 693)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 693)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 693)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 693)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 693)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 758)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 758)) & ((1L << (INVISIBLE - 758)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 758)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 758)))) != 0) || _la==STORAGE || _la==INDEX_TABLE_ID || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || _la==STORING || _la==INITRANS) { + { + setState(5743); + opt_index_options(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5746); + match(INDEX); + setState(5747); + index_name(); + setState(5749); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==USING) { + { + setState(5748); + index_using_algorithm(); + } + } + + setState(5751); + match(LeftParen); + setState(5752); + sort_column_list(); + setState(5753); + match(RightParen); + setState(5755); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMMENT || _la==PCTFREE || _la==WITH || _la==USING || _la==DATA_TABLE_ID || _la==PCTUSED || ((((_la - 693)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 693)) & ((1L << (REVERSE - 693)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 693)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 693)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 693)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 693)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 758)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 758)) & ((1L << (INVISIBLE - 758)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 758)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 758)))) != 0) || _la==STORAGE || _la==INDEX_TABLE_ID || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || _la==STORING || _la==INITRANS) { + { + setState(5754); + opt_index_options(); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Out_of_line_constraintContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Out_of_line_unique_indexContext out_of_line_unique_index() { + return getRuleContext(Out_of_line_unique_indexContext.class,0); + } + public Constraint_and_nameContext constraint_and_name() { + return getRuleContext(Constraint_and_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Out_of_line_primary_indexContext out_of_line_primary_index() { + return getRuleContext(Out_of_line_primary_indexContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FOREIGN() { return getToken(OBParser.FOREIGN, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public References_clauseContext references_clause() { + return getRuleContext(References_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Constraint_stateContext constraint_state() { + return getRuleContext(Constraint_stateContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode CHECK() { return getToken(OBParser.CHECK, 0); } + public ExprContext expr() { + return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); + } + public Out_of_line_constraintContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_out_of_line_constraint; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOut_of_line_constraint(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOut_of_line_constraint(this); + } + } + + public final Out_of_line_constraintContext out_of_line_constraint() throws RecognitionException { + Out_of_line_constraintContext _localctx = new Out_of_line_constraintContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 330, RULE_out_of_line_constraint); + int _la; + try { + setState(5787); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,459,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5760); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { + { + setState(5759); + constraint_and_name(); + } + } + + setState(5762); + out_of_line_unique_index(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5764); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { + { + setState(5763); + constraint_and_name(); + } + } + + setState(5766); + out_of_line_primary_index(true); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(5768); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { + { + setState(5767); + constraint_and_name(); + } + } + + setState(5770); + match(FOREIGN); + setState(5771); + match(KEY); + setState(5772); + match(LeftParen); + setState(5773); + column_name_list(); + setState(5774); + match(RightParen); + setState(5775); + references_clause(); + setState(5776); + constraint_state(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(5779); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { + { + setState(5778); + constraint_and_name(); + } + } + + setState(5781); + match(CHECK); + setState(5782); + match(LeftParen); + setState(5783); + expr(0); + setState(5784); + match(RightParen); + setState(5785); + constraint_state(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Out_of_line_primary_indexContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public boolean using_idx_flag; + public TerminalNode PRIMARY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Out_of_line_index_stateContext out_of_line_index_state() { + return getRuleContext(Out_of_line_index_stateContext.class,0); + } + public Out_of_line_primary_indexContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } + public Out_of_line_primary_indexContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState, boolean using_idx_flag) { + super(parent, invokingState); + this.using_idx_flag = using_idx_flag; + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_out_of_line_primary_index; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOut_of_line_primary_index(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOut_of_line_primary_index(this); + } + } + + public final Out_of_line_primary_indexContext out_of_line_primary_index(boolean using_idx_flag) throws RecognitionException { + Out_of_line_primary_indexContext _localctx = new Out_of_line_primary_indexContext(_ctx, getState(), using_idx_flag); + enterRule(_localctx, 332, RULE_out_of_line_primary_index); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5789); + match(PRIMARY); + setState(5790); + match(KEY); + setState(5791); + match(LeftParen); + setState(5792); + column_name_list(); + setState(5793); + match(RightParen); + setState(5795); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,460,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(5794); + out_of_line_index_state(_localctx.using_idx_flag); + } + break; + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Out_of_line_unique_indexContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Sort_column_listContext sort_column_list() { + return getRuleContext(Sort_column_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Out_of_line_index_stateContext out_of_line_index_state() { + return getRuleContext(Out_of_line_index_stateContext.class,0); + } + public Out_of_line_unique_indexContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_out_of_line_unique_index; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOut_of_line_unique_index(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOut_of_line_unique_index(this); + } + } + + public final Out_of_line_unique_indexContext out_of_line_unique_index() throws RecognitionException { + Out_of_line_unique_indexContext _localctx = new Out_of_line_unique_indexContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 334, RULE_out_of_line_unique_index); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5797); + match(UNIQUE); + setState(5798); + match(LeftParen); + setState(5799); + sort_column_list(); + setState(5800); + match(RightParen); + setState(5802); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,461,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(5801); + out_of_line_index_state(true); + } + break; + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Out_of_line_index_stateContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public boolean using_idx_flag; + public Opt_index_optionsContext opt_index_options() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_index_optionsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } + public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } + public Out_of_line_index_stateContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } + public Out_of_line_index_stateContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState, boolean using_idx_flag) { + super(parent, invokingState); + this.using_idx_flag = using_idx_flag; + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_out_of_line_index_state; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOut_of_line_index_state(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOut_of_line_index_state(this); + } + } + + public final Out_of_line_index_stateContext out_of_line_index_state(boolean using_idx_flag) throws RecognitionException { + Out_of_line_index_stateContext _localctx = new Out_of_line_index_stateContext(_ctx, getState(), using_idx_flag); + enterRule(_localctx, 336, RULE_out_of_line_index_state); + int _la; + try { + setState(5812); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,463,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5804); + if (!(!_localctx.using_idx_flag)) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "!$using_idx_flag"); + setState(5805); + opt_index_options(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5806); + if (!(_localctx.using_idx_flag)) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "$using_idx_flag"); + setState(5807); + match(USING); + setState(5808); + match(INDEX); + setState(5810); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMMENT || _la==PCTFREE || _la==WITH || _la==USING || _la==DATA_TABLE_ID || _la==PCTUSED || ((((_la - 693)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 693)) & ((1L << (REVERSE - 693)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 693)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 693)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 693)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 693)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 758)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 758)) & ((1L << (INVISIBLE - 758)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 758)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 758)))) != 0) || _la==STORAGE || _la==INDEX_TABLE_ID || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || _la==STORING || _la==INITRANS) { + { + setState(5809); + opt_index_options(); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Constraint_stateContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Enable_optionContext enable_option() { + return getRuleContext(Enable_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RELY() { return getToken(OBParser.RELY, 0); } + public TerminalNode NORELY() { return getToken(OBParser.NORELY, 0); } + public TerminalNode VALIDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.VALIDATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOVALIDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOVALIDATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } + public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } + public Opt_index_optionsContext opt_index_options() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_index_optionsContext.class,0); + } + public Constraint_stateContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_constraint_state; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterConstraint_state(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitConstraint_state(this); + } + } + + public final Constraint_stateContext constraint_state() throws RecognitionException { + Constraint_stateContext _localctx = new Constraint_stateContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 338, RULE_constraint_state); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5815); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,464,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(5814); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==RELY || _la==NORELY) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(5822); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,465,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(5817); + match(USING); + setState(5818); + match(INDEX); + setState(5819); + opt_index_options(); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(5820); + match(USING); + setState(5821); + match(INDEX); + } + } + break; + } + setState(5825); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,466,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(5824); + enable_option(); + } + break; + } + setState(5828); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,467,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(5827); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==VALIDATE || _la==NOVALIDATE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Enable_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ENABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ENABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DISABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.DISABLE, 0); } + public Enable_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_enable_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterEnable_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitEnable_option(this); + } + } + + public final Enable_optionContext enable_option() throws RecognitionException { + Enable_optionContext _localctx = new Enable_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 340, RULE_enable_option); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5830); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==DISABLE || _la==ENABLE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class References_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode REFERENCES() { return getToken(OBParser.REFERENCES, 0); } + public Normal_relation_factorContext normal_relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Normal_relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Reference_optionContext reference_option() { + return getRuleContext(Reference_optionContext.class,0); + } + public References_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_references_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterReferences_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitReferences_clause(this); + } + } + + public final References_clauseContext references_clause() throws RecognitionException { + References_clauseContext _localctx = new References_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 342, RULE_references_clause); + try { + setState(5845); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,470,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5832); + match(REFERENCES); + setState(5833); + normal_relation_factor(); + setState(5834); + match(LeftParen); + setState(5835); + column_name_list(); + setState(5836); + match(RightParen); + setState(5838); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,468,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(5837); + reference_option(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5840); + match(REFERENCES); + setState(5841); + normal_relation_factor(); + setState(5843); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,469,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(5842); + reference_option(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Reference_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } + public Reference_actionContext reference_action() { + return getRuleContext(Reference_actionContext.class,0); + } + public Reference_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_reference_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterReference_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitReference_option(this); + } + } + + public final Reference_optionContext reference_option() throws RecognitionException { + Reference_optionContext _localctx = new Reference_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 344, RULE_reference_option); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5847); + match(ON); + setState(5848); + match(DELETE); + setState(5849); + reference_action(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Reference_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CASCADE() { return getToken(OBParser.CASCADE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } + public Reference_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_reference_action; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterReference_action(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitReference_action(this); + } + } + + public final Reference_actionContext reference_action() throws RecognitionException { + Reference_actionContext _localctx = new Reference_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 346, RULE_reference_action); + try { + setState(5854); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case CASCADE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5851); + match(CASCADE); + } + break; + case SET: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5852); + match(SET); + setState(5853); + match(NULLX); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_generated_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALWAYS() { return getToken(OBParser.ALWAYS, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public Opt_generated_identity_optionContext opt_generated_identity_option() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_generated_identity_optionContext.class,0); + } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_generated_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_generated_option_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_generated_option_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_generated_option_list(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_generated_option_listContext opt_generated_option_list() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_generated_option_listContext _localctx = new Opt_generated_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 348, RULE_opt_generated_option_list); + try { + setState(5861); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ALWAYS: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5856); + match(ALWAYS); + } + break; + case BY: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5857); + match(BY); + setState(5858); + match(DEFAULT); + setState(5859); + opt_generated_identity_option(); + } + break; + case AS: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(5860); + empty(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_generated_identity_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_generated_identity_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_generated_identity_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_generated_identity_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_generated_identity_option(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_generated_identity_optionContext opt_generated_identity_option() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_generated_identity_optionContext _localctx = new Opt_generated_identity_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 350, RULE_opt_generated_identity_option); + try { + setState(5866); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ON: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5863); + match(ON); + setState(5864); + match(NULLX); + } + break; + case AS: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5865); + empty(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Generated_column_attributeContext generated_column_attribute() { + return getRuleContext(Generated_column_attributeContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext opt_generated_column_attribute_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_generated_column_attribute_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_generated_column_attribute_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_generated_column_attribute_list(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext opt_generated_column_attribute_list() throws RecognitionException { + return opt_generated_column_attribute_list(0); + } + + private Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext opt_generated_column_attribute_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext _localctx = new Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 352; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 352, RULE_opt_generated_column_attribute_list, _p); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + { + setState(5869); + generated_column_attribute(); + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(5875); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,474,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + { + _localctx = new Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_opt_generated_column_attribute_list); + setState(5871); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 2))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 2)"); + setState(5872); + generated_column_attribute(); + } + } + } + setState(5877); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,474,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Generated_column_attributeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } + public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } + public Constraint_stateContext constraint_state() { + return getRuleContext(Constraint_stateContext.class,0); + } + public Constraint_and_nameContext constraint_and_name() { + return getRuleContext(Constraint_and_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRIMARY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ID() { return getToken(OBParser.ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode CHECK() { return getToken(OBParser.CHECK, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public ExprContext expr() { + return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode SRID() { return getToken(OBParser.SRID, 0); } + public Generated_column_attributeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_generated_column_attribute; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGenerated_column_attribute(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGenerated_column_attribute(this); + } + } + + public final Generated_column_attributeContext generated_column_attribute() throws RecognitionException { + Generated_column_attributeContext _localctx = new Generated_column_attributeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 354, RULE_generated_column_attribute); + int _la; + try { + setState(5910); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,479,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5879); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { + { + setState(5878); + constraint_and_name(); + } + } + + setState(5881); + match(NOT); + setState(5882); + match(NULLX); + setState(5883); + constraint_state(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5885); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { + { + setState(5884); + constraint_and_name(); + } + } + + setState(5887); + match(NULLX); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(5888); + match(UNIQUE); + setState(5889); + match(KEY); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(5891); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PRIMARY) { + { + setState(5890); + match(PRIMARY); + } + } + + setState(5893); + match(KEY); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(5894); + match(UNIQUE); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(5895); + match(COMMENT); + setState(5896); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(5897); + match(ID); + setState(5898); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(5900); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { + { + setState(5899); + constraint_and_name(); + } + } + + setState(5902); + match(CHECK); + setState(5903); + match(LeftParen); + setState(5904); + expr(0); + setState(5905); + match(RightParen); + setState(5906); + constraint_state(); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(5908); + match(SRID); + setState(5909); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_identity_attributeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode IDENTITY() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTITY, 0); } + public Opt_identity_attributeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_identity_attribute; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_identity_attribute(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_identity_attribute(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_identity_attributeContext opt_identity_attribute() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_identity_attributeContext _localctx = new Opt_identity_attributeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 356, RULE_opt_identity_attribute); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5912); + match(IDENTITY); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Column_definition_refContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public List relation_name() { + return getRuleContexts(Relation_nameContext.class); + } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,i); + } + public List Dot() { return getTokens(OBParser.Dot); } + public TerminalNode Dot(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Dot, i); + } + public Column_definition_refContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_definition_ref; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_definition_ref(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_definition_ref(this); + } + } + + public final Column_definition_refContext column_definition_ref() throws RecognitionException { + Column_definition_refContext _localctx = new Column_definition_refContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 358, RULE_column_definition_ref); + try { + setState(5926); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,481,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5917); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,480,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(5914); + relation_name(); + setState(5915); + match(Dot); + } + break; + } + setState(5919); + column_name(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5920); + relation_name(); + setState(5921); + match(Dot); + setState(5922); + relation_name(); + setState(5923); + match(Dot); + setState(5924); + column_name(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Column_definition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List column_definition() { + return getRuleContexts(Column_definitionContext.class); + } + public Column_definitionContext column_definition(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Column_definitionContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Column_definition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_definition_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_definition_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_definition_list(this); + } + } + + public final Column_definition_listContext column_definition_list() throws RecognitionException { + Column_definition_listContext _localctx = new Column_definition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 360, RULE_column_definition_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5928); + column_definition(); + setState(5933); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(5929); + match(Comma); + setState(5930); + column_definition(); + } + } + setState(5935); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List column_definition_opt_datatype() { + return getRuleContexts(Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext.class); + } + public Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext column_definition_opt_datatype(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_definition_opt_datatype_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_definition_opt_datatype_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_definition_opt_datatype_list(this); + } + } + + public final Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext column_definition_opt_datatype_list() throws RecognitionException { + Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext _localctx = new Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 362, RULE_column_definition_opt_datatype_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5936); + column_definition_opt_datatype(); + setState(5941); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(5937); + match(Comma); + setState(5938); + column_definition_opt_datatype(); + } + } + setState(5943); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Column_name_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List column_name() { + return getRuleContexts(Column_nameContext.class); + } + public Column_nameContext column_name(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Column_name_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_name_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_name_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_name_list(this); + } + } + + public final Column_name_listContext column_name_list() throws RecognitionException { + Column_name_listContext _localctx = new Column_name_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 364, RULE_column_name_list); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5944); + column_name(); + setState(5949); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,484,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + { + { + setState(5945); + match(Comma); + setState(5946); + column_name(); + } + } + } + setState(5951); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,484,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Zero_suffix_intnumContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode DECIMAL_VAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL_VAL, 0); } + public Zero_suffix_intnumContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_zero_suffix_intnum; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterZero_suffix_intnum(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitZero_suffix_intnum(this); + } + } + + public final Zero_suffix_intnumContext zero_suffix_intnum() throws RecognitionException { + Zero_suffix_intnumContext _localctx = new Zero_suffix_intnumContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 366, RULE_zero_suffix_intnum); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5952); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==INTNUM || _la==DECIMAL_VAL) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Cast_data_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Binary_type_iContext binary_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Binary_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Character_type_iContext character_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Character_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Rowid_type_iContext rowid_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Rowid_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Datetime_type_iContext datetime_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Datetime_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Timestamp_type_iContext timestamp_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Timestamp_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Int_type_iContext int_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Int_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Number_type_iContext number_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Number_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Float_type_iContext float_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Float_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Double_type_iContext double_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Double_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Interval_type_iContext interval_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Interval_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Treat_data_typeContext treat_data_type() { + return getRuleContext(Treat_data_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Cast_data_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cast_data_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCast_data_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCast_data_type(this); + } + } + + public final Cast_data_typeContext cast_data_type() throws RecognitionException { + Cast_data_typeContext _localctx = new Cast_data_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 368, RULE_cast_data_type); + try { + setState(5965); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,485,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5954); + binary_type_i(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5955); + character_type_i(true); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(5956); + rowid_type_i(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(5957); + datetime_type_i(); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(5958); + timestamp_type_i(); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(5959); + int_type_i(); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(5960); + number_type_i(); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(5961); + float_type_i(); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(5962); + double_type_i(); + } + break; + case 10: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(5963); + interval_type_i(); + } + break; + case 11: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); + { + setState(5964); + treat_data_type(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Treat_data_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } + public Udt_type_iContext udt_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Udt_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Obj_access_ref_castContext obj_access_ref_cast() { + return getRuleContext(Obj_access_ref_castContext.class,0); + } + public Treat_data_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_treat_data_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTreat_data_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTreat_data_type(this); + } + } + + public final Treat_data_typeContext treat_data_type() throws RecognitionException { + Treat_data_typeContext _localctx = new Treat_data_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 370, RULE_treat_data_type); + try { + setState(5970); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,486,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5967); + match(JSON); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5968); + udt_type_i(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(5969); + obj_access_ref_cast(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Obj_access_ref_castContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Value_or_type_nameContext value_or_type_name() { + return getRuleContext(Value_or_type_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public Obj_access_ref_castContext obj_access_ref_cast() { + return getRuleContext(Obj_access_ref_castContext.class,0); + } + public Obj_access_ref_castContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_obj_access_ref_cast; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterObj_access_ref_cast(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitObj_access_ref_cast(this); + } + } + + public final Obj_access_ref_castContext obj_access_ref_cast() throws RecognitionException { + Obj_access_ref_castContext _localctx = new Obj_access_ref_castContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 372, RULE_obj_access_ref_cast); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5972); + value_or_type_name(); + setState(5975); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Dot) { + { + setState(5973); + match(Dot); + setState(5974); + obj_access_ref_cast(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Value_or_type_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public Value_or_type_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_value_or_type_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterValue_or_type_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitValue_or_type_name(this); + } + } + + public final Value_or_type_nameContext value_or_type_name() throws RecognitionException { + Value_or_type_nameContext _localctx = new Value_or_type_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 374, RULE_value_or_type_name); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5977); + match(NAME_OB); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Udt_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Type_nameContext type_name() { + return getRuleContext(Type_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Database_nameContext database_name() { + return getRuleContext(Database_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public Udt_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_udt_type_i; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUdt_type_i(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUdt_type_i(this); + } + } + + public final Udt_type_iContext udt_type_i() throws RecognitionException { + Udt_type_iContext _localctx = new Udt_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 376, RULE_udt_type_i); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5982); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,488,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(5979); + database_name(); + setState(5980); + match(Dot); + } + break; + } + setState(5984); + type_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Type_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public Type_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_type_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterType_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitType_name(this); + } + } + + public final Type_nameContext type_name() throws RecognitionException { + Type_nameContext _localctx = new Type_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 378, RULE_type_name); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5986); + match(NAME_OB); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Data_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Int_type_iContext int_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Int_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Float_type_iContext float_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Float_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Double_type_iContext double_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Double_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Number_type_iContext number_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Number_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Timestamp_type_iContext timestamp_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Timestamp_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Datetime_type_iContext datetime_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Datetime_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Character_type_iContext character_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Character_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Charset_keyContext charset_key() { + return getRuleContext(Charset_keyContext.class,0); + } + public Charset_nameContext charset_name() { + return getRuleContext(Charset_nameContext.class,0); + } + public CollationContext collation() { + return getRuleContext(CollationContext.class,0); + } + public Binary_type_iContext binary_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Binary_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } + public TerminalNode XMLTYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLTYPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SDO_GEOMETRY() { return getToken(OBParser.SDO_GEOMETRY, 0); } + public Interval_type_iContext interval_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Interval_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Rowid_type_iContext rowid_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Rowid_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Data_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_data_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterData_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitData_type(this); + } + } + + public final Data_typeContext data_type() throws RecognitionException { + Data_typeContext _localctx = new Data_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 380, RULE_data_type); + int _la; + try { + setState(6010); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,491,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(5988); + int_type_i(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(5989); + float_type_i(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(5990); + double_type_i(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(5991); + number_type_i(); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(5992); + timestamp_type_i(); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(5993); + datetime_type_i(); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(5994); + character_type_i(false); + setState(5998); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CHARACTER || _la==CHARSET) { + { + setState(5995); + charset_key(); + setState(5996); + charset_name(); + } + } + + setState(6001); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COLLATE) { + { + setState(6000); + collation(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(6003); + binary_type_i(); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(6004); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case 10: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(6005); + match(JSON); + } + break; + case 11: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); + { + setState(6006); + match(XMLTYPE); + } + break; + case 12: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); + { + setState(6007); + match(SDO_GEOMETRY); + } + break; + case 13: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); + { + setState(6008); + interval_type_i(); + } + break; + case 14: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); + { + setState(6009); + rowid_type_i(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Binary_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode RAW() { return getToken(OBParser.RAW, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Zero_suffix_intnumContext zero_suffix_intnum() { + return getRuleContext(Zero_suffix_intnumContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode BLOB() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOB, 0); } + public Binary_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_binary_type_i; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterBinary_type_i(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitBinary_type_i(this); + } + } + + public final Binary_type_iContext binary_type_i() throws RecognitionException { + Binary_type_iContext _localctx = new Binary_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 382, RULE_binary_type_i); + try { + setState(6018); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case RAW: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6012); + match(RAW); + setState(6013); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6014); + zero_suffix_intnum(); + setState(6015); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case BLOB: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6017); + match(BLOB); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Float_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode FLOAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FLOAT, 0); } + public Data_type_precisionContext data_type_precision() { + return getRuleContext(Data_type_precisionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode REAL() { return getToken(OBParser.REAL, 0); } + public Float_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_float_type_i; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFloat_type_i(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFloat_type_i(this); + } + } + + public final Float_type_iContext float_type_i() throws RecognitionException { + Float_type_iContext _localctx = new Float_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 384, RULE_float_type_i); + int _la; + try { + setState(6030); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case FLOAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6020); + match(FLOAT); + setState(6024); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,493,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(6021); + data_type_precision(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(6022); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6023); + match(RightParen); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case REAL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6026); + match(REAL); + setState(6028); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(6027); + data_type_precision(); + } + } + + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Character_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public boolean in_cast_data_type; + public TerminalNode CHARACTER() { return getToken(OBParser.CHARACTER, 0); } + public String_length_iContext string_length_i() { + return getRuleContext(String_length_iContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode BINARY() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY, 0); } + public TerminalNode CHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.CHAR, 0); } + public Varchar_type_iContext varchar_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Varchar_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NVARCHAR2() { return getToken(OBParser.NVARCHAR2, 0); } + public TerminalNode NCHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.NCHAR, 0); } + public TerminalNode CLOB() { return getToken(OBParser.CLOB, 0); } + public Character_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } + public Character_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState, boolean in_cast_data_type) { + super(parent, invokingState); + this.in_cast_data_type = in_cast_data_type; + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_character_type_i; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCharacter_type_i(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCharacter_type_i(this); + } + } + + public final Character_type_iContext character_type_i(boolean in_cast_data_type) throws RecognitionException { + Character_type_iContext _localctx = new Character_type_iContext(_ctx, getState(), in_cast_data_type); + enterRule(_localctx, 386, RULE_character_type_i); + int _la; + try { + setState(6058); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,501,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6032); + match(CHARACTER); + setState(6034); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(6033); + string_length_i(); + } + } + + setState(6037); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==BINARY) { + { + setState(6036); + match(BINARY); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6039); + match(CHAR); + setState(6041); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(6040); + string_length_i(); + } + } + + setState(6044); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==BINARY) { + { + setState(6043); + match(BINARY); + } + } + + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(6046); + varchar_type_i(); + setState(6047); + string_length_i(); + setState(6049); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==BINARY) { + { + setState(6048); + match(BINARY); + } + } + + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(6051); + if (!(_localctx.in_cast_data_type)) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "$in_cast_data_type"); + setState(6052); + varchar_type_i(); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(6053); + match(NVARCHAR2); + setState(6054); + string_length_i(); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(6055); + match(NCHAR); + setState(6056); + string_length_i(); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(6057); + match(CLOB); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Rowid_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode UROWID() { return getToken(OBParser.UROWID, 0); } + public Urowid_length_iContext urowid_length_i() { + return getRuleContext(Urowid_length_iContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ROWID() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWID, 0); } + public Rowid_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_rowid_type_i; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRowid_type_i(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRowid_type_i(this); + } + } + + public final Rowid_type_iContext rowid_type_i() throws RecognitionException { + Rowid_type_iContext _localctx = new Rowid_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 388, RULE_rowid_type_i); + int _la; + try { + setState(6068); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case UROWID: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6060); + match(UROWID); + setState(6062); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(6061); + urowid_length_i(); + } + } + + } + break; + case ROWID: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6064); + match(ROWID); + setState(6066); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(6065); + urowid_length_i(); + } + } + + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Interval_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Data_type_precisionContext year_precision; + public Data_type_precisionContext day_precision; + public Data_type_precisionContext second_precision; + public TerminalNode INTERVAL() { return getToken(OBParser.INTERVAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode YEAR() { return getToken(OBParser.YEAR, 0); } + public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } + public TerminalNode MONTH() { return getToken(OBParser.MONTH, 0); } + public List data_type_precision() { + return getRuleContexts(Data_type_precisionContext.class); + } + public Data_type_precisionContext data_type_precision(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Data_type_precisionContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode DAY() { return getToken(OBParser.DAY, 0); } + public TerminalNode SECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.SECOND, 0); } + public Interval_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_interval_type_i; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInterval_type_i(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInterval_type_i(this); + } + } + + public final Interval_type_iContext interval_type_i() throws RecognitionException { + Interval_type_iContext _localctx = new Interval_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 390, RULE_interval_type_i); + int _la; + try { + setState(6087); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,508,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6070); + match(INTERVAL); + setState(6071); + match(YEAR); + setState(6073); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(6072); + ((Interval_type_iContext)_localctx).year_precision = data_type_precision(); + } + } + + setState(6075); + match(TO); + setState(6076); + match(MONTH); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6077); + match(INTERVAL); + setState(6078); + match(DAY); + setState(6080); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(6079); + ((Interval_type_iContext)_localctx).day_precision = data_type_precision(); + } + } + + setState(6082); + match(TO); + setState(6083); + match(SECOND); + setState(6085); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(6084); + ((Interval_type_iContext)_localctx).second_precision = data_type_precision(); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Number_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NUMBER() { return getToken(OBParser.NUMBER, 0); } + public Number_precisionContext number_precision() { + return getRuleContext(Number_precisionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NUMERIC() { return getToken(OBParser.NUMERIC, 0); } + public TerminalNode DECIMAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEC() { return getToken(OBParser.DEC, 0); } + public Number_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_number_type_i; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNumber_type_i(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNumber_type_i(this); + } + } + + public final Number_type_iContext number_type_i() throws RecognitionException { + Number_type_iContext _localctx = new Number_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 392, RULE_number_type_i); + int _la; + try { + setState(6105); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NUMBER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6089); + match(NUMBER); + setState(6091); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(6090); + number_precision(); + } + } + + } + break; + case NUMERIC: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6093); + match(NUMERIC); + setState(6095); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(6094); + number_precision(); + } + } + + } + break; + case DECIMAL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(6097); + match(DECIMAL); + setState(6099); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(6098); + number_precision(); + } + } + + } + break; + case DEC: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(6101); + match(DEC); + setState(6103); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(6102); + number_precision(); + } + } + + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Timestamp_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode TIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMESTAMP, 0); } + public Data_type_precisionContext data_type_precision() { + return getRuleContext(Data_type_precisionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.TIME, 0); } + public TerminalNode ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOCAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCAL, 0); } + public Timestamp_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_timestamp_type_i; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTimestamp_type_i(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTimestamp_type_i(this); + } + } + + public final Timestamp_type_iContext timestamp_type_i() throws RecognitionException { + Timestamp_type_iContext _localctx = new Timestamp_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 394, RULE_timestamp_type_i); + int _la; + try { + setState(6126); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,517,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6107); + match(TIMESTAMP); + setState(6109); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(6108); + data_type_precision(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6111); + match(TIMESTAMP); + setState(6113); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(6112); + data_type_precision(); + } + } + + setState(6115); + match(WITH); + setState(6116); + match(TIME); + setState(6117); + match(ZONE); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(6118); + match(TIMESTAMP); + setState(6120); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(6119); + data_type_precision(); + } + } + + setState(6122); + match(WITH); + setState(6123); + match(LOCAL); + setState(6124); + match(TIME); + setState(6125); + match(ZONE); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Data_type_precisionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Precision_int_numContext precision_int_num() { + return getRuleContext(Precision_int_numContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Precision_decimal_numContext precision_decimal_num() { + return getRuleContext(Precision_decimal_numContext.class,0); + } + public Data_type_precisionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_data_type_precision; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterData_type_precision(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitData_type_precision(this); + } + } + + public final Data_type_precisionContext data_type_precision() throws RecognitionException { + Data_type_precisionContext _localctx = new Data_type_precisionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 396, RULE_data_type_precision); + try { + setState(6136); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,518,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6128); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6129); + precision_int_num(); + setState(6130); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6132); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6133); + precision_decimal_num(); + setState(6134); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Int_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SMALLINT() { return getToken(OBParser.SMALLINT, 0); } + public TerminalNode INT() { return getToken(OBParser.INT, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTEGER() { return getToken(OBParser.INTEGER, 0); } + public Int_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_int_type_i; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInt_type_i(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInt_type_i(this); + } + } + + public final Int_type_iContext int_type_i() throws RecognitionException { + Int_type_iContext _localctx = new Int_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 398, RULE_int_type_i); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6138); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==INTEGER || _la==SMALLINT || _la==INT) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Varchar_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode VARCHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.VARCHAR, 0); } + public TerminalNode VARCHAR2() { return getToken(OBParser.VARCHAR2, 0); } + public Varchar_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_varchar_type_i; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterVarchar_type_i(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitVarchar_type_i(this); + } + } + + public final Varchar_type_iContext varchar_type_i() throws RecognitionException { + Varchar_type_iContext _localctx = new Varchar_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 400, RULE_varchar_type_i); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6140); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==VARCHAR || _la==VARCHAR2) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Double_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode BINARY_DOUBLE() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY_DOUBLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode BINARY_FLOAT() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY_FLOAT, 0); } + public Double_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_double_type_i; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDouble_type_i(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDouble_type_i(this); + } + } + + public final Double_type_iContext double_type_i() throws RecognitionException { + Double_type_iContext _localctx = new Double_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 402, RULE_double_type_i); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6142); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==BINARY_DOUBLE || _la==BINARY_FLOAT) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Datetime_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DATE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATE, 0); } + public Datetime_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_datetime_type_i; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDatetime_type_i(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDatetime_type_i(this); + } + } + + public final Datetime_type_iContext datetime_type_i() throws RecognitionException { + Datetime_type_iContext _localctx = new Datetime_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 404, RULE_datetime_type_i); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6144); + match(DATE); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Number_precisionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Precision_decimal_numContext precision_decimal_num() { + return getRuleContext(Precision_decimal_numContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Star() { return getToken(OBParser.Star, 0); } + public List signed_int_num() { + return getRuleContexts(Signed_int_numContext.class); + } + public Signed_int_numContext signed_int_num(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Signed_int_numContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Number_precisionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_number_precision; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNumber_precision(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNumber_precision(this); + } + } + + public final Number_precisionContext number_precision() throws RecognitionException { + Number_precisionContext _localctx = new Number_precisionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 406, RULE_number_precision); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6146); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6156); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case INTNUM: + case Star: + case Minus: + { + setState(6149); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case Star: + { + setState(6147); + match(Star); + } + break; + case INTNUM: + case Minus: + { + setState(6148); + signed_int_num(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(6153); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Comma) { + { + setState(6151); + match(Comma); + setState(6152); + signed_int_num(); + } + } + + } + break; + case DECIMAL_VAL: + { + setState(6155); + precision_decimal_num(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(6158); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Signed_int_numContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode Minus() { return getToken(OBParser.Minus, 0); } + public Signed_int_numContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_signed_int_num; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSigned_int_num(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSigned_int_num(this); + } + } + + public final Signed_int_numContext signed_int_num() throws RecognitionException { + Signed_int_numContext _localctx = new Signed_int_numContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 408, RULE_signed_int_num); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6161); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Minus) { + { + setState(6160); + match(Minus); + } + } + + setState(6163); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Precision_int_numContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public Precision_int_numContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_precision_int_num; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPrecision_int_num(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPrecision_int_num(this); + } + } + + public final Precision_int_numContext precision_int_num() throws RecognitionException { + Precision_int_numContext _localctx = new Precision_int_numContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 410, RULE_precision_int_num); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6165); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Precision_decimal_numContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DECIMAL_VAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL_VAL, 0); } + public Precision_decimal_numContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_precision_decimal_num; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPrecision_decimal_num(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPrecision_decimal_num(this); + } + } + + public final Precision_decimal_numContext precision_decimal_num() throws RecognitionException { + Precision_decimal_numContext _localctx = new Precision_decimal_numContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 412, RULE_precision_decimal_num); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6167); + match(DECIMAL_VAL); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Nstring_length_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Zero_suffix_intnumContext zero_suffix_intnum() { + return getRuleContext(Zero_suffix_intnumContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Nstring_length_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_nstring_length_i; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNstring_length_i(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNstring_length_i(this); + } + } + + public final Nstring_length_iContext nstring_length_i() throws RecognitionException { + Nstring_length_iContext _localctx = new Nstring_length_iContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 414, RULE_nstring_length_i); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6169); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6170); + zero_suffix_intnum(); + setState(6171); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class String_length_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Zero_suffix_intnumContext zero_suffix_intnum() { + return getRuleContext(Zero_suffix_intnumContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode CHARACTER() { return getToken(OBParser.CHARACTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode CHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.CHAR, 0); } + public TerminalNode BYTE() { return getToken(OBParser.BYTE, 0); } + public String_length_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_string_length_i; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterString_length_i(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitString_length_i(this); + } + } + + public final String_length_iContext string_length_i() throws RecognitionException { + String_length_iContext _localctx = new String_length_iContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 416, RULE_string_length_i); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6173); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6174); + zero_suffix_intnum(); + setState(6176); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CHAR || _la==CHARACTER || _la==BYTE) { + { + setState(6175); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==CHAR || _la==CHARACTER || _la==BYTE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + + setState(6178); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Urowid_length_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Urowid_length_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_urowid_length_i; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUrowid_length_i(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUrowid_length_i(this); + } + } + + public final Urowid_length_iContext urowid_length_i() throws RecognitionException { + Urowid_length_iContext _localctx = new Urowid_length_iContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 418, RULE_urowid_length_i); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6180); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6181); + match(INTNUM); + setState(6182); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Collation_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public Collation_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_collation_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCollation_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCollation_name(this); + } + } + + public final Collation_nameContext collation_name() throws RecognitionException { + Collation_nameContext _localctx = new Collation_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 420, RULE_collation_name); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6184); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==NAME_OB || _la==STRING_VALUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Trans_param_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public Trans_param_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_trans_param_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTrans_param_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTrans_param_name(this); + } + } + + public final Trans_param_nameContext trans_param_name() throws RecognitionException { + Trans_param_nameContext _localctx = new Trans_param_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 422, RULE_trans_param_name); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6186); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Trans_param_valueContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public Trans_param_valueContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_trans_param_value; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTrans_param_value(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTrans_param_value(this); + } + } + + public final Trans_param_valueContext trans_param_value() throws RecognitionException { + Trans_param_valueContext _localctx = new Trans_param_valueContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 424, RULE_trans_param_value); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6188); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==INTNUM || _la==STRING_VALUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Dblink_info_param_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public Dblink_info_param_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dblink_info_param_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDblink_info_param_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDblink_info_param_name(this); + } + } + + public final Dblink_info_param_nameContext dblink_info_param_name() throws RecognitionException { + Dblink_info_param_nameContext _localctx = new Dblink_info_param_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 426, RULE_dblink_info_param_name); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6190); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Dblink_info_param_valueContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public Dblink_info_param_valueContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dblink_info_param_value; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDblink_info_param_value(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDblink_info_param_value(this); + } + } + + public final Dblink_info_param_valueContext dblink_info_param_value() throws RecognitionException { + Dblink_info_param_valueContext _localctx = new Dblink_info_param_valueContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 428, RULE_dblink_info_param_value); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6192); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==INTNUM || _la==STRING_VALUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Charset_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode BINARY() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY, 0); } + public TerminalNode ASCII() { return getToken(OBParser.ASCII, 0); } + public Charset_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_charset_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCharset_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCharset_name(this); + } + } + + public final Charset_nameContext charset_name() throws RecognitionException { + Charset_nameContext _localctx = new Charset_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 430, RULE_charset_name); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6194); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==BINARY || _la==ASCII || _la==NAME_OB || _la==STRING_VALUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Charset_name_or_defaultContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Charset_nameContext charset_name() { + return getRuleContext(Charset_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public Charset_name_or_defaultContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_charset_name_or_default; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCharset_name_or_default(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCharset_name_or_default(this); + } + } + + public final Charset_name_or_defaultContext charset_name_or_default() throws RecognitionException { + Charset_name_or_defaultContext _localctx = new Charset_name_or_defaultContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 432, RULE_charset_name_or_default); + try { + setState(6198); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case BINARY: + case ASCII: + case NAME_OB: + case STRING_VALUE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6196); + charset_name(); + } + break; + case DEFAULT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6197); + match(DEFAULT); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class CollationContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode COLLATE() { return getToken(OBParser.COLLATE, 0); } + public Collation_nameContext collation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Collation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public CollationContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_collation; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCollation(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCollation(this); + } + } + + public final CollationContext collation() throws RecognitionException { + CollationContext _localctx = new CollationContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 434, RULE_collation); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6200); + match(COLLATE); + setState(6201); + collation_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_column_attribute_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_attributeContext column_attribute() { + return getRuleContext(Column_attributeContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_column_attribute_listContext opt_column_attribute_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_column_attribute_listContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_column_attribute_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_column_attribute_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_column_attribute_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_column_attribute_list(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_column_attribute_listContext opt_column_attribute_list() throws RecognitionException { + return opt_column_attribute_list(0); + } + + private Opt_column_attribute_listContext opt_column_attribute_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Opt_column_attribute_listContext _localctx = new Opt_column_attribute_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Opt_column_attribute_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 436; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 436, RULE_opt_column_attribute_list, _p); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + { + setState(6204); + column_attribute(); + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(6210); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,525,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + { + _localctx = new Opt_column_attribute_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_opt_column_attribute_list); + setState(6206); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 2))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 2)"); + setState(6207); + column_attribute(); + } + } + } + setState(6212); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,525,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Column_attributeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } + public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } + public Constraint_stateContext constraint_state() { + return getRuleContext(Constraint_stateContext.class,0); + } + public Constraint_and_nameContext constraint_and_name() { + return getRuleContext(Constraint_and_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ORIG_DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.ORIG_DEFAULT, 0); } + public Now_or_signed_literalContext now_or_signed_literal() { + return getRuleContext(Now_or_signed_literalContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PRIMARY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ID() { return getToken(OBParser.ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode SRID() { return getToken(OBParser.SRID, 0); } + public TerminalNode CHECK() { return getToken(OBParser.CHECK, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public ExprContext expr() { + return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public References_clauseContext references_clause() { + return getRuleContext(References_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode SKIP_INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.SKIP_INDEX, 0); } + public Skip_index_typeContext skip_index_type() { + return getRuleContext(Skip_index_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_skip_index_type_listContext opt_skip_index_type_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_skip_index_type_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Column_attributeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_attribute; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_attribute(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_attribute(this); + } + } + + public final Column_attributeContext column_attribute() throws RecognitionException { + Column_attributeContext _localctx = new Column_attributeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 438, RULE_column_attribute); + int _la; + try { + setState(6265); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,533,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6214); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { + { + setState(6213); + constraint_and_name(); + } + } + + setState(6216); + match(NOT); + setState(6217); + match(NULLX); + setState(6218); + constraint_state(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6220); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { + { + setState(6219); + constraint_and_name(); + } + } + + setState(6222); + match(NULLX); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(6223); + match(DEFAULT); + setState(6224); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(6225); + match(ORIG_DEFAULT); + setState(6226); + now_or_signed_literal(); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(6228); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { + { + setState(6227); + constraint_and_name(); + } + } + + setState(6230); + match(PRIMARY); + setState(6231); + match(KEY); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(6233); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { + { + setState(6232); + constraint_and_name(); + } + } + + setState(6235); + match(UNIQUE); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(6236); + match(ID); + setState(6237); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(6238); + match(SRID); + setState(6239); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(6241); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { + { + setState(6240); + constraint_and_name(); + } + } + + setState(6243); + match(CHECK); + setState(6244); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6245); + expr(0); + setState(6246); + match(RightParen); + setState(6247); + constraint_state(); + } + break; + case 10: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(6250); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { + { + setState(6249); + constraint_and_name(); + } + } + + setState(6252); + references_clause(); + setState(6253); + constraint_state(); + } + break; + case 11: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); + { + setState(6255); + match(SKIP_INDEX); + setState(6256); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6262); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,532,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(6257); + skip_index_type(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(6258); + opt_skip_index_type_list(0); + setState(6259); + match(Comma); + setState(6260); + skip_index_type(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(6264); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Now_or_signed_literalContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext cur_timestamp_func_params() { + return getRuleContext(Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext.class,0); + } + public Signed_literal_paramsContext signed_literal_params() { + return getRuleContext(Signed_literal_paramsContext.class,0); + } + public Now_or_signed_literalContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_now_or_signed_literal; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNow_or_signed_literal(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNow_or_signed_literal(this); + } + } + + public final Now_or_signed_literalContext now_or_signed_literal() throws RecognitionException { + Now_or_signed_literalContext _localctx = new Now_or_signed_literalContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 440, RULE_now_or_signed_literal); + try { + setState(6269); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,534,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6267); + cur_timestamp_func_params(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6268); + signed_literal_params(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext cur_timestamp_func_params() { + return getRuleContext(Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Cur_timestamp_funcContext cur_timestamp_func() { + return getRuleContext(Cur_timestamp_funcContext.class,0); + } + public Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cur_timestamp_func_params; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCur_timestamp_func_params(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCur_timestamp_func_params(this); + } + } + + public final Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext cur_timestamp_func_params() throws RecognitionException { + Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext _localctx = new Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 442, RULE_cur_timestamp_func_params); + try { + setState(6276); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case LeftParen: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6271); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6272); + cur_timestamp_func_params(); + setState(6273); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case SYSDATE: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6275); + cur_timestamp_func(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Signed_literal_paramsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Signed_literal_paramsContext signed_literal_params() { + return getRuleContext(Signed_literal_paramsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Signed_literalContext signed_literal() { + return getRuleContext(Signed_literalContext.class,0); + } + public Signed_literal_paramsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_signed_literal_params; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSigned_literal_params(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSigned_literal_params(this); + } + } + + public final Signed_literal_paramsContext signed_literal_params() throws RecognitionException { + Signed_literal_paramsContext _localctx = new Signed_literal_paramsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 444, RULE_signed_literal_params); + try { + setState(6283); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case LeftParen: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6278); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6279); + signed_literal_params(); + setState(6280); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case NULLX: + case TIMESTAMP_VALUE: + case APPROXNUM: + case INTNUM: + case DECIMAL_VAL: + case DATE_VALUE: + case INTERVAL_VALUE: + case Plus: + case Minus: + case STRING_VALUE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6282); + signed_literal(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Signed_literalContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public LiteralContext literal() { + return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Plus() { return getToken(OBParser.Plus, 0); } + public Number_literalContext number_literal() { + return getRuleContext(Number_literalContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Minus() { return getToken(OBParser.Minus, 0); } + public Signed_literalContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_signed_literal; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSigned_literal(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSigned_literal(this); + } + } + + public final Signed_literalContext signed_literal() throws RecognitionException { + Signed_literalContext _localctx = new Signed_literalContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 446, RULE_signed_literal); + try { + setState(6290); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NULLX: + case TIMESTAMP_VALUE: + case APPROXNUM: + case INTNUM: + case DECIMAL_VAL: + case DATE_VALUE: + case INTERVAL_VALUE: + case STRING_VALUE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6285); + literal(); + } + break; + case Plus: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6286); + match(Plus); + setState(6287); + number_literal(); + } + break; + case Minus: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(6288); + match(Minus); + setState(6289); + number_literal(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_commaContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Opt_commaContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_comma; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_comma(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_comma(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_commaContext opt_comma() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_commaContext _localctx = new Opt_commaContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 448, RULE_opt_comma); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6293); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Comma) { + { + setState(6292); + match(Comma); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Table_optionContext table_option() { + return getRuleContext(Table_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext table_option_list_space_seperated() { + return getRuleContext(Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext.class,0); + } + public Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_option_list_space_seperated; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_option_list_space_seperated(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_option_list_space_seperated(this); + } + } + + public final Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext table_option_list_space_seperated() throws RecognitionException { + Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext _localctx = new Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 450, RULE_table_option_list_space_seperated); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6295); + table_option(); + setState(6297); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED))) != 0) || _la==COMPRESS || _la==NOCOMPRESS || _la==PCTFREE || _la==READ || _la==TABLEGROUP || ((((_la - 410)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 410)) & ((1L << (FORMAT - 410)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 410)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 410)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 410)))) != 0) || _la==PCTUSED || _la==ENGINE_ || _la==TABLE_ID || _la==PATTERN || _la==LOCALITY || ((((_la - 742)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 742)) & ((1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 742)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 742)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 742)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 742)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 810)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 810)) & ((1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 810)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 810)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 810)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1039)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1039)) & ((1L << (SORTKEY - 1039)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1039)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1039)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1115)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1115)) & ((1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1115)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1115)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1115)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1115)))) != 0) || _la==INITRANS) { + { + setState(6296); + table_option_list_space_seperated(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Table_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext table_option_list_space_seperated() { + return getRuleContext(Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext.class,0); + } + public Table_optionContext table_option() { + return getRuleContext(Table_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Table_option_listContext table_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Table_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public Table_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_option_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_option_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_option_list(this); + } + } + + public final Table_option_listContext table_option_list() throws RecognitionException { + Table_option_listContext _localctx = new Table_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 452, RULE_table_option_list); + try { + setState(6304); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,540,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6299); + table_option_list_space_seperated(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6300); + table_option(); + setState(6301); + match(Comma); + setState(6302); + table_option_list(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Primary_zone_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public TerminalNode RANDOM() { return getToken(OBParser.RANDOM, 0); } + public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,0); + } + public Primary_zone_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_primary_zone_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPrimary_zone_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPrimary_zone_name(this); + } + } + + public final Primary_zone_nameContext primary_zone_name() throws RecognitionException { + Primary_zone_nameContext _localctx = new Primary_zone_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 454, RULE_primary_zone_name); + try { + setState(6309); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case DEFAULT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6306); + match(DEFAULT); + } + break; + case RANDOM: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6307); + match(RANDOM); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case STRING_VALUE: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(6308); + relation_name_or_string(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Locality_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public Locality_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_locality_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLocality_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLocality_name(this); + } + } + + public final Locality_nameContext locality_name() throws RecognitionException { + Locality_nameContext _localctx = new Locality_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 456, RULE_locality_name); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6311); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==DEFAULT || _la==STRING_VALUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Table_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SORTKEY() { return getToken(OBParser.SORTKEY, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Parallel_optionContext parallel_option() { + return getRuleContext(Parallel_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TABLE_MODE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE_MODE, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode DUPLICATE_SCOPE() { return getToken(OBParser.DUPLICATE_SCOPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOCALITY() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCALITY, 0); } + public Locality_nameContext locality_name() { + return getRuleContext(Locality_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXPIRE_INFO() { return getToken(OBParser.EXPIRE_INFO, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode BLOCK_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOCK_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPLICA_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICA_NUM, 0); } + public Compress_optionContext compress_option() { + return getRuleContext(Compress_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode USE_BLOOM_FILTER() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_BLOOM_FILTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode BOOL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRIMARY_ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY_ZONE, 0); } + public Primary_zone_nameContext primary_zone_name() { + return getRuleContext(Primary_zone_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TABLEGROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUP, 0); } + public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,0); + } + public Read_only_or_writeContext read_only_or_write() { + return getRuleContext(Read_only_or_writeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ENGINE_() { return getToken(OBParser.ENGINE_, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLET_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLET_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX_USED_PART_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_USED_PART_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ENABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROW() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW, 0); } + public TerminalNode MOVEMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.MOVEMENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode DISABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.DISABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID() { return getToken(OBParser.ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID, 0); } + public Physical_attributes_optionContext physical_attributes_option() { + return getRuleContext(Physical_attributes_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LOCATION() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FORMAT, 0); } + public External_file_format_listContext external_file_format_list() { + return getRuleContext(External_file_format_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PROPERTIES() { return getToken(OBParser.PROPERTIES, 0); } + public External_properties_listContext external_properties_list() { + return getRuleContext(External_properties_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PATTERN() { return getToken(OBParser.PATTERN, 0); } + public TerminalNode PARTITION_TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION_TYPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode USER_SPECIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_SPECIFIED, 0); } + public TerminalNode MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED() { return getToken(OBParser.MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED, 0); } + public TerminalNode AUTO_REFRESH() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTO_REFRESH, 0); } + public TerminalNode OFF() { return getToken(OBParser.OFF, 0); } + public TerminalNode IMMEDIATE() { return getToken(OBParser.IMMEDIATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTERVAL() { return getToken(OBParser.INTERVAL, 0); } + public Table_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_option(this); + } + } + + public final Table_optionContext table_option() throws RecognitionException { + Table_optionContext _localctx = new Table_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 458, RULE_table_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(6460); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,567,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6313); + match(SORTKEY); + setState(6314); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6315); + column_name_list(); + setState(6316); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6318); + parallel_option(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(6319); + match(TABLE_MODE); + setState(6321); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6320); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6323); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(6324); + match(DUPLICATE_SCOPE); + setState(6326); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6325); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6328); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(6329); + match(LOCALITY); + setState(6331); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6330); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6333); + locality_name(); + setState(6335); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FORCE) { + { + setState(6334); + match(FORCE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(6337); + match(EXPIRE_INFO); + setState(6339); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6338); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6341); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6342); + bit_expr(0); + setState(6343); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(6345); + match(PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM); + setState(6347); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6346); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6349); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(6350); + match(BLOCK_SIZE); + setState(6352); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6351); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6354); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(6355); + match(TABLE_ID); + setState(6357); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6356); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6359); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case 10: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(6360); + match(REPLICA_NUM); + setState(6362); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6361); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6364); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case 11: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); + { + setState(6365); + compress_option(); + } + break; + case 12: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); + { + setState(6366); + match(USE_BLOOM_FILTER); + setState(6368); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6367); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6370); + match(BOOL_VALUE); + } + break; + case 13: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); + { + setState(6371); + match(PRIMARY_ZONE); + setState(6373); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6372); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6375); + primary_zone_name(); + } + break; + case 14: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); + { + setState(6376); + match(TABLEGROUP); + setState(6378); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6377); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6380); + relation_name_or_string(); + } + break; + case 15: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); + { + setState(6381); + read_only_or_write(); + } + break; + case 16: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); + { + setState(6382); + match(ENGINE_); + setState(6384); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6383); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6386); + relation_name_or_string(); + } + break; + case 17: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); + { + setState(6387); + match(TABLET_SIZE); + setState(6389); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6388); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6391); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case 18: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); + { + setState(6392); + match(MAX_USED_PART_ID); + setState(6394); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6393); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6396); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case 19: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); + { + setState(6397); + match(ENABLE); + setState(6398); + match(ROW); + setState(6399); + match(MOVEMENT); + } + break; + case 20: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 20); + { + setState(6400); + match(DISABLE); + setState(6401); + match(ROW); + setState(6402); + match(MOVEMENT); + } + break; + case 21: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 21); + { + setState(6403); + match(ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID); + setState(6405); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6404); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6407); + match(BOOL_VALUE); + } + break; + case 22: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 22); + { + setState(6408); + physical_attributes_option(); + } + break; + case 23: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 23); + { + setState(6409); + match(LOCATION); + setState(6411); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6410); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6413); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case 24: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 24); + { + setState(6414); + match(FORMAT); + setState(6416); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6415); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6418); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6419); + external_file_format_list(); + setState(6420); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 25: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 25); + { + setState(6422); + match(PROPERTIES); + setState(6424); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6423); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6426); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6427); + external_properties_list(); + setState(6428); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 26: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 26); + { + setState(6430); + match(PATTERN); + setState(6432); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6431); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6434); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case 27: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 27); + { + setState(6435); + match(PARTITION_TYPE); + setState(6437); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6436); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6439); + match(USER_SPECIFIED); + } + break; + case 28: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 28); + { + setState(6440); + match(MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED); + setState(6442); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6441); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6444); + match(BOOL_VALUE); + } + break; + case 29: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 29); + { + setState(6445); + match(AUTO_REFRESH); + setState(6447); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6446); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6449); + match(OFF); + } + break; + case 30: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 30); + { + setState(6450); + match(AUTO_REFRESH); + setState(6452); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6451); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6454); + match(IMMEDIATE); + } + break; + case 31: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 31); + { + setState(6455); + match(AUTO_REFRESH); + setState(6457); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6456); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6459); + match(INTERVAL); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Parallel_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PARALLEL() { return getToken(OBParser.PARALLEL, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOPARALLEL() { return getToken(OBParser.NOPARALLEL, 0); } + public Parallel_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_parallel_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterParallel_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitParallel_option(this); + } + } + + public final Parallel_optionContext parallel_option() throws RecognitionException { + Parallel_optionContext _localctx = new Parallel_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 460, RULE_parallel_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(6468); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case PARALLEL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6462); + match(PARALLEL); + setState(6464); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6463); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6466); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case NOPARALLEL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6467); + match(NOPARALLEL); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Storage_options_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List storage_option() { + return getRuleContexts(Storage_optionContext.class); + } + public Storage_optionContext storage_option(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Storage_optionContext.class,i); + } + public Storage_options_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_storage_options_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterStorage_options_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitStorage_options_list(this); + } + } + + public final Storage_options_listContext storage_options_list() throws RecognitionException { + Storage_options_listContext _localctx = new Storage_options_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 462, RULE_storage_options_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6471); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + do { + { + { + setState(6470); + storage_option(); + } + } + setState(6473); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } while ( _la==INITIAL_ || _la==MAXEXTENTS || _la==NEXT || _la==MINEXTENTS ); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Storage_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INITIAL_() { return getToken(OBParser.INITIAL_, 0); } + public Size_optionContext size_option() { + return getRuleContext(Size_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.NEXT, 0); } + public TerminalNode MINEXTENTS() { return getToken(OBParser.MINEXTENTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAXEXTENTS() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXEXTENTS, 0); } + public Int_or_unlimitedContext int_or_unlimited() { + return getRuleContext(Int_or_unlimitedContext.class,0); + } + public Storage_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_storage_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterStorage_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitStorage_option(this); + } + } + + public final Storage_optionContext storage_option() throws RecognitionException { + Storage_optionContext _localctx = new Storage_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 464, RULE_storage_option); + try { + setState(6483); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case INITIAL_: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6475); + match(INITIAL_); + setState(6476); + size_option(); + } + break; + case NEXT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6477); + match(NEXT); + setState(6478); + size_option(); + } + break; + case MINEXTENTS: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(6479); + match(MINEXTENTS); + setState(6480); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case MAXEXTENTS: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(6481); + match(MAXEXTENTS); + setState(6482); + int_or_unlimited(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Size_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public Unit_of_sizeContext unit_of_size() { + return getRuleContext(Unit_of_sizeContext.class,0); + } + public Size_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_size_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSize_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSize_option(this); + } + } + + public final Size_optionContext size_option() throws RecognitionException { + Size_optionContext _localctx = new Size_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 466, RULE_size_option); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6485); + match(INTNUM); + setState(6487); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE))) != 0)) { + { + setState(6486); + unit_of_size(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Int_or_unlimitedContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNLIMITED() { return getToken(OBParser.UNLIMITED, 0); } + public Int_or_unlimitedContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_int_or_unlimited; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInt_or_unlimited(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInt_or_unlimited(this); + } + } + + public final Int_or_unlimitedContext int_or_unlimited() throws RecognitionException { + Int_or_unlimitedContext _localctx = new Int_or_unlimitedContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 468, RULE_int_or_unlimited); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6489); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==UNLIMITED || _la==INTNUM) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Unit_of_sizeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode K_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.K_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode M_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.M_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode G_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.G_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode T_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.T_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode P_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.P_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode E_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.E_SIZE, 0); } + public Unit_of_sizeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unit_of_size; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUnit_of_size(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUnit_of_size(this); + } + } + + public final Unit_of_sizeContext unit_of_size() throws RecognitionException { + Unit_of_sizeContext _localctx = new Unit_of_sizeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 470, RULE_unit_of_size); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6491); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE))) != 0)) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Relation_name_or_stringContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public Relation_name_or_stringContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_name_or_string; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_name_or_string(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_name_or_string(this); + } + } + + public final Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() throws RecognitionException { + Relation_name_or_stringContext _localctx = new Relation_name_or_stringContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 472, RULE_relation_name_or_string); + try { + setState(6495); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6493); + relation_name(); + } + break; + case STRING_VALUE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6494); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_equal_markContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Opt_equal_markContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_equal_mark; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_equal_mark(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_equal_mark(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_equal_markContext opt_equal_mark() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_equal_markContext _localctx = new Opt_equal_markContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 474, RULE_opt_equal_mark); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6498); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6497); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Partition_option_innerContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Hash_partition_optionContext hash_partition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Hash_partition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Range_partition_optionContext range_partition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Range_partition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public List_partition_optionContext list_partition_option() { + return getRuleContext(List_partition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public External_table_partition_optionContext external_table_partition_option() { + return getRuleContext(External_table_partition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Partition_option_innerContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_partition_option_inner; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPartition_option_inner(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPartition_option_inner(this); + } + } + + public final Partition_option_innerContext partition_option_inner() throws RecognitionException { + Partition_option_innerContext _localctx = new Partition_option_innerContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 476, RULE_partition_option_inner); + try { + setState(6504); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,575,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6500); + hash_partition_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6501); + range_partition_option(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(6502); + list_partition_option(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(6503); + external_table_partition_option(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class External_table_partition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public External_table_partition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_external_table_partition_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExternal_table_partition_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExternal_table_partition_option(this); + } + } + + public final External_table_partition_optionContext external_table_partition_option() throws RecognitionException { + External_table_partition_optionContext _localctx = new External_table_partition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 478, RULE_external_table_partition_option); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6506); + match(PARTITION); + setState(6507); + match(BY); + setState(6508); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6509); + column_name_list(); + setState(6510); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Auto_partition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Auto_partition_typeContext auto_partition_type() { + return getRuleContext(Auto_partition_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.SIZE, 0); } + public Partition_sizeContext partition_size() { + return getRuleContext(Partition_sizeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PARTITIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITIONS, 0); } + public TerminalNode AUTO() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTO, 0); } + public Auto_partition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_auto_partition_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAuto_partition_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAuto_partition_option(this); + } + } + + public final Auto_partition_optionContext auto_partition_option() throws RecognitionException { + Auto_partition_optionContext _localctx = new Auto_partition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 480, RULE_auto_partition_option); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6512); + auto_partition_type(); + setState(6513); + match(PARTITION); + setState(6514); + match(SIZE); + setState(6515); + partition_size(); + setState(6516); + match(PARTITIONS); + setState(6517); + match(AUTO); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Column_group_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } + public TerminalNode EACH() { return getToken(OBParser.EACH, 0); } + public TerminalNode COLUMN() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Column_group_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_group_element; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_group_element(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_group_element(this); + } + } + + public final Column_group_elementContext column_group_element() throws RecognitionException { + Column_group_elementContext _localctx = new Column_group_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 482, RULE_column_group_element); + try { + setState(6528); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,576,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6519); + match(ALL); + setState(6520); + match(COLUMNS); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6521); + match(EACH); + setState(6522); + match(COLUMN); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(6523); + relation_name(); + setState(6524); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6525); + column_name_list(); + setState(6526); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Column_group_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List column_group_element() { + return getRuleContexts(Column_group_elementContext.class); + } + public Column_group_elementContext column_group_element(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Column_group_elementContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Column_group_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_group_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_group_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_group_list(this); + } + } + + public final Column_group_listContext column_group_list() throws RecognitionException { + Column_group_listContext _localctx = new Column_group_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 484, RULE_column_group_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6530); + column_group_element(); + setState(6535); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(6531); + match(Comma); + setState(6532); + column_group_element(); + } + } + setState(6537); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class With_column_groupContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode WITH_COLUMN_GROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH_COLUMN_GROUP, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_group_listContext column_group_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_group_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public With_column_groupContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_with_column_group; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWith_column_group(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWith_column_group(this); + } + } + + public final With_column_groupContext with_column_group() throws RecognitionException { + With_column_groupContext _localctx = new With_column_groupContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 486, RULE_with_column_group); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6538); + match(WITH_COLUMN_GROUP); + setState(6539); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6540); + column_group_list(); + setState(6541); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Partition_sizeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Conf_constContext conf_const() { + return getRuleContext(Conf_constContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode AUTO() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTO, 0); } + public Partition_sizeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_partition_size; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPartition_size(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPartition_size(this); + } + } + + public final Partition_sizeContext partition_size() throws RecognitionException { + Partition_sizeContext _localctx = new Partition_sizeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 488, RULE_partition_size); + try { + setState(6545); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NULLX: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case TIMESTAMP_VALUE: + case APPROXNUM: + case INTNUM: + case DECIMAL_VAL: + case BOOL_VALUE: + case DATE_VALUE: + case Minus: + case SYSTEM_VARIABLE: + case STRING_VALUE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6543); + conf_const(); + } + break; + case AUTO: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6544); + match(AUTO); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Auto_partition_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Auto_range_typeContext auto_range_type() { + return getRuleContext(Auto_range_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Auto_partition_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_auto_partition_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAuto_partition_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAuto_partition_type(this); + } + } + + public final Auto_partition_typeContext auto_partition_type() throws RecognitionException { + Auto_partition_typeContext _localctx = new Auto_partition_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 490, RULE_auto_partition_type); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6547); + auto_range_type(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Auto_range_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode RANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.RANGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public Auto_range_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_auto_range_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAuto_range_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAuto_range_type(this); + } + } + + public final Auto_range_typeContext auto_range_type() throws RecognitionException { + Auto_range_typeContext _localctx = new Auto_range_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 492, RULE_auto_range_type); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6549); + match(PARTITION); + setState(6550); + match(BY); + setState(6551); + match(RANGE); + setState(6552); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6554); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ROWID - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { + { + setState(6553); + column_name_list(); + } + } + + setState(6556); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Partition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Partition_option_innerContext partition_option_inner() { + return getRuleContext(Partition_option_innerContext.class,0); + } + public Partition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_partition_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPartition_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPartition_option(this); + } + } + + public final Partition_optionContext partition_option() throws RecognitionException { + Partition_optionContext _localctx = new Partition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 494, RULE_partition_option); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6558); + partition_option_inner(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Hash_partition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.HASH, 0); } + public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); + } + public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } + public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); + } + public Subpartition_optionContext subpartition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Subpartition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PARTITIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITIONS, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public Hash_partition_listContext hash_partition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Hash_partition_listContext.class,0); + } + public Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext hash_partition_attributes_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public Hash_partition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hash_partition_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHash_partition_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHash_partition_option(this); + } + } + + public final Hash_partition_optionContext hash_partition_option() throws RecognitionException { + Hash_partition_optionContext _localctx = new Hash_partition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 496, RULE_hash_partition_option); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6560); + match(PARTITION); + setState(6561); + match(BY); + setState(6562); + match(HASH); + setState(6563); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6564); + column_name_list(); + setState(6565); + match(RightParen); + setState(6567); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SUBPARTITION) { + { + setState(6566); + subpartition_option(); + } + } + + setState(6571); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PARTITIONS) { + { + setState(6569); + match(PARTITIONS); + setState(6570); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + + setState(6577); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(6573); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6574); + hash_partition_list(); + setState(6575); + match(RightParen); + } + } + + setState(6580); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMPRESS || _la==NOCOMPRESS || _la==TABLESPACE) { + { + setState(6579); + hash_partition_attributes_option_list(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode TABLESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLESPACE, 0); } + public TablespaceContext tablespace() { + return getRuleContext(TablespaceContext.class,0); + } + public Compress_optionContext compress_option() { + return getRuleContext(Compress_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hash_partition_attributes_option_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHash_partition_attributes_option_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHash_partition_attributes_option_list(this); + } + } + + public final Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext hash_partition_attributes_option_list() throws RecognitionException { + Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext _localctx = new Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 498, RULE_hash_partition_attributes_option_list); + try { + setState(6589); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,584,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6582); + match(TABLESPACE); + setState(6583); + tablespace(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6584); + compress_option(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(6585); + match(TABLESPACE); + setState(6586); + tablespace(); + setState(6587); + compress_option(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class List_partition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.LIST, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Opt_list_partition_listContext opt_list_partition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_list_partition_listContext.class,0); + } + public Subpartition_optionContext subpartition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Subpartition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public List_partition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_list_partition_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterList_partition_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitList_partition_option(this); + } + } + + public final List_partition_optionContext list_partition_option() throws RecognitionException { + List_partition_optionContext _localctx = new List_partition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 500, RULE_list_partition_option); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6591); + match(PARTITION); + setState(6592); + match(BY); + setState(6593); + match(LIST); + setState(6594); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6595); + column_name_list(); + setState(6596); + match(RightParen); + setState(6598); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SUBPARTITION) { + { + setState(6597); + subpartition_option(); + } + } + + setState(6600); + opt_list_partition_list(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Range_partition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode RANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.RANGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Opt_range_partition_listContext opt_range_partition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_range_partition_listContext.class,0); + } + public Interval_optionContext interval_option() { + return getRuleContext(Interval_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Subpartition_optionContext subpartition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Subpartition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Range_partition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_range_partition_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRange_partition_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRange_partition_option(this); + } + } + + public final Range_partition_optionContext range_partition_option() throws RecognitionException { + Range_partition_optionContext _localctx = new Range_partition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 502, RULE_range_partition_option); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6602); + match(PARTITION); + setState(6603); + match(BY); + setState(6604); + match(RANGE); + setState(6605); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6606); + column_name_list(); + setState(6607); + match(RightParen); + setState(6609); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==INTERVAL) { + { + setState(6608); + interval_option(); + } + } + + setState(6612); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SUBPARTITION) { + { + setState(6611); + subpartition_option(); + } + } + + setState(6614); + opt_range_partition_list(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Interval_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTERVAL() { return getToken(OBParser.INTERVAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Interval_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_interval_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInterval_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInterval_option(this); + } + } + + public final Interval_optionContext interval_option() throws RecognitionException { + Interval_optionContext _localctx = new Interval_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 504, RULE_interval_option); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6616); + match(INTERVAL); + setState(6617); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6618); + bit_expr(0); + setState(6619); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Subpartition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Subpartition_template_optionContext subpartition_template_option() { + return getRuleContext(Subpartition_template_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Subpartition_individual_optionContext subpartition_individual_option() { + return getRuleContext(Subpartition_individual_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Subpartition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_subpartition_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSubpartition_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSubpartition_option(this); + } + } + + public final Subpartition_optionContext subpartition_option() throws RecognitionException { + Subpartition_optionContext _localctx = new Subpartition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 506, RULE_subpartition_option); + try { + setState(6623); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,588,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6621); + subpartition_template_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6622); + subpartition_individual_option(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Subpartition_template_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List SUBPARTITION() { return getTokens(OBParser.SUBPARTITION); } + public TerminalNode SUBPARTITION(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITION, i); + } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.HASH, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode TEMPLATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TEMPLATE, 0); } + public Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext opt_hash_subpartition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.RANGE, 0); } + public Opt_range_subpartition_listContext opt_range_subpartition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_range_subpartition_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.LIST, 0); } + public Opt_list_subpartition_listContext opt_list_subpartition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_list_subpartition_listContext.class,0); + } + public Subpartition_template_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_subpartition_template_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSubpartition_template_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSubpartition_template_option(this); + } + } + + public final Subpartition_template_optionContext subpartition_template_option() throws RecognitionException { + Subpartition_template_optionContext _localctx = new Subpartition_template_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 508, RULE_subpartition_template_option); + try { + setState(6655); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,589,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6625); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(6626); + match(BY); + setState(6627); + match(HASH); + setState(6628); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6629); + column_name_list(); + setState(6630); + match(RightParen); + setState(6631); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(6632); + match(TEMPLATE); + setState(6633); + opt_hash_subpartition_list(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6635); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(6636); + match(BY); + setState(6637); + match(RANGE); + setState(6638); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6639); + column_name_list(); + setState(6640); + match(RightParen); + setState(6641); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(6642); + match(TEMPLATE); + setState(6643); + opt_range_subpartition_list(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(6645); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(6646); + match(BY); + setState(6647); + match(LIST); + setState(6648); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6649); + column_name_list(); + setState(6650); + match(RightParen); + setState(6651); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(6652); + match(TEMPLATE); + setState(6653); + opt_list_subpartition_list(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Subpartition_individual_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SUBPARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.HASH, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUBPARTITIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITIONS, 0); } + public Hash_subpartition_quantityContext hash_subpartition_quantity() { + return getRuleContext(Hash_subpartition_quantityContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.RANGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.LIST, 0); } + public Subpartition_individual_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_subpartition_individual_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSubpartition_individual_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSubpartition_individual_option(this); + } + } + + public final Subpartition_individual_optionContext subpartition_individual_option() throws RecognitionException { + Subpartition_individual_optionContext _localctx = new Subpartition_individual_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 510, RULE_subpartition_individual_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(6681); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,591,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6657); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(6658); + match(BY); + setState(6659); + match(HASH); + setState(6660); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6661); + column_name_list(); + setState(6662); + match(RightParen); + setState(6665); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SUBPARTITIONS) { + { + setState(6663); + match(SUBPARTITIONS); + setState(6664); + hash_subpartition_quantity(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6667); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(6668); + match(BY); + setState(6669); + match(RANGE); + setState(6670); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6671); + column_name_list(); + setState(6672); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(6674); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(6675); + match(BY); + setState(6676); + match(LIST); + setState(6677); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6678); + column_name_list(); + setState(6679); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Aux_column_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List vertical_column_name() { + return getRuleContexts(Vertical_column_nameContext.class); + } + public Vertical_column_nameContext vertical_column_name(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Vertical_column_nameContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Aux_column_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_aux_column_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAux_column_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAux_column_list(this); + } + } + + public final Aux_column_listContext aux_column_list() throws RecognitionException { + Aux_column_listContext _localctx = new Aux_column_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 512, RULE_aux_column_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6683); + vertical_column_name(); + setState(6688); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(6684); + match(Comma); + setState(6685); + vertical_column_name(); + } + } + setState(6690); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Vertical_column_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Vertical_column_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_vertical_column_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterVertical_column_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitVertical_column_name(this); + } + } + + public final Vertical_column_nameContext vertical_column_name() throws RecognitionException { + Vertical_column_nameContext _localctx = new Vertical_column_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 514, RULE_vertical_column_name); + try { + setState(6696); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ROWID: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6691); + column_name(); + } + break; + case LeftParen: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6692); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6693); + column_name_list(); + setState(6694); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Hash_partition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List hash_partition_element() { + return getRuleContexts(Hash_partition_elementContext.class); + } + public Hash_partition_elementContext hash_partition_element(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Hash_partition_elementContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Hash_partition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hash_partition_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHash_partition_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHash_partition_list(this); + } + } + + public final Hash_partition_listContext hash_partition_list() throws RecognitionException { + Hash_partition_listContext _localctx = new Hash_partition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 516, RULE_hash_partition_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6698); + hash_partition_element(); + setState(6703); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(6699); + match(Comma); + setState(6700); + hash_partition_element(); + } + } + setState(6705); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Hash_partition_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ID() { return getToken(OBParser.ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext hash_partition_attributes_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public Subpartition_listContext subpartition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Subpartition_listContext.class,0); + } + public Hash_partition_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hash_partition_element; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHash_partition_element(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHash_partition_element(this); + } + } + + public final Hash_partition_elementContext hash_partition_element() throws RecognitionException { + Hash_partition_elementContext _localctx = new Hash_partition_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 518, RULE_hash_partition_element); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6706); + match(PARTITION); + setState(6708); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,595,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(6707); + relation_factor(); + } + break; + } + setState(6712); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ID) { + { + setState(6710); + match(ID); + setState(6711); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + + setState(6715); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMPRESS || _la==NOCOMPRESS || _la==TABLESPACE) { + { + setState(6714); + hash_partition_attributes_option_list(); + } + } + + setState(6718); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(6717); + subpartition_list(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_range_partition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Range_partition_listContext range_partition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Range_partition_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Opt_range_partition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_range_partition_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_range_partition_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_range_partition_list(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_range_partition_listContext opt_range_partition_list() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_range_partition_listContext _localctx = new Opt_range_partition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 520, RULE_opt_range_partition_list); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6720); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6721); + range_partition_list(); + setState(6722); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Range_partition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List range_partition_element() { + return getRuleContexts(Range_partition_elementContext.class); + } + public Range_partition_elementContext range_partition_element(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Range_partition_elementContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Range_partition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_range_partition_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRange_partition_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRange_partition_list(this); + } + } + + public final Range_partition_listContext range_partition_list() throws RecognitionException { + Range_partition_listContext _localctx = new Range_partition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 522, RULE_range_partition_list); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6724); + range_partition_element(); + setState(6729); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,599,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + { + { + setState(6725); + match(Comma); + setState(6726); + range_partition_element(); + } + } + } + setState(6731); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,599,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Partition_attributes_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Physical_attributes_option_listContext physical_attributes_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Physical_attributes_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public Compress_optionContext compress_option() { + return getRuleContext(Compress_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Partition_attributes_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_partition_attributes_option_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPartition_attributes_option_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPartition_attributes_option_list(this); + } + } + + public final Partition_attributes_option_listContext partition_attributes_option_list() throws RecognitionException { + Partition_attributes_option_listContext _localctx = new Partition_attributes_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 524, RULE_partition_attributes_option_list); + try { + setState(6737); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,600,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6732); + physical_attributes_option_list(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6733); + compress_option(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(6734); + physical_attributes_option_list(); + setState(6735); + compress_option(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Range_partition_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } + public TerminalNode LESS() { return getToken(OBParser.LESS, 0); } + public TerminalNode THAN() { return getToken(OBParser.THAN, 0); } + public Range_partition_exprContext range_partition_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Range_partition_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ID() { return getToken(OBParser.ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public Partition_attributes_option_listContext partition_attributes_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Partition_attributes_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public Subpartition_listContext subpartition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Subpartition_listContext.class,0); + } + public Range_partition_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_range_partition_element; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRange_partition_element(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRange_partition_element(this); + } + } + + public final Range_partition_elementContext range_partition_element() throws RecognitionException { + Range_partition_elementContext _localctx = new Range_partition_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 526, RULE_range_partition_element); + int _la; + try { + setState(6770); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,607,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6739); + match(PARTITION); + setState(6740); + relation_factor(); + setState(6741); + match(VALUES); + setState(6742); + match(LESS); + setState(6743); + match(THAN); + setState(6744); + range_partition_expr(); + setState(6747); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ID) { + { + setState(6745); + match(ID); + setState(6746); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + + setState(6750); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMPRESS || _la==NOCOMPRESS || _la==PCTFREE || _la==PCTUSED || _la==MAXTRANS || _la==STORAGE || _la==TABLESPACE || _la==INITRANS) { + { + setState(6749); + partition_attributes_option_list(); + } + } + + setState(6753); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(6752); + subpartition_list(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6755); + match(PARTITION); + setState(6756); + match(VALUES); + setState(6757); + match(LESS); + setState(6758); + match(THAN); + setState(6759); + range_partition_expr(); + setState(6762); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ID) { + { + setState(6760); + match(ID); + setState(6761); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + + setState(6765); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMPRESS || _la==NOCOMPRESS || _la==PCTFREE || _la==PCTUSED || _la==MAXTRANS || _la==STORAGE || _la==TABLESPACE || _la==INITRANS) { + { + setState(6764); + partition_attributes_option_list(); + } + } + + setState(6768); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(6767); + subpartition_list(); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_list_partition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public List_partition_listContext list_partition_list() { + return getRuleContext(List_partition_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Opt_list_partition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_list_partition_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_list_partition_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_list_partition_list(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_list_partition_listContext opt_list_partition_list() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_list_partition_listContext _localctx = new Opt_list_partition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 528, RULE_opt_list_partition_list); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6772); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6773); + list_partition_list(); + setState(6774); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class List_partition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List list_partition_element() { + return getRuleContexts(List_partition_elementContext.class); + } + public List_partition_elementContext list_partition_element(int i) { + return getRuleContext(List_partition_elementContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public List_partition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_list_partition_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterList_partition_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitList_partition_list(this); + } + } + + public final List_partition_listContext list_partition_list() throws RecognitionException { + List_partition_listContext _localctx = new List_partition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 530, RULE_list_partition_list); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6776); + list_partition_element(); + setState(6781); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,608,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + { + { + setState(6777); + match(Comma); + setState(6778); + list_partition_element(); + } + } + } + setState(6783); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,608,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class List_partition_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } + public List_partition_exprContext list_partition_expr() { + return getRuleContext(List_partition_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ID() { return getToken(OBParser.ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public Partition_attributes_option_listContext partition_attributes_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Partition_attributes_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public Subpartition_listContext subpartition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Subpartition_listContext.class,0); + } + public List_partition_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_list_partition_element; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterList_partition_element(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitList_partition_element(this); + } + } + + public final List_partition_elementContext list_partition_element() throws RecognitionException { + List_partition_elementContext _localctx = new List_partition_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 532, RULE_list_partition_element); + int _la; + try { + setState(6811); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,615,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6784); + match(PARTITION); + setState(6785); + relation_factor(); + setState(6786); + match(VALUES); + setState(6787); + list_partition_expr(); + setState(6790); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ID) { + { + setState(6788); + match(ID); + setState(6789); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + + setState(6793); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMPRESS || _la==NOCOMPRESS || _la==PCTFREE || _la==PCTUSED || _la==MAXTRANS || _la==STORAGE || _la==TABLESPACE || _la==INITRANS) { + { + setState(6792); + partition_attributes_option_list(); + } + } + + setState(6796); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(6795); + subpartition_list(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6798); + match(PARTITION); + setState(6799); + match(VALUES); + setState(6800); + list_partition_expr(); + setState(6803); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ID) { + { + setState(6801); + match(ID); + setState(6802); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + + setState(6806); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMPRESS || _la==NOCOMPRESS || _la==PCTFREE || _la==PCTUSED || _la==MAXTRANS || _la==STORAGE || _la==TABLESPACE || _la==INITRANS) { + { + setState(6805); + partition_attributes_option_list(); + } + } + + setState(6809); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(6808); + subpartition_list(); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Subpartition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext opt_hash_subpartition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_range_subpartition_listContext opt_range_subpartition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_range_subpartition_listContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_list_subpartition_listContext opt_list_subpartition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_list_subpartition_listContext.class,0); + } + public Subpartition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_subpartition_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSubpartition_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSubpartition_list(this); + } + } + + public final Subpartition_listContext subpartition_list() throws RecognitionException { + Subpartition_listContext _localctx = new Subpartition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 534, RULE_subpartition_list); + try { + setState(6816); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,616,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6813); + opt_hash_subpartition_list(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6814); + opt_range_subpartition_list(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(6815); + opt_list_subpartition_list(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Hash_subpartition_listContext hash_subpartition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Hash_subpartition_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_hash_subpartition_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_hash_subpartition_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_hash_subpartition_list(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext opt_hash_subpartition_list() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext _localctx = new Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 536, RULE_opt_hash_subpartition_list); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6818); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6819); + hash_subpartition_list(); + setState(6820); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Hash_subpartition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List hash_subpartition_element() { + return getRuleContexts(Hash_subpartition_elementContext.class); + } + public Hash_subpartition_elementContext hash_subpartition_element(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Hash_subpartition_elementContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Hash_subpartition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hash_subpartition_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHash_subpartition_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHash_subpartition_list(this); + } + } + + public final Hash_subpartition_listContext hash_subpartition_list() throws RecognitionException { + Hash_subpartition_listContext _localctx = new Hash_subpartition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 538, RULE_hash_subpartition_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6822); + hash_subpartition_element(); + setState(6827); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(6823); + match(Comma); + setState(6824); + hash_subpartition_element(); + } + } + setState(6829); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Hash_subpartition_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SUBPARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITION, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Physical_attributes_option_listContext physical_attributes_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Physical_attributes_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public Hash_subpartition_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hash_subpartition_element; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHash_subpartition_element(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHash_subpartition_element(this); + } + } + + public final Hash_subpartition_elementContext hash_subpartition_element() throws RecognitionException { + Hash_subpartition_elementContext _localctx = new Hash_subpartition_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 540, RULE_hash_subpartition_element); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6830); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(6831); + relation_factor(); + setState(6833); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PCTFREE || _la==PCTUSED || _la==MAXTRANS || _la==STORAGE || _la==TABLESPACE || _la==INITRANS) { + { + setState(6832); + physical_attributes_option_list(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_range_subpartition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Range_subpartition_listContext range_subpartition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Range_subpartition_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Opt_range_subpartition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_range_subpartition_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_range_subpartition_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_range_subpartition_list(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_range_subpartition_listContext opt_range_subpartition_list() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_range_subpartition_listContext _localctx = new Opt_range_subpartition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 542, RULE_opt_range_subpartition_list); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6835); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6836); + range_subpartition_list(); + setState(6837); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Range_subpartition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List range_subpartition_element() { + return getRuleContexts(Range_subpartition_elementContext.class); + } + public Range_subpartition_elementContext range_subpartition_element(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Range_subpartition_elementContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Range_subpartition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_range_subpartition_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRange_subpartition_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRange_subpartition_list(this); + } + } + + public final Range_subpartition_listContext range_subpartition_list() throws RecognitionException { + Range_subpartition_listContext _localctx = new Range_subpartition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 544, RULE_range_subpartition_list); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6839); + range_subpartition_element(); + setState(6844); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,619,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + { + { + setState(6840); + match(Comma); + setState(6841); + range_subpartition_element(); + } + } + } + setState(6846); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,619,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Range_subpartition_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SUBPARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITION, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } + public TerminalNode LESS() { return getToken(OBParser.LESS, 0); } + public TerminalNode THAN() { return getToken(OBParser.THAN, 0); } + public Range_partition_exprContext range_partition_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Range_partition_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Physical_attributes_option_listContext physical_attributes_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Physical_attributes_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public Range_subpartition_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_range_subpartition_element; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRange_subpartition_element(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRange_subpartition_element(this); + } + } + + public final Range_subpartition_elementContext range_subpartition_element() throws RecognitionException { + Range_subpartition_elementContext _localctx = new Range_subpartition_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 546, RULE_range_subpartition_element); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6847); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(6848); + relation_factor(); + setState(6849); + match(VALUES); + setState(6850); + match(LESS); + setState(6851); + match(THAN); + setState(6852); + range_partition_expr(); + setState(6854); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PCTFREE || _la==PCTUSED || _la==MAXTRANS || _la==STORAGE || _la==TABLESPACE || _la==INITRANS) { + { + setState(6853); + physical_attributes_option_list(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_list_subpartition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public List_subpartition_listContext list_subpartition_list() { + return getRuleContext(List_subpartition_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Opt_list_subpartition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_list_subpartition_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_list_subpartition_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_list_subpartition_list(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_list_subpartition_listContext opt_list_subpartition_list() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_list_subpartition_listContext _localctx = new Opt_list_subpartition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 548, RULE_opt_list_subpartition_list); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6856); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6857); + list_subpartition_list(); + setState(6858); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class List_subpartition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List list_subpartition_element() { + return getRuleContexts(List_subpartition_elementContext.class); + } + public List_subpartition_elementContext list_subpartition_element(int i) { + return getRuleContext(List_subpartition_elementContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public List_subpartition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_list_subpartition_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterList_subpartition_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitList_subpartition_list(this); + } + } + + public final List_subpartition_listContext list_subpartition_list() throws RecognitionException { + List_subpartition_listContext _localctx = new List_subpartition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 550, RULE_list_subpartition_list); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6860); + list_subpartition_element(); + setState(6865); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,621,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + { + { + setState(6861); + match(Comma); + setState(6862); + list_subpartition_element(); + } + } + } + setState(6867); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,621,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class List_subpartition_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SUBPARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITION, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } + public List_partition_exprContext list_partition_expr() { + return getRuleContext(List_partition_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Physical_attributes_option_listContext physical_attributes_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Physical_attributes_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public List_subpartition_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_list_subpartition_element; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterList_subpartition_element(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitList_subpartition_element(this); + } + } + + public final List_subpartition_elementContext list_subpartition_element() throws RecognitionException { + List_subpartition_elementContext _localctx = new List_subpartition_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 552, RULE_list_subpartition_element); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6868); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(6869); + relation_factor(); + setState(6870); + match(VALUES); + setState(6871); + list_partition_expr(); + setState(6873); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PCTFREE || _la==PCTUSED || _la==MAXTRANS || _la==STORAGE || _la==TABLESPACE || _la==INITRANS) { + { + setState(6872); + physical_attributes_option_list(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class List_partition_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public List_exprContext list_expr() { + return getRuleContext(List_exprContext.class,0); + } + public List_partition_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_list_partition_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterList_partition_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitList_partition_expr(this); + } + } + + public final List_partition_exprContext list_partition_expr() throws RecognitionException { + List_partition_exprContext _localctx = new List_partition_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 554, RULE_list_partition_expr); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6875); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6878); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,623,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(6876); + match(DEFAULT); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(6877); + list_expr(); + } + break; + } + setState(6880); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class List_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List bit_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public List_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_list_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterList_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitList_expr(this); + } + } + + public final List_exprContext list_expr() throws RecognitionException { + List_exprContext _localctx = new List_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 556, RULE_list_expr); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6882); + bit_expr(0); + setState(6887); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(6883); + match(Comma); + setState(6884); + bit_expr(0); + } + } + setState(6889); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Physical_attributes_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List physical_attributes_option() { + return getRuleContexts(Physical_attributes_optionContext.class); + } + public Physical_attributes_optionContext physical_attributes_option(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Physical_attributes_optionContext.class,i); + } + public Physical_attributes_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_physical_attributes_option_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPhysical_attributes_option_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPhysical_attributes_option_list(this); + } + } + + public final Physical_attributes_option_listContext physical_attributes_option_list() throws RecognitionException { + Physical_attributes_option_listContext _localctx = new Physical_attributes_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 558, RULE_physical_attributes_option_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6891); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + do { + { + { + setState(6890); + physical_attributes_option(); + } + } + setState(6893); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } while ( _la==PCTFREE || _la==PCTUSED || _la==MAXTRANS || _la==STORAGE || _la==TABLESPACE || _la==INITRANS ); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Physical_attributes_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PCTFREE() { return getToken(OBParser.PCTFREE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode PCTUSED() { return getToken(OBParser.PCTUSED, 0); } + public TerminalNode INITRANS() { return getToken(OBParser.INITRANS, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAXTRANS() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXTRANS, 0); } + public TerminalNode STORAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.STORAGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Storage_options_listContext storage_options_list() { + return getRuleContext(Storage_options_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLESPACE, 0); } + public TablespaceContext tablespace() { + return getRuleContext(TablespaceContext.class,0); + } + public Physical_attributes_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_physical_attributes_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPhysical_attributes_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPhysical_attributes_option(this); + } + } + + public final Physical_attributes_optionContext physical_attributes_option() throws RecognitionException { + Physical_attributes_optionContext _localctx = new Physical_attributes_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 560, RULE_physical_attributes_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(6913); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case PCTFREE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6895); + match(PCTFREE); + setState(6897); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(6896); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(6899); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case PCTUSED: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6900); + match(PCTUSED); + setState(6901); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case INITRANS: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(6902); + match(INITRANS); + setState(6903); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case MAXTRANS: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(6904); + match(MAXTRANS); + setState(6905); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case STORAGE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(6906); + match(STORAGE); + setState(6907); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6908); + storage_options_list(); + setState(6909); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case TABLESPACE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(6911); + match(TABLESPACE); + setState(6912); + tablespace(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_special_partition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Special_partition_listContext special_partition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Special_partition_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Opt_special_partition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_special_partition_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_special_partition_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_special_partition_list(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_special_partition_listContext opt_special_partition_list() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_special_partition_listContext _localctx = new Opt_special_partition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 562, RULE_opt_special_partition_list); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6915); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6916); + special_partition_list(); + setState(6917); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Special_partition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List special_partition_define() { + return getRuleContexts(Special_partition_defineContext.class); + } + public Special_partition_defineContext special_partition_define(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Special_partition_defineContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Special_partition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_special_partition_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSpecial_partition_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSpecial_partition_list(this); + } + } + + public final Special_partition_listContext special_partition_list() throws RecognitionException { + Special_partition_listContext _localctx = new Special_partition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 564, RULE_special_partition_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6919); + special_partition_define(); + setState(6924); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(6920); + match(Comma); + setState(6921); + special_partition_define(); + } + } + setState(6926); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Special_partition_defineContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode ID() { return getToken(OBParser.ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Special_partition_defineContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_special_partition_define; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSpecial_partition_define(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSpecial_partition_define(this); + } + } + + public final Special_partition_defineContext special_partition_define() throws RecognitionException { + Special_partition_defineContext _localctx = new Special_partition_defineContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 566, RULE_special_partition_define); + int _la; + try { + setState(6938); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,631,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6927); + match(PARTITION); + setState(6930); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ID) { + { + setState(6928); + match(ID); + setState(6929); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6932); + match(PARTITION); + setState(6933); + relation_factor(); + setState(6936); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ID) { + { + setState(6934); + match(ID); + setState(6935); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Range_partition_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Range_expr_listContext range_expr_list() { + return getRuleContext(Range_expr_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Range_partition_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_range_partition_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRange_partition_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRange_partition_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Range_partition_exprContext range_partition_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Range_partition_exprContext _localctx = new Range_partition_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 568, RULE_range_partition_expr); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6940); + match(LeftParen); + setState(6941); + range_expr_list(); + setState(6942); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Range_expr_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List range_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Range_exprContext.class); + } + public Range_exprContext range_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Range_exprContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Range_expr_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_range_expr_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRange_expr_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRange_expr_list(this); + } + } + + public final Range_expr_listContext range_expr_list() throws RecognitionException { + Range_expr_listContext _localctx = new Range_expr_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 570, RULE_range_expr_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6944); + range_expr(); + setState(6949); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(6945); + match(Comma); + setState(6946); + range_expr(); + } + } + setState(6951); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Range_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public LiteralContext literal() { + return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Plus() { return getToken(OBParser.Plus, 0); } + public TerminalNode Minus() { return getToken(OBParser.Minus, 0); } + public Access_func_exprContext access_func_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Access_func_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode MAXVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXVALUE, 0); } + public Range_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_range_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRange_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRange_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Range_exprContext range_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Range_exprContext _localctx = new Range_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 572, RULE_range_expr); + int _la; + try { + setState(6960); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,634,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6953); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Plus) { + { + setState(6952); + match(Plus); + } + } + + setState(6955); + literal(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6956); + match(Minus); + setState(6957); + literal(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(6958); + access_func_expr(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(6959); + match(MAXVALUE); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Hash_subpartition_quantityContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public Hash_subpartition_quantityContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hash_subpartition_quantity; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHash_subpartition_quantity(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHash_subpartition_quantity(this); + } + } + + public final Hash_subpartition_quantityContext hash_subpartition_quantity() throws RecognitionException { + Hash_subpartition_quantityContext _localctx = new Hash_subpartition_quantityContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 574, RULE_hash_subpartition_quantity); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6962); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Int_or_decimalContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode DECIMAL_VAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL_VAL, 0); } + public Int_or_decimalContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_int_or_decimal; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInt_or_decimal(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInt_or_decimal(this); + } + } + + public final Int_or_decimalContext int_or_decimal() throws RecognitionException { + Int_or_decimalContext _localctx = new Int_or_decimalContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 576, RULE_int_or_decimal); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6964); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==INTNUM || _la==DECIMAL_VAL) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Tg_hash_partition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.HASH, 0); } + public Tg_subpartition_optionContext tg_subpartition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Tg_subpartition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PARTITIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITIONS, 0); } + public List INTNUM() { return getTokens(OBParser.INTNUM); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, i); + } + public Tg_hash_partition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tg_hash_partition_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTg_hash_partition_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTg_hash_partition_option(this); + } + } + + public final Tg_hash_partition_optionContext tg_hash_partition_option() throws RecognitionException { + Tg_hash_partition_optionContext _localctx = new Tg_hash_partition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 578, RULE_tg_hash_partition_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(6983); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,637,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6966); + match(PARTITION); + setState(6967); + match(BY); + setState(6968); + match(HASH); + setState(6969); + tg_subpartition_option(); + setState(6972); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PARTITIONS) { + { + setState(6970); + match(PARTITIONS); + setState(6971); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(6974); + match(PARTITION); + setState(6975); + match(BY); + setState(6976); + match(HASH); + setState(6977); + match(INTNUM); + setState(6978); + tg_subpartition_option(); + setState(6981); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PARTITIONS) { + { + setState(6979); + match(PARTITIONS); + setState(6980); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Tg_range_partition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode RANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.RANGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public Tg_subpartition_optionContext tg_subpartition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Tg_subpartition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_range_partition_listContext opt_range_partition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_range_partition_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } + public Tg_range_partition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tg_range_partition_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTg_range_partition_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTg_range_partition_option(this); + } + } + + public final Tg_range_partition_optionContext tg_range_partition_option() throws RecognitionException { + Tg_range_partition_optionContext _localctx = new Tg_range_partition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 580, RULE_tg_range_partition_option); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6985); + match(PARTITION); + setState(6986); + match(BY); + setState(6987); + match(RANGE); + setState(6989); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COLUMNS) { + { + setState(6988); + match(COLUMNS); + } + } + + setState(6991); + match(INTNUM); + setState(6992); + tg_subpartition_option(); + setState(6993); + opt_range_partition_list(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Tg_list_partition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.LIST, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public Tg_subpartition_optionContext tg_subpartition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Tg_subpartition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_list_partition_listContext opt_list_partition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_list_partition_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } + public Tg_list_partition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tg_list_partition_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTg_list_partition_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTg_list_partition_option(this); + } + } + + public final Tg_list_partition_optionContext tg_list_partition_option() throws RecognitionException { + Tg_list_partition_optionContext _localctx = new Tg_list_partition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 582, RULE_tg_list_partition_option); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(6995); + match(PARTITION); + setState(6996); + match(BY); + setState(6997); + match(LIST); + setState(6999); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COLUMNS) { + { + setState(6998); + match(COLUMNS); + } + } + + setState(7001); + match(INTNUM); + setState(7002); + tg_subpartition_option(); + setState(7003); + opt_list_partition_list(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Tg_subpartition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext tg_subpartition_template_option() { + return getRuleContext(Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext tg_subpartition_individual_option() { + return getRuleContext(Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Tg_subpartition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tg_subpartition_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTg_subpartition_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTg_subpartition_option(this); + } + } + + public final Tg_subpartition_optionContext tg_subpartition_option() throws RecognitionException { + Tg_subpartition_optionContext _localctx = new Tg_subpartition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 584, RULE_tg_subpartition_option); + try { + setState(7007); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,640,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7005); + tg_subpartition_template_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7006); + tg_subpartition_individual_option(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List SUBPARTITION() { return getTokens(OBParser.SUBPARTITION); } + public TerminalNode SUBPARTITION(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITION, i); + } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode RANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.RANGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode TEMPLATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TEMPLATE, 0); } + public Opt_range_subpartition_listContext opt_range_subpartition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_range_subpartition_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } + public TerminalNode HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.HASH, 0); } + public Hash_subpartition_quantityContext hash_subpartition_quantity() { + return getRuleContext(Hash_subpartition_quantityContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.LIST, 0); } + public Opt_list_subpartition_listContext opt_list_subpartition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_list_subpartition_listContext.class,0); + } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tg_subpartition_template_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTg_subpartition_template_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTg_subpartition_template_option(this); + } + } + + public final Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext tg_subpartition_template_option() throws RecognitionException { + Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext _localctx = new Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 586, RULE_tg_subpartition_template_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(7043); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,643,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7009); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(7010); + match(BY); + setState(7011); + match(RANGE); + setState(7013); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COLUMNS) { + { + setState(7012); + match(COLUMNS); + } + } + + setState(7015); + match(INTNUM); + setState(7016); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(7017); + match(TEMPLATE); + setState(7018); + opt_range_subpartition_list(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7019); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(7020); + match(BY); + setState(7021); + match(HASH); + setState(7022); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(7023); + match(TEMPLATE); + setState(7024); + hash_subpartition_quantity(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(7025); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(7026); + match(BY); + setState(7027); + match(HASH); + setState(7028); + match(INTNUM); + setState(7029); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(7030); + match(TEMPLATE); + setState(7031); + hash_subpartition_quantity(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(7032); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(7033); + match(BY); + setState(7034); + match(LIST); + setState(7036); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COLUMNS) { + { + setState(7035); + match(COLUMNS); + } + } + + setState(7038); + match(INTNUM); + setState(7039); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(7040); + match(TEMPLATE); + setState(7041); + opt_list_subpartition_list(); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(7042); + empty(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SUBPARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.HASH, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUBPARTITIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITIONS, 0); } + public Hash_subpartition_quantityContext hash_subpartition_quantity() { + return getRuleContext(Hash_subpartition_quantityContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode RANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.RANGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } + public TerminalNode LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.LIST, 0); } + public Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tg_subpartition_individual_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTg_subpartition_individual_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTg_subpartition_individual_option(this); + } + } + + public final Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext tg_subpartition_individual_option() throws RecognitionException { + Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext _localctx = new Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 588, RULE_tg_subpartition_individual_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(7074); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,648,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7045); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(7046); + match(BY); + setState(7047); + match(HASH); + setState(7050); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SUBPARTITIONS) { + { + setState(7048); + match(SUBPARTITIONS); + setState(7049); + hash_subpartition_quantity(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7052); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(7053); + match(BY); + setState(7054); + match(HASH); + setState(7055); + match(INTNUM); + setState(7058); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SUBPARTITIONS) { + { + setState(7056); + match(SUBPARTITIONS); + setState(7057); + hash_subpartition_quantity(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(7060); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(7061); + match(BY); + setState(7062); + match(RANGE); + setState(7064); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COLUMNS) { + { + setState(7063); + match(COLUMNS); + } + } + + setState(7066); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(7067); + match(SUBPARTITION); + setState(7068); + match(BY); + setState(7069); + match(LIST); + setState(7071); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COLUMNS) { + { + setState(7070); + match(COLUMNS); + } + } + + setState(7073); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_alter_compress_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode MOVE() { return getToken(OBParser.MOVE, 0); } + public Compress_optionContext compress_option() { + return getRuleContext(Compress_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_alter_compress_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_alter_compress_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_alter_compress_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_alter_compress_option(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_alter_compress_optionContext opt_alter_compress_option() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_alter_compress_optionContext _localctx = new Opt_alter_compress_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 590, RULE_opt_alter_compress_option); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7076); + match(MOVE); + setState(7077); + compress_option(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Compress_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NOCOMPRESS() { return getToken(OBParser.NOCOMPRESS, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMPRESS() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPRESS, 0); } + public TerminalNode BASIC() { return getToken(OBParser.BASIC, 0); } + public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode OLTP() { return getToken(OBParser.OLTP, 0); } + public TerminalNode QUERY() { return getToken(OBParser.QUERY, 0); } + public Opt_compress_levelContext opt_compress_level() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_compress_levelContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ARCHIVE() { return getToken(OBParser.ARCHIVE, 0); } + public Compress_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_compress_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCompress_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCompress_option(this); + } + } + + public final Compress_optionContext compress_option() throws RecognitionException { + Compress_optionContext _localctx = new Compress_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 592, RULE_compress_option); + try { + setState(7092); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NOCOMPRESS: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7079); + match(NOCOMPRESS); + } + break; + case COMPRESS: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7080); + match(COMPRESS); + setState(7090); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,649,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(7081); + match(BASIC); + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(7082); + match(FOR); + setState(7083); + match(OLTP); + } + } + break; + case 3: + { + { + setState(7084); + match(FOR); + setState(7085); + match(QUERY); + setState(7086); + opt_compress_level(); + } + } + break; + case 4: + { + { + setState(7087); + match(FOR); + setState(7088); + match(ARCHIVE); + setState(7089); + opt_compress_level(); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_compress_levelContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LOW() { return getToken(OBParser.LOW, 0); } + public TerminalNode HIGH() { return getToken(OBParser.HIGH, 0); } + public Opt_compress_levelContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_compress_level; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_compress_level(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_compress_level(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_compress_levelContext opt_compress_level() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_compress_levelContext _localctx = new Opt_compress_levelContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 594, RULE_opt_compress_level); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7095); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==HIGH || _la==LOW) { + { + setState(7094); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==HIGH || _la==LOW) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class External_properties_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List external_properties() { + return getRuleContexts(External_propertiesContext.class); + } + public External_propertiesContext external_properties(int i) { + return getRuleContext(External_propertiesContext.class,i); + } + public List opt_comma() { + return getRuleContexts(Opt_commaContext.class); + } + public Opt_commaContext opt_comma(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Opt_commaContext.class,i); + } + public External_properties_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_external_properties_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExternal_properties_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExternal_properties_list(this); + } + } + + public final External_properties_listContext external_properties_list() throws RecognitionException { + External_properties_listContext _localctx = new External_properties_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 596, RULE_external_properties_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7097); + external_properties(); + setState(7103); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << ACCESSID))) != 0) || _la==TABLE_NAME || _la==SCHEMA_NAME || _la==TYPE || _la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(7098); + opt_comma(); + setState(7099); + external_properties(); + } + } + setState(7105); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class External_propertiesContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLE_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE_NAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMPRESSION_CODE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPRESSION_CODE, 0); } + public TerminalNode QUOTA_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.QUOTA_NAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode ACCESSID() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESSID, 0); } + public TerminalNode ACCESSKEY() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESSKEY, 0); } + public TerminalNode ACCESSTYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESSTYPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.TYPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENDPOINT() { return getToken(OBParser.ENDPOINT, 0); } + public TerminalNode STSTOKEN() { return getToken(OBParser.STSTOKEN, 0); } + public TerminalNode PROJECT_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.PROJECT_NAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode SCHEMA_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.SCHEMA_NAME, 0); } + public External_propertiesContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_external_properties; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExternal_properties(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExternal_properties(this); + } + } + + public final External_propertiesContext external_properties() throws RecognitionException { + External_propertiesContext _localctx = new External_propertiesContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 598, RULE_external_properties); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7120); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case STSTOKEN: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case ACCESSKEY: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case ACCESSID: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case TYPE: + { + setState(7114); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ACCESSKEY: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case ACCESSID: + case TYPE: + { + setState(7108); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ACCESSKEY: + case ACCESSID: + { + setState(7106); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ACCESSKEY || _la==ACCESSID) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + case ACCESSTYPE: + case TYPE: + { + setState(7107); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ACCESSTYPE || _la==TYPE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case STSTOKEN: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + { + setState(7112); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case STSTOKEN: + case ENDPOINT: + { + setState(7110); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==STSTOKEN || _la==ENDPOINT) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + case PROJECT_NAME: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + { + setState(7111); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==PROJECT_NAME || _la==SCHEMA_NAME) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case TABLE_NAME: + { + setState(7118); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUOTA_NAME: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + { + setState(7116); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==QUOTA_NAME || _la==COMPRESSION_CODE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + case TABLE_NAME: + { + setState(7117); + match(TABLE_NAME); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(7122); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(7123); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class External_file_format_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List external_file_format() { + return getRuleContexts(External_file_formatContext.class); + } + public External_file_formatContext external_file_format(int i) { + return getRuleContext(External_file_formatContext.class,i); + } + public List opt_comma() { + return getRuleContexts(Opt_commaContext.class); + } + public Opt_commaContext opt_comma(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Opt_commaContext.class,i); + } + public External_file_format_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_external_file_format_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExternal_file_format_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExternal_file_format_list(this); + } + } + + public final External_file_format_listContext external_file_format_list() throws RecognitionException { + External_file_format_listContext _localctx = new External_file_format_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 600, RULE_external_file_format_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7125); + external_file_format(); + setState(7131); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==FIELD_DELIMITER || _la==LINE_DELIMITER || _la==EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL || _la==COMPRESSION || _la==FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY || _la==ENCODING || _la==TRIM_SPACE || _la==SKIP_HEADER || _la==SKIP_BLANK_LINES || _la==ESCAPE || _la==TYPE || _la==NULL_IF_EXETERNAL || _la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(7126); + opt_comma(); + setState(7127); + external_file_format(); + } + } + setState(7133); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class External_file_formatContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Token format_key; + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENCODING() { return getToken(OBParser.ENCODING, 0); } + public TerminalNode TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.TYPE, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ESCAPE() { return getToken(OBParser.ESCAPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY() { return getToken(OBParser.FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode FIELD_DELIMITER() { return getToken(OBParser.FIELD_DELIMITER, 0); } + public TerminalNode LINE_DELIMITER() { return getToken(OBParser.LINE_DELIMITER, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode SKIP_HEADER() { return getToken(OBParser.SKIP_HEADER, 0); } + public TerminalNode BOOL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SKIP_BLANK_LINES() { return getToken(OBParser.SKIP_BLANK_LINES, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRIM_SPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIM_SPACE, 0); } + public TerminalNode EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL() { return getToken(OBParser.EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Expr_listContext expr_list() { + return getRuleContext(Expr_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode NULL_IF_EXETERNAL() { return getToken(OBParser.NULL_IF_EXETERNAL, 0); } + public Compression_nameContext compression_name() { + return getRuleContext(Compression_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COMPRESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPRESSION, 0); } + public External_file_formatContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_external_file_format; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExternal_file_format(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExternal_file_format(this); + } + } + + public final External_file_formatContext external_file_format() throws RecognitionException { + External_file_formatContext _localctx = new External_file_formatContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 602, RULE_external_file_format); + int _la; + try { + setState(7155); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ENCODING: + case TYPE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7134); + ((External_file_formatContext)_localctx).format_key = _input.LT(1); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ENCODING || _la==TYPE) ) { + ((External_file_formatContext)_localctx).format_key = (Token)_errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(7135); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(7136); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case ESCAPE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7137); + ((External_file_formatContext)_localctx).format_key = _input.LT(1); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==FIELD_DELIMITER || _la==LINE_DELIMITER || _la==FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY || _la==ESCAPE) ) { + ((External_file_formatContext)_localctx).format_key = (Token)_errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(7138); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(7139); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + case SKIP_HEADER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(7140); + ((External_file_formatContext)_localctx).format_key = match(SKIP_HEADER); + setState(7141); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(7142); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(7143); + ((External_file_formatContext)_localctx).format_key = _input.LT(1); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL || _la==TRIM_SPACE || _la==SKIP_BLANK_LINES) ) { + ((External_file_formatContext)_localctx).format_key = (Token)_errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(7144); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(7145); + match(BOOL_VALUE); + } + break; + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(7146); + ((External_file_formatContext)_localctx).format_key = match(NULL_IF_EXETERNAL); + setState(7147); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(7148); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7149); + expr_list(); + setState(7150); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case COMPRESSION: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(7152); + ((External_file_formatContext)_localctx).format_key = match(COMPRESSION); + setState(7153); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(7154); + compression_name(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_tablegroup_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLEGROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUP, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Tablegroup_option_listContext tablegroup_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Tablegroup_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public Tg_hash_partition_optionContext tg_hash_partition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Tg_hash_partition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Tg_range_partition_optionContext tg_range_partition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Tg_range_partition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Tg_list_partition_optionContext tg_list_partition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Tg_list_partition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Create_tablegroup_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_tablegroup_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_tablegroup_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_tablegroup_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Create_tablegroup_stmtContext create_tablegroup_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Create_tablegroup_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_tablegroup_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 604, RULE_create_tablegroup_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7157); + match(CREATE); + setState(7158); + match(TABLEGROUP); + setState(7159); + relation_name(); + setState(7161); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SHARDING || _la==LOCALITY || _la==MAX_USED_PART_ID || _la==BINDING || _la==PRIMARY_ZONE || _la==TABLEGROUP_ID) { + { + setState(7160); + tablegroup_option_list(); + } + } + + setState(7166); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,661,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(7163); + tg_hash_partition_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(7164); + tg_range_partition_option(); + } + break; + case 3: + { + setState(7165); + tg_list_partition_option(); + } + break; + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLEGROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUP, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_tablegroup_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_tablegroup_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_tablegroup_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext drop_tablegroup_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 606, RULE_drop_tablegroup_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7168); + match(DROP); + setState(7169); + match(TABLEGROUP); + setState(7170); + relation_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLEGROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUP, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } + public Table_listContext table_list() { + return getRuleContext(Table_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } + public Tg_modify_partition_infoContext tg_modify_partition_info() { + return getRuleContext(Tg_modify_partition_infoContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_partition_optionContext alter_partition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_partition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext alter_tablegroup_actions() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_tablegroup_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_tablegroup_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_tablegroup_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext alter_tablegroup_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 608, RULE_alter_tablegroup_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(7191); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,665,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7172); + match(ALTER); + setState(7173); + match(TABLEGROUP); + setState(7174); + relation_name(); + setState(7175); + match(ADD); + setState(7177); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TABLE) { + { + setState(7176); + match(TABLE); + } + } + + setState(7179); + table_list(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7181); + match(ALTER); + setState(7182); + match(TABLEGROUP); + setState(7183); + relation_name(); + setState(7189); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,664,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(7186); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ADD: + case DROP: + case MODIFY: + case RENAME: + case TRUNCATE: + case EXCHANGE: + case SPLIT: + { + setState(7184); + alter_partition_option(); + } + break; + case SET: + case SHARDING: + case LOCALITY: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case BINDING: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + { + setState(7185); + alter_tablegroup_actions(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(7188); + tg_modify_partition_info(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Tablegroup_optionContext tablegroup_option() { + return getRuleContext(Tablegroup_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated() { + return getRuleContext(Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext.class,0); + } + public Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTablegroup_option_list_space_seperated(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTablegroup_option_list_space_seperated(this); + } + } + + public final Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated() throws RecognitionException { + Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext _localctx = new Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 610, RULE_tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7193); + tablegroup_option(); + setState(7195); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SHARDING || _la==LOCALITY || _la==MAX_USED_PART_ID || _la==BINDING || _la==PRIMARY_ZONE || _la==TABLEGROUP_ID) { + { + setState(7194); + tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Tablegroup_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated() { + return getRuleContext(Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext.class,0); + } + public Tablegroup_optionContext tablegroup_option() { + return getRuleContext(Tablegroup_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Tablegroup_option_listContext tablegroup_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Tablegroup_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public Tablegroup_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tablegroup_option_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTablegroup_option_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTablegroup_option_list(this); + } + } + + public final Tablegroup_option_listContext tablegroup_option_list() throws RecognitionException { + Tablegroup_option_listContext _localctx = new Tablegroup_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 612, RULE_tablegroup_option_list); + try { + setState(7202); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,667,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7197); + tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7198); + tablegroup_option(); + setState(7199); + match(Comma); + setState(7200); + tablegroup_option_list(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Tablegroup_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LOCALITY() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCALITY, 0); } + public Locality_nameContext locality_name() { + return getRuleContext(Locality_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRIMARY_ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY_ZONE, 0); } + public Primary_zone_nameContext primary_zone_name() { + return getRuleContext(Primary_zone_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TABLEGROUP_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUP_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode BINDING() { return getToken(OBParser.BINDING, 0); } + public TerminalNode BOOL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SHARDING() { return getToken(OBParser.SHARDING, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX_USED_PART_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_USED_PART_ID, 0); } + public Tablegroup_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tablegroup_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTablegroup_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTablegroup_option(this); + } + } + + public final Tablegroup_optionContext tablegroup_option() throws RecognitionException { + Tablegroup_optionContext _localctx = new Tablegroup_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 614, RULE_tablegroup_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(7237); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case LOCALITY: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7204); + match(LOCALITY); + setState(7206); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(7205); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(7208); + locality_name(); + setState(7210); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FORCE) { + { + setState(7209); + match(FORCE); + } + } + + } + break; + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7212); + match(PRIMARY_ZONE); + setState(7214); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(7213); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(7216); + primary_zone_name(); + } + break; + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(7217); + match(TABLEGROUP_ID); + setState(7219); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(7218); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(7221); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case BINDING: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(7222); + match(BINDING); + setState(7224); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(7223); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(7226); + match(BOOL_VALUE); + } + break; + case SHARDING: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(7227); + match(SHARDING); + setState(7229); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(7228); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(7231); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(7232); + match(MAX_USED_PART_ID); + setState(7234); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(7233); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(7236); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List alter_tablegroup_action() { + return getRuleContexts(Alter_tablegroup_actionContext.class); + } + public Alter_tablegroup_actionContext alter_tablegroup_action(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Alter_tablegroup_actionContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_tablegroup_actions; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_tablegroup_actions(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_tablegroup_actions(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext alter_tablegroup_actions() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext _localctx = new Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 616, RULE_alter_tablegroup_actions); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7239); + alter_tablegroup_action(); + setState(7244); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(7240); + match(Comma); + setState(7241); + alter_tablegroup_action(); + } + } + setState(7246); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_tablegroup_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated() { + return getRuleContext(Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public Alter_tablegroup_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_tablegroup_action; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_tablegroup_action(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_tablegroup_action(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_tablegroup_actionContext alter_tablegroup_action() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_tablegroup_actionContext _localctx = new Alter_tablegroup_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 618, RULE_alter_tablegroup_action); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7248); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SET) { + { + setState(7247); + match(SET); + } + } + + setState(7250); + tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Default_tablegroupContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } + public Default_tablegroupContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_default_tablegroup; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDefault_tablegroup(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDefault_tablegroup(this); + } + } + + public final Default_tablegroupContext default_tablegroup() throws RecognitionException { + Default_tablegroupContext _localctx = new Default_tablegroupContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 620, RULE_default_tablegroup); + int _la; + try { + setState(7262); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,680,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7252); + match(DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP); + setState(7254); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(7253); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(7256); + relation_name(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7257); + match(DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP); + setState(7259); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(7258); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(7261); + match(NULLX); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_view_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode VIEW() { return getToken(OBParser.VIEW, 0); } + public View_nameContext view_name() { + return getRuleContext(View_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } + public View_subqueryContext view_subquery() { + return getRuleContext(View_subqueryContext.class,0); + } + public View_with_optContext view_with_opt() { + return getRuleContext(View_with_optContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode OR() { return getToken(OBParser.OR, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPLACE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLACE, 0); } + public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Alias_name_listContext alias_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Alias_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode NO() { return getToken(OBParser.NO, 0); } + public Create_view_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_view_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_view_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_view_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Create_view_stmtContext create_view_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Create_view_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_view_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 622, RULE_create_view_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7264); + match(CREATE); + setState(7267); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==OR) { + { + setState(7265); + match(OR); + setState(7266); + match(REPLACE); + } + } + + setState(7272); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NO: + { + { + setState(7269); + match(NO); + setState(7270); + match(FORCE); + } + } + break; + case FORCE: + { + setState(7271); + match(FORCE); + } + break; + case VIEW: + break; + default: + break; + } + setState(7274); + match(VIEW); + setState(7275); + view_name(); + setState(7280); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(7276); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7277); + alias_name_list(); + setState(7278); + match(RightParen); + } + } + + setState(7285); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TABLE_ID) { + { + setState(7282); + match(TABLE_ID); + setState(7283); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(7284); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + + setState(7287); + match(AS); + setState(7288); + view_subquery(); + setState(7289); + view_with_opt(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_mview_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MATERIALIZED() { return getToken(OBParser.MATERIALIZED, 0); } + public TerminalNode VIEW() { return getToken(OBParser.VIEW, 0); } + public View_nameContext view_name() { + return getRuleContext(View_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Create_mview_optsContext create_mview_opts() { + return getRuleContext(Create_mview_optsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } + public View_subqueryContext view_subquery() { + return getRuleContext(View_subqueryContext.class,0); + } + public View_with_optContext view_with_opt() { + return getRuleContext(View_with_optContext.class,0); + } + public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); + } + public Mv_column_listContext mv_column_list() { + return getRuleContext(Mv_column_listContext.class,0); + } + public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } + public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); + } + public Table_option_listContext table_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Table_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public Partition_optionContext partition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Partition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Auto_partition_optionContext auto_partition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Auto_partition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode WITH_COLUMN_GROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH_COLUMN_GROUP, 0); } + public Column_group_listContext column_group_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_group_listContext.class,0); + } + public Create_mview_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_mview_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_mview_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_mview_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Create_mview_stmtContext create_mview_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Create_mview_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_mview_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 624, RULE_create_mview_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7291); + match(CREATE); + setState(7292); + match(MATERIALIZED); + setState(7293); + match(VIEW); + setState(7294); + view_name(); + setState(7299); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(7295); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7296); + mv_column_list(); + setState(7297); + match(RightParen); + } + } + + setState(7302); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED))) != 0) || _la==COMPRESS || _la==NOCOMPRESS || _la==PCTFREE || _la==READ || _la==TABLEGROUP || ((((_la - 410)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 410)) & ((1L << (FORMAT - 410)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 410)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 410)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 410)))) != 0) || _la==PCTUSED || _la==ENGINE_ || _la==TABLE_ID || _la==PATTERN || _la==LOCALITY || ((((_la - 742)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 742)) & ((1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 742)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 742)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 742)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 742)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 810)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 810)) & ((1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 810)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 810)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 810)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1039)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1039)) & ((1L << (SORTKEY - 1039)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1039)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1039)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1115)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1115)) & ((1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1115)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1115)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1115)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1115)))) != 0) || _la==INITRANS) { + { + setState(7301); + table_option_list(); + } + } + + setState(7306); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,687,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(7304); + partition_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(7305); + auto_partition_option(); + } + break; + } + setState(7313); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH_COLUMN_GROUP) { + { + setState(7308); + match(WITH_COLUMN_GROUP); + setState(7309); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7310); + column_group_list(); + setState(7311); + match(RightParen); + } + } + + setState(7315); + create_mview_opts(); + setState(7316); + match(AS); + setState(7317); + view_subquery(); + setState(7318); + view_with_opt(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_mview_optsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Mview_refresh_optContext mview_refresh_opt() { + return getRuleContext(Mview_refresh_optContext.class,0); + } + public List mview_enable_disable() { + return getRuleContexts(Mview_enable_disableContext.class); + } + public Mview_enable_disableContext mview_enable_disable(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Mview_enable_disableContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public List QUERY() { return getTokens(OBParser.QUERY); } + public TerminalNode QUERY(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.QUERY, i); + } + public TerminalNode COMPUTATION() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPUTATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode REWRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.REWRITE, 0); } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Create_mview_optsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_mview_opts; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_mview_opts(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_mview_opts(this); + } + } + + public final Create_mview_optsContext create_mview_opts() throws RecognitionException { + Create_mview_optsContext _localctx = new Create_mview_optsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 626, RULE_create_mview_opts); + try { + setState(7351); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,689,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7320); + mview_refresh_opt(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7321); + mview_refresh_opt(); + setState(7322); + mview_enable_disable(); + setState(7323); + match(ON); + setState(7324); + match(QUERY); + setState(7325); + match(COMPUTATION); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(7327); + mview_refresh_opt(); + setState(7328); + mview_enable_disable(); + setState(7329); + match(QUERY); + setState(7330); + match(REWRITE); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(7332); + mview_refresh_opt(); + setState(7333); + mview_enable_disable(); + setState(7334); + match(ON); + setState(7335); + match(QUERY); + setState(7336); + match(COMPUTATION); + setState(7337); + mview_enable_disable(); + setState(7338); + match(QUERY); + setState(7339); + match(REWRITE); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(7341); + mview_refresh_opt(); + setState(7342); + mview_enable_disable(); + setState(7343); + match(QUERY); + setState(7344); + match(REWRITE); + setState(7345); + mview_enable_disable(); + setState(7346); + match(ON); + setState(7347); + match(QUERY); + setState(7348); + match(COMPUTATION); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(7350); + empty(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mview_enable_disableContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DISABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.DISABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ENABLE, 0); } + public Mview_enable_disableContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mview_enable_disable; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMview_enable_disable(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMview_enable_disable(this); + } + } + + public final Mview_enable_disableContext mview_enable_disable() throws RecognitionException { + Mview_enable_disableContext _localctx = new Mview_enable_disableContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 628, RULE_mview_enable_disable); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7353); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==DISABLE || _la==ENABLE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mview_refresh_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode REFRESH() { return getToken(OBParser.REFRESH, 0); } + public Mv_refresh_methodContext mv_refresh_method() { + return getRuleContext(Mv_refresh_methodContext.class,0); + } + public Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext mv_refresh_on_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Mv_refresh_intervalContext mv_refresh_interval() { + return getRuleContext(Mv_refresh_intervalContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NEVER() { return getToken(OBParser.NEVER, 0); } + public Mview_refresh_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mview_refresh_opt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMview_refresh_opt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMview_refresh_opt(this); + } + } + + public final Mview_refresh_optContext mview_refresh_opt() throws RecognitionException { + Mview_refresh_optContext _localctx = new Mview_refresh_optContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 630, RULE_mview_refresh_opt); + try { + setState(7362); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case REFRESH: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7355); + match(REFRESH); + setState(7356); + mv_refresh_method(); + setState(7357); + mv_refresh_on_clause(); + setState(7358); + mv_refresh_interval(); + } + break; + case NEVER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7360); + match(NEVER); + setState(7361); + match(REFRESH); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public Mv_refresh_modeContext mv_refresh_mode() { + return getRuleContext(Mv_refresh_modeContext.class,0); + } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mv_refresh_on_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMv_refresh_on_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMv_refresh_on_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext mv_refresh_on_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext _localctx = new Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 632, RULE_mv_refresh_on_clause); + try { + setState(7367); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ON: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7364); + match(ON); + setState(7365); + mv_refresh_mode(); + } + break; + case AS: + case START: + case DISABLE: + case NEXT: + case ENABLE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7366); + empty(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mv_refresh_methodContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode FAST() { return getToken(OBParser.FAST, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMPLETE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPLETE, 0); } + public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } + public Mv_refresh_methodContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mv_refresh_method; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMv_refresh_method(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMv_refresh_method(this); + } + } + + public final Mv_refresh_methodContext mv_refresh_method() throws RecognitionException { + Mv_refresh_methodContext _localctx = new Mv_refresh_methodContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 634, RULE_mv_refresh_method); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7369); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==FORCE || _la==FAST || _la==COMPLETE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mv_refresh_modeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DEMAND() { return getToken(OBParser.DEMAND, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMMIT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode STATEMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.STATEMENT, 0); } + public Mv_refresh_modeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mv_refresh_mode; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMv_refresh_mode(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMv_refresh_mode(this); + } + } + + public final Mv_refresh_modeContext mv_refresh_mode() throws RecognitionException { + Mv_refresh_modeContext _localctx = new Mv_refresh_modeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 636, RULE_mv_refresh_mode); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7371); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==STATEMENT || _la==DEMAND || _la==COMMIT) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mv_refresh_intervalContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Mv_start_clauseContext mv_start_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Mv_start_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Mv_next_clauseContext mv_next_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Mv_next_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Mv_refresh_intervalContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mv_refresh_interval; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMv_refresh_interval(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMv_refresh_interval(this); + } + } + + public final Mv_refresh_intervalContext mv_refresh_interval() throws RecognitionException { + Mv_refresh_intervalContext _localctx = new Mv_refresh_intervalContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 638, RULE_mv_refresh_interval); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7373); + mv_start_clause(); + setState(7374); + mv_next_clause(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mv_start_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode START() { return getToken(OBParser.START, 0); } + public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Mv_start_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mv_start_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMv_start_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMv_start_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Mv_start_clauseContext mv_start_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Mv_start_clauseContext _localctx = new Mv_start_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 640, RULE_mv_start_clause); + try { + setState(7380); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case START: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7376); + match(START); + setState(7377); + match(WITH); + setState(7378); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + case AS: + case DISABLE: + case NEXT: + case ENABLE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7379); + empty(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mv_next_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.NEXT, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Mv_next_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mv_next_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMv_next_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMv_next_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Mv_next_clauseContext mv_next_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Mv_next_clauseContext _localctx = new Mv_next_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 642, RULE_mv_next_clause); + try { + setState(7385); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NEXT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7382); + match(NEXT); + setState(7383); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + case AS: + case DISABLE: + case ENABLE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7384); + empty(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class View_subqueryContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public SubqueryContext subquery() { + return getRuleContext(SubqueryContext.class,0); + } + public Order_byContext order_by() { + return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); + } + public Fetch_next_clauseContext fetch_next_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public View_subqueryContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_view_subquery; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterView_subquery(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitView_subquery(this); + } + } + + public final View_subqueryContext view_subquery() throws RecognitionException { + View_subqueryContext _localctx = new View_subqueryContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 644, RULE_view_subquery); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7387); + subquery(); + setState(7389); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ORDER) { + { + setState(7388); + order_by(); + } + } + + setState(7392); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { + { + setState(7391); + fetch_next_clause(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class View_with_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } + public TerminalNode READ() { return getToken(OBParser.READ, 0); } + public TerminalNode ONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.ONLY, 0); } + public With_check_optionContext with_check_option() { + return getRuleContext(With_check_optionContext.class,0); + } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public View_with_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_view_with_opt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterView_with_opt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitView_with_opt(this); + } + } + + public final View_with_optContext view_with_opt() throws RecognitionException { + View_with_optContext _localctx = new View_with_optContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 646, RULE_view_with_opt); + try { + setState(7399); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,696,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7394); + match(WITH); + setState(7395); + match(READ); + setState(7396); + match(ONLY); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7397); + with_check_option(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(7398); + empty(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class With_check_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } + public TerminalNode CHECK() { return getToken(OBParser.CHECK, 0); } + public TerminalNode OPTION() { return getToken(OBParser.OPTION, 0); } + public With_check_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_with_check_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWith_check_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWith_check_option(this); + } + } + + public final With_check_optionContext with_check_option() throws RecognitionException { + With_check_optionContext _localctx = new With_check_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 648, RULE_with_check_option); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7401); + match(WITH); + setState(7402); + match(CHECK); + setState(7403); + match(OPTION); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class View_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public View_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_view_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterView_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitView_name(this); + } + } + + public final View_nameContext view_name() throws RecognitionException { + View_nameContext _localctx = new View_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 650, RULE_view_name); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7405); + relation_factor(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_tablet_idContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode TABLET_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLET_ID, 0); } + public Opt_equal_markContext opt_equal_mark() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_equal_markContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_tablet_idContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_tablet_id; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_tablet_id(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_tablet_id(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_tablet_idContext opt_tablet_id() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_tablet_idContext _localctx = new Opt_tablet_idContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 652, RULE_opt_tablet_id); + try { + setState(7412); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case TABLET_ID: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7407); + match(TABLET_ID); + setState(7408); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(7409); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case EOF: + case REBUILD: + case SERVER: + case ZONE: + case DELIMITER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7411); + empty(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode TABLET_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLET_ID, 0); } + public Opt_equal_markContext opt_equal_mark() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_equal_markContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_tablet_id_no_empty; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_tablet_id_no_empty(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_tablet_id_no_empty(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext opt_tablet_id_no_empty() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext _localctx = new Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 654, RULE_opt_tablet_id_no_empty); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7414); + match(TABLET_ID); + setState(7415); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(7416); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_index_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } + public Normal_relation_factorContext normal_relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Normal_relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Sort_column_listContext sort_column_list() { + return getRuleContext(Sort_column_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } + public Index_using_algorithmContext index_using_algorithm() { + return getRuleContext(Index_using_algorithmContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_index_optionsContext opt_index_options() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_index_optionsContext.class,0); + } + public Partition_optionContext partition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Partition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Auto_partition_optionContext auto_partition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Auto_partition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public With_column_groupContext with_column_group() { + return getRuleContext(With_column_groupContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode INDEXTYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEXTYPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode IS() { return getToken(OBParser.IS, 0); } + public TerminalNode MDSYS() { return getToken(OBParser.MDSYS, 0); } + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public TerminalNode SPATIAL_INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.SPATIAL_INDEX, 0); } + public Create_index_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_index_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_index_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_index_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Create_index_stmtContext create_index_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Create_index_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_index_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 656, RULE_create_index_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(7464); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,706,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7418); + match(CREATE); + setState(7420); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==UNIQUE) { + { + setState(7419); + match(UNIQUE); + } + } + + setState(7422); + match(INDEX); + setState(7423); + normal_relation_factor(); + setState(7425); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==USING) { + { + setState(7424); + index_using_algorithm(); + } + } + + setState(7427); + match(ON); + setState(7428); + relation_factor(); + setState(7429); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7430); + sort_column_list(); + setState(7431); + match(RightParen); + setState(7433); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMMENT || _la==PCTFREE || _la==WITH || _la==USING || _la==DATA_TABLE_ID || _la==PCTUSED || ((((_la - 693)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 693)) & ((1L << (REVERSE - 693)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 693)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 693)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 693)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 693)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 758)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 758)) & ((1L << (INVISIBLE - 758)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 758)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 758)))) != 0) || _la==STORAGE || _la==INDEX_TABLE_ID || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || _la==STORING || _la==INITRANS) { + { + setState(7432); + opt_index_options(); + } + } + + setState(7437); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,701,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(7435); + partition_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(7436); + auto_partition_option(); + } + break; + } + setState(7440); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH_COLUMN_GROUP) { + { + setState(7439); + with_column_group(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7442); + match(CREATE); + setState(7444); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==UNIQUE) { + { + setState(7443); + match(UNIQUE); + } + } + + setState(7446); + match(INDEX); + setState(7447); + normal_relation_factor(); + setState(7449); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==USING) { + { + setState(7448); + index_using_algorithm(); + } + } + + setState(7451); + match(ON); + setState(7452); + relation_factor(); + setState(7453); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7454); + sort_column_list(); + setState(7455); + match(RightParen); + setState(7456); + match(INDEXTYPE); + setState(7457); + match(IS); + setState(7458); + match(MDSYS); + setState(7459); + match(Dot); + setState(7460); + match(SPATIAL_INDEX); + setState(7462); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMMENT || _la==PCTFREE || _la==WITH || _la==USING || _la==DATA_TABLE_ID || _la==PCTUSED || ((((_la - 693)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 693)) & ((1L << (REVERSE - 693)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 693)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 693)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 693)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 693)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 758)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 758)) & ((1L << (INVISIBLE - 758)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 758)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 758)))) != 0) || _la==STORAGE || _la==INDEX_TABLE_ID || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || _la==STORING || _la==INITRANS) { + { + setState(7461); + opt_index_options(); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Index_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Index_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_index_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterIndex_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitIndex_name(this); + } + } + + public final Index_nameContext index_name() throws RecognitionException { + Index_nameContext _localctx = new Index_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 658, RULE_index_name); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7466); + relation_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Constraint_and_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CONSTRAINT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSTRAINT, 0); } + public Constraint_nameContext constraint_name() { + return getRuleContext(Constraint_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Constraint_and_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_constraint_and_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterConstraint_and_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitConstraint_and_name(this); + } + } + + public final Constraint_and_nameContext constraint_and_name() throws RecognitionException { + Constraint_and_nameContext _localctx = new Constraint_and_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 660, RULE_constraint_and_name); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7468); + match(CONSTRAINT); + setState(7469); + constraint_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Constraint_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Constraint_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_constraint_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterConstraint_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitConstraint_name(this); + } + } + + public final Constraint_nameContext constraint_name() throws RecognitionException { + Constraint_nameContext _localctx = new Constraint_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 662, RULE_constraint_name); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7471); + relation_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Sort_column_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List sort_column_key() { + return getRuleContexts(Sort_column_keyContext.class); + } + public Sort_column_keyContext sort_column_key(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Sort_column_keyContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Sort_column_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sort_column_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSort_column_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSort_column_list(this); + } + } + + public final Sort_column_listContext sort_column_list() throws RecognitionException { + Sort_column_listContext _localctx = new Sort_column_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 664, RULE_sort_column_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7473); + sort_column_key(); + setState(7478); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(7474); + match(Comma); + setState(7475); + sort_column_key(); + } + } + setState(7480); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Sort_column_keyContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Index_exprContext index_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Index_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_asc_descContext opt_asc_desc() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_asc_descContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ID() { return getToken(OBParser.ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public Sort_column_keyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sort_column_key; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSort_column_key(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSort_column_key(this); + } + } + + public final Sort_column_keyContext sort_column_key() throws RecognitionException { + Sort_column_keyContext _localctx = new Sort_column_keyContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 666, RULE_sort_column_key); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7481); + index_expr(); + setState(7482); + opt_asc_desc(); + setState(7485); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ID) { + { + setState(7483); + match(ID); + setState(7484); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Index_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Index_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_index_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterIndex_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitIndex_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Index_exprContext index_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Index_exprContext _localctx = new Index_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 668, RULE_index_expr); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7487); + bit_expr(0); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_index_optionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List index_option() { + return getRuleContexts(Index_optionContext.class); + } + public Index_optionContext index_option(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Index_optionContext.class,i); + } + public Opt_index_optionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_index_options; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_index_options(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_index_options(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_index_optionsContext opt_index_options() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_index_optionsContext _localctx = new Opt_index_optionsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 670, RULE_opt_index_options); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7490); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = 1; + do { + switch (_alt) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(7489); + index_option(); + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(7492); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,709,_ctx); + } while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Index_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode GLOBAL() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOCAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode BLOCK_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOCK_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode STORING() { return getToken(OBParser.STORING, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROWID() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWID, 0); } + public TerminalNode PARSER() { return getToken(OBParser.PARSER, 0); } + public Index_using_algorithmContext index_using_algorithm() { + return getRuleContext(Index_using_algorithmContext.class,0); + } + public Visibility_optionContext visibility_option() { + return getRuleContext(Visibility_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode DATA_TABLE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.DATA_TABLE_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode INDEX_TABLE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX_TABLE_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX_USED_PART_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_USED_PART_ID, 0); } + public Physical_attributes_optionContext physical_attributes_option() { + return getRuleContext(Physical_attributes_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode REVERSE() { return getToken(OBParser.REVERSE, 0); } + public Parallel_optionContext parallel_option() { + return getRuleContext(Parallel_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Index_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_index_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterIndex_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitIndex_option(this); + } + } + + public final Index_optionContext index_option() throws RecognitionException { + Index_optionContext _localctx = new Index_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 672, RULE_index_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(7533); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,714,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7494); + match(GLOBAL); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7495); + match(LOCAL); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(7496); + match(BLOCK_SIZE); + setState(7498); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(7497); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(7500); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(7501); + match(COMMENT); + setState(7502); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(7503); + match(STORING); + setState(7504); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7505); + column_name_list(); + setState(7506); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(7508); + match(WITH); + setState(7509); + match(ROWID); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(7510); + match(WITH); + setState(7511); + match(PARSER); + setState(7512); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(7513); + index_using_algorithm(); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(7514); + visibility_option(); + } + break; + case 10: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(7515); + match(DATA_TABLE_ID); + setState(7517); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(7516); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(7519); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case 11: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); + { + setState(7520); + match(INDEX_TABLE_ID); + setState(7522); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(7521); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(7524); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case 12: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); + { + setState(7525); + match(MAX_USED_PART_ID); + setState(7527); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(7526); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(7529); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case 13: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); + { + setState(7530); + physical_attributes_option(); + } + break; + case 14: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); + { + setState(7531); + match(REVERSE); + } + break; + case 15: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); + { + setState(7532); + parallel_option(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Index_using_algorithmContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } + public TerminalNode BTREE() { return getToken(OBParser.BTREE, 0); } + public TerminalNode HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.HASH, 0); } + public Index_using_algorithmContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_index_using_algorithm; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterIndex_using_algorithm(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitIndex_using_algorithm(this); + } + } + + public final Index_using_algorithmContext index_using_algorithm() throws RecognitionException { + Index_using_algorithmContext _localctx = new Index_using_algorithmContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 674, RULE_index_using_algorithm); + try { + setState(7539); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,715,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7535); + match(USING); + setState(7536); + match(BTREE); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7537); + match(USING); + setState(7538); + match(HASH); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_mlog_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MATERIALIZED() { return getToken(OBParser.MATERIALIZED, 0); } + public TerminalNode VIEW() { return getToken(OBParser.VIEW, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOG() { return getToken(OBParser.LOG, 0); } + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_mlog_optionsContext opt_mlog_options() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_mlog_optionsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } + public Mlog_with_valuesContext mlog_with_values() { + return getRuleContext(Mlog_with_valuesContext.class,0); + } + public Mlog_including_or_excludingContext mlog_including_or_excluding() { + return getRuleContext(Mlog_including_or_excludingContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NEW() { return getToken(OBParser.NEW, 0); } + public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } + public TerminalNode PURGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PURGE, 0); } + public Mlog_purge_valuesContext mlog_purge_values() { + return getRuleContext(Mlog_purge_valuesContext.class,0); + } + public Create_mlog_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_mlog_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_mlog_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_mlog_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Create_mlog_stmtContext create_mlog_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Create_mlog_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_mlog_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 676, RULE_create_mlog_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7541); + match(CREATE); + setState(7542); + match(MATERIALIZED); + setState(7543); + match(VIEW); + setState(7544); + match(LOG); + setState(7545); + match(ON); + setState(7546); + relation_factor(); + setState(7548); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PCTFREE || _la==PCTUSED || _la==MAXTRANS || _la==STORAGE || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || _la==INITRANS) { + { + setState(7547); + opt_mlog_options(); + } + } + + setState(7552); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH) { + { + setState(7550); + match(WITH); + setState(7551); + mlog_with_values(); + } + } + + setState(7558); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==EXCLUDING || _la==INCLUDING) { + { + setState(7554); + mlog_including_or_excluding(); + setState(7555); + match(NEW); + setState(7556); + match(VALUES); + } + } + + setState(7562); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PURGE) { + { + setState(7560); + match(PURGE); + setState(7561); + mlog_purge_values(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_mlog_optionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List mlog_option() { + return getRuleContexts(Mlog_optionContext.class); + } + public Mlog_optionContext mlog_option(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Mlog_optionContext.class,i); + } + public Opt_mlog_optionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_mlog_options; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_mlog_options(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_mlog_options(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_mlog_optionsContext opt_mlog_options() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_mlog_optionsContext _localctx = new Opt_mlog_optionsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 678, RULE_opt_mlog_options); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7565); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + do { + { + { + setState(7564); + mlog_option(); + } + } + setState(7567); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } while ( _la==PCTFREE || _la==PCTUSED || _la==MAXTRANS || _la==STORAGE || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || _la==INITRANS ); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mlog_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Physical_attributes_optionContext physical_attributes_option() { + return getRuleContext(Physical_attributes_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Parallel_optionContext parallel_option() { + return getRuleContext(Parallel_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Mlog_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_option(this); + } + } + + public final Mlog_optionContext mlog_option() throws RecognitionException { + Mlog_optionContext _localctx = new Mlog_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 680, RULE_mlog_option); + try { + setState(7571); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case PCTFREE: + case PCTUSED: + case MAXTRANS: + case STORAGE: + case TABLESPACE: + case INITRANS: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7569); + physical_attributes_option(); + } + break; + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7570); + parallel_option(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mlog_with_valuesContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Mlog_with_special_columnsContext mlog_with_special_columns() { + return getRuleContext(Mlog_with_special_columnsContext.class,0); + } + public Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext mlog_with_reference_columns() { + return getRuleContext(Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext.class,0); + } + public Mlog_with_valuesContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_with_values; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_with_values(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_with_values(this); + } + } + + public final Mlog_with_valuesContext mlog_with_values() throws RecognitionException { + Mlog_with_valuesContext _localctx = new Mlog_with_valuesContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 682, RULE_mlog_with_values); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7573); + mlog_with_special_columns(); + setState(7574); + mlog_with_reference_columns(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mlog_with_special_columnsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Mlog_with_special_column_listContext mlog_with_special_column_list() { + return getRuleContext(Mlog_with_special_column_listContext.class,0); + } + public Mlog_with_special_columnsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_with_special_columns; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_with_special_columns(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_with_special_columns(this); + } + } + + public final Mlog_with_special_columnsContext mlog_with_special_columns() throws RecognitionException { + Mlog_with_special_columnsContext _localctx = new Mlog_with_special_columnsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 684, RULE_mlog_with_special_columns); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7577); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ROWID || _la==SEQUENCE || _la==PRIMARY) { + { + setState(7576); + mlog_with_special_column_list(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mlog_with_special_column_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Mlog_with_special_columnContext mlog_with_special_column() { + return getRuleContext(Mlog_with_special_columnContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Mlog_with_special_column_listContext mlog_with_special_column_list() { + return getRuleContext(Mlog_with_special_column_listContext.class,0); + } + public Mlog_with_special_column_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_with_special_column_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_with_special_column_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_with_special_column_list(this); + } + } + + public final Mlog_with_special_column_listContext mlog_with_special_column_list() throws RecognitionException { + Mlog_with_special_column_listContext _localctx = new Mlog_with_special_column_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 686, RULE_mlog_with_special_column_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7579); + mlog_with_special_column(); + setState(7582); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Comma) { + { + setState(7580); + match(Comma); + setState(7581); + mlog_with_special_column_list(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mlog_with_special_columnContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PRIMARY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROWID() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWID, 0); } + public TerminalNode SEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SEQUENCE, 0); } + public Mlog_with_special_columnContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_with_special_column; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_with_special_column(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_with_special_column(this); + } + } + + public final Mlog_with_special_columnContext mlog_with_special_column() throws RecognitionException { + Mlog_with_special_columnContext _localctx = new Mlog_with_special_columnContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 688, RULE_mlog_with_special_column); + try { + setState(7588); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case PRIMARY: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7584); + match(PRIMARY); + setState(7585); + match(KEY); + } + break; + case ROWID: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7586); + match(ROWID); + } + break; + case SEQUENCE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(7587); + match(SEQUENCE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext mlog_with_reference_column_list() { + return getRuleContext(Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext.class,0); + } + public Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_with_reference_columns; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_with_reference_columns(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_with_reference_columns(this); + } + } + + public final Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext mlog_with_reference_columns() throws RecognitionException { + Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext _localctx = new Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 690, RULE_mlog_with_reference_columns); + int _la; + try { + setState(7596); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case EOF: + case PURGE: + case EXCLUDING: + case INCLUDING: + case DELIMITER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7590); + empty(); + } + break; + case LeftParen: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7591); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7593); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ROWID - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { + { + setState(7592); + mlog_with_reference_column_list(); + } + } + + setState(7595); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Mlog_with_reference_columnContext mlog_with_reference_column() { + return getRuleContext(Mlog_with_reference_columnContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext mlog_with_reference_column_list() { + return getRuleContext(Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext.class,0); + } + public Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_with_reference_column_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_with_reference_column_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_with_reference_column_list(this); + } + } + + public final Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext mlog_with_reference_column_list() throws RecognitionException { + Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext _localctx = new Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 692, RULE_mlog_with_reference_column_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7598); + mlog_with_reference_column(); + setState(7601); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Comma) { + { + setState(7599); + match(Comma); + setState(7600); + mlog_with_reference_column_list(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mlog_with_reference_columnContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Mlog_with_reference_columnContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_with_reference_column; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_with_reference_column(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_with_reference_column(this); + } + } + + public final Mlog_with_reference_columnContext mlog_with_reference_column() throws RecognitionException { + Mlog_with_reference_columnContext _localctx = new Mlog_with_reference_columnContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 694, RULE_mlog_with_reference_column); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7603); + column_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mlog_including_or_excludingContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INCLUDING() { return getToken(OBParser.INCLUDING, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXCLUDING() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCLUDING, 0); } + public Mlog_including_or_excludingContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_including_or_excluding; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_including_or_excluding(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_including_or_excluding(this); + } + } + + public final Mlog_including_or_excludingContext mlog_including_or_excluding() throws RecognitionException { + Mlog_including_or_excludingContext _localctx = new Mlog_including_or_excludingContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 696, RULE_mlog_including_or_excluding); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7605); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==EXCLUDING || _la==INCLUDING) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mlog_purge_valuesContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode IMMEDIATE() { return getToken(OBParser.IMMEDIATE, 0); } + public Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async() { + return getRuleContext(Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext.class,0); + } + public Mlog_purge_startContext mlog_purge_start() { + return getRuleContext(Mlog_purge_startContext.class,0); + } + public Mlog_purge_nextContext mlog_purge_next() { + return getRuleContext(Mlog_purge_nextContext.class,0); + } + public Mlog_purge_valuesContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_purge_values; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_purge_values(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_purge_values(this); + } + } + + public final Mlog_purge_valuesContext mlog_purge_values() throws RecognitionException { + Mlog_purge_valuesContext _localctx = new Mlog_purge_valuesContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 698, RULE_mlog_purge_values); + try { + setState(7612); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case IMMEDIATE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7607); + match(IMMEDIATE); + setState(7608); + mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async(); + } + break; + case EOF: + case START: + case NEXT: + case DELIMITER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7609); + mlog_purge_start(); + setState(7610); + mlog_purge_next(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SYNCHRONOUS() { return getToken(OBParser.SYNCHRONOUS, 0); } + public TerminalNode ASYNCHRONOUS() { return getToken(OBParser.ASYNCHRONOUS, 0); } + public Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async(this); + } + } + + public final Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async() throws RecognitionException { + Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext _localctx = new Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 700, RULE_mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7615); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SYNCHRONOUS || _la==ASYNCHRONOUS) { + { + setState(7614); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==SYNCHRONOUS || _la==ASYNCHRONOUS) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mlog_purge_startContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode START() { return getToken(OBParser.START, 0); } + public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Mlog_purge_startContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_purge_start; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_purge_start(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_purge_start(this); + } + } + + public final Mlog_purge_startContext mlog_purge_start() throws RecognitionException { + Mlog_purge_startContext _localctx = new Mlog_purge_startContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 702, RULE_mlog_purge_start); + try { + setState(7621); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case EOF: + case NEXT: + case DELIMITER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7617); + empty(); + } + break; + case START: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7618); + match(START); + setState(7619); + match(WITH); + setState(7620); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mlog_purge_nextContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.NEXT, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Mlog_purge_nextContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_purge_next; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_purge_next(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_purge_next(this); + } + } + + public final Mlog_purge_nextContext mlog_purge_next() throws RecognitionException { + Mlog_purge_nextContext _localctx = new Mlog_purge_nextContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 704, RULE_mlog_purge_next); + try { + setState(7626); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case EOF: + case DELIMITER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7623); + empty(); + } + break; + case NEXT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7624); + match(NEXT); + setState(7625); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_mlog_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode MATERIALIZED() { return getToken(OBParser.MATERIALIZED, 0); } + public TerminalNode VIEW() { return getToken(OBParser.VIEW, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOG() { return getToken(OBParser.LOG, 0); } + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_mlog_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_mlog_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_mlog_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_mlog_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_mlog_stmtContext drop_mlog_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_mlog_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_mlog_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 706, RULE_drop_mlog_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7628); + match(DROP); + setState(7629); + match(MATERIALIZED); + setState(7630); + match(VIEW); + setState(7631); + match(LOG); + setState(7632); + match(ON); + setState(7633); + relation_factor(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_table_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode CASCADE() { return getToken(OBParser.CASCADE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONSTRAINTS() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSTRAINTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode PURGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PURGE, 0); } + public Drop_table_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_table_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_table_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_table_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_table_stmtContext drop_table_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_table_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_table_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 708, RULE_drop_table_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7635); + match(DROP); + setState(7636); + match(TABLE); + setState(7637); + relation_factor(); + setState(7640); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CASCADE) { + { + setState(7638); + match(CASCADE); + setState(7639); + match(CONSTRAINTS); + } + } + + setState(7643); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PURGE) { + { + setState(7642); + match(PURGE); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Table_or_tablesContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLES() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLES, 0); } + public Table_or_tablesContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_or_tables; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_or_tables(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_or_tables(this); + } + } + + public final Table_or_tablesContext table_or_tables() throws RecognitionException { + Table_or_tablesContext _localctx = new Table_or_tablesContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 710, RULE_table_or_tables); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7645); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==TABLE || _la==TABLES) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_view_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode VIEW() { return getToken(OBParser.VIEW, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode MATERIALIZED() { return getToken(OBParser.MATERIALIZED, 0); } + public TerminalNode CASCADE() { return getToken(OBParser.CASCADE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONSTRAINTS() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSTRAINTS, 0); } + public Drop_view_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_view_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_view_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_view_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_view_stmtContext drop_view_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_view_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_view_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 712, RULE_drop_view_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7647); + match(DROP); + setState(7649); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==MATERIALIZED) { + { + setState(7648); + match(MATERIALIZED); + } + } + + setState(7651); + match(VIEW); + setState(7652); + relation_factor(); + setState(7655); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CASCADE) { + { + setState(7653); + match(CASCADE); + setState(7654); + match(CONSTRAINTS); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Table_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List relation_factor() { + return getRuleContexts(Relation_factorContext.class); + } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Table_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_list(this); + } + } + + public final Table_listContext table_list() throws RecognitionException { + Table_listContext _localctx = new Table_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 714, RULE_table_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7657); + relation_factor(); + setState(7662); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(7658); + match(Comma); + setState(7659); + relation_factor(); + } + } + setState(7664); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_index_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } + public List relation_name() { + return getRuleContexts(Relation_nameContext.class); + } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public Drop_index_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_index_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_index_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_index_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_index_stmtContext drop_index_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_index_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_index_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 716, RULE_drop_index_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7665); + match(DROP); + setState(7666); + match(INDEX); + setState(7667); + relation_name(); + setState(7670); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Dot) { + { + setState(7668); + match(Dot); + setState(7669); + relation_name(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Insert_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Insert_with_opt_hintContext insert_with_opt_hint() { + return getRuleContext(Insert_with_opt_hintContext.class,0); + } + public Single_table_insertContext single_table_insert() { + return getRuleContext(Single_table_insertContext.class,0); + } + public Multi_table_insertContext multi_table_insert() { + return getRuleContext(Multi_table_insertContext.class,0); + } + public Insert_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_insert_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInsert_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInsert_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Insert_stmtContext insert_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Insert_stmtContext _localctx = new Insert_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 718, RULE_insert_stmt); + try { + setState(7678); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,738,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7672); + insert_with_opt_hint(); + setState(7673); + single_table_insert(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7675); + insert_with_opt_hint(); + setState(7676); + multi_table_insert(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_simple_expressionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Simple_exprContext simple_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Simple_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Opt_simple_expressionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_simple_expression; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_simple_expression(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_simple_expression(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_simple_expressionContext opt_simple_expression() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_simple_expressionContext _localctx = new Opt_simple_expressionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 720, RULE_opt_simple_expression); + try { + setState(7685); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case EOF: + case TO: + case REJECT: + case DELIMITER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7680); + empty(); + } + break; + case LeftParen: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7681); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7682); + simple_expr(0); + setState(7683); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Into_err_log_caluseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Into_err_log_caluseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_into_err_log_caluse; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInto_err_log_caluse(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInto_err_log_caluse(this); + } + } + + public final Into_err_log_caluseContext into_err_log_caluse() throws RecognitionException { + Into_err_log_caluseContext _localctx = new Into_err_log_caluseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 722, RULE_into_err_log_caluse); + try { + setState(7690); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case EOF: + case TO: + case REJECT: + case LeftParen: + case DELIMITER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7687); + empty(); + } + break; + case INTO: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7688); + match(INTO); + setState(7689); + relation_factor(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Reject_limitContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode REJECT() { return getToken(OBParser.REJECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode LIMIT() { return getToken(OBParser.LIMIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNLIMITED() { return getToken(OBParser.UNLIMITED, 0); } + public Reject_limitContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_reject_limit; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterReject_limit(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitReject_limit(this); + } + } + + public final Reject_limitContext reject_limit() throws RecognitionException { + Reject_limitContext _localctx = new Reject_limitContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 724, RULE_reject_limit); + int _la; + try { + setState(7696); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case EOF: + case TO: + case DELIMITER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7692); + empty(); + } + break; + case REJECT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7693); + match(REJECT); + setState(7694); + match(LIMIT); + setState(7695); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==UNLIMITED || _la==INTNUM) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Single_table_insertContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } + public Insert_table_clauseContext insert_table_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Insert_table_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_listContext column_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Values_clauseContext values_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Values_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NOLOGGING() { return getToken(OBParser.NOLOGGING, 0); } + public Returning_log_error_clauseContext returning_log_error_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Returning_log_error_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Single_table_insertContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_single_table_insert; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSingle_table_insert(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSingle_table_insert(this); + } + } + + public final Single_table_insertContext single_table_insert() throws RecognitionException { + Single_table_insertContext _localctx = new Single_table_insertContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 726, RULE_single_table_insert); + int _la; + try { + setState(7730); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,748,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7698); + match(INTO); + setState(7699); + insert_table_clause(); + setState(7701); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==NOLOGGING) { + { + setState(7700); + match(NOLOGGING); + } + } + + setState(7703); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7704); + column_list(); + setState(7705); + match(RightParen); + setState(7706); + values_clause(); + setState(7708); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==RETURN || _la==RETURNING || _la==LOG) { + { + setState(7707); + returning_log_error_clause(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7710); + match(INTO); + setState(7711); + insert_table_clause(); + setState(7713); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==NOLOGGING) { + { + setState(7712); + match(NOLOGGING); + } + } + + setState(7715); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7716); + match(RightParen); + setState(7717); + values_clause(); + setState(7719); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==RETURN || _la==RETURNING || _la==LOG) { + { + setState(7718); + returning_log_error_clause(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(7721); + match(INTO); + setState(7722); + insert_table_clause(); + setState(7724); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==NOLOGGING) { + { + setState(7723); + match(NOLOGGING); + } + } + + setState(7726); + values_clause(); + setState(7728); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==RETURN || _la==RETURNING || _la==LOG) { + { + setState(7727); + returning_log_error_clause(); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Multi_table_insertContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public Insert_table_clause_listContext insert_table_clause_list() { + return getRuleContext(Insert_table_clause_listContext.class,0); + } + public SubqueryContext subquery() { + return getRuleContext(SubqueryContext.class,0); + } + public Order_byContext order_by() { + return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); + } + public Fetch_next_clauseContext fetch_next_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Conditional_insert_clauseContext conditional_insert_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Conditional_insert_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Multi_table_insertContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_multi_table_insert; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMulti_table_insert(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMulti_table_insert(this); + } + } + + public final Multi_table_insertContext multi_table_insert() throws RecognitionException { + Multi_table_insertContext _localctx = new Multi_table_insertContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 728, RULE_multi_table_insert); + int _la; + try { + setState(7749); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,753,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7732); + match(ALL); + setState(7733); + insert_table_clause_list(); + setState(7734); + subquery(); + setState(7736); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ORDER) { + { + setState(7735); + order_by(); + } + } + + setState(7739); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { + { + setState(7738); + fetch_next_clause(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7741); + conditional_insert_clause(); + setState(7742); + subquery(); + setState(7744); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ORDER) { + { + setState(7743); + order_by(); + } + } + + setState(7747); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { + { + setState(7746); + fetch_next_clause(); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Insert_table_clause_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List insert_single_table_clause() { + return getRuleContexts(Insert_single_table_clauseContext.class); + } + public Insert_single_table_clauseContext insert_single_table_clause(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Insert_single_table_clauseContext.class,i); + } + public Insert_table_clause_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_insert_table_clause_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInsert_table_clause_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInsert_table_clause_list(this); + } + } + + public final Insert_table_clause_listContext insert_table_clause_list() throws RecognitionException { + Insert_table_clause_listContext _localctx = new Insert_table_clause_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 730, RULE_insert_table_clause_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7752); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + do { + { + { + setState(7751); + insert_single_table_clause(); + } + } + setState(7754); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } while ( _la==INTO ); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Insert_single_table_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } + public Dml_table_nameContext dml_table_name() { + return getRuleContext(Dml_table_nameContext.class,0); + } + public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); + } + public Column_listContext column_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_listContext.class,0); + } + public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } + public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); + } + public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } + public Insert_valsContext insert_vals() { + return getRuleContext(Insert_valsContext.class,0); + } + public Insert_single_table_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_insert_single_table_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInsert_single_table_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInsert_single_table_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Insert_single_table_clauseContext insert_single_table_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Insert_single_table_clauseContext _localctx = new Insert_single_table_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 732, RULE_insert_single_table_clause); + try { + setState(7781); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,755,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7756); + match(INTO); + setState(7757); + dml_table_name(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7758); + match(INTO); + setState(7759); + dml_table_name(); + setState(7760); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7761); + column_list(); + setState(7762); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(7764); + match(INTO); + setState(7765); + dml_table_name(); + setState(7766); + match(VALUES); + setState(7767); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7768); + insert_vals(); + setState(7769); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(7771); + match(INTO); + setState(7772); + dml_table_name(); + setState(7773); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7774); + column_list(); + setState(7775); + match(RightParen); + setState(7776); + match(VALUES); + setState(7777); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7778); + insert_vals(); + setState(7779); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Conditional_insert_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Condition_insert_clause_listContext condition_insert_clause_list() { + return getRuleContext(Condition_insert_clause_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ELSE() { return getToken(OBParser.ELSE, 0); } + public Insert_table_clause_listContext insert_table_clause_list() { + return getRuleContext(Insert_table_clause_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public TerminalNode FIRST() { return getToken(OBParser.FIRST, 0); } + public Conditional_insert_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_conditional_insert_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterConditional_insert_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitConditional_insert_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Conditional_insert_clauseContext conditional_insert_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Conditional_insert_clauseContext _localctx = new Conditional_insert_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 734, RULE_conditional_insert_clause); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7784); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ALL || _la==FIRST) { + { + setState(7783); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==FIRST) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + + setState(7786); + condition_insert_clause_list(); + setState(7789); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ELSE) { + { + setState(7787); + match(ELSE); + setState(7788); + insert_table_clause_list(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Condition_insert_clause_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List condition_insert_clause() { + return getRuleContexts(Condition_insert_clauseContext.class); + } + public Condition_insert_clauseContext condition_insert_clause(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Condition_insert_clauseContext.class,i); + } + public Condition_insert_clause_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_condition_insert_clause_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCondition_insert_clause_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCondition_insert_clause_list(this); + } + } + + public final Condition_insert_clause_listContext condition_insert_clause_list() throws RecognitionException { + Condition_insert_clause_listContext _localctx = new Condition_insert_clause_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 736, RULE_condition_insert_clause_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7792); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + do { + { + { + setState(7791); + condition_insert_clause(); + } + } + setState(7794); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } while ( _la==WHEN ); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Condition_insert_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode WHEN() { return getToken(OBParser.WHEN, 0); } + public ExprContext expr() { + return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode THEN() { return getToken(OBParser.THEN, 0); } + public Insert_table_clause_listContext insert_table_clause_list() { + return getRuleContext(Insert_table_clause_listContext.class,0); + } + public Condition_insert_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_condition_insert_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCondition_insert_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCondition_insert_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Condition_insert_clauseContext condition_insert_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Condition_insert_clauseContext _localctx = new Condition_insert_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 738, RULE_condition_insert_clause); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7796); + match(WHEN); + setState(7797); + expr(0); + setState(7798); + match(THEN); + setState(7799); + insert_table_clause_list(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Values_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } + public Insert_vals_listContext insert_vals_list() { + return getRuleContext(Insert_vals_listContext.class,0); + } + public Obj_access_ref_normalContext obj_access_ref_normal() { + return getRuleContext(Obj_access_ref_normalContext.class,0); + } + public SubqueryContext subquery() { + return getRuleContext(SubqueryContext.class,0); + } + public Order_byContext order_by() { + return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); + } + public Fetch_next_clauseContext fetch_next_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Values_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_values_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterValues_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitValues_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Values_clauseContext values_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Values_clauseContext _localctx = new Values_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 740, RULE_values_clause); + int _la; + try { + setState(7812); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,761,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7801); + match(VALUES); + setState(7802); + insert_vals_list(0); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7803); + match(VALUES); + setState(7804); + obj_access_ref_normal(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(7805); + subquery(); + setState(7807); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ORDER) { + { + setState(7806); + order_by(); + } + } + + setState(7810); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { + { + setState(7809); + fetch_next_clause(); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_into_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Into_clauseContext into_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Into_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_into_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_into_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_into_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_into_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_into_clauseContext opt_into_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_into_clauseContext _localctx = new Opt_into_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 742, RULE_opt_into_clause); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7815); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==INTO || _la==BULK) { + { + setState(7814); + into_clause(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Returning_exprsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List projection() { + return getRuleContexts(ProjectionContext.class); + } + public ProjectionContext projection(int i) { + return getRuleContext(ProjectionContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Returning_exprsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_returning_exprs; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterReturning_exprs(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitReturning_exprs(this); + } + } + + public final Returning_exprsContext returning_exprs() throws RecognitionException { + Returning_exprsContext _localctx = new Returning_exprsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 744, RULE_returning_exprs); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7817); + projection(); + setState(7822); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(7818); + match(Comma); + setState(7819); + projection(); + } + } + setState(7824); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Insert_with_opt_hintContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INSERT() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERT, 0); } + public TerminalNode INSERT_HINT_BEGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERT_HINT_BEGIN, 0); } + public Hint_list_with_endContext hint_list_with_end() { + return getRuleContext(Hint_list_with_endContext.class,0); + } + public Insert_with_opt_hintContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_insert_with_opt_hint; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInsert_with_opt_hint(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInsert_with_opt_hint(this); + } + } + + public final Insert_with_opt_hintContext insert_with_opt_hint() throws RecognitionException { + Insert_with_opt_hintContext _localctx = new Insert_with_opt_hintContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 746, RULE_insert_with_opt_hint); + try { + setState(7828); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case INSERT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7825); + match(INSERT); + } + break; + case INSERT_HINT_BEGIN: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7826); + match(INSERT_HINT_BEGIN); + setState(7827); + hint_list_with_end(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Column_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List column_definition_ref() { + return getRuleContexts(Column_definition_refContext.class); + } + public Column_definition_refContext column_definition_ref(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Column_definition_refContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Column_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_list(this); + } + } + + public final Column_listContext column_list() throws RecognitionException { + Column_listContext _localctx = new Column_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 748, RULE_column_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7830); + column_definition_ref(); + setState(7835); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(7831); + match(Comma); + setState(7832); + column_definition_ref(); + } + } + setState(7837); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Insert_vals_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Insert_valsContext insert_vals() { + return getRuleContext(Insert_valsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Insert_vals_listContext insert_vals_list() { + return getRuleContext(Insert_vals_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Insert_vals_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_insert_vals_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInsert_vals_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInsert_vals_list(this); + } + } + + public final Insert_vals_listContext insert_vals_list() throws RecognitionException { + return insert_vals_list(0); + } + + private Insert_vals_listContext insert_vals_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Insert_vals_listContext _localctx = new Insert_vals_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Insert_vals_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 750; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 750, RULE_insert_vals_list, _p); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + { + setState(7839); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7840); + insert_vals(); + setState(7841); + match(RightParen); + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(7851); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,766,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + { + _localctx = new Insert_vals_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_insert_vals_list); + setState(7843); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); + setState(7844); + match(Comma); + setState(7845); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7846); + insert_vals(); + setState(7847); + match(RightParen); + } + } + } + setState(7853); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,766,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Insert_valsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List expr_or_default() { + return getRuleContexts(Expr_or_defaultContext.class); + } + public Expr_or_defaultContext expr_or_default(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Expr_or_defaultContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Insert_valsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_insert_vals; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInsert_vals(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInsert_vals(this); + } + } + + public final Insert_valsContext insert_vals() throws RecognitionException { + Insert_valsContext _localctx = new Insert_valsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 752, RULE_insert_vals); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7854); + expr_or_default(); + setState(7859); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(7855); + match(Comma); + setState(7856); + expr_or_default(); + } + } + setState(7861); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Expr_or_defaultContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public Expr_or_defaultContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_expr_or_default; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExpr_or_default(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExpr_or_default(this); + } + } + + public final Expr_or_defaultContext expr_or_default() throws RecognitionException { + Expr_or_defaultContext _localctx = new Expr_or_defaultContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 754, RULE_expr_or_default); + try { + setState(7864); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,768,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7862); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7863); + match(DEFAULT); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Merge_with_opt_hintContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode MERGE() { return getToken(OBParser.MERGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MERGE_HINT_BEGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.MERGE_HINT_BEGIN, 0); } + public Hint_list_with_endContext hint_list_with_end() { + return getRuleContext(Hint_list_with_endContext.class,0); + } + public Merge_with_opt_hintContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_merge_with_opt_hint; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMerge_with_opt_hint(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMerge_with_opt_hint(this); + } + } + + public final Merge_with_opt_hintContext merge_with_opt_hint() throws RecognitionException { + Merge_with_opt_hintContext _localctx = new Merge_with_opt_hintContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 756, RULE_merge_with_opt_hint); + try { + setState(7869); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case MERGE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7866); + match(MERGE); + } + break; + case MERGE_HINT_BEGIN: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7867); + match(MERGE_HINT_BEGIN); + setState(7868); + hint_list_with_end(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Merge_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Merge_with_opt_hintContext merge_with_opt_hint() { + return getRuleContext(Merge_with_opt_hintContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } + public List source_relation_factor() { + return getRuleContexts(Source_relation_factorContext.class); + } + public Source_relation_factorContext source_relation_factor(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Source_relation_factorContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public ExprContext expr() { + return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Merge_insert_clauseContext merge_insert_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Merge_insert_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Merge_update_clauseContext merge_update_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Merge_update_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Merge_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_merge_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMerge_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMerge_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Merge_stmtContext merge_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Merge_stmtContext _localctx = new Merge_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 758, RULE_merge_stmt); + try { + setState(7899); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,772,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7871); + merge_with_opt_hint(); + setState(7872); + match(INTO); + setState(7873); + source_relation_factor(); + setState(7874); + match(USING); + setState(7875); + source_relation_factor(); + setState(7876); + match(ON); + setState(7877); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7878); + expr(0); + setState(7879); + match(RightParen); + setState(7881); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,770,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(7880); + merge_update_clause(); + } + break; + } + setState(7883); + merge_insert_clause(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7885); + merge_with_opt_hint(); + setState(7886); + match(INTO); + setState(7887); + source_relation_factor(); + setState(7888); + match(USING); + setState(7889); + source_relation_factor(); + setState(7890); + match(ON); + setState(7891); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7892); + expr(0); + setState(7893); + match(RightParen); + setState(7895); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,771,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(7894); + merge_insert_clause(); + } + break; + } + setState(7897); + merge_update_clause(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Merge_update_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode WHEN() { return getToken(OBParser.WHEN, 0); } + public TerminalNode MATCHED() { return getToken(OBParser.MATCHED, 0); } + public TerminalNode THEN() { return getToken(OBParser.THEN, 0); } + public TerminalNode UPDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public Update_asgn_listContext update_asgn_list() { + return getRuleContext(Update_asgn_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } + public List WHERE() { return getTokens(OBParser.WHERE); } + public TerminalNode WHERE(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.WHERE, i); + } + public List expr() { + return getRuleContexts(ExprContext.class); + } + public ExprContext expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode HINT_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_VALUE, 0); } + public Merge_update_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_merge_update_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMerge_update_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMerge_update_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Merge_update_clauseContext merge_update_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Merge_update_clauseContext _localctx = new Merge_update_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 760, RULE_merge_update_clause); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7901); + match(WHEN); + setState(7902); + match(MATCHED); + setState(7903); + match(THEN); + setState(7904); + match(UPDATE); + setState(7905); + match(SET); + setState(7906); + update_asgn_list(); + setState(7912); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,773,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(7907); + match(WHERE); + setState(7908); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(7909); + match(WHERE); + setState(7910); + match(HINT_VALUE); + setState(7911); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + } + setState(7917); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DELETE) { + { + setState(7914); + match(DELETE); + setState(7915); + match(WHERE); + setState(7916); + expr(0); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Merge_insert_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode WHEN() { return getToken(OBParser.WHEN, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } + public TerminalNode MATCHED() { return getToken(OBParser.MATCHED, 0); } + public TerminalNode THEN() { return getToken(OBParser.THEN, 0); } + public TerminalNode INSERT() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERT, 0); } + public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } + public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); + } + public Insert_valsContext insert_vals() { + return getRuleContext(Insert_valsContext.class,0); + } + public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } + public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); + } + public Column_listContext column_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode WHERE() { return getToken(OBParser.WHERE, 0); } + public ExprContext expr() { + return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode HINT_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_VALUE, 0); } + public Merge_insert_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_merge_insert_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMerge_insert_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMerge_insert_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Merge_insert_clauseContext merge_insert_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Merge_insert_clauseContext _localctx = new Merge_insert_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 762, RULE_merge_insert_clause); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7919); + match(WHEN); + setState(7920); + match(NOT); + setState(7921); + match(MATCHED); + setState(7922); + match(THEN); + setState(7923); + match(INSERT); + setState(7928); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(7924); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7925); + column_list(); + setState(7926); + match(RightParen); + } + } + + setState(7930); + match(VALUES); + setState(7931); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7932); + insert_vals(); + setState(7933); + match(RightParen); + setState(7939); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,776,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(7934); + match(WHERE); + setState(7935); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(7936); + match(WHERE); + setState(7937); + match(HINT_VALUE); + setState(7938); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Source_relation_factorContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { + return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Select_no_parensContext select_no_parens() { + return getRuleContext(Select_no_parensContext.class,0); + } + public Simple_exprContext simple_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Simple_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Dual_tableContext dual_table() { + return getRuleContext(Dual_tableContext.class,0); + } + public Source_relation_factorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_source_relation_factor; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSource_relation_factor(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSource_relation_factor(this); + } + } + + public final Source_relation_factorContext source_relation_factor() throws RecognitionException { + Source_relation_factorContext _localctx = new Source_relation_factorContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 764, RULE_source_relation_factor); + try { + setState(7963); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case Dot: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7941); + relation_factor(); + setState(7943); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,777,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(7942); + relation_name(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case LeftParen: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7945); + select_with_parens(); + setState(7947); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,778,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(7946); + relation_name(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case TABLE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(7949); + match(TABLE); + setState(7950); + match(LeftParen); + setState(7953); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,779,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(7951); + select_no_parens(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(7952); + simple_expr(0); + } + break; + } + setState(7955); + match(RightParen); + setState(7957); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,780,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(7956); + relation_name(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case DUAL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(7959); + dual_table(); + setState(7961); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,781,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(7960); + relation_name(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Select_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public SubqueryContext subquery() { + return getRuleContext(SubqueryContext.class,0); + } + public Fetch_next_clauseContext fetch_next_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public For_updateContext for_update() { + return getRuleContext(For_updateContext.class,0); + } + public Fetch_nextContext fetch_next() { + return getRuleContext(Fetch_nextContext.class,0); + } + public Order_byContext order_by() { + return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); + } + public Select_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Select_stmtContext select_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Select_stmtContext _localctx = new Select_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 766, RULE_select_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(7992); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,786,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7965); + subquery(); + setState(7967); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { + { + setState(7966); + fetch_next_clause(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7969); + subquery(); + setState(7970); + for_update(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(7972); + subquery(); + setState(7973); + fetch_next(); + setState(7974); + for_update(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(7976); + subquery(); + setState(7977); + order_by(); + setState(7979); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { + { + setState(7978); + fetch_next_clause(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(7981); + subquery(); + setState(7982); + order_by(); + setState(7984); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { + { + setState(7983); + fetch_next_clause(); + } + } + + setState(7986); + for_update(); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(7988); + subquery(); + setState(7989); + for_update(); + setState(7990); + order_by(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class SubqueryContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Select_no_parensContext select_no_parens() { + return getRuleContext(Select_no_parensContext.class,0); + } + public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { + return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); + } + public With_selectContext with_select() { + return getRuleContext(With_selectContext.class,0); + } + public SubqueryContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_subquery; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSubquery(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSubquery(this); + } + } + + public final SubqueryContext subquery() throws RecognitionException { + SubqueryContext _localctx = new SubqueryContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 768, RULE_subquery); + try { + setState(7997); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,787,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7994); + select_no_parens(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(7995); + select_with_parens(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(7996); + with_select(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Select_with_parensContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Select_no_parensContext select_no_parens() { + return getRuleContext(Select_no_parensContext.class,0); + } + public With_selectContext with_select() { + return getRuleContext(With_selectContext.class,0); + } + public Order_byContext order_by() { + return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); + } + public Fetch_next_clauseContext fetch_next_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { + return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); + } + public Select_with_parensContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_with_parens; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_with_parens(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_with_parens(this); + } + } + + public final Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() throws RecognitionException { + Select_with_parensContext _localctx = new Select_with_parensContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 770, RULE_select_with_parens); + int _la; + try { + setState(8016); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,791,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(7999); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8002); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case SELECT: + case LeftParen: + case SELECT_HINT_BEGIN: + { + setState(8000); + select_no_parens(); + } + break; + case WITH: + { + setState(8001); + with_select(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(8005); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ORDER) { + { + setState(8004); + order_by(); + } + } + + setState(8008); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { + { + setState(8007); + fetch_next_clause(); + } + } + + setState(8010); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8012); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8013); + select_with_parens(); + setState(8014); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Select_no_parensContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Select_clauseContext select_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Select_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Select_clause_setContext select_clause_set() { + return getRuleContext(Select_clause_setContext.class,0); + } + public Select_no_parensContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_no_parens; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_no_parens(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_no_parens(this); + } + } + + public final Select_no_parensContext select_no_parens() throws RecognitionException { + Select_no_parensContext _localctx = new Select_no_parensContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 772, RULE_select_no_parens); + try { + setState(8020); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,792,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8018); + select_clause(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8019); + select_clause_set(0); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Select_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Simple_selectContext simple_select() { + return getRuleContext(Simple_selectContext.class,0); + } + public Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext select_with_hierarchical_query() { + return getRuleContext(Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext.class,0); + } + public Select_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Select_clauseContext select_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Select_clauseContext _localctx = new Select_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 774, RULE_select_clause); + try { + setState(8024); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,793,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8022); + simple_select(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8023); + select_with_hierarchical_query(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Select_clause_setContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Select_clause_set_leftContext select_clause_set_left() { + return getRuleContext(Select_clause_set_leftContext.class,0); + } + public Set_typeContext set_type() { + return getRuleContext(Set_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Select_clause_set_rightContext select_clause_set_right() { + return getRuleContext(Select_clause_set_rightContext.class,0); + } + public Select_clause_setContext select_clause_set() { + return getRuleContext(Select_clause_setContext.class,0); + } + public Select_clause_setContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_clause_set; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_clause_set(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_clause_set(this); + } + } + + public final Select_clause_setContext select_clause_set() throws RecognitionException { + return select_clause_set(0); + } + + private Select_clause_setContext select_clause_set(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Select_clause_setContext _localctx = new Select_clause_setContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Select_clause_setContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 776; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 776, RULE_select_clause_set, _p); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + { + setState(8027); + select_clause_set_left(); + setState(8028); + set_type(); + setState(8029); + select_clause_set_right(); + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(8037); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,794,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + { + _localctx = new Select_clause_setContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_select_clause_set); + setState(8031); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 2))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 2)"); + setState(8032); + set_type(); + setState(8033); + select_clause_set_right(); + } + } + } + setState(8039); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,794,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Select_clause_set_rightContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Simple_selectContext simple_select() { + return getRuleContext(Simple_selectContext.class,0); + } + public Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext select_with_hierarchical_query() { + return getRuleContext(Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext.class,0); + } + public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { + return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); + } + public Select_clause_set_rightContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_clause_set_right; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_clause_set_right(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_clause_set_right(this); + } + } + + public final Select_clause_set_rightContext select_clause_set_right() throws RecognitionException { + Select_clause_set_rightContext _localctx = new Select_clause_set_rightContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 778, RULE_select_clause_set_right); + try { + setState(8043); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,795,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8040); + simple_select(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8041); + select_with_hierarchical_query(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(8042); + select_with_parens(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Select_clause_set_leftContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Select_clause_set_rightContext select_clause_set_right() { + return getRuleContext(Select_clause_set_rightContext.class,0); + } + public Select_clause_set_leftContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_clause_set_left; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_clause_set_left(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_clause_set_left(this); + } + } + + public final Select_clause_set_leftContext select_clause_set_left() throws RecognitionException { + Select_clause_set_leftContext _localctx = new Select_clause_set_leftContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 780, RULE_select_clause_set_left); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8045); + select_clause_set_right(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Select_with_opt_hintContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SELECT() { return getToken(OBParser.SELECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode SELECT_HINT_BEGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.SELECT_HINT_BEGIN, 0); } + public Hint_list_with_endContext hint_list_with_end() { + return getRuleContext(Hint_list_with_endContext.class,0); + } + public Select_with_opt_hintContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_with_opt_hint; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_with_opt_hint(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_with_opt_hint(this); + } + } + + public final Select_with_opt_hintContext select_with_opt_hint() throws RecognitionException { + Select_with_opt_hintContext _localctx = new Select_with_opt_hintContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 782, RULE_select_with_opt_hint); + try { + setState(8050); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case SELECT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8047); + match(SELECT); + } + break; + case SELECT_HINT_BEGIN: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8048); + match(SELECT_HINT_BEGIN); + setState(8049); + hint_list_with_end(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Update_with_opt_hintContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode UPDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode UPDATE_HINT_BEGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATE_HINT_BEGIN, 0); } + public Hint_list_with_endContext hint_list_with_end() { + return getRuleContext(Hint_list_with_endContext.class,0); + } + public Update_with_opt_hintContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_update_with_opt_hint; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUpdate_with_opt_hint(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUpdate_with_opt_hint(this); + } + } + + public final Update_with_opt_hintContext update_with_opt_hint() throws RecognitionException { + Update_with_opt_hintContext _localctx = new Update_with_opt_hintContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 784, RULE_update_with_opt_hint); + try { + setState(8055); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case UPDATE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8052); + match(UPDATE); + } + break; + case UPDATE_HINT_BEGIN: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8053); + match(UPDATE_HINT_BEGIN); + setState(8054); + hint_list_with_end(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Delete_with_opt_hintContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DELETE_HINT_BEGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE_HINT_BEGIN, 0); } + public Hint_list_with_endContext hint_list_with_end() { + return getRuleContext(Hint_list_with_endContext.class,0); + } + public Delete_with_opt_hintContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_delete_with_opt_hint; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDelete_with_opt_hint(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDelete_with_opt_hint(this); + } + } + + public final Delete_with_opt_hintContext delete_with_opt_hint() throws RecognitionException { + Delete_with_opt_hintContext _localctx = new Delete_with_opt_hintContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 786, RULE_delete_with_opt_hint); + try { + setState(8060); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case DELETE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8057); + match(DELETE); + } + break; + case DELETE_HINT_BEGIN: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8058); + match(DELETE_HINT_BEGIN); + setState(8059); + hint_list_with_end(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Simple_selectContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Select_with_opt_hintContext select_with_opt_hint() { + return getRuleContext(Select_with_opt_hintContext.class,0); + } + public Select_expr_listContext select_expr_list() { + return getRuleContext(Select_expr_listContext.class,0); + } + public Into_optContext into_opt() { + return getRuleContext(Into_optContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FROM() { return getToken(OBParser.FROM, 0); } + public From_listContext from_list() { + return getRuleContext(From_listContext.class,0); + } + public Query_expression_option_listContext query_expression_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Query_expression_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode WHERE() { return getToken(OBParser.WHERE, 0); } + public List expr() { + return getRuleContexts(ExprContext.class); + } + public ExprContext expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode HINT_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode GROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUP, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public Groupby_clauseContext groupby_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Groupby_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode HAVING() { return getToken(OBParser.HAVING, 0); } + public Simple_selectContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_simple_select; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSimple_select(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSimple_select(this); + } + } + + public final Simple_selectContext simple_select() throws RecognitionException { + Simple_selectContext _localctx = new Simple_selectContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 788, RULE_simple_select); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8062); + select_with_opt_hint(); + setState(8064); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,799,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8063); + query_expression_option_list(); + } + break; + } + setState(8066); + select_expr_list(); + setState(8067); + into_opt(); + setState(8068); + match(FROM); + setState(8069); + from_list(); + setState(8075); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,800,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(8070); + match(WHERE); + setState(8071); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(8072); + match(WHERE); + setState(8073); + match(HINT_VALUE); + setState(8074); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + } + setState(8094); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,801,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(8077); + match(GROUP); + setState(8078); + match(BY); + setState(8079); + groupby_clause(); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(8080); + match(HAVING); + setState(8081); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + case 3: + { + { + setState(8082); + match(GROUP); + setState(8083); + match(BY); + setState(8084); + groupby_clause(); + setState(8085); + match(HAVING); + setState(8086); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + case 4: + { + { + setState(8088); + match(HAVING); + setState(8089); + expr(0); + setState(8090); + match(GROUP); + setState(8091); + match(BY); + setState(8092); + groupby_clause(); + } + } + break; + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Select_with_opt_hintContext select_with_opt_hint() { + return getRuleContext(Select_with_opt_hintContext.class,0); + } + public Select_expr_listContext select_expr_list() { + return getRuleContext(Select_expr_listContext.class,0); + } + public Into_optContext into_opt() { + return getRuleContext(Into_optContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FROM() { return getToken(OBParser.FROM, 0); } + public From_listContext from_list() { + return getRuleContext(From_listContext.class,0); + } + public Start_withContext start_with() { + return getRuleContext(Start_withContext.class,0); + } + public Connect_byContext connect_by() { + return getRuleContext(Connect_byContext.class,0); + } + public Query_expression_option_listContext query_expression_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Query_expression_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode WHERE() { return getToken(OBParser.WHERE, 0); } + public List expr() { + return getRuleContexts(ExprContext.class); + } + public ExprContext expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode HINT_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode GROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUP, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public Groupby_clauseContext groupby_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Groupby_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode HAVING() { return getToken(OBParser.HAVING, 0); } + public Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_with_hierarchical_query; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_with_hierarchical_query(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_with_hierarchical_query(this); + } + } + + public final Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext select_with_hierarchical_query() throws RecognitionException { + Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext _localctx = new Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 790, RULE_select_with_hierarchical_query); + try { + setState(8170); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,809,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8096); + select_with_opt_hint(); + setState(8098); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,802,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8097); + query_expression_option_list(); + } + break; + } + setState(8100); + select_expr_list(); + setState(8101); + into_opt(); + setState(8102); + match(FROM); + setState(8103); + from_list(); + setState(8109); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,803,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(8104); + match(WHERE); + setState(8105); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(8106); + match(WHERE); + setState(8107); + match(HINT_VALUE); + setState(8108); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + } + setState(8111); + start_with(); + setState(8112); + connect_by(); + setState(8130); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,804,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(8113); + match(GROUP); + setState(8114); + match(BY); + setState(8115); + groupby_clause(); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(8116); + match(HAVING); + setState(8117); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + case 3: + { + { + setState(8118); + match(GROUP); + setState(8119); + match(BY); + setState(8120); + groupby_clause(); + setState(8121); + match(HAVING); + setState(8122); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + case 4: + { + { + setState(8124); + match(HAVING); + setState(8125); + expr(0); + setState(8126); + match(GROUP); + setState(8127); + match(BY); + setState(8128); + groupby_clause(); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8132); + select_with_opt_hint(); + setState(8134); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,805,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8133); + query_expression_option_list(); + } + break; + } + setState(8136); + select_expr_list(); + setState(8137); + into_opt(); + setState(8138); + match(FROM); + setState(8139); + from_list(); + setState(8145); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,806,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(8140); + match(WHERE); + setState(8141); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(8142); + match(WHERE); + setState(8143); + match(HINT_VALUE); + setState(8144); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + } + setState(8147); + connect_by(); + setState(8149); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,807,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8148); + start_with(); + } + break; + } + setState(8168); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,808,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(8151); + match(GROUP); + setState(8152); + match(BY); + setState(8153); + groupby_clause(); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(8154); + match(HAVING); + setState(8155); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + case 3: + { + { + setState(8156); + match(GROUP); + setState(8157); + match(BY); + setState(8158); + groupby_clause(); + setState(8159); + match(HAVING); + setState(8160); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + case 4: + { + { + setState(8162); + match(HAVING); + setState(8163); + expr(0); + setState(8164); + match(GROUP); + setState(8165); + match(BY); + setState(8166); + groupby_clause(); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Start_withContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode START() { return getToken(OBParser.START, 0); } + public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } + public ExprContext expr() { + return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); + } + public Start_withContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_start_with; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterStart_with(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitStart_with(this); + } + } + + public final Start_withContext start_with() throws RecognitionException { + Start_withContext _localctx = new Start_withContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 792, RULE_start_with); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8172); + match(START); + setState(8173); + match(WITH); + setState(8174); + expr(0); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Fetch_next_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode OFFSET() { return getToken(OBParser.OFFSET, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ROW() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWS, 0); } + public Fetch_nextContext fetch_next() { + return getRuleContext(Fetch_nextContext.class,0); + } + public Fetch_next_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_fetch_next_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFetch_next_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFetch_next_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Fetch_next_clauseContext fetch_next_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Fetch_next_clauseContext _localctx = new Fetch_next_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 794, RULE_fetch_next_clause); + int _la; + try { + setState(8183); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case OFFSET: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8176); + match(OFFSET); + setState(8177); + bit_expr(0); + setState(8178); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ROW || _la==ROWS) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(8180); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FETCH) { + { + setState(8179); + fetch_next(); + } + } + + } + break; + case FETCH: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8182); + fetch_next(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Fetch_nextContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Fetch_next_countContext fetch_next_count() { + return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_countContext.class,0); + } + public Fetch_next_percentContext fetch_next_percent() { + return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_percentContext.class,0); + } + public Fetch_nextContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_fetch_next; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFetch_next(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFetch_next(this); + } + } + + public final Fetch_nextContext fetch_next() throws RecognitionException { + Fetch_nextContext _localctx = new Fetch_nextContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 796, RULE_fetch_next); + try { + setState(8187); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,812,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8185); + fetch_next_count(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8186); + fetch_next_percent(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Fetch_next_countContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Fetch_next_exprContext fetch_next_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.ONLY, 0); } + public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIES() { return getToken(OBParser.TIES, 0); } + public Fetch_next_countContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_fetch_next_count; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFetch_next_count(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFetch_next_count(this); + } + } + + public final Fetch_next_countContext fetch_next_count() throws RecognitionException { + Fetch_next_countContext _localctx = new Fetch_next_countContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 798, RULE_fetch_next_count); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8189); + fetch_next_expr(); + setState(8193); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ONLY: + { + setState(8190); + match(ONLY); + } + break; + case WITH: + { + setState(8191); + match(WITH); + setState(8192); + match(TIES); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Fetch_next_percentContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Fetch_next_percent_exprContext fetch_next_percent_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_percent_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.ONLY, 0); } + public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIES() { return getToken(OBParser.TIES, 0); } + public Fetch_next_percentContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_fetch_next_percent; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFetch_next_percent(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFetch_next_percent(this); + } + } + + public final Fetch_next_percentContext fetch_next_percent() throws RecognitionException { + Fetch_next_percentContext _localctx = new Fetch_next_percentContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 800, RULE_fetch_next_percent); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8195); + fetch_next_percent_expr(); + setState(8199); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ONLY: + { + setState(8196); + match(ONLY); + } + break; + case WITH: + { + setState(8197); + match(WITH); + setState(8198); + match(TIES); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Fetch_next_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode FETCH() { return getToken(OBParser.FETCH, 0); } + public TerminalNode FIRST() { return getToken(OBParser.FIRST, 0); } + public TerminalNode NEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.NEXT, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROW() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWS, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Fetch_next_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_fetch_next_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFetch_next_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFetch_next_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Fetch_next_exprContext fetch_next_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Fetch_next_exprContext _localctx = new Fetch_next_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 802, RULE_fetch_next_expr); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8201); + match(FETCH); + setState(8202); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==FIRST || _la==NEXT) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(8204); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,815,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8203); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + } + setState(8206); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ROW || _la==ROWS) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Fetch_next_percent_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode FETCH() { return getToken(OBParser.FETCH, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PERCENT() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode FIRST() { return getToken(OBParser.FIRST, 0); } + public TerminalNode NEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.NEXT, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROW() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWS, 0); } + public Fetch_next_percent_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_fetch_next_percent_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFetch_next_percent_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFetch_next_percent_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Fetch_next_percent_exprContext fetch_next_percent_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Fetch_next_percent_exprContext _localctx = new Fetch_next_percent_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 804, RULE_fetch_next_percent_expr); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8208); + match(FETCH); + setState(8209); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==FIRST || _la==NEXT) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(8210); + bit_expr(0); + setState(8211); + match(PERCENT); + setState(8212); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ROW || _la==ROWS) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Connect_byContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CONNECT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public ExprContext expr() { + return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NOCYCLE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOCYCLE, 0); } + public Connect_byContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_connect_by; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterConnect_by(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitConnect_by(this); + } + } + + public final Connect_byContext connect_by() throws RecognitionException { + Connect_byContext _localctx = new Connect_byContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 806, RULE_connect_by); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8214); + match(CONNECT); + setState(8215); + match(BY); + setState(8217); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,816,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8216); + match(NOCYCLE); + } + break; + } + setState(8219); + expr(0); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Set_type_unionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode UNION() { return getToken(OBParser.UNION, 0); } + public Set_type_unionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_type_union; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_type_union(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_type_union(this); + } + } + + public final Set_type_unionContext set_type_union() throws RecognitionException { + Set_type_unionContext _localctx = new Set_type_unionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 808, RULE_set_type_union); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8221); + match(UNION); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Set_type_otherContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTERSECT() { return getToken(OBParser.INTERSECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode MINUS() { return getToken(OBParser.MINUS, 0); } + public Set_type_otherContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_type_other; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_type_other(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_type_other(this); + } + } + + public final Set_type_otherContext set_type_other() throws RecognitionException { + Set_type_otherContext _localctx = new Set_type_otherContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 810, RULE_set_type_other); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8223); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==INTERSECT || _la==MINUS) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Set_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Set_type_unionContext set_type_union() { + return getRuleContext(Set_type_unionContext.class,0); + } + public Set_expression_optionContext set_expression_option() { + return getRuleContext(Set_expression_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Set_type_otherContext set_type_other() { + return getRuleContext(Set_type_otherContext.class,0); + } + public Set_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_type(this); + } + } + + public final Set_typeContext set_type() throws RecognitionException { + Set_typeContext _localctx = new Set_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 812, RULE_set_type); + try { + setState(8229); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case UNION: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8225); + set_type_union(); + setState(8226); + set_expression_option(); + } + break; + case INTERSECT: + case MINUS: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8228); + set_type_other(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Set_expression_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public Set_expression_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_expression_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_expression_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_expression_option(this); + } + } + + public final Set_expression_optionContext set_expression_option() throws RecognitionException { + Set_expression_optionContext _localctx = new Set_expression_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 814, RULE_set_expression_option); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8232); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ALL) { + { + setState(8231); + match(ALL); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_whereContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode WHERE() { return getToken(OBParser.WHERE, 0); } + public ExprContext expr() { + return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode HINT_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_VALUE, 0); } + public Opt_whereContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_where; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_where(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_where(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_whereContext opt_where() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_whereContext _localctx = new Opt_whereContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 816, RULE_opt_where); + try { + setState(8240); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case EOF: + case TO: + case RETURN: + case RETURNING: + case LOG: + case DELIMITER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8234); + empty(); + } + break; + case WHERE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8235); + match(WHERE); + setState(8237); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,819,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8236); + match(HINT_VALUE); + } + break; + } + setState(8239); + expr(0); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_where_extensionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Opt_whereContext opt_where() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_whereContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode WHERE() { return getToken(OBParser.WHERE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CURRENT() { return getToken(OBParser.CURRENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode OF() { return getToken(OBParser.OF, 0); } + public Obj_access_refContext obj_access_ref() { + return getRuleContext(Obj_access_refContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_where_extensionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_where_extension; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_where_extension(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_where_extension(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_where_extensionContext opt_where_extension() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_where_extensionContext _localctx = new Opt_where_extensionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 818, RULE_opt_where_extension); + try { + setState(8247); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,821,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8242); + opt_where(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8243); + match(WHERE); + setState(8244); + match(CURRENT); + setState(8245); + match(OF); + setState(8246); + obj_access_ref(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Into_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } + public Into_var_listContext into_var_list() { + return getRuleContext(Into_var_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode BULK() { return getToken(OBParser.BULK, 0); } + public TerminalNode COLLECT() { return getToken(OBParser.COLLECT, 0); } + public Into_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_into_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInto_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInto_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Into_clauseContext into_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Into_clauseContext _localctx = new Into_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 820, RULE_into_clause); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8251); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==BULK) { + { + setState(8249); + match(BULK); + setState(8250); + match(COLLECT); + } + } + + setState(8253); + match(INTO); + setState(8254); + into_var_list(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Into_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } + public TerminalNode OUTFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTFILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public File_partition_optContext file_partition_opt() { + return getRuleContext(File_partition_optContext.class,0); + } + public Field_optContext field_opt() { + return getRuleContext(Field_optContext.class,0); + } + public Line_optContext line_opt() { + return getRuleContext(Line_optContext.class,0); + } + public File_optContext file_opt() { + return getRuleContext(File_optContext.class,0); + } + public Charset_keyContext charset_key() { + return getRuleContext(Charset_keyContext.class,0); + } + public Charset_nameContext charset_name() { + return getRuleContext(Charset_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode DUMPFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.DUMPFILE, 0); } + public Into_clauseContext into_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Into_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Into_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_into_opt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInto_opt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInto_opt(this); + } + } + + public final Into_optContext into_opt() throws RecognitionException { + Into_optContext _localctx = new Into_optContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 822, RULE_into_opt); + int _la; + try { + setState(8274); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,824,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8256); + match(INTO); + setState(8257); + match(OUTFILE); + setState(8258); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(8259); + file_partition_opt(); + setState(8263); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CHARACTER || _la==CHARSET) { + { + setState(8260); + charset_key(); + setState(8261); + charset_name(); + } + } + + setState(8265); + field_opt(); + setState(8266); + line_opt(); + setState(8267); + file_opt(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8269); + match(INTO); + setState(8270); + match(DUMPFILE); + setState(8271); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(8272); + into_clause(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(8273); + empty(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Into_var_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List into_var() { + return getRuleContexts(Into_varContext.class); + } + public Into_varContext into_var(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Into_varContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Into_var_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_into_var_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInto_var_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInto_var_list(this); + } + } + + public final Into_var_listContext into_var_list() throws RecognitionException { + Into_var_listContext _localctx = new Into_var_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 824, RULE_into_var_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8276); + into_var(); + setState(8281); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(8277); + match(Comma); + setState(8278); + into_var(); + } + } + setState(8283); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Into_varContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } + public Obj_access_ref_normalContext obj_access_ref_normal() { + return getRuleContext(Obj_access_ref_normalContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode QUESTIONMARK() { return getToken(OBParser.QUESTIONMARK, 0); } + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Into_varContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_into_var; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInto_var(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInto_var(this); + } + } + + public final Into_varContext into_var() throws RecognitionException { + Into_varContext _localctx = new Into_varContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 826, RULE_into_var); + try { + setState(8291); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,826,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8284); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8285); + obj_access_ref_normal(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(8286); + match(QUESTIONMARK); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(8287); + if (!(this.is_pl_parse_)) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "this.is_pl_parse_"); + setState(8288); + match(QUESTIONMARK); + setState(8289); + match(Dot); + setState(8290); + column_name(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Field_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Columns_or_fieldsContext columns_or_fields() { + return getRuleContext(Columns_or_fieldsContext.class,0); + } + public Field_term_listContext field_term_list() { + return getRuleContext(Field_term_listContext.class,0); + } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Field_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_field_opt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterField_opt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitField_opt(this); + } + } + + public final Field_optContext field_opt() throws RecognitionException { + Field_optContext _localctx = new Field_optContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 828, RULE_field_opt); + try { + setState(8297); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case COLUMNS: + case FIELDS: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8293); + columns_or_fields(); + setState(8294); + field_term_list(); + } + break; + case EOF: + case SINGLE: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case FROM: + case SET: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case REJECT: + case IGNORE: + case LOGFILE: + case LeftParen: + case DELIMITER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8296); + empty(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Field_term_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List field_term() { + return getRuleContexts(Field_termContext.class); + } + public Field_termContext field_term(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Field_termContext.class,i); + } + public Field_term_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_field_term_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterField_term_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitField_term_list(this); + } + } + + public final Field_term_listContext field_term_list() throws RecognitionException { + Field_term_listContext _localctx = new Field_term_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 830, RULE_field_term_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8300); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + do { + { + { + setState(8299); + field_term(); + } + } + setState(8302); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } while ( _la==ENCLOSED || _la==ESCAPED || _la==OPTIONALLY || _la==TERMINATED ); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Field_termContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ESCAPED() { return getToken(OBParser.ESCAPED, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENCLOSED() { return getToken(OBParser.ENCLOSED, 0); } + public TerminalNode TERMINATED() { return getToken(OBParser.TERMINATED, 0); } + public TerminalNode OPTIONALLY() { return getToken(OBParser.OPTIONALLY, 0); } + public Field_termContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_field_term; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterField_term(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitField_term(this); + } + } + + public final Field_termContext field_term() throws RecognitionException { + Field_termContext _localctx = new Field_termContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 832, RULE_field_term); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8312); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ENCLOSED: + case OPTIONALLY: + case TERMINATED: + { + setState(8309); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ENCLOSED: + case OPTIONALLY: + { + setState(8305); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==OPTIONALLY) { + { + setState(8304); + match(OPTIONALLY); + } + } + + setState(8307); + match(ENCLOSED); + } + break; + case TERMINATED: + { + setState(8308); + match(TERMINATED); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case ESCAPED: + { + setState(8311); + match(ESCAPED); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(8314); + match(BY); + setState(8315); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class File_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public File_option_listContext file_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(File_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public File_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_file_opt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFile_opt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFile_opt(this); + } + } + + public final File_optContext file_opt() throws RecognitionException { + File_optContext _localctx = new File_optContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 834, RULE_file_opt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8318); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << SINGLE) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE))) != 0)) { + { + setState(8317); + file_option_list(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class File_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List file_option() { + return getRuleContexts(File_optionContext.class); + } + public File_optionContext file_option(int i) { + return getRuleContext(File_optionContext.class,i); + } + public File_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_file_option_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFile_option_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFile_option_list(this); + } + } + + public final File_option_listContext file_option_list() throws RecognitionException { + File_option_listContext _localctx = new File_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 836, RULE_file_option_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8321); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + do { + { + { + setState(8320); + file_option(); + } + } + setState(8323); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } while ( (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << SINGLE) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE))) != 0) ); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class File_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SINGLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SINGLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode BOOL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX_FILE_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_FILE_SIZE, 0); } + public File_size_constContext file_size_const() { + return getRuleContext(File_size_constContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode BUFFER_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.BUFFER_SIZE, 0); } + public File_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_file_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFile_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFile_option(this); + } + } + + public final File_optionContext file_option() throws RecognitionException { + File_optionContext _localctx = new File_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 838, RULE_file_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(8340); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case SINGLE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8325); + match(SINGLE); + setState(8327); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(8326); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(8329); + match(BOOL_VALUE); + } + break; + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8330); + match(MAX_FILE_SIZE); + setState(8332); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(8331); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(8334); + file_size_const(); + } + break; + case BUFFER_SIZE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(8335); + match(BUFFER_SIZE); + setState(8337); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(8336); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(8339); + file_size_const(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class File_partition_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public File_partition_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_file_partition_opt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFile_partition_opt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFile_partition_opt(this); + } + } + + public final File_partition_optContext file_partition_opt() throws RecognitionException { + File_partition_optContext _localctx = new File_partition_optContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 840, RULE_file_partition_opt); + try { + setState(8346); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case SINGLE: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case FROM: + case CHARACTER: + case LINES: + case COLUMNS: + case FIELDS: + case CHARSET: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8342); + empty(); + } + break; + case PARTITION: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8343); + match(PARTITION); + setState(8344); + match(BY); + setState(8345); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class File_size_constContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public File_size_constContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_file_size_const; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFile_size_const(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFile_size_const(this); + } + } + + public final File_size_constContext file_size_const() throws RecognitionException { + File_size_constContext _localctx = new File_size_constContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 842, RULE_file_size_const); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8348); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==INTNUM || _la==STRING_VALUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Line_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LINES() { return getToken(OBParser.LINES, 0); } + public Line_term_listContext line_term_list() { + return getRuleContext(Line_term_listContext.class,0); + } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Line_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_line_opt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLine_opt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLine_opt(this); + } + } + + public final Line_optContext line_opt() throws RecognitionException { + Line_optContext _localctx = new Line_optContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 844, RULE_line_opt); + try { + setState(8353); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case LINES: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8350); + match(LINES); + setState(8351); + line_term_list(); + } + break; + case EOF: + case SINGLE: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case FROM: + case SET: + case BADFILE: + case REJECT: + case IGNORE: + case LOGFILE: + case LeftParen: + case DELIMITER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8352); + empty(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Line_term_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List line_term() { + return getRuleContexts(Line_termContext.class); + } + public Line_termContext line_term(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Line_termContext.class,i); + } + public Line_term_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_line_term_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLine_term_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLine_term_list(this); + } + } + + public final Line_term_listContext line_term_list() throws RecognitionException { + Line_term_listContext _localctx = new Line_term_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 846, RULE_line_term_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8356); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + do { + { + { + setState(8355); + line_term(); + } + } + setState(8358); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } while ( _la==STARTING || _la==TERMINATED ); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Line_termContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode STARTING() { return getToken(OBParser.STARTING, 0); } + public TerminalNode TERMINATED() { return getToken(OBParser.TERMINATED, 0); } + public Line_termContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_line_term; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLine_term(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLine_term(this); + } + } + + public final Line_termContext line_term() throws RecognitionException { + Line_termContext _localctx = new Line_termContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 848, RULE_line_term); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8360); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==STARTING || _la==TERMINATED) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(8361); + match(BY); + setState(8362); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Hint_list_with_endContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode HINT_END() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_END, 0); } + public Hint_optionsContext hint_options() { + return getRuleContext(Hint_optionsContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_hint_listContext opt_hint_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_hint_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Hint_list_with_endContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hint_list_with_end; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHint_list_with_end(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHint_list_with_end(this); + } + } + + public final Hint_list_with_endContext hint_list_with_end() throws RecognitionException { + Hint_list_with_endContext _localctx = new Hint_list_with_endContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 850, RULE_hint_list_with_end); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8369); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,841,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8364); + hint_options(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(8365); + opt_hint_list(0); + setState(8366); + match(Comma); + setState(8367); + hint_options(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(8371); + match(HINT_END); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_hint_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Hint_optionsContext hint_options() { + return getRuleContext(Hint_optionsContext.class,0); + } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_hint_listContext opt_hint_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_hint_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Opt_hint_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_hint_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_hint_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_hint_list(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_hint_listContext opt_hint_list() throws RecognitionException { + return opt_hint_list(0); + } + + private Opt_hint_listContext opt_hint_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Opt_hint_listContext _localctx = new Opt_hint_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Opt_hint_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 852; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 852, RULE_opt_hint_list, _p); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8376); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,842,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8374); + hint_options(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(8375); + empty(); + } + break; + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(8383); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,843,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + { + _localctx = new Opt_hint_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_opt_hint_list); + setState(8378); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); + setState(8379); + match(Comma); + setState(8380); + hint_options(); + } + } + } + setState(8385); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,843,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Hint_optionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List hint_option() { + return getRuleContexts(Hint_optionContext.class); + } + public Hint_optionContext hint_option(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Hint_optionContext.class,i); + } + public Hint_optionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hint_options; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHint_options(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHint_options(this); + } + } + + public final Hint_optionsContext hint_options() throws RecognitionException { + Hint_optionsContext _localctx = new Hint_optionsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 854, RULE_hint_options); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8387); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = 1; + do { + switch (_alt) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(8386); + hint_option(); + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(8389); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,844,_ctx); + } while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Name_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Name_listContext name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Name_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_name_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterName_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitName_list(this); + } + } + + public final Name_listContext name_list() throws RecognitionException { + return name_list(0); + } + + private Name_listContext name_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Name_listContext _localctx = new Name_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Name_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 856; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 856, RULE_name_list, _p); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + { + setState(8392); + relation_name(); + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(8401); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,846,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + setState(8399); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,845,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + _localctx = new Name_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_name_list); + setState(8394); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 2))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 2)"); + setState(8395); + relation_name(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + _localctx = new Name_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_name_list); + setState(8396); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); + setState(8397); + match(Comma); + setState(8398); + relation_name(); + } + break; + } + } + } + setState(8403); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,846,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Hint_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NO_REWRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_REWRITE, 0); } + public TerminalNode READ_CONSISTENCY() { return getToken(OBParser.READ_CONSISTENCY, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Consistency_levelContext consistency_level() { + return getRuleContext(Consistency_levelContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode INDEX_HINT() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX_HINT, 0); } + public Qb_name_optionContext qb_name_option() { + return getRuleContext(Qb_name_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Relation_factor_in_hintContext relation_factor_in_hint() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hintContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public TerminalNode QUERY_TIMEOUT() { return getToken(OBParser.QUERY_TIMEOUT, 0); } + public List INTNUM() { return getTokens(OBParser.INTNUM); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, i); + } + public TerminalNode FROZEN_VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.FROZEN_VERSION, 0); } + public TerminalNode TOPK() { return getToken(OBParser.TOPK, 0); } + public TerminalNode HOTSPOT() { return getToken(OBParser.HOTSPOT, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOG_LEVEL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOG_LEVEL, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LEADING_HINT() { return getToken(OBParser.LEADING_HINT, 0); } + public Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext.class,0); + } + public Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_hint_list() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ORDERED() { return getToken(OBParser.ORDERED, 0); } + public TerminalNode FULL_HINT() { return getToken(OBParser.FULL_HINT, 0); } + public TerminalNode USE_PLAN_CACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_PLAN_CACHE, 0); } + public Use_plan_cache_typeContext use_plan_cache_type() { + return getRuleContext(Use_plan_cache_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode USE_MERGE() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_MERGE, 0); } + public Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NO_USE_MERGE() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_USE_MERGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode USE_HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_HASH, 0); } + public TerminalNode NO_USE_HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_USE_HASH, 0); } + public TerminalNode USE_NL() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_NL, 0); } + public TerminalNode NO_USE_NL() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_USE_NL, 0); } + public TerminalNode USE_BNL() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_BNL, 0); } + public TerminalNode NO_USE_BNL() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_USE_BNL, 0); } + public TerminalNode USE_NL_MATERIALIZATION() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_NL_MATERIALIZATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode NO_USE_NL_MATERIALIZATION() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_USE_NL_MATERIALIZATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode USE_HASH_AGGREGATION() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_HASH_AGGREGATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode NO_USE_HASH_AGGREGATION() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_USE_HASH_AGGREGATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode MERGE_HINT() { return getToken(OBParser.MERGE_HINT, 0); } + public TerminalNode NO_MERGE_HINT() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_MERGE_HINT, 0); } + public TerminalNode NO_EXPAND() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_EXPAND, 0); } + public TerminalNode USE_CONCAT() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_CONCAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNNEST() { return getToken(OBParser.UNNEST, 0); } + public TerminalNode NO_UNNEST() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_UNNEST, 0); } + public TerminalNode PLACE_GROUP_BY() { return getToken(OBParser.PLACE_GROUP_BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode NO_PLACE_GROUP_BY() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_PLACE_GROUP_BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode NO_PRED_DEDUCE() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_PRED_DEDUCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode USE_JIT() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_JIT, 0); } + public Use_jit_typeContext use_jit_type() { + return getRuleContext(Use_jit_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NO_USE_JIT() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_USE_JIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode USE_LATE_MATERIALIZATION() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_LATE_MATERIALIZATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode NO_USE_LATE_MATERIALIZATION() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_USE_LATE_MATERIALIZATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRACE_LOG() { return getToken(OBParser.TRACE_LOG, 0); } + public TerminalNode STAT() { return getToken(OBParser.STAT, 0); } + public Tracing_num_listContext tracing_num_list() { + return getRuleContext(Tracing_num_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TRACING() { return getToken(OBParser.TRACING, 0); } + public TerminalNode DOP() { return getToken(OBParser.DOP, 0); } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public TerminalNode USE_PX() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_PX, 0); } + public TerminalNode NO_USE_PX() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_USE_PX, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRANS_PARAM() { return getToken(OBParser.TRANS_PARAM, 0); } + public Trans_param_nameContext trans_param_name() { + return getRuleContext(Trans_param_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Trans_param_valueContext trans_param_value() { + return getRuleContext(Trans_param_valueContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PX_JOIN_FILTER() { return getToken(OBParser.PX_JOIN_FILTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode NO_PX_JOIN_FILTER() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_PX_JOIN_FILTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode FORCE_REFRESH_LOCATION_CACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE_REFRESH_LOCATION_CACHE, 0); } + public TerminalNode QB_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.QB_NAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX_CONCURRENT() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_CONCURRENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode PARALLEL() { return getToken(OBParser.PARALLEL, 0); } + public TerminalNode NO_PARALLEL() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_PARALLEL, 0); } + public TerminalNode MONITOR() { return getToken(OBParser.MONITOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode PQ_DISTRIBUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.PQ_DISTRIBUTE, 0); } + public Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext relation_factor_in_pq_hint() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext.class,0); + } + public List distribute_method() { + return getRuleContexts(Distribute_methodContext.class); + } + public Distribute_methodContext distribute_method(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Distribute_methodContext.class,i); + } + public Opt_commaContext opt_comma() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_commaContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PQ_MAP() { return getToken(OBParser.PQ_MAP, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOAD_BATCH_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.LOAD_BATCH_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode EOF() { return getToken(OBParser.EOF, 0); } + public TerminalNode PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR() { return getToken(OBParser.PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENABLE_PARALLEL_DML() { return getToken(OBParser.ENABLE_PARALLEL_DML, 0); } + public TerminalNode DISABLE_PARALLEL_DML() { return getToken(OBParser.DISABLE_PARALLEL_DML, 0); } + public TerminalNode INLINE() { return getToken(OBParser.INLINE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MATERIALIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.MATERIALIZE, 0); } + public Hint_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hint_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHint_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHint_option(this); + } + } + + public final Hint_optionContext hint_option() throws RecognitionException { + Hint_optionContext _localctx = new Hint_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 858, RULE_hint_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(8695); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,861,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8404); + match(NO_REWRITE); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8405); + match(READ_CONSISTENCY); + setState(8406); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8407); + consistency_level(); + setState(8408); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(8410); + match(INDEX_HINT); + setState(8411); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8412); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8413); + relation_factor_in_hint(); + setState(8414); + match(NAME_OB); + setState(8415); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(8417); + match(QUERY_TIMEOUT); + setState(8418); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8419); + match(INTNUM); + setState(8420); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(8421); + match(FROZEN_VERSION); + setState(8422); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8423); + match(INTNUM); + setState(8424); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(8425); + match(TOPK); + setState(8426); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8427); + match(INTNUM); + setState(8428); + match(INTNUM); + setState(8429); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(8430); + match(HOTSPOT); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(8431); + match(LOG_LEVEL); + setState(8432); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8433); + match(NAME_OB); + setState(8434); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(8435); + match(LOG_LEVEL); + setState(8436); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8437); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(8438); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 10: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(8439); + match(LEADING_HINT); + setState(8440); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8441); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8442); + relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry(); + setState(8443); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 11: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); + { + setState(8445); + match(LEADING_HINT); + setState(8446); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8447); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8448); + relation_factor_in_hint_list(); + setState(8449); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 12: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); + { + setState(8451); + match(ORDERED); + } + break; + case 13: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); + { + setState(8452); + match(FULL_HINT); + setState(8453); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8454); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8455); + relation_factor_in_hint(); + setState(8456); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 14: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); + { + setState(8458); + match(USE_PLAN_CACHE); + setState(8459); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8460); + use_plan_cache_type(); + setState(8461); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 15: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); + { + setState(8463); + match(USE_MERGE); + setState(8464); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8465); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8466); + relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); + setState(8467); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 16: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); + { + setState(8469); + match(NO_USE_MERGE); + setState(8470); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8471); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8472); + relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); + setState(8473); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 17: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); + { + setState(8475); + match(USE_HASH); + setState(8476); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8477); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8478); + relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); + setState(8479); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 18: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); + { + setState(8481); + match(NO_USE_HASH); + setState(8482); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8483); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8484); + relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); + setState(8485); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 19: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); + { + setState(8487); + match(USE_NL); + setState(8488); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8489); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8490); + relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); + setState(8491); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 20: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 20); + { + setState(8493); + match(NO_USE_NL); + setState(8494); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8495); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8496); + relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); + setState(8497); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 21: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 21); + { + setState(8499); + match(USE_BNL); + setState(8500); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8501); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8502); + relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); + setState(8503); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 22: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 22); + { + setState(8505); + match(NO_USE_BNL); + setState(8506); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8507); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8508); + relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); + setState(8509); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 23: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 23); + { + setState(8511); + match(USE_NL_MATERIALIZATION); + setState(8512); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8513); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8514); + relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); + setState(8515); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 24: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 24); + { + setState(8517); + match(NO_USE_NL_MATERIALIZATION); + setState(8518); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8519); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8520); + relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); + setState(8521); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 25: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 25); + { + setState(8523); + match(USE_HASH_AGGREGATION); + } + break; + case 26: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 26); + { + setState(8524); + match(NO_USE_HASH_AGGREGATION); + } + break; + case 27: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 27); + { + setState(8525); + match(MERGE_HINT); + setState(8530); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,847,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8526); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8527); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8528); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 28: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 28); + { + setState(8532); + match(NO_MERGE_HINT); + setState(8537); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,848,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8533); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8534); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8535); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 29: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 29); + { + setState(8539); + match(NO_EXPAND); + setState(8544); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,849,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8540); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8541); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8542); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 30: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 30); + { + setState(8546); + match(USE_CONCAT); + setState(8551); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,850,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8547); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8548); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8549); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 31: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 31); + { + setState(8553); + match(UNNEST); + setState(8558); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,851,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8554); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8555); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8556); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 32: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 32); + { + setState(8560); + match(NO_UNNEST); + setState(8565); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,852,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8561); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8562); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8563); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 33: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 33); + { + setState(8567); + match(PLACE_GROUP_BY); + setState(8572); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,853,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8568); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8569); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8570); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 34: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 34); + { + setState(8574); + match(NO_PLACE_GROUP_BY); + setState(8579); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,854,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8575); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8576); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8577); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 35: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 35); + { + setState(8581); + match(NO_PRED_DEDUCE); + setState(8586); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,855,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8582); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8583); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8584); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 36: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 36); + { + setState(8588); + match(USE_JIT); + setState(8589); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8590); + use_jit_type(); + setState(8591); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 37: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 37); + { + setState(8593); + match(NO_USE_JIT); + } + break; + case 38: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 38); + { + setState(8594); + match(USE_LATE_MATERIALIZATION); + } + break; + case 39: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 39); + { + setState(8595); + match(NO_USE_LATE_MATERIALIZATION); + } + break; + case 40: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 40); + { + setState(8596); + match(TRACE_LOG); + } + break; + case 41: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 41); + { + setState(8597); + match(STAT); + setState(8598); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8599); + tracing_num_list(); + setState(8600); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 42: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 42); + { + setState(8602); + match(TRACING); + setState(8603); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8604); + tracing_num_list(); + setState(8605); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 43: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 43); + { + setState(8607); + match(DOP); + setState(8608); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8609); + match(INTNUM); + setState(8610); + match(Comma); + setState(8611); + match(INTNUM); + setState(8612); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 44: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 44); + { + setState(8613); + match(USE_PX); + } + break; + case 45: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 45); + { + setState(8614); + match(NO_USE_PX); + } + break; + case 46: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 46); + { + setState(8615); + match(TRANS_PARAM); + setState(8616); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8617); + trans_param_name(); + setState(8619); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Comma) { + { + setState(8618); + match(Comma); + } + } + + setState(8621); + trans_param_value(); + setState(8622); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 47: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 47); + { + setState(8624); + match(PX_JOIN_FILTER); + setState(8625); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8626); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8627); + relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); + setState(8628); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 48: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 48); + { + setState(8630); + match(NO_PX_JOIN_FILTER); + setState(8631); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8632); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8633); + relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); + setState(8634); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 49: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 49); + { + setState(8636); + match(FORCE_REFRESH_LOCATION_CACHE); + } + break; + case 50: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 50); + { + setState(8637); + match(QB_NAME); + setState(8638); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8639); + match(NAME_OB); + setState(8640); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 51: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 51); + { + setState(8641); + match(MAX_CONCURRENT); + setState(8642); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8643); + match(INTNUM); + setState(8644); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 52: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 52); + { + setState(8645); + match(PARALLEL); + setState(8646); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8647); + match(INTNUM); + setState(8648); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 53: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 53); + { + setState(8649); + match(NO_PARALLEL); + } + break; + case 54: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 54); + { + setState(8650); + match(MONITOR); + } + break; + case 55: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 55); + { + setState(8651); + match(PQ_DISTRIBUTE); + setState(8652); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8653); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8654); + relation_factor_in_pq_hint(); + setState(8656); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Comma) { + { + setState(8655); + match(Comma); + } + } + + setState(8658); + distribute_method(); + setState(8662); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ALL || _la==PARTITION || _la==RANGE || _la==LIST || _la==HASH || _la==LOCAL || _la==BC2HOST || _la==NONE || _la==RANDOM || _la==BASIC || _la==Comma || _la==RANDOM_LOCAL || _la==BROADCAST) { + { + setState(8659); + opt_comma(); + setState(8660); + distribute_method(); + } + } + + setState(8664); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 56: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 56); + { + setState(8666); + match(PQ_MAP); + setState(8667); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8668); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8669); + relation_factor_in_hint(); + setState(8670); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 57: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 57); + { + setState(8672); + match(LOAD_BATCH_SIZE); + setState(8673); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8674); + match(INTNUM); + setState(8675); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 58: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 58); + { + setState(8676); + match(NAME_OB); + } + break; + case 59: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 59); + { + setState(8677); + match(EOF); + } + break; + case 60: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 60); + { + setState(8678); + match(PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR); + } + break; + case 61: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 61); + { + setState(8679); + match(ENABLE_PARALLEL_DML); + } + break; + case 62: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 62); + { + setState(8680); + match(DISABLE_PARALLEL_DML); + } + break; + case 63: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 63); + { + setState(8681); + match(INLINE); + setState(8686); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,859,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8682); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8683); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8684); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 64: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 64); + { + setState(8688); + match(MATERIALIZE); + setState(8693); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,860,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8689); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8690); + qb_name_option(); + setState(8691); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Distribute_methodContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public TerminalNode NONE() { return getToken(OBParser.NONE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode RANDOM() { return getToken(OBParser.RANDOM, 0); } + public TerminalNode RANDOM_LOCAL() { return getToken(OBParser.RANDOM_LOCAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.HASH, 0); } + public TerminalNode BROADCAST() { return getToken(OBParser.BROADCAST, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOCAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode BC2HOST() { return getToken(OBParser.BC2HOST, 0); } + public TerminalNode RANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.RANGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.LIST, 0); } + public TerminalNode BASIC() { return getToken(OBParser.BASIC, 0); } + public Distribute_methodContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_distribute_method; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDistribute_method(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDistribute_method(this); + } + } + + public final Distribute_methodContext distribute_method() throws RecognitionException { + Distribute_methodContext _localctx = new Distribute_methodContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 860, RULE_distribute_method); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8697); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==PARTITION || _la==RANGE || _la==LIST || _la==HASH || _la==LOCAL || _la==BC2HOST || _la==NONE || _la==RANDOM || _la==BASIC || _la==RANDOM_LOCAL || _la==BROADCAST) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Consistency_levelContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode WEAK() { return getToken(OBParser.WEAK, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRONG() { return getToken(OBParser.STRONG, 0); } + public TerminalNode FROZEN() { return getToken(OBParser.FROZEN, 0); } + public Consistency_levelContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_consistency_level; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterConsistency_level(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitConsistency_level(this); + } + } + + public final Consistency_levelContext consistency_level() throws RecognitionException { + Consistency_levelContext _localctx = new Consistency_levelContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 862, RULE_consistency_level); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8699); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(((((_la - 391)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 391)) & ((1L << (STRONG - 391)) | (1L << (WEAK - 391)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 391)))) != 0)) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Use_plan_cache_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NONE() { return getToken(OBParser.NONE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public Use_plan_cache_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_use_plan_cache_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUse_plan_cache_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUse_plan_cache_type(this); + } + } + + public final Use_plan_cache_typeContext use_plan_cache_type() throws RecognitionException { + Use_plan_cache_typeContext _localctx = new Use_plan_cache_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 864, RULE_use_plan_cache_type); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8701); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==DEFAULT || _la==NONE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Use_jit_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode AUTO() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTO, 0); } + public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } + public Use_jit_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_use_jit_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUse_jit_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUse_jit_type(this); + } + } + + public final Use_jit_typeContext use_jit_type() throws RecognitionException { + Use_jit_typeContext _localctx = new Use_jit_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 866, RULE_use_jit_type); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8703); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==FORCE || _la==AUTO) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class For_updateContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode UPDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode OF() { return getToken(OBParser.OF, 0); } + public Column_listContext column_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NOWAIT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOWAIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode WAIT() { return getToken(OBParser.WAIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode DECIMAL_VAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL_VAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode R_SKIP() { return getToken(OBParser.R_SKIP, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOCKED() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCKED, 0); } + public For_updateContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_for_update; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFor_update(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFor_update(this); + } + } + + public final For_updateContext for_update() throws RecognitionException { + For_updateContext _localctx = new For_updateContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 868, RULE_for_update); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8705); + match(FOR); + setState(8706); + match(UPDATE); + setState(8709); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==OF) { + { + setState(8707); + match(OF); + setState(8708); + column_list(); + } + } + + setState(8718); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,863,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(8711); + match(WAIT); + setState(8712); + match(DECIMAL_VAL); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(8713); + match(WAIT); + setState(8714); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + break; + case 3: + { + setState(8715); + match(NOWAIT); + } + break; + case 4: + { + { + setState(8716); + match(R_SKIP); + setState(8717); + match(LOCKED); + } + } + break; + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Parameterized_trimContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List bit_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode BOTH() { return getToken(OBParser.BOTH, 0); } + public TerminalNode FROM() { return getToken(OBParser.FROM, 0); } + public TerminalNode LEADING() { return getToken(OBParser.LEADING, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRAILING() { return getToken(OBParser.TRAILING, 0); } + public Parameterized_trimContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_parameterized_trim; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterParameterized_trim(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitParameterized_trim(this); + } + } + + public final Parameterized_trimContext parameterized_trim() throws RecognitionException { + Parameterized_trimContext _localctx = new Parameterized_trimContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 870, RULE_parameterized_trim); + int _la; + try { + setState(8738); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,867,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8722); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,864,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8720); + match(BOTH); + setState(8721); + match(FROM); + } + break; + } + setState(8724); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8726); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,865,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8725); + match(BOTH); + } + break; + } + setState(8728); + bit_expr(0); + setState(8729); + match(FROM); + setState(8730); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(8732); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==LEADING || _la==TRAILING) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(8734); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,866,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8733); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + } + setState(8736); + match(FROM); + setState(8737); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Groupby_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Groupby_element_listContext groupby_element_list() { + return getRuleContext(Groupby_element_listContext.class,0); + } + public Groupby_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_groupby_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGroupby_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGroupby_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Groupby_clauseContext groupby_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Groupby_clauseContext _localctx = new Groupby_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 872, RULE_groupby_clause); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8740); + groupby_element_list(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Groupby_element_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List groupby_element() { + return getRuleContexts(Groupby_elementContext.class); + } + public Groupby_elementContext groupby_element(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Groupby_elementContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Groupby_element_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_groupby_element_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGroupby_element_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGroupby_element_list(this); + } + } + + public final Groupby_element_listContext groupby_element_list() throws RecognitionException { + Groupby_element_listContext _localctx = new Groupby_element_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 874, RULE_groupby_element_list); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8742); + groupby_element(); + setState(8747); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,868,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + { + { + setState(8743); + match(Comma); + setState(8744); + groupby_element(); + } + } + } + setState(8749); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,868,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Groupby_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Group_by_exprContext group_by_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Group_by_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Rollup_clauseContext rollup_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Rollup_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Cube_clauseContext cube_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Cube_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Grouping_sets_clauseContext grouping_sets_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Grouping_sets_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Groupby_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_groupby_element; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGroupby_element(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGroupby_element(this); + } + } + + public final Groupby_elementContext groupby_element() throws RecognitionException { + Groupby_elementContext _localctx = new Groupby_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 876, RULE_groupby_element); + try { + setState(8756); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,869,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8750); + group_by_expr(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8751); + rollup_clause(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(8752); + cube_clause(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(8753); + grouping_sets_clause(); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(8754); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8755); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Group_by_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Group_by_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_group_by_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGroup_by_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGroup_by_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Group_by_exprContext group_by_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Group_by_exprContext _localctx = new Group_by_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 878, RULE_group_by_expr); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8758); + bit_expr(0); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Rollup_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ROLLUP() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLLUP, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Group_by_expr_listContext group_by_expr_list() { + return getRuleContext(Group_by_expr_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Rollup_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_rollup_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRollup_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRollup_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Rollup_clauseContext rollup_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Rollup_clauseContext _localctx = new Rollup_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 880, RULE_rollup_clause); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8760); + match(ROLLUP); + setState(8761); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8762); + group_by_expr_list(); + setState(8763); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Cube_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CUBE() { return getToken(OBParser.CUBE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Group_by_expr_listContext group_by_expr_list() { + return getRuleContext(Group_by_expr_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Cube_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cube_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCube_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCube_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Cube_clauseContext cube_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Cube_clauseContext _localctx = new Cube_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 882, RULE_cube_clause); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8765); + match(CUBE); + setState(8766); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8767); + group_by_expr_list(); + setState(8768); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Group_by_expr_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List group_by_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Group_by_exprContext.class); + } + public Group_by_exprContext group_by_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Group_by_exprContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Group_by_expr_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_group_by_expr_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGroup_by_expr_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGroup_by_expr_list(this); + } + } + + public final Group_by_expr_listContext group_by_expr_list() throws RecognitionException { + Group_by_expr_listContext _localctx = new Group_by_expr_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 884, RULE_group_by_expr_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8770); + group_by_expr(); + setState(8775); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(8771); + match(Comma); + setState(8772); + group_by_expr(); + } + } + setState(8777); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Grouping_sets_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode GROUPING() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUPING, 0); } + public TerminalNode SETS() { return getToken(OBParser.SETS, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Grouping_sets_listContext grouping_sets_list() { + return getRuleContext(Grouping_sets_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Grouping_sets_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_grouping_sets_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGrouping_sets_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGrouping_sets_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Grouping_sets_clauseContext grouping_sets_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Grouping_sets_clauseContext _localctx = new Grouping_sets_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 886, RULE_grouping_sets_clause); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8778); + match(GROUPING); + setState(8779); + match(SETS); + setState(8780); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8781); + grouping_sets_list(); + setState(8782); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Grouping_sets_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List grouping_sets() { + return getRuleContexts(Grouping_setsContext.class); + } + public Grouping_setsContext grouping_sets(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Grouping_setsContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Grouping_sets_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_grouping_sets_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGrouping_sets_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGrouping_sets_list(this); + } + } + + public final Grouping_sets_listContext grouping_sets_list() throws RecognitionException { + Grouping_sets_listContext _localctx = new Grouping_sets_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 888, RULE_grouping_sets_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8784); + grouping_sets(); + setState(8789); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(8785); + match(Comma); + setState(8786); + grouping_sets(); + } + } + setState(8791); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Grouping_setsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Group_by_exprContext group_by_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Group_by_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Rollup_clauseContext rollup_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Rollup_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Cube_clauseContext cube_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Cube_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Grouping_setsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_grouping_sets; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGrouping_sets(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGrouping_sets(this); + } + } + + public final Grouping_setsContext grouping_sets() throws RecognitionException { + Grouping_setsContext _localctx = new Grouping_setsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 890, RULE_grouping_sets); + try { + setState(8797); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,872,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8792); + group_by_expr(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8793); + rollup_clause(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(8794); + cube_clause(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(8795); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8796); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Order_byContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ORDER() { return getToken(OBParser.ORDER, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public Sort_listContext sort_list() { + return getRuleContext(Sort_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode SIBLINGS() { return getToken(OBParser.SIBLINGS, 0); } + public Order_byContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_order_by; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOrder_by(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOrder_by(this); + } + } + + public final Order_byContext order_by() throws RecognitionException { + Order_byContext _localctx = new Order_byContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 892, RULE_order_by); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8799); + match(ORDER); + setState(8801); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SIBLINGS) { + { + setState(8800); + match(SIBLINGS); + } + } + + setState(8803); + match(BY); + setState(8804); + sort_list(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Sort_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List sort_key() { + return getRuleContexts(Sort_keyContext.class); + } + public Sort_keyContext sort_key(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Sort_keyContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Sort_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sort_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSort_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSort_list(this); + } + } + + public final Sort_listContext sort_list() throws RecognitionException { + Sort_listContext _localctx = new Sort_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 894, RULE_sort_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8806); + sort_key(); + setState(8811); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(8807); + match(Comma); + setState(8808); + sort_key(); + } + } + setState(8813); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Sort_keyContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_asc_descContext opt_asc_desc() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_asc_descContext.class,0); + } + public Sort_keyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sort_key; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSort_key(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSort_key(this); + } + } + + public final Sort_keyContext sort_key() throws RecognitionException { + Sort_keyContext _localctx = new Sort_keyContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 896, RULE_sort_key); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8814); + bit_expr(0); + setState(8815); + opt_asc_desc(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_null_posContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NULLS() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLS, 0); } + public TerminalNode LAST() { return getToken(OBParser.LAST, 0); } + public TerminalNode FIRST() { return getToken(OBParser.FIRST, 0); } + public Opt_null_posContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_null_pos; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_null_pos(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_null_pos(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_null_posContext opt_null_pos() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_null_posContext _localctx = new Opt_null_posContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 898, RULE_opt_null_pos); + try { + setState(8822); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,875,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8817); + empty(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8818); + match(NULLS); + setState(8819); + match(LAST); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(8820); + match(NULLS); + setState(8821); + match(FIRST); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_ascending_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ASC() { return getToken(OBParser.ASC, 0); } + public TerminalNode DESC() { return getToken(OBParser.DESC, 0); } + public Opt_ascending_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_ascending_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_ascending_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_ascending_type(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_ascending_typeContext opt_ascending_type() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_ascending_typeContext _localctx = new Opt_ascending_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 900, RULE_opt_ascending_type); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8825); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ASC || _la==DESC) { + { + setState(8824); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ASC || _la==DESC) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_asc_descContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Opt_ascending_typeContext opt_ascending_type() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_ascending_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_null_posContext opt_null_pos() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_null_posContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_asc_descContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_asc_desc; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_asc_desc(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_asc_desc(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_asc_descContext opt_asc_desc() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_asc_descContext _localctx = new Opt_asc_descContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 902, RULE_opt_asc_desc); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8827); + opt_ascending_type(); + setState(8828); + opt_null_pos(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Query_expression_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List query_expression_option() { + return getRuleContexts(Query_expression_optionContext.class); + } + public Query_expression_optionContext query_expression_option(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Query_expression_optionContext.class,i); + } + public Query_expression_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_query_expression_option_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterQuery_expression_option_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitQuery_expression_option_list(this); + } + } + + public final Query_expression_option_listContext query_expression_option_list() throws RecognitionException { + Query_expression_option_listContext _localctx = new Query_expression_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 904, RULE_query_expression_option_list); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8830); + query_expression_option(); + setState(8832); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,877,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8831); + query_expression_option(); + } + break; + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Query_expression_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public TerminalNode DISTINCT() { return getToken(OBParser.DISTINCT, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, 0); } + public Query_expression_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_query_expression_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterQuery_expression_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitQuery_expression_option(this); + } + } + + public final Query_expression_optionContext query_expression_option() throws RecognitionException { + Query_expression_optionContext _localctx = new Query_expression_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 906, RULE_query_expression_option); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8834); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE || _la==SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class ProjectionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } + public Column_labelContext column_label() { + return getRuleContext(Column_labelContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Star() { return getToken(OBParser.Star, 0); } + public ProjectionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_projection; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterProjection(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitProjection(this); + } + } + + public final ProjectionContext projection() throws RecognitionException { + ProjectionContext _localctx = new ProjectionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 908, RULE_projection); + try { + setState(8845); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,880,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8836); + bit_expr(0); + setState(8842); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case AS: + { + setState(8837); + match(AS); + setState(8838); + column_label(); + } + break; + case EOF: + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case FROM: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case INTO: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case TO: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case Comma: + case DELIMITER: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + { + setState(8840); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,878,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8839); + column_label(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8844); + match(Star); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_asContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } + public Opt_asContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_as; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_as(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_as(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_asContext opt_as() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_asContext _localctx = new Opt_asContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 910, RULE_opt_as); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8848); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==AS) { + { + setState(8847); + match(AS); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Select_expr_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List projection() { + return getRuleContexts(ProjectionContext.class); + } + public ProjectionContext projection(int i) { + return getRuleContext(ProjectionContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Select_expr_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_expr_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_expr_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_expr_list(this); + } + } + + public final Select_expr_listContext select_expr_list() throws RecognitionException { + Select_expr_listContext _localctx = new Select_expr_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 912, RULE_select_expr_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8850); + projection(); + setState(8855); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(8851); + match(Comma); + setState(8852); + projection(); + } + } + setState(8857); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class From_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Table_referencesContext table_references() { + return getRuleContext(Table_referencesContext.class,0); + } + public From_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_from_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFrom_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFrom_list(this); + } + } + + public final From_listContext from_list() throws RecognitionException { + From_listContext _localctx = new From_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 914, RULE_from_list); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8858); + table_references(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Table_referencesContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List table_reference() { + return getRuleContexts(Table_referenceContext.class); + } + public Table_referenceContext table_reference(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Table_referenceContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Table_referencesContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_references; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_references(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_references(this); + } + } + + public final Table_referencesContext table_references() throws RecognitionException { + Table_referencesContext _localctx = new Table_referencesContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 916, RULE_table_references); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8860); + table_reference(); + setState(8865); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,883,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + { + { + setState(8861); + match(Comma); + setState(8862); + table_reference(); + } + } + } + setState(8867); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,883,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Table_referenceContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Table_factorContext table_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Table_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Joined_tableContext joined_table() { + return getRuleContext(Joined_tableContext.class,0); + } + public Table_referenceContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_reference; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_reference(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_reference(this); + } + } + + public final Table_referenceContext table_reference() throws RecognitionException { + Table_referenceContext _localctx = new Table_referenceContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 918, RULE_table_reference); + try { + setState(8870); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,884,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8868); + table_factor(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8869); + joined_table(0); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Table_factorContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Tbl_nameContext tbl_name() { + return getRuleContext(Tbl_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Table_subqueryContext table_subquery() { + return getRuleContext(Table_subqueryContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LATERAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LATERAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Table_referenceContext table_reference() { + return getRuleContext(Table_referenceContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } + public Select_no_parensContext select_no_parens() { + return getRuleContext(Select_no_parensContext.class,0); + } + public Simple_exprContext simple_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Simple_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Select_functionContext select_function() { + return getRuleContext(Select_functionContext.class,0); + } + public Json_table_exprContext json_table_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Json_table_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } + public Xml_table_exprContext xml_table_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Xml_table_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Table_factorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_factor; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_factor(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_factor(this); + } + } + + public final Table_factorContext table_factor() throws RecognitionException { + Table_factorContext _localctx = new Table_factorContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 920, RULE_table_factor); + int _la; + try { + setState(8909); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,893,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8872); + tbl_name(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8874); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LATERAL) { + { + setState(8873); + match(LATERAL); + } + } + + setState(8876); + table_subquery(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(8877); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8878); + table_reference(); + setState(8879); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(8881); + match(TABLE); + setState(8882); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8885); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,886,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8883); + select_no_parens(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(8884); + simple_expr(0); + } + break; + } + setState(8887); + match(RightParen); + setState(8889); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,887,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8888); + relation_name(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(8891); + select_function(); + setState(8893); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,888,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8892); + relation_name(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(8895); + json_table_expr(); + setState(8900); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,890,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8897); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==AS) { + { + setState(8896); + match(AS); + } + } + + setState(8899); + relation_name(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(8902); + xml_table_expr(); + setState(8907); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,892,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8904); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==AS) { + { + setState(8903); + match(AS); + } + } + + setState(8906); + relation_name(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Select_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Access_func_exprContext access_func_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Access_func_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Database_factorContext database_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Database_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public Select_functionContext select_function() { + return getRuleContext(Select_functionContext.class,0); + } + public Select_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_function; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_function(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_function(this); + } + } + + public final Select_functionContext select_function() throws RecognitionException { + Select_functionContext _localctx = new Select_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 922, RULE_select_function); + try { + setState(8916); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,894,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8911); + access_func_expr(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8912); + database_factor(); + setState(8913); + match(Dot); + setState(8914); + select_function(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Tbl_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Sample_clauseContext sample_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Sample_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public SeedContext seed() { + return getRuleContext(SeedContext.class,0); + } + public Use_partitionContext use_partition() { + return getRuleContext(Use_partitionContext.class,0); + } + public Use_flashbackContext use_flashback() { + return getRuleContext(Use_flashbackContext.class,0); + } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Transpose_clauseContext transpose_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Transpose_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Dual_tableContext dual_table() { + return getRuleContext(Dual_tableContext.class,0); + } + public Tbl_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tbl_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTbl_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTbl_name(this); + } + } + + public final Tbl_nameContext tbl_name() throws RecognitionException { + Tbl_nameContext _localctx = new Tbl_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 924, RULE_tbl_name); + try { + setState(8957); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,905,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8918); + relation_factor(); + setState(8920); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,895,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8919); + use_partition(); + } + break; + } + setState(8928); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,897,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8922); + sample_clause(); + setState(8923); + seed(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(8926); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,896,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8925); + sample_clause(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + } + setState(8931); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,898,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8930); + use_flashback(); + } + break; + } + setState(8934); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,899,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8933); + relation_name(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8936); + relation_factor(); + setState(8938); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,900,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8937); + use_partition(); + } + break; + } + setState(8946); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,902,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8940); + sample_clause(); + setState(8941); + seed(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(8944); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,901,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8943); + sample_clause(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + } + setState(8949); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,903,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8948); + relation_name(); + } + break; + } + setState(8951); + transpose_clause(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(8953); + dual_table(); + setState(8955); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,904,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(8954); + relation_name(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Dual_tableContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DUAL, 0); } + public Dual_tableContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dual_table; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDual_table(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDual_table(this); + } + } + + public final Dual_tableContext dual_table() throws RecognitionException { + Dual_tableContext _localctx = new Dual_tableContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 926, RULE_dual_table); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8959); + match(DUAL); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Transpose_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PIVOT() { return getToken(OBParser.PIVOT, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Pivot_aggr_clauseContext pivot_aggr_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Pivot_aggr_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Transpose_for_clauseContext transpose_for_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Transpose_for_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Transpose_in_clauseContext transpose_in_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Transpose_in_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode UNPIVOT() { return getToken(OBParser.UNPIVOT, 0); } + public Unpivot_column_clauseContext unpivot_column_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Unpivot_column_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Unpivot_in_clauseContext unpivot_in_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Unpivot_in_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode EXCLUDE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCLUDE, 0); } + public TerminalNode NULLS() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLS, 0); } + public TerminalNode INCLUDE() { return getToken(OBParser.INCLUDE, 0); } + public Transpose_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_transpose_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTranspose_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTranspose_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Transpose_clauseContext transpose_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Transpose_clauseContext _localctx = new Transpose_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 928, RULE_transpose_clause); + try { + setState(9003); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,908,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(8961); + match(PIVOT); + setState(8962); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8963); + pivot_aggr_clause(); + setState(8964); + transpose_for_clause(); + setState(8965); + transpose_in_clause(); + setState(8966); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(8968); + match(PIVOT); + setState(8969); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8970); + pivot_aggr_clause(); + setState(8971); + transpose_for_clause(); + setState(8972); + transpose_in_clause(); + setState(8973); + match(RightParen); + setState(8974); + relation_name(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(8976); + match(UNPIVOT); + setState(8981); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case EXCLUDE: + { + { + setState(8977); + match(EXCLUDE); + setState(8978); + match(NULLS); + } + } + break; + case INCLUDE: + { + { + setState(8979); + match(INCLUDE); + setState(8980); + match(NULLS); + } + } + break; + case LeftParen: + break; + default: + break; + } + setState(8983); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8984); + unpivot_column_clause(); + setState(8985); + transpose_for_clause(); + setState(8986); + unpivot_in_clause(); + setState(8987); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(8989); + match(UNPIVOT); + setState(8994); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case EXCLUDE: + { + { + setState(8990); + match(EXCLUDE); + setState(8991); + match(NULLS); + } + } + break; + case INCLUDE: + { + { + setState(8992); + match(INCLUDE); + setState(8993); + match(NULLS); + } + } + break; + case LeftParen: + break; + default: + break; + } + setState(8996); + match(LeftParen); + setState(8997); + unpivot_column_clause(); + setState(8998); + transpose_for_clause(); + setState(8999); + unpivot_in_clause(); + setState(9000); + match(RightParen); + setState(9001); + relation_name(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Pivot_aggr_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List pivot_single_aggr_clause() { + return getRuleContexts(Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext.class); + } + public Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext pivot_single_aggr_clause(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Pivot_aggr_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_pivot_aggr_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPivot_aggr_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPivot_aggr_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Pivot_aggr_clauseContext pivot_aggr_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Pivot_aggr_clauseContext _localctx = new Pivot_aggr_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 930, RULE_pivot_aggr_clause); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9005); + pivot_single_aggr_clause(); + setState(9010); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(9006); + match(Comma); + setState(9007); + pivot_single_aggr_clause(); + } + } + setState(9012); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Aggregate_functionContext aggregate_function() { + return getRuleContext(Aggregate_functionContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_asContext opt_as() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_asContext.class,0); + } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Access_func_expr_countContext access_func_expr_count() { + return getRuleContext(Access_func_expr_countContext.class,0); + } + public Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_pivot_single_aggr_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPivot_single_aggr_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPivot_single_aggr_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext pivot_single_aggr_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext _localctx = new Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 932, RULE_pivot_single_aggr_clause); + int _la; + try { + setState(9025); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case MAX: + case STDDEV: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case LISTAGG: + case SUM: + case MIN: + case VARIANCE: + case WM_CONCAT: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case REGR_COUNT: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case REGR_SYY: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case XMLAGG: + case REGR_R2: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case WMSYS: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case COVAR_POP: + case MEDIAN: + case STDDEV_POP: + case AVG: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case CUME_DIST: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case CORR: + case VAR_SAMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9013); + aggregate_function(); + setState(9017); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (AS - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { + { + setState(9014); + opt_as(); + setState(9015); + relation_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + case COUNT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9019); + access_func_expr_count(); + setState(9023); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (AS - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { + { + setState(9020); + opt_as(); + setState(9021); + relation_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Transpose_for_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Transpose_for_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_transpose_for_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTranspose_for_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTranspose_for_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Transpose_for_clauseContext transpose_for_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Transpose_for_clauseContext _localctx = new Transpose_for_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 934, RULE_transpose_for_clause); + try { + setState(9034); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,913,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9027); + match(FOR); + setState(9028); + column_name(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9029); + match(FOR); + setState(9030); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9031); + column_name_list(); + setState(9032); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Transpose_in_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode IN() { return getToken(OBParser.IN, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Transpose_in_argsContext transpose_in_args() { + return getRuleContext(Transpose_in_argsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Transpose_in_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_transpose_in_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTranspose_in_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTranspose_in_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Transpose_in_clauseContext transpose_in_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Transpose_in_clauseContext _localctx = new Transpose_in_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 936, RULE_transpose_in_clause); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9036); + match(IN); + setState(9037); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9038); + transpose_in_args(); + setState(9039); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Transpose_in_argsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List transpose_in_arg() { + return getRuleContexts(Transpose_in_argContext.class); + } + public Transpose_in_argContext transpose_in_arg(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Transpose_in_argContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Transpose_in_argsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_transpose_in_args; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTranspose_in_args(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTranspose_in_args(this); + } + } + + public final Transpose_in_argsContext transpose_in_args() throws RecognitionException { + Transpose_in_argsContext _localctx = new Transpose_in_argsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 938, RULE_transpose_in_args); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9041); + transpose_in_arg(); + setState(9046); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(9042); + match(Comma); + setState(9043); + transpose_in_arg(); + } + } + setState(9048); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Transpose_in_argContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Transpose_in_argContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_transpose_in_arg; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTranspose_in_arg(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTranspose_in_arg(this); + } + } + + public final Transpose_in_argContext transpose_in_arg() throws RecognitionException { + Transpose_in_argContext _localctx = new Transpose_in_argContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 940, RULE_transpose_in_arg); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9049); + bit_expr(0); + setState(9055); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case AS: + { + setState(9050); + match(AS); + setState(9051); + relation_name(); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case Comma: + case RightParen: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + { + setState(9053); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { + { + setState(9052); + relation_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Unpivot_column_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Unpivot_column_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unpivot_column_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUnpivot_column_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUnpivot_column_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Unpivot_column_clauseContext unpivot_column_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Unpivot_column_clauseContext _localctx = new Unpivot_column_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 942, RULE_unpivot_column_clause); + try { + setState(9062); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ROWID: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9057); + column_name(); + } + break; + case LeftParen: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9058); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9059); + column_name_list(); + setState(9060); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Unpivot_in_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode IN() { return getToken(OBParser.IN, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Unpivot_in_argsContext unpivot_in_args() { + return getRuleContext(Unpivot_in_argsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Unpivot_in_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unpivot_in_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUnpivot_in_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUnpivot_in_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Unpivot_in_clauseContext unpivot_in_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Unpivot_in_clauseContext _localctx = new Unpivot_in_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 944, RULE_unpivot_in_clause); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9064); + match(IN); + setState(9065); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9066); + unpivot_in_args(); + setState(9067); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Unpivot_in_argsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List unpivot_in_arg() { + return getRuleContexts(Unpivot_in_argContext.class); + } + public Unpivot_in_argContext unpivot_in_arg(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Unpivot_in_argContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Unpivot_in_argsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unpivot_in_args; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUnpivot_in_args(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUnpivot_in_args(this); + } + } + + public final Unpivot_in_argsContext unpivot_in_args() throws RecognitionException { + Unpivot_in_argsContext _localctx = new Unpivot_in_argsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 946, RULE_unpivot_in_args); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9069); + unpivot_in_arg(); + setState(9074); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(9070); + match(Comma); + setState(9071); + unpivot_in_arg(); + } + } + setState(9076); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Unpivot_in_argContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Unpivot_column_clauseContext unpivot_column_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Unpivot_column_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Unpivot_in_argContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unpivot_in_arg; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUnpivot_in_arg(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUnpivot_in_arg(this); + } + } + + public final Unpivot_in_argContext unpivot_in_arg() throws RecognitionException { + Unpivot_in_argContext _localctx = new Unpivot_in_argContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 948, RULE_unpivot_in_arg); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9077); + unpivot_column_clause(); + setState(9080); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==AS) { + { + setState(9078); + match(AS); + setState(9079); + bit_expr(0); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Dml_table_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Use_partitionContext use_partition() { + return getRuleContext(Use_partitionContext.class,0); + } + public Dml_table_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dml_table_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDml_table_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDml_table_name(this); + } + } + + public final Dml_table_nameContext dml_table_name() throws RecognitionException { + Dml_table_nameContext _localctx = new Dml_table_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 950, RULE_dml_table_name); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9082); + relation_factor(); + setState(9084); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,920,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(9083); + use_partition(); + } + break; + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public With_check_optionContext with_check_option() { + return getRuleContext(With_check_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Fetch_next_clauseContext fetch_next_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Order_byContext order_by() { + return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); + } + public Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_order_by_fetch_with_check_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOrder_by_fetch_with_check_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOrder_by_fetch_with_check_option(this); + } + } + + public final Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext order_by_fetch_with_check_option() throws RecognitionException { + Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext _localctx = new Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 952, RULE_order_by_fetch_with_check_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(9098); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case WITH: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9086); + with_check_option(); + } + break; + case FETCH: + case OFFSET: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9087); + fetch_next_clause(); + setState(9089); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH) { + { + setState(9088); + with_check_option(); + } + } + + } + break; + case ORDER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(9091); + order_by(); + setState(9093); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { + { + setState(9092); + fetch_next_clause(); + } + } + + setState(9096); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH) { + { + setState(9095); + with_check_option(); + } + } + + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Insert_table_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Dml_table_nameContext dml_table_name() { + return getRuleContext(Dml_table_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { + return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public SubqueryContext subquery() { + return getRuleContext(SubqueryContext.class,0); + } + public Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext order_by_fetch_with_check_option() { + return getRuleContext(Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Insert_table_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_insert_table_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInsert_table_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInsert_table_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Insert_table_clauseContext insert_table_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Insert_table_clauseContext _localctx = new Insert_table_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 954, RULE_insert_table_clause); + try { + setState(9115); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,928,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9100); + dml_table_name(); + setState(9102); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,925,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(9101); + relation_name(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9104); + select_with_parens(); + setState(9106); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,926,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(9105); + relation_name(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(9108); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9109); + subquery(); + setState(9110); + order_by_fetch_with_check_option(); + setState(9111); + match(RightParen); + setState(9113); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,927,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(9112); + relation_name(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Dml_table_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Dml_table_nameContext dml_table_name() { + return getRuleContext(Dml_table_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.ONLY, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { + return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); + } + public SubqueryContext subquery() { + return getRuleContext(SubqueryContext.class,0); + } + public Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext order_by_fetch_with_check_option() { + return getRuleContext(Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Dml_table_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dml_table_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDml_table_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDml_table_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Dml_table_clauseContext dml_table_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Dml_table_clauseContext _localctx = new Dml_table_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 956, RULE_dml_table_clause); + int _la; + try { + setState(9139); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,933,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9117); + dml_table_name(); + setState(9119); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { + { + setState(9118); + relation_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9121); + match(ONLY); + setState(9122); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9123); + dml_table_name(); + setState(9124); + match(RightParen); + setState(9126); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { + { + setState(9125); + relation_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(9128); + select_with_parens(); + setState(9130); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { + { + setState(9129); + relation_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(9132); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9133); + subquery(); + setState(9134); + order_by_fetch_with_check_option(); + setState(9135); + match(RightParen); + setState(9137); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { + { + setState(9136); + relation_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class SeedContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SEED() { return getToken(OBParser.SEED, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public SeedContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_seed; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSeed(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSeed(this); + } + } + + public final SeedContext seed() throws RecognitionException { + SeedContext _localctx = new SeedContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 958, RULE_seed); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9141); + match(SEED); + setState(9142); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9143); + match(INTNUM); + setState(9144); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Sample_percentContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode DECIMAL_VAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL_VAL, 0); } + public Sample_percentContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sample_percent; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSample_percent(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSample_percent(this); + } + } + + public final Sample_percentContext sample_percent() throws RecognitionException { + Sample_percentContext _localctx = new Sample_percentContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 960, RULE_sample_percent); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9146); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==INTNUM || _la==DECIMAL_VAL) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Sample_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SAMPLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SAMPLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Sample_percentContext sample_percent() { + return getRuleContext(Sample_percentContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode BLOCK() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOCK, 0); } + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public TerminalNode BASE() { return getToken(OBParser.BASE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INCR() { return getToken(OBParser.INCR, 0); } + public Sample_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sample_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSample_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSample_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Sample_clauseContext sample_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Sample_clauseContext _localctx = new Sample_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 962, RULE_sample_clause); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9148); + match(SAMPLE); + setState(9150); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==BLOCK) { + { + setState(9149); + match(BLOCK); + } + } + + setState(9153); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ALL || _la==INCR || _la==BASE) { + { + setState(9152); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==INCR || _la==BASE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + + setState(9155); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9156); + sample_percent(); + setState(9157); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Table_subqueryContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { + return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); + } + public Use_flashbackContext use_flashback() { + return getRuleContext(Use_flashbackContext.class,0); + } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Transpose_clauseContext transpose_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Transpose_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public SubqueryContext subquery() { + return getRuleContext(SubqueryContext.class,0); + } + public Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext order_by_fetch_with_check_option() { + return getRuleContext(Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Table_subqueryContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_subquery; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_subquery(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_subquery(this); + } + } + + public final Table_subqueryContext table_subquery() throws RecognitionException { + Table_subqueryContext _localctx = new Table_subqueryContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 964, RULE_table_subquery); + try { + setState(9182); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,942,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9159); + select_with_parens(); + setState(9161); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,936,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(9160); + use_flashback(); + } + break; + } + setState(9164); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,937,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(9163); + relation_name(); + } + break; + } + setState(9167); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,938,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(9166); + transpose_clause(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9169); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9170); + subquery(); + setState(9171); + order_by_fetch_with_check_option(); + setState(9172); + match(RightParen); + setState(9174); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,939,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(9173); + use_flashback(); + } + break; + } + setState(9177); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,940,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(9176); + relation_name(); + } + break; + } + setState(9180); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,941,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(9179); + transpose_clause(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Use_partitionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Name_listContext name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUBPARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITION, 0); } + public External_table_partitionsContext external_table_partitions() { + return getRuleContext(External_table_partitionsContext.class,0); + } + public Use_partitionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_use_partition; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUse_partition(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUse_partition(this); + } + } + + public final Use_partitionContext use_partition() throws RecognitionException { + Use_partitionContext _localctx = new Use_partitionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 966, RULE_use_partition); + int _la; + try { + setState(9194); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,943,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9184); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==PARTITION || _la==SUBPARTITION) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(9185); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9186); + name_list(0); + setState(9187); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9189); + match(PARTITION); + setState(9190); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9191); + external_table_partitions(0); + setState(9192); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class External_table_partitionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public External_table_partitionContext external_table_partition() { + return getRuleContext(External_table_partitionContext.class,0); + } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public External_table_partitionsContext external_table_partitions() { + return getRuleContext(External_table_partitionsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public External_table_partitionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_external_table_partitions; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExternal_table_partitions(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExternal_table_partitions(this); + } + } + + public final External_table_partitionsContext external_table_partitions() throws RecognitionException { + return external_table_partitions(0); + } + + private External_table_partitionsContext external_table_partitions(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + External_table_partitionsContext _localctx = new External_table_partitionsContext(_ctx, _parentState); + External_table_partitionsContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 968; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 968, RULE_external_table_partitions, _p); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9199); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,944,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(9197); + external_table_partition(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(9198); + empty(); + } + break; + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(9206); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,945,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + { + _localctx = new External_table_partitionsContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_external_table_partitions); + setState(9201); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); + setState(9202); + match(Comma); + setState(9203); + external_table_partition(); + } + } + } + setState(9208); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,945,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class External_table_partitionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Expr_constContext expr_const() { + return getRuleContext(Expr_constContext.class,0); + } + public External_table_partitionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_external_table_partition; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExternal_table_partition(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExternal_table_partition(this); + } + } + + public final External_table_partitionContext external_table_partition() throws RecognitionException { + External_table_partitionContext _localctx = new External_table_partitionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 970, RULE_external_table_partition); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9209); + relation_name(); + setState(9210); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(9211); + expr_const(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Use_flashbackContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } + public TerminalNode OF() { return getToken(OBParser.OF, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode SCN() { return getToken(OBParser.SCN, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMESTAMP, 0); } + public Use_flashbackContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_use_flashback; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUse_flashback(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUse_flashback(this); + } + } + + public final Use_flashbackContext use_flashback() throws RecognitionException { + Use_flashbackContext _localctx = new Use_flashbackContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 972, RULE_use_flashback); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9213); + match(AS); + setState(9214); + match(OF); + setState(9215); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==TIMESTAMP || _la==SCN) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(9216); + bit_expr(0); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Relation_factorContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Normal_relation_factorContext normal_relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Normal_relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Dot_relation_factorContext dot_relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Dot_relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Relation_factorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_factor; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_factor(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_factor(this); + } + } + + public final Relation_factorContext relation_factor() throws RecognitionException { + Relation_factorContext _localctx = new Relation_factorContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 974, RULE_relation_factor); + try { + setState(9220); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9218); + normal_relation_factor(); + } + break; + case Dot: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9219); + dot_relation_factor(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Normal_relation_factorContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } + public Opt_reverse_link_flagContext opt_reverse_link_flag() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_reverse_link_flagContext.class,0); + } + public Database_factorContext database_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Database_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public Normal_relation_factorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_normal_relation_factor; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNormal_relation_factor(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNormal_relation_factor(this); + } + } + + public final Normal_relation_factorContext normal_relation_factor() throws RecognitionException { + Normal_relation_factorContext _localctx = new Normal_relation_factorContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 976, RULE_normal_relation_factor); + try { + setState(9234); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,949,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9222); + relation_name(); + setState(9225); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,947,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(9223); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + setState(9224); + opt_reverse_link_flag(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9227); + database_factor(); + setState(9228); + match(Dot); + setState(9229); + relation_name(); + setState(9232); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,948,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(9230); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + setState(9231); + opt_reverse_link_flag(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Dot_relation_factorContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Dot_relation_factorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dot_relation_factor; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDot_relation_factor(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDot_relation_factor(this); + } + } + + public final Dot_relation_factorContext dot_relation_factor() throws RecognitionException { + Dot_relation_factorContext _localctx = new Dot_relation_factorContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 978, RULE_dot_relation_factor); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9236); + match(Dot); + setState(9237); + relation_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_reverse_link_flagContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode Not() { return getToken(OBParser.Not, 0); } + public Opt_reverse_link_flagContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_reverse_link_flag; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_reverse_link_flag(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_reverse_link_flag(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_reverse_link_flagContext opt_reverse_link_flag() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_reverse_link_flagContext _localctx = new Opt_reverse_link_flagContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 980, RULE_opt_reverse_link_flag); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9240); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,950,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(9239); + match(Not); + } + break; + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Relation_factor_in_hintContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Normal_relation_factorContext normal_relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Normal_relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Qb_name_optionContext qb_name_option() { + return getRuleContext(Qb_name_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Relation_factor_in_hintContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_factor_in_hint; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_factor_in_hint(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_factor_in_hint(this); + } + } + + public final Relation_factor_in_hintContext relation_factor_in_hint() throws RecognitionException { + Relation_factor_in_hintContext _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_hintContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 982, RULE_relation_factor_in_hint); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9242); + normal_relation_factor(); + setState(9243); + qb_name_option(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Qb_name_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode At() { return getToken(OBParser.At, 0); } + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Qb_name_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_qb_name_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterQb_name_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitQb_name_option(this); + } + } + + public final Qb_name_optionContext qb_name_option() throws RecognitionException { + Qb_name_optionContext _localctx = new Qb_name_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 984, RULE_qb_name_option); + try { + setState(9248); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,951,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9245); + match(At); + setState(9246); + match(NAME_OB); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9247); + empty(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List relation_factor_in_hint() { + return getRuleContexts(Relation_factor_in_hintContext.class); + } + public Relation_factor_in_hintContext relation_factor_in_hint(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hintContext.class,i); + } + public List relation_sep_option() { + return getRuleContexts(Relation_sep_optionContext.class); + } + public Relation_sep_optionContext relation_sep_option(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Relation_sep_optionContext.class,i); + } + public Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_factor_in_hint_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_factor_in_hint_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_factor_in_hint_list(this); + } + } + + public final Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_hint_list() throws RecognitionException { + Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 986, RULE_relation_factor_in_hint_list); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9250); + relation_factor_in_hint(); + setState(9256); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,952,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + { + { + setState(9251); + relation_sep_option(); + setState(9252); + relation_factor_in_hint(); + } + } + } + setState(9258); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,952,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Relation_sep_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Relation_sep_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_sep_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_sep_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_sep_option(this); + } + } + + public final Relation_sep_optionContext relation_sep_option() throws RecognitionException { + Relation_sep_optionContext _localctx = new Relation_sep_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 988, RULE_relation_sep_option); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9260); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Comma) { + { + setState(9259); + match(Comma); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Relation_factor_in_mv_hint_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List normal_relation_factor() { + return getRuleContexts(Normal_relation_factorContext.class); + } + public Normal_relation_factorContext normal_relation_factor(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Normal_relation_factorContext.class,i); + } + public List relation_sep_option() { + return getRuleContexts(Relation_sep_optionContext.class); + } + public Relation_sep_optionContext relation_sep_option(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Relation_sep_optionContext.class,i); + } + public Relation_factor_in_mv_hint_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_factor_in_mv_hint_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_factor_in_mv_hint_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_factor_in_mv_hint_list(this); + } + } + + public final Relation_factor_in_mv_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_mv_hint_list() throws RecognitionException { + Relation_factor_in_mv_hint_listContext _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_mv_hint_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 990, RULE_relation_factor_in_mv_hint_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9262); + normal_relation_factor(); + setState(9268); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)) | (1L << (Comma - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { + { + { + setState(9263); + relation_sep_option(); + setState(9264); + normal_relation_factor(); + } + } + setState(9270); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_factor_in_hintContext relation_factor_in_hint() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hintContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_hint_list() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_factor_in_pq_hint; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_factor_in_pq_hint(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_factor_in_pq_hint(this); + } + } + + public final Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext relation_factor_in_pq_hint() throws RecognitionException { + Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 992, RULE_relation_factor_in_pq_hint); + try { + setState(9276); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9271); + relation_factor_in_hint(); + } + break; + case LeftParen: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9272); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9273); + relation_factor_in_hint_list(); + setState(9274); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_hint_list() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_factor_in_leading_hint(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_factor_in_leading_hint(this); + } + } + + public final Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext relation_factor_in_leading_hint() throws RecognitionException { + Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 994, RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9278); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9279); + relation_factor_in_hint_list(); + setState(9280); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Tracing_num_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public Relation_sep_optionContext relation_sep_option() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_sep_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Tracing_num_listContext tracing_num_list() { + return getRuleContext(Tracing_num_listContext.class,0); + } + public Tracing_num_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tracing_num_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTracing_num_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTracing_num_list(this); + } + } + + public final Tracing_num_listContext tracing_num_list() throws RecognitionException { + Tracing_num_listContext _localctx = new Tracing_num_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 996, RULE_tracing_num_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9282); + match(INTNUM); + setState(9286); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==INTNUM || _la==Comma) { + { + setState(9283); + relation_sep_option(); + setState(9284); + tracing_num_list(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext relation_factor_in_leading_hint() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public List relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list() { + return getRuleContexts(Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext.class); + } + public Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_hint_list() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext.class,0); + } + public List relation_sep_option() { + return getRuleContexts(Relation_sep_optionContext.class); + } + public Relation_sep_optionContext relation_sep_option(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Relation_sep_optionContext.class,i); + } + public Relation_factor_in_hintContext relation_factor_in_hint() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hintContext.class,0); + } + public Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(this); + } + } + + public final Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list() throws RecognitionException { + return relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(0); + } + + private Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 998; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 998, RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list, _p); + int _la; + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9299); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,958,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(9289); + relation_factor_in_leading_hint(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(9290); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9294); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { + { + setState(9291); + relation_factor_in_hint_list(); + setState(9292); + relation_sep_option(); + } + } + + setState(9296); + relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(0); + setState(9297); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(9317); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,961,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + setState(9315); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,960,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list); + setState(9301); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 2))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 2)"); + setState(9302); + relation_sep_option(); + setState(9305); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + { + setState(9303); + relation_factor_in_hint(); + } + break; + case LeftParen: + { + setState(9304); + relation_factor_in_leading_hint(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list); + setState(9307); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); + setState(9308); + relation_sep_option(); + setState(9309); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9310); + relation_factor_in_hint_list(); + setState(9311); + relation_sep_option(); + setState(9312); + relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(0); + setState(9313); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + } + setState(9319); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,961,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext.class,0); + } + public Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_hint_list() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext.class,0); + } + public Relation_sep_optionContext relation_sep_option() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_sep_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry(this); + } + } + + public final Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry() throws RecognitionException { + Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1000, RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9323); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { + { + setState(9320); + relation_factor_in_hint_list(); + setState(9321); + relation_sep_option(); + } + } + + setState(9325); + relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(0); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_factor_in_hintContext relation_factor_in_hint() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hintContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_hint_list() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext.class,0); + } + public Relation_sep_optionContext relation_sep_option() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_sep_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(this); + } + } + + public final Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list() throws RecognitionException { + return relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); + } + + private Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 1002; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 1002, RULE_relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list, _p); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9333); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + { + setState(9328); + relation_factor_in_hint(); + } + break; + case LeftParen: + { + setState(9329); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9330); + relation_factor_in_hint_list(); + setState(9331); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(9347); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,965,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + setState(9345); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,964,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list); + setState(9335); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 2))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 2)"); + setState(9336); + relation_sep_option(); + setState(9337); + relation_factor_in_hint(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list); + setState(9339); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); + setState(9340); + relation_sep_option(); + setState(9341); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9342); + relation_factor_in_hint_list(); + setState(9343); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + } + setState(9349); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,965,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Coalesce_strategy_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode WO_PULLUP() { return getToken(OBParser.WO_PULLUP, 0); } + public TerminalNode WITH_PULLUP() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH_PULLUP, 0); } + public Coalesce_strategy_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_coalesce_strategy_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCoalesce_strategy_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCoalesce_strategy_list(this); + } + } + + public final Coalesce_strategy_listContext coalesce_strategy_list() throws RecognitionException { + Coalesce_strategy_listContext _localctx = new Coalesce_strategy_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1004, RULE_coalesce_strategy_list); + int _la; + try { + setState(9355); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case WO_PULLUP: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9350); + match(WO_PULLUP); + setState(9352); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH_PULLUP) { + { + setState(9351); + match(WITH_PULLUP); + } + } + + } + break; + case WITH_PULLUP: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9354); + match(WITH_PULLUP); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Join_conditionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public ExprContext expr() { + return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_listContext column_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Join_conditionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_join_condition; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJoin_condition(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJoin_condition(this); + } + } + + public final Join_conditionContext join_condition() throws RecognitionException { + Join_conditionContext _localctx = new Join_conditionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1006, RULE_join_condition); + try { + setState(9364); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ON: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9357); + match(ON); + setState(9358); + expr(0); + } + break; + case USING: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9359); + match(USING); + setState(9360); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9361); + column_list(); + setState(9362); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Joined_tableContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List table_factor() { + return getRuleContexts(Table_factorContext.class); + } + public Table_factorContext table_factor(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Table_factorContext.class,i); + } + public Outer_join_typeContext outer_join_type() { + return getRuleContext(Outer_join_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode JOIN() { return getToken(OBParser.JOIN, 0); } + public Join_conditionContext join_condition() { + return getRuleContext(Join_conditionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public ExprContext expr() { + return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode INNER() { return getToken(OBParser.INNER, 0); } + public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_listContext column_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode CROSS() { return getToken(OBParser.CROSS, 0); } + public Natural_join_typeContext natural_join_type() { + return getRuleContext(Natural_join_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Joined_tableContext joined_table() { + return getRuleContext(Joined_tableContext.class,0); + } + public Joined_tableContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_joined_table; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJoined_table(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJoined_table(this); + } + } + + public final Joined_tableContext joined_table() throws RecognitionException { + return joined_table(0); + } + + private Joined_tableContext joined_table(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Joined_tableContext _localctx = new Joined_tableContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Joined_tableContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 1008; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 1008, RULE_joined_table, _p); + int _la; + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9401); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,972,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(9367); + table_factor(); + setState(9368); + outer_join_type(); + setState(9369); + match(JOIN); + setState(9370); + table_factor(); + setState(9371); + join_condition(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(9373); + table_factor(); + setState(9375); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==INNER) { + { + setState(9374); + match(INNER); + } + } + + setState(9377); + match(JOIN); + setState(9378); + table_factor(); + setState(9379); + match(ON); + setState(9380); + expr(0); + } + break; + case 3: + { + setState(9382); + table_factor(); + setState(9384); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==INNER) { + { + setState(9383); + match(INNER); + } + } + + setState(9386); + match(JOIN); + setState(9387); + table_factor(); + setState(9388); + match(USING); + setState(9389); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9390); + column_list(); + setState(9391); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 4: + { + setState(9393); + table_factor(); + setState(9397); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case CROSS: + { + setState(9394); + match(CROSS); + setState(9395); + match(JOIN); + } + break; + case NATURAL: + { + setState(9396); + natural_join_type(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(9399); + table_factor(); + } + break; + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(9449); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,974,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + setState(9447); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,973,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + _localctx = new Joined_tableContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_joined_table); + setState(9403); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 7))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 7)"); + setState(9404); + natural_join_type(); + setState(9405); + table_factor(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + _localctx = new Joined_tableContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_joined_table); + setState(9407); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 6))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 6)"); + setState(9408); + match(CROSS); + setState(9409); + match(JOIN); + setState(9410); + table_factor(); + } + break; + case 3: + { + _localctx = new Joined_tableContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_joined_table); + setState(9411); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 5))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 5)"); + setState(9412); + outer_join_type(); + setState(9413); + match(JOIN); + setState(9414); + table_factor(); + setState(9415); + join_condition(); + } + break; + case 4: + { + _localctx = new Joined_tableContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_joined_table); + setState(9417); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 4))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 4)"); + setState(9418); + match(JOIN); + setState(9419); + table_factor(); + setState(9420); + match(ON); + setState(9421); + expr(0); + } + break; + case 5: + { + _localctx = new Joined_tableContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_joined_table); + setState(9423); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 3))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 3)"); + setState(9424); + match(INNER); + setState(9425); + match(JOIN); + setState(9426); + table_factor(); + setState(9427); + match(ON); + setState(9428); + expr(0); + } + break; + case 6: + { + _localctx = new Joined_tableContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_joined_table); + setState(9430); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 2))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 2)"); + setState(9431); + match(JOIN); + setState(9432); + table_factor(); + setState(9433); + match(USING); + setState(9434); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9435); + column_list(); + setState(9436); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 7: + { + _localctx = new Joined_tableContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_joined_table); + setState(9438); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); + setState(9439); + match(INNER); + setState(9440); + match(JOIN); + setState(9441); + table_factor(); + setState(9442); + match(USING); + setState(9443); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9444); + column_list(); + setState(9445); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + } + setState(9451); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,974,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Natural_join_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NATURAL() { return getToken(OBParser.NATURAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode JOIN() { return getToken(OBParser.JOIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode INNER() { return getToken(OBParser.INNER, 0); } + public Outer_join_typeContext outer_join_type() { + return getRuleContext(Outer_join_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Natural_join_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_natural_join_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNatural_join_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNatural_join_type(this); + } + } + + public final Natural_join_typeContext natural_join_type() throws RecognitionException { + Natural_join_typeContext _localctx = new Natural_join_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1010, RULE_natural_join_type); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9452); + match(NATURAL); + setState(9457); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case INNER: + { + setState(9453); + match(INNER); + } + break; + case FULL: + case JOIN: + case LEFT: + case RIGHT: + { + setState(9455); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FULL || _la==LEFT || _la==RIGHT) { + { + setState(9454); + outer_join_type(); + } + } + + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(9459); + match(JOIN); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Outer_join_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode FULL() { return getToken(OBParser.FULL, 0); } + public Join_outerContext join_outer() { + return getRuleContext(Join_outerContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LEFT() { return getToken(OBParser.LEFT, 0); } + public TerminalNode RIGHT() { return getToken(OBParser.RIGHT, 0); } + public Outer_join_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_outer_join_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOuter_join_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOuter_join_type(this); + } + } + + public final Outer_join_typeContext outer_join_type() throws RecognitionException { + Outer_join_typeContext _localctx = new Outer_join_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1012, RULE_outer_join_type); + try { + setState(9467); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case FULL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9461); + match(FULL); + setState(9462); + join_outer(); + } + break; + case LEFT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9463); + match(LEFT); + setState(9464); + join_outer(); + } + break; + case RIGHT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(9465); + match(RIGHT); + setState(9466); + join_outer(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Join_outerContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode OUTER() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTER, 0); } + public Join_outerContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_join_outer; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJoin_outer(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJoin_outer(this); + } + } + + public final Join_outerContext join_outer() throws RecognitionException { + Join_outerContext _localctx = new Join_outerContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1014, RULE_join_outer); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9470); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==OUTER) { + { + setState(9469); + match(OUTER); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class With_selectContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public With_clauseContext with_clause() { + return getRuleContext(With_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Select_no_parensContext select_no_parens() { + return getRuleContext(Select_no_parensContext.class,0); + } + public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { + return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); + } + public With_selectContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_with_select; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWith_select(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWith_select(this); + } + } + + public final With_selectContext with_select() throws RecognitionException { + With_selectContext _localctx = new With_selectContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1016, RULE_with_select); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9472); + with_clause(); + setState(9475); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,979,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(9473); + select_no_parens(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(9474); + select_with_parens(); + } + break; + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class With_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } + public TerminalNode RECURSIVE() { return getToken(OBParser.RECURSIVE, 0); } + public Common_table_exprContext common_table_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Common_table_exprContext.class,0); + } + public With_listContext with_list() { + return getRuleContext(With_listContext.class,0); + } + public With_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_with_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWith_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWith_clause(this); + } + } + + public final With_clauseContext with_clause() throws RecognitionException { + With_clauseContext _localctx = new With_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1018, RULE_with_clause); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9477); + match(WITH); + setState(9481); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,980,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(9478); + match(RECURSIVE); + setState(9479); + common_table_expr(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(9480); + with_list(); + } + break; + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class With_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List common_table_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Common_table_exprContext.class); + } + public Common_table_exprContext common_table_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Common_table_exprContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public With_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_with_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWith_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWith_list(this); + } + } + + public final With_listContext with_list() throws RecognitionException { + With_listContext _localctx = new With_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1020, RULE_with_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9483); + common_table_expr(); + setState(9488); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(9484); + match(Comma); + setState(9485); + common_table_expr(); + } + } + setState(9490); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Common_table_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } + public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); + } + public Select_no_parensContext select_no_parens() { + return getRuleContext(Select_no_parensContext.class,0); + } + public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } + public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); + } + public List alias_name_list() { + return getRuleContexts(Alias_name_listContext.class); + } + public Alias_name_listContext alias_name_list(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Alias_name_listContext.class,i); + } + public Order_byContext order_by() { + return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); + } + public Fetch_next_clauseContext fetch_next_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode CYCLE() { return getToken(OBParser.CYCLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public Var_nameContext var_name() { + return getRuleContext(Var_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } + public List STRING_VALUE() { return getTokens(OBParser.STRING_VALUE); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, i); + } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public TerminalNode SEARCH() { return getToken(OBParser.SEARCH, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEPTH() { return getToken(OBParser.DEPTH, 0); } + public TerminalNode FIRST() { return getToken(OBParser.FIRST, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public Sort_listContext sort_list() { + return getRuleContext(Sort_listContext.class,0); + } + public Search_set_valueContext search_set_value() { + return getRuleContext(Search_set_valueContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode BREADTH() { return getToken(OBParser.BREADTH, 0); } + public With_selectContext with_select() { + return getRuleContext(With_selectContext.class,0); + } + public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { + return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); + } + public SubqueryContext subquery() { + return getRuleContext(SubqueryContext.class,0); + } + public Common_table_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_common_table_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCommon_table_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCommon_table_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Common_table_exprContext common_table_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Common_table_exprContext _localctx = new Common_table_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1022, RULE_common_table_expr); + int _la; + try { + setState(9653); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,997,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9491); + relation_name(); + setState(9496); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(9492); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9493); + alias_name_list(); + setState(9494); + match(RightParen); + } + } + + setState(9498); + match(AS); + setState(9499); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9500); + select_no_parens(); + setState(9502); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ORDER) { + { + setState(9501); + order_by(); + } + } + + setState(9505); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { + { + setState(9504); + fetch_next_clause(); + } + } + + setState(9507); + match(RightParen); + setState(9522); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,985,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(9508); + match(SEARCH); + setState(9509); + match(DEPTH); + setState(9510); + match(FIRST); + setState(9511); + match(BY); + setState(9512); + sort_list(); + setState(9513); + search_set_value(); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(9515); + match(SEARCH); + setState(9516); + match(BREADTH); + setState(9517); + match(FIRST); + setState(9518); + match(BY); + setState(9519); + sort_list(); + setState(9520); + search_set_value(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(9533); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CYCLE) { + { + setState(9524); + match(CYCLE); + setState(9525); + alias_name_list(); + setState(9526); + match(SET); + setState(9527); + var_name(); + setState(9528); + match(TO); + setState(9529); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(9530); + match(DEFAULT); + setState(9531); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9535); + relation_name(); + setState(9540); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(9536); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9537); + alias_name_list(); + setState(9538); + match(RightParen); + } + } + + setState(9542); + match(AS); + setState(9543); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9544); + with_select(); + setState(9545); + match(RightParen); + setState(9560); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,988,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(9546); + match(SEARCH); + setState(9547); + match(DEPTH); + setState(9548); + match(FIRST); + setState(9549); + match(BY); + setState(9550); + sort_list(); + setState(9551); + search_set_value(); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(9553); + match(SEARCH); + setState(9554); + match(BREADTH); + setState(9555); + match(FIRST); + setState(9556); + match(BY); + setState(9557); + sort_list(); + setState(9558); + search_set_value(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(9571); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CYCLE) { + { + setState(9562); + match(CYCLE); + setState(9563); + alias_name_list(); + setState(9564); + match(SET); + setState(9565); + var_name(); + setState(9566); + match(TO); + setState(9567); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(9568); + match(DEFAULT); + setState(9569); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(9573); + relation_name(); + setState(9578); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(9574); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9575); + alias_name_list(); + setState(9576); + match(RightParen); + } + } + + setState(9580); + match(AS); + setState(9581); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9582); + select_with_parens(); + setState(9583); + match(RightParen); + setState(9598); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,991,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(9584); + match(SEARCH); + setState(9585); + match(DEPTH); + setState(9586); + match(FIRST); + setState(9587); + match(BY); + setState(9588); + sort_list(); + setState(9589); + search_set_value(); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(9591); + match(SEARCH); + setState(9592); + match(BREADTH); + setState(9593); + match(FIRST); + setState(9594); + match(BY); + setState(9595); + sort_list(); + setState(9596); + search_set_value(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(9609); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CYCLE) { + { + setState(9600); + match(CYCLE); + setState(9601); + alias_name_list(); + setState(9602); + match(SET); + setState(9603); + var_name(); + setState(9604); + match(TO); + setState(9605); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(9606); + match(DEFAULT); + setState(9607); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(9611); + relation_name(); + setState(9616); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(9612); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9613); + alias_name_list(); + setState(9614); + match(RightParen); + } + } + + setState(9618); + match(AS); + setState(9619); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9620); + subquery(); + setState(9621); + order_by(); + setState(9623); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { + { + setState(9622); + fetch_next_clause(); + } + } + + setState(9625); + match(RightParen); + setState(9640); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,995,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(9626); + match(SEARCH); + setState(9627); + match(DEPTH); + setState(9628); + match(FIRST); + setState(9629); + match(BY); + setState(9630); + sort_list(); + setState(9631); + search_set_value(); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(9633); + match(SEARCH); + setState(9634); + match(BREADTH); + setState(9635); + match(FIRST); + setState(9636); + match(BY); + setState(9637); + sort_list(); + setState(9638); + search_set_value(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(9651); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CYCLE) { + { + setState(9642); + match(CYCLE); + setState(9643); + alias_name_list(); + setState(9644); + match(SET); + setState(9645); + var_name(); + setState(9646); + match(TO); + setState(9647); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(9648); + match(DEFAULT); + setState(9649); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mv_column_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List column_name_list() { + return getRuleContexts(Column_name_listContext.class); + } + public Column_name_listContext column_name_list(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRIMARY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } + public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } + public Opt_index_optionsContext opt_index_options() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_index_optionsContext.class,0); + } + public Mv_column_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mv_column_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMv_column_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMv_column_list(this); + } + } + + public final Mv_column_listContext mv_column_list() throws RecognitionException { + Mv_column_listContext _localctx = new Mv_column_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1024, RULE_mv_column_list); + try { + setState(9682); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1000,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9655); + column_name_list(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9656); + column_name_list(); + setState(9657); + match(Comma); + setState(9658); + match(PRIMARY); + setState(9659); + match(KEY); + setState(9660); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9661); + column_name_list(); + setState(9662); + match(RightParen); + setState(9668); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,998,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(9663); + match(USING); + setState(9664); + match(INDEX); + setState(9665); + opt_index_options(); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(9666); + match(USING); + setState(9667); + match(INDEX); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(9670); + match(PRIMARY); + setState(9671); + match(KEY); + setState(9672); + match(LeftParen); + setState(9673); + column_name_list(); + setState(9674); + match(RightParen); + setState(9680); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,999,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(9675); + match(USING); + setState(9676); + match(INDEX); + setState(9677); + opt_index_options(); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(9678); + match(USING); + setState(9679); + match(INDEX); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alias_name_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List column_alias_name() { + return getRuleContexts(Column_alias_nameContext.class); + } + public Column_alias_nameContext column_alias_name(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Column_alias_nameContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Alias_name_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alias_name_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlias_name_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlias_name_list(this); + } + } + + public final Alias_name_listContext alias_name_list() throws RecognitionException { + Alias_name_listContext _localctx = new Alias_name_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1026, RULE_alias_name_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9684); + column_alias_name(); + setState(9689); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(9685); + match(Comma); + setState(9686); + column_alias_name(); + } + } + setState(9691); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Column_alias_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Column_alias_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_alias_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_alias_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_alias_name(this); + } + } + + public final Column_alias_nameContext column_alias_name() throws RecognitionException { + Column_alias_nameContext _localctx = new Column_alias_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1028, RULE_column_alias_name); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9692); + column_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Search_set_valueContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public Var_nameContext var_name() { + return getRuleContext(Var_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Search_set_valueContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_search_set_value; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSearch_set_value(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSearch_set_value(this); + } + } + + public final Search_set_valueContext search_set_value() throws RecognitionException { + Search_set_valueContext _localctx = new Search_set_valueContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1030, RULE_search_set_value); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9694); + match(SET); + setState(9695); + var_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Analyze_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ANALYZE() { return getToken(OBParser.ANALYZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Analyze_statistics_clauseContext analyze_statistics_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Analyze_statistics_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Use_partitionContext use_partition() { + return getRuleContext(Use_partitionContext.class,0); + } + public Analyze_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_analyze_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAnalyze_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAnalyze_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Analyze_stmtContext analyze_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Analyze_stmtContext _localctx = new Analyze_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1032, RULE_analyze_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9697); + match(ANALYZE); + setState(9698); + match(TABLE); + setState(9699); + relation_factor(); + setState(9701); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PARTITION || _la==SUBPARTITION) { + { + setState(9700); + use_partition(); + } + } + + setState(9703); + analyze_statistics_clause(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Analyze_statistics_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode COMPUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPUTE, 0); } + public TerminalNode STATISTICS() { return getToken(OBParser.STATISTICS, 0); } + public Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext opt_analyze_for_clause_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ESTIMATE() { return getToken(OBParser.ESTIMATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SAMPLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SAMPLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public Sample_optionContext sample_option() { + return getRuleContext(Sample_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Analyze_statistics_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_analyze_statistics_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAnalyze_statistics_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAnalyze_statistics_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Analyze_statistics_clauseContext analyze_statistics_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Analyze_statistics_clauseContext _localctx = new Analyze_statistics_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1034, RULE_analyze_statistics_clause); + int _la; + try { + setState(9720); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case COMPUTE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9705); + match(COMPUTE); + setState(9706); + match(STATISTICS); + setState(9708); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FOR) { + { + setState(9707); + opt_analyze_for_clause_list(); + } + } + + } + break; + case ESTIMATE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9710); + match(ESTIMATE); + setState(9711); + match(STATISTICS); + setState(9713); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FOR) { + { + setState(9712); + opt_analyze_for_clause_list(); + } + } + + setState(9718); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SAMPLE) { + { + setState(9715); + match(SAMPLE); + setState(9716); + match(INTNUM); + setState(9717); + sample_option(); + } + } + + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext opt_analyze_for_clause_element() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_analyze_for_clause_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_analyze_for_clause_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_analyze_for_clause_list(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext opt_analyze_for_clause_list() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext _localctx = new Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1036, RULE_opt_analyze_for_clause_list); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9722); + opt_analyze_for_clause_element(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } + public For_allContext for_all() { + return getRuleContext(For_allContext.class,0); + } + public For_columnsContext for_columns() { + return getRuleContext(For_columnsContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_analyze_for_clause_element; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_analyze_for_clause_element(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_analyze_for_clause_element(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext opt_analyze_for_clause_element() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext _localctx = new Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1038, RULE_opt_analyze_for_clause_element); + try { + setState(9728); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1007,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9724); + match(FOR); + setState(9725); + match(TABLE); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9726); + for_all(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(9727); + for_columns(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Sample_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWS, 0); } + public TerminalNode PERCENTAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENTAGE, 0); } + public Sample_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sample_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSample_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSample_option(this); + } + } + + public final Sample_optionContext sample_option() throws RecognitionException { + Sample_optionContext _localctx = new Sample_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1040, RULE_sample_option); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9730); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ROWS || _la==PERCENTAGE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_outline_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode OUTLINE() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTLINE, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public List explainable_stmt() { + return getRuleContexts(Explainable_stmtContext.class); + } + public Explainable_stmtContext explainable_stmt(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Explainable_stmtContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode OR() { return getToken(OBParser.OR, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPLACE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLACE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } + public TerminalNode HINT_HINT_BEGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_HINT_BEGIN, 0); } + public Hint_list_with_endContext hint_list_with_end() { + return getRuleContext(Hint_list_with_endContext.class,0); + } + public Create_outline_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_outline_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_outline_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_outline_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Create_outline_stmtContext create_outline_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Create_outline_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_outline_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1042, RULE_create_outline_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(9758); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1011,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9732); + match(CREATE); + setState(9735); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==OR) { + { + setState(9733); + match(OR); + setState(9734); + match(REPLACE); + } + } + + setState(9737); + match(OUTLINE); + setState(9738); + relation_name(); + setState(9739); + match(ON); + setState(9740); + explainable_stmt(); + setState(9743); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TO) { + { + setState(9741); + match(TO); + setState(9742); + explainable_stmt(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9745); + match(CREATE); + setState(9748); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==OR) { + { + setState(9746); + match(OR); + setState(9747); + match(REPLACE); + } + } + + setState(9750); + match(OUTLINE); + setState(9751); + relation_name(); + setState(9752); + match(ON); + setState(9753); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(9754); + match(USING); + setState(9755); + match(HINT_HINT_BEGIN); + setState(9756); + hint_list_with_end(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_outline_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode OUTLINE() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTLINE, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } + public List explainable_stmt() { + return getRuleContexts(Explainable_stmtContext.class); + } + public Explainable_stmtContext explainable_stmt(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Explainable_stmtContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } + public Alter_outline_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_outline_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_outline_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_outline_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_outline_stmtContext alter_outline_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_outline_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_outline_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1044, RULE_alter_outline_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9760); + match(ALTER); + setState(9761); + match(OUTLINE); + setState(9762); + relation_name(); + setState(9763); + match(ADD); + setState(9764); + explainable_stmt(); + setState(9767); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TO) { + { + setState(9765); + match(TO); + setState(9766); + explainable_stmt(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_outline_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode OUTLINE() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTLINE, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_outline_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_outline_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_outline_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_outline_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_outline_stmtContext drop_outline_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_outline_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_outline_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1046, RULE_drop_outline_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9769); + match(DROP); + setState(9770); + match(OUTLINE); + setState(9771); + relation_factor(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Explain_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Explain_or_descContext explain_or_desc() { + return getRuleContext(Explain_or_descContext.class,0); + } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Explainable_stmtContext explainable_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Explainable_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PRETTY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRETTY, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRETTY_COLOR() { return getToken(OBParser.PRETTY_COLOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode BASIC() { return getToken(OBParser.BASIC, 0); } + public TerminalNode OUTLINE() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTLINE, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXTENDED() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTENDED, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXTENDED_NOADDR() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTENDED_NOADDR, 0); } + public TerminalNode PLANREGRESS() { return getToken(OBParser.PLANREGRESS, 0); } + public TerminalNode PARTITIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITIONS, 0); } + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public TerminalNode STATEMENT_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.STATEMENT_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public LiteralContext literal() { + return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FORMAT, 0); } + public Format_nameContext format_name() { + return getRuleContext(Format_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Explain_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_explain_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExplain_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExplain_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Explain_stmtContext explain_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Explain_stmtContext _localctx = new Explain_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1048, RULE_explain_stmt); + try { + setState(9901); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1014,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9773); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9774); + relation_factor(); + setState(9777); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case STRING_VALUE: + { + setState(9775); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ROWID: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + { + setState(9776); + column_name(); + } + break; + case EOF: + case DELIMITER: + break; + default: + break; + } + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9779); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9780); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(9782); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9783); + match(PRETTY); + setState(9784); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(9786); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9787); + match(PRETTY_COLOR); + setState(9788); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(9790); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9791); + match(BASIC); + setState(9792); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(9794); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9795); + match(BASIC); + setState(9796); + match(PRETTY); + setState(9797); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(9799); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9800); + match(BASIC); + setState(9801); + match(PRETTY_COLOR); + setState(9802); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(9804); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9805); + match(OUTLINE); + setState(9806); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(9808); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9809); + match(OUTLINE); + setState(9810); + match(PRETTY); + setState(9811); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 10: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(9813); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9814); + match(OUTLINE); + setState(9815); + match(PRETTY_COLOR); + setState(9816); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 11: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); + { + setState(9818); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9819); + match(EXTENDED); + setState(9820); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 12: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); + { + setState(9822); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9823); + match(EXTENDED); + setState(9824); + match(PRETTY); + setState(9825); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 13: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); + { + setState(9827); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9828); + match(EXTENDED); + setState(9829); + match(PRETTY_COLOR); + setState(9830); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 14: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); + { + setState(9832); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9833); + match(EXTENDED_NOADDR); + setState(9834); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 15: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); + { + setState(9836); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9837); + match(EXTENDED_NOADDR); + setState(9838); + match(PRETTY); + setState(9839); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 16: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); + { + setState(9841); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9842); + match(EXTENDED_NOADDR); + setState(9843); + match(PRETTY_COLOR); + setState(9844); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 17: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); + { + setState(9846); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9847); + match(PLANREGRESS); + setState(9848); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 18: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); + { + setState(9850); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9851); + match(PLANREGRESS); + setState(9852); + match(PRETTY); + setState(9853); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 19: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); + { + setState(9855); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9856); + match(PLANREGRESS); + setState(9857); + match(PRETTY_COLOR); + setState(9858); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 20: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 20); + { + setState(9860); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9861); + match(PARTITIONS); + setState(9862); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 21: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 21); + { + setState(9864); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9865); + match(PARTITIONS); + setState(9866); + match(PRETTY); + setState(9867); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 22: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 22); + { + setState(9869); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9870); + match(PARTITIONS); + setState(9871); + match(PRETTY_COLOR); + setState(9872); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 23: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 23); + { + setState(9874); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9875); + match(SET); + setState(9876); + match(STATEMENT_ID); + setState(9877); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(9878); + literal(); + setState(9879); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 24: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 24); + { + setState(9881); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9882); + match(INTO); + setState(9883); + relation_name(); + setState(9884); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 25: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 25); + { + setState(9886); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9887); + match(INTO); + setState(9888); + relation_name(); + setState(9889); + match(SET); + setState(9890); + match(STATEMENT_ID); + setState(9891); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(9892); + literal(); + setState(9893); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + case 26: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 26); + { + setState(9895); + explain_or_desc(); + setState(9896); + match(FORMAT); + setState(9897); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(9898); + format_name(); + setState(9899); + explainable_stmt(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Explain_or_descContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode EXPLAIN() { return getToken(OBParser.EXPLAIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode DESCRIBE() { return getToken(OBParser.DESCRIBE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DESC() { return getToken(OBParser.DESC, 0); } + public Explain_or_descContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_explain_or_desc; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExplain_or_desc(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExplain_or_desc(this); + } + } + + public final Explain_or_descContext explain_or_desc() throws RecognitionException { + Explain_or_descContext _localctx = new Explain_or_descContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1050, RULE_explain_or_desc); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9903); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==DESC || _la==EXPLAIN || _la==DESCRIBE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Explainable_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Select_stmtContext select_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Select_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Delete_stmtContext delete_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Delete_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Insert_stmtContext insert_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Insert_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Merge_stmtContext merge_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Merge_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Update_stmtContext update_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Update_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Explainable_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_explainable_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExplainable_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExplainable_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Explainable_stmtContext explainable_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Explainable_stmtContext _localctx = new Explainable_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1052, RULE_explainable_stmt); + try { + setState(9910); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case SELECT: + case WITH: + case LeftParen: + case SELECT_HINT_BEGIN: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9905); + select_stmt(); + } + break; + case DELETE: + case DELETE_HINT_BEGIN: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9906); + delete_stmt(); + } + break; + case INSERT: + case INSERT_HINT_BEGIN: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(9907); + insert_stmt(); + } + break; + case MERGE: + case MERGE_HINT_BEGIN: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(9908); + merge_stmt(); + } + break; + case UPDATE: + case UPDATE_HINT_BEGIN: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(9909); + update_stmt(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Format_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode TRADITIONAL() { return getToken(OBParser.TRADITIONAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } + public Format_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_format_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFormat_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFormat_name(this); + } + } + + public final Format_nameContext format_name() throws RecognitionException { + Format_nameContext _localctx = new Format_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1054, RULE_format_name); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9912); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==TRADITIONAL || _la==JSON) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Show_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SHOW() { return getToken(OBParser.SHOW, 0); } + public Columns_or_fieldsContext columns_or_fields() { + return getRuleContext(Columns_or_fieldsContext.class,0); + } + public List from_or_in() { + return getRuleContexts(From_or_inContext.class); + } + public From_or_inContext from_or_in(int i) { + return getRuleContext(From_or_inContext.class,i); + } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FULL() { return getToken(OBParser.FULL, 0); } + public Database_factorContext database_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Database_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LIKE() { return getToken(OBParser.LIKE, 0); } + public List STRING_VALUE() { return getTokens(OBParser.STRING_VALUE); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, i); + } + public TerminalNode ESCAPE() { return getToken(OBParser.ESCAPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode WHERE() { return getToken(OBParser.WHERE, 0); } + public ExprContext expr() { + return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode STATUS() { return getToken(OBParser.STATUS, 0); } + public TerminalNode VARIABLES() { return getToken(OBParser.VARIABLES, 0); } + public TerminalNode GLOBAL() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode SESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOCAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode VIEW() { return getToken(OBParser.VIEW, 0); } + public TerminalNode PROCEDURE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROCEDURE, 0); } + public TerminalNode FUNCTION() { return getToken(OBParser.FUNCTION, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRIGGER() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIGGER, 0); } + public TerminalNode GRANTS() { return getToken(OBParser.GRANTS, 0); } + public Opt_for_grant_userContext opt_for_grant_user() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_for_grant_userContext.class,0); + } + public Charset_keyContext charset_key() { + return getRuleContext(Charset_keyContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TRACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRACE, 0); } + public TerminalNode FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FORMAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode COLLATION() { return getToken(OBParser.COLLATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode PARAMETERS() { return getToken(OBParser.PARAMETERS, 0); } + public Tenant_nameContext tenant_name() { + return getRuleContext(Tenant_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PROCESSLIST() { return getToken(OBParser.PROCESSLIST, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLEGROUPS() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUPS, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRIVILEGES() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIVILEGES, 0); } + public TerminalNode RECYCLEBIN() { return getToken(OBParser.RECYCLEBIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLEGROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUP, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Show_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_show_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterShow_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitShow_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Show_stmtContext show_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Show_stmtContext _localctx = new Show_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1056, RULE_show_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(10083); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1031,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(9914); + match(SHOW); + setState(9916); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FULL) { + { + setState(9915); + match(FULL); + } + } + + setState(9918); + columns_or_fields(); + setState(9919); + from_or_in(); + setState(9920); + relation_factor(); + setState(9924); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FROM || _la==IN) { + { + setState(9921); + from_or_in(); + setState(9922); + database_factor(); + } + } + + setState(9934); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1018,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(9926); + match(LIKE); + setState(9927); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(9928); + match(LIKE); + setState(9929); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(9930); + match(ESCAPE); + setState(9931); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + break; + case 3: + { + { + setState(9932); + match(WHERE); + setState(9933); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(9936); + match(SHOW); + setState(9937); + match(TABLE); + setState(9938); + match(STATUS); + setState(9942); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FROM || _la==IN) { + { + setState(9939); + from_or_in(); + setState(9940); + database_factor(); + } + } + + setState(9952); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1020,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(9944); + match(LIKE); + setState(9945); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(9946); + match(LIKE); + setState(9947); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(9948); + match(ESCAPE); + setState(9949); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + break; + case 3: + { + { + setState(9950); + match(WHERE); + setState(9951); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(9954); + match(SHOW); + setState(9956); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SESSION || _la==GLOBAL || _la==LOCAL) { + { + setState(9955); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==SESSION || _la==GLOBAL || _la==LOCAL) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + + setState(9958); + match(VARIABLES); + setState(9967); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1022,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(9959); + match(LIKE); + setState(9960); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(9961); + match(LIKE); + setState(9962); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(9963); + match(ESCAPE); + setState(9964); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + break; + case 3: + { + { + setState(9965); + match(WHERE); + setState(9966); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(9969); + match(SHOW); + setState(9970); + match(CREATE); + setState(9971); + match(TABLE); + setState(9972); + relation_factor(); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(9973); + match(SHOW); + setState(9974); + match(CREATE); + setState(9975); + match(VIEW); + setState(9976); + relation_factor(); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(9977); + match(SHOW); + setState(9978); + match(CREATE); + setState(9979); + match(PROCEDURE); + setState(9980); + relation_factor(); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(9981); + match(SHOW); + setState(9982); + match(CREATE); + setState(9983); + match(FUNCTION); + setState(9984); + relation_factor(); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(9985); + match(SHOW); + setState(9986); + match(CREATE); + setState(9987); + match(TRIGGER); + setState(9988); + relation_factor(); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(9989); + match(SHOW); + setState(9990); + match(GRANTS); + setState(9991); + opt_for_grant_user(); + } + break; + case 10: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(9992); + match(SHOW); + setState(9993); + charset_key(); + setState(10002); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1023,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(9994); + match(LIKE); + setState(9995); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(9996); + match(LIKE); + setState(9997); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(9998); + match(ESCAPE); + setState(9999); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + break; + case 3: + { + { + setState(10000); + match(WHERE); + setState(10001); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 11: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); + { + setState(10004); + match(SHOW); + setState(10005); + match(TRACE); + setState(10014); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1024,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(10006); + match(LIKE); + setState(10007); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(10008); + match(LIKE); + setState(10009); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(10010); + match(ESCAPE); + setState(10011); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + break; + case 3: + { + { + setState(10012); + match(WHERE); + setState(10013); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 12: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); + { + setState(10016); + match(SHOW); + setState(10017); + match(TRACE); + setState(10018); + match(FORMAT); + setState(10019); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(10020); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(10029); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1025,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(10021); + match(LIKE); + setState(10022); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(10023); + match(LIKE); + setState(10024); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(10025); + match(ESCAPE); + setState(10026); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + break; + case 3: + { + { + setState(10027); + match(WHERE); + setState(10028); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 13: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); + { + setState(10031); + match(SHOW); + setState(10032); + match(COLLATION); + setState(10041); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1026,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(10033); + match(LIKE); + setState(10034); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(10035); + match(LIKE); + setState(10036); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(10037); + match(ESCAPE); + setState(10038); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + break; + case 3: + { + { + setState(10039); + match(WHERE); + setState(10040); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 14: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); + { + setState(10043); + match(SHOW); + setState(10044); + match(PARAMETERS); + setState(10053); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1027,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(10045); + match(LIKE); + setState(10046); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(10047); + match(LIKE); + setState(10048); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(10049); + match(ESCAPE); + setState(10050); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + break; + case 3: + { + { + setState(10051); + match(WHERE); + setState(10052); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + } + setState(10056); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(10055); + tenant_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 15: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); + { + setState(10058); + match(SHOW); + setState(10060); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FULL) { + { + setState(10059); + match(FULL); + } + } + + setState(10062); + match(PROCESSLIST); + } + break; + case 16: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); + { + setState(10063); + match(SHOW); + setState(10064); + match(TABLEGROUPS); + setState(10073); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1030,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(10065); + match(LIKE); + setState(10066); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(10067); + match(LIKE); + setState(10068); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(10069); + match(ESCAPE); + setState(10070); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + break; + case 3: + { + { + setState(10071); + match(WHERE); + setState(10072); + expr(0); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 17: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); + { + setState(10075); + match(SHOW); + setState(10076); + match(PRIVILEGES); + } + break; + case 18: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); + { + setState(10077); + match(SHOW); + setState(10078); + match(RECYCLEBIN); + } + break; + case 19: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); + { + setState(10079); + match(SHOW); + setState(10080); + match(CREATE); + setState(10081); + match(TABLEGROUP); + setState(10082); + relation_name(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_for_grant_userContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Opt_for_userContext opt_for_user() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_for_userContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode CURRENT_USER() { return getToken(OBParser.CURRENT_USER, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Opt_for_grant_userContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_for_grant_user; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_for_grant_user(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_for_grant_user(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_for_grant_userContext opt_for_grant_user() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_for_grant_userContext _localctx = new Opt_for_grant_userContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1058, RULE_opt_for_grant_user); + try { + setState(10090); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1032,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10085); + opt_for_user(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10086); + match(FOR); + setState(10087); + match(CURRENT_USER); + setState(10088); + match(LeftParen); + setState(10089); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Columns_or_fieldsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } + public TerminalNode FIELDS() { return getToken(OBParser.FIELDS, 0); } + public Columns_or_fieldsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_columns_or_fields; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumns_or_fields(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumns_or_fields(this); + } + } + + public final Columns_or_fieldsContext columns_or_fields() throws RecognitionException { + Columns_or_fieldsContext _localctx = new Columns_or_fieldsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1060, RULE_columns_or_fields); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10092); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==COLUMNS || _la==FIELDS) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class From_or_inContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode FROM() { return getToken(OBParser.FROM, 0); } + public TerminalNode IN() { return getToken(OBParser.IN, 0); } + public From_or_inContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_from_or_in; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFrom_or_in(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFrom_or_in(this); + } + } + + public final From_or_inContext from_or_in() throws RecognitionException { + From_or_inContext _localctx = new From_or_inContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1062, RULE_from_or_in); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10094); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==FROM || _la==IN) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Help_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode HELP() { return getToken(OBParser.HELP, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public Help_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_help_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHelp_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHelp_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Help_stmtContext help_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Help_stmtContext _localctx = new Help_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1064, RULE_help_stmt); + try { + setState(10100); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1033,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10096); + match(HELP); + setState(10097); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10098); + match(HELP); + setState(10099); + match(NAME_OB); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_user_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode USER() { return getToken(OBParser.USER, 0); } + public User_specificationContext user_specification() { + return getRuleContext(User_specificationContext.class,0); + } + public User_profileContext user_profile() { + return getRuleContext(User_profileContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLESPACE, 0); } + public TablespaceContext tablespace() { + return getRuleContext(TablespaceContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PRIMARY_ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY_ZONE, 0); } + public Opt_equal_markContext opt_equal_mark() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_equal_markContext.class,0); + } + public Primary_zone_nameContext primary_zone_name() { + return getRuleContext(Primary_zone_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Require_specificationContext require_specification() { + return getRuleContext(Require_specificationContext.class,0); + } + public Create_user_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_user_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_user_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_user_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Create_user_stmtContext create_user_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Create_user_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_user_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1066, RULE_create_user_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(10137); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1040,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10102); + match(CREATE); + setState(10103); + match(USER); + setState(10104); + user_specification(); + setState(10106); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PROFILE) { + { + setState(10105); + user_profile(); + } + } + + setState(10111); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DEFAULT) { + { + setState(10108); + match(DEFAULT); + setState(10109); + match(TABLESPACE); + setState(10110); + tablespace(); + } + } + + setState(10117); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PRIMARY_ZONE) { + { + setState(10113); + match(PRIMARY_ZONE); + setState(10114); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(10115); + primary_zone_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10119); + match(CREATE); + setState(10120); + match(USER); + setState(10121); + user_specification(); + setState(10122); + require_specification(); + setState(10124); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PROFILE) { + { + setState(10123); + user_profile(); + } + } + + setState(10129); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DEFAULT) { + { + setState(10126); + match(DEFAULT); + setState(10127); + match(TABLESPACE); + setState(10128); + tablespace(); + } + } + + setState(10135); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PRIMARY_ZONE) { + { + setState(10131); + match(PRIMARY_ZONE); + setState(10132); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(10133); + primary_zone_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Default_role_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Role_opt_identified_by_listContext role_opt_identified_by_list() { + return getRuleContext(Role_opt_identified_by_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXCEPT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCEPT, 0); } + public Role_listContext role_list() { + return getRuleContext(Role_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NONE() { return getToken(OBParser.NONE, 0); } + public Default_role_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_default_role_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDefault_role_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDefault_role_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Default_role_clauseContext default_role_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Default_role_clauseContext _localctx = new Default_role_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1068, RULE_default_role_clause); + int _la; + try { + setState(10146); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case CONNECT: + case PUBLIC: + case RESOURCE: + case DBA: + case NAME_OB: + case STRING_VALUE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10139); + role_opt_identified_by_list(); + } + break; + case ALL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10140); + match(ALL); + setState(10143); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==EXCEPT) { + { + setState(10141); + match(EXCEPT); + setState(10142); + role_list(); + } + } + + } + break; + case NONE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(10145); + match(NONE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_user_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode USER() { return getToken(OBParser.USER, 0); } + public User_with_host_nameContext user_with_host_name() { + return getRuleContext(User_with_host_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLE, 0); } + public Default_role_clauseContext default_role_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Default_role_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PRIMARY_ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY_ZONE, 0); } + public Primary_zone_nameContext primary_zone_name() { + return getRuleContext(Primary_zone_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public List user_list() { + return getRuleContexts(User_listContext.class); + } + public User_listContext user_list(int i) { + return getRuleContext(User_listContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode GRANT() { return getToken(OBParser.GRANT, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONNECT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode THROUGH() { return getToken(OBParser.THROUGH, 0); } + public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } + public Role_listContext role_list() { + return getRuleContext(Role_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXCEPT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCEPT, 0); } + public TerminalNode NO() { return getToken(OBParser.NO, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROLES() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLES, 0); } + public TerminalNode REVOKE() { return getToken(OBParser.REVOKE, 0); } + public Alter_user_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_user_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_user_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_user_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_user_stmtContext alter_user_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_user_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_user_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1070, RULE_alter_user_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(10195); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1045,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10148); + match(ALTER); + setState(10149); + match(USER); + setState(10150); + user_with_host_name(); + setState(10151); + match(DEFAULT); + setState(10152); + match(ROLE); + setState(10153); + default_role_clause(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10155); + match(ALTER); + setState(10156); + match(USER); + setState(10157); + user_with_host_name(); + setState(10158); + match(PRIMARY_ZONE); + setState(10160); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(10159); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(10162); + primary_zone_name(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(10164); + match(ALTER); + setState(10165); + match(USER); + setState(10166); + user_list(); + setState(10167); + match(GRANT); + setState(10168); + match(CONNECT); + setState(10169); + match(THROUGH); + setState(10170); + user_list(); + setState(10185); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1044,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(10171); + match(WITH); + setState(10172); + match(ROLE); + setState(10173); + role_list(); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(10174); + match(WITH); + setState(10175); + match(ROLE); + setState(10176); + match(ALL); + setState(10177); + match(EXCEPT); + setState(10178); + role_list(); + } + } + break; + case 3: + { + { + setState(10179); + match(WITH); + setState(10180); + match(NO); + setState(10181); + match(ROLE); + } + } + break; + case 4: + { + { + setState(10182); + match(WITH); + setState(10183); + match(NO); + setState(10184); + match(ROLES); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(10187); + match(ALTER); + setState(10188); + match(USER); + setState(10189); + user_list(); + setState(10190); + match(REVOKE); + setState(10191); + match(CONNECT); + setState(10192); + match(THROUGH); + setState(10193); + user_list(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_user_profile_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode USER() { return getToken(OBParser.USER, 0); } + public User_with_host_nameContext user_with_host_name() { + return getRuleContext(User_with_host_nameContext.class,0); + } + public User_profileContext user_profile() { + return getRuleContext(User_profileContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_user_profile_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_user_profile_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_user_profile_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_user_profile_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_user_profile_stmtContext alter_user_profile_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_user_profile_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_user_profile_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1072, RULE_alter_user_profile_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10197); + match(ALTER); + setState(10198); + match(USER); + setState(10199); + user_with_host_name(); + setState(10200); + user_profile(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_role_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLE, 0); } + public RoleContext role() { + return getRuleContext(RoleContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } + public TerminalNode IDENTIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTIFIED, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public PasswordContext password() { + return getRuleContext(PasswordContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } + public Alter_role_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_role_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_role_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_role_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_role_stmtContext alter_role_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_role_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_role_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1074, RULE_alter_role_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(10224); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1047,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10202); + match(ALTER); + setState(10203); + match(ROLE); + setState(10204); + role(); + setState(10207); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==NOT) { + { + setState(10205); + match(NOT); + setState(10206); + match(IDENTIFIED); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10209); + match(ALTER); + setState(10210); + match(ROLE); + setState(10211); + role(); + setState(10212); + match(IDENTIFIED); + setState(10213); + match(BY); + setState(10214); + password(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(10216); + match(ALTER); + setState(10217); + match(ROLE); + setState(10218); + role(); + setState(10219); + match(IDENTIFIED); + setState(10220); + match(BY); + setState(10221); + match(VALUES); + setState(10222); + password(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class User_specificationContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public UserContext user() { + return getRuleContext(UserContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode IDENTIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTIFIED, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public PasswordContext password() { + return getRuleContext(PasswordContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } + public User_specificationContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_user_specification; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUser_specification(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUser_specification(this); + } + } + + public final User_specificationContext user_specification() throws RecognitionException { + User_specificationContext _localctx = new User_specificationContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1076, RULE_user_specification); + int _la; + try { + setState(10243); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1050,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10226); + user(); + setState(10228); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { + { + setState(10227); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + } + } + + setState(10230); + match(IDENTIFIED); + setState(10231); + match(BY); + setState(10232); + password(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10234); + user(); + setState(10236); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { + { + setState(10235); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + } + } + + setState(10238); + match(IDENTIFIED); + setState(10239); + match(BY); + setState(10240); + match(VALUES); + setState(10241); + password(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Require_specificationContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode REQUIRE() { return getToken(OBParser.REQUIRE, 0); } + public TerminalNode NONE() { return getToken(OBParser.NONE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SSL() { return getToken(OBParser.SSL, 0); } + public TerminalNode X509() { return getToken(OBParser.X509, 0); } + public Tls_option_listContext tls_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Tls_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public Require_specificationContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_require_specification; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRequire_specification(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRequire_specification(this); + } + } + + public final Require_specificationContext require_specification() throws RecognitionException { + Require_specificationContext _localctx = new Require_specificationContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1078, RULE_require_specification); + try { + setState(10253); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1051,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10245); + match(REQUIRE); + setState(10246); + match(NONE); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10247); + match(REQUIRE); + setState(10248); + match(SSL); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(10249); + match(REQUIRE); + setState(10250); + match(X509); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(10251); + match(REQUIRE); + setState(10252); + tls_option_list(0); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Tls_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Tls_optionContext tls_option() { + return getRuleContext(Tls_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Tls_option_listContext tls_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Tls_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode AND() { return getToken(OBParser.AND, 0); } + public Tls_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tls_option_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTls_option_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTls_option_list(this); + } + } + + public final Tls_option_listContext tls_option_list() throws RecognitionException { + return tls_option_list(0); + } + + private Tls_option_listContext tls_option_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Tls_option_listContext _localctx = new Tls_option_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Tls_option_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 1080; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 1080, RULE_tls_option_list, _p); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + { + setState(10256); + tls_option(); + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(10265); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1053,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + setState(10263); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1052,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + _localctx = new Tls_option_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_tls_option_list); + setState(10258); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 2))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 2)"); + setState(10259); + tls_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + _localctx = new Tls_option_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_tls_option_list); + setState(10260); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); + setState(10261); + match(AND); + setState(10262); + tls_option(); + } + break; + } + } + } + setState(10267); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1053,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Tls_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CIPHER() { return getToken(OBParser.CIPHER, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ISSUER() { return getToken(OBParser.ISSUER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUBJECT() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBJECT, 0); } + public Tls_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tls_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTls_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTls_option(this); + } + } + + public final Tls_optionContext tls_option() throws RecognitionException { + Tls_optionContext _localctx = new Tls_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1082, RULE_tls_option); + try { + setState(10274); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case CIPHER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10268); + match(CIPHER); + setState(10269); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case ISSUER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10270); + match(ISSUER); + setState(10271); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case SUBJECT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(10272); + match(SUBJECT); + setState(10273); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Grant_userContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public UserContext user() { + return getRuleContext(UserContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONNECT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESOURCE() { return getToken(OBParser.RESOURCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PUBLIC() { return getToken(OBParser.PUBLIC, 0); } + public Grant_userContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_grant_user; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGrant_user(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGrant_user(this); + } + } + + public final Grant_userContext grant_user() throws RecognitionException { + Grant_userContext _localctx = new Grant_userContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1084, RULE_grant_user); + int _la; + try { + setState(10283); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case STRING_VALUE: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10276); + user(); + setState(10278); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { + { + setState(10277); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + } + } + + } + break; + case CONNECT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10280); + match(CONNECT); + } + break; + case RESOURCE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(10281); + match(RESOURCE); + } + break; + case PUBLIC: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(10282); + match(PUBLIC); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Grant_user_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List grant_user() { + return getRuleContexts(Grant_userContext.class); + } + public Grant_userContext grant_user(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Grant_userContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Grant_user_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_grant_user_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGrant_user_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGrant_user_list(this); + } + } + + public final Grant_user_listContext grant_user_list() throws RecognitionException { + Grant_user_listContext _localctx = new Grant_user_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1086, RULE_grant_user_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10285); + grant_user(); + setState(10290); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(10286); + match(Comma); + setState(10287); + grant_user(); + } + } + setState(10292); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class UserContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { + return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); + } + public UserContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_user; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUser(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUser(this); + } + } + + public final UserContext user() throws RecognitionException { + UserContext _localctx = new UserContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1088, RULE_user); + try { + setState(10296); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case STRING_VALUE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10293); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case NAME_OB: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10294); + match(NAME_OB); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(10295); + unreserved_keyword(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_host_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } + public Opt_host_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_host_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_host_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_host_name(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_host_nameContext opt_host_name() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_host_nameContext _localctx = new Opt_host_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1090, RULE_opt_host_name); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10299); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { + { + setState(10298); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class User_with_host_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public UserContext user() { + return getRuleContext(UserContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONNECT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESOURCE() { return getToken(OBParser.RESOURCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PUBLIC() { return getToken(OBParser.PUBLIC, 0); } + public User_with_host_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_user_with_host_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUser_with_host_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUser_with_host_name(this); + } + } + + public final User_with_host_nameContext user_with_host_name() throws RecognitionException { + User_with_host_nameContext _localctx = new User_with_host_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1092, RULE_user_with_host_name); + int _la; + try { + setState(10308); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case STRING_VALUE: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10301); + user(); + setState(10303); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { + { + setState(10302); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + } + } + + } + break; + case CONNECT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10305); + match(CONNECT); + } + break; + case RESOURCE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(10306); + match(RESOURCE); + } + break; + case PUBLIC: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(10307); + match(PUBLIC); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class PasswordContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { + return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); + } + public PasswordContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_password; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPassword(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPassword(this); + } + } + + public final PasswordContext password() throws RecognitionException { + PasswordContext _localctx = new PasswordContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1094, RULE_password); + try { + setState(10313); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case INTNUM: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10310); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case NAME_OB: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10311); + match(NAME_OB); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(10312); + unreserved_keyword(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Password_strContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public Password_strContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_password_str; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPassword_str(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPassword_str(this); + } + } + + public final Password_strContext password_str() throws RecognitionException { + Password_strContext _localctx = new Password_strContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1096, RULE_password_str); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10315); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_user_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode USER() { return getToken(OBParser.USER, 0); } + public User_listContext user_list() { + return getRuleContext(User_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode CASCADE() { return getToken(OBParser.CASCADE, 0); } + public Drop_user_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_user_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_user_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_user_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_user_stmtContext drop_user_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_user_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_user_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1098, RULE_drop_user_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10317); + match(DROP); + setState(10318); + match(USER); + setState(10319); + user_list(); + setState(10321); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CASCADE) { + { + setState(10320); + match(CASCADE); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class User_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List user_with_host_name() { + return getRuleContexts(User_with_host_nameContext.class); + } + public User_with_host_nameContext user_with_host_name(int i) { + return getRuleContext(User_with_host_nameContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public User_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_user_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUser_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUser_list(this); + } + } + + public final User_listContext user_list() throws RecognitionException { + User_listContext _localctx = new User_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1100, RULE_user_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10323); + user_with_host_name(); + setState(10328); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(10324); + match(Comma); + setState(10325); + user_with_host_name(); + } + } + setState(10330); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Set_password_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public List PASSWORD() { return getTokens(OBParser.PASSWORD); } + public TerminalNode PASSWORD(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD, i); + } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Password_strContext password_str() { + return getRuleContext(Password_strContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } + public UserContext user() { + return getRuleContext(UserContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public PasswordContext password() { + return getRuleContext(PasswordContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode USER() { return getToken(OBParser.USER, 0); } + public User_with_host_nameContext user_with_host_name() { + return getRuleContext(User_with_host_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode IDENTIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTIFIED, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } + public Require_specificationContext require_specification() { + return getRuleContext(Require_specificationContext.class,0); + } + public Set_password_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_password_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_password_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_password_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Set_password_stmtContext set_password_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Set_password_stmtContext _localctx = new Set_password_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1102, RULE_set_password_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(10386); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1067,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10331); + match(SET); + setState(10332); + match(PASSWORD); + setState(10333); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(10334); + password_str(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10335); + match(SET); + setState(10336); + match(PASSWORD); + setState(10337); + match(FOR); + setState(10338); + user(); + setState(10340); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { + { + setState(10339); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + } + } + + setState(10342); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(10343); + password_str(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(10345); + match(SET); + setState(10346); + match(PASSWORD); + setState(10347); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(10348); + match(PASSWORD); + setState(10349); + match(LeftParen); + setState(10350); + password(); + setState(10351); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(10353); + match(SET); + setState(10354); + match(PASSWORD); + setState(10355); + match(FOR); + setState(10356); + user(); + setState(10358); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { + { + setState(10357); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + } + } + + setState(10360); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(10361); + match(PASSWORD); + setState(10362); + match(LeftParen); + setState(10363); + password(); + setState(10364); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(10366); + match(ALTER); + setState(10367); + match(USER); + setState(10368); + user_with_host_name(); + setState(10369); + match(IDENTIFIED); + setState(10370); + match(BY); + setState(10371); + password(); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(10373); + match(ALTER); + setState(10374); + match(USER); + setState(10375); + user_with_host_name(); + setState(10376); + match(IDENTIFIED); + setState(10377); + match(BY); + setState(10378); + match(VALUES); + setState(10379); + password_str(); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(10381); + match(ALTER); + setState(10382); + match(USER); + setState(10383); + user_with_host_name(); + setState(10384); + require_specification(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_for_userContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } + public UserContext user() { + return getRuleContext(UserContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_host_nameContext opt_host_name() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_host_nameContext.class,0); + } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_for_userContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_for_user; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_for_user(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_for_user(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_for_userContext opt_for_user() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_for_userContext _localctx = new Opt_for_userContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1104, RULE_opt_for_user); + try { + setState(10393); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case FOR: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10388); + match(FOR); + setState(10389); + user(); + setState(10390); + opt_host_name(); + } + break; + case EOF: + case DELIMITER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10392); + empty(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Lock_user_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode USER() { return getToken(OBParser.USER, 0); } + public User_listContext user_list() { + return getRuleContext(User_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ACCOUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCOUNT, 0); } + public Lock_spec_mysql57Context lock_spec_mysql57() { + return getRuleContext(Lock_spec_mysql57Context.class,0); + } + public Lock_user_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lock_user_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLock_user_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLock_user_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Lock_user_stmtContext lock_user_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Lock_user_stmtContext _localctx = new Lock_user_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1106, RULE_lock_user_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10395); + match(ALTER); + setState(10396); + match(USER); + setState(10397); + user_list(); + setState(10398); + match(ACCOUNT); + setState(10399); + lock_spec_mysql57(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Lock_spec_mysql57Context extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LOCK() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCK, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNLOCK() { return getToken(OBParser.UNLOCK, 0); } + public Lock_spec_mysql57Context(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lock_spec_mysql57; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLock_spec_mysql57(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLock_spec_mysql57(this); + } + } + + public final Lock_spec_mysql57Context lock_spec_mysql57() throws RecognitionException { + Lock_spec_mysql57Context _localctx = new Lock_spec_mysql57Context(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1108, RULE_lock_spec_mysql57); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10401); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==LOCK || _la==UNLOCK) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Lock_tables_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LOCK_() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCK_, 0); } + public Table_or_tablesContext table_or_tables() { + return getRuleContext(Table_or_tablesContext.class,0); + } + public Lock_table_listContext lock_table_list() { + return getRuleContext(Lock_table_listContext.class,0); + } + public Lock_tables_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lock_tables_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLock_tables_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLock_tables_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Lock_tables_stmtContext lock_tables_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Lock_tables_stmtContext _localctx = new Lock_tables_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1110, RULE_lock_tables_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10403); + match(LOCK_); + setState(10404); + table_or_tables(); + setState(10405); + lock_table_list(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Lock_table_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LOCK() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCK, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } + public Lock_table_factorsContext lock_table_factors() { + return getRuleContext(Lock_table_factorsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode IN() { return getToken(OBParser.IN, 0); } + public Lock_modeContext lock_mode() { + return getRuleContext(Lock_modeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode MODE() { return getToken(OBParser.MODE, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOWAIT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOWAIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode WAIT() { return getToken(OBParser.WAIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public Lock_table_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lock_table_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLock_table_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLock_table_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Lock_table_stmtContext lock_table_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Lock_table_stmtContext _localctx = new Lock_table_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1112, RULE_lock_table_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10407); + match(LOCK); + setState(10408); + match(TABLE); + setState(10409); + lock_table_factors(); + setState(10410); + match(IN); + setState(10411); + lock_mode(); + setState(10412); + match(MODE); + setState(10416); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case WAIT: + { + { + setState(10413); + match(WAIT); + setState(10414); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + break; + case NOWAIT: + { + setState(10415); + match(NOWAIT); + } + break; + case EOF: + case DELIMITER: + break; + default: + break; + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Lock_table_factorsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List lock_table_factor() { + return getRuleContexts(Lock_table_factorContext.class); + } + public Lock_table_factorContext lock_table_factor(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Lock_table_factorContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Lock_table_factorsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lock_table_factors; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLock_table_factors(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLock_table_factors(this); + } + } + + public final Lock_table_factorsContext lock_table_factors() throws RecognitionException { + Lock_table_factorsContext _localctx = new Lock_table_factorsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1114, RULE_lock_table_factors); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10418); + lock_table_factor(); + setState(10423); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(10419); + match(Comma); + setState(10420); + lock_table_factor(); + } + } + setState(10425); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Lock_table_factorContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Use_partitionContext use_partition() { + return getRuleContext(Use_partitionContext.class,0); + } + public Lock_table_factorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lock_table_factor; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLock_table_factor(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLock_table_factor(this); + } + } + + public final Lock_table_factorContext lock_table_factor() throws RecognitionException { + Lock_table_factorContext _localctx = new Lock_table_factorContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1116, RULE_lock_table_factor); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10426); + relation_factor(); + setState(10428); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PARTITION || _la==SUBPARTITION) { + { + setState(10427); + use_partition(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Lock_modeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode EXCLUSIVE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCLUSIVE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROW() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW, 0); } + public TerminalNode SHARE() { return getToken(OBParser.SHARE, 0); } + public TerminalNode UPDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATE, 0); } + public Lock_modeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lock_mode; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLock_mode(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLock_mode(this); + } + } + + public final Lock_modeContext lock_mode() throws RecognitionException { + Lock_modeContext _localctx = new Lock_modeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1118, RULE_lock_mode); + int _la; + try { + setState(10442); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1074,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10433); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ROW: + { + setState(10430); + match(ROW); + } + break; + case SHARE: + { + setState(10431); + match(SHARE); + setState(10432); + match(ROW); + } + break; + case EXCLUSIVE: + break; + default: + break; + } + setState(10435); + match(EXCLUSIVE); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10437); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ROW) { + { + setState(10436); + match(ROW); + } + } + + setState(10439); + match(SHARE); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(10440); + match(SHARE); + setState(10441); + match(UPDATE); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Unlock_tables_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode UNLOCK() { return getToken(OBParser.UNLOCK, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLES() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLES, 0); } + public Unlock_tables_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unlock_tables_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUnlock_tables_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUnlock_tables_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Unlock_tables_stmtContext unlock_tables_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Unlock_tables_stmtContext _localctx = new Unlock_tables_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1120, RULE_unlock_tables_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10444); + match(UNLOCK); + setState(10445); + match(TABLES); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Lock_table_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List lock_table() { + return getRuleContexts(Lock_tableContext.class); + } + public Lock_tableContext lock_table(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Lock_tableContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Lock_table_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lock_table_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLock_table_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLock_table_list(this); + } + } + + public final Lock_table_listContext lock_table_list() throws RecognitionException { + Lock_table_listContext _localctx = new Lock_table_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1122, RULE_lock_table_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10447); + lock_table(); + setState(10452); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(10448); + match(Comma); + setState(10449); + lock_table(); + } + } + setState(10454); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_context_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONTEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTEXT, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } + public Context_package_nameContext context_package_name() { + return getRuleContext(Context_package_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Context_optionContext context_option() { + return getRuleContext(Context_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode OR() { return getToken(OBParser.OR, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPLACE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLACE, 0); } + public Create_context_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_context_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_context_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_context_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Create_context_stmtContext create_context_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Create_context_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_context_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1124, RULE_create_context_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10455); + match(CREATE); + setState(10458); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==OR) { + { + setState(10456); + match(OR); + setState(10457); + match(REPLACE); + } + } + + setState(10460); + match(CONTEXT); + setState(10461); + relation_name(); + setState(10462); + match(USING); + setState(10463); + context_package_name(); + setState(10464); + context_option(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Context_package_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List relation_name() { + return getRuleContexts(Relation_nameContext.class); + } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public Context_package_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_context_package_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterContext_package_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitContext_package_name(this); + } + } + + public final Context_package_nameContext context_package_name() throws RecognitionException { + Context_package_nameContext _localctx = new Context_package_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1126, RULE_context_package_name); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10466); + relation_name(); + setState(10469); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Dot) { + { + setState(10467); + match(Dot); + setState(10468); + relation_name(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Lock_tableContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Lock_typeContext lock_type() { + return getRuleContext(Lock_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Lock_tableContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lock_table; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLock_table(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLock_table(this); + } + } + + public final Lock_tableContext lock_table() throws RecognitionException { + Lock_tableContext _localctx = new Lock_tableContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1128, RULE_lock_table); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10471); + relation_factor(); + setState(10477); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case AS: + { + setState(10472); + match(AS); + setState(10473); + relation_name(); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + { + setState(10475); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1078,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(10474); + relation_name(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(10479); + lock_type(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Context_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ACCESSED() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESSED, 0); } + public TerminalNode GLOBALLY() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBALLY, 0); } + public TerminalNode INITIALIZED() { return getToken(OBParser.INITIALIZED, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXTERNALLY() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTERNALLY, 0); } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Context_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_context_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterContext_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitContext_option(this); + } + } + + public final Context_optionContext context_option() throws RecognitionException { + Context_optionContext _localctx = new Context_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1130, RULE_context_option); + try { + setState(10488); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1080,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10481); + match(ACCESSED); + setState(10482); + match(GLOBALLY); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10483); + match(INITIALIZED); + setState(10484); + match(GLOBALLY); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(10485); + match(INITIALIZED); + setState(10486); + match(EXTERNALLY); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(10487); + empty(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Lock_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode READ() { return getToken(OBParser.READ, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOCAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode WRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.WRITE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOW_PRIORITY() { return getToken(OBParser.LOW_PRIORITY, 0); } + public Lock_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lock_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLock_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLock_type(this); + } + } + + public final Lock_typeContext lock_type() throws RecognitionException { + Lock_typeContext _localctx = new Lock_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1132, RULE_lock_type); + int _la; + try { + setState(10497); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case READ: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10490); + match(READ); + setState(10492); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LOCAL) { + { + setState(10491); + match(LOCAL); + } + } + + } + break; + case WRITE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10494); + match(WRITE); + } + break; + case LOW_PRIORITY: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(10495); + match(LOW_PRIORITY); + setState(10496); + match(WRITE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_context_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONTEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTEXT, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_context_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_context_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_context_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_context_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_context_stmtContext drop_context_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_context_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_context_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1134, RULE_drop_context_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10499); + match(DROP); + setState(10500); + match(CONTEXT); + setState(10501); + relation_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_sequence_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SEQUENCE, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Sequence_option_listContext sequence_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Sequence_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public Create_sequence_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_sequence_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_sequence_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_sequence_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Create_sequence_stmtContext create_sequence_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Create_sequence_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_sequence_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1136, RULE_create_sequence_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10503); + match(CREATE); + setState(10504); + match(SEQUENCE); + setState(10505); + relation_factor(); + setState(10507); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (((((_la - 122)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 122)) & ((1L << (INCREMENT - 122)) | (1L << (ORDER - 122)) | (1L << (START - 122)))) != 0) || _la==CYCLE || _la==MAXVALUE || _la==NOCYCLE || _la==MINVALUE || _la==NOMINVALUE || _la==CACHE || _la==NOMAXVALUE || _la==RESTART || _la==NOCACHE || _la==NOORDER) { + { + setState(10506); + sequence_option_list(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Sequence_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List sequence_option() { + return getRuleContexts(Sequence_optionContext.class); + } + public Sequence_optionContext sequence_option(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Sequence_optionContext.class,i); + } + public Sequence_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sequence_option_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSequence_option_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSequence_option_list(this); + } + } + + public final Sequence_option_listContext sequence_option_list() throws RecognitionException { + Sequence_option_listContext _localctx = new Sequence_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1138, RULE_sequence_option_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10510); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + do { + { + { + setState(10509); + sequence_option(); + } + } + setState(10512); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } while ( ((((_la - 122)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 122)) & ((1L << (INCREMENT - 122)) | (1L << (ORDER - 122)) | (1L << (START - 122)))) != 0) || _la==CYCLE || _la==MAXVALUE || _la==NOCYCLE || _la==MINVALUE || _la==NOMINVALUE || _la==CACHE || _la==NOMAXVALUE || _la==RESTART || _la==NOCACHE || _la==NOORDER ); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Sequence_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Simple_numContext simple_num() { + return getRuleContext(Simple_numContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode INCREMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.INCREMENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAXVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXVALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MINVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.MINVALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode START() { return getToken(OBParser.START, 0); } + public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOMAXVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOMAXVALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOMINVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOMINVALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CYCLE() { return getToken(OBParser.CYCLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOCYCLE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOCYCLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.CACHE, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOCACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOCACHE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ORDER() { return getToken(OBParser.ORDER, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOORDER() { return getToken(OBParser.NOORDER, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESTART() { return getToken(OBParser.RESTART, 0); } + public Sequence_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sequence_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSequence_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSequence_option(this); + } + } + + public final Sequence_optionContext sequence_option() throws RecognitionException { + Sequence_optionContext _localctx = new Sequence_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1140, RULE_sequence_option); + try { + setState(10536); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case INCREMENT: + case MAXVALUE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10517); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case INCREMENT: + { + setState(10514); + match(INCREMENT); + setState(10515); + match(BY); + } + break; + case MAXVALUE: + { + setState(10516); + match(MAXVALUE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(10519); + simple_num(); + } + break; + case START: + case MINVALUE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10523); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case MINVALUE: + { + setState(10520); + match(MINVALUE); + } + break; + case START: + { + setState(10521); + match(START); + setState(10522); + match(WITH); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(10525); + simple_num(); + } + break; + case NOMAXVALUE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(10526); + match(NOMAXVALUE); + } + break; + case NOMINVALUE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(10527); + match(NOMINVALUE); + } + break; + case CYCLE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(10528); + match(CYCLE); + } + break; + case NOCYCLE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(10529); + match(NOCYCLE); + } + break; + case CACHE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(10530); + match(CACHE); + setState(10531); + simple_num(); + } + break; + case NOCACHE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(10532); + match(NOCACHE); + } + break; + case ORDER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(10533); + match(ORDER); + } + break; + case NOORDER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(10534); + match(NOORDER); + } + break; + case RESTART: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); + { + setState(10535); + match(RESTART); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Simple_numContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode Plus() { return getToken(OBParser.Plus, 0); } + public TerminalNode Minus() { return getToken(OBParser.Minus, 0); } + public TerminalNode DECIMAL_VAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL_VAL, 0); } + public Simple_numContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_simple_num; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSimple_num(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSimple_num(this); + } + } + + public final Simple_numContext simple_num() throws RecognitionException { + Simple_numContext _localctx = new Simple_numContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1142, RULE_simple_num); + int _la; + try { + setState(10550); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1090,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10539); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Plus) { + { + setState(10538); + match(Plus); + } + } + + setState(10541); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10542); + match(Minus); + setState(10543); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(10545); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Plus) { + { + setState(10544); + match(Plus); + } + } + + setState(10547); + match(DECIMAL_VAL); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(10548); + match(Minus); + setState(10549); + match(DECIMAL_VAL); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_sequence_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode SEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SEQUENCE, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_sequence_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_sequence_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_sequence_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_sequence_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_sequence_stmtContext drop_sequence_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_sequence_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_sequence_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1144, RULE_drop_sequence_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10552); + match(DROP); + setState(10553); + match(SEQUENCE); + setState(10554); + relation_factor(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_sequence_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SEQUENCE, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Sequence_option_listContext sequence_option_list() { + return getRuleContext(Sequence_option_listContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_sequence_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_sequence_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_sequence_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_sequence_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_sequence_stmtContext alter_sequence_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_sequence_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_sequence_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1146, RULE_alter_sequence_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10556); + match(ALTER); + setState(10557); + match(SEQUENCE); + setState(10558); + relation_factor(); + setState(10560); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (((((_la - 122)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 122)) & ((1L << (INCREMENT - 122)) | (1L << (ORDER - 122)) | (1L << (START - 122)))) != 0) || _la==CYCLE || _la==MAXVALUE || _la==NOCYCLE || _la==MINVALUE || _la==NOMINVALUE || _la==CACHE || _la==NOMAXVALUE || _la==RESTART || _la==NOCACHE || _la==NOORDER) { + { + setState(10559); + sequence_option_list(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_dblink_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATABASE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LINK() { return getToken(OBParser.LINK, 0); } + public DblinkContext dblink() { + return getRuleContext(DblinkContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode CONNECT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } + public List user() { + return getRuleContexts(UserContext.class); + } + public UserContext user(int i) { + return getRuleContext(UserContext.class,i); + } + public List tenant() { + return getRuleContexts(TenantContext.class); + } + public TenantContext tenant(int i) { + return getRuleContext(TenantContext.class,i); + } + public List IDENTIFIED() { return getTokens(OBParser.IDENTIFIED); } + public TerminalNode IDENTIFIED(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.IDENTIFIED, i); + } + public List BY() { return getTokens(OBParser.BY); } + public TerminalNode BY(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.BY, i); + } + public List password() { + return getRuleContexts(PasswordContext.class); + } + public PasswordContext password(int i) { + return getRuleContext(PasswordContext.class,i); + } + public List ip_port() { + return getRuleContexts(Ip_portContext.class); + } + public Ip_portContext ip_port(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Ip_portContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public TerminalNode CLUSTER() { return getToken(OBParser.CLUSTER, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode MY_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.MY_NAME, 0); } + public Opt_clusterContext opt_cluster() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_clusterContext.class,0); + } + public Create_dblink_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_dblink_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_dblink_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_dblink_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Create_dblink_stmtContext create_dblink_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Create_dblink_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_dblink_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1148, RULE_create_dblink_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10562); + match(CREATE); + setState(10563); + match(DATABASE); + setState(10564); + match(LINK); + setState(10565); + dblink(); + setState(10566); + match(CONNECT); + setState(10567); + match(TO); + setState(10568); + user(); + setState(10569); + tenant(); + setState(10570); + match(IDENTIFIED); + setState(10571); + match(BY); + setState(10572); + password(); + setState(10574); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==NAME_OB) { + { + setState(10573); + match(NAME_OB); + } + } + + setState(10576); + ip_port(); + setState(10579); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CLUSTER) { + { + setState(10577); + match(CLUSTER); + setState(10578); + relation_name(); + } + } + + setState(10590); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==MY_NAME) { + { + setState(10581); + match(MY_NAME); + setState(10582); + user(); + setState(10583); + tenant(); + setState(10584); + match(IDENTIFIED); + setState(10585); + match(BY); + setState(10586); + password(); + setState(10587); + ip_port(); + setState(10588); + opt_cluster(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_dblink_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATABASE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LINK() { return getToken(OBParser.LINK, 0); } + public DblinkContext dblink() { + return getRuleContext(DblinkContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_dblink_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_dblink_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_dblink_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_dblink_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_dblink_stmtContext drop_dblink_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_dblink_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_dblink_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1150, RULE_drop_dblink_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10592); + match(DROP); + setState(10593); + match(DATABASE); + setState(10594); + match(LINK); + setState(10595); + dblink(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class DblinkContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public DblinkContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dblink; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDblink(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDblink(this); + } + } + + public final DblinkContext dblink() throws RecognitionException { + DblinkContext _localctx = new DblinkContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1152, RULE_dblink); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10597); + relation_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class TenantContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } + public TenantContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tenant; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTenant(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTenant(this); + } + } + + public final TenantContext tenant() throws RecognitionException { + TenantContext _localctx = new TenantContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1154, RULE_tenant); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10599); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_clusterContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CLUSTER() { return getToken(OBParser.CLUSTER, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_clusterContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_cluster; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_cluster(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_cluster(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_clusterContext opt_cluster() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_clusterContext _localctx = new Opt_clusterContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1156, RULE_opt_cluster); + try { + setState(10604); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case CLUSTER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10601); + match(CLUSTER); + setState(10602); + relation_name(); + } + break; + case EOF: + case DELIMITER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10603); + empty(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Begin_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode BEGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.BEGIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode HINT_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode WORK() { return getToken(OBParser.WORK, 0); } + public TerminalNode START() { return getToken(OBParser.START, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRANSACTION() { return getToken(OBParser.TRANSACTION, 0); } + public Transaction_access_modeContext transaction_access_mode() { + return getRuleContext(Transaction_access_modeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONSISTENT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSISTENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode SNAPSHOT() { return getToken(OBParser.SNAPSHOT, 0); } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Begin_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_begin_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterBegin_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitBegin_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Begin_stmtContext begin_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Begin_stmtContext _localctx = new Begin_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1158, RULE_begin_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(10635); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case BEGIN: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10606); + match(BEGIN); + setState(10608); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==HINT_VALUE) { + { + setState(10607); + match(HINT_VALUE); + } + } + + setState(10611); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WORK) { + { + setState(10610); + match(WORK); + } + } + + } + break; + case START: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10613); + match(START); + setState(10615); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==HINT_VALUE) { + { + setState(10614); + match(HINT_VALUE); + } + } + + setState(10617); + match(TRANSACTION); + setState(10633); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1099,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(10618); + match(WITH); + setState(10619); + match(CONSISTENT); + setState(10620); + match(SNAPSHOT); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(10621); + transaction_access_mode(); + } + break; + case 3: + { + { + setState(10622); + match(WITH); + setState(10623); + match(CONSISTENT); + setState(10624); + match(SNAPSHOT); + setState(10625); + match(Comma); + setState(10626); + transaction_access_mode(); + } + } + break; + case 4: + { + { + setState(10627); + transaction_access_mode(); + setState(10628); + match(Comma); + setState(10629); + match(WITH); + setState(10630); + match(CONSISTENT); + setState(10631); + match(SNAPSHOT); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Commit_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode COMMIT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode HINT_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode WORK() { return getToken(OBParser.WORK, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public Commit_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_commit_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCommit_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCommit_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Commit_stmtContext commit_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Commit_stmtContext _localctx = new Commit_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1160, RULE_commit_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(10653); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1105,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10637); + match(COMMIT); + setState(10639); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==HINT_VALUE) { + { + setState(10638); + match(HINT_VALUE); + } + } + + setState(10642); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WORK) { + { + setState(10641); + match(WORK); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10644); + match(COMMIT); + setState(10646); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==HINT_VALUE) { + { + setState(10645); + match(HINT_VALUE); + } + } + + setState(10649); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WORK) { + { + setState(10648); + match(WORK); + } + } + + setState(10651); + match(COMMENT); + setState(10652); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Rollback_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ROLLBACK() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLLBACK, 0); } + public TerminalNode WORK() { return getToken(OBParser.WORK, 0); } + public TerminalNode HINT_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_VALUE, 0); } + public Rollback_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_rollback_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRollback_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRollback_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Rollback_stmtContext rollback_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Rollback_stmtContext _localctx = new Rollback_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1162, RULE_rollback_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(10664); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1108,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10655); + match(ROLLBACK); + setState(10657); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WORK) { + { + setState(10656); + match(WORK); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10659); + match(ROLLBACK); + setState(10660); + match(HINT_VALUE); + setState(10662); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WORK) { + { + setState(10661); + match(WORK); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Kill_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode KILL() { return getToken(OBParser.KILL, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode QUERY() { return getToken(OBParser.QUERY, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONNECTION() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECTION, 0); } + public Kill_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_kill_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterKill_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitKill_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Kill_stmtContext kill_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Kill_stmtContext _localctx = new Kill_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1164, RULE_kill_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10666); + match(KILL); + setState(10671); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1110,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(10668); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1109,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(10667); + match(CONNECTION); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(10670); + match(QUERY); + } + break; + } + setState(10673); + bit_expr(0); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_role_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLE, 0); } + public RoleContext role() { + return getRuleContext(RoleContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } + public TerminalNode IDENTIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTIFIED, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public PasswordContext password() { + return getRuleContext(PasswordContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } + public Create_role_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_role_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_role_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_role_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Create_role_stmtContext create_role_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Create_role_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_role_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1166, RULE_create_role_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(10697); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1112,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10675); + match(CREATE); + setState(10676); + match(ROLE); + setState(10677); + role(); + setState(10680); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==NOT) { + { + setState(10678); + match(NOT); + setState(10679); + match(IDENTIFIED); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10682); + match(CREATE); + setState(10683); + match(ROLE); + setState(10684); + role(); + setState(10685); + match(IDENTIFIED); + setState(10686); + match(BY); + setState(10687); + password(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(10689); + match(CREATE); + setState(10690); + match(ROLE); + setState(10691); + role(); + setState(10692); + match(IDENTIFIED); + setState(10693); + match(BY); + setState(10694); + match(VALUES); + setState(10695); + password(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Role_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List role() { + return getRuleContexts(RoleContext.class); + } + public RoleContext role(int i) { + return getRuleContext(RoleContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Role_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_role_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRole_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRole_list(this); + } + } + + public final Role_listContext role_list() throws RecognitionException { + Role_listContext _localctx = new Role_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1168, RULE_role_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10699); + role(); + setState(10704); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(10700); + match(Comma); + setState(10701); + role(); + } + } + setState(10706); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class RoleContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public TerminalNode DBA() { return getToken(OBParser.DBA, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESOURCE() { return getToken(OBParser.RESOURCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONNECT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode PUBLIC() { return getToken(OBParser.PUBLIC, 0); } + public RoleContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_role; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRole(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRole(this); + } + } + + public final RoleContext role() throws RecognitionException { + RoleContext _localctx = new RoleContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1170, RULE_role); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10707); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==CONNECT || _la==PUBLIC || _la==RESOURCE || _la==DBA || _la==NAME_OB || _la==STRING_VALUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_role_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLE, 0); } + public RoleContext role() { + return getRuleContext(RoleContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_role_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_role_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_role_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_role_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_role_stmtContext drop_role_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_role_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_role_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1172, RULE_drop_role_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10709); + match(DROP); + setState(10710); + match(ROLE); + setState(10711); + role(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Set_role_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLE, 0); } + public Default_role_clauseContext default_role_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Default_role_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Set_role_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_role_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_role_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_role_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Set_role_stmtContext set_role_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Set_role_stmtContext _localctx = new Set_role_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1174, RULE_set_role_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10713); + match(SET); + setState(10714); + match(ROLE); + setState(10715); + default_role_clause(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Role_opt_identified_by_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List role_opt_identified_by() { + return getRuleContexts(Role_opt_identified_byContext.class); + } + public Role_opt_identified_byContext role_opt_identified_by(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Role_opt_identified_byContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Role_opt_identified_by_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_role_opt_identified_by_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRole_opt_identified_by_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRole_opt_identified_by_list(this); + } + } + + public final Role_opt_identified_by_listContext role_opt_identified_by_list() throws RecognitionException { + Role_opt_identified_by_listContext _localctx = new Role_opt_identified_by_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1176, RULE_role_opt_identified_by_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10717); + role_opt_identified_by(); + setState(10722); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(10718); + match(Comma); + setState(10719); + role_opt_identified_by(); + } + } + setState(10724); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Role_opt_identified_byContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public RoleContext role() { + return getRuleContext(RoleContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode IDENTIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTIFIED, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public PasswordContext password() { + return getRuleContext(PasswordContext.class,0); + } + public Role_opt_identified_byContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_role_opt_identified_by; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRole_opt_identified_by(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRole_opt_identified_by(this); + } + } + + public final Role_opt_identified_byContext role_opt_identified_by() throws RecognitionException { + Role_opt_identified_byContext _localctx = new Role_opt_identified_byContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1178, RULE_role_opt_identified_by); + try { + setState(10731); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1115,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10725); + role(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10726); + role(); + setState(10727); + match(IDENTIFIED); + setState(10728); + match(BY); + setState(10729); + password(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Sys_and_obj_privContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Priv_typeContext priv_type() { + return getRuleContext(Priv_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PROCEDURE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROCEDURE, 0); } + public TerminalNode VIEW() { return getToken(OBParser.VIEW, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION, 0); } + public TerminalNode ANY() { return getToken(OBParser.ANY, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXEMPT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXEMPT, 0); } + public TerminalNode POLICY() { return getToken(OBParser.POLICY, 0); } + public TerminalNode ACCESS() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESS, 0); } + public TerminalNode REDACTION() { return getToken(OBParser.REDACTION, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYSDBA() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSDBA, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYSOPER() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSOPER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYSBACKUP() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSBACKUP, 0); } + public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } + public TerminalNode FLASHBACK() { return getToken(OBParser.FLASHBACK, 0); } + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode BACKUP() { return getToken(OBParser.BACKUP, 0); } + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOCK() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCK, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode SELECT() { return getToken(OBParser.SELECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode INSERT() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERT, 0); } + public TerminalNode UPDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode GRANT() { return getToken(OBParser.GRANT, 0); } + public TerminalNode AUDIT() { return getToken(OBParser.AUDIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRIVILEGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIVILEGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode OBJECT() { return getToken(OBParser.OBJECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } + public TerminalNode TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.TYPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PROFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROFILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DICTIONARY() { return getToken(OBParser.DICTIONARY, 0); } + public TerminalNode SEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SEQUENCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRIGGER() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIGGER, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXECUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXECUTE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYNONYM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYNONYM, 0); } + public TerminalNode PUBLIC() { return getToken(OBParser.PUBLIC, 0); } + public TerminalNode OUTLINE() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTLINE, 0); } + public TerminalNode USER() { return getToken(OBParser.USER, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNDER() { return getToken(OBParser.UNDER, 0); } + public TerminalNode PURGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PURGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DBA_RECYCLEBIN() { return getToken(OBParser.DBA_RECYCLEBIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYSKM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSKM, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONTEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTEXT, 0); } + public TerminalNode DIRECTORY() { return getToken(OBParser.DIRECTORY, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLESPACE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATABASE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LINK() { return getToken(OBParser.LINK, 0); } + public TerminalNode SHOW() { return getToken(OBParser.SHOW, 0); } + public TerminalNode PROCESS() { return getToken(OBParser.PROCESS, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYSTEM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEBUG() { return getToken(OBParser.DEBUG, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONNECT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECT, 0); } + public Sys_and_obj_privContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sys_and_obj_priv; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSys_and_obj_priv(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSys_and_obj_priv(this); + } + } + + public final Sys_and_obj_privContext sys_and_obj_priv() throws RecognitionException { + Sys_and_obj_privContext _localctx = new Sys_and_obj_privContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1180, RULE_sys_and_obj_priv); + int _la; + try { + setState(10912); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1148,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10733); + priv_type(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10734); + match(CREATE); + setState(10746); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1119,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(10740); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ANY: + case TABLE: + { + setState(10736); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ANY) { + { + setState(10735); + match(ANY); + } + } + + setState(10738); + match(TABLE); + } + break; + case SESSION: + { + setState(10739); + match(SESSION); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(10743); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ANY) { + { + setState(10742); + match(ANY); + } + } + + setState(10745); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==VIEW || _la==PROCEDURE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(10748); + match(EXEMPT); + setState(10749); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ACCESS || _la==REDACTION) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(10750); + match(POLICY); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(10751); + match(SYSDBA); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(10752); + match(SYSOPER); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(10753); + match(SYSBACKUP); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(10765); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ALTER: + case COMMENT: + case DROP: + case INSERT: + case LOCK: + case SELECT: + case UPDATE: + case BACKUP: + { + setState(10762); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ALTER: + case DROP: + case LOCK: + case BACKUP: + { + setState(10756); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ALTER: + case BACKUP: + { + setState(10754); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALTER || _la==BACKUP) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + case DROP: + case LOCK: + { + setState(10755); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==DROP || _la==LOCK) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case COMMENT: + case INSERT: + case SELECT: + case UPDATE: + { + setState(10760); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case COMMENT: + case SELECT: + { + setState(10758); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==COMMENT || _la==SELECT) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + case INSERT: + case UPDATE: + { + setState(10759); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==INSERT || _la==UPDATE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case DELETE: + case FLASHBACK: + { + setState(10764); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==DELETE || _la==FLASHBACK) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(10767); + match(ANY); + setState(10768); + match(TABLE); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(10776); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ALTER: + case GRANT: + { + setState(10769); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALTER || _la==GRANT) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(10770); + match(ANY); + } + break; + case CREATE: + case DROP: + { + setState(10774); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case CREATE: + { + setState(10771); + match(CREATE); + } + break; + case DROP: + { + setState(10772); + match(DROP); + setState(10773); + match(ANY); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(10778); + match(ROLE); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(10779); + match(AUDIT); + setState(10780); + match(ANY); + } + break; + case 10: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(10781); + match(GRANT); + setState(10782); + match(ANY); + setState(10784); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==OBJECT) { + { + setState(10783); + match(OBJECT); + } + } + + setState(10786); + match(PRIVILEGE); + } + break; + case 11: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); + { + setState(10787); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALTER || _la==CREATE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(10788); + match(ANY); + setState(10789); + match(INDEX); + } + break; + case 12: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); + { + setState(10790); + match(DROP); + setState(10798); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1128,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(10794); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ANY: + { + setState(10791); + match(ANY); + setState(10792); + match(TYPE); + } + break; + case PROFILE: + { + setState(10793); + match(PROFILE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(10796); + match(ANY); + setState(10797); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==INDEX || _la==VIEW) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 13: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); + { + setState(10800); + match(SELECT); + setState(10801); + match(ANY); + setState(10802); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==SEQUENCE || _la==DICTIONARY) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + case 14: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); + { + setState(10803); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALTER || _la==DROP) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(10804); + match(ANY); + setState(10807); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case PROCEDURE: + case SEQUENCE: + { + setState(10805); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==PROCEDURE || _la==SEQUENCE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + case TRIGGER: + { + setState(10806); + match(TRIGGER); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case 15: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); + { + setState(10809); + match(EXECUTE); + setState(10810); + match(ANY); + setState(10811); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==PROCEDURE || _la==TYPE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + case 16: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); + { + setState(10812); + match(CREATE); + setState(10827); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1134,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(10818); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ANY: + case TYPE: + { + setState(10814); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ANY) { + { + setState(10813); + match(ANY); + } + } + + setState(10816); + match(TYPE); + } + break; + case PROFILE: + { + setState(10817); + match(PROFILE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(10824); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ANY: + case SYNONYM: + { + setState(10821); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ANY) { + { + setState(10820); + match(ANY); + } + } + + } + break; + case PUBLIC: + { + setState(10823); + match(PUBLIC); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(10826); + match(SYNONYM); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 17: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); + { + setState(10829); + match(DROP); + setState(10837); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1136,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(10833); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ANY: + { + setState(10830); + match(ANY); + setState(10831); + match(OUTLINE); + } + break; + case USER: + { + setState(10832); + match(USER); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(10835); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ANY || _la==PUBLIC) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(10836); + match(SYNONYM); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 18: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); + { + setState(10839); + match(CREATE); + setState(10849); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1139,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(10843); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ANY: + { + setState(10840); + match(ANY); + setState(10841); + match(OUTLINE); + } + break; + case USER: + { + setState(10842); + match(USER); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(10846); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ANY) { + { + setState(10845); + match(ANY); + } + } + + setState(10848); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==TRIGGER || _la==SEQUENCE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 19: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); + { + setState(10851); + match(ALTER); + setState(10855); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ANY: + { + setState(10852); + match(ANY); + setState(10853); + match(TYPE); + } + break; + case PROFILE: + { + setState(10854); + match(PROFILE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case 20: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 20); + { + setState(10857); + match(ALTER); + setState(10861); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ANY: + { + setState(10858); + match(ANY); + setState(10859); + match(OUTLINE); + } + break; + case USER: + { + setState(10860); + match(USER); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case 21: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 21); + { + setState(10863); + match(UNDER); + setState(10864); + match(ANY); + setState(10865); + match(TYPE); + } + break; + case 22: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 22); + { + setState(10866); + match(PURGE); + setState(10867); + match(DBA_RECYCLEBIN); + } + break; + case 23: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 23); + { + setState(10868); + match(SYSKM); + } + break; + case 24: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 24); + { + setState(10869); + match(CREATE); + setState(10877); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1143,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(10873); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ANY: + { + setState(10870); + match(ANY); + setState(10871); + match(DIRECTORY); + } + break; + case TABLESPACE: + { + setState(10872); + match(TABLESPACE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(10875); + match(ANY); + setState(10876); + match(CONTEXT); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 25: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 25); + { + setState(10879); + match(ALTER); + setState(10880); + match(TABLESPACE); + } + break; + case 26: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 26); + { + setState(10881); + match(DROP); + setState(10889); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case DATABASE: + case TABLESPACE: + { + setState(10885); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case DATABASE: + { + setState(10882); + match(DATABASE); + setState(10883); + match(LINK); + } + break; + case TABLESPACE: + { + setState(10884); + match(TABLESPACE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case ANY: + { + setState(10887); + match(ANY); + setState(10888); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==CONTEXT || _la==DIRECTORY) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case 27: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 27); + { + setState(10891); + match(SHOW); + setState(10892); + match(PROCESS); + } + break; + case 28: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 28); + { + setState(10893); + match(ALTER); + setState(10894); + match(SYSTEM); + } + break; + case 29: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 29); + { + setState(10895); + match(CREATE); + setState(10897); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PUBLIC) { + { + setState(10896); + match(PUBLIC); + } + } + + setState(10899); + match(DATABASE); + setState(10900); + match(LINK); + } + break; + case 30: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 30); + { + setState(10904); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ALTER: + { + setState(10901); + match(ALTER); + } + break; + case DEBUG: + { + setState(10902); + match(DEBUG); + setState(10903); + match(CONNECT); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(10906); + match(SESSION); + } + break; + case 31: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 31); + { + setState(10907); + match(ALTER); + setState(10908); + match(DATABASE); + } + break; + case 32: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 32); + { + setState(10909); + match(DEBUG); + setState(10910); + match(ANY); + setState(10911); + match(PROCEDURE); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Grant_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List GRANT() { return getTokens(OBParser.GRANT); } + public TerminalNode GRANT(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.GRANT, i); + } + public Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list() { + return getRuleContext(Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public Obj_clauseContext obj_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Obj_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } + public Grant_user_listContext grant_user_list() { + return getRuleContext(Grant_user_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } + public TerminalNode OPTION() { return getToken(OBParser.OPTION, 0); } + public Grant_system_privilegesContext grant_system_privileges() { + return getRuleContext(Grant_system_privilegesContext.class,0); + } + public Grant_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_grant_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGrant_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGrant_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Grant_stmtContext grant_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Grant_stmtContext _localctx = new Grant_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1182, RULE_grant_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(10927); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1150,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10914); + match(GRANT); + setState(10915); + role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list(); + setState(10916); + match(ON); + setState(10917); + obj_clause(); + setState(10918); + match(TO); + setState(10919); + grant_user_list(); + setState(10923); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH) { + { + setState(10920); + match(WITH); + setState(10921); + match(GRANT); + setState(10922); + match(OPTION); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10925); + match(GRANT); + setState(10926); + grant_system_privileges(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Grant_system_privilegesContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list() { + return getRuleContext(Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } + public Grantee_clauseContext grantee_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Grantee_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } + public TerminalNode ADMIN() { return getToken(OBParser.ADMIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode OPTION() { return getToken(OBParser.OPTION, 0); } + public Grant_system_privilegesContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_grant_system_privileges; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGrant_system_privileges(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGrant_system_privileges(this); + } + } + + public final Grant_system_privilegesContext grant_system_privileges() throws RecognitionException { + Grant_system_privilegesContext _localctx = new Grant_system_privilegesContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1184, RULE_grant_system_privileges); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10929); + role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list(); + setState(10930); + match(TO); + setState(10931); + grantee_clause(); + setState(10935); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH) { + { + setState(10932); + match(WITH); + setState(10933); + match(ADMIN); + setState(10934); + match(OPTION); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Grantee_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Grant_user_listContext grant_user_list() { + return getRuleContext(Grant_user_listContext.class,0); + } + public Grant_userContext grant_user() { + return getRuleContext(Grant_userContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode IDENTIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTIFIED, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public PasswordContext password() { + return getRuleContext(PasswordContext.class,0); + } + public Grantee_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_grantee_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGrantee_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGrantee_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Grantee_clauseContext grantee_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Grantee_clauseContext _localctx = new Grantee_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1186, RULE_grantee_clause); + try { + setState(10943); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1152,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10937); + grant_user_list(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10938); + grant_user(); + setState(10939); + match(IDENTIFIED); + setState(10940); + match(BY); + setState(10941); + password(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List role_sys_obj_all_col_priv() { + return getRuleContexts(Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext.class); + } + public Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext role_sys_obj_all_col_priv(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list(this); + } + } + + public final Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list() throws RecognitionException { + Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext _localctx = new Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1188, RULE_role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10945); + role_sys_obj_all_col_priv(); + setState(10950); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(10946); + match(Comma); + setState(10947); + role_sys_obj_all_col_priv(); + } + } + setState(10952); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public RoleContext role() { + return getRuleContext(RoleContext.class,0); + } + public Sys_and_obj_privContext sys_and_obj_priv() { + return getRuleContext(Sys_and_obj_privContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_listContext column_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRIVILEGES() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIVILEGES, 0); } + public Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_role_sys_obj_all_col_priv; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv(this); + } + } + + public final Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext role_sys_obj_all_col_priv() throws RecognitionException { + Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext _localctx = new Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1190, RULE_role_sys_obj_all_col_priv); + int _la; + try { + setState(10971); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case CONNECT: + case PUBLIC: + case RESOURCE: + case DBA: + case NAME_OB: + case STRING_VALUE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10953); + role(); + } + break; + case ALTER: + case AUDIT: + case COMMENT: + case CREATE: + case DELETE: + case DROP: + case FILE_KEY: + case GRANT: + case INDEX: + case INSERT: + case LOCK: + case SELECT: + case UPDATE: + case PURGE: + case READ: + case REFERENCES: + case WRITE: + case SYSKM: + case SYSOPER: + case USAGE: + case PROCESS: + case SHOW: + case SYSDBA: + case SUPER: + case SYSBACKUP: + case FLASHBACK: + case EXEMPT: + case BACKUP: + case DEBUG: + case UNDER: + case EXECUTE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10954); + sys_and_obj_priv(); + setState(10959); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(10955); + match(LeftParen); + setState(10956); + column_list(); + setState(10957); + match(RightParen); + } + } + + } + break; + case ALL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(10961); + match(ALL); + setState(10963); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PRIVILEGES) { + { + setState(10962); + match(PRIVILEGES); + } + } + + setState(10969); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(10965); + match(LeftParen); + setState(10966); + column_list(); + setState(10967); + match(RightParen); + } + } + + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Priv_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode GRANT() { return getToken(OBParser.GRANT, 0); } + public TerminalNode OPTION() { return getToken(OBParser.OPTION, 0); } + public TerminalNode INSERT() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERT, 0); } + public TerminalNode UPDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SELECT() { return getToken(OBParser.SELECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } + public TerminalNode SHOW() { return getToken(OBParser.SHOW, 0); } + public TerminalNode VIEW() { return getToken(OBParser.VIEW, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATABASES() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASES, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUPER() { return getToken(OBParser.SUPER, 0); } + public TerminalNode PROCESS() { return getToken(OBParser.PROCESS, 0); } + public TerminalNode USAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.USAGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode REFERENCES() { return getToken(OBParser.REFERENCES, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXECUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXECUTE, 0); } + public TerminalNode FLASHBACK() { return getToken(OBParser.FLASHBACK, 0); } + public TerminalNode READ() { return getToken(OBParser.READ, 0); } + public TerminalNode WRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.WRITE, 0); } + public TerminalNode FILE_KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.FILE_KEY, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEBUG() { return getToken(OBParser.DEBUG, 0); } + public Priv_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_priv_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPriv_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPriv_type(this); + } + } + + public final Priv_typeContext priv_type() throws RecognitionException { + Priv_typeContext _localctx = new Priv_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1192, RULE_priv_type); + try { + setState(10997); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1158,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10973); + match(ALTER); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(10974); + match(CREATE); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(10975); + match(DELETE); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(10976); + match(DROP); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(10977); + match(GRANT); + setState(10978); + match(OPTION); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(10979); + match(INSERT); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(10980); + match(UPDATE); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(10981); + match(SELECT); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(10982); + match(INDEX); + } + break; + case 10: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(10983); + match(SHOW); + setState(10984); + match(VIEW); + } + break; + case 11: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); + { + setState(10985); + match(SHOW); + setState(10986); + match(DATABASES); + } + break; + case 12: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); + { + setState(10987); + match(SUPER); + } + break; + case 13: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); + { + setState(10988); + match(PROCESS); + } + break; + case 14: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); + { + setState(10989); + match(USAGE); + } + break; + case 15: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); + { + setState(10990); + match(REFERENCES); + } + break; + case 16: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); + { + setState(10991); + match(EXECUTE); + } + break; + case 17: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); + { + setState(10992); + match(FLASHBACK); + } + break; + case 18: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); + { + setState(10993); + match(READ); + } + break; + case 19: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); + { + setState(10994); + match(WRITE); + } + break; + case 20: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 20); + { + setState(10995); + match(FILE_KEY); + } + break; + case 21: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 21); + { + setState(10996); + match(DEBUG); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Obj_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List Star() { return getTokens(OBParser.Star); } + public TerminalNode Star(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Star, i); + } + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public List relation_name() { + return getRuleContexts(Relation_nameContext.class); + } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode DIRECTORY() { return getToken(OBParser.DIRECTORY, 0); } + public Obj_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_obj_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterObj_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitObj_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Obj_clauseContext obj_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Obj_clauseContext _localctx = new Obj_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1194, RULE_obj_clause); + int _la; + try { + setState(11014); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1162,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(10999); + match(Star); + setState(11002); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Dot) { + { + setState(11000); + match(Dot); + setState(11001); + match(Star); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11004); + relation_name(); + setState(11005); + match(Dot); + setState(11008); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case Star: + { + setState(11006); + match(Star); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + { + setState(11007); + relation_name(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(11011); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1161,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(11010); + match(DIRECTORY); + } + break; + } + setState(11013); + relation_name(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Revoke_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode REVOKE() { return getToken(OBParser.REVOKE, 0); } + public Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list() { + return getRuleContext(Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public Obj_clauseContext obj_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Obj_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FROM() { return getToken(OBParser.FROM, 0); } + public User_listContext user_list() { + return getRuleContext(User_listContext.class,0); + } + public Grantee_clauseContext grantee_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Grantee_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Revoke_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_revoke_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRevoke_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRevoke_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Revoke_stmtContext revoke_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Revoke_stmtContext _localctx = new Revoke_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1196, RULE_revoke_stmt); + try { + setState(11028); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1163,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11016); + match(REVOKE); + setState(11017); + role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list(); + setState(11018); + match(ON); + setState(11019); + obj_clause(); + setState(11020); + match(FROM); + setState(11021); + user_list(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11023); + match(REVOKE); + setState(11024); + role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list(); + setState(11025); + match(FROM); + setState(11026); + grantee_clause(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Prepare_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PREPARE() { return getToken(OBParser.PREPARE, 0); } + public Stmt_nameContext stmt_name() { + return getRuleContext(Stmt_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FROM() { return getToken(OBParser.FROM, 0); } + public Preparable_stmtContext preparable_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Preparable_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Prepare_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_prepare_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPrepare_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPrepare_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Prepare_stmtContext prepare_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Prepare_stmtContext _localctx = new Prepare_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1198, RULE_prepare_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11030); + match(PREPARE); + setState(11031); + stmt_name(); + setState(11032); + match(FROM); + setState(11033); + preparable_stmt(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Stmt_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_labelContext column_label() { + return getRuleContext(Column_labelContext.class,0); + } + public Stmt_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_stmt_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterStmt_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitStmt_name(this); + } + } + + public final Stmt_nameContext stmt_name() throws RecognitionException { + Stmt_nameContext _localctx = new Stmt_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1200, RULE_stmt_name); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11035); + column_label(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Preparable_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Select_stmtContext select_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Select_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Insert_stmtContext insert_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Insert_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Merge_stmtContext merge_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Merge_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Update_stmtContext update_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Update_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Delete_stmtContext delete_stmt() { + return getRuleContext(Delete_stmtContext.class,0); + } + public Preparable_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_preparable_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPreparable_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPreparable_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Preparable_stmtContext preparable_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Preparable_stmtContext _localctx = new Preparable_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1202, RULE_preparable_stmt); + try { + setState(11042); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case SELECT: + case WITH: + case LeftParen: + case SELECT_HINT_BEGIN: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11037); + select_stmt(); + } + break; + case INSERT: + case INSERT_HINT_BEGIN: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11038); + insert_stmt(); + } + break; + case MERGE: + case MERGE_HINT_BEGIN: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(11039); + merge_stmt(); + } + break; + case UPDATE: + case UPDATE_HINT_BEGIN: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(11040); + update_stmt(); + } + break; + case DELETE: + case DELETE_HINT_BEGIN: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(11041); + delete_stmt(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Variable_set_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public Var_and_val_listContext var_and_val_list() { + return getRuleContext(Var_and_val_listContext.class,0); + } + public Variable_set_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_variable_set_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterVariable_set_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitVariable_set_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Variable_set_stmtContext variable_set_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Variable_set_stmtContext _localctx = new Variable_set_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1204, RULE_variable_set_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11044); + match(SET); + setState(11045); + var_and_val_list(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Sys_var_and_val_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List sys_var_and_val() { + return getRuleContexts(Sys_var_and_valContext.class); + } + public Sys_var_and_valContext sys_var_and_val(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Sys_var_and_valContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Sys_var_and_val_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sys_var_and_val_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSys_var_and_val_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSys_var_and_val_list(this); + } + } + + public final Sys_var_and_val_listContext sys_var_and_val_list() throws RecognitionException { + Sys_var_and_val_listContext _localctx = new Sys_var_and_val_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1206, RULE_sys_var_and_val_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11047); + sys_var_and_val(); + setState(11052); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(11048); + match(Comma); + setState(11049); + sys_var_and_val(); + } + } + setState(11054); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Var_and_val_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List var_and_val() { + return getRuleContexts(Var_and_valContext.class); + } + public Var_and_valContext var_and_val(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Var_and_valContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Var_and_val_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_var_and_val_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterVar_and_val_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitVar_and_val_list(this); + } + } + + public final Var_and_val_listContext var_and_val_list() throws RecognitionException { + Var_and_val_listContext _localctx = new Var_and_val_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1208, RULE_var_and_val_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11055); + var_and_val(); + setState(11060); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(11056); + match(Comma); + setState(11057); + var_and_val(); + } + } + setState(11062); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Set_expr_or_defaultContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public Set_expr_or_defaultContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_expr_or_default; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_expr_or_default(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_expr_or_default(this); + } + } + + public final Set_expr_or_defaultContext set_expr_or_default() throws RecognitionException { + Set_expr_or_defaultContext _localctx = new Set_expr_or_defaultContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1210, RULE_set_expr_or_default); + try { + setState(11066); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1167,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11063); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11064); + match(ON); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(11065); + match(DEFAULT); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Var_and_valContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Set_var_opContext set_var_op() { + return getRuleContext(Set_var_opContext.class,0); + } + public To_or_eqContext to_or_eq() { + return getRuleContext(To_or_eqContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR() { return getToken(OBParser.PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR, 0); } + public Sys_var_and_valContext sys_var_and_val() { + return getRuleContext(Sys_var_and_valContext.class,0); + } + public Set_expr_or_defaultContext set_expr_or_default() { + return getRuleContext(Set_expr_or_defaultContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode SYSTEM_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM_VARIABLE, 0); } + public Scope_or_scope_aliasContext scope_or_scope_alias() { + return getRuleContext(Scope_or_scope_aliasContext.class,0); + } + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NAMES() { return getToken(OBParser.NAMES, 0); } + public Charset_name_or_defaultContext charset_name_or_default() { + return getRuleContext(Charset_name_or_defaultContext.class,0); + } + public CollationContext collation() { + return getRuleContext(CollationContext.class,0); + } + public Charset_keyContext charset_key() { + return getRuleContext(Charset_keyContext.class,0); + } + public Var_and_valContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_var_and_val; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterVar_and_val(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitVar_and_val(this); + } + } + + public final Var_and_valContext var_and_val() throws RecognitionException { + Var_and_valContext _localctx = new Var_and_valContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1212, RULE_var_and_val); + int _la; + try { + setState(11097); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1171,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11068); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + setState(11071); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case SET_VAR: + { + setState(11069); + set_var_op(); + } + break; + case TO: + case COMP_EQ: + { + setState(11070); + to_or_eq(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(11073); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11075); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + setState(11076); + to_or_eq(); + setState(11077); + match(PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(11079); + sys_var_and_val(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(11084); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case SYSTEM_VARIABLE: + { + setState(11080); + match(SYSTEM_VARIABLE); + } + break; + case SESSION: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case GLOBAL: + { + setState(11081); + scope_or_scope_alias(); + setState(11082); + column_name(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(11086); + to_or_eq(); + setState(11087); + set_expr_or_default(); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(11089); + match(NAMES); + setState(11090); + charset_name_or_default(); + setState(11092); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COLLATE) { + { + setState(11091); + collation(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(11094); + charset_key(); + setState(11095); + charset_name_or_default(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Sys_var_and_valContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Obj_access_ref_normalContext obj_access_ref_normal() { + return getRuleContext(Obj_access_ref_normalContext.class,0); + } + public To_or_eqContext to_or_eq() { + return getRuleContext(To_or_eqContext.class,0); + } + public Set_expr_or_defaultContext set_expr_or_default() { + return getRuleContext(Set_expr_or_defaultContext.class,0); + } + public Sys_var_and_valContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sys_var_and_val; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSys_var_and_val(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSys_var_and_val(this); + } + } + + public final Sys_var_and_valContext sys_var_and_val() throws RecognitionException { + Sys_var_and_valContext _localctx = new Sys_var_and_valContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1214, RULE_sys_var_and_val); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11099); + obj_access_ref_normal(); + setState(11100); + to_or_eq(); + setState(11101); + set_expr_or_default(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Scope_or_scope_aliasContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode GLOBAL() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode SESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION, 0); } + public TerminalNode GLOBAL_ALIAS() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL_ALIAS, 0); } + public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } + public TerminalNode SESSION_ALIAS() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION_ALIAS, 0); } + public Scope_or_scope_aliasContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_scope_or_scope_alias; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterScope_or_scope_alias(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitScope_or_scope_alias(this); + } + } + + public final Scope_or_scope_aliasContext scope_or_scope_alias() throws RecognitionException { + Scope_or_scope_aliasContext _localctx = new Scope_or_scope_aliasContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1216, RULE_scope_or_scope_alias); + try { + setState(11109); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case GLOBAL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11103); + match(GLOBAL); + } + break; + case SESSION: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11104); + match(SESSION); + } + break; + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(11105); + match(GLOBAL_ALIAS); + setState(11106); + match(Dot); + } + break; + case SESSION_ALIAS: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(11107); + match(SESSION_ALIAS); + setState(11108); + match(Dot); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class To_or_eqContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public To_or_eqContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_to_or_eq; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTo_or_eq(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTo_or_eq(this); + } + } + + public final To_or_eqContext to_or_eq() throws RecognitionException { + To_or_eqContext _localctx = new To_or_eqContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1218, RULE_to_or_eq); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11111); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==TO || _la==COMP_EQ) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Set_var_opContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SET_VAR() { return getToken(OBParser.SET_VAR, 0); } + public Set_var_opContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_var_op; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_var_op(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_var_op(this); + } + } + + public final Set_var_opContext set_var_op() throws RecognitionException { + Set_var_opContext _localctx = new Set_var_opContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1220, RULE_set_var_op); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11113); + match(SET_VAR); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class ArgumentContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } + public ArgumentContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_argument; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterArgument(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitArgument(this); + } + } + + public final ArgumentContext argument() throws RecognitionException { + ArgumentContext _localctx = new ArgumentContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1222, RULE_argument); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11115); + match(USER_VARIABLE); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Execute_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode EXECUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXECUTE, 0); } + public Stmt_nameContext stmt_name() { + return getRuleContext(Stmt_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } + public Argument_listContext argument_list() { + return getRuleContext(Argument_listContext.class,0); + } + public Execute_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_execute_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExecute_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExecute_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Execute_stmtContext execute_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Execute_stmtContext _localctx = new Execute_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1224, RULE_execute_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11117); + match(EXECUTE); + setState(11118); + stmt_name(); + setState(11121); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==USING) { + { + setState(11119); + match(USING); + setState(11120); + argument_list(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Argument_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List argument() { + return getRuleContexts(ArgumentContext.class); + } + public ArgumentContext argument(int i) { + return getRuleContext(ArgumentContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Argument_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_argument_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterArgument_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitArgument_list(this); + } + } + + public final Argument_listContext argument_list() throws RecognitionException { + Argument_listContext _localctx = new Argument_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1226, RULE_argument_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11123); + argument(); + setState(11128); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(11124); + match(Comma); + setState(11125); + argument(); + } + } + setState(11130); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Deallocate_or_dropContext deallocate_or_drop() { + return getRuleContext(Deallocate_or_dropContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PREPARE() { return getToken(OBParser.PREPARE, 0); } + public Stmt_nameContext stmt_name() { + return getRuleContext(Stmt_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_deallocate_prepare_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDeallocate_prepare_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDeallocate_prepare_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext deallocate_prepare_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext _localctx = new Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1228, RULE_deallocate_prepare_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11131); + deallocate_or_drop(); + setState(11132); + match(PREPARE); + setState(11133); + stmt_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Deallocate_or_dropContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DEALLOCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.DEALLOCATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public Deallocate_or_dropContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_deallocate_or_drop; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDeallocate_or_drop(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDeallocate_or_drop(this); + } + } + + public final Deallocate_or_dropContext deallocate_or_drop() throws RecognitionException { + Deallocate_or_dropContext _localctx = new Deallocate_or_dropContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1230, RULE_deallocate_or_drop); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11135); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==DROP || _la==DEALLOCATE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Call_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CALL() { return getToken(OBParser.CALL, 0); } + public Routine_access_nameContext routine_access_name() { + return getRuleContext(Routine_access_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Call_param_listContext call_param_list() { + return getRuleContext(Call_param_listContext.class,0); + } + public Call_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_call_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCall_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCall_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Call_stmtContext call_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Call_stmtContext _localctx = new Call_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1232, RULE_call_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11137); + match(CALL); + setState(11138); + routine_access_name(); + setState(11140); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(11139); + call_param_list(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Call_param_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Func_param_listContext func_param_list() { + return getRuleContext(Func_param_listContext.class,0); + } + public Call_param_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_call_param_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCall_param_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCall_param_list(this); + } + } + + public final Call_param_listContext call_param_list() throws RecognitionException { + Call_param_listContext _localctx = new Call_param_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1234, RULE_call_param_list); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11142); + match(LeftParen); + setState(11144); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1176,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(11143); + func_param_list(); + } + break; + } + setState(11146); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Routine_access_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List var_name() { + return getRuleContexts(Var_nameContext.class); + } + public Var_nameContext var_name(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Var_nameContext.class,i); + } + public List Dot() { return getTokens(OBParser.Dot); } + public TerminalNode Dot(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Dot, i); + } + public Routine_nameContext routine_name() { + return getRuleContext(Routine_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Routine_access_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_routine_access_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRoutine_access_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRoutine_access_name(this); + } + } + + public final Routine_access_nameContext routine_access_name() throws RecognitionException { + Routine_access_nameContext _localctx = new Routine_access_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1236, RULE_routine_access_name); + try { + setState(11158); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1178,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11148); + var_name(); + setState(11149); + match(Dot); + setState(11153); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1177,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(11150); + var_name(); + setState(11151); + match(Dot); + } + break; + } + setState(11155); + routine_name(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11157); + routine_name(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Routine_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext oracle_unreserved_keyword() { + return getRuleContext(Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); + } + public Unreserved_keyword_normalContext unreserved_keyword_normal() { + return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keyword_normalContext.class,0); + } + public Aggregate_function_keywordContext aggregate_function_keyword() { + return getRuleContext(Aggregate_function_keywordContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public TerminalNode MODIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.MODIFY, 0); } + public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } + public Routine_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_routine_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRoutine_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRoutine_name(this); + } + } + + public final Routine_nameContext routine_name() throws RecognitionException { + Routine_nameContext _localctx = new Routine_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1238, RULE_routine_name); + try { + setState(11168); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NAME_OB: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11160); + match(NAME_OB); + } + break; + case REAL: + case ANALYZE: + case BEFORE: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case CYCLE: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DATABASE: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case FORCE: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case MAXVALUE: + case NOCYCLE: + case NUMERIC: + case PROCEDURE: + case READ: + case REFERENCES: + case SCHEMA: + case SQL: + case SQLSTATE: + case USE: + case USING: + case WHEN: + case WRITE: + case EXCEPT: + case GROUPS: + case MINVALUE: + case STOP: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case TRUNCATE: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case ADMIN: + case DISABLE: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case SEQUENCE: + case GO: + case PCTUSED: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case EXTERNALLY: + case FLUSH: + case DOP: + case OPTIMAL: + case GOTO: + case TRANSACTION: + case BECOME: + case OFF: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case DATAFILE: + case LAYER: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case EXTENT: + case SWITCH: + case BODY: + case ROLLBACK: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case OLD: + case RECOVER: + case CONTROLFILE: + case ROLES: + case KEY: + case TEMPORARY: + case SNAPSHOT: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case QUOTA: + case NEXT: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case SECTION: + case PLAN: + case INSTANCE: + case FUNCTION: + case INITIALIZED: + case SEGMENT: + case OWN: + case PCTINCREASE: + case INCLUDING: + case ENABLE: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case INT: + case MAXTRANS: + case COMMIT: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case FREELIST: + case STORAGE: + case CANCEL: + case BEGIN: + case FREELISTS: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case FOUND: + case CACHE: + case END: + case SOME: + case MANUAL: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case FORTRAN: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case COMPILE: + case NEW: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ALLOCATE: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case RESETLOGS: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TABLESPACE: + case MODULE: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case PLI: + case PROFILE: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case INDICATOR: + case UNLIMITED: + case UNDER: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case MANAGE: + case NOCACHE: + case FOREIGN: + case MINEXTENTS: + case ESCAPE: + case NONE: + case LISTS: + case DISMOUNT: + case WORK: + case NOSORT: + case EXECUTE: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case ONLY: + case TRACING: + case MOUNT: + case BLOCK: + case ACCESSED: + case CONTENTS: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11161); + oracle_unreserved_keyword(); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASES: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHILE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case INVOKER: + case DEPTH: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case LESS: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case GROUPING: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case SLOW: + case OPTIONS: + case UPDATING: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case MAX_SIZE: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case TEMPLATE: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESUME: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case SIMPLE: + case VARIABLES: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case MUTEX: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case DESCRIBE: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case PASSWORD: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case NORELY: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case DAY: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case RECURSIVE: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(11162); + unreserved_keyword_normal(); + } + break; + case NTH_VALUE: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case MAX: + case STDDEV: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case LISTAGG: + case SUM: + case MIN: + case VARIANCE: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case WM_CONCAT: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case REGR_COUNT: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case REGR_SYY: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case REGR_R2: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case LAG: + case LAST_VALUE: + case COVAR_POP: + case MEDIAN: + case STDDEV_POP: + case AVG: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case CUME_DIST: + case LEAD: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case NTILE: + case CORR: + case VAR_SAMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(11163); + aggregate_function_keyword(); + } + break; + case ADD: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(11164); + match(ADD); + } + break; + case SET: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(11165); + match(SET); + } + break; + case MODIFY: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(11166); + match(MODIFY); + } + break; + case DELETE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(11167); + match(DELETE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Truncate_table_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode TRUNCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRUNCATE, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } + public Truncate_table_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_truncate_table_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTruncate_table_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTruncate_table_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Truncate_table_stmtContext truncate_table_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Truncate_table_stmtContext _localctx = new Truncate_table_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1240, RULE_truncate_table_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11170); + match(TRUNCATE); + setState(11172); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TABLE) { + { + setState(11171); + match(TABLE); + } + } + + setState(11174); + relation_factor(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Rename_table_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode RENAME() { return getToken(OBParser.RENAME, 0); } + public Rename_table_actionsContext rename_table_actions() { + return getRuleContext(Rename_table_actionsContext.class,0); + } + public Rename_table_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_rename_table_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRename_table_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRename_table_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Rename_table_stmtContext rename_table_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Rename_table_stmtContext _localctx = new Rename_table_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1242, RULE_rename_table_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11176); + match(RENAME); + setState(11177); + rename_table_actions(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Rename_table_actionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Rename_table_actionContext rename_table_action() { + return getRuleContext(Rename_table_actionContext.class,0); + } + public Rename_table_actionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_rename_table_actions; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRename_table_actions(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRename_table_actions(this); + } + } + + public final Rename_table_actionsContext rename_table_actions() throws RecognitionException { + Rename_table_actionsContext _localctx = new Rename_table_actionsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1244, RULE_rename_table_actions); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11179); + rename_table_action(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Rename_table_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List relation_factor() { + return getRuleContexts(Relation_factorContext.class); + } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } + public Rename_table_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_rename_table_action; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRename_table_action(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRename_table_action(this); + } + } + + public final Rename_table_actionContext rename_table_action() throws RecognitionException { + Rename_table_actionContext _localctx = new Rename_table_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1246, RULE_rename_table_action); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11181); + relation_factor(); + setState(11182); + match(TO); + setState(11183); + relation_factor(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_index_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_index_actionsContext alter_index_actions() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_index_actionsContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_index_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_index_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_index_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_index_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_index_stmtContext alter_index_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_index_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_index_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1248, RULE_alter_index_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11185); + match(ALTER); + setState(11186); + match(INDEX); + setState(11187); + relation_factor(); + setState(11188); + alter_index_actions(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_index_actionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Alter_index_actionContext alter_index_action() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_index_actionContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_index_actionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_index_actions; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_index_actions(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_index_actions(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_index_actionsContext alter_index_actions() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_index_actionsContext _localctx = new Alter_index_actionsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1250, RULE_alter_index_actions); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11190); + alter_index_action(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_index_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Alter_index_option_oracleContext alter_index_option_oracle() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_index_option_oracleContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_index_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_index_action; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_index_action(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_index_action(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_index_actionContext alter_index_action() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_index_actionContext _localctx = new Alter_index_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1252, RULE_alter_index_action); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11192); + alter_index_option_oracle(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_index_option_oracleContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode RENAME() { return getToken(OBParser.RENAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } + public Index_nameContext index_name() { + return getRuleContext(Index_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Parallel_optionContext parallel_option() { + return getRuleContext(Parallel_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TABLESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLESPACE, 0); } + public TablespaceContext tablespace() { + return getRuleContext(TablespaceContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_index_option_oracleContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_index_option_oracle; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_index_option_oracle(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_index_option_oracle(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_index_option_oracleContext alter_index_option_oracle() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_index_option_oracleContext _localctx = new Alter_index_option_oracleContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1254, RULE_alter_index_option_oracle); + try { + setState(11200); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case RENAME: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11194); + match(RENAME); + setState(11195); + match(TO); + setState(11196); + index_name(); + } + break; + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11197); + parallel_option(); + } + break; + case TABLESPACE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(11198); + match(TABLESPACE); + setState(11199); + tablespace(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_table_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_table_actionsContext alter_table_actions() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_table_actionsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode EXTERNAL() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTERNAL, 0); } + public Alter_column_group_optionContext alter_column_group_option() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_column_group_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext add_external_table_partition_actions() { + return getRuleContext(Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOCATION() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public Alter_table_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_table_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_table_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_table_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_table_stmtContext alter_table_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_table_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_table_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1256, RULE_alter_table_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(11236); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1183,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11202); + match(ALTER); + setState(11204); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==EXTERNAL) { + { + setState(11203); + match(EXTERNAL); + } + } + + setState(11206); + match(TABLE); + setState(11207); + relation_factor(); + setState(11208); + alter_table_actions(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11210); + match(ALTER); + setState(11211); + match(TABLE); + setState(11212); + relation_factor(); + setState(11213); + alter_column_group_option(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(11215); + match(ALTER); + setState(11216); + match(EXTERNAL); + setState(11217); + match(TABLE); + setState(11218); + relation_factor(); + setState(11219); + match(ADD); + setState(11220); + match(PARTITION); + setState(11221); + match(LeftParen); + setState(11222); + add_external_table_partition_actions(0); + setState(11223); + match(RightParen); + setState(11224); + match(LOCATION); + setState(11225); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(11227); + match(ALTER); + setState(11228); + match(EXTERNAL); + setState(11229); + match(TABLE); + setState(11230); + relation_factor(); + setState(11231); + match(DROP); + setState(11232); + match(PARTITION); + setState(11233); + match(LOCATION); + setState(11234); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Add_external_table_partition_actionContext add_external_table_partition_action() { + return getRuleContext(Add_external_table_partition_actionContext.class,0); + } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext add_external_table_partition_actions() { + return getRuleContext(Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_add_external_table_partition_actions; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAdd_external_table_partition_actions(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAdd_external_table_partition_actions(this); + } + } + + public final Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext add_external_table_partition_actions() throws RecognitionException { + return add_external_table_partition_actions(0); + } + + private Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext add_external_table_partition_actions(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext _localctx = new Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 1258; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 1258, RULE_add_external_table_partition_actions, _p); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11241); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1184,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(11239); + add_external_table_partition_action(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(11240); + empty(); + } + break; + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(11248); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1185,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + { + _localctx = new Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_add_external_table_partition_actions); + setState(11243); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); + setState(11244); + match(Comma); + setState(11245); + add_external_table_partition_action(); + } + } + } + setState(11250); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1185,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Add_external_table_partition_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Expr_constContext expr_const() { + return getRuleContext(Expr_constContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Add_external_table_partition_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_add_external_table_partition_action; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAdd_external_table_partition_action(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAdd_external_table_partition_action(this); + } + } + + public final Add_external_table_partition_actionContext add_external_table_partition_action() throws RecognitionException { + Add_external_table_partition_actionContext _localctx = new Add_external_table_partition_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1260, RULE_add_external_table_partition_action); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11251); + column_name(); + setState(11253); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(11252); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(11255); + expr_const(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_table_actionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List alter_table_action() { + return getRuleContexts(Alter_table_actionContext.class); + } + public Alter_table_actionContext alter_table_action(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Alter_table_actionContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Alter_table_actionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_table_actions; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_table_actions(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_table_actions(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_table_actionsContext alter_table_actions() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_table_actionsContext _localctx = new Alter_table_actionsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1262, RULE_alter_table_actions); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11257); + alter_table_action(); + setState(11262); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(11258); + match(Comma); + setState(11259); + alter_table_action(); + } + } + setState(11264); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_table_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext table_option_list_space_seperated() { + return getRuleContext(Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTERVAL() { return getToken(OBParser.INTERVAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_alter_compress_optionContext opt_alter_compress_option() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_alter_compress_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_column_optionContext alter_column_option() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_column_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_tablegroup_optionContext alter_tablegroup_option() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_tablegroup_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RENAME() { return getToken(OBParser.RENAME, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } + public Alter_index_optionContext alter_index_option() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_index_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_partition_optionContext alter_partition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_partition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Modify_partition_infoContext modify_partition_info() { + return getRuleContext(Modify_partition_infoContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONSTRAINT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSTRAINT, 0); } + public Constraint_nameContext constraint_name() { + return getRuleContext(Constraint_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Enable_optionContext enable_option() { + return getRuleContext(Enable_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRIGGERS() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIGGERS, 0); } + public TerminalNode REFRESH() { return getToken(OBParser.REFRESH, 0); } + public Alter_table_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_table_action; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_table_action(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_table_action(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_table_actionContext alter_table_action() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_table_actionContext _localctx = new Alter_table_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1264, RULE_alter_table_action); + int _la; + try { + setState(11294); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1190,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11265); + table_option_list_space_seperated(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11266); + match(SET); + setState(11267); + table_option_list_space_seperated(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(11268); + match(SET); + setState(11269); + match(INTERVAL); + setState(11270); + match(LeftParen); + setState(11272); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1188,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(11271); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + } + setState(11274); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(11275); + opt_alter_compress_option(); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(11276); + alter_column_option(); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(11277); + alter_tablegroup_option(); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(11278); + match(RENAME); + setState(11280); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TO) { + { + setState(11279); + match(TO); + } + } + + setState(11282); + relation_factor(); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(11283); + alter_index_option(); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(11284); + alter_partition_option(); + } + break; + case 10: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(11285); + modify_partition_info(); + } + break; + case 11: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); + { + setState(11286); + match(DROP); + setState(11287); + match(CONSTRAINT); + setState(11288); + constraint_name(); + } + break; + case 12: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); + { + setState(11289); + enable_option(); + setState(11290); + match(ALL); + setState(11291); + match(TRIGGERS); + } + break; + case 13: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); + { + setState(11293); + match(REFRESH); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_partition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public Drop_partition_name_listContext drop_partition_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Drop_partition_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUBPARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode UPDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode GLOBAL() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode INDEXES() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEXES, 0); } + public TerminalNode RENAME() { return getToken(OBParser.RENAME, 0); } + public List relation_name() { + return getRuleContexts(Relation_nameContext.class); + } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } + public Add_range_or_list_partitionContext add_range_or_list_partition() { + return getRuleContext(Add_range_or_list_partitionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode SPLIT() { return getToken(OBParser.SPLIT, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Split_actionsContext split_actions() { + return getRuleContext(Split_actionsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TRUNCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRUNCATE, 0); } + public Name_listContext name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode MODIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.MODIFY, 0); } + public Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext add_range_or_list_subpartition() { + return getRuleContext(Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode EXCHANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCHANGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INCLUDING() { return getToken(OBParser.INCLUDING, 0); } + public TerminalNode WITHOUT() { return getToken(OBParser.WITHOUT, 0); } + public TerminalNode VALIDATION() { return getToken(OBParser.VALIDATION, 0); } + public Alter_partition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_partition_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_partition_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_partition_option(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_partition_optionContext alter_partition_option() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_partition_optionContext _localctx = new Alter_partition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1266, RULE_alter_partition_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(11344); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1191,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11296); + match(DROP); + setState(11297); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==PARTITION || _la==SUBPARTITION) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(11298); + drop_partition_name_list(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11299); + match(DROP); + setState(11300); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==PARTITION || _la==SUBPARTITION) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(11301); + drop_partition_name_list(); + setState(11302); + match(UPDATE); + setState(11303); + match(GLOBAL); + setState(11304); + match(INDEXES); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(11306); + match(RENAME); + setState(11307); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==PARTITION || _la==SUBPARTITION) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(11308); + relation_name(); + setState(11309); + match(TO); + setState(11310); + relation_name(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(11312); + add_range_or_list_partition(); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(11313); + match(SPLIT); + setState(11314); + match(PARTITION); + setState(11315); + relation_factor(); + setState(11316); + split_actions(); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(11318); + match(TRUNCATE); + setState(11319); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==PARTITION || _la==SUBPARTITION) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(11320); + name_list(0); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(11321); + match(TRUNCATE); + setState(11322); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==PARTITION || _la==SUBPARTITION) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(11323); + name_list(0); + setState(11324); + match(UPDATE); + setState(11325); + match(GLOBAL); + setState(11326); + match(INDEXES); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(11328); + match(MODIFY); + setState(11329); + match(PARTITION); + setState(11330); + relation_factor(); + setState(11331); + add_range_or_list_subpartition(); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(11333); + match(EXCHANGE); + setState(11334); + match(PARTITION); + setState(11335); + relation_name(); + setState(11336); + match(WITH); + setState(11337); + match(TABLE); + setState(11338); + relation_factor(); + setState(11339); + match(INCLUDING); + setState(11340); + match(INDEXES); + setState(11341); + match(WITHOUT); + setState(11342); + match(VALIDATION); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_partition_name_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Name_listContext name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Drop_partition_name_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_partition_name_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_partition_name_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_partition_name_list(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_partition_name_listContext drop_partition_name_list() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_partition_name_listContext _localctx = new Drop_partition_name_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1268, RULE_drop_partition_name_list); + try { + setState(11351); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11346); + name_list(0); + } + break; + case LeftParen: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11347); + match(LeftParen); + setState(11348); + name_list(0); + setState(11349); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Split_actionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public List_exprContext list_expr() { + return getRuleContext(List_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Modify_special_partitionContext modify_special_partition() { + return getRuleContext(Modify_special_partitionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode AT() { return getToken(OBParser.AT, 0); } + public Range_expr_listContext range_expr_list() { + return getRuleContext(Range_expr_listContext.class,0); + } + public Split_range_partitionContext split_range_partition() { + return getRuleContext(Split_range_partitionContext.class,0); + } + public Split_list_partitionContext split_list_partition() { + return getRuleContext(Split_list_partitionContext.class,0); + } + public Split_actionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_split_actions; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSplit_actions(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSplit_actions(this); + } + } + + public final Split_actionsContext split_actions() throws RecognitionException { + Split_actionsContext _localctx = new Split_actionsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1270, RULE_split_actions); + try { + setState(11367); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1193,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11353); + match(VALUES); + setState(11354); + match(LeftParen); + setState(11355); + list_expr(); + setState(11356); + match(RightParen); + setState(11357); + modify_special_partition(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11359); + match(AT); + setState(11360); + match(LeftParen); + setState(11361); + range_expr_list(); + setState(11362); + match(RightParen); + setState(11363); + modify_special_partition(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(11365); + split_range_partition(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(11366); + split_list_partition(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Add_range_or_list_partitionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } + public Range_partition_listContext range_partition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Range_partition_listContext.class,0); + } + public List_partition_listContext list_partition_list() { + return getRuleContext(List_partition_listContext.class,0); + } + public Add_range_or_list_partitionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_add_range_or_list_partition; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAdd_range_or_list_partition(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAdd_range_or_list_partition(this); + } + } + + public final Add_range_or_list_partitionContext add_range_or_list_partition() throws RecognitionException { + Add_range_or_list_partitionContext _localctx = new Add_range_or_list_partitionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1272, RULE_add_range_or_list_partition); + try { + setState(11373); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1194,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11369); + match(ADD); + setState(11370); + range_partition_list(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11371); + match(ADD); + setState(11372); + list_partition_list(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } + public Range_subpartition_listContext range_subpartition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Range_subpartition_listContext.class,0); + } + public List_subpartition_listContext list_subpartition_list() { + return getRuleContext(List_subpartition_listContext.class,0); + } + public Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_add_range_or_list_subpartition; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAdd_range_or_list_subpartition(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAdd_range_or_list_subpartition(this); + } + } + + public final Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext add_range_or_list_subpartition() throws RecognitionException { + Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext _localctx = new Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1274, RULE_add_range_or_list_subpartition); + try { + setState(11379); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1195,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11375); + match(ADD); + setState(11376); + range_subpartition_list(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11377); + match(ADD); + setState(11378); + list_subpartition_list(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Modify_special_partitionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } + public Opt_special_partition_listContext opt_special_partition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_special_partition_listContext.class,0); + } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Modify_special_partitionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_modify_special_partition; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterModify_special_partition(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitModify_special_partition(this); + } + } + + public final Modify_special_partitionContext modify_special_partition() throws RecognitionException { + Modify_special_partitionContext _localctx = new Modify_special_partitionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1276, RULE_modify_special_partition); + try { + setState(11384); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case INTO: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11381); + match(INTO); + setState(11382); + opt_special_partition_list(); + } + break; + case EOF: + case Comma: + case DELIMITER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11383); + empty(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Split_range_partitionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } + public Opt_range_partition_listContext opt_range_partition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_range_partition_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Range_partition_listContext range_partition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Range_partition_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Special_partition_listContext special_partition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Special_partition_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Split_range_partitionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_split_range_partition; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSplit_range_partition(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSplit_range_partition(this); + } + } + + public final Split_range_partitionContext split_range_partition() throws RecognitionException { + Split_range_partitionContext _localctx = new Split_range_partitionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1278, RULE_split_range_partition); + try { + setState(11395); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1197,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11386); + match(INTO); + setState(11387); + opt_range_partition_list(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11388); + match(INTO); + setState(11389); + match(LeftParen); + setState(11390); + range_partition_list(); + setState(11391); + match(Comma); + setState(11392); + special_partition_list(); + setState(11393); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Split_list_partitionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } + public Opt_list_partition_listContext opt_list_partition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_list_partition_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public List_partition_listContext list_partition_list() { + return getRuleContext(List_partition_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Special_partition_listContext special_partition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Special_partition_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Split_list_partitionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_split_list_partition; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSplit_list_partition(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSplit_list_partition(this); + } + } + + public final Split_list_partitionContext split_list_partition() throws RecognitionException { + Split_list_partitionContext _localctx = new Split_list_partitionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1280, RULE_split_list_partition); + try { + setState(11406); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1198,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11397); + match(INTO); + setState(11398); + opt_list_partition_list(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11399); + match(INTO); + setState(11400); + match(LeftParen); + setState(11401); + list_partition_list(); + setState(11402); + match(Comma); + setState(11403); + special_partition_list(); + setState(11404); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Modify_partition_infoContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode MODIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.MODIFY, 0); } + public Hash_partition_optionContext hash_partition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Hash_partition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public List_partition_optionContext list_partition_option() { + return getRuleContext(List_partition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Range_partition_optionContext range_partition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Range_partition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Modify_partition_infoContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_modify_partition_info; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterModify_partition_info(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitModify_partition_info(this); + } + } + + public final Modify_partition_infoContext modify_partition_info() throws RecognitionException { + Modify_partition_infoContext _localctx = new Modify_partition_infoContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1282, RULE_modify_partition_info); + try { + setState(11414); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1199,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11408); + match(MODIFY); + setState(11409); + hash_partition_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11410); + match(MODIFY); + setState(11411); + list_partition_option(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(11412); + match(MODIFY); + setState(11413); + range_partition_option(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Tg_modify_partition_infoContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode MODIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.MODIFY, 0); } + public Tg_hash_partition_optionContext tg_hash_partition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Tg_hash_partition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Tg_range_partition_optionContext tg_range_partition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Tg_range_partition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Tg_list_partition_optionContext tg_list_partition_option() { + return getRuleContext(Tg_list_partition_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Tg_modify_partition_infoContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tg_modify_partition_info; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTg_modify_partition_info(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTg_modify_partition_info(this); + } + } + + public final Tg_modify_partition_infoContext tg_modify_partition_info() throws RecognitionException { + Tg_modify_partition_infoContext _localctx = new Tg_modify_partition_infoContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1284, RULE_tg_modify_partition_info); + try { + setState(11422); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1200,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11416); + match(MODIFY); + setState(11417); + tg_hash_partition_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11418); + match(MODIFY); + setState(11419); + tg_range_partition_option(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(11420); + match(MODIFY); + setState(11421); + tg_list_partition_option(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_index_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } + public Out_of_line_constraintContext out_of_line_constraint() { + return getRuleContext(Out_of_line_constraintContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } + public Index_nameContext index_name() { + return getRuleContext(Index_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Visibility_optionContext visibility_option() { + return getRuleContext(Visibility_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRIMARY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } + public TerminalNode MODIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.MODIFY, 0); } + public Out_of_line_primary_indexContext out_of_line_primary_index() { + return getRuleContext(Out_of_line_primary_indexContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode CONSTRAINT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSTRAINT, 0); } + public Constraint_nameContext constraint_name() { + return getRuleContext(Constraint_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Enable_optionContext enable_option() { + return getRuleContext(Enable_optionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RELY() { return getToken(OBParser.RELY, 0); } + public TerminalNode NORELY() { return getToken(OBParser.NORELY, 0); } + public TerminalNode VALIDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.VALIDATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOVALIDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOVALIDATE, 0); } + public Alter_index_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_index_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_index_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_index_option(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_index_optionContext alter_index_option() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_index_optionContext _localctx = new Alter_index_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1286, RULE_alter_index_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(11460); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1205,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11424); + match(ADD); + setState(11425); + out_of_line_constraint(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11426); + match(ADD); + setState(11427); + match(LeftParen); + setState(11428); + out_of_line_constraint(); + setState(11429); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(11431); + match(ALTER); + setState(11432); + match(INDEX); + setState(11433); + index_name(); + setState(11434); + visibility_option(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(11436); + match(DROP); + setState(11437); + match(PRIMARY); + setState(11438); + match(KEY); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(11439); + match(MODIFY); + setState(11440); + out_of_line_primary_index(false); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(11441); + match(MODIFY); + setState(11442); + match(CONSTRAINT); + setState(11443); + constraint_name(); + setState(11445); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==RELY || _la==NORELY) { + { + setState(11444); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==RELY || _la==NORELY) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + + setState(11448); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DISABLE || _la==ENABLE) { + { + setState(11447); + enable_option(); + } + } + + setState(11451); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==VALIDATE || _la==NOVALIDATE) { + { + setState(11450); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==VALIDATE || _la==NOVALIDATE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(11453); + enable_option(); + setState(11455); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==VALIDATE || _la==NOVALIDATE) { + { + setState(11454); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==VALIDATE || _la==NOVALIDATE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + + setState(11457); + match(CONSTRAINT); + setState(11458); + constraint_name(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Visibility_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode VISIBLE() { return getToken(OBParser.VISIBLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INVISIBLE() { return getToken(OBParser.INVISIBLE, 0); } + public Visibility_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_visibility_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterVisibility_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitVisibility_option(this); + } + } + + public final Visibility_optionContext visibility_option() throws RecognitionException { + Visibility_optionContext _localctx = new Visibility_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1288, RULE_visibility_option); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11462); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_column_group_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode COLUMN() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN, 0); } + public TerminalNode GROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUP, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_group_listContext column_group_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_group_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public Alter_column_group_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_column_group_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_column_group_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_column_group_option(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_column_group_optionContext alter_column_group_option() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_column_group_optionContext _localctx = new Alter_column_group_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1290, RULE_alter_column_group_option); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11464); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ADD || _la==DROP) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(11465); + match(COLUMN); + setState(11466); + match(GROUP); + setState(11467); + match(LeftParen); + setState(11468); + column_group_list(); + setState(11469); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_column_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } + public Column_definitionContext column_definition() { + return getRuleContext(Column_definitionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_definition_listContext column_definition_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_definition_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode COLUMN() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN, 0); } + public Column_definition_refContext column_definition_ref() { + return getRuleContext(Column_definition_refContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode CASCADE() { return getToken(OBParser.CASCADE, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESTRICT() { return getToken(OBParser.RESTRICT, 0); } + public Column_listContext column_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RENAME() { return getToken(OBParser.RENAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode MODIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.MODIFY, 0); } + public Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext column_definition_opt_datatype() { + return getRuleContext(Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext.class,0); + } + public Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext column_definition_opt_datatype_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_column_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_column_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_column_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_column_option(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_column_optionContext alter_column_option() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_column_optionContext _localctx = new Alter_column_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1292, RULE_alter_column_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(11502); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1207,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11471); + match(ADD); + setState(11472); + column_definition(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11473); + match(ADD); + setState(11474); + match(LeftParen); + setState(11475); + column_definition_list(); + setState(11476); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(11478); + match(DROP); + setState(11479); + match(COLUMN); + setState(11480); + column_definition_ref(); + setState(11482); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CASCADE || _la==RESTRICT) { + { + setState(11481); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==CASCADE || _la==RESTRICT) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(11484); + match(DROP); + setState(11485); + match(LeftParen); + setState(11486); + column_list(); + setState(11487); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(11489); + match(RENAME); + setState(11490); + match(COLUMN); + setState(11491); + column_definition_ref(); + setState(11492); + match(TO); + setState(11493); + column_name(); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(11495); + match(MODIFY); + setState(11496); + column_definition_opt_datatype(); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(11497); + match(MODIFY); + setState(11498); + match(LeftParen); + setState(11499); + column_definition_opt_datatype_list(); + setState(11500); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_tablegroup_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLEGROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUP, 0); } + public Alter_tablegroup_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_tablegroup_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_tablegroup_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_tablegroup_option(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_tablegroup_optionContext alter_tablegroup_option() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_tablegroup_optionContext _localctx = new Alter_tablegroup_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1294, RULE_alter_tablegroup_option); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11504); + match(DROP); + setState(11505); + match(TABLEGROUP); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Flashback_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode FLASHBACK() { return getToken(OBParser.FLASHBACK, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } + public Relation_factorsContext relation_factors() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorsContext.class,0); + } + public List TO() { return getTokens(OBParser.TO); } + public TerminalNode TO(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.TO, i); + } + public TerminalNode BEFORE() { return getToken(OBParser.BEFORE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode RENAME() { return getToken(OBParser.RENAME, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Database_keyContext database_key() { + return getRuleContext(Database_keyContext.class,0); + } + public List database_factor() { + return getRuleContexts(Database_factorContext.class); + } + public Database_factorContext database_factor(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Database_factorContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } + public List relation_name() { + return getRuleContexts(Relation_nameContext.class); + } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode TIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMESTAMP, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode SCN() { return getToken(OBParser.SCN, 0); } + public Flashback_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_flashback_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFlashback_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFlashback_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Flashback_stmtContext flashback_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Flashback_stmtContext _localctx = new Flashback_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1296, RULE_flashback_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(11554); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1211,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11507); + match(FLASHBACK); + setState(11508); + match(TABLE); + setState(11509); + relation_factors(); + setState(11510); + match(TO); + setState(11511); + match(BEFORE); + setState(11512); + match(DROP); + setState(11516); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==RENAME) { + { + setState(11513); + match(RENAME); + setState(11514); + match(TO); + setState(11515); + relation_factor(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11518); + match(FLASHBACK); + setState(11519); + database_key(); + setState(11520); + database_factor(); + setState(11521); + match(TO); + setState(11522); + match(BEFORE); + setState(11523); + match(DROP); + setState(11527); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==RENAME) { + { + setState(11524); + match(RENAME); + setState(11525); + match(TO); + setState(11526); + database_factor(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(11529); + match(FLASHBACK); + setState(11530); + match(TENANT); + setState(11531); + relation_name(); + setState(11532); + match(TO); + setState(11533); + match(BEFORE); + setState(11534); + match(DROP); + setState(11538); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==RENAME) { + { + setState(11535); + match(RENAME); + setState(11536); + match(TO); + setState(11537); + relation_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(11540); + match(FLASHBACK); + setState(11541); + match(TABLE); + setState(11542); + relation_factors(); + setState(11543); + match(TO); + setState(11544); + match(TIMESTAMP); + setState(11545); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(11547); + match(FLASHBACK); + setState(11548); + match(TABLE); + setState(11549); + relation_factors(); + setState(11550); + match(TO); + setState(11551); + match(SCN); + setState(11552); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Relation_factorsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List relation_factor() { + return getRuleContexts(Relation_factorContext.class); + } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Relation_factorsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_factors; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_factors(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_factors(this); + } + } + + public final Relation_factorsContext relation_factors() throws RecognitionException { + Relation_factorsContext _localctx = new Relation_factorsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1298, RULE_relation_factors); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11556); + relation_factor(); + setState(11561); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(11557); + match(Comma); + setState(11558); + relation_factor(); + } + } + setState(11563); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Purge_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PURGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PURGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode RECYCLEBIN() { return getToken(OBParser.RECYCLEBIN, 0); } + public Database_keyContext database_key() { + return getRuleContext(Database_keyContext.class,0); + } + public Database_factorContext database_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Database_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Purge_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_purge_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPurge_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPurge_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Purge_stmtContext purge_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Purge_stmtContext _localctx = new Purge_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1300, RULE_purge_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11564); + match(PURGE); + setState(11577); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case INDEX: + case TABLE: + case DATABASE: + case SCHEMA: + case RECYCLEBIN: + { + setState(11573); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case INDEX: + case TABLE: + { + setState(11565); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==INDEX || _la==TABLE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(11566); + relation_factor(); + } + break; + case DATABASE: + case SCHEMA: + case RECYCLEBIN: + { + setState(11571); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case RECYCLEBIN: + { + setState(11567); + match(RECYCLEBIN); + } + break; + case DATABASE: + case SCHEMA: + { + setState(11568); + database_key(); + setState(11569); + database_factor(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case TENANT: + { + setState(11575); + match(TENANT); + setState(11576); + relation_name(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Shrink_space_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } + public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode SHRINK() { return getToken(OBParser.SHRINK, 0); } + public TerminalNode SPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.SPACE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Shrink_space_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_shrink_space_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterShrink_space_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitShrink_space_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Shrink_space_stmtContext shrink_space_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Shrink_space_stmtContext _localctx = new Shrink_space_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1302, RULE_shrink_space_stmt); + try { + setState(11593); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1217,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11579); + match(ALTER); + setState(11580); + match(TABLE); + setState(11581); + relation_factor(); + setState(11582); + match(SHRINK); + setState(11583); + match(SPACE); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11585); + match(ALTER); + setState(11586); + match(TENANT); + setState(11589); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ALL: + { + setState(11587); + match(ALL); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + { + setState(11588); + relation_name(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(11591); + match(SHRINK); + setState(11592); + match(SPACE); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Audit_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Audit_or_noauditContext audit_or_noaudit() { + return getRuleContext(Audit_or_noauditContext.class,0); + } + public Audit_clauseContext audit_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Audit_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Audit_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_audit_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAudit_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAudit_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Audit_stmtContext audit_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Audit_stmtContext _localctx = new Audit_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1304, RULE_audit_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11595); + audit_or_noaudit(); + setState(11596); + audit_clause(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Audit_or_noauditContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode AUDIT() { return getToken(OBParser.AUDIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOAUDIT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOAUDIT, 0); } + public Audit_or_noauditContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_audit_or_noaudit; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAudit_or_noaudit(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAudit_or_noaudit(this); + } + } + + public final Audit_or_noauditContext audit_or_noaudit() throws RecognitionException { + Audit_or_noauditContext _localctx = new Audit_or_noauditContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1306, RULE_audit_or_noaudit); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11598); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==AUDIT || _la==NOAUDIT) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Audit_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Audit_operation_clauseContext audit_operation_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Audit_operation_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Op_audit_tail_clauseContext op_audit_tail_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Op_audit_tail_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Auditing_by_user_clauseContext auditing_by_user_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Auditing_by_user_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Auditing_on_clauseContext auditing_on_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Auditing_on_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Audit_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_audit_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAudit_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAudit_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Audit_clauseContext audit_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Audit_clauseContext _localctx = new Audit_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1308, RULE_audit_clause); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11600); + audit_operation_clause(); + setState(11605); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1219,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(11601); + auditing_by_user_clause(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(11603); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ON) { + { + setState(11602); + auditing_on_clause(); + } + } + + } + break; + } + setState(11607); + op_audit_tail_clause(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Audit_operation_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Audit_all_shortcut_listContext audit_all_shortcut_list() { + return getRuleContext(Audit_all_shortcut_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public TerminalNode STATEMENTS() { return getToken(OBParser.STATEMENTS, 0); } + public Audit_operation_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_audit_operation_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAudit_operation_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAudit_operation_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Audit_operation_clauseContext audit_operation_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Audit_operation_clauseContext _localctx = new Audit_operation_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1310, RULE_audit_operation_clause); + int _la; + try { + setState(11614); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ALTER: + case AUDIT: + case CLUSTER: + case COMMENT: + case DELETE: + case GRANT: + case INDEX: + case INSERT: + case NOT: + case PUBLIC: + case RENAME: + case SELECT: + case SESSION: + case SYNONYM: + case TABLE: + case TRIGGER: + case UPDATE: + case USER: + case VIEW: + case DATABASE: + case PROCEDURE: + case ROLE: + case SEQUENCE: + case CONTEXT: + case DIRECTORY: + case SYSTEM: + case OUTLINE: + case FLASHBACK: + case TABLESPACE: + case PROFILE: + case TYPE: + case MATERIALIZED: + case EXECUTE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11609); + audit_all_shortcut_list(); + } + break; + case ALL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11610); + match(ALL); + setState(11612); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==STATEMENTS) { + { + setState(11611); + match(STATEMENTS); + } + } + + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Audit_all_shortcut_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List audit_all_shortcut() { + return getRuleContexts(Audit_all_shortcutContext.class); + } + public Audit_all_shortcutContext audit_all_shortcut(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Audit_all_shortcutContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Audit_all_shortcut_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_audit_all_shortcut_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAudit_all_shortcut_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAudit_all_shortcut_list(this); + } + } + + public final Audit_all_shortcut_listContext audit_all_shortcut_list() throws RecognitionException { + Audit_all_shortcut_listContext _localctx = new Audit_all_shortcut_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1312, RULE_audit_all_shortcut_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11616); + audit_all_shortcut(); + setState(11621); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(11617); + match(Comma); + setState(11618); + audit_all_shortcut(); + } + } + setState(11623); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Auditing_on_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public Normal_relation_factorContext normal_relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Normal_relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public Auditing_on_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_auditing_on_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAuditing_on_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAuditing_on_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Auditing_on_clauseContext auditing_on_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Auditing_on_clauseContext _localctx = new Auditing_on_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1314, RULE_auditing_on_clause); + try { + setState(11628); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1223,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11624); + match(ON); + setState(11625); + normal_relation_factor(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11626); + match(ON); + setState(11627); + match(DEFAULT); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Auditing_by_user_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public User_listContext user_list() { + return getRuleContext(User_listContext.class,0); + } + public Auditing_by_user_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_auditing_by_user_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAuditing_by_user_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAuditing_by_user_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Auditing_by_user_clauseContext auditing_by_user_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Auditing_by_user_clauseContext _localctx = new Auditing_by_user_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1316, RULE_auditing_by_user_clause); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11630); + match(BY); + setState(11631); + user_list(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Op_audit_tail_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Audit_by_session_access_optionContext audit_by_session_access_option() { + return getRuleContext(Audit_by_session_access_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Audit_whenever_optionContext audit_whenever_option() { + return getRuleContext(Audit_whenever_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Op_audit_tail_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_op_audit_tail_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOp_audit_tail_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOp_audit_tail_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Op_audit_tail_clauseContext op_audit_tail_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Op_audit_tail_clauseContext _localctx = new Op_audit_tail_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1318, RULE_op_audit_tail_clause); + int _la; + try { + setState(11639); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case EOF: + case DELIMITER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11633); + empty(); + } + break; + case BY: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11634); + audit_by_session_access_option(); + setState(11636); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WHENEVER) { + { + setState(11635); + audit_whenever_option(); + } + } + + } + break; + case WHENEVER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(11638); + audit_whenever_option(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Audit_by_session_access_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode ACCESS() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESS, 0); } + public Audit_by_session_access_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_audit_by_session_access_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAudit_by_session_access_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAudit_by_session_access_option(this); + } + } + + public final Audit_by_session_access_optionContext audit_by_session_access_option() throws RecognitionException { + Audit_by_session_access_optionContext _localctx = new Audit_by_session_access_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1320, RULE_audit_by_session_access_option); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11641); + match(BY); + setState(11642); + match(ACCESS); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Audit_whenever_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode WHENEVER() { return getToken(OBParser.WHENEVER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUCCESSFUL() { return getToken(OBParser.SUCCESSFUL, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } + public Audit_whenever_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_audit_whenever_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAudit_whenever_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAudit_whenever_option(this); + } + } + + public final Audit_whenever_optionContext audit_whenever_option() throws RecognitionException { + Audit_whenever_optionContext _localctx = new Audit_whenever_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1322, RULE_audit_whenever_option); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11644); + match(WHENEVER); + setState(11646); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==NOT) { + { + setState(11645); + match(NOT); + } + } + + setState(11648); + match(SUCCESSFUL); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Audit_all_shortcutContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYSTEM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM, 0); } + public TerminalNode CLUSTER() { return getToken(OBParser.CLUSTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONTEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTEXT, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATABASE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LINK() { return getToken(OBParser.LINK, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYNONYM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYNONYM, 0); } + public TerminalNode PUBLIC() { return getToken(OBParser.PUBLIC, 0); } + public TerminalNode DIRECTORY() { return getToken(OBParser.DIRECTORY, 0); } + public TerminalNode VIEW() { return getToken(OBParser.VIEW, 0); } + public TerminalNode MATERIALIZED() { return getToken(OBParser.MATERIALIZED, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXISTS() { return getToken(OBParser.EXISTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode OUTLINE() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTLINE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PROCEDURE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROCEDURE, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXECUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXECUTE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PROFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROFILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SEQUENCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION, 0); } + public TerminalNode AUDIT() { return getToken(OBParser.AUDIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode GRANT() { return getToken(OBParser.GRANT, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLESPACE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRIGGER() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIGGER, 0); } + public TerminalNode TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.TYPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode USER() { return getToken(OBParser.USER, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INSERT() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERT, 0); } + public TerminalNode SELECT() { return getToken(OBParser.SELECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode UPDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode FLASHBACK() { return getToken(OBParser.FLASHBACK, 0); } + public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } + public TerminalNode RENAME() { return getToken(OBParser.RENAME, 0); } + public Audit_all_shortcutContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_audit_all_shortcut; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAudit_all_shortcut(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAudit_all_shortcut(this); + } + } + + public final Audit_all_shortcutContext audit_all_shortcut() throws RecognitionException { + Audit_all_shortcutContext _localctx = new Audit_all_shortcutContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1324, RULE_audit_all_shortcut); + int _la; + try { + setState(11734); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1242,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11650); + match(ALTER); + setState(11652); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SYSTEM) { + { + setState(11651); + match(SYSTEM); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11654); + match(CLUSTER); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(11655); + match(CONTEXT); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(11657); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PUBLIC) { + { + setState(11656); + match(PUBLIC); + } + } + + setState(11662); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case DATABASE: + { + setState(11659); + match(DATABASE); + setState(11660); + match(LINK); + } + break; + case SYNONYM: + { + setState(11661); + match(SYNONYM); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(11664); + match(DIRECTORY); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(11666); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==MATERIALIZED) { + { + setState(11665); + match(MATERIALIZED); + } + } + + setState(11668); + match(VIEW); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(11669); + match(NOT); + setState(11670); + match(EXISTS); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(11671); + match(OUTLINE); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(11673); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==EXECUTE) { + { + setState(11672); + match(EXECUTE); + } + } + + setState(11675); + match(PROCEDURE); + } + break; + case 10: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(11676); + match(PROFILE); + } + break; + case 11: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); + { + setState(11677); + match(ROLE); + } + break; + case 12: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); + { + setState(11679); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ALTER) { + { + setState(11678); + match(ALTER); + } + } + + setState(11681); + match(SEQUENCE); + } + break; + case 13: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); + { + setState(11682); + match(SESSION); + } + break; + case 14: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); + { + setState(11684); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SYSTEM) { + { + setState(11683); + match(SYSTEM); + } + } + + setState(11686); + match(AUDIT); + } + break; + case 15: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); + { + setState(11688); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SYSTEM) { + { + setState(11687); + match(SYSTEM); + } + } + + setState(11690); + match(GRANT); + } + break; + case 16: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); + { + setState(11692); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ALTER) { + { + setState(11691); + match(ALTER); + } + } + + setState(11694); + match(TABLE); + } + break; + case 17: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); + { + setState(11695); + match(TABLESPACE); + } + break; + case 18: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); + { + setState(11696); + match(TRIGGER); + } + break; + case 19: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); + { + setState(11698); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==GRANT) { + { + setState(11697); + match(GRANT); + } + } + + setState(11700); + match(TYPE); + } + break; + case 20: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 20); + { + setState(11701); + match(USER); + } + break; + case 21: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 21); + { + setState(11702); + match(COMMENT); + setState(11704); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TABLE) { + { + setState(11703); + match(TABLE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 22: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 22); + { + setState(11706); + match(DELETE); + setState(11708); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TABLE) { + { + setState(11707); + match(TABLE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 23: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 23); + { + setState(11710); + match(GRANT); + setState(11711); + match(PROCEDURE); + } + break; + case 24: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 24); + { + setState(11712); + match(GRANT); + setState(11713); + match(SEQUENCE); + } + break; + case 25: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 25); + { + setState(11714); + match(GRANT); + setState(11715); + match(TABLE); + } + break; + case 26: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 26); + { + setState(11716); + match(INSERT); + setState(11718); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TABLE) { + { + setState(11717); + match(TABLE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 27: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 27); + { + setState(11720); + match(SELECT); + setState(11722); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SEQUENCE) { + { + setState(11721); + match(SEQUENCE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 28: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 28); + { + setState(11724); + match(SELECT); + setState(11725); + match(TABLE); + } + break; + case 29: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 29); + { + setState(11726); + match(UPDATE); + setState(11728); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TABLE) { + { + setState(11727); + match(TABLE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 30: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 30); + { + setState(11730); + match(EXECUTE); + } + break; + case 31: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 31); + { + setState(11731); + match(FLASHBACK); + } + break; + case 32: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 32); + { + setState(11732); + match(INDEX); + } + break; + case 33: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 33); + { + setState(11733); + match(RENAME); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_system_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List ALTER() { return getTokens(OBParser.ALTER); } + public TerminalNode ALTER(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, i); + } + public TerminalNode SYSTEM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM, 0); } + public TerminalNode BOOTSTRAP() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOTSTRAP, 0); } + public Server_info_listContext server_info_list() { + return getRuleContext(Server_info_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode CLUSTER() { return getToken(OBParser.CLUSTER, 0); } + public Partition_roleContext partition_role() { + return getRuleContext(Partition_roleContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PRIMARY_ROOTSERVICE_LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY_ROOTSERVICE_LIST, 0); } + public List STRING_VALUE() { return getTokens(OBParser.STRING_VALUE); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, i); + } + public TerminalNode FLUSH() { return getToken(OBParser.FLUSH, 0); } + public Cache_type_or_stringContext cache_type_or_string() { + return getRuleContext(Cache_type_or_stringContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode CACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.CACHE, 0); } + public Flush_scopeContext flush_scope() { + return getRuleContext(Flush_scopeContext.class,0); + } + public Namespace_exprContext namespace_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Namespace_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode KVCACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.KVCACHE, 0); } + public Tenant_nameContext tenant_name() { + return getRuleContext(Tenant_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Cache_nameContext cache_name() { + return getRuleContext(Cache_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode SS_MICRO_CACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.SS_MICRO_CACHE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ILOGCACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.ILOGCACHE, 0); } + public File_idContext file_id() { + return getRuleContext(File_idContext.class,0); + } + public List PLAN() { return getTokens(OBParser.PLAN); } + public TerminalNode PLAN(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.PLAN, i); + } + public TerminalNode BASELINE() { return getToken(OBParser.BASELINE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public Baseline_asgn_factorContext baseline_asgn_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Baseline_asgn_factorContext.class,0); + } + public Sql_id_exprContext sql_id_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Sql_id_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Baseline_id_exprContext baseline_id_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Baseline_id_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LOAD() { return getToken(OBParser.LOAD, 0); } + public TerminalNode FROM() { return getToken(OBParser.FROM, 0); } + public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } + public List COMP_EQ() { return getTokens(OBParser.COMP_EQ); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, i); + } + public Tenant_name_listContext tenant_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Tenant_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode SWITCH() { return getToken(OBParser.SWITCH, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPLICA() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICA, 0); } + public Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext partition_id_or_server_or_zone() { + return getRuleContext(Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ROOTSERVICE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROOTSERVICE, 0); } + public Server_or_zoneContext server_or_zone() { + return getRuleContext(Server_or_zoneContext.class,0); + } + public List alter_or_change_or_modify() { + return getRuleContexts(Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext.class); + } + public Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext alter_or_change_or_modify(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext.class,i); + } + public Partition_id_descContext partition_id_desc() { + return getRuleContext(Partition_id_descContext.class,0); + } + public Ip_portContext ip_port() { + return getRuleContext(Ip_portContext.class,0); + } + public Change_actionsContext change_actions() { + return getRuleContext(Change_actionsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode CREATE_TIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE_TIMESTAMP, 0); } + public List opt_equal_mark() { + return getRuleContexts(Opt_equal_markContext.class); + } + public Opt_equal_markContext opt_equal_mark(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Opt_equal_markContext.class,i); + } + public List INTNUM() { return getTokens(OBParser.INTNUM); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, i); + } + public Zone_descContext zone_desc() { + return getRuleContext(Zone_descContext.class,0); + } + public Migrate_actionContext migrate_action() { + return getRuleContext(Migrate_actionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode SOURCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SOURCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DESTINATION() { return getToken(OBParser.DESTINATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPORT() { return getToken(OBParser.REPORT, 0); } + public TerminalNode RECYCLE() { return getToken(OBParser.RECYCLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode START() { return getToken(OBParser.START, 0); } + public TerminalNode MERGE() { return getToken(OBParser.MERGE, 0); } + public Suspend_or_resumeContext suspend_or_resume() { + return getRuleContext(Suspend_or_resumeContext.class,0); + } + public Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context tenant_list_tuple_v2() { + return getRuleContext(Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode CLEAR() { return getToken(OBParser.CLEAR, 0); } + public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } + public TerminalNode CANCEL() { return getToken(OBParser.CANCEL, 0); } + public Cancel_task_typeContext cancel_task_type() { + return getRuleContext(Cancel_task_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TASK() { return getToken(OBParser.TASK, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAJOR() { return getToken(OBParser.MAJOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode FREEZE() { return getToken(OBParser.FREEZE, 0); } + public Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext opt_tablet_id_no_empty() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode REBUILD() { return getToken(OBParser.REBUILD, 0); } + public TerminalNode COLUMN() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN, 0); } + public TerminalNode GROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUP, 0); } + public Tenant_list_tupleContext tenant_list_tuple() { + return getRuleContext(Tenant_list_tupleContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_tablet_idContext opt_tablet_id() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_tablet_idContext.class,0); + } + public LsContext ls() { + return getRuleContext(LsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode CHECKPOINT() { return getToken(OBParser.CHECKPOINT, 0); } + public TerminalNode MINOR() { return getToken(OBParser.MINOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode SERVER() { return getToken(OBParser.SERVER, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Server_listContext server_list() { + return getRuleContext(Server_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode ARCHIVELOG() { return getToken(OBParser.ARCHIVELOG, 0); } + public TerminalNode DESCRIPTION() { return getToken(OBParser.DESCRIPTION, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOARCHIVELOG() { return getToken(OBParser.NOARCHIVELOG, 0); } + public TerminalNode BACKUP() { return getToken(OBParser.BACKUP, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATABASE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } + public TerminalNode INCREMENTAL() { return getToken(OBParser.INCREMENTAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode PLUS() { return getToken(OBParser.PLUS, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENCRYPTED() { return getToken(OBParser.ENCRYPTED, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST, 0); } + public Opt_path_infoContext opt_path_info() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_path_infoContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ACCESS_INFO() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESS_INFO, 0); } + public TerminalNode ATTRIBUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.ATTRIBUTE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENCRYPTION() { return getToken(OBParser.ENCRYPTION, 0); } + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public TerminalNode IDENTIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTIFIED, 0); } + public TerminalNode ONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.ONLY, 0); } + public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } + public Policy_nameContext policy_name() { + return getRuleContext(Policy_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RECOVERY_WINDOW() { return getToken(OBParser.RECOVERY_WINDOW, 0); } + public TerminalNode REDUNDANCY() { return getToken(OBParser.REDUNDANCY, 0); } + public TerminalNode BACKUP_COPIES() { return getToken(OBParser.BACKUP_COPIES, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROOTTABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROOTTABLE, 0); } + public Server_actionContext server_action() { + return getRuleContext(Server_actionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE, 0); } + public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,0); + } + public Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext add_or_alter_zone_options() { + return getRuleContext(Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext.class,0); + } + public Zone_actionContext zone_action() { + return getRuleContext(Zone_actionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode REFRESH() { return getToken(OBParser.REFRESH, 0); } + public TerminalNode SCHEMA() { return getToken(OBParser.SCHEMA, 0); } + public TerminalNode SET_TP() { return getToken(OBParser.SET_TP, 0); } + public Alter_system_settp_actionsContext alter_system_settp_actions() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_system_settp_actionsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LOCATION() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode REMOVE() { return getToken(OBParser.REMOVE, 0); } + public TerminalNode BALANCE() { return getToken(OBParser.BALANCE, 0); } + public Zone_listContext zone_list() { + return getRuleContext(Zone_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.TYPE, 0); } + public Balance_task_typeContext balance_task_type() { + return getRuleContext(Balance_task_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RELOAD() { return getToken(OBParser.RELOAD, 0); } + public TerminalNode GTS() { return getToken(OBParser.GTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNIT() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode MIGRATE() { return getToken(OBParser.MIGRATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPLICA_TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICA_TYPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATA_SOURCE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATA_SOURCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode MODIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.MODIFY, 0); } + public TerminalNode TASK_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TASK_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode UPGRADE() { return getToken(OBParser.UPGRADE, 0); } + public TerminalNode VIRTUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.VIRTUAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode RUN() { return getToken(OBParser.RUN, 0); } + public TerminalNode JOB() { return getToken(OBParser.JOB, 0); } + public Upgrade_actionContext upgrade_action() { + return getRuleContext(Upgrade_actionContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TIME_ZONE_INFO() { return getToken(OBParser.TIME_ZONE_INFO, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ENABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL, 0); } + public TerminalNode THROTTLE() { return getToken(OBParser.THROTTLE, 0); } + public Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext opt_sql_throttle_using_cond() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRIORITY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIORITY, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_LE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_LE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DISABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.DISABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DISK() { return getToken(OBParser.DISK, 0); } + public TerminalNode VALID() { return getToken(OBParser.VALID, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLES() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLES, 0); } + public TerminalNode IN() { return getToken(OBParser.IN, 0); } + public TerminalNode SESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION, 0); } + public Alter_system_set_clause_listContext alter_system_set_clause_list() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_system_set_clause_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode KILL() { return getToken(OBParser.KILL, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode IMMEDIATE() { return getToken(OBParser.IMMEDIATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESET() { return getToken(OBParser.RESET, 0); } + public Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext alter_system_reset_clause_list() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_system_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_system_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_system_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_system_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_system_stmtContext alter_system_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_system_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_system_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1326, RULE_alter_system_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(12488); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1328,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(11736); + match(ALTER); + setState(11737); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11738); + match(BOOTSTRAP); + setState(11741); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CLUSTER) { + { + setState(11739); + match(CLUSTER); + setState(11740); + partition_role(); + } + } + + setState(11743); + server_info_list(); + setState(11746); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PRIMARY_ROOTSERVICE_LIST) { + { + setState(11744); + match(PRIMARY_ROOTSERVICE_LIST); + setState(11745); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(11748); + match(ALTER); + setState(11749); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11750); + match(FLUSH); + setState(11751); + cache_type_or_string(); + setState(11752); + match(CACHE); + setState(11754); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==NAMESPACE) { + { + setState(11753); + namespace_expr(); + } + } + + setState(11756); + flush_scope(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(11758); + match(ALTER); + setState(11759); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11760); + match(FLUSH); + setState(11761); + match(KVCACHE); + setState(11763); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(11762); + tenant_name(); + } + } + + setState(11766); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CACHE) { + { + setState(11765); + cache_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(11768); + match(ALTER); + setState(11769); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11770); + match(FLUSH); + setState(11771); + match(SS_MICRO_CACHE); + setState(11773); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(11772); + tenant_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(11775); + match(ALTER); + setState(11776); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11777); + match(FLUSH); + setState(11778); + match(ILOGCACHE); + setState(11780); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FILE_ID) { + { + setState(11779); + file_id(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(11782); + match(ALTER); + setState(11783); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11784); + match(ALTER); + setState(11785); + match(PLAN); + setState(11786); + match(BASELINE); + setState(11788); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(11787); + tenant_name(); + } + } + + setState(11791); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SQL_ID) { + { + setState(11790); + sql_id_expr(); + } + } + + setState(11794); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==BASELINE_ID) { + { + setState(11793); + baseline_id_expr(); + } + } + + setState(11796); + match(SET); + setState(11797); + baseline_asgn_factor(); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(11798); + match(ALTER); + setState(11799); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11800); + match(LOAD); + setState(11801); + match(PLAN); + setState(11802); + match(BASELINE); + setState(11803); + match(FROM); + setState(11804); + match(PLAN); + setState(11805); + match(CACHE); + setState(11809); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(11806); + match(TENANT); + setState(11807); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(11808); + tenant_name_list(); + } + } + + setState(11812); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SQL_ID) { + { + setState(11811); + sql_id_expr(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(11814); + match(ALTER); + setState(11815); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11816); + match(SWITCH); + setState(11817); + match(REPLICA); + setState(11818); + partition_role(); + setState(11819); + partition_id_or_server_or_zone(); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(11821); + match(ALTER); + setState(11822); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11823); + match(SWITCH); + setState(11824); + match(ROOTSERVICE); + setState(11825); + partition_role(); + setState(11826); + server_or_zone(); + } + break; + case 10: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); + { + setState(11828); + match(ALTER); + setState(11829); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11830); + alter_or_change_or_modify(); + setState(11831); + match(REPLICA); + setState(11832); + partition_id_desc(); + setState(11833); + ip_port(); + setState(11834); + alter_or_change_or_modify(); + setState(11835); + change_actions(); + setState(11837); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FORCE) { + { + setState(11836); + match(FORCE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 11: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); + { + setState(11839); + match(ALTER); + setState(11840); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11841); + match(DROP); + setState(11842); + match(REPLICA); + setState(11843); + partition_id_desc(); + setState(11844); + ip_port(); + setState(11849); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CREATE_TIMESTAMP) { + { + setState(11845); + match(CREATE_TIMESTAMP); + setState(11846); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(11847); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + + setState(11852); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ZONE) { + { + setState(11851); + zone_desc(); + } + } + + setState(11855); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FORCE) { + { + setState(11854); + match(FORCE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 12: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); + { + setState(11857); + match(ALTER); + setState(11858); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11859); + migrate_action(); + setState(11860); + match(REPLICA); + setState(11861); + partition_id_desc(); + setState(11862); + match(SOURCE); + setState(11864); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(11863); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(11866); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(11867); + match(DESTINATION); + setState(11869); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(11868); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(11871); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(11873); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FORCE) { + { + setState(11872); + match(FORCE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 13: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); + { + setState(11875); + match(ALTER); + setState(11876); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11877); + match(REPORT); + setState(11878); + match(REPLICA); + setState(11880); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==HOST || _la==SERVER || _la==ZONE) { + { + setState(11879); + server_or_zone(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 14: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); + { + setState(11882); + match(ALTER); + setState(11883); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11884); + match(RECYCLE); + setState(11885); + match(REPLICA); + setState(11887); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==HOST || _la==SERVER || _la==ZONE) { + { + setState(11886); + server_or_zone(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 15: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); + { + setState(11889); + match(ALTER); + setState(11890); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11891); + match(START); + setState(11892); + match(MERGE); + setState(11893); + zone_desc(); + } + break; + case 16: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); + { + setState(11894); + match(ALTER); + setState(11895); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11896); + suspend_or_resume(); + setState(11897); + match(MERGE); + setState(11899); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(11898); + tenant_list_tuple_v2(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 17: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); + { + setState(11901); + match(ALTER); + setState(11902); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11903); + match(CLEAR); + setState(11904); + match(MERGE); + setState(11905); + match(ERROR_P); + setState(11907); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(11906); + tenant_list_tuple_v2(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 18: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); + { + setState(11909); + match(ALTER); + setState(11910); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11911); + match(CANCEL); + setState(11912); + cancel_task_type(); + setState(11913); + match(TASK); + setState(11914); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case 19: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); + { + setState(11916); + match(ALTER); + setState(11917); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11918); + match(MAJOR); + setState(11919); + match(FREEZE); + setState(11928); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1266,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(11920); + tenant_list_tuple(); + setState(11921); + opt_tablet_id(); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(11923); + tenant_list_tuple(); + setState(11924); + ls(); + setState(11925); + opt_tablet_id(); + } + } + break; + case 3: + { + setState(11927); + opt_tablet_id_no_empty(); + } + break; + } + setState(11933); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==REBUILD) { + { + setState(11930); + match(REBUILD); + setState(11931); + match(COLUMN); + setState(11932); + match(GROUP); + } + } + + } + break; + case 20: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 20); + { + setState(11935); + match(ALTER); + setState(11936); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11937); + match(CHECKPOINT); + } + break; + case 21: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 21); + { + setState(11938); + match(ALTER); + setState(11939); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11940); + match(MINOR); + setState(11941); + match(FREEZE); + setState(11950); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1268,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(11942); + tenant_list_tuple(); + setState(11943); + opt_tablet_id(); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(11945); + tenant_list_tuple(); + setState(11946); + ls(); + setState(11947); + opt_tablet_id(); + } + } + break; + case 3: + { + setState(11949); + opt_tablet_id_no_empty(); + } + break; + } + setState(11958); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SERVER) { + { + setState(11952); + match(SERVER); + setState(11953); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(11954); + match(LeftParen); + setState(11955); + server_list(); + setState(11956); + match(RightParen); + } + } + + setState(11961); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ZONE) { + { + setState(11960); + zone_desc(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 22: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 22); + { + setState(11963); + match(ALTER); + setState(11964); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11965); + match(ARCHIVELOG); + setState(11970); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(11966); + match(TENANT); + setState(11967); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(11968); + tenant_name_list(); + } + } + + setState(11976); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DESCRIPTION) { + { + setState(11972); + match(DESCRIPTION); + setState(11973); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(11974); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 23: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 23); + { + setState(11978); + match(ALTER); + setState(11979); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11980); + match(NOARCHIVELOG); + setState(11985); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(11981); + match(TENANT); + setState(11982); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(11983); + tenant_name_list(); + } + } + + setState(11991); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DESCRIPTION) { + { + setState(11987); + match(DESCRIPTION); + setState(11988); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(11989); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 24: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 24); + { + setState(11993); + match(ALTER); + setState(11994); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(11995); + match(BACKUP); + setState(11996); + match(DATABASE); + setState(12001); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TO) { + { + setState(11997); + match(TO); + setState(11998); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(11999); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + setState(12007); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DESCRIPTION) { + { + setState(12003); + match(DESCRIPTION); + setState(12004); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12005); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 25: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 25); + { + setState(12009); + match(ALTER); + setState(12010); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12011); + match(BACKUP); + setState(12012); + match(INCREMENTAL); + setState(12013); + match(DATABASE); + setState(12018); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TO) { + { + setState(12014); + match(TO); + setState(12015); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12016); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + setState(12024); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DESCRIPTION) { + { + setState(12020); + match(DESCRIPTION); + setState(12021); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12022); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 26: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 26); + { + setState(12026); + match(ALTER); + setState(12027); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12028); + match(BACKUP); + setState(12029); + match(DATABASE); + setState(12034); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TO) { + { + setState(12030); + match(TO); + setState(12031); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12032); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + setState(12036); + match(PLUS); + setState(12037); + match(ARCHIVELOG); + setState(12042); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DESCRIPTION) { + { + setState(12038); + match(DESCRIPTION); + setState(12039); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12040); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 27: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 27); + { + setState(12044); + match(ALTER); + setState(12045); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12046); + match(BACKUP); + setState(12047); + match(INCREMENTAL); + setState(12048); + match(DATABASE); + setState(12053); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TO) { + { + setState(12049); + match(TO); + setState(12050); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12051); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + setState(12055); + match(PLUS); + setState(12056); + match(ARCHIVELOG); + setState(12061); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DESCRIPTION) { + { + setState(12057); + match(DESCRIPTION); + setState(12058); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12059); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 28: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 28); + { + setState(12063); + match(ALTER); + setState(12064); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12065); + match(BACKUP); + setState(12066); + match(KEY); + setState(12071); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TO) { + { + setState(12067); + match(TO); + setState(12068); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12069); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + setState(12076); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ENCRYPTED) { + { + setState(12073); + match(ENCRYPTED); + setState(12074); + match(BY); + setState(12075); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 29: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 29); + { + setState(12078); + match(ALTER); + setState(12079); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12080); + alter_or_change_or_modify(); + setState(12081); + match(EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST); + setState(12082); + opt_path_info(); + setState(12084); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SET) { + { + setState(12083); + match(SET); + } + } + + setState(12090); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ACCESS_INFO) { + { + setState(12086); + match(ACCESS_INFO); + setState(12087); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12088); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + setState(12096); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ATTRIBUTE) { + { + setState(12092); + match(ATTRIBUTE); + setState(12093); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12094); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 30: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 30); + { + setState(12098); + match(ALTER); + setState(12099); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12100); + match(CANCEL); + setState(12101); + match(BACKUP); + setState(12106); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(12102); + match(TENANT); + setState(12103); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12104); + tenant_name_list(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 31: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 31); + { + setState(12108); + match(SET); + setState(12109); + match(ENCRYPTION); + setState(12110); + match(ON); + setState(12111); + match(IDENTIFIED); + setState(12112); + match(BY); + setState(12113); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(12114); + match(ONLY); + } + break; + case 32: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 32); + { + setState(12115); + match(ALTER); + setState(12116); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12117); + match(CANCEL); + setState(12118); + match(DELETE); + setState(12119); + match(BACKUP); + setState(12124); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(12120); + match(TENANT); + setState(12121); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12122); + tenant_name_list(); + } + } + + setState(12130); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DESCRIPTION) { + { + setState(12126); + match(DESCRIPTION); + setState(12127); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12128); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 33: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 33); + { + setState(12132); + match(ALTER); + setState(12133); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12134); + match(ADD); + setState(12135); + match(DELETE); + setState(12136); + match(BACKUP); + setState(12137); + policy_name(); + setState(12142); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==RECOVERY_WINDOW) { + { + setState(12138); + match(RECOVERY_WINDOW); + setState(12139); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12140); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + setState(12148); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==REDUNDANCY) { + { + setState(12144); + match(REDUNDANCY); + setState(12145); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12146); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + + setState(12154); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==BACKUP_COPIES) { + { + setState(12150); + match(BACKUP_COPIES); + setState(12151); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12152); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + + setState(12160); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(12156); + match(TENANT); + setState(12157); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12158); + tenant_name_list(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 34: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 34); + { + setState(12162); + match(ALTER); + setState(12163); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12164); + match(DROP); + setState(12165); + match(DELETE); + setState(12166); + match(BACKUP); + setState(12167); + policy_name(); + setState(12172); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(12168); + match(TENANT); + setState(12169); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12170); + tenant_name_list(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 35: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 35); + { + setState(12174); + match(ALTER); + setState(12175); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12176); + match(CLEAR); + setState(12177); + match(ROOTTABLE); + setState(12179); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(12178); + tenant_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 36: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 36); + { + setState(12181); + match(ALTER); + setState(12182); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12183); + server_action(); + setState(12184); + match(SERVER); + setState(12185); + server_list(); + setState(12187); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ZONE) { + { + setState(12186); + zone_desc(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 37: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 37); + { + setState(12189); + match(ALTER); + setState(12190); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12191); + match(ADD); + setState(12192); + match(ZONE); + setState(12193); + relation_name_or_string(); + setState(12194); + add_or_alter_zone_options(0); + } + break; + case 38: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 38); + { + setState(12196); + match(ALTER); + setState(12197); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12198); + zone_action(); + setState(12199); + match(ZONE); + setState(12200); + relation_name_or_string(); + } + break; + case 39: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 39); + { + setState(12202); + match(ALTER); + setState(12203); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12204); + alter_or_change_or_modify(); + setState(12205); + match(ZONE); + setState(12206); + relation_name_or_string(); + setState(12208); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1298,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(12207); + match(SET); + } + break; + } + setState(12210); + add_or_alter_zone_options(0); + } + break; + case 40: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 40); + { + setState(12212); + match(ALTER); + setState(12213); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12214); + match(REFRESH); + setState(12215); + match(SCHEMA); + setState(12217); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==HOST || _la==SERVER || _la==ZONE) { + { + setState(12216); + server_or_zone(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 41: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 41); + { + setState(12219); + match(ALTER); + setState(12220); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12221); + match(SET_TP); + setState(12222); + alter_system_settp_actions(0); + } + break; + case 42: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 42); + { + setState(12223); + match(ALTER); + setState(12224); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12225); + match(CLEAR); + setState(12226); + match(LOCATION); + setState(12227); + match(CACHE); + setState(12229); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==HOST || _la==SERVER || _la==ZONE) { + { + setState(12228); + server_or_zone(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 43: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 43); + { + setState(12231); + match(ALTER); + setState(12232); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12233); + match(REMOVE); + setState(12234); + match(BALANCE); + setState(12235); + match(TASK); + setState(12239); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(12236); + match(TENANT); + setState(12237); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(12238); + tenant_name_list(); + } + } + + setState(12244); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ZONE) { + { + setState(12241); + match(ZONE); + setState(12242); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(12243); + zone_list(); + } + } + + setState(12250); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TYPE) { + { + setState(12246); + match(TYPE); + setState(12247); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12248); + balance_task_type(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 44: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 44); + { + setState(12252); + match(ALTER); + setState(12253); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12254); + match(RELOAD); + setState(12255); + match(GTS); + } + break; + case 45: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 45); + { + setState(12256); + match(ALTER); + setState(12257); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12258); + match(RELOAD); + setState(12259); + match(UNIT); + } + break; + case 46: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 46); + { + setState(12260); + match(ALTER); + setState(12261); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12262); + match(RELOAD); + setState(12263); + match(SERVER); + } + break; + case 47: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 47); + { + setState(12264); + match(ALTER); + setState(12265); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12266); + match(RELOAD); + setState(12267); + match(ZONE); + } + break; + case 48: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 48); + { + setState(12268); + match(ALTER); + setState(12269); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12270); + match(MIGRATE); + setState(12271); + match(UNIT); + setState(12273); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12272); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12275); + match(INTNUM); + setState(12276); + match(DESTINATION); + setState(12278); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12277); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12280); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case 49: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 49); + { + setState(12281); + match(ALTER); + setState(12282); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12283); + match(CANCEL); + setState(12284); + match(MIGRATE); + setState(12285); + match(UNIT); + setState(12286); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case 50: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 50); + { + setState(12287); + match(ALTER); + setState(12288); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12289); + match(ADD); + setState(12290); + match(REPLICA); + setState(12291); + ls(); + setState(12292); + match(SERVER); + setState(12294); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12293); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12296); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(12297); + match(REPLICA_TYPE); + setState(12299); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12298); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12301); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(12306); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DATA_SOURCE) { + { + setState(12302); + match(DATA_SOURCE); + setState(12303); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12304); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + setState(12312); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) { + { + setState(12308); + match(PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM); + setState(12309); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12310); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + + setState(12315); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(12314); + tenant_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 51: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 51); + { + setState(12317); + match(ALTER); + setState(12318); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12319); + match(REMOVE); + setState(12320); + match(REPLICA); + setState(12321); + ls(); + setState(12322); + match(SERVER); + setState(12324); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12323); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12326); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(12331); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) { + { + setState(12327); + match(PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM); + setState(12328); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12329); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + + setState(12334); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(12333); + tenant_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 52: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 52); + { + setState(12336); + match(ALTER); + setState(12337); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12338); + match(MIGRATE); + setState(12339); + match(REPLICA); + setState(12340); + ls(); + setState(12341); + match(SOURCE); + setState(12343); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12342); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12345); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(12346); + match(DESTINATION); + setState(12348); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12347); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12350); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(12355); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DATA_SOURCE) { + { + setState(12351); + match(DATA_SOURCE); + setState(12352); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12353); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + setState(12358); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(12357); + tenant_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 53: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 53); + { + setState(12360); + match(ALTER); + setState(12361); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12362); + match(MODIFY); + setState(12363); + match(REPLICA); + setState(12364); + ls(); + setState(12365); + match(SERVER); + setState(12367); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12366); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12369); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(12370); + match(REPLICA_TYPE); + setState(12372); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12371); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12374); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(12379); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) { + { + setState(12375); + match(PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM); + setState(12376); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12377); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + + setState(12382); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(12381); + tenant_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 54: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 54); + { + setState(12384); + match(ALTER); + setState(12385); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12386); + match(MODIFY); + setState(12387); + ls(); + setState(12388); + match(PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM); + setState(12390); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12389); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12392); + match(INTNUM); + setState(12394); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(12393); + tenant_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 55: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 55); + { + setState(12396); + match(ALTER); + setState(12397); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12398); + match(CANCEL); + setState(12399); + match(REPLICA); + setState(12400); + match(TASK); + setState(12401); + match(TASK_ID); + setState(12403); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12402); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12405); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(12407); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(12406); + tenant_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 56: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 56); + { + setState(12409); + match(ALTER); + setState(12410); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12411); + match(UPGRADE); + setState(12412); + match(VIRTUAL); + setState(12413); + match(SCHEMA); + } + break; + case 57: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 57); + { + setState(12414); + match(ALTER); + setState(12415); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12416); + match(RUN); + setState(12417); + match(JOB); + setState(12418); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(12420); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==HOST || _la==SERVER || _la==ZONE) { + { + setState(12419); + server_or_zone(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 58: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 58); + { + setState(12422); + match(ALTER); + setState(12423); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12424); + upgrade_action(); + setState(12425); + match(UPGRADE); + } + break; + case 59: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 59); + { + setState(12427); + match(ALTER); + setState(12428); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12429); + match(REFRESH); + setState(12430); + match(TIME_ZONE_INFO); + } + break; + case 60: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 60); + { + setState(12431); + match(ALTER); + setState(12432); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12433); + match(ENABLE); + setState(12434); + match(SQL); + setState(12435); + match(THROTTLE); + setState(12440); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FOR) { + { + setState(12436); + match(FOR); + setState(12437); + match(PRIORITY); + setState(12438); + match(COMP_LE); + setState(12439); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + + setState(12442); + opt_sql_throttle_using_cond(); + } + break; + case 61: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 61); + { + setState(12443); + match(ALTER); + setState(12444); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12445); + match(DISABLE); + setState(12446); + match(SQL); + setState(12447); + match(THROTTLE); + } + break; + case 62: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 62); + { + setState(12448); + match(ALTER); + setState(12449); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12450); + match(SET); + setState(12451); + match(DISK); + setState(12452); + match(VALID); + setState(12453); + ip_port(); + } + break; + case 63: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 63); + { + setState(12454); + match(ALTER); + setState(12455); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12456); + match(DROP); + setState(12457); + match(TABLES); + setState(12458); + match(IN); + setState(12459); + match(SESSION); + setState(12460); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case 64: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 64); + { + setState(12461); + match(ALTER); + setState(12462); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12463); + match(REFRESH); + setState(12464); + match(TABLES); + setState(12465); + match(IN); + setState(12466); + match(SESSION); + setState(12467); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case 65: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 65); + { + setState(12468); + match(ALTER); + setState(12469); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12470); + match(SET); + setState(12471); + alter_system_set_clause_list(); + } + break; + case 66: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 66); + { + setState(12472); + match(ALTER); + setState(12473); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12474); + match(KILL); + setState(12475); + match(SESSION); + setState(12476); + bit_expr(0); + setState(12477); + match(IMMEDIATE); + } + break; + case 67: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 67); + { + setState(12479); + match(ALTER); + setState(12480); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12481); + match(KILL); + setState(12482); + match(SESSION); + setState(12483); + bit_expr(0); + } + break; + case 68: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 68); + { + setState(12484); + match(ALTER); + setState(12485); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(12486); + match(RESET); + setState(12487); + alter_system_reset_clause_list(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } + public Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext sql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics() { + return getRuleContext(Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_sql_throttle_using_cond; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_sql_throttle_using_cond(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_sql_throttle_using_cond(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext opt_sql_throttle_using_cond() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext _localctx = new Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1328, RULE_opt_sql_throttle_using_cond); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12490); + match(USING); + setState(12491); + sql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Sql_throttle_metricContext sql_throttle_metric() { + return getRuleContext(Sql_throttle_metricContext.class,0); + } + public Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext sql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics() { + return getRuleContext(Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext.class,0); + } + public Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics(this); + } + } + + public final Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext sql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics() throws RecognitionException { + Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext _localctx = new Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1330, RULE_sql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12493); + sql_throttle_metric(); + setState(12495); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==QUEUE_TIME || _la==IO || _la==RT || _la==CPU || _la==LOGICAL_READS || _la==NETWORK) { + { + setState(12494); + sql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Sql_throttle_metricContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Int_or_decimalContext int_or_decimal() { + return getRuleContext(Int_or_decimalContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode CPU() { return getToken(OBParser.CPU, 0); } + public TerminalNode RT() { return getToken(OBParser.RT, 0); } + public TerminalNode NETWORK() { return getToken(OBParser.NETWORK, 0); } + public TerminalNode QUEUE_TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.QUEUE_TIME, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode IO() { return getToken(OBParser.IO, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOGICAL_READS() { return getToken(OBParser.LOGICAL_READS, 0); } + public Sql_throttle_metricContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sql_throttle_metric; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSql_throttle_metric(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSql_throttle_metric(this); + } + } + + public final Sql_throttle_metricContext sql_throttle_metric() throws RecognitionException { + Sql_throttle_metricContext _localctx = new Sql_throttle_metricContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1332, RULE_sql_throttle_metric); + int _la; + try { + setState(12506); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUEUE_TIME: + case RT: + case CPU: + case NETWORK: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12499); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case RT: + case CPU: + { + setState(12497); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==RT || _la==CPU) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + case QUEUE_TIME: + case NETWORK: + { + setState(12498); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==QUEUE_TIME || _la==NETWORK) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(12501); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(12502); + int_or_decimal(); + } + break; + case IO: + case LOGICAL_READS: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(12503); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==IO || _la==LOGICAL_READS) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(12504); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(12505); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_system_set_clause_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List alter_system_set_clause() { + return getRuleContexts(Alter_system_set_clauseContext.class); + } + public Alter_system_set_clauseContext alter_system_set_clause(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Alter_system_set_clauseContext.class,i); + } + public Alter_system_set_clause_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_system_set_clause_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_system_set_clause_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_system_set_clause_list(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_system_set_clause_listContext alter_system_set_clause_list() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_system_set_clause_listContext _localctx = new Alter_system_set_clause_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1334, RULE_alter_system_set_clause_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12509); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + do { + { + { + setState(12508); + alter_system_set_clause(); + } + } + setState(12511); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } while ( (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || _la==A_ || _la==NAME_OB ); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_system_set_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Set_system_parameter_clauseContext set_system_parameter_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Set_system_parameter_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_system_set_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_system_set_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_system_set_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_system_set_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_system_set_clauseContext alter_system_set_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_system_set_clauseContext _localctx = new Alter_system_set_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1336, RULE_alter_system_set_clause); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12513); + set_system_parameter_clause(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List alter_system_reset_clause() { + return getRuleContexts(Alter_system_reset_clauseContext.class); + } + public Alter_system_reset_clauseContext alter_system_reset_clause(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Alter_system_reset_clauseContext.class,i); + } + public Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_system_reset_clause_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_system_reset_clause_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_system_reset_clause_list(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext alter_system_reset_clause_list() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext _localctx = new Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1338, RULE_alter_system_reset_clause_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12516); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + do { + { + { + setState(12515); + alter_system_reset_clause(); + } + } + setState(12518); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } while ( (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || _la==A_ || _la==NAME_OB ); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_system_reset_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext reset_system_parameter_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_system_reset_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_system_reset_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_system_reset_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_system_reset_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_system_reset_clauseContext alter_system_reset_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_system_reset_clauseContext _localctx = new Alter_system_reset_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1340, RULE_alter_system_reset_clause); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12520); + reset_system_parameter_clause(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Set_system_parameter_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Var_nameContext var_name() { + return getRuleContext(Var_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Conf_exprContext conf_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Conf_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Set_system_parameter_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_system_parameter_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_system_parameter_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_system_parameter_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Set_system_parameter_clauseContext set_system_parameter_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Set_system_parameter_clauseContext _localctx = new Set_system_parameter_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1342, RULE_set_system_parameter_clause); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12522); + var_name(); + setState(12523); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(12524); + conf_expr(0); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Var_nameContext var_name() { + return getRuleContext(Var_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_reset_system_parameter_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterReset_system_parameter_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitReset_system_parameter_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext reset_system_parameter_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext _localctx = new Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1344, RULE_reset_system_parameter_clause); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12526); + var_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Cache_type_or_stringContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Cache_typeContext cache_type() { + return getRuleContext(Cache_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public Cache_type_or_stringContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cache_type_or_string; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCache_type_or_string(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCache_type_or_string(this); + } + } + + public final Cache_type_or_stringContext cache_type_or_string() throws RecognitionException { + Cache_type_or_stringContext _localctx = new Cache_type_or_stringContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1346, RULE_cache_type_or_string); + try { + setState(12530); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ALL: + case ROW: + case LIB: + case SCHEMA: + case LOCATION: + case PLAN: + case CLOG: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case BLOCK: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12528); + cache_type(); + } + break; + case NAME_OB: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(12529); + match(NAME_OB); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Cache_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOCATION() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode CLOG() { return getToken(OBParser.CLOG, 0); } + public TerminalNode ILOG() { return getToken(OBParser.ILOG, 0); } + public TerminalNode COLUMN_STAT() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN_STAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode BLOCK_INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOCK_INDEX, 0); } + public TerminalNode BLOCK() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOCK, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROW() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW, 0); } + public TerminalNode BLOOM_FILTER() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOOM_FILTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SCHEMA() { return getToken(OBParser.SCHEMA, 0); } + public TerminalNode PLAN() { return getToken(OBParser.PLAN, 0); } + public TerminalNode LIB() { return getToken(OBParser.LIB, 0); } + public Cache_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cache_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCache_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCache_type(this); + } + } + + public final Cache_typeContext cache_type() throws RecognitionException { + Cache_typeContext _localctx = new Cache_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1348, RULE_cache_type); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12532); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==ROW || _la==LIB || _la==SCHEMA || _la==LOCATION || _la==PLAN || _la==CLOG || ((((_la - 1010)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1010)) & ((1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 1010)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 1010)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1010)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1010)))) != 0) || _la==BLOCK) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Balance_task_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode AUTO() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTO, 0); } + public TerminalNode MANUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.MANUAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public Balance_task_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_balance_task_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterBalance_task_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitBalance_task_type(this); + } + } + + public final Balance_task_typeContext balance_task_type() throws RecognitionException { + Balance_task_typeContext _localctx = new Balance_task_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1350, RULE_balance_task_type); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12534); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==MANUAL || _la==AUTO) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Tenant_list_tupleContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Tenant_name_listContext tenant_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Tenant_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Tenant_list_tupleContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tenant_list_tuple; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTenant_list_tuple(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTenant_list_tuple(this); + } + } + + public final Tenant_list_tupleContext tenant_list_tuple() throws RecognitionException { + Tenant_list_tupleContext _localctx = new Tenant_list_tupleContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1352, RULE_tenant_list_tuple); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12536); + match(TENANT); + setState(12538); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12537); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12540); + match(LeftParen); + setState(12541); + tenant_name_list(); + setState(12542); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } + public Tenant_name_listContext tenant_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Tenant_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tenant_list_tuple_v2; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTenant_list_tuple_v2(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTenant_list_tuple_v2(this); + } + } + + public final Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context tenant_list_tuple_v2() throws RecognitionException { + Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context _localctx = new Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1354, RULE_tenant_list_tuple_v2); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12544); + match(TENANT); + setState(12546); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12545); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12548); + tenant_name_list(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Tenant_name_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List relation_name_or_string() { + return getRuleContexts(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class); + } + public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Tenant_name_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tenant_name_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTenant_name_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTenant_name_list(this); + } + } + + public final Tenant_name_listContext tenant_name_list() throws RecognitionException { + Tenant_name_listContext _localctx = new Tenant_name_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1356, RULE_tenant_name_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12550); + relation_name_or_string(); + setState(12555); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(12551); + match(Comma); + setState(12552); + relation_name_or_string(); + } + } + setState(12557); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_path_infoContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PATH() { return getToken(OBParser.PATH, 0); } + public Opt_equal_markContext opt_equal_mark() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_equal_markContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public Opt_path_infoContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_path_info; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_path_info(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_path_info(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_path_infoContext opt_path_info() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_path_infoContext _localctx = new Opt_path_infoContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1358, RULE_opt_path_info); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12558); + match(PATH); + setState(12559); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(12560); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Policy_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode POLICY() { return getToken(OBParser.POLICY, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Policy_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_policy_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPolicy_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPolicy_name(this); + } + } + + public final Policy_nameContext policy_name() throws RecognitionException { + Policy_nameContext _localctx = new Policy_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1360, RULE_policy_name); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12562); + match(POLICY); + setState(12564); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12563); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12566); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Flush_scopeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode GLOBAL() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL, 0); } + public Flush_scopeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_flush_scope; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFlush_scope(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFlush_scope(this); + } + } + + public final Flush_scopeContext flush_scope() throws RecognitionException { + Flush_scopeContext _localctx = new Flush_scopeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1362, RULE_flush_scope); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12569); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==GLOBAL) { + { + setState(12568); + match(GLOBAL); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Server_info_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List server_info() { + return getRuleContexts(Server_infoContext.class); + } + public Server_infoContext server_info(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Server_infoContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Server_info_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_server_info_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterServer_info_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitServer_info_list(this); + } + } + + public final Server_info_listContext server_info_list() throws RecognitionException { + Server_info_listContext _localctx = new Server_info_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1364, RULE_server_info_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12571); + server_info(); + setState(12576); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(12572); + match(Comma); + setState(12573); + server_info(); + } + } + setState(12578); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Server_infoContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode REGION() { return getToken(OBParser.REGION, 0); } + public List relation_name_or_string() { + return getRuleContexts(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class); + } + public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SERVER() { return getToken(OBParser.SERVER, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public List COMP_EQ() { return getTokens(OBParser.COMP_EQ); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, i); + } + public Server_infoContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_server_info; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterServer_info(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitServer_info(this); + } + } + + public final Server_infoContext server_info() throws RecognitionException { + Server_infoContext _localctx = new Server_infoContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1366, RULE_server_info); + int _la; + try { + setState(12606); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case REGION: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12579); + match(REGION); + setState(12581); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12580); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12583); + relation_name_or_string(); + setState(12584); + match(ZONE); + setState(12586); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12585); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12588); + relation_name_or_string(); + setState(12589); + match(SERVER); + setState(12591); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12590); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12593); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case ZONE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(12595); + match(ZONE); + setState(12597); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12596); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12599); + relation_name_or_string(); + setState(12600); + match(SERVER); + setState(12602); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12601); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12604); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Server_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } + public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CANCEL() { return getToken(OBParser.CANCEL, 0); } + public TerminalNode START() { return getToken(OBParser.START, 0); } + public TerminalNode STOP() { return getToken(OBParser.STOP, 0); } + public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } + public Server_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_server_action; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterServer_action(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitServer_action(this); + } + } + + public final Server_actionContext server_action() throws RecognitionException { + Server_actionContext _localctx = new Server_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1368, RULE_server_action); + int _la; + try { + setState(12618); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ADD: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12608); + match(ADD); + } + break; + case DELETE: + case CANCEL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(12610); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==CANCEL) { + { + setState(12609); + match(CANCEL); + } + } + + setState(12612); + match(DELETE); + } + break; + case START: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(12613); + match(START); + } + break; + case FORCE: + case STOP: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(12615); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FORCE) { + { + setState(12614); + match(FORCE); + } + } + + setState(12617); + match(STOP); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Server_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List STRING_VALUE() { return getTokens(OBParser.STRING_VALUE); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Server_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_server_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterServer_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitServer_list(this); + } + } + + public final Server_listContext server_list() throws RecognitionException { + Server_listContext _localctx = new Server_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1370, RULE_server_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12620); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(12625); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(12621); + match(Comma); + setState(12622); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + setState(12627); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Zone_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } + public TerminalNode START() { return getToken(OBParser.START, 0); } + public TerminalNode STOP() { return getToken(OBParser.STOP, 0); } + public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } + public Zone_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_zone_action; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterZone_action(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitZone_action(this); + } + } + + public final Zone_actionContext zone_action() throws RecognitionException { + Zone_actionContext _localctx = new Zone_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1372, RULE_zone_action); + int _la; + try { + setState(12634); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case DELETE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12628); + match(DELETE); + } + break; + case START: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(12629); + match(START); + } + break; + case FORCE: + case STOP: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(12631); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FORCE) { + { + setState(12630); + match(FORCE); + } + } + + setState(12633); + match(STOP); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Ip_portContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SERVER() { return getToken(OBParser.SERVER, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode HOST() { return getToken(OBParser.HOST, 0); } + public Ip_portContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_ip_port; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterIp_port(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitIp_port(this); + } + } + + public final Ip_portContext ip_port() throws RecognitionException { + Ip_portContext _localctx = new Ip_portContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1374, RULE_ip_port); + int _la; + try { + setState(12643); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case SERVER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12636); + match(SERVER); + setState(12638); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12637); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12640); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case HOST: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(12641); + match(HOST); + setState(12642); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Zone_descContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE, 0); } + public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Zone_descContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_zone_desc; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterZone_desc(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitZone_desc(this); + } + } + + public final Zone_descContext zone_desc() throws RecognitionException { + Zone_descContext _localctx = new Zone_descContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1376, RULE_zone_desc); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12645); + match(ZONE); + setState(12647); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12646); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12649); + relation_name_or_string(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Server_or_zoneContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Ip_portContext ip_port() { + return getRuleContext(Ip_portContext.class,0); + } + public Zone_descContext zone_desc() { + return getRuleContext(Zone_descContext.class,0); + } + public Server_or_zoneContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_server_or_zone; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterServer_or_zone(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitServer_or_zone(this); + } + } + + public final Server_or_zoneContext server_or_zone() throws RecognitionException { + Server_or_zoneContext _localctx = new Server_or_zoneContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1378, RULE_server_or_zone); + try { + setState(12653); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case HOST: + case SERVER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12651); + ip_port(); + } + break; + case ZONE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(12652); + zone_desc(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode REGION() { return getToken(OBParser.REGION, 0); } + public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode IDC() { return getToken(OBParser.IDC, 0); } + public TerminalNode ZONE_TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE_TYPE, 0); } + public Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_add_or_alter_zone_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAdd_or_alter_zone_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAdd_or_alter_zone_option(this); + } + } + + public final Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext add_or_alter_zone_option() throws RecognitionException { + Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext _localctx = new Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1380, RULE_add_or_alter_zone_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(12670); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case REGION: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12655); + match(REGION); + setState(12657); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12656); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12659); + relation_name_or_string(); + } + break; + case IDC: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(12660); + match(IDC); + setState(12662); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12661); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12664); + relation_name_or_string(); + } + break; + case ZONE_TYPE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(12665); + match(ZONE_TYPE); + setState(12667); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12666); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12669); + relation_name_or_string(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext add_or_alter_zone_option() { + return getRuleContext(Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext.class,0); + } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext add_or_alter_zone_options() { + return getRuleContext(Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_add_or_alter_zone_options; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAdd_or_alter_zone_options(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAdd_or_alter_zone_options(this); + } + } + + public final Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext add_or_alter_zone_options() throws RecognitionException { + return add_or_alter_zone_options(0); + } + + private Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext add_or_alter_zone_options(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext _localctx = new Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 1382; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 1382, RULE_add_or_alter_zone_options, _p); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12675); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1361,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(12673); + add_or_alter_zone_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(12674); + empty(); + } + break; + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(12682); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1362,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + { + _localctx = new Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_add_or_alter_zone_options); + setState(12677); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); + setState(12678); + match(Comma); + setState(12679); + add_or_alter_zone_option(); + } + } + } + setState(12684); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1362,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode CHANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.CHANGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MODIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.MODIFY, 0); } + public Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_or_change_or_modify; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_or_change_or_modify(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_or_change_or_modify(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext alter_or_change_or_modify() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext _localctx = new Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1384, RULE_alter_or_change_or_modify); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12685); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ALTER || _la==MODIFY || _la==CHANGE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class LsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LS() { return getToken(OBParser.LS, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public LsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_ls; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLs(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLs(this); + } + } + + public final LsContext ls() throws RecognitionException { + LsContext _localctx = new LsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1386, RULE_ls); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12687); + match(LS); + setState(12689); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12688); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12691); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Partition_id_descContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PARTITION_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Partition_id_descContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_partition_id_desc; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPartition_id_desc(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPartition_id_desc(this); + } + } + + public final Partition_id_descContext partition_id_desc() throws RecognitionException { + Partition_id_descContext _localctx = new Partition_id_descContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1388, RULE_partition_id_desc); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12693); + match(PARTITION_ID); + setState(12695); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12694); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12697); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Partition_id_descContext partition_id_desc() { + return getRuleContext(Partition_id_descContext.class,0); + } + public Ip_portContext ip_port() { + return getRuleContext(Ip_portContext.class,0); + } + public Tenant_nameContext tenant_name() { + return getRuleContext(Tenant_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Zone_descContext zone_desc() { + return getRuleContext(Zone_descContext.class,0); + } + public Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_partition_id_or_server_or_zone; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPartition_id_or_server_or_zone(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPartition_id_or_server_or_zone(this); + } + } + + public final Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext partition_id_or_server_or_zone() throws RecognitionException { + Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext _localctx = new Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1390, RULE_partition_id_or_server_or_zone); + int _la; + try { + setState(12710); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case PARTITION_ID: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12699); + partition_id_desc(); + setState(12700); + ip_port(); + } + break; + case HOST: + case SERVER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(12702); + ip_port(); + setState(12704); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(12703); + tenant_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + case ZONE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(12706); + zone_desc(); + setState(12708); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(12707); + tenant_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Migrate_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode MOVE() { return getToken(OBParser.MOVE, 0); } + public TerminalNode COPY() { return getToken(OBParser.COPY, 0); } + public Migrate_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_migrate_action; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMigrate_action(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMigrate_action(this); + } + } + + public final Migrate_actionContext migrate_action() throws RecognitionException { + Migrate_actionContext _localctx = new Migrate_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1392, RULE_migrate_action); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12712); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==MOVE || _la==COPY) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Change_actionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Change_actionContext change_action() { + return getRuleContext(Change_actionContext.class,0); + } + public Change_actionsContext change_actions() { + return getRuleContext(Change_actionsContext.class,0); + } + public Change_actionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_change_actions; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterChange_actions(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitChange_actions(this); + } + } + + public final Change_actionsContext change_actions() throws RecognitionException { + Change_actionsContext _localctx = new Change_actionsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1394, RULE_change_actions); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12714); + change_action(); + setState(12716); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==MEMSTORE_PERCENT || _la==REPLICA_TYPE) { + { + setState(12715); + change_actions(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Change_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Replica_typeContext replica_type() { + return getRuleContext(Replica_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Memstore_percentContext memstore_percent() { + return getRuleContext(Memstore_percentContext.class,0); + } + public Change_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_change_action; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterChange_action(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitChange_action(this); + } + } + + public final Change_actionContext change_action() throws RecognitionException { + Change_actionContext _localctx = new Change_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1396, RULE_change_action); + try { + setState(12720); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case REPLICA_TYPE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12718); + replica_type(); + } + break; + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(12719); + memstore_percent(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Replica_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode REPLICA_TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICA_TYPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Replica_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_replica_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterReplica_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitReplica_type(this); + } + } + + public final Replica_typeContext replica_type() throws RecognitionException { + Replica_typeContext _localctx = new Replica_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1398, RULE_replica_type); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12722); + match(REPLICA_TYPE); + setState(12724); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12723); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12726); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Memstore_percentContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode MEMSTORE_PERCENT() { return getToken(OBParser.MEMSTORE_PERCENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Memstore_percentContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_memstore_percent; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMemstore_percent(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMemstore_percent(this); + } + } + + public final Memstore_percentContext memstore_percent() throws RecognitionException { + Memstore_percentContext _localctx = new Memstore_percentContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1400, RULE_memstore_percent); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12728); + match(MEMSTORE_PERCENT); + setState(12730); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12729); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12732); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Suspend_or_resumeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SUSPEND() { return getToken(OBParser.SUSPEND, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESUME() { return getToken(OBParser.RESUME, 0); } + public Suspend_or_resumeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_suspend_or_resume; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSuspend_or_resume(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSuspend_or_resume(this); + } + } + + public final Suspend_or_resumeContext suspend_or_resume() throws RecognitionException { + Suspend_or_resumeContext _localctx = new Suspend_or_resumeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1402, RULE_suspend_or_resume); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12734); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==SUSPEND || _la==RESUME) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Baseline_id_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode BASELINE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.BASELINE_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Baseline_id_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_baseline_id_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterBaseline_id_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitBaseline_id_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Baseline_id_exprContext baseline_id_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Baseline_id_exprContext _localctx = new Baseline_id_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1404, RULE_baseline_id_expr); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12736); + match(BASELINE_ID); + setState(12738); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12737); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12740); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Sql_id_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SQL_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Sql_id_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sql_id_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSql_id_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSql_id_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Sql_id_exprContext sql_id_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Sql_id_exprContext _localctx = new Sql_id_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1406, RULE_sql_id_expr); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12742); + match(SQL_ID); + setState(12744); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12743); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12746); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Baseline_asgn_factorContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public LiteralContext literal() { + return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); + } + public Baseline_asgn_factorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_baseline_asgn_factor; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterBaseline_asgn_factor(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitBaseline_asgn_factor(this); + } + } + + public final Baseline_asgn_factorContext baseline_asgn_factor() throws RecognitionException { + Baseline_asgn_factorContext _localctx = new Baseline_asgn_factorContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1408, RULE_baseline_asgn_factor); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12748); + column_name(); + setState(12749); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(12750); + literal(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Tenant_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } + public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Tenant_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tenant_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTenant_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTenant_name(this); + } + } + + public final Tenant_nameContext tenant_name() throws RecognitionException { + Tenant_nameContext _localctx = new Tenant_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1410, RULE_tenant_name); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12752); + match(TENANT); + setState(12754); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12753); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12756); + relation_name_or_string(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Namespace_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NAMESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.NAMESPACE, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Namespace_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_namespace_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNamespace_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNamespace_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Namespace_exprContext namespace_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Namespace_exprContext _localctx = new Namespace_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1412, RULE_namespace_expr); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12758); + match(NAMESPACE); + setState(12760); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12759); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12762); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Cache_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.CACHE, 0); } + public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Cache_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cache_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCache_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCache_name(this); + } + } + + public final Cache_nameContext cache_name() throws RecognitionException { + Cache_nameContext _localctx = new Cache_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1414, RULE_cache_name); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12764); + match(CACHE); + setState(12766); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12765); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12768); + relation_name_or_string(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class File_idContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode FILE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.FILE_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public File_idContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_file_id; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFile_id(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFile_id(this); + } + } + + public final File_idContext file_id() throws RecognitionException { + File_idContext _localctx = new File_idContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1416, RULE_file_id); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12770); + match(FILE_ID); + setState(12772); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12771); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12774); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Cancel_task_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode MIGRATION() { return getToken(OBParser.MIGRATION, 0); } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Cancel_task_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cancel_task_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCancel_task_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCancel_task_type(this); + } + } + + public final Cancel_task_typeContext cancel_task_type() throws RecognitionException { + Cancel_task_typeContext _localctx = new Cancel_task_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1418, RULE_cancel_task_type); + try { + setState(12779); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case PARTITION: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12776); + match(PARTITION); + setState(12777); + match(MIGRATION); + } + break; + case TASK: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(12778); + empty(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_system_settp_actionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Settp_optionContext settp_option() { + return getRuleContext(Settp_optionContext.class,0); + } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_system_settp_actionsContext alter_system_settp_actions() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_system_settp_actionsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Alter_system_settp_actionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_system_settp_actions; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_system_settp_actions(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_system_settp_actions(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_system_settp_actionsContext alter_system_settp_actions() throws RecognitionException { + return alter_system_settp_actions(0); + } + + private Alter_system_settp_actionsContext alter_system_settp_actions(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Alter_system_settp_actionsContext _localctx = new Alter_system_settp_actionsContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Alter_system_settp_actionsContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 1420; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 1420, RULE_alter_system_settp_actions, _p); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12784); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1379,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(12782); + settp_option(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(12783); + empty(); + } + break; + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(12791); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1380,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + { + _localctx = new Alter_system_settp_actionsContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_alter_system_settp_actions); + setState(12786); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); + setState(12787); + match(Comma); + setState(12788); + settp_option(); + } + } + } + setState(12793); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1380,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Settp_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode TP_NO() { return getToken(OBParser.TP_NO, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public TerminalNode TP_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.TP_NAME, 0); } + public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode OCCUR() { return getToken(OBParser.OCCUR, 0); } + public TerminalNode FREQUENCY() { return getToken(OBParser.FREQUENCY, 0); } + public TerminalNode ERROR_CODE() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_CODE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MATCH() { return getToken(OBParser.MATCH, 0); } + public Settp_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_settp_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSettp_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSettp_option(this); + } + } + + public final Settp_optionContext settp_option() throws RecognitionException { + Settp_optionContext _localctx = new Settp_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1422, RULE_settp_option); + int _la; + try { + setState(12824); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case TP_NO: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12794); + match(TP_NO); + setState(12796); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12795); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12798); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case TP_NAME: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(12799); + match(TP_NAME); + setState(12801); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12800); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12803); + relation_name_or_string(); + } + break; + case OCCUR: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(12804); + match(OCCUR); + setState(12806); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12805); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12808); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case FREQUENCY: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(12809); + match(FREQUENCY); + setState(12811); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12810); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12813); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case ERROR_CODE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(12814); + match(ERROR_CODE); + setState(12816); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12815); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12818); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case MATCH: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(12819); + match(MATCH); + setState(12821); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(12820); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(12823); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Partition_roleContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LEADER() { return getToken(OBParser.LEADER, 0); } + public TerminalNode FOLLOWER() { return getToken(OBParser.FOLLOWER, 0); } + public Partition_roleContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_partition_role; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPartition_role(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPartition_role(this); + } + } + + public final Partition_roleContext partition_role() throws RecognitionException { + Partition_roleContext _localctx = new Partition_roleContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1424, RULE_partition_role); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12826); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==FOLLOWER || _la==LEADER) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Upgrade_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode BEGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.BEGIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode END() { return getToken(OBParser.END, 0); } + public Upgrade_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_upgrade_action; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUpgrade_action(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUpgrade_action(this); + } + } + + public final Upgrade_actionContext upgrade_action() throws RecognitionException { + Upgrade_actionContext _localctx = new Upgrade_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1426, RULE_upgrade_action); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12828); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==BEGIN || _la==END) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_session_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION, 0); } + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public TerminalNode CURRENT_SCHEMA() { return getToken(OBParser.CURRENT_SCHEMA, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Current_schemaContext current_schema() { + return getRuleContext(Current_schemaContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ISOLATION_LEVEL() { return getToken(OBParser.ISOLATION_LEVEL, 0); } + public Session_isolation_levelContext session_isolation_level() { + return getRuleContext(Session_isolation_levelContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_session_set_clauseContext alter_session_set_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_session_set_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } + public Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext var_name_of_forced_module() { + return getRuleContext(Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PARALLEL() { return getToken(OBParser.PARALLEL, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public Switch_optionContext switch_option() { + return getRuleContext(Switch_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Var_name_of_moduleContext var_name_of_module() { + return getRuleContext(Var_name_of_moduleContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_session_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_session_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_session_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_session_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_session_stmtContext alter_session_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_session_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_session_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1428, RULE_alter_session_stmt); + try { + setState(12858); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1388,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12830); + match(ALTER); + setState(12831); + match(SESSION); + setState(12832); + match(SET); + setState(12833); + match(CURRENT_SCHEMA); + setState(12834); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(12835); + current_schema(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(12836); + match(ALTER); + setState(12837); + match(SESSION); + setState(12838); + match(SET); + setState(12839); + match(ISOLATION_LEVEL); + setState(12840); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(12841); + session_isolation_level(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(12842); + match(ALTER); + setState(12843); + match(SESSION); + setState(12844); + match(SET); + setState(12845); + alter_session_set_clause(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(12846); + match(ALTER); + setState(12847); + match(SESSION); + setState(12848); + match(FORCE); + setState(12849); + var_name_of_forced_module(); + setState(12850); + match(PARALLEL); + setState(12851); + match(INTNUM); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(12853); + match(ALTER); + setState(12854); + match(SESSION); + setState(12855); + switch_option(); + setState(12856); + var_name_of_module(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PARALLEL() { return getToken(OBParser.PARALLEL, 0); } + public TerminalNode DML() { return getToken(OBParser.DML, 0); } + public TerminalNode QUERY() { return getToken(OBParser.QUERY, 0); } + public TerminalNode DDL() { return getToken(OBParser.DDL, 0); } + public Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_var_name_of_forced_module; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterVar_name_of_forced_module(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitVar_name_of_forced_module(this); + } + } + + public final Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext var_name_of_forced_module() throws RecognitionException { + Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext _localctx = new Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1430, RULE_var_name_of_forced_module); + try { + setState(12866); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1389,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12860); + match(PARALLEL); + setState(12861); + match(DML); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(12862); + match(PARALLEL); + setState(12863); + match(QUERY); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(12864); + match(PARALLEL); + setState(12865); + match(DDL); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Var_name_of_moduleContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PARALLEL() { return getToken(OBParser.PARALLEL, 0); } + public TerminalNode DML() { return getToken(OBParser.DML, 0); } + public TerminalNode QUERY() { return getToken(OBParser.QUERY, 0); } + public TerminalNode DDL() { return getToken(OBParser.DDL, 0); } + public Var_name_of_moduleContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_var_name_of_module; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterVar_name_of_module(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitVar_name_of_module(this); + } + } + + public final Var_name_of_moduleContext var_name_of_module() throws RecognitionException { + Var_name_of_moduleContext _localctx = new Var_name_of_moduleContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1432, RULE_var_name_of_module); + try { + setState(12874); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1390,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12868); + match(PARALLEL); + setState(12869); + match(DML); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(12870); + match(PARALLEL); + setState(12871); + match(QUERY); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(12872); + match(PARALLEL); + setState(12873); + match(DDL); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Switch_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ENABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ENABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DISABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.DISABLE, 0); } + public Switch_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_switch_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSwitch_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSwitch_option(this); + } + } + + public final Switch_optionContext switch_option() throws RecognitionException { + Switch_optionContext _localctx = new Switch_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1434, RULE_switch_option); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12876); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==DISABLE || _la==ENABLE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Session_isolation_levelContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Isolation_levelContext isolation_level() { + return getRuleContext(Isolation_levelContext.class,0); + } + public Session_isolation_levelContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_session_isolation_level; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSession_isolation_level(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSession_isolation_level(this); + } + } + + public final Session_isolation_levelContext session_isolation_level() throws RecognitionException { + Session_isolation_levelContext _localctx = new Session_isolation_levelContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1436, RULE_session_isolation_level); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12878); + isolation_level(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_session_set_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext set_system_parameter_clause_list() { + return getRuleContext(Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_session_set_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_session_set_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_session_set_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_session_set_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_session_set_clauseContext alter_session_set_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_session_set_clauseContext _localctx = new Alter_session_set_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1438, RULE_alter_session_set_clause); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12880); + set_system_parameter_clause_list(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List set_system_parameter_clause() { + return getRuleContexts(Set_system_parameter_clauseContext.class); + } + public Set_system_parameter_clauseContext set_system_parameter_clause(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Set_system_parameter_clauseContext.class,i); + } + public Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_system_parameter_clause_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_system_parameter_clause_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_system_parameter_clause_list(this); + } + } + + public final Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext set_system_parameter_clause_list() throws RecognitionException { + Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext _localctx = new Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1440, RULE_set_system_parameter_clause_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12883); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + do { + { + { + setState(12882); + set_system_parameter_clause(); + } + } + setState(12885); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } while ( (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || _la==A_ || _la==NAME_OB ); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Current_schemaContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Current_schemaContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_current_schema; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCurrent_schema(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCurrent_schema(this); + } + } + + public final Current_schemaContext current_schema() throws RecognitionException { + Current_schemaContext _localctx = new Current_schemaContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1442, RULE_current_schema); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12887); + relation_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Set_comment_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode COMMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } + public Normal_relation_factorContext normal_relation_factor() { + return getRuleContext(Normal_relation_factorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode IS() { return getToken(OBParser.IS, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode COLUMN() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN, 0); } + public Column_definition_refContext column_definition_ref() { + return getRuleContext(Column_definition_refContext.class,0); + } + public Set_comment_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_comment_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_comment_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_comment_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Set_comment_stmtContext set_comment_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Set_comment_stmtContext _localctx = new Set_comment_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1444, RULE_set_comment_stmt); + try { + setState(12903); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1392,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12889); + match(COMMENT); + setState(12890); + match(ON); + setState(12891); + match(TABLE); + setState(12892); + normal_relation_factor(); + setState(12893); + match(IS); + setState(12894); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(12896); + match(COMMENT); + setState(12897); + match(ON); + setState(12898); + match(COLUMN); + setState(12899); + column_definition_ref(); + setState(12900); + match(IS); + setState(12901); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_tablespace_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLESPACE, 0); } + public TablespaceContext tablespace() { + return getRuleContext(TablespaceContext.class,0); + } + public Permanent_tablespaceContext permanent_tablespace() { + return getRuleContext(Permanent_tablespaceContext.class,0); + } + public Create_tablespace_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_tablespace_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_tablespace_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_tablespace_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Create_tablespace_stmtContext create_tablespace_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Create_tablespace_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_tablespace_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1446, RULE_create_tablespace_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12905); + match(CREATE); + setState(12906); + match(TABLESPACE); + setState(12907); + tablespace(); + setState(12908); + permanent_tablespace(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_tablespace_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLESPACE, 0); } + public TablespaceContext tablespace() { + return getRuleContext(TablespaceContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_tablespace_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_tablespace_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_tablespace_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_tablespace_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_tablespace_stmtContext drop_tablespace_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_tablespace_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_tablespace_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1448, RULE_drop_tablespace_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12910); + match(DROP); + setState(12911); + match(TABLESPACE); + setState(12912); + tablespace(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class TablespaceContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public TablespaceContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tablespace; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTablespace(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTablespace(this); + } + } + + public final TablespaceContext tablespace() throws RecognitionException { + TablespaceContext _localctx = new TablespaceContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1450, RULE_tablespace); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12914); + match(NAME_OB); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_tablespace_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLESPACE, 0); } + public TablespaceContext tablespace() { + return getRuleContext(TablespaceContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_tablespace_actionsContext alter_tablespace_actions() { + return getRuleContext(Alter_tablespace_actionsContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_tablespace_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_tablespace_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_tablespace_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_tablespace_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_tablespace_stmtContext alter_tablespace_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_tablespace_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_tablespace_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1452, RULE_alter_tablespace_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12916); + match(ALTER); + setState(12917); + match(TABLESPACE); + setState(12918); + tablespace(); + setState(12919); + alter_tablespace_actions(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_tablespace_actionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List alter_tablespace_action() { + return getRuleContexts(Alter_tablespace_actionContext.class); + } + public Alter_tablespace_actionContext alter_tablespace_action(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Alter_tablespace_actionContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Alter_tablespace_actionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_tablespace_actions; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_tablespace_actions(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_tablespace_actions(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_tablespace_actionsContext alter_tablespace_actions() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_tablespace_actionsContext _localctx = new Alter_tablespace_actionsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1454, RULE_alter_tablespace_actions); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12921); + alter_tablespace_action(); + setState(12924); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Comma) { + { + setState(12922); + match(Comma); + setState(12923); + alter_tablespace_action(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_tablespace_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Permanent_tablespace_optionContext permanent_tablespace_option() { + return getRuleContext(Permanent_tablespace_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_tablespace_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_tablespace_action; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_tablespace_action(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_tablespace_action(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_tablespace_actionContext alter_tablespace_action() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_tablespace_actionContext _localctx = new Alter_tablespace_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1456, RULE_alter_tablespace_action); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12926); + permanent_tablespace_option(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Permanent_tablespaceContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext permanent_tablespace_options() { + return getRuleContext(Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext.class,0); + } + public Permanent_tablespaceContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_permanent_tablespace; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPermanent_tablespace(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPermanent_tablespace(this); + } + } + + public final Permanent_tablespaceContext permanent_tablespace() throws RecognitionException { + Permanent_tablespaceContext _localctx = new Permanent_tablespaceContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1458, RULE_permanent_tablespace); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12929); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ENCRYPTION) { + { + setState(12928); + permanent_tablespace_options(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List permanent_tablespace_option() { + return getRuleContexts(Permanent_tablespace_optionContext.class); + } + public Permanent_tablespace_optionContext permanent_tablespace_option(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Permanent_tablespace_optionContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_permanent_tablespace_options; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPermanent_tablespace_options(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPermanent_tablespace_options(this); + } + } + + public final Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext permanent_tablespace_options() throws RecognitionException { + Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext _localctx = new Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1460, RULE_permanent_tablespace_options); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12931); + permanent_tablespace_option(); + setState(12936); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(12932); + match(Comma); + setState(12933); + permanent_tablespace_option(); + } + } + setState(12938); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Permanent_tablespace_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ENCRYPTION() { return getToken(OBParser.ENCRYPTION, 0); } + public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public Permanent_tablespace_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_permanent_tablespace_option; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPermanent_tablespace_option(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPermanent_tablespace_option(this); + } + } + + public final Permanent_tablespace_optionContext permanent_tablespace_option() throws RecognitionException { + Permanent_tablespace_optionContext _localctx = new Permanent_tablespace_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1462, RULE_permanent_tablespace_option); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12939); + match(ENCRYPTION); + setState(12940); + match(USING); + setState(12941); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_profile_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PROFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROFILE, 0); } + public Profile_nameContext profile_name() { + return getRuleContext(Profile_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LIMIT() { return getToken(OBParser.LIMIT, 0); } + public Password_parametersContext password_parameters() { + return getRuleContext(Password_parametersContext.class,0); + } + public Create_profile_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_profile_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_profile_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_profile_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Create_profile_stmtContext create_profile_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Create_profile_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_profile_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1464, RULE_create_profile_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12943); + match(CREATE); + setState(12944); + match(PROFILE); + setState(12945); + profile_name(); + setState(12946); + match(LIMIT); + setState(12947); + password_parameters(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Alter_profile_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode PROFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROFILE, 0); } + public Profile_nameContext profile_name() { + return getRuleContext(Profile_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LIMIT() { return getToken(OBParser.LIMIT, 0); } + public Password_parametersContext password_parameters() { + return getRuleContext(Password_parametersContext.class,0); + } + public Alter_profile_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_profile_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_profile_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_profile_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Alter_profile_stmtContext alter_profile_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Alter_profile_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_profile_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1466, RULE_alter_profile_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12949); + match(ALTER); + setState(12950); + match(PROFILE); + setState(12951); + profile_name(); + setState(12952); + match(LIMIT); + setState(12953); + password_parameters(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Drop_profile_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } + public TerminalNode PROFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROFILE, 0); } + public Profile_nameContext profile_name() { + return getRuleContext(Profile_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Drop_profile_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_profile_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_profile_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_profile_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Drop_profile_stmtContext drop_profile_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Drop_profile_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_profile_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1468, RULE_drop_profile_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12955); + match(DROP); + setState(12956); + match(PROFILE); + setState(12957); + profile_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Profile_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { + return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public Profile_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_profile_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterProfile_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitProfile_name(this); + } + } + + public final Profile_nameContext profile_name() throws RecognitionException { + Profile_nameContext _localctx = new Profile_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1470, RULE_profile_name); + try { + setState(12962); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NAME_OB: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12959); + match(NAME_OB); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(12960); + unreserved_keyword(); + } + break; + case DEFAULT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(12961); + match(DEFAULT); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Password_parametersContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List password_parameter() { + return getRuleContexts(Password_parameterContext.class); + } + public Password_parameterContext password_parameter(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Password_parameterContext.class,i); + } + public Password_parametersContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_password_parameters; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPassword_parameters(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPassword_parameters(this); + } + } + + public final Password_parametersContext password_parameters() throws RecognitionException { + Password_parametersContext _localctx = new Password_parametersContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1472, RULE_password_parameters); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12965); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + do { + { + { + setState(12964); + password_parameter(); + } + } + setState(12967); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } while ( _la==FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS || _la==PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME || _la==PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME || _la==PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION || _la==PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME ); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Password_parameterContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Password_parameter_typeContext password_parameter_type() { + return getRuleContext(Password_parameter_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Password_parameter_valueContext password_parameter_value() { + return getRuleContext(Password_parameter_valueContext.class,0); + } + public Password_parameterContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_password_parameter; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPassword_parameter(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPassword_parameter(this); + } + } + + public final Password_parameterContext password_parameter() throws RecognitionException { + Password_parameterContext _localctx = new Password_parameterContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1474, RULE_password_parameter); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12969); + password_parameter_type(); + setState(12970); + password_parameter_value(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Verify_function_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } + public Verify_function_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_verify_function_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterVerify_function_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitVerify_function_name(this); + } + } + + public final Verify_function_nameContext verify_function_name() throws RecognitionException { + Verify_function_nameContext _localctx = new Verify_function_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1476, RULE_verify_function_name); + try { + setState(12974); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12972); + relation_name(); + } + break; + case NULLX: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(12973); + match(NULLX); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Password_parameter_valueContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Number_literalContext number_literal() { + return getRuleContext(Number_literalContext.class,0); + } + public Verify_function_nameContext verify_function_name() { + return getRuleContext(Verify_function_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public Password_parameter_valueContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_password_parameter_value; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPassword_parameter_value(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPassword_parameter_value(this); + } + } + + public final Password_parameter_valueContext password_parameter_value() throws RecognitionException { + Password_parameter_valueContext _localctx = new Password_parameter_valueContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1478, RULE_password_parameter_value); + try { + setState(12979); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case INTNUM: + case DECIMAL_VAL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12976); + number_literal(); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case NULLX: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(12977); + verify_function_name(); + } + break; + case DEFAULT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(12978); + match(DEFAULT); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Password_parameter_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS() { return getToken(OBParser.FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME, 0); } + public TerminalNode PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION, 0); } + public TerminalNode PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME, 0); } + public TerminalNode PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME, 0); } + public Password_parameter_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_password_parameter_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPassword_parameter_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPassword_parameter_type(this); + } + } + + public final Password_parameter_typeContext password_parameter_type() throws RecognitionException { + Password_parameter_typeContext _localctx = new Password_parameter_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1480, RULE_password_parameter_type); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12981); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS || _la==PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME || _la==PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME || _la==PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION || _la==PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class User_profileContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PROFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROFILE, 0); } + public Profile_nameContext profile_name() { + return getRuleContext(Profile_nameContext.class,0); + } + public User_profileContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_user_profile; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUser_profile(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUser_profile(this); + } + } + + public final User_profileContext user_profile() throws RecognitionException { + User_profileContext _localctx = new User_profileContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1482, RULE_user_profile); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12983); + match(PROFILE); + setState(12984); + profile_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Method_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Method_listContext method_list() { + return getRuleContext(Method_listContext.class,0); + } + public Method_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_method_opt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMethod_opt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMethod_opt(this); + } + } + + public final Method_optContext method_opt() throws RecognitionException { + Method_optContext _localctx = new Method_optContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1484, RULE_method_opt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12986); + method_list(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Method_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List method() { + return getRuleContexts(MethodContext.class); + } + public MethodContext method(int i) { + return getRuleContext(MethodContext.class,i); + } + public Method_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_method_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMethod_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMethod_list(this); + } + } + + public final Method_listContext method_list() throws RecognitionException { + Method_listContext _localctx = new Method_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1486, RULE_method_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12989); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + do { + { + { + setState(12988); + method(); + } + } + setState(12991); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } while ( _la==FOR ); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class MethodContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public For_allContext for_all() { + return getRuleContext(For_allContext.class,0); + } + public For_columnsContext for_columns() { + return getRuleContext(For_columnsContext.class,0); + } + public MethodContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_method; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMethod(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMethod(this); + } + } + + public final MethodContext method() throws RecognitionException { + MethodContext _localctx = new MethodContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1488, RULE_method); + try { + setState(12995); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1401,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12993); + for_all(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(12994); + for_columns(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class For_allContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } + public Size_clauseContext size_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Size_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode INDEXED() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEXED, 0); } + public TerminalNode HIDDEN_() { return getToken(OBParser.HIDDEN_, 0); } + public For_allContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_for_all; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFor_all(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFor_all(this); + } + } + + public final For_allContext for_all() throws RecognitionException { + For_allContext _localctx = new For_allContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1490, RULE_for_all); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(12997); + match(FOR); + setState(12998); + match(ALL); + setState(13000); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==INDEXED || _la==HIDDEN_) { + { + setState(12999); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==INDEXED || _la==HIDDEN_) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + + setState(13002); + match(COLUMNS); + setState(13004); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==SIZE) { + { + setState(13003); + size_clause(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Size_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode AUTO() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTO, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPEAT() { return getToken(OBParser.REPEAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode SKEWONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.SKEWONLY, 0); } + public Number_literalContext number_literal() { + return getRuleContext(Number_literalContext.class,0); + } + public Size_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_size_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSize_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSize_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Size_clauseContext size_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Size_clauseContext _localctx = new Size_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1492, RULE_size_clause); + try { + setState(13014); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1404,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13006); + match(SIZE); + setState(13007); + match(AUTO); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13008); + match(SIZE); + setState(13009); + match(REPEAT); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13010); + match(SIZE); + setState(13011); + match(SKEWONLY); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(13012); + match(SIZE); + setState(13013); + number_literal(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class For_columnsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } + public For_columns_listContext for_columns_list() { + return getRuleContext(For_columns_listContext.class,0); + } + public For_columnsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_for_columns; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFor_columns(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFor_columns(this); + } + } + + public final For_columnsContext for_columns() throws RecognitionException { + For_columnsContext _localctx = new For_columnsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1494, RULE_for_columns); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13016); + match(FOR); + setState(13017); + match(COLUMNS); + setState(13019); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1405,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(13018); + for_columns_list(0); + } + break; + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class For_columns_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public For_columns_itemContext for_columns_item() { + return getRuleContext(For_columns_itemContext.class,0); + } + public For_columns_listContext for_columns_list() { + return getRuleContext(For_columns_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public For_columns_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_for_columns_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFor_columns_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFor_columns_list(this); + } + } + + public final For_columns_listContext for_columns_list() throws RecognitionException { + return for_columns_list(0); + } + + private For_columns_listContext for_columns_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + For_columns_listContext _localctx = new For_columns_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); + For_columns_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 1496; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 1496, RULE_for_columns_list, _p); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + { + setState(13022); + for_columns_item(); + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(13031); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1407,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + setState(13029); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1406,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + _localctx = new For_columns_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_for_columns_list); + setState(13024); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 2))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 2)"); + setState(13025); + for_columns_item(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + _localctx = new For_columns_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_for_columns_list); + setState(13026); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); + setState(13027); + match(Comma); + setState(13028); + for_columns_item(); + } + break; + } + } + } + setState(13033); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1407,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class For_columns_itemContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_clauseContext column_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Column_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Size_clauseContext size_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Size_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public For_columns_itemContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_for_columns_item; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFor_columns_item(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFor_columns_item(this); + } + } + + public final For_columns_itemContext for_columns_item() throws RecognitionException { + For_columns_itemContext _localctx = new For_columns_itemContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1498, RULE_for_columns_item); + try { + setState(13039); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ROWID: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case LeftParen: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13034); + column_clause(); + setState(13036); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1408,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(13035); + size_clause(); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case SIZE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13038); + size_clause(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Column_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public ExtensionContext extension() { + return getRuleContext(ExtensionContext.class,0); + } + public Column_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Column_clauseContext column_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Column_clauseContext _localctx = new Column_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1500, RULE_column_clause); + try { + setState(13043); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ROWID: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13041); + column_name(); + } + break; + case LeftParen: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13042); + extension(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class ExtensionContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { + return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public ExtensionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_extension; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExtension(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExtension(this); + } + } + + public final ExtensionContext extension() throws RecognitionException { + ExtensionContext _localctx = new ExtensionContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1502, RULE_extension); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13045); + match(LeftParen); + setState(13046); + column_name_list(); + setState(13047); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Set_names_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public TerminalNode NAMES() { return getToken(OBParser.NAMES, 0); } + public Charset_name_or_defaultContext charset_name_or_default() { + return getRuleContext(Charset_name_or_defaultContext.class,0); + } + public CollationContext collation() { + return getRuleContext(CollationContext.class,0); + } + public Set_names_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_names_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_names_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_names_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Set_names_stmtContext set_names_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Set_names_stmtContext _localctx = new Set_names_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1504, RULE_set_names_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13049); + match(SET); + setState(13050); + match(NAMES); + setState(13051); + charset_name_or_default(); + setState(13053); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COLLATE) { + { + setState(13052); + collation(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Set_charset_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public Charset_keyContext charset_key() { + return getRuleContext(Charset_keyContext.class,0); + } + public Charset_name_or_defaultContext charset_name_or_default() { + return getRuleContext(Charset_name_or_defaultContext.class,0); + } + public Set_charset_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_charset_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_charset_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_charset_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Set_charset_stmtContext set_charset_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Set_charset_stmtContext _localctx = new Set_charset_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1506, RULE_set_charset_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13055); + match(SET); + setState(13056); + charset_key(); + setState(13057); + charset_name_or_default(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Set_transaction_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRANSACTION() { return getToken(OBParser.TRANSACTION, 0); } + public Transaction_characteristicsContext transaction_characteristics() { + return getRuleContext(Transaction_characteristicsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LOCAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode SESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION, 0); } + public TerminalNode GLOBAL() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL, 0); } + public Set_transaction_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_transaction_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_transaction_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_transaction_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Set_transaction_stmtContext set_transaction_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Set_transaction_stmtContext _localctx = new Set_transaction_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1508, RULE_set_transaction_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13059); + match(SET); + setState(13067); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case SESSION: + case TRANSACTION: + case GLOBAL: + { + setState(13064); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case TRANSACTION: + case GLOBAL: + { + setState(13061); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==GLOBAL) { + { + setState(13060); + match(GLOBAL); + } + } + + } + break; + case SESSION: + { + setState(13063); + match(SESSION); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case LOCAL: + { + setState(13066); + match(LOCAL); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(13069); + match(TRANSACTION); + setState(13070); + transaction_characteristics(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Transaction_characteristicsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Transaction_access_modeContext transaction_access_mode() { + return getRuleContext(Transaction_access_modeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ISOLATION() { return getToken(OBParser.ISOLATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode LEVEL() { return getToken(OBParser.LEVEL, 0); } + public Isolation_levelContext isolation_level() { + return getRuleContext(Isolation_levelContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Transaction_characteristicsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_transaction_characteristics; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTransaction_characteristics(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTransaction_characteristics(this); + } + } + + public final Transaction_characteristicsContext transaction_characteristics() throws RecognitionException { + Transaction_characteristicsContext _localctx = new Transaction_characteristicsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1510, RULE_transaction_characteristics); + int _la; + try { + setState(13087); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1416,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13072); + transaction_access_mode(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13076); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==READ) { + { + setState(13073); + transaction_access_mode(); + setState(13074); + match(Comma); + } + } + + setState(13078); + match(ISOLATION); + setState(13079); + match(LEVEL); + setState(13080); + isolation_level(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13081); + match(ISOLATION); + setState(13082); + match(LEVEL); + setState(13083); + isolation_level(); + setState(13084); + match(Comma); + setState(13085); + transaction_access_mode(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Transaction_access_modeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode READ() { return getToken(OBParser.READ, 0); } + public TerminalNode ONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.ONLY, 0); } + public TerminalNode WRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.WRITE, 0); } + public Transaction_access_modeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_transaction_access_mode; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTransaction_access_mode(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTransaction_access_mode(this); + } + } + + public final Transaction_access_modeContext transaction_access_mode() throws RecognitionException { + Transaction_access_modeContext _localctx = new Transaction_access_modeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1512, RULE_transaction_access_mode); + try { + setState(13093); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1417,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13089); + match(READ); + setState(13090); + match(ONLY); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13091); + match(READ); + setState(13092); + match(WRITE); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Isolation_levelContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode READ() { return getToken(OBParser.READ, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNCOMMITTED() { return getToken(OBParser.UNCOMMITTED, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMMITTED() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMITTED, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPEATABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPEATABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SERIALIZABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SERIALIZABLE, 0); } + public Isolation_levelContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_isolation_level; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterIsolation_level(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitIsolation_level(this); + } + } + + public final Isolation_levelContext isolation_level() throws RecognitionException { + Isolation_levelContext _localctx = new Isolation_levelContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1514, RULE_isolation_level); + try { + setState(13102); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1418,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13095); + match(READ); + setState(13096); + match(UNCOMMITTED); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13097); + match(READ); + setState(13098); + match(COMMITTED); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13099); + match(REPEATABLE); + setState(13100); + match(READ); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(13101); + match(SERIALIZABLE); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Switchover_tenant_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYSTEM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM, 0); } + public Switchover_clauseContext switchover_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Switchover_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode VERIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.VERIFY, 0); } + public Switchover_tenant_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_switchover_tenant_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSwitchover_tenant_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSwitchover_tenant_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Switchover_tenant_stmtContext switchover_tenant_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Switchover_tenant_stmtContext _localctx = new Switchover_tenant_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1516, RULE_switchover_tenant_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13104); + match(ALTER); + setState(13105); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(13106); + switchover_clause(); + setState(13108); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==VERIFY) { + { + setState(13107); + match(VERIFY); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Switchover_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ACTIVATE() { return getToken(OBParser.ACTIVATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode STANDBY() { return getToken(OBParser.STANDBY, 0); } + public Tenant_nameContext tenant_name() { + return getRuleContext(Tenant_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode SWITCHOVER() { return getToken(OBParser.SWITCHOVER, 0); } + public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRIMARY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY, 0); } + public Switchover_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_switchover_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSwitchover_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSwitchover_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Switchover_clauseContext switchover_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Switchover_clauseContext _localctx = new Switchover_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1518, RULE_switchover_clause); + int _la; + try { + setState(13127); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1423,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13110); + match(ACTIVATE); + setState(13111); + match(STANDBY); + setState(13113); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(13112); + tenant_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13115); + match(SWITCHOVER); + setState(13116); + match(TO); + setState(13117); + match(PRIMARY); + setState(13119); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(13118); + tenant_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13121); + match(SWITCHOVER); + setState(13122); + match(TO); + setState(13123); + match(STANDBY); + setState(13125); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(13124); + tenant_name(); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Recover_tenant_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYSTEM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM, 0); } + public TerminalNode RECOVER() { return getToken(OBParser.RECOVER, 0); } + public TerminalNode STANDBY() { return getToken(OBParser.STANDBY, 0); } + public Recover_point_clauseContext recover_point_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Recover_point_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Tenant_nameContext tenant_name() { + return getRuleContext(Tenant_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Recover_tenant_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_recover_tenant_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRecover_tenant_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRecover_tenant_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Recover_tenant_stmtContext recover_tenant_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Recover_tenant_stmtContext _localctx = new Recover_tenant_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1520, RULE_recover_tenant_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13129); + match(ALTER); + setState(13130); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(13131); + match(RECOVER); + setState(13132); + match(STANDBY); + setState(13134); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(13133); + tenant_name(); + } + } + + setState(13136); + recover_point_clause(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Recover_point_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode UNTIL() { return getToken(OBParser.UNTIL, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.TIME, 0); } + public Opt_equal_markContext opt_equal_mark() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_equal_markContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SCN() { return getToken(OBParser.SCN, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNLIMITED() { return getToken(OBParser.UNLIMITED, 0); } + public TerminalNode CANCEL() { return getToken(OBParser.CANCEL, 0); } + public Recover_point_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_recover_point_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRecover_point_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRecover_point_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Recover_point_clauseContext recover_point_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Recover_point_clauseContext _localctx = new Recover_point_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1522, RULE_recover_point_clause); + try { + setState(13153); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1426,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13148); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1425,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(13138); + match(UNTIL); + setState(13139); + match(TIME); + setState(13140); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(13141); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(13143); + match(UNTIL); + setState(13144); + match(SCN); + setState(13145); + opt_equal_mark(); + setState(13146); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13150); + match(UNTIL); + setState(13151); + match(UNLIMITED); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13152); + match(CANCEL); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Transfer_partition_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYSTEM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM, 0); } + public Transfer_partition_clauseContext transfer_partition_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Transfer_partition_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Tenant_nameContext tenant_name() { + return getRuleContext(Tenant_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Transfer_partition_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_transfer_partition_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTransfer_partition_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTransfer_partition_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Transfer_partition_stmtContext transfer_partition_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Transfer_partition_stmtContext _localctx = new Transfer_partition_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1524, RULE_transfer_partition_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13155); + match(ALTER); + setState(13156); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(13157); + transfer_partition_clause(); + setState(13159); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(13158); + tenant_name(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Transfer_partition_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode TRANSFER() { return getToken(OBParser.TRANSFER, 0); } + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public Part_infoContext part_info() { + return getRuleContext(Part_infoContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } + public TerminalNode LS() { return getToken(OBParser.LS, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } + public Transfer_partition_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_transfer_partition_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTransfer_partition_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTransfer_partition_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Transfer_partition_clauseContext transfer_partition_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Transfer_partition_clauseContext _localctx = new Transfer_partition_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1526, RULE_transfer_partition_clause); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13161); + match(TRANSFER); + setState(13162); + match(PARTITION); + setState(13163); + part_info(); + setState(13164); + match(TO); + setState(13165); + match(LS); + setState(13166); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Part_infoContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode TABLE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE_ID, 0); } + public List INTNUM() { return getTokens(OBParser.INTNUM); } + public TerminalNode INTNUM(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, i); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public TerminalNode OBJECT_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.OBJECT_ID, 0); } + public List COMP_EQ() { return getTokens(OBParser.COMP_EQ); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, i); + } + public Part_infoContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_part_info; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPart_info(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPart_info(this); + } + } + + public final Part_infoContext part_info() throws RecognitionException { + Part_infoContext _localctx = new Part_infoContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1528, RULE_part_info); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13168); + match(TABLE_ID); + setState(13170); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(13169); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(13172); + match(INTNUM); + setState(13173); + match(Comma); + setState(13174); + match(OBJECT_ID); + setState(13176); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COMP_EQ) { + { + setState(13175); + match(COMP_EQ); + } + } + + setState(13178); + match(INTNUM); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Cancel_transfer_partition_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Part_infoContext part_info() { + return getRuleContext(Part_infoContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } + public Cancel_transfer_partition_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cancel_transfer_partition_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCancel_transfer_partition_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCancel_transfer_partition_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Cancel_transfer_partition_clauseContext cancel_transfer_partition_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Cancel_transfer_partition_clauseContext _localctx = new Cancel_transfer_partition_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1530, RULE_cancel_transfer_partition_clause); + try { + setState(13182); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case TABLE_ID: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13180); + part_info(); + } + break; + case ALL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13181); + match(ALL); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Service_name_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYSTEM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM, 0); } + public Service_opContext service_op() { + return getRuleContext(Service_opContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode SERVICE() { return getToken(OBParser.SERVICE, 0); } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Tenant_nameContext tenant_name() { + return getRuleContext(Tenant_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Service_name_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_service_name_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterService_name_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitService_name_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Service_name_stmtContext service_name_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Service_name_stmtContext _localctx = new Service_name_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1532, RULE_service_name_stmt); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13184); + match(ALTER); + setState(13185); + match(SYSTEM); + setState(13186); + service_op(); + setState(13187); + match(SERVICE); + setState(13188); + relation_name(); + setState(13190); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TENANT) { + { + setState(13189); + tenant_name(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Service_opContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } + public TerminalNode START() { return getToken(OBParser.START, 0); } + public TerminalNode STOP() { return getToken(OBParser.STOP, 0); } + public Service_opContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_service_op; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterService_op(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitService_op(this); + } + } + + public final Service_opContext service_op() throws RecognitionException { + Service_opContext _localctx = new Service_opContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1534, RULE_service_op); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13192); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==CREATE || _la==DELETE || _la==START || _la==STOP) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Create_savepoint_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode SAVEPOINT() { return getToken(OBParser.SAVEPOINT, 0); } + public Var_nameContext var_name() { + return getRuleContext(Var_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Create_savepoint_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_savepoint_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_savepoint_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_savepoint_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Create_savepoint_stmtContext create_savepoint_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Create_savepoint_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_savepoint_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1536, RULE_create_savepoint_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13194); + match(SAVEPOINT); + setState(13195); + var_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ROLLBACK() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLLBACK, 0); } + public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } + public Var_nameContext var_name() { + return getRuleContext(Var_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode WORK() { return getToken(OBParser.WORK, 0); } + public TerminalNode SAVEPOINT() { return getToken(OBParser.SAVEPOINT, 0); } + public Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_rollback_savepoint_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRollback_savepoint_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRollback_savepoint_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext rollback_savepoint_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext _localctx = new Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1538, RULE_rollback_savepoint_stmt); + int _la; + try { + setState(13207); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1433,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13197); + match(ROLLBACK); + setState(13199); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WORK) { + { + setState(13198); + match(WORK); + } + } + + setState(13201); + match(TO); + setState(13202); + var_name(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13203); + match(ROLLBACK); + setState(13204); + match(TO); + setState(13205); + match(SAVEPOINT); + setState(13206); + var_name(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Var_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext oracle_unreserved_keyword() { + return getRuleContext(Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); + } + public Unreserved_keyword_normalContext unreserved_keyword_normal() { + return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keyword_normalContext.class,0); + } + public Aggregate_function_keywordContext aggregate_function_keyword() { + return getRuleContext(Aggregate_function_keywordContext.class,0); + } + public Var_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_var_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterVar_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitVar_name(this); + } + } + + public final Var_nameContext var_name() throws RecognitionException { + Var_nameContext _localctx = new Var_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1540, RULE_var_name); + try { + setState(13213); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NAME_OB: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13209); + match(NAME_OB); + } + break; + case REAL: + case ANALYZE: + case BEFORE: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case CYCLE: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DATABASE: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case FORCE: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case MAXVALUE: + case NOCYCLE: + case NUMERIC: + case PROCEDURE: + case READ: + case REFERENCES: + case SCHEMA: + case SQL: + case SQLSTATE: + case USE: + case USING: + case WHEN: + case WRITE: + case EXCEPT: + case GROUPS: + case MINVALUE: + case STOP: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case TRUNCATE: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case ADMIN: + case DISABLE: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case SEQUENCE: + case GO: + case PCTUSED: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case EXTERNALLY: + case FLUSH: + case DOP: + case OPTIMAL: + case GOTO: + case TRANSACTION: + case BECOME: + case OFF: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case DATAFILE: + case LAYER: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case EXTENT: + case SWITCH: + case BODY: + case ROLLBACK: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case OLD: + case RECOVER: + case CONTROLFILE: + case ROLES: + case KEY: + case TEMPORARY: + case SNAPSHOT: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case QUOTA: + case NEXT: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case SECTION: + case PLAN: + case INSTANCE: + case FUNCTION: + case INITIALIZED: + case SEGMENT: + case OWN: + case PCTINCREASE: + case INCLUDING: + case ENABLE: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case INT: + case MAXTRANS: + case COMMIT: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case FREELIST: + case STORAGE: + case CANCEL: + case BEGIN: + case FREELISTS: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case FOUND: + case CACHE: + case END: + case SOME: + case MANUAL: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case FORTRAN: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case COMPILE: + case NEW: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ALLOCATE: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case RESETLOGS: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TABLESPACE: + case MODULE: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case PLI: + case PROFILE: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case INDICATOR: + case UNLIMITED: + case UNDER: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case MANAGE: + case NOCACHE: + case FOREIGN: + case MINEXTENTS: + case ESCAPE: + case NONE: + case LISTS: + case DISMOUNT: + case WORK: + case NOSORT: + case EXECUTE: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case ONLY: + case TRACING: + case MOUNT: + case BLOCK: + case ACCESSED: + case CONTENTS: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13210); + oracle_unreserved_keyword(); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASES: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHILE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case INVOKER: + case DEPTH: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case LESS: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case GROUPING: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case SLOW: + case OPTIONS: + case UPDATING: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case MAX_SIZE: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case TEMPLATE: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESUME: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case SIMPLE: + case VARIABLES: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case MUTEX: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case DESCRIBE: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case PASSWORD: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case NORELY: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case DAY: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case RECURSIVE: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13211); + unreserved_keyword_normal(); + } + break; + case NTH_VALUE: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case MAX: + case STDDEV: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case LISTAGG: + case SUM: + case MIN: + case VARIANCE: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case WM_CONCAT: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case REGR_COUNT: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case REGR_SYY: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case REGR_R2: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case LAG: + case LAST_VALUE: + case COVAR_POP: + case MEDIAN: + case STDDEV_POP: + case AVG: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case CUME_DIST: + case LEAD: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case NTILE: + case CORR: + case VAR_SAMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(13212); + aggregate_function_keyword(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Column_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { + return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ROWID() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWID, 0); } + public Column_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_name(this); + } + } + + public final Column_nameContext column_name() throws RecognitionException { + Column_nameContext _localctx = new Column_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1542, RULE_column_name); + try { + setState(13218); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NAME_OB: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13215); + match(NAME_OB); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13216); + unreserved_keyword(); + } + break; + case ROWID: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13217); + match(ROWID); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Relation_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { + return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); + } + public Relation_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_name(this); + } + } + + public final Relation_nameContext relation_name() throws RecognitionException { + Relation_nameContext _localctx = new Relation_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1544, RULE_relation_name); + try { + setState(13222); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NAME_OB: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13220); + match(NAME_OB); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13221); + unreserved_keyword(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Exists_function_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode EXISTS() { return getToken(OBParser.EXISTS, 0); } + public Exists_function_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_exists_function_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExists_function_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExists_function_name(this); + } + } + + public final Exists_function_nameContext exists_function_name() throws RecognitionException { + Exists_function_nameContext _localctx = new Exists_function_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1546, RULE_exists_function_name); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13224); + match(EXISTS); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Function_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext oracle_unreserved_keyword() { + return getRuleContext(Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); + } + public Unreserved_keyword_normalContext unreserved_keyword_normal() { + return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keyword_normalContext.class,0); + } + public Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext oracle_pl_non_reserved_words() { + return getRuleContext(Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PRIOR() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode RANDOM() { return getToken(OBParser.RANDOM, 0); } + public Function_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_function_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFunction_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFunction_name(this); + } + } + + public final Function_nameContext function_name() throws RecognitionException { + Function_nameContext _localctx = new Function_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1548, RULE_function_name); + try { + setState(13232); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NAME_OB: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13226); + match(NAME_OB); + } + break; + case REAL: + case ANALYZE: + case BEFORE: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case CYCLE: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DATABASE: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case FORCE: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case MAXVALUE: + case NOCYCLE: + case NUMERIC: + case PROCEDURE: + case READ: + case REFERENCES: + case SCHEMA: + case SQL: + case SQLSTATE: + case USE: + case USING: + case WHEN: + case WRITE: + case EXCEPT: + case GROUPS: + case MINVALUE: + case STOP: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case TRUNCATE: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case ADMIN: + case DISABLE: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case SEQUENCE: + case GO: + case PCTUSED: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case EXTERNALLY: + case FLUSH: + case DOP: + case OPTIMAL: + case GOTO: + case TRANSACTION: + case BECOME: + case OFF: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case DATAFILE: + case LAYER: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case EXTENT: + case SWITCH: + case BODY: + case ROLLBACK: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case OLD: + case RECOVER: + case CONTROLFILE: + case ROLES: + case KEY: + case TEMPORARY: + case SNAPSHOT: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case QUOTA: + case NEXT: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case SECTION: + case PLAN: + case INSTANCE: + case FUNCTION: + case INITIALIZED: + case SEGMENT: + case OWN: + case PCTINCREASE: + case INCLUDING: + case ENABLE: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case INT: + case MAXTRANS: + case COMMIT: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case FREELIST: + case STORAGE: + case CANCEL: + case BEGIN: + case FREELISTS: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case FOUND: + case CACHE: + case END: + case SOME: + case MANUAL: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case FORTRAN: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case COMPILE: + case NEW: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ALLOCATE: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case RESETLOGS: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TABLESPACE: + case MODULE: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case PLI: + case PROFILE: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case INDICATOR: + case UNLIMITED: + case UNDER: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case MANAGE: + case NOCACHE: + case FOREIGN: + case MINEXTENTS: + case ESCAPE: + case NONE: + case LISTS: + case DISMOUNT: + case WORK: + case NOSORT: + case EXECUTE: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case ONLY: + case TRACING: + case MOUNT: + case BLOCK: + case ACCESSED: + case CONTENTS: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13227); + oracle_unreserved_keyword(); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASES: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHILE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case INVOKER: + case DEPTH: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case LESS: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case GROUPING: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case SLOW: + case OPTIONS: + case UPDATING: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case MAX_SIZE: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case TEMPLATE: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESUME: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case SIMPLE: + case VARIABLES: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case MUTEX: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case DESCRIBE: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case PASSWORD: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case NORELY: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case DAY: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case RECURSIVE: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13228); + unreserved_keyword_normal(); + } + break; + case ACCESS: + case ADD: + case AUDIT: + case CHAR: + case COLUMN: + case COMMENT: + case CURRENT: + case DATE: + case DECIMAL: + case FILE_KEY: + case FLOAT: + case IMMEDIATE: + case INCREMENT: + case INITIAL_: + case INTEGER: + case LONG: + case MAXEXTENTS: + case MODIFY: + case NOAUDIT: + case NOTFOUND: + case NUMBER: + case OFFLINE: + case ONLINE: + case PCTFREE: + case PRIVILEGES: + case RAW: + case RENAME: + case ROW: + case ROWLABEL: + case ROWS: + case SESSION: + case SET: + case SMALLINT: + case SUCCESSFUL: + case SYNONYM: + case TRIGGER: + case VALIDATE: + case VARCHAR: + case VARCHAR2: + case WHENEVER: + case DUAL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(13229); + oracle_pl_non_reserved_words(); + } + break; + case PRIOR: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(13230); + match(PRIOR); + } + break; + case RANDOM: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(13231); + match(RANDOM); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Column_labelContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { + return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); + } + public Column_labelContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_label; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_label(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_label(this); + } + } + + public final Column_labelContext column_label() throws RecognitionException { + Column_labelContext _localctx = new Column_labelContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1550, RULE_column_label); + try { + setState(13236); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NAME_OB: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13234); + match(NAME_OB); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13235); + unreserved_keyword(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Keystore_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { + return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); + } + public Keystore_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_keystore_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterKeystore_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitKeystore_name(this); + } + } + + public final Keystore_nameContext keystore_name() throws RecognitionException { + Keystore_nameContext _localctx = new Keystore_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1552, RULE_keystore_name); + try { + setState(13240); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NAME_OB: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13238); + match(NAME_OB); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13239); + unreserved_keyword(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Date_unitContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode YEAR() { return getToken(OBParser.YEAR, 0); } + public TerminalNode MONTH() { return getToken(OBParser.MONTH, 0); } + public TerminalNode DAY() { return getToken(OBParser.DAY, 0); } + public TerminalNode HOUR() { return getToken(OBParser.HOUR, 0); } + public TerminalNode MINUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.MINUTE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.SECOND, 0); } + public Date_unitContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_date_unit; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDate_unit(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDate_unit(this); + } + } + + public final Date_unitContext date_unit() throws RecognitionException { + Date_unitContext _localctx = new Date_unitContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1554, RULE_date_unit); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13242); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==YEAR || _la==SECOND || ((((_la - 986)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 986)) & ((1L << (MINUTE - 986)) | (1L << (HOUR - 986)) | (1L << (MONTH - 986)))) != 0) || _la==DAY) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Timezone_unitContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode TIMEZONE_HOUR() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMEZONE_HOUR, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIMEZONE_MINUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMEZONE_MINUTE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIMEZONE_REGION() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMEZONE_REGION, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIMEZONE_ABBR() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMEZONE_ABBR, 0); } + public Timezone_unitContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_timezone_unit; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTimezone_unit(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTimezone_unit(this); + } + } + + public final Timezone_unitContext timezone_unit() throws RecognitionException { + Timezone_unitContext _localctx = new Timezone_unitContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1556, RULE_timezone_unit); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13244); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(((((_la - 369)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 369)) & ((1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 369)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 369)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 369)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 369)))) != 0)) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Date_unit_for_extractContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Date_unitContext date_unit() { + return getRuleContext(Date_unitContext.class,0); + } + public Timezone_unitContext timezone_unit() { + return getRuleContext(Timezone_unitContext.class,0); + } + public Date_unit_for_extractContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_date_unit_for_extract; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDate_unit_for_extract(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDate_unit_for_extract(this); + } + } + + public final Date_unit_for_extractContext date_unit_for_extract() throws RecognitionException { + Date_unit_for_extractContext _localctx = new Date_unit_for_extractContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1558, RULE_date_unit_for_extract); + try { + setState(13248); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case YEAR: + case SECOND: + case MINUTE: + case HOUR: + case MONTH: + case DAY: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13246); + date_unit(); + } + break; + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13247); + timezone_unit(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_mergepatch_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode JSON_MERGEPATCH() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_MERGEPATCH, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public List bit_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Opt_json_mergepatchContext opt_json_mergepatch() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_json_mergepatchContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Js_mp_return_clauseContext js_mp_return_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Js_mp_return_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext json_mergepatch_on_error() { + return getRuleContext(Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext.class,0); + } + public Json_mergepatch_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_mergepatch_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_mergepatch_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_mergepatch_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Json_mergepatch_exprContext json_mergepatch_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Json_mergepatch_exprContext _localctx = new Json_mergepatch_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1560, RULE_json_mergepatch_expr); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13250); + match(JSON_MERGEPATCH); + setState(13251); + match(LeftParen); + setState(13252); + bit_expr(0); + setState(13253); + match(Comma); + setState(13254); + bit_expr(0); + setState(13256); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==RETURNING) { + { + setState(13255); + js_mp_return_clause(); + } + } + + setState(13258); + opt_json_mergepatch(); + setState(13260); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P) { + { + setState(13259); + json_mergepatch_on_error(); + } + } + + setState(13262); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public List ERROR_P() { return getTokens(OBParser.ERROR_P); } + public TerminalNode ERROR_P(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, i); + } + public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } + public Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_mergepatch_on_error; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_mergepatch_on_error(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_mergepatch_on_error(this); + } + } + + public final Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext json_mergepatch_on_error() throws RecognitionException { + Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext _localctx = new Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1562, RULE_json_mergepatch_on_error); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13264); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(13265); + match(ON); + setState(13266); + match(ERROR_P); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_json_mergepatchContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ASCII() { return getToken(OBParser.ASCII, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRETTY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRETTY, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRUNCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRUNCATE, 0); } + public Opt_json_mergepatchContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_json_mergepatch; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_json_mergepatch(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_json_mergepatch(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_json_mergepatchContext opt_json_mergepatch() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_json_mergepatchContext _localctx = new Opt_json_mergepatchContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1564, RULE_opt_json_mergepatch); + int _la; + try { + setState(13292); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1449,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13269); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ASCII) { + { + setState(13268); + match(ASCII); + } + } + + setState(13272); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PRETTY) { + { + setState(13271); + match(PRETTY); + } + } + + setState(13275); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TRUNCATE) { + { + setState(13274); + match(TRUNCATE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13277); + match(PRETTY); + setState(13278); + match(ASCII); + setState(13280); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TRUNCATE) { + { + setState(13279); + match(TRUNCATE); + } + } + + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13282); + match(TRUNCATE); + setState(13284); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ASCII) { + { + setState(13283); + match(ASCII); + } + } + + setState(13286); + match(PRETTY); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(13287); + match(TRUNCATE); + setState(13289); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PRETTY) { + { + setState(13288); + match(PRETTY); + } + } + + setState(13291); + match(ASCII); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Js_mp_return_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode RETURNING() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNING, 0); } + public Js_return_typeContext js_return_type() { + return getRuleContext(Js_return_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Js_mp_return_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_mp_return_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_mp_return_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_mp_return_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Js_mp_return_clauseContext js_mp_return_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Js_mp_return_clauseContext _localctx = new Js_mp_return_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1566, RULE_js_mp_return_clause); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13294); + match(RETURNING); + setState(13295); + js_return_type(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_array_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode JSON_ARRAY() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_ARRAY, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Json_array_contentContext json_array_content() { + return getRuleContext(Json_array_contentContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftBracket() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftBracket, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightBracket() { return getToken(OBParser.RightBracket, 0); } + public Json_array_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_array_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_array_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_array_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Json_array_exprContext json_array_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Json_array_exprContext _localctx = new Json_array_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1568, RULE_json_array_expr); + try { + setState(13308); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case JSON_ARRAY: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13297); + match(JSON_ARRAY); + setState(13298); + match(LeftParen); + setState(13300); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1450,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(13299); + json_array_content(); + } + break; + } + setState(13302); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case JSON: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13303); + match(JSON); + setState(13304); + match(LeftBracket); + setState(13305); + json_array_content(); + setState(13306); + match(RightBracket); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_array_contentContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Js_array_elesContext js_array_eles() { + return getRuleContext(Js_array_elesContext.class,0); + } + public Json_array_on_nullContext json_array_on_null() { + return getRuleContext(Json_array_on_nullContext.class,0); + } + public Js_array_return_clauseContext js_array_return_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Js_array_return_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode STRICT() { return getToken(OBParser.STRICT, 0); } + public Json_array_contentContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_array_content; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_array_content(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_array_content(this); + } + } + + public final Json_array_contentContext json_array_content() throws RecognitionException { + Json_array_contentContext _localctx = new Json_array_contentContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1570, RULE_json_array_content); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13310); + js_array_eles(); + setState(13312); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ABSENT || _la==NULLX) { + { + setState(13311); + json_array_on_null(); + } + } + + setState(13315); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==RETURNING) { + { + setState(13314); + js_array_return_clause(); + } + } + + setState(13318); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==STRICT) { + { + setState(13317); + match(STRICT); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_array_on_nullContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public List NULLX() { return getTokens(OBParser.NULLX); } + public TerminalNode NULLX(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, i); + } + public TerminalNode ABSENT() { return getToken(OBParser.ABSENT, 0); } + public Json_array_on_nullContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_array_on_null; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_array_on_null(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_array_on_null(this); + } + } + + public final Json_array_on_nullContext json_array_on_null() throws RecognitionException { + Json_array_on_nullContext _localctx = new Json_array_on_nullContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1572, RULE_json_array_on_null); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13320); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ABSENT || _la==NULLX) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(13321); + match(ON); + setState(13322); + match(NULLX); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Js_array_elesContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List js_array_ele() { + return getRuleContexts(Js_array_eleContext.class); + } + public Js_array_eleContext js_array_ele(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Js_array_eleContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Js_array_elesContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_array_eles; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_array_eles(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_array_eles(this); + } + } + + public final Js_array_elesContext js_array_eles() throws RecognitionException { + Js_array_elesContext _localctx = new Js_array_elesContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1574, RULE_js_array_eles); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13324); + js_array_ele(); + setState(13329); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(13325); + match(Comma); + setState(13326); + js_array_ele(); + } + } + setState(13331); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Js_array_eleContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FORMAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } + public Js_array_eleContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_array_ele; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_array_ele(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_array_ele(this); + } + } + + public final Js_array_eleContext js_array_ele() throws RecognitionException { + Js_array_eleContext _localctx = new Js_array_eleContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1576, RULE_js_array_ele); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13332); + bit_expr(0); + setState(13335); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FORMAT) { + { + setState(13333); + match(FORMAT); + setState(13334); + match(JSON); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Js_array_return_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode RETURNING() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNING, 0); } + public Js_return_typeContext js_return_type() { + return getRuleContext(Js_return_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Js_array_return_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_array_return_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_array_return_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_array_return_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Js_array_return_clauseContext js_array_return_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Js_array_return_clauseContext _localctx = new Js_array_return_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1578, RULE_js_array_return_clause); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13337); + match(RETURNING); + setState(13338); + js_return_type(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_value_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode JSON_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Js_doc_exprContext js_doc_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Js_doc_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Js_literalContext js_literal() { + return getRuleContext(Js_literalContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext opt_js_value_returning_type() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRUNCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRUNCATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ASCII() { return getToken(OBParser.ASCII, 0); } + public Json_value_on_optContext json_value_on_opt() { + return getRuleContext(Json_value_on_optContext.class,0); + } + public Json_value_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_value_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_value_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_value_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Json_value_exprContext json_value_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Json_value_exprContext _localctx = new Json_value_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1580, RULE_json_value_expr); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13340); + match(JSON_VALUE); + setState(13341); + match(LeftParen); + setState(13342); + js_doc_expr(); + setState(13343); + match(Comma); + setState(13344); + js_literal(); + setState(13345); + opt_js_value_returning_type(); + setState(13347); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TRUNCATE) { + { + setState(13346); + match(TRUNCATE); + } + } + + setState(13350); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ASCII) { + { + setState(13349); + match(ASCII); + } + } + + setState(13353); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DEFAULT || _la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P || _la==IGNORE) { + { + setState(13352); + json_value_on_opt(); + } + } + + setState(13355); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_equal_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode JSON_EQUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_EQUAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Func_param_listContext func_param_list() { + return getRuleContext(Func_param_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Json_equal_optionContext json_equal_option() { + return getRuleContext(Json_equal_optionContext.class,0); + } + public Json_equal_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_equal_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_equal_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_equal_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Json_equal_exprContext json_equal_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Json_equal_exprContext _localctx = new Json_equal_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1582, RULE_json_equal_expr); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13357); + match(JSON_EQUAL); + setState(13358); + match(LeftParen); + setState(13359); + func_param_list(); + setState(13361); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ERROR_P || _la==BOOL_VALUE) { + { + setState(13360); + json_equal_option(); + } + } + + setState(13363); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_value_on_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Json_value_on_emptyContext json_value_on_empty() { + return getRuleContext(Json_value_on_emptyContext.class,0); + } + public Json_value_on_errorContext json_value_on_error() { + return getRuleContext(Json_value_on_errorContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_on_mismatchsContext opt_on_mismatchs() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_on_mismatchsContext.class,0); + } + public Json_value_on_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_value_on_opt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_value_on_opt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_value_on_opt(this); + } + } + + public final Json_value_on_optContext json_value_on_opt() throws RecognitionException { + Json_value_on_optContext _localctx = new Json_value_on_optContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1584, RULE_json_value_on_opt); + try { + setState(13388); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1461,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13365); + json_value_on_empty(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13366); + json_value_on_error(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13367); + json_value_on_empty(); + setState(13368); + json_value_on_error(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(13370); + json_value_on_error(); + setState(13371); + json_value_on_empty(); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(13373); + opt_on_mismatchs(); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(13374); + json_value_on_empty(); + setState(13375); + opt_on_mismatchs(); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(13377); + json_value_on_error(); + setState(13378); + opt_on_mismatchs(); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(13380); + json_value_on_empty(); + setState(13381); + json_value_on_error(); + setState(13382); + opt_on_mismatchs(); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(13384); + json_value_on_error(); + setState(13385); + json_value_on_empty(); + setState(13386); + opt_on_mismatchs(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Js_doc_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FORMAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } + public Js_doc_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_doc_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_doc_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_doc_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Js_doc_exprContext js_doc_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Js_doc_exprContext _localctx = new Js_doc_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1586, RULE_js_doc_expr); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13390); + bit_expr(0); + setState(13393); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FORMAT) { + { + setState(13391); + match(FORMAT); + setState(13392); + match(JSON); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode RETURNING() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNING, 0); } + public TerminalNode NCHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.NCHAR, 0); } + public Nstring_length_iContext nstring_length_i() { + return getRuleContext(Nstring_length_iContext.class,0); + } + public Js_value_return_typeContext js_value_return_type() { + return getRuleContext(Js_value_return_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NVARCHAR2() { return getToken(OBParser.NVARCHAR2, 0); } + public TerminalNode CHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.CHAR, 0); } + public String_length_iContext string_length_i() { + return getRuleContext(String_length_iContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode BINARY() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY, 0); } + public TerminalNode RAW() { return getToken(OBParser.RAW, 0); } + public Js_return_default_typeContext js_return_default_type() { + return getRuleContext(Js_return_default_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_js_value_returning_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_js_value_returning_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_js_value_returning_type(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext opt_js_value_returning_type() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext _localctx = new Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1588, RULE_opt_js_value_returning_type); + int _la; + try { + setState(13414); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1466,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13395); + match(RETURNING); + setState(13399); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case NCHAR: + { + setState(13396); + match(NCHAR); + setState(13397); + nstring_length_i(); + } + break; + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CLOB: + case DATE: + case NUMBER: + case VARCHAR: + case VARCHAR2: + case INTERVAL: + case TIMESTAMP: + { + setState(13398); + js_value_return_type(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13401); + match(RETURNING); + setState(13402); + match(NVARCHAR2); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13403); + match(RETURNING); + setState(13404); + match(CHAR); + setState(13406); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(13405); + string_length_i(); + } + } + + setState(13409); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==BINARY) { + { + setState(13408); + match(BINARY); + } + } + + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(13411); + match(RETURNING); + setState(13412); + match(RAW); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(13413); + js_return_default_type(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_value_on_emptyContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Json_value_on_empty_responseContext json_value_on_empty_response() { + return getRuleContext(Json_value_on_empty_responseContext.class,0); + } + public Json_value_on_emptyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_value_on_empty; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_value_on_empty(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_value_on_empty(this); + } + } + + public final Json_value_on_emptyContext json_value_on_empty() throws RecognitionException { + Json_value_on_emptyContext _localctx = new Json_value_on_emptyContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1590, RULE_json_value_on_empty); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13416); + json_value_on_empty_response(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_value_on_empty_responseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public TerminalNode EMPTY() { return getToken(OBParser.EMPTY, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public Signed_literalContext signed_literal() { + return getRuleContext(Signed_literalContext.class,0); + } + public Json_value_on_responseContext json_value_on_response() { + return getRuleContext(Json_value_on_responseContext.class,0); + } + public Json_value_on_empty_responseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_value_on_empty_response; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_value_on_empty_response(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_value_on_empty_response(this); + } + } + + public final Json_value_on_empty_responseContext json_value_on_empty_response() throws RecognitionException { + Json_value_on_empty_responseContext _localctx = new Json_value_on_empty_responseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1592, RULE_json_value_on_empty_response); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13421); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case DEFAULT: + { + setState(13418); + match(DEFAULT); + setState(13419); + signed_literal(); + } + break; + case NULLX: + case ERROR_P: + { + setState(13420); + json_value_on_response(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(13423); + match(ON); + setState(13424); + match(EMPTY); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_value_on_errorContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Json_value_on_error_responseContext json_value_on_error_response() { + return getRuleContext(Json_value_on_error_responseContext.class,0); + } + public Json_value_on_errorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_value_on_error; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_value_on_error(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_value_on_error(this); + } + } + + public final Json_value_on_errorContext json_value_on_error() throws RecognitionException { + Json_value_on_errorContext _localctx = new Json_value_on_errorContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1594, RULE_json_value_on_error); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13426); + json_value_on_error_response(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_value_on_error_responseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public Signed_literalContext signed_literal() { + return getRuleContext(Signed_literalContext.class,0); + } + public Json_value_on_responseContext json_value_on_response() { + return getRuleContext(Json_value_on_responseContext.class,0); + } + public Json_value_on_error_responseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_value_on_error_response; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_value_on_error_response(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_value_on_error_response(this); + } + } + + public final Json_value_on_error_responseContext json_value_on_error_response() throws RecognitionException { + Json_value_on_error_responseContext _localctx = new Json_value_on_error_responseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1596, RULE_json_value_on_error_response); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13431); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case DEFAULT: + { + setState(13428); + match(DEFAULT); + setState(13429); + signed_literal(); + } + break; + case NULLX: + case ERROR_P: + { + setState(13430); + json_value_on_response(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(13433); + match(ON); + setState(13434); + match(ERROR_P); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_on_mismatchsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List opt_on_mismatch() { + return getRuleContexts(Opt_on_mismatchContext.class); + } + public Opt_on_mismatchContext opt_on_mismatch(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Opt_on_mismatchContext.class,i); + } + public Opt_on_mismatchsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_on_mismatchs; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_on_mismatchs(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_on_mismatchs(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_on_mismatchsContext opt_on_mismatchs() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_on_mismatchsContext _localctx = new Opt_on_mismatchsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1598, RULE_opt_on_mismatchs); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13437); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + do { + { + { + setState(13436); + opt_on_mismatch(); + } + } + setState(13439); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } while ( _la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P || _la==IGNORE ); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_on_mismatchContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public TerminalNode MISMATCH() { return getToken(OBParser.MISMATCH, 0); } + public TerminalNode IGNORE() { return getToken(OBParser.IGNORE, 0); } + public Json_value_on_responseContext json_value_on_response() { + return getRuleContext(Json_value_on_responseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Mismatch_type_listContext mismatch_type_list() { + return getRuleContext(Mismatch_type_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Opt_on_mismatchContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_on_mismatch; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_on_mismatch(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_on_mismatch(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_on_mismatchContext opt_on_mismatch() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_on_mismatchContext _localctx = new Opt_on_mismatchContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1600, RULE_opt_on_mismatch); + try { + setState(13457); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1472,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13443); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case IGNORE: + { + setState(13441); + match(IGNORE); + } + break; + case NULLX: + case ERROR_P: + { + setState(13442); + json_value_on_response(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(13445); + match(ON); + setState(13446); + match(MISMATCH); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13449); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case IGNORE: + { + setState(13447); + match(IGNORE); + } + break; + case NULLX: + case ERROR_P: + { + setState(13448); + json_value_on_response(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(13451); + match(ON); + setState(13452); + match(MISMATCH); + setState(13453); + match(LeftParen); + setState(13454); + mismatch_type_list(); + setState(13455); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_value_on_responseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } + public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } + public Json_value_on_responseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_value_on_response; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_value_on_response(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_value_on_response(this); + } + } + + public final Json_value_on_responseContext json_value_on_response() throws RecognitionException { + Json_value_on_responseContext _localctx = new Json_value_on_responseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1602, RULE_json_value_on_response); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13459); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mismatch_type_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List mismatch_type() { + return getRuleContexts(Mismatch_typeContext.class); + } + public Mismatch_typeContext mismatch_type(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Mismatch_typeContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Mismatch_type_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mismatch_type_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMismatch_type_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMismatch_type_list(this); + } + } + + public final Mismatch_type_listContext mismatch_type_list() throws RecognitionException { + Mismatch_type_listContext _localctx = new Mismatch_type_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1604, RULE_mismatch_type_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13461); + mismatch_type(); + setState(13466); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(13462); + match(Comma); + setState(13463); + mismatch_type(); + } + } + setState(13468); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Mismatch_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode MISSING() { return getToken(OBParser.MISSING, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATA() { return getToken(OBParser.DATA, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXTRA() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTRA, 0); } + public TerminalNode TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.TYPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Mismatch_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mismatch_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMismatch_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMismatch_type(this); + } + } + + public final Mismatch_typeContext mismatch_type() throws RecognitionException { + Mismatch_typeContext _localctx = new Mismatch_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1606, RULE_mismatch_type); + try { + setState(13476); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case MISSING: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13469); + match(MISSING); + setState(13470); + match(DATA); + } + break; + case EXTRA: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13471); + match(EXTRA); + setState(13472); + match(DATA); + } + break; + case TYPE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13473); + match(TYPE); + setState(13474); + match(ERROR_P); + } + break; + case Comma: + case RightParen: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(13475); + empty(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_exists_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode JSON_EXISTS() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_EXISTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Js_doc_exprContext js_doc_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Js_doc_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public LiteralContext literal() { + return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Opt_json_existContext opt_json_exist() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_json_existContext.class,0); + } + public Json_exists_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_exists_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_exists_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_exists_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Json_exists_exprContext json_exists_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Json_exists_exprContext _localctx = new Json_exists_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1608, RULE_json_exists_expr); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13478); + match(JSON_EXISTS); + setState(13479); + match(LeftParen); + setState(13480); + js_doc_expr(); + setState(13481); + match(Comma); + setState(13482); + literal(); + setState(13484); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PASSING || _la==ERROR_P || _la==BOOL_VALUE) { + { + setState(13483); + opt_json_exist(); + } + } + + setState(13486); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_json_existContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PASSING() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSING, 0); } + public Passing_elementsContext passing_elements() { + return getRuleContext(Passing_elementsContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_json_existContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_json_exist; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_json_exist(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_json_exist(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_json_existContext opt_json_exist() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_json_existContext _localctx = new Opt_json_existContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1610, RULE_opt_json_exist); + int _la; + try { + setState(13494); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case PASSING: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13488); + match(PASSING); + setState(13489); + passing_elements(); + setState(13491); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ERROR_P || _la==BOOL_VALUE) { + { + setState(13490); + opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty(); + } + } + + } + break; + case ERROR_P: + case BOOL_VALUE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13493); + opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Passing_elementsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List passing_context() { + return getRuleContexts(Passing_contextContext.class); + } + public Passing_contextContext passing_context(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Passing_contextContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Passing_elementsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_passing_elements; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPassing_elements(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPassing_elements(this); + } + } + + public final Passing_elementsContext passing_elements() throws RecognitionException { + Passing_elementsContext _localctx = new Passing_elementsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1612, RULE_passing_elements); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13496); + passing_context(); + setState(13501); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(13497); + match(Comma); + setState(13498); + passing_context(); + } + } + setState(13503); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Passing_contextContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } + public Sql_var_nameContext sql_var_name() { + return getRuleContext(Sql_var_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Passing_contextContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_passing_context; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPassing_context(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPassing_context(this); + } + } + + public final Passing_contextContext passing_context() throws RecognitionException { + Passing_contextContext _localctx = new Passing_contextContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1614, RULE_passing_context); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13504); + bit_expr(0); + setState(13505); + match(AS); + setState(13506); + sql_var_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Sql_var_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } + public Sql_var_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sql_var_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSql_var_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSql_var_name(this); + } + } + + public final Sql_var_nameContext sql_var_name() throws RecognitionException { + Sql_var_nameContext _localctx = new Sql_var_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1616, RULE_sql_var_name); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13508); + match(NAME_OB); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Json_exists_on_errorContext json_exists_on_error() { + return getRuleContext(Json_exists_on_errorContext.class,0); + } + public Json_exists_on_emptyContext json_exists_on_empty() { + return getRuleContext(Json_exists_on_emptyContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext _localctx = new Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1618, RULE_opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty); + int _la; + try { + setState(13515); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1480,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13510); + json_exists_on_error(); + setState(13512); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ERROR_P || _la==BOOL_VALUE) { + { + setState(13511); + json_exists_on_empty(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13514); + json_exists_on_empty(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_exists_on_errorContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Json_exists_response_typeContext json_exists_response_type() { + return getRuleContext(Json_exists_response_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } + public Json_exists_on_errorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_exists_on_error; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_exists_on_error(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_exists_on_error(this); + } + } + + public final Json_exists_on_errorContext json_exists_on_error() throws RecognitionException { + Json_exists_on_errorContext _localctx = new Json_exists_on_errorContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1620, RULE_json_exists_on_error); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13517); + json_exists_response_type(); + setState(13518); + match(ON); + setState(13519); + match(ERROR_P); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_exists_on_emptyContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Json_exists_response_typeContext json_exists_response_type() { + return getRuleContext(Json_exists_response_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public TerminalNode EMPTY() { return getToken(OBParser.EMPTY, 0); } + public Json_exists_on_emptyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_exists_on_empty; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_exists_on_empty(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_exists_on_empty(this); + } + } + + public final Json_exists_on_emptyContext json_exists_on_empty() throws RecognitionException { + Json_exists_on_emptyContext _localctx = new Json_exists_on_emptyContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1622, RULE_json_exists_on_empty); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13521); + json_exists_response_type(); + setState(13522); + match(ON); + setState(13523); + match(EMPTY); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_exists_response_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode BOOL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } + public Json_exists_response_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_exists_response_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_exists_response_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_exists_response_type(this); + } + } + + public final Json_exists_response_typeContext json_exists_response_type() throws RecognitionException { + Json_exists_response_typeContext _localctx = new Json_exists_response_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1624, RULE_json_exists_response_type); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13525); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ERROR_P || _la==BOOL_VALUE) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_query_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode JSON_QUERY() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_QUERY, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Js_doc_exprContext js_doc_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Js_doc_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Js_literalContext js_literal() { + return getRuleContext(Js_literalContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RETURNING() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNING, 0); } + public Js_query_return_typeContext js_query_return_type() { + return getRuleContext(Js_query_return_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TRUNCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRUNCATE, 0); } + public Scalars_optContext scalars_opt() { + return getRuleContext(Scalars_optContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode PRETTY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRETTY, 0); } + public TerminalNode ASCII() { return getToken(OBParser.ASCII, 0); } + public Wrapper_optsContext wrapper_opts() { + return getRuleContext(Wrapper_optsContext.class,0); + } + public Json_query_on_optContext json_query_on_opt() { + return getRuleContext(Json_query_on_optContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode MULTIVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.MULTIVALUE, 0); } + public Json_query_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_query_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_query_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_query_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Json_query_exprContext json_query_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Json_query_exprContext _localctx = new Json_query_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1626, RULE_json_query_expr); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13527); + match(JSON_QUERY); + setState(13528); + match(LeftParen); + setState(13529); + js_doc_expr(); + setState(13530); + match(Comma); + setState(13531); + js_literal(); + setState(13534); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==RETURNING) { + { + setState(13532); + match(RETURNING); + setState(13533); + js_query_return_type(); + } + } + + setState(13537); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TRUNCATE) { + { + setState(13536); + match(TRUNCATE); + } + } + + setState(13540); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ALLOW || _la==DISALLOW) { + { + setState(13539); + scalars_opt(); + } + } + + setState(13543); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PRETTY) { + { + setState(13542); + match(PRETTY); + } + } + + setState(13546); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ASCII) { + { + setState(13545); + match(ASCII); + } + } + + setState(13549); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH || _la==WITHOUT) { + { + setState(13548); + wrapper_opts(); + } + } + + setState(13552); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DOT || _la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P || _la==EMPTY) { + { + setState(13551); + json_query_on_opt(); + } + } + + setState(13555); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==MULTIVALUE) { + { + setState(13554); + match(MULTIVALUE); + } + } + + setState(13557); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_query_on_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public On_empty_queryContext on_empty_query() { + return getRuleContext(On_empty_queryContext.class,0); + } + public On_error_queryContext on_error_query() { + return getRuleContext(On_error_queryContext.class,0); + } + public On_mismatch_queryContext on_mismatch_query() { + return getRuleContext(On_mismatch_queryContext.class,0); + } + public Json_query_on_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_query_on_opt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_query_on_opt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_query_on_opt(this); + } + } + + public final Json_query_on_optContext json_query_on_opt() throws RecognitionException { + Json_query_on_optContext _localctx = new Json_query_on_optContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1628, RULE_json_query_on_opt); + try { + setState(13582); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1489,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13559); + on_empty_query(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13560); + on_error_query(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13561); + on_mismatch_query(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(13562); + on_error_query(); + setState(13563); + on_empty_query(); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(13565); + on_empty_query(); + setState(13566); + on_error_query(); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(13568); + on_error_query(); + setState(13569); + on_mismatch_query(); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(13571); + on_empty_query(); + setState(13572); + on_mismatch_query(); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(13574); + on_error_query(); + setState(13575); + on_empty_query(); + setState(13576); + on_mismatch_query(); + } + break; + case 9: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); + { + setState(13578); + on_empty_query(); + setState(13579); + on_error_query(); + setState(13580); + on_mismatch_query(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Wrapper_optsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode WITHOUT() { return getToken(OBParser.WITHOUT, 0); } + public TerminalNode WRAPPER() { return getToken(OBParser.WRAPPER, 0); } + public TerminalNode ARRAY() { return getToken(OBParser.ARRAY, 0); } + public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNCONDITIONAL() { return getToken(OBParser.UNCONDITIONAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONDITIONAL() { return getToken(OBParser.CONDITIONAL, 0); } + public Wrapper_optsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_wrapper_opts; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWrapper_opts(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWrapper_opts(this); + } + } + + public final Wrapper_optsContext wrapper_opts() throws RecognitionException { + Wrapper_optsContext _localctx = new Wrapper_optsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1630, RULE_wrapper_opts); + try { + setState(13608); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1490,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13584); + match(WITHOUT); + setState(13585); + match(WRAPPER); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13586); + match(WITHOUT); + setState(13587); + match(ARRAY); + setState(13588); + match(WRAPPER); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13589); + match(WITH); + setState(13590); + match(WRAPPER); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(13591); + match(WITH); + setState(13592); + match(ARRAY); + setState(13593); + match(WRAPPER); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(13594); + match(WITH); + setState(13595); + match(UNCONDITIONAL); + setState(13596); + match(WRAPPER); + } + break; + case 6: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(13597); + match(WITH); + setState(13598); + match(CONDITIONAL); + setState(13599); + match(WRAPPER); + } + break; + case 7: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); + { + setState(13600); + match(WITH); + setState(13601); + match(UNCONDITIONAL); + setState(13602); + match(ARRAY); + setState(13603); + match(WRAPPER); + } + break; + case 8: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); + { + setState(13604); + match(WITH); + setState(13605); + match(CONDITIONAL); + setState(13606); + match(ARRAY); + setState(13607); + match(WRAPPER); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Js_query_return_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Js_value_return_typeContext js_value_return_type() { + return getRuleContext(Js_value_return_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode BLOB() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOB, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } + public Js_query_return_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_query_return_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_query_return_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_query_return_type(this); + } + } + + public final Js_query_return_typeContext js_query_return_type() throws RecognitionException { + Js_query_return_typeContext _localctx = new Js_query_return_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1632, RULE_js_query_return_type); + try { + setState(13613); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CLOB: + case DATE: + case NUMBER: + case VARCHAR: + case VARCHAR2: + case INTERVAL: + case TIMESTAMP: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13610); + js_value_return_type(); + } + break; + case BLOB: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13611); + match(BLOB); + } + break; + case JSON: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13612); + match(JSON); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class On_mismatch_queryContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public TerminalNode MISMATCH() { return getToken(OBParser.MISMATCH, 0); } + public TerminalNode DOT() { return getToken(OBParser.DOT, 0); } + public Opt_response_queryContext opt_response_query() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_response_queryContext.class,0); + } + public On_mismatch_queryContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_on_mismatch_query; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOn_mismatch_query(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOn_mismatch_query(this); + } + } + + public final On_mismatch_queryContext on_mismatch_query() throws RecognitionException { + On_mismatch_queryContext _localctx = new On_mismatch_queryContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1634, RULE_on_mismatch_query); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13617); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case DOT: + { + setState(13615); + match(DOT); + } + break; + case NULLX: + case ERROR_P: + { + setState(13616); + opt_response_query(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(13619); + match(ON); + setState(13620); + match(MISMATCH); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class On_error_queryContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext opt_response_query_on_empty_error() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } + public On_error_queryContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_on_error_query; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOn_error_query(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOn_error_query(this); + } + } + + public final On_error_queryContext on_error_query() throws RecognitionException { + On_error_queryContext _localctx = new On_error_queryContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1636, RULE_on_error_query); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13622); + opt_response_query_on_empty_error(); + setState(13623); + match(ON); + setState(13624); + match(ERROR_P); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class On_empty_queryContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext opt_response_query_on_empty_error() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public TerminalNode EMPTY() { return getToken(OBParser.EMPTY, 0); } + public On_empty_queryContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_on_empty_query; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOn_empty_query(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOn_empty_query(this); + } + } + + public final On_empty_queryContext on_empty_query() throws RecognitionException { + On_empty_queryContext _localctx = new On_empty_queryContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1638, RULE_on_empty_query); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13626); + opt_response_query_on_empty_error(); + setState(13627); + match(ON); + setState(13628); + match(EMPTY); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode EMPTY() { return getToken(OBParser.EMPTY, 0); } + public TerminalNode ARRAY() { return getToken(OBParser.ARRAY, 0); } + public TerminalNode OBJECT() { return getToken(OBParser.OBJECT, 0); } + public Opt_response_queryContext opt_response_query() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_response_queryContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_response_query_on_empty_error; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_response_query_on_empty_error(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_response_query_on_empty_error(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext opt_response_query_on_empty_error() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext _localctx = new Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1640, RULE_opt_response_query_on_empty_error); + int _la; + try { + setState(13637); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1494,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13630); + match(EMPTY); + setState(13632); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ARRAY) { + { + setState(13631); + match(ARRAY); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13634); + match(EMPTY); + setState(13635); + match(OBJECT); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13636); + opt_response_query(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_response_queryContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } + public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } + public Opt_response_queryContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_response_query; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_response_query(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_response_query(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_response_queryContext opt_response_query() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_response_queryContext _localctx = new Opt_response_queryContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1642, RULE_opt_response_query); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13639); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xml_table_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode XMLTABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLTABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Opt_xml_table_nsContext opt_xml_table_ns() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_xml_table_nsContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Opt_xml_table_pathContext opt_xml_table_path() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_xml_table_pathContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext opt_xml_passing_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_sequence_by_refContext opt_sequence_by_ref() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_sequence_by_refContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_columns_clauseContext opt_columns_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_columns_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Xml_table_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_table_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_table_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_table_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Xml_table_exprContext xml_table_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Xml_table_exprContext _localctx = new Xml_table_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1644, RULE_xml_table_expr); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13641); + match(XMLTABLE); + setState(13642); + match(LeftParen); + setState(13646); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==XMLNAMESPACES) { + { + setState(13643); + opt_xml_table_ns(); + setState(13644); + match(Comma); + } + } + + setState(13649); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PATH || _la==STRING_VALUE) { + { + setState(13648); + opt_xml_table_path(); + } + } + + setState(13652); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PASSING) { + { + setState(13651); + opt_xml_passing_clause(); + } + } + + setState(13655); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==RETURNING) { + { + setState(13654); + opt_sequence_by_ref(); + } + } + + setState(13658); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==COLUMNS) { + { + setState(13657); + opt_columns_clause(); + } + } + + setState(13660); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_columns_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } + public Xml_table_columns_listContext xml_table_columns_list() { + return getRuleContext(Xml_table_columns_listContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_columns_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_columns_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_columns_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_columns_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_columns_clauseContext opt_columns_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_columns_clauseContext _localctx = new Opt_columns_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1646, RULE_opt_columns_clause); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13662); + match(COLUMNS); + setState(13663); + xml_table_columns_list(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_sequence_by_refContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode RETURNING() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNING, 0); } + public TerminalNode SEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SEQUENCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode REF() { return getToken(OBParser.REF, 0); } + public Opt_sequence_by_refContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_sequence_by_ref; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_sequence_by_ref(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_sequence_by_ref(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_sequence_by_refContext opt_sequence_by_ref() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_sequence_by_refContext _localctx = new Opt_sequence_by_refContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1648, RULE_opt_sequence_by_ref); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13665); + match(RETURNING); + setState(13666); + match(SEQUENCE); + setState(13667); + match(BY); + setState(13668); + match(REF); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PASSING() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSING, 0); } + public Simple_exprContext simple_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Simple_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUE, 0); } + public Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_xml_passing_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_xml_passing_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_xml_passing_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext opt_xml_passing_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext _localctx = new Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1650, RULE_opt_xml_passing_clause); + try { + setState(13676); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1500,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13670); + match(PASSING); + setState(13671); + simple_expr(0); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13672); + match(PASSING); + setState(13673); + match(BY); + setState(13674); + match(VALUE); + setState(13675); + simple_expr(0); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_xml_table_pathContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PATH() { return getToken(OBParser.PATH, 0); } + public Complex_string_literalContext complex_string_literal() { + return getRuleContext(Complex_string_literalContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_xml_table_pathContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_xml_table_path; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_xml_table_path(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_xml_table_path(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_xml_table_pathContext opt_xml_table_path() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_xml_table_pathContext _localctx = new Opt_xml_table_pathContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1652, RULE_opt_xml_table_path); + try { + setState(13681); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case PATH: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13678); + match(PATH); + setState(13679); + complex_string_literal(); + } + break; + case STRING_VALUE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13680); + complex_string_literal(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_xml_table_nsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode XMLNAMESPACES() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLNAMESPACES, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Xml_ns_listContext xml_ns_list() { + return getRuleContext(Xml_ns_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Opt_xml_table_nsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_xml_table_ns; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_xml_table_ns(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_xml_table_ns(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_xml_table_nsContext opt_xml_table_ns() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_xml_table_nsContext _localctx = new Opt_xml_table_nsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1654, RULE_opt_xml_table_ns); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13683); + match(XMLNAMESPACES); + setState(13684); + match(LeftParen); + setState(13685); + xml_ns_list(); + setState(13686); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xml_ns_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List xml_ns() { + return getRuleContexts(Xml_nsContext.class); + } + public Xml_nsContext xml_ns(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Xml_nsContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Xml_ns_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_ns_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_ns_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_ns_list(this); + } + } + + public final Xml_ns_listContext xml_ns_list() throws RecognitionException { + Xml_ns_listContext _localctx = new Xml_ns_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1656, RULE_xml_ns_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13688); + xml_ns(); + setState(13693); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(13689); + match(Comma); + setState(13690); + xml_ns(); + } + } + setState(13695); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xml_nsContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } + public Xml_identifierContext xml_identifier() { + return getRuleContext(Xml_identifierContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public Xml_nsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_ns; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_ns(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_ns(this); + } + } + + public final Xml_nsContext xml_ns() throws RecognitionException { + Xml_nsContext _localctx = new Xml_nsContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1658, RULE_xml_ns); + try { + setState(13701); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case STRING_VALUE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13696); + match(STRING_VALUE); + setState(13697); + match(AS); + setState(13698); + xml_identifier(); + } + break; + case DEFAULT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13699); + match(DEFAULT); + setState(13700); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xml_identifierContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Xml_identifierContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_identifier; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_identifier(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_identifier(this); + } + } + + public final Xml_identifierContext xml_identifier() throws RecognitionException { + Xml_identifierContext _localctx = new Xml_identifierContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1660, RULE_xml_identifier); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13703); + relation_name(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xml_table_columns_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List xml_table_column() { + return getRuleContexts(Xml_table_columnContext.class); + } + public Xml_table_columnContext xml_table_column(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Xml_table_columnContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Xml_table_columns_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_table_columns_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_table_columns_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_table_columns_list(this); + } + } + + public final Xml_table_columns_listContext xml_table_columns_list() throws RecognitionException { + Xml_table_columns_listContext _localctx = new Xml_table_columns_listContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1662, RULE_xml_table_columns_list); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13705); + xml_table_column(); + setState(13710); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(13706); + match(Comma); + setState(13707); + xml_table_column(); + } + } + setState(13712); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xml_table_columnContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext xml_table_ordinality_column_def() { + return getRuleContext(Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext.class,0); + } + public Xml_table_value_column_defContext xml_table_value_column_def() { + return getRuleContext(Xml_table_value_column_defContext.class,0); + } + public Xml_table_query_column_defContext xml_table_query_column_def() { + return getRuleContext(Xml_table_query_column_defContext.class,0); + } + public Xml_table_columnContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_table_column; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_table_column(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_table_column(this); + } + } + + public final Xml_table_columnContext xml_table_column() throws RecognitionException { + Xml_table_columnContext _localctx = new Xml_table_columnContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1664, RULE_xml_table_column); + try { + setState(13716); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1505,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13713); + xml_table_ordinality_column_def(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13714); + xml_table_value_column_def(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13715); + xml_table_query_column_def(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode ORDINALITY() { return getToken(OBParser.ORDINALITY, 0); } + public Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_table_ordinality_column_def; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_table_ordinality_column_def(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_table_ordinality_column_def(this); + } + } + + public final Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext xml_table_ordinality_column_def() throws RecognitionException { + Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext _localctx = new Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1666, RULE_xml_table_ordinality_column_def); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13718); + column_name(); + setState(13719); + match(FOR); + setState(13720); + match(ORDINALITY); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xml_table_value_column_defContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Cast_data_typeContext cast_data_type() { + return getRuleContext(Cast_data_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_xml_table_pathContext opt_xml_table_path() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_xml_table_pathContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext opt_xml_table_default_value() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext.class,0); + } + public Xml_table_value_column_defContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_table_value_column_def; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_table_value_column_def(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_table_value_column_def(this); + } + } + + public final Xml_table_value_column_defContext xml_table_value_column_def() throws RecognitionException { + Xml_table_value_column_defContext _localctx = new Xml_table_value_column_defContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1668, RULE_xml_table_value_column_def); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13722); + column_name(); + setState(13724); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1506,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(13723); + cast_data_type(); + } + break; + } + setState(13727); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PATH || _la==STRING_VALUE) { + { + setState(13726); + opt_xml_table_path(); + } + } + + setState(13730); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DEFAULT) { + { + setState(13729); + opt_xml_table_default_value(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xml_table_query_column_defContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode XMLTYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLTYPE, 0); } + public Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_xml_table_pathContext opt_xml_table_path() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_xml_table_pathContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext opt_xml_table_default_value() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext.class,0); + } + public Xml_table_query_column_defContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_table_query_column_def; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_table_query_column_def(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_table_query_column_def(this); + } + } + + public final Xml_table_query_column_defContext xml_table_query_column_def() throws RecognitionException { + Xml_table_query_column_defContext _localctx = new Xml_table_query_column_defContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1670, RULE_xml_table_query_column_def); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13732); + column_name(); + setState(13733); + match(XMLTYPE); + setState(13735); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(13734); + opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket(); + } + } + + setState(13738); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PATH || _la==STRING_VALUE) { + { + setState(13737); + opt_xml_table_path(); + } + } + + setState(13741); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DEFAULT) { + { + setState(13740); + opt_xml_table_default_value(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode SEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SEQUENCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode REF() { return getToken(OBParser.REF, 0); } + public Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext _localctx = new Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1672, RULE_opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13743); + match(LeftParen); + setState(13744); + match(SEQUENCE); + setState(13745); + match(RightParen); + setState(13746); + match(BY); + setState(13747); + match(REF); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_xml_table_default_value; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_xml_table_default_value(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_xml_table_default_value(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext opt_xml_table_default_value() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext _localctx = new Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1674, RULE_opt_xml_table_default_value); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13749); + match(DEFAULT); + setState(13750); + bit_expr(0); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Json_table_on_errorContext json_table_on_error() { + return getRuleContext(Json_table_on_errorContext.class,0); + } + public Json_table_on_emptyContext json_table_on_empty() { + return getRuleContext(Json_table_on_emptyContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_json_table_on_error_on_empty; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_json_table_on_error_on_empty(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_json_table_on_error_on_empty(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext opt_json_table_on_error_on_empty() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext _localctx = new Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1676, RULE_opt_json_table_on_error_on_empty); + try { + setState(13757); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1512,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13752); + json_table_on_error(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13753); + json_table_on_empty(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13754); + json_table_on_error(); + setState(13755); + json_table_on_empty(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_table_columns_def_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Json_table_columns_defContext json_table_columns_def() { + return getRuleContext(Json_table_columns_defContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Json_table_columns_def_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_columns_def_opt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_columns_def_opt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_columns_def_opt(this); + } + } + + public final Json_table_columns_def_optContext json_table_columns_def_opt() throws RecognitionException { + Json_table_columns_def_optContext _localctx = new Json_table_columns_def_optContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1678, RULE_json_table_columns_def_opt); + try { + setState(13764); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ROWID: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13759); + json_table_columns_def(); + } + break; + case LeftParen: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13760); + match(LeftParen); + setState(13761); + json_table_columns_def(); + setState(13762); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_table_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode JSON_TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_TABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Js_doc_exprContext js_doc_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Js_doc_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } + public Json_table_columns_def_optContext json_table_columns_def_opt() { + return getRuleContext(Json_table_columns_def_optContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public LiteralContext literal() { + return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext opt_json_table_on_error_on_empty() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext.class,0); + } + public Json_table_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Json_table_exprContext json_table_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Json_table_exprContext _localctx = new Json_table_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1680, RULE_json_table_expr); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13766); + match(JSON_TABLE); + setState(13767); + match(LeftParen); + setState(13768); + js_doc_expr(); + setState(13771); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Comma) { + { + setState(13769); + match(Comma); + setState(13770); + literal(); + } + } + + setState(13774); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DEFAULT || _la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P) { + { + setState(13773); + opt_json_table_on_error_on_empty(); + } + } + + setState(13776); + match(COLUMNS); + setState(13777); + json_table_columns_def_opt(); + setState(13778); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_table_columns_defContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List json_table_column_def() { + return getRuleContexts(Json_table_column_defContext.class); + } + public Json_table_column_defContext json_table_column_def(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Json_table_column_defContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Json_table_columns_defContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_columns_def; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_columns_def(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_columns_def(this); + } + } + + public final Json_table_columns_defContext json_table_columns_def() throws RecognitionException { + Json_table_columns_defContext _localctx = new Json_table_columns_defContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1682, RULE_json_table_columns_def); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13780); + json_table_column_def(); + setState(13785); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(13781); + match(Comma); + setState(13782); + json_table_column_def(); + } + } + setState(13787); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_table_column_defContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext json_table_ordinality_column_def() { + return getRuleContext(Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext.class,0); + } + public Json_table_exists_column_defContext json_table_exists_column_def() { + return getRuleContext(Json_table_exists_column_defContext.class,0); + } + public Json_table_query_column_defContext json_table_query_column_def() { + return getRuleContext(Json_table_query_column_defContext.class,0); + } + public Json_table_value_column_defContext json_table_value_column_def() { + return getRuleContext(Json_table_value_column_defContext.class,0); + } + public Json_table_nested_column_defContext json_table_nested_column_def() { + return getRuleContext(Json_table_nested_column_defContext.class,0); + } + public Json_table_column_defContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_column_def; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_column_def(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_column_def(this); + } + } + + public final Json_table_column_defContext json_table_column_def() throws RecognitionException { + Json_table_column_defContext _localctx = new Json_table_column_defContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1684, RULE_json_table_column_def); + try { + setState(13793); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1517,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13788); + json_table_ordinality_column_def(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13789); + json_table_exists_column_def(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13790); + json_table_query_column_def(); + } + break; + case 4: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(13791); + json_table_value_column_def(); + } + break; + case 5: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(13792); + json_table_nested_column_def(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode ORDINALITY() { return getToken(OBParser.ORDINALITY, 0); } + public Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_ordinality_column_def; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_ordinality_column_def(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_ordinality_column_def(this); + } + } + + public final Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext json_table_ordinality_column_def() throws RecognitionException { + Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext _localctx = new Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1686, RULE_json_table_ordinality_column_def); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13795); + column_name(); + setState(13796); + match(FOR); + setState(13797); + match(ORDINALITY); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_table_column_def_pathContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode PATH() { return getToken(OBParser.PATH, 0); } + public LiteralContext literal() { + return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); + } + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Dot_notation_pathContext dot_notation_path() { + return getRuleContext(Dot_notation_pathContext.class,0); + } + public Json_table_column_def_pathContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_column_def_path; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_column_def_path(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_column_def_path(this); + } + } + + public final Json_table_column_def_pathContext json_table_column_def_path() throws RecognitionException { + Json_table_column_def_pathContext _localctx = new Json_table_column_def_pathContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1688, RULE_json_table_column_def_path); + try { + setState(13807); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1518,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13799); + match(PATH); + setState(13800); + literal(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13801); + match(PATH); + setState(13802); + column_name(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13803); + match(PATH); + setState(13804); + column_name(); + setState(13805); + dot_notation_path(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_table_exists_column_defContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_jt_value_typeContext opt_jt_value_type() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_jt_value_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode EXISTS() { return getToken(OBParser.EXISTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRUNCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRUNCATE, 0); } + public Json_table_column_def_pathContext json_table_column_def_path() { + return getRuleContext(Json_table_column_def_pathContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ASIS() { return getToken(OBParser.ASIS, 0); } + public Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext.class,0); + } + public Json_table_exists_column_defContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_exists_column_def; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_exists_column_def(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_exists_column_def(this); + } + } + + public final Json_table_exists_column_defContext json_table_exists_column_def() throws RecognitionException { + Json_table_exists_column_defContext _localctx = new Json_table_exists_column_defContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1690, RULE_json_table_exists_column_def); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13809); + column_name(); + setState(13810); + opt_jt_value_type(); + setState(13812); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TRUNCATE) { + { + setState(13811); + match(TRUNCATE); + } + } + + setState(13814); + match(EXISTS); + setState(13816); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PATH) { + { + setState(13815); + json_table_column_def_path(); + } + } + + setState(13819); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ASIS) { + { + setState(13818); + match(ASIS); + } + } + + setState(13822); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ERROR_P || _la==BOOL_VALUE) { + { + setState(13821); + opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_table_query_column_defContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_jt_query_typeContext opt_jt_query_type() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_jt_query_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FORMAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRUNCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRUNCATE, 0); } + public Scalars_optContext scalars_opt() { + return getRuleContext(Scalars_optContext.class,0); + } + public Wrapper_optsContext wrapper_opts() { + return getRuleContext(Wrapper_optsContext.class,0); + } + public Json_table_column_def_pathContext json_table_column_def_path() { + return getRuleContext(Json_table_column_def_pathContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ASIS() { return getToken(OBParser.ASIS, 0); } + public Json_query_on_optContext json_query_on_opt() { + return getRuleContext(Json_query_on_optContext.class,0); + } + public Json_table_query_column_defContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_query_column_def; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_query_column_def(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_query_column_def(this); + } + } + + public final Json_table_query_column_defContext json_table_query_column_def() throws RecognitionException { + Json_table_query_column_defContext _localctx = new Json_table_query_column_defContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1692, RULE_json_table_query_column_def); + int _la; + try { + setState(13863); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1534,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13824); + column_name(); + setState(13825); + opt_jt_query_type(); + setState(13826); + match(FORMAT); + setState(13827); + match(JSON); + setState(13829); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TRUNCATE) { + { + setState(13828); + match(TRUNCATE); + } + } + + setState(13832); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ALLOW || _la==DISALLOW) { + { + setState(13831); + scalars_opt(); + } + } + + setState(13835); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH || _la==WITHOUT) { + { + setState(13834); + wrapper_opts(); + } + } + + setState(13838); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PATH) { + { + setState(13837); + json_table_column_def_path(); + } + } + + setState(13841); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ASIS) { + { + setState(13840); + match(ASIS); + } + } + + setState(13844); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DOT || _la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P || _la==EMPTY) { + { + setState(13843); + json_query_on_opt(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13846); + column_name(); + setState(13847); + match(JSON); + setState(13849); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ALLOW || _la==DISALLOW) { + { + setState(13848); + scalars_opt(); + } + } + + setState(13852); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH || _la==WITHOUT) { + { + setState(13851); + wrapper_opts(); + } + } + + setState(13855); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PATH) { + { + setState(13854); + json_table_column_def_path(); + } + } + + setState(13858); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ASIS) { + { + setState(13857); + match(ASIS); + } + } + + setState(13861); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DOT || _la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P || _la==EMPTY) { + { + setState(13860); + json_query_on_opt(); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_table_value_column_defContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_jt_value_typeContext opt_jt_value_type() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_jt_value_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode TRUNCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRUNCATE, 0); } + public Json_table_column_def_pathContext json_table_column_def_path() { + return getRuleContext(Json_table_column_def_pathContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ASIS() { return getToken(OBParser.ASIS, 0); } + public Json_value_on_optContext json_value_on_opt() { + return getRuleContext(Json_value_on_optContext.class,0); + } + public Json_table_value_column_defContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_value_column_def; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_value_column_def(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_value_column_def(this); + } + } + + public final Json_table_value_column_defContext json_table_value_column_def() throws RecognitionException { + Json_table_value_column_defContext _localctx = new Json_table_value_column_defContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1694, RULE_json_table_value_column_def); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13865); + column_name(); + setState(13866); + opt_jt_value_type(); + setState(13868); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==TRUNCATE) { + { + setState(13867); + match(TRUNCATE); + } + } + + setState(13871); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==PATH) { + { + setState(13870); + json_table_column_def_path(); + } + } + + setState(13874); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ASIS) { + { + setState(13873); + match(ASIS); + } + } + + setState(13877); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==DEFAULT || _la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P || _la==IGNORE) { + { + setState(13876); + json_value_on_opt(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_table_nested_column_defContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode NESTED() { return getToken(OBParser.NESTED, 0); } + public TerminalNode PATH() { return getToken(OBParser.PATH, 0); } + public LiteralContext literal() { + return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Json_table_columns_defContext json_table_columns_def() { + return getRuleContext(Json_table_columns_defContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Json_table_nested_column_defContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_nested_column_def; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_nested_column_def(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_nested_column_def(this); + } + } + + public final Json_table_nested_column_defContext json_table_nested_column_def() throws RecognitionException { + Json_table_nested_column_defContext _localctx = new Json_table_nested_column_defContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1696, RULE_json_table_nested_column_def); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13879); + match(NESTED); + setState(13880); + match(PATH); + setState(13881); + literal(); + setState(13882); + match(COLUMNS); + setState(13883); + match(LeftParen); + setState(13884); + json_table_columns_def(); + setState(13885); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_jt_query_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Js_return_typeContext js_return_type() { + return getRuleContext(Js_return_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Js_return_default_typeContext js_return_default_type() { + return getRuleContext(Js_return_default_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_jt_query_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_jt_query_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_jt_query_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_jt_query_type(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_jt_query_typeContext opt_jt_query_type() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_jt_query_typeContext _localctx = new Opt_jt_query_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1698, RULE_opt_jt_query_type); + try { + setState(13889); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case BLOB: + case CLOB: + case VARCHAR: + case VARCHAR2: + case JSON: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13887); + js_return_type(); + } + break; + case FORMAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13888); + js_return_default_type(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_jt_value_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Js_value_return_typeContext js_value_return_type() { + return getRuleContext(Js_value_return_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Int_type_iContext int_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Int_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode CHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.CHAR, 0); } + public String_length_iContext string_length_i() { + return getRuleContext(String_length_iContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode BINARY() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY, 0); } + public TerminalNode NVARCHAR2() { return getToken(OBParser.NVARCHAR2, 0); } + public Nstring_length_iContext nstring_length_i() { + return getRuleContext(Nstring_length_iContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NCHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.NCHAR, 0); } + public Js_return_default_typeContext js_return_default_type() { + return getRuleContext(Js_return_default_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_jt_value_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_jt_value_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_jt_value_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_jt_value_type(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_jt_value_typeContext opt_jt_value_type() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_jt_value_typeContext _localctx = new Opt_jt_value_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1700, RULE_opt_jt_value_type); + int _la; + try { + setState(13905); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CLOB: + case DATE: + case NUMBER: + case VARCHAR: + case VARCHAR2: + case INTERVAL: + case TIMESTAMP: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13891); + js_value_return_type(); + } + break; + case INTEGER: + case SMALLINT: + case INT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13892); + int_type_i(); + } + break; + case CHAR: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13893); + match(CHAR); + setState(13895); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(13894); + string_length_i(); + } + } + + setState(13898); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==BINARY) { + { + setState(13897); + match(BINARY); + } + } + + } + break; + case NVARCHAR2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(13900); + match(NVARCHAR2); + setState(13901); + nstring_length_i(); + } + break; + case NCHAR: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(13902); + match(NCHAR); + setState(13903); + nstring_length_i(); + } + break; + case DEFAULT: + case EXISTS: + case NULLX: + case TRUNCATE: + case ERROR_P: + case IGNORE: + case PATH: + case ASIS: + case Comma: + case RightParen: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(13904); + js_return_default_type(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Js_value_return_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Datetime_type_iContext datetime_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Datetime_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Timestamp_type_iContext timestamp_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Timestamp_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NUMBER() { return getToken(OBParser.NUMBER, 0); } + public Number_precisionContext number_precision() { + return getRuleContext(Number_precisionContext.class,0); + } + public Double_type_iContext double_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Double_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Interval_type_iContext interval_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Interval_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public Js_return_text_typeContext js_return_text_type() { + return getRuleContext(Js_return_text_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Js_value_return_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_value_return_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_value_return_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_value_return_type(this); + } + } + + public final Js_value_return_typeContext js_value_return_type() throws RecognitionException { + Js_value_return_typeContext _localctx = new Js_value_return_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1702, RULE_js_value_return_type); + int _la; + try { + setState(13916); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case DATE: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13907); + datetime_type_i(); + } + break; + case TIMESTAMP: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13908); + timestamp_type_i(); + } + break; + case NUMBER: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13909); + match(NUMBER); + setState(13911); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==LeftParen) { + { + setState(13910); + number_precision(); + } + } + + } + break; + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(13913); + double_type_i(); + } + break; + case INTERVAL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(13914); + interval_type_i(); + } + break; + case CLOB: + case VARCHAR: + case VARCHAR2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(13915); + js_return_text_type(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Js_return_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode BLOB() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOB, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } + public Js_return_text_typeContext js_return_text_type() { + return getRuleContext(Js_return_text_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Js_return_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_return_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_return_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_return_type(this); + } + } + + public final Js_return_typeContext js_return_type() throws RecognitionException { + Js_return_typeContext _localctx = new Js_return_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1704, RULE_js_return_type); + try { + setState(13921); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case BLOB: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13918); + match(BLOB); + } + break; + case JSON: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13919); + match(JSON); + } + break; + case CLOB: + case VARCHAR: + case VARCHAR2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13920); + js_return_text_type(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Js_return_default_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Js_return_default_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_return_default_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_return_default_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_return_default_type(this); + } + } + + public final Js_return_default_typeContext js_return_default_type() throws RecognitionException { + Js_return_default_typeContext _localctx = new Js_return_default_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1706, RULE_js_return_default_type); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13923); + empty(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Js_return_text_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode CLOB() { return getToken(OBParser.CLOB, 0); } + public Varchar_type_iContext varchar_type_i() { + return getRuleContext(Varchar_type_iContext.class,0); + } + public String_length_iContext string_length_i() { + return getRuleContext(String_length_iContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode BINARY() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY, 0); } + public Js_return_text_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_return_text_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_return_text_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_return_text_type(this); + } + } + + public final Js_return_text_typeContext js_return_text_type() throws RecognitionException { + Js_return_text_typeContext _localctx = new Js_return_text_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1708, RULE_js_return_text_type); + int _la; + try { + setState(13932); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1547,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13925); + match(CLOB); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13926); + varchar_type_i(); + setState(13927); + string_length_i(); + setState(13929); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==BINARY) { + { + setState(13928); + match(BINARY); + } + } + + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13931); + varchar_type_i(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_table_on_responseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } + public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } + public Signed_literalContext signed_literal() { + return getRuleContext(Signed_literalContext.class,0); + } + public Json_table_on_responseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_on_response; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_on_response(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_on_response(this); + } + } + + public final Json_table_on_responseContext json_table_on_response() throws RecognitionException { + Json_table_on_responseContext _localctx = new Json_table_on_responseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1710, RULE_json_table_on_response); + try { + setState(13938); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ERROR_P: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13934); + match(ERROR_P); + } + break; + case NULLX: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13935); + match(NULLX); + } + break; + case DEFAULT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13936); + match(DEFAULT); + setState(13937); + signed_literal(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_table_on_errorContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Json_table_on_responseContext json_table_on_response() { + return getRuleContext(Json_table_on_responseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } + public Json_table_on_errorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_on_error; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_on_error(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_on_error(this); + } + } + + public final Json_table_on_errorContext json_table_on_error() throws RecognitionException { + Json_table_on_errorContext _localctx = new Json_table_on_errorContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1712, RULE_json_table_on_error); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13940); + json_table_on_response(); + setState(13941); + match(ON); + setState(13942); + match(ERROR_P); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_table_on_emptyContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Json_table_on_responseContext json_table_on_response() { + return getRuleContext(Json_table_on_responseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public TerminalNode EMPTY() { return getToken(OBParser.EMPTY, 0); } + public Json_table_on_emptyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_on_empty; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_on_empty(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_on_empty(this); + } + } + + public final Json_table_on_emptyContext json_table_on_empty() throws RecognitionException { + Json_table_on_emptyContext _localctx = new Json_table_on_emptyContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1714, RULE_json_table_on_empty); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13944); + json_table_on_response(); + setState(13945); + match(ON); + setState(13946); + match(EMPTY); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_object_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode JSON_OBJECT() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_OBJECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Opt_json_object_contentContext opt_json_object_content() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_json_object_contentContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftBrace() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftBrace, 0); } + public TerminalNode RightBrace() { return getToken(OBParser.RightBrace, 0); } + public Json_object_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_object_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_object_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_object_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Json_object_exprContext json_object_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Json_object_exprContext _localctx = new Json_object_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1716, RULE_json_object_expr); + try { + setState(13958); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case JSON_OBJECT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13948); + match(JSON_OBJECT); + setState(13949); + match(LeftParen); + setState(13950); + opt_json_object_content(); + setState(13951); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case JSON: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13953); + match(JSON); + setState(13954); + match(LeftBrace); + setState(13955); + opt_json_object_content(); + setState(13956); + match(RightBrace); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_json_object_contentContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Opt_json_object_clauseContext opt_json_object_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_json_object_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Entry_opContext entry_op() { + return getRuleContext(Entry_opContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode STRICT() { return getToken(OBParser.STRICT, 0); } + public Json_obj_unique_keyContext json_obj_unique_key() { + return getRuleContext(Json_obj_unique_keyContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_json_object_contentContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_json_object_content; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_json_object_content(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_json_object_content(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_json_object_contentContext opt_json_object_content() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_json_object_contentContext _localctx = new Opt_json_object_contentContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1718, RULE_opt_json_object_content); + int _la; + try { + setState(13973); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1553,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13961); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1550,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(13960); + entry_op(); + } + break; + } + setState(13963); + opt_json_object_clause(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13964); + entry_op(); + setState(13965); + match(STRICT); + setState(13967); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH) { + { + setState(13966); + json_obj_unique_key(); + } + } + + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(13970); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1552,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(13969); + entry_op(); + } + break; + } + setState(13972); + json_obj_unique_key(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_json_object_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Js_on_nullContext js_on_null() { + return getRuleContext(Js_on_nullContext.class,0); + } + public Json_obj_returning_typeContext json_obj_returning_type() { + return getRuleContext(Json_obj_returning_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode STRICT() { return getToken(OBParser.STRICT, 0); } + public Json_obj_unique_keyContext json_obj_unique_key() { + return getRuleContext(Json_obj_unique_keyContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_json_object_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_json_object_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_json_object_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_json_object_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_json_object_clauseContext opt_json_object_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Opt_json_object_clauseContext _localctx = new Opt_json_object_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1720, RULE_opt_json_object_clause); + int _la; + try { + setState(13989); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case RightBrace: + case RightParen: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13975); + empty(); + } + break; + case ABSENT: + case NULLX: + case RETURNING: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13981); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case ABSENT: + case NULLX: + { + setState(13976); + js_on_null(); + setState(13978); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==RETURNING) { + { + setState(13977); + json_obj_returning_type(); + } + } + + } + break; + case RETURNING: + { + setState(13980); + json_obj_returning_type(); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + setState(13984); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==STRICT) { + { + setState(13983); + match(STRICT); + } + } + + setState(13987); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WITH) { + { + setState(13986); + json_obj_unique_key(); + } + } + + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Entry_opContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode Star() { return getToken(OBParser.Star, 0); } + public Entry_setContext entry_set() { + return getRuleContext(Entry_setContext.class,0); + } + public Entry_opContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_entry_op; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterEntry_op(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitEntry_op(this); + } + } + + public final Entry_opContext entry_op() throws RecognitionException { + Entry_opContext _localctx = new Entry_opContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1722, RULE_entry_op); + try { + setState(13993); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1559,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13991); + match(Star); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(13992); + entry_set(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Entry_setContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List entry_obj() { + return getRuleContexts(Entry_objContext.class); + } + public Entry_objContext entry_obj(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Entry_objContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Entry_setContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_entry_set; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterEntry_set(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitEntry_set(this); + } + } + + public final Entry_setContext entry_set() throws RecognitionException { + Entry_setContext _localctx = new Entry_setContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1724, RULE_entry_set); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(13995); + entry_obj(); + setState(14000); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(13996); + match(Comma); + setState(13997); + entry_obj(); + } + } + setState(14002); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Entry_objContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Regular_entry_objContext regular_entry_obj() { + return getRuleContext(Regular_entry_objContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FORMAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } + public Entry_objContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_entry_obj; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterEntry_obj(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitEntry_obj(this); + } + } + + public final Entry_objContext entry_obj() throws RecognitionException { + Entry_objContext _localctx = new Entry_objContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1726, RULE_entry_obj); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14003); + regular_entry_obj(); + setState(14006); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==FORMAT) { + { + setState(14004); + match(FORMAT); + setState(14005); + match(JSON); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Regular_entry_objContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode JSON_OBJECT_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_OBJECT_VALUE, 0); } + public List json_obj_literal_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Json_obj_literal_exprContext.class); + } + public Json_obj_literal_exprContext json_obj_literal_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Json_obj_literal_exprContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } + public TerminalNode Colon() { return getToken(OBParser.Colon, 0); } + public Regular_entry_objContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_regular_entry_obj; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRegular_entry_obj(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRegular_entry_obj(this); + } + } + + public final Regular_entry_objContext regular_entry_obj() throws RecognitionException { + Regular_entry_objContext _localctx = new Regular_entry_objContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1728, RULE_regular_entry_obj); + int _la; + try { + setState(14021); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1564,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14008); + match(JSON_OBJECT_VALUE); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(14010); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1562,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(14009); + match(KEY); + } + break; + } + setState(14012); + json_obj_literal_expr(); + setState(14013); + match(VALUE); + setState(14014); + json_obj_literal_expr(); + } + break; + case 3: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(14016); + json_obj_literal_expr(); + setState(14019); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Colon) { + { + setState(14017); + match(Colon); + setState(14018); + json_obj_literal_expr(); + } + } + + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_obj_literal_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Json_obj_literal_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_obj_literal_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_obj_literal_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_obj_literal_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Json_obj_literal_exprContext json_obj_literal_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Json_obj_literal_exprContext _localctx = new Json_obj_literal_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1730, RULE_json_obj_literal_expr); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14023); + bit_expr(0); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Js_on_nullContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } + public List NULLX() { return getTokens(OBParser.NULLX); } + public TerminalNode NULLX(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, i); + } + public TerminalNode ABSENT() { return getToken(OBParser.ABSENT, 0); } + public Js_on_nullContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_on_null; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_on_null(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_on_null(this); + } + } + + public final Js_on_nullContext js_on_null() throws RecognitionException { + Js_on_nullContext _localctx = new Js_on_nullContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1732, RULE_js_on_null); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14025); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==ABSENT || _la==NULLX) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + setState(14026); + match(ON); + setState(14027); + match(NULLX); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_obj_returning_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode RETURNING() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNING, 0); } + public Js_return_typeContext js_return_type() { + return getRuleContext(Js_return_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Json_obj_returning_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_obj_returning_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_obj_returning_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_obj_returning_type(this); + } + } + + public final Json_obj_returning_typeContext json_obj_returning_type() throws RecognitionException { + Json_obj_returning_typeContext _localctx = new Json_obj_returning_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1734, RULE_json_obj_returning_type); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14029); + match(RETURNING); + setState(14030); + js_return_type(); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Json_obj_unique_keyContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEYS() { return getToken(OBParser.KEYS, 0); } + public Json_obj_unique_keyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_obj_unique_key; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_obj_unique_key(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_obj_unique_key(this); + } + } + + public final Json_obj_unique_keyContext json_obj_unique_key() throws RecognitionException { + Json_obj_unique_keyContext _localctx = new Json_obj_unique_keyContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1736, RULE_json_obj_unique_key); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14032); + match(WITH); + setState(14033); + match(UNIQUE); + setState(14034); + match(KEYS); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Opt_skip_index_type_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public EmptyContext empty() { + return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); + } + public Skip_index_typeContext skip_index_type() { + return getRuleContext(Skip_index_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Opt_skip_index_type_listContext opt_skip_index_type_list() { + return getRuleContext(Opt_skip_index_type_listContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Opt_skip_index_type_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_skip_index_type_list; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_skip_index_type_list(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_skip_index_type_list(this); + } + } + + public final Opt_skip_index_type_listContext opt_skip_index_type_list() throws RecognitionException { + return opt_skip_index_type_list(0); + } + + private Opt_skip_index_type_listContext opt_skip_index_type_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Opt_skip_index_type_listContext _localctx = new Opt_skip_index_type_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Opt_skip_index_type_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 1738; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 1738, RULE_opt_skip_index_type_list, _p); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14039); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1565,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(14037); + empty(); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(14038); + skip_index_type(); + } + break; + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(14046); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1566,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + { + _localctx = new Opt_skip_index_type_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_opt_skip_index_type_list); + setState(14041); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); + setState(14042); + match(Comma); + setState(14043); + skip_index_type(); + } + } + } + setState(14048); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1566,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Skip_index_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode MIN_MAX() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN_MAX, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUM() { return getToken(OBParser.SUM, 0); } + public Skip_index_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_skip_index_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSkip_index_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSkip_index_type(this); + } + } + + public final Skip_index_typeContext skip_index_type() throws RecognitionException { + Skip_index_typeContext _localctx = new Skip_index_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1740, RULE_skip_index_type); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14049); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==SUM || _la==MIN_MAX) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xmlparse_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode XMLPARSE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLPARSE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Xml_doc_typeContext xml_doc_type() { + return getRuleContext(Xml_doc_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Xml_textContext xml_text() { + return getRuleContext(Xml_textContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode WELLFORMED() { return getToken(OBParser.WELLFORMED, 0); } + public Xmlparse_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xmlparse_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXmlparse_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXmlparse_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Xmlparse_exprContext xmlparse_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Xmlparse_exprContext _localctx = new Xmlparse_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1742, RULE_xmlparse_expr); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14051); + match(XMLPARSE); + setState(14052); + match(LeftParen); + setState(14053); + xml_doc_type(); + setState(14054); + xml_text(); + setState(14056); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==WELLFORMED) { + { + setState(14055); + match(WELLFORMED); + } + } + + setState(14058); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xml_textContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Xml_textContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_text; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_text(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_text(this); + } + } + + public final Xml_textContext xml_text() throws RecognitionException { + Xml_textContext _localctx = new Xml_textContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1744, RULE_xml_text); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14060); + bit_expr(0); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xml_doc_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DOCUMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.DOCUMENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONTENT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTENT, 0); } + public Xml_doc_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_doc_type; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_doc_type(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_doc_type(this); + } + } + + public final Xml_doc_typeContext xml_doc_type() throws RecognitionException { + Xml_doc_typeContext _localctx = new Xml_doc_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1746, RULE_xml_doc_type); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14062); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==DOCUMENT || _la==CONTENT) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xml_element_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode XMLELEMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLELEMENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Xml_tagContext xml_tag() { + return getRuleContext(Xml_tagContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Xml_attributes_exprContext xml_attributes_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Xml_attributes_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Xml_value_clauseContext xml_value_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Xml_value_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Xml_element_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_element_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_element_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_element_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Xml_element_exprContext xml_element_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Xml_element_exprContext _localctx = new Xml_element_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1748, RULE_xml_element_expr); + int _la; + try { + setState(14085); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1570,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14064); + match(XMLELEMENT); + setState(14065); + match(LeftParen); + setState(14066); + xml_tag(); + setState(14069); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Comma) { + { + setState(14067); + match(Comma); + setState(14068); + xml_attributes_expr(); + } + } + + setState(14071); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(14073); + match(XMLELEMENT); + setState(14074); + match(LeftParen); + setState(14075); + xml_tag(); + setState(14076); + match(Comma); + setState(14080); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1569,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(14077); + xml_attributes_expr(); + setState(14078); + match(Comma); + } + break; + } + setState(14082); + xml_value_clause(); + setState(14083); + match(RightParen); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xml_tagContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Element_nameContext element_name() { + return getRuleContext(Element_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ENTITYESCAPING() { return getToken(OBParser.ENTITYESCAPING, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOENTITYESCAPING() { return getToken(OBParser.NOENTITYESCAPING, 0); } + public Xml_tagContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_tag; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_tag(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_tag(this); + } + } + + public final Xml_tagContext xml_tag() throws RecognitionException { + Xml_tagContext _localctx = new Xml_tagContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1750, RULE_xml_tag); + try { + setState(14093); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1572,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14088); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1571,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(14087); + match(ENTITYESCAPING); + } + break; + } + setState(14090); + element_name(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(14091); + match(NOENTITYESCAPING); + setState(14092); + element_name(); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Evalname_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Simple_exprContext simple_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Simple_exprContext.class,0); + } + public List evalname_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Evalname_exprContext.class); + } + public Evalname_exprContext evalname_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Evalname_exprContext.class,i); + } + public TerminalNode CNNOP() { return getToken(OBParser.CNNOP, 0); } + public Evalname_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_evalname_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterEvalname_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitEvalname_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Evalname_exprContext evalname_expr() throws RecognitionException { + return evalname_expr(0); + } + + private Evalname_exprContext evalname_expr(int _p) throws RecognitionException { + ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; + int _parentState = getState(); + Evalname_exprContext _localctx = new Evalname_exprContext(_ctx, _parentState); + Evalname_exprContext _prevctx = _localctx; + int _startState = 1752; + enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 1752, RULE_evalname_expr, _p); + try { + int _alt; + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + { + setState(14096); + simple_expr(0); + } + _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); + setState(14103); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1573,_ctx); + while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { + if ( _alt==1 ) { + if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); + _prevctx = _localctx; + { + { + _localctx = new Evalname_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); + pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_evalname_expr); + setState(14098); + if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); + setState(14099); + match(CNNOP); + setState(14100); + evalname_expr(2); + } + } + } + setState(14105); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1573,_ctx); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Element_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Column_nameContext column_name() { + return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode EVALNAME() { return getToken(OBParser.EVALNAME, 0); } + public Evalname_exprContext evalname_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Evalname_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Element_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_element_name; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterElement_name(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitElement_name(this); + } + } + + public final Element_nameContext element_name() throws RecognitionException { + Element_nameContext _localctx = new Element_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1754, RULE_element_name); + try { + setState(14112); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1575,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14107); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1574,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(14106); + match(NAME); + } + break; + } + setState(14109); + column_name(); + } + break; + case 2: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(14110); + match(EVALNAME); + setState(14111); + evalname_expr(0); + } + break; + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xml_value_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public List xml_value() { + return getRuleContexts(Xml_valueContext.class); + } + public Xml_valueContext xml_value(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Xml_valueContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public Xml_value_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_value_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_value_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_value_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Xml_value_clauseContext xml_value_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Xml_value_clauseContext _localctx = new Xml_value_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1756, RULE_xml_value_clause); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14114); + xml_value(); + setState(14119); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + while (_la==Comma) { + { + { + setState(14115); + match(Comma); + setState(14116); + xml_value(); + } + } + setState(14121); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xml_valueContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } + public Column_labelContext column_label() { + return getRuleContext(Column_labelContext.class,0); + } + public Xml_valueContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_value; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_value(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_value(this); + } + } + + public final Xml_valueContext xml_value() throws RecognitionException { + Xml_valueContext _localctx = new Xml_valueContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1758, RULE_xml_value); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14122); + bit_expr(0); + setState(14128); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case AS: + { + setState(14123); + match(AS); + setState(14124); + column_label(); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case REAL: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ANALYZE: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BEFORE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CYCLE: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASE: + case DATABASES: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FORCE: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MAXVALUE: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NOCYCLE: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case NUMERIC: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PROCEDURE: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REFERENCES: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMA: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQL: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLSTATE: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case USE: + case USING: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHEN: + case WHILE: + case WRITE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case EXCEPT: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case GROUPS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case MINVALUE: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STOP: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case NTH_VALUE: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case TRUNCATE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case ADMIN: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case DISABLE: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case SEQUENCE: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case GO: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case PCTUSED: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case EXTERNALLY: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case FLUSH: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case DOP: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case OPTIMAL: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case GOTO: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case MAX: + case TRANSACTION: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case BECOME: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case OFF: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case STDDEV: + case DATAFILE: + case INVOKER: + case LAYER: + case DEPTH: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case EXTENT: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case SWITCH: + case LESS: + case BODY: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case ROLLBACK: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case GROUPING: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case OLD: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case RECOVER: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case CONTROLFILE: + case LISTAGG: + case SLOW: + case SUM: + case OPTIONS: + case MIN: + case ROLES: + case UPDATING: + case KEY: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case TEMPORARY: + case VARIANCE: + case SNAPSHOT: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case WM_CONCAT: + case MAX_SIZE: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case QUOTA: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case REGR_COUNT: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case NEXT: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case SECTION: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case PLAN: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case INSTANCE: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case FUNCTION: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REGR_SYY: + case INITIALIZED: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case SEGMENT: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case OWN: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case PCTINCREASE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case TEMPLATE: + case INCLUDING: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case ENABLE: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case RESUME: + case INT: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case MAXTRANS: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case COMMIT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case FREELIST: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case STORAGE: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case CLIENT_VERSION: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case REGR_R2: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case CANCEL: + case SIMPLE: + case BEGIN: + case VARIABLES: + case FREELISTS: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case FOUND: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case CACHE: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case END: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case SOME: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case MANUAL: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case FORTRAN: + case MUTEX: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case LAG: + case NEW: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case ALLOCATE: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case RESETLOGS: + case DESCRIBE: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case TABLESPACE: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case MODULE: + case PASSWORD: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case PLI: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case PROFILE: + case NORELY: + case LAST_VALUE: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case INDICATOR: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case COVAR_POP: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case MEDIAN: + case UNLIMITED: + case STDDEV_POP: + case UNDER: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case MANAGE: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case NOCACHE: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case AVG: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case FOREIGN: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case MINEXTENTS: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case ESCAPE: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case NONE: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LISTS: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case DISMOUNT: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case WORK: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case CUME_DIST: + case NOSORT: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case EXECUTE: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case DAY: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case LEAD: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case RECURSIVE: + case ONLY: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case TRACING: + case NTILE: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case MOUNT: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case BLOCK: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case CORR: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case ACCESSED: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case VAR_SAMP: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENTS: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + case LNNVL: + case Comma: + case RightParen: + case A_: + case NAME_OB: + case LOG_LEVEL: + case STAT: + { + setState(14126); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { + { + setState(14125); + column_label(); + } + } + + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xml_attributes_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode XMLATTRIBUTES() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLATTRIBUTES, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext xml_attributes_value_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOENTITYESCAPING() { return getToken(OBParser.NOENTITYESCAPING, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOSCHEMACHECK() { return getToken(OBParser.NOSCHEMACHECK, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENTITYESCAPING() { return getToken(OBParser.ENTITYESCAPING, 0); } + public TerminalNode SCHEMACHECK() { return getToken(OBParser.SCHEMACHECK, 0); } + public Xml_attributes_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_attributes_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_attributes_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_attributes_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Xml_attributes_exprContext xml_attributes_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Xml_attributes_exprContext _localctx = new Xml_attributes_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1760, RULE_xml_attributes_expr); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14130); + match(XMLATTRIBUTES); + setState(14131); + match(LeftParen); + setState(14136); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1580,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(14133); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1579,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(14132); + match(ENTITYESCAPING); + } + break; + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(14135); + match(NOENTITYESCAPING); + } + break; + } + setState(14142); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1582,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(14138); + match(NOSCHEMACHECK); + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(14140); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1581,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + setState(14139); + match(SCHEMACHECK); + } + break; + } + } + break; + } + setState(14144); + xml_attributes_value_clause(); + setState(14145); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Xml_attributes_valueContext xml_attributes_value() { + return getRuleContext(Xml_attributes_valueContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } + public Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext xml_attributes_value_clause() { + return getRuleContext(Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext.class,0); + } + public Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_attributes_value_clause; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_attributes_value_clause(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_attributes_value_clause(this); + } + } + + public final Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext xml_attributes_value_clause() throws RecognitionException { + Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext _localctx = new Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1762, RULE_xml_attributes_value_clause); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14147); + xml_attributes_value(); + setState(14150); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Comma) { + { + setState(14148); + match(Comma); + setState(14149); + xml_attributes_value_clause(); + } + } + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Attributes_name_valueContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Attributes_name_valueContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_attributes_name_value; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAttributes_name_value(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAttributes_name_value(this); + } + } + + public final Attributes_name_valueContext attributes_name_value() throws RecognitionException { + Attributes_name_valueContext _localctx = new Attributes_name_valueContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1764, RULE_attributes_name_value); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14152); + bit_expr(0); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xml_attributes_valueContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Attributes_name_valueContext attributes_name_value() { + return getRuleContext(Attributes_name_valueContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } + public TerminalNode EVALNAME() { return getToken(OBParser.EVALNAME, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { + return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); + } + public Xml_attributes_valueContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_attributes_value; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_attributes_value(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_attributes_value(this); + } + } + + public final Xml_attributes_valueContext xml_attributes_value() throws RecognitionException { + Xml_attributes_valueContext _localctx = new Xml_attributes_valueContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1766, RULE_xml_attributes_value); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14154); + attributes_name_value(); + setState(14160); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1584,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(14155); + match(AS); + setState(14156); + match(EVALNAME); + setState(14157); + bit_expr(0); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + { + setState(14158); + match(AS); + setState(14159); + relation_name(); + } + } + break; + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xml_sequence_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode XMLSEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLSEQUENCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Xml_sequence_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_sequence_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_sequence_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_sequence_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Xml_sequence_exprContext xml_sequence_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Xml_sequence_exprContext _localctx = new Xml_sequence_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1768, RULE_xml_sequence_expr); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14162); + match(XMLSEQUENCE); + setState(14163); + match(LeftParen); + setState(14164); + bit_expr(0); + setState(14165); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Insert_child_xmlContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode INSERTCHILDXML() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERTCHILDXML, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public List bit_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Insert_child_xmlContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_insert_child_xml; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInsert_child_xml(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInsert_child_xml(this); + } + } + + public final Insert_child_xmlContext insert_child_xml() throws RecognitionException { + Insert_child_xmlContext _localctx = new Insert_child_xmlContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1770, RULE_insert_child_xml); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14167); + match(INSERTCHILDXML); + setState(14168); + match(LeftParen); + setState(14169); + bit_expr(0); + setState(14170); + match(Comma); + setState(14171); + bit_expr(0); + setState(14172); + match(Comma); + setState(14173); + bit_expr(0); + setState(14174); + match(Comma); + setState(14175); + bit_expr(0); + setState(14178); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Comma) { + { + setState(14176); + match(Comma); + setState(14177); + bit_expr(0); + } + } + + setState(14180); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Delete_xmlContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode DELETEXML() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETEXML, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public List bit_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Delete_xmlContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_delete_xml; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDelete_xml(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDelete_xml(this); + } + } + + public final Delete_xmlContext delete_xml() throws RecognitionException { + Delete_xmlContext _localctx = new Delete_xmlContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1772, RULE_delete_xml); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14182); + match(DELETEXML); + setState(14183); + match(LeftParen); + setState(14184); + bit_expr(0); + setState(14185); + match(Comma); + setState(14186); + bit_expr(0); + setState(14189); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Comma) { + { + setState(14187); + match(Comma); + setState(14188); + bit_expr(0); + } + } + + setState(14191); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xml_extract_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode EXTRACT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTRACT, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public List bit_expr() { + return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); + } + public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } + public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { + return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public LiteralContext literal() { + return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); + } + public Xml_extract_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_extract_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_extract_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_extract_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Xml_extract_exprContext xml_extract_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Xml_extract_exprContext _localctx = new Xml_extract_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1774, RULE_xml_extract_expr); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14193); + match(EXTRACT); + setState(14194); + match(LeftParen); + setState(14195); + bit_expr(0); + setState(14196); + match(Comma); + setState(14197); + bit_expr(0); + setState(14200); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==Comma) { + { + setState(14198); + match(Comma); + setState(14199); + literal(); + } + } + + setState(14202); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xmlcast_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode XMLCAST() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLCAST, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } + public Cast_data_typeContext cast_data_type() { + return getRuleContext(Cast_data_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public Xmlcast_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xmlcast_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXmlcast_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXmlcast_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Xmlcast_exprContext xmlcast_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Xmlcast_exprContext _localctx = new Xmlcast_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1776, RULE_xmlcast_expr); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14204); + match(XMLCAST); + setState(14205); + match(LeftParen); + setState(14206); + bit_expr(0); + setState(14207); + match(AS); + setState(14208); + cast_data_type(); + setState(14209); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Xmlserialize_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode XMLSERIALIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLSERIALIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } + public Xml_doc_typeContext xml_doc_type() { + return getRuleContext(Xml_doc_typeContext.class,0); + } + public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { + return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } + public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } + public Cast_data_typeContext cast_data_type() { + return getRuleContext(Cast_data_typeContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode ENCODING() { return getToken(OBParser.ENCODING, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.VERSION, 0); } + public LiteralContext literal() { + return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode INDENT() { return getToken(OBParser.INDENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode NO() { return getToken(OBParser.NO, 0); } + public TerminalNode SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } + public Signed_int_numContext signed_int_num() { + return getRuleContext(Signed_int_numContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode HIDE() { return getToken(OBParser.HIDE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEFAULTS() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode SHOW() { return getToken(OBParser.SHOW, 0); } + public Xmlserialize_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xmlserialize_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXmlserialize_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXmlserialize_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Xmlserialize_exprContext xmlserialize_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Xmlserialize_exprContext _localctx = new Xmlserialize_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1778, RULE_xmlserialize_expr); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14211); + match(XMLSERIALIZE); + setState(14212); + match(LeftParen); + setState(14213); + xml_doc_type(); + setState(14214); + bit_expr(0); + setState(14217); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==AS) { + { + setState(14215); + match(AS); + setState(14216); + cast_data_type(); + } + } + + setState(14221); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==ENCODING) { + { + setState(14219); + match(ENCODING); + setState(14220); + match(STRING_VALUE); + } + } + + setState(14225); + _errHandler.sync(this); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if (_la==VERSION) { + { + setState(14223); + match(VERSION); + setState(14224); + literal(); + } + } + + setState(14234); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1591,_ctx) ) { + case 1: + { + { + setState(14227); + match(NO); + setState(14228); + match(INDENT); + } + } + break; + case 2: + { + setState(14229); + match(INDENT); + } + break; + case 3: + { + { + setState(14230); + match(INDENT); + setState(14231); + match(SIZE); + setState(14232); + match(COMP_EQ); + setState(14233); + signed_int_num(); + } + } + break; + } + setState(14240); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case HIDE: + { + { + setState(14236); + match(HIDE); + setState(14237); + match(DEFAULTS); + } + } + break; + case SHOW: + { + { + setState(14238); + match(SHOW); + setState(14239); + match(DEFAULTS); + } + } + break; + case RightParen: + break; + default: + break; + } + setState(14242); + match(RightParen); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Unreserved_keywordContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext oracle_unreserved_keyword() { + return getRuleContext(Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); + } + public Unreserved_keyword_normalContext unreserved_keyword_normal() { + return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keyword_normalContext.class,0); + } + public Aggregate_function_keywordContext aggregate_function_keyword() { + return getRuleContext(Aggregate_function_keywordContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode STAT() { return getToken(OBParser.STAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOG_LEVEL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOG_LEVEL, 0); } + public TerminalNode CLIENT_VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.CLIENT_VERSION, 0); } + public Unreserved_keywordContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unreserved_keyword; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUnreserved_keyword(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUnreserved_keyword(this); + } + } + + public final Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() throws RecognitionException { + Unreserved_keywordContext _localctx = new Unreserved_keywordContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1780, RULE_unreserved_keyword); + try { + setState(14250); + _errHandler.sync(this); + switch (_input.LA(1)) { + case REAL: + case ANALYZE: + case BEFORE: + case CASCADE: + case CHANGE: + case CHARACTER: + case CONSTRAINT: + case CONTINUE: + case CYCLE: + case CURSOR: + case STATEMENT: + case DATABASE: + case DEC: + case DECLARE: + case DOUBLE: + case EACH: + case EXPLAIN: + case FETCH: + case FORCE: + case LANGUAGE: + case LATERAL: + case MAXVALUE: + case NOCYCLE: + case NUMERIC: + case PROCEDURE: + case READ: + case REFERENCES: + case SCHEMA: + case SQL: + case SQLSTATE: + case USE: + case USING: + case WHEN: + case WRITE: + case EXCEPT: + case GROUPS: + case MINVALUE: + case STOP: + case PACKAGE_KEY: + case MAXLOGMEMBERS: + case PRECISION: + case ROLE: + case TRUNCATE: + case EXCEPTIONS: + case ADMIN: + case DISABLE: + case MAXDATAFILES: + case EXEC: + case SEQUENCE: + case GO: + case PCTUSED: + case MAXLOGFILES: + case EXTERNALLY: + case FLUSH: + case DOP: + case OPTIMAL: + case GOTO: + case TRANSACTION: + case BECOME: + case OFF: + case PRIVATE: + case TABLES: + case DATAFILE: + case LAYER: + case THREAD: + case TRIGGERS: + case EXTENT: + case SWITCH: + case BODY: + case ROLLBACK: + case SHARED: + case EXTERNAL: + case DUMP: + case PRIMARY: + case ARCHIVELOG: + case OLD: + case RECOVER: + case CONTROLFILE: + case ROLES: + case KEY: + case TEMPORARY: + case SNAPSHOT: + case STATISTICS: + case COBOL: + case ARCHIVE: + case CONSTRAINTS: + case NOARCHIVELOG: + case QUOTA: + case NEXT: + case TIME: + case REUSE: + case NOMINVALUE: + case SECTION: + case PLAN: + case INSTANCE: + case FUNCTION: + case INITIALIZED: + case SEGMENT: + case OWN: + case PCTINCREASE: + case INCLUDING: + case ENABLE: + case RESTRICTED: + case GLOBALLY: + case INT: + case MAXTRANS: + case COMMIT: + case SAVEPOINT: + case UNTIL: + case FREELIST: + case STORAGE: + case CANCEL: + case BEGIN: + case FREELISTS: + case SYSTEM: + case SQLERROR: + case FOUND: + case CACHE: + case END: + case SOME: + case MANUAL: + case NOMAXVALUE: + case FORTRAN: + case PARALLEL: + case NOPARALLEL: + case COMPILE: + case NEW: + case BACKUP: + case LOGFILE: + case ALLOCATE: + case MAXLOGHISTORY: + case RESETLOGS: + case NORESETLOGS: + case TABLESPACE: + case MODULE: + case SQLCODE: + case SORT: + case PLI: + case PROFILE: + case AFTER: + case MAXINSTANCES: + case CLOSE: + case INDICATOR: + case UNLIMITED: + case UNDER: + case OPEN: + case REFERENCING: + case MANAGE: + case NOCACHE: + case FOREIGN: + case MINEXTENTS: + case ESCAPE: + case NONE: + case LISTS: + case DISMOUNT: + case WORK: + case NOSORT: + case EXECUTE: + case NOORDER: + case CHECKPOINT: + case AUTHORIZATION: + case DBA: + case EVENTS: + case ONLY: + case TRACING: + case MOUNT: + case BLOCK: + case ACCESSED: + case CONTENTS: + case STATEMENT_ID: + case LINK: + case INITRANS: + case SCN: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14244); + oracle_unreserved_keyword(); + } + break; + case QUOTA_NAME: + case INDEXTYPE: + case STSTOKEN: + case REWRITE: + case PARTITION_TYPE: + case TASK_ID: + case COMPUTATION: + case AUTO_REFRESH: + case SINGLE: + case MDSYS: + case SPATIAL_CELLID: + case COMPRESSION_CODE: + case MULTIVALUE: + case SERVICE: + case DATA_SOURCE: + case PROJECT_NAME: + case ENDPOINT: + case BUFFER_SIZE: + case PROPERTIES: + case ATTRIBUTE: + case USER_SPECIFIED: + case THROUGH: + case SPATIAL_INDEX: + case ACCESS_INFO: + case VALIDATION: + case SUM_OPNSIZE: + case ACCESSKEY: + case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: + case ACCESSTYPE: + case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: + case OVERWRITE: + case SPATIAL_MBR: + case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: + case SDO_RELATE: + case MAX_FILE_SIZE: + case SRID: + case SS_MICRO_CACHE: + case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: + case ACCESSID: + case M_SIZE: + case E_SIZE: + case T_SIZE: + case K_SIZE: + case G_SIZE: + case P_SIZE: + case HIDE: + case DEFAULTS: + case OBJECT_ID: + case NAMESPACE: + case XMLATTRIBUTES: + case VALUE: + case BLOB: + case BINARY_DOUBLE: + case BINARY_FLOAT: + case CIPHER: + case CLOB: + case DOT: + case MULTISET: + case JSON_ARRAYAGG: + case ARRAY: + case JSON_ARRAY: + case JSON_EMPTY: + case PASSING: + case EXCLUDE: + case HOST: + case ABSENT: + case SYNCHRONOUS: + case INCLUDE: + case FIELD_DELIMITER: + case ORDINALITY: + case ISSUER: + case NOWAIT: + case MISSING: + case PIVOT: + case ACTIVATE: + case SETS: + case SYSTIMESTAMP: + case UNPIVOT: + case REDUNDANCY: + case STANDBY: + case WITHOUT: + case WITHIN: + case ACCESSIBLE: + case AGAINST: + case ALWAYS: + case ASENSITIVE: + case BINARY: + case BOTH: + case BULK: + case CALL: + case COLLATE: + case COLLECT: + case CROSS: + case CURRENT_DATE: + case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: + case CURRENT_USER: + case DAY_HOUR: + case DAY_MICROSECOND: + case DAY_MINUTE: + case DAY_SECOND: + case DATABASES: + case DELAYED: + case DISTINCTROW: + case ENCLOSED: + case ELSEIF: + case ESCAPED: + case ALLOW: + case EXIT: + case EVALNAME: + case FLOAT4: + case FLOAT8: + case FULL: + case GET: + case GENERATED: + case HIGH_PRIORITY: + case HOUR_MICROSECOND: + case HOUR_MINUTE: + case HOUR_SECOND: + case ID: + case IF: + case IFIGNORE: + case INNER: + case INFILE: + case INOUT: + case INSENSITIVE: + case INT1: + case INT2: + case LIB: + case INT3: + case INT4: + case INT8: + case INTERVAL: + case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: + case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case ITERATE: + case JOIN: + case KEYS: + case KILL: + case LEADING: + case LEAVE: + case LEFT: + case LINEAR: + case LINES: + case BADFILE: + case LOG_DISK_SIZE: + case LOAD: + case LOCALTIMESTAMP: + case LONGBLOB: + case SWITCHOVER: + case LONGTEXT: + case LOOP: + case LOW_PRIORITY: + case MASTER_BIND: + case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: + case MATCH: + case MEDIUMBLOB: + case MEDIUMINT: + case MERGE: + case REJECT: + case MEDIUMTEXT: + case MIDDLEINT: + case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: + case MINUTE_SECOND: + case MOD: + case MODIFIES: + case MOVEMENT: + case NATURAL: + case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: + case OPTIMIZE: + case OPTIONALLY: + case OUT: + case OUTER: + case IOPS_WEIGHT: + case OUTFILE: + case PARSER: + case PURGE: + case PARTITION: + case RANGE: + case PLUS: + case READ_WRITE: + case READS: + case RELEASE: + case REPLACE: + case REPEAT: + case REQUIRE: + case RESIGNAL: + case RESTRICT: + case RETURN: + case RIGHT: + case SCALARS: + case SECOND_MICROSECOND: + case SCHEMAS: + case SEPARATOR: + case SENSITIVE: + case SIGNAL: + case SPATIAL: + case SPECIFIC: + case SQLEXCEPTION: + case SQLWARNING: + case SQL_BIG_RESULT: + case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: + case SEARCH: + case SSL: + case STARTING: + case STATEMENTS: + case STORED: + case STRAIGHT_JOIN: + case TERMINATED: + case TINYBLOB: + case TINYTEXT: + case TABLEGROUP: + case TRAILING: + case TIMEZONE_HOUR: + case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: + case TIMEZONE_REGION: + case TIMEZONE_ABBR: + case UNDO: + case UNLOCK: + case LINE_DELIMITER: + case UTC_DATE: + case UTC_TIMESTAMP: + case VARYING: + case VIRTUAL: + case WHILE: + case XOR: + case X509: + case YEAR_MONTH: + case ZEROFILL: + case GLOBAL_ALIAS: + case SESSION_ALIAS: + case STRONG: + case WEAK: + case FROZEN: + case ISNULL: + case RETURNING: + case ISOPEN: + case ROWCOUNT: + case BULK_ROWCOUNT: + case ERROR_INDEX: + case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: + case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: + case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: + case DATA_TABLE_ID: + case WARNINGS: + case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: + case FORMAT: + case EXTRA: + case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: + case UNINSTALL: + case UNDOFILE: + case MASTER_SSL_CA: + case YEAR: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: + case AT: + case RELAY_LOG_POS: + case POOL: + case ZONE_TYPE: + case LOCATION: + case WEIGHT_STRING: + case CHANGED: + case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: + case JSON_QUERY: + case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: + case SERIAL: + case REDACTION: + case QUEUE_TIME: + case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: + case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: + case ILOGCACHE: + case AUTHORS: + case MIGRATE: + case DIV: + case CONSISTENT: + case SUSPEND: + case SYSKM: + case REMOTE_OSS: + case SECURITY: + case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: + case FAST: + case KEYSTORE: + case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: + case MASTER_SSL_CERT: + case TABLE_NAME: + case PRIORITY: + case DO: + case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: + case REPLICA: + case UROWID: + case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: + case NCHAR_CS: + case OLD_KEY: + case STRICT: + case PORT: + case NOVALIDATE: + case REBUILD: + case FOLLOWER: + case LIST: + case ROOT: + case REDOFILE: + case MASTER_SERVER_ID: + case NCHAR: + case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: + case NOLOGGING: + case PRETTY: + case PRETTY_COLOR: + case COLUMNS: + case LS: + case MIGRATION: + case SUBPARTITION: + case DML: + case COMPRESSION: + case BIT: + case SAMPLE: + case UNLOCKED: + case CLASS_ORIGIN: + case ACTION: + case REDUNDANT: + case UPGRADE: + case TEMPTABLE: + case RECYCLEBIN: + case PROFILES: + case ERRORS: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: + case LEAVES: + case UNDEFINED: + case EVERY: + case BYTE: + case SHARDING: + case MIN_ROWS: + case ERROR_P: + case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: + case FIELDS: + case MAX_CPU: + case LOCKED: + case IO: + case BTREE: + case HASH: + case OLTP: + case SYSOPER: + case COLLATION: + case MASTER: + case ENCRYPTION: + case INSERTING: + case SQL_TSI_MONTH: + case IGNORE: + case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: + case MIN_IOPS: + case NVARCHAR: + case PAUSE: + case QUICK: + case DUPLICATE: + case XMLTYPE: + case XMLTABLE: + case XMLNAMESPACES: + case SDO_GEOMETRY: + case USAGE: + case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: + case WAIT: + case DES_KEY_FILE: + case ENGINES: + case RETURNS: + case MASTER_USER: + case SOCKET: + case SIBLINGS: + case MASTER_DELAY: + case FILE_ID: + case FIRST: + case TABLET: + case CLIENT: + case ENGINE_: + case EXCLUDING: + case TRADITIONAL: + case BOOTSTRAP: + case INVOKER: + case DEPTH: + case COLUMN_NAME: + case RESET: + case EVENT: + case COALESCE: + case RESPECT: + case STATUS: + case UNBOUNDED: + case WRAPPER: + case TIMESTAMP: + case PARTITIONS: + case SUBSTR: + case FILEX: + case UNIT: + case DEMAND: + case LESS: + case DIAGNOSTICS: + case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case NO: + case MAJOR: + case ACTIVE: + case TIES: + case ROUTINE: + case FOLLOWING: + case READ_ONLY: + case MEMBER: + case PARTITION_ID: + case GROUPING: + case MATCHED: + case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: + case ASYNCHRONOUS: + case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: + case ENCODING: + case SECOND: + case UNKNOWN: + case POINT: + case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: + case POLYGON: + case ORA_ROWSCN: + case TABLE_ID: + case CONTEXT: + case FINAL_COUNT: + case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: + case POSITION: + case DISCARD: + case PATTERN: + case RECOVERY_WINDOW: + case PREV: + case PROCESS: + case DEALLOCATE: + case OLD_PASSWORD: + case SLOW: + case OPTIONS: + case UPDATING: + case RT: + case RELOAD: + case ONE: + case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: + case ORIG_DEFAULT: + case INDEXED: + case RLIKE: + case SQL_TSI_HOUR: + case TIMESTAMPDIFF: + case RESTORE: + case OFFSET: + case JSON_EXISTS: + case SERVER_TYPE: + case COMMITTED: + case PERCENT: + case SUBJECT: + case DBTIMEZONE: + case INDEXES: + case FREEZE: + case SCOPE: + case IDC: + case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: + case ONE_SHOT: + case ACCOUNT: + case LOCALITY: + case REVERSE: + case CLUSTER_ID: + case MAX_SIZE: + case PAGE: + case NAME: + case ADMINISTER: + case ROW_COUNT: + case LAST: + case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: + case DELAY: + case SUBDATE: + case INCREMENTAL: + case VERIFY: + case CONTAINS: + case GENERAL: + case VISIBLE: + case SIGNED: + case SERVER: + case GLOBAL: + case ENDS: + case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: + case SHOW: + case SHUTDOWN: + case VERBOSE: + case JSON_EQUAL: + case CLUSTER_NAME: + case MASTER_PORT: + case MYSQL_ERRNO: + case XA: + case DATETIME: + case BOOL: + case DIRECTORY: + case VALID: + case MASTER_SSL_KEY: + case MASTER_PASSWORD: + case MULTIPOLYGON: + case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: + case LOCAL: + case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: + case DICTIONARY: + case SYSDBA: + case EXCHANGE: + case GRANTS: + case CAST: + case SERVER_PORT: + case SQL_CACHE: + case MAX_USED_PART_ID: + case RELY: + case NAN_VALUE: + case INVISIBLE: + case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: + case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: + case TREAT: + case TYPENAME: + case MY_NAME: + case NAMES: + case MAX_ROWS: + case ISOLATION: + case REPLICATION: + case REMOVE: + case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: + case CONSISTENT_MODE: + case SUBMULTISET: + case UNCOMMITTED: + case CURRENT_SCHEMA: + case NO_WAIT: + case BACKUP_COPIES: + case UNIT_NUM: + case PERCENTAGE: + case MAX_IOPS: + case SPFILE: + case REPEATABLE: + case COMPLETION: + case ROOTTABLE: + case ZONE: + case TEMPLATE: + case DATE_SUB: + case EXPIRE_INFO: + case EXPIRE: + case KEEP: + case HOSTS: + case SCHEMA_NAME: + case SHRINK: + case EXPANSION: + case REORGANIZE: + case TRIM_SPACE: + case BLOCK_SIZE: + case INNER_PARSE: + case MINOR: + case RESUME: + case COMPLETE: + case STATS_PERSISTENT: + case NODEGROUP: + case PARTITIONING: + case SUPER: + case JSON_OBJECT: + case DETERMINISTIC: + case NVARCHAR2: + case MEMTABLE: + case CHARSET: + case MOVE: + case XML: + case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: + case IPC: + case MIN_MAX: + case PATH: + case TRIM: + case DEFAULT_AUTH: + case EXTENT_SIZE: + case BINLOG: + case CLOG: + case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: + case MEDIUM: + case XMLPARSE: + case WELLFORMED: + case DOCUMENT: + case XMLAGG: + case USE_FRM: + case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: + case DELETING: + case SUBPARTITIONS: + case CUBE: + case BALANCE: + case POLICY: + case QUERY: + case THROTTLE: + case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: + case SPACE: + case REPAIR: + case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: + case KEY_VERSION: + case CATALOG_NAME: + case NDBCLUSTER: + case CONNECTION: + case COMPACT: + case INCR: + case SIMPLE: + case VARIABLES: + case SQL_TSI_WEEK: + case ROOTSERVICE: + case PLUGIN_DIR: + case ASCII: + case INFO: + case SQL_THREAD: + case SKIP_HEADER: + case TYPES: + case LEADER: + case EXTRACT: + case INSERTCHILDXML: + case DELETEXML: + case XMLSEQUENCE: + case XMLCAST: + case XMLSERIALIZE: + case FIXED: + case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: + case SKIP_INDEX: + case PRESERVE: + case ASIS: + case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: + case LOCK_: + case JSON: + case INDEX_TABLE_ID: + case FREQUENCY: + case LOCKS: + case SYSBACKUP: + case GEOMETRY: + case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: + case VERSION: + case INDENT: + case ISOLATION_LEVEL: + case OVER: + case MAX_SESSION_NUM: + case USER_RESOURCES: + case DESTINATION: + case SONAME: + case OUTLINE: + case MASTER_LOG_FILE: + case WMSYS: + case ESTIMATE: + case SLAVE: + case GTS: + case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: + case EXPORT: + case TEXT: + case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: + case FLASHBACK: + case SESSION_USER: + case TABLEGROUPS: + case REPLICA_TYPE: + case AGGREGATE: + case ENUM: + case TRANSFER: + case NATIONAL: + case RECYCLE: + case REGION: + case MUTEX: + case NDB: + case SYSTEM_USER: + case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: + case R_SKIP: + case CONCURRENT: + case DUMPFILE: + case COMPRESSED: + case LINESTRING: + case EXEMPT: + case DYNAMIC: + case CHAIN: + case BASELINE_ID: + case HIGH: + case LAX: + case SQL_TSI_YEAR: + case THAN: + case CPU: + case LOGS: + case SERIALIZABLE: + case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: + case ROW_FORMAT: + case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: + case MINUTE: + case SWAPS: + case DESCRIBE: + case TASK: + case IO_THREAD: + case PARAMETERS: + case OBJECT: + case AUTO: + case REGEXP_LIKE: + case PASSWORD: + case MESSAGE_TEXT: + case DISK: + case FAULTS: + case HOUR: + case REF: + case REFRESH: + case COLUMN_STAT: + case UNIT_GROUP: + case ERROR_CODE: + case UPDATEXML: + case PHASE: + case NORELY: + case RESTART: + case TRACE: + case LOGICAL_READS: + case MANAGEMENT: + case DATE_ADD: + case BLOCK_INDEX: + case DEBUG: + case SERVER_IP: + case SESSIONTIMEZONE: + case CODE: + case PLUGINS: + case ADDDATE: + case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: + case TRANSLATE: + case COLUMN_FORMAT: + case CLEAN: + case NESTED: + case MASTER_SSL: + case CLEAR: + case SORTKEY: + case CHECKSUM: + case INSTALL: + case MONTH: + case NEVER: + case JSON_OBJECTAGG: + case SET_TP: + case OWNER: + case BLOOM_FILTER: + case ILOG: + case META: + case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: + case IDENTITY: + case STARTS: + case PLANREGRESS: + case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: + case TABLET_ID: + case SOURCE: + case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: + case REPLICA_NUM: + case BINDING: + case MICROSECOND: + case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: + case EXTENDED_NOADDR: + case JSON_MERGEPATCH: + case SPLIT: + case BASELINE: + case MEMORY: + case SEED: + case DESCRIPTION: + case RTREE: + case RUN: + case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: + case SQL_TSI_DAY: + case RELAY_THREAD: + case BREADTH: + case DISALLOW: + case PRIVILEGE: + case UNUSUAL: + case RELAYLOG: + case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: + case PRIMARY_ZONE: + case TABLE_CHECKSUM: + case ZONE_LIST: + case DATABASE_ID: + case TP_NO: + case NETWORK: + case HIDDEN_: + case BOOLEAN: + case MULTILINESTRING: + case NOW: + case PROXY: + case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: + case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: + case TABLET_SIZE: + case BASE: + case KVCACHE: + case RELAY: + case CONTRIBUTORS: + case MEMORY_SIZE: + case EMPTY: + case PARTIAL: + case REPORT: + case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: + case CALC_PARTITION_ID: + case TP_NAME: + case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: + case EFFECTIVE: + case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: + case UNICODE: + case QUARTER: + case ANALYSE: + case DEFINER: + case PROCESSLIST: + case TYPE: + case CHAR_CS: + case INSERT_METHOD: + case EXTENDED: + case LOG: + case TIME_ZONE_INFO: + case TIMESTAMPADD: + case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: + case GET_FORMAT: + case LOW: + case PREPARE: + case MATERIALIZED: + case HANDLER: + case INITIAL_SIZE: + case RELAY_LOG_FILE: + case STORING: + case IMPORT: + case MIN_MEMORY: + case HELP: + case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: + case COMPUTE: + case SOUNDS: + case TABLE_MODE: + case COPY: + case SQL_NO_CACHE: + case MISMATCH: + case PRECEDING: + case SWITCHES: + case PACK_KEYS: + case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: + case SQL_ID: + case DAY: + case JSON_TABLE: + case JSON_VALUE: + case RECURSIVE: + case TABLEGROUP_ID: + case GROUP_ID: + case GROUPING_ID: + case MASTER_SSL_CRL: + case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: + case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: + case SKEWONLY: + case SCHEDULE: + case JOB: + case MASTER_LOG_POS: + case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: + case MULTIPOINT: + case INFINITE_VALUE: + case SQL_TSI_SECOND: + case ROLLUP: + case MIN_CPU: + case OCCUR: + case DATA: + case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: + case MASTER_HOST: + case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: + case ALGORITHM: + case CONSTRAINT_NAME: + case LIMIT: + case DDL: + case BASIC: + case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: + case CONTENT: + case XMLELEMENT: + case ENTITYESCAPING: + case EXTRACTVALUE: + case NOENTITYESCAPING: + case NOSCHEMACHECK: + case SCHEMACHECK: + case WEEK: + case UNCONDITIONAL: + case CONDITIONAL: + case NULLS: + case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: + case CASCADED: + case PLUGIN: + case ENCRYPTED: + case TENANT: + case LNNVL: + case A_: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); + { + setState(14245); + unreserved_keyword_normal(); + } + break; + case NTH_VALUE: + case ROW_NUMBER: + case REGR_INTERCEPT: + case MAX: + case STDDEV: + case REGR_SLOPE: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: + case LISTAGG: + case SUM: + case MIN: + case VARIANCE: + case RATIO_TO_REPORT: + case WM_CONCAT: + case COVAR_SAMP: + case REGR_COUNT: + case PERCENTILE_CONT: + case STDDEV_SAMP: + case HYBRID_HIST: + case REGR_SXX: + case REGR_SXY: + case DENSE_RANK: + case COUNT: + case REGR_SYY: + case REGR_AVGY: + case REGR_AVGX: + case RANK: + case VAR_POP: + case REGR_R2: + case PERCENTILE_DISC: + case PERCENT_RANK: + case LAG: + case LAST_VALUE: + case COVAR_POP: + case MEDIAN: + case STDDEV_POP: + case AVG: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: + case FIRST_VALUE: + case CUME_DIST: + case LEAD: + case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: + case NTILE: + case CORR: + case VAR_SAMP: + case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); + { + setState(14246); + aggregate_function_keyword(); + } + break; + case STAT: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); + { + setState(14247); + match(STAT); + } + break; + case LOG_LEVEL: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); + { + setState(14248); + match(LOG_LEVEL); + } + break; + case CLIENT_VERSION: + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); + { + setState(14249); + match(CLIENT_VERSION); + } + break; + default: + throw new NoViableAltException(this); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Aggregate_function_keywordContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.COUNT, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX, 0); } + public TerminalNode MIN() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUM() { return getToken(OBParser.SUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode AVG() { return getToken(OBParser.AVG, 0); } + public TerminalNode APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT, 0); } + public TerminalNode APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS, 0); } + public TerminalNode APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MEDIAN() { return getToken(OBParser.MEDIAN, 0); } + public TerminalNode STDDEV() { return getToken(OBParser.STDDEV, 0); } + public TerminalNode VARIANCE() { return getToken(OBParser.VARIANCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode STDDEV_POP() { return getToken(OBParser.STDDEV_POP, 0); } + public TerminalNode STDDEV_SAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.STDDEV_SAMP, 0); } + public TerminalNode LISTAGG() { return getToken(OBParser.LISTAGG, 0); } + public TerminalNode RANK() { return getToken(OBParser.RANK, 0); } + public TerminalNode DENSE_RANK() { return getToken(OBParser.DENSE_RANK, 0); } + public TerminalNode PERCENT_RANK() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENT_RANK, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROW_NUMBER() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW_NUMBER, 0); } + public TerminalNode NTILE() { return getToken(OBParser.NTILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CUME_DIST() { return getToken(OBParser.CUME_DIST, 0); } + public TerminalNode FIRST_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.FIRST_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LAST_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.LAST_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LEAD() { return getToken(OBParser.LEAD, 0); } + public TerminalNode LAG() { return getToken(OBParser.LAG, 0); } + public TerminalNode NTH_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.NTH_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode RATIO_TO_REPORT() { return getToken(OBParser.RATIO_TO_REPORT, 0); } + public TerminalNode CORR() { return getToken(OBParser.CORR, 0); } + public TerminalNode COVAR_POP() { return getToken(OBParser.COVAR_POP, 0); } + public TerminalNode COVAR_SAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.COVAR_SAMP, 0); } + public TerminalNode VAR_POP() { return getToken(OBParser.VAR_POP, 0); } + public TerminalNode VAR_SAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.VAR_SAMP, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_SLOPE() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SLOPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_INTERCEPT() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_INTERCEPT, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_COUNT, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_R2() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_R2, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_AVGX() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_AVGX, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_AVGY() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_AVGY, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_SXX() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SXX, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_SYY() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SYY, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGR_SXY() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SXY, 0); } + public TerminalNode PERCENTILE_CONT() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENTILE_CONT, 0); } + public TerminalNode PERCENTILE_DISC() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENTILE_DISC, 0); } + public TerminalNode WM_CONCAT() { return getToken(OBParser.WM_CONCAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode TOP_K_FRE_HIST() { return getToken(OBParser.TOP_K_FRE_HIST, 0); } + public TerminalNode HYBRID_HIST() { return getToken(OBParser.HYBRID_HIST, 0); } + public Aggregate_function_keywordContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_aggregate_function_keyword; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAggregate_function_keyword(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAggregate_function_keyword(this); + } + } + + public final Aggregate_function_keywordContext aggregate_function_keyword() throws RecognitionException { + Aggregate_function_keywordContext _localctx = new Aggregate_function_keywordContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1782, RULE_aggregate_function_keyword); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14252); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(_la==NTH_VALUE || _la==ROW_NUMBER || ((((_la - 531)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 531)) & ((1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 531)) | (1L << (MAX - 531)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 531)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 531)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 620)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 620)) & ((1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 620)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 620)) | (1L << (SUM - 620)) | (1L << (MIN - 620)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 620)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 620)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 696)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 696)) & ((1L << (WM_CONCAT - 696)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 696)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 696)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 696)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 696)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 696)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 760)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 760)) & ((1L << (REGR_SXX - 760)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 760)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 760)) | (1L << (COUNT - 760)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 760)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 760)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 760)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 840)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 840)) & ((1L << (RANK - 840)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 840)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 840)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 840)))) != 0) || _la==PERCENT_RANK || _la==LAG || ((((_la - 1018)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1018)) & ((1L << (LAST_VALUE - 1018)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1018)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1018)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1083)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1083)) & ((1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1083)) | (1L << (AVG - 1083)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1083)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1083)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1158)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1158)) & ((1L << (CUME_DIST - 1158)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1158)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1158)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1158)) | (1L << (CORR - 1158)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1158)))) != 0) || _la==APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ACCESSED() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESSED, 0); } + public TerminalNode ADMIN() { return getToken(OBParser.ADMIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode AFTER() { return getToken(OBParser.AFTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode ALLOCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.ALLOCATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ANALYZE() { return getToken(OBParser.ANALYZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ARCHIVE() { return getToken(OBParser.ARCHIVE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ARCHIVELOG() { return getToken(OBParser.ARCHIVELOG, 0); } + public TerminalNode AUTHORIZATION() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTHORIZATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode BACKUP() { return getToken(OBParser.BACKUP, 0); } + public TerminalNode BECOME() { return getToken(OBParser.BECOME, 0); } + public TerminalNode BEFORE() { return getToken(OBParser.BEFORE, 0); } + public TerminalNode BEGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.BEGIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode BLOCK() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOCK, 0); } + public TerminalNode BODY() { return getToken(OBParser.BODY, 0); } + public TerminalNode CACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.CACHE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CANCEL() { return getToken(OBParser.CANCEL, 0); } + public TerminalNode CASCADE() { return getToken(OBParser.CASCADE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CHANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.CHANGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CHARACTER() { return getToken(OBParser.CHARACTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode CHECKPOINT() { return getToken(OBParser.CHECKPOINT, 0); } + public TerminalNode CLOSE() { return getToken(OBParser.CLOSE, 0); } + public TerminalNode COBOL() { return getToken(OBParser.COBOL, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMMIT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMPILE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONSTRAINT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSTRAINT, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONSTRAINTS() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSTRAINTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONTENTS() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTENTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONTINUE() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTINUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONTROLFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTROLFILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CURSOR() { return getToken(OBParser.CURSOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode CYCLE() { return getToken(OBParser.CYCLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATABASE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATAFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATAFILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DBA() { return getToken(OBParser.DBA, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEC() { return getToken(OBParser.DEC, 0); } + public TerminalNode DECLARE() { return getToken(OBParser.DECLARE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DISABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.DISABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DISMOUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.DISMOUNT, 0); } + public TerminalNode DOP() { return getToken(OBParser.DOP, 0); } + public TerminalNode DOUBLE() { return getToken(OBParser.DOUBLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DUMP() { return getToken(OBParser.DUMP, 0); } + public TerminalNode EACH() { return getToken(OBParser.EACH, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ENABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode END() { return getToken(OBParser.END, 0); } + public TerminalNode ESCAPE() { return getToken(OBParser.ESCAPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode EVENTS() { return getToken(OBParser.EVENTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXCEPT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCEPT, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXCEPTIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCEPTIONS, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXEC() { return getToken(OBParser.EXEC, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXECUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXECUTE, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXPLAIN() { return getToken(OBParser.EXPLAIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXTENT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXTERNAL() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTERNAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXTERNALLY() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTERNALLY, 0); } + public TerminalNode FETCH() { return getToken(OBParser.FETCH, 0); } + public TerminalNode FLUSH() { return getToken(OBParser.FLUSH, 0); } + public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode FOREIGN() { return getToken(OBParser.FOREIGN, 0); } + public TerminalNode FORTRAN() { return getToken(OBParser.FORTRAN, 0); } + public TerminalNode FOUND() { return getToken(OBParser.FOUND, 0); } + public TerminalNode FREELIST() { return getToken(OBParser.FREELIST, 0); } + public TerminalNode FREELISTS() { return getToken(OBParser.FREELISTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode FUNCTION() { return getToken(OBParser.FUNCTION, 0); } + public TerminalNode GLOBALLY() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBALLY, 0); } + public TerminalNode GO() { return getToken(OBParser.GO, 0); } + public TerminalNode GOTO() { return getToken(OBParser.GOTO, 0); } + public TerminalNode GROUPS() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUPS, 0); } + public TerminalNode INCLUDING() { return getToken(OBParser.INCLUDING, 0); } + public TerminalNode INDICATOR() { return getToken(OBParser.INDICATOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode INITIALIZED() { return getToken(OBParser.INITIALIZED, 0); } + public TerminalNode INITRANS() { return getToken(OBParser.INITRANS, 0); } + public TerminalNode INSTANCE() { return getToken(OBParser.INSTANCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INT() { return getToken(OBParser.INT, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } + public TerminalNode LATERAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LATERAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode LANGUAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.LANGUAGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LAYER() { return getToken(OBParser.LAYER, 0); } + public TerminalNode LINK() { return getToken(OBParser.LINK, 0); } + public TerminalNode LISTS() { return getToken(OBParser.LISTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOGFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.LOGFILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MANAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.MANAGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MANUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.MANUAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAXDATAFILES() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXDATAFILES, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAXINSTANCES() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXINSTANCES, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAXLOGFILES() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXLOGFILES, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAXLOGHISTORY() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXLOGHISTORY, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAXLOGMEMBERS() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXLOGMEMBERS, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAXTRANS() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXTRANS, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAXVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXVALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MINEXTENTS() { return getToken(OBParser.MINEXTENTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode MINVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.MINVALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MODULE() { return getToken(OBParser.MODULE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MOUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.MOUNT, 0); } + public TerminalNode NEW() { return getToken(OBParser.NEW, 0); } + public TerminalNode NEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.NEXT, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOARCHIVELOG() { return getToken(OBParser.NOARCHIVELOG, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOCACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOCACHE, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOCYCLE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOCYCLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOMAXVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOMAXVALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOMINVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOMINVALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode NONE() { return getToken(OBParser.NONE, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOORDER() { return getToken(OBParser.NOORDER, 0); } + public TerminalNode NORESETLOGS() { return getToken(OBParser.NORESETLOGS, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOSORT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOSORT, 0); } + public TerminalNode NUMERIC() { return getToken(OBParser.NUMERIC, 0); } + public TerminalNode OFF() { return getToken(OBParser.OFF, 0); } + public TerminalNode OLD() { return getToken(OBParser.OLD, 0); } + public TerminalNode ONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.ONLY, 0); } + public TerminalNode OPEN() { return getToken(OBParser.OPEN, 0); } + public TerminalNode OPTIMAL() { return getToken(OBParser.OPTIMAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode OWN() { return getToken(OBParser.OWN, 0); } + public TerminalNode PACKAGE_KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.PACKAGE_KEY, 0); } + public TerminalNode PARALLEL() { return getToken(OBParser.PARALLEL, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOPARALLEL() { return getToken(OBParser.NOPARALLEL, 0); } + public TerminalNode PCTINCREASE() { return getToken(OBParser.PCTINCREASE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PCTUSED() { return getToken(OBParser.PCTUSED, 0); } + public TerminalNode PLAN() { return getToken(OBParser.PLAN, 0); } + public TerminalNode PLI() { return getToken(OBParser.PLI, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRECISION() { return getToken(OBParser.PRECISION, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRIMARY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRIVATE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIVATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PROCEDURE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROCEDURE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PROFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROFILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode QUOTA() { return getToken(OBParser.QUOTA, 0); } + public TerminalNode READ() { return getToken(OBParser.READ, 0); } + public TerminalNode REAL() { return getToken(OBParser.REAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode RECOVER() { return getToken(OBParser.RECOVER, 0); } + public TerminalNode REFERENCES() { return getToken(OBParser.REFERENCES, 0); } + public TerminalNode REFERENCING() { return getToken(OBParser.REFERENCING, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESETLOGS() { return getToken(OBParser.RESETLOGS, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESTRICTED() { return getToken(OBParser.RESTRICTED, 0); } + public TerminalNode REUSE() { return getToken(OBParser.REUSE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROLES() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLES, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROLLBACK() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLLBACK, 0); } + public TerminalNode SAVEPOINT() { return getToken(OBParser.SAVEPOINT, 0); } + public TerminalNode SCHEMA() { return getToken(OBParser.SCHEMA, 0); } + public TerminalNode SCN() { return getToken(OBParser.SCN, 0); } + public TerminalNode SECTION() { return getToken(OBParser.SECTION, 0); } + public TerminalNode SEGMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.SEGMENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode SEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SEQUENCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SHARED() { return getToken(OBParser.SHARED, 0); } + public TerminalNode SNAPSHOT() { return getToken(OBParser.SNAPSHOT, 0); } + public TerminalNode SOME() { return getToken(OBParser.SOME, 0); } + public TerminalNode SORT() { return getToken(OBParser.SORT, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQLCODE() { return getToken(OBParser.SQLCODE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQLERROR() { return getToken(OBParser.SQLERROR, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQLSTATE() { return getToken(OBParser.SQLSTATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode STATEMENT_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.STATEMENT_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode STATEMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.STATEMENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode STATISTICS() { return getToken(OBParser.STATISTICS, 0); } + public TerminalNode STOP() { return getToken(OBParser.STOP, 0); } + public TerminalNode STORAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.STORAGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SWITCH() { return getToken(OBParser.SWITCH, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYSTEM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLES() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLES, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLESPACE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TEMPORARY() { return getToken(OBParser.TEMPORARY, 0); } + public TerminalNode THREAD() { return getToken(OBParser.THREAD, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.TIME, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRACING() { return getToken(OBParser.TRACING, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRANSACTION() { return getToken(OBParser.TRANSACTION, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRIGGERS() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIGGERS, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRUNCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRUNCATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNDER() { return getToken(OBParser.UNDER, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNLIMITED() { return getToken(OBParser.UNLIMITED, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNTIL() { return getToken(OBParser.UNTIL, 0); } + public TerminalNode USE() { return getToken(OBParser.USE, 0); } + public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } + public TerminalNode WHEN() { return getToken(OBParser.WHEN, 0); } + public TerminalNode WORK() { return getToken(OBParser.WORK, 0); } + public TerminalNode WRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.WRITE, 0); } + public Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_oracle_unreserved_keyword; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOracle_unreserved_keyword(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOracle_unreserved_keyword(this); + } + } + + public final Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext oracle_unreserved_keyword() throws RecognitionException { + Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext _localctx = new Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1784, RULE_oracle_unreserved_keyword); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14254); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(((((_la - 163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 163)) & ((1L << (REAL - 163)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 163)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 163)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 163)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 163)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 163)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 163)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 230)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 230)) & ((1L << (CURSOR - 230)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 230)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 230)) | (1L << (DEC - 230)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 230)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 230)) | (1L << (EACH - 230)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 230)) | (1L << (FETCH - 230)) | (1L << (FORCE - 230)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 230)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 230)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 302)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 302)) & ((1L << (MAXVALUE - 302)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 302)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 302)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 302)) | (1L << (READ - 302)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 302)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 302)) | (1L << (SQL - 302)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 302)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 376)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 376)) & ((1L << (USE - 376)) | (1L << (USING - 376)) | (1L << (WHEN - 376)) | (1L << (WRITE - 376)) | (1L << (EXCEPT - 376)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 376)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 376)) | (1L << (STOP - 376)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 376)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 376)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 376)) | (1L << (ROLE - 376)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 454)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 454)) & ((1L << (TRUNCATE - 454)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 454)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 454)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 454)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 454)) | (1L << (EXEC - 454)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 454)) | (1L << (GO - 454)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 454)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 454)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 454)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 519)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 519)) & ((1L << (FLUSH - 519)) | (1L << (DOP - 519)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 519)) | (1L << (GOTO - 519)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 519)) | (1L << (BECOME - 519)) | (1L << (OFF - 519)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 519)) | (1L << (TABLES - 519)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 519)) | (1L << (LAYER - 519)) | (1L << (THREAD - 519)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 583)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 583)) & ((1L << (TRIGGERS - 583)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 583)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 583)) | (1L << (BODY - 583)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 583)) | (1L << (SHARED - 583)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 583)) | (1L << (DUMP - 583)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 583)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 583)) | (1L << (OLD - 583)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 583)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 716)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 716)) & ((1L << (NEXT - 716)) | (1L << (TIME - 716)) | (1L << (REUSE - 716)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 716)) | (1L << (SECTION - 716)) | (1L << (PLAN - 716)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 716)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 716)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 716)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 716)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 783)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 783)) & ((1L << (OWN - 783)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 783)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 783)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 783)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 783)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 783)) | (1L << (INT - 783)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 783)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 783)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 783)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 783)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 783)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 847)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 847)) & ((1L << (STORAGE - 847)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 847)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 847)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 847)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 847)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 847)) | (1L << (FOUND - 847)) | (1L << (CACHE - 847)) | (1L << (END - 847)) | (1L << (SOME - 847)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 913)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 913)) & ((1L << (MANUAL - 913)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 913)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 913)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 913)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 913)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 913)) | (1L << (NEW - 913)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 980)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 980)) & ((1L << (BACKUP - 980)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 980)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 980)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 980)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 980)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 980)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 980)) | (1L << (MODULE - 980)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 980)) | (1L << (SORT - 980)) | (1L << (PLI - 980)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 980)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1044)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1044)) & ((1L << (AFTER - 1044)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1044)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1044)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1044)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1044)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1044)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1044)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1044)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1044)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1044)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1119)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1119)) & ((1L << (FOREIGN - 1119)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1119)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1119)) | (1L << (NONE - 1119)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1119)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1119)) | (1L << (WORK - 1119)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1119)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1119)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1119)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1119)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1183)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1183)) & ((1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1183)) | (1L << (DBA - 1183)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1183)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1183)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1183)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1183)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1183)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1183)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1183)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1183)) | (1L << (LINK - 1183)))) != 0) || _la==INITRANS || _la==SCN) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Unreserved_keyword_normalContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public TerminalNode ACCESS_INFO() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESS_INFO, 0); } + public TerminalNode ACCOUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCOUNT, 0); } + public TerminalNode ABSENT() { return getToken(OBParser.ABSENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode ACCESSIBLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESSIBLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ACCESSID() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESSID, 0); } + public TerminalNode ACCESSKEY() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESSKEY, 0); } + public TerminalNode ACCESSTYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESSTYPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ACTION() { return getToken(OBParser.ACTION, 0); } + public TerminalNode ACTIVE() { return getToken(OBParser.ACTIVE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ACTIVATE() { return getToken(OBParser.ACTIVATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ADDDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.ADDDATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ADMINISTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ADMINISTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode AGGREGATE() { return getToken(OBParser.AGGREGATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode AGAINST() { return getToken(OBParser.AGAINST, 0); } + public TerminalNode ALGORITHM() { return getToken(OBParser.ALGORITHM, 0); } + public TerminalNode ALLOW() { return getToken(OBParser.ALLOW, 0); } + public TerminalNode ALWAYS() { return getToken(OBParser.ALWAYS, 0); } + public TerminalNode ANALYSE() { return getToken(OBParser.ANALYSE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ARRAY() { return getToken(OBParser.ARRAY, 0); } + public TerminalNode ASCII() { return getToken(OBParser.ASCII, 0); } + public TerminalNode ASENSITIVE() { return getToken(OBParser.ASENSITIVE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ASIS() { return getToken(OBParser.ASIS, 0); } + public TerminalNode ASYNCHRONOUS() { return getToken(OBParser.ASYNCHRONOUS, 0); } + public TerminalNode AT() { return getToken(OBParser.AT, 0); } + public TerminalNode ATTRIBUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.ATTRIBUTE, 0); } + public TerminalNode AUTHORS() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTHORS, 0); } + public TerminalNode AUTO() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTO, 0); } + public TerminalNode AUTOEXTEND_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTOEXTEND_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode AUTO_REFRESH() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTO_REFRESH, 0); } + public TerminalNode AVG_ROW_LENGTH() { return getToken(OBParser.AVG_ROW_LENGTH, 0); } + public TerminalNode BACKUP_COPIES() { return getToken(OBParser.BACKUP_COPIES, 0); } + public TerminalNode BADFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.BADFILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode BASE() { return getToken(OBParser.BASE, 0); } + public TerminalNode BASELINE() { return getToken(OBParser.BASELINE, 0); } + public TerminalNode BASELINE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.BASELINE_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode BASIC() { return getToken(OBParser.BASIC, 0); } + public TerminalNode BALANCE() { return getToken(OBParser.BALANCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode BINARY() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY, 0); } + public TerminalNode BINARY_DOUBLE() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY_DOUBLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY, 0); } + public TerminalNode BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN, 0); } + public TerminalNode BINARY_FLOAT() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY_FLOAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY, 0); } + public TerminalNode BINARY_FLOAT_NAN() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY_FLOAT_NAN, 0); } + public TerminalNode BINDING() { return getToken(OBParser.BINDING, 0); } + public TerminalNode SHARDING() { return getToken(OBParser.SHARDING, 0); } + public TerminalNode BINLOG() { return getToken(OBParser.BINLOG, 0); } + public TerminalNode BIT() { return getToken(OBParser.BIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode BLOB() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOB, 0); } + public TerminalNode BLOCK_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOCK_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode BLOCK_INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOCK_INDEX, 0); } + public TerminalNode BLOOM_FILTER() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOOM_FILTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode BOOL() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL, 0); } + public TerminalNode BOOLEAN() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOLEAN, 0); } + public TerminalNode BOOTSTRAP() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOTSTRAP, 0); } + public TerminalNode BOTH() { return getToken(OBParser.BOTH, 0); } + public TerminalNode BTREE() { return getToken(OBParser.BTREE, 0); } + public TerminalNode BUFFER_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.BUFFER_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode BULK() { return getToken(OBParser.BULK, 0); } + public TerminalNode BULK_EXCEPTIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.BULK_EXCEPTIONS, 0); } + public TerminalNode BULK_ROWCOUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.BULK_ROWCOUNT, 0); } + public TerminalNode BYTE() { return getToken(OBParser.BYTE, 0); } + public TerminalNode BREADTH() { return getToken(OBParser.BREADTH, 0); } + public TerminalNode CALC_PARTITION_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.CALC_PARTITION_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode CALL() { return getToken(OBParser.CALL, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMPLETE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPLETE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CASCADED() { return getToken(OBParser.CASCADED, 0); } + public TerminalNode CAST() { return getToken(OBParser.CAST, 0); } + public TerminalNode CATALOG_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.CATALOG_NAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONTENT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode CHAIN() { return getToken(OBParser.CHAIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode CHANGED() { return getToken(OBParser.CHANGED, 0); } + public TerminalNode CHARSET() { return getToken(OBParser.CHARSET, 0); } + public TerminalNode CHAR_CS() { return getToken(OBParser.CHAR_CS, 0); } + public TerminalNode CHECKSUM() { return getToken(OBParser.CHECKSUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode CIPHER() { return getToken(OBParser.CIPHER, 0); } + public TerminalNode CLASS_ORIGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.CLASS_ORIGIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode CLEAN() { return getToken(OBParser.CLEAN, 0); } + public TerminalNode CLEAR() { return getToken(OBParser.CLEAR, 0); } + public TerminalNode CLIENT() { return getToken(OBParser.CLIENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode CLOB() { return getToken(OBParser.CLOB, 0); } + public TerminalNode CLOG() { return getToken(OBParser.CLOG, 0); } + public TerminalNode CLUSTER_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.CLUSTER_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode CLUSTER_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.CLUSTER_NAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode COALESCE() { return getToken(OBParser.COALESCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CODE() { return getToken(OBParser.CODE, 0); } + public TerminalNode COLLATE() { return getToken(OBParser.COLLATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode COLLATION() { return getToken(OBParser.COLLATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode COLLECT() { return getToken(OBParser.COLLECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode COLUMN_FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN_FORMAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode COLUMN_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN_NAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL, 0); } + public TerminalNode COLUMN_STAT() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN_STAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMMITTED() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMITTED, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMPACT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPACT, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMPLETION() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPLETION, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMPRESSED() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPRESSED, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMPRESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPRESSION, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMPRESSION_CODE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPRESSION_CODE, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMPUTATION() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPUTATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode COMPUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPUTE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONCURRENT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONCURRENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONDITIONAL() { return getToken(OBParser.CONDITIONAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONNECTION() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECTION, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONSISTENT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSISTENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONSISTENT_MODE() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSISTENT_MODE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONSTRAINT_CATALOG() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONSTRAINT_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSTRAINT_NAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONTAINS() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTAINS, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONTEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTEXT, 0); } + public TerminalNode CONTRIBUTORS() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTRIBUTORS, 0); } + public TerminalNode COPY() { return getToken(OBParser.COPY, 0); } + public TerminalNode CPU() { return getToken(OBParser.CPU, 0); } + public TerminalNode CREATE_TIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE_TIMESTAMP, 0); } + public TerminalNode CROSS() { return getToken(OBParser.CROSS, 0); } + public TerminalNode CUBE() { return getToken(OBParser.CUBE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CURRENT_USER() { return getToken(OBParser.CURRENT_USER, 0); } + public TerminalNode CURRENT_SCHEMA() { return getToken(OBParser.CURRENT_SCHEMA, 0); } + public TerminalNode CURRENT_DATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CURRENT_DATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATA() { return getToken(OBParser.DATA, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATABASES() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASES, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATABASE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASE_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATA_TABLE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.DATA_TABLE_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATA_SOURCE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATA_SOURCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATE_ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.DATE_ADD, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATE_SUB() { return getToken(OBParser.DATE_SUB, 0); } + public TerminalNode DATETIME() { return getToken(OBParser.DATETIME, 0); } + public TerminalNode DAY() { return getToken(OBParser.DAY, 0); } + public TerminalNode DAY_HOUR() { return getToken(OBParser.DAY_HOUR, 0); } + public TerminalNode DAY_MICROSECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.DAY_MICROSECOND, 0); } + public TerminalNode DAY_MINUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.DAY_MINUTE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DAY_SECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.DAY_SECOND, 0); } + public TerminalNode DBA_RECYCLEBIN() { return getToken(OBParser.DBA_RECYCLEBIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode DBTIMEZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.DBTIMEZONE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEALLOCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.DEALLOCATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEFAULTS() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT_AUTH() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT_AUTH, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEFINER() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFINER, 0); } + public TerminalNode DELAY() { return getToken(OBParser.DELAY, 0); } + public TerminalNode DELAYED() { return getToken(OBParser.DELAYED, 0); } + public TerminalNode DELAY_KEY_WRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELAY_KEY_WRITE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DELETEXML() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETEXML, 0); } + public TerminalNode DELETING() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETING, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEPTH() { return getToken(OBParser.DEPTH, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEMAND() { return getToken(OBParser.DEMAND, 0); } + public TerminalNode DESCRIPTION() { return getToken(OBParser.DESCRIPTION, 0); } + public TerminalNode DES_KEY_FILE() { return getToken(OBParser.DES_KEY_FILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DESCRIBE() { return getToken(OBParser.DESCRIBE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DESTINATION() { return getToken(OBParser.DESTINATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode DETERMINISTIC() { return getToken(OBParser.DETERMINISTIC, 0); } + public TerminalNode DIAGNOSTICS() { return getToken(OBParser.DIAGNOSTICS, 0); } + public TerminalNode DICTIONARY() { return getToken(OBParser.DICTIONARY, 0); } + public TerminalNode DIRECTORY() { return getToken(OBParser.DIRECTORY, 0); } + public TerminalNode DISALLOW() { return getToken(OBParser.DISALLOW, 0); } + public TerminalNode DISCARD() { return getToken(OBParser.DISCARD, 0); } + public TerminalNode DISK() { return getToken(OBParser.DISK, 0); } + public TerminalNode DML() { return getToken(OBParser.DML, 0); } + public TerminalNode DDL() { return getToken(OBParser.DDL, 0); } + public TerminalNode DISTINCTROW() { return getToken(OBParser.DISTINCTROW, 0); } + public TerminalNode DIV() { return getToken(OBParser.DIV, 0); } + public TerminalNode DO() { return getToken(OBParser.DO, 0); } + public TerminalNode DOT() { return getToken(OBParser.DOT, 0); } + public TerminalNode DOCUMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.DOCUMENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode DUMPFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.DUMPFILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DUPLICATE() { return getToken(OBParser.DUPLICATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DUPLICATE_SCOPE() { return getToken(OBParser.DUPLICATE_SCOPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode DYNAMIC() { return getToken(OBParser.DYNAMIC, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP, 0); } + public TerminalNode DEBUG() { return getToken(OBParser.DEBUG, 0); } + public TerminalNode E_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.E_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode EFFECTIVE() { return getToken(OBParser.EFFECTIVE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ELSEIF() { return getToken(OBParser.ELSEIF, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENCLOSED() { return getToken(OBParser.ENCLOSED, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENCODING() { return getToken(OBParser.ENCODING, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENCRYPTED() { return getToken(OBParser.ENCRYPTED, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENCRYPTION() { return getToken(OBParser.ENCRYPTION, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENDS() { return getToken(OBParser.ENDS, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENDPOINT() { return getToken(OBParser.ENDPOINT, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENGINE_() { return getToken(OBParser.ENGINE_, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENGINES() { return getToken(OBParser.ENGINES, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENUM() { return getToken(OBParser.ENUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode ERROR_CODE() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_CODE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } + public TerminalNode ERROR_INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_INDEX, 0); } + public TerminalNode ERRORS() { return getToken(OBParser.ERRORS, 0); } + public TerminalNode ESCAPED() { return getToken(OBParser.ESCAPED, 0); } + public TerminalNode ESTIMATE() { return getToken(OBParser.ESTIMATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode EVENT() { return getToken(OBParser.EVENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode EVERY() { return getToken(OBParser.EVERY, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXCHANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCHANGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXCLUDE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCLUDE, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXCLUDING() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCLUDING, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXEMPT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXEMPT, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXIT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXPANSION() { return getToken(OBParser.EXPANSION, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXPIRE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXPIRE, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXPIRE_INFO() { return getToken(OBParser.EXPIRE_INFO, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXPORT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXPORT, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXTENDED() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTENDED, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXTENDED_NOADDR() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTENDED_NOADDR, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID() { return getToken(OBParser.ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXTENT_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTENT_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXTRA() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTRA, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXTRACT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTRACT, 0); } + public TerminalNode EVALNAME() { return getToken(OBParser.EVALNAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode ENTITYESCAPING() { return getToken(OBParser.ENTITYESCAPING, 0); } + public TerminalNode EXTRACTVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTRACTVALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS() { return getToken(OBParser.FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode FAST() { return getToken(OBParser.FAST, 0); } + public TerminalNode FAULTS() { return getToken(OBParser.FAULTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode FIELDS() { return getToken(OBParser.FIELDS, 0); } + public TerminalNode FIELD_DELIMITER() { return getToken(OBParser.FIELD_DELIMITER, 0); } + public TerminalNode FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY() { return getToken(OBParser.FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY, 0); } + public TerminalNode SKIP_HEADER() { return getToken(OBParser.SKIP_HEADER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SKIP_BLANK_LINES() { return getToken(OBParser.SKIP_BLANK_LINES, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRIM_SPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIM_SPACE, 0); } + public TerminalNode NULL_IF_EXETERNAL() { return getToken(OBParser.NULL_IF_EXETERNAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode NEVER() { return getToken(OBParser.NEVER, 0); } + public TerminalNode EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL() { return getToken(OBParser.EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL, 0); } + public TerminalNode FILE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.FILE_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode FILEX() { return getToken(OBParser.FILEX, 0); } + public TerminalNode FINAL_COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.FINAL_COUNT, 0); } + public TerminalNode FIRST() { return getToken(OBParser.FIRST, 0); } + public TerminalNode FIXED() { return getToken(OBParser.FIXED, 0); } + public TerminalNode FLASHBACK() { return getToken(OBParser.FLASHBACK, 0); } + public TerminalNode FLOAT4() { return getToken(OBParser.FLOAT4, 0); } + public TerminalNode FLOAT8() { return getToken(OBParser.FLOAT8, 0); } + public TerminalNode FOLLOWER() { return getToken(OBParser.FOLLOWER, 0); } + public TerminalNode FOLLOWING() { return getToken(OBParser.FOLLOWING, 0); } + public TerminalNode FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FORMAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode FREEZE() { return getToken(OBParser.FREEZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode FREQUENCY() { return getToken(OBParser.FREQUENCY, 0); } + public TerminalNode FROZEN() { return getToken(OBParser.FROZEN, 0); } + public TerminalNode FULL() { return getToken(OBParser.FULL, 0); } + public TerminalNode G_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.G_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode GENERAL() { return getToken(OBParser.GENERAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode GENERATED() { return getToken(OBParser.GENERATED, 0); } + public TerminalNode GEOMETRY() { return getToken(OBParser.GEOMETRY, 0); } + public TerminalNode GEOMETRYCOLLECTION() { return getToken(OBParser.GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, 0); } + public TerminalNode GET() { return getToken(OBParser.GET, 0); } + public TerminalNode GET_FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.GET_FORMAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode GLOBAL() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode GLOBAL_ALIAS() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL_ALIAS, 0); } + public TerminalNode GRANTS() { return getToken(OBParser.GRANTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode GROUP_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUP_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode GROUPING() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUPING, 0); } + public TerminalNode GROUPING_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUPING_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode GTS() { return getToken(OBParser.GTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode HANDLER() { return getToken(OBParser.HANDLER, 0); } + public TerminalNode HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.HASH, 0); } + public TerminalNode HELP() { return getToken(OBParser.HELP, 0); } + public TerminalNode HIDE() { return getToken(OBParser.HIDE, 0); } + public TerminalNode HIGH() { return getToken(OBParser.HIGH, 0); } + public TerminalNode HIGH_PRIORITY() { return getToken(OBParser.HIGH_PRIORITY, 0); } + public TerminalNode HOUR_MICROSECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.HOUR_MICROSECOND, 0); } + public TerminalNode HOUR_MINUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.HOUR_MINUTE, 0); } + public TerminalNode HOUR_SECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.HOUR_SECOND, 0); } + public TerminalNode HOST() { return getToken(OBParser.HOST, 0); } + public TerminalNode HOSTS() { return getToken(OBParser.HOSTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode HOUR() { return getToken(OBParser.HOUR, 0); } + public TerminalNode ID() { return getToken(OBParser.ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode IDC() { return getToken(OBParser.IDC, 0); } + public TerminalNode IDENTITY() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTITY, 0); } + public TerminalNode IF() { return getToken(OBParser.IF, 0); } + public TerminalNode IFIGNORE() { return getToken(OBParser.IFIGNORE, 0); } + public TerminalNode IGNORE() { return getToken(OBParser.IGNORE, 0); } + public TerminalNode IGNORE_SERVER_IDS() { return getToken(OBParser.IGNORE_SERVER_IDS, 0); } + public TerminalNode ILOG() { return getToken(OBParser.ILOG, 0); } + public TerminalNode ILOGCACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.ILOGCACHE, 0); } + public TerminalNode IMPORT() { return getToken(OBParser.IMPORT, 0); } + public TerminalNode INDENT() { return getToken(OBParser.INDENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode INDEXES() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEXES, 0); } + public TerminalNode INDEXTYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEXTYPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INDEX_TABLE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX_TABLE_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode INCR() { return getToken(OBParser.INCR, 0); } + public TerminalNode INCLUDE() { return getToken(OBParser.INCLUDE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INCREMENTAL() { return getToken(OBParser.INCREMENTAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode INFO() { return getToken(OBParser.INFO, 0); } + public TerminalNode INFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.INFILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INFINITE_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.INFINITE_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INITIAL_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.INITIAL_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INNER() { return getToken(OBParser.INNER, 0); } + public TerminalNode INNER_PARSE() { return getToken(OBParser.INNER_PARSE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INOUT() { return getToken(OBParser.INOUT, 0); } + public TerminalNode INSENSITIVE() { return getToken(OBParser.INSENSITIVE, 0); } + public TerminalNode INSERTCHILDXML() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERTCHILDXML, 0); } + public TerminalNode INSERTING() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERTING, 0); } + public TerminalNode INSERT_METHOD() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERT_METHOD, 0); } + public TerminalNode INSTALL() { return getToken(OBParser.INSTALL, 0); } + public TerminalNode INT1() { return getToken(OBParser.INT1, 0); } + public TerminalNode INT2() { return getToken(OBParser.INT2, 0); } + public TerminalNode INT3() { return getToken(OBParser.INT3, 0); } + public TerminalNode INT4() { return getToken(OBParser.INT4, 0); } + public TerminalNode INT8() { return getToken(OBParser.INT8, 0); } + public TerminalNode INTERVAL() { return getToken(OBParser.INTERVAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode INVOKER() { return getToken(OBParser.INVOKER, 0); } + public TerminalNode IO() { return getToken(OBParser.IO, 0); } + public TerminalNode IOPS_WEIGHT() { return getToken(OBParser.IOPS_WEIGHT, 0); } + public TerminalNode IO_AFTER_GTIDS() { return getToken(OBParser.IO_AFTER_GTIDS, 0); } + public TerminalNode IO_BEFORE_GTIDS() { return getToken(OBParser.IO_BEFORE_GTIDS, 0); } + public TerminalNode IO_THREAD() { return getToken(OBParser.IO_THREAD, 0); } + public TerminalNode IPC() { return getToken(OBParser.IPC, 0); } + public TerminalNode ISNULL() { return getToken(OBParser.ISNULL, 0); } + public TerminalNode ISOLATION() { return getToken(OBParser.ISOLATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode ISSUER() { return getToken(OBParser.ISSUER, 0); } + public TerminalNode ITERATE() { return getToken(OBParser.ITERATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode JOB() { return getToken(OBParser.JOB, 0); } + public TerminalNode JOIN() { return getToken(OBParser.JOIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON_ARRAY() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_ARRAY, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON_EMPTY() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_EMPTY, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON_EQUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_EQUAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON_TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_TABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON_QUERY() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_QUERY, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON_EXISTS() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_EXISTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON_MERGEPATCH() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_MERGEPATCH, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON_ARRAYAGG() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_ARRAYAGG, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON_OBJECTAGG() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_OBJECTAGG, 0); } + public TerminalNode JSON_OBJECT() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_OBJECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode K_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.K_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEY_BLOCK_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY_BLOCK_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEYS() { return getToken(OBParser.KEYS, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEYSTORE() { return getToken(OBParser.KEYSTORE, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEY_VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY_VERSION, 0); } + public TerminalNode KILL() { return getToken(OBParser.KILL, 0); } + public TerminalNode KEEP() { return getToken(OBParser.KEEP, 0); } + public TerminalNode KVCACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.KVCACHE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LAST() { return getToken(OBParser.LAST, 0); } + public TerminalNode LAST_REFRESH_SCN() { return getToken(OBParser.LAST_REFRESH_SCN, 0); } + public TerminalNode LAX() { return getToken(OBParser.LAX, 0); } + public TerminalNode LEADER() { return getToken(OBParser.LEADER, 0); } + public TerminalNode LEADING() { return getToken(OBParser.LEADING, 0); } + public TerminalNode LEAVE() { return getToken(OBParser.LEAVE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LEAVES() { return getToken(OBParser.LEAVES, 0); } + public TerminalNode LEFT() { return getToken(OBParser.LEFT, 0); } + public TerminalNode LESS() { return getToken(OBParser.LESS, 0); } + public TerminalNode LIMIT() { return getToken(OBParser.LIMIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode LINEAR() { return getToken(OBParser.LINEAR, 0); } + public TerminalNode LINES() { return getToken(OBParser.LINES, 0); } + public TerminalNode LINESTRING() { return getToken(OBParser.LINESTRING, 0); } + public TerminalNode LINE_DELIMITER() { return getToken(OBParser.LINE_DELIMITER, 0); } + public TerminalNode LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.LIST, 0); } + public TerminalNode LNNVL() { return getToken(OBParser.LNNVL, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOAD() { return getToken(OBParser.LOAD, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOCAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOCALITY() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCALITY, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOCALTIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCALTIMESTAMP, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOCK_() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCK_, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOCKED() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCKED, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOCKS() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCKS, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOG() { return getToken(OBParser.LOG, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOGS() { return getToken(OBParser.LOGS, 0); } + public TerminalNode LONGBLOB() { return getToken(OBParser.LONGBLOB, 0); } + public TerminalNode LONGTEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.LONGTEXT, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOOP() { return getToken(OBParser.LOOP, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOW() { return getToken(OBParser.LOW, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOW_PRIORITY() { return getToken(OBParser.LOW_PRIORITY, 0); } + public TerminalNode LS() { return getToken(OBParser.LS, 0); } + public TerminalNode ISOPEN() { return getToken(OBParser.ISOPEN, 0); } + public TerminalNode ISOLATION_LEVEL() { return getToken(OBParser.ISOLATION_LEVEL, 0); } + public TerminalNode M_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.M_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAJOR() { return getToken(OBParser.MAJOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode MANAGEMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.MANAGEMENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_AUTO_POSITION() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_AUTO_POSITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_BIND() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_BIND, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_DELAY() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_DELAY, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_HOST() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_HOST, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_LOG_FILE() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_LOG_FILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_LOG_POS() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_LOG_POS, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_PASSWORD() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_PASSWORD, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_PORT() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_PORT, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_RETRY_COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_RETRY_COUNT, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_SERVER_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_SERVER_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_SSL() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_SSL, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_SSL_CA() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_SSL_CA, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_SSL_CAPATH() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_SSL_CAPATH, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_SSL_CERT() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_SSL_CERT, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_SSL_CIPHER() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_SSL_CIPHER, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_SSL_CRL() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_SSL_CRL, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_SSL_KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_SSL_KEY, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT, 0); } + public TerminalNode MASTER_USER() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_USER, 0); } + public TerminalNode MATCH() { return getToken(OBParser.MATCH, 0); } + public TerminalNode MATCHED() { return getToken(OBParser.MATCHED, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX_CPU() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_CPU, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX_FILE_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_FILE_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOG_DISK_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.LOG_DISK_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX_IOPS() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_IOPS, 0); } + public TerminalNode MEMORY_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.MEMORY_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX_ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_ROWS, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX_SESSION_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_SESSION_NUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX_USED_PART_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_USED_PART_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS, 0); } + public TerminalNode MDSYS() { return getToken(OBParser.MDSYS, 0); } + public TerminalNode MEDIUM() { return getToken(OBParser.MEDIUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode MEDIUMBLOB() { return getToken(OBParser.MEDIUMBLOB, 0); } + public TerminalNode MEDIUMINT() { return getToken(OBParser.MEDIUMINT, 0); } + public TerminalNode MEDIUMTEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.MEDIUMTEXT, 0); } + public TerminalNode MEMORY() { return getToken(OBParser.MEMORY, 0); } + public TerminalNode MEMSTORE_PERCENT() { return getToken(OBParser.MEMSTORE_PERCENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode MEMTABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.MEMTABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MERGE() { return getToken(OBParser.MERGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MESSAGE_TEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.MESSAGE_TEXT, 0); } + public TerminalNode META() { return getToken(OBParser.META, 0); } + public TerminalNode MICROSECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.MICROSECOND, 0); } + public TerminalNode MIDDLEINT() { return getToken(OBParser.MIDDLEINT, 0); } + public TerminalNode MIGRATE() { return getToken(OBParser.MIGRATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MIGRATION() { return getToken(OBParser.MIGRATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode MIN_CPU() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN_CPU, 0); } + public TerminalNode MIN_IOPS() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN_IOPS, 0); } + public TerminalNode MIN_MAX() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN_MAX, 0); } + public TerminalNode MIN_MEMORY() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN_MEMORY, 0); } + public TerminalNode MINOR() { return getToken(OBParser.MINOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode MIN_ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN_ROWS, 0); } + public TerminalNode MINUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.MINUTE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MINUTE_MICROSECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.MINUTE_MICROSECOND, 0); } + public TerminalNode MINUTE_SECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.MINUTE_SECOND, 0); } + public TerminalNode MISMATCH() { return getToken(OBParser.MISMATCH, 0); } + public TerminalNode MISSING() { return getToken(OBParser.MISSING, 0); } + public TerminalNode MOD() { return getToken(OBParser.MOD, 0); } + public TerminalNode MODIFIES() { return getToken(OBParser.MODIFIES, 0); } + public TerminalNode MONTH() { return getToken(OBParser.MONTH, 0); } + public TerminalNode MOVE() { return getToken(OBParser.MOVE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MOVEMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.MOVEMENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode MULTILINESTRING() { return getToken(OBParser.MULTILINESTRING, 0); } + public TerminalNode MULTIPOINT() { return getToken(OBParser.MULTIPOINT, 0); } + public TerminalNode MULTIPOLYGON() { return getToken(OBParser.MULTIPOLYGON, 0); } + public TerminalNode MULTIVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.MULTIVALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MULTISET() { return getToken(OBParser.MULTISET, 0); } + public TerminalNode MUTEX() { return getToken(OBParser.MUTEX, 0); } + public TerminalNode MYSQL_ERRNO() { return getToken(OBParser.MYSQL_ERRNO, 0); } + public TerminalNode MY_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.MY_NAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode NAMES() { return getToken(OBParser.NAMES, 0); } + public TerminalNode NAN_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.NAN_VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode NATIONAL() { return getToken(OBParser.NATIONAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode NATURAL() { return getToken(OBParser.NATURAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode NCHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.NCHAR, 0); } + public TerminalNode NCHAR_CS() { return getToken(OBParser.NCHAR_CS, 0); } + public TerminalNode NDB() { return getToken(OBParser.NDB, 0); } + public TerminalNode NDBCLUSTER() { return getToken(OBParser.NDBCLUSTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode NESTED() { return getToken(OBParser.NESTED, 0); } + public TerminalNode NO() { return getToken(OBParser.NO, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOENTITYESCAPING() { return getToken(OBParser.NOENTITYESCAPING, 0); } + public TerminalNode NODEGROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.NODEGROUP, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOLOGGING() { return getToken(OBParser.NOLOGGING, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOSCHEMACHECK() { return getToken(OBParser.NOSCHEMACHECK, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOW() { return getToken(OBParser.NOW, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOWAIT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOWAIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode NO_WAIT() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_WAIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG, 0); } + public TerminalNode NULLS() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLS, 0); } + public TerminalNode NVARCHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.NVARCHAR, 0); } + public TerminalNode NVARCHAR2() { return getToken(OBParser.NVARCHAR2, 0); } + public TerminalNode OBJECT() { return getToken(OBParser.OBJECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode OCCUR() { return getToken(OBParser.OCCUR, 0); } + public TerminalNode ORDINALITY() { return getToken(OBParser.ORDINALITY, 0); } + public TerminalNode OFFSET() { return getToken(OBParser.OFFSET, 0); } + public TerminalNode OLD_PASSWORD() { return getToken(OBParser.OLD_PASSWORD, 0); } + public TerminalNode OLD_KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.OLD_KEY, 0); } + public TerminalNode OLTP() { return getToken(OBParser.OLTP, 0); } + public TerminalNode OVER() { return getToken(OBParser.OVER, 0); } + public TerminalNode ONE() { return getToken(OBParser.ONE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ONE_SHOT() { return getToken(OBParser.ONE_SHOT, 0); } + public TerminalNode OPTIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.OPTIONS, 0); } + public TerminalNode OPTIMIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.OPTIMIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode OPTIONALLY() { return getToken(OBParser.OPTIONALLY, 0); } + public TerminalNode ORA_ROWSCN() { return getToken(OBParser.ORA_ROWSCN, 0); } + public TerminalNode ORIG_DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.ORIG_DEFAULT, 0); } + public TerminalNode OUT() { return getToken(OBParser.OUT, 0); } + public TerminalNode OUTER() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode OUTFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTFILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode OUTLINE() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTLINE, 0); } + public TerminalNode OWNER() { return getToken(OBParser.OWNER, 0); } + public TerminalNode P_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.P_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PACK_KEYS() { return getToken(OBParser.PACK_KEYS, 0); } + public TerminalNode PAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PAGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PARAMETERS() { return getToken(OBParser.PARAMETERS, 0); } + public TerminalNode PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR() { return getToken(OBParser.PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode PARSER() { return getToken(OBParser.PARSER, 0); } + public TerminalNode PARTIAL() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTIAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode PARTITION_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode PARTITIONING() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITIONING, 0); } + public TerminalNode PARTITIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITIONS, 0); } + public TerminalNode PARTITION_TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION_TYPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PASSING() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSING, 0); } + public TerminalNode PASSWORD() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD, 0); } + public TerminalNode PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME, 0); } + public TerminalNode PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME, 0); } + public TerminalNode PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME, 0); } + public TerminalNode PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION, 0); } + public TerminalNode PATH() { return getToken(OBParser.PATH, 0); } + public TerminalNode PATTERN() { return getToken(OBParser.PATTERN, 0); } + public TerminalNode PAUSE() { return getToken(OBParser.PAUSE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode PERCENTAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENTAGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PHASE() { return getToken(OBParser.PHASE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PLANREGRESS() { return getToken(OBParser.PLANREGRESS, 0); } + public TerminalNode PLUGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.PLUGIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode PLUGIN_DIR() { return getToken(OBParser.PLUGIN_DIR, 0); } + public TerminalNode PLUGINS() { return getToken(OBParser.PLUGINS, 0); } + public TerminalNode PLUS() { return getToken(OBParser.PLUS, 0); } + public TerminalNode PIVOT() { return getToken(OBParser.PIVOT, 0); } + public TerminalNode POINT() { return getToken(OBParser.POINT, 0); } + public TerminalNode POLICY() { return getToken(OBParser.POLICY, 0); } + public TerminalNode POLYGON() { return getToken(OBParser.POLYGON, 0); } + public TerminalNode POOL() { return getToken(OBParser.POOL, 0); } + public TerminalNode PORT() { return getToken(OBParser.PORT, 0); } + public TerminalNode POSITION() { return getToken(OBParser.POSITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRECEDING() { return getToken(OBParser.PRECEDING, 0); } + public TerminalNode PREPARE() { return getToken(OBParser.PREPARE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRESERVE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRESERVE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRETTY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRETTY, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRETTY_COLOR() { return getToken(OBParser.PRETTY_COLOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode PREV() { return getToken(OBParser.PREV, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRIMARY_ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY_ZONE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRIVILEGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIVILEGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PROCESS() { return getToken(OBParser.PROCESS, 0); } + public TerminalNode PROCESSLIST() { return getToken(OBParser.PROCESSLIST, 0); } + public TerminalNode PROFILES() { return getToken(OBParser.PROFILES, 0); } + public TerminalNode PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode PROJECT_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.PROJECT_NAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode PROPERTIES() { return getToken(OBParser.PROPERTIES, 0); } + public TerminalNode PROXY() { return getToken(OBParser.PROXY, 0); } + public TerminalNode PURGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PURGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode QUARTER() { return getToken(OBParser.QUARTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode QUERY() { return getToken(OBParser.QUERY, 0); } + public TerminalNode QUICK() { return getToken(OBParser.QUICK, 0); } + public TerminalNode RANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.RANGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode READ_WRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.READ_WRITE, 0); } + public TerminalNode READS() { return getToken(OBParser.READS, 0); } + public TerminalNode READ_ONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.READ_ONLY, 0); } + public TerminalNode REBUILD() { return getToken(OBParser.REBUILD, 0); } + public TerminalNode RECOVERY_WINDOW() { return getToken(OBParser.RECOVERY_WINDOW, 0); } + public TerminalNode RECURSIVE() { return getToken(OBParser.RECURSIVE, 0); } + public TerminalNode RECYCLE() { return getToken(OBParser.RECYCLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode RECYCLEBIN() { return getToken(OBParser.RECYCLEBIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode REDACTION() { return getToken(OBParser.REDACTION, 0); } + public TerminalNode REDO_BUFFER_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.REDO_BUFFER_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode REDOFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.REDOFILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode REDUNDANCY() { return getToken(OBParser.REDUNDANCY, 0); } + public TerminalNode REDUNDANT() { return getToken(OBParser.REDUNDANT, 0); } + public TerminalNode REF() { return getToken(OBParser.REF, 0); } + public TerminalNode REFRESH() { return getToken(OBParser.REFRESH, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGEXP_LIKE() { return getToken(OBParser.REGEXP_LIKE, 0); } + public TerminalNode REGION() { return getToken(OBParser.REGION, 0); } + public TerminalNode REJECT() { return getToken(OBParser.REJECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode RELAY() { return getToken(OBParser.RELAY, 0); } + public TerminalNode RELAYLOG() { return getToken(OBParser.RELAYLOG, 0); } + public TerminalNode RELAY_LOG_FILE() { return getToken(OBParser.RELAY_LOG_FILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode RELAY_LOG_POS() { return getToken(OBParser.RELAY_LOG_POS, 0); } + public TerminalNode RELAY_THREAD() { return getToken(OBParser.RELAY_THREAD, 0); } + public TerminalNode RELEASE() { return getToken(OBParser.RELEASE, 0); } + public TerminalNode RELOAD() { return getToken(OBParser.RELOAD, 0); } + public TerminalNode REMOVE() { return getToken(OBParser.REMOVE, 0); } + public TerminalNode REORGANIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.REORGANIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPAIR() { return getToken(OBParser.REPAIR, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPEAT() { return getToken(OBParser.REPEAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPEATABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPEATABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPLACE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLACE, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPLICA() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICA, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPLICA_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICA_NUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPLICA_TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICA_TYPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPLICATION() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode REPORT() { return getToken(OBParser.REPORT, 0); } + public TerminalNode REQUIRE() { return getToken(OBParser.REQUIRE, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESET() { return getToken(OBParser.RESET, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESIGNAL() { return getToken(OBParser.RESIGNAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESOURCE_POOL_LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.RESOURCE_POOL_LIST, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESPECT() { return getToken(OBParser.RESPECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESTART() { return getToken(OBParser.RESTART, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESTORE() { return getToken(OBParser.RESTORE, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESTRICT() { return getToken(OBParser.RESTRICT, 0); } + public TerminalNode RESUME() { return getToken(OBParser.RESUME, 0); } + public TerminalNode RETURN() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURN, 0); } + public TerminalNode RETURNED_SQLSTATE() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNED_SQLSTATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode RETURNING() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNING, 0); } + public TerminalNode RETURNS() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNS, 0); } + public TerminalNode REVERSE() { return getToken(OBParser.REVERSE, 0); } + public TerminalNode REWRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.REWRITE, 0); } + public TerminalNode REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION, 0); } + public TerminalNode REMOTE_OSS() { return getToken(OBParser.REMOTE_OSS, 0); } + public TerminalNode RLIKE() { return getToken(OBParser.RLIKE, 0); } + public TerminalNode RIGHT() { return getToken(OBParser.RIGHT, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROLLUP() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLLUP, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROOT() { return getToken(OBParser.ROOT, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROOTTABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROOTTABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROOTSERVICE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROOTSERVICE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROOTSERVICE_LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.ROOTSERVICE_LIST, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROUTINE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROUTINE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROWCOUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWCOUNT, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROW_COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW_COUNT, 0); } + public TerminalNode ROW_FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW_FORMAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode RTREE() { return getToken(OBParser.RTREE, 0); } + public TerminalNode RUN() { return getToken(OBParser.RUN, 0); } + public TerminalNode SAMPLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SAMPLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SCALARS() { return getToken(OBParser.SCALARS, 0); } + public TerminalNode SCHEDULE() { return getToken(OBParser.SCHEDULE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SCHEMACHECK() { return getToken(OBParser.SCHEMACHECK, 0); } + public TerminalNode SCHEMAS() { return getToken(OBParser.SCHEMAS, 0); } + public TerminalNode SCHEMA_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.SCHEMA_NAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode SCOPE() { return getToken(OBParser.SCOPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SDO_GEOMETRY() { return getToken(OBParser.SDO_GEOMETRY, 0); } + public TerminalNode SDO_RELATE() { return getToken(OBParser.SDO_RELATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SEARCH() { return getToken(OBParser.SEARCH, 0); } + public TerminalNode SECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.SECOND, 0); } + public TerminalNode SECOND_MICROSECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.SECOND_MICROSECOND, 0); } + public TerminalNode SECURITY() { return getToken(OBParser.SECURITY, 0); } + public TerminalNode SEED() { return getToken(OBParser.SEED, 0); } + public TerminalNode SENSITIVE() { return getToken(OBParser.SENSITIVE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SEPARATOR() { return getToken(OBParser.SEPARATOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode SERIAL() { return getToken(OBParser.SERIAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode SERIALIZABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SERIALIZABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SERVER() { return getToken(OBParser.SERVER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SERVER_IP() { return getToken(OBParser.SERVER_IP, 0); } + public TerminalNode SERVER_PORT() { return getToken(OBParser.SERVER_PORT, 0); } + public TerminalNode SERVER_TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.SERVER_TYPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SESSION_ALIAS() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION_ALIAS, 0); } + public TerminalNode SESSION_USER() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION_USER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SESSIONTIMEZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSIONTIMEZONE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SET_MASTER_CLUSTER() { return getToken(OBParser.SET_MASTER_CLUSTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER() { return getToken(OBParser.SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SET_TP() { return getToken(OBParser.SET_TP, 0); } + public TerminalNode SETS() { return getToken(OBParser.SETS, 0); } + public TerminalNode SHRINK() { return getToken(OBParser.SHRINK, 0); } + public TerminalNode SHOW() { return getToken(OBParser.SHOW, 0); } + public TerminalNode SHUTDOWN() { return getToken(OBParser.SHUTDOWN, 0); } + public TerminalNode SIBLINGS() { return getToken(OBParser.SIBLINGS, 0); } + public TerminalNode SIGNAL() { return getToken(OBParser.SIGNAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode SIGNED() { return getToken(OBParser.SIGNED, 0); } + public TerminalNode SIMPLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SIMPLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SINGLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SINGLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode R_SKIP() { return getToken(OBParser.R_SKIP, 0); } + public TerminalNode SKIP_INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.SKIP_INDEX, 0); } + public TerminalNode SLAVE() { return getToken(OBParser.SLAVE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SLOW() { return getToken(OBParser.SLOW, 0); } + public TerminalNode SOCKET() { return getToken(OBParser.SOCKET, 0); } + public TerminalNode SONAME() { return getToken(OBParser.SONAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode SORTKEY() { return getToken(OBParser.SORTKEY, 0); } + public TerminalNode SOUNDS() { return getToken(OBParser.SOUNDS, 0); } + public TerminalNode SOURCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SOURCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.SPACE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SPATIAL() { return getToken(OBParser.SPATIAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode SPATIAL_CELLID() { return getToken(OBParser.SPATIAL_CELLID, 0); } + public TerminalNode SPATIAL_INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.SPATIAL_INDEX, 0); } + public TerminalNode SPATIAL_MBR() { return getToken(OBParser.SPATIAL_MBR, 0); } + public TerminalNode SPECIFIC() { return getToken(OBParser.SPECIFIC, 0); } + public TerminalNode SPFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.SPFILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SPLIT() { return getToken(OBParser.SPLIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQLEXCEPTION() { return getToken(OBParser.SQLEXCEPTION, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQLWARNING() { return getToken(OBParser.SQLWARNING, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL_BIG_RESULT() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_BIG_RESULT, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL_SMALL_RESULT() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_SMALL_RESULT, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL_AFTER_GTIDS() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_AFTER_GTIDS, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL_BUFFER_RESULT() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_BUFFER_RESULT, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL_CACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_CACHE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL_NO_CACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_NO_CACHE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL_THREAD() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_THREAD, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL_TSI_DAY() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_TSI_DAY, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL_TSI_HOUR() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_TSI_HOUR, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL_TSI_MINUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_TSI_MINUTE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL_TSI_MONTH() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_TSI_MONTH, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL_TSI_QUARTER() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_TSI_QUARTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL_TSI_SECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_TSI_SECOND, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL_TSI_WEEK() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_TSI_WEEK, 0); } + public TerminalNode SQL_TSI_YEAR() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_TSI_YEAR, 0); } + public TerminalNode SRID() { return getToken(OBParser.SRID, 0); } + public TerminalNode SSL() { return getToken(OBParser.SSL, 0); } + public TerminalNode SS_MICRO_CACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.SS_MICRO_CACHE, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRAIGHT_JOIN() { return getToken(OBParser.STRAIGHT_JOIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode STARTING() { return getToken(OBParser.STARTING, 0); } + public TerminalNode STARTS() { return getToken(OBParser.STARTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode STATS_AUTO_RECALC() { return getToken(OBParser.STATS_AUTO_RECALC, 0); } + public TerminalNode STATS_PERSISTENT() { return getToken(OBParser.STATS_PERSISTENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES() { return getToken(OBParser.STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES, 0); } + public TerminalNode STATUS() { return getToken(OBParser.STATUS, 0); } + public TerminalNode STATEMENTS() { return getToken(OBParser.STATEMENTS, 0); } + public TerminalNode STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION, 0); } + public TerminalNode STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION, 0); } + public TerminalNode STORED() { return getToken(OBParser.STORED, 0); } + public TerminalNode STORING() { return getToken(OBParser.STORING, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRICT() { return getToken(OBParser.STRICT, 0); } + public TerminalNode STRONG() { return getToken(OBParser.STRONG, 0); } + public TerminalNode STANDBY() { return getToken(OBParser.STANDBY, 0); } + public TerminalNode STSTOKEN() { return getToken(OBParser.STSTOKEN, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUBCLASS_ORIGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBCLASS_ORIGIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUBDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBDATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUBJECT() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBJECT, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUBPARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITION, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUBPARTITIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITIONS, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUBSTR() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBSTR, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUPER() { return getToken(OBParser.SUPER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUSPEND() { return getToken(OBParser.SUSPEND, 0); } + public TerminalNode SWAPS() { return getToken(OBParser.SWAPS, 0); } + public TerminalNode SWITCHES() { return getToken(OBParser.SWITCHES, 0); } + public TerminalNode SWITCHOVER() { return getToken(OBParser.SWITCHOVER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYNCHRONOUS() { return getToken(OBParser.SYNCHRONOUS, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYSTEM_USER() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM_USER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYSTIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTIMESTAMP, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYSBACKUP() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSBACKUP, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYSDBA() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSDBA, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYSKM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSKM, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYSOPER() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSOPER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH() { return getToken(OBParser.SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH, 0); } + public TerminalNode T_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.T_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLEGROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUP, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLE_CHECKSUM() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE_CHECKSUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLE_MODE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE_MODE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLEGROUPS() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUPS, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLEGROUP_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUP_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLE_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE_NAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLET() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLET, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLET_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLET_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLET_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLET_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TABLET_MAX_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLET_MAX_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TASK() { return getToken(OBParser.TASK, 0); } + public TerminalNode TASK_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TASK_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode TEMPLATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TEMPLATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TEMPTABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TEMPTABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } + public TerminalNode TERMINATED() { return getToken(OBParser.TERMINATED, 0); } + public TerminalNode TEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.TEXT, 0); } + public TerminalNode THAN() { return getToken(OBParser.THAN, 0); } + public TerminalNode THROUGH() { return getToken(OBParser.THROUGH, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMESTAMP, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIMESTAMPADD() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMESTAMPADD, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIMESTAMPDIFF() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMESTAMPDIFF, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIMEZONE_ABBR() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMEZONE_ABBR, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIMEZONE_HOUR() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMEZONE_HOUR, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIMEZONE_MINUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMEZONE_MINUTE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIMEZONE_REGION() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMEZONE_REGION, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIME_ZONE_INFO() { return getToken(OBParser.TIME_ZONE_INFO, 0); } + public TerminalNode TINYBLOB() { return getToken(OBParser.TINYBLOB, 0); } + public TerminalNode TINYTEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.TINYTEXT, 0); } + public TerminalNode TP_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.TP_NAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode TP_NO() { return getToken(OBParser.TP_NO, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRACE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRADITIONAL() { return getToken(OBParser.TRADITIONAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRAILING() { return getToken(OBParser.TRAILING, 0); } + public TerminalNode TREAT() { return getToken(OBParser.TREAT, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRIM() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIM, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRANSLATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRANSLATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.TYPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode TYPENAME() { return getToken(OBParser.TYPENAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode TYPES() { return getToken(OBParser.TYPES, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNCOMMITTED() { return getToken(OBParser.UNCOMMITTED, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNCONDITIONAL() { return getToken(OBParser.UNCONDITIONAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNDEFINED() { return getToken(OBParser.UNDEFINED, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNDO() { return getToken(OBParser.UNDO, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNDOFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNDOFILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNICODE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNICODE, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNKNOWN() { return getToken(OBParser.UNKNOWN, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNINSTALL() { return getToken(OBParser.UNINSTALL, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNIT() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNIT_GROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT_GROUP, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNIT_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT_NUM, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNLOCK() { return getToken(OBParser.UNLOCK, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNLOCKED() { return getToken(OBParser.UNLOCKED, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNUSUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.UNUSUAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNPIVOT() { return getToken(OBParser.UNPIVOT, 0); } + public TerminalNode UPDATING() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATING, 0); } + public TerminalNode UPDATEXML() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATEXML, 0); } + public TerminalNode UPGRADE() { return getToken(OBParser.UPGRADE, 0); } + public TerminalNode UROWID() { return getToken(OBParser.UROWID, 0); } + public TerminalNode USAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.USAGE, 0); } + public TerminalNode USER_SPECIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_SPECIFIED, 0); } + public TerminalNode USE_BLOOM_FILTER() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_BLOOM_FILTER, 0); } + public TerminalNode USE_FRM() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_FRM, 0); } + public TerminalNode USER_RESOURCES() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_RESOURCES, 0); } + public TerminalNode UTC_DATE() { return getToken(OBParser.UTC_DATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode UTC_TIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.UTC_TIMESTAMP, 0); } + public TerminalNode UNBOUNDED() { return getToken(OBParser.UNBOUNDED, 0); } + public TerminalNode VALID() { return getToken(OBParser.VALID, 0); } + public TerminalNode VARIABLES() { return getToken(OBParser.VARIABLES, 0); } + public TerminalNode VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUE, 0); } + public TerminalNode VERBOSE() { return getToken(OBParser.VERBOSE, 0); } + public TerminalNode VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.VERSION, 0); } + public TerminalNode MATERIALIZED() { return getToken(OBParser.MATERIALIZED, 0); } + public TerminalNode WAIT() { return getToken(OBParser.WAIT, 0); } + public TerminalNode WARNINGS() { return getToken(OBParser.WARNINGS, 0); } + public TerminalNode WEEK() { return getToken(OBParser.WEEK, 0); } + public TerminalNode WEIGHT_STRING() { return getToken(OBParser.WEIGHT_STRING, 0); } + public TerminalNode WITHOUT() { return getToken(OBParser.WITHOUT, 0); } + public TerminalNode WMSYS() { return getToken(OBParser.WMSYS, 0); } + public TerminalNode WRAPPER() { return getToken(OBParser.WRAPPER, 0); } + public TerminalNode X509() { return getToken(OBParser.X509, 0); } + public TerminalNode XA() { return getToken(OBParser.XA, 0); } + public TerminalNode XML() { return getToken(OBParser.XML, 0); } + public TerminalNode YEAR() { return getToken(OBParser.YEAR, 0); } + public TerminalNode ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE, 0); } + public TerminalNode ZONE_LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE_LIST, 0); } + public TerminalNode ZONE_TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE_TYPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOCATION() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode VARYING() { return getToken(OBParser.VARYING, 0); } + public TerminalNode VIRTUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.VIRTUAL, 0); } + public TerminalNode VISIBLE() { return getToken(OBParser.VISIBLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode VERIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.VERIFY, 0); } + public TerminalNode INVISIBLE() { return getToken(OBParser.INVISIBLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode RELY() { return getToken(OBParser.RELY, 0); } + public TerminalNode NORELY() { return getToken(OBParser.NORELY, 0); } + public TerminalNode NOVALIDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOVALIDATE, 0); } + public TerminalNode WITHIN() { return getToken(OBParser.WITHIN, 0); } + public TerminalNode WEAK() { return getToken(OBParser.WEAK, 0); } + public TerminalNode WELLFORMED() { return getToken(OBParser.WELLFORMED, 0); } + public TerminalNode WHILE() { return getToken(OBParser.WHILE, 0); } + public TerminalNode XMLAGG() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLAGG, 0); } + public TerminalNode XMLPARSE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLPARSE, 0); } + public TerminalNode XOR() { return getToken(OBParser.XOR, 0); } + public TerminalNode XMLELEMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLELEMENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode XMLATTRIBUTES() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLATTRIBUTES, 0); } + public TerminalNode XMLNAMESPACES() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLNAMESPACES, 0); } + public TerminalNode XMLSEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLSEQUENCE, 0); } + public TerminalNode XMLSERIALIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLSERIALIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode XMLTABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLTABLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode XMLTYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLTYPE, 0); } + public TerminalNode XMLCAST() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLCAST, 0); } + public TerminalNode YEAR_MONTH() { return getToken(OBParser.YEAR_MONTH, 0); } + public TerminalNode ZEROFILL() { return getToken(OBParser.ZEROFILL, 0); } + public TerminalNode PERCENT() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENT, 0); } + public TerminalNode TIES() { return getToken(OBParser.TIES, 0); } + public TerminalNode MEMBER() { return getToken(OBParser.MEMBER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUBMULTISET() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBMULTISET, 0); } + public TerminalNode EMPTY() { return getToken(OBParser.EMPTY, 0); } + public TerminalNode A_() { return getToken(OBParser.A_, 0); } + public TerminalNode THROTTLE() { return getToken(OBParser.THROTTLE, 0); } + public TerminalNode PRIORITY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIORITY, 0); } + public TerminalNode RT() { return getToken(OBParser.RT, 0); } + public TerminalNode NETWORK() { return getToken(OBParser.NETWORK, 0); } + public TerminalNode LOGICAL_READS() { return getToken(OBParser.LOGICAL_READS, 0); } + public TerminalNode QUEUE_TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.QUEUE_TIME, 0); } + public TerminalNode QUOTA_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.QUOTA_NAME, 0); } + public TerminalNode HIDDEN_() { return getToken(OBParser.HIDDEN_, 0); } + public TerminalNode INDEXED() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEXED, 0); } + public TerminalNode SKEWONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.SKEWONLY, 0); } + public TerminalNode NAMESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.NAMESPACE, 0); } + public TerminalNode LIB() { return getToken(OBParser.LIB, 0); } + public TerminalNode OBJECT_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.OBJECT_ID, 0); } + public TerminalNode TRANSFER() { return getToken(OBParser.TRANSFER, 0); } + public TerminalNode SUM_OPNSIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.SUM_OPNSIZE, 0); } + public TerminalNode VALIDATION() { return getToken(OBParser.VALIDATION, 0); } + public TerminalNode OVERWRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.OVERWRITE, 0); } + public TerminalNode SERVICE() { return getToken(OBParser.SERVICE, 0); } + public TerminalNode MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED() { return getToken(OBParser.MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED, 0); } + public Unreserved_keyword_normalContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unreserved_keyword_normal; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUnreserved_keyword_normal(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUnreserved_keyword_normal(this); + } + } + + public final Unreserved_keyword_normalContext unreserved_keyword_normal() throws RecognitionException { + Unreserved_keyword_normalContext _localctx = new Unreserved_keyword_normalContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1786, RULE_unreserved_keyword_normal); + int _la; + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14256); + _la = _input.LA(1); + if ( !(((((_la - 1)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1)) & ((1L << (QUOTA_NAME - 1)) | (1L << (INDEXTYPE - 1)) | (1L << (STSTOKEN - 1)) | (1L << (REWRITE - 1)) | (1L << (PARTITION_TYPE - 1)) | (1L << (TASK_ID - 1)) | (1L << (COMPUTATION - 1)) | (1L << (AUTO_REFRESH - 1)) | (1L << (SINGLE - 1)) | (1L << (MDSYS - 1)) | (1L << (SPATIAL_CELLID - 1)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION_CODE - 1)) | (1L << (MULTIVALUE - 1)) | (1L << (SERVICE - 1)) | (1L << (DATA_SOURCE - 1)) | (1L << (PROJECT_NAME - 1)) | (1L << (ENDPOINT - 1)) | (1L << (BUFFER_SIZE - 1)) | (1L << (PROPERTIES - 1)) | (1L << (ATTRIBUTE - 1)) | (1L << (USER_SPECIFIED - 1)) | (1L << (THROUGH - 1)) | (1L << (SPATIAL_INDEX - 1)) | (1L << (ACCESS_INFO - 1)) | (1L << (VALIDATION - 1)) | (1L << (SUM_OPNSIZE - 1)) | (1L << (ACCESSKEY - 1)) | (1L << (MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED - 1)) | (1L << (ACCESSTYPE - 1)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST - 1)) | (1L << (OVERWRITE - 1)) | (1L << (SPATIAL_MBR - 1)) | (1L << (LAST_REFRESH_SCN - 1)) | (1L << (SDO_RELATE - 1)) | (1L << (MAX_FILE_SIZE - 1)) | (1L << (SRID - 1)) | (1L << (SS_MICRO_CACHE - 1)) | (1L << (PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM - 1)) | (1L << (ACCESSID - 1)) | (1L << (M_SIZE - 1)) | (1L << (E_SIZE - 1)) | (1L << (T_SIZE - 1)) | (1L << (K_SIZE - 1)) | (1L << (G_SIZE - 1)) | (1L << (P_SIZE - 1)) | (1L << (HIDE - 1)) | (1L << (DEFAULTS - 1)) | (1L << (OBJECT_ID - 1)) | (1L << (NAMESPACE - 1)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 71)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 71)) & ((1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 71)) | (1L << (VALUE - 71)) | (1L << (BLOB - 71)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 71)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 71)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 71)) | (1L << (CLOB - 71)) | (1L << (DOT - 71)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 71)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 71)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 71)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 71)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 71)) | (1L << (PASSING - 71)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 71)) | (1L << (HOST - 71)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 71)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 71)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 71)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 71)) | (1L << (ORDINALITY - 71)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 71)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 146)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 146)) & ((1L << (NOWAIT - 146)) | (1L << (MISSING - 146)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 146)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 146)) | (1L << (SETS - 146)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 146)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 146)) | (1L << (REDUNDANCY - 146)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 146)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 146)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 146)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 146)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 146)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 146)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 211)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 211)) & ((1L << (ASENSITIVE - 211)) | (1L << (BINARY - 211)) | (1L << (BOTH - 211)) | (1L << (BULK - 211)) | (1L << (CALL - 211)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 211)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 211)) | (1L << (CROSS - 211)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 211)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 211)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 211)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 211)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 211)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 211)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 211)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 211)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 211)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 211)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 211)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 211)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 211)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 211)) | (1L << (EXIT - 211)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 211)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 211)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 211)) | (1L << (FULL - 211)) | (1L << (GET - 211)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 211)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 211)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 211)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 211)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 211)) | (1L << (ID - 211)) | (1L << (IF - 211)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 211)) | (1L << (INNER - 211)) | (1L << (INFILE - 211)) | (1L << (INOUT - 211)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 211)) | (1L << (INT1 - 211)) | (1L << (INT2 - 211)) | (1L << (LIB - 211)) | (1L << (INT3 - 211)) | (1L << (INT4 - 211)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 275)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 275)) & ((1L << (INT8 - 275)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 275)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 275)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 275)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 275)) | (1L << (JOIN - 275)) | (1L << (KEYS - 275)) | (1L << (KILL - 275)) | (1L << (LEADING - 275)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 275)) | (1L << (LEFT - 275)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 275)) | (1L << (LINES - 275)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 275)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 275)) | (1L << (LOAD - 275)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 275)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 275)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 275)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 275)) | (1L << (LOOP - 275)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 275)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 275)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 275)) | (1L << (MATCH - 275)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 275)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 275)) | (1L << (MERGE - 275)) | (1L << (REJECT - 275)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 275)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 275)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 275)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 275)) | (1L << (MOD - 275)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 275)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 275)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 275)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 275)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 275)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 275)) | (1L << (OUT - 275)) | (1L << (OUTER - 275)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 275)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 275)) | (1L << (PARSER - 275)) | (1L << (PURGE - 275)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 275)) | (1L << (RANGE - 275)) | (1L << (PLUS - 275)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 275)) | (1L << (READS - 275)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 275)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 275)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 275)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 275)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 275)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 339)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 339)) & ((1L << (RESTRICT - 339)) | (1L << (RETURN - 339)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 339)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 339)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 339)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 339)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 339)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 339)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 339)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 339)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 339)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 339)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 339)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 339)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 339)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 339)) | (1L << (SSL - 339)) | (1L << (STARTING - 339)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 339)) | (1L << (STORED - 339)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 339)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 339)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 339)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 339)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 339)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 339)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 339)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 339)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 339)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 339)) | (1L << (UNDO - 339)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 339)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 339)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 339)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 339)) | (1L << (VARYING - 339)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 339)) | (1L << (WHILE - 339)) | (1L << (XOR - 339)) | (1L << (X509 - 339)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 339)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 339)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 339)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 339)) | (1L << (STRONG - 339)) | (1L << (WEAK - 339)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 339)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 339)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 339)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 339)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 339)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 339)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 339)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 339)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 403)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 403)) & ((1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 403)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 403)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 403)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 403)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 403)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 403)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 403)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 403)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 403)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 403)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 403)) | (1L << (YEAR - 403)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 403)) | (1L << (AT - 403)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 403)) | (1L << (POOL - 403)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 403)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 403)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 403)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 403)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 403)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 403)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 403)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 403)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 403)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 403)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 403)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 403)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 403)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 403)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 403)) | (1L << (DIV - 403)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 403)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 403)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 403)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 403)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 403)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 403)) | (1L << (FAST - 403)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 403)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 403)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 403)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 403)) | (1L << (PRIORITY - 403)) | (1L << (DO - 403)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 403)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 403)) | (1L << (UROWID - 403)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 403)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 467)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 467)) & ((1L << (NCHAR_CS - 467)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 467)) | (1L << (STRICT - 467)) | (1L << (PORT - 467)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 467)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 467)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 467)) | (1L << (LIST - 467)) | (1L << (ROOT - 467)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 467)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 467)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 467)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 467)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 467)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 467)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 467)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 467)) | (1L << (LS - 467)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 467)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 467)) | (1L << (DML - 467)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 467)) | (1L << (BIT - 467)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 467)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 467)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 467)) | (1L << (ACTION - 467)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 467)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 467)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 467)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 467)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 467)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 467)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 467)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 467)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 467)) | (1L << (EVERY - 467)) | (1L << (BYTE - 467)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 467)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 467)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 467)) | (1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 467)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 467)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 467)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 467)) | (1L << (IO - 467)) | (1L << (BTREE - 467)) | (1L << (HASH - 467)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 534)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 534)) & ((1L << (OLTP - 534)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 534)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 534)) | (1L << (MASTER - 534)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 534)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 534)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 534)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 534)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 534)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 534)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 534)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 534)) | (1L << (QUICK - 534)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 534)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 534)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 534)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 534)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 534)) | (1L << (USAGE - 534)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 534)) | (1L << (WAIT - 534)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 534)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 534)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 534)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 534)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 534)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 534)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 534)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 534)) | (1L << (FIRST - 534)) | (1L << (TABLET - 534)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 534)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 534)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 534)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 534)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 534)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 534)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 534)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 534)) | (1L << (RESET - 534)) | (1L << (EVENT - 534)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 534)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 534)) | (1L << (STATUS - 534)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 534)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 534)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 534)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 534)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 534)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 598)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 598)) & ((1L << (FILEX - 598)) | (1L << (UNIT - 598)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 598)) | (1L << (LESS - 598)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 598)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 598)) | (1L << (NO - 598)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 598)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 598)) | (1L << (TIES - 598)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 598)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 598)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 598)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 598)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 598)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 598)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 598)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 598)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 598)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 598)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 598)) | (1L << (SECOND - 598)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 598)) | (1L << (POINT - 598)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 598)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 598)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 598)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 598)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 598)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 598)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 598)) | (1L << (POSITION - 598)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 598)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 598)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 598)) | (1L << (PREV - 598)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 598)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 598)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 598)) | (1L << (SLOW - 598)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 598)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 598)) | (1L << (RT - 598)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 598)) | (1L << (ONE - 598)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 662)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 662)) & ((1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 662)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 662)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 662)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 662)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 662)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 662)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 662)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 662)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 662)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 662)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 662)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 662)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 662)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 662)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 662)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 662)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 662)) | (1L << (IDC - 662)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 662)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 662)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 662)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 662)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 662)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 662)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 662)) | (1L << (PAGE - 662)) | (1L << (NAME - 662)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 662)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 662)) | (1L << (LAST - 662)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 662)) | (1L << (DELAY - 662)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 662)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 662)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 662)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 662)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 662)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 662)) | (1L << (SIGNED - 662)) | (1L << (SERVER - 662)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 662)) | (1L << (ENDS - 662)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 662)) | (1L << (SHOW - 662)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 662)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 662)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 662)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 662)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 662)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 726)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 726)) & ((1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 726)) | (1L << (XA - 726)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 726)) | (1L << (BOOL - 726)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 726)) | (1L << (VALID - 726)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 726)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 726)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 726)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 726)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 726)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 726)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 726)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 726)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 726)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 726)) | (1L << (CAST - 726)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 726)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 726)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 726)) | (1L << (RELY - 726)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 726)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 726)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 726)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 726)) | (1L << (TREAT - 726)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 726)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 726)) | (1L << (NAMES - 726)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 726)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 726)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 726)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 726)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 726)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 726)) | (1L << (SUBMULTISET - 726)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 726)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 726)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 726)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 726)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 726)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 726)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 726)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 726)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 790)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 790)) & ((1L << (REPEATABLE - 790)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 790)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 790)) | (1L << (ZONE - 790)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 790)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 790)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 790)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 790)) | (1L << (KEEP - 790)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 790)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 790)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 790)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 790)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 790)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 790)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 790)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 790)) | (1L << (MINOR - 790)) | (1L << (RESUME - 790)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 790)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 790)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 790)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 790)) | (1L << (SUPER - 790)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 790)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 790)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 790)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 790)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 790)) | (1L << (MOVE - 790)) | (1L << (XML - 790)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 790)) | (1L << (IPC - 790)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 790)) | (1L << (PATH - 790)) | (1L << (TRIM - 790)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 790)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 790)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 790)) | (1L << (CLOG - 790)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 790)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 790)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 790)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 790)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 790)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 790)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 790)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 855)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 855)) & ((1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 855)) | (1L << (DELETING - 855)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 855)) | (1L << (CUBE - 855)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 855)) | (1L << (POLICY - 855)) | (1L << (QUERY - 855)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 855)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 855)) | (1L << (SPACE - 855)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 855)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 855)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 855)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 855)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 855)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 855)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 855)) | (1L << (INCR - 855)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 855)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 855)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 855)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 855)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 855)) | (1L << (ASCII - 855)) | (1L << (INFO - 855)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 855)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 855)) | (1L << (TYPES - 855)) | (1L << (LEADER - 855)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 855)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 855)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 855)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 855)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 855)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 855)) | (1L << (FIXED - 855)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 855)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 855)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 855)) | (1L << (ASIS - 855)) | (1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 855)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 855)) | (1L << (JSON - 855)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 855)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 855)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 855)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 855)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 855)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 855)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 919)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 919)) & ((1L << (VERSION - 919)) | (1L << (INDENT - 919)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 919)) | (1L << (OVER - 919)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 919)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 919)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 919)) | (1L << (SONAME - 919)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 919)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 919)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 919)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 919)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 919)) | (1L << (GTS - 919)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 919)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 919)) | (1L << (TEXT - 919)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 919)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 919)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 919)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 919)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 919)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 919)) | (1L << (ENUM - 919)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 919)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 919)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 919)) | (1L << (REGION - 919)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 919)) | (1L << (NDB - 919)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 919)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 919)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 919)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 919)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 919)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 919)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 919)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 919)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 919)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 919)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 919)) | (1L << (HIGH - 919)) | (1L << (LAX - 919)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 919)) | (1L << (THAN - 919)) | (1L << (CPU - 919)) | (1L << (LOGS - 919)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 919)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 919)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 919)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 984)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 984)) & ((1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 984)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 984)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 984)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 984)) | (1L << (TASK - 984)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 984)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 984)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 984)) | (1L << (AUTO - 984)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 984)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 984)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 984)) | (1L << (DISK - 984)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 984)) | (1L << (HOUR - 984)) | (1L << (REF - 984)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 984)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 984)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 984)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 984)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 984)) | (1L << (PHASE - 984)) | (1L << (NORELY - 984)) | (1L << (RESTART - 984)) | (1L << (TRACE - 984)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 984)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 984)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 984)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 984)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 984)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 984)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 984)) | (1L << (CODE - 984)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 984)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 984)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 984)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 984)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 984)) | (1L << (CLEAN - 984)) | (1L << (NESTED - 984)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 984)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 984)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 984)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 984)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 984)) | (1L << (MONTH - 984)) | (1L << (NEVER - 984)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 984)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1048)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1048)) & ((1L << (SET_TP - 1048)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1048)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1048)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1048)) | (1L << (META - 1048)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1048)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1048)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1048)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1048)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1048)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1048)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1048)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1048)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1048)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1048)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1048)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1048)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1048)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1048)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1048)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1048)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1048)) | (1L << (SEED - 1048)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1048)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1048)) | (1L << (RUN - 1048)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1048)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1048)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1048)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1048)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1048)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1048)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1048)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1048)) | (1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1048)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1048)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1048)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1048)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1048)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1048)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1048)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1048)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1048)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1048)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1113)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1113)) & ((1L << (NOW - 1113)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1113)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1113)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1113)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1113)) | (1L << (BASE - 1113)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1113)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1113)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1113)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1113)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1113)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1113)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1113)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1113)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1113)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1113)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1113)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1113)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1113)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1113)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1113)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1113)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1113)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1113)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1113)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1113)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1113)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1113)) | (1L << (LOG - 1113)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1113)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1113)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1113)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1113)) | (1L << (LOW - 1113)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1113)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1113)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1113)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1113)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1113)) | (1L << (STORING - 1113)) | (1L << (IMPORT - 1113)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1113)) | (1L << (HELP - 1113)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1113)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1113)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1113)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1113)) | (1L << (COPY - 1113)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1113)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1113)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1113)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1113)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1177)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1177)) & ((1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1177)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1177)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1177)) | (1L << (DAY - 1177)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1177)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1177)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1177)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1177)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1177)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1177)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1177)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1177)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1177)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1177)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1177)) | (1L << (JOB - 1177)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1177)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1177)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1177)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1177)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1177)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1177)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1177)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1177)) | (1L << (DATA - 1177)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1177)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1177)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1177)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1177)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1177)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1177)) | (1L << (DDL - 1177)) | (1L << (BASIC - 1177)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1177)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1177)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1177)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1177)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1177)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1177)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1177)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1177)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1241)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1241)) & ((1L << (WEEK - 1241)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1241)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1241)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1241)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1241)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1241)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1241)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1241)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1241)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1241)) | (1L << (A_ - 1241)))) != 0)) ) { + _errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } + else { + if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; + _errHandler.reportMatch(this); + consume(); + } + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class EmptyContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public EmptyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_empty; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterEmpty(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitEmpty(this); + } + } + + public final EmptyContext empty() throws RecognitionException { + EmptyContext _localctx = new EmptyContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1788, RULE_empty); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Forward_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public ExprContext expr() { + return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode EOF() { return getToken(OBParser.EOF, 0); } + public Forward_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_forward_expr; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterForward_expr(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitForward_expr(this); + } + } + + public final Forward_exprContext forward_expr() throws RecognitionException { + Forward_exprContext _localctx = new Forward_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1790, RULE_forward_expr); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14260); + expr(0); + setState(14261); + match(EOF); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public static class Forward_sql_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { + public StmtContext stmt() { + return getRuleContext(StmtContext.class,0); + } + public TerminalNode EOF() { return getToken(OBParser.EOF, 0); } + public Forward_sql_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { + super(parent, invokingState); + } + @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_forward_sql_stmt; } + @Override + public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterForward_sql_stmt(this); + } + @Override + public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { + if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitForward_sql_stmt(this); + } + } + + public final Forward_sql_stmtContext forward_sql_stmt() throws RecognitionException { + Forward_sql_stmtContext _localctx = new Forward_sql_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); + enterRule(_localctx, 1792, RULE_forward_sql_stmt); + try { + enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); + { + setState(14263); + stmt(); + setState(14264); + match(EOF); + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + _localctx.exception = re; + _errHandler.reportError(this, re); + _errHandler.recover(this, re); + } + finally { + exitRule(); + } + return _localctx; + } + + public boolean sempred(RuleContext _localctx, int ruleIndex, int predIndex) { + switch (ruleIndex) { + case 26: + return bit_expr_sempred((Bit_exprContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 27: + return conf_expr_sempred((Conf_exprContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 30: + return simple_expr_sempred((Simple_exprContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 52: + return table_element_access_list_sempred((Table_element_access_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 54: + return expr_sempred((ExprContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 97: + return bool_pri_in_pl_func_sempred((Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 111: + return opt_resource_unit_option_list_sempred((Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 113: + return opt_create_resource_pool_option_list_sempred((Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 121: + return opt_tenant_option_list_sempred((Opt_tenant_option_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 168: + return out_of_line_index_state_sempred((Out_of_line_index_stateContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 176: + return opt_generated_column_attribute_list_sempred((Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 193: + return character_type_i_sempred((Character_type_iContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 218: + return opt_column_attribute_list_sempred((Opt_column_attribute_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 375: + return insert_vals_list_sempred((Insert_vals_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 388: + return select_clause_set_sempred((Select_clause_setContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 413: + return into_var_sempred((Into_varContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 426: + return opt_hint_list_sempred((Opt_hint_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 428: + return name_list_sempred((Name_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 484: + return external_table_partitions_sempred((External_table_partitionsContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 499: + return relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_sempred((Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 501: + return relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list_sempred((Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 504: + return joined_table_sempred((Joined_tableContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 540: + return tls_option_list_sempred((Tls_option_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 629: + return add_external_table_partition_actions_sempred((Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 691: + return add_or_alter_zone_options_sempred((Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 710: + return alter_system_settp_actions_sempred((Alter_system_settp_actionsContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 748: + return for_columns_list_sempred((For_columns_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 869: + return opt_skip_index_type_list_sempred((Opt_skip_index_type_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); + case 876: + return evalname_expr_sempred((Evalname_exprContext)_localctx, predIndex); + } + return true; + } + private boolean bit_expr_sempred(Bit_exprContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 0: + return precpred(_ctx, 12); + case 1: + return precpred(_ctx, 11); + case 2: + return precpred(_ctx, 10); + case 3: + return precpred(_ctx, 9); + case 4: + return precpred(_ctx, 8); + case 5: + return precpred(_ctx, 7); + case 6: + return precpred(_ctx, 5); + case 7: + return precpred(_ctx, 4); + case 8: + return precpred(_ctx, 3); + case 9: + return precpred(_ctx, 6); + } + return true; + } + private boolean conf_expr_sempred(Conf_exprContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 10: + return precpred(_ctx, 1); + } + return true; + } + private boolean simple_expr_sempred(Simple_exprContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 11: + return this.is_pl_parse_; + case 12: + return precpred(_ctx, 23); + } + return true; + } + private boolean table_element_access_list_sempred(Table_element_access_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 13: + return precpred(_ctx, 1); + } + return true; + } + private boolean expr_sempred(ExprContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 14: + return precpred(_ctx, 1); + } + return true; + } + private boolean bool_pri_in_pl_func_sempred(Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 15: + return precpred(_ctx, 1); + } + return true; + } + private boolean opt_resource_unit_option_list_sempred(Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 16: + return precpred(_ctx, 1); + } + return true; + } + private boolean opt_create_resource_pool_option_list_sempred(Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 17: + return precpred(_ctx, 1); + } + return true; + } + private boolean opt_tenant_option_list_sempred(Opt_tenant_option_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 18: + return precpred(_ctx, 1); + } + return true; + } + private boolean out_of_line_index_state_sempred(Out_of_line_index_stateContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 19: + return !_localctx.using_idx_flag; + case 20: + return _localctx.using_idx_flag; + } + return true; + } + private boolean opt_generated_column_attribute_list_sempred(Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 21: + return precpred(_ctx, 2); + } + return true; + } + private boolean character_type_i_sempred(Character_type_iContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 22: + return _localctx.in_cast_data_type; + } + return true; + } + private boolean opt_column_attribute_list_sempred(Opt_column_attribute_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 23: + return precpred(_ctx, 2); + } + return true; + } + private boolean insert_vals_list_sempred(Insert_vals_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 24: + return precpred(_ctx, 1); + } + return true; + } + private boolean select_clause_set_sempred(Select_clause_setContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 25: + return precpred(_ctx, 2); + } + return true; + } + private boolean into_var_sempred(Into_varContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 26: + return this.is_pl_parse_; + } + return true; + } + private boolean opt_hint_list_sempred(Opt_hint_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 27: + return precpred(_ctx, 1); + } + return true; + } + private boolean name_list_sempred(Name_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 28: + return precpred(_ctx, 2); + case 29: + return precpred(_ctx, 1); + } + return true; + } + private boolean external_table_partitions_sempred(External_table_partitionsContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 30: + return precpred(_ctx, 1); + } + return true; + } + private boolean relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_sempred(Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 31: + return precpred(_ctx, 2); + case 32: + return precpred(_ctx, 1); + } + return true; + } + private boolean relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list_sempred(Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 33: + return precpred(_ctx, 2); + case 34: + return precpred(_ctx, 1); + } + return true; + } + private boolean joined_table_sempred(Joined_tableContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 35: + return precpred(_ctx, 7); + case 36: + return precpred(_ctx, 6); + case 37: + return precpred(_ctx, 5); + case 38: + return precpred(_ctx, 4); + case 39: + return precpred(_ctx, 3); + case 40: + return precpred(_ctx, 2); + case 41: + return precpred(_ctx, 1); + } + return true; + } + private boolean tls_option_list_sempred(Tls_option_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 42: + return precpred(_ctx, 2); + case 43: + return precpred(_ctx, 1); + } + return true; + } + private boolean add_external_table_partition_actions_sempred(Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 44: + return precpred(_ctx, 1); + } + return true; + } + private boolean add_or_alter_zone_options_sempred(Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 45: + return precpred(_ctx, 1); + } + return true; + } + private boolean alter_system_settp_actions_sempred(Alter_system_settp_actionsContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 46: + return precpred(_ctx, 1); + } + return true; + } + private boolean for_columns_list_sempred(For_columns_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 47: + return precpred(_ctx, 2); + case 48: + return precpred(_ctx, 1); + } + return true; + } + private boolean opt_skip_index_type_list_sempred(Opt_skip_index_type_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 49: + return precpred(_ctx, 1); + } + return true; + } + private boolean evalname_expr_sempred(Evalname_exprContext _localctx, int predIndex) { + switch (predIndex) { + case 50: + return precpred(_ctx, 1); + } + return true; + } + + private static final int _serializedATNSegments = 6; + private static final String _serializedATNSegment0 = + "\3\u608b\ua72a\u8133\ub9ed\u417c\u3be7\u7786\u5964\3\u0555\u37bd\4\2\t"+ + "\2\4\3\t\3\4\4\t\4\4\5\t\5\4\6\t\6\4\7\t\7\4\b\t\b\4\t\t\t\4\n\t\n\4\13"+ + "\t\13\4\f\t\f\4\r\t\r\4\16\t\16\4\17\t\17\4\20\t\20\4\21\t\21\4\22\t\22"+ + "\4\23\t\23\4\24\t\24\4\25\t\25\4\26\t\26\4\27\t\27\4\30\t\30\4\31\t\31"+ + "\4\32\t\32\4\33\t\33\4\34\t\34\4\35\t\35\4\36\t\36\4\37\t\37\4 \t \4!"+ + "\t!\4\"\t\"\4#\t#\4$\t$\4%\t%\4&\t&\4\'\t\'\4(\t(\4)\t)\4*\t*\4+\t+\4"+ + ",\t,\4-\t-\4.\t.\4/\t/\4\60\t\60\4\61\t\61\4\62\t\62\4\63\t\63\4\64\t"+ + "\64\4\65\t\65\4\66\t\66\4\67\t\67\48\t8\49\t9\4:\t:\4;\t;\4<\t<\4=\t="+ + "\4>\t>\4?\t?\4@\t@\4A\tA\4B\tB\4C\tC\4D\tD\4E\tE\4F\tF\4G\tG\4H\tH\4I"+ + "\tI\4J\tJ\4K\tK\4L\tL\4M\tM\4N\tN\4O\tO\4P\tP\4Q\tQ\4R\tR\4S\tS\4T\tT"+ + "\4U\tU\4V\tV\4W\tW\4X\tX\4Y\tY\4Z\tZ\4[\t[\4\\\t\\\4]\t]\4^\t^\4_\t_\4"+ + "`\t`\4a\ta\4b\tb\4c\tc\4d\td\4e\te\4f\tf\4g\tg\4h\th\4i\ti\4j\tj\4k\t"+ + "k\4l\tl\4m\tm\4n\tn\4o\to\4p\tp\4q\tq\4r\tr\4s\ts\4t\tt\4u\tu\4v\tv\4"+ + "w\tw\4x\tx\4y\ty\4z\tz\4{\t{\4|\t|\4}\t}\4~\t~\4\177\t\177\4\u0080\t\u0080"+ + "\4\u0081\t\u0081\4\u0082\t\u0082\4\u0083\t\u0083\4\u0084\t\u0084\4\u0085"+ + "\t\u0085\4\u0086\t\u0086\4\u0087\t\u0087\4\u0088\t\u0088\4\u0089\t\u0089"+ + "\4\u008a\t\u008a\4\u008b\t\u008b\4\u008c\t\u008c\4\u008d\t\u008d\4\u008e"+ + "\t\u008e\4\u008f\t\u008f\4\u0090\t\u0090\4\u0091\t\u0091\4\u0092\t\u0092"+ + "\4\u0093\t\u0093\4\u0094\t\u0094\4\u0095\t\u0095\4\u0096\t\u0096\4\u0097"+ + "\t\u0097\4\u0098\t\u0098\4\u0099\t\u0099\4\u009a\t\u009a\4\u009b\t\u009b"+ + "\4\u009c\t\u009c\4\u009d\t\u009d\4\u009e\t\u009e\4\u009f\t\u009f\4\u00a0"+ + "\t\u00a0\4\u00a1\t\u00a1\4\u00a2\t\u00a2\4\u00a3\t\u00a3\4\u00a4\t\u00a4"+ + "\4\u00a5\t\u00a5\4\u00a6\t\u00a6\4\u00a7\t\u00a7\4\u00a8\t\u00a8\4\u00a9"+ + "\t\u00a9\4\u00aa\t\u00aa\4\u00ab\t\u00ab\4\u00ac\t\u00ac\4\u00ad\t\u00ad"+ + "\4\u00ae\t\u00ae\4\u00af\t\u00af\4\u00b0\t\u00b0\4\u00b1\t\u00b1\4\u00b2"+ + "\t\u00b2\4\u00b3\t\u00b3\4\u00b4\t\u00b4\4\u00b5\t\u00b5\4\u00b6\t\u00b6"+ + "\4\u00b7\t\u00b7\4\u00b8\t\u00b8\4\u00b9\t\u00b9\4\u00ba\t\u00ba\4\u00bb"+ + "\t\u00bb\4\u00bc\t\u00bc\4\u00bd\t\u00bd\4\u00be\t\u00be\4\u00bf\t\u00bf"+ + "\4\u00c0\t\u00c0\4\u00c1\t\u00c1\4\u00c2\t\u00c2\4\u00c3\t\u00c3\4\u00c4"+ + "\t\u00c4\4\u00c5\t\u00c5\4\u00c6\t\u00c6\4\u00c7\t\u00c7\4\u00c8\t\u00c8"+ + "\4\u00c9\t\u00c9\4\u00ca\t\u00ca\4\u00cb\t\u00cb\4\u00cc\t\u00cc\4\u00cd"+ + "\t\u00cd\4\u00ce\t\u00ce\4\u00cf\t\u00cf\4\u00d0\t\u00d0\4\u00d1\t\u00d1"+ + "\4\u00d2\t\u00d2\4\u00d3\t\u00d3\4\u00d4\t\u00d4\4\u00d5\t\u00d5\4\u00d6"+ + "\t\u00d6\4\u00d7\t\u00d7\4\u00d8\t\u00d8\4\u00d9\t\u00d9\4\u00da\t\u00da"+ + "\4\u00db\t\u00db\4\u00dc\t\u00dc\4\u00dd\t\u00dd\4\u00de\t\u00de\4\u00df"+ + "\t\u00df\4\u00e0\t\u00e0\4\u00e1\t\u00e1\4\u00e2\t\u00e2\4\u00e3\t\u00e3"+ + "\4\u00e4\t\u00e4\4\u00e5\t\u00e5\4\u00e6\t\u00e6\4\u00e7\t\u00e7\4\u00e8"+ + "\t\u00e8\4\u00e9\t\u00e9\4\u00ea\t\u00ea\4\u00eb\t\u00eb\4\u00ec\t\u00ec"+ + "\4\u00ed\t\u00ed\4\u00ee\t\u00ee\4\u00ef\t\u00ef\4\u00f0\t\u00f0\4\u00f1"+ + "\t\u00f1\4\u00f2\t\u00f2\4\u00f3\t\u00f3\4\u00f4\t\u00f4\4\u00f5\t\u00f5"+ + "\4\u00f6\t\u00f6\4\u00f7\t\u00f7\4\u00f8\t\u00f8\4\u00f9\t\u00f9\4\u00fa"+ + "\t\u00fa\4\u00fb\t\u00fb\4\u00fc\t\u00fc\4\u00fd\t\u00fd\4\u00fe\t\u00fe"+ + "\4\u00ff\t\u00ff\4\u0100\t\u0100\4\u0101\t\u0101\4\u0102\t\u0102\4\u0103"+ + "\t\u0103\4\u0104\t\u0104\4\u0105\t\u0105\4\u0106\t\u0106\4\u0107\t\u0107"+ + "\4\u0108\t\u0108\4\u0109\t\u0109\4\u010a\t\u010a\4\u010b\t\u010b\4\u010c"+ + "\t\u010c\4\u010d\t\u010d\4\u010e\t\u010e\4\u010f\t\u010f\4\u0110\t\u0110"+ + "\4\u0111\t\u0111\4\u0112\t\u0112\4\u0113\t\u0113\4\u0114\t\u0114\4\u0115"+ + "\t\u0115\4\u0116\t\u0116\4\u0117\t\u0117\4\u0118\t\u0118\4\u0119\t\u0119"+ + "\4\u011a\t\u011a\4\u011b\t\u011b\4\u011c\t\u011c\4\u011d\t\u011d\4\u011e"+ + "\t\u011e\4\u011f\t\u011f\4\u0120\t\u0120\4\u0121\t\u0121\4\u0122\t\u0122"+ + "\4\u0123\t\u0123\4\u0124\t\u0124\4\u0125\t\u0125\4\u0126\t\u0126\4\u0127"+ + "\t\u0127\4\u0128\t\u0128\4\u0129\t\u0129\4\u012a\t\u012a\4\u012b\t\u012b"+ + "\4\u012c\t\u012c\4\u012d\t\u012d\4\u012e\t\u012e\4\u012f\t\u012f\4\u0130"+ + "\t\u0130\4\u0131\t\u0131\4\u0132\t\u0132\4\u0133\t\u0133\4\u0134\t\u0134"+ + "\4\u0135\t\u0135\4\u0136\t\u0136\4\u0137\t\u0137\4\u0138\t\u0138\4\u0139"+ + "\t\u0139\4\u013a\t\u013a\4\u013b\t\u013b\4\u013c\t\u013c\4\u013d\t\u013d"+ + "\4\u013e\t\u013e\4\u013f\t\u013f\4\u0140\t\u0140\4\u0141\t\u0141\4\u0142"+ + "\t\u0142\4\u0143\t\u0143\4\u0144\t\u0144\4\u0145\t\u0145\4\u0146\t\u0146"+ + "\4\u0147\t\u0147\4\u0148\t\u0148\4\u0149\t\u0149\4\u014a\t\u014a\4\u014b"+ + "\t\u014b\4\u014c\t\u014c\4\u014d\t\u014d\4\u014e\t\u014e\4\u014f\t\u014f"+ + "\4\u0150\t\u0150\4\u0151\t\u0151\4\u0152\t\u0152\4\u0153\t\u0153\4\u0154"+ + "\t\u0154\4\u0155\t\u0155\4\u0156\t\u0156\4\u0157\t\u0157\4\u0158\t\u0158"+ + "\4\u0159\t\u0159\4\u015a\t\u015a\4\u015b\t\u015b\4\u015c\t\u015c\4\u015d"+ + "\t\u015d\4\u015e\t\u015e\4\u015f\t\u015f\4\u0160\t\u0160\4\u0161\t\u0161"+ + "\4\u0162\t\u0162\4\u0163\t\u0163\4\u0164\t\u0164\4\u0165\t\u0165\4\u0166"+ + "\t\u0166\4\u0167\t\u0167\4\u0168\t\u0168\4\u0169\t\u0169\4\u016a\t\u016a"+ + "\4\u016b\t\u016b\4\u016c\t\u016c\4\u016d\t\u016d\4\u016e\t\u016e\4\u016f"+ + "\t\u016f\4\u0170\t\u0170\4\u0171\t\u0171\4\u0172\t\u0172\4\u0173\t\u0173"+ + "\4\u0174\t\u0174\4\u0175\t\u0175\4\u0176\t\u0176\4\u0177\t\u0177\4\u0178"+ + "\t\u0178\4\u0179\t\u0179\4\u017a\t\u017a\4\u017b\t\u017b\4\u017c\t\u017c"+ + "\4\u017d\t\u017d\4\u017e\t\u017e\4\u017f\t\u017f\4\u0180\t\u0180\4\u0181"+ + "\t\u0181\4\u0182\t\u0182\4\u0183\t\u0183\4\u0184\t\u0184\4\u0185\t\u0185"+ + "\4\u0186\t\u0186\4\u0187\t\u0187\4\u0188\t\u0188\4\u0189\t\u0189\4\u018a"+ + "\t\u018a\4\u018b\t\u018b\4\u018c\t\u018c\4\u018d\t\u018d\4\u018e\t\u018e"+ + "\4\u018f\t\u018f\4\u0190\t\u0190\4\u0191\t\u0191\4\u0192\t\u0192\4\u0193"+ + "\t\u0193\4\u0194\t\u0194\4\u0195\t\u0195\4\u0196\t\u0196\4\u0197\t\u0197"+ + "\4\u0198\t\u0198\4\u0199\t\u0199\4\u019a\t\u019a\4\u019b\t\u019b\4\u019c"+ + "\t\u019c\4\u019d\t\u019d\4\u019e\t\u019e\4\u019f\t\u019f\4\u01a0\t\u01a0"+ + "\4\u01a1\t\u01a1\4\u01a2\t\u01a2\4\u01a3\t\u01a3\4\u01a4\t\u01a4\4\u01a5"+ + "\t\u01a5\4\u01a6\t\u01a6\4\u01a7\t\u01a7\4\u01a8\t\u01a8\4\u01a9\t\u01a9"+ + "\4\u01aa\t\u01aa\4\u01ab\t\u01ab\4\u01ac\t\u01ac\4\u01ad\t\u01ad\4\u01ae"+ + "\t\u01ae\4\u01af\t\u01af\4\u01b0\t\u01b0\4\u01b1\t\u01b1\4\u01b2\t\u01b2"+ + "\4\u01b3\t\u01b3\4\u01b4\t\u01b4\4\u01b5\t\u01b5\4\u01b6\t\u01b6\4\u01b7"+ + "\t\u01b7\4\u01b8\t\u01b8\4\u01b9\t\u01b9\4\u01ba\t\u01ba\4\u01bb\t\u01bb"+ + "\4\u01bc\t\u01bc\4\u01bd\t\u01bd\4\u01be\t\u01be\4\u01bf\t\u01bf\4\u01c0"+ + "\t\u01c0\4\u01c1\t\u01c1\4\u01c2\t\u01c2\4\u01c3\t\u01c3\4\u01c4\t\u01c4"+ + "\4\u01c5\t\u01c5\4\u01c6\t\u01c6\4\u01c7\t\u01c7\4\u01c8\t\u01c8\4\u01c9"+ + "\t\u01c9\4\u01ca\t\u01ca\4\u01cb\t\u01cb\4\u01cc\t\u01cc\4\u01cd\t\u01cd"+ + "\4\u01ce\t\u01ce\4\u01cf\t\u01cf\4\u01d0\t\u01d0\4\u01d1\t\u01d1\4\u01d2"+ + "\t\u01d2\4\u01d3\t\u01d3\4\u01d4\t\u01d4\4\u01d5\t\u01d5\4\u01d6\t\u01d6"+ + "\4\u01d7\t\u01d7\4\u01d8\t\u01d8\4\u01d9\t\u01d9\4\u01da\t\u01da\4\u01db"+ + "\t\u01db\4\u01dc\t\u01dc\4\u01dd\t\u01dd\4\u01de\t\u01de\4\u01df\t\u01df"+ + "\4\u01e0\t\u01e0\4\u01e1\t\u01e1\4\u01e2\t\u01e2\4\u01e3\t\u01e3\4\u01e4"+ + "\t\u01e4\4\u01e5\t\u01e5\4\u01e6\t\u01e6\4\u01e7\t\u01e7\4\u01e8\t\u01e8"+ + "\4\u01e9\t\u01e9\4\u01ea\t\u01ea\4\u01eb\t\u01eb\4\u01ec\t\u01ec\4\u01ed"+ + "\t\u01ed\4\u01ee\t\u01ee\4\u01ef\t\u01ef\4\u01f0\t\u01f0\4\u01f1\t\u01f1"+ + "\4\u01f2\t\u01f2\4\u01f3\t\u01f3\4\u01f4\t\u01f4\4\u01f5\t\u01f5\4\u01f6"+ + "\t\u01f6\4\u01f7\t\u01f7\4\u01f8\t\u01f8\4\u01f9\t\u01f9\4\u01fa\t\u01fa"+ + "\4\u01fb\t\u01fb\4\u01fc\t\u01fc\4\u01fd\t\u01fd\4\u01fe\t\u01fe\4\u01ff"+ + "\t\u01ff\4\u0200\t\u0200\4\u0201\t\u0201\4\u0202\t\u0202\4\u0203\t\u0203"+ + "\4\u0204\t\u0204\4\u0205\t\u0205\4\u0206\t\u0206\4\u0207\t\u0207\4\u0208"+ + "\t\u0208\4\u0209\t\u0209\4\u020a\t\u020a\4\u020b\t\u020b\4\u020c\t\u020c"+ + "\4\u020d\t\u020d\4\u020e\t\u020e\4\u020f\t\u020f\4\u0210\t\u0210\4\u0211"+ + "\t\u0211\4\u0212\t\u0212\4\u0213\t\u0213\4\u0214\t\u0214\4\u0215\t\u0215"+ + "\4\u0216\t\u0216\4\u0217\t\u0217\4\u0218\t\u0218\4\u0219\t\u0219\4\u021a"+ + "\t\u021a\4\u021b\t\u021b\4\u021c\t\u021c\4\u021d\t\u021d\4\u021e\t\u021e"+ + "\4\u021f\t\u021f\4\u0220\t\u0220\4\u0221\t\u0221\4\u0222\t\u0222\4\u0223"+ + "\t\u0223\4\u0224\t\u0224\4\u0225\t\u0225\4\u0226\t\u0226\4\u0227\t\u0227"+ + "\4\u0228\t\u0228\4\u0229\t\u0229\4\u022a\t\u022a\4\u022b\t\u022b\4\u022c"+ + "\t\u022c\4\u022d\t\u022d\4\u022e\t\u022e\4\u022f\t\u022f\4\u0230\t\u0230"+ + "\4\u0231\t\u0231\4\u0232\t\u0232\4\u0233\t\u0233\4\u0234\t\u0234\4\u0235"+ + "\t\u0235\4\u0236\t\u0236\4\u0237\t\u0237\4\u0238\t\u0238\4\u0239\t\u0239"+ + "\4\u023a\t\u023a\4\u023b\t\u023b\4\u023c\t\u023c\4\u023d\t\u023d\4\u023e"+ + "\t\u023e\4\u023f\t\u023f\4\u0240\t\u0240\4\u0241\t\u0241\4\u0242\t\u0242"+ + "\4\u0243\t\u0243\4\u0244\t\u0244\4\u0245\t\u0245\4\u0246\t\u0246\4\u0247"+ + "\t\u0247\4\u0248\t\u0248\4\u0249\t\u0249\4\u024a\t\u024a\4\u024b\t\u024b"+ + "\4\u024c\t\u024c\4\u024d\t\u024d\4\u024e\t\u024e\4\u024f\t\u024f\4\u0250"+ + "\t\u0250\4\u0251\t\u0251\4\u0252\t\u0252\4\u0253\t\u0253\4\u0254\t\u0254"+ + "\4\u0255\t\u0255\4\u0256\t\u0256\4\u0257\t\u0257\4\u0258\t\u0258\4\u0259"+ + "\t\u0259\4\u025a\t\u025a\4\u025b\t\u025b\4\u025c\t\u025c\4\u025d\t\u025d"+ + "\4\u025e\t\u025e\4\u025f\t\u025f\4\u0260\t\u0260\4\u0261\t\u0261\4\u0262"+ + "\t\u0262\4\u0263\t\u0263\4\u0264\t\u0264\4\u0265\t\u0265\4\u0266\t\u0266"+ + "\4\u0267\t\u0267\4\u0268\t\u0268\4\u0269\t\u0269\4\u026a\t\u026a\4\u026b"+ + "\t\u026b\4\u026c\t\u026c\4\u026d\t\u026d\4\u026e\t\u026e\4\u026f\t\u026f"+ + "\4\u0270\t\u0270\4\u0271\t\u0271\4\u0272\t\u0272\4\u0273\t\u0273\4\u0274"+ + "\t\u0274\4\u0275\t\u0275\4\u0276\t\u0276\4\u0277\t\u0277\4\u0278\t\u0278"+ + "\4\u0279\t\u0279\4\u027a\t\u027a\4\u027b\t\u027b\4\u027c\t\u027c\4\u027d"+ + "\t\u027d\4\u027e\t\u027e\4\u027f\t\u027f\4\u0280\t\u0280\4\u0281\t\u0281"+ + "\4\u0282\t\u0282\4\u0283\t\u0283\4\u0284\t\u0284\4\u0285\t\u0285\4\u0286"+ + "\t\u0286\4\u0287\t\u0287\4\u0288\t\u0288\4\u0289\t\u0289\4\u028a\t\u028a"+ + "\4\u028b\t\u028b\4\u028c\t\u028c\4\u028d\t\u028d\4\u028e\t\u028e\4\u028f"+ + "\t\u028f\4\u0290\t\u0290\4\u0291\t\u0291\4\u0292\t\u0292\4\u0293\t\u0293"+ + "\4\u0294\t\u0294\4\u0295\t\u0295\4\u0296\t\u0296\4\u0297\t\u0297\4\u0298"+ + "\t\u0298\4\u0299\t\u0299\4\u029a\t\u029a\4\u029b\t\u029b\4\u029c\t\u029c"+ + "\4\u029d\t\u029d\4\u029e\t\u029e\4\u029f\t\u029f\4\u02a0\t\u02a0\4\u02a1"+ + "\t\u02a1\4\u02a2\t\u02a2\4\u02a3\t\u02a3\4\u02a4\t\u02a4\4\u02a5\t\u02a5"+ + "\4\u02a6\t\u02a6\4\u02a7\t\u02a7\4\u02a8\t\u02a8\4\u02a9\t\u02a9\4\u02aa"+ + "\t\u02aa\4\u02ab\t\u02ab\4\u02ac\t\u02ac\4\u02ad\t\u02ad\4\u02ae\t\u02ae"+ + "\4\u02af\t\u02af\4\u02b0\t\u02b0\4\u02b1\t\u02b1\4\u02b2\t\u02b2\4\u02b3"+ + "\t\u02b3\4\u02b4\t\u02b4\4\u02b5\t\u02b5\4\u02b6\t\u02b6\4\u02b7\t\u02b7"+ + "\4\u02b8\t\u02b8\4\u02b9\t\u02b9\4\u02ba\t\u02ba\4\u02bb\t\u02bb\4\u02bc"+ + "\t\u02bc\4\u02bd\t\u02bd\4\u02be\t\u02be\4\u02bf\t\u02bf\4\u02c0\t\u02c0"+ + "\4\u02c1\t\u02c1\4\u02c2\t\u02c2\4\u02c3\t\u02c3\4\u02c4\t\u02c4\4\u02c5"+ + "\t\u02c5\4\u02c6\t\u02c6\4\u02c7\t\u02c7\4\u02c8\t\u02c8\4\u02c9\t\u02c9"+ + "\4\u02ca\t\u02ca\4\u02cb\t\u02cb\4\u02cc\t\u02cc\4\u02cd\t\u02cd\4\u02ce"+ + "\t\u02ce\4\u02cf\t\u02cf\4\u02d0\t\u02d0\4\u02d1\t\u02d1\4\u02d2\t\u02d2"+ + "\4\u02d3\t\u02d3\4\u02d4\t\u02d4\4\u02d5\t\u02d5\4\u02d6\t\u02d6\4\u02d7"+ + "\t\u02d7\4\u02d8\t\u02d8\4\u02d9\t\u02d9\4\u02da\t\u02da\4\u02db\t\u02db"+ + "\4\u02dc\t\u02dc\4\u02dd\t\u02dd\4\u02de\t\u02de\4\u02df\t\u02df\4\u02e0"+ + "\t\u02e0\4\u02e1\t\u02e1\4\u02e2\t\u02e2\4\u02e3\t\u02e3\4\u02e4\t\u02e4"+ + "\4\u02e5\t\u02e5\4\u02e6\t\u02e6\4\u02e7\t\u02e7\4\u02e8\t\u02e8\4\u02e9"+ + "\t\u02e9\4\u02ea\t\u02ea\4\u02eb\t\u02eb\4\u02ec\t\u02ec\4\u02ed\t\u02ed"+ + "\4\u02ee\t\u02ee\4\u02ef\t\u02ef\4\u02f0\t\u02f0\4\u02f1\t\u02f1\4\u02f2"+ + 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"\2\2\u0126\u14a5\3\2\2\2\u0128\u14ef\3\2\2\2\u012a\u14f3\3\2\2\2\u012c"+ + "\u14f7\3\2\2\2\u012e\u150d\3\2\2\2\u0130\u1513\3\2\2\2\u0132\u151a\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0134\u151c\3\2\2\2\u0136\u1528\3\2\2\2\u0138\u152a\3\2\2\2\u013a"+ + "\u152c\3\2\2\2\u013c\u1530\3\2\2\2\u013e\u1556\3\2\2\2\u0140\u15bb\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0142\u15bd\3\2\2\2\u0144\u15c8\3\2\2\2\u0146\u161f\3\2\2\2\u0148"+ + "\u1668\3\2\2\2\u014a\u167f\3\2\2\2\u014c\u169d\3\2\2\2\u014e\u169f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0150\u16a7\3\2\2\2\u0152\u16b6\3\2\2\2\u0154\u16b9\3\2\2\2\u0156"+ + "\u16c8\3\2\2\2\u0158\u16d7\3\2\2\2\u015a\u16d9\3\2\2\2\u015c\u16e0\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u015e\u16e7\3\2\2\2\u0160\u16ec\3\2\2\2\u0162\u16ee\3\2\2\2\u0164"+ + "\u1718\3\2\2\2\u0166\u171a\3\2\2\2\u0168\u1728\3\2\2\2\u016a\u172a\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u016c\u1732\3\2\2\2\u016e\u173a\3\2\2\2\u0170\u1742\3\2\2\2\u0172"+ + "\u174f\3\2\2\2\u0174\u1754\3\2\2\2\u0176\u1756\3\2\2\2\u0178\u175b\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u017a\u1760\3\2\2\2\u017c\u1764\3\2\2\2\u017e\u177c\3\2\2\2\u0180"+ + "\u1784\3\2\2\2\u0182\u1790\3\2\2\2\u0184\u17ac\3\2\2\2\u0186\u17b6\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0188\u17c9\3\2\2\2\u018a\u17db\3\2\2\2\u018c\u17f0\3\2\2\2\u018e"+ + "\u17fa\3\2\2\2\u0190\u17fc\3\2\2\2\u0192\u17fe\3\2\2\2\u0194\u1800\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0196\u1802\3\2\2\2\u0198\u1804\3\2\2\2\u019a\u1813\3\2\2\2\u019c"+ + "\u1817\3\2\2\2\u019e\u1819\3\2\2\2\u01a0\u181b\3\2\2\2\u01a2\u181f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u01a4\u1826\3\2\2\2\u01a6\u182a\3\2\2\2\u01a8\u182c\3\2\2\2\u01aa"+ + "\u182e\3\2\2\2\u01ac\u1830\3\2\2\2\u01ae\u1832\3\2\2\2\u01b0\u1834\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u01b2\u1838\3\2\2\2\u01b4\u183a\3\2\2\2\u01b6\u183d\3\2\2\2\u01b8"+ + "\u187b\3\2\2\2\u01ba\u187f\3\2\2\2\u01bc\u1886\3\2\2\2\u01be\u188d\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u01c0\u1894\3\2\2\2\u01c2\u1897\3\2\2\2\u01c4\u1899\3\2\2\2\u01c6"+ + "\u18a2\3\2\2\2\u01c8\u18a7\3\2\2\2\u01ca\u18a9\3\2\2\2\u01cc\u193e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u01ce\u1946\3\2\2\2\u01d0\u1949\3\2\2\2\u01d2\u1955\3\2\2\2\u01d4"+ + "\u1957\3\2\2\2\u01d6\u195b\3\2\2\2\u01d8\u195d\3\2\2\2\u01da\u1961\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u01dc\u1964\3\2\2\2\u01de\u196a\3\2\2\2\u01e0\u196c\3\2\2\2\u01e2"+ + "\u1972\3\2\2\2\u01e4\u1982\3\2\2\2\u01e6\u1984\3\2\2\2\u01e8\u198c\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u01ea\u1993\3\2\2\2\u01ec\u1995\3\2\2\2\u01ee\u1997\3\2\2\2\u01f0"+ + "\u19a0\3\2\2\2\u01f2\u19a2\3\2\2\2\u01f4\u19bf\3\2\2\2\u01f6\u19c1\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u01f8\u19cc\3\2\2\2\u01fa\u19da\3\2\2\2\u01fc\u19e1\3\2\2\2\u01fe"+ + "\u1a01\3\2\2\2\u0200\u1a1b\3\2\2\2\u0202\u1a1d\3\2\2\2\u0204\u1a2a\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0206\u1a2c\3\2\2\2\u0208\u1a34\3\2\2\2\u020a\u1a42\3\2\2\2\u020c"+ + "\u1a46\3\2\2\2\u020e\u1a53\3\2\2\2\u0210\u1a74\3\2\2\2\u0212\u1a76\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0214\u1a7a\3\2\2\2\u0216\u1a9d\3\2\2\2\u0218\u1aa2\3\2\2\2\u021a"+ + "\u1aa4\3\2\2\2\u021c\u1aa8\3\2\2\2\u021e\u1ab0\3\2\2\2\u0220\u1ab5\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0222\u1ab9\3\2\2\2\u0224\u1ac1\3\2\2\2\u0226\u1aca\3\2\2\2\u0228"+ + "\u1ace\3\2\2\2\u022a\u1ad6\3\2\2\2\u022c\u1add\3\2\2\2\u022e\u1ae4\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0230\u1aed\3\2\2\2\u0232\u1b03\3\2\2\2\u0234\u1b05\3\2\2\2\u0236"+ + "\u1b09\3\2\2\2\u0238\u1b1c\3\2\2\2\u023a\u1b1e\3\2\2\2\u023c\u1b22\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u023e\u1b32\3\2\2\2\u0240\u1b34\3\2\2\2\u0242\u1b36\3\2\2\2\u0244"+ + "\u1b49\3\2\2\2\u0246\u1b4b\3\2\2\2\u0248\u1b55\3\2\2\2\u024a\u1b61\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u024c\u1b85\3\2\2\2\u024e\u1ba4\3\2\2\2\u0250\u1ba6\3\2\2\2\u0252"+ + "\u1bb6\3\2\2\2\u0254\u1bb9\3\2\2\2\u0256\u1bbb\3\2\2\2\u0258\u1bd2\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u025a\u1bd7\3\2\2\2\u025c\u1bf5\3\2\2\2\u025e\u1bf7\3\2\2\2\u0260"+ + "\u1c02\3\2\2\2\u0262\u1c19\3\2\2\2\u0264\u1c1b\3\2\2\2\u0266\u1c24\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0268\u1c47\3\2\2\2\u026a\u1c49\3\2\2\2\u026c\u1c52\3\2\2\2\u026e"+ + "\u1c60\3\2\2\2\u0270\u1c62\3\2\2\2\u0272\u1c7d\3\2\2\2\u0274\u1cb9\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0276\u1cbb\3\2\2\2\u0278\u1cc4\3\2\2\2\u027a\u1cc9\3\2\2\2\u027c"+ + "\u1ccb\3\2\2\2\u027e\u1ccd\3\2\2\2\u0280\u1ccf\3\2\2\2\u0282\u1cd6\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0284\u1cdb\3\2\2\2\u0286\u1cdd\3\2\2\2\u0288\u1ce9\3\2\2\2\u028a"+ + "\u1ceb\3\2\2\2\u028c\u1cef\3\2\2\2\u028e\u1cf6\3\2\2\2\u0290\u1cf8\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0292\u1d2a\3\2\2\2\u0294\u1d2c\3\2\2\2\u0296\u1d2e\3\2\2\2\u0298"+ + "\u1d31\3\2\2\2\u029a\u1d33\3\2\2\2\u029c\u1d3b\3\2\2\2\u029e\u1d41\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u02a0\u1d44\3\2\2\2\u02a2\u1d6f\3\2\2\2\u02a4\u1d75\3\2\2\2\u02a6"+ + "\u1d77\3\2\2\2\u02a8\u1d8f\3\2\2\2\u02aa\u1d95\3\2\2\2\u02ac\u1d97\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u02ae\u1d9b\3\2\2\2\u02b0\u1d9d\3\2\2\2\u02b2\u1da6\3\2\2\2\u02b4"+ + "\u1dae\3\2\2\2\u02b6\u1db0\3\2\2\2\u02b8\u1db5\3\2\2\2\u02ba\u1db7\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u02bc\u1dbe\3\2\2\2\u02be\u1dc1\3\2\2\2\u02c0\u1dc7\3\2\2\2\u02c2"+ + "\u1dcc\3\2\2\2\u02c4\u1dce\3\2\2\2\u02c6\u1dd5\3\2\2\2\u02c8\u1ddf\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u02ca\u1de1\3\2\2\2\u02cc\u1deb\3\2\2\2\u02ce\u1df3\3\2\2\2\u02d0"+ + "\u1e00\3\2\2\2\u02d2\u1e07\3\2\2\2\u02d4\u1e0c\3\2\2\2\u02d6\u1e12\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u02d8\u1e34\3\2\2\2\u02da\u1e47\3\2\2\2\u02dc\u1e4a\3\2\2\2\u02de"+ + "\u1e67\3\2\2\2\u02e0\u1e6a\3\2\2\2\u02e2\u1e72\3\2\2\2\u02e4\u1e76\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u02e6\u1e86\3\2\2\2\u02e8\u1e89\3\2\2\2\u02ea\u1e8b\3\2\2\2\u02ec"+ + "\u1e96\3\2\2\2\u02ee\u1e98\3\2\2\2\u02f0\u1ea0\3\2\2\2\u02f2\u1eb0\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u02f4\u1eba\3\2\2\2\u02f6\u1ebf\3\2\2\2\u02f8\u1edd\3\2\2\2\u02fa"+ + "\u1edf\3\2\2\2\u02fc\u1ef1\3\2\2\2\u02fe\u1f1d\3\2\2\2\u0300\u1f3a\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0302\u1f3f\3\2\2\2\u0304\u1f52\3\2\2\2\u0306\u1f56\3\2\2\2\u0308"+ + "\u1f5a\3\2\2\2\u030a\u1f5c\3\2\2\2\u030c\u1f6d\3\2\2\2\u030e\u1f6f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0310\u1f74\3\2\2\2\u0312\u1f79\3\2\2\2\u0314\u1f7e\3\2\2\2\u0316"+ + "\u1f80\3\2\2\2\u0318\u1fec\3\2\2\2\u031a\u1fee\3\2\2\2\u031c\u1ff9\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u031e\u1ffd\3\2\2\2\u0320\u1fff\3\2\2\2\u0322\u2005\3\2\2\2\u0324"+ + "\u200b\3\2\2\2\u0326\u2012\3\2\2\2\u0328\u2018\3\2\2\2\u032a\u201f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u032c\u2021\3\2\2\2\u032e\u2027\3\2\2\2\u0330\u202a\3\2\2\2\u0332"+ + "\u2032\3\2\2\2\u0334\u2039\3\2\2\2\u0336\u203d\3\2\2\2\u0338\u2054\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u033a\u2056\3\2\2\2\u033c\u2065\3\2\2\2\u033e\u206b\3\2\2\2\u0340"+ + "\u206e\3\2\2\2\u0342\u207a\3\2\2\2\u0344\u2080\3\2\2\2\u0346\u2083\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0348\u2096\3\2\2\2\u034a\u209c\3\2\2\2\u034c\u209e\3\2\2\2\u034e"+ + "\u20a3\3\2\2\2\u0350\u20a6\3\2\2\2\u0352\u20aa\3\2\2\2\u0354\u20b3\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0356\u20ba\3\2\2\2\u0358\u20c5\3\2\2\2\u035a\u20c9\3\2\2\2\u035c"+ + "\u21f9\3\2\2\2\u035e\u21fb\3\2\2\2\u0360\u21fd\3\2\2\2\u0362\u21ff\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0364\u2201\3\2\2\2\u0366\u2203\3\2\2\2\u0368\u2224\3\2\2\2\u036a"+ + "\u2226\3\2\2\2\u036c\u2228\3\2\2\2\u036e\u2236\3\2\2\2\u0370\u2238\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0372\u223a\3\2\2\2\u0374\u223f\3\2\2\2\u0376\u2244\3\2\2\2\u0378"+ + "\u224c\3\2\2\2\u037a\u2252\3\2\2\2\u037c\u225f\3\2\2\2\u037e\u2261\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0380\u2268\3\2\2\2\u0382\u2270\3\2\2\2\u0384\u2278\3\2\2\2\u0386"+ + "\u227b\3\2\2\2\u0388\u227d\3\2\2\2\u038a\u2280\3\2\2\2\u038c\u2284\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u038e\u228f\3\2\2\2\u0390\u2292\3\2\2\2\u0392\u2294\3\2\2\2\u0394"+ + "\u229c\3\2\2\2\u0396\u229e\3\2\2\2\u0398\u22a8\3\2\2\2\u039a\u22cf\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u039c\u22d6\3\2\2\2\u039e\u22ff\3\2\2\2\u03a0\u2301\3\2\2\2\u03a2"+ + "\u232d\3\2\2\2\u03a4\u232f\3\2\2\2\u03a6\u2343\3\2\2\2\u03a8\u234c\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u03aa\u234e\3\2\2\2\u03ac\u2353\3\2\2\2\u03ae\u235b\3\2\2\2\u03b0"+ + "\u2368\3\2\2\2\u03b2\u236a\3\2\2\2\u03b4\u236f\3\2\2\2\u03b6\u2377\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u03b8\u237c\3\2\2\2\u03ba\u238c\3\2\2\2\u03bc\u239d\3\2\2\2\u03be"+ + "\u23b5\3\2\2\2\u03c0\u23b7\3\2\2\2\u03c2\u23bc\3\2\2\2\u03c4\u23be\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u03c6\u23e0\3\2\2\2\u03c8\u23ec\3\2\2\2\u03ca\u23f1\3\2\2\2\u03cc"+ + "\u23fb\3\2\2\2\u03ce\u23ff\3\2\2\2\u03d0\u2406\3\2\2\2\u03d2\u2414\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u03d4\u2416\3\2\2\2\u03d6\u241a\3\2\2\2\u03d8\u241c\3\2\2\2\u03da"+ + "\u2422\3\2\2\2\u03dc\u2424\3\2\2\2\u03de\u242e\3\2\2\2\u03e0\u2430\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u03e2\u243e\3\2\2\2\u03e4\u2440\3\2\2\2\u03e6\u2444\3\2\2\2\u03e8"+ + "\u2455\3\2\2\2\u03ea\u246d\3\2\2\2\u03ec\u2477\3\2\2\2\u03ee\u248d\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u03f0\u2496\3\2\2\2\u03f2\u24bb\3\2\2\2\u03f4\u24ee\3\2\2\2\u03f6"+ + "\u24fd\3\2\2\2\u03f8\u2500\3\2\2\2\u03fa\u2502\3\2\2\2\u03fc\u2507\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u03fe\u250d\3\2\2\2\u0400\u25b7\3\2\2\2\u0402\u25d4\3\2\2\2\u0404"+ + "\u25d6\3\2\2\2\u0406\u25de\3\2\2\2\u0408\u25e0\3\2\2\2\u040a\u25e3\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u040c\u25fa\3\2\2\2\u040e\u25fc\3\2\2\2\u0410\u2602\3\2\2\2\u0412"+ + "\u2604\3\2\2\2\u0414\u2620\3\2\2\2\u0416\u2622\3\2\2\2\u0418\u262b\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u041a\u26af\3\2\2\2\u041c\u26b1\3\2\2\2\u041e\u26b8\3\2\2\2\u0420"+ + "\u26ba\3\2\2\2\u0422\u2765\3\2\2\2\u0424\u276c\3\2\2\2\u0426\u276e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0428\u2770\3\2\2\2\u042a\u2776\3\2\2\2\u042c\u279b\3\2\2\2\u042e"+ + "\u27a4\3\2\2\2\u0430\u27d5\3\2\2\2\u0432\u27d7\3\2\2\2\u0434\u27f2\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0436\u2805\3\2\2\2\u0438\u280f\3\2\2\2\u043a\u2811\3\2\2\2\u043c"+ + "\u2824\3\2\2\2\u043e\u282d\3\2\2\2\u0440\u282f\3\2\2\2\u0442\u283a\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0444\u283d\3\2\2\2\u0446\u2846\3\2\2\2\u0448\u284b\3\2\2\2\u044a"+ + "\u284d\3\2\2\2\u044c\u284f\3\2\2\2\u044e\u2855\3\2\2\2\u0450\u2894\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0452\u289b\3\2\2\2\u0454\u289d\3\2\2\2\u0456\u28a3\3\2\2\2\u0458"+ + "\u28a5\3\2\2\2\u045a\u28a9\3\2\2\2\u045c\u28b4\3\2\2\2\u045e\u28bc\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0460\u28cc\3\2\2\2\u0462\u28ce\3\2\2\2\u0464\u28d1\3\2\2\2\u0466"+ + "\u28d9\3\2\2\2\u0468\u28e4\3\2\2\2\u046a\u28e9\3\2\2\2\u046c\u28fa\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u046e\u2903\3\2\2\2\u0470\u2905\3\2\2\2\u0472\u2909\3\2\2\2\u0474"+ + "\u2910\3\2\2\2\u0476\u292a\3\2\2\2\u0478\u2938\3\2\2\2\u047a\u293a\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u047c\u293e\3\2\2\2\u047e\u2944\3\2\2\2\u0480\u2962\3\2\2\2\u0482"+ + "\u2967\3\2\2\2\u0484\u2969\3\2\2\2\u0486\u296e\3\2\2\2\u0488\u298d\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u048a\u299f\3\2\2\2\u048c\u29aa\3\2\2\2\u048e\u29ac\3\2\2\2\u0490"+ + "\u29cb\3\2\2\2\u0492\u29cd\3\2\2\2\u0494\u29d5\3\2\2\2\u0496\u29d7\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0498\u29db\3\2\2\2\u049a\u29df\3\2\2\2\u049c\u29ed\3\2\2\2\u049e"+ + "\u2aa2\3\2\2\2\u04a0\u2ab1\3\2\2\2\u04a2\u2ab3\3\2\2\2\u04a4\u2ac1\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u04a6\u2ac3\3\2\2\2\u04a8\u2add\3\2\2\2\u04aa\u2af7\3\2\2\2\u04ac"+ + "\u2b08\3\2\2\2\u04ae\u2b16\3\2\2\2\u04b0\u2b18\3\2\2\2\u04b2\u2b1d\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u04b4\u2b24\3\2\2\2\u04b6\u2b26\3\2\2\2\u04b8\u2b29\3\2\2\2\u04ba"+ + "\u2b31\3\2\2\2\u04bc\u2b3c\3\2\2\2\u04be\u2b5b\3\2\2\2\u04c0\u2b5d\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u04c2\u2b67\3\2\2\2\u04c4\u2b69\3\2\2\2\u04c6\u2b6b\3\2\2\2\u04c8"+ + "\u2b6d\3\2\2\2\u04ca\u2b6f\3\2\2\2\u04cc\u2b75\3\2\2\2\u04ce\u2b7d\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u04d0\u2b81\3\2\2\2\u04d2\u2b83\3\2\2\2\u04d4\u2b88\3\2\2\2\u04d6"+ + "\u2b98\3\2\2\2\u04d8\u2ba2\3\2\2\2\u04da\u2ba4\3\2\2\2\u04dc\u2baa\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u04de\u2bad\3\2\2\2\u04e0\u2baf\3\2\2\2\u04e2\u2bb3\3\2\2\2\u04e4"+ + "\u2bb8\3\2\2\2\u04e6\u2bba\3\2\2\2\u04e8\u2bc2\3\2\2\2\u04ea\u2be6\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u04ec\u2beb\3\2\2\2\u04ee\u2bf5\3\2\2\2\u04f0\u2bfb\3\2\2\2\u04f2"+ + "\u2c20\3\2\2\2\u04f4\u2c52\3\2\2\2\u04f6\u2c59\3\2\2\2\u04f8\u2c69\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u04fa\u2c6f\3\2\2\2\u04fc\u2c75\3\2\2\2\u04fe\u2c7a\3\2\2\2\u0500"+ + "\u2c85\3\2\2\2\u0502\u2c90\3\2\2\2\u0504\u2c98\3\2\2\2\u0506\u2ca0\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0508\u2cc6\3\2\2\2\u050a\u2cc8\3\2\2\2\u050c\u2cca\3\2\2\2\u050e"+ + "\u2cf0\3\2\2\2\u0510\u2cf2\3\2\2\2\u0512\u2d24\3\2\2\2\u0514\u2d26\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0516\u2d2e\3\2\2\2\u0518\u2d4b\3\2\2\2\u051a\u2d4d\3\2\2\2\u051c"+ + "\u2d50\3\2\2\2\u051e\u2d52\3\2\2\2\u0520\u2d60\3\2\2\2\u0522\u2d62\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0524\u2d6e\3\2\2\2\u0526\u2d70\3\2\2\2\u0528\u2d79\3\2\2\2\u052a"+ + "\u2d7b\3\2\2\2\u052c\u2d7e\3\2\2\2\u052e\u2dd8\3\2\2\2\u0530\u30ca\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0532\u30cc\3\2\2\2\u0534\u30cf\3\2\2\2\u0536\u30dc\3\2\2\2\u0538"+ + "\u30df\3\2\2\2\u053a\u30e3\3\2\2\2\u053c\u30e6\3\2\2\2\u053e\u30ea\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0540\u30ec\3\2\2\2\u0542\u30f0\3\2\2\2\u0544\u30f4\3\2\2\2\u0546"+ + "\u30f6\3\2\2\2\u0548\u30f8\3\2\2\2\u054a\u30fa\3\2\2\2\u054c\u3102\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u054e\u3108\3\2\2\2\u0550\u3110\3\2\2\2\u0552\u3114\3\2\2\2\u0554"+ + "\u311b\3\2\2\2\u0556\u311d\3\2\2\2\u0558\u3140\3\2\2\2\u055a\u314c\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u055c\u314e\3\2\2\2\u055e\u315c\3\2\2\2\u0560\u3165\3\2\2\2\u0562"+ + "\u3167\3\2\2\2\u0564\u316f\3\2\2\2\u0566\u3180\3\2\2\2\u0568\u3185\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u056a\u318f\3\2\2\2\u056c\u3191\3\2\2\2\u056e\u3197\3\2\2\2\u0570"+ + "\u31a8\3\2\2\2\u0572\u31aa\3\2\2\2\u0574\u31ac\3\2\2\2\u0576\u31b2\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0578\u31b4\3\2\2\2\u057a\u31ba\3\2\2\2\u057c\u31c0\3\2\2\2\u057e"+ + "\u31c2\3\2\2\2\u0580\u31c8\3\2\2\2\u0582\u31ce\3\2\2\2\u0584\u31d2\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0586\u31d8\3\2\2\2\u0588\u31de\3\2\2\2\u058a\u31e4\3\2\2\2\u058c"+ + "\u31ed\3\2\2\2\u058e\u31f2\3\2\2\2\u0590\u321a\3\2\2\2\u0592\u321c\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0594\u321e\3\2\2\2\u0596\u323c\3\2\2\2\u0598\u3244\3\2\2\2\u059a"+ + "\u324c\3\2\2\2\u059c\u324e\3\2\2\2\u059e\u3250\3\2\2\2\u05a0\u3252\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u05a2\u3255\3\2\2\2\u05a4\u3259\3\2\2\2\u05a6\u3269\3\2\2\2\u05a8"+ + "\u326b\3\2\2\2\u05aa\u3270\3\2\2\2\u05ac\u3274\3\2\2\2\u05ae\u3276\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u05b0\u327b\3\2\2\2\u05b2\u3280\3\2\2\2\u05b4\u3283\3\2\2\2\u05b6"+ + "\u3285\3\2\2\2\u05b8\u328d\3\2\2\2\u05ba\u3291\3\2\2\2\u05bc\u3297\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u05be\u329d\3\2\2\2\u05c0\u32a4\3\2\2\2\u05c2\u32a7\3\2\2\2\u05c4"+ + "\u32ab\3\2\2\2\u05c6\u32b0\3\2\2\2\u05c8\u32b5\3\2\2\2\u05ca\u32b7\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u05cc\u32b9\3\2\2\2\u05ce\u32bc\3\2\2\2\u05d0\u32bf\3\2\2\2\u05d2"+ + "\u32c5\3\2\2\2\u05d4\u32c7\3\2\2\2\u05d6\u32d8\3\2\2\2\u05d8\u32da\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u05da\u32df\3\2\2\2\u05dc\u32f1\3\2\2\2\u05de\u32f5\3\2\2\2\u05e0"+ + "\u32f7\3\2\2\2\u05e2\u32fb\3\2\2\2\u05e4\u3301\3\2\2\2\u05e6\u3305\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u05e8\u3321\3\2\2\2\u05ea\u3327\3\2\2\2\u05ec\u3330\3\2\2\2\u05ee"+ + "\u3332\3\2\2\2\u05f0\u3349\3\2\2\2\u05f2\u334b\3\2\2\2\u05f4\u3363\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u05f6\u3365\3\2\2\2\u05f8\u336b\3\2\2\2\u05fa\u3372\3\2\2\2\u05fc"+ + "\u3380\3\2\2\2\u05fe\u3382\3\2\2\2\u0600\u338a\3\2\2\2\u0602\u338c\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0604\u3399\3\2\2\2\u0606\u339f\3\2\2\2\u0608\u33a4\3\2\2\2\u060a"+ + "\u33a8\3\2\2\2\u060c\u33aa\3\2\2\2\u060e\u33b2\3\2\2\2\u0610\u33b6\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0612\u33ba\3\2\2\2\u0614\u33bc\3\2\2\2\u0616\u33be\3\2\2\2\u0618"+ + "\u33c2\3\2\2\2\u061a\u33c4\3\2\2\2\u061c\u33d2\3\2\2\2\u061e\u33ee\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0620\u33f0\3\2\2\2\u0622\u33fe\3\2\2\2\u0624\u3400\3\2\2\2\u0626"+ + "\u340a\3\2\2\2\u0628\u340e\3\2\2\2\u062a\u3416\3\2\2\2\u062c\u341b\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u062e\u341e\3\2\2\2\u0630\u342f\3\2\2\2\u0632\u344e\3\2\2\2\u0634"+ + "\u3450\3\2\2\2\u0636\u3468\3\2\2\2\u0638\u346a\3\2\2\2\u063a\u346f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u063c\u3474\3\2\2\2\u063e\u3479\3\2\2\2\u0640\u347f\3\2\2\2\u0642"+ + "\u3493\3\2\2\2\u0644\u3495\3\2\2\2\u0646\u3497\3\2\2\2\u0648\u34a6\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u064a\u34a8\3\2\2\2\u064c\u34b8\3\2\2\2\u064e\u34ba\3\2\2\2\u0650"+ + "\u34c2\3\2\2\2\u0652\u34c6\3\2\2\2\u0654\u34cd\3\2\2\2\u0656\u34cf\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0658\u34d3\3\2\2\2\u065a\u34d7\3\2\2\2\u065c\u34d9\3\2\2\2\u065e"+ + "\u3510\3\2\2\2\u0660\u352a\3\2\2\2\u0662\u352f\3\2\2\2\u0664\u3533\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0666\u3538\3\2\2\2\u0668\u353c\3\2\2\2\u066a\u3547\3\2\2\2\u066c"+ + "\u3549\3\2\2\2\u066e\u354b\3\2\2\2\u0670\u3560\3\2\2\2\u0672\u3563\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0674\u356e\3\2\2\2\u0676\u3573\3\2\2\2\u0678\u3575\3\2\2\2\u067a"+ + "\u357a\3\2\2\2\u067c\u3587\3\2\2\2\u067e\u3589\3\2\2\2\u0680\u358b\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0682\u3596\3\2\2\2\u0684\u3598\3\2\2\2\u0686\u359c\3\2\2\2\u0688"+ + "\u35a6\3\2\2\2\u068a\u35b1\3\2\2\2\u068c\u35b7\3\2\2\2\u068e\u35bf\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0690\u35c6\3\2\2\2\u0692\u35c8\3\2\2\2\u0694\u35d6\3\2\2\2\u0696"+ + "\u35e3\3\2\2\2\u0698\u35e5\3\2\2\2\u069a\u35f1\3\2\2\2\u069c\u35f3\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u069e\u3629\3\2\2\2\u06a0\u362b\3\2\2\2\u06a2\u3639\3\2\2\2\u06a4"+ + "\u3643\3\2\2\2\u06a6\u3653\3\2\2\2\u06a8\u365e\3\2\2\2\u06aa\u3663\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u06ac\u3665\3\2\2\2\u06ae\u366e\3\2\2\2\u06b0\u3674\3\2\2\2\u06b2"+ + "\u3676\3\2\2\2\u06b4\u367a\3\2\2\2\u06b6\u3688\3\2\2\2\u06b8\u3697\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u06ba\u36a7\3\2\2\2\u06bc\u36ab\3\2\2\2\u06be\u36ad\3\2\2\2\u06c0"+ + "\u36b5\3\2\2\2\u06c2\u36c7\3\2\2\2\u06c4\u36c9\3\2\2\2\u06c6\u36cb\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u06c8\u36cf\3\2\2\2\u06ca\u36d2\3\2\2\2\u06cc\u36d9\3\2\2\2\u06ce"+ + "\u36e3\3\2\2\2\u06d0\u36e5\3\2\2\2\u06d2\u36ee\3\2\2\2\u06d4\u36f0\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u06d6\u3707\3\2\2\2\u06d8\u370f\3\2\2\2\u06da\u3711\3\2\2\2\u06dc"+ + "\u3722\3\2\2\2\u06de\u3724\3\2\2\2\u06e0\u372c\3\2\2\2\u06e2\u3734\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u06e4\u3745\3\2\2\2\u06e6\u374a\3\2\2\2\u06e8\u374c\3\2\2\2\u06ea"+ + "\u3754\3\2\2\2\u06ec\u3759\3\2\2\2\u06ee\u3768\3\2\2\2\u06f0\u3773\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u06f2\u377e\3\2\2\2\u06f4\u3785\3\2\2\2\u06f6\u37ac\3\2\2\2\u06f8"+ + "\u37ae\3\2\2\2\u06fa\u37b0\3\2\2\2\u06fc\u37b2\3\2\2\2\u06fe\u37b4\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0700\u37b6\3\2\2\2\u0702\u37b9\3\2\2\2\u0704\u0705\5\4\3\2\u0705"+ + "\3\3\2\2\2\u0706\u0711\7\2\2\3\u0707\u0711\7\u0501\2\2\u0708\u0709\5\6"+ + "\4\2\u0709\u070a\7\2\2\3\u070a\u0711\3\2\2\2\u070b\u070c\5\6\4\2\u070c"+ + "\u070e\7\u0501\2\2\u070d\u070f\7\2\2\3\u070e\u070d\3\2\2\2\u070e\u070f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u070f\u0711\3\2\2\2\u0710\u0706\3\2\2\2\u0710\u0707\3\2\2\2\u0710"+ + "\u0708\3\2\2\2\u0710\u070b\3\2\2\2\u0711\5\3\2\2\2\u0712\u077b\5\u0300"+ + "\u0181\2\u0713\u077b\5\u02d0\u0169\2\u0714\u077b\5\u02f8\u017d\2\u0715"+ + "\u077b\5\u0140\u00a1\2\u0716\u077b\5\u0110\u0089\2\u0717\u077b\5\u00d6"+ + "l\2\u0718\u077b\5\u00d4k\2\u0719\u077b\5\u02c6\u0164\2\u071a\u077b\5\u02ca"+ + "\u0166\2\u071b\u077b\5\u041a\u020e\2\u071c\u077b\5\u0414\u020b\2\u071d"+ + "\u077b\5\u0416\u020c\2\u071e\u077b\5\u0418\u020d\2\u071f\u077b\5\u0422"+ + "\u0212\2\u0720\u077b\5\u04b0\u0259\2\u0721\u077b\5\u04b6\u025c\2\u0722"+ + "\u077b\5\u04ca\u0266\2\u0723\u077b\5\u04d2\u026a\2\u0724\u077b\5\u04ea"+ + "\u0276\2\u0725\u077b\5\u04e2\u0272\2\u0726\u077b\5\u0530\u0299\2\u0727"+ + "\u077b\5\u051a\u028e\2\u0728\u077b\5\u04ce\u0268\2\u0729\u077b\5\u042c"+ + "\u0217\2\u072a\u077b\5\u0430\u0219\2\u072b\u077b\5\u0432\u021a\2\u072c"+ + "\u077b\5\u044c\u0227\2\u072d\u077b\5\u0450\u0229\2\u072e\u077b\5\u0454"+ + "\u022b\2\u072f\u077b\5\u04a0\u0251\2\u0730\u077b\5\u04ae\u0258\2\u0731"+ + "\u077b\5\u0488\u0245\2\u0732\u077b\5\u048a\u0246\2\u0733\u077b\5\u048c"+ + "\u0247\2\u0734\u077b\5\u0292\u014a\2\u0735\u077b\5\u02ce\u0168\2\u0736"+ + "\u077b\5\u048e\u0248\2\u0737\u077b\5\u02a6\u0154\2\u0738\u077b\5\u02c4"+ + "\u0163\2\u0739\u077b\5\u042a\u0216\2\u073a\u077b\5\u0270\u0139\2\u073b"+ + "\u077b\5\u0272\u013a\2\u073c\u077b\5\u00f2z\2\u073d\u077b\5\u00fc\177"+ + "\2\u073e\u077b\5\u00fe\u0080\2\u073f\u077b\5\u0100\u0081\2\u0740\u077b"+ + "\5\u0102\u0082\2\u0741\u077b\5\u00dep\2\u0742\u077b\5\u00eex\2\u0743\u077b"+ + "\5\u00f0y\2\u0744\u077b\5\u05e2\u02f2\2\u0745\u077b\5\u05e4\u02f3\2\u0746"+ + "\u077b\5\u025e\u0130\2\u0747\u077b\5\u0260\u0131\2\u0748\u077b\5\u0262"+ + "\u0132\2\u0749\u077b\5\u04dc\u026f\2\u074a\u077b\5\u04da\u026e\2\u074b"+ + "\u077b\5\u05e6\u02f4\2\u074c\u077b\5\u0128\u0095\2\u074d\u077b\5\u012e"+ + "\u0098\2\u074e\u077b\5\u0134\u009b\2\u074f\u077b\5\u013a\u009e\2\u0750"+ + "\u077b\5\u013c\u009f\2\u0751\u077b\5\u013e\u00a0\2\u0752\u077b\5\u05a8"+ + "\u02d5\2\u0753\u077b\5\u05aa\u02d6\2\u0754\u077b\5\u05ae\u02d8\2\u0755"+ + "\u077b\5\u0602\u0302\2\u0756\u077b\5\u0604\u0303\2\u0757\u077b\5\u0458"+ + "\u022d\2\u0758\u077b\5\u045a\u022e\2\u0759\u077b\5\u0462\u0232\2\u075a"+ + "\u077b\5\u0512\u028a\2\u075b\u077b\5\u0516\u028c\2\u075c\u077b\5\u0472"+ + "\u023a\2\u075d\u077b\5\u047c\u023f\2\u075e\u077b\5\u047a\u023e\2\u075f"+ + "\u077b\5\u0596\u02cc\2\u0760\u077b\5\u040a\u0206\2\u0761\u077b\5\u05a6"+ + "\u02d4\2\u0762\u077b\5\22\n\2\u0763\u077b\5\u0518\u028d\2\u0764\u077b"+ + "\5\u0114\u008b\2\u0765\u077b\5\u047e\u0240\2\u0766\u077b\5\u0480\u0241"+ + "\2\u0767\u077b\5\u0490\u0249\2\u0768\u077b\5\u0496\u024c\2\u0769\u077b"+ + "\5\u0434\u021b\2\u076a\u077b\5\u0498\u024d\2\u076b\u077b\5\u05ba\u02de"+ + "\2\u076c\u077b\5\u05bc\u02df\2\u076d\u077b\5\u05be\u02e0\2\u076e\u077b"+ + "\5\u05ce\u02e8\2\u076f\u077b\5\b\5\2\u0770\u077b\5\n\6\2\u0771\u077b\5"+ + "\f\7\2\u0772\u077b\5\16\b\2\u0773\u077b\5\20\t\2\u0774\u077b\5\u0466\u0234"+ + "\2\u0775\u077b\5\u0470\u0239\2\u0776\u077b\5\u05ee\u02f8\2\u0777\u077b"+ + "\5\u05f2\u02fa\2\u0778\u077b\5\u05f6\u02fc\2\u0779\u077b\5\u05fe\u0300"+ + "\2\u077a\u0712\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0713\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0714\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0715"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0716\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0717\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0718\3\2\2\2\u077a"+ + "\u0719\3\2\2\2\u077a\u071a\3\2\2\2\u077a\u071b\3\2\2\2\u077a\u071c\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u077a\u071d\3\2\2\2\u077a\u071e\3\2\2\2\u077a\u071f\3\2\2\2\u077a"+ + "\u0720\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0721\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0722\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0723\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u077a\u0724\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0725\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0726\3\2\2\2\u077a"+ + "\u0727\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0728\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0729\3\2\2\2\u077a\u072a\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u077a\u072b\3\2\2\2\u077a\u072c\3\2\2\2\u077a\u072d\3\2\2\2\u077a"+ + "\u072e\3\2\2\2\u077a\u072f\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0730\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0731\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u077a\u0732\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0733\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0734\3\2\2\2\u077a"+ + "\u0735\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0736\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0737\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0738\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u077a\u0739\3\2\2\2\u077a\u073a\3\2\2\2\u077a\u073b\3\2\2\2\u077a"+ + "\u073c\3\2\2\2\u077a\u073d\3\2\2\2\u077a\u073e\3\2\2\2\u077a\u073f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u077a\u0740\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0741\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0742\3\2\2\2\u077a"+ + "\u0743\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0744\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0745\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0746\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u077a\u0747\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0748\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0749\3\2\2\2\u077a"+ + "\u074a\3\2\2\2\u077a\u074b\3\2\2\2\u077a\u074c\3\2\2\2\u077a\u074d\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u077a\u074e\3\2\2\2\u077a\u074f\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0750\3\2\2\2\u077a"+ + "\u0751\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0752\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0753\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0754\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u077a\u0755\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0756\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0757\3\2\2\2\u077a"+ + "\u0758\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0759\3\2\2\2\u077a\u075a\3\2\2\2\u077a\u075b\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u077a\u075c\3\2\2\2\u077a\u075d\3\2\2\2\u077a\u075e\3\2\2\2\u077a"+ + "\u075f\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0760\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0761\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0762\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u077a\u0763\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0764\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0765\3\2\2\2\u077a"+ + "\u0766\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0767\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0768\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0769\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u077a\u076a\3\2\2\2\u077a\u076b\3\2\2\2\u077a\u076c\3\2\2\2\u077a"+ + 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"\7d\2\2\u0798\u079a\7\u0478\2\2\u0799\u079b\7\u025e\2\2\u079a\u0799\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u079a\u079b\3\2\2\2\u079b\u079c\3\2\2\2\u079c\u079e\5\u03d0\u01e9"+ + "\2\u079d\u079f\t\2\2\2\u079e\u079d\3\2\2\2\u079e\u079f\3\2\2\2\u079f\21"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u07a0\u07a1\7\u01cd\2\2\u07a1\u07a2\5n8\2\u07a2\23\3\2\2\2\u07a3"+ + "\u07a8\5\66\34\2\u07a4\u07a5\7\u04f2\2\2\u07a5\u07a7\5\66\34\2\u07a6\u07a4"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u07a7\u07aa\3\2\2\2\u07a8\u07a6\3\2\2\2\u07a8\u07a9\3\2\2\2\u07a9"+ + "\25\3\2\2\2\u07aa\u07a8\3\2\2\2\u07ab\u07b0\5\u0608\u0305\2\u07ac\u07b0"+ + "\7\u0088\2\2\u07ad\u07b0\7\u00ad\2\2\u07ae\u07b0\5\30\r\2\u07af\u07ab"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u07af\u07ac\3\2\2\2\u07af\u07ad\3\2\2\2\u07af\u07ae\3\2\2\2\u07b0"+ + "\27\3\2\2\2\u07b1\u07b2\t\3\2\2\u07b2\31\3\2\2\2\u07b3\u07b4\7\u0518\2"+ + "\2\u07b4\33\3\2\2\2\u07b5\u07b6\5\36\20\2\u07b6\35\3\2\2\2\u07b7\u07c0"+ + "\5\32\16\2\u07b8\u07c0\7\u04ef\2\2\u07b9\u07c0\7\u0201\2\2\u07ba\u07c0"+ + 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"\2\2\u0aa8\u0aa9\3\2\2\2\u0aa9\u0aaa\3\2\2\2\u0aaa\u0aab\5\66\34\2\u0aab"+ + "\u0aac\7\u04ff\2\2\u0aac\u0aad\7\u039c\2\2\u0aad\u0aae\7\u04f8\2\2\u0aae"+ + "\u0aaf\5\u0082B\2\u0aaf\u0ab0\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ab0\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0ab1\u0ab2"+ + "\7\u02fd\2\2\u0ab2\u0ab3\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ab3\u0ab4\7b\2\2\u0ab4\u0ab5\5"+ + "\66\34\2\u0ab5\u0ab6\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ab6\u0ab7\7\u039c\2\2\u0ab7\u0ab8\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u0ab8\u0ab9\5\u0082B\2\u0ab9\u0aba\7\u04ff\2\2\u0aba\u0dbe"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0abb\u0abc\7\u04cb\2\2\u0abc\u0abd\7\u04f8\2\2\u0abd\u0abe\5"+ + "\24\13\2\u0abe\u0abf\7\u04ff\2\2\u0abf\u0ac0\7\u039c\2\2\u0ac0\u0ac1\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u0ac1\u0ac2\5\u0082B\2\u0ac2\u0ac3\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ac3\u0dbe"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0ac4\u0ac5\7\u026e\2\2\u0ac5\u0ac6\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ac6\u0ac7\5"+ + "\24\13\2\u0ac7\u0ac8\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ac8\u0ac9\7\u039c\2\2\u0ac9\u0aca\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u0aca\u0acb\5\u0082B\2\u0acb\u0acc\7\u04ff\2\2\u0acc\u0dbe"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0acd\u0ace\7\u045a\2\2\u0ace\u0acf\7\u04f8\2\2\u0acf\u0ad0\5"+ + "\66\34\2\u0ad0\u0ad1\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ad1\u0ad2\7\u039c\2\2\u0ad2\u0ad3\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u0ad3\u0ad4\5\u0082B\2\u0ad4\u0ad5\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ad5\u0dbe"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0ad6\u0ad7\7\u028f\2\2\u0ad7\u0ad9\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ad8\u0ada\t"+ + "\24\2\2\u0ad9\u0ad8\3\2\2\2\u0ad9\u0ada\3\2\2\2\u0ada\u0adb\3\2\2\2\u0adb"+ + "\u0adc\5\66\34\2\u0adc\u0add\7\u04ff\2\2\u0add\u0ade\7\u039c\2\2\u0ade"+ + "\u0adf\7\u04f8\2\2\u0adf\u0ae0\5\u0082B\2\u0ae0\u0ae1\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ae1"+ + "\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0ae2\u0ae3\7\u021f\2\2\u0ae3\u0ae5\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ae4\u0ae6"+ + "\t\24\2\2\u0ae5\u0ae4\3\2\2\2\u0ae5\u0ae6\3\2\2\2\u0ae6\u0ae7\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u0ae7\u0ae8\5\66\34\2\u0ae8\u0ae9\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ae9\u0aea\7\u039c\2\2"+ + "\u0aea\u0aeb\7\u04f8\2\2\u0aeb\u0aec\5\u0082B\2\u0aec\u0aed\7\u04ff\2"+ + "\2\u0aed\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0aee\u0aef\7\u0291\2\2\u0aef\u0af1\7\u04f8\2\2"+ + "\u0af0\u0af2\t\24\2\2\u0af1\u0af0\3\2\2\2\u0af1\u0af2\3\2\2\2\u0af2\u0af3"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0af3\u0af4\5\66\34\2\u0af4\u0af5\7\u04ff\2\2\u0af5\u0af6\7\u039c"+ + "\2\2\u0af6\u0af7\7\u04f8\2\2\u0af7\u0af8\5\u0082B\2\u0af8\u0af9\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u0af9\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0afa\u0afb\7\u0458\2\2\u0afb\u0afd\7\u04f8\2"+ + "\2\u0afc\u0afe\t\24\2\2\u0afd\u0afc\3\2\2\2\u0afd\u0afe\3\2\2\2\u0afe"+ + "\u0aff\3\2\2\2\u0aff\u0b00\5\66\34\2\u0b00\u0b01\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b01\u0b02"+ + "\7\u039c\2\2\u0b02\u0b03\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b03\u0b04\5\u0082B\2\u0b04\u0b05"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b05\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b06\u0b07\7\u043b\2\2\u0b07\u0b09\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u0b08\u0b0a\t\24\2\2\u0b09\u0b08\3\2\2\2\u0b09\u0b0a\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u0b0a\u0b0b\3\2\2\2\u0b0b\u0b0c\5\66\34\2\u0b0c\u0b0d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b0d"+ + "\u0b0e\7\u039c\2\2\u0b0e\u0b0f\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b0f\u0b10\5\u0082B\2\u0b10"+ + "\u0b11\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b11\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b12\u0b13\7\u0243\2\2\u0b13\u0b15"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b14\u0b16\t\24\2\2\u0b15\u0b14\3\2\2\2\u0b15\u0b16\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0b16\u0b17\3\2\2\2\u0b17\u0b18\5\66\34\2\u0b18\u0b19\7\u04ff\2\2"+ + "\u0b19\u0b1a\7\u039c\2\2\u0b1a\u0b1b\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b1b\u0b1c\5\u0082B"+ + "\2\u0b1c\u0b1d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b1d\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b1e\u0b1f\7\u02a1\2\2"+ + "\u0b1f\u0b21\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b20\u0b22\t\24\2\2\u0b21\u0b20\3\2\2\2\u0b21"+ + "\u0b22\3\2\2\2\u0b22\u0b23\3\2\2\2\u0b23\u0b24\5\66\34\2\u0b24\u0b25\7"+ + "\u04ff\2\2\u0b25\u0b26\7\u039c\2\2\u0b26\u0b27\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b27\u0b28"+ + "\5\u0082B\2\u0b28\u0b29\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b29\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b2a\u0b2b\7"+ + "\u043d\2\2\u0b2b\u0b2d\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b2c\u0b2e\t\24\2\2\u0b2d\u0b2c\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u0b2d\u0b2e\3\2\2\2\u0b2e\u0b2f\3\2\2\2\u0b2f\u0b30\5\66\34\2\u0b30"+ + "\u0b31\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b31\u0b32\7\u039c\2\2\u0b32\u0b33\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b33"+ + "\u0b34\5\u0082B\2\u0b34\u0b35\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b35\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b36\u0b37"+ + "\7\u02e7\2\2\u0b37\u0b39\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b38\u0b3a\t\24\2\2\u0b39\u0b38"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0b39\u0b3a\3\2\2\2\u0b3a\u0b3b\3\2\2\2\u0b3b\u0b3c\5\66\34\2"+ + "\u0b3c\u0b3d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b3d\u0b3e\7\u039c\2\2\u0b3e\u0b3f\7\u04f8\2"+ + "\2\u0b3f\u0b40\5\u0082B\2\u0b40\u0b41\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b41\u0dbe\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u0b42\u0b43\7\u028d\2\2\u0b43\u0b45\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b44\u0b46\t\24\2\2"+ + "\u0b45\u0b44\3\2\2\2\u0b45\u0b46\3\2\2\2\u0b46\u0b47\3\2\2\2\u0b47\u0b48"+ + "\5\24\13\2\u0b48\u0b49\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b49\u0b4a\7\u00d0\2\2\u0b4a\u0b4b"+ + "\7t\2\2\u0b4b\u0b4c\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b4c\u0b4d\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0b4d\u0b4e"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b4e\u0b4f\7\u039c\2\2\u0b4f\u0b50\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b50\u0b51"+ + "\5\u0082B\2\u0b51\u0b52\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b52\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b53\u0b54\7"+ + "\u028d\2\2\u0b54\u0b56\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b55\u0b57\t\24\2\2\u0b56\u0b55\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u0b56\u0b57\3\2\2\2\u0b57\u0b58\3\2\2\2\u0b58\u0b59\5\24\13\2\u0b59"+ + "\u0b5a\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b5a\u0b5b\7\u039c\2\2\u0b5b\u0b5c\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b5c"+ + "\u0b5d\5\u0082B\2\u0b5d\u0b5e\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b5e\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b5f\u0b60"+ + "\7\u034a\2\2\u0b60\u0b61\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b61\u0b62\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b62\u0b63"+ + "\7\u039c\2\2\u0b63\u0b64\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b64\u0b65\5\u0082B\2\u0b65\u0b66"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b66\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b67\u0b68\7\u02fc\2\2\u0b68\u0b69\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u0b69\u0b6a\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b6a\u0b6b\7\u039c\2\2\u0b6b\u0b6c"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b6c\u0b6d\5\u0082B\2\u0b6d\u0b6e\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b6e\u0dbe"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0b6f\u0b70\7\u03b1\2\2\u0b70\u0b71\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b71\u0b72\7"+ + "\u04ff\2\2\u0b72\u0b73\7\u039c\2\2\u0b73\u0b74\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b74\u0b75"+ + "\5\u0082B\2\u0b75\u0b76\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b76\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b77\u0b78\7"+ + "\u01f1\2\2\u0b78\u0b79\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b79\u0b7a\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b7a\u0b7b"+ + "\7\u039c\2\2\u0b7b\u0b7c\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b7c\u0b7d\5\u0082B\2\u0b7d\u0b7e"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b7e\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b7f\u0b80\7\u04b0\2\2\u0b80\u0b81\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u0b81\u0b82\5\66\34\2\u0b82\u0b83\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b83\u0b84\7"+ + "\u039c\2\2\u0b84\u0b85\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b85\u0b86\5\u0082B\2\u0b86\u0b87"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b87\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b88\u0b89\7\u0488\2\2\u0b89\u0b8a\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u0b8a\u0b8b\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b8b\u0b8c\7\u039c\2\2\u0b8c\u0b8d"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b8d\u0b8e\5\u0082B\2\u0b8e\u0b8f\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b8f\u0dbe"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0b90\u0b91\7\u0470\2\2\u0b91\u0b92\5~@\2\u0b92\u0b93\7\u039c"+ + "\2\2\u0b93\u0b94\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b94\u0b95\5\u0082B\2\u0b95\u0b96\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u0b96\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b97\u0b98\7\u03fc\2\2\u0b98\u0b99\5~@\2\u0b99"+ + "\u0b9a\7\u039c\2\2\u0b9a\u0b9b\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b9b\u0b9c\5\u0082B\2\u0b9c"+ + "\u0b9d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b9d\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b9e\u0b9f\7\u04a2\2\2\u0b9f\u0ba0"+ + "\5\u0080A\2\u0ba0\u0ba1\7\u039c\2\2\u0ba1\u0ba2\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ba2\u0ba3"+ + "\5\u0082B\2\u0ba3\u0ba4\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ba4\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0ba5\u0ba6\7"+ + "\u03cb\2\2\u0ba6\u0ba7\5\u0080A\2\u0ba7\u0ba8\7\u039c\2\2\u0ba8\u0ba9"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ba9\u0baa\5\u0082B\2\u0baa\u0bab\7\u04ff\2\2\u0bab\u0dbe"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0bac\u0bad\7\u01b6\2\2\u0bad\u0bae\7\u04f8\2\2\u0bae\u0baf\5"+ + "\66\34\2\u0baf\u0bb0\7\u04f2\2\2\u0bb0\u0bb1\5\66\34\2\u0bb1\u0bb4\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u0bb2\u0bb3\7r\2\2\u0bb3\u0bb5\5z>\2\u0bb4\u0bb2\3\2\2\2\u0bb4\u0bb5"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0bb5\u0bb9\3\2\2\2\u0bb6\u0bb7\5|?\2\u0bb7\u0bb8\7\u04de\2\2"+ + "\u0bb8\u0bba\3\2\2\2\u0bb9\u0bb6\3\2\2\2\u0bb9\u0bba\3\2\2\2\u0bba\u0bbb"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0bbb\u0bbc\7\u039c\2\2\u0bbc\u0bbd\7\u04f8\2\2\u0bbd\u0bbe\5"+ + "\u0082B\2\u0bbe\u0bbf\7\u04ff\2\2\u0bbf\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0bc0\u0bc1\7\u02a9"+ + "\2\2\u0bc1\u0bc3\7\u04f8\2\2\u0bc2\u0bc4\t\24\2\2\u0bc3\u0bc2\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u0bc3\u0bc4\3\2\2\2\u0bc4\u0bc5\3\2\2\2\u0bc5\u0bc6\5\66\34\2\u0bc6\u0bc7"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0bc7\u0bc8\7\u039c\2\2\u0bc8\u0bc9\7\u04f8\2\2\u0bc9\u0bca"+ + "\5\u0082B\2\u0bca\u0bcb\7\u04ff\2\2\u0bcb\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0bcc\u0bcd\7"+ + "\u04bf\2\2\u0bcd\u0bcf\7\u04f8\2\2\u0bce\u0bd0\t\24\2\2\u0bcf\u0bce\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u0bcf\u0bd0\3\2\2\2\u0bd0\u0bd1\3\2\2\2\u0bd1\u0bd2\5\66\34\2\u0bd2"+ + "\u0bd3\7\u04f2\2\2\u0bd3\u0bd4\5\66\34\2\u0bd4\u0bd5\7\u04ff\2\2\u0bd5"+ + "\u0bd6\7\u039c\2\2\u0bd6\u0bd7\7\u04f8\2\2\u0bd7\u0bd8\5\u0082B\2\u0bd8"+ + "\u0bd9\7\u04ff\2\2\u0bd9\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0bda\u0bdb\7\u0437\2\2\u0bdb\u0bdd"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0bdc\u0bde\t\24\2\2\u0bdd\u0bdc\3\2\2\2\u0bdd\u0bde\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0bde\u0bdf\3\2\2\2\u0bdf\u0be0\5\66\34\2\u0be0\u0be1\7\u04f2\2\2"+ + "\u0be1\u0be2\5\66\34\2\u0be2\u0be3\7\u04ff\2\2\u0be3\u0be4\7\u039c\2\2"+ + "\u0be4\u0be5\7\u04f8\2\2\u0be5\u0be6\5\u0082B\2\u0be6\u0be7\7\u04ff\2"+ + "\2\u0be7\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0be8\u0be9\7\u02bc\2\2\u0be9\u0beb\7\u04f8\2\2"+ + "\u0bea\u0bec\t\24\2\2\u0beb\u0bea\3\2\2\2\u0beb\u0bec\3\2\2\2\u0bec\u0bed"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0bed\u0bee\5\66\34\2\u0bee\u0bef\7\u04f2\2\2\u0bef\u0bf0\5\66"+ + "\34\2\u0bf0\u0bf1\7\u04ff\2\2\u0bf1\u0bf2\7\u039c\2\2\u0bf2\u0bf3\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u0bf3\u0bf4\5\u0082B\2\u0bf4\u0bf5\7\u04ff\2\2\u0bf5\u0dbe\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u0bf6\u0bf7\7\u034b\2\2\u0bf7\u0bf9\7\u04f8\2\2\u0bf8\u0bfa\t\24\2"+ + "\2\u0bf9\u0bf8\3\2\2\2\u0bf9\u0bfa\3\2\2\2\u0bfa\u0bfb\3\2\2\2\u0bfb\u0bfc"+ + "\5\66\34\2\u0bfc\u0bfd\7\u04ff\2\2\u0bfd\u0bfe\7\u039c\2\2\u0bfe\u0bff"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0bff\u0c00\5\u0082B\2\u0c00\u0c01\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c01\u0dbe"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0c02\u0c03\7\u04c7\2\2\u0c03\u0c05\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c04\u0c06\t"+ + "\24\2\2\u0c05\u0c04\3\2\2\2\u0c05\u0c06\3\2\2\2\u0c06\u0c07\3\2\2\2\u0c07"+ + "\u0c08\5\66\34\2\u0c08\u0c09\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c09\u0c0a\7\u039c\2\2\u0c0a"+ + "\u0c0b\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c0b\u0c0c\5\u0082B\2\u0c0c\u0c0d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c0d"+ + "\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0c0e\u0c0f\7\u0252\2\2\u0c0f\u0c11\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c10\u0c12"+ + "\t\24\2\2\u0c11\u0c10\3\2\2\2\u0c11\u0c12\3\2\2\2\u0c12\u0c13\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u0c13\u0c14\5\66\34\2\u0c14\u0c15\7\u04f2\2\2\u0c15\u0c16\5\66\34\2\u0c16"+ + "\u0c17\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c17\u0c18\7\u039c\2\2\u0c18\u0c19\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c19"+ + "\u0c1a\5\u0082B\2\u0c1a\u0c1b\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c1b\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0c1c\u0c1d"+ + "\7\u0215\2\2\u0c1d\u0c1f\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c1e\u0c20\t\24\2\2\u0c1f\u0c1e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0c1f\u0c20\3\2\2\2\u0c20\u0c21\3\2\2\2\u0c21\u0c22\5\66\34\2"+ + "\u0c22\u0c23\7\u04f2\2\2\u0c23\u0c24\5\66\34\2\u0c24\u0c25\7\u04ff\2\2"+ + "\u0c25\u0c26\7\u039c\2\2\u0c26\u0c27\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c27\u0c28\5\u0082B"+ + "\2\u0c28\u0c29\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c29\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0c2a\u0c2b\7\u02cb\2\2"+ + "\u0c2b\u0c2d\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c2c\u0c2e\t\24\2\2\u0c2d\u0c2c\3\2\2\2\u0c2d"+ + "\u0c2e\3\2\2\2\u0c2e\u0c2f\3\2\2\2\u0c2f\u0c30\5\66\34\2\u0c30\u0c31\7"+ + "\u04f2\2\2\u0c31\u0c32\5\66\34\2\u0c32\u0c33\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c33\u0c34\7"+ + "\u039c\2\2\u0c34\u0c35\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c35\u0c36\5\u0082B\2\u0c36\u0c37"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c37\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0c38\u0c39\7\u035d\2\2\u0c39\u0c3b\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u0c3a\u0c3c\t\24\2\2\u0c3b\u0c3a\3\2\2\2\u0c3b\u0c3c\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u0c3c\u0c3d\3\2\2\2\u0c3d\u0c3e\5\66\34\2\u0c3e\u0c3f\7\u04f2\2\2\u0c3f"+ + "\u0c40\5\66\34\2\u0c40\u0c41\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c41\u0c42\7\u039c\2\2\u0c42"+ + "\u0c43\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c43\u0c44\5\u0082B\2\u0c44\u0c45\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c45"+ + "\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0c46\u0c47\7\u031e\2\2\u0c47\u0c49\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c48\u0c4a"+ + "\t\24\2\2\u0c49\u0c48\3\2\2\2\u0c49\u0c4a\3\2\2\2\u0c4a\u0c4b\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u0c4b\u0c4c\5\66\34\2\u0c4c\u0c4d\7\u04f2\2\2\u0c4d\u0c4e\5\66\34\2\u0c4e"+ + "\u0c4f\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c4f\u0c50\7\u039c\2\2\u0c50\u0c51\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c51"+ + "\u0c52\5\u0082B\2\u0c52\u0c53\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c53\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0c54\u0c55"+ + "\7\u031d\2\2\u0c55\u0c57\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c56\u0c58\t\24\2\2\u0c57\u0c56"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0c57\u0c58\3\2\2\2\u0c58\u0c59\3\2\2\2\u0c59\u0c5a\5\66\34\2"+ + "\u0c5a\u0c5b\7\u04f2\2\2\u0c5b\u0c5c\5\66\34\2\u0c5c\u0c5d\7\u04ff\2\2"+ + "\u0c5d\u0c5e\7\u039c\2\2\u0c5e\u0c5f\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c5f\u0c60\5\u0082B"+ + "\2\u0c60\u0c61\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c61\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0c62\u0c63\7\u02fa\2\2"+ + "\u0c63\u0c65\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c64\u0c66\t\24\2\2\u0c65\u0c64\3\2\2\2\u0c65"+ + "\u0c66\3\2\2\2\u0c66\u0c67\3\2\2\2\u0c67\u0c68\5\66\34\2\u0c68\u0c69\7"+ + "\u04f2\2\2\u0c69\u0c6a\5\66\34\2\u0c6a\u0c6b\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c6b\u0c6c\7"+ + "\u039c\2\2\u0c6c\u0c6d\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c6d\u0c6e\5\u0082B\2\u0c6e\u0c6f"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c6f\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0c70\u0c71\7\u0307\2\2\u0c71\u0c73\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u0c72\u0c74\t\24\2\2\u0c73\u0c72\3\2\2\2\u0c73\u0c74\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u0c74\u0c75\3\2\2\2\u0c75\u0c76\5\66\34\2\u0c76\u0c77\7\u04f2\2\2\u0c77"+ + "\u0c78\5\66\34\2\u0c78\u0c79\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c79\u0c7a\7\u039c\2\2\u0c7a"+ + "\u0c7b\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c7b\u0c7c\5\u0082B\2\u0c7c\u0c7d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c7d"+ + "\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0c7e\u0c7f\7\u02fb\2\2\u0c7f\u0c81\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c80\u0c82"+ + "\t\24\2\2\u0c81\u0c80\3\2\2\2\u0c81\u0c82\3\2\2\2\u0c82\u0c83\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u0c83\u0c84\5\66\34\2\u0c84\u0c85\7\u04f2\2\2\u0c85\u0c86\5\66\34\2\u0c86"+ + "\u0c87\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c87\u0c88\7\u039c\2\2\u0c88\u0c89\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c89"+ + "\u0c8a\5\u0082B\2\u0c8a\u0c8b\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c8b\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0c8c\u0c8d"+ + "\7\u021f\2\2\u0c8d\u0c8f\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c8e\u0c90\t\24\2\2\u0c8f\u0c8e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0c8f\u0c90\3\2\2\2\u0c90\u0c91\3\2\2\2\u0c91\u0c92\5\66\34\2"+ + "\u0c92\u0c93\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c93\u0c94\7\u0324\2\2\u0c94\u0c95\7\u04f8\2"+ + "\2\u0c95\u0c96\7\u02fc\2\2\u0c96\u0c97\5z>\2\u0c97\u0c98\5\u037e\u01c0"+ + "\2\u0c98\u0c99\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c99\u0c9a\7\u039c\2\2\u0c9a\u0c9b\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u0c9b\u0c9c\5\u0082B\2\u0c9c\u0c9d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c9d\u0dbe\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u0c9e\u0c9f\7\u0291\2\2\u0c9f\u0ca1\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ca0\u0ca2\t\24\2"+ + "\2\u0ca1\u0ca0\3\2\2\2\u0ca1\u0ca2\3\2\2\2\u0ca2\u0ca3\3\2\2\2\u0ca3\u0ca4"+ + "\5\66\34\2\u0ca4\u0ca5\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ca5\u0ca6\7\u0324\2\2\u0ca6\u0ca7"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ca7\u0ca8\7\u02fc\2\2\u0ca8\u0ca9\5z>\2\u0ca9\u0caa\5\u037e"+ + "\u01c0\2\u0caa\u0cab\7\u04ff\2\2\u0cab\u0cac\7\u039c\2\2\u0cac\u0cad\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u0cad\u0cae\5\u0082B\2\u0cae\u0caf\7\u04ff\2\2\u0caf\u0dbe"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0cb0\u0cb1\7\u028f\2\2\u0cb1\u0cb3\7\u04f8\2\2\u0cb2\u0cb4\t"+ + "\24\2\2\u0cb3\u0cb2\3\2\2\2\u0cb3\u0cb4\3\2\2\2\u0cb4\u0cb5\3\2\2\2\u0cb5"+ + "\u0cb6\5\66\34\2\u0cb6\u0cb7\7\u04ff\2\2\u0cb7\u0cb8\7\u0324\2\2\u0cb8"+ + "\u0cb9\7\u04f8\2\2\u0cb9\u0cba\7\u02fc\2\2\u0cba\u0cbb\5z>\2\u0cbb\u0cbc"+ + "\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0cbc\u0cbd\7\u04ff\2\2\u0cbd\u0cbe\7\u039c\2\2\u0cbe"+ + "\u0cbf\7\u04f8\2\2\u0cbf\u0cc0\5\u0082B\2\u0cc0\u0cc1\7\u04ff\2\2\u0cc1"+ + "\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0cc2\u0cc3\7\u02fd\2\2\u0cc3\u0cc5\7\u04f8\2\2\u0cc4\u0cc6"+ + "\7C\2\2\u0cc5\u0cc4\3\2\2\2\u0cc5\u0cc6\3\2\2\2\u0cc6\u0cc7\3\2\2\2\u0cc7"+ + "\u0cc8\7\u04f6\2\2\u0cc8\u0cc9\7\u04ff\2\2\u0cc9\u0cca\7\u0324\2\2\u0cca"+ + "\u0ccb\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ccb\u0ccc\7\u02fc\2\2\u0ccc\u0ccd\5z>\2\u0ccd\u0cce"+ + "\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0cce\u0ccf\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ccf\u0cd0\7\u039c\2\2\u0cd0"+ + "\u0cd1\7\u04f8\2\2\u0cd1\u0cd2\5\u0082B\2\u0cd2\u0cd3\7\u04ff\2\2\u0cd3"+ + "\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0cd4\u0cd5\7\u02fd\2\2\u0cd5\u0cd7\7\u04f8\2\2\u0cd6\u0cd8"+ + "\7C\2\2\u0cd7\u0cd6\3\2\2\2\u0cd7\u0cd8\3\2\2\2\u0cd8\u0cd9\3\2\2\2\u0cd9"+ + "\u0cda\5\66\34\2\u0cda\u0cdb\7\u04ff\2\2\u0cdb\u0cdc\7\u0324\2\2\u0cdc"+ + "\u0cdd\7\u04f8\2\2\u0cdd\u0cde\7\u02fc\2\2\u0cde\u0cdf\5z>\2\u0cdf\u0ce0"+ + "\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0ce0\u0ce1\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ce1\u0ce2\7\u039c\2\2\u0ce2"+ + "\u0ce3\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ce3\u0ce4\5\u0082B\2\u0ce4\u0ce5\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ce5"+ + "\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0ce6\u0ce7\7\u0458\2\2\u0ce7\u0ce9\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ce8\u0cea"+ + "\t\24\2\2\u0ce9\u0ce8\3\2\2\2\u0ce9\u0cea\3\2\2\2\u0cea\u0ceb\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u0ceb\u0cec\5\66\34\2\u0cec\u0ced\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ced\u0cee\7\u0324\2\2"+ + "\u0cee\u0cef\7\u04f8\2\2\u0cef\u0cf0\7\u02fc\2\2\u0cf0\u0cf1\5z>\2\u0cf1"+ + "\u0cf2\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0cf2\u0cf3\7\u04ff\2\2\u0cf3\u0cf4\7\u039c\2\2"+ + "\u0cf4\u0cf5\7\u04f8\2\2\u0cf5\u0cf6\5\u0082B\2\u0cf6\u0cf7\7\u04ff\2"+ + "\2\u0cf7\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0cf8\u0cf9\7\u02a1\2\2\u0cf9\u0cfb\7\u04f8\2\2"+ + "\u0cfa\u0cfc\t\24\2\2\u0cfb\u0cfa\3\2\2\2\u0cfb\u0cfc\3\2\2\2\u0cfc\u0cfd"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0cfd\u0cfe\5\66\34\2\u0cfe\u0cff\7\u04ff\2\2\u0cff\u0d00\7\u0324"+ + "\2\2\u0d00\u0d01\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d01\u0d02\7\u02fc\2\2\u0d02\u0d03\5z>\2"+ + "\u0d03\u0d04\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0d04\u0d05\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d05\u0d06\7\u039c"+ + "\2\2\u0d06\u0d07\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d07\u0d08\5\u0082B\2\u0d08\u0d09\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u0d09\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0d0a\u0d0b\7\u0243\2\2\u0d0b\u0d0d\7\u04f8\2"+ + "\2\u0d0c\u0d0e\t\24\2\2\u0d0d\u0d0c\3\2\2\2\u0d0d\u0d0e\3\2\2\2\u0d0e"+ + "\u0d0f\3\2\2\2\u0d0f\u0d10\5\66\34\2\u0d10\u0d11\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d11\u0d12"+ + "\7\u0324\2\2\u0d12\u0d13\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d13\u0d14\7\u02fc\2\2\u0d14\u0d15"+ + "\5z>\2\u0d15\u0d16\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0d16\u0d17\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d17\u0d18"+ + "\7\u039c\2\2\u0d18\u0d19\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d19\u0d1a\5\u0082B\2\u0d1a\u0d1b"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d1b\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0d1c\u0d1d\7\u02e1\2\2\u0d1d\u0d1f\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u0d1e\u0d20\t\24\2\2\u0d1f\u0d1e\3\2\2\2\u0d1f\u0d20\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u0d20\u0d21\3\2\2\2\u0d21\u0d22\5\24\13\2\u0d22\u0d23\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d23"+ + "\u0d24\7\u00d0\2\2\u0d24\u0d25\7t\2\2\u0d25\u0d26\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d26\u0d27"+ + "\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0d27\u0d28\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d28\u0d29\7\u039c\2\2\u0d29"+ + "\u0d2a\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d2a\u0d2b\5\u0082B\2\u0d2b\u0d2c\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d2c"+ + "\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0d2d\u0d2e\7\u0381\2\2\u0d2e\u0d30\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d2f\u0d31"+ + "\t\24\2\2\u0d30\u0d2f\3\2\2\2\u0d30\u0d31\3\2\2\2\u0d31\u0d32\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u0d32\u0d33\5\24\13\2\u0d33\u0d34\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d34\u0d35\7\u00d0\2\2"+ + "\u0d35\u0d36\7t\2\2\u0d36\u0d37\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d37\u0d38\5\u037e\u01c0"+ + "\2\u0d38\u0d39\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d39\u0d3a\7\u039c\2\2\u0d3a\u0d3b\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u0d3b\u0d3c\5\u0082B\2\u0d3c\u0d3d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d3d\u0dbe\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u0d3e\u0d3f\7\u02ba\2\2\u0d3f\u0d41\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d40\u0d42\t\24\2"+ + "\2\u0d41\u0d40\3\2\2\2\u0d41\u0d42\3\2\2\2\u0d42\u0d43\3\2\2\2\u0d43\u0d44"+ + "\5\66\34\2\u0d44\u0d45\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d45\u0d46\7\u039c\2\2\u0d46\u0d47"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d47\u0d48\5\u0082B\2\u0d48\u0d49\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d49\u0dbe"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0d4a\u0d4b\7\u03a3\2\2\u0d4b\u0d4c\7\u04fd\2\2\u0d4c\u0d4d\7"+ + "\u02ba\2\2\u0d4d\u0d4f\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d4e\u0d50\t\24\2\2\u0d4f\u0d4e\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u0d4f\u0d50\3\2\2\2\u0d50\u0d51\3\2\2\2\u0d51\u0d52\5\66\34\2\u0d52"+ + "\u0d53\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d53\u0d54\7\u039c\2\2\u0d54\u0d55\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d55"+ + "\u0d56\5\u0082B\2\u0d56\u0d57\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d57\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0d58\u0d59"+ + "\7\u02ba\2\2\u0d59\u0d5b\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d5a\u0d5c\t\24\2\2\u0d5b\u0d5a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0d5b\u0d5c\3\2\2\2\u0d5c\u0d5d\3\2\2\2\u0d5d\u0d5e\5\66\34\2"+ + "\u0d5e\u0d5f\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d5f\u0d60\7\u0324\2\2\u0d60\u0d61\7\u04f8\2"+ + "\2\u0d61\u0d62\7\u02fc\2\2\u0d62\u0d63\5z>\2\u0d63\u0d64\5\u037e\u01c0"+ + "\2\u0d64\u0d65\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d65\u0d66\7\u039c\2\2\u0d66\u0d67\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u0d67\u0d68\5\u0082B\2\u0d68\u0d69\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d69\u0dbe\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u0d6a\u0d6b\7\u03a3\2\2\u0d6b\u0d6c\7\u04fd\2\2\u0d6c\u0d6d\7\u02ba"+ + "\2\2\u0d6d\u0d6f\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d6e\u0d70\t\24\2\2\u0d6f\u0d6e\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u0d6f\u0d70\3\2\2\2\u0d70\u0d71\3\2\2\2\u0d71\u0d72\5\66\34\2\u0d72\u0d73"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d73\u0d74\7\u0324\2\2\u0d74\u0d75\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d75\u0d76"+ + "\7\u02fc\2\2\u0d76\u0d77\5z>\2\u0d77\u0d78\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0d78\u0d79"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d79\u0d7a\7\u039c\2\2\u0d7a\u0d7b\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d7b\u0d7c"+ + "\5\u0082B\2\u0d7c\u0d7d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d7d\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0d7e\u0d7f\7"+ + "\u04ac\2\2\u0d7f\u0d80\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d80\u0d81\5\66\34\2\u0d81\u0d82\7"+ + "\u04f2\2\2\u0d82\u0d83\5\66\34\2\u0d83\u0d84\7\u04f2\2\2\u0d84\u0d85\5"+ + "\66\34\2\u0d85\u0d86\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d86\u0d87\7\u039c\2\2\u0d87\u0d88\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u0d88\u0d89\5\u0082B\2\u0d89\u0d8a\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d8a\u0dbe"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0d8b\u0d8c\7\u02f5\2\2\u0d8c\u0d8d\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d8d\u0d8e\5"+ + "\66\34\2\u0d8e\u0d8f\7\u04f2\2\2\u0d8f\u0d90\5\66\34\2\u0d90\u0d91\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u0d91\u0d92\7\u039c\2\2\u0d92\u0d93\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d93\u0d94\5\u0082"+ + "B\2\u0d94\u0d95\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d95\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0d96\u0d97\5\u060e\u0308"+ + "\2\u0d97\u0d98\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d98\u0d99\5\u00bc_\2\u0d99\u0d9a\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u0d9a\u0d9b\7\u039c\2\2\u0d9b\u0d9c\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d9c\u0d9d\5\u0082"+ + "B\2\u0d9d\u0d9e\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d9e\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0d9f\u0da0\5\u060e\u0308"+ + "\2\u0da0\u0da1\7\u04f8\2\2\u0da1\u0da2\7C\2\2\u0da2\u0da3\5\u00bc_\2\u0da3"+ + "\u0da4\7\u04ff\2\2\u0da4\u0da5\7\u039c\2\2\u0da5\u0da6\7\u04f8\2\2\u0da6"+ + "\u0da7\5\u0082B\2\u0da7\u0da8\7\u04ff\2\2\u0da8\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0da9\u0daa"+ + "\5\u060e\u0308\2\u0daa\u0dab\7\u04f8\2\2\u0dab\u0dac\7b\2\2\u0dac\u0dad"+ + "\5\u00bc_\2\u0dad\u0dae\7\u04ff\2\2\u0dae\u0daf\7\u039c\2\2\u0daf\u0db0"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0db0\u0db1\5\u0082B\2\u0db1\u0db2\7\u04ff\2\2\u0db2\u0dbe"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0db3\u0db4\5\u060e\u0308\2\u0db4\u0db5\7\u04f8\2\2\u0db5\u0db6"+ + "\7\u00c1\2\2\u0db6\u0db7\5\u00bc_\2\u0db7\u0db8\7\u04ff\2\2\u0db8\u0db9"+ + "\7\u039c\2\2\u0db9\u0dba\7\u04f8\2\2\u0dba\u0dbb\5\u0082B\2\u0dbb\u0dbc"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0dbc\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0a99\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0aa5\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u0dbd\u0ab1\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0abb\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0ac4\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0acd"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0ad6\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0ae2\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0aee\3\2\2\2\u0dbd"+ + "\u0afa\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0b06\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0b12\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0b1e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0dbd\u0b2a\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0b36\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0b42\3\2\2\2\u0dbd"+ + "\u0b53\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0b5f\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0b67\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0b6f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0dbd\u0b77\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0b7f\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0b88\3\2\2\2\u0dbd"+ + "\u0b90\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0b97\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0b9e\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0ba5\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0dbd\u0bac\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0bc0\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0bcc\3\2\2\2\u0dbd"+ + "\u0bda\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0be8\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0bf6\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0c02\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0dbd\u0c0e\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0c1c\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0c2a\3\2\2\2\u0dbd"+ + "\u0c38\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0c46\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0c54\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0c62\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0dbd\u0c70\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0c7e\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0c8c\3\2\2\2\u0dbd"+ + "\u0c9e\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0cb0\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0cc2\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0cd4\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0dbd\u0ce6\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0cf8\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0d0a\3\2\2\2\u0dbd"+ + "\u0d1c\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0d2d\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0d3e\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0d4a\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0dbd\u0d58\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0d6a\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0d7e\3\2\2\2\u0dbd"+ + "\u0d8b\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0d96\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0d9f\3\2\2\2\u0dbd\u0da9\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0dbd\u0db3\3\2\2\2\u0dbey\3\2\2\2\u0dbf\u0dc0\t\25\2\2\u0dc0{\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u0dc1\u0dc2\t\26\2\2\u0dc2}\3\2\2\2\u0dc3\u0dc4\7\u04f8\2\2\u0dc4"+ + "\u0dc5\5\66\34\2\u0dc5\u0dc6\5|?\2\u0dc6\u0dc7\7\u04de\2\2\u0dc7\u0dc8"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0dc8\u0dd2\3\2\2\2\u0dc9\u0dca\7\u04f8\2\2\u0dca\u0dcb\5"+ + "\66\34\2\u0dcb\u0dcf\7\u04ff\2\2\u0dcc\u0dcd\5|?\2\u0dcd\u0dce\7\u04de"+ + "\2\2\u0dce\u0dd0\3\2\2\2\u0dcf\u0dcc\3\2\2\2\u0dcf\u0dd0\3\2\2\2\u0dd0"+ + "\u0dd2\3\2\2\2\u0dd1\u0dc3\3\2\2\2\u0dd1\u0dc9\3\2\2\2\u0dd2\177\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u0dd3\u0dd4\7\u04f8\2\2\u0dd4\u0dd5\5\66\34\2\u0dd5\u0dd6\5|?\2\u0dd6"+ + "\u0dd7\7\u04de\2\2\u0dd7\u0dd8\7\u04ff\2\2\u0dd8\u0dea\3\2\2\2\u0dd9\u0dda"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0dda\u0ddb\5\66\34\2\u0ddb\u0ddc\5|?\2\u0ddc\u0ddd\7\u04de"+ + "\2\2\u0ddd\u0dde\7\u04f2\2\2\u0dde\u0ddf\5\24\13\2\u0ddf\u0de0\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u0de0\u0dea\3\2\2\2\u0de1\u0de2\7\u04f8\2\2\u0de2\u0de3\5\24\13\2"+ + "\u0de3\u0de7\7\u04ff\2\2\u0de4\u0de5\5|?\2\u0de5\u0de6\7\u04de\2\2\u0de6"+ + "\u0de8\3\2\2\2\u0de7\u0de4\3\2\2\2\u0de7\u0de8\3\2\2\2\u0de8\u0dea\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0de9\u0dd3\3\2\2\2\u0de9\u0dd9\3\2\2\2\u0de9\u0de1\3\2\2\2\u0dea"+ + "\u0081\3\2\2\2\u0deb\u0dec\7\u0149\2\2\u0dec\u0ded\7O\2\2\u0ded\u0def"+ + "\5\24\13\2\u0dee\u0deb\3\2\2\2\u0dee\u0def\3\2\2\2\u0def\u0df1\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u0df0\u0df2\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0df1\u0df0\3\2\2\2\u0df1\u0df2\3\2\2\2\u0df2"+ + "\u0df4\3\2\2\2\u0df3\u0df5\5\u008cG\2\u0df4\u0df3\3\2\2\2\u0df4\u0df5"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0df5\u0083\3\2\2\2\u0df6\u0df7\t\27\2\2\u0df7\u0085\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u0df8\u0df9\t\30\2\2\u0df9\u0087\3\2\2\2\u0dfa\u0dfb\5\66\34\2\u0dfb"+ + "\u0089\3\2\2\2\u0dfc\u0dfd\7\\\2\2\u0dfd\u0e02\7\u00a9\2\2\u0dfe\u0dff"+ + "\5\u0088E\2\u0dff\u0e00\5\u0086D\2\u0e00\u0e02\3\2\2\2\u0e01\u0dfc\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0e01\u0dfe\3\2\2\2\u0e02\u008b\3\2\2\2\u0e03\u0e04\5\u0084C\2\u0e04"+ + "\u0e05\7M\2\2\u0e05\u0e06\5\u008aF\2\u0e06\u0e07\7E\2\2\u0e07\u0e08\5"+ + "\u008aF\2\u0e08\u0e0d\3\2\2\2\u0e09\u0e0a\5\u0084C\2\u0e0a\u0e0b\5\u008a"+ + "F\2\u0e0b\u0e0d\3\2\2\2\u0e0c\u0e03\3\2\2\2\u0e0c\u0e09\3\2\2\2\u0e0d"+ + "\u008d\3\2\2\2\u0e0e\u0e10\5\u0090I\2\u0e0f\u0e0e\3\2\2\2\u0e10\u0e11"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0e11\u0e0f\3\2\2\2\u0e11\u0e12\3\2\2\2\u0e12\u008f\3\2\2\2\u0e13"+ + "\u0e14\7\u0180\2\2\u0e14\u0e15\5\66\34\2\u0e15\u0e16\7\u00bc\2\2\u0e16"+ + "\u0e17\5\66\34\2\u0e17\u0091\3\2\2\2\u0e18\u0e1a\5\u0094K\2\u0e19\u0e18"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0e1a\u0e1b\3\2\2\2\u0e1b\u0e19\3\2\2\2\u0e1b\u0e1c\3\2\2\2\u0e1c"+ + "\u0093\3\2\2\2\u0e1d\u0e1e\7\u0180\2\2\u0e1e\u0e1f\5n8\2\u0e1f\u0e20\7"+ + "\u00bc\2\2\u0e20\u0e21\5\66\34\2\u0e21\u0095\3\2\2\2\u0e22\u0e23\7k\2"+ + "\2\u0e23\u0e26\5\66\34\2\u0e24\u0e26\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u0e25\u0e22\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u0e25\u0e24\3\2\2\2\u0e26\u0097\3\2\2\2\u0e27\u0e2b\5\u009cO\2\u0e28"+ + "\u0e2b\5\u00acW\2\u0e29\u0e2b\5\u00b4[\2\u0e2a\u0e27\3\2\2\2\u0e2a\u0e28"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0e2a\u0e29\3\2\2\2\u0e2b\u0099\3\2\2\2\u0e2c\u0e35\5\u06d0\u0369"+ + "\2\u0e2d\u0e35\5\u06d6\u036c\2\u0e2e\u0e35\5\u06f0\u0379\2\u0e2f\u0e35"+ + "\5\u06ee\u0378\2\u0e30\u0e35\5\u06ec\u0377\2\u0e31\u0e35\5\u06f4\u037b"+ + "\2\u0e32\u0e35\5\u06f2\u037a\2\u0e33\u0e35\5\u06ea\u0376\2\u0e34\u0e2c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0e34\u0e2d\3\2\2\2\u0e34\u0e2e\3\2\2\2\u0e34\u0e2f\3\2\2\2\u0e34"+ + "\u0e30\3\2\2\2\u0e34\u0e31\3\2\2\2\u0e34\u0e32\3\2\2\2\u0e34\u0e33\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0e35\u009b\3\2\2\2\u0e36\u0e45\5\u009eP\2\u0e37\u0e45\5\u00a0Q\2"+ + "\u0e38\u0e45\5\u00a4S\2\u0e39\u0e45\5\u00a6T\2\u0e3a\u0e45\5\u00a8U\2"+ + "\u0e3b\u0e45\5\u00aaV\2\u0e3c\u0e45\5@!\2\u0e3d\u0e41\5\u009aN\2\u0e3e"+ + "\u0e3f\7\u04fd\2\2\u0e3f\u0e42\5f\64\2\u0e40\u0e42\5j\66\2\u0e41\u0e3e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0e41\u0e40\3\2\2\2\u0e41\u0e42\3\2\2\2\u0e42\u0e45\3\2\2\2\u0e43"+ + "\u0e45\5B\"\2\u0e44\u0e36\3\2\2\2\u0e44\u0e37\3\2\2\2\u0e44\u0e38\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0e44\u0e39\3\2\2\2\u0e44\u0e3a\3\2\2\2\u0e44\u0e3b\3\2\2\2\u0e44"+ + "\u0e3c\3\2\2\2\u0e44\u0e3d\3\2\2\2\u0e44\u0e43\3\2\2\2\u0e45\u009d\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0e46\u0e47\7\u0139\2\2\u0e47\u0e48\7\u04f8\2\2\u0e48\u0e49\5\66"+ + "\34\2\u0e49\u0e4a\7\u04f2\2\2\u0e4a\u0e4b\5\66\34\2\u0e4b\u0e4c\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u0e4c\u009f\3\2\2\2\u0e4d\u0e4e\7\u0349\2\2\u0e4e\u0e4f\7\u04f8\2"+ + "\2\u0e4f\u0e50\5\u0368\u01b5\2\u0e50\u0e51\7\u04ff\2\2\u0e51\u0e68\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0e52\u0e53\7\u0376\2\2\u0e53\u0e54\7\u04f8\2\2\u0e54\u0e55\5\66"+ + "\34\2\u0e55\u0e56\7\u04ff\2\2\u0e56\u0e68\3\2\2\2\u0e57\u0e58\7\u040a"+ + "\2\2\u0e58\u0e59\7\u04f8\2\2\u0e59\u0e5a\5\66\34\2\u0e5a\u0e5b\7\u017b"+ + "\2\2\u0e5b\u0e5c\5\u00a2R\2\u0e5c\u0e5d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0e5d\u0e68\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u0e5e\u0e5f\7\u040a\2\2\u0e5f\u0e60\7\u04f8\2\2\u0e60\u0e61\5\66\34"+ + "\2\u0e61\u0e62\7\u04f2\2\2\u0e62\u0e63\5\66\34\2\u0e63\u0e64\7\u04f2\2"+ + "\2\u0e64\u0e65\5\66\34\2\u0e65\u0e66\7\u04ff\2\2\u0e66\u0e68\3\2\2\2\u0e67"+ + "\u0e4d\3\2\2\2\u0e67\u0e52\3\2\2\2\u0e67\u0e57\3\2\2\2\u0e67\u0e5e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0e68\u00a1\3\2\2\2\u0e69\u0e6a\t\31\2\2\u0e6a\u00a3\3\2\2\2\u0e6b"+ + "\u0e6c\7\u037e\2\2\u0e6c\u0e6d\7\u04f8\2\2\u0e6d\u0e6e\5\u0618\u030d\2"+ + "\u0e6e\u0e6f\7r\2\2\u0e6f\u0e70\5\66\34\2\u0e70\u0e71\7\u04ff\2\2\u0e71"+ + "\u00a5\3\2\2\2\u0e72\u0e73\7\u02ef\2\2\u0e73\u0e74\7\u04f8\2\2\u0e74\u0e75"+ + "\5\66\34\2\u0e75\u0e76\7G\2\2\u0e76\u0e77\5\u0172\u00ba\2\u0e77\u0e78"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0e78\u0e81\3\2\2\2\u0e79\u0e7a\7\u02ff\2\2\u0e7a\u0e7b\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u0e7b\u0e7c\5\66\34\2\u0e7c\u0e7d\7G\2\2\u0e7d\u0e7e\5\u0174"+ + "\u00bb\2\u0e7e\u0e7f\7\u04ff\2\2\u0e7f\u0e81\3\2\2\2\u0e80\u0e72\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u0e80\u0e79\3\2\2\2\u0e81\u00a7\3\2\2\2\u0e82\u0e83\7\u02b1\2\2\u0e83"+ + "\u0e84\7\u04f8\2\2\u0e84\u0e85\5\66\34\2\u0e85\u0e86\7\u04f2\2\2\u0e86"+ + "\u0e87\5\66\34\2\u0e87\u0e88\7\u04ff\2\2\u0e88\u00a9\3\2\2\2\u0e89\u0e8a"+ + "\t\32\2\2\u0e8a\u00ab\3\2\2\2\u0e8b\u0e8c\7\u04cb\2\2\u0e8c\u0e8e\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u0e8d\u0e8f\7b\2\2\u0e8e\u0e8d\3\2\2\2\u0e8e\u0e8f\3\2\2\2\u0e8f"+ + "\u0e90\3\2\2\2\u0e90\u0e91\5\24\13\2\u0e91\u0e92\7\u04ff\2\2\u0e92\u10c0"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0e93\u0e94\7\u026e\2\2\u0e94\u0e95\7\u04f8\2\2\u0e95\u0e96\5"+ + "\24\13\2\u0e96\u0e97\7\u04ff\2\2\u0e97\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0e98\u0e99\7\u045a"+ + "\2\2\u0e99\u0e9a\7\u04f8\2\2\u0e9a\u0e9b\5\66\34\2\u0e9b\u0e9c\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u0e9c\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0e9d\u0e9e\7\u028f\2\2\u0e9e\u0ea0\7\u04f8\2"+ + "\2\u0e9f\u0ea1\t\24\2\2\u0ea0\u0e9f\3\2\2\2\u0ea0\u0ea1\3\2\2\2\u0ea1"+ + "\u0ea2\3\2\2\2\u0ea2\u0ea3\5\66\34\2\u0ea3\u0ea4\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ea4\u10c0"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0ea5\u0ea6\7\u021f\2\2\u0ea6\u0ea8\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ea7\u0ea9\t"+ + "\24\2\2\u0ea8\u0ea7\3\2\2\2\u0ea8\u0ea9\3\2\2\2\u0ea9\u0eaa\3\2\2\2\u0eaa"+ + "\u0eab\5\66\34\2\u0eab\u0eac\7\u04ff\2\2\u0eac\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0ead\u0eae"+ + "\7\u0291\2\2\u0eae\u0eb0\7\u04f8\2\2\u0eaf\u0eb1\t\24\2\2\u0eb0\u0eaf"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0eb0\u0eb1\3\2\2\2\u0eb1\u0eb2\3\2\2\2\u0eb2\u0eb3\5\66\34\2"+ + "\u0eb3\u0eb4\7\u04ff\2\2\u0eb4\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0eb5\u0eb6\7\u0458\2\2\u0eb6"+ + "\u0eb8\7\u04f8\2\2\u0eb7\u0eb9\t\24\2\2\u0eb8\u0eb7\3\2\2\2\u0eb8\u0eb9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0eb9\u0eba\3\2\2\2\u0eba\u0ebb\5\66\34\2\u0ebb\u0ebc\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u0ebc\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0ebd\u0ebe\7f\2\2\u0ebe\u0ec0\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ebf"+ + "\u0ec1\t\24\2\2\u0ec0\u0ebf\3\2\2\2\u0ec0\u0ec1\3\2\2\2\u0ec1\u0ec2\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u0ec2\u0ec5\5\66\34\2\u0ec3\u0ec4\7\u019c\2\2\u0ec4\u0ec6\7\u038e"+ + "\2\2\u0ec5\u0ec3\3\2\2\2\u0ec5\u0ec6\3\2\2\2\u0ec6\u0ec8\3\2\2\2\u0ec7"+ + "\u0ec9\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0ec8\u0ec7\3\2\2\2\u0ec8\u0ec9\3\2\2\2\u0ec9\u0ecb"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0eca\u0ecc\5\u00aeX\2\u0ecb\u0eca\3\2\2\2\u0ecb\u0ecc\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u0ecc\u0ece\3\2\2\2\u0ecd\u0ecf\5\u00b0Y\2\u0ece\u0ecd\3\2\2\2\u0ece"+ + "\u0ecf\3\2\2\2\u0ecf\u0ed1\3\2\2\2\u0ed0\u0ed2\7\u01d8\2\2\u0ed1\u0ed0"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0ed1\u0ed2\3\2\2\2\u0ed2\u0ed3\3\2\2\2\u0ed3\u0ed4\7\u04ff\2"+ + "\2\u0ed4\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0ed5\u0ed6\7\u0419\2\2\u0ed6\u0ed8\7\u04f8\2\2"+ + "\u0ed7\u0ed9\7\u0294\2\2\u0ed8\u0ed7\3\2\2\2\u0ed8\u0ed9\3\2\2\2\u0ed9"+ + "\u0eda\3\2\2\2\u0eda\u0edb\5\66\34\2\u0edb\u0edc\7L\2\2\u0edc\u0edf\5"+ + "\66\34\2\u0edd\u0ede\7\u019c\2\2\u0ede\u0ee0\7\u038e\2\2\u0edf\u0edd\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u0edf\u0ee0\3\2\2\2\u0ee0\u0ee2\3\2\2\2\u0ee1\u0ee3\5\u00aeX\2"+ + "\u0ee2\u0ee1\3\2\2\2\u0ee2\u0ee3\3\2\2\2\u0ee3\u0ee5\3\2\2\2\u0ee4\u0ee6"+ + "\5\u00b0Y\2\u0ee5\u0ee4\3\2\2\2\u0ee5\u0ee6\3\2\2\2\u0ee6\u0ee8\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u0ee7\u0ee9\7\u01d8\2\2\u0ee8\u0ee7\3\2\2\2\u0ee8\u0ee9\3\2\2\2\u0ee9"+ + "\u0eeb\3\2\2\2\u0eea\u0eec\5\u06ca\u0366\2\u0eeb\u0eea\3\2\2\2\u0eeb\u0eec"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0eec\u0eed\3\2\2\2\u0eed\u0eee\7\u04ff\2\2\u0eee\u10c0\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u0eef\u0ef0\7\u0419\2\2\u0ef0\u0ef1\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ef1\u0ef2\5\66\34"+ + "\2\u0ef2\u0ef3\7\u04f2\2\2\u0ef3\u0ef6\5\66\34\2\u0ef4\u0ef5\7\u019c\2"+ + "\2\u0ef5\u0ef7\7\u038e\2\2\u0ef6\u0ef4\3\2\2\2\u0ef6\u0ef7\3\2\2\2\u0ef7"+ + "\u0ef9\3\2\2\2\u0ef8\u0efa\5\u00aeX\2\u0ef9\u0ef8\3\2\2\2\u0ef9\u0efa"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0efa\u0efc\3\2\2\2\u0efb\u0efd\5\u00b0Y\2\u0efc\u0efb\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u0efc\u0efd\3\2\2\2\u0efd\u0eff\3\2\2\2\u0efe\u0f00\7\u01d8\2\2\u0eff"+ + "\u0efe\3\2\2\2\u0eff\u0f00\3\2\2\2\u0f00\u0f02\3\2\2\2\u0f01\u0f03\5\u06ca"+ + "\u0366\2\u0f02\u0f01\3\2\2\2\u0f02\u0f03\3\2\2\2\u0f03\u0f04\3\2\2\2\u0f04"+ + "\u0f05\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f05\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f06\u0f07\7\u043b\2\2\u0f07\u0f09"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f08\u0f0a\t\24\2\2\u0f09\u0f08\3\2\2\2\u0f09\u0f0a\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0f0a\u0f0b\3\2\2\2\u0f0b\u0f0c\5\66\34\2\u0f0c\u0f0d\7\u04ff\2\2"+ + "\u0f0d\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f0e\u0f0f\7\u0243\2\2\u0f0f\u0f11\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f10"+ + "\u0f12\t\24\2\2\u0f11\u0f10\3\2\2\2\u0f11\u0f12\3\2\2\2\u0f12\u0f13\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u0f13\u0f14\5\66\34\2\u0f14\u0f15\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f15\u10c0\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u0f16\u0f17\7\u02a1\2\2\u0f17\u0f19\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f18\u0f1a\t\24\2"+ + "\2\u0f19\u0f18\3\2\2\2\u0f19\u0f1a\3\2\2\2\u0f1a\u0f1b\3\2\2\2\u0f1b\u0f1c"+ + "\5\66\34\2\u0f1c\u0f1d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f1d\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f1e\u0f1f\7\u043d"+ + "\2\2\u0f1f\u0f21\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f20\u0f22\t\24\2\2\u0f21\u0f20\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u0f21\u0f22\3\2\2\2\u0f22\u0f23\3\2\2\2\u0f23\u0f24\5\66\34\2\u0f24\u0f25"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f25\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f26\u0f27\7\u02e7\2\2\u0f27\u0f29\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u0f28\u0f2a\t\24\2\2\u0f29\u0f28\3\2\2\2\u0f29\u0f2a\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u0f2a\u0f2b\3\2\2\2\u0f2b\u0f2c\5\66\34\2\u0f2c\u0f2d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f2d"+ + "\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f2e\u0f2f\7\u026f\2\2\u0f2f\u0f30\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f30\u0f31"+ + "\5\66\34\2\u0f31\u0f32\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f32\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f33\u0f34\7\u028d"+ + "\2\2\u0f34\u0f36\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f35\u0f37\t\24\2\2\u0f36\u0f35\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u0f36\u0f37\3\2\2\2\u0f37\u0f38\3\2\2\2\u0f38\u0f39\5\24\13\2\u0f39\u0f3a"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f3a\u0f3b\7\u00d0\2\2\u0f3b\u0f3c\7t\2\2\u0f3c\u0f3d\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u0f3d\u0f3e\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0f3e\u0f3f\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f3f\u10c0"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0f40\u0f41\7\u028d\2\2\u0f41\u0f43\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f42\u0f44\t"+ + "\24\2\2\u0f43\u0f42\3\2\2\2\u0f43\u0f44\3\2\2\2\u0f44\u0f45\3\2\2\2\u0f45"+ + "\u0f46\5\24\13\2\u0f46\u0f47\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f47\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f48\u0f49"+ + "\7\u04bf\2\2\u0f49\u0f4b\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f4a\u0f4c\t\24\2\2\u0f4b\u0f4a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0f4b\u0f4c\3\2\2\2\u0f4c\u0f4d\3\2\2\2\u0f4d\u0f4e\5\66\34\2"+ + "\u0f4e\u0f4f\7\u04f2\2\2\u0f4f\u0f50\5\66\34\2\u0f50\u0f51\7\u04ff\2\2"+ + "\u0f51\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f52\u0f53\7\u0437\2\2\u0f53\u0f55\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f54"+ + "\u0f56\t\24\2\2\u0f55\u0f54\3\2\2\2\u0f55\u0f56\3\2\2\2\u0f56\u0f57\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u0f57\u0f58\5\66\34\2\u0f58\u0f59\7\u04f2\2\2\u0f59\u0f5a\5\66"+ + "\34\2\u0f5a\u0f5b\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f5b\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f5c\u0f5d\7\u02bc"+ + "\2\2\u0f5d\u0f5f\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f5e\u0f60\t\24\2\2\u0f5f\u0f5e\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u0f5f\u0f60\3\2\2\2\u0f60\u0f61\3\2\2\2\u0f61\u0f62\5\66\34\2\u0f62\u0f63"+ + "\7\u04f2\2\2\u0f63\u0f64\5\66\34\2\u0f64\u0f65\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f65\u10c0"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0f66\u0f67\7\u034b\2\2\u0f67\u0f69\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f68\u0f6a\t"+ + "\24\2\2\u0f69\u0f68\3\2\2\2\u0f69\u0f6a\3\2\2\2\u0f6a\u0f6b\3\2\2\2\u0f6b"+ + "\u0f6c\5\66\34\2\u0f6c\u0f6d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f6d\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f6e\u0f6f"+ + "\7\u04c7\2\2\u0f6f\u0f71\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f70\u0f72\t\24\2\2\u0f71\u0f70"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0f71\u0f72\3\2\2\2\u0f72\u0f73\3\2\2\2\u0f73\u0f74\5\66\34\2"+ + "\u0f74\u0f75\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f75\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f76\u0f77\7\u0252\2\2\u0f77"+ + "\u0f79\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f78\u0f7a\t\24\2\2\u0f79\u0f78\3\2\2\2\u0f79\u0f7a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0f7a\u0f7b\3\2\2\2\u0f7b\u0f7c\5\66\34\2\u0f7c\u0f7d\7\u04f2"+ + "\2\2\u0f7d\u0f7e\5\66\34\2\u0f7e\u0f7f\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f7f\u10c0\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u0f80\u0f81\7\u0215\2\2\u0f81\u0f83\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f82\u0f84\t\24\2\2"+ + "\u0f83\u0f82\3\2\2\2\u0f83\u0f84\3\2\2\2\u0f84\u0f85\3\2\2\2\u0f85\u0f86"+ + "\5\66\34\2\u0f86\u0f87\7\u04f2\2\2\u0f87\u0f88\5\66\34\2\u0f88\u0f89\7"+ + "\u04ff\2\2\u0f89\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f8a\u0f8b\7\u02cb\2\2\u0f8b\u0f8d\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u0f8c\u0f8e\t\24\2\2\u0f8d\u0f8c\3\2\2\2\u0f8d\u0f8e\3\2\2\2\u0f8e"+ + "\u0f8f\3\2\2\2\u0f8f\u0f90\5\66\34\2\u0f90\u0f91\7\u04f2\2\2\u0f91\u0f92"+ + "\5\66\34\2\u0f92\u0f93\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f93\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f94\u0f95\7\u035d"+ + "\2\2\u0f95\u0f97\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f96\u0f98\t\24\2\2\u0f97\u0f96\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u0f97\u0f98\3\2\2\2\u0f98\u0f99\3\2\2\2\u0f99\u0f9a\5\66\34\2\u0f9a\u0f9b"+ + "\7\u04f2\2\2\u0f9b\u0f9c\5\66\34\2\u0f9c\u0f9d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f9d\u10c0"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0f9e\u0f9f\7\u031e\2\2\u0f9f\u0fa1\7\u04f8\2\2\u0fa0\u0fa2\t"+ + "\24\2\2\u0fa1\u0fa0\3\2\2\2\u0fa1\u0fa2\3\2\2\2\u0fa2\u0fa3\3\2\2\2\u0fa3"+ + "\u0fa4\5\66\34\2\u0fa4\u0fa5\7\u04f2\2\2\u0fa5\u0fa6\5\66\34\2\u0fa6\u0fa7"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0fa7\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0fa8\u0fa9\7\u031d\2\2\u0fa9\u0fab\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u0faa\u0fac\t\24\2\2\u0fab\u0faa\3\2\2\2\u0fab\u0fac\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u0fac\u0fad\3\2\2\2\u0fad\u0fae\5\66\34\2\u0fae\u0faf\7\u04f2\2\2\u0faf"+ + "\u0fb0\5\66\34\2\u0fb0\u0fb1\7\u04ff\2\2\u0fb1\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0fb2\u0fb3"+ + "\7\u02fa\2\2\u0fb3\u0fb5\7\u04f8\2\2\u0fb4\u0fb6\t\24\2\2\u0fb5\u0fb4"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0fb5\u0fb6\3\2\2\2\u0fb6\u0fb7\3\2\2\2\u0fb7\u0fb8\5\66\34\2"+ + "\u0fb8\u0fb9\7\u04f2\2\2\u0fb9\u0fba\5\66\34\2\u0fba\u0fbb\7\u04ff\2\2"+ + "\u0fbb\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0fbc\u0fbd\7\u0307\2\2\u0fbd\u0fbf\7\u04f8\2\2\u0fbe"+ + "\u0fc0\t\24\2\2\u0fbf\u0fbe\3\2\2\2\u0fbf\u0fc0\3\2\2\2\u0fc0\u0fc1\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u0fc1\u0fc2\5\66\34\2\u0fc2\u0fc3\7\u04f2\2\2\u0fc3\u0fc4\5\66"+ + "\34\2\u0fc4\u0fc5\7\u04ff\2\2\u0fc5\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0fc6\u0fc7\7\u02fb"+ + "\2\2\u0fc7\u0fc9\7\u04f8\2\2\u0fc8\u0fca\t\24\2\2\u0fc9\u0fc8\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u0fc9\u0fca\3\2\2\2\u0fca\u0fcb\3\2\2\2\u0fcb\u0fcc\5\66\34\2\u0fcc\u0fcd"+ + "\7\u04f2\2\2\u0fcd\u0fce\5\66\34\2\u0fce\u0fcf\7\u04ff\2\2\u0fcf\u10c0"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u0fd0\u0fd1\7\u034a\2\2\u0fd1\u0fd3\7\u04f8\2\2\u0fd2\u0fd4\t"+ + "\24\2\2\u0fd3\u0fd2\3\2\2\2\u0fd3\u0fd4\3\2\2\2\u0fd4\u0fd5\3\2\2\2\u0fd5"+ + "\u0fd6\5\24\13\2\u0fd6\u0fd7\7\u04ff\2\2\u0fd7\u0fd8\7\u00d0\2\2\u0fd8"+ + "\u0fd9\7t\2\2\u0fd9\u0fda\7\u04f8\2\2\u0fda\u0fdb\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0fdb"+ + "\u0fdc\7\u04ff\2\2\u0fdc\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0fdd\u0fde\7\u03b1\2\2\u0fde\u0fe0"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0fdf\u0fe1\t\24\2\2\u0fe0\u0fdf\3\2\2\2\u0fe0\u0fe1\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u0fe1\u0fe2\3\2\2\2\u0fe2\u0fe3\5\24\13\2\u0fe3\u0fe4\7\u04ff\2\2"+ + "\u0fe4\u0fe5\7\u00d0\2\2\u0fe5\u0fe6\7t\2\2\u0fe6\u0fe7\7\u04f8\2\2\u0fe7"+ + "\u0fe8\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0fe8\u0fe9\7\u04ff\2\2\u0fe9\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0fea"+ + "\u0feb\7\u02fc\2\2\u0feb\u0fed\7\u04f8\2\2\u0fec\u0fee\t\24\2\2\u0fed"+ + "\u0fec\3\2\2\2\u0fed\u0fee\3\2\2\2\u0fee\u0fef\3\2\2\2\u0fef\u0ff0\5\24"+ + "\13\2\u0ff0\u0ff1\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ff1\u0ff2\7\u00d0\2\2\u0ff2\u0ff3\7t\2"+ + "\2\u0ff3\u0ff4\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ff4\u0ff5\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0ff5\u0ff6\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u0ff6\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0ff7\u0ff8\7\u0488\2\2\u0ff8\u0ffa\7\u04f8\2"+ + "\2\u0ff9\u0ffb\t\24\2\2\u0ffa\u0ff9\3\2\2\2\u0ffa\u0ffb\3\2\2\2\u0ffb"+ + "\u0ffc\3\2\2\2\u0ffc\u0ffd\5\24\13\2\u0ffd\u0ffe\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ffe\u0fff"+ + "\7\u00d0\2\2\u0fff\u1000\7t\2\2\u1000\u1001\7\u04f8\2\2\u1001\u1002\5"+ + "\u037e\u01c0\2\u1002\u1003\7\u04ff\2\2\u1003\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u1004\u1005"+ + "\7\u02e1\2\2\u1005\u1007\7\u04f8\2\2\u1006\u1008\t\24\2\2\u1007\u1006"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1007\u1008\3\2\2\2\u1008\u1009\3\2\2\2\u1009\u100a\5\24\13\2"+ + "\u100a\u100b\7\u04ff\2\2\u100b\u100c\7\u00d0\2\2\u100c\u100d\7t\2\2\u100d"+ + "\u100e\7\u04f8\2\2\u100e\u100f\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u100f\u1010\7\u04ff\2\2"+ + "\u1010\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u1011\u1012\7\u0381\2\2\u1012\u1014\7\u04f8\2\2\u1013"+ + "\u1015\t\24\2\2\u1014\u1013\3\2\2\2\u1014\u1015\3\2\2\2\u1015\u1016\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1016\u1017\5\24\13\2\u1017\u1018\7\u04ff\2\2\u1018\u1019\7\u00d0"+ + "\2\2\u1019\u101a\7t\2\2\u101a\u101b\7\u04f8\2\2\u101b\u101c\5\u037e\u01c0"+ + "\2\u101c\u101d\7\u04ff\2\2\u101d\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u101e\u101f\7\u021f\2\2"+ + "\u101f\u1021\7\u04f8\2\2\u1020\u1022\t\24\2\2\u1021\u1020\3\2\2\2\u1021"+ + "\u1022\3\2\2\2\u1022\u1023\3\2\2\2\u1023\u1024\5\66\34\2\u1024\u1025\7"+ + "\u04ff\2\2\u1025\u1026\7\u0324\2\2\u1026\u1027\7\u04f8\2\2\u1027\u1028"+ + "\7\u02fc\2\2\u1028\u1029\5z>\2\u1029\u102a\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u102a\u102b"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u102b\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u102c\u102d\7\u0291\2\2\u102d\u102f\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u102e\u1030\t\24\2\2\u102f\u102e\3\2\2\2\u102f\u1030\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1030\u1031\3\2\2\2\u1031\u1032\5\66\34\2\u1032\u1033\7\u04ff\2\2\u1033"+ + "\u1034\7\u0324\2\2\u1034\u1035\7\u04f8\2\2\u1035\u1036\7\u02fc\2\2\u1036"+ + "\u1037\5z>\2\u1037\u1038\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1038\u1039\7\u04ff\2\2\u1039"+ + "\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u103a\u103b\7\u028f\2\2\u103b\u103d\7\u04f8\2\2\u103c\u103e"+ + "\t\24\2\2\u103d\u103c\3\2\2\2\u103d\u103e\3\2\2\2\u103e\u103f\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u103f\u1040\5\66\34\2\u1040\u1041\7\u04ff\2\2\u1041\u1042\7\u0324\2\2"+ + "\u1042\u1043\7\u04f8\2\2\u1043\u1044\7\u02fc\2\2\u1044\u1045\5z>\2\u1045"+ + "\u1046\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1046\u1047\7\u04ff\2\2\u1047\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u1048"+ + "\u1049\7\u0458\2\2\u1049\u104b\7\u04f8\2\2\u104a\u104c\t\24\2\2\u104b"+ + "\u104a\3\2\2\2\u104b\u104c\3\2\2\2\u104c\u104d\3\2\2\2\u104d\u104e\5\66"+ + "\34\2\u104e\u104f\7\u04ff\2\2\u104f\u1050\7\u0324\2\2\u1050\u1051\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u1051\u1052\7\u02fc\2\2\u1052\u1053\5z>\2\u1053\u1054\5\u037e\u01c0"+ + "\2\u1054\u1055\7\u04ff\2\2\u1055\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u1056\u1057\7\u02a1\2\2"+ + "\u1057\u1059\7\u04f8\2\2\u1058\u105a\t\24\2\2\u1059\u1058\3\2\2\2\u1059"+ + "\u105a\3\2\2\2\u105a\u105b\3\2\2\2\u105b\u105c\5\66\34\2\u105c\u105d\7"+ + "\u04ff\2\2\u105d\u105e\7\u0324\2\2\u105e\u105f\7\u04f8\2\2\u105f\u1060"+ + "\7\u02fc\2\2\u1060\u1061\5z>\2\u1061\u1062\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1062\u1063"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u1063\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u1064\u1065\7\u0243\2\2\u1065\u1067\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u1066\u1068\t\24\2\2\u1067\u1066\3\2\2\2\u1067\u1068\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1068\u1069\3\2\2\2\u1069\u106a\5\66\34\2\u106a\u106b\7\u04ff\2\2\u106b"+ + "\u106c\7\u0324\2\2\u106c\u106d\7\u04f8\2\2\u106d\u106e\7\u02fc\2\2\u106e"+ + "\u106f\5z>\2\u106f\u1070\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1070\u1071\7\u04ff\2\2\u1071"+ + "\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u1072\u1073\7\u02ba\2\2\u1073\u1075\7\u04f8\2\2\u1074\u1076"+ + "\t\24\2\2\u1075\u1074\3\2\2\2\u1075\u1076\3\2\2\2\u1076\u1077\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1077\u1078\5\66\34\2\u1078\u1079\7\u04ff\2\2\u1079\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u107a"+ + "\u107b\7\u03a3\2\2\u107b\u107c\7\u04fd\2\2\u107c\u107d\7\u02ba\2\2\u107d"+ + "\u107f\7\u04f8\2\2\u107e\u1080\t\24\2\2\u107f\u107e\3\2\2\2\u107f\u1080"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1080\u1081\3\2\2\2\u1081\u1082\5\66\34\2\u1082\u1083\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u1083\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u1084\u1085\7\u02ba\2\2\u1085\u1087\7\u04f8\2"+ + "\2\u1086\u1088\t\24\2\2\u1087\u1086\3\2\2\2\u1087\u1088\3\2\2\2\u1088"+ + "\u1089\3\2\2\2\u1089\u108a\5\66\34\2\u108a\u108b\7\u04ff\2\2\u108b\u108c"+ + "\7\u0324\2\2\u108c\u108d\7\u04f8\2\2\u108d\u108e\7\u02fc\2\2\u108e\u108f"+ + "\5z>\2\u108f\u1090\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1090\u1091\7\u04ff\2\2\u1091\u10c0"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1092\u1093\7\u03a3\2\2\u1093\u1094\7\u04fd\2\2\u1094\u1095\7"+ + "\u02ba\2\2\u1095\u1097\7\u04f8\2\2\u1096\u1098\t\24\2\2\u1097\u1096\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1097\u1098\3\2\2\2\u1098\u1099\3\2\2\2\u1099\u109a\5\66\34\2\u109a"+ + "\u109b\7\u04ff\2\2\u109b\u109c\7\u0324\2\2\u109c\u109d\7\u04f8\2\2\u109d"+ + "\u109e\7\u02fc\2\2\u109e\u109f\5z>\2\u109f\u10a0\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u10a0"+ + "\u10a1\7\u04ff\2\2\u10a1\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u10a2\u10a3\7\u04ac\2\2\u10a3\u10a4"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u10a4\u10a5\5\66\34\2\u10a5\u10a6\7\u04f2\2\2\u10a6\u10a7"+ + "\5\66\34\2\u10a7\u10a8\7\u04f2\2\2\u10a8\u10a9\5\66\34\2\u10a9\u10aa\7"+ + "\u04ff\2\2\u10aa\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u10ab\u10ac\7\u02f5\2\2\u10ac\u10ad\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u10ad\u10ae\5\66\34\2\u10ae\u10af\7\u04f2\2\2\u10af\u10b0\5\66\34"+ + "\2\u10b0\u10b1\7\u04ff\2\2\u10b1\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u10b2\u10b3\7\u0356\2\2"+ + "\u10b3\u10b4\7\u04f8\2\2\u10b4\u10b6\5> \2\u10b5\u10b7\5\u037e\u01c0\2"+ + "\u10b6\u10b5\3\2\2\2\u10b6\u10b7\3\2\2\2\u10b7\u10b8\3\2\2\2\u10b8\u10b9"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u10b9\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u10ba\u10bb\7#\2\2\u10bb\u10bc\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u10bc\u10bd\5\66\34\2\u10bd\u10be\7\u04ff\2\2\u10be\u10c0\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u10bf\u0e8b\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0e93\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0e98\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0e9d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0ea5\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0ead\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0eb5\3\2\2\2\u10bf"+ + "\u0ebd\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0ed5\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0eef\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f06\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u10bf\u0f0e\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f16\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f1e\3\2\2\2\u10bf"+ + "\u0f26\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f2e\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f33\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f40\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u10bf\u0f48\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f52\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f5c\3\2\2\2\u10bf"+ + "\u0f66\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f6e\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f76\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f80\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u10bf\u0f8a\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f94\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f9e\3\2\2\2\u10bf"+ + "\u0fa8\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0fb2\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0fbc\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0fc6\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u10bf\u0fd0\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0fdd\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0fea\3\2\2\2\u10bf"+ + "\u0ff7\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u1004\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u1011\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u101e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u10bf\u102c\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u103a\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u1048\3\2\2\2\u10bf"+ + "\u1056\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u1064\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u1072\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u107a\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u10bf\u1084\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u1092\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u10a2\3\2\2\2\u10bf"+ + "\u10ab\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u10b2\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u10ba\3\2\2\2\u10c0\u00ad\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u10c1\u10c2\t\33\2\2\u10c2\u10c3\7\u009a\2\2\u10c3\u10c4\7\u0095"+ + "\2\2\u10c4\u00af\3\2\2\2\u10c5\u10c6\7\u018e\2\2\u10c6\u10ca\5\u06aa\u0356"+ + "\2\u10c7\u10c8\7\u018e\2\2\u10c8\u10ca\5\u00b2Z\2\u10c9\u10c5\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u10c9\u10c7\3\2\2\2\u10ca\u00b1\3\2\2\2\u10cb\u10cc\7\u00a4\2\2\u10cc"+ + "\u10cd\7\u04f8\2\2\u10cd\u10ce\5\u0170\u00b9\2\u10ce\u10cf\7\u04ff\2\2"+ + "\u10cf\u10d6\3\2\2\2\u10d0\u10d6\7\u00a4\2\2\u10d1\u10d3\7\u033e\2\2\u10d2"+ + "\u10d4\5\u01a0\u00d1\2\u10d3\u10d2\3\2\2\2\u10d3\u10d4\3\2\2\2\u10d4\u10d6"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u10d5\u10cb\3\2\2\2\u10d5\u10d0\3\2\2\2\u10d5\u10d1\3\2\2\2\u10d6"+ + "\u00b3\3\2\2\2\u10d7\u10da\t\34\2\2\u10d8\u10da\t\35\2\2\u10d9\u10d7\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u10d9\u10d8\3\2\2\2\u10da\u10dd\3\2\2\2\u10db\u10dd\7\u0414\2\2"+ + "\u10dc\u10d9\3\2\2\2\u10dc\u10db\3\2\2\2\u10dd\u10de\3\2\2\2\u10de\u10df"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u10df\u10e0\5\66\34\2\u10e0\u10e1\7\u04ff\2\2\u10e1\u110f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u10e2\u110f\5\u00c6d\2\u10e3\u10e4\7\u0080\2\2\u10e4\u10e5\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u10e5\u10e6\5\66\34\2\u10e6\u10e7\7\u04f2\2\2\u10e7\u10e8\5"+ + "\66\34\2\u10e8\u10e9\7\u04f2\2\2\u10e9\u10ea\5\66\34\2\u10ea\u10eb\7\u04f2"+ + "\2\2\u10eb\u10ec\5\66\34\2\u10ec\u10ed\7\u04ff\2\2\u10ed\u110f\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u10ee\u10ef\t\36\2\2\u10ef\u10f0\7\u04f8\2\2\u10f0\u10f1\5\66\34\2\u10f1"+ + "\u10f2\7\u04f2\2\2\u10f2\u10f3\5\66\34\2\u10f3\u10f4\7\u04ff\2\2\u10f4"+ + "\u110f\3\2\2\2\u10f5\u10f6\7\u0282\2\2\u10f6\u10f7\7\u04f8\2\2\u10f7\u10f8"+ + "\5\66\34\2\u10f8\u10f9\7{\2\2\u10f9\u10fa\5\66\34\2\u10fa\u10fb\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u10fb\u110f\3\2\2\2\u10fc\u10fd\t\37\2\2\u10fd\u10fe\7\u04f8\2\2"+ + "\u10fe\u10ff\5\u0168\u00b5\2\u10ff\u1100\7\u04ff\2\2\u1100\u110f\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1101\u1102\7\u046c\2\2\u1102\u1103\7\u04f8\2\2\u1103\u1104\5\66\34"+ + "\2\u1104\u1105\7\u04f2\2\2\u1105\u1106\5\66\34\2\u1106\u1107\7\u04f2\2"+ + "\2\u1107\u1108\5\66\34\2\u1108\u1109\7\u04ff\2\2\u1109\u110f\3\2\2\2\u110a"+ + "\u110b\7,\2\2\u110b\u110c\7\u04f8\2\2\u110c\u110d\7\u04e7\2\2\u110d\u110f"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u110e\u10dc\3\2\2\2\u110e\u10e2\3\2\2\2\u110e\u10e3\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u110e\u10ee\3\2\2\2\u110e\u10f5\3\2\2\2\u110e\u10fc\3\2\2\2\u110e\u1101"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u110e\u110a\3\2\2\2\u110f\u00b5\3\2\2\2\u1110\u1111\7\u02fd\2"+ + "\2\u1111\u1113\7\u04f8\2\2\u1112\u1114\7C\2\2\u1113\u1112\3\2\2\2\u1113"+ + "\u1114\3\2\2\2\u1114\u1115\3\2\2\2\u1115\u1116\7\u04f6\2\2\u1116\u1148"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u1117\u1118\7\u02fd\2\2\u1118\u111a\7\u04f8\2\2\u1119\u111b"+ + "\7C\2\2\u111a\u1119\3\2\2\2\u111a\u111b\3\2\2\2\u111b\u111c\3\2\2\2\u111c"+ + "\u111d\5\66\34\2\u111d\u111e\7\u04ff\2\2\u111e\u1148\3\2\2\2\u111f\u1120"+ + "\7\u02fd\2\2\u1120\u1121\7\u04f8\2\2\u1121\u1122\7b\2\2\u1122\u1123\5"+ + "\66\34\2\u1123\u1124\7\u04ff\2\2\u1124\u1148\3\2\2\2\u1125\u1126\7\u02fd"+ + "\2\2\u1126\u1127\7\u04f8\2\2\u1127\u1128\7\u00c1\2\2\u1128\u1129\5\66"+ + "\34\2\u1129\u112a\7\u04ff\2\2\u112a\u1148\3\2\2\2\u112b\u112c\7\u02fd"+ + "\2\2\u112c\u112e\7\u04f8\2\2\u112d\u112f\7C\2\2\u112e\u112d\3\2\2\2\u112e"+ + "\u112f\3\2\2\2\u112f\u1130\3\2\2\2\u1130\u1131\7\u04f6\2\2\u1131\u1132"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u1132\u1133\7\u0324\2\2\u1133\u1134\7\u04f8\2\2\u1134\u1135"+ + "\7\u02fc\2\2\u1135\u1136\5z>\2\u1136\u1137\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1137\u1138"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u1138\u1148\3\2\2\2\u1139\u113a\7\u02fd\2\2\u113a\u113c\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u113b\u113d\7C\2\2\u113c\u113b\3\2\2\2\u113c\u113d\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u113d\u113e\3\2\2\2\u113e\u113f\5\66\34\2\u113f\u1140\7\u04ff\2\2\u1140"+ + "\u1141\7\u0324\2\2\u1141\u1142\7\u04f8\2\2\u1142\u1143\7\u02fc\2\2\u1143"+ + "\u1144\5z>\2\u1144\u1145\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1145\u1146\7\u04ff\2\2\u1146"+ + "\u1148\3\2\2\2\u1147\u1110\3\2\2\2\u1147\u1117\3\2\2\2\u1147\u111f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1147\u1125\3\2\2\2\u1147\u112b\3\2\2\2\u1147\u1139\3\2\2\2\u1148"+ + "\u00b7\3\2\2\2\u1149\u118c\5\u00b6\\\2\u114a\u114b\5\u060e\u0308\2\u114b"+ + "\u114c\7\u04f8\2\2\u114c\u114d\7\u04ff\2\2\u114d\u118c\3\2\2\2\u114e\u114f"+ + "\5\u060e\u0308\2\u114f\u1150\7\u04f8\2\2\u1150\u1151\5\u00bc_\2\u1151"+ + "\u1152\7\u04ff\2\2\u1152\u118c\3\2\2\2\u1153\u1154\7\u03cc\2\2\u1154\u1155"+ + "\7\u0517\2\2\u1155\u1156\7\u04f8\2\2\u1156\u118c\7\u04ff\2\2\u1157\u1158"+ + "\7\u03cc\2\2\u1158\u1159\7\u0517\2\2\u1159\u115a\7\u04f8\2\2\u115a\u115b"+ + "\5\u00bc_\2\u115b\u115c\7\u04ff\2\2\u115c\u118c\3\2\2\2\u115d\u115e\5"+ + "\u060e\u0308\2\u115e\u115f\7\u04f8\2\2\u115f\u1160\5\u00bc_\2\u1160\u1161"+ + "\5\u064c\u0327\2\u1161\u1162\7\u04ff\2\2\u1162\u118c\3\2\2\2\u1163\u1164"+ + "\5\u060e\u0308\2\u1164\u1165\7\u04f8\2\2\u1165\u1166\5\u00bc_\2\u1166"+ + "\u1167\5\60\31\2\u1167\u1168\7\u04ff\2\2\u1168\u118c\3\2\2\2\u1169\u116a"+ + "\5\u06f8\u037d\2\u116a\u116b\7\u04f8\2\2\u116b\u116c\7\u04ff\2\2\u116c"+ + "\u118c\3\2\2\2\u116d\u116e\5\u06f8\u037d\2\u116e\u116f\7\u04f8\2\2\u116f"+ + "\u1170\5\u00bc_\2\u1170\u1171\7\u04ff\2\2\u1171\u118c\3\2\2\2\u1172\u1173"+ + "\5\u060e\u0308\2\u1173\u1174\7\u04f8\2\2\u1174\u1175\7C\2\2\u1175\u1176"+ + "\5\u00bc_\2\u1176\u1177\7\u04ff\2\2\u1177\u118c\3\2\2\2\u1178\u1179\5"+ + "\u060e\u0308\2\u1179\u117a\7\u04f8\2\2\u117a\u117b\7b\2\2\u117b\u117c"+ + "\5\u00bc_\2\u117c\u117d\7\u04ff\2\2\u117d\u118c\3\2\2\2\u117e\u117f\5"+ + "\u060e\u0308\2\u117f\u1180\7\u04f8\2\2\u1180\u1181\7\u00c1\2\2\u1181\u1182"+ + "\5\u00bc_\2\u1182\u1183\7\u04ff\2\2\u1183\u118c\3\2\2\2\u1184\u1185\5"+ + "\u060c\u0307\2\u1185\u1187\7\u04f8\2\2\u1186\u1188\5\u00bc_\2\u1187\u1186"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1187\u1188\3\2\2\2\u1188\u1189\3\2\2\2\u1189\u118a\7\u04ff\2"+ + "\2\u118a\u118c\3\2\2\2\u118b\u1149\3\2\2\2\u118b\u114a\3\2\2\2\u118b\u114e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u118b\u1153\3\2\2\2\u118b\u1157\3\2\2\2\u118b\u115d\3\2\2\2\u118b"+ + "\u1163\3\2\2\2\u118b\u1169\3\2\2\2\u118b\u116d\3\2\2\2\u118b\u1172\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u118b\u1178\3\2\2\2\u118b\u117e\3\2\2\2\u118b\u1184\3\2\2\2\u118c"+ + "\u00b9\3\2\2\2\u118d\u118e\5\26\f\2\u118e\u118f\7\u0512\2\2\u118f\u1191"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u1190\u1192\5\u00bc_\2\u1191\u1190\3\2\2\2\u1191\u1192\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1192\u1193\3\2\2\2\u1193\u1194\7\u04ff\2\2\u1194\u11ac\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1195\u1196\5\26\f\2\u1196\u1197\7\u04fd\2\2\u1197\u1198\5\26\f\2\u1198"+ + "\u1199\7\u0512\2\2\u1199\u119b\7\u04f8\2\2\u119a\u119c\5\u00bc_\2\u119b"+ + "\u119a\3\2\2\2\u119b\u119c\3\2\2\2\u119c\u119d\3\2\2\2\u119d\u119e\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u119e\u11ac\3\2\2\2\u119f\u11a0\5\26\f\2\u11a0\u11a1\7\u04fd\2\2"+ + "\u11a1\u11a2\5\26\f\2\u11a2\u11a3\7\u04fd\2\2\u11a3\u11a4\5\26\f\2\u11a4"+ + "\u11a5\7\u0512\2\2\u11a5\u11a7\7\u04f8\2\2\u11a6\u11a8\5\u00bc_\2\u11a7"+ + "\u11a6\3\2\2\2\u11a7\u11a8\3\2\2\2\u11a8\u11a9\3\2\2\2\u11a9\u11aa\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u11aa\u11ac\3\2\2\2\u11ab\u118d\3\2\2\2\u11ab\u1195\3\2\2\2\u11ab"+ + "\u119f\3\2\2\2\u11ac\u00bb\3\2\2\2\u11ad\u11b2\5\u00be`\2\u11ae\u11af"+ + "\7\u04f2\2\2\u11af\u11b1\5\u00be`\2\u11b0\u11ae\3\2\2\2\u11b1\u11b4\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u11b2\u11b0\3\2\2\2\u11b2\u11b3\3\2\2\2\u11b3\u00bd\3\2\2\2\u11b4"+ + "\u11b2\3\2\2\2\u11b5\u11b9\5\u00c0a\2\u11b6\u11b9\5\66\34\2\u11b7\u11b9"+ + "\5\u00c4c\2\u11b8\u11b5\3\2\2\2\u11b8\u11b6\3\2\2\2\u11b8\u11b7\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u11b9\u00bf\3\2\2\2\u11ba\u11bb\5\u00c2b\2\u11bb\u11be\7\u0195\2\2"+ + "\u11bc\u11bf\5\66\34\2\u11bd\u11bf\5\u00c4c\2\u11be\u11bc\3\2\2\2\u11be"+ + "\u11bd\3\2\2\2\u11bf\u00c1\3\2\2\2\u11c0\u11c3\5\u0606\u0304\2\u11c1\u11c3"+ + "\5\30\r\2\u11c2\u11c0\3\2\2\2\u11c2\u11c1\3\2\2\2\u11c3\u00c3\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u11c4\u11c5\bc\1\2\u11c5\u11cd\5&\24\2\u11c6\u11c7\7\u0092\2\2\u11c7"+ + "\u11cd\5\u00c4c\5\u11c8\u11c9\7\u04f8\2\2\u11c9\u11ca\5\u00c4c\2\u11ca"+ + "\u11cb\7\u04ff\2\2\u11cb\u11cd\3\2\2\2\u11cc\u11c4\3\2\2\2\u11cc\u11c6"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u11cc\u11c8\3\2\2\2\u11cd\u11d3\3\2\2\2\u11ce\u11cf\f\3\2\2\u11cf"+ + "\u11d0\t\22\2\2\u11d0\u11d2\5\u00c4c\4\u11d1\u11ce\3\2\2\2\u11d2\u11d5"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u11d3\u11d1\3\2\2\2\u11d3\u11d4\3\2\2\2\u11d4\u00c5\3\2\2\2\u11d5"+ + "\u11d3\3\2\2\2\u11d6\u11df\7\u00b9\2\2\u11d7\u11da\t \2\2\u11d8\u11da"+ + "\7\u00e6\2\2\u11d9\u11d7\3\2\2\2\u11d9\u11d8\3\2\2\2\u11da\u11db\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u11db\u11dc\7\u04f8\2\2\u11dc\u11dd\7\u04e7\2\2\u11dd\u11df\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u11de\u11d6\3\2\2\2\u11de\u11d9\3\2\2\2\u11df\u00c7\3\2\2\2\u11e0"+ + "\u11e1\7\u0293\2\2\u11e1\u11e2\7\u04f8\2\2\u11e2\u11e3\5\u00caf\2\u11e3"+ + "\u11e4\7\u04ff\2\2\u11e4\u00c9\3\2\2\2\u11e5\u11e6\5\66\34\2\u11e6\u00cb"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u11e7\u11e8\5\66\34\2\u11e8\u11e9\7\u04f2\2\2\u11e9\u11ec\5\66"+ + "\34\2\u11ea\u11eb\7\u04f2\2\2\u11eb\u11ed\5\66\34\2\u11ec\u11ea\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u11ec\u11ed\3\2\2\2\u11ed\u00cd\3\2\2\2\u11ee\u11f4\5\u00d0i\2\u11ef"+ + 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"\3\2\2\2\u1212\u11ff\3\2\2\2\u1212\u1206\3\2\2\2\u1213\u00d5\3\2\2\2\u1214"+ + "\u1215\5\u0312\u018a\2\u1215\u1216\5\u03be\u01e0\2\u1216\u1217\7\u00b2"+ + "\2\2\u1217\u1218\5\u00d8m\2\u1218\u121a\5\u0334\u019b\2\u1219\u121b\5"+ + "\u00ceh\2\u121a\u1219\3\2\2\2\u121a\u121b\3\2\2\2\u121b\u00d7\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u121c\u1221\5\u00dan\2\u121d\u121e\7\u00a9\2\2\u121e\u121f\7\u0504\2"+ + "\2\u121f\u1221\5f\64\2\u1220\u121c\3\2\2\2\u1220\u121d\3\2\2\2\u1221\u00d9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1222\u1227\5\u00dco\2\u1223\u1224\7\u04f2\2\2\u1224\u1226\5"+ + "\u00dco\2\u1225\u1223\3\2\2\2\u1226\u1229\3\2\2\2\u1227\u1225\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1227\u1228\3\2\2\2\u1228\u00db\3\2\2\2\u1229\u1227\3\2\2\2\u122a\u122b"+ + "\5\u0168\u00b5\2\u122b\u122c\7\u0504\2\2\u122c\u122d\5\u02f4\u017b\2\u122d"+ + "\u123d\3\2\2\2\u122e\u122f\7\u04f8\2\2\u122f\u1230\5\u02ee\u0178\2\u1230"+ + "\u1231\7\u04ff\2\2\u1231\u1232\7\u0504\2\2\u1232\u1233\7\u04f8\2\2\u1233"+ + "\u1235\5\u0302\u0182\2\u1234\u1236\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1235\u1234\3\2\2\2"+ + 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"\2\u17b0\u17af\3\2\2\2\u17b0\u17b1\3\2\2\2\u17b1\u17b7\3\2\2\2\u17b2\u17b4"+ + "\7\u00aa\2\2\u17b3\u17b5\5\u01a4\u00d3\2\u17b4\u17b3\3\2\2\2\u17b4\u17b5"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u17b5\u17b7\3\2\2\2\u17b6\u17ae\3\2\2\2\u17b6\u17b2\3\2\2\2\u17b7"+ + "\u0187\3\2\2\2\u17b8\u17b9\7\u0116\2\2\u17b9\u17bb\7\u01a3\2\2\u17ba\u17bc"+ + "\5\u018e\u00c8\2\u17bb\u17ba\3\2\2\2\u17bb\u17bc\3\2\2\2\u17bc\u17bd\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u17bd\u17be\7\u00bd\2\2\u17be\u17ca\7\u0414\2\2\u17bf\u17c0\7\u0116"+ + "\2\2\u17c0\u17c2\7\u04a0\2\2\u17c1\u17c3\5\u018e\u00c8\2\u17c2\u17c1\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u17c2\u17c3\3\2\2\2\u17c3\u17c4\3\2\2\2\u17c4\u17c5\7\u00bd\2\2"+ + "\u17c5\u17c7\7\u0277\2\2\u17c6\u17c8\5\u018e\u00c8\2\u17c7\u17c6\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u17c7\u17c8\3\2\2\2\u17c8\u17ca\3\2\2\2\u17c9\u17b8\3\2\2\2\u17c9\u17bf"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u17ca\u0189\3\2\2\2\u17cb\u17cd\7\u0097\2\2\u17cc\u17ce\5\u0198"+ + "\u00cd\2\u17cd\u17cc\3\2\2\2\u17cd\u17ce\3\2\2\2\u17ce\u17dc\3\2\2\2\u17cf"+ + 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"\u17ed\u17ee\7\u02e9\2\2\u17ee\u17ef\7\u02da\2\2\u17ef\u17f1\7\u031c\2"+ + "\2\u17f0\u17dd\3\2\2\2\u17f0\u17e1\3\2\2\2\u17f0\u17e8\3\2\2\2\u17f1\u018d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u17f2\u17f3\7\u04f8\2\2\u17f3\u17f4\5\u019c\u00cf\2\u17f4\u17f5"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u17f5\u17fb\3\2\2\2\u17f6\u17f7\7\u04f8\2\2\u17f7\u17f8\5"+ + "\u019e\u00d0\2\u17f8\u17f9\7\u04ff\2\2\u17f9\u17fb\3\2\2\2\u17fa\u17f2"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u17fa\u17f6\3\2\2\2\u17fb\u018f\3\2\2\2\u17fc\u17fd\t+\2\2\u17fd"+ + "\u0191\3\2\2\2\u17fe\u17ff\t,\2\2\u17ff\u0193\3\2\2\2\u1800\u1801\t-\2"+ + "\2\u1801\u0195\3\2\2\2\u1802\u1803\7]\2\2\u1803\u0197\3\2\2\2\u1804\u180e"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u1805\u1808\7\u04f6\2\2\u1806\u1808\5\u019a\u00ce\2\u1807"+ + "\u1805\3\2\2\2\u1807\u1806\3\2\2\2\u1808\u180b\3\2\2\2\u1809\u180a\7\u04f2"+ + "\2\2\u180a\u180c\5\u019a\u00ce\2\u180b\u1809\3\2\2\2\u180b\u180c\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u180c\u180f\3\2\2\2\u180d\u180f\5\u019e\u00d0\2\u180e\u1807\3\2\2\2"+ + 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"\u1836\u1839\5\u01b0\u00d9\2\u1837\u1839\7_\2\2\u1838\u1836\3\2\2\2\u1838"+ + "\u1837\3\2\2\2\u1839\u01b3\3\2\2\2\u183a\u183b\7\u00e1\2\2\u183b\u183c"+ + "\5\u01a6\u00d4\2\u183c\u01b5\3\2\2\2\u183d\u183e\b\u00dc\1\2\u183e\u183f"+ + "\5\u01b8\u00dd\2\u183f\u1844\3\2\2\2\u1840\u1841\f\4\2\2\u1841\u1843\5"+ + "\u01b8\u00dd\2\u1842\u1840\3\2\2\2\u1843\u1846\3\2\2\2\u1844\u1842\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1844\u1845\3\2\2\2\u1845\u01b7\3\2\2\2\u1846\u1844\3\2\2\2\u1847"+ + "\u1849\5\u0296\u014c\2\u1848\u1847\3\2\2\2\u1848\u1849\3\2\2\2\u1849\u184a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u184a\u184b\7\u0092\2\2\u184b\u184c\7\u0095\2\2\u184c\u187c\5"+ + "\u0154\u00ab\2\u184d\u184f\5\u0296\u014c\2\u184e\u184d\3\2\2\2\u184e\u184f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u184f\u1850\3\2\2\2\u1850\u187c\7\u0095\2\2\u1851\u1852\7_\2"+ + "\2\u1852\u187c\5\66\34\2\u1853\u1854\7\u0299\2\2\u1854\u187c\5\u01ba\u00de"+ + "\2\u1855\u1857\5\u0296\u014c\2\u1856\u1855\3\2\2\2\u1856\u1857\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1857\u1858\3\2\2\2\u1858\u1859\7\u0270\2\2\u1859\u187c\7\u0294\2\2\u185a"+ + "\u185c\5\u0296\u014c\2\u185b\u185a\3\2\2\2\u185b\u185c\3\2\2\2\u185c\u185d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u185d\u187c\7\u00c1\2\2\u185e\u185f\7\u0109\2\2\u185f\u187c\7"+ + "\u04e7\2\2\u1860\u1861\7\61\2\2\u1861\u187c\7\u04e7\2\2\u1862\u1864\5"+ + "\u0296\u014c\2\u1863\u1862\3\2\2\2\u1863\u1864\3\2\2\2\u1864\u1865\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1865\u1866\7S\2\2\u1866\u1867\7\u04f8\2\2\u1867\u1868\5n8\2\u1868"+ + "\u1869\7\u04ff\2\2\u1869\u186a\5\u0154\u00ab\2\u186a\u187c\3\2\2\2\u186b"+ + "\u186d\5\u0296\u014c\2\u186c\u186b\3\2\2\2\u186c\u186d\3\2\2\2\u186d\u186e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u186e\u186f\5\u0158\u00ad\2\u186f\u1870\5\u0154\u00ab\2\u1870"+ + "\u187c\3\2\2\2\u1871\u1872\7\u0388\2\2\u1872\u1878\7\u04f8\2\2\u1873\u1879"+ + "\5\u06ce\u0368\2\u1874\u1875\5\u06cc\u0367\2\u1875\u1876\7\u04f2\2\2\u1876"+ + "\u1877\5\u06ce\u0368\2\u1877\u1879\3\2\2\2\u1878\u1873\3\2\2\2\u1878\u1874"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1878\u1879\3\2\2\2\u1879\u187a\3\2\2\2\u187a\u187c\7\u04ff\2"+ + "\2\u187b\u1848\3\2\2\2\u187b\u184e\3\2\2\2\u187b\u1851\3\2\2\2\u187b\u1853"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u187b\u1856\3\2\2\2\u187b\u185b\3\2\2\2\u187b\u185e\3\2\2\2\u187b"+ + "\u1860\3\2\2\2\u187b\u1863\3\2\2\2\u187b\u186c\3\2\2\2\u187b\u1871\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u187c\u01b9\3\2\2\2\u187d\u1880\5\u01bc\u00df\2\u187e\u1880\5\u01be"+ + "\u00e0\2\u187f\u187d\3\2\2\2\u187f\u187e\3\2\2\2\u1880\u01bb\3\2\2\2\u1881"+ + "\u1882\7\u04f8\2\2\u1882\u1883\5\u01bc\u00df\2\u1883\u1884\7\u04ff\2\2"+ + "\u1884\u1887\3\2\2\2\u1885\u1887\5\u00c6d\2\u1886\u1881\3\2\2\2\u1886"+ + "\u1885\3\2\2\2\u1887\u01bd\3\2\2\2\u1888\u1889\7\u04f8\2\2\u1889\u188a"+ + "\5\u01be\u00e0\2\u188a\u188b\7\u04ff\2\2\u188b\u188e\3\2\2\2\u188c\u188e"+ + "\5\u01c0\u00e1\2\u188d\u1888\3\2\2\2\u188d\u188c\3\2\2\2\u188e\u01bf\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u188f\u1895\5\36\20\2\u1890\u1891\7\u04f3\2\2\u1891\u1895\5 \21"+ + "\2\u1892\u1893\7\u04f9\2\2\u1893\u1895\5 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"\2\2\2\u18b4\u18b5\3\2\2\2\u18b5\u193f\7\u0518\2\2\u18b6\u18b8\7\u045d"+ + "\2\2\u18b7\u18b9\7\u0504\2\2\u18b8\u18b7\3\2\2\2\u18b8\u18b9\3\2\2\2\u18b9"+ + "\u18ba\3\2\2\2\u18ba\u193f\7\u0518\2\2\u18bb\u18bd\7\u02b4\2\2\u18bc\u18be"+ + "\7\u0504\2\2\u18bd\u18bc\3\2\2\2\u18bd\u18be\3\2\2\2\u18be\u18bf\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u18bf\u18c1\5\u01ca\u00e6\2\u18c0\u18c2\7\u0101\2\2\u18c1\u18c0\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u18c1\u18c2\3\2\2\2\u18c2\u193f\3\2\2\2\u18c3\u18c5\7\u0322\2\2\u18c4"+ + "\u18c6\7\u0504\2\2\u18c5\u18c4\3\2\2\2\u18c5\u18c6\3\2\2\2\u18c6\u18c7"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u18c7\u18c8\7\u04f8\2\2\u18c8\u18c9\5\66\34\2\u18c9\u18ca\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u18ca\u193f\3\2\2\2\u18cb\u18cd\7\u01ba\2\2\u18cc\u18ce\7\u0504\2"+ + "\2\u18cd\u18cc\3\2\2\2\u18cd\u18ce\3\2\2\2\u18ce\u18cf\3\2\2\2\u18cf\u193f"+ + "\7\u04e7\2\2\u18d0\u18d2\7\u032c\2\2\u18d1\u18d3\7\u0504\2\2\u18d2\u18d1"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u18d2\u18d3\3\2\2\2\u18d3\u18d4\3\2\2\2\u18d4\u193f\7\u04e7\2"+ + "\2\u18d5\u18d7\7\u027e\2\2\u18d6\u18d8\7\u0504\2\2\u18d7\u18d6\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u18d7\u18d8\3\2\2\2\u18d8\u18d9\3\2\2\2\u18d9\u193f\7\u04e7\2\2\u18da"+ + "\u18dc\7\u042c\2\2\u18db\u18dd\7\u0504\2\2\u18dc\u18db\3\2\2\2\u18dc\u18dd"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u18dd\u18de\3\2\2\2\u18de\u193f\7\u04e7\2\2\u18df\u193f\5\u0252"+ + "\u012a\2\u18e0\u18e2\7\u02e8\2\2\u18e1\u18e3\7\u0504\2\2\u18e2\u18e1\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u18e2\u18e3\3\2\2\2\u18e3\u18e4\3\2\2\2\u18e4\u193f\7\u04e9\2\2"+ + "\u18e5\u18e7\7\u044f\2\2\u18e6\u18e8\7\u0504\2\2\u18e7\u18e6\3\2\2\2\u18e7"+ + "\u18e8\3\2\2\2\u18e8\u18e9\3\2\2\2\u18e9\u193f\5\u01c8\u00e5\2\u18ea\u18ec"+ + "\7\u0171\2\2\u18eb\u18ed\7\u0504\2\2\u18ec\u18eb\3\2\2\2\u18ec\u18ed\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u18ed\u18ee\3\2\2\2\u18ee\u193f\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u18ef\u193f\5\u010e"+ + "\u0088\2\u18f0\u18f2\7\u023f\2\2\u18f1\u18f3\7\u0504\2\2\u18f2\u18f1\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u18f2\u18f3\3\2\2\2\u18f3\u18f4\3\2\2\2\u18f4\u193f\5\u01da\u00ee"+ + "\2\u18f5\u18f7\7\u045f\2\2\u18f6\u18f8\7\u0504\2\2\u18f7\u18f6\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u18f7\u18f8\3\2\2\2\u18f8\u18f9\3\2\2\2\u18f9\u193f\7\u04e7\2\2\u18fa"+ + "\u18fc\7\u02f2\2\2\u18fb\u18fd\7\u0504\2\2\u18fc\u18fb\3\2\2\2\u18fc\u18fd"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u18fd\u18fe\3\2\2\2\u18fe\u193f\7\u04e7\2\2\u18ff\u1900\7\u0325"+ + "\2\2\u1900\u1901\7\u00a9\2\2\u1901\u193f\7\u013b\2\2\u1902\u1903\7\u01d7"+ + "\2\2\u1903\u1904\7\u00a9\2\2\u1904\u193f\7\u013b\2\2\u1905\u1907\7\u049c"+ + "\2\2\u1906\u1908\7\u0504\2\2\u1907\u1906\3\2\2\2\u1907\u1908\3\2\2\2\u1908"+ + "\u1909\3\2\2\2\u1909\u193f\7\u04e9\2\2\u190a\u193f\5\u0232\u011a\2\u190b"+ + "\u190d\7\u01ad\2\2\u190c\u190e\7\u0504\2\2\u190d\u190c\3\2\2\2\u190d\u190e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u190e\u190f\3\2\2\2\u190f\u193f\7\u0518\2\2\u1910\u1912\7\u019c"+ + "\2\2\u1911\u1913\7\u0504\2\2\u1912\u1911\3\2\2\2\u1912\u1913\3\2\2\2\u1913"+ + "\u1914\3\2\2\2\u1914\u1915\7\u04f8\2\2\u1915\u1916\5\u025a\u012e\2\u1916"+ + "\u1917\7\u04ff\2\2\u1917\u193f\3\2\2\2\u1918\u191a\7\33\2\2\u1919\u191b"+ + "\7\u0504\2\2\u191a\u1919\3\2\2\2\u191a\u191b\3\2\2\2\u191b\u191c\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u191c\u191d\7\u04f8\2\2\u191d\u191e\5\u0256\u012c\2\u191e\u191f\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u191f\u193f\3\2\2\2\u1920\u1922\7\u0284\2\2\u1921\u1923\7\u0504\2"+ + "\2\u1922\u1921\3\2\2\2\u1922\u1923\3\2\2\2\u1923\u1924\3\2\2\2\u1924\u193f"+ + "\7\u0518\2\2\u1925\u1927\7\n\2\2\u1926\u1928\7\u0504\2\2\u1927\u1926\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1927\u1928\3\2\2\2\u1928\u1929\3\2\2\2\u1929\u193f\7\35\2\2\u192a"+ + "\u192c\7%\2\2\u192b\u192d\7\u0504\2\2\u192c\u192b\3\2\2\2\u192c\u192d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u192d\u192e\3\2\2\2\u192e\u193f\7\u04e9\2\2\u192f\u1931\7\r\2"+ + "\2\u1930\u1932\7\u0504\2\2\u1931\u1930\3\2\2\2\u1931\u1932\3\2\2\2\u1932"+ + "\u1933\3\2\2\2\u1933\u193f\7\u0225\2\2\u1934\u1936\7\r\2\2\u1935\u1937"+ + "\7\u0504\2\2\u1936\u1935\3\2\2\2\u1936\u1937\3\2\2\2\u1937\u1938\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1938\u193f\7z\2\2\u1939\u193b\7\r\2\2\u193a\u193c\7\u0504\2\2\u193b"+ + "\u193a\3\2\2\2\u193b\u193c\3\2\2\2\u193c\u193d\3\2\2\2\u193d\u193f\7\u0116"+ + "\2\2\u193e\u18ab\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18b0\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18b1\3\2\2\2\u193e"+ + "\u18b6\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18bb\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18c3\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18cb\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u193e\u18d0\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18d5\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18da\3\2\2\2\u193e"+ + "\u18df\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18e0\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18e5\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18ea\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u193e\u18ef\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18f0\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18f5\3\2\2\2\u193e"+ + "\u18fa\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18ff\3\2\2\2\u193e\u1902\3\2\2\2\u193e\u1905\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u193e\u190a\3\2\2\2\u193e\u190b\3\2\2\2\u193e\u1910\3\2\2\2\u193e"+ + "\u1918\3\2\2\2\u193e\u1920\3\2\2\2\u193e\u1925\3\2\2\2\u193e\u192a\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u193e\u192f\3\2\2\2\u193e\u1934\3\2\2\2\u193e\u1939\3\2\2\2\u193f"+ + "\u01cd\3\2\2\2\u1940\u1942\7\u03ba\2\2\u1941\u1943\7\u0504\2\2\u1942\u1941"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1942\u1943\3\2\2\2\u1943\u1944\3\2\2\2\u1944\u1947\7\u04e7\2"+ + "\2\u1945\u1947\7\u03bb\2\2\u1946\u1940\3\2\2\2\u1946\u1945\3\2\2\2\u1947"+ + "\u01cf\3\2\2\2\u1948\u194a\5\u01d2\u00ea\2\u1949\u1948\3\2\2\2\u194a\u194b"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u194b\u1949\3\2\2\2\u194b\u194c\3\2\2\2\u194c\u01d1\3\2\2\2\u194d"+ + "\u194e\7\177\2\2\u194e\u1956\5\u01d4\u00eb\2\u194f\u1950\7\u02ce\2\2\u1950"+ + "\u1956\5\u01d4\u00eb\2\u1951\u1952\7\u0464\2\2\u1952\u1956\7\u04e7\2\2"+ + "\u1953\u1954\7\u008c\2\2\u1954\u1956\5\u01d6\u00ec\2\u1955\u194d\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1955\u194f\3\2\2\2\u1955\u1951\3\2\2\2\u1955\u1953\3\2\2\2\u1956\u01d3"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1957\u1959\7\u04e7\2\2\u1958\u195a\5\u01d8\u00ed\2\u1959\u1958"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1959\u195a\3\2\2\2\u195a\u01d5\3\2\2\2\u195b\u195c\t\63\2\2"+ + "\u195c\u01d7\3\2\2\2\u195d\u195e\t\64\2\2\u195e\u01d9\3\2\2\2\u195f\u1962"+ + "\5\u060a\u0306\2\u1960\u1962\7\u0518\2\2\u1961\u195f\3\2\2\2\u1961\u1960"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1962\u01db\3\2\2\2\u1963\u1965\7\u0504\2\2\u1964\u1963\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1964\u1965\3\2\2\2\u1965\u01dd\3\2\2\2\u1966\u196b\5\u01f2\u00fa\2"+ + "\u1967\u196b\5\u01f8\u00fd\2\u1968\u196b\5\u01f6\u00fc\2\u1969\u196b\5"+ + "\u01e0\u00f1\2\u196a\u1966\3\2\2\2\u196a\u1967\3\2\2\2\u196a\u1968\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u196a\u1969\3\2\2\2\u196b\u01df\3\2\2\2\u196c\u196d\7\u0149\2\2\u196d"+ + "\u196e\7O\2\2\u196e\u196f\7\u04f8\2\2\u196f\u1970\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u1970"+ + "\u1971\7\u04ff\2\2\u1971\u01e1\3\2\2\2\u1972\u1973\5\u01ec\u00f7\2\u1973"+ + "\u1974\7\u0149\2\2\u1974\u1975\7\u00b5\2\2\u1975\u1976\5\u01ea\u00f6\2"+ + "\u1976\u1977\7\u0256\2\2\u1977\u1978\7\u03e7\2\2\u1978\u01e3\3\2\2\2\u1979"+ + "\u197a\7C\2\2\u197a\u1983\7\u01ea\2\2\u197b\u197c\7\u00f6\2\2\u197c\u1983"+ + "\7W\2\2\u197d\u197e\5\u060a\u0306\2\u197e\u197f\7\u04f8\2\2\u197f\u1980"+ + "\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u1980\u1981\7\u04ff\2\2\u1981\u1983\3\2\2\2\u1982\u1979"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1982\u197b\3\2\2\2\u1982\u197d\3\2\2\2\u1983\u01e5\3\2\2\2\u1984"+ + "\u1989\5\u01e4\u00f3\2\u1985\u1986\7\u04f2\2\2\u1986\u1988\5\u01e4\u00f3"+ + "\2\u1987\u1985\3\2\2\2\u1988\u198b\3\2\2\2\u1989\u1987\3\2\2\2\u1989\u198a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u198a\u01e7\3\2\2\2\u198b\u1989\3\2\2\2\u198c\u198d\7;\2\2\u198d"+ + "\u198e\7\u04f8\2\2\u198e\u198f\5\u01e6\u00f4\2\u198f\u1990\7\u04ff\2\2"+ + "\u1990\u01e9\3\2\2\2\u1991\u1994\5$\23\2\u1992\u1994\7\u03e7\2\2\u1993"+ + "\u1991\3\2\2\2\u1993\u1992\3\2\2\2\u1994\u01eb\3\2\2\2\u1995\u1996\5\u01ee"+ + "\u00f8\2\u1996\u01ed\3\2\2\2\u1997\u1998\7\u0149\2\2\u1998\u1999\7O\2"+ + "\2\u1999\u199a\7\u014a\2\2\u199a\u199c\7\u04f8\2\2\u199b\u199d\5\u016e"+ + "\u00b8\2\u199c\u199b\3\2\2\2\u199c\u199d\3\2\2\2\u199d\u199e\3\2\2\2\u199e"+ + "\u199f\7\u04ff\2\2\u199f\u01ef\3\2\2\2\u19a0\u19a1\5\u01de\u00f0\2\u19a1"+ + "\u01f1\3\2\2\2\u19a2\u19a3\7\u0149\2\2\u19a3\u19a4\7O\2\2\u19a4\u19a5"+ + "\7\u0214\2\2\u19a5\u19a6\7\u04f8\2\2\u19a6\u19a7\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u19a7"+ + "\u19a9\7\u04ff\2\2\u19a8\u19aa\5\u01fc\u00ff\2\u19a9\u19a8\3\2\2\2\u19a9"+ + "\u19aa\3\2\2\2\u19aa\u19ad\3\2\2\2\u19ab\u19ac\7\u0256\2\2\u19ac\u19ae"+ + "\7\u04e7\2\2\u19ad\u19ab\3\2\2\2\u19ad\u19ae\3\2\2\2\u19ae\u19b3\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u19af\u19b0\7\u04f8\2\2\u19b0\u19b1\5\u0206\u0104\2\u19b1\u19b2\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u19b2\u19b4\3\2\2\2\u19b3\u19af\3\2\2\2\u19b3\u19b4\3\2\2\2\u19b4"+ + "\u19b6\3\2\2\2\u19b5\u19b7\5\u01f4\u00fb\2\u19b6\u19b5\3\2\2\2\u19b6\u19b7"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u19b7\u01f3\3\2\2\2\u19b8\u19b9\7\u03e6\2\2\u19b9\u19c0\5\u05ac"+ + "\u02d7\2\u19ba\u19c0\5\u0252\u012a\2\u19bb\u19bc\7\u03e6\2\2\u19bc\u19bd"+ + "\5\u05ac\u02d7\2\u19bd\u19be\5\u0252\u012a\2\u19be\u19c0\3\2\2\2\u19bf"+ + "\u19b8\3\2\2\2\u19bf\u19ba\3\2\2\2\u19bf\u19bb\3\2\2\2\u19c0\u01f5\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u19c1\u19c2\7\u0149\2\2\u19c2\u19c3\7O\2\2\u19c3\u19c4\7\u01df\2"+ + "\2\u19c4\u19c5\7\u04f8\2\2\u19c5\u19c6\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u19c6\u19c8\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u19c7\u19c9\5\u01fc\u00ff\2\u19c8\u19c7\3\2\2\2\u19c8\u19c9\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u19c9\u19ca\3\2\2\2\u19ca\u19cb\5\u0212\u010a\2\u19cb\u01f7\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u19cc\u19cd\7\u0149\2\2\u19cd\u19ce\7O\2\2\u19ce\u19cf\7\u014a\2\2\u19cf"+ + "\u19d0\7\u04f8\2\2\u19d0\u19d1\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u19d1\u19d3\7\u04ff\2\2"+ + "\u19d2\u19d4\5\u01fa\u00fe\2\u19d3\u19d2\3\2\2\2\u19d3\u19d4\3\2\2\2\u19d4"+ + "\u19d6\3\2\2\2\u19d5\u19d7\5\u01fc\u00ff\2\u19d6\u19d5\3\2\2\2\u19d6\u19d7"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u19d7\u19d8\3\2\2\2\u19d8\u19d9\5\u020a\u0106\2\u19d9\u01f9\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u19da\u19db\7\u0116\2\2\u19db\u19dc\7\u04f8\2\2\u19dc\u19dd\5\66"+ + "\34\2\u19dd\u19de\7\u04ff\2\2\u19de\u01fb\3\2\2\2\u19df\u19e2\5\u01fe"+ + "\u0100\2\u19e0\u19e2\5\u0200\u0101\2\u19e1\u19df\3\2\2\2\u19e1\u19e0\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u19e2\u01fd\3\2\2\2\u19e3\u19e4\7\u01ed\2\2\u19e4\u19e5\7O\2\2"+ + "\u19e5\u19e6\7\u0214\2\2\u19e6\u19e7\7\u04f8\2\2\u19e7\u19e8\5\u016e\u00b8"+ + "\2\u19e8\u19e9\7\u04ff\2\2\u19e9\u19ea\7\u01ed\2\2\u19ea\u19eb\7\u031f"+ + "\2\2\u19eb\u19ec\5\u021a\u010e\2\u19ec\u1a02\3\2\2\2\u19ed\u19ee\7\u01ed"+ + "\2\2\u19ee\u19ef\7O\2\2\u19ef\u19f0\7\u014a\2\2\u19f0\u19f1\7\u04f8\2"+ + "\2\u19f1\u19f2\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u19f2\u19f3\7\u04ff\2\2\u19f3\u19f4\7\u01ed"+ + "\2\2\u19f4\u19f5\7\u031f\2\2\u19f5\u19f6\5\u0220\u0111\2\u19f6\u1a02\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u19f7\u19f8\7\u01ed\2\2\u19f8\u19f9\7O\2\2\u19f9\u19fa\7\u01df"+ + "\2\2\u19fa\u19fb\7\u04f8\2\2\u19fb\u19fc\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u19fc\u19fd\7"+ + "\u04ff\2\2\u19fd\u19fe\7\u01ed\2\2\u19fe\u19ff\7\u031f\2\2\u19ff\u1a00"+ + "\5\u0226\u0114\2\u1a00\u1a02\3\2\2\2\u1a01\u19e3\3\2\2\2\u1a01\u19ed\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1a01\u19f7\3\2\2\2\u1a02\u01ff\3\2\2\2\u1a03\u1a04\7\u01ed\2\2"+ + "\u1a04\u1a05\7O\2\2\u1a05\u1a06\7\u0214\2\2\u1a06\u1a07\7\u04f8\2\2\u1a07"+ + "\u1a08\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u1a08\u1a0b\7\u04ff\2\2\u1a09\u1a0a\7\u035b\2\2"+ + "\u1a0a\u1a0c\5\u0240\u0121\2\u1a0b\u1a09\3\2\2\2\u1a0b\u1a0c\3\2\2\2\u1a0c"+ + "\u1a1c\3\2\2\2\u1a0d\u1a0e\7\u01ed\2\2\u1a0e\u1a0f\7O\2\2\u1a0f\u1a10"+ + "\7\u014a\2\2\u1a10\u1a11\7\u04f8\2\2\u1a11\u1a12\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u1a12"+ + "\u1a13\7\u04ff\2\2\u1a13\u1a1c\3\2\2\2\u1a14\u1a15\7\u01ed\2\2\u1a15\u1a16"+ + "\7O\2\2\u1a16\u1a17\7\u01df\2\2\u1a17\u1a18\7\u04f8\2\2\u1a18\u1a19\5"+ + "\u016e\u00b8\2\u1a19\u1a1a\7\u04ff\2\2\u1a1a\u1a1c\3\2\2\2\u1a1b\u1a03"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1a1b\u1a0d\3\2\2\2\u1a1b\u1a14\3\2\2\2\u1a1c\u0201\3\2\2\2\u1a1d"+ + "\u1a22\5\u0204\u0103\2\u1a1e\u1a1f\7\u04f2\2\2\u1a1f\u1a21\5\u0204\u0103"+ + "\2\u1a20\u1a1e\3\2\2\2\u1a21\u1a24\3\2\2\2\u1a22\u1a20\3\2\2\2\u1a22\u1a23"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1a23\u0203\3\2\2\2\u1a24\u1a22\3\2\2\2\u1a25\u1a2b\5\u0608\u0305"+ + "\2\u1a26\u1a27\7\u04f8\2\2\u1a27\u1a28\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u1a28\u1a29\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u1a29\u1a2b\3\2\2\2\u1a2a\u1a25\3\2\2\2\u1a2a\u1a26\3\2\2\2\u1a2b"+ + "\u0205\3\2\2\2\u1a2c\u1a31\5\u0208\u0105\2\u1a2d\u1a2e\7\u04f2\2\2\u1a2e"+ + "\u1a30\5\u0208\u0105\2\u1a2f\u1a2d\3\2\2\2\u1a30\u1a33\3\2\2\2\u1a31\u1a2f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1a31\u1a32\3\2\2\2\u1a32\u0207\3\2\2\2\u1a33\u1a31\3\2\2\2\u1a34"+ + "\u1a36\7\u0149\2\2\u1a35\u1a37\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1a36\u1a35\3\2\2\2\u1a36"+ + "\u1a37\3\2\2\2\u1a37\u1a3a\3\2\2\2\u1a38\u1a39\7\u0109\2\2\u1a39\u1a3b"+ + "\7\u04e7\2\2\u1a3a\u1a38\3\2\2\2\u1a3a\u1a3b\3\2\2\2\u1a3b\u1a3d\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1a3c\u1a3e\5\u01f4\u00fb\2\u1a3d\u1a3c\3\2\2\2\u1a3d\u1a3e\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1a3e\u1a40\3\2\2\2\u1a3f\u1a41\5\u0218\u010d\2\u1a40\u1a3f\3\2\2\2\u1a40"+ + "\u1a41\3\2\2\2\u1a41\u0209\3\2\2\2\u1a42\u1a43\7\u04f8\2\2\u1a43\u1a44"+ + "\5\u020c\u0107\2\u1a44\u1a45\7\u04ff\2\2\u1a45\u020b\3\2\2\2\u1a46\u1a4b"+ + "\5\u0210\u0109\2\u1a47\u1a48\7\u04f2\2\2\u1a48\u1a4a\5\u0210\u0109\2\u1a49"+ + "\u1a47\3\2\2\2\u1a4a\u1a4d\3\2\2\2\u1a4b\u1a49\3\2\2\2\u1a4b\u1a4c\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1a4c\u020d\3\2\2\2\u1a4d\u1a4b\3\2\2\2\u1a4e\u1a54\5\u0230\u0119"+ + "\2\u1a4f\u1a54\5\u0252\u012a\2\u1a50\u1a51\5\u0230\u0119\2\u1a51\u1a52"+ + "\5\u0252\u012a\2\u1a52\u1a54\3\2\2\2\u1a53\u1a4e\3\2\2\2\u1a53\u1a4f\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1a53\u1a50\3\2\2\2\u1a54\u020f\3\2\2\2\u1a55\u1a56\7\u0149\2\2"+ + "\u1a56\u1a57\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1a57\u1a58\7\u00c6\2\2\u1a58\u1a59\7\u025d"+ + "\2\2\u1a59\u1a5a\7\u03d1\2\2\u1a5a\u1a5d\5\u023a\u011e\2\u1a5b\u1a5c\7"+ + "\u0109\2\2\u1a5c\u1a5e\7\u04e7\2\2\u1a5d\u1a5b\3\2\2\2\u1a5d\u1a5e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1a5e\u1a60\3\2\2\2\u1a5f\u1a61\5\u020e\u0108\2\u1a60\u1a5f\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1a60\u1a61\3\2\2\2\u1a61\u1a63\3\2\2\2\u1a62\u1a64\5\u0218\u010d\2"+ + "\u1a63\u1a62\3\2\2\2\u1a63\u1a64\3\2\2\2\u1a64\u1a75\3\2\2\2\u1a65\u1a66"+ + "\7\u0149\2\2\u1a66\u1a67\7\u00c6\2\2\u1a67\u1a68\7\u025d\2\2\u1a68\u1a69"+ + "\7\u03d1\2\2\u1a69\u1a6c\5\u023a\u011e\2\u1a6a\u1a6b\7\u0109\2\2\u1a6b"+ + "\u1a6d\7\u04e7\2\2\u1a6c\u1a6a\3\2\2\2\u1a6c\u1a6d\3\2\2\2\u1a6d\u1a6f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1a6e\u1a70\5\u020e\u0108\2\u1a6f\u1a6e\3\2\2\2\u1a6f\u1a70\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1a70\u1a72\3\2\2\2\u1a71\u1a73\5\u0218\u010d\2\u1a72\u1a71\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1a72\u1a73\3\2\2\2\u1a73\u1a75\3\2\2\2\u1a74\u1a55\3\2\2\2\u1a74"+ + "\u1a65\3\2\2\2\u1a75\u0211\3\2\2\2\u1a76\u1a77\7\u04f8\2\2\u1a77\u1a78"+ + "\5\u0214\u010b\2\u1a78\u1a79\7\u04ff\2\2\u1a79\u0213\3\2\2\2\u1a7a\u1a7f"+ + "\5\u0216\u010c\2\u1a7b\u1a7c\7\u04f2\2\2\u1a7c\u1a7e\5\u0216\u010c\2\u1a7d"+ + "\u1a7b\3\2\2\2\u1a7e\u1a81\3\2\2\2\u1a7f\u1a7d\3\2\2\2\u1a7f\u1a80\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1a80\u0215\3\2\2\2\u1a81\u1a7f\3\2\2\2\u1a82\u1a83\7\u0149\2\2\u1a83"+ + "\u1a84\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1a84\u1a85\7\u00c6\2\2\u1a85\u1a88\5\u022c\u0117"+ + "\2\u1a86\u1a87\7\u0109\2\2\u1a87\u1a89\7\u04e7\2\2\u1a88\u1a86\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1a88\u1a89\3\2\2\2\u1a89\u1a8b\3\2\2\2\u1a8a\u1a8c\5\u020e\u0108\2\u1a8b"+ + "\u1a8a\3\2\2\2\u1a8b\u1a8c\3\2\2\2\u1a8c\u1a8e\3\2\2\2\u1a8d\u1a8f\5\u0218"+ + "\u010d\2\u1a8e\u1a8d\3\2\2\2\u1a8e\u1a8f\3\2\2\2\u1a8f\u1a9e\3\2\2\2\u1a90"+ + "\u1a91\7\u0149\2\2\u1a91\u1a92\7\u00c6\2\2\u1a92\u1a95\5\u022c\u0117\2"+ + "\u1a93\u1a94\7\u0109\2\2\u1a94\u1a96\7\u04e7\2\2\u1a95\u1a93\3\2\2\2\u1a95"+ + "\u1a96\3\2\2\2\u1a96\u1a98\3\2\2\2\u1a97\u1a99\5\u020e\u0108\2\u1a98\u1a97"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1a98\u1a99\3\2\2\2\u1a99\u1a9b\3\2\2\2\u1a9a\u1a9c\5\u0218\u010d"+ + "\2\u1a9b\u1a9a\3\2\2\2\u1a9b\u1a9c\3\2\2\2\u1a9c\u1a9e\3\2\2\2\u1a9d\u1a82"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1a9d\u1a90\3\2\2\2\u1a9e\u0217\3\2\2\2\u1a9f\u1aa3\5\u021a\u010e"+ + "\2\u1aa0\u1aa3\5\u0220\u0111\2\u1aa1\u1aa3\5\u0226\u0114\2\u1aa2\u1a9f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1aa2\u1aa0\3\2\2\2\u1aa2\u1aa1\3\2\2\2\u1aa3\u0219\3\2\2\2\u1aa4"+ + "\u1aa5\7\u04f8\2\2\u1aa5\u1aa6\5\u021c\u010f\2\u1aa6\u1aa7\7\u04ff\2\2"+ + "\u1aa7\u021b\3\2\2\2\u1aa8\u1aad\5\u021e\u0110\2\u1aa9\u1aaa\7\u04f2\2"+ + "\2\u1aaa\u1aac\5\u021e\u0110\2\u1aab\u1aa9\3\2\2\2\u1aac\u1aaf\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1aad\u1aab\3\2\2\2\u1aad\u1aae\3\2\2\2\u1aae\u021d\3\2\2\2\u1aaf\u1aad"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1ab0\u1ab1\7\u01ed\2\2\u1ab1\u1ab3\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1ab2\u1ab4"+ + "\5\u0230\u0119\2\u1ab3\u1ab2\3\2\2\2\u1ab3\u1ab4\3\2\2\2\u1ab4\u021f\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1ab5\u1ab6\7\u04f8\2\2\u1ab6\u1ab7\5\u0222\u0112\2\u1ab7\u1ab8"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u1ab8\u0221\3\2\2\2\u1ab9\u1abe\5\u0224\u0113\2\u1aba\u1abb"+ + "\7\u04f2\2\2\u1abb\u1abd\5\u0224\u0113\2\u1abc\u1aba\3\2\2\2\u1abd\u1ac0"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1abe\u1abc\3\2\2\2\u1abe\u1abf\3\2\2\2\u1abf\u0223\3\2\2\2\u1ac0"+ + "\u1abe\3\2\2\2\u1ac1\u1ac2\7\u01ed\2\2\u1ac2\u1ac3\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1ac3"+ + "\u1ac4\7\u00c6\2\2\u1ac4\u1ac5\7\u025d\2\2\u1ac5\u1ac6\7\u03d1\2\2\u1ac6"+ + "\u1ac8\5\u023a\u011e\2\u1ac7\u1ac9\5\u0230\u0119\2\u1ac8\u1ac7\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1ac8\u1ac9\3\2\2\2\u1ac9\u0225\3\2\2\2\u1aca\u1acb\7\u04f8\2\2\u1acb"+ + "\u1acc\5\u0228\u0115\2\u1acc\u1acd\7\u04ff\2\2\u1acd\u0227\3\2\2\2\u1ace"+ + "\u1ad3\5\u022a\u0116\2\u1acf\u1ad0\7\u04f2\2\2\u1ad0\u1ad2\5\u022a\u0116"+ + "\2\u1ad1\u1acf\3\2\2\2\u1ad2\u1ad5\3\2\2\2\u1ad3\u1ad1\3\2\2\2\u1ad3\u1ad4"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1ad4\u0229\3\2\2\2\u1ad5\u1ad3\3\2\2\2\u1ad6\u1ad7\7\u01ed\2"+ + "\2\u1ad7\u1ad8\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1ad8\u1ad9\7\u00c6\2\2\u1ad9\u1adb\5\u022c"+ + "\u0117\2\u1ada\u1adc\5\u0230\u0119\2\u1adb\u1ada\3\2\2\2\u1adb\u1adc\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1adc\u022b\3\2\2\2\u1add\u1ae0\7\u04f8\2\2\u1ade\u1ae1\7_\2\2"+ + "\u1adf\u1ae1\5\u022e\u0118\2\u1ae0\u1ade\3\2\2\2\u1ae0\u1adf\3\2\2\2\u1ae1"+ + "\u1ae2\3\2\2\2\u1ae2\u1ae3\7\u04ff\2\2\u1ae3\u022d\3\2\2\2\u1ae4\u1ae9"+ + "\5\66\34\2\u1ae5\u1ae6\7\u04f2\2\2\u1ae6\u1ae8\5\66\34\2\u1ae7\u1ae5\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1ae8\u1aeb\3\2\2\2\u1ae9\u1ae7\3\2\2\2\u1ae9\u1aea\3\2\2\2\u1aea"+ + "\u022f\3\2\2\2\u1aeb\u1ae9\3\2\2\2\u1aec\u1aee\5\u0232\u011a\2\u1aed\u1aec"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1aee\u1aef\3\2\2\2\u1aef\u1aed\3\2\2\2\u1aef\u1af0\3\2\2\2\u1af0"+ + "\u0231\3\2\2\2\u1af1\u1af3\7\u009f\2\2\u1af2\u1af4\7\u0504\2\2\u1af3\u1af2"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1af3\u1af4\3\2\2\2\u1af4\u1af5\3\2\2\2\u1af5\u1b04\7\u04e7\2"+ + "\2\u1af6\u1af7\7\u01f6\2\2\u1af7\u1b04\7\u04e7\2\2\u1af8\u1af9\7\u04e4"+ + "\2\2\u1af9\u1b04\7\u04e7\2\2\u1afa\u1afb\7\u0337\2\2\u1afb\u1b04\7\u04e7"+ + "\2\2\u1afc\u1afd\7\u0351\2\2\u1afd\u1afe\7\u04f8\2\2\u1afe\u1aff\5\u01d0"+ + "\u00e9\2\u1aff\u1b00\7\u04ff\2\2\u1b00\u1b04\3\2\2\2\u1b01\u1b02\7\u03e6"+ + "\2\2\u1b02\u1b04\5\u05ac\u02d7\2\u1b03\u1af1\3\2\2\2\u1b03\u1af6\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1b03\u1af8\3\2\2\2\u1b03\u1afa\3\2\2\2\u1b03\u1afc\3\2\2\2\u1b03\u1b01"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1b04\u0233\3\2\2\2\u1b05\u1b06\7\u04f8\2\2\u1b06\u1b07\5\u0236"+ + "\u011c\2\u1b07\u1b08\7\u04ff\2\2\u1b08\u0235\3\2\2\2\u1b09\u1b0e\5\u0238"+ + "\u011d\2\u1b0a\u1b0b\7\u04f2\2\2\u1b0b\u1b0d\5\u0238\u011d\2\u1b0c\u1b0a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1b0d\u1b10\3\2\2\2\u1b0e\u1b0c\3\2\2\2\u1b0e\u1b0f\3\2\2\2\u1b0f"+ + "\u0237\3\2\2\2\u1b10\u1b0e\3\2\2\2\u1b11\u1b14\7\u0149\2\2\u1b12\u1b13"+ + "\7\u0109\2\2\u1b13\u1b15\7\u04e7\2\2\u1b14\u1b12\3\2\2\2\u1b14\u1b15\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1b15\u1b1d\3\2\2\2\u1b16\u1b17\7\u0149\2\2\u1b17\u1b1a\5\u03d0"+ + "\u01e9\2\u1b18\u1b19\7\u0109\2\2\u1b19\u1b1b\7\u04e7\2\2\u1b1a\u1b18\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1b1a\u1b1b\3\2\2\2\u1b1b\u1b1d\3\2\2\2\u1b1c\u1b11\3\2\2\2\u1b1c"+ + "\u1b16\3\2\2\2\u1b1d\u0239\3\2\2\2\u1b1e\u1b1f\7\u04f8\2\2\u1b1f\u1b20"+ + "\5\u023c\u011f\2\u1b20\u1b21\7\u04ff\2\2\u1b21\u023b\3\2\2\2\u1b22\u1b27"+ + "\5\u023e\u0120\2\u1b23\u1b24\7\u04f2\2\2\u1b24\u1b26\5\u023e\u0120\2\u1b25"+ + "\u1b23\3\2\2\2\u1b26\u1b29\3\2\2\2\u1b27\u1b25\3\2\2\2\u1b27\u1b28\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1b28\u023d\3\2\2\2\u1b29\u1b27\3\2\2\2\u1b2a\u1b2c\7\u04f3\2\2\u1b2b"+ + "\u1b2a\3\2\2\2\u1b2b\u1b2c\3\2\2\2\u1b2c\u1b2d\3\2\2\2\u1b2d\u1b33\5\36"+ + "\20\2\u1b2e\u1b2f\7\u04f9\2\2\u1b2f\u1b33\5\36\20\2\u1b30\u1b33\5\u00b8"+ + "]\2\u1b31\u1b33\7\u0130\2\2\u1b32\u1b2b\3\2\2\2\u1b32\u1b2e\3\2\2\2\u1b32"+ + "\u1b30\3\2\2\2\u1b32\u1b31\3\2\2\2\u1b33\u023f\3\2\2\2\u1b34\u1b35\7\u04e7"+ + "\2\2\u1b35\u0241\3\2\2\2\u1b36\u1b37\t\4\2\2\u1b37\u0243\3\2\2\2\u1b38"+ + "\u1b39\7\u0149\2\2\u1b39\u1b3a\7O\2\2\u1b3a\u1b3b\7\u0214\2\2\u1b3b\u1b3e"+ + "\5\u024a\u0126\2\u1b3c\u1b3d\7\u0256\2\2\u1b3d\u1b3f\7\u04e7\2\2\u1b3e"+ + "\u1b3c\3\2\2\2\u1b3e\u1b3f\3\2\2\2\u1b3f\u1b4a\3\2\2\2\u1b40\u1b41\7\u0149"+ + "\2\2\u1b41\u1b42\7O\2\2\u1b42\u1b43\7\u0214\2\2\u1b43\u1b44\7\u04e7\2"+ + "\2\u1b44\u1b47\5\u024a\u0126\2\u1b45\u1b46\7\u0256\2\2\u1b46\u1b48\7\u04e7"+ + "\2\2\u1b47\u1b45\3\2\2\2\u1b47\u1b48\3\2\2\2\u1b48\u1b4a\3\2\2\2\u1b49"+ + "\u1b38\3\2\2\2\u1b49\u1b40\3\2\2\2\u1b4a\u0245\3\2\2\2\u1b4b\u1b4c\7\u0149"+ + "\2\2\u1b4c\u1b4d\7O\2\2\u1b4d\u1b4f\7\u014a\2\2\u1b4e\u1b50\7\u01ea\2"+ + "\2\u1b4f\u1b4e\3\2\2\2\u1b4f\u1b50\3\2\2\2\u1b50\u1b51\3\2\2\2\u1b51\u1b52"+ + "\7\u04e7\2\2\u1b52\u1b53\5\u024a\u0126\2\u1b53\u1b54\5\u020a\u0106\2\u1b54"+ + "\u0247\3\2\2\2\u1b55\u1b56\7\u0149\2\2\u1b56\u1b57\7O\2\2\u1b57\u1b59"+ + "\7\u01df\2\2\u1b58\u1b5a\7\u01ea\2\2\u1b59\u1b58\3\2\2\2\u1b59\u1b5a\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1b5a\u1b5b\3\2\2\2\u1b5b\u1b5c\7\u04e7\2\2\u1b5c\u1b5d\5\u024a"+ + "\u0126\2\u1b5d\u1b5e\5\u0212\u010a\2\u1b5e\u0249\3\2\2\2\u1b5f\u1b62\5"+ + "\u024c\u0127\2\u1b60\u1b62\5\u024e\u0128\2\u1b61\u1b5f\3\2\2\2\u1b61\u1b60"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1b62\u024b\3\2\2\2\u1b63\u1b64\7\u01ed\2\2\u1b64\u1b65\7O\2"+ + "\2\u1b65\u1b67\7\u014a\2\2\u1b66\u1b68\7\u01ea\2\2\u1b67\u1b66\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1b67\u1b68\3\2\2\2\u1b68\u1b69\3\2\2\2\u1b69\u1b6a\7\u04e7\2\2\u1b6a"+ + "\u1b6b\7\u01ed\2\2\u1b6b\u1b6c\7\u031f\2\2\u1b6c\u1b86\5\u0220\u0111\2"+ + "\u1b6d\u1b6e\7\u01ed\2\2\u1b6e\u1b6f\7O\2\2\u1b6f\u1b70\7\u0214\2\2\u1b70"+ + "\u1b71\7\u01ed\2\2\u1b71\u1b72\7\u031f\2\2\u1b72\u1b86\5\u0240\u0121\2"+ + "\u1b73\u1b74\7\u01ed\2\2\u1b74\u1b75\7O\2\2\u1b75\u1b76\7\u0214\2\2\u1b76"+ + "\u1b77\7\u04e7\2\2\u1b77\u1b78\7\u01ed\2\2\u1b78\u1b79\7\u031f\2\2\u1b79"+ + "\u1b86\5\u0240\u0121\2\u1b7a\u1b7b\7\u01ed\2\2\u1b7b\u1b7c\7O\2\2\u1b7c"+ + "\u1b7e\7\u01df\2\2\u1b7d\u1b7f\7\u01ea\2\2\u1b7e\u1b7d\3\2\2\2\u1b7e\u1b7f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1b7f\u1b80\3\2\2\2\u1b80\u1b81\7\u04e7\2\2\u1b81\u1b82\7\u01ed"+ + "\2\2\u1b82\u1b83\7\u031f\2\2\u1b83\u1b86\5\u0226\u0114\2\u1b84\u1b86\5"+ + "\u06fe\u0380\2\u1b85\u1b63\3\2\2\2\u1b85\u1b6d\3\2\2\2\u1b85\u1b73\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1b85\u1b7a\3\2\2\2\u1b85\u1b84\3\2\2\2\u1b86\u024d\3\2\2\2\u1b87"+ + "\u1b88\7\u01ed\2\2\u1b88\u1b89\7O\2\2\u1b89\u1b8c\7\u0214\2\2\u1b8a\u1b8b"+ + "\7\u035b\2\2\u1b8b\u1b8d\5\u0240\u0121\2\u1b8c\u1b8a\3\2\2\2\u1b8c\u1b8d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1b8d\u1ba5\3\2\2\2\u1b8e\u1b8f\7\u01ed\2\2\u1b8f\u1b90\7O\2"+ + "\2\u1b90\u1b91\7\u0214\2\2\u1b91\u1b94\7\u04e7\2\2\u1b92\u1b93\7\u035b"+ + "\2\2\u1b93\u1b95\5\u0240\u0121\2\u1b94\u1b92\3\2\2\2\u1b94\u1b95\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1b95\u1ba5\3\2\2\2\u1b96\u1b97\7\u01ed\2\2\u1b97\u1b98\7O\2\2\u1b98"+ + "\u1b9a\7\u014a\2\2\u1b99\u1b9b\7\u01ea\2\2\u1b9a\u1b99\3\2\2\2\u1b9a\u1b9b"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1b9b\u1b9c\3\2\2\2\u1b9c\u1ba5\7\u04e7\2\2\u1b9d\u1b9e\7\u01ed"+ + "\2\2\u1b9e\u1b9f\7O\2\2\u1b9f\u1ba1\7\u01df\2\2\u1ba0\u1ba2\7\u01ea\2"+ + "\2\u1ba1\u1ba0\3\2\2\2\u1ba1\u1ba2\3\2\2\2\u1ba2\u1ba3\3\2\2\2\u1ba3\u1ba5"+ + "\7\u04e7\2\2\u1ba4\u1b87\3\2\2\2\u1ba4\u1b8e\3\2\2\2\u1ba4\u1b96\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1ba4\u1b9d\3\2\2\2\u1ba5\u024f\3\2\2\2\u1ba6\u1ba7\7\u0342\2\2\u1ba7"+ + "\u1ba8\5\u0252\u012a\2\u1ba8\u0251\3\2\2\2\u1ba9\u1bb7\7\u0091\2\2\u1baa"+ + "\u1bb4\7Y\2\2\u1bab\u1bb5\7\u04cd\2\2\u1bac\u1bad\7q\2\2\u1bad\u1bb5\7"+ + "\u0218\2\2\u1bae\u1baf\7q\2\2\u1baf\u1bb0\7\u0360\2\2\u1bb0\u1bb5\5\u0254"+ + "\u012b\2\u1bb1\u1bb2\7q\2\2\u1bb2\u1bb3\7\u02b5\2\2\u1bb3\u1bb5\5\u0254"+ + "\u012b\2\u1bb4\u1bab\3\2\2\2\u1bb4\u1bac\3\2\2\2\u1bb4\u1bae\3\2\2\2\u1bb4"+ + "\u1bb1\3\2\2\2\u1bb4\u1bb5\3\2\2\2\u1bb5\u1bb7\3\2\2\2\u1bb6\u1ba9\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1bb6\u1baa\3\2\2\2\u1bb7\u0253\3\2\2\2\u1bb8\u1bba\t\65\2\2\u1bb9"+ + "\u1bb8\3\2\2\2\u1bb9\u1bba\3\2\2\2\u1bba\u0255\3\2\2\2\u1bbb\u1bc1\5\u0258"+ + "\u012d\2\u1bbc\u1bbd\5\u01c2\u00e2\2\u1bbd\u1bbe\5\u0258\u012d\2\u1bbe"+ + "\u1bc0\3\2\2\2\u1bbf\u1bbc\3\2\2\2\u1bc0\u1bc3\3\2\2\2\u1bc1\u1bbf\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1bc1\u1bc2\3\2\2\2\u1bc2\u0257\3\2\2\2\u1bc3\u1bc1\3\2\2\2\u1bc4"+ + "\u1bc7\t\66\2\2\u1bc5\u1bc7\t\67\2\2\u1bc6\u1bc4\3\2\2\2\u1bc6\u1bc5\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1bc7\u1bcd\3\2\2\2\u1bc8\u1bcb\t8\2\2\u1bc9\u1bcb\t9\2\2\u1bca"+ + "\u1bc8\3\2\2\2\u1bca\u1bc9\3\2\2\2\u1bcb\u1bcd\3\2\2\2\u1bcc\u1bc6\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1bcc\u1bca\3\2\2\2\u1bcd\u1bd3\3\2\2\2\u1bce\u1bd1\t:\2\2\u1bcf"+ + "\u1bd1\7\u01cb\2\2\u1bd0\u1bce\3\2\2\2\u1bd0\u1bcf\3\2\2\2\u1bd1\u1bd3"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1bd2\u1bcc\3\2\2\2\u1bd2\u1bd0\3\2\2\2\u1bd3\u1bd4\3\2\2\2\u1bd4"+ + "\u1bd5\7\u0504\2\2\u1bd5\u1bd6\7\u0518\2\2\u1bd6\u0259\3\2\2\2\u1bd7\u1bdd"+ + "\5\u025c\u012f\2\u1bd8\u1bd9\5\u01c2\u00e2\2\u1bd9\u1bda\5\u025c\u012f"+ + "\2\u1bda\u1bdc\3\2\2\2\u1bdb\u1bd8\3\2\2\2\u1bdc\u1bdf\3\2\2\2\u1bdd\u1bdb"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1bdd\u1bde\3\2\2\2\u1bde\u025b\3\2\2\2\u1bdf\u1bdd\3\2\2\2\u1be0"+ + "\u1be1\t;\2\2\u1be1\u1be2\7\u0504\2\2\u1be2\u1bf6\7\u0518\2\2\u1be3\u1be4"+ + "\t<\2\2\u1be4\u1be5\7\u0504\2\2\u1be5\u1bf6\5\66\34\2\u1be6\u1be7\7\u0379"+ + "\2\2\u1be7\u1be8\7\u0504\2\2\u1be8\u1bf6\7\u04e7\2\2\u1be9\u1bea\t=\2"+ + "\2\u1bea\u1beb\7\u0504\2\2\u1beb\u1bf6\7\u04e9\2\2\u1bec\u1bed\7\u04b1"+ + "\2\2\u1bed\u1bee\7\u0504\2\2\u1bee\u1bef\7\u04f8\2\2\u1bef\u1bf0\5\24"+ + "\13\2\u1bf0\u1bf1\7\u04ff\2\2\u1bf1\u1bf6\3\2\2\2\u1bf2\u1bf3\7\u01f2"+ + "\2\2\u1bf3\u1bf4\7\u0504\2\2\u1bf4\u1bf6\5\u0118\u008d\2\u1bf5\u1be0\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1bf5\u1be3\3\2\2\2\u1bf5\u1be6\3\2\2\2\u1bf5\u1be9\3\2\2\2\u1bf5"+ + "\u1bec\3\2\2\2\u1bf5\u1bf2\3\2\2\2\u1bf6\u025d\3\2\2\2\u1bf7\u1bf8\7["+ + "\2\2\u1bf8\u1bf9\7\u0171\2\2\u1bf9\u1bfb\5\u060a\u0306\2\u1bfa\u1bfc\5"+ + "\u0266\u0134\2\u1bfb\u1bfa\3\2\2\2\u1bfb\u1bfc\3\2\2\2\u1bfc\u1c00\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1bfd\u1c01\5\u0244\u0123\2\u1bfe\u1c01\5\u0246\u0124\2\u1bff\u1c01"+ + "\5\u0248\u0125\2\u1c00\u1bfd\3\2\2\2\u1c00\u1bfe\3\2\2\2\u1c00\u1bff\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1c00\u1c01\3\2\2\2\u1c01\u025f\3\2\2\2\u1c02\u1c03\7d\2\2\u1c03"+ + "\u1c04\7\u0171\2\2\u1c04\u1c05\5\u060a\u0306\2\u1c05\u0261\3\2\2\2\u1c06"+ + "\u1c07\7D\2\2\u1c07\u1c08\7\u0171\2\2\u1c08\u1c09\5\u060a\u0306\2\u1c09"+ + "\u1c0b\7@\2\2\u1c0a\u1c0c\7\u00bb\2\2\u1c0b\u1c0a\3\2\2\2\u1c0b\u1c0c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1c0c\u1c0d\3\2\2\2\u1c0d\u1c0e\5\u02cc\u0167\2\u1c0e\u1c1a\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1c0f\u1c10\7D\2\2\u1c10\u1c11\7\u0171\2\2\u1c11\u1c17\5\u060a"+ + "\u0306\2\u1c12\u1c15\5\u04f4\u027b\2\u1c13\u1c15\5\u026a\u0136\2\u1c14"+ + "\u1c12\3\2\2\2\u1c14\u1c13\3\2\2\2\u1c15\u1c18\3\2\2\2\u1c16\u1c18\5\u0506"+ + "\u0284\2\u1c17\u1c14\3\2\2\2\u1c17\u1c16\3\2\2\2\u1c18\u1c1a\3\2\2\2\u1c19"+ + "\u1c06\3\2\2\2\u1c19\u1c0f\3\2\2\2\u1c1a\u0263\3\2\2\2\u1c1b\u1c1d\5\u0268"+ + "\u0135\2\u1c1c\u1c1e\5\u0264\u0133\2\u1c1d\u1c1c\3\2\2\2\u1c1d\u1c1e\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1c1e\u0265\3\2\2\2\u1c1f\u1c25\5\u0264\u0133\2\u1c20\u1c21\5\u0268"+ + "\u0135\2\u1c21\u1c22\7\u04f2\2\2\u1c22\u1c23\5\u0266\u0134\2\u1c23\u1c25"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1c24\u1c1f\3\2\2\2\u1c24\u1c20\3\2\2\2\u1c25\u0267\3\2\2\2\u1c26"+ + "\u1c28\7\u02b4\2\2\u1c27\u1c29\7\u0504\2\2\u1c28\u1c27\3\2\2\2\u1c28\u1c29"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1c29\u1c2a\3\2\2\2\u1c2a\u1c2c\5\u01ca\u00e6\2\u1c2b\u1c2d\7"+ + "\u0101\2\2\u1c2c\u1c2b\3\2\2\2\u1c2c\u1c2d\3\2\2\2\u1c2d\u1c48\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1c2e\u1c30\7\u044f\2\2\u1c2f\u1c31\7\u0504\2\2\u1c30\u1c2f\3\2\2\2\u1c30"+ + "\u1c31\3\2\2\2\u1c31\u1c32\3\2\2\2\u1c32\u1c48\5\u01c8\u00e5\2\u1c33\u1c35"+ + "\7\u04a9\2\2\u1c34\u1c36\7\u0504\2\2\u1c35\u1c34\3\2\2\2\u1c35\u1c36\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1c36\u1c37\3\2\2\2\u1c37\u1c48\7\u04e7\2\2\u1c38\u1c3a\7\u042e"+ + "\2\2\u1c39\u1c3b\7\u0504\2\2\u1c3a\u1c39\3\2\2\2\u1c3a\u1c3b\3\2\2\2\u1c3b"+ + "\u1c3c\3\2\2\2\u1c3c\u1c48\7\u04e9\2\2\u1c3d\u1c3f\7\u0208\2\2\u1c3e\u1c40"+ + "\7\u0504\2\2\u1c3f\u1c3e\3\2\2\2\u1c3f\u1c40\3\2\2\2\u1c40\u1c41\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1c41\u1c48\7\u0518\2\2\u1c42\u1c44\7\u02f2\2\2\u1c43\u1c45\7\u0504"+ + "\2\2\u1c44\u1c43\3\2\2\2\u1c44\u1c45\3\2\2\2\u1c45\u1c46\3\2\2\2\u1c46"+ + "\u1c48\7\u04e7\2\2\u1c47\u1c26\3\2\2\2\u1c47\u1c2e\3\2\2\2\u1c47\u1c33"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1c47\u1c38\3\2\2\2\u1c47\u1c3d\3\2\2\2\u1c47\u1c42\3\2\2\2\u1c48"+ + "\u0269\3\2\2\2\u1c49\u1c4e\5\u026c\u0137\2\u1c4a\u1c4b\7\u04f2\2\2\u1c4b"+ + "\u1c4d\5\u026c\u0137\2\u1c4c\u1c4a\3\2\2\2\u1c4d\u1c50\3\2\2\2\u1c4e\u1c4c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1c4e\u1c4f\3\2\2\2\u1c4f\u026b\3\2\2\2\u1c50\u1c4e\3\2\2\2\u1c51"+ + "\u1c53\7\u00b2\2\2\u1c52\u1c51\3\2\2\2\u1c52\u1c53\3\2\2\2\u1c53\u1c54"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1c54\u1c55\5\u0264\u0133\2\u1c55\u026d\3\2\2\2\u1c56\u1c58\7"+ + "\u04ce\2\2\u1c57\u1c59\7\u0504\2\2\u1c58\u1c57\3\2\2\2\u1c58\u1c59\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1c59\u1c5a\3\2\2\2\u1c5a\u1c61\5\u060a\u0306\2\u1c5b\u1c5d\7\u04ce"+ + "\2\2\u1c5c\u1c5e\7\u0504\2\2\u1c5d\u1c5c\3\2\2\2\u1c5d\u1c5e\3\2\2\2\u1c5e"+ + "\u1c5f\3\2\2\2\u1c5f\u1c61\7\u0095\2\2\u1c60\u1c56\3\2\2\2\u1c60\u1c5b"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1c61\u026f\3\2\2\2\u1c62\u1c65\7[\2\2\u1c63\u1c64\7\u009d\2"+ + "\2\u1c64\u1c66\7\u0151\2\2\u1c65\u1c63\3\2\2\2\u1c65\u1c66\3\2\2\2\u1c66"+ + "\u1c6a\3\2\2\2\u1c67\u1c68\7\u0261\2\2\u1c68\u1c6b\7\u0101\2\2\u1c69\u1c6b"+ + "\7\u0101\2\2\u1c6a\u1c67\3\2\2\2\u1c6a\u1c69\3\2\2\2\u1c6a\u1c6b\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1c6b\u1c6c\3\2\2\2\u1c6c\u1c6d\7\u00c9\2\2\u1c6d\u1c72\5\u028c\u0147"+ + "\2\u1c6e\u1c6f\7\u04f8\2\2\u1c6f\u1c70\5\u0404\u0203\2\u1c70\u1c71\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u1c71\u1c73\3\2\2\2\u1c72\u1c6e\3\2\2\2\u1c72\u1c73\3\2\2\2\u1c73"+ + "\u1c77\3\2\2\2\u1c74\u1c75\7\u027e\2\2\u1c75\u1c76\7\u0504\2\2\u1c76\u1c78"+ + "\7\u04e7\2\2\u1c77\u1c74\3\2\2\2\u1c77\u1c78\3\2\2\2\u1c78\u1c79\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1c79\u1c7a\7G\2\2\u1c7a\u1c7b\5\u0286\u0144\2\u1c7b\u1c7c\5\u0288"+ + "\u0145\2\u1c7c\u0271\3\2\2\2\u1c7d\u1c7e\7[\2\2\u1c7e\u1c7f\7\u0486\2"+ + "\2\u1c7f\u1c80\7\u00c9\2\2\u1c80\u1c85\5\u028c\u0147\2\u1c81\u1c82\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u1c82\u1c83\5\u0402\u0202\2\u1c83\u1c84\7\u04ff\2\2\u1c84\u1c86\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1c85\u1c81\3\2\2\2\u1c85\u1c86\3\2\2\2\u1c86\u1c88\3\2\2\2\u1c87"+ + "\u1c89\5\u01c6\u00e4\2\u1c88\u1c87\3\2\2\2\u1c88\u1c89\3\2\2\2\u1c89\u1c8c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1c8a\u1c8d\5\u01f0\u00f9\2\u1c8b\u1c8d\5\u01e2\u00f2\2\u1c8c"+ + "\u1c8a\3\2\2\2\u1c8c\u1c8b\3\2\2\2\u1c8c\u1c8d\3\2\2\2\u1c8d\u1c93\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1c8e\u1c8f\7;\2\2\u1c8f\u1c90\7\u04f8\2\2\u1c90\u1c91\5\u01e6\u00f4"+ + "\2\u1c91\u1c92\7\u04ff\2\2\u1c92\u1c94\3\2\2\2\u1c93\u1c8e\3\2\2\2\u1c93"+ + "\u1c94\3\2\2\2\u1c94\u1c95\3\2\2\2\u1c95\u1c96\5\u0274\u013b\2\u1c96\u1c97"+ + "\7G\2\2\u1c97\u1c98\5\u0286\u0144\2\u1c98\u1c99\5\u0288\u0145\2\u1c99"+ + "\u0273\3\2\2\2\u1c9a\u1cba\5\u0278\u013d\2\u1c9b\u1c9c\5\u0278\u013d\2"+ + "\u1c9c\u1c9d\5\u0276\u013c\2\u1c9d\u1c9e\7\u009a\2\2\u1c9e\u1c9f\7\u0360"+ + 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"\3\2\2\2\u1cc2\u1cc3\7\u0415\2\2\u1cc3\u1cc5\7\u03f3\2\2\u1cc4\u1cbd\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1cc4\u1cc2\3\2\2\2\u1cc5\u0279\3\2\2\2\u1cc6\u1cc7\7\u009a\2\2"+ + "\u1cc7\u1cca\5\u027e\u0140\2\u1cc8\u1cca\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u1cc9\u1cc6\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1cc9\u1cc8\3\2\2\2\u1cca\u027b\3\2\2\2\u1ccb\u1ccc\t>\2\2\u1ccc"+ + "\u027d\3\2\2\2\u1ccd\u1cce\t?\2\2\u1cce\u027f\3\2\2\2\u1ccf\u1cd0\5\u0282"+ + "\u0142\2\u1cd0\u1cd1\5\u0284\u0143\2\u1cd1\u0281\3\2\2\2\u1cd2\u1cd3\7"+ + "\u00af\2\2\u1cd3\u1cd4\7\u00cd\2\2\u1cd4\u1cd7\5\66\34\2\u1cd5\u1cd7\5"+ + "\u06fe\u0380\2\u1cd6\u1cd2\3\2\2\2\u1cd6\u1cd5\3\2\2\2\u1cd7\u0283\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1cd8\u1cd9\7\u02ce\2\2\u1cd9\u1cdc\5\66\34\2\u1cda\u1cdc\5\u06fe"+ + "\u0380\2\u1cdb\u1cd8\3\2\2\2\u1cdb\u1cda\3\2\2\2\u1cdc\u0285\3\2\2\2\u1cdd"+ + "\u1cdf\5\u0302\u0182\2\u1cde\u1ce0\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1cdf\u1cde\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1cdf\u1ce0\3\2\2\2\u1ce0\u1ce2\3\2\2\2\u1ce1\u1ce3\5\u031c\u018f\2\u1ce2"+ + 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"\u1d03\u1d02\3\2\2\2\u1d03\u1d04\3\2\2\2\u1d04\u1d05\3\2\2\2\u1d05\u1d06"+ + "\7\u009a\2\2\u1d06\u1d07\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1d07\u1d08\7\u04f8\2\2\u1d08"+ + "\u1d09\5\u029a\u014e\2\u1d09\u1d0b\7\u04ff\2\2\u1d0a\u1d0c\5\u02a0\u0151"+ + "\2\u1d0b\u1d0a\3\2\2\2\u1d0b\u1d0c\3\2\2\2\u1d0c\u1d0f\3\2\2\2\u1d0d\u1d10"+ + "\5\u01f0\u00f9\2\u1d0e\u1d10\5\u01e2\u00f2\2\u1d0f\u1d0d\3\2\2\2\u1d0f"+ + "\u1d0e\3\2\2\2\u1d0f\u1d10\3\2\2\2\u1d10\u1d12\3\2\2\2\u1d11\u1d13\5\u01e8"+ + "\u00f5\2\u1d12\u1d11\3\2\2\2\u1d12\u1d13\3\2\2\2\u1d13\u1d2b\3\2\2\2\u1d14"+ + "\u1d16\7[\2\2\u1d15\u1d17\7\u00c1\2\2\u1d16\u1d15\3\2\2\2\u1d16\u1d17"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1d17\u1d18\3\2\2\2\u1d18\u1d19\7~\2\2\u1d19\u1d1b\5\u03d2\u01ea"+ + "\2\u1d1a\u1d1c\5\u02a4\u0153\2\u1d1b\u1d1a\3\2\2\2\u1d1b\u1d1c\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1d1c\u1d1d\3\2\2\2\u1d1d\u1d1e\7\u009a\2\2\u1d1e\u1d1f\5\u03d0\u01e9"+ + "\2\u1d1f\u1d20\7\u04f8\2\2\u1d20\u1d21\5\u029a\u014e\2\u1d21\u1d22\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u1d22\u1d23\7\6\2\2\u1d23\u1d24\7\u0086\2\2\u1d24\u1d25\7\17\2\2"+ + "\u1d25\u1d26\7\u04fd\2\2\u1d26\u1d28\7\37\2\2\u1d27\u1d29\5\u02a0\u0151"+ + "\2\u1d28\u1d27\3\2\2\2\u1d28\u1d29\3\2\2\2\u1d29\u1d2b\3\2\2\2\u1d2a\u1cfc"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1d2a\u1d14\3\2\2\2\u1d2b\u0293\3\2\2\2\u1d2c\u1d2d\5\u060a\u0306"+ + "\2\u1d2d\u0295\3\2\2\2\u1d2e\u1d2f\7\u00df\2\2\u1d2f\u1d30\5\u0298\u014d"+ + "\2\u1d30\u0297\3\2\2\2\u1d31\u1d32\5\u060a\u0306\2\u1d32\u0299\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1d33\u1d38\5\u029c\u014f\2\u1d34\u1d35\7\u04f2\2\2\u1d35\u1d37\5\u029c"+ + "\u014f\2\u1d36\u1d34\3\2\2\2\u1d37\u1d3a\3\2\2\2\u1d38\u1d36\3\2\2\2\u1d38"+ + "\u1d39\3\2\2\2\u1d39\u029b\3\2\2\2\u1d3a\u1d38\3\2\2\2\u1d3b\u1d3c\5\u029e"+ + "\u0150\2\u1d3c\u1d3f\5\u0388\u01c5\2\u1d3d\u1d3e\7\u0109\2\2\u1d3e\u1d40"+ + "\7\u04e7\2\2\u1d3f\u1d3d\3\2\2\2\u1d3f\u1d40\3\2\2\2\u1d40\u029d\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1d41\u1d42\5\66\34\2\u1d42\u029f\3\2\2\2\u1d43\u1d45\5\u02a2\u0152"+ + "\2\u1d44\u1d43\3\2\2\2\u1d45\u1d46\3\2\2\2\u1d46\u1d44\3\2\2\2\u1d46\u1d47"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1d47\u02a1\3\2\2\2\u1d48\u1d70\7\u02cf\2\2\u1d49\u1d70\7\u02e9"+ + "\2\2\u1d4a\u1d4c\7\u032c\2\2\u1d4b\u1d4d\7\u0504\2\2\u1d4c\u1d4b\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1d4c\u1d4d\3\2\2\2\u1d4d\u1d4e\3\2\2\2\u1d4e\u1d70\7\u04e7\2\2\u1d4f"+ + "\u1d50\7X\2\2\u1d50\u1d70\7\u0518\2\2\u1d51\u1d52\7\u048c\2\2\u1d52\u1d53"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u1d53\u1d54\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u1d54\u1d55\7\u04ff\2\2\u1d55"+ + "\u1d70\3\2\2\2\u1d56\u1d57\7\u00cd\2\2\u1d57\u1d70\7\u00aa\2\2\u1d58\u1d59"+ + "\7\u00cd\2\2\u1d59\u1d5a\7\u0146\2\2\u1d5a\u1d70\7\u0518\2\2\u1d5b\u1d70"+ + "\5\u02a4\u0153\2\u1d5c\u1d70\5\u050a\u0286\2\u1d5d\u1d5f\7\u0197\2\2\u1d5e"+ + "\u1d60\7\u0504\2\2\u1d5f\u1d5e\3\2\2\2\u1d5f\u1d60\3\2\2\2\u1d60\u1d61"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1d61\u1d70\7\u04e7\2\2\u1d62\u1d64\7\u0390\2\2\u1d63\u1d65\7"+ + "\u0504\2\2\u1d64\u1d63\3\2\2\2\u1d64\u1d65\3\2\2\2\u1d65\u1d66\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1d66\u1d70\7\u04e7\2\2\u1d67\u1d69\7\u02f2\2\2\u1d68\u1d6a\7\u0504\2"+ + "\2\u1d69\u1d68\3\2\2\2\u1d69\u1d6a\3\2\2\2\u1d6a\u1d6b\3\2\2\2\u1d6b\u1d70"+ + "\7\u04e7\2\2\u1d6c\u1d70\5\u0232\u011a\2\u1d6d\u1d70\7\u02b7\2\2\u1d6e"+ + "\u1d70\5\u01ce\u00e8\2\u1d6f\u1d48\3\2\2\2\u1d6f\u1d49\3\2\2\2\u1d6f\u1d4a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1d6f\u1d4f\3\2\2\2\u1d6f\u1d51\3\2\2\2\u1d6f\u1d56\3\2\2\2\u1d6f"+ + "\u1d58\3\2\2\2\u1d6f\u1d5b\3\2\2\2\u1d6f\u1d5c\3\2\2\2\u1d6f\u1d5d\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1d6f\u1d62\3\2\2\2\u1d6f\u1d67\3\2\2\2\u1d6f\u1d6c\3\2\2\2\u1d6f"+ + "\u1d6d\3\2\2\2\u1d6f\u1d6e\3\2\2\2\u1d70\u02a3\3\2\2\2\u1d71\u1d72\7\u017b"+ + "\2\2\u1d72\u1d76\7\u0212\2\2\u1d73\u1d74\7\u017b\2\2\u1d74\u1d76\7\u0214"+ + "\2\2\u1d75\u1d71\3\2\2\2\u1d75\u1d73\3\2\2\2\u1d76\u02a5\3\2\2\2\u1d77"+ + "\u1d78\7[\2\2\u1d78\u1d79\7\u0486\2\2\u1d79\u1d7a\7\u00c9\2\2\u1d7a\u1d7b"+ + "\7\u047d\2\2\u1d7b\u1d7c\7\u009a\2\2\u1d7c\u1d7e\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1d7d"+ + "\u1d7f\5\u02a8\u0155\2\u1d7e\u1d7d\3\2\2\2\u1d7e\u1d7f\3\2\2\2\u1d7f\u1d82"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1d80\u1d81\7\u00cd\2\2\u1d81\u1d83\5\u02ac\u0157\2\u1d82\u1d80"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1d82\u1d83\3\2\2\2\u1d83\u1d88\3\2\2\2\u1d84\u1d85\5\u02ba\u015e"+ + "\2\u1d85\u1d86\7\u03cc\2\2\u1d86\u1d87\7\u00c6\2\2\u1d87\u1d89\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1d88\u1d84\3\2\2\2\u1d88\u1d89\3\2\2\2\u1d89\u1d8c\3\2\2\2\u1d8a\u1d8b"+ + "\7\u0148\2\2\u1d8b\u1d8d\5\u02bc\u015f\2\u1d8c\u1d8a\3\2\2\2\u1d8c\u1d8d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1d8d\u02a7\3\2\2\2\u1d8e\u1d90\5\u02aa\u0156\2\u1d8f\u1d8e\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1d90\u1d91\3\2\2\2\u1d91\u1d8f\3\2\2\2\u1d91\u1d92\3\2\2\2\u1d92"+ + "\u02a9\3\2\2\2\u1d93\u1d96\5\u0232\u011a\2\u1d94\u1d96\5\u01ce\u00e8\2"+ + "\u1d95\u1d93\3\2\2\2\u1d95\u1d94\3\2\2\2\u1d96\u02ab\3\2\2\2\u1d97\u1d98"+ + "\5\u02ae\u0158\2\u1d98\u1d99\5\u02b4\u015b\2\u1d99\u02ad\3\2\2\2\u1d9a"+ + "\u1d9c\5\u02b0\u0159\2\u1d9b\u1d9a\3\2\2\2\u1d9b\u1d9c\3\2\2\2\u1d9c\u02af"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1d9d\u1da0\5\u02b2\u015a\2\u1d9e\u1d9f\7\u04f2\2\2\u1d9f\u1da1"+ + "\5\u02b0\u0159\2\u1da0\u1d9e\3\2\2\2\u1da0\u1da1\3\2\2\2\u1da1\u02b1\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1da2\u1da3\7\u0270\2\2\u1da3\u1da7\7\u0294\2\2\u1da4\u1da7\7\u00aa"+ + "\2\2\u1da5\u1da7\7\u01e7\2\2\u1da6\u1da2\3\2\2\2\u1da6\u1da4\3\2\2\2\u1da6"+ + "\u1da5\3\2\2\2\u1da7\u02b3\3\2\2\2\u1da8\u1daf\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u1da9\u1dab"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u1daa\u1dac\5\u02b6\u015c\2\u1dab\u1daa\3\2\2\2\u1dab\u1dac"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1dac\u1dad\3\2\2\2\u1dad\u1daf\7\u04ff\2\2\u1dae\u1da8\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1dae\u1da9\3\2\2\2\u1daf\u02b5\3\2\2\2\u1db0\u1db3\5\u02b8\u015d\2"+ + "\u1db1\u1db2\7\u04f2\2\2\u1db2\u1db4\5\u02b6\u015c\2\u1db3\u1db1\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1db3\u1db4\3\2\2\2\u1db4\u02b7\3\2\2\2\u1db5\u1db6\5\u0608\u0305\2"+ + "\u1db6\u02b9\3\2\2\2\u1db7\u1db8\t@\2\2\u1db8\u02bb\3\2\2\2\u1db9\u1dba"+ + "\7z\2\2\u1dba\u1dbf\5\u02be\u0160\2\u1dbb\u1dbc\5\u02c0\u0161\2\u1dbc"+ + "\u1dbd\5\u02c2\u0162\2\u1dbd\u1dbf\3\2\2\2\u1dbe\u1db9\3\2\2\2\u1dbe\u1dbb"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1dbf\u02bd\3\2\2\2\u1dc0\u1dc2\tA\2\2\u1dc1\u1dc0\3\2\2\2\u1dc1"+ + "\u1dc2\3\2\2\2\u1dc2\u02bf\3\2\2\2\u1dc3\u1dc8\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u1dc4\u1dc5"+ + "\7\u00af\2\2\u1dc5\u1dc6\7\u00cd\2\2\u1dc6\u1dc8\5\66\34\2\u1dc7\u1dc3"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1dc7\u1dc4\3\2\2\2\u1dc8\u02c1\3\2\2\2\u1dc9\u1dcd\5\u06fe\u0380"+ + "\2\u1dca\u1dcb\7\u02ce\2\2\u1dcb\u1dcd\5\66\34\2\u1dcc\u1dc9\3\2\2\2\u1dcc"+ + "\u1dca\3\2\2\2\u1dcd\u02c3\3\2\2\2\u1dce\u1dcf\7d\2\2\u1dcf\u1dd0\7\u0486"+ + "\2\2\u1dd0\u1dd1\7\u00c9\2\2\u1dd1\u1dd2\7\u047d\2\2\u1dd2\u1dd3\7\u009a"+ + "\2\2\u1dd3\u1dd4\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1dd4\u02c5\3\2\2\2\u1dd5\u1dd6\7d\2"+ + "\2\u1dd6\u1dd7\7\u00bb\2\2\u1dd7\u1dda\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1dd8\u1dd9\7\u00db"+ + "\2\2\u1dd9\u1ddb\7\u02b6\2\2\u1dda\u1dd8\3\2\2\2\u1dda\u1ddb\3\2\2\2\u1ddb"+ + "\u1ddd\3\2\2\2\u1ddc\u1dde\7\u0148\2\2\u1ddd\u1ddc\3\2\2\2\u1ddd\u1dde"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1dde\u02c7\3\2\2\2\u1ddf\u1de0\tB\2\2\u1de0\u02c9\3\2\2\2\u1de1"+ + "\u1de3\7d\2\2\u1de2\u1de4\7\u0486\2\2\u1de3\u1de2\3\2\2\2\u1de3\u1de4"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1de4\u1de5\3\2\2\2\u1de5\u1de6\7\u00c9\2\2\u1de6\u1de9\5\u03d0"+ + "\u01e9\2\u1de7\u1de8\7\u00db\2\2\u1de8\u1dea\7\u02b6\2\2\u1de9\u1de7\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1de9\u1dea\3\2\2\2\u1dea\u02cb\3\2\2\2\u1deb\u1df0\5\u03d0\u01e9"+ + "\2\u1dec\u1ded\7\u04f2\2\2\u1ded\u1def\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1dee\u1dec\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1def\u1df2\3\2\2\2\u1df0\u1dee\3\2\2\2\u1df0\u1df1\3\2\2\2\u1df1"+ + "\u02cd\3\2\2\2\u1df2\u1df0\3\2\2\2\u1df3\u1df4\7d\2\2\u1df4\u1df5\7~\2"+ + "\2\u1df5\u1df8\5\u060a\u0306\2\u1df6\u1df7\7\u04fd\2\2\u1df7\u1df9\5\u060a"+ + "\u0306\2\u1df8\u1df6\3\2\2\2\u1df8\u1df9\3\2\2\2\u1df9\u02cf\3\2\2\2\u1dfa"+ + "\u1dfb\5\u02ec\u0177\2\u1dfb\u1dfc\5\u02d8\u016d\2\u1dfc\u1e01\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1dfd\u1dfe\5\u02ec\u0177\2\u1dfe\u1dff\5\u02da\u016e\2\u1dff\u1e01\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1e00\u1dfa\3\2\2\2\u1e00\u1dfd\3\2\2\2\u1e01\u02d1\3\2\2\2\u1e02"+ + "\u1e08\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u1e03\u1e04\7\u04f8\2\2\u1e04\u1e05\5> \2\u1e05"+ + "\u1e06\7\u04ff\2\2\u1e06\u1e08\3\2\2\2\u1e07\u1e02\3\2\2\2\u1e07\u1e03"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1e08\u02d3\3\2\2\2\u1e09\u1e0d\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u1e0a\u1e0b\7"+ + "\u0084\2\2\u1e0b\u1e0d\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1e0c\u1e09\3\2\2\2\u1e0c\u1e0a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1e0d\u02d5\3\2\2\2\u1e0e\u1e13\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u1e0f\u1e10\7"+ + "\u0134\2\2\u1e10\u1e11\7\u04ca\2\2\u1e11\u1e13\t\63\2\2\u1e12\u1e0e\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1e12\u1e0f\3\2\2\2\u1e13\u02d7\3\2\2\2\u1e14\u1e15\7\u0084\2\2"+ + "\u1e15\u1e17\5\u03bc\u01df\2\u1e16\u1e18\7\u01e6\2\2\u1e17\u1e16\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1e17\u1e18\3\2\2\2\u1e18\u1e19\3\2\2\2\u1e19\u1e1a\7\u04f8\2\2\u1e1a"+ + "\u1e1b\5\u02ee\u0178\2\u1e1b\u1e1c\7\u04ff\2\2\u1e1c\u1e1e\5\u02e6\u0174"+ + "\2\u1e1d\u1e1f\5\u00ceh\2\u1e1e\u1e1d\3\2\2\2\u1e1e\u1e1f\3\2\2\2\u1e1f"+ + "\u1e35\3\2\2\2\u1e20\u1e21\7\u0084\2\2\u1e21\u1e23\5\u03bc\u01df\2\u1e22"+ + "\u1e24\7\u01e6\2\2\u1e23\u1e22\3\2\2\2\u1e23\u1e24\3\2\2\2\u1e24\u1e25"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1e25\u1e26\7\u04f8\2\2\u1e26\u1e27\7\u04ff\2\2\u1e27\u1e29\5"+ + "\u02e6\u0174\2\u1e28\u1e2a\5\u00ceh\2\u1e29\u1e28\3\2\2\2\u1e29\u1e2a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1e2a\u1e35\3\2\2\2\u1e2b\u1e2c\7\u0084\2\2\u1e2c\u1e2e\5\u03bc"+ + "\u01df\2\u1e2d\u1e2f\7\u01e6\2\2\u1e2e\u1e2d\3\2\2\2\u1e2e\u1e2f\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1e2f\u1e30\3\2\2\2\u1e30\u1e32\5\u02e6\u0174\2\u1e31\u1e33\5\u00ce"+ + "h\2\u1e32\u1e31\3\2\2\2\u1e32\u1e33\3\2\2\2\u1e33\u1e35\3\2\2\2\u1e34"+ + "\u1e14\3\2\2\2\u1e34\u1e20\3\2\2\2\u1e34\u1e2b\3\2\2\2\u1e35\u02d9\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1e36\u1e37\7C\2\2\u1e37\u1e38\5\u02dc\u016f\2\u1e38\u1e3a\5\u0302"+ + "\u0182\2\u1e39\u1e3b\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1e3a\u1e39\3\2\2\2\u1e3a\u1e3b\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1e3b\u1e3d\3\2\2\2\u1e3c\u1e3e\5\u031c\u018f\2\u1e3d\u1e3c\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1e3d\u1e3e\3\2\2\2\u1e3e\u1e48\3\2\2\2\u1e3f\u1e40\5\u02e0\u0171"+ + "\2\u1e40\u1e42\5\u0302\u0182\2\u1e41\u1e43\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1e42\u1e41"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1e42\u1e43\3\2\2\2\u1e43\u1e45\3\2\2\2\u1e44\u1e46\5\u031c\u018f"+ + "\2\u1e45\u1e44\3\2\2\2\u1e45\u1e46\3\2\2\2\u1e46\u1e48\3\2\2\2\u1e47\u1e36"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1e47\u1e3f\3\2\2\2\u1e48\u02db\3\2\2\2\u1e49\u1e4b\5\u02de\u0170"+ + "\2\u1e4a\u1e49\3\2\2\2\u1e4b\u1e4c\3\2\2\2\u1e4c\u1e4a\3\2\2\2\u1e4c\u1e4d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1e4d\u02dd\3\2\2\2\u1e4e\u1e4f\7\u0084\2\2\u1e4f\u1e68\5\u03b8"+ + "\u01dd\2\u1e50\u1e51\7\u0084\2\2\u1e51\u1e52\5\u03b8\u01dd\2\u1e52\u1e53"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u1e53\u1e54\5\u02ee\u0178\2\u1e54\u1e55\7\u04ff\2\2\u1e55"+ + "\u1e68\3\2\2\2\u1e56\u1e57\7\u0084\2\2\u1e57\u1e58\5\u03b8\u01dd\2\u1e58"+ + "\u1e59\7\u00c6\2\2\u1e59\u1e5a\7\u04f8\2\2\u1e5a\u1e5b\5\u02f2\u017a\2"+ + "\u1e5b\u1e5c\7\u04ff\2\2\u1e5c\u1e68\3\2\2\2\u1e5d\u1e5e\7\u0084\2\2\u1e5e"+ + "\u1e5f\5\u03b8\u01dd\2\u1e5f\u1e60\7\u04f8\2\2\u1e60\u1e61\5\u02ee\u0178"+ + "\2\u1e61\u1e62\7\u04ff\2\2\u1e62\u1e63\7\u00c6\2\2\u1e63\u1e64\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u1e64\u1e65\5\u02f2\u017a\2\u1e65\u1e66\7\u04ff\2\2\u1e66\u1e68\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1e67\u1e4e\3\2\2\2\u1e67\u1e50\3\2\2\2\u1e67\u1e56\3\2\2\2\u1e67"+ + "\u1e5d\3\2\2\2\u1e68\u02df\3\2\2\2\u1e69\u1e6b\tC\2\2\u1e6a\u1e69\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1e6a\u1e6b\3\2\2\2\u1e6b\u1e6c\3\2\2\2\u1e6c\u1e6f\5\u02e2\u0172"+ + "\2\u1e6d\u1e6e\7k\2\2\u1e6e\u1e70\5\u02dc\u016f\2\u1e6f\u1e6d\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1e6f\u1e70\3\2\2\2\u1e70\u02e1\3\2\2\2\u1e71\u1e73\5\u02e4\u0173\2\u1e72"+ + "\u1e71\3\2\2\2\u1e73\u1e74\3\2\2\2\u1e74\u1e72\3\2\2\2\u1e74\u1e75\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1e75\u02e3\3\2\2\2\u1e76\u1e77\7\u0180\2\2\u1e77\u1e78\5n8\2\u1e78"+ + "\u1e79\7\u00bc\2\2\u1e79\u1e7a\5\u02dc\u016f\2\u1e7a\u02e5\3\2\2\2\u1e7b"+ + "\u1e7c\7\u00c6\2\2\u1e7c\u1e87\5\u02f0\u0179\2\u1e7d\u1e7e\7\u00c6\2\2"+ + "\u1e7e\u1e87\5f\64\2\u1e7f\u1e81\5\u0302\u0182\2\u1e80\u1e82\5\u037e\u01c0"+ + "\2\u1e81\u1e80\3\2\2\2\u1e81\u1e82\3\2\2\2\u1e82\u1e84\3\2\2\2\u1e83\u1e85"+ + "\5\u031c\u018f\2\u1e84\u1e83\3\2\2\2\u1e84\u1e85\3\2\2\2\u1e85\u1e87\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1e86\u1e7b\3\2\2\2\u1e86\u1e7d\3\2\2\2\u1e86\u1e7f\3\2\2\2\u1e87"+ + "\u02e7\3\2\2\2\u1e88\u1e8a\5\u0336\u019c\2\u1e89\u1e88\3\2\2\2\u1e89\u1e8a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1e8a\u02e9\3\2\2\2\u1e8b\u1e90\5\u038e\u01c8\2\u1e8c\u1e8d\7"+ + "\u04f2\2\2\u1e8d\u1e8f\5\u038e\u01c8\2\u1e8e\u1e8c\3\2\2\2\u1e8f\u1e92"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1e90\u1e8e\3\2\2\2\u1e90\u1e91\3\2\2\2\u1e91\u02eb\3\2\2\2\u1e92"+ + "\u1e90\3\2\2\2\u1e93\u1e97\7\u0080\2\2\u1e94\u1e95\7\u051d\2\2\u1e95\u1e97"+ + "\5\u0354\u01ab\2\u1e96\u1e93\3\2\2\2\u1e96\u1e94\3\2\2\2\u1e97\u02ed\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1e98\u1e9d\5\u0168\u00b5\2\u1e99\u1e9a\7\u04f2\2\2\u1e9a\u1e9c"+ + "\5\u0168\u00b5\2\u1e9b\u1e99\3\2\2\2\u1e9c\u1e9f\3\2\2\2\u1e9d\u1e9b\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1e9d\u1e9e\3\2\2\2\u1e9e\u02ef\3\2\2\2\u1e9f\u1e9d\3\2\2\2\u1ea0"+ + "\u1ea1\b\u0179\1\2\u1ea1\u1ea2\7\u04f8\2\2\u1ea2\u1ea3\5\u02f2\u017a\2"+ + "\u1ea3\u1ea4\7\u04ff\2\2\u1ea4\u1ead\3\2\2\2\u1ea5\u1ea6\f\3\2\2\u1ea6"+ + "\u1ea7\7\u04f2\2\2\u1ea7\u1ea8\7\u04f8\2\2\u1ea8\u1ea9\5\u02f2\u017a\2"+ + "\u1ea9\u1eaa\7\u04ff\2\2\u1eaa\u1eac\3\2\2\2\u1eab\u1ea5\3\2\2\2\u1eac"+ + "\u1eaf\3\2\2\2\u1ead\u1eab\3\2\2\2\u1ead\u1eae\3\2\2\2\u1eae\u02f1\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1eaf\u1ead\3\2\2\2\u1eb0\u1eb5\5\u02f4\u017b\2\u1eb1\u1eb2\7\u04f2"+ + "\2\2\u1eb2\u1eb4\5\u02f4\u017b\2\u1eb3\u1eb1\3\2\2\2\u1eb4\u1eb7\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1eb5\u1eb3\3\2\2\2\u1eb5\u1eb6\3\2\2\2\u1eb6\u02f3\3\2\2\2\u1eb7\u1eb5"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1eb8\u1ebb\5\66\34\2\u1eb9\u1ebb\7_\2\2\u1eba\u1eb8\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1eba\u1eb9\3\2\2\2\u1ebb\u02f5\3\2\2\2\u1ebc\u1ec0\7\u0133\2\2\u1ebd"+ + "\u1ebe\7\u051e\2\2\u1ebe\u1ec0\5\u0354\u01ab\2\u1ebf\u1ebc\3\2\2\2\u1ebf"+ + "\u1ebd\3\2\2\2\u1ec0\u02f7\3\2\2\2\u1ec1\u1ec2\5\u02f6\u017c\2\u1ec2\u1ec3"+ + "\7\u0084\2\2\u1ec3\u1ec4\5\u02fe\u0180\2\u1ec4\u1ec5\7\u017b\2\2\u1ec5"+ + "\u1ec6\5\u02fe\u0180\2\u1ec6\u1ec7\7\u009a\2\2\u1ec7\u1ec8\7\u04f8\2\2"+ + "\u1ec8\u1ec9\5n8\2\u1ec9\u1ecb\7\u04ff\2\2\u1eca\u1ecc\5\u02fa\u017e\2"+ + "\u1ecb\u1eca\3\2\2\2\u1ecb\u1ecc\3\2\2\2\u1ecc\u1ecd\3\2\2\2\u1ecd\u1ece"+ + "\5\u02fc\u017f\2\u1ece\u1ede\3\2\2\2\u1ecf\u1ed0\5\u02f6\u017c\2\u1ed0"+ + "\u1ed1\7\u0084\2\2\u1ed1\u1ed2\5\u02fe\u0180\2\u1ed2\u1ed3\7\u017b\2\2"+ + "\u1ed3\u1ed4\5\u02fe\u0180\2\u1ed4\u1ed5\7\u009a\2\2\u1ed5\u1ed6\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u1ed6\u1ed7\5n8\2\u1ed7\u1ed9\7\u04ff\2\2\u1ed8\u1eda\5\u02fc\u017f"+ + "\2\u1ed9\u1ed8\3\2\2\2\u1ed9\u1eda\3\2\2\2\u1eda\u1edb\3\2\2\2\u1edb\u1edc"+ + "\5\u02fa\u017e\2\u1edc\u1ede\3\2\2\2\u1edd\u1ec1\3\2\2\2\u1edd\u1ecf\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1ede\u02f9\3\2\2\2\u1edf\u1ee0\7\u0180\2\2\u1ee0\u1ee1\7\u0272"+ + "\2\2\u1ee1\u1ee2\7\u00bc\2\2\u1ee2\u1ee3\7\u00c3\2\2\u1ee3\u1ee4\7\u00b2"+ + "\2\2\u1ee4\u1eea\5\u00d8m\2\u1ee5\u1ee6\7\u00cb\2\2\u1ee6\u1eeb\5n8\2"+ + "\u1ee7\u1ee8\7\u00cb\2\2\u1ee8\u1ee9\7\u04f1\2\2\u1ee9\u1eeb\5n8\2\u1eea"+ + "\u1ee5\3\2\2\2\u1eea\u1ee7\3\2\2\2\u1eea\u1eeb\3\2\2\2\u1eeb\u1eef\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1eec\u1eed\7`\2\2\u1eed\u1eee\7\u00cb\2\2\u1eee\u1ef0\5n8\2\u1eef"+ + "\u1eec\3\2\2\2\u1eef\u1ef0\3\2\2\2\u1ef0\u02fb\3\2\2\2\u1ef1\u1ef2\7\u0180"+ + "\2\2\u1ef2\u1ef3\7\u0092\2\2\u1ef3\u1ef4\7\u0272\2\2\u1ef4\u1ef5\7\u00bc"+ + "\2\2\u1ef5\u1efa\7\u0080\2\2\u1ef6\u1ef7\7\u04f8\2\2\u1ef7\u1ef8\5\u02ee"+ + "\u0178\2\u1ef8\u1ef9\7\u04ff\2\2\u1ef9\u1efb\3\2\2\2\u1efa\u1ef6\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1efa\u1efb\3\2\2\2\u1efb\u1efc\3\2\2\2\u1efc\u1efd\7\u00c6\2\2\u1efd"+ + "\u1efe\7\u04f8\2\2\u1efe\u1eff\5\u02f2\u017a\2\u1eff\u1f05\7\u04ff\2\2"+ + "\u1f00\u1f01\7\u00cb\2\2\u1f01\u1f06\5n8\2\u1f02\u1f03\7\u00cb\2\2\u1f03"+ + "\u1f04\7\u04f1\2\2\u1f04\u1f06\5n8\2\u1f05\u1f00\3\2\2\2\u1f05\u1f02\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1f05\u1f06\3\2\2\2\u1f06\u02fd\3\2\2\2\u1f07\u1f09\5\u03d0\u01e9"+ + "\2\u1f08\u1f0a\5\u060a\u0306\2\u1f09\u1f08\3\2\2\2\u1f09\u1f0a\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1f0a\u1f1e\3\2\2\2\u1f0b\u1f0d\5\u0304\u0183\2\u1f0c\u1f0e\5\u060a\u0306"+ + "\2\u1f0d\u1f0c\3\2\2\2\u1f0d\u1f0e\3\2\2\2\u1f0e\u1f1e\3\2\2\2\u1f0f\u1f10"+ + "\7\u00bb\2\2\u1f10\u1f13\7\u04f8\2\2\u1f11\u1f14\5\u0306\u0184\2\u1f12"+ + "\u1f14\5> \2\u1f13\u1f11\3\2\2\2\u1f13\u1f12\3\2\2\2\u1f14\u1f15\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1f15\u1f17\7\u04ff\2\2\u1f16\u1f18\5\u060a\u0306\2\u1f17\u1f16\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1f17\u1f18\3\2\2\2\u1f18\u1f1e\3\2\2\2\u1f19\u1f1b\5\u03a0\u01d1"+ + "\2\u1f1a\u1f1c\5\u060a\u0306\2\u1f1b\u1f1a\3\2\2\2\u1f1b\u1f1c\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1f1c\u1f1e\3\2\2\2\u1f1d\u1f07\3\2\2\2\u1f1d\u1f0b\3\2\2\2\u1f1d\u1f0f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1f1d\u1f19\3\2\2\2\u1f1e\u02ff\3\2\2\2\u1f1f\u1f21\5\u0302\u0182"+ + "\2\u1f20\u1f22\5\u031c\u018f\2\u1f21\u1f20\3\2\2\2\u1f21\u1f22\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1f22\u1f3b\3\2\2\2\u1f23\u1f24\5\u0302\u0182\2\u1f24\u1f25\5\u0366\u01b4"+ + "\2\u1f25\u1f3b\3\2\2\2\u1f26\u1f27\5\u0302\u0182\2\u1f27\u1f28\5\u031e"+ + "\u0190\2\u1f28\u1f29\5\u0366\u01b4\2\u1f29\u1f3b\3\2\2\2\u1f2a\u1f2b\5"+ + "\u0302\u0182\2\u1f2b\u1f2d\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1f2c\u1f2e\5\u031c\u018f\2"+ + "\u1f2d\u1f2c\3\2\2\2\u1f2d\u1f2e\3\2\2\2\u1f2e\u1f3b\3\2\2\2\u1f2f\u1f30"+ + "\5\u0302\u0182\2\u1f30\u1f32\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1f31\u1f33\5\u031c\u018f"+ + "\2\u1f32\u1f31\3\2\2\2\u1f32\u1f33\3\2\2\2\u1f33\u1f34\3\2\2\2\u1f34\u1f35"+ + "\5\u0366\u01b4\2\u1f35\u1f3b\3\2\2\2\u1f36\u1f37\5\u0302\u0182\2\u1f37"+ + "\u1f38\5\u0366\u01b4\2\u1f38\u1f39\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1f39\u1f3b\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1f3a\u1f1f\3\2\2\2\u1f3a\u1f23\3\2\2\2\u1f3a\u1f26\3\2\2\2\u1f3a\u1f2a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1f3a\u1f2f\3\2\2\2\u1f3a\u1f36\3\2\2\2\u1f3b\u0301\3\2\2\2\u1f3c"+ + "\u1f40\5\u0306\u0184\2\u1f3d\u1f40\5\u0304\u0183\2\u1f3e\u1f40\5\u03fa"+ + "\u01fe\2\u1f3f\u1f3c\3\2\2\2\u1f3f\u1f3d\3\2\2\2\u1f3f\u1f3e\3\2\2\2\u1f40"+ + "\u0303\3\2\2\2\u1f41\u1f44\7\u04f8\2\2\u1f42\u1f45\5\u0306\u0184\2\u1f43"+ + "\u1f45\5\u03fa\u01fe\2\u1f44\u1f42\3\2\2\2\u1f44\u1f43\3\2\2\2\u1f45\u1f47"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1f46\u1f48\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1f47\u1f46\3\2\2\2\u1f47\u1f48\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1f48\u1f4a\3\2\2\2\u1f49\u1f4b\5\u031c\u018f\2\u1f4a\u1f49\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1f4a\u1f4b\3\2\2\2\u1f4b\u1f4c\3\2\2\2\u1f4c\u1f4d\7\u04ff\2\2\u1f4d"+ + "\u1f53\3\2\2\2\u1f4e\u1f4f\7\u04f8\2\2\u1f4f\u1f50\5\u0304\u0183\2\u1f50"+ + "\u1f51\7\u04ff\2\2\u1f51\u1f53\3\2\2\2\u1f52\u1f41\3\2\2\2\u1f52\u1f4e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1f53\u0305\3\2\2\2\u1f54\u1f57\5\u0308\u0185\2\u1f55\u1f57\5"+ + "\u030a\u0186\2\u1f56\u1f54\3\2\2\2\u1f56\u1f55\3\2\2\2\u1f57\u0307\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1f58\u1f5b\5\u0316\u018c\2\u1f59\u1f5b\5\u0318\u018d\2\u1f5a\u1f58"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1f5a\u1f59\3\2\2\2\u1f5b\u0309\3\2\2\2\u1f5c\u1f5d\b\u0186\1"+ + "\2\u1f5d\u1f5e\5\u030e\u0188\2\u1f5e\u1f5f\5\u032e\u0198\2\u1f5f\u1f60"+ + "\5\u030c\u0187\2\u1f60\u1f67\3\2\2\2\u1f61\u1f62\f\4\2\2\u1f62\u1f63\5"+ + "\u032e\u0198\2\u1f63\u1f64\5\u030c\u0187\2\u1f64\u1f66\3\2\2\2\u1f65\u1f61"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1f66\u1f69\3\2\2\2\u1f67\u1f65\3\2\2\2\u1f67\u1f68\3\2\2\2\u1f68"+ + "\u030b\3\2\2\2\u1f69\u1f67\3\2\2\2\u1f6a\u1f6e\5\u0316\u018c\2\u1f6b\u1f6e"+ + "\5\u0318\u018d\2\u1f6c\u1f6e\5\u0304\u0183\2\u1f6d\u1f6a\3\2\2\2\u1f6d"+ + "\u1f6b\3\2\2\2\u1f6d\u1f6c\3\2\2\2\u1f6e\u030d\3\2\2\2\u1f6f\u1f70\5\u030c"+ + "\u0187\2\u1f70\u030f\3\2\2\2\u1f71\u1f75\7\u00b0\2\2\u1f72\u1f73\7\u051f"+ + "\2\2\u1f73\u1f75\5\u0354\u01ab\2\u1f74\u1f71\3\2\2\2\u1f74\u1f72\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1f75\u0311\3\2\2\2\u1f76\u1f7a\7\u00c3\2\2\u1f77\u1f78\7\u0520\2\2"+ + "\u1f78\u1f7a\5\u0354\u01ab\2\u1f79\u1f76\3\2\2\2\u1f79\u1f77\3\2\2\2\u1f7a"+ + "\u0313\3\2\2\2\u1f7b\u1f7f\7`\2\2\u1f7c\u1f7d\7\u0521\2\2\u1f7d\u1f7f"+ + "\5\u0354\u01ab\2\u1f7e\u1f7b\3\2\2\2\u1f7e\u1f7c\3\2\2\2\u1f7f\u0315\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1f80\u1f82\5\u0310\u0189\2\u1f81\u1f83\5\u038a\u01c6\2\u1f82\u1f81"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1f82\u1f83\3\2\2\2\u1f83\u1f84\3\2\2\2\u1f84\u1f85\5\u0392\u01ca"+ + "\2\u1f85\u1f86\5\u0338\u019d\2\u1f86\u1f87\7r\2\2\u1f87\u1f8d\5\u0394"+ + "\u01cb\2\u1f88\u1f89\7\u00cb\2\2\u1f89\u1f8e\5n8\2\u1f8a\u1f8b\7\u00cb"+ + "\2\2\u1f8b\u1f8c\7\u04f1\2\2\u1f8c\u1f8e\5n8\2\u1f8d\u1f88\3\2\2\2\u1f8d"+ + "\u1f8a\3\2\2\2\u1f8d\u1f8e\3\2\2\2\u1f8e\u1fa0\3\2\2\2\u1f8f\u1f90\7t"+ + "\2\2\u1f90\u1f91\7O\2\2\u1f91\u1fa1\5\u036a\u01b6\2\u1f92\u1f93\7u\2\2"+ + "\u1f93\u1fa1\5n8\2\u1f94\u1f95\7t\2\2\u1f95\u1f96\7O\2\2\u1f96\u1f97\5"+ + "\u036a\u01b6\2\u1f97\u1f98\7u\2\2\u1f98\u1f99\5n8\2\u1f99\u1fa1\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u1f9a\u1f9b\7u\2\2\u1f9b\u1f9c\5n8\2\u1f9c\u1f9d\7t\2\2\u1f9d\u1f9e"+ + "\7O\2\2\u1f9e\u1f9f\5\u036a\u01b6\2\u1f9f\u1fa1\3\2\2\2\u1fa0\u1f8f\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1fa0\u1f92\3\2\2\2\u1fa0\u1f94\3\2\2\2\u1fa0\u1f9a\3\2\2\2\u1fa0"+ + "\u1fa1\3\2\2\2\u1fa1\u0317\3\2\2\2\u1fa2\u1fa4\5\u0310\u0189\2\u1fa3\u1fa5"+ + "\5\u038a\u01c6\2\u1fa4\u1fa3\3\2\2\2\u1fa4\u1fa5\3\2\2\2\u1fa5\u1fa6\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u1fa6\u1fa7\5\u0392\u01ca\2\u1fa7\u1fa8\5\u0338\u019d\2\u1fa8\u1fa9"+ + "\7r\2\2\u1fa9\u1faf\5\u0394\u01cb\2\u1faa\u1fab\7\u00cb\2\2\u1fab\u1fb0"+ + "\5n8\2\u1fac\u1fad\7\u00cb\2\2\u1fad\u1fae\7\u04f1\2\2\u1fae\u1fb0\5n"+ + "8\2\u1faf\u1faa\3\2\2\2\u1faf\u1fac\3\2\2\2\u1faf\u1fb0\3\2\2\2\u1fb0"+ + "\u1fb1\3\2\2\2\u1fb1\u1fb2\5\u031a\u018e\2\u1fb2\u1fc4\5\u0328\u0195\2"+ + "\u1fb3\u1fb4\7t\2\2\u1fb4\u1fb5\7O\2\2\u1fb5\u1fc5\5\u036a\u01b6\2\u1fb6"+ + "\u1fb7\7u\2\2\u1fb7\u1fc5\5n8\2\u1fb8\u1fb9\7t\2\2\u1fb9\u1fba\7O\2\2"+ + "\u1fba\u1fbb\5\u036a\u01b6\2\u1fbb\u1fbc\7u\2\2\u1fbc\u1fbd\5n8\2\u1fbd"+ + "\u1fc5\3\2\2\2\u1fbe\u1fbf\7u\2\2\u1fbf\u1fc0\5n8\2\u1fc0\u1fc1\7t\2\2"+ + "\u1fc1\u1fc2\7O\2\2\u1fc2\u1fc3\5\u036a\u01b6\2\u1fc3\u1fc5\3\2\2\2\u1fc4"+ + "\u1fb3\3\2\2\2\u1fc4\u1fb6\3\2\2\2\u1fc4\u1fb8\3\2\2\2\u1fc4\u1fbe\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1fc4\u1fc5\3\2\2\2\u1fc5\u1fed\3\2\2\2\u1fc6\u1fc8\5\u0310\u0189"+ + "\2\u1fc7\u1fc9\5\u038a\u01c6\2\u1fc8\u1fc7\3\2\2\2\u1fc8\u1fc9\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u1fc9\u1fca\3\2\2\2\u1fca\u1fcb\5\u0392\u01ca\2\u1fcb\u1fcc\5\u0338\u019d"+ + "\2\u1fcc\u1fcd\7r\2\2\u1fcd\u1fd3\5\u0394\u01cb\2\u1fce\u1fcf\7\u00cb"+ + "\2\2\u1fcf\u1fd4\5n8\2\u1fd0\u1fd1\7\u00cb\2\2\u1fd1\u1fd2\7\u04f1\2\2"+ + "\u1fd2\u1fd4\5n8\2\u1fd3\u1fce\3\2\2\2\u1fd3\u1fd0\3\2\2\2\u1fd3\u1fd4"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1fd4\u1fd5\3\2\2\2\u1fd5\u1fd7\5\u0328\u0195\2\u1fd6\u1fd8\5"+ + "\u031a\u018e\2\u1fd7\u1fd6\3\2\2\2\u1fd7\u1fd8\3\2\2\2\u1fd8\u1fea\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1fd9\u1fda\7t\2\2\u1fda\u1fdb\7O\2\2\u1fdb\u1feb\5\u036a\u01b6\2"+ + "\u1fdc\u1fdd\7u\2\2\u1fdd\u1feb\5n8\2\u1fde\u1fdf\7t\2\2\u1fdf\u1fe0\7"+ + "O\2\2\u1fe0\u1fe1\5\u036a\u01b6\2\u1fe1\u1fe2\7u\2\2\u1fe2\u1fe3\5n8\2"+ + "\u1fe3\u1feb\3\2\2\2\u1fe4\u1fe5\7u\2\2\u1fe5\u1fe6\5n8\2\u1fe6\u1fe7"+ + "\7t\2\2\u1fe7\u1fe8\7O\2\2\u1fe8\u1fe9\5\u036a\u01b6\2\u1fe9\u1feb\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1fea\u1fd9\3\2\2\2\u1fea\u1fdc\3\2\2\2\u1fea\u1fde\3\2\2\2\u1fea"+ + "\u1fe4\3\2\2\2\u1fea\u1feb\3\2\2\2\u1feb\u1fed\3\2\2\2\u1fec\u1fa2\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u1fec\u1fc6\3\2\2\2\u1fed\u0319\3\2\2\2\u1fee\u1fef\7\u00af\2\2\u1fef"+ + "\u1ff0\7\u00cd\2\2\u1ff0\u1ff1\5n8\2\u1ff1\u031b\3\2\2\2\u1ff2\u1ff3\7"+ + "\u029f\2\2\u1ff3\u1ff4\5\66\34\2\u1ff4\u1ff6\tD\2\2\u1ff5\u1ff7\5\u031e"+ + "\u0190\2\u1ff6\u1ff5\3\2\2\2\u1ff6\u1ff7\3\2\2\2\u1ff7\u1ffa\3\2\2\2\u1ff8"+ + "\u1ffa\5\u031e\u0190\2\u1ff9\u1ff2\3\2\2\2\u1ff9\u1ff8\3\2\2\2\u1ffa\u031d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u1ffb\u1ffe\5\u0320\u0191\2\u1ffc\u1ffe\5\u0322\u0192\2\u1ffd"+ + "\u1ffb\3\2\2\2\u1ffd\u1ffc\3\2\2\2\u1ffe\u031f\3\2\2\2\u1fff\u2003\5\u0324"+ + "\u0193\2\u2000\u2004\7\u04a8\2\2\u2001\u2002\7\u00cd\2\2\u2002\u2004\7"+ + "\u0264\2\2\u2003\u2000\3\2\2\2\u2003\u2001\3\2\2\2\u2004\u0321\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2005\u2009\5\u0326\u0194\2\u2006\u200a\7\u04a8\2\2\u2007\u2008\7\u00cd"+ + "\2\2\u2008\u200a\7\u0264\2\2\u2009\u2006\3\2\2\2\u2009\u2007\3\2\2\2\u200a"+ + "\u0323\3\2\2\2\u200b\u200c\7\u00fd\2\2\u200c\u200e\tE\2\2\u200d\u200f"+ + "\5\66\34\2\u200e\u200d\3\2\2\2\u200e\u200f\3\2\2\2\u200f\u2010\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2010\u2011\tD\2\2\u2011\u0325\3\2\2\2\u2012\u2013\7\u00fd\2\2\u2013"+ + "\u2014\tE\2\2\u2014\u2015\5\66\34\2\u2015\u2016\7\u02a8\2\2\u2016\u2017"+ + "\tD\2\2\u2017\u0327\3\2\2\2\u2018\u2019\7Z\2\2\u2019\u201b\7O\2\2\u201a"+ + "\u201c\7\u013d\2\2\u201b\u201a\3\2\2\2\u201b\u201c\3\2\2\2\u201c\u201d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u201d\u201e\5n8\2\u201e\u0329\3\2\2\2\u201f\u2020\7\u00c0\2\2"+ + "\u2020\u032b\3\2\2\2\u2021\u2022\tF\2\2\u2022\u032d\3\2\2\2\u2023\u2024"+ + "\5\u032a\u0196\2\u2024\u2025\5\u0330\u0199\2\u2025\u2028\3\2\2\2\u2026"+ + "\u2028\5\u032c\u0197\2\u2027\u2023\3\2\2\2\u2027\u2026\3\2\2\2\u2028\u032f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2029\u202b\7C\2\2\u202a\u2029\3\2\2\2\u202a\u202b\3\2\2\2\u202b"+ + "\u0331\3\2\2\2\u202c\u2033\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u202d\u202f\7\u00cb\2\2\u202e"+ + "\u2030\7\u04f1\2\2\u202f\u202e\3\2\2\2\u202f\u2030\3\2\2\2\u2030\u2031"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2031\u2033\5n8\2\u2032\u202c\3\2\2\2\u2032\u202d\3\2\2\2\u2033"+ + "\u0333\3\2\2\2\u2034\u203a\5\u0332\u019a\2\u2035\u2036\7\u00cb\2\2\u2036"+ + "\u2037\7\\\2\2\u2037\u2038\7\u0098\2\2\u2038\u203a\5V,\2\u2039\u2034\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2039\u2035\3\2\2\2\u203a\u0335\3\2\2\2\u203b\u203c\7\u00d9\2\2"+ + "\u203c\u203e\7\u00e2\2\2\u203d\u203b\3\2\2\2\u203d\u203e\3\2\2\2\u203e"+ + "\u203f\3\2\2\2\u203f\u2040\7\u0084\2\2\u2040\u2041\5\u033a\u019e\2\u2041"+ + "\u0337\3\2\2\2\u2042\u2043\7\u0084\2\2\u2043\u2044\7\u0145\2\2\u2044\u2045"+ + "\7\u0518\2\2\u2045\u2049\5\u034a\u01a6\2\u2046\u2047\5\u010a\u0086\2\u2047"+ + "\u2048\5\u01b0\u00d9\2\u2048\u204a\3\2\2\2\u2049\u2046\3\2\2\2\u2049\u204a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u204a\u204b\3\2\2\2\u204b\u204c\5\u033e\u01a0\2\u204c\u204d\5"+ + "\u034e\u01a8\2\u204d\u204e\5\u0344\u01a3\2\u204e\u2055\3\2\2\2\u204f\u2050"+ + "\7\u0084\2\2\u2050\u2051\7\u03c3\2\2\u2051\u2055\7\u0518\2\2\u2052\u2055"+ + "\5\u0336\u019c\2\u2053\u2055\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u2054\u2042\3\2\2\2\u2054"+ + "\u204f\3\2\2\2\u2054\u2052\3\2\2\2\u2054\u2053\3\2\2\2\u2055\u0339\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2056\u205b\5\u033c\u019f\2\u2057\u2058\7\u04f2\2\2\u2058\u205a\5"+ + "\u033c\u019f\2\u2059\u2057\3\2\2\2\u205a\u205d\3\2\2\2\u205b\u2059\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u205b\u205c\3\2\2\2\u205c\u033b\3\2\2\2\u205d\u205b\3\2\2\2\u205e"+ + "\u2066\7\u0512\2\2\u205f\u2066\5f\64\2\u2060\u2066\7\u0510\2\2\u2061\u2062"+ + "\6\u019f\34\2\u2062\u2063\7\u0510\2\2\u2063\u2064\7\u04fd\2\2\u2064\u2066"+ + "\5\u0608\u0305\2\u2065\u205e\3\2\2\2\u2065\u205f\3\2\2\2\u2065\u2060\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2065\u2061\3\2\2\2\u2066\u033d\3\2\2\2\u2067\u2068\5\u0426\u0214"+ + "\2\u2068\u2069\5\u0340\u01a1\2\u2069\u206c\3\2\2\2\u206a\u206c\5\u06fe"+ + "\u0380\2\u206b\u2067\3\2\2\2\u206b\u206a\3\2\2\2\u206c\u033f\3\2\2\2\u206d"+ + "\u206f\5\u0342\u01a2\2\u206e\u206d\3\2\2\2\u206f\u2070\3\2\2\2\u2070\u206e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2070\u2071\3\2\2\2\u2071\u0341\3\2\2\2\u2072\u2074\7\u0141\2"+ + "\2\u2073\u2072\3\2\2\2\u2073\u2074\3\2\2\2\u2074\u2075\3\2\2\2\u2075\u2078"+ + "\7\u00f7\2\2\u2076\u2078\7\u016e\2\2\u2077\u2073\3\2\2\2\u2077\u2076\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2078\u207b\3\2\2\2\u2079\u207b\7\u00f9\2\2\u207a\u2077\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u207a\u2079\3\2\2\2\u207b\u207c\3\2\2\2\u207c\u207d\7O\2\2\u207d\u207e"+ + "\7\u0518\2\2\u207e\u0343\3\2\2\2\u207f\u2081\5\u0346\u01a4\2\u2080\u207f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2080\u2081\3\2\2\2\u2081\u0345\3\2\2\2\u2082\u2084\5\u0348\u01a5"+ + "\2\u2083\u2082\3\2\2\2\u2084\u2085\3\2\2\2\u2085\u2083\3\2\2\2\u2085\u2086"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2086\u0347\3\2\2\2\u2087\u2089\7\16\2\2\u2088\u208a\7\u0504"+ + "\2\2\u2089\u2088\3\2\2\2\u2089\u208a\3\2\2\2\u208a\u208b\3\2\2\2\u208b"+ + "\u2097\7\u04e9\2\2\u208c\u208e\7\60\2\2\u208d\u208f\7\u0504\2\2\u208e"+ + "\u208d\3\2\2\2\u208e\u208f\3\2\2\2\u208f\u2090\3\2\2\2\u2090\u2097\5\u034c"+ + "\u01a7\2\u2091\u2093\7\32\2\2\u2092\u2094\7\u0504\2\2\u2093\u2092\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2093\u2094\3\2\2\2\u2094\u2095\3\2\2\2\u2095\u2097\5\u034c\u01a7"+ + "\2\u2096\u2087\3\2\2\2\u2096\u208c\3\2\2\2\u2096\u2091\3\2\2\2\u2097\u0349"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2098\u209d\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u2099\u209a\7\u0149\2\2\u209a\u209b"+ + "\7O\2\2\u209b\u209d\5\66\34\2\u209c\u2098\3\2\2\2\u209c\u2099\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u209d\u034b\3\2\2\2\u209e\u209f\t\60\2\2\u209f\u034d\3\2\2\2\u20a0\u20a1"+ + "\7\u0123\2\2\u20a1\u20a4\5\u0350\u01a9\2\u20a2\u20a4\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u20a3"+ + "\u20a0\3\2\2\2\u20a3\u20a2\3\2\2\2\u20a4\u034f\3\2\2\2\u20a5\u20a7\5\u0352"+ + "\u01aa\2\u20a6\u20a5\3\2\2\2\u20a7\u20a8\3\2\2\2\u20a8\u20a6\3\2\2\2\u20a8"+ + "\u20a9\3\2\2\2\u20a9\u0351\3\2\2\2\u20aa\u20ab\tG\2\2\u20ab\u20ac\7O\2"+ + "\2\u20ac\u20ad\7\u0518\2\2\u20ad\u0353\3\2\2\2\u20ae\u20b4\5\u0358\u01ad"+ + "\2\u20af\u20b0\5\u0356\u01ac\2\u20b0\u20b1\7\u04f2\2\2\u20b1\u20b2\5\u0358"+ + "\u01ad\2\u20b2\u20b4\3\2\2\2\u20b3\u20ae\3\2\2\2\u20b3\u20af\3\2\2\2\u20b3"+ + "\u20b4\3\2\2\2\u20b4\u20b5\3\2\2\2\u20b5\u20b6\7\u0522\2\2\u20b6\u0355"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u20b7\u20b8\b\u01ac\1\2\u20b8\u20bb\5\u0358\u01ad\2\u20b9\u20bb"+ + "\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u20ba\u20b7\3\2\2\2\u20ba\u20b9\3\2\2\2\u20bb\u20c1\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u20bc\u20bd\f\3\2\2\u20bd\u20be\7\u04f2\2\2\u20be\u20c0\5\u0358"+ + "\u01ad\2\u20bf\u20bc\3\2\2\2\u20c0\u20c3\3\2\2\2\u20c1\u20bf\3\2\2\2\u20c1"+ + "\u20c2\3\2\2\2\u20c2\u0357\3\2\2\2\u20c3\u20c1\3\2\2\2\u20c4\u20c6\5\u035c"+ + "\u01af\2\u20c5\u20c4\3\2\2\2\u20c6\u20c7\3\2\2\2\u20c7\u20c5\3\2\2\2\u20c7"+ + "\u20c8\3\2\2\2\u20c8\u0359\3\2\2\2\u20c9\u20ca\b\u01ae\1\2\u20ca\u20cb"+ + "\5\u060a\u0306\2\u20cb\u20d3\3\2\2\2\u20cc\u20cd\f\4\2\2\u20cd\u20d2\5"+ + "\u060a\u0306\2\u20ce\u20cf\f\3\2\2\u20cf\u20d0\7\u04f2\2\2\u20d0\u20d2"+ + "\5\u060a\u0306\2\u20d1\u20cc\3\2\2\2\u20d1\u20ce\3\2\2\2\u20d2\u20d5\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u20d3\u20d1\3\2\2\2\u20d3\u20d4\3\2\2\2\u20d4\u035b\3\2\2\2\u20d5"+ + "\u20d3\3\2\2\2\u20d6\u21fa\7\u0523\2\2\u20d7\u20d8\7\u0524\2\2\u20d8\u20d9"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u20d9\u20da\5\u0360\u01b1\2\u20da\u20db\7\u04ff\2\2\u20db"+ + "\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u20dc\u20dd\7\u0525\2\2\u20dd\u20de\7\u04f8\2\2\u20de\u20df"+ + "\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u20df\u20e0\5\u03d8\u01ed\2\u20e0\u20e1\7\u0517\2\2\u20e1"+ + "\u20e2\7\u04ff\2\2\u20e2\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u20e3\u20e4\7\u0526\2\2\u20e4\u20e5"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u20e5\u20e6\7\u04e7\2\2\u20e6\u21fa\7\u04ff\2\2\u20e7\u20e8"+ + "\7\u0527\2\2\u20e8\u20e9\7\u04f8\2\2\u20e9\u20ea\7\u04e7\2\2\u20ea\u21fa"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u20eb\u20ec\7\u0528\2\2\u20ec\u20ed\7\u04f8\2\2\u20ed\u20ee"+ + "\7\u04e7\2\2\u20ee\u20ef\7\u04e7\2\2\u20ef\u21fa\7\u04ff\2\2\u20f0\u21fa"+ + "\7\u0529\2\2\u20f1\u20f2\7\u052a\2\2\u20f2\u20f3\7\u04f8\2\2\u20f3\u20f4"+ + "\7\u0517\2\2\u20f4\u21fa\7\u04ff\2\2\u20f5\u20f6\7\u052a\2\2\u20f6\u20f7"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u20f7\u20f8\7\u0518\2\2\u20f8\u21fa\7\u04ff\2\2\u20f9\u20fa"+ + "\7\u052b\2\2\u20fa\u20fb\7\u04f8\2\2\u20fb\u20fc\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u20fc"+ + 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"\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u2120\u2121\5\u03ec\u01f7\2\u2121\u2122\7\u04ff\2\2\u2122"+ + "\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u2123\u2124\7\u0532\2\2\u2124\u2125\7\u04f8\2\2\u2125\u2126"+ + "\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u2126\u2127\5\u03ec\u01f7\2\u2127\u2128\7\u04ff\2\2\u2128"+ + "\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u2129\u212a\7\u0533\2\2\u212a\u212b\7\u04f8\2\2\u212b\u212c"+ + "\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u212c\u212d\5\u03ec\u01f7\2\u212d\u212e\7\u04ff\2\2\u212e"+ + "\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u212f\u2130\7\u0534\2\2\u2130\u2131\7\u04f8\2\2\u2131\u2132"+ + "\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u2132\u2133\5\u03ec\u01f7\2\u2133\u2134\7\u04ff\2\2\u2134"+ + "\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u2135\u2136\7\u0535\2\2\u2136\u2137\7\u04f8\2\2\u2137\u2138"+ + "\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u2138\u2139\5\u03ec\u01f7\2\u2139\u213a\7\u04ff\2\2\u213a"+ + "\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u213b\u213c\7\u0536\2\2\u213c\u213d\7\u04f8\2\2\u213d\u213e"+ + "\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u213e\u213f\5\u03ec\u01f7\2\u213f\u2140\7\u04ff\2\2\u2140"+ + "\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u2141\u2142\7\u0537\2\2\u2142\u2143\7\u04f8\2\2\u2143\u2144"+ + "\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u2144\u2145\5\u03ec\u01f7\2\u2145\u2146\7\u04ff\2\2\u2146"+ + "\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u2147\u2148\7\u0538\2\2\u2148\u2149\7\u04f8\2\2\u2149\u214a"+ + "\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u214a\u214b\5\u03ec\u01f7\2\u214b\u214c\7\u04ff\2\2\u214c"+ + "\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u214d\u21fa\7\u0539\2\2\u214e\u21fa\7\u053a\2\2\u214f\u2154"+ + "\7\u053b\2\2\u2150\u2151\7\u04f8\2\2\u2151\u2152\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u2152"+ + "\u2153\7\u04ff\2\2\u2153\u2155\3\2\2\2\u2154\u2150\3\2\2\2\u2154\u2155"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2155\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u2156\u215b\7\u053c\2\2\u2157\u2158\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u2158\u2159\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u2159\u215a\7\u04ff\2\2\u215a\u215c\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u215b\u2157\3\2\2\2\u215b\u215c\3\2\2\2\u215c\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u215d"+ + "\u2162\7\u053d\2\2\u215e\u215f\7\u04f8\2\2\u215f\u2160\5\u03da\u01ee\2"+ + "\u2160\u2161\7\u04ff\2\2\u2161\u2163\3\2\2\2\u2162\u215e\3"; + private static final String _serializedATNSegment4 = + "\2\2\2\u2162\u2163\3\2\2\2\u2163\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u2164\u2169\7\u053e\2\2"+ + 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"\7\u03bd\2\2\u21cd\u21ce\7\u0551\2\2\u21ce\u21cf\7\u04f8\2\2\u21cf\u21d0"+ + "\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u21d0\u21d2\5\u03e2\u01f2\2\u21d1\u21d3\7\u04f2\2\2\u21d2"+ + "\u21d1\3\2\2\2\u21d2\u21d3\3\2\2\2\u21d3\u21d4\3\2\2\2\u21d4\u21d8\5\u035e"+ + "\u01b0\2\u21d5\u21d6\5\u01c2\u00e2\2\u21d6\u21d7\5\u035e\u01b0\2\u21d7"+ + "\u21d9\3\2\2\2\u21d8\u21d5\3\2\2\2\u21d8\u21d9\3\2\2\2\u21d9\u21da\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u21da\u21db\7\u04ff\2\2\u21db\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u21dc\u21dd\7\u0392\2"+ + "\2\u21dd\u21de\7\u04f8\2\2\u21de\u21df\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u21df\u21e0\5\u03d8"+ + "\u01ed\2\u21e0\u21e1\7\u04ff\2\2\u21e1\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u21e2\u21e3\7\u0552"+ + "\2\2\u21e3\u21e4\7\u04f8\2\2\u21e4\u21e5\7\u04e7\2\2\u21e5\u21fa\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u21e6\u21fa\7\u0517\2\2\u21e7\u21fa\7\2\2\3\u21e8\u21fa\7\u0513\2"+ + "\2\u21e9\u21fa\7\u024b\2\2\u21ea\u21fa\7\u01a6\2\2\u21eb\u21f0\7\u04b4"+ + "\2\2\u21ec\u21ed\7\u04f8\2\2\u21ed\u21ee\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u21ee\u21ef\7"+ + 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"\u2269\u226a\7\u04f2\2\2\u226a\u226c\5\u0382\u01c2\2\u226b\u2269\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u226c\u226f\3\2\2\2\u226d\u226b\3\2\2\2\u226d\u226e\3\2\2\2\u226e\u0381"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u226f\u226d\3\2\2\2\u2270\u2271\5\66\34\2\u2271\u2272\5\u0388"+ + "\u01c5\2\u2272\u0383\3\2\2\2\u2273\u2279\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u2274\u2275\7"+ + "\u04de\2\2\u2275\u2279\7\u02c1\2\2\u2276\u2277\7\u04de\2\2\u2277\u2279"+ + "\7\u023a\2\2\u2278\u2273\3\2\2\2\u2278\u2274\3\2\2\2\u2278\u2276\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2279\u0385\3\2\2\2\u227a\u227c\tM\2\2\u227b\u227a\3\2\2\2\u227b\u227c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u227c\u0387\3\2\2\2\u227d\u227e\5\u0386\u01c4\2\u227e\u227f\5"+ + "\u0384\u01c3\2\u227f\u0389\3\2\2\2\u2280\u2282\5\u038c\u01c7\2\u2281\u2283"+ + "\5\u038c\u01c7\2\u2282\u2281\3\2\2\2\u2282\u2283\3\2\2\2\u2283\u038b\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2284\u2285\tN\2\2\u2285\u038d\3\2\2\2\u2286\u228c\5\66\34\2\u2287"+ + "\u2288\7G\2\2\u2288\u228d\5\u0610\u0309\2\u2289\u228b\5\u0610\u0309\2"+ + "\u228a\u2289\3\2\2\2\u228a\u228b\3\2\2\2\u228b\u228d\3\2\2\2\u228c\u2287"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u228c\u228a\3\2\2\2\u228d\u2290\3\2\2\2\u228e\u2290\7\u04f6\2"+ + "\2\u228f\u2286\3\2\2\2\u228f\u228e\3\2\2\2\u2290\u038f\3\2\2\2\u2291\u2293"+ + "\7G\2\2\u2292\u2291\3\2\2\2\u2292\u2293\3\2\2\2\u2293\u0391\3\2\2\2\u2294"+ + "\u2299\5\u038e\u01c8\2\u2295\u2296\7\u04f2\2\2\u2296\u2298\5\u038e\u01c8"+ + "\2\u2297\u2295\3\2\2\2\u2298\u229b\3\2\2\2\u2299\u2297\3\2\2\2\u2299\u229a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u229a\u0393\3\2\2\2\u229b\u2299\3\2\2\2\u229c\u229d\5\u0396\u01cc"+ + "\2\u229d\u0395\3\2\2\2\u229e\u22a3\5\u0398\u01cd\2\u229f\u22a0\7\u04f2"+ + "\2\2\u22a0\u22a2\5\u0398\u01cd\2\u22a1\u229f\3\2\2\2\u22a2\u22a5\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u22a3\u22a1\3\2\2\2\u22a3\u22a4\3\2\2\2\u22a4\u0397\3\2\2\2\u22a5\u22a3"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u22a6\u22a9\5\u039a\u01ce\2\u22a7\u22a9\5\u03f2\u01fa\2\u22a8"+ + "\u22a6\3\2\2\2\u22a8\u22a7\3\2\2\2\u22a9\u0399\3\2\2\2\u22aa\u22d0\5\u039e"+ + "\u01d0\2\u22ab\u22ad\7\u011e\2\2\u22ac\u22ab\3\2\2\2\u22ac\u22ad\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u22ad\u22ae\3\2\2\2\u22ae\u22d0\5\u03c6\u01e4\2\u22af\u22b0\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u22b0\u22b1\5\u0398\u01cd\2\u22b1\u22b2\7\u04ff\2\2\u22b2\u22d0\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u22b3\u22b4\7\u00bb\2\2\u22b4\u22b7\7\u04f8\2\2\u22b5\u22b8\5\u0306"+ + "\u0184\2\u22b6\u22b8\5> \2\u22b7\u22b5\3\2\2\2\u22b7\u22b6\3\2\2\2\u22b8"+ + "\u22b9\3\2\2\2\u22b9\u22bb\7\u04ff\2\2\u22ba\u22bc\5\u060a\u0306\2\u22bb"+ + "\u22ba\3\2\2\2\u22bb\u22bc\3\2\2\2\u22bc\u22d0\3\2\2\2\u22bd\u22bf\5\u039c"+ + "\u01cf\2\u22be\u22c0\5\u060a\u0306\2\u22bf\u22be\3\2\2\2\u22bf\u22c0\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u22c0\u22d0\3\2\2\2\u22c1\u22c6\5\u0692\u034a\2\u22c2\u22c4\7G"+ + "\2\2\u22c3\u22c2\3\2\2\2\u22c3\u22c4\3\2\2\2\u22c4\u22c5\3\2\2\2\u22c5"+ + "\u22c7\5\u060a\u0306\2\u22c6\u22c3\3\2\2\2\u22c6\u22c7\3\2\2\2\u22c7\u22d0"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u22c8\u22cd\5\u066e\u0338\2\u22c9\u22cb\7G\2\2\u22ca\u22c9\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u22ca\u22cb\3\2\2\2\u22cb\u22cc\3\2\2\2\u22cc\u22ce\5\u060a\u0306"+ + "\2\u22cd\u22ca\3\2\2\2\u22cd\u22ce\3\2\2\2\u22ce\u22d0\3\2\2\2\u22cf\u22aa"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u22cf\u22ac\3\2\2\2\u22cf\u22af\3\2\2\2\u22cf\u22b3\3\2\2\2\u22cf"+ + "\u22bd\3\2\2\2\u22cf\u22c1\3\2\2\2\u22cf\u22c8\3\2\2\2\u22d0\u039b\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u22d1\u22d7\5\u00b8]\2\u22d2\u22d3\5\u0106\u0084\2\u22d3\u22d4\7"+ + "\u04fd\2\2\u22d4\u22d5\5\u039c\u01cf\2\u22d5\u22d7\3\2\2\2\u22d6\u22d1"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u22d6\u22d2\3\2\2\2\u22d7\u039d\3\2\2\2\u22d8\u22da\5\u03d0\u01e9"+ + "\2\u22d9\u22db\5\u03c8\u01e5\2\u22da\u22d9\3\2\2\2\u22da\u22db\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u22db\u22e2\3\2\2\2\u22dc\u22dd\5\u03c4\u01e3\2\u22dd\u22de\5\u03c0\u01e1"+ + "\2\u22de\u22e3\3\2\2\2\u22df\u22e1\5\u03c4\u01e3\2\u22e0\u22df\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u22e0\u22e1\3\2\2\2\u22e1\u22e3\3\2\2\2\u22e2\u22dc\3\2\2\2\u22e2\u22e0"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u22e3\u22e5\3\2\2\2\u22e4\u22e6\5\u03ce\u01e8\2\u22e5\u22e4\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u22e5\u22e6\3\2\2\2\u22e6\u22e8\3\2\2\2\u22e7\u22e9\5\u060a\u0306"+ + "\2\u22e8\u22e7\3\2\2\2\u22e8\u22e9\3\2\2\2\u22e9\u2300\3\2\2\2\u22ea\u22ec"+ + "\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u22eb\u22ed\5\u03c8\u01e5\2\u22ec\u22eb\3\2\2\2\u22ec"+ + "\u22ed\3\2\2\2\u22ed\u22f4\3\2\2\2\u22ee\u22ef\5\u03c4\u01e3\2\u22ef\u22f0"+ + "\5\u03c0\u01e1\2\u22f0\u22f5\3\2\2\2\u22f1\u22f3\5\u03c4\u01e3\2\u22f2"+ + "\u22f1\3\2\2\2\u22f2\u22f3\3\2\2\2\u22f3\u22f5\3\2\2\2\u22f4\u22ee\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u22f4\u22f2\3\2\2\2\u22f5\u22f7\3\2\2\2\u22f6\u22f8\5\u060a\u0306"+ + "\2\u22f7\u22f6\3\2\2\2\u22f7\u22f8\3\2\2\2\u22f8\u22f9\3\2\2\2\u22f9\u22fa"+ + "\5\u03a2\u01d2\2\u22fa\u2300\3\2\2\2\u22fb\u22fd\5\u03a0\u01d1\2\u22fc"+ + "\u22fe\5\u060a\u0306\2\u22fd\u22fc\3\2\2\2\u22fd\u22fe\3\2\2\2\u22fe\u2300"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u22ff\u22d8\3\2\2\2\u22ff\u22ea\3\2\2\2\u22ff\u22fb\3\2\2\2\u2300"+ + "\u039f\3\2\2\2\u2301\u2302\7\u00f5\2\2\u2302\u03a1\3\2\2\2\u2303\u2304"+ + "\7\u00a0\2\2\u2304\u2305\7\u04f8\2\2\u2305\u2306\5\u03a4\u01d3\2\u2306"+ + "\u2307\5\u03a8\u01d5\2\u2307\u2308\5\u03aa\u01d6\2\u2308\u2309\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u2309\u232e\3\2\2\2\u230a\u230b\7\u00a0\2\2\u230b\u230c\7\u04f8\2"+ + "\2\u230c\u230d\5\u03a4\u01d3\2\u230d\u230e\5\u03a8\u01d5\2\u230e\u230f"+ + "\5\u03aa\u01d6\2\u230f\u2310\7\u04ff\2\2\u2310\u2311\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2311"+ + "\u232e\3\2\2\2\u2312\u2317\7\u00c2\2\2\u2313\u2314\7n\2\2\u2314\u2318"+ + "\7\u04de\2\2\u2315\u2316\7}\2\2\u2316\u2318\7\u04de\2\2\u2317\u2313\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2317\u2315\3\2\2\2\u2317\u2318\3\2\2\2\u2318\u2319\3\2\2\2\u2319"+ + "\u231a\7\u04f8\2\2\u231a\u231b\5\u03b0\u01d9\2\u231b\u231c\5\u03a8\u01d5"+ + "\2\u231c\u231d\5\u03b2\u01da\2\u231d\u231e\7\u04ff\2\2\u231e\u232e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u231f\u2324\7\u00c2\2\2\u2320\u2321\7n\2\2\u2321\u2325\7\u04de\2"+ + "\2\u2322\u2323\7}\2\2\u2323\u2325\7\u04de\2\2\u2324\u2320\3\2\2\2\u2324"+ + "\u2322\3\2\2\2\u2324\u2325\3\2\2\2\u2325\u2326\3\2\2\2\u2326\u2327\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u2327\u2328\5\u03b0\u01d9\2\u2328\u2329\5\u03a8\u01d5\2\u2329\u232a"+ + "\5\u03b2\u01da\2\u232a\u232b\7\u04ff\2\2\u232b\u232c\5\u060a\u0306\2\u232c"+ + "\u232e\3\2\2\2\u232d\u2303\3\2\2\2\u232d\u230a\3\2\2\2\u232d\u2312\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u232d\u231f\3\2\2\2\u232e\u03a3\3\2\2\2\u232f\u2334\5\u03a6\u01d4"+ + "\2\u2330\u2331\7\u04f2\2\2\u2331\u2333\5\u03a6\u01d4\2\u2332\u2330\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2333\u2336\3\2\2\2\u2334\u2332\3\2\2\2\u2334\u2335\3\2\2\2\u2335"+ + "\u03a5\3\2\2\2\u2336\u2334\3\2\2\2\u2337\u233b\5\u00acW\2\u2338\u2339"+ + "\5\u0390\u01c9\2\u2339\u233a\5\u060a\u0306\2\u233a\u233c\3\2\2\2\u233b"+ + "\u2338\3\2\2\2\u233b\u233c\3\2\2\2\u233c\u2344\3\2\2\2\u233d\u2341\5\u00b6"+ + "\\\2\u233e\u233f\5\u0390\u01c9\2\u233f\u2340\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2340\u2342"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2341\u233e\3\2\2\2\u2341\u2342\3\2\2\2\u2342\u2344\3\2\2\2\u2343"+ + "\u2337\3\2\2\2\u2343\u233d\3\2\2\2\u2344\u03a7\3\2\2\2\u2345\u2346\7q"+ + "\2\2\u2346\u234d\5\u0608\u0305\2\u2347\u2348\7q\2\2\u2348\u2349\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u2349\u234a\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u234a\u234b\7\u04ff\2\2\u234b\u234d\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u234c\u2345\3\2\2\2\u234c\u2347\3\2\2\2\u234d\u03a9\3\2\2\2\u234e"+ + "\u234f\7{\2\2\u234f\u2350\7\u04f8\2\2\u2350\u2351\5\u03ac\u01d7\2\u2351"+ + "\u2352\7\u04ff\2\2\u2352\u03ab\3\2\2\2\u2353\u2358\5\u03ae\u01d8\2\u2354"+ + "\u2355\7\u04f2\2\2\u2355\u2357\5\u03ae\u01d8\2\u2356\u2354\3\2\2\2\u2357"+ + "\u235a\3\2\2\2\u2358\u2356\3\2\2\2\u2358\u2359\3\2\2\2\u2359\u03ad\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u235a\u2358\3\2\2\2\u235b\u2361\5\66\34\2\u235c\u235d\7G\2\2\u235d"+ + "\u2362\5\u060a\u0306\2\u235e\u2360\5\u060a\u0306\2\u235f\u235e\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u235f\u2360\3\2\2\2\u2360\u2362\3\2\2\2\u2361\u235c\3\2\2\2\u2361\u235f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2362\u03af\3\2\2\2\u2363\u2369\5\u0608\u0305\2\u2364\u2365\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u2365\u2366\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u2366\u2367\7\u04ff\2\2\u2367\u2369"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2368\u2363\3\2\2\2\u2368\u2364\3\2\2\2\u2369\u03b1\3\2\2\2\u236a"+ + "\u236b\7{\2\2\u236b\u236c\7\u04f8\2\2\u236c\u236d\5\u03b4\u01db\2\u236d"+ + "\u236e\7\u04ff\2\2\u236e\u03b3\3\2\2\2\u236f\u2374\5\u03b6\u01dc\2\u2370"+ + "\u2371\7\u04f2\2\2\u2371\u2373\5\u03b6\u01dc\2\u2372\u2370\3\2\2\2\u2373"+ + "\u2376\3\2\2\2\u2374\u2372\3\2\2\2\u2374\u2375\3\2\2\2\u2375\u03b5\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2376\u2374\3\2\2\2\u2377\u237a\5\u03b0\u01d9\2\u2378\u2379\7G\2"+ + "\2\u2379\u237b\5\66\34\2\u237a\u2378\3\2\2\2\u237a\u237b\3\2\2\2\u237b"+ + "\u03b7\3\2\2\2\u237c\u237e\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u237d\u237f\5\u03c8\u01e5\2"+ + "\u237e\u237d\3\2\2\2\u237e\u237f\3\2\2\2\u237f\u03b9\3\2\2\2\u2380\u238d"+ + "\5\u028a\u0146\2\u2381\u2383\5\u031c\u018f\2\u2382\u2384\5\u028a\u0146"+ + "\2\u2383\u2382\3\2\2\2\u2383\u2384\3\2\2\2\u2384\u238d\3\2\2\2\u2385\u2387"+ + "\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u2386\u2388\5\u031c\u018f\2\u2387\u2386\3\2\2\2\u2387"+ + "\u2388\3\2\2\2\u2388\u238a\3\2\2\2\u2389\u238b\5\u028a\u0146\2\u238a\u2389"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u238a\u238b\3\2\2\2\u238b\u238d\3\2\2\2\u238c\u2380\3\2\2\2\u238c"+ + "\u2381\3\2\2\2\u238c\u2385\3\2\2\2\u238d\u03bb\3\2\2\2\u238e\u2390\5\u03b8"+ + "\u01dd\2\u238f\u2391\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2390\u238f\3\2\2\2\u2390\u2391\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2391\u239e\3\2\2\2\u2392\u2394\5\u0304\u0183\2\u2393\u2395\5\u060a"+ + "\u0306\2\u2394\u2393\3\2\2\2\u2394\u2395\3\2\2\2\u2395\u239e\3\2\2\2\u2396"+ + "\u2397\7\u04f8\2\2\u2397\u2398\5\u0302\u0182\2\u2398\u2399\5\u03ba\u01de"+ + "\2\u2399\u239b\7\u04ff\2\2\u239a\u239c\5\u060a\u0306\2\u239b\u239a\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u239b\u239c\3\2\2\2\u239c\u239e\3\2\2\2\u239d\u238e\3\2\2\2\u239d"+ + "\u2392\3\2\2\2\u239d\u2396\3\2\2\2\u239e\u03bd\3\2\2\2\u239f\u23a1\5\u03b8"+ + "\u01dd\2\u23a0\u23a2\5\u060a\u0306\2\u23a1\u23a0\3\2\2\2\u23a1\u23a2\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u23a2\u23b6\3\2\2\2\u23a3\u23a4\7\u04a8\2\2\u23a4\u23a5\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u23a5\u23a6\5\u03b8\u01dd\2\u23a6\u23a8\7\u04ff\2\2\u23a7\u23a9\5"+ + "\u060a\u0306\2\u23a8\u23a7\3\2\2\2\u23a8\u23a9\3\2\2\2\u23a9\u23b6\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u23aa\u23ac\5\u0304\u0183\2\u23ab\u23ad\5\u060a\u0306\2\u23ac\u23ab"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u23ac\u23ad\3\2\2\2\u23ad\u23b6\3\2\2\2\u23ae\u23af\7\u04f8\2"+ + "\2\u23af\u23b0\5\u0302\u0182\2\u23b0\u23b1\5\u03ba\u01de\2\u23b1\u23b3"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u23b2\u23b4\5\u060a\u0306\2\u23b3\u23b2\3\2\2\2\u23b3\u23b4"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u23b4\u23b6\3\2\2\2\u23b5\u239f\3\2\2\2\u23b5\u23a3\3\2\2\2\u23b5"+ + "\u23aa\3\2\2\2\u23b5\u23ae\3\2\2\2\u23b6\u03bf\3\2\2\2\u23b7\u23b8\7\u0438"+ + "\2\2\u23b8\u23b9\7\u04f8\2\2\u23b9\u23ba\7\u04e7\2\2\u23ba\u23bb\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u23bb\u03c1\3\2\2\2\u23bc\u23bd\t\4\2\2\u23bd\u03c3\3\2\2\2\u23be"+ + "\u23c0\7\u01f5\2\2\u23bf\u23c1\7\u04bc\2\2\u23c0\u23bf\3\2\2\2\u23c0\u23c1"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u23c1\u23c3\3\2\2\2\u23c2\u23c4\tO\2\2\u23c3\u23c2\3\2\2\2\u23c3"+ + "\u23c4\3\2\2\2\u23c4\u23c5\3\2\2\2\u23c5\u23c6\7\u04f8\2\2\u23c6\u23c7"+ + "\5\u03c2\u01e2\2\u23c7\u23c8\7\u04ff\2\2\u23c8\u03c5\3\2\2\2\u23c9\u23cb"+ + "\5\u0304\u0183\2\u23ca\u23cc\5\u03ce\u01e8\2\u23cb\u23ca\3\2\2\2\u23cb"+ + "\u23cc\3\2\2\2\u23cc\u23ce\3\2\2\2\u23cd\u23cf\5\u060a\u0306\2\u23ce\u23cd"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u23ce\u23cf\3\2\2\2\u23cf\u23d1\3\2\2\2\u23d0\u23d2\5\u03a2\u01d2"+ + "\2\u23d1\u23d0\3\2\2\2\u23d1\u23d2\3\2\2\2\u23d2\u23e1\3\2\2\2\u23d3\u23d4"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u23d4\u23d5\5\u0302\u0182\2\u23d5\u23d6\5\u03ba\u01de\2\u23d6"+ + "\u23d8\7\u04ff\2\2\u23d7\u23d9\5\u03ce\u01e8\2\u23d8\u23d7\3\2\2\2\u23d8"+ + "\u23d9\3\2\2\2\u23d9\u23db\3\2\2\2\u23da\u23dc\5\u060a\u0306\2\u23db\u23da"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u23db\u23dc\3\2\2\2\u23dc\u23de\3\2\2\2\u23dd\u23df\5\u03a2\u01d2"+ + "\2\u23de\u23dd\3\2\2\2\u23de\u23df\3\2\2\2\u23df\u23e1\3\2\2\2\u23e0\u23c9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u23e0\u23d3\3\2\2\2\u23e1\u03c7\3\2\2\2\u23e2\u23e3\tP\2\2\u23e3"+ + "\u23e4\7\u04f8\2\2\u23e4\u23e5\5\u035a\u01ae\2\u23e5\u23e6\7\u04ff\2\2"+ + "\u23e6\u23ed\3\2\2\2\u23e7\u23e8\7\u0149\2\2\u23e8\u23e9\7\u04f8\2\2\u23e9"+ + "\u23ea\5\u03ca\u01e6\2\u23ea\u23eb\7\u04ff\2\2\u23eb\u23ed\3\2\2\2\u23ec"+ + "\u23e2\3\2\2\2\u23ec\u23e7\3\2\2\2\u23ed\u03c9\3\2\2\2\u23ee\u23ef\b\u01e6"+ + "\1\2\u23ef\u23f2\5\u03cc\u01e7\2\u23f0\u23f2\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u23f1\u23ee"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u23f1\u23f0\3\2\2\2\u23f2\u23f8\3\2\2\2\u23f3\u23f4\f\3\2\2\u23f4"+ + "\u23f5\7\u04f2\2\2\u23f5\u23f7\5\u03cc\u01e7\2\u23f6\u23f3\3\2\2\2\u23f7"+ + "\u23fa\3\2\2\2\u23f8\u23f6\3\2\2\2\u23f8\u23f9\3\2\2\2\u23f9\u03cb\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u23fa\u23f8\3\2\2\2\u23fb\u23fc\5\u060a\u0306\2\u23fc\u23fd\7\u0504"+ + "\2\2\u23fd\u23fe\5\"\22\2\u23fe\u03cd\3\2\2\2\u23ff\u2400\7G\2\2\u2400"+ + "\u2401\7\u0098\2\2\u2401\u2402\tQ\2\2\u2402\u2403\5\66\34\2\u2403\u03cf"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2404\u2407\5\u03d2\u01ea\2\u2405\u2407\5\u03d4\u01eb\2\u2406"+ + "\u2404\3\2\2\2\u2406\u2405\3\2\2\2\u2407\u03d1\3\2\2\2\u2408\u240b\5\u060a"+ + "\u0306\2\u2409\u240a\7\u0512\2\2\u240a\u240c\5\u03d6\u01ec\2\u240b\u2409"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u240b\u240c\3\2\2\2\u240c\u2415\3\2\2\2\u240d\u240e\5\u0106\u0084"+ + "\2\u240e\u240f\7\u04fd\2\2\u240f\u2412\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2410\u2411\7\u0512"+ + "\2\2\u2411\u2413\5\u03d6\u01ec\2\u2412\u2410\3\2\2\2\u2412\u2413\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2413\u2415\3\2\2\2\u2414\u2408\3\2\2\2\u2414\u240d\3\2\2\2\u2415\u03d3"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2416\u2417\7\u04fd\2\2\u2417\u2418\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2418\u03d5"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2419\u241b\7\u04f7\2\2\u241a\u2419\3\2\2\2\u241a\u241b\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u241b\u03d7\3\2\2\2\u241c\u241d\5\u03d2\u01ea\2\u241d\u241e\5\u03da"+ + "\u01ee\2\u241e\u03d9\3\2\2\2\u241f\u2420\7\u04ea\2\2\u2420\u2423\7\u0517"+ + "\2\2\u2421\u2423\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u2422\u241f\3\2\2\2\u2422\u2421\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2423\u03db\3\2\2\2\u2424\u242a\5\u03d8\u01ed\2\u2425\u2426\5\u03de"+ + "\u01f0\2\u2426\u2427\5\u03d8\u01ed\2\u2427\u2429\3\2\2\2\u2428\u2425\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2429\u242c\3\2\2\2\u242a\u2428\3\2\2\2\u242a\u242b\3\2\2\2\u242b"+ + 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"\u244d\u244e\5\u03dc\u01ef\2\u244e\u244f\5\u03de\u01f0\2\u244f\u2451\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2450\u244d\3\2\2\2\u2450\u2451\3\2\2\2\u2451\u2452\3\2\2\2\u2452"+ + "\u2453\5\u03e8\u01f5\2\u2453\u2454\7\u04ff\2\2\u2454\u2456\3\2\2\2\u2455"+ + "\u244a\3\2\2\2\u2455\u244c\3\2\2\2\u2456\u2467\3\2\2\2\u2457\u2458\f\4"+ + "\2\2\u2458\u245b\5\u03de\u01f0\2\u2459\u245c\5\u03d8\u01ed\2\u245a\u245c"+ + "\5\u03e4\u01f3\2\u245b\u2459\3\2\2\2\u245b\u245a\3\2\2\2\u245c\u2466\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u245d\u245e\f\3\2\2\u245e\u245f\5\u03de\u01f0\2\u245f\u2460\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u2460\u2461\5\u03dc\u01ef\2\u2461\u2462\5\u03de\u01f0\2\u2462\u2463"+ + "\5\u03e8\u01f5\2\u2463\u2464\7\u04ff\2\2\u2464\u2466\3\2\2\2\u2465\u2457"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2465\u245d\3\2\2\2\u2466\u2469\3\2\2\2\u2467\u2465\3\2\2\2\u2467"+ + "\u2468\3\2\2\2\u2468\u03e9\3\2\2\2\u2469\u2467\3\2\2\2\u246a\u246b\5\u03dc"+ + "\u01ef\2\u246b\u246c\5\u03de\u01f0\2\u246c\u246e\3\2\2\2\u246d\u246a\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u246d\u246e\3\2\2\2\u246e\u246f\3\2\2\2\u246f\u2470\5\u03e8\u01f5"+ + "\2\u2470\u03eb\3\2\2\2\u2471\u2472\b\u01f7\1\2\u2472\u2478\5\u03d8\u01ed"+ + "\2\u2473\u2474\7\u04f8\2\2\u2474\u2475\5\u03dc\u01ef\2\u2475\u2476\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u2476\u2478\3\2\2\2\u2477\u2471\3\2\2\2\u2477\u2473\3\2\2\2\u2478"+ + "\u2485\3\2\2\2\u2479\u247a\f\4\2\2\u247a\u247b\5\u03de\u01f0\2\u247b\u247c"+ + "\5\u03d8\u01ed\2\u247c\u2484\3\2\2\2\u247d\u247e\f\3\2\2\u247e\u247f\5"+ + "\u03de\u01f0\2\u247f\u2480\7\u04f8\2\2\u2480\u2481\5\u03dc\u01ef\2\u2481"+ + "\u2482\7\u04ff\2\2\u2482\u2484\3\2\2\2\u2483\u2479\3\2\2\2\u2483\u247d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2484\u2487\3\2\2\2\u2485\u2483\3\2\2\2\u2485\u2486\3\2\2\2\u2486"+ + "\u03ed\3\2\2\2\u2487\u2485\3\2\2\2\u2488\u248a\7\22\2\2\u2489\u248b\7"+ + "\20\2\2\u248a\u2489\3\2\2\2\u248a\u248b\3\2\2\2\u248b\u248e\3\2\2\2\u248c"+ + "\u248e\7\20\2\2\u248d\u2488\3\2\2\2\u248d\u248c\3\2\2\2\u248e\u03ef\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u248f\u2490\7\u009a\2\2\u2490\u2497\5n8\2\u2491\u2492\7\u017b\2"+ + "\2\u2492\u2493\7\u04f8\2\2\u2493\u2494\5\u02ee\u0178\2\u2494\u2495\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u2495\u2497\3\2\2\2\u2496\u248f\3\2\2\2\u2496\u2491\3\2\2\2\u2497"+ + "\u03f1\3\2\2\2\u2498\u2499\b\u01fa\1\2\u2499\u249a\5\u039a\u01ce\2\u249a"+ + "\u249b\5\u03f6\u01fc\2\u249b\u249c\7\u011a\2\2\u249c\u249d\5\u039a\u01ce"+ + "\2\u249d\u249e\5\u03f0\u01f9\2\u249e\u24bc\3\2\2\2\u249f\u24a1\5\u039a"+ + "\u01ce\2\u24a0\u24a2\7\u010c\2\2\u24a1\u24a0\3\2\2\2\u24a1\u24a2\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u24a2\u24a3\3\2\2\2\u24a3\u24a4\7\u011a\2\2\u24a4\u24a5\5\u039a\u01ce"+ + "\2\u24a5\u24a6\7\u009a\2\2\u24a6\u24a7\5n8\2\u24a7\u24bc\3\2\2\2\u24a8"+ + "\u24aa\5\u039a\u01ce\2\u24a9\u24ab\7\u010c\2\2\u24aa\u24a9\3\2\2\2\u24aa"+ + "\u24ab\3\2\2\2\u24ab\u24ac\3\2\2\2\u24ac\u24ad\7\u011a\2\2\u24ad\u24ae"+ + "\5\u039a\u01ce\2\u24ae\u24af\7\u017b\2\2\u24af\u24b0\7\u04f8\2\2\u24b0"+ + "\u24b1\5\u02ee\u0178\2\u24b1\u24b2\7\u04ff\2\2\u24b2\u24bc\3\2\2\2\u24b3"+ + "\u24b7\5\u039a\u01ce\2\u24b4\u24b5\7\u00e3\2\2\u24b5\u24b8\7\u011a\2\2"+ + "\u24b6\u24b8\5\u03f4\u01fb\2\u24b7\u24b4\3\2\2\2\u24b7\u24b6\3\2\2\2\u24b8"+ + "\u24b9\3\2\2\2\u24b9\u24ba\5\u039a\u01ce\2\u24ba\u24bc\3\2\2\2\u24bb\u2498"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u24bb\u249f\3\2\2\2\u24bb\u24a8\3\2\2\2\u24bb\u24b3\3\2\2\2\u24bc"+ + "\u24eb\3\2\2\2\u24bd\u24be\f\t\2\2\u24be\u24bf\5\u03f4\u01fb\2\u24bf\u24c0"+ + "\5\u039a\u01ce\2\u24c0\u24ea\3\2\2\2\u24c1\u24c2\f\b\2\2\u24c2\u24c3\7"+ + "\u00e3\2\2\u24c3\u24c4\7\u011a\2\2\u24c4\u24ea\5\u039a\u01ce\2\u24c5\u24c6"+ + "\f\7\2\2\u24c6\u24c7\5\u03f6\u01fc\2\u24c7\u24c8\7\u011a\2\2\u24c8\u24c9"+ + "\5\u039a\u01ce\2\u24c9\u24ca\5\u03f0\u01f9\2\u24ca\u24ea\3\2\2\2\u24cb"+ + "\u24cc\f\6\2\2\u24cc\u24cd\7\u011a\2\2\u24cd\u24ce\5\u039a\u01ce\2\u24ce"+ + "\u24cf\7\u009a\2\2\u24cf\u24d0\5n8\2\u24d0\u24ea\3\2\2\2\u24d1\u24d2\f"+ + "\5\2\2\u24d2\u24d3\7\u010c\2\2\u24d3\u24d4\7\u011a\2\2\u24d4\u24d5\5\u039a"+ + "\u01ce\2\u24d5\u24d6\7\u009a\2\2\u24d6\u24d7\5n8\2\u24d7\u24ea\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u24d8\u24d9\f\4\2\2\u24d9\u24da\7\u011a\2\2\u24da\u24db\5\u039a\u01ce"+ + "\2\u24db\u24dc\7\u017b\2\2\u24dc\u24dd\7\u04f8\2\2\u24dd\u24de\5\u02ee"+ + "\u0178\2\u24de\u24df\7\u04ff\2\2\u24df\u24ea\3\2\2\2\u24e0\u24e1\f\3\2"+ + "\2\u24e1\u24e2\7\u010c\2\2\u24e2\u24e3\7\u011a\2\2\u24e3\u24e4\5\u039a"+ + "\u01ce\2\u24e4\u24e5\7\u017b\2\2\u24e5\u24e6\7\u04f8\2\2\u24e6\u24e7\5"+ + "\u02ee\u0178\2\u24e7\u24e8\7\u04ff\2\2\u24e8\u24ea\3\2\2\2\u24e9\u24bd"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u24e9\u24c1\3\2\2\2\u24e9\u24c5\3\2\2\2\u24e9\u24cb\3\2\2\2\u24e9"+ + "\u24d1\3\2\2\2\u24e9\u24d8\3\2\2\2\u24e9\u24e0\3\2\2\2\u24ea\u24ed\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u24eb\u24e9\3\2\2\2\u24eb\u24ec\3\2\2\2\u24ec\u03f3\3\2\2\2\u24ed"+ + "\u24eb\3\2\2\2\u24ee\u24f3\7\u013c\2\2\u24ef\u24f4\7\u010c\2\2\u24f0\u24f2"+ + "\5\u03f6\u01fc\2\u24f1\u24f0\3\2\2\2\u24f1\u24f2\3\2\2\2\u24f2\u24f4\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u24f3\u24ef\3\2\2\2\u24f3\u24f1\3\2\2\2\u24f4\u24f5\3\2\2\2\u24f5"+ + "\u24f6\7\u011a\2\2\u24f6\u03f5\3\2\2\2\u24f7\u24f8\7\u0102\2\2\u24f8\u24fe"+ + "\5\u03f8\u01fd\2\u24f9\u24fa\7\u0121\2\2\u24fa\u24fe\5\u03f8\u01fd\2\u24fb"+ + "\u24fc\7\u0157\2\2\u24fc\u24fe\5\u03f8\u01fd\2\u24fd\u24f7\3\2\2\2\u24fd"+ + "\u24f9\3\2\2\2\u24fd\u24fb\3\2\2\2\u24fe\u03f7\3\2\2\2\u24ff\u2501\7\u0143"+ + "\2\2\u2500\u24ff\3\2\2\2\u2500\u2501\3\2\2\2\u2501\u03f9\3\2\2\2\u2502"+ + "\u2505\5\u03fc\u01ff\2\u2503\u2506\5\u0306\u0184\2\u2504\u2506\5\u0304"+ + "\u0183\2\u2505\u2503\3\2\2\2\u2505\u2504\3\2\2\2\u2506\u03fb\3\2\2\2\u2507"+ + "\u250b\7\u00cd\2\2\u2508\u2509\7\u04a7\2\2\u2509\u250c\5\u0400\u0201\2"+ + "\u250a\u250c\5\u03fe\u0200\2\u250b\u2508\3\2\2\2\u250b\u250a\3\2\2\2\u250c"+ + "\u03fd\3\2\2\2\u250d\u2512\5\u0400\u0201\2\u250e\u250f\7\u04f2\2\2\u250f"+ + "\u2511\5\u0400\u0201\2\u2510\u250e\3\2\2\2\u2511\u2514\3\2\2\2\u2512\u2510"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2512\u2513\3\2\2\2\u2513\u03ff\3\2\2\2\u2514\u2512\3\2\2\2\u2515"+ + "\u251a\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2516\u2517\7\u04f8\2\2\u2517\u2518\5\u0404\u0203"+ + "\2\u2518\u2519\7\u04ff\2\2\u2519\u251b\3\2\2\2\u251a\u2516\3\2\2\2\u251a"+ + "\u251b\3\2\2\2\u251b\u251c\3\2\2\2\u251c\u251d\7G\2\2\u251d\u251e\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u251e\u2520\5\u0306\u0184\2\u251f\u2521\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u2520\u251f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2520\u2521\3\2\2\2\u2521\u2523\3\2\2\2\u2522\u2524\5\u031c\u018f"+ + "\2\u2523\u2522\3\2\2\2\u2523\u2524\3\2\2\2\u2524\u2525\3\2\2\2\u2525\u2534"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u2526\u2527\7\u0168\2\2\u2527\u2528\7\u0247\2\2\u2528\u2529"+ + "\7\u023a\2\2\u2529\u252a\7O\2\2\u252a\u252b\5\u0380\u01c1\2\u252b\u252c"+ + "\5\u0408\u0205\2\u252c\u2535\3\2\2\2\u252d\u252e\7\u0168\2\2\u252e\u252f"+ + "\7\u0446\2\2\u252f\u2530\7\u023a\2\2\u2530\u2531\7O\2\2\u2531\u2532\5"+ + "\u0380\u01c1\2\u2532\u2533\5\u0408\u0205\2\u2533\u2535\3\2\2\2\u2534\u2526"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2534\u252d\3\2\2\2\u2534\u2535\3\2\2\2\u2535\u253f\3\2\2\2\u2536"+ + "\u2537\7\u00e4\2\2\u2537\u2538\5\u0404\u0203\2\u2538\u2539\7\u00b2\2\2"+ + "\u2539\u253a\5\u0606\u0304\2\u253a\u253b\7\u00bd\2\2\u253b\u253c\7\u0518"+ + "\2\2\u253c\u253d\7_\2\2\u253d\u253e\7\u0518\2\2\u253e\u2540\3\2\2\2\u253f"+ + "\u2536\3\2\2\2\u253f\u2540\3\2\2\2\u2540\u25b8\3\2\2\2\u2541\u2546\5\u060a"+ + "\u0306\2\u2542\u2543\7\u04f8\2\2\u2543\u2544\5\u0404\u0203\2\u2544\u2545"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u2545\u2547\3\2\2\2\u2546\u2542\3\2\2\2\u2546\u2547\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2547\u2548\3\2\2\2\u2548\u2549\7G\2\2\u2549\u254a\7\u04f8\2\2\u254a"+ + "\u254b\5\u03fa\u01fe\2\u254b\u255a\7\u04ff\2\2\u254c\u254d\7\u0168\2\2"+ + "\u254d\u254e\7\u0247\2\2\u254e\u254f\7\u023a\2\2\u254f\u2550\7O\2\2\u2550"+ + "\u2551\5\u0380\u01c1\2\u2551\u2552\5\u0408\u0205\2\u2552\u255b\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2553\u2554\7\u0168\2\2\u2554\u2555\7\u0446\2\2\u2555\u2556\7\u023a\2"+ + "\2\u2556\u2557\7O\2\2\u2557\u2558\5\u0380\u01c1\2\u2558\u2559\5\u0408"+ + "\u0205\2\u2559\u255b\3\2\2\2\u255a\u254c\3\2\2\2\u255a\u2553\3\2\2\2\u255a"+ + "\u255b\3\2\2\2\u255b\u2565\3\2\2\2\u255c\u255d\7\u00e4\2\2\u255d\u255e"+ + "\5\u0404\u0203\2\u255e\u255f\7\u00b2\2\2\u255f\u2560\5\u0606\u0304\2\u2560"+ + "\u2561\7\u00bd\2\2\u2561\u2562\7\u0518\2\2\u2562\u2563\7_\2\2\u2563\u2564"+ + "\7\u0518\2\2\u2564\u2566\3\2\2\2\u2565\u255c\3\2\2\2\u2565\u2566\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2566\u25b8\3\2\2\2\u2567\u256c\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2568\u2569\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u2569\u256a\5\u0404\u0203\2\u256a\u256b\7\u04ff\2\2\u256b\u256d\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u256c\u2568\3\2\2\2\u256c\u256d\3\2\2\2\u256d\u256e\3\2\2\2\u256e"+ + "\u256f\7G\2\2\u256f\u2570\7\u04f8\2\2\u2570\u2571\5\u0304\u0183\2\u2571"+ + "\u2580\7\u04ff\2\2\u2572\u2573\7\u0168\2\2\u2573\u2574\7\u0247\2\2\u2574"+ + "\u2575\7\u023a\2\2\u2575\u2576\7O\2\2\u2576\u2577\5\u0380\u01c1\2\u2577"+ + "\u2578\5\u0408\u0205\2\u2578\u2581\3\2\2\2\u2579\u257a\7\u0168\2\2\u257a"+ + "\u257b\7\u0446\2\2\u257b\u257c\7\u023a\2\2\u257c\u257d\7O\2\2\u257d\u257e"+ + "\5\u0380\u01c1\2\u257e\u257f\5\u0408\u0205\2\u257f\u2581\3\2\2\2\u2580"+ + "\u2572\3\2\2\2\u2580\u2579\3\2\2\2\u2580\u2581\3\2\2\2\u2581\u258b\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2582\u2583\7\u00e4\2\2\u2583\u2584\5\u0404\u0203\2\u2584\u2585\7"+ + "\u00b2\2\2\u2585\u2586\5\u0606\u0304\2\u2586\u2587\7\u00bd\2\2\u2587\u2588"+ + "\7\u0518\2\2\u2588\u2589\7_\2\2\u2589\u258a\7\u0518\2\2\u258a\u258c\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u258b\u2582\3\2\2\2\u258b\u258c\3\2\2\2\u258c\u25b8\3\2\2\2\u258d"+ + "\u2592\5\u060a\u0306\2\u258e\u258f\7\u04f8\2\2\u258f\u2590\5\u0404\u0203"+ + "\2\u2590\u2591\7\u04ff\2\2\u2591\u2593\3\2\2\2\u2592\u258e\3\2\2\2\u2592"+ + "\u2593\3\2\2\2\u2593\u2594\3\2\2\2\u2594\u2595\7G\2\2\u2595\u2596\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u2596\u2597\5\u0302\u0182\2\u2597\u2599\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u2598\u259a"+ + "\5\u031c\u018f\2\u2599\u2598\3\2\2\2\u2599\u259a\3\2\2\2\u259a\u259b\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u259b\u25aa\7\u04ff\2\2\u259c\u259d\7\u0168\2\2\u259d\u259e\7\u0247"+ + "\2\2\u259e\u259f\7\u023a\2\2\u259f\u25a0\7O\2\2\u25a0\u25a1\5\u0380\u01c1"+ + "\2\u25a1\u25a2\5\u0408\u0205\2\u25a2\u25ab\3\2\2\2\u25a3\u25a4\7\u0168"+ + "\2\2\u25a4\u25a5\7\u0446\2\2\u25a5\u25a6\7\u023a\2\2\u25a6\u25a7\7O\2"+ + "\2\u25a7\u25a8\5\u0380\u01c1\2\u25a8\u25a9\5\u0408\u0205\2\u25a9\u25ab"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u25aa\u259c\3\2\2\2\u25aa\u25a3\3\2\2\2\u25aa\u25ab\3\2\2\2\u25ab"+ + "\u25b5\3\2\2\2\u25ac\u25ad\7\u00e4\2\2\u25ad\u25ae\5\u0404\u0203\2\u25ae"+ + "\u25af\7\u00b2\2\2\u25af\u25b0\5\u0606\u0304\2\u25b0\u25b1\7\u00bd\2\2"+ + "\u25b1\u25b2\7\u0518\2\2\u25b2\u25b3\7_\2\2\u25b3\u25b4\7\u0518\2\2\u25b4"+ + "\u25b6\3\2\2\2\u25b5\u25ac\3\2\2\2\u25b5\u25b6\3\2\2\2\u25b6\u25b8\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u25b7\u2515\3\2\2\2\u25b7\u2541\3\2\2\2\u25b7\u2567\3\2\2\2\u25b7"+ + "\u258d\3\2\2\2\u25b8\u0401\3\2\2\2\u25b9\u25d5\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u25ba\u25bb"+ + "\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u25bb\u25bc\7\u04f2\2\2\u25bc\u25bd\7\u0270\2\2\u25bd"+ + "\u25be\7\u0294\2\2\u25be\u25bf\7\u04f8\2\2\u25bf\u25c0\5\u016e\u00b8\2"+ + "\u25c0\u25c6\7\u04ff\2\2\u25c1\u25c2\7\u017b\2\2\u25c2\u25c3\7~\2\2\u25c3"+ + "\u25c7\5\u02a0\u0151\2\u25c4\u25c5\7\u017b\2\2\u25c5\u25c7\7~\2\2\u25c6"+ + "\u25c1\3\2\2\2\u25c6\u25c4\3\2\2\2\u25c6\u25c7\3\2\2\2\u25c7\u25d5\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u25c8\u25c9\7\u0270\2\2\u25c9\u25ca\7\u0294\2\2\u25ca\u25cb\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u25cb\u25cc\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u25cc\u25d2\7\u04ff\2\2\u25cd\u25ce\7"+ + "\u017b\2\2\u25ce\u25cf\7~\2\2\u25cf\u25d3\5\u02a0\u0151\2\u25d0\u25d1"+ + "\7\u017b\2\2\u25d1\u25d3\7~\2\2\u25d2\u25cd\3\2\2\2\u25d2\u25d0\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u25d2\u25d3\3\2\2\2\u25d3\u25d5\3\2\2\2\u25d4\u25b9\3\2\2\2\u25d4\u25ba"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u25d4\u25c8\3\2\2\2\u25d5\u0403\3\2\2\2\u25d6\u25db\5\u0406\u0204"+ + "\2\u25d7\u25d8\7\u04f2\2\2\u25d8\u25da\5\u0406\u0204\2\u25d9\u25d7\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u25da\u25dd\3\2\2\2\u25db\u25d9\3\2\2\2\u25db\u25dc\3\2\2\2\u25dc"+ + "\u0405\3\2\2\2\u25dd\u25db\3\2\2\2\u25de\u25df\5\u0608\u0305\2\u25df\u0407"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u25e0\u25e1\7\u00b2\2\2\u25e1\u25e2\5\u0606\u0304\2\u25e2\u0409"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u25e3\u25e4\7\u00d4\2\2\u25e4\u25e5\7\u00bb\2\2\u25e5\u25e7\5"+ + "\u03d0\u01e9\2\u25e6\u25e8\5\u03c8\u01e5\2\u25e7\u25e6\3\2\2\2\u25e7\u25e8"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u25e8\u25e9\3\2\2\2\u25e9\u25ea\5\u040c\u0207\2\u25ea\u040b\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u25eb\u25ec\7\u0491\2\2\u25ec\u25ee\7\u02a4\2\2\u25ed\u25ef\5\u040e"+ + "\u0208\2\u25ee\u25ed\3\2\2\2\u25ee\u25ef\3\2\2\2\u25ef\u25fb\3\2\2\2\u25f0"+ + "\u25f1\7\u03a5\2\2\u25f1\u25f3\7\u02a4\2\2\u25f2\u25f4\5\u040e\u0208\2"+ + "\u25f3\u25f2\3\2\2\2\u25f3\u25f4\3\2\2\2\u25f4\u25f8\3\2\2\2\u25f5\u25f6"+ + "\7\u01f5\2\2\u25f6\u25f7\7\u04e7\2\2\u25f7\u25f9\5\u0412\u020a\2\u25f8"+ + "\u25f5\3\2\2\2\u25f8\u25f9\3\2\2\2\u25f9\u25fb\3\2\2\2\u25fa\u25eb\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u25fa\u25f0\3\2\2\2\u25fb\u040d\3\2\2\2\u25fc\u25fd\5\u0410\u0209"+ + "\2\u25fd\u040f\3\2\2\2\u25fe\u25ff\7q\2\2\u25ff\u2603\7\u00bb\2\2\u2600"+ + "\u2603\5\u05d4\u02eb\2\u2601\u2603\5\u05d8\u02ed\2\u2602\u25fe\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2602\u2600\3\2\2\2\u2602\u2601\3\2\2\2\u2603\u0411\3\2\2\2\u2604\u2605"+ + "\tR\2\2\u2605\u0413\3\2\2\2\u2606\u2609\7[\2\2\u2607\u2608\7\u009d\2\2"+ + "\u2608\u260a\7\u0151\2\2\u2609\u2607\3\2\2\2\u2609\u260a\3\2\2\2\u260a"+ + "\u260b\3\2\2\2\u260b\u260c\7\u03a1\2\2\u260c\u260d\5\u060a\u0306\2\u260d"+ + "\u260e\7\u009a\2\2\u260e\u2611\5\u041e\u0210\2\u260f\u2610\7\u00bd\2\2"+ + "\u2610\u2612\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2611\u260f\3\2\2\2\u2611\u2612\3\2\2\2\u2612"+ + "\u2621\3\2\2\2\u2613\u2616\7[\2\2\u2614\u2615\7\u009d\2\2\u2615\u2617"+ + "\7\u0151\2\2\u2616\u2614\3\2\2\2\u2616\u2617\3\2\2\2\u2617\u2618\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2618\u2619\7\u03a1\2\2\u2619\u261a\5\u060a\u0306\2\u261a\u261b\7\u009a"+ + "\2\2\u261b\u261c\7\u0518\2\2\u261c\u261d\7\u017b\2\2\u261d\u261e\7\u0555"+ + "\2\2\u261e\u261f\5\u0354\u01ab\2\u261f\u2621\3\2\2\2\u2620\u2606\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2620\u2613\3\2\2\2\u2621\u0415\3\2\2\2\u2622\u2623\7D\2\2\u2623\u2624"+ + "\7\u03a1\2\2\u2624\u2625\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2625\u2626\7@\2\2\u2626\u2629"+ + "\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2627\u2628\7\u00bd\2\2\u2628\u262a\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2629"+ + "\u2627\3\2\2\2\u2629\u262a\3\2\2\2\u262a\u0417\3\2\2\2\u262b\u262c\7d"+ + "\2\2\u262c\u262d\7\u03a1\2\2\u262d\u262e\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u262e\u0419\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u262f\u2630\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2630\u2633\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2631\u2634"+ + "\7\u0518\2\2\u2632\u2634\5\u0608\u0305\2\u2633\u2631\3\2\2\2\u2633\u2632"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2633\u2634\3\2\2\2\u2634\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2635\u2636\5\u041c\u020f"+ + "\2\u2636\u2637\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2637\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2638\u2639\5\u041c"+ + "\u020f\2\u2639\u263a\7\u01e8\2\2\u263a\u263b\5\u041e\u0210\2\u263b\u26b0"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u263c\u263d\5\u041c\u020f\2\u263d\u263e\7\u01e9\2\2\u263e\u263f"+ + "\5\u041e\u0210\2\u263f\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2640\u2641\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2641"+ + "\u2642\7\u04cd\2\2\u2642\u2643\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2643\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2644"+ + "\u2645\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2645\u2646\7\u04cd\2\2\u2646\u2647\7\u01e8\2\2"+ + "\u2647\u2648\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2648\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2649\u264a\5\u041c\u020f"+ + "\2\u264a\u264b\7\u04cd\2\2\u264b\u264c\7\u01e9\2\2\u264c\u264d\5\u041e"+ + "\u0210\2\u264d\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u264e\u264f\5\u041c\u020f\2\u264f\u2650\7"+ + "\u03a1\2\2\u2650\u2651\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2651\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2652\u2653"+ + "\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2653\u2654\7\u03a1\2\2\u2654\u2655\7\u01e8\2\2\u2655"+ + "\u2656\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2656\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2657\u2658\5\u041c\u020f\2"+ + "\u2658\u2659\7\u03a1\2\2\u2659\u265a\7\u01e9\2\2\u265a\u265b\5\u041e\u0210"+ + "\2\u265b\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u265c\u265d\5\u041c\u020f\2\u265d\u265e\7\u047b"+ + "\2\2\u265e\u265f\5\u041e\u0210\2\u265f\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2660\u2661\5\u041c"+ + "\u020f\2\u2661\u2662\7\u047b\2\2\u2662\u2663\7\u01e8\2\2\u2663\u2664\5"+ + "\u041e\u0210\2\u2664\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2665\u2666\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2666\u2667"+ + "\7\u047b\2\2\u2667\u2668\7\u01e9\2\2\u2668\u2669\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2669"+ + "\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u266a\u266b\5\u041c\u020f\2\u266b\u266c\7\u0432\2\2\u266c"+ + "\u266d\5\u041e\u0210\2\u266d\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u266e\u266f\5\u041c\u020f\2"+ + "\u266f\u2670\7\u0432\2\2\u2670\u2671\7\u01e8\2\2\u2671\u2672\5\u041e\u0210"+ + "\2\u2672\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2673\u2674\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2674\u2675\7\u0432"+ + "\2\2\u2675\u2676\7\u01e9\2\2\u2676\u2677\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2677\u26b0\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2678\u2679\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2679\u267a\7\u0423\2\2\u267a\u267b"+ + "\5\u041e\u0210\2\u267b\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u267c\u267d\5\u041c\u020f\2\u267d"+ + "\u267e\7\u0423\2\2\u267e\u267f\7\u01e8\2\2\u267f\u2680\5\u041e\u0210\2"+ + "\u2680\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2681\u2682\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2682\u2683\7\u0423\2"+ + "\2\u2683\u2684\7\u01e9\2\2\u2684\u2685\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2685\u26b0\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2686\u2687\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2687\u2688\7\u0256\2\2\u2688\u2689\5"+ + "\u041e\u0210\2\u2689\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u268a\u268b\5\u041c\u020f\2\u268b\u268c"+ + "\7\u0256\2\2\u268c\u268d\7\u01e8\2\2\u268d\u268e\5\u041e\u0210\2\u268e"+ + "\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u268f\u2690\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2690\u2691\7\u0256\2\2\u2691"+ + "\u2692\7\u01e9\2\2\u2692\u2693\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2693\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2694"+ + "\u2695\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2695\u2696\7\u00b2\2\2\u2696\u2697\7\u04d8\2\2"+ + "\u2697\u2698\7\u0504\2\2\u2698\u2699\5\36\20\2\u2699\u269a\5\u041e\u0210"+ + "\2\u269a\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u269b\u269c\5\u041c\u020f\2\u269c\u269d\7\u0084"+ + "\2\2\u269d\u269e\5\u060a\u0306\2\u269e\u269f\5\u041e\u0210\2\u269f\u26b0"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u26a0\u26a1\5\u041c\u020f\2\u26a1\u26a2\7\u0084\2\2\u26a2\u26a3"+ + "\5\u060a\u0306\2\u26a3\u26a4\7\u00b2\2\2\u26a4\u26a5\7\u04d8\2\2\u26a5"+ + "\u26a6\7\u0504\2\2\u26a6\u26a7\5\36\20\2\u26a7\u26a8\5\u041e\u0210\2\u26a8"+ + "\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u26a9\u26aa\5\u041c\u020f\2\u26aa\u26ab\7\u019c\2\2\u26ab"+ + "\u26ac\7\u0504\2\2\u26ac\u26ad\5\u0420\u0211\2\u26ad\u26ae\5\u041e\u0210"+ + "\2\u26ae\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u26af\u262f\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2635\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2638"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u26af\u263c\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2640\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2644\3\2\2\2\u26af"+ + "\u2649\3\2\2\2\u26af\u264e\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2652\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2657\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u26af\u265c\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2660\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2665\3\2\2\2\u26af"+ + "\u266a\3\2\2\2\u26af\u266e\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2673\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2678\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u26af\u267c\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2681\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2686\3\2\2\2\u26af"+ + "\u268a\3\2\2\2\u26af\u268f\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2694\3\2\2\2\u26af\u269b\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u26af\u26a0\3\2\2\2\u26af\u26a9\3\2\2\2\u26b0\u041b\3\2\2\2\u26b1"+ + "\u26b2\tS\2\2\u26b2\u041d\3\2\2\2\u26b3\u26b9\5\u0300\u0181\2\u26b4\u26b9"+ + "\5\u00d4k\2\u26b5\u26b9\5\u02d0\u0169\2\u26b6\u26b9\5\u02f8\u017d\2\u26b7"+ + "\u26b9\5\u00d6l\2\u26b8\u26b3\3\2\2\2\u26b8\u26b4\3\2\2\2\u26b8\u26b5"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u26b8\u26b6\3\2\2\2\u26b8\u26b7\3\2\2\2\u26b9\u041f\3\2\2\2\u26ba"+ + "\u26bb\tT\2\2\u26bb\u0421\3\2\2\2\u26bc\u26be\7\u02d2\2\2\u26bd\u26bf"+ + "\7\u0102\2\2\u26be\u26bd\3\2\2\2\u26be\u26bf\3\2\2\2\u26bf\u26c0\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u26c0\u26c1\5\u0426\u0214\2\u26c1\u26c2\5\u0428\u0215\2\u26c2\u26c6"+ + "\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u26c3\u26c4\5\u0428\u0215\2\u26c4\u26c5\5\u0106\u0084"+ + "\2\u26c5\u26c7\3\2\2\2\u26c6\u26c3\3\2\2\2\u26c6\u26c7\3\2\2\2\u26c7\u26d0"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u26c8\u26c9\7\u0089\2\2\u26c9\u26d1\7\u0518\2\2\u26ca\u26cb\7"+ + "\u0089\2\2\u26cb\u26cc\7\u0518\2\2\u26cc\u26cd\7\u046a\2\2\u26cd\u26d1"+ + "\7\u0518\2\2\u26ce\u26cf\7\u00cb\2\2\u26cf\u26d1\5n8\2\u26d0\u26c8\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u26d0\u26ca\3\2\2\2\u26d0\u26ce\3\2\2\2\u26d0\u26d1\3\2\2\2\u26d1"+ + "\u2766\3\2\2\2\u26d2\u26d3\7\u02d2\2\2\u26d3\u26d4\7\u00bb\2\2\u26d4\u26d8"+ + "\7\u0250\2\2\u26d5\u26d6\5\u0428\u0215\2\u26d6\u26d7\5\u0106\u0084\2\u26d7"+ + "\u26d9\3\2\2\2\u26d8\u26d5\3\2\2\2\u26d8\u26d9\3\2\2\2\u26d9\u26e2\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u26da\u26db\7\u0089\2\2\u26db\u26e3\7\u0518\2\2\u26dc\u26dd\7\u0089"+ + "\2\2\u26dd\u26de\7\u0518\2\2\u26de\u26df\7\u046a\2\2\u26df\u26e3\7\u0518"+ + "\2\2\u26e0\u26e1\7\u00cb\2\2\u26e1\u26e3\5n8\2\u26e2\u26da\3\2\2\2\u26e2"+ + "\u26dc\3\2\2\2\u26e2\u26e0\3\2\2\2\u26e2\u26e3\3\2\2\2\u26e3\u2766\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u26e4\u26e6\7\u02d2\2\2\u26e5\u26e7\tU\2\2\u26e6\u26e5\3\2\2\2\u26e6"+ + "\u26e7\3\2\2\2\u26e7\u26e8\3\2\2\2\u26e8\u26f1\7\u036f\2\2\u26e9\u26ea"+ + "\7\u0089\2\2\u26ea\u26f2\7\u0518\2\2\u26eb\u26ec\7\u0089\2\2\u26ec\u26ed"+ + "\7\u0518\2\2\u26ed\u26ee\7\u046a\2\2\u26ee\u26f2\7\u0518\2\2\u26ef\u26f0"+ + "\7\u00cb\2\2\u26f0\u26f2\5n8\2\u26f1\u26e9\3\2\2\2\u26f1\u26eb\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u26f1\u26ef\3\2\2\2\u26f1\u26f2\3\2\2\2\u26f2\u2766\3\2\2\2\u26f3\u26f4"+ + "\7\u02d2\2\2\u26f4\u26f5\7[\2\2\u26f5\u26f6\7\u00bb\2\2\u26f6\u2766\5"+ + "\u03d0\u01e9\2\u26f7\u26f8\7\u02d2\2\2\u26f8\u26f9\7[\2\2\u26f9\u26fa"+ + "\7\u00c9\2\2\u26fa\u2766\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u26fb\u26fc\7\u02d2\2\2\u26fc"+ + "\u26fd\7[\2\2\u26fd\u26fe\7\u0147\2\2\u26fe\u2766\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u26ff"+ + "\u2700\7\u02d2\2\2\u2700\u2701\7[\2\2\u2701\u2702\7\u02f6\2\2\u2702\u2766"+ + "\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2703\u2704\7\u02d2\2\2\u2704\u2705\7[\2\2\u2705\u2706"+ + "\7\u00be\2\2\u2706\u2766\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2707\u2708\7\u02d2\2\2\u2708"+ + "\u2709\7\u02ee\2\2\u2709\u2766\5\u0424\u0213\2\u270a\u270b\7\u02d2\2\2"+ + "\u270b\u2714\5\u010a\u0086\2\u270c\u270d\7\u0089\2\2\u270d\u2715\7\u0518"+ + "\2\2\u270e\u270f\7\u0089\2\2\u270f\u2710\7\u0518\2\2\u2710\u2711\7\u046a"+ + "\2\2\u2711\u2715\7\u0518\2\2\u2712\u2713\7\u00cb\2\2\u2713\u2715\5n8\2"+ + "\u2714\u270c\3\2\2\2\u2714\u270e\3\2\2\2\u2714\u2712\3\2\2\2\u2714\u2715"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2715\u2766\3\2\2\2\u2716\u2717\7\u02d2\2\2\u2717\u2720\7\u03fe"+ + "\2\2\u2718\u2719\7\u0089\2\2\u2719\u2721\7\u0518\2\2\u271a\u271b\7\u0089"+ + "\2\2\u271b\u271c\7\u0518\2\2\u271c\u271d\7\u046a\2\2\u271d\u2721\7\u0518"+ + "\2\2\u271e\u271f\7\u00cb\2\2\u271f\u2721\5n8\2\u2720\u2718\3\2\2\2\u2720"+ + "\u271a\3\2\2\2\u2720\u271e\3\2\2\2\u2720\u2721\3\2\2\2\u2721\u2766\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2722\u2723\7\u02d2\2\2\u2723\u2724\7\u03fe\2\2\u2724\u2725\7\u019c"+ + "\2\2\u2725\u2726\7\u0504\2\2\u2726\u272f\7\u0518\2\2\u2727\u2728\7\u0089"+ + "\2\2\u2728\u2730\7\u0518\2\2\u2729\u272a\7\u0089\2\2\u272a\u272b\7\u0518"+ + "\2\2\u272b\u272c\7\u046a\2\2\u272c\u2730\7\u0518\2\2\u272d\u272e\7\u00cb"+ + "\2\2\u272e\u2730\5n8\2\u272f\u2727\3\2\2\2\u272f\u2729\3\2\2\2\u272f\u272d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u272f\u2730\3\2\2\2\u2730\u2766\3\2\2\2\u2731\u2732\7\u02d2\2"+ + "\2\u2732\u273b\7\u021b\2\2\u2733\u2734\7\u0089\2\2\u2734\u273c\7\u0518"+ + "\2\2\u2735\u2736\7\u0089\2\2\u2736\u2737\7\u0518\2\2\u2737\u2738\7\u046a"+ + "\2\2\u2738\u273c\7\u0518\2\2\u2739\u273a\7\u00cb\2\2\u273a\u273c\5n8\2"+ + "\u273b\u2733\3\2\2\2\u273b\u2735\3\2\2\2\u273b\u2739\3\2\2\2\u273b\u273c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u273c\u2766\3\2\2\2\u273d\u273e\7\u02d2\2\2\u273e\u2747\7\u03e4"+ + "\2\2\u273f\u2740\7\u0089\2\2\u2740\u2748\7\u0518\2\2\u2741\u2742\7\u0089"+ + "\2\2\u2742\u2743\7\u0518\2\2\u2743\u2744\7\u046a\2\2\u2744\u2748\7\u0518"+ + "\2\2\u2745\u2746\7\u00cb\2\2\u2746\u2748\5n8\2\u2747\u273f\3\2\2\2\u2747"+ + "\u2741\3\2\2\2\u2747\u2745\3\2\2\2\u2747\u2748\3\2\2\2\u2748\u274a\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2749\u274b\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u274a\u2749\3\2\2\2\u274a\u274b\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u274b\u2766\3\2\2\2\u274c\u274e\7\u02d2\2\2\u274d\u274f\7\u0102\2\2"+ + "\u274e\u274d\3\2\2\2\u274e\u274f\3\2\2\2\u274f\u2750\3\2\2\2\u2750\u2766"+ + "\7\u0477\2\2\u2751\u2752\7\u02d2\2\2\u2752\u275b\7\u03ae\2\2\u2753\u2754"+ + "\7\u0089\2\2\u2754\u275c\7\u0518\2\2\u2755\u2756\7\u0089\2\2\u2756\u2757"+ + "\7\u0518\2\2\u2757\u2758\7\u046a\2\2\u2758\u275c\7\u0518\2\2\u2759\u275a"+ + "\7\u00cb\2\2\u275a\u275c\5n8\2\u275b\u2753\3\2\2\2\u275b\u2755\3\2\2\2"+ + 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"\2\2\u2791\u2792\7\u03e6\2\2\u2792\u2794\5\u05ac\u02d7\2\u2793\u2790\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2793\u2794\3\2\2\2\u2794\u2799\3\2\2\2\u2795\u2796\7\u044f\2\2"+ + "\u2796\u2797\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2797\u2798\5\u01c8\u00e5\2\u2798\u279a\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2799\u2795\3\2\2\2\u2799\u279a\3\2\2\2\u279a\u279c\3\2\2\2\u279b"+ + "\u2778\3\2\2\2\u279b\u2789\3\2\2\2\u279c\u042d\3\2\2\2\u279d\u27a5\5\u049a"+ + "\u024e\2\u279e\u27a1\7C\2\2\u279f\u27a0\7\u018c\2\2\u27a0\u27a2\5\u0492"+ + "\u024a\2\u27a1\u279f\3\2\2\2\u27a1\u27a2\3\2\2\2\u27a2\u27a5\3\2\2\2\u27a3"+ + "\u27a5\7\u0476\2\2\u27a4\u279d\3\2\2\2\u27a4\u279e\3\2\2\2\u27a4\u27a3"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u27a5\u042f\3\2\2\2\u27a6\u27a7\7D\2\2\u27a7\u27a8\7\u00c4\2"+ + "\2\u27a8\u27a9\5\u0446\u0224\2\u27a9\u27aa\7_\2\2\u27aa\u27ab\7\u01b3"+ + "\2\2\u27ab\u27ac\5\u042e\u0218\2\u27ac\u27d6\3\2\2\2\u27ad\u27ae\7D\2"+ + "\2\u27ae\u27af\7\u00c4\2\2\u27af\u27b0\5\u0446\u0224\2\u27b0\u27b2\7\u044f"+ + 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+ "\7\u0512\2\2\u27f6\u27f5\3\2\2\2\u27f6\u27f7\3\2\2\2\u27f7\u27f8\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u27f8\u27f9\7x\2\2\u27f9\u27fa\7O\2\2\u27fa\u27fb\5\u0448\u0225\2\u27fb"+ + "\u2806\3\2\2\2\u27fc\u27fe\5\u0442\u0222\2\u27fd\u27ff\7\u0512\2\2\u27fe"+ + "\u27fd\3\2\2\2\u27fe\u27ff\3\2\2\2\u27ff\u2800\3\2\2\2\u2800\u2801\7x"+ + "\2\2\u2801\u2802\7O\2\2\u2802\u2803\7\u00c6\2\2\u2803\u2804\5\u0448\u0225"+ + "\2\u2804\u2806\3\2\2\2\u2805\u27f4\3\2\2\2\u2805\u27fc\3\2\2\2\u2806\u0437"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2807\u2808\7\u0153\2\2\u2808\u2810\7\u0476\2\2\u2809\u280a\7"+ + "\u0153\2\2\u280a\u2810\7\u0169\2\2\u280b\u280c\7\u0153\2\2\u280c\u2810"+ + "\7\u0184\2\2\u280d\u280e\7\u0153\2\2\u280e\u2810\5\u043a\u021e\2\u280f"+ + "\u2807\3\2\2\2\u280f\u2809\3\2\2\2\u280f\u280b\3\2\2\2\u280f\u280d\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2810\u0439\3\2\2\2\u2811\u2812\b\u021e\1\2\u2812\u2813\5\u043c\u021f"+ + "\2\u2813\u281b\3\2\2\2\u2814\u2815\f\4\2\2\u2815\u281a\5\u043c\u021f\2"+ + "\u2816\u2817\f\3\2\2\u2817\u2818\7E\2\2\u2818\u281a\5\u043c\u021f\2\u2819"+ + "\u2814\3\2\2\2\u2819\u2816\3\2\2\2\u281a\u281d\3\2\2\2\u281b\u2819\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u281b\u281c\3\2\2\2\u281c\u043b\3\2\2\2\u281d\u281b\3\2\2\2\u281e"+ + "\u281f\7T\2\2\u281f\u2825\7\u0518\2\2\u2820\u2821\7\u0087\2\2\u2821\u2825"+ + "\7\u0518\2\2\u2822\u2823\7\u02aa\2\2\u2823\u2825\7\u0518\2\2\u2824\u281e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2824\u2820\3\2\2\2\u2824\u2822\3\2\2\2\u2825\u043d\3\2\2\2\u2826"+ + "\u2828\5\u0442\u0222\2\u2827\u2829\7\u0512\2\2\u2828\u2827\3\2\2\2\u2828"+ + "\u2829\3\2\2\2\u2829\u282e\3\2\2\2\u282a\u282e\7Z\2\2\u282b\u282e\7\u00a7"+ + "\2\2\u282c\u282e\7\u00a3\2\2\u282d\u2826\3\2\2\2\u282d\u282a\3\2\2\2\u282d"+ + "\u282b\3\2\2\2\u282d\u282c\3\2\2\2\u282e\u043f\3\2\2\2\u282f\u2834\5\u043e"+ + "\u0220\2\u2830\u2831\7\u04f2\2\2\u2831\u2833\5\u043e\u0220\2\u2832\u2830"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2833\u2836\3\2\2\2\u2834\u2832\3\2\2\2\u2834\u2835\3\2\2\2\u2835"+ + "\u0441\3\2\2\2\u2836\u2834\3\2\2\2\u2837\u283b\7\u0518\2\2\u2838\u283b"+ + "\7\u0517\2\2\u2839\u283b\5\u06f6\u037c\2\u283a\u2837\3\2\2\2\u283a\u2838"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u283a\u2839\3\2\2\2\u283b\u0443\3\2\2\2\u283c\u283e\7\u0512\2"+ + "\2\u283d\u283c\3\2\2\2\u283d\u283e\3\2\2\2\u283e\u0445\3\2\2\2\u283f\u2841"+ + "\5\u0442\u0222\2\u2840\u2842\7\u0512\2\2\u2841\u2840\3\2\2\2\u2841\u2842"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2842\u2847\3\2\2\2\u2843\u2847\7Z\2\2\u2844\u2847\7\u00a7\2"+ + "\2\u2845\u2847\7\u00a3\2\2\u2846\u283f\3\2\2\2\u2846\u2843\3\2\2\2\u2846"+ + "\u2844\3\2\2\2\u2846\u2845\3\2\2\2\u2847\u0447\3\2\2\2\u2848\u284c\7\u04e7"+ + "\2\2\u2849\u284c\7\u0517\2\2\u284a\u284c\5\u06f6\u037c\2\u284b\u2848\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u284b\u2849\3\2\2\2\u284b\u284a\3\2\2\2\u284c\u0449\3\2\2\2\u284d"+ + "\u284e\7\u0518\2\2\u284e\u044b\3\2\2\2\u284f\u2850\7d\2\2\u2850\u2851"+ + "\7\u00c4\2\2\u2851\u2853\5\u044e\u0228\2\u2852\u2854\7\u00db\2\2\u2853"+ + "\u2852\3\2\2\2\u2853\u2854\3\2\2\2\u2854\u044d\3\2\2\2\u2855\u285a\5\u0446"+ + "\u0224\2\u2856\u2857\7\u04f2\2\2\u2857\u2859\5\u0446\u0224\2\u2858\u2856"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2859\u285c\3\2\2\2\u285a\u2858\3\2\2\2\u285a\u285b\3\2\2\2\u285b"+ + "\u044f\3\2\2\2\u285c\u285a\3\2\2\2\u285d\u285e\7\u00b2\2\2\u285e\u285f"+ + "\7\u03ea\2\2\u285f\u2860\7\u0504\2\2\u2860\u2895\5\u044a\u0226\2\u2861"+ + "\u2862\7\u00b2\2\2\u2862\u2863\7\u03ea\2\2\u2863\u2864\7q\2\2\u2864\u2866"+ + "\5\u0442\u0222\2\u2865\u2867\7\u0512\2\2\u2866\u2865\3\2\2\2\u2866\u2867"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2867\u2868\3\2\2\2\u2868\u2869\7\u0504\2\2\u2869\u286a\5\u044a"+ + "\u0226\2\u286a\u2895\3\2\2\2\u286b\u286c\7\u00b2\2\2\u286c\u286d\7\u03ea"+ + "\2\2\u286d\u286e\7\u0504\2\2\u286e\u286f\7\u03ea\2\2\u286f\u2870\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u2870\u2871\5\u0448\u0225\2\u2871\u2872\7\u04ff\2\2\u2872\u2895\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2873\u2874\7\u00b2\2\2\u2874\u2875\7\u03ea\2\2\u2875\u2876\7q"+ + "\2\2\u2876\u2878\5\u0442\u0222\2\u2877\u2879\7\u0512\2\2\u2878\u2877\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2878\u2879\3\2\2\2\u2879\u287a\3\2\2\2\u287a\u287b\7\u0504\2\2"+ + "\u287b\u287c\7\u03ea\2\2\u287c\u287d\7\u04f8\2\2\u287d\u287e\5\u0448\u0225"+ + "\2\u287e\u287f\7\u04ff\2\2\u287f\u2895\3\2\2\2\u2880\u2881\7D\2\2\u2881"+ + "\u2882\7\u00c4\2\2\u2882\u2883\5\u0446\u0224\2\u2883\u2884\7x\2\2\u2884"+ + "\u2885\7O\2\2\u2885\u2886\5\u0448\u0225\2\u2886\u2895\3\2\2\2\u2887\u2888"+ + "\7D\2\2\u2888\u2889\7\u00c4\2\2\u2889\u288a\5\u0446\u0224\2\u288a\u288b"+ + "\7x\2\2\u288b\u288c\7O\2\2\u288c\u288d\7\u00c6\2\2\u288d\u288e\5\u044a"+ + "\u0226\2\u288e\u2895\3\2\2\2\u288f\u2890\7D\2\2\u2890\u2891\7\u00c4\2"+ + "\2\u2891\u2892\5\u0446\u0224\2\u2892\u2893\5\u0438\u021d\2\u2893\u2895"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2894\u285d\3\2\2\2\u2894\u2861\3\2\2\2\u2894\u286b\3\2\2\2\u2894"+ + "\u2873\3\2\2\2\u2894\u2880\3\2\2\2\u2894\u2887\3\2\2\2\u2894\u288f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2895\u0451\3\2\2\2\u2896\u2897\7q\2\2\u2897\u2898\5\u0442\u0222"+ + "\2\u2898\u2899\5\u0444\u0223\2\u2899\u289c\3\2\2\2\u289a\u289c\5\u06fe"+ + "\u0380\2\u289b\u2896\3\2\2\2\u289b\u289a\3\2\2\2\u289c\u0453\3\2\2\2\u289d"+ + "\u289e\7D\2\2\u289e\u289f\7\u00c4\2\2\u289f\u28a0\5\u044e\u0228\2\u28a0"+ + "\u28a1\7\u02b3\2\2\u28a1\u28a2\5\u0456\u022c\2\u28a2\u0455\3\2\2\2\u28a3"+ + "\u28a4\tX\2\2\u28a4\u0457\3\2\2\2\u28a5\u28a6\7\u038d\2\2\u28a6\u28a7"+ + "\5\u02c8\u0165\2\u28a7\u28a8\5\u0464\u0233\2\u28a8\u0459\3\2\2\2\u28a9"+ + "\u28aa\7\u008a\2\2\u28aa\u28ab\7\u00bb\2\2\u28ab\u28ac\5\u045c\u022f\2"+ + "\u28ac\u28ad\7{\2\2\u28ad\u28ae\5\u0460\u0231\2\u28ae\u28b2\7\u008e\2"+ + "\2\u28af\u28b0\7\u0231\2\2\u28b0\u28b3\7\u04e7\2\2\u28b1\u28b3\7\u0094"+ + "\2\2\u28b2\u28af\3\2\2\2\u28b2\u28b1\3\2\2\2\u28b2\u28b3\3\2\2\2\u28b3"+ + "\u045b\3\2\2\2\u28b4\u28b9\5\u045e\u0230\2\u28b5\u28b6\7\u04f2\2\2\u28b6"+ + "\u28b8\5\u045e\u0230\2\u28b7\u28b5\3\2\2\2\u28b8\u28bb\3\2\2\2\u28b9\u28b7"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u28b9\u28ba\3\2\2\2\u28ba\u045d\3\2\2\2\u28bb\u28b9\3\2\2\2\u28bc"+ + "\u28be\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u28bd\u28bf\5\u03c8\u01e5\2\u28be\u28bd\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u28be\u28bf\3\2\2\2\u28bf\u045f\3\2\2\2\u28c0\u28c4\7\u00a9\2\2\u28c1"+ + "\u28c2\7\u00b4\2\2\u28c2\u28c4\7\u00a9\2\2\u28c3\u28c0\3\2\2\2\u28c3\u28c1"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u28c3\u28c4\3\2\2\2\u28c4\u28c5\3\2\2\2\u28c5\u28cd\7l\2\2\u28c6"+ + "\u28c8\7\u00a9\2\2\u28c7\u28c6\3\2\2\2\u28c7\u28c8\3\2\2\2\u28c8\u28c9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u28c9\u28cd\7\u00b4\2\2\u28ca\u28cb\7\u00b4\2\2\u28cb\u28cd\7"+ + "\u00c3\2\2\u28cc\u28c3\3\2\2\2\u28cc\u28c7\3\2\2\2\u28cc\u28ca\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u28cd\u0461\3\2\2\2\u28ce\u28cf\7\u0178\2\2\u28cf\u28d0\7\u023e\2\2\u28d0"+ + "\u0463\3\2\2\2\u28d1\u28d6\5\u046a\u0236\2\u28d2\u28d3\7\u04f2\2\2\u28d3"+ + "\u28d5\5\u046a\u0236\2\u28d4\u28d2\3\2\2\2\u28d5\u28d8\3\2\2\2\u28d6\u28d4"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u28d6\u28d7\3\2\2\2\u28d7\u0465\3\2\2\2\u28d8\u28d6\3\2\2\2\u28d9"+ + "\u28dc\7[\2\2\u28da\u28db\7\u009d\2\2\u28db\u28dd\7\u0151\2\2\u28dc\u28da"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u28dc\u28dd\3\2\2\2\u28dd\u28de\3\2\2\2\u28de\u28df\7\u027f\2"+ + "\2\u28df\u28e0\5\u060a\u0306\2\u28e0\u28e1\7\u017b\2\2\u28e1\u28e2\5\u0468"+ + "\u0235\2\u28e2\u28e3\5\u046c\u0237\2\u28e3\u0467\3\2\2\2\u28e4\u28e7\5"+ + "\u060a\u0306\2\u28e5\u28e6\7\u04fd\2\2\u28e6\u28e8\5\u060a\u0306\2\u28e7"+ + "\u28e5\3\2\2\2\u28e7\u28e8\3\2\2\2\u28e8\u0469\3\2\2\2\u28e9\u28ef\5\u03d0"+ + "\u01e9\2\u28ea\u28eb\7G\2\2\u28eb\u28f0\5\u060a\u0306\2\u28ec\u28ee\5"+ + "\u060a\u0306\2\u28ed\u28ec\3\2\2\2\u28ed\u28ee\3\2\2\2\u28ee\u28f0\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u28ef\u28ea\3\2\2\2\u28ef\u28ed\3\2\2\2\u28f0\u28f1\3\2\2\2\u28f1"+ + "\u28f2\5\u046e\u0238\2\u28f2\u046b\3\2\2\2\u28f3\u28f4\7\u04c2\2\2\u28f4"+ + "\u28fb\7\u0330\2\2\u28f5\u28f6\7\u0308\2\2\u28f6\u28fb\7\u0330\2\2\u28f7"+ + "\u28f8\7\u0308\2\2\u28f8\u28fb\7\u01fe\2\2\u28f9\u28fb\5\u06fe\u0380\2"+ + "\u28fa\u28f3\3\2\2\2\u28fa\u28f5\3\2\2\2\u28fa\u28f7\3\2\2\2\u28fa\u28f9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u28fb\u046d\3\2\2\2\u28fc\u28fe\7\u014c\2\2\u28fd\u28ff\7\u02e9"+ + "\2\2\u28fe\u28fd\3\2\2\2\u28fe\u28ff\3\2\2\2\u28ff\u2904\3\2\2\2\u2900"+ + "\u2904\7\u0182\2\2\u2901\u2902\7\u012c\2\2\u2902\u2904\7\u0182\2\2\u2903"+ + "\u28fc\3\2\2\2\u2903\u2900\3\2\2\2\u2903\u2901\3\2\2\2\u2904\u046f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2905\u2906\7d\2\2\u2906\u2907\7\u027f\2\2\u2907\u2908\5\u060a\u0306"+ + "\2\u2908\u0471\3\2\2\2\u2909\u290a\7[\2\2\u290a\u290b\7\u01e7\2\2\u290b"+ + "\u290d\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u290c\u290e\5\u0474\u023b\2\u290d\u290c\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u290d\u290e\3\2\2\2\u290e\u0473\3\2\2\2\u290f\u2911\5\u0476\u023c\2\u2910"+ + "\u290f\3\2\2\2\u2911\u2912\3\2\2\2\u2912\u2910\3\2\2\2\u2912\u2913\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2913\u0475\3\2\2\2\u2914\u2915\7|\2\2\u2915\u2918\7O\2\2\u2916\u2918"+ + "\7\u0130\2\2\u2917\u2914\3\2\2\2\u2917\u2916\3\2\2\2\u2918\u2919\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2919\u292b\5\u0478\u023d\2\u291a\u291e\7\u019d\2\2\u291b\u291c\7\u00af"+ + "\2\2\u291c\u291e\7\u00cd\2\2\u291d\u291a\3\2\2\2\u291d\u291b\3\2\2\2\u291e"+ + "\u291f\3\2\2\2\u291f\u292b\5\u0478\u023d\2\u2920\u292b\7\u03a4\2\2\u2921"+ + "\u292b\7\u02dc\2\2\u2922\u292b\7\u00e4\2\2\u2923\u292b\7\u013d\2\2\u2924"+ + "\u2925\7\u0386\2\2\u2925\u292b\5\u0478\u023d\2\u2926\u292b\7\u0447\2\2"+ + "\u2927\u292b\7\u009e\2\2\u2928\u292b\7\u049e\2\2\u2929\u292b\7\u03fd\2"+ + "\2\u292a\u2917\3\2\2\2\u292a\u291d\3\2\2\2\u292a\u2920\3\2\2\2\u292a\u2921"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u292a\u2922\3\2\2\2\u292a\u2923\3\2\2\2\u292a\u2924\3\2\2\2\u292a"+ + "\u2926\3\2\2\2\u292a\u2927\3\2\2\2\u292a\u2928\3\2\2\2\u292a\u2929\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u292b\u0477\3\2\2\2\u292c\u292e\7\u04f3\2\2\u292d\u292c\3\2\2\2\u292d"+ + "\u292e\3\2\2\2\u292e\u292f\3\2\2\2\u292f\u2939\7\u04e7\2\2\u2930\u2931"+ + "\7\u04f9\2\2\u2931\u2939\7\u04e7\2\2\u2932\u2934\7\u04f3\2\2\u2933\u2932"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2933\u2934\3\2\2\2\u2934\u2935\3\2\2\2\u2935\u2939\7\u04e8\2"+ + "\2\u2936\u2937\7\u04f9\2\2\u2937\u2939\7\u04e8\2\2\u2938\u292d\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2938\u2930\3\2\2\2\u2938\u2933\3\2\2\2\u2938\u2936\3\2\2\2\u2939\u0479"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u293a\u293b\7d\2\2\u293b\u293c\7\u01e7\2\2\u293c\u293d\5\u03d0"+ + "\u01e9\2\u293d\u047b\3\2\2\2\u293e\u293f\7D\2\2\u293f\u2940\7\u01e7\2"+ + "\2\u2940\u2942\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2941\u2943\5\u0474\u023b\2\u2942\u2941"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2942\u2943\3\2\2\2\u2943\u047d\3\2\2\2\u2944\u2945\7[\2\2\u2945"+ + "\u2946\7\u00ee\2\2\u2946\u2947\7\u04da\2\2\u2947\u2948\5\u0482\u0242\2"+ + "\u2948\u2949\7Z\2\2\u2949\u294a\7\u00bd\2\2\u294a\u294b\5\u0442\u0222"+ + "\2\u294b\u294c\5\u0484\u0243\2\u294c\u294d\7x\2\2\u294d\u294e\7O\2\2\u294e"+ + "\u2950\5\u0448\u0225\2\u294f\u2951\7\u0517\2\2\u2950\u294f\3\2\2\2\u2950"+ + "\u2951\3\2\2\2\u2951\u2952\3\2\2\2\u2952\u2955\5\u0560\u02b1\2\u2953\u2954"+ + "\7V\2\2\u2954\u2956\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2955\u2953\3\2\2\2\u2955\u2956\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2956\u2960\3\2\2\2\u2957\u2958\7\u0301\2\2\u2958\u2959\5\u0442"+ + 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+ "\2\2\u297d\u297e\7\u01c0\2\2\u297e\u298c\7\u02a2\2\2\u297f\u298c\5\u05ea"+ + "\u02f6\2\u2980\u2981\7\u00cd\2\2\u2981\u2982\7\u01c0\2\2\u2982\u2983\7"+ + "\u02a2\2\2\u2983\u2984\7\u04f2\2\2\u2984\u298c\5\u05ea\u02f6\2\u2985\u2986"+ + "\5\u05ea\u02f6\2\u2986\u2987\7\u04f2\2\2\u2987\u2988\7\u00cd\2\2\u2988"+ + "\u2989\7\u01c0\2\2\u2989\u298a\7\u02a2\2\2\u298a\u298c\3\2\2\2\u298b\u297c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u298b\u297f\3\2\2\2\u298b\u2980\3\2\2\2\u298b\u2985\3\2\2\2\u298b"+ + "\u298c\3\2\2\2\u298c\u298e\3\2\2\2\u298d\u2970\3\2\2\2\u298d\u2977\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u298e\u0489\3\2\2\2\u298f\u2991\7\u033a\2\2\u2990\u2992\7\u04f1\2"+ + "\2\u2991\u2990\3\2\2\2\u2991\u2992\3\2\2\2\u2992\u2994\3\2\2\2\u2993\u2995"+ + "\7\u0485\2\2\u2994\u2993\3\2\2\2\u2994\u2995\3\2\2\2\u2995\u29a0\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2996\u2998\7\u033a\2\2\u2997\u2999\7\u04f1\2\2\u2998\u2997\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2998\u2999\3\2\2\2\u2999\u299b\3\2\2\2\u299a\u299c\7\u0485\2\2\u299b"+ + 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"\5\u0494\u024b\2\u29bf\u29c0\7x\2\2\u29c0\u29c1\7O\2\2\u29c1\u29c2\5\u0448"+ + "\u0225\2\u29c2\u29cc\3\2\2\2\u29c3\u29c4\7[\2\2\u29c4\u29c5\7\u01b3\2"+ + "\2\u29c5\u29c6\5\u0494\u024b\2\u29c6\u29c7\7x\2\2\u29c7\u29c8\7O\2\2\u29c8"+ + "\u29c9\7\u00c6\2\2\u29c9\u29ca\5\u0448\u0225\2\u29ca\u29cc\3\2\2\2\u29cb"+ + "\u29b5\3\2\2\2\u29cb\u29bc\3\2\2\2\u29cb\u29c3\3\2\2\2\u29cc\u0491\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u29cd\u29d2\5\u0494\u024b\2\u29ce\u29cf\7\u04f2\2\2\u29cf\u29d1\5"+ + "\u0494\u024b\2\u29d0\u29ce\3\2\2\2\u29d1\u29d4\3\2\2\2\u29d2\u29d0\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u29d2\u29d3\3\2\2\2\u29d3\u0493\3\2\2\2\u29d4\u29d2\3\2\2\2\u29d5"+ + "\u29d6\tY\2\2\u29d6\u0495\3\2\2\2\u29d7\u29d8\7d\2\2\u29d8\u29d9\7\u01b3"+ + "\2\2\u29d9\u29da\5\u0494\u024b\2\u29da\u0497\3\2\2\2\u29db\u29dc\7\u00b2"+ + "\2\2\u29dc\u29dd\7\u01b3\2\2\u29dd\u29de\5\u042e\u0218\2\u29de\u0499\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u29df\u29e4\5\u049c\u024f\2\u29e0\u29e1\7\u04f2\2\2\u29e1\u29e3"+ + "\5\u049c\u024f\2\u29e2\u29e0\3\2\2\2\u29e3\u29e6\3\2\2\2\u29e4\u29e2\3"+ + 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"\2\2\2\u2a2d\u2a31\3\2\2\2\u2a2e\u2a2f\7F\2\2\u2a2f\u2a31\tc\2\2\u2a30"+ + "\u2a2c\3\2\2\2\u2a30\u2a2e\3\2\2\2\u2a31\u2aa3\3\2\2\2\u2a32\u2a33\7\u00b0"+ + "\2\2\u2a33\u2a34\7F\2\2\u2a34\u2aa3\td\2\2\u2a35\u2a36\te\2\2\u2a36\u2a39"+ + "\7F\2\2\u2a37\u2a3a\tf\2\2\u2a38\u2a3a\7\u00be\2\2\u2a39\u2a37\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2a39\u2a38\3\2\2\2\u2a3a\u2aa3\3\2\2\2\u2a3b\u2a3c\7\u0498\2\2\u2a3c"+ + "\u2a3d\7F\2\2\u2a3d\u2aa3\tg\2\2\u2a3e\u2a4d\7[\2\2\u2a3f\u2a41\7F\2\2"+ + "\u2a40\u2a3f\3\2\2\2\u2a40\u2a41\3\2\2\2\u2a41\u2a42\3\2\2\2\u2a42\u2a45"+ + "\7\u0478\2\2\u2a43\u2a45\7\u03fa\2\2\u2a44\u2a40\3\2\2\2\u2a44\u2a43\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2a45\u2a4e\3\2\2\2\u2a46\u2a48\7F\2\2\u2a47\u2a46\3\2\2\2\u2a47"+ + "\u2a48\3\2\2\2\u2a48\u2a4b\3\2\2\2\u2a49\u2a4b\7\u00a3\2\2\u2a4a\u2a47"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2a4a\u2a49\3\2\2\2\u2a4b\u2a4c\3\2\2\2\u2a4c\u2a4e\7\u00b8\2"+ + "\2\u2a4d\u2a44\3\2\2\2\u2a4d\u2a4a\3\2\2\2\u2a4e\u2aa3\3\2\2\2\u2a4f\u2a57"+ + "\7d\2\2\u2a50\u2a51\7F\2\2\u2a51\u2a54\7\u03a1\2\2\u2a52\u2a54\7\u00c4"+ + "\2\2\u2a53\u2a50\3\2\2\2\u2a53\u2a52\3\2\2\2\u2a54\u2a58\3\2\2\2\u2a55"+ + "\u2a56\th\2\2\u2a56\u2a58\7\u00b8\2\2\u2a57\u2a53\3\2\2\2\u2a57\u2a55"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2a58\u2aa3\3\2\2\2\u2a59\u2a63\7[\2\2\u2a5a\u2a5b\7F\2\2\u2a5b"+ + "\u2a5e\7\u03a1\2\2\u2a5c\u2a5e\7\u00c4\2\2\u2a5d\u2a5a\3\2\2\2\u2a5d\u2a5c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2a5e\u2a64\3\2\2\2\u2a5f\u2a61\7F\2\2\u2a60\u2a5f\3\2\2\2\u2a60"+ + "\u2a61\3\2\2\2\u2a61\u2a62\3\2\2\2\u2a62\u2a64\ti\2\2\u2a63\u2a5d\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2a63\u2a60\3\2\2\2\u2a64\u2aa3\3\2\2\2\u2a65\u2a69\7D\2\2\u2a66"+ + "\u2a67\7F\2\2\u2a67\u2a6a\7\u0478\2\2\u2a68\u2a6a\7\u03fa\2\2\u2a69\u2a66"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2a69\u2a68\3\2\2\2\u2a6a\u2aa3\3\2\2\2\u2a6b\u2a6f\7D\2\2\u2a6c"+ + "\u2a6d\7F\2\2\u2a6d\u2a70\7\u03a1\2\2\u2a6e\u2a70\7\u00c4\2\2\u2a6f\u2a6c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2a6f\u2a6e\3\2\2\2\u2a70\u2aa3\3\2\2\2\u2a71\u2a72\7\u043e\2"+ + "\2\u2a72\u2a73\7F\2\2\u2a73\u2aa3\7\u0478\2\2\u2a74\u2a75\7\u0148\2\2"+ + "\u2a75\u2aa3\7\u03d5\2\2\u2a76\u2aa3\7\u01c2\2\2\u2a77\u2a7f\7[\2\2\u2a78"+ + "\u2a79\7F\2\2\u2a79\u2a7c\7\u02df\2\2\u2a7a\u2a7c\7\u03e6\2\2\u2a7b\u2a78"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2a7b\u2a7a\3\2\2\2\u2a7c\u2a80\3\2\2\2\u2a7d\u2a7e\7F\2\2\u2a7e"+ + "\u2a80\7\u027f\2\2\u2a7f\u2a7b\3\2\2\2\u2a7f\u2a7d\3\2\2\2\u2a80\u2aa3"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2a81\u2a82\7D\2\2\u2a82\u2aa3\7\u03e6\2\2\u2a83\u2a8b\7d\2\2"+ + "\u2a84\u2a85\7\u00ee\2\2\u2a85\u2a88\7\u04da\2\2\u2a86\u2a88\7\u03e6\2"+ + "\2\u2a87\u2a84\3\2\2\2\u2a87\u2a86\3\2\2\2\u2a88\u2a8c\3\2\2\2\u2a89\u2a8a"+ + "\7F\2\2\u2a8a\u2a8c\tj\2\2\u2a8b\u2a87\3\2\2\2\u2a8b\u2a89\3\2\2\2\u2a8c"+ + "\u2aa3\3\2\2\2\u2a8d\u2a8e\7\u02d2\2\2\u2a8e\u2aa3\7\u0288\2\2\u2a8f\u2a90"+ + "\7D\2\2\u2a90\u2aa3\7\u0372\2\2\u2a91\u2a93\7[\2\2\u2a92\u2a94\7\u00a3"+ + "\2\2\u2a93\u2a92\3\2\2\2\u2a93\u2a94\3\2\2\2\u2a94\u2a95\3\2\2\2\u2a95"+ + "\u2a96\7\u00ee\2\2\u2a96\u2aa3\7\u04da\2\2\u2a97\u2a9b\7D\2\2\u2a98\u2a99"+ + 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+ "\u0254\2\u2aa6\u2aa7\7\u009a\2\2\u2aa7\u2aa8\5\u04ac\u0257\2\u2aa8\u2aa9"+ + "\7\u00bd\2\2\u2aa9\u2aad\5\u0440\u0221\2\u2aaa\u2aab\7\u00cd\2\2\u2aab"+ + "\u2aac\7s\2\2\u2aac\u2aae\7\u009c\2\2\u2aad\u2aaa\3\2\2\2\u2aad\u2aae"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2aae\u2ab2\3\2\2\2\u2aaf\u2ab0\7s\2\2\u2ab0\u2ab2\5\u04a2\u0252"+ + "\2\u2ab1\u2aa4\3\2\2\2\u2ab1\u2aaf\3\2\2\2\u2ab2\u04a1\3\2\2\2\u2ab3\u2ab4"+ + "\5\u04a6\u0254\2\u2ab4\u2ab5\7\u00bd\2\2\u2ab5\u2ab9\5\u04a4\u0253\2\u2ab6"+ + "\u2ab7\7\u00cd\2\2\u2ab7\u2ab8\7\u01d3\2\2\u2ab8\u2aba\7\u009c\2\2\u2ab9"+ + "\u2ab6\3\2\2\2\u2ab9\u2aba\3\2\2\2\u2aba\u04a3\3\2\2\2\u2abb\u2ac2\5\u0440"+ + "\u0221\2\u2abc\u2abd\5\u043e\u0220\2\u2abd\u2abe\7x\2\2\u2abe\u2abf\7"+ + "O\2\2\u2abf\u2ac0\5\u0448\u0225\2\u2ac0\u2ac2\3\2\2\2\u2ac1\u2abb\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2ac1\u2abc\3\2\2\2\u2ac2\u04a5\3\2\2\2\u2ac3\u2ac8\5\u04a8\u0255"+ + "\2\u2ac4\u2ac5\7\u04f2\2\2\u2ac5\u2ac7\5\u04a8\u0255\2\u2ac6\u2ac4\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2ac7\u2aca\3\2\2\2\u2ac8\u2ac6\3\2\2\2\u2ac8\u2ac9\3\2\2\2\u2ac9"+ + "\u04a7\3\2\2\2\u2aca\u2ac8\3\2\2\2\u2acb\u2ade\5\u0494\u024b\2\u2acc\u2ad1"+ + "\5\u049e\u0250\2\u2acd\u2ace\7\u04f8\2\2\u2ace\u2acf\5\u02ee\u0178\2\u2acf"+ + "\u2ad0\7\u04ff\2\2\u2ad0\u2ad2\3\2\2\2\u2ad1\u2acd\3\2\2\2\u2ad1\u2ad2"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2ad2\u2ade\3\2\2\2\u2ad3\u2ad5\7C\2\2\u2ad4\u2ad6\7\u00a2\2"+ + "\2\u2ad5\u2ad4\3\2\2\2\u2ad5\u2ad6\3\2\2\2\u2ad6\u2adb\3\2\2\2\u2ad7\u2ad8"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u2ad8\u2ad9\5\u02ee\u0178\2\u2ad9\u2ada\7\u04ff\2\2\u2ada"+ + "\u2adc\3\2\2\2\u2adb\u2ad7\3\2\2\2\u2adb\u2adc\3\2\2\2\u2adc\u2ade\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2add\u2acb\3\2\2\2\u2add\u2acc\3\2\2\2\u2add\u2ad3\3\2\2\2\u2ade"+ + "\u04a9\3\2\2\2\u2adf\u2af8\7D\2\2\u2ae0\u2af8\7[\2\2\u2ae1\u2af8\7`\2"+ + "\2\u2ae2\u2af8\7d\2\2\u2ae3\u2ae4\7s\2\2\u2ae4\u2af8\7\u009c\2\2\u2ae5"+ + "\u2af8\7\u0080\2\2\u2ae6\u2af8\7\u00c3\2\2\u2ae7\u2af8\7\u00b0\2\2\u2ae8"+ + "\u2af8\7~\2\2\u2ae9\u2aea\7\u02d2\2\2\u2aea\u2af8\7\u00c9\2\2\u2aeb\u2aec"+ + "\7\u02d2\2\2\u2aec\u2af8\7\u00ef\2\2\u2aed\u2af8\7\u0338\2\2\u2aee\u2af8"+ + "\7\u0288\2\2\u2aef\u2af8\7\u022f\2\2\u2af0\u2af8\7\u0150\2\2\u2af1\u2af8"+ + "\7\u0498\2\2\u2af2\u2af8\7\u03ac\2\2\u2af3\u2af8\7\u014c\2\2\u2af4\u2af8"+ + "\7\u0182\2\2\u2af5\u2af8\7o\2\2\u2af6\u2af8\7\u0403\2\2\u2af7\u2adf\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2af7\u2ae0\3\2\2\2\u2af7\u2ae1\3\2\2\2\u2af7\u2ae2\3\2\2\2\u2af7"+ + "\u2ae3\3\2\2\2\u2af7\u2ae5\3\2\2\2\u2af7\u2ae6\3\2\2\2\u2af7\u2ae7\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2af7\u2ae8\3\2\2\2\u2af7\u2ae9\3\2\2\2\u2af7\u2aeb\3\2\2\2\u2af7"+ + "\u2aed\3\2\2\2\u2af7\u2aee\3\2\2\2\u2af7\u2aef\3\2\2\2\u2af7\u2af0\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2af7\u2af1\3\2\2\2\u2af7\u2af2\3\2\2\2\u2af7\u2af3\3\2\2\2\u2af7"+ + "\u2af4\3\2\2\2\u2af7\u2af5\3\2\2\2\u2af7\u2af6\3\2\2\2\u2af8\u04ab\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2af9\u2afc\7\u04f6\2\2\u2afa\u2afb\7\u04fd\2\2\u2afb\u2afd\7\u04f6"+ + "\2\2\u2afc\u2afa\3\2\2\2\u2afc\u2afd\3\2\2\2\u2afd\u2b09\3\2\2\2\u2afe"+ + "\u2aff\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2aff\u2b02\7\u04fd\2\2\u2b00\u2b03\7\u04f6\2\2"+ + "\u2b01\u2b03\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2b02\u2b00\3\2\2\2\u2b02\u2b01\3\2\2\2\u2b03"+ + "\u2b09\3\2\2\2\u2b04\u2b06\7\u02df\2\2\u2b05\u2b04\3\2\2\2\u2b05\u2b06"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2b06\u2b07\3\2\2\2\u2b07\u2b09\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2b08\u2af9\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2b08\u2afe\3\2\2\2\u2b08\u2b05\3\2\2\2\u2b09\u04ad\3\2\2\2\u2b0a"+ + "\u2b0b\7\u00a8\2\2\u2b0b\u2b0c\5\u04a6\u0254\2\u2b0c\u2b0d\7\u009a\2\2"+ + "\u2b0d\u2b0e\5\u04ac\u0257\2\u2b0e\u2b0f\7r\2\2\u2b0f\u2b10\5\u044e\u0228"+ + "\2\u2b10\u2b17\3\2\2\2\u2b11\u2b12\7\u00a8\2\2\u2b12\u2b13\5\u04a6\u0254"+ + "\2\u2b13\u2b14\7r\2\2\u2b14\u2b15\5\u04a4\u0253\2\u2b15\u2b17\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2b16\u2b0a\3\2\2\2\u2b16\u2b11\3\2\2\2\u2b17\u04af\3\2\2\2\u2b18\u2b19"+ + "\7\u0484\2\2\u2b19\u2b1a\5\u04b2\u025a\2\u2b1a\u2b1b\7r\2\2\u2b1b\u2b1c"+ + "\5\u04b4\u025b\2\u2b1c\u04b1\3\2\2\2\u2b1d\u2b1e\5\u0610\u0309\2\u2b1e"+ + "\u04b3\3\2\2\2\u2b1f\u2b25\5\u0300\u0181\2\u2b20\u2b25\5\u02d0\u0169\2"+ + "\u2b21\u2b25\5\u02f8\u017d\2\u2b22\u2b25\5\u00d6l\2\u2b23\u2b25\5\u00d4"+ + "k\2\u2b24\u2b1f\3\2\2\2\u2b24\u2b20\3\2\2\2\u2b24\u2b21\3\2\2\2\u2b24"+ + "\u2b22\3\2\2\2\u2b24\u2b23\3\2\2\2\u2b25\u04b5\3\2\2\2\u2b26\u2b27\7\u00b2"+ + "\2\2\u2b27\u2b28\5\u04ba\u025e\2\u2b28\u04b7\3\2\2\2\u2b29\u2b2e\5\u04c0"+ + "\u0261\2\u2b2a\u2b2b\7\u04f2\2\2\u2b2b\u2b2d\5\u04c0\u0261\2\u2b2c\u2b2a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2b2d\u2b30\3\2\2\2\u2b2e\u2b2c\3\2\2\2\u2b2e\u2b2f\3\2\2\2\u2b2f"+ + "\u04b9\3\2\2\2\u2b30\u2b2e\3\2\2\2\u2b31\u2b36\5\u04be\u0260\2\u2b32\u2b33"+ + "\7\u04f2\2\2\u2b33\u2b35\5\u04be\u0260\2\u2b34\u2b32\3\2\2\2\u2b35\u2b38"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2b36\u2b34\3\2\2\2\u2b36\u2b37\3\2\2\2\u2b37\u04bb\3\2\2\2\u2b38"+ + "\u2b36\3\2\2\2\u2b39\u2b3d\5\66\34\2\u2b3a\u2b3d\7\u009a\2\2\u2b3b\u2b3d"+ + "\7_\2\2\u2b3c\u2b39\3\2\2\2\u2b3c\u2b3a\3\2\2\2\u2b3c\u2b3b\3\2\2\2\u2b3d"+ + "\u04bd\3\2\2\2\u2b3e\u2b41\7\u0512\2\2\u2b3f\u2b42\5\u04c6\u0264\2\u2b40"+ + "\u2b42\5\u04c4\u0263\2\u2b41\u2b3f\3\2\2\2\u2b41\u2b40\3\2\2\2\u2b42\u2b43"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2b43\u2b44\5\66\34\2\u2b44\u2b5c\3\2\2\2\u2b45\u2b46\7\u0512"+ + "\2\2\u2b46\u2b47\5\u04c4\u0263\2\u2b47\u2b48\7\u0513\2\2\u2b48\u2b5c\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2b49\u2b5c\5\u04c0\u0261\2\u2b4a\u2b4f\7\u0511\2\2\u2b4b\u2b4c"+ + "\5\u04c2\u0262\2\u2b4c\u2b4d\5\u0608\u0305\2\u2b4d\u2b4f\3\2\2\2\u2b4e"+ + "\u2b4a\3\2\2\2\u2b4e\u2b4b\3\2\2\2\u2b4f\u2b50\3\2\2\2\u2b50\u2b51\5\u04c4"+ + "\u0263\2\u2b51\u2b52\5\u04bc\u025f\2\u2b52\u2b5c\3\2\2\2\u2b53\u2b54\7"+ + "\u0302\2\2\u2b54\u2b56\5\u01b2\u00da\2\u2b55\u2b57\5\u01b4\u00db\2\u2b56"+ + "\u2b55\3\2\2\2\u2b56\u2b57\3\2\2\2\u2b57\u2b5c\3\2\2\2\u2b58\u2b59\5\u010a"+ + "\u0086\2\u2b59\u2b5a\5\u01b2\u00da\2\u2b5a\u2b5c\3\2\2\2\u2b5b\u2b3e\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2b5b\u2b45\3\2\2\2\u2b5b\u2b49\3\2\2\2\u2b5b\u2b4e\3\2\2\2\u2b5b"+ + "\u2b53\3\2\2\2\u2b5b\u2b58\3\2\2\2\u2b5c\u04bf\3\2\2\2\u2b5d\u2b5e\5f"+ + "\64\2\u2b5e\u2b5f\5\u04c4\u0263\2\u2b5f\u2b60\5\u04bc\u025f\2\u2b60\u04c1"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2b61\u2b68\7\u02cf\2\2\u2b62\u2b68\7\u00b1\2\2\u2b63\u2b64\7"+ + "\u0187\2\2\u2b64\u2b68\7\u04fd\2\2\u2b65\u2b66\7\u0188\2\2\u2b66\u2b68"+ + "\7\u04fd\2\2\u2b67\u2b61\3\2\2\2\u2b67\u2b62\3\2\2\2\u2b67\u2b63\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2b67\u2b65\3\2\2\2\u2b68\u04c3\3\2\2\2\u2b69\u2b6a\tk\2\2\u2b6a\u04c5"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2b6b\u2b6c\7\u0506\2\2\u2b6c\u04c7\3\2\2\2\u2b6d\u2b6e\7\u0512"+ + "\2\2\u2b6e\u04c9\3\2\2\2\u2b6f\u2b70\7\u0498\2\2\u2b70\u2b73\5\u04b2\u025a"+ + "\2\u2b71\u2b72\7\u017b\2\2\u2b72\u2b74\5\u04cc\u0267\2\u2b73\u2b71\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2b73\u2b74\3\2\2\2\u2b74\u04cb\3\2\2\2\u2b75\u2b7a\5\u04c8\u0265"+ + "\2\u2b76\u2b77\7\u04f2\2\2\u2b77\u2b79\5\u04c8\u0265\2\u2b78\u2b76\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2b79\u2b7c\3\2\2\2\u2b7a\u2b78\3\2\2\2\u2b7a\u2b7b\3\2\2\2\u2b7b"+ + "\u04cd\3\2\2\2\u2b7c\u2b7a\3\2\2\2\u2b7d\u2b7e\5\u04d0\u0269\2\u2b7e\u2b7f"+ + "\7\u0484\2\2\u2b7f\u2b80\5\u04b2\u025a\2\u2b80\u04cf\3\2\2\2\u2b81\u2b82"+ + "\tl\2\2\u2b82\u04d1\3\2\2\2\u2b83\u2b84\7\u00da\2\2\u2b84\u2b86\5\u04d6"+ + "\u026c\2\u2b85\u2b87\5\u04d4\u026b\2\u2b86\u2b85\3\2\2\2\u2b86\u2b87\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2b87\u04d3\3\2\2\2\u2b88\u2b8a\7\u04f8\2\2\u2b89\u2b8b\5\u00bc"+ + "_\2\u2b8a\u2b89\3\2\2\2\u2b8a\u2b8b\3\2\2\2\u2b8b\u2b8c\3\2\2\2\u2b8c"+ + "\u2b8d\7\u04ff\2\2\u2b8d\u04d5\3\2\2\2\u2b8e\u2b8f\5\u0606\u0304\2\u2b8f"+ + "\u2b93\7\u04fd\2\2\u2b90\u2b91\5\u0606\u0304\2\u2b91\u2b92\7\u04fd\2\2"+ + "\u2b92\u2b94\3\2\2\2\u2b93\u2b90\3\2\2\2\u2b93\u2b94\3\2\2\2\u2b94\u2b95"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2b95\u2b96\5\u04d8\u026d\2\u2b96\u2b99\3\2\2\2\u2b97\u2b99\5"+ + "\u04d8\u026d\2\u2b98\u2b8e\3\2\2\2\u2b98\u2b97\3\2\2\2\u2b99\u04d7\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2b9a\u2ba3\7\u0517\2\2\u2b9b\u2ba3\5\u06fa\u037e\2\u2b9c\u2ba3\5"+ + "\u06fc\u037f\2\u2b9d\u2ba3\5\u06f8\u037d\2\u2b9e\u2ba3\7@\2\2\u2b9f\u2ba3"+ + "\7\u00b2\2\2\u2ba0\u2ba3\7\u008f\2\2\u2ba1\u2ba3\7`\2\2\u2ba2\u2b9a\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2ba2\u2b9b\3\2\2\2\u2ba2\u2b9c\3\2\2\2\u2ba2\u2b9d\3\2\2\2\u2ba2"+ + "\u2b9e\3\2\2\2\u2ba2\u2b9f\3\2\2\2\u2ba2\u2ba0\3\2\2\2\u2ba2\u2ba1\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2ba3\u04d9\3\2\2\2\u2ba4\u2ba6\7\u01c8\2\2\u2ba5\u2ba7\7\u00bb\2"+ + "\2\u2ba6\u2ba5\3\2\2\2\u2ba6\u2ba7\3\2\2\2\u2ba7\u2ba8\3\2\2\2\u2ba8\u2ba9"+ + "\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2ba9\u04db\3\2\2\2\u2baa\u2bab\7\u00a6\2\2\u2bab\u2bac"+ + "\5\u04de\u0270\2\u2bac\u04dd\3\2\2\2\u2bad\u2bae\5\u04e0\u0271\2\u2bae"+ + "\u04df\3\2\2\2\u2baf\u2bb0\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2bb0\u2bb1\7\u00bd\2\2\u2bb1"+ + "\u2bb2\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2bb2\u04e1\3\2\2\2\u2bb3\u2bb4\7D\2\2\u2bb4\u2bb5"+ + "\7~\2\2\u2bb5\u2bb6\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2bb6\u2bb7\5\u04e4\u0273\2\u2bb7"+ + "\u04e3\3\2\2\2\u2bb8\u2bb9\5\u04e6\u0274\2\u2bb9\u04e5\3\2\2\2\u2bba\u2bbb"+ + "\5\u04e8\u0275\2\u2bbb\u04e7\3\2\2\2\u2bbc\u2bbd\7\u00a6\2\2\u2bbd\u2bbe"+ + "\7\u00bd\2\2\u2bbe\u2bc3\5\u0294\u014b\2\u2bbf\u2bc3\5\u01ce\u00e8\2\u2bc0"+ + "\u2bc1\7\u03e6\2\2\u2bc1\u2bc3\5\u05ac\u02d7\2\u2bc2\u2bbc\3\2\2\2\u2bc2"+ + "\u2bbf\3\2\2\2\u2bc2\u2bc0\3\2\2\2\u2bc3\u04e9\3\2\2\2\u2bc4\u2bc6\7D"+ + "\2\2\u2bc5\u2bc7\7\u026c\2\2\u2bc6\u2bc5\3\2\2\2\u2bc6\u2bc7\3\2\2\2\u2bc7"+ + "\u2bc8\3\2\2\2\u2bc8\u2bc9\7\u00bb\2\2\u2bc9\u2bca\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2bca"+ + "\u2bcb\5\u04f0\u0279\2\u2bcb\u2be7\3\2\2\2\u2bcc\u2bcd\7D\2\2\u2bcd\u2bce"+ + "\7\u00bb\2\2\u2bce\u2bcf\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2bcf\u2bd0\5\u050c\u0287\2\u2bd0"+ + "\u2be7\3\2\2\2\u2bd1\u2bd2\7D\2\2\u2bd2\u2bd3\7\u026c\2\2\u2bd3\u2bd4"+ + "\7\u00bb\2\2\u2bd4\u2bd5\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2bd5\u2bd6\7@\2\2\u2bd6\u2bd7"+ + "\7\u0149\2\2\u2bd7\u2bd8\7\u04f8\2\2\u2bd8\u2bd9\5\u04ec\u0277\2\u2bd9"+ + "\u2bda\7\u04ff\2\2\u2bda\u2bdb\7\u01ad\2\2\u2bdb\u2bdc\7\u0518\2\2\u2bdc"+ + "\u2be7\3\2\2\2\u2bdd\u2bde\7D\2\2\u2bde\u2bdf\7\u026c\2\2\u2bdf\u2be0"+ + "\7\u00bb\2\2\u2be0\u2be1\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2be1\u2be2\7d\2\2\u2be2\u2be3"+ + "\7\u0149\2\2\u2be3\u2be4\7\u01ad\2\2\u2be4\u2be5\7\u0518\2\2\u2be5\u2be7"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2be6\u2bc4\3\2\2\2\u2be6\u2bcc\3\2\2\2\u2be6\u2bd1\3\2\2\2\u2be6"+ + "\u2bdd\3\2\2\2\u2be7\u04eb\3\2\2\2\u2be8\u2be9\b\u0277\1\2\u2be9\u2bec"+ + "\5\u04ee\u0278\2\u2bea\u2bec\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u2beb\u2be8\3\2\2\2\u2beb"+ + "\u2bea\3\2\2\2\u2bec\u2bf2\3\2\2\2\u2bed\u2bee\f\3\2\2\u2bee\u2bef\7\u04f2"+ + "\2\2\u2bef\u2bf1\5\u04ee\u0278\2\u2bf0\u2bed\3\2\2\2\u2bf1\u2bf4\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2bf2\u2bf0\3\2\2\2\u2bf2\u2bf3\3\2\2\2\u2bf3\u04ed\3\2\2\2\u2bf4\u2bf2"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2bf5\u2bf7\5\u0608\u0305\2\u2bf6\u2bf8\7\u0504\2\2\u2bf7\u2bf6"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2bf7\u2bf8\3\2\2\2\u2bf8\u2bf9\3\2\2\2\u2bf9\u2bfa\5\"\22\2"+ + "\u2bfa\u04ef\3\2\2\2\u2bfb\u2c00\5\u04f2\u027a\2\u2bfc\u2bfd\7\u04f2\2"+ + "\2\u2bfd\u2bff\5\u04f2\u027a\2\u2bfe\u2bfc\3\2\2\2\u2bff\u2c02\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2c00\u2bfe\3\2\2\2\u2c00\u2c01\3\2\2\2\u2c01\u04f1\3\2\2\2\u2c02\u2c00"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2c03\u2c21\5\u01c4\u00e3\2\u2c04\u2c05\7\u00b2\2\2\u2c05\u2c21"+ + "\5\u01c4\u00e3\2\u2c06\u2c07\7\u00b2\2\2\u2c07\u2c08\7\u0116\2\2\u2c08"+ + "\u2c0a\7\u04f8\2\2\u2c09\u2c0b\5\66\34\2\u2c0a\u2c09\3\2\2\2\u2c0a\u2c0b"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2c0b\u2c0c\3\2\2\2\u2c0c\u2c21\7\u04ff\2\2\u2c0d\u2c21\5\u0250"+ + "\u0129\2\u2c0e\u2c21\5\u050e\u0288\2\u2c0f\u2c21\5\u0510\u0289\2\u2c10"+ + "\u2c12\7\u00a6\2\2\u2c11\u2c13\7\u00bd\2\2\u2c12\u2c11\3\2\2\2\u2c12\u2c13"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2c13\u2c14\3\2\2\2\u2c14\u2c21\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2c15\u2c21\5"+ + "\u0508\u0285\2\u2c16\u2c21\5\u04f4\u027b\2\u2c17\u2c21\5\u0504\u0283\2"+ + "\u2c18\u2c19\7d\2\2\u2c19\u2c1a\7\u00df\2\2\u2c1a\u2c21\5\u0298\u014d"+ + "\2\u2c1b\u2c1c\5\u0156\u00ac\2\u2c1c\u2c1d\7C\2\2\u2c1d\u2c1e\7\u0249"+ + "\2\2\u2c1e\u2c21\3\2\2\2\u2c1f\u2c21\7\u03f3\2\2\u2c20\u2c03\3\2\2\2\u2c20"+ + "\u2c04\3\2\2\2\u2c20\u2c06\3\2\2\2\u2c20\u2c0d\3\2\2\2\u2c20\u2c0e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2c20\u2c0f\3\2\2\2\u2c20\u2c10\3\2\2\2\u2c20\u2c15\3\2\2\2\u2c20"+ + "\u2c16\3\2\2\2\u2c20\u2c17\3\2\2\2\u2c20\u2c18\3\2\2\2\u2c20\u2c1b\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2c20\u2c1f\3\2\2\2\u2c21\u04f3\3\2\2\2\u2c22\u2c23\7d\2\2\u2c23"+ + "\u2c24\tP\2\2\u2c24\u2c53\5\u04f6\u027c\2\u2c25\u2c26\7d\2\2\u2c26\u2c27"+ + "\tP\2\2\u2c27\u2c28\5\u04f6\u027c\2\u2c28\u2c29\7\u00c3\2\2\u2c29\u2c2a"+ + "\7\u02cf\2\2\u2c2a\u2c2b\7\u02ac\2\2\u2c2b\u2c53\3\2\2\2\u2c2c\u2c2d\7"+ + "\u00a6\2\2\u2c2d\u2c2e\tP\2\2\u2c2e\u2c2f\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2c2f\u2c30"+ + "\7\u00bd\2\2\u2c30\u2c31\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2c31\u2c53\3\2\2\2\u2c32\u2c53"+ + "\5\u04fa\u027e\2\u2c33\u2c34\7\u0434\2\2\u2c34\u2c35\7\u0149\2\2\u2c35"+ + "\u2c36\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2c36\u2c37\5\u04f8\u027d\2\u2c37\u2c53\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2c38\u2c39\7\u01c8\2\2\u2c39\u2c3a\tP\2\2\u2c3a\u2c53\5\u035a\u01ae"+ + "\2\u2c3b\u2c3c\7\u01c8\2\2\u2c3c\u2c3d\tP\2\2\u2c3d\u2c3e\5\u035a\u01ae"+ + "\2\u2c3e\u2c3f\7\u00c3\2\2\u2c3f\u2c40\7\u02cf\2\2\u2c40\u2c41\7\u02ac"+ + "\2\2\u2c41\u2c53\3\2\2\2\u2c42\u2c43\7\u008f\2\2\u2c43\u2c44\7\u0149\2"+ + "\2\u2c44\u2c45\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2c45\u2c46\5\u04fc\u027f\2\u2c46\u2c53"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2c47\u2c48\7\u02ed\2\2\u2c48\u2c49\7\u0149\2\2\u2c49\u2c4a\5"+ + "\u060a\u0306\2\u2c4a\u2c4b\7\u00cd\2\2\u2c4b\u2c4c\7\u00bb\2\2\u2c4c\u2c4d"+ + "\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2c4d\u2c4e\7\u0320\2\2\u2c4e\u2c4f\7\u02ac\2\2\u2c4f"+ + "\u2c50\7\u00cf\2\2\u2c50\u2c51\7!\2\2\u2c51\u2c53\3\2\2\2\u2c52\u2c22"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2c52\u2c25\3\2\2\2\u2c52\u2c2c\3\2\2\2\u2c52\u2c32\3\2\2\2\u2c52"+ + "\u2c33\3\2\2\2\u2c52\u2c38\3\2\2\2\u2c52\u2c3b\3\2\2\2\u2c52\u2c42\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2c52\u2c47\3\2\2\2\u2c53\u04f5\3\2\2\2\u2c54\u2c5a\5\u035a\u01ae"+ + "\2\u2c55\u2c56\7\u04f8\2\2\u2c56\u2c57\5\u035a\u01ae\2\u2c57\u2c58\7\u04ff"+ + "\2\2\u2c58\u2c5a\3\2\2\2\u2c59\u2c54\3\2\2\2\u2c59\u2c55\3\2\2\2\u2c5a"+ + "\u04f7\3\2\2\2\u2c5b\u2c5c\7\u00c6\2\2\u2c5c\u2c5d\7\u04f8\2\2\u2c5d\u2c5e"+ + "\5\u022e\u0118\2\u2c5e\u2c5f\7\u04ff\2\2\u2c5f\u2c60\5\u04fe\u0280\2\u2c60"+ + "\u2c6a\3\2\2\2\u2c61\u2c62\7\u01a9\2\2\u2c62\u2c63\7\u04f8\2\2\u2c63\u2c64"+ + "\5\u023c\u011f\2\u2c64\u2c65\7\u04ff\2\2\u2c65\u2c66\5\u04fe\u0280\2\u2c66"+ + "\u2c6a\3\2\2\2\u2c67\u2c6a\5\u0500\u0281\2\u2c68\u2c6a\5\u0502\u0282\2"+ + "\u2c69\u2c5b\3\2\2\2\u2c69\u2c61\3\2\2\2\u2c69\u2c67\3\2\2\2\u2c69\u2c68"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2c6a\u04f9\3\2\2\2\u2c6b\u2c6c\7@\2\2\u2c6c\u2c70\5\u020c\u0107"+ + "\2\u2c6d\u2c6e\7@\2\2\u2c6e\u2c70\5\u0214\u010b\2\u2c6f\u2c6b\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2c6f\u2c6d\3\2\2\2\u2c70\u04fb\3\2\2\2\u2c71\u2c72\7@\2\2\u2c72\u2c76"+ + "\5\u0222\u0112\2\u2c73\u2c74\7@\2\2\u2c74\u2c76\5\u0228\u0115\2\u2c75"+ + "\u2c71\3\2\2\2\u2c75\u2c73\3\2\2\2\u2c76\u04fd\3\2\2\2\u2c77\u2c78\7\u0084"+ + "\2\2\u2c78\u2c7b\5\u0234\u011b\2\u2c79\u2c7b\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u2c7a\u2c77"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2c7a\u2c79\3\2\2\2\u2c7b\u04ff\3\2\2\2\u2c7c\u2c7d\7\u0084\2"+ + "\2\u2c7d\u2c86\5\u020a\u0106\2\u2c7e\u2c7f\7\u0084\2\2\u2c7f\u2c80\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u2c80\u2c81\5\u020c\u0107\2\u2c81\u2c82\7\u04f2\2\2\u2c82\u2c83\5"+ + "\u0236\u011c\2\u2c83\u2c84\7\u04ff\2\2\u2c84\u2c86\3\2\2\2\u2c85\u2c7c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2c85\u2c7e\3\2\2\2\u2c86\u0501\3\2\2\2\u2c87\u2c88\7\u0084\2"+ + "\2\u2c88\u2c91\5\u0212\u010a\2\u2c89\u2c8a\7\u0084\2\2\u2c8a\u2c8b\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u2c8b\u2c8c\5\u0214\u010b\2\u2c8c\u2c8d\7\u04f2\2\2\u2c8d\u2c8e\5"+ + "\u0236\u011c\2\u2c8e\u2c8f\7\u04ff\2\2\u2c8f\u2c91\3\2\2\2\u2c90\u2c87"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2c90\u2c89\3\2\2\2\u2c91\u0503\3\2\2\2\u2c92\u2c93\7\u008f\2"+ + "\2\u2c93\u2c99\5\u01f2\u00fa\2\u2c94\u2c95\7\u008f\2\2\u2c95\u2c99\5\u01f6"+ + "\u00fc\2\u2c96\u2c97\7\u008f\2\2\u2c97\u2c99\5\u01f8\u00fd\2\u2c98\u2c92"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2c98\u2c94\3\2\2\2\u2c98\u2c96\3\2\2\2\u2c99\u0505\3\2\2\2\u2c9a"+ + "\u2c9b\7\u008f\2\2\u2c9b\u2ca1\5\u0244\u0123\2\u2c9c\u2c9d\7\u008f\2\2"+ + "\u2c9d\u2ca1\5\u0246\u0124\2\u2c9e\u2c9f\7\u008f\2\2\u2c9f\u2ca1\5\u0248"+ + "\u0125\2\u2ca0\u2c9a\3\2\2\2\u2ca0\u2c9c\3\2\2\2\u2ca0\u2c9e\3\2\2\2\u2ca1"+ + "\u0507\3\2\2\2\u2ca2\u2ca3\7@\2\2\u2ca3\u2cc7\5\u014c\u00a7\2\u2ca4\u2ca5"+ + "\7@\2\2\u2ca5\u2ca6\7\u04f8\2\2\u2ca6\u2ca7\5\u014c\u00a7\2\u2ca7\u2ca8"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u2ca8\u2cc7\3\2\2\2\u2ca9\u2caa\7D\2\2\u2caa\u2cab\7~\2\2"+ + "\u2cab\u2cac\5\u0294\u014b\2\u2cac\u2cad\5\u050a\u0286\2\u2cad\u2cc7\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2cae\u2caf\7d\2\2\u2caf\u2cb0\7\u0270\2\2\u2cb0\u2cc7\7\u0294"+ + "\2\2\u2cb1\u2cb2\7\u008f\2\2\u2cb2\u2cc7\5\u014e\u00a8\2\u2cb3\u2cb4\7"+ + "\u008f\2\2\u2cb4\u2cb5\7\u00df\2\2\u2cb5\u2cb7\5\u0298\u014d\2\u2cb6\u2cb8"+ + "\t(\2\2\u2cb7\u2cb6\3\2\2\2\u2cb7\u2cb8\3\2\2\2\u2cb8\u2cba\3\2\2\2\u2cb9"+ + "\u2cbb\5\u0156\u00ac\2\u2cba\u2cb9\3\2\2\2\u2cba\u2cbb\3\2\2\2\u2cbb\u2cbd"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2cbc\u2cbe\t)\2\2\u2cbd\u2cbc\3\2\2\2\u2cbd\u2cbe\3\2\2\2\u2cbe"+ + "\u2cc7\3\2\2\2\u2cbf\u2cc1\5\u0156\u00ac\2\u2cc0\u2cc2\t)\2\2\u2cc1\u2cc0"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2cc1\u2cc2\3\2\2\2\u2cc2\u2cc3\3\2\2\2\u2cc3\u2cc4\7\u00df\2"+ + "\2\u2cc4\u2cc5\5\u0298\u014d\2\u2cc5\u2cc7\3\2\2\2\u2cc6\u2ca2\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2cc6\u2ca4\3\2\2\2\u2cc6\u2ca9\3\2\2\2\u2cc6\u2cae\3\2\2\2\u2cc6\u2cb1"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2cc6\u2cb3\3\2\2\2\u2cc6\u2cbf\3\2\2\2\u2cc7\u0509\3\2\2\2\u2cc8"+ + "\u2cc9\tm\2\2\u2cc9\u050b\3\2\2\2\u2cca\u2ccb\tn\2\2\u2ccb\u2ccc\7W\2"+ + "\2\u2ccc\u2ccd\7t\2\2\u2ccd\u2cce\7\u04f8\2\2\u2cce\u2ccf\5\u01e6\u00f4"+ + "\2\u2ccf\u2cd0\7\u04ff\2\2\u2cd0\u050d\3\2\2\2\u2cd1\u2cd2\7@\2\2\u2cd2"+ + "\u2cf1\5\u0146\u00a4\2\u2cd3\u2cd4\7@\2\2\u2cd4\u2cd5\7\u04f8\2\2\u2cd5"+ + "\u2cd6\5\u016a\u00b6\2\u2cd6\u2cd7\7\u04ff\2\2\u2cd7\u2cf1\3\2\2\2\u2cd8"+ + "\u2cd9\7d\2\2\u2cd9\u2cda\7W\2\2\u2cda\u2cdc\5\u0168\u00b5\2\u2cdb\u2cdd"+ + "\to\2\2\u2cdc\u2cdb\3\2\2\2\u2cdc\u2cdd\3\2\2\2\u2cdd\u2cf1\3\2\2\2\u2cde"+ + "\u2cdf\7d\2\2\u2cdf\u2ce0\7\u04f8\2\2\u2ce0\u2ce1\5\u02ee\u0178\2\u2ce1"+ + "\u2ce2\7\u04ff\2\2\u2ce2\u2cf1\3\2\2\2\u2ce3\u2ce4\7\u00a6\2\2\u2ce4\u2ce5"+ + "\7W\2\2\u2ce5\u2ce6\5\u0168\u00b5\2\u2ce6\u2ce7\7\u00bd\2\2\u2ce7\u2ce8"+ + "\5\u0608\u0305\2\u2ce8\u2cf1\3\2\2\2\u2ce9\u2cea\7\u008f\2\2\u2cea\u2cf1"+ + "\5\u0148\u00a5\2\u2ceb\u2cec\7\u008f\2\2\u2cec\u2ced\7\u04f8\2\2\u2ced"+ + "\u2cee\5\u016c\u00b7\2\u2cee\u2cef\7\u04ff\2\2\u2cef\u2cf1\3\2\2\2\u2cf0"+ + "\u2cd1\3\2\2\2\u2cf0\u2cd3\3\2\2\2\u2cf0\u2cd8\3\2\2\2\u2cf0\u2cde\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2cf0\u2ce3\3\2\2\2\u2cf0\u2ce9\3\2\2\2\u2cf0\u2ceb\3\2\2\2\u2cf1"+ + "\u050f\3\2\2\2\u2cf2\u2cf3\7d\2\2\u2cf3\u2cf4\7\u0171\2\2\u2cf4\u0511"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2cf5\u2cf6\7\u03ac\2\2\u2cf6\u2cf7\7\u00bb\2\2\u2cf7\u2cf8\5"+ + "\u0514\u028b\2\u2cf8\u2cf9\7\u00bd\2\2\u2cf9\u2cfa\7\u00d6\2\2\u2cfa\u2cfe"+ + "\7d\2\2\u2cfb\u2cfc\7\u00a6\2\2\u2cfc\u2cfd\7\u00bd\2\2\u2cfd\u2cff"; + private static final String _serializedATNSegment5 = + "\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2cfe\u2cfb\3\2\2\2\u2cfe\u2cff\3\2\2\2\u2cff\u2d25\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2d00\u2d01\7\u03ac\2\2\u2d01\u2d02\5\u0104\u0083\2\u2d02\u2d03"+ + "\5\u0106\u0084\2\u2d03\u2d04\7\u00bd\2\2\u2d04\u2d05\7\u00d6\2\2\u2d05"+ + "\u2d09\7d\2\2\u2d06\u2d07\7\u00a6\2\2\u2d07\u2d08\7\u00bd\2\2\u2d08\u2d0a"+ + "\5\u0106\u0084\2\u2d09\u2d06\3\2\2\2\u2d09\u2d0a\3\2\2\2\u2d0a\u2d25\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2d0b\u2d0c\7\u03ac\2\2\u2d0c\u2d0d\7\u04e3\2\2\u2d0d\u2d0e\5\u060a"+ + "\u0306\2\u2d0e\u2d0f\7\u00bd\2\2\u2d0f\u2d10\7\u00d6\2\2\u2d10\u2d14\7"+ + "d\2\2\u2d11\u2d12\7\u00a6\2\2\u2d12\u2d13\7\u00bd\2\2\u2d13\u2d15\5\u060a"+ + "\u0306\2\u2d14\u2d11\3\2\2\2\u2d14\u2d15\3\2\2\2\u2d15\u2d25\3\2\2\2\u2d16"+ + "\u2d17\7\u03ac\2\2\u2d17\u2d18\7\u00bb\2\2\u2d18\u2d19\5\u0514\u028b\2"+ + "\u2d19\u2d1a\7\u00bd\2\2\u2d1a\u2d1b\7\u0254\2\2\u2d1b\u2d1c\5\66\34\2"+ + "\u2d1c\u2d25\3\2\2\2\u2d1d\u2d1e\7\u03ac\2\2\u2d1e\u2d1f\7\u00bb\2\2\u2d1f"+ + "\u2d20\5\u0514\u028b\2\u2d20\u2d21\7\u00bd\2\2\u2d21\u2d22\7\u04e5\2\2"+ + "\u2d22\u2d23\5\66\34\2\u2d23\u2d25\3\2\2\2\u2d24\u2cf5\3\2\2\2\u2d24\u2d00"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2d24\u2d0b\3\2\2\2\u2d24\u2d16\3\2\2\2\u2d24\u2d1d\3\2\2\2\u2d25"+ + "\u0513\3\2\2\2\u2d26\u2d2b\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2d27\u2d28\7\u04f2\2\2\u2d28"+ + "\u2d2a\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2d29\u2d27\3\2\2\2\u2d2a\u2d2d\3\2\2\2\u2d2b\u2d29"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2d2b\u2d2c\3\2\2\2\u2d2c\u0515\3\2\2\2\u2d2d\u2d2b\3\2\2\2\u2d2e"+ + "\u2d3b\7\u0148\2\2\u2d2f\u2d30\tp\2\2\u2d30\u2d38\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2d31"+ + "\u2d36\7\u01ff\2\2\u2d32\u2d33\5\u0104\u0083\2\u2d33\u2d34\5\u0106\u0084"+ + "\2\u2d34\u2d36\3\2\2\2\u2d35\u2d31\3\2\2\2\u2d35\u2d32\3\2\2\2\u2d36\u2d38"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2d37\u2d2f\3\2\2\2\u2d37\u2d35\3\2\2\2\u2d38\u2d3c\3\2\2\2\u2d39"+ + "\u2d3a\7\u04e3\2\2\u2d3a\u2d3c\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2d3b\u2d37\3\2\2\2\u2d3b"+ + "\u2d39\3\2\2\2\u2d3c\u0517\3\2\2\2\u2d3d\u2d3e\7D\2\2\u2d3e\u2d3f\7\u00bb"+ + "\2\2\u2d3f\u2d40\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2d40\u2d41\7\u0328\2\2\u2d41\u2d42\7"+ + "\u0363\2\2\u2d42\u2d4c\3\2\2\2\u2d43\u2d44\7D\2\2\u2d44\u2d47\7\u04e3"+ + "\2\2\u2d45\u2d48\7C\2\2\u2d46\u2d48\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2d47\u2d45\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2d47\u2d46\3\2\2\2\u2d48\u2d49\3\2\2\2\u2d49\u2d4a\7\u0328\2\2\u2d4a"+ + "\u2d4c\7\u0363\2\2\u2d4b\u2d3d\3\2\2\2\u2d4b\u2d43\3\2\2\2\u2d4c\u0519"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2d4d\u2d4e\5\u051c\u028f\2\u2d4e\u2d4f\5\u051e\u0290\2\u2d4f"+ + "\u051b\3\2\2\2\u2d50\u2d51\tq\2\2\u2d51\u051d\3\2\2\2\u2d52\u2d57\5\u0520"+ + "\u0291\2\u2d53\u2d58\5\u0526\u0294\2\u2d54\u2d56\5\u0524\u0293\2\u2d55"+ + "\u2d54\3\2\2\2\u2d55\u2d56\3\2\2\2\u2d56\u2d58\3\2\2\2\u2d57\u2d53\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2d57\u2d55\3\2\2\2\u2d58\u2d59\3\2\2\2\u2d59\u2d5a\5\u0528\u0295"+ + "\2\u2d5a\u051f\3\2\2\2\u2d5b\u2d61\5\u0522\u0292\2\u2d5c\u2d5e\7C\2\2"+ + "\u2d5d\u2d5f\7\u016b\2\2\u2d5e\u2d5d\3\2\2\2\u2d5e\u2d5f\3\2\2\2\u2d5f"+ + "\u2d61\3\2\2\2\u2d60\u2d5b\3\2\2\2\u2d60\u2d5c\3\2\2\2\u2d61\u0521\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2d62\u2d67\5\u052e\u0298\2\u2d63\u2d64\7\u04f2\2\2\u2d64\u2d66\5"+ + "\u052e\u0298\2\u2d65\u2d63\3\2\2\2\u2d66\u2d69\3\2\2\2\u2d67\u2d65\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2d67\u2d68\3\2\2\2\u2d68\u0523\3\2\2\2\u2d69\u2d67\3\2\2\2\u2d6a"+ + "\u2d6b\7\u009a\2\2\u2d6b\u2d6f\5\u03d2\u01ea\2\u2d6c\u2d6d\7\u009a\2\2"+ + "\u2d6d\u2d6f\7_\2\2\u2d6e\u2d6a\3\2\2\2\u2d6e\u2d6c\3\2\2\2\u2d6f\u0525"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2d70\u2d71\7O\2\2\u2d71\u2d72\5\u044e\u0228\2\u2d72\u0527\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2d73\u2d7a\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u2d74\u2d76\5\u052a\u0296\2\u2d75\u2d77"+ + "\5\u052c\u0297\2\u2d76\u2d75\3\2\2\2\u2d76\u2d77\3\2\2\2\u2d77\u2d7a\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2d78\u2d7a\5\u052c\u0297\2\u2d79\u2d73\3\2\2\2\u2d79\u2d74\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2d79\u2d78\3\2\2\2\u2d7a\u0529\3\2\2\2\u2d7b\u2d7c\7O\2\2\u2d7c"+ + "\u2d7d\7>\2\2\u2d7d\u052b\3\2\2\2\u2d7e\u2d80\7\u00ca\2\2\u2d7f\u2d81"+ + "\7\u0092\2\2\u2d80\u2d7f\3\2\2\2\u2d80\u2d81\3\2\2\2\u2d81\u2d82\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2d82\u2d83\7\u00b7\2\2\u2d83\u052d\3\2\2\2\u2d84\u2d86\7D\2\2\u2d85"+ + "\u2d87\7\u0372\2\2\u2d86\u2d85\3\2\2\2\u2d86\u2d87\3\2\2\2\u2d87\u2dd9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2d88\u2dd9\7V\2\2\u2d89\u2dd9\7\u027f\2\2\u2d8a\u2d8c\7\u00a3"+ + "\2\2\u2d8b\u2d8a\3\2\2\2\u2d8b\u2d8c\3\2\2\2\u2d8c\u2d90\3\2\2\2\u2d8d"+ + "\u2d8e\7\u00ee\2\2\u2d8e\u2d91\7\u04da\2\2\u2d8f\u2d91\7\u00b8\2\2\u2d90"+ + "\u2d8d\3\2\2\2\u2d90\u2d8f\3\2\2\2\u2d91\u2dd9\3\2\2\2\u2d92\u2dd9\7\u02df"+ + "\2\2\u2d93\u2d95\7\u0486\2\2\u2d94\u2d93\3\2\2\2\u2d94\u2d95\3\2\2\2\u2d95"+ + "\u2d96\3\2\2\2\u2d96\u2dd9\7\u00c9\2\2\u2d97\u2d98\7\u0092\2\2\u2d98\u2dd9"+ + "\7m\2\2\u2d99\u2dd9\7\u03a1\2\2\u2d9a\u2d9c\7\u0498\2\2\u2d9b\u2d9a\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2d9b\u2d9c\3\2\2\2\u2d9c\u2d9d\3\2\2\2\u2d9d\u2dd9\7\u0147\2\2"+ + "\u2d9e\u2dd9\7\u03fa\2\2\u2d9f\u2dd9\7\u01b3\2\2\u2da0\u2da2\7D\2\2\u2da1"+ + "\u2da0\3\2\2\2\u2da1\u2da2\3\2\2\2\u2da2\u2da3\3\2\2\2\u2da3\u2dd9\7\u01e7"+ + "\2\2\u2da4\u2dd9\7\u00b1\2\2\u2da5\u2da7\7\u0372\2\2\u2da6\u2da5\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2da6\u2da7\3\2\2\2\u2da7\u2da8\3\2\2\2\u2da8\u2dd9\7J\2\2\u2da9\u2dab"+ + "\7\u0372\2\2\u2daa\u2da9\3\2\2\2\u2daa\u2dab\3\2\2\2\u2dab\u2dac\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2dac\u2dd9\7s\2\2\u2dad\u2daf\7D\2\2\u2dae\u2dad\3\2\2\2\u2dae\u2daf"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2daf\u2db0\3\2\2\2\u2db0\u2dd9\7\u00bb\2\2\u2db1\u2dd9\7\u03e6"+ + "\2\2\u2db2\u2dd9\7\u00be\2\2\u2db3\u2db5\7s\2\2\u2db4\u2db3\3\2\2\2\u2db4"+ + "\u2db5\3\2\2\2\u2db5\u2db6\3\2\2\2\u2db6\u2dd9\7\u0478\2\2\u2db7\u2dd9"+ + "\7\u00c4\2\2\u2db8\u2dba\7X\2\2\u2db9\u2dbb\7\u00bb\2\2\u2dba\u2db9\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2dba\u2dbb\3\2\2\2\u2dbb\u2dd9\3\2\2\2\u2dbc\u2dbe\7`\2\2\u2dbd"+ + "\u2dbf\7\u00bb\2\2\u2dbe\u2dbd\3\2\2\2\u2dbe\u2dbf\3\2\2\2\u2dbf\u2dd9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2dc0\u2dc1\7s\2\2\u2dc1\u2dd9\7\u0147\2\2\u2dc2\u2dc3\7s\2\2"+ + "\u2dc3\u2dd9\7\u01e7\2\2\u2dc4\u2dc5\7s\2\2\u2dc5\u2dd9\7\u00bb\2\2\u2dc6"+ + "\u2dc8\7\u0080\2\2\u2dc7\u2dc9\7\u00bb\2\2\u2dc8\u2dc7\3\2\2\2\u2dc8\u2dc9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2dc9\u2dd9\3\2\2\2\u2dca\u2dcc\7\u00b0\2\2\u2dcb\u2dcd\7\u01e7"+ + "\2\2\u2dcc\u2dcb\3\2\2\2\u2dcc\u2dcd\3\2\2\2\u2dcd\u2dd9\3\2\2\2\u2dce"+ + "\u2dcf\7\u00b0\2\2\u2dcf\u2dd9\7\u00bb\2\2\u2dd0\u2dd2\7\u00c3\2\2\u2dd1"+ + "\u2dd3\7\u00bb\2\2\u2dd2\u2dd1\3\2\2\2\u2dd2\u2dd3\3\2\2\2\u2dd3\u2dd9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2dd4\u2dd9\7\u0498\2\2\u2dd5\u2dd9\7\u03ac\2\2\u2dd6\u2dd9\7"+ + "~\2\2\u2dd7\u2dd9\7\u00a6\2\2\u2dd8\u2d84\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2d88\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2dd8\u2d89\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2d8b\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2d92\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2d94"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2d97\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2d99\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2d9b\3\2\2\2\u2dd8"+ + "\u2d9e\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2d9f\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2da1\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2da4\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2dd8\u2da6\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2daa\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2dae\3\2\2\2\u2dd8"+ + "\u2db1\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2db2\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2db4\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2db7\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2dd8\u2db8\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2dbc\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2dc0\3\2\2\2\u2dd8"+ + "\u2dc2\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2dc4\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2dc6\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2dca\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2dd8\u2dce\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2dd0\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2dd4\3\2\2\2\u2dd8"+ + "\u2dd5\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2dd6\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2dd7\3\2\2\2\u2dd9\u052f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2dda\u2ddb\7D\2\2\u2ddb\u2ddc\7\u0372\2\2\u2ddc\u2ddf\7\u0242\2"+ + "\2\u2ddd\u2dde\7V\2\2\u2dde\u2de0\5\u0592\u02ca\2\u2ddf\u2ddd\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2ddf\u2de0\3\2\2\2\u2de0\u2de1\3\2\2\2\u2de1\u2de4\5\u0556\u02ac\2\u2de2"+ + "\u2de3\7\u044a\2\2\u2de3\u2de5\7\u0518\2\2\u2de4\u2de2\3\2\2\2\u2de4\u2de5"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2de5\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2de6\u2de7\7D\2\2\u2de7\u2de8\7\u0372\2"+ + "\2\u2de8\u2de9\7\u0209\2\2\u2de9\u2dea\5\u0544\u02a3\2\u2dea\u2dec\7\u0386"+ + "\2\2\u2deb\u2ded\5\u0586\u02c4\2\u2dec\u2deb\3\2\2\2\u2dec\u2ded\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2ded\u2dee\3\2\2\2\u2dee\u2def\5\u0554\u02ab\2\u2def\u30cb\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2df0\u2df1\7D\2\2\u2df1\u2df2\7\u0372\2\2\u2df2\u2df3\7\u0209\2\2\u2df3"+ + "\u2df5\7\u0462\2\2\u2df4\u2df6\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u2df5\u2df4\3\2\2\2\u2df5"+ + "\u2df6\3\2\2\2\u2df6\u2df8\3\2\2\2\u2df7\u2df9\5\u0588\u02c5\2\u2df8\u2df7"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2df8\u2df9\3\2\2\2\u2df9\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2dfa\u2dfb\7D\2\2\u2dfb"+ + "\u2dfc\7\u0372\2\2\u2dfc\u2dfd\7\u0209\2\2\u2dfd\u2dff\7\62\2\2\u2dfe"+ + "\u2e00\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u2dff\u2dfe\3\2\2\2\u2dff\u2e00\3\2\2\2\u2e00\u30cb"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2e01\u2e02\7D\2\2\u2e02\u2e03\7\u0372\2\2\u2e03\u2e04\7\u0209"+ + "\2\2\u2e04\u2e06\7\u01bc\2\2\u2e05\u2e07\5\u058a\u02c6\2\u2e06\u2e05\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2e06\u2e07\3\2\2\2\u2e07\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2e08\u2e09\7D\2\2\u2e09"+ + "\u2e0a\7\u0372\2\2\u2e0a\u2e0b\7D\2\2\u2e0b\u2e0c\7\u02e5\2\2\u2e0c\u2e0e"+ + "\7\u0435\2\2\u2e0d\u2e0f\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u2e0e\u2e0d\3\2\2\2\u2e0e\u2e0f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2e0f\u2e11\3\2\2\2\u2e10\u2e12\5\u0580\u02c1\2\u2e11\u2e10\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2e11\u2e12\3\2\2\2\u2e12\u2e14\3\2\2\2\u2e13\u2e15\5\u057e\u02c0"+ + "\2\u2e14\u2e13\3\2\2\2\u2e14\u2e15\3\2\2\2\u2e15\u2e16\3\2\2\2\u2e16\u2e17"+ + "\7\u00b2\2\2\u2e17\u30cb\5\u0582\u02c2\2\u2e18\u2e19\7D\2\2\u2e19\u2e1a"+ + "\7\u0372\2\2\u2e1a\u2e1b\7\u0126\2\2\u2e1b\u2e1c\7\u02e5\2\2\u2e1c\u2e1d"+ + "\7\u0435\2\2\u2e1d\u2e1e\7r\2\2\u2e1e\u2e1f\7\u02e5\2\2\u2e1f\u2e23\7"+ + "\u0386\2\2\u2e20\u2e21\7\u04e3\2\2\u2e21\u2e22\7\u0504\2\2\u2e22\u2e24"+ + "\5\u054e\u02a8\2\u2e23\u2e20\3\2\2\2\u2e23\u2e24\3\2\2\2\u2e24\u2e26\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2e25\u2e27\5\u0580\u02c1\2\u2e26\u2e25\3\2\2\2\u2e26\u2e27\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2e27\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2e28\u2e29\7D\2\2\u2e29\u2e2a\7\u0372\2\2\u2e2a"+ + "\u2e2b\7\u025c\2\2\u2e2b\u2e2c\7\u01d0\2\2\u2e2c\u2e2d\5\u0592\u02ca\2"+ + "\u2e2d\u2e2e\5\u0570\u02b9\2\u2e2e\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2e2f\u2e30\7D\2\2\u2e30"+ + "\u2e31\7\u0372\2\2\u2e31\u2e32\7\u025c\2\2\u2e32\u2e33\7\u0374\2\2\u2e33"+ + "\u2e34\5\u0592\u02ca\2\u2e34\u2e35\5\u0564\u02b3\2\u2e35\u30cb\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2e36\u2e37\7D\2\2\u2e37\u2e38\7\u0372\2\2\u2e38\u2e39\5\u056a\u02b6"+ + "\2\u2e39\u2e3a\7\u01d0\2\2\u2e3a\u2e3b\5\u056e\u02b8\2\u2e3b\u2e3c\5\u0560"+ + "\u02b1\2\u2e3c\u2e3d\5\u056a\u02b6\2\u2e3d\u2e3f\5\u0574\u02bb\2\u2e3e"+ + "\u2e40\7\u0101\2\2\u2e3f\u2e3e\3\2\2\2\u2e3f\u2e40\3\2\2\2\u2e40\u30cb"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2e41\u2e42\7D\2\2\u2e42\u2e43\7\u0372\2\2\u2e43\u2e44\7d\2\2"+ + "\u2e44\u2e45\7\u01d0\2\2\u2e45\u2e46\5\u056e\u02b8\2\u2e46\u2e4b\5\u0560"+ + "\u02b1\2\u2e47\u2e48\7\u0490\2\2\u2e48\u2e49\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2e49\u2e4a"+ + "\7\u04e7\2\2\u2e4a\u2e4c\3\2\2\2\u2e4b\u2e47\3\2\2\2\u2e4b\u2e4c\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2e4c\u2e4e\3\2\2\2\u2e4d\u2e4f\5\u0562\u02b2\2\u2e4e\u2e4d\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2e4e\u2e4f\3\2\2\2\u2e4f\u2e51\3\2\2\2\u2e50\u2e52\7\u0101\2\2\u2e51"+ + "\u2e50\3\2\2\2\u2e51\u2e52\3\2\2\2\u2e52\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2e53\u2e54\7D"+ + "\2\2\u2e54\u2e55\7\u0372\2\2\u2e55\u2e56\5\u0572\u02ba\2\u2e56\u2e57\7"+ + "\u01d0\2\2\u2e57\u2e58\5\u056e\u02b8\2\u2e58\u2e5a\7\u0428\2\2\u2e59\u2e5b"+ + "\7\u0504\2\2\u2e5a\u2e59\3\2\2\2\u2e5a\u2e5b\3\2\2\2\u2e5b\u2e5c\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2e5c\u2e5d\7\u0518\2\2\u2e5d\u2e5f\7\u039f\2\2\u2e5e\u2e60\7\u0504"+ + "\2\2\u2e5f\u2e5e\3\2\2\2\u2e5f\u2e60\3\2\2\2\u2e60\u2e61\3\2\2\2\u2e61"+ + "\u2e63\7\u0518\2\2\u2e62\u2e64\7\u0101\2\2\u2e63\u2e62\3\2\2\2\u2e63\u2e64"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2e64\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2e65\u2e66\7D\2\2\u2e66\u2e67\7\u0372\2"+ + "\2\u2e67\u2e68\7\u0469\2\2\u2e68\u2e6a\7\u01d0\2\2\u2e69\u2e6b\5\u0564"+ + "\u02b3\2\u2e6a\u2e69\3\2\2\2\u2e6a\u2e6b\3\2\2\2\u2e6b\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2e6c"+ + "\u2e6d\7D\2\2\u2e6d\u2e6e\7\u0372\2\2\u2e6e\u2e6f\7\u03b5\2\2\u2e6f\u2e71"+ + "\7\u01d0\2\2\u2e70\u2e72\5\u0564\u02b3\2\u2e71\u2e70\3\2\2\2\u2e71\u2e72"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2e72\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2e73\u2e74\7D\2\2\u2e74\u2e75\7\u0372\2"+ + "\2\u2e75\u2e76\7\u00af\2\2\u2e76\u2e77\7\u0133\2\2\u2e77\u30cb\5\u0562"+ + "\u02b2\2\u2e78\u2e79\7D\2\2\u2e79\u2e7a\7\u0372\2\2\u2e7a\u2e7b\5\u057c"+ + "\u02bf\2\u2e7b\u2e7d\7\u0133\2\2\u2e7c\u2e7e\5\u054c\u02a7\2\u2e7d\u2e7c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2e7d\u2e7e\3\2\2\2\u2e7e\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2e7f\u2e80\7D\2\2\u2e80"+ + "\u2e81\7\u0372\2\2\u2e81\u2e82\7\u0410\2\2\u2e82\u2e83\7\u0133\2\2\u2e83"+ + "\u2e85\7\u020b\2\2\u2e84\u2e86\5\u054c\u02a7\2\u2e85\u2e84\3\2\2\2\u2e85"+ + "\u2e86\3\2\2\2\u2e86\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2e87\u2e88\7D\2\2\u2e88\u2e89\7\u0372"+ + "\2\2\u2e89\u2e8a\7\u036c\2\2\u2e8a\u2e8b\5\u058c\u02c7\2\u2e8b\u2e8c\7"+ + "\u03e1\2\2\u2e8c\u2e8d\7\u0518\2\2\u2e8d\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2e8e\u2e8f\7D"+ + "\2\2\u2e8f\u2e90\7\u0372\2\2\u2e90\u2e91\7\u0262\2\2\u2e91\u2e9a\7\u02ad"+ + "\2\2\u2e92\u2e93\5\u054a\u02a6\2\u2e93\u2e94\5\u028e\u0148\2\u2e94\u2e9b"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2e95\u2e96\5\u054a\u02a6\2\u2e96\u2e97\5\u056c\u02b7\2\u2e97"+ + "\u2e98\5\u028e\u0148\2\u2e98\u2e9b\3\2\2\2\u2e99\u2e9b\5\u0290\u0149\2"+ + "\u2e9a\u2e92\3\2\2\2\u2e9a\u2e95\3\2\2\2\u2e9a\u2e99\3\2\2\2\u2e9a\u2e9b"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2e9b\u2e9f\3\2\2\2\u2e9c\u2e9d\7\u01dd\2\2\u2e9d\u2e9e\7W\2"+ + "\2\u2e9e\u2ea0\7t\2\2\u2e9f\u2e9c\3\2\2\2\u2e9f\u2ea0\3\2\2\2\u2ea0\u30cb"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2ea1\u2ea2\7D\2\2\u2ea2\u2ea3\7\u0372\2\2\u2ea3\u30cb\7\u049f"+ + "\2\2\u2ea4\u2ea5\7D\2\2\u2ea5\u2ea6\7\u0372\2\2\u2ea6\u2ea7\7\u032e\2"+ + "\2\u2ea7\u2eb0\7\u02ad\2\2\u2ea8\u2ea9\5\u054a\u02a6\2\u2ea9\u2eaa\5\u028e"+ + "\u0148\2\u2eaa\u2eb1\3\2\2\2\u2eab\u2eac\5\u054a\u02a6\2\u2eac\u2ead\5"+ + "\u056c\u02b7\2\u2ead\u2eae\5\u028e\u0148\2\u2eae\u2eb1\3\2\2\2\u2eaf\u2eb1"+ + "\5\u0290\u0149\2\u2eb0\u2ea8\3\2\2\2\u2eb0\u2eab\3\2\2\2\u2eb0\u2eaf\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2eb0\u2eb1\3\2\2\2\u2eb1\u2eb8\3\2\2\2\u2eb2\u2eb3\7\u02cd\2\2"+ + "\u2eb3\u2eb4\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2eb4\u2eb5\7\u04f8\2\2\u2eb5\u2eb6\5\u055c"+ + "\u02af\2\u2eb6\u2eb7\7\u04ff\2\2\u2eb7\u2eb9\3\2\2\2\u2eb8\u2eb2\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2eb8\u2eb9\3\2\2\2\u2eb9\u2ebb\3\2\2\2\u2eba\u2ebc\5\u0562\u02b2\2"+ + "\u2ebb\u2eba\3\2\2\2\u2ebb\u2ebc\3\2\2\2\u2ebc\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2ebd\u2ebe"+ + "\7D\2\2\u2ebe\u2ebf\7\u0372\2\2\u2ebf\u2ec4\7\u0271\2\2\u2ec0\u2ec1\7"+ + "\u04e3\2\2\u2ec1\u2ec2\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2ec2\u2ec3\5\u054e\u02a8\2\u2ec3"+ + "\u2ec5\3\2\2\2\u2ec4\u2ec0\3\2\2\2\u2ec4\u2ec5\3\2\2\2\u2ec5\u2eca\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2ec6\u2ec7\7\u0439\2\2\u2ec7\u2ec8\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2ec8\u2ec9\7"+ + "\u0518\2\2\u2ec9\u2ecb\3\2\2\2\u2eca\u2ec6\3\2\2\2\u2eca\u2ecb\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2ecb\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2ecc\u2ecd\7D\2\2\u2ecd\u2ece\7\u0372\2\2\u2ece"+ + "\u2ed3\7\u02b9\2\2\u2ecf\u2ed0\7\u04e3\2\2\u2ed0\u2ed1\5\u01dc\u00ef\2"+ + "\u2ed1\u2ed2\5\u054e\u02a8\2\u2ed2\u2ed4\3\2\2\2\u2ed3\u2ecf\3\2\2\2\u2ed3"+ + "\u2ed4\3\2\2\2\u2ed4\u2ed9\3\2\2\2\u2ed5\u2ed6\7\u0439\2\2\u2ed6\u2ed7"+ + "\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2ed7\u2ed8\7\u0518\2\2\u2ed8\u2eda\3\2\2\2\u2ed9\u2ed5"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2ed9\u2eda\3\2\2\2\u2eda\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2edb\u2edc\7D\2\2\u2edc"+ + "\u2edd\7\u0372\2\2\u2edd\u2ede\7\u03d6\2\2\u2ede\u2ee3\7\u00ee\2\2\u2edf"+ + "\u2ee0\7\u00bd\2\2\u2ee0\u2ee1\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2ee1\u2ee2\7\u0518\2\2"+ + "\u2ee2\u2ee4\3\2\2\2\u2ee3\u2edf\3\2\2\2\u2ee3\u2ee4\3\2\2\2\u2ee4\u2ee9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2ee5\u2ee6\7\u0439\2\2\u2ee6\u2ee7\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2ee7\u2ee8"+ + "\7\u0518\2\2\u2ee8\u2eea\3\2\2\2\u2ee9\u2ee5\3\2\2\2\u2ee9\u2eea\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2eea\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2eeb\u2eec\7D\2\2\u2eec\u2eed\7\u0372\2\2\u2eed"+ + "\u2eee\7\u03d6\2\2\u2eee\u2eef\7\u02c5\2\2\u2eef\u2ef4\7\u00ee\2\2\u2ef0"+ + "\u2ef1\7\u00bd\2\2\u2ef1\u2ef2\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2ef2\u2ef3\7\u0518\2\2"+ + "\u2ef3\u2ef5\3\2\2\2\u2ef4\u2ef0\3\2\2\2\u2ef4\u2ef5\3\2\2\2\u2ef5\u2efa"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2ef6\u2ef7\7\u0439\2\2\u2ef7\u2ef8\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2ef8\u2ef9"+ + "\7\u0518\2\2\u2ef9\u2efb\3\2\2\2\u2efa\u2ef6\3\2\2\2\u2efa\u2efb\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2efb\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2efc\u2efd\7D\2\2\u2efd\u2efe\7\u0372\2\2\u2efe"+ + "\u2eff\7\u03d6\2\2\u2eff\u2f04\7\u00ee\2\2\u2f00\u2f01\7\u00bd\2\2\u2f01"+ + "\u2f02\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f02\u2f03\7\u0518\2\2\u2f03\u2f05\3\2\2\2\u2f04"+ + "\u2f00\3\2\2\2\u2f04\u2f05\3\2\2\2\u2f05\u2f06\3\2\2\2\u2f06\u2f07\7\u014b"+ + "\2\2\u2f07\u2f0c\7\u0271\2\2\u2f08\u2f09\7\u0439\2\2\u2f09\u2f0a\5\u01dc"+ + "\u00ef\2\u2f0a\u2f0b\7\u0518\2\2\u2f0b\u2f0d\3\2\2\2\u2f0c\u2f08\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2f0c\u2f0d\3\2\2\2\u2f0d\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2f0e\u2f0f\7D\2\2\u2f0f\u2f10"+ + "\7\u0372\2\2\u2f10\u2f11\7\u03d6\2\2\u2f11\u2f12\7\u02c5\2\2\u2f12\u2f17"+ + "\7\u00ee\2\2\u2f13\u2f14\7\u00bd\2\2\u2f14\u2f15\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f15"+ + "\u2f16\7\u0518\2\2\u2f16\u2f18\3\2\2\2\u2f17\u2f13\3\2\2\2\u2f17\u2f18"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2f18\u2f19\3\2\2\2\u2f19\u2f1a\7\u014b\2\2\u2f1a\u2f1f\7\u0271"+ + "\2\2\u2f1b\u2f1c\7\u0439\2\2\u2f1c\u2f1d\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f1d\u2f1e\7"+ + "\u0518\2\2\u2f1e\u2f20\3\2\2\2\u2f1f\u2f1b\3\2\2\2\u2f1f\u2f20\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2f20\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2f21\u2f22\7D\2\2\u2f22\u2f23\7\u0372\2\2\u2f23"+ + "\u2f24\7\u03d6\2\2\u2f24\u2f29\7\u0294\2\2\u2f25\u2f26\7\u00bd\2\2\u2f26"+ + "\u2f27\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f27\u2f28\7\u0518\2\2\u2f28\u2f2a\3\2\2\2\u2f29"+ + "\u2f25\3\2\2\2\u2f29\u2f2a\3\2\2\2\u2f2a\u2f2e\3\2\2\2\u2f2b\u2f2c\7\u04e2"+ + "\2\2\u2f2c\u2f2d\7O\2\2\u2f2d\u2f2f\7\u0518\2\2\u2f2e\u2f2b\3\2\2\2\u2f2e"+ + "\u2f2f\3\2\2\2\u2f2f\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2f30\u2f31\7D\2\2\u2f31\u2f32\7\u0372"+ + "\2\2\u2f32\u2f33\5\u056a\u02b6\2\u2f33\u2f34\7(\2\2\u2f34\u2f36\5\u0550"+ + "\u02a9\2\u2f35\u2f37\7\u00b2\2\2\u2f36\u2f35\3\2\2\2\u2f36\u2f37\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2f37\u2f3c\3\2\2\2\u2f38\u2f39\7 \2\2\u2f39\u2f3a\5\u01dc\u00ef\2"+ + "\u2f3a\u2f3b\7\u0518\2\2\u2f3b\u2f3d\3\2\2\2\u2f3c\u2f38\3\2\2\2\u2f3c"+ + "\u2f3d\3\2\2\2\u2f3d\u2f42\3\2\2\2\u2f3e\u2f3f\7\34\2\2\u2f3f\u2f40\5"+ + "\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f40\u2f41\7\u0518\2\2\u2f41\u2f43\3\2\2\2\u2f42\u2f3e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2f42\u2f43\3\2\2\2\u2f43\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2f44\u2f45\7D\2\2\u2f45"+ + "\u2f46\7\u0372\2\2\u2f46\u2f47\7\u036c\2\2\u2f47\u2f4c\7\u03d6\2\2\u2f48"+ + "\u2f49\7\u04e3\2\2\u2f49\u2f4a\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f4a\u2f4b\5\u054e\u02a8"+ + "\2\u2f4b\u2f4d\3\2\2\2\u2f4c\u2f48\3\2\2\2\u2f4c\u2f4d\3\2\2\2\u2f4d\u30cb"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2f4e\u2f4f\7\u00b2\2\2\u2f4f\u2f50\7\u021d\2\2\u2f50\u2f51\7"+ + "\u009a\2\2\u2f51\u2f52\7x\2\2\u2f52\u2f53\7O\2\2\u2f53\u2f54\7\u0518\2"+ + "\2\u2f54\u30cb\7\u04a8\2\2\u2f55\u2f56\7D\2\2\u2f56\u2f57\7\u0372\2\2"+ + "\u2f57\u2f58\7\u036c\2\2\u2f58\u2f59\7`\2\2\u2f59\u2f5e\7\u03d6\2\2\u2f5a"+ + "\u2f5b\7\u04e3\2\2\u2f5b\u2f5c\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f5c\u2f5d\5\u054e\u02a8"+ + "\2\u2f5d\u2f5f\3\2\2\2\u2f5e\u2f5a\3\2\2\2\u2f5e\u2f5f\3\2\2\2\u2f5f\u2f64"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2f60\u2f61\7\u0439\2\2\u2f61\u2f62\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f62\u2f63"+ + "\7\u0518\2\2\u2f63\u2f65\3\2\2\2\u2f64\u2f60\3\2\2\2\u2f64\u2f65\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2f65\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2f66\u2f67\7D\2\2\u2f67\u2f68\7\u0372\2\2\u2f68"+ + "\u2f69\7@\2\2\u2f69\u2f6a\7`\2\2\u2f6a\u2f6b\7\u03d6\2\2\u2f6b\u2f70\5"+ + "\u0552\u02aa\2\u2f6c\u2f6d\7\u0285\2\2\u2f6d\u2f6e\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f6e"+ + "\u2f6f\7\u0518\2\2\u2f6f\u2f71\3\2\2\2\u2f70\u2f6c\3\2\2\2\u2f70\u2f71"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2f71\u2f76\3\2\2\2\u2f72\u2f73\7\u00cc\2\2\u2f73\u2f74\5\u01dc"+ + "\u00ef\2\u2f74\u2f75\7\u04e7\2\2\u2f75\u2f77\3\2\2\2\u2f76\u2f72\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2f76\u2f77\3\2\2\2\u2f77\u2f7c\3\2\2\2\u2f78\u2f79\7\u0313\2\2\u2f79"+ + "\u2f7a\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f7a\u2f7b\7\u04e7\2\2\u2f7b\u2f7d\3\2\2\2\u2f7c"+ + "\u2f78\3\2\2\2\u2f7c\u2f7d\3\2\2\2\u2f7d\u2f82\3\2\2\2\u2f7e\u2f7f\7\u04e3"+ + "\2\2\u2f7f\u2f80\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f80\u2f81\5\u054e\u02a8\2\u2f81\u2f83"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2f82\u2f7e\3\2\2\2\u2f82\u2f83\3\2\2\2\u2f83\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2f84"+ + "\u2f85\7D\2\2\u2f85\u2f86\7\u0372\2\2\u2f86\u2f87\7d\2\2\u2f87\u2f88\7"+ + "`\2\2\u2f88\u2f89\7\u03d6\2\2\u2f89\u2f8e\5\u0552\u02aa\2\u2f8a\u2f8b"+ + "\7\u04e3\2\2\u2f8b\u2f8c\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f8c\u2f8d\5\u054e\u02a8\2\u2f8d"+ + "\u2f8f\3\2\2\2\u2f8e\u2f8a\3\2\2\2\u2f8e\u2f8f\3\2\2\2\u2f8f\u30cb\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2f90\u2f91\7D\2\2\u2f91\u2f92\7\u0372\2\2\u2f92\u2f93\7\u0410\2"+ + "\2\u2f93\u2f95\7\u031b\2\2\u2f94\u2f96\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u2f95\u2f94\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u2f95\u2f96\3\2\2\2\u2f96\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2f97\u2f98\7D\2\2\u2f98"+ + "\u2f99\7\u0372\2\2\u2f99\u2f9a\5\u055a\u02ae\2\u2f9a\u2f9b\7\u02cd\2\2"+ + "\u2f9b\u2f9d\5\u055c\u02af\2\u2f9c\u2f9e\5\u0562\u02b2\2\u2f9d\u2f9c\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2f9d\u2f9e\3\2\2\2\u2f9e\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2f9f\u2fa0\7D\2\2\u2fa0"+ + "\u2fa1\7\u0372\2\2\u2fa1\u2fa2\7@\2\2\u2fa2\u2fa3\7\u031c\2\2\u2fa3\u2fa4"+ + "\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u2fa4\u2fa5\5\u0568\u02b5\2\u2fa5\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2fa6"+ + "\u2fa7\7D\2\2\u2fa7\u2fa8\7\u0372\2\2\u2fa8\u2fa9\5\u055e\u02b0\2\u2fa9"+ + "\u2faa\7\u031c\2\2\u2faa\u2fab\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u2fab\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2fac"+ + "\u2fad\7D\2\2\u2fad\u2fae\7\u0372\2\2\u2fae\u2faf\5\u056a\u02b6\2\u2faf"+ + "\u2fb0\7\u031c\2\2\u2fb0\u2fb2\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u2fb1\u2fb3\7\u00b2\2\2"+ + "\u2fb2\u2fb1\3\2\2\2\u2fb2\u2fb3\3\2\2\2\u2fb3\u2fb4\3\2\2\2\u2fb4\u2fb5"+ + "\5\u0568\u02b5\2\u2fb5\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2fb6\u2fb7\7D\2\2\u2fb7\u2fb8\7"+ + "\u0372\2\2\u2fb8\u2fb9\7\u03f3\2\2\u2fb9\u2fbb\7\u015a\2\2\u2fba\u2fbc"+ + "\5\u0564\u02b3\2\u2fbb\u2fba\3\2\2\2\u2fbb\u2fbc\3\2\2\2\u2fbc\u30cb\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u2fbd\u2fbe\7D\2\2\u2fbe\u2fbf\7\u0372\2\2\u2fbf\u2fc0\7\u041a"+ + "\2\2\u2fc0\u30cb\5\u058e\u02c8\2\u2fc1\u2fc2\7D\2\2\u2fc2\u2fc3\7\u0372"+ + "\2\2\u2fc3\u2fc4\7\u0410\2\2\u2fc4\u2fc5\7\u01ad\2\2\u2fc5\u2fc7\7\u0386"+ + "\2\2\u2fc6\u2fc8\5\u0564\u02b3\2\u2fc7\u2fc6\3\2\2\2\u2fc7\u2fc8\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u2fc8\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2fc9\u2fca\7D\2\2\u2fca\u2fcb\7\u0372\2\2\u2fcb"+ + "\u2fcc\7\u0309\2\2\u2fcc\u2fcd\7\u035e\2\2\u2fcd\u2fd1\7\u03e1\2\2\u2fce"+ + "\u2fcf\7\u04e3\2\2\u2fcf\u2fd0\7\u0504\2\2\u2fd0\u2fd2\5\u054e\u02a8\2"+ + "\u2fd1\u2fce\3\2\2\2\u2fd1\u2fd2\3\2\2\2\u2fd2\u2fd6\3\2\2\2\u2fd3\u2fd4"+ + "\7\u031c\2\2\u2fd4\u2fd5\7\u0504\2\2\u2fd5\u2fd7\5\u00f8}\2\u2fd6\u2fd3"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2fd6\u2fd7\3\2\2\2\u2fd7\u2fdc\3\2\2\2\u2fd8\u2fd9\7\u0478\2"+ + "\2\u2fd9\u2fda\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2fda\u2fdb\5\u0548\u02a5\2\u2fdb\u2fdd"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2fdc\u2fd8\3\2\2\2\u2fdc\u2fdd\3\2\2\2\u2fdd\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2fde"+ + "\u2fdf\7D\2\2\u2fdf\u2fe0\7\u0372\2\2\u2fe0\u2fe1\7\u0296\2\2\u2fe1\u30cb"+ + "\7\u03a7\2\2\u2fe2\u2fe3\7D\2\2\u2fe3\u2fe4\7\u0372\2\2\u2fe4\u2fe5\7"+ + "\u0296\2\2\u2fe5\u30cb\7\u0259\2\2\u2fe6\u2fe7\7D\2\2\u2fe7\u2fe8\7\u0372"+ + "\2\2\u2fe8\u2fe9\7\u0296\2\2\u2fe9\u30cb\7\u02cd\2\2\u2fea\u2feb\7D\2"+ + "\2\u2feb\u2fec\7\u0372\2\2\u2fec\u2fed\7\u0296\2\2\u2fed\u30cb\7\u031c"+ + "\2\2\u2fee\u2fef\7D\2\2\u2fef\u2ff0\7\u0372\2\2\u2ff0\u2ff1\7\u01be\2"+ + "\2\u2ff1\u2ff3\7\u0259\2\2\u2ff2\u2ff4\7\u0504\2\2\u2ff3\u2ff2\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u2ff3\u2ff4\3\2\2\2\u2ff4\u2ff5\3\2\2\2\u2ff5\u2ff6\7\u04e7\2\2\u2ff6"+ + "\u2ff8\7\u039f\2\2\u2ff7\u2ff9\7\u0504\2\2\u2ff8\u2ff7\3\2\2\2\u2ff8\u2ff9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u2ff9\u2ffa\3\2\2\2\u2ffa\u30cb\7\u0518\2\2\u2ffb\u2ffc\7D\2"+ + "\2\u2ffc\u2ffd\7\u0372\2\2\u2ffd\u2ffe\7\u036c\2\2\u2ffe\u2fff\7\u01be"+ + "\2\2\u2fff\u3000\7\u0259\2\2\u3000\u30cb\7\u04e7\2\2\u3001\u3002\7D\2"+ + "\2\u3002\u3003\7\u0372\2\2\u3003\u3004\7@\2\2\u3004\u3005\7\u01d0\2\2"+ + "\u3005\u3006\5\u056c\u02b7\2\u3006\u3008\7\u02cd\2\2\u3007\u3009\7\u0504"+ + "\2\2\u3008\u3007\3\2\2\2\u3008\u3009\3\2\2\2\u3009\u300a\3\2\2\2\u300a"+ + "\u300b\7\u0518\2\2\u300b\u300d\7\u03af\2\2\u300c\u300e\7\u0504\2\2\u300d"+ + "\u300c\3\2\2\2\u300d\u300e\3\2\2\2\u300e\u300f\3\2\2\2\u300f\u3014\7\u0518"+ + "\2\2\u3010\u3011\7\27\2\2\u3011\u3012\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u3012\u3013\7\u0518"+ + "\2\2\u3013\u3015\3\2\2\2\u3014\u3010\3\2\2\2\u3014\u3015\3\2\2\2\u3015"+ + "\u301a\3\2\2\2\u3016\u3017\7\63\2\2\u3017\u3018\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u3018"+ + "\u3019\7\u04e7\2\2\u3019\u301b\3\2\2\2\u301a\u3016\3\2\2\2\u301a\u301b"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u301b\u301d\3\2\2\2\u301c\u301e\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u301d\u301c\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u301d\u301e\3\2\2\2\u301e\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u301f\u3020\7D\2\2\u3020"+ + "\u3021\7\u0372\2\2\u3021\u3022\7\u0309\2\2\u3022\u3023\7\u01d0\2\2\u3023"+ + "\u3024\5\u056c\u02b7\2\u3024\u3026\7\u02cd\2\2\u3025\u3027\7\u0504\2\2"+ + "\u3026\u3025\3\2\2\2\u3026\u3027\3\2\2\2\u3027\u3028\3\2\2\2\u3028\u302d"+ + "\7\u0518\2\2\u3029\u302a\7\63\2\2\u302a\u302b\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u302b\u302c"+ + "\7\u04e7\2\2\u302c\u302e\3\2\2\2\u302d\u3029\3\2\2\2\u302d\u302e\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u302e\u3030\3\2\2\2\u302f\u3031\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u3030\u302f\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3030\u3031\3\2\2\2\u3031\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u3032\u3033\7D\2\2\u3033\u3034"+ + "\7\u0372\2\2\u3034\u3035\7\u01be\2\2\u3035\u3036\7\u01d0\2\2\u3036\u3037"+ + "\5\u056c\u02b7\2\u3037\u3039\7\u0428\2\2\u3038\u303a\7\u0504\2\2\u3039"+ + "\u3038\3\2\2\2\u3039\u303a\3\2\2\2\u303a\u303b\3\2\2\2\u303b\u303c\7\u0518"+ + "\2\2\u303c\u303e\7\u039f\2\2\u303d\u303f\7\u0504\2\2\u303e\u303d\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u303e\u303f\3\2\2\2\u303f\u3040\3\2\2\2\u3040\u3045\7\u0518\2\2\u3041"+ + "\u3042\7\27\2\2\u3042\u3043\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u3043\u3044\7\u0518\2\2\u3044"+ + "\u3046\3\2\2\2\u3045\u3041\3\2\2\2\u3045\u3046\3\2\2\2\u3046\u3048\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3047\u3049\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u3048\u3047\3\2\2\2\u3048\u3049\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u3049\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u304a\u304b\7D\2\2\u304b\u304c\7\u0372\2\2\u304c"+ + "\u304d\7\u008f\2\2\u304d\u304e\7\u01d0\2\2\u304e\u304f\5\u056c\u02b7\2"+ + "\u304f\u3051\7\u02cd\2\2\u3050\u3052\7\u0504\2\2\u3051\u3050\3\2\2\2\u3051"+ + "\u3052\3\2\2\2\u3052\u3053\3\2\2\2\u3053\u3054\7\u0518\2\2\u3054\u3056"+ + "\7\u03af\2\2\u3055\u3057\7\u0504\2\2\u3056\u3055\3\2\2\2\u3056\u3057\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3057\u3058\3\2\2\2\u3058\u305d\7\u0518\2\2\u3059\u305a\7\63\2"+ + "\2\u305a\u305b\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u305b\u305c\7\u04e7\2\2\u305c\u305e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u305d\u3059\3\2\2\2\u305d\u305e\3\2\2\2\u305e\u3060\3\2\2\2\u305f"+ + "\u3061\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u3060\u305f\3\2\2\2\u3060\u3061\3\2\2\2\u3061\u30cb"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3062\u3063\7D\2\2\u3063\u3064\7\u0372\2\2\u3064\u3065\7\u008f"+ + "\2\2\u3065\u3066\5\u056c\u02b7\2\u3066\u3068\7\63\2\2\u3067\u3069\7\u0504"+ + "\2\2\u3068\u3067\3\2\2\2\u3068\u3069\3\2\2\2\u3069\u306a\3\2\2\2\u306a"+ + "\u306c\7\u04e7\2\2\u306b\u306d\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u306c\u306b\3\2\2\2\u306c"+ + "\u306d\3\2\2\2\u306d\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u306e\u306f\7D\2\2\u306f\u3070\7\u0372"+ + "\2\2\u3070\u3071\7\u036c\2\2\u3071\u3072\7\u01d0\2\2\u3072\u3073\7\u03e1"+ + "\2\2\u3073\u3075\7\13\2\2\u3074\u3076\7\u0504\2\2\u3075\u3074\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3075\u3076\3\2\2\2\u3076\u3077\3\2\2\2\u3077\u3079\7\u0518\2\2\u3078"+ + "\u307a\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u3079\u3078\3\2\2\2\u3079\u307a\3\2\2\2\u307a\u30cb"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u307b\u307c\7D\2\2\u307c\u307d\7\u0372\2\2\u307d\u307e\7\u01fc"+ + "\2\2\u307e\u307f\7\u017f\2\2\u307f\u30cb\7\u015a\2\2\u3080\u3081\7D\2"+ + "\2\u3081\u3082\7\u0372\2\2\u3082\u3083\7\u043f\2\2\u3083\u3084\7\u04b7"+ + "\2\2\u3084\u3086\7\u0518\2\2\u3085\u3087\5\u0564\u02b3\2\u3086\u3085\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3086\u3087\3\2\2\2\u3087\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u3088\u3089\7D\2\2\u3089"+ + "\u308a\7\u0372\2\2\u308a\u308b\5\u0594\u02cb\2\u308b\u308c\7\u01fc\2\2"+ + "\u308c\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u308d\u308e\7D\2\2\u308e\u308f\7\u0372\2\2\u308f"+ + "\u3090\7\u03f3\2\2\u3090\u30cb\7\u047e\2\2\u3091\u3092\7D\2\2\u3092\u3093"+ + "\7\u0372\2\2\u3093\u3094\7\u0325\2\2\u3094\u3095\7\u0161\2\2\u3095\u309a"+ + "\7\u0361\2\2\u3096\u3097\7q\2\2\u3097\u3098\7\u01cc\2\2\u3098\u3099\7"+ + "\u0509\2\2\u3099\u309b\7\u04e7\2\2\u309a\u3096\3\2\2\2\u309a\u309b\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u309b\u309c\3\2\2\2\u309c\u30cb\5\u0532\u029a\2\u309d\u309e\7D\2"+ + "\2\u309e\u309f\7\u0372\2\2\u309f\u30a0\7\u01d7\2\2\u30a0\u30a1\7\u0161"+ + "\2\2\u30a1\u30cb\7\u0361\2\2\u30a2\u30a3\7D\2\2\u30a3\u30a4\7\u0372\2"+ + "\2\u30a4\u30a5\7\u00b2\2\2\u30a5\u30a6\7\u03ef\2\2\u30a6\u30a7\7\u02e2"+ + "\2\2\u30a7\u30cb\5\u0560\u02b1\2\u30a8\u30a9\7D\2\2\u30a9\u30aa\7\u0372"+ + "\2\2\u30aa\u30ab\7d\2\2\u30ab\u30ac\7\u023e\2\2\u30ac\u30ad\7{\2\2\u30ad"+ + "\u30ae\7\u00b1\2\2\u30ae\u30cb\7\u04e7\2\2\u30af\u30b0\7D\2\2\u30b0\u30b1"+ + "\7\u0372\2\2\u30b1\u30b2\7\u03f3\2\2\u30b2\u30b3\7\u023e\2\2\u30b3\u30b4"+ + "\7{\2\2\u30b4\u30b5\7\u00b1\2\2\u30b5\u30cb\7\u04e7\2\2\u30b6\u30b7\7"+ + "D\2\2\u30b7\u30b8\7\u0372\2\2\u30b8\u30b9\7\u00b2\2\2\u30b9\u30cb\5\u0538"+ + "\u029d\2\u30ba\u30bb\7D\2\2\u30bb\u30bc\7\u0372\2\2\u30bc\u30bd\7\u011c"+ + "\2\2\u30bd\u30be\7\u00b1\2\2\u30be\u30bf\5\66\34\2\u30bf\u30c0\7z\2\2"+ + "\u30c0\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u30c1\u30c2\7D\2\2\u30c2\u30c3\7\u0372\2\2\u30c3"+ + "\u30c4\7\u011c\2\2\u30c4\u30c5\7\u00b1\2\2\u30c5\u30cb\5\66\34\2\u30c6"+ + "\u30c7\7D\2\2\u30c7\u30c8\7\u0372\2\2\u30c8\u30c9\7\u024c\2\2\u30c9\u30cb"+ + "\5\u053c\u029f\2\u30ca\u2dda\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2de6\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2df0\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u30ca\u2dfa\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e01\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e08\3\2\2\2\u30ca"+ + "\u2e18\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e28\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e2f\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e36\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u30ca\u2e41\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e53\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e65\3\2\2\2\u30ca"+ + "\u2e6c\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e73\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e78\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e7f\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u30ca\u2e87\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e8e\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2ea1\3\2\2\2\u30ca"+ + "\u2ea4\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2ebd\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2ecc\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2edb\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u30ca\u2eeb\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2efc\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2f0e\3\2\2\2\u30ca"+ + "\u2f21\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2f30\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2f44\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2f4e\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u30ca\u2f55\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2f66\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2f84\3\2\2\2\u30ca"+ + "\u2f90\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2f97\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2f9f\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2fa6\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u30ca\u2fac\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2fb6\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2fbd\3\2\2\2\u30ca"+ + "\u2fc1\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2fc9\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2fde\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2fe2\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u30ca\u2fe6\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2fea\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2fee\3\2\2\2\u30ca"+ + "\u2ffb\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u3001\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u301f\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u3032\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u30ca\u304a\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u3062\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u306e\3\2\2\2\u30ca"+ + "\u307b\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u3080\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u3088\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u308d\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u30ca\u3091\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u309d\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u30a2\3\2\2\2\u30ca"+ + "\u30a8\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u30af\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u30b6\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u30ba\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u30ca\u30c1\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u30c6\3\2\2\2\u30cb\u0531\3\2\2\2\u30cc"+ + "\u30cd\7\u017b\2\2\u30cd\u30ce\5\u0534\u029b\2\u30ce\u0533\3\2\2\2\u30cf"+ + "\u30d1\5\u0536\u029c\2\u30d0\u30d2\5\u0534\u029b\2\u30d1\u30d0\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u30d1\u30d2\3\2\2\2\u30d2\u0535\3\2\2\2\u30d3\u30d6\tr\2\2\u30d4\u30d6"+ + "\ts\2\2\u30d5\u30d3\3\2\2\2\u30d5\u30d4\3\2\2\2\u30d6\u30d7\3\2\2\2\u30d7"+ + "\u30d8\7\u0504\2\2\u30d8\u30dd\5\u0242\u0122\2\u30d9\u30da\tt\2\2\u30da"+ + "\u30db\7\u0504\2\2\u30db\u30dd\7\u04e7\2\2\u30dc\u30d5\3\2\2\2\u30dc\u30d9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u30dd\u0537\3\2\2\2\u30de\u30e0\5\u053a\u029e\2\u30df\u30de\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u30e0\u30e1\3\2\2\2\u30e1\u30df\3\2\2\2\u30e1\u30e2\3\2\2\2\u30e2"+ + "\u0539\3\2\2\2\u30e3\u30e4\5\u0540\u02a1\2\u30e4\u053b\3\2\2\2\u30e5\u30e7"+ + "\5\u053e\u02a0\2\u30e6\u30e5\3\2\2\2\u30e7\u30e8\3\2\2\2\u30e8\u30e6\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u30e8\u30e9\3\2\2\2\u30e9\u053d\3\2\2\2\u30ea\u30eb\5\u0542\u02a2"+ + "\2\u30eb\u053f\3\2\2\2\u30ec\u30ed\5\u0606\u0304\2\u30ed\u30ee\7\u0504"+ + "\2\2\u30ee\u30ef\58\35\2\u30ef\u0541\3\2\2\2\u30f0\u30f1\5\u0606\u0304"+ + "\2\u30f1\u0543\3\2\2\2\u30f2\u30f5\5\u0546\u02a4\2\u30f3\u30f5\7\u0517"+ + "\2\2\u30f4\u30f2\3\2\2\2\u30f4\u30f3\3\2\2\2\u30f5\u0545\3\2\2\2\u30f6"+ + "\u30f7\tu\2\2\u30f7\u0547\3\2\2\2\u30f8\u30f9\tv\2\2\u30f9\u0549\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u30fa\u30fc\7\u04e3\2\2\u30fb\u30fd\7\u0504\2\2\u30fc\u30fb\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u30fc\u30fd\3\2\2\2\u30fd\u30fe\3\2\2\2\u30fe\u30ff\7\u04f8\2\2\u30ff"+ + "\u3100\5\u054e\u02a8\2\u3100\u3101\7\u04ff\2\2\u3101\u054b\3\2\2\2\u3102"+ + "\u3104\7\u04e3\2\2\u3103\u3105\7\u0504\2\2\u3104\u3103\3\2\2\2\u3104\u3105"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3105\u3106\3\2\2\2\u3106\u3107\5\u054e\u02a8\2\u3107\u054d\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3108\u310d\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u3109\u310a\7\u04f2\2\2\u310a\u310c"+ + "\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u310b\u3109\3\2\2\2\u310c\u310f\3\2\2\2\u310d\u310b\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u310d\u310e\3\2\2\2\u310e\u054f\3\2\2\2\u310f\u310d\3\2\2\2\u3110"+ + "\u3111\7\u0347\2\2\u3111\u3112\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u3112\u3113\7\u0518\2\2"+ + "\u3113\u0551\3\2\2\2\u3114\u3116\7\u035f\2\2\u3115\u3117\7\u0504\2\2\u3116"+ + "\u3115\3\2\2\2\u3116\u3117\3\2\2\2\u3117\u3118\3\2\2\2\u3118\u3119\7\u0518"+ + "\2\2\u3119\u0553\3\2\2\2\u311a\u311c\7\u02cf\2\2\u311b\u311a\3\2\2\2\u311b"+ + "\u311c\3\2\2\2\u311c\u0555\3\2\2\2\u311d\u3122\5\u0558\u02ad\2\u311e\u311f"+ + "\7\u04f2\2\2\u311f\u3121\5\u0558\u02ad\2\u3120\u311e\3\2\2\2\u3121\u3124"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3122\u3120\3\2\2\2\u3122\u3123\3\2\2\2\u3123\u0557\3\2\2\2\u3124"+ + 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"\2\u3145\u3146\3\2\2\2\u3146\u314d\7`\2\2\u3147\u314d\7\u00af\2\2\u3148"+ + "\u314a\7\u0101\2\2\u3149\u3148\3\2\2\2\u3149\u314a\3\2\2\2\u314a\u314b"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u314b\u314d\7\u01a4\2\2\u314c\u3142\3\2\2\2\u314c\u3144\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u314c\u3147\3\2\2\2\u314c\u3149\3\2\2\2\u314d\u055b\3\2\2\2\u314e\u3153"+ + "\7\u0518\2\2\u314f\u3150\7\u04f2\2\2\u3150\u3152\7\u0518\2\2\u3151\u314f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3152\u3155\3\2\2\2\u3153\u3151\3\2\2\2\u3153\u3154\3\2\2\2\u3154"+ + "\u055d\3\2\2\2\u3155\u3153\3\2\2\2\u3156\u315d\7`\2\2\u3157\u315d\7\u00af"+ + "\2\2\u3158\u315a\7\u0101\2\2\u3159\u3158\3\2\2\2\u3159\u315a\3\2\2\2\u315a"+ + "\u315b\3\2\2\2\u315b\u315d\7\u01a4\2\2\u315c\u3156\3\2\2\2\u315c\u3157"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u315c\u3159\3\2\2\2\u315d\u055f\3\2\2\2\u315e\u3160\7\u02cd\2"+ + "\2\u315f\u3161\7\u0504\2\2\u3160\u315f\3\2\2\2\u3160\u3161\3\2\2\2\u3161"+ + "\u3162\3\2\2\2\u3162\u3166\7\u0518\2\2\u3163\u3164\7v\2\2\u3164\u3166"+ + "\7\u0518\2\2\u3165\u315e\3\2\2\2\u3165\u3163\3\2\2\2\u3166\u0561\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u3167\u3169\7\u031c\2\2\u3168\u316a\7\u0504\2\2\u3169\u3168\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3169\u316a\3\2\2\2\u316a\u316b\3\2\2\2\u316b\u316c\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u316c"+ + "\u0563\3\2\2\2\u316d\u3170\5\u0560\u02b1\2\u316e\u3170\5\u0562\u02b2\2"+ + "\u316f\u316d\3\2\2\2\u316f\u316e\3\2\2\2\u3170\u0565\3\2\2\2\u3171\u3173"+ + "\7\u03b6\2\2\u3172\u3174\7\u0504\2\2\u3173\u3172\3\2\2\2\u3173\u3174\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3174\u3175\3\2\2\2\u3175\u3181\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u3176\u3178\7\u02b0"+ + "\2\2\u3177\u3179\7\u0504\2\2\u3178\u3177\3\2\2\2\u3178\u3179\3\2\2\2\u3179"+ + "\u317a\3\2\2\2\u317a\u3181\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u317b\u317d\7\u01ac\2\2\u317c"+ + "\u317e\7\u0504\2\2\u317d\u317c\3\2\2\2\u317d\u317e\3\2\2\2\u317e\u317f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u317f\u3181\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u3180\u3171\3\2\2\2\u3180\u3176\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3180\u317b\3\2\2\2\u3181\u0567\3\2\2\2\u3182\u3183\b\u02b5\1\2"+ + "\u3183\u3186\5\u0566\u02b4\2\u3184\u3186\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u3185\u3182\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3185\u3184\3\2\2\2\u3186\u318c\3\2\2\2\u3187\u3188\f\3\2\2\u3188"+ + "\u3189\7\u04f2\2\2\u3189\u318b\5\u0566\u02b4\2\u318a\u3187\3\2\2\2\u318b"+ + "\u318e\3\2\2\2\u318c\u318a\3\2\2\2\u318c\u318d\3\2\2\2\u318d\u0569\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u318e\u318c\3\2\2\2\u318f\u3190\tw\2\2\u3190\u056b\3\2\2\2\u3191"+ + "\u3193\7\u01eb\2\2\u3192\u3194\7\u0504\2\2\u3193\u3192\3\2\2\2\u3193\u3194"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3194\u3195\3\2\2\2\u3195\u3196\7\u04e7\2\2\u3196\u056d\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u3197\u3199\7\u026a\2\2\u3198\u319a\7\u0504\2\2\u3199\u3198\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3199\u319a\3\2\2\2\u319a\u319b\3\2\2\2\u319b\u319c\7\u0518\2\2\u319c"+ + "\u056f\3\2\2\2\u319d\u319e\5\u056e\u02b8\2\u319e\u319f\5\u0560\u02b1\2"+ + "\u319f\u31a9\3\2\2\2\u31a0\u31a2\5\u0560\u02b1\2\u31a1\u31a3\5\u0584\u02c3"+ + "\2\u31a2\u31a1\3\2\2\2\u31a2\u31a3\3\2\2\2\u31a3\u31a9\3\2\2\2\u31a4\u31a6"+ + "\5\u0562\u02b2\2\u31a5\u31a7\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u31a6\u31a5\3\2\2\2\u31a6"+ + "\u31a7\3\2\2\2\u31a7\u31a9\3\2\2\2\u31a8\u319d\3\2\2\2\u31a8\u31a0\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u31a8\u31a4\3\2\2\2\u31a9\u0571\3\2\2\2\u31aa\u31ab\tx\2\2\u31ab"+ + "\u0573\3\2\2\2\u31ac\u31ae\5\u0576\u02bc\2\u31ad\u31af\5\u0574\u02bb\2"+ + "\u31ae\u31ad\3\2\2\2\u31ae\u31af\3\2\2\2\u31af\u0575\3\2\2\2\u31b0\u31b3"+ + "\5\u0578\u02bd\2\u31b1\u31b3\5\u057a\u02be\2\u31b2\u31b0\3\2\2\2\u31b2"+ + "\u31b1\3\2\2\2\u31b3\u0577\3\2\2\2\u31b4\u31b6\7\u03af\2\2\u31b5\u31b7"+ + "\7\u0504\2\2\u31b6\u31b5\3\2\2\2\u31b6\u31b7\3\2\2\2\u31b7\u31b8\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u31b8\u31b9\7\u0518\2\2\u31b9\u0579\3\2\2\2\u31ba\u31bc\7\u027a\2\2"+ + "\u31bb\u31bd\7\u0504\2\2\u31bc\u31bb\3\2\2\2\u31bc\u31bd\3\2\2\2\u31bd"+ + "\u31be\3\2\2\2\u31be\u31bf\7\u04e7\2\2\u31bf\u057b\3\2\2\2\u31c0\u31c1"+ + "\ty\2\2\u31c1\u057d\3\2\2\2\u31c2\u31c4\7\u03cd\2\2\u31c3\u31c5\7\u0504"+ + "\2\2\u31c4\u31c3\3\2\2\2\u31c4\u31c5\3\2\2\2\u31c5\u31c6\3\2\2\2\u31c6"+ + "\u31c7\7\u04e7\2\2\u31c7\u057f\3\2\2\2\u31c8\u31ca\7\u049d\2\2\u31c9\u31cb"+ + "\7\u0504\2\2\u31ca\u31c9\3\2\2\2\u31ca\u31cb\3\2\2\2\u31cb\u31cc\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u31cc\u31cd\7\u0518\2\2\u31cd\u0581\3\2\2\2\u31ce\u31cf\5\u0608\u0305"+ + "\2\u31cf\u31d0\7\u0504\2\2\u31d0\u31d1\5\36\20\2\u31d1\u0583\3\2\2\2\u31d2"+ + "\u31d4\7\u04e3\2\2\u31d3\u31d5\7\u0504\2\2\u31d4\u31d3\3\2\2\2\u31d4\u31d5"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u31d5\u31d6\3\2\2\2\u31d6\u31d7\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u31d7\u0585\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u31d8\u31da\7B\2\2\u31d9\u31db\7\u0504\2\2\u31da\u31d9\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u31da\u31db\3\2\2\2\u31db\u31dc\3\2\2\2\u31dc\u31dd\7\u0518\2\2\u31dd"+ + "\u0587\3\2\2\2\u31de\u31e0\7\u0386\2\2\u31df\u31e1\7\u0504\2\2\u31e0\u31df"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u31e0\u31e1\3\2\2\2\u31e1\u31e2\3\2\2\2\u31e2\u31e3\5\u01da\u00ee"+ + "\2\u31e3\u0589\3\2\2\2\u31e4\u31e6\7\u0239\2\2\u31e5\u31e7\7\u0504\2\2"+ + "\u31e6\u31e5\3\2\2\2\u31e6\u31e7\3\2\2\2\u31e7\u31e8\3\2\2\2\u31e8\u31e9"+ + "\7\u04e7\2\2\u31e9\u058b\3\2\2\2\u31ea\u31eb\7\u0149\2\2\u31eb\u31ee\7"+ + "\u01ec\2\2\u31ec\u31ee\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u31ed\u31ea\3\2\2\2\u31ed\u31ec"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u31ee\u058d\3\2\2\2\u31ef\u31f0\b\u02c8\1\2\u31f0\u31f3\5\u0590"+ + "\u02c9\2\u31f1\u31f3\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u31f2\u31ef\3\2\2\2\u31f2\u31f1\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u31f3\u31f9\3\2\2\2\u31f4\u31f5\f\3\2\2\u31f5\u31f6\7\u04f2\2\2"+ + "\u31f6\u31f8\5\u0590\u02c9\2\u31f7\u31f4\3\2\2\2\u31f8\u31fb\3\2\2\2\u31f9"+ + "\u31f7\3\2\2\2\u31f9\u31fa\3\2\2\2\u31fa\u058f\3\2\2\2\u31fb\u31f9\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u31fc\u31fe\7\u0453\2\2\u31fd\u31ff\7\u0504\2\2\u31fe\u31fd\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u31fe\u31ff\3\2\2\2\u31ff\u3200\3\2\2\2\u3200\u321b\7\u04e7\2\2\u3201"+ + "\u3203\7\u046d\2\2\u3202\u3204\7\u0504\2\2\u3203\u3202\3\2\2\2\u3203\u3204"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3204\u3205\3\2\2\2\u3205\u321b\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u3206\u3208\7"+ + "\u04c1\2\2\u3207\u3209\7\u0504\2\2\u3208\u3207\3\2\2\2\u3208\u3209\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3209\u320a\3\2\2\2\u320a\u321b\7\u04e7\2\2\u320b\u320d\7\u0391\2"+ + "\2\u320c\u320e\7\u0504\2\2\u320d\u320c\3\2\2\2\u320d\u320e\3\2\2\2\u320e"+ 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"\u322f\7\u00b2\2\2\u322f\u323d\5\u05a0\u02d1\2\u3230\u3231\7D\2\2\u3231"+ + "\u3232\7\u00b1\2\2\u3232\u3233\7\u0101\2\2\u3233\u3234\5\u0598\u02cd\2"+ + "\u3234\u3235\7\u03ba\2\2\u3235\u3236\7\u04e7\2\2\u3236\u323d\3\2\2\2\u3237"+ + "\u3238\7D\2\2\u3238\u3239\7\u00b1\2\2\u3239\u323a\5\u059c\u02cf\2\u323a"+ + "\u323b\5\u059a\u02ce\2\u323b\u323d\3\2\2\2\u323c\u3220\3\2\2\2\u323c\u3226"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u323c\u322c\3\2\2\2\u323c\u3230\3\2\2\2\u323c\u3237\3\2\2\2\u323d"+ + "\u0597\3\2\2\2\u323e\u323f\7\u03ba\2\2\u323f\u3245\7\u01ee\2\2\u3240\u3241"+ + "\7\u03ba\2\2\u3241\u3245\7\u0360\2\2\u3242\u3243\7\u03ba\2\2\u3243\u3245"+ + "\7\u04cc\2\2\u3244\u323e\3\2\2\2\u3244\u3240\3\2\2\2\u3244\u3242\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u3245\u0599\3\2\2\2\u3246\u3247\7\u03ba\2\2\u3247\u324d\7\u01ee\2\2"+ + "\u3248\u3249\7\u03ba\2\2\u3249\u324d\7\u0360\2\2\u324a\u324b\7\u03ba\2"+ + "\2\u324b\u324d\7\u04cc\2\2\u324c\u3246\3\2\2\2\u324c\u3248\3\2\2\2\u324c"+ + 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"\u05ab\3\2\2\2\u3274\u3275\7\u0517\2\2\u3275\u05ad\3\2\2\2\u3276\u3277"+ + "\7D\2\2\u3277\u3278\7\u03e6\2\2\u3278\u3279\5\u05ac\u02d7\2\u3279\u327a"+ + "\5\u05b0\u02d9\2\u327a\u05af\3\2\2\2\u327b\u327e\5\u05b2\u02da\2\u327c"+ + "\u327d\7\u04f2\2\2\u327d\u327f\5\u05b2\u02da\2\u327e\u327c\3\2\2\2\u327e"+ + "\u327f\3\2\2\2\u327f\u05b1\3\2\2\2\u3280\u3281\5\u05b8\u02dd\2\u3281\u05b3"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3282\u3284\5\u05b6\u02dc\2\u3283\u3282\3\2\2\2\u3283\u3284\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3284\u05b5\3\2\2\2\u3285\u328a\5\u05b8\u02dd\2\u3286\u3287\7\u04f2"+ + "\2\2\u3287\u3289\5\u05b8\u02dd\2\u3288\u3286\3\2\2\2\u3289\u328c\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u328a\u3288\3\2\2\2\u328a\u328b\3\2\2\2\u328b\u05b7\3\2\2\2\u328c\u328a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u328d\u328e\7\u021d\2\2\u328e\u328f\7\u017b\2\2\u328f\u3290\7"+ + "\u0518\2\2\u3290\u05b9\3\2\2\2\u3291\u3292\7[\2\2\u3292\u3293\7\u03fa"+ + "\2\2\u3293\u3294\5\u05c0\u02e1\2\u3294\u3295\7\u04ca\2\2\u3295\u3296\5"+ + "\u05c2\u02e2\2\u3296\u05bb\3\2\2\2\u3297\u3298\7D\2\2\u3298\u3299\7\u03fa"+ + "\2\2\u3299\u329a\5\u05c0\u02e1\2\u329a\u329b\7\u04ca\2\2\u329b\u329c\5"+ + "\u05c2\u02e2\2\u329c\u05bd\3\2\2\2\u329d\u329e\7d\2\2\u329e\u329f\7\u03fa"+ + "\2\2\u329f\u32a0\5\u05c0\u02e1\2\u32a0\u05bf\3\2\2\2\u32a1\u32a5\7\u0517"+ + "\2\2\u32a2\u32a5\5\u06f6\u037c\2\u32a3\u32a5\7_\2\2\u32a4\u32a1\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u32a4\u32a2\3\2\2\2\u32a4\u32a3\3\2\2\2\u32a5\u05c1\3\2\2\2\u32a6\u32a8"+ + "\5\u05c4\u02e3\2\u32a7\u32a6\3\2\2\2\u32a8\u32a9\3\2\2\2\u32a9\u32a7\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u32a9\u32aa\3\2\2\2\u32aa\u05c3\3\2\2\2\u32ab\u32ac\5\u05ca\u02e6"+ + "\2\u32ac\u32ad\5\u05c8\u02e5\2\u32ad\u05c5\3\2\2\2\u32ae\u32b1\5\u060a"+ + "\u0306\2\u32af\u32b1\7\u0095\2\2\u32b0\u32ae\3\2\2\2\u32b0\u32af\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u32b1\u05c7\3\2\2\2\u32b2\u32b6\5 \21\2\u32b3\u32b6\5\u05c6\u02e4\2"+ + "\u32b4\u32b6\7_\2\2\u32b5\u32b2\3\2\2\2\u32b5\u32b3\3\2\2\2\u32b5\u32b4"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u32b6\u05c9\3\2\2\2\u32b7\u32b8\t|\2\2\u32b8\u05cb\3\2\2\2\u32b9"+ + "\u32ba\7\u03fa\2\2\u32ba\u32bb\5\u05c0\u02e1\2\u32bb\u05cd\3\2\2\2\u32bc"+ + "\u32bd\5\u05d0\u02e9\2\u32bd\u05cf\3\2\2\2\u32be\u32c0\5\u05d2\u02ea\2"+ + "\u32bf\u32be\3\2\2\2\u32c0\u32c1\3\2\2\2\u32c1\u32bf\3\2\2\2\u32c1\u32c2"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u32c2\u05d1\3\2\2\2\u32c3\u32c6\5\u05d4\u02eb\2\u32c4\u32c6\5"+ + "\u05d8\u02ed\2\u32c5\u32c3\3\2\2\2\u32c5\u32c4\3\2\2\2\u32c6\u05d3\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u32c7\u32c8\7q\2\2\u32c8\u32ca\7C\2\2\u32c9\u32cb\t}\2\2\u32ca\u32c9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u32ca\u32cb\3\2\2\2\u32cb\u32cc\3\2\2\2\u32cc\u32ce\7\u01ea\2"+ + "\2\u32cd\u32cf\5\u05d6\u02ec\2\u32ce\u32cd\3\2\2\2\u32ce\u32cf\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u32cf\u05d5\3\2\2\2\u32d0\u32d1\7\u00b5\2\2\u32d1\u32d9\7\u03e7\2\2\u32d2"+ + "\u32d3\7\u00b5\2\2\u32d3\u32d9\7\u0152\2\2\u32d4\u32d5\7\u00b5\2\2\u32d5"+ + "\u32d9\7\u04b2\2\2\u32d6\u32d7\7\u00b5\2\2\u32d7\u32d9\5 \21\2\u32d8\u32d0"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u32d8\u32d2\3\2\2\2\u32d8\u32d4\3\2\2\2\u32d8\u32d6\3\2\2\2\u32d9"+ + "\u05d7\3\2\2\2\u32da\u32db\7q\2\2\u32db\u32dd\7\u01ea\2\2\u32dc\u32de"+ + "\5\u05da\u02ee\2\u32dd\u32dc\3\2\2\2\u32dd\u32de\3\2\2\2\u32de\u05d9\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u32df\u32e0\b\u02ee\1\2\u32e0\u32e1\5\u05dc\u02ef\2\u32e1\u32e9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u32e2\u32e3\f\4\2\2\u32e3\u32e8\5\u05dc\u02ef\2\u32e4\u32e5\f"+ + "\3\2\2\u32e5\u32e6\7\u04f2\2\2\u32e6\u32e8\5\u05dc\u02ef\2\u32e7\u32e2"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u32e7\u32e4\3\2\2\2\u32e8\u32eb\3\2\2\2\u32e9\u32e7\3\2\2\2\u32e9"+ + "\u32ea\3\2\2\2\u32ea\u05db\3\2\2\2\u32eb\u32e9\3\2\2\2\u32ec\u32ee\5\u05de"+ + "\u02f0\2\u32ed\u32ef\5\u05d6\u02ec\2\u32ee\u32ed\3\2\2\2\u32ee\u32ef\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u32ef\u32f2\3\2\2\2\u32f0\u32f2\5\u05d6\u02ec\2\u32f1\u32ec\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u32f1\u32f0\3\2\2\2\u32f2\u05dd\3\2\2\2\u32f3\u32f6\5\u0608\u0305"+ + "\2\u32f4\u32f6\5\u05e0\u02f1\2\u32f5\u32f3\3\2\2\2\u32f5\u32f4\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u32f6\u05df\3\2\2\2\u32f7\u32f8\7\u04f8\2\2\u32f8\u32f9\5\u016e\u00b8"+ + "\2\u32f9\u32fa\7\u04ff\2\2\u32fa\u05e1\3\2\2\2\u32fb\u32fc\7\u00b2\2\2"+ + "\u32fc\u32fd\7\u0302\2\2\u32fd\u32ff\5\u01b2\u00da\2\u32fe\u3300\5\u01b4"+ + "\u00db\2\u32ff\u32fe\3\2\2\2\u32ff\u3300\3\2\2\2\u3300\u05e3\3\2\2\2\u3301"+ + "\u3302\7\u00b2\2\2\u3302\u3303\5\u010a\u0086\2\u3303\u3304\5\u01b2\u00da"+ + "\2\u3304\u05e5\3\2\2\2\u3305\u330d\7\u00b2\2\2\u3306\u3308\7\u02cf\2\2"+ + "\u3307\u3306\3\2\2\2\u3307\u3308\3\2\2\2\u3308\u330b\3\2\2\2\u3309\u330b"+ + "\7\u00b1\2\2\u330a\u3307\3\2\2\2\u330a\u3309\3\2\2\2\u330b\u330e\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u330c\u330e\7\u02e9\2\2\u330d\u330a\3\2\2\2\u330d\u330c\3\2\2\2\u330e"+ + "\u330f\3\2\2\2\u330f\u3310\7\u0220\2\2\u3310\u3311\5\u05e8\u02f5\2\u3311"+ + "\u05e7\3\2\2\2\u3312\u3322\5\u05ea\u02f6\2\u3313\u3314\5\u05ea\u02f6\2"+ + "\u3314\u3315\7\u04f2\2\2\u3315\u3317\3\2\2\2\u3316\u3313\3\2\2\2\u3316"+ + "\u3317\3\2\2\2\u3317\u3318\3\2\2\2\u3318\u3319\7\u0305\2\2\u3319\u331a"+ + "\7\u0088\2\2\u331a\u3322\5\u05ec\u02f7\2\u331b\u331c\7\u0305\2\2\u331c"+ + "\u331d\7\u0088\2\2\u331d\u331e\5\u05ec\u02f7\2\u331e\u331f\7\u04f2\2\2"+ + "\u331f\u3320\5\u05ea\u02f6\2\u3320\u3322\3\2\2\2\u3321\u3312\3\2\2\2\u3321"+ + "\u3316\3\2\2\2\u3321\u331b\3\2\2\2\u3322\u05e9\3\2\2\2\u3323\u3324\7\u014c"+ + "\2\2\u3324\u3328\7\u04a8\2\2\u3325\u3326\7\u014c\2\2\u3326\u3328\7\u0182"+ + "\2\2\u3327\u3323\3\2\2\2\u3327\u3325\3\2\2\2\u3328\u05eb\3\2\2\2\u3329"+ + "\u332a\7\u014c\2\2\u332a\u3331\7\u030f\2\2\u332b\u332c\7\u014c\2\2\u332c"+ + "\u3331\7\u02a7\2\2\u332d\u332e\7\u0318\2\2\u332e\u3331\7\u014c\2\2\u332f"+ + "\u3331\7\u03d4\2\2\u3330\u3329\3\2\2\2\u3330\u332b\3\2\2\2\u3330\u332d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3330\u332f\3\2\2\2\u3331\u05ed\3\2\2\2\u3332\u3333\7D\2\2\u3333"+ + "\u3334\7\u0372\2\2\u3334\u3336\5\u05f0\u02f9\2\u3335\u3337\7\u02c7\2\2"+ + "\u3336\u3335\3\2\2\2\u3336\u3337\3\2\2\2\u3337\u05ef\3\2\2\2\u3338\u3339"+ + "\7\u00ac\2\2\u3339\u333b\7\u00ce\2\2\u333a\u333c\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u333b"+ + "\u333a\3\2\2\2\u333b\u333c\3\2\2\2\u333c\u334a\3\2\2\2\u333d\u333e\7\u0129"+ + "\2\2\u333e\u333f\7\u00bd\2\2\u333f\u3341\7\u0270\2\2\u3340\u3342\5\u0584"+ + "\u02c3\2\u3341\u3340\3\2\2\2\u3341\u3342\3\2\2\2\u3342\u334a\3\2\2\2\u3343"+ + "\u3344\7\u0129\2\2\u3344\u3345\7\u00bd\2\2\u3345\u3347\7\u00ce\2\2\u3346"+ + "\u3348\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u3347\u3346\3\2\2\2\u3347\u3348\3\2\2\2\u3348\u334a"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3349\u3338\3\2\2\2\u3349\u333d\3\2\2\2\u3349\u3343\3\2\2\2\u334a"+ + "\u05f1\3\2\2\2\u334b\u334c\7D\2\2\u334c\u334d\7\u0372\2\2\u334d\u334e"+ + "\7\u0286\2\2\u334e\u3350\7\u00ce\2\2\u334f\u3351\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u3350"+ + "\u334f\3\2\2\2\u3350\u3351\3\2\2\2\u3351\u3352\3\2\2\2\u3352\u3353\5\u05f4"+ + "\u02fb\2\u3353\u05f3\3\2\2\2\u3354\u3355\7\u033d\2\2\u3355\u3356\7\u02da"+ + "\2\2\u3356\u3357\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u3357\u3358\7\u0518\2\2\u3358\u335f\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3359\u335a\7\u033d\2\2\u335a\u335b\7\u04e5\2\2\u335b\u335c\5\u01dc"+ + "\u00ef\2\u335c\u335d\7\u04e7\2\2\u335d\u335f\3\2\2\2\u335e\u3354\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u335e\u3359\3\2\2\2\u335e\u335f\3\2\2\2\u335f\u3364\3\2\2\2\u3360\u3361"+ + "\7\u033d\2\2\u3361\u3364\7\u043c\2\2\u3362\u3364\7\u036c\2\2\u3363\u335e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3363\u3360\3\2\2\2\u3363\u3362\3\2\2\2\u3364\u05f5\3\2\2\2\u3365"+ + "\u3366\7D\2\2\u3366\u3367\7\u0372\2\2\u3367\u3369\5\u05f8\u02fd\2\u3368"+ + "\u336a\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u3369\u3368\3\2\2\2\u3369\u336a\3\2\2\2\u336a\u05f7"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u336b\u336c\7\u03b3\2\2\u336c\u336d\7\u0149\2\2\u336d\u336e\5"+ + "\u05fa\u02fe\2\u336e\u336f\7\u00bd\2\2\u336f\u3370\7\u01eb\2\2\u3370\u3371"+ + "\7\u04e7\2\2\u3371\u05f9\3\2\2\2\u3372\u3374\7\u027e\2\2\u3373\u3375\7"+ + "\u0504\2\2\u3374\u3373\3\2\2\2\u3374\u3375\3\2\2\2\u3375\u3376\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3376\u3377\7\u04e7\2\2\u3377\u3378\7\u04f2\2\2\u3378\u337a\7?\2\2\u3379"+ + "\u337b\7\u0504\2\2\u337a\u3379\3\2\2\2\u337a\u337b\3\2\2\2\u337b\u337c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u337c\u337d\7\u04e7\2\2\u337d\u05fb\3\2\2\2\u337e\u3381\5\u05fa"+ + "\u02fe\2\u337f\u3381\7C\2\2\u3380\u337e\3\2\2\2\u3380\u337f\3\2\2\2\u3381"+ + "\u05fd\3\2\2\2\u3382\u3383\7D\2\2\u3383\u3384\7\u0372\2\2\u3384\u3385"+ + "\5\u0600\u0301\2\u3385\u3386\7\26\2\2\u3386\u3388\5\u060a\u0306\2\u3387"+ + "\u3389\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u3388\u3387\3\2\2\2\u3388\u3389\3\2\2\2\u3389\u05ff"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u338a\u338b\t~\2\2\u338b\u0601\3\2\2\2\u338c\u338d\7\u033c\2"+ + "\2\u338d\u338e\5\u0606\u0304\2\u338e\u0603\3\2\2\2\u338f\u3391\7\u0266"+ + "\2\2\u3390\u3392\7\u0485\2\2\u3391\u3390\3\2\2\2\u3391\u3392\3\2\2\2\u3392"+ + "\u3393\3\2\2\2\u3393\u3394\7\u00bd\2\2\u3394\u339a\5\u0606\u0304\2\u3395"+ + "\u3396\7\u0266\2\2\u3396\u3397\7\u00bd\2\2\u3397\u3398\7\u033c\2\2\u3398"+ + "\u339a\5\u0606\u0304\2\u3399\u338f\3\2\2\2\u3399\u3395\3\2\2\2\u339a\u0605"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u339b\u33a0\7\u0517\2\2\u339c\u33a0\5\u06fa\u037e\2\u339d\u33a0"+ + "\5\u06fc\u037f\2\u339e\u33a0\5\u06f8\u037d\2\u339f\u339b\3\2\2\2\u339f"+ + "\u339c\3\2\2\2\u339f\u339d\3\2\2\2\u339f\u339e\3\2\2\2\u33a0\u0607\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u33a1\u33a5\7\u0517\2\2\u33a2\u33a5\5\u06f6\u037c\2\u33a3\u33a5\7"+ + "\u00aa\2\2\u33a4\u33a1\3\2\2\2\u33a4\u33a2\3\2\2\2\u33a4\u33a3\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u33a5\u0609\3\2\2\2\u33a6\u33a9\7\u0517\2\2\u33a7\u33a9\5\u06f6\u037c"+ + "\2\u33a8\u33a6\3\2\2\2\u33a8\u33a7\3\2\2\2\u33a9\u060b\3\2\2\2\u33aa\u33ab"+ + "\7m\2\2\u33ab\u060d\3\2\2\2\u33ac\u33b3\7\u0517\2\2\u33ad\u33b3\5\u06fa"+ + "\u037e\2\u33ae\u33b3\5\u06fc\u037f\2\u33af\u33b3\5\30\r\2\u33b0\u33b3"+ + "\7\u00a1\2\2\u33b1\u33b3\7\u0492\2\2\u33b2\u33ac\3\2\2\2\u33b2\u33ad\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u33b2\u33ae\3\2\2\2\u33b2\u33af\3\2\2\2\u33b2\u33b0\3\2\2\2\u33b2"+ + "\u33b1\3\2\2\2\u33b3\u060f\3\2\2\2\u33b4\u33b7\7\u0517\2\2\u33b5\u33b7"+ + "\5\u06f6\u037c\2\u33b6\u33b4\3\2\2\2\u33b6\u33b5\3\2\2\2\u33b7\u0611\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u33b8\u33bb\7\u0517\2\2\u33b9\u33bb\5\u06f6\u037c\2\u33ba\u33b8"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u33ba\u33b9\3\2\2\2\u33bb\u0613\3\2\2\2\u33bc\u33bd\t\177\2\2"+ + "\u33bd\u0615\3\2\2\2\u33be\u33bf\t\u0080\2\2\u33bf\u0617\3\2\2\2\u33c0"+ + "\u33c3\5\u0614\u030b\2\u33c1\u33c3\5\u0616\u030c\2\u33c2\u33c0\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u33c2\u33c1\3\2\2\2\u33c3\u0619\3\2\2\2\u33c4\u33c5\7\u0433\2\2\u33c5"+ + "\u33c6\7\u04f8\2\2\u33c6\u33c7\5\66\34\2\u33c7\u33c8\7\u04f2\2\2\u33c8"+ + "\u33ca\5\66\34\2\u33c9\u33cb\5\u0620\u0311\2\u33ca\u33c9\3\2\2\2\u33ca"+ + "\u33cb\3\2\2\2\u33cb\u33cc\3\2\2\2\u33cc\u33ce\5\u061e\u0310\2\u33cd\u33cf"+ + "\5\u061c\u030f\2\u33ce\u33cd\3\2\2\2\u33ce\u33cf\3\2\2\2\u33cf\u33d0\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u33d0\u33d1\7\u04ff\2\2\u33d1\u061b\3\2\2\2\u33d2\u33d3\t\u0081"+ + "\2\2\u33d3\u33d4\7\u009a\2\2\u33d4\u33d5\7\u020b\2\2\u33d5\u061d\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u33d6\u33d8\7\u0376\2\2\u33d7\u33d6\3\2\2\2\u33d7\u33d8\3\2\2\2\u33d8"+ + "\u33da\3\2\2\2\u33d9\u33db\7\u01e8\2\2\u33da\u33d9\3\2\2\2\u33da\u33db"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u33db\u33dd\3\2\2\2\u33dc\u33de\7\u01c8\2\2\u33dd\u33dc\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u33dd\u33de\3\2\2\2\u33de\u33ef\3\2\2\2\u33df\u33e0\7\u01e8\2\2\u33e0"+ + "\u33e2\7\u0376\2\2\u33e1\u33e3\7\u01c8\2\2\u33e2\u33e1\3\2\2\2\u33e2\u33e3"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u33e3\u33ef\3\2\2\2\u33e4\u33e6\7\u01c8\2\2\u33e5\u33e7\7\u0376"+ + "\2\2\u33e6\u33e5\3\2\2\2\u33e6\u33e7\3\2\2\2\u33e7\u33e8\3\2\2\2\u33e8"+ + "\u33ef\7\u01e8\2\2\u33e9\u33eb\7\u01c8\2\2\u33ea\u33ec\7\u01e8\2\2\u33eb"+ + "\u33ea\3\2\2\2\u33eb\u33ec\3\2\2\2\u33ec\u33ed\3\2\2\2\u33ed\u33ef\7\u0376"+ + "\2\2\u33ee\u33d7\3\2\2\2\u33ee\u33df\3\2\2\2\u33ee\u33e4\3\2\2\2\u33ee"+ + "\u33e9\3\2\2\2\u33ef\u061f\3\2\2\2\u33f0\u33f1\7\u018e\2\2\u33f1\u33f2"+ + "\5\u06aa\u0356\2\u33f2\u0621\3\2\2\2\u33f3\u33f4\7h\2\2\u33f4\u33f6\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u33f5\u33f7\5\u0624\u0313\2\u33f6\u33f5\3\2\2\2\u33f6\u33f7"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u33f7\u33f8\3\2\2\2\u33f8\u33ff\7\u04ff\2\2\u33f9\u33fa\7\u038e"+ + "\2\2\u33fa\u33fb\7\u04eb\2\2\u33fb\u33fc\5\u0624\u0313\2\u33fc\u33fd\7"+ + "\u04ed\2\2\u33fd\u33ff\3\2\2\2\u33fe\u33f3\3\2\2\2\u33fe\u33f9\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u33ff\u0623\3\2\2\2\u3400\u3402\5\u0628\u0315\2\u3401\u3403\5\u0626\u0314"+ + "\2\u3402\u3401\3\2\2\2\u3402\u3403\3\2\2\2\u3403\u3405\3\2\2\2\u3404\u3406"+ + "\5\u062c\u0317\2\u3405\u3404\3\2\2\2\u3405\u3406\3\2\2\2\u3406\u3408\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3407\u3409\7\u01d8\2\2\u3408\u3407\3\2\2\2\u3408\u3409\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3409\u0625\3\2\2\2\u340a\u340b\t\33\2\2\u340b\u340c\7\u009a\2\2\u340c"+ + "\u340d\7\u0095\2\2\u340d\u0627\3\2\2\2\u340e\u3413\5\u062a\u0316\2\u340f"+ + "\u3410\7\u04f2\2\2\u3410\u3412\5\u062a\u0316\2\u3411\u340f\3\2\2\2\u3412"+ + "\u3415\3\2\2\2\u3413\u3411\3\2\2\2\u3413\u3414\3\2\2\2\u3414\u0629\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3415\u3413\3\2\2\2\u3416\u3419\5\66\34\2\u3417\u3418\7\u019c\2\2"+ + "\u3418\u341a\7\u038e\2\2\u3419\u3417\3\2\2\2\u3419\u341a\3\2\2\2\u341a"+ + "\u062b\3\2\2\2\u341b\u341c\7\u018e\2\2\u341c\u341d\5\u06aa\u0356\2\u341d"+ + "\u062d\3\2\2\2\u341e\u341f\7\u04a4\2\2\u341f\u3420\7\u04f8\2\2\u3420\u3421"+ + 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"\3\2\2\2\u34c2\u34c3\5\66\34\2\u34c3\u34c4\7G\2\2\u34c4\u34c5\5\u0652"+ + "\u032a\2\u34c5\u0651\3\2\2\2\u34c6\u34c7\7\u0517\2\2\u34c7\u0653\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u34c8\u34ca\5\u0656\u032c\2\u34c9\u34cb\5\u0658\u032d\2\u34ca\u34c9"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u34ca\u34cb\3\2\2\2\u34cb\u34ce\3\2\2\2\u34cc\u34ce\5\u0658\u032d"+ + "\2\u34cd\u34c8\3\2\2\2\u34cd\u34cc\3\2\2\2\u34ce\u0655\3\2\2\2\u34cf\u34d0"+ + "\5\u065a\u032e\2\u34d0\u34d1\7\u009a\2\2\u34d1\u34d2\7\u020b\2\2\u34d2"+ + "\u0657\3\2\2\2\u34d3\u34d4\5\u065a\u032e\2\u34d4\u34d5\7\u009a\2\2\u34d5"+ + "\u34d6\7\u0467\2\2\u34d6\u0659\3\2\2\2\u34d7\u34d8\t\13\2\2\u34d8\u065b"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u34d9\u34da\7\u01b4\2\2\u34da\u34db\7\u04f8\2\2\u34db\u34dc\5"+ + "\u0634\u031b\2\u34dc\u34dd\7\u04f2\2\2\u34dd\u34e0\5\34\17\2\u34de\u34df"+ + "\7\u018e\2\2\u34df\u34e1\5\u0662\u0332\2\u34e0\u34de\3\2\2\2\u34e0\u34e1"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u34e1\u34e3\3\2\2\2\u34e2\u34e4\7\u01c8\2\2\u34e3\u34e2\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u34e3\u34e4\3\2\2\2\u34e4\u34e6\3\2\2\2\u34e5\u34e7\5,\27\2\u34e6\u34e5"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u34e6\u34e7\3\2\2\2\u34e7\u34e9\3\2\2\2\u34e8\u34ea\7\u01e8\2"+ + "\2\u34e9\u34e8\3\2\2\2\u34e9\u34ea\3\2\2\2\u34ea\u34ec\3\2\2\2\u34eb\u34ed"+ + "\7\u0376\2\2\u34ec\u34eb\3\2\2\2\u34ec\u34ed\3\2\2\2\u34ed\u34ef\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u34ee\u34f0\5\u0660\u0331\2\u34ef\u34ee\3\2\2\2\u34ef\u34f0\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u34f0\u34f2\3\2\2\2\u34f1\u34f3\5\u065e\u0330\2\u34f2\u34f1\3\2\2\2\u34f2"+ + "\u34f3\3\2\2\2\u34f3\u34f5\3\2\2\2\u34f4\u34f6\7\25\2\2\u34f5\u34f4\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u34f5\u34f6\3\2\2\2\u34f6\u34f7\3\2\2\2\u34f7\u34f8\7\u04ff\2\2"+ + "\u34f8\u065d\3\2\2\2\u34f9\u3511\5\u0668\u0335\2\u34fa\u3511\5\u0666\u0334"+ + "\2\u34fb\u3511\5\u0664\u0333\2\u34fc\u34fd\5\u0666\u0334\2\u34fd\u34fe"+ + "\5\u0668\u0335\2\u34fe\u3511\3\2\2\2\u34ff\u3500\5\u0668\u0335\2\u3500"+ + "\u3501\5\u0666\u0334\2\u3501\u3511\3\2\2\2\u3502\u3503\5\u0666\u0334\2"+ + "\u3503\u3504\5\u0664\u0333\2\u3504\u3511\3\2\2\2\u3505\u3506\5\u0668\u0335"+ + "\2\u3506\u3507\5\u0664\u0333\2\u3507\u3511\3\2\2\2\u3508\u3509\5\u0666"+ + "\u0334\2\u3509\u350a\5\u0668\u0335\2\u350a\u350b\5\u0664\u0333\2\u350b"+ + "\u3511\3\2\2\2\u350c\u350d\5\u0668\u0335\2\u350d\u350e\5\u0666\u0334\2"+ + "\u350e\u350f\5\u0664\u0333\2\u350f\u3511\3\2\2\2\u3510\u34f9\3\2\2\2\u3510"+ + "\u34fa\3\2\2\2\u3510\u34fb\3\2\2\2\u3510\u34fc\3\2\2\2\u3510\u34ff\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3510\u3502\3\2\2\2\u3510\u3505\3\2\2\2\u3510\u3508\3\2\2\2\u3510"+ + "\u350c\3\2\2\2\u3511\u065f\3\2\2\2\u3512\u3513\7\u00cf\2\2\u3513\u352b"+ + "\7\u0253\2\2\u3514\u3515\7\u00cf\2\2\u3515\u3516\7g\2\2\u3516\u352b\7"+ + "\u0253\2\2\u3517\u3518\7\u00cd\2\2\u3518\u352b\7\u0253\2\2\u3519\u351a"+ + "\7\u00cd\2\2\u351a\u351b\7g\2\2\u351b\u352b\7\u0253\2\2\u351c\u351d\7"+ + "\u00cd\2\2\u351d\u351e\7\u04dc\2\2\u351e\u352b\7\u0253\2\2\u351f\u3520"+ + "\7\u00cd\2\2\u3520\u3521\7\u04dd\2\2\u3521\u352b\7\u0253\2\2\u3522\u3523"+ + "\7\u00cd\2\2\u3523\u3524\7\u04dc\2\2\u3524\u3525\7g\2\2\u3525\u352b\7"+ + "\u0253\2\2\u3526\u3527\7\u00cd\2\2\u3527\u3528\7\u04dd\2\2\u3528\u3529"+ + "\7g\2\2\u3529\u352b\7\u0253\2\2\u352a\u3512\3\2\2\2\u352a\u3514\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u352a\u3517\3\2\2\2\u352a\u3519\3\2\2\2\u352a\u351c\3\2\2\2\u352a\u351f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u352a\u3522\3\2\2\2\u352a\u3526\3\2\2\2\u352b\u0661\3\2\2\2\u352c"+ + "\u3530\5\u06a8\u0355\2\u352d\u3530\7N\2\2\u352e\u3530\7\u038e\2\2\u352f"+ + "\u352c\3\2\2\2\u352f\u352d\3\2\2\2\u352f\u352e\3\2\2\2\u3530\u0663\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3531\u3534\7c\2\2\u3532\u3534\5\u066c\u0337\2\u3533\u3531\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u3533\u3532\3\2\2\2\u3534\u3535\3\2\2\2\u3535\u3536\7\u009a\2\2\u3536"+ + "\u3537\7\u0497\2\2\u3537\u0665\3\2\2\2\u3538\u3539\5\u066a\u0336\2\u3539"+ + "\u353a\7\u009a\2\2\u353a\u353b\7\u020b\2\2\u353b\u0667\3\2\2\2\u353c\u353d"+ + "\5\u066a\u0336\2\u353d\u353e\7\u009a\2\2\u353e\u353f\7\u0467\2\2\u353f"+ + "\u0669\3\2\2\2\u3540\u3542\7\u0467\2\2\u3541\u3543\7g\2\2\u3542\u3541"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3542\u3543\3\2\2\2\u3543\u3548\3\2\2\2\u3544\u3545\7\u0467\2"+ + "\2\u3545\u3548\7\u03e5\2\2\u3546\u3548\5\u066c\u0337\2\u3547\u3540\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3547\u3544\3\2\2\2\u3547\u3546\3\2\2\2\u3548\u066b\3\2\2\2\u3549"+ + "\u354a\t\u0081\2\2\u354a\u066d\3\2\2\2\u354b\u354c\7\u022c\2\2\u354c\u3550"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u354d\u354e\5\u0678\u033d\2\u354e\u354f\7\u04f2\2\2\u354f"+ + "\u3551\3\2\2\2\u3550\u354d\3\2\2\2\u3550\u3551\3\2\2\2\u3551\u3553\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3552\u3554\5\u0676\u033c\2\u3553\u3552\3\2\2\2\u3553\u3554\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u3554\u3556\3\2\2\2\u3555\u3557\5\u0674\u033b\2\u3556\u3555\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3556\u3557\3\2\2\2\u3557\u3559\3\2\2\2\u3558\u355a\5\u0672\u033a\2\u3559"+ + "\u3558\3\2\2\2\u3559\u355a\3\2\2\2\u355a\u355c\3\2\2\2\u355b\u355d\5\u0670"+ + "\u0339\2\u355c\u355b\3\2\2\2\u355c\u355d\3\2\2\2\u355d\u355e\3\2\2\2\u355e"+ + "\u355f\7\u04ff\2\2\u355f\u066f\3\2\2\2\u3560\u3561\7\u01ea\2\2\u3561\u3562"+ + "\5\u0680\u0341\2\u3562\u0671\3\2\2\2\u3563\u3564\7\u018e\2\2\u3564\u3565"+ + "\7\u01e7\2\2\u3565\u3566\7O\2\2\u3566\u3567\7\u03f2\2\2\u3567\u0673\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3568\u3569\7j\2\2\u3569\u356f\5> \2\u356a\u356b\7j\2\2\u356b\u356c"+ + "\7O\2\2\u356c\u356d\7L\2\2\u356d\u356f\5> \2\u356e\u3568\3\2\2\2\u356e"+ + "\u356a\3\2\2\2\u356f\u0675\3\2\2\2\u3570\u3571\7\u0347\2\2\u3571\u3574"+ + "\5\32\16\2\u3572\u3574\5\32\16\2\u3573\u3570\3\2\2\2\u3573\u3572\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u3574\u0677\3\2\2\2\u3575\u3576\7\u022d\2\2\u3576\u3577\7\u04f8\2\2"+ + "\u3577\u3578\5\u067a\u033e\2\u3578\u3579\7\u04ff\2\2\u3579\u0679\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u357a\u357f\5\u067c\u033f\2\u357b\u357c\7\u04f2\2\2\u357c\u357e\5\u067c"+ + "\u033f\2\u357d\u357b\3\2\2\2\u357e\u3581\3\2\2\2\u357f\u357d\3\2\2\2\u357f"+ + "\u3580\3\2\2\2\u3580\u067b\3\2\2\2\u3581\u357f\3\2\2\2\u3582\u3583\7\u0518"+ + "\2\2\u3583\u3584\7G\2\2\u3584\u3588\5\u067e\u0340\2\u3585\u3586\7_\2\2"+ + "\u3586\u3588\7\u0518\2\2\u3587\u3582\3\2\2\2\u3587\u3585\3\2\2\2\u3588"+ + "\u067d\3\2\2\2\u3589\u358a\5\u060a\u0306\2\u358a\u067f\3\2\2\2\u358b\u3590"+ + "\5\u0682\u0342\2\u358c\u358d\7\u04f2\2\2\u358d\u358f\5\u0682\u0342\2\u358e"+ + "\u358c\3\2\2\2\u358f\u3592\3\2\2\2\u3590\u358e\3\2\2\2\u3590\u3591\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3591\u0681\3\2\2\2\u3592\u3590\3\2\2\2\u3593\u3597\5\u0684\u0343"+ + "\2\u3594\u3597\5\u0686\u0344\2\u3595\u3597\5\u0688\u0345\2\u3596\u3593"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3596\u3594\3\2\2\2\u3596\u3595\3\2\2\2\u3597\u0683\3\2\2\2\u3598"+ + "\u3599\5\u0608\u0305\2\u3599\u359a\7q\2\2\u359a\u359b\7\u0085\2\2\u359b"+ + "\u0685\3\2\2\2\u359c\u359e\5\u0608\u0305\2\u359d\u359f\5\u0172\u00ba\2"+ + "\u359e\u359d\3\2\2\2\u359e\u359f\3\2\2\2\u359f\u35a1\3\2\2\2\u35a0\u35a2"+ + "\5\u0676\u033c\2\u35a1\u35a0\3\2\2\2\u35a1\u35a2\3\2\2\2\u35a2\u35a4\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u35a3\u35a5\5\u068c\u0347\2\u35a4\u35a3\3\2\2\2\u35a4\u35a5\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u35a5\u0687\3\2\2\2\u35a6\u35a7\5\u0608\u0305\2\u35a7\u35a9\7\u022b"+ + "\2\2\u35a8\u35aa\5\u068a\u0346\2\u35a9\u35a8\3\2\2\2\u35a9\u35aa\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u35aa\u35ac\3\2\2\2\u35ab\u35ad\5\u0676\u033c\2\u35ac\u35ab\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u35ac\u35ad\3\2\2\2\u35ad\u35af\3\2\2\2\u35ae\u35b0\5\u068c\u0347\2\u35af"+ + "\u35ae\3\2\2\2\u35af\u35b0\3\2\2\2\u35b0\u0689\3\2\2\2\u35b1\u35b2\7\u04f8"+ + "\2\2\u35b2\u35b3\7\u01e7\2\2\u35b3\u35b4\7\u04ff\2\2\u35b4\u35b5\7O\2"+ + "\2\u35b5\u35b6\7\u03f2\2\2\u35b6\u068b\3\2\2\2\u35b7\u35b8\7_\2\2\u35b8"+ + "\u35b9\5\66\34\2\u35b9\u068d\3\2\2\2\u35ba\u35c0\5\u06b2\u035a\2\u35bb"+ + "\u35c0\5\u06b4\u035b\2\u35bc\u35bd\5\u06b2\u035a\2\u35bd\u35be\5\u06b4"+ + "\u035b\2\u35be\u35c0\3\2\2\2\u35bf\u35ba\3\2\2\2\u35bf\u35bb\3\2\2\2\u35bf"+ + "\u35bc\3\2\2\2\u35c0\u068f\3\2\2\2\u35c1\u35c7\5\u0694\u034b\2\u35c2\u35c3"+ + "\7\u04f8\2\2\u35c3\u35c4\5\u0694\u034b\2\u35c4\u35c5\7\u04ff\2\2\u35c5"+ + 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"\2\2\u35e3\u35e2\3\2\2\2\u35e4\u0697\3\2\2\2\u35e5\u35e6\5\u0608\u0305"+ + "\2\u35e6\u35e7\7q\2\2\u35e7\u35e8\7\u0085\2\2\u35e8\u0699\3\2\2\2\u35e9"+ + "\u35ea\7\u0347\2\2\u35ea\u35f2\5\36\20\2\u35eb\u35ec\7\u0347\2\2\u35ec"+ + "\u35f2\5\u0608\u0305\2\u35ed\u35ee\7\u0347\2\2\u35ee\u35ef\5\u0608\u0305"+ + "\2\u35ef\u35f0\5X-\2\u35f0\u35f2\3\2\2\2\u35f1\u35e9\3\2\2\2\u35f1\u35eb"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u35f1\u35ed\3\2\2\2\u35f2\u069b\3\2\2\2\u35f3\u35f4\5\u0608\u0305"+ + "\2\u35f4\u35f6\5\u06a6\u0354\2\u35f5\u35f7\7\u01c8\2\2\u35f6\u35f5\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u35f6\u35f7\3\2\2\2\u35f7\u35f8\3\2\2\2\u35f8\u35fa\7m\2\2\u35f9"+ + "\u35fb\5\u069a\u034e\2\u35fa\u35f9\3\2\2\2\u35fa\u35fb\3\2\2\2\u35fb\u35fd"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u35fc\u35fe\7\u038b\2\2\u35fd\u35fc\3\2\2\2\u35fd\u35fe\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u35fe\u3600\3\2\2\2\u35ff\u3601\5\u0654\u032b\2\u3600\u35ff\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3600\u3601\3\2\2\2\u3601\u069d\3\2\2\2\u3602\u3603\5\u0608\u0305\2\u3603"+ + "\u3604\5\u06a4\u0353\2\u3604\u3605\7\u019c\2\2\u3605\u3607\7\u038e\2\2"+ + "\u3606\u3608\7\u01c8\2\2\u3607\u3606\3\2\2\2\u3607\u3608\3\2\2\2\u3608"+ + "\u360a\3\2\2\2\u3609\u360b\5,\27\2\u360a\u3609\3\2\2\2\u360a\u360b\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u360b\u360d\3\2\2\2\u360c\u360e\5\u0660\u0331\2\u360d\u360c\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u360d\u360e\3\2\2\2\u360e\u3610\3\2\2\2\u360f\u3611\5\u069a\u034e\2"+ + "\u3610\u360f\3\2\2\2\u3610\u3611\3\2\2\2\u3611\u3613\3\2\2\2\u3612\u3614"+ + "\7\u038b\2\2\u3613\u3612\3\2\2\2\u3613\u3614\3\2\2\2\u3614\u3616\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u3615\u3617\5\u065e\u0330\2\u3616\u3615\3\2\2\2\u3616\u3617\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3617\u362a\3\2\2\2\u3618\u3619\5\u0608\u0305\2\u3619\u361b\7\u038e\2"+ + "\2\u361a\u361c\5,\27\2\u361b\u361a\3\2\2\2\u361b\u361c\3\2\2\2\u361c\u361e"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u361d\u361f\5\u0660\u0331\2\u361e\u361d\3\2\2\2\u361e\u361f\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u361f\u3621\3\2\2\2\u3620\u3622\5\u069a\u034e\2\u3621\u3620\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u3621\u3622\3\2\2\2\u3622\u3624\3\2\2\2\u3623\u3625\7\u038b\2\2\u3624"+ + 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"\u367e\u367f\7\u0339\2\2\u367f\u3680\7\u04f8\2\2\u3680\u3681\5\u06b8\u035d"+ + "\2\u3681\u3682\7\u04ff\2\2\u3682\u3689\3\2\2\2\u3683\u3684\7\u038e\2\2"+ + "\u3684\u3685\7\u04ec\2\2\u3685\u3686\5\u06b8\u035d\2\u3686\u3687\7\u04ee"+ + "\2\2\u3687\u3689\3\2\2\2\u3688\u367e\3\2\2\2\u3688\u3683\3\2\2\2\u3689"+ + "\u06b7\3\2\2\2\u368a\u368c\5\u06bc\u035f\2\u368b\u368a\3\2\2\2\u368b\u368c"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u368c\u368d\3\2\2\2\u368d\u3698\5\u06ba\u035e\2\u368e\u368f\5"+ + "\u06bc\u035f\2\u368f\u3691\7\u01d8\2\2\u3690\u3692\5\u06ca\u0366\2\u3691"+ + "\u3690\3\2\2\2\u3691\u3692\3\2\2\2\u3692\u3698\3\2\2\2\u3693\u3695\5\u06bc"+ + "\u035f\2\u3694\u3693\3\2\2\2\u3694\u3695\3\2\2\2\u3695\u3696\3\2\2\2\u3696"+ + "\u3698\5\u06ca\u0366\2\u3697\u368b\3\2\2\2\u3697\u368e\3\2\2\2\u3697\u3694"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3698\u06b9\3\2\2\2\u3699\u36a8\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u369a\u369c\5"+ + "\u06c6\u0364\2\u369b\u369d\5\u06c8\u0365\2\u369c\u369b\3\2\2\2\u369c\u369d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u369d\u36a0\3\2\2\2\u369e\u36a0\5\u06c8\u0365\2\u369f\u369a\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u369f\u369e\3\2\2\2\u36a0\u36a2\3\2\2\2\u36a1\u36a3\7\u01d8\2\2"+ + "\u36a2\u36a1\3\2\2\2\u36a2\u36a3\3\2\2\2\u36a3\u36a5\3\2\2\2\u36a4\u36a6"+ + "\5\u06ca\u0366\2\u36a5\u36a4\3\2\2\2\u36a5\u36a6\3\2\2\2\u36a6\u36a8\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u36a7\u3699\3\2\2\2\u36a7\u369f\3\2\2\2\u36a8\u06bb\3\2\2\2\u36a9"+ + "\u36ac\7\u04f6\2\2\u36aa\u36ac\5\u06be\u0360\2\u36ab\u36a9\3\2\2\2\u36ab"+ + "\u36aa\3\2\2\2\u36ac\u06bd\3\2\2\2\u36ad\u36b2\5\u06c0\u0361\2\u36ae\u36af"+ + "\7\u04f2\2\2\u36af\u36b1\5\u06c0\u0361\2\u36b0\u36ae\3\2\2\2\u36b1\u36b4"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u36b2\u36b0\3\2\2\2\u36b2\u36b3\3\2\2\2\u36b3\u06bf\3\2\2\2\u36b4"+ + "\u36b2\3\2\2\2\u36b5\u36b8\5\u06c2\u0362\2\u36b6\u36b7\7\u019c\2\2\u36b7"+ + "\u36b9\7\u038e\2\2\u36b8\u36b6\3\2\2\2\u36b8\u36b9\3\2\2\2\u36b9\u06c1"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u36ba\u36c8\7K\2\2\u36bb\u36bd\7\u0294\2\2\u36bc\u36bb\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u36bc\u36bd\3\2\2\2\u36bd\u36be\3\2\2\2\u36be\u36bf\5\u06c4\u0363\2"+ + "\u36bf\u36c0\7L\2\2\u36c0\u36c1\5\u06c4\u0363\2\u36c1\u36c8\3\2\2\2\u36c2"+ + "\u36c5\5\u06c4\u0363\2\u36c3\u36c4\7\u04fc\2\2\u36c4\u36c6\5\u06c4\u0363"+ + "\2\u36c5\u36c3\3\2\2\2\u36c5\u36c6\3\2\2\2\u36c6\u36c8\3\2\2\2\u36c7\u36ba"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u36c7\u36bc\3\2\2\2\u36c7\u36c2\3\2\2\2\u36c8\u06c3\3\2\2\2\u36c9"+ + "\u36ca\5\66\34\2\u36ca\u06c5\3\2\2\2\u36cb\u36cc\t\33\2\2\u36cc\u36cd"+ + "\7\u009a\2\2\u36cd\u36ce\7\u0095\2\2\u36ce\u06c7\3\2\2\2\u36cf\u36d0\7"+ + "\u018e\2\2\u36d0\u36d1\5\u06aa\u0356\2\u36d1\u06c9\3\2\2\2\u36d2\u36d3"+ + "\7\u00cd\2\2\u36d3\u36d4\7\u00c1\2\2\u36d4\u36d5\7\u011b\2\2\u36d5\u06cb"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u36d6\u36d7\b\u0367\1\2\u36d7\u36da\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u36d8\u36da"+ + "\5\u06ce\u0368\2\u36d9\u36d6\3\2\2\2\u36d9\u36d8\3\2\2\2\u36da\u36e0\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u36db\u36dc\f\3\2\2\u36dc\u36dd\7\u04f2\2\2\u36dd\u36df\5\u06ce"+ + 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"\u3701\7\u04f2\2\2\u3701\u3703\3\2\2\2\u3702\u36ff\3\2\2\2\u3702\u3703"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3703\u3704\3\2\2\2\u3704\u3705\5\u06de\u0370\2\u3705\u3706\7"+ + "\u04ff\2\2\u3706\u3708\3\2\2\2\u3707\u36f2\3\2\2\2\u3707\u36fb\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3708\u06d7\3\2\2\2\u3709\u370b\7\u04d2\2\2\u370a\u3709\3\2\2\2\u370a"+ + "\u370b\3\2\2\2\u370b\u370c\3\2\2\2\u370c\u3710\5\u06dc\u036f\2\u370d\u370e"+ + "\7\u04d4\2\2\u370e\u3710\5\u06dc\u036f\2\u370f\u370a\3\2\2\2\u370f\u370d"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3710\u06d9\3\2\2\2\u3711\u3712\b\u036e\1\2\u3712\u3713\5> \2"+ + "\u3713\u3719\3\2\2\2\u3714\u3715\f\3\2\2\u3715\u3716\7\u0502\2\2\u3716"+ + "\u3718\5\u06da\u036e\4\u3717\u3714\3\2\2\2\u3718\u371b\3\2\2\2\u3719\u3717"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3719\u371a\3\2\2\2\u371a\u06db\3\2\2\2\u371b\u3719\3\2\2\2\u371c"+ + "\u371e\7\u02be\2\2\u371d\u371c\3\2\2\2\u371d\u371e\3\2\2\2\u371e\u371f"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u371f\u3723\5\u0608\u0305\2\u3720\u3721\7\u00fe\2\2\u3721\u3723"+ + "\5\u06da\u036e\2\u3722\u371d\3\2\2\2\u3722\u3720\3\2\2\2\u3723\u06dd\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3724\u3729\5\u06e0\u0371\2\u3725\u3726\7\u04f2\2\2\u3726\u3728"+ + "\5\u06e0\u0371\2\u3727\u3725\3\2\2\2\u3728\u372b\3\2\2\2\u3729\u3727\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3729\u372a\3\2\2\2\u372a\u06df\3\2\2\2\u372b\u3729\3\2\2\2\u372c"+ + "\u3732\5\66\34\2\u372d\u372e\7G\2\2\u372e\u3733\5\u0610\u0309\2\u372f"+ + "\u3731\5\u0610\u0309\2\u3730\u372f\3\2\2\2\u3730\u3731\3\2\2\2\u3731\u3733"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3732\u372d\3\2\2\2\u3732\u3730\3\2\2\2\u3733\u06e1\3\2\2\2\u3734"+ + "\u3735\7I\2\2\u3735\u373a\7\u04f8\2\2\u3736\u3738\7\u04d2\2\2\u3737\u3736"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u3737\u3738\3\2\2\2\u3738\u373b\3\2\2\2\u3739\u373b\7\u04d4\2"+ + "\2\u373a\u3737\3\2\2\2\u373a\u3739\3\2\2\2\u373b\u3740\3\2\2\2\u373c\u3741"+ + "\7\u04d5\2\2\u373d\u373f\7\u04d6\2\2\u373e\u373d\3\2\2\2\u373e\u373f\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u373f\u3741\3\2\2\2\u3740\u373c\3\2\2\2\u3740\u373e\3\2\2\2\u3741"+ + "\u3742\3\2\2\2\u3742\u3743\5\u06e4\u0373\2\u3743\u3744\7\u04ff\2\2\u3744"+ + "\u06e3\3\2\2\2\u3745\u3748\5\u06e8\u0375\2\u3746\u3747\7\u04f2\2\2\u3747"+ + "\u3749\5\u06e4\u0373\2\u3748\u3746\3\2\2\2\u3748\u3749\3\2\2\2\u3749\u06e5"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u374a\u374b\5\66\34\2\u374b\u06e7\3\2\2\2\u374c\u3752\5\u06e6"+ + "\u0374\2\u374d\u374e\7G\2\2\u374e\u374f\7\u00fe\2\2\u374f\u3753\5\66\34"+ + "\2\u3750\u3751\7G\2\2\u3751\u3753\5\u060a\u0306\2\u3752\u374d\3\2\2\2"+ + "\u3752\u3750\3\2\2\2\u3752\u3753\3\2\2\2\u3753\u06e9\3\2\2\2\u3754\u3755"+ + "\7\u0382\2\2\u3755\u3756\7\u04f8\2\2\u3756\u3757\5\66\34\2\u3757\u3758"+ + "\7\u04ff\2\2\u3758\u06eb\3\2\2\2\u3759\u375a\7\u037f\2\2\u375a\u375b\7"+ + "\u04f8\2\2\u375b\u375c\5\66\34\2\u375c\u375d\7\u04f2\2\2\u375d\u375e\5"+ + "\66\34\2\u375e\u375f\7\u04f2\2\2\u375f\u3760\5\66\34\2\u3760\u3761\7\u04f2"+ + "\2\2\u3761\u3764\5\66\34\2\u3762\u3763\7\u04f2\2\2\u3763\u3765\5\66\34"+ + 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"\5\u06d4\u036b\2\u3788\u378b\5\66\34\2\u3789\u378a\7G\2\2\u378a\u378c"+ + "\5\u0172\u00ba\2\u378b\u3789\3\2\2\2\u378b\u378c\3\2\2\2\u378c\u378f\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u378d\u378e\7\u0276\2\2\u378e\u3790\7\u0518\2\2\u378f\u378d\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u378f\u3790\3\2\2\2\u3790\u3793\3\2\2\2\u3791\u3792\7\u0399\2\2\u3792"+ + "\u3794\5\36\20\2\u3793\u3791\3\2\2\2\u3793\u3794\3\2\2\2\u3794\u379c\3"+ + "\2\2\2\u3795\u3796\7\u0261\2\2\u3796\u379d\7\u039a\2\2\u3797\u379d\7\u039a"+ + "\2\2\u3798\u3799\7\u039a\2\2\u3799\u379a\7\u00b5\2\2\u379a\u379b\7\u0504"+ + "\2\2\u379b\u379d\5\u019a\u00ce\2\u379c\u3795\3\2\2\2\u379c\u3797\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u379c\u3798\3\2\2\2\u379c\u379d\3\2\2\2\u379d\u37a2\3\2\2\2\u379e\u379f"+ + "\7<\2\2\u379f\u37a3\7=\2\2\u37a0\u37a1\7\u02d2\2\2\u37a1\u37a3\7=\2\2"+ + "\u37a2\u379e\3\2\2\2\u37a2\u37a0\3\2\2\2\u37a2\u37a3\3\2\2\2\u37a3\u37a4"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u37a4\u37a5\7\u04ff\2\2\u37a5\u06f5\3\2\2\2\u37a6\u37ad\5\u06fa"+ + "\u037e\2\u37a7\u37ad\5\u06fc\u037f\2\u37a8\u37ad\5\u06f8\u037d\2\u37a9"+ + "\u37ad\7\u0549\2\2\u37aa\u37ad\7\u052a\2\2\u37ab\u37ad\7\u0358\2\2\u37ac"+ + "\u37a6\3\2\2\2\u37ac\u37a7\3\2\2\2\u37ac\u37a8\3\2\2\2\u37ac\u37a9\3\2"+ + "\2\2\u37ac\u37aa\3\2\2\2\u37ac\u37ab\3\2\2\2\u37ad\u06f7\3\2\2\2\u37ae"+ + "\u37af\t\u0084\2\2\u37af\u06f9\3\2\2\2\u37b0\u37b1\t\u0085\2\2\u37b1\u06fb"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u37b2\u37b3\t\u0086\2\2\u37b3\u06fd\3\2\2\2\u37b4\u37b5\3\2\2"+ + "\2\u37b5\u06ff\3\2\2\2\u37b6\u37b7\5n8\2\u37b7\u37b8\7\2\2\3\u37b8\u0701"+ + "\3\2\2\2\u37b9\u37ba\5\6\4\2\u37ba\u37bb\7\2\2\3\u37bb\u0703\3\2\2\2\u063c"+ + "\u070e\u0710\u077a\u077f\u0787\u078f\u079a\u079e\u07a8\u07af\u07bf\u07c9"+ + "\u07cf\u07d4\u07dd\u07e2\u07e6\u07eb\u07ef\u07f7\u07fb\u07ff\u0802\u0807"+ + "\u0809\u080b\u080e\u0810\u0817\u0819\u081c\u0820\u0824\u0827\u0829\u082b"+ + "\u0830\u0834\u0838\u083a\u083e\u0840\u0846\u0849\u0850\u085a\u085d\u0865"+ + "\u0869\u0871\u087d\u0882\u0890\u0898\u08a9\u08b0\u08b9\u08bf\u08cb\u08d0"+ + "\u08d8\u08df\u08e7\u08ff\u0904\u091d\u0929\u092b\u0931\u0938\u093e\u0943"+ + "\u0968\u098f\u0995\u09a0\u09a5\u09cb\u09d1\u09d4\u09dc\u09e3\u09e7\u0a01"+ + "\u0a0c\u0a11\u0a14\u0a1b\u0a21\u0a2c\u0a32\u0a37\u0a3d\u0a42\u0a48\u0a4d"+ + "\u0a53\u0a55\u0a58\u0a5d\u0a6b\u0a75\u0a7d\u0a84\u0a92\u0a97\u0a9c\u0aa8"+ + "\u0ad9\u0ae5\u0af1\u0afd\u0b09\u0b15\u0b21\u0b2d\u0b39\u0b45\u0b56\u0bb4"+ + "\u0bb9\u0bc3\u0bcf\u0bdd\u0beb\u0bf9\u0c05\u0c11\u0c1f\u0c2d\u0c3b\u0c49"+ + "\u0c57\u0c65\u0c73\u0c81\u0c8f\u0ca1\u0cb3\u0cc5\u0cd7\u0ce9\u0cfb\u0d0d"+ + "\u0d1f\u0d30\u0d41\u0d4f\u0d5b\u0d6f\u0dbd\u0dcf\u0dd1\u0de7\u0de9\u0dee"+ + "\u0df1\u0df4\u0e01\u0e0c\u0e11\u0e1b\u0e25\u0e2a\u0e34\u0e41\u0e44\u0e67"+ + "\u0e80\u0e8e\u0ea0\u0ea8\u0eb0\u0eb8\u0ec0\u0ec5\u0ec8\u0ecb\u0ece\u0ed1"+ + "\u0ed8\u0edf\u0ee2\u0ee5\u0ee8\u0eeb\u0ef6\u0ef9\u0efc\u0eff\u0f02\u0f09"+ + "\u0f11\u0f19\u0f21\u0f29\u0f36\u0f43\u0f4b\u0f55\u0f5f\u0f69\u0f71\u0f79"+ + "\u0f83\u0f8d\u0f97\u0fa1\u0fab\u0fb5\u0fbf\u0fc9\u0fd3\u0fe0\u0fed\u0ffa"+ + "\u1007\u1014\u1021\u102f\u103d\u104b\u1059\u1067\u1075\u107f\u1087\u1097"+ + "\u10b6\u10bf\u10c9\u10d3\u10d5\u10d9\u10dc\u110e\u1113\u111a\u112e\u113c"+ + "\u1147\u1187\u118b\u1191\u119b\u11a7\u11ab\u11b2\u11b8\u11be\u11c2\u11cc"+ + "\u11d3\u11d9\u11de\u11ec\u11f3\u1204\u120d\u1210\u1212\u121a\u1220\u1227"+ + "\u1235\u1238\u123c\u1247\u1252\u1254\u1259\u1260\u1265\u126a\u126f\u1274"+ + "\u1279\u127e\u1283\u1288\u128d\u1292\u1297\u129a\u129f\u12a6\u12ab\u12b0"+ + "\u12b5\u12bd\u12c0\u12c7\u12cf\u12d4\u12d9\u12e3\u12e7\u12ed\u12f8\u1320"+ + "\u132a\u132c\u133b\u1344\u1349\u1350\u1355\u135a\u135e\u1362\u1367\u136c"+ + "\u1371\u1376\u137b\u1383\u138b\u1392\u1398\u139b\u13a3\u13ab\u13b2\u13b9"+ + "\u13bd\u13c4\u13db\u13e0\u13e3\u13e7\u13ed\u13f2\u13f9\u13fc\u1402\u1407"+ + "\u140a\u1412\u1417\u1420\u1425\u142c\u1434\u1438\u143b\u143f\u1444\u144e"+ + "\u1453\u145a\u1462\u1466\u1469\u146b\u1471\u1475\u147e\u1483\u148a\u1493"+ + "\u1497\u149d\u14a2\u14a5\u14aa\u14ad\u14b5\u14ba\u14bd\u14c7\u14cc\u14cf"+ + "\u14d9\u14de\u14e1\u14ed\u14ef\u14f3\u14f7\u14fb\u1500\u1504\u150b\u150d"+ + "\u1513\u151a\u151f\u1528\u154d\u1551\u1556\u1560\u1564\u1567\u1573\u1577"+ + "\u157a\u1580\u1583\u158c\u158f\u1595\u1598\u15a0\u15a6\u15a9\u15b0\u15b6"+ + "\u15b9\u15bb\u15c2\u15c8\u15cd\u15d0\u15d5\u15d9\u15e0\u15e3\u15e7\u15eb"+ + "\u15f2\u15f5\u15fa\u15fe\u1603\u1606\u160a\u160d\u1611\u1615\u161a\u161d"+ + "\u161f\u1623\u1628\u162d\u1630\u1634\u1638\u163f\u1642\u1647\u164b\u1652"+ + "\u1655\u165a\u165e\u1663\u1666\u1668\u166c\u1672\u1677\u167d\u167f\u1682"+ + "\u1686\u168a\u1695\u169d\u16a5\u16ac\u16b4\u16b6\u16b9\u16c0\u16c3\u16c6"+ + "\u16d0\u16d5\u16d7\u16e0\u16e7\u16ec\u16f5\u16f9\u16ff\u1705\u170e\u1718"+ + "\u171f\u1728\u172f\u1737\u173f\u174f\u1754\u1759\u1760\u1770\u1773\u177c"+ + "\u1784\u178a\u178e\u1790\u1794\u1797\u179b\u179e\u17a3\u17ac\u17b0\u17b4"+ + "\u17b6\u17bb\u17c2\u17c7\u17c9\u17cd\u17d1\u17d5\u17d9\u17db\u17df\u17e3"+ + "\u17ea\u17f0\u17fa\u1807\u180b\u180e\u1813\u1822\u1838\u1844\u1848\u184e"+ + "\u1856\u185b\u1863\u186c\u1878\u187b\u187f\u1886\u188d\u1894\u1897\u189b"+ + "\u18a2\u18a7\u18b3\u18b8\u18bd\u18c1\u18c5\u18cd\u18d2\u18d7\u18dc\u18e2"+ + "\u18e7\u18ec\u18f2\u18f7\u18fc\u1907\u190d\u1912\u191a\u1922\u1927\u192c"+ + "\u1931\u1936\u193b\u193e\u1942\u1946\u194b\u1955\u1959\u1961\u1964\u196a"+ + "\u1982\u1989\u1993\u199c\u19a9\u19ad\u19b3\u19b6\u19bf\u19c8\u19d3\u19d6"+ + "\u19e1\u1a01\u1a0b\u1a1b\u1a22\u1a2a\u1a31\u1a36\u1a3a\u1a3d\u1a40\u1a4b"+ + "\u1a53\u1a5d\u1a60\u1a63\u1a6c\u1a6f\u1a72\u1a74\u1a7f\u1a88\u1a8b\u1a8e"+ + "\u1a95\u1a98\u1a9b\u1a9d\u1aa2\u1aad\u1ab3\u1abe\u1ac8\u1ad3\u1adb\u1ae0"+ + "\u1ae9\u1aef\u1af3\u1b03\u1b0e\u1b14\u1b1a\u1b1c\u1b27\u1b2b\u1b32\u1b3e"+ + "\u1b47\u1b49\u1b4f\u1b59\u1b61\u1b67\u1b7e\u1b85\u1b8c\u1b94\u1b9a\u1ba1"+ + "\u1ba4\u1bb4\u1bb6\u1bb9\u1bc1\u1bc6\u1bca\u1bcc\u1bd0\u1bd2\u1bdd\u1bf5"+ + "\u1bfb\u1c00\u1c0b\u1c14\u1c17\u1c19\u1c1d\u1c24\u1c28\u1c2c\u1c30\u1c35"+ + "\u1c3a\u1c3f\u1c44\u1c47\u1c4e\u1c52\u1c58\u1c5d\u1c60\u1c65\u1c6a\u1c72"+ + "\u1c77\u1c85\u1c88\u1c8c\u1c93\u1cb9\u1cc4\u1cc9\u1cd6\u1cdb\u1cdf\u1ce2"+ + "\u1ce9\u1cf6\u1cfe\u1d03\u1d0b\u1d0f\u1d12\u1d16\u1d1b\u1d28\u1d2a\u1d38"+ + "\u1d3f\u1d46\u1d4c\u1d5f\u1d64\u1d69\u1d6f\u1d75\u1d7e\u1d82\u1d88\u1d8c"+ + "\u1d91\u1d95\u1d9b\u1da0\u1da6\u1dab\u1dae\u1db3\u1dbe\u1dc1\u1dc7\u1dcc"+ + "\u1dda\u1ddd\u1de3\u1de9\u1df0\u1df8\u1e00\u1e07\u1e0c\u1e12\u1e17\u1e1e"+ + "\u1e23\u1e29\u1e2e\u1e32\u1e34\u1e3a\u1e3d\u1e42\u1e45\u1e47\u1e4c\u1e67"+ + "\u1e6a\u1e6f\u1e74\u1e81\u1e84\u1e86\u1e89\u1e90\u1e96\u1e9d\u1ead\u1eb5"+ + "\u1eba\u1ebf\u1ecb\u1ed9\u1edd\u1eea\u1eef\u1efa\u1f05\u1f09\u1f0d\u1f13"+ + "\u1f17\u1f1b\u1f1d\u1f21\u1f2d\u1f32\u1f3a\u1f3f\u1f44\u1f47\u1f4a\u1f52"+ + "\u1f56\u1f5a\u1f67\u1f6d\u1f74\u1f79\u1f7e\u1f82\u1f8d\u1fa0\u1fa4\u1faf"+ + "\u1fc4\u1fc8\u1fd3\u1fd7\u1fea\u1fec\u1ff6\u1ff9\u1ffd\u2003\u2009\u200e"+ + "\u201b\u2027\u202a\u202f\u2032\u2039\u203d\u2049\u2054\u205b\u2065\u206b"+ + "\u2070\u2073\u2077\u207a\u2080\u2085\u2089\u208e\u2093\u2096\u209c\u20a3"+ + "\u20a8\u20b3\u20ba\u20c1\u20c7\u20d1\u20d3\u2154\u215b\u2162\u2169\u2170"+ + "\u2177\u217e\u2185\u218c\u21ad\u21d2\u21d8\u21f0\u21f7\u21f9\u2207\u2210"+ + "\u2214\u2218\u2220\u2224\u222d\u2236\u2249\u2257\u225f\u2263\u226d\u2278"+ + "\u227b\u2282\u228a\u228c\u228f\u2292\u2299\u22a3\u22a8\u22ac\u22b7\u22bb"+ + "\u22bf\u22c3\u22c6\u22ca\u22cd\u22cf\u22d6\u22da\u22e0\u22e2\u22e5\u22e8"+ + "\u22ec\u22f2\u22f4\u22f7\u22fd\u22ff\u2317\u2324\u232d\u2334\u233b\u2341"+ + "\u2343\u234c\u2358\u235f\u2361\u2368\u2374\u237a\u237e\u2383\u2387\u238a"+ + "\u238c\u2390\u2394\u239b\u239d\u23a1\u23a8\u23ac\u23b3\u23b5\u23c0\u23c3"+ + "\u23cb\u23ce\u23d1\u23d8\u23db\u23de\u23e0\u23ec\u23f1\u23f8\u2406\u240b"+ + "\u2412\u2414\u241a\u2422\u242a\u242e\u2436\u243e\u2448\u2450\u2455\u245b"+ + "\u2465\u2467\u246d\u2477\u2483\u2485\u248a\u248d\u2496\u24a1\u24aa\u24b7"+ + "\u24bb\u24e9\u24eb\u24f1\u24f3\u24fd\u2500\u2505\u250b\u2512\u251a\u2520"+ + "\u2523\u2534\u253f\u2546\u255a\u2565\u256c\u2580\u258b\u2592\u2599\u25aa"+ + "\u25b5\u25b7\u25c6\u25d2\u25d4\u25db\u25e7\u25ee\u25f3\u25f8\u25fa\u2602"+ + "\u2609\u2611\u2616\u2620\u2629\u2633\u26af\u26b8\u26be\u26c6\u26d0\u26d8"+ + "\u26e2\u26e6\u26f1\u2714\u2720\u272f\u273b\u2747\u274a\u274e\u275b\u2765"+ + "\u276c\u2776\u277c\u2781\u2787\u278e\u2793\u2799\u279b\u27a1\u27a4\u27b2"+ + "\u27cb\u27d5\u27e1\u27f2\u27f6\u27fe\u2805\u280f\u2819\u281b\u2824\u2828"+ + "\u282d\u2834\u283a\u283d\u2841\u2846\u284b\u2853\u285a\u2866\u2878\u2894"+ + "\u289b\u28b2\u28b9\u28be\u28c3\u28c7\u28cc\u28d6\u28dc\u28e7\u28ed\u28ef"+ + "\u28fa\u28fe\u2903\u290d\u2912\u2917\u291d\u292a\u292d\u2933\u2938\u2942"+ + "\u2950\u2955\u2960\u296e\u2972\u2975\u2979\u298b\u298d\u2991\u2994\u2998"+ + "\u299b\u299f\u29a3\u29a8\u29aa\u29ae\u29b1\u29ba\u29cb\u29d2\u29e4\u29ed"+ + "\u29f2\u29f6\u29f9\u29fc\u2a06\u2a0a\u2a0c\u2a0f\u2a18\u2a1a\u2a22\u2a2c"+ + "\u2a30\u2a39\u2a40\u2a44\u2a47\u2a4a\u2a4d\u2a53\u2a57\u2a5d\u2a60\u2a63"+ + "\u2a69\u2a6f\u2a7b\u2a7f\u2a87\u2a8b\u2a93\u2a9a\u2aa2\u2aad\u2ab1\u2ab9"+ + "\u2ac1\u2ac8\u2ad1\u2ad5\u2adb\u2add\u2af7\u2afc\u2b02\u2b05\u2b08\u2b16"+ + "\u2b24\u2b2e\u2b36\u2b3c\u2b41\u2b4e\u2b56\u2b5b\u2b67\u2b73\u2b7a\u2b86"+ + "\u2b8a\u2b93\u2b98\u2ba2\u2ba6\u2bc2\u2bc6\u2be6\u2beb\u2bf2\u2bf7\u2c00"+ + "\u2c0a\u2c12\u2c20\u2c52\u2c59\u2c69\u2c6f\u2c75\u2c7a\u2c85\u2c90\u2c98"+ + "\u2ca0\u2cb7\u2cba\u2cbd\u2cc1\u2cc6\u2cdc\u2cf0\u2cfe\u2d09\u2d14\u2d24"+ + "\u2d2b\u2d35\u2d37\u2d3b\u2d47\u2d4b\u2d55\u2d57\u2d5e\u2d60\u2d67\u2d6e"+ + "\u2d76\u2d79\u2d80\u2d86\u2d8b\u2d90\u2d94\u2d9b\u2da1\u2da6\u2daa\u2dae"+ + "\u2db4\u2dba\u2dbe\u2dc8\u2dcc\u2dd2\u2dd8\u2ddf\u2de4\u2dec\u2df5\u2df8"+ + "\u2dff\u2e06\u2e0e\u2e11\u2e14\u2e23\u2e26\u2e3f\u2e4b\u2e4e\u2e51\u2e5a"+ + "\u2e5f\u2e63\u2e6a\u2e71\u2e7d\u2e85\u2e9a\u2e9f\u2eb0\u2eb8\u2ebb\u2ec4"+ + "\u2eca\u2ed3\u2ed9\u2ee3\u2ee9\u2ef4\u2efa\u2f04\u2f0c\u2f17\u2f1f\u2f29"+ + "\u2f2e\u2f36\u2f3c\u2f42\u2f4c\u2f5e\u2f64\u2f70\u2f76\u2f7c\u2f82\u2f8e"+ + "\u2f95\u2f9d\u2fb2\u2fbb\u2fc7\u2fd1\u2fd6\u2fdc\u2ff3\u2ff8\u3008\u300d"+ + "\u3014\u301a\u301d\u3026\u302d\u3030\u3039\u303e\u3045\u3048\u3051\u3056"+ + "\u305d\u3060\u3068\u306c\u3075\u3079\u3086\u309a\u30ca\u30d1\u30d5\u30dc"+ + "\u30e1\u30e8\u30f4\u30fc\u3104\u310d\u3116\u311b\u3122\u3127\u312c\u3131"+ + "\u3137\u313c\u3140\u3144\u3149\u314c\u3153\u3159\u315c\u3160\u3165\u3169"+ + "\u316f\u3173\u3178\u317d\u3180\u3185\u318c\u3193\u3199\u31a2\u31a6\u31a8"+ + "\u31ae\u31b2\u31b6\u31bc\u31c4\u31ca\u31d4\u31da\u31e0\u31e6\u31ed\u31f2"+ + "\u31f9\u31fe\u3203\u3208\u320d\u3212\u3217\u321a\u323c\u3244\u324c\u3257"+ + "\u3269\u327e\u3283\u328a\u32a4\u32a9\u32b0\u32b5\u32c1\u32c5\u32ca\u32ce"+ + "\u32d8\u32dd\u32e7\u32e9\u32ee\u32f1\u32f5\u32ff\u3307\u330a\u330d\u3316"+ + "\u3321\u3327\u3330\u3336\u333b\u3341\u3347\u3349\u3350\u335e\u3363\u3369"+ + "\u3374\u337a\u3380\u3388\u3391\u3399\u339f\u33a4\u33a8\u33b2\u33b6\u33ba"+ + "\u33c2\u33ca\u33ce\u33d7\u33da\u33dd\u33e2\u33e6\u33eb\u33ee\u33f6\u33fe"+ + "\u3402\u3405\u3408\u3413\u3419\u3425\u3428\u342b\u3433\u344e\u3453\u3459"+ + "\u3460\u3463\u3468\u346f\u3479\u3481\u3485\u348b\u3493\u349c\u34a6\u34ae"+ + "\u34b5\u34b8\u34bf\u34ca\u34cd\u34e0\u34e3\u34e6\u34e9\u34ec\u34ef\u34f2"+ + "\u34f5\u3510\u352a\u352f\u3533\u3542\u3547\u3550\u3553\u3556\u3559\u355c"+ + "\u356e\u3573\u357f\u3587\u3590\u3596\u359e\u35a1\u35a4\u35a9\u35ac\u35af"+ + "\u35bf\u35c6\u35cd\u35d0\u35db\u35e3\u35f1\u35f6\u35fa\u35fd\u3600\u3607"+ + "\u360a\u360d\u3610\u3613\u3616\u361b\u361e\u3621\u3624\u3627\u3629\u362e"+ + "\u3631\u3634\u3637\u3643\u3649\u364c\u3653\u3659\u365e\u3663\u366b\u366e"+ + "\u3674\u3688\u368b\u3691\u3694\u3697\u369c\u369f\u36a2\u36a5\u36a7\u36ab"+ + "\u36b2\u36b8\u36bc\u36c5\u36c7\u36d9\u36e0\u36ea\u36f7\u3702\u3707\u370a"+ + "\u370f\u3719\u371d\u3722\u3729\u3730\u3732\u3737\u373a\u373e\u3740\u3748"+ + "\u3752\u3764\u376f\u377a\u378b\u378f\u3793\u379c\u37a2\u37ac"; + public static final String _serializedATN = Utils.join( + new String[] { + _serializedATNSegment0, + _serializedATNSegment1, + _serializedATNSegment2, + _serializedATNSegment3, + _serializedATNSegment4, + _serializedATNSegment5 + }, + "" + ); + public static final ATN _ATN = + new ATNDeserializer().deserialize(_serializedATN.toCharArray()); + static { + _decisionToDFA = new DFA[_ATN.getNumberOfDecisions()]; + for (int i = 0; i < _ATN.getNumberOfDecisions(); i++) { + _decisionToDFA[i] = new DFA(_ATN.getDecisionState(i), i); + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9617ced4dd --- /dev/null +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ @@ -0,0 +1,10802 @@ +// Generated from OBParser.g4 by ANTLR 4.9.1 + +import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext; +import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ErrorNode; +import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.TerminalNode; + +/** + * This class provides an empty implementation of {@link OBParserListener}, + * which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset + * of the available methods. + */ +public class OBParserBaseListener implements OBParserListener { + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSql_stmt(OBParser.Sql_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSql_stmt(OBParser.Sql_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterStmt_list(OBParser.Stmt_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitStmt_list(OBParser.Stmt_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterStmt(OBParser.StmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitStmt(OBParser.StmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_package_stmt(OBParser.Drop_package_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_package_stmt(OBParser.Drop_package_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_procedure_stmt(OBParser.Drop_procedure_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_procedure_stmt(OBParser.Drop_procedure_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_function_stmt(OBParser.Drop_function_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_function_stmt(OBParser.Drop_function_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_trigger_stmt(OBParser.Drop_trigger_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_trigger_stmt(OBParser.Drop_trigger_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_type_stmt(OBParser.Drop_type_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_type_stmt(OBParser.Drop_type_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPl_expr_stmt(OBParser.Pl_expr_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPl_expr_stmt(OBParser.Pl_expr_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterExpr_list(OBParser.Expr_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitExpr_list(OBParser.Expr_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterColumn_ref(OBParser.Column_refContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitColumn_ref(OBParser.Column_refContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOracle_pl_non_reserved_words(OBParser.Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOracle_pl_non_reserved_words(OBParser.Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterComplex_string_literal(OBParser.Complex_string_literalContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitComplex_string_literal(OBParser.Complex_string_literalContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJs_literal(OBParser.Js_literalContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJs_literal(OBParser.Js_literalContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLiteral(OBParser.LiteralContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLiteral(OBParser.LiteralContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterNumber_literal(OBParser.Number_literalContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitNumber_literal(OBParser.Number_literalContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterExpr_const(OBParser.Expr_constContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitExpr_const(OBParser.Expr_constContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterConf_const(OBParser.Conf_constContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitConf_const(OBParser.Conf_constContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterBool_pri(OBParser.Bool_priContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitBool_pri(OBParser.Bool_priContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterIs_json_constrain(OBParser.Is_json_constrainContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitIs_json_constrain(OBParser.Is_json_constrainContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterStrict_opt(OBParser.Strict_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitStrict_opt(OBParser.Strict_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterScalars_opt(OBParser.Scalars_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitScalars_opt(OBParser.Scalars_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUnique_keys_opt(OBParser.Unique_keys_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUnique_keys_opt(OBParser.Unique_keys_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_equal_option(OBParser.Json_equal_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_equal_option(OBParser.Json_equal_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPredicate(OBParser.PredicateContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPredicate(OBParser.PredicateContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCollection_predicate_expr(OBParser.Collection_predicate_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCollection_predicate_expr(OBParser.Collection_predicate_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterBit_expr(OBParser.Bit_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitBit_expr(OBParser.Bit_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterConf_expr(OBParser.Conf_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitConf_expr(OBParser.Conf_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterIs_nan_inf_value(OBParser.Is_nan_inf_valueContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitIs_nan_inf_value(OBParser.Is_nan_inf_valueContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUnary_expr(OBParser.Unary_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUnary_expr(OBParser.Unary_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSimple_expr(OBParser.Simple_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSimple_expr(OBParser.Simple_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_function(OBParser.Json_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_function(OBParser.Json_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterGis_function(OBParser.Gis_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitGis_function(OBParser.Gis_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSpatial_cellid_expr(OBParser.Spatial_cellid_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSpatial_cellid_expr(OBParser.Spatial_cellid_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSpatial_mbr_expr(OBParser.Spatial_mbr_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSpatial_mbr_expr(OBParser.Spatial_mbr_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSdo_relate_expr(OBParser.Sdo_relate_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSdo_relate_expr(OBParser.Sdo_relate_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCommon_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Common_cursor_attributeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCommon_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Common_cursor_attributeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterImplicit_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Implicit_cursor_attributeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitImplicit_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Implicit_cursor_attributeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterExplicit_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Explicit_cursor_attributeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitExplicit_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Explicit_cursor_attributeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCursor_attribute_expr(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCursor_attribute_expr(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterObj_access_ref(OBParser.Obj_access_refContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitObj_access_ref(OBParser.Obj_access_refContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDot_notation_path(OBParser.Dot_notation_pathContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDot_notation_path(OBParser.Dot_notation_pathContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDot_notation_path_obj_access_ref(OBParser.Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDot_notation_path_obj_access_ref(OBParser.Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPath_param_array(OBParser.Path_param_arrayContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPath_param_array(OBParser.Path_param_arrayContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPath_param_list(OBParser.Path_param_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPath_param_list(OBParser.Path_param_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPath_param(OBParser.Path_paramContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPath_param(OBParser.Path_paramContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDot_notation_fun_sys(OBParser.Dot_notation_fun_sysContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDot_notation_fun_sys(OBParser.Dot_notation_fun_sysContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDot_notation_fun(OBParser.Dot_notation_funContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDot_notation_fun(OBParser.Dot_notation_funContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterObj_access_ref_normal(OBParser.Obj_access_ref_normalContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitObj_access_ref_normal(OBParser.Obj_access_ref_normalContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFunc_access_ref(OBParser.Func_access_refContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFunc_access_ref(OBParser.Func_access_refContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTable_element_access_list(OBParser.Table_element_access_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTable_element_access_list(OBParser.Table_element_access_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTable_index(OBParser.Table_indexContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTable_index(OBParser.Table_indexContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterExpr(OBParser.ExprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitExpr(OBParser.ExprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterNot(OBParser.NotContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitNot(OBParser.NotContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSub_query_flag(OBParser.Sub_query_flagContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSub_query_flag(OBParser.Sub_query_flagContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterIn_expr(OBParser.In_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitIn_expr(OBParser.In_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCase_expr(OBParser.Case_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCase_expr(OBParser.Case_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterWindow_function(OBParser.Window_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitWindow_function(OBParser.Window_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFirst_or_last(OBParser.First_or_lastContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFirst_or_last(OBParser.First_or_lastContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRespect_or_ignore(OBParser.Respect_or_ignoreContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRespect_or_ignore(OBParser.Respect_or_ignoreContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterWin_fun_first_last_params(OBParser.Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitWin_fun_first_last_params(OBParser.Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterWin_fun_lead_lag_params(OBParser.Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitWin_fun_lead_lag_params(OBParser.Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterGeneralized_window_clause(OBParser.Generalized_window_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitGeneralized_window_clause(OBParser.Generalized_window_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterWin_rows_or_range(OBParser.Win_rows_or_rangeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitWin_rows_or_range(OBParser.Win_rows_or_rangeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterWin_preceding_or_following(OBParser.Win_preceding_or_followingContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitWin_preceding_or_following(OBParser.Win_preceding_or_followingContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterWin_interval(OBParser.Win_intervalContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitWin_interval(OBParser.Win_intervalContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterWin_bounding(OBParser.Win_boundingContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitWin_bounding(OBParser.Win_boundingContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterWin_window(OBParser.Win_windowContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitWin_window(OBParser.Win_windowContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSimple_when_clause_list(OBParser.Simple_when_clause_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSimple_when_clause_list(OBParser.Simple_when_clause_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSimple_when_clause(OBParser.Simple_when_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSimple_when_clause(OBParser.Simple_when_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterBool_when_clause_list(OBParser.Bool_when_clause_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitBool_when_clause_list(OBParser.Bool_when_clause_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterBool_when_clause(OBParser.Bool_when_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitBool_when_clause(OBParser.Bool_when_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCase_default(OBParser.Case_defaultContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCase_default(OBParser.Case_defaultContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSql_function(OBParser.Sql_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSql_function(OBParser.Sql_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXml_function(OBParser.Xml_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXml_function(OBParser.Xml_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSingle_row_function(OBParser.Single_row_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSingle_row_function(OBParser.Single_row_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterNumeric_function(OBParser.Numeric_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitNumeric_function(OBParser.Numeric_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCharacter_function(OBParser.Character_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCharacter_function(OBParser.Character_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTranslate_charset(OBParser.Translate_charsetContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTranslate_charset(OBParser.Translate_charsetContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterExtract_function(OBParser.Extract_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitExtract_function(OBParser.Extract_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterConversion_function(OBParser.Conversion_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitConversion_function(OBParser.Conversion_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterHierarchical_function(OBParser.Hierarchical_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitHierarchical_function(OBParser.Hierarchical_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterEnvironment_id_function(OBParser.Environment_id_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitEnvironment_id_function(OBParser.Environment_id_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAggregate_function(OBParser.Aggregate_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAggregate_function(OBParser.Aggregate_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJs_agg_on_null(OBParser.Js_agg_on_nullContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJs_agg_on_null(OBParser.Js_agg_on_nullContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJs_agg_returning_type_opt(OBParser.Js_agg_returning_type_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJs_agg_returning_type_opt(OBParser.Js_agg_returning_type_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJs_agg_returning_type(OBParser.Js_agg_returning_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJs_agg_returning_type(OBParser.Js_agg_returning_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSpecial_func_expr(OBParser.Special_func_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSpecial_func_expr(OBParser.Special_func_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAccess_func_expr_count(OBParser.Access_func_expr_countContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAccess_func_expr_count(OBParser.Access_func_expr_countContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAccess_func_expr(OBParser.Access_func_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAccess_func_expr(OBParser.Access_func_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDblink_func_expr(OBParser.Dblink_func_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDblink_func_expr(OBParser.Dblink_func_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFunc_param_list(OBParser.Func_param_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFunc_param_list(OBParser.Func_param_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFunc_param(OBParser.Func_paramContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFunc_param(OBParser.Func_paramContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFunc_param_with_assign(OBParser.Func_param_with_assignContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFunc_param_with_assign(OBParser.Func_param_with_assignContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPl_var_name(OBParser.Pl_var_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPl_var_name(OBParser.Pl_var_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterBool_pri_in_pl_func(OBParser.Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitBool_pri_in_pl_func(OBParser.Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCur_timestamp_func(OBParser.Cur_timestamp_funcContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCur_timestamp_func(OBParser.Cur_timestamp_funcContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUpdating_func(OBParser.Updating_funcContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUpdating_func(OBParser.Updating_funcContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUpdating_params(OBParser.Updating_paramsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUpdating_params(OBParser.Updating_paramsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSubstr_params(OBParser.Substr_paramsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSubstr_params(OBParser.Substr_paramsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterReturning_log_error_clause(OBParser.Returning_log_error_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitReturning_log_error_clause(OBParser.Returning_log_error_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterReturning_clause(OBParser.Returning_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitReturning_clause(OBParser.Returning_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLog_error_clause(OBParser.Log_error_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLog_error_clause(OBParser.Log_error_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDelete_stmt(OBParser.Delete_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDelete_stmt(OBParser.Delete_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUpdate_stmt(OBParser.Update_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUpdate_stmt(OBParser.Update_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUpdate_asgn_list(OBParser.Update_asgn_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUpdate_asgn_list(OBParser.Update_asgn_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterNormal_asgn_list(OBParser.Normal_asgn_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitNormal_asgn_list(OBParser.Normal_asgn_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUpdate_asgn_factor(OBParser.Update_asgn_factorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUpdate_asgn_factor(OBParser.Update_asgn_factorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_resource_stmt(OBParser.Create_resource_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_resource_stmt(OBParser.Create_resource_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_resource_unit_option_list(OBParser.Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_resource_unit_option_list(OBParser.Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterResource_unit_option(OBParser.Resource_unit_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitResource_unit_option(OBParser.Resource_unit_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_create_resource_pool_option_list(OBParser.Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_create_resource_pool_option_list(OBParser.Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_resource_pool_option(OBParser.Create_resource_pool_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_resource_pool_option(OBParser.Create_resource_pool_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_resource_pool_option_list(OBParser.Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_resource_pool_option_list(OBParser.Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterId_list(OBParser.Id_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitId_list(OBParser.Id_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_resource_pool_option(OBParser.Alter_resource_pool_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_resource_pool_option(OBParser.Alter_resource_pool_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_resource_stmt(OBParser.Alter_resource_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_resource_stmt(OBParser.Alter_resource_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_resource_stmt(OBParser.Drop_resource_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_resource_stmt(OBParser.Drop_resource_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Create_tenant_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Create_tenant_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_tenant_option_list(OBParser.Opt_tenant_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_tenant_option_list(OBParser.Opt_tenant_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTenant_option(OBParser.Tenant_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTenant_option(OBParser.Tenant_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterZone_list(OBParser.Zone_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitZone_list(OBParser.Zone_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterResource_pool_list(OBParser.Resource_pool_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitResource_pool_list(OBParser.Resource_pool_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tenant_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tenant_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tenant_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tenant_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_restore_point_stmt(OBParser.Create_restore_point_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_restore_point_stmt(OBParser.Create_restore_point_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_restore_point_stmt(OBParser.Drop_restore_point_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_restore_point_stmt(OBParser.Drop_restore_point_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDatabase_key(OBParser.Database_keyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDatabase_key(OBParser.Database_keyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDatabase_factor(OBParser.Database_factorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDatabase_factor(OBParser.Database_factorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDatabase_option_list(OBParser.Database_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDatabase_option_list(OBParser.Database_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCharset_key(OBParser.Charset_keyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCharset_key(OBParser.Charset_keyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDatabase_option(OBParser.Database_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDatabase_option(OBParser.Database_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRead_only_or_write(OBParser.Read_only_or_writeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRead_only_or_write(OBParser.Read_only_or_writeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_database_stmt(OBParser.Alter_database_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_database_stmt(OBParser.Alter_database_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDatabase_name(OBParser.Database_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDatabase_name(OBParser.Database_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLoad_data_stmt(OBParser.Load_data_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLoad_data_stmt(OBParser.Load_data_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLoad_data_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Load_data_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLoad_data_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Load_data_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCompression_name(OBParser.Compression_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCompression_name(OBParser.Compression_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLines_or_rows(OBParser.Lines_or_rowsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLines_or_rows(OBParser.Lines_or_rowsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterField_or_vars_list(OBParser.Field_or_vars_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitField_or_vars_list(OBParser.Field_or_vars_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterField_or_vars(OBParser.Field_or_varsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitField_or_vars(OBParser.Field_or_varsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLoad_set_list(OBParser.Load_set_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLoad_set_list(OBParser.Load_set_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLoad_set_element(OBParser.Load_set_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLoad_set_element(OBParser.Load_set_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLoad_data_extended_option_list(OBParser.Load_data_extended_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLoad_data_extended_option_list(OBParser.Load_data_extended_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLoad_data_extended_option(OBParser.Load_data_extended_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLoad_data_extended_option(OBParser.Load_data_extended_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_synonym_stmt(OBParser.Create_synonym_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_synonym_stmt(OBParser.Create_synonym_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSynonym_name(OBParser.Synonym_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSynonym_name(OBParser.Synonym_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSynonym_object(OBParser.Synonym_objectContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSynonym_object(OBParser.Synonym_objectContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_synonym_stmt(OBParser.Drop_synonym_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_synonym_stmt(OBParser.Drop_synonym_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSpecial_table_type(OBParser.Special_table_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSpecial_table_type(OBParser.Special_table_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOn_commit_option(OBParser.On_commit_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOn_commit_option(OBParser.On_commit_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_directory_stmt(OBParser.Create_directory_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_directory_stmt(OBParser.Create_directory_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDirectory_name(OBParser.Directory_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDirectory_name(OBParser.Directory_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDirectory_path(OBParser.Directory_pathContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDirectory_path(OBParser.Directory_pathContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_directory_stmt(OBParser.Drop_directory_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_directory_stmt(OBParser.Drop_directory_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_keystore_stmt(OBParser.Create_keystore_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_keystore_stmt(OBParser.Create_keystore_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_keystore_stmt(OBParser.Alter_keystore_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_keystore_stmt(OBParser.Alter_keystore_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_table_stmt(OBParser.Create_table_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_table_stmt(OBParser.Create_table_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTable_element_list(OBParser.Table_element_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTable_element_list(OBParser.Table_element_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTable_element(OBParser.Table_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTable_element(OBParser.Table_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterColumn_definition(OBParser.Column_definitionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitColumn_definition(OBParser.Column_definitionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterColumn_definition_opt_datatype(OBParser.Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitColumn_definition_opt_datatype(OBParser.Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOut_of_line_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_indexContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOut_of_line_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_indexContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOut_of_line_constraint(OBParser.Out_of_line_constraintContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOut_of_line_constraint(OBParser.Out_of_line_constraintContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOut_of_line_primary_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_primary_indexContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOut_of_line_primary_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_primary_indexContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOut_of_line_unique_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_unique_indexContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOut_of_line_unique_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_unique_indexContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOut_of_line_index_state(OBParser.Out_of_line_index_stateContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOut_of_line_index_state(OBParser.Out_of_line_index_stateContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterConstraint_state(OBParser.Constraint_stateContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitConstraint_state(OBParser.Constraint_stateContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterEnable_option(OBParser.Enable_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitEnable_option(OBParser.Enable_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterReferences_clause(OBParser.References_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitReferences_clause(OBParser.References_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterReference_option(OBParser.Reference_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitReference_option(OBParser.Reference_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterReference_action(OBParser.Reference_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitReference_action(OBParser.Reference_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_generated_option_list(OBParser.Opt_generated_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_generated_option_list(OBParser.Opt_generated_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_generated_identity_option(OBParser.Opt_generated_identity_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_generated_identity_option(OBParser.Opt_generated_identity_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_generated_column_attribute_list(OBParser.Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_generated_column_attribute_list(OBParser.Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterGenerated_column_attribute(OBParser.Generated_column_attributeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitGenerated_column_attribute(OBParser.Generated_column_attributeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_identity_attribute(OBParser.Opt_identity_attributeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_identity_attribute(OBParser.Opt_identity_attributeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterColumn_definition_ref(OBParser.Column_definition_refContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitColumn_definition_ref(OBParser.Column_definition_refContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterColumn_definition_list(OBParser.Column_definition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitColumn_definition_list(OBParser.Column_definition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterColumn_definition_opt_datatype_list(OBParser.Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitColumn_definition_opt_datatype_list(OBParser.Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterColumn_name_list(OBParser.Column_name_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitColumn_name_list(OBParser.Column_name_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterZero_suffix_intnum(OBParser.Zero_suffix_intnumContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitZero_suffix_intnum(OBParser.Zero_suffix_intnumContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCast_data_type(OBParser.Cast_data_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCast_data_type(OBParser.Cast_data_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTreat_data_type(OBParser.Treat_data_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTreat_data_type(OBParser.Treat_data_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterObj_access_ref_cast(OBParser.Obj_access_ref_castContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitObj_access_ref_cast(OBParser.Obj_access_ref_castContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterValue_or_type_name(OBParser.Value_or_type_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitValue_or_type_name(OBParser.Value_or_type_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUdt_type_i(OBParser.Udt_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUdt_type_i(OBParser.Udt_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterType_name(OBParser.Type_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitType_name(OBParser.Type_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterData_type(OBParser.Data_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitData_type(OBParser.Data_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterBinary_type_i(OBParser.Binary_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitBinary_type_i(OBParser.Binary_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFloat_type_i(OBParser.Float_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFloat_type_i(OBParser.Float_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCharacter_type_i(OBParser.Character_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCharacter_type_i(OBParser.Character_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRowid_type_i(OBParser.Rowid_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRowid_type_i(OBParser.Rowid_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterInterval_type_i(OBParser.Interval_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitInterval_type_i(OBParser.Interval_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterNumber_type_i(OBParser.Number_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitNumber_type_i(OBParser.Number_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTimestamp_type_i(OBParser.Timestamp_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTimestamp_type_i(OBParser.Timestamp_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterData_type_precision(OBParser.Data_type_precisionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitData_type_precision(OBParser.Data_type_precisionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterInt_type_i(OBParser.Int_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitInt_type_i(OBParser.Int_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterVarchar_type_i(OBParser.Varchar_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitVarchar_type_i(OBParser.Varchar_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDouble_type_i(OBParser.Double_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDouble_type_i(OBParser.Double_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDatetime_type_i(OBParser.Datetime_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDatetime_type_i(OBParser.Datetime_type_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterNumber_precision(OBParser.Number_precisionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitNumber_precision(OBParser.Number_precisionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSigned_int_num(OBParser.Signed_int_numContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSigned_int_num(OBParser.Signed_int_numContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPrecision_int_num(OBParser.Precision_int_numContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPrecision_int_num(OBParser.Precision_int_numContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPrecision_decimal_num(OBParser.Precision_decimal_numContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPrecision_decimal_num(OBParser.Precision_decimal_numContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterNstring_length_i(OBParser.Nstring_length_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitNstring_length_i(OBParser.Nstring_length_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterString_length_i(OBParser.String_length_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitString_length_i(OBParser.String_length_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUrowid_length_i(OBParser.Urowid_length_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUrowid_length_i(OBParser.Urowid_length_iContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCollation_name(OBParser.Collation_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCollation_name(OBParser.Collation_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTrans_param_name(OBParser.Trans_param_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTrans_param_name(OBParser.Trans_param_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTrans_param_value(OBParser.Trans_param_valueContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTrans_param_value(OBParser.Trans_param_valueContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDblink_info_param_name(OBParser.Dblink_info_param_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDblink_info_param_name(OBParser.Dblink_info_param_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDblink_info_param_value(OBParser.Dblink_info_param_valueContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDblink_info_param_value(OBParser.Dblink_info_param_valueContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCharset_name(OBParser.Charset_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCharset_name(OBParser.Charset_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCharset_name_or_default(OBParser.Charset_name_or_defaultContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCharset_name_or_default(OBParser.Charset_name_or_defaultContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCollation(OBParser.CollationContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCollation(OBParser.CollationContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_column_attribute_list(OBParser.Opt_column_attribute_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_column_attribute_list(OBParser.Opt_column_attribute_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterColumn_attribute(OBParser.Column_attributeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitColumn_attribute(OBParser.Column_attributeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterNow_or_signed_literal(OBParser.Now_or_signed_literalContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitNow_or_signed_literal(OBParser.Now_or_signed_literalContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCur_timestamp_func_params(OBParser.Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCur_timestamp_func_params(OBParser.Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSigned_literal_params(OBParser.Signed_literal_paramsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSigned_literal_params(OBParser.Signed_literal_paramsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSigned_literal(OBParser.Signed_literalContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSigned_literal(OBParser.Signed_literalContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_comma(OBParser.Opt_commaContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_comma(OBParser.Opt_commaContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTable_option_list_space_seperated(OBParser.Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTable_option_list_space_seperated(OBParser.Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTable_option_list(OBParser.Table_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTable_option_list(OBParser.Table_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPrimary_zone_name(OBParser.Primary_zone_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPrimary_zone_name(OBParser.Primary_zone_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLocality_name(OBParser.Locality_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLocality_name(OBParser.Locality_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTable_option(OBParser.Table_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTable_option(OBParser.Table_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterParallel_option(OBParser.Parallel_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitParallel_option(OBParser.Parallel_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterStorage_options_list(OBParser.Storage_options_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitStorage_options_list(OBParser.Storage_options_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterStorage_option(OBParser.Storage_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitStorage_option(OBParser.Storage_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSize_option(OBParser.Size_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSize_option(OBParser.Size_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterInt_or_unlimited(OBParser.Int_or_unlimitedContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitInt_or_unlimited(OBParser.Int_or_unlimitedContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUnit_of_size(OBParser.Unit_of_sizeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUnit_of_size(OBParser.Unit_of_sizeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRelation_name_or_string(OBParser.Relation_name_or_stringContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRelation_name_or_string(OBParser.Relation_name_or_stringContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_equal_mark(OBParser.Opt_equal_markContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_equal_mark(OBParser.Opt_equal_markContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPartition_option_inner(OBParser.Partition_option_innerContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPartition_option_inner(OBParser.Partition_option_innerContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterExternal_table_partition_option(OBParser.External_table_partition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitExternal_table_partition_option(OBParser.External_table_partition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAuto_partition_option(OBParser.Auto_partition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAuto_partition_option(OBParser.Auto_partition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterColumn_group_element(OBParser.Column_group_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitColumn_group_element(OBParser.Column_group_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterColumn_group_list(OBParser.Column_group_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitColumn_group_list(OBParser.Column_group_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterWith_column_group(OBParser.With_column_groupContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitWith_column_group(OBParser.With_column_groupContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPartition_size(OBParser.Partition_sizeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPartition_size(OBParser.Partition_sizeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAuto_partition_type(OBParser.Auto_partition_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAuto_partition_type(OBParser.Auto_partition_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAuto_range_type(OBParser.Auto_range_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAuto_range_type(OBParser.Auto_range_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPartition_option(OBParser.Partition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPartition_option(OBParser.Partition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterHash_partition_option(OBParser.Hash_partition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitHash_partition_option(OBParser.Hash_partition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterHash_partition_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitHash_partition_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterList_partition_option(OBParser.List_partition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitList_partition_option(OBParser.List_partition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRange_partition_option(OBParser.Range_partition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRange_partition_option(OBParser.Range_partition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterInterval_option(OBParser.Interval_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitInterval_option(OBParser.Interval_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSubpartition_option(OBParser.Subpartition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSubpartition_option(OBParser.Subpartition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSubpartition_template_option(OBParser.Subpartition_template_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSubpartition_template_option(OBParser.Subpartition_template_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSubpartition_individual_option(OBParser.Subpartition_individual_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSubpartition_individual_option(OBParser.Subpartition_individual_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAux_column_list(OBParser.Aux_column_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAux_column_list(OBParser.Aux_column_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterVertical_column_name(OBParser.Vertical_column_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitVertical_column_name(OBParser.Vertical_column_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterHash_partition_list(OBParser.Hash_partition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitHash_partition_list(OBParser.Hash_partition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterHash_partition_element(OBParser.Hash_partition_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitHash_partition_element(OBParser.Hash_partition_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_range_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_range_partition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_range_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_range_partition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRange_partition_list(OBParser.Range_partition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRange_partition_list(OBParser.Range_partition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPartition_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Partition_attributes_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPartition_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Partition_attributes_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRange_partition_element(OBParser.Range_partition_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRange_partition_element(OBParser.Range_partition_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_list_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_list_partition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_list_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_list_partition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterList_partition_list(OBParser.List_partition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitList_partition_list(OBParser.List_partition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterList_partition_element(OBParser.List_partition_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitList_partition_element(OBParser.List_partition_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSubpartition_list(OBParser.Subpartition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSubpartition_list(OBParser.Subpartition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_hash_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_hash_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterHash_subpartition_list(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitHash_subpartition_list(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterHash_subpartition_element(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitHash_subpartition_element(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_range_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_range_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_range_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_range_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRange_subpartition_list(OBParser.Range_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRange_subpartition_list(OBParser.Range_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRange_subpartition_element(OBParser.Range_subpartition_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRange_subpartition_element(OBParser.Range_subpartition_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_list_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_list_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_list_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_list_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterList_subpartition_list(OBParser.List_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitList_subpartition_list(OBParser.List_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterList_subpartition_element(OBParser.List_subpartition_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitList_subpartition_element(OBParser.List_subpartition_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterList_partition_expr(OBParser.List_partition_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitList_partition_expr(OBParser.List_partition_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterList_expr(OBParser.List_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitList_expr(OBParser.List_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPhysical_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Physical_attributes_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPhysical_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Physical_attributes_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPhysical_attributes_option(OBParser.Physical_attributes_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPhysical_attributes_option(OBParser.Physical_attributes_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_special_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_special_partition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_special_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_special_partition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSpecial_partition_list(OBParser.Special_partition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSpecial_partition_list(OBParser.Special_partition_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSpecial_partition_define(OBParser.Special_partition_defineContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSpecial_partition_define(OBParser.Special_partition_defineContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRange_partition_expr(OBParser.Range_partition_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRange_partition_expr(OBParser.Range_partition_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRange_expr_list(OBParser.Range_expr_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRange_expr_list(OBParser.Range_expr_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRange_expr(OBParser.Range_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRange_expr(OBParser.Range_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterHash_subpartition_quantity(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_quantityContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitHash_subpartition_quantity(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_quantityContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterInt_or_decimal(OBParser.Int_or_decimalContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitInt_or_decimal(OBParser.Int_or_decimalContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTg_hash_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_hash_partition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTg_hash_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_hash_partition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTg_range_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_range_partition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTg_range_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_range_partition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTg_list_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_list_partition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTg_list_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_list_partition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTg_subpartition_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTg_subpartition_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTg_subpartition_template_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTg_subpartition_template_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTg_subpartition_individual_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTg_subpartition_individual_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_alter_compress_option(OBParser.Opt_alter_compress_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_alter_compress_option(OBParser.Opt_alter_compress_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCompress_option(OBParser.Compress_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCompress_option(OBParser.Compress_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_compress_level(OBParser.Opt_compress_levelContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_compress_level(OBParser.Opt_compress_levelContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterExternal_properties_list(OBParser.External_properties_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitExternal_properties_list(OBParser.External_properties_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterExternal_properties(OBParser.External_propertiesContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitExternal_properties(OBParser.External_propertiesContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterExternal_file_format_list(OBParser.External_file_format_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitExternal_file_format_list(OBParser.External_file_format_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterExternal_file_format(OBParser.External_file_formatContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitExternal_file_format(OBParser.External_file_formatContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Create_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Create_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTablegroup_option_list_space_seperated(OBParser.Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTablegroup_option_list_space_seperated(OBParser.Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTablegroup_option_list(OBParser.Tablegroup_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTablegroup_option_list(OBParser.Tablegroup_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTablegroup_option(OBParser.Tablegroup_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTablegroup_option(OBParser.Tablegroup_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_tablegroup_actions(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_tablegroup_actions(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_tablegroup_action(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_tablegroup_action(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDefault_tablegroup(OBParser.Default_tablegroupContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDefault_tablegroup(OBParser.Default_tablegroupContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_view_stmt(OBParser.Create_view_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_view_stmt(OBParser.Create_view_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_mview_stmt(OBParser.Create_mview_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_mview_stmt(OBParser.Create_mview_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_mview_opts(OBParser.Create_mview_optsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_mview_opts(OBParser.Create_mview_optsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMview_enable_disable(OBParser.Mview_enable_disableContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMview_enable_disable(OBParser.Mview_enable_disableContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMview_refresh_opt(OBParser.Mview_refresh_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMview_refresh_opt(OBParser.Mview_refresh_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMv_refresh_on_clause(OBParser.Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMv_refresh_on_clause(OBParser.Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMv_refresh_method(OBParser.Mv_refresh_methodContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMv_refresh_method(OBParser.Mv_refresh_methodContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMv_refresh_mode(OBParser.Mv_refresh_modeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMv_refresh_mode(OBParser.Mv_refresh_modeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMv_refresh_interval(OBParser.Mv_refresh_intervalContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMv_refresh_interval(OBParser.Mv_refresh_intervalContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMv_start_clause(OBParser.Mv_start_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMv_start_clause(OBParser.Mv_start_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMv_next_clause(OBParser.Mv_next_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMv_next_clause(OBParser.Mv_next_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterView_subquery(OBParser.View_subqueryContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitView_subquery(OBParser.View_subqueryContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterView_with_opt(OBParser.View_with_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitView_with_opt(OBParser.View_with_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterWith_check_option(OBParser.With_check_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitWith_check_option(OBParser.With_check_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterView_name(OBParser.View_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitView_name(OBParser.View_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_tablet_id(OBParser.Opt_tablet_idContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_tablet_id(OBParser.Opt_tablet_idContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_tablet_id_no_empty(OBParser.Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_tablet_id_no_empty(OBParser.Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_index_stmt(OBParser.Create_index_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_index_stmt(OBParser.Create_index_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterIndex_name(OBParser.Index_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitIndex_name(OBParser.Index_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterConstraint_and_name(OBParser.Constraint_and_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitConstraint_and_name(OBParser.Constraint_and_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterConstraint_name(OBParser.Constraint_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitConstraint_name(OBParser.Constraint_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSort_column_list(OBParser.Sort_column_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSort_column_list(OBParser.Sort_column_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSort_column_key(OBParser.Sort_column_keyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSort_column_key(OBParser.Sort_column_keyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterIndex_expr(OBParser.Index_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitIndex_expr(OBParser.Index_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_index_options(OBParser.Opt_index_optionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_index_options(OBParser.Opt_index_optionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterIndex_option(OBParser.Index_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitIndex_option(OBParser.Index_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterIndex_using_algorithm(OBParser.Index_using_algorithmContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitIndex_using_algorithm(OBParser.Index_using_algorithmContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_mlog_stmt(OBParser.Create_mlog_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_mlog_stmt(OBParser.Create_mlog_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_mlog_options(OBParser.Opt_mlog_optionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_mlog_options(OBParser.Opt_mlog_optionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMlog_option(OBParser.Mlog_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMlog_option(OBParser.Mlog_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMlog_with_values(OBParser.Mlog_with_valuesContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMlog_with_values(OBParser.Mlog_with_valuesContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMlog_with_special_columns(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_columnsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMlog_with_special_columns(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_columnsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMlog_with_special_column_list(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_column_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMlog_with_special_column_list(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_column_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMlog_with_special_column(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_columnContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMlog_with_special_column(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_columnContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMlog_with_reference_columns(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMlog_with_reference_columns(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMlog_with_reference_column_list(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMlog_with_reference_column_list(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMlog_with_reference_column(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_columnContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMlog_with_reference_column(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_columnContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMlog_including_or_excluding(OBParser.Mlog_including_or_excludingContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMlog_including_or_excluding(OBParser.Mlog_including_or_excludingContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMlog_purge_values(OBParser.Mlog_purge_valuesContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMlog_purge_values(OBParser.Mlog_purge_valuesContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async(OBParser.Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async(OBParser.Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMlog_purge_start(OBParser.Mlog_purge_startContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMlog_purge_start(OBParser.Mlog_purge_startContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMlog_purge_next(OBParser.Mlog_purge_nextContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMlog_purge_next(OBParser.Mlog_purge_nextContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_mlog_stmt(OBParser.Drop_mlog_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_mlog_stmt(OBParser.Drop_mlog_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_table_stmt(OBParser.Drop_table_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_table_stmt(OBParser.Drop_table_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTable_or_tables(OBParser.Table_or_tablesContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTable_or_tables(OBParser.Table_or_tablesContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_view_stmt(OBParser.Drop_view_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_view_stmt(OBParser.Drop_view_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTable_list(OBParser.Table_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTable_list(OBParser.Table_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_index_stmt(OBParser.Drop_index_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_index_stmt(OBParser.Drop_index_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterInsert_stmt(OBParser.Insert_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitInsert_stmt(OBParser.Insert_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_simple_expression(OBParser.Opt_simple_expressionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_simple_expression(OBParser.Opt_simple_expressionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterInto_err_log_caluse(OBParser.Into_err_log_caluseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitInto_err_log_caluse(OBParser.Into_err_log_caluseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterReject_limit(OBParser.Reject_limitContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitReject_limit(OBParser.Reject_limitContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSingle_table_insert(OBParser.Single_table_insertContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSingle_table_insert(OBParser.Single_table_insertContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMulti_table_insert(OBParser.Multi_table_insertContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMulti_table_insert(OBParser.Multi_table_insertContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterInsert_table_clause_list(OBParser.Insert_table_clause_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitInsert_table_clause_list(OBParser.Insert_table_clause_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterInsert_single_table_clause(OBParser.Insert_single_table_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitInsert_single_table_clause(OBParser.Insert_single_table_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterConditional_insert_clause(OBParser.Conditional_insert_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitConditional_insert_clause(OBParser.Conditional_insert_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCondition_insert_clause_list(OBParser.Condition_insert_clause_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCondition_insert_clause_list(OBParser.Condition_insert_clause_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCondition_insert_clause(OBParser.Condition_insert_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCondition_insert_clause(OBParser.Condition_insert_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterValues_clause(OBParser.Values_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitValues_clause(OBParser.Values_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_into_clause(OBParser.Opt_into_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_into_clause(OBParser.Opt_into_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterReturning_exprs(OBParser.Returning_exprsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitReturning_exprs(OBParser.Returning_exprsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterInsert_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Insert_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitInsert_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Insert_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterColumn_list(OBParser.Column_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitColumn_list(OBParser.Column_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterInsert_vals_list(OBParser.Insert_vals_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitInsert_vals_list(OBParser.Insert_vals_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterInsert_vals(OBParser.Insert_valsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitInsert_vals(OBParser.Insert_valsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterExpr_or_default(OBParser.Expr_or_defaultContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitExpr_or_default(OBParser.Expr_or_defaultContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMerge_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Merge_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMerge_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Merge_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMerge_stmt(OBParser.Merge_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMerge_stmt(OBParser.Merge_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMerge_update_clause(OBParser.Merge_update_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMerge_update_clause(OBParser.Merge_update_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMerge_insert_clause(OBParser.Merge_insert_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMerge_insert_clause(OBParser.Merge_insert_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSource_relation_factor(OBParser.Source_relation_factorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSource_relation_factor(OBParser.Source_relation_factorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSelect_stmt(OBParser.Select_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSelect_stmt(OBParser.Select_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSubquery(OBParser.SubqueryContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSubquery(OBParser.SubqueryContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSelect_with_parens(OBParser.Select_with_parensContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSelect_with_parens(OBParser.Select_with_parensContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSelect_no_parens(OBParser.Select_no_parensContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSelect_no_parens(OBParser.Select_no_parensContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSelect_clause(OBParser.Select_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSelect_clause(OBParser.Select_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSelect_clause_set(OBParser.Select_clause_setContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSelect_clause_set(OBParser.Select_clause_setContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSelect_clause_set_right(OBParser.Select_clause_set_rightContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSelect_clause_set_right(OBParser.Select_clause_set_rightContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSelect_clause_set_left(OBParser.Select_clause_set_leftContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSelect_clause_set_left(OBParser.Select_clause_set_leftContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSelect_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Select_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSelect_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Select_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUpdate_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Update_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUpdate_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Update_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDelete_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Delete_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDelete_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Delete_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSimple_select(OBParser.Simple_selectContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSimple_select(OBParser.Simple_selectContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSelect_with_hierarchical_query(OBParser.Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSelect_with_hierarchical_query(OBParser.Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterStart_with(OBParser.Start_withContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitStart_with(OBParser.Start_withContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFetch_next_clause(OBParser.Fetch_next_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFetch_next_clause(OBParser.Fetch_next_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFetch_next(OBParser.Fetch_nextContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFetch_next(OBParser.Fetch_nextContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFetch_next_count(OBParser.Fetch_next_countContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFetch_next_count(OBParser.Fetch_next_countContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFetch_next_percent(OBParser.Fetch_next_percentContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFetch_next_percent(OBParser.Fetch_next_percentContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFetch_next_expr(OBParser.Fetch_next_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFetch_next_expr(OBParser.Fetch_next_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFetch_next_percent_expr(OBParser.Fetch_next_percent_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFetch_next_percent_expr(OBParser.Fetch_next_percent_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterConnect_by(OBParser.Connect_byContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitConnect_by(OBParser.Connect_byContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSet_type_union(OBParser.Set_type_unionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSet_type_union(OBParser.Set_type_unionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSet_type_other(OBParser.Set_type_otherContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSet_type_other(OBParser.Set_type_otherContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSet_type(OBParser.Set_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSet_type(OBParser.Set_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSet_expression_option(OBParser.Set_expression_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSet_expression_option(OBParser.Set_expression_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_where(OBParser.Opt_whereContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_where(OBParser.Opt_whereContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_where_extension(OBParser.Opt_where_extensionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_where_extension(OBParser.Opt_where_extensionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterInto_clause(OBParser.Into_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitInto_clause(OBParser.Into_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterInto_opt(OBParser.Into_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitInto_opt(OBParser.Into_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterInto_var_list(OBParser.Into_var_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitInto_var_list(OBParser.Into_var_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterInto_var(OBParser.Into_varContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitInto_var(OBParser.Into_varContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterField_opt(OBParser.Field_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitField_opt(OBParser.Field_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterField_term_list(OBParser.Field_term_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitField_term_list(OBParser.Field_term_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterField_term(OBParser.Field_termContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitField_term(OBParser.Field_termContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFile_opt(OBParser.File_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFile_opt(OBParser.File_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFile_option_list(OBParser.File_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFile_option_list(OBParser.File_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFile_option(OBParser.File_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFile_option(OBParser.File_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFile_partition_opt(OBParser.File_partition_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFile_partition_opt(OBParser.File_partition_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFile_size_const(OBParser.File_size_constContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFile_size_const(OBParser.File_size_constContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLine_opt(OBParser.Line_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLine_opt(OBParser.Line_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLine_term_list(OBParser.Line_term_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLine_term_list(OBParser.Line_term_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLine_term(OBParser.Line_termContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLine_term(OBParser.Line_termContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterHint_list_with_end(OBParser.Hint_list_with_endContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitHint_list_with_end(OBParser.Hint_list_with_endContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_hint_list(OBParser.Opt_hint_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_hint_list(OBParser.Opt_hint_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterHint_options(OBParser.Hint_optionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitHint_options(OBParser.Hint_optionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterName_list(OBParser.Name_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitName_list(OBParser.Name_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterHint_option(OBParser.Hint_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitHint_option(OBParser.Hint_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDistribute_method(OBParser.Distribute_methodContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDistribute_method(OBParser.Distribute_methodContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterConsistency_level(OBParser.Consistency_levelContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitConsistency_level(OBParser.Consistency_levelContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUse_plan_cache_type(OBParser.Use_plan_cache_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUse_plan_cache_type(OBParser.Use_plan_cache_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUse_jit_type(OBParser.Use_jit_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUse_jit_type(OBParser.Use_jit_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFor_update(OBParser.For_updateContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFor_update(OBParser.For_updateContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterParameterized_trim(OBParser.Parameterized_trimContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitParameterized_trim(OBParser.Parameterized_trimContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterGroupby_clause(OBParser.Groupby_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitGroupby_clause(OBParser.Groupby_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterGroupby_element_list(OBParser.Groupby_element_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitGroupby_element_list(OBParser.Groupby_element_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterGroupby_element(OBParser.Groupby_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitGroupby_element(OBParser.Groupby_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterGroup_by_expr(OBParser.Group_by_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitGroup_by_expr(OBParser.Group_by_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRollup_clause(OBParser.Rollup_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRollup_clause(OBParser.Rollup_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCube_clause(OBParser.Cube_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCube_clause(OBParser.Cube_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterGroup_by_expr_list(OBParser.Group_by_expr_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitGroup_by_expr_list(OBParser.Group_by_expr_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterGrouping_sets_clause(OBParser.Grouping_sets_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitGrouping_sets_clause(OBParser.Grouping_sets_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterGrouping_sets_list(OBParser.Grouping_sets_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitGrouping_sets_list(OBParser.Grouping_sets_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterGrouping_sets(OBParser.Grouping_setsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitGrouping_sets(OBParser.Grouping_setsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOrder_by(OBParser.Order_byContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOrder_by(OBParser.Order_byContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSort_list(OBParser.Sort_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSort_list(OBParser.Sort_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSort_key(OBParser.Sort_keyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSort_key(OBParser.Sort_keyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_null_pos(OBParser.Opt_null_posContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_null_pos(OBParser.Opt_null_posContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_ascending_type(OBParser.Opt_ascending_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_ascending_type(OBParser.Opt_ascending_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_asc_desc(OBParser.Opt_asc_descContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_asc_desc(OBParser.Opt_asc_descContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterQuery_expression_option_list(OBParser.Query_expression_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitQuery_expression_option_list(OBParser.Query_expression_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterQuery_expression_option(OBParser.Query_expression_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitQuery_expression_option(OBParser.Query_expression_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterProjection(OBParser.ProjectionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitProjection(OBParser.ProjectionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_as(OBParser.Opt_asContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_as(OBParser.Opt_asContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSelect_expr_list(OBParser.Select_expr_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSelect_expr_list(OBParser.Select_expr_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFrom_list(OBParser.From_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFrom_list(OBParser.From_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTable_references(OBParser.Table_referencesContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTable_references(OBParser.Table_referencesContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTable_reference(OBParser.Table_referenceContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTable_reference(OBParser.Table_referenceContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTable_factor(OBParser.Table_factorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTable_factor(OBParser.Table_factorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSelect_function(OBParser.Select_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSelect_function(OBParser.Select_functionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTbl_name(OBParser.Tbl_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTbl_name(OBParser.Tbl_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDual_table(OBParser.Dual_tableContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDual_table(OBParser.Dual_tableContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTranspose_clause(OBParser.Transpose_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTranspose_clause(OBParser.Transpose_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPivot_aggr_clause(OBParser.Pivot_aggr_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPivot_aggr_clause(OBParser.Pivot_aggr_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPivot_single_aggr_clause(OBParser.Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPivot_single_aggr_clause(OBParser.Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTranspose_for_clause(OBParser.Transpose_for_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTranspose_for_clause(OBParser.Transpose_for_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTranspose_in_clause(OBParser.Transpose_in_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTranspose_in_clause(OBParser.Transpose_in_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTranspose_in_args(OBParser.Transpose_in_argsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTranspose_in_args(OBParser.Transpose_in_argsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTranspose_in_arg(OBParser.Transpose_in_argContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTranspose_in_arg(OBParser.Transpose_in_argContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUnpivot_column_clause(OBParser.Unpivot_column_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUnpivot_column_clause(OBParser.Unpivot_column_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUnpivot_in_clause(OBParser.Unpivot_in_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUnpivot_in_clause(OBParser.Unpivot_in_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUnpivot_in_args(OBParser.Unpivot_in_argsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUnpivot_in_args(OBParser.Unpivot_in_argsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUnpivot_in_arg(OBParser.Unpivot_in_argContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUnpivot_in_arg(OBParser.Unpivot_in_argContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDml_table_name(OBParser.Dml_table_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDml_table_name(OBParser.Dml_table_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOrder_by_fetch_with_check_option(OBParser.Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOrder_by_fetch_with_check_option(OBParser.Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterInsert_table_clause(OBParser.Insert_table_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitInsert_table_clause(OBParser.Insert_table_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDml_table_clause(OBParser.Dml_table_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDml_table_clause(OBParser.Dml_table_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSeed(OBParser.SeedContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSeed(OBParser.SeedContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSample_percent(OBParser.Sample_percentContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSample_percent(OBParser.Sample_percentContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSample_clause(OBParser.Sample_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSample_clause(OBParser.Sample_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTable_subquery(OBParser.Table_subqueryContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTable_subquery(OBParser.Table_subqueryContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUse_partition(OBParser.Use_partitionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUse_partition(OBParser.Use_partitionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterExternal_table_partitions(OBParser.External_table_partitionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitExternal_table_partitions(OBParser.External_table_partitionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterExternal_table_partition(OBParser.External_table_partitionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitExternal_table_partition(OBParser.External_table_partitionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUse_flashback(OBParser.Use_flashbackContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUse_flashback(OBParser.Use_flashbackContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRelation_factor(OBParser.Relation_factorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRelation_factor(OBParser.Relation_factorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterNormal_relation_factor(OBParser.Normal_relation_factorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitNormal_relation_factor(OBParser.Normal_relation_factorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDot_relation_factor(OBParser.Dot_relation_factorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDot_relation_factor(OBParser.Dot_relation_factorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_reverse_link_flag(OBParser.Opt_reverse_link_flagContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_reverse_link_flag(OBParser.Opt_reverse_link_flagContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRelation_factor_in_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_hintContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRelation_factor_in_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_hintContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterQb_name_option(OBParser.Qb_name_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitQb_name_option(OBParser.Qb_name_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRelation_factor_in_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRelation_factor_in_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRelation_sep_option(OBParser.Relation_sep_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRelation_sep_option(OBParser.Relation_sep_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRelation_factor_in_mv_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_mv_hint_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRelation_factor_in_mv_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_mv_hint_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRelation_factor_in_pq_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRelation_factor_in_pq_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRelation_factor_in_leading_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRelation_factor_in_leading_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTracing_num_list(OBParser.Tracing_num_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTracing_num_list(OBParser.Tracing_num_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRelation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRelation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCoalesce_strategy_list(OBParser.Coalesce_strategy_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCoalesce_strategy_list(OBParser.Coalesce_strategy_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJoin_condition(OBParser.Join_conditionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJoin_condition(OBParser.Join_conditionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJoined_table(OBParser.Joined_tableContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJoined_table(OBParser.Joined_tableContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterNatural_join_type(OBParser.Natural_join_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitNatural_join_type(OBParser.Natural_join_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOuter_join_type(OBParser.Outer_join_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOuter_join_type(OBParser.Outer_join_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJoin_outer(OBParser.Join_outerContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJoin_outer(OBParser.Join_outerContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterWith_select(OBParser.With_selectContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitWith_select(OBParser.With_selectContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterWith_clause(OBParser.With_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitWith_clause(OBParser.With_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterWith_list(OBParser.With_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitWith_list(OBParser.With_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCommon_table_expr(OBParser.Common_table_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCommon_table_expr(OBParser.Common_table_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMv_column_list(OBParser.Mv_column_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMv_column_list(OBParser.Mv_column_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlias_name_list(OBParser.Alias_name_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlias_name_list(OBParser.Alias_name_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterColumn_alias_name(OBParser.Column_alias_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitColumn_alias_name(OBParser.Column_alias_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSearch_set_value(OBParser.Search_set_valueContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSearch_set_value(OBParser.Search_set_valueContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAnalyze_stmt(OBParser.Analyze_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAnalyze_stmt(OBParser.Analyze_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAnalyze_statistics_clause(OBParser.Analyze_statistics_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAnalyze_statistics_clause(OBParser.Analyze_statistics_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_analyze_for_clause_list(OBParser.Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_analyze_for_clause_list(OBParser.Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_analyze_for_clause_element(OBParser.Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_analyze_for_clause_element(OBParser.Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSample_option(OBParser.Sample_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSample_option(OBParser.Sample_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_outline_stmt(OBParser.Create_outline_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_outline_stmt(OBParser.Create_outline_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_outline_stmt(OBParser.Alter_outline_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_outline_stmt(OBParser.Alter_outline_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_outline_stmt(OBParser.Drop_outline_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_outline_stmt(OBParser.Drop_outline_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterExplain_stmt(OBParser.Explain_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitExplain_stmt(OBParser.Explain_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterExplain_or_desc(OBParser.Explain_or_descContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitExplain_or_desc(OBParser.Explain_or_descContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterExplainable_stmt(OBParser.Explainable_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitExplainable_stmt(OBParser.Explainable_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFormat_name(OBParser.Format_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFormat_name(OBParser.Format_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterShow_stmt(OBParser.Show_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitShow_stmt(OBParser.Show_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_for_grant_user(OBParser.Opt_for_grant_userContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_for_grant_user(OBParser.Opt_for_grant_userContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterColumns_or_fields(OBParser.Columns_or_fieldsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitColumns_or_fields(OBParser.Columns_or_fieldsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFrom_or_in(OBParser.From_or_inContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFrom_or_in(OBParser.From_or_inContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterHelp_stmt(OBParser.Help_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitHelp_stmt(OBParser.Help_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_user_stmt(OBParser.Create_user_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_user_stmt(OBParser.Create_user_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDefault_role_clause(OBParser.Default_role_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDefault_role_clause(OBParser.Default_role_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_user_stmt(OBParser.Alter_user_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_user_stmt(OBParser.Alter_user_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_user_profile_stmt(OBParser.Alter_user_profile_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_user_profile_stmt(OBParser.Alter_user_profile_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_role_stmt(OBParser.Alter_role_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_role_stmt(OBParser.Alter_role_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUser_specification(OBParser.User_specificationContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUser_specification(OBParser.User_specificationContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRequire_specification(OBParser.Require_specificationContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRequire_specification(OBParser.Require_specificationContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTls_option_list(OBParser.Tls_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTls_option_list(OBParser.Tls_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTls_option(OBParser.Tls_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTls_option(OBParser.Tls_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterGrant_user(OBParser.Grant_userContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitGrant_user(OBParser.Grant_userContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterGrant_user_list(OBParser.Grant_user_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitGrant_user_list(OBParser.Grant_user_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUser(OBParser.UserContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUser(OBParser.UserContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_host_name(OBParser.Opt_host_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_host_name(OBParser.Opt_host_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUser_with_host_name(OBParser.User_with_host_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUser_with_host_name(OBParser.User_with_host_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPassword(OBParser.PasswordContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPassword(OBParser.PasswordContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPassword_str(OBParser.Password_strContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPassword_str(OBParser.Password_strContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_user_stmt(OBParser.Drop_user_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_user_stmt(OBParser.Drop_user_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUser_list(OBParser.User_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUser_list(OBParser.User_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSet_password_stmt(OBParser.Set_password_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSet_password_stmt(OBParser.Set_password_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_for_user(OBParser.Opt_for_userContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_for_user(OBParser.Opt_for_userContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLock_user_stmt(OBParser.Lock_user_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLock_user_stmt(OBParser.Lock_user_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLock_spec_mysql57(OBParser.Lock_spec_mysql57Context ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLock_spec_mysql57(OBParser.Lock_spec_mysql57Context ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLock_tables_stmt(OBParser.Lock_tables_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLock_tables_stmt(OBParser.Lock_tables_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLock_table_stmt(OBParser.Lock_table_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLock_table_stmt(OBParser.Lock_table_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLock_table_factors(OBParser.Lock_table_factorsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLock_table_factors(OBParser.Lock_table_factorsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLock_table_factor(OBParser.Lock_table_factorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLock_table_factor(OBParser.Lock_table_factorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLock_mode(OBParser.Lock_modeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLock_mode(OBParser.Lock_modeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUnlock_tables_stmt(OBParser.Unlock_tables_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUnlock_tables_stmt(OBParser.Unlock_tables_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLock_table_list(OBParser.Lock_table_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLock_table_list(OBParser.Lock_table_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_context_stmt(OBParser.Create_context_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_context_stmt(OBParser.Create_context_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterContext_package_name(OBParser.Context_package_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitContext_package_name(OBParser.Context_package_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLock_table(OBParser.Lock_tableContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLock_table(OBParser.Lock_tableContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterContext_option(OBParser.Context_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitContext_option(OBParser.Context_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLock_type(OBParser.Lock_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLock_type(OBParser.Lock_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_context_stmt(OBParser.Drop_context_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_context_stmt(OBParser.Drop_context_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Create_sequence_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Create_sequence_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSequence_option_list(OBParser.Sequence_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSequence_option_list(OBParser.Sequence_option_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSequence_option(OBParser.Sequence_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSequence_option(OBParser.Sequence_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSimple_num(OBParser.Simple_numContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSimple_num(OBParser.Simple_numContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Drop_sequence_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Drop_sequence_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Alter_sequence_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Alter_sequence_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_dblink_stmt(OBParser.Create_dblink_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_dblink_stmt(OBParser.Create_dblink_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_dblink_stmt(OBParser.Drop_dblink_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_dblink_stmt(OBParser.Drop_dblink_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDblink(OBParser.DblinkContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDblink(OBParser.DblinkContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTenant(OBParser.TenantContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTenant(OBParser.TenantContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_cluster(OBParser.Opt_clusterContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_cluster(OBParser.Opt_clusterContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterBegin_stmt(OBParser.Begin_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitBegin_stmt(OBParser.Begin_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCommit_stmt(OBParser.Commit_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCommit_stmt(OBParser.Commit_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRollback_stmt(OBParser.Rollback_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRollback_stmt(OBParser.Rollback_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterKill_stmt(OBParser.Kill_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitKill_stmt(OBParser.Kill_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_role_stmt(OBParser.Create_role_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_role_stmt(OBParser.Create_role_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRole_list(OBParser.Role_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRole_list(OBParser.Role_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRole(OBParser.RoleContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRole(OBParser.RoleContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_role_stmt(OBParser.Drop_role_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_role_stmt(OBParser.Drop_role_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSet_role_stmt(OBParser.Set_role_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSet_role_stmt(OBParser.Set_role_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRole_opt_identified_by_list(OBParser.Role_opt_identified_by_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRole_opt_identified_by_list(OBParser.Role_opt_identified_by_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRole_opt_identified_by(OBParser.Role_opt_identified_byContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRole_opt_identified_by(OBParser.Role_opt_identified_byContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSys_and_obj_priv(OBParser.Sys_and_obj_privContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSys_and_obj_priv(OBParser.Sys_and_obj_privContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterGrant_stmt(OBParser.Grant_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitGrant_stmt(OBParser.Grant_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterGrant_system_privileges(OBParser.Grant_system_privilegesContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitGrant_system_privileges(OBParser.Grant_system_privilegesContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterGrantee_clause(OBParser.Grantee_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitGrantee_clause(OBParser.Grantee_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list(OBParser.Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list(OBParser.Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv(OBParser.Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv(OBParser.Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPriv_type(OBParser.Priv_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPriv_type(OBParser.Priv_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterObj_clause(OBParser.Obj_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitObj_clause(OBParser.Obj_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRevoke_stmt(OBParser.Revoke_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRevoke_stmt(OBParser.Revoke_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPrepare_stmt(OBParser.Prepare_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPrepare_stmt(OBParser.Prepare_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterStmt_name(OBParser.Stmt_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitStmt_name(OBParser.Stmt_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPreparable_stmt(OBParser.Preparable_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPreparable_stmt(OBParser.Preparable_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterVariable_set_stmt(OBParser.Variable_set_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitVariable_set_stmt(OBParser.Variable_set_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSys_var_and_val_list(OBParser.Sys_var_and_val_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSys_var_and_val_list(OBParser.Sys_var_and_val_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterVar_and_val_list(OBParser.Var_and_val_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitVar_and_val_list(OBParser.Var_and_val_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSet_expr_or_default(OBParser.Set_expr_or_defaultContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSet_expr_or_default(OBParser.Set_expr_or_defaultContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterVar_and_val(OBParser.Var_and_valContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitVar_and_val(OBParser.Var_and_valContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSys_var_and_val(OBParser.Sys_var_and_valContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSys_var_and_val(OBParser.Sys_var_and_valContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterScope_or_scope_alias(OBParser.Scope_or_scope_aliasContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitScope_or_scope_alias(OBParser.Scope_or_scope_aliasContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTo_or_eq(OBParser.To_or_eqContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTo_or_eq(OBParser.To_or_eqContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSet_var_op(OBParser.Set_var_opContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSet_var_op(OBParser.Set_var_opContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterArgument(OBParser.ArgumentContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitArgument(OBParser.ArgumentContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterExecute_stmt(OBParser.Execute_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitExecute_stmt(OBParser.Execute_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterArgument_list(OBParser.Argument_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitArgument_list(OBParser.Argument_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDeallocate_prepare_stmt(OBParser.Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDeallocate_prepare_stmt(OBParser.Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDeallocate_or_drop(OBParser.Deallocate_or_dropContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDeallocate_or_drop(OBParser.Deallocate_or_dropContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCall_stmt(OBParser.Call_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCall_stmt(OBParser.Call_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCall_param_list(OBParser.Call_param_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCall_param_list(OBParser.Call_param_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRoutine_access_name(OBParser.Routine_access_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRoutine_access_name(OBParser.Routine_access_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRoutine_name(OBParser.Routine_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRoutine_name(OBParser.Routine_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTruncate_table_stmt(OBParser.Truncate_table_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTruncate_table_stmt(OBParser.Truncate_table_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRename_table_stmt(OBParser.Rename_table_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRename_table_stmt(OBParser.Rename_table_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRename_table_actions(OBParser.Rename_table_actionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRename_table_actions(OBParser.Rename_table_actionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRename_table_action(OBParser.Rename_table_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRename_table_action(OBParser.Rename_table_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_index_stmt(OBParser.Alter_index_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_index_stmt(OBParser.Alter_index_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_index_actions(OBParser.Alter_index_actionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_index_actions(OBParser.Alter_index_actionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_index_action(OBParser.Alter_index_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_index_action(OBParser.Alter_index_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_index_option_oracle(OBParser.Alter_index_option_oracleContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_index_option_oracle(OBParser.Alter_index_option_oracleContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_table_stmt(OBParser.Alter_table_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_table_stmt(OBParser.Alter_table_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAdd_external_table_partition_actions(OBParser.Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAdd_external_table_partition_actions(OBParser.Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAdd_external_table_partition_action(OBParser.Add_external_table_partition_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAdd_external_table_partition_action(OBParser.Add_external_table_partition_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_table_actions(OBParser.Alter_table_actionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_table_actions(OBParser.Alter_table_actionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_table_action(OBParser.Alter_table_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_table_action(OBParser.Alter_table_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_partition_option(OBParser.Alter_partition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_partition_option(OBParser.Alter_partition_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_partition_name_list(OBParser.Drop_partition_name_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_partition_name_list(OBParser.Drop_partition_name_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSplit_actions(OBParser.Split_actionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSplit_actions(OBParser.Split_actionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAdd_range_or_list_partition(OBParser.Add_range_or_list_partitionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAdd_range_or_list_partition(OBParser.Add_range_or_list_partitionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAdd_range_or_list_subpartition(OBParser.Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAdd_range_or_list_subpartition(OBParser.Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterModify_special_partition(OBParser.Modify_special_partitionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitModify_special_partition(OBParser.Modify_special_partitionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSplit_range_partition(OBParser.Split_range_partitionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSplit_range_partition(OBParser.Split_range_partitionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSplit_list_partition(OBParser.Split_list_partitionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSplit_list_partition(OBParser.Split_list_partitionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterModify_partition_info(OBParser.Modify_partition_infoContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitModify_partition_info(OBParser.Modify_partition_infoContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTg_modify_partition_info(OBParser.Tg_modify_partition_infoContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTg_modify_partition_info(OBParser.Tg_modify_partition_infoContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_index_option(OBParser.Alter_index_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_index_option(OBParser.Alter_index_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterVisibility_option(OBParser.Visibility_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitVisibility_option(OBParser.Visibility_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_column_group_option(OBParser.Alter_column_group_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_column_group_option(OBParser.Alter_column_group_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_column_option(OBParser.Alter_column_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_column_option(OBParser.Alter_column_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_tablegroup_option(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_tablegroup_option(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFlashback_stmt(OBParser.Flashback_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFlashback_stmt(OBParser.Flashback_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRelation_factors(OBParser.Relation_factorsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRelation_factors(OBParser.Relation_factorsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPurge_stmt(OBParser.Purge_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPurge_stmt(OBParser.Purge_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterShrink_space_stmt(OBParser.Shrink_space_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitShrink_space_stmt(OBParser.Shrink_space_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAudit_stmt(OBParser.Audit_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAudit_stmt(OBParser.Audit_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAudit_or_noaudit(OBParser.Audit_or_noauditContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAudit_or_noaudit(OBParser.Audit_or_noauditContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAudit_clause(OBParser.Audit_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAudit_clause(OBParser.Audit_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAudit_operation_clause(OBParser.Audit_operation_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAudit_operation_clause(OBParser.Audit_operation_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAudit_all_shortcut_list(OBParser.Audit_all_shortcut_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAudit_all_shortcut_list(OBParser.Audit_all_shortcut_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAuditing_on_clause(OBParser.Auditing_on_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAuditing_on_clause(OBParser.Auditing_on_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAuditing_by_user_clause(OBParser.Auditing_by_user_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAuditing_by_user_clause(OBParser.Auditing_by_user_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOp_audit_tail_clause(OBParser.Op_audit_tail_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOp_audit_tail_clause(OBParser.Op_audit_tail_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAudit_by_session_access_option(OBParser.Audit_by_session_access_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAudit_by_session_access_option(OBParser.Audit_by_session_access_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAudit_whenever_option(OBParser.Audit_whenever_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAudit_whenever_option(OBParser.Audit_whenever_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAudit_all_shortcut(OBParser.Audit_all_shortcutContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAudit_all_shortcut(OBParser.Audit_all_shortcutContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_system_stmt(OBParser.Alter_system_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_system_stmt(OBParser.Alter_system_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_sql_throttle_using_cond(OBParser.Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_sql_throttle_using_cond(OBParser.Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics(OBParser.Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics(OBParser.Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSql_throttle_metric(OBParser.Sql_throttle_metricContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSql_throttle_metric(OBParser.Sql_throttle_metricContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_system_set_clause_list(OBParser.Alter_system_set_clause_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_system_set_clause_list(OBParser.Alter_system_set_clause_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_system_set_clause(OBParser.Alter_system_set_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_system_set_clause(OBParser.Alter_system_set_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_system_reset_clause_list(OBParser.Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_system_reset_clause_list(OBParser.Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_system_reset_clause(OBParser.Alter_system_reset_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_system_reset_clause(OBParser.Alter_system_reset_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSet_system_parameter_clause(OBParser.Set_system_parameter_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSet_system_parameter_clause(OBParser.Set_system_parameter_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterReset_system_parameter_clause(OBParser.Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitReset_system_parameter_clause(OBParser.Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCache_type_or_string(OBParser.Cache_type_or_stringContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCache_type_or_string(OBParser.Cache_type_or_stringContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCache_type(OBParser.Cache_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCache_type(OBParser.Cache_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterBalance_task_type(OBParser.Balance_task_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitBalance_task_type(OBParser.Balance_task_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTenant_list_tuple(OBParser.Tenant_list_tupleContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTenant_list_tuple(OBParser.Tenant_list_tupleContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTenant_list_tuple_v2(OBParser.Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTenant_list_tuple_v2(OBParser.Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTenant_name_list(OBParser.Tenant_name_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTenant_name_list(OBParser.Tenant_name_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_path_info(OBParser.Opt_path_infoContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_path_info(OBParser.Opt_path_infoContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPolicy_name(OBParser.Policy_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPolicy_name(OBParser.Policy_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFlush_scope(OBParser.Flush_scopeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFlush_scope(OBParser.Flush_scopeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterServer_info_list(OBParser.Server_info_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitServer_info_list(OBParser.Server_info_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterServer_info(OBParser.Server_infoContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitServer_info(OBParser.Server_infoContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterServer_action(OBParser.Server_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitServer_action(OBParser.Server_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterServer_list(OBParser.Server_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitServer_list(OBParser.Server_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterZone_action(OBParser.Zone_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitZone_action(OBParser.Zone_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterIp_port(OBParser.Ip_portContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitIp_port(OBParser.Ip_portContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterZone_desc(OBParser.Zone_descContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitZone_desc(OBParser.Zone_descContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterServer_or_zone(OBParser.Server_or_zoneContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitServer_or_zone(OBParser.Server_or_zoneContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAdd_or_alter_zone_option(OBParser.Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAdd_or_alter_zone_option(OBParser.Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAdd_or_alter_zone_options(OBParser.Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAdd_or_alter_zone_options(OBParser.Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_or_change_or_modify(OBParser.Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_or_change_or_modify(OBParser.Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterLs(OBParser.LsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitLs(OBParser.LsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPartition_id_desc(OBParser.Partition_id_descContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPartition_id_desc(OBParser.Partition_id_descContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPartition_id_or_server_or_zone(OBParser.Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPartition_id_or_server_or_zone(OBParser.Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMigrate_action(OBParser.Migrate_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMigrate_action(OBParser.Migrate_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterChange_actions(OBParser.Change_actionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitChange_actions(OBParser.Change_actionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterChange_action(OBParser.Change_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitChange_action(OBParser.Change_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterReplica_type(OBParser.Replica_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitReplica_type(OBParser.Replica_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMemstore_percent(OBParser.Memstore_percentContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMemstore_percent(OBParser.Memstore_percentContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSuspend_or_resume(OBParser.Suspend_or_resumeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSuspend_or_resume(OBParser.Suspend_or_resumeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterBaseline_id_expr(OBParser.Baseline_id_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitBaseline_id_expr(OBParser.Baseline_id_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSql_id_expr(OBParser.Sql_id_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSql_id_expr(OBParser.Sql_id_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterBaseline_asgn_factor(OBParser.Baseline_asgn_factorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitBaseline_asgn_factor(OBParser.Baseline_asgn_factorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTenant_name(OBParser.Tenant_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTenant_name(OBParser.Tenant_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterNamespace_expr(OBParser.Namespace_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitNamespace_expr(OBParser.Namespace_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCache_name(OBParser.Cache_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCache_name(OBParser.Cache_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFile_id(OBParser.File_idContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFile_id(OBParser.File_idContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCancel_task_type(OBParser.Cancel_task_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCancel_task_type(OBParser.Cancel_task_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_system_settp_actions(OBParser.Alter_system_settp_actionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_system_settp_actions(OBParser.Alter_system_settp_actionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSettp_option(OBParser.Settp_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSettp_option(OBParser.Settp_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPartition_role(OBParser.Partition_roleContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPartition_role(OBParser.Partition_roleContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUpgrade_action(OBParser.Upgrade_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUpgrade_action(OBParser.Upgrade_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_session_stmt(OBParser.Alter_session_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_session_stmt(OBParser.Alter_session_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterVar_name_of_forced_module(OBParser.Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitVar_name_of_forced_module(OBParser.Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterVar_name_of_module(OBParser.Var_name_of_moduleContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitVar_name_of_module(OBParser.Var_name_of_moduleContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSwitch_option(OBParser.Switch_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSwitch_option(OBParser.Switch_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSession_isolation_level(OBParser.Session_isolation_levelContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSession_isolation_level(OBParser.Session_isolation_levelContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_session_set_clause(OBParser.Alter_session_set_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_session_set_clause(OBParser.Alter_session_set_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSet_system_parameter_clause_list(OBParser.Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSet_system_parameter_clause_list(OBParser.Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCurrent_schema(OBParser.Current_schemaContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCurrent_schema(OBParser.Current_schemaContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSet_comment_stmt(OBParser.Set_comment_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSet_comment_stmt(OBParser.Set_comment_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Create_tablespace_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Create_tablespace_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tablespace_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tablespace_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTablespace(OBParser.TablespaceContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTablespace(OBParser.TablespaceContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_tablespace_actions(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_actionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_tablespace_actions(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_actionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_tablespace_action(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_tablespace_action(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_actionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPermanent_tablespace(OBParser.Permanent_tablespaceContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPermanent_tablespace(OBParser.Permanent_tablespaceContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPermanent_tablespace_options(OBParser.Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPermanent_tablespace_options(OBParser.Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPermanent_tablespace_option(OBParser.Permanent_tablespace_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPermanent_tablespace_option(OBParser.Permanent_tablespace_optionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_profile_stmt(OBParser.Create_profile_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_profile_stmt(OBParser.Create_profile_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAlter_profile_stmt(OBParser.Alter_profile_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAlter_profile_stmt(OBParser.Alter_profile_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDrop_profile_stmt(OBParser.Drop_profile_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDrop_profile_stmt(OBParser.Drop_profile_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterProfile_name(OBParser.Profile_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitProfile_name(OBParser.Profile_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPassword_parameters(OBParser.Password_parametersContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPassword_parameters(OBParser.Password_parametersContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPassword_parameter(OBParser.Password_parameterContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPassword_parameter(OBParser.Password_parameterContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterVerify_function_name(OBParser.Verify_function_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitVerify_function_name(OBParser.Verify_function_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPassword_parameter_value(OBParser.Password_parameter_valueContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPassword_parameter_value(OBParser.Password_parameter_valueContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPassword_parameter_type(OBParser.Password_parameter_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPassword_parameter_type(OBParser.Password_parameter_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUser_profile(OBParser.User_profileContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUser_profile(OBParser.User_profileContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMethod_opt(OBParser.Method_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMethod_opt(OBParser.Method_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMethod_list(OBParser.Method_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMethod_list(OBParser.Method_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMethod(OBParser.MethodContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMethod(OBParser.MethodContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFor_all(OBParser.For_allContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFor_all(OBParser.For_allContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSize_clause(OBParser.Size_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSize_clause(OBParser.Size_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFor_columns(OBParser.For_columnsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFor_columns(OBParser.For_columnsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFor_columns_list(OBParser.For_columns_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFor_columns_list(OBParser.For_columns_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFor_columns_item(OBParser.For_columns_itemContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFor_columns_item(OBParser.For_columns_itemContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterColumn_clause(OBParser.Column_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitColumn_clause(OBParser.Column_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterExtension(OBParser.ExtensionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitExtension(OBParser.ExtensionContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSet_names_stmt(OBParser.Set_names_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSet_names_stmt(OBParser.Set_names_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSet_charset_stmt(OBParser.Set_charset_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSet_charset_stmt(OBParser.Set_charset_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSet_transaction_stmt(OBParser.Set_transaction_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSet_transaction_stmt(OBParser.Set_transaction_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTransaction_characteristics(OBParser.Transaction_characteristicsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTransaction_characteristics(OBParser.Transaction_characteristicsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTransaction_access_mode(OBParser.Transaction_access_modeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTransaction_access_mode(OBParser.Transaction_access_modeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterIsolation_level(OBParser.Isolation_levelContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitIsolation_level(OBParser.Isolation_levelContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSwitchover_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Switchover_tenant_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSwitchover_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Switchover_tenant_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSwitchover_clause(OBParser.Switchover_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSwitchover_clause(OBParser.Switchover_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRecover_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Recover_tenant_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRecover_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Recover_tenant_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRecover_point_clause(OBParser.Recover_point_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRecover_point_clause(OBParser.Recover_point_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTransfer_partition_stmt(OBParser.Transfer_partition_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTransfer_partition_stmt(OBParser.Transfer_partition_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTransfer_partition_clause(OBParser.Transfer_partition_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTransfer_partition_clause(OBParser.Transfer_partition_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPart_info(OBParser.Part_infoContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPart_info(OBParser.Part_infoContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCancel_transfer_partition_clause(OBParser.Cancel_transfer_partition_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCancel_transfer_partition_clause(OBParser.Cancel_transfer_partition_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterService_name_stmt(OBParser.Service_name_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitService_name_stmt(OBParser.Service_name_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterService_op(OBParser.Service_opContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitService_op(OBParser.Service_opContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterCreate_savepoint_stmt(OBParser.Create_savepoint_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitCreate_savepoint_stmt(OBParser.Create_savepoint_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRollback_savepoint_stmt(OBParser.Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRollback_savepoint_stmt(OBParser.Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterVar_name(OBParser.Var_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitVar_name(OBParser.Var_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterColumn_name(OBParser.Column_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitColumn_name(OBParser.Column_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRelation_name(OBParser.Relation_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRelation_name(OBParser.Relation_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterExists_function_name(OBParser.Exists_function_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitExists_function_name(OBParser.Exists_function_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterFunction_name(OBParser.Function_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitFunction_name(OBParser.Function_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterColumn_label(OBParser.Column_labelContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitColumn_label(OBParser.Column_labelContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterKeystore_name(OBParser.Keystore_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitKeystore_name(OBParser.Keystore_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDate_unit(OBParser.Date_unitContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDate_unit(OBParser.Date_unitContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterTimezone_unit(OBParser.Timezone_unitContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitTimezone_unit(OBParser.Timezone_unitContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDate_unit_for_extract(OBParser.Date_unit_for_extractContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDate_unit_for_extract(OBParser.Date_unit_for_extractContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_mergepatch_expr(OBParser.Json_mergepatch_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_mergepatch_expr(OBParser.Json_mergepatch_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_mergepatch_on_error(OBParser.Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_mergepatch_on_error(OBParser.Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_json_mergepatch(OBParser.Opt_json_mergepatchContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_json_mergepatch(OBParser.Opt_json_mergepatchContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJs_mp_return_clause(OBParser.Js_mp_return_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJs_mp_return_clause(OBParser.Js_mp_return_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_array_expr(OBParser.Json_array_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_array_expr(OBParser.Json_array_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_array_content(OBParser.Json_array_contentContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_array_content(OBParser.Json_array_contentContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_array_on_null(OBParser.Json_array_on_nullContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_array_on_null(OBParser.Json_array_on_nullContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJs_array_eles(OBParser.Js_array_elesContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJs_array_eles(OBParser.Js_array_elesContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJs_array_ele(OBParser.Js_array_eleContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJs_array_ele(OBParser.Js_array_eleContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJs_array_return_clause(OBParser.Js_array_return_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJs_array_return_clause(OBParser.Js_array_return_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_value_expr(OBParser.Json_value_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_value_expr(OBParser.Json_value_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_equal_expr(OBParser.Json_equal_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_equal_expr(OBParser.Json_equal_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_value_on_opt(OBParser.Json_value_on_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_value_on_opt(OBParser.Json_value_on_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJs_doc_expr(OBParser.Js_doc_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJs_doc_expr(OBParser.Js_doc_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_js_value_returning_type(OBParser.Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_js_value_returning_type(OBParser.Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_value_on_empty(OBParser.Json_value_on_emptyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_value_on_empty(OBParser.Json_value_on_emptyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_value_on_empty_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_empty_responseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_value_on_empty_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_empty_responseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_value_on_error(OBParser.Json_value_on_errorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_value_on_error(OBParser.Json_value_on_errorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_value_on_error_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_error_responseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_value_on_error_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_error_responseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_on_mismatchs(OBParser.Opt_on_mismatchsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_on_mismatchs(OBParser.Opt_on_mismatchsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_on_mismatch(OBParser.Opt_on_mismatchContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_on_mismatch(OBParser.Opt_on_mismatchContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_value_on_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_responseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_value_on_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_responseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMismatch_type_list(OBParser.Mismatch_type_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMismatch_type_list(OBParser.Mismatch_type_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterMismatch_type(OBParser.Mismatch_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitMismatch_type(OBParser.Mismatch_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_exists_expr(OBParser.Json_exists_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_exists_expr(OBParser.Json_exists_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_json_exist(OBParser.Opt_json_existContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_json_exist(OBParser.Opt_json_existContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPassing_elements(OBParser.Passing_elementsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPassing_elements(OBParser.Passing_elementsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterPassing_context(OBParser.Passing_contextContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitPassing_context(OBParser.Passing_contextContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSql_var_name(OBParser.Sql_var_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSql_var_name(OBParser.Sql_var_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty(OBParser.Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty(OBParser.Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_exists_on_error(OBParser.Json_exists_on_errorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_exists_on_error(OBParser.Json_exists_on_errorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_exists_on_empty(OBParser.Json_exists_on_emptyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_exists_on_empty(OBParser.Json_exists_on_emptyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_exists_response_type(OBParser.Json_exists_response_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_exists_response_type(OBParser.Json_exists_response_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_query_expr(OBParser.Json_query_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_query_expr(OBParser.Json_query_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_query_on_opt(OBParser.Json_query_on_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_query_on_opt(OBParser.Json_query_on_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterWrapper_opts(OBParser.Wrapper_optsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitWrapper_opts(OBParser.Wrapper_optsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJs_query_return_type(OBParser.Js_query_return_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJs_query_return_type(OBParser.Js_query_return_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOn_mismatch_query(OBParser.On_mismatch_queryContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOn_mismatch_query(OBParser.On_mismatch_queryContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOn_error_query(OBParser.On_error_queryContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOn_error_query(OBParser.On_error_queryContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOn_empty_query(OBParser.On_empty_queryContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOn_empty_query(OBParser.On_empty_queryContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_response_query_on_empty_error(OBParser.Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_response_query_on_empty_error(OBParser.Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_response_query(OBParser.Opt_response_queryContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_response_query(OBParser.Opt_response_queryContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXml_table_expr(OBParser.Xml_table_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXml_table_expr(OBParser.Xml_table_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_columns_clause(OBParser.Opt_columns_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_columns_clause(OBParser.Opt_columns_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_sequence_by_ref(OBParser.Opt_sequence_by_refContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_sequence_by_ref(OBParser.Opt_sequence_by_refContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_xml_passing_clause(OBParser.Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_xml_passing_clause(OBParser.Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_xml_table_path(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_pathContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_xml_table_path(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_pathContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_xml_table_ns(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_nsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_xml_table_ns(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_nsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXml_ns_list(OBParser.Xml_ns_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXml_ns_list(OBParser.Xml_ns_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXml_ns(OBParser.Xml_nsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXml_ns(OBParser.Xml_nsContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXml_identifier(OBParser.Xml_identifierContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXml_identifier(OBParser.Xml_identifierContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXml_table_columns_list(OBParser.Xml_table_columns_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXml_table_columns_list(OBParser.Xml_table_columns_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXml_table_column(OBParser.Xml_table_columnContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXml_table_column(OBParser.Xml_table_columnContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXml_table_ordinality_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXml_table_ordinality_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXml_table_value_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_value_column_defContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXml_table_value_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_value_column_defContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXml_table_query_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_query_column_defContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXml_table_query_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_query_column_defContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket(OBParser.Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket(OBParser.Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_xml_table_default_value(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_xml_table_default_value(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_json_table_on_error_on_empty(OBParser.Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_json_table_on_error_on_empty(OBParser.Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_table_columns_def_opt(OBParser.Json_table_columns_def_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_table_columns_def_opt(OBParser.Json_table_columns_def_optContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_table_expr(OBParser.Json_table_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_table_expr(OBParser.Json_table_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_table_columns_def(OBParser.Json_table_columns_defContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_table_columns_def(OBParser.Json_table_columns_defContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_table_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_column_defContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_table_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_column_defContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_table_ordinality_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_table_ordinality_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_table_column_def_path(OBParser.Json_table_column_def_pathContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_table_column_def_path(OBParser.Json_table_column_def_pathContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_table_exists_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_exists_column_defContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_table_exists_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_exists_column_defContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_table_query_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_query_column_defContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_table_query_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_query_column_defContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_table_value_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_value_column_defContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_table_value_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_value_column_defContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_table_nested_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_nested_column_defContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_table_nested_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_nested_column_defContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_jt_query_type(OBParser.Opt_jt_query_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_jt_query_type(OBParser.Opt_jt_query_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_jt_value_type(OBParser.Opt_jt_value_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_jt_value_type(OBParser.Opt_jt_value_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJs_value_return_type(OBParser.Js_value_return_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJs_value_return_type(OBParser.Js_value_return_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJs_return_type(OBParser.Js_return_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJs_return_type(OBParser.Js_return_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJs_return_default_type(OBParser.Js_return_default_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJs_return_default_type(OBParser.Js_return_default_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJs_return_text_type(OBParser.Js_return_text_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJs_return_text_type(OBParser.Js_return_text_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_table_on_response(OBParser.Json_table_on_responseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_table_on_response(OBParser.Json_table_on_responseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_table_on_error(OBParser.Json_table_on_errorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_table_on_error(OBParser.Json_table_on_errorContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_table_on_empty(OBParser.Json_table_on_emptyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_table_on_empty(OBParser.Json_table_on_emptyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_object_expr(OBParser.Json_object_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_object_expr(OBParser.Json_object_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_json_object_content(OBParser.Opt_json_object_contentContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_json_object_content(OBParser.Opt_json_object_contentContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_json_object_clause(OBParser.Opt_json_object_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_json_object_clause(OBParser.Opt_json_object_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterEntry_op(OBParser.Entry_opContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitEntry_op(OBParser.Entry_opContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterEntry_set(OBParser.Entry_setContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitEntry_set(OBParser.Entry_setContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterEntry_obj(OBParser.Entry_objContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitEntry_obj(OBParser.Entry_objContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterRegular_entry_obj(OBParser.Regular_entry_objContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitRegular_entry_obj(OBParser.Regular_entry_objContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_obj_literal_expr(OBParser.Json_obj_literal_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_obj_literal_expr(OBParser.Json_obj_literal_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJs_on_null(OBParser.Js_on_nullContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJs_on_null(OBParser.Js_on_nullContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_obj_returning_type(OBParser.Json_obj_returning_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_obj_returning_type(OBParser.Json_obj_returning_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterJson_obj_unique_key(OBParser.Json_obj_unique_keyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitJson_obj_unique_key(OBParser.Json_obj_unique_keyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOpt_skip_index_type_list(OBParser.Opt_skip_index_type_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOpt_skip_index_type_list(OBParser.Opt_skip_index_type_listContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterSkip_index_type(OBParser.Skip_index_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitSkip_index_type(OBParser.Skip_index_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXmlparse_expr(OBParser.Xmlparse_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXmlparse_expr(OBParser.Xmlparse_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXml_text(OBParser.Xml_textContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXml_text(OBParser.Xml_textContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXml_doc_type(OBParser.Xml_doc_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXml_doc_type(OBParser.Xml_doc_typeContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXml_element_expr(OBParser.Xml_element_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXml_element_expr(OBParser.Xml_element_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXml_tag(OBParser.Xml_tagContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXml_tag(OBParser.Xml_tagContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterEvalname_expr(OBParser.Evalname_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitEvalname_expr(OBParser.Evalname_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterElement_name(OBParser.Element_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitElement_name(OBParser.Element_nameContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXml_value_clause(OBParser.Xml_value_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXml_value_clause(OBParser.Xml_value_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXml_value(OBParser.Xml_valueContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXml_value(OBParser.Xml_valueContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXml_attributes_expr(OBParser.Xml_attributes_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXml_attributes_expr(OBParser.Xml_attributes_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXml_attributes_value_clause(OBParser.Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXml_attributes_value_clause(OBParser.Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAttributes_name_value(OBParser.Attributes_name_valueContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAttributes_name_value(OBParser.Attributes_name_valueContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXml_attributes_value(OBParser.Xml_attributes_valueContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXml_attributes_value(OBParser.Xml_attributes_valueContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXml_sequence_expr(OBParser.Xml_sequence_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXml_sequence_expr(OBParser.Xml_sequence_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterInsert_child_xml(OBParser.Insert_child_xmlContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitInsert_child_xml(OBParser.Insert_child_xmlContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterDelete_xml(OBParser.Delete_xmlContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitDelete_xml(OBParser.Delete_xmlContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXml_extract_expr(OBParser.Xml_extract_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXml_extract_expr(OBParser.Xml_extract_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXmlcast_expr(OBParser.Xmlcast_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXmlcast_expr(OBParser.Xmlcast_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterXmlserialize_expr(OBParser.Xmlserialize_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitXmlserialize_expr(OBParser.Xmlserialize_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUnreserved_keyword(OBParser.Unreserved_keywordContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUnreserved_keyword(OBParser.Unreserved_keywordContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterAggregate_function_keyword(OBParser.Aggregate_function_keywordContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitAggregate_function_keyword(OBParser.Aggregate_function_keywordContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterOracle_unreserved_keyword(OBParser.Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitOracle_unreserved_keyword(OBParser.Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterUnreserved_keyword_normal(OBParser.Unreserved_keyword_normalContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitUnreserved_keyword_normal(OBParser.Unreserved_keyword_normalContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterEmpty(OBParser.EmptyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitEmpty(OBParser.EmptyContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterForward_expr(OBParser.Forward_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitForward_expr(OBParser.Forward_exprContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterForward_sql_stmt(OBParser.Forward_sql_stmtContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitForward_sql_stmt(OBParser.Forward_sql_stmtContext ctx) { } + + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void enterEveryRule(ParserRuleContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void exitEveryRule(ParserRuleContext ctx) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void visitTerminal(TerminalNode node) { } + /** + * {@inheritDoc} + * + *

The default implementation does nothing.

+ */ + @Override public void visitErrorNode(ErrorNode node) { } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..253a2efdf6 --- /dev/null +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ @@ -0,0 +1,8979 @@ +// Generated from OBParser.g4 by ANTLR 4.9.1 +import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeListener; + +/** + * This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by + * {@link OBParser}. + */ +public interface OBParserListener extends ParseTreeListener { + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSql_stmt(OBParser.Sql_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSql_stmt(OBParser.Sql_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#stmt_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterStmt_list(OBParser.Stmt_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#stmt_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitStmt_list(OBParser.Stmt_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterStmt(OBParser.StmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitStmt(OBParser.StmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_package_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_package_stmt(OBParser.Drop_package_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_package_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_package_stmt(OBParser.Drop_package_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_procedure_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_procedure_stmt(OBParser.Drop_procedure_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_procedure_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_procedure_stmt(OBParser.Drop_procedure_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_function_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_function_stmt(OBParser.Drop_function_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_function_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_function_stmt(OBParser.Drop_function_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_trigger_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_trigger_stmt(OBParser.Drop_trigger_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_trigger_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_trigger_stmt(OBParser.Drop_trigger_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_type_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_type_stmt(OBParser.Drop_type_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_type_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_type_stmt(OBParser.Drop_type_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#pl_expr_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPl_expr_stmt(OBParser.Pl_expr_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#pl_expr_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPl_expr_stmt(OBParser.Pl_expr_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#expr_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterExpr_list(OBParser.Expr_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#expr_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitExpr_list(OBParser.Expr_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_ref}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterColumn_ref(OBParser.Column_refContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_ref}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitColumn_ref(OBParser.Column_refContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#oracle_pl_non_reserved_words}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOracle_pl_non_reserved_words(OBParser.Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#oracle_pl_non_reserved_words}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOracle_pl_non_reserved_words(OBParser.Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#complex_string_literal}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterComplex_string_literal(OBParser.Complex_string_literalContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#complex_string_literal}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitComplex_string_literal(OBParser.Complex_string_literalContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_literal}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJs_literal(OBParser.Js_literalContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_literal}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJs_literal(OBParser.Js_literalContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#literal}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLiteral(OBParser.LiteralContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#literal}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLiteral(OBParser.LiteralContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#number_literal}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterNumber_literal(OBParser.Number_literalContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#number_literal}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitNumber_literal(OBParser.Number_literalContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#expr_const}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterExpr_const(OBParser.Expr_constContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#expr_const}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitExpr_const(OBParser.Expr_constContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#conf_const}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterConf_const(OBParser.Conf_constContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#conf_const}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitConf_const(OBParser.Conf_constContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#bool_pri}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterBool_pri(OBParser.Bool_priContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#bool_pri}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitBool_pri(OBParser.Bool_priContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#is_json_constrain}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterIs_json_constrain(OBParser.Is_json_constrainContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#is_json_constrain}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitIs_json_constrain(OBParser.Is_json_constrainContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#strict_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterStrict_opt(OBParser.Strict_optContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#strict_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitStrict_opt(OBParser.Strict_optContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#scalars_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterScalars_opt(OBParser.Scalars_optContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#scalars_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitScalars_opt(OBParser.Scalars_optContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unique_keys_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUnique_keys_opt(OBParser.Unique_keys_optContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unique_keys_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUnique_keys_opt(OBParser.Unique_keys_optContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_equal_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_equal_option(OBParser.Json_equal_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_equal_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_equal_option(OBParser.Json_equal_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#predicate}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPredicate(OBParser.PredicateContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#predicate}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPredicate(OBParser.PredicateContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#collection_predicate_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCollection_predicate_expr(OBParser.Collection_predicate_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#collection_predicate_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCollection_predicate_expr(OBParser.Collection_predicate_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#bit_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterBit_expr(OBParser.Bit_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#bit_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitBit_expr(OBParser.Bit_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#conf_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterConf_expr(OBParser.Conf_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#conf_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitConf_expr(OBParser.Conf_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#is_nan_inf_value}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterIs_nan_inf_value(OBParser.Is_nan_inf_valueContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#is_nan_inf_value}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitIs_nan_inf_value(OBParser.Is_nan_inf_valueContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unary_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUnary_expr(OBParser.Unary_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unary_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUnary_expr(OBParser.Unary_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#simple_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSimple_expr(OBParser.Simple_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#simple_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSimple_expr(OBParser.Simple_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_function(OBParser.Json_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_function(OBParser.Json_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#gis_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterGis_function(OBParser.Gis_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#gis_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitGis_function(OBParser.Gis_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#spatial_cellid_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSpatial_cellid_expr(OBParser.Spatial_cellid_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#spatial_cellid_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSpatial_cellid_expr(OBParser.Spatial_cellid_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#spatial_mbr_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSpatial_mbr_expr(OBParser.Spatial_mbr_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#spatial_mbr_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSpatial_mbr_expr(OBParser.Spatial_mbr_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sdo_relate_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSdo_relate_expr(OBParser.Sdo_relate_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sdo_relate_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSdo_relate_expr(OBParser.Sdo_relate_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#common_cursor_attribute}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCommon_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Common_cursor_attributeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#common_cursor_attribute}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCommon_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Common_cursor_attributeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#implicit_cursor_attribute}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterImplicit_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Implicit_cursor_attributeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#implicit_cursor_attribute}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitImplicit_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Implicit_cursor_attributeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#explicit_cursor_attribute}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterExplicit_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Explicit_cursor_attributeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#explicit_cursor_attribute}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitExplicit_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Explicit_cursor_attributeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cursor_attribute_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCursor_attribute_expr(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cursor_attribute_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCursor_attribute_expr(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#obj_access_ref}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterObj_access_ref(OBParser.Obj_access_refContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#obj_access_ref}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitObj_access_ref(OBParser.Obj_access_refContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dot_notation_path}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDot_notation_path(OBParser.Dot_notation_pathContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dot_notation_path}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDot_notation_path(OBParser.Dot_notation_pathContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dot_notation_path_obj_access_ref}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDot_notation_path_obj_access_ref(OBParser.Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dot_notation_path_obj_access_ref}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDot_notation_path_obj_access_ref(OBParser.Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#path_param_array}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPath_param_array(OBParser.Path_param_arrayContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#path_param_array}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPath_param_array(OBParser.Path_param_arrayContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#path_param_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPath_param_list(OBParser.Path_param_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#path_param_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPath_param_list(OBParser.Path_param_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#path_param}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPath_param(OBParser.Path_paramContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#path_param}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPath_param(OBParser.Path_paramContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dot_notation_fun_sys}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDot_notation_fun_sys(OBParser.Dot_notation_fun_sysContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dot_notation_fun_sys}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDot_notation_fun_sys(OBParser.Dot_notation_fun_sysContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dot_notation_fun}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDot_notation_fun(OBParser.Dot_notation_funContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dot_notation_fun}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDot_notation_fun(OBParser.Dot_notation_funContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#obj_access_ref_normal}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterObj_access_ref_normal(OBParser.Obj_access_ref_normalContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#obj_access_ref_normal}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitObj_access_ref_normal(OBParser.Obj_access_ref_normalContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#func_access_ref}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFunc_access_ref(OBParser.Func_access_refContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#func_access_ref}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFunc_access_ref(OBParser.Func_access_refContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_element_access_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTable_element_access_list(OBParser.Table_element_access_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_element_access_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTable_element_access_list(OBParser.Table_element_access_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_index}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTable_index(OBParser.Table_indexContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_index}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTable_index(OBParser.Table_indexContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterExpr(OBParser.ExprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitExpr(OBParser.ExprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#not}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterNot(OBParser.NotContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#not}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitNot(OBParser.NotContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sub_query_flag}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSub_query_flag(OBParser.Sub_query_flagContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sub_query_flag}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSub_query_flag(OBParser.Sub_query_flagContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#in_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterIn_expr(OBParser.In_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#in_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitIn_expr(OBParser.In_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#case_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCase_expr(OBParser.Case_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#case_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCase_expr(OBParser.Case_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#window_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterWindow_function(OBParser.Window_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#window_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitWindow_function(OBParser.Window_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#first_or_last}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFirst_or_last(OBParser.First_or_lastContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#first_or_last}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFirst_or_last(OBParser.First_or_lastContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#respect_or_ignore}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRespect_or_ignore(OBParser.Respect_or_ignoreContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#respect_or_ignore}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRespect_or_ignore(OBParser.Respect_or_ignoreContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_fun_first_last_params}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterWin_fun_first_last_params(OBParser.Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_fun_first_last_params}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitWin_fun_first_last_params(OBParser.Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_fun_lead_lag_params}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterWin_fun_lead_lag_params(OBParser.Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_fun_lead_lag_params}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitWin_fun_lead_lag_params(OBParser.Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#generalized_window_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterGeneralized_window_clause(OBParser.Generalized_window_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#generalized_window_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitGeneralized_window_clause(OBParser.Generalized_window_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_rows_or_range}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterWin_rows_or_range(OBParser.Win_rows_or_rangeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_rows_or_range}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitWin_rows_or_range(OBParser.Win_rows_or_rangeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_preceding_or_following}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterWin_preceding_or_following(OBParser.Win_preceding_or_followingContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_preceding_or_following}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitWin_preceding_or_following(OBParser.Win_preceding_or_followingContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_interval}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterWin_interval(OBParser.Win_intervalContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_interval}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitWin_interval(OBParser.Win_intervalContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_bounding}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterWin_bounding(OBParser.Win_boundingContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_bounding}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitWin_bounding(OBParser.Win_boundingContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_window}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterWin_window(OBParser.Win_windowContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_window}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitWin_window(OBParser.Win_windowContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#simple_when_clause_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSimple_when_clause_list(OBParser.Simple_when_clause_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#simple_when_clause_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSimple_when_clause_list(OBParser.Simple_when_clause_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#simple_when_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSimple_when_clause(OBParser.Simple_when_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#simple_when_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSimple_when_clause(OBParser.Simple_when_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#bool_when_clause_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterBool_when_clause_list(OBParser.Bool_when_clause_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#bool_when_clause_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitBool_when_clause_list(OBParser.Bool_when_clause_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#bool_when_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterBool_when_clause(OBParser.Bool_when_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#bool_when_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitBool_when_clause(OBParser.Bool_when_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#case_default}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCase_default(OBParser.Case_defaultContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#case_default}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCase_default(OBParser.Case_defaultContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSql_function(OBParser.Sql_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSql_function(OBParser.Sql_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXml_function(OBParser.Xml_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXml_function(OBParser.Xml_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#single_row_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSingle_row_function(OBParser.Single_row_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#single_row_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSingle_row_function(OBParser.Single_row_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#numeric_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterNumeric_function(OBParser.Numeric_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#numeric_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitNumeric_function(OBParser.Numeric_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#character_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCharacter_function(OBParser.Character_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#character_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCharacter_function(OBParser.Character_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#translate_charset}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTranslate_charset(OBParser.Translate_charsetContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#translate_charset}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTranslate_charset(OBParser.Translate_charsetContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#extract_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterExtract_function(OBParser.Extract_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#extract_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitExtract_function(OBParser.Extract_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#conversion_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterConversion_function(OBParser.Conversion_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#conversion_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitConversion_function(OBParser.Conversion_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hierarchical_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterHierarchical_function(OBParser.Hierarchical_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hierarchical_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitHierarchical_function(OBParser.Hierarchical_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#environment_id_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterEnvironment_id_function(OBParser.Environment_id_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#environment_id_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitEnvironment_id_function(OBParser.Environment_id_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#aggregate_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAggregate_function(OBParser.Aggregate_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#aggregate_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAggregate_function(OBParser.Aggregate_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_agg_on_null}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJs_agg_on_null(OBParser.Js_agg_on_nullContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_agg_on_null}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJs_agg_on_null(OBParser.Js_agg_on_nullContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_agg_returning_type_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJs_agg_returning_type_opt(OBParser.Js_agg_returning_type_optContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_agg_returning_type_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJs_agg_returning_type_opt(OBParser.Js_agg_returning_type_optContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_agg_returning_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJs_agg_returning_type(OBParser.Js_agg_returning_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_agg_returning_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJs_agg_returning_type(OBParser.Js_agg_returning_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#special_func_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSpecial_func_expr(OBParser.Special_func_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#special_func_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSpecial_func_expr(OBParser.Special_func_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#access_func_expr_count}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAccess_func_expr_count(OBParser.Access_func_expr_countContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#access_func_expr_count}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAccess_func_expr_count(OBParser.Access_func_expr_countContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#access_func_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAccess_func_expr(OBParser.Access_func_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#access_func_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAccess_func_expr(OBParser.Access_func_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dblink_func_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDblink_func_expr(OBParser.Dblink_func_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dblink_func_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDblink_func_expr(OBParser.Dblink_func_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#func_param_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFunc_param_list(OBParser.Func_param_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#func_param_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFunc_param_list(OBParser.Func_param_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#func_param}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFunc_param(OBParser.Func_paramContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#func_param}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFunc_param(OBParser.Func_paramContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#func_param_with_assign}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFunc_param_with_assign(OBParser.Func_param_with_assignContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#func_param_with_assign}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFunc_param_with_assign(OBParser.Func_param_with_assignContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#pl_var_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPl_var_name(OBParser.Pl_var_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#pl_var_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPl_var_name(OBParser.Pl_var_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#bool_pri_in_pl_func}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterBool_pri_in_pl_func(OBParser.Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#bool_pri_in_pl_func}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitBool_pri_in_pl_func(OBParser.Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cur_timestamp_func}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCur_timestamp_func(OBParser.Cur_timestamp_funcContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cur_timestamp_func}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCur_timestamp_func(OBParser.Cur_timestamp_funcContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#updating_func}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUpdating_func(OBParser.Updating_funcContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#updating_func}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUpdating_func(OBParser.Updating_funcContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#updating_params}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUpdating_params(OBParser.Updating_paramsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#updating_params}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUpdating_params(OBParser.Updating_paramsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#substr_params}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSubstr_params(OBParser.Substr_paramsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#substr_params}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSubstr_params(OBParser.Substr_paramsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#returning_log_error_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterReturning_log_error_clause(OBParser.Returning_log_error_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#returning_log_error_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitReturning_log_error_clause(OBParser.Returning_log_error_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#returning_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterReturning_clause(OBParser.Returning_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#returning_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitReturning_clause(OBParser.Returning_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#log_error_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLog_error_clause(OBParser.Log_error_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#log_error_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLog_error_clause(OBParser.Log_error_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#delete_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDelete_stmt(OBParser.Delete_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#delete_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDelete_stmt(OBParser.Delete_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#update_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUpdate_stmt(OBParser.Update_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#update_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUpdate_stmt(OBParser.Update_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#update_asgn_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUpdate_asgn_list(OBParser.Update_asgn_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#update_asgn_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUpdate_asgn_list(OBParser.Update_asgn_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#normal_asgn_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterNormal_asgn_list(OBParser.Normal_asgn_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#normal_asgn_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitNormal_asgn_list(OBParser.Normal_asgn_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#update_asgn_factor}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUpdate_asgn_factor(OBParser.Update_asgn_factorContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#update_asgn_factor}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUpdate_asgn_factor(OBParser.Update_asgn_factorContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_resource_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_resource_stmt(OBParser.Create_resource_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_resource_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_resource_stmt(OBParser.Create_resource_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_resource_unit_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_resource_unit_option_list(OBParser.Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_resource_unit_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_resource_unit_option_list(OBParser.Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#resource_unit_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterResource_unit_option(OBParser.Resource_unit_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#resource_unit_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitResource_unit_option(OBParser.Resource_unit_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_create_resource_pool_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_create_resource_pool_option_list(OBParser.Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_create_resource_pool_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_create_resource_pool_option_list(OBParser.Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_resource_pool_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_resource_pool_option(OBParser.Create_resource_pool_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_resource_pool_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_resource_pool_option(OBParser.Create_resource_pool_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_resource_pool_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_resource_pool_option_list(OBParser.Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_resource_pool_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_resource_pool_option_list(OBParser.Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#id_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterId_list(OBParser.Id_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#id_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitId_list(OBParser.Id_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_resource_pool_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_resource_pool_option(OBParser.Alter_resource_pool_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_resource_pool_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_resource_pool_option(OBParser.Alter_resource_pool_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_resource_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_resource_stmt(OBParser.Alter_resource_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_resource_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_resource_stmt(OBParser.Alter_resource_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_resource_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_resource_stmt(OBParser.Drop_resource_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_resource_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_resource_stmt(OBParser.Drop_resource_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_tenant_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Create_tenant_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_tenant_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Create_tenant_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_tenant_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_tenant_option_list(OBParser.Opt_tenant_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_tenant_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_tenant_option_list(OBParser.Opt_tenant_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTenant_option(OBParser.Tenant_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTenant_option(OBParser.Tenant_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#zone_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterZone_list(OBParser.Zone_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#zone_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitZone_list(OBParser.Zone_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#resource_pool_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterResource_pool_list(OBParser.Resource_pool_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#resource_pool_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitResource_pool_list(OBParser.Resource_pool_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tenant_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tenant_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tenant_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tenant_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_tenant_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tenant_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_tenant_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tenant_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_restore_point_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_restore_point_stmt(OBParser.Create_restore_point_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_restore_point_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_restore_point_stmt(OBParser.Create_restore_point_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_restore_point_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_restore_point_stmt(OBParser.Drop_restore_point_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_restore_point_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_restore_point_stmt(OBParser.Drop_restore_point_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#database_key}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDatabase_key(OBParser.Database_keyContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#database_key}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDatabase_key(OBParser.Database_keyContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#database_factor}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDatabase_factor(OBParser.Database_factorContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#database_factor}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDatabase_factor(OBParser.Database_factorContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#database_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDatabase_option_list(OBParser.Database_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#database_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDatabase_option_list(OBParser.Database_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#charset_key}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCharset_key(OBParser.Charset_keyContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#charset_key}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCharset_key(OBParser.Charset_keyContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#database_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDatabase_option(OBParser.Database_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#database_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDatabase_option(OBParser.Database_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#read_only_or_write}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRead_only_or_write(OBParser.Read_only_or_writeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#read_only_or_write}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRead_only_or_write(OBParser.Read_only_or_writeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_database_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_database_stmt(OBParser.Alter_database_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_database_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_database_stmt(OBParser.Alter_database_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#database_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDatabase_name(OBParser.Database_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#database_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDatabase_name(OBParser.Database_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_data_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLoad_data_stmt(OBParser.Load_data_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_data_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLoad_data_stmt(OBParser.Load_data_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_data_with_opt_hint}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLoad_data_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Load_data_with_opt_hintContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_data_with_opt_hint}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLoad_data_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Load_data_with_opt_hintContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#compression_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCompression_name(OBParser.Compression_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#compression_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCompression_name(OBParser.Compression_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lines_or_rows}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLines_or_rows(OBParser.Lines_or_rowsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lines_or_rows}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLines_or_rows(OBParser.Lines_or_rowsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#field_or_vars_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterField_or_vars_list(OBParser.Field_or_vars_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#field_or_vars_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitField_or_vars_list(OBParser.Field_or_vars_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#field_or_vars}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterField_or_vars(OBParser.Field_or_varsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#field_or_vars}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitField_or_vars(OBParser.Field_or_varsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_set_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLoad_set_list(OBParser.Load_set_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_set_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLoad_set_list(OBParser.Load_set_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_set_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLoad_set_element(OBParser.Load_set_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_set_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLoad_set_element(OBParser.Load_set_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_data_extended_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLoad_data_extended_option_list(OBParser.Load_data_extended_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_data_extended_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLoad_data_extended_option_list(OBParser.Load_data_extended_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_data_extended_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLoad_data_extended_option(OBParser.Load_data_extended_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_data_extended_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLoad_data_extended_option(OBParser.Load_data_extended_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_synonym_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_synonym_stmt(OBParser.Create_synonym_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_synonym_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_synonym_stmt(OBParser.Create_synonym_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#synonym_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSynonym_name(OBParser.Synonym_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#synonym_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSynonym_name(OBParser.Synonym_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#synonym_object}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSynonym_object(OBParser.Synonym_objectContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#synonym_object}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSynonym_object(OBParser.Synonym_objectContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_synonym_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_synonym_stmt(OBParser.Drop_synonym_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_synonym_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_synonym_stmt(OBParser.Drop_synonym_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#special_table_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSpecial_table_type(OBParser.Special_table_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#special_table_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSpecial_table_type(OBParser.Special_table_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#on_commit_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOn_commit_option(OBParser.On_commit_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#on_commit_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOn_commit_option(OBParser.On_commit_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_directory_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_directory_stmt(OBParser.Create_directory_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_directory_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_directory_stmt(OBParser.Create_directory_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#directory_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDirectory_name(OBParser.Directory_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#directory_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDirectory_name(OBParser.Directory_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#directory_path}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDirectory_path(OBParser.Directory_pathContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#directory_path}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDirectory_path(OBParser.Directory_pathContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_directory_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_directory_stmt(OBParser.Drop_directory_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_directory_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_directory_stmt(OBParser.Drop_directory_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_keystore_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_keystore_stmt(OBParser.Create_keystore_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_keystore_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_keystore_stmt(OBParser.Create_keystore_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_keystore_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_keystore_stmt(OBParser.Alter_keystore_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_keystore_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_keystore_stmt(OBParser.Alter_keystore_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_table_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_table_stmt(OBParser.Create_table_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_table_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_table_stmt(OBParser.Create_table_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_element_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTable_element_list(OBParser.Table_element_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_element_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTable_element_list(OBParser.Table_element_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTable_element(OBParser.Table_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTable_element(OBParser.Table_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_definition}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterColumn_definition(OBParser.Column_definitionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_definition}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitColumn_definition(OBParser.Column_definitionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_definition_opt_datatype}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterColumn_definition_opt_datatype(OBParser.Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_definition_opt_datatype}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitColumn_definition_opt_datatype(OBParser.Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#out_of_line_index}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOut_of_line_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_indexContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#out_of_line_index}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOut_of_line_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_indexContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#out_of_line_constraint}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOut_of_line_constraint(OBParser.Out_of_line_constraintContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#out_of_line_constraint}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOut_of_line_constraint(OBParser.Out_of_line_constraintContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#out_of_line_primary_index}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOut_of_line_primary_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_primary_indexContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#out_of_line_primary_index}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOut_of_line_primary_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_primary_indexContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#out_of_line_unique_index}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOut_of_line_unique_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_unique_indexContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#out_of_line_unique_index}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOut_of_line_unique_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_unique_indexContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#out_of_line_index_state}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOut_of_line_index_state(OBParser.Out_of_line_index_stateContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#out_of_line_index_state}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOut_of_line_index_state(OBParser.Out_of_line_index_stateContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#constraint_state}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterConstraint_state(OBParser.Constraint_stateContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#constraint_state}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitConstraint_state(OBParser.Constraint_stateContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#enable_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterEnable_option(OBParser.Enable_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#enable_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitEnable_option(OBParser.Enable_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#references_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterReferences_clause(OBParser.References_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#references_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitReferences_clause(OBParser.References_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#reference_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterReference_option(OBParser.Reference_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#reference_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitReference_option(OBParser.Reference_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#reference_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterReference_action(OBParser.Reference_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#reference_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitReference_action(OBParser.Reference_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_generated_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_generated_option_list(OBParser.Opt_generated_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_generated_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_generated_option_list(OBParser.Opt_generated_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_generated_identity_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_generated_identity_option(OBParser.Opt_generated_identity_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_generated_identity_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_generated_identity_option(OBParser.Opt_generated_identity_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_generated_column_attribute_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_generated_column_attribute_list(OBParser.Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_generated_column_attribute_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_generated_column_attribute_list(OBParser.Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#generated_column_attribute}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterGenerated_column_attribute(OBParser.Generated_column_attributeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#generated_column_attribute}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitGenerated_column_attribute(OBParser.Generated_column_attributeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_identity_attribute}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_identity_attribute(OBParser.Opt_identity_attributeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_identity_attribute}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_identity_attribute(OBParser.Opt_identity_attributeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_definition_ref}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterColumn_definition_ref(OBParser.Column_definition_refContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_definition_ref}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitColumn_definition_ref(OBParser.Column_definition_refContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_definition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterColumn_definition_list(OBParser.Column_definition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_definition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitColumn_definition_list(OBParser.Column_definition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_definition_opt_datatype_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterColumn_definition_opt_datatype_list(OBParser.Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_definition_opt_datatype_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitColumn_definition_opt_datatype_list(OBParser.Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_name_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterColumn_name_list(OBParser.Column_name_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_name_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitColumn_name_list(OBParser.Column_name_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#zero_suffix_intnum}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterZero_suffix_intnum(OBParser.Zero_suffix_intnumContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#zero_suffix_intnum}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitZero_suffix_intnum(OBParser.Zero_suffix_intnumContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cast_data_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCast_data_type(OBParser.Cast_data_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cast_data_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCast_data_type(OBParser.Cast_data_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#treat_data_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTreat_data_type(OBParser.Treat_data_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#treat_data_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTreat_data_type(OBParser.Treat_data_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#obj_access_ref_cast}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterObj_access_ref_cast(OBParser.Obj_access_ref_castContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#obj_access_ref_cast}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitObj_access_ref_cast(OBParser.Obj_access_ref_castContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#value_or_type_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterValue_or_type_name(OBParser.Value_or_type_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#value_or_type_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitValue_or_type_name(OBParser.Value_or_type_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#udt_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUdt_type_i(OBParser.Udt_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#udt_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUdt_type_i(OBParser.Udt_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#type_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterType_name(OBParser.Type_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#type_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitType_name(OBParser.Type_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#data_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterData_type(OBParser.Data_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#data_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitData_type(OBParser.Data_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#binary_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterBinary_type_i(OBParser.Binary_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#binary_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitBinary_type_i(OBParser.Binary_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#float_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFloat_type_i(OBParser.Float_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#float_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFloat_type_i(OBParser.Float_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#character_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCharacter_type_i(OBParser.Character_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#character_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCharacter_type_i(OBParser.Character_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rowid_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRowid_type_i(OBParser.Rowid_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rowid_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRowid_type_i(OBParser.Rowid_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#interval_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterInterval_type_i(OBParser.Interval_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#interval_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitInterval_type_i(OBParser.Interval_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#number_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterNumber_type_i(OBParser.Number_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#number_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitNumber_type_i(OBParser.Number_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#timestamp_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTimestamp_type_i(OBParser.Timestamp_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#timestamp_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTimestamp_type_i(OBParser.Timestamp_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#data_type_precision}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterData_type_precision(OBParser.Data_type_precisionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#data_type_precision}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitData_type_precision(OBParser.Data_type_precisionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#int_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterInt_type_i(OBParser.Int_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#int_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitInt_type_i(OBParser.Int_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#varchar_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterVarchar_type_i(OBParser.Varchar_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#varchar_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitVarchar_type_i(OBParser.Varchar_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#double_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDouble_type_i(OBParser.Double_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#double_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDouble_type_i(OBParser.Double_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#datetime_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDatetime_type_i(OBParser.Datetime_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#datetime_type_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDatetime_type_i(OBParser.Datetime_type_iContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#number_precision}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterNumber_precision(OBParser.Number_precisionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#number_precision}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitNumber_precision(OBParser.Number_precisionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#signed_int_num}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSigned_int_num(OBParser.Signed_int_numContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#signed_int_num}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSigned_int_num(OBParser.Signed_int_numContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#precision_int_num}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPrecision_int_num(OBParser.Precision_int_numContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#precision_int_num}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPrecision_int_num(OBParser.Precision_int_numContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#precision_decimal_num}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPrecision_decimal_num(OBParser.Precision_decimal_numContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#precision_decimal_num}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPrecision_decimal_num(OBParser.Precision_decimal_numContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#nstring_length_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterNstring_length_i(OBParser.Nstring_length_iContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#nstring_length_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitNstring_length_i(OBParser.Nstring_length_iContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#string_length_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterString_length_i(OBParser.String_length_iContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#string_length_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitString_length_i(OBParser.String_length_iContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#urowid_length_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUrowid_length_i(OBParser.Urowid_length_iContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#urowid_length_i}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUrowid_length_i(OBParser.Urowid_length_iContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#collation_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCollation_name(OBParser.Collation_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#collation_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCollation_name(OBParser.Collation_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#trans_param_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTrans_param_name(OBParser.Trans_param_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#trans_param_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTrans_param_name(OBParser.Trans_param_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#trans_param_value}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTrans_param_value(OBParser.Trans_param_valueContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#trans_param_value}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTrans_param_value(OBParser.Trans_param_valueContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dblink_info_param_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDblink_info_param_name(OBParser.Dblink_info_param_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dblink_info_param_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDblink_info_param_name(OBParser.Dblink_info_param_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dblink_info_param_value}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDblink_info_param_value(OBParser.Dblink_info_param_valueContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dblink_info_param_value}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDblink_info_param_value(OBParser.Dblink_info_param_valueContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#charset_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCharset_name(OBParser.Charset_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#charset_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCharset_name(OBParser.Charset_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#charset_name_or_default}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCharset_name_or_default(OBParser.Charset_name_or_defaultContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#charset_name_or_default}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCharset_name_or_default(OBParser.Charset_name_or_defaultContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#collation}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCollation(OBParser.CollationContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#collation}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCollation(OBParser.CollationContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_column_attribute_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_column_attribute_list(OBParser.Opt_column_attribute_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_column_attribute_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_column_attribute_list(OBParser.Opt_column_attribute_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_attribute}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterColumn_attribute(OBParser.Column_attributeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_attribute}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitColumn_attribute(OBParser.Column_attributeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#now_or_signed_literal}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterNow_or_signed_literal(OBParser.Now_or_signed_literalContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#now_or_signed_literal}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitNow_or_signed_literal(OBParser.Now_or_signed_literalContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cur_timestamp_func_params}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCur_timestamp_func_params(OBParser.Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cur_timestamp_func_params}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCur_timestamp_func_params(OBParser.Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#signed_literal_params}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSigned_literal_params(OBParser.Signed_literal_paramsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#signed_literal_params}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSigned_literal_params(OBParser.Signed_literal_paramsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#signed_literal}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSigned_literal(OBParser.Signed_literalContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#signed_literal}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSigned_literal(OBParser.Signed_literalContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_comma}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_comma(OBParser.Opt_commaContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_comma}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_comma(OBParser.Opt_commaContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_option_list_space_seperated}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTable_option_list_space_seperated(OBParser.Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_option_list_space_seperated}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTable_option_list_space_seperated(OBParser.Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTable_option_list(OBParser.Table_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTable_option_list(OBParser.Table_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#primary_zone_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPrimary_zone_name(OBParser.Primary_zone_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#primary_zone_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPrimary_zone_name(OBParser.Primary_zone_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#locality_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLocality_name(OBParser.Locality_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#locality_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLocality_name(OBParser.Locality_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTable_option(OBParser.Table_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTable_option(OBParser.Table_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#parallel_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterParallel_option(OBParser.Parallel_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#parallel_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitParallel_option(OBParser.Parallel_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#storage_options_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterStorage_options_list(OBParser.Storage_options_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#storage_options_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitStorage_options_list(OBParser.Storage_options_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#storage_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterStorage_option(OBParser.Storage_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#storage_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitStorage_option(OBParser.Storage_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#size_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSize_option(OBParser.Size_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#size_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSize_option(OBParser.Size_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#int_or_unlimited}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterInt_or_unlimited(OBParser.Int_or_unlimitedContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#int_or_unlimited}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitInt_or_unlimited(OBParser.Int_or_unlimitedContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unit_of_size}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUnit_of_size(OBParser.Unit_of_sizeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unit_of_size}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUnit_of_size(OBParser.Unit_of_sizeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_name_or_string}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRelation_name_or_string(OBParser.Relation_name_or_stringContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_name_or_string}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRelation_name_or_string(OBParser.Relation_name_or_stringContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_equal_mark}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_equal_mark(OBParser.Opt_equal_markContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_equal_mark}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_equal_mark(OBParser.Opt_equal_markContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_option_inner}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPartition_option_inner(OBParser.Partition_option_innerContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_option_inner}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPartition_option_inner(OBParser.Partition_option_innerContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_table_partition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterExternal_table_partition_option(OBParser.External_table_partition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_table_partition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitExternal_table_partition_option(OBParser.External_table_partition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#auto_partition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAuto_partition_option(OBParser.Auto_partition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#auto_partition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAuto_partition_option(OBParser.Auto_partition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_group_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterColumn_group_element(OBParser.Column_group_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_group_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitColumn_group_element(OBParser.Column_group_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_group_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterColumn_group_list(OBParser.Column_group_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_group_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitColumn_group_list(OBParser.Column_group_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#with_column_group}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterWith_column_group(OBParser.With_column_groupContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#with_column_group}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitWith_column_group(OBParser.With_column_groupContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_size}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPartition_size(OBParser.Partition_sizeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_size}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPartition_size(OBParser.Partition_sizeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#auto_partition_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAuto_partition_type(OBParser.Auto_partition_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#auto_partition_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAuto_partition_type(OBParser.Auto_partition_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#auto_range_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAuto_range_type(OBParser.Auto_range_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#auto_range_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAuto_range_type(OBParser.Auto_range_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPartition_option(OBParser.Partition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPartition_option(OBParser.Partition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_partition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterHash_partition_option(OBParser.Hash_partition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_partition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitHash_partition_option(OBParser.Hash_partition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_partition_attributes_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterHash_partition_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_partition_attributes_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitHash_partition_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_partition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterList_partition_option(OBParser.List_partition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_partition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitList_partition_option(OBParser.List_partition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_partition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRange_partition_option(OBParser.Range_partition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_partition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRange_partition_option(OBParser.Range_partition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#interval_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterInterval_option(OBParser.Interval_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#interval_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitInterval_option(OBParser.Interval_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#subpartition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSubpartition_option(OBParser.Subpartition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#subpartition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSubpartition_option(OBParser.Subpartition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#subpartition_template_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSubpartition_template_option(OBParser.Subpartition_template_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#subpartition_template_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSubpartition_template_option(OBParser.Subpartition_template_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#subpartition_individual_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSubpartition_individual_option(OBParser.Subpartition_individual_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#subpartition_individual_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSubpartition_individual_option(OBParser.Subpartition_individual_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#aux_column_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAux_column_list(OBParser.Aux_column_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#aux_column_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAux_column_list(OBParser.Aux_column_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#vertical_column_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterVertical_column_name(OBParser.Vertical_column_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#vertical_column_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitVertical_column_name(OBParser.Vertical_column_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_partition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterHash_partition_list(OBParser.Hash_partition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_partition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitHash_partition_list(OBParser.Hash_partition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_partition_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterHash_partition_element(OBParser.Hash_partition_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_partition_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitHash_partition_element(OBParser.Hash_partition_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_range_partition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_range_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_range_partition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_range_partition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_range_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_range_partition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_partition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRange_partition_list(OBParser.Range_partition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_partition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRange_partition_list(OBParser.Range_partition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_attributes_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPartition_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Partition_attributes_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_attributes_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPartition_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Partition_attributes_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_partition_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRange_partition_element(OBParser.Range_partition_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_partition_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRange_partition_element(OBParser.Range_partition_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_list_partition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_list_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_list_partition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_list_partition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_list_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_list_partition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_partition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterList_partition_list(OBParser.List_partition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_partition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitList_partition_list(OBParser.List_partition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_partition_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterList_partition_element(OBParser.List_partition_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_partition_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitList_partition_element(OBParser.List_partition_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#subpartition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSubpartition_list(OBParser.Subpartition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#subpartition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSubpartition_list(OBParser.Subpartition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_hash_subpartition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_hash_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_hash_subpartition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_hash_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_subpartition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterHash_subpartition_list(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_subpartition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitHash_subpartition_list(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_subpartition_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterHash_subpartition_element(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_subpartition_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitHash_subpartition_element(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_range_subpartition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_range_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_range_subpartition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_range_subpartition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_range_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_range_subpartition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_subpartition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRange_subpartition_list(OBParser.Range_subpartition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_subpartition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRange_subpartition_list(OBParser.Range_subpartition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_subpartition_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRange_subpartition_element(OBParser.Range_subpartition_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_subpartition_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRange_subpartition_element(OBParser.Range_subpartition_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_list_subpartition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_list_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_list_subpartition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_list_subpartition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_list_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_list_subpartition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_subpartition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterList_subpartition_list(OBParser.List_subpartition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_subpartition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitList_subpartition_list(OBParser.List_subpartition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_subpartition_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterList_subpartition_element(OBParser.List_subpartition_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_subpartition_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitList_subpartition_element(OBParser.List_subpartition_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_partition_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterList_partition_expr(OBParser.List_partition_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_partition_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitList_partition_expr(OBParser.List_partition_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterList_expr(OBParser.List_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitList_expr(OBParser.List_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#physical_attributes_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPhysical_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Physical_attributes_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#physical_attributes_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPhysical_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Physical_attributes_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#physical_attributes_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPhysical_attributes_option(OBParser.Physical_attributes_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#physical_attributes_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPhysical_attributes_option(OBParser.Physical_attributes_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_special_partition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_special_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_special_partition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_special_partition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_special_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_special_partition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#special_partition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSpecial_partition_list(OBParser.Special_partition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#special_partition_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSpecial_partition_list(OBParser.Special_partition_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#special_partition_define}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSpecial_partition_define(OBParser.Special_partition_defineContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#special_partition_define}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSpecial_partition_define(OBParser.Special_partition_defineContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_partition_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRange_partition_expr(OBParser.Range_partition_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_partition_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRange_partition_expr(OBParser.Range_partition_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_expr_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRange_expr_list(OBParser.Range_expr_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_expr_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRange_expr_list(OBParser.Range_expr_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRange_expr(OBParser.Range_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRange_expr(OBParser.Range_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_subpartition_quantity}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterHash_subpartition_quantity(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_quantityContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_subpartition_quantity}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitHash_subpartition_quantity(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_quantityContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#int_or_decimal}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterInt_or_decimal(OBParser.Int_or_decimalContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#int_or_decimal}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitInt_or_decimal(OBParser.Int_or_decimalContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_hash_partition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTg_hash_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_hash_partition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_hash_partition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTg_hash_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_hash_partition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_range_partition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTg_range_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_range_partition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_range_partition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTg_range_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_range_partition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_list_partition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTg_list_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_list_partition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_list_partition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTg_list_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_list_partition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_subpartition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTg_subpartition_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_subpartition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTg_subpartition_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_subpartition_template_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTg_subpartition_template_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_subpartition_template_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTg_subpartition_template_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_subpartition_individual_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTg_subpartition_individual_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_subpartition_individual_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTg_subpartition_individual_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_alter_compress_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_alter_compress_option(OBParser.Opt_alter_compress_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_alter_compress_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_alter_compress_option(OBParser.Opt_alter_compress_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#compress_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCompress_option(OBParser.Compress_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#compress_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCompress_option(OBParser.Compress_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_compress_level}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_compress_level(OBParser.Opt_compress_levelContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_compress_level}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_compress_level(OBParser.Opt_compress_levelContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_properties_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterExternal_properties_list(OBParser.External_properties_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_properties_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitExternal_properties_list(OBParser.External_properties_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_properties}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterExternal_properties(OBParser.External_propertiesContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_properties}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitExternal_properties(OBParser.External_propertiesContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_file_format_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterExternal_file_format_list(OBParser.External_file_format_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_file_format_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitExternal_file_format_list(OBParser.External_file_format_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_file_format}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterExternal_file_format(OBParser.External_file_formatContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_file_format}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitExternal_file_format(OBParser.External_file_formatContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_tablegroup_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Create_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_tablegroup_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Create_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_tablegroup_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_tablegroup_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablegroup_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablegroup_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTablegroup_option_list_space_seperated(OBParser.Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTablegroup_option_list_space_seperated(OBParser.Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tablegroup_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTablegroup_option_list(OBParser.Tablegroup_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tablegroup_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTablegroup_option_list(OBParser.Tablegroup_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tablegroup_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTablegroup_option(OBParser.Tablegroup_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tablegroup_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTablegroup_option(OBParser.Tablegroup_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablegroup_actions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_tablegroup_actions(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablegroup_actions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_tablegroup_actions(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablegroup_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_tablegroup_action(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablegroup_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_tablegroup_action(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#default_tablegroup}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDefault_tablegroup(OBParser.Default_tablegroupContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#default_tablegroup}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDefault_tablegroup(OBParser.Default_tablegroupContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_view_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_view_stmt(OBParser.Create_view_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_view_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_view_stmt(OBParser.Create_view_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_mview_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_mview_stmt(OBParser.Create_mview_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_mview_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_mview_stmt(OBParser.Create_mview_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_mview_opts}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_mview_opts(OBParser.Create_mview_optsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_mview_opts}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_mview_opts(OBParser.Create_mview_optsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mview_enable_disable}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMview_enable_disable(OBParser.Mview_enable_disableContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mview_enable_disable}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMview_enable_disable(OBParser.Mview_enable_disableContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mview_refresh_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMview_refresh_opt(OBParser.Mview_refresh_optContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mview_refresh_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMview_refresh_opt(OBParser.Mview_refresh_optContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_refresh_on_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMv_refresh_on_clause(OBParser.Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_refresh_on_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMv_refresh_on_clause(OBParser.Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_refresh_method}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMv_refresh_method(OBParser.Mv_refresh_methodContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_refresh_method}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMv_refresh_method(OBParser.Mv_refresh_methodContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_refresh_mode}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMv_refresh_mode(OBParser.Mv_refresh_modeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_refresh_mode}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMv_refresh_mode(OBParser.Mv_refresh_modeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_refresh_interval}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMv_refresh_interval(OBParser.Mv_refresh_intervalContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_refresh_interval}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMv_refresh_interval(OBParser.Mv_refresh_intervalContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_start_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMv_start_clause(OBParser.Mv_start_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_start_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMv_start_clause(OBParser.Mv_start_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_next_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMv_next_clause(OBParser.Mv_next_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_next_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMv_next_clause(OBParser.Mv_next_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#view_subquery}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterView_subquery(OBParser.View_subqueryContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#view_subquery}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitView_subquery(OBParser.View_subqueryContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#view_with_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterView_with_opt(OBParser.View_with_optContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#view_with_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitView_with_opt(OBParser.View_with_optContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#with_check_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterWith_check_option(OBParser.With_check_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#with_check_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitWith_check_option(OBParser.With_check_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#view_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterView_name(OBParser.View_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#view_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitView_name(OBParser.View_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_tablet_id}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_tablet_id(OBParser.Opt_tablet_idContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_tablet_id}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_tablet_id(OBParser.Opt_tablet_idContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_tablet_id_no_empty}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_tablet_id_no_empty(OBParser.Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_tablet_id_no_empty}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_tablet_id_no_empty(OBParser.Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_index_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_index_stmt(OBParser.Create_index_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_index_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_index_stmt(OBParser.Create_index_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#index_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterIndex_name(OBParser.Index_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#index_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitIndex_name(OBParser.Index_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#constraint_and_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterConstraint_and_name(OBParser.Constraint_and_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#constraint_and_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitConstraint_and_name(OBParser.Constraint_and_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#constraint_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterConstraint_name(OBParser.Constraint_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#constraint_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitConstraint_name(OBParser.Constraint_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sort_column_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSort_column_list(OBParser.Sort_column_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sort_column_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSort_column_list(OBParser.Sort_column_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sort_column_key}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSort_column_key(OBParser.Sort_column_keyContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sort_column_key}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSort_column_key(OBParser.Sort_column_keyContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#index_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterIndex_expr(OBParser.Index_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#index_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitIndex_expr(OBParser.Index_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_index_options}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_index_options(OBParser.Opt_index_optionsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_index_options}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_index_options(OBParser.Opt_index_optionsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#index_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterIndex_option(OBParser.Index_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#index_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitIndex_option(OBParser.Index_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#index_using_algorithm}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterIndex_using_algorithm(OBParser.Index_using_algorithmContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#index_using_algorithm}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitIndex_using_algorithm(OBParser.Index_using_algorithmContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_mlog_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_mlog_stmt(OBParser.Create_mlog_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_mlog_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_mlog_stmt(OBParser.Create_mlog_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_mlog_options}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_mlog_options(OBParser.Opt_mlog_optionsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_mlog_options}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_mlog_options(OBParser.Opt_mlog_optionsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMlog_option(OBParser.Mlog_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMlog_option(OBParser.Mlog_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_values}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMlog_with_values(OBParser.Mlog_with_valuesContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_values}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMlog_with_values(OBParser.Mlog_with_valuesContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_special_columns}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMlog_with_special_columns(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_columnsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_special_columns}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMlog_with_special_columns(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_columnsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_special_column_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMlog_with_special_column_list(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_column_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_special_column_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMlog_with_special_column_list(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_column_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_special_column}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMlog_with_special_column(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_columnContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_special_column}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMlog_with_special_column(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_columnContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_reference_columns}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMlog_with_reference_columns(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_reference_columns}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMlog_with_reference_columns(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_reference_column_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMlog_with_reference_column_list(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_reference_column_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMlog_with_reference_column_list(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_reference_column}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMlog_with_reference_column(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_columnContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_reference_column}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMlog_with_reference_column(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_columnContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_including_or_excluding}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMlog_including_or_excluding(OBParser.Mlog_including_or_excludingContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_including_or_excluding}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMlog_including_or_excluding(OBParser.Mlog_including_or_excludingContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_purge_values}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMlog_purge_values(OBParser.Mlog_purge_valuesContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_purge_values}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMlog_purge_values(OBParser.Mlog_purge_valuesContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async(OBParser.Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async(OBParser.Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_purge_start}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMlog_purge_start(OBParser.Mlog_purge_startContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_purge_start}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMlog_purge_start(OBParser.Mlog_purge_startContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_purge_next}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMlog_purge_next(OBParser.Mlog_purge_nextContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_purge_next}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMlog_purge_next(OBParser.Mlog_purge_nextContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_mlog_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_mlog_stmt(OBParser.Drop_mlog_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_mlog_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_mlog_stmt(OBParser.Drop_mlog_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_table_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_table_stmt(OBParser.Drop_table_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_table_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_table_stmt(OBParser.Drop_table_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_or_tables}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTable_or_tables(OBParser.Table_or_tablesContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_or_tables}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTable_or_tables(OBParser.Table_or_tablesContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_view_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_view_stmt(OBParser.Drop_view_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_view_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_view_stmt(OBParser.Drop_view_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTable_list(OBParser.Table_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTable_list(OBParser.Table_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_index_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_index_stmt(OBParser.Drop_index_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_index_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_index_stmt(OBParser.Drop_index_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterInsert_stmt(OBParser.Insert_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitInsert_stmt(OBParser.Insert_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_simple_expression}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_simple_expression(OBParser.Opt_simple_expressionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_simple_expression}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_simple_expression(OBParser.Opt_simple_expressionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#into_err_log_caluse}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterInto_err_log_caluse(OBParser.Into_err_log_caluseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#into_err_log_caluse}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitInto_err_log_caluse(OBParser.Into_err_log_caluseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#reject_limit}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterReject_limit(OBParser.Reject_limitContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#reject_limit}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitReject_limit(OBParser.Reject_limitContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#single_table_insert}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSingle_table_insert(OBParser.Single_table_insertContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#single_table_insert}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSingle_table_insert(OBParser.Single_table_insertContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#multi_table_insert}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMulti_table_insert(OBParser.Multi_table_insertContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#multi_table_insert}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMulti_table_insert(OBParser.Multi_table_insertContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_table_clause_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterInsert_table_clause_list(OBParser.Insert_table_clause_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_table_clause_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitInsert_table_clause_list(OBParser.Insert_table_clause_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_single_table_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterInsert_single_table_clause(OBParser.Insert_single_table_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_single_table_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitInsert_single_table_clause(OBParser.Insert_single_table_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#conditional_insert_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterConditional_insert_clause(OBParser.Conditional_insert_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#conditional_insert_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitConditional_insert_clause(OBParser.Conditional_insert_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#condition_insert_clause_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCondition_insert_clause_list(OBParser.Condition_insert_clause_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#condition_insert_clause_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCondition_insert_clause_list(OBParser.Condition_insert_clause_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#condition_insert_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCondition_insert_clause(OBParser.Condition_insert_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#condition_insert_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCondition_insert_clause(OBParser.Condition_insert_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#values_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterValues_clause(OBParser.Values_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#values_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitValues_clause(OBParser.Values_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_into_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_into_clause(OBParser.Opt_into_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_into_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_into_clause(OBParser.Opt_into_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#returning_exprs}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterReturning_exprs(OBParser.Returning_exprsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#returning_exprs}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitReturning_exprs(OBParser.Returning_exprsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_with_opt_hint}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterInsert_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Insert_with_opt_hintContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_with_opt_hint}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitInsert_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Insert_with_opt_hintContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterColumn_list(OBParser.Column_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitColumn_list(OBParser.Column_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_vals_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterInsert_vals_list(OBParser.Insert_vals_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_vals_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitInsert_vals_list(OBParser.Insert_vals_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_vals}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterInsert_vals(OBParser.Insert_valsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_vals}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitInsert_vals(OBParser.Insert_valsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#expr_or_default}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterExpr_or_default(OBParser.Expr_or_defaultContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#expr_or_default}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitExpr_or_default(OBParser.Expr_or_defaultContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#merge_with_opt_hint}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMerge_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Merge_with_opt_hintContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#merge_with_opt_hint}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMerge_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Merge_with_opt_hintContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#merge_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMerge_stmt(OBParser.Merge_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#merge_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMerge_stmt(OBParser.Merge_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#merge_update_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMerge_update_clause(OBParser.Merge_update_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#merge_update_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMerge_update_clause(OBParser.Merge_update_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#merge_insert_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMerge_insert_clause(OBParser.Merge_insert_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#merge_insert_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMerge_insert_clause(OBParser.Merge_insert_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#source_relation_factor}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSource_relation_factor(OBParser.Source_relation_factorContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#source_relation_factor}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSource_relation_factor(OBParser.Source_relation_factorContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSelect_stmt(OBParser.Select_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSelect_stmt(OBParser.Select_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#subquery}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSubquery(OBParser.SubqueryContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#subquery}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSubquery(OBParser.SubqueryContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_with_parens}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSelect_with_parens(OBParser.Select_with_parensContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_with_parens}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSelect_with_parens(OBParser.Select_with_parensContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_no_parens}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSelect_no_parens(OBParser.Select_no_parensContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_no_parens}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSelect_no_parens(OBParser.Select_no_parensContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSelect_clause(OBParser.Select_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSelect_clause(OBParser.Select_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_clause_set}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSelect_clause_set(OBParser.Select_clause_setContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_clause_set}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSelect_clause_set(OBParser.Select_clause_setContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_clause_set_right}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSelect_clause_set_right(OBParser.Select_clause_set_rightContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_clause_set_right}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSelect_clause_set_right(OBParser.Select_clause_set_rightContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_clause_set_left}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSelect_clause_set_left(OBParser.Select_clause_set_leftContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_clause_set_left}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSelect_clause_set_left(OBParser.Select_clause_set_leftContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_with_opt_hint}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSelect_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Select_with_opt_hintContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_with_opt_hint}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSelect_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Select_with_opt_hintContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#update_with_opt_hint}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUpdate_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Update_with_opt_hintContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#update_with_opt_hint}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUpdate_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Update_with_opt_hintContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#delete_with_opt_hint}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDelete_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Delete_with_opt_hintContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#delete_with_opt_hint}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDelete_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Delete_with_opt_hintContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#simple_select}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSimple_select(OBParser.Simple_selectContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#simple_select}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSimple_select(OBParser.Simple_selectContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_with_hierarchical_query}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSelect_with_hierarchical_query(OBParser.Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_with_hierarchical_query}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSelect_with_hierarchical_query(OBParser.Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#start_with}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterStart_with(OBParser.Start_withContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#start_with}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitStart_with(OBParser.Start_withContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFetch_next_clause(OBParser.Fetch_next_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFetch_next_clause(OBParser.Fetch_next_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFetch_next(OBParser.Fetch_nextContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFetch_next(OBParser.Fetch_nextContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next_count}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFetch_next_count(OBParser.Fetch_next_countContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next_count}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFetch_next_count(OBParser.Fetch_next_countContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next_percent}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFetch_next_percent(OBParser.Fetch_next_percentContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next_percent}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFetch_next_percent(OBParser.Fetch_next_percentContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFetch_next_expr(OBParser.Fetch_next_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFetch_next_expr(OBParser.Fetch_next_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next_percent_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFetch_next_percent_expr(OBParser.Fetch_next_percent_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next_percent_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFetch_next_percent_expr(OBParser.Fetch_next_percent_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#connect_by}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterConnect_by(OBParser.Connect_byContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#connect_by}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitConnect_by(OBParser.Connect_byContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_type_union}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSet_type_union(OBParser.Set_type_unionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_type_union}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSet_type_union(OBParser.Set_type_unionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_type_other}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSet_type_other(OBParser.Set_type_otherContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_type_other}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSet_type_other(OBParser.Set_type_otherContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSet_type(OBParser.Set_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSet_type(OBParser.Set_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_expression_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSet_expression_option(OBParser.Set_expression_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_expression_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSet_expression_option(OBParser.Set_expression_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_where}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_where(OBParser.Opt_whereContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_where}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_where(OBParser.Opt_whereContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_where_extension}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_where_extension(OBParser.Opt_where_extensionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_where_extension}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_where_extension(OBParser.Opt_where_extensionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#into_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterInto_clause(OBParser.Into_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#into_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitInto_clause(OBParser.Into_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#into_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterInto_opt(OBParser.Into_optContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#into_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitInto_opt(OBParser.Into_optContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#into_var_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterInto_var_list(OBParser.Into_var_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#into_var_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitInto_var_list(OBParser.Into_var_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#into_var}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterInto_var(OBParser.Into_varContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#into_var}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitInto_var(OBParser.Into_varContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#field_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterField_opt(OBParser.Field_optContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#field_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitField_opt(OBParser.Field_optContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#field_term_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterField_term_list(OBParser.Field_term_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#field_term_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitField_term_list(OBParser.Field_term_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#field_term}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterField_term(OBParser.Field_termContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#field_term}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitField_term(OBParser.Field_termContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFile_opt(OBParser.File_optContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFile_opt(OBParser.File_optContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFile_option_list(OBParser.File_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFile_option_list(OBParser.File_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFile_option(OBParser.File_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFile_option(OBParser.File_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_partition_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFile_partition_opt(OBParser.File_partition_optContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_partition_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFile_partition_opt(OBParser.File_partition_optContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_size_const}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFile_size_const(OBParser.File_size_constContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_size_const}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFile_size_const(OBParser.File_size_constContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#line_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLine_opt(OBParser.Line_optContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#line_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLine_opt(OBParser.Line_optContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#line_term_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLine_term_list(OBParser.Line_term_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#line_term_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLine_term_list(OBParser.Line_term_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#line_term}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLine_term(OBParser.Line_termContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#line_term}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLine_term(OBParser.Line_termContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hint_list_with_end}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterHint_list_with_end(OBParser.Hint_list_with_endContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hint_list_with_end}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitHint_list_with_end(OBParser.Hint_list_with_endContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_hint_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_hint_list(OBParser.Opt_hint_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_hint_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_hint_list(OBParser.Opt_hint_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hint_options}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterHint_options(OBParser.Hint_optionsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hint_options}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitHint_options(OBParser.Hint_optionsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#name_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterName_list(OBParser.Name_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#name_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitName_list(OBParser.Name_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hint_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterHint_option(OBParser.Hint_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hint_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitHint_option(OBParser.Hint_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#distribute_method}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDistribute_method(OBParser.Distribute_methodContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#distribute_method}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDistribute_method(OBParser.Distribute_methodContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#consistency_level}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterConsistency_level(OBParser.Consistency_levelContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#consistency_level}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitConsistency_level(OBParser.Consistency_levelContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#use_plan_cache_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUse_plan_cache_type(OBParser.Use_plan_cache_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#use_plan_cache_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUse_plan_cache_type(OBParser.Use_plan_cache_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#use_jit_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUse_jit_type(OBParser.Use_jit_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#use_jit_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUse_jit_type(OBParser.Use_jit_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#for_update}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFor_update(OBParser.For_updateContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#for_update}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFor_update(OBParser.For_updateContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#parameterized_trim}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterParameterized_trim(OBParser.Parameterized_trimContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#parameterized_trim}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitParameterized_trim(OBParser.Parameterized_trimContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#groupby_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterGroupby_clause(OBParser.Groupby_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#groupby_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitGroupby_clause(OBParser.Groupby_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#groupby_element_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterGroupby_element_list(OBParser.Groupby_element_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#groupby_element_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitGroupby_element_list(OBParser.Groupby_element_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#groupby_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterGroupby_element(OBParser.Groupby_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#groupby_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitGroupby_element(OBParser.Groupby_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#group_by_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterGroup_by_expr(OBParser.Group_by_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#group_by_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitGroup_by_expr(OBParser.Group_by_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rollup_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRollup_clause(OBParser.Rollup_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rollup_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRollup_clause(OBParser.Rollup_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cube_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCube_clause(OBParser.Cube_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cube_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCube_clause(OBParser.Cube_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#group_by_expr_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterGroup_by_expr_list(OBParser.Group_by_expr_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#group_by_expr_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitGroup_by_expr_list(OBParser.Group_by_expr_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grouping_sets_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterGrouping_sets_clause(OBParser.Grouping_sets_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grouping_sets_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitGrouping_sets_clause(OBParser.Grouping_sets_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grouping_sets_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterGrouping_sets_list(OBParser.Grouping_sets_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grouping_sets_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitGrouping_sets_list(OBParser.Grouping_sets_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grouping_sets}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterGrouping_sets(OBParser.Grouping_setsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grouping_sets}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitGrouping_sets(OBParser.Grouping_setsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#order_by}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOrder_by(OBParser.Order_byContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#order_by}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOrder_by(OBParser.Order_byContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sort_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSort_list(OBParser.Sort_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sort_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSort_list(OBParser.Sort_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sort_key}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSort_key(OBParser.Sort_keyContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sort_key}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSort_key(OBParser.Sort_keyContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_null_pos}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_null_pos(OBParser.Opt_null_posContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_null_pos}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_null_pos(OBParser.Opt_null_posContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_ascending_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_ascending_type(OBParser.Opt_ascending_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_ascending_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_ascending_type(OBParser.Opt_ascending_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_asc_desc}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_asc_desc(OBParser.Opt_asc_descContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_asc_desc}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_asc_desc(OBParser.Opt_asc_descContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#query_expression_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterQuery_expression_option_list(OBParser.Query_expression_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#query_expression_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitQuery_expression_option_list(OBParser.Query_expression_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#query_expression_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterQuery_expression_option(OBParser.Query_expression_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#query_expression_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitQuery_expression_option(OBParser.Query_expression_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#projection}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterProjection(OBParser.ProjectionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#projection}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitProjection(OBParser.ProjectionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_as}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_as(OBParser.Opt_asContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_as}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_as(OBParser.Opt_asContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_expr_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSelect_expr_list(OBParser.Select_expr_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_expr_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSelect_expr_list(OBParser.Select_expr_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#from_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFrom_list(OBParser.From_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#from_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFrom_list(OBParser.From_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_references}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTable_references(OBParser.Table_referencesContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_references}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTable_references(OBParser.Table_referencesContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_reference}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTable_reference(OBParser.Table_referenceContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_reference}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTable_reference(OBParser.Table_referenceContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_factor}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTable_factor(OBParser.Table_factorContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_factor}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTable_factor(OBParser.Table_factorContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSelect_function(OBParser.Select_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_function}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSelect_function(OBParser.Select_functionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tbl_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTbl_name(OBParser.Tbl_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tbl_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTbl_name(OBParser.Tbl_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dual_table}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDual_table(OBParser.Dual_tableContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dual_table}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDual_table(OBParser.Dual_tableContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transpose_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTranspose_clause(OBParser.Transpose_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transpose_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTranspose_clause(OBParser.Transpose_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#pivot_aggr_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPivot_aggr_clause(OBParser.Pivot_aggr_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#pivot_aggr_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPivot_aggr_clause(OBParser.Pivot_aggr_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#pivot_single_aggr_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPivot_single_aggr_clause(OBParser.Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#pivot_single_aggr_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPivot_single_aggr_clause(OBParser.Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transpose_for_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTranspose_for_clause(OBParser.Transpose_for_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transpose_for_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTranspose_for_clause(OBParser.Transpose_for_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transpose_in_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTranspose_in_clause(OBParser.Transpose_in_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transpose_in_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTranspose_in_clause(OBParser.Transpose_in_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transpose_in_args}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTranspose_in_args(OBParser.Transpose_in_argsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transpose_in_args}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTranspose_in_args(OBParser.Transpose_in_argsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transpose_in_arg}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTranspose_in_arg(OBParser.Transpose_in_argContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transpose_in_arg}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTranspose_in_arg(OBParser.Transpose_in_argContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unpivot_column_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUnpivot_column_clause(OBParser.Unpivot_column_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unpivot_column_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUnpivot_column_clause(OBParser.Unpivot_column_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unpivot_in_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUnpivot_in_clause(OBParser.Unpivot_in_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unpivot_in_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUnpivot_in_clause(OBParser.Unpivot_in_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unpivot_in_args}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUnpivot_in_args(OBParser.Unpivot_in_argsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unpivot_in_args}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUnpivot_in_args(OBParser.Unpivot_in_argsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unpivot_in_arg}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUnpivot_in_arg(OBParser.Unpivot_in_argContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unpivot_in_arg}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUnpivot_in_arg(OBParser.Unpivot_in_argContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dml_table_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDml_table_name(OBParser.Dml_table_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dml_table_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDml_table_name(OBParser.Dml_table_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#order_by_fetch_with_check_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOrder_by_fetch_with_check_option(OBParser.Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#order_by_fetch_with_check_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOrder_by_fetch_with_check_option(OBParser.Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_table_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterInsert_table_clause(OBParser.Insert_table_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_table_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitInsert_table_clause(OBParser.Insert_table_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dml_table_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDml_table_clause(OBParser.Dml_table_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dml_table_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDml_table_clause(OBParser.Dml_table_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#seed}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSeed(OBParser.SeedContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#seed}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSeed(OBParser.SeedContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sample_percent}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSample_percent(OBParser.Sample_percentContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sample_percent}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSample_percent(OBParser.Sample_percentContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sample_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSample_clause(OBParser.Sample_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sample_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSample_clause(OBParser.Sample_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_subquery}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTable_subquery(OBParser.Table_subqueryContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_subquery}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTable_subquery(OBParser.Table_subqueryContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#use_partition}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUse_partition(OBParser.Use_partitionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#use_partition}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUse_partition(OBParser.Use_partitionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_table_partitions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterExternal_table_partitions(OBParser.External_table_partitionsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_table_partitions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitExternal_table_partitions(OBParser.External_table_partitionsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_table_partition}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterExternal_table_partition(OBParser.External_table_partitionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_table_partition}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitExternal_table_partition(OBParser.External_table_partitionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#use_flashback}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUse_flashback(OBParser.Use_flashbackContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#use_flashback}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUse_flashback(OBParser.Use_flashbackContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRelation_factor(OBParser.Relation_factorContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRelation_factor(OBParser.Relation_factorContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#normal_relation_factor}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterNormal_relation_factor(OBParser.Normal_relation_factorContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#normal_relation_factor}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitNormal_relation_factor(OBParser.Normal_relation_factorContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dot_relation_factor}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDot_relation_factor(OBParser.Dot_relation_factorContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dot_relation_factor}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDot_relation_factor(OBParser.Dot_relation_factorContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_reverse_link_flag}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_reverse_link_flag(OBParser.Opt_reverse_link_flagContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_reverse_link_flag}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_reverse_link_flag(OBParser.Opt_reverse_link_flagContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_hint}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRelation_factor_in_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_hintContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_hint}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRelation_factor_in_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_hintContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#qb_name_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterQb_name_option(OBParser.Qb_name_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#qb_name_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitQb_name_option(OBParser.Qb_name_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_hint_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRelation_factor_in_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_hint_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRelation_factor_in_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_sep_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRelation_sep_option(OBParser.Relation_sep_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_sep_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRelation_sep_option(OBParser.Relation_sep_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_mv_hint_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRelation_factor_in_mv_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_mv_hint_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_mv_hint_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRelation_factor_in_mv_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_mv_hint_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_pq_hint}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRelation_factor_in_pq_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_pq_hint}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRelation_factor_in_pq_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_leading_hint}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRelation_factor_in_leading_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_leading_hint}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRelation_factor_in_leading_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tracing_num_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTracing_num_list(OBParser.Tracing_num_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tracing_num_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTracing_num_list(OBParser.Tracing_num_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRelation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRelation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#coalesce_strategy_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCoalesce_strategy_list(OBParser.Coalesce_strategy_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#coalesce_strategy_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCoalesce_strategy_list(OBParser.Coalesce_strategy_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#join_condition}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJoin_condition(OBParser.Join_conditionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#join_condition}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJoin_condition(OBParser.Join_conditionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#joined_table}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJoined_table(OBParser.Joined_tableContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#joined_table}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJoined_table(OBParser.Joined_tableContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#natural_join_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterNatural_join_type(OBParser.Natural_join_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#natural_join_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitNatural_join_type(OBParser.Natural_join_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#outer_join_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOuter_join_type(OBParser.Outer_join_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#outer_join_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOuter_join_type(OBParser.Outer_join_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#join_outer}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJoin_outer(OBParser.Join_outerContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#join_outer}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJoin_outer(OBParser.Join_outerContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#with_select}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterWith_select(OBParser.With_selectContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#with_select}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitWith_select(OBParser.With_selectContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#with_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterWith_clause(OBParser.With_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#with_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitWith_clause(OBParser.With_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#with_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterWith_list(OBParser.With_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#with_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitWith_list(OBParser.With_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#common_table_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCommon_table_expr(OBParser.Common_table_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#common_table_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCommon_table_expr(OBParser.Common_table_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_column_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMv_column_list(OBParser.Mv_column_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_column_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMv_column_list(OBParser.Mv_column_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alias_name_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlias_name_list(OBParser.Alias_name_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alias_name_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlias_name_list(OBParser.Alias_name_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_alias_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterColumn_alias_name(OBParser.Column_alias_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_alias_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitColumn_alias_name(OBParser.Column_alias_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#search_set_value}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSearch_set_value(OBParser.Search_set_valueContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#search_set_value}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSearch_set_value(OBParser.Search_set_valueContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#analyze_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAnalyze_stmt(OBParser.Analyze_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#analyze_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAnalyze_stmt(OBParser.Analyze_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#analyze_statistics_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAnalyze_statistics_clause(OBParser.Analyze_statistics_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#analyze_statistics_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAnalyze_statistics_clause(OBParser.Analyze_statistics_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_analyze_for_clause_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_analyze_for_clause_list(OBParser.Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_analyze_for_clause_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_analyze_for_clause_list(OBParser.Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_analyze_for_clause_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_analyze_for_clause_element(OBParser.Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_analyze_for_clause_element}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_analyze_for_clause_element(OBParser.Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sample_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSample_option(OBParser.Sample_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sample_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSample_option(OBParser.Sample_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_outline_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_outline_stmt(OBParser.Create_outline_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_outline_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_outline_stmt(OBParser.Create_outline_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_outline_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_outline_stmt(OBParser.Alter_outline_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_outline_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_outline_stmt(OBParser.Alter_outline_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_outline_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_outline_stmt(OBParser.Drop_outline_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_outline_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_outline_stmt(OBParser.Drop_outline_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#explain_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterExplain_stmt(OBParser.Explain_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#explain_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitExplain_stmt(OBParser.Explain_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#explain_or_desc}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterExplain_or_desc(OBParser.Explain_or_descContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#explain_or_desc}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitExplain_or_desc(OBParser.Explain_or_descContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#explainable_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterExplainable_stmt(OBParser.Explainable_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#explainable_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitExplainable_stmt(OBParser.Explainable_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#format_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFormat_name(OBParser.Format_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#format_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFormat_name(OBParser.Format_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#show_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterShow_stmt(OBParser.Show_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#show_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitShow_stmt(OBParser.Show_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_for_grant_user}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_for_grant_user(OBParser.Opt_for_grant_userContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_for_grant_user}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_for_grant_user(OBParser.Opt_for_grant_userContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#columns_or_fields}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterColumns_or_fields(OBParser.Columns_or_fieldsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#columns_or_fields}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitColumns_or_fields(OBParser.Columns_or_fieldsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#from_or_in}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFrom_or_in(OBParser.From_or_inContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#from_or_in}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFrom_or_in(OBParser.From_or_inContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#help_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterHelp_stmt(OBParser.Help_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#help_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitHelp_stmt(OBParser.Help_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_user_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_user_stmt(OBParser.Create_user_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_user_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_user_stmt(OBParser.Create_user_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#default_role_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDefault_role_clause(OBParser.Default_role_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#default_role_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDefault_role_clause(OBParser.Default_role_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_user_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_user_stmt(OBParser.Alter_user_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_user_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_user_stmt(OBParser.Alter_user_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_user_profile_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_user_profile_stmt(OBParser.Alter_user_profile_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_user_profile_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_user_profile_stmt(OBParser.Alter_user_profile_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_role_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_role_stmt(OBParser.Alter_role_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_role_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_role_stmt(OBParser.Alter_role_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#user_specification}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUser_specification(OBParser.User_specificationContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#user_specification}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUser_specification(OBParser.User_specificationContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#require_specification}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRequire_specification(OBParser.Require_specificationContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#require_specification}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRequire_specification(OBParser.Require_specificationContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tls_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTls_option_list(OBParser.Tls_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tls_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTls_option_list(OBParser.Tls_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tls_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTls_option(OBParser.Tls_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tls_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTls_option(OBParser.Tls_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grant_user}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterGrant_user(OBParser.Grant_userContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grant_user}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitGrant_user(OBParser.Grant_userContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grant_user_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterGrant_user_list(OBParser.Grant_user_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grant_user_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitGrant_user_list(OBParser.Grant_user_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#user}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUser(OBParser.UserContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#user}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUser(OBParser.UserContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_host_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_host_name(OBParser.Opt_host_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_host_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_host_name(OBParser.Opt_host_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#user_with_host_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUser_with_host_name(OBParser.User_with_host_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#user_with_host_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUser_with_host_name(OBParser.User_with_host_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPassword(OBParser.PasswordContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPassword(OBParser.PasswordContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password_str}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPassword_str(OBParser.Password_strContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password_str}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPassword_str(OBParser.Password_strContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_user_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_user_stmt(OBParser.Drop_user_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_user_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_user_stmt(OBParser.Drop_user_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#user_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUser_list(OBParser.User_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#user_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUser_list(OBParser.User_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_password_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSet_password_stmt(OBParser.Set_password_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_password_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSet_password_stmt(OBParser.Set_password_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_for_user}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_for_user(OBParser.Opt_for_userContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_for_user}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_for_user(OBParser.Opt_for_userContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_user_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLock_user_stmt(OBParser.Lock_user_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_user_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLock_user_stmt(OBParser.Lock_user_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_spec_mysql57}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLock_spec_mysql57(OBParser.Lock_spec_mysql57Context ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_spec_mysql57}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLock_spec_mysql57(OBParser.Lock_spec_mysql57Context ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_tables_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLock_tables_stmt(OBParser.Lock_tables_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_tables_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLock_tables_stmt(OBParser.Lock_tables_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_table_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLock_table_stmt(OBParser.Lock_table_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_table_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLock_table_stmt(OBParser.Lock_table_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_table_factors}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLock_table_factors(OBParser.Lock_table_factorsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_table_factors}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLock_table_factors(OBParser.Lock_table_factorsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_table_factor}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLock_table_factor(OBParser.Lock_table_factorContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_table_factor}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLock_table_factor(OBParser.Lock_table_factorContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_mode}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLock_mode(OBParser.Lock_modeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_mode}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLock_mode(OBParser.Lock_modeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unlock_tables_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUnlock_tables_stmt(OBParser.Unlock_tables_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unlock_tables_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUnlock_tables_stmt(OBParser.Unlock_tables_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_table_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLock_table_list(OBParser.Lock_table_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_table_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLock_table_list(OBParser.Lock_table_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_context_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_context_stmt(OBParser.Create_context_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_context_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_context_stmt(OBParser.Create_context_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#context_package_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterContext_package_name(OBParser.Context_package_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#context_package_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitContext_package_name(OBParser.Context_package_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_table}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLock_table(OBParser.Lock_tableContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_table}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLock_table(OBParser.Lock_tableContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#context_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterContext_option(OBParser.Context_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#context_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitContext_option(OBParser.Context_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLock_type(OBParser.Lock_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLock_type(OBParser.Lock_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_context_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_context_stmt(OBParser.Drop_context_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_context_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_context_stmt(OBParser.Drop_context_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_sequence_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Create_sequence_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_sequence_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Create_sequence_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sequence_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSequence_option_list(OBParser.Sequence_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sequence_option_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSequence_option_list(OBParser.Sequence_option_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sequence_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSequence_option(OBParser.Sequence_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sequence_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSequence_option(OBParser.Sequence_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#simple_num}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSimple_num(OBParser.Simple_numContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#simple_num}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSimple_num(OBParser.Simple_numContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_sequence_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Drop_sequence_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_sequence_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Drop_sequence_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_sequence_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Alter_sequence_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_sequence_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Alter_sequence_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_dblink_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_dblink_stmt(OBParser.Create_dblink_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_dblink_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_dblink_stmt(OBParser.Create_dblink_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_dblink_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_dblink_stmt(OBParser.Drop_dblink_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_dblink_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_dblink_stmt(OBParser.Drop_dblink_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dblink}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDblink(OBParser.DblinkContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dblink}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDblink(OBParser.DblinkContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTenant(OBParser.TenantContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTenant(OBParser.TenantContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_cluster}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_cluster(OBParser.Opt_clusterContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_cluster}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_cluster(OBParser.Opt_clusterContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#begin_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterBegin_stmt(OBParser.Begin_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#begin_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitBegin_stmt(OBParser.Begin_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#commit_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCommit_stmt(OBParser.Commit_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#commit_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCommit_stmt(OBParser.Commit_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rollback_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRollback_stmt(OBParser.Rollback_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rollback_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRollback_stmt(OBParser.Rollback_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#kill_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterKill_stmt(OBParser.Kill_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#kill_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitKill_stmt(OBParser.Kill_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_role_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_role_stmt(OBParser.Create_role_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_role_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_role_stmt(OBParser.Create_role_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRole_list(OBParser.Role_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRole_list(OBParser.Role_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRole(OBParser.RoleContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRole(OBParser.RoleContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_role_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_role_stmt(OBParser.Drop_role_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_role_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_role_stmt(OBParser.Drop_role_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_role_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSet_role_stmt(OBParser.Set_role_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_role_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSet_role_stmt(OBParser.Set_role_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role_opt_identified_by_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRole_opt_identified_by_list(OBParser.Role_opt_identified_by_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role_opt_identified_by_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRole_opt_identified_by_list(OBParser.Role_opt_identified_by_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role_opt_identified_by}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRole_opt_identified_by(OBParser.Role_opt_identified_byContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role_opt_identified_by}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRole_opt_identified_by(OBParser.Role_opt_identified_byContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sys_and_obj_priv}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSys_and_obj_priv(OBParser.Sys_and_obj_privContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sys_and_obj_priv}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSys_and_obj_priv(OBParser.Sys_and_obj_privContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grant_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterGrant_stmt(OBParser.Grant_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grant_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitGrant_stmt(OBParser.Grant_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grant_system_privileges}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterGrant_system_privileges(OBParser.Grant_system_privilegesContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grant_system_privileges}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitGrant_system_privileges(OBParser.Grant_system_privilegesContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grantee_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterGrantee_clause(OBParser.Grantee_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grantee_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitGrantee_clause(OBParser.Grantee_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list(OBParser.Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list(OBParser.Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role_sys_obj_all_col_priv}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv(OBParser.Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role_sys_obj_all_col_priv}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv(OBParser.Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#priv_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPriv_type(OBParser.Priv_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#priv_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPriv_type(OBParser.Priv_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#obj_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterObj_clause(OBParser.Obj_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#obj_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitObj_clause(OBParser.Obj_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#revoke_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRevoke_stmt(OBParser.Revoke_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#revoke_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRevoke_stmt(OBParser.Revoke_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#prepare_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPrepare_stmt(OBParser.Prepare_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#prepare_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPrepare_stmt(OBParser.Prepare_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#stmt_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterStmt_name(OBParser.Stmt_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#stmt_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitStmt_name(OBParser.Stmt_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#preparable_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPreparable_stmt(OBParser.Preparable_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#preparable_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPreparable_stmt(OBParser.Preparable_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#variable_set_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterVariable_set_stmt(OBParser.Variable_set_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#variable_set_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitVariable_set_stmt(OBParser.Variable_set_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sys_var_and_val_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSys_var_and_val_list(OBParser.Sys_var_and_val_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sys_var_and_val_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSys_var_and_val_list(OBParser.Sys_var_and_val_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#var_and_val_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterVar_and_val_list(OBParser.Var_and_val_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#var_and_val_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitVar_and_val_list(OBParser.Var_and_val_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_expr_or_default}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSet_expr_or_default(OBParser.Set_expr_or_defaultContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_expr_or_default}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSet_expr_or_default(OBParser.Set_expr_or_defaultContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#var_and_val}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterVar_and_val(OBParser.Var_and_valContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#var_and_val}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitVar_and_val(OBParser.Var_and_valContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sys_var_and_val}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSys_var_and_val(OBParser.Sys_var_and_valContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sys_var_and_val}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSys_var_and_val(OBParser.Sys_var_and_valContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#scope_or_scope_alias}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterScope_or_scope_alias(OBParser.Scope_or_scope_aliasContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#scope_or_scope_alias}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitScope_or_scope_alias(OBParser.Scope_or_scope_aliasContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#to_or_eq}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTo_or_eq(OBParser.To_or_eqContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#to_or_eq}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTo_or_eq(OBParser.To_or_eqContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_var_op}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSet_var_op(OBParser.Set_var_opContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_var_op}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSet_var_op(OBParser.Set_var_opContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#argument}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterArgument(OBParser.ArgumentContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#argument}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitArgument(OBParser.ArgumentContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#execute_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterExecute_stmt(OBParser.Execute_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#execute_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitExecute_stmt(OBParser.Execute_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#argument_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterArgument_list(OBParser.Argument_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#argument_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitArgument_list(OBParser.Argument_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#deallocate_prepare_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDeallocate_prepare_stmt(OBParser.Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#deallocate_prepare_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDeallocate_prepare_stmt(OBParser.Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#deallocate_or_drop}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDeallocate_or_drop(OBParser.Deallocate_or_dropContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#deallocate_or_drop}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDeallocate_or_drop(OBParser.Deallocate_or_dropContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#call_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCall_stmt(OBParser.Call_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#call_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCall_stmt(OBParser.Call_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#call_param_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCall_param_list(OBParser.Call_param_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#call_param_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCall_param_list(OBParser.Call_param_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#routine_access_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRoutine_access_name(OBParser.Routine_access_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#routine_access_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRoutine_access_name(OBParser.Routine_access_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#routine_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRoutine_name(OBParser.Routine_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#routine_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRoutine_name(OBParser.Routine_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#truncate_table_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTruncate_table_stmt(OBParser.Truncate_table_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#truncate_table_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTruncate_table_stmt(OBParser.Truncate_table_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rename_table_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRename_table_stmt(OBParser.Rename_table_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rename_table_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRename_table_stmt(OBParser.Rename_table_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rename_table_actions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRename_table_actions(OBParser.Rename_table_actionsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rename_table_actions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRename_table_actions(OBParser.Rename_table_actionsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rename_table_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRename_table_action(OBParser.Rename_table_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rename_table_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRename_table_action(OBParser.Rename_table_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_index_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_index_stmt(OBParser.Alter_index_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_index_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_index_stmt(OBParser.Alter_index_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_index_actions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_index_actions(OBParser.Alter_index_actionsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_index_actions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_index_actions(OBParser.Alter_index_actionsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_index_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_index_action(OBParser.Alter_index_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_index_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_index_action(OBParser.Alter_index_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_index_option_oracle}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_index_option_oracle(OBParser.Alter_index_option_oracleContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_index_option_oracle}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_index_option_oracle(OBParser.Alter_index_option_oracleContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_table_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_table_stmt(OBParser.Alter_table_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_table_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_table_stmt(OBParser.Alter_table_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_external_table_partition_actions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAdd_external_table_partition_actions(OBParser.Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_external_table_partition_actions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAdd_external_table_partition_actions(OBParser.Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_external_table_partition_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAdd_external_table_partition_action(OBParser.Add_external_table_partition_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_external_table_partition_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAdd_external_table_partition_action(OBParser.Add_external_table_partition_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_table_actions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_table_actions(OBParser.Alter_table_actionsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_table_actions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_table_actions(OBParser.Alter_table_actionsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_table_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_table_action(OBParser.Alter_table_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_table_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_table_action(OBParser.Alter_table_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_partition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_partition_option(OBParser.Alter_partition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_partition_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_partition_option(OBParser.Alter_partition_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_partition_name_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_partition_name_list(OBParser.Drop_partition_name_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_partition_name_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_partition_name_list(OBParser.Drop_partition_name_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#split_actions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSplit_actions(OBParser.Split_actionsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#split_actions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSplit_actions(OBParser.Split_actionsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_range_or_list_partition}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAdd_range_or_list_partition(OBParser.Add_range_or_list_partitionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_range_or_list_partition}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAdd_range_or_list_partition(OBParser.Add_range_or_list_partitionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_range_or_list_subpartition}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAdd_range_or_list_subpartition(OBParser.Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_range_or_list_subpartition}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAdd_range_or_list_subpartition(OBParser.Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#modify_special_partition}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterModify_special_partition(OBParser.Modify_special_partitionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#modify_special_partition}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitModify_special_partition(OBParser.Modify_special_partitionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#split_range_partition}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSplit_range_partition(OBParser.Split_range_partitionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#split_range_partition}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSplit_range_partition(OBParser.Split_range_partitionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#split_list_partition}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSplit_list_partition(OBParser.Split_list_partitionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#split_list_partition}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSplit_list_partition(OBParser.Split_list_partitionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#modify_partition_info}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterModify_partition_info(OBParser.Modify_partition_infoContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#modify_partition_info}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitModify_partition_info(OBParser.Modify_partition_infoContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_modify_partition_info}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTg_modify_partition_info(OBParser.Tg_modify_partition_infoContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_modify_partition_info}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTg_modify_partition_info(OBParser.Tg_modify_partition_infoContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_index_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_index_option(OBParser.Alter_index_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_index_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_index_option(OBParser.Alter_index_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#visibility_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterVisibility_option(OBParser.Visibility_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#visibility_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitVisibility_option(OBParser.Visibility_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_column_group_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_column_group_option(OBParser.Alter_column_group_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_column_group_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_column_group_option(OBParser.Alter_column_group_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_column_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_column_option(OBParser.Alter_column_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_column_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_column_option(OBParser.Alter_column_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablegroup_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_tablegroup_option(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablegroup_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_tablegroup_option(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#flashback_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFlashback_stmt(OBParser.Flashback_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#flashback_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFlashback_stmt(OBParser.Flashback_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factors}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRelation_factors(OBParser.Relation_factorsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factors}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRelation_factors(OBParser.Relation_factorsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#purge_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPurge_stmt(OBParser.Purge_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#purge_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPurge_stmt(OBParser.Purge_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#shrink_space_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterShrink_space_stmt(OBParser.Shrink_space_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#shrink_space_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitShrink_space_stmt(OBParser.Shrink_space_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAudit_stmt(OBParser.Audit_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAudit_stmt(OBParser.Audit_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_or_noaudit}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAudit_or_noaudit(OBParser.Audit_or_noauditContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_or_noaudit}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAudit_or_noaudit(OBParser.Audit_or_noauditContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAudit_clause(OBParser.Audit_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAudit_clause(OBParser.Audit_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_operation_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAudit_operation_clause(OBParser.Audit_operation_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_operation_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAudit_operation_clause(OBParser.Audit_operation_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_all_shortcut_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAudit_all_shortcut_list(OBParser.Audit_all_shortcut_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_all_shortcut_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAudit_all_shortcut_list(OBParser.Audit_all_shortcut_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#auditing_on_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAuditing_on_clause(OBParser.Auditing_on_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#auditing_on_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAuditing_on_clause(OBParser.Auditing_on_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#auditing_by_user_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAuditing_by_user_clause(OBParser.Auditing_by_user_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#auditing_by_user_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAuditing_by_user_clause(OBParser.Auditing_by_user_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#op_audit_tail_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOp_audit_tail_clause(OBParser.Op_audit_tail_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#op_audit_tail_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOp_audit_tail_clause(OBParser.Op_audit_tail_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_by_session_access_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAudit_by_session_access_option(OBParser.Audit_by_session_access_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_by_session_access_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAudit_by_session_access_option(OBParser.Audit_by_session_access_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_whenever_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAudit_whenever_option(OBParser.Audit_whenever_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_whenever_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAudit_whenever_option(OBParser.Audit_whenever_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_all_shortcut}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAudit_all_shortcut(OBParser.Audit_all_shortcutContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_all_shortcut}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAudit_all_shortcut(OBParser.Audit_all_shortcutContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_system_stmt(OBParser.Alter_system_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_system_stmt(OBParser.Alter_system_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_sql_throttle_using_cond}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_sql_throttle_using_cond(OBParser.Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_sql_throttle_using_cond}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_sql_throttle_using_cond(OBParser.Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics(OBParser.Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics(OBParser.Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_throttle_metric}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSql_throttle_metric(OBParser.Sql_throttle_metricContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_throttle_metric}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSql_throttle_metric(OBParser.Sql_throttle_metricContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_set_clause_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_system_set_clause_list(OBParser.Alter_system_set_clause_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_set_clause_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_system_set_clause_list(OBParser.Alter_system_set_clause_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_set_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_system_set_clause(OBParser.Alter_system_set_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_set_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_system_set_clause(OBParser.Alter_system_set_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_reset_clause_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_system_reset_clause_list(OBParser.Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_reset_clause_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_system_reset_clause_list(OBParser.Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_reset_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_system_reset_clause(OBParser.Alter_system_reset_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_reset_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_system_reset_clause(OBParser.Alter_system_reset_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_system_parameter_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSet_system_parameter_clause(OBParser.Set_system_parameter_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_system_parameter_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSet_system_parameter_clause(OBParser.Set_system_parameter_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#reset_system_parameter_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterReset_system_parameter_clause(OBParser.Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#reset_system_parameter_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitReset_system_parameter_clause(OBParser.Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cache_type_or_string}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCache_type_or_string(OBParser.Cache_type_or_stringContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cache_type_or_string}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCache_type_or_string(OBParser.Cache_type_or_stringContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cache_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCache_type(OBParser.Cache_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cache_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCache_type(OBParser.Cache_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#balance_task_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterBalance_task_type(OBParser.Balance_task_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#balance_task_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitBalance_task_type(OBParser.Balance_task_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant_list_tuple}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTenant_list_tuple(OBParser.Tenant_list_tupleContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant_list_tuple}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTenant_list_tuple(OBParser.Tenant_list_tupleContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant_list_tuple_v2}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTenant_list_tuple_v2(OBParser.Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant_list_tuple_v2}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTenant_list_tuple_v2(OBParser.Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant_name_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTenant_name_list(OBParser.Tenant_name_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant_name_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTenant_name_list(OBParser.Tenant_name_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_path_info}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_path_info(OBParser.Opt_path_infoContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_path_info}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_path_info(OBParser.Opt_path_infoContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#policy_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPolicy_name(OBParser.Policy_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#policy_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPolicy_name(OBParser.Policy_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#flush_scope}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFlush_scope(OBParser.Flush_scopeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#flush_scope}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFlush_scope(OBParser.Flush_scopeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#server_info_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterServer_info_list(OBParser.Server_info_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#server_info_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitServer_info_list(OBParser.Server_info_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#server_info}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterServer_info(OBParser.Server_infoContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#server_info}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitServer_info(OBParser.Server_infoContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#server_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterServer_action(OBParser.Server_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#server_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitServer_action(OBParser.Server_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#server_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterServer_list(OBParser.Server_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#server_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitServer_list(OBParser.Server_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#zone_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterZone_action(OBParser.Zone_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#zone_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitZone_action(OBParser.Zone_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#ip_port}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterIp_port(OBParser.Ip_portContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#ip_port}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitIp_port(OBParser.Ip_portContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#zone_desc}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterZone_desc(OBParser.Zone_descContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#zone_desc}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitZone_desc(OBParser.Zone_descContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#server_or_zone}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterServer_or_zone(OBParser.Server_or_zoneContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#server_or_zone}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitServer_or_zone(OBParser.Server_or_zoneContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_or_alter_zone_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAdd_or_alter_zone_option(OBParser.Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_or_alter_zone_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAdd_or_alter_zone_option(OBParser.Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_or_alter_zone_options}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAdd_or_alter_zone_options(OBParser.Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_or_alter_zone_options}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAdd_or_alter_zone_options(OBParser.Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_or_change_or_modify}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_or_change_or_modify(OBParser.Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_or_change_or_modify}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_or_change_or_modify(OBParser.Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#ls}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterLs(OBParser.LsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#ls}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitLs(OBParser.LsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_id_desc}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPartition_id_desc(OBParser.Partition_id_descContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_id_desc}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPartition_id_desc(OBParser.Partition_id_descContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_id_or_server_or_zone}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPartition_id_or_server_or_zone(OBParser.Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_id_or_server_or_zone}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPartition_id_or_server_or_zone(OBParser.Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#migrate_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMigrate_action(OBParser.Migrate_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#migrate_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMigrate_action(OBParser.Migrate_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#change_actions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterChange_actions(OBParser.Change_actionsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#change_actions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitChange_actions(OBParser.Change_actionsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#change_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterChange_action(OBParser.Change_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#change_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitChange_action(OBParser.Change_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#replica_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterReplica_type(OBParser.Replica_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#replica_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitReplica_type(OBParser.Replica_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#memstore_percent}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMemstore_percent(OBParser.Memstore_percentContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#memstore_percent}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMemstore_percent(OBParser.Memstore_percentContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#suspend_or_resume}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSuspend_or_resume(OBParser.Suspend_or_resumeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#suspend_or_resume}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSuspend_or_resume(OBParser.Suspend_or_resumeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#baseline_id_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterBaseline_id_expr(OBParser.Baseline_id_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#baseline_id_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitBaseline_id_expr(OBParser.Baseline_id_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_id_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSql_id_expr(OBParser.Sql_id_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_id_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSql_id_expr(OBParser.Sql_id_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#baseline_asgn_factor}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterBaseline_asgn_factor(OBParser.Baseline_asgn_factorContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#baseline_asgn_factor}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitBaseline_asgn_factor(OBParser.Baseline_asgn_factorContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTenant_name(OBParser.Tenant_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTenant_name(OBParser.Tenant_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#namespace_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterNamespace_expr(OBParser.Namespace_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#namespace_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitNamespace_expr(OBParser.Namespace_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cache_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCache_name(OBParser.Cache_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cache_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCache_name(OBParser.Cache_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_id}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFile_id(OBParser.File_idContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_id}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFile_id(OBParser.File_idContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cancel_task_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCancel_task_type(OBParser.Cancel_task_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cancel_task_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCancel_task_type(OBParser.Cancel_task_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_settp_actions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_system_settp_actions(OBParser.Alter_system_settp_actionsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_settp_actions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_system_settp_actions(OBParser.Alter_system_settp_actionsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#settp_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSettp_option(OBParser.Settp_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#settp_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSettp_option(OBParser.Settp_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_role}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPartition_role(OBParser.Partition_roleContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_role}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPartition_role(OBParser.Partition_roleContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#upgrade_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUpgrade_action(OBParser.Upgrade_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#upgrade_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUpgrade_action(OBParser.Upgrade_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_session_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_session_stmt(OBParser.Alter_session_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_session_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_session_stmt(OBParser.Alter_session_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#var_name_of_forced_module}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterVar_name_of_forced_module(OBParser.Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#var_name_of_forced_module}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitVar_name_of_forced_module(OBParser.Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#var_name_of_module}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterVar_name_of_module(OBParser.Var_name_of_moduleContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#var_name_of_module}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitVar_name_of_module(OBParser.Var_name_of_moduleContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#switch_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSwitch_option(OBParser.Switch_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#switch_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSwitch_option(OBParser.Switch_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#session_isolation_level}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSession_isolation_level(OBParser.Session_isolation_levelContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#session_isolation_level}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSession_isolation_level(OBParser.Session_isolation_levelContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_session_set_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_session_set_clause(OBParser.Alter_session_set_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_session_set_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_session_set_clause(OBParser.Alter_session_set_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_system_parameter_clause_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSet_system_parameter_clause_list(OBParser.Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_system_parameter_clause_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSet_system_parameter_clause_list(OBParser.Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#current_schema}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCurrent_schema(OBParser.Current_schemaContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#current_schema}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCurrent_schema(OBParser.Current_schemaContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_comment_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSet_comment_stmt(OBParser.Set_comment_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_comment_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSet_comment_stmt(OBParser.Set_comment_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_tablespace_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Create_tablespace_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_tablespace_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Create_tablespace_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_tablespace_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tablespace_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_tablespace_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tablespace_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tablespace}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTablespace(OBParser.TablespaceContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tablespace}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTablespace(OBParser.TablespaceContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablespace_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablespace_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablespace_actions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_tablespace_actions(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_actionsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablespace_actions}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_tablespace_actions(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_actionsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablespace_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_tablespace_action(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablespace_action}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_tablespace_action(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_actionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#permanent_tablespace}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPermanent_tablespace(OBParser.Permanent_tablespaceContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#permanent_tablespace}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPermanent_tablespace(OBParser.Permanent_tablespaceContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#permanent_tablespace_options}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPermanent_tablespace_options(OBParser.Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#permanent_tablespace_options}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPermanent_tablespace_options(OBParser.Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#permanent_tablespace_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPermanent_tablespace_option(OBParser.Permanent_tablespace_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#permanent_tablespace_option}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPermanent_tablespace_option(OBParser.Permanent_tablespace_optionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_profile_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_profile_stmt(OBParser.Create_profile_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_profile_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_profile_stmt(OBParser.Create_profile_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_profile_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAlter_profile_stmt(OBParser.Alter_profile_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_profile_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAlter_profile_stmt(OBParser.Alter_profile_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_profile_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDrop_profile_stmt(OBParser.Drop_profile_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_profile_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDrop_profile_stmt(OBParser.Drop_profile_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#profile_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterProfile_name(OBParser.Profile_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#profile_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitProfile_name(OBParser.Profile_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password_parameters}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPassword_parameters(OBParser.Password_parametersContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password_parameters}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPassword_parameters(OBParser.Password_parametersContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password_parameter}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPassword_parameter(OBParser.Password_parameterContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password_parameter}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPassword_parameter(OBParser.Password_parameterContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#verify_function_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterVerify_function_name(OBParser.Verify_function_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#verify_function_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitVerify_function_name(OBParser.Verify_function_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password_parameter_value}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPassword_parameter_value(OBParser.Password_parameter_valueContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password_parameter_value}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPassword_parameter_value(OBParser.Password_parameter_valueContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password_parameter_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPassword_parameter_type(OBParser.Password_parameter_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password_parameter_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPassword_parameter_type(OBParser.Password_parameter_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#user_profile}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUser_profile(OBParser.User_profileContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#user_profile}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUser_profile(OBParser.User_profileContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#method_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMethod_opt(OBParser.Method_optContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#method_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMethod_opt(OBParser.Method_optContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#method_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMethod_list(OBParser.Method_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#method_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMethod_list(OBParser.Method_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#method}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMethod(OBParser.MethodContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#method}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMethod(OBParser.MethodContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#for_all}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFor_all(OBParser.For_allContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#for_all}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFor_all(OBParser.For_allContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#size_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSize_clause(OBParser.Size_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#size_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSize_clause(OBParser.Size_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#for_columns}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFor_columns(OBParser.For_columnsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#for_columns}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFor_columns(OBParser.For_columnsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#for_columns_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFor_columns_list(OBParser.For_columns_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#for_columns_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFor_columns_list(OBParser.For_columns_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#for_columns_item}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFor_columns_item(OBParser.For_columns_itemContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#for_columns_item}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFor_columns_item(OBParser.For_columns_itemContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterColumn_clause(OBParser.Column_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitColumn_clause(OBParser.Column_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#extension}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterExtension(OBParser.ExtensionContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#extension}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitExtension(OBParser.ExtensionContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_names_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSet_names_stmt(OBParser.Set_names_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_names_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSet_names_stmt(OBParser.Set_names_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_charset_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSet_charset_stmt(OBParser.Set_charset_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_charset_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSet_charset_stmt(OBParser.Set_charset_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_transaction_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSet_transaction_stmt(OBParser.Set_transaction_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_transaction_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSet_transaction_stmt(OBParser.Set_transaction_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transaction_characteristics}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTransaction_characteristics(OBParser.Transaction_characteristicsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transaction_characteristics}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTransaction_characteristics(OBParser.Transaction_characteristicsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transaction_access_mode}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTransaction_access_mode(OBParser.Transaction_access_modeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transaction_access_mode}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTransaction_access_mode(OBParser.Transaction_access_modeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#isolation_level}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterIsolation_level(OBParser.Isolation_levelContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#isolation_level}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitIsolation_level(OBParser.Isolation_levelContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#switchover_tenant_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSwitchover_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Switchover_tenant_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#switchover_tenant_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSwitchover_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Switchover_tenant_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#switchover_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSwitchover_clause(OBParser.Switchover_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#switchover_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSwitchover_clause(OBParser.Switchover_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#recover_tenant_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRecover_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Recover_tenant_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#recover_tenant_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRecover_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Recover_tenant_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#recover_point_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRecover_point_clause(OBParser.Recover_point_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#recover_point_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRecover_point_clause(OBParser.Recover_point_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transfer_partition_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTransfer_partition_stmt(OBParser.Transfer_partition_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transfer_partition_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTransfer_partition_stmt(OBParser.Transfer_partition_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transfer_partition_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTransfer_partition_clause(OBParser.Transfer_partition_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transfer_partition_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTransfer_partition_clause(OBParser.Transfer_partition_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#part_info}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPart_info(OBParser.Part_infoContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#part_info}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPart_info(OBParser.Part_infoContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cancel_transfer_partition_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCancel_transfer_partition_clause(OBParser.Cancel_transfer_partition_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cancel_transfer_partition_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCancel_transfer_partition_clause(OBParser.Cancel_transfer_partition_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#service_name_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterService_name_stmt(OBParser.Service_name_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#service_name_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitService_name_stmt(OBParser.Service_name_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#service_op}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterService_op(OBParser.Service_opContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#service_op}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitService_op(OBParser.Service_opContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_savepoint_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterCreate_savepoint_stmt(OBParser.Create_savepoint_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_savepoint_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitCreate_savepoint_stmt(OBParser.Create_savepoint_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rollback_savepoint_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRollback_savepoint_stmt(OBParser.Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rollback_savepoint_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRollback_savepoint_stmt(OBParser.Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#var_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterVar_name(OBParser.Var_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#var_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitVar_name(OBParser.Var_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterColumn_name(OBParser.Column_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitColumn_name(OBParser.Column_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRelation_name(OBParser.Relation_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRelation_name(OBParser.Relation_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#exists_function_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterExists_function_name(OBParser.Exists_function_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#exists_function_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitExists_function_name(OBParser.Exists_function_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#function_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterFunction_name(OBParser.Function_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#function_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitFunction_name(OBParser.Function_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_label}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterColumn_label(OBParser.Column_labelContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_label}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitColumn_label(OBParser.Column_labelContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#keystore_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterKeystore_name(OBParser.Keystore_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#keystore_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitKeystore_name(OBParser.Keystore_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#date_unit}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDate_unit(OBParser.Date_unitContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#date_unit}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDate_unit(OBParser.Date_unitContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#timezone_unit}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterTimezone_unit(OBParser.Timezone_unitContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#timezone_unit}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitTimezone_unit(OBParser.Timezone_unitContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#date_unit_for_extract}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDate_unit_for_extract(OBParser.Date_unit_for_extractContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#date_unit_for_extract}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDate_unit_for_extract(OBParser.Date_unit_for_extractContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_mergepatch_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_mergepatch_expr(OBParser.Json_mergepatch_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_mergepatch_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_mergepatch_expr(OBParser.Json_mergepatch_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_mergepatch_on_error}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_mergepatch_on_error(OBParser.Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_mergepatch_on_error}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_mergepatch_on_error(OBParser.Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_mergepatch}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_json_mergepatch(OBParser.Opt_json_mergepatchContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_mergepatch}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_json_mergepatch(OBParser.Opt_json_mergepatchContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_mp_return_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJs_mp_return_clause(OBParser.Js_mp_return_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_mp_return_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJs_mp_return_clause(OBParser.Js_mp_return_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_array_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_array_expr(OBParser.Json_array_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_array_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_array_expr(OBParser.Json_array_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_array_content}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_array_content(OBParser.Json_array_contentContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_array_content}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_array_content(OBParser.Json_array_contentContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_array_on_null}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_array_on_null(OBParser.Json_array_on_nullContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_array_on_null}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_array_on_null(OBParser.Json_array_on_nullContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_array_eles}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJs_array_eles(OBParser.Js_array_elesContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_array_eles}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJs_array_eles(OBParser.Js_array_elesContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_array_ele}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJs_array_ele(OBParser.Js_array_eleContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_array_ele}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJs_array_ele(OBParser.Js_array_eleContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_array_return_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJs_array_return_clause(OBParser.Js_array_return_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_array_return_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJs_array_return_clause(OBParser.Js_array_return_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_value_expr(OBParser.Json_value_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_value_expr(OBParser.Json_value_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_equal_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_equal_expr(OBParser.Json_equal_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_equal_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_equal_expr(OBParser.Json_equal_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_value_on_opt(OBParser.Json_value_on_optContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_value_on_opt(OBParser.Json_value_on_optContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_doc_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJs_doc_expr(OBParser.Js_doc_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_doc_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJs_doc_expr(OBParser.Js_doc_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_js_value_returning_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_js_value_returning_type(OBParser.Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_js_value_returning_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_js_value_returning_type(OBParser.Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_empty}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_value_on_empty(OBParser.Json_value_on_emptyContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_empty}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_value_on_empty(OBParser.Json_value_on_emptyContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_empty_response}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_value_on_empty_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_empty_responseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_empty_response}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_value_on_empty_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_empty_responseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_error}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_value_on_error(OBParser.Json_value_on_errorContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_error}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_value_on_error(OBParser.Json_value_on_errorContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_error_response}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_value_on_error_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_error_responseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_error_response}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_value_on_error_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_error_responseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_on_mismatchs}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_on_mismatchs(OBParser.Opt_on_mismatchsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_on_mismatchs}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_on_mismatchs(OBParser.Opt_on_mismatchsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_on_mismatch}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_on_mismatch(OBParser.Opt_on_mismatchContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_on_mismatch}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_on_mismatch(OBParser.Opt_on_mismatchContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_response}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_value_on_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_responseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_response}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_value_on_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_responseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mismatch_type_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMismatch_type_list(OBParser.Mismatch_type_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mismatch_type_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMismatch_type_list(OBParser.Mismatch_type_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mismatch_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterMismatch_type(OBParser.Mismatch_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mismatch_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitMismatch_type(OBParser.Mismatch_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_exists_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_exists_expr(OBParser.Json_exists_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_exists_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_exists_expr(OBParser.Json_exists_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_exist}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_json_exist(OBParser.Opt_json_existContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_exist}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_json_exist(OBParser.Opt_json_existContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#passing_elements}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPassing_elements(OBParser.Passing_elementsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#passing_elements}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPassing_elements(OBParser.Passing_elementsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#passing_context}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterPassing_context(OBParser.Passing_contextContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#passing_context}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitPassing_context(OBParser.Passing_contextContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_var_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSql_var_name(OBParser.Sql_var_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_var_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSql_var_name(OBParser.Sql_var_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty(OBParser.Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty(OBParser.Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_exists_on_error}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_exists_on_error(OBParser.Json_exists_on_errorContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_exists_on_error}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_exists_on_error(OBParser.Json_exists_on_errorContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_exists_on_empty}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_exists_on_empty(OBParser.Json_exists_on_emptyContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_exists_on_empty}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_exists_on_empty(OBParser.Json_exists_on_emptyContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_exists_response_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_exists_response_type(OBParser.Json_exists_response_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_exists_response_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_exists_response_type(OBParser.Json_exists_response_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_query_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_query_expr(OBParser.Json_query_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_query_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_query_expr(OBParser.Json_query_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_query_on_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_query_on_opt(OBParser.Json_query_on_optContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_query_on_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_query_on_opt(OBParser.Json_query_on_optContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#wrapper_opts}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterWrapper_opts(OBParser.Wrapper_optsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#wrapper_opts}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitWrapper_opts(OBParser.Wrapper_optsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_query_return_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJs_query_return_type(OBParser.Js_query_return_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_query_return_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJs_query_return_type(OBParser.Js_query_return_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#on_mismatch_query}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOn_mismatch_query(OBParser.On_mismatch_queryContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#on_mismatch_query}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOn_mismatch_query(OBParser.On_mismatch_queryContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#on_error_query}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOn_error_query(OBParser.On_error_queryContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#on_error_query}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOn_error_query(OBParser.On_error_queryContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#on_empty_query}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOn_empty_query(OBParser.On_empty_queryContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#on_empty_query}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOn_empty_query(OBParser.On_empty_queryContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_response_query_on_empty_error}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_response_query_on_empty_error(OBParser.Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_response_query_on_empty_error}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_response_query_on_empty_error(OBParser.Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_response_query}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_response_query(OBParser.Opt_response_queryContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_response_query}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_response_query(OBParser.Opt_response_queryContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXml_table_expr(OBParser.Xml_table_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXml_table_expr(OBParser.Xml_table_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_columns_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_columns_clause(OBParser.Opt_columns_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_columns_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_columns_clause(OBParser.Opt_columns_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_sequence_by_ref}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_sequence_by_ref(OBParser.Opt_sequence_by_refContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_sequence_by_ref}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_sequence_by_ref(OBParser.Opt_sequence_by_refContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_xml_passing_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_xml_passing_clause(OBParser.Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_xml_passing_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_xml_passing_clause(OBParser.Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_xml_table_path}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_xml_table_path(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_pathContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_xml_table_path}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_xml_table_path(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_pathContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_xml_table_ns}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_xml_table_ns(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_nsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_xml_table_ns}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_xml_table_ns(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_nsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_ns_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXml_ns_list(OBParser.Xml_ns_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_ns_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXml_ns_list(OBParser.Xml_ns_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_ns}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXml_ns(OBParser.Xml_nsContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_ns}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXml_ns(OBParser.Xml_nsContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_identifier}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXml_identifier(OBParser.Xml_identifierContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_identifier}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXml_identifier(OBParser.Xml_identifierContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_columns_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXml_table_columns_list(OBParser.Xml_table_columns_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_columns_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXml_table_columns_list(OBParser.Xml_table_columns_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_column}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXml_table_column(OBParser.Xml_table_columnContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_column}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXml_table_column(OBParser.Xml_table_columnContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_ordinality_column_def}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXml_table_ordinality_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_ordinality_column_def}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXml_table_ordinality_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_value_column_def}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXml_table_value_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_value_column_defContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_value_column_def}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXml_table_value_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_value_column_defContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_query_column_def}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXml_table_query_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_query_column_defContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_query_column_def}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXml_table_query_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_query_column_defContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket(OBParser.Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket(OBParser.Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_xml_table_default_value}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_xml_table_default_value(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_xml_table_default_value}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_xml_table_default_value(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_table_on_error_on_empty}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_json_table_on_error_on_empty(OBParser.Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_table_on_error_on_empty}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_json_table_on_error_on_empty(OBParser.Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_columns_def_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_table_columns_def_opt(OBParser.Json_table_columns_def_optContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_columns_def_opt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_table_columns_def_opt(OBParser.Json_table_columns_def_optContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_table_expr(OBParser.Json_table_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_table_expr(OBParser.Json_table_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_columns_def}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_table_columns_def(OBParser.Json_table_columns_defContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_columns_def}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_table_columns_def(OBParser.Json_table_columns_defContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_column_def}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_table_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_column_defContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_column_def}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_table_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_column_defContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_ordinality_column_def}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_table_ordinality_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_ordinality_column_def}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_table_ordinality_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_column_def_path}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_table_column_def_path(OBParser.Json_table_column_def_pathContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_column_def_path}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_table_column_def_path(OBParser.Json_table_column_def_pathContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_exists_column_def}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_table_exists_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_exists_column_defContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_exists_column_def}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_table_exists_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_exists_column_defContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_query_column_def}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_table_query_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_query_column_defContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_query_column_def}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_table_query_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_query_column_defContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_value_column_def}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_table_value_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_value_column_defContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_value_column_def}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_table_value_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_value_column_defContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_nested_column_def}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_table_nested_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_nested_column_defContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_nested_column_def}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_table_nested_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_nested_column_defContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_jt_query_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_jt_query_type(OBParser.Opt_jt_query_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_jt_query_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_jt_query_type(OBParser.Opt_jt_query_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_jt_value_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_jt_value_type(OBParser.Opt_jt_value_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_jt_value_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_jt_value_type(OBParser.Opt_jt_value_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_value_return_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJs_value_return_type(OBParser.Js_value_return_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_value_return_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJs_value_return_type(OBParser.Js_value_return_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_return_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJs_return_type(OBParser.Js_return_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_return_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJs_return_type(OBParser.Js_return_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_return_default_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJs_return_default_type(OBParser.Js_return_default_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_return_default_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJs_return_default_type(OBParser.Js_return_default_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_return_text_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJs_return_text_type(OBParser.Js_return_text_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_return_text_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJs_return_text_type(OBParser.Js_return_text_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_on_response}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_table_on_response(OBParser.Json_table_on_responseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_on_response}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_table_on_response(OBParser.Json_table_on_responseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_on_error}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_table_on_error(OBParser.Json_table_on_errorContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_on_error}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_table_on_error(OBParser.Json_table_on_errorContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_on_empty}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_table_on_empty(OBParser.Json_table_on_emptyContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_on_empty}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_table_on_empty(OBParser.Json_table_on_emptyContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_object_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_object_expr(OBParser.Json_object_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_object_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_object_expr(OBParser.Json_object_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_object_content}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_json_object_content(OBParser.Opt_json_object_contentContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_object_content}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_json_object_content(OBParser.Opt_json_object_contentContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_object_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_json_object_clause(OBParser.Opt_json_object_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_object_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_json_object_clause(OBParser.Opt_json_object_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#entry_op}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterEntry_op(OBParser.Entry_opContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#entry_op}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitEntry_op(OBParser.Entry_opContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#entry_set}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterEntry_set(OBParser.Entry_setContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#entry_set}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitEntry_set(OBParser.Entry_setContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#entry_obj}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterEntry_obj(OBParser.Entry_objContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#entry_obj}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitEntry_obj(OBParser.Entry_objContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#regular_entry_obj}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterRegular_entry_obj(OBParser.Regular_entry_objContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#regular_entry_obj}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitRegular_entry_obj(OBParser.Regular_entry_objContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_obj_literal_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_obj_literal_expr(OBParser.Json_obj_literal_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_obj_literal_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_obj_literal_expr(OBParser.Json_obj_literal_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_on_null}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJs_on_null(OBParser.Js_on_nullContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_on_null}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJs_on_null(OBParser.Js_on_nullContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_obj_returning_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_obj_returning_type(OBParser.Json_obj_returning_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_obj_returning_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_obj_returning_type(OBParser.Json_obj_returning_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_obj_unique_key}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterJson_obj_unique_key(OBParser.Json_obj_unique_keyContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_obj_unique_key}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitJson_obj_unique_key(OBParser.Json_obj_unique_keyContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_skip_index_type_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOpt_skip_index_type_list(OBParser.Opt_skip_index_type_listContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_skip_index_type_list}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOpt_skip_index_type_list(OBParser.Opt_skip_index_type_listContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#skip_index_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterSkip_index_type(OBParser.Skip_index_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#skip_index_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitSkip_index_type(OBParser.Skip_index_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xmlparse_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXmlparse_expr(OBParser.Xmlparse_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xmlparse_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXmlparse_expr(OBParser.Xmlparse_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_text}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXml_text(OBParser.Xml_textContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_text}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXml_text(OBParser.Xml_textContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_doc_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXml_doc_type(OBParser.Xml_doc_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_doc_type}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXml_doc_type(OBParser.Xml_doc_typeContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_element_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXml_element_expr(OBParser.Xml_element_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_element_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXml_element_expr(OBParser.Xml_element_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_tag}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXml_tag(OBParser.Xml_tagContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_tag}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXml_tag(OBParser.Xml_tagContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#evalname_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterEvalname_expr(OBParser.Evalname_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#evalname_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitEvalname_expr(OBParser.Evalname_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#element_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterElement_name(OBParser.Element_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#element_name}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitElement_name(OBParser.Element_nameContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_value_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXml_value_clause(OBParser.Xml_value_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_value_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXml_value_clause(OBParser.Xml_value_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_value}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXml_value(OBParser.Xml_valueContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_value}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXml_value(OBParser.Xml_valueContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_attributes_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXml_attributes_expr(OBParser.Xml_attributes_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_attributes_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXml_attributes_expr(OBParser.Xml_attributes_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_attributes_value_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXml_attributes_value_clause(OBParser.Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_attributes_value_clause}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXml_attributes_value_clause(OBParser.Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#attributes_name_value}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAttributes_name_value(OBParser.Attributes_name_valueContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#attributes_name_value}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAttributes_name_value(OBParser.Attributes_name_valueContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_attributes_value}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXml_attributes_value(OBParser.Xml_attributes_valueContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_attributes_value}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXml_attributes_value(OBParser.Xml_attributes_valueContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_sequence_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXml_sequence_expr(OBParser.Xml_sequence_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_sequence_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXml_sequence_expr(OBParser.Xml_sequence_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_child_xml}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterInsert_child_xml(OBParser.Insert_child_xmlContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_child_xml}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitInsert_child_xml(OBParser.Insert_child_xmlContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#delete_xml}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterDelete_xml(OBParser.Delete_xmlContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#delete_xml}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitDelete_xml(OBParser.Delete_xmlContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_extract_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXml_extract_expr(OBParser.Xml_extract_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_extract_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXml_extract_expr(OBParser.Xml_extract_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xmlcast_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXmlcast_expr(OBParser.Xmlcast_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xmlcast_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXmlcast_expr(OBParser.Xmlcast_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xmlserialize_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterXmlserialize_expr(OBParser.Xmlserialize_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xmlserialize_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitXmlserialize_expr(OBParser.Xmlserialize_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unreserved_keyword}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUnreserved_keyword(OBParser.Unreserved_keywordContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unreserved_keyword}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUnreserved_keyword(OBParser.Unreserved_keywordContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#aggregate_function_keyword}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterAggregate_function_keyword(OBParser.Aggregate_function_keywordContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#aggregate_function_keyword}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitAggregate_function_keyword(OBParser.Aggregate_function_keywordContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#oracle_unreserved_keyword}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterOracle_unreserved_keyword(OBParser.Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#oracle_unreserved_keyword}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitOracle_unreserved_keyword(OBParser.Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unreserved_keyword_normal}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterUnreserved_keyword_normal(OBParser.Unreserved_keyword_normalContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unreserved_keyword_normal}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitUnreserved_keyword_normal(OBParser.Unreserved_keyword_normalContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#empty}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterEmpty(OBParser.EmptyContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#empty}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitEmpty(OBParser.EmptyContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#forward_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterForward_expr(OBParser.Forward_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#forward_expr}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitForward_expr(OBParser.Forward_exprContext ctx); + /** + * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#forward_sql_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void enterForward_sql_stmt(OBParser.Forward_sql_stmtContext ctx); + /** + * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#forward_sql_stmt}. + * @param ctx the parse tree + */ + void exitForward_sql_stmt(OBParser.Forward_sql_stmtContext ctx); +} \ No newline at end of file From 80e48a1de39b6876ac30d7750624b2a6c2aec0c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MarkPotato777 Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2024 21:59:56 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 06/11] adapt --- .../mysql/ | 2 + .../adapter/mysql/ | 16 + .../adapter/mysql/ | 21 +- .../statement/common/mysql/ | 61 + .../statement/common/mysql/ | 71 + .../statement/createindex/ | 4 + .../statement/expression/ | 53 + .../main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBParser.g4 | 44 +- .../main/resources/oboracle/sql/ | 8465 - .../main/resources/oboracle/sql/ | 137381 --------------- .../oboracle/sql/ | 10802 -- .../oboracle/sql/ | 8979 - .../adapter/ | 15 + .../adapter/ | 29 + .../adapter/ | 46 + .../adapter/ | 12 + 16 files changed, 355 insertions(+), 165646 deletions(-) create mode 100644 libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/statement/common/mysql/ create mode 100644 libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/statement/common/mysql/ create mode 100644 libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/statement/expression/ delete mode 100644 libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ delete mode 100644 libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ delete mode 100644 libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ delete mode 100644 libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/mysql/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/mysql/ index e3b049e634..cc8b3f97c2 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/mysql/ +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/mysql/ @@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ public CreateIndex visitCreate_index_stmt(Create_index_stmtContext ctx) { index.setUnique(true); } else if (ctx.FULLTEXT() != null) { index.setFullText(true); + } else if (ctx.VECTOR() != null) { + index.setVector(true); } else if (ctx.SPATIAL() != null) { index.setSpatial(true); } diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/mysql/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/mysql/ index 2d6fc5422a..f46fb7cb16 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/mysql/ +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/mysql/ @@ -44,15 +44,19 @@ import; import; import; +import; import; import; +import; import; import; import; import; import; import; +import; import; +import; import lombok.NonNull; @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ public DataType generate() { public DataType visitData_type(Data_typeContext ctx) { if (ctx.STRING_VALUE() != null) { return new GeneralDataType(ctx, ctx.STRING_VALUE().getText(), null); + } else if (ctx.data_type() != null) { + return new ArrayType(visitData_type(ctx.data_type())); } return visitChildren(ctx); } @@ -283,6 +289,16 @@ public DataType visitCollection_type_i(Collection_type_iContext ctx) { return type; } + @Override + public DataType visitVector_type_i(Vector_type_iContext ctx) { + return new VectorType(ctx, ctx.VECTOR().getText(), Integer.valueOf(ctx.INTNUM().getText())); + } + + @Override + public DataType visitRoaringbitmap_type_i(Roaringbitmap_type_iContext ctx) { + return new GeneralDataType(ctx, ctx.ROARINGBITMAP().getText(), null); + } + private void setNumberTypeOptions(NumberType numberType, TerminalNode unsigned, TerminalNode signed, TerminalNode zeroFill) { if (unsigned != null) { diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/mysql/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/mysql/ index a3bc5100f7..568f31eaf4 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/mysql/ +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/mysql/ @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import java.util.List; import; +import; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.RuleContext; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree; @@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ import; import; +import; import; import; import; @@ -218,6 +220,9 @@ public Expression visitBool_pri(Bool_priContext ctx) { } else if (ctx.bool_pri() != null && ctx.select_no_parens() != null) { left = visit(ctx.bool_pri()); right = visit(ctx.select_no_parens()); + } else if (ctx.bool_pri() != null && ctx.any_expr() != null) { + left = visit(ctx.bool_pri()); + right = visit(ctx.any_expr()); } if (left == null || right == null || operator == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to build expression, some syntax modules are missing"); @@ -356,7 +361,9 @@ public Expression visitSimple_expr(Simple_exprContext ctx) { } else if (ctx.expr_const() != null) { return visit(ctx.expr_const()); } else if (ctx.expr_list() != null) { - if (ctx.ROW() == null) { + if (ctx.ARRAY() != null || (ctx.LeftBracket() != null && ctx.RightBracket() != null)) { + return new ArrayExpression(ctx, ctx.expr_list().expr().stream().map(this::visit).collect(Collectors.toList())); + } else if (ctx.ROW() == null) { return visit(ctx.expr_list()); } List params = ctx.expr_list().expr().stream() @@ -703,6 +710,10 @@ public Expression visitComplex_func_expr(Complex_func_exprContext ctx) { } else if (ctx.sys_interval_func().CHECK() != null) { funcName = ctx.sys_interval_func().CHECK().getText(); } + } else if (ctx.vector_distance_expr() != null) { + params = ctx.vector_distance_expr().expr() + .stream().map(this::wrap).collect(Collectors.toList()); + funcName = ctx.vector_distance_expr().VECTOR_DISTANCE().getText(); } if (funcName == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Missing function name"); @@ -874,6 +885,14 @@ public Expression visitJson_table_expr(Json_table_exprContext ctx) { return fCall; } + @Override + public Expression visitAny_expr(Any_exprContext ctx) { + if (ctx.select_with_parens() != null) { + return new MySQLSelectBodyFactory(ctx.select_with_parens()).generate(); + } + return visit(ctx.expr_list()); + } + private JsonOnOption getJsonOnOption(Mock_jt_on_error_on_emptyContext ctx) { return null; } diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/statement/common/mysql/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/statement/common/mysql/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d6567dca70 --- /dev/null +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/statement/common/mysql/ @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2023 OceanBase. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import java.util.Collections; +import java.util.List; + +import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext; + +import; +import; + +import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode; +import lombok.Getter; +import lombok.NonNull; +import lombok.Setter; + +/** + * @Author: Lebie + * @Date: 2024/10/14 17:27 + * @Description: [] + */ +@Getter +@Setter +@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false) +public class ArrayType extends BaseStatement implements DataType { + private final String typeName = "ARRAY"; + private final DataType elementType; + + public ArrayType(@NonNull ParserRuleContext context, @NonNull DataType elementType) { + super(context); + this.elementType = elementType; + } + + public ArrayType(DataType elementType) { + this.elementType = elementType; + } + + @Override + public String getName() { + return this.typeName; + } + + @Override + public List getArguments() { + return Collections.emptyList(); + } +} diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/statement/common/mysql/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/statement/common/mysql/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fe16933523 --- /dev/null +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/statement/common/mysql/ @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2023 OceanBase. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import java.util.Collections; +import java.util.List; + +import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext; + +import; +import; + +import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode; +import lombok.Getter; +import lombok.NonNull; +import lombok.Setter; + +/** + * @Author: Lebie + * @Date: 2024/10/14 17:14 + * @Description: [] + */ +@Getter +@Setter +@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false) +public class VectorType extends BaseStatement implements DataType { + private final String typeName; + private final Integer dimension; + + public VectorType(@NonNull ParserRuleContext context, + @NonNull String typeName, @NonNull Integer dimension) { + super(context); + this.typeName = typeName; + this.dimension = dimension; + } + + public VectorType(@NonNull String typeName, @NonNull Integer dimension) { + this.typeName = typeName; + this.dimension = dimension; + } + + @Override + public String getName() { + return this.typeName; + } + + @Override + public List getArguments() { + return Collections.singletonList(String.valueOf(this.dimension)); + } + + @Override + public String toString() { + StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(getName()); + builder.append("(").append(dimension).append(")"); + return builder.toString(); + } +} diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/statement/createindex/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/statement/createindex/ index 26c4a9ad12..0dd3035a70 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/statement/createindex/ +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/statement/createindex/ @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ public class CreateIndex extends BaseStatement { private boolean fullText; private boolean spatial; + private boolean vector; private boolean unique; private boolean ifNotExists; private RelationFactor on; @@ -80,6 +81,9 @@ public String toString() { if (this.fullText) { builder.append(" FULLTEXT"); } + if (this.vector) { + builder.append(" VECTOR"); + } if (this.spatial) { builder.append(" SPATIAL"); } diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/statement/expression/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/statement/expression/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6945b685f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/statement/expression/ @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2024 OceanBase. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + */ + +package; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.List; +import; + +import; +import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode; +import lombok.Getter; +import lombok.NonNull; +import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext; +import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils; + +/** + * @Author: Lebie + * @Date: 2024/10/14 21:00 + * @Description: [] + */ +@Getter +@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true) +public class ArrayExpression extends BaseExpression { + private List expressions = new ArrayList<>(); + + public ArrayExpression(@NonNull ParserRuleContext context, @NonNull List expressions) { + super(context); + this.expressions = expressions; + } + + public ArrayExpression(@NonNull List expressions) { + this.expressions = expressions; + } + + @Override + protected String doToString() { + return "[" +",")) + "]"; + } +} diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBParser.g4 b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBParser.g4 index faccab3833..7506fd72a1 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBParser.g4 +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/obmysql/sql/OBParser.g4 @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ bool_pri | bool_pri IS not? NULLX | bool_pri (COMP_GE|COMP_GT|COMP_LE|COMP_LT|COMP_NE) (ALL|ANY|SOME) select_with_parens | bool_pri (COMP_EQ|COMP_GE|COMP_GT|COMP_LE|COMP_LT|COMP_NE) (ALL|ANY|SOME) LeftParen select_no_parens RightParen - | bool_pri PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR (ALL|ANY|SOME) any_expr + | bool_pri (COMP_EQ|COMP_GE|COMP_GT|COMP_LE|COMP_LT|COMP_NE) (ALL|ANY|SOME) any_expr ; @@ -319,6 +319,8 @@ simple_expr | USER_VARIABLE | column_definition_ref (JSON_EXTRACT|JSON_EXTRACT_UNQUOTED) complex_string_literal | relation_name Dot relation_name (Dot relation_name)? USER_VARIABLE + | ARRAY LeftParen expr_list RightParen + | LeftBracket expr_list RightBracket ; search_expr @@ -514,8 +516,6 @@ func_expr | func_name=UnderlineST_ASMVT LeftParen column_ref Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param Comma mvt_param RightParen # simple_func_expr | func_name=LAST_REFRESH_SCN LeftParen INTNUM RightParen # simple_func_expr | func_name=SUM_OPNSIZE LeftParen expr RightParen # simple_func_expr - | func_name=ARRAY LeftParen expr_list RightParen # simple_func_expr - | func_name=LeftBracket expr_list RightBracket # simple_func_expr | func_name=RB_BUILD_AGG LeftParen expr RightParen # simple_func_expr | func_name=RB_OR_AGG LeftParen expr RightParen # simple_func_expr | func_name=RB_AND_AGG LeftParen expr RightParen # simple_func_expr @@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@ cast_data_type | json_type_i | geo_type_i | (SIGNED|UNSIGNED) INTEGER? - | ROARINGBITMAP + | roaringbitmap_type_i ; get_format_unit @@ -1120,10 +1120,10 @@ data_type | json_type_i | collection_type_i | geo_type_i + | vector_type_i + | roaringbitmap_type_i | ARRAY LeftParen data_type RightParen | data_type LeftBracket RightBracket - | VECTOR LeftParen INTNUM RightParen - | ROARINGBITMAP | STRING_VALUE ; @@ -1145,6 +1145,14 @@ json_type_i : JSON ; +roaringbitmap_type_i + : ROARINGBITMAP + ; + +vector_type_i + : VECTOR LeftParen INTNUM RightParen + ; + bit_type_i : BIT precision_int_num[1]? ; @@ -2769,7 +2777,7 @@ show_stmt | SHOW ENGINE_ relation_name_or_string opt_show_engine | SHOW OPEN TABLES (from_or_in database_factor)? ((LIKE STRING_VALUE) | (LIKE STRING_VALUE ESCAPE STRING_VALUE) | (WHERE expr))? | SHOW JOB STATUS - | SHOW JOB STATUS WHERE JOB PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR STRING_VALUE + | SHOW JOB STATUS WHERE JOB COMP_EQ STRING_VALUE | CHECK TABLE table_list check_table_options | CHECK TABLE table_list ; @@ -2911,7 +2919,7 @@ permanent_tablespace_option opt_tablespace_option : ADD DATAFILE STRING_VALUE - | FILE_BLOCK_SIZE PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR INTNUM + | FILE_BLOCK_SIZE opt_equal_mark INTNUM | USE LOGFILE GROUP STRING_VALUE | (((AUTOEXTEND_SIZE|MAX_SIZE)|(EXTENT_SIZE|INITIAL_SIZE))|NODEGROUP) opt_equal_mark INTNUM | WAIT @@ -3502,7 +3510,7 @@ add_external_table_partition_actions ; add_external_table_partition_action - : column_name PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? expr_const + : column_name opt_equal_mark expr_const ; alter_table_actions @@ -3684,12 +3692,12 @@ alter_system_stmt | ALTER SYSTEM RELOAD ZONE | ALTER SYSTEM MIGRATE UNIT opt_equal_mark INTNUM DESTINATION opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE | ALTER SYSTEM CANCEL MIGRATE UNIT INTNUM - | ALTER SYSTEM ADD REPLICA ls SERVER PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? STRING_VALUE REPLICA_TYPE PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? STRING_VALUE (DATA_SOURCE opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? (PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM opt_equal_mark INTNUM)? tenant_name? - | ALTER SYSTEM REMOVE REPLICA ls SERVER PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? STRING_VALUE (PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM opt_equal_mark INTNUM)? tenant_name? - | ALTER SYSTEM MIGRATE REPLICA ls SOURCE PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? STRING_VALUE DESTINATION PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? STRING_VALUE (DATA_SOURCE opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? tenant_name? - | ALTER SYSTEM MODIFY REPLICA ls SERVER PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? STRING_VALUE REPLICA_TYPE PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? STRING_VALUE (PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM opt_equal_mark INTNUM)? tenant_name? - | ALTER SYSTEM MODIFY ls PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? INTNUM tenant_name? - | ALTER SYSTEM CANCEL REPLICA TASK TASK_ID PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? STRING_VALUE tenant_name? + | ALTER SYSTEM ADD REPLICA ls SERVER opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE REPLICA_TYPE opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE (DATA_SOURCE opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? (PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM opt_equal_mark INTNUM)? tenant_name? + | ALTER SYSTEM REMOVE REPLICA ls SERVER opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE (PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM opt_equal_mark INTNUM)? tenant_name? + | ALTER SYSTEM MIGRATE REPLICA ls SOURCE opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE DESTINATION opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE (DATA_SOURCE opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE)? tenant_name? + | ALTER SYSTEM MODIFY REPLICA ls SERVER opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE REPLICA_TYPE opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE (PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM opt_equal_mark INTNUM)? tenant_name? + | ALTER SYSTEM MODIFY ls PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM opt_equal_mark INTNUM tenant_name? + | ALTER SYSTEM CANCEL REPLICA TASK TASK_ID opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE tenant_name? | ALTER SYSTEM UPGRADE VIRTUAL SCHEMA | ALTER SYSTEM RUN JOB STRING_VALUE server_or_zone? | ALTER SYSTEM upgrade_action UPGRADE @@ -3775,7 +3783,7 @@ server_info ; shared_storage_info - : Comma SHARED_STORAGE_INFO PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR? STRING_VALUE + : Comma SHARED_STORAGE_INFO opt_equal_mark STRING_VALUE ; server_action @@ -4055,7 +4063,7 @@ handler_rkey_function ; handler_rkey_mode - : PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR + : COMP_EQ | COMP_GE | COMP_LE | COMP_GT @@ -4461,7 +4469,7 @@ vec_index_params ; vec_index_param - : relation_name PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR vec_index_param_value + : relation_name COMP_EQ vec_index_param_value ; vec_index_param_value diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ deleted file mode 100644 index ab1d16a710..0000000000 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8465 +0,0 @@ -// Generated from OBLexer.g4 by ANTLR 4.9.1 -import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Lexer; -import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStream; -import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token; -import org.antlr.v4.runtime.TokenStream; -import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*; -import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.*; -import org.antlr.v4.runtime.dfa.DFA; -import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.*; - -@SuppressWarnings({"all", "warnings", "unchecked", "unused", "cast"}) -public class OBLexer extends Lexer { - static { RuntimeMetaData.checkVersion("4.9.1", RuntimeMetaData.VERSION); } - - protected static final DFA[] _decisionToDFA; - protected static final PredictionContextCache _sharedContextCache = - new PredictionContextCache(); - public static final int - QUOTA_NAME=1, PQ_DISTINCT=2, NO_MV_REWRITE=3, INDEXTYPE=4, STSTOKEN=5, - REWRITE=6, NO_COALESCE_AGGR=7, PARTITION_TYPE=8, TASK_ID=9, COMPUTATION=10, - AUTO_REFRESH=11, SINGLE=12, MDSYS=13, WITH_PULLUP=14, NO_DECORRELATE=15, - WO_PULLUP=16, SPATIAL_CELLID=17, COMPRESSION_CODE=18, MULTIVALUE=19, SERVICE=20, - DATA_SOURCE=21, PROJECT_NAME=22, ENDPOINT=23, BUFFER_SIZE=24, PROPERTIES=25, - ATTRIBUTE=26, USER_SPECIFIED=27, THROUGH=28, SPATIAL_INDEX=29, ACCESS_INFO=30, - VALIDATION=31, DECORRELATE=32, SUM_OPNSIZE=33, ACCESSKEY=34, MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED=35, - ACCESSTYPE=36, PQ_GBY=37, EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST=38, OVERWRITE=39, MV_REWRITE=40, - SPATIAL_MBR=41, LAST_REFRESH_SCN=42, COALESCE_AGGR=43, RESOURCE_GROUP=44, - SDO_RELATE=45, MAX_FILE_SIZE=46, SRID=47, SS_MICRO_CACHE=48, PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM=49, - ACCESSID=50, M_SIZE=51, E_SIZE=52, T_SIZE=53, K_SIZE=54, G_SIZE=55, P_SIZE=56, - WITH_COLUMN_GROUP=57, HIDE=58, DEFAULTS=59, ACCESS=60, OBJECT_ID=61, ADD=62, - ALTER_HINT_BEGIN=63, NAMESPACE=64, ALL=65, ALTER=66, AND=67, ANY=68, AS=69, - ASC=70, XMLATTRIBUTES=71, AUDIT=72, JSON_OBJECT_VALUE=73, VALUE=74, BETWEEN=75, - BLOB=76, BY=77, BINARY_DOUBLE=78, BINARY_FLOAT=79, CHAR=80, CHECK=81, - CIPHER=82, CLOB=83, CLUSTER=84, COLUMN=85, COMMENT=86, COMPRESS=87, CONNECT=88, - CREATE=89, CURRENT=90, DATE=91, DECIMAL=92, DEFAULT=93, DELETE=94, DESC=95, - DISTINCT=96, DOT=97, DROP=98, MULTISET=99, JSON_ARRAYAGG=100, ARRAY=101, - JSON_ARRAY=102, JSON_EMPTY=103, PASSING=104, ELSE=105, EXCLUSIVE=106, - EXISTS=107, EXCLUDE=108, FILE_KEY=109, FLOAT=110, FOR=111, FROM=112, GRANT=113, - GROUP=114, HAVING=115, HOST=116, ABSENT=117, IDENTIFIED=118, SYNCHRONOUS=119, - IMMEDIATE=120, IN=121, INCREMENT=122, INCLUDE=123, INDEX=124, INITIAL_=125, - INSERT=126, FIELD_DELIMITER=127, INTEGER=128, INTERSECT=129, INTO=130, - ORDINALITY=131, IS=132, ISSUER=133, LEVEL=134, LIKE=135, LOCK=136, LONG=137, - MAXEXTENTS=138, MINUS=139, MODE=140, MODIFY=141, NOAUDIT=142, NOCOMPRESS=143, - NOT=144, NOTFOUND=145, NOWAIT=146, NULLX=147, MISSING=148, NUMBER=149, - OF=150, OFFLINE=151, ON=152, ONLINE=153, OPTION=154, OR=155, ORDER=156, - PCTFREE=157, PIVOT=158, PRIOR=159, PRIVILEGES=160, PUBLIC=161, RAW=162, - REAL=163, RENAME=164, RESOURCE=165, REVOKE=166, ROW=167, ROWID=168, ROWLABEL=169, - ACTIVATE=170, ROWNUM=171, ROWS=172, START=173, SELECT=174, SESSION=175, - SET=176, SETS=177, SHARE=178, SIZE=179, SMALLINT=180, SUCCESSFUL=181, - SYNONYM=182, SYSDATE=183, SYSTIMESTAMP=184, TABLE=185, THEN=186, TO=187, - TRIGGER=188, UID=189, UNION=190, UNIQUE=191, UNPIVOT=192, UPDATE=193, - USER=194, VALIDATE=195, VALUES=196, VARCHAR=197, VARCHAR2=198, VIEW=199, - WHENEVER=200, WHERE=201, REDUNDANCY=202, WITH=203, STANDBY=204, WITHOUT=205, - WITHIN=206, ACCESSIBLE=207, AGAINST=208, ALWAYS=209, ANALYZE=210, ASENSITIVE=211, - BEFORE=212, BINARY=213, BOTH=214, BULK=215, CALL=216, CASCADE=217, CASE=218, - CHANGE=219, CHARACTER=220, CONSTRAINT=221, CONTINUE=222, COLLATE=223, - COLLECT=224, CROSS=225, CYCLE=226, CURRENT_DATE=227, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP=228, - CURRENT_USER=229, CURSOR=230, STATEMENT=231, DAY_HOUR=232, DAY_MICROSECOND=233, - DAY_MINUTE=234, DAY_SECOND=235, DATABASE=236, DATABASES=237, DEC=238, - DECLARE=239, DELAYED=240, DISTINCTROW=241, DOUBLE=242, DUAL=243, EACH=244, - ENCLOSED=245, ELSEIF=246, ESCAPED=247, ALLOW=248, EXIT=249, EXPLAIN=250, - FETCH=251, EVALNAME=252, FLOAT4=253, FLOAT8=254, FORCE=255, FULL=256, - GET=257, GENERATED=258, HIGH_PRIORITY=259, HOUR_MICROSECOND=260, HOUR_MINUTE=261, - HOUR_SECOND=262, ID=263, IF=264, IFIGNORE=265, INNER=266, INFILE=267, - INOUT=268, INSENSITIVE=269, INT1=270, INT2=271, LIB=272, INT3=273, INT4=274, - INT8=275, INTERVAL=276, IO_AFTER_GTIDS=277, IO_BEFORE_GTIDS=278, ITERATE=279, - JOIN=280, KEYS=281, KILL=282, LANGUAGE=283, LATERAL=284, LEADING=285, - LEAVE=286, LEFT=287, LINEAR=288, LINES=289, BADFILE=290, LOG_DISK_SIZE=291, - LOAD=292, LOCALTIMESTAMP=293, LONGBLOB=294, SWITCHOVER=295, LONGTEXT=296, - LOOP=297, LOW_PRIORITY=298, MASTER_BIND=299, MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT=300, - MATCH=301, MAXVALUE=302, MEDIUMBLOB=303, MEDIUMINT=304, MERGE=305, REJECT=306, - MEDIUMTEXT=307, MIDDLEINT=308, MINUTE_MICROSECOND=309, MINUTE_SECOND=310, - MOD=311, MODIFIES=312, MOVEMENT=313, NATURAL=314, NOCYCLE=315, NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG=316, - NUMERIC=317, OPTIMIZE=318, OPTIONALLY=319, OUT=320, OUTER=321, IOPS_WEIGHT=322, - OUTFILE=323, PARSER=324, PROCEDURE=325, PURGE=326, PARTITION=327, RANGE=328, - PLUS=329, READ=330, READ_WRITE=331, READS=332, RELEASE=333, REFERENCES=334, - REPLACE=335, REPEAT=336, REQUIRE=337, RESIGNAL=338, RESTRICT=339, RETURN=340, - RIGHT=341, SCALARS=342, SECOND_MICROSECOND=343, SCHEMA=344, SCHEMAS=345, - SEPARATOR=346, SENSITIVE=347, SIGNAL=348, SPATIAL=349, SPECIFIC=350, SQL=351, - SQLEXCEPTION=352, SQLSTATE=353, SQLWARNING=354, SQL_BIG_RESULT=355, SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS=356, - SQL_SMALL_RESULT=357, SEARCH=358, SSL=359, STARTING=360, STATEMENTS=361, - STORED=362, STRAIGHT_JOIN=363, TERMINATED=364, TINYBLOB=365, TINYTEXT=366, - TABLEGROUP=367, TRAILING=368, TIMEZONE_HOUR=369, TIMEZONE_MINUTE=370, - TIMEZONE_REGION=371, TIMEZONE_ABBR=372, UNDO=373, UNLOCK=374, LINE_DELIMITER=375, - USE=376, USING=377, UTC_DATE=378, UTC_TIMESTAMP=379, VARYING=380, VIRTUAL=381, - WHEN=382, WHILE=383, WRITE=384, XOR=385, X509=386, YEAR_MONTH=387, ZEROFILL=388, - GLOBAL_ALIAS=389, SESSION_ALIAS=390, STRONG=391, WEAK=392, FROZEN=393, - EXCEPT=394, ISNULL=395, RETURNING=396, BLOCKING=397, ISOPEN=398, ROWCOUNT=399, - BULK_ROWCOUNT=400, ERROR_INDEX=401, BULK_EXCEPTIONS=402, PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR=403, - COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL=404, DATA_TABLE_ID=405, WARNINGS=406, LOWER_JOIN=407, - GROUPS=408, CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE=409, FORMAT=410, MINVALUE=411, EXTRA=412, - EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL=413, UNINSTALL=414, UNDOFILE=415, MASTER_SSL_CA=416, - YEAR=417, STOP=418, STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION=419, DISABLE_PARALLEL_DML=420, - PACKAGE_KEY=421, PACKAGE=422, AT=423, RELAY_LOG_POS=424, POOL=425, ZONE_TYPE=426, - LOCATION=427, WEIGHT_STRING=428, MAXLOGMEMBERS=429, CHANGED=430, MASTER_SSL_CAPATH=431, - PRECISION=432, ROLE=433, JSON_QUERY=434, REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION=435, NTH_VALUE=436, - SERIAL=437, REDACTION=438, QUEUE_TIME=439, PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM=440, - TABLET_MAX_SIZE=441, ILOGCACHE=442, AUTHORS=443, MIGRATE=444, DIV=445, - CONSISTENT=446, SUSPEND=447, SYSKM=448, REMOTE_OSS=449, SECURITY=450, - SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER=451, FAST=452, KEYSTORE=453, TRUNCATE=454, CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA=455, - MASTER_SSL_CERT=456, TABLE_NAME=457, PRIORITY=458, DO=459, MASTER_RETRY_COUNT=460, - EXCEPTIONS=461, REPLICA=462, KILL_EXPR=463, UROWID=464, ADMIN=465, CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF=466, - NCHAR_CS=467, OLD_KEY=468, DISABLE=469, STRICT=470, PORT=471, MAXDATAFILES=472, - EXEC=473, NOVALIDATE=474, REBUILD=475, FOLLOWER=476, LIST=477, LOWER_OVER=478, - ROOT=479, REDOFILE=480, MASTER_SERVER_ID=481, NCHAR=482, KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=483, - NOLOGGING=484, SEQUENCE=485, PRETTY=486, PRETTY_COLOR=487, COLUMNS=488, - LS=489, MIGRATION=490, SUBPARTITION=491, DML=492, MYSQL_DRIVER=493, GO=494, - ROW_NUMBER=495, COMPRESSION=496, BIT=497, MAX_DISK_SIZE=498, SAMPLE=499, - PCTUSED=500, UNLOCKED=501, CLASS_ORIGIN=502, ACTION=503, REDUNDANT=504, - MAXLOGFILES=505, UPGRADE=506, TEMPTABLE=507, EXTERNALLY=508, RECYCLEBIN=509, - PROFILES=510, TIMESTAMP_VALUE=511, ERRORS=512, BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN=513, - LEAVES=514, UNDEFINED=515, EVERY=516, BYTE=517, SHARDING=518, FLUSH=519, - MIN_ROWS=520, ERROR_P=521, MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS=522, FIELDS=523, MAX_CPU=524, - LOCKED=525, DOP=526, IO=527, BTREE=528, APPROXNUM=529, HASH=530, REGR_INTERCEPT=531, - OPTIMAL=532, CONNECT_BY_ROOT=533, OLTP=534, SYSOPER=535, GOTO=536, COLLATION=537, - MASTER=538, ENCRYPTION=539, INSERTING=540, MAX=541, TRANSACTION=542, SQL_TSI_MONTH=543, - BECOME=544, IGNORE=545, MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR=546, OFF=547, MIN_IOPS=548, - NVARCHAR=549, PAUSE=550, QUICK=551, DUPLICATE=552, XMLTYPE=553, XMLTABLE=554, - XMLNAMESPACES=555, SDO_GEOMETRY=556, USAGE=557, FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY=558, - WAIT=559, DES_KEY_FILE=560, ENGINES=561, RETURNS=562, MASTER_USER=563, - SOCKET=564, SIBLINGS=565, MASTER_DELAY=566, FILE_ID=567, FIRST=568, TABLET=569, - CLIENT=570, PRIVATE=571, TABLES=572, ENGINE_=573, EXCLUDING=574, TRADITIONAL=575, - BOOTSTRAP=576, STDDEV=577, DATAFILE=578, INVOKER=579, LAYER=580, DEPTH=581, - THREAD=582, TRIGGERS=583, COLUMN_NAME=584, ENABLE_PARALLEL_DML=585, RESET=586, - EVENT=587, COALESCE=588, RESPECT=589, STATUS=590, UNBOUNDED=591, REGR_SLOPE=592, - WRAPPER=593, TIMESTAMP=594, EXTENT=595, PARTITIONS=596, SUBSTR=597, FILEX=598, - UNIT=599, DEMAND=600, LOWER_ON=601, SWITCH=602, LESS=603, BODY=604, DIAGNOSTICS=605, - REDO_BUFFER_SIZE=606, NO=607, MAJOR=608, ACTIVE=609, TIES=610, ROUTINE=611, - ROLLBACK=612, FOLLOWING=613, READ_ONLY=614, MEMBER=615, PARTITION_ID=616, - SHARED=617, EXTERNAL=618, DUMP=619, APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS=620, - GROUPING=621, PRIMARY=622, ARCHIVELOG=623, MATCHED=624, MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR=625, - ASYNCHRONOUS=626, FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS=627, ENCODING=628, SECOND=629, - UNKNOWN=630, POINT=631, MEMSTORE_PERCENT=632, POLYGON=633, ORA_ROWSCN=634, - OLD=635, TABLE_ID=636, CONTEXT=637, FINAL_COUNT=638, MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY=639, - POSITION=640, DISCARD=641, PATTERN=642, RECOVERY_WINDOW=643, RECOVER=644, - PREV=645, PROCESS=646, ERROR=647, DEALLOCATE=648, OLD_PASSWORD=649, CONTROLFILE=650, - LISTAGG=651, SLOW=652, SUM=653, OPTIONS=654, MIN=655, ROLES=656, UPDATING=657, - KEY=658, RT=659, RELOAD=660, ONE=661, DELAY_KEY_WRITE=662, ORIG_DEFAULT=663, - INDEXED=664, RLIKE=665, SQL_TSI_HOUR=666, TIMESTAMPDIFF=667, RESTORE=668, - OFFSET=669, TEMPORARY=670, VARIANCE=671, SNAPSHOT=672, JSON_EXISTS=673, - STATISTICS=674, COBOL=675, SERVER_TYPE=676, COMMITTED=677, PERCENT=678, - RATIO_TO_REPORT=679, SUBJECT=680, DBTIMEZONE=681, INDEXES=682, FREEZE=683, - SCOPE=684, OUTLINE_DEFAULT_TOKEN=685, IDC=686, SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH=687, - ONE_SHOT=688, ACCOUNT=689, LOCALITY=690, ARCHIVE=691, CONSTRAINTS=692, - REVERSE=693, CLUSTER_ID=694, NOARCHIVELOG=695, WM_CONCAT=696, MAX_SIZE=697, - COVAR_SAMP=698, PAGE=699, NAME=700, ADMINISTER=701, ROW_COUNT=702, LAST=703, - LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM=704, DELAY=705, SUBDATE=706, INCREMENTAL=707, QUOTA=708, - VERIFY=709, CONTAINS=710, GENERAL=711, VISIBLE=712, REGR_COUNT=713, SIGNED=714, - SERVER=715, NEXT=716, GLOBAL=717, ENDS=718, ROOTSERVICE_LIST=719, SHOW=720, - SHUTDOWN=721, VERBOSE=722, JSON_EQUAL=723, CLUSTER_NAME=724, MASTER_PORT=725, - MYSQL_ERRNO=726, XA=727, TIME=728, REUSE=729, NOMINVALUE=730, DATETIME=731, - BOOL=732, DIRECTORY=733, SECTION=734, PERCENTILE_CONT=735, VALID=736, - MASTER_SSL_KEY=737, MASTER_PASSWORD=738, PLAN=739, MULTIPOLYGON=740, STDDEV_SAMP=741, - USE_BLOOM_FILTER=742, LOCAL=743, CONSTRAINT_CATALOG=744, DICTIONARY=745, - SYSDBA=746, EXCHANGE=747, GRANTS=748, CAST=749, SERVER_PORT=750, SQL_CACHE=751, - MAX_USED_PART_ID=752, RELY=753, INSTANCE=754, HYBRID_HIST=755, FUNCTION=756, - NAN_VALUE=757, INVISIBLE=758, BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY=759, REGR_SXX=760, - REGR_SXY=761, DENSE_RANK=762, COUNT=763, SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW=764, TREAT=765, - TYPENAME=766, MY_NAME=767, NAMES=768, LOWER_THAN_NEG=769, MAX_ROWS=770, - ISOLATION=771, REPLICATION=772, REGR_SYY=773, INITIALIZED=774, REMOVE=775, - STATS_AUTO_RECALC=776, CONSISTENT_MODE=777, SUBMULTISET=778, SEGMENT=779, - USE_COLUMN_STORE_HINT=780, UNCOMMITTED=781, CURRENT_SCHEMA=782, OWN=783, - NO_WAIT=784, BACKUP_COPIES=785, UNIT_NUM=786, PERCENTAGE=787, MAX_IOPS=788, - SPFILE=789, REPEATABLE=790, PCTINCREASE=791, COMPLETION=792, ROOTTABLE=793, - ZONE=794, REGR_AVGY=795, REGR_AVGX=796, TEMPLATE=797, INCLUDING=798, DATE_SUB=799, - EXPIRE_INFO=800, EXPIRE=801, KEEP=802, ENABLE=803, HOSTS=804, SCHEMA_NAME=805, - SHRINK=806, EXPANSION=807, REORGANIZE=808, TRIM_SPACE=809, BLOCK_SIZE=810, - INNER_PARSE=811, MINOR=812, RESTRICTED=813, GLOBALLY=814, RESUME=815, - INT=816, COMPLETE=817, STATS_PERSISTENT=818, NODEGROUP=819, PARTITIONING=820, - MAXTRANS=821, SUPER=822, JSON_OBJECT=823, COMMIT=824, DETERMINISTIC=825, - SAVEPOINT=826, UNTIL=827, NVARCHAR2=828, MEMTABLE=829, CHARSET=830, FREELIST=831, - MOVE=832, XML=833, PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME=834, IPC=835, MIN_MAX=836, PATH=837, - NO_USE_COLUMN_STORE_HINT=838, TRIM=839, RANK=840, VAR_POP=841, DEFAULT_AUTH=842, - EXTENT_SIZE=843, BINLOG=844, CLOG=845, GEOMETRYCOLLECTION=846, STORAGE=847, - MEDIUM=848, XMLPARSE=849, WELLFORMED=850, DOCUMENT=851, XMLAGG=852, USE_FRM=853, - CLIENT_VERSION=854, MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD=855, DELETING=856, SUBPARTITIONS=857, - CUBE=858, REGR_R2=859, BALANCE=860, POLICY=861, QUERY=862, THROTTLE=863, - SQL_TSI_QUARTER=864, SPACE=865, REPAIR=866, MASTER_SSL_CIPHER=867, KEY_VERSION=868, - CATALOG_NAME=869, NDBCLUSTER=870, CONNECTION=871, COMPACT=872, INCR=873, - CANCEL=874, SIMPLE=875, BEGIN=876, VARIABLES=877, FREELISTS=878, SQL_TSI_WEEK=879, - SYSTEM=880, SQLERROR=881, ROOTSERVICE=882, PLUGIN_DIR=883, ASCII=884, - INFO=885, SQL_THREAD=886, SKIP_HEADER=887, TYPES=888, LEADER=889, LOWER_KEY=890, - FOUND=891, EXTRACT=892, INSERTCHILDXML=893, DELETEXML=894, PERCENTILE_DISC=895, - XMLSEQUENCE=896, XMLCAST=897, XMLSERIALIZE=898, FIXED=899, CACHE=900, - RETURNED_SQLSTATE=901, SKIP_INDEX=902, END=903, PRESERVE=904, ASIS=905, - SQL_BUFFER_RESULT=906, LOCK_=907, JSON=908, SOME=909, INDEX_TABLE_ID=910, - FREQUENCY=911, PQ_MAP=912, MANUAL=913, LOCKS=914, SYSBACKUP=915, GEOMETRY=916, - NO_PARALLEL=917, STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION=918, VERSION=919, INDENT=920, - ISOLATION_LEVEL=921, OVER=922, MAX_SESSION_NUM=923, USER_RESOURCES=924, - DESTINATION=925, SONAME=926, OUTLINE=927, MASTER_LOG_FILE=928, WMSYS=929, - NOMAXVALUE=930, ESTIMATE=931, SLAVE=932, GTS=933, SKIP_BLANK_LINES=934, - EXPORT=935, TEXT=936, AVG_ROW_LENGTH=937, FLASHBACK=938, SESSION_USER=939, - TABLEGROUPS=940, REPLICA_TYPE=941, AGGREGATE=942, PERCENT_RANK=943, ENUM=944, - TRANSFER=945, NATIONAL=946, RECYCLE=947, REGION=948, MATERIALIZE=949, - FORTRAN=950, MUTEX=951, PARALLEL=952, NOPARALLEL=953, LOWER_PARENS=954, - MONITOR=955, NDB=956, SYSTEM_USER=957, MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR=958, R_SKIP=959, - CONCURRENT=960, DUMPFILE=961, COMPILE=962, COMPRESSED=963, LINESTRING=964, - EXEMPT=965, DYNAMIC=966, CHAIN=967, NEG=968, LAG=969, NEW=970, BASELINE_ID=971, - HIGH=972, LAX=973, SQL_TSI_YEAR=974, THAN=975, CPU=976, LOGS=977, SERIALIZABLE=978, - DBA_RECYCLEBIN=979, BACKUP=980, LOGFILE=981, ROW_FORMAT=982, ALLOCATE=983, - SET_MASTER_CLUSTER=984, MAXLOGHISTORY=985, MINUTE=986, SWAPS=987, RESETLOGS=988, - DESCRIBE=989, NORESETLOGS=990, TASK=991, IO_THREAD=992, BC2HOST=993, PARAMETERS=994, - OBJECT=995, TABLESPACE=996, AUTO=997, REGEXP_LIKE=998, MODULE=999, PASSWORD=1000, - SQLCODE=1001, SORT=1002, LOWER_THAN_BY_ACCESS_SESSION=1003, MESSAGE_TEXT=1004, - DISK=1005, FAULTS=1006, HOUR=1007, REF=1008, REFRESH=1009, COLUMN_STAT=1010, - PLI=1011, UNIT_GROUP=1012, ERROR_CODE=1013, UPDATEXML=1014, PHASE=1015, - PROFILE=1016, NORELY=1017, LAST_VALUE=1018, RESTART=1019, TRACE=1020, - LOGICAL_READS=1021, MANAGEMENT=1022, DATE_ADD=1023, BLOCK_INDEX=1024, - DEBUG=1025, SERVER_IP=1026, SESSIONTIMEZONE=1027, CODE=1028, PLUGINS=1029, - ADDDATE=1030, PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME=1031, TRANSLATE=1032, COLUMN_FORMAT=1033, - MAX_MEMORY=1034, CLEAN=1035, NESTED=1036, MASTER_SSL=1037, CLEAR=1038, - SORTKEY=1039, CHECKSUM=1040, INSTALL=1041, MONTH=1042, NEVER=1043, AFTER=1044, - MAXINSTANCES=1045, CLOSE=1046, JSON_OBJECTAGG=1047, SET_TP=1048, OWNER=1049, - BLOOM_FILTER=1050, ILOG=1051, META=1052, PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION=1053, - LOWEST_PARENS=1054, IDENTITY=1055, STARTS=1056, PLANREGRESS=1057, AUTOEXTEND_SIZE=1058, - TABLET_ID=1059, NO_COUNT_TO_EXISTS=1060, NO_REPLACE_CONST=1061, SOURCE=1062, - POW=1063, IGNORE_SERVER_IDS=1064, WF_TOPN=1065, REPLICA_NUM=1066, LOWER_THAN_COMP=1067, - BINDING=1068, MICROSECOND=1069, INDICATOR=1070, UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE=1071, - EXTENDED_NOADDR=1072, JSON_MERGEPATCH=1073, SPLIT=1074, BASELINE=1075, - MEMORY=1076, COVAR_POP=1077, SEED=1078, DESCRIPTION=1079, RTREE=1080, - MEDIAN=1081, UNLIMITED=1082, STDDEV_POP=1083, UNDER=1084, RUN=1085, SQL_AFTER_GTIDS=1086, - OPEN=1087, REFERENCING=1088, SQL_TSI_DAY=1089, MANAGE=1090, RELAY_THREAD=1091, - BREADTH=1092, NOCACHE=1093, DISALLOW=1094, PRIVILEGE=1095, PRIMARY_ROOTSERVICE_LIST=1096, - UNUSUAL=1097, RELAYLOG=1098, SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS=1099, LOWER_THAN_FOR=1100, - PRIMARY_ZONE=1101, TABLE_CHECKSUM=1102, ZONE_LIST=1103, DATABASE_ID=1104, - TP_NO=1105, NETWORK=1106, LOWER_THAN_TO=1107, HIDDEN_=1108, BOOLEAN=1109, - AVG=1110, MULTILINESTRING=1111, APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE=1112, - NOW=1113, PROXY=1114, DUPLICATE_SCOPE=1115, STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES=1116, TABLET_SIZE=1117, - BASE=1118, FOREIGN=1119, KVCACHE=1120, RELAY=1121, MINEXTENTS=1122, CONTRIBUTORS=1123, - MEMORY_SIZE=1124, EMPTY=1125, PARTIAL=1126, REPORT=1127, ESCAPE=1128, - MASTER_AUTO_POSITION=1129, CALC_PARTITION_ID=1130, TP_NAME=1131, SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS=1132, - EFFECTIVE=1133, FIRST_VALUE=1134, SQL_TSI_MINUTE=1135, UNICODE=1136, QUARTER=1137, - ANALYSE=1138, DEFINER=1139, NONE=1140, PROCESSLIST=1141, TYPE=1142, CHAR_CS=1143, - INSERT_METHOD=1144, EXTENDED=1145, LISTS=1146, LOG=1147, TIME_ZONE_INFO=1148, - TIMESTAMPADD=1149, DISMOUNT=1150, BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY=1151, GET_FORMAT=1152, - LOW=1153, PREPARE=1154, WORK=1155, MATERIALIZED=1156, HANDLER=1157, CUME_DIST=1158, - NOSORT=1159, INITIAL_SIZE=1160, RELAY_LOG_FILE=1161, STORING=1162, IMPORT=1163, - MIN_MEMORY=1164, HELP=1165, CREATE_TIMESTAMP=1166, COMPUTE=1167, RANDOM=1168, - SOUNDS=1169, TABLE_MODE=1170, COPY=1171, SQL_NO_CACHE=1172, MISMATCH=1173, - EXECUTE=1174, PRECEDING=1175, SWITCHES=1176, PACK_KEYS=1177, ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID=1178, - SQL_ID=1179, NOORDER=1180, CHECKPOINT=1181, DAY=1182, AUTHORIZATION=1183, - LEAD=1184, JSON_TABLE=1185, JSON_VALUE=1186, DBA=1187, EVENTS=1188, RECURSIVE=1189, - ONLY=1190, TABLEGROUP_ID=1191, GROUP_ID=1192, GROUPING_ID=1193, TOP_K_FRE_HIST=1194, - MASTER_SSL_CRL=1195, RESOURCE_POOL_LIST=1196, TRACING=1197, NTILE=1198, - NULL_IF_EXETERNAL=1199, SKEWONLY=1200, IS_TENANT_SYS_POOL=1201, INLINE=1202, - MOUNT=1203, SCHEDULE=1204, JOB=1205, MASTER_LOG_POS=1206, SUBCLASS_ORIGIN=1207, - MULTIPOINT=1208, INFINITE_VALUE=1209, BLOCK=1210, SQL_TSI_SECOND=1211, - ROLLUP=1212, CORR=1213, MIN_CPU=1214, OCCUR=1215, ACCESSED=1216, DATA=1217, - BINARY_FLOAT_NAN=1218, MASTER_HOST=1219, PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME=1220, VAR_SAMP=1221, - ALGORITHM=1222, CONSTRAINT_NAME=1223, LIMIT=1224, APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT=1225, - DDL=1226, BASIC=1227, DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP=1228, CONTENTS=1229, CONTENT=1230, - XMLELEMENT=1231, ENTITYESCAPING=1232, EXTRACTVALUE=1233, NOENTITYESCAPING=1234, - NOSCHEMACHECK=1235, SCHEMACHECK=1236, NO_PX_JOIN_FILTER=1237, STATEMENT_ID=1238, - HIGHER_THAN_TO=1239, LINK=1240, WEEK=1241, UNCONDITIONAL=1242, CONDITIONAL=1243, - NULLS=1244, MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH=1245, CASCADED=1246, PLUGIN=1247, ENCRYPTED=1248, - TENANT=1249, INITRANS=1250, SCN=1251, LNNVL=1252, INTNUM=1253, DECIMAL_VAL=1254, - BOOL_VALUE=1255, At=1256, LeftBracket=1257, LeftBrace=1258, RightBracket=1259, - RightBrace=1260, DATE_VALUE=1261, INTERVAL_VALUE=1262, HINT_VALUE=1263, - Comma=1264, Plus=1265, And=1266, Or=1267, Star=1268, Not=1269, LeftParen=1270, - Minus=1271, Div=1272, Caret=1273, Colon=1274, Dot=1275, Mod=1276, RightParen=1277, - Tilde=1278, DELIMITER=1279, CNNOP=1280, AND_OP=1281, COMP_EQ=1282, COMP_NSEQ=1283, - SET_VAR=1284, COMP_GT=1285, COMP_GE=1286, COMP_LE=1287, COMP_LT=1288, - COMP_NE=1289, SHIFT_LEFT=1290, SHIFT_RIGHT=1291, COMP_NE_PL=1292, POW_PL=1293, - QUESTIONMARK=1294, SYSTEM_VARIABLE=1295, USER_VARIABLE=1296, PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR=1297, - PLSQL_VARIABLE=1298, MULTISET_OP=1299, A_=1300, NAME_OB=1301, STRING_VALUE=1302, - In_c_comment=1303, ANTLR_SKIP=1304, Blank=1305; - public static String[] channelNames = { - "DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL", "HIDDEN" - }; - - public static String[] modeNames = { - "DEFAULT_MODE" - }; - - private static String[] makeRuleNames() { - return new String[] { - "QUOTA_NAME", "PQ_DISTINCT", "NO_MV_REWRITE", "INDEXTYPE", "STSTOKEN", - "REWRITE", "NO_COALESCE_AGGR", "PARTITION_TYPE", "TASK_ID", "COMPUTATION", - "AUTO_REFRESH", "SINGLE", "MDSYS", "WITH_PULLUP", "NO_DECORRELATE", "WO_PULLUP", - "SPATIAL_CELLID", "COMPRESSION_CODE", "MULTIVALUE", "SERVICE", "DATA_SOURCE", - "PROJECT_NAME", "ENDPOINT", "BUFFER_SIZE", "PROPERTIES", "ATTRIBUTE", - "USER_SPECIFIED", "THROUGH", "SPATIAL_INDEX", "ACCESS_INFO", "VALIDATION", - "DECORRELATE", "SUM_OPNSIZE", "ACCESSKEY", "MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED", "ACCESSTYPE", - "PQ_GBY", "EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST", "OVERWRITE", "MV_REWRITE", "SPATIAL_MBR", - "LAST_REFRESH_SCN", "COALESCE_AGGR", "RESOURCE_GROUP", "SDO_RELATE", - "MAX_FILE_SIZE", "SRID", "SS_MICRO_CACHE", "PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM", "ACCESSID", - "M_SIZE", "E_SIZE", "T_SIZE", "K_SIZE", "G_SIZE", "P_SIZE", "WITH_COLUMN_GROUP", - "HIDE", "DEFAULTS", "ACCESS", "OBJECT_ID", "ADD", "ALTER_HINT_BEGIN", - "NAMESPACE", "ALL", "ALTER", "AND", "ANY", "AS", "ASC", "XMLATTRIBUTES", - "AUDIT", "JSON_OBJECT_VALUE", "VALUE", "BETWEEN", "BLOB", "BY", "BINARY_DOUBLE", - "BINARY_FLOAT", "CHAR", "CHECK", "CIPHER", "CLOB", "CLUSTER", "COLUMN", - "COMMENT", "COMPRESS", "CONNECT", "CREATE", "CURRENT", "DATE", "DECIMAL", - "DEFAULT", "DELETE", "DESC", "DISTINCT", "DOT", "DROP", "MULTISET", "JSON_ARRAYAGG", - "ARRAY", "JSON_ARRAY", "JSON_EMPTY", "PASSING", "ELSE", "EXCLUSIVE", - "EXISTS", "EXCLUDE", "FILE_KEY", "FLOAT", "FOR", "FROM", "GRANT", "GROUP", - "HAVING", "HOST", "ABSENT", "IDENTIFIED", "SYNCHRONOUS", "IMMEDIATE", - "IN", "INCREMENT", "INCLUDE", "INDEX", "INITIAL_", "INSERT", "FIELD_DELIMITER", - "INTEGER", "INTERSECT", "INTO", "ORDINALITY", "IS", "ISSUER", "LEVEL", - "LIKE", "LOCK", "LONG", "MAXEXTENTS", "MINUS", "MODE", "MODIFY", "NOAUDIT", - "NOCOMPRESS", "NOT", "NOTFOUND", "NOWAIT", "NULLX", "MISSING", "NUMBER", - "OF", "OFFLINE", "ON", "ONLINE", "OPTION", "OR", "ORDER", "PCTFREE", - "PIVOT", "PRIOR", "PRIVILEGES", "PUBLIC", "RAW", "REAL", "RENAME", "RESOURCE", - "REVOKE", "ROW", "ROWID", "ROWLABEL", "ACTIVATE", "ROWNUM", "ROWS", "START", - "SELECT", "SESSION", "SET", "SETS", "SHARE", "SIZE", "SMALLINT", "SUCCESSFUL", - "SYNONYM", "SYSDATE", "SYSTIMESTAMP", "TABLE", "THEN", "TO", "TRIGGER", - "UID", "UNION", "UNIQUE", "UNPIVOT", "UPDATE", "USER", "VALIDATE", "VALUES", - "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR2", "VIEW", "WHENEVER", "WHERE", "REDUNDANCY", "WITH", - "STANDBY", "WITHOUT", "WITHIN", "ACCESSIBLE", "AGAINST", "ALWAYS", "ANALYZE", - "ASENSITIVE", "BEFORE", "BINARY", "BOTH", "BULK", "CALL", "CASCADE", - "CASE", "CHANGE", "CHARACTER", "CONSTRAINT", "CONTINUE", "COLLATE", "COLLECT", - "CROSS", "CYCLE", "CURRENT_DATE", "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", "CURRENT_USER", - "CURSOR", "STATEMENT", "DAY_HOUR", "DAY_MICROSECOND", "DAY_MINUTE", "DAY_SECOND", - "DATABASE", "DATABASES", "DEC", "DECLARE", "DELAYED", "DISTINCTROW", - "DOUBLE", "DUAL", "EACH", "ENCLOSED", "ELSEIF", "ESCAPED", "ALLOW", "EXIT", - "EXPLAIN", "FETCH", "EVALNAME", "FLOAT4", "FLOAT8", "FORCE", "FULL", - "GET", "GENERATED", "HIGH_PRIORITY", "HOUR_MICROSECOND", "HOUR_MINUTE", - "HOUR_SECOND", "ID", "IF", "IFIGNORE", "INNER", "INFILE", "INOUT", "INSENSITIVE", - "INT1", "INT2", "LIB", "INT3", "INT4", "INT8", "INTERVAL", "IO_AFTER_GTIDS", - "IO_BEFORE_GTIDS", "ITERATE", "JOIN", "KEYS", "KILL", "LANGUAGE", "LATERAL", - "LEADING", "LEAVE", "LEFT", "LINEAR", "LINES", "BADFILE", "LOG_DISK_SIZE", - "LOAD", "LOCALTIMESTAMP", "LONGBLOB", "SWITCHOVER", "LONGTEXT", "LOOP", - "LOW_PRIORITY", "MASTER_BIND", "MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT", "MATCH", - "MAXVALUE", "MEDIUMBLOB", "MEDIUMINT", "MERGE", "REJECT", "MEDIUMTEXT", - "MIDDLEINT", "MINUTE_MICROSECOND", "MINUTE_SECOND", "MOD", "MODIFIES", - "MOVEMENT", "NATURAL", "NOCYCLE", "NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG", "NUMERIC", "OPTIMIZE", - "OPTIONALLY", "OUT", "OUTER", "IOPS_WEIGHT", "OUTFILE", "PARSER", "PROCEDURE", - "PURGE", "PARTITION", "RANGE", "PLUS", "READ", "READ_WRITE", "READS", - "RELEASE", "REFERENCES", "REPLACE", "REPEAT", "REQUIRE", "RESIGNAL", - "RESTRICT", "RETURN", "RIGHT", "SCALARS", "SECOND_MICROSECOND", "SCHEMA", - "SCHEMAS", "SEPARATOR", "SENSITIVE", "SIGNAL", "SPATIAL", "SPECIFIC", - "SQL", "SQLEXCEPTION", "SQLSTATE", "SQLWARNING", "SQL_BIG_RESULT", "SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS", - "SQL_SMALL_RESULT", "SEARCH", "SSL", "STARTING", "STATEMENTS", "STORED", - "STRAIGHT_JOIN", "TERMINATED", "TINYBLOB", "TINYTEXT", "TABLEGROUP", - "TRAILING", "TIMEZONE_HOUR", "TIMEZONE_MINUTE", "TIMEZONE_REGION", "TIMEZONE_ABBR", - "UNDO", "UNLOCK", "LINE_DELIMITER", "USE", "USING", "UTC_DATE", "UTC_TIMESTAMP", - "VARYING", "VIRTUAL", "WHEN", "WHILE", "WRITE", "XOR", "X509", "YEAR_MONTH", - "ZEROFILL", "GLOBAL_ALIAS", "SESSION_ALIAS", "STRONG", "WEAK", "FROZEN", - "EXCEPT", "ISNULL", "RETURNING", "BLOCKING", "ISOPEN", "ROWCOUNT", "BULK_ROWCOUNT", - "ERROR_INDEX", "BULK_EXCEPTIONS", "PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR", "COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL", - "DATA_TABLE_ID", "WARNINGS", "LOWER_JOIN", "GROUPS", "CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE", - "FORMAT", "MINVALUE", "EXTRA", "EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL", "UNINSTALL", "UNDOFILE", - "MASTER_SSL_CA", "YEAR", "STOP", "STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION", "DISABLE_PARALLEL_DML", - "PACKAGE_KEY", "PACKAGE", "AT", "RELAY_LOG_POS", "POOL", "ZONE_TYPE", - "LOCATION", "WEIGHT_STRING", "MAXLOGMEMBERS", "CHANGED", "MASTER_SSL_CAPATH", - "PRECISION", "ROLE", "JSON_QUERY", "REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION", "NTH_VALUE", - "SERIAL", "REDACTION", "QUEUE_TIME", "PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM", "TABLET_MAX_SIZE", - "ILOGCACHE", "AUTHORS", "MIGRATE", "DIV", "CONSISTENT", "SUSPEND", "SYSKM", - "REMOTE_OSS", "SECURITY", "SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER", "FAST", "KEYSTORE", "TRUNCATE", - "CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", "MASTER_SSL_CERT", "TABLE_NAME", "PRIORITY", "DO", - "MASTER_RETRY_COUNT", "EXCEPTIONS", "REPLICA", "KILL_EXPR", "UROWID", - "ADMIN", "CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF", "NCHAR_CS", "OLD_KEY", "DISABLE", "STRICT", - 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"ZONE_LIST", "DATABASE_ID", "TP_NO", "NETWORK", "LOWER_THAN_TO", "HIDDEN_", - "BOOLEAN", "AVG", "MULTILINESTRING", "APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE", - "NOW", "PROXY", "DUPLICATE_SCOPE", "STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES", "TABLET_SIZE", - "BASE", "FOREIGN", "KVCACHE", "RELAY", "MINEXTENTS", "CONTRIBUTORS", - "MEMORY_SIZE", "EMPTY", "PARTIAL", "REPORT", "ESCAPE", "MASTER_AUTO_POSITION", - "CALC_PARTITION_ID", "TP_NAME", "SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS", "EFFECTIVE", "FIRST_VALUE", - "SQL_TSI_MINUTE", "UNICODE", "QUARTER", "ANALYSE", "DEFINER", "NONE", - "PROCESSLIST", "TYPE", "CHAR_CS", "INSERT_METHOD", "EXTENDED", "LISTS", - "LOG", "TIME_ZONE_INFO", "TIMESTAMPADD", "DISMOUNT", "BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY", - "GET_FORMAT", "LOW", "PREPARE", "WORK", "MATERIALIZED", "HANDLER", "CUME_DIST", - "NOSORT", "INITIAL_SIZE", "RELAY_LOG_FILE", "STORING", "IMPORT", "MIN_MEMORY", - "HELP", "CREATE_TIMESTAMP", "COMPUTE", "RANDOM", "SOUNDS", "TABLE_MODE", - "COPY", "SQL_NO_CACHE", "MISMATCH", "EXECUTE", "PRECEDING", "SWITCHES", - "PACK_KEYS", "ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID", "SQL_ID", "NOORDER", "CHECKPOINT", - "DAY", "AUTHORIZATION", "LEAD", "JSON_TABLE", "JSON_VALUE", "DBA", "EVENTS", - "RECURSIVE", "ONLY", "TABLEGROUP_ID", "GROUP_ID", "GROUPING_ID", "TOP_K_FRE_HIST", - "MASTER_SSL_CRL", "RESOURCE_POOL_LIST", "TRACING", "NTILE", "NULL_IF_EXETERNAL", - "SKEWONLY", "IS_TENANT_SYS_POOL", "INLINE", "MOUNT", "SCHEDULE", "JOB", - "MASTER_LOG_POS", "SUBCLASS_ORIGIN", "MULTIPOINT", "INFINITE_VALUE", - "BLOCK", "SQL_TSI_SECOND", "ROLLUP", "CORR", "MIN_CPU", "OCCUR", "ACCESSED", - "DATA", "BINARY_FLOAT_NAN", "MASTER_HOST", "PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME", "VAR_SAMP", - "ALGORITHM", "CONSTRAINT_NAME", "LIMIT", "APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT", "DDL", - "BASIC", "DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP", "CONTENTS", "CONTENT", "XMLELEMENT", "ENTITYESCAPING", - "EXTRACTVALUE", "NOENTITYESCAPING", "NOSCHEMACHECK", "SCHEMACHECK", "NO_PX_JOIN_FILTER", - "STATEMENT_ID", "HIGHER_THAN_TO", "LINK", "WEEK", "UNCONDITIONAL", "CONDITIONAL", - "NULLS", "MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH", "CASCADED", "PLUGIN", "ENCRYPTED", "TENANT", - "INITRANS", "SCN", "LNNVL", "INTNUM", "DECIMAL_VAL", "BOOL_VALUE", "At", - "LeftBracket", "LeftBrace", "RightBracket", "RightBrace", "DATE_VALUE", - "INTERVAL_VALUE", "HINT_VALUE", "Comma", "Plus", "And", "Or", "Star", - "Not", "LeftParen", "Minus", "Div", "Caret", "Colon", "Dot", "Mod", "RightParen", - "Tilde", "DELIMITER", "CNNOP", "AND_OP", "COMP_EQ", "COMP_NSEQ", "SET_VAR", - "COMP_GT", "COMP_GE", "COMP_LE", "COMP_LT", "COMP_NE", "SHIFT_LEFT", - "SHIFT_RIGHT", "COMP_NE_PL", "POW_PL", "QUESTIONMARK", "SYSTEM_VARIABLE", - "USER_VARIABLE", "PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR", "PLSQL_VARIABLE", "MULTISET_OP", - "A_", "NAME_OB", "CHAR_STRING_PERL", "STRING_VALUE", "In_c_comment", - "ANTLR_SKIP", "Blank", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", - "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", - "Y", "Z", "QS_ANGLE", "QS_BRACE", "QS_BRACK", "QS_PAREN", "QS_EXCLAM", - "QS_SHARP", "QS_QUOTE", "QS_DQUOTE", "SPACE_", "INTERVAL_PRICISION", - "INTERVAL_SEC_PRICISION", "WHITESPACE" - }; - } - public static final String[] ruleNames = makeRuleNames(); - - private static String[] makeLiteralNames() { - return new String[] { - null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, - null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, - null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, - null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, - null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, - null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, - null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, - null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, - null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, - null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, - null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, - null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, - 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"BLOCK", "SQL_TSI_SECOND", "ROLLUP", "CORR", "MIN_CPU", "OCCUR", "ACCESSED", - "DATA", "BINARY_FLOAT_NAN", "MASTER_HOST", "PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME", "VAR_SAMP", - "ALGORITHM", "CONSTRAINT_NAME", "LIMIT", "APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT", "DDL", - "BASIC", "DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP", "CONTENTS", "CONTENT", "XMLELEMENT", "ENTITYESCAPING", - "EXTRACTVALUE", "NOENTITYESCAPING", "NOSCHEMACHECK", "SCHEMACHECK", "NO_PX_JOIN_FILTER", - "STATEMENT_ID", "HIGHER_THAN_TO", "LINK", "WEEK", "UNCONDITIONAL", "CONDITIONAL", - "NULLS", "MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH", "CASCADED", "PLUGIN", "ENCRYPTED", "TENANT", - "INITRANS", "SCN", "LNNVL", "INTNUM", "DECIMAL_VAL", "BOOL_VALUE", "At", - "LeftBracket", "LeftBrace", "RightBracket", "RightBrace", "DATE_VALUE", - "INTERVAL_VALUE", "HINT_VALUE", "Comma", "Plus", "And", "Or", "Star", - "Not", "LeftParen", "Minus", "Div", "Caret", "Colon", "Dot", "Mod", "RightParen", - "Tilde", "DELIMITER", "CNNOP", "AND_OP", "COMP_EQ", "COMP_NSEQ", "SET_VAR", - "COMP_GT", "COMP_GE", "COMP_LE", "COMP_LT", "COMP_NE", "SHIFT_LEFT", - "SHIFT_RIGHT", "COMP_NE_PL", "POW_PL", "QUESTIONMARK", "SYSTEM_VARIABLE", - "USER_VARIABLE", "PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR", "PLSQL_VARIABLE", "MULTISET_OP", - "A_", "NAME_OB", "STRING_VALUE", "In_c_comment", "ANTLR_SKIP", "Blank" - }; - } - private static final String[] _SYMBOLIC_NAMES = makeSymbolicNames(); - public static final Vocabulary VOCABULARY = new VocabularyImpl(_LITERAL_NAMES, _SYMBOLIC_NAMES); - - /** - * @deprecated Use {@link #VOCABULARY} instead. - */ - @Deprecated - public static final String[] tokenNames; - static { - tokenNames = new String[_SYMBOLIC_NAMES.length]; - for (int i = 0; i < tokenNames.length; i++) { - tokenNames[i] = VOCABULARY.getLiteralName(i); - if (tokenNames[i] == null) { - tokenNames[i] = VOCABULARY.getSymbolicName(i); - } - - if (tokenNames[i] == null) { - tokenNames[i] = ""; - } - } - } - - @Override - @Deprecated - public String[] getTokenNames() { - return tokenNames; - } - - @Override - - public Vocabulary getVocabulary() { - return VOCABULARY; - } - - - public boolean inRangeOperator = false; - - - public OBLexer(CharStream input) { - super(input); - _interp = new LexerATNSimulator(this,_ATN,_decisionToDFA,_sharedContextCache); - } - - @Override - public String getGrammarFileName() { return "OBLexer.g4"; } - - @Override - public String[] getRuleNames() { return ruleNames; } - - @Override - public String getSerializedATN() { return _serializedATN; } - - @Override - public String[] getChannelNames() { return channelNames; } - - @Override - public String[] getModeNames() { return modeNames; } - - @Override - public ATN getATN() { return _ATN; } - - private static final int _serializedATNSegments = 6; - private static final String _serializedATNSegment0 = - "\3\u608b\ua72a\u8133\ub9ed\u417c\u3be7\u7786\u5964\2\u051b\u3dba\b\1\4"+ - "\2\t\2\4\3\t\3\4\4\t\4\4\5\t\5\4\6\t\6\4\7\t\7\4\b\t\b\4\t\t\t\4\n\t\n"+ - "\4\13\t\13\4\f\t\f\4\r\t\r\4\16\t\16\4\17\t\17\4\20\t\20\4\21\t\21\4\22"+ - "\t\22\4\23\t\23\4\24\t\24\4\25\t\25\4\26\t\26\4\27\t\27\4\30\t\30\4\31"+ - "\t\31\4\32\t\32\4\33\t\33\4\34\t\34\4\35\t\35\4\36\t\36\4\37\t\37\4 \t"+ - " \4!\t!\4\"\t\"\4#\t#\4$\t$\4%\t%\4&\t&\4\'\t\'\4(\t(\4)\t)\4*\t*\4+\t"+ - "+\4,\t,\4-\t-\4.\t.\4/\t/\4\60\t\60\4\61\t\61\4\62\t\62\4\63\t\63\4\64"+ - "\t\64\4\65\t\65\4\66\t\66\4\67\t\67\48\t8\49\t9\4:\t:\4;\t;\4<\t<\4=\t"+ - "=\4>\t>\4?\t?\4@\t@\4A\tA\4B\tB\4C\tC\4D\tD\4E\tE\4F\tF\4G\tG\4H\tH\4"+ - "I\tI\4J\tJ\4K\tK\4L\tL\4M\tM\4N\tN\4O\tO\4P\tP\4Q\tQ\4R\tR\4S\tS\4T\t"+ - "T\4U\tU\4V\tV\4W\tW\4X\tX\4Y\tY\4Z\tZ\4[\t[\4\\\t\\\4]\t]\4^\t^\4_\t_"+ - "\4`\t`\4a\ta\4b\tb\4c\tc\4d\td\4e\te\4f\tf\4g\tg\4h\th\4i\ti\4j\tj\4k"+ - "\tk\4l\tl\4m\tm\4n\tn\4o\to\4p\tp\4q\tq\4r\tr\4s\ts\4t\tt\4u\tu\4v\tv"+ - "\4w\tw\4x\tx\4y\ty\4z\tz\4{\t{\4|\t|\4}\t}\4~\t~\4\177\t\177\4\u0080\t"+ - "\u0080\4\u0081\t\u0081\4\u0082\t\u0082\4\u0083\t\u0083\4\u0084\t\u0084"+ - "\4\u0085\t\u0085\4\u0086\t\u0086\4\u0087\t\u0087\4\u0088\t\u0088\4\u0089"+ - "\t\u0089\4\u008a\t\u008a\4\u008b\t\u008b\4\u008c\t\u008c\4\u008d\t\u008d"+ - "\4\u008e\t\u008e\4\u008f\t\u008f\4\u0090\t\u0090\4\u0091\t\u0091\4\u0092"+ - "\t\u0092\4\u0093\t\u0093\4\u0094\t\u0094\4\u0095\t\u0095\4\u0096\t\u0096"+ - "\4\u0097\t\u0097\4\u0098\t\u0098\4\u0099\t\u0099\4\u009a\t\u009a\4\u009b"+ - "\t\u009b\4\u009c\t\u009c\4\u009d\t\u009d\4\u009e\t\u009e\4\u009f\t\u009f"+ - "\4\u00a0\t\u00a0\4\u00a1\t\u00a1\4\u00a2\t\u00a2\4\u00a3\t\u00a3\4\u00a4"+ - "\t\u00a4\4\u00a5\t\u00a5\4\u00a6\t\u00a6\4\u00a7\t\u00a7\4\u00a8\t\u00a8"+ - "\4\u00a9\t\u00a9\4\u00aa\t\u00aa\4\u00ab\t\u00ab\4\u00ac\t\u00ac\4\u00ad"+ - "\t\u00ad\4\u00ae\t\u00ae\4\u00af\t\u00af\4\u00b0\t\u00b0\4\u00b1\t\u00b1"+ - "\4\u00b2\t\u00b2\4\u00b3\t\u00b3\4\u00b4\t\u00b4\4\u00b5\t\u00b5\4\u00b6"+ - "\t\u00b6\4\u00b7\t\u00b7\4\u00b8\t\u00b8\4\u00b9\t\u00b9\4\u00ba\t\u00ba"+ - "\4\u00bb\t\u00bb\4\u00bc\t\u00bc\4\u00bd\t\u00bd\4\u00be\t\u00be\4\u00bf"+ - "\t\u00bf\4\u00c0\t\u00c0\4\u00c1\t\u00c1\4\u00c2\t\u00c2\4\u00c3\t\u00c3"+ - "\4\u00c4\t\u00c4\4\u00c5\t\u00c5\4\u00c6\t\u00c6\4\u00c7\t\u00c7\4\u00c8"+ - "\t\u00c8\4\u00c9\t\u00c9\4\u00ca\t\u00ca\4\u00cb\t\u00cb\4\u00cc\t\u00cc"+ - "\4\u00cd\t\u00cd\4\u00ce\t\u00ce\4\u00cf\t\u00cf\4\u00d0\t\u00d0\4\u00d1"+ - "\t\u00d1\4\u00d2\t\u00d2\4\u00d3\t\u00d3\4\u00d4\t\u00d4\4\u00d5\t\u00d5"+ - "\4\u00d6\t\u00d6\4\u00d7\t\u00d7\4\u00d8\t\u00d8\4\u00d9\t\u00d9\4\u00da"+ - "\t\u00da\4\u00db\t\u00db\4\u00dc\t\u00dc\4\u00dd\t\u00dd\4\u00de\t\u00de"+ - "\4\u00df\t\u00df\4\u00e0\t\u00e0\4\u00e1\t\u00e1\4\u00e2\t\u00e2\4\u00e3"+ - "\t\u00e3\4\u00e4\t\u00e4\4\u00e5\t\u00e5\4\u00e6\t\u00e6\4\u00e7\t\u00e7"+ - "\4\u00e8\t\u00e8\4\u00e9\t\u00e9\4\u00ea\t\u00ea\4\u00eb\t\u00eb\4\u00ec"+ - "\t\u00ec\4\u00ed\t\u00ed\4\u00ee\t\u00ee\4\u00ef\t\u00ef\4\u00f0\t\u00f0"+ - "\4\u00f1\t\u00f1\4\u00f2\t\u00f2\4\u00f3\t\u00f3\4\u00f4\t\u00f4\4\u00f5"+ - "\t\u00f5\4\u00f6\t\u00f6\4\u00f7\t\u00f7\4\u00f8\t\u00f8\4\u00f9\t\u00f9"+ - "\4\u00fa\t\u00fa\4\u00fb\t\u00fb\4\u00fc\t\u00fc\4\u00fd\t\u00fd\4\u00fe"+ - "\t\u00fe\4\u00ff\t\u00ff\4\u0100\t\u0100\4\u0101\t\u0101\4\u0102\t\u0102"+ - "\4\u0103\t\u0103\4\u0104\t\u0104\4\u0105\t\u0105\4\u0106\t\u0106\4\u0107"+ - "\t\u0107\4\u0108\t\u0108\4\u0109\t\u0109\4\u010a\t\u010a\4\u010b\t\u010b"+ - "\4\u010c\t\u010c\4\u010d\t\u010d\4\u010e\t\u010e\4\u010f\t\u010f\4\u0110"+ - "\t\u0110\4\u0111\t\u0111\4\u0112\t\u0112\4\u0113\t\u0113\4\u0114\t\u0114"+ - "\4\u0115\t\u0115\4\u0116\t\u0116\4\u0117\t\u0117\4\u0118\t\u0118\4\u0119"+ - "\t\u0119\4\u011a\t\u011a\4\u011b\t\u011b\4\u011c\t\u011c\4\u011d\t\u011d"+ - "\4\u011e\t\u011e\4\u011f\t\u011f\4\u0120\t\u0120\4\u0121\t\u0121\4\u0122"+ - "\t\u0122\4\u0123\t\u0123\4\u0124\t\u0124\4\u0125\t\u0125\4\u0126\t\u0126"+ - "\4\u0127\t\u0127\4\u0128\t\u0128\4\u0129\t\u0129\4\u012a\t\u012a\4\u012b"+ - "\t\u012b\4\u012c\t\u012c\4\u012d\t\u012d\4\u012e\t\u012e\4\u012f\t\u012f"+ - "\4\u0130\t\u0130\4\u0131\t\u0131\4\u0132\t\u0132\4\u0133\t\u0133\4\u0134"+ - "\t\u0134\4\u0135\t\u0135\4\u0136\t\u0136\4\u0137\t\u0137\4\u0138\t\u0138"+ - "\4\u0139\t\u0139\4\u013a\t\u013a\4\u013b\t\u013b\4\u013c\t\u013c\4\u013d"+ - "\t\u013d\4\u013e\t\u013e\4\u013f\t\u013f\4\u0140\t\u0140\4\u0141\t\u0141"+ - "\4\u0142\t\u0142\4\u0143\t\u0143\4\u0144\t\u0144\4\u0145\t\u0145\4\u0146"+ - "\t\u0146\4\u0147\t\u0147\4\u0148\t\u0148\4\u0149\t\u0149\4\u014a\t\u014a"+ - "\4\u014b\t\u014b\4\u014c\t\u014c\4\u014d\t\u014d\4\u014e\t\u014e\4\u014f"+ - "\t\u014f\4\u0150\t\u0150\4\u0151\t\u0151\4\u0152\t\u0152\4\u0153\t\u0153"+ - "\4\u0154\t\u0154\4\u0155\t\u0155\4\u0156\t\u0156\4\u0157\t\u0157\4\u0158"+ - "\t\u0158\4\u0159\t\u0159\4\u015a\t\u015a\4\u015b\t\u015b\4\u015c\t\u015c"+ - "\4\u015d\t\u015d\4\u015e\t\u015e\4\u015f\t\u015f\4\u0160\t\u0160\4\u0161"+ - "\t\u0161\4\u0162\t\u0162\4\u0163\t\u0163\4\u0164\t\u0164\4\u0165\t\u0165"+ - "\4\u0166\t\u0166\4\u0167\t\u0167\4\u0168\t\u0168\4\u0169\t\u0169\4\u016a"+ - "\t\u016a\4\u016b\t\u016b\4\u016c\t\u016c\4\u016d\t\u016d\4\u016e\t\u016e"+ - "\4\u016f\t\u016f\4\u0170\t\u0170\4\u0171\t\u0171\4\u0172\t\u0172\4\u0173"+ - "\t\u0173\4\u0174\t\u0174\4\u0175\t\u0175\4\u0176\t\u0176\4\u0177\t\u0177"+ - "\4\u0178\t\u0178\4\u0179\t\u0179\4\u017a\t\u017a\4\u017b\t\u017b\4\u017c"+ - "\t\u017c\4\u017d\t\u017d\4\u017e\t\u017e\4\u017f\t\u017f\4\u0180\t\u0180"+ - "\4\u0181\t\u0181\4\u0182\t\u0182\4\u0183\t\u0183\4\u0184\t\u0184\4\u0185"+ - "\t\u0185\4\u0186\t\u0186\4\u0187\t\u0187\4\u0188\t\u0188\4\u0189\t\u0189"+ - "\4\u018a\t\u018a\4\u018b\t\u018b\4\u018c\t\u018c\4\u018d\t\u018d\4\u018e"+ - "\t\u018e\4\u018f\t\u018f\4\u0190\t\u0190\4\u0191\t\u0191\4\u0192\t\u0192"+ - "\4\u0193\t\u0193\4\u0194\t\u0194\4\u0195\t\u0195\4\u0196\t\u0196\4\u0197"+ - "\t\u0197\4\u0198\t\u0198\4\u0199\t\u0199\4\u019a\t\u019a\4\u019b\t\u019b"+ - "\4\u019c\t\u019c\4\u019d\t\u019d\4\u019e\t\u019e\4\u019f\t\u019f\4\u01a0"+ - "\t\u01a0\4\u01a1\t\u01a1\4\u01a2\t\u01a2\4\u01a3\t\u01a3\4\u01a4\t\u01a4"+ - "\4\u01a5\t\u01a5\4\u01a6\t\u01a6\4\u01a7\t\u01a7\4\u01a8\t\u01a8\4\u01a9"+ - "\t\u01a9\4\u01aa\t\u01aa\4\u01ab\t\u01ab\4\u01ac\t\u01ac\4\u01ad\t\u01ad"+ - "\4\u01ae\t\u01ae\4\u01af\t\u01af\4\u01b0\t\u01b0\4\u01b1\t\u01b1\4\u01b2"+ - "\t\u01b2\4\u01b3\t\u01b3\4\u01b4\t\u01b4\4\u01b5\t\u01b5\4\u01b6\t\u01b6"+ - "\4\u01b7\t\u01b7\4\u01b8\t\u01b8\4\u01b9\t\u01b9\4\u01ba\t\u01ba\4\u01bb"+ - "\t\u01bb\4\u01bc\t\u01bc\4\u01bd\t\u01bd\4\u01be\t\u01be\4\u01bf\t\u01bf"+ - "\4\u01c0\t\u01c0\4\u01c1\t\u01c1\4\u01c2\t\u01c2\4\u01c3\t\u01c3\4\u01c4"+ - "\t\u01c4\4\u01c5\t\u01c5\4\u01c6\t\u01c6\4\u01c7\t\u01c7\4\u01c8\t\u01c8"+ - "\4\u01c9\t\u01c9\4\u01ca\t\u01ca\4\u01cb\t\u01cb\4\u01cc\t\u01cc\4\u01cd"+ - "\t\u01cd\4\u01ce\t\u01ce\4\u01cf\t\u01cf\4\u01d0\t\u01d0\4\u01d1\t\u01d1"+ - "\4\u01d2\t\u01d2\4\u01d3\t\u01d3\4\u01d4\t\u01d4\4\u01d5\t\u01d5\4\u01d6"+ - "\t\u01d6\4\u01d7\t\u01d7\4\u01d8\t\u01d8\4\u01d9\t\u01d9\4\u01da\t\u01da"+ - "\4\u01db\t\u01db\4\u01dc\t\u01dc\4\u01dd\t\u01dd\4\u01de\t\u01de\4\u01df"+ - "\t\u01df\4\u01e0\t\u01e0\4\u01e1\t\u01e1\4\u01e2\t\u01e2\4\u01e3\t\u01e3"+ - "\4\u01e4\t\u01e4\4\u01e5\t\u01e5\4\u01e6\t\u01e6\4\u01e7\t\u01e7\4\u01e8"+ - "\t\u01e8\4\u01e9\t\u01e9\4\u01ea\t\u01ea\4\u01eb\t\u01eb\4\u01ec\t\u01ec"+ - "\4\u01ed\t\u01ed\4\u01ee\t\u01ee\4\u01ef\t\u01ef\4\u01f0\t\u01f0\4\u01f1"+ - "\t\u01f1\4\u01f2\t\u01f2\4\u01f3\t\u01f3\4\u01f4\t\u01f4\4\u01f5\t\u01f5"+ - "\4\u01f6\t\u01f6\4\u01f7\t\u01f7\4\u01f8\t\u01f8\4\u01f9\t\u01f9\4\u01fa"+ - "\t\u01fa\4\u01fb\t\u01fb\4\u01fc\t\u01fc\4\u01fd\t\u01fd\4\u01fe\t\u01fe"+ - "\4\u01ff\t\u01ff\4\u0200\t\u0200\4\u0201\t\u0201\4\u0202\t\u0202\4\u0203"+ - "\t\u0203\4\u0204\t\u0204\4\u0205\t\u0205\4\u0206\t\u0206\4\u0207\t\u0207"+ - "\4\u0208\t\u0208\4\u0209\t\u0209\4\u020a\t\u020a\4\u020b\t\u020b\4\u020c"+ - "\t\u020c\4\u020d\t\u020d\4\u020e\t\u020e\4\u020f\t\u020f\4\u0210\t\u0210"+ - "\4\u0211\t\u0211\4\u0212\t\u0212\4\u0213\t\u0213\4\u0214\t\u0214\4\u0215"+ - "\t\u0215\4\u0216\t\u0216\4\u0217\t\u0217\4\u0218\t\u0218\4\u0219\t\u0219"+ - "\4\u021a\t\u021a\4\u021b\t\u021b\4\u021c\t\u021c\4\u021d\t\u021d\4\u021e"+ - "\t\u021e\4\u021f\t\u021f\4\u0220\t\u0220\4\u0221\t\u0221\4\u0222\t\u0222"+ - "\4\u0223\t\u0223\4\u0224\t\u0224\4\u0225\t\u0225\4\u0226\t\u0226\4\u0227"+ - "\t\u0227\4\u0228\t\u0228\4\u0229\t\u0229\4\u022a\t\u022a\4\u022b\t\u022b"+ - "\4\u022c\t\u022c\4\u022d\t\u022d\4\u022e\t\u022e\4\u022f\t\u022f\4\u0230"+ - "\t\u0230\4\u0231\t\u0231\4\u0232\t\u0232\4\u0233\t\u0233\4\u0234\t\u0234"+ - "\4\u0235\t\u0235\4\u0236\t\u0236\4\u0237\t\u0237\4\u0238\t\u0238\4\u0239"+ - "\t\u0239\4\u023a\t\u023a\4\u023b\t\u023b\4\u023c\t\u023c\4\u023d\t\u023d"+ - "\4\u023e\t\u023e\4\u023f\t\u023f\4\u0240\t\u0240\4\u0241\t\u0241\4\u0242"+ - "\t\u0242\4\u0243\t\u0243\4\u0244\t\u0244\4\u0245\t\u0245\4\u0246\t\u0246"+ - "\4\u0247\t\u0247\4\u0248\t\u0248\4\u0249\t\u0249\4\u024a\t\u024a\4\u024b"+ - "\t\u024b\4\u024c\t\u024c\4\u024d\t\u024d\4\u024e\t\u024e\4\u024f\t\u024f"+ - "\4\u0250\t\u0250\4\u0251\t\u0251\4\u0252\t\u0252\4\u0253\t\u0253\4\u0254"+ - "\t\u0254\4\u0255\t\u0255\4\u0256\t\u0256\4\u0257\t\u0257\4\u0258\t\u0258"+ - "\4\u0259\t\u0259\4\u025a\t\u025a\4\u025b\t\u025b\4\u025c\t\u025c\4\u025d"+ - "\t\u025d\4\u025e\t\u025e\4\u025f\t\u025f\4\u0260\t\u0260\4\u0261\t\u0261"+ - "\4\u0262\t\u0262\4\u0263\t\u0263\4\u0264\t\u0264\4\u0265\t\u0265\4\u0266"+ - "\t\u0266\4\u0267\t\u0267\4\u0268\t\u0268\4\u0269\t\u0269\4\u026a\t\u026a"+ - "\4\u026b\t\u026b\4\u026c\t\u026c\4\u026d\t\u026d\4\u026e\t\u026e\4\u026f"+ - "\t\u026f\4\u0270\t\u0270\4\u0271\t\u0271\4\u0272\t\u0272\4\u0273\t\u0273"+ - "\4\u0274\t\u0274\4\u0275\t\u0275\4\u0276\t\u0276\4\u0277\t\u0277\4\u0278"+ - "\t\u0278\4\u0279\t\u0279\4\u027a\t\u027a\4\u027b\t\u027b\4\u027c\t\u027c"+ - "\4\u027d\t\u027d\4\u027e\t\u027e\4\u027f\t\u027f\4\u0280\t\u0280\4\u0281"+ - "\t\u0281\4\u0282\t\u0282\4\u0283\t\u0283\4\u0284\t\u0284\4\u0285\t\u0285"+ - "\4\u0286\t\u0286\4\u0287\t\u0287\4\u0288\t\u0288\4\u0289\t\u0289\4\u028a"+ - "\t\u028a\4\u028b\t\u028b\4\u028c\t\u028c\4\u028d\t\u028d\4\u028e\t\u028e"+ - "\4\u028f\t\u028f\4\u0290\t\u0290\4\u0291\t\u0291\4\u0292\t\u0292\4\u0293"+ - "\t\u0293\4\u0294\t\u0294\4\u0295\t\u0295\4\u0296\t\u0296\4\u0297\t\u0297"+ - "\4\u0298\t\u0298\4\u0299\t\u0299\4\u029a\t\u029a\4\u029b\t\u029b\4\u029c"+ - "\t\u029c\4\u029d\t\u029d\4\u029e\t\u029e\4\u029f\t\u029f\4\u02a0\t\u02a0"+ - "\4\u02a1\t\u02a1\4\u02a2\t\u02a2\4\u02a3\t\u02a3\4\u02a4\t\u02a4\4\u02a5"+ - "\t\u02a5\4\u02a6\t\u02a6\4\u02a7\t\u02a7\4\u02a8\t\u02a8\4\u02a9\t\u02a9"+ - "\4\u02aa\t\u02aa\4\u02ab\t\u02ab\4\u02ac\t\u02ac\4\u02ad\t\u02ad\4\u02ae"+ - "\t\u02ae\4\u02af\t\u02af\4\u02b0\t\u02b0\4\u02b1\t\u02b1\4\u02b2\t\u02b2"+ - "\4\u02b3\t\u02b3\4\u02b4\t\u02b4\4\u02b5\t\u02b5\4\u02b6\t\u02b6\4\u02b7"+ - "\t\u02b7\4\u02b8\t\u02b8\4\u02b9\t\u02b9\4\u02ba\t\u02ba\4\u02bb\t\u02bb"+ - "\4\u02bc\t\u02bc\4\u02bd\t\u02bd\4\u02be\t\u02be\4\u02bf\t\u02bf\4\u02c0"+ - "\t\u02c0\4\u02c1\t\u02c1\4\u02c2\t\u02c2\4\u02c3\t\u02c3\4\u02c4\t\u02c4"+ - "\4\u02c5\t\u02c5\4\u02c6\t\u02c6\4\u02c7\t\u02c7\4\u02c8\t\u02c8\4\u02c9"+ - "\t\u02c9\4\u02ca\t\u02ca\4\u02cb\t\u02cb\4\u02cc\t\u02cc\4\u02cd\t\u02cd"+ - "\4\u02ce\t\u02ce\4\u02cf\t\u02cf\4\u02d0\t\u02d0\4\u02d1\t\u02d1\4\u02d2"+ - "\t\u02d2\4\u02d3\t\u02d3\4\u02d4\t\u02d4\4\u02d5\t\u02d5\4\u02d6\t\u02d6"+ - "\4\u02d7\t\u02d7\4\u02d8\t\u02d8\4\u02d9\t\u02d9\4\u02da\t\u02da\4\u02db"+ - "\t\u02db\4\u02dc\t\u02dc\4\u02dd\t\u02dd\4\u02de\t\u02de\4\u02df\t\u02df"+ - "\4\u02e0\t\u02e0\4\u02e1\t\u02e1\4\u02e2\t\u02e2\4\u02e3\t\u02e3\4\u02e4"+ - "\t\u02e4\4\u02e5\t\u02e5\4\u02e6\t\u02e6\4\u02e7\t\u02e7\4\u02e8\t\u02e8"+ - "\4\u02e9\t\u02e9\4\u02ea\t\u02ea\4\u02eb\t\u02eb\4\u02ec\t\u02ec\4\u02ed"+ - "\t\u02ed\4\u02ee\t\u02ee\4\u02ef\t\u02ef\4\u02f0\t\u02f0\4\u02f1\t\u02f1"+ - "\4\u02f2\t\u02f2\4\u02f3\t\u02f3\4\u02f4\t\u02f4\4\u02f5\t\u02f5\4\u02f6"+ - "\t\u02f6\4\u02f7\t\u02f7\4\u02f8\t\u02f8\4\u02f9\t\u02f9\4\u02fa\t\u02fa"+ - "\4\u02fb\t\u02fb\4\u02fc\t\u02fc\4\u02fd\t\u02fd\4\u02fe\t\u02fe\4\u02ff"+ - "\t\u02ff\4\u0300\t\u0300\4\u0301\t\u0301\4\u0302\t\u0302\4\u0303\t\u0303"+ - "\4\u0304\t\u0304\4\u0305\t\u0305\4\u0306\t\u0306\4\u0307\t\u0307\4\u0308"+ - "\t\u0308\4\u0309\t\u0309\4\u030a\t\u030a\4\u030b\t\u030b\4\u030c\t\u030c"+ - "\4\u030d\t\u030d\4\u030e\t\u030e\4\u030f\t\u030f\4\u0310\t\u0310\4\u0311"+ - "\t\u0311\4\u0312\t\u0312\4\u0313\t\u0313\4\u0314\t\u0314\4\u0315\t\u0315"+ - "\4\u0316\t\u0316\4\u0317\t\u0317\4\u0318\t\u0318\4\u0319\t\u0319\4\u031a"+ - "\t\u031a\4\u031b\t\u031b\4\u031c\t\u031c\4\u031d\t\u031d\4\u031e\t\u031e"+ - "\4\u031f\t\u031f\4\u0320\t\u0320\4\u0321\t\u0321\4\u0322\t\u0322\4\u0323"+ - "\t\u0323\4\u0324\t\u0324\4\u0325\t\u0325\4\u0326\t\u0326\4\u0327\t\u0327"+ - "\4\u0328\t\u0328\4\u0329\t\u0329\4\u032a\t\u032a\4\u032b\t\u032b\4\u032c"+ - "\t\u032c\4\u032d\t\u032d\4\u032e\t\u032e\4\u032f\t\u032f\4\u0330\t\u0330"+ - "\4\u0331\t\u0331\4\u0332\t\u0332\4\u0333\t\u0333\4\u0334\t\u0334\4\u0335"+ - "\t\u0335\4\u0336\t\u0336\4\u0337\t\u0337\4\u0338\t\u0338\4\u0339\t\u0339"+ - "\4\u033a\t\u033a\4\u033b\t\u033b\4\u033c\t\u033c\4\u033d\t\u033d\4\u033e"+ - "\t\u033e\4\u033f\t\u033f\4\u0340\t\u0340\4\u0341\t\u0341\4\u0342\t\u0342"+ - "\4\u0343\t\u0343\4\u0344\t\u0344\4\u0345\t\u0345\4\u0346\t\u0346\4\u0347"+ - "\t\u0347\4\u0348\t\u0348\4\u0349\t\u0349\4\u034a\t\u034a\4\u034b\t\u034b"+ - "\4\u034c\t\u034c\4\u034d\t\u034d\4\u034e\t\u034e\4\u034f\t\u034f\4\u0350"+ - "\t\u0350\4\u0351\t\u0351\4\u0352\t\u0352\4\u0353\t\u0353\4\u0354\t\u0354"+ - "\4\u0355\t\u0355\4\u0356\t\u0356\4\u0357\t\u0357\4\u0358\t\u0358\4\u0359"+ - "\t\u0359\4\u035a\t\u035a\4\u035b\t\u035b\4\u035c\t\u035c\4\u035d\t\u035d"+ - "\4\u035e\t\u035e\4\u035f\t\u035f\4\u0360\t\u0360\4\u0361\t\u0361\4\u0362"+ - "\t\u0362\4\u0363\t\u0363\4\u0364\t\u0364\4\u0365\t\u0365\4\u0366\t\u0366"+ - "\4\u0367\t\u0367\4\u0368\t\u0368\4\u0369\t\u0369\4\u036a\t\u036a\4\u036b"+ - "\t\u036b\4\u036c\t\u036c\4\u036d\t\u036d\4\u036e\t\u036e\4\u036f\t\u036f"+ - "\4\u0370\t\u0370\4\u0371\t\u0371\4\u0372\t\u0372\4\u0373\t\u0373\4\u0374"+ - "\t\u0374\4\u0375\t\u0375\4\u0376\t\u0376\4\u0377\t\u0377\4\u0378\t\u0378"+ - "\4\u0379\t\u0379\4\u037a\t\u037a\4\u037b\t\u037b\4\u037c\t\u037c\4\u037d"+ - "\t\u037d\4\u037e\t\u037e\4\u037f\t\u037f\4\u0380\t\u0380\4\u0381\t\u0381"+ - "\4\u0382\t\u0382\4\u0383\t\u0383\4\u0384\t\u0384\4\u0385\t\u0385\4\u0386"+ - "\t\u0386\4\u0387\t\u0387\4\u0388\t\u0388\4\u0389\t\u0389\4\u038a\t\u038a"+ - "\4\u038b\t\u038b\4\u038c\t\u038c\4\u038d\t\u038d\4\u038e\t\u038e\4\u038f"+ - "\t\u038f\4\u0390\t\u0390\4\u0391\t\u0391\4\u0392\t\u0392\4\u0393\t\u0393"+ - "\4\u0394\t\u0394\4\u0395\t\u0395\4\u0396\t\u0396\4\u0397\t\u0397\4\u0398"+ - "\t\u0398\4\u0399\t\u0399\4\u039a\t\u039a\4\u039b\t\u039b\4\u039c\t\u039c"+ - "\4\u039d\t\u039d\4\u039e\t\u039e\4\u039f\t\u039f\4\u03a0\t\u03a0\4\u03a1"+ - "\t\u03a1\4\u03a2\t\u03a2\4\u03a3\t\u03a3\4\u03a4\t\u03a4\4\u03a5\t\u03a5"+ - "\4\u03a6\t\u03a6\4\u03a7\t\u03a7\4\u03a8\t\u03a8\4\u03a9\t\u03a9\4\u03aa"+ - "\t\u03aa\4\u03ab\t\u03ab\4\u03ac\t\u03ac\4\u03ad\t\u03ad\4\u03ae\t\u03ae"+ - "\4\u03af\t\u03af\4\u03b0\t\u03b0\4\u03b1\t\u03b1\4\u03b2\t\u03b2\4\u03b3"+ - "\t\u03b3\4\u03b4\t\u03b4\4\u03b5\t\u03b5\4\u03b6\t\u03b6\4\u03b7\t\u03b7"+ - "\4\u03b8\t\u03b8\4\u03b9\t\u03b9\4\u03ba\t\u03ba\4\u03bb\t\u03bb\4\u03bc"+ - "\t\u03bc\4\u03bd\t\u03bd\4\u03be\t\u03be\4\u03bf\t\u03bf\4\u03c0\t\u03c0"+ - "\4\u03c1\t\u03c1\4\u03c2\t\u03c2\4\u03c3\t\u03c3\4\u03c4\t\u03c4\4\u03c5"+ - 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"\4\u0400\t\u0400\4\u0401\t\u0401\4\u0402\t\u0402\4\u0403\t\u0403\4\u0404"+ - "\t\u0404\4\u0405\t\u0405\4\u0406\t\u0406\4\u0407\t\u0407\4\u0408\t\u0408"+ - "\4\u0409\t\u0409\4\u040a\t\u040a\4\u040b\t\u040b\4\u040c\t\u040c\4\u040d"+ - "\t\u040d\4\u040e\t\u040e\4\u040f\t\u040f\4\u0410\t\u0410\4\u0411\t\u0411"+ - "\4\u0412\t\u0412\4\u0413\t\u0413\4\u0414\t\u0414\4\u0415\t\u0415\4\u0416"+ - "\t\u0416\4\u0417\t\u0417\4\u0418\t\u0418\4\u0419\t\u0419\4\u041a\t\u041a"+ - "\4\u041b\t\u041b\4\u041c\t\u041c\4\u041d\t\u041d\4\u041e\t\u041e\4\u041f"+ - "\t\u041f\4\u0420\t\u0420\4\u0421\t\u0421\4\u0422\t\u0422\4\u0423\t\u0423"+ - "\4\u0424\t\u0424\4\u0425\t\u0425\4\u0426\t\u0426\4\u0427\t\u0427\4\u0428"+ - "\t\u0428\4\u0429\t\u0429\4\u042a\t\u042a\4\u042b\t\u042b\4\u042c\t\u042c"+ - "\4\u042d\t\u042d\4\u042e\t\u042e\4\u042f\t\u042f\4\u0430\t\u0430\4\u0431"+ - "\t\u0431\4\u0432\t\u0432\4\u0433\t\u0433\4\u0434\t\u0434\4\u0435\t\u0435"+ - "\4\u0436\t\u0436\4\u0437\t\u0437\4\u0438\t\u0438\4\u0439\t\u0439\4\u043a"+ - 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"\u023d\u0120\u023f\u0121\u0241\u0122\u0243\u0123\u0245\u0124\u0247\u0125"+ - "\u0249\u0126\u024b\u0127\u024d\u0128\u024f\u0129\u0251\u012a\u0253\u012b"+ - "\u0255\u012c\u0257\u012d\u0259\u012e\u025b\u012f\u025d\u0130\u025f\u0131"+ - "\u0261\u0132\u0263\u0133\u0265\u0134\u0267\u0135\u0269\u0136\u026b\u0137"+ - "\u026d\u0138\u026f\u0139\u0271\u013a\u0273\u013b\u0275\u013c\u0277\u013d"+ - "\u0279\u013e\u027b\u013f\u027d\u0140\u027f\u0141\u0281\u0142\u0283\u0143"+ - "\u0285\u0144\u0287\u0145\u0289\u0146\u028b\u0147\u028d\u0148\u028f\u0149"+ - "\u0291\u014a\u0293\u014b\u0295\u014c\u0297\u014d\u0299\u014e\u029b\u014f"+ - "\u029d\u0150\u029f\u0151\u02a1\u0152\u02a3\u0153\u02a5\u0154\u02a7\u0155"+ - "\u02a9\u0156\u02ab\u0157\u02ad\u0158\u02af\u0159\u02b1\u015a\u02b3\u015b"+ - "\u02b5\u015c\u02b7\u015d\u02b9\u015e\u02bb\u015f\u02bd\u0160\u02bf\u0161"+ - "\u02c1\u0162\u02c3\u0163\u02c5\u0164\u02c7\u0165\u02c9\u0166\u02cb\u0167"+ - "\u02cd\u0168\u02cf\u0169\u02d1\u016a\u02d3\u016b\u02d5\u016c\u02d7\u016d"+ - "\u02d9\u016e\u02db\u016f\u02dd\u0170\u02df\u0171\u02e1\u0172\u02e3\u0173"+ - "\u02e5\u0174\u02e7\u0175\u02e9\u0176\u02eb\u0177\u02ed\u0178\u02ef\u0179"+ - "\u02f1\u017a\u02f3\u017b\u02f5\u017c\u02f7\u017d\u02f9\u017e\u02fb\u017f"+ - "\u02fd\u0180\u02ff\u0181\u0301\u0182\u0303\u0183\u0305\u0184\u0307\u0185"+ - "\u0309\u0186\u030b\u0187\u030d\u0188\u030f\u0189\u0311\u018a\u0313\u018b"+ - "\u0315\u018c\u0317\u018d\u0319\u018e\u031b\u018f\u031d\u0190\u031f\u0191"+ - "\u0321\u0192\u0323\u0193\u0325\u0194\u0327\u0195\u0329\u0196\u032b\u0197"+ - "\u032d\u0198\u032f\u0199\u0331\u019a\u0333\u019b\u0335\u019c\u0337\u019d"+ - "\u0339\u019e\u033b\u019f\u033d\u01a0\u033f\u01a1\u0341\u01a2\u0343\u01a3"+ - "\u0345\u01a4\u0347\u01a5\u0349\u01a6\u034b\u01a7\u034d\u01a8\u034f\u01a9"+ - "\u0351\u01aa\u0353\u01ab\u0355\u01ac\u0357\u01ad\u0359\u01ae\u035b\u01af"+ - "\u035d\u01b0\u035f\u01b1\u0361\u01b2\u0363\u01b3\u0365\u01b4\u0367\u01b5"+ - "\u0369\u01b6\u036b\u01b7\u036d\u01b8\u036f\u01b9\u0371\u01ba\u0373\u01bb"+ - "\u0375\u01bc\u0377\u01bd\u0379\u01be\u037b\u01bf\u037d\u01c0\u037f\u01c1"+ - "\u0381\u01c2\u0383\u01c3\u0385\u01c4\u0387\u01c5\u0389\u01c6\u038b\u01c7"+ - "\u038d\u01c8\u038f\u01c9\u0391\u01ca\u0393\u01cb\u0395\u01cc\u0397\u01cd"+ - "\u0399\u01ce\u039b\u01cf\u039d\u01d0\u039f\u01d1\u03a1\u01d2\u03a3\u01d3"+ - "\u03a5\u01d4\u03a7\u01d5\u03a9\u01d6\u03ab\u01d7\u03ad\u01d8\u03af\u01d9"+ - "\u03b1\u01da\u03b3\u01db\u03b5\u01dc\u03b7\u01dd\u03b9\u01de\u03bb\u01df"+ - "\u03bd\u01e0\u03bf\u01e1\u03c1\u01e2\u03c3\u01e3\u03c5\u01e4\u03c7\u01e5"+ - "\u03c9\u01e6\u03cb\u01e7\u03cd\u01e8\u03cf\u01e9\u03d1\u01ea\u03d3\u01eb"+ - "\u03d5\u01ec\u03d7\u01ed\u03d9\u01ee\u03db\u01ef\u03dd\u01f0\u03df\u01f1"+ - "\u03e1\u01f2\u03e3\u01f3\u03e5\u01f4\u03e7\u01f5\u03e9\u01f6\u03eb\u01f7"+ - "\u03ed\u01f8\u03ef\u01f9\u03f1\u01fa\u03f3\u01fb\u03f5\u01fc\u03f7\u01fd"+ - "\u03f9\u01fe\u03fb\u01ff\u03fd\u0200\u03ff\u0201\u0401\u0202\u0403\u0203"+ - "\u0405\u0204\u0407\u0205\u0409\u0206\u040b\u0207\u040d\u0208\u040f\u0209"+ - "\u0411\u020a\u0413\u020b\u0415\u020c\u0417\u020d\u0419\u020e\u041b\u020f"+ - "\u041d\u0210\u041f\u0211\u0421\u0212\u0423\u0213\u0425\u0214\u0427\u0215"+ - "\u0429\u0216\u042b\u0217\u042d\u0218\u042f\u0219\u0431\u021a\u0433\u021b"+ - "\u0435\u021c\u0437\u021d\u0439\u021e\u043b\u021f\u043d\u0220\u043f\u0221"+ - "\u0441\u0222\u0443\u0223\u0445\u0224\u0447\u0225\u0449\u0226\u044b\u0227"+ - "\u044d\u0228\u044f\u0229\u0451\u022a\u0453\u022b\u0455\u022c\u0457\u022d"+ - "\u0459\u022e\u045b\u022f\u045d\u0230\u045f\u0231\u0461\u0232\u0463\u0233"+ - "\u0465\u0234\u0467\u0235\u0469\u0236\u046b\u0237\u046d\u0238\u046f\u0239"+ - "\u0471\u023a\u0473\u023b\u0475\u023c\u0477\u023d\u0479\u023e\u047b\u023f"+ - "\u047d\u0240\u047f\u0241\u0481\u0242\u0483\u0243\u0485\u0244\u0487\u0245"+ - "\u0489\u0246\u048b\u0247\u048d\u0248\u048f\u0249\u0491\u024a\u0493\u024b"+ - "\u0495\u024c\u0497\u024d\u0499\u024e\u049b\u024f\u049d\u0250\u049f\u0251"+ - "\u04a1\u0252\u04a3\u0253\u04a5\u0254\u04a7\u0255\u04a9\u0256\u04ab\u0257"+ - "\u04ad\u0258\u04af\u0259\u04b1\u025a\u04b3\u025b\u04b5\u025c\u04b7\u025d"+ - "\u04b9\u025e\u04bb\u025f\u04bd\u0260\u04bf\u0261\u04c1\u0262\u04c3\u0263"+ - "\u04c5\u0264\u04c7\u0265\u04c9\u0266\u04cb\u0267\u04cd\u0268\u04cf\u0269"+ - "\u04d1\u026a\u04d3\u026b\u04d5\u026c\u04d7\u026d\u04d9\u026e\u04db\u026f"+ - "\u04dd\u0270\u04df\u0271\u04e1\u0272\u04e3\u0273\u04e5\u0274\u04e7\u0275"+ - "\u04e9\u0276\u04eb\u0277\u04ed\u0278\u04ef\u0279\u04f1\u027a\u04f3\u027b"+ - "\u04f5\u027c\u04f7\u027d\u04f9\u027e\u04fb\u027f\u04fd\u0280\u04ff\u0281"+ - "\u0501\u0282\u0503\u0283\u0505\u0284\u0507\u0285\u0509\u0286\u050b\u0287"+ - "\u050d\u0288\u050f\u0289\u0511\u028a\u0513\u028b\u0515\u028c\u0517\u028d"+ - "\u0519\u028e\u051b\u028f\u051d\u0290\u051f\u0291\u0521\u0292\u0523\u0293"+ - "\u0525\u0294\u0527\u0295\u0529\u0296\u052b\u0297\u052d\u0298\u052f\u0299"+ - "\u0531\u029a\u0533\u029b\u0535\u029c\u0537\u029d\u0539\u029e\u053b\u029f"+ - "\u053d\u02a0\u053f\u02a1\u0541\u02a2\u0543\u02a3\u0545\u02a4\u0547\u02a5"+ - "\u0549\u02a6\u054b\u02a7\u054d\u02a8\u054f\u02a9\u0551\u02aa\u0553\u02ab"+ - "\u0555\u02ac\u0557\u02ad\u0559\u02ae\u055b\u02af\u055d\u02b0\u055f\u02b1"+ - "\u0561\u02b2\u0563\u02b3\u0565\u02b4\u0567\u02b5\u0569\u02b6\u056b\u02b7"+ - "\u056d\u02b8\u056f\u02b9\u0571\u02ba\u0573\u02bb\u0575\u02bc\u0577\u02bd"+ - "\u0579\u02be\u057b\u02bf\u057d\u02c0\u057f\u02c1\u0581\u02c2\u0583\u02c3"+ - "\u0585\u02c4\u0587\u02c5\u0589\u02c6\u058b\u02c7\u058d\u02c8\u058f\u02c9"+ - "\u0591\u02ca\u0593\u02cb\u0595\u02cc\u0597\u02cd\u0599\u02ce\u059b\u02cf"+ - "\u059d\u02d0\u059f\u02d1\u05a1\u02d2\u05a3\u02d3\u05a5\u02d4\u05a7\u02d5"+ - "\u05a9\u02d6\u05ab\u02d7\u05ad\u02d8\u05af\u02d9\u05b1\u02da\u05b3\u02db"+ - "\u05b5\u02dc\u05b7\u02dd\u05b9\u02de\u05bb\u02df\u05bd\u02e0\u05bf\u02e1"+ - "\u05c1\u02e2\u05c3\u02e3\u05c5\u02e4\u05c7\u02e5\u05c9\u02e6\u05cb\u02e7"+ - "\u05cd\u02e8\u05cf\u02e9\u05d1\u02ea\u05d3\u02eb\u05d5\u02ec\u05d7\u02ed"+ - "\u05d9\u02ee\u05db\u02ef\u05dd\u02f0\u05df\u02f1\u05e1\u02f2\u05e3\u02f3"+ - "\u05e5\u02f4\u05e7\u02f5\u05e9\u02f6\u05eb\u02f7\u05ed\u02f8\u05ef\u02f9"+ - "\u05f1\u02fa\u05f3\u02fb\u05f5\u02fc\u05f7\u02fd\u05f9\u02fe\u05fb\u02ff"+ - "\u05fd\u0300\u05ff\u0301\u0601\u0302\u0603\u0303\u0605\u0304\u0607\u0305"+ - "\u0609\u0306\u060b\u0307\u060d\u0308\u060f\u0309\u0611\u030a\u0613\u030b"+ - "\u0615\u030c\u0617\u030d\u0619\u030e\u061b\u030f\u061d\u0310\u061f\u0311"+ - "\u0621\u0312\u0623\u0313\u0625\u0314\u0627\u0315\u0629\u0316\u062b\u0317"+ - "\u062d\u0318\u062f\u0319\u0631\u031a\u0633\u031b\u0635\u031c\u0637\u031d"+ - "\u0639\u031e\u063b\u031f\u063d\u0320\u063f\u0321\u0641\u0322\u0643\u0323"+ - "\u0645\u0324\u0647\u0325\u0649\u0326\u064b\u0327\u064d\u0328\u064f\u0329"+ - "\u0651\u032a\u0653\u032b\u0655\u032c\u0657\u032d\u0659\u032e\u065b\u032f"+ - "\u065d\u0330\u065f\u0331\u0661\u0332\u0663\u0333\u0665\u0334\u0667\u0335"+ - "\u0669\u0336\u066b\u0337\u066d\u0338\u066f\u0339\u0671\u033a\u0673\u033b"+ - "\u0675\u033c\u0677\u033d\u0679\u033e\u067b\u033f\u067d\u0340\u067f\u0341"+ - "\u0681\u0342\u0683\u0343\u0685\u0344\u0687\u0345\u0689\u0346\u068b\u0347"+ - "\u068d\u0348\u068f\u0349\u0691\u034a\u0693\u034b\u0695\u034c\u0697\u034d"+ - "\u0699\u034e\u069b\u034f\u069d\u0350\u069f\u0351\u06a1\u0352\u06a3\u0353"+ - "\u06a5\u0354\u06a7\u0355\u06a9\u0356\u06ab\u0357\u06ad\u0358\u06af\u0359"+ - "\u06b1\u035a\u06b3\u035b\u06b5\u035c\u06b7\u035d\u06b9\u035e\u06bb\u035f"+ - "\u06bd\u0360\u06bf\u0361\u06c1\u0362\u06c3\u0363\u06c5\u0364\u06c7\u0365"+ - "\u06c9\u0366\u06cb\u0367\u06cd\u0368\u06cf\u0369\u06d1\u036a\u06d3\u036b"+ - "\u06d5\u036c\u06d7\u036d\u06d9\u036e\u06db\u036f\u06dd\u0370\u06df\u0371"+ - "\u06e1\u0372\u06e3\u0373\u06e5\u0374\u06e7\u0375\u06e9\u0376\u06eb\u0377"+ - "\u06ed\u0378\u06ef\u0379\u06f1\u037a\u06f3\u037b\u06f5\u037c\u06f7\u037d"+ - "\u06f9\u037e\u06fb\u037f\u06fd\u0380\u06ff\u0381\u0701\u0382\u0703\u0383"+ - "\u0705\u0384\u0707\u0385\u0709\u0386\u070b\u0387\u070d\u0388\u070f\u0389"+ - "\u0711\u038a\u0713\u038b\u0715\u038c\u0717\u038d\u0719\u038e\u071b\u038f"+ - "\u071d\u0390\u071f\u0391\u0721\u0392\u0723\u0393\u0725\u0394\u0727\u0395"+ - "\u0729\u0396\u072b\u0397\u072d\u0398\u072f\u0399\u0731\u039a\u0733\u039b"+ - "\u0735\u039c\u0737\u039d\u0739\u039e\u073b\u039f\u073d\u03a0\u073f\u03a1"+ - "\u0741\u03a2\u0743\u03a3\u0745\u03a4\u0747\u03a5\u0749\u03a6\u074b\u03a7"+ - "\u074d\u03a8\u074f\u03a9\u0751\u03aa\u0753\u03ab\u0755\u03ac\u0757\u03ad"+ - "\u0759\u03ae\u075b\u03af\u075d\u03b0\u075f\u03b1\u0761\u03b2\u0763\u03b3"+ - "\u0765\u03b4\u0767\u03b5\u0769\u03b6\u076b\u03b7\u076d\u03b8\u076f\u03b9"+ - "\u0771\u03ba\u0773\u03bb\u0775\u03bc\u0777\u03bd\u0779\u03be\u077b\u03bf"+ - "\u077d\u03c0\u077f\u03c1\u0781\u03c2\u0783\u03c3\u0785\u03c4\u0787\u03c5"+ - "\u0789\u03c6\u078b\u03c7\u078d\u03c8\u078f\u03c9\u0791\u03ca\u0793\u03cb"+ - "\u0795\u03cc\u0797\u03cd\u0799\u03ce\u079b\u03cf\u079d\u03d0\u079f\u03d1"+ - "\u07a1\u03d2\u07a3\u03d3\u07a5\u03d4\u07a7\u03d5\u07a9\u03d6\u07ab\u03d7"+ - "\u07ad\u03d8\u07af\u03d9\u07b1\u03da\u07b3\u03db\u07b5\u03dc\u07b7\u03dd"+ - 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"\3\2\2\2\2\u017f\3\2\2\2\2\u0181\3\2\2\2\2\u0183\3\2\2\2\2\u0185\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0187\3\2\2\2\2\u0189\3\2\2\2\2\u018b\3\2\2\2\2\u018d\3\2\2\2\2\u018f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0191\3\2\2\2\2\u0193\3\2\2\2\2\u0195\3\2\2\2\2\u0197\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0199\3\2\2\2\2\u019b\3\2\2\2\2\u019d\3\2\2\2\2\u019f\3\2\2\2\2\u01a1"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u01a3\3\2\2\2\2\u01a5\3\2\2\2\2\u01a7\3\2\2\2\2\u01a9\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u01ab\3\2\2\2\2\u01ad\3\2\2\2\2\u01af\3\2\2\2\2\u01b1\3\2\2\2\2\u01b3"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u01b5\3\2\2\2\2\u01b7\3\2\2\2\2\u01b9\3\2\2\2\2\u01bb\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u01bd\3\2\2\2\2\u01bf\3\2\2\2\2\u01c1\3\2\2\2\2\u01c3\3\2\2\2\2\u01c5"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u01c7\3\2\2\2\2\u01c9\3\2\2\2\2\u01cb\3\2\2\2\2\u01cd\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u01cf\3\2\2\2\2\u01d1\3\2\2\2\2\u01d3\3\2\2\2\2\u01d5\3\2\2\2\2\u01d7"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u01d9\3\2\2\2\2\u01db\3\2\2\2\2\u01dd\3\2\2\2\2\u01df\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u01e1\3\2\2\2\2\u01e3\3\2\2\2\2\u01e5\3\2\2\2\2\u01e7\3\2\2\2\2\u01e9"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u01eb\3\2\2\2\2\u01ed\3\2\2\2\2\u01ef\3\2\2\2\2\u01f1\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u01f3\3\2\2\2\2\u01f5\3\2\2\2\2\u01f7\3\2\2\2\2\u01f9\3\2\2\2\2\u01fb"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u01fd\3\2\2\2\2\u01ff\3\2\2\2\2\u0201\3\2\2\2\2\u0203\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0205\3\2\2\2\2\u0207\3\2\2\2\2\u0209\3\2\2\2\2\u020b\3\2\2\2\2\u020d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u020f\3\2\2\2\2\u0211\3\2\2\2\2\u0213\3\2\2\2\2\u0215\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0217\3\2\2\2\2\u0219\3\2\2\2\2\u021b\3\2\2\2\2\u021d\3\2\2\2\2\u021f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0221\3\2\2\2\2\u0223\3\2\2\2\2\u0225\3\2\2\2\2\u0227\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0229\3\2\2\2\2\u022b\3\2\2\2\2\u022d\3\2\2\2\2\u022f\3\2\2\2\2\u0231"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0233\3\2\2\2\2\u0235\3\2\2\2\2\u0237\3\2\2\2\2\u0239\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u023b\3\2\2\2\2\u023d\3\2\2\2\2\u023f\3\2\2\2\2\u0241\3\2\2\2\2\u0243"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0245\3\2\2\2\2\u0247\3\2\2\2\2\u0249\3\2\2\2\2\u024b\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u024d\3\2\2\2\2\u024f\3\2\2\2\2\u0251\3\2\2\2\2\u0253\3\2\2\2\2\u0255"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0257\3\2\2\2\2\u0259\3\2\2\2\2\u025b\3\2\2\2\2\u025d\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u025f\3\2\2\2\2\u0261\3\2\2\2\2\u0263\3\2\2\2\2\u0265\3\2\2\2\2\u0267"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0269\3\2\2\2\2\u026b\3\2\2\2\2\u026d\3\2\2\2\2\u026f\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0271\3\2\2\2\2\u0273\3\2\2\2\2\u0275\3\2\2\2\2\u0277\3\2\2\2\2\u0279"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u027b\3\2\2\2\2\u027d\3\2\2\2\2\u027f\3\2\2\2\2\u0281\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0283\3\2\2\2\2\u0285\3\2\2\2\2\u0287\3\2\2\2\2\u0289\3\2\2\2\2\u028b"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u028d\3\2\2\2\2\u028f\3\2\2\2\2\u0291\3\2\2\2\2\u0293\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0295\3\2\2\2\2\u0297\3\2\2\2\2\u0299\3\2\2\2\2\u029b\3\2\2\2\2\u029d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u029f\3\2\2\2\2\u02a1\3\2\2\2\2\u02a3\3\2\2\2\2\u02a5\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u02a7\3\2\2\2\2\u02a9\3\2\2\2\2\u02ab\3\2\2\2\2\u02ad\3\2\2\2\2\u02af"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u02b1\3\2\2\2\2\u02b3\3\2\2\2\2\u02b5\3\2\2\2\2\u02b7\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u02b9\3\2\2\2\2\u02bb\3\2\2\2\2\u02bd\3\2\2\2\2\u02bf\3\2\2\2\2\u02c1"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u02c3\3\2\2\2\2\u02c5\3\2\2\2\2\u02c7\3\2\2\2\2\u02c9\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u02cb\3\2\2\2\2\u02cd\3\2\2\2\2\u02cf\3\2\2\2\2\u02d1\3\2\2\2\2\u02d3"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u02d5\3\2\2\2\2\u02d7\3\2\2\2\2\u02d9\3\2\2\2\2\u02db\3\2\2"+ - 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"\3\2\2\2\2\u0353\3\2\2\2\2\u0355\3\2\2\2\2\u0357\3\2\2\2\2\u0359\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u035b\3\2\2\2\2\u035d\3\2\2\2\2\u035f\3\2\2\2\2\u0361\3\2\2\2\2\u0363"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0365\3\2\2\2\2\u0367\3\2\2\2\2\u0369\3\2\2\2\2\u036b\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u036d\3\2\2\2\2\u036f\3\2\2\2\2\u0371\3\2\2\2\2\u0373\3\2\2\2\2\u0375"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0377\3\2\2\2\2\u0379\3\2\2\2\2\u037b\3\2\2\2\2\u037d\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u037f\3\2\2\2\2\u0381\3\2\2\2\2\u0383\3\2\2\2\2\u0385\3\2\2\2\2\u0387"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0389\3\2\2\2\2\u038b\3\2\2\2\2\u038d\3\2\2\2\2\u038f\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0391\3\2\2\2\2\u0393\3\2\2\2\2\u0395\3\2\2\2\2\u0397\3\2\2\2\2\u0399"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u039b\3\2\2\2\2\u039d\3\2\2\2\2\u039f\3\2\2\2\2\u03a1\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u03a3\3\2\2\2\2\u03a5\3\2\2\2\2\u03a7\3\2\2\2\2\u03a9\3\2\2\2\2\u03ab"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u03ad\3\2\2\2\2\u03af\3\2\2\2\2\u03b1\3\2\2\2\2\u03b3\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u03b5\3\2\2\2\2\u03b7\3\2\2\2\2\u03b9\3\2\2\2\2\u03bb\3\2\2\2\2\u03bd"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u03bf\3\2\2\2\2\u03c1\3\2\2\2\2\u03c3\3\2\2\2\2\u03c5\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u03c7\3\2\2\2\2\u03c9\3\2\2\2\2\u03cb\3\2\2\2\2\u03cd\3\2\2\2\2\u03cf"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u03d1\3\2\2\2\2\u03d3\3\2\2\2\2\u03d5\3\2\2\2\2\u03d7\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u03d9\3\2\2\2\2\u03db\3\2\2\2\2\u03dd\3\2\2\2\2\u03df\3\2\2\2\2\u03e1"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u03e3\3\2\2\2\2\u03e5\3\2\2\2\2\u03e7\3\2\2\2\2\u03e9\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u03eb\3\2\2\2\2\u03ed\3\2\2\2\2\u03ef\3\2\2\2\2\u03f1\3\2\2\2\2\u03f3"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u03f5\3\2\2\2\2\u03f7\3\2\2\2\2\u03f9\3\2\2\2\2\u03fb\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u03fd\3\2\2\2\2\u03ff\3\2\2\2\2\u0401\3\2\2\2\2\u0403\3\2\2\2\2\u0405"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0407\3\2\2\2\2\u0409\3\2\2\2\2\u040b\3\2\2\2\2\u040d\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u040f\3\2\2\2\2\u0411\3\2\2\2\2\u0413\3\2\2\2\2\u0415\3\2\2\2\2\u0417"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0419\3\2\2\2\2\u041b\3\2\2\2\2\u041d\3\2\2\2\2\u041f\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0421\3\2\2\2\2\u0423\3\2\2\2\2\u0425\3\2\2\2\2\u0427\3\2\2\2\2\u0429"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u042b\3\2\2\2\2\u042d\3\2\2\2\2\u042f\3\2\2\2\2\u0431\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0433\3\2\2\2\2\u0435\3\2\2\2\2\u0437\3\2\2\2\2\u0439\3\2\2\2\2\u043b"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u043d\3\2\2\2\2\u043f\3\2\2\2\2\u0441\3\2\2\2\2\u0443\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0445\3\2\2\2\2\u0447\3\2\2\2\2\u0449\3\2\2\2\2\u044b\3\2\2\2\2\u044d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u044f\3\2\2\2\2\u0451\3\2\2\2\2\u0453\3\2\2\2\2\u0455\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0457\3\2\2\2\2\u0459\3\2\2\2\2\u045b\3\2\2\2\2\u045d\3\2\2\2\2\u045f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0461\3\2\2\2\2\u0463\3\2\2\2\2\u0465\3\2\2\2\2\u0467\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0469\3\2\2\2\2\u046b\3\2\2\2\2\u046d\3\2\2\2\2\u046f\3\2\2\2\2\u0471"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0473\3\2\2\2\2\u0475\3\2\2\2\2\u0477\3\2\2\2\2\u0479\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u047b\3\2\2\2\2\u047d\3\2\2\2\2\u047f\3\2\2\2\2\u0481\3\2\2\2\2\u0483"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0485\3\2\2\2\2\u0487\3\2\2\2\2\u0489\3\2\2\2\2\u048b\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u048d\3\2\2\2\2\u048f\3\2\2\2\2\u0491\3\2\2\2\2\u0493\3\2\2\2\2\u0495"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0497\3\2\2\2\2\u0499\3\2\2\2\2\u049b\3\2\2\2\2\u049d\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u049f\3\2\2\2\2\u04a1\3\2\2\2\2\u04a3\3\2\2\2\2\u04a5\3\2\2\2\2\u04a7"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u04a9\3\2\2\2\2\u04ab\3\2\2\2\2\u04ad\3\2\2\2\2\u04af\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u04b1\3\2\2\2\2\u04b3\3\2\2\2\2\u04b5\3\2\2\2\2\u04b7\3\2\2\2\2\u04b9"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u04bb\3\2\2\2\2\u04bd\3\2\2\2\2\u04bf\3\2\2\2\2\u04c1\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u04c3\3\2\2\2\2\u04c5\3\2\2\2\2\u04c7\3\2\2\2\2\u04c9\3\2\2\2\2\u04cb"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u04cd\3\2\2\2\2\u04cf\3\2\2\2\2\u04d1\3\2\2\2\2\u04d3\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u04d5\3\2\2\2\2\u04d7\3\2\2\2\2\u04d9\3\2\2\2\2\u04db\3\2\2\2\2\u04dd"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u04df\3\2\2\2\2\u04e1\3\2\2\2\2\u04e3\3\2\2\2\2\u04e5\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u04e7\3\2\2\2\2\u04e9\3\2\2\2\2\u04eb\3\2\2\2\2\u04ed\3\2\2\2\2\u04ef"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u04f1\3\2\2\2\2\u04f3\3\2\2\2\2\u04f5\3\2\2\2\2\u04f7\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u04f9\3\2\2\2\2\u04fb\3\2\2\2\2\u04fd\3\2\2\2\2\u04ff\3\2\2\2\2\u0501"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0503\3\2\2\2\2\u0505\3\2\2\2\2\u0507\3\2\2\2\2\u0509\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u050b\3\2\2\2\2\u050d\3\2\2\2\2\u050f\3\2\2\2\2\u0511\3\2\2\2\2\u0513"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0515\3\2\2\2\2\u0517\3\2\2\2\2\u0519\3\2\2\2\2\u051b\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u051d\3\2\2\2\2\u051f\3\2\2\2\2\u0521\3\2\2\2\2\u0523\3\2\2\2\2\u0525"+ - 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"\2\2\u059b\3\2\2\2\2\u059d\3\2\2\2\2\u059f\3\2\2\2\2\u05a1\3\2\2\2\2\u05a3"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u05a5\3\2\2\2\2\u05a7\3\2\2\2\2\u05a9\3\2\2\2\2\u05ab\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u05ad\3\2\2\2\2\u05af\3\2\2\2\2\u05b1\3\2\2\2\2\u05b3\3\2\2\2\2\u05b5"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u05b7\3\2\2\2\2\u05b9\3\2\2\2\2\u05bb\3\2\2\2\2\u05bd\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u05bf\3\2\2\2\2\u05c1\3\2\2\2\2\u05c3\3\2\2\2\2\u05c5\3\2\2\2\2\u05c7"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u05c9\3\2\2\2\2\u05cb\3\2\2\2\2\u05cd\3\2\2\2\2\u05cf\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u05d1\3\2\2\2\2\u05d3\3\2\2\2\2\u05d5\3\2\2\2\2\u05d7\3\2\2\2\2\u05d9"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u05db\3\2\2\2\2\u05dd\3\2\2\2\2\u05df\3\2\2\2\2\u05e1\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u05e3\3\2\2\2\2\u05e5\3\2\2\2\2\u05e7\3\2\2\2\2\u05e9\3\2\2\2\2\u05eb"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u05ed\3\2\2\2\2\u05ef\3\2\2\2\2\u05f1\3\2\2\2\2\u05f3\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u05f5\3\2\2\2\2\u05f7\3\2\2\2\2\u05f9\3\2\2\2\2\u05fb\3\2\2\2\2\u05fd"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u05ff\3\2\2\2\2\u0601\3\2\2\2\2\u0603\3\2\2\2\2\u0605\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0607\3\2\2\2\2\u0609\3\2\2\2\2\u060b\3\2\2\2\2\u060d\3\2\2\2\2\u060f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0611\3\2\2\2\2\u0613\3\2\2\2\2\u0615\3\2\2\2\2\u0617\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0619\3\2\2\2\2\u061b\3\2\2\2\2\u061d\3\2\2\2\2\u061f\3\2\2\2\2\u0621"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0623\3\2\2\2\2\u0625\3\2\2\2\2\u0627\3\2\2\2\2\u0629\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u062b\3\2\2\2\2\u062d\3\2\2\2\2\u062f\3\2\2\2\2\u0631\3\2\2\2\2\u0633"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0635\3\2\2\2\2\u0637\3\2\2\2\2\u0639\3\2\2\2\2\u063b\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u063d\3\2\2\2\2\u063f\3\2\2\2\2\u0641\3\2\2\2\2\u0643\3\2\2\2\2\u0645"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0647\3\2\2\2\2\u0649\3\2\2\2\2\u064b\3\2\2\2\2\u064d\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u064f\3\2\2\2\2\u0651\3\2\2\2\2\u0653\3\2\2\2\2\u0655\3\2\2\2\2\u0657"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0659\3\2\2\2\2\u065b\3\2\2\2\2\u065d\3\2\2\2\2\u065f\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0661\3\2\2\2\2\u0663\3\2\2\2\2\u0665\3\2\2\2\2\u0667\3\2\2\2\2\u0669"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u066b\3\2\2\2\2\u066d\3\2\2\2\2\u066f\3\2\2\2\2\u0671\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0673\3\2\2\2\2\u0675\3\2\2\2\2\u0677\3\2\2\2\2\u0679\3\2\2\2\2\u067b"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u067d\3\2\2\2\2\u067f\3\2\2\2\2\u0681\3\2\2\2\2\u0683\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0685\3\2\2\2\2\u0687\3\2\2\2\2\u0689\3\2\2\2\2\u068b\3\2\2\2\2\u068d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u068f\3\2\2\2\2\u0691\3\2\2\2\2\u0693\3\2\2\2\2\u0695\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0697\3\2\2\2\2\u0699\3\2\2\2\2\u069b\3\2\2\2\2\u069d\3\2\2\2\2\u069f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u06a1\3\2\2\2\2\u06a3\3\2\2\2\2\u06a5\3\2\2\2\2\u06a7\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u06a9\3\2\2\2\2\u06ab\3\2\2\2\2\u06ad\3\2\2\2\2\u06af\3\2\2\2\2\u06b1"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u06b3\3\2\2\2\2\u06b5\3\2\2\2\2\u06b7\3\2\2\2\2\u06b9\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u06bb\3\2\2\2\2\u06bd\3\2\2\2\2\u06bf\3\2\2\2\2\u06c1\3\2\2\2\2\u06c3"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u06c5\3\2\2\2\2\u06c7\3\2\2\2\2\u06c9\3\2\2\2\2\u06cb\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u06cd\3\2\2\2\2\u06cf\3\2\2\2\2\u06d1\3\2\2\2\2\u06d3\3\2\2\2\2\u06d5"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u06d7\3\2\2\2\2\u06d9\3\2\2\2\2\u06db\3\2\2\2\2\u06dd\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u06df\3\2\2\2\2\u06e1\3\2\2\2\2\u06e3\3\2\2\2\2\u06e5\3\2\2\2\2\u06e7"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u06e9\3\2\2\2\2\u06eb\3\2\2\2\2\u06ed\3\2\2\2\2\u06ef\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u06f1\3\2\2\2\2\u06f3\3\2\2\2\2\u06f5\3\2\2\2\2\u06f7\3\2\2\2\2\u06f9"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u06fb\3\2\2\2\2\u06fd\3\2\2\2\2\u06ff\3\2\2\2\2\u0701\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0703\3\2\2\2\2\u0705\3\2\2\2\2\u0707\3\2\2\2\2\u0709\3\2\2\2\2\u070b"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u070d\3\2\2\2\2\u070f\3\2\2\2\2\u0711\3\2\2\2\2\u0713\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0715\3\2\2\2\2\u0717\3\2\2\2\2\u0719\3\2\2\2\2\u071b\3\2\2\2\2\u071d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u071f\3\2\2\2\2\u0721\3\2\2\2\2\u0723\3\2\2\2\2\u0725\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0727\3\2\2\2\2\u0729\3\2\2\2\2\u072b\3\2\2\2\2\u072d\3\2\2\2\2\u072f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0731\3\2\2\2\2\u0733\3\2\2\2\2\u0735\3\2\2\2\2\u0737\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0739\3\2\2\2\2\u073b\3\2\2\2\2\u073d\3\2\2\2\2\u073f\3\2\2\2\2\u0741"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0743\3\2\2\2\2\u0745\3\2\2\2\2\u0747\3\2\2\2\2\u0749\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u074b\3\2\2\2\2\u074d\3\2\2\2\2\u074f\3\2\2\2\2\u0751\3\2\2\2\2\u0753"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0755\3\2\2\2\2\u0757\3\2\2\2\2\u0759\3\2\2\2\2\u075b\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u075d\3\2\2\2\2\u075f\3\2\2\2\2\u0761\3\2\2\2\2\u0763\3\2\2\2\2\u0765"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0767\3\2\2\2\2\u0769\3\2\2\2\2\u076b\3\2\2\2\2\u076d\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u076f\3\2\2\2\2\u0771\3\2\2\2\2\u0773\3\2\2\2\2\u0775\3\2\2\2\2\u0777"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0779\3\2\2\2\2\u077b\3\2\2\2\2\u077d\3\2\2\2\2\u077f\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0781\3\2\2\2\2\u0783\3\2\2\2\2\u0785\3\2\2\2\2\u0787\3\2\2\2\2\u0789"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u078b\3\2\2\2\2\u078d\3\2\2\2\2\u078f\3\2\2\2\2\u0791\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0793\3\2\2\2\2\u0795\3\2\2\2\2\u0797\3\2\2\2\2\u0799\3\2\2\2\2\u079b"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u079d\3\2\2\2\2\u079f\3\2\2\2\2\u07a1\3\2\2\2\2\u07a3\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u07a5\3\2\2\2\2\u07a7\3\2\2\2\2\u07a9\3\2\2\2\2\u07ab\3\2\2\2\2\u07ad"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u07af\3\2\2\2\2\u07b1\3\2\2\2\2\u07b3\3\2\2\2\2\u07b5\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u07b7\3\2\2\2\2\u07b9\3\2\2\2\2\u07bb\3\2\2\2\2\u07bd\3\2\2\2\2\u07bf"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u07c1\3\2\2\2\2\u07c3\3\2\2\2\2\u07c5\3\2\2\2\2\u07c7\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u07c9\3\2\2\2\2\u07cb\3\2\2\2\2\u07cd\3\2\2\2\2\u07cf\3\2\2\2\2\u07d1"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u07d3\3\2\2\2\2\u07d5\3\2\2\2\2\u07d7\3\2\2\2\2\u07d9\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u07db\3\2\2\2\2\u07dd\3\2\2\2\2\u07df\3\2\2\2\2\u07e1\3\2\2\2\2\u07e3"+ - 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"\3\2\2\2\2\u08cf\3\2\2\2\2\u08d1\3\2\2\2\2\u08d3\3\2\2\2\2\u08d5\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u08d7\3\2\2\2\2\u08d9\3\2\2\2\2\u08db\3\2\2\2\2\u08dd\3\2\2\2\2\u08df"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u08e1\3\2\2\2\2\u08e3\3\2\2\2\2\u08e5\3\2\2\2\2\u08e7\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u08e9\3\2\2\2\2\u08eb\3\2\2\2\2\u08ed\3\2\2\2\2\u08ef\3\2\2\2\2\u08f1"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u08f3\3\2\2\2\2\u08f5\3\2\2\2\2\u08f7\3\2\2\2\2\u08f9\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u08fb\3\2\2\2\2\u08fd\3\2\2\2\2\u08ff\3\2\2\2\2\u0901\3\2\2\2\2\u0903"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0905\3\2\2\2\2\u0907\3\2\2\2\2\u0909\3\2\2\2\2\u090b\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u090d\3\2\2\2\2\u090f\3\2\2\2\2\u0911\3\2\2\2\2\u0913\3\2\2\2\2\u0915"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0917\3\2\2\2\2\u0919\3\2\2\2\2\u091b\3\2\2\2\2\u091d\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u091f\3\2\2\2\2\u0921\3\2\2\2\2\u0923\3\2\2\2\2\u0925\3\2\2\2\2\u0927"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u0929\3\2\2\2\2\u092b\3\2\2\2\2\u092d\3\2\2\2\2\u092f\3\2\2"+ - "\2\2\u0931\3\2\2\2\2\u0933\3\2\2\2\2\u0935\3\2\2\2\2\u0937\3\2\2\2\2\u0939"+ - "\3\2\2\2\2\u093b\3\2\2\2\2\u093d\3\2\2\2\2\u093f\3\2\2\2\2\u0941\3\2\2"+ - 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"\2\2\u0135\u0ff8\3\2\2\2\u0137\u0fff\3\2\2\2\u0139\u1002\3\2\2\2\u013b"+ - "\u1008\3\2\2\2\u013d\u1010\3\2\2\2\u013f\u1016\3\2\2\2\u0141\u101c\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0143\u1027\3\2\2\2\u0145\u102e\3\2\2\2\u0147\u1032\3\2\2\2\u0149"+ - "\u1037\3\2\2\2\u014b\u103e\3\2\2\2\u014d\u1047\3\2\2\2\u014f\u104e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0151\u1052\3\2\2\2\u0153\u1058\3\2\2\2\u0155\u1061\3\2\2\2\u0157"+ - "\u106a\3\2\2\2\u0159\u1071\3\2\2\2\u015b\u1076\3\2\2\2\u015d\u107c\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u015f\u1083\3\2\2\2\u0161\u108b\3\2\2\2\u0163\u108f\3\2\2\2\u0165"+ - "\u1094\3\2\2\2\u0167\u109a\3\2\2\2\u0169\u109f\3\2\2\2\u016b\u10a8\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u016d\u10b3\3\2\2\2\u016f\u10bb\3\2\2\2\u0171\u10c3\3\2\2\2\u0173"+ - "\u10d0\3\2\2\2\u0175\u10d6\3\2\2\2\u0177\u10db\3\2\2\2\u0179\u10de\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u017b\u10e6\3\2\2\2\u017d\u10ea\3\2\2\2\u017f\u10f0\3\2\2\2\u0181"+ - "\u10f7\3\2\2\2\u0183\u10ff\3\2\2\2\u0185\u1106\3\2\2\2\u0187\u110b\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0189\u1114\3\2\2\2\u018b\u1130\3\2\2\2\u018d\u1132\3\2\2\2\u018f"+ - "\u113b\3\2\2\2\u0191\u1140\3\2\2\2\u0193\u1149\3\2\2\2\u0195\u114f\3\2"+ - 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"\2\2\u025b\u149e\3\2\2\2\u025d\u14a4\3\2\2\2\u025f\u14ad\3\2\2\2\u0261"+ - "\u14b8\3\2\2\2\u0263\u14c2\3\2\2\2\u0265\u14c8\3\2\2\2\u0267\u14cf\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0269\u14da\3\2\2\2\u026b\u14e4\3\2\2\2\u026d\u14f7\3\2\2\2\u026f"+ - "\u1505\3\2\2\2\u0271\u1509\3\2\2\2\u0273\u1512\3\2\2\2\u0275\u151b\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0277\u1523\3\2\2\2\u0279\u152b\3\2\2\2\u027b\u153e\3\2\2\2\u027d"+ - "\u1546\3\2\2\2\u027f\u154f\3\2\2\2\u0281\u155a\3\2\2\2\u0283\u155e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0285\u1564\3\2\2\2\u0287\u1570\3\2\2\2\u0289\u1578\3\2\2\2\u028b"+ - "\u157f\3\2\2\2\u028d\u1589\3\2\2\2\u028f\u158f\3\2\2\2\u0291\u1599\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0293\u159f\3\2\2\2\u0295\u15a4\3\2\2\2\u0297\u15a9\3\2\2\2\u0299"+ - "\u15b4\3\2\2\2\u029b\u15ba\3\2\2\2\u029d\u15c2\3\2\2\2\u029f\u15cd\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u02a1\u15d5\3\2\2\2\u02a3\u15dc\3\2\2\2\u02a5\u15e4\3\2\2\2\u02a7"+ - "\u15ed\3\2\2\2\u02a9\u15f6\3\2\2\2\u02ab\u15fd\3\2\2\2\u02ad\u1603\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u02af\u160b\3\2\2\2\u02b1\u161e\3\2\2\2\u02b3\u1625\3\2\2\2\u02b5"+ - "\u162d\3\2\2\2\u02b7\u1637\3\2\2\2\u02b9\u1641\3\2\2\2\u02bb\u1648\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u02bd\u1650\3\2\2\2\u02bf\u1659\3\2\2\2\u02c1\u165d\3\2\2\2\u02c3"+ - "\u166a\3\2\2\2\u02c5\u1673\3\2\2\2\u02c7\u167e\3\2\2\2\u02c9\u168d\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u02cb\u16a1\3\2\2\2\u02cd\u16b2\3\2\2\2\u02cf\u16b9\3\2\2\2\u02d1"+ - "\u16bd\3\2\2\2\u02d3\u16c6\3\2\2\2\u02d5\u16d1\3\2\2\2\u02d7\u16d8\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u02d9\u16e6\3\2\2\2\u02db\u16f1\3\2\2\2\u02dd\u16fa\3\2\2\2\u02df"+ - "\u1703\3\2\2\2\u02e1\u170e\3\2\2\2\u02e3\u1717\3\2\2\2\u02e5\u1725\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u02e7\u1735\3\2\2\2\u02e9\u1745\3\2\2\2\u02eb\u1753\3\2\2\2\u02ed"+ - "\u1758\3\2\2\2\u02ef\u175f\3\2\2\2\u02f1\u176e\3\2\2\2\u02f3\u1772\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u02f5\u1778\3\2\2\2\u02f7\u1781\3\2\2\2\u02f9\u178f\3\2\2\2\u02fb"+ - "\u1797\3\2\2\2\u02fd\u179f\3\2\2\2\u02ff\u17a4\3\2\2\2\u0301\u17aa\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0303\u17b0\3\2\2\2\u0305\u17b4\3\2\2\2\u0307\u17b9\3\2\2\2\u0309"+ - "\u17c4\3\2\2\2\u030b\u17cd\3\2\2\2\u030d\u17e8\3\2\2\2\u030f\u17ea\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0311\u17f1\3\2\2\2\u0313\u17f6\3\2\2\2\u0315\u17fd\3\2\2\2\u0317"+ - "\u1804\3\2\2\2\u0319\u180b\3\2\2\2\u031b\u1815\3\2\2\2\u031d\u181e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u031f\u1825\3\2\2\2\u0321\u182e\3\2\2\2\u0323\u183c\3\2\2\2\u0325"+ - "\u1848\3\2\2\2\u0327\u1858\3\2\2\2\u0329\u185c\3\2\2\2\u032b\u1888\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u032d\u1896\3\2\2\2\u032f\u189f\3\2\2\2\u0331\u18aa\3\2\2\2\u0333"+ - "\u18b1\3\2\2\2\u0335\u18c4\3\2\2\2\u0337\u18cb\3\2\2\2\u0339\u18d4\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u033b\u18da\3\2\2\2\u033d\u18ee\3\2\2\2\u033f\u18f8\3\2\2\2\u0341"+ - "\u1901\3\2\2\2\u0343\u190f\3\2\2\2\u0345\u1914\3\2\2\2\u0347\u1919\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0349\u1935\3\2\2\2\u034b\u194a\3\2\2\2\u034d\u1956\3\2\2\2\u034f"+ - "\u195e\3\2\2\2\u0351\u1961\3\2\2\2\u0353\u196f\3\2\2\2\u0355\u1974\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0357\u197e\3\2\2\2\u0359\u1987\3\2\2\2\u035b\u1995\3\2\2\2\u035d"+ - "\u19a3\3\2\2\2\u035f\u19ab\3\2\2\2\u0361\u19bd\3\2\2\2\u0363\u19c7\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0365\u19cc\3\2\2\2\u0367\u19d7\3\2\2\2\u0369\u19ed\3\2\2\2\u036b"+ - "\u19f7\3\2\2\2\u036d\u19fe\3\2\2\2\u036f\u1a08\3\2\2\2\u0371\u1a13\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0373\u1a29\3\2\2\2\u0375\u1a39\3\2\2\2\u0377\u1a43\3\2\2\2\u0379"+ - "\u1a4b\3\2\2\2\u037b\u1a53\3\2\2\2\u037d\u1a57\3\2\2\2\u037f\u1a62\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0381\u1a6a\3\2\2\2\u0383\u1a70\3\2\2\2\u0385\u1a7b\3\2\2\2\u0387"+ - "\u1a84\3\2\2\2\u0389\u1a96\3\2\2\2\u038b\u1a9b\3\2\2\2\u038d\u1aa4\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u038f\u1aad\3\2\2\2\u0391\u1abf\3\2\2\2\u0393\u1acf\3\2\2\2\u0395"+ - "\u1ada\3\2\2\2\u0397\u1ae3\3\2\2\2\u0399\u1ae6\3\2\2\2\u039b\u1af9\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u039d\u1b04\3\2\2\2\u039f\u1b0c\3\2\2\2\u03a1\u1b16\3\2\2\2\u03a3"+ - "\u1b1d\3\2\2\2\u03a5\u1b23\3\2\2\2\u03a7\u1b35\3\2\2\2\u03a9\u1b3e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u03ab\u1b46\3\2\2\2\u03ad\u1b4e\3\2\2\2\u03af\u1b55\3\2\2\2\u03b1"+ - "\u1b5a\3\2\2\2\u03b3\u1b67\3\2\2\2\u03b5\u1b6c\3\2\2\2\u03b7\u1b77\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u03b9\u1b7f\3\2\2\2\u03bb\u1b88\3\2\2\2\u03bd\u1b8d\3\2\2\2\u03bf"+ - "\u1b98\3\2\2\2\u03c1\u1b9d\3\2\2\2\u03c3\u1ba6\3\2\2\2\u03c5\u1bb7\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u03c7\u1bbd\3\2\2\2\u03c9\u1bcc\3\2\2\2\u03cb\u1bd6\3\2\2\2\u03cd"+ - "\u1bdf\3\2\2\2\u03cf\u1be6\3\2\2\2\u03d1\u1bf3\3\2\2\2\u03d3\u1bfb\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u03d5\u1bfe\3\2\2\2\u03d7\u1c08\3\2\2\2\u03d9\u1c15\3\2\2\2\u03db"+ - "\u1c19\3\2\2\2\u03dd\u1c26\3\2\2\2\u03df\u1c29\3\2\2\2\u03e1\u1c34\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u03e3\u1c40\3\2\2\2\u03e5\u1c44\3\2\2\2\u03e7\u1c52\3\2\2\2\u03e9"+ - "\u1c59\3\2\2\2\u03eb\u1c61\3\2\2\2\u03ed\u1c6a\3\2\2\2\u03ef\u1c77\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u03f1\u1c7e\3\2\2\2\u03f3\u1c88\3\2\2\2\u03f5\u1c94\3\2\2\2\u03f7"+ - "\u1c9c\3\2\2\2\u03f9\u1ca6\3\2\2\2\u03fb\u1cb1\3\2\2\2\u03fd\u1cbc\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u03ff\u1cc5\3\2\2\2\u0401\u1cd5\3\2\2\2\u0403\u1cdc\3\2\2\2\u0405"+ - "\u1cee\3\2\2\2\u0407\u1cf5\3\2\2\2\u0409\u1cff\3\2\2\2\u040b\u1d05\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u040d\u1d0a\3\2\2\2\u040f\u1d13\3\2\2\2\u0411\u1d19\3\2\2\2\u0413"+ - "\u1d22\3\2\2\2\u0415\u1d2a\3\2\2\2\u0417\u1d3f\3\2\2\2\u0419\u1d46\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u041b\u1d4e\3\2\2\2\u041d\u1d55\3\2\2\2\u041f\u1d59\3\2\2\2\u0421"+ - "\u1d5c\3\2\2\2\u0423\u1d62\3\2\2\2\u0425\u1d6c\3\2\2\2\u0427\u1d71\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0429\u1d80\3\2\2\2\u042b\u1d88\3\2\2\2\u042d\u1d98\3\2\2\2\u042f"+ - "\u1d9d\3\2\2\2\u0431\u1da5\3\2\2\2\u0433\u1daa\3\2\2\2\u0435\u1db4\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0437\u1dbb\3\2\2\2\u0439\u1dc6\3\2\2\2\u043b\u1dd0\3\2\2\2\u043d"+ - "\u1dd4\3\2\2\2\u043f\u1de0\3\2\2\2\u0441\u1dee\3\2\2\2\u0443\u1df5\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0445\u1dfc\3\2\2\2\u0447\u1e11\3\2\2\2\u0449\u1e15\3\2\2\2\u044b"+ - "\u1e1e\3\2\2\2\u044d\u1e27\3\2\2\2\u044f\u1e2d\3\2\2\2\u0451\u1e33\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0453\u1e3d\3\2\2\2\u0455\u1e45\3\2\2\2\u0457\u1e4e\3\2\2\2\u0459"+ - "\u1e5c\3\2\2\2\u045b\u1e69\3\2\2\2\u045d\u1e6f\3\2\2\2\u045f\u1e8c\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0461\u1e91\3\2\2\2\u0463\u1e9e\3\2\2\2\u0465\u1ea6\3\2\2\2\u0467"+ - "\u1eae\3\2\2\2\u0469\u1eba\3\2\2\2\u046b\u1ec1\3\2\2\2\u046d\u1eca\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u046f\u1ed7\3\2\2\2\u0471\u1edf\3\2\2\2\u0473\u1ee5\3\2\2\2\u0475"+ - "\u1eec\3\2\2\2\u0477\u1ef3\3\2\2\2\u0479\u1efb\3\2\2\2\u047b\u1f02\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u047d\u1f09\3\2\2\2\u047f\u1f13\3\2\2\2\u0481\u1f1f\3\2\2\2\u0483"+ - "\u1f29\3\2\2\2\u0485\u1f30\3\2\2\2\u0487\u1f39\3\2\2\2\u0489\u1f41\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u048b\u1f47\3\2\2\2\u048d\u1f4d\3\2\2\2\u048f\u1f54\3\2\2\2\u0491"+ - "\u1f5d\3\2\2\2\u0493\u1f69\3\2\2\2\u0495\u1f7d\3\2\2\2\u0497\u1f83\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0499\u1f89\3\2\2\2\u049b\u1f92\3\2\2\2\u049d\u1f9a\3\2\2\2\u049f"+ - "\u1fa1\3\2\2\2\u04a1\u1fab\3\2\2\2\u04a3\u1fb6\3\2\2\2\u04a5\u1fbe\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u04a7\u1fc8\3\2\2\2\u04a9\u1fcf\3\2\2\2\u04ab\u1fda\3\2\2\2\u04ad"+ - "\u1fe1\3\2\2\2\u04af\u1fe7\3\2\2\2\u04b1\u1fec\3\2\2\2\u04b3\u1ff3\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u04b5\u1ffc\3\2\2\2\u04b7\u2003\3\2\2\2\u04b9\u2008\3\2\2\2\u04bb"+ - "\u200d\3\2\2\2\u04bd\u2019\3\2\2\2\u04bf\u202a\3\2\2\2\u04c1\u202d\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u04c3\u2033\3\2\2\2\u04c5\u203a\3\2\2\2\u04c7\u203f\3\2\2\2\u04c9"+ - "\u2047\3\2\2\2\u04cb\u2050\3\2\2\2\u04cd\u205a\3\2\2\2\u04cf\u2064\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u04d1\u206b\3\2\2\2\u04d3\u2078\3\2\2\2\u04d5\u207f\3\2\2\2\u04d7"+ - "\u2088\3\2\2\2\u04d9\u208d\3\2\2\2\u04db\u20ac\3\2\2\2\u04dd\u20b5\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u04df\u20bd\3\2\2\2\u04e1\u20c8\3\2\2\2\u04e3\u20d0\3\2\2\2\u04e5"+ - "\u20e9\3\2\2\2\u04e7\u20f6\3\2\2\2\u04e9\u210c\3\2\2\2\u04eb\u2115\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u04ed\u211c\3\2\2\2\u04ef\u2124\3\2\2\2\u04f1\u212a\3\2\2\2\u04f3"+ - "\u213b\3\2\2\2\u04f5\u2143\3\2\2\2\u04f7\u214e\3\2\2\2\u04f9\u2152\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u04fb\u215b\3\2\2\2\u04fd\u2163\3\2\2\2\u04ff\u216f\3\2\2\2\u0501"+ - "\u2184\3\2\2\2\u0503\u218d\3\2\2\2\u0505\u2195\3\2\2\2\u0507\u219d\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0509\u21ad\3\2\2\2\u050b\u21b5\3\2\2\2\u050d\u21ba\3\2\2\2\u050f"+ - "\u21c2\3\2\2\2\u0511\u21c8\3\2\2\2\u0513\u21d3\3\2\2\2\u0515\u21e0\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0517\u21ec\3\2\2\2\u0519\u21f4\3\2\2\2\u051b\u21f9\3\2\2\2\u051d"+ - "\u21fd\3\2\2\2\u051f\u2205\3\2\2\2\u0521\u2209\3\2\2\2\u0523\u220f\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0525\u2218\3\2\2\2\u0527\u221c\3\2\2\2\u0529\u221f\3\2\2\2\u052b"+ - "\u2226\3\2\2\2\u052d\u222a\3\2\2\2\u052f\u223a\3\2\2\2\u0531\u2247\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0533\u224f\3\2\2\2\u0535\u2255\3\2\2\2\u0537\u2262\3\2\2\2\u0539"+ - "\u2270\3\2\2\2\u053b\u2278\3\2\2\2\u053d\u227f\3\2\2\2\u053f\u2289\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0541\u2292\3\2\2\2\u0543\u229b\3\2\2\2\u0545\u22a7\3\2\2\2\u0547"+ - "\u22b2\3\2\2\2\u0549\u22b8\3\2\2\2\u054b\u22c4\3\2\2\2\u054d\u22ce\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u054f\u22d6\3\2\2\2\u0551\u22e6\3\2\2\2\u0553\u22ee\3\2\2\2\u0555"+ - "\u22f9\3\2\2\2\u0557\u2301\3\2\2\2\u0559\u2308\3\2\2\2\u055b\u230e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u055d\u2324\3\2\2\2\u055f\u2328\3\2\2\2\u0561\u233c\3\2\2\2\u0563"+ - "\u2345\3\2\2\2\u0565\u234d\3\2\2\2\u0567\u2356\3\2\2\2\u0569\u235e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u056b\u236a\3\2\2\2\u056d\u2372\3\2\2\2\u056f\u237d\3\2\2\2\u0571"+ - "\u238a\3\2\2\2\u0573\u2394\3\2\2\2\u0575\u239d\3\2\2\2\u0577\u23a8\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0579\u23ad\3\2\2\2\u057b\u23b2\3\2\2\2\u057d\u23bd\3\2\2\2\u057f"+ - "\u23c7\3\2\2\2\u0581\u23cc\3\2\2\2\u0583\u23e0\3\2\2\2\u0585\u23e6\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0587\u23ee\3\2\2\2\u0589\u23fa\3\2\2\2\u058b\u2400\3\2\2\2\u058d"+ - "\u2407\3\2\2\2\u058f\u2410\3\2\2\2\u0591\u2418\3\2\2\2\u0593\u2420\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0595\u242b\3\2\2\2\u0597\u2432\3\2\2\2\u0599\u2439\3\2\2\2\u059b"+ - "\u243e\3\2\2\2\u059d\u2445\3\2\2\2\u059f\u244a\3\2\2\2\u05a1\u245b\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u05a3\u2460\3\2\2\2\u05a5\u2469\3\2\2\2\u05a7\u2471\3\2\2\2\u05a9"+ - "\u247c\3\2\2\2\u05ab\u2489\3\2\2\2\u05ad\u2495\3\2\2\2\u05af\u24a1\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u05b1\u24a4\3\2\2\2\u05b3\u24a9\3\2\2\2\u05b5\u24af\3\2\2\2\u05b7"+ - "\u24ba\3\2\2\2\u05b9\u24c3\3\2\2\2\u05bb\u24c8\3\2\2\2\u05bd\u24d2\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u05bf\u24da\3\2\2\2\u05c1\u24ea\3\2\2\2\u05c3\u24f0\3\2\2\2\u05c5"+ - "\u24ff\3\2\2\2\u05c7\u250f\3\2\2\2\u05c9\u2514\3\2\2\2\u05cb\u2521\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u05cd\u252d\3\2\2\2\u05cf\u253e\3\2\2\2\u05d1\u2544\3\2\2\2\u05d3"+ - "\u2557\3\2\2\2\u05d5\u2562\3\2\2\2\u05d7\u2569\3\2\2\2\u05d9\u2572\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u05db\u2579\3\2\2\2\u05dd\u257e\3\2\2\2\u05df\u258a\3\2\2\2\u05e1"+ - "\u2594\3\2\2\2\u05e3\u25a5\3\2\2\2\u05e5\u25aa\3\2\2\2\u05e7\u25b3\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u05e9\u25bf\3\2\2\2\u05eb\u25c8\3\2\2\2\u05ed\u25d2\3\2\2\2\u05ef"+ - "\u25dc\3\2\2\2\u05f1\u25f3\3\2\2\2\u05f3\u25fc\3\2\2\2\u05f5\u2605\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u05f7\u2610\3\2\2\2\u05f9\u2616\3\2\2\2\u05fb\u2629\3\2\2\2\u05fd"+ - "\u262f\3\2\2\2\u05ff\u2638\3\2\2\2\u0601\u2640\3\2\2\2\u0603\u2646\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0605\u2655\3\2\2\2\u0607\u265e\3\2\2\2\u0609\u2668\3\2\2\2\u060b"+ - "\u2674\3\2\2\2\u060d\u267d\3\2\2\2\u060f\u2689\3\2\2\2\u0611\u2690\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0613\u26a2\3\2\2\2\u0615\u26b2\3\2\2\2\u0617\u26be\3\2\2\2\u0619"+ - "\u26c6\3\2\2\2\u061b\u26dc\3\2\2\2\u061d\u26e8\3\2\2\2\u061f\u26f7\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0621\u26fb\3\2\2\2\u0623\u2703\3\2\2\2\u0625\u2711\3\2\2\2\u0627"+ - "\u271a\3\2\2\2\u0629\u2725\3\2\2\2\u062b\u272e\3\2\2\2\u062d\u2735\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u062f\u2740\3\2\2\2\u0631\u274c\3\2\2\2\u0633\u2757\3\2\2\2\u0635"+ - "\u2761\3\2\2\2\u0637\u2766\3\2\2\2\u0639\u2770\3\2\2\2\u063b\u277a\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u063d\u2783\3\2\2\2\u063f\u278d\3\2\2\2\u0641\u2796\3\2\2\2\u0643"+ - "\u27a2\3\2\2\2\u0645\u27a9\3\2\2\2\u0647\u27ae\3\2\2\2\u0649\u27b5\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u064b\u27bb\3\2\2\2\u064d\u27c7\3\2\2\2\u064f\u27ce\3\2\2\2\u0651"+ - "\u27d8\3\2\2\2\u0653\u27e3\3\2\2\2\u0655\u27ee\3\2\2\2\u0657\u27f9\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0659\u2805\3\2\2\2\u065b\u280b\3\2\2\2\u065d\u2816\3\2\2\2\u065f"+ - "\u281f\3\2\2\2\u0661\u2826\3\2\2\2\u0663\u282a\3\2\2\2\u0665\u2833\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0667\u2844\3\2\2\2\u0669\u284e\3\2\2\2\u066b\u285b\3\2\2\2\u066d"+ - "\u2864\3\2\2\2\u066f\u286a\3\2\2\2\u0671\u2876\3\2\2\2\u0673\u287d\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0675\u288b\3\2\2\2\u0677\u2895\3\2\2\2\u0679\u289b\3\2\2\2\u067b"+ - "\u28a5\3\2\2\2\u067d\u28ae\3\2\2\2\u067f\u28b6\3\2\2\2\u0681\u28bf\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0683\u28c4\3\2\2\2\u0685\u28c8\3\2\2\2\u0687\u28db\3\2\2\2\u0689"+ - "\u28df\3\2\2\2\u068b\u28e7\3\2\2\2\u068d\u28ec\3\2\2\2\u068f\u2905\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0691\u290a\3\2\2\2\u0693\u290f\3\2\2\2\u0695\u2917\3\2\2\2\u0697"+ - "\u2924\3\2\2\2\u0699\u2930\3\2\2\2\u069b\u2937\3\2\2\2\u069d\u293c\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u069f\u294f\3\2\2\2\u06a1\u2957\3\2\2\2\u06a3\u295e\3\2\2\2\u06a5"+ - "\u2967\3\2\2\2\u06a7\u2972\3\2\2\2\u06a9\u297b\3\2\2\2\u06ab\u2982\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u06ad\u298a\3\2\2\2\u06af\u2999\3\2\2\2\u06b1\u29b1\3\2\2\2\u06b3"+ - "\u29ba\3\2\2\2\u06b5\u29c8\3\2\2\2\u06b7\u29cd\3\2\2\2\u06b9\u29d5\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u06bb\u29dd\3\2\2\2\u06bd\u29e4\3\2\2\2\u06bf\u29ea\3\2\2\2\u06c1"+ - "\u29f3\3\2\2\2\u06c3\u2a03\3\2\2\2\u06c5\u2a09\3\2\2\2\u06c7\u2a10\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u06c9\u2a22\3\2\2\2\u06cb\u2a2e\3\2\2\2\u06cd\u2a3b\3\2\2\2\u06cf"+ - "\u2a46\3\2\2\2\u06d1\u2a51\3\2\2\2\u06d3\u2a59\3\2\2\2\u06d5\u2a5e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u06d7\u2a65\3\2\2\2\u06d9\u2a6c\3\2\2\2\u06db\u2a72\3\2\2\2\u06dd"+ - "\u2a7c\3\2\2\2\u06df\u2a86\3\2\2\2\u06e1\u2a93\3\2\2\2\u06e3\u2a9a\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u06e5\u2aa3\3\2\2\2\u06e7\u2aaf\3\2\2\2\u06e9\u2aba\3\2\2\2\u06eb"+ - "\u2ac0\3\2\2\2\u06ed\u2ac5\3\2\2\2\u06ef\u2ad0\3\2\2\2\u06f1\u2adc\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u06f3\u2ae2\3\2\2\2\u06f5\u2ae9\3\2\2\2\u06f7\u2af3\3\2\2\2\u06f9"+ - "\u2af9\3\2\2\2\u06fb\u2b01\3\2\2\2\u06fd\u2b10\3\2\2\2\u06ff\u2b1a\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0701\u2b2a\3\2\2\2\u0703\u2b36\3\2\2\2\u0705\u2b3e\3\2\2\2\u0707"+ - "\u2b4b\3\2\2\2\u0709\u2b51\3\2\2\2\u070b\u2b57\3\2\2\2\u070d\u2b69\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u070f\u2b74\3\2\2\2\u0711\u2b78\3\2\2\2\u0713\u2b81\3\2\2\2\u0715"+ - "\u2b86\3\2\2\2\u0717\u2b98\3\2\2\2\u0719\u2b9d\3\2\2\2\u071b\u2ba2\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u071d\u2ba7\3\2\2\2\u071f\u2bb6\3\2\2\2\u0721\u2bc0\3\2\2\2\u0723"+ - "\u2bc7\3\2\2\2\u0725\u2bce\3\2\2\2\u0727\u2bd4\3\2\2\2\u0729\u2bde\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u072b\u2be7\3\2\2\2\u072d\u2bf3\3\2\2\2\u072f\u2c0a\3\2\2\2\u0731"+ - "\u2c12\3\2\2\2\u0733\u2c19\3\2\2\2\u0735\u2c29\3\2\2\2\u0737\u2c2e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0739\u2c3e\3\2\2\2\u073b\u2c4d\3\2\2\2\u073d\u2c59\3\2\2\2\u073f"+ - "\u2c60\3\2\2\2\u0741\u2c68\3\2\2\2\u0743\u2c78\3\2\2\2\u0745\u2c7e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0747\u2c89\3\2\2\2\u0749\u2c92\3\2\2\2\u074b\u2c98\3\2\2\2\u074d"+ - "\u2c9c\3\2\2\2\u074f\u2cad\3\2\2\2\u0751\u2cb4\3\2\2\2\u0753\u2cb9\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0755\u2cc8\3\2\2\2\u0757\u2cd2\3\2\2\2\u0759\u2cdf\3\2\2\2\u075b"+ - "\u2ceb\3\2\2\2\u075d\u2cf8\3\2\2\2\u075f\u2d02\3\2\2\2\u0761\u2d0f\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0763\u2d14\3\2\2\2\u0765\u2d1d\3\2\2\2\u0767\u2d26\3\2\2\2\u0769"+ - "\u2d2e\3\2\2\2\u076b\u2d35\3\2\2\2\u076d\u2d41\3\2\2\2\u076f\u2d49\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0771\u2d4f\3\2\2\2\u0773\u2d58\3\2\2\2\u0775\u2d63\3\2\2\2\u0777"+ - "\u2d70\3\2\2\2\u0779\u2d78\3\2\2\2\u077b\u2d7c\3\2\2\2\u077d\u2d88\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u077f\u2d9d\3\2\2\2\u0781\u2da2\3\2\2\2\u0783\u2dad\3\2\2\2\u0785"+ - "\u2db6\3\2\2\2\u0787\u2dbe\3\2\2\2\u0789\u2dc9\3\2\2\2\u078b\u2dd4\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u078d\u2ddb\3\2\2\2\u078f\u2de3\3\2\2\2\u0791\u2de9\3\2\2\2\u0793"+ - "\u2ded\3\2\2\2\u0795\u2df1\3\2\2\2\u0797\u2df5\3\2\2\2\u0799\u2e01\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u079b\u2e06\3\2\2\2\u079d\u2e0a\3\2\2\2\u079f\u2e17\3\2\2\2\u07a1"+ - "\u2e1c\3\2\2\2\u07a3\u2e20\3\2\2\2\u07a5\u2e25\3\2\2\2\u07a7\u2e32\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u07a9\u2e41\3\2\2\2\u07ab\u2e48\3\2\2\2\u07ad\u2e50\3\2\2\2\u07af"+ - "\u2e5b\3\2\2\2\u07b1\u2e64\3\2\2\2\u07b3\u2e77\3\2\2\2\u07b5\u2e85\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u07b7\u2e8c\3\2\2\2\u07b9\u2e92\3\2\2\2\u07bb\u2e9c\3\2\2\2\u07bd"+ - "\u2ea5\3\2\2\2\u07bf\u2eb1\3\2\2\2\u07c1\u2eb6\3\2\2\2\u07c3\u2ec0\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u07c5\u2ec8\3\2\2\2\u07c7\u2ed3\3\2\2\2\u07c9\u2eda\3\2\2\2\u07cb"+ - "\u2ee5\3\2\2\2\u07cd\u2eea\3\2\2\2\u07cf\u2ef6\3\2\2\2\u07d1\u2efd\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u07d3\u2f06\3\2\2\2\u07d5\u2f0e\3\2\2\2\u07d7\u2f13\3\2\2\2\u07d9"+ - "\u2f30\3\2\2\2\u07db\u2f3d\3\2\2\2\u07dd\u2f42\3\2\2\2\u07df\u2f49\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u07e1\u2f4e\3\2\2\2\u07e3\u2f52\3\2\2\2\u07e5\u2f5a\3\2\2\2\u07e7"+ - "\u2f66\3\2\2\2\u07e9\u2f6a\3\2\2\2\u07eb\u2f75\3\2\2\2\u07ed\u2f80\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u07ef\u2f8a\3\2\2\2\u07f1\u2f90\3\2\2\2\u07f3\u2f98\3\2\2\2\u07f5"+ - "\u2f9f\3\2\2\2\u07f7\u2faa\3\2\2\2\u07f9\u2fb2\3\2\2\2\u07fb\u2fb8\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u07fd\u2fc6\3\2\2\2\u07ff\u2fd1\3\2\2\2\u0801\u2fda\3\2\2\2\u0803"+ - "\u2fe6\3\2\2\2\u0805\u2fec\3\2\2\2\u0807\u2ff6\3\2\2\2\u0809\u3006\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u080b\u300b\3\2\2\2\u080d\u3013\3\2\2\2\u080f\u301b\3\2\2\2\u0811"+ - "\u302e\3\2\2\2\u0813\u3038\3\2\2\2\u0815\u3046\3\2\2\2\u0817\u3051\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0819\u3057\3\2\2\2\u081b\u305e\3\2\2\2\u081d\u3069\3\2\2\2\u081f"+ - "\u306f\3\2\2\2\u0821\u3077\3\2\2\2\u0823\u3080\3\2\2\2\u0825\u3088\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0827\u308e\3\2\2\2\u0829\u3094\3\2\2\2\u082b\u309a\3\2\2\2\u082d"+ - "\u30a7\3\2\2\2\u082f\u30ad\3\2\2\2\u0831\u30bc\3\2\2\2\u0833\u30c3\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0835\u30c9\3\2\2\2\u0837\u30d6\3\2\2\2\u0839\u30db\3\2\2\2\u083b"+ - "\u30e0\3\2\2\2\u083d\u30f9\3\2\2\2\u083f\u3107\3\2\2\2\u0841\u3110\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0843\u3117\3\2\2\2\u0845\u3123\3\2\2\2\u0847\u3133\3\2\2\2\u0849"+ - "\u313d\3\2\2\2\u084b\u3150\3\2\2\2\u084d\u3161\3\2\2\2\u084f\u3168\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0851\u316c\3\2\2\2\u0853\u317e\3\2\2\2\u0855\u3186\3\2\2\2\u0857"+ - "\u3192\3\2\2\2\u0859\u31a2\3\2\2\2\u085b\u31aa\3\2\2\2\u085d\u31b6\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u085f\u31c0\3\2\2\2\u0861\u31d1\3\2\2\2\u0863\u31e1\3\2\2\2\u0865"+ - "\u31f1\3\2\2\2\u0867\u31f7\3\2\2\2\u0869\u3200\3\2\2\2\u086b\u3207\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u086d\u3211\3\2\2\2\u086f\u3216\3\2\2\2\u0871\u3222\3\2\2\2\u0873"+ - "\u3228\3\2\2\2\u0875\u322f\3\2\2\2\u0877\u3239\3\2\2\2\u0879\u3244\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u087b\u324a\3\2\2\2\u087d\u324e\3\2\2\2\u087f\u325e\3\2\2\2\u0881"+ - "\u3263\3\2\2\2\u0883\u326f\3\2\2\2\u0885\u327b\3\2\2\2\u0887\u3282\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0889\u328f\3\2\2\2\u088b\u3297\3\2\2\2\u088d\u329f\3\2\2\2\u088f"+ - "\u32a8\3\2\2\2\u0891\u32b2\3\2\2\2\u0893\u32cb\3\2\2\2\u0895\u32d3\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0897\u32dc\3\2\2\2\u0899\u32ed\3\2\2\2\u089b\u32fc\3\2\2\2\u089d"+ - "\u3309\3\2\2\2\u089f\u3318\3\2\2\2\u08a1\u3322\3\2\2\2\u08a3\u332e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u08a5\u3334\3\2\2\2\u08a7\u333c\3\2\2\2\u08a9\u334a\3\2\2\2\u08ab"+ - "\u3351\3\2\2\2\u08ad\u3359\3\2\2\2\u08af\u335d\3\2\2\2\u08b1\u336d\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u08b3\u3392\3\2\2\2\u08b5\u3396\3\2\2\2\u08b7\u339c\3\2\2\2\u08b9"+ - "\u33ac\3\2\2\2\u08bb\u33bf\3\2\2\2\u08bd\u33cb\3\2\2\2\u08bf\u33d0\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u08c1\u33d8\3\2\2\2\u08c3\u33e0\3\2\2\2\u08c5\u33e6\3\2\2\2\u08c7"+ - "\u33f1\3\2\2\2\u08c9\u33fe\3\2\2\2\u08cb\u340a\3\2\2\2\u08cd\u3410\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u08cf\u3418\3\2\2\2\u08d1\u341f\3\2\2\2\u08d3\u3426\3\2\2\2\u08d5"+ - "\u343b\3\2\2\2\u08d7\u344d\3\2\2\2\u08d9\u3455\3\2\2\2\u08db\u3468\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u08dd\u3472\3\2\2\2\u08df\u347e\3\2\2\2\u08e1\u348d\3\2\2\2\u08e3"+ - "\u3495\3\2\2\2\u08e5\u349d\3\2\2\2\u08e7\u34a5\3\2\2\2\u08e9\u34ad\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u08eb\u34b2\3\2\2\2\u08ed\u34be\3\2\2\2\u08ef\u34c3\3\2\2\2\u08f1"+ - "\u34cb\3\2\2\2\u08f3\u34d9\3\2\2\2\u08f5\u34e2\3\2\2\2\u08f7\u34e8\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u08f9\u34ec\3\2\2\2\u08fb\u34fb\3\2\2\2\u08fd\u3508\3\2\2\2\u08ff"+ - "\u3511\3\2\2\2\u0901\u3527\3\2\2\2\u0903\u3532\3\2\2\2\u0905\u3536\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0907\u353e\3\2\2\2\u0909\u3543\3\2\2\2\u090b\u3550\3\2\2\2\u090d"+ - "\u3558\3\2\2\2\u090f\u3562\3\2\2\2\u0911\u3569\3\2\2\2\u0913\u3576\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0915\u3585\3\2\2\2\u0917\u358d\3\2\2\2\u0919\u3594\3\2\2\2\u091b"+ - "\u359f\3\2\2\2\u091d\u35a4\3\2\2\2\u091f\u35b5\3\2\2\2\u0921\u35bd\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0923\u35c4\3\2\2\2\u0925\u35cb\3\2\2\2\u0927\u35d6\3\2\2\2\u0929"+ - "\u35db\3\2\2\2\u092b\u35e8\3\2\2\2\u092d\u35f1\3\2\2\2\u092f\u35f9\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0931\u3603\3\2\2\2\u0933\u360c\3\2\2\2\u0935\u3616\3\2\2\2\u0937"+ - "\u362c\3\2\2\2\u0939\u3633\3\2\2\2\u093b\u363b\3\2\2\2\u093d\u3646\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u093f\u364a\3\2\2\2\u0941\u3658\3\2\2\2\u0943\u365d\3\2\2\2\u0945"+ - "\u3668\3\2\2\2\u0947\u3673\3\2\2\2\u0949\u3677\3\2\2\2\u094b\u367e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u094d\u3688\3\2\2\2\u094f\u368d\3\2\2\2\u0951\u369b\3\2\2\2\u0953"+ - "\u36a4\3\2\2\2\u0955\u36b0\3\2\2\2\u0957\u36bf\3\2\2\2\u0959\u36ce\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u095b\u36e1\3\2\2\2\u095d\u36e9\3\2\2\2\u095f\u36ef\3\2\2\2\u0961"+ - "\u3701\3\2\2\2\u0963\u370a\3\2\2\2\u0965\u371d\3\2\2\2\u0967\u3724\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0969\u372a\3\2\2\2\u096b\u3733\3\2\2\2\u096d\u3737\3\2\2\2\u096f"+ - "\u3746\3\2\2\2\u0971\u3756\3\2\2\2\u0973\u3761\3\2\2\2\u0975\u3770\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0977\u3776\3\2\2\2\u0979\u3785\3\2\2\2\u097b\u378c\3\2\2\2\u097d"+ - "\u3791\3\2\2\2\u097f\u3799\3\2\2\2\u0981\u379f\3\2\2\2\u0983\u37a8\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0985\u37ad\3\2\2\2\u0987\u37be\3\2\2\2\u0989\u37ca\3\2\2\2\u098b"+ - "\u37de\3\2\2\2\u098d\u37e7\3\2\2\2\u098f\u37f1\3\2\2\2\u0991\u3801\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0993\u3807\3\2\2\2\u0995\u381d\3\2\2\2\u0997\u3821\3\2\2\2\u0999"+ - "\u3827\3\2\2\2\u099b\u383a\3\2\2\2\u099d\u3843\3\2\2\2\u099f\u384b\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u09a1\u3856\3\2\2\2\u09a3\u3865\3\2\2\2\u09a5\u3872\3\2\2\2\u09a7"+ - "\u3883\3\2\2\2\u09a9\u3891\3\2\2\2\u09ab\u389d\3\2\2\2\u09ad\u38af\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u09af\u38bc\3\2\2\2\u09b1\u38cb\3\2\2\2\u09b3\u38d0\3\2\2\2\u09b5"+ - "\u38d5\3\2\2\2\u09b7\u38e3\3\2\2\2\u09b9\u38ef\3\2\2\2\u09bb\u38f5\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u09bd\u3908\3\2\2\2\u09bf\u3911\3\2\2\2\u09c1\u3918\3\2\2\2\u09c3"+ - "\u3922\3\2\2\2\u09c5\u3929\3\2\2\2\u09c7\u3932\3\2\2\2\u09c9\u3936\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u09cb\u393d\3\2\2\2\u09cd\u3a35\3\2\2\2\u09cf\u3a42\3\2\2\2\u09d1"+ - "\u3a44\3\2\2\2\u09d3\u3a46\3\2\2\2\u09d5\u3a48\3\2\2\2\u09d7\u3a4a\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u09d9\u3a4c\3\2\2\2\u09db\u3a8d\3\2\2\2\u09dd\u3bb8\3\2\2\2\u09df"+ - "\u3bba\3\2\2\2\u09e1\u3bc9\3\2\2\2\u09e3\u3bcb\3\2\2\2\u09e5\u3bcd\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u09e7\u3bcf\3\2\2\2\u09e9\u3bd1\3\2\2\2\u09eb\u3bd3\3\2\2\2\u09ed"+ - "\u3bd5\3\2\2\2\u09ef\u3bd7\3\2\2\2\u09f1\u3bd9\3\2\2\2\u09f3\u3bdb\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u09f5\u3bdd\3\2\2\2\u09f7\u3bdf\3\2\2\2\u09f9\u3be1\3\2\2\2\u09fb"+ - "\u3be3\3\2\2\2\u09fd\u3be5\3\2\2\2\u09ff\u3be7\3\2\2\2\u0a01\u3be9\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0a03\u3bec\3\2\2\2\u0a05\u3bef\3\2\2\2\u0a07\u3bf1\3\2\2\2\u0a09"+ - "\u3bf5\3\2\2\2\u0a0b\u3bf8\3\2\2\2\u0a0d\u3bfa\3\2\2\2\u0a0f\u3bfd\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0a11\u3c00\3\2\2\2\u0a13\u3c08\3\2\2\2\u0a15\u3c0a\3\2\2\2\u0a17"+ - "\u3c0d\3\2\2\2\u0a19\u3c10\3\2\2\2\u0a1b\u3c13\3\2\2\2\u0a1d\u3c29\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0a1f\u3c2b\3\2\2\2\u0a21\u3c43\3\2\2\2\u0a23\u3c50\3\2\2\2\u0a25"+ - "\u3c52\3\2\2\2\u0a27\u3c5b\3\2\2\2\u0a29\u3c81\3\2\2\2\u0a2b\u3c98\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0a2d\u3c9a\3\2\2\2\u0a2f\u3cab\3\2\2\2\u0a31\u3cbb\3\2\2\2\u0a33"+ - "\u3cc9\3\2\2\2\u0a35\u3cdc\3\2\2\2\u0a37\u3ce0\3\2\2\2\u0a39\u3ce2\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0a3b\u3ce4\3\2\2\2\u0a3d\u3ce6\3\2\2\2\u0a3f\u3ce8\3\2\2\2\u0a41"+ - "\u3cea\3\2\2\2\u0a43\u3cec\3\2\2\2\u0a45\u3cee\3\2\2\2\u0a47\u3cf0\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0a49\u3cf2\3\2\2\2\u0a4b\u3cf4\3\2\2\2\u0a4d\u3cf6\3\2\2\2\u0a4f"+ - "\u3cf8\3\2\2\2\u0a51\u3cfa\3\2\2\2\u0a53\u3cfc\3\2\2\2\u0a55\u3cfe\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0a57\u3d00\3\2\2\2\u0a59\u3d02\3\2\2\2\u0a5b\u3d04\3\2\2\2\u0a5d"+ - "\u3d06\3\2\2\2\u0a5f\u3d08\3\2\2\2\u0a61\u3d0a\3\2\2\2\u0a63\u3d0c\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0a65\u3d0e\3\2\2\2\u0a67\u3d10\3\2\2\2\u0a69\u3d12\3\2\2\2\u0a6b"+ - "\u3d14\3\2\2\2\u0a6d\u3d1d\3\2\2\2\u0a6f\u3d26\3\2\2\2\u0a71\u3d2f\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0a73\u3d38\3\2\2\2\u0a75\u3d41\3\2\2\2\u0a77\u3d4a\3\2\2\2\u0a79"+ - "\u3d53\3\2\2\2\u0a7b\u3d5c\3\2\2\2\u0a7d\u3d61\3\2\2\2\u0a7f\u3d7e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0a81\u3db8\3\2\2\2\u0a83\u0a84\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u0a84\u0a85\5\u0a5f"+ - "\u0530\2\u0a85\u0a86\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0a86\u0a87\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0a87"+ - "\u0a88\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0a88\u0a89\7a\2\2\u0a89\u0a8a\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u0a8a\u0a8b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0a8b\u0a8c\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0a8c\u0a8d\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0a8d\4\3\2\2\2\u0a8e\u0a8f\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0a8f\u0a90"+ - "\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u0a90\u0a91\7a\2\2\u0a91\u0a92\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0a92"+ - "\u0a93\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0a93\u0a94\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0a94\u0a95\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u0a95\u0a96\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0a96\u0a97\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0a97"+ - "\u0a98\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0a98\u0a99\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0a99\6\3\2\2\2\u0a9a"+ - "\u0a9b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0a9b\u0a9c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0a9c\u0a9d\7a\2\2"+ - "\u0a9d\u0a9e\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0a9e\u0a9f\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u0a9f\u0aa0\7"+ - "a\2\2\u0aa0\u0aa1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0aa1\u0aa2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0aa2\u0aa3"+ - "\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u0aa3\u0aa4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0aa4\u0aa5\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u0aa5\u0aa6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0aa6\u0aa7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0aa7\b\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0aa8\u0aa9\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0aa9\u0aaa\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0aaa\u0aab"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0aab\u0aac\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0aac\u0aad\5\u0a65\u0533"+ - "\2\u0aad\u0aae\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0aae\u0aaf\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0aaf\u0ab0"+ - "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0ab0\u0ab1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ab1\n\3\2\2\2\u0ab2\u0ab3"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0ab3\u0ab4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ab4\u0ab5\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u0ab5\u0ab6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ab6\u0ab7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0ab7\u0ab8"+ - "\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u0ab8\u0ab9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ab9\u0aba\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u0aba\f\3\2\2\2\u0abb\u0abc\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0abc\u0abd\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u0abd\u0abe\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u0abe\u0abf\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0abf\u0ac0"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0ac0\u0ac1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ac1\u0ac2\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u0ac2\16\3\2\2\2\u0ac3\u0ac4\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0ac4\u0ac5\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u0ac5\u0ac6\7a\2\2\u0ac6\u0ac7\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0ac7\u0ac8\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u0ac8\u0ac9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0ac9\u0aca\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0aca"+ - "\u0acb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0acb\u0acc\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0acc\u0acd\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u0acd\u0ace\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ace\u0acf\7a\2\2\u0acf\u0ad0\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u0ad0\u0ad1\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0ad1\u0ad2\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ - "\u0ad2\u0ad3\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0ad3\20\3\2\2\2\u0ad4\u0ad5\5\u0a55\u052b"+ - "\2\u0ad5\u0ad6\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0ad6\u0ad7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0ad7\u0ad8"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ad8\u0ad9\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0ad9\u0ada\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u0ada\u0adb\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0adb\u0adc\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0adc\u0add"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0add\u0ade\7a\2\2\u0ade\u0adf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0adf"+ - "\u0ae0\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0ae0\u0ae1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0ae1\u0ae2\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u0ae2\22\3\2\2\2\u0ae3\u0ae4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ae4\u0ae5\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u0ae5\u0ae6\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0ae6\u0ae7\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u0ae7"+ - 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"\u052e\2\u0ba1\64\3\2\2\2\u0ba2\u0ba3\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0ba3\u0ba4\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u0ba4\u0ba5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ba5\u0ba6\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0ba6"+ - "\u0ba7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0ba7\u0ba8\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0ba8\u0ba9\5\u0a5f"+ - "\u0530\2\u0ba9\u0baa\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0baa\u0bab\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0bab"+ - "\66\3\2\2\2\u0bac\u0bad\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0bad\u0bae\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0bae"+ - "\u0baf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0baf\u0bb0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0bb0\u0bb1\7a\2\2"+ - "\u0bb1\u0bb2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0bb2\u0bb3\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0bb3\u0bb4\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0bb4\u0bb5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0bb5\u0bb6\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u0bb6\u0bb7\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0bb7\u0bb8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0bb8\u0bb9\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0bb9\u0bba\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0bba8\3\2\2\2\u0bbb\u0bbc"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0bbc\u0bbd\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u0bbd\u0bbe\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u0bbe\u0bbf\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0bbf\u0bc0\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0bc0\u0bc1"+ - "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0bc1\u0bc2\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u0bc2:\3\2\2\2\u0bc3\u0bc4"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0bc4\u0bc5\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0bc5\u0bc6\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u0bc6\u0bc7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0bc7\u0bc8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0bc8\u0bc9"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0bc9\u0bca\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0bca\u0bcb\7a\2\2\u0bcb"+ - "\u0bcc\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0bcc\u0bcd\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0bcd\u0bce\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u0bce\u0bcf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0bcf\u0bd0\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u0bd0"+ - "<\3\2\2\2\u0bd1\u0bd2\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0bd2\u0bd3\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0bd3"+ - "\u0bd4\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0bd4\u0bd5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0bd5\u0bd6\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u0bd6\u0bd7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0bd7\u0bd8\7a\2\2\u0bd8\u0bd9\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u0bd9\u0bda\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0bda\u0bdb\5\u0a41\u0521\2"+ - "\u0bdb\u0bdc\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0bdc>\3\2\2\2\u0bdd\u0bde\5\u0a61\u0531"+ - "\2\u0bde\u0bdf\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0bdf\u0be0\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0be0\u0be1"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0be1\u0be2\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0be2\u0be3\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u0be3\u0be4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0be4\u0be5\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0be5\u0be6"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0be6\u0be7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0be7@\3\2\2\2\u0be8\u0be9"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0be9\u0bea\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0bea\u0beb\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u0beb\u0bec\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0bec\u0bed\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0bed\u0bee"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0bee\u0bef\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0bef\u0bf0\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u0bf0\u0bf1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0bf1\u0bf2\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0bf2\u0bf3"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0bf3B\3\2\2\2\u0bf4\u0bf5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0bf5\u0bf6"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0bf6\u0bf7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0bf7\u0bf8\7a\2\2\u0bf8"+ - "\u0bf9\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0bf9\u0bfa\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0bfa\u0bfb\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u0bfb\u0bfc\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0bfc\u0bfd\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0bfd"+ - "\u0bfe\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u0bfe\u0bff\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0bffD\3\2\2\2\u0c00"+ - "\u0c01\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0c01\u0c02\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0c02\u0c03\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u0c03\u0c04\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c04\u0c05\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c05"+ - "\u0c06\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c06\u0c07\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u0c07\u0c08\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u0c08\u0c09\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0c09F\3\2\2\2\u0c0a\u0c0b\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u0c0b\u0c0c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0c0c\u0c0d\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0c0d"+ - "\u0c0e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c0e\u0c0f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0c0f\u0c10\7a\2\2"+ - "\u0c10\u0c11\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0c11\u0c12\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0c12\u0c13\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0c13\u0c14\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c14\u0c15\5\u0a65\u0533\2"+ - "\u0c15\u0c16\7a\2\2\u0c16\u0c17\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0c17\u0c18\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u0c18\u0c19\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0c19\u0c1a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c1a\u0c1b"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0c1b\u0c1c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c1c\u0c1d\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u0c1d\u0c1e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c1e\u0c1f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0c1fH\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0c20\u0c21\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0c21\u0c22\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0c22\u0c23"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0c23\u0c24\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c24\u0c25\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u0c25\u0c26\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c26\u0c27\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0c27\u0c28"+ - "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0c28\u0c29\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0c29\u0c2a\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u0c2aJ\3\2\2\2\u0c2b\u0c2c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0c2c\u0c2d\5\u0a57\u052c"+ - "\2\u0c2d\u0c2e\7a\2\2\u0c2e\u0c2f\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0c2f\u0c30\5\u0a39"+ - "\u051d\2\u0c30\u0c31\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0c31L\3\2\2\2\u0c32\u0c33\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u0c33\u0c34\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u0c34\u0c35\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0c35"+ - "\u0c36\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c36\u0c37\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c37\u0c38\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u0c38\u0c39\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0c39\u0c3a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0c3a"+ - "\u0c3b\7a\2\2\u0c3b\u0c3c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c3c\u0c3d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u0c3d\u0c3e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0c3e\u0c3f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c3f\u0c40\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u0c40\u0c41\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0c41\u0c42\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u0c42\u0c43\7a\2\2\u0c43\u0c44\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0c44\u0c45\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u0c45\u0c46\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c46\u0c47\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0c47N\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0c48\u0c49\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0c49\u0c4a\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u0c4a\u0c4b"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c4b\u0c4c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c4c\u0c4d\5\u0a63\u0532"+ - "\2\u0c4d\u0c4e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c4e\u0c4f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0c4f\u0c50"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0c50\u0c51\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c51P\3\2\2\2\u0c52\u0c53"+ - "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0c53\u0c54\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u0c54\u0c55\7a\2\2\u0c55"+ - "\u0c56\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c56\u0c57\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c57\u0c58\5\u0a63"+ - "\u0532\2\u0c58\u0c59\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c59\u0c5a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0c5a"+ - "\u0c5b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0c5b\u0c5c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c5cR\3\2\2\2\u0c5d"+ - "\u0c5e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c5e\u0c5f\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0c5f\u0c60\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u0c60\u0c61\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0c61\u0c62\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0c62"+ - "\u0c63\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0c63\u0c64\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0c64\u0c65\7a\2\2"+ - "\u0c65\u0c66\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0c66\u0c67\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0c67\u0c68\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c68T\3\2\2\2\u0c69\u0c6a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0c6a\u0c6b"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0c6b\u0c6c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c6c\u0c6d\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u0c6d\u0c6e\7a\2\2\u0c6e\u0c6f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c6f\u0c70\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u0c70\u0c71\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0c71\u0c72\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c72"+ - "\u0c73\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c73\u0c74\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c74\u0c75\5\u0a45"+ - "\u0523\2\u0c75\u0c76\7a\2\2\u0c76\u0c77\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c77\u0c78\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0c78\u0c79\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0c79V\3\2\2\2\u0c7a\u0c7b"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0c7b\u0c7c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0c7c\u0c7d\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u0c7d\u0c7e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0c7e\u0c7f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c7f\u0c80"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c80\u0c81\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0c81\u0c82\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u0c82\u0c83\7a\2\2\u0c83\u0c84\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0c84\u0c85\5\u0a43"+ - "\u0522\2\u0c85\u0c86\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0c86\u0c87\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c87"+ - "X\3\2\2\2\u0c88\u0c89\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c89\u0c8a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c8a"+ - "\u0c8b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c8b\u0c8c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0c8c\u0c8d\5\u0a5f"+ - "\u0530\2\u0c8d\u0c8e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c8e\u0c8f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0c8f"+ - "\u0c90\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0c90\u0c91\7a\2\2\u0c91\u0c92\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ - "\u0c92\u0c93\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c93\u0c94\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0c94\u0c95\5"+ - "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0c95\u0c96\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0c96Z\3\2\2\2\u0c97\u0c98"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0c98\u0c99\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0c99\u0c9a\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u0c9a\u0c9b\7a\2\2\u0c9b\u0c9c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0c9c\u0c9d\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u0c9d\u0c9e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0c9e\u0c9f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0c9f"+ - "\u0ca0\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ca0\u0ca1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ca1\\\3\2\2\2\u0ca2"+ - "\u0ca3\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0ca3\u0ca4\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0ca4\u0ca5\5\u0a65"+ - "\u0533\2\u0ca5\u0ca6\7a\2\2\u0ca6\u0ca7\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0ca7\u0ca8\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u0ca8\u0ca9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0ca9\u0caa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u0caa\u0cab\7a\2\2\u0cab\u0cac\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0cac\u0cad\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u0cad\u0cae\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u0cae\u0caf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0caf^\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0cb0\u0cb1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0cb1\u0cb2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0cb2\u0cb3"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0cb3\u0cb4\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0cb4`\3\2\2\2\u0cb5\u0cb6"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0cb6\u0cb7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0cb7\u0cb8\7a\2\2\u0cb8"+ - "\u0cb9\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0cb9\u0cba\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0cba\u0cbb\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u0cbb\u0cbc\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0cbc\u0cbd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0cbd"+ - "\u0cbe\7a\2\2\u0cbe\u0cbf\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0cbf\u0cc0\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u0cc0\u0cc1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0cc1\u0cc2\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u0cc2\u0cc3\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0cc3b\3\2\2\2\u0cc4\u0cc5\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0cc5\u0cc6"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0cc6\u0cc7\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u0cc7\u0cc8\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u0cc8\u0cc9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0cc9\u0cca\7a\2\2\u0cca\u0ccb\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u0ccb\u0ccc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ccc\u0ccd\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0ccd"+ - "\u0cce\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0cce\u0ccf\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0ccf\u0cd0\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u0cd0\u0cd1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0cd1\u0cd2\7a\2\2\u0cd2\u0cd3\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u0cd3\u0cd4\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0cd4\u0cd5\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ - "\u0cd5d\3\2\2\2\u0cd6\u0cd7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0cd7\u0cd8\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u0cd8\u0cd9\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0cd9\u0cda\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0cda\u0cdb"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0cdb\u0cdc\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0cdc\u0cdd\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u0cdd\u0cde\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0cdef\3\2\2\2\u0cdf\u0ce0\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u0ce0h\3\2\2\2\u0ce1\u0ce2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ce2j\3\2\2\2\u0ce3\u0ce4"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ce4l\3\2\2\2\u0ce5\u0ce6\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u0ce6n\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0ce7\u0ce8\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0ce8p\3\2\2\2\u0ce9\u0cea\5\u0a55\u052b"+ - "\2\u0cear\3\2\2\2\u0ceb\u0cec\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u0cec\u0ced\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u0ced\u0cee\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0cee\u0cfd\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u0cef\u0cf1"+ - "\t\2\2\2\u0cf0\u0cef\3\2\2\2\u0cf1\u0cf2\3\2\2\2\u0cf2\u0cf0\3\2\2\2\u0cf2"+ - "\u0cf3\3\2\2\2\u0cf3\u0cfe\3\2\2\2\u0cf4\u0cf5\7/\2\2\u0cf5\u0cf6\7/\2"+ - "\2\u0cf6\u0cfa\3\2\2\2\u0cf7\u0cf9\n\3\2\2\u0cf8\u0cf7\3\2\2\2\u0cf9\u0cfc"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0cfa\u0cf8\3\2\2\2\u0cfa\u0cfb\3\2\2\2\u0cfb\u0cfe\3\2\2\2\u0cfc"+ - "\u0cfa\3\2\2\2\u0cfd\u0cf0\3\2\2\2\u0cfd\u0cf4\3\2\2\2\u0cfe\u0cff\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0cff\u0d00\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0d00\u0d01\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0d01\u0d02"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0d02\u0d03\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0d03\u0d04\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u0d04\u0d13\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0d05\u0d07\t\2\2\2\u0d06\u0d05\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u0d07\u0d08\3\2\2\2\u0d08\u0d06\3\2\2\2\u0d08\u0d09\3\2\2\2\u0d09\u0d14"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0d0a\u0d0b\7/\2\2\u0d0b\u0d0c\7/\2\2\u0d0c\u0d10\3\2\2\2\u0d0d"+ - "\u0d0f\n\3\2\2\u0d0e\u0d0d\3\2\2\2\u0d0f\u0d12\3\2\2\2\u0d10\u0d0e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0d10\u0d11\3\2\2\2\u0d11\u0d14\3\2\2\2\u0d12\u0d10\3\2\2\2\u0d13"+ - "\u0d06\3\2\2\2\u0d13\u0d0a\3\2\2\2\u0d14\u0d15\3\2\2\2\u0d15\u0d16\5\u0a43"+ - "\u0522\2\u0d16\u0d17\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0d17\u0d18\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0d18"+ - "\u0d19\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0d19\u0d1a\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0d1at\3\2\2\2\u0d1b"+ - "\u0d1c\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u0d1c\u0d1d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0d1d\u0d1e\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u0d1e\u0d1f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0d1fv\3\2\2\2\u0d20\u0d21\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u0d21\u0d22\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0d22\u0d23\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0d23"+ - "\u0d24\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d24\u0d25\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0d25\u0d26\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u0d26\u0d27\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0d27\u0d28\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0d28"+ - "x\3\2\2\2\u0d29\u0d2a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d2a\u0d2b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0d2b"+ - "\u0d2c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0d2c\u0d2d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0d2d\u0d2e\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u0d2e\u0d2f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0d2fz\3\2\2\2\u0d30\u0d31\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u0d31\u0d32\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0d32\u0d33\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u0d33"+ - "\u0d34\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0d34\u0d35\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0d35\u0d36\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u0d36\u0d37\7a\2\2\u0d37\u0d38\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0d38\u0d39\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0d39|\3\2\2\2\u0d3a\u0d3b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d3b\u0d3c"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0d3c\u0d3d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0d3d~\3\2\2\2\u0d3e\u0d3f"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d3f\u0d40\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0d40\u0d41\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u0d41\u0d42\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0d42\u0d43\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0d43\u0d44"+ - "\7a\2\2\u0d44\u0d45\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u0d45\u0d46\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0d46"+ - "\u0d47\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0d47\u0d48\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0d48\u0d49\7a\2\2"+ - "\u0d49\u0d4a\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0d4a\u0d4b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0d4b\u0d4c\5"+ - "\u0a43\u0522\2\u0d4c\u0d4d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0d4d\u0d4e\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u0d4e\u0080\3\2\2\2\u0d4f\u0d50\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0d50\u0d51\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u0d51\u0d52\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0d52\u0d53\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0d53\u0d54"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0d54\u0d55\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0d55\u0d56\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u0d56\u0d57\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0d57\u0d58\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0d58\u0082"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0d59\u0d5a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d5a\u0d5b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0d5b"+ - "\u0d5c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0d5c\u0084\3\2\2\2\u0d5d\u0d5e\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u0d5e\u0d5f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0d5f\u0d60\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0d60\u0d61\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0d61\u0d62\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0d62\u0086\3\2\2\2\u0d63\u0d64"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d64\u0d65\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0d65\u0d66\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u0d66\u0088\3\2\2\2\u0d67\u0d68\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d68\u0d69\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u0d69\u0d6a\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0d6a\u008a\3\2\2\2\u0d6b\u0d6c\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d6c\u0d6d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0d6d\u008c\3\2\2\2\u0d6e\u0d6f"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d6f\u0d70\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0d70\u0d71\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u0d71\u008e\3\2\2\2\u0d72\u0d73\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u0d73\u0d74\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u0d74\u0d75\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0d75\u0d76\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d76"+ - "\u0d77\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0d77\u0d78\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0d78\u0d79\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u0d79\u0d7a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0d7a\u0d7b\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0d7b"+ - "\u0d7c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0d7c\u0d7d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0d7d\u0d7e\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u0d7e\u0d7f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0d7f\u0090\3\2\2\2\u0d80\u0d81\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u0d81\u0d82\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0d82\u0d83\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ - "\u0d83\u0d84\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0d84\u0d85\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0d85\u0092\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u0d86\u0d94\7)\2\2\u0d87\u0d89\t\4\2\2\u0d88\u0d87\3\2\2\2\u0d89"+ - "\u0d8c\3\2\2\2\u0d8a\u0d88\3\2\2\2\u0d8a\u0d8b\3\2\2\2\u0d8b\u0d95\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0d8c\u0d8a\3\2\2\2\u0d8d\u0d91\t\5\2\2\u0d8e\u0d90\t\6\2\2\u0d8f"+ - "\u0d8e\3\2\2\2\u0d90\u0d93\3\2\2\2\u0d91\u0d8f\3\2\2\2\u0d91\u0d92\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0d92\u0d95\3\2\2\2\u0d93\u0d91\3\2\2\2\u0d94\u0d8a\3\2\2\2\u0d94"+ - "\u0d8d\3\2\2\2\u0d95\u0d96\3\2\2\2\u0d96\u0d9a\7)\2\2\u0d97\u0d99\7\""+ - "\2\2\u0d98\u0d97\3\2\2\2\u0d99\u0d9c\3\2\2\2\u0d9a\u0d98\3\2\2\2\u0d9a"+ - "\u0d9b\3\2\2\2\u0d9b\u0d9d\3\2\2\2\u0d9c\u0d9a\3\2\2\2\u0d9d\u0daf\7<"+ - "\2\2\u0d9e\u0da0\t\7\2\2\u0d9f\u0d9e\3\2\2\2\u0da0\u0da1\3\2\2\2\u0da1"+ - "\u0d9f\3\2\2\2\u0da1\u0da2\3\2\2\2\u0da2\u0db0\3\2\2\2\u0da3\u0da7\t\5"+ - "\2\2\u0da4\u0da6\t\6\2\2\u0da5\u0da4\3\2\2\2\u0da6\u0da9\3\2\2\2\u0da7"+ - "\u0da5\3\2\2\2\u0da7\u0da8\3\2\2\2\u0da8\u0db0\3\2\2\2\u0da9\u0da7\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0daa\u0dac\t\b\2\2\u0dab\u0daa\3\2\2\2\u0dac\u0dad\3\2\2\2\u0dad"+ - "\u0dab\3\2\2\2\u0dad\u0dae\3\2\2\2\u0dae\u0db0\3\2\2\2\u0daf\u0d9f\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0daf\u0da3\3\2\2\2\u0daf\u0dab\3\2\2\2\u0db0\u0094\3\2\2\2\u0db1"+ - "\u0db2\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u0db2\u0db3\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0db3\u0db4\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u0db4\u0db5\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0db5\u0db6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0db6"+ - "\u0096\3\2\2\2\u0db7\u0db8\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0db8\u0db9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u0db9\u0dba\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0dba\u0dbb\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u0dbb\u0dbc\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0dbc\u0dbd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0dbd\u0dbe\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u0dbe\u0098\3\2\2\2\u0dbf\u0dc0\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0dc0\u0dc1\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u0dc1\u0dc2\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0dc2\u0dc3\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0dc3\u009a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0dc4\u0dc5\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0dc5\u0dc6\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0dc6"+ - "\u009c\3\2\2\2\u0dc7\u0dc8\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0dc8\u0dc9\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u0dc9\u0dca\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0dca\u0dcb\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0dcb\u0dcc\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u0dcc\u0dcd\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0dcd\u0dce\7a\2\2\u0dce\u0dcf"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0dcf\u0dd0\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0dd0\u0dd1\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u0dd1\u0dd2\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0dd2\u0dd3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0dd3\u0dd4"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0dd4\u009e\3\2\2\2\u0dd5\u0dd6\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0dd6"+ - "\u0dd7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0dd7\u0dd8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0dd8\u0dd9\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u0dd9\u0dda\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0dda\u0ddb\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0ddb"+ - "\u0ddc\7a\2\2\u0ddc\u0ddd\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0ddd\u0dde\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u0dde\u0ddf\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0ddf\u0de0\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0de0\u0de1\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0de1\u00a0\3\2\2\2\u0de2\u0de3\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0de3\u0de4"+ - "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u0de4\u0de5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0de5\u0de6\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u0de6\u00a2\3\2\2\2\u0de7\u0de8\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0de8\u0de9\5\u0a45"+ - "\u0523\2\u0de9\u0dea\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0dea\u0deb\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0deb"+ - "\u0dec\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u0dec\u00a4\3\2\2\2\u0ded\u0dee\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u0dee\u0def\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0def\u0df0\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0df0\u0df1\5"+ - "\u0a45\u0523\2\u0df1\u0df2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0df2\u0df3\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u0df3\u00a6\3\2\2\2\u0df4\u0df5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0df5\u0df6\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u0df6\u0df7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0df7\u0df8\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0df8\u00a8"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0df9\u0dfa\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0dfa\u0dfb\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0dfb"+ - "\u0dfc\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0dfc\u0dfd\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0dfd\u0dfe\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u0dfe\u0dff\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0dff\u0e00\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0e00"+ - "\u00aa\3\2\2\2\u0e01\u0e02\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0e02\u0e03\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u0e03\u0e04\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0e04\u0e05\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0e05\u0e06\5"+ - "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0e06\u0e07\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0e07\u00ac\3\2\2\2\u0e08\u0e09"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0e09\u0e0a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0e0a\u0e0b\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u0e0b\u0e0c\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0e0c\u0e0d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e0d\u0e0e"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0e0e\u0e0f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e0f\u00ae\3\2\2\2\u0e10"+ - "\u0e11\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0e11\u0e12\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0e12\u0e13\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u0e13\u0e14\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0e14\u0e15\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0e15"+ - "\u0e16\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e16\u0e17\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0e17\u0e18\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u0e18\u00b0\3\2\2\2\u0e19\u0e1a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0e1a\u0e1b\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u0e1b\u0e1c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0e1c\u0e1d\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u0e1d\u0e1e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e1e\u0e1f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0e1f\u0e20\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e20\u00b2\3\2\2\2\u0e21\u0e22\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0e22\u0e23"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0e23\u0e24\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e24\u0e25\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u0e25\u0e26\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e26\u0e27\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e27\u00b4"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0e28\u0e29\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0e29\u0e2a\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0e2a"+ - "\u0e2b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0e2b\u0e2c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0e2c\u0e2d\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u0e2d\u0e2e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0e2e\u0e2f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e2f"+ - "\u00b6\3\2\2\2\u0e30\u0e31\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0e31\u0e32\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u0e32\u0e33\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e33\u0e34\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e34\u00b8\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u0e35\u0e36\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0e36\u0e37\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e37\u0e38"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0e38\u0e39\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0e39\u0e3a\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u0e3a\u0e3b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0e3b\u0e3c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0e3c\u00ba"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0e3d\u0e3e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0e3e\u0e3f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e3f"+ - "\u0e40\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0e40\u0e41\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0e41\u0e42\5\u0a5f"+ - "\u0530\2\u0e42\u0e43\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0e43\u0e44\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e44"+ - "\u00bc\3\2\2\2\u0e45\u0e46\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0e46\u0e47\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u0e47\u0e48\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0e48\u0e49\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e49\u0e4a\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e4a\u0e4b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e4b\u00be\3\2\2\2\u0e4c\u0e4d"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0e4d\u0e4e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e4e\u0e4f\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u0e4f\u0e50\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0e50\u00c0\3\2\2\2\u0e51\u0e52\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u0e52\u0e53\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0e53\u0e54\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0e54"+ - "\u0e55\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e55\u0e56\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0e56\u0e57\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u0e57\u0e58\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0e58\u0e59\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e59"+ - "\u00c2\3\2\2\2\u0e5a\u0e5b\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0e5b\u0e5c\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u0e5c\u0e5d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e5d\u00c4\3\2\2\2\u0e5e\u0e5f\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u0e5f\u0e60\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0e60\u0e61\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0e61\u0e62"+ - "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0e62\u00c6\3\2\2\2\u0e63\u0e64\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0e64"+ - "\u0e65\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0e65\u0e66\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0e66\u0e67\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u0e67\u0e68\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0e68\u0e69\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0e69"+ - "\u0e6a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e6a\u0e6b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e6b\u00c8\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u0e6c\u0e6d\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u0e6d\u0e6e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0e6e\u0e6f\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u0e6f\u0e70\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0e70\u0e71\7a\2\2\u0e71\u0e72"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0e72\u0e73\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0e73\u0e74\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u0e74\u0e75\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0e75\u0e76\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0e76\u0e77"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0e77\u0e78\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0e78\u0e79\5\u0a43\u0522"+ - "\2\u0e79\u00ca\3\2\2\2\u0e7a\u0e7b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0e7b\u0e7c\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u0e7c\u0e7d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0e7d\u0e7e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0e7e"+ - "\u0e7f\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0e7f\u00cc\3\2\2\2\u0e80\u0e81\5\u0a49\u0525\2"+ - "\u0e81\u0e82\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0e82\u0e83\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0e83\u0e84\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u0e84\u0e85\7a\2\2\u0e85\u0e86\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0e86\u0e87"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0e87\u0e88\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0e88\u0e89\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u0e89\u0e8a\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0e8a\u00ce\3\2\2\2\u0e8b\u0e8c\5\u0a49"+ - "\u0525\2\u0e8c\u0e8d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0e8d\u0e8e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0e8e"+ - "\u0e8f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0e8f\u0e90\7a\2\2\u0e90\u0e91\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u0e91\u0e92\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0e92\u0e93\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0e93\u0e94\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0e94\u0e95\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0e95\u00d0\3\2\2\2\u0e96\u0e97"+ - "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0e97\u0e98\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0e98\u0e99\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u0e99\u0e9a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0e9a\u0e9b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0e9b\u0e9c"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0e9c\u0e9d\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0e9d\u00d2\3\2\2\2\u0e9e"+ - "\u0e9f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0e9f\u0ea0\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0ea0\u0ea1\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u0ea1\u0ea2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ea2\u00d4\3\2\2\2\u0ea3\u0ea4\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ea4\u0ea5\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u0ea5\u0ea6\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u0ea6\u0ea7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0ea7\u0ea8\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0ea8\u0ea9\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0ea9\u0eaa\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0eaa\u0eab\5\u0a61\u0531\2"+ - "\u0eab\u0eac\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0eac\u00d6\3\2\2\2\u0ead\u0eae\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u0eae\u0eaf\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u0eaf\u0eb0\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0eb0\u0eb1"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0eb1\u0eb2\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0eb2\u0eb3\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u0eb3\u00d8\3\2\2\2\u0eb4\u0eb5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0eb5\u0eb6\5\u0a65"+ - "\u0533\2\u0eb6\u0eb7\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0eb7\u0eb8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0eb8"+ - "\u0eb9\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0eb9\u0eba\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0eba\u0ebb\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u0ebb\u00da\3\2\2\2\u0ebc\u0ebd\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0ebd\u0ebe\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u0ebe\u0ebf\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0ebf\u0ec0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u0ec0\u00dc\3\2\2\2\u0ec1\u0ec2\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0ec2\u0ec3\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u0ec3\u0ec4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0ec4\u0ec5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0ec5\u0ec6"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ec6\u00de\3\2\2\2\u0ec7\u0ec8\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0ec8"+ - "\u0ec9\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0ec9\u0eca\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0eca\u00e0\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u0ecb\u0ecc\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0ecc\u0ecd\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0ecd\u0ece\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u0ece\u0ecf\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0ecf\u00e2\3\2\2\2\u0ed0\u0ed1"+ - "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0ed1\u0ed2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0ed2\u0ed3\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u0ed3\u0ed4\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0ed4\u0ed5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ed5\u00e4"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0ed6\u0ed7\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0ed7\u0ed8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0ed8"+ - "\u0ed9\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0ed9\u0eda\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0eda\u0edb\5\u0a55"+ - "\u052b\2\u0edb\u00e6\3\2\2\2\u0edc\u0edd\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u0edd\u0ede\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u0ede\u0edf\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u0edf\u0ee0\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u0ee0\u0ee1\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0ee1\u0ee2\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0ee2\u00e8\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u0ee3\u0ee4\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u0ee4\u0ee5\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0ee5\u0ee6"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0ee6\u0ee7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ee7\u00ea\3\2\2\2\u0ee8"+ - "\u0ee9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0ee9\u0eea\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0eea\u0eeb\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u0eeb\u0eec\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0eec\u0eed\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0eed"+ - "\u0eee\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0eee\u00ec\3\2\2\2\u0eef\u0ef0\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u0ef0\u0ef1\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0ef1\u0ef2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ef2\u0ef3\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u0ef3\u0ef4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ef4\u0ef5\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u0ef5\u0ef6\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0ef6\u0ef7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0ef7\u0ef8\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ef8\u0ef9\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0ef9\u00ee\3\2\2\2\u0efa\u0efb"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0efb\u0efc\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0efc\u0efd\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u0efd\u0efe\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0efe\u0eff\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u0eff\u0f00"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0f00\u0f01\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0f01\u0f02\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u0f02\u0f03\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0f03\u0f04\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0f04\u0f05"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0f05\u00f0\3\2\2\2\u0f06\u0f07\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f07"+ - "\u0f08\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0f08\u0f09\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0f09\u0f0a\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u0f0a\u0f0b\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0f0b\u0f0c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f0c"+ - "\u0f0d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0f0d\u0f0e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0f0e\u0f0f\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u0f0f\u00f2\3\2\2\2\u0f10\u0f11\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f11\u0f12\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f12\u00f4\3\2\2\2\u0f13\u0f14\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f14\u0f15"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f15\u0f16\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0f16\u0f17\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u0f17\u0f18\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f18\u0f19\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0f19\u0f1a"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f1a\u0f1b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f1b\u0f1c\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u0f1c\u00f6\3\2\2\2\u0f1d\u0f1e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f1e\u0f1f\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u0f1f\u0f20\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0f20\u0f21\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0f21"+ - "\u0f22\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0f22\u0f23\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0f23\u0f24\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u0f24\u00f8\3\2\2\2\u0f25\u0f26\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f26\u0f27\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f27\u0f28\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0f28\u0f29\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u0f29\u0f2a\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u0f2a\u00fa\3\2\2\2\u0f2b\u0f2c\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u0f2c\u0f2d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f2d\u0f2e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f2e\u0f2f"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0f2f\u0f30\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f30\u0f31\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u0f31\u0f32\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0f32\u00fc\3\2\2\2\u0f33\u0f34\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u0f34\u0f35\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f35\u0f36\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0f36"+ - "\u0f37\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f37\u0f38\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0f38\u0f39\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u0f39\u00fe\3\2\2\2\u0f3a\u0f3b\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0f3b\u0f3c\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f3c\u0f3d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f3d\u0f3e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u0f3e\u0f3f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0f3f\u0f40\7a\2\2\u0f40\u0f41\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u0f41\u0f42\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f42\u0f43\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0f43\u0f44"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f44\u0f45\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0f45\u0f46\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u0f46\u0f47\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0f47\u0f48\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f48\u0f49"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0f49\u0100\3\2\2\2\u0f4a\u0f4b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f4b"+ - "\u0f4c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f4c\u0f4d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0f4d\u0f4e\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u0f4e\u0f4f\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0f4f\u0f50\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f50"+ - "\u0f51\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0f51\u0102\3\2\2\2\u0f52\u0f53\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u0f53\u0f54\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f54\u0f55\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0f55\u0f56\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f56\u0f57\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0f57\u0f58\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u0f58\u0f59\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f59\u0f5a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0f5a\u0f5b\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0f5b\u0104\3\2\2\2\u0f5c\u0f5d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f5d\u0f5e"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f5e\u0f5f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0f5f\u0f60\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u0f60\u0106\3\2\2\2\u0f61\u0f62\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0f62\u0f63\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u0f63\u0f64\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0f64\u0f65\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f65"+ - "\u0f66\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f66\u0f67\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0f67\u0f68\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u0f68\u0f69\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f69\u0f6a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0f6a"+ - "\u0f6b\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u0f6b\u0108\3\2\2\2\u0f6c\u0f6d\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u0f6d\u0f6e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0f6e\u010a\3\2\2\2\u0f6f\u0f70\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u0f70\u0f71\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0f71\u0f72\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0f72\u0f73"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0f73\u0f74\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f74\u0f75\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u0f75\u010c\3\2\2\2\u0f76\u0f77\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0f77\u0f78\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u0f78\u0f79\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u0f79\u0f7a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f7a"+ - "\u0f7b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0f7b\u010e\3\2\2\2\u0f7c\u0f7d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u0f7d\u0f7e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f7e\u0f7f\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u0f7f\u0f80\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f80\u0110\3\2\2\2\u0f81\u0f82\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0f82\u0f83"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0f83\u0f84\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0f84\u0f85\5\u0a4b\u0526"+ - "\2\u0f85\u0112\3\2\2\2\u0f86\u0f87\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0f87\u0f88\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u0f88\u0f89\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f89\u0f8a\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0f8a"+ - "\u0114\3\2\2\2\u0f8b\u0f8c\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0f8c\u0f8d\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u0f8d\u0f8e\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u0f8e\u0f8f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0f8f\u0f90\5"+ - "\u0a65\u0533\2\u0f90\u0f91\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0f91\u0f92\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u0f92\u0f93\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f93\u0f94\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0f94\u0f95\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0f95\u0116\3\2\2\2\u0f96\u0f97\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0f97\u0f98"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0f98\u0f99\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0f99\u0f9a\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u0f9a\u0f9b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0f9b\u0118\3\2\2\2\u0f9c\u0f9d\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u0f9d\u0f9e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0f9e\u0f9f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0f9f"+ - "\u0fa0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0fa0\u011a\3\2\2\2\u0fa1\u0fa2\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ - "\u0fa2\u0fa3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0fa3\u0fa4\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0fa4\u0fa5\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u0fa5\u0fa6\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0fa6\u0fa7\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ - "\u0fa7\u011c\3\2\2\2\u0fa8\u0fa9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0fa9\u0faa\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u0faa\u0fab\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u0fab\u0fac\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0fac\u0fad"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0fad\u0fae\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0fae\u0faf\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u0faf\u011e\3\2\2\2\u0fb0\u0fb1\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0fb1\u0fb2\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u0fb2\u0fb3\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u0fb3\u0fb4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0fb4"+ - "\u0fb5\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0fb5\u0fb6\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0fb6\u0fb7\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u0fb7\u0fb8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0fb8\u0fb9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0fb9"+ - "\u0fba\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0fba\u0120\3\2\2\2\u0fbb\u0fbc\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u0fbc\u0fbd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0fbd\u0fbe\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0fbe\u0122\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u0fbf\u0fc0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0fc0\u0fc1\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0fc1\u0fc2"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0fc2\u0fc3\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0fc3\u0fc4\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u0fc4\u0fc5\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0fc5\u0fc6\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0fc6\u0fc7"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u0fc7\u0124\3\2\2\2\u0fc8\u0fc9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0fc9"+ - "\u0fca\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0fca\u0fcb\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u0fcb\u0fcc\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u0fcc\u0fcd\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0fcd\u0fce\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0fce"+ - "\u0126\3\2\2\2\u0fcf\u0fd0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0fd0\u0fd1\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u0fd1\u0fd2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0fd2\u0fd3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0fd3\u0128\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u0fd4\u0fd5\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0fd5\u0fd6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0fd6\u0fd7"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0fd7\u0fd8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u0fd8\u0fd9\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u0fd9\u0fda\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0fda\u0fdb\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u0fdb\u012a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0fdc\u0fdd\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0fdd\u0fde\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u0fde"+ - "\u0fdf\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u0fdf\u0fe0\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u0fe0\u0fe1\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u0fe1\u0fe2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u0fe2\u012c\3\2\2\2\u0fe3\u0fe4\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u0fe4\u0fe5\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0fe5\u012e\3\2\2\2\u0fe6\u0fe7"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0fe7\u0fe8\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u0fe8\u0fe9\5\u0a41\u0521"+ - "\2\u0fe9\u0fea\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0fea\u0feb\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0feb\u0fec"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0fec\u0fed\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0fed\u0130\3\2\2\2\u0fee"+ - "\u0fef\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0fef\u0ff0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0ff0\u0132\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u0ff1\u0ff2\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0ff2\u0ff3\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u0ff3\u0ff4\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u0ff4\u0ff5\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0ff5\u0ff6\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u0ff6\u0ff7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u0ff7\u0134\3\2\2\2\u0ff8\u0ff9\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u0ff9\u0ffa\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u0ffa\u0ffb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u0ffb\u0ffc"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u0ffc\u0ffd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u0ffd\u0ffe\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u0ffe\u0136\3\2\2\2\u0fff\u1000\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1000\u1001\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u1001\u0138\3\2\2\2\u1002\u1003\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1003\u1004\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1004\u1005\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1005\u1006\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u1006\u1007\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1007\u013a\3\2\2\2\u1008\u1009\5\u0a55\u052b"+ - "\2\u1009\u100a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u100a\u100b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u100b\u100c"+ - "\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u100c\u100d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u100d\u100e\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u100e\u100f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u100f\u013c\3\2\2\2\u1010\u1011\5\u0a55"+ - "\u052b\2\u1011\u1012\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1012\u1013\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1013"+ - "\u1014\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1014\u1015\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1015\u013e\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1016\u1017\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1017\u1018\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1018\u1019\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1019\u101a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u101a\u101b\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u101b\u0140\3\2\2\2\u101c\u101d\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u101d\u101e\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u101e\u101f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u101f\u1020\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1020\u1021"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1021\u1022\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1022\u1023\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u1023\u1024\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1024\u1025\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1025\u1026"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1026\u0142\3\2\2\2\u1027\u1028\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1028"+ - "\u1029\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1029\u102a\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u102a\u102b\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u102b\u102c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u102c\u102d\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u102d"+ - "\u0144\3\2\2\2\u102e\u102f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u102f\u1030\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u1030\u1031\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1031\u0146\3\2\2\2\u1032\u1033\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u1033\u1034\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1034\u1035\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1035\u1036"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1036\u0148\3\2\2\2\u1037\u1038\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1038"+ - "\u1039\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1039\u103a\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u103a\u103b\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u103b\u103c\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u103c\u103d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u103d"+ - "\u014a\3\2\2\2\u103e\u103f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u103f\u1040\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u1040\u1041\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1041\u1042\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1042\u1043\5"+ - "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1043\u1044\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1044\u1045\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u1045\u1046\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1046\u014c\3\2\2\2\u1047\u1048\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u1048\u1049\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1049\u104a\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u104a\u104b"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u104b\u104c\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u104c\u104d\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u104d\u014e\3\2\2\2\u104e\u104f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u104f\u1050\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u1050\u1051\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1051\u0150\3\2\2\2\u1052\u1053\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1053\u1054\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1054\u1055\5\u0a63\u0532\2"+ - "\u1055\u1056\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1056\u1057\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1057\u0152\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1058\u1059\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1059\u105a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u105a\u105b"+ - "\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u105b\u105c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u105c\u105d\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u105d\u105e\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u105e\u105f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u105f\u1060"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1060\u0154\3\2\2\2\u1061\u1062\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1062"+ - "\u1063\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1063\u1064\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1064\u1065\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u1065\u1066\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1066\u1067\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1067"+ - "\u1068\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1068\u1069\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1069\u0156\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u106a\u106b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u106b\u106c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u106c\u106d\5"+ - "\u0a63\u0532\2\u106d\u106e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u106e\u106f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u106f\u1070\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1070\u0158\3\2\2\2\u1071\u1072\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u1072\u1073\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1073\u1074\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1074\u1075"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1075\u015a\3\2\2\2\u1076\u1077\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1077"+ - "\u1078\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1078\u1079\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1079\u107a\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u107a\u107b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u107b\u015c\3\2\2\2\u107c\u107d\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u107d\u107e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u107e\u107f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u107f\u1080\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1080\u1081\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1081\u1082\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1082\u015e\3\2\2\2\u1083\u1084\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1084\u1085"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1085\u1086\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1086\u1087\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u1087\u1088\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1088\u1089\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1089\u108a"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u108a\u0160\3\2\2\2\u108b\u108c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u108c"+ - "\u108d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u108d\u108e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u108e\u0162\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u108f\u1090\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1090\u1091\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1091\u1092\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1092\u1093\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1093\u0164\3\2\2\2\u1094\u1095"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1095\u1096\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1096\u1097\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u1097\u1098\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1098\u1099\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1099\u0166"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u109a\u109b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u109b\u109c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u109c"+ - "\u109d\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u109d\u109e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u109e\u0168\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u109f\u10a0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u10a0\u10a1\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u10a1\u10a2\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u10a2\u10a3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u10a3\u10a4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u10a4\u10a5\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u10a5\u10a6\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u10a6\u10a7\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u10a7\u016a\3\2\2\2\u10a8\u10a9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u10a9\u10aa"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u10aa\u10ab\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u10ab\u10ac\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u10ac\u10ad\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u10ad\u10ae\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u10ae\u10af"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u10af\u10b0\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u10b0\u10b1\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u10b1\u10b2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u10b2\u016c\3\2\2\2\u10b3\u10b4\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u10b4\u10b5\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u10b5\u10b6\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u10b6"+ - "\u10b7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u10b7\u10b8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u10b8\u10b9\5\u0a67"+ - "\u0534\2\u10b9\u10ba\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u10ba\u016e\3\2\2\2\u10bb\u10bc\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u10bc\u10bd\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u10bd\u10be\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u10be\u10bf\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u10bf\u10c0\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u10c0\u10c1\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u10c1\u10c2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u10c2\u0170\3\2\2\2\u10c3\u10c4"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u10c4\u10c5\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u10c5\u10c6\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u10c6\u10c7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u10c7\u10c8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u10c8\u10c9"+ - "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u10c9\u10ca\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u10ca\u10cb\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u10cb\u10cc\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u10cc\u10cd\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u10cd\u10ce"+ - "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u10ce\u10cf\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u10cf\u0172\3\2\2\2\u10d0"+ - "\u10d1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u10d1\u10d2\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u10d2\u10d3\5\u0a39"+ - "\u051d\2\u10d3\u10d4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u10d4\u10d5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u10d5"+ - "\u0174\3\2\2\2\u10d6\u10d7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u10d7\u10d8\5\u0a45\u0523\2"+ - "\u10d8\u10d9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u10d9\u10da\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u10da\u0176\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u10db\u10dc\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u10dc\u10dd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u10dd\u0178"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u10de\u10df\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u10df\u10e0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u10e0"+ - "\u10e1\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u10e1\u10e2\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u10e2\u10e3\5\u0a43"+ - "\u0522\2\u10e3\u10e4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u10e4\u10e5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u10e5"+ - "\u017a\3\2\2\2\u10e6\u10e7\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u10e7\u10e8\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u10e8\u10e9\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u10e9\u017c\3\2\2\2\u10ea\u10eb\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u10eb\u10ec\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u10ec\u10ed\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u10ed\u10ee"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u10ee\u10ef\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u10ef\u017e\3\2\2\2\u10f0"+ - "\u10f1\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u10f1\u10f2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u10f2\u10f3\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u10f3\u10f4\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u10f4\u10f5\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u10f5"+ - "\u10f6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u10f6\u0180\3\2\2\2\u10f7\u10f8\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u10f8\u10f9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u10f9\u10fa\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u10fa\u10fb\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u10fb\u10fc\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u10fc\u10fd\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u10fd\u10fe\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u10fe\u0182\3\2\2\2\u10ff\u1100\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u1100\u1101\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1101\u1102\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1102\u1103"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1103\u1104\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1104\u1105\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u1105\u0184\3\2\2\2\u1106\u1107\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1107\u1108\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u1108\u1109\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1109\u110a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u110a"+ - "\u0186\3\2\2\2\u110b\u110c\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u110c\u110d\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u110d\u110e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u110e\u110f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u110f\u1110\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1110\u1111\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1111\u1112\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u1112\u1113\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1113\u0188\3\2\2\2\u1114\u1115\5\u0a61\u0531"+ - "\2\u1115\u1116\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1116\u1117\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1117\u1118"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1118\u1119\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1119\u111a\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u111a\u018a\3\2\2\2\u111b\u111c\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u111c\u111d\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u111d\u111e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u111e\u111f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u111f"+ - "\u1120\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1120\u1121\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1121\u1122\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u1122\u1131\3\2\2\2\u1123\u1124\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1124\u1125\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u1125\u1126\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1126\u1127\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u1127\u1128\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1128\u1129\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1129\u112a\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u112a\u112b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u112b\u112c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u112c\u112d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u112d\u112e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u112e\u112f\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u112f\u1131\3\2\2\2\u1130\u111b\3\2\2\2\u1130\u1123\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1131\u018c\3\2\2\2\u1132\u1133\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1133\u1134\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u1134\u1135\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1135\u1136\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1136"+ - "\u1137\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1137\u1138\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1138\u1139\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u1139\u113a\7\64\2\2\u113a\u018e\3\2\2\2\u113b\u113c\5\u0a61"+ - "\u0531\2\u113c\u113d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u113d\u113e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u113e"+ - "\u113f\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u113f\u0190\3\2\2\2\u1140\u1141\5\u0a63\u0532\2"+ - "\u1141\u1142\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1142\u1143\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1143\u1144\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u1144\u1145\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1145\u1146\5\u0a61\u0531\2"+ - "\u1146\u1147\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1147\u1148\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1148\u0192\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1149\u114a\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u114a\u114b\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u114b\u114c"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u114c\u114d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u114d\u114e\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u114e\u0194\3\2\2\2\u114f\u1150\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1150\u1151\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u1151\u1152\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1152\u1153\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1153"+ - "\u1154\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1154\u1155\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1155\u1156\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u1156\u1157\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1157\u1158\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1158"+ - "\u1159\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1159\u0196\3\2\2\2\u115a\u115b\5\u0a63\u0532\2"+ - "\u115b\u115c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u115c\u115d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u115d\u115e\5"+ - "\u0a45\u0523\2\u115e\u0198\3\2\2\2\u115f\u1160\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1160\u1161"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1161\u1162\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1162\u1163\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u1163\u1164\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1164\u1165\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1165\u1166"+ - "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1166\u019a\3\2\2\2\u1167\u1168\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1168"+ - "\u1169\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1169\u116a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u116a\u116b\5\u0a45"+ - "\u0523\2\u116b\u116c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u116c\u116d\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u116d"+ - "\u116e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u116e\u019c\3\2\2\2\u116f\u1170\5\u0a63\u0532\2"+ - "\u1170\u1171\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1171\u1172\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1172\u1173\5"+ - "\u0a45\u0523\2\u1173\u1174\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1174\u1175\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u1175\u019e\3\2\2\2\u1176\u1177\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1177\u1178\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u1178\u1179\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1179\u117a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u117a\u117b"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u117b\u117c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u117c\u117d\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u117d\u117e\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u117e\u117f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u117f\u1180"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1180\u01a0\3\2\2\2\u1181\u1182\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1182"+ - "\u1183\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1183\u1184\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1184\u1185\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u1185\u1186\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1186\u1187\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1187"+ - "\u1188\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1188\u01a2\3\2\2\2\u1189\u118a\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u118a\u118b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u118b\u118c\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u118c\u118d\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u118d\u118e\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u118e\u118f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u118f\u01a4\3\2\2\2\u1190\u1191\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1191\u1192\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u1192\u1193\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1193\u1194\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1194\u1195"+ - "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1195\u1196\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u1196\u1197\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u1197\u01a6\3\2\2\2\u1198\u1199\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1199\u119a\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u119a\u119b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u119b\u119c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u119c"+ - "\u119d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u119d\u119e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u119e\u119f\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u119f\u11a0\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u11a0\u11a1\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u11a1"+ - "\u11a2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u11a2\u01a8\3\2\2\2\u11a3\u11a4\5\u0a39\u051d\2"+ - "\u11a4\u11a5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u11a5\u11a6\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u11a6\u11a7\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u11a7\u11a8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u11a8\u11a9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u11a9\u01aa\3\2\2\2\u11aa\u11ab\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u11ab\u11ac\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u11ac\u11ad\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u11ad\u11ae\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u11ae\u11af"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u11af\u11b0\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u11b0\u01ac\3\2\2\2\u11b1"+ - "\u11b2\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u11b2\u11b3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u11b3\u11b4\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u11b4\u11b5\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u11b5\u01ae\3\2\2\2\u11b6\u11b7\5"+ - "\u0a39\u051d\2\u11b7\u11b8\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u11b8\u11b9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u11b9\u11ba\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u11ba\u01b0\3\2\2\2\u11bb\u11bc\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u11bc\u11bd\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u11bd\u11be\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u11be\u11bf"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u11bf\u01b2\3\2\2\2\u11c0\u11c1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u11c1"+ - "\u11c2\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u11c2\u11c3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u11c3\u11c4\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u11c4\u11c5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u11c5\u11c6\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u11c6"+ - "\u11c7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u11c7\u01b4\3\2\2\2\u11c8\u11c9\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u11c9\u11ca\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u11ca\u11cb\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u11cb\u11cc\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u11cc\u01b6\3\2\2\2\u11cd\u11ce\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u11ce\u11cf"+ - "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u11cf\u11d0\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u11d0\u11d1\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u11d1\u11d2\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u11d2\u11d3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u11d3\u01b8"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u11d4\u11d5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u11d5\u11d6\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u11d6"+ - "\u11d7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u11d7\u11d8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u11d8\u11d9\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u11d9\u11da\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u11da\u11db\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u11db"+ - "\u11dc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u11dc\u11dd\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u11dd\u01ba\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u11de\u11df\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u11df\u11e0\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u11e0\u11e1\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u11e1\u11e2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u11e2\u11e3\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u11e3\u11e4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u11e4\u11e5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u11e5\u11e6\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u11e6\u11e7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u11e7\u11e8\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u11e8\u01bc\3\2\2\2\u11e9\u11ea\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u11ea\u11eb\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u11eb\u11ec\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u11ec\u11ed\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u11ed\u11ee"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u11ee\u11ef\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u11ef\u11f0\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u11f0\u11f1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u11f1\u01be\3\2\2\2\u11f2\u11f3\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u11f3\u11f4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u11f4\u11f5\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u11f5"+ - "\u11f6\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u11f6\u11f7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u11f7\u11f8\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u11f8\u11f9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u11f9\u01c0\3\2\2\2\u11fa\u11fb\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u11fb\u11fc\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u11fc\u11fd\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u11fd\u11fe\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u11fe\u11ff\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u11ff\u1200\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1200\u1201\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1201\u01c2\3\2\2\2\u1202\u1203"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1203\u1204\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1204\u1205\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u1205\u1206\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1206\u1207\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1207\u01c4"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1208\u1209\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1209\u120a\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u120a"+ - "\u120b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u120b\u120c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u120c\u120d\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u120d\u01c6\3\2\2\2\u120e\u120f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u120f\u1210\5"+ - "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1210\u1211\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1211\u1212\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u1212\u1213\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1213\u1214\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1214\u1215\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1215\u1216\7a\2\2\u1216\u1217\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1217\u1218"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1218\u1219\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1219\u121a\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u121a\u01c8\3\2\2\2\u121b\u121c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u121c\u121d\5\u0a5f"+ - "\u0530\2\u121d\u121e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u121e\u121f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u121f"+ - "\u1220\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1220\u1221\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1221\u1222\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u1222\u1223\7a\2\2\u1223\u1224\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1224\u1225\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1225\u1226\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1226\u1227\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u1227\u1228\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1228\u1229\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1229\u122a\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u122a\u122b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u122b\u122c\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ - "\u122c\u01ca\3\2\2\2\u122d\u122e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u122e\u122f\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u122f\u1230\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1230\u1231\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1231\u1232"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1232\u1233\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1233\u1234\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u1234\u1235\7a\2\2\u1235\u1236\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1236\u1237\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u1237\u1238\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1238\u1239\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1239"+ - "\u01cc\3\2\2\2\u123a\u123b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u123b\u123c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u123c\u123d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u123d\u123e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u123e\u123f\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u123f\u1240\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1240\u01ce\3\2\2\2\u1241\u1242"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1242\u1243\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1243\u1244\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u1244\u1245\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1245\u1246\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1246\u1247"+ - "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1247\u1248\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1248\u1249\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u1249\u124a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u124a\u01d0\3\2\2\2\u124b\u124c\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u124c\u124d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u124d\u124e\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u124e"+ - "\u124f\7a\2\2\u124f\u1250\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1250\u1251\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u1251\u1252\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1252\u1253\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1253\u01d2\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1254\u1255\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1255\u1256\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1256\u1257"+ - "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1257\u1258\7a\2\2\u1258\u1259\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1259"+ - "\u125a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u125a\u125b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u125b\u125c\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u125c\u125d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u125d\u125e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u125e"+ - "\u125f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u125f\u1260\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1260\u1261\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u1261\u1262\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1262\u1263\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1263"+ - "\u01d4\3\2\2\2\u1264\u1265\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1265\u1266\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u1266\u1267\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1267\u1268\7a\2\2\u1268\u1269\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u1269\u126a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u126a\u126b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u126b\u126c"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u126c\u126d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u126d\u126e\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u126e\u01d6\3\2\2\2\u126f\u1270\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1270\u1271\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u1271\u1272\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1272\u1273\7a\2\2\u1273\u1274\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1274\u1275\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1275\u1276\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u1276\u1277\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1277\u1278\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1278\u1279\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1279\u01d8\3\2\2\2\u127a\u127b\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u127b\u127c"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u127c\u127d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u127d\u127e\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u127e\u127f\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u127f\u1280\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1280\u1281"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1281\u1282\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1282\u01da\3\2\2\2\u1283"+ - "\u1284\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1284\u1285\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1285\u1286\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u1286\u1287\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1287\u1288\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1288"+ - "\u1289\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1289\u128a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u128a\u128b\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u128b\u128c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u128c\u01dc\3\2\2\2\u128d\u128e\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u128e\u128f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u128f\u1290\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u1290\u01de\3\2\2\2\u1291\u1292\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1292\u1293\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u1293\u1294\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1294\u1295\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1295\u1296"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1296\u1297\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1297\u1298\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u1298\u01e0\3\2\2\2\u1299\u129a\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u129a\u129b\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u129b\u129c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u129c\u129d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u129d"+ - "\u129e\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u129e\u129f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u129f\u12a0\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u12a0\u01e2\3\2\2\2\u12a1\u12a2\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u12a2\u12a3\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u12a3\u12a4\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u12a4\u12a5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u12a5\u12a6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u12a6\u12a7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u12a7\u12a8\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u12a8\u12a9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u12a9\u12aa\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u12aa\u12ab\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u12ab\u12ac\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u12ac\u01e4\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u12ad\u12ae\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u12ae\u12af\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u12af\u12b0"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u12b0\u12b1\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u12b1\u12b2\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u12b2\u12b3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u12b3\u01e6\3\2\2\2\u12b4\u12b5\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u12b5\u12b6\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u12b6\u12b7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u12b7"+ - "\u12b8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u12b8\u12c2\3\2\2\2\u12b9\u12ba\7U\2\2\u12ba\u12bb"+ - "\7[\2\2\u12bb\u12bc\7U\2\2\u12bc\u12bd\7\60\2\2\u12bd\u12be\7F\2\2\u12be"+ - "\u12bf\7W\2\2\u12bf\u12c0\7C\2\2\u12c0\u12c2\7N\2\2\u12c1\u12b4\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u12c1\u12b9\3\2\2\2\u12c2\u01e8\3\2\2\2\u12c3\u12c4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u12c4\u12c5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u12c5\u12c6\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u12c6\u12c7\5"+ - "\u0a45\u0523\2\u12c7\u01ea\3\2\2\2\u12c8\u12c9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u12c9\u12ca"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u12ca\u12cb\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u12cb\u12cc\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u12cc\u12cd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u12cd\u12ce\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u12ce\u12cf"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u12cf\u12d0\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u12d0\u01ec\3\2\2\2\u12d1"+ - "\u12d2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u12d2\u12d3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u12d3\u12d4\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u12d4\u12d5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u12d5\u12d6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u12d6"+ - "\u12d7\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u12d7\u01ee\3\2\2\2\u12d8\u12d9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u12d9\u12da\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u12da\u12db\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u12db\u12dc\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u12dc\u12dd\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u12dd\u12de\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u12de\u12df\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u12df\u01f0\3\2\2\2\u12e0\u12e1\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u12e1\u12e2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u12e2\u12e3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u12e3\u12e4"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u12e4\u12e5\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u12e5\u01f2\3\2\2\2\u12e6"+ - "\u12e7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u12e7\u12e8\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u12e8\u12e9\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u12e9\u12ea\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u12ea\u01f4\3\2\2\2\u12eb\u12ec\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u12ec\u12ed\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u12ed\u12ee\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ - "\u12ee\u12ef\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u12ef\u12f0\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u12f0\u12f1\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u12f1\u12f2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u12f2\u01f6\3\2\2\2\u12f3\u12f4"+ - "\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u12f4\u12f5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u12f5\u12f6\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u12f6\u12f7\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u12f7\u12f8\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u12f8\u01f8"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u12f9\u12fa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u12fa\u12fb\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u12fb"+ - "\u12fc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u12fc\u12fd\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u12fd\u12fe\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u12fe\u12ff\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u12ff\u1300\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1300"+ - "\u1301\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1301\u01fa\3\2\2\2\u1302\u1303\5\u0a41\u0521\2"+ - "\u1303\u1304\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1304\u1305\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1305\u1306\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u1306\u1307\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1307\u1308\7\66\2\2\u1308"+ - "\u01fc\3\2\2\2\u1309\u130a\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u130a\u130b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u130b\u130c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u130c\u130d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u130d\u130e\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u130e\u130f\7:\2\2\u130f\u01fe\3\2\2\2\u1310\u1311\5\u0a41"+ - "\u0521\2\u1311\u1312\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1312\u1313\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1313"+ - "\u1314\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1314\u1315\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1315\u0200\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1316\u1317\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1317\u1318\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1318\u1319\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1319\u131a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u131a\u0202\3\2\2\2\u131b\u131c"+ - "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u131c\u131d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u131d\u131e\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u131e\u0204\3\2\2\2\u131f\u1320\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1320\u1321\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u1321\u1322\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1322\u1323\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1323"+ - "\u1324\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1324\u1325\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1325\u1326\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u1326\u1327\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1327\u1328\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1328"+ - "\u0206\3\2\2\2\u1329\u132a\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u132a\u132b\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u132b\u132c\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u132c\u132d\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u132d\u132e\7"+ - "a\2\2\u132e\u132f\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u132f\u1330\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1330\u1331"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1331\u1332\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1332\u1333\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u1333\u1334\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1334\u1335\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1335\u1336"+ - "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1336\u0208\3\2\2\2\u1337\u1338\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1338"+ - "\u1339\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1339\u133a\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u133a\u133b\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u133b\u133c\7a\2\2\u133c\u133d\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u133d\u133e\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u133e\u133f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u133f\u1340\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u1340\u1341\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1341\u1342\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1342\u1343\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1343\u1344\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1344\u1345\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u1345\u1346\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1346\u1347\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1347\u020a\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1348\u1349\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1349\u134a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u134a\u134b"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u134b\u134c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u134c\u134d\7a\2\2\u134d"+ - "\u134e\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u134e\u134f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u134f\u1350\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u1350\u1351\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1351\u1352\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1352"+ - "\u1353\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1353\u020c\3\2\2\2\u1354\u1355\5\u0a45\u0523\2"+ - "\u1355\u1356\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1356\u1357\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1357\u1358\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1358\u1359\7a\2\2\u1359\u135a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u135a\u135b"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u135b\u135c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u135c\u135d\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u135d\u135e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u135e\u135f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u135f\u020e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1360\u1361\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1361\u1362\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1362"+ - "\u0210\3\2\2\2\u1363\u1364\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1364\u1365\5\u0a41\u0521\2"+ - "\u1365\u0212\3\2\2\2\u1366\u1367\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1367\u1368\5\u0a41\u0521"+ - "\2\u1368\u1369\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1369\u136a\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u136a\u136b"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u136b\u136c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u136c\u136d\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u136d\u136e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u136e\u0214\3\2\2\2\u136f\u1370\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u1370\u1371\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1371\u1372\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1372"+ - "\u1373\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1373\u1374\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1374\u0216\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1375\u1376\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1376\u1377\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1377\u1378\5"+ - "\u0a41\u0521\2\u1378\u1379\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1379\u137a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u137a\u137b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u137b\u0218\3\2\2\2\u137c\u137d\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u137d\u137e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u137e\u137f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u137f\u1380"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1380\u1381\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1381\u021a\3\2\2\2\u1382"+ - "\u1383\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1383\u1384\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1384\u1385\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u1385\u1386\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1386\u1387\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1387"+ - "\u1388\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1388\u1389\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1389\u138a\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u138a\u138b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u138b\u138c\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u138c"+ - "\u138d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u138d\u021c\3\2\2\2\u138e\u138f\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u138f\u1390\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1390\u1391\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1391\u1392\7"+ - "\63\2\2\u1392\u021e\3\2\2\2\u1393\u1394\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1394\u1395\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u1395\u1396\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1396\u1397\7\64\2\2\u1397"+ - "\u0220\3\2\2\2\u1398\u1399\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1399\u139a\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u139a\u139b\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u139b\u0222\3\2\2\2\u139c\u139d\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u139d\u139e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u139e\u139f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u139f\u13a0"+ - "\7\65\2\2\u13a0\u0224\3\2\2\2\u13a1\u13a2\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u13a2\u13a3"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u13a3\u13a4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u13a4\u13a5\7\66\2\2\u13a5"+ - "\u0226\3\2\2\2\u13a6\u13a7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u13a7\u13a8\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u13a8\u13a9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u13a9\u13aa\7:\2\2\u13aa\u0228\3\2\2\2\u13ab"+ - "\u13ac\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u13ac\u13ad\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u13ad\u13ae\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u13ae\u13af\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u13af\u13b0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u13b0"+ - "\u13b1\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u13b1\u13b2\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u13b2\u13b3\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u13b3\u022a\3\2\2\2\u13b4\u13b5\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u13b5\u13b6\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u13b6\u13b7\7a\2\2\u13b7\u13b8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u13b8\u13b9"+ - "\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u13b9\u13ba\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u13ba\u13bb\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u13bb\u13bc\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u13bc\u13bd\7a\2\2\u13bd\u13be\5\u0a43"+ - "\u0522\2\u13be\u13bf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u13bf\u13c0\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u13c0"+ - "\u13c1\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u13c1\u13c2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u13c2\u022c\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u13c3\u13c4\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u13c4\u13c5\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u13c5\u13c6\7"+ - "a\2\2\u13c6\u13c7\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u13c7\u13c8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u13c8\u13c9"+ - "\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u13c9\u13ca\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u13ca\u13cb\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u13cb\u13cc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u13cc\u13cd\7a\2\2\u13cd\u13ce\5\u0a43"+ - "\u0522\2\u13ce\u13cf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u13cf\u13d0\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u13d0"+ - "\u13d1\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u13d1\u13d2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u13d2\u022e\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u13d3\u13d4\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u13d4\u13d5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u13d5\u13d6\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u13d6\u13d7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u13d7\u13d8\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u13d8\u13d9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u13d9\u13da\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u13da\u0230\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u13db\u13dc\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u13dc\u13dd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u13dd\u13de"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u13de\u13df\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u13df\u0232\3\2\2\2\u13e0"+ - "\u13e1\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u13e1\u13e2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u13e2\u13e3\5\u0a67"+ - "\u0534\2\u13e3\u13e4\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u13e4\u0234\3\2\2\2\u13e5\u13e6\5"+ - "\u0a4b\u0526\2\u13e6\u13e7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u13e7\u13e8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u13e8\u13e9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u13e9\u0236\3\2\2\2\u13ea\u13eb\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u13eb\u13ec\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u13ec\u13ed\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u13ed\u13ee"+ - "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u13ee\u13ef\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u13ef\u13f0\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u13f0\u13f1\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u13f1\u13f2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u13f2\u0238"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u13f3\u13f4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u13f4\u13f5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u13f5"+ - "\u13f6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u13f6\u13f7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u13f7\u13f8\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u13f8\u13f9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u13f9\u13fa\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u13fa"+ - "\u023a\3\2\2\2\u13fb\u13fc\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u13fc\u13fd\5"; - private static final String _serializedATNSegment3 = - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u13fd\u13fe\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u13fe\u13ff\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ - "\u13ff\u1400\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1400\u1401\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1401\u1402\5"+ - "\u0a43\u0522\2\u1402\u023c\3\2\2\2\u1403\u1404\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1404\u1405"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1405\u1406\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1406\u1407\5\u0a61\u0531"+ - "\2\u1407\u1408\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1408\u023e\3\2\2\2\u1409\u140a\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u140a\u140b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u140b\u140c\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u140c"+ - "\u140d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u140d\u0240\3\2\2\2\u140e\u140f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u140f\u1410\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1410\u1411\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1411\u1412\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1412\u1413\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1413\u1414\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u1414\u0242\3\2\2\2\u1415\u1416\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1416\u1417\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u1417\u1418\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1418\u1419\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1419\u141a"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u141a\u0244\3\2\2\2\u141b\u141c\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u141c"+ - "\u141d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u141d\u141e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u141e\u141f\5\u0a41"+ - "\u0521\2\u141f\u1420\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1420\u1421\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1421"+ - "\u1422\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1422\u0246\3\2\2\2\u1423\u1424\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u1424\u1425\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1425\u1426\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1426\u1427\7"+ - "a\2\2\u1427\u1428\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1428\u1429\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1429\u142a"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u142a\u142b\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u142b\u142c\7a\2\2\u142c"+ - "\u142d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u142d\u142e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u142e\u142f\5\u0a69"+ - "\u0535\2\u142f\u1430\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1430\u0248\3\2\2\2\u1431\u1432\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1432\u1433\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1433\u1434\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u1434\u1435\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1435\u024a\3\2\2\2\u1436\u1437\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u1437\u1438\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1438\u1439\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1439\u143a"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u143a\u143b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u143b\u143c\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u143c\u143d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u143d\u143e\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u143e\u143f"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u143f\u1440\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1440\u1441\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u1441\u1442\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1442\u1443\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1443\u1444"+ - "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1444\u024c\3\2\2\2\u1445\u1446\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1446"+ - "\u1447\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1447\u1448\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1448\u1449\5\u0a43"+ - "\u0522\2\u1449\u144a\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u144a\u144b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u144b"+ - "\u144c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u144c\u144d\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u144d\u024e\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u144e\u144f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u144f\u1450\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1450\u1451\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1451\u1452\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1452\u1453\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u1453\u1454\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1454\u1455\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1455\u1456\5"+ - "\u0a61\u0531\2\u1456\u1457\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1457\u1458\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u1458\u0250\3\2\2\2\u1459\u145a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u145a\u145b\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u145b\u145c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u145c\u145d\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u145d\u145e"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u145e\u145f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u145f\u1460\5\u0a65\u0533"+ - "\2\u1460\u1461\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1461\u0252\3\2\2\2\u1462\u1463\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u1463\u1464\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1464\u1465\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1465"+ - "\u1466\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1466\u0254\3\2\2\2\u1467\u1468\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u1468\u1469\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1469\u146a\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u146a\u146b\7"+ - "a\2\2\u146b\u146c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u146c\u146d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u146d\u146e"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u146e\u146f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u146f\u1470\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u1470\u1471\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1471\u1472\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1472\u1473"+ - "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1473\u0256\3\2\2\2\u1474\u1475\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1475"+ - "\u1476\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1476\u1477\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1477\u1478\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u1478\u1479\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1479\u147a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u147a"+ - "\u147b\7a\2\2\u147b\u147c\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u147c\u147d\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u147d\u147e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u147e\u147f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u147f\u0258\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1480\u1481\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1481\u1482\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1482\u1483"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1483\u1484\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1484\u1485\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u1485\u1486\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1486\u1487\7a\2\2\u1487\u1488\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u1488\u1489\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1489\u148a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u148a"+ - "\u148b\7a\2\2\u148b\u148c\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u148c\u148d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u148d\u148e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u148e\u148f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u148f\u1490\5"+ - "\u0a41\u0521\2\u1490\u1491\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1491\u1492\7a\2\2\u1492\u1493"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1493\u1494\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1494\u1495\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u1495\u1496\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1496\u1497\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1497\u1498"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1498\u1499\7a\2\2\u1499\u149a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u149a"+ - "\u149b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u149b\u149c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u149c\u149d\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u149d\u025a\3\2\2\2\u149e\u149f\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u149f\u14a0\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u14a0\u14a1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u14a1\u14a2\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u14a2\u14a3\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u14a3\u025c\3\2\2\2\u14a4\u14a5\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u14a5\u14a6\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u14a6\u14a7\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u14a7\u14a8"+ - "\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u14a8\u14a9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u14a9\u14aa\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u14aa\u14ab\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u14ab\u14ac\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u14ac\u025e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u14ad\u14ae\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u14ae\u14af\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u14af"+ - "\u14b0\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u14b0\u14b1\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u14b1\u14b2\5\u0a5f"+ - "\u0530\2\u14b2\u14b3\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u14b3\u14b4\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u14b4"+ - "\u14b5\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u14b5\u14b6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u14b6\u14b7\5\u0a39"+ - "\u051d\2\u14b7\u0260\3\2\2\2\u14b8\u14b9\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u14b9\u14ba\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u14ba\u14bb\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u14bb\u14bc\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u14bc\u14bd\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u14bd\u14be\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u14be\u14bf\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u14bf\u14c0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u14c0\u14c1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u14c1\u0262\3\2\2\2\u14c2\u14c3\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u14c3\u14c4\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u14c4\u14c5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u14c5\u14c6\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u14c6\u14c7"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u14c7\u0264\3\2\2\2\u14c8\u14c9\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u14c9"+ - "\u14ca\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u14ca\u14cb\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u14cb\u14cc\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u14cc\u14cd\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u14cd\u14ce\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u14ce"+ - "\u0266\3\2\2\2\u14cf\u14d0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u14d0\u14d1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u14d1\u14d2\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u14d2\u14d3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u14d3\u14d4\5"+ - "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u14d4\u14d5\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u14d5\u14d6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u14d6\u14d7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u14d7\u14d8\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u14d8\u14d9\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u14d9\u0268\3\2\2\2\u14da\u14db\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u14db\u14dc"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u14dc\u14dd\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u14dd\u14de\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u14de\u14df\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u14df\u14e0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u14e0\u14e1"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u14e1\u14e2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u14e2\u14e3\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u14e3\u026a\3\2\2\2\u14e4\u14e5\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u14e5\u14e6\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u14e6\u14e7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u14e7\u14e8\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u14e8"+ - "\u14e9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u14e9\u14ea\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u14ea\u14eb\7a\2\2"+ - "\u14eb\u14ec\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u14ec\u14ed\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u14ed\u14ee\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u14ee\u14ef\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u14ef\u14f0\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u14f0\u14f1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u14f1\u14f2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u14f2\u14f3\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u14f3\u14f4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u14f4\u14f5\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u14f5\u14f6\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u14f6\u026c\3\2\2\2\u14f7\u14f8\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u14f8\u14f9\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u14f9\u14fa\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u14fa\u14fb"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u14fb\u14fc\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u14fc\u14fd\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u14fd\u14fe\7a\2\2\u14fe\u14ff\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u14ff\u1500\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u1500\u1501\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1501\u1502\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1502"+ - "\u1503\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1503\u1504\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1504\u026e\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1505\u1506\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1506\u1507\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1507\u1508\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1508\u0270\3\2\2\2\u1509\u150a\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u150a\u150b"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u150b\u150c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u150c\u150d\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u150d\u150e\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u150e\u150f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u150f\u1510"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1510\u1511\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1511\u0272\3\2\2\2\u1512"+ - "\u1513\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1513\u1514\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1514\u1515\5\u0a61"+ - "\u0531\2\u1515\u1516\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1516\u1517\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1517"+ - "\u1518\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1518\u1519\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1519\u151a\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u151a\u0274\3\2\2\2\u151b\u151c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u151c\u151d\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u151d\u151e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u151e\u151f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u151f\u1520\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1520\u1521\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1521\u1522\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1522\u0276\3\2\2\2\u1523\u1524\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1524\u1525"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1525\u1526\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1526\u1527\5\u0a67\u0534"+ - "\2\u1527\u1528\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1528\u1529\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1529\u152a"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u152a\u0278\3\2\2\2\u152b\u152c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u152c"+ - "\u152d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u152d\u152e\7a\2\2\u152e\u152f\5\u0a63\u0532\2"+ - "\u152f\u1530\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1530\u1531\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1531\u1532\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1532\u1533\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1533\u1534\7a\2\2\u1534\u1535"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1535\u1536\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1536\u1537\7a\2\2\u1537"+ - "\u1538\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1538\u1539\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1539\u153a\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u153a\u153b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u153b\u153c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u153c"+ - "\u153d\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u153d\u027a\3\2\2\2\u153e\u153f\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u153f\u1540\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1540\u1541\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1541\u1542\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1542\u1543\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1543\u1544\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u1544\u1545\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1545\u027c\3\2\2\2\u1546\u1547\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u1547\u1548\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1548\u1549\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1549\u154a"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u154a\u154b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u154b\u154c\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u154c\u154d\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u154d\u154e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u154e\u027e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u154f\u1550\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1550\u1551\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1551"+ - "\u1552\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1552\u1553\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1553\u1554\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u1554\u1555\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1555\u1556\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1556"+ - "\u1557\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1557\u1558\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1558\u1559\5\u0a67"+ - "\u0534\2\u1559\u0280\3\2\2\2\u155a\u155b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u155b\u155c\5"+ - "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u155c\u155d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u155d\u0282\3\2\2\2\u155e\u155f"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u155f\u1560\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1560\u1561\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u1561\u1562\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1562\u1563\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1563\u0284"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1564\u1565\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1565\u1566\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1566"+ - "\u1567\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1567\u1568\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1568\u1569\7a\2\2"+ - "\u1569\u156a\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u156a\u156b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u156b\u156c\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u156c\u156d\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u156d\u156e\5\u0a45\u0523\2"+ - "\u156e\u156f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u156f\u0286\3\2\2\2\u1570\u1571\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u1571\u1572\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1572\u1573\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1573\u1574"+ - "\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1574\u1575\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1575\u1576\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u1576\u1577\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1577\u0288\3\2\2\2\u1578\u1579\5\u0a55"+ - "\u052b\2\u1579\u157a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u157a\u157b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u157b"+ - "\u157c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u157c\u157d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u157d\u157e\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u157e\u028a\3\2\2\2\u157f\u1580\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1580\u1581\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1581\u1582\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1582\u1583\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u1583\u1584\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1584\u1585\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1585\u1586\5"+ - "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1586\u1587\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1587\u1588\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u1588\u028c\3\2\2\2\u1589\u158a\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u158a\u158b\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u158b\u158c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u158c\u158d\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u158d\u158e"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u158e\u028e\3\2\2\2\u158f\u1590\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1590"+ - "\u1591\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1591\u1592\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1592\u1593\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u1593\u1594\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1594\u1595\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1595"+ - "\u1596\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1596\u1597\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1597\u1598\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u1598\u0290\3\2\2\2\u1599\u159a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u159a\u159b\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u159b\u159c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u159c\u159d\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ - "\u159d\u159e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u159e\u0292\3\2\2\2\u159f\u15a0\5\u0a55\u052b"+ - "\2\u15a0\u15a1\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u15a1\u15a2\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u15a2\u15a3"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u15a3\u0294\3\2\2\2\u15a4\u15a5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15a5"+ - "\u15a6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15a6\u15a7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u15a7\u15a8\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u15a8\u0296\3\2\2\2\u15a9\u15aa\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15aa\u15ab\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15ab\u15ac\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u15ac\u15ad\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ - "\u15ad\u15ae\7a\2\2\u15ae\u15af\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u15af\u15b0\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u15b0\u15b1\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u15b1\u15b2\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u15b2\u15b3"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15b3\u0298\3\2\2\2\u15b4\u15b5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15b5"+ - "\u15b6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15b6\u15b7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u15b7\u15b8\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u15b8\u15b9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u15b9\u029a\3\2\2\2\u15ba\u15bb\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u15bb\u15bc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15bc\u15bd\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u15bd\u15be\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15be\u15bf\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u15bf\u15c0\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u15c0\u15c1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15c1\u029c\3\2\2\2\u15c2\u15c3"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15c3\u15c4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15c4\u15c5\5\u0a41\u0521"+ - "\2\u15c5\u15c6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15c6\u15c7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15c7\u15c8"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15c8\u15c9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u15c9\u15ca\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u15ca\u15cb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15cb\u15cc\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u15cc\u029e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u15cd\u15ce\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15ce\u15cf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15cf"+ - "\u15d0\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u15d0\u15d1\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u15d1\u15d2\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u15d2\u15d3\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u15d3\u15d4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15d4"+ - "\u02a0\3\2\2\2\u15d5\u15d6\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15d6\u15d7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u15d7\u15d8\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u15d8\u15d9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15d9\u15da\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u15da\u15db\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u15db\u02a2\3\2\2\2\u15dc\u15dd"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15dd\u15de\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15de\u15df\5\u0a57\u052c"+ - "\2\u15df\u15e0\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u15e0\u15e1\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u15e1\u15e2"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15e2\u15e3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15e3\u02a4\3\2\2\2\u15e4"+ - "\u15e5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15e5\u15e6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15e6\u15e7\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u15e7\u15e8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u15e8\u15e9\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u15e9"+ - "\u15ea\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u15ea\u15eb\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u15eb\u15ec\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u15ec\u02a6\3\2\2\2\u15ed\u15ee\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15ee\u15ef\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15ef\u15f0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u15f0\u15f1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u15f1\u15f2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15f2\u15f3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u15f3\u15f4\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u15f4\u15f5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u15f5\u02a8\3\2\2\2\u15f6\u15f7"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15f7\u15f8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u15f8\u15f9\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u15f9\u15fa\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u15fa\u15fb\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15fb\u15fc"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u15fc\u02aa\3\2\2\2\u15fd\u15fe\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u15fe"+ - "\u15ff\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u15ff\u1600\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1600\u1601\5\u0a45"+ - "\u0523\2\u1601\u1602\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1602\u02ac\3\2\2\2\u1603\u1604\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1604\u1605\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1605\u1606\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u1606\u1607\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1607\u1608\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1608\u1609\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1609\u160a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u160a\u02ae\3\2\2\2\u160b\u160c"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u160c\u160d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u160d\u160e\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u160e\u160f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u160f\u1610\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1610\u1611"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1611\u1612\7a\2\2\u1612\u1613\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1613"+ - "\u1614\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1614\u1615\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1615\u1616\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u1616\u1617\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1617\u1618\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1618"+ - "\u1619\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1619\u161a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u161a\u161b\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u161b\u161c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u161c\u161d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u161d"+ - "\u02b0\3\2\2\2\u161e\u161f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u161f\u1620\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u1620\u1621\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1621\u1622\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1622\u1623\5"+ - "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1623\u1624\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1624\u02b2\3\2\2\2\u1625\u1626"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1626\u1627\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1627\u1628\5\u0a45\u0523"+ - "\2\u1628\u1629\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1629\u162a\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u162a\u162b"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u162b\u162c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u162c\u02b4\3\2\2\2\u162d"+ - "\u162e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u162e\u162f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u162f\u1630\5\u0a55"+ - "\u052b\2\u1630\u1631\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1631\u1632\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1632"+ - "\u1633\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1633\u1634\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1634\u1635\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u1635\u1636\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1636\u02b6\3\2\2\2\u1637\u1638\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1638\u1639\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1639\u163a\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u163a\u163b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u163b\u163c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u163c\u163d\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u163d\u163e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u163e\u163f\5\u0a61\u0531\2"+ - "\u163f\u1640\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1640\u02b8\3\2\2\2\u1641\u1642\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u1642\u1643\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1643\u1644\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1644\u1645"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1645\u1646\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1646\u1647\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u1647\u02ba\3\2\2\2\u1648\u1649\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1649\u164a\5\u0a55"+ - "\u052b\2\u164a\u164b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u164b\u164c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u164c"+ - "\u164d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u164d\u164e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u164e\u164f\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u164f\u02bc\3\2\2\2\u1650\u1651\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1651\u1652\5"+ - "\u0a55\u052b\2\u1652\u1653\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1653\u1654\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u1654\u1655\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1655\u1656\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1656\u1657\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1657\u1658\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1658\u02be\3\2\2\2\u1659\u165a"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u165a\u165b\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u165b\u165c\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u165c\u02c0\3\2\2\2\u165d\u165e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u165e\u165f\5\u0a57"+ - "\u052c\2\u165f\u1660\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1660\u1661\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1661"+ - "\u1662\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1662\u1663\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1663\u1664\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u1664\u1665\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1665\u1666\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1666"+ - "\u1667\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1667\u1668\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1668\u1669\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u1669\u02c2\3\2\2\2\u166a\u166b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u166b\u166c\5"+ - "\u0a57\u052c\2\u166c\u166d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u166d\u166e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u166e\u166f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u166f\u1670\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1670\u1671\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1671\u1672\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1672\u02c4\3\2\2\2\u1673\u1674"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1674\u1675\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u1675\u1676\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u1676\u1677\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1677\u1678\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1678\u1679"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1679\u167a\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u167a\u167b\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u167b\u167c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u167c\u167d\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u167d\u02c6"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u167e\u167f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u167f\u1680\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u1680"+ - "\u1681\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1681\u1682\7a\2\2\u1682\u1683\5\u0a39\u051d\2"+ - "\u1683\u1684\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1684\u1685\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1685\u1686\7"+ - "a\2\2\u1686\u1687\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1687\u1688\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1688\u1689"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1689\u168a\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u168a\u168b\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u168b\u168c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u168c\u02c8\3\2\2\2\u168d\u168e\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u168e\u168f\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u168f\u1690\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1690"+ - "\u1691\7a\2\2\u1691\u1692\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1692\u1693\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u1693\u1694\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1694\u1695\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1695\u1696\7"+ - "a\2\2\u1696\u1697\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1697\u1698\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1698\u1699"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1699\u169a\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u169a\u169b\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u169b\u169c\7a\2\2\u169c\u169d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u169d\u169e\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u169e\u169f\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u169f\u16a0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u16a0"+ - "\u02ca\3\2\2\2\u16a1\u16a2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u16a2\u16a3\5\u0a57\u052c\2"+ - "\u16a3\u16a4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u16a4\u16a5\7a\2\2\u16a5\u16a6\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u16a6\u16a7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u16a7\u16a8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u16a8\u16a9"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u16a9\u16aa\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u16aa\u16ab\7a\2\2\u16ab"+ - "\u16ac\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u16ac\u16ad\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u16ad\u16ae\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u16ae\u16af\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u16af\u16b0\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u16b0"+ - "\u16b1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16b1\u02cc\3\2\2\2\u16b2\u16b3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u16b3\u16b4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u16b4\u16b5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u16b5\u16b6\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u16b6\u16b7\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u16b7\u16b8\5\u0a45\u0523\2"+ - "\u16b8\u02ce\3\2\2\2\u16b9\u16ba\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u16ba\u16bb\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u16bb\u16bc\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u16bc\u02d0\3\2\2\2\u16bd\u16be\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u16be\u16bf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16bf\u16c0\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u16c0"+ - "\u16c1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u16c1\u16c2\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16c2\u16c3\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u16c3\u16c4\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u16c4\u16c5\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u16c5"+ - "\u02d2\3\2\2\2\u16c6\u16c7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u16c7\u16c8\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u16c8\u16c9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u16c9\u16ca\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16ca\u16cb\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u16cb\u16cc\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u16cc\u16cd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u16cd\u16ce\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u16ce\u16cf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16cf\u16d0\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u16d0\u02d4\3\2\2\2\u16d1\u16d2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u16d2\u16d3"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16d3\u16d4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u16d4\u16d5\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u16d5\u16d6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u16d6\u16d7\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u16d7\u02d6"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u16d8\u16d9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u16d9\u16da\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16da"+ - "\u16db\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u16db\u16dc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u16dc\u16dd\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u16dd\u16de\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u16de\u16df\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u16df"+ - "\u16e0\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16e0\u16e1\7a\2\2\u16e1\u16e2\5\u0a49\u0525\2"+ - "\u16e2\u16e3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u16e3\u16e4\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u16e4\u16e5\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u16e5\u02d8\3\2\2\2\u16e6\u16e7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16e7\u16e8"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u16e8\u16e9\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u16e9\u16ea\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u16ea\u16eb\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u16eb\u16ec\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u16ec\u16ed"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u16ed\u16ee\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16ee\u16ef\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u16ef\u16f0\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u16f0\u02da\3\2\2\2\u16f1\u16f2\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u16f2\u16f3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u16f3\u16f4\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u16f4"+ - "\u16f5\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u16f5\u16f6\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u16f6\u16f7\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u16f7\u16f8\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u16f8\u16f9\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u16f9"+ - "\u02dc\3\2\2\2\u16fa\u16fb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16fb\u16fc\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u16fc\u16fd\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u16fd\u16fe\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u16fe\u16ff\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u16ff\u1700\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1700\u1701\5\u0a65\u0533\2"+ - "\u1701\u1702\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1702\u02de\3\2\2\2\u1703\u1704\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u1704\u1705\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1705\u1706\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1706\u1707"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1707\u1708\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1708\u1709\5\u0a43\u0522"+ - "\2\u1709\u170a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u170a\u170b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u170b\u170c"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u170c\u170d\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u170d\u02e0\3\2\2\2\u170e"+ - "\u170f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u170f\u1710\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1710\u1711\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u1711\u1712\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1712\u1713\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1713"+ - "\u1714\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1714\u1715\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1715\u1716\5\u0a43"+ - "\u0522\2\u1716\u02e2\3\2\2\2\u1717\u1718\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1718\u1719\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1719\u171a\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u171a\u171b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u171b\u171c\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u171c\u171d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u171d\u171e\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u171e\u171f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u171f\u1720\7a\2\2\u1720\u1721"+ - "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1721\u1722\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1722\u1723\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u1723\u1724\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1724\u02e4\3\2\2\2\u1725\u1726\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u1726\u1727\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1727\u1728\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1728"+ - "\u1729\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1729\u172a\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u172a\u172b\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u172b\u172c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u172c\u172d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u172d"+ - "\u172e\7a\2\2\u172e\u172f\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u172f\u1730\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u1730\u1731\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1731\u1732\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1732\u1733\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1733\u1734\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1734\u02e6\3\2\2\2\u1735\u1736"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1736\u1737\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1737\u1738\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u1738\u1739\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1739\u173a\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u173a\u173b"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u173b\u173c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u173c\u173d\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u173d\u173e\7a\2\2\u173e\u173f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u173f\u1740\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u1740\u1741\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1741\u1742\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1742"+ - "\u1743\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1743\u1744\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1744\u02e8\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1745\u1746\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1746\u1747\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1747\u1748\5"+ - "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1748\u1749\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1749\u174a\5\u0a69\u0535\2"+ - "\u174a\u174b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u174b\u174c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u174c\u174d\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u174d\u174e\7a\2\2\u174e\u174f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u174f\u1750"+ - "\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1750\u1751\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1751\u1752\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u1752\u02ea\3\2\2\2\u1753\u1754\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1754\u1755\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u1755\u1756\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1756\u1757\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1757"+ - "\u02ec\3\2\2\2\u1758\u1759\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1759\u175a\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u175a\u175b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u175b\u175c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u175c\u175d\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u175d\u175e\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u175e\u02ee\3\2\2\2\u175f\u1760"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1760\u1761\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1761\u1762\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u1762\u1763\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1763\u1764\7a\2\2\u1764\u1765\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u1765\u1766\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1766\u1767\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1767"+ - "\u1768\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1768\u1769\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1769\u176a\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u176a\u176b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u176b\u176c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u176c"+ - "\u176d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u176d\u02f0\3\2\2\2\u176e\u176f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u176f\u1770\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1770\u1771\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1771\u02f2\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1772\u1773\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1773\u1774\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1774\u1775"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1775\u1776\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1776\u1777\5\u0a43\u0522"+ - "\2\u1777\u02f4\3\2\2\2\u1778\u1779\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1779\u177a\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u177a\u177b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u177b\u177c\7a\2\2\u177c\u177d\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u177d\u177e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u177e\u177f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u177f\u1780\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1780\u02f6\3\2\2\2\u1781\u1782\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u1782\u1783\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1783\u1784\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1784\u1785"+ - "\7a\2\2\u1785\u1786\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1786\u1787\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1787"+ - "\u1788\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1788\u1789\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1789\u178a\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u178a\u178b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u178b\u178c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u178c"+ - "\u178d\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u178d\u178e\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u178e\u02f8\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u178f\u1790\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1790\u1791\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1791\u1792\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1792\u1793\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1793\u1794\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u1794\u1795\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1795\u1796\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1796\u02fa\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1797\u1798\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1798\u1799\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1799\u179a"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u179a\u179b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u179b\u179c\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u179c\u179d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u179d\u179e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u179e\u02fc"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u179f\u17a0\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u17a0\u17a1\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u17a1"+ - "\u17a2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u17a2\u17a3\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u17a3\u02fe\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u17a4\u17a5\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u17a5\u17a6\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u17a6\u17a7\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u17a7\u17a8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u17a8\u17a9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u17a9\u0300\3\2\2\2\u17aa\u17ab\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u17ab\u17ac\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u17ac\u17ad\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u17ad\u17ae\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u17ae\u17af"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u17af\u0302\3\2\2\2\u17b0\u17b1\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u17b1"+ - "\u17b2\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u17b2\u17b3\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u17b3\u0304\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u17b4\u17b5\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u17b5\u17b6\7\67\2\2\u17b6\u17b7\7\62\2\2"+ - "\u17b7\u17b8\7;\2\2\u17b8\u0306\3\2\2\2\u17b9\u17ba\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u17ba"+ - "\u17bb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u17bb\u17bc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u17bc\u17bd\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u17bd\u17be\7a\2\2\u17be\u17bf\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u17bf\u17c0\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u17c0\u17c1\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u17c1\u17c2\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u17c2\u17c3\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u17c3\u0308\3\2\2\2\u17c4\u17c5\5\u0a69\u0535"+ - "\2\u17c5\u17c6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u17c6\u17c7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u17c7\u17c8"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u17c8\u17c9\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u17c9\u17ca\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u17ca\u17cb\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u17cb\u17cc\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u17cc\u030a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u17cd\u17ce\7B\2\2\u17ce\u17cf\7B\2\2\u17cf\u17d0\5\u0a43\u0522"+ - "\2\u17d0\u17d1\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u17d1\u17d2\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u17d2\u17d3"+ - "\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u17d3\u17d4\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u17d4\u17d5\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u17d5\u030c\3\2\2\2\u17d6\u17d7\7B\2\2\u17d7\u17d8\7B\2\2\u17d8\u17d9"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u17d9\u17da\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u17da\u17db\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u17db\u17dc\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u17dc\u17dd\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u17dd\u17de"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u17de\u17df\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u17df\u17e9\3\2\2\2\u17e0"+ - "\u17e1\7B\2\2\u17e1\u17e2\7B\2\2\u17e2\u17e3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u17e3\u17e4"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u17e4\u17e5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u17e5\u17e6\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u17e6\u17e7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u17e7\u17e9\3\2\2\2\u17e8\u17d6\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u17e8\u17e0\3\2\2\2\u17e9\u030e\3\2\2\2\u17ea\u17eb\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u17eb"+ - "\u17ec\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u17ec\u17ed\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u17ed\u17ee\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u17ee\u17ef\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u17ef\u17f0\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u17f0"+ - "\u0310\3\2\2\2\u17f1\u17f2\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u17f2\u17f3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u17f3\u17f4\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u17f4\u17f5\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u17f5\u0312\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u17f6\u17f7\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u17f7\u17f8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u17f8\u17f9"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u17f9\u17fa\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u17fa\u17fb\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u17fb\u17fc\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u17fc\u0314\3\2\2\2\u17fd\u17fe\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u17fe\u17ff\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u17ff\u1800\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1800"+ - "\u1801\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1801\u1802\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1802\u1803\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u1803\u0316\3\2\2\2\u1804\u1805\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1805\u1806\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1806\u1807\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1807\u1808\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u1808\u1809\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1809\u180a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u180a\u0318\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u180b\u180c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u180c\u180d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u180d\u180e"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u180e\u180f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u180f\u1810\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u1810\u1811\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1811\u1812\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1812\u1813"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1813\u1814\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1814\u031a\3\2\2\2\u1815"+ - "\u1816\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1816\u1817\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1817\u1818\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u1818\u1819\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1819\u181a\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u181a"+ - "\u181b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u181b\u181c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u181c\u181d\5\u0a43"+ - "\u0522\2\u181d\u031c\3\2\2\2\u181e\u181f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u181f\u1820\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1820\u1821\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1821\u1822\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ - "\u1822\u1823\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1823\u1824\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1824\u031e\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1825\u1826\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1826\u1827\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1827\u1828"+ - "\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1828\u1829\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1829\u182a\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u182a\u182b\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u182b\u182c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u182c\u182d"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u182d\u0320\3\2\2\2\u182e\u182f\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u182f"+ - "\u1830\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1830\u1831\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1831\u1832\5\u0a4b"+ - "\u0526\2\u1832\u1833\7a\2\2\u1833\u1834\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1834\u1835\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u1835\u1836\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1836\u1837\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u1837\u1838\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1838\u1839\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1839\u183a\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u183a\u183b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u183b\u0322\3\2\2\2\u183c\u183d"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u183d\u183e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u183e\u183f\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u183f\u1840\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1840\u1841\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1841\u1842"+ - "\7a\2\2\u1842\u1843\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1843\u1844\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1844"+ - "\u1845\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1845\u1846\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1846\u1847\5\u0a65"+ - "\u0533\2\u1847\u0324\3\2\2\2\u1848\u1849\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1849\u184a\5"+ - "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u184a\u184b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u184b\u184c\5\u0a4b\u0526\2"+ - "\u184c\u184d\7a\2\2\u184d\u184e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u184e\u184f\5\u0a65\u0533"+ - "\2\u184f\u1850\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1850\u1851\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1851\u1852"+ - "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1852\u1853\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1853\u1854\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u1854\u1855\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1855\u1856\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1856\u1857"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1857\u0326\3\2\2\2\u1858\u1859\7?\2\2\u1859\u185a\7"+ - "@\2\2\u185a\u0328\3\2\2\2\u185b\u185d\t\t\2\2\u185c\u185b\3\2\2\2\u185d"+ - "\u186e\3\2\2\2\u185e\u1860\t\2\2\2\u185f\u185e\3\2\2\2\u1860\u1861\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1861\u185f\3\2\2\2\u1861\u1862\3\2\2\2\u1862\u186d\3\2\2\2\u1863"+ - "\u1864\7/\2\2\u1864\u1865\7/\2\2\u1865\u1869\3\2\2\2\u1866\u1868\n\3\2"+ - "\2\u1867\u1866\3\2\2\2\u1868\u186b\3\2\2\2\u1869\u1867\3\2\2\2\u1869\u186a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u186a\u186d\3\2\2\2\u186b\u1869\3\2\2\2\u186c\u185f\3\2\2\2\u186c"+ - "\u1863\3\2\2\2\u186d\u1870\3\2\2\2\u186e\u186c\3\2\2\2\u186e\u186f\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u186f\u1871\3\2\2\2\u1870\u186e\3\2\2\2\u1871\u1882\7-\2\2\u1872"+ - "\u1874\t\2\2\2\u1873\u1872\3\2\2\2\u1874\u1875\3\2\2\2\u1875\u1873\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1875\u1876\3\2\2\2\u1876\u1881\3\2\2\2\u1877\u1878\7/\2\2\u1878"+ - "\u1879\7/\2\2\u1879\u187d\3\2\2\2\u187a\u187c\n\3\2\2\u187b\u187a\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u187c\u187f\3\2\2\2\u187d\u187b\3\2\2\2\u187d\u187e\3\2\2\2\u187e"+ - "\u1881\3\2\2\2\u187f\u187d\3\2\2\2\u1880\u1873\3\2\2\2\u1880\u1877\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1881\u1884\3\2\2\2\u1882\u1880\3\2\2\2\u1882\u1883\3\2\2\2\u1883"+ - "\u1886\3\2\2\2\u1884\u1882\3\2\2\2\u1885\u1887\t\n\2\2\u1886\u1885\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1887\u032a\3\2\2\2\u1888\u1889\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1889\u188a\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u188a\u188b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u188b\u188c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u188c"+ - "\u188d\7a\2\2\u188d\u188e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u188e\u188f\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u188f\u1890\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1890\u1891\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1891\u1892\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1892\u1893\7a\2\2\u1893\u1894\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1894\u1895"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1895\u032c\3\2\2\2\u1896\u1897\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1897"+ - "\u1898\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1898\u1899\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1899\u189a\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u189a\u189b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u189b\u189c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u189c"+ - "\u189d\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u189d\u189e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u189e\u032e\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u189f\u18a0\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u18a0\u18a1\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u18a1\u18a2\5"+ - "\u0a63\u0532\2\u18a2\u18a3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u18a3\u18a4\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u18a4\u18a5\7a\2\2\u18a5\u18a6\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u18a6\u18a7\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u18a7\u18a8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u18a8\u18a9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u18a9\u0330"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u18aa\u18ab\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u18ab\u18ac\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u18ac"+ - "\u18ad\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u18ad\u18ae\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u18ae\u18af\5\u0a55"+ - "\u052b\2\u18af\u18b0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u18b0\u0332\3\2\2\2\u18b1\u18b2\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u18b2\u18b3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u18b3\u18b4\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u18b4\u18b5\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u18b5\u18b6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u18b6\u18b7\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u18b7\u18b8\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u18b8\u18b9\7a\2\2\u18b9\u18ba"+ - "\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u18ba\u18bb\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u18bb\u18bc\7a\2\2\u18bc"+ - "\u18bd\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u18bd\u18be\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u18be\u18bf\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u18bf\u18c0\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u18c0\u18c1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u18c1"+ - "\u18c2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u18c2\u18c3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u18c3\u0334\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u18c4\u18c5\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u18c5\u18c6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u18c6\u18c7\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u18c7\u18c8\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u18c8\u18c9\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u18c9\u18ca\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u18ca\u0336\3\2\2\2\u18cb\u18cc\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u18cc\u18cd\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u18cd\u18ce\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u18ce\u18cf"+ - "\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u18cf\u18d0\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u18d0\u18d1\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u18d1\u18d2\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u18d2\u18d3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u18d3\u0338"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u18d4\u18d5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u18d5\u18d6\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u18d6"+ - "\u18d7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u18d7\u18d8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u18d8\u18d9\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u18d9\u033a\3\2\2\2\u18da\u18db\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u18db\u18dc\5"+ - "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u18dc\u18dd\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u18dd\u18de\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u18de\u18df\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u18df\u18e0\7a\2\2\u18e0\u18e1\5\u0a41\u0521"+ - "\2\u18e1\u18e2\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u18e2\u18e3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u18e3\u18e4"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u18e4\u18e5\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u18e5\u18e6\7a\2\2\u18e6"+ - "\u18e7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u18e7\u18e8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u18e8\u18e9\7a\2\2"+ - "\u18e9\u18ea\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u18ea\u18eb\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u18eb\u18ec\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u18ec\u18ed\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u18ed\u033c\3\2\2\2\u18ee\u18ef"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u18ef\u18f0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u18f0\u18f1\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u18f1\u18f2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u18f2\u18f3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u18f3\u18f4"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u18f4\u18f5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u18f5\u18f6\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u18f6\u18f7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u18f7\u033e\3\2\2\2\u18f8\u18f9\5\u0a5f"+ - "\u0530\2\u18f9\u18fa\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u18fa\u18fb\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u18fb"+ - "\u18fc\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u18fc\u18fd\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u18fd\u18fe\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u18fe\u18ff\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u18ff\u1900\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1900"+ - "\u0340\3\2\2\2\u1901\u1902\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1902\u1903\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u1903\u1904\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1904\u1905\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1905\u1906\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1906\u1907\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1907\u1908\7a\2\2\u1908\u1909"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1909\u190a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u190a\u190b\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u190b\u190c\7a\2\2\u190c\u190d\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u190d\u190e\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u190e\u0342\3\2\2\2\u190f\u1910\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1910\u1911\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1911\u1912\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1912\u1913\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u1913\u0344\3\2\2\2\u1914\u1915\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1915\u1916\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u1916\u1917\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1917\u1918\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1918\u0346"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1919\u191a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u191a\u191b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u191b"+ - "\u191c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u191c\u191d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u191d\u191e\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u191e\u191f\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u191f\u1920\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1920"+ - "\u1921\7a\2\2\u1921\u1922\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1922\u1923\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u1923\u1924\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1924\u1925\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1925\u1926\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u1926\u1927\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1927\u1928\7a\2\2\u1928\u1929"+ - "\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1929\u192a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u192a\u192b\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u192b\u192c\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u192c\u192d\7a\2\2\u192d\u192e\5\u0a61"+ - "\u0531\2\u192e\u192f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u192f\u1930\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1930"+ - "\u1931\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1931\u1932\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1932\u1933\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u1933\u1934\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1934\u0348\3\2\2\2\u1935\u1936\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1936\u1937\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1937\u1938\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u1938\u1939\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1939\u193a\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u193a\u193b\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u193b\u193c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u193c\u193d\7a\2\2\u193d\u193e"+ - "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u193e\u193f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u193f\u1940\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u1940\u1941\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1941\u1942\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1942\u1943"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1943\u1944\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1944\u1945\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u1945\u1946\7a\2\2\u1946\u1947\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1947\u1948\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u1948\u1949\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1949\u034a\3\2\2\2\u194a\u194b\5"+ - "\u0a55\u052b\2\u194b\u194c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u194c\u194d\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u194d\u194e\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u194e\u194f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u194f\u1950\5"+ - "\u0a43\u0522\2\u1950\u1951\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1951\u1952\7a\2\2\u1952\u1953"+ - "\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1953\u1954\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1954\u1955\5\u0a67\u0534"+ - "\2\u1955\u034c\3\2\2\2\u1956\u1957\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1957\u1958\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u1958\u1959\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1959\u195a\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u195a"+ - "\u195b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u195b\u195c\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u195c\u195d\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u195d\u034e\3\2\2\2\u195e\u195f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u195f\u1960\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1960\u0350\3\2\2\2\u1961\u1962\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1962\u1963"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1963\u1964\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1964\u1965\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u1965\u1966\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1966\u1967\7a\2\2\u1967\u1968\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u1968\u1969\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1969\u196a\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u196a"+ - "\u196b\7a\2\2\u196b\u196c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u196c\u196d\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u196d\u196e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u196e\u0352\3\2\2\2\u196f\u1970\5\u0a55\u052b"+ - "\2\u1970\u1971\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1971\u1972\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1972\u1973"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1973\u0354\3\2\2\2\u1974\u1975\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u1975"+ - "\u1976\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1976\u1977\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1977\u1978\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u1978\u1979\7a\2\2\u1979\u197a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u197a\u197b\5"+ - "\u0a67\u0534\2\u197b\u197c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u197c\u197d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u197d\u0356\3\2\2\2\u197e\u197f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u197f\u1980\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u1980\u1981\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1981\u1982\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1982\u1983"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1983\u1984\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1984\u1985\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u1985\u1986\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1986\u0358\3\2\2\2\u1987\u1988\5\u0a63"+ - "\u0532\2\u1988\u1989\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1989\u198a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u198a"+ - "\u198b\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u198b\u198c\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u198c\u198d\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u198d\u198e\7a\2\2\u198e\u198f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u198f\u1990\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1990\u1991\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1991\u1992\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u1992\u1993\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1993\u1994\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1994\u035a\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1995\u1996\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1996\u1997\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1997\u1998"+ - "\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1998\u1999\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1999\u199a\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u199a\u199b\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u199b\u199c\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u199c\u199d"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u199d\u199e\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u199e\u199f\5\u0a39\u051d"+ - "\2\u199f\u19a0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u19a0\u19a1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u19a1\u19a2"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u19a2\u035c\3\2\2\2\u19a3\u19a4\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u19a4"+ - "\u19a5\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u19a5\u19a6\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u19a6\u19a7\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u19a7\u19a8\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u19a8\u19a9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u19a9"+ - "\u19aa\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u19aa\u035e\3\2\2\2\u19ab\u19ac\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ - "\u19ac\u19ad\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u19ad\u19ae\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u19ae\u19af\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u19af\u19b0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u19b0\u19b1\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u19b1\u19b2\7a\2\2\u19b2\u19b3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u19b3\u19b4\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u19b4\u19b5\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u19b5\u19b6\7a\2\2\u19b6\u19b7\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u19b7\u19b8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u19b8\u19b9\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u19b9"+ - "\u19ba\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u19ba\u19bb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u19bb\u19bc\5\u0a45"+ - "\u0523\2\u19bc\u0360\3\2\2\2\u19bd\u19be\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u19be\u19bf\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u19bf\u19c0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u19c0\u19c1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u19c1\u19c2\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u19c2\u19c3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u19c3\u19c4\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u19c4\u19c5\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u19c5\u19c6\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u19c6\u0362\3\2\2\2\u19c7\u19c8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u19c8\u19c9\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u19c9\u19ca\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u19ca\u19cb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u19cb\u0364"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u19cc\u19cd\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u19cd\u19ce\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u19ce"+ - "\u19cf\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u19cf\u19d0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u19d0\u19d1\7a\2\2"+ - "\u19d1\u19d2\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u19d2\u19d3\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u19d3\u19d4\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u19d4\u19d5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u19d5\u19d6\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ - "\u19d6\u0366\3\2\2\2\u19d7\u19d8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u19d8\u19d9\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u19d9\u19da\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u19da\u19db\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u19db\u19dc"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u19dc\u19dd\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u19dd\u19de\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u19de\u19df\7a\2\2\u19df\u19e0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u19e0\u19e1\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u19e1\u19e2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u19e2\u19e3\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u19e3"+ - "\u19e4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u19e4\u19e5\7a\2\2\u19e5\u19e6\5\u0a61\u0531\2"+ - "\u19e6\u19e7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u19e7\u19e8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u19e8\u19e9\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u19e9\u19ea\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u19ea\u19eb\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u19eb\u19ec\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u19ec\u0368\3\2\2\2\u19ed\u19ee\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u19ee\u19ef\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u19ef\u19f0\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u19f0\u19f1"+ - "\7a\2\2\u19f1\u19f2\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u19f2\u19f3\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u19f3"+ - "\u19f4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u19f4\u19f5\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u19f5\u19f6\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u19f6\u036a\3\2\2\2\u19f7\u19f8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u19f8\u19f9\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u19f9\u19fa\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u19fa\u19fb\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u19fb\u19fc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u19fc\u19fd\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u19fd\u036c\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u19fe\u19ff\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u19ff\u1a00\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a00\u1a01"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1a01\u1a02\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1a02\u1a03\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u1a03\u1a04\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a04\u1a05\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1a05\u1a06"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1a06\u1a07\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1a07\u036e\3\2\2\2\u1a08"+ - "\u1a09\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u1a09\u1a0a\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1a0a\u1a0b\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u1a0b\u1a0c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1a0c\u1a0d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a0d"+ - "\u1a0e\7a\2\2\u1a0e\u1a0f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a0f\u1a10\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u1a10\u1a11\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1a11\u1a12\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a12\u0370\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1a13\u1a14\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1a14\u1a15\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1a15\u1a16"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1a16\u1a17\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1a17\u1a18\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u1a18\u1a19\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a19\u1a1a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a1a\u1a1b"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a1b\u1a1c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1a1c\u1a1d\5\u0a61\u0531"+ - "\2\u1a1d\u1a1e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a1e\u1a1f\7a\2\2\u1a1f\u1a20\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u1a20\u1a21\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a21\u1a22\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1a22"+ - "\u1a23\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1a23\u1a24\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a24\u1a25\7a\2\2"+ - "\u1a25\u1a26\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1a26\u1a27\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1a27\u1a28\5"+ - "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1a28\u0372\3\2\2\2\u1a29\u1a2a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a2a\u1a2b"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1a2b\u1a2c\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1a2c\u1a2d\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u1a2d\u1a2e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a2e\u1a2f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a2f\u1a30"+ - "\7a\2\2\u1a30\u1a31\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1a31\u1a32\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1a32"+ - "\u1a33\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1a33\u1a34\7a\2\2\u1a34\u1a35\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u1a35\u1a36\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1a36\u1a37\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u1a37\u1a38\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a38\u0374\3\2\2\2\u1a39\u1a3a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1a3a\u1a3b"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1a3b\u1a3c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1a3c\u1a3d\5\u0a43\u0522"+ - "\2\u1a3d\u1a3e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1a3e\u1a3f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1a3f\u1a40"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1a40\u1a41\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1a41\u1a42\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u1a42\u0376\3\2\2\2\u1a43\u1a44\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1a44\u1a45\5\u0a5f"+ - "\u0530\2\u1a45\u1a46\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a46\u1a47\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1a47"+ - "\u1a48\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1a48\u1a49\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1a49\u1a4a\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u1a4a\u0378\3\2\2\2\u1a4b\u1a4c\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1a4c\u1a4d\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1a4d\u1a4e\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1a4e\u1a4f\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u1a4f\u1a50\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1a50\u1a51\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a51\u1a52\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a52\u037a\3\2\2\2\u1a53\u1a54\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1a54\u1a55"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1a55\u1a56\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1a56\u037c\3\2\2\2\u1a57"+ - "\u1a58\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1a58\u1a59\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1a59\u1a5a\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u1a5a\u1a5b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a5b\u1a5c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1a5c"+ - "\u1a5d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a5d\u1a5e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a5e\u1a5f\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u1a5f\u1a60\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1a60\u1a61\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a61"+ - "\u037e\3\2\2\2\u1a62\u1a63\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a63\u1a64\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u1a64\u1a65\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a65\u1a66\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1a66\u1a67\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a67\u1a68\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1a68\u1a69\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ - "\u1a69\u0380\3\2\2\2\u1a6a\u1a6b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a6b\u1a6c\5\u0a67\u0534"+ - "\2\u1a6c\u1a6d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a6d\u1a6e\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1a6e\u1a6f"+ - "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1a6f\u0382\3\2\2\2\u1a70\u1a71\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1a71"+ - "\u1a72\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a72\u1a73\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1a73\u1a74\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u1a74\u1a75\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a75\u1a76\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a76"+ - "\u1a77\7a\2\2\u1a77\u1a78\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1a78\u1a79\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u1a79\u1a7a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a7a\u0384\3\2\2\2\u1a7b\u1a7c\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u1a7c\u1a7d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a7d\u1a7e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1a7e\u1a7f"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1a7f\u1a80\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1a80\u1a81\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u1a81\u1a82\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a82\u1a83\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1a83\u0386"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1a84\u1a85\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a85\u1a86\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a86"+ - "\u1a87\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a87\u1a88\7a\2\2\u1a88\u1a89\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u1a89\u1a8a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1a8a\u1a8b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1a8b\u1a8c\5"+ - "\u0a61\u0531\2\u1a8c\u1a8d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a8d\u1a8e\7a\2\2\u1a8e\u1a8f"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1a8f\u1a90\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1a90\u1a91\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u1a91\u1a92\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a92\u1a93\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a93\u1a94"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a94\u1a95\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1a95\u0388\3\2\2\2\u1a96"+ - "\u1a97\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1a97\u1a98\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1a98\u1a99\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u1a99\u1a9a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1a9a\u038a\3\2\2\2\u1a9b\u1a9c\5"+ - "\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1a9c\u1a9d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1a9d\u1a9e\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ - "\u1a9e\u1a9f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1a9f\u1aa0\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1aa0\u1aa1\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u1aa1\u1aa2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1aa2\u1aa3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u1aa3\u038c\3\2\2\2\u1aa4\u1aa5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1aa5\u1aa6\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u1aa6\u1aa7\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1aa7\u1aa8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1aa8\u1aa9"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1aa9\u1aaa\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1aaa\u1aab\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u1aab\u1aac\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1aac\u038e\3\2\2\2\u1aad\u1aae\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u1aae\u1aaf\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1aaf\u1ab0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1ab0"+ - "\u1ab1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ab1\u1ab2\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ab2\u1ab3\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u1ab3\u1ab4\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ab4\u1ab5\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1ab5"+ - "\u1ab6\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1ab6\u1ab7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ab7\u1ab8\7a\2\2"+ - "\u1ab8\u1ab9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ab9\u1aba\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1aba\u1abb\5"+ - "\u0a45\u0523\2\u1abb\u1abc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1abc\u1abd\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ - "\u1abd\u1abe\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1abe\u0390\3\2\2\2\u1abf\u1ac0\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u1ac0\u1ac1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ac1\u1ac2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ac2\u1ac3"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ac3\u1ac4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1ac4\u1ac5\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u1ac5\u1ac6\7a\2\2\u1ac6\u1ac7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ac7\u1ac8\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u1ac8\u1ac9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1ac9\u1aca\7a\2\2\u1aca\u1acb\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1acb\u1acc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1acc\u1acd\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u1acd\u1ace\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ace\u0392\3\2\2\2\u1acf\u1ad0\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u1ad0\u1ad1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ad1\u1ad2\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1ad2\u1ad3"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1ad3\u1ad4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1ad4\u1ad5\7a\2\2\u1ad5"+ - "\u1ad6\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1ad6\u1ad7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ad7\u1ad8\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u1ad8\u1ad9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1ad9\u0394\3\2\2\2\u1ada\u1adb\5"+ - "\u0a55\u052b\2\u1adb\u1adc\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1adc\u1add\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u1add\u1ade\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1ade\u1adf\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1adf\u1ae0\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1ae0\u1ae1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ae1\u1ae2\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ - "\u1ae2\u0396\3\2\2\2\u1ae3\u1ae4\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1ae4\u1ae5\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u1ae5\u0398\3\2\2\2\u1ae6\u1ae7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1ae7\u1ae8\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u1ae8\u1ae9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ae9\u1aea\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1aea"+ - "\u1aeb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1aeb\u1aec\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1aec\u1aed\7a\2\2"+ - "\u1aed\u1aee\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1aee\u1aef\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1aef\u1af0\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1af0\u1af1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1af1\u1af2\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ - "\u1af2\u1af3\7a\2\2\u1af3\u1af4\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1af4\u1af5\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u1af5\u1af6\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1af6\u1af7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1af7\u1af8"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1af8\u039a\3\2\2\2\u1af9\u1afa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1afa"+ - "\u1afb\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1afb\u1afc\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1afc\u1afd\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u1afd\u1afe\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1afe\u1aff\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1aff"+ - "\u1b00\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b00\u1b01\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1b01\u1b02\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u1b02\u1b03\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1b03\u039c\3\2\2\2\u1b04\u1b05\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b05\u1b06\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b06\u1b07\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ - "\u1b07\u1b08\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1b08\u1b09\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b09\u1b0a\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1b0a\u1b0b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1b0b\u039e\3\2\2\2\u1b0c\u1b0d"+ - "\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1b0d\u1b0e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b0e\u1b0f\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u1b0f\u1b10\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1b10\u1b11\7a\2\2\u1b11\u1b12\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u1b12\u1b13\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1b13\u1b14\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1b14"+ - "\u1b15\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b15\u03a0\3\2\2\2\u1b16\u1b17\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u1b17\u1b18\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b18\u1b19\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1b19\u1b1a\5"+ - "\u0a63\u0532\2\u1b1a\u1b1b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b1b\u1b1c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ - "\u1b1c\u03a2\3\2\2\2\u1b1d\u1b1e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1b1e\u1b1f\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u1b1f\u1b20\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1b20\u1b21\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b21\u1b22"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1b22\u03a4\3\2\2\2\u1b23\u1b24\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1b24"+ - "\u1b25\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1b25\u1b26\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1b26\u1b27\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u1b27\u1b28\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b28\u1b29\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1b29"+ - "\u1b2a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1b2a\u1b2b\7a\2\2\u1b2b\u1b2c\5\u0a39\u051d\2"+ - "\u1b2c\u1b2d\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1b2d\u1b2e\7a\2\2\u1b2e\u1b2f\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u1b2f\u1b30\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1b30\u1b31\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1b31\u1b32"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b32\u1b33\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1b33\u1b34\5\u0a41\u0521"+ - "\2\u1b34\u03a6\3\2\2\2\u1b35\u1b36\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1b36\u1b37\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u1b37\u1b38\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1b38\u1b39\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1b39"+ - "\u1b3a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b3a\u1b3b\7a\2\2\u1b3b\u1b3c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u1b3c\u1b3d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1b3d\u03a8\3\2\2\2\u1b3e\u1b3f\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u1b3f\u1b40\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1b40\u1b41\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1b41\u1b42"+ - "\7a\2\2\u1b42\u1b43\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1b43\u1b44\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b44"+ - "\u1b45\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1b45\u03aa\3\2\2\2\u1b46\u1b47\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ - "\u1b47\u1b48\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b48\u1b49\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1b49\u1b4a\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u1b4a\u1b4b\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1b4b\u1b4c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u1b4c\u1b4d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b4d\u03ac\3\2\2\2\u1b4e\u1b4f\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u1b4f\u1b50\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1b50\u1b51\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b51\u1b52"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b52\u1b53\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1b53\u1b54\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u1b54\u03ae\3\2\2\2\u1b55\u1b56\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1b56\u1b57\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u1b57\u1b58\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b58\u1b59\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1b59"+ - "\u03b0\3\2\2\2\u1b5a\u1b5b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1b5b\u1b5c\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u1b5c\u1b5d\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1b5d\u1b5e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1b5e\u1b5f\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u1b5f\u1b60\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1b60\u1b61\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u1b61\u1b62\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1b62\u1b63\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b63\u1b64\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1b64\u1b65\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b65\u1b66\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u1b66\u03b2\3\2\2\2\u1b67\u1b68\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b68\u1b69\5\u0a65\u0533"+ - "\2\u1b69\u1b6a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b6a\u1b6b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1b6b\u03b4"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1b6c\u1b6d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1b6d\u1b6e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1b6e"+ - "\u1b6f\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1b6f\u1b70\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1b70\u1b71\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u1b71\u1b72\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b72\u1b73\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1b73"+ - "\u1b74\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1b74\u1b75\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1b75\u1b76\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u1b76\u03b6\3\2\2\2\u1b77\u1b78\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b78\u1b79\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b79\u1b7a\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1b7a\u1b7b\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u1b7b\u1b7c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b7c\u1b7d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1b7d\u1b7e\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1b7e\u03b8\3\2\2\2\u1b7f\u1b80\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1b80\u1b81"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1b81\u1b82\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1b82\u1b83\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u1b83\u1b84\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1b84\u1b85\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1b85\u1b86"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b86\u1b87\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b87\u03ba\3\2\2\2\u1b88"+ - "\u1b89\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1b89\u1b8a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1b8a\u1b8b\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u1b8b\u1b8c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1b8c\u03bc\3\2\2\2\u1b8d\u1b8e\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1b8e\u1b8f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1b8f\u1b90\5\u0a63\u0532\2"+ - "\u1b90\u1b91\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b91\u1b92\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b92\u1b93\7"+ - "a\2\2\u1b93\u1b94\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1b94\u1b95\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1b95\u1b96"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b96\u1b97\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b97\u03be\3\2\2\2\u1b98"+ - "\u1b99\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b99\u1b9a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1b9a\u1b9b\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u1b9b\u1b9c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1b9c\u03c0\3\2\2\2\u1b9d\u1b9e\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1b9e\u1b9f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1b9f\u1ba0\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ - "\u1ba0\u1ba1\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1ba1\u1ba2\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1ba2\u1ba3\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1ba3\u1ba4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1ba4\u1ba5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u1ba5\u03c2\3\2\2\2\u1ba6\u1ba7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1ba7\u1ba8\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u1ba8\u1ba9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ba9\u1baa\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1baa\u1bab"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1bab\u1bac\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1bac\u1bad\7a\2\2\u1bad"+ - "\u1bae\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1bae\u1baf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1baf\u1bb0\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u1bb0\u1bb1\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1bb1\u1bb2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1bb2"+ - "\u1bb3\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1bb3\u1bb4\7a\2\2\u1bb4\u1bb5\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u1bb5\u1bb6\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1bb6\u03c4\3\2\2\2\u1bb7\u1bb8\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u1bb8\u1bb9\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1bb9\u1bba\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1bba\u1bbb"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1bbb\u1bbc\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1bbc\u03c6\3\2\2\2\u1bbd"+ - "\u1bbe\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1bbe\u1bbf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1bbf\u1bc0\5\u0a67"+ - "\u0534\2\u1bc0\u1bc1\7a\2\2\u1bc1\u1bc2\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1bc2\u1bc3\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1bc3\u1bc4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1bc4\u1bc5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u1bc5\u1bc6\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1bc6\u1bc7\7a\2\2\u1bc7\u1bc8\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u1bc8\u1bc9\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1bc9\u1bca\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u1bca\u1bcb"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1bcb\u03c8\3\2\2\2\u1bcc\u1bcd\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1bcd"+ - "\u1bce\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1bce\u1bcf\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1bcf\u1bd0\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u1bd0\u1bd1\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1bd1\u1bd2\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1bd2"+ - "\u1bd3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1bd3\u1bd4\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1bd4\u1bd5\5\u0a43"+ - "\u0522\2\u1bd5\u03ca\3\2\2\2\u1bd6\u1bd7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1bd7\u1bd8\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1bd8\u1bd9\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u1bd9\u1bda\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u1bda\u1bdb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1bdb\u1bdc\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1bdc\u1bdd\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1bdd\u1bde\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1bde\u03cc\3\2\2\2\u1bdf\u1be0"+ - "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1be0\u1be1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1be1\u1be2\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u1be2\u1be3\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1be3\u1be4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1be4\u1be5"+ - "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1be5\u03ce\3\2\2\2\u1be6\u1be7\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1be7"+ - "\u1be8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1be8\u1be9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1be9\u1bea\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u1bea\u1beb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1beb\u1bec\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1bec"+ - "\u1bed\7a\2\2\u1bed\u1bee\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1bee\u1bef\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u1bef\u1bf0\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1bf0\u1bf1\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1bf1\u1bf2\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1bf2\u03d0\3\2\2\2\u1bf3\u1bf4\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1bf4\u1bf5"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1bf5\u1bf6\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1bf6\u1bf7\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u1bf7\u1bf8\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1bf8\u1bf9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1bf9\u1bfa"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1bfa\u03d2\3\2\2\2\u1bfb\u1bfc\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1bfc"+ - "\u1bfd\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1bfd\u03d4\3\2\2\2\u1bfe\u1bff\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ - "\u1bff\u1c00\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c00\u1c01\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1c01\u1c02\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1c02\u1c03\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1c03\u1c04\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u1c04\u1c05\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c05\u1c06\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1c06\u1c07\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u1c07\u03d6\3\2\2\2\u1c08\u1c09\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1c09\u1c0a"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1c0a\u1c0b\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1c0b\u1c0c\5\u0a55\u052b"+ - "\2\u1c0c\u1c0d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1c0d\u1c0e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1c0e\u1c0f"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1c0f\u1c10\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c10\u1c11\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u1c11\u1c12\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c12\u1c13\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1c13\u1c14"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1c14\u03d8\3\2\2\2\u1c15\u1c16\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1c16"+ - "\u1c17\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1c17\u1c18\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1c18\u03da\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1c19\u1c1a\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1c1a\u1c1b\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1c1b\u1c1c\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1c1c\u1c1d\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u1c1d\u1c1e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u1c1e\u1c1f\7a\2\2\u1c1f\u1c20\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1c20\u1c21\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u1c21\u1c22\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c22\u1c23\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1c23\u1c24"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1c24\u1c25\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1c25\u03dc\3\2\2\2\u1c26"+ - "\u1c27\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1c27\u1c28\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1c28\u03de\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1c29\u1c2a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1c2a\u1c2b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1c2b\u1c2c\5"+ - "\u0a63\u0532\2\u1c2c\u1c2d\7a\2\2\u1c2d\u1c2e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1c2e\u1c2f"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1c2f\u1c30\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1c30\u1c31\5\u0a39\u051d"+ - "\2\u1c31\u1c32\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1c32\u1c33\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1c33\u03e0"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1c34\u1c35\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1c35\u1c36\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1c36"+ - "\u1c37\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1c37\u1c38\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1c38\u1c39\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u1c39\u1c3a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1c3a\u1c3b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1c3b"+ - "\u1c3c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1c3c\u1c3d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c3d\u1c3e\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u1c3e\u1c3f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1c3f\u03e2\3\2\2\2\u1c40\u1c41\5"+ - "\u0a39\u051d\2\u1c41\u1c42\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c42\u1c43\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u1c43\u03e4\3\2\2\2\u1c44\u1c45\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1c45\u1c46\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u1c46\u1c47\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1c47\u1c48\7a\2\2\u1c48\u1c49\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u1c49\u1c4a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c4a\u1c4b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1c4b"+ - "\u1c4c\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1c4c\u1c4d\7a\2\2\u1c4d\u1c4e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u1c4e\u1c4f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c4f\u1c50\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u1c50\u1c51\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1c51\u03e6\3\2\2\2\u1c52\u1c53\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1c53\u1c54"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1c54\u1c55\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1c55\u1c56\5\u0a55\u052b"+ - "\2\u1c56\u1c57\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1c57\u1c58\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1c58\u03e8"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1c59\u1c5a\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1c5a\u1c5b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1c5b"+ - "\u1c5c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1c5c\u1c5d\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1c5d\u1c5e\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u1c5e\u1c5f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1c5f\u1c60\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1c60"+ - "\u03ea\3\2\2\2\u1c61\u1c62\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1c62\u1c63\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u1c63\u1c64\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1c64\u1c65\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1c65\u1c66\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1c66\u1c67\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1c67\u1c68\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u1c68\u1c69\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1c69\u03ec\3\2\2\2\u1c6a\u1c6b\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u1c6b\u1c6c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1c6c\u1c6d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1c6d\u1c6e"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1c6e\u1c6f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1c6f\u1c70\7a\2\2\u1c70"+ - "\u1c71\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1c71\u1c72\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1c72\u1c73\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u1c73\u1c74\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1c74\u1c75\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c75"+ - "\u1c76\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1c76\u03ee\3\2\2\2\u1c77\u1c78\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u1c78\u1c79\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1c79\u1c7a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1c7a\u1c7b\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c7b\u1c7c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1c7c\u1c7d\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u1c7d\u03f0\3\2\2\2\u1c7e\u1c7f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1c7f\u1c80\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u1c80\u1c81\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1c81\u1c82\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1c82\u1c83"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1c83\u1c84\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1c84\u1c85\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u1c85\u1c86\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1c86\u1c87\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1c87\u03f2"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1c88\u1c89\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1c89\u1c8a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1c8a"+ - "\u1c8b\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1c8b\u1c8c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1c8c\u1c8d\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u1c8d\u1c8e\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1c8e\u1c8f\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1c8f"+ - "\u1c90\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1c90\u1c91\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1c91\u1c92\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u1c92\u1c93\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1c93\u03f4\3\2\2\2\u1c94\u1c95\5"+ - "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1c95\u1c96\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1c96\u1c97\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ - "\u1c97\u1c98\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1c98\u1c99\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1c99\u1c9a\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1c9a\u1c9b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1c9b\u03f6\3\2\2\2\u1c9c\u1c9d"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1c9d\u1c9e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1c9e\u1c9f\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u1c9f\u1ca0\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1ca0\u1ca1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ca1\u1ca2"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ca2\u1ca3\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1ca3\u1ca4\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u1ca4\u1ca5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1ca5\u03f8\3\2\2\2\u1ca6\u1ca7\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u1ca7\u1ca8\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1ca8\u1ca9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ca9"+ - "\u1caa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1caa\u1cab\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1cab\u1cac\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u1cac\u1cad\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1cad\u1cae\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1cae"+ - "\u1caf\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1caf\u1cb0\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1cb0\u03fa\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1cb1\u1cb2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1cb2\u1cb3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1cb3\u1cb4\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1cb4\u1cb5\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1cb5\u1cb6\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u1cb6\u1cb7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1cb7\u1cb8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1cb8\u1cb9\5"+ - "\u0a39\u051d\2\u1cb9\u1cba\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1cba\u1cbb\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u1cbb\u03fc\3\2\2\2\u1cbc\u1cbd\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1cbd\u1cbe\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u1cbe\u1cbf\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1cbf\u1cc0\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1cc0\u1cc1"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1cc1\u1cc2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1cc2\u1cc3\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u1cc3\u1cc4\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1cc4\u03fe\3\2\2\2\u1cc5\u1cc6\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u1cc6\u1cc7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1cc7\u1cc8\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1cc8"+ - "\u1cc9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1cc9\u1cca\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1cca\u1ccb\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u1ccb\u1ccc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ccc\u1ccd\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1ccd"+ - "\u1cce\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1cce\u1ccf\7a\2\2\u1ccf\u1cd0\5\u0a61\u0531\2"+ - "\u1cd0\u1cd1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1cd1\u1cd2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1cd2\u1cd3\5"+ - "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1cd3\u1cd4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1cd4\u0400\3\2\2\2\u1cd5\u1cd6"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1cd6\u1cd7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1cd7\u1cd8\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u1cd8\u1cd9\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1cd9\u1cda\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1cda\u1cdb"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1cdb\u0402\3\2\2\2\u1cdc\u1cdd\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1cdd"+ - "\u1cde\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1cde\u1cdf\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1cdf\u1ce0\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u1ce0\u1ce1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1ce1\u1ce2\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1ce2"+ - "\u1ce3\7a\2\2\u1ce3\u1ce4\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1ce4\u1ce5\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u1ce5\u1ce6\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1ce6\u1ce7\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1ce7\u1ce8\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1ce8\u1ce9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1ce9\u1cea\7a\2\2\u1cea\u1ceb"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1ceb\u1cec\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1cec\u1ced\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u1ced\u0404\3\2\2\2\u1cee\u1cef\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1cef\u1cf0\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u1cf0\u1cf1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1cf1\u1cf2\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1cf2"+ - "\u1cf3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1cf3\u1cf4\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1cf4\u0406\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1cf5\u1cf6\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1cf6\u1cf7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1cf7\u1cf8\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1cf8\u1cf9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1cf9\u1cfa\5\u0a41\u0521\2"+ - "\u1cfa\u1cfb\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1cfb\u1cfc\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1cfc\u1cfd\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1cfd\u1cfe\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1cfe\u0408\3\2\2\2\u1cff\u1d00"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d00\u1d01\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1d01\u1d02\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u1d02\u1d03\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1d03\u1d04\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1d04\u040a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1d05\u1d06\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1d06\u1d07\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1d07"+ - "\u1d08\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1d08\u1d09\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d09\u040c\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1d0a\u1d0b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1d0b\u1d0c\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1d0c\u1d0d\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u1d0d\u1d0e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1d0e\u1d0f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ - "\u1d0f\u1d10\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1d10\u1d11\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1d11\u1d12\5"+ - "\u0a43\u0522\2\u1d12\u040e\3\2\2\2\u1d13\u1d14\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1d14\u1d15"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1d15\u1d16\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1d16\u1d17\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u1d17\u1d18\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1d18\u0410\3\2\2\2\u1d19\u1d1a\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u1d1a\u1d1b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1d1b\u1d1c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1d1c"+ - "\u1d1d\7a\2\2\u1d1d\u1d1e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1d1e\u1d1f\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u1d1f\u1d20\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1d20\u1d21\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1d21\u0412\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1d22\u1d23\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d23\u1d24\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1d24\u1d25"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1d25\u1d26\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1d26\u1d27\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u1d27\u1d28\7a\2\2\u1d28\u1d29\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1d29\u0414\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1d2a\u1d2b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1d2b\u1d2c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1d2c\u1d2d\5"+ - "\u0a65\u0533\2\u1d2d\u1d2e\7a\2\2\u1d2e\u1d2f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1d2f\u1d30"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1d30\u1d31\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d31\u1d32\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u1d32\u1d33\7a\2\2\u1d33\u1d34\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1d34\u1d35\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u1d35\u1d36\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1d36\u1d37\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1d37"+ - "\u1d38\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d38\u1d39\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1d39\u1d3a\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u1d3a\u1d3b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1d3b\u1d3c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1d3c"+ - "\u1d3d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1d3d\u1d3e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1d3e\u0416\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1d3f\u1d40\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1d40\u1d41\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1d41\u1d42\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d42\u1d43\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1d43\u1d44\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ - "\u1d44\u1d45\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1d45\u0418\3\2\2\2\u1d46\u1d47\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u1d47\u1d48\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1d48\u1d49\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1d49\u1d4a"+ - "\7a\2\2\u1d4a\u1d4b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1d4b\u1d4c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1d4c"+ - "\u1d4d\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1d4d\u041a\3\2\2\2\u1d4e\u1d4f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u1d4f\u1d50\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1d50\u1d51\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1d51\u1d52\5"+ - "\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1d52\u1d53\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d53\u1d54\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ - "\u1d54\u041c\3\2\2\2\u1d55\u1d56\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1d56\u1d57\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u1d57\u1d58\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1d58\u041e\3\2\2\2\u1d59\u1d5a\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u1d5a\u1d5b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1d5b\u0420\3\2\2\2\u1d5c\u1d5d\5"+ - "\u0a39\u051d\2\u1d5d\u1d5e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1d5e\u1d5f\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u1d5f\u1d60\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d60\u1d61\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d61\u0422\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1d62\u1d63\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1d63\u1d64\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1d64\u1d65"+ - "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1d65\u1d66\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1d66\u1d67\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u1d67\u1d68\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1d68\u1d69\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1d69\u1d6a"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1d6a\u1d6b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1d6b\u0424\3\2\2\2\u1d6c"+ - "\u1d6d\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1d6d\u1d6e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1d6e\u1d6f\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u1d6f\u1d70\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1d70\u0426\3\2\2\2\u1d71\u1d72\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1d72\u1d73\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d73\u1d74\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ - "\u1d74\u1d75\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1d75\u1d76\7a\2\2\u1d76\u1d77\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u1d77\u1d78\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1d78\u1d79\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1d79\u1d7a"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d7a\u1d7b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1d7b\u1d7c\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u1d7c\u1d7d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d7d\u1d7e\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1d7e\u1d7f"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1d7f\u0428\3\2\2\2\u1d80\u1d81\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1d81"+ - "\u1d82\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1d82\u1d83\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1d83\u1d84\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u1d84\u1d85\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1d85\u1d86\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1d86"+ - "\u1d87\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1d87\u042a\3\2\2\2\u1d88\u1d89\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u1d89\u1d8a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1d8a\u1d8b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1d8b\u1d8c\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u1d8c\u1d8d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1d8d\u1d8e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u1d8e\u1d8f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1d8f\u1d90\7a\2\2\u1d90\u1d91\5\u0a39\u051d"+ - "\2\u1d91\u1d92\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1d92\u1d93\7a\2\2\u1d93\u1d94\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u1d94\u1d95\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1d95\u1d96\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1d96"+ - "\u1d97\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1d97\u042c\3\2\2\2\u1d98\u1d99\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u1d99\u1d9a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1d9a\u1d9b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1d9b\u1d9c\5"+ - "\u0a55\u052b\2\u1d9c\u042e\3\2\2\2\u1d9d\u1d9e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1d9e\u1d9f"+ - "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1d9f\u1da0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1da0\u1da1\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u1da1\u1da2\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1da2\u1da3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1da3\u1da4"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1da4\u0430\3\2\2\2\u1da5\u1da6\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1da6"+ - "\u1da7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1da7\u1da8\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1da8\u1da9\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u1da9\u0432\3\2\2\2\u1daa\u1dab\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1dab\u1dac\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u1dac\u1dad\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1dad\u1dae\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u1dae\u1daf\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1daf\u1db0\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1db0\u1db1\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1db1\u1db2\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1db2\u1db3\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u1db3\u0434\3\2\2\2\u1db4\u1db5\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1db5\u1db6\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u1db6\u1db7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1db7\u1db8\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1db8\u1db9"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1db9\u1dba\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1dba\u0436\3\2\2\2\u1dbb"+ - "\u1dbc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1dbc\u1dbd\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1dbd\u1dbe\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u1dbe\u1dbf\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1dbf\u1dc0\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1dc0"+ - "\u1dc1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1dc1\u1dc2\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1dc2\u1dc3\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u1dc3\u1dc4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1dc4\u1dc5\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1dc5"+ - "\u0438\3\2\2\2\u1dc6\u1dc7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1dc7\u1dc8\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u1dc8\u1dc9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1dc9\u1dca\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1dca\u1dcb\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1dcb\u1dcc\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1dcc\u1dcd\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u1dcd\u1dce\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1dce\u1dcf\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1dcf\u043a\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1dd0\u1dd1\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1dd1\u1dd2\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1dd2\u1dd3"+ - "\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1dd3\u043c\3\2\2\2\u1dd4\u1dd5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1dd5"+ - "\u1dd6\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1dd6\u1dd7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1dd7\u1dd8\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u1dd8\u1dd9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1dd9\u1dda\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1dda"+ - "\u1ddb\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1ddb\u1ddc\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ddc\u1ddd\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u1ddd\u1dde\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1dde\u1ddf\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1ddf"+ - "\u043e\3\2\2\2\u1de0\u1de1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1de1\u1de2\5\u0a57\u052c\2"+ - "\u1de2\u1de3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1de3\u1de4\7a\2\2\u1de4\u1de5\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u1de5\u1de6\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1de6\u1de7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1de7\u1de8"+ - "\7a\2\2\u1de8\u1de9\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1de9\u1dea\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1dea"+ - "\u1deb\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1deb\u1dec\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1dec\u1ded\5\u0a45"+ - "\u0523\2\u1ded\u0440\3\2\2\2\u1dee\u1def\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1def\u1df0\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1df0\u1df1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1df1\u1df2\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u1df2\u1df3\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1df3\u1df4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1df4\u0442\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1df5\u1df6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1df6\u1df7\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1df7\u1df8"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1df8\u1df9\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1df9\u1dfa\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u1dfa\u1dfb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1dfb\u0444\3\2\2\2\u1dfc\u1dfd\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u1dfd\u1dfe\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1dfe\u1dff\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1dff"+ - "\u1e00\7a\2\2\u1e00\u1e01\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u1e01\u1e02\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u1e02\u1e03\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e03\u1e04\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1e04\u1e05\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1e05\u1e06\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e06\u1e07\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u1e07\u1e08\7a\2\2\u1e08\u1e09\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1e09\u1e0a\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u1e0a\u1e0b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1e0b\u1e0c\7a\2\2\u1e0c\u1e0d\5\u0a45"+ - "\u0523\2\u1e0d\u1e0e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1e0e\u1e0f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1e0f"+ - "\u1e10\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1e10\u0446\3\2\2\2\u1e11\u1e12\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u1e12\u1e13\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1e13\u1e14\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1e14\u0448\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1e15\u1e16\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1e16\u1e17\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1e17\u1e18"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1e18\u1e19\7a\2\2\u1e19\u1e1a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1e1a"+ - "\u1e1b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1e1b\u1e1c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1e1c\u1e1d\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u1e1d\u044a\3\2\2\2\u1e1e\u1e1f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1e1f\u1e20\5"+ - "\u0a61\u0531\2\u1e20\u1e21\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1e21\u1e22\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u1e22\u1e23\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1e23\u1e24\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1e24\u1e25\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u1e25\u1e26\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1e26\u044c\3\2\2\2\u1e27\u1e28"+ - "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1e28\u1e29\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1e29\u1e2a\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u1e2a\u1e2b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1e2b\u1e2c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e2c\u044e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1e2d\u1e2e\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u1e2e\u1e2f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1e2f"+ - "\u1e30\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1e30\u1e31\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1e31\u1e32\5\u0a4b"+ - "\u0526\2\u1e32\u0450\3\2\2\2\u1e33\u1e34\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1e34\u1e35\5"+ - "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1e35\u1e36\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1e36\u1e37\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u1e37\u1e38\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1e38\u1e39\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1e39\u1e3a\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u1e3a\u1e3b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1e3b\u1e3c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u1e3c\u0452\3\2\2\2\u1e3d\u1e3e\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1e3e\u1e3f\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u1e3f\u1e40\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1e40\u1e41\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1e41\u1e42"+ - "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1e42\u1e43\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1e43\u1e44\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u1e44\u0454\3\2\2\2\u1e45\u1e46\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1e46\u1e47\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u1e47\u1e48\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1e48\u1e49\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1e49"+ - "\u1e4a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1e4a\u1e4b\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1e4b\u1e4c\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u1e4c\u1e4d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e4d\u0456\3\2\2\2\u1e4e\u1e4f\5"+ - "\u0a65\u0533\2\u1e4f\u1e50\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1e50\u1e51\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u1e51\u1e52\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1e52\u1e53\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1e53\u1e54\5"+ - "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1e54\u1e55\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e55\u1e56\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u1e56\u1e57\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1e57\u1e58\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1e58\u1e59\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1e59\u1e5a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e5a\u1e5b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u1e5b\u0458\3\2\2\2\u1e5c\u1e5d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1e5d\u1e5e\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u1e5e\u1e5f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1e5f\u1e60\7a\2\2\u1e60\u1e61\5\u0a43"+ - "\u0522\2\u1e61\u1e62\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e62\u1e63\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1e63"+ - "\u1e64\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1e64\u1e65\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e65\u1e66\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u1e66\u1e67\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1e67\u1e68\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1e68"+ - "\u045a\3\2\2\2\u1e69\u1e6a\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1e6a\u1e6b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u1e6b\u1e6c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1e6c\u1e6d\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1e6d\u1e6e\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e6e\u045c\3\2\2\2\u1e6f\u1e70\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1e70\u1e71"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1e71\u1e72\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e72\u1e73\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u1e73\u1e74\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1e74\u1e75\7a\2\2\u1e75\u1e76\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u1e76\u1e77\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1e77\u1e78\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1e78"+ - "\u1e79\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1e79\u1e7a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1e7a\u1e7b\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u1e7b\u1e7c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1e7c\u1e7d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1e7d"+ - "\u1e7e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1e7e\u1e7f\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1e7f\u1e80\7a\2\2"+ - "\u1e80\u1e81\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e81\u1e82\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1e82\u1e83\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1e83\u1e84\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1e84\u1e85\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u1e85\u1e86\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1e86\u1e87\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e87\u1e88\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1e88\u1e89\7a\2\2\u1e89\u1e8a\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1e8a\u1e8b"+ - "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1e8b\u045e\3\2\2\2\u1e8c\u1e8d\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1e8d"+ - "\u1e8e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1e8e\u1e8f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1e8f\u1e90\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u1e90\u0460\3\2\2\2\u1e91\u1e92\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1e92\u1e93\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e93\u1e94\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1e94\u1e95\7a\2\2\u1e95\u1e96"+ - "\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1e96\u1e97\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e97\u1e98\5\u0a67\u0534"+ - "\2\u1e98\u1e99\7a\2\2\u1e99\u1e9a\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1e9a\u1e9b\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u1e9b\u1e9c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1e9c\u1e9d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e9d"+ - "\u0462\3\2\2\2\u1e9e\u1e9f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1e9f\u1ea0\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u1ea0\u1ea1\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1ea1\u1ea2\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1ea2\u1ea3\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u1ea3\u1ea4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1ea4\u1ea5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u1ea5\u0464\3\2\2\2\u1ea6\u1ea7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1ea7\u1ea8\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u1ea8\u1ea9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ea9\u1eaa\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1eaa\u1eab"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1eab\u1eac\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1eac\u1ead\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u1ead\u0466\3\2\2\2\u1eae\u1eaf\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1eaf\u1eb0\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u1eb0\u1eb1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1eb1\u1eb2\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1eb2"+ - "\u1eb3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1eb3\u1eb4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1eb4\u1eb5\7a\2\2"+ - "\u1eb5\u1eb6\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1eb6\u1eb7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1eb7\u1eb8\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1eb8\u1eb9\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1eb9\u0468\3\2\2\2\u1eba\u1ebb"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ebb\u1ebc\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1ebc\u1ebd\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u1ebd\u1ebe\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1ebe\u1ebf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1ebf\u1ec0"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ec0\u046a\3\2\2\2\u1ec1\u1ec2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ec2"+ - "\u1ec3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1ec3\u1ec4\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1ec4\u1ec5\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u1ec5\u1ec6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1ec6\u1ec7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1ec7"+ - "\u1ec8\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1ec8\u1ec9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ec9\u046c\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1eca\u1ecb\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1ecb\u1ecc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ecc\u1ecd\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ecd\u1ece\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ece\u1ecf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u1ecf\u1ed0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1ed0\u1ed1\7a\2\2\u1ed1\u1ed2\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u1ed2\u1ed3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1ed3\u1ed4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1ed4\u1ed5"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ed5\u1ed6\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1ed6\u046e\3\2\2\2\u1ed7"+ - "\u1ed8\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1ed8\u1ed9\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1ed9\u1eda\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u1eda\u1edb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1edb\u1edc\7a\2\2\u1edc\u1edd\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u1edd\u1ede\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1ede\u0470\3\2\2\2\u1edf\u1ee0"+ - "\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1ee0\u1ee1\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1ee1\u1ee2\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u1ee2\u1ee3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1ee3\u1ee4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ee4\u0472"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1ee5\u1ee6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ee6\u1ee7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ee7"+ - "\u1ee8\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1ee8\u1ee9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1ee9\u1eea\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u1eea\u1eeb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1eeb\u0474\3\2\2\2\u1eec\u1eed\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1eed\u1eee\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1eee\u1eef\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u1eef\u1ef0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1ef0\u1ef1\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1ef1\u1ef2\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ef2\u0476\3\2\2\2\u1ef3\u1ef4\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1ef4\u1ef5"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1ef5\u1ef6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1ef6\u1ef7\5\u0a61\u0531"+ - "\2\u1ef7\u1ef8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ef8\u1ef9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1ef9\u1efa"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1efa\u0478\3\2\2\2\u1efb\u1efc\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1efc"+ - "\u1efd\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1efd\u1efe\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1efe\u1eff\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u1eff\u1f00\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f00\u1f01\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1f01"+ - "\u047a\3\2\2\2\u1f02\u1f03\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f03\u1f04\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u1f04\u1f05\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1f05\u1f06\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1f06\u1f07\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u1f07\u1f08\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f08\u047c\3\2\2\2\u1f09\u1f0a"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f0a\u1f0b\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1f0b\u1f0c\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u1f0c\u1f0d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1f0d\u1f0e\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1f0e\u1f0f"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1f0f\u1f10\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1f10\u1f11\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u1f11\u1f12\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1f12\u047e\3\2\2\2\u1f13\u1f14\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u1f14\u1f15\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1f15\u1f16\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1f16"+ - "\u1f17\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1f17\u1f18\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1f18\u1f19\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u1f19\u1f1a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1f1a\u1f1b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1f1b"+ - "\u1f1c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1f1c\u1f1d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1f1d\u1f1e\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u1f1e\u0480\3\2\2\2\u1f1f\u1f20\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1f20\u1f21\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u1f21\u1f22\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1f22\u1f23\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u1f23\u1f24\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1f24\u1f25\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1f25\u1f26\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1f26\u1f27\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1f27\u1f28\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ - "\u1f28\u0482\3\2\2\2\u1f29\u1f2a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1f2a\u1f2b\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u1f2b\u1f2c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1f2c\u1f2d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1f2d\u1f2e"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f2e\u1f2f\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1f2f\u0484\3\2\2\2\u1f30"+ - "\u1f31\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1f31\u1f32\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1f32\u1f33\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u1f33\u1f34\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1f34\u1f35\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1f35"+ - "\u1f36\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1f36\u1f37\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1f37\u1f38\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u1f38\u0486\3\2\2\2\u1f39\u1f3a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1f3a\u1f3b\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u1f3b\u1f3c\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1f3c\u1f3d\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u1f3d\u1f3e\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u1f3e\u1f3f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f3f\u1f40\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1f40\u0488\3\2\2\2\u1f41\u1f42\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1f42\u1f43"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1f43\u1f44\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u1f44\u1f45\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u1f45\u1f46\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1f46\u048a\3\2\2\2\u1f47\u1f48\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u1f48\u1f49\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f49\u1f4a\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1f4a"+ - "\u1f4b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1f4b\u1f4c\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1f4c\u048c\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1f4d\u1f4e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1f4e\u1f4f\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u1f4f\u1f50\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u1f50\u1f51\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f51\u1f52\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u1f52\u1f53\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1f53\u048e\3\2\2\2\u1f54\u1f55\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u1f55\u1f56\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1f56\u1f57\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1f57\u1f58"+ - "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1f58\u1f59\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u1f59\u1f5a\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u1f5a\u1f5b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1f5b\u1f5c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1f5c\u0490"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1f5d\u1f5e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1f5e\u1f5f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1f5f"+ - "\u1f60\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1f60\u1f61\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1f61\u1f62\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u1f62\u1f63\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1f63\u1f64\7a\2\2\u1f64\u1f65\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u1f65\u1f66\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1f66\u1f67\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ - "\u1f67\u1f68\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f68\u0492\3\2\2\2\u1f69\u1f6a\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u1f6a\u1f6b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1f6b\u1f6c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1f6c\u1f6d"+ - "\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u1f6d\u1f6e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1f6e\u1f6f\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u1f6f\u1f70\7a\2\2\u1f70\u1f71\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1f71\u1f72\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u1f72\u1f73\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1f73\u1f74\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1f74"+ - "\u1f75\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1f75\u1f76\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1f76\u1f77\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u1f77\u1f78\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1f78\u1f79\7a\2\2\u1f79\u1f7a\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1f7a\u1f7b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1f7b\u1f7c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u1f7c\u0494\3\2\2\2\u1f7d\u1f7e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1f7e\u1f7f\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u1f7f\u1f80\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1f80\u1f81\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f81\u1f82"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1f82\u0496\3\2\2\2\u1f83\u1f84\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f84"+ - "\u1f85\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u1f85\u1f86\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f86\u1f87\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u1f87\u1f88\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1f88\u0498\3\2\2\2\u1f89\u1f8a\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1f8a\u1f8b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1f8b\u1f8c\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u1f8c\u1f8d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1f8d\u1f8e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f8e\u1f8f\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1f8f\u1f90\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1f90\u1f91\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u1f91\u049a\3\2\2\2\u1f92\u1f93\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1f93\u1f94\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u1f94\u1f95\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1f95\u1f96\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1f96\u1f97"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1f97\u1f98\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u1f98\u1f99\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u1f99\u049c\3\2\2\2\u1f9a\u1f9b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1f9b\u1f9c\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u1f9c\u1f9d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1f9d\u1f9e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1f9e"+ - "\u1f9f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1f9f\u1fa0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1fa0\u049e\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1fa1\u1fa2\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1fa2\u1fa3\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1fa3\u1fa4\5"+ - "\u0a39\u051d\2\u1fa4\u1fa5\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1fa5\u1fa6\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u1fa6\u1fa7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1fa7\u1fa8\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1fa8\u1fa9\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1fa9\u1faa\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u1faa\u04a0\3\2\2\2\u1fab\u1fac"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1fac\u1fad\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1fad\u1fae\5\u0a43\u0522"+ - "\2\u1fae\u1faf\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1faf\u1fb0\7a\2\2\u1fb0\u1fb1\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u1fb1\u1fb2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1fb2\u1fb3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1fb3"+ - "\u1fb4\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1fb4\u1fb5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1fb5\u04a2\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1fb6\u1fb7\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1fb7\u1fb8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1fb8\u1fb9\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u1fb9\u1fba\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1fba\u1fbb\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ - "\u1fbb\u1fbc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1fbc\u1fbd\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1fbd\u04a4\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1fbe\u1fbf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1fbf\u1fc0\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1fc0\u1fc1"+ - "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1fc1\u1fc2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1fc2\u1fc3\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u1fc3\u1fc4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1fc4\u1fc5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1fc5\u1fc6"+ - "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1fc6\u1fc7\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u1fc7\u04a6\3\2\2\2\u1fc8"+ - "\u1fc9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1fc9\u1fca\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1fca\u1fcb\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u1fcb\u1fcc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1fcc\u1fcd\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1fcd"+ - "\u1fce\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1fce\u04a8\3\2\2\2\u1fcf\u1fd0\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ - "\u1fd0\u1fd1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1fd1\u1fd2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1fd2\u1fd3\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1fd3\u1fd4\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1fd4\u1fd5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u1fd5\u1fd6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1fd6\u1fd7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u1fd7\u1fd8\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u1fd8\u1fd9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1fd9\u04aa\3\2\2\2\u1fda\u1fdb"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1fdb\u1fdc\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1fdc\u1fdd\5\u0a39\u051d"+ - "\2\u1fdd\u1fde\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u1fde\u1fdf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1fdf\u1fe0"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1fe0\u04ac\3\2\2\2\u1fe1\u1fe2\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u1fe2"+ - "\u1fe3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1fe3\u1fe4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1fe4\u1fe5\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u1fe5\u1fe6\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u1fe6\u04ae\3\2\2\2\u1fe7\u1fe8\5"+ - "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u1fe8\u1fe9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1fe9\u1fea\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u1fea\u1feb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u1feb\u04b0\3\2\2\2\u1fec\u1fed\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u1fed\u1fee\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1fee\u1fef\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u1fef\u1ff0"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u1ff0\u1ff1\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1ff1\u1ff2\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u1ff2\u04b2\3\2\2\2\u1ff3\u1ff4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u1ff4\u1ff5\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u1ff5\u1ff6\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1ff6\u1ff7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u1ff7"+ - "\u1ff8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u1ff8\u1ff9\7a\2\2\u1ff9\u1ffa\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u1ffa\u1ffb\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u1ffb\u04b4\3\2\2\2\u1ffc\u1ffd\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u1ffd\u1ffe\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u1ffe\u1fff\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u1fff\u2000"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2000\u2001\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2001\u2002\5\u0a45\u0523"+ - "\2\u2002\u04b6\3\2\2\2\u2003\u2004\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2004\u2005\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u2005\u2006\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2006\u2007\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2007"+ - "\u04b8\3\2\2\2\u2008\u2009\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2009\u200a\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u200a\u200b\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u200b\u200c\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u200c\u04ba\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u200d\u200e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u200e\u200f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u200f\u2010"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2010\u2011\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2011\u2012\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u2012\u2013\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2013\u2014\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2014\u2015"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2015\u2016\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2016\u2017\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u2017\u2018\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2018\u04bc\3\2\2\2\u2019\u201a\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u201a\u201b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u201b\u201c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u201c"+ - "\u201d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u201d\u201e\7a\2\2\u201e\u201f\5\u0a39\u051d\2"+ - "\u201f\u2020\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2020\u2021\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2021\u2022\5"+ - "\u0a41\u0521\2\u2022\u2023\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2023\u2024\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u2024\u2025\7a\2\2\u2025\u2026\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2026\u2027\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u2027\u2028\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u2028\u2029\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2029\u04be"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u202a\u202b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u202b\u202c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u202c"+ - "\u04c0\3\2\2\2\u202d\u202e\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u202e\u202f\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u202f\u2030\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u2030\u2031\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2031\u2032\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u2032\u04c2\3\2\2\2\u2033\u2034\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2034\u2035"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2035\u2036\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2036\u2037\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u2037\u2038\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2038\u2039\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2039\u04c4"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u203a\u203b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u203b\u203c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u203c"+ - "\u203d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u203d\u203e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u203e\u04c6\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u203f\u2040\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2040\u2041\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2041\u2042\5"+ - "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2042\u2043\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2043\u2044\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u2044\u2045\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2045\u2046\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2046\u04c8\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2047\u2048\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2048\u2049\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2049\u204a"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u204a\u204b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u204b\u204c\5\u0a39\u051d"+ - "\2\u204c\u204d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u204d\u204e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u204e\u204f"+ - "\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u204f\u04ca\3\2\2\2\u2050\u2051\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2051"+ - "\u2052\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2052\u2053\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2053\u2054\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u2054\u2055\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2055\u2056\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2056"+ - "\u2057\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2057\u2058\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2058\u2059\5\u0a43"+ - "\u0522\2\u2059\u04cc\3\2\2\2\u205a\u205b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u205b\u205c\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u205c\u205d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u205d\u205e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ - "\u205e\u205f\7a\2\2\u205f\u2060\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2060\u2061\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u2061\u2062\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2062\u2063\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2063\u04ce"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2064\u2065\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2065\u2066\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2066"+ - "\u2067\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2067\u2068\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2068\u2069\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u2069\u206a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u206a\u04d0\3\2\2\2\u206b\u206c\5"+ - "\u0a55\u052b\2\u206c\u206d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u206d\u206e\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u206e\u206f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u206f\u2070\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2070\u2071\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2071\u2072\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2072\u2073\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u2073\u2074\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2074\u2075\7a\2\2\u2075\u2076\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u2076\u2077\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2077\u04d2\3\2\2\2\u2078\u2079\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u2079\u207a\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u207a\u207b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u207b"+ - "\u207c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u207c\u207d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u207d\u207e\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u207e\u04d4\3\2\2\2\u207f\u2080\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2080\u2081\5"+ - "\u0a65\u0533\2\u2081\u2082\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2082\u2083\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u2083\u2084\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2084\u2085\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2085\u2086\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2086\u2087\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2087\u04d6\3\2\2\2\u2088\u2089"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2089\u208a\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u208a\u208b\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u208b\u208c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u208c\u04d8\3\2\2\2\u208d\u208e\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u208e\u208f\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u208f\u2090\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2090"+ - "\u2091\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2091\u2092\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2092\u2093\5\u0a65"+ - "\u0533\2\u2093\u2094\7a\2\2\u2094\u2095\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2095\u2096\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u2096\u2097\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2097\u2098\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u2098\u2099\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2099\u209a\7a\2\2\u209a\u209b\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u209b\u209c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u209c\u209d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u209d\u209e"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u209e\u209f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u209f\u20a0\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u20a0\u20a1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u20a1\u20a2\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u20a2\u20a3"+ - "\7a\2\2\u20a3\u20a4\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u20a4\u20a5\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u20a5"+ - "\u20a6\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u20a6\u20a7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u20a7\u20a8\5\u0a55"+ - "\u052b\2\u20a8\u20a9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u20a9\u20aa\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u20aa"+ - "\u20ab\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u20ab\u04da\3\2\2\2\u20ac\u20ad\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ - "\u20ad\u20ae\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u20ae\u20af\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u20af\u20b0\5"+ - "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u20b0\u20b1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u20b1\u20b2\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u20b2\u20b3\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u20b3\u20b4\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u20b4\u04dc\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u20b5\u20b6\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u20b6\u20b7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u20b7\u20b8"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u20b8\u20b9\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u20b9\u20ba\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u20ba\u20bb\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u20bb\u20bc\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u20bc\u04de"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u20bd\u20be\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u20be\u20bf\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u20bf"+ - "\u20c0\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u20c0\u20c1\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u20c1\u20c2\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u20c2\u20c3\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u20c3\u20c4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u20c4"+ - "\u20c5\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u20c5\u20c6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u20c6\u20c7\5\u0a43"+ - "\u0522\2\u20c7\u04e0\3\2\2\2\u20c8\u20c9\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u20c9\u20ca\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u20ca\u20cb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u20cb\u20cc\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u20cc\u20cd\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u20cd\u20ce\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u20ce\u20cf\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u20cf\u04e2\3\2\2\2\u20d0\u20d1\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u20d1\u20d2"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u20d2\u20d3\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u20d3\u20d4\7a\2\2\u20d4"+ - "\u20d5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u20d5\u20d6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u20d6\u20d7\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u20d7\u20d8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u20d8\u20d9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u20d9"+ - "\u20da\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u20da\u20db\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u20db\u20dc\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u20dc\u20dd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u20dd\u20de\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u20de"+ - "\u20df\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u20df\u20e0\7a\2\2\u20e0\u20e1\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ - "\u20e1\u20e2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u20e2\u20e3\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u20e3\u20e4\7"+ - "a\2\2\u20e4\u20e5\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u20e5\u20e6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u20e6\u20e7"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u20e7\u20e8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u20e8\u04e4\3\2\2\2\u20e9"+ - "\u20ea\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u20ea\u20eb\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u20eb\u20ec\5\u0a67"+ - "\u0534\2\u20ec\u20ed\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u20ed\u20ee\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u20ee"+ - "\u20ef\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u20ef\u20f0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u20f0\u20f1\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u20f1\u20f2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u20f2\u20f3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u20f3"+ - "\u20f4\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u20f4\u20f5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u20f5\u04e6\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u20f6\u20f7\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u20f7\u20f8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u20f8\u20f9\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u20f9\u20fa\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u20fa\u20fb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u20fb\u20fc\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u20fc\u20fd\7a\2\2\u20fd\u20fe\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u20fe\u20ff\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u20ff\u2100\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2100\u2101"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2101\u2102\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2102\u2103\7a\2\2\u2103"+ - "\u2104\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2104\u2105\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2105\u2106\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u2106\u2107\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2107\u2108\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2108"+ - "\u2109\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2109\u210a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u210a\u210b\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u210b\u04e8\3\2\2\2\u210c\u210d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u210d\u210e\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u210e\u210f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u210f\u2110\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u2110\u2111\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2111\u2112\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2112\u2113\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u2113\u2114\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2114\u04ea\3\2\2\2\u2115\u2116"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2116\u2117\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2117\u2118\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u2118\u2119\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2119\u211a\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u211a\u211b"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u211b\u04ec\3\2\2\2\u211c\u211d\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u211d"+ - "\u211e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u211e\u211f\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u211f\u2120\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u2120\u2121\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2121\u2122\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2122"+ - "\u2123\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2123\u04ee\3\2\2\2\u2124\u2125\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ - "\u2125\u2126\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2126\u2127\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2127\u2128\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u2128\u2129\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2129\u04f0\3\2\2\2\u212a\u212b"+ - "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u212b\u212c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u212c\u212d\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u212d\u212e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u212e\u212f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u212f\u2130"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2130\u2131\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2131\u2132\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u2132\u2133\7a\2\2\u2133\u2134\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2134\u2135\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u2135\u2136\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2136\u2137\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2137"+ - "\u2138\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2138\u2139\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2139\u213a\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u213a\u04f2\3\2\2\2\u213b\u213c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u213c\u213d\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u213d\u213e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u213e\u213f\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ - "\u213f\u2140\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2140\u2141\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2141\u2142\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u2142\u04f4\3\2\2\2\u2143\u2144\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2144\u2145"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2145\u2146\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2146\u2147\7a\2\2\u2147"+ - "\u2148\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2148\u2149\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2149\u214a\5\u0a63"+ - "\u0532\2\u214a\u214b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u214b\u214c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u214c"+ - "\u214d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u214d\u04f6\3\2\2\2\u214e\u214f\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u214f\u2150\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2150\u2151\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2151\u04f8\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2152\u2153\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2153\u2154\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2154\u2155"+ - "\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2155\u2156\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2156\u2157\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u2157\u2158\7a\2\2\u2158\u2159\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2159\u215a\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u215a\u04fa\3\2\2\2\u215b\u215c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u215c\u215d\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u215d\u215e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u215e\u215f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u215f\u2160\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2160\u2161\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2161\u2162\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2162\u04fc\3\2\2\2\u2163\u2164\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2164\u2165"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2165\u2166\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2166\u2167\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u2167\u2168\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2168\u2169\7a\2\2\u2169\u216a\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u216a\u216b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u216b\u216c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u216c"+ - "\u216d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u216d\u216e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u216e\u04fe\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u216f\u2170\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2170\u2171\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2171\u2172\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2172\u2173\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2173\u2174\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u2174\u2175\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2175\u2176\7a\2\2\u2176\u2177\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u2177\u2178\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2178\u2179\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2179\u217a"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u217a\u217b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u217b\u217c\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u217c\u217d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u217d\u217e\7a\2\2\u217e\u217f\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u217f\u2180\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2180\u2181\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2181"+ - "\u2182\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2182\u2183\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2183\u0500\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2184\u2185\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2185\u2186\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2186\u2187\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2187\u2188\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2188\u2189\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u2189\u218a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u218a\u218b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u218b\u218c\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u218c\u0502\3\2\2\2\u218d\u218e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u218e\u218f"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u218f\u2190\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2190\u2191\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u2191\u2192\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2192\u2193\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2193\u2194"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2194\u0504\3\2\2\2\u2195\u2196\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2196"+ - "\u2197\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2197\u2198\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2198\u2199\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u2199\u219a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u219a\u219b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u219b"+ - "\u219c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u219c\u0506\3\2\2\2\u219d\u219e\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u219e\u219f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u219f\u21a0\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u21a0\u21a1\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u21a1\u21a2\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u21a2\u21a3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u21a3\u21a4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u21a4\u21a5\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u21a5\u21a6\7"+ - "a\2\2\u21a6\u21a7\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u21a7\u21a8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u21a8\u21a9"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u21a9\u21aa\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u21aa\u21ab\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u21ab\u21ac\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u21ac\u0508\3\2\2\2\u21ad\u21ae\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u21ae\u21af\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u21af\u21b0\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u21b0"+ - "\u21b1\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u21b1\u21b2\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u21b2\u21b3\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u21b3\u21b4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u21b4\u050a\3\2\2\2\u21b5\u21b6\5"+ - "\u0a55\u052b\2\u21b6\u21b7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u21b7\u21b8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u21b8\u21b9\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u21b9\u050c\3\2\2\2\u21ba\u21bb\5\u0a55\u052b"+ - "\2\u21bb\u21bc\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u21bc\u21bd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u21bd\u21be"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u21be\u21bf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u21bf\u21c0\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u21c0\u21c1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u21c1\u050e\3\2\2\2\u21c2\u21c3\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u21c3\u21c4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u21c4\u21c5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u21c5"+ - "\u21c6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u21c6\u21c7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u21c7\u0510\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u21c8\u21c9\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u21c9\u21ca\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u21ca\u21cb\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u21cb\u21cc\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u21cc\u21cd\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u21cd\u21ce\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u21ce\u21cf\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u21cf\u21d0\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u21d0\u21d1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u21d1\u21d2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u21d2\u0512\3\2\2\2\u21d3\u21d4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u21d4\u21d5\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u21d5\u21d6\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u21d6\u21d7\7a\2\2\u21d7\u21d8\5\u0a55"+ - "\u052b\2\u21d8\u21d9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u21d9\u21da\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u21da"+ - "\u21db\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u21db\u21dc\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u21dc\u21dd\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u21dd\u21de\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u21de\u21df\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u21df"+ - "\u0514\3\2\2\2\u21e0\u21e1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u21e1\u21e2\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u21e2\u21e3\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u21e3\u21e4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u21e4\u21e5\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u21e5\u21e6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u21e6\u21e7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u21e7\u21e8\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u21e8\u21e9\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u21e9\u21ea\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u21ea\u21eb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u21eb\u0516\3\2\2\2\u21ec\u21ed"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u21ed\u21ee\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u21ee\u21ef\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u21ef\u21f0\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u21f0\u21f1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u21f1\u21f2"+ - "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u21f2\u21f3\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u21f3\u0518\3\2\2\2\u21f4"+ - "\u21f5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u21f5\u21f6\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u21f6\u21f7\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u21f7\u21f8\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u21f8\u051a\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u21fa\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u21fa\u21fb\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u21fb\u21fc\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ - "\u21fc\u051c\3\2\2\2\u21fd\u21fe\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u21fe\u21ff\5\u0a55\u052b"+ - "\2\u21ff\u2200\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2200\u2201\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2201\u2202"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2202\u2203\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2203\u2204\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u2204\u051e\3\2\2\2\u2205\u2206\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2206\u2207\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u2207\u2208\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2208\u0520\3\2\2\2\u2209\u220a\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u220a\u220b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u220b\u220c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u220c\u220d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u220d\u220e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u220e\u0522\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u220f\u2210\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2210\u2211\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2211\u2212"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2212\u2213\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2213\u2214\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u2214\u2215\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2215\u2216\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2216\u2217"+ - "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2217\u0524\3\2\2\2\u2218\u2219\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2219"+ - "\u221a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u221a\u221b\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u221b\u0526\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u221c\u221d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u221d\u221e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u221e\u0528\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u221f\u2220\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2220\u2221\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2221\u2222"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2222\u2223\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2223\u2224\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u2224\u2225\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2225\u052a\3\2\2\2\u2226\u2227\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u2227\u2228\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2228\u2229\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2229"+ - "\u052c\3\2\2\2\u222a\u222b\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u222b\u222c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u222c\u222d"; - private static final String _serializedATNSegment4 = - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u222d\u222e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u222e\u222f\5\u0a67\u0534"+ - "\2\u222f\u2230\7a\2\2\u2230\u2231\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2231\u2232\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u2232\u2233\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2233\u2234\7a\2\2\u2234\u2235\5"+ - "\u0a63\u0532\2\u2235\u2236\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2236\u2237\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u2237\u2238\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2238\u2239\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2239\u052e\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u223a\u223b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u223b\u223c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u223c\u223d"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u223d\u223e\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u223e\u223f\7a\2\2\u223f"+ - "\u2240\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2240\u2241\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2241\u2242\5\u0a41"+ - "\u0521\2\u2242\u2243\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2243\u2244\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2244"+ - "\u2245\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2245\u2246\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2246\u0530\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2247\u2248\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2248\u2249\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2249\u224a\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u224a\u224b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u224b\u224c\5\u0a65\u0533\2"+ - "\u224c\u224d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u224d\u224e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u224e\u0532\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u224f\u2250\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2250\u2251\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2251\u2252"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2252\u2253\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2253\u2254\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u2254\u0534\3\2\2\2\u2255\u2256\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2256\u2257\5\u0a57"+ - "\u052c\2\u2257\u2258\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2258\u2259\7a\2\2\u2259\u225a\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u225a\u225b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u225b\u225c\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u225c\u225d\7a\2\2\u225d\u225e\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u225e\u225f\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u225f\u2260\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2260\u2261\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2261\u0536"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2262\u2263\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2263\u2264\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2264"+ - "\u2265\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2265\u2266\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2266\u2267\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u2267\u2268\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2268\u2269\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2269"+ - "\u226a\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u226a\u226b\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u226b\u226c\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u226c\u226d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u226d\u226e\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u226e"+ - "\u226f\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u226f\u0538\3\2\2\2\u2270\u2271\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u2271\u2272\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2272\u2273\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2273\u2274\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2274\u2275\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2275\u2276\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u2276\u2277\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2277\u053a\3\2\2\2\u2278\u2279\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u2279\u227a\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u227a\u227b\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u227b\u227c"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u227c\u227d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u227d\u227e\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u227e\u053c\3\2\2\2\u227f\u2280\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2280\u2281\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u2281\u2282\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2282\u2283\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2283"+ - "\u2284\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2284\u2285\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2285\u2286\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u2286\u2287\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2287\u2288\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2288"+ - "\u053e\3\2\2\2\u2289\u228a\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u228a\u228b\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u228b\u228c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u228c\u228d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u228d\u228e\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u228e\u228f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u228f\u2290\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u2290\u2291\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2291\u0540\3\2\2\2\u2292\u2293\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u2293\u2294\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2294\u2295\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2295\u2296"+ - "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2296\u2297\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2297\u2298\5\u0a45\u0523"+ - "\2\u2298\u2299\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2299\u229a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u229a\u0542"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u229b\u229c\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u229c\u229d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u229d"+ - "\u229e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u229e\u229f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u229f\u22a0\7a\2\2"+ - "\u22a0\u22a1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22a1\u22a2\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u22a2\u22a3\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u22a3\u22a4\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u22a4\u22a5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u22a5\u22a6\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u22a6\u0544\3\2\2\2\u22a7\u22a8\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u22a8\u22a9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22a9\u22aa\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u22aa\u22ab"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22ab\u22ac\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u22ac\u22ad\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u22ad\u22ae\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22ae\u22af\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u22af\u22b0"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u22b0\u22b1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u22b1\u0546\3\2\2\2\u22b2"+ - "\u22b3\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u22b3\u22b4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u22b4\u22b5\5\u0a39"+ - "\u051d\2\u22b5\u22b6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u22b6\u22b7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u22b7"+ - "\u0548\3\2\2\2\u22b8\u22b9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u22b9\u22ba\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u22ba\u22bb\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u22bb\u22bc\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u22bc\u22bd\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22bd\u22be\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u22be\u22bf\7a\2\2\u22bf\u22c0"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22c0\u22c1\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u22c1\u22c2\5\u0a55\u052b"+ - "\2\u22c2\u22c3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22c3\u054a\3\2\2\2\u22c4\u22c5\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u22c5\u22c6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u22c6\u22c7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u22c7"+ - "\u22c8\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u22c8\u22c9\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u22c9\u22ca\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u22ca\u22cb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22cb\u22cc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22cc"+ - "\u22cd\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u22cd\u054c\3\2\2\2\u22ce\u22cf\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ - "\u22cf\u22d0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22d0\u22d1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u22d1\u22d2\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u22d2\u22d3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22d3\u22d4\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u22d4\u22d5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22d5\u054e\3\2\2\2\u22d6\u22d7\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u22d7\u22d8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u22d8\u22d9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22d9\u22da"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u22da\u22db\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u22db\u22dc\7a\2\2\u22dc"+ - "\u22dd\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22dd\u22de\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u22de\u22df\7a\2\2"+ - "\u22df\u22e0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u22e0\u22e1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22e1\u22e2\5"+ - "\u0a55\u052b\2\u22e2\u22e3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u22e3\u22e4\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u22e4\u22e5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22e5\u0550\3\2\2\2\u22e6\u22e7\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u22e7\u22e8\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u22e8\u22e9\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u22e9\u22ea"+ - "\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u22ea\u22eb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22eb\u22ec\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u22ec\u22ed\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22ed\u0552\3\2\2\2\u22ee\u22ef\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u22ef\u22f0\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u22f0\u22f1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u22f1"+ - "\u22f2\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u22f2\u22f3\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u22f3\u22f4\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u22f4\u22f5\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u22f5\u22f6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u22f6"+ - "\u22f7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u22f7\u22f8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22f8\u0554\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u22f9\u22fa\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u22fa\u22fb\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u22fb\u22fc\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u22fc\u22fd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22fd\u22fe\5\u0a65\u0533\2"+ - "\u22fe\u22ff\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u22ff\u2300\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2300\u0556\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2301\u2302\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2302\u2303\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2303\u2304"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2304\u2305\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2305\u2306\5\u0a69\u0535"+ - "\2\u2306\u2307\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2307\u0558\3\2\2\2\u2308\u2309\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u2309\u230a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u230a\u230b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u230b"+ - "\u230c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u230c\u230d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u230d\u055a\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u230e\u230f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u230f\u2310\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2310\u2311\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2311\u2312\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2312\u2313\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u2313\u2314\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2314\u2315\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2315\u2316\7"+ - "a\2\2\u2316\u2317\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2317\u2318\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2318\u2319"+ - "\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2319\u231a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u231a\u231b\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u231b\u231c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u231c\u231d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u231d\u231e"+ - "\7a\2\2\u231e\u231f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u231f\u2320\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2320"+ - "\u2321\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2321\u2322\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2322\u2323\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u2323\u055c\3\2\2\2\u2324\u2325\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2325\u2326\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2326\u2327\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2327\u055e\3\2\2\2\u2328\u2329"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2329\u232a\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u232a\u232b\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u232b\u232c\7a\2\2\u232c\u232d\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u232d\u232e\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u232e\u232f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u232f\u2330\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2330"+ - "\u2331\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2331\u2332\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2332\u2333\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u2333\u2334\7a\2\2\u2334\u2335\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2335\u2336\5"+ - "\u0a67\u0534\2\u2336\u2337\7a\2\2\u2337\u2338\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2338\u2339"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2339\u233a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u233a\u233b\5\u0a45\u0523"+ - "\2\u233b\u0560\3\2\2\2\u233c\u233d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u233d\u233e\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u233e\u233f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u233f\u2340\7a\2\2\u2340\u2341\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2341\u2342\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2342\u2343\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u2343\u2344\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2344\u0562\3\2\2\2\u2345\u2346\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u2346\u2347\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2347\u2348\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2348\u2349"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2349\u234a\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u234a\u234b\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u234b\u234c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u234c\u0564\3\2\2\2\u234d\u234e\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u234e\u234f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u234f\u2350\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2350"+ - "\u2351\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2351\u2352\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2352\u2353\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u2353\u2354\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2354\u2355\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2355"+ - "\u0566\3\2\2\2\u2356\u2357\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2357\u2358\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u2358\u2359\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2359\u235a\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u235a\u235b\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u235b\u235c\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u235c\u235d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u235d\u0568\3\2\2\2\u235e\u235f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u235f\u2360\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u2360\u2361\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2361\u2362\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2362\u2363"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2363\u2364\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2364\u2365\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u2365\u2366\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2366\u2367\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2367\u2368"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2368\u2369\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2369\u056a\3\2\2\2\u236a"+ - "\u236b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u236b\u236c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u236c\u236d\5\u0a61"+ - "\u0531\2\u236d\u236e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u236e\u236f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u236f"+ - "\u2370\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2370\u2371\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2371\u056c\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2372\u2373\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2373\u2374\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2374\u2375\5"+ - "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2375\u2376\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2376\u2377\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u2377\u2378\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2378\u2379\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2379\u237a\7"+ - "a\2\2\u237a\u237b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u237b\u237c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u237c\u056e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u237d\u237e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u237e\u237f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u237f"+ - "\u2380\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2380\u2381\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2381\u2382\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u2382\u2383\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2383\u2384\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2384"+ - "\u2385\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2385\u2386\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2386\u2387\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u2387\u2388\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2388\u2389\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2389"+ - "\u0570\3\2\2\2\u238a\u238b\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u238b\u238c\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ - "\u238c\u238d\7a\2\2\u238d\u238e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u238e\u238f\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u238f\u2390\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2390\u2391\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2391\u2392"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2392\u2393\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2393\u0572\3\2\2\2\u2394"+ - "\u2395\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2395\u2396\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2396\u2397\5\u0a65"+ - "\u0533\2\u2397\u2398\7a\2\2\u2398\u2399\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2399\u239a\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u239a\u239b\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u239b\u239c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u239c\u0574\3\2\2\2\u239d\u239e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u239e\u239f\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u239f\u23a0\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u23a0\u23a1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u23a1\u23a2"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u23a2\u23a3\7a\2\2\u23a3\u23a4\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u23a4"+ - "\u23a5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u23a5\u23a6\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u23a6\u23a7\5\u0a55"+ - "\u052b\2\u23a7\u0576\3\2\2\2\u23a8\u23a9\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u23a9\u23aa\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u23aa\u23ab\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u23ab\u23ac\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u23ac\u0578\3\2\2\2\u23ad\u23ae\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u23ae\u23af\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u23af\u23b0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u23b0\u23b1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u23b1\u057a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u23b2\u23b3\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u23b3\u23b4\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u23b4"+ - "\u23b5\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u23b5\u23b6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u23b6\u23b7\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u23b7\u23b8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u23b8\u23b9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u23b9"+ - "\u23ba\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u23ba\u23bb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u23bb\u23bc\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u23bc\u057c\3\2\2\2\u23bd\u23be\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u23be\u23bf\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u23bf\u23c0\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u23c0\u23c1\7a\2\2\u23c1\u23c2"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u23c2\u23c3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u23c3\u23c4\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u23c4\u23c5\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u23c5\u23c6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u23c6\u057e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u23c7\u23c8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u23c8\u23c9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u23c9"+ - "\u23ca\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u23ca\u23cb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u23cb\u0580\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u23cc\u23cd\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u23cd\u23ce\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u23ce\u23cf\5"+ - "\u0a43\u0522\2\u23cf\u23d0\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u23d0\u23d1\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u23d1\u23d2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u23d2\u23d3\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u23d3\u23d4\7"+ - "a\2\2\u23d4\u23d5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u23d5\u23d6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u23d6\u23d7"+ - "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u23d7\u23d8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u23d8\u23d9\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u23d9\u23da\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u23da\u23db\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u23db\u23dc"+ - "\7a\2\2\u23dc\u23dd\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u23dd\u23de\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u23de"+ - "\u23df\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u23df\u0582\3\2\2\2\u23e0\u23e1\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ - "\u23e1\u23e2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u23e2\u23e3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u23e3\u23e4\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u23e4\u23e5\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u23e5\u0584\3\2\2\2\u23e6\u23e7"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u23e7\u23e8\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u23e8\u23e9\5\u0a39\u051d"+ - "\2\u23e9\u23ea\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u23ea\u23eb\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u23eb\u23ec"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u23ec\u23ed\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u23ed\u0586\3\2\2\2\u23ee"+ - "\u23ef\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u23ef\u23f0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u23f0\u23f1\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u23f1\u23f2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u23f2\u23f3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u23f3"+ - "\u23f4\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u23f4\u23f5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u23f5\u23f6\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u23f6\u23f7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u23f7\u23f8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u23f8"+ - "\u23f9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u23f9\u0588\3\2\2\2\u23fa\u23fb\5\u0a57\u052c\2"+ - "\u23fb\u23fc\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u23fc\u23fd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u23fd\u23fe\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u23fe\u23ff\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u23ff\u058a\3\2\2\2\u2400\u2401"+ - "\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2401\u2402\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2402\u2403\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u2403\u2404\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2404\u2405\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2405\u2406"+ - "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2406\u058c\3\2\2\2\u2407\u2408\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2408"+ - "\u2409\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2409\u240a\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u240a\u240b\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u240b\u240c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u240c\u240d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u240d"+ - "\u240e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u240e\u240f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u240f\u058e\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2410\u2411\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2411\u2412\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2412\u2413\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u2413\u2414\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2414\u2415\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u2415\u2416\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2416\u2417\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2417\u0590\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2418\u2419\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2419\u241a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u241a\u241b"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u241b\u241c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u241c\u241d\5\u0a39\u051d"+ - "\2\u241d\u241e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u241e\u241f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u241f\u0592"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2420\u2421\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2421\u2422\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2422"+ - "\u2423\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2423\u2424\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2424\u2425\7a\2\2"+ - "\u2425\u2426\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2426\u2427\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2427\u2428\5"+ - "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2428\u2429\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2429\u242a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u242a\u0594\3\2\2\2\u242b\u242c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u242c\u242d\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u242d\u242e\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u242e\u242f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u242f\u2430"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2430\u2431\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2431\u0596\3\2\2\2\u2432"+ - "\u2433\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2433\u2434\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2434\u2435\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u2435\u2436\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2436\u2437\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2437"+ - "\u2438\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2438\u0598\3\2\2\2\u2439\u243a\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u243a\u243b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u243b\u243c\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u243c\u243d\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u243d\u059a\3\2\2\2\u243e\u243f\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u243f\u2440"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2440\u2441\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2441\u2442\5\u0a39\u051d"+ - "\2\u2442\u2443\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2443\u2444\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2444\u059c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2445\u2446\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2446\u2447\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2447"+ - "\u2448\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2448\u2449\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2449\u059e\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u244a\u244b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u244b\u244c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u244c\u244d\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u244d\u244e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u244e\u244f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u244f\u2450\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2450\u2451\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2451\u2452\5"+ - "\u0a61\u0531\2\u2452\u2453\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2453\u2454\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u2454\u2455\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2455\u2456\7a\2\2\u2456\u2457\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u2457\u2458\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2458\u2459\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2459\u245a"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u245a\u05a0\3\2\2\2\u245b\u245c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u245c"+ - "\u245d\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u245d\u245e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u245e\u245f\5\u0a63"+ - "\u0532\2\u245f\u05a2\3\2\2\2\u2460\u2461\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2461\u2462\5"+ - "\u0a45\u0523\2\u2462\u2463\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2463\u2464\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u2464\u2465\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2465\u2466\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2466\u2467\5"+ - "\u0a63\u0532\2\u2467\u2468\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2468\u05a4\3\2\2\2\u2469\u246a"+ - "\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u246a\u246b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u246b\u246c\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u246c\u246d\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u246d\u246e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u246e\u246f"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u246f\u2470\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2470\u05a6\3\2\2\2\u2471"+ - "\u2472\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u2472\u2473\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2473\u2474\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u2474\u2475\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2475\u2476\7a\2\2\u2476\u2477\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2477\u2478\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u2478\u2479\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u2479\u247a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u247a\u247b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u247b\u05a8\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u247c\u247d\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u247d\u247e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u247e\u247f"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u247f\u2480\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2480\u2481\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u2481\u2482\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2482\u2483\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2483\u2484"+ - "\7a\2\2\u2484\u2485\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2485\u2486\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2486"+ - "\u2487\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2487\u2488\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2488\u05aa\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2489\u248a\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u248a\u248b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u248b\u248c\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u248c\u248d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u248d\u248e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u248e\u248f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u248f\u2490\7a\2\2\u2490\u2491\5\u0a55\u052b"+ - "\2\u2491\u2492\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2492\u2493\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2493\u2494"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2494\u05ac\3\2\2\2\u2495\u2496\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2496"+ - "\u2497\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2497\u2498\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2498\u2499\5\u0a57"+ - "\u052c\2\u2499\u249a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u249a\u249b\7a\2\2\u249b\u249c\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u249c\u249d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u249d\u249e\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u249e\u249f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u249f\u24a0\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u24a0\u05ae\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u24a1\u24a2\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u24a2\u24a3\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u24a3\u05b0"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u24a4\u24a5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u24a5\u24a6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u24a6"+ - "\u24a7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u24a7\u24a8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u24a8\u05b2\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u24a9\u24aa\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u24aa\u24ab\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u24ab\u24ac\5"+ - "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u24ac\u24ad\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u24ad\u24ae\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u24ae\u05b4\3\2\2\2\u24af\u24b0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u24b0\u24b1\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u24b1\u24b2\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u24b2\u24b3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u24b3\u24b4"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u24b4\u24b5\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u24b5\u24b6\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u24b6\u24b7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u24b7\u24b8\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u24b8\u24b9"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u24b9\u05b6\3\2\2\2\u24ba\u24bb\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u24bb"+ - "\u24bc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u24bc\u24bd\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u24bd\u24be\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u24be\u24bf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u24bf\u24c0\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u24c0"+ - "\u24c1\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u24c1\u24c2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u24c2\u05b8\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u24c3\u24c4\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u24c4\u24c5\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u24c5\u24c6\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u24c6\u24c7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u24c7\u05ba\3\2\2\2\u24c8\u24c9"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u24c9\u24ca\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u24ca\u24cb\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u24cb\u24cc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u24cc\u24cd\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u24cd\u24ce"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u24ce\u24cf\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u24cf\u24d0\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u24d0\u24d1\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u24d1\u05bc\3\2\2\2\u24d2\u24d3\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u24d3\u24d4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u24d4\u24d5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u24d5"+ - "\u24d6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u24d6\u24d7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u24d7\u24d8\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u24d8\u24d9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u24d9\u05be\3\2\2\2\u24da\u24db\5"+ - "\u0a55\u052b\2\u24db\u24dc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u24dc\u24dd\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u24dd\u24de\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u24de\u24df\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u24df\u24e0\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u24e0\u24e1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u24e1\u24e2\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u24e2\u24e3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u24e3\u24e4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u24e4\u24e5\7"+ - "a\2\2\u24e5\u24e6\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u24e6\u24e7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u24e7\u24e8"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u24e8\u24e9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u24e9\u05c0\3\2\2\2\u24ea"+ - "\u24eb\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u24eb\u24ec\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u24ec\u24ed\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u24ed\u24ee\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u24ee\u24ef\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u24ef"+ - "\u05c2\3\2\2\2\u24f0\u24f1\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u24f1\u24f2\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u24f2\u24f3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u24f3\u24f4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u24f4\u24f5\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u24f5\u24f6\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u24f6\u24f7\7a\2\2\u24f7\u24f8"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u24f8\u24f9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u24f9\u24fa\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u24fa\u24fb\7a\2\2\u24fb\u24fc\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u24fc\u24fd\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u24fd\u24fe\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u24fe\u05c4\3\2\2\2\u24ff\u2500\5"+ - "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2500\u2501\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2501\u2502\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u2502\u2503\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2503\u2504\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2504\u2505\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u2505\u2506\7a\2\2\u2506\u2507\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2507\u2508"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2508\u2509\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2509\u250a\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u250a\u250b\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u250b\u250c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u250c\u250d"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u250d\u250e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u250e\u05c6\3\2\2\2\u250f"+ - "\u2510\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2510\u2511\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2511\u2512\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u2512\u2513\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2513\u05c8\3\2\2\2\u2514\u2515\5"+ - "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2515\u2516\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2516\u2517\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u2517\u2518\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2518\u2519\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2519\u251a\5"+ - "\u0a55\u052b\2\u251a\u251b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u251b\u251c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u251c\u251d\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u251d\u251e\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u251e\u251f\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u251f\u2520\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2520\u05ca\3\2\2\2\u2521\u2522"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2522\u2523\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2523\u2524\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u2524\u2525\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2525\u2526\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2526\u2527"+ - "\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2527\u2528\7a\2\2\u2528\u2529\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2529"+ - "\u252a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u252a\u252b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u252b\u252c\5\u0a55"+ - "\u052b\2\u252c\u05cc\3\2\2\2\u252d\u252e\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u252e\u252f\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u252f\u2530\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2530\u2531\7a\2\2\u2531\u2532"+ - "\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2532\u2533\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2533\u2534\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u2534\u2535\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2535\u2536\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2536\u2537"+ - "\7a\2\2\u2537\u2538\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2538\u2539\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2539"+ - "\u253a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u253a\u253b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u253b\u253c\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u253c\u253d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u253d\u05ce\3\2\2\2\u253e\u253f\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u253f\u2540\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2540\u2541\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u2541\u2542\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2542\u2543\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2543\u05d0\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2544\u2545\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2545\u2546\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2546\u2547"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2547\u2548\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2548\u2549\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u2549\u254a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u254a\u254b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u254b\u254c"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u254c\u254d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u254d\u254e\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u254e\u254f\7a\2\2\u254f\u2550\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2550\u2551\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u2551\u2552\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2552\u2553\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2553"+ - "\u2554\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2554\u2555\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2555\u2556\5\u0a43"+ - "\u0522\2\u2556\u05d2\3\2\2\2\u2557\u2558\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2558\u2559\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u2559\u255a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u255a\u255b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u255b\u255c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u255c\u255d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u255d\u255e\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u255e\u255f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u255f\u2560\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u2560\u2561\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2561\u05d4\3\2\2\2\u2562\u2563\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u2563\u2564\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2564\u2565\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2565\u2566"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2566\u2567\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2567\u2568\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u2568\u05d6\3\2\2\2\u2569\u256a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u256a\u256b\5\u0a65"+ - "\u0533\2\u256b\u256c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u256c\u256d\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u256d"+ - "\u256e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u256e\u256f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u256f\u2570\5\u0a43"+ - "\u0522\2\u2570\u2571\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2571\u05d8\3\2\2\2\u2572\u2573\5"+ - "\u0a43\u0522\2\u2573\u2574\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2574\u2575\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u2575\u2576\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2576\u2577\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2577\u2578\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2578\u05da\3\2\2\2\u2579\u257a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u257a\u257b"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u257b\u257c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u257c\u257d\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u257d\u05dc\3\2\2\2\u257e\u257f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u257f\u2580\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u2580\u2581\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2581\u2582\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2582"+ - "\u2583\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2583\u2584\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2584\u2585\7a\2\2"+ - "\u2585\u2586\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2586\u2587\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2587\u2588\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u2588\u2589\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2589\u05de\3\2\2\2\u258a\u258b"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u258b\u258c\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u258c\u258d\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u258d\u258e\7a\2\2\u258e\u258f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u258f\u2590\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u2590\u2591\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2591\u2592\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2592"+ - "\u2593\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2593\u05e0\3\2\2\2\u2594\u2595\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ - "\u2595\u2596\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2596\u2597\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2597\u2598\7"+ - "a\2\2\u2598\u2599\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2599\u259a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u259a\u259b"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u259b\u259c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u259c\u259d\7a\2\2\u259d"+ - "\u259e\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u259e\u259f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u259f\u25a0\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u25a0\u25a1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u25a1\u25a2\7a\2\2\u25a2\u25a3\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u25a3\u25a4\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u25a4\u05e2\3\2\2\2\u25a5\u25a6"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u25a6\u25a7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u25a7\u25a8\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u25a8\u25a9\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u25a9\u05e4\3\2\2\2\u25aa\u25ab\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u25ab\u25ac\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u25ac\u25ad\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u25ad"+ - "\u25ae\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u25ae\u25af\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u25af\u25b0\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u25b0\u25b1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u25b1\u25b2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u25b2"+ - "\u05e6\3\2\2\2\u25b3\u25b4\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u25b4\u25b5\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ - "\u25b5\u25b6\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u25b6\u25b7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u25b7\u25b8\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u25b8\u25b9\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u25b9\u25ba\7a\2\2\u25ba\u25bb"+ - "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u25bb\u25bc\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u25bc\u25bd\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u25bd\u25be\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u25be\u05e8\3\2\2\2\u25bf\u25c0\5\u0a41"+ - "\u0521\2\u25c0\u25c1\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u25c1\u25c2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u25c2"+ - "\u25c3\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u25c3\u25c4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u25c4\u25c5\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u25c5\u25c6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u25c6\u25c7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u25c7"+ - "\u05ea\3\2\2\2\u25c8\u25c9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u25c9\u25ca\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u25ca\u25cb\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u25cb\u25cc\7a\2\2\u25cc\u25cd\5\u0a61\u0531"+ - "\2\u25cd\u25ce\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u25ce\u25cf\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u25cf\u25d0"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u25d0\u25d1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u25d1\u05ec\3\2\2\2\u25d2"+ - "\u25d3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u25d3\u25d4\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u25d4\u25d5\5\u0a61"+ - "\u0531\2\u25d5\u25d6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u25d6\u25d7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u25d7"+ - "\u25d8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u25d8\u25d9\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u25d9\u25da\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u25da\u25db\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u25db\u05ee\3\2\2\2\u25dc\u25dd\5"+ - "\u0a39\u051d\2\u25dd\u25de\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u25de\u25df\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u25df\u25e0\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u25e0\u25e1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u25e1\u25e2\5"+ - "\u0a67\u0534\2\u25e2\u25e3\7a\2\2\u25e3\u25e4\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u25e4\u25e5"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u25e5\u25e6\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u25e6\u25e7\5\u0a39\u051d"+ - "\2\u25e7\u25e8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u25e8\u25e9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u25e9\u25ea"+ - "\7a\2\2\u25ea\u25eb\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u25eb\u25ec\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u25ec"+ - "\u25ed\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u25ed\u25ee\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u25ee\u25ef\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u25ef\u25f0\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u25f0\u25f1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u25f1"+ - "\u25f2\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u25f2\u05f0\3\2\2\2\u25f3\u25f4\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u25f4\u25f5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u25f5\u25f6\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u25f6\u25f7\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u25f7\u25f8\7a\2\2\u25f8\u25f9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u25f9\u25fa"+ - "\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u25fa\u25fb\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u25fb\u05f2\3\2\2\2\u25fc"+ - "\u25fd\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u25fd\u25fe\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u25fe\u25ff\5\u0a43"+ - "\u0522\2\u25ff\u2600\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2600\u2601\7a\2\2\u2601\u2602\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2602\u2603\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2603\u2604\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ - "\u2604\u05f4\3\2\2\2\u2605\u2606\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2606\u2607\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u2607\u2608\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2608\u2609\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2609\u260a"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u260a\u260b\7a\2\2\u260b\u260c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u260c"+ - "\u260d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u260d\u260e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u260e\u260f\5\u0a4b"+ - "\u0526\2\u260f\u05f6\3\2\2\2\u2610\u2611\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2611\u2612\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u2612\u2613\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2613\u2614\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u2614\u2615\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2615\u05f8\3\2\2\2\u2616\u2617\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u2617\u2618\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u2618\u2619\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2619\u261a"+ - "\7a\2\2\u261a\u261b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u261b\u261c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u261c"+ - "\u261d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u261d\u261e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u261e\u261f\7a\2\2"+ - "\u261f\u2620\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2620\u2621\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2621\u2622\5"+ - "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2622\u2623\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2623\u2624\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ - "\u2624\u2625\7a\2\2\u2625\u2626\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2626\u2627\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u2627\u2628\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2628\u05fa\3\2\2\2\u2629\u262a\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u262a\u262b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u262b\u262c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u262c"+ - "\u262d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u262d\u262e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u262e\u05fc\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u262f\u2630\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2630\u2631\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2631\u2632\5"+ - "\u0a55\u052b\2\u2632\u2633\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2633\u2634\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u2634\u2635\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2635\u2636\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2636\u2637\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2637\u05fe\3\2\2\2\u2638\u2639\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2639\u263a"+ - "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u263a\u263b\7a\2\2\u263b\u263c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u263c"+ - "\u263d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u263d\u263e\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u263e\u263f\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u263f\u0600\3\2\2\2\u2640\u2641\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2641\u2642\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2642\u2643\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2643\u2644\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u2644\u2645\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2645\u0602\3\2\2\2\u2646\u2647\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u2647\u2648\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2648\u2649\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2649\u264a"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u264a\u264b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u264b\u264c\7a\2\2\u264c"+ - "\u264d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u264d\u264e\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u264e\u264f\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u264f\u2650\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2650\u2651\7a\2\2\u2651\u2652\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u2652\u2653\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2653\u2654\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ - "\u2654\u0604\3\2\2\2\u2655\u2656\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2656\u2657\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u2657\u2658\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2658\u2659\7a\2\2\u2659\u265a\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u265a\u265b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u265b\u265c\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u265c"+ - "\u265d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u265d\u0606\3\2\2\2\u265e\u265f\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u265f\u2660\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2660\u2661\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2661\u2662\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2662\u2663\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2663\u2664\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u2664\u2665\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2665\u2666\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2666\u2667\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u2667\u0608\3\2\2\2\u2668\u2669\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2669\u266a"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u266a\u266b\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u266b\u266c\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u266c\u266d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u266d\u266e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u266e\u266f"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u266f\u2670\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2670\u2671\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u2671\u2672\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2672\u2673\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2673\u060a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2674\u2675\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2675\u2676\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2676"+ - "\u2677\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2677\u2678\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2678\u2679\7a\2\2"+ - "\u2679\u267a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u267a\u267b\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u267b\u267c\5"+ - "\u0a67\u0534\2\u267c\u060c\3\2\2\2\u267d\u267e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u267e\u267f"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u267f\u2680\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2680\u2681\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u2681\u2682\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2682\u2683\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2683\u2684"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2684\u2685\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2685\u2686\5\u0a69\u0535"+ - "\2\u2686\u2687\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2687\u2688\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2688\u060e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2689\u268a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u268a\u268b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u268b"+ - "\u268c\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u268c\u268d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u268d\u268e\5\u0a61"+ - "\u0531\2\u268e\u268f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u268f\u0610\3\2\2\2\u2690\u2691\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2691\u2692\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2692\u2693\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u2693\u2694\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2694\u2695\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2695\u2696\7"+ - "a\2\2\u2696\u2697\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2697\u2698\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2698\u2699"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2699\u269a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u269a\u269b\7a\2\2\u269b"+ - "\u269c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u269c\u269d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u269d\u269e\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u269e\u269f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u269f\u26a0\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u26a0"+ - "\u26a1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u26a1\u0612\3\2\2\2\u26a2\u26a3\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u26a3\u26a4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u26a4\u26a5\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u26a5\u26a6\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u26a6\u26a7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u26a7\u26a8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u26a8\u26a9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u26a9\u26aa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u26aa\u26ab\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u26ab\u26ac\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u26ac\u26ad\7a\2\2\u26ad\u26ae"+ - "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u26ae\u26af\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u26af\u26b0\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u26b0\u26b1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u26b1\u0614\3\2\2\2\u26b2\u26b3\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u26b3\u26b4\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u26b4\u26b5\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u26b5"+ - "\u26b6\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u26b6\u26b7\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u26b7\u26b8\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u26b8\u26b9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u26b9\u26ba\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u26ba"+ - "\u26bb\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u26bb\u26bc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u26bc\u26bd\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u26bd\u0616\3\2\2\2\u26be\u26bf\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u26bf\u26c0\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u26c0\u26c1\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u26c1\u26c2\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ - "\u26c2\u26c3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u26c3\u26c4\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u26c4\u26c5\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u26c5\u0618\3\2\2\2\u26c6\u26c7\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u26c7\u26c8"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u26c8\u26c9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u26c9\u26ca\7a\2\2\u26ca"+ - "\u26cb\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u26cb\u26cc\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u26cc\u26cd\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u26cd\u26ce\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u26ce\u26cf\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u26cf"+ - "\u26d0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u26d0\u26d1\7a\2\2\u26d1\u26d2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u26d2\u26d3\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u26d3\u26d4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u26d4\u26d5\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u26d5\u26d6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u26d6\u26d7\7a\2\2\u26d7\u26d8"+ - "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u26d8\u26d9\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u26d9\u26da\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u26da\u26db\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u26db\u061a\3\2\2\2\u26dc\u26dd\5\u0a5f"+ - "\u0530\2\u26dd\u26de\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u26de\u26df\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u26df"+ - "\u26e0\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u26e0\u26e1\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u26e1\u26e2\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u26e2\u26e3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u26e3\u26e4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u26e4"+ - "\u26e5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u26e5\u26e6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u26e6\u26e7\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u26e7\u061c\3\2\2\2\u26e8\u26e9\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u26e9\u26ea\5"+ - "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u26ea\u26eb\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u26eb\u26ec\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u26ec\u26ed\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u26ed\u26ee\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u26ee\u26ef\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u26ef\u26f0\7a\2\2\u26f0\u26f1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u26f1\u26f2"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u26f2\u26f3\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u26f3\u26f4\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u26f4\u26f5\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u26f5\u26f6\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u26f6\u061e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u26f7\u26f8\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u26f8\u26f9\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u26f9"+ - "\u26fa\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u26fa\u0620\3\2\2\2\u26fb\u26fc\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u26fc\u26fd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u26fd\u26fe\7a\2\2\u26fe\u26ff\5\u0a63\u0532"+ - "\2\u26ff\u2700\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2700\u2701\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2701\u2702"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2702\u0622\3\2\2\2\u2703\u2704\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2704"+ - "\u2705\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2705\u2706\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2706\u2707\5\u0a4b"+ - "\u0526\2\u2707\u2708\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2708\u2709\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2709"+ - "\u270a\7a\2\2\u270a\u270b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u270b\u270c\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u270c\u270d\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u270d\u270e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u270e\u270f\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u270f\u2710\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2710\u0624\3\2\2\2\u2711\u2712"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2712\u2713\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2713\u2714\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u2714\u2715\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2715\u2716\7a\2\2\u2716\u2717\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u2717\u2718\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2718\u2719\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2719"+ - "\u0626\3\2\2\2\u271a\u271b\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u271b\u271c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u271c\u271d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u271d\u271e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u271e\u271f\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u271f\u2720\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2720\u2721\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u2721\u2722\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2722\u2723\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2723\u2724\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2724\u0628\3\2\2\2\u2725\u2726\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2726\u2727"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2727\u2728\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2728\u2729\7a\2\2\u2729"+ - "\u272a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u272a\u272b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u272b\u272c\5\u0a55"+ - "\u052b\2\u272c\u272d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u272d\u062a\3\2\2\2\u272e\u272f\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u272f\u2730\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2730\u2731\5\u0a41\u0521\2"+ - "\u2731\u2732\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2732\u2733\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2733\u2734\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2734\u062c\3\2\2\2\u2735\u2736\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2736\u2737"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2737\u2738\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2738\u2739\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u2739\u273a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u273a\u273b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u273b\u273c"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u273c\u273d\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u273d\u273e\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u273e\u273f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u273f\u062e\3\2\2\2\u2740\u2741\5\u0a55"+ - "\u052b\2\u2741\u2742\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2742\u2743\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2743"+ - "\u2744\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2744\u2745\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2745\u2746\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u2746\u2747\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2747\u2748\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2748"+ - "\u2749\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2749\u274a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u274a\u274b\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u274b\u0630\3\2\2\2\u274c\u274d\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u274d\u274e\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u274e\u274f\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u274f\u2750\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ - "\u2750\u2751\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2751\u2752\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2752\u2753\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2753\u2754\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2754\u2755\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u2755\u2756\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2756\u0632\3\2\2\2\u2757\u2758\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u2758\u2759\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2759\u275a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u275a\u275b"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u275b\u275c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u275c\u275d\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u275d\u275e\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u275e\u275f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u275f\u2760"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2760\u0634\3\2\2\2\u2761\u2762\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u2762"+ - "\u2763\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2763\u2764\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2764\u2765\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u2765\u0636\3\2\2\2\u2766\u2767\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2767\u2768\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2768\u2769\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2769\u276a\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u276a\u276b\7a\2\2\u276b\u276c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u276c\u276d\5\u0a61\u0531"+ - "\2\u276d\u276e\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u276e\u276f\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u276f\u0638"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2770\u2771\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2771\u2772\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2772"+ - "\u2773\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2773\u2774\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2774\u2775\7a\2\2"+ - "\u2775\u2776\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2776\u2777\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2777\u2778\5"+ - "\u0a43\u0522\2\u2778\u2779\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2779\u063a\3\2\2\2\u277a\u277b"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u277b\u277c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u277c\u277d\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u277d\u277e\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u277e\u277f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u277f\u2780"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2780\u2781\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2781\u2782\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u2782\u063c\3\2\2\2\u2783\u2784\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2784\u2785\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u2785\u2786\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2786\u2787\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2787"+ - "\u2788\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2788\u2789\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2789\u278a\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u278a\u278b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u278b\u278c\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u278c"+ - "\u063e\3\2\2\2\u278d\u278e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u278e\u278f\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u278f\u2790\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2790\u2791\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2791\u2792\7"+ - "a\2\2\u2792\u2793\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2793\u2794\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2794\u2795"+ - "\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2795\u0640\3\2\2\2\u2796\u2797\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2797"+ - "\u2798\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2798\u2799\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2799\u279a\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u279a\u279b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u279b\u279c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u279c"+ - "\u279d\7a\2\2\u279d\u279e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u279e\u279f\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u279f\u27a0\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u27a0\u27a1\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u27a1\u0642\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u27a2\u27a3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u27a3\u27a4\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u27a4\u27a5"+ - "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u27a5\u27a6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u27a6\u27a7\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u27a7\u27a8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u27a8\u0644\3\2\2\2\u27a9\u27aa\5\u0a4b"+ - "\u0526\2\u27aa\u27ab\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u27ab\u27ac\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u27ac"+ - "\u27ad\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u27ad\u0646\3\2\2\2\u27ae\u27af\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u27af\u27b0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u27b0\u27b1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u27b1\u27b2\5"+ - "\u0a39\u051d\2\u27b2\u27b3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u27b3\u27b4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u27b4\u0648\3\2\2\2\u27b5\u27b6\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u27b6\u27b7\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u27b7\u27b8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u27b8\u27b9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u27b9\u27ba"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u27ba\u064a\3\2\2\2\u27bb\u27bc\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u27bc"+ - "\u27bd\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u27bd\u27be\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u27be\u27bf\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u27bf\u27c0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u27c0\u27c1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u27c1"+ - "\u27c2\7a\2\2\u27c2\u27c3\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u27c3\u27c4\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u27c4\u27c5\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u27c5\u27c6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u27c6\u064c\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u27c7\u27c8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u27c8\u27c9\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u27c9\u27ca"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u27ca\u27cb\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u27cb\u27cc\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u27cc\u27cd\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u27cd\u064e\3\2\2\2\u27ce\u27cf\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u27cf\u27d0\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u27d0\u27d1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u27d1"+ - "\u27d2\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u27d2\u27d3\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u27d3\u27d4\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u27d4\u27d5\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u27d5\u27d6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u27d6"+ - "\u27d7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u27d7\u0650\3\2\2\2\u27d8\u27d9\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u27d9\u27da\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u27da\u27db\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u27db\u27dc\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u27dc\u27dd\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u27dd\u27de\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u27de\u27df\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u27df\u27e0\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u27e0\u27e1\5"+ - "\u0a69\u0535\2\u27e1\u27e2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u27e2\u0652\3\2\2\2\u27e3\u27e4"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u27e4\u27e5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u27e5\u27e6\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u27e6\u27e7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u27e7\u27e8\7a\2\2\u27e8\u27e9\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u27e9\u27ea\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u27ea\u27eb\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u27eb"+ - "\u27ec\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u27ec\u27ed\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u27ed\u0654\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u27ee\u27ef\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u27ef\u27f0\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u27f0\u27f1\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u27f1\u27f2\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u27f2\u27f3\5\u0a4b\u0526\2"+ - "\u27f3\u27f4\7a\2\2\u27f4\u27f5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u27f5\u27f6\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u27f6\u27f7\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u27f7\u27f8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u27f8\u0656"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u27f9\u27fa\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u27fa\u27fb\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u27fb"+ - "\u27fc\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u27fc\u27fd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u27fd\u27fe\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u27fe\u27ff\7a\2\2\u27ff\u2800\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2800\u2801\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2801\u2802\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2802\u2803\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u2803\u2804\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2804\u0658\3\2\2\2\u2805\u2806\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u2806\u2807\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2807\u2808\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2808\u2809"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2809\u280a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u280a\u065a\3\2\2\2\u280b"+ - "\u280c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u280c\u280d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u280d\u280e\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u280e\u280f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u280f\u2810\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2810"+ - "\u2811\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2811\u2812\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2812\u2813\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u2813\u2814\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2814\u2815\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2815"+ - "\u065c\3\2\2\2\u2816\u2817\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2817\u2818\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u2818\u2819\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2819\u281a\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u281a\u281b\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u281b\u281c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u281c\u281d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u281d\u281e\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u281e\u065e\3\2\2\2\u281f\u2820\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u2820\u2821\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2821\u2822\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2822\u2823"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2823\u2824\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2824\u2825\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u2825\u0660\3\2\2\2\u2826\u2827\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2827\u2828\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u2828\u2829\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2829\u0662\3\2\2\2\u282a\u282b\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u282b\u282c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u282c\u282d\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ - "\u282d\u282e\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u282e\u282f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u282f\u2830\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2830\u2831\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2831\u2832\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u2832\u0664\3\2\2\2\u2833\u2834\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2834\u2835\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u2835\u2836\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2836\u2837\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2837\u2838"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2838\u2839\7a\2\2\u2839\u283a\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u283a"+ - "\u283b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u283b\u283c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u283c\u283d\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u283d\u283e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u283e\u283f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u283f"+ - "\u2840\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2840\u2841\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2841\u2842\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u2842\u2843\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2843\u0666\3\2\2\2\u2844\u2845\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u2845\u2846\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2846\u2847\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ - "\u2847\u2848\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2848\u2849\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2849\u284a\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u284a\u284b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u284b\u284c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u284c\u284d\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u284d\u0668\3\2\2\2\u284e\u284f\5\u0a55\u052b"+ - "\2\u284f\u2850\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2850\u2851\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2851\u2852"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2852\u2853\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2853\u2854\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u2854\u2855\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2855\u2856\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2856\u2857"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2857\u2858\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2858\u2859\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u2859\u285a\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u285a\u066a\3\2\2\2\u285b\u285c\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u285c\u285d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u285d\u285e\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u285e"+ - "\u285f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u285f\u2860\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2860\u2861\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u2861\u2862\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2862\u2863\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2863"+ - "\u066c\3\2\2\2\u2864\u2865\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2865\u2866\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u2866\u2867\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2867\u2868\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2868\u2869\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u2869\u066e\3\2\2\2\u286a\u286b\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u286b\u286c"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u286c\u286d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u286d\u286e\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u286e\u286f\7a\2\2\u286f\u2870\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2870\u2871\5\u0a39"+ - "\u051d\2\u2871\u2872\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u2872\u2873\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2873"+ - "\u2874\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2874\u2875\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2875\u0670\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2876\u2877\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2877\u2878\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2878\u2879\5"+ - "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2879\u287a\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u287a\u287b\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u287b\u287c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u287c\u0672\3\2\2\2\u287d\u287e\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u287e\u287f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u287f\u2880\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2880\u2881"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2881\u2882\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2882\u2883\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u2883\u2884\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2884\u2885\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2885\u2886"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2886\u2887\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2887\u2888\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u2888\u2889\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2889\u288a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u288a\u0674"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u288b\u288c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u288c\u288d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u288d"+ - "\u288e\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u288e\u288f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u288f\u2890\5\u0a55"+ - "\u052b\2\u2890\u2891\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2891\u2892\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2892"+ - "\u2893\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2893\u2894\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2894\u0676\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2895\u2896\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2896\u2897\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2897\u2898\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2898\u2899\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2899\u289a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u289a\u0678\3\2\2\2\u289b\u289c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u289c\u289d\5\u0a61\u0531"+ - "\2\u289d\u289e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u289e\u289f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u289f\u28a0"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u28a0\u28a1\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u28a1\u28a2\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u28a2\u28a3\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u28a3\u28a4\7\64\2\2\u28a4\u067a\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u28a5\u28a6\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u28a6\u28a7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u28a7\u28a8"+ - "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u28a8\u28a9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u28a9\u28aa\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u28aa\u28ab\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u28ab\u28ac\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u28ac\u28ad"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u28ad\u067c\3\2\2\2\u28ae\u28af\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u28af"+ - "\u28b0\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u28b0\u28b1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u28b1\u28b2\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u28b2\u28b3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u28b3\u28b4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u28b4"+ - "\u28b5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u28b5\u067e\3\2\2\2\u28b6\u28b7\5\u0a41\u0521\2"+ - "\u28b7\u28b8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u28b8\u28b9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u28b9\u28ba\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u28ba\u28bb\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u28bb\u28bc\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u28bc\u28bd\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u28bd\u28be\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u28be\u0680\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u28bf\u28c0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u28c0\u28c1\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u28c1\u28c2"+ - "\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u28c2\u28c3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u28c3\u0682\3\2\2\2\u28c4"+ - "\u28c5\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u28c5\u28c6\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u28c6\u28c7\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u28c7\u0684\3\2\2\2\u28c8\u28c9\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u28c9\u28ca\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u28ca\u28cb\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u28cb\u28cc\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u28cc\u28cd\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u28cd\u28ce\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u28ce\u28cf\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u28cf\u28d0\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u28d0\u28d1\7a\2\2\u28d1\u28d2"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u28d2\u28d3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u28d3\u28d4\5\u0a41\u0521"+ - "\2\u28d4\u28d5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u28d5\u28d6\7a\2\2\u28d6\u28d7\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u28d7\u28d8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u28d8\u28d9\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u28d9"+ - "\u28da\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u28da\u0686\3\2\2\2\u28db\u28dc\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u28dc\u28dd\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u28dd\u28de\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u28de\u0688\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u28df\u28e0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u28e0\u28e1\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u28e1\u28e2"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u28e2\u28e3\7a\2\2\u28e3\u28e4\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u28e4"+ - "\u28e5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u28e5\u28e6\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u28e6\u068a\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u28e7\u28e8\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u28e8\u28e9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u28e9\u28ea\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u28ea\u28eb\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u28eb\u068c\3\2\2\2\u28ec\u28ed"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u28ed\u28ee\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u28ee\u28ef\7a\2\2\u28ef"+ - "\u28f0\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u28f0\u28f1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u28f1\u28f2\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u28f2\u28f3\7a\2\2\u28f3\u28f4\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u28f4\u28f5\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u28f5\u28f6\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u28f6\u28f7\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u28f7\u28f8\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u28f8\u28f9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u28f9\u28fa\7"+ - "a\2\2\u28fa\u28fb\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u28fb\u28fc\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u28fc\u28fd"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u28fd\u28fe\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u28fe\u28ff\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u28ff\u2900\7a\2\2\u2900\u2901\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2901\u2902\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u2902\u2903\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2903\u2904\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2904"+ - "\u068e\3\2\2\2\u2905\u2906\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2906\u2907\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u2907\u2908\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2908\u2909\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2909\u0690\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u290a\u290b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u290b\u290c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u290c\u290d"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u290d\u290e\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u290e\u0692\3\2\2\2\u290f"+ - "\u2910\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2910\u2911\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2911\u2912\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u2912\u2913\7a\2\2\u2913\u2914\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2914\u2915\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u2915\u2916\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2916\u0694\3\2\2\2\u2917\u2918"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2918\u2919\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2919\u291a\5\u0a41\u0521"+ - "\2\u291a\u291b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u291b\u291c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u291c\u291d"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u291d\u291e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u291e\u291f\7a\2\2\u291f"+ - "\u2920\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2920\u2921\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2921\u2922\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u2922\u2923\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2923\u0696\3\2\2\2\u2924\u2925\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2925\u2926\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2926\u2927\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u2927\u2928\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2928\u2929\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2929\u292a\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u292a\u292b\7a\2\2\u292b\u292c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u292c\u292d"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u292d\u292e\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u292e\u292f\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u292f\u0698\3\2\2\2\u2930\u2931\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2931\u2932\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u2932\u2933\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2933\u2934\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2934"+ - "\u2935\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2935\u2936\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2936\u069a\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2937\u2938\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2938\u2939\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2939\u293a\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u293a\u293b\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u293b\u069c\3\2\2\2\u293c\u293d"+ - "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u293d\u293e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u293e\u293f\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u293f\u2940\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2940\u2941\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2941\u2942"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2942\u2943\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2943\u2944\5\u0a67\u0534"+ - "\2\u2944\u2945\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2945\u2946\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2946\u2947"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2947\u2948\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2948\u2949\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u2949\u294a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u294a\u294b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u294b\u294c"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u294c\u294d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u294d\u294e\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u294e\u069e\3\2\2\2\u294f\u2950\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2950\u2951\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u2951\u2952\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2952\u2953\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2953"+ - "\u2954\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2954\u2955\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2955\u2956\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u2956\u06a0\3\2\2\2\u2957\u2958\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2958\u2959\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2959\u295a\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u295a\u295b\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u295b\u295c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u295c\u295d\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u295d\u06a2\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u295e\u295f\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u295f\u2960\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2960\u2961"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2961\u2962\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2962\u2963\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u2963\u2964\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2964\u2965\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2965\u2966"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2966\u06a4\3\2\2\2\u2967\u2968\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2968"+ - "\u2969\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2969\u296a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u296a\u296b\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u296b\u296c\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u296c\u296d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u296d"+ - "\u296e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u296e\u296f\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u296f\u2970\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u2970\u2971\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2971\u06a6\3\2\2\2\u2972\u2973\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2973\u2974\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2974\u2975\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u2975\u2976\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2976\u2977\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2977\u2978\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2978\u2979\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2979\u297a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u297a\u06a8\3\2\2\2\u297b\u297c\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u297c\u297d\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u297d\u297e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u297e\u297f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u297f\u2980"+ - "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2980\u2981\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2981\u06aa\3\2\2\2\u2982"+ - "\u2983\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2983\u2984\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2984\u2985\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u2985\u2986\7a\2\2\u2986\u2987\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2987\u2988\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u2988\u2989\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2989\u06ac\3\2\2\2\u298a\u298b"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u298b\u298c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u298c\u298d\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u298d\u298e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u298e\u298f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u298f\u2990"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2990\u2991\7a\2\2\u2991\u2992\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2992"+ - "\u2993\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2993\u2994\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2994\u2995\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u2995\u2996\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2996\u2997\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2997"+ - "\u2998\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2998\u06ae\3\2\2\2\u2999\u299a\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ - "\u299a\u299b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u299b\u299c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u299c\u299d\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u299d\u299e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u299e\u299f\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u299f\u29a0\7a\2\2\u29a0\u29a1\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u29a1\u29a2\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u29a2\u29a3\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u29a3\u29a4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u29a4\u29a5"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u29a5\u29a6\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u29a6\u29a7\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u29a7\u29a8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u29a8\u29a9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u29a9\u29aa"+ - "\7a\2\2\u29aa\u29ab\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u29ab\u29ac\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u29ac"+ - "\u29ad\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u29ad\u29ae\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u29ae\u29af\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u29af\u29b0\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u29b0\u06b0\3\2\2\2\u29b1\u29b2\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u29b2\u29b3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u29b3\u29b4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u29b4\u29b5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u29b5\u29b6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u29b6\u29b7\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u29b7\u29b8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u29b8\u29b9\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ - "\u29b9\u06b2\3\2\2\2\u29ba\u29bb\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u29bb\u29bc\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u29bc\u29bd\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u29bd\u29be\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u29be\u29bf"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u29bf\u29c0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u29c0\u29c1\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u29c1\u29c2\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u29c2\u29c3\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u29c3\u29c4"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u29c4\u29c5\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u29c5\u29c6\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u29c6\u29c7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u29c7\u06b4\3\2\2\2\u29c8\u29c9\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u29c9\u29ca\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u29ca\u29cb\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u29cb"+ - "\u29cc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u29cc\u06b6\3\2\2\2\u29cd\u29ce\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u29ce\u29cf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u29cf\u29d0\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u29d0\u29d1\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u29d1\u29d2\7a\2\2\u29d2\u29d3\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u29d3\u29d4"+ - "\7\64\2\2\u29d4\u06b8\3\2\2\2\u29d5\u29d6\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u29d6\u29d7"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u29d7\u29d8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u29d8\u29d9\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u29d9\u29da\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u29da\u29db\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u29db\u29dc"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u29dc\u06ba\3\2\2\2\u29dd\u29de\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u29de"+ - "\u29df\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u29df\u29e0\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u29e0\u29e1\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u29e1\u29e2\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u29e2\u29e3\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u29e3"+ - "\u06bc\3\2\2\2\u29e4\u29e5\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u29e5\u29e6\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u29e6\u29e7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u29e7\u29e8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u29e8\u29e9\5"+ - "\u0a67\u0534\2\u29e9\u06be\3\2\2\2\u29ea\u29eb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u29eb\u29ec"+ - "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u29ec\u29ed\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u29ed\u29ee\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u29ee\u29ef\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u29ef\u29f0\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u29f0\u29f1"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u29f1\u29f2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u29f2\u06c0\3\2\2\2\u29f3"+ - "\u29f4\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u29f4\u29f5\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u29f5\u29f6\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u29f6\u29f7\7a\2\2\u29f7\u29f8\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u29f8\u29f9\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u29f9\u29fa\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u29fa\u29fb\7a\2\2\u29fb\u29fc"+ - "\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u29fc\u29fd\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u29fd\u29fe\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u29fe\u29ff\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u29ff\u2a00\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2a00\u2a01"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a01\u2a02\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2a02\u06c2\3\2\2\2\u2a03"+ - "\u2a04\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a04\u2a05\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2a05\u2a06\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u2a06\u2a07\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2a07\u2a08\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a08"+ - "\u06c4\3\2\2\2\u2a09\u2a0a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2a0a\u2a0b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u2a0b\u2a0c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2a0c\u2a0d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2a0d\u2a0e\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u2a0e\u2a0f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2a0f\u06c6\3\2\2\2\u2a10\u2a11"+ - "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2a11\u2a12\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2a12\u2a13\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u2a13\u2a14\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2a14\u2a15\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a15\u2a16"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2a16\u2a17\7a\2\2\u2a17\u2a18\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a18"+ - "\u2a19\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a19\u2a1a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2a1a\u2a1b\7a\2\2"+ - "\u2a1b\u2a1c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2a1c\u2a1d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2a1d\u2a1e\5"+ - "\u0a55\u052b\2\u2a1e\u2a1f\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2a1f\u2a20\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u2a20\u2a21\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2a21\u06c8\3\2\2\2\u2a22\u2a23\5\u0a4b\u0526"+ - "\2\u2a23\u2a24\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a24\u2a25\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2a25\u2a26"+ - "\7a\2\2\u2a26\u2a27\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2a27\u2a28\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a28"+ - "\u2a29\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2a29\u2a2a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a2a\u2a2b\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u2a2b\u2a2c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2a2c\u2a2d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2a2d"+ - "\u06ca\3\2\2\2\u2a2e\u2a2f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2a2f\u2a30\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u2a30\u2a31\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2a31\u2a32\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2a32\u2a33\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2a33\u2a34\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2a34\u2a35\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ - "\u2a35\u2a36\7a\2\2\u2a36\u2a37\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2a37\u2a38\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u2a38\u2a39\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2a39\u2a3a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a3a\u06cc"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2a3b\u2a3c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2a3c\u2a3d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2a3d"+ - "\u2a3e\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2a3e\u2a3f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2a3f\u2a40\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u2a40\u2a41\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2a41\u2a42\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a42"+ - "\u2a43\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2a43\u2a44\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a44\u2a45\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u2a45\u06ce\3\2\2\2\u2a46\u2a47\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2a47\u2a48\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u2a48\u2a49\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2a49\u2a4a\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u2a4a\u2a4b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a4b\u2a4c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2a4c\u2a4d\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2a4d\u2a4e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2a4e\u2a4f\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u2a4f\u2a50\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2a50\u06d0\3\2\2\2\u2a51\u2a52\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u2a52\u2a53\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2a53\u2a54\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2a54\u2a55"+ - "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2a55\u2a56\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2a56\u2a57\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u2a57\u2a58\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2a58\u06d2\3\2\2\2\u2a59\u2a5a\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u2a5a\u2a5b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2a5b\u2a5c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2a5c"+ - "\u2a5d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2a5d\u06d4\3\2\2\2\u2a5e\u2a5f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u2a5f\u2a60\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2a60\u2a61\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2a61\u2a62\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2a62\u2a63\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a63\u2a64\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u2a64\u06d6\3\2\2\2\u2a65\u2a66\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a66\u2a67\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u2a67\u2a68\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2a68\u2a69\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2a69\u2a6a"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2a6a\u2a6b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a6b\u06d8\3\2\2\2\u2a6c"+ - "\u2a6d\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2a6d\u2a6e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a6e\u2a6f\5\u0a43"+ - "\u0522\2\u2a6f\u2a70\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2a70\u2a71\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2a71"+ - "\u06da\3\2\2\2\u2a72\u2a73\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2a73\u2a74\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u2a74\u2a75\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2a75\u2a76\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2a76\u2a77\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2a77\u2a78\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2a78\u2a79\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u2a79\u2a7a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a7a\u2a7b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a7b\u06dc\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2a7c\u2a7d\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2a7d\u2a7e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2a7e\u2a7f"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a7f\u2a80\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a80\u2a81\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u2a81\u2a82\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2a82\u2a83\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a83\u2a84"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2a84\u2a85\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a85\u06de\3\2\2\2\u2a86"+ - "\u2a87\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a87\u2a88\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u2a88\u2a89\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u2a89\u2a8a\7a\2\2\u2a8a\u2a8b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2a8b\u2a8c\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a8c\u2a8d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2a8d\u2a8e\7a\2\2\u2a8e\u2a8f"+ - "\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2a8f\u2a90\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a90\u2a91\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u2a91\u2a92\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2a92\u06e0\3\2\2\2\u2a93\u2a94\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u2a94\u2a95\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2a95\u2a96\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a96"+ - "\u2a97\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2a97\u2a98\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2a98\u2a99\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u2a99\u06e2\3\2\2\2\u2a9a\u2a9b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2a9b\u2a9c\5"+ - "\u0a57\u052c\2\u2a9c\u2a9d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2a9d\u2a9e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u2a9e\u2a9f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2a9f\u2aa0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2aa0\u2aa1\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u2aa1\u2aa2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2aa2\u06e4\3\2\2\2\u2aa3\u2aa4"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2aa4\u2aa5\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2aa5\u2aa6\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u2aa6\u2aa7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2aa7\u2aa8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2aa8\u2aa9"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2aa9\u2aaa\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2aaa\u2aab\5\u0a61\u0531"+ - "\2\u2aab\u2aac\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2aac\u2aad\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2aad\u2aae"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2aae\u06e6\3\2\2\2\u2aaf\u2ab0\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2ab0"+ - "\u2ab1\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2ab1\u2ab2\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2ab2\u2ab3\5\u0a43"+ - "\u0522\2\u2ab3\u2ab4\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2ab4\u2ab5\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2ab5"+ - "\u2ab6\7a\2\2\u2ab6\u2ab7\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2ab7\u2ab8\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u2ab8\u2ab9\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2ab9\u06e8\3\2\2\2\u2aba\u2abb\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u2abb\u2abc\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2abc\u2abd\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2abd\u2abe"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2abe\u2abf\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2abf\u06ea\3\2\2\2\u2ac0"+ - "\u2ac1\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2ac1\u2ac2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2ac2\u2ac3\5\u0a41"+ - "\u0521\2\u2ac3\u2ac4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2ac4\u06ec\3\2\2\2\u2ac5\u2ac6\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2ac6\u2ac7\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u2ac7\u2ac8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u2ac8\u2ac9\7a\2\2\u2ac9\u2aca\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2aca\u2acb\5\u0a45\u0523"+ - "\2\u2acb\u2acc\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2acc\u2acd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2acd\u2ace"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2ace\u2acf\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2acf\u06ee\3\2\2\2\u2ad0"+ - "\u2ad1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2ad1\u2ad2\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2ad2\u2ad3\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u2ad3\u2ad4\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2ad4\u2ad5\7a\2\2\u2ad5\u2ad6\5"+ - "\u0a45\u0523\2\u2ad6\u2ad7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ad7\u2ad8\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u2ad8\u2ad9\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2ad9\u2ada\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ada\u2adb\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u2adb\u06f0\3\2\2\2\u2adc\u2add\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2add\u2ade"+ - "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2ade\u2adf\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2adf\u2ae0\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u2ae0\u2ae1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2ae1\u06f2\3\2\2\2\u2ae2\u2ae3\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u2ae3\u2ae4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ae4\u2ae5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2ae5"+ - "\u2ae6\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2ae6\u2ae7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ae7\u2ae8\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u2ae8\u06f4\3\2\2\2\u2ae9\u2aea\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2aea\u2aeb\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u2aeb\u2aec\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2aec\u2aed\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u2aed\u2aee\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2aee\u2aef\7a\2\2\u2aef\u2af0\5\u0a4b\u0526"+ - "\2\u2af0\u2af1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2af1\u2af2\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2af2\u06f6"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2af3\u2af4\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2af4\u2af5\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2af5"+ - "\u2af6\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2af6\u2af7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2af7\u2af8\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u2af8\u06f8\3\2\2\2\u2af9\u2afa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2afa\u2afb\5"+ - "\u0a65\u0533\2\u2afb\u2afc\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2afc\u2afd\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u2afd\u2afe\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2afe\u2aff\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2aff\u2b00\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2b00\u06fa\3\2\2\2\u2b01\u2b02\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2b02\u2b03"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2b03\u2b04\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b04\u2b05\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u2b05\u2b06\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2b06\u2b07\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2b07\u2b08"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2b08\u2b09\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2b09\u2b0a\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u2b0a\u2b0b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b0b\u2b0c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2b0c\u2b0d"+ - "\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2b0d\u2b0e\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2b0e\u2b0f\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u2b0f\u06fc\3\2\2\2\u2b10\u2b11\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2b11\u2b12\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u2b12\u2b13\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b13\u2b14\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b14"+ - "\u2b15\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2b15\u2b16\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b16\u2b17\5\u0a65"+ - "\u0533\2\u2b17\u2b18\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2b18\u2b19\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b19"+ - "\u06fe\3\2\2\2\u2b1a\u2b1b\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2b1b\u2b1c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u2b1c\u2b1d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2b1d\u2b1e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2b1e\u2b1f\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b1f\u2b20\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2b20\u2b21\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u2b21\u2b22\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2b22\u2b23\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b23\u2b24\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b24\u2b25\7a\2\2\u2b25\u2b26\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2b26\u2b27"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2b27\u2b28\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b28\u2b29\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u2b29\u0700\3\2\2\2\u2b2a\u2b2b\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2b2b\u2b2c\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u2b2c\u2b2d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b2d\u2b2e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b2e"+ - "\u2b2f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b2f\u2b30\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u2b30\u2b31\5\u0a5f"+ - "\u0530\2\u2b31\u2b32\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b32\u2b33\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2b33"+ - "\u2b34\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2b34\u2b35\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b35\u0702\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2b36\u2b37\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2b37\u2b38\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2b38\u2b39\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b39\u2b3a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2b3a\u2b3b\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u2b3b\u2b3c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b3c\u2b3d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2b3d\u0704\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2b3e\u2b3f\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2b3f\u2b40\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2b40\u2b41"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b41\u2b42\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b42\u2b43\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u2b43\u2b44\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2b44\u2b45\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2b45\u2b46"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2b46\u2b47\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b47\u2b48\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u2b48\u2b49\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u2b49\u2b4a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b4a\u0706"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2b4b\u2b4c\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2b4c\u2b4d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2b4d"+ - "\u2b4e\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2b4e\u2b4f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b4f\u2b50\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u2b50\u0708\3\2\2\2\u2b51\u2b52\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2b52\u2b53\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2b53\u2b54\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2b54\u2b55\5\u0a45\u0523\2"+ - "\u2b55\u2b56\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b56\u070a\3\2\2\2\u2b57\u2b58\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u2b58\u2b59\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b59\u2b5a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2b5a\u2b5b"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2b5b\u2b5c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2b5c\u2b5d\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u2b5d\u2b5e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b5e\u2b5f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2b5f\u2b60"+ - "\7a\2\2\u2b60\u2b61\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b61\u2b62\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u2b62"+ - "\u2b63\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b63\u2b64\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b64\u2b65\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u2b65\u2b66\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2b66\u2b67\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2b67"+ - "\u2b68\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b68\u070c\3\2\2\2\u2b69\u2b6a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u2b6a\u2b6b\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2b6b\u2b6c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2b6c\u2b6d\5"+ - "\u0a55\u052b\2\u2b6d\u2b6e\7a\2\2\u2b6e\u2b6f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2b6f\u2b70"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2b70\u2b71\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2b71\u2b72\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u2b72\u2b73\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2b73\u070e\3\2\2\2\u2b74\u2b75\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u2b75\u2b76\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2b76\u2b77\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2b77"+ - "\u0710\3\2\2\2\u2b78\u2b79\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2b79\u2b7a\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u2b7a\u2b7b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b7b\u2b7c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b7c\u2b7d\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b7d\u2b7e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2b7e\u2b7f\5\u0a61\u0531\2"+ - "\u2b7f\u2b80\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b80\u0712\3\2\2\2\u2b81\u2b82\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u2b82\u2b83\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b83\u2b84\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2b84\u2b85"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b85\u0714\3\2\2\2\u2b86\u2b87\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b87"+ - "\u2b88\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u2b88\u2b89\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b89\u2b8a\7a\2\2"+ - "\u2b8a\u2b8b\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2b8b\u2b8c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2b8c\u2b8d\5"+ - "\u0a41\u0521\2\u2b8d\u2b8e\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2b8e\u2b8f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u2b8f\u2b90\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2b90\u2b91\7a\2\2\u2b91\u2b92\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u2b92\u2b93\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2b93\u2b94\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2b94\u2b95"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2b95\u2b96\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b96\u2b97\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u2b97\u0716\3\2\2\2\u2b98\u2b99\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2b99\u2b9a\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u2b9a\u2b9b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2b9b\u2b9c\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2b9c"+ - "\u0718\3\2\2\2\u2b9d\u2b9e\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u2b9e\u2b9f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u2b9f\u2ba0\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2ba0\u2ba1\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2ba1\u071a\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2ba2\u2ba3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2ba3\u2ba4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2ba4\u2ba5"+ - "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2ba5\u2ba6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ba6\u071c\3\2\2\2\u2ba7"+ - "\u2ba8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2ba8\u2ba9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2ba9\u2baa\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u2baa\u2bab\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2bab\u2bac\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2bac"+ - "\u2bad\7a\2\2\u2bad\u2bae\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2bae\u2baf\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u2baf\u2bb0\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2bb0\u2bb1\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2bb1\u2bb2\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2bb2\u2bb3\7a\2\2\u2bb3\u2bb4\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2bb4\u2bb5"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2bb5\u071e\3\2\2\2\u2bb6\u2bb7\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2bb7"+ - "\u2bb8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2bb8\u2bb9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2bb9\u2bba\5\u0a57"+ - "\u052c\2\u2bba\u2bbb\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2bbb\u2bbc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2bbc"+ - "\u2bbd\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2bbd\u2bbe\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2bbe\u2bbf\5\u0a67"+ - "\u0534\2\u2bbf\u0720\3\2\2\2\u2bc0\u2bc1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2bc1\u2bc2\5"+ - "\u0a57\u052c\2\u2bc2\u2bc3\7a\2\2\u2bc3\u2bc4\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2bc4\u2bc5"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2bc5\u2bc6\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2bc6\u0722\3\2\2\2\u2bc7"+ - "\u2bc8\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2bc8\u2bc9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2bc9\u2bca\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u2bca\u2bcb\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2bcb\u2bcc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2bcc"+ - "\u2bcd\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2bcd\u0724\3\2\2\2\u2bce\u2bcf\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u2bcf\u2bd0\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2bd0\u2bd1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2bd1\u2bd2\5"+ - "\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2bd2\u2bd3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2bd3\u0726\3\2\2\2\u2bd4\u2bd5"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2bd5\u2bd6\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2bd6\u2bd7\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u2bd7\u2bd8\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2bd8\u2bd9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2bd9\u2bda"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2bda\u2bdb\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2bdb\u2bdc\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u2bdc\u2bdd\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2bdd\u0728\3\2\2\2\u2bde\u2bdf\5\u0a43"+ - "\u0522\2\u2bdf\u2be0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2be0\u2be1\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2be1"+ - "\u2be2\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2be2\u2be3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2be3\u2be4\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u2be4\u2be5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2be5\u2be6\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2be6"+ - "\u072a\3\2\2\2\u2be7\u2be8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2be8\u2be9\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u2be9\u2bea\7a\2\2\u2bea\u2beb\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2beb\u2bec\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u2bec\u2bed\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2bed\u2bee\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2bee\u2bef"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2bef\u2bf0\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2bf0\u2bf1\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u2bf1\u2bf2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2bf2\u072c\3\2\2\2\u2bf3\u2bf4\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u2bf4\u2bf5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2bf5\u2bf6\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2bf6"+ - "\u2bf7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2bf7\u2bf8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2bf8\u2bf9\5\u0a43"+ - "\u0522\2\u2bf9\u2bfa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2bfa\u2bfb\7a\2\2\u2bfb\u2bfc\5"+ - "\u0a41\u0521\2\u2bfc\u2bfd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2bfd\u2bfe\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u2bfe\u2bff\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2bff\u2c00\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2c00\u2c01\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2c01\u2c02\7a\2\2\u2c02\u2c03\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2c03\u2c04"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c04\u2c05\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2c05\u2c06\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u2c06\u2c07\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2c07\u2c08\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2c08\u2c09"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c09\u072e\3\2\2\2\u2c0a\u2c0b\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2c0b"+ - "\u2c0c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c0c\u2c0d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2c0d\u2c0e\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u2c0e\u2c0f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2c0f\u2c10\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2c10"+ - "\u2c11\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c11\u0730\3\2\2\2\u2c12\u2c13\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u2c13\u2c14\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c14\u2c15\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2c15\u2c16\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c16\u2c17\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c17\u2c18\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u2c18\u0732\3\2\2\2\u2c19\u2c1a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2c1a\u2c1b\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u2c1b\u2c1c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2c1c\u2c1d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2c1d\u2c1e"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2c1e\u2c1f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2c1f\u2c20\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u2c20\u2c21\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2c21\u2c22\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c22\u2c23"+ - "\7a\2\2\u2c23\u2c24\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2c24\u2c25\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c25"+ - "\u2c26\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2c26\u2c27\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c27\u2c28\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u2c28\u0734\3\2\2\2\u2c29\u2c2a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2c2a\u2c2b\5"+ - "\u0a61\u0531\2\u2c2b\u2c2c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c2c\u2c2d\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u2c2d\u0736\3\2\2\2\u2c2e\u2c2f\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2c2f\u2c30\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u2c30\u2c31\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2c31\u2c32\7a\2\2\u2c32\u2c33\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u2c33\u2c34\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c34\u2c35\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c35"+ - "\u2c36\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c36\u2c37\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2c37\u2c38\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u2c38\u2c39\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c39\u2c3a\7a\2\2\u2c3a\u2c3b\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c3b\u2c3c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2c3c\u2c3d\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ - "\u2c3d\u0738\3\2\2\2\u2c3e\u2c3f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2c3f\u2c40\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u2c40\u2c41\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c41\u2c42\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2c42\u2c43"+ - "\7a\2\2\u2c43\u2c44\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2c44\u2c45\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c45"+ - "\u2c46\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c46\u2c47\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2c47\u2c48\5\u0a5f"+ - "\u0530\2\u2c48\u2c49\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2c49\u2c4a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2c4a"+ - "\u2c4b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c4b\u2c4c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c4c\u073a\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2c4d\u2c4e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2c4e\u2c4f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c4f\u2c50\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c50\u2c51\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2c51\u2c52\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u2c52\u2c53\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c53\u2c54\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2c54\u2c55\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2c55\u2c56\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2c56\u2c57\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u2c57\u2c58\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c58\u073c\3\2\2\2\u2c59\u2c5a\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u2c5a\u2c5b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2c5b\u2c5c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c5c\u2c5d"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2c5d\u2c5e\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2c5e\u2c5f\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u2c5f\u073e\3\2\2\2\u2c60\u2c61\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2c61\u2c62\5\u0a5f"+ - "\u0530\2\u2c62\u2c63\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2c63\u2c64\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2c64"+ - "\u2c65\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2c65\u2c66\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2c66\u2c67\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u2c67\u0740\3\2\2\2\u2c68\u2c69\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2c69\u2c6a\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2c6a\u2c6b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c6b\u2c6c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u2c6c\u2c6d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c6d\u2c6e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2c6e\u2c6f\7"+ - "a\2\2\u2c6f\u2c70\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2c70\u2c71\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2c71\u2c72"+ - "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2c72\u2c73\7a\2\2\u2c73\u2c74\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2c74"+ - "\u2c75\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2c75\u2c76\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2c76\u2c77\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u2c77\u0742\3\2\2\2\u2c78\u2c79\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2c79\u2c7a\5"+ - "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2c7a\u2c7b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c7b\u2c7c\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ - "\u2c7c\u2c7d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c7d\u0744\3\2\2\2\u2c7e\u2c7f\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u2c7f\u2c80\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2c80\u2c81\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2c81\u2c82"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2c82\u2c83\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2c83\u2c84\5\u0a61\u0531"+ - "\2\u2c84\u2c85\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2c85\u2c86\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2c86\u2c87"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2c87\u2c88\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c88\u0746\3\2\2\2\u2c89"+ - "\u2c8a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c8a\u2c8b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c8b\u2c8c\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u2c8c\u2c8d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2c8d\u2c8e\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2c8e"+ - "\u2c8f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2c8f\u2c90\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2c90\u2c91\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u2c91\u0748\3\2\2\2\u2c92\u2c93\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c93\u2c94\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2c94\u2c95\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2c95\u2c96\5\u0a61\u0531\2"+ - "\u2c96\u2c97\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2c97\u074a\3\2\2\2\u2c98\u2c99\5\u0a43\u0522"+ - "\2\u2c99\u2c9a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2c9a\u2c9b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c9b\u074c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2c9c\u2c9d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2c9d\u2c9e\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2c9e"+ - "\u2c9f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2c9f\u2ca0\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2ca0\u2ca1\7a\2\2"+ - "\u2ca1\u2ca2\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2ca2\u2ca3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2ca3\u2ca4\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2ca4\u2ca5\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2ca5\u2ca6\5\u0a4b\u0526\2"+ - "\u2ca6\u2ca7\7a\2\2\u2ca7\u2ca8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2ca8\u2ca9\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u2ca9\u2caa\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2caa\u2cab\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2cab\u2cac"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2cac\u074e\3\2\2\2\u2cad\u2cae\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2cae"+ - "\u2caf\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2caf\u2cb0\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2cb0\u2cb1\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u2cb1\u2cb2\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2cb2\u2cb3\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2cb3"+ - "\u0750\3\2\2\2\u2cb4\u2cb5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2cb5\u2cb6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u2cb6\u2cb7\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2cb7\u2cb8\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2cb8\u0752\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2cb9\u2cba\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2cba\u2cbb\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2cbb\u2cbc"+ - "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2cbc\u2cbd\7a\2\2\u2cbd\u2cbe\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2cbe"+ - "\u2cbf\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2cbf\u2cc0\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2cc0\u2cc1\7a\2\2"+ - "\u2cc1\u2cc2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2cc2\u2cc3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2cc3\u2cc4\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u2cc4\u2cc5\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2cc5\u2cc6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u2cc6\u2cc7\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2cc7\u0754\3\2\2\2\u2cc8\u2cc9\5\u0a41\u0521"+ - "\2\u2cc9\u2cca\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2cca\u2ccb\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2ccb\u2ccc"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2ccc\u2ccd\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2ccd\u2cce\5\u0a39\u051d"+ - "\2\u2cce\u2ccf\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2ccf\u2cd0\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2cd0\u2cd1"+ - "\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2cd1\u0756\3\2\2\2\u2cd2\u2cd3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2cd3"+ - "\u2cd4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2cd4\u2cd5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2cd5\u2cd6\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u2cd6\u2cd7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2cd7\u2cd8\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2cd8"+ - "\u2cd9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2cd9\u2cda\7a\2\2\u2cda\u2cdb\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u2cdb\u2cdc\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2cdc\u2cdd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2cdd\u2cde\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u2cde\u0758\3\2\2\2\u2cdf\u2ce0\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2ce0\u2ce1"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2ce1\u2ce2\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2ce2\u2ce3\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u2ce3\u2ce4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ce4\u2ce5\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2ce5\u2ce6"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2ce6\u2ce7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2ce7\u2ce8\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u2ce8\u2ce9\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2ce9\u2cea\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2cea\u075a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2ceb\u2cec\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2cec\u2ced\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ced"+ - "\u2cee\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2cee\u2cef\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2cef\u2cf0\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u2cf0\u2cf1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2cf1\u2cf2\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2cf2"+ - "\u2cf3\7a\2\2\u2cf3\u2cf4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2cf4\u2cf5\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ - "\u2cf5\u2cf6\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2cf6\u2cf7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2cf7\u075c\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2cf8\u2cf9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2cf9\u2cfa\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2cfa\u2cfb"+ - "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2cfb\u2cfc\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2cfc\u2cfd\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u2cfd\u2cfe\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2cfe\u2cff\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2cff\u2d00"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2d00\u2d01\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d01\u075e\3\2\2\2\u2d02"+ - "\u2d03\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2d03\u2d04\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d04\u2d05\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u2d05\u2d06\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2d06\u2d07\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d07"+ - "\u2d08\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d08\u2d09\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2d09\u2d0a\7a\2\2"+ - "\u2d0a\u2d0b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d0b\u2d0c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d0c\u2d0d\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d0d\u2d0e\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2d0e\u0760\3\2\2\2\u2d0f\u2d10"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d10\u2d11\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d11\u2d12\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u2d12\u2d13\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2d13\u0762\3\2\2\2\u2d14\u2d15\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u2d15\u2d16\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d16\u2d17\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d17"+ - "\u2d18\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d18\u2d19\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2d19\u2d1a\5\u0a41"+ - "\u0521\2\u2d1a\u2d1b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d1b\u2d1c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d1c"+ - "\u0764\3\2\2\2\u2d1d\u2d1e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d1e\u2d1f\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u2d1f\u2d20\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2d20\u2d21\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2d21\u2d22\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u2d22\u2d23\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d23\u2d24\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u2d24\u2d25\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2d25\u0766\3\2\2\2\u2d26\u2d27\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u2d27\u2d28\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d28\u2d29\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2d29\u2d2a"+ - "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2d2a\u2d2b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2d2b\u2d2c\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u2d2c\u2d2d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d2d\u0768\3\2\2\2\u2d2e\u2d2f\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u2d2f\u2d30\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d30\u2d31\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2d31"+ - "\u2d32\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2d32\u2d33\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2d33\u2d34\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u2d34\u076a\3\2\2\2\u2d35\u2d36\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2d36\u2d37\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d37\u2d38\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2d38\u2d39\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u2d39\u2d3a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d3a\u2d3b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2d3b\u2d3c\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d3c\u2d3d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2d3d\u2d3e\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u2d3e\u2d3f\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u2d3f\u2d40\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d40\u076c\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2d41\u2d42\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2d42\u2d43\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2d43\u2d44"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d44\u2d45\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2d45\u2d46\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u2d46\u2d47\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d47\u2d48\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d48\u076e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2d49\u2d4a\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2d4a\u2d4b\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2d4b"+ - "\u2d4c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2d4c\u2d4d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d4d\u2d4e\5\u0a65"+ - "\u0533\2\u2d4e\u0770\3\2\2\2\u2d4f\u2d50\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2d50\u2d51\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d51\u2d52\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d52\u2d53\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u2d53\u2d54\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2d54\u2d55\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2d55\u2d56\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d56\u2d57\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2d57\u0772\3\2\2\2\u2d58\u2d59"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d59\u2d5a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2d5a\u2d5b\5\u0a55\u052b"+ - "\2\u2d5b\u2d5c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d5c\u2d5d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d5d\u2d5e"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d5e\u2d5f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2d5f\u2d60\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u2d60\u2d61\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d61\u2d62\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2d62\u0774"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2d63\u2d64\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2d64\u2d65\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2d65"+ - "\u2d66\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2d66\u2d67\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d67\u2d68\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u2d68\u2d69\7a\2\2\u2d69\u2d6a\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2d6a\u2d6b\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d6b\u2d6c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d6c\u2d6d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u2d6d\u2d6e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d6e\u2d6f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2d6f\u0776\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2d70\u2d71\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2d71\u2d72\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2d72\u2d73"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d73\u2d74\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2d74\u2d75\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u2d75\u2d76\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2d76\u2d77\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d77\u0778"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2d78\u2d79\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2d79\u2d7a\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2d7a"+ - "\u2d7b\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2d7b\u077a\3\2\2\2\u2d7c\u2d7d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u2d7d\u2d7e\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2d7e\u2d7f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2d7f\u2d80\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2d80\u2d81\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d81\u2d82\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ - "\u2d82\u2d83\7a\2\2\u2d83\u2d84\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2d84\u2d85\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u2d85\u2d86\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d86\u2d87\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d87\u077c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2d88\u2d89\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2d89\u2d8a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d8a"+ - "\u2d8b\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2d8b\u2d8c\7a\2\2\u2d8c\u2d8d\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u2d8d\u2d8e\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2d8e\u2d8f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2d8f\u2d90\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2d90\u2d91\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2d91\u2d92\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u2d92\u2d93\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2d93\u2d94\7a\2\2\u2d94\u2d95\5\u0a55\u052b"+ - "\2\u2d95\u2d96\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2d96\u2d97\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d97\u2d98"+ - "\7a\2\2\u2d98\u2d99\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2d99\u2d9a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2d9a"+ - "\u2d9b\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2d9b\u2d9c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2d9c\u077e\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2d9d\u2d9e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2d9e\u2d9f\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2d9f\u2da0\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u2da0\u2da1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2da1\u0780\3\2\2\2\u2da2\u2da3"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2da3\u2da4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2da4\u2da5\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u2da5\u2da6\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2da6\u2da7\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2da7\u2da8"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2da8\u2da9\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2da9\u2daa\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u2daa\u2dab\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2dab\u2dac\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2dac\u0782"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2dad\u2dae\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2dae\u2daf\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2daf"+ - "\u2db0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2db0\u2db1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2db1\u2db2\5\u0a41"+ - "\u0521\2\u2db2\u2db3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2db3\u2db4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2db4"+ - "\u2db5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2db5\u0784\3\2\2\2\u2db6\u2db7\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u2db7\u2db8\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2db8\u2db9\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2db9\u2dba\5"+ - "\u0a55\u052b\2\u2dba\u2dbb\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2dbb\u2dbc\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u2dbc\u2dbd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2dbd\u0786\3\2\2\2\u2dbe\u2dbf\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u2dbf\u2dc0\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2dc0\u2dc1\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2dc1\u2dc2"+ - "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2dc2\u2dc3\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2dc3\u2dc4\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u2dc4\u2dc5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2dc5\u2dc6\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2dc6\u2dc7"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2dc7\u2dc8\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2dc8\u0788\3\2\2\2\u2dc9"+ - "\u2dca\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2dca\u2dcb\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2dcb\u2dcc\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u2dcc\u2dcd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2dcd\u2dce\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2dce"+ - "\u2dcf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2dcf\u2dd0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2dd0\u2dd1\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u2dd1\u2dd2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2dd2\u2dd3\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2dd3"+ - "\u078a\3\2\2\2\u2dd4\u2dd5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2dd5\u2dd6\5\u0a65\u0533\2"+ - "\u2dd6\u2dd7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2dd7\u2dd8\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2dd8\u2dd9\5"+ - "\u0a55\u052b\2\u2dd9\u2dda\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2dda\u078c\3\2\2\2\u2ddb\u2ddc"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2ddc\u2ddd\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2ddd\u2dde\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u2dde\u2ddf\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2ddf\u2de0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2de0\u2de1"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2de1\u2de2\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2de2\u078e\3\2\2\2\u2de3"+ - "\u2de4\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2de4\u2de5\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2de5\u2de6\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u2de6\u2de7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2de7\u2de8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2de8"+ - "\u0790\3\2\2\2\u2de9\u2dea\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2dea\u2deb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u2deb\u2dec\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2dec\u0792\3\2\2\2\u2ded\u2dee\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u2dee\u2def\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2def\u2df0\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2df0\u0794"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2df1\u2df2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2df2\u2df3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2df3"+ - "\u2df4\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2df4\u0796\3\2\2\2\u2df5\u2df6\5\u0a39\u051d\2"+ - "\u2df6\u2df7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2df7\u2df8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2df8\u2df9\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2df9\u2dfa\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2dfa\u2dfb\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u2dfb\u2dfc\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2dfc\u2dfd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2dfd\u2dfe\7"+ - "a\2\2\u2dfe\u2dff\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2dff\u2e00\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2e00\u0798"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2e01\u2e02\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2e02\u2e03\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2e03"+ - "\u2e04\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2e04\u2e05\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2e05\u079a\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2e06\u2e07\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e07\u2e08\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2e08\u2e09\5"+ - "\u0a65\u0533\2\u2e09\u079c\3\2\2\2\u2e0a\u2e0b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e0b\u2e0c"+ - "\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u2e0c\u2e0d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e0d\u2e0e\7a\2\2\u2e0e"+ - "\u2e0f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2e0f\u2e10\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e10\u2e11\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u2e11\u2e12\7a\2\2\u2e12\u2e13\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2e13\u2e14\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e14\u2e15\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2e15\u2e16\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u2e16\u079e\3\2\2\2\u2e17\u2e18\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2e18\u2e19\5\u0a45\u0523"+ - "\2\u2e19\u2e1a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2e1a\u2e1b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2e1b\u07a0"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2e1c\u2e1d\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2e1d\u2e1e\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2e1e"+ - "\u2e1f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2e1f\u07a2\3\2\2\2\u2e20\u2e21\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u2e21\u2e22\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2e22\u2e23\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2e23\u2e24\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e24\u07a4\3\2\2\2\u2e25\u2e26\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e26\u2e27"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e27\u2e28\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2e28\u2e29\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u2e29\u2e2a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2e2a\u2e2b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e2b\u2e2c"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2e2c\u2e2d\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u2e2d\u2e2e\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u2e2e\u2e2f\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2e2f\u2e30\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e30\u2e31"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e31\u07a6\3\2\2\2\u2e32\u2e33\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2e33"+ - "\u2e34\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2e34\u2e35\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2e35\u2e36\7a\2\2"+ - "\u2e36\u2e37\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2e37\u2e38\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e38\u2e39\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2e39\u2e3a\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2e3a\u2e3b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u2e3b\u2e3c\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e3c\u2e3d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e3d\u2e3e\5"+ - "\u0a39\u051d\2\u2e3e\u2e3f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2e3f\u2e40\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u2e40\u07a8\3\2\2\2\u2e41\u2e42\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2e42\u2e43\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u2e43\u2e44\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2e44\u2e45\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2e45\u2e46"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2e46\u2e47\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2e47\u07aa\3\2\2\2\u2e48"+ - "\u2e49\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e49\u2e4a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2e4a\u2e4b\5\u0a43"+ - "\u0522\2\u2e4b\u2e4c\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2e4c\u2e4d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2e4d"+ - "\u2e4e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e4e\u2e4f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e4f\u07ac\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2e50\u2e51\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2e51\u2e52\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2e52\u2e53\5"+ - "\u0a63\u0532\2\u2e53\u2e54\7a\2\2\u2e54\u2e55\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2e55\u2e56"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2e56\u2e57\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2e57\u2e58\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u2e58\u2e59\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2e59\u2e5a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2e5a\u07ae"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2e5b\u2e5c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2e5c\u2e5d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e5d"+ - "\u2e5e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e5e\u2e5f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2e5f\u2e60\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u2e60\u2e61\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2e61\u2e62\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2e62"+ - "\u2e63\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e63\u07b0\3\2\2\2\u2e64\u2e65\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u2e65\u2e66\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e66\u2e67\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2e67\u2e68\7"+ - "a\2\2\u2e68\u2e69\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2e69\u2e6a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2e6a\u2e6b"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e6b\u2e6c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2e6c\u2e6d\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u2e6d\u2e6e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2e6e\u2e6f\7a\2\2\u2e6f\u2e70\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u2e70\u2e71\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e71\u2e72\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2e72"+ - "\u2e73\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e73\u2e74\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2e74\u2e75\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u2e75\u2e76\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2e76\u07b2\3\2\2\2\u2e77\u2e78\5"+ - "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2e78\u2e79\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2e79\u2e7a\5\u0a65\u0533\2"+ - "\u2e7a\u2e7b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e7b\u2e7c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2e7c\u2e7d\5"+ - "\u0a43\u0522\2\u2e7d\u2e7e\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2e7e\u2e7f\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u2e7f\u2e80\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e80\u2e81\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2e81\u2e82\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u2e82\u2e83\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2e83\u2e84\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ - "\u2e84\u07b4\3\2\2\2\u2e85\u2e86\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2e86\u2e87\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u2e87\u2e88\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2e88\u2e89\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2e89\u2e8a"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2e8a\u2e8b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e8b\u07b6\3\2\2\2\u2e8c"+ - "\u2e8d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e8d\u2e8e\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2e8e\u2e8f\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u2e8f\u2e90\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2e90\u2e91\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e91"+ - "\u07b8\3\2\2\2\u2e92\u2e93\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2e93\u2e94\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u2e94\u2e95\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e95\u2e96\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e96\u2e97\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2e97\u2e98\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2e98\u2e99\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u2e99\u2e9a\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2e9a\u2e9b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e9b\u07ba\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2e9c\u2e9d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2e9d\u2e9e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2e9e\u2e9f"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2e9f\u2ea0\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2ea0\u2ea1\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u2ea1\u2ea2\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2ea2\u2ea3\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2ea3\u2ea4"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ea4\u07bc\3\2\2\2\u2ea5\u2ea6\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2ea6"+ - "\u2ea7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2ea7\u2ea8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2ea8\u2ea9\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u2ea9\u2eaa\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2eaa\u2eab\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2eab"+ - "\u2eac\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2eac\u2ead\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2ead\u2eae\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u2eae\u2eaf\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2eaf\u2eb0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2eb0"+ - "\u07be\3\2\2\2\u2eb1\u2eb2\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2eb2\u2eb3\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u2eb3\u2eb4\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2eb4\u2eb5\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2eb5\u07c0\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2eb6\u2eb7\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2eb7\u2eb8\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2eb8\u2eb9"+ - "\7a\2\2\u2eb9\u2eba\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2eba\u2ebb\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2ebb"+ - "\u2ebc\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2ebc\u2ebd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ebd\u2ebe\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u2ebe\u2ebf\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2ebf\u07c2\3\2\2\2\u2ec0\u2ec1\5"+ - "\u0a39\u051d\2\u2ec1\u2ec2\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2ec2\u2ec3\7\64\2\2\u2ec3"+ - "\u2ec4\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2ec4\u2ec5\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2ec5\u2ec6\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u2ec6\u2ec7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2ec7\u07c4\3\2\2\2\u2ec8\u2ec9\5"+ - "\u0a55\u052b\2\u2ec9\u2eca\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2eca\u2ecb\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u2ecb\u2ecc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2ecc\u2ecd\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2ecd\u2ece\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ece\u2ecf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2ecf\u2ed0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u2ed0\u2ed1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2ed1\u2ed2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2ed2\u07c6\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2ed3\u2ed4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2ed4\u2ed5\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2ed5\u2ed6"+ - "\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u2ed6\u2ed7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ed7\u2ed8\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u2ed8\u2ed9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2ed9\u07c8\3\2\2\2\u2eda\u2edb\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u2edb\u2edc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2edc\u2edd\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2edd"+ - "\u2ede\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2ede\u2edf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2edf\u2ee0\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u2ee0\u2ee1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2ee1\u2ee2\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2ee2"+ - "\u2ee3\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2ee3\u2ee4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ee4\u07ca\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2ee5\u2ee6\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2ee6\u2ee7\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2ee7\u2ee8\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2ee8\u2ee9\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2ee9\u07cc\3\2\2\2\u2eea\u2eeb"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2eeb\u2eec\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2eec\u2eed\5\u0a43\u0522"+ - "\2\u2eed\u2eee\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2eee\u2eef\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2eef\u2ef0"+ - "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2ef0\u2ef1\7a\2\2\u2ef1\u2ef2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2ef2"+ - "\u2ef3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2ef3\u2ef4\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2ef4\u2ef5\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u2ef5\u07ce\3\2\2\2\u2ef6\u2ef7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2ef7\u2ef8\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u2ef8\u2ef9\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2ef9\u2efa\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u2efa\u2efb\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2efb\u2efc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2efc\u07d0\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2efd\u2efe\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2efe\u2eff\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2eff\u2f00"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f00\u2f01\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f01\u2f02\5\u0a63\u0532"+ - "\2\u2f02\u2f03\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2f03\u2f04\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f04\u2f05"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2f05\u07d2\3\2\2\2\u2f06\u2f07\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f07"+ - "\u2f08\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u2f08\u2f09\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2f09\u2f0a\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u2f0a\u2f0b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2f0b\u2f0c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2f0c"+ - "\u2f0d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f0d\u07d4\3\2\2\2\u2f0e\u2f0f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u2f0f\u2f10\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2f10\u2f11\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f11\u2f12\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2f12\u07d6\3\2\2\2\u2f13\u2f14\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2f14\u2f15"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2f15\u2f16\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u2f16\u2f17\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u2f17\u2f18\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f18\u2f19\7a\2\2\u2f19\u2f1a\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u2f1a\u2f1b\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2f1b\u2f1c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2f1c"+ - "\u2f1d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2f1d\u2f1e\7a\2\2\u2f1e\u2f1f\5\u0a39\u051d\2"+ - "\u2f1f\u2f20\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u2f20\u2f21\7a\2\2\u2f21\u2f22\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u2f22\u2f23\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2f23\u2f24\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2f24\u2f25"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f25\u2f26\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f26\u2f27\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u2f27\u2f28\7a\2\2\u2f28\u2f29\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f29\u2f2a\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u2f2a\u2f2b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f2b\u2f2c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f2c"+ - "\u2f2d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2f2d\u2f2e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2f2e\u2f2f\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u2f2f\u07d8\3\2\2\2\u2f30\u2f31\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2f31\u2f32\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f32\u2f33\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f33\u2f34\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u2f34\u2f35\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2f35\u2f36\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2f36\u2f37\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f37\u2f38\7a\2\2\u2f38\u2f39\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2f39\u2f3a"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f3a\u2f3b\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2f3b\u2f3c\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u2f3c\u07da\3\2\2\2\u2f3d\u2f3e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2f3e\u2f3f\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u2f3f\u2f40\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f40\u2f41\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2f41"+ - "\u07dc\3\2\2\2\u2f42\u2f43\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2f43\u2f44\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u2f44\u2f45\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2f45\u2f46\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2f46\u2f47\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2f47\u2f48\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f48\u07de\3\2\2\2\u2f49\u2f4a"+ - "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u2f4a\u2f4b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2f4b\u2f4c\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u2f4c\u2f4d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f4d\u07e0\3\2\2\2\u2f4e\u2f4f\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u2f4f\u2f50\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f50\u2f51\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2f51"+ - "\u07e2\3\2\2\2\u2f52\u2f53\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f53\u2f54\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u2f54\u2f55\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2f55\u2f56\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f56\u2f57\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f57\u2f58\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f58\u2f59\5\u0a45\u0523\2"+ - "\u2f59\u07e4\3\2\2\2\u2f5a\u2f5b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2f5b\u2f5c\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u2f5c\u2f5d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2f5d\u2f5e\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2f5e\u2f5f"+ - "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2f5f\u2f60\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2f60\u2f61\7a\2\2\u2f61"+ - "\u2f62\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2f62\u2f63\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2f63\u2f64\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u2f64\u2f65\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2f65\u07e6\3\2\2\2\u2f66\u2f67\5"+ - "\u0a55\u052b\2\u2f67\u2f68\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2f68\u2f69\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u2f69\u07e8\3\2\2\2\u2f6a\u2f6b\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2f6b\u2f6c\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u2f6c\u2f6d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2f6d\u2f6e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2f6e\u2f6f"+ - "\7a\2\2\u2f6f\u2f70\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2f70\u2f71\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f71"+ - "\u2f72\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2f72\u2f73\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2f73\u2f74\5\u0a55"+ - "\u052b\2\u2f74\u07ea\3\2\2\2\u2f75\u2f76\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f76\u2f77\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f77\u2f78\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f78\u2f79\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u2f79\u2f7a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f7a\u2f7b\7a\2\2\u2f7b\u2f7c\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u2f7c\u2f7d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2f7d\u2f7e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2f7e\u2f7f"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f7f\u07ec\3\2\2\2\u2f80\u2f81\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2f81"+ - "\u2f82\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2f82\u2f83\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2f83\u2f84\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u2f84\u2f85\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2f85\u2f86\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f86"+ - "\u2f87\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u2f87\u2f88\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2f88\u2f89\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u2f89\u07ee\3\2\2\2\u2f8a\u2f8b\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u2f8b\u2f8c\5"+ - "\u0a45\u0523\2\u2f8c\u2f8d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2f8d\u2f8e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u2f8e\u2f8f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f8f\u07f0\3\2\2\2\u2f90\u2f91\5\u0a55\u052b"+ - "\2\u2f91\u2f92\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f92\u2f93\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2f93\u2f94"+ - "\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u2f94\u2f95\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2f95\u2f96\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u2f96\u2f97\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f97\u07f2\3\2\2\2\u2f98\u2f99\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u2f99\u2f9a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2f9a\u2f9b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2f9b"+ - "\u2f9c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2f9c\u2f9d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2f9d\u2f9e\5\u0a67"+ - "\u0534\2\u2f9e\u07f4\3\2\2\2\u2f9f\u2fa0\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2fa0\u2fa1\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u2fa1\u2fa2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2fa2\u2fa3\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u2fa3\u2fa4\7a\2\2\u2fa4\u2fa5\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u2fa5\u2fa6\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u2fa6\u2fa7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2fa7\u2fa8\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2fa8\u2fa9"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2fa9\u07f6\3\2\2\2\u2faa\u2fab\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2fab"+ - "\u2fac\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2fac\u2fad\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2fad\u2fae\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u2fae\u2faf\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2faf\u2fb0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2fb0"+ - "\u2fb1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2fb1\u07f8\3\2\2\2\u2fb2\u2fb3\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u2fb3\u2fb4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2fb4\u2fb5\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2fb5\u2fb6\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2fb6\u2fb7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2fb7\u07fa\3\2\2\2\u2fb8\u2fb9"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2fb9\u2fba\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2fba\u2fbb\5\u0a43\u0522"+ - "\2\u2fbb\u2fbc\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2fbc\u2fbd\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2fbd\u2fbe"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2fbe\u2fbf\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2fbf\u2fc0\7a\2\2\u2fc0"+ - "\u2fc1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2fc1\u2fc2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2fc2\u2fc3\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u2fc3\u2fc4\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2fc4\u2fc5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2fc5"+ - "\u07fc\3\2\2\2\u2fc6\u2fc7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u2fc7\u2fc8\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u2fc8\u2fc9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2fc9\u2fca\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2fca\u2fcb\5"+ - "\u0a43\u0522\2\u2fcb\u2fcc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2fcc\u2fcd\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ - "\u2fcd\u2fce\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2fce\u2fcf\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2fcf\u2fd0\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2fd0\u07fe\3\2\2\2\u2fd1\u2fd2\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2fd2\u2fd3"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2fd3\u2fd4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2fd4\u2fd5\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u2fd5\u2fd6\7a\2\2\u2fd6\u2fd7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u2fd7\u2fd8\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u2fd8\u2fd9\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2fd9\u0800\3\2\2\2\u2fda\u2fdb\5"+ - "\u0a39\u051d\2\u2fdb\u2fdc\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u2fdc\u2fdd\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u2fdd\u2fde\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u2fde\u2fdf\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u2fdf\u2fe0\7"+ - "a\2\2\u2fe0\u2fe1\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2fe1\u2fe2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u2fe2\u2fe3"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2fe3\u2fe4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2fe4\u2fe5\5\u0a65\u0533"+ - "\2\u2fe5\u0802\3\2\2\2\u2fe6\u2fe7\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u2fe7\u2fe8\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u2fe8\u2fe9\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u2fe9\u2fea\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u2fea"+ - "\u2feb\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u2feb\u0804\3\2\2\2\u2fec\u2fed\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u2fed\u2fee\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2fee\u2fef\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u2fef\u2ff0\5"+ - "\u0a61\u0531\2\u2ff0\u2ff1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u2ff1\u2ff2\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u2ff2\u2ff3\7a\2\2\u2ff3\u2ff4\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2ff4\u2ff5\5\u0a55\u052b"+ - "\2\u2ff5\u0806\3\2\2\2\u2ff6\u2ff7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2ff7\u2ff8\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u2ff8\u2ff9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2ff9\u2ffa\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u2ffa"+ - "\u2ffb\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2ffb\u2ffc\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u2ffc\u2ffd\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u2ffd\u2ffe\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u2ffe\u2fff\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u2fff"+ - "\u3000\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3000\u3001\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3001\u3002\5\u0a69"+ - "\u0535\2\u3002\u3003\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3003\u3004\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3004"+ - "\u3005\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3005\u0808\3\2\2\2\u3006\u3007\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u3007\u3008\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3008\u3009\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3009\u300a\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u300a\u080a\3\2\2\2\u300b\u300c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u300c\u300d"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u300d\u300e\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u300e\u300f\5\u0a43\u0522"+ - "\2\u300f\u3010\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3010\u3011\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3011\u3012"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3012\u080c\3\2\2\2\u3013\u3014\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3014"+ - "\u3015\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3015\u3016\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3016\u3017\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u3017\u3018\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3018\u3019\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3019"+ - "\u301a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u301a\u080e\3\2\2\2\u301b\u301c\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ - "\u301c\u301d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u301d\u301e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u301e\u301f\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u301f\u3020\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u3020\u3021\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u3021\u3022\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3022\u3023\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3023\u3024\7"+ - "a\2\2\u3024\u3025\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3025\u3026\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3026\u3027"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3027\u3028\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u3028\u3029\7a\2\2\u3029"+ - "\u302a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u302a\u302b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u302b\u302c\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u302c\u302d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u302d\u0810\3\2\2\2\u302e\u302f\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u302f\u3030\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3030\u3031\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u3031\u3032\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3032\u3033\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3033\u3034\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3034\u3035\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3035\u3036\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u3036\u3037\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3037\u0812\3\2\2\2\u3038\u3039\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u3039\u303a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u303a\u303b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u303b\u303c"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u303c\u303d\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u303d\u303e\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u303e\u303f\7a\2\2\u303f\u3040\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3040\u3041\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u3041\u3042\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3042\u3043\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3043"+ - "\u3044\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3044\u3045\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3045\u0814\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3046\u3047\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3047\u3048\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3048\u3049\5"+ - "\u0a65\u0533\2\u3049\u304a\7a\2\2\u304a\u304b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u304b\u304c"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u304c\u304d\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u304d\u304e\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u304e\u304f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u304f\u3050\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3050\u0816"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3051\u3052\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3052\u3053\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3053"+ - "\u3054\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3054\u3055\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3055\u3056\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u3056\u0818\3\2\2\2\u3057\u3058\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3058\u3059\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3059\u305a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u305a\u305b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u305b\u305c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u305c\u305d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u305d\u081a\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u305e\u305f\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u305f\u3060\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3060\u3061"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3061\u3062\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3062\u3063\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u3063\u3064\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3064\u3065\7a\2\2\u3065"; - private static final String _serializedATNSegment5 = - "\u3066\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3066\u3067\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3067\u3068\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u3068\u081c\3\2\2\2\u3069\u306a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u306a\u306b\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u306b\u306c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u306c\u306d\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u306d\u306e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u306e\u081e\3\2\2\2\u306f\u3070\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u3070\u3071\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3071\u3072\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3072\u3073"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3073\u3074\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u3074\u3075\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u3075\u3076\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3076\u0820\3\2\2\2\u3077\u3078\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u3078\u3079\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3079\u307a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u307a"+ - "\u307b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u307b\u307c\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u307c\u307d\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u307d\u307e\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u307e\u307f\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u307f"+ - "\u0822\3\2\2\2\u3080\u3081\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3081\u3082\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u3082\u3083\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3083\u3084\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3084\u3085\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u3085\u3086\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3086\u3087\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u3087\u0824\3\2\2\2\u3088\u3089\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3089\u308a\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u308a\u308b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u308b\u308c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u308c\u308d"+ - "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u308d\u0826\3\2\2\2\u308e\u308f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u308f"+ - "\u3090\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3090\u3091\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u3091\u3092\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u3092\u3093\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3093\u0828\3\2\2\2\u3094\u3095\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u3095\u3096\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3096\u3097\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u3097\u3098\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3098\u3099\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3099\u082a\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u309a\u309b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u309b\u309c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u309c\u309d"+ - "\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u309d\u309e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u309e\u309f\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u309f\u30a0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u30a0\u30a1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u30a1\u30a2"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u30a2\u30a3\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u30a3\u30a4\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u30a4\u30a5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u30a5\u30a6\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u30a6\u082c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u30a7\u30a8\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u30a8\u30a9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u30a9"+ - "\u30aa\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u30aa\u30ab\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u30ab\u30ac\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u30ac\u082e\3\2\2\2\u30ad\u30ae\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u30ae\u30af\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u30af\u30b0\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u30b0\u30b1\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u30b1\u30b2\7a\2\2\u30b2\u30b3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u30b3\u30b4\5\u0a39\u051d"+ - "\2\u30b4\u30b5\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u30b5\u30b6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u30b6\u30b7"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u30b7\u30b8\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u30b8\u30b9\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u30b9\u30ba\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u30ba\u30bb\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u30bb\u0830"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u30bc\u30bd\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u30bd\u30be\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u30be"+ - "\u30bf\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u30bf\u30c0\7a\2\2\u30c0\u30c1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u30c1\u30c2\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u30c2\u0832\3\2\2\2\u30c3\u30c4\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u30c4\u30c5\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u30c5\u30c6\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u30c6\u30c7"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u30c7\u30c8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u30c8\u0834\3\2\2\2\u30c9"+ - "\u30ca\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u30ca\u30cb\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u30cb\u30cc\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u30cc\u30cd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u30cd\u30ce\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u30ce"+ - "\u30cf\7a\2\2\u30cf\u30d0\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u30d0\u30d1\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u30d1\u30d2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u30d2\u30d3\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u30d3\u30d4\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u30d4\u30d5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u30d5\u0836\3\2\2\2\u30d6\u30d7"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u30d7\u30d8\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u30d8\u30d9\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u30d9\u30da\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u30da\u0838\3\2\2\2\u30db\u30dc\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u30dc\u30dd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u30dd\u30de\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u30de"+ - "\u30df\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u30df\u083a\3\2\2\2\u30e0\u30e1\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ - "\u30e1\u30e2\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u30e2\u30e3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u30e3\u30e4\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u30e4\u30e5\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u30e5\u30e6\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u30e6\u30e7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u30e7\u30e8\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u30e8\u30e9\7"+ - "a\2\2\u30e9\u30ea\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u30ea\u30eb\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u30eb\u30ec"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u30ec\u30ed\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u30ed\u30ee\5\u0a41\u0521"+ - "\2\u30ee\u30ef\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u30ef\u30f0\7a\2\2\u30f0\u30f1\5\u0a41"+ - "\u0521\2\u30f1\u30f2\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u30f2\u30f3\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u30f3"+ - "\u30f4\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u30f4\u30f5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u30f5\u30f6\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u30f6\u30f7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u30f7\u30f8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u30f8"+ - "\u083c\3\2\2\2\u30f9\u30fa\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u30fa\u30fb\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u30fb\u30fc\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u30fc\u30fd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u30fd\u30fe\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u30fe\u30ff\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u30ff\u3100\7a\2\2\u3100\u3101"+ - "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3101\u3102\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3102\u3103\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u3103\u3104\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3104\u3105\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3105\u3106"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3106\u083e\3\2\2\2\u3107\u3108\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3108"+ - "\u3109\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3109\u310a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u310a\u310b\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u310b\u310c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u310c\u310d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u310d"+ - "\u310e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u310e\u310f\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u310f\u0840\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3110\u3111\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3111\u3112\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3112\u3113\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u3113\u3114\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3114\u3115\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u3115\u3116\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3116\u0842\3\2\2\2\u3117\u3118\5\u0a55\u052b"+ - "\2\u3118\u3119\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3119\u311a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u311a\u311b"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u311b\u311c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u311c\u311d\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u311d\u311e\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u311e\u311f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u311f\u3120"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3120\u3121\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3121\u3122\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u3122\u0844\3\2\2\2\u3123\u3124\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3124\u3125\5\u0a5f"+ - "\u0530\2\u3125\u3126\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3126\u3127\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3127"+ - "\u3128\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3128\u3129\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u3129\u312a\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u312a\u312b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u312b\u312c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u312c"+ - "\u312d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u312d\u312e\7a\2\2\u312e\u312f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u312f\u3130\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3130\u3131\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u3131\u3132\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3132\u0846\3\2\2\2\u3133\u3134\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3134\u3135"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3135\u3136\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u3136\u3137\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u3137\u3138\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3138\u3139\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3139\u313a"+ - "\7a\2\2\u313a\u313b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u313b\u313c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u313c"+ - "\u0848\3\2\2\2\u313d\u313e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u313e\u313f\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u313f\u3140\7a\2\2\u3140\u3141\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3141\u3142\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u3142\u3143\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3143\u3144\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3144\u3145"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3145\u3146\7a\2\2\u3146\u3147\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3147"+ - "\u3148\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3148\u3149\7a\2\2\u3149\u314a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u314a\u314b\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u314b\u314c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u314c\u314d\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u314d\u314e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u314e\u314f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u314f\u084a\3\2\2\2\u3150\u3151\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3151\u3152\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u3152\u3153\7a\2\2\u3153\u3154\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3154\u3155\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u3155\u3156\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3156\u3157\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3157"+ - "\u3158\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3158\u3159\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3159\u315a\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u315a\u315b\7a\2\2\u315b\u315c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u315c\u315d\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u315d\u315e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u315e\u315f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u315f\u3160\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3160\u084c\3\2\2\2\u3161\u3162\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u3162\u3163\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3163\u3164\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3164\u3165"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3165\u3166\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3166\u3167\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u3167\u084e\3\2\2\2\u3168\u3169\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3169\u316a\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u316a\u316b\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u316b\u0850\3\2\2\2\u316c\u316d\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u316d\u316e\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u316e\u316f\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u316f\u3170\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3170\u3171\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3171\u3172\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3172\u3173\7a\2\2\u3173\u3174\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3174\u3175"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3175\u3176\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3176\u3177\5\u0a61\u0531"+ - "\2\u3177\u3178\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3178\u3179\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3179\u317a"+ - "\7a\2\2\u317a\u317b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u317b\u317c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u317c"+ - "\u317d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u317d\u0852\3\2\2\2\u317e\u317f\5\u0a63\u0532\2"+ - "\u317f\u3180\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3180\u3181\7a\2\2\u3181\u3182\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u3182\u3183\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3183\u3184\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3184\u3185"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3185\u0854\3\2\2\2\u3186\u3187\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3187"+ - "\u3188\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3188\u3189\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3189\u318a\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u318a\u318b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u318b\u318c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u318c"+ - "\u318d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u318d\u318e\7a\2\2\u318e\u318f\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u318f\u3190\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3190\u3191\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3191\u0856\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3192\u3193\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3193\u3194\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3194\u3195"+ - "\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u3195\u3196\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3196\u3197\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u3197\u3198\7a\2\2\u3198\u3199\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3199\u319a\5\u0a45"+ - "\u0523\2\u319a\u319b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u319b\u319c\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u319c"+ - "\u319d\7a\2\2\u319d\u319e\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u319e\u319f\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u319f\u31a0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u31a0\u31a1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u31a1\u0858\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u31a2\u31a3\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u31a3\u31a4\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u31a4\u31a5"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u31a5\u31a6\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u31a6\u31a7\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u31a7\u31a8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u31a8\u31a9\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u31a9\u085a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u31aa\u31ab\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u31ab\u31ac\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u31ac"+ - "\u31ad\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u31ad\u31ae\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u31ae\u31af\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u31af\u31b0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u31b0\u31b1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u31b1"+ - "\u31b2\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u31b2\u31b3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u31b3\u31b4\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u31b4\u31b5\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u31b5\u085c\3\2\2\2\u31b6\u31b7\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u31b7\u31b8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u31b8\u31b9\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ - "\u31b9\u31ba\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u31ba\u31bb\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u31bb\u31bc\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u31bc\u31bd\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u31bd\u31be\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u31be\u31bf\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u31bf\u085e\3\2\2\2\u31c0\u31c1\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u31c1\u31c2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u31c2\u31c3\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u31c3\u31c4"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u31c4\u31c5\7a\2\2\u31c5\u31c6\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u31c6"+ - "\u31c7\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u31c7\u31c8\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u31c8\u31c9\5\u0a41"+ - "\u0521\2\u31c9\u31ca\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u31ca\u31cb\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u31cb"+ - "\u31cc\7a\2\2\u31cc\u31cd\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u31cd\u31ce\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u31ce\u31cf\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u31cf\u31d0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u31d0\u0860\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u31d1\u31d2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u31d2\u31d3\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u31d3\u31d4"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u31d4\u31d5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u31d5\u31d6\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u31d6\u31d7\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u31d7\u31d8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u31d8\u31d9"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u31d9\u31da\7a\2\2\u31da\u31db\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u31db"+ - "\u31dc\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u31dc\u31dd\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u31dd\u31de\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u31de\u31df\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u31df\u31e0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u31e0"+ - "\u0862\3\2\2\2\u31e1\u31e2\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u31e2\u31e3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u31e3\u31e4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u31e4\u31e5\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u31e5\u31e6\7"+ - "a\2\2\u31e6\u31e7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u31e7\u31e8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u31e8\u31e9"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u31e9\u31ea\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u31ea\u31eb\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u31eb\u31ec\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u31ec\u31ed\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u31ed\u31ee"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u31ee\u31ef\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u31ef\u31f0\5\u0a45\u0523"+ - "\2\u31f0\u0864\3\2\2\2\u31f1\u31f2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u31f2\u31f3\5\u0a55"+ - "\u052b\2\u31f3\u31f4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u31f4\u31f5\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u31f5"+ - "\u31f6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u31f6\u0866\3\2\2\2\u31f7\u31f8\5\u0a39\u051d\2"+ - "\u31f8\u31f9\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u31f9\u31fa\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u31fa\u31fb\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u31fb\u31fc\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u31fc\u31fd\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u31fd\u31fe\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u31fe\u31ff\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u31ff\u0868\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3200\u3201\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3201\u3202\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3202\u3203"+ - "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3203\u3204\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3204\u3205\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u3205\u3206\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3206\u086a\3\2\2\2\u3207\u3208\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u3208\u3209\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3209\u320a\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u320a"+ - "\u320b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u320b\u320c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u320c\u320d\7a\2\2"+ - "\u320d\u320e\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u320e\u320f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u320f\u3210\5"+ - "\u0a55\u052b\2\u3210\u086c\3\2\2\2\u3211\u3212\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3212\u3213"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3213\u3214\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3214\u3215\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u3215\u086e\3\2\2\2\u3216\u3217\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3217\u3218\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u3218\u3219\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3219\u321a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u321a"+ - "\u321b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u321b\u321c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u321c\u321d\5\u0a55"+ - "\u052b\2\u321d\u321e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u321e\u321f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u321f"+ - "\u3220\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3220\u3221\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3221\u0870\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3222\u3223\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3223\u3224\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3224\u3225\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u3225\u3226\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3226\u3227\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u3227\u0872\3\2\2\2\u3228\u3229\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3229\u322a\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u322a\u322b\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u322b\u322c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u322c\u322d"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u322d\u322e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u322e\u0874\3\2\2\2\u322f"+ - "\u3230\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3230\u3231\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3231\u3232\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u3232\u3233\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3233\u3234\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3234"+ - "\u3235\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3235\u3236\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3236\u3237\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u3237\u3238\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3238\u0876\3\2\2\2\u3239\u323a\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u323a\u323b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u323b\u323c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ - "\u323c\u323d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u323d\u323e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u323e\u323f\5"+ - "\u0a61\u0531\2\u323f\u3240\7a\2\2\u3240\u3241\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3241\u3242"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3242\u3243\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3243\u0878\3\2\2\2\u3244"+ - "\u3245\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3245\u3246\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3246\u3247\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u3247\u3248\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3248\u3249\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3249"+ - "\u087a\3\2\2\2\u324a\u324b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u324b\u324c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u324c\u324d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u324d\u087c\3\2\2\2\u324e\u324f\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u324f\u3250\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u3250\u3251\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3251\u3252"+ - "\7a\2\2\u3252\u3253\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3253\u3254\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3254"+ - "\u3255\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3255\u3256\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3256\u3257\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u3257\u3258\7a\2\2\u3258\u3259\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u3259\u325a\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u325a\u325b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u325b\u325c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ - "\u325c\u325d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u325d\u087e\3\2\2\2\u325e\u325f\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u325f\u3260\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3260\u3261\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3261\u3262"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3262\u0880\3\2\2\2\u3263\u3264\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3264"+ - "\u3265\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3265\u3266\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3266\u3267\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u3267\u3268\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3268\u3269\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3269"+ - "\u326a\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u326a\u326b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u326b\u326c\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u326c\u326d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u326d\u326e\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u326e"+ - "\u0882\3\2\2\2\u326f\u3270\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3270\u3271\5\u0a57\u052c\2"+ - "\u3271\u3272\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3272\u3273\7a\2\2\u3273\u3274\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u3274\u3275\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3275\u3276\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3276\u3277"+ - "\7a\2\2\u3277\u3278\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3278\u3279\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3279"+ - "\u327a\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u327a\u0884\3\2\2\2\u327b\u327c\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ - "\u327c\u327d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u327d\u327e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u327e\u327f\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u327f\u3280\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u3280\u3281\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u3281\u0886\3\2\2\2\u3282\u3283\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3283\u3284\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u3284\u3285\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3285\u3286\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3286\u3287"+ - "\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3287\u3288\7a\2\2\u3288\u3289\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3289"+ - "\u328a\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u328a\u328b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u328b\u328c\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u328c\u328d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u328d\u328e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u328e"+ - "\u0888\3\2\2\2\u328f\u3290\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u3290\u3291\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u3291\u3292\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3292\u3293\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3293\u3294\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3294\u3295\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3295\u3296\5\u0a45\u0523\2"+ - "\u3296\u088a\3\2\2\2\u3297\u3298\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3298\u3299\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u3299\u329a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u329a\u329b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u329b\u329c"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u329c\u329d\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u329d\u329e\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u329e\u088c\3\2\2\2\u329f\u32a0\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u32a0\u32a1\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u32a1\u32a2\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u32a2\u32a3\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u32a3"+ - "\u32a4\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u32a4\u32a5\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u32a5\u32a6\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u32a6\u32a7\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u32a7\u088e\3\2\2\2\u32a8\u32a9\5"+ - "\u0a55\u052b\2\u32a9\u32aa\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u32aa\u32ab\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u32ab\u32ac\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u32ac\u32ad\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u32ad\u32ae\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u32ae\u32af\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u32af\u32b0\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ - "\u32b0\u32b1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u32b1\u0890\3\2\2\2\u32b2\u32b3\5\u0a55\u052b"+ - "\2\u32b3\u32b4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u32b4\u32b5\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u32b5\u32b6"+ - "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u32b6\u32b7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u32b7\u32b8\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u32b8\u32b9\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u32b9\u32ba\7a\2\2\u32ba\u32bb\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u32bb\u32bc\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u32bc\u32bd\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u32bd"+ - "\u32be\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u32be\u32bf\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u32bf\u32c0\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u32c0\u32c1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u32c1\u32c2\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u32c2"+ - "\u32c3\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u32c3\u32c4\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u32c4\u32c5\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u32c5\u32c6\7a\2\2\u32c6\u32c7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u32c7\u32c8\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u32c8\u32c9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u32c9\u32ca\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u32ca\u0892\3\2\2\2\u32cb\u32cc\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u32cc\u32cd\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u32cd\u32ce\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u32ce\u32cf\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u32cf\u32d0"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u32d0\u32d1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u32d1\u32d2\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u32d2\u0894\3\2\2\2\u32d3\u32d4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u32d4\u32d5\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u32d5\u32d6\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u32d6\u32d7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u32d7"+ - "\u32d8\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u32d8\u32d9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u32d9\u32da\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u32da\u32db\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u32db\u0896\3\2\2\2\u32dc\u32dd\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u32dd\u32de\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u32de\u32df\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u32df\u32e0\7a\2\2\u32e0\u32e1\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u32e1\u32e2\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u32e2\u32e3\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u32e3\u32e4\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u32e4\u32e5"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u32e5\u32e6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u32e6\u32e7\7a\2\2\u32e7"+ - "\u32e8\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u32e8\u32e9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u32e9\u32ea\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u32ea\u32eb\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u32eb\u32ec\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u32ec"+ - "\u0898\3\2\2\2\u32ed\u32ee\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u32ee\u32ef\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u32ef\u32f0\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u32f0\u32f1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u32f1\u32f2\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u32f2\u32f3\7a\2\2\u32f3\u32f4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u32f4\u32f5"+ - "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u32f5\u32f6\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u32f6\u32f7\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u32f7\u32f8\7a\2\2\u32f8\u32f9\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u32f9\u32fa\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u32fa\u32fb\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u32fb\u089a\3\2\2\2\u32fc\u32fd\5"+ - "\u0a55\u052b\2\u32fd\u32fe\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u32fe\u32ff\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u32ff\u3300\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3300\u3301\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3301\u3302\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u3302\u3303\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3303\u3304\7a\2\2\u3304\u3305"+ - "\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u3305\u3306\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3306\u3307\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u3307\u3308\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3308\u089c\3\2\2\2\u3309\u330a\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u330a\u330b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u330b\u330c\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u330c"+ - "\u330d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u330d\u330e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u330e\u330f\7a\2\2"+ - "\u330f\u3310\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3310\u3311\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3311\u3312\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3312\u3313\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3313\u3314\5\u0a4b\u0526\2"+ - "\u3314\u3315\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3315\u3316\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3316\u3317\5"+ - "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3317\u089e\3\2\2\2\u3318\u3319\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u3319\u331a"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u331a\u331b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u331b\u331c\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u331c\u331d\7a\2\2\u331d\u331e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u331e\u331f\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u331f\u3320\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3320\u3321\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3321"+ - "\u08a0\3\2\2\2\u3322\u3323\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3323\u3324\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u3324\u3325\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3325\u3326\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3326\u3327\5"+ - "\u0a39\u051d\2\u3327\u3328\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3328\u3329\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u3329\u332a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u332a\u332b\7a\2\2\u332b\u332c\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u332c\u332d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u332d\u08a2\3\2\2\2\u332e\u332f\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u332f\u3330\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3330\u3331\7a\2\2\u3331\u3332\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u3332\u3333\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3333\u08a4\3\2\2\2\u3334\u3335"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3335\u3336\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3336\u3337\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u3337\u3338\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u3338\u3339\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3339\u333a"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u333a\u333b\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u333b\u08a6\3\2\2\2\u333c"+ - "\u333d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u333d\u333e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u333e\u333f\5\u0a63"+ - "\u0532\2\u333f\u3340\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3340\u3341\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3341"+ - "\u3342\7a\2\2\u3342\u3343\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3343\u3344\5\u0a45\u0523\2"+ - "\u3344\u3345\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3345\u3346\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3346\u3347\7"+ - "a\2\2\u3347\u3348\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3348\u3349\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3349\u08a8"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u334a\u334b\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u334b\u334c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u334c"+ - "\u334d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u334d\u334e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u334e\u334f\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u334f\u3350\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3350\u08aa\3\2\2\2\u3351\u3352\5"+ - "\u0a39\u051d\2\u3352\u3353\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3353\u3354\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u3354\u3355\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3355\u3356\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3356\u3357\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u3357\u3358\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3358\u08ac\3\2\2\2\u3359\u335a"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u335a\u335b\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u335b\u335c\5\u0a43\u0522"+ - "\2\u335c\u08ae\3\2\2\2\u335d\u335e\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u335e\u335f\5\u0a5f"+ - "\u0530\2\u335f\u3360\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3360\u3361\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3361"+ - "\u3362\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3362\u3363\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3363\u3364\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u3364\u3365\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3365\u3366\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3366"+ - "\u3367\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3367\u3368\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3368\u3369\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u3369\u336a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u336a\u336b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u336b"+ - "\u336c\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u336c\u08b0\3\2\2\2\u336d\u336e\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u336e\u336f\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u336f\u3370\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3370\u3371\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u3371\u3372\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3372\u3373\5\u0a65\u0533\2"+ - "\u3373\u3374\7a\2\2\u3374\u3375\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3375\u3376\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u3376\u3377\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3377\u3378\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3378\u3379"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3379\u337a\7a\2\2\u337a\u337b\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u337b"+ - "\u337c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u337c\u337d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u337d\u337e\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u337e\u337f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u337f\u3380\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3380"+ - "\u3381\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3381\u3382\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3382\u3383\7a\2\2"+ - "\u3383\u3384\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3384\u3385\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3385\u3386\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u3386\u3387\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3387\u3388\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ - "\u3388\u3389\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3389\u338a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u338a\u338b\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u338b\u338c\7a\2\2\u338c\u338d\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u338d\u338e"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u338e\u338f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u338f\u3390\5\u0a43\u0522"+ - "\2\u3390\u3391\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3391\u08b2\3\2\2\2\u3392\u3393\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u3393\u3394\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3394\u3395\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u3395"+ - "\u08b4\3\2\2\2\u3396\u3397\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3397\u3398\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u3398\u3399\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3399\u339a\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u339a\u339b\5"+ - "\u0a67\u0534\2\u339b\u08b6\3\2\2\2\u339c\u339d\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u339d\u339e"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u339e\u339f\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u339f\u33a0\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u33a0\u33a1\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u33a1\u33a2\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u33a2\u33a3"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u33a3\u33a4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u33a4\u33a5\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u33a5\u33a6\7a\2\2\u33a6\u33a7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u33a7\u33a8\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u33a8\u33a9\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u33a9\u33aa\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u33aa"+ - "\u33ab\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u33ab\u08b8\3\2\2\2\u33ac\u33ad\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u33ad\u33ae\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u33ae\u33af\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u33af\u33b0\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u33b0\u33b1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u33b1\u33b2\7a\2\2\u33b2\u33b3"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u33b3\u33b4\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u33b4\u33b5\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u33b5\u33b6\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u33b6\u33b7\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u33b7\u33b8"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u33b8\u33b9\7a\2\2\u33b9\u33ba\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u33ba"+ - "\u33bb\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u33bb\u33bc\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u33bc\u33bd\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u33bd\u33be\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u33be\u08ba\3\2\2\2\u33bf\u33c0\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u33c0\u33c1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u33c1\u33c2\5\u0a39\u051d\2"+ - "\u33c2\u33c3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u33c3\u33c4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u33c4\u33c5\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u33c5\u33c6\7a\2\2\u33c6\u33c7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u33c7\u33c8"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u33c8\u33c9\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u33c9\u33ca\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u33ca\u08bc\3\2\2\2\u33cb\u33cc\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u33cc\u33cd\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u33cd\u33ce\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u33ce\u33cf\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u33cf"+ - "\u08be\3\2\2\2\u33d0\u33d1\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u33d1\u33d2\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u33d2\u33d3\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u33d3\u33d4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u33d4\u33d5\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u33d5\u33d6\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u33d6\u33d7\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u33d7\u08c0\3\2\2\2\u33d8\u33d9\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u33d9\u33da\5\u0a61\u0531"+ - "\2\u33da\u33db\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u33db\u33dc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u33dc\u33dd"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u33dd\u33de\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u33de\u33df\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u33df\u08c2\3\2\2\2\u33e0\u33e1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u33e1\u33e2\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u33e2\u33e3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u33e3\u33e4\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u33e4"+ - "\u33e5\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u33e5\u08c4\3\2\2\2\u33e6\u33e7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ - "\u33e7\u33e8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u33e8\u33e9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u33e9\u33ea\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u33ea\u33eb\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u33eb\u33ec\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u33ec\u33ed\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u33ed\u33ee\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u33ee\u33ef\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u33ef\u33f0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u33f0\u08c6\3\2\2\2\u33f1\u33f2"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u33f2\u33f3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u33f3\u33f4\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u33f4\u33f5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u33f5\u33f6\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u33f6\u33f7"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u33f7\u33f8\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u33f8\u33f9\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u33f9\u33fa\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u33fa\u33fb\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u33fb\u33fc"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u33fc\u33fd\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u33fd\u08c8\3\2\2\2\u33fe"+ - "\u33ff\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u33ff\u3400\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3400\u3401\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u3401\u3402\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3402\u3403\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3403"+ - "\u3404\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3404\u3405\7a\2\2\u3405\u3406\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u3406\u3407\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3407\u3408\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u3408\u3409\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3409\u08ca\3\2\2\2\u340a\u340b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u340b\u340c"+ - "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u340c\u340d\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u340d\u340e\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u340e\u340f\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u340f\u08cc\3\2\2\2\u3410\u3411\5\u0a55"+ - "\u052b\2\u3411\u3412\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3412\u3413\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3413"+ - "\u3414\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3414\u3415\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3415\u3416\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u3416\u3417\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3417\u08ce\3\2\2\2\u3418\u3419\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u3419\u341a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u341a\u341b\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ - "\u341b\u341c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u341c\u341d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u341d\u341e\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u341e\u08d0\3\2\2\2\u341f\u3420\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3420\u3421"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3421\u3422\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3422\u3423\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u3423\u3424\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3424\u3425\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3425\u08d2"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3426\u3427\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3427\u3428\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3428"+ - "\u3429\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3429\u342a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u342a\u342b\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u342b\u342c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u342c\u342d\7a\2\2\u342d\u342e\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u342e\u342f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u342f\u3430\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u3430\u3431\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3431\u3432\7a\2\2\u3432\u3433\5\u0a55\u052b"+ - "\2\u3433\u3434\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3434\u3435\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3435\u3436"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3436\u3437\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3437\u3438\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u3438\u3439\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3439\u343a\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u343a\u08d4"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u343b\u343c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u343c\u343d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u343d"+ - "\u343e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u343e\u343f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u343f\u3440\7a\2\2"+ - "\u3440\u3441\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3441\u3442\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3442\u3443\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u3443\u3444\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3444\u3445\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u3445\u3446\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3446\u3447\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3447\u3448\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u3448\u3449\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3449\u344a\7a\2\2\u344a\u344b"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u344b\u344c\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u344c\u08d6\3\2\2\2\u344d"+ - "\u344e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u344e\u344f\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u344f\u3450\7a\2\2"+ - "\u3450\u3451\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3451\u3452\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3452\u3453\5"+ - "\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3453\u3454\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3454\u08d8\3\2\2\2\u3455\u3456"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3456\u3457\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u3457\u3458\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u3458\u3459\7a\2\2\u3459\u345a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u345a\u345b\5\u0a41"+ - "\u0521\2\u345b\u345c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u345c\u345d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u345d"+ - "\u345e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u345e\u345f\7a\2\2\u345f\u3460\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ - "\u3460\u3461\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3461\u3462\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3462\u3463\7"+ - "a\2\2\u3463\u3464\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u3464\u3465\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3465\u3466"+ - "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3466\u3467\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3467\u08da\3\2\2\2\u3468"+ - "\u3469\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3469\u346a\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u346a\u346b\5\u0a41"+ - "\u0521\2\u346b\u346c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u346c\u346d\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u346d"+ - "\u346e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u346e\u346f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u346f\u3470\5\u0a61"+ - "\u0531\2\u3470\u3471\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3471\u08dc\3\2\2\2\u3472\u3473\5"+ - "\u0a41\u0521\2\u3473\u3474\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3474\u3475\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u3475\u3476\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3476\u3477\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3477\u3478\7"+ - "a\2\2\u3478\u3479\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u3479\u347a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u347a\u347b"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u347b\u347c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u347c\u347d\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u347d\u08de\3\2\2\2\u347e\u347f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u347f\u3480\5\u0a57"+ - "\u052c\2\u3480\u3481\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3481\u3482\7a\2\2\u3482\u3483\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3483\u3484\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3484\u3485\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u3485\u3486\7a\2\2\u3486\u3487\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3487\u3488\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u3488\u3489\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3489\u348a\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u348a\u348b"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u348b\u348c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u348c\u08e0\3\2\2\2\u348d"+ - "\u348e\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u348e\u348f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u348f\u3490\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u3490\u3491\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3491\u3492\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3492"+ - "\u3493\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3493\u3494\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3494\u08e2\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3495\u3496\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u3496\u3497\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3497\u3498\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u3498\u3499\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3499\u349a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u349a\u349b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u349b\u349c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u349c\u08e4\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u349d\u349e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u349e\u349f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u349f\u34a0"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u34a0\u34a1\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u34a1\u34a2\5\u0a67\u0534"+ - "\2\u34a2\u34a3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u34a3\u34a4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34a4\u08e6"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u34a5\u34a6\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u34a6\u34a7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34a7"+ - "\u34a8\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u34a8\u34a9\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u34a9\u34aa\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u34aa\u34ab\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34ab\u34ac\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u34ac"+ - "\u08e8\3\2\2\2\u34ad\u34ae\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u34ae\u34af\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u34af\u34b0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u34b0\u34b1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34b1\u08ea\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u34b2\u34b3\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u34b3\u34b4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u34b4\u34b5"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u34b5\u34b6\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u34b6\u34b7\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u34b7\u34b8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u34b8\u34b9\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u34b9\u34ba"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u34ba\u34bb\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u34bb\u34bc\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u34bc\u34bd\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u34bd\u08ec\3\2\2\2\u34be\u34bf\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u34bf\u34c0\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u34c0\u34c1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u34c1"+ - "\u34c2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34c2\u08ee\3\2\2\2\u34c3\u34c4\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u34c4\u34c5\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u34c5\u34c6\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u34c6\u34c7\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u34c7\u34c8\7a\2\2\u34c8\u34c9\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u34c9\u34ca"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u34ca\u08f0\3\2\2\2\u34cb\u34cc\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u34cc"+ - "\u34cd\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u34cd\u34ce\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u34ce\u34cf\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u34cf\u34d0\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u34d0\u34d1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u34d1"+ - "\u34d2\7a\2\2\u34d2\u34d3\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u34d3\u34d4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u34d4\u34d5\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u34d5\u34d6\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u34d6\u34d7\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u34d7\u34d8\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u34d8\u08f2\3\2\2\2\u34d9\u34da"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34da\u34db\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u34db\u34dc\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u34dc\u34dd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34dd\u34de\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u34de\u34df"+ - "\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u34df\u34e0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34e0\u34e1\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u34e1\u08f4\3\2\2\2\u34e2\u34e3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u34e3\u34e4\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u34e4\u34e5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u34e5\u34e6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u34e6"+ - "\u34e7\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u34e7\u08f6\3\2\2\2\u34e8\u34e9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u34e9\u34ea\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u34ea\u34eb\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u34eb\u08f8\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u34ec\u34ed\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u34ed\u34ee\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u34ee\u34ef"+ - "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u34ef\u34f0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34f0\u34f1\7a\2\2\u34f1"+ - "\u34f2\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u34f2\u34f3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u34f3\u34f4\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u34f4\u34f5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34f5\u34f6\7a\2\2\u34f6\u34f7\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u34f7\u34f8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u34f8\u34f9\5\u0a41\u0521\2"+ - "\u34f9\u34fa\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u34fa\u08fa\3\2\2\2\u34fb\u34fc\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u34fc\u34fd\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u34fd\u34fe\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u34fe\u34ff"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u34ff\u3500\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3500\u3501\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u3501\u3502\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3502\u3503\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3503\u3504"+ - "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3504\u3505\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3505\u3506\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u3506\u3507\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3507\u08fc\3\2\2\2\u3508\u3509\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u3509\u350a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u350a\u350b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u350b"+ - "\u350c\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u350c\u350d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u350d\u350e\5\u0a5f"+ - "\u0530\2\u350e\u350f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u350f\u3510\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3510"+ - "\u08fe\3\2\2\2\u3511\u3512\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u3512\u3513\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u3513\u3514\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3514\u3515\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3515\u3516\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u3516\u3517\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3517\u3518\7a\2\2\u3518\u3519"+ - "\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3519\u351a\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u351a\u351b\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u351b\u351c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u351c\u351d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u351d\u351e"+ - "\7a\2\2\u351e\u351f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u351f\u3520\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3520"+ - "\u3521\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3521\u3522\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3522\u3523\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u3523\u3524\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3524\u3525\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3525"+ - "\u3526\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3526\u0900\3\2\2\2\u3527\u3528\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ - "\u3528\u3529\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3529\u352a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u352a\u352b\7"+ - "a\2\2\u352b\u352c\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u352c\u352d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u352d\u352e"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u352e\u352f\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u352f\u3530\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u3530\u3531\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3531\u0902\3\2\2\2\u3532\u3533\5\u0a4d"+ - "\u0527\2\u3533\u3534\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3534\u3535\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u3535"+ - "\u0904\3\2\2\2\u3536\u3537\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3537\u3538\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u3538\u3539\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3539\u353a\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u353a\u353b\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u353b\u353c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u353c\u353d\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u353d\u0906\3\2\2\2\u353e\u353f\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u353f\u3540\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u3540\u3541\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3541\u3542\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u3542\u0908"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3543\u3544\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3544\u3545\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3545"+ - "\u3546\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3546\u3547\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3547\u3548\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u3548\u3549\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3549\u354a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u354a"+ - "\u354b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u354b\u354c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u354c\u354d\5\u0a69"+ - "\u0535\2\u354d\u354e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u354e\u354f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u354f"+ - "\u090a\3\2\2\2\u3550\u3551\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3551\u3552\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u3552\u3553\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3553\u3554\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3554\u3555\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3555\u3556\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3556\u3557\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u3557\u090c\3\2\2\2\u3558\u3559\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3559\u355a\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u355a\u355b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u355b\u355c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u355c\u355d"+ - "\7a\2\2\u355d\u355e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u355e\u355f\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u355f"+ - "\u3560\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3560\u3561\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3561\u090e\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3562\u3563\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3563\u3564\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3564\u3565\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3565\u3566\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3566\u3567\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u3567\u3568\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3568\u0910\3\2\2\2\u3569\u356a\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u356a\u356b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u356b\u356c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u356c\u356d"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u356d\u356e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u356e\u356f\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u356f\u3570\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3570\u3571\7a\2\2\u3571\u3572\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u3572\u3573\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3573\u3574\5\u0a69\u0535\2\u3574"+ - "\u3575\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3575\u0912\3\2\2\2\u3576\u3577\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u3577\u3578\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3578\u3579\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3579\u357a\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u357a\u357b\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u357b\u357c\7a\2\2\u357c\u357d"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u357d\u357e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u357e\u357f\5\u0a43\u0522"+ - "\2\u357f\u3580\7a\2\2\u3580\u3581\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3581\u3582\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u3582\u3583\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3583\u3584\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3584"+ - "\u0914\3\2\2\2\u3585\u3586\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3586\u3587\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u3587\u3588\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3588\u3589\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3589\u358a\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u358a\u358b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u358b\u358c\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ - "\u358c\u0916\3\2\2\2\u358d\u358e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u358e\u358f\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u358f\u3590\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3590\u3591\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3591\u3592"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3592\u3593\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3593\u0918\3\2\2\2\u3594"+ - "\u3595\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3595\u3596\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3596\u3597\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u3597\u3598\7a\2\2\u3598\u3599\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3599\u359a\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u359a\u359b\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u359b\u359c\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u359c\u359d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u359d\u359e\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u359e\u091a\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u359f\u35a0\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u35a0\u35a1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35a1\u35a2"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u35a2\u35a3\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u35a3\u091c\3\2\2\2\u35a4"+ - "\u35a5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u35a5\u35a6\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u35a6\u35a7\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u35a7\u35a8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u35a8\u35a9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u35a9"+ - "\u35aa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35aa\u35ab\7a\2\2\u35ab\u35ac\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u35ac\u35ad\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u35ad\u35ae\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u35ae\u35af\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35af\u35b0\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u35b0\u35b1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u35b1\u35b2\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u35b2\u35b3\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u35b3\u35b4\5"+ - "\u0a55\u052b\2\u35b4\u091e\3\2\2\2\u35b5\u35b6\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u35b6\u35b7"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u35b7\u35b8\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u35b8\u35b9\5\u0a55\u052b"+ - "\2\u35b9\u35ba\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u35ba\u35bb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u35bb\u35bc"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35bc\u0920\3\2\2\2\u35bd\u35be\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u35be"+ - "\u35bf\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u35bf\u35c0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u35c0\u35c1\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u35c1\u35c2\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u35c2\u35c3\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u35c3"+ - "\u0922\3\2\2\2\u35c4\u35c5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u35c5\u35c6\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u35c6\u35c7\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u35c7\u35c8\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u35c8\u35c9\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u35c9\u35ca\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u35ca\u0924\3\2\2\2\u35cb\u35cc"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u35cc\u35cd\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u35cd\u35ce\5\u0a39\u051d"+ - "\2\u35ce\u35cf\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u35cf\u35d0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35d0\u35d1"+ - "\7a\2\2\u35d1\u35d2\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u35d2\u35d3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u35d3"+ - "\u35d4\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u35d4\u35d5\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35d5\u0926\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u35d6\u35d7\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u35d7\u35d8\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u35d8\u35d9\5"+ - "\u0a55\u052b\2\u35d9\u35da\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u35da\u0928\3\2\2\2\u35db\u35dc"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u35dc\u35dd\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u35dd\u35de\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u35de\u35df\7a\2\2\u35df\u35e0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u35e0\u35e1\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u35e1\u35e2\7a\2\2\u35e2\u35e3\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u35e3\u35e4\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u35e4\u35e5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u35e5\u35e6\5\u0a45\u0523\2"+ - "\u35e6\u35e7\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35e7\u092a\3\2\2\2\u35e8\u35e9\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u35e9\u35ea\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u35ea\u35eb\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u35eb\u35ec"+ - "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u35ec\u35ed\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u35ed\u35ee\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u35ee\u35ef\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u35ef\u35f0\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u35f0\u092c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u35f1\u35f2\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35f2\u35f3\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u35f3"+ - "\u35f4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35f4\u35f5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u35f5\u35f6\5\u0a5f"+ - "\u0530\2\u35f6\u35f7\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u35f7\u35f8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35f8"+ - "\u092e\3\2\2\2\u35f9\u35fa\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u35fa\u35fb\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u35fb\u35fc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35fc\u35fd\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u35fd\u35fe\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u35fe\u35ff\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u35ff\u3600\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u3600\u3601\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3601\u3602\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u3602\u0930\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3603\u3604\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3604\u3605\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u3605\u3606"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3606\u3607\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3607\u3608\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u3608\u3609\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3609\u360a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u360a\u360b"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u360b\u0932\3\2\2\2\u360c\u360d\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u360d"+ - "\u360e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u360e\u360f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u360f\u3610\5\u0a4b"+ - "\u0526\2\u3610\u3611\7a\2\2\u3611\u3612\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u3612\u3613\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3613\u3614\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3614\u3615\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u3615\u0934\3\2\2\2\u3616\u3617\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3617\u3618\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u3618\u3619\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3619\u361a\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u361a\u361b"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u361b\u361c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u361c\u361d\7a\2\2\u361d"+ - "\u361e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u361e\u361f\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u361f\u3620\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u3620\u3621\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3621\u3622\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3622"+ - "\u3623\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3623\u3624\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3624\u3625\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u3625\u3626\7a\2\2\u3626\u3627\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3627\u3628\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u3628\u3629\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u3629\u362a\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u362a\u362b\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u362b\u0936\3\2\2\2\u362c\u362d\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u362d\u362e\5\u0a57\u052c\2\u362e\u362f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u362f\u3630"+ - "\7a\2\2\u3630\u3631\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3631\u3632\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3632"+ - "\u0938\3\2\2\2\u3633\u3634\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3634\u3635\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u3635\u3636\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3636\u3637\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3637\u3638\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3638\u3639\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3639\u363a\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u363a\u093a\3\2\2\2\u363b\u363c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u363c\u363d\5\u0a45\u0523"+ - "\2\u363d\u363e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u363e\u363f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u363f\u3640"+ - "\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u3640\u3641\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3641\u3642\5\u0a53\u052a"+ - "\2\u3642\u3643\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3643\u3644\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3644\u3645"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3645\u093c\3\2\2\2\u3646\u3647\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3647"+ - "\u3648\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3648\u3649\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3649\u093e\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u364a\u364b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u364b\u364c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u364c\u364d\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u364d\u364e\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u364e\u364f\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u364f\u3650\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3650\u3651\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3651\u3652\5"+ - "\u0a69\u0535\2\u3652\u3653\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3653\u3654\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u3654\u3655\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3655\u3656\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3656\u3657\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u3657\u0940\3\2\2\2\u3658\u3659\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3659\u365a"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u365a\u365b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u365b\u365c\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u365c\u0942\3\2\2\2\u365d\u365e\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u365e\u365f\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u365f\u3660\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3660\u3661\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3661"+ - "\u3662\7a\2\2\u3662\u3663\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3663\u3664\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u3664\u3665\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u3665\u3666\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3666\u3667\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3667\u0944\3\2\2\2\u3668\u3669\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u3669\u366a"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u366a\u366b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u366b\u366c\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u366c\u366d\7a\2\2\u366d\u366e\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u366e\u366f\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u366f\u3670\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3670\u3671\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3671"+ - "\u3672\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3672\u0946\3\2\2\2\u3673\u3674\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ - "\u3674\u3675\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u3675\u3676\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3676\u0948\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3677\u3678\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3678\u3679\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u3679\u367a"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u367a\u367b\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u367b\u367c\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u367c\u367d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u367d\u094a\3\2\2\2\u367e\u367f\5\u0a59"+ - "\u052d\2\u367f\u3680\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3680\u3681\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3681"+ - "\u3682\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3682\u3683\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3683\u3684\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u3684\u3685\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3685\u3686\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u3686"+ - "\u3687\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3687\u094c\3\2\2\2\u3688\u3689\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u3689\u368a\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u368a\u368b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u368b\u368c\5"+ - "\u0a67\u0534\2\u368c\u094e\3\2\2\2\u368d\u368e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u368e\u368f"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u368f\u3690\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u3690\u3691\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u3691\u3692\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3692\u3693\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u3693\u3694"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3694\u3695\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3695\u3696\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u3696\u3697\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3697\u3698\7a\2\2\u3698\u3699\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u3699\u369a\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u369a\u0950\3\2\2\2\u369b\u369c\5"+ - "\u0a43\u0522\2\u369c\u369d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u369d\u369e\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u369e\u369f\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u369f\u36a0\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u36a0\u36a1\7"+ - "a\2\2\u36a1\u36a2\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u36a2\u36a3\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u36a3\u0952"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u36a4\u36a5\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u36a5\u36a6\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u36a6"+ - "\u36a7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u36a7\u36a8\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u36a8\u36a9\5\u0a55"+ - "\u052b\2\u36a9\u36aa\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u36aa\u36ab\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u36ab"+ - "\u36ac\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u36ac\u36ad\7a\2\2\u36ad\u36ae\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u36ae\u36af\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u36af\u0954\3\2\2\2\u36b0\u36b1\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u36b1\u36b2\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u36b2\u36b3\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u36b3\u36b4"+ - "\7a\2\2\u36b4\u36b5\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u36b5\u36b6\7a\2\2\u36b6\u36b7\5\u0a41"+ - "\u0521\2\u36b7\u36b8\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u36b8\u36b9\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u36b9"+ - "\u36ba\7a\2\2\u36ba\u36bb\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u36bb\u36bc\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u36bc\u36bd\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u36bd\u36be\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u36be\u0956\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u36bf\u36c0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u36c0\u36c1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u36c1\u36c2"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u36c2\u36c3\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u36c3\u36c4\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u36c4\u36c5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u36c5\u36c6\7a\2\2\u36c6\u36c7\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u36c7\u36c8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u36c8\u36c9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u36c9"+ - "\u36ca\7a\2\2\u36ca\u36cb\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u36cb\u36cc\5\u0a59\u052d\2"+ - "\u36cc\u36cd\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u36cd\u0958\3\2\2\2\u36ce\u36cf\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u36cf\u36d0\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u36d0\u36d1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u36d1\u36d2"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u36d2\u36d3\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u36d3\u36d4\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u36d4\u36d5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u36d5\u36d6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u36d6\u36d7"+ - "\7a\2\2\u36d7\u36d8\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u36d8\u36d9\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u36d9"+ - "\u36da\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u36da\u36db\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u36db\u36dc\7a\2\2"+ - "\u36dc\u36dd\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u36dd\u36de\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u36de\u36df\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u36df\u36e0\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u36e0\u095a\3\2\2\2\u36e1\u36e2"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u36e2\u36e3\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u36e3\u36e4\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u36e4\u36e5\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u36e5\u36e6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u36e6\u36e7"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u36e7\u36e8\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u36e8\u095c\3\2\2\2\u36e9"+ - "\u36ea\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u36ea\u36eb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u36eb\u36ec\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u36ec\u36ed\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u36ed\u36ee\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u36ee"+ - "\u095e\3\2\2\2\u36ef\u36f0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u36f0\u36f1\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u36f1\u36f2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u36f2\u36f3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u36f3\u36f4\7"+ - "a\2\2\u36f4\u36f5\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u36f5\u36f6\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u36f6\u36f7"+ - "\7a\2\2\u36f7\u36f8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u36f8\u36f9\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u36f9"+ - "\u36fa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u36fa\u36fb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u36fb\u36fc\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u36fc\u36fd\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u36fd\u36fe\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u36fe"+ - "\u36ff\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u36ff\u3700\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3700\u0960\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3701\u3702\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3702\u3703\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u3703\u3704\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3704\u3705\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u3705\u3706\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u3706\u3707\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3707\u3708\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3708\u3709\5"+ - "\u0a67\u0534\2\u3709\u0962\3\2\2\2\u370a\u370b\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u370b\u370c"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u370c\u370d\7a\2\2\u370d\u370e\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u370e"+ - "\u370f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u370f\u3710\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3710\u3711\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u3711\u3712\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3712\u3713\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3713"+ - "\u3714\7a\2\2\u3714\u3715\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3715\u3716\5\u0a67\u0534\2"+ - "\u3716\u3717\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3717\u3718\7a\2\2\u3718\u3719\5\u0a55\u052b"+ - "\2\u3719\u371a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u371a\u371b\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u371b\u371c"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u371c\u0964\3\2\2\2\u371d\u371e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u371e"+ - "\u371f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u371f\u3720\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3720\u3721\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u3721\u3722\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3722\u3723\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3723"+ - "\u0966\3\2\2\2\u3724\u3725\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3725\u3726\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u3726\u3727\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3727\u3728\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3728\u3729\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3729\u0968\3\2\2\2\u372a\u372b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u372b\u372c"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u372c\u372d\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u372d\u372e\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u372e\u372f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u372f\u3730\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3730\u3731"+ - "\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3731\u3732\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3732\u096a\3\2\2\2\u3733"+ - "\u3734\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u3734\u3735\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3735\u3736\5\u0a39"+ - "\u051d\2\u3736\u096c\3\2\2\2\u3737\u3738\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3738\u3739\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u3739\u373a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u373a\u373b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u373b\u373c\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u373c\u373d\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u373d\u373e\7"+ - "a\2\2\u373e\u373f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u373f\u3740\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3740\u3741"+ - "\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u3741\u3742\7a\2\2\u3742\u3743\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3743"+ - "\u3744\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3744\u3745\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3745\u096e\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3746\u3747\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3747\u3748\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3748\u3749\5"+ - "\u0a39\u051d\2\u3749\u374a\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u374a\u374b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u374b\u374c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u374c\u374d\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u374d\u374e\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u374e\u374f\7a\2\2\u374f\u3750\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3750\u3751"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3751\u3752\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3752\u3753\5\u0a43\u0522"+ - "\2\u3753\u3754\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3754\u3755\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3755\u0970"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3756\u3757\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3757\u3758\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3758"+ - "\u3759\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3759\u375a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u375a\u375b\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u375b\u375c\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u375c\u375d\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u375d"+ - "\u375e\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u375e\u375f\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u375f\u3760\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u3760\u0972\3\2\2\2\u3761\u3762\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3762\u3763\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u3763\u3764\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3764\u3765\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u3765\u3766\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3766\u3767\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3767\u3768\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3768\u3769\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3769\u376a\7a\2\2\u376a\u376b"+ - "\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u376b\u376c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u376c\u376d\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u376d\u376e\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u376e\u376f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u376f\u0974"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3770\u3771\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u3771\u3772\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3772"+ - "\u3773\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3773\u3774\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3774\u3775\5\u0a4b"+ - "\u0526\2\u3775\u0976\3\2\2\2\u3776\u3777\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3777\u3778\5"+ - "\u0a57\u052c\2\u3778\u3779\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3779\u377a\7a\2\2\u377a\u377b"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u377b\u377c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u377c\u377d\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u377d\u377e\7a\2\2\u377e\u377f\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u377f\u3780\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u3780\u3781\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3781\u3782\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3782"+ - "\u3783\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3783\u3784\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3784\u0978\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3785\u3786\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3786\u3787\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3787\u3788\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3788\u3789\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3789\u378a\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u378a\u378b\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u378b\u097a\3\2\2\2\u378c\u378d\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u378d\u378e\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u378e\u378f\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u378f\u3790"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3790\u097c\3\2\2\2\u3791\u3792\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3792"+ - "\u3793\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3793\u3794\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3794\u3795\7a\2\2"+ - "\u3795\u3796\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3796\u3797\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3797\u3798\5"+ - "\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3798\u097e\3\2\2\2\u3799\u379a\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u379a\u379b"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u379b\u379c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u379c\u379d\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u379d\u379e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u379e\u0980\3\2\2\2\u379f\u37a0\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u37a0\u37a1\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u37a1\u37a2\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u37a2"+ - "\u37a3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u37a3\u37a4\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u37a4\u37a5\5\u0a5b"+ - "\u052e\2\u37a5\u37a6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u37a6\u37a7\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u37a7"+ - "\u0982\3\2\2\2\u37a8\u37a9\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u37a9\u37aa\5\u0a37\u051c\2"+ - "\u37aa\u37ab\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u37ab\u37ac\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37ac\u0984\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u37ad\u37ae\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u37ae\u37af\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u37af\u37b0"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u37b0\u37b1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37b1\u37b2\5\u0a59\u052d"+ - "\2\u37b2\u37b3\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u37b3\u37b4\7a\2\2\u37b4\u37b5\5\u0a41"+ - "\u0521\2\u37b5\u37b6\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u37b6\u37b7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u37b7"+ - "\u37b8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37b8\u37b9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u37b9\u37ba\7a\2\2"+ - "\u37ba\u37bb\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u37bb\u37bc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37bc\u37bd\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u37bd\u0986\3\2\2\2\u37be\u37bf\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u37bf\u37c0"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37c0\u37c1\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u37c1\u37c2\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u37c2\u37c3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u37c3\u37c4\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u37c4\u37c5"+ - "\7a\2\2\u37c5\u37c6\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u37c6\u37c7\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u37c7"+ - "\u37c8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u37c8\u37c9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u37c9\u0988\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u37ca\u37cb\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u37cb\u37cc\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37cc\u37cd\5"+ - "\u0a5b\u052e\2\u37cd\u37ce\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u37ce\u37cf\5\u0a63\u0532\2"+ - "\u37cf\u37d0\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u37d0\u37d1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u37d1\u37d2\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u37d2\u37d3\7a\2\2\u37d3\u37d4\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u37d4\u37d5"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u37d5\u37d6\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37d6\u37d7\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u37d7\u37d8\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u37d8\u37d9\7a\2\2\u37d9\u37da\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u37da\u37db\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u37db\u37dc\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u37dc"+ - "\u37dd\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u37dd\u098a\3\2\2\2\u37de\u37df\5\u0a61\u0531\2"+ - "\u37df\u37e0\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37e0\u37e1\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u37e1\u37e2\7"+ - "a\2\2\u37e2\u37e3\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u37e3\u37e4\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37e4\u37e5"+ - "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u37e5\u37e6\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u37e6\u098c\3\2\2\2\u37e7"+ - "\u37e8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37e8\u37e9\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u37e9\u37ea\5\u0a43"+ - "\u0522\2\u37ea\u37eb\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u37eb\u37ec\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u37ec"+ - "\u37ed\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u37ed\u37ee\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u37ee\u37ef\5\u0a45"+ - "\u0523\2\u37ef\u37f0\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u37f0\u098e\3\2\2\2\u37f1\u37f2\5"+ - "\u0a3b\u051e\2\u37f2\u37f3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u37f3\u37f4\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u37f4\u37f5\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u37f5\u37f6\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u37f6\u37f7\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u37f7\u37f8\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37f8\u37f9\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u37f9\u37fa\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u37fa\u37fb\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u37fb\u37fc\7"+ - "a\2\2\u37fc\u37fd\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u37fd\u37fe\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u37fe\u37ff"+ - "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u37ff\u3800\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3800\u0990\3\2\2\2\u3801"+ - "\u3802\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3802\u3803\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3803\u3804\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u3804\u3805\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3805\u3806\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3806"+ - "\u0992\3\2\2\2\u3807\u3808\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3808\u3809\5\u0a55\u052b\2"+ - "\u3809\u380a\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u380a\u380b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u380b\u380c\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u380c\u380d\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u380d\u380e\7a\2\2\u380e\u380f"+ - "\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u380f\u3810\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3810\u3811\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u3811\u3812\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3812\u3813\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3813\u3814"+ - "\7a\2\2\u3814\u3815\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3815\u3816\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3816"+ - "\u3817\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3817\u3818\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3818\u3819\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u3819\u381a\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u381a\u381b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u381b"+ - "\u381c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u381c\u0994\3\2\2\2\u381d\u381e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2"+ - "\u381e\u381f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u381f\u3820\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3820\u0996\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3821\u3822\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u3822\u3823\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3823\u3824"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3824\u3825\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3825\u3826\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u3826\u0998\3\2\2\2\u3827\u3828\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3828\u3829\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u3829\u382a\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u382a\u382b\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u382b"+ - "\u382c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u382c\u382d\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u382d\u382e\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u382e\u382f\7a\2\2\u382f\u3830\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3830\u3831\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u3831\u3832\5\u0a39\u051d\2\u3832\u3833\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u3833\u3834\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3834\u3835\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u3835\u3836\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u3836\u3837\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3837\u3838\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u3838\u3839\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3839\u099a\3\2\2\2\u383a\u383b\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u383b\u383c\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u383c\u383d\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u383d\u383e"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u383e\u383f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u383f\u3840\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u3840\u3841\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3841\u3842\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3842\u099c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3843\u3844\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3844\u3845\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3845"+ - "\u3846\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3846\u3847\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3847\u3848\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u3848\u3849\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3849\u384a\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u384a"+ - "\u099e\3\2\2\2\u384b\u384c\5\u0a65\u0533\2\u384c\u384d\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ - "\u384d\u384e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u384e\u384f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u384f\u3850\5"+ - "\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3850\u3851\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3851\u3852\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ - "\u3852\u3853\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3853\u3854\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3854\u3855\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3855\u09a0\3\2\2\2\u3856\u3857\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3857\u3858"+ - "\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3858\u3859\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3859\u385a\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u385a\u385b\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u385b\u385c\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u385c\u385d"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u385d\u385e\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u385e\u385f\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u385f\u3860\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3860\u3861\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3861\u3862"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3862\u3863\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3863\u3864\5\u0a43\u0522"+ - "\2\u3864\u09a2\3\2\2\2\u3865\u3866\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3866\u3867\5\u0a65"+ - "\u0533\2\u3867\u3868\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3868\u3869\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3869"+ - "\u386a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u386a\u386b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u386b\u386c\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u386c\u386d\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u386d\u386e\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u386e"+ - "\u386f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u386f\u3870\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3870\u3871\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u3871\u09a4\3\2\2\2\u3872\u3873\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3873\u3874\5"+ - "\u0a53\u052a\2\u3874\u3875\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3875\u3876\5\u0a51\u0529\2"+ - "\u3876\u3877\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3877\u3878\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3878\u3879\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3879\u387a\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u387a\u387b\5\u0a3f\u0520\2"+ - "\u387b\u387c\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u387c\u387d\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u387d\u387e\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u387e\u387f\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u387f\u3880\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u3880\u3881\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3881\u3882\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u3882\u09a6\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3883\u3884\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3884\u3885\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3885\u3886"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3886\u3887\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3887\u3888\5\u0a45\u0523"+ - "\2\u3888\u3889\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3889\u388a\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u388a\u388b"+ - "\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u388b\u388c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u388c\u388d\5\u0a45\u0523"+ - "\2\u388d\u388e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u388e\u388f\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u388f\u3890"+ - "\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u3890\u09a8\3\2\2\2\u3891\u3892\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3892"+ - "\u3893\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3893\u3894\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3894\u3895\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u3895\u3896\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3896\u3897\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3897"+ - "\u3898\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3898\u3899\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3899\u389a\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u389a\u389b\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u389b\u389c\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u389c"+ - "\u09aa\3\2\2\2\u389d\u389e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u389e\u389f\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u389f\u38a0\7a\2\2\u38a0\u38a1\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u38a1\u38a2\5\u0a65\u0533"+ - "\2\u38a2\u38a3\7a\2\2\u38a3\u38a4\5\u0a49\u0525\2\u38a4\u38a5\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u38a5\u38a6\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u38a6\u38a7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u38a7"+ - "\u38a8\7a\2\2\u38a8\u38a9\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u38a9\u38aa\5\u0a47\u0524\2"+ - "\u38aa\u38ab\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u38ab\u38ac\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u38ac\u38ad\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u38ad\u38ae\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u38ae\u09ac\3\2\2\2\u38af\u38b0"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u38b0\u38b1\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u38b1\u38b2\5\u0a37\u051c"+ - "\2\u38b2\u38b3\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u38b3\u38b4\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u38b4\u38b5"+ - "\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u38b5\u38b6\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u38b6\u38b7\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u38b7\u38b8\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u38b8\u38b9\7a\2\2\u38b9\u38ba\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u38ba\u38bb\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u38bb\u09ae\3\2\2\2\u38bc\u38bd\5"+ - "\u0a45\u0523\2\u38bd\u38be\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u38be\u38bf\5\u0a43\u0522\2"+ - "\u38bf\u38c0\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u38c0\u38c1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u38c1\u38c2\5"+ - "\u0a59\u052d\2\u38c2\u38c3\7a\2\2\u38c3\u38c4\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u38c4\u38c5"+ - "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u38c5\u38c6\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u38c6\u38c7\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u38c7\u38c8\7a\2\2\u38c8\u38c9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u38c9\u38ca\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u38ca\u09b0\3\2\2\2\u38cb\u38cc\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u38cc\u38cd\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u38cd\u38ce\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u38ce\u38cf\5\u0a4b\u0526\2"+ - "\u38cf\u09b2\3\2\2\2\u38d0\u38d1\5\u0a63\u0532\2\u38d1\u38d2\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u38d2\u38d3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u38d3\u38d4\5\u0a4b\u0526\2\u38d4\u09b4"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u38d5\u38d6\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u38d6\u38d7\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u38d7"+ - "\u38d8\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u38d8\u38d9\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u38d9\u38da\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u38da\u38db\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u38db\u38dc\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u38dc"+ - "\u38dd\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u38dd\u38de\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u38de\u38df\5\u0a53"+ - "\u052a\2\u38df\u38e0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u38e0\u38e1\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u38e1"+ - "\u38e2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u38e2\u09b6\3\2\2\2\u38e3\u38e4\5\u0a3b\u051e\2"+ - "\u38e4\u38e5\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u38e5\u38e6\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u38e6\u38e7\5"+ - "\u0a3d\u051f\2\u38e7\u38e8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u38e8\u38e9\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u38e9\u38ea\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u38ea\u38eb\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u38eb\u38ec\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u38ec\u38ed\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u38ed\u38ee\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u38ee\u09b8\3\2\2\2\u38ef\u38f0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u38f0\u38f1\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u38f1\u38f2\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u38f2\u38f3\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u38f3\u38f4"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u38f4\u09ba\3\2\2\2\u38f5\u38f6\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u38f6"+ - "\u38f7\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u38f7\u38f8\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u38f8\u38f9\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u38f9\u38fa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u38fa\u38fb\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u38fb"+ - "\u38fc\7a\2\2\u38fc\u38fd\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u38fd\u38fe\5\u0a5b\u052e\2"+ - "\u38fe\u38ff\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u38ff\u3900\7a\2\2\u3900\u3901\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u3901\u3902\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3902\u3903\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3903\u3904"+ - "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3904\u3905\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3905\u3906\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u3906\u3907\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3907\u09bc\3\2\2\2\u3908\u3909\5\u0a3b"+ - "\u051e\2\u3909\u390a\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u390a\u390b\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u390b"+ - "\u390c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u390c\u390d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u390d\u390e\5\u0a3d"+ - "\u051f\2\u390e\u390f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u390f\u3910\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3910"+ - "\u09be\3\2\2\2\u3911\u3912\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3912\u3913\5\u0a4d\u0527\2"+ - "\u3913\u3914\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3914\u3915\5\u0a43\u0522\2\u3915\u3916\5"+ - "\u0a47\u0524\2\u3916\u3917\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3917\u09c0\3\2\2\2\u3918\u3919"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3919\u391a\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u391a\u391b\5\u0a3b\u051e"+ - "\2\u391b\u391c\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u391c\u391d\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u391d\u391e"+ - "\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u391e\u391f\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u391f\u3920\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u3920\u3921\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3921\u09c2\3\2\2\2\u3922\u3923\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u3923\u3924\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3924\u3925\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3925"+ - "\u3926\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3926\u3927\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3927\u3928\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u3928\u09c4\3\2\2\2\u3929\u392a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u392a\u392b\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u392b\u392c\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u392c\u392d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u392d\u392e\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u392e\u392f\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u392f\u3930\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u3930\u3931\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3931\u09c6\3\2\2\2\u3932\u3933"+ - "\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3933\u3934\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3934\u3935\5\u0a51\u0529"+ - "\2\u3935\u09c8\3\2\2\2\u3936\u3937\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3937\u3938\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u3938\u3939\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3939\u393a\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u393a"+ - "\u393b\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u393b\u09ca\3\2\2\2\u393c\u393e\t\b\2\2\u393d\u393c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u393e\u393f\3\2\2\2\u393f\u393d\3\2\2\2\u393f\u3940\3\2\2\2\u3940"+ - "\u09cc\3\2\2\2\u3941\u3943\t\b\2\2\u3942\u3941\3\2\2\2\u3943\u3944\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3944\u3942\3\2\2\2\u3944\u3945\3\2\2\2\u3945\u3946\3\2\2\2\u3946"+ - "\u3948\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3947\u3949\t\13\2\2\u3948\u3947\3\2\2\2\u3948"+ - "\u3949\3\2\2\2\u3949\u394b\3\2\2\2\u394a\u394c\t\b\2\2\u394b\u394a\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u394c\u394d\3\2\2\2\u394d\u394b\3\2\2\2\u394d\u394e\3\2\2\2\u394e"+ - "\u394f\3\2\2\2\u394f\u3950\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3950\u397a\3\2\2\2\u3951\u3953"+ - "\t\b\2\2\u3952\u3951\3\2\2\2\u3953\u3954\3\2\2\2\u3954\u3952\3\2\2\2\u3954"+ - "\u3955\3\2\2\2\u3955\u3956\3\2\2\2\u3956\u395a\7\60\2\2\u3957\u3959\t"+ - "\b\2\2\u3958\u3957\3\2\2\2\u3959\u395c\3\2\2\2\u395a\u3958\3\2\2\2\u395a"+ - "\u395b\3\2\2\2\u395b\u395d\3\2\2\2\u395c\u395a\3\2\2\2\u395d\u395f\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u395e\u3960\t\13\2\2\u395f\u395e\3\2\2\2\u395f\u3960\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3960\u3962\3\2\2\2\u3961\u3963\t\b\2\2\u3962\u3961\3\2\2\2\u3963\u3964"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3964\u3962\3\2\2\2\u3964\u3965\3\2\2\2\u3965\u3966\3\2\2\2\u3966"+ - "\u3967\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3967\u397a\3\2\2\2\u3968\u396a\7\60\2\2\u3969"+ - "\u396b\t\b\2\2\u396a\u3969\3\2\2\2\u396b\u396c\3\2\2\2\u396c\u396a\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u396c\u396d\3\2\2\2\u396d\u396e\3\2\2\2\u396e\u3970\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u396f\u3971\t\13\2\2\u3970\u396f\3\2\2\2\u3970\u3971\3\2\2\2\u3971"+ - "\u3973\3\2\2\2\u3972\u3974\t\b\2\2\u3973\u3972\3\2\2\2\u3974\u3975\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3975\u3973\3\2\2\2\u3975\u3976\3\2\2\2\u3976\u3977\3\2\2\2\u3977"+ - "\u3978\5\u0a41\u0521\2\u3978\u397a\3\2\2\2\u3979\u3942\3\2\2\2\u3979\u3952"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3979\u3968\3\2\2\2\u397a\u3a36\3\2\2\2\u397b\u397d\t\b\2\2\u397c"+ - "\u397b\3\2\2\2\u397d\u397e\3\2\2\2\u397e\u397c\3\2\2\2\u397e\u397f\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u397f\u3980\3\2\2\2\u3980\u3982\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3981\u3983\t\13"+ - "\2\2\u3982\u3981\3\2\2\2\u3982\u3983\3\2\2\2\u3983\u3985\3\2\2\2\u3984"+ - "\u3986\t\b\2\2\u3985\u3984\3\2\2\2\u3986\u3987\3\2\2\2\u3987\u3985\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3987\u3988\3\2\2\2\u3988\u3989\3\2\2\2\u3989\u398a\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u398a\u39b4\3\2\2\2\u398b\u398d\t\b\2\2\u398c\u398b\3\2\2\2\u398d\u398e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u398e\u398c\3\2\2\2\u398e\u398f\3\2\2\2\u398f\u3990\3\2\2\2\u3990"+ - "\u3994\7\60\2\2\u3991\u3993\t\b\2\2\u3992\u3991\3\2\2\2\u3993\u3996\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3994\u3992\3\2\2\2\u3994\u3995\3\2\2\2\u3995\u3997\3\2\2\2\u3996"+ - "\u3994\3\2\2\2\u3997\u3999\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3998\u399a\t\13\2\2\u3999"+ - "\u3998\3\2\2\2\u3999\u399a\3\2\2\2\u399a\u399c\3\2\2\2\u399b\u399d\t\b"+ - "\2\2\u399c\u399b\3\2\2\2\u399d\u399e\3\2\2\2\u399e\u399c\3\2\2\2\u399e"+ - "\u399f\3\2\2\2\u399f\u39a0\3\2\2\2\u39a0\u39a1\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u39a1\u39b4"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u39a2\u39a4\7\60\2\2\u39a3\u39a5\t\b\2\2\u39a4\u39a3\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u39a5\u39a6\3\2\2\2\u39a6\u39a4\3\2\2\2\u39a6\u39a7\3\2\2\2\u39a7\u39a8"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u39a8\u39aa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u39a9\u39ab\t\13\2\2\u39aa\u39a9"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u39aa\u39ab\3\2\2\2\u39ab\u39ad\3\2\2\2\u39ac\u39ae\t\b\2\2\u39ad"+ - "\u39ac\3\2\2\2\u39ae\u39af\3\2\2\2\u39af\u39ad\3\2\2\2\u39af\u39b0\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u39b0\u39b1\3\2\2\2\u39b1\u39b2\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u39b2\u39b4\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u39b3\u397c\3\2\2\2\u39b3\u398c\3\2\2\2\u39b3\u39a2\3\2\2\2\u39b4\u3a36"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u39b5\u39b7\t\b\2\2\u39b6\u39b5\3\2\2\2\u39b7\u39b8\3\2\2\2\u39b8"+ - "\u39b6\3\2\2\2\u39b8\u39b9\3\2\2\2\u39b9\u39ba\3\2\2\2\u39ba\u39bc\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u39bb\u39bd\t\13\2\2\u39bc\u39bb\3\2\2\2\u39bc\u39bd\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u39bd\u39bf\3\2\2\2\u39be\u39c0\t\b\2\2\u39bf\u39be\3\2\2\2\u39c0\u39c1"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u39c1\u39bf\3\2\2\2\u39c1\u39c2\3\2\2\2\u39c2\u39e8\3\2\2\2\u39c3"+ - "\u39c5\t\b\2\2\u39c4\u39c3\3\2\2\2\u39c5\u39c6\3\2\2\2\u39c6\u39c4\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u39c6\u39c7\3\2\2\2\u39c7\u39c8\3\2\2\2\u39c8\u39cc\7\60\2\2\u39c9"+ - "\u39cb\t\b\2\2\u39ca\u39c9\3\2\2\2\u39cb\u39ce\3\2\2\2\u39cc\u39ca\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u39cc\u39cd\3\2\2\2\u39cd\u39cf\3\2\2\2\u39ce\u39cc\3\2\2\2\u39cf"+ - "\u39d1\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u39d0\u39d2\t\13\2\2\u39d1\u39d0\3\2\2\2\u39d1"+ - "\u39d2\3\2\2\2\u39d2\u39d4\3\2\2\2\u39d3\u39d5\t\b\2\2\u39d4\u39d3\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u39d5\u39d6\3\2\2\2\u39d6\u39d4\3\2\2\2\u39d6\u39d7\3\2\2\2\u39d7"+ - 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"\u09d4\3\2\2\2\u3a48\u3a49\7}\2\2\u3a49\u09d6\3\2\2\2\u3a4a\u3a4b\7_\2"+ - "\2\u3a4b\u09d8\3\2\2\2\u3a4c\u3a4d\7\177\2\2\u3a4d\u09da\3\2\2\2\u3a4e"+ - "\u3a4f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3a4f\u3a50\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3a50\u3a51\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u3a51\u3a60\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3a52\u3a54\t\2\2\2\u3a53\u3a52\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3a54\u3a55\3\2\2\2\u3a55\u3a53\3\2\2\2\u3a55\u3a56\3\2\2\2\u3a56"+ - "\u3a61\3\2\2\2\u3a57\u3a58\7/\2\2\u3a58\u3a59\7/\2\2\u3a59\u3a5d\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3a5a\u3a5c\n\3\2\2\u3a5b\u3a5a\3\2\2\2\u3a5c\u3a5f\3\2\2\2\u3a5d\u3a5b"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3a5d\u3a5e\3\2\2\2\u3a5e\u3a61\3\2\2\2\u3a5f\u3a5d\3\2\2\2\u3a60"+ - "\u3a53\3\2\2\2\u3a60\u3a57\3\2\2\2\u3a60\u3a61\3\2\2\2\u3a61\u3a62\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3a62\u3a66\7)\2\2\u3a63\u3a65\n\f\2\2\u3a64\u3a63\3\2\2\2\u3a65"+ - "\u3a68\3\2\2\2\u3a66\u3a64\3\2\2\2\u3a66\u3a67\3\2\2\2\u3a67\u3a69\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3a68\u3a66\3\2\2\2\u3a69\u3a6a\7)\2\2\u3a6a\u3a8e\3\2\2\2\u3a6b"+ - "\u3a6c\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3a6c\u3a6d\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3a6d\u3a6e\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u3a6e\u3a6f\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3a6f\u3a70\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3a70"+ - "\u3a71\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3a71\u3a72\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3a72\u3a73\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u3a73\u3a82\5\u0a55\u052b\2\u3a74\u3a76\t\2\2\2\u3a75\u3a74\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3a76\u3a77\3\2\2\2\u3a77\u3a75\3\2\2\2\u3a77\u3a78\3\2\2\2\u3a78"+ - "\u3a83\3\2\2\2\u3a79\u3a7a\7/\2\2\u3a7a\u3a7b\7/\2\2\u3a7b\u3a7f\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3a7c\u3a7e\n\3\2\2\u3a7d\u3a7c\3\2\2\2\u3a7e\u3a81\3\2\2\2\u3a7f\u3a7d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3a7f\u3a80\3\2\2\2\u3a80\u3a83\3\2\2\2\u3a81\u3a7f\3\2\2\2\u3a82"+ - "\u3a75\3\2\2\2\u3a82\u3a79\3\2\2\2\u3a82\u3a83\3\2\2\2\u3a83\u3a84\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3a84\u3a88\7)\2\2\u3a85\u3a87\n\f\2\2\u3a86\u3a85\3\2\2\2\u3a87"+ - "\u3a8a\3\2\2\2\u3a88\u3a86\3\2\2\2\u3a88\u3a89\3\2\2\2\u3a89\u3a8b\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3a8a\u3a88\3\2\2\2\u3a8b\u3a8c\7)\2\2\u3a8c\u3a8e\3\2\2\2\u3a8d"+ - "\u3a4e\3\2\2\2\u3a8d\u3a6b\3\2\2\2\u3a8e\u09dc\3\2\2\2\u3a8f\u3a90\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u3a90\u3a91\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3a91\u3a92\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3a92"+ - "\u3a93\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3a93\u3a94\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3a94\u3a95\5\u0a61"+ - "\u0531\2\u3a95\u3a96\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3a96\u3a98\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3a97"+ - "\u3a99\5\u0a81\u0541\2\u3a98\u3a97\3\2\2\2\u3a98\u3a99\3\2\2\2\u3a99\u3a9a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3a9a\u3a9e\7)\2\2\u3a9b\u3a9d\n\f\2\2\u3a9c\u3a9b\3\2\2\2\u3a9d"+ - "\u3aa0\3\2\2\2\u3a9e\u3a9c\3\2\2\2\u3a9e\u3a9f\3\2\2\2\u3a9f\u3aa1\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3aa0\u3a9e\3\2\2\2\u3aa1\u3aa5\7)\2\2\u3aa2\u3aa4\5\u0a7b\u053e"+ - "\2\u3aa3\u3aa2\3\2\2\2\u3aa4\u3aa7\3\2\2\2\u3aa5\u3aa3\3\2\2\2\u3aa5\u3aa6"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3aa6\u3ab3\3\2\2\2\u3aa7\u3aa5\3\2\2\2\u3aa8\u3aa9\5\u0a67\u0534"+ - "\2\u3aa9\u3aaa\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3aaa\u3aab\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3aab\u3aac"+ - "\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3aac\u3ab4\3\2\2\2\u3aad\u3aae\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3aae"+ - "\u3aaf\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3aaf\u3ab0\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3ab0\u3ab1\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u3ab1\u3ab2\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3ab2\u3ab4\3\2\2\2\u3ab3\u3aa8\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3ab3\u3aad\3\2\2\2\u3ab4\u3ab6\3\2\2\2\u3ab5\u3ab7\5\u0a7d\u053f"+ - "\2\u3ab6\u3ab5\3\2\2\2\u3ab6\u3ab7\3\2\2\2\u3ab7\u3bb9\3\2\2\2\u3ab8\u3ab9"+ - "\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3ab9\u3aba\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3aba\u3abb\5\u0a5d\u052f"+ - "\2\u3abb\u3abc\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3abc\u3abd\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3abd\u3abe"+ - "\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u3abe\u3abf\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3abf\u3ac1\5\u0a4d\u0527"+ - "\2\u3ac0\u3ac2\5\u0a81\u0541\2\u3ac1\u3ac0\3\2\2\2\u3ac1\u3ac2\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3ac2\u3ac3\3\2\2\2\u3ac3\u3ac7\7)\2\2\u3ac4\u3ac6\n\f\2\2\u3ac5\u3ac4"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3ac6\u3ac9\3\2\2\2\u3ac7\u3ac5\3\2\2\2\u3ac7\u3ac8\3\2\2\2\u3ac8"+ - "\u3aca\3\2\2\2\u3ac9\u3ac7\3\2\2\2\u3aca\u3ace\7)\2\2\u3acb\u3acd\5\u0a7b"+ - "\u053e\2\u3acc\u3acb\3\2\2\2\u3acd\u3ad0\3\2\2\2\u3ace\u3acc\3\2\2\2\u3ace"+ - "\u3acf\3\2\2\2\u3acf\u3adc\3\2\2\2\u3ad0\u3ace\3\2\2\2\u3ad1\u3ad2\5\u0a67"+ - "\u0534\2\u3ad2\u3ad3\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3ad3\u3ad4\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3ad4"+ - "\u3ad5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3ad5\u3add\3\2\2\2\u3ad6\u3ad7\5\u0a4f\u0528\2"+ - "\u3ad7\u3ad8\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3ad8\u3ad9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3ad9\u3ada\5"+ - "\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3ada\u3adb\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3adb\u3add\3\2\2\2\u3adc\u3ad1"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3adc\u3ad6\3\2\2\2\u3add\u3aea\3\2\2\2\u3ade\u3ae2\5\u0a7d\u053f"+ - "\2\u3adf\u3ae1\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3ae0\u3adf\3\2\2\2\u3ae1\u3ae4\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3ae2\u3ae0\3\2\2\2\u3ae2\u3ae3\3\2\2\2\u3ae3\u3aeb\3\2\2\2\u3ae4\u3ae2"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3ae5\u3ae7\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3ae6\u3ae5\3\2\2\2\u3ae7\u3ae8\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3ae8\u3ae6\3\2\2\2\u3ae8\u3ae9\3\2\2\2\u3ae9\u3aeb\3\2\2\2\u3aea"+ - "\u3ade\3\2\2\2\u3aea\u3ae6\3\2\2\2\u3aeb\u3aec\3\2\2\2\u3aec\u3aed\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u3aed\u3aef\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3aee\u3af0\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3aef"+ - "\u3aee\3\2\2\2\u3af0\u3af1\3\2\2\2\u3af1\u3aef\3\2\2\2\u3af1\u3af2\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3af2\u3afe\3\2\2\2\u3af3\u3af4\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3af4\u3af5\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u3af5\u3af6\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3af6\u3af7\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3af7"+ - "\u3aff\3\2\2\2\u3af8\u3af9\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3af9\u3afa\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u3afa\u3afb\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3afb\u3afc\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3afc\u3afd\5"+ - "\u0a45\u0523\2\u3afd\u3aff\3\2\2\2\u3afe\u3af3\3\2\2\2\u3afe\u3af8\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3aff\u3bb9\3\2\2\2\u3b00\u3b01\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3b01\u3b02\5\u0a51"+ - "\u0529\2\u3b02\u3b03\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3b03\u3b04\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3b04"+ - "\u3b05\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3b05\u3b06\5\u0a61\u0531\2\u3b06\u3b07\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u3b07\u3b09\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3b08\u3b0a\5\u0a81\u0541\2\u3b09"+ - "\u3b08\3\2\2\2\u3b09\u3b0a\3\2\2\2\u3b0a\u3b0b\3\2\2\2\u3b0b\u3b0f\7)"+ - "\2\2\u3b0c\u3b0e\n\f\2\2\u3b0d\u3b0c\3\2\2\2\u3b0e\u3b11\3\2\2\2\u3b0f"+ - "\u3b0d\3\2\2\2\u3b0f\u3b10\3\2\2\2\u3b10\u3b12\3\2\2\2\u3b11\u3b0f\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3b12\u3b16\7)\2\2\u3b13\u3b15\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3b14\u3b13\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3b15\u3b18\3\2\2\2\u3b16\u3b14\3\2\2\2\u3b16\u3b17\3\2\2\2\u3b17\u3b30"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3b18\u3b16\3\2\2\2\u3b19\u3b1a\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3b1a\u3b1b\5"+ - "\u0a37\u051c\2\u3b1b\u3b1c\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3b1c\u3b31\3\2\2\2\u3b1d\u3b1e"+ - "\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3b1e\u3b1f\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3b1f\u3b20\5\u0a5f\u0530"+ - "\2\u3b20\u3b21\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3b21\u3b31\3\2\2\2\u3b22\u3b23\5\u0a4f"+ - "\u0528\2\u3b23\u3b24\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3b24\u3b25\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3b25"+ - "\u3b26\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3b26\u3b27\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3b27\u3b28\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u3b28\u3b31\3\2\2\2\u3b29\u3b2a\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3b2a\u3b2b\5"+ - "\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3b2b\u3b2c\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3b2c\u3b2d\5\u0a53\u052a\2"+ - "\u3b2d\u3b2e\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3b2e\u3b2f\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3b2f\u3b31\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3b30\u3b19\3\2\2\2\u3b30\u3b1d\3\2\2\2\u3b30\u3b22\3\2\2\2\u3b30"+ - "\u3b29\3\2\2\2\u3b31\u3b33\3\2\2\2\u3b32\u3b34\5\u0a7d\u053f\2\u3b33\u3b32"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3b33\u3b34\3\2\2\2\u3b34\u3bb9\3\2\2\2\u3b35\u3b36\5\u0a47\u0524"+ - "\2\u3b36\u3b37\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3b37\u3b38\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3b38\u3b39"+ - "\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3b39\u3b3a\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3b3a\u3b3b\5\u0a61\u0531"+ - "\2\u3b3b\u3b3c\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3b3c\u3b3e\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3b3d\u3b3f"+ - "\5\u0a81\u0541\2\u3b3e\u3b3d\3\2\2\2\u3b3e\u3b3f\3\2\2\2\u3b3f\u3b40\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3b40\u3b44\7)\2\2\u3b41\u3b43\n\f\2\2\u3b42\u3b41\3\2\2\2\u3b43"+ - "\u3b46\3\2\2\2\u3b44\u3b42\3\2\2\2\u3b44\u3b45\3\2\2\2\u3b45\u3b47\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3b46\u3b44\3\2\2\2\u3b47\u3b4b\7)\2\2\u3b48\u3b4a\5\u0a7b\u053e"+ - "\2\u3b49\u3b48\3\2\2\2\u3b4a\u3b4d\3\2\2\2\u3b4b\u3b49\3\2\2\2\u3b4b\u3b4c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3b4c\u3b4e\3\2\2\2\u3b4d\u3b4b\3\2\2\2\u3b4e\u3b4f\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u3b4f\u3b50\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3b50\u3b51\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3b51\u3b52"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3b52\u3b53\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3b53\u3b54\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u3b54\u3b55\5\u0a7f\u0540\2\u3b55\u3bb9\3\2\2\2\u3b56\u3b57\5\u0a47"+ - "\u0524\2\u3b57\u3b58\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3b58\u3b59\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3b59"+ - "\u3b5a\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3b5a\u3b5b\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3b5b\u3b5c\5\u0a61"+ - "\u0531\2\u3b5c\u3b5d\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3b5d\u3b5f\5\u0a4d\u0527\2\u3b5e"+ - "\u3b60\5\u0a81\u0541\2\u3b5f\u3b5e\3\2\2\2\u3b5f\u3b60\3\2\2\2\u3b60\u3b61"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3b61\u3b65\7)\2\2\u3b62\u3b64\n\f\2\2\u3b63\u3b62\3\2\2\2\u3b64"+ - "\u3b67\3\2\2\2\u3b65\u3b63\3\2\2\2\u3b65\u3b66\3\2\2\2\u3b66\u3b68\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3b67\u3b65\3\2\2\2\u3b68\u3b6c\7)\2\2\u3b69\u3b6b\5\u0a7b\u053e"+ - "\2\u3b6a\u3b69\3\2\2\2\u3b6b\u3b6e\3\2\2\2\u3b6c\u3b6a\3\2\2\2\u3b6c\u3b6d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3b6d\u3b86\3\2\2\2\u3b6e\u3b6c\3\2\2\2\u3b6f\u3b70\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u3b70\u3b71\5\u0a37\u051c\2\u3b71\u3b72\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3b72\u3b87"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3b73\u3b74\5\u0a45\u0523\2\u3b74\u3b75\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3b75"+ - "\u3b76\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3b76\u3b77\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3b77\u3b87\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3b78\u3b79\5\u0a4f\u0528\2\u3b79\u3b7a\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3b7a\u3b7b\5"+ - "\u0a51\u0529\2\u3b7b\u3b7c\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3b7c\u3b7d\5\u0a5d\u052f\2"+ - "\u3b7d\u3b7e\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3b7e\u3b87\3\2\2\2\u3b7f\u3b80\5\u0a5b\u052e"+ - "\2\u3b80\u3b81\5\u0a3f\u0520\2\u3b81\u3b82\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3b82\u3b83"+ - "\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3b83\u3b84\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3b84\u3b85\5\u0a3d\u051f"+ - "\2\u3b85\u3b87\3\2\2\2\u3b86\u3b6f\3\2\2\2\u3b86\u3b73\3\2\2\2\u3b86\u3b78"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3b86\u3b7f\3\2\2\2\u3b87\u3b94\3\2\2\2\u3b88\u3b8c\5\u0a7d\u053f"+ - "\2\u3b89\u3b8b\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3b8a\u3b89\3\2\2\2\u3b8b\u3b8e\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3b8c\u3b8a\3\2\2\2\u3b8c\u3b8d\3\2\2\2\u3b8d\u3b95\3\2\2\2\u3b8e\u3b8c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3b8f\u3b91\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3b90\u3b8f\3\2\2\2\u3b91\u3b92\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3b92\u3b90\3\2\2\2\u3b92\u3b93\3\2\2\2\u3b93\u3b95\3\2\2\2\u3b94"+ - "\u3b88\3\2\2\2\u3b94\u3b90\3\2\2\2\u3b95\u3b96\3\2\2\2\u3b96\u3b97\5\u0a5d"+ - "\u052f\2\u3b97\u3b99\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3b98\u3b9a\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3b99"+ - "\u3b98\3\2\2\2\u3b9a\u3b9b\3\2\2\2\u3b9b\u3b99\3\2\2\2\u3b9b\u3b9c\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3b9c\u3bb6\3\2\2\2\u3b9d\u3b9e\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3b9e\u3b9f\5\u0a37"+ - "\u051c\2\u3b9f\u3ba0\5\u0a67\u0534\2\u3ba0\u3bb7\3\2\2\2\u3ba1\u3ba2\5"+ - "\u0a45\u0523\2\u3ba2\u3ba3\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3ba3\u3ba4\5\u0a5f\u0530\2"+ - "\u3ba4\u3ba5\5\u0a59\u052d\2\u3ba5\u3bb7\3\2\2\2\u3ba6\u3ba7\5\u0a4f\u0528"+ - "\2\u3ba7\u3ba8\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3ba8\u3ba9\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3ba9\u3baa"+ - "\5\u0a5f\u0530\2\u3baa\u3bab\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3bab\u3bac\5\u0a3f\u0520"+ - "\2\u3bac\u3bb7\3\2\2\2\u3bad\u3bae\5\u0a5b\u052e\2\u3bae\u3baf\5\u0a3f"+ - "\u0520\2\u3baf\u3bb0\5\u0a3b\u051e\2\u3bb0\u3bb1\5\u0a53\u052a\2\u3bb1"+ - "\u3bb2\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3bb2\u3bb4\5\u0a3d\u051f\2\u3bb3\u3bb5\5\u0a7d"+ - "\u053f\2\u3bb4\u3bb3\3\2\2\2\u3bb4\u3bb5\3\2\2\2\u3bb5\u3bb7\3\2\2\2\u3bb6"+ - "\u3b9d\3\2\2\2\u3bb6\u3ba1\3\2\2\2\u3bb6\u3ba6\3\2\2\2\u3bb6\u3bad\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3bb7\u3bb9\3\2\2\2\u3bb8\u3a8f\3\2\2\2\u3bb8\u3ab8\3\2\2\2\u3bb8"+ - "\u3b00\3\2\2\2\u3bb8\u3b35\3\2\2\2\u3bb8\u3b56\3\2\2\2\u3bb9\u09de\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3bba\u3bbb\7\61\2\2\u3bbb\u3bbc\7,\2\2\u3bbc\u3bbd\5\u0a45\u0523"+ - "\2\u3bbd\u3bbe\5\u0a47\u0524\2\u3bbe\u3bbf\5\u0a51\u0529\2\u3bbf\u3bc0"+ - "\5\u0a5d\u052f\2\u3bc0\u3bc2\7-\2\2\u3bc1\u3bc3\n\r\2\2\u3bc2\u3bc1\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3bc3\u3bc4\3\2\2\2\u3bc4\u3bc2\3\2\2\2\u3bc4\u3bc5\3\2\2\2\u3bc5"+ - "\u3bc6\3\2\2\2\u3bc6\u3bc7\7,\2\2\u3bc7\u3bc8\7\61\2\2\u3bc8\u09e0\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3bc9\u3bca\t\16\2\2\u3bca\u09e2\3\2\2\2\u3bcb\u3bcc\t\17\2\2\u3bcc"+ - "\u09e4\3\2\2\2\u3bcd\u3bce\t\20\2\2\u3bce\u09e6\3\2\2\2\u3bcf\u3bd0\t"+ - "\21\2\2\u3bd0\u09e8\3\2\2\2\u3bd1\u3bd2\t\r\2\2\u3bd2\u09ea\3\2\2\2\u3bd3"+ - "\u3bd4\t\22\2\2\u3bd4\u09ec\3\2\2\2\u3bd5\u3bd6\t\23\2\2\u3bd6\u09ee\3"+ - 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"\2\2\2\u3ca4\u3c9d\3\2\2\2\u3ca4\u3c9e\3\2\2\2\u3ca4\u3c9f\3\2\2\2\u3ca4"+ - "\u3ca0\3\2\2\2\u3ca4\u3ca1\3\2\2\2\u3ca4\u3ca2\3\2\2\2\u3ca4\u3ca3\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3ca5\u3ca6\3\2\2\2\u3ca6\u3ca7\7)\2\2\u3ca7\u3ca8\3\2\2\2\u3ca8"+ - "\u3ca9\b\u0517\2\2\u3ca9\u0a2e\3\2\2\2\u3caa\u3cac\t%\2\2\u3cab\u3caa"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3cab\u3cac\3\2\2\2\u3cac\u3cae\3\2\2\2\u3cad\u3caf\t&\2\2\u3cae"+ - "\u3cad\3\2\2\2\u3cae\u3caf\3\2\2\2\u3caf\u3cb0\3\2\2\2\u3cb0\u3cb6\7)"+ - "\2\2\u3cb1\u3cb5\n\f\2\2\u3cb2\u3cb3\7)\2\2\u3cb3\u3cb5\7)\2\2\u3cb4\u3cb1"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3cb4\u3cb2\3\2\2\2\u3cb5\u3cb8\3\2\2\2\u3cb6\u3cb4\3\2\2\2\u3cb6"+ - "\u3cb7\3\2\2\2\u3cb7\u3cb9\3\2\2\2\u3cb8\u3cb6\3\2\2\2\u3cb9\u3cba\7)"+ - "\2\2\u3cba\u0a30\3\2\2\2\u3cbb\u3cbc\7\61\2\2\u3cbc\u3cbd\7,\2\2\u3cbd"+ - "\u3cc1\3\2\2\2\u3cbe\u3cc0\13\2\2\2\u3cbf\u3cbe\3\2\2\2\u3cc0\u3cc3\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3cc1\u3cc2\3\2\2\2\u3cc1\u3cbf\3\2\2\2\u3cc2\u3cc4\3\2\2\2\u3cc3"+ - "\u3cc1\3\2\2\2\u3cc4\u3cc5\7,\2\2\u3cc5\u3cc6\7\61\2\2\u3cc6\u3cc7\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3cc7\u3cc8\b\u0519\3\2\u3cc8\u0a32\3\2\2\2\u3cc9\u3cca\7/\2\2\u3cca"+ - "\u3ccb\7/\2\2\u3ccb\u3ccf\3\2\2\2\u3ccc\u3cce\t\'\2\2\u3ccd\u3ccc\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3cce\u3cd1\3\2\2\2\u3ccf\u3ccd\3\2\2\2\u3ccf\u3cd0\3\2\2\2\u3cd0"+ - "\u3cd5\3\2\2\2\u3cd1\u3ccf\3\2\2\2\u3cd2\u3cd4\13\2\2\2\u3cd3\u3cd2\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3cd4\u3cd7\3\2\2\2\u3cd5\u3cd6\3\2\2\2\u3cd5\u3cd3\3\2\2\2\u3cd6"+ - "\u3cd8\3\2\2\2\u3cd7\u3cd5\3\2\2\2\u3cd8\u3cd9\7\f\2\2\u3cd9\u3cda\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3cda\u3cdb\b\u051a\3\2\u3cdb\u0a34\3\2\2\2\u3cdc\u3cdd\t(\2\2\u3cdd"+ - "\u3cde\3\2\2\2\u3cde\u3cdf\b\u051b\3\2\u3cdf\u0a36\3\2\2\2\u3ce0\u3ce1"+ - "\t)\2\2\u3ce1\u0a38\3\2\2\2\u3ce2\u3ce3\t*\2\2\u3ce3\u0a3a\3\2\2\2\u3ce4"+ - "\u3ce5\t+\2\2\u3ce5\u0a3c\3\2\2\2\u3ce6\u3ce7\t,\2\2\u3ce7\u0a3e\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3ce8\u3ce9\t-\2\2\u3ce9\u0a40\3\2\2\2\u3cea\u3ceb\t.\2\2\u3ceb\u0a42"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3cec\u3ced\t/\2\2\u3ced\u0a44\3\2\2\2\u3cee\u3cef\t\60\2\2\u3cef"+ - "\u0a46\3\2\2\2\u3cf0\u3cf1\t\61\2\2\u3cf1\u0a48\3\2\2\2\u3cf2\u3cf3\t"+ - "\62\2\2\u3cf3\u0a4a\3\2\2\2\u3cf4\u3cf5\t\63\2\2\u3cf5\u0a4c\3\2\2\2\u3cf6"+ - "\u3cf7\t\64\2\2\u3cf7\u0a4e\3\2\2\2\u3cf8\u3cf9\t\65\2\2\u3cf9\u0a50\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3cfa\u3cfb\t%\2\2\u3cfb\u0a52\3\2\2\2\u3cfc\u3cfd\t\66\2\2\u3cfd"+ - "\u0a54\3\2\2\2\u3cfe\u3cff\t\67\2\2\u3cff\u0a56\3\2\2\2\u3d00\u3d01\t"+ - "&\2\2\u3d01\u0a58\3\2\2\2\u3d02\u3d03\t8\2\2\u3d03\u0a5a\3\2\2\2\u3d04"+ - "\u3d05\t9\2\2\u3d05\u0a5c\3\2\2\2\u3d06\u3d07\t:\2\2\u3d07\u0a5e\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3d08\u3d09\t;\2\2\u3d09\u0a60\3\2\2\2\u3d0a\u3d0b\t<\2\2\u3d0b\u0a62"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3d0c\u3d0d\t=\2\2\u3d0d\u0a64\3\2\2\2\u3d0e\u3d0f\t>\2\2\u3d0f"+ - "\u0a66\3\2\2\2\u3d10\u3d11\t?\2\2\u3d11\u0a68\3\2\2\2\u3d12\u3d13\t@\2"+ - "\2\u3d13\u0a6a\3\2\2\2\u3d14\u3d18\7>\2\2\u3d15\u3d17\13\2\2\2\u3d16\u3d15"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3d17\u3d1a\3\2\2\2\u3d18\u3d19\3\2\2\2\u3d18\u3d16\3\2\2\2\u3d19"+ - "\u3d1b\3\2\2\2\u3d1a\u3d18\3\2\2\2\u3d1b\u3d1c\7@\2\2\u3d1c\u0a6c\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3d1d\u3d21\7}\2\2\u3d1e\u3d20\13\2\2\2\u3d1f\u3d1e\3\2\2\2\u3d20"+ - "\u3d23\3\2\2\2\u3d21\u3d22\3\2\2\2\u3d21\u3d1f\3\2\2\2\u3d22\u3d24\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3d23\u3d21\3\2\2\2\u3d24\u3d25\7\177\2\2\u3d25\u0a6e\3\2\2\2\u3d26"+ - "\u3d2a\7]\2\2\u3d27\u3d29\13\2\2\2\u3d28\u3d27\3\2\2\2\u3d29\u3d2c\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3d2a\u3d2b\3\2\2\2\u3d2a\u3d28\3\2\2\2\u3d2b\u3d2d\3\2\2\2\u3d2c"+ - "\u3d2a\3\2\2\2\u3d2d\u3d2e\7_\2\2\u3d2e\u0a70\3\2\2\2\u3d2f\u3d33\7*\2"+ - "\2\u3d30\u3d32\13\2\2\2\u3d31\u3d30\3\2\2\2\u3d32\u3d35\3\2\2\2\u3d33"+ - "\u3d34\3\2\2\2\u3d33\u3d31\3\2\2\2\u3d34\u3d36\3\2\2\2\u3d35\u3d33\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3d36\u3d37\7+\2\2\u3d37\u0a72\3\2\2\2\u3d38\u3d3c\7#\2\2\u3d39\u3d3b"+ - "\13\2\2\2\u3d3a\u3d39\3\2\2\2\u3d3b\u3d3e\3\2\2\2\u3d3c\u3d3d\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3d3c\u3d3a\3\2\2\2\u3d3d\u3d3f\3\2\2\2\u3d3e\u3d3c\3\2\2\2\u3d3f\u3d40"+ - "\7#\2\2\u3d40\u0a74\3\2\2\2\u3d41\u3d45\7%\2\2\u3d42\u3d44\13\2\2\2\u3d43"+ - "\u3d42\3\2\2\2\u3d44\u3d47\3\2\2\2\u3d45\u3d46\3\2\2\2\u3d45\u3d43\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3d46\u3d48\3\2\2\2\u3d47\u3d45\3\2\2\2\u3d48\u3d49\7%\2\2\u3d49"+ - "\u0a76\3\2\2\2\u3d4a\u3d4e\7)\2\2\u3d4b\u3d4d\13\2\2\2\u3d4c\u3d4b\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3d4d\u3d50\3\2\2\2\u3d4e\u3d4f\3\2\2\2\u3d4e\u3d4c\3\2\2\2\u3d4f"+ - "\u3d51\3\2\2\2\u3d50\u3d4e\3\2\2\2\u3d51\u3d52\7)\2\2\u3d52\u0a78\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3d53\u3d57\7$\2\2\u3d54\u3d56\13\2\2\2\u3d55\u3d54\3\2\2\2\u3d56"+ - "\u3d59\3\2\2\2\u3d57\u3d58\3\2\2\2\u3d57\u3d55\3\2\2\2\u3d58\u3d5a\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3d59\u3d57\3\2\2\2\u3d5a\u3d5b\7$\2\2\u3d5b\u0a7a\3\2\2\2\u3d5c"+ - "\u3d5d\t\2\2\2\u3d5d\u0a7c\3\2\2\2\u3d5e\u3d60\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3d5f\u3d5e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3d60\u3d63\3\2\2\2\u3d61\u3d5f\3\2\2\2\u3d61\u3d62\3\2\2\2\u3d62"+ - "\u3d65\3\2\2\2\u3d63\u3d61\3\2\2\2\u3d64\u3d66\t\t\2\2\u3d65\u3d64\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3d66\u3d6a\3\2\2\2\u3d67\u3d69\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3d68\u3d67\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3d69\u3d6c\3\2\2\2\u3d6a\u3d68\3\2\2\2\u3d6a\u3d6b\3\2\2\2\u3d6b\u3d6e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3d6c\u3d6a\3\2\2\2\u3d6d\u3d6f\t\b\2\2\u3d6e\u3d6d\3\2\2\2\u3d6f"+ - "\u3d70\3\2\2\2\u3d70\u3d6e\3\2\2\2\u3d70\u3d71\3\2\2\2\u3d71\u3d75\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3d72\u3d74\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3d73\u3d72\3\2\2\2\u3d74\u3d77\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3d75\u3d73\3\2\2\2\u3d75\u3d76\3\2\2\2\u3d76\u3d79\3\2\2\2\u3d77\u3d75"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3d78\u3d7a\t\n\2\2\u3d79\u3d78\3\2\2\2\u3d7a\u0a7e\3\2\2\2\u3d7b"+ - "\u3d7d\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3d7c\u3d7b\3\2\2\2\u3d7d\u3d80\3\2\2\2\u3d7e\u3d7c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3d7e\u3d7f\3\2\2\2\u3d7f\u3d82\3\2\2\2\u3d80\u3d7e\3\2\2\2\u3d81"+ - "\u3d83\t\t\2\2\u3d82\u3d81\3\2\2\2\u3d83\u3d87\3\2\2\2\u3d84\u3d86\5\u0a7b"+ - "\u053e\2\u3d85\u3d84\3\2\2\2\u3d86\u3d89\3\2\2\2\u3d87\u3d85\3\2\2\2\u3d87"+ - "\u3d88\3\2\2\2\u3d88\u3d8b\3\2\2\2\u3d89\u3d87\3\2\2\2\u3d8a\u3d8c\t\b"+ - "\2\2\u3d8b\u3d8a\3\2\2\2\u3d8c\u3d8d\3\2\2\2\u3d8d\u3d8b\3\2\2\2\u3d8d"+ - "\u3d8e\3\2\2\2\u3d8e\u3d92\3\2\2\2\u3d8f\u3d91\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3d90\u3d8f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3d91\u3d94\3\2\2\2\u3d92\u3d90\3\2\2\2\u3d92\u3d93\3\2\2\2\u3d93"+ - "\u3d95\3\2\2\2\u3d94\u3d92\3\2\2\2\u3d95\u3d99\7.\2\2\u3d96\u3d98\5\u0a7b"+ - "\u053e\2\u3d97\u3d96\3\2\2\2\u3d98\u3d9b\3\2\2\2\u3d99\u3d97\3\2\2\2\u3d99"+ - "\u3d9a\3\2\2\2\u3d9a\u3d9d\3\2\2\2\u3d9b\u3d99\3\2\2\2\u3d9c\u3d9e\t\b"+ - "\2\2\u3d9d\u3d9c\3\2\2\2\u3d9e\u3d9f\3\2\2\2\u3d9f\u3d9d\3\2\2\2\u3d9f"+ - "\u3da0\3\2\2\2\u3da0\u3da4\3\2\2\2\u3da1\u3da3\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3da2\u3da1"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3da3\u3da6\3\2\2\2\u3da4\u3da2\3\2\2\2\u3da4\u3da5\3\2\2\2\u3da5"+ - "\u3da8\3\2\2\2\u3da6\u3da4\3\2\2\2\u3da7\u3da9\t\n\2\2\u3da8\u3da7\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3da9\u0a80\3\2\2\2\u3daa\u3dac\5\u0a7b\u053e\2\u3dab\u3daa\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3dac\u3dad\3\2\2\2\u3dad\u3dab\3\2\2\2\u3dad\u3dae\3\2\2\2\u3dae\u3db9"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3daf\u3db0\7/\2\2\u3db0\u3db1\7/\2\2\u3db1\u3db5\3\2\2\2\u3db2"+ - "\u3db4\n\3\2\2\u3db3\u3db2\3\2\2\2\u3db4\u3db7\3\2\2\2\u3db5\u3db3\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3db5\u3db6\3\2\2\2\u3db6\u3db9\3\2\2\2\u3db7\u3db5\3\2\2\2\u3db8"+ - "\u3dab\3\2\2\2\u3db8\u3daf\3\2\2\2\u3db9\u0a82\3\2\2\2\u00b2\2\u0cf2\u0cfa"+ - "\u0cfd\u0d08\u0d10\u0d13\u0d8a\u0d91\u0d94\u0d9a\u0da1\u0da7\u0dad\u0daf"+ - "\u1130\u12c1\u17e8\u185c\u1861\u1869\u186c\u186e\u1875\u187d\u1880\u1882"+ - "\u1886\u393f\u3944\u3948\u394d\u3954\u395a\u395f\u3964\u396c\u3970\u3975"+ - "\u3979\u397e\u3982\u3987\u398e\u3994\u3999\u399e\u39a6\u39aa\u39af\u39b3"+ - "\u39b8\u39bc\u39c1\u39c6\u39cc\u39d1\u39d6\u39dc\u39e0\u39e5\u39e7\u39ec"+ - "\u39f2\u39f9\u3a00\u3a03\u3a08\u3a0e\u3a15\u3a1c\u3a1f\u3a24\u3a2a\u3a31"+ - "\u3a33\u3a35\u3a42\u3a55\u3a5d\u3a60\u3a66\u3a77\u3a7f\u3a82\u3a88\u3a8d"+ - "\u3a98\u3a9e\u3aa5\u3ab3\u3ab6\u3ac1\u3ac7\u3ace\u3adc\u3ae2\u3ae8\u3aea"+ - "\u3af1\u3afe\u3b09\u3b0f\u3b16\u3b30\u3b33\u3b3e\u3b44\u3b4b\u3b5f\u3b65"+ - "\u3b6c\u3b86\u3b8c\u3b92\u3b94\u3b9b\u3bb4\u3bb6\u3bb8\u3bc4\u3c08\u3c1b"+ - "\u3c20\u3c24\u3c26\u3c29\u3c31\u3c38\u3c40\u3c43\u3c4a\u3c50\u3c58\u3c66"+ - "\u3c7f\u3c85\u3c89\u3c8b\u3c92\u3c94\u3c98\u3ca4\u3cab\u3cae\u3cb4\u3cb6"+ - "\u3cc1\u3ccf\u3cd5\u3d18\u3d21\u3d2a\u3d33\u3d3c\u3d45\u3d4e\u3d57\u3d61"+ - "\u3d65\u3d6a\u3d70\u3d75\u3d79\u3d7e\u3d82\u3d87\u3d8d\u3d92\u3d99\u3d9f"+ - "\u3da4\u3da8\u3dad\u3db5\u3db8\4\t\u0518\2\2\3\2"; - public static final String _serializedATN = Utils.join( - new String[] { - _serializedATNSegment0, - _serializedATNSegment1, - _serializedATNSegment2, - _serializedATNSegment3, - _serializedATNSegment4, - _serializedATNSegment5 - }, - "" - ); - public static final ATN _ATN = - new ATNDeserializer().deserialize(_serializedATN.toCharArray()); - static { - _decisionToDFA = new DFA[_ATN.getNumberOfDecisions()]; - for (int i = 0; i < _ATN.getNumberOfDecisions(); i++) { - _decisionToDFA[i] = new DFA(_ATN.getDecisionState(i), i); - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ deleted file mode 100644 index 5d62488d81..0000000000 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,137381 +0,0 @@ -// Generated from OBParser.g4 by ANTLR 4.9.1 -import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.*; -import org.antlr.v4.runtime.dfa.DFA; -import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*; -import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.*; -import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.*; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.Iterator; -import java.util.ArrayList; - -@SuppressWarnings({"all", "warnings", "unchecked", "unused", "cast"}) -public class OBParser extends Parser { - static { RuntimeMetaData.checkVersion("4.9.1", RuntimeMetaData.VERSION); } - - protected static final DFA[] _decisionToDFA; - protected static final PredictionContextCache _sharedContextCache = - new PredictionContextCache(); - public static final int - QUOTA_NAME=1, PQ_DISTINCT=2, NO_MV_REWRITE=3, INDEXTYPE=4, STSTOKEN=5, - REWRITE=6, NO_COALESCE_AGGR=7, PARTITION_TYPE=8, TASK_ID=9, COMPUTATION=10, - AUTO_REFRESH=11, SINGLE=12, MDSYS=13, WITH_PULLUP=14, NO_DECORRELATE=15, - WO_PULLUP=16, SPATIAL_CELLID=17, COMPRESSION_CODE=18, MULTIVALUE=19, SERVICE=20, - DATA_SOURCE=21, PROJECT_NAME=22, ENDPOINT=23, BUFFER_SIZE=24, PROPERTIES=25, - ATTRIBUTE=26, USER_SPECIFIED=27, THROUGH=28, SPATIAL_INDEX=29, ACCESS_INFO=30, - VALIDATION=31, DECORRELATE=32, SUM_OPNSIZE=33, ACCESSKEY=34, MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED=35, - ACCESSTYPE=36, PQ_GBY=37, EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST=38, OVERWRITE=39, MV_REWRITE=40, - SPATIAL_MBR=41, LAST_REFRESH_SCN=42, COALESCE_AGGR=43, RESOURCE_GROUP=44, - SDO_RELATE=45, MAX_FILE_SIZE=46, SRID=47, SS_MICRO_CACHE=48, PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM=49, - ACCESSID=50, M_SIZE=51, E_SIZE=52, T_SIZE=53, K_SIZE=54, G_SIZE=55, P_SIZE=56, - WITH_COLUMN_GROUP=57, HIDE=58, DEFAULTS=59, ACCESS=60, OBJECT_ID=61, ADD=62, - ALTER_HINT_BEGIN=63, NAMESPACE=64, ALL=65, ALTER=66, AND=67, ANY=68, AS=69, - ASC=70, XMLATTRIBUTES=71, AUDIT=72, JSON_OBJECT_VALUE=73, VALUE=74, BETWEEN=75, - BLOB=76, BY=77, BINARY_DOUBLE=78, BINARY_FLOAT=79, CHAR=80, CHECK=81, - CIPHER=82, CLOB=83, CLUSTER=84, COLUMN=85, COMMENT=86, COMPRESS=87, CONNECT=88, - CREATE=89, CURRENT=90, DATE=91, DECIMAL=92, DEFAULT=93, DELETE=94, DESC=95, - DISTINCT=96, DOT=97, DROP=98, MULTISET=99, JSON_ARRAYAGG=100, ARRAY=101, - JSON_ARRAY=102, JSON_EMPTY=103, PASSING=104, ELSE=105, EXCLUSIVE=106, - EXISTS=107, EXCLUDE=108, FILE_KEY=109, FLOAT=110, FOR=111, FROM=112, GRANT=113, - GROUP=114, HAVING=115, HOST=116, ABSENT=117, IDENTIFIED=118, SYNCHRONOUS=119, - IMMEDIATE=120, IN=121, INCREMENT=122, INCLUDE=123, INDEX=124, INITIAL_=125, - INSERT=126, FIELD_DELIMITER=127, INTEGER=128, INTERSECT=129, INTO=130, - ORDINALITY=131, IS=132, ISSUER=133, LEVEL=134, LIKE=135, LOCK=136, LONG=137, - MAXEXTENTS=138, MINUS=139, MODE=140, MODIFY=141, NOAUDIT=142, NOCOMPRESS=143, - NOT=144, NOTFOUND=145, NOWAIT=146, NULLX=147, MISSING=148, NUMBER=149, - OF=150, OFFLINE=151, ON=152, ONLINE=153, OPTION=154, OR=155, ORDER=156, - PCTFREE=157, PIVOT=158, PRIOR=159, PRIVILEGES=160, PUBLIC=161, RAW=162, - REAL=163, RENAME=164, RESOURCE=165, REVOKE=166, ROW=167, ROWID=168, ROWLABEL=169, - ACTIVATE=170, ROWNUM=171, ROWS=172, START=173, SELECT=174, SESSION=175, - SET=176, SETS=177, SHARE=178, SIZE=179, SMALLINT=180, SUCCESSFUL=181, - SYNONYM=182, SYSDATE=183, SYSTIMESTAMP=184, TABLE=185, THEN=186, TO=187, - TRIGGER=188, UID=189, UNION=190, UNIQUE=191, UNPIVOT=192, UPDATE=193, - USER=194, VALIDATE=195, VALUES=196, VARCHAR=197, VARCHAR2=198, VIEW=199, - WHENEVER=200, WHERE=201, REDUNDANCY=202, WITH=203, STANDBY=204, WITHOUT=205, - WITHIN=206, ACCESSIBLE=207, AGAINST=208, ALWAYS=209, ANALYZE=210, ASENSITIVE=211, - BEFORE=212, BINARY=213, BOTH=214, BULK=215, CALL=216, CASCADE=217, CASE=218, - CHANGE=219, CHARACTER=220, CONSTRAINT=221, CONTINUE=222, COLLATE=223, - COLLECT=224, CROSS=225, CYCLE=226, CURRENT_DATE=227, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP=228, - CURRENT_USER=229, CURSOR=230, STATEMENT=231, DAY_HOUR=232, DAY_MICROSECOND=233, - DAY_MINUTE=234, DAY_SECOND=235, DATABASE=236, DATABASES=237, DEC=238, - DECLARE=239, DELAYED=240, DISTINCTROW=241, DOUBLE=242, DUAL=243, EACH=244, - ENCLOSED=245, ELSEIF=246, ESCAPED=247, ALLOW=248, EXIT=249, EXPLAIN=250, - FETCH=251, EVALNAME=252, FLOAT4=253, FLOAT8=254, FORCE=255, FULL=256, - GET=257, GENERATED=258, HIGH_PRIORITY=259, HOUR_MICROSECOND=260, HOUR_MINUTE=261, - HOUR_SECOND=262, ID=263, IF=264, IFIGNORE=265, INNER=266, INFILE=267, - INOUT=268, INSENSITIVE=269, INT1=270, INT2=271, LIB=272, INT3=273, INT4=274, - INT8=275, INTERVAL=276, IO_AFTER_GTIDS=277, IO_BEFORE_GTIDS=278, ITERATE=279, - JOIN=280, KEYS=281, KILL=282, LANGUAGE=283, LATERAL=284, LEADING=285, - LEAVE=286, LEFT=287, LINEAR=288, LINES=289, BADFILE=290, LOG_DISK_SIZE=291, - LOAD=292, LOCALTIMESTAMP=293, LONGBLOB=294, SWITCHOVER=295, LONGTEXT=296, - LOOP=297, LOW_PRIORITY=298, MASTER_BIND=299, MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT=300, - MATCH=301, MAXVALUE=302, MEDIUMBLOB=303, MEDIUMINT=304, MERGE=305, REJECT=306, - MEDIUMTEXT=307, MIDDLEINT=308, MINUTE_MICROSECOND=309, MINUTE_SECOND=310, - MOD=311, MODIFIES=312, MOVEMENT=313, NATURAL=314, NOCYCLE=315, NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG=316, - NUMERIC=317, OPTIMIZE=318, OPTIONALLY=319, OUT=320, OUTER=321, IOPS_WEIGHT=322, - OUTFILE=323, PARSER=324, PROCEDURE=325, PURGE=326, PARTITION=327, RANGE=328, - PLUS=329, READ=330, READ_WRITE=331, READS=332, RELEASE=333, REFERENCES=334, - REPLACE=335, REPEAT=336, REQUIRE=337, RESIGNAL=338, RESTRICT=339, RETURN=340, - RIGHT=341, SCALARS=342, SECOND_MICROSECOND=343, SCHEMA=344, SCHEMAS=345, - SEPARATOR=346, SENSITIVE=347, SIGNAL=348, SPATIAL=349, SPECIFIC=350, SQL=351, - SQLEXCEPTION=352, SQLSTATE=353, SQLWARNING=354, SQL_BIG_RESULT=355, SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS=356, - SQL_SMALL_RESULT=357, SEARCH=358, SSL=359, STARTING=360, STATEMENTS=361, - STORED=362, STRAIGHT_JOIN=363, TERMINATED=364, TINYBLOB=365, TINYTEXT=366, - TABLEGROUP=367, TRAILING=368, TIMEZONE_HOUR=369, TIMEZONE_MINUTE=370, - TIMEZONE_REGION=371, TIMEZONE_ABBR=372, UNDO=373, UNLOCK=374, LINE_DELIMITER=375, - USE=376, USING=377, UTC_DATE=378, UTC_TIMESTAMP=379, VARYING=380, VIRTUAL=381, - WHEN=382, WHILE=383, WRITE=384, XOR=385, X509=386, YEAR_MONTH=387, ZEROFILL=388, - GLOBAL_ALIAS=389, SESSION_ALIAS=390, STRONG=391, WEAK=392, FROZEN=393, - EXCEPT=394, ISNULL=395, RETURNING=396, BLOCKING=397, ISOPEN=398, ROWCOUNT=399, - BULK_ROWCOUNT=400, ERROR_INDEX=401, BULK_EXCEPTIONS=402, PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR=403, - COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL=404, DATA_TABLE_ID=405, WARNINGS=406, LOWER_JOIN=407, - GROUPS=408, CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE=409, FORMAT=410, MINVALUE=411, EXTRA=412, - EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL=413, UNINSTALL=414, UNDOFILE=415, MASTER_SSL_CA=416, - YEAR=417, STOP=418, STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION=419, DISABLE_PARALLEL_DML=420, - PACKAGE_KEY=421, PACKAGE=422, AT=423, RELAY_LOG_POS=424, POOL=425, ZONE_TYPE=426, - LOCATION=427, WEIGHT_STRING=428, MAXLOGMEMBERS=429, CHANGED=430, MASTER_SSL_CAPATH=431, - PRECISION=432, ROLE=433, JSON_QUERY=434, REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION=435, NTH_VALUE=436, - SERIAL=437, REDACTION=438, QUEUE_TIME=439, PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM=440, - TABLET_MAX_SIZE=441, ILOGCACHE=442, AUTHORS=443, MIGRATE=444, DIV=445, - CONSISTENT=446, SUSPEND=447, SYSKM=448, REMOTE_OSS=449, SECURITY=450, - SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER=451, FAST=452, KEYSTORE=453, TRUNCATE=454, CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA=455, - MASTER_SSL_CERT=456, TABLE_NAME=457, PRIORITY=458, DO=459, MASTER_RETRY_COUNT=460, - EXCEPTIONS=461, REPLICA=462, KILL_EXPR=463, UROWID=464, ADMIN=465, CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF=466, - NCHAR_CS=467, OLD_KEY=468, DISABLE=469, STRICT=470, PORT=471, MAXDATAFILES=472, - EXEC=473, NOVALIDATE=474, REBUILD=475, FOLLOWER=476, LIST=477, LOWER_OVER=478, - ROOT=479, REDOFILE=480, MASTER_SERVER_ID=481, NCHAR=482, KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=483, - NOLOGGING=484, SEQUENCE=485, PRETTY=486, PRETTY_COLOR=487, COLUMNS=488, - LS=489, MIGRATION=490, SUBPARTITION=491, DML=492, MYSQL_DRIVER=493, GO=494, - ROW_NUMBER=495, COMPRESSION=496, BIT=497, MAX_DISK_SIZE=498, SAMPLE=499, - PCTUSED=500, UNLOCKED=501, CLASS_ORIGIN=502, ACTION=503, REDUNDANT=504, - MAXLOGFILES=505, UPGRADE=506, TEMPTABLE=507, EXTERNALLY=508, RECYCLEBIN=509, - PROFILES=510, TIMESTAMP_VALUE=511, ERRORS=512, BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN=513, - LEAVES=514, UNDEFINED=515, EVERY=516, BYTE=517, SHARDING=518, FLUSH=519, - MIN_ROWS=520, ERROR_P=521, MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS=522, FIELDS=523, MAX_CPU=524, - LOCKED=525, DOP=526, IO=527, BTREE=528, APPROXNUM=529, HASH=530, REGR_INTERCEPT=531, - OPTIMAL=532, CONNECT_BY_ROOT=533, OLTP=534, SYSOPER=535, GOTO=536, COLLATION=537, - MASTER=538, ENCRYPTION=539, INSERTING=540, MAX=541, TRANSACTION=542, SQL_TSI_MONTH=543, - BECOME=544, IGNORE=545, MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR=546, OFF=547, MIN_IOPS=548, - NVARCHAR=549, PAUSE=550, QUICK=551, DUPLICATE=552, XMLTYPE=553, XMLTABLE=554, - XMLNAMESPACES=555, SDO_GEOMETRY=556, USAGE=557, FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY=558, - WAIT=559, DES_KEY_FILE=560, ENGINES=561, RETURNS=562, MASTER_USER=563, - SOCKET=564, SIBLINGS=565, MASTER_DELAY=566, FILE_ID=567, FIRST=568, TABLET=569, - CLIENT=570, PRIVATE=571, TABLES=572, ENGINE_=573, EXCLUDING=574, TRADITIONAL=575, - BOOTSTRAP=576, STDDEV=577, DATAFILE=578, INVOKER=579, LAYER=580, DEPTH=581, - THREAD=582, TRIGGERS=583, COLUMN_NAME=584, ENABLE_PARALLEL_DML=585, RESET=586, - EVENT=587, COALESCE=588, RESPECT=589, STATUS=590, UNBOUNDED=591, REGR_SLOPE=592, - WRAPPER=593, TIMESTAMP=594, EXTENT=595, PARTITIONS=596, SUBSTR=597, FILEX=598, - UNIT=599, DEMAND=600, LOWER_ON=601, SWITCH=602, LESS=603, BODY=604, DIAGNOSTICS=605, - REDO_BUFFER_SIZE=606, NO=607, MAJOR=608, ACTIVE=609, TIES=610, ROUTINE=611, - ROLLBACK=612, FOLLOWING=613, READ_ONLY=614, MEMBER=615, PARTITION_ID=616, - SHARED=617, EXTERNAL=618, DUMP=619, APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS=620, - GROUPING=621, PRIMARY=622, ARCHIVELOG=623, MATCHED=624, MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR=625, - ASYNCHRONOUS=626, FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS=627, ENCODING=628, SECOND=629, - UNKNOWN=630, POINT=631, MEMSTORE_PERCENT=632, POLYGON=633, ORA_ROWSCN=634, - OLD=635, TABLE_ID=636, CONTEXT=637, FINAL_COUNT=638, MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY=639, - POSITION=640, DISCARD=641, PATTERN=642, RECOVERY_WINDOW=643, RECOVER=644, - PREV=645, PROCESS=646, ERROR=647, DEALLOCATE=648, OLD_PASSWORD=649, CONTROLFILE=650, - LISTAGG=651, SLOW=652, SUM=653, OPTIONS=654, MIN=655, ROLES=656, UPDATING=657, - KEY=658, RT=659, RELOAD=660, ONE=661, DELAY_KEY_WRITE=662, ORIG_DEFAULT=663, - INDEXED=664, RLIKE=665, SQL_TSI_HOUR=666, TIMESTAMPDIFF=667, RESTORE=668, - OFFSET=669, TEMPORARY=670, VARIANCE=671, SNAPSHOT=672, JSON_EXISTS=673, - STATISTICS=674, COBOL=675, SERVER_TYPE=676, COMMITTED=677, PERCENT=678, - RATIO_TO_REPORT=679, SUBJECT=680, DBTIMEZONE=681, INDEXES=682, FREEZE=683, - SCOPE=684, OUTLINE_DEFAULT_TOKEN=685, IDC=686, SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH=687, - ONE_SHOT=688, ACCOUNT=689, LOCALITY=690, ARCHIVE=691, CONSTRAINTS=692, - REVERSE=693, CLUSTER_ID=694, NOARCHIVELOG=695, WM_CONCAT=696, MAX_SIZE=697, - COVAR_SAMP=698, PAGE=699, NAME=700, ADMINISTER=701, ROW_COUNT=702, LAST=703, - LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM=704, DELAY=705, SUBDATE=706, INCREMENTAL=707, QUOTA=708, - VERIFY=709, CONTAINS=710, GENERAL=711, VISIBLE=712, REGR_COUNT=713, SIGNED=714, - SERVER=715, NEXT=716, GLOBAL=717, ENDS=718, ROOTSERVICE_LIST=719, SHOW=720, - SHUTDOWN=721, VERBOSE=722, JSON_EQUAL=723, CLUSTER_NAME=724, MASTER_PORT=725, - MYSQL_ERRNO=726, XA=727, TIME=728, REUSE=729, NOMINVALUE=730, DATETIME=731, - BOOL=732, DIRECTORY=733, SECTION=734, PERCENTILE_CONT=735, VALID=736, - MASTER_SSL_KEY=737, MASTER_PASSWORD=738, PLAN=739, MULTIPOLYGON=740, STDDEV_SAMP=741, - USE_BLOOM_FILTER=742, LOCAL=743, CONSTRAINT_CATALOG=744, DICTIONARY=745, - SYSDBA=746, EXCHANGE=747, GRANTS=748, CAST=749, SERVER_PORT=750, SQL_CACHE=751, - MAX_USED_PART_ID=752, RELY=753, INSTANCE=754, HYBRID_HIST=755, FUNCTION=756, - NAN_VALUE=757, INVISIBLE=758, BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY=759, REGR_SXX=760, - REGR_SXY=761, DENSE_RANK=762, COUNT=763, SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW=764, TREAT=765, - TYPENAME=766, MY_NAME=767, NAMES=768, LOWER_THAN_NEG=769, MAX_ROWS=770, - ISOLATION=771, REPLICATION=772, REGR_SYY=773, INITIALIZED=774, REMOVE=775, - STATS_AUTO_RECALC=776, CONSISTENT_MODE=777, SUBMULTISET=778, SEGMENT=779, - USE_COLUMN_STORE_HINT=780, UNCOMMITTED=781, CURRENT_SCHEMA=782, OWN=783, - NO_WAIT=784, BACKUP_COPIES=785, UNIT_NUM=786, PERCENTAGE=787, MAX_IOPS=788, - SPFILE=789, REPEATABLE=790, PCTINCREASE=791, COMPLETION=792, ROOTTABLE=793, - ZONE=794, REGR_AVGY=795, REGR_AVGX=796, TEMPLATE=797, INCLUDING=798, DATE_SUB=799, - EXPIRE_INFO=800, EXPIRE=801, KEEP=802, ENABLE=803, HOSTS=804, SCHEMA_NAME=805, - SHRINK=806, EXPANSION=807, REORGANIZE=808, TRIM_SPACE=809, BLOCK_SIZE=810, - INNER_PARSE=811, MINOR=812, RESTRICTED=813, GLOBALLY=814, RESUME=815, - INT=816, COMPLETE=817, STATS_PERSISTENT=818, NODEGROUP=819, PARTITIONING=820, - MAXTRANS=821, SUPER=822, JSON_OBJECT=823, COMMIT=824, DETERMINISTIC=825, - SAVEPOINT=826, UNTIL=827, NVARCHAR2=828, MEMTABLE=829, CHARSET=830, FREELIST=831, - MOVE=832, XML=833, PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME=834, IPC=835, MIN_MAX=836, PATH=837, - NO_USE_COLUMN_STORE_HINT=838, TRIM=839, RANK=840, VAR_POP=841, DEFAULT_AUTH=842, - EXTENT_SIZE=843, BINLOG=844, CLOG=845, GEOMETRYCOLLECTION=846, STORAGE=847, - MEDIUM=848, XMLPARSE=849, WELLFORMED=850, DOCUMENT=851, XMLAGG=852, USE_FRM=853, - CLIENT_VERSION=854, MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD=855, DELETING=856, SUBPARTITIONS=857, - CUBE=858, REGR_R2=859, BALANCE=860, POLICY=861, QUERY=862, THROTTLE=863, - SQL_TSI_QUARTER=864, SPACE=865, REPAIR=866, MASTER_SSL_CIPHER=867, KEY_VERSION=868, - CATALOG_NAME=869, NDBCLUSTER=870, CONNECTION=871, COMPACT=872, INCR=873, - CANCEL=874, SIMPLE=875, BEGIN=876, VARIABLES=877, FREELISTS=878, SQL_TSI_WEEK=879, - SYSTEM=880, SQLERROR=881, ROOTSERVICE=882, PLUGIN_DIR=883, ASCII=884, - INFO=885, SQL_THREAD=886, SKIP_HEADER=887, TYPES=888, LEADER=889, LOWER_KEY=890, - FOUND=891, EXTRACT=892, INSERTCHILDXML=893, DELETEXML=894, PERCENTILE_DISC=895, - XMLSEQUENCE=896, XMLCAST=897, XMLSERIALIZE=898, FIXED=899, CACHE=900, - RETURNED_SQLSTATE=901, SKIP_INDEX=902, END=903, PRESERVE=904, ASIS=905, - SQL_BUFFER_RESULT=906, LOCK_=907, JSON=908, SOME=909, INDEX_TABLE_ID=910, - FREQUENCY=911, PQ_MAP=912, MANUAL=913, LOCKS=914, SYSBACKUP=915, GEOMETRY=916, - NO_PARALLEL=917, STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION=918, VERSION=919, INDENT=920, - ISOLATION_LEVEL=921, OVER=922, MAX_SESSION_NUM=923, USER_RESOURCES=924, - DESTINATION=925, SONAME=926, OUTLINE=927, MASTER_LOG_FILE=928, WMSYS=929, - NOMAXVALUE=930, ESTIMATE=931, SLAVE=932, GTS=933, SKIP_BLANK_LINES=934, - EXPORT=935, TEXT=936, AVG_ROW_LENGTH=937, FLASHBACK=938, SESSION_USER=939, - TABLEGROUPS=940, REPLICA_TYPE=941, AGGREGATE=942, PERCENT_RANK=943, ENUM=944, - TRANSFER=945, NATIONAL=946, RECYCLE=947, REGION=948, MATERIALIZE=949, - FORTRAN=950, MUTEX=951, PARALLEL=952, NOPARALLEL=953, LOWER_PARENS=954, - MONITOR=955, NDB=956, SYSTEM_USER=957, MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR=958, R_SKIP=959, - CONCURRENT=960, DUMPFILE=961, COMPILE=962, COMPRESSED=963, LINESTRING=964, - EXEMPT=965, DYNAMIC=966, CHAIN=967, NEG=968, LAG=969, NEW=970, BASELINE_ID=971, - HIGH=972, LAX=973, SQL_TSI_YEAR=974, THAN=975, CPU=976, LOGS=977, SERIALIZABLE=978, - DBA_RECYCLEBIN=979, BACKUP=980, LOGFILE=981, ROW_FORMAT=982, ALLOCATE=983, - SET_MASTER_CLUSTER=984, MAXLOGHISTORY=985, MINUTE=986, SWAPS=987, RESETLOGS=988, - DESCRIBE=989, NORESETLOGS=990, TASK=991, IO_THREAD=992, BC2HOST=993, PARAMETERS=994, - OBJECT=995, TABLESPACE=996, AUTO=997, REGEXP_LIKE=998, MODULE=999, PASSWORD=1000, - SQLCODE=1001, SORT=1002, LOWER_THAN_BY_ACCESS_SESSION=1003, MESSAGE_TEXT=1004, - DISK=1005, FAULTS=1006, HOUR=1007, REF=1008, REFRESH=1009, COLUMN_STAT=1010, - PLI=1011, UNIT_GROUP=1012, ERROR_CODE=1013, UPDATEXML=1014, PHASE=1015, - PROFILE=1016, NORELY=1017, LAST_VALUE=1018, RESTART=1019, TRACE=1020, - LOGICAL_READS=1021, MANAGEMENT=1022, DATE_ADD=1023, BLOCK_INDEX=1024, - DEBUG=1025, SERVER_IP=1026, SESSIONTIMEZONE=1027, CODE=1028, PLUGINS=1029, - ADDDATE=1030, PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME=1031, TRANSLATE=1032, COLUMN_FORMAT=1033, - MAX_MEMORY=1034, CLEAN=1035, NESTED=1036, MASTER_SSL=1037, CLEAR=1038, - SORTKEY=1039, CHECKSUM=1040, INSTALL=1041, MONTH=1042, NEVER=1043, AFTER=1044, - MAXINSTANCES=1045, CLOSE=1046, JSON_OBJECTAGG=1047, SET_TP=1048, OWNER=1049, - BLOOM_FILTER=1050, ILOG=1051, META=1052, PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION=1053, - LOWEST_PARENS=1054, IDENTITY=1055, STARTS=1056, PLANREGRESS=1057, AUTOEXTEND_SIZE=1058, - TABLET_ID=1059, NO_COUNT_TO_EXISTS=1060, NO_REPLACE_CONST=1061, SOURCE=1062, - POW=1063, IGNORE_SERVER_IDS=1064, WF_TOPN=1065, REPLICA_NUM=1066, LOWER_THAN_COMP=1067, - BINDING=1068, MICROSECOND=1069, INDICATOR=1070, UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE=1071, - EXTENDED_NOADDR=1072, JSON_MERGEPATCH=1073, SPLIT=1074, BASELINE=1075, - MEMORY=1076, COVAR_POP=1077, SEED=1078, DESCRIPTION=1079, RTREE=1080, - MEDIAN=1081, UNLIMITED=1082, STDDEV_POP=1083, UNDER=1084, RUN=1085, SQL_AFTER_GTIDS=1086, - OPEN=1087, REFERENCING=1088, SQL_TSI_DAY=1089, MANAGE=1090, RELAY_THREAD=1091, - BREADTH=1092, NOCACHE=1093, DISALLOW=1094, PRIVILEGE=1095, PRIMARY_ROOTSERVICE_LIST=1096, - UNUSUAL=1097, RELAYLOG=1098, SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS=1099, LOWER_THAN_FOR=1100, - PRIMARY_ZONE=1101, TABLE_CHECKSUM=1102, ZONE_LIST=1103, DATABASE_ID=1104, - TP_NO=1105, NETWORK=1106, LOWER_THAN_TO=1107, HIDDEN_=1108, BOOLEAN=1109, - AVG=1110, MULTILINESTRING=1111, APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE=1112, - NOW=1113, PROXY=1114, DUPLICATE_SCOPE=1115, STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES=1116, TABLET_SIZE=1117, - BASE=1118, FOREIGN=1119, KVCACHE=1120, RELAY=1121, MINEXTENTS=1122, CONTRIBUTORS=1123, - MEMORY_SIZE=1124, EMPTY=1125, PARTIAL=1126, REPORT=1127, ESCAPE=1128, - MASTER_AUTO_POSITION=1129, CALC_PARTITION_ID=1130, TP_NAME=1131, SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS=1132, - EFFECTIVE=1133, FIRST_VALUE=1134, SQL_TSI_MINUTE=1135, UNICODE=1136, QUARTER=1137, - ANALYSE=1138, DEFINER=1139, NONE=1140, PROCESSLIST=1141, TYPE=1142, CHAR_CS=1143, - INSERT_METHOD=1144, EXTENDED=1145, LISTS=1146, LOG=1147, TIME_ZONE_INFO=1148, - TIMESTAMPADD=1149, DISMOUNT=1150, BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY=1151, GET_FORMAT=1152, - LOW=1153, PREPARE=1154, WORK=1155, MATERIALIZED=1156, HANDLER=1157, CUME_DIST=1158, - NOSORT=1159, INITIAL_SIZE=1160, RELAY_LOG_FILE=1161, STORING=1162, IMPORT=1163, - MIN_MEMORY=1164, HELP=1165, CREATE_TIMESTAMP=1166, COMPUTE=1167, RANDOM=1168, - SOUNDS=1169, TABLE_MODE=1170, COPY=1171, SQL_NO_CACHE=1172, MISMATCH=1173, - EXECUTE=1174, PRECEDING=1175, SWITCHES=1176, PACK_KEYS=1177, ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID=1178, - SQL_ID=1179, NOORDER=1180, CHECKPOINT=1181, DAY=1182, AUTHORIZATION=1183, - LEAD=1184, JSON_TABLE=1185, JSON_VALUE=1186, DBA=1187, EVENTS=1188, RECURSIVE=1189, - ONLY=1190, TABLEGROUP_ID=1191, GROUP_ID=1192, GROUPING_ID=1193, TOP_K_FRE_HIST=1194, - MASTER_SSL_CRL=1195, RESOURCE_POOL_LIST=1196, TRACING=1197, NTILE=1198, - NULL_IF_EXETERNAL=1199, SKEWONLY=1200, IS_TENANT_SYS_POOL=1201, INLINE=1202, - MOUNT=1203, SCHEDULE=1204, JOB=1205, MASTER_LOG_POS=1206, SUBCLASS_ORIGIN=1207, - MULTIPOINT=1208, INFINITE_VALUE=1209, BLOCK=1210, SQL_TSI_SECOND=1211, - ROLLUP=1212, CORR=1213, MIN_CPU=1214, OCCUR=1215, ACCESSED=1216, DATA=1217, - BINARY_FLOAT_NAN=1218, MASTER_HOST=1219, PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME=1220, VAR_SAMP=1221, - ALGORITHM=1222, CONSTRAINT_NAME=1223, LIMIT=1224, APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT=1225, - DDL=1226, BASIC=1227, DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP=1228, CONTENTS=1229, CONTENT=1230, - XMLELEMENT=1231, ENTITYESCAPING=1232, EXTRACTVALUE=1233, NOENTITYESCAPING=1234, - NOSCHEMACHECK=1235, SCHEMACHECK=1236, NO_PX_JOIN_FILTER=1237, STATEMENT_ID=1238, - HIGHER_THAN_TO=1239, LINK=1240, WEEK=1241, UNCONDITIONAL=1242, CONDITIONAL=1243, - NULLS=1244, MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH=1245, CASCADED=1246, PLUGIN=1247, ENCRYPTED=1248, - TENANT=1249, INITRANS=1250, SCN=1251, LNNVL=1252, INTNUM=1253, DECIMAL_VAL=1254, - BOOL_VALUE=1255, At=1256, LeftBracket=1257, LeftBrace=1258, RightBracket=1259, - RightBrace=1260, DATE_VALUE=1261, INTERVAL_VALUE=1262, HINT_VALUE=1263, - Comma=1264, Plus=1265, And=1266, Or=1267, Star=1268, Not=1269, LeftParen=1270, - Minus=1271, Div=1272, Caret=1273, Colon=1274, Dot=1275, Mod=1276, RightParen=1277, - Tilde=1278, DELIMITER=1279, CNNOP=1280, AND_OP=1281, COMP_EQ=1282, COMP_NSEQ=1283, - SET_VAR=1284, COMP_GT=1285, COMP_GE=1286, COMP_LE=1287, COMP_LT=1288, - COMP_NE=1289, SHIFT_LEFT=1290, SHIFT_RIGHT=1291, COMP_NE_PL=1292, POW_PL=1293, - QUESTIONMARK=1294, SYSTEM_VARIABLE=1295, USER_VARIABLE=1296, PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR=1297, - PLSQL_VARIABLE=1298, MULTISET_OP=1299, A_=1300, NAME_OB=1301, STRING_VALUE=1302, - In_c_comment=1303, ANTLR_SKIP=1304, Blank=1305, LOAD_DATA_HINT_BEGIN=1306, - INSERT_HINT_BEGIN=1307, MERGE_HINT_BEGIN=1308, SELECT_HINT_BEGIN=1309, - UPDATE_HINT_BEGIN=1310, DELETE_HINT_BEGIN=1311, HINT_END=1312, NO_REWRITE=1313, - READ_CONSISTENCY=1314, INDEX_HINT=1315, QUERY_TIMEOUT=1316, FROZEN_VERSION=1317, - TOPK=1318, HOTSPOT=1319, LOG_LEVEL=1320, LEADING_HINT=1321, ORDERED=1322, - FULL_HINT=1323, USE_PLAN_CACHE=1324, USE_MERGE=1325, NO_USE_MERGE=1326, - USE_HASH=1327, NO_USE_HASH=1328, USE_NL=1329, NO_USE_NL=1330, USE_BNL=1331, - NO_USE_BNL=1332, USE_NL_MATERIALIZATION=1333, NO_USE_NL_MATERIALIZATION=1334, - USE_HASH_AGGREGATION=1335, NO_USE_HASH_AGGREGATION=1336, MERGE_HINT=1337, - NO_MERGE_HINT=1338, NO_EXPAND=1339, USE_CONCAT=1340, UNNEST=1341, NO_UNNEST=1342, - PLACE_GROUP_BY=1343, NO_PLACE_GROUP_BY=1344, NO_PRED_DEDUCE=1345, USE_JIT=1346, - NO_USE_JIT=1347, USE_LATE_MATERIALIZATION=1348, NO_USE_LATE_MATERIALIZATION=1349, - TRACE_LOG=1350, STAT=1351, USE_PX=1352, NO_USE_PX=1353, TRANS_PARAM=1354, - PX_JOIN_FILTER=1355, FORCE_REFRESH_LOCATION_CACHE=1356, QB_NAME=1357, - MAX_CONCURRENT=1358, PQ_DISTRIBUTE=1359, LOAD_BATCH_SIZE=1360, RANDOM_LOCAL=1361, - BROADCAST=1362, HINT_HINT_BEGIN=1363; - public static final int - RULE_sql_stmt = 0, RULE_stmt_list = 1, RULE_stmt = 2, RULE_drop_package_stmt = 3, - RULE_drop_procedure_stmt = 4, RULE_drop_function_stmt = 5, RULE_drop_trigger_stmt = 6, - RULE_drop_type_stmt = 7, RULE_pl_expr_stmt = 8, RULE_expr_list = 9, RULE_column_ref = 10, - RULE_oracle_pl_non_reserved_words = 11, RULE_complex_string_literal = 12, - RULE_js_literal = 13, RULE_literal = 14, RULE_number_literal = 15, RULE_expr_const = 16, - RULE_conf_const = 17, RULE_bool_pri = 18, RULE_is_json_constrain = 19, - RULE_strict_opt = 20, RULE_scalars_opt = 21, RULE_unique_keys_opt = 22, - RULE_json_equal_option = 23, RULE_predicate = 24, RULE_collection_predicate_expr = 25, - RULE_bit_expr = 26, RULE_conf_expr = 27, RULE_is_nan_inf_value = 28, RULE_unary_expr = 29, - RULE_simple_expr = 30, RULE_json_function = 31, RULE_gis_function = 32, - RULE_spatial_cellid_expr = 33, RULE_spatial_mbr_expr = 34, RULE_sdo_relate_expr = 35, - RULE_common_cursor_attribute = 36, RULE_cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount = 37, - RULE_cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions = 38, RULE_implicit_cursor_attribute = 39, - RULE_explicit_cursor_attribute = 40, RULE_cursor_attribute_expr = 41, - RULE_obj_access_ref = 42, RULE_dot_notation_path = 43, RULE_dot_notation_path_obj_access_ref = 44, - RULE_path_param_array = 45, RULE_path_param_list = 46, RULE_path_param = 47, - RULE_dot_notation_fun_sys = 48, RULE_dot_notation_fun = 49, RULE_obj_access_ref_normal = 50, - RULE_func_access_ref = 51, RULE_table_element_access_list = 52, RULE_table_index = 53, - RULE_expr = 54, RULE_not = 55, RULE_sub_query_flag = 56, RULE_in_expr = 57, - RULE_case_expr = 58, RULE_window_function = 59, RULE_first_or_last = 60, - RULE_respect_or_ignore = 61, RULE_win_fun_first_last_params = 62, RULE_win_fun_lead_lag_params = 63, - RULE_generalized_window_clause = 64, RULE_win_rows_or_range = 65, RULE_win_preceding_or_following = 66, - RULE_win_interval = 67, RULE_win_bounding = 68, RULE_win_window = 69, - RULE_simple_when_clause_list = 70, RULE_simple_when_clause = 71, RULE_bool_when_clause_list = 72, - RULE_bool_when_clause = 73, RULE_case_default = 74, RULE_sql_function = 75, - RULE_xml_function = 76, RULE_single_row_function = 77, RULE_numeric_function = 78, - RULE_character_function = 79, RULE_translate_charset = 80, RULE_extract_function = 81, - RULE_conversion_function = 82, RULE_hierarchical_function = 83, RULE_environment_id_function = 84, - RULE_aggregate_function = 85, RULE_js_agg_on_null = 86, RULE_js_agg_returning_type_opt = 87, - RULE_js_agg_returning_type = 88, RULE_special_func_expr = 89, RULE_access_func_expr_count = 90, - RULE_access_func_expr = 91, RULE_dblink_func_expr = 92, RULE_func_param_list = 93, - RULE_func_param = 94, RULE_func_param_with_assign = 95, RULE_pl_var_name = 96, - RULE_bool_pri_in_pl_func = 97, RULE_cur_timestamp_func = 98, RULE_updating_func = 99, - RULE_updating_params = 100, RULE_substr_params = 101, RULE_returning_log_error_clause = 102, - RULE_returning_clause = 103, RULE_log_error_clause = 104, RULE_delete_stmt = 105, - RULE_update_stmt = 106, RULE_update_asgn_list = 107, RULE_normal_asgn_list = 108, - RULE_update_asgn_factor = 109, RULE_create_resource_stmt = 110, RULE_opt_resource_unit_option_list = 111, - RULE_resource_unit_option = 112, RULE_opt_create_resource_pool_option_list = 113, - RULE_create_resource_pool_option = 114, RULE_alter_resource_pool_option_list = 115, - RULE_id_list = 116, RULE_alter_resource_pool_option = 117, RULE_alter_resource_stmt = 118, - RULE_drop_resource_stmt = 119, RULE_create_tenant_stmt = 120, RULE_opt_tenant_option_list = 121, - RULE_tenant_option = 122, RULE_zone_list = 123, RULE_resource_pool_list = 124, - RULE_alter_tenant_stmt = 125, RULE_drop_tenant_stmt = 126, RULE_create_restore_point_stmt = 127, - RULE_drop_restore_point_stmt = 128, RULE_database_key = 129, RULE_database_factor = 130, - RULE_database_option_list = 131, RULE_charset_key = 132, RULE_database_option = 133, - RULE_read_only_or_write = 134, RULE_alter_database_stmt = 135, RULE_database_name = 136, - RULE_load_data_stmt = 137, RULE_load_data_with_opt_hint = 138, RULE_compression_name = 139, - RULE_lines_or_rows = 140, RULE_field_or_vars_list = 141, RULE_field_or_vars = 142, - RULE_load_set_list = 143, RULE_load_set_element = 144, RULE_load_data_extended_option_list = 145, - RULE_load_data_extended_option = 146, RULE_create_synonym_stmt = 147, - RULE_synonym_name = 148, RULE_synonym_object = 149, RULE_drop_synonym_stmt = 150, - RULE_special_table_type = 151, RULE_on_commit_option = 152, RULE_create_directory_stmt = 153, - RULE_directory_name = 154, RULE_directory_path = 155, RULE_drop_directory_stmt = 156, - RULE_create_keystore_stmt = 157, RULE_alter_keystore_stmt = 158, RULE_create_table_stmt = 159, - RULE_table_element_list = 160, RULE_table_element = 161, RULE_column_definition = 162, - RULE_column_definition_opt_datatype = 163, RULE_out_of_line_index = 164, - RULE_out_of_line_constraint = 165, RULE_out_of_line_primary_index = 166, - RULE_out_of_line_unique_index = 167, RULE_out_of_line_index_state = 168, - RULE_constraint_state = 169, RULE_enable_option = 170, RULE_references_clause = 171, - RULE_reference_option = 172, RULE_reference_action = 173, RULE_opt_generated_option_list = 174, - RULE_opt_generated_identity_option = 175, RULE_opt_generated_column_attribute_list = 176, - RULE_generated_column_attribute = 177, RULE_opt_identity_attribute = 178, - RULE_column_definition_ref = 179, RULE_column_definition_list = 180, RULE_column_definition_opt_datatype_list = 181, - RULE_column_name_list = 182, RULE_zero_suffix_intnum = 183, RULE_cast_data_type = 184, - RULE_treat_data_type = 185, RULE_obj_access_ref_cast = 186, RULE_value_or_type_name = 187, - RULE_udt_type_i = 188, RULE_type_name = 189, RULE_data_type = 190, RULE_binary_type_i = 191, - RULE_float_type_i = 192, RULE_character_type_i = 193, RULE_rowid_type_i = 194, - RULE_interval_type_i = 195, RULE_number_type_i = 196, RULE_timestamp_type_i = 197, - RULE_data_type_precision = 198, RULE_int_type_i = 199, RULE_varchar_type_i = 200, - RULE_double_type_i = 201, RULE_datetime_type_i = 202, RULE_number_precision = 203, - RULE_signed_int_num = 204, RULE_precision_int_num = 205, RULE_precision_decimal_num = 206, - RULE_nstring_length_i = 207, RULE_string_length_i = 208, RULE_urowid_length_i = 209, - RULE_collation_name = 210, RULE_trans_param_name = 211, RULE_trans_param_value = 212, - RULE_dblink_info_param_name = 213, RULE_dblink_info_param_value = 214, - RULE_charset_name = 215, RULE_charset_name_or_default = 216, RULE_collation = 217, - RULE_opt_column_attribute_list = 218, RULE_column_attribute = 219, RULE_now_or_signed_literal = 220, - RULE_cur_timestamp_func_params = 221, RULE_signed_literal_params = 222, - RULE_signed_literal = 223, RULE_opt_comma = 224, RULE_table_option_list_space_seperated = 225, - RULE_table_option_list = 226, RULE_primary_zone_name = 227, RULE_locality_name = 228, - RULE_table_option = 229, RULE_parallel_option = 230, RULE_storage_options_list = 231, - RULE_storage_option = 232, RULE_size_option = 233, RULE_int_or_unlimited = 234, - RULE_unit_of_size = 235, RULE_relation_name_or_string = 236, RULE_opt_equal_mark = 237, - RULE_partition_option_inner = 238, RULE_external_table_partition_option = 239, - RULE_auto_partition_option = 240, RULE_column_group_element = 241, RULE_column_group_list = 242, - RULE_with_column_group = 243, RULE_partition_size = 244, RULE_auto_partition_type = 245, - RULE_auto_range_type = 246, RULE_partition_option = 247, RULE_hash_partition_option = 248, - RULE_hash_partition_attributes_option_list = 249, RULE_list_partition_option = 250, - RULE_range_partition_option = 251, RULE_interval_option = 252, RULE_subpartition_option = 253, - RULE_subpartition_template_option = 254, RULE_subpartition_individual_option = 255, - RULE_aux_column_list = 256, RULE_vertical_column_name = 257, RULE_hash_partition_list = 258, - RULE_hash_partition_element = 259, RULE_opt_range_partition_list = 260, - RULE_range_partition_list = 261, RULE_partition_attributes_option_list = 262, - RULE_range_partition_element = 263, RULE_opt_list_partition_list = 264, - RULE_list_partition_list = 265, RULE_list_partition_element = 266, RULE_subpartition_list = 267, - RULE_opt_hash_subpartition_list = 268, RULE_hash_subpartition_list = 269, - RULE_hash_subpartition_element = 270, RULE_opt_range_subpartition_list = 271, - RULE_range_subpartition_list = 272, RULE_range_subpartition_element = 273, - RULE_opt_list_subpartition_list = 274, RULE_list_subpartition_list = 275, - RULE_list_subpartition_element = 276, RULE_list_partition_expr = 277, - RULE_list_expr = 278, RULE_physical_attributes_option_list = 279, RULE_physical_attributes_option = 280, - RULE_opt_special_partition_list = 281, RULE_special_partition_list = 282, - RULE_special_partition_define = 283, RULE_range_partition_expr = 284, - RULE_range_expr_list = 285, RULE_range_expr = 286, RULE_hash_subpartition_quantity = 287, - RULE_int_or_decimal = 288, RULE_tg_hash_partition_option = 289, RULE_tg_range_partition_option = 290, - RULE_tg_list_partition_option = 291, RULE_tg_subpartition_option = 292, - RULE_tg_subpartition_template_option = 293, RULE_tg_subpartition_individual_option = 294, - RULE_opt_alter_compress_option = 295, RULE_compress_option = 296, RULE_opt_compress_level = 297, - RULE_external_properties_list = 298, RULE_external_properties = 299, RULE_external_file_format_list = 300, - RULE_external_file_format = 301, RULE_create_tablegroup_stmt = 302, RULE_drop_tablegroup_stmt = 303, - RULE_alter_tablegroup_stmt = 304, RULE_tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated = 305, - RULE_tablegroup_option_list = 306, RULE_tablegroup_option = 307, RULE_alter_tablegroup_actions = 308, - RULE_alter_tablegroup_action = 309, RULE_default_tablegroup = 310, RULE_create_view_stmt = 311, - RULE_create_mview_stmt = 312, RULE_create_mview_opts = 313, RULE_mview_enable_disable = 314, - RULE_mview_refresh_opt = 315, RULE_mv_refresh_on_clause = 316, RULE_mv_refresh_method = 317, - RULE_mv_refresh_mode = 318, RULE_mv_refresh_interval = 319, RULE_mv_start_clause = 320, - RULE_mv_next_clause = 321, RULE_view_subquery = 322, RULE_view_with_opt = 323, - RULE_with_check_option = 324, RULE_view_name = 325, RULE_opt_tablet_id = 326, - RULE_opt_tablet_id_no_empty = 327, RULE_create_index_stmt = 328, RULE_index_name = 329, - RULE_constraint_and_name = 330, RULE_constraint_name = 331, RULE_sort_column_list = 332, - RULE_sort_column_key = 333, RULE_index_expr = 334, RULE_opt_index_options = 335, - RULE_index_option = 336, RULE_index_using_algorithm = 337, RULE_create_mlog_stmt = 338, - RULE_opt_mlog_options = 339, RULE_mlog_option = 340, RULE_mlog_with_values = 341, - RULE_mlog_with_special_columns = 342, RULE_mlog_with_special_column_list = 343, - RULE_mlog_with_special_column = 344, RULE_mlog_with_reference_columns = 345, - RULE_mlog_with_reference_column_list = 346, RULE_mlog_with_reference_column = 347, - RULE_mlog_including_or_excluding = 348, RULE_mlog_purge_values = 349, - RULE_mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async = 350, RULE_mlog_purge_start = 351, - RULE_mlog_purge_next = 352, RULE_drop_mlog_stmt = 353, RULE_drop_table_stmt = 354, - RULE_table_or_tables = 355, RULE_drop_view_stmt = 356, RULE_table_list = 357, - RULE_drop_index_stmt = 358, RULE_insert_stmt = 359, RULE_opt_simple_expression = 360, - RULE_into_err_log_caluse = 361, RULE_reject_limit = 362, RULE_single_table_insert = 363, - RULE_multi_table_insert = 364, RULE_insert_table_clause_list = 365, RULE_insert_single_table_clause = 366, - RULE_conditional_insert_clause = 367, RULE_condition_insert_clause_list = 368, - RULE_condition_insert_clause = 369, RULE_values_clause = 370, RULE_opt_into_clause = 371, - RULE_returning_exprs = 372, RULE_insert_with_opt_hint = 373, RULE_column_list = 374, - RULE_insert_vals_list = 375, RULE_insert_vals = 376, RULE_expr_or_default = 377, - RULE_merge_with_opt_hint = 378, RULE_merge_stmt = 379, RULE_merge_update_clause = 380, - RULE_merge_insert_clause = 381, RULE_source_relation_factor = 382, RULE_select_stmt = 383, - RULE_subquery = 384, RULE_select_with_parens = 385, RULE_select_no_parens = 386, - RULE_select_clause = 387, RULE_select_clause_set = 388, RULE_select_clause_set_right = 389, - RULE_select_clause_set_left = 390, RULE_select_with_opt_hint = 391, RULE_update_with_opt_hint = 392, - RULE_delete_with_opt_hint = 393, RULE_simple_select = 394, RULE_select_with_hierarchical_query = 395, - RULE_start_with = 396, RULE_fetch_next_clause = 397, RULE_fetch_next = 398, - RULE_fetch_next_count = 399, RULE_fetch_next_percent = 400, RULE_fetch_next_expr = 401, - RULE_fetch_next_percent_expr = 402, RULE_connect_by = 403, RULE_set_type_union = 404, - RULE_set_type_other = 405, RULE_set_type = 406, RULE_set_expression_option = 407, - RULE_opt_where = 408, RULE_opt_where_extension = 409, RULE_into_clause = 410, - RULE_into_opt = 411, RULE_into_var_list = 412, RULE_into_var = 413, RULE_field_opt = 414, - RULE_field_term_list = 415, RULE_field_term = 416, RULE_file_opt = 417, - RULE_file_option_list = 418, RULE_file_option = 419, RULE_file_partition_opt = 420, - RULE_file_size_const = 421, RULE_line_opt = 422, RULE_line_term_list = 423, - RULE_line_term = 424, RULE_hint_list_with_end = 425, RULE_opt_hint_list = 426, - RULE_hint_options = 427, RULE_name_list = 428, RULE_hint_option = 429, - RULE_distribute_method = 430, RULE_consistency_level = 431, RULE_use_plan_cache_type = 432, - RULE_use_jit_type = 433, RULE_for_update = 434, RULE_parameterized_trim = 435, - RULE_groupby_clause = 436, RULE_groupby_element_list = 437, RULE_groupby_element = 438, - RULE_group_by_expr = 439, RULE_rollup_clause = 440, RULE_cube_clause = 441, - RULE_group_by_expr_list = 442, RULE_grouping_sets_clause = 443, RULE_grouping_sets_list = 444, - RULE_grouping_sets = 445, RULE_order_by = 446, RULE_sort_list = 447, RULE_sort_key = 448, - RULE_opt_null_pos = 449, RULE_opt_ascending_type = 450, RULE_opt_asc_desc = 451, - RULE_query_expression_option_list = 452, RULE_query_expression_option = 453, - RULE_projection = 454, RULE_opt_as = 455, RULE_select_expr_list = 456, - RULE_from_list = 457, RULE_table_references = 458, RULE_table_reference = 459, - RULE_table_factor = 460, RULE_select_function = 461, RULE_tbl_name = 462, - RULE_dual_table = 463, RULE_transpose_clause = 464, RULE_pivot_aggr_clause = 465, - RULE_pivot_single_aggr_clause = 466, RULE_transpose_for_clause = 467, - RULE_transpose_in_clause = 468, RULE_transpose_in_args = 469, RULE_transpose_in_arg = 470, - RULE_unpivot_column_clause = 471, RULE_unpivot_in_clause = 472, RULE_unpivot_in_args = 473, - RULE_unpivot_in_arg = 474, RULE_dml_table_name = 475, RULE_order_by_fetch_with_check_option = 476, - RULE_insert_table_clause = 477, RULE_dml_table_clause = 478, RULE_seed = 479, - RULE_sample_percent = 480, RULE_sample_clause = 481, RULE_table_subquery = 482, - RULE_use_partition = 483, RULE_external_table_partitions = 484, RULE_external_table_partition = 485, - RULE_use_flashback = 486, RULE_relation_factor = 487, RULE_normal_relation_factor = 488, - RULE_dot_relation_factor = 489, RULE_opt_reverse_link_flag = 490, RULE_relation_factor_in_hint = 491, - RULE_qb_name_option = 492, RULE_relation_factor_in_hint_list = 493, RULE_relation_sep_option = 494, - RULE_relation_factor_in_mv_hint_list = 495, RULE_relation_factor_in_pq_hint = 496, - RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint = 497, RULE_tracing_num_list = 498, - RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list = 499, RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry = 500, - RULE_relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list = 501, RULE_coalesce_strategy_list = 502, - RULE_join_condition = 503, RULE_joined_table = 504, RULE_natural_join_type = 505, - RULE_outer_join_type = 506, RULE_join_outer = 507, RULE_with_select = 508, - RULE_with_clause = 509, RULE_with_list = 510, RULE_common_table_expr = 511, - RULE_mv_column_list = 512, RULE_alias_name_list = 513, RULE_column_alias_name = 514, - RULE_search_set_value = 515, RULE_analyze_stmt = 516, RULE_analyze_statistics_clause = 517, - RULE_opt_analyze_for_clause_list = 518, RULE_opt_analyze_for_clause_element = 519, - RULE_sample_option = 520, RULE_create_outline_stmt = 521, RULE_alter_outline_stmt = 522, - RULE_drop_outline_stmt = 523, RULE_explain_stmt = 524, RULE_explain_or_desc = 525, - RULE_explainable_stmt = 526, RULE_format_name = 527, RULE_show_stmt = 528, - RULE_opt_for_grant_user = 529, RULE_columns_or_fields = 530, RULE_from_or_in = 531, - RULE_help_stmt = 532, RULE_create_user_stmt = 533, RULE_default_role_clause = 534, - RULE_alter_user_stmt = 535, RULE_alter_user_profile_stmt = 536, RULE_alter_role_stmt = 537, - RULE_user_specification = 538, RULE_require_specification = 539, RULE_tls_option_list = 540, - RULE_tls_option = 541, RULE_grant_user = 542, RULE_grant_user_list = 543, - RULE_user = 544, RULE_opt_host_name = 545, RULE_user_with_host_name = 546, - RULE_password = 547, RULE_password_str = 548, RULE_drop_user_stmt = 549, - RULE_user_list = 550, RULE_set_password_stmt = 551, RULE_opt_for_user = 552, - RULE_lock_user_stmt = 553, RULE_lock_spec_mysql57 = 554, RULE_lock_tables_stmt = 555, - RULE_lock_table_stmt = 556, RULE_lock_table_factors = 557, RULE_lock_table_factor = 558, - RULE_lock_mode = 559, RULE_unlock_tables_stmt = 560, RULE_lock_table_list = 561, - RULE_create_context_stmt = 562, RULE_context_package_name = 563, RULE_lock_table = 564, - RULE_context_option = 565, RULE_lock_type = 566, RULE_drop_context_stmt = 567, - RULE_create_sequence_stmt = 568, RULE_sequence_option_list = 569, RULE_sequence_option = 570, - RULE_simple_num = 571, RULE_drop_sequence_stmt = 572, RULE_alter_sequence_stmt = 573, - RULE_create_dblink_stmt = 574, RULE_drop_dblink_stmt = 575, RULE_dblink = 576, - RULE_tenant = 577, RULE_opt_cluster = 578, RULE_begin_stmt = 579, RULE_commit_stmt = 580, - RULE_rollback_stmt = 581, RULE_kill_stmt = 582, RULE_create_role_stmt = 583, - RULE_role_list = 584, RULE_role = 585, RULE_drop_role_stmt = 586, RULE_set_role_stmt = 587, - RULE_role_opt_identified_by_list = 588, RULE_role_opt_identified_by = 589, - RULE_sys_and_obj_priv = 590, RULE_grant_stmt = 591, RULE_grant_system_privileges = 592, - RULE_grantee_clause = 593, RULE_role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list = 594, - RULE_role_sys_obj_all_col_priv = 595, RULE_priv_type = 596, RULE_obj_clause = 597, - RULE_revoke_stmt = 598, RULE_prepare_stmt = 599, RULE_stmt_name = 600, - RULE_preparable_stmt = 601, RULE_variable_set_stmt = 602, RULE_sys_var_and_val_list = 603, - RULE_var_and_val_list = 604, RULE_set_expr_or_default = 605, RULE_var_and_val = 606, - RULE_sys_var_and_val = 607, RULE_scope_or_scope_alias = 608, RULE_to_or_eq = 609, - RULE_set_var_op = 610, RULE_argument = 611, RULE_execute_stmt = 612, RULE_argument_list = 613, - RULE_deallocate_prepare_stmt = 614, RULE_deallocate_or_drop = 615, RULE_call_stmt = 616, - RULE_call_param_list = 617, RULE_routine_access_name = 618, RULE_routine_name = 619, - RULE_truncate_table_stmt = 620, RULE_rename_table_stmt = 621, RULE_rename_table_actions = 622, - RULE_rename_table_action = 623, RULE_alter_index_stmt = 624, RULE_alter_index_actions = 625, - RULE_alter_index_action = 626, RULE_alter_index_option_oracle = 627, RULE_alter_table_stmt = 628, - RULE_add_external_table_partition_actions = 629, RULE_add_external_table_partition_action = 630, - RULE_alter_table_actions = 631, RULE_alter_table_action = 632, RULE_alter_partition_option = 633, - RULE_drop_partition_name_list = 634, RULE_split_actions = 635, RULE_add_range_or_list_partition = 636, - RULE_add_range_or_list_subpartition = 637, RULE_modify_special_partition = 638, - RULE_split_range_partition = 639, RULE_split_list_partition = 640, RULE_modify_partition_info = 641, - RULE_tg_modify_partition_info = 642, RULE_alter_index_option = 643, RULE_visibility_option = 644, - RULE_alter_column_group_option = 645, RULE_alter_column_option = 646, - RULE_alter_tablegroup_option = 647, RULE_flashback_stmt = 648, RULE_relation_factors = 649, - RULE_purge_stmt = 650, RULE_shrink_space_stmt = 651, RULE_audit_stmt = 652, - RULE_audit_or_noaudit = 653, RULE_audit_clause = 654, RULE_audit_operation_clause = 655, - RULE_audit_all_shortcut_list = 656, RULE_auditing_on_clause = 657, RULE_auditing_by_user_clause = 658, - RULE_op_audit_tail_clause = 659, RULE_audit_by_session_access_option = 660, - RULE_audit_whenever_option = 661, RULE_audit_all_shortcut = 662, RULE_alter_system_stmt = 663, - RULE_opt_sql_throttle_using_cond = 664, RULE_sql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics = 665, - RULE_sql_throttle_metric = 666, RULE_alter_system_set_clause_list = 667, - RULE_alter_system_set_clause = 668, RULE_alter_system_reset_clause_list = 669, - RULE_alter_system_reset_clause = 670, RULE_set_system_parameter_clause = 671, - RULE_reset_system_parameter_clause = 672, RULE_cache_type_or_string = 673, - RULE_cache_type = 674, RULE_balance_task_type = 675, RULE_tenant_list_tuple = 676, - RULE_tenant_list_tuple_v2 = 677, RULE_tenant_name_list = 678, RULE_opt_path_info = 679, - RULE_policy_name = 680, RULE_flush_scope = 681, RULE_server_info_list = 682, - RULE_server_info = 683, RULE_server_action = 684, RULE_server_list = 685, - RULE_zone_action = 686, RULE_ip_port = 687, RULE_zone_desc = 688, RULE_server_or_zone = 689, - RULE_add_or_alter_zone_option = 690, RULE_add_or_alter_zone_options = 691, - RULE_alter_or_change_or_modify = 692, RULE_ls = 693, RULE_partition_id_desc = 694, - RULE_partition_id_or_server_or_zone = 695, RULE_migrate_action = 696, - RULE_change_actions = 697, RULE_change_action = 698, RULE_replica_type = 699, - RULE_memstore_percent = 700, RULE_suspend_or_resume = 701, RULE_baseline_id_expr = 702, - RULE_sql_id_expr = 703, RULE_baseline_asgn_factor = 704, RULE_tenant_name = 705, - RULE_namespace_expr = 706, RULE_cache_name = 707, RULE_file_id = 708, - RULE_cancel_task_type = 709, RULE_alter_system_settp_actions = 710, RULE_settp_option = 711, - RULE_partition_role = 712, RULE_upgrade_action = 713, RULE_alter_session_stmt = 714, - RULE_var_name_of_forced_module = 715, RULE_var_name_of_module = 716, RULE_switch_option = 717, - RULE_session_isolation_level = 718, RULE_alter_session_set_clause = 719, - RULE_set_system_parameter_clause_list = 720, RULE_current_schema = 721, - RULE_set_comment_stmt = 722, RULE_create_tablespace_stmt = 723, RULE_drop_tablespace_stmt = 724, - RULE_tablespace = 725, RULE_alter_tablespace_stmt = 726, RULE_alter_tablespace_actions = 727, - RULE_alter_tablespace_action = 728, RULE_permanent_tablespace = 729, RULE_permanent_tablespace_options = 730, - RULE_permanent_tablespace_option = 731, RULE_create_profile_stmt = 732, - RULE_alter_profile_stmt = 733, RULE_drop_profile_stmt = 734, RULE_profile_name = 735, - RULE_password_parameters = 736, RULE_password_parameter = 737, RULE_verify_function_name = 738, - RULE_password_parameter_value = 739, RULE_password_parameter_type = 740, - RULE_user_profile = 741, RULE_method_opt = 742, RULE_method_list = 743, - RULE_method = 744, RULE_for_all = 745, RULE_size_clause = 746, RULE_for_columns = 747, - RULE_for_columns_list = 748, RULE_for_columns_item = 749, RULE_column_clause = 750, - RULE_extension = 751, RULE_set_names_stmt = 752, RULE_set_charset_stmt = 753, - RULE_set_transaction_stmt = 754, RULE_transaction_characteristics = 755, - RULE_transaction_access_mode = 756, RULE_isolation_level = 757, RULE_switchover_tenant_stmt = 758, - RULE_switchover_clause = 759, RULE_recover_tenant_stmt = 760, RULE_recover_point_clause = 761, - RULE_transfer_partition_stmt = 762, RULE_transfer_partition_clause = 763, - RULE_part_info = 764, RULE_cancel_transfer_partition_clause = 765, RULE_service_name_stmt = 766, - RULE_service_op = 767, RULE_create_savepoint_stmt = 768, RULE_rollback_savepoint_stmt = 769, - RULE_var_name = 770, RULE_column_name = 771, RULE_relation_name = 772, - RULE_exists_function_name = 773, RULE_function_name = 774, RULE_column_label = 775, - RULE_keystore_name = 776, RULE_date_unit = 777, RULE_timezone_unit = 778, - RULE_date_unit_for_extract = 779, RULE_json_mergepatch_expr = 780, RULE_json_mergepatch_on_error = 781, - RULE_opt_json_mergepatch = 782, RULE_js_mp_return_clause = 783, RULE_json_array_expr = 784, - RULE_json_array_content = 785, RULE_json_array_on_null = 786, RULE_js_array_eles = 787, - RULE_js_array_ele = 788, RULE_js_array_return_clause = 789, RULE_json_value_expr = 790, - RULE_json_equal_expr = 791, RULE_json_value_on_opt = 792, RULE_js_doc_expr = 793, - RULE_opt_js_value_returning_type = 794, RULE_json_value_on_empty = 795, - RULE_json_value_on_empty_response = 796, RULE_json_value_on_error = 797, - RULE_json_value_on_error_response = 798, RULE_opt_on_mismatchs = 799, - RULE_opt_on_mismatch = 800, RULE_json_value_on_response = 801, RULE_mismatch_type_list = 802, - RULE_mismatch_type = 803, RULE_json_exists_expr = 804, RULE_opt_json_exist = 805, - RULE_passing_elements = 806, RULE_passing_context = 807, RULE_sql_var_name = 808, - RULE_opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty = 809, RULE_json_exists_on_error = 810, - RULE_json_exists_on_empty = 811, RULE_json_exists_response_type = 812, - RULE_json_query_expr = 813, RULE_json_query_on_opt = 814, RULE_wrapper_opts = 815, - RULE_js_query_return_type = 816, RULE_on_mismatch_query = 817, RULE_on_error_query = 818, - RULE_on_empty_query = 819, RULE_opt_response_query_on_empty_error = 820, - RULE_opt_response_query = 821, RULE_xml_table_expr = 822, RULE_opt_columns_clause = 823, - RULE_opt_sequence_by_ref = 824, RULE_opt_xml_passing_clause = 825, RULE_opt_xml_table_path = 826, - RULE_opt_xml_table_ns = 827, RULE_xml_ns_list = 828, RULE_xml_ns = 829, - RULE_xml_identifier = 830, RULE_xml_table_columns_list = 831, RULE_xml_table_column = 832, - RULE_xml_table_ordinality_column_def = 833, RULE_xml_table_value_column_def = 834, - RULE_xml_table_query_column_def = 835, RULE_opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket = 836, - RULE_opt_xml_table_default_value = 837, RULE_opt_json_table_on_error_on_empty = 838, - RULE_json_table_columns_def_opt = 839, RULE_json_table_expr = 840, RULE_json_table_columns_def = 841, - RULE_json_table_column_def = 842, RULE_json_table_ordinality_column_def = 843, - RULE_json_table_column_def_path = 844, RULE_json_table_exists_column_def = 845, - RULE_json_table_query_column_def = 846, RULE_json_table_value_column_def = 847, - RULE_json_table_nested_column_def = 848, RULE_opt_jt_query_type = 849, - RULE_opt_jt_value_type = 850, RULE_js_value_return_type = 851, RULE_js_return_type = 852, - RULE_js_return_default_type = 853, RULE_js_return_text_type = 854, RULE_json_table_on_response = 855, - RULE_json_table_on_error = 856, RULE_json_table_on_empty = 857, RULE_json_object_expr = 858, - RULE_opt_json_object_content = 859, RULE_opt_json_object_clause = 860, - RULE_entry_op = 861, RULE_entry_set = 862, RULE_entry_obj = 863, RULE_regular_entry_obj = 864, - RULE_json_obj_literal_expr = 865, RULE_js_on_null = 866, RULE_json_obj_returning_type = 867, - RULE_json_obj_unique_key = 868, RULE_opt_skip_index_type_list = 869, RULE_skip_index_type = 870, - RULE_xmlparse_expr = 871, RULE_xml_text = 872, RULE_xml_doc_type = 873, - RULE_xml_element_expr = 874, RULE_xml_tag = 875, RULE_evalname_expr = 876, - RULE_element_name = 877, RULE_xml_value_clause = 878, RULE_xml_value = 879, - RULE_xml_attributes_expr = 880, RULE_xml_attributes_value_clause = 881, - RULE_attributes_name_value = 882, RULE_xml_attributes_value = 883, RULE_xml_sequence_expr = 884, - RULE_insert_child_xml = 885, RULE_delete_xml = 886, RULE_xml_extract_expr = 887, - RULE_xmlcast_expr = 888, RULE_xmlserialize_expr = 889, RULE_unreserved_keyword = 890, - RULE_aggregate_function_keyword = 891, RULE_oracle_unreserved_keyword = 892, - RULE_unreserved_keyword_normal = 893, RULE_empty = 894, RULE_forward_expr = 895, - RULE_forward_sql_stmt = 896; - private static String[] makeRuleNames() { - return new String[] { - "sql_stmt", "stmt_list", "stmt", "drop_package_stmt", "drop_procedure_stmt", - "drop_function_stmt", "drop_trigger_stmt", "drop_type_stmt", "pl_expr_stmt", - "expr_list", "column_ref", "oracle_pl_non_reserved_words", "complex_string_literal", - "js_literal", "literal", "number_literal", "expr_const", "conf_const", - "bool_pri", "is_json_constrain", "strict_opt", "scalars_opt", "unique_keys_opt", - "json_equal_option", "predicate", "collection_predicate_expr", "bit_expr", - "conf_expr", "is_nan_inf_value", "unary_expr", "simple_expr", "json_function", - "gis_function", "spatial_cellid_expr", "spatial_mbr_expr", "sdo_relate_expr", - "common_cursor_attribute", "cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount", "cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions", - "implicit_cursor_attribute", "explicit_cursor_attribute", "cursor_attribute_expr", - "obj_access_ref", "dot_notation_path", "dot_notation_path_obj_access_ref", - "path_param_array", "path_param_list", "path_param", "dot_notation_fun_sys", - "dot_notation_fun", "obj_access_ref_normal", "func_access_ref", "table_element_access_list", - "table_index", "expr", "not", "sub_query_flag", "in_expr", "case_expr", - "window_function", "first_or_last", "respect_or_ignore", "win_fun_first_last_params", - "win_fun_lead_lag_params", "generalized_window_clause", "win_rows_or_range", - "win_preceding_or_following", "win_interval", "win_bounding", "win_window", - "simple_when_clause_list", "simple_when_clause", "bool_when_clause_list", - "bool_when_clause", "case_default", "sql_function", "xml_function", "single_row_function", - "numeric_function", "character_function", "translate_charset", "extract_function", - "conversion_function", "hierarchical_function", "environment_id_function", - "aggregate_function", "js_agg_on_null", "js_agg_returning_type_opt", - "js_agg_returning_type", "special_func_expr", "access_func_expr_count", - "access_func_expr", "dblink_func_expr", "func_param_list", "func_param", - "func_param_with_assign", "pl_var_name", "bool_pri_in_pl_func", "cur_timestamp_func", - "updating_func", "updating_params", "substr_params", "returning_log_error_clause", - "returning_clause", "log_error_clause", "delete_stmt", "update_stmt", - "update_asgn_list", "normal_asgn_list", "update_asgn_factor", "create_resource_stmt", - "opt_resource_unit_option_list", "resource_unit_option", "opt_create_resource_pool_option_list", - "create_resource_pool_option", "alter_resource_pool_option_list", "id_list", - "alter_resource_pool_option", "alter_resource_stmt", "drop_resource_stmt", - "create_tenant_stmt", "opt_tenant_option_list", "tenant_option", "zone_list", - "resource_pool_list", "alter_tenant_stmt", "drop_tenant_stmt", "create_restore_point_stmt", - "drop_restore_point_stmt", "database_key", "database_factor", "database_option_list", - "charset_key", "database_option", "read_only_or_write", "alter_database_stmt", - "database_name", "load_data_stmt", "load_data_with_opt_hint", "compression_name", - "lines_or_rows", "field_or_vars_list", "field_or_vars", "load_set_list", - "load_set_element", "load_data_extended_option_list", "load_data_extended_option", - "create_synonym_stmt", "synonym_name", "synonym_object", "drop_synonym_stmt", - "special_table_type", "on_commit_option", "create_directory_stmt", "directory_name", - "directory_path", "drop_directory_stmt", "create_keystore_stmt", "alter_keystore_stmt", - "create_table_stmt", "table_element_list", "table_element", "column_definition", - "column_definition_opt_datatype", "out_of_line_index", "out_of_line_constraint", - "out_of_line_primary_index", "out_of_line_unique_index", "out_of_line_index_state", - "constraint_state", "enable_option", "references_clause", "reference_option", - "reference_action", "opt_generated_option_list", "opt_generated_identity_option", - "opt_generated_column_attribute_list", "generated_column_attribute", - "opt_identity_attribute", "column_definition_ref", "column_definition_list", - 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"NEG", "LAG", "NEW", "BASELINE_ID", "HIGH", "LAX", "SQL_TSI_YEAR", "THAN", - "CPU", "LOGS", "SERIALIZABLE", "DBA_RECYCLEBIN", "BACKUP", "LOGFILE", - "ROW_FORMAT", "ALLOCATE", "SET_MASTER_CLUSTER", "MAXLOGHISTORY", "MINUTE", - "SWAPS", "RESETLOGS", "DESCRIBE", "NORESETLOGS", "TASK", "IO_THREAD", - "BC2HOST", "PARAMETERS", "OBJECT", "TABLESPACE", "AUTO", "REGEXP_LIKE", - "MODULE", "PASSWORD", "SQLCODE", "SORT", "LOWER_THAN_BY_ACCESS_SESSION", - "MESSAGE_TEXT", "DISK", "FAULTS", "HOUR", "REF", "REFRESH", "COLUMN_STAT", - "PLI", "UNIT_GROUP", "ERROR_CODE", "UPDATEXML", "PHASE", "PROFILE", "NORELY", - "LAST_VALUE", "RESTART", "TRACE", "LOGICAL_READS", "MANAGEMENT", "DATE_ADD", - "BLOCK_INDEX", "DEBUG", "SERVER_IP", "SESSIONTIMEZONE", "CODE", "PLUGINS", - "ADDDATE", "PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME", "TRANSLATE", "COLUMN_FORMAT", "MAX_MEMORY", - "CLEAN", "NESTED", "MASTER_SSL", "CLEAR", "SORTKEY", "CHECKSUM", "INSTALL", - "MONTH", "NEVER", "AFTER", "MAXINSTANCES", "CLOSE", "JSON_OBJECTAGG", - "SET_TP", "OWNER", "BLOOM_FILTER", "ILOG", "META", "PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION", - "LOWEST_PARENS", "IDENTITY", "STARTS", "PLANREGRESS", "AUTOEXTEND_SIZE", - "TABLET_ID", "NO_COUNT_TO_EXISTS", "NO_REPLACE_CONST", "SOURCE", "POW", - "IGNORE_SERVER_IDS", "WF_TOPN", "REPLICA_NUM", "LOWER_THAN_COMP", "BINDING", - "MICROSECOND", "INDICATOR", "UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE", "EXTENDED_NOADDR", "JSON_MERGEPATCH", - "SPLIT", "BASELINE", "MEMORY", "COVAR_POP", "SEED", "DESCRIPTION", "RTREE", - "MEDIAN", "UNLIMITED", "STDDEV_POP", "UNDER", "RUN", "SQL_AFTER_GTIDS", - "OPEN", "REFERENCING", "SQL_TSI_DAY", "MANAGE", "RELAY_THREAD", "BREADTH", - "NOCACHE", "DISALLOW", "PRIVILEGE", "PRIMARY_ROOTSERVICE_LIST", "UNUSUAL", - "RELAYLOG", "SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS", "LOWER_THAN_FOR", "PRIMARY_ZONE", "TABLE_CHECKSUM", - "ZONE_LIST", "DATABASE_ID", "TP_NO", "NETWORK", "LOWER_THAN_TO", "HIDDEN_", - "BOOLEAN", "AVG", "MULTILINESTRING", "APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE", - "NOW", "PROXY", "DUPLICATE_SCOPE", "STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES", "TABLET_SIZE", - "BASE", "FOREIGN", "KVCACHE", "RELAY", "MINEXTENTS", "CONTRIBUTORS", - "MEMORY_SIZE", "EMPTY", "PARTIAL", "REPORT", "ESCAPE", "MASTER_AUTO_POSITION", - "CALC_PARTITION_ID", "TP_NAME", "SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS", "EFFECTIVE", "FIRST_VALUE", - "SQL_TSI_MINUTE", "UNICODE", "QUARTER", "ANALYSE", "DEFINER", "NONE", - "PROCESSLIST", "TYPE", "CHAR_CS", "INSERT_METHOD", "EXTENDED", "LISTS", - "LOG", "TIME_ZONE_INFO", "TIMESTAMPADD", "DISMOUNT", "BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY", - "GET_FORMAT", "LOW", "PREPARE", "WORK", "MATERIALIZED", "HANDLER", "CUME_DIST", - "NOSORT", "INITIAL_SIZE", "RELAY_LOG_FILE", "STORING", "IMPORT", "MIN_MEMORY", - "HELP", "CREATE_TIMESTAMP", "COMPUTE", "RANDOM", "SOUNDS", "TABLE_MODE", - "COPY", "SQL_NO_CACHE", "MISMATCH", "EXECUTE", "PRECEDING", "SWITCHES", - "PACK_KEYS", "ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID", "SQL_ID", "NOORDER", "CHECKPOINT", - "DAY", "AUTHORIZATION", "LEAD", "JSON_TABLE", "JSON_VALUE", "DBA", "EVENTS", - "RECURSIVE", "ONLY", "TABLEGROUP_ID", "GROUP_ID", "GROUPING_ID", "TOP_K_FRE_HIST", - "MASTER_SSL_CRL", "RESOURCE_POOL_LIST", "TRACING", "NTILE", "NULL_IF_EXETERNAL", - "SKEWONLY", "IS_TENANT_SYS_POOL", "INLINE", "MOUNT", "SCHEDULE", "JOB", - "MASTER_LOG_POS", "SUBCLASS_ORIGIN", "MULTIPOINT", "INFINITE_VALUE", - "BLOCK", "SQL_TSI_SECOND", "ROLLUP", "CORR", "MIN_CPU", "OCCUR", "ACCESSED", - "DATA", "BINARY_FLOAT_NAN", "MASTER_HOST", "PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME", "VAR_SAMP", - "ALGORITHM", "CONSTRAINT_NAME", "LIMIT", "APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT", "DDL", - "BASIC", "DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP", "CONTENTS", "CONTENT", "XMLELEMENT", "ENTITYESCAPING", - "EXTRACTVALUE", "NOENTITYESCAPING", "NOSCHEMACHECK", "SCHEMACHECK", "NO_PX_JOIN_FILTER", - "STATEMENT_ID", "HIGHER_THAN_TO", "LINK", "WEEK", "UNCONDITIONAL", "CONDITIONAL", - "NULLS", "MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH", "CASCADED", "PLUGIN", "ENCRYPTED", "TENANT", - "INITRANS", "SCN", "LNNVL", "INTNUM", "DECIMAL_VAL", "BOOL_VALUE", "At", - "LeftBracket", "LeftBrace", "RightBracket", "RightBrace", "DATE_VALUE", - "INTERVAL_VALUE", "HINT_VALUE", "Comma", "Plus", "And", "Or", "Star", - "Not", "LeftParen", "Minus", "Div", "Caret", "Colon", "Dot", "Mod", "RightParen", - "Tilde", "DELIMITER", "CNNOP", "AND_OP", "COMP_EQ", "COMP_NSEQ", "SET_VAR", - "COMP_GT", "COMP_GE", "COMP_LE", "COMP_LT", "COMP_NE", "SHIFT_LEFT", - "SHIFT_RIGHT", "COMP_NE_PL", "POW_PL", "QUESTIONMARK", "SYSTEM_VARIABLE", - "USER_VARIABLE", "PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR", "PLSQL_VARIABLE", "MULTISET_OP", - "A_", "NAME_OB", "STRING_VALUE", "In_c_comment", "ANTLR_SKIP", "Blank", - "LOAD_DATA_HINT_BEGIN", "INSERT_HINT_BEGIN", "MERGE_HINT_BEGIN", "SELECT_HINT_BEGIN", - "UPDATE_HINT_BEGIN", "DELETE_HINT_BEGIN", "HINT_END", "NO_REWRITE", "READ_CONSISTENCY", - "INDEX_HINT", "QUERY_TIMEOUT", "FROZEN_VERSION", "TOPK", "HOTSPOT", "LOG_LEVEL", - "LEADING_HINT", "ORDERED", "FULL_HINT", "USE_PLAN_CACHE", "USE_MERGE", - "NO_USE_MERGE", "USE_HASH", "NO_USE_HASH", "USE_NL", "NO_USE_NL", "USE_BNL", - "NO_USE_BNL", "USE_NL_MATERIALIZATION", "NO_USE_NL_MATERIALIZATION", - "USE_HASH_AGGREGATION", "NO_USE_HASH_AGGREGATION", "MERGE_HINT", "NO_MERGE_HINT", - "NO_EXPAND", "USE_CONCAT", "UNNEST", "NO_UNNEST", "PLACE_GROUP_BY", "NO_PLACE_GROUP_BY", - "NO_PRED_DEDUCE", "USE_JIT", "NO_USE_JIT", "USE_LATE_MATERIALIZATION", - "NO_USE_LATE_MATERIALIZATION", "TRACE_LOG", "STAT", "USE_PX", "NO_USE_PX", - "TRANS_PARAM", "PX_JOIN_FILTER", "FORCE_REFRESH_LOCATION_CACHE", "QB_NAME", - "MAX_CONCURRENT", "PQ_DISTRIBUTE", "LOAD_BATCH_SIZE", "RANDOM_LOCAL", - "BROADCAST", "HINT_HINT_BEGIN" - }; - } - private static final String[] _SYMBOLIC_NAMES = makeSymbolicNames(); - public static final Vocabulary VOCABULARY = new VocabularyImpl(_LITERAL_NAMES, _SYMBOLIC_NAMES); - - /** - * @deprecated Use {@link #VOCABULARY} instead. - */ - @Deprecated - public static final String[] tokenNames; - static { - tokenNames = new String[_SYMBOLIC_NAMES.length]; - for (int i = 0; i < tokenNames.length; i++) { - tokenNames[i] = VOCABULARY.getLiteralName(i); - if (tokenNames[i] == null) { - tokenNames[i] = VOCABULARY.getSymbolicName(i); - } - - if (tokenNames[i] == null) { - tokenNames[i] = ""; - } - } - } - - @Override - @Deprecated - public String[] getTokenNames() { - return tokenNames; - } - - @Override - - public Vocabulary getVocabulary() { - return VOCABULARY; - } - - @Override - public String getGrammarFileName() { return "OBParser.g4"; } - - @Override - public String[] getRuleNames() { return ruleNames; } - - @Override - public String getSerializedATN() { return _serializedATN; } - - @Override - public ATN getATN() { return _ATN; } - - - public boolean is_pl_parse_ = false; - public boolean is_pl_parse_expr_ = false; - - public OBParser(TokenStream input) { - super(input); - _interp = new ParserATNSimulator(this,_ATN,_decisionToDFA,_sharedContextCache); - } - - public static class Sql_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Stmt_listContext stmt_list() { - return getRuleContext(Stmt_listContext.class,0); - } - public Sql_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sql_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSql_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSql_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Sql_stmtContext sql_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Sql_stmtContext _localctx = new Sql_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 0, RULE_sql_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(1794); - stmt_list(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Stmt_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode EOF() { return getToken(OBParser.EOF, 0); } - public TerminalNode DELIMITER() { return getToken(OBParser.DELIMITER, 0); } - public StmtContext stmt() { - return getRuleContext(StmtContext.class,0); - } - public Stmt_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_stmt_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterStmt_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitStmt_list(this); - } - } - - public final Stmt_listContext stmt_list() throws RecognitionException { - Stmt_listContext _localctx = new Stmt_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 2, RULE_stmt_list); - try { - setState(1806); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(1796); - match(EOF); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(1797); - match(DELIMITER); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(1798); - stmt(); - setState(1799); - match(EOF); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(1801); - stmt(); - setState(1802); - match(DELIMITER); - setState(1804); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,0,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(1803); - match(EOF); - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class StmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Select_stmtContext select_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Select_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Insert_stmtContext insert_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Insert_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Merge_stmtContext merge_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Merge_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Create_table_stmtContext create_table_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Create_table_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_database_stmtContext alter_database_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_database_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Update_stmtContext update_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Update_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Delete_stmtContext delete_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Delete_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_table_stmtContext drop_table_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_table_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_view_stmtContext drop_view_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_view_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Explain_stmtContext explain_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Explain_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Create_outline_stmtContext create_outline_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Create_outline_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_outline_stmtContext alter_outline_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_outline_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_outline_stmtContext drop_outline_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_outline_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Show_stmtContext show_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Show_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Prepare_stmtContext prepare_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Prepare_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Variable_set_stmtContext variable_set_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Variable_set_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Execute_stmtContext execute_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Execute_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Call_stmtContext call_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Call_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_table_stmtContext alter_table_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_table_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_index_stmtContext alter_index_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_index_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_system_stmtContext alter_system_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_system_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Audit_stmtContext audit_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Audit_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext deallocate_prepare_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Create_user_stmtContext create_user_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Create_user_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_user_stmtContext alter_user_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_user_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_user_profile_stmtContext alter_user_profile_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_user_profile_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_user_stmtContext drop_user_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_user_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Set_password_stmtContext set_password_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Set_password_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Lock_user_stmtContext lock_user_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Lock_user_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Grant_stmtContext grant_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Grant_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Revoke_stmtContext revoke_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Revoke_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Begin_stmtContext begin_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Begin_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Commit_stmtContext commit_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Commit_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Rollback_stmtContext rollback_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Rollback_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Create_index_stmtContext create_index_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Create_index_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_index_stmtContext drop_index_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_index_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Kill_stmtContext kill_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Kill_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Create_mlog_stmtContext create_mlog_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Create_mlog_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_mlog_stmtContext drop_mlog_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_mlog_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Help_stmtContext help_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Help_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Create_view_stmtContext create_view_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Create_view_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Create_mview_stmtContext create_mview_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Create_mview_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Create_tenant_stmtContext create_tenant_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Create_tenant_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_tenant_stmtContext alter_tenant_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_tenant_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_tenant_stmtContext drop_tenant_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_tenant_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Create_restore_point_stmtContext create_restore_point_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Create_restore_point_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_restore_point_stmtContext drop_restore_point_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_restore_point_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Create_resource_stmtContext create_resource_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Create_resource_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_resource_stmtContext alter_resource_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_resource_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_resource_stmtContext drop_resource_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_resource_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Set_names_stmtContext set_names_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Set_names_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Set_charset_stmtContext set_charset_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Set_charset_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Create_tablegroup_stmtContext create_tablegroup_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Create_tablegroup_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext drop_tablegroup_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext alter_tablegroup_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Rename_table_stmtContext rename_table_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Rename_table_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Truncate_table_stmtContext truncate_table_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Truncate_table_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Set_transaction_stmtContext set_transaction_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Set_transaction_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Create_synonym_stmtContext create_synonym_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Create_synonym_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_synonym_stmtContext drop_synonym_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_synonym_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Create_directory_stmtContext create_directory_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Create_directory_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_directory_stmtContext drop_directory_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_directory_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Create_keystore_stmtContext create_keystore_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Create_keystore_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_keystore_stmtContext alter_keystore_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_keystore_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Create_tablespace_stmtContext create_tablespace_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Create_tablespace_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_tablespace_stmtContext drop_tablespace_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_tablespace_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_tablespace_stmtContext alter_tablespace_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_tablespace_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Create_savepoint_stmtContext create_savepoint_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Create_savepoint_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext rollback_savepoint_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Lock_tables_stmtContext lock_tables_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Lock_tables_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Lock_table_stmtContext lock_table_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Lock_table_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Unlock_tables_stmtContext unlock_tables_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Unlock_tables_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Flashback_stmtContext flashback_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Flashback_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Purge_stmtContext purge_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Purge_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Create_sequence_stmtContext create_sequence_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Create_sequence_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_sequence_stmtContext alter_sequence_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_sequence_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_sequence_stmtContext drop_sequence_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_sequence_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_session_stmtContext alter_session_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_session_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Analyze_stmtContext analyze_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Analyze_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Set_comment_stmtContext set_comment_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Set_comment_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Pl_expr_stmtContext pl_expr_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Pl_expr_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Shrink_space_stmtContext shrink_space_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Shrink_space_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Load_data_stmtContext load_data_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Load_data_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Create_dblink_stmtContext create_dblink_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Create_dblink_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_dblink_stmtContext drop_dblink_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_dblink_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Create_role_stmtContext create_role_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Create_role_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_role_stmtContext drop_role_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_role_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_role_stmtContext alter_role_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_role_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Set_role_stmtContext set_role_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Set_role_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Create_profile_stmtContext create_profile_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Create_profile_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_profile_stmtContext alter_profile_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_profile_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_profile_stmtContext drop_profile_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_profile_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Method_optContext method_opt() { - return getRuleContext(Method_optContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_package_stmtContext drop_package_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_package_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_procedure_stmtContext drop_procedure_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_procedure_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_function_stmtContext drop_function_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_function_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_trigger_stmtContext drop_trigger_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_trigger_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_type_stmtContext drop_type_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_type_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Create_context_stmtContext create_context_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Create_context_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_context_stmtContext drop_context_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_context_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Switchover_tenant_stmtContext switchover_tenant_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Switchover_tenant_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Recover_tenant_stmtContext recover_tenant_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Recover_tenant_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Transfer_partition_stmtContext transfer_partition_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Transfer_partition_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Service_name_stmtContext service_name_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Service_name_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public StmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterStmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitStmt(this); - } - } - - public final StmtContext stmt() throws RecognitionException { - StmtContext _localctx = new StmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 4, RULE_stmt); - try { - setState(1912); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,2,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(1808); - select_stmt(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(1809); - insert_stmt(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(1810); - merge_stmt(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(1811); - create_table_stmt(); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(1812); - alter_database_stmt(); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(1813); - update_stmt(); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(1814); - delete_stmt(); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(1815); - drop_table_stmt(); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(1816); - drop_view_stmt(); - } - break; - case 10: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(1817); - explain_stmt(); - } - break; - case 11: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); - { - setState(1818); - create_outline_stmt(); - } - break; - case 12: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); - { - setState(1819); - alter_outline_stmt(); - } - break; - case 13: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); - { - setState(1820); - drop_outline_stmt(); - } - break; - case 14: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); - { - setState(1821); - show_stmt(); - } - break; - case 15: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); - { - setState(1822); - prepare_stmt(); - } - break; - case 16: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); - { - setState(1823); - variable_set_stmt(); - } - break; - case 17: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); - { - setState(1824); - execute_stmt(); - } - break; - case 18: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); - { - setState(1825); - call_stmt(); - } - break; - case 19: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); - { - setState(1826); - alter_table_stmt(); - } - break; - case 20: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 20); - { - setState(1827); - alter_index_stmt(); - } - break; - case 21: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 21); - { - setState(1828); - alter_system_stmt(); - } - break; - case 22: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 22); - { - setState(1829); - audit_stmt(); - } - break; - case 23: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 23); - { - setState(1830); - deallocate_prepare_stmt(); - } - break; - case 24: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 24); - { - setState(1831); - create_user_stmt(); - } - break; - case 25: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 25); - { - setState(1832); - alter_user_stmt(); - } - break; - case 26: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 26); - { - setState(1833); - alter_user_profile_stmt(); - } - break; - case 27: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 27); - { - setState(1834); - drop_user_stmt(); - } - break; - case 28: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 28); - { - setState(1835); - set_password_stmt(); - } - break; - case 29: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 29); - { - setState(1836); - lock_user_stmt(); - } - break; - case 30: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 30); - { - setState(1837); - grant_stmt(); - } - break; - case 31: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 31); - { - setState(1838); - revoke_stmt(); - } - break; - case 32: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 32); - { - setState(1839); - begin_stmt(); - } - break; - case 33: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 33); - { - setState(1840); - commit_stmt(); - } - break; - case 34: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 34); - { - setState(1841); - rollback_stmt(); - } - break; - case 35: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 35); - { - setState(1842); - create_index_stmt(); - } - break; - case 36: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 36); - { - setState(1843); - drop_index_stmt(); - } - break; - case 37: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 37); - { - setState(1844); - kill_stmt(); - } - break; - case 38: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 38); - { - setState(1845); - create_mlog_stmt(); - } - break; - case 39: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 39); - { - setState(1846); - drop_mlog_stmt(); - } - break; - case 40: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 40); - { - setState(1847); - help_stmt(); - } - break; - case 41: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 41); - { - setState(1848); - create_view_stmt(); - } - break; - case 42: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 42); - { - setState(1849); - create_mview_stmt(); - } - break; - case 43: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 43); - { - setState(1850); - create_tenant_stmt(); - } - break; - case 44: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 44); - { - setState(1851); - alter_tenant_stmt(); - } - break; - case 45: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 45); - { - setState(1852); - drop_tenant_stmt(); - } - break; - case 46: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 46); - { - setState(1853); - create_restore_point_stmt(); - } - break; - case 47: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 47); - { - setState(1854); - drop_restore_point_stmt(); - } - break; - case 48: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 48); - { - setState(1855); - create_resource_stmt(); - } - break; - case 49: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 49); - { - setState(1856); - alter_resource_stmt(); - } - break; - case 50: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 50); - { - setState(1857); - drop_resource_stmt(); - } - break; - case 51: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 51); - { - setState(1858); - set_names_stmt(); - } - break; - case 52: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 52); - { - setState(1859); - set_charset_stmt(); - } - break; - case 53: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 53); - { - setState(1860); - create_tablegroup_stmt(); - } - break; - case 54: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 54); - { - setState(1861); - drop_tablegroup_stmt(); - } - break; - case 55: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 55); - { - setState(1862); - alter_tablegroup_stmt(); - } - break; - case 56: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 56); - { - setState(1863); - rename_table_stmt(); - } - break; - case 57: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 57); - { - setState(1864); - truncate_table_stmt(); - } - break; - case 58: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 58); - { - setState(1865); - set_transaction_stmt(); - } - break; - case 59: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 59); - { - setState(1866); - create_synonym_stmt(); - } - break; - case 60: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 60); - { - setState(1867); - drop_synonym_stmt(); - } - break; - case 61: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 61); - { - setState(1868); - create_directory_stmt(); - } - break; - case 62: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 62); - { - setState(1869); - drop_directory_stmt(); - } - break; - case 63: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 63); - { - setState(1870); - create_keystore_stmt(); - } - break; - case 64: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 64); - { - setState(1871); - alter_keystore_stmt(); - } - break; - case 65: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 65); - { - setState(1872); - create_tablespace_stmt(); - } - break; - case 66: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 66); - { - setState(1873); - drop_tablespace_stmt(); - } - break; - case 67: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 67); - { - setState(1874); - alter_tablespace_stmt(); - } - break; - case 68: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 68); - { - setState(1875); - create_savepoint_stmt(); - } - break; - case 69: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 69); - { - setState(1876); - rollback_savepoint_stmt(); - } - break; - case 70: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 70); - { - setState(1877); - lock_tables_stmt(); - } - break; - case 71: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 71); - { - setState(1878); - lock_table_stmt(); - } - break; - case 72: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 72); - { - setState(1879); - unlock_tables_stmt(); - } - break; - case 73: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 73); - { - setState(1880); - flashback_stmt(); - } - break; - case 74: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 74); - { - setState(1881); - purge_stmt(); - } - break; - case 75: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 75); - { - setState(1882); - create_sequence_stmt(); - } - break; - case 76: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 76); - { - setState(1883); - alter_sequence_stmt(); - } - break; - case 77: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 77); - { - setState(1884); - drop_sequence_stmt(); - } - break; - case 78: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 78); - { - setState(1885); - alter_session_stmt(); - } - break; - case 79: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 79); - { - setState(1886); - analyze_stmt(); - } - break; - case 80: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 80); - { - setState(1887); - set_comment_stmt(); - } - break; - case 81: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 81); - { - setState(1888); - pl_expr_stmt(); - } - break; - case 82: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 82); - { - setState(1889); - shrink_space_stmt(); - } - break; - case 83: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 83); - { - setState(1890); - load_data_stmt(); - } - break; - case 84: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 84); - { - setState(1891); - create_dblink_stmt(); - } - break; - case 85: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 85); - { - setState(1892); - drop_dblink_stmt(); - } - break; - case 86: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 86); - { - setState(1893); - create_role_stmt(); - } - break; - case 87: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 87); - { - setState(1894); - drop_role_stmt(); - } - break; - case 88: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 88); - { - setState(1895); - alter_role_stmt(); - } - break; - case 89: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 89); - { - setState(1896); - set_role_stmt(); - } - break; - case 90: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 90); - { - setState(1897); - create_profile_stmt(); - } - break; - case 91: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 91); - { - setState(1898); - alter_profile_stmt(); - } - break; - case 92: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 92); - { - setState(1899); - drop_profile_stmt(); - } - break; - case 93: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 93); - { - setState(1900); - method_opt(); - } - break; - case 94: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 94); - { - setState(1901); - drop_package_stmt(); - } - break; - case 95: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 95); - { - setState(1902); - drop_procedure_stmt(); - } - break; - case 96: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 96); - { - setState(1903); - drop_function_stmt(); - } - break; - case 97: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 97); - { - setState(1904); - drop_trigger_stmt(); - } - break; - case 98: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 98); - { - setState(1905); - drop_type_stmt(); - } - break; - case 99: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 99); - { - setState(1906); - create_context_stmt(); - } - break; - case 100: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 100); - { - setState(1907); - drop_context_stmt(); - } - break; - case 101: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 101); - { - setState(1908); - switchover_tenant_stmt(); - } - break; - case 102: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 102); - { - setState(1909); - recover_tenant_stmt(); - } - break; - case 103: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 103); - { - setState(1910); - transfer_partition_stmt(); - } - break; - case 104: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 104); - { - setState(1911); - service_name_stmt(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_package_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode PACKAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PACKAGE, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode BODY() { return getToken(OBParser.BODY, 0); } - public Drop_package_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_package_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_package_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_package_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_package_stmtContext drop_package_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_package_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_package_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 6, RULE_drop_package_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(1914); - match(DROP); - setState(1915); - match(PACKAGE); - setState(1917); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,3,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(1916); - match(BODY); - } - break; - } - setState(1919); - relation_factor(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_procedure_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode PROCEDURE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROCEDURE, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode IF() { return getToken(OBParser.IF, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXISTS() { return getToken(OBParser.EXISTS, 0); } - public Drop_procedure_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_procedure_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_procedure_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_procedure_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_procedure_stmtContext drop_procedure_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_procedure_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_procedure_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 8, RULE_drop_procedure_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(1921); - match(DROP); - setState(1922); - match(PROCEDURE); - setState(1925); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,4,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(1923); - match(IF); - setState(1924); - match(EXISTS); - } - break; - } - setState(1927); - relation_factor(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_function_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode FUNCTION() { return getToken(OBParser.FUNCTION, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode IF() { return getToken(OBParser.IF, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXISTS() { return getToken(OBParser.EXISTS, 0); } - public Drop_function_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_function_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_function_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_function_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_function_stmtContext drop_function_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_function_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_function_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 10, RULE_drop_function_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(1929); - match(DROP); - setState(1930); - match(FUNCTION); - setState(1933); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,5,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(1931); - match(IF); - setState(1932); - match(EXISTS); - } - break; - } - setState(1935); - relation_factor(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_trigger_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRIGGER() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIGGER, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_trigger_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_trigger_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_trigger_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_trigger_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_trigger_stmtContext drop_trigger_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_trigger_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_trigger_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 12, RULE_drop_trigger_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(1937); - match(DROP); - setState(1938); - match(TRIGGER); - setState(1939); - relation_factor(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_type_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.TYPE, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode BODY() { return getToken(OBParser.BODY, 0); } - public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode VALIDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.VALIDATE, 0); } - public Drop_type_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_type_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_type_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_type_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_type_stmtContext drop_type_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_type_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_type_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 14, RULE_drop_type_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(1941); - match(DROP); - setState(1942); - match(TYPE); - setState(1944); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,6,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(1943); - match(BODY); - } - break; - } - setState(1946); - relation_factor(); - setState(1948); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==VALIDATE || _la==FORCE) { - { - setState(1947); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==VALIDATE || _la==FORCE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Pl_expr_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DO() { return getToken(OBParser.DO, 0); } - public ExprContext expr() { - return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); - } - public Pl_expr_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_pl_expr_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPl_expr_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPl_expr_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Pl_expr_stmtContext pl_expr_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Pl_expr_stmtContext _localctx = new Pl_expr_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 16, RULE_pl_expr_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(1950); - match(DO); - setState(1951); - expr(0); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Expr_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List bit_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Expr_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_expr_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExpr_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExpr_list(this); - } - } - - public final Expr_listContext expr_list() throws RecognitionException { - Expr_listContext _localctx = new Expr_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 18, RULE_expr_list); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(1953); - bit_expr(0); - setState(1958); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,8,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - { - { - setState(1954); - match(Comma); - setState(1955); - bit_expr(0); - } - } - } - setState(1960); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,8,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Column_refContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LEVEL() { return getToken(OBParser.LEVEL, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROWNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWNUM, 0); } - public Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext oracle_pl_non_reserved_words() { - return getRuleContext(Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext.class,0); - } - public Column_refContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_ref; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_ref(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_ref(this); - } - } - - public final Column_refContext column_ref() throws RecognitionException { - Column_refContext _localctx = new Column_refContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 20, RULE_column_ref); - try { - setState(1965); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ROWID: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(1961); - column_name(); - } - break; - case LEVEL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(1962); - match(LEVEL); - } - break; - case ROWNUM: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(1963); - match(ROWNUM); - } - break; - case ACCESS: - case ADD: - case AUDIT: - case CHAR: - case COLUMN: - case COMMENT: - case CURRENT: - case DATE: - case DECIMAL: - case FILE_KEY: - case FLOAT: - case IMMEDIATE: - case INCREMENT: - case INITIAL_: - case INTEGER: - case LONG: - case MAXEXTENTS: - case MODIFY: - case NOAUDIT: - case NOTFOUND: - case NUMBER: - case OFFLINE: - case ONLINE: - case PCTFREE: - case PRIVILEGES: - case RAW: - case RENAME: - case ROW: - case ROWLABEL: - case ROWS: - case SESSION: - case SET: - case SMALLINT: - case SUCCESSFUL: - case SYNONYM: - case TRIGGER: - case VALIDATE: - case VARCHAR: - case VARCHAR2: - case WHENEVER: - case DUAL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(1964); - oracle_pl_non_reserved_words(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ACCESS() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESS, 0); } - public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } - public TerminalNode AUDIT() { return getToken(OBParser.AUDIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode CHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.CHAR, 0); } - public TerminalNode COLUMN() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode CURRENT() { return getToken(OBParser.CURRENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DECIMAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode FILE_KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.FILE_KEY, 0); } - public TerminalNode FLOAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FLOAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode IMMEDIATE() { return getToken(OBParser.IMMEDIATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INCREMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.INCREMENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode INITIAL_() { return getToken(OBParser.INITIAL_, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTEGER() { return getToken(OBParser.INTEGER, 0); } - public TerminalNode LONG() { return getToken(OBParser.LONG, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAXEXTENTS() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXEXTENTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode MODIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.MODIFY, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOAUDIT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOAUDIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOTFOUND() { return getToken(OBParser.NOTFOUND, 0); } - public TerminalNode NUMBER() { return getToken(OBParser.NUMBER, 0); } - public TerminalNode OFFLINE() { return getToken(OBParser.OFFLINE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ONLINE() { return getToken(OBParser.ONLINE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PCTFREE() { return getToken(OBParser.PCTFREE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRIVILEGES() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIVILEGES, 0); } - public TerminalNode RAW() { return getToken(OBParser.RAW, 0); } - public TerminalNode RENAME() { return getToken(OBParser.RENAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROW() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROWLABEL() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWLABEL, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWS, 0); } - public TerminalNode SESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION, 0); } - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public TerminalNode SMALLINT() { return getToken(OBParser.SMALLINT, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUCCESSFUL() { return getToken(OBParser.SUCCESSFUL, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYNONYM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYNONYM, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRIGGER() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIGGER, 0); } - public TerminalNode VALIDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.VALIDATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode VARCHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.VARCHAR, 0); } - public TerminalNode VARCHAR2() { return getToken(OBParser.VARCHAR2, 0); } - public TerminalNode WHENEVER() { return getToken(OBParser.WHENEVER, 0); } - public TerminalNode DUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DUAL, 0); } - public Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_oracle_pl_non_reserved_words; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOracle_pl_non_reserved_words(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOracle_pl_non_reserved_words(this); - } - } - - public final Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext oracle_pl_non_reserved_words() throws RecognitionException { - Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext _localctx = new Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 22, RULE_oracle_pl_non_reserved_words); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(1967); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(((((_la - 60)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 60)) & ((1L << (ACCESS - 60)) | (1L << (ADD - 60)) | (1L << (AUDIT - 60)) | (1L << (CHAR - 60)) | (1L << (COLUMN - 60)) | (1L << (COMMENT - 60)) | (1L << (CURRENT - 60)) | (1L << (DATE - 60)) | (1L << (DECIMAL - 60)) | (1L << (FILE_KEY - 60)) | (1L << (FLOAT - 60)) | (1L << (IMMEDIATE - 60)) | (1L << (INCREMENT - 60)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 125)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 125)) & ((1L << (INITIAL_ - 125)) | (1L << (INTEGER - 125)) | (1L << (LONG - 125)) | (1L << (MAXEXTENTS - 125)) | (1L << (MODIFY - 125)) | (1L << (NOAUDIT - 125)) | (1L << (NOTFOUND - 125)) | (1L << (NUMBER - 125)) | (1L << (OFFLINE - 125)) | (1L << (ONLINE - 125)) | (1L << (PCTFREE - 125)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGES - 125)) | (1L << (RAW - 125)) | (1L << (RENAME - 125)) | (1L << (ROW - 125)) | (1L << (ROWLABEL - 125)) | (1L << (ROWS - 125)) | (1L << (SESSION - 125)) | (1L << (SET - 125)) | (1L << (SMALLINT - 125)) | (1L << (SUCCESSFUL - 125)) | (1L << (SYNONYM - 125)) | (1L << (TRIGGER - 125)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 195)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 195)) & ((1L << (VALIDATE - 195)) | (1L << (VARCHAR - 195)) | (1L << (VARCHAR2 - 195)) | (1L << (WHENEVER - 195)) | (1L << (DUAL - 195)))) != 0)) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Complex_string_literalContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public Complex_string_literalContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_complex_string_literal; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterComplex_string_literal(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitComplex_string_literal(this); - } - } - - public final Complex_string_literalContext complex_string_literal() throws RecognitionException { - Complex_string_literalContext _localctx = new Complex_string_literalContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 24, RULE_complex_string_literal); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(1969); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Js_literalContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public LiteralContext literal() { - return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); - } - public Js_literalContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_literal; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_literal(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_literal(this); - } - } - - public final Js_literalContext js_literal() throws RecognitionException { - Js_literalContext _localctx = new Js_literalContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 26, RULE_js_literal); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(1971); - literal(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class LiteralContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Complex_string_literalContext complex_string_literal() { - return getRuleContext(Complex_string_literalContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode DATE_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATE_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIMESTAMP_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMESTAMP_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode APPROXNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROXNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode DECIMAL_VAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL_VAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTERVAL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.INTERVAL_VALUE, 0); } - public LiteralContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_literal; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLiteral(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLiteral(this); - } - } - - public final LiteralContext literal() throws RecognitionException { - LiteralContext _localctx = new LiteralContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 28, RULE_literal); - try { - setState(1981); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case STRING_VALUE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(1973); - complex_string_literal(); - } - break; - case DATE_VALUE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(1974); - match(DATE_VALUE); - } - break; - case TIMESTAMP_VALUE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(1975); - match(TIMESTAMP_VALUE); - } - break; - case INTNUM: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(1976); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case APPROXNUM: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(1977); - match(APPROXNUM); - } - break; - case DECIMAL_VAL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(1978); - match(DECIMAL_VAL); - } - break; - case NULLX: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(1979); - match(NULLX); - } - break; - case INTERVAL_VALUE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(1980); - match(INTERVAL_VALUE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Number_literalContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode DECIMAL_VAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL_VAL, 0); } - public Number_literalContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_number_literal; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNumber_literal(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNumber_literal(this); - } - } - - public final Number_literalContext number_literal() throws RecognitionException { - Number_literalContext _localctx = new Number_literalContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 30, RULE_number_literal); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(1983); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==INTNUM || _la==DECIMAL_VAL) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Expr_constContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public LiteralContext literal() { - return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode SYSTEM_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM_VARIABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode QUESTIONMARK() { return getToken(OBParser.QUESTIONMARK, 0); } - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode GLOBAL_ALIAS() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL_ALIAS, 0); } - public TerminalNode SESSION_ALIAS() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION_ALIAS, 0); } - public Expr_constContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_expr_const; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExpr_const(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExpr_const(this); - } - } - - public final Expr_constContext expr_const() throws RecognitionException { - Expr_constContext _localctx = new Expr_constContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 32, RULE_expr_const); - int _la; - try { - setState(1991); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NULLX: - case TIMESTAMP_VALUE: - case APPROXNUM: - case INTNUM: - case DECIMAL_VAL: - case DATE_VALUE: - case INTERVAL_VALUE: - case STRING_VALUE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(1985); - literal(); - } - break; - case SYSTEM_VARIABLE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(1986); - match(SYSTEM_VARIABLE); - } - break; - case QUESTIONMARK: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(1987); - match(QUESTIONMARK); - } - break; - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(1988); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==GLOBAL_ALIAS || _la==SESSION_ALIAS) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(1989); - match(Dot); - setState(1990); - column_name(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Conf_constContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATE_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATE_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIMESTAMP_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMESTAMP_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode Minus() { return getToken(OBParser.Minus, 0); } - public TerminalNode APPROXNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROXNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode DECIMAL_VAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL_VAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode BOOL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYSTEM_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM_VARIABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode GLOBAL_ALIAS() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL_ALIAS, 0); } - public TerminalNode SESSION_ALIAS() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION_ALIAS, 0); } - public Conf_constContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_conf_const; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterConf_const(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitConf_const(this); - } - } - - public final Conf_constContext conf_const() throws RecognitionException { - Conf_constContext _localctx = new Conf_constContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 34, RULE_conf_const); - int _la; - try { - setState(2011); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,14,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(1993); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(1994); - match(DATE_VALUE); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(1995); - match(TIMESTAMP_VALUE); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(1997); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Minus) { - { - setState(1996); - match(Minus); - } - } - - setState(1999); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(2000); - match(APPROXNUM); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(2002); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Minus) { - { - setState(2001); - match(Minus); - } - } - - setState(2004); - match(DECIMAL_VAL); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(2005); - match(BOOL_VALUE); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(2006); - match(NULLX); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(2007); - match(SYSTEM_VARIABLE); - } - break; - case 10: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(2008); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==GLOBAL_ALIAS || _la==SESSION_ALIAS) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(2009); - match(Dot); - setState(2010); - column_name(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Bool_priContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List bit_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode IS() { return getToken(OBParser.IS, 0); } - public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } - public Is_nan_inf_valueContext is_nan_inf_value() { - return getRuleContext(Is_nan_inf_valueContext.class,0); - } - public NotContext not() { - return getRuleContext(NotContext.class,0); - } - public Is_json_constrainContext is_json_constrain() { - return getRuleContext(Is_json_constrainContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } - public TerminalNode FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FORMAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode SOME() { return getToken(OBParser.SOME, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_LE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_LE, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_LT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_LT, 0); } - public Sub_query_flagContext sub_query_flag() { - return getRuleContext(Sub_query_flagContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COMP_GE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_GE, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_GT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_GT, 0); } - public TerminalNode Caret() { return getToken(OBParser.Caret, 0); } - public TerminalNode Not() { return getToken(OBParser.Not, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_NSEQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_NSEQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_NE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_NE, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_NE_PL() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_NE_PL, 0); } - public PredicateContext predicate() { - return getRuleContext(PredicateContext.class,0); - } - public Bool_priContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_bool_pri; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterBool_pri(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitBool_pri(this); - } - } - - public final Bool_priContext bool_pri() throws RecognitionException { - Bool_priContext _localctx = new Bool_priContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 36, RULE_bool_pri); - int _la; - try { - setState(2094); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,36,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2013); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2014); - match(IS); - setState(2016); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==NOT) { - { - setState(2015); - not(); - } - } - - setState(2020); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NULLX: - { - setState(2018); - match(NULLX); - } - break; - case NAN_VALUE: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - { - setState(2019); - is_nan_inf_value(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(2022); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2023); - match(IS); - setState(2025); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==NOT) { - { - setState(2024); - match(NOT); - } - } - - setState(2029); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,18,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2027); - match(JSON); - setState(2028); - match(FORMAT); - } - break; - } - setState(2031); - is_json_constrain(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(2033); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2089); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,35,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2062); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,27,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2041); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case COMP_EQ: - case COMP_NSEQ: - { - setState(2037); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case COMP_EQ: - { - setState(2034); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(2035); - match(SOME); - } - break; - case COMP_NSEQ: - { - setState(2036); - match(COMP_NSEQ); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case COMP_LE: - case COMP_LT: - { - setState(2039); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==COMP_LE || _la==COMP_LT) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(2040); - match(SOME); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(2057); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case COMP_EQ: - case COMP_GT: - case COMP_GE: - { - setState(2048); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case COMP_GE: - { - setState(2043); - match(COMP_GE); - } - break; - case COMP_EQ: - case COMP_GT: - { - setState(2045); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_GT) { - { - setState(2044); - match(COMP_GT); - } - } - - setState(2047); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case COMP_LE: - case COMP_LT: - { - setState(2055); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case COMP_LE: - { - setState(2050); - match(COMP_LE); - } - break; - case COMP_LT: - { - setState(2051); - match(COMP_LT); - setState(2053); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,23,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2052); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - break; - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(2060); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,26,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2059); - sub_query_flag(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(2087); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,34,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2071); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case COMP_GT: - case COMP_GE: - { - setState(2064); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==COMP_GT || _la==COMP_GE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(2065); - match(SOME); - } - break; - case COMP_NE: - case COMP_NE_PL: - { - setState(2069); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case COMP_NE: - { - setState(2066); - match(COMP_NE); - setState(2067); - match(SOME); - } - break; - case COMP_NE_PL: - { - setState(2068); - match(COMP_NE_PL); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(2082); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case COMP_GT: - case COMP_LT: - case COMP_NE: - { - setState(2078); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case COMP_GT: - case COMP_LT: - { - setState(2074); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_LT) { - { - setState(2073); - match(COMP_LT); - } - } - - setState(2076); - match(COMP_GT); - } - break; - case COMP_NE: - { - setState(2077); - match(COMP_NE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case Not: - case Caret: - { - setState(2080); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==Not || _la==Caret) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(2081); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(2085); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,33,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2084); - sub_query_flag(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - setState(2091); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(2093); - predicate(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Is_json_constrainContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } - public Unique_keys_optContext unique_keys_opt() { - return getRuleContext(Unique_keys_optContext.class,0); - } - public Strict_optContext strict_opt() { - return getRuleContext(Strict_optContext.class,0); - } - public Scalars_optContext scalars_opt() { - return getRuleContext(Scalars_optContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Is_json_constrainContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_is_json_constrain; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterIs_json_constrain(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitIs_json_constrain(this); - } - } - - public final Is_json_constrainContext is_json_constrain() throws RecognitionException { - Is_json_constrainContext _localctx = new Is_json_constrainContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 38, RULE_is_json_constrain); - int _la; - try { - setState(2190); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,52,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2096); - match(JSON); - setState(2098); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,37,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2097); - strict_opt(); - } - break; - } - setState(2110); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,41,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2104); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,39,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2100); - scalars_opt(); - setState(2102); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,38,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2101); - unique_keys_opt(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(2106); - unique_keys_opt(); - setState(2108); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,40,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2107); - scalars_opt(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(2112); - match(JSON); - setState(2113); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2114); - strict_opt(); - setState(2116); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ALLOW || _la==DISALLOW) { - { - setState(2115); - scalars_opt(); - } - } - - setState(2119); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH || _la==WITHOUT) { - { - setState(2118); - unique_keys_opt(); - } - } - - setState(2121); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(2123); - match(JSON); - setState(2124); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2126); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==STRICT || _la==LAX) { - { - setState(2125); - strict_opt(); - } - } - - setState(2128); - unique_keys_opt(); - setState(2129); - scalars_opt(); - setState(2130); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(2132); - match(JSON); - setState(2133); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2134); - scalars_opt(); - setState(2136); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==STRICT || _la==LAX) { - { - setState(2135); - strict_opt(); - } - } - - setState(2139); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH || _la==WITHOUT) { - { - setState(2138); - unique_keys_opt(); - } - } - - setState(2141); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(2143); - match(JSON); - setState(2144); - scalars_opt(); - setState(2145); - strict_opt(); - setState(2147); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,47,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2146); - unique_keys_opt(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(2149); - match(JSON); - setState(2151); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ALLOW || _la==DISALLOW) { - { - setState(2150); - scalars_opt(); - } - } - - setState(2153); - unique_keys_opt(); - setState(2154); - strict_opt(); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(2156); - match(JSON); - setState(2157); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2159); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ALLOW || _la==DISALLOW) { - { - setState(2158); - scalars_opt(); - } - } - - setState(2161); - unique_keys_opt(); - setState(2162); - strict_opt(); - setState(2163); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(2165); - match(JSON); - setState(2166); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2167); - unique_keys_opt(); - setState(2176); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case STRICT: - case LAX: - case RightParen: - { - setState(2171); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==STRICT || _la==LAX) { - { - setState(2168); - strict_opt(); - setState(2169); - scalars_opt(); - } - } - - } - break; - case ALLOW: - case DISALLOW: - { - setState(2173); - scalars_opt(); - setState(2174); - strict_opt(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(2178); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(2180); - match(JSON); - setState(2181); - unique_keys_opt(); - setState(2182); - strict_opt(); - setState(2183); - scalars_opt(); - } - break; - case 10: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(2185); - match(JSON); - setState(2186); - unique_keys_opt(); - setState(2187); - scalars_opt(); - setState(2188); - strict_opt(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Strict_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LAX() { return getToken(OBParser.LAX, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRICT() { return getToken(OBParser.STRICT, 0); } - public Strict_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_strict_opt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterStrict_opt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitStrict_opt(this); - } - } - - public final Strict_optContext strict_opt() throws RecognitionException { - Strict_optContext _localctx = new Strict_optContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 40, RULE_strict_opt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2192); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==STRICT || _la==LAX) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Scalars_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALLOW() { return getToken(OBParser.ALLOW, 0); } - public TerminalNode SCALARS() { return getToken(OBParser.SCALARS, 0); } - public TerminalNode DISALLOW() { return getToken(OBParser.DISALLOW, 0); } - public Scalars_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_scalars_opt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterScalars_opt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitScalars_opt(this); - } - } - - public final Scalars_optContext scalars_opt() throws RecognitionException { - Scalars_optContext _localctx = new Scalars_optContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 42, RULE_scalars_opt); - try { - setState(2198); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ALLOW: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2194); - match(ALLOW); - setState(2195); - match(SCALARS); - } - break; - case DISALLOW: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(2196); - match(DISALLOW); - setState(2197); - match(SCALARS); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Unique_keys_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEYS() { return getToken(OBParser.KEYS, 0); } - public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } - public TerminalNode WITHOUT() { return getToken(OBParser.WITHOUT, 0); } - public Unique_keys_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unique_keys_opt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUnique_keys_opt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUnique_keys_opt(this); - } - } - - public final Unique_keys_optContext unique_keys_opt() throws RecognitionException { - Unique_keys_optContext _localctx = new Unique_keys_optContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 44, RULE_unique_keys_opt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2200); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==WITH || _la==WITHOUT) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(2201); - match(UNIQUE); - setState(2202); - match(KEYS); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_equal_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public List ERROR_P() { return getTokens(OBParser.ERROR_P); } - public TerminalNode ERROR_P(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, i); - } - public TerminalNode BOOL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL_VALUE, 0); } - public Json_equal_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_equal_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_equal_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_equal_option(this); - } - } - - public final Json_equal_optionContext json_equal_option() throws RecognitionException { - Json_equal_optionContext _localctx = new Json_equal_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 46, RULE_json_equal_option); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2204); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ERROR_P || _la==BOOL_VALUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(2205); - match(ON); - setState(2206); - match(ERROR_P); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class PredicateContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LNNVL() { return getToken(OBParser.LNNVL, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Bool_priContext bool_pri() { - return getRuleContext(Bool_priContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public List bit_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode IN() { return getToken(OBParser.IN, 0); } - public In_exprContext in_expr() { - return getRuleContext(In_exprContext.class,0); - } - public NotContext not() { - return getRuleContext(NotContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode BETWEEN() { return getToken(OBParser.BETWEEN, 0); } - public TerminalNode AND() { return getToken(OBParser.AND, 0); } - public TerminalNode LIKE() { return getToken(OBParser.LIKE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ESCAPE() { return getToken(OBParser.ESCAPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGEXP_LIKE() { return getToken(OBParser.REGEXP_LIKE, 0); } - public Substr_paramsContext substr_params() { - return getRuleContext(Substr_paramsContext.class,0); - } - public Exists_function_nameContext exists_function_name() { - return getRuleContext(Exists_function_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { - return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); - } - public Collection_predicate_exprContext collection_predicate_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Collection_predicate_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Updating_funcContext updating_func() { - return getRuleContext(Updating_funcContext.class,0); - } - public PredicateContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_predicate; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPredicate(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPredicate(this); - } - } - - public final PredicateContext predicate() throws RecognitionException { - PredicateContext _localctx = new PredicateContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 48, RULE_predicate); - int _la; - try { - setState(2249); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,58,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2208); - match(LNNVL); - setState(2209); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2210); - bool_pri(); - setState(2211); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(2213); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2215); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==NOT) { - { - setState(2214); - not(); - } - } - - setState(2217); - match(IN); - setState(2218); - in_expr(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(2220); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2222); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==NOT) { - { - setState(2221); - not(); - } - } - - setState(2224); - match(BETWEEN); - setState(2225); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2226); - match(AND); - setState(2227); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(2229); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2231); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==NOT) { - { - setState(2230); - not(); - } - } - - setState(2233); - match(LIKE); - setState(2234); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2237); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,57,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2235); - match(ESCAPE); - setState(2236); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(2239); - match(REGEXP_LIKE); - setState(2240); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2241); - substr_params(); - setState(2242); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(2244); - exists_function_name(); - setState(2245); - select_with_parens(); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(2247); - collection_predicate_expr(); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(2248); - updating_func(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Collection_predicate_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List bit_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode MEMBER() { return getToken(OBParser.MEMBER, 0); } - public TerminalNode OF() { return getToken(OBParser.OF, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUBMULTISET() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBMULTISET, 0); } - public TerminalNode IS() { return getToken(OBParser.IS, 0); } - public TerminalNode A_() { return getToken(OBParser.A_, 0); } - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public TerminalNode EMPTY() { return getToken(OBParser.EMPTY, 0); } - public Collection_predicate_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_collection_predicate_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCollection_predicate_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCollection_predicate_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Collection_predicate_exprContext collection_predicate_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Collection_predicate_exprContext _localctx = new Collection_predicate_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 50, RULE_collection_predicate_expr); - try { - setState(2301); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,63,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2251); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2252); - match(MEMBER); - setState(2254); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,59,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2253); - match(OF); - } - break; - } - setState(2256); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(2258); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2259); - match(NOT); - setState(2260); - match(MEMBER); - setState(2262); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,60,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2261); - match(OF); - } - break; - } - setState(2264); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(2266); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2267); - match(SUBMULTISET); - setState(2269); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,61,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2268); - match(OF); - } - break; - } - setState(2271); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(2273); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2274); - match(NOT); - setState(2275); - match(SUBMULTISET); - setState(2277); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,62,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2276); - match(OF); - } - break; - } - setState(2279); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(2281); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2282); - match(IS); - setState(2283); - match(A_); - setState(2284); - match(SET); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(2286); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2287); - match(IS); - setState(2288); - match(NOT); - setState(2289); - match(A_); - setState(2290); - match(SET); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(2292); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2293); - match(IS); - setState(2294); - match(EMPTY); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(2296); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2297); - match(IS); - setState(2298); - match(NOT); - setState(2299); - match(EMPTY); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Bit_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Unary_exprContext unary_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Unary_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode BOOL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL_VALUE, 0); } - public List bit_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode Plus() { return getToken(OBParser.Plus, 0); } - public TerminalNode Minus() { return getToken(OBParser.Minus, 0); } - public TerminalNode Star() { return getToken(OBParser.Star, 0); } - public TerminalNode Div() { return getToken(OBParser.Div, 0); } - public TerminalNode CNNOP() { return getToken(OBParser.CNNOP, 0); } - public TerminalNode AT() { return getToken(OBParser.AT, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.TIME, 0); } - public TerminalNode ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MULTISET_OP() { return getToken(OBParser.MULTISET_OP, 0); } - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public TerminalNode DISTINCT() { return getToken(OBParser.DISTINCT, 0); } - public TerminalNode POW_PL() { return getToken(OBParser.POW_PL, 0); } - public TerminalNode MOD() { return getToken(OBParser.MOD, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOCAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCAL, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_bit_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterBit_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitBit_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Bit_exprContext bit_expr() throws RecognitionException { - return bit_expr(0); - } - - private Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Bit_exprContext _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Bit_exprContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 52; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 52, RULE_bit_expr, _p); - int _la; - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2306); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,64,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2304); - unary_expr(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(2305); - match(BOOL_VALUE); - } - break; - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(2345); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,67,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - setState(2343); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,66,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bit_expr); - setState(2308); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 12))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 12)"); - setState(2309); - match(Plus); - setState(2310); - bit_expr(13); - } - break; - case 2: - { - _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bit_expr); - setState(2311); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 11))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 11)"); - setState(2312); - match(Minus); - setState(2313); - bit_expr(12); - } - break; - case 3: - { - _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bit_expr); - setState(2314); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 10))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 10)"); - setState(2315); - match(Star); - setState(2316); - bit_expr(11); - } - break; - case 4: - { - _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bit_expr); - setState(2317); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 9))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 9)"); - setState(2318); - match(Div); - setState(2319); - bit_expr(10); - } - break; - case 5: - { - _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bit_expr); - setState(2320); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 8))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 8)"); - setState(2321); - match(CNNOP); - setState(2322); - bit_expr(9); - } - break; - case 6: - { - _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bit_expr); - setState(2323); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 7))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 7)"); - setState(2324); - match(AT); - setState(2325); - match(TIME); - setState(2326); - match(ZONE); - setState(2327); - bit_expr(8); - } - break; - case 7: - { - _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bit_expr); - setState(2328); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 5))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 5)"); - setState(2329); - match(MULTISET_OP); - setState(2331); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,65,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2330); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(2333); - bit_expr(6); - } - break; - case 8: - { - _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bit_expr); - setState(2334); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 4))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 4)"); - setState(2335); - match(POW_PL); - setState(2336); - bit_expr(5); - } - break; - case 9: - { - _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bit_expr); - setState(2337); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 3))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 3)"); - setState(2338); - match(MOD); - setState(2339); - bit_expr(4); - } - break; - case 10: - { - _localctx = new Bit_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bit_expr); - setState(2340); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 6))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 6)"); - setState(2341); - match(AT); - setState(2342); - match(LOCAL); - } - break; - } - } - } - setState(2347); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,67,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Conf_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Unary_exprContext unary_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Unary_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode BOOL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL_VALUE, 0); } - public List conf_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Conf_exprContext.class); - } - public Conf_exprContext conf_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Conf_exprContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode CNNOP() { return getToken(OBParser.CNNOP, 0); } - public TerminalNode Div() { return getToken(OBParser.Div, 0); } - public TerminalNode MOD() { return getToken(OBParser.MOD, 0); } - public TerminalNode Minus() { return getToken(OBParser.Minus, 0); } - public TerminalNode Plus() { return getToken(OBParser.Plus, 0); } - public TerminalNode Star() { return getToken(OBParser.Star, 0); } - public Conf_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_conf_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterConf_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitConf_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Conf_exprContext conf_expr() throws RecognitionException { - return conf_expr(0); - } - - private Conf_exprContext conf_expr(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Conf_exprContext _localctx = new Conf_exprContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Conf_exprContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 54; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 54, RULE_conf_expr, _p); - int _la; - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2351); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,68,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2349); - unary_expr(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(2350); - match(BOOL_VALUE); - } - break; - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(2358); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,69,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - { - _localctx = new Conf_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_conf_expr); - setState(2353); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); - setState(2354); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==MOD || ((((_la - 1265)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1265)) & ((1L << (Plus - 1265)) | (1L << (Star - 1265)) | (1L << (Minus - 1265)) | (1L << (Div - 1265)) | (1L << (CNNOP - 1265)))) != 0)) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(2355); - conf_expr(2); - } - } - } - setState(2360); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,69,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Is_nan_inf_valueContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NAN_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.NAN_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INFINITE_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.INFINITE_VALUE, 0); } - public Is_nan_inf_valueContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_is_nan_inf_value; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterIs_nan_inf_value(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitIs_nan_inf_value(this); - } - } - - public final Is_nan_inf_valueContext is_nan_inf_value() throws RecognitionException { - Is_nan_inf_valueContext _localctx = new Is_nan_inf_valueContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 56, RULE_is_nan_inf_value); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2361); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==NAN_VALUE || _la==INFINITE_VALUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Unary_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Simple_exprContext simple_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Simple_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Plus() { return getToken(OBParser.Plus, 0); } - public TerminalNode Minus() { return getToken(OBParser.Minus, 0); } - public Unary_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unary_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUnary_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUnary_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Unary_exprContext unary_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Unary_exprContext _localctx = new Unary_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 58, RULE_unary_expr); - try { - setState(2369); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,71,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2364); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,70,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2363); - match(Plus); - } - break; - } - setState(2366); - simple_expr(0); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(2367); - match(Minus); - setState(2368); - simple_expr(0); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Simple_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Obj_access_refContext obj_access_ref() { - return getRuleContext(Obj_access_refContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL, 0); } - public Expr_constContext expr_const() { - return getRuleContext(Expr_constContext.class,0); - } - public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { - return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode CURSOR() { return getToken(OBParser.CURSOR, 0); } - public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); - } - public Select_stmtContext select_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Select_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } - public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Expr_listContext expr_list() { - return getRuleContext(Expr_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public TerminalNode MATCH() { return getToken(OBParser.MATCH, 0); } - public Column_listContext column_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode AGAINST() { return getToken(OBParser.AGAINST, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode IN() { return getToken(OBParser.IN, 0); } - public TerminalNode NATURAL() { return getToken(OBParser.NATURAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode LANGUAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.LANGUAGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MODE() { return getToken(OBParser.MODE, 0); } - public TerminalNode BOOLEAN() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOLEAN, 0); } - public Case_exprContext case_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Case_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Sql_functionContext sql_function() { - return getRuleContext(Sql_functionContext.class,0); - } - public Cursor_attribute_exprContext cursor_attribute_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Cursor_attribute_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Window_functionContext window_function() { - return getRuleContext(Window_functionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PLSQL_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.PLSQL_VARIABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRIOR() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIOR, 0); } - public Unary_exprContext unary_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Unary_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode CONNECT_BY_ROOT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECT_BY_ROOT, 0); } - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public TerminalNode MULTISET() { return getToken(OBParser.MULTISET, 0); } - public List column_ref() { - return getRuleContexts(Column_refContext.class); - } - public Column_refContext column_ref(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Column_refContext.class,i); - } - public List Dot() { return getTokens(OBParser.Dot); } - public TerminalNode Dot(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Dot, i); - } - public Dblink_func_exprContext dblink_func_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Dblink_func_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode QUESTIONMARK() { return getToken(OBParser.QUESTIONMARK, 0); } - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Simple_exprContext simple_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Simple_exprContext.class,0); - } - public CollationContext collation() { - return getRuleContext(CollationContext.class,0); - } - public Simple_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_simple_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSimple_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSimple_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Simple_exprContext simple_expr() throws RecognitionException { - return simple_expr(0); - } - - private Simple_exprContext simple_expr(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Simple_exprContext _localctx = new Simple_exprContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Simple_exprContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 60; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 60, RULE_simple_expr, _p); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2445); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,73,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2372); - obj_access_ref(); - setState(2373); - match(COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(2375); - expr_const(); - } - break; - case 3: - { - setState(2376); - select_with_parens(); - } - break; - case 4: - { - setState(2377); - match(CURSOR); - setState(2378); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2379); - select_stmt(); - setState(2380); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 5: - { - setState(2382); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2383); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2384); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 6: - { - setState(2386); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2387); - expr_list(); - setState(2388); - match(Comma); - setState(2389); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2390); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 7: - { - setState(2392); - match(MATCH); - setState(2393); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2394); - column_list(); - setState(2395); - match(RightParen); - setState(2396); - match(AGAINST); - setState(2397); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2398); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(2406); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,72,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(2399); - match(IN); - setState(2400); - match(NATURAL); - setState(2401); - match(LANGUAGE); - setState(2402); - match(MODE); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(2403); - match(IN); - setState(2404); - match(BOOLEAN); - setState(2405); - match(MODE); - } - } - break; - } - setState(2408); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 8: - { - setState(2410); - case_expr(); - } - break; - case 9: - { - setState(2411); - obj_access_ref(); - } - break; - case 10: - { - setState(2412); - sql_function(); - } - break; - case 11: - { - setState(2413); - cursor_attribute_expr(); - } - break; - case 12: - { - setState(2414); - window_function(); - } - break; - case 13: - { - setState(2415); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - } - break; - case 14: - { - setState(2416); - match(PLSQL_VARIABLE); - } - break; - case 15: - { - setState(2417); - match(PRIOR); - setState(2418); - unary_expr(); - } - break; - case 16: - { - setState(2419); - match(CONNECT_BY_ROOT); - setState(2420); - unary_expr(); - } - break; - case 17: - { - setState(2421); - match(SET); - setState(2422); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2423); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2424); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 18: - { - setState(2426); - match(MULTISET); - setState(2427); - select_with_parens(); - } - break; - case 19: - { - setState(2428); - column_ref(); - setState(2429); - match(Dot); - setState(2430); - column_ref(); - setState(2431); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - } - break; - case 20: - { - setState(2433); - column_ref(); - setState(2434); - match(Dot); - setState(2435); - column_ref(); - setState(2436); - match(Dot); - setState(2437); - column_ref(); - setState(2438); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - } - break; - case 21: - { - setState(2440); - dblink_func_expr(); - } - break; - case 22: - { - setState(2441); - if (!(this.is_pl_parse_)) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "this.is_pl_parse_"); - setState(2442); - match(QUESTIONMARK); - setState(2443); - match(Dot); - setState(2444); - column_name(); - } - break; - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(2451); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,74,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - { - _localctx = new Simple_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_simple_expr); - setState(2447); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 23))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 23)"); - setState(2448); - collation(); - } - } - } - setState(2453); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,74,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Json_value_exprContext json_value_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Json_value_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Json_query_exprContext json_query_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Json_query_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Json_mergepatch_exprContext json_mergepatch_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Json_mergepatch_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Json_array_exprContext json_array_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Json_array_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Json_exists_exprContext json_exists_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Json_exists_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Json_object_exprContext json_object_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Json_object_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Json_table_exprContext json_table_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Json_table_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Json_equal_exprContext json_equal_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Json_equal_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Json_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_function; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_function(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_function(this); - } - } - - public final Json_functionContext json_function() throws RecognitionException { - Json_functionContext _localctx = new Json_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 62, RULE_json_function); - try { - setState(2462); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,75,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2454); - json_value_expr(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(2455); - json_query_expr(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(2456); - json_mergepatch_expr(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(2457); - json_array_expr(); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(2458); - json_exists_expr(); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(2459); - json_object_expr(); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(2460); - json_table_expr(); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(2461); - json_equal_expr(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Gis_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Spatial_cellid_exprContext spatial_cellid_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Spatial_cellid_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Spatial_mbr_exprContext spatial_mbr_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Spatial_mbr_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Sdo_relate_exprContext sdo_relate_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Sdo_relate_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Gis_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_gis_function; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGis_function(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGis_function(this); - } - } - - public final Gis_functionContext gis_function() throws RecognitionException { - Gis_functionContext _localctx = new Gis_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 64, RULE_gis_function); - try { - setState(2467); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2464); - spatial_cellid_expr(); - } - break; - case SPATIAL_MBR: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(2465); - spatial_mbr_expr(); - } - break; - case SDO_RELATE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(2466); - sdo_relate_expr(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Spatial_cellid_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SPATIAL_CELLID() { return getToken(OBParser.SPATIAL_CELLID, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Spatial_cellid_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_spatial_cellid_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSpatial_cellid_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSpatial_cellid_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Spatial_cellid_exprContext spatial_cellid_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Spatial_cellid_exprContext _localctx = new Spatial_cellid_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 66, RULE_spatial_cellid_expr); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2469); - match(SPATIAL_CELLID); - setState(2470); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2471); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2472); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Spatial_mbr_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SPATIAL_MBR() { return getToken(OBParser.SPATIAL_MBR, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Spatial_mbr_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_spatial_mbr_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSpatial_mbr_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSpatial_mbr_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Spatial_mbr_exprContext spatial_mbr_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Spatial_mbr_exprContext _localctx = new Spatial_mbr_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 68, RULE_spatial_mbr_expr); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2474); - match(SPATIAL_MBR); - setState(2475); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2476); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2477); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Sdo_relate_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SDO_RELATE() { return getToken(OBParser.SDO_RELATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public List bit_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Sdo_relate_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sdo_relate_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSdo_relate_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSdo_relate_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Sdo_relate_exprContext sdo_relate_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Sdo_relate_exprContext _localctx = new Sdo_relate_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 70, RULE_sdo_relate_expr); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2479); - match(SDO_RELATE); - setState(2480); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2481); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2482); - match(Comma); - setState(2483); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2484); - match(Comma); - setState(2485); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2486); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Common_cursor_attributeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ISOPEN() { return getToken(OBParser.ISOPEN, 0); } - public TerminalNode FOUND() { return getToken(OBParser.FOUND, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOTFOUND() { return getToken(OBParser.NOTFOUND, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROWCOUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWCOUNT, 0); } - public Common_cursor_attributeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_common_cursor_attribute; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCommon_cursor_attribute(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCommon_cursor_attribute(this); - } - } - - public final Common_cursor_attributeContext common_cursor_attribute() throws RecognitionException { - Common_cursor_attributeContext _localctx = new Common_cursor_attributeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 72, RULE_common_cursor_attribute); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2488); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==NOTFOUND || _la==ISOPEN || _la==ROWCOUNT || _la==FOUND) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode BULK_ROWCOUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.BULK_ROWCOUNT, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount(this); - } - } - - public final Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount() throws RecognitionException { - Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext _localctx = new Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 74, RULE_cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2490); - match(BULK_ROWCOUNT); - setState(2491); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2492); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2493); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode BULK_EXCEPTIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.BULK_EXCEPTIONS, 0); } - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public TerminalNode COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.COUNT, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode ERROR_CODE() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_CODE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ERROR_INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_INDEX, 0); } - public Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions(this); - } - } - - public final Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions() throws RecognitionException { - Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext _localctx = new Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 76, RULE_cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions); - int _la; - try { - setState(2505); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,77,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2495); - match(BULK_EXCEPTIONS); - setState(2496); - match(Dot); - setState(2497); - match(COUNT); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(2498); - match(BULK_EXCEPTIONS); - setState(2499); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2500); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2501); - match(RightParen); - setState(2502); - match(Dot); - setState(2503); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ERROR_INDEX || _la==ERROR_CODE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Implicit_cursor_attributeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SQL() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL, 0); } - public TerminalNode Mod() { return getToken(OBParser.Mod, 0); } - public Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions() { - return getRuleContext(Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext.class,0); - } - public Common_cursor_attributeContext common_cursor_attribute() { - return getRuleContext(Common_cursor_attributeContext.class,0); - } - public Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount() { - return getRuleContext(Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext.class,0); - } - public Implicit_cursor_attributeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_implicit_cursor_attribute; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterImplicit_cursor_attribute(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitImplicit_cursor_attribute(this); - } - } - - public final Implicit_cursor_attributeContext implicit_cursor_attribute() throws RecognitionException { - Implicit_cursor_attributeContext _localctx = new Implicit_cursor_attributeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 78, RULE_implicit_cursor_attribute); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2507); - match(SQL); - setState(2508); - match(Mod); - setState(2514); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NOTFOUND: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case FOUND: - { - setState(2511); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NOTFOUND: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case FOUND: - { - setState(2509); - common_cursor_attribute(); - } - break; - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - { - setState(2510); - cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - { - setState(2513); - cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Explicit_cursor_attributeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Obj_access_refContext obj_access_ref() { - return getRuleContext(Obj_access_refContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Mod() { return getToken(OBParser.Mod, 0); } - public Common_cursor_attributeContext common_cursor_attribute() { - return getRuleContext(Common_cursor_attributeContext.class,0); - } - public Explicit_cursor_attributeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_explicit_cursor_attribute; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExplicit_cursor_attribute(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExplicit_cursor_attribute(this); - } - } - - public final Explicit_cursor_attributeContext explicit_cursor_attribute() throws RecognitionException { - Explicit_cursor_attributeContext _localctx = new Explicit_cursor_attributeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 80, RULE_explicit_cursor_attribute); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2516); - obj_access_ref(); - setState(2517); - match(Mod); - setState(2518); - common_cursor_attribute(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Cursor_attribute_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Explicit_cursor_attributeContext explicit_cursor_attribute() { - return getRuleContext(Explicit_cursor_attributeContext.class,0); - } - public Implicit_cursor_attributeContext implicit_cursor_attribute() { - return getRuleContext(Implicit_cursor_attributeContext.class,0); - } - public Cursor_attribute_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cursor_attribute_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCursor_attribute_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCursor_attribute_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Cursor_attribute_exprContext cursor_attribute_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Cursor_attribute_exprContext _localctx = new Cursor_attribute_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 82, RULE_cursor_attribute_expr); - try { - setState(2522); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,80,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2520); - explicit_cursor_attribute(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(2521); - implicit_cursor_attribute(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Obj_access_refContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_refContext column_ref() { - return getRuleContext(Column_refContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public Obj_access_refContext obj_access_ref() { - return getRuleContext(Obj_access_refContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Star() { return getToken(OBParser.Star, 0); } - public Access_func_exprContext access_func_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Access_func_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Func_access_refContext func_access_ref() { - return getRuleContext(Func_access_refContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode QUESTIONMARK() { return getToken(OBParser.QUESTIONMARK, 0); } - public TerminalNode FIRST() { return getToken(OBParser.FIRST, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode LAST() { return getToken(OBParser.LAST, 0); } - public TerminalNode COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.COUNT, 0); } - public Dot_notation_pathContext dot_notation_path() { - return getRuleContext(Dot_notation_pathContext.class,0); - } - public Dot_notation_fun_sysContext dot_notation_fun_sys() { - return getRuleContext(Dot_notation_fun_sysContext.class,0); - } - public Obj_access_refContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_obj_access_ref; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterObj_access_ref(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitObj_access_ref(this); - } - } - - public final Obj_access_refContext obj_access_ref() throws RecognitionException { - Obj_access_refContext _localctx = new Obj_access_refContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 84, RULE_obj_access_ref); - try { - setState(2559); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,83,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2524); - column_ref(); - setState(2529); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,81,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(2525); - match(Dot); - setState(2526); - obj_access_ref(); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(2527); - match(Dot); - setState(2528); - match(Star); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(2531); - access_func_expr(); - setState(2533); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,82,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2532); - func_access_ref(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(2535); - match(QUESTIONMARK); - setState(2536); - func_access_ref(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(2537); - column_ref(); - setState(2538); - match(Dot); - setState(2539); - match(FIRST); - setState(2540); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2541); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(2543); - column_ref(); - setState(2544); - match(Dot); - setState(2545); - match(LAST); - setState(2546); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2547); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(2549); - column_ref(); - setState(2550); - match(Dot); - setState(2551); - match(COUNT); - setState(2552); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2553); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(2555); - column_ref(); - setState(2556); - dot_notation_path(); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(2558); - dot_notation_fun_sys(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Dot_notation_pathContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftBracket() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftBracket, 0); } - public Path_param_arrayContext path_param_array() { - return getRuleContext(Path_param_arrayContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightBracket() { return getToken(OBParser.RightBracket, 0); } - public Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext dot_notation_path_obj_access_ref() { - return getRuleContext(Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext.class,0); - } - public Dot_notation_pathContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dot_notation_path; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDot_notation_path(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDot_notation_path(this); - } - } - - public final Dot_notation_pathContext dot_notation_path() throws RecognitionException { - Dot_notation_pathContext _localctx = new Dot_notation_pathContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 86, RULE_dot_notation_path); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2561); - match(LeftBracket); - setState(2562); - path_param_array(); - setState(2563); - match(RightBracket); - setState(2564); - dot_notation_path_obj_access_ref(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public Obj_access_refContext obj_access_ref() { - return getRuleContext(Obj_access_refContext.class,0); - } - public Dot_notation_pathContext dot_notation_path() { - return getRuleContext(Dot_notation_pathContext.class,0); - } - public Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dot_notation_path_obj_access_ref; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDot_notation_path_obj_access_ref(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDot_notation_path_obj_access_ref(this); - } - } - - public final Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext dot_notation_path_obj_access_ref() throws RecognitionException { - Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext _localctx = new Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 88, RULE_dot_notation_path_obj_access_ref); - try { - setState(2570); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,84,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2566); - empty(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(2567); - match(Dot); - setState(2568); - obj_access_ref(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(2569); - dot_notation_path(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Path_param_arrayContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode Star() { return getToken(OBParser.Star, 0); } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Path_param_listContext path_param_list() { - return getRuleContext(Path_param_listContext.class,0); - } - public Path_param_arrayContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_path_param_array; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPath_param_array(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPath_param_array(this); - } - } - - public final Path_param_arrayContext path_param_array() throws RecognitionException { - Path_param_arrayContext _localctx = new Path_param_arrayContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 90, RULE_path_param_array); - int _la; - try { - setState(2578); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case Star: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2572); - match(Star); - setState(2575); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Comma) { - { - setState(2573); - match(Comma); - setState(2574); - path_param_list(); - } - } - - } - break; - case INTNUM: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(2577); - path_param_list(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Path_param_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List path_param() { - return getRuleContexts(Path_paramContext.class); - } - public Path_paramContext path_param(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Path_paramContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Path_param_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_path_param_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPath_param_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPath_param_list(this); - } - } - - public final Path_param_listContext path_param_list() throws RecognitionException { - Path_param_listContext _localctx = new Path_param_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 92, RULE_path_param_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2580); - path_param(); - setState(2585); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(2581); - match(Comma); - setState(2582); - path_param(); - } - } - setState(2587); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Path_paramContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } - public Path_paramContext path_param() { - return getRuleContext(Path_paramContext.class,0); - } - public Path_paramContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_path_param; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPath_param(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPath_param(this); - } - } - - public final Path_paramContext path_param() throws RecognitionException { - Path_paramContext _localctx = new Path_paramContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 94, RULE_path_param); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2588); - match(INTNUM); - setState(2591); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TO) { - { - setState(2589); - match(TO); - setState(2590); - path_param(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Dot_notation_fun_sysContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Dot_notation_funContext dot_notation_fun() { - return getRuleContext(Dot_notation_funContext.class,0); - } - public Dot_notation_fun_sysContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dot_notation_fun_sys; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDot_notation_fun_sys(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDot_notation_fun_sys(this); - } - } - - public final Dot_notation_fun_sysContext dot_notation_fun_sys() throws RecognitionException { - Dot_notation_fun_sysContext _localctx = new Dot_notation_fun_sysContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 96, RULE_dot_notation_fun_sys); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2593); - dot_notation_fun(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Dot_notation_funContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Token func_name; - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode NUMBER() { return getToken(OBParser.NUMBER, 0); } - public Dot_notation_funContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dot_notation_fun; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDot_notation_fun(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDot_notation_fun(this); - } - } - - public final Dot_notation_funContext dot_notation_fun() throws RecognitionException { - Dot_notation_funContext _localctx = new Dot_notation_funContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 98, RULE_dot_notation_fun); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2595); - ((Dot_notation_funContext)_localctx).func_name = _input.LT(1); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==DATE || _la==NUMBER || _la==SIZE) ) { - ((Dot_notation_funContext)_localctx).func_name = (Token)_errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(2596); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2597); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Obj_access_ref_normalContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Pl_var_nameContext pl_var_name() { - return getRuleContext(Pl_var_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public Obj_access_ref_normalContext obj_access_ref_normal() { - return getRuleContext(Obj_access_ref_normalContext.class,0); - } - public Access_func_expr_countContext access_func_expr_count() { - return getRuleContext(Access_func_expr_countContext.class,0); - } - public Table_element_access_listContext table_element_access_list() { - return getRuleContext(Table_element_access_listContext.class,0); - } - public Var_nameContext var_name() { - return getRuleContext(Var_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Func_param_listContext func_param_list() { - return getRuleContext(Func_param_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PRIOR() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIOR, 0); } - public Exists_function_nameContext exists_function_name() { - return getRuleContext(Exists_function_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Obj_access_ref_normalContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_obj_access_ref_normal; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterObj_access_ref_normal(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitObj_access_ref_normal(this); - } - } - - public final Obj_access_ref_normalContext obj_access_ref_normal() throws RecognitionException { - Obj_access_ref_normalContext _localctx = new Obj_access_ref_normalContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 100, RULE_obj_access_ref_normal); - try { - setState(2643); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,97,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2599); - pl_var_name(); - setState(2602); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,89,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2600); - match(Dot); - setState(2601); - obj_access_ref_normal(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(2604); - access_func_expr_count(); - setState(2608); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,90,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(2605); - match(Dot); - setState(2606); - obj_access_ref_normal(); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(2607); - table_element_access_list(0); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(2610); - var_name(); - setState(2611); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2613); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,91,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2612); - func_param_list(); - } - break; - } - setState(2615); - match(RightParen); - setState(2619); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,92,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(2616); - match(Dot); - setState(2617); - obj_access_ref_normal(); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(2618); - table_element_access_list(0); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(2621); - match(PRIOR); - setState(2622); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2624); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,93,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2623); - func_param_list(); - } - break; - } - setState(2626); - match(RightParen); - setState(2630); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,94,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(2627); - match(Dot); - setState(2628); - obj_access_ref_normal(); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(2629); - table_element_access_list(0); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(2632); - exists_function_name(); - setState(2633); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2635); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,95,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2634); - func_param_list(); - } - break; - } - setState(2637); - match(RightParen); - setState(2641); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,96,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(2638); - match(Dot); - setState(2639); - obj_access_ref_normal(); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(2640); - table_element_access_list(0); - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Func_access_refContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public Obj_access_refContext obj_access_ref() { - return getRuleContext(Obj_access_refContext.class,0); - } - public Table_element_access_listContext table_element_access_list() { - return getRuleContext(Table_element_access_listContext.class,0); - } - public Func_access_refContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_func_access_ref; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFunc_access_ref(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFunc_access_ref(this); - } - } - - public final Func_access_refContext func_access_ref() throws RecognitionException { - Func_access_refContext _localctx = new Func_access_refContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 102, RULE_func_access_ref); - int _la; - try { - setState(2651); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,99,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2646); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(2645); - table_element_access_list(0); - } - } - - setState(2648); - match(Dot); - setState(2649); - obj_access_ref(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(2650); - table_element_access_list(0); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Table_element_access_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Table_indexContext table_index() { - return getRuleContext(Table_indexContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Table_element_access_listContext table_element_access_list() { - return getRuleContext(Table_element_access_listContext.class,0); - } - public Table_element_access_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_element_access_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_element_access_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_element_access_list(this); - } - } - - public final Table_element_access_listContext table_element_access_list() throws RecognitionException { - return table_element_access_list(0); - } - - private Table_element_access_listContext table_element_access_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Table_element_access_listContext _localctx = new Table_element_access_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Table_element_access_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 104; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 104, RULE_table_element_access_list, _p); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - { - setState(2654); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2655); - table_index(); - setState(2656); - match(RightParen); - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(2665); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,100,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - { - _localctx = new Table_element_access_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_table_element_access_list); - setState(2658); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); - setState(2659); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2660); - table_index(); - setState(2661); - match(RightParen); - } - } - } - setState(2667); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,100,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Table_indexContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Table_indexContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_index; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_index(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_index(this); - } - } - - public final Table_indexContext table_index() throws RecognitionException { - Table_indexContext _localctx = new Table_indexContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 106, RULE_table_index); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2668); - bit_expr(0); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class ExprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } - public List expr() { - return getRuleContexts(ExprContext.class); - } - public ExprContext expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,i); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } - public Set_var_opContext set_var_op() { - return getRuleContext(Set_var_opContext.class,0); - } - public Bool_priContext bool_pri() { - return getRuleContext(Bool_priContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode AND() { return getToken(OBParser.AND, 0); } - public TerminalNode OR() { return getToken(OBParser.OR, 0); } - public ExprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExpr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExpr(this); - } - } - - public final ExprContext expr() throws RecognitionException { - return expr(0); - } - - private ExprContext expr(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - ExprContext _localctx = new ExprContext(_ctx, _parentState); - ExprContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 108; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 108, RULE_expr, _p); - int _la; - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2683); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,102,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2671); - match(NOT); - setState(2672); - expr(5); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(2675); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,101,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2673); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - setState(2674); - set_var_op(); - } - break; - } - setState(2677); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - case 3: - { - setState(2678); - bool_pri(); - } - break; - case 4: - { - setState(2679); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2680); - expr(0); - setState(2681); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(2690); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,103,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - { - _localctx = new ExprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_expr); - setState(2685); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); - setState(2686); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==AND || _la==OR) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(2687); - expr(2); - } - } - } - setState(2692); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,103,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class NotContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } - public NotContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_not; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNot(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNot(this); - } - } - - public final NotContext not() throws RecognitionException { - NotContext _localctx = new NotContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 110, RULE_not); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2693); - match(NOT); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Sub_query_flagContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public TerminalNode ANY() { return getToken(OBParser.ANY, 0); } - public Sub_query_flagContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sub_query_flag; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSub_query_flag(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSub_query_flag(this); - } - } - - public final Sub_query_flagContext sub_query_flag() throws RecognitionException { - Sub_query_flagContext _localctx = new Sub_query_flagContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 112, RULE_sub_query_flag); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2695); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==ANY) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class In_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public In_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_in_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterIn_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitIn_expr(this); - } - } - - public final In_exprContext in_expr() throws RecognitionException { - In_exprContext _localctx = new In_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 114, RULE_in_expr); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2697); - bit_expr(0); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Case_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List CASE() { return getTokens(OBParser.CASE); } - public TerminalNode CASE(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.CASE, i); - } - public Case_defaultContext case_default() { - return getRuleContext(Case_defaultContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode END() { return getToken(OBParser.END, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Simple_when_clause_listContext simple_when_clause_list() { - return getRuleContext(Simple_when_clause_listContext.class,0); - } - public Bool_when_clause_listContext bool_when_clause_list() { - return getRuleContext(Bool_when_clause_listContext.class,0); - } - public Case_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_case_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCase_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCase_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Case_exprContext case_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Case_exprContext _localctx = new Case_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 116, RULE_case_expr); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2699); - match(CASE); - setState(2704); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,104,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2700); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2701); - simple_when_clause_list(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(2703); - bool_when_clause_list(); - } - break; - } - setState(2706); - case_default(); - setState(2707); - match(END); - setState(2709); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,105,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2708); - match(CASE); - } - break; - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Window_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Token func_name; - public Token sub_func_name; - public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); - } - public TerminalNode Star() { return getToken(OBParser.Star, 0); } - public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } - public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); - } - public TerminalNode OVER() { return getToken(OBParser.OVER, 0); } - public Generalized_window_clauseContext generalized_window_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Generalized_window_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.COUNT, 0); } - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public List bit_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode DISTINCT() { return getToken(OBParser.DISTINCT, 0); } - public Expr_listContext expr_list() { - return getRuleContext(Expr_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT, 0); } - public TerminalNode APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS, 0); } - public TerminalNode APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUM() { return getToken(OBParser.SUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX, 0); } - public TerminalNode MIN() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode AVG() { return getToken(OBParser.AVG, 0); } - public TerminalNode MEDIAN() { return getToken(OBParser.MEDIAN, 0); } - public TerminalNode STDDEV() { return getToken(OBParser.STDDEV, 0); } - public TerminalNode VARIANCE() { return getToken(OBParser.VARIANCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode STDDEV_POP() { return getToken(OBParser.STDDEV_POP, 0); } - public TerminalNode STDDEV_SAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.STDDEV_SAMP, 0); } - public TerminalNode WITHIN() { return getToken(OBParser.WITHIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode GROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUP, 0); } - public Order_byContext order_by() { - return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LISTAGG() { return getToken(OBParser.LISTAGG, 0); } - public TerminalNode RANK() { return getToken(OBParser.RANK, 0); } - public TerminalNode DENSE_RANK() { return getToken(OBParser.DENSE_RANK, 0); } - public TerminalNode PERCENT_RANK() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENT_RANK, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROW_NUMBER() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW_NUMBER, 0); } - public TerminalNode NTILE() { return getToken(OBParser.NTILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CUME_DIST() { return getToken(OBParser.CUME_DIST, 0); } - public Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext win_fun_first_last_params() { - return getRuleContext(Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FIRST_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.FIRST_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LAST_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.LAST_VALUE, 0); } - public Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext win_fun_lead_lag_params() { - return getRuleContext(Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LEAD() { return getToken(OBParser.LEAD, 0); } - public TerminalNode LAG() { return getToken(OBParser.LAG, 0); } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public TerminalNode NTH_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.NTH_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode FROM() { return getToken(OBParser.FROM, 0); } - public First_or_lastContext first_or_last() { - return getRuleContext(First_or_lastContext.class,0); - } - public Respect_or_ignoreContext respect_or_ignore() { - return getRuleContext(Respect_or_ignoreContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NULLS() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLS, 0); } - public TerminalNode RATIO_TO_REPORT() { return getToken(OBParser.RATIO_TO_REPORT, 0); } - public TerminalNode CORR() { return getToken(OBParser.CORR, 0); } - public TerminalNode COVAR_POP() { return getToken(OBParser.COVAR_POP, 0); } - public TerminalNode COVAR_SAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.COVAR_SAMP, 0); } - public TerminalNode VAR_POP() { return getToken(OBParser.VAR_POP, 0); } - public TerminalNode VAR_SAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.VAR_SAMP, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_SLOPE() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SLOPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_INTERCEPT() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_INTERCEPT, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_COUNT, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_R2() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_R2, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_AVGX() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_AVGX, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_AVGY() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_AVGY, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_SXX() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SXX, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_SYY() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SYY, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_SXY() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SXY, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEEP() { return getToken(OBParser.KEEP, 0); } - public TerminalNode PERCENTILE_CONT() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENTILE_CONT, 0); } - public TerminalNode PERCENTILE_DISC() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENTILE_DISC, 0); } - public TerminalNode WM_CONCAT() { return getToken(OBParser.WM_CONCAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public TerminalNode WMSYS() { return getToken(OBParser.WMSYS, 0); } - public TerminalNode TOP_K_FRE_HIST() { return getToken(OBParser.TOP_K_FRE_HIST, 0); } - public TerminalNode HYBRID_HIST() { return getToken(OBParser.HYBRID_HIST, 0); } - public Function_nameContext function_name() { - return getRuleContext(Function_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Func_param_listContext func_param_list() { - return getRuleContext(Func_param_listContext.class,0); - } - public Window_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_window_function; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWindow_function(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWindow_function(this); - } - } - - public final Window_functionContext window_function() throws RecognitionException { - Window_functionContext _localctx = new Window_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 118, RULE_window_function); - int _la; - try { - setState(3515); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,150,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(2711); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(COUNT); - setState(2712); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2714); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ALL) { - { - setState(2713); - match(ALL); - } - } - - setState(2716); - match(Star); - setState(2717); - match(RightParen); - setState(2718); - match(OVER); - setState(2719); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2720); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2721); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(2723); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(COUNT); - setState(2724); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2726); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,107,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2725); - match(ALL); - } - break; - } - setState(2728); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2729); - match(RightParen); - setState(2730); - match(OVER); - setState(2731); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2732); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2733); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(2735); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(COUNT); - setState(2736); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2737); - match(DISTINCT); - setState(2738); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2739); - match(RightParen); - setState(2740); - match(OVER); - setState(2741); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2742); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2743); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(2745); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT); - setState(2746); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2747); - expr_list(); - setState(2748); - match(RightParen); - setState(2749); - match(OVER); - setState(2750); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2751); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2752); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(2754); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS); - setState(2755); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2756); - expr_list(); - setState(2757); - match(RightParen); - setState(2758); - match(OVER); - setState(2759); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2760); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2761); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(2763); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE); - setState(2764); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2765); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2766); - match(RightParen); - setState(2767); - match(OVER); - setState(2768); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2769); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2770); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(2772); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(SUM); - setState(2773); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2775); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,108,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2774); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(2777); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2778); - match(RightParen); - setState(2779); - match(OVER); - setState(2780); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2781); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2782); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(2784); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(MAX); - setState(2785); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2787); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,109,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2786); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(2789); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2790); - match(RightParen); - setState(2791); - match(OVER); - setState(2792); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2793); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2794); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(2796); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(MIN); - setState(2797); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2799); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,110,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2798); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(2801); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2802); - match(RightParen); - setState(2803); - match(OVER); - setState(2804); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2805); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2806); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 10: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(2808); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(AVG); - setState(2809); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2811); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,111,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2810); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(2813); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2814); - match(RightParen); - setState(2815); - match(OVER); - setState(2816); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2817); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2818); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 11: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); - { - setState(2820); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(MEDIAN); - setState(2821); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2823); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,112,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2822); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(2825); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2826); - match(RightParen); - setState(2827); - match(OVER); - setState(2828); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2829); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2830); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 12: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); - { - setState(2832); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(STDDEV); - setState(2833); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2835); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,113,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2834); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(2837); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2838); - match(RightParen); - setState(2839); - match(OVER); - setState(2840); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2841); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2842); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 13: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); - { - setState(2844); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(VARIANCE); - setState(2845); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2847); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,114,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2846); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(2849); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2850); - match(RightParen); - setState(2851); - match(OVER); - setState(2852); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2853); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2854); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 14: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); - { - setState(2856); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(STDDEV_POP); - setState(2857); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2859); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,115,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2858); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(2861); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2862); - match(RightParen); - setState(2863); - match(OVER); - setState(2864); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2865); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2866); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 15: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); - { - setState(2868); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(STDDEV_SAMP); - setState(2869); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2871); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,116,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2870); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(2873); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2874); - match(RightParen); - setState(2875); - match(OVER); - setState(2876); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2877); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2878); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 16: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); - { - setState(2880); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(LISTAGG); - setState(2881); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2883); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,117,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2882); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(2885); - expr_list(); - setState(2886); - match(RightParen); - setState(2887); - match(WITHIN); - setState(2888); - match(GROUP); - setState(2889); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2890); - order_by(); - setState(2891); - match(RightParen); - setState(2892); - match(OVER); - setState(2893); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2894); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2895); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 17: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); - { - setState(2897); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(LISTAGG); - setState(2898); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2900); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,118,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(2899); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(2902); - expr_list(); - setState(2903); - match(RightParen); - setState(2904); - match(OVER); - setState(2905); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2906); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2907); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 18: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); - { - setState(2909); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(RANK); - setState(2910); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2911); - match(RightParen); - setState(2912); - match(OVER); - setState(2913); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2914); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2915); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 19: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); - { - setState(2917); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(2918); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2919); - match(RightParen); - setState(2920); - match(OVER); - setState(2921); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2922); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2923); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 20: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 20); - { - setState(2925); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(PERCENT_RANK); - setState(2926); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2927); - match(RightParen); - setState(2928); - match(OVER); - setState(2929); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2930); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2931); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 21: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 21); - { - setState(2933); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(ROW_NUMBER); - setState(2934); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2935); - match(RightParen); - setState(2936); - match(OVER); - setState(2937); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2938); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2939); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 22: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 22); - { - setState(2941); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(NTILE); - setState(2942); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2943); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2944); - match(RightParen); - setState(2945); - match(OVER); - setState(2946); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2947); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2948); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 23: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 23); - { - setState(2950); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(CUME_DIST); - setState(2951); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2952); - match(RightParen); - setState(2953); - match(OVER); - setState(2954); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2955); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2956); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 24: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 24); - { - setState(2958); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(FIRST_VALUE); - setState(2959); - win_fun_first_last_params(); - setState(2960); - match(OVER); - setState(2961); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2962); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2963); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 25: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 25); - { - setState(2965); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(LAST_VALUE); - setState(2966); - win_fun_first_last_params(); - setState(2967); - match(OVER); - setState(2968); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2969); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2970); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 26: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 26); - { - setState(2972); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(LEAD); - setState(2973); - win_fun_lead_lag_params(); - setState(2974); - match(OVER); - setState(2975); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2976); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2977); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 27: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 27); - { - setState(2979); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(LAG); - setState(2980); - win_fun_lead_lag_params(); - setState(2981); - match(OVER); - setState(2982); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2983); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(2984); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 28: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 28); - { - setState(2986); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(NTH_VALUE); - setState(2987); - match(LeftParen); - setState(2988); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2989); - match(Comma); - setState(2990); - bit_expr(0); - setState(2991); - match(RightParen); - setState(2994); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FROM) { - { - setState(2992); - match(FROM); - setState(2993); - first_or_last(); - } - } - - setState(2999); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==IGNORE || _la==RESPECT) { - { - setState(2996); - respect_or_ignore(); - setState(2997); - match(NULLS); - } - } - - setState(3001); - match(OVER); - setState(3002); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3003); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3004); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 29: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 29); - { - setState(3006); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(RATIO_TO_REPORT); - setState(3007); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3009); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,121,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3008); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3011); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3012); - match(RightParen); - setState(3013); - match(OVER); - setState(3014); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3015); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3016); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 30: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 30); - { - setState(3018); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(CORR); - setState(3019); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3021); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,122,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3020); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3023); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3024); - match(Comma); - setState(3025); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3026); - match(RightParen); - setState(3027); - match(OVER); - setState(3028); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3029); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3030); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 31: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 31); - { - setState(3032); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(COVAR_POP); - setState(3033); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3035); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,123,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3034); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3037); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3038); - match(Comma); - setState(3039); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3040); - match(RightParen); - setState(3041); - match(OVER); - setState(3042); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3043); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3044); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 32: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 32); - { - setState(3046); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(COVAR_SAMP); - setState(3047); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3049); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,124,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3048); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3051); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3052); - match(Comma); - setState(3053); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3054); - match(RightParen); - setState(3055); - match(OVER); - setState(3056); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3057); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3058); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 33: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 33); - { - setState(3060); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(VAR_POP); - setState(3061); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3063); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,125,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3062); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3065); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3066); - match(RightParen); - setState(3067); - match(OVER); - setState(3068); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3069); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3070); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 34: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 34); - { - setState(3072); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(VAR_SAMP); - setState(3073); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3075); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,126,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3074); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3077); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3078); - match(RightParen); - setState(3079); - match(OVER); - setState(3080); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3081); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3082); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 35: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 35); - { - setState(3084); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(REGR_SLOPE); - setState(3085); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3087); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,127,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3086); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3089); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3090); - match(Comma); - setState(3091); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3092); - match(RightParen); - setState(3093); - match(OVER); - setState(3094); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3095); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3096); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 36: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 36); - { - setState(3098); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(REGR_INTERCEPT); - setState(3099); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3101); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,128,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3100); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3103); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3104); - match(Comma); - setState(3105); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3106); - match(RightParen); - setState(3107); - match(OVER); - setState(3108); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3109); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3110); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 37: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 37); - { - setState(3112); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(REGR_COUNT); - setState(3113); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3115); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,129,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3114); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3117); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3118); - match(Comma); - setState(3119); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3120); - match(RightParen); - setState(3121); - match(OVER); - setState(3122); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3123); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3124); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 38: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 38); - { - setState(3126); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(REGR_R2); - setState(3127); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3129); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,130,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3128); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3131); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3132); - match(Comma); - setState(3133); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3134); - match(RightParen); - setState(3135); - match(OVER); - setState(3136); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3137); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3138); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 39: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 39); - { - setState(3140); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(REGR_AVGX); - setState(3141); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3143); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,131,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3142); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3145); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3146); - match(Comma); - setState(3147); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3148); - match(RightParen); - setState(3149); - match(OVER); - setState(3150); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3151); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3152); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 40: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 40); - { - setState(3154); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(REGR_AVGY); - setState(3155); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3157); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,132,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3156); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3159); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3160); - match(Comma); - setState(3161); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3162); - match(RightParen); - setState(3163); - match(OVER); - setState(3164); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3165); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3166); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 41: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 41); - { - setState(3168); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(REGR_SXX); - setState(3169); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3171); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,133,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3170); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3173); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3174); - match(Comma); - setState(3175); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3176); - match(RightParen); - setState(3177); - match(OVER); - setState(3178); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3179); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3180); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 42: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 42); - { - setState(3182); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(REGR_SYY); - setState(3183); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3185); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,134,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3184); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3187); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3188); - match(Comma); - setState(3189); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3190); - match(RightParen); - setState(3191); - match(OVER); - setState(3192); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3193); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3194); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 43: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 43); - { - setState(3196); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(REGR_SXY); - setState(3197); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3199); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,135,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3198); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3201); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3202); - match(Comma); - setState(3203); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3204); - match(RightParen); - setState(3205); - match(OVER); - setState(3206); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3207); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3208); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 44: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 44); - { - setState(3210); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(MAX); - setState(3211); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3213); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,136,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3212); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3215); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3216); - match(RightParen); - setState(3217); - match(KEEP); - setState(3218); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3219); - match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(3220); - first_or_last(); - setState(3221); - order_by(); - setState(3222); - match(RightParen); - setState(3223); - match(OVER); - setState(3224); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3225); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3226); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 45: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 45); - { - setState(3228); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(MIN); - setState(3229); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3231); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,137,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3230); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3233); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3234); - match(RightParen); - setState(3235); - match(KEEP); - setState(3236); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3237); - match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(3238); - first_or_last(); - setState(3239); - order_by(); - setState(3240); - match(RightParen); - setState(3241); - match(OVER); - setState(3242); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3243); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3244); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 46: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 46); - { - setState(3246); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(SUM); - setState(3247); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3249); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,138,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3248); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3251); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3252); - match(RightParen); - setState(3253); - match(KEEP); - setState(3254); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3255); - match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(3256); - first_or_last(); - setState(3257); - order_by(); - setState(3258); - match(RightParen); - setState(3259); - match(OVER); - setState(3260); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3261); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3262); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 47: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 47); - { - setState(3264); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(COUNT); - setState(3265); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3267); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ALL) { - { - setState(3266); - match(ALL); - } - } - - setState(3269); - match(Star); - setState(3270); - match(RightParen); - setState(3271); - match(KEEP); - setState(3272); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3273); - match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(3274); - first_or_last(); - setState(3275); - order_by(); - setState(3276); - match(RightParen); - setState(3277); - match(OVER); - setState(3278); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3279); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3280); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 48: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 48); - { - setState(3282); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(COUNT); - setState(3283); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3285); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,140,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3284); - match(ALL); - } - break; - } - setState(3287); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3288); - match(RightParen); - setState(3289); - match(KEEP); - setState(3290); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3291); - match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(3292); - first_or_last(); - setState(3293); - order_by(); - setState(3294); - match(RightParen); - setState(3295); - match(OVER); - setState(3296); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3297); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3298); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 49: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 49); - { - setState(3300); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(AVG); - setState(3301); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3303); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,141,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3302); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3305); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3306); - match(RightParen); - setState(3307); - match(KEEP); - setState(3308); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3309); - match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(3310); - first_or_last(); - setState(3311); - order_by(); - setState(3312); - match(RightParen); - setState(3313); - match(OVER); - setState(3314); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3315); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3316); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 50: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 50); - { - setState(3318); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(VARIANCE); - setState(3319); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3321); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,142,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3320); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3323); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3324); - match(RightParen); - setState(3325); - match(KEEP); - setState(3326); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3327); - match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(3328); - first_or_last(); - setState(3329); - order_by(); - setState(3330); - match(RightParen); - setState(3331); - match(OVER); - setState(3332); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3333); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3334); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 51: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 51); - { - setState(3336); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(STDDEV); - setState(3337); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3339); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,143,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3338); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3341); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3342); - match(RightParen); - setState(3343); - match(KEEP); - setState(3344); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3345); - match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(3346); - first_or_last(); - setState(3347); - order_by(); - setState(3348); - match(RightParen); - setState(3349); - match(OVER); - setState(3350); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3351); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3352); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 52: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 52); - { - setState(3354); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(PERCENTILE_CONT); - setState(3355); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3357); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,144,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3356); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3359); - expr_list(); - setState(3360); - match(RightParen); - setState(3361); - match(WITHIN); - setState(3362); - match(GROUP); - setState(3363); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3364); - order_by(); - setState(3365); - match(RightParen); - setState(3366); - match(OVER); - setState(3367); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3368); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3369); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 53: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 53); - { - setState(3371); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(PERCENTILE_DISC); - setState(3372); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3374); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,145,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3373); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3376); - expr_list(); - setState(3377); - match(RightParen); - setState(3378); - match(WITHIN); - setState(3379); - match(GROUP); - setState(3380); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3381); - order_by(); - setState(3382); - match(RightParen); - setState(3383); - match(OVER); - setState(3384); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3385); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3386); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 54: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 54); - { - setState(3388); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(WM_CONCAT); - setState(3389); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3391); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,146,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3390); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3393); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3394); - match(RightParen); - setState(3395); - match(OVER); - setState(3396); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3397); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3398); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 55: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 55); - { - setState(3400); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(WMSYS); - setState(3401); - match(Dot); - setState(3402); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).sub_func_name = match(WM_CONCAT); - setState(3403); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3405); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,147,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3404); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3407); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3408); - match(RightParen); - setState(3409); - match(OVER); - setState(3410); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3411); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3412); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 56: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 56); - { - setState(3414); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(WM_CONCAT); - setState(3415); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3417); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,148,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3416); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3419); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3420); - match(RightParen); - setState(3421); - match(KEEP); - setState(3422); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3423); - match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(3424); - first_or_last(); - setState(3425); - order_by(); - setState(3426); - match(RightParen); - setState(3427); - match(OVER); - setState(3428); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3429); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3430); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 57: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 57); - { - setState(3432); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(WMSYS); - setState(3433); - match(Dot); - setState(3434); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).sub_func_name = match(WM_CONCAT); - setState(3435); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3437); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,149,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3436); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3439); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3440); - match(RightParen); - setState(3441); - match(KEEP); - setState(3442); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3443); - match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(3444); - first_or_last(); - setState(3445); - order_by(); - setState(3446); - match(RightParen); - setState(3447); - match(OVER); - setState(3448); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3449); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3450); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 58: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 58); - { - setState(3452); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(TOP_K_FRE_HIST); - setState(3453); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3454); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3455); - match(Comma); - setState(3456); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3457); - match(Comma); - setState(3458); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3459); - match(RightParen); - setState(3460); - match(OVER); - setState(3461); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3462); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3463); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 59: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 59); - { - setState(3465); - ((Window_functionContext)_localctx).func_name = match(HYBRID_HIST); - setState(3466); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3467); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3468); - match(Comma); - setState(3469); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3470); - match(RightParen); - setState(3471); - match(OVER); - setState(3472); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3473); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3474); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 60: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 60); - { - setState(3476); - function_name(); - setState(3477); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3478); - func_param_list(); - setState(3479); - match(RightParen); - setState(3480); - match(OVER); - setState(3481); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3482); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3483); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 61: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 61); - { - setState(3485); - function_name(); - setState(3486); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3487); - match(ALL); - setState(3488); - func_param_list(); - setState(3489); - match(RightParen); - setState(3490); - match(OVER); - setState(3491); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3492); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3493); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 62: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 62); - { - setState(3495); - function_name(); - setState(3496); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3497); - match(DISTINCT); - setState(3498); - func_param_list(); - setState(3499); - match(RightParen); - setState(3500); - match(OVER); - setState(3501); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3502); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3503); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 63: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 63); - { - setState(3505); - function_name(); - setState(3506); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3507); - match(UNIQUE); - setState(3508); - func_param_list(); - setState(3509); - match(RightParen); - setState(3510); - match(OVER); - setState(3511); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3512); - generalized_window_clause(); - setState(3513); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class First_or_lastContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode FIRST() { return getToken(OBParser.FIRST, 0); } - public TerminalNode LAST() { return getToken(OBParser.LAST, 0); } - public First_or_lastContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_first_or_last; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFirst_or_last(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFirst_or_last(this); - } - } - - public final First_or_lastContext first_or_last() throws RecognitionException { - First_or_lastContext _localctx = new First_or_lastContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 120, RULE_first_or_last); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3517); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==FIRST || _la==LAST) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Respect_or_ignoreContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode RESPECT() { return getToken(OBParser.RESPECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode IGNORE() { return getToken(OBParser.IGNORE, 0); } - public Respect_or_ignoreContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_respect_or_ignore; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRespect_or_ignore(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRespect_or_ignore(this); - } - } - - public final Respect_or_ignoreContext respect_or_ignore() throws RecognitionException { - Respect_or_ignoreContext _localctx = new Respect_or_ignoreContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 122, RULE_respect_or_ignore); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3519); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==IGNORE || _la==RESPECT) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Respect_or_ignoreContext respect_or_ignore() { - return getRuleContext(Respect_or_ignoreContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NULLS() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLS, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_win_fun_first_last_params; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWin_fun_first_last_params(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWin_fun_first_last_params(this); - } - } - - public final Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext win_fun_first_last_params() throws RecognitionException { - Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext _localctx = new Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 124, RULE_win_fun_first_last_params); - int _la; - try { - setState(3535); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,152,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3521); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3522); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3523); - respect_or_ignore(); - setState(3524); - match(NULLS); - setState(3525); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(3527); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3528); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3529); - match(RightParen); - setState(3533); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==IGNORE || _la==RESPECT) { - { - setState(3530); - respect_or_ignore(); - setState(3531); - match(NULLS); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Respect_or_ignoreContext respect_or_ignore() { - return getRuleContext(Respect_or_ignoreContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NULLS() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLS, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Expr_listContext expr_list() { - return getRuleContext(Expr_listContext.class,0); - } - public Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_win_fun_lead_lag_params; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWin_fun_lead_lag_params(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWin_fun_lead_lag_params(this); - } - } - - public final Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext win_fun_lead_lag_params() throws RecognitionException { - Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext _localctx = new Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 126, RULE_win_fun_lead_lag_params); - int _la; - try { - setState(3559); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,154,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3537); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3538); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3539); - respect_or_ignore(); - setState(3540); - match(NULLS); - setState(3541); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(3543); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3544); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3545); - respect_or_ignore(); - setState(3546); - match(NULLS); - setState(3547); - match(Comma); - setState(3548); - expr_list(); - setState(3549); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(3551); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3552); - expr_list(); - setState(3553); - match(RightParen); - setState(3557); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==IGNORE || _la==RESPECT) { - { - setState(3554); - respect_or_ignore(); - setState(3555); - match(NULLS); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Generalized_window_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public Expr_listContext expr_list() { - return getRuleContext(Expr_listContext.class,0); - } - public Order_byContext order_by() { - return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); - } - public Win_windowContext win_window() { - return getRuleContext(Win_windowContext.class,0); - } - public Generalized_window_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_generalized_window_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGeneralized_window_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGeneralized_window_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Generalized_window_clauseContext generalized_window_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Generalized_window_clauseContext _localctx = new Generalized_window_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 128, RULE_generalized_window_clause); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3564); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PARTITION) { - { - setState(3561); - match(PARTITION); - setState(3562); - match(BY); - setState(3563); - expr_list(); - } - } - - setState(3567); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ORDER) { - { - setState(3566); - order_by(); - } - } - - setState(3570); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ROWS || _la==RANGE) { - { - setState(3569); - win_window(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Win_rows_or_rangeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWS, 0); } - public TerminalNode RANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.RANGE, 0); } - public Win_rows_or_rangeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_win_rows_or_range; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWin_rows_or_range(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWin_rows_or_range(this); - } - } - - public final Win_rows_or_rangeContext win_rows_or_range() throws RecognitionException { - Win_rows_or_rangeContext _localctx = new Win_rows_or_rangeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 130, RULE_win_rows_or_range); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3572); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ROWS || _la==RANGE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Win_preceding_or_followingContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PRECEDING() { return getToken(OBParser.PRECEDING, 0); } - public TerminalNode FOLLOWING() { return getToken(OBParser.FOLLOWING, 0); } - public Win_preceding_or_followingContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_win_preceding_or_following; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWin_preceding_or_following(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWin_preceding_or_following(this); - } - } - - public final Win_preceding_or_followingContext win_preceding_or_following() throws RecognitionException { - Win_preceding_or_followingContext _localctx = new Win_preceding_or_followingContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 132, RULE_win_preceding_or_following); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3574); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==FOLLOWING || _la==PRECEDING) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Win_intervalContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Win_intervalContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_win_interval; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWin_interval(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWin_interval(this); - } - } - - public final Win_intervalContext win_interval() throws RecognitionException { - Win_intervalContext _localctx = new Win_intervalContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 134, RULE_win_interval); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3576); - bit_expr(0); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Win_boundingContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CURRENT() { return getToken(OBParser.CURRENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROW() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW, 0); } - public Win_intervalContext win_interval() { - return getRuleContext(Win_intervalContext.class,0); - } - public Win_preceding_or_followingContext win_preceding_or_following() { - return getRuleContext(Win_preceding_or_followingContext.class,0); - } - public Win_boundingContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_win_bounding; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWin_bounding(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWin_bounding(this); - } - } - - public final Win_boundingContext win_bounding() throws RecognitionException { - Win_boundingContext _localctx = new Win_boundingContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 136, RULE_win_bounding); - try { - setState(3583); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,158,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3578); - match(CURRENT); - setState(3579); - match(ROW); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(3580); - win_interval(); - setState(3581); - win_preceding_or_following(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Win_windowContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Win_rows_or_rangeContext win_rows_or_range() { - return getRuleContext(Win_rows_or_rangeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode BETWEEN() { return getToken(OBParser.BETWEEN, 0); } - public List win_bounding() { - return getRuleContexts(Win_boundingContext.class); - } - public Win_boundingContext win_bounding(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Win_boundingContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode AND() { return getToken(OBParser.AND, 0); } - public Win_windowContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_win_window; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWin_window(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWin_window(this); - } - } - - public final Win_windowContext win_window() throws RecognitionException { - Win_windowContext _localctx = new Win_windowContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 138, RULE_win_window); - try { - setState(3594); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,159,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3585); - win_rows_or_range(); - setState(3586); - match(BETWEEN); - setState(3587); - win_bounding(); - setState(3588); - match(AND); - setState(3589); - win_bounding(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(3591); - win_rows_or_range(); - setState(3592); - win_bounding(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Simple_when_clause_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List simple_when_clause() { - return getRuleContexts(Simple_when_clauseContext.class); - } - public Simple_when_clauseContext simple_when_clause(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Simple_when_clauseContext.class,i); - } - public Simple_when_clause_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_simple_when_clause_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSimple_when_clause_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSimple_when_clause_list(this); - } - } - - public final Simple_when_clause_listContext simple_when_clause_list() throws RecognitionException { - Simple_when_clause_listContext _localctx = new Simple_when_clause_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 140, RULE_simple_when_clause_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3597); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - do { - { - { - setState(3596); - simple_when_clause(); - } - } - setState(3599); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } while ( _la==WHEN ); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Simple_when_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode WHEN() { return getToken(OBParser.WHEN, 0); } - public List bit_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode THEN() { return getToken(OBParser.THEN, 0); } - public Simple_when_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_simple_when_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSimple_when_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSimple_when_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Simple_when_clauseContext simple_when_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Simple_when_clauseContext _localctx = new Simple_when_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 142, RULE_simple_when_clause); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3601); - match(WHEN); - setState(3602); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3603); - match(THEN); - setState(3604); - bit_expr(0); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Bool_when_clause_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List bool_when_clause() { - return getRuleContexts(Bool_when_clauseContext.class); - } - public Bool_when_clauseContext bool_when_clause(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bool_when_clauseContext.class,i); - } - public Bool_when_clause_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_bool_when_clause_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterBool_when_clause_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitBool_when_clause_list(this); - } - } - - public final Bool_when_clause_listContext bool_when_clause_list() throws RecognitionException { - Bool_when_clause_listContext _localctx = new Bool_when_clause_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 144, RULE_bool_when_clause_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3607); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - do { - { - { - setState(3606); - bool_when_clause(); - } - } - setState(3609); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } while ( _la==WHEN ); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Bool_when_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode WHEN() { return getToken(OBParser.WHEN, 0); } - public ExprContext expr() { - return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode THEN() { return getToken(OBParser.THEN, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Bool_when_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_bool_when_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterBool_when_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitBool_when_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Bool_when_clauseContext bool_when_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Bool_when_clauseContext _localctx = new Bool_when_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 146, RULE_bool_when_clause); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3611); - match(WHEN); - setState(3612); - expr(0); - setState(3613); - match(THEN); - setState(3614); - bit_expr(0); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Case_defaultContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ELSE() { return getToken(OBParser.ELSE, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Case_defaultContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_case_default; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCase_default(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCase_default(this); - } - } - - public final Case_defaultContext case_default() throws RecognitionException { - Case_defaultContext _localctx = new Case_defaultContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 148, RULE_case_default); - try { - setState(3619); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ELSE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3616); - match(ELSE); - setState(3617); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - case END: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(3618); - empty(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Sql_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Single_row_functionContext single_row_function() { - return getRuleContext(Single_row_functionContext.class,0); - } - public Aggregate_functionContext aggregate_function() { - return getRuleContext(Aggregate_functionContext.class,0); - } - public Special_func_exprContext special_func_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Special_func_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Sql_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sql_function; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSql_function(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSql_function(this); - } - } - - public final Sql_functionContext sql_function() throws RecognitionException { - Sql_functionContext _localctx = new Sql_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 150, RULE_sql_function); - try { - setState(3624); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case SDO_RELATE: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case UID: - case USER: - case MOD: - case JSON_QUERY: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CAST: - case TREAT: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case TRIM: - case XMLPARSE: - case ASCII: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case JSON: - case TRANSLATE: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case XMLELEMENT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3621); - single_row_function(); - } - break; - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case MAX: - case STDDEV: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case LISTAGG: - case SUM: - case MIN: - case VARIANCE: - case WM_CONCAT: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case REGR_COUNT: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case REGR_SYY: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case XMLAGG: - case REGR_R2: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case WMSYS: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case COVAR_POP: - case MEDIAN: - case STDDEV_POP: - case AVG: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case CUME_DIST: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case CORR: - case VAR_SAMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(3622); - aggregate_function(); - } - break; - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case DATE: - case DEFAULT: - case INSERT: - case SYSDATE: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case VALUES: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case LEFT: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case ISNULL: - case YEAR: - case POSITION: - case TIME: - case MONTH: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(3623); - special_func_expr(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xml_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Xmlparse_exprContext xmlparse_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Xmlparse_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Xml_element_exprContext xml_element_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Xml_element_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Xml_extract_exprContext xml_extract_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Xml_extract_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Delete_xmlContext delete_xml() { - return getRuleContext(Delete_xmlContext.class,0); - } - public Insert_child_xmlContext insert_child_xml() { - return getRuleContext(Insert_child_xmlContext.class,0); - } - public Xmlserialize_exprContext xmlserialize_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Xmlserialize_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Xmlcast_exprContext xmlcast_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Xmlcast_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Xml_sequence_exprContext xml_sequence_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Xml_sequence_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Xml_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_function; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_function(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_function(this); - } - } - - public final Xml_functionContext xml_function() throws RecognitionException { - Xml_functionContext _localctx = new Xml_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 152, RULE_xml_function); - try { - setState(3634); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case XMLPARSE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3626); - xmlparse_expr(); - } - break; - case XMLELEMENT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(3627); - xml_element_expr(); - } - break; - case EXTRACT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(3628); - xml_extract_expr(); - } - break; - case DELETEXML: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(3629); - delete_xml(); - } - break; - case INSERTCHILDXML: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(3630); - insert_child_xml(); - } - break; - case XMLSERIALIZE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(3631); - xmlserialize_expr(); - } - break; - case XMLCAST: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(3632); - xmlcast_expr(); - } - break; - case XMLSEQUENCE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(3633); - xml_sequence_expr(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Single_row_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Numeric_functionContext numeric_function() { - return getRuleContext(Numeric_functionContext.class,0); - } - public Character_functionContext character_function() { - return getRuleContext(Character_functionContext.class,0); - } - public Extract_functionContext extract_function() { - return getRuleContext(Extract_functionContext.class,0); - } - public Conversion_functionContext conversion_function() { - return getRuleContext(Conversion_functionContext.class,0); - } - public Hierarchical_functionContext hierarchical_function() { - return getRuleContext(Hierarchical_functionContext.class,0); - } - public Environment_id_functionContext environment_id_function() { - return getRuleContext(Environment_id_functionContext.class,0); - } - public Json_functionContext json_function() { - return getRuleContext(Json_functionContext.class,0); - } - public Xml_functionContext xml_function() { - return getRuleContext(Xml_functionContext.class,0); - } - public Table_element_access_listContext table_element_access_list() { - return getRuleContext(Table_element_access_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public Obj_access_ref_normalContext obj_access_ref_normal() { - return getRuleContext(Obj_access_ref_normalContext.class,0); - } - public Gis_functionContext gis_function() { - return getRuleContext(Gis_functionContext.class,0); - } - public Single_row_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_single_row_function; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSingle_row_function(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSingle_row_function(this); - } - } - - public final Single_row_functionContext single_row_function() throws RecognitionException { - Single_row_functionContext _localctx = new Single_row_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 154, RULE_single_row_function); - try { - setState(3650); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,166,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3636); - numeric_function(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(3637); - character_function(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(3638); - extract_function(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(3639); - conversion_function(); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(3640); - hierarchical_function(); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(3641); - environment_id_function(); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(3642); - json_function(); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(3643); - xml_function(); - setState(3647); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,165,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(3644); - match(Dot); - setState(3645); - obj_access_ref_normal(); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(3646); - table_element_access_list(0); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(3649); - gis_function(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Numeric_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode MOD() { return getToken(OBParser.MOD, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public List bit_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Numeric_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_numeric_function; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNumeric_function(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNumeric_function(this); - } - } - - public final Numeric_functionContext numeric_function() throws RecognitionException { - Numeric_functionContext _localctx = new Numeric_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 156, RULE_numeric_function); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3652); - match(MOD); - setState(3653); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3654); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3655); - match(Comma); - setState(3656); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3657); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Character_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode TRIM() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIM, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Parameterized_trimContext parameterized_trim() { - return getRuleContext(Parameterized_trimContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode ASCII() { return getToken(OBParser.ASCII, 0); } - public List bit_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode TRANSLATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRANSLATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } - public Translate_charsetContext translate_charset() { - return getRuleContext(Translate_charsetContext.class,0); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Character_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_character_function; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCharacter_function(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCharacter_function(this); - } - } - - public final Character_functionContext character_function() throws RecognitionException { - Character_functionContext _localctx = new Character_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 158, RULE_character_function); - try { - setState(3685); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,167,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3659); - match(TRIM); - setState(3660); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3661); - parameterized_trim(); - setState(3662); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(3664); - match(ASCII); - setState(3665); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3666); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3667); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(3669); - match(TRANSLATE); - setState(3670); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3671); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3672); - match(USING); - setState(3673); - translate_charset(); - setState(3674); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(3676); - match(TRANSLATE); - setState(3677); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3678); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3679); - match(Comma); - setState(3680); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3681); - match(Comma); - setState(3682); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3683); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Translate_charsetContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CHAR_CS() { return getToken(OBParser.CHAR_CS, 0); } - public TerminalNode NCHAR_CS() { return getToken(OBParser.NCHAR_CS, 0); } - public Translate_charsetContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_translate_charset; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTranslate_charset(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTranslate_charset(this); - } - } - - public final Translate_charsetContext translate_charset() throws RecognitionException { - Translate_charsetContext _localctx = new Translate_charsetContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 160, RULE_translate_charset); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3687); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==NCHAR_CS || _la==CHAR_CS) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Extract_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode EXTRACT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTRACT, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Date_unit_for_extractContext date_unit_for_extract() { - return getRuleContext(Date_unit_for_extractContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FROM() { return getToken(OBParser.FROM, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Extract_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_extract_function; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExtract_function(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExtract_function(this); - } - } - - public final Extract_functionContext extract_function() throws RecognitionException { - Extract_functionContext _localctx = new Extract_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 162, RULE_extract_function); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3689); - match(EXTRACT); - setState(3690); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3691); - date_unit_for_extract(); - setState(3692); - match(FROM); - setState(3693); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3694); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Conversion_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CAST() { return getToken(OBParser.CAST, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } - public Cast_data_typeContext cast_data_type() { - return getRuleContext(Cast_data_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode TREAT() { return getToken(OBParser.TREAT, 0); } - public Treat_data_typeContext treat_data_type() { - return getRuleContext(Treat_data_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Conversion_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_conversion_function; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterConversion_function(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitConversion_function(this); - } - } - - public final Conversion_functionContext conversion_function() throws RecognitionException { - Conversion_functionContext _localctx = new Conversion_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 164, RULE_conversion_function); - try { - setState(3710); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case CAST: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3696); - match(CAST); - setState(3697); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3698); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3699); - match(AS); - setState(3700); - cast_data_type(); - setState(3701); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case TREAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(3703); - match(TREAT); - setState(3704); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3705); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3706); - match(AS); - setState(3707); - treat_data_type(); - setState(3708); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Hierarchical_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH() { return getToken(OBParser.SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public List bit_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Hierarchical_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hierarchical_function; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHierarchical_function(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHierarchical_function(this); - } - } - - public final Hierarchical_functionContext hierarchical_function() throws RecognitionException { - Hierarchical_functionContext _localctx = new Hierarchical_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 166, RULE_hierarchical_function); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3712); - match(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH); - setState(3713); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3714); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3715); - match(Comma); - setState(3716); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3717); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Environment_id_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode USER() { return getToken(OBParser.USER, 0); } - public TerminalNode UID() { return getToken(OBParser.UID, 0); } - public Environment_id_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_environment_id_function; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterEnvironment_id_function(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitEnvironment_id_function(this); - } - } - - public final Environment_id_functionContext environment_id_function() throws RecognitionException { - Environment_id_functionContext _localctx = new Environment_id_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 168, RULE_environment_id_function); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3719); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==UID || _la==USER) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Aggregate_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Token funcName; - public Token subFuncName; - public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); - } - public Expr_listContext expr_list() { - return getRuleContext(Expr_listContext.class,0); - } - public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } - public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); - } - public TerminalNode APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT, 0); } - public TerminalNode DISTINCT() { return getToken(OBParser.DISTINCT, 0); } - public TerminalNode APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS, 0); } - public List bit_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUM() { return getToken(OBParser.SUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX, 0); } - public TerminalNode MIN() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode AVG() { return getToken(OBParser.AVG, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON_ARRAYAGG() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_ARRAYAGG, 0); } - public TerminalNode FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FORMAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } - public Order_byContext order_by() { - return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); - } - public Js_agg_on_nullContext js_agg_on_null() { - return getRuleContext(Js_agg_on_nullContext.class,0); - } - public Js_agg_returning_type_optContext js_agg_returning_type_opt() { - return getRuleContext(Js_agg_returning_type_optContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode STRICT() { return getToken(OBParser.STRICT, 0); } - public TerminalNode VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON_OBJECTAGG() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_OBJECTAGG, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } - public Json_obj_unique_keyContext json_obj_unique_key() { - return getRuleContext(Json_obj_unique_keyContext.class,0); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public TerminalNode MEDIAN() { return getToken(OBParser.MEDIAN, 0); } - public TerminalNode STDDEV() { return getToken(OBParser.STDDEV, 0); } - public TerminalNode VARIANCE() { return getToken(OBParser.VARIANCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode STDDEV_POP() { return getToken(OBParser.STDDEV_POP, 0); } - public TerminalNode STDDEV_SAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.STDDEV_SAMP, 0); } - public TerminalNode GROUPING() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUPING, 0); } - public TerminalNode WITHIN() { return getToken(OBParser.WITHIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode GROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUP, 0); } - public TerminalNode LISTAGG() { return getToken(OBParser.LISTAGG, 0); } - public TerminalNode CORR() { return getToken(OBParser.CORR, 0); } - public TerminalNode COVAR_POP() { return getToken(OBParser.COVAR_POP, 0); } - public TerminalNode COVAR_SAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.COVAR_SAMP, 0); } - public TerminalNode VAR_POP() { return getToken(OBParser.VAR_POP, 0); } - public TerminalNode VAR_SAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.VAR_SAMP, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_SLOPE() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SLOPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_INTERCEPT() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_INTERCEPT, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_COUNT, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_R2() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_R2, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_AVGX() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_AVGX, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_AVGY() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_AVGY, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_SXX() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SXX, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_SYY() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SYY, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_SXY() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SXY, 0); } - public TerminalNode RANK() { return getToken(OBParser.RANK, 0); } - public TerminalNode PERCENT_RANK() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENT_RANK, 0); } - public TerminalNode DENSE_RANK() { return getToken(OBParser.DENSE_RANK, 0); } - public TerminalNode CUME_DIST() { return getToken(OBParser.CUME_DIST, 0); } - public TerminalNode PERCENTILE_CONT() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENTILE_CONT, 0); } - public TerminalNode PERCENTILE_DISC() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENTILE_DISC, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEEP() { return getToken(OBParser.KEEP, 0); } - public First_or_lastContext first_or_last() { - return getRuleContext(First_or_lastContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode WM_CONCAT() { return getToken(OBParser.WM_CONCAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public TerminalNode WMSYS() { return getToken(OBParser.WMSYS, 0); } - public TerminalNode TOP_K_FRE_HIST() { return getToken(OBParser.TOP_K_FRE_HIST, 0); } - public TerminalNode HYBRID_HIST() { return getToken(OBParser.HYBRID_HIST, 0); } - public Simple_exprContext simple_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Simple_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode XMLAGG() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLAGG, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUM_OPNSIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.SUM_OPNSIZE, 0); } - public Aggregate_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_aggregate_function; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAggregate_function(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAggregate_function(this); - } - } - - public final Aggregate_functionContext aggregate_function() throws RecognitionException { - Aggregate_functionContext _localctx = new Aggregate_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 170, RULE_aggregate_function); - int _la; - try { - setState(4285); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,229,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(3721); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT); - setState(3722); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3724); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,169,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3723); - match(DISTINCT); - } - break; - } - setState(3726); - expr_list(); - setState(3727); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(3729); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS); - setState(3730); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3731); - expr_list(); - setState(3732); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(3734); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE); - setState(3735); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3736); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3737); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(3739); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(SUM); - setState(3740); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3742); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,170,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3741); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3744); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3745); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(3747); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(MAX); - setState(3748); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3750); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,171,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3749); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3752); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3753); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(3755); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(MIN); - setState(3756); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3758); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,172,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3757); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3760); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3761); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(3763); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(AVG); - setState(3764); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3766); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,173,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3765); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3768); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3769); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(3771); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(JSON_ARRAYAGG); - setState(3772); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3774); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,174,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3773); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3776); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3779); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FORMAT) { - { - setState(3777); - match(FORMAT); - setState(3778); - match(JSON); - } - } - - setState(3782); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ORDER) { - { - setState(3781); - order_by(); - } - } - - setState(3785); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ABSENT || _la==NULLX) { - { - setState(3784); - js_agg_on_null(); - } - } - - setState(3788); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==RETURNING) { - { - setState(3787); - js_agg_returning_type_opt(); - } - } - - setState(3791); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==STRICT) { - { - setState(3790); - match(STRICT); - } - } - - setState(3793); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(3795); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(JSON_OBJECTAGG); - setState(3796); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3798); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,180,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3797); - match(KEY); - } - break; - } - setState(3800); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3801); - match(VALUE); - setState(3802); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3805); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FORMAT) { - { - setState(3803); - match(FORMAT); - setState(3804); - match(JSON); - } - } - - setState(3808); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ABSENT || _la==NULLX) { - { - setState(3807); - js_agg_on_null(); - } - } - - setState(3811); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==RETURNING) { - { - setState(3810); - js_agg_returning_type_opt(); - } - } - - setState(3814); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==STRICT) { - { - setState(3813); - match(STRICT); - } - } - - setState(3817); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH) { - { - setState(3816); - json_obj_unique_key(); - } - } - - setState(3819); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 10: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(3821); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(JSON_OBJECTAGG); - setState(3822); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3823); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3824); - match(Comma); - setState(3825); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3828); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FORMAT) { - { - setState(3826); - match(FORMAT); - setState(3827); - match(JSON); - } - } - - setState(3831); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ABSENT || _la==NULLX) { - { - setState(3830); - js_agg_on_null(); - } - } - - setState(3834); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==RETURNING) { - { - setState(3833); - js_agg_returning_type_opt(); - } - } - - setState(3837); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==STRICT) { - { - setState(3836); - match(STRICT); - } - } - - setState(3840); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH) { - { - setState(3839); - json_obj_unique_key(); - } - } - - setState(3842); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 11: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); - { - setState(3844); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(MEDIAN); - setState(3845); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3847); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,191,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3846); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3849); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3850); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 12: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); - { - setState(3852); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(STDDEV); - setState(3853); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3855); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,192,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3854); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3857); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3858); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 13: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); - { - setState(3860); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(VARIANCE); - setState(3861); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3863); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,193,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3862); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3865); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3866); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 14: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); - { - setState(3868); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(STDDEV_POP); - setState(3869); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3871); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,194,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3870); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3873); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3874); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 15: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); - { - setState(3876); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(STDDEV_SAMP); - setState(3877); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3879); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,195,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3878); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3881); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3882); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 16: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); - { - setState(3884); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(GROUPING); - setState(3885); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3886); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3887); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 17: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); - { - setState(3889); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(LISTAGG); - setState(3890); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3892); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,196,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3891); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3894); - expr_list(); - setState(3895); - match(RightParen); - setState(3896); - match(WITHIN); - setState(3897); - match(GROUP); - setState(3898); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3899); - order_by(); - setState(3900); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 18: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); - { - setState(3902); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(LISTAGG); - setState(3903); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3905); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,197,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3904); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3907); - expr_list(); - setState(3908); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 19: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); - { - setState(3910); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(CORR); - setState(3911); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3913); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,198,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3912); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3915); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3916); - match(Comma); - setState(3917); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3918); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 20: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 20); - { - setState(3920); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(COVAR_POP); - setState(3921); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3923); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,199,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3922); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3925); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3926); - match(Comma); - setState(3927); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3928); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 21: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 21); - { - setState(3930); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(COVAR_SAMP); - setState(3931); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3933); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,200,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3932); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3935); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3936); - match(Comma); - setState(3937); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3938); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 22: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 22); - { - setState(3940); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(VAR_POP); - setState(3941); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3943); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,201,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3942); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3945); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3946); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 23: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 23); - { - setState(3948); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(VAR_SAMP); - setState(3949); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3951); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,202,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3950); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3953); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3954); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 24: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 24); - { - setState(3956); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(REGR_SLOPE); - setState(3957); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3959); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,203,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3958); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3961); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3962); - match(Comma); - setState(3963); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3964); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 25: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 25); - { - setState(3966); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(REGR_INTERCEPT); - setState(3967); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3969); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,204,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3968); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3971); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3972); - match(Comma); - setState(3973); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3974); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 26: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 26); - { - setState(3976); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(REGR_COUNT); - setState(3977); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3979); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,205,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3978); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3981); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3982); - match(Comma); - setState(3983); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3984); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 27: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 27); - { - setState(3986); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(REGR_R2); - setState(3987); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3989); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,206,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3988); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(3991); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3992); - match(Comma); - setState(3993); - bit_expr(0); - setState(3994); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 28: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 28); - { - setState(3996); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(REGR_AVGX); - setState(3997); - match(LeftParen); - setState(3999); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,207,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(3998); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4001); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4002); - match(Comma); - setState(4003); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4004); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 29: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 29); - { - setState(4006); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(REGR_AVGY); - setState(4007); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4009); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,208,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4008); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4011); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4012); - match(Comma); - setState(4013); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4014); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 30: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 30); - { - setState(4016); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(REGR_SXX); - setState(4017); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4019); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,209,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4018); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4021); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4022); - match(Comma); - setState(4023); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4024); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 31: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 31); - { - setState(4026); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(REGR_SYY); - setState(4027); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4029); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,210,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4028); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4031); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4032); - match(Comma); - setState(4033); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4034); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 32: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 32); - { - setState(4036); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(REGR_SXY); - setState(4037); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4039); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,211,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4038); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4041); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4042); - match(Comma); - setState(4043); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4044); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 33: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 33); - { - setState(4046); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(RANK); - setState(4047); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4049); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,212,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4048); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4051); - expr_list(); - setState(4052); - match(RightParen); - setState(4053); - match(WITHIN); - setState(4054); - match(GROUP); - setState(4055); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4056); - order_by(); - setState(4057); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 34: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 34); - { - setState(4059); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(PERCENT_RANK); - setState(4060); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4062); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,213,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4061); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4064); - expr_list(); - setState(4065); - match(RightParen); - setState(4066); - match(WITHIN); - setState(4067); - match(GROUP); - setState(4068); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4069); - order_by(); - setState(4070); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 35: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 35); - { - setState(4072); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(4073); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4075); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,214,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4074); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4077); - expr_list(); - setState(4078); - match(RightParen); - setState(4079); - match(WITHIN); - setState(4080); - match(GROUP); - setState(4081); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4082); - order_by(); - setState(4083); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 36: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 36); - { - setState(4085); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(CUME_DIST); - setState(4086); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4088); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,215,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4087); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4090); - expr_list(); - setState(4091); - match(RightParen); - setState(4092); - match(WITHIN); - setState(4093); - match(GROUP); - setState(4094); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4095); - order_by(); - setState(4096); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 37: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 37); - { - setState(4098); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(PERCENTILE_CONT); - setState(4099); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4101); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,216,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4100); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4103); - expr_list(); - setState(4104); - match(RightParen); - setState(4105); - match(WITHIN); - setState(4106); - match(GROUP); - setState(4107); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4108); - order_by(); - setState(4109); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 38: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 38); - { - setState(4111); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(PERCENTILE_DISC); - setState(4112); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4114); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,217,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4113); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4116); - expr_list(); - setState(4117); - match(RightParen); - setState(4118); - match(WITHIN); - setState(4119); - match(GROUP); - setState(4120); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4121); - order_by(); - setState(4122); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 39: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 39); - { - setState(4124); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(MAX); - setState(4125); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4127); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,218,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4126); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4129); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4130); - match(RightParen); - setState(4131); - match(KEEP); - setState(4132); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4133); - match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(4134); - first_or_last(); - setState(4135); - order_by(); - setState(4136); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 40: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 40); - { - setState(4138); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(MIN); - setState(4139); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4141); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,219,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4140); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4143); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4144); - match(RightParen); - setState(4145); - match(KEEP); - setState(4146); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4147); - match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(4148); - first_or_last(); - setState(4149); - order_by(); - setState(4150); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 41: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 41); - { - setState(4152); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(SUM); - setState(4153); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4155); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,220,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4154); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4157); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4158); - match(RightParen); - setState(4159); - match(KEEP); - setState(4160); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4161); - match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(4162); - first_or_last(); - setState(4163); - order_by(); - setState(4164); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 42: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 42); - { - setState(4166); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(AVG); - setState(4167); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4169); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,221,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4168); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4171); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4172); - match(RightParen); - setState(4173); - match(KEEP); - setState(4174); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4175); - match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(4176); - first_or_last(); - setState(4177); - order_by(); - setState(4178); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 43: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 43); - { - setState(4180); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(VARIANCE); - setState(4181); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4183); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,222,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4182); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4185); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4186); - match(RightParen); - setState(4187); - match(KEEP); - setState(4188); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4189); - match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(4190); - first_or_last(); - setState(4191); - order_by(); - setState(4192); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 44: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 44); - { - setState(4194); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(STDDEV); - setState(4195); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4197); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,223,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4196); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4199); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4200); - match(RightParen); - setState(4201); - match(KEEP); - setState(4202); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4203); - match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(4204); - first_or_last(); - setState(4205); - order_by(); - setState(4206); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 45: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 45); - { - setState(4208); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(WM_CONCAT); - setState(4209); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4211); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,224,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4210); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4213); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4214); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 46: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 46); - { - setState(4216); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(WMSYS); - setState(4217); - match(Dot); - setState(4218); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).subFuncName = match(WM_CONCAT); - setState(4219); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4221); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,225,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4220); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4223); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4224); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 47: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 47); - { - setState(4226); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(WM_CONCAT); - setState(4227); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4229); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,226,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4228); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4231); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4232); - match(RightParen); - setState(4233); - match(KEEP); - setState(4234); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4235); - match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(4236); - first_or_last(); - setState(4237); - order_by(); - setState(4238); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 48: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 48); - { - setState(4240); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(WMSYS); - setState(4241); - match(Dot); - setState(4242); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).subFuncName = match(WM_CONCAT); - setState(4243); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4245); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,227,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4244); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4247); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4248); - match(RightParen); - setState(4249); - match(KEEP); - setState(4250); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4251); - match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(4252); - first_or_last(); - setState(4253); - order_by(); - setState(4254); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 49: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 49); - { - setState(4256); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(TOP_K_FRE_HIST); - setState(4257); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4258); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4259); - match(Comma); - setState(4260); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4261); - match(Comma); - setState(4262); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4263); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 50: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 50); - { - setState(4265); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(HYBRID_HIST); - setState(4266); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4267); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4268); - match(Comma); - setState(4269); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4270); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 51: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 51); - { - setState(4272); - ((Aggregate_functionContext)_localctx).funcName = match(XMLAGG); - setState(4273); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4274); - simple_expr(0); - setState(4276); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ORDER) { - { - setState(4275); - order_by(); - } - } - - setState(4278); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 52: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 52); - { - setState(4280); - match(SUM_OPNSIZE); - setState(4281); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4282); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4283); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Js_agg_on_nullContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public List NULLX() { return getTokens(OBParser.NULLX); } - public TerminalNode NULLX(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, i); - } - public TerminalNode ABSENT() { return getToken(OBParser.ABSENT, 0); } - public Js_agg_on_nullContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_agg_on_null; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_agg_on_null(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_agg_on_null(this); - } - } - - public final Js_agg_on_nullContext js_agg_on_null() throws RecognitionException { - Js_agg_on_nullContext _localctx = new Js_agg_on_nullContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 172, RULE_js_agg_on_null); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4287); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ABSENT || _la==NULLX) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(4288); - match(ON); - setState(4289); - match(NULLX); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Js_agg_returning_type_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode RETURNING() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNING, 0); } - public Js_return_typeContext js_return_type() { - return getRuleContext(Js_return_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Js_agg_returning_typeContext js_agg_returning_type() { - return getRuleContext(Js_agg_returning_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Js_agg_returning_type_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_agg_returning_type_opt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_agg_returning_type_opt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_agg_returning_type_opt(this); - } - } - - public final Js_agg_returning_type_optContext js_agg_returning_type_opt() throws RecognitionException { - Js_agg_returning_type_optContext _localctx = new Js_agg_returning_type_optContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 174, RULE_js_agg_returning_type_opt); - try { - setState(4295); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,230,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4291); - match(RETURNING); - setState(4292); - js_return_type(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(4293); - match(RETURNING); - setState(4294); - js_agg_returning_type(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Js_agg_returning_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode RAW() { return getToken(OBParser.RAW, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Zero_suffix_intnumContext zero_suffix_intnum() { - return getRuleContext(Zero_suffix_intnumContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode NVARCHAR2() { return getToken(OBParser.NVARCHAR2, 0); } - public Nstring_length_iContext nstring_length_i() { - return getRuleContext(Nstring_length_iContext.class,0); - } - public Js_agg_returning_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_agg_returning_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_agg_returning_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_agg_returning_type(this); - } - } - - public final Js_agg_returning_typeContext js_agg_returning_type() throws RecognitionException { - Js_agg_returning_typeContext _localctx = new Js_agg_returning_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 176, RULE_js_agg_returning_type); - int _la; - try { - setState(4307); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,232,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4297); - match(RAW); - setState(4298); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4299); - zero_suffix_intnum(); - setState(4300); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(4302); - match(RAW); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(4303); - match(NVARCHAR2); - setState(4305); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(4304); - nstring_length_i(); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Special_func_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public List bit_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode MONTH() { return getToken(OBParser.MONTH, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ISNULL() { return getToken(OBParser.ISNULL, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.TIME, 0); } - public TerminalNode YEAR() { return getToken(OBParser.YEAR, 0); } - public Cur_timestamp_funcContext cur_timestamp_func() { - return getRuleContext(Cur_timestamp_funcContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode INSERT() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERT, 0); } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public TerminalNode CALC_PARTITION_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.CALC_PARTITION_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode LEFT() { return getToken(OBParser.LEFT, 0); } - public TerminalNode POSITION() { return getToken(OBParser.POSITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode IN() { return getToken(OBParser.IN, 0); } - public Column_definition_refContext column_definition_ref() { - return getRuleContext(Column_definition_refContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } - public TerminalNode LAST_REFRESH_SCN() { return getToken(OBParser.LAST_REFRESH_SCN, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public Special_func_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_special_func_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSpecial_func_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSpecial_func_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Special_func_exprContext special_func_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Special_func_exprContext _localctx = new Special_func_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 178, RULE_special_func_expr); - int _la; - try { - setState(4364); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,235,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4314); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case DATE: - case ISNULL: - case YEAR: - case TIME: - { - setState(4311); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case DATE: - case ISNULL: - { - setState(4309); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==DATE || _la==ISNULL) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - case YEAR: - case TIME: - { - setState(4310); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==YEAR || _la==TIME) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case MONTH: - { - setState(4313); - match(MONTH); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(4316); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4317); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4318); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(4320); - cur_timestamp_func(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(4321); - match(INSERT); - setState(4322); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4323); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4324); - match(Comma); - setState(4325); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4326); - match(Comma); - setState(4327); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4328); - match(Comma); - setState(4329); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4330); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(4332); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==LEFT || _la==CALC_PARTITION_ID) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(4333); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4334); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4335); - match(Comma); - setState(4336); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4337); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(4339); - match(POSITION); - setState(4340); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4341); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4342); - match(IN); - setState(4343); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4344); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(4346); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==DEFAULT || _la==VALUES) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(4347); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4348); - column_definition_ref(); - setState(4349); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(4351); - match(CALC_PARTITION_ID); - setState(4352); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4353); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4354); - match(Comma); - setState(4355); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4356); - match(Comma); - setState(4357); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4358); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(4360); - match(LAST_REFRESH_SCN); - setState(4361); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4362); - match(INTNUM); - setState(4363); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Access_func_expr_countContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.COUNT, 0); } - public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); - } - public TerminalNode Star() { return getToken(OBParser.Star, 0); } - public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } - public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); - } - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode DISTINCT() { return getToken(OBParser.DISTINCT, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEEP() { return getToken(OBParser.KEEP, 0); } - public TerminalNode DENSE_RANK() { return getToken(OBParser.DENSE_RANK, 0); } - public First_or_lastContext first_or_last() { - return getRuleContext(First_or_lastContext.class,0); - } - public Order_byContext order_by() { - return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); - } - public Access_func_expr_countContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_access_func_expr_count; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAccess_func_expr_count(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAccess_func_expr_count(this); - } - } - - public final Access_func_expr_countContext access_func_expr_count() throws RecognitionException { - Access_func_expr_countContext _localctx = new Access_func_expr_countContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 180, RULE_access_func_expr_count); - int _la; - try { - setState(4421); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,240,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4366); - match(COUNT); - setState(4367); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4369); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ALL) { - { - setState(4368); - match(ALL); - } - } - - setState(4371); - match(Star); - setState(4372); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(4373); - match(COUNT); - setState(4374); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4376); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,237,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4375); - match(ALL); - } - break; - } - setState(4378); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4379); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(4381); - match(COUNT); - setState(4382); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4383); - match(DISTINCT); - setState(4384); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4385); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(4387); - match(COUNT); - setState(4388); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4389); - match(UNIQUE); - setState(4390); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4391); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(4393); - match(COUNT); - setState(4394); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4396); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ALL) { - { - setState(4395); - match(ALL); - } - } - - setState(4398); - match(Star); - setState(4399); - match(RightParen); - setState(4400); - match(KEEP); - setState(4401); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4402); - match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(4403); - first_or_last(); - setState(4404); - order_by(); - setState(4405); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(4407); - match(COUNT); - setState(4408); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4410); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,239,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4409); - match(ALL); - } - break; - } - setState(4412); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4413); - match(RightParen); - setState(4414); - match(KEEP); - setState(4415); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4416); - match(DENSE_RANK); - setState(4417); - first_or_last(); - setState(4418); - order_by(); - setState(4419); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Access_func_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Access_func_expr_countContext access_func_expr_count() { - return getRuleContext(Access_func_expr_countContext.class,0); - } - public Function_nameContext function_name() { - return getRuleContext(Function_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Func_param_listContext func_param_list() { - return getRuleContext(Func_param_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NEW() { return getToken(OBParser.NEW, 0); } - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public Opt_json_existContext opt_json_exist() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_json_existContext.class,0); - } - public Json_equal_optionContext json_equal_option() { - return getRuleContext(Json_equal_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Aggregate_function_keywordContext aggregate_function_keyword() { - return getRuleContext(Aggregate_function_keywordContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public TerminalNode DISTINCT() { return getToken(OBParser.DISTINCT, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } - public Exists_function_nameContext exists_function_name() { - return getRuleContext(Exists_function_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Access_func_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_access_func_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAccess_func_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAccess_func_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Access_func_exprContext access_func_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Access_func_exprContext _localctx = new Access_func_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 182, RULE_access_func_expr); - try { - setState(4489); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,242,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4423); - access_func_expr_count(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(4424); - function_name(); - setState(4425); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4426); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(4428); - function_name(); - setState(4429); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4430); - func_param_list(); - setState(4431); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(4433); - match(NEW); - setState(4434); - match(NAME_OB); - setState(4435); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4436); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(4437); - match(NEW); - setState(4438); - match(NAME_OB); - setState(4439); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4440); - func_param_list(); - setState(4441); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(4443); - function_name(); - setState(4444); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4445); - func_param_list(); - setState(4446); - opt_json_exist(); - setState(4447); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(4449); - function_name(); - setState(4450); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4451); - func_param_list(); - setState(4452); - json_equal_option(); - setState(4453); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(4455); - aggregate_function_keyword(); - setState(4456); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4457); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(4459); - aggregate_function_keyword(); - setState(4460); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4461); - func_param_list(); - setState(4462); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 10: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(4464); - function_name(); - setState(4465); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4466); - match(ALL); - setState(4467); - func_param_list(); - setState(4468); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 11: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); - { - setState(4470); - function_name(); - setState(4471); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4472); - match(DISTINCT); - setState(4473); - func_param_list(); - setState(4474); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 12: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); - { - setState(4476); - function_name(); - setState(4477); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4478); - match(UNIQUE); - setState(4479); - func_param_list(); - setState(4480); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 13: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); - { - setState(4482); - exists_function_name(); - setState(4483); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4485); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,241,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4484); - func_param_list(); - } - break; - } - setState(4487); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Dblink_func_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List column_ref() { - return getRuleContexts(Column_refContext.class); - } - public Column_refContext column_ref(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Column_refContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Func_param_listContext func_param_list() { - return getRuleContext(Func_param_listContext.class,0); - } - public List Dot() { return getTokens(OBParser.Dot); } - public TerminalNode Dot(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Dot, i); - } - public Dblink_func_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dblink_func_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDblink_func_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDblink_func_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Dblink_func_exprContext dblink_func_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Dblink_func_exprContext _localctx = new Dblink_func_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 184, RULE_dblink_func_expr); - try { - setState(4521); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,246,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4491); - column_ref(); - setState(4492); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - setState(4493); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4495); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,243,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4494); - func_param_list(); - } - break; - } - setState(4497); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(4499); - column_ref(); - setState(4500); - match(Dot); - setState(4501); - column_ref(); - setState(4502); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - setState(4503); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4505); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,244,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4504); - func_param_list(); - } - break; - } - setState(4507); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(4509); - column_ref(); - setState(4510); - match(Dot); - setState(4511); - column_ref(); - setState(4512); - match(Dot); - setState(4513); - column_ref(); - setState(4514); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - setState(4515); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4517); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,245,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4516); - func_param_list(); - } - break; - } - setState(4519); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Func_param_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List func_param() { - return getRuleContexts(Func_paramContext.class); - } - public Func_paramContext func_param(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Func_paramContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Func_param_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_func_param_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFunc_param_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFunc_param_list(this); - } - } - - public final Func_param_listContext func_param_list() throws RecognitionException { - Func_param_listContext _localctx = new Func_param_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 186, RULE_func_param_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4523); - func_param(); - setState(4528); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(4524); - match(Comma); - setState(4525); - func_param(); - } - } - setState(4530); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Func_paramContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Func_param_with_assignContext func_param_with_assign() { - return getRuleContext(Func_param_with_assignContext.class,0); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext bool_pri_in_pl_func() { - return getRuleContext(Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext.class,0); - } - public Func_paramContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_func_param; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFunc_param(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFunc_param(this); - } - } - - public final Func_paramContext func_param() throws RecognitionException { - Func_paramContext _localctx = new Func_paramContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 188, RULE_func_param); - try { - setState(4534); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,248,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4531); - func_param_with_assign(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(4532); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(4533); - bool_pri_in_pl_func(0); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Func_param_with_assignContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Pl_var_nameContext pl_var_name() { - return getRuleContext(Pl_var_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR() { return getToken(OBParser.PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext bool_pri_in_pl_func() { - return getRuleContext(Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext.class,0); - } - public Func_param_with_assignContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_func_param_with_assign; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFunc_param_with_assign(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFunc_param_with_assign(this); - } - } - - public final Func_param_with_assignContext func_param_with_assign() throws RecognitionException { - Func_param_with_assignContext _localctx = new Func_param_with_assignContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 190, RULE_func_param_with_assign); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4536); - pl_var_name(); - setState(4537); - match(PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR); - setState(4540); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,249,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4538); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(4539); - bool_pri_in_pl_func(0); - } - break; - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Pl_var_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Var_nameContext var_name() { - return getRuleContext(Var_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext oracle_pl_non_reserved_words() { - return getRuleContext(Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext.class,0); - } - public Pl_var_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_pl_var_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPl_var_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPl_var_name(this); - } - } - - public final Pl_var_nameContext pl_var_name() throws RecognitionException { - Pl_var_nameContext _localctx = new Pl_var_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 192, RULE_pl_var_name); - try { - setState(4544); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4542); - var_name(); - } - break; - case ACCESS: - case ADD: - case AUDIT: - case CHAR: - case COLUMN: - case COMMENT: - case CURRENT: - case DATE: - case DECIMAL: - case FILE_KEY: - case FLOAT: - case IMMEDIATE: - case INCREMENT: - case INITIAL_: - case INTEGER: - case LONG: - case MAXEXTENTS: - case MODIFY: - case NOAUDIT: - case NOTFOUND: - case NUMBER: - case OFFLINE: - case ONLINE: - case PCTFREE: - case PRIVILEGES: - case RAW: - case RENAME: - case ROW: - case ROWLABEL: - case ROWS: - case SESSION: - case SET: - case SMALLINT: - case SUCCESSFUL: - case SYNONYM: - case TRIGGER: - case VALIDATE: - case VARCHAR: - case VARCHAR2: - case WHENEVER: - case DUAL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(4543); - oracle_pl_non_reserved_words(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Bool_priContext bool_pri() { - return getRuleContext(Bool_priContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } - public List bool_pri_in_pl_func() { - return getRuleContexts(Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext.class); - } - public Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext bool_pri_in_pl_func(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode AND() { return getToken(OBParser.AND, 0); } - public TerminalNode OR() { return getToken(OBParser.OR, 0); } - public Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_bool_pri_in_pl_func; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterBool_pri_in_pl_func(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitBool_pri_in_pl_func(this); - } - } - - public final Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext bool_pri_in_pl_func() throws RecognitionException { - return bool_pri_in_pl_func(0); - } - - private Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext bool_pri_in_pl_func(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext _localctx = new Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 194; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 194, RULE_bool_pri_in_pl_func, _p); - int _la; - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4554); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,251,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4547); - bool_pri(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(4548); - match(NOT); - setState(4549); - bool_pri_in_pl_func(3); - } - break; - case 3: - { - setState(4550); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4551); - bool_pri_in_pl_func(0); - setState(4552); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(4561); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,252,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - { - _localctx = new Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_bool_pri_in_pl_func); - setState(4556); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); - setState(4557); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==AND || _la==OR) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(4558); - bool_pri_in_pl_func(2); - } - } - } - setState(4563); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,252,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Cur_timestamp_funcContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SYSDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSDATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOCALTIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCALTIMESTAMP, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYSTIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTIMESTAMP, 0); } - public Cur_timestamp_funcContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cur_timestamp_func; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCur_timestamp_func(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCur_timestamp_func(this); - } - } - - public final Cur_timestamp_funcContext cur_timestamp_func() throws RecognitionException { - Cur_timestamp_funcContext _localctx = new Cur_timestamp_funcContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 196, RULE_cur_timestamp_func); - int _la; - try { - setState(4572); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case SYSDATE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4564); - match(SYSDATE); - } - break; - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(4567); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - { - setState(4565); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==SYSTIMESTAMP || _la==LOCALTIMESTAMP) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - { - setState(4566); - match(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(4569); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4570); - match(INTNUM); - setState(4571); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Updating_funcContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode UPDATING() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATING, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Updating_paramsContext updating_params() { - return getRuleContext(Updating_paramsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Updating_funcContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_updating_func; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUpdating_func(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUpdating_func(this); - } - } - - public final Updating_funcContext updating_func() throws RecognitionException { - Updating_funcContext _localctx = new Updating_funcContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 198, RULE_updating_func); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4574); - match(UPDATING); - setState(4575); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4576); - updating_params(); - setState(4577); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Updating_paramsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Updating_paramsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_updating_params; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUpdating_params(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUpdating_params(this); - } - } - - public final Updating_paramsContext updating_params() throws RecognitionException { - Updating_paramsContext _localctx = new Updating_paramsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 200, RULE_updating_params); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4579); - bit_expr(0); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Substr_paramsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List bit_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Substr_paramsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_substr_params; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSubstr_params(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSubstr_params(this); - } - } - - public final Substr_paramsContext substr_params() throws RecognitionException { - Substr_paramsContext _localctx = new Substr_paramsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 202, RULE_substr_params); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4581); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4582); - match(Comma); - setState(4583); - bit_expr(0); - setState(4586); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Comma) { - { - setState(4584); - match(Comma); - setState(4585); - bit_expr(0); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Returning_log_error_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Returning_clauseContext returning_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Returning_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Log_error_clauseContext log_error_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Log_error_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Returning_log_error_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_returning_log_error_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterReturning_log_error_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitReturning_log_error_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Returning_log_error_clauseContext returning_log_error_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Returning_log_error_clauseContext _localctx = new Returning_log_error_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 204, RULE_returning_log_error_clause); - try { - setState(4593); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,256,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4588); - returning_clause(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(4589); - log_error_clause(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(4590); - returning_clause(); - setState(4591); - log_error_clause(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Returning_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Returning_exprsContext returning_exprs() { - return getRuleContext(Returning_exprsContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_into_clauseContext opt_into_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_into_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RETURNING() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNING, 0); } - public TerminalNode RETURN() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURN, 0); } - public Returning_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_returning_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterReturning_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitReturning_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Returning_clauseContext returning_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Returning_clauseContext _localctx = new Returning_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 206, RULE_returning_clause); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4595); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==RETURN || _la==RETURNING) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(4596); - returning_exprs(); - setState(4597); - opt_into_clause(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Log_error_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LOG() { return getToken(OBParser.LOG, 0); } - public TerminalNode ERRORS() { return getToken(OBParser.ERRORS, 0); } - public Into_err_log_caluseContext into_err_log_caluse() { - return getRuleContext(Into_err_log_caluseContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_simple_expressionContext opt_simple_expression() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_simple_expressionContext.class,0); - } - public Reject_limitContext reject_limit() { - return getRuleContext(Reject_limitContext.class,0); - } - public Log_error_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_log_error_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLog_error_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLog_error_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Log_error_clauseContext log_error_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Log_error_clauseContext _localctx = new Log_error_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 208, RULE_log_error_clause); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4599); - match(LOG); - setState(4600); - match(ERRORS); - setState(4601); - into_err_log_caluse(); - setState(4602); - opt_simple_expression(); - setState(4603); - reject_limit(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Delete_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Delete_with_opt_hintContext delete_with_opt_hint() { - return getRuleContext(Delete_with_opt_hintContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FROM() { return getToken(OBParser.FROM, 0); } - public Table_factorContext table_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Table_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_where_extensionContext opt_where_extension() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_where_extensionContext.class,0); - } - public Returning_log_error_clauseContext returning_log_error_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Returning_log_error_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode WHERE() { return getToken(OBParser.WHERE, 0); } - public ExprContext expr() { - return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode HINT_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_VALUE, 0); } - public Delete_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_delete_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDelete_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDelete_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Delete_stmtContext delete_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Delete_stmtContext _localctx = new Delete_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 210, RULE_delete_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(4624); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,260,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4605); - delete_with_opt_hint(); - setState(4606); - match(FROM); - setState(4607); - table_factor(); - setState(4608); - opt_where_extension(); - setState(4610); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==RETURN || _la==RETURNING || _la==LOG) { - { - setState(4609); - returning_log_error_clause(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(4612); - delete_with_opt_hint(); - setState(4613); - table_factor(); - setState(4619); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,258,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(4614); - match(WHERE); - setState(4615); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(4616); - match(WHERE); - setState(4617); - match(HINT_VALUE); - setState(4618); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4622); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==RETURN || _la==RETURNING || _la==LOG) { - { - setState(4621); - returning_log_error_clause(); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Update_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Update_with_opt_hintContext update_with_opt_hint() { - return getRuleContext(Update_with_opt_hintContext.class,0); - } - public Dml_table_clauseContext dml_table_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Dml_table_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public Update_asgn_listContext update_asgn_list() { - return getRuleContext(Update_asgn_listContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_where_extensionContext opt_where_extension() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_where_extensionContext.class,0); - } - public Returning_log_error_clauseContext returning_log_error_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Returning_log_error_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Update_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_update_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUpdate_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUpdate_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Update_stmtContext update_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Update_stmtContext _localctx = new Update_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 212, RULE_update_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4626); - update_with_opt_hint(); - setState(4627); - dml_table_clause(); - setState(4628); - match(SET); - setState(4629); - update_asgn_list(); - setState(4630); - opt_where_extension(); - setState(4632); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==RETURN || _la==RETURNING || _la==LOG) { - { - setState(4631); - returning_log_error_clause(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Update_asgn_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Normal_asgn_listContext normal_asgn_list() { - return getRuleContext(Normal_asgn_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ROW() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Obj_access_ref_normalContext obj_access_ref_normal() { - return getRuleContext(Obj_access_ref_normalContext.class,0); - } - public Update_asgn_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_update_asgn_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUpdate_asgn_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUpdate_asgn_list(this); - } - } - - public final Update_asgn_listContext update_asgn_list() throws RecognitionException { - Update_asgn_listContext _localctx = new Update_asgn_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 214, RULE_update_asgn_list); - try { - setState(4638); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ROWID: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case LeftParen: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4634); - normal_asgn_list(); - } - break; - case ROW: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(4635); - match(ROW); - setState(4636); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(4637); - obj_access_ref_normal(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Normal_asgn_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List update_asgn_factor() { - return getRuleContexts(Update_asgn_factorContext.class); - } - public Update_asgn_factorContext update_asgn_factor(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Update_asgn_factorContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Normal_asgn_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_normal_asgn_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNormal_asgn_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNormal_asgn_list(this); - } - } - - public final Normal_asgn_listContext normal_asgn_list() throws RecognitionException { - Normal_asgn_listContext _localctx = new Normal_asgn_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 216, RULE_normal_asgn_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4640); - update_asgn_factor(); - setState(4645); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(4641); - match(Comma); - setState(4642); - update_asgn_factor(); - } - } - setState(4647); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Update_asgn_factorContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_definition_refContext column_definition_ref() { - return getRuleContext(Column_definition_refContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Expr_or_defaultContext expr_or_default() { - return getRuleContext(Expr_or_defaultContext.class,0); - } - public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); - } - public Column_listContext column_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_listContext.class,0); - } - public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } - public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); - } - public SubqueryContext subquery() { - return getRuleContext(SubqueryContext.class,0); - } - public Order_byContext order_by() { - return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); - } - public Fetch_next_clauseContext fetch_next_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Update_asgn_factorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_update_asgn_factor; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUpdate_asgn_factor(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUpdate_asgn_factor(this); - } - } - - public final Update_asgn_factorContext update_asgn_factor() throws RecognitionException { - Update_asgn_factorContext _localctx = new Update_asgn_factorContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 218, RULE_update_asgn_factor); - int _la; - try { - setState(4666); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ROWID: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4648); - column_definition_ref(); - setState(4649); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(4650); - expr_or_default(); - } - break; - case LeftParen: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(4652); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4653); - column_list(); - setState(4654); - match(RightParen); - setState(4655); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(4656); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4657); - subquery(); - setState(4659); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ORDER) { - { - setState(4658); - order_by(); - } - } - - setState(4662); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { - { - setState(4661); - fetch_next_clause(); - } - } - - setState(4664); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_resource_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESOURCE() { return getToken(OBParser.RESOURCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNIT() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Resource_unit_optionContext resource_unit_option() { - return getRuleContext(Resource_unit_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext opt_resource_unit_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public TerminalNode POOL() { return getToken(OBParser.POOL, 0); } - public Create_resource_pool_optionContext create_resource_pool_option() { - return getRuleContext(Create_resource_pool_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext opt_create_resource_pool_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public Create_resource_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_resource_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_resource_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_resource_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Create_resource_stmtContext create_resource_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Create_resource_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_resource_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 220, RULE_create_resource_stmt); - try { - setState(4690); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,269,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4668); - match(CREATE); - setState(4669); - match(RESOURCE); - setState(4670); - match(UNIT); - setState(4671); - relation_name(); - setState(4677); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,267,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4672); - resource_unit_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(4673); - opt_resource_unit_option_list(0); - setState(4674); - match(Comma); - setState(4675); - resource_unit_option(); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(4679); - match(CREATE); - setState(4680); - match(RESOURCE); - setState(4681); - match(POOL); - setState(4682); - relation_name(); - setState(4688); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,268,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4683); - create_resource_pool_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(4684); - opt_create_resource_pool_option_list(0); - setState(4685); - match(Comma); - setState(4686); - create_resource_pool_option(); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Resource_unit_optionContext resource_unit_option() { - return getRuleContext(Resource_unit_optionContext.class,0); - } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext opt_resource_unit_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_resource_unit_option_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_resource_unit_option_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_resource_unit_option_list(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext opt_resource_unit_option_list() throws RecognitionException { - return opt_resource_unit_option_list(0); - } - - private Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext opt_resource_unit_option_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext _localctx = new Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 222; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 222, RULE_opt_resource_unit_option_list, _p); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4695); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,270,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4693); - resource_unit_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(4694); - empty(); - } - break; - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(4702); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,271,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - { - _localctx = new Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_opt_resource_unit_option_list); - setState(4697); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); - setState(4698); - match(Comma); - setState(4699); - resource_unit_option(); - } - } - } - setState(4704); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,271,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Resource_unit_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode MIN_CPU() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN_CPU, 0); } - public Conf_constContext conf_const() { - return getRuleContext(Conf_constContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode MIN_IOPS() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN_IOPS, 0); } - public TerminalNode MIN_MEMORY() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN_MEMORY, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX_CPU() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_CPU, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX_MEMORY() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_MEMORY, 0); } - public TerminalNode MEMORY_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.MEMORY_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX_IOPS() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_IOPS, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX_DISK_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_DISK_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX_SESSION_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_SESSION_NUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode IOPS_WEIGHT() { return getToken(OBParser.IOPS_WEIGHT, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOG_DISK_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.LOG_DISK_SIZE, 0); } - public Resource_unit_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_resource_unit_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterResource_unit_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitResource_unit_option(this); - } - } - - public final Resource_unit_optionContext resource_unit_option() throws RecognitionException { - Resource_unit_optionContext _localctx = new Resource_unit_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 224, RULE_resource_unit_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(4760); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case MIN_CPU: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4705); - match(MIN_CPU); - setState(4707); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4706); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4709); - conf_const(); - } - break; - case MIN_IOPS: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(4710); - match(MIN_IOPS); - setState(4712); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4711); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4714); - conf_const(); - } - break; - case MIN_MEMORY: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(4715); - match(MIN_MEMORY); - setState(4717); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4716); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4719); - conf_const(); - } - break; - case MAX_CPU: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(4720); - match(MAX_CPU); - setState(4722); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4721); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4724); - conf_const(); - } - break; - case MAX_MEMORY: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(4725); - match(MAX_MEMORY); - setState(4727); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4726); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4729); - conf_const(); - } - break; - case MEMORY_SIZE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(4730); - match(MEMORY_SIZE); - setState(4732); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4731); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4734); - conf_const(); - } - break; - case MAX_IOPS: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(4735); - match(MAX_IOPS); - setState(4737); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4736); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4739); - conf_const(); - } - break; - case MAX_DISK_SIZE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(4740); - match(MAX_DISK_SIZE); - setState(4742); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4741); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4744); - conf_const(); - } - break; - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(4745); - match(MAX_SESSION_NUM); - setState(4747); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4746); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4749); - conf_const(); - } - break; - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(4750); - match(IOPS_WEIGHT); - setState(4752); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4751); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4754); - conf_const(); - } - break; - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); - { - setState(4755); - match(LOG_DISK_SIZE); - setState(4757); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4756); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4759); - conf_const(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Create_resource_pool_optionContext create_resource_pool_option() { - return getRuleContext(Create_resource_pool_optionContext.class,0); - } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext opt_create_resource_pool_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_create_resource_pool_option_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_create_resource_pool_option_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_create_resource_pool_option_list(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext opt_create_resource_pool_option_list() throws RecognitionException { - return opt_create_resource_pool_option_list(0); - } - - private Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext opt_create_resource_pool_option_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext _localctx = new Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 226; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 226, RULE_opt_create_resource_pool_option_list, _p); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4765); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,284,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4763); - create_resource_pool_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(4764); - empty(); - } - break; - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(4772); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,285,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - { - _localctx = new Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_opt_create_resource_pool_option_list); - setState(4767); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); - setState(4768); - match(Comma); - setState(4769); - create_resource_pool_option(); - } - } - } - setState(4774); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,285,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_resource_pool_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode UNIT() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT, 0); } - public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNIT_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT_NUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode ZONE_LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE_LIST, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Zone_listContext zone_list() { - return getRuleContext(Zone_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPLICA_TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICA_TYPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public Create_resource_pool_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_resource_pool_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_resource_pool_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_resource_pool_option(this); - } - } - - public final Create_resource_pool_optionContext create_resource_pool_option() throws RecognitionException { - Create_resource_pool_optionContext _localctx = new Create_resource_pool_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 228, RULE_create_resource_pool_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(4798); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case UNIT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4775); - match(UNIT); - setState(4777); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4776); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4779); - relation_name_or_string(); - } - break; - case UNIT_NUM: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(4780); - match(UNIT_NUM); - setState(4782); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4781); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4784); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case ZONE_LIST: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(4785); - match(ZONE_LIST); - setState(4787); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4786); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4789); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4790); - zone_list(); - setState(4791); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case REPLICA_TYPE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(4793); - match(REPLICA_TYPE); - setState(4795); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4794); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4797); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List alter_resource_pool_option() { - return getRuleContexts(Alter_resource_pool_optionContext.class); - } - public Alter_resource_pool_optionContext alter_resource_pool_option(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Alter_resource_pool_optionContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_resource_pool_option_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_resource_pool_option_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_resource_pool_option_list(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext alter_resource_pool_option_list() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext _localctx = new Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 230, RULE_alter_resource_pool_option_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4800); - alter_resource_pool_option(); - setState(4805); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(4801); - match(Comma); - setState(4802); - alter_resource_pool_option(); - } - } - setState(4807); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Id_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List INTNUM() { return getTokens(OBParser.INTNUM); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Id_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_id_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterId_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitId_list(this); - } - } - - public final Id_listContext id_list() throws RecognitionException { - Id_listContext _localctx = new Id_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 232, RULE_id_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4808); - match(INTNUM); - setState(4813); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(4809); - match(Comma); - setState(4810); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - setState(4815); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_resource_pool_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode UNIT() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT, 0); } - public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNIT_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT_NUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } - public Opt_equal_markContext opt_equal_mark() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_equal_markContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Id_listContext id_list() { - return getRuleContext(Id_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode ZONE_LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE_LIST, 0); } - public Zone_listContext zone_list() { - return getRuleContext(Zone_listContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_resource_pool_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_resource_pool_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_resource_pool_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_resource_pool_option(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_resource_pool_optionContext alter_resource_pool_option() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_resource_pool_optionContext _localctx = new Alter_resource_pool_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 234, RULE_alter_resource_pool_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(4843); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case UNIT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4816); - match(UNIT); - setState(4818); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4817); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4820); - relation_name_or_string(); - } - break; - case UNIT_NUM: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(4821); - match(UNIT_NUM); - setState(4823); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4822); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4825); - match(INTNUM); - setState(4833); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DELETE) { - { - setState(4826); - match(DELETE); - setState(4827); - match(UNIT); - setState(4828); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(4829); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4830); - id_list(); - setState(4831); - match(RightParen); - } - } - - } - break; - case ZONE_LIST: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(4835); - match(ZONE_LIST); - setState(4837); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4836); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4839); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4840); - zone_list(); - setState(4841); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_resource_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESOURCE() { return getToken(OBParser.RESOURCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNIT() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Resource_unit_optionContext resource_unit_option() { - return getRuleContext(Resource_unit_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext opt_resource_unit_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public TerminalNode POOL() { return getToken(OBParser.POOL, 0); } - public Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext alter_resource_pool_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode SPLIT() { return getToken(OBParser.SPLIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } - public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); - } - public List resource_pool_list() { - return getRuleContexts(Resource_pool_listContext.class); - } - public Resource_pool_listContext resource_pool_list(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Resource_pool_listContext.class,i); - } - public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } - public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); - } - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public Zone_listContext zone_list() { - return getRuleContext(Zone_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode MERGE() { return getToken(OBParser.MERGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNIT_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT_NUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNIT_GROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT_GROUP, 0); } - public Opt_equal_markContext opt_equal_mark() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_equal_markContext.class,0); - } - public Id_listContext id_list() { - return getRuleContext(Id_listContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_resource_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_resource_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_resource_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_resource_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_resource_stmtContext alter_resource_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_resource_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_resource_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 236, RULE_alter_resource_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(4906); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,301,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4845); - match(ALTER); - setState(4846); - match(RESOURCE); - setState(4847); - match(UNIT); - setState(4848); - relation_name(); - setState(4854); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,298,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4849); - resource_unit_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(4850); - opt_resource_unit_option_list(0); - setState(4851); - match(Comma); - setState(4852); - resource_unit_option(); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(4856); - match(ALTER); - setState(4857); - match(RESOURCE); - setState(4858); - match(POOL); - setState(4859); - relation_name(); - setState(4860); - alter_resource_pool_option_list(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(4862); - match(ALTER); - setState(4863); - match(RESOURCE); - setState(4864); - match(POOL); - setState(4865); - relation_name(); - setState(4866); - match(SPLIT); - setState(4867); - match(INTO); - setState(4868); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4869); - resource_pool_list(); - setState(4870); - match(RightParen); - setState(4871); - match(ON); - setState(4872); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4873); - zone_list(); - setState(4874); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(4876); - match(ALTER); - setState(4877); - match(RESOURCE); - setState(4878); - match(POOL); - setState(4879); - match(MERGE); - setState(4880); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4881); - resource_pool_list(); - setState(4882); - match(RightParen); - setState(4883); - match(INTO); - setState(4884); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4885); - resource_pool_list(); - setState(4886); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(4888); - match(ALTER); - setState(4889); - match(RESOURCE); - setState(4890); - match(TENANT); - setState(4891); - relation_name(); - setState(4892); - match(UNIT_NUM); - setState(4894); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4893); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4896); - match(INTNUM); - setState(4904); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DELETE) { - { - setState(4897); - match(DELETE); - setState(4898); - match(UNIT_GROUP); - setState(4899); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(4900); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4901); - id_list(); - setState(4902); - match(RightParen); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_resource_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESOURCE() { return getToken(OBParser.RESOURCE, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode POOL() { return getToken(OBParser.POOL, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNIT() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT, 0); } - public Drop_resource_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_resource_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_resource_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_resource_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_resource_stmtContext drop_resource_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_resource_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_resource_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 238, RULE_drop_resource_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4908); - match(DROP); - setState(4909); - match(RESOURCE); - setState(4910); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==POOL || _la==UNIT) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(4911); - relation_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_tenant_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Tenant_optionContext tenant_option() { - return getRuleContext(Tenant_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_tenant_option_listContext opt_tenant_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_tenant_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public Sys_var_and_val_listContext sys_var_and_val_list() { - return getRuleContext(Sys_var_and_val_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode VARIABLES() { return getToken(OBParser.VARIABLES, 0); } - public Create_tenant_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_tenant_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_tenant_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_tenant_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Create_tenant_stmtContext create_tenant_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Create_tenant_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_tenant_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 240, RULE_create_tenant_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4913); - match(CREATE); - setState(4914); - match(TENANT); - setState(4915); - relation_name(); - setState(4921); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,302,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4916); - tenant_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(4917); - opt_tenant_option_list(0); - setState(4918); - match(Comma); - setState(4919); - tenant_option(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(4930); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,303,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(4923); - match(SET); - setState(4924); - sys_var_and_val_list(); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(4925); - match(SET); - setState(4926); - match(VARIABLES); - setState(4927); - sys_var_and_val_list(); - } - } - break; - case 3: - { - { - setState(4928); - match(VARIABLES); - setState(4929); - sys_var_and_val_list(); - } - } - break; - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_tenant_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Tenant_optionContext tenant_option() { - return getRuleContext(Tenant_optionContext.class,0); - } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_tenant_option_listContext opt_tenant_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_tenant_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Opt_tenant_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_tenant_option_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_tenant_option_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_tenant_option_list(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_tenant_option_listContext opt_tenant_option_list() throws RecognitionException { - return opt_tenant_option_list(0); - } - - private Opt_tenant_option_listContext opt_tenant_option_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Opt_tenant_option_listContext _localctx = new Opt_tenant_option_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Opt_tenant_option_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 242; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 242, RULE_opt_tenant_option_list, _p); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4935); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,304,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4933); - tenant_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(4934); - empty(); - } - break; - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(4942); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,305,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - { - _localctx = new Opt_tenant_option_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_opt_tenant_option_list); - setState(4937); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); - setState(4938); - match(Comma); - setState(4939); - tenant_option(); - } - } - } - setState(4944); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,305,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Tenant_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOCALITY() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCALITY, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPLICA_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICA_NUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION, 0); } - public TerminalNode STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION, 0); } - public TerminalNode STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRIMARY_ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY_ZONE, 0); } - public Primary_zone_nameContext primary_zone_name() { - return getRuleContext(Primary_zone_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RESOURCE_POOL_LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.RESOURCE_POOL_LIST, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Resource_pool_listContext resource_pool_list() { - return getRuleContext(Resource_pool_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode ZONE_LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE_LIST, 0); } - public Zone_listContext zone_list() { - return getRuleContext(Zone_listContext.class,0); - } - public Charset_keyContext charset_key() { - return getRuleContext(Charset_keyContext.class,0); - } - public Charset_nameContext charset_name() { - return getRuleContext(Charset_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Read_only_or_writeContext read_only_or_write() { - return getRuleContext(Read_only_or_writeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COMMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMENT, 0); } - public Default_tablegroupContext default_tablegroup() { - return getRuleContext(Default_tablegroupContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID() { return getToken(OBParser.ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID, 0); } - public TerminalNode BOOL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL_VALUE, 0); } - public Tenant_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tenant_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTenant_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTenant_option(this); - } - } - - public final Tenant_optionContext tenant_option() throws RecognitionException { - Tenant_optionContext _localctx = new Tenant_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 244, RULE_tenant_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(5017); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(4945); - match(LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM); - setState(4947); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4946); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4949); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case LOCALITY: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(4950); - match(LOCALITY); - setState(4952); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4951); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4954); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(4956); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,308,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(4955); - match(FORCE); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case REPLICA_NUM: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(4958); - match(REPLICA_NUM); - setState(4960); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4959); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4962); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(4963); - match(REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION); - setState(4965); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4964); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4967); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(4968); - match(STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION); - setState(4970); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4969); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4972); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(4973); - match(STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION); - setState(4975); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4974); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4977); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(4978); - match(PRIMARY_ZONE); - setState(4980); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4979); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4982); - primary_zone_name(); - } - break; - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(4983); - match(RESOURCE_POOL_LIST); - setState(4985); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4984); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4987); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4988); - resource_pool_list(); - setState(4989); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case ZONE_LIST: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(4991); - match(ZONE_LIST); - setState(4993); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(4992); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(4995); - match(LeftParen); - setState(4996); - zone_list(); - setState(4997); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case CHARACTER: - case CHARSET: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(4999); - charset_key(); - setState(5001); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(5000); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(5003); - charset_name(); - } - break; - case READ: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); - { - setState(5005); - read_only_or_write(); - } - break; - case COMMENT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); - { - setState(5006); - match(COMMENT); - setState(5008); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(5007); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(5010); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); - { - setState(5011); - default_tablegroup(); - } - break; - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); - { - setState(5012); - match(ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID); - setState(5014); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(5013); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(5016); - match(BOOL_VALUE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Zone_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List STRING_VALUE() { return getTokens(OBParser.STRING_VALUE); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, i); - } - public List opt_comma() { - return getRuleContexts(Opt_commaContext.class); - } - public Opt_commaContext opt_comma(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Opt_commaContext.class,i); - } - public Zone_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_zone_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterZone_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitZone_list(this); - } - } - - public final Zone_listContext zone_list() throws RecognitionException { - Zone_listContext _localctx = new Zone_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 246, RULE_zone_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5019); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(5025); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma || _la==STRING_VALUE) { - { - { - setState(5020); - opt_comma(); - setState(5021); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - setState(5027); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Resource_pool_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List STRING_VALUE() { return getTokens(OBParser.STRING_VALUE); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Resource_pool_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_resource_pool_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterResource_pool_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitResource_pool_list(this); - } - } - - public final Resource_pool_listContext resource_pool_list() throws RecognitionException { - Resource_pool_listContext _localctx = new Resource_pool_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 248, RULE_resource_pool_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5028); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(5033); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(5029); - match(Comma); - setState(5030); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - setState(5035); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_tenant_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public Tenant_optionContext tenant_option() { - return getRuleContext(Tenant_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode VARIABLES() { return getToken(OBParser.VARIABLES, 0); } - public Sys_var_and_val_listContext sys_var_and_val_list() { - return getRuleContext(Sys_var_and_val_listContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_tenant_option_listContext opt_tenant_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_tenant_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Lock_spec_mysql57Context lock_spec_mysql57() { - return getRuleContext(Lock_spec_mysql57Context.class,0); - } - public Alter_tenant_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_tenant_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_tenant_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_tenant_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_tenant_stmtContext alter_tenant_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_tenant_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_tenant_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 250, RULE_alter_tenant_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(5058); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,325,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5036); - match(ALTER); - setState(5037); - match(TENANT); - setState(5038); - relation_name(); - setState(5040); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,322,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(5039); - match(SET); - } - break; - } - setState(5047); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,323,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(5042); - tenant_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(5043); - opt_tenant_option_list(0); - setState(5044); - match(Comma); - setState(5045); - tenant_option(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(5051); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==VARIABLES) { - { - setState(5049); - match(VARIABLES); - setState(5050); - sys_var_and_val_list(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5053); - match(ALTER); - setState(5054); - match(TENANT); - setState(5055); - relation_name(); - setState(5056); - lock_spec_mysql57(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_tenant_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_tenant_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_tenant_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_tenant_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_tenant_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_tenant_stmtContext drop_tenant_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_tenant_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_tenant_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 252, RULE_drop_tenant_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5060); - match(DROP); - setState(5061); - match(TENANT); - setState(5062); - relation_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_restore_point_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESTORE() { return getToken(OBParser.RESTORE, 0); } - public TerminalNode POINT() { return getToken(OBParser.POINT, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Create_restore_point_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_restore_point_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_restore_point_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_restore_point_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Create_restore_point_stmtContext create_restore_point_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Create_restore_point_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_restore_point_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 254, RULE_create_restore_point_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5064); - match(CREATE); - setState(5065); - match(RESTORE); - setState(5066); - match(POINT); - setState(5067); - relation_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_restore_point_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESTORE() { return getToken(OBParser.RESTORE, 0); } - public TerminalNode POINT() { return getToken(OBParser.POINT, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_restore_point_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_restore_point_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_restore_point_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_restore_point_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_restore_point_stmtContext drop_restore_point_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_restore_point_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_restore_point_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 256, RULE_drop_restore_point_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5069); - match(DROP); - setState(5070); - match(RESTORE); - setState(5071); - match(POINT); - setState(5072); - relation_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Database_keyContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DATABASE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SCHEMA() { return getToken(OBParser.SCHEMA, 0); } - public Database_keyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_database_key; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDatabase_key(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDatabase_key(this); - } - } - - public final Database_keyContext database_key() throws RecognitionException { - Database_keyContext _localctx = new Database_keyContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 258, RULE_database_key); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5074); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==DATABASE || _la==SCHEMA) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Database_factorContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Database_factorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_database_factor; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDatabase_factor(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDatabase_factor(this); - } - } - - public final Database_factorContext database_factor() throws RecognitionException { - Database_factorContext _localctx = new Database_factorContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 260, RULE_database_factor); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5076); - relation_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Database_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List database_option() { - return getRuleContexts(Database_optionContext.class); - } - public Database_optionContext database_option(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Database_optionContext.class,i); - } - public Database_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_database_option_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDatabase_option_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDatabase_option_list(this); - } - } - - public final Database_option_listContext database_option_list() throws RecognitionException { - Database_option_listContext _localctx = new Database_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 262, RULE_database_option_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5079); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - do { - { - { - setState(5078); - database_option(); - } - } - setState(5081); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } while ( _la==DEFAULT || _la==CHARACTER || _la==READ || _la==CHARSET || ((((_la - 1066)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1066)) & ((1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1066)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1066)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1066)))) != 0) || _la==DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP ); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Charset_keyContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CHARSET() { return getToken(OBParser.CHARSET, 0); } - public TerminalNode CHARACTER() { return getToken(OBParser.CHARACTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public Charset_keyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_charset_key; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCharset_key(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCharset_key(this); - } - } - - public final Charset_keyContext charset_key() throws RecognitionException { - Charset_keyContext _localctx = new Charset_keyContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 264, RULE_charset_key); - try { - setState(5086); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case CHARSET: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5083); - match(CHARSET); - } - break; - case CHARACTER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5084); - match(CHARACTER); - setState(5085); - match(SET); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Database_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Charset_keyContext charset_key() { - return getRuleContext(Charset_keyContext.class,0); - } - public Charset_nameContext charset_name() { - return getRuleContext(Charset_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPLICA_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICA_NUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRIMARY_ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY_ZONE, 0); } - public Primary_zone_nameContext primary_zone_name() { - return getRuleContext(Primary_zone_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Read_only_or_writeContext read_only_or_write() { - return getRuleContext(Read_only_or_writeContext.class,0); - } - public Default_tablegroupContext default_tablegroup() { - return getRuleContext(Default_tablegroupContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode DATABASE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASE_ID, 0); } - public Database_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_database_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDatabase_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDatabase_option(this); - } - } - - public final Database_optionContext database_option() throws RecognitionException { - Database_optionContext _localctx = new Database_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 266, RULE_database_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(5114); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case DEFAULT: - case CHARACTER: - case CHARSET: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5089); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DEFAULT) { - { - setState(5088); - match(DEFAULT); - } - } - - setState(5091); - charset_key(); - setState(5093); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(5092); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(5095); - charset_name(); - } - break; - case REPLICA_NUM: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5097); - match(REPLICA_NUM); - setState(5099); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(5098); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(5101); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(5102); - match(PRIMARY_ZONE); - setState(5104); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(5103); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(5106); - primary_zone_name(); - } - break; - case READ: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(5107); - read_only_or_write(); - } - break; - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(5108); - default_tablegroup(); - } - break; - case DATABASE_ID: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(5109); - match(DATABASE_ID); - setState(5111); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(5110); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(5113); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Read_only_or_writeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode READ() { return getToken(OBParser.READ, 0); } - public TerminalNode ONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.ONLY, 0); } - public TerminalNode WRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.WRITE, 0); } - public Read_only_or_writeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_read_only_or_write; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRead_only_or_write(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRead_only_or_write(this); - } - } - - public final Read_only_or_writeContext read_only_or_write() throws RecognitionException { - Read_only_or_writeContext _localctx = new Read_only_or_writeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 268, RULE_read_only_or_write); - try { - setState(5120); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,334,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5116); - match(READ); - setState(5117); - match(ONLY); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5118); - match(READ); - setState(5119); - match(WRITE); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_database_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public Database_keyContext database_key() { - return getRuleContext(Database_keyContext.class,0); - } - public Database_option_listContext database_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Database_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public Database_nameContext database_name() { - return getRuleContext(Database_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public Alter_database_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_database_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_database_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_database_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_database_stmtContext alter_database_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_database_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_database_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 270, RULE_alter_database_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5122); - match(ALTER); - setState(5123); - database_key(); - setState(5125); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==NAME_OB) { - { - setState(5124); - database_name(); - } - } - - setState(5128); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SET) { - { - setState(5127); - match(SET); - } - } - - setState(5130); - database_option_list(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Database_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public Database_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_database_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDatabase_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDatabase_name(this); - } - } - - public final Database_nameContext database_name() throws RecognitionException { - Database_nameContext _localctx = new Database_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 272, RULE_database_name); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5132); - match(NAME_OB); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Load_data_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Load_data_with_opt_hintContext load_data_with_opt_hint() { - return getRuleContext(Load_data_with_opt_hintContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode INFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.INFILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Field_optContext field_opt() { - return getRuleContext(Field_optContext.class,0); - } - public Line_optContext line_opt() { - return getRuleContext(Line_optContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COMPRESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPRESSION, 0); } - public Opt_equal_markContext opt_equal_mark() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_equal_markContext.class,0); - } - public Compression_nameContext compression_name() { - return getRuleContext(Compression_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode CHARACTER() { return getToken(OBParser.CHARACTER, 0); } - public List SET() { return getTokens(OBParser.SET); } - public TerminalNode SET(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.SET, i); - } - public Charset_name_or_defaultContext charset_name_or_default() { - return getRuleContext(Charset_name_or_defaultContext.class,0); - } - public List IGNORE() { return getTokens(OBParser.IGNORE); } - public TerminalNode IGNORE(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.IGNORE, i); - } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public Lines_or_rowsContext lines_or_rows() { - return getRuleContext(Lines_or_rowsContext.class,0); - } - public Load_set_listContext load_set_list() { - return getRuleContext(Load_set_listContext.class,0); - } - public Load_data_extended_option_listContext load_data_extended_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Load_data_extended_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LOCAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode REMOTE_OSS() { return getToken(OBParser.REMOTE_OSS, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPLACE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLACE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Field_or_vars_listContext field_or_vars_list() { - return getRuleContext(Field_or_vars_listContext.class,0); - } - public Use_partitionContext use_partition() { - return getRuleContext(Use_partitionContext.class,0); - } - public Load_data_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_load_data_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLoad_data_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLoad_data_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Load_data_stmtContext load_data_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Load_data_stmtContext _localctx = new Load_data_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 274, RULE_load_data_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(5225); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,353,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5134); - load_data_with_opt_hint(); - setState(5136); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==REMOTE_OSS || _la==LOCAL) { - { - setState(5135); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==REMOTE_OSS || _la==LOCAL) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - - setState(5138); - match(INFILE); - setState(5139); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(5141); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==REPLACE || _la==IGNORE) { - { - setState(5140); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==REPLACE || _la==IGNORE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - - setState(5143); - match(INTO); - setState(5144); - match(TABLE); - setState(5145); - relation_factor(); - setState(5150); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMPRESSION) { - { - setState(5146); - match(COMPRESSION); - setState(5147); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(5148); - compression_name(); - } - } - - setState(5155); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CHARACTER) { - { - setState(5152); - match(CHARACTER); - setState(5153); - match(SET); - setState(5154); - charset_name_or_default(); - } - } - - setState(5157); - field_opt(); - setState(5158); - line_opt(); - setState(5162); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==IGNORE) { - { - setState(5159); - match(IGNORE); - setState(5160); - match(INTNUM); - setState(5161); - lines_or_rows(); - } - } - - setState(5170); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,342,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(5164); - match(LeftParen); - setState(5165); - match(RightParen); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(5166); - match(LeftParen); - setState(5167); - field_or_vars_list(); - setState(5168); - match(RightParen); - } - } - break; - } - setState(5174); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SET) { - { - setState(5172); - match(SET); - setState(5173); - load_set_list(); - } - } - - setState(5177); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==BADFILE || _la==REJECT || _la==LOGFILE) { - { - setState(5176); - load_data_extended_option_list(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5179); - load_data_with_opt_hint(); - setState(5181); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==REMOTE_OSS || _la==LOCAL) { - { - setState(5180); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==REMOTE_OSS || _la==LOCAL) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - - setState(5183); - match(INFILE); - setState(5184); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(5186); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==REPLACE || _la==IGNORE) { - { - setState(5185); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==REPLACE || _la==IGNORE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - - setState(5188); - match(INTO); - setState(5189); - match(TABLE); - setState(5190); - relation_factor(); - setState(5191); - use_partition(); - setState(5196); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMPRESSION) { - { - setState(5192); - match(COMPRESSION); - setState(5193); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(5194); - compression_name(); - } - } - - setState(5201); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CHARACTER) { - { - setState(5198); - match(CHARACTER); - setState(5199); - match(SET); - setState(5200); - charset_name_or_default(); - } - } - - setState(5203); - field_opt(); - setState(5204); - line_opt(); - setState(5208); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==IGNORE) { - { - setState(5205); - match(IGNORE); - setState(5206); - match(INTNUM); - setState(5207); - lines_or_rows(); - } - } - - setState(5216); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,350,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(5210); - match(LeftParen); - setState(5211); - match(RightParen); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(5212); - match(LeftParen); - setState(5213); - field_or_vars_list(); - setState(5214); - match(RightParen); - } - } - break; - } - setState(5220); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SET) { - { - setState(5218); - match(SET); - setState(5219); - load_set_list(); - } - } - - setState(5223); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==BADFILE || _la==REJECT || _la==LOGFILE) { - { - setState(5222); - load_data_extended_option_list(); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Load_data_with_opt_hintContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LOAD() { return getToken(OBParser.LOAD, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATA() { return getToken(OBParser.DATA, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOAD_DATA_HINT_BEGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.LOAD_DATA_HINT_BEGIN, 0); } - public Hint_list_with_endContext hint_list_with_end() { - return getRuleContext(Hint_list_with_endContext.class,0); - } - public Load_data_with_opt_hintContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_load_data_with_opt_hint; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLoad_data_with_opt_hint(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLoad_data_with_opt_hint(this); - } - } - - public final Load_data_with_opt_hintContext load_data_with_opt_hint() throws RecognitionException { - Load_data_with_opt_hintContext _localctx = new Load_data_with_opt_hintContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 276, RULE_load_data_with_opt_hint); - try { - setState(5231); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case LOAD: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5227); - match(LOAD); - setState(5228); - match(DATA); - } - break; - case LOAD_DATA_HINT_BEGIN: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5229); - match(LOAD_DATA_HINT_BEGIN); - setState(5230); - hint_list_with_end(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Compression_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { - return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); - } - public Compression_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_compression_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCompression_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCompression_name(this); - } - } - - public final Compression_nameContext compression_name() throws RecognitionException { - Compression_nameContext _localctx = new Compression_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 278, RULE_compression_name); - try { - setState(5235); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NAME_OB: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5233); - match(NAME_OB); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5234); - unreserved_keyword(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Lines_or_rowsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LINES() { return getToken(OBParser.LINES, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWS, 0); } - public Lines_or_rowsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lines_or_rows; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLines_or_rows(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLines_or_rows(this); - } - } - - public final Lines_or_rowsContext lines_or_rows() throws RecognitionException { - Lines_or_rowsContext _localctx = new Lines_or_rowsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 280, RULE_lines_or_rows); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5237); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ROWS || _la==LINES) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Field_or_vars_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List field_or_vars() { - return getRuleContexts(Field_or_varsContext.class); - } - public Field_or_varsContext field_or_vars(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Field_or_varsContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Field_or_vars_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_field_or_vars_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterField_or_vars_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitField_or_vars_list(this); - } - } - - public final Field_or_vars_listContext field_or_vars_list() throws RecognitionException { - Field_or_vars_listContext _localctx = new Field_or_vars_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 282, RULE_field_or_vars_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5239); - field_or_vars(); - setState(5244); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(5240); - match(Comma); - setState(5241); - field_or_vars(); - } - } - setState(5246); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Field_or_varsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_definition_refContext column_definition_ref() { - return getRuleContext(Column_definition_refContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } - public Field_or_varsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_field_or_vars; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterField_or_vars(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitField_or_vars(this); - } - } - - public final Field_or_varsContext field_or_vars() throws RecognitionException { - Field_or_varsContext _localctx = new Field_or_varsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 284, RULE_field_or_vars); - try { - setState(5249); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ROWID: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5247); - column_definition_ref(); - } - break; - case USER_VARIABLE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5248); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Load_set_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List load_set_element() { - return getRuleContexts(Load_set_elementContext.class); - } - public Load_set_elementContext load_set_element(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Load_set_elementContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Load_set_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_load_set_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLoad_set_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLoad_set_list(this); - } - } - - public final Load_set_listContext load_set_list() throws RecognitionException { - Load_set_listContext _localctx = new Load_set_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 286, RULE_load_set_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5251); - load_set_element(); - setState(5256); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(5252); - match(Comma); - setState(5253); - load_set_element(); - } - } - setState(5258); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Load_set_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_definition_refContext column_definition_ref() { - return getRuleContext(Column_definition_refContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Expr_or_defaultContext expr_or_default() { - return getRuleContext(Expr_or_defaultContext.class,0); - } - public Load_set_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_load_set_element; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLoad_set_element(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLoad_set_element(this); - } - } - - public final Load_set_elementContext load_set_element() throws RecognitionException { - Load_set_elementContext _localctx = new Load_set_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 288, RULE_load_set_element); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5259); - column_definition_ref(); - setState(5260); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(5261); - expr_or_default(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Load_data_extended_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Load_data_extended_optionContext load_data_extended_option() { - return getRuleContext(Load_data_extended_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Load_data_extended_option_listContext load_data_extended_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Load_data_extended_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public Load_data_extended_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_load_data_extended_option_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLoad_data_extended_option_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLoad_data_extended_option_list(this); - } - } - - public final Load_data_extended_option_listContext load_data_extended_option_list() throws RecognitionException { - Load_data_extended_option_listContext _localctx = new Load_data_extended_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 290, RULE_load_data_extended_option_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5263); - load_data_extended_option(); - setState(5265); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==BADFILE || _la==REJECT || _la==LOGFILE) { - { - setState(5264); - load_data_extended_option_list(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Load_data_extended_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LOGFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.LOGFILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode REJECT() { return getToken(OBParser.REJECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode LIMIT() { return getToken(OBParser.LIMIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode BADFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.BADFILE, 0); } - public Load_data_extended_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_load_data_extended_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLoad_data_extended_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLoad_data_extended_option(this); - } - } - - public final Load_data_extended_optionContext load_data_extended_option() throws RecognitionException { - Load_data_extended_optionContext _localctx = new Load_data_extended_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 292, RULE_load_data_extended_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(5283); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case LOGFILE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5267); - match(LOGFILE); - setState(5269); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(5268); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(5271); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case REJECT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5272); - match(REJECT); - setState(5273); - match(LIMIT); - setState(5275); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(5274); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(5277); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case BADFILE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(5278); - match(BADFILE); - setState(5280); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(5279); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(5282); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_synonym_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYNONYM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYNONYM, 0); } - public Synonym_nameContext synonym_name() { - return getRuleContext(Synonym_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } - public Synonym_objectContext synonym_object() { - return getRuleContext(Synonym_objectContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode OR() { return getToken(OBParser.OR, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPLACE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLACE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PUBLIC() { return getToken(OBParser.PUBLIC, 0); } - public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } - public Opt_reverse_link_flagContext opt_reverse_link_flag() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_reverse_link_flagContext.class,0); - } - public List database_factor() { - return getRuleContexts(Database_factorContext.class); - } - public Database_factorContext database_factor(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Database_factorContext.class,i); - } - public List Dot() { return getTokens(OBParser.Dot); } - public TerminalNode Dot(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Dot, i); - } - public Create_synonym_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_synonym_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_synonym_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_synonym_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Create_synonym_stmtContext create_synonym_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Create_synonym_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_synonym_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 294, RULE_create_synonym_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(5357); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,376,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5285); - match(CREATE); - setState(5288); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==OR) { - { - setState(5286); - match(OR); - setState(5287); - match(REPLACE); - } - } - - setState(5291); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PUBLIC) { - { - setState(5290); - match(PUBLIC); - } - } - - setState(5293); - match(SYNONYM); - setState(5294); - synonym_name(); - setState(5295); - match(FOR); - setState(5296); - synonym_object(); - setState(5299); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { - { - setState(5297); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - setState(5298); - opt_reverse_link_flag(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5301); - match(CREATE); - setState(5304); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==OR) { - { - setState(5302); - match(OR); - setState(5303); - match(REPLACE); - } - } - - setState(5307); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PUBLIC) { - { - setState(5306); - match(PUBLIC); - } - } - - setState(5309); - match(SYNONYM); - setState(5310); - database_factor(); - setState(5311); - match(Dot); - setState(5312); - synonym_name(); - setState(5313); - match(FOR); - setState(5314); - synonym_object(); - setState(5317); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { - { - setState(5315); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - setState(5316); - opt_reverse_link_flag(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(5319); - match(CREATE); - setState(5322); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==OR) { - { - setState(5320); - match(OR); - setState(5321); - match(REPLACE); - } - } - - setState(5325); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PUBLIC) { - { - setState(5324); - match(PUBLIC); - } - } - - setState(5327); - match(SYNONYM); - setState(5328); - synonym_name(); - setState(5329); - match(FOR); - setState(5330); - database_factor(); - setState(5331); - match(Dot); - setState(5332); - synonym_object(); - setState(5335); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { - { - setState(5333); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - setState(5334); - opt_reverse_link_flag(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(5337); - match(CREATE); - setState(5340); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==OR) { - { - setState(5338); - match(OR); - setState(5339); - match(REPLACE); - } - } - - setState(5343); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PUBLIC) { - { - setState(5342); - match(PUBLIC); - } - } - - setState(5345); - match(SYNONYM); - setState(5346); - database_factor(); - setState(5347); - match(Dot); - setState(5348); - synonym_name(); - setState(5349); - match(FOR); - setState(5350); - database_factor(); - setState(5351); - match(Dot); - setState(5352); - synonym_object(); - setState(5355); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { - { - setState(5353); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - setState(5354); - opt_reverse_link_flag(); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Synonym_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { - return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); - } - public Synonym_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_synonym_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSynonym_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSynonym_name(this); - } - } - - public final Synonym_nameContext synonym_name() throws RecognitionException { - Synonym_nameContext _localctx = new Synonym_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 296, RULE_synonym_name); - try { - setState(5361); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NAME_OB: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5359); - match(NAME_OB); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5360); - unreserved_keyword(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Synonym_objectContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { - return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); - } - public Synonym_objectContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_synonym_object; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSynonym_object(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSynonym_object(this); - } - } - - public final Synonym_objectContext synonym_object() throws RecognitionException { - Synonym_objectContext _localctx = new Synonym_objectContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 298, RULE_synonym_object); - try { - setState(5365); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NAME_OB: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5363); - match(NAME_OB); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5364); - unreserved_keyword(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_synonym_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYNONYM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYNONYM, 0); } - public Synonym_nameContext synonym_name() { - return getRuleContext(Synonym_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PUBLIC() { return getToken(OBParser.PUBLIC, 0); } - public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } - public Database_factorContext database_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Database_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public Drop_synonym_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_synonym_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_synonym_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_synonym_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_synonym_stmtContext drop_synonym_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_synonym_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_synonym_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 300, RULE_drop_synonym_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(5387); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,383,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5367); - match(DROP); - setState(5369); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PUBLIC) { - { - setState(5368); - match(PUBLIC); - } - } - - setState(5371); - match(SYNONYM); - setState(5372); - synonym_name(); - setState(5374); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FORCE) { - { - setState(5373); - match(FORCE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5376); - match(DROP); - setState(5378); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PUBLIC) { - { - setState(5377); - match(PUBLIC); - } - } - - setState(5380); - match(SYNONYM); - setState(5381); - database_factor(); - setState(5382); - match(Dot); - setState(5383); - synonym_name(); - setState(5385); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FORCE) { - { - setState(5384); - match(FORCE); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Special_table_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode GLOBAL() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode TEMPORARY() { return getToken(OBParser.TEMPORARY, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXTERNAL() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTERNAL, 0); } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Special_table_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_special_table_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSpecial_table_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSpecial_table_type(this); - } - } - - public final Special_table_typeContext special_table_type() throws RecognitionException { - Special_table_typeContext _localctx = new Special_table_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 302, RULE_special_table_type); - try { - setState(5393); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case GLOBAL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5389); - match(GLOBAL); - setState(5390); - match(TEMPORARY); - } - break; - case EXTERNAL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5391); - match(EXTERNAL); - } - break; - case TABLE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(5392); - empty(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class On_commit_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMMIT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWS, 0); } - public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRESERVE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRESERVE, 0); } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public On_commit_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_on_commit_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOn_commit_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOn_commit_option(this); - } - } - - public final On_commit_optionContext on_commit_option() throws RecognitionException { - On_commit_optionContext _localctx = new On_commit_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 304, RULE_on_commit_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(5400); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ON: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5395); - match(ON); - setState(5396); - match(COMMIT); - setState(5397); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==DELETE || _la==PRESERVE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(5398); - match(ROWS); - } - break; - case EOF: - case AS: - case DELIMITER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5399); - empty(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_directory_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DIRECTORY() { return getToken(OBParser.DIRECTORY, 0); } - public Directory_nameContext directory_name() { - return getRuleContext(Directory_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } - public Directory_pathContext directory_path() { - return getRuleContext(Directory_pathContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode OR() { return getToken(OBParser.OR, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPLACE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLACE, 0); } - public Create_directory_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_directory_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_directory_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_directory_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Create_directory_stmtContext create_directory_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Create_directory_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_directory_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 306, RULE_create_directory_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5402); - match(CREATE); - setState(5405); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==OR) { - { - setState(5403); - match(OR); - setState(5404); - match(REPLACE); - } - } - - setState(5407); - match(DIRECTORY); - setState(5408); - directory_name(); - setState(5409); - match(AS); - setState(5410); - directory_path(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Directory_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { - return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); - } - public Directory_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_directory_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDirectory_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDirectory_name(this); - } - } - - public final Directory_nameContext directory_name() throws RecognitionException { - Directory_nameContext _localctx = new Directory_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 308, RULE_directory_name); - try { - setState(5414); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NAME_OB: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5412); - match(NAME_OB); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5413); - unreserved_keyword(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Directory_pathContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public Directory_pathContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_directory_path; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDirectory_path(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDirectory_path(this); - } - } - - public final Directory_pathContext directory_path() throws RecognitionException { - Directory_pathContext _localctx = new Directory_pathContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 310, RULE_directory_path); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5416); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_directory_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode DIRECTORY() { return getToken(OBParser.DIRECTORY, 0); } - public Directory_nameContext directory_name() { - return getRuleContext(Directory_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_directory_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_directory_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_directory_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_directory_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_directory_stmtContext drop_directory_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_directory_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_directory_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 312, RULE_drop_directory_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5418); - match(DROP); - setState(5419); - match(DIRECTORY); - setState(5420); - directory_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_keystore_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ADMINISTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ADMINISTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } - public TerminalNode MANAGEMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.MANAGEMENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEYSTORE() { return getToken(OBParser.KEYSTORE, 0); } - public Keystore_nameContext keystore_name() { - return getRuleContext(Keystore_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode IDENTIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTIFIED, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public PasswordContext password() { - return getRuleContext(PasswordContext.class,0); - } - public Create_keystore_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_keystore_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_keystore_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_keystore_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Create_keystore_stmtContext create_keystore_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Create_keystore_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_keystore_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 314, RULE_create_keystore_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5422); - match(ADMINISTER); - setState(5423); - match(KEY); - setState(5424); - match(MANAGEMENT); - setState(5425); - match(CREATE); - setState(5426); - match(KEYSTORE); - setState(5427); - keystore_name(); - setState(5428); - match(IDENTIFIED); - setState(5429); - match(BY); - setState(5430); - password(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_keystore_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ADMINISTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ADMINISTER, 0); } - public List KEY() { return getTokens(OBParser.KEY); } - public TerminalNode KEY(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.KEY, i); - } - public TerminalNode MANAGEMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.MANAGEMENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEYSTORE() { return getToken(OBParser.KEYSTORE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PASSWORD() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD, 0); } - public TerminalNode IDENTIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTIFIED, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public List password() { - return getRuleContexts(PasswordContext.class); - } - public PasswordContext password(int i) { - return getRuleContext(PasswordContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public TerminalNode OPEN() { return getToken(OBParser.OPEN, 0); } - public TerminalNode CLOSE() { return getToken(OBParser.CLOSE, 0); } - public Alter_keystore_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_keystore_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_keystore_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_keystore_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_keystore_stmtContext alter_keystore_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_keystore_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_keystore_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 316, RULE_alter_keystore_stmt); - try { - setState(5460); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,390,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5432); - match(ADMINISTER); - setState(5433); - match(KEY); - setState(5434); - match(MANAGEMENT); - setState(5435); - match(ALTER); - setState(5436); - match(KEYSTORE); - setState(5437); - match(PASSWORD); - setState(5438); - match(IDENTIFIED); - setState(5439); - match(BY); - setState(5440); - password(); - setState(5441); - match(SET); - setState(5442); - password(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5444); - match(ADMINISTER); - setState(5445); - match(KEY); - setState(5446); - match(MANAGEMENT); - setState(5447); - match(SET); - setState(5455); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,389,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(5451); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case KEY: - { - setState(5448); - match(KEY); - } - break; - case KEYSTORE: - { - setState(5449); - match(KEYSTORE); - setState(5450); - match(CLOSE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(5453); - match(KEYSTORE); - setState(5454); - match(OPEN); - } - break; - } - setState(5457); - match(IDENTIFIED); - setState(5458); - match(BY); - setState(5459); - password(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_table_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public Special_table_typeContext special_table_type() { - return getRuleContext(Special_table_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Table_element_listContext table_element_list() { - return getRuleContext(Table_element_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public On_commit_optionContext on_commit_option() { - return getRuleContext(On_commit_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Table_option_listContext table_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Table_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public Partition_optionContext partition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Partition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Auto_partition_optionContext auto_partition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Auto_partition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public With_column_groupContext with_column_group() { - return getRuleContext(With_column_groupContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } - public SubqueryContext subquery() { - return getRuleContext(SubqueryContext.class,0); - } - public Order_byContext order_by() { - return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); - } - public Fetch_next_clauseContext fetch_next_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Create_table_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_table_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_table_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_table_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Create_table_stmtContext create_table_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Create_table_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_table_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 318, RULE_create_table_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(5561); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,409,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5462); - match(CREATE); - setState(5463); - special_table_type(); - setState(5464); - match(TABLE); - setState(5465); - relation_factor(); - setState(5466); - match(LeftParen); - setState(5467); - table_element_list(); - setState(5468); - match(RightParen); - setState(5470); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED))) != 0) || _la==COMPRESS || _la==NOCOMPRESS || _la==PCTFREE || _la==READ || _la==TABLEGROUP || ((((_la - 410)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 410)) & ((1L << (FORMAT - 410)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 410)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 410)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 410)))) != 0) || _la==PCTUSED || _la==ENGINE_ || _la==TABLE_ID || _la==PATTERN || _la==LOCALITY || ((((_la - 742)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 742)) & ((1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 742)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 742)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 742)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 742)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 810)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 810)) & ((1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 810)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 810)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 810)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1039)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1039)) & ((1L << (SORTKEY - 1039)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1039)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1039)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1115)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1115)) & ((1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1115)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1115)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1115)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1115)))) != 0) || _la==INITRANS) { - { - setState(5469); - table_option_list(); - } - } - - setState(5474); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,392,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(5472); - partition_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(5473); - auto_partition_option(); - } - break; - } - setState(5477); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH_COLUMN_GROUP) { - { - setState(5476); - with_column_group(); - } - } - - setState(5479); - on_commit_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5481); - match(CREATE); - setState(5482); - special_table_type(); - setState(5483); - match(TABLE); - setState(5484); - relation_factor(); - setState(5485); - match(LeftParen); - setState(5486); - table_element_list(); - setState(5487); - match(RightParen); - setState(5489); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED))) != 0) || _la==COMPRESS || _la==NOCOMPRESS || _la==PCTFREE || _la==READ || _la==TABLEGROUP || ((((_la - 410)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 410)) & ((1L << (FORMAT - 410)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 410)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 410)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 410)))) != 0) || _la==PCTUSED || _la==ENGINE_ || _la==TABLE_ID || _la==PATTERN || _la==LOCALITY || ((((_la - 742)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 742)) & ((1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 742)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 742)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 742)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 742)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 810)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 810)) & ((1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 810)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 810)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 810)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1039)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1039)) & ((1L << (SORTKEY - 1039)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1039)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1039)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1115)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1115)) & ((1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1115)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1115)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1115)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1115)))) != 0) || _la==INITRANS) { - { - setState(5488); - table_option_list(); - } - } - - setState(5493); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,395,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(5491); - partition_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(5492); - auto_partition_option(); - } - break; - } - setState(5496); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH_COLUMN_GROUP) { - { - setState(5495); - with_column_group(); - } - } - - setState(5498); - on_commit_option(); - setState(5499); - match(AS); - setState(5500); - subquery(); - setState(5502); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ORDER) { - { - setState(5501); - order_by(); - } - } - - setState(5505); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { - { - setState(5504); - fetch_next_clause(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(5507); - match(CREATE); - setState(5508); - special_table_type(); - setState(5509); - match(TABLE); - setState(5510); - relation_factor(); - setState(5511); - table_option_list(); - setState(5514); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,399,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(5512); - partition_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(5513); - auto_partition_option(); - } - break; - } - setState(5517); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH_COLUMN_GROUP) { - { - setState(5516); - with_column_group(); - } - } - - setState(5519); - on_commit_option(); - setState(5520); - match(AS); - setState(5521); - subquery(); - setState(5523); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ORDER) { - { - setState(5522); - order_by(); - } - } - - setState(5526); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { - { - setState(5525); - fetch_next_clause(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(5528); - match(CREATE); - setState(5529); - special_table_type(); - setState(5530); - match(TABLE); - setState(5531); - relation_factor(); - setState(5532); - partition_option(); - setState(5534); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH_COLUMN_GROUP) { - { - setState(5533); - with_column_group(); - } - } - - setState(5536); - on_commit_option(); - setState(5537); - match(AS); - setState(5538); - subquery(); - setState(5540); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ORDER) { - { - setState(5539); - order_by(); - } - } - - setState(5543); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { - { - setState(5542); - fetch_next_clause(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(5545); - match(CREATE); - setState(5546); - special_table_type(); - setState(5547); - match(TABLE); - setState(5548); - relation_factor(); - setState(5550); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH_COLUMN_GROUP) { - { - setState(5549); - with_column_group(); - } - } - - setState(5552); - on_commit_option(); - setState(5553); - match(AS); - setState(5554); - subquery(); - setState(5556); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ORDER) { - { - setState(5555); - order_by(); - } - } - - setState(5559); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { - { - setState(5558); - fetch_next_clause(); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Table_element_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List table_element() { - return getRuleContexts(Table_elementContext.class); - } - public Table_elementContext table_element(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Table_elementContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Table_element_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_element_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_element_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_element_list(this); - } - } - - public final Table_element_listContext table_element_list() throws RecognitionException { - Table_element_listContext _localctx = new Table_element_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 320, RULE_table_element_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5563); - table_element(); - setState(5568); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(5564); - match(Comma); - setState(5565); - table_element(); - } - } - setState(5570); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Table_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_definitionContext column_definition() { - return getRuleContext(Column_definitionContext.class,0); - } - public Out_of_line_constraintContext out_of_line_constraint() { - return getRuleContext(Out_of_line_constraintContext.class,0); - } - public Out_of_line_indexContext out_of_line_index() { - return getRuleContext(Out_of_line_indexContext.class,0); - } - public Table_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_element; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_element(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_element(this); - } - } - - public final Table_elementContext table_element() throws RecognitionException { - Table_elementContext _localctx = new Table_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 322, RULE_table_element); - try { - setState(5574); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,411,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5571); - column_definition(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5572); - out_of_line_constraint(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(5573); - out_of_line_index(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Column_definitionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_definition_refContext column_definition_ref() { - return getRuleContext(Column_definition_refContext.class,0); - } - public Data_typeContext data_type() { - return getRuleContext(Data_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Visibility_optionContext visibility_option() { - return getRuleContext(Visibility_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_column_attribute_listContext opt_column_attribute_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_column_attribute_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode GENERATED() { return getToken(OBParser.GENERATED, 0); } - public Opt_generated_option_listContext opt_generated_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_generated_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode VIRTUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.VIRTUAL, 0); } - public Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext opt_generated_column_attribute_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_identity_attributeContext opt_identity_attribute() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_identity_attributeContext.class,0); - } - public Sequence_option_listContext sequence_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Sequence_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public Column_definitionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_definition; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_definition(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_definition(this); - } - } - - public final Column_definitionContext column_definition() throws RecognitionException { - Column_definitionContext _localctx = new Column_definitionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 324, RULE_column_definition); - int _la; - try { - setState(5661); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,432,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5576); - column_definition_ref(); - setState(5577); - data_type(); - setState(5579); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) { - { - setState(5578); - visibility_option(); - } - } - - setState(5582); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (DEFAULT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==REFERENCES || _la==PRIMARY || _la==ORIG_DEFAULT || _la==SKIP_INDEX) { - { - setState(5581); - opt_column_attribute_list(0); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5584); - column_definition_ref(); - setState(5585); - data_type(); - setState(5587); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) { - { - setState(5586); - visibility_option(); - } - } - - setState(5591); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==GENERATED) { - { - setState(5589); - match(GENERATED); - setState(5590); - opt_generated_option_list(); - } - } - - setState(5593); - match(AS); - setState(5594); - match(LeftParen); - setState(5595); - bit_expr(0); - setState(5596); - match(RightParen); - setState(5598); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==VIRTUAL) { - { - setState(5597); - match(VIRTUAL); - } - } - - setState(5601); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (COMMENT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==PRIMARY || _la==KEY) { - { - setState(5600); - opt_generated_column_attribute_list(0); - } - } - - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(5603); - column_definition_ref(); - setState(5605); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) { - { - setState(5604); - visibility_option(); - } - } - - setState(5609); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==GENERATED) { - { - setState(5607); - match(GENERATED); - setState(5608); - opt_generated_option_list(); - } - } - - setState(5611); - match(AS); - setState(5612); - match(LeftParen); - setState(5613); - bit_expr(0); - setState(5614); - match(RightParen); - setState(5616); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==VIRTUAL) { - { - setState(5615); - match(VIRTUAL); - } - } - - setState(5619); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (COMMENT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==PRIMARY || _la==KEY) { - { - setState(5618); - opt_generated_column_attribute_list(0); - } - } - - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(5621); - column_definition_ref(); - setState(5622); - data_type(); - setState(5624); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) { - { - setState(5623); - visibility_option(); - } - } - - setState(5628); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==GENERATED) { - { - setState(5626); - match(GENERATED); - setState(5627); - opt_generated_option_list(); - } - } - - setState(5630); - match(AS); - setState(5631); - opt_identity_attribute(); - setState(5633); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (((((_la - 122)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 122)) & ((1L << (INCREMENT - 122)) | (1L << (ORDER - 122)) | (1L << (START - 122)))) != 0) || _la==CYCLE || _la==MAXVALUE || _la==NOCYCLE || _la==MINVALUE || _la==NOMINVALUE || _la==CACHE || _la==NOMAXVALUE || _la==RESTART || _la==NOCACHE || _la==NOORDER) { - { - setState(5632); - sequence_option_list(); - } - } - - setState(5636); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (DEFAULT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==REFERENCES || _la==PRIMARY || _la==ORIG_DEFAULT || _la==SKIP_INDEX) { - { - setState(5635); - opt_column_attribute_list(0); - } - } - - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(5638); - column_definition_ref(); - setState(5640); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) { - { - setState(5639); - visibility_option(); - } - } - - setState(5643); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (DEFAULT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==REFERENCES || _la==PRIMARY || _la==ORIG_DEFAULT || _la==SKIP_INDEX) { - { - setState(5642); - opt_column_attribute_list(0); - } - } - - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(5645); - column_definition_ref(); - setState(5647); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) { - { - setState(5646); - visibility_option(); - } - } - - setState(5651); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==GENERATED) { - { - setState(5649); - match(GENERATED); - setState(5650); - opt_generated_option_list(); - } - } - - setState(5653); - match(AS); - setState(5654); - opt_identity_attribute(); - setState(5656); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (((((_la - 122)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 122)) & ((1L << (INCREMENT - 122)) | (1L << (ORDER - 122)) | (1L << (START - 122)))) != 0) || _la==CYCLE || _la==MAXVALUE || _la==NOCYCLE || _la==MINVALUE || _la==NOMINVALUE || _la==CACHE || _la==NOMAXVALUE || _la==RESTART || _la==NOCACHE || _la==NOORDER) { - { - setState(5655); - sequence_option_list(); - } - } - - setState(5659); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (DEFAULT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==REFERENCES || _la==PRIMARY || _la==ORIG_DEFAULT || _la==SKIP_INDEX) { - { - setState(5658); - opt_column_attribute_list(0); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_definition_refContext column_definition_ref() { - return getRuleContext(Column_definition_refContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_column_attribute_listContext opt_column_attribute_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_column_attribute_listContext.class,0); - } - public Visibility_optionContext visibility_option() { - return getRuleContext(Visibility_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Data_typeContext data_type() { - return getRuleContext(Data_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode GENERATED() { return getToken(OBParser.GENERATED, 0); } - public Opt_generated_option_listContext opt_generated_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_generated_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode VIRTUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.VIRTUAL, 0); } - public Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext opt_generated_column_attribute_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_identity_attributeContext opt_identity_attribute() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_identity_attributeContext.class,0); - } - public Sequence_option_listContext sequence_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Sequence_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_definition_opt_datatype; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_definition_opt_datatype(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_definition_opt_datatype(this); - } - } - - public final Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext column_definition_opt_datatype() throws RecognitionException { - Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext _localctx = new Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 326, RULE_column_definition_opt_datatype); - int _la; - try { - setState(5734); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,449,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5663); - column_definition_ref(); - setState(5665); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (DEFAULT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==REFERENCES || _la==PRIMARY || _la==ORIG_DEFAULT || _la==SKIP_INDEX) { - { - setState(5664); - opt_column_attribute_list(0); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5667); - column_definition_ref(); - setState(5668); - visibility_option(); - setState(5670); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (DEFAULT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==REFERENCES || _la==PRIMARY || _la==ORIG_DEFAULT || _la==SKIP_INDEX) { - { - setState(5669); - opt_column_attribute_list(0); - } - } - - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(5672); - column_definition_ref(); - setState(5673); - data_type(); - setState(5675); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) { - { - setState(5674); - visibility_option(); - } - } - - setState(5678); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (DEFAULT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==REFERENCES || _la==PRIMARY || _la==ORIG_DEFAULT || _la==SKIP_INDEX) { - { - setState(5677); - opt_column_attribute_list(0); - } - } - - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(5680); - column_definition_ref(); - setState(5682); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) { - { - setState(5681); - visibility_option(); - } - } - - setState(5686); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==GENERATED) { - { - setState(5684); - match(GENERATED); - setState(5685); - opt_generated_option_list(); - } - } - - setState(5688); - match(AS); - setState(5689); - match(LeftParen); - setState(5690); - bit_expr(0); - setState(5691); - match(RightParen); - setState(5693); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==VIRTUAL) { - { - setState(5692); - match(VIRTUAL); - } - } - - setState(5696); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (COMMENT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==PRIMARY || _la==KEY) { - { - setState(5695); - opt_generated_column_attribute_list(0); - } - } - - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(5698); - column_definition_ref(); - setState(5699); - data_type(); - setState(5701); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) { - { - setState(5700); - visibility_option(); - } - } - - setState(5705); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==GENERATED) { - { - setState(5703); - match(GENERATED); - setState(5704); - opt_generated_option_list(); - } - } - - setState(5707); - match(AS); - setState(5708); - match(LeftParen); - setState(5709); - bit_expr(0); - setState(5710); - match(RightParen); - setState(5712); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==VIRTUAL) { - { - setState(5711); - match(VIRTUAL); - } - } - - setState(5715); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (COMMENT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==PRIMARY || _la==KEY) { - { - setState(5714); - opt_generated_column_attribute_list(0); - } - } - - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(5717); - column_definition_ref(); - setState(5718); - data_type(); - setState(5720); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) { - { - setState(5719); - visibility_option(); - } - } - - setState(5724); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==GENERATED) { - { - setState(5722); - match(GENERATED); - setState(5723); - opt_generated_option_list(); - } - } - - setState(5726); - match(AS); - setState(5727); - opt_identity_attribute(); - setState(5729); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (((((_la - 122)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 122)) & ((1L << (INCREMENT - 122)) | (1L << (ORDER - 122)) | (1L << (START - 122)))) != 0) || _la==CYCLE || _la==MAXVALUE || _la==NOCYCLE || _la==MINVALUE || _la==NOMINVALUE || _la==CACHE || _la==NOMAXVALUE || _la==RESTART || _la==NOCACHE || _la==NOORDER) { - { - setState(5728); - sequence_option_list(); - } - } - - setState(5732); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (((((_la - 47)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 47)) & ((1L << (SRID - 47)) | (1L << (CHECK - 47)) | (1L << (DEFAULT - 47)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 144)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 144)) & ((1L << (NOT - 144)) | (1L << (NULLX - 144)) | (1L << (UNIQUE - 144)))) != 0) || _la==CONSTRAINT || _la==ID || _la==REFERENCES || _la==PRIMARY || _la==ORIG_DEFAULT || _la==SKIP_INDEX) { - { - setState(5731); - opt_column_attribute_list(0); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Out_of_line_indexContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Sort_column_listContext sort_column_list() { - return getRuleContext(Sort_column_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Index_using_algorithmContext index_using_algorithm() { - return getRuleContext(Index_using_algorithmContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_index_optionsContext opt_index_options() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_index_optionsContext.class,0); - } - public Index_nameContext index_name() { - return getRuleContext(Index_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Out_of_line_indexContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_out_of_line_index; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOut_of_line_index(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOut_of_line_index(this); - } - } - - public final Out_of_line_indexContext out_of_line_index() throws RecognitionException { - Out_of_line_indexContext _localctx = new Out_of_line_indexContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 328, RULE_out_of_line_index); - int _la; - try { - setState(5757); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,454,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5736); - match(INDEX); - setState(5738); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==USING) { - { - setState(5737); - index_using_algorithm(); - } - } - - setState(5740); - match(LeftParen); - setState(5741); - sort_column_list(); - setState(5742); - match(RightParen); - setState(5744); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMMENT || _la==PCTFREE || _la==WITH || _la==USING || _la==DATA_TABLE_ID || _la==PCTUSED || ((((_la - 693)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 693)) & ((1L << (REVERSE - 693)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 693)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 693)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 693)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 693)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 758)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 758)) & ((1L << (INVISIBLE - 758)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 758)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 758)))) != 0) || _la==STORAGE || _la==INDEX_TABLE_ID || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || _la==STORING || _la==INITRANS) { - { - setState(5743); - opt_index_options(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5746); - match(INDEX); - setState(5747); - index_name(); - setState(5749); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==USING) { - { - setState(5748); - index_using_algorithm(); - } - } - - setState(5751); - match(LeftParen); - setState(5752); - sort_column_list(); - setState(5753); - match(RightParen); - setState(5755); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMMENT || _la==PCTFREE || _la==WITH || _la==USING || _la==DATA_TABLE_ID || _la==PCTUSED || ((((_la - 693)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 693)) & ((1L << (REVERSE - 693)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 693)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 693)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 693)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 693)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 758)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 758)) & ((1L << (INVISIBLE - 758)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 758)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 758)))) != 0) || _la==STORAGE || _la==INDEX_TABLE_ID || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || _la==STORING || _la==INITRANS) { - { - setState(5754); - opt_index_options(); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Out_of_line_constraintContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Out_of_line_unique_indexContext out_of_line_unique_index() { - return getRuleContext(Out_of_line_unique_indexContext.class,0); - } - public Constraint_and_nameContext constraint_and_name() { - return getRuleContext(Constraint_and_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Out_of_line_primary_indexContext out_of_line_primary_index() { - return getRuleContext(Out_of_line_primary_indexContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FOREIGN() { return getToken(OBParser.FOREIGN, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public References_clauseContext references_clause() { - return getRuleContext(References_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Constraint_stateContext constraint_state() { - return getRuleContext(Constraint_stateContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode CHECK() { return getToken(OBParser.CHECK, 0); } - public ExprContext expr() { - return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); - } - public Out_of_line_constraintContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_out_of_line_constraint; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOut_of_line_constraint(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOut_of_line_constraint(this); - } - } - - public final Out_of_line_constraintContext out_of_line_constraint() throws RecognitionException { - Out_of_line_constraintContext _localctx = new Out_of_line_constraintContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 330, RULE_out_of_line_constraint); - int _la; - try { - setState(5787); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,459,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5760); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { - { - setState(5759); - constraint_and_name(); - } - } - - setState(5762); - out_of_line_unique_index(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5764); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { - { - setState(5763); - constraint_and_name(); - } - } - - setState(5766); - out_of_line_primary_index(true); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(5768); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { - { - setState(5767); - constraint_and_name(); - } - } - - setState(5770); - match(FOREIGN); - setState(5771); - match(KEY); - setState(5772); - match(LeftParen); - setState(5773); - column_name_list(); - setState(5774); - match(RightParen); - setState(5775); - references_clause(); - setState(5776); - constraint_state(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(5779); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { - { - setState(5778); - constraint_and_name(); - } - } - - setState(5781); - match(CHECK); - setState(5782); - match(LeftParen); - setState(5783); - expr(0); - setState(5784); - match(RightParen); - setState(5785); - constraint_state(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Out_of_line_primary_indexContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public boolean using_idx_flag; - public TerminalNode PRIMARY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Out_of_line_index_stateContext out_of_line_index_state() { - return getRuleContext(Out_of_line_index_stateContext.class,0); - } - public Out_of_line_primary_indexContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } - public Out_of_line_primary_indexContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState, boolean using_idx_flag) { - super(parent, invokingState); - this.using_idx_flag = using_idx_flag; - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_out_of_line_primary_index; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOut_of_line_primary_index(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOut_of_line_primary_index(this); - } - } - - public final Out_of_line_primary_indexContext out_of_line_primary_index(boolean using_idx_flag) throws RecognitionException { - Out_of_line_primary_indexContext _localctx = new Out_of_line_primary_indexContext(_ctx, getState(), using_idx_flag); - enterRule(_localctx, 332, RULE_out_of_line_primary_index); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5789); - match(PRIMARY); - setState(5790); - match(KEY); - setState(5791); - match(LeftParen); - setState(5792); - column_name_list(); - setState(5793); - match(RightParen); - setState(5795); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,460,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(5794); - out_of_line_index_state(_localctx.using_idx_flag); - } - break; - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Out_of_line_unique_indexContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Sort_column_listContext sort_column_list() { - return getRuleContext(Sort_column_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Out_of_line_index_stateContext out_of_line_index_state() { - return getRuleContext(Out_of_line_index_stateContext.class,0); - } - public Out_of_line_unique_indexContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_out_of_line_unique_index; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOut_of_line_unique_index(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOut_of_line_unique_index(this); - } - } - - public final Out_of_line_unique_indexContext out_of_line_unique_index() throws RecognitionException { - Out_of_line_unique_indexContext _localctx = new Out_of_line_unique_indexContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 334, RULE_out_of_line_unique_index); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5797); - match(UNIQUE); - setState(5798); - match(LeftParen); - setState(5799); - sort_column_list(); - setState(5800); - match(RightParen); - setState(5802); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,461,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(5801); - out_of_line_index_state(true); - } - break; - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Out_of_line_index_stateContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public boolean using_idx_flag; - public Opt_index_optionsContext opt_index_options() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_index_optionsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } - public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } - public Out_of_line_index_stateContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } - public Out_of_line_index_stateContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState, boolean using_idx_flag) { - super(parent, invokingState); - this.using_idx_flag = using_idx_flag; - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_out_of_line_index_state; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOut_of_line_index_state(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOut_of_line_index_state(this); - } - } - - public final Out_of_line_index_stateContext out_of_line_index_state(boolean using_idx_flag) throws RecognitionException { - Out_of_line_index_stateContext _localctx = new Out_of_line_index_stateContext(_ctx, getState(), using_idx_flag); - enterRule(_localctx, 336, RULE_out_of_line_index_state); - int _la; - try { - setState(5812); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,463,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5804); - if (!(!_localctx.using_idx_flag)) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "!$using_idx_flag"); - setState(5805); - opt_index_options(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5806); - if (!(_localctx.using_idx_flag)) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "$using_idx_flag"); - setState(5807); - match(USING); - setState(5808); - match(INDEX); - setState(5810); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMMENT || _la==PCTFREE || _la==WITH || _la==USING || _la==DATA_TABLE_ID || _la==PCTUSED || ((((_la - 693)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 693)) & ((1L << (REVERSE - 693)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 693)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 693)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 693)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 693)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 758)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 758)) & ((1L << (INVISIBLE - 758)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 758)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 758)))) != 0) || _la==STORAGE || _la==INDEX_TABLE_ID || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || _la==STORING || _la==INITRANS) { - { - setState(5809); - opt_index_options(); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Constraint_stateContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Enable_optionContext enable_option() { - return getRuleContext(Enable_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RELY() { return getToken(OBParser.RELY, 0); } - public TerminalNode NORELY() { return getToken(OBParser.NORELY, 0); } - public TerminalNode VALIDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.VALIDATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOVALIDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOVALIDATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } - public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } - public Opt_index_optionsContext opt_index_options() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_index_optionsContext.class,0); - } - public Constraint_stateContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_constraint_state; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterConstraint_state(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitConstraint_state(this); - } - } - - public final Constraint_stateContext constraint_state() throws RecognitionException { - Constraint_stateContext _localctx = new Constraint_stateContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 338, RULE_constraint_state); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5815); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,464,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(5814); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==RELY || _la==NORELY) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(5822); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,465,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(5817); - match(USING); - setState(5818); - match(INDEX); - setState(5819); - opt_index_options(); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(5820); - match(USING); - setState(5821); - match(INDEX); - } - } - break; - } - setState(5825); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,466,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(5824); - enable_option(); - } - break; - } - setState(5828); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,467,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(5827); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==VALIDATE || _la==NOVALIDATE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Enable_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ENABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ENABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DISABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.DISABLE, 0); } - public Enable_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_enable_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterEnable_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitEnable_option(this); - } - } - - public final Enable_optionContext enable_option() throws RecognitionException { - Enable_optionContext _localctx = new Enable_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 340, RULE_enable_option); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5830); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==DISABLE || _la==ENABLE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class References_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode REFERENCES() { return getToken(OBParser.REFERENCES, 0); } - public Normal_relation_factorContext normal_relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Normal_relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Reference_optionContext reference_option() { - return getRuleContext(Reference_optionContext.class,0); - } - public References_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_references_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterReferences_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitReferences_clause(this); - } - } - - public final References_clauseContext references_clause() throws RecognitionException { - References_clauseContext _localctx = new References_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 342, RULE_references_clause); - try { - setState(5845); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,470,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5832); - match(REFERENCES); - setState(5833); - normal_relation_factor(); - setState(5834); - match(LeftParen); - setState(5835); - column_name_list(); - setState(5836); - match(RightParen); - setState(5838); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,468,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(5837); - reference_option(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5840); - match(REFERENCES); - setState(5841); - normal_relation_factor(); - setState(5843); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,469,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(5842); - reference_option(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Reference_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } - public Reference_actionContext reference_action() { - return getRuleContext(Reference_actionContext.class,0); - } - public Reference_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_reference_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterReference_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitReference_option(this); - } - } - - public final Reference_optionContext reference_option() throws RecognitionException { - Reference_optionContext _localctx = new Reference_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 344, RULE_reference_option); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5847); - match(ON); - setState(5848); - match(DELETE); - setState(5849); - reference_action(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Reference_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CASCADE() { return getToken(OBParser.CASCADE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } - public Reference_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_reference_action; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterReference_action(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitReference_action(this); - } - } - - public final Reference_actionContext reference_action() throws RecognitionException { - Reference_actionContext _localctx = new Reference_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 346, RULE_reference_action); - try { - setState(5854); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case CASCADE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5851); - match(CASCADE); - } - break; - case SET: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5852); - match(SET); - setState(5853); - match(NULLX); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_generated_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALWAYS() { return getToken(OBParser.ALWAYS, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public Opt_generated_identity_optionContext opt_generated_identity_option() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_generated_identity_optionContext.class,0); - } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_generated_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_generated_option_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_generated_option_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_generated_option_list(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_generated_option_listContext opt_generated_option_list() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_generated_option_listContext _localctx = new Opt_generated_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 348, RULE_opt_generated_option_list); - try { - setState(5861); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ALWAYS: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5856); - match(ALWAYS); - } - break; - case BY: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5857); - match(BY); - setState(5858); - match(DEFAULT); - setState(5859); - opt_generated_identity_option(); - } - break; - case AS: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(5860); - empty(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_generated_identity_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_generated_identity_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_generated_identity_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_generated_identity_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_generated_identity_option(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_generated_identity_optionContext opt_generated_identity_option() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_generated_identity_optionContext _localctx = new Opt_generated_identity_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 350, RULE_opt_generated_identity_option); - try { - setState(5866); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ON: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5863); - match(ON); - setState(5864); - match(NULLX); - } - break; - case AS: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5865); - empty(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Generated_column_attributeContext generated_column_attribute() { - return getRuleContext(Generated_column_attributeContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext opt_generated_column_attribute_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_generated_column_attribute_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_generated_column_attribute_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_generated_column_attribute_list(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext opt_generated_column_attribute_list() throws RecognitionException { - return opt_generated_column_attribute_list(0); - } - - private Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext opt_generated_column_attribute_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext _localctx = new Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 352; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 352, RULE_opt_generated_column_attribute_list, _p); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - { - setState(5869); - generated_column_attribute(); - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(5875); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,474,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - { - _localctx = new Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_opt_generated_column_attribute_list); - setState(5871); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 2))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 2)"); - setState(5872); - generated_column_attribute(); - } - } - } - setState(5877); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,474,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Generated_column_attributeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } - public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } - public Constraint_stateContext constraint_state() { - return getRuleContext(Constraint_stateContext.class,0); - } - public Constraint_and_nameContext constraint_and_name() { - return getRuleContext(Constraint_and_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRIMARY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ID() { return getToken(OBParser.ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode CHECK() { return getToken(OBParser.CHECK, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public ExprContext expr() { - return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode SRID() { return getToken(OBParser.SRID, 0); } - public Generated_column_attributeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_generated_column_attribute; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGenerated_column_attribute(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGenerated_column_attribute(this); - } - } - - public final Generated_column_attributeContext generated_column_attribute() throws RecognitionException { - Generated_column_attributeContext _localctx = new Generated_column_attributeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 354, RULE_generated_column_attribute); - int _la; - try { - setState(5910); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,479,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5879); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { - { - setState(5878); - constraint_and_name(); - } - } - - setState(5881); - match(NOT); - setState(5882); - match(NULLX); - setState(5883); - constraint_state(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5885); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { - { - setState(5884); - constraint_and_name(); - } - } - - setState(5887); - match(NULLX); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(5888); - match(UNIQUE); - setState(5889); - match(KEY); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(5891); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PRIMARY) { - { - setState(5890); - match(PRIMARY); - } - } - - setState(5893); - match(KEY); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(5894); - match(UNIQUE); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(5895); - match(COMMENT); - setState(5896); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(5897); - match(ID); - setState(5898); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(5900); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { - { - setState(5899); - constraint_and_name(); - } - } - - setState(5902); - match(CHECK); - setState(5903); - match(LeftParen); - setState(5904); - expr(0); - setState(5905); - match(RightParen); - setState(5906); - constraint_state(); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(5908); - match(SRID); - setState(5909); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_identity_attributeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode IDENTITY() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTITY, 0); } - public Opt_identity_attributeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_identity_attribute; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_identity_attribute(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_identity_attribute(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_identity_attributeContext opt_identity_attribute() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_identity_attributeContext _localctx = new Opt_identity_attributeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 356, RULE_opt_identity_attribute); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5912); - match(IDENTITY); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Column_definition_refContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public List relation_name() { - return getRuleContexts(Relation_nameContext.class); - } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,i); - } - public List Dot() { return getTokens(OBParser.Dot); } - public TerminalNode Dot(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Dot, i); - } - public Column_definition_refContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_definition_ref; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_definition_ref(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_definition_ref(this); - } - } - - public final Column_definition_refContext column_definition_ref() throws RecognitionException { - Column_definition_refContext _localctx = new Column_definition_refContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 358, RULE_column_definition_ref); - try { - setState(5926); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,481,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5917); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,480,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(5914); - relation_name(); - setState(5915); - match(Dot); - } - break; - } - setState(5919); - column_name(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5920); - relation_name(); - setState(5921); - match(Dot); - setState(5922); - relation_name(); - setState(5923); - match(Dot); - setState(5924); - column_name(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Column_definition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List column_definition() { - return getRuleContexts(Column_definitionContext.class); - } - public Column_definitionContext column_definition(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Column_definitionContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Column_definition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_definition_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_definition_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_definition_list(this); - } - } - - public final Column_definition_listContext column_definition_list() throws RecognitionException { - Column_definition_listContext _localctx = new Column_definition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 360, RULE_column_definition_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5928); - column_definition(); - setState(5933); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(5929); - match(Comma); - setState(5930); - column_definition(); - } - } - setState(5935); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List column_definition_opt_datatype() { - return getRuleContexts(Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext.class); - } - public Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext column_definition_opt_datatype(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_definition_opt_datatype_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_definition_opt_datatype_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_definition_opt_datatype_list(this); - } - } - - public final Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext column_definition_opt_datatype_list() throws RecognitionException { - Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext _localctx = new Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 362, RULE_column_definition_opt_datatype_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5936); - column_definition_opt_datatype(); - setState(5941); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(5937); - match(Comma); - setState(5938); - column_definition_opt_datatype(); - } - } - setState(5943); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Column_name_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List column_name() { - return getRuleContexts(Column_nameContext.class); - } - public Column_nameContext column_name(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Column_name_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_name_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_name_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_name_list(this); - } - } - - public final Column_name_listContext column_name_list() throws RecognitionException { - Column_name_listContext _localctx = new Column_name_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 364, RULE_column_name_list); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5944); - column_name(); - setState(5949); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,484,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - { - { - setState(5945); - match(Comma); - setState(5946); - column_name(); - } - } - } - setState(5951); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,484,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Zero_suffix_intnumContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode DECIMAL_VAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL_VAL, 0); } - public Zero_suffix_intnumContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_zero_suffix_intnum; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterZero_suffix_intnum(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitZero_suffix_intnum(this); - } - } - - public final Zero_suffix_intnumContext zero_suffix_intnum() throws RecognitionException { - Zero_suffix_intnumContext _localctx = new Zero_suffix_intnumContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 366, RULE_zero_suffix_intnum); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5952); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==INTNUM || _la==DECIMAL_VAL) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Cast_data_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Binary_type_iContext binary_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Binary_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Character_type_iContext character_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Character_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Rowid_type_iContext rowid_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Rowid_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Datetime_type_iContext datetime_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Datetime_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Timestamp_type_iContext timestamp_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Timestamp_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Int_type_iContext int_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Int_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Number_type_iContext number_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Number_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Float_type_iContext float_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Float_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Double_type_iContext double_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Double_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Interval_type_iContext interval_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Interval_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Treat_data_typeContext treat_data_type() { - return getRuleContext(Treat_data_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Cast_data_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cast_data_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCast_data_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCast_data_type(this); - } - } - - public final Cast_data_typeContext cast_data_type() throws RecognitionException { - Cast_data_typeContext _localctx = new Cast_data_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 368, RULE_cast_data_type); - try { - setState(5965); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,485,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5954); - binary_type_i(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5955); - character_type_i(true); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(5956); - rowid_type_i(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(5957); - datetime_type_i(); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(5958); - timestamp_type_i(); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(5959); - int_type_i(); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(5960); - number_type_i(); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(5961); - float_type_i(); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(5962); - double_type_i(); - } - break; - case 10: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(5963); - interval_type_i(); - } - break; - case 11: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); - { - setState(5964); - treat_data_type(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Treat_data_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } - public Udt_type_iContext udt_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Udt_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Obj_access_ref_castContext obj_access_ref_cast() { - return getRuleContext(Obj_access_ref_castContext.class,0); - } - public Treat_data_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_treat_data_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTreat_data_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTreat_data_type(this); - } - } - - public final Treat_data_typeContext treat_data_type() throws RecognitionException { - Treat_data_typeContext _localctx = new Treat_data_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 370, RULE_treat_data_type); - try { - setState(5970); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,486,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5967); - match(JSON); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5968); - udt_type_i(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(5969); - obj_access_ref_cast(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Obj_access_ref_castContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Value_or_type_nameContext value_or_type_name() { - return getRuleContext(Value_or_type_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public Obj_access_ref_castContext obj_access_ref_cast() { - return getRuleContext(Obj_access_ref_castContext.class,0); - } - public Obj_access_ref_castContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_obj_access_ref_cast; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterObj_access_ref_cast(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitObj_access_ref_cast(this); - } - } - - public final Obj_access_ref_castContext obj_access_ref_cast() throws RecognitionException { - Obj_access_ref_castContext _localctx = new Obj_access_ref_castContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 372, RULE_obj_access_ref_cast); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5972); - value_or_type_name(); - setState(5975); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Dot) { - { - setState(5973); - match(Dot); - setState(5974); - obj_access_ref_cast(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Value_or_type_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public Value_or_type_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_value_or_type_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterValue_or_type_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitValue_or_type_name(this); - } - } - - public final Value_or_type_nameContext value_or_type_name() throws RecognitionException { - Value_or_type_nameContext _localctx = new Value_or_type_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 374, RULE_value_or_type_name); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5977); - match(NAME_OB); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Udt_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Type_nameContext type_name() { - return getRuleContext(Type_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Database_nameContext database_name() { - return getRuleContext(Database_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public Udt_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_udt_type_i; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUdt_type_i(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUdt_type_i(this); - } - } - - public final Udt_type_iContext udt_type_i() throws RecognitionException { - Udt_type_iContext _localctx = new Udt_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 376, RULE_udt_type_i); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5982); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,488,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(5979); - database_name(); - setState(5980); - match(Dot); - } - break; - } - setState(5984); - type_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Type_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public Type_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_type_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterType_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitType_name(this); - } - } - - public final Type_nameContext type_name() throws RecognitionException { - Type_nameContext _localctx = new Type_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 378, RULE_type_name); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5986); - match(NAME_OB); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Data_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Int_type_iContext int_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Int_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Float_type_iContext float_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Float_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Double_type_iContext double_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Double_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Number_type_iContext number_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Number_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Timestamp_type_iContext timestamp_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Timestamp_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Datetime_type_iContext datetime_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Datetime_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Character_type_iContext character_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Character_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Charset_keyContext charset_key() { - return getRuleContext(Charset_keyContext.class,0); - } - public Charset_nameContext charset_name() { - return getRuleContext(Charset_nameContext.class,0); - } - public CollationContext collation() { - return getRuleContext(CollationContext.class,0); - } - public Binary_type_iContext binary_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Binary_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } - public TerminalNode XMLTYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLTYPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SDO_GEOMETRY() { return getToken(OBParser.SDO_GEOMETRY, 0); } - public Interval_type_iContext interval_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Interval_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Rowid_type_iContext rowid_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Rowid_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Data_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_data_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterData_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitData_type(this); - } - } - - public final Data_typeContext data_type() throws RecognitionException { - Data_typeContext _localctx = new Data_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 380, RULE_data_type); - int _la; - try { - setState(6010); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,491,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(5988); - int_type_i(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(5989); - float_type_i(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(5990); - double_type_i(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(5991); - number_type_i(); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(5992); - timestamp_type_i(); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(5993); - datetime_type_i(); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(5994); - character_type_i(false); - setState(5998); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CHARACTER || _la==CHARSET) { - { - setState(5995); - charset_key(); - setState(5996); - charset_name(); - } - } - - setState(6001); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COLLATE) { - { - setState(6000); - collation(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(6003); - binary_type_i(); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(6004); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case 10: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(6005); - match(JSON); - } - break; - case 11: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); - { - setState(6006); - match(XMLTYPE); - } - break; - case 12: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); - { - setState(6007); - match(SDO_GEOMETRY); - } - break; - case 13: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); - { - setState(6008); - interval_type_i(); - } - break; - case 14: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); - { - setState(6009); - rowid_type_i(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Binary_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode RAW() { return getToken(OBParser.RAW, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Zero_suffix_intnumContext zero_suffix_intnum() { - return getRuleContext(Zero_suffix_intnumContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode BLOB() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOB, 0); } - public Binary_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_binary_type_i; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterBinary_type_i(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitBinary_type_i(this); - } - } - - public final Binary_type_iContext binary_type_i() throws RecognitionException { - Binary_type_iContext _localctx = new Binary_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 382, RULE_binary_type_i); - try { - setState(6018); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case RAW: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6012); - match(RAW); - setState(6013); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6014); - zero_suffix_intnum(); - setState(6015); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case BLOB: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6017); - match(BLOB); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Float_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode FLOAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FLOAT, 0); } - public Data_type_precisionContext data_type_precision() { - return getRuleContext(Data_type_precisionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode REAL() { return getToken(OBParser.REAL, 0); } - public Float_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_float_type_i; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFloat_type_i(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFloat_type_i(this); - } - } - - public final Float_type_iContext float_type_i() throws RecognitionException { - Float_type_iContext _localctx = new Float_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 384, RULE_float_type_i); - int _la; - try { - setState(6030); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case FLOAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6020); - match(FLOAT); - setState(6024); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,493,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(6021); - data_type_precision(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(6022); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6023); - match(RightParen); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case REAL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6026); - match(REAL); - setState(6028); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(6027); - data_type_precision(); - } - } - - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Character_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public boolean in_cast_data_type; - public TerminalNode CHARACTER() { return getToken(OBParser.CHARACTER, 0); } - public String_length_iContext string_length_i() { - return getRuleContext(String_length_iContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode BINARY() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY, 0); } - public TerminalNode CHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.CHAR, 0); } - public Varchar_type_iContext varchar_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Varchar_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NVARCHAR2() { return getToken(OBParser.NVARCHAR2, 0); } - public TerminalNode NCHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.NCHAR, 0); } - public TerminalNode CLOB() { return getToken(OBParser.CLOB, 0); } - public Character_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { super(parent, invokingState); } - public Character_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState, boolean in_cast_data_type) { - super(parent, invokingState); - this.in_cast_data_type = in_cast_data_type; - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_character_type_i; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCharacter_type_i(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCharacter_type_i(this); - } - } - - public final Character_type_iContext character_type_i(boolean in_cast_data_type) throws RecognitionException { - Character_type_iContext _localctx = new Character_type_iContext(_ctx, getState(), in_cast_data_type); - enterRule(_localctx, 386, RULE_character_type_i); - int _la; - try { - setState(6058); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,501,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6032); - match(CHARACTER); - setState(6034); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(6033); - string_length_i(); - } - } - - setState(6037); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==BINARY) { - { - setState(6036); - match(BINARY); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6039); - match(CHAR); - setState(6041); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(6040); - string_length_i(); - } - } - - setState(6044); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==BINARY) { - { - setState(6043); - match(BINARY); - } - } - - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(6046); - varchar_type_i(); - setState(6047); - string_length_i(); - setState(6049); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==BINARY) { - { - setState(6048); - match(BINARY); - } - } - - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(6051); - if (!(_localctx.in_cast_data_type)) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "$in_cast_data_type"); - setState(6052); - varchar_type_i(); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(6053); - match(NVARCHAR2); - setState(6054); - string_length_i(); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(6055); - match(NCHAR); - setState(6056); - string_length_i(); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(6057); - match(CLOB); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Rowid_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode UROWID() { return getToken(OBParser.UROWID, 0); } - public Urowid_length_iContext urowid_length_i() { - return getRuleContext(Urowid_length_iContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ROWID() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWID, 0); } - public Rowid_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_rowid_type_i; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRowid_type_i(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRowid_type_i(this); - } - } - - public final Rowid_type_iContext rowid_type_i() throws RecognitionException { - Rowid_type_iContext _localctx = new Rowid_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 388, RULE_rowid_type_i); - int _la; - try { - setState(6068); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case UROWID: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6060); - match(UROWID); - setState(6062); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(6061); - urowid_length_i(); - } - } - - } - break; - case ROWID: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6064); - match(ROWID); - setState(6066); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(6065); - urowid_length_i(); - } - } - - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Interval_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Data_type_precisionContext year_precision; - public Data_type_precisionContext day_precision; - public Data_type_precisionContext second_precision; - public TerminalNode INTERVAL() { return getToken(OBParser.INTERVAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode YEAR() { return getToken(OBParser.YEAR, 0); } - public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } - public TerminalNode MONTH() { return getToken(OBParser.MONTH, 0); } - public List data_type_precision() { - return getRuleContexts(Data_type_precisionContext.class); - } - public Data_type_precisionContext data_type_precision(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Data_type_precisionContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode DAY() { return getToken(OBParser.DAY, 0); } - public TerminalNode SECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.SECOND, 0); } - public Interval_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_interval_type_i; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInterval_type_i(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInterval_type_i(this); - } - } - - public final Interval_type_iContext interval_type_i() throws RecognitionException { - Interval_type_iContext _localctx = new Interval_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 390, RULE_interval_type_i); - int _la; - try { - setState(6087); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,508,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6070); - match(INTERVAL); - setState(6071); - match(YEAR); - setState(6073); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(6072); - ((Interval_type_iContext)_localctx).year_precision = data_type_precision(); - } - } - - setState(6075); - match(TO); - setState(6076); - match(MONTH); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6077); - match(INTERVAL); - setState(6078); - match(DAY); - setState(6080); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(6079); - ((Interval_type_iContext)_localctx).day_precision = data_type_precision(); - } - } - - setState(6082); - match(TO); - setState(6083); - match(SECOND); - setState(6085); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(6084); - ((Interval_type_iContext)_localctx).second_precision = data_type_precision(); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Number_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NUMBER() { return getToken(OBParser.NUMBER, 0); } - public Number_precisionContext number_precision() { - return getRuleContext(Number_precisionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NUMERIC() { return getToken(OBParser.NUMERIC, 0); } - public TerminalNode DECIMAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEC() { return getToken(OBParser.DEC, 0); } - public Number_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_number_type_i; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNumber_type_i(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNumber_type_i(this); - } - } - - public final Number_type_iContext number_type_i() throws RecognitionException { - Number_type_iContext _localctx = new Number_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 392, RULE_number_type_i); - int _la; - try { - setState(6105); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NUMBER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6089); - match(NUMBER); - setState(6091); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(6090); - number_precision(); - } - } - - } - break; - case NUMERIC: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6093); - match(NUMERIC); - setState(6095); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(6094); - number_precision(); - } - } - - } - break; - case DECIMAL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(6097); - match(DECIMAL); - setState(6099); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(6098); - number_precision(); - } - } - - } - break; - case DEC: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(6101); - match(DEC); - setState(6103); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(6102); - number_precision(); - } - } - - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Timestamp_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode TIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMESTAMP, 0); } - public Data_type_precisionContext data_type_precision() { - return getRuleContext(Data_type_precisionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.TIME, 0); } - public TerminalNode ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOCAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCAL, 0); } - public Timestamp_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_timestamp_type_i; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTimestamp_type_i(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTimestamp_type_i(this); - } - } - - public final Timestamp_type_iContext timestamp_type_i() throws RecognitionException { - Timestamp_type_iContext _localctx = new Timestamp_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 394, RULE_timestamp_type_i); - int _la; - try { - setState(6126); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,517,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6107); - match(TIMESTAMP); - setState(6109); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(6108); - data_type_precision(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6111); - match(TIMESTAMP); - setState(6113); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(6112); - data_type_precision(); - } - } - - setState(6115); - match(WITH); - setState(6116); - match(TIME); - setState(6117); - match(ZONE); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(6118); - match(TIMESTAMP); - setState(6120); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(6119); - data_type_precision(); - } - } - - setState(6122); - match(WITH); - setState(6123); - match(LOCAL); - setState(6124); - match(TIME); - setState(6125); - match(ZONE); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Data_type_precisionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Precision_int_numContext precision_int_num() { - return getRuleContext(Precision_int_numContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Precision_decimal_numContext precision_decimal_num() { - return getRuleContext(Precision_decimal_numContext.class,0); - } - public Data_type_precisionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_data_type_precision; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterData_type_precision(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitData_type_precision(this); - } - } - - public final Data_type_precisionContext data_type_precision() throws RecognitionException { - Data_type_precisionContext _localctx = new Data_type_precisionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 396, RULE_data_type_precision); - try { - setState(6136); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,518,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6128); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6129); - precision_int_num(); - setState(6130); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6132); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6133); - precision_decimal_num(); - setState(6134); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Int_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SMALLINT() { return getToken(OBParser.SMALLINT, 0); } - public TerminalNode INT() { return getToken(OBParser.INT, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTEGER() { return getToken(OBParser.INTEGER, 0); } - public Int_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_int_type_i; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInt_type_i(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInt_type_i(this); - } - } - - public final Int_type_iContext int_type_i() throws RecognitionException { - Int_type_iContext _localctx = new Int_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 398, RULE_int_type_i); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6138); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==INTEGER || _la==SMALLINT || _la==INT) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Varchar_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode VARCHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.VARCHAR, 0); } - public TerminalNode VARCHAR2() { return getToken(OBParser.VARCHAR2, 0); } - public Varchar_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_varchar_type_i; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterVarchar_type_i(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitVarchar_type_i(this); - } - } - - public final Varchar_type_iContext varchar_type_i() throws RecognitionException { - Varchar_type_iContext _localctx = new Varchar_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 400, RULE_varchar_type_i); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6140); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==VARCHAR || _la==VARCHAR2) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Double_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode BINARY_DOUBLE() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY_DOUBLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode BINARY_FLOAT() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY_FLOAT, 0); } - public Double_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_double_type_i; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDouble_type_i(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDouble_type_i(this); - } - } - - public final Double_type_iContext double_type_i() throws RecognitionException { - Double_type_iContext _localctx = new Double_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 402, RULE_double_type_i); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6142); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==BINARY_DOUBLE || _la==BINARY_FLOAT) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Datetime_type_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DATE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATE, 0); } - public Datetime_type_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_datetime_type_i; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDatetime_type_i(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDatetime_type_i(this); - } - } - - public final Datetime_type_iContext datetime_type_i() throws RecognitionException { - Datetime_type_iContext _localctx = new Datetime_type_iContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 404, RULE_datetime_type_i); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6144); - match(DATE); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Number_precisionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Precision_decimal_numContext precision_decimal_num() { - return getRuleContext(Precision_decimal_numContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Star() { return getToken(OBParser.Star, 0); } - public List signed_int_num() { - return getRuleContexts(Signed_int_numContext.class); - } - public Signed_int_numContext signed_int_num(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Signed_int_numContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Number_precisionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_number_precision; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNumber_precision(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNumber_precision(this); - } - } - - public final Number_precisionContext number_precision() throws RecognitionException { - Number_precisionContext _localctx = new Number_precisionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 406, RULE_number_precision); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6146); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6156); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case INTNUM: - case Star: - case Minus: - { - setState(6149); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case Star: - { - setState(6147); - match(Star); - } - break; - case INTNUM: - case Minus: - { - setState(6148); - signed_int_num(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(6153); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Comma) { - { - setState(6151); - match(Comma); - setState(6152); - signed_int_num(); - } - } - - } - break; - case DECIMAL_VAL: - { - setState(6155); - precision_decimal_num(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(6158); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Signed_int_numContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode Minus() { return getToken(OBParser.Minus, 0); } - public Signed_int_numContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_signed_int_num; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSigned_int_num(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSigned_int_num(this); - } - } - - public final Signed_int_numContext signed_int_num() throws RecognitionException { - Signed_int_numContext _localctx = new Signed_int_numContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 408, RULE_signed_int_num); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6161); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Minus) { - { - setState(6160); - match(Minus); - } - } - - setState(6163); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Precision_int_numContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public Precision_int_numContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_precision_int_num; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPrecision_int_num(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPrecision_int_num(this); - } - } - - public final Precision_int_numContext precision_int_num() throws RecognitionException { - Precision_int_numContext _localctx = new Precision_int_numContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 410, RULE_precision_int_num); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6165); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Precision_decimal_numContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DECIMAL_VAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL_VAL, 0); } - public Precision_decimal_numContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_precision_decimal_num; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPrecision_decimal_num(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPrecision_decimal_num(this); - } - } - - public final Precision_decimal_numContext precision_decimal_num() throws RecognitionException { - Precision_decimal_numContext _localctx = new Precision_decimal_numContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 412, RULE_precision_decimal_num); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6167); - match(DECIMAL_VAL); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Nstring_length_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Zero_suffix_intnumContext zero_suffix_intnum() { - return getRuleContext(Zero_suffix_intnumContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Nstring_length_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_nstring_length_i; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNstring_length_i(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNstring_length_i(this); - } - } - - public final Nstring_length_iContext nstring_length_i() throws RecognitionException { - Nstring_length_iContext _localctx = new Nstring_length_iContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 414, RULE_nstring_length_i); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6169); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6170); - zero_suffix_intnum(); - setState(6171); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class String_length_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Zero_suffix_intnumContext zero_suffix_intnum() { - return getRuleContext(Zero_suffix_intnumContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode CHARACTER() { return getToken(OBParser.CHARACTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode CHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.CHAR, 0); } - public TerminalNode BYTE() { return getToken(OBParser.BYTE, 0); } - public String_length_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_string_length_i; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterString_length_i(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitString_length_i(this); - } - } - - public final String_length_iContext string_length_i() throws RecognitionException { - String_length_iContext _localctx = new String_length_iContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 416, RULE_string_length_i); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6173); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6174); - zero_suffix_intnum(); - setState(6176); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CHAR || _la==CHARACTER || _la==BYTE) { - { - setState(6175); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==CHAR || _la==CHARACTER || _la==BYTE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - - setState(6178); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Urowid_length_iContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Urowid_length_iContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_urowid_length_i; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUrowid_length_i(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUrowid_length_i(this); - } - } - - public final Urowid_length_iContext urowid_length_i() throws RecognitionException { - Urowid_length_iContext _localctx = new Urowid_length_iContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 418, RULE_urowid_length_i); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6180); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6181); - match(INTNUM); - setState(6182); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Collation_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public Collation_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_collation_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCollation_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCollation_name(this); - } - } - - public final Collation_nameContext collation_name() throws RecognitionException { - Collation_nameContext _localctx = new Collation_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 420, RULE_collation_name); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6184); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==NAME_OB || _la==STRING_VALUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Trans_param_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public Trans_param_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_trans_param_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTrans_param_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTrans_param_name(this); - } - } - - public final Trans_param_nameContext trans_param_name() throws RecognitionException { - Trans_param_nameContext _localctx = new Trans_param_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 422, RULE_trans_param_name); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6186); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Trans_param_valueContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public Trans_param_valueContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_trans_param_value; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTrans_param_value(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTrans_param_value(this); - } - } - - public final Trans_param_valueContext trans_param_value() throws RecognitionException { - Trans_param_valueContext _localctx = new Trans_param_valueContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 424, RULE_trans_param_value); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6188); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==INTNUM || _la==STRING_VALUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Dblink_info_param_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public Dblink_info_param_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dblink_info_param_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDblink_info_param_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDblink_info_param_name(this); - } - } - - public final Dblink_info_param_nameContext dblink_info_param_name() throws RecognitionException { - Dblink_info_param_nameContext _localctx = new Dblink_info_param_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 426, RULE_dblink_info_param_name); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6190); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Dblink_info_param_valueContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public Dblink_info_param_valueContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dblink_info_param_value; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDblink_info_param_value(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDblink_info_param_value(this); - } - } - - public final Dblink_info_param_valueContext dblink_info_param_value() throws RecognitionException { - Dblink_info_param_valueContext _localctx = new Dblink_info_param_valueContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 428, RULE_dblink_info_param_value); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6192); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==INTNUM || _la==STRING_VALUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Charset_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode BINARY() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY, 0); } - public TerminalNode ASCII() { return getToken(OBParser.ASCII, 0); } - public Charset_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_charset_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCharset_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCharset_name(this); - } - } - - public final Charset_nameContext charset_name() throws RecognitionException { - Charset_nameContext _localctx = new Charset_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 430, RULE_charset_name); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6194); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==BINARY || _la==ASCII || _la==NAME_OB || _la==STRING_VALUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Charset_name_or_defaultContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Charset_nameContext charset_name() { - return getRuleContext(Charset_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public Charset_name_or_defaultContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_charset_name_or_default; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCharset_name_or_default(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCharset_name_or_default(this); - } - } - - public final Charset_name_or_defaultContext charset_name_or_default() throws RecognitionException { - Charset_name_or_defaultContext _localctx = new Charset_name_or_defaultContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 432, RULE_charset_name_or_default); - try { - setState(6198); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case BINARY: - case ASCII: - case NAME_OB: - case STRING_VALUE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6196); - charset_name(); - } - break; - case DEFAULT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6197); - match(DEFAULT); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class CollationContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode COLLATE() { return getToken(OBParser.COLLATE, 0); } - public Collation_nameContext collation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Collation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public CollationContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_collation; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCollation(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCollation(this); - } - } - - public final CollationContext collation() throws RecognitionException { - CollationContext _localctx = new CollationContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 434, RULE_collation); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6200); - match(COLLATE); - setState(6201); - collation_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_column_attribute_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_attributeContext column_attribute() { - return getRuleContext(Column_attributeContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_column_attribute_listContext opt_column_attribute_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_column_attribute_listContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_column_attribute_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_column_attribute_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_column_attribute_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_column_attribute_list(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_column_attribute_listContext opt_column_attribute_list() throws RecognitionException { - return opt_column_attribute_list(0); - } - - private Opt_column_attribute_listContext opt_column_attribute_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Opt_column_attribute_listContext _localctx = new Opt_column_attribute_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Opt_column_attribute_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 436; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 436, RULE_opt_column_attribute_list, _p); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - { - setState(6204); - column_attribute(); - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(6210); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,525,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - { - _localctx = new Opt_column_attribute_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_opt_column_attribute_list); - setState(6206); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 2))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 2)"); - setState(6207); - column_attribute(); - } - } - } - setState(6212); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,525,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Column_attributeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } - public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } - public Constraint_stateContext constraint_state() { - return getRuleContext(Constraint_stateContext.class,0); - } - public Constraint_and_nameContext constraint_and_name() { - return getRuleContext(Constraint_and_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ORIG_DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.ORIG_DEFAULT, 0); } - public Now_or_signed_literalContext now_or_signed_literal() { - return getRuleContext(Now_or_signed_literalContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PRIMARY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ID() { return getToken(OBParser.ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode SRID() { return getToken(OBParser.SRID, 0); } - public TerminalNode CHECK() { return getToken(OBParser.CHECK, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public ExprContext expr() { - return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public References_clauseContext references_clause() { - return getRuleContext(References_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode SKIP_INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.SKIP_INDEX, 0); } - public Skip_index_typeContext skip_index_type() { - return getRuleContext(Skip_index_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_skip_index_type_listContext opt_skip_index_type_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_skip_index_type_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Column_attributeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_attribute; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_attribute(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_attribute(this); - } - } - - public final Column_attributeContext column_attribute() throws RecognitionException { - Column_attributeContext _localctx = new Column_attributeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 438, RULE_column_attribute); - int _la; - try { - setState(6265); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,533,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6214); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { - { - setState(6213); - constraint_and_name(); - } - } - - setState(6216); - match(NOT); - setState(6217); - match(NULLX); - setState(6218); - constraint_state(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6220); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { - { - setState(6219); - constraint_and_name(); - } - } - - setState(6222); - match(NULLX); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(6223); - match(DEFAULT); - setState(6224); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(6225); - match(ORIG_DEFAULT); - setState(6226); - now_or_signed_literal(); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(6228); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { - { - setState(6227); - constraint_and_name(); - } - } - - setState(6230); - match(PRIMARY); - setState(6231); - match(KEY); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(6233); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { - { - setState(6232); - constraint_and_name(); - } - } - - setState(6235); - match(UNIQUE); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(6236); - match(ID); - setState(6237); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(6238); - match(SRID); - setState(6239); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(6241); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { - { - setState(6240); - constraint_and_name(); - } - } - - setState(6243); - match(CHECK); - setState(6244); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6245); - expr(0); - setState(6246); - match(RightParen); - setState(6247); - constraint_state(); - } - break; - case 10: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(6250); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CONSTRAINT) { - { - setState(6249); - constraint_and_name(); - } - } - - setState(6252); - references_clause(); - setState(6253); - constraint_state(); - } - break; - case 11: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); - { - setState(6255); - match(SKIP_INDEX); - setState(6256); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6262); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,532,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(6257); - skip_index_type(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(6258); - opt_skip_index_type_list(0); - setState(6259); - match(Comma); - setState(6260); - skip_index_type(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(6264); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Now_or_signed_literalContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext cur_timestamp_func_params() { - return getRuleContext(Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext.class,0); - } - public Signed_literal_paramsContext signed_literal_params() { - return getRuleContext(Signed_literal_paramsContext.class,0); - } - public Now_or_signed_literalContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_now_or_signed_literal; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNow_or_signed_literal(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNow_or_signed_literal(this); - } - } - - public final Now_or_signed_literalContext now_or_signed_literal() throws RecognitionException { - Now_or_signed_literalContext _localctx = new Now_or_signed_literalContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 440, RULE_now_or_signed_literal); - try { - setState(6269); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,534,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6267); - cur_timestamp_func_params(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6268); - signed_literal_params(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext cur_timestamp_func_params() { - return getRuleContext(Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Cur_timestamp_funcContext cur_timestamp_func() { - return getRuleContext(Cur_timestamp_funcContext.class,0); - } - public Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cur_timestamp_func_params; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCur_timestamp_func_params(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCur_timestamp_func_params(this); - } - } - - public final Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext cur_timestamp_func_params() throws RecognitionException { - Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext _localctx = new Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 442, RULE_cur_timestamp_func_params); - try { - setState(6276); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case LeftParen: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6271); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6272); - cur_timestamp_func_params(); - setState(6273); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case SYSDATE: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6275); - cur_timestamp_func(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Signed_literal_paramsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Signed_literal_paramsContext signed_literal_params() { - return getRuleContext(Signed_literal_paramsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Signed_literalContext signed_literal() { - return getRuleContext(Signed_literalContext.class,0); - } - public Signed_literal_paramsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_signed_literal_params; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSigned_literal_params(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSigned_literal_params(this); - } - } - - public final Signed_literal_paramsContext signed_literal_params() throws RecognitionException { - Signed_literal_paramsContext _localctx = new Signed_literal_paramsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 444, RULE_signed_literal_params); - try { - setState(6283); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case LeftParen: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6278); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6279); - signed_literal_params(); - setState(6280); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case NULLX: - case TIMESTAMP_VALUE: - case APPROXNUM: - case INTNUM: - case DECIMAL_VAL: - case DATE_VALUE: - case INTERVAL_VALUE: - case Plus: - case Minus: - case STRING_VALUE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6282); - signed_literal(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Signed_literalContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public LiteralContext literal() { - return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Plus() { return getToken(OBParser.Plus, 0); } - public Number_literalContext number_literal() { - return getRuleContext(Number_literalContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Minus() { return getToken(OBParser.Minus, 0); } - public Signed_literalContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_signed_literal; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSigned_literal(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSigned_literal(this); - } - } - - public final Signed_literalContext signed_literal() throws RecognitionException { - Signed_literalContext _localctx = new Signed_literalContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 446, RULE_signed_literal); - try { - setState(6290); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NULLX: - case TIMESTAMP_VALUE: - case APPROXNUM: - case INTNUM: - case DECIMAL_VAL: - case DATE_VALUE: - case INTERVAL_VALUE: - case STRING_VALUE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6285); - literal(); - } - break; - case Plus: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6286); - match(Plus); - setState(6287); - number_literal(); - } - break; - case Minus: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(6288); - match(Minus); - setState(6289); - number_literal(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_commaContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Opt_commaContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_comma; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_comma(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_comma(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_commaContext opt_comma() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_commaContext _localctx = new Opt_commaContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 448, RULE_opt_comma); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6293); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Comma) { - { - setState(6292); - match(Comma); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Table_optionContext table_option() { - return getRuleContext(Table_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext table_option_list_space_seperated() { - return getRuleContext(Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext.class,0); - } - public Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_option_list_space_seperated; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_option_list_space_seperated(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_option_list_space_seperated(this); - } - } - - public final Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext table_option_list_space_seperated() throws RecognitionException { - Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext _localctx = new Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 450, RULE_table_option_list_space_seperated); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6295); - table_option(); - setState(6297); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED))) != 0) || _la==COMPRESS || _la==NOCOMPRESS || _la==PCTFREE || _la==READ || _la==TABLEGROUP || ((((_la - 410)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 410)) & ((1L << (FORMAT - 410)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 410)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 410)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 410)))) != 0) || _la==PCTUSED || _la==ENGINE_ || _la==TABLE_ID || _la==PATTERN || _la==LOCALITY || ((((_la - 742)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 742)) & ((1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 742)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 742)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 742)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 742)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 810)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 810)) & ((1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 810)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 810)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 810)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1039)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1039)) & ((1L << (SORTKEY - 1039)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1039)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1039)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1115)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1115)) & ((1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1115)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1115)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1115)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1115)))) != 0) || _la==INITRANS) { - { - setState(6296); - table_option_list_space_seperated(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Table_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext table_option_list_space_seperated() { - return getRuleContext(Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext.class,0); - } - public Table_optionContext table_option() { - return getRuleContext(Table_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Table_option_listContext table_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Table_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public Table_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_option_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_option_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_option_list(this); - } - } - - public final Table_option_listContext table_option_list() throws RecognitionException { - Table_option_listContext _localctx = new Table_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 452, RULE_table_option_list); - try { - setState(6304); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,540,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6299); - table_option_list_space_seperated(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6300); - table_option(); - setState(6301); - match(Comma); - setState(6302); - table_option_list(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Primary_zone_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public TerminalNode RANDOM() { return getToken(OBParser.RANDOM, 0); } - public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,0); - } - public Primary_zone_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_primary_zone_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPrimary_zone_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPrimary_zone_name(this); - } - } - - public final Primary_zone_nameContext primary_zone_name() throws RecognitionException { - Primary_zone_nameContext _localctx = new Primary_zone_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 454, RULE_primary_zone_name); - try { - setState(6309); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case DEFAULT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6306); - match(DEFAULT); - } - break; - case RANDOM: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6307); - match(RANDOM); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case STRING_VALUE: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(6308); - relation_name_or_string(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Locality_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public Locality_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_locality_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLocality_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLocality_name(this); - } - } - - public final Locality_nameContext locality_name() throws RecognitionException { - Locality_nameContext _localctx = new Locality_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 456, RULE_locality_name); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6311); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==DEFAULT || _la==STRING_VALUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Table_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SORTKEY() { return getToken(OBParser.SORTKEY, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Parallel_optionContext parallel_option() { - return getRuleContext(Parallel_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TABLE_MODE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE_MODE, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode DUPLICATE_SCOPE() { return getToken(OBParser.DUPLICATE_SCOPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOCALITY() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCALITY, 0); } - public Locality_nameContext locality_name() { - return getRuleContext(Locality_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXPIRE_INFO() { return getToken(OBParser.EXPIRE_INFO, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode BLOCK_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOCK_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPLICA_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICA_NUM, 0); } - public Compress_optionContext compress_option() { - return getRuleContext(Compress_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode USE_BLOOM_FILTER() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_BLOOM_FILTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode BOOL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRIMARY_ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY_ZONE, 0); } - public Primary_zone_nameContext primary_zone_name() { - return getRuleContext(Primary_zone_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TABLEGROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUP, 0); } - public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,0); - } - public Read_only_or_writeContext read_only_or_write() { - return getRuleContext(Read_only_or_writeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ENGINE_() { return getToken(OBParser.ENGINE_, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLET_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLET_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX_USED_PART_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_USED_PART_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ENABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROW() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW, 0); } - public TerminalNode MOVEMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.MOVEMENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode DISABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.DISABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID() { return getToken(OBParser.ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID, 0); } - public Physical_attributes_optionContext physical_attributes_option() { - return getRuleContext(Physical_attributes_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LOCATION() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FORMAT, 0); } - public External_file_format_listContext external_file_format_list() { - return getRuleContext(External_file_format_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PROPERTIES() { return getToken(OBParser.PROPERTIES, 0); } - public External_properties_listContext external_properties_list() { - return getRuleContext(External_properties_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PATTERN() { return getToken(OBParser.PATTERN, 0); } - public TerminalNode PARTITION_TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION_TYPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode USER_SPECIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_SPECIFIED, 0); } - public TerminalNode MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED() { return getToken(OBParser.MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED, 0); } - public TerminalNode AUTO_REFRESH() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTO_REFRESH, 0); } - public TerminalNode OFF() { return getToken(OBParser.OFF, 0); } - public TerminalNode IMMEDIATE() { return getToken(OBParser.IMMEDIATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTERVAL() { return getToken(OBParser.INTERVAL, 0); } - public Table_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_option(this); - } - } - - public final Table_optionContext table_option() throws RecognitionException { - Table_optionContext _localctx = new Table_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 458, RULE_table_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(6460); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,567,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6313); - match(SORTKEY); - setState(6314); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6315); - column_name_list(); - setState(6316); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6318); - parallel_option(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(6319); - match(TABLE_MODE); - setState(6321); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6320); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6323); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(6324); - match(DUPLICATE_SCOPE); - setState(6326); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6325); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6328); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(6329); - match(LOCALITY); - setState(6331); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6330); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6333); - locality_name(); - setState(6335); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FORCE) { - { - setState(6334); - match(FORCE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(6337); - match(EXPIRE_INFO); - setState(6339); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6338); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6341); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6342); - bit_expr(0); - setState(6343); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(6345); - match(PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM); - setState(6347); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6346); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6349); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(6350); - match(BLOCK_SIZE); - setState(6352); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6351); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6354); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(6355); - match(TABLE_ID); - setState(6357); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6356); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6359); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case 10: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(6360); - match(REPLICA_NUM); - setState(6362); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6361); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6364); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case 11: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); - { - setState(6365); - compress_option(); - } - break; - case 12: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); - { - setState(6366); - match(USE_BLOOM_FILTER); - setState(6368); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6367); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6370); - match(BOOL_VALUE); - } - break; - case 13: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); - { - setState(6371); - match(PRIMARY_ZONE); - setState(6373); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6372); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6375); - primary_zone_name(); - } - break; - case 14: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); - { - setState(6376); - match(TABLEGROUP); - setState(6378); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6377); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6380); - relation_name_or_string(); - } - break; - case 15: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); - { - setState(6381); - read_only_or_write(); - } - break; - case 16: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); - { - setState(6382); - match(ENGINE_); - setState(6384); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6383); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6386); - relation_name_or_string(); - } - break; - case 17: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); - { - setState(6387); - match(TABLET_SIZE); - setState(6389); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6388); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6391); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case 18: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); - { - setState(6392); - match(MAX_USED_PART_ID); - setState(6394); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6393); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6396); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case 19: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); - { - setState(6397); - match(ENABLE); - setState(6398); - match(ROW); - setState(6399); - match(MOVEMENT); - } - break; - case 20: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 20); - { - setState(6400); - match(DISABLE); - setState(6401); - match(ROW); - setState(6402); - match(MOVEMENT); - } - break; - case 21: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 21); - { - setState(6403); - match(ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID); - setState(6405); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6404); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6407); - match(BOOL_VALUE); - } - break; - case 22: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 22); - { - setState(6408); - physical_attributes_option(); - } - break; - case 23: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 23); - { - setState(6409); - match(LOCATION); - setState(6411); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6410); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6413); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case 24: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 24); - { - setState(6414); - match(FORMAT); - setState(6416); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6415); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6418); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6419); - external_file_format_list(); - setState(6420); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 25: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 25); - { - setState(6422); - match(PROPERTIES); - setState(6424); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6423); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6426); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6427); - external_properties_list(); - setState(6428); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 26: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 26); - { - setState(6430); - match(PATTERN); - setState(6432); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6431); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6434); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case 27: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 27); - { - setState(6435); - match(PARTITION_TYPE); - setState(6437); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6436); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6439); - match(USER_SPECIFIED); - } - break; - case 28: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 28); - { - setState(6440); - match(MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED); - setState(6442); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6441); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6444); - match(BOOL_VALUE); - } - break; - case 29: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 29); - { - setState(6445); - match(AUTO_REFRESH); - setState(6447); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6446); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6449); - match(OFF); - } - break; - case 30: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 30); - { - setState(6450); - match(AUTO_REFRESH); - setState(6452); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6451); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6454); - match(IMMEDIATE); - } - break; - case 31: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 31); - { - setState(6455); - match(AUTO_REFRESH); - setState(6457); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6456); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6459); - match(INTERVAL); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Parallel_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PARALLEL() { return getToken(OBParser.PARALLEL, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOPARALLEL() { return getToken(OBParser.NOPARALLEL, 0); } - public Parallel_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_parallel_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterParallel_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitParallel_option(this); - } - } - - public final Parallel_optionContext parallel_option() throws RecognitionException { - Parallel_optionContext _localctx = new Parallel_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 460, RULE_parallel_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(6468); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case PARALLEL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6462); - match(PARALLEL); - setState(6464); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6463); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6466); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case NOPARALLEL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6467); - match(NOPARALLEL); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Storage_options_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List storage_option() { - return getRuleContexts(Storage_optionContext.class); - } - public Storage_optionContext storage_option(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Storage_optionContext.class,i); - } - public Storage_options_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_storage_options_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterStorage_options_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitStorage_options_list(this); - } - } - - public final Storage_options_listContext storage_options_list() throws RecognitionException { - Storage_options_listContext _localctx = new Storage_options_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 462, RULE_storage_options_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6471); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - do { - { - { - setState(6470); - storage_option(); - } - } - setState(6473); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } while ( _la==INITIAL_ || _la==MAXEXTENTS || _la==NEXT || _la==MINEXTENTS ); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Storage_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INITIAL_() { return getToken(OBParser.INITIAL_, 0); } - public Size_optionContext size_option() { - return getRuleContext(Size_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.NEXT, 0); } - public TerminalNode MINEXTENTS() { return getToken(OBParser.MINEXTENTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAXEXTENTS() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXEXTENTS, 0); } - public Int_or_unlimitedContext int_or_unlimited() { - return getRuleContext(Int_or_unlimitedContext.class,0); - } - public Storage_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_storage_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterStorage_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitStorage_option(this); - } - } - - public final Storage_optionContext storage_option() throws RecognitionException { - Storage_optionContext _localctx = new Storage_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 464, RULE_storage_option); - try { - setState(6483); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case INITIAL_: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6475); - match(INITIAL_); - setState(6476); - size_option(); - } - break; - case NEXT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6477); - match(NEXT); - setState(6478); - size_option(); - } - break; - case MINEXTENTS: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(6479); - match(MINEXTENTS); - setState(6480); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case MAXEXTENTS: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(6481); - match(MAXEXTENTS); - setState(6482); - int_or_unlimited(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Size_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public Unit_of_sizeContext unit_of_size() { - return getRuleContext(Unit_of_sizeContext.class,0); - } - public Size_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_size_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSize_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSize_option(this); - } - } - - public final Size_optionContext size_option() throws RecognitionException { - Size_optionContext _localctx = new Size_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 466, RULE_size_option); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6485); - match(INTNUM); - setState(6487); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE))) != 0)) { - { - setState(6486); - unit_of_size(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Int_or_unlimitedContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNLIMITED() { return getToken(OBParser.UNLIMITED, 0); } - public Int_or_unlimitedContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_int_or_unlimited; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInt_or_unlimited(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInt_or_unlimited(this); - } - } - - public final Int_or_unlimitedContext int_or_unlimited() throws RecognitionException { - Int_or_unlimitedContext _localctx = new Int_or_unlimitedContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 468, RULE_int_or_unlimited); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6489); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==UNLIMITED || _la==INTNUM) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Unit_of_sizeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode K_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.K_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode M_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.M_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode G_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.G_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode T_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.T_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode P_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.P_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode E_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.E_SIZE, 0); } - public Unit_of_sizeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unit_of_size; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUnit_of_size(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUnit_of_size(this); - } - } - - public final Unit_of_sizeContext unit_of_size() throws RecognitionException { - Unit_of_sizeContext _localctx = new Unit_of_sizeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 470, RULE_unit_of_size); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6491); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE))) != 0)) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Relation_name_or_stringContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public Relation_name_or_stringContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_name_or_string; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_name_or_string(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_name_or_string(this); - } - } - - public final Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() throws RecognitionException { - Relation_name_or_stringContext _localctx = new Relation_name_or_stringContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 472, RULE_relation_name_or_string); - try { - setState(6495); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6493); - relation_name(); - } - break; - case STRING_VALUE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6494); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_equal_markContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Opt_equal_markContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_equal_mark; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_equal_mark(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_equal_mark(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_equal_markContext opt_equal_mark() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_equal_markContext _localctx = new Opt_equal_markContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 474, RULE_opt_equal_mark); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6498); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6497); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Partition_option_innerContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Hash_partition_optionContext hash_partition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Hash_partition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Range_partition_optionContext range_partition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Range_partition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public List_partition_optionContext list_partition_option() { - return getRuleContext(List_partition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public External_table_partition_optionContext external_table_partition_option() { - return getRuleContext(External_table_partition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Partition_option_innerContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_partition_option_inner; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPartition_option_inner(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPartition_option_inner(this); - } - } - - public final Partition_option_innerContext partition_option_inner() throws RecognitionException { - Partition_option_innerContext _localctx = new Partition_option_innerContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 476, RULE_partition_option_inner); - try { - setState(6504); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,575,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6500); - hash_partition_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6501); - range_partition_option(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(6502); - list_partition_option(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(6503); - external_table_partition_option(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class External_table_partition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public External_table_partition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_external_table_partition_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExternal_table_partition_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExternal_table_partition_option(this); - } - } - - public final External_table_partition_optionContext external_table_partition_option() throws RecognitionException { - External_table_partition_optionContext _localctx = new External_table_partition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 478, RULE_external_table_partition_option); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6506); - match(PARTITION); - setState(6507); - match(BY); - setState(6508); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6509); - column_name_list(); - setState(6510); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Auto_partition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Auto_partition_typeContext auto_partition_type() { - return getRuleContext(Auto_partition_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.SIZE, 0); } - public Partition_sizeContext partition_size() { - return getRuleContext(Partition_sizeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PARTITIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITIONS, 0); } - public TerminalNode AUTO() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTO, 0); } - public Auto_partition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_auto_partition_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAuto_partition_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAuto_partition_option(this); - } - } - - public final Auto_partition_optionContext auto_partition_option() throws RecognitionException { - Auto_partition_optionContext _localctx = new Auto_partition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 480, RULE_auto_partition_option); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6512); - auto_partition_type(); - setState(6513); - match(PARTITION); - setState(6514); - match(SIZE); - setState(6515); - partition_size(); - setState(6516); - match(PARTITIONS); - setState(6517); - match(AUTO); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Column_group_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } - public TerminalNode EACH() { return getToken(OBParser.EACH, 0); } - public TerminalNode COLUMN() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Column_group_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_group_element; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_group_element(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_group_element(this); - } - } - - public final Column_group_elementContext column_group_element() throws RecognitionException { - Column_group_elementContext _localctx = new Column_group_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 482, RULE_column_group_element); - try { - setState(6528); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,576,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6519); - match(ALL); - setState(6520); - match(COLUMNS); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6521); - match(EACH); - setState(6522); - match(COLUMN); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(6523); - relation_name(); - setState(6524); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6525); - column_name_list(); - setState(6526); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Column_group_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List column_group_element() { - return getRuleContexts(Column_group_elementContext.class); - } - public Column_group_elementContext column_group_element(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Column_group_elementContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Column_group_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_group_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_group_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_group_list(this); - } - } - - public final Column_group_listContext column_group_list() throws RecognitionException { - Column_group_listContext _localctx = new Column_group_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 484, RULE_column_group_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6530); - column_group_element(); - setState(6535); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(6531); - match(Comma); - setState(6532); - column_group_element(); - } - } - setState(6537); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class With_column_groupContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode WITH_COLUMN_GROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH_COLUMN_GROUP, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_group_listContext column_group_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_group_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public With_column_groupContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_with_column_group; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWith_column_group(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWith_column_group(this); - } - } - - public final With_column_groupContext with_column_group() throws RecognitionException { - With_column_groupContext _localctx = new With_column_groupContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 486, RULE_with_column_group); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6538); - match(WITH_COLUMN_GROUP); - setState(6539); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6540); - column_group_list(); - setState(6541); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Partition_sizeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Conf_constContext conf_const() { - return getRuleContext(Conf_constContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode AUTO() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTO, 0); } - public Partition_sizeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_partition_size; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPartition_size(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPartition_size(this); - } - } - - public final Partition_sizeContext partition_size() throws RecognitionException { - Partition_sizeContext _localctx = new Partition_sizeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 488, RULE_partition_size); - try { - setState(6545); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NULLX: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case TIMESTAMP_VALUE: - case APPROXNUM: - case INTNUM: - case DECIMAL_VAL: - case BOOL_VALUE: - case DATE_VALUE: - case Minus: - case SYSTEM_VARIABLE: - case STRING_VALUE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6543); - conf_const(); - } - break; - case AUTO: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6544); - match(AUTO); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Auto_partition_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Auto_range_typeContext auto_range_type() { - return getRuleContext(Auto_range_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Auto_partition_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_auto_partition_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAuto_partition_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAuto_partition_type(this); - } - } - - public final Auto_partition_typeContext auto_partition_type() throws RecognitionException { - Auto_partition_typeContext _localctx = new Auto_partition_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 490, RULE_auto_partition_type); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6547); - auto_range_type(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Auto_range_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode RANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.RANGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public Auto_range_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_auto_range_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAuto_range_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAuto_range_type(this); - } - } - - public final Auto_range_typeContext auto_range_type() throws RecognitionException { - Auto_range_typeContext _localctx = new Auto_range_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 492, RULE_auto_range_type); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6549); - match(PARTITION); - setState(6550); - match(BY); - setState(6551); - match(RANGE); - setState(6552); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6554); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ROWID - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { - { - setState(6553); - column_name_list(); - } - } - - setState(6556); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Partition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Partition_option_innerContext partition_option_inner() { - return getRuleContext(Partition_option_innerContext.class,0); - } - public Partition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_partition_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPartition_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPartition_option(this); - } - } - - public final Partition_optionContext partition_option() throws RecognitionException { - Partition_optionContext _localctx = new Partition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 494, RULE_partition_option); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6558); - partition_option_inner(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Hash_partition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.HASH, 0); } - public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); - } - public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } - public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); - } - public Subpartition_optionContext subpartition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Subpartition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PARTITIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITIONS, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public Hash_partition_listContext hash_partition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Hash_partition_listContext.class,0); - } - public Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext hash_partition_attributes_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public Hash_partition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hash_partition_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHash_partition_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHash_partition_option(this); - } - } - - public final Hash_partition_optionContext hash_partition_option() throws RecognitionException { - Hash_partition_optionContext _localctx = new Hash_partition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 496, RULE_hash_partition_option); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6560); - match(PARTITION); - setState(6561); - match(BY); - setState(6562); - match(HASH); - setState(6563); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6564); - column_name_list(); - setState(6565); - match(RightParen); - setState(6567); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SUBPARTITION) { - { - setState(6566); - subpartition_option(); - } - } - - setState(6571); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PARTITIONS) { - { - setState(6569); - match(PARTITIONS); - setState(6570); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - - setState(6577); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(6573); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6574); - hash_partition_list(); - setState(6575); - match(RightParen); - } - } - - setState(6580); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMPRESS || _la==NOCOMPRESS || _la==TABLESPACE) { - { - setState(6579); - hash_partition_attributes_option_list(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode TABLESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLESPACE, 0); } - public TablespaceContext tablespace() { - return getRuleContext(TablespaceContext.class,0); - } - public Compress_optionContext compress_option() { - return getRuleContext(Compress_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hash_partition_attributes_option_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHash_partition_attributes_option_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHash_partition_attributes_option_list(this); - } - } - - public final Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext hash_partition_attributes_option_list() throws RecognitionException { - Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext _localctx = new Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 498, RULE_hash_partition_attributes_option_list); - try { - setState(6589); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,584,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6582); - match(TABLESPACE); - setState(6583); - tablespace(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6584); - compress_option(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(6585); - match(TABLESPACE); - setState(6586); - tablespace(); - setState(6587); - compress_option(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class List_partition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.LIST, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Opt_list_partition_listContext opt_list_partition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_list_partition_listContext.class,0); - } - public Subpartition_optionContext subpartition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Subpartition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public List_partition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_list_partition_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterList_partition_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitList_partition_option(this); - } - } - - public final List_partition_optionContext list_partition_option() throws RecognitionException { - List_partition_optionContext _localctx = new List_partition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 500, RULE_list_partition_option); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6591); - match(PARTITION); - setState(6592); - match(BY); - setState(6593); - match(LIST); - setState(6594); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6595); - column_name_list(); - setState(6596); - match(RightParen); - setState(6598); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SUBPARTITION) { - { - setState(6597); - subpartition_option(); - } - } - - setState(6600); - opt_list_partition_list(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Range_partition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode RANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.RANGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Opt_range_partition_listContext opt_range_partition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_range_partition_listContext.class,0); - } - public Interval_optionContext interval_option() { - return getRuleContext(Interval_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Subpartition_optionContext subpartition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Subpartition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Range_partition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_range_partition_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRange_partition_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRange_partition_option(this); - } - } - - public final Range_partition_optionContext range_partition_option() throws RecognitionException { - Range_partition_optionContext _localctx = new Range_partition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 502, RULE_range_partition_option); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6602); - match(PARTITION); - setState(6603); - match(BY); - setState(6604); - match(RANGE); - setState(6605); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6606); - column_name_list(); - setState(6607); - match(RightParen); - setState(6609); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==INTERVAL) { - { - setState(6608); - interval_option(); - } - } - - setState(6612); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SUBPARTITION) { - { - setState(6611); - subpartition_option(); - } - } - - setState(6614); - opt_range_partition_list(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Interval_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTERVAL() { return getToken(OBParser.INTERVAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Interval_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_interval_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInterval_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInterval_option(this); - } - } - - public final Interval_optionContext interval_option() throws RecognitionException { - Interval_optionContext _localctx = new Interval_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 504, RULE_interval_option); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6616); - match(INTERVAL); - setState(6617); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6618); - bit_expr(0); - setState(6619); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Subpartition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Subpartition_template_optionContext subpartition_template_option() { - return getRuleContext(Subpartition_template_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Subpartition_individual_optionContext subpartition_individual_option() { - return getRuleContext(Subpartition_individual_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Subpartition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_subpartition_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSubpartition_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSubpartition_option(this); - } - } - - public final Subpartition_optionContext subpartition_option() throws RecognitionException { - Subpartition_optionContext _localctx = new Subpartition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 506, RULE_subpartition_option); - try { - setState(6623); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,588,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6621); - subpartition_template_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6622); - subpartition_individual_option(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Subpartition_template_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List SUBPARTITION() { return getTokens(OBParser.SUBPARTITION); } - public TerminalNode SUBPARTITION(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITION, i); - } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.HASH, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode TEMPLATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TEMPLATE, 0); } - public Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext opt_hash_subpartition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.RANGE, 0); } - public Opt_range_subpartition_listContext opt_range_subpartition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_range_subpartition_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.LIST, 0); } - public Opt_list_subpartition_listContext opt_list_subpartition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_list_subpartition_listContext.class,0); - } - public Subpartition_template_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_subpartition_template_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSubpartition_template_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSubpartition_template_option(this); - } - } - - public final Subpartition_template_optionContext subpartition_template_option() throws RecognitionException { - Subpartition_template_optionContext _localctx = new Subpartition_template_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 508, RULE_subpartition_template_option); - try { - setState(6655); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,589,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6625); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(6626); - match(BY); - setState(6627); - match(HASH); - setState(6628); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6629); - column_name_list(); - setState(6630); - match(RightParen); - setState(6631); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(6632); - match(TEMPLATE); - setState(6633); - opt_hash_subpartition_list(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6635); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(6636); - match(BY); - setState(6637); - match(RANGE); - setState(6638); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6639); - column_name_list(); - setState(6640); - match(RightParen); - setState(6641); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(6642); - match(TEMPLATE); - setState(6643); - opt_range_subpartition_list(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(6645); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(6646); - match(BY); - setState(6647); - match(LIST); - setState(6648); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6649); - column_name_list(); - setState(6650); - match(RightParen); - setState(6651); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(6652); - match(TEMPLATE); - setState(6653); - opt_list_subpartition_list(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Subpartition_individual_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SUBPARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.HASH, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUBPARTITIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITIONS, 0); } - public Hash_subpartition_quantityContext hash_subpartition_quantity() { - return getRuleContext(Hash_subpartition_quantityContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.RANGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.LIST, 0); } - public Subpartition_individual_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_subpartition_individual_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSubpartition_individual_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSubpartition_individual_option(this); - } - } - - public final Subpartition_individual_optionContext subpartition_individual_option() throws RecognitionException { - Subpartition_individual_optionContext _localctx = new Subpartition_individual_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 510, RULE_subpartition_individual_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(6681); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,591,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6657); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(6658); - match(BY); - setState(6659); - match(HASH); - setState(6660); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6661); - column_name_list(); - setState(6662); - match(RightParen); - setState(6665); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SUBPARTITIONS) { - { - setState(6663); - match(SUBPARTITIONS); - setState(6664); - hash_subpartition_quantity(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6667); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(6668); - match(BY); - setState(6669); - match(RANGE); - setState(6670); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6671); - column_name_list(); - setState(6672); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(6674); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(6675); - match(BY); - setState(6676); - match(LIST); - setState(6677); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6678); - column_name_list(); - setState(6679); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Aux_column_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List vertical_column_name() { - return getRuleContexts(Vertical_column_nameContext.class); - } - public Vertical_column_nameContext vertical_column_name(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Vertical_column_nameContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Aux_column_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_aux_column_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAux_column_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAux_column_list(this); - } - } - - public final Aux_column_listContext aux_column_list() throws RecognitionException { - Aux_column_listContext _localctx = new Aux_column_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 512, RULE_aux_column_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6683); - vertical_column_name(); - setState(6688); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(6684); - match(Comma); - setState(6685); - vertical_column_name(); - } - } - setState(6690); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Vertical_column_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Vertical_column_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_vertical_column_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterVertical_column_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitVertical_column_name(this); - } - } - - public final Vertical_column_nameContext vertical_column_name() throws RecognitionException { - Vertical_column_nameContext _localctx = new Vertical_column_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 514, RULE_vertical_column_name); - try { - setState(6696); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ROWID: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6691); - column_name(); - } - break; - case LeftParen: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6692); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6693); - column_name_list(); - setState(6694); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Hash_partition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List hash_partition_element() { - return getRuleContexts(Hash_partition_elementContext.class); - } - public Hash_partition_elementContext hash_partition_element(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Hash_partition_elementContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Hash_partition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hash_partition_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHash_partition_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHash_partition_list(this); - } - } - - public final Hash_partition_listContext hash_partition_list() throws RecognitionException { - Hash_partition_listContext _localctx = new Hash_partition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 516, RULE_hash_partition_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6698); - hash_partition_element(); - setState(6703); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(6699); - match(Comma); - setState(6700); - hash_partition_element(); - } - } - setState(6705); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Hash_partition_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ID() { return getToken(OBParser.ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext hash_partition_attributes_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public Subpartition_listContext subpartition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Subpartition_listContext.class,0); - } - public Hash_partition_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hash_partition_element; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHash_partition_element(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHash_partition_element(this); - } - } - - public final Hash_partition_elementContext hash_partition_element() throws RecognitionException { - Hash_partition_elementContext _localctx = new Hash_partition_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 518, RULE_hash_partition_element); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6706); - match(PARTITION); - setState(6708); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,595,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(6707); - relation_factor(); - } - break; - } - setState(6712); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ID) { - { - setState(6710); - match(ID); - setState(6711); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - - setState(6715); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMPRESS || _la==NOCOMPRESS || _la==TABLESPACE) { - { - setState(6714); - hash_partition_attributes_option_list(); - } - } - - setState(6718); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(6717); - subpartition_list(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_range_partition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Range_partition_listContext range_partition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Range_partition_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Opt_range_partition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_range_partition_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_range_partition_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_range_partition_list(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_range_partition_listContext opt_range_partition_list() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_range_partition_listContext _localctx = new Opt_range_partition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 520, RULE_opt_range_partition_list); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6720); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6721); - range_partition_list(); - setState(6722); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Range_partition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List range_partition_element() { - return getRuleContexts(Range_partition_elementContext.class); - } - public Range_partition_elementContext range_partition_element(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Range_partition_elementContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Range_partition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_range_partition_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRange_partition_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRange_partition_list(this); - } - } - - public final Range_partition_listContext range_partition_list() throws RecognitionException { - Range_partition_listContext _localctx = new Range_partition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 522, RULE_range_partition_list); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6724); - range_partition_element(); - setState(6729); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,599,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - { - { - setState(6725); - match(Comma); - setState(6726); - range_partition_element(); - } - } - } - setState(6731); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,599,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Partition_attributes_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Physical_attributes_option_listContext physical_attributes_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Physical_attributes_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public Compress_optionContext compress_option() { - return getRuleContext(Compress_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Partition_attributes_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_partition_attributes_option_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPartition_attributes_option_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPartition_attributes_option_list(this); - } - } - - public final Partition_attributes_option_listContext partition_attributes_option_list() throws RecognitionException { - Partition_attributes_option_listContext _localctx = new Partition_attributes_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 524, RULE_partition_attributes_option_list); - try { - setState(6737); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,600,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6732); - physical_attributes_option_list(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6733); - compress_option(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(6734); - physical_attributes_option_list(); - setState(6735); - compress_option(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Range_partition_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } - public TerminalNode LESS() { return getToken(OBParser.LESS, 0); } - public TerminalNode THAN() { return getToken(OBParser.THAN, 0); } - public Range_partition_exprContext range_partition_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Range_partition_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ID() { return getToken(OBParser.ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public Partition_attributes_option_listContext partition_attributes_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Partition_attributes_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public Subpartition_listContext subpartition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Subpartition_listContext.class,0); - } - public Range_partition_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_range_partition_element; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRange_partition_element(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRange_partition_element(this); - } - } - - public final Range_partition_elementContext range_partition_element() throws RecognitionException { - Range_partition_elementContext _localctx = new Range_partition_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 526, RULE_range_partition_element); - int _la; - try { - setState(6770); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,607,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6739); - match(PARTITION); - setState(6740); - relation_factor(); - setState(6741); - match(VALUES); - setState(6742); - match(LESS); - setState(6743); - match(THAN); - setState(6744); - range_partition_expr(); - setState(6747); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ID) { - { - setState(6745); - match(ID); - setState(6746); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - - setState(6750); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMPRESS || _la==NOCOMPRESS || _la==PCTFREE || _la==PCTUSED || _la==MAXTRANS || _la==STORAGE || _la==TABLESPACE || _la==INITRANS) { - { - setState(6749); - partition_attributes_option_list(); - } - } - - setState(6753); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(6752); - subpartition_list(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6755); - match(PARTITION); - setState(6756); - match(VALUES); - setState(6757); - match(LESS); - setState(6758); - match(THAN); - setState(6759); - range_partition_expr(); - setState(6762); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ID) { - { - setState(6760); - match(ID); - setState(6761); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - - setState(6765); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMPRESS || _la==NOCOMPRESS || _la==PCTFREE || _la==PCTUSED || _la==MAXTRANS || _la==STORAGE || _la==TABLESPACE || _la==INITRANS) { - { - setState(6764); - partition_attributes_option_list(); - } - } - - setState(6768); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(6767); - subpartition_list(); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_list_partition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public List_partition_listContext list_partition_list() { - return getRuleContext(List_partition_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Opt_list_partition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_list_partition_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_list_partition_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_list_partition_list(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_list_partition_listContext opt_list_partition_list() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_list_partition_listContext _localctx = new Opt_list_partition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 528, RULE_opt_list_partition_list); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6772); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6773); - list_partition_list(); - setState(6774); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class List_partition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List list_partition_element() { - return getRuleContexts(List_partition_elementContext.class); - } - public List_partition_elementContext list_partition_element(int i) { - return getRuleContext(List_partition_elementContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public List_partition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_list_partition_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterList_partition_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitList_partition_list(this); - } - } - - public final List_partition_listContext list_partition_list() throws RecognitionException { - List_partition_listContext _localctx = new List_partition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 530, RULE_list_partition_list); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6776); - list_partition_element(); - setState(6781); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,608,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - { - { - setState(6777); - match(Comma); - setState(6778); - list_partition_element(); - } - } - } - setState(6783); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,608,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class List_partition_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } - public List_partition_exprContext list_partition_expr() { - return getRuleContext(List_partition_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ID() { return getToken(OBParser.ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public Partition_attributes_option_listContext partition_attributes_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Partition_attributes_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public Subpartition_listContext subpartition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Subpartition_listContext.class,0); - } - public List_partition_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_list_partition_element; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterList_partition_element(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitList_partition_element(this); - } - } - - public final List_partition_elementContext list_partition_element() throws RecognitionException { - List_partition_elementContext _localctx = new List_partition_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 532, RULE_list_partition_element); - int _la; - try { - setState(6811); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,615,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6784); - match(PARTITION); - setState(6785); - relation_factor(); - setState(6786); - match(VALUES); - setState(6787); - list_partition_expr(); - setState(6790); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ID) { - { - setState(6788); - match(ID); - setState(6789); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - - setState(6793); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMPRESS || _la==NOCOMPRESS || _la==PCTFREE || _la==PCTUSED || _la==MAXTRANS || _la==STORAGE || _la==TABLESPACE || _la==INITRANS) { - { - setState(6792); - partition_attributes_option_list(); - } - } - - setState(6796); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(6795); - subpartition_list(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6798); - match(PARTITION); - setState(6799); - match(VALUES); - setState(6800); - list_partition_expr(); - setState(6803); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ID) { - { - setState(6801); - match(ID); - setState(6802); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - - setState(6806); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMPRESS || _la==NOCOMPRESS || _la==PCTFREE || _la==PCTUSED || _la==MAXTRANS || _la==STORAGE || _la==TABLESPACE || _la==INITRANS) { - { - setState(6805); - partition_attributes_option_list(); - } - } - - setState(6809); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(6808); - subpartition_list(); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Subpartition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext opt_hash_subpartition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_range_subpartition_listContext opt_range_subpartition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_range_subpartition_listContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_list_subpartition_listContext opt_list_subpartition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_list_subpartition_listContext.class,0); - } - public Subpartition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_subpartition_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSubpartition_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSubpartition_list(this); - } - } - - public final Subpartition_listContext subpartition_list() throws RecognitionException { - Subpartition_listContext _localctx = new Subpartition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 534, RULE_subpartition_list); - try { - setState(6816); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,616,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6813); - opt_hash_subpartition_list(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6814); - opt_range_subpartition_list(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(6815); - opt_list_subpartition_list(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Hash_subpartition_listContext hash_subpartition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Hash_subpartition_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_hash_subpartition_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_hash_subpartition_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_hash_subpartition_list(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext opt_hash_subpartition_list() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext _localctx = new Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 536, RULE_opt_hash_subpartition_list); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6818); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6819); - hash_subpartition_list(); - setState(6820); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Hash_subpartition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List hash_subpartition_element() { - return getRuleContexts(Hash_subpartition_elementContext.class); - } - public Hash_subpartition_elementContext hash_subpartition_element(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Hash_subpartition_elementContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Hash_subpartition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hash_subpartition_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHash_subpartition_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHash_subpartition_list(this); - } - } - - public final Hash_subpartition_listContext hash_subpartition_list() throws RecognitionException { - Hash_subpartition_listContext _localctx = new Hash_subpartition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 538, RULE_hash_subpartition_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6822); - hash_subpartition_element(); - setState(6827); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(6823); - match(Comma); - setState(6824); - hash_subpartition_element(); - } - } - setState(6829); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Hash_subpartition_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SUBPARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITION, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Physical_attributes_option_listContext physical_attributes_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Physical_attributes_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public Hash_subpartition_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hash_subpartition_element; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHash_subpartition_element(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHash_subpartition_element(this); - } - } - - public final Hash_subpartition_elementContext hash_subpartition_element() throws RecognitionException { - Hash_subpartition_elementContext _localctx = new Hash_subpartition_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 540, RULE_hash_subpartition_element); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6830); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(6831); - relation_factor(); - setState(6833); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PCTFREE || _la==PCTUSED || _la==MAXTRANS || _la==STORAGE || _la==TABLESPACE || _la==INITRANS) { - { - setState(6832); - physical_attributes_option_list(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_range_subpartition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Range_subpartition_listContext range_subpartition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Range_subpartition_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Opt_range_subpartition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_range_subpartition_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_range_subpartition_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_range_subpartition_list(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_range_subpartition_listContext opt_range_subpartition_list() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_range_subpartition_listContext _localctx = new Opt_range_subpartition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 542, RULE_opt_range_subpartition_list); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6835); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6836); - range_subpartition_list(); - setState(6837); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Range_subpartition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List range_subpartition_element() { - return getRuleContexts(Range_subpartition_elementContext.class); - } - public Range_subpartition_elementContext range_subpartition_element(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Range_subpartition_elementContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Range_subpartition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_range_subpartition_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRange_subpartition_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRange_subpartition_list(this); - } - } - - public final Range_subpartition_listContext range_subpartition_list() throws RecognitionException { - Range_subpartition_listContext _localctx = new Range_subpartition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 544, RULE_range_subpartition_list); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6839); - range_subpartition_element(); - setState(6844); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,619,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - { - { - setState(6840); - match(Comma); - setState(6841); - range_subpartition_element(); - } - } - } - setState(6846); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,619,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Range_subpartition_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SUBPARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITION, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } - public TerminalNode LESS() { return getToken(OBParser.LESS, 0); } - public TerminalNode THAN() { return getToken(OBParser.THAN, 0); } - public Range_partition_exprContext range_partition_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Range_partition_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Physical_attributes_option_listContext physical_attributes_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Physical_attributes_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public Range_subpartition_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_range_subpartition_element; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRange_subpartition_element(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRange_subpartition_element(this); - } - } - - public final Range_subpartition_elementContext range_subpartition_element() throws RecognitionException { - Range_subpartition_elementContext _localctx = new Range_subpartition_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 546, RULE_range_subpartition_element); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6847); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(6848); - relation_factor(); - setState(6849); - match(VALUES); - setState(6850); - match(LESS); - setState(6851); - match(THAN); - setState(6852); - range_partition_expr(); - setState(6854); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PCTFREE || _la==PCTUSED || _la==MAXTRANS || _la==STORAGE || _la==TABLESPACE || _la==INITRANS) { - { - setState(6853); - physical_attributes_option_list(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_list_subpartition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public List_subpartition_listContext list_subpartition_list() { - return getRuleContext(List_subpartition_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Opt_list_subpartition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_list_subpartition_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_list_subpartition_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_list_subpartition_list(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_list_subpartition_listContext opt_list_subpartition_list() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_list_subpartition_listContext _localctx = new Opt_list_subpartition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 548, RULE_opt_list_subpartition_list); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6856); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6857); - list_subpartition_list(); - setState(6858); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class List_subpartition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List list_subpartition_element() { - return getRuleContexts(List_subpartition_elementContext.class); - } - public List_subpartition_elementContext list_subpartition_element(int i) { - return getRuleContext(List_subpartition_elementContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public List_subpartition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_list_subpartition_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterList_subpartition_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitList_subpartition_list(this); - } - } - - public final List_subpartition_listContext list_subpartition_list() throws RecognitionException { - List_subpartition_listContext _localctx = new List_subpartition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 550, RULE_list_subpartition_list); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6860); - list_subpartition_element(); - setState(6865); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,621,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - { - { - setState(6861); - match(Comma); - setState(6862); - list_subpartition_element(); - } - } - } - setState(6867); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,621,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class List_subpartition_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SUBPARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITION, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } - public List_partition_exprContext list_partition_expr() { - return getRuleContext(List_partition_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Physical_attributes_option_listContext physical_attributes_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Physical_attributes_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public List_subpartition_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_list_subpartition_element; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterList_subpartition_element(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitList_subpartition_element(this); - } - } - - public final List_subpartition_elementContext list_subpartition_element() throws RecognitionException { - List_subpartition_elementContext _localctx = new List_subpartition_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 552, RULE_list_subpartition_element); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6868); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(6869); - relation_factor(); - setState(6870); - match(VALUES); - setState(6871); - list_partition_expr(); - setState(6873); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PCTFREE || _la==PCTUSED || _la==MAXTRANS || _la==STORAGE || _la==TABLESPACE || _la==INITRANS) { - { - setState(6872); - physical_attributes_option_list(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class List_partition_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public List_exprContext list_expr() { - return getRuleContext(List_exprContext.class,0); - } - public List_partition_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_list_partition_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterList_partition_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitList_partition_expr(this); - } - } - - public final List_partition_exprContext list_partition_expr() throws RecognitionException { - List_partition_exprContext _localctx = new List_partition_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 554, RULE_list_partition_expr); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6875); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6878); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,623,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(6876); - match(DEFAULT); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(6877); - list_expr(); - } - break; - } - setState(6880); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class List_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List bit_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public List_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_list_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterList_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitList_expr(this); - } - } - - public final List_exprContext list_expr() throws RecognitionException { - List_exprContext _localctx = new List_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 556, RULE_list_expr); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6882); - bit_expr(0); - setState(6887); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(6883); - match(Comma); - setState(6884); - bit_expr(0); - } - } - setState(6889); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Physical_attributes_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List physical_attributes_option() { - return getRuleContexts(Physical_attributes_optionContext.class); - } - public Physical_attributes_optionContext physical_attributes_option(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Physical_attributes_optionContext.class,i); - } - public Physical_attributes_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_physical_attributes_option_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPhysical_attributes_option_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPhysical_attributes_option_list(this); - } - } - - public final Physical_attributes_option_listContext physical_attributes_option_list() throws RecognitionException { - Physical_attributes_option_listContext _localctx = new Physical_attributes_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 558, RULE_physical_attributes_option_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6891); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - do { - { - { - setState(6890); - physical_attributes_option(); - } - } - setState(6893); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } while ( _la==PCTFREE || _la==PCTUSED || _la==MAXTRANS || _la==STORAGE || _la==TABLESPACE || _la==INITRANS ); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Physical_attributes_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PCTFREE() { return getToken(OBParser.PCTFREE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode PCTUSED() { return getToken(OBParser.PCTUSED, 0); } - public TerminalNode INITRANS() { return getToken(OBParser.INITRANS, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAXTRANS() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXTRANS, 0); } - public TerminalNode STORAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.STORAGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Storage_options_listContext storage_options_list() { - return getRuleContext(Storage_options_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLESPACE, 0); } - public TablespaceContext tablespace() { - return getRuleContext(TablespaceContext.class,0); - } - public Physical_attributes_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_physical_attributes_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPhysical_attributes_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPhysical_attributes_option(this); - } - } - - public final Physical_attributes_optionContext physical_attributes_option() throws RecognitionException { - Physical_attributes_optionContext _localctx = new Physical_attributes_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 560, RULE_physical_attributes_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(6913); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case PCTFREE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6895); - match(PCTFREE); - setState(6897); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(6896); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(6899); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case PCTUSED: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6900); - match(PCTUSED); - setState(6901); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case INITRANS: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(6902); - match(INITRANS); - setState(6903); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case MAXTRANS: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(6904); - match(MAXTRANS); - setState(6905); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case STORAGE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(6906); - match(STORAGE); - setState(6907); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6908); - storage_options_list(); - setState(6909); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case TABLESPACE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(6911); - match(TABLESPACE); - setState(6912); - tablespace(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_special_partition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Special_partition_listContext special_partition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Special_partition_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Opt_special_partition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_special_partition_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_special_partition_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_special_partition_list(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_special_partition_listContext opt_special_partition_list() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_special_partition_listContext _localctx = new Opt_special_partition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 562, RULE_opt_special_partition_list); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6915); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6916); - special_partition_list(); - setState(6917); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Special_partition_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List special_partition_define() { - return getRuleContexts(Special_partition_defineContext.class); - } - public Special_partition_defineContext special_partition_define(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Special_partition_defineContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Special_partition_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_special_partition_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSpecial_partition_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSpecial_partition_list(this); - } - } - - public final Special_partition_listContext special_partition_list() throws RecognitionException { - Special_partition_listContext _localctx = new Special_partition_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 564, RULE_special_partition_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6919); - special_partition_define(); - setState(6924); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(6920); - match(Comma); - setState(6921); - special_partition_define(); - } - } - setState(6926); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Special_partition_defineContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode ID() { return getToken(OBParser.ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Special_partition_defineContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_special_partition_define; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSpecial_partition_define(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSpecial_partition_define(this); - } - } - - public final Special_partition_defineContext special_partition_define() throws RecognitionException { - Special_partition_defineContext _localctx = new Special_partition_defineContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 566, RULE_special_partition_define); - int _la; - try { - setState(6938); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,631,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6927); - match(PARTITION); - setState(6930); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ID) { - { - setState(6928); - match(ID); - setState(6929); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6932); - match(PARTITION); - setState(6933); - relation_factor(); - setState(6936); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ID) { - { - setState(6934); - match(ID); - setState(6935); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Range_partition_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Range_expr_listContext range_expr_list() { - return getRuleContext(Range_expr_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Range_partition_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_range_partition_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRange_partition_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRange_partition_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Range_partition_exprContext range_partition_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Range_partition_exprContext _localctx = new Range_partition_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 568, RULE_range_partition_expr); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6940); - match(LeftParen); - setState(6941); - range_expr_list(); - setState(6942); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Range_expr_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List range_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Range_exprContext.class); - } - public Range_exprContext range_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Range_exprContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Range_expr_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_range_expr_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRange_expr_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRange_expr_list(this); - } - } - - public final Range_expr_listContext range_expr_list() throws RecognitionException { - Range_expr_listContext _localctx = new Range_expr_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 570, RULE_range_expr_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6944); - range_expr(); - setState(6949); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(6945); - match(Comma); - setState(6946); - range_expr(); - } - } - setState(6951); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Range_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public LiteralContext literal() { - return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Plus() { return getToken(OBParser.Plus, 0); } - public TerminalNode Minus() { return getToken(OBParser.Minus, 0); } - public Access_func_exprContext access_func_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Access_func_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode MAXVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXVALUE, 0); } - public Range_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_range_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRange_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRange_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Range_exprContext range_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Range_exprContext _localctx = new Range_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 572, RULE_range_expr); - int _la; - try { - setState(6960); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,634,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6953); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Plus) { - { - setState(6952); - match(Plus); - } - } - - setState(6955); - literal(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6956); - match(Minus); - setState(6957); - literal(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(6958); - access_func_expr(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(6959); - match(MAXVALUE); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Hash_subpartition_quantityContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public Hash_subpartition_quantityContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hash_subpartition_quantity; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHash_subpartition_quantity(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHash_subpartition_quantity(this); - } - } - - public final Hash_subpartition_quantityContext hash_subpartition_quantity() throws RecognitionException { - Hash_subpartition_quantityContext _localctx = new Hash_subpartition_quantityContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 574, RULE_hash_subpartition_quantity); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6962); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Int_or_decimalContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode DECIMAL_VAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL_VAL, 0); } - public Int_or_decimalContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_int_or_decimal; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInt_or_decimal(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInt_or_decimal(this); - } - } - - public final Int_or_decimalContext int_or_decimal() throws RecognitionException { - Int_or_decimalContext _localctx = new Int_or_decimalContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 576, RULE_int_or_decimal); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6964); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==INTNUM || _la==DECIMAL_VAL) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Tg_hash_partition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.HASH, 0); } - public Tg_subpartition_optionContext tg_subpartition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Tg_subpartition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PARTITIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITIONS, 0); } - public List INTNUM() { return getTokens(OBParser.INTNUM); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, i); - } - public Tg_hash_partition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tg_hash_partition_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTg_hash_partition_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTg_hash_partition_option(this); - } - } - - public final Tg_hash_partition_optionContext tg_hash_partition_option() throws RecognitionException { - Tg_hash_partition_optionContext _localctx = new Tg_hash_partition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 578, RULE_tg_hash_partition_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(6983); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,637,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6966); - match(PARTITION); - setState(6967); - match(BY); - setState(6968); - match(HASH); - setState(6969); - tg_subpartition_option(); - setState(6972); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PARTITIONS) { - { - setState(6970); - match(PARTITIONS); - setState(6971); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(6974); - match(PARTITION); - setState(6975); - match(BY); - setState(6976); - match(HASH); - setState(6977); - match(INTNUM); - setState(6978); - tg_subpartition_option(); - setState(6981); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PARTITIONS) { - { - setState(6979); - match(PARTITIONS); - setState(6980); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Tg_range_partition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode RANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.RANGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public Tg_subpartition_optionContext tg_subpartition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Tg_subpartition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_range_partition_listContext opt_range_partition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_range_partition_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } - public Tg_range_partition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tg_range_partition_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTg_range_partition_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTg_range_partition_option(this); - } - } - - public final Tg_range_partition_optionContext tg_range_partition_option() throws RecognitionException { - Tg_range_partition_optionContext _localctx = new Tg_range_partition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 580, RULE_tg_range_partition_option); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6985); - match(PARTITION); - setState(6986); - match(BY); - setState(6987); - match(RANGE); - setState(6989); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COLUMNS) { - { - setState(6988); - match(COLUMNS); - } - } - - setState(6991); - match(INTNUM); - setState(6992); - tg_subpartition_option(); - setState(6993); - opt_range_partition_list(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Tg_list_partition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.LIST, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public Tg_subpartition_optionContext tg_subpartition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Tg_subpartition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_list_partition_listContext opt_list_partition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_list_partition_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } - public Tg_list_partition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tg_list_partition_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTg_list_partition_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTg_list_partition_option(this); - } - } - - public final Tg_list_partition_optionContext tg_list_partition_option() throws RecognitionException { - Tg_list_partition_optionContext _localctx = new Tg_list_partition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 582, RULE_tg_list_partition_option); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(6995); - match(PARTITION); - setState(6996); - match(BY); - setState(6997); - match(LIST); - setState(6999); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COLUMNS) { - { - setState(6998); - match(COLUMNS); - } - } - - setState(7001); - match(INTNUM); - setState(7002); - tg_subpartition_option(); - setState(7003); - opt_list_partition_list(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Tg_subpartition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext tg_subpartition_template_option() { - return getRuleContext(Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext tg_subpartition_individual_option() { - return getRuleContext(Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Tg_subpartition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tg_subpartition_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTg_subpartition_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTg_subpartition_option(this); - } - } - - public final Tg_subpartition_optionContext tg_subpartition_option() throws RecognitionException { - Tg_subpartition_optionContext _localctx = new Tg_subpartition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 584, RULE_tg_subpartition_option); - try { - setState(7007); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,640,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7005); - tg_subpartition_template_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7006); - tg_subpartition_individual_option(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List SUBPARTITION() { return getTokens(OBParser.SUBPARTITION); } - public TerminalNode SUBPARTITION(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITION, i); - } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode RANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.RANGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode TEMPLATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TEMPLATE, 0); } - public Opt_range_subpartition_listContext opt_range_subpartition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_range_subpartition_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } - public TerminalNode HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.HASH, 0); } - public Hash_subpartition_quantityContext hash_subpartition_quantity() { - return getRuleContext(Hash_subpartition_quantityContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.LIST, 0); } - public Opt_list_subpartition_listContext opt_list_subpartition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_list_subpartition_listContext.class,0); - } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tg_subpartition_template_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTg_subpartition_template_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTg_subpartition_template_option(this); - } - } - - public final Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext tg_subpartition_template_option() throws RecognitionException { - Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext _localctx = new Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 586, RULE_tg_subpartition_template_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(7043); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,643,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7009); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(7010); - match(BY); - setState(7011); - match(RANGE); - setState(7013); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COLUMNS) { - { - setState(7012); - match(COLUMNS); - } - } - - setState(7015); - match(INTNUM); - setState(7016); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(7017); - match(TEMPLATE); - setState(7018); - opt_range_subpartition_list(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7019); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(7020); - match(BY); - setState(7021); - match(HASH); - setState(7022); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(7023); - match(TEMPLATE); - setState(7024); - hash_subpartition_quantity(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(7025); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(7026); - match(BY); - setState(7027); - match(HASH); - setState(7028); - match(INTNUM); - setState(7029); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(7030); - match(TEMPLATE); - setState(7031); - hash_subpartition_quantity(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(7032); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(7033); - match(BY); - setState(7034); - match(LIST); - setState(7036); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COLUMNS) { - { - setState(7035); - match(COLUMNS); - } - } - - setState(7038); - match(INTNUM); - setState(7039); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(7040); - match(TEMPLATE); - setState(7041); - opt_list_subpartition_list(); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(7042); - empty(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SUBPARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.HASH, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUBPARTITIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITIONS, 0); } - public Hash_subpartition_quantityContext hash_subpartition_quantity() { - return getRuleContext(Hash_subpartition_quantityContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode RANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.RANGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } - public TerminalNode LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.LIST, 0); } - public Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tg_subpartition_individual_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTg_subpartition_individual_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTg_subpartition_individual_option(this); - } - } - - public final Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext tg_subpartition_individual_option() throws RecognitionException { - Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext _localctx = new Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 588, RULE_tg_subpartition_individual_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(7074); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,648,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7045); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(7046); - match(BY); - setState(7047); - match(HASH); - setState(7050); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SUBPARTITIONS) { - { - setState(7048); - match(SUBPARTITIONS); - setState(7049); - hash_subpartition_quantity(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7052); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(7053); - match(BY); - setState(7054); - match(HASH); - setState(7055); - match(INTNUM); - setState(7058); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SUBPARTITIONS) { - { - setState(7056); - match(SUBPARTITIONS); - setState(7057); - hash_subpartition_quantity(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(7060); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(7061); - match(BY); - setState(7062); - match(RANGE); - setState(7064); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COLUMNS) { - { - setState(7063); - match(COLUMNS); - } - } - - setState(7066); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(7067); - match(SUBPARTITION); - setState(7068); - match(BY); - setState(7069); - match(LIST); - setState(7071); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COLUMNS) { - { - setState(7070); - match(COLUMNS); - } - } - - setState(7073); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_alter_compress_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode MOVE() { return getToken(OBParser.MOVE, 0); } - public Compress_optionContext compress_option() { - return getRuleContext(Compress_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_alter_compress_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_alter_compress_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_alter_compress_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_alter_compress_option(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_alter_compress_optionContext opt_alter_compress_option() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_alter_compress_optionContext _localctx = new Opt_alter_compress_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 590, RULE_opt_alter_compress_option); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7076); - match(MOVE); - setState(7077); - compress_option(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Compress_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NOCOMPRESS() { return getToken(OBParser.NOCOMPRESS, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMPRESS() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPRESS, 0); } - public TerminalNode BASIC() { return getToken(OBParser.BASIC, 0); } - public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode OLTP() { return getToken(OBParser.OLTP, 0); } - public TerminalNode QUERY() { return getToken(OBParser.QUERY, 0); } - public Opt_compress_levelContext opt_compress_level() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_compress_levelContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ARCHIVE() { return getToken(OBParser.ARCHIVE, 0); } - public Compress_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_compress_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCompress_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCompress_option(this); - } - } - - public final Compress_optionContext compress_option() throws RecognitionException { - Compress_optionContext _localctx = new Compress_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 592, RULE_compress_option); - try { - setState(7092); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NOCOMPRESS: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7079); - match(NOCOMPRESS); - } - break; - case COMPRESS: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7080); - match(COMPRESS); - setState(7090); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,649,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(7081); - match(BASIC); - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(7082); - match(FOR); - setState(7083); - match(OLTP); - } - } - break; - case 3: - { - { - setState(7084); - match(FOR); - setState(7085); - match(QUERY); - setState(7086); - opt_compress_level(); - } - } - break; - case 4: - { - { - setState(7087); - match(FOR); - setState(7088); - match(ARCHIVE); - setState(7089); - opt_compress_level(); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_compress_levelContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LOW() { return getToken(OBParser.LOW, 0); } - public TerminalNode HIGH() { return getToken(OBParser.HIGH, 0); } - public Opt_compress_levelContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_compress_level; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_compress_level(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_compress_level(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_compress_levelContext opt_compress_level() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_compress_levelContext _localctx = new Opt_compress_levelContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 594, RULE_opt_compress_level); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7095); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==HIGH || _la==LOW) { - { - setState(7094); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==HIGH || _la==LOW) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class External_properties_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List external_properties() { - return getRuleContexts(External_propertiesContext.class); - } - public External_propertiesContext external_properties(int i) { - return getRuleContext(External_propertiesContext.class,i); - } - public List opt_comma() { - return getRuleContexts(Opt_commaContext.class); - } - public Opt_commaContext opt_comma(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Opt_commaContext.class,i); - } - public External_properties_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_external_properties_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExternal_properties_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExternal_properties_list(this); - } - } - - public final External_properties_listContext external_properties_list() throws RecognitionException { - External_properties_listContext _localctx = new External_properties_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 596, RULE_external_properties_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7097); - external_properties(); - setState(7103); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << ACCESSID))) != 0) || _la==TABLE_NAME || _la==SCHEMA_NAME || _la==TYPE || _la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(7098); - opt_comma(); - setState(7099); - external_properties(); - } - } - setState(7105); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class External_propertiesContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLE_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE_NAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMPRESSION_CODE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPRESSION_CODE, 0); } - public TerminalNode QUOTA_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.QUOTA_NAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode ACCESSID() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESSID, 0); } - public TerminalNode ACCESSKEY() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESSKEY, 0); } - public TerminalNode ACCESSTYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESSTYPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.TYPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENDPOINT() { return getToken(OBParser.ENDPOINT, 0); } - public TerminalNode STSTOKEN() { return getToken(OBParser.STSTOKEN, 0); } - public TerminalNode PROJECT_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.PROJECT_NAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode SCHEMA_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.SCHEMA_NAME, 0); } - public External_propertiesContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_external_properties; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExternal_properties(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExternal_properties(this); - } - } - - public final External_propertiesContext external_properties() throws RecognitionException { - External_propertiesContext _localctx = new External_propertiesContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 598, RULE_external_properties); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7120); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case STSTOKEN: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case ACCESSKEY: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case ACCESSID: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case TYPE: - { - setState(7114); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ACCESSKEY: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case ACCESSID: - case TYPE: - { - setState(7108); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ACCESSKEY: - case ACCESSID: - { - setState(7106); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ACCESSKEY || _la==ACCESSID) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - case ACCESSTYPE: - case TYPE: - { - setState(7107); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ACCESSTYPE || _la==TYPE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case STSTOKEN: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - { - setState(7112); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case STSTOKEN: - case ENDPOINT: - { - setState(7110); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==STSTOKEN || _la==ENDPOINT) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - case PROJECT_NAME: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - { - setState(7111); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==PROJECT_NAME || _la==SCHEMA_NAME) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case TABLE_NAME: - { - setState(7118); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUOTA_NAME: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - { - setState(7116); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==QUOTA_NAME || _la==COMPRESSION_CODE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - case TABLE_NAME: - { - setState(7117); - match(TABLE_NAME); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(7122); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(7123); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class External_file_format_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List external_file_format() { - return getRuleContexts(External_file_formatContext.class); - } - public External_file_formatContext external_file_format(int i) { - return getRuleContext(External_file_formatContext.class,i); - } - public List opt_comma() { - return getRuleContexts(Opt_commaContext.class); - } - public Opt_commaContext opt_comma(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Opt_commaContext.class,i); - } - public External_file_format_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_external_file_format_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExternal_file_format_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExternal_file_format_list(this); - } - } - - public final External_file_format_listContext external_file_format_list() throws RecognitionException { - External_file_format_listContext _localctx = new External_file_format_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 600, RULE_external_file_format_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7125); - external_file_format(); - setState(7131); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==FIELD_DELIMITER || _la==LINE_DELIMITER || _la==EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL || _la==COMPRESSION || _la==FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY || _la==ENCODING || _la==TRIM_SPACE || _la==SKIP_HEADER || _la==SKIP_BLANK_LINES || _la==ESCAPE || _la==TYPE || _la==NULL_IF_EXETERNAL || _la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(7126); - opt_comma(); - setState(7127); - external_file_format(); - } - } - setState(7133); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class External_file_formatContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Token format_key; - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENCODING() { return getToken(OBParser.ENCODING, 0); } - public TerminalNode TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.TYPE, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ESCAPE() { return getToken(OBParser.ESCAPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY() { return getToken(OBParser.FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode FIELD_DELIMITER() { return getToken(OBParser.FIELD_DELIMITER, 0); } - public TerminalNode LINE_DELIMITER() { return getToken(OBParser.LINE_DELIMITER, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode SKIP_HEADER() { return getToken(OBParser.SKIP_HEADER, 0); } - public TerminalNode BOOL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SKIP_BLANK_LINES() { return getToken(OBParser.SKIP_BLANK_LINES, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRIM_SPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIM_SPACE, 0); } - public TerminalNode EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL() { return getToken(OBParser.EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Expr_listContext expr_list() { - return getRuleContext(Expr_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode NULL_IF_EXETERNAL() { return getToken(OBParser.NULL_IF_EXETERNAL, 0); } - public Compression_nameContext compression_name() { - return getRuleContext(Compression_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COMPRESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPRESSION, 0); } - public External_file_formatContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_external_file_format; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExternal_file_format(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExternal_file_format(this); - } - } - - public final External_file_formatContext external_file_format() throws RecognitionException { - External_file_formatContext _localctx = new External_file_formatContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 602, RULE_external_file_format); - int _la; - try { - setState(7155); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ENCODING: - case TYPE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7134); - ((External_file_formatContext)_localctx).format_key = _input.LT(1); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ENCODING || _la==TYPE) ) { - ((External_file_formatContext)_localctx).format_key = (Token)_errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(7135); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(7136); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case ESCAPE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7137); - ((External_file_formatContext)_localctx).format_key = _input.LT(1); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==FIELD_DELIMITER || _la==LINE_DELIMITER || _la==FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY || _la==ESCAPE) ) { - ((External_file_formatContext)_localctx).format_key = (Token)_errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(7138); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(7139); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - case SKIP_HEADER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(7140); - ((External_file_formatContext)_localctx).format_key = match(SKIP_HEADER); - setState(7141); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(7142); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(7143); - ((External_file_formatContext)_localctx).format_key = _input.LT(1); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL || _la==TRIM_SPACE || _la==SKIP_BLANK_LINES) ) { - ((External_file_formatContext)_localctx).format_key = (Token)_errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(7144); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(7145); - match(BOOL_VALUE); - } - break; - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(7146); - ((External_file_formatContext)_localctx).format_key = match(NULL_IF_EXETERNAL); - setState(7147); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(7148); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7149); - expr_list(); - setState(7150); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case COMPRESSION: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(7152); - ((External_file_formatContext)_localctx).format_key = match(COMPRESSION); - setState(7153); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(7154); - compression_name(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_tablegroup_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLEGROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUP, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Tablegroup_option_listContext tablegroup_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Tablegroup_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public Tg_hash_partition_optionContext tg_hash_partition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Tg_hash_partition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Tg_range_partition_optionContext tg_range_partition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Tg_range_partition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Tg_list_partition_optionContext tg_list_partition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Tg_list_partition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Create_tablegroup_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_tablegroup_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_tablegroup_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_tablegroup_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Create_tablegroup_stmtContext create_tablegroup_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Create_tablegroup_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_tablegroup_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 604, RULE_create_tablegroup_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7157); - match(CREATE); - setState(7158); - match(TABLEGROUP); - setState(7159); - relation_name(); - setState(7161); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SHARDING || _la==LOCALITY || _la==MAX_USED_PART_ID || _la==BINDING || _la==PRIMARY_ZONE || _la==TABLEGROUP_ID) { - { - setState(7160); - tablegroup_option_list(); - } - } - - setState(7166); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,661,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(7163); - tg_hash_partition_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(7164); - tg_range_partition_option(); - } - break; - case 3: - { - setState(7165); - tg_list_partition_option(); - } - break; - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLEGROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUP, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_tablegroup_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_tablegroup_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_tablegroup_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext drop_tablegroup_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 606, RULE_drop_tablegroup_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7168); - match(DROP); - setState(7169); - match(TABLEGROUP); - setState(7170); - relation_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLEGROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUP, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } - public Table_listContext table_list() { - return getRuleContext(Table_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } - public Tg_modify_partition_infoContext tg_modify_partition_info() { - return getRuleContext(Tg_modify_partition_infoContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_partition_optionContext alter_partition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_partition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext alter_tablegroup_actions() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_tablegroup_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_tablegroup_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_tablegroup_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext alter_tablegroup_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 608, RULE_alter_tablegroup_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(7191); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,665,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7172); - match(ALTER); - setState(7173); - match(TABLEGROUP); - setState(7174); - relation_name(); - setState(7175); - match(ADD); - setState(7177); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TABLE) { - { - setState(7176); - match(TABLE); - } - } - - setState(7179); - table_list(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7181); - match(ALTER); - setState(7182); - match(TABLEGROUP); - setState(7183); - relation_name(); - setState(7189); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,664,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(7186); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ADD: - case DROP: - case MODIFY: - case RENAME: - case TRUNCATE: - case EXCHANGE: - case SPLIT: - { - setState(7184); - alter_partition_option(); - } - break; - case SET: - case SHARDING: - case LOCALITY: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case BINDING: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - { - setState(7185); - alter_tablegroup_actions(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(7188); - tg_modify_partition_info(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Tablegroup_optionContext tablegroup_option() { - return getRuleContext(Tablegroup_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated() { - return getRuleContext(Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext.class,0); - } - public Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTablegroup_option_list_space_seperated(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTablegroup_option_list_space_seperated(this); - } - } - - public final Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated() throws RecognitionException { - Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext _localctx = new Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 610, RULE_tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7193); - tablegroup_option(); - setState(7195); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SHARDING || _la==LOCALITY || _la==MAX_USED_PART_ID || _la==BINDING || _la==PRIMARY_ZONE || _la==TABLEGROUP_ID) { - { - setState(7194); - tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Tablegroup_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated() { - return getRuleContext(Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext.class,0); - } - public Tablegroup_optionContext tablegroup_option() { - return getRuleContext(Tablegroup_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Tablegroup_option_listContext tablegroup_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Tablegroup_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public Tablegroup_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tablegroup_option_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTablegroup_option_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTablegroup_option_list(this); - } - } - - public final Tablegroup_option_listContext tablegroup_option_list() throws RecognitionException { - Tablegroup_option_listContext _localctx = new Tablegroup_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 612, RULE_tablegroup_option_list); - try { - setState(7202); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,667,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7197); - tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7198); - tablegroup_option(); - setState(7199); - match(Comma); - setState(7200); - tablegroup_option_list(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Tablegroup_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LOCALITY() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCALITY, 0); } - public Locality_nameContext locality_name() { - return getRuleContext(Locality_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRIMARY_ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY_ZONE, 0); } - public Primary_zone_nameContext primary_zone_name() { - return getRuleContext(Primary_zone_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TABLEGROUP_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUP_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode BINDING() { return getToken(OBParser.BINDING, 0); } - public TerminalNode BOOL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SHARDING() { return getToken(OBParser.SHARDING, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX_USED_PART_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_USED_PART_ID, 0); } - public Tablegroup_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tablegroup_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTablegroup_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTablegroup_option(this); - } - } - - public final Tablegroup_optionContext tablegroup_option() throws RecognitionException { - Tablegroup_optionContext _localctx = new Tablegroup_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 614, RULE_tablegroup_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(7237); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case LOCALITY: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7204); - match(LOCALITY); - setState(7206); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(7205); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(7208); - locality_name(); - setState(7210); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FORCE) { - { - setState(7209); - match(FORCE); - } - } - - } - break; - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7212); - match(PRIMARY_ZONE); - setState(7214); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(7213); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(7216); - primary_zone_name(); - } - break; - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(7217); - match(TABLEGROUP_ID); - setState(7219); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(7218); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(7221); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case BINDING: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(7222); - match(BINDING); - setState(7224); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(7223); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(7226); - match(BOOL_VALUE); - } - break; - case SHARDING: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(7227); - match(SHARDING); - setState(7229); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(7228); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(7231); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(7232); - match(MAX_USED_PART_ID); - setState(7234); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(7233); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(7236); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List alter_tablegroup_action() { - return getRuleContexts(Alter_tablegroup_actionContext.class); - } - public Alter_tablegroup_actionContext alter_tablegroup_action(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Alter_tablegroup_actionContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_tablegroup_actions; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_tablegroup_actions(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_tablegroup_actions(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext alter_tablegroup_actions() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext _localctx = new Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 616, RULE_alter_tablegroup_actions); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7239); - alter_tablegroup_action(); - setState(7244); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(7240); - match(Comma); - setState(7241); - alter_tablegroup_action(); - } - } - setState(7246); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_tablegroup_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated() { - return getRuleContext(Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public Alter_tablegroup_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_tablegroup_action; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_tablegroup_action(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_tablegroup_action(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_tablegroup_actionContext alter_tablegroup_action() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_tablegroup_actionContext _localctx = new Alter_tablegroup_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 618, RULE_alter_tablegroup_action); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7248); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SET) { - { - setState(7247); - match(SET); - } - } - - setState(7250); - tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Default_tablegroupContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } - public Default_tablegroupContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_default_tablegroup; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDefault_tablegroup(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDefault_tablegroup(this); - } - } - - public final Default_tablegroupContext default_tablegroup() throws RecognitionException { - Default_tablegroupContext _localctx = new Default_tablegroupContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 620, RULE_default_tablegroup); - int _la; - try { - setState(7262); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,680,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7252); - match(DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP); - setState(7254); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(7253); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(7256); - relation_name(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7257); - match(DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP); - setState(7259); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(7258); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(7261); - match(NULLX); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_view_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode VIEW() { return getToken(OBParser.VIEW, 0); } - public View_nameContext view_name() { - return getRuleContext(View_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } - public View_subqueryContext view_subquery() { - return getRuleContext(View_subqueryContext.class,0); - } - public View_with_optContext view_with_opt() { - return getRuleContext(View_with_optContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode OR() { return getToken(OBParser.OR, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPLACE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLACE, 0); } - public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Alias_name_listContext alias_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Alias_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode NO() { return getToken(OBParser.NO, 0); } - public Create_view_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_view_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_view_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_view_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Create_view_stmtContext create_view_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Create_view_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_view_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 622, RULE_create_view_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7264); - match(CREATE); - setState(7267); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==OR) { - { - setState(7265); - match(OR); - setState(7266); - match(REPLACE); - } - } - - setState(7272); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NO: - { - { - setState(7269); - match(NO); - setState(7270); - match(FORCE); - } - } - break; - case FORCE: - { - setState(7271); - match(FORCE); - } - break; - case VIEW: - break; - default: - break; - } - setState(7274); - match(VIEW); - setState(7275); - view_name(); - setState(7280); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(7276); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7277); - alias_name_list(); - setState(7278); - match(RightParen); - } - } - - setState(7285); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TABLE_ID) { - { - setState(7282); - match(TABLE_ID); - setState(7283); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(7284); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - - setState(7287); - match(AS); - setState(7288); - view_subquery(); - setState(7289); - view_with_opt(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_mview_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MATERIALIZED() { return getToken(OBParser.MATERIALIZED, 0); } - public TerminalNode VIEW() { return getToken(OBParser.VIEW, 0); } - public View_nameContext view_name() { - return getRuleContext(View_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Create_mview_optsContext create_mview_opts() { - return getRuleContext(Create_mview_optsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } - public View_subqueryContext view_subquery() { - return getRuleContext(View_subqueryContext.class,0); - } - public View_with_optContext view_with_opt() { - return getRuleContext(View_with_optContext.class,0); - } - public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); - } - public Mv_column_listContext mv_column_list() { - return getRuleContext(Mv_column_listContext.class,0); - } - public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } - public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); - } - public Table_option_listContext table_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Table_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public Partition_optionContext partition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Partition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Auto_partition_optionContext auto_partition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Auto_partition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode WITH_COLUMN_GROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH_COLUMN_GROUP, 0); } - public Column_group_listContext column_group_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_group_listContext.class,0); - } - public Create_mview_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_mview_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_mview_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_mview_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Create_mview_stmtContext create_mview_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Create_mview_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_mview_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 624, RULE_create_mview_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7291); - match(CREATE); - setState(7292); - match(MATERIALIZED); - setState(7293); - match(VIEW); - setState(7294); - view_name(); - setState(7299); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(7295); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7296); - mv_column_list(); - setState(7297); - match(RightParen); - } - } - - setState(7302); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED))) != 0) || _la==COMPRESS || _la==NOCOMPRESS || _la==PCTFREE || _la==READ || _la==TABLEGROUP || ((((_la - 410)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 410)) & ((1L << (FORMAT - 410)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 410)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 410)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 410)))) != 0) || _la==PCTUSED || _la==ENGINE_ || _la==TABLE_ID || _la==PATTERN || _la==LOCALITY || ((((_la - 742)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 742)) & ((1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 742)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 742)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 742)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 742)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 810)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 810)) & ((1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 810)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 810)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 810)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1039)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1039)) & ((1L << (SORTKEY - 1039)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1039)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1039)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1115)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1115)) & ((1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1115)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1115)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1115)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1115)))) != 0) || _la==INITRANS) { - { - setState(7301); - table_option_list(); - } - } - - setState(7306); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,687,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(7304); - partition_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(7305); - auto_partition_option(); - } - break; - } - setState(7313); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH_COLUMN_GROUP) { - { - setState(7308); - match(WITH_COLUMN_GROUP); - setState(7309); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7310); - column_group_list(); - setState(7311); - match(RightParen); - } - } - - setState(7315); - create_mview_opts(); - setState(7316); - match(AS); - setState(7317); - view_subquery(); - setState(7318); - view_with_opt(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_mview_optsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Mview_refresh_optContext mview_refresh_opt() { - return getRuleContext(Mview_refresh_optContext.class,0); - } - public List mview_enable_disable() { - return getRuleContexts(Mview_enable_disableContext.class); - } - public Mview_enable_disableContext mview_enable_disable(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Mview_enable_disableContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public List QUERY() { return getTokens(OBParser.QUERY); } - public TerminalNode QUERY(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.QUERY, i); - } - public TerminalNode COMPUTATION() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPUTATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode REWRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.REWRITE, 0); } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Create_mview_optsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_mview_opts; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_mview_opts(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_mview_opts(this); - } - } - - public final Create_mview_optsContext create_mview_opts() throws RecognitionException { - Create_mview_optsContext _localctx = new Create_mview_optsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 626, RULE_create_mview_opts); - try { - setState(7351); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,689,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7320); - mview_refresh_opt(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7321); - mview_refresh_opt(); - setState(7322); - mview_enable_disable(); - setState(7323); - match(ON); - setState(7324); - match(QUERY); - setState(7325); - match(COMPUTATION); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(7327); - mview_refresh_opt(); - setState(7328); - mview_enable_disable(); - setState(7329); - match(QUERY); - setState(7330); - match(REWRITE); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(7332); - mview_refresh_opt(); - setState(7333); - mview_enable_disable(); - setState(7334); - match(ON); - setState(7335); - match(QUERY); - setState(7336); - match(COMPUTATION); - setState(7337); - mview_enable_disable(); - setState(7338); - match(QUERY); - setState(7339); - match(REWRITE); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(7341); - mview_refresh_opt(); - setState(7342); - mview_enable_disable(); - setState(7343); - match(QUERY); - setState(7344); - match(REWRITE); - setState(7345); - mview_enable_disable(); - setState(7346); - match(ON); - setState(7347); - match(QUERY); - setState(7348); - match(COMPUTATION); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(7350); - empty(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mview_enable_disableContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DISABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.DISABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ENABLE, 0); } - public Mview_enable_disableContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mview_enable_disable; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMview_enable_disable(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMview_enable_disable(this); - } - } - - public final Mview_enable_disableContext mview_enable_disable() throws RecognitionException { - Mview_enable_disableContext _localctx = new Mview_enable_disableContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 628, RULE_mview_enable_disable); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7353); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==DISABLE || _la==ENABLE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mview_refresh_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode REFRESH() { return getToken(OBParser.REFRESH, 0); } - public Mv_refresh_methodContext mv_refresh_method() { - return getRuleContext(Mv_refresh_methodContext.class,0); - } - public Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext mv_refresh_on_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Mv_refresh_intervalContext mv_refresh_interval() { - return getRuleContext(Mv_refresh_intervalContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NEVER() { return getToken(OBParser.NEVER, 0); } - public Mview_refresh_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mview_refresh_opt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMview_refresh_opt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMview_refresh_opt(this); - } - } - - public final Mview_refresh_optContext mview_refresh_opt() throws RecognitionException { - Mview_refresh_optContext _localctx = new Mview_refresh_optContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 630, RULE_mview_refresh_opt); - try { - setState(7362); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case REFRESH: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7355); - match(REFRESH); - setState(7356); - mv_refresh_method(); - setState(7357); - mv_refresh_on_clause(); - setState(7358); - mv_refresh_interval(); - } - break; - case NEVER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7360); - match(NEVER); - setState(7361); - match(REFRESH); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public Mv_refresh_modeContext mv_refresh_mode() { - return getRuleContext(Mv_refresh_modeContext.class,0); - } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mv_refresh_on_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMv_refresh_on_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMv_refresh_on_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext mv_refresh_on_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext _localctx = new Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 632, RULE_mv_refresh_on_clause); - try { - setState(7367); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ON: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7364); - match(ON); - setState(7365); - mv_refresh_mode(); - } - break; - case AS: - case START: - case DISABLE: - case NEXT: - case ENABLE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7366); - empty(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mv_refresh_methodContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode FAST() { return getToken(OBParser.FAST, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMPLETE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPLETE, 0); } - public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } - public Mv_refresh_methodContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mv_refresh_method; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMv_refresh_method(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMv_refresh_method(this); - } - } - - public final Mv_refresh_methodContext mv_refresh_method() throws RecognitionException { - Mv_refresh_methodContext _localctx = new Mv_refresh_methodContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 634, RULE_mv_refresh_method); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7369); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==FORCE || _la==FAST || _la==COMPLETE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mv_refresh_modeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DEMAND() { return getToken(OBParser.DEMAND, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMMIT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode STATEMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.STATEMENT, 0); } - public Mv_refresh_modeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mv_refresh_mode; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMv_refresh_mode(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMv_refresh_mode(this); - } - } - - public final Mv_refresh_modeContext mv_refresh_mode() throws RecognitionException { - Mv_refresh_modeContext _localctx = new Mv_refresh_modeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 636, RULE_mv_refresh_mode); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7371); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==STATEMENT || _la==DEMAND || _la==COMMIT) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mv_refresh_intervalContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Mv_start_clauseContext mv_start_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Mv_start_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Mv_next_clauseContext mv_next_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Mv_next_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Mv_refresh_intervalContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mv_refresh_interval; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMv_refresh_interval(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMv_refresh_interval(this); - } - } - - public final Mv_refresh_intervalContext mv_refresh_interval() throws RecognitionException { - Mv_refresh_intervalContext _localctx = new Mv_refresh_intervalContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 638, RULE_mv_refresh_interval); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7373); - mv_start_clause(); - setState(7374); - mv_next_clause(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mv_start_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode START() { return getToken(OBParser.START, 0); } - public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Mv_start_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mv_start_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMv_start_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMv_start_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Mv_start_clauseContext mv_start_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Mv_start_clauseContext _localctx = new Mv_start_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 640, RULE_mv_start_clause); - try { - setState(7380); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case START: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7376); - match(START); - setState(7377); - match(WITH); - setState(7378); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - case AS: - case DISABLE: - case NEXT: - case ENABLE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7379); - empty(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mv_next_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.NEXT, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Mv_next_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mv_next_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMv_next_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMv_next_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Mv_next_clauseContext mv_next_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Mv_next_clauseContext _localctx = new Mv_next_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 642, RULE_mv_next_clause); - try { - setState(7385); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NEXT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7382); - match(NEXT); - setState(7383); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - case AS: - case DISABLE: - case ENABLE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7384); - empty(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class View_subqueryContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public SubqueryContext subquery() { - return getRuleContext(SubqueryContext.class,0); - } - public Order_byContext order_by() { - return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); - } - public Fetch_next_clauseContext fetch_next_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public View_subqueryContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_view_subquery; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterView_subquery(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitView_subquery(this); - } - } - - public final View_subqueryContext view_subquery() throws RecognitionException { - View_subqueryContext _localctx = new View_subqueryContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 644, RULE_view_subquery); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7387); - subquery(); - setState(7389); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ORDER) { - { - setState(7388); - order_by(); - } - } - - setState(7392); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { - { - setState(7391); - fetch_next_clause(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class View_with_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } - public TerminalNode READ() { return getToken(OBParser.READ, 0); } - public TerminalNode ONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.ONLY, 0); } - public With_check_optionContext with_check_option() { - return getRuleContext(With_check_optionContext.class,0); - } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public View_with_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_view_with_opt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterView_with_opt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitView_with_opt(this); - } - } - - public final View_with_optContext view_with_opt() throws RecognitionException { - View_with_optContext _localctx = new View_with_optContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 646, RULE_view_with_opt); - try { - setState(7399); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,696,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7394); - match(WITH); - setState(7395); - match(READ); - setState(7396); - match(ONLY); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7397); - with_check_option(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(7398); - empty(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class With_check_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } - public TerminalNode CHECK() { return getToken(OBParser.CHECK, 0); } - public TerminalNode OPTION() { return getToken(OBParser.OPTION, 0); } - public With_check_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_with_check_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWith_check_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWith_check_option(this); - } - } - - public final With_check_optionContext with_check_option() throws RecognitionException { - With_check_optionContext _localctx = new With_check_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 648, RULE_with_check_option); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7401); - match(WITH); - setState(7402); - match(CHECK); - setState(7403); - match(OPTION); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class View_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public View_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_view_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterView_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitView_name(this); - } - } - - public final View_nameContext view_name() throws RecognitionException { - View_nameContext _localctx = new View_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 650, RULE_view_name); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7405); - relation_factor(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_tablet_idContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode TABLET_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLET_ID, 0); } - public Opt_equal_markContext opt_equal_mark() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_equal_markContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_tablet_idContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_tablet_id; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_tablet_id(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_tablet_id(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_tablet_idContext opt_tablet_id() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_tablet_idContext _localctx = new Opt_tablet_idContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 652, RULE_opt_tablet_id); - try { - setState(7412); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case TABLET_ID: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7407); - match(TABLET_ID); - setState(7408); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(7409); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case EOF: - case REBUILD: - case SERVER: - case ZONE: - case DELIMITER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7411); - empty(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode TABLET_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLET_ID, 0); } - public Opt_equal_markContext opt_equal_mark() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_equal_markContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_tablet_id_no_empty; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_tablet_id_no_empty(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_tablet_id_no_empty(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext opt_tablet_id_no_empty() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext _localctx = new Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 654, RULE_opt_tablet_id_no_empty); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7414); - match(TABLET_ID); - setState(7415); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(7416); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_index_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } - public Normal_relation_factorContext normal_relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Normal_relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Sort_column_listContext sort_column_list() { - return getRuleContext(Sort_column_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } - public Index_using_algorithmContext index_using_algorithm() { - return getRuleContext(Index_using_algorithmContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_index_optionsContext opt_index_options() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_index_optionsContext.class,0); - } - public Partition_optionContext partition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Partition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Auto_partition_optionContext auto_partition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Auto_partition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public With_column_groupContext with_column_group() { - return getRuleContext(With_column_groupContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode INDEXTYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEXTYPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode IS() { return getToken(OBParser.IS, 0); } - public TerminalNode MDSYS() { return getToken(OBParser.MDSYS, 0); } - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public TerminalNode SPATIAL_INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.SPATIAL_INDEX, 0); } - public Create_index_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_index_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_index_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_index_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Create_index_stmtContext create_index_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Create_index_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_index_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 656, RULE_create_index_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(7464); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,706,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7418); - match(CREATE); - setState(7420); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==UNIQUE) { - { - setState(7419); - match(UNIQUE); - } - } - - setState(7422); - match(INDEX); - setState(7423); - normal_relation_factor(); - setState(7425); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==USING) { - { - setState(7424); - index_using_algorithm(); - } - } - - setState(7427); - match(ON); - setState(7428); - relation_factor(); - setState(7429); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7430); - sort_column_list(); - setState(7431); - match(RightParen); - setState(7433); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMMENT || _la==PCTFREE || _la==WITH || _la==USING || _la==DATA_TABLE_ID || _la==PCTUSED || ((((_la - 693)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 693)) & ((1L << (REVERSE - 693)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 693)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 693)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 693)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 693)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 758)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 758)) & ((1L << (INVISIBLE - 758)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 758)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 758)))) != 0) || _la==STORAGE || _la==INDEX_TABLE_ID || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || _la==STORING || _la==INITRANS) { - { - setState(7432); - opt_index_options(); - } - } - - setState(7437); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,701,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(7435); - partition_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(7436); - auto_partition_option(); - } - break; - } - setState(7440); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH_COLUMN_GROUP) { - { - setState(7439); - with_column_group(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7442); - match(CREATE); - setState(7444); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==UNIQUE) { - { - setState(7443); - match(UNIQUE); - } - } - - setState(7446); - match(INDEX); - setState(7447); - normal_relation_factor(); - setState(7449); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==USING) { - { - setState(7448); - index_using_algorithm(); - } - } - - setState(7451); - match(ON); - setState(7452); - relation_factor(); - setState(7453); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7454); - sort_column_list(); - setState(7455); - match(RightParen); - setState(7456); - match(INDEXTYPE); - setState(7457); - match(IS); - setState(7458); - match(MDSYS); - setState(7459); - match(Dot); - setState(7460); - match(SPATIAL_INDEX); - setState(7462); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMMENT || _la==PCTFREE || _la==WITH || _la==USING || _la==DATA_TABLE_ID || _la==PCTUSED || ((((_la - 693)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 693)) & ((1L << (REVERSE - 693)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 693)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 693)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 693)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 693)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 758)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 758)) & ((1L << (INVISIBLE - 758)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 758)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 758)))) != 0) || _la==STORAGE || _la==INDEX_TABLE_ID || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || _la==STORING || _la==INITRANS) { - { - setState(7461); - opt_index_options(); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Index_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Index_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_index_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterIndex_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitIndex_name(this); - } - } - - public final Index_nameContext index_name() throws RecognitionException { - Index_nameContext _localctx = new Index_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 658, RULE_index_name); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7466); - relation_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Constraint_and_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CONSTRAINT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSTRAINT, 0); } - public Constraint_nameContext constraint_name() { - return getRuleContext(Constraint_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Constraint_and_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_constraint_and_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterConstraint_and_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitConstraint_and_name(this); - } - } - - public final Constraint_and_nameContext constraint_and_name() throws RecognitionException { - Constraint_and_nameContext _localctx = new Constraint_and_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 660, RULE_constraint_and_name); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7468); - match(CONSTRAINT); - setState(7469); - constraint_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Constraint_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Constraint_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_constraint_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterConstraint_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitConstraint_name(this); - } - } - - public final Constraint_nameContext constraint_name() throws RecognitionException { - Constraint_nameContext _localctx = new Constraint_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 662, RULE_constraint_name); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7471); - relation_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Sort_column_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List sort_column_key() { - return getRuleContexts(Sort_column_keyContext.class); - } - public Sort_column_keyContext sort_column_key(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Sort_column_keyContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Sort_column_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sort_column_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSort_column_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSort_column_list(this); - } - } - - public final Sort_column_listContext sort_column_list() throws RecognitionException { - Sort_column_listContext _localctx = new Sort_column_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 664, RULE_sort_column_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7473); - sort_column_key(); - setState(7478); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(7474); - match(Comma); - setState(7475); - sort_column_key(); - } - } - setState(7480); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Sort_column_keyContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Index_exprContext index_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Index_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_asc_descContext opt_asc_desc() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_asc_descContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ID() { return getToken(OBParser.ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public Sort_column_keyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sort_column_key; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSort_column_key(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSort_column_key(this); - } - } - - public final Sort_column_keyContext sort_column_key() throws RecognitionException { - Sort_column_keyContext _localctx = new Sort_column_keyContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 666, RULE_sort_column_key); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7481); - index_expr(); - setState(7482); - opt_asc_desc(); - setState(7485); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ID) { - { - setState(7483); - match(ID); - setState(7484); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Index_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Index_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_index_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterIndex_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitIndex_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Index_exprContext index_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Index_exprContext _localctx = new Index_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 668, RULE_index_expr); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7487); - bit_expr(0); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_index_optionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List index_option() { - return getRuleContexts(Index_optionContext.class); - } - public Index_optionContext index_option(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Index_optionContext.class,i); - } - public Opt_index_optionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_index_options; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_index_options(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_index_options(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_index_optionsContext opt_index_options() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_index_optionsContext _localctx = new Opt_index_optionsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 670, RULE_opt_index_options); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7490); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = 1; - do { - switch (_alt) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(7489); - index_option(); - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(7492); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,709,_ctx); - } while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Index_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode GLOBAL() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOCAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode BLOCK_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOCK_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode STORING() { return getToken(OBParser.STORING, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROWID() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWID, 0); } - public TerminalNode PARSER() { return getToken(OBParser.PARSER, 0); } - public Index_using_algorithmContext index_using_algorithm() { - return getRuleContext(Index_using_algorithmContext.class,0); - } - public Visibility_optionContext visibility_option() { - return getRuleContext(Visibility_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode DATA_TABLE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.DATA_TABLE_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode INDEX_TABLE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX_TABLE_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX_USED_PART_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_USED_PART_ID, 0); } - public Physical_attributes_optionContext physical_attributes_option() { - return getRuleContext(Physical_attributes_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode REVERSE() { return getToken(OBParser.REVERSE, 0); } - public Parallel_optionContext parallel_option() { - return getRuleContext(Parallel_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Index_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_index_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterIndex_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitIndex_option(this); - } - } - - public final Index_optionContext index_option() throws RecognitionException { - Index_optionContext _localctx = new Index_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 672, RULE_index_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(7533); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,714,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7494); - match(GLOBAL); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7495); - match(LOCAL); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(7496); - match(BLOCK_SIZE); - setState(7498); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(7497); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(7500); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(7501); - match(COMMENT); - setState(7502); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(7503); - match(STORING); - setState(7504); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7505); - column_name_list(); - setState(7506); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(7508); - match(WITH); - setState(7509); - match(ROWID); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(7510); - match(WITH); - setState(7511); - match(PARSER); - setState(7512); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(7513); - index_using_algorithm(); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(7514); - visibility_option(); - } - break; - case 10: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(7515); - match(DATA_TABLE_ID); - setState(7517); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(7516); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(7519); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case 11: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); - { - setState(7520); - match(INDEX_TABLE_ID); - setState(7522); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(7521); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(7524); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case 12: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); - { - setState(7525); - match(MAX_USED_PART_ID); - setState(7527); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(7526); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(7529); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case 13: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); - { - setState(7530); - physical_attributes_option(); - } - break; - case 14: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); - { - setState(7531); - match(REVERSE); - } - break; - case 15: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); - { - setState(7532); - parallel_option(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Index_using_algorithmContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } - public TerminalNode BTREE() { return getToken(OBParser.BTREE, 0); } - public TerminalNode HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.HASH, 0); } - public Index_using_algorithmContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_index_using_algorithm; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterIndex_using_algorithm(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitIndex_using_algorithm(this); - } - } - - public final Index_using_algorithmContext index_using_algorithm() throws RecognitionException { - Index_using_algorithmContext _localctx = new Index_using_algorithmContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 674, RULE_index_using_algorithm); - try { - setState(7539); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,715,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7535); - match(USING); - setState(7536); - match(BTREE); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7537); - match(USING); - setState(7538); - match(HASH); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_mlog_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MATERIALIZED() { return getToken(OBParser.MATERIALIZED, 0); } - public TerminalNode VIEW() { return getToken(OBParser.VIEW, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOG() { return getToken(OBParser.LOG, 0); } - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_mlog_optionsContext opt_mlog_options() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_mlog_optionsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } - public Mlog_with_valuesContext mlog_with_values() { - return getRuleContext(Mlog_with_valuesContext.class,0); - } - public Mlog_including_or_excludingContext mlog_including_or_excluding() { - return getRuleContext(Mlog_including_or_excludingContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NEW() { return getToken(OBParser.NEW, 0); } - public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } - public TerminalNode PURGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PURGE, 0); } - public Mlog_purge_valuesContext mlog_purge_values() { - return getRuleContext(Mlog_purge_valuesContext.class,0); - } - public Create_mlog_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_mlog_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_mlog_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_mlog_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Create_mlog_stmtContext create_mlog_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Create_mlog_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_mlog_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 676, RULE_create_mlog_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7541); - match(CREATE); - setState(7542); - match(MATERIALIZED); - setState(7543); - match(VIEW); - setState(7544); - match(LOG); - setState(7545); - match(ON); - setState(7546); - relation_factor(); - setState(7548); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PCTFREE || _la==PCTUSED || _la==MAXTRANS || _la==STORAGE || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || _la==INITRANS) { - { - setState(7547); - opt_mlog_options(); - } - } - - setState(7552); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH) { - { - setState(7550); - match(WITH); - setState(7551); - mlog_with_values(); - } - } - - setState(7558); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==EXCLUDING || _la==INCLUDING) { - { - setState(7554); - mlog_including_or_excluding(); - setState(7555); - match(NEW); - setState(7556); - match(VALUES); - } - } - - setState(7562); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PURGE) { - { - setState(7560); - match(PURGE); - setState(7561); - mlog_purge_values(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_mlog_optionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List mlog_option() { - return getRuleContexts(Mlog_optionContext.class); - } - public Mlog_optionContext mlog_option(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Mlog_optionContext.class,i); - } - public Opt_mlog_optionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_mlog_options; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_mlog_options(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_mlog_options(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_mlog_optionsContext opt_mlog_options() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_mlog_optionsContext _localctx = new Opt_mlog_optionsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 678, RULE_opt_mlog_options); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7565); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - do { - { - { - setState(7564); - mlog_option(); - } - } - setState(7567); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } while ( _la==PCTFREE || _la==PCTUSED || _la==MAXTRANS || _la==STORAGE || ((((_la - 952)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 952)) & ((1L << (PARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 952)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 952)))) != 0) || _la==INITRANS ); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mlog_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Physical_attributes_optionContext physical_attributes_option() { - return getRuleContext(Physical_attributes_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Parallel_optionContext parallel_option() { - return getRuleContext(Parallel_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Mlog_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_option(this); - } - } - - public final Mlog_optionContext mlog_option() throws RecognitionException { - Mlog_optionContext _localctx = new Mlog_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 680, RULE_mlog_option); - try { - setState(7571); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case PCTFREE: - case PCTUSED: - case MAXTRANS: - case STORAGE: - case TABLESPACE: - case INITRANS: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7569); - physical_attributes_option(); - } - break; - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7570); - parallel_option(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mlog_with_valuesContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Mlog_with_special_columnsContext mlog_with_special_columns() { - return getRuleContext(Mlog_with_special_columnsContext.class,0); - } - public Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext mlog_with_reference_columns() { - return getRuleContext(Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext.class,0); - } - public Mlog_with_valuesContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_with_values; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_with_values(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_with_values(this); - } - } - - public final Mlog_with_valuesContext mlog_with_values() throws RecognitionException { - Mlog_with_valuesContext _localctx = new Mlog_with_valuesContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 682, RULE_mlog_with_values); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7573); - mlog_with_special_columns(); - setState(7574); - mlog_with_reference_columns(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mlog_with_special_columnsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Mlog_with_special_column_listContext mlog_with_special_column_list() { - return getRuleContext(Mlog_with_special_column_listContext.class,0); - } - public Mlog_with_special_columnsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_with_special_columns; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_with_special_columns(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_with_special_columns(this); - } - } - - public final Mlog_with_special_columnsContext mlog_with_special_columns() throws RecognitionException { - Mlog_with_special_columnsContext _localctx = new Mlog_with_special_columnsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 684, RULE_mlog_with_special_columns); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7577); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ROWID || _la==SEQUENCE || _la==PRIMARY) { - { - setState(7576); - mlog_with_special_column_list(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mlog_with_special_column_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Mlog_with_special_columnContext mlog_with_special_column() { - return getRuleContext(Mlog_with_special_columnContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Mlog_with_special_column_listContext mlog_with_special_column_list() { - return getRuleContext(Mlog_with_special_column_listContext.class,0); - } - public Mlog_with_special_column_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_with_special_column_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_with_special_column_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_with_special_column_list(this); - } - } - - public final Mlog_with_special_column_listContext mlog_with_special_column_list() throws RecognitionException { - Mlog_with_special_column_listContext _localctx = new Mlog_with_special_column_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 686, RULE_mlog_with_special_column_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7579); - mlog_with_special_column(); - setState(7582); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Comma) { - { - setState(7580); - match(Comma); - setState(7581); - mlog_with_special_column_list(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mlog_with_special_columnContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PRIMARY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROWID() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWID, 0); } - public TerminalNode SEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SEQUENCE, 0); } - public Mlog_with_special_columnContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_with_special_column; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_with_special_column(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_with_special_column(this); - } - } - - public final Mlog_with_special_columnContext mlog_with_special_column() throws RecognitionException { - Mlog_with_special_columnContext _localctx = new Mlog_with_special_columnContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 688, RULE_mlog_with_special_column); - try { - setState(7588); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case PRIMARY: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7584); - match(PRIMARY); - setState(7585); - match(KEY); - } - break; - case ROWID: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7586); - match(ROWID); - } - break; - case SEQUENCE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(7587); - match(SEQUENCE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext mlog_with_reference_column_list() { - return getRuleContext(Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext.class,0); - } - public Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_with_reference_columns; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_with_reference_columns(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_with_reference_columns(this); - } - } - - public final Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext mlog_with_reference_columns() throws RecognitionException { - Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext _localctx = new Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 690, RULE_mlog_with_reference_columns); - int _la; - try { - setState(7596); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case EOF: - case PURGE: - case EXCLUDING: - case INCLUDING: - case DELIMITER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7590); - empty(); - } - break; - case LeftParen: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7591); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7593); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ROWID - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { - { - setState(7592); - mlog_with_reference_column_list(); - } - } - - setState(7595); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Mlog_with_reference_columnContext mlog_with_reference_column() { - return getRuleContext(Mlog_with_reference_columnContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext mlog_with_reference_column_list() { - return getRuleContext(Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext.class,0); - } - public Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_with_reference_column_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_with_reference_column_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_with_reference_column_list(this); - } - } - - public final Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext mlog_with_reference_column_list() throws RecognitionException { - Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext _localctx = new Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 692, RULE_mlog_with_reference_column_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7598); - mlog_with_reference_column(); - setState(7601); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Comma) { - { - setState(7599); - match(Comma); - setState(7600); - mlog_with_reference_column_list(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mlog_with_reference_columnContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Mlog_with_reference_columnContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_with_reference_column; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_with_reference_column(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_with_reference_column(this); - } - } - - public final Mlog_with_reference_columnContext mlog_with_reference_column() throws RecognitionException { - Mlog_with_reference_columnContext _localctx = new Mlog_with_reference_columnContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 694, RULE_mlog_with_reference_column); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7603); - column_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mlog_including_or_excludingContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INCLUDING() { return getToken(OBParser.INCLUDING, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXCLUDING() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCLUDING, 0); } - public Mlog_including_or_excludingContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_including_or_excluding; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_including_or_excluding(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_including_or_excluding(this); - } - } - - public final Mlog_including_or_excludingContext mlog_including_or_excluding() throws RecognitionException { - Mlog_including_or_excludingContext _localctx = new Mlog_including_or_excludingContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 696, RULE_mlog_including_or_excluding); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7605); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==EXCLUDING || _la==INCLUDING) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mlog_purge_valuesContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode IMMEDIATE() { return getToken(OBParser.IMMEDIATE, 0); } - public Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async() { - return getRuleContext(Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext.class,0); - } - public Mlog_purge_startContext mlog_purge_start() { - return getRuleContext(Mlog_purge_startContext.class,0); - } - public Mlog_purge_nextContext mlog_purge_next() { - return getRuleContext(Mlog_purge_nextContext.class,0); - } - public Mlog_purge_valuesContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_purge_values; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_purge_values(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_purge_values(this); - } - } - - public final Mlog_purge_valuesContext mlog_purge_values() throws RecognitionException { - Mlog_purge_valuesContext _localctx = new Mlog_purge_valuesContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 698, RULE_mlog_purge_values); - try { - setState(7612); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case IMMEDIATE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7607); - match(IMMEDIATE); - setState(7608); - mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async(); - } - break; - case EOF: - case START: - case NEXT: - case DELIMITER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7609); - mlog_purge_start(); - setState(7610); - mlog_purge_next(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SYNCHRONOUS() { return getToken(OBParser.SYNCHRONOUS, 0); } - public TerminalNode ASYNCHRONOUS() { return getToken(OBParser.ASYNCHRONOUS, 0); } - public Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async(this); - } - } - - public final Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async() throws RecognitionException { - Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext _localctx = new Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 700, RULE_mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7615); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SYNCHRONOUS || _la==ASYNCHRONOUS) { - { - setState(7614); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==SYNCHRONOUS || _la==ASYNCHRONOUS) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mlog_purge_startContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode START() { return getToken(OBParser.START, 0); } - public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Mlog_purge_startContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_purge_start; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_purge_start(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_purge_start(this); - } - } - - public final Mlog_purge_startContext mlog_purge_start() throws RecognitionException { - Mlog_purge_startContext _localctx = new Mlog_purge_startContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 702, RULE_mlog_purge_start); - try { - setState(7621); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case EOF: - case NEXT: - case DELIMITER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7617); - empty(); - } - break; - case START: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7618); - match(START); - setState(7619); - match(WITH); - setState(7620); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mlog_purge_nextContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.NEXT, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Mlog_purge_nextContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mlog_purge_next; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMlog_purge_next(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMlog_purge_next(this); - } - } - - public final Mlog_purge_nextContext mlog_purge_next() throws RecognitionException { - Mlog_purge_nextContext _localctx = new Mlog_purge_nextContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 704, RULE_mlog_purge_next); - try { - setState(7626); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case EOF: - case DELIMITER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7623); - empty(); - } - break; - case NEXT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7624); - match(NEXT); - setState(7625); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_mlog_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode MATERIALIZED() { return getToken(OBParser.MATERIALIZED, 0); } - public TerminalNode VIEW() { return getToken(OBParser.VIEW, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOG() { return getToken(OBParser.LOG, 0); } - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_mlog_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_mlog_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_mlog_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_mlog_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_mlog_stmtContext drop_mlog_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_mlog_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_mlog_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 706, RULE_drop_mlog_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7628); - match(DROP); - setState(7629); - match(MATERIALIZED); - setState(7630); - match(VIEW); - setState(7631); - match(LOG); - setState(7632); - match(ON); - setState(7633); - relation_factor(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_table_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode CASCADE() { return getToken(OBParser.CASCADE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONSTRAINTS() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSTRAINTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode PURGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PURGE, 0); } - public Drop_table_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_table_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_table_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_table_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_table_stmtContext drop_table_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_table_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_table_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 708, RULE_drop_table_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7635); - match(DROP); - setState(7636); - match(TABLE); - setState(7637); - relation_factor(); - setState(7640); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CASCADE) { - { - setState(7638); - match(CASCADE); - setState(7639); - match(CONSTRAINTS); - } - } - - setState(7643); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PURGE) { - { - setState(7642); - match(PURGE); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Table_or_tablesContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLES() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLES, 0); } - public Table_or_tablesContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_or_tables; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_or_tables(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_or_tables(this); - } - } - - public final Table_or_tablesContext table_or_tables() throws RecognitionException { - Table_or_tablesContext _localctx = new Table_or_tablesContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 710, RULE_table_or_tables); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7645); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==TABLE || _la==TABLES) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_view_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode VIEW() { return getToken(OBParser.VIEW, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode MATERIALIZED() { return getToken(OBParser.MATERIALIZED, 0); } - public TerminalNode CASCADE() { return getToken(OBParser.CASCADE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONSTRAINTS() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSTRAINTS, 0); } - public Drop_view_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_view_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_view_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_view_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_view_stmtContext drop_view_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_view_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_view_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 712, RULE_drop_view_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7647); - match(DROP); - setState(7649); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==MATERIALIZED) { - { - setState(7648); - match(MATERIALIZED); - } - } - - setState(7651); - match(VIEW); - setState(7652); - relation_factor(); - setState(7655); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CASCADE) { - { - setState(7653); - match(CASCADE); - setState(7654); - match(CONSTRAINTS); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Table_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List relation_factor() { - return getRuleContexts(Relation_factorContext.class); - } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Table_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_list(this); - } - } - - public final Table_listContext table_list() throws RecognitionException { - Table_listContext _localctx = new Table_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 714, RULE_table_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7657); - relation_factor(); - setState(7662); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(7658); - match(Comma); - setState(7659); - relation_factor(); - } - } - setState(7664); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_index_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } - public List relation_name() { - return getRuleContexts(Relation_nameContext.class); - } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public Drop_index_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_index_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_index_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_index_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_index_stmtContext drop_index_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_index_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_index_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 716, RULE_drop_index_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7665); - match(DROP); - setState(7666); - match(INDEX); - setState(7667); - relation_name(); - setState(7670); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Dot) { - { - setState(7668); - match(Dot); - setState(7669); - relation_name(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Insert_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Insert_with_opt_hintContext insert_with_opt_hint() { - return getRuleContext(Insert_with_opt_hintContext.class,0); - } - public Single_table_insertContext single_table_insert() { - return getRuleContext(Single_table_insertContext.class,0); - } - public Multi_table_insertContext multi_table_insert() { - return getRuleContext(Multi_table_insertContext.class,0); - } - public Insert_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_insert_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInsert_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInsert_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Insert_stmtContext insert_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Insert_stmtContext _localctx = new Insert_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 718, RULE_insert_stmt); - try { - setState(7678); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,738,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7672); - insert_with_opt_hint(); - setState(7673); - single_table_insert(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7675); - insert_with_opt_hint(); - setState(7676); - multi_table_insert(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_simple_expressionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Simple_exprContext simple_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Simple_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Opt_simple_expressionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_simple_expression; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_simple_expression(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_simple_expression(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_simple_expressionContext opt_simple_expression() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_simple_expressionContext _localctx = new Opt_simple_expressionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 720, RULE_opt_simple_expression); - try { - setState(7685); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case EOF: - case TO: - case REJECT: - case DELIMITER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7680); - empty(); - } - break; - case LeftParen: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7681); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7682); - simple_expr(0); - setState(7683); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Into_err_log_caluseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Into_err_log_caluseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_into_err_log_caluse; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInto_err_log_caluse(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInto_err_log_caluse(this); - } - } - - public final Into_err_log_caluseContext into_err_log_caluse() throws RecognitionException { - Into_err_log_caluseContext _localctx = new Into_err_log_caluseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 722, RULE_into_err_log_caluse); - try { - setState(7690); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case EOF: - case TO: - case REJECT: - case LeftParen: - case DELIMITER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7687); - empty(); - } - break; - case INTO: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7688); - match(INTO); - setState(7689); - relation_factor(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Reject_limitContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode REJECT() { return getToken(OBParser.REJECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode LIMIT() { return getToken(OBParser.LIMIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNLIMITED() { return getToken(OBParser.UNLIMITED, 0); } - public Reject_limitContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_reject_limit; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterReject_limit(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitReject_limit(this); - } - } - - public final Reject_limitContext reject_limit() throws RecognitionException { - Reject_limitContext _localctx = new Reject_limitContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 724, RULE_reject_limit); - int _la; - try { - setState(7696); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case EOF: - case TO: - case DELIMITER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7692); - empty(); - } - break; - case REJECT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7693); - match(REJECT); - setState(7694); - match(LIMIT); - setState(7695); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==UNLIMITED || _la==INTNUM) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Single_table_insertContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } - public Insert_table_clauseContext insert_table_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Insert_table_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_listContext column_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Values_clauseContext values_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Values_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NOLOGGING() { return getToken(OBParser.NOLOGGING, 0); } - public Returning_log_error_clauseContext returning_log_error_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Returning_log_error_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Single_table_insertContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_single_table_insert; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSingle_table_insert(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSingle_table_insert(this); - } - } - - public final Single_table_insertContext single_table_insert() throws RecognitionException { - Single_table_insertContext _localctx = new Single_table_insertContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 726, RULE_single_table_insert); - int _la; - try { - setState(7730); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,748,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7698); - match(INTO); - setState(7699); - insert_table_clause(); - setState(7701); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==NOLOGGING) { - { - setState(7700); - match(NOLOGGING); - } - } - - setState(7703); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7704); - column_list(); - setState(7705); - match(RightParen); - setState(7706); - values_clause(); - setState(7708); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==RETURN || _la==RETURNING || _la==LOG) { - { - setState(7707); - returning_log_error_clause(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7710); - match(INTO); - setState(7711); - insert_table_clause(); - setState(7713); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==NOLOGGING) { - { - setState(7712); - match(NOLOGGING); - } - } - - setState(7715); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7716); - match(RightParen); - setState(7717); - values_clause(); - setState(7719); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==RETURN || _la==RETURNING || _la==LOG) { - { - setState(7718); - returning_log_error_clause(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(7721); - match(INTO); - setState(7722); - insert_table_clause(); - setState(7724); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==NOLOGGING) { - { - setState(7723); - match(NOLOGGING); - } - } - - setState(7726); - values_clause(); - setState(7728); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==RETURN || _la==RETURNING || _la==LOG) { - { - setState(7727); - returning_log_error_clause(); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Multi_table_insertContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public Insert_table_clause_listContext insert_table_clause_list() { - return getRuleContext(Insert_table_clause_listContext.class,0); - } - public SubqueryContext subquery() { - return getRuleContext(SubqueryContext.class,0); - } - public Order_byContext order_by() { - return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); - } - public Fetch_next_clauseContext fetch_next_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Conditional_insert_clauseContext conditional_insert_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Conditional_insert_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Multi_table_insertContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_multi_table_insert; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMulti_table_insert(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMulti_table_insert(this); - } - } - - public final Multi_table_insertContext multi_table_insert() throws RecognitionException { - Multi_table_insertContext _localctx = new Multi_table_insertContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 728, RULE_multi_table_insert); - int _la; - try { - setState(7749); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,753,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7732); - match(ALL); - setState(7733); - insert_table_clause_list(); - setState(7734); - subquery(); - setState(7736); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ORDER) { - { - setState(7735); - order_by(); - } - } - - setState(7739); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { - { - setState(7738); - fetch_next_clause(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7741); - conditional_insert_clause(); - setState(7742); - subquery(); - setState(7744); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ORDER) { - { - setState(7743); - order_by(); - } - } - - setState(7747); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { - { - setState(7746); - fetch_next_clause(); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Insert_table_clause_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List insert_single_table_clause() { - return getRuleContexts(Insert_single_table_clauseContext.class); - } - public Insert_single_table_clauseContext insert_single_table_clause(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Insert_single_table_clauseContext.class,i); - } - public Insert_table_clause_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_insert_table_clause_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInsert_table_clause_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInsert_table_clause_list(this); - } - } - - public final Insert_table_clause_listContext insert_table_clause_list() throws RecognitionException { - Insert_table_clause_listContext _localctx = new Insert_table_clause_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 730, RULE_insert_table_clause_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7752); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - do { - { - { - setState(7751); - insert_single_table_clause(); - } - } - setState(7754); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } while ( _la==INTO ); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Insert_single_table_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } - public Dml_table_nameContext dml_table_name() { - return getRuleContext(Dml_table_nameContext.class,0); - } - public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); - } - public Column_listContext column_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_listContext.class,0); - } - public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } - public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); - } - public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } - public Insert_valsContext insert_vals() { - return getRuleContext(Insert_valsContext.class,0); - } - public Insert_single_table_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_insert_single_table_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInsert_single_table_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInsert_single_table_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Insert_single_table_clauseContext insert_single_table_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Insert_single_table_clauseContext _localctx = new Insert_single_table_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 732, RULE_insert_single_table_clause); - try { - setState(7781); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,755,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7756); - match(INTO); - setState(7757); - dml_table_name(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7758); - match(INTO); - setState(7759); - dml_table_name(); - setState(7760); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7761); - column_list(); - setState(7762); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(7764); - match(INTO); - setState(7765); - dml_table_name(); - setState(7766); - match(VALUES); - setState(7767); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7768); - insert_vals(); - setState(7769); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(7771); - match(INTO); - setState(7772); - dml_table_name(); - setState(7773); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7774); - column_list(); - setState(7775); - match(RightParen); - setState(7776); - match(VALUES); - setState(7777); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7778); - insert_vals(); - setState(7779); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Conditional_insert_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Condition_insert_clause_listContext condition_insert_clause_list() { - return getRuleContext(Condition_insert_clause_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ELSE() { return getToken(OBParser.ELSE, 0); } - public Insert_table_clause_listContext insert_table_clause_list() { - return getRuleContext(Insert_table_clause_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public TerminalNode FIRST() { return getToken(OBParser.FIRST, 0); } - public Conditional_insert_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_conditional_insert_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterConditional_insert_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitConditional_insert_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Conditional_insert_clauseContext conditional_insert_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Conditional_insert_clauseContext _localctx = new Conditional_insert_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 734, RULE_conditional_insert_clause); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7784); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ALL || _la==FIRST) { - { - setState(7783); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==FIRST) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - - setState(7786); - condition_insert_clause_list(); - setState(7789); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ELSE) { - { - setState(7787); - match(ELSE); - setState(7788); - insert_table_clause_list(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Condition_insert_clause_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List condition_insert_clause() { - return getRuleContexts(Condition_insert_clauseContext.class); - } - public Condition_insert_clauseContext condition_insert_clause(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Condition_insert_clauseContext.class,i); - } - public Condition_insert_clause_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_condition_insert_clause_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCondition_insert_clause_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCondition_insert_clause_list(this); - } - } - - public final Condition_insert_clause_listContext condition_insert_clause_list() throws RecognitionException { - Condition_insert_clause_listContext _localctx = new Condition_insert_clause_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 736, RULE_condition_insert_clause_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7792); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - do { - { - { - setState(7791); - condition_insert_clause(); - } - } - setState(7794); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } while ( _la==WHEN ); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Condition_insert_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode WHEN() { return getToken(OBParser.WHEN, 0); } - public ExprContext expr() { - return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode THEN() { return getToken(OBParser.THEN, 0); } - public Insert_table_clause_listContext insert_table_clause_list() { - return getRuleContext(Insert_table_clause_listContext.class,0); - } - public Condition_insert_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_condition_insert_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCondition_insert_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCondition_insert_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Condition_insert_clauseContext condition_insert_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Condition_insert_clauseContext _localctx = new Condition_insert_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 738, RULE_condition_insert_clause); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7796); - match(WHEN); - setState(7797); - expr(0); - setState(7798); - match(THEN); - setState(7799); - insert_table_clause_list(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Values_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } - public Insert_vals_listContext insert_vals_list() { - return getRuleContext(Insert_vals_listContext.class,0); - } - public Obj_access_ref_normalContext obj_access_ref_normal() { - return getRuleContext(Obj_access_ref_normalContext.class,0); - } - public SubqueryContext subquery() { - return getRuleContext(SubqueryContext.class,0); - } - public Order_byContext order_by() { - return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); - } - public Fetch_next_clauseContext fetch_next_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Values_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_values_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterValues_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitValues_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Values_clauseContext values_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Values_clauseContext _localctx = new Values_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 740, RULE_values_clause); - int _la; - try { - setState(7812); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,761,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7801); - match(VALUES); - setState(7802); - insert_vals_list(0); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7803); - match(VALUES); - setState(7804); - obj_access_ref_normal(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(7805); - subquery(); - setState(7807); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ORDER) { - { - setState(7806); - order_by(); - } - } - - setState(7810); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { - { - setState(7809); - fetch_next_clause(); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_into_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Into_clauseContext into_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Into_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_into_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_into_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_into_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_into_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_into_clauseContext opt_into_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_into_clauseContext _localctx = new Opt_into_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 742, RULE_opt_into_clause); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7815); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==INTO || _la==BULK) { - { - setState(7814); - into_clause(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Returning_exprsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List projection() { - return getRuleContexts(ProjectionContext.class); - } - public ProjectionContext projection(int i) { - return getRuleContext(ProjectionContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Returning_exprsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_returning_exprs; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterReturning_exprs(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitReturning_exprs(this); - } - } - - public final Returning_exprsContext returning_exprs() throws RecognitionException { - Returning_exprsContext _localctx = new Returning_exprsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 744, RULE_returning_exprs); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7817); - projection(); - setState(7822); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(7818); - match(Comma); - setState(7819); - projection(); - } - } - setState(7824); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Insert_with_opt_hintContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INSERT() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERT, 0); } - public TerminalNode INSERT_HINT_BEGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERT_HINT_BEGIN, 0); } - public Hint_list_with_endContext hint_list_with_end() { - return getRuleContext(Hint_list_with_endContext.class,0); - } - public Insert_with_opt_hintContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_insert_with_opt_hint; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInsert_with_opt_hint(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInsert_with_opt_hint(this); - } - } - - public final Insert_with_opt_hintContext insert_with_opt_hint() throws RecognitionException { - Insert_with_opt_hintContext _localctx = new Insert_with_opt_hintContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 746, RULE_insert_with_opt_hint); - try { - setState(7828); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case INSERT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7825); - match(INSERT); - } - break; - case INSERT_HINT_BEGIN: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7826); - match(INSERT_HINT_BEGIN); - setState(7827); - hint_list_with_end(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Column_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List column_definition_ref() { - return getRuleContexts(Column_definition_refContext.class); - } - public Column_definition_refContext column_definition_ref(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Column_definition_refContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Column_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_list(this); - } - } - - public final Column_listContext column_list() throws RecognitionException { - Column_listContext _localctx = new Column_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 748, RULE_column_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7830); - column_definition_ref(); - setState(7835); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(7831); - match(Comma); - setState(7832); - column_definition_ref(); - } - } - setState(7837); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Insert_vals_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Insert_valsContext insert_vals() { - return getRuleContext(Insert_valsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Insert_vals_listContext insert_vals_list() { - return getRuleContext(Insert_vals_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Insert_vals_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_insert_vals_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInsert_vals_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInsert_vals_list(this); - } - } - - public final Insert_vals_listContext insert_vals_list() throws RecognitionException { - return insert_vals_list(0); - } - - private Insert_vals_listContext insert_vals_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Insert_vals_listContext _localctx = new Insert_vals_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Insert_vals_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 750; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 750, RULE_insert_vals_list, _p); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - { - setState(7839); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7840); - insert_vals(); - setState(7841); - match(RightParen); - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(7851); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,766,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - { - _localctx = new Insert_vals_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_insert_vals_list); - setState(7843); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); - setState(7844); - match(Comma); - setState(7845); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7846); - insert_vals(); - setState(7847); - match(RightParen); - } - } - } - setState(7853); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,766,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Insert_valsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List expr_or_default() { - return getRuleContexts(Expr_or_defaultContext.class); - } - public Expr_or_defaultContext expr_or_default(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Expr_or_defaultContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Insert_valsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_insert_vals; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInsert_vals(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInsert_vals(this); - } - } - - public final Insert_valsContext insert_vals() throws RecognitionException { - Insert_valsContext _localctx = new Insert_valsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 752, RULE_insert_vals); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7854); - expr_or_default(); - setState(7859); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(7855); - match(Comma); - setState(7856); - expr_or_default(); - } - } - setState(7861); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Expr_or_defaultContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public Expr_or_defaultContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_expr_or_default; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExpr_or_default(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExpr_or_default(this); - } - } - - public final Expr_or_defaultContext expr_or_default() throws RecognitionException { - Expr_or_defaultContext _localctx = new Expr_or_defaultContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 754, RULE_expr_or_default); - try { - setState(7864); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,768,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7862); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7863); - match(DEFAULT); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Merge_with_opt_hintContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode MERGE() { return getToken(OBParser.MERGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MERGE_HINT_BEGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.MERGE_HINT_BEGIN, 0); } - public Hint_list_with_endContext hint_list_with_end() { - return getRuleContext(Hint_list_with_endContext.class,0); - } - public Merge_with_opt_hintContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_merge_with_opt_hint; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMerge_with_opt_hint(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMerge_with_opt_hint(this); - } - } - - public final Merge_with_opt_hintContext merge_with_opt_hint() throws RecognitionException { - Merge_with_opt_hintContext _localctx = new Merge_with_opt_hintContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 756, RULE_merge_with_opt_hint); - try { - setState(7869); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case MERGE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7866); - match(MERGE); - } - break; - case MERGE_HINT_BEGIN: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7867); - match(MERGE_HINT_BEGIN); - setState(7868); - hint_list_with_end(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Merge_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Merge_with_opt_hintContext merge_with_opt_hint() { - return getRuleContext(Merge_with_opt_hintContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } - public List source_relation_factor() { - return getRuleContexts(Source_relation_factorContext.class); - } - public Source_relation_factorContext source_relation_factor(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Source_relation_factorContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public ExprContext expr() { - return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Merge_insert_clauseContext merge_insert_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Merge_insert_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Merge_update_clauseContext merge_update_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Merge_update_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Merge_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_merge_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMerge_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMerge_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Merge_stmtContext merge_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Merge_stmtContext _localctx = new Merge_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 758, RULE_merge_stmt); - try { - setState(7899); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,772,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7871); - merge_with_opt_hint(); - setState(7872); - match(INTO); - setState(7873); - source_relation_factor(); - setState(7874); - match(USING); - setState(7875); - source_relation_factor(); - setState(7876); - match(ON); - setState(7877); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7878); - expr(0); - setState(7879); - match(RightParen); - setState(7881); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,770,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(7880); - merge_update_clause(); - } - break; - } - setState(7883); - merge_insert_clause(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7885); - merge_with_opt_hint(); - setState(7886); - match(INTO); - setState(7887); - source_relation_factor(); - setState(7888); - match(USING); - setState(7889); - source_relation_factor(); - setState(7890); - match(ON); - setState(7891); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7892); - expr(0); - setState(7893); - match(RightParen); - setState(7895); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,771,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(7894); - merge_insert_clause(); - } - break; - } - setState(7897); - merge_update_clause(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Merge_update_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode WHEN() { return getToken(OBParser.WHEN, 0); } - public TerminalNode MATCHED() { return getToken(OBParser.MATCHED, 0); } - public TerminalNode THEN() { return getToken(OBParser.THEN, 0); } - public TerminalNode UPDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public Update_asgn_listContext update_asgn_list() { - return getRuleContext(Update_asgn_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } - public List WHERE() { return getTokens(OBParser.WHERE); } - public TerminalNode WHERE(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.WHERE, i); - } - public List expr() { - return getRuleContexts(ExprContext.class); - } - public ExprContext expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode HINT_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_VALUE, 0); } - public Merge_update_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_merge_update_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMerge_update_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMerge_update_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Merge_update_clauseContext merge_update_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Merge_update_clauseContext _localctx = new Merge_update_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 760, RULE_merge_update_clause); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7901); - match(WHEN); - setState(7902); - match(MATCHED); - setState(7903); - match(THEN); - setState(7904); - match(UPDATE); - setState(7905); - match(SET); - setState(7906); - update_asgn_list(); - setState(7912); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,773,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(7907); - match(WHERE); - setState(7908); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(7909); - match(WHERE); - setState(7910); - match(HINT_VALUE); - setState(7911); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - } - setState(7917); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DELETE) { - { - setState(7914); - match(DELETE); - setState(7915); - match(WHERE); - setState(7916); - expr(0); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Merge_insert_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode WHEN() { return getToken(OBParser.WHEN, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } - public TerminalNode MATCHED() { return getToken(OBParser.MATCHED, 0); } - public TerminalNode THEN() { return getToken(OBParser.THEN, 0); } - public TerminalNode INSERT() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERT, 0); } - public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } - public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); - } - public Insert_valsContext insert_vals() { - return getRuleContext(Insert_valsContext.class,0); - } - public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } - public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); - } - public Column_listContext column_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode WHERE() { return getToken(OBParser.WHERE, 0); } - public ExprContext expr() { - return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode HINT_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_VALUE, 0); } - public Merge_insert_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_merge_insert_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMerge_insert_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMerge_insert_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Merge_insert_clauseContext merge_insert_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Merge_insert_clauseContext _localctx = new Merge_insert_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 762, RULE_merge_insert_clause); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7919); - match(WHEN); - setState(7920); - match(NOT); - setState(7921); - match(MATCHED); - setState(7922); - match(THEN); - setState(7923); - match(INSERT); - setState(7928); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(7924); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7925); - column_list(); - setState(7926); - match(RightParen); - } - } - - setState(7930); - match(VALUES); - setState(7931); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7932); - insert_vals(); - setState(7933); - match(RightParen); - setState(7939); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,776,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(7934); - match(WHERE); - setState(7935); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(7936); - match(WHERE); - setState(7937); - match(HINT_VALUE); - setState(7938); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Source_relation_factorContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { - return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Select_no_parensContext select_no_parens() { - return getRuleContext(Select_no_parensContext.class,0); - } - public Simple_exprContext simple_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Simple_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Dual_tableContext dual_table() { - return getRuleContext(Dual_tableContext.class,0); - } - public Source_relation_factorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_source_relation_factor; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSource_relation_factor(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSource_relation_factor(this); - } - } - - public final Source_relation_factorContext source_relation_factor() throws RecognitionException { - Source_relation_factorContext _localctx = new Source_relation_factorContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 764, RULE_source_relation_factor); - try { - setState(7963); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case Dot: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7941); - relation_factor(); - setState(7943); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,777,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(7942); - relation_name(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case LeftParen: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7945); - select_with_parens(); - setState(7947); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,778,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(7946); - relation_name(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case TABLE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(7949); - match(TABLE); - setState(7950); - match(LeftParen); - setState(7953); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,779,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(7951); - select_no_parens(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(7952); - simple_expr(0); - } - break; - } - setState(7955); - match(RightParen); - setState(7957); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,780,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(7956); - relation_name(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case DUAL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(7959); - dual_table(); - setState(7961); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,781,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(7960); - relation_name(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Select_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public SubqueryContext subquery() { - return getRuleContext(SubqueryContext.class,0); - } - public Fetch_next_clauseContext fetch_next_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public For_updateContext for_update() { - return getRuleContext(For_updateContext.class,0); - } - public Fetch_nextContext fetch_next() { - return getRuleContext(Fetch_nextContext.class,0); - } - public Order_byContext order_by() { - return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); - } - public Select_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Select_stmtContext select_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Select_stmtContext _localctx = new Select_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 766, RULE_select_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(7992); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,786,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7965); - subquery(); - setState(7967); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { - { - setState(7966); - fetch_next_clause(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7969); - subquery(); - setState(7970); - for_update(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(7972); - subquery(); - setState(7973); - fetch_next(); - setState(7974); - for_update(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(7976); - subquery(); - setState(7977); - order_by(); - setState(7979); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { - { - setState(7978); - fetch_next_clause(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(7981); - subquery(); - setState(7982); - order_by(); - setState(7984); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { - { - setState(7983); - fetch_next_clause(); - } - } - - setState(7986); - for_update(); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(7988); - subquery(); - setState(7989); - for_update(); - setState(7990); - order_by(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class SubqueryContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Select_no_parensContext select_no_parens() { - return getRuleContext(Select_no_parensContext.class,0); - } - public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { - return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); - } - public With_selectContext with_select() { - return getRuleContext(With_selectContext.class,0); - } - public SubqueryContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_subquery; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSubquery(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSubquery(this); - } - } - - public final SubqueryContext subquery() throws RecognitionException { - SubqueryContext _localctx = new SubqueryContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 768, RULE_subquery); - try { - setState(7997); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,787,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7994); - select_no_parens(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(7995); - select_with_parens(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(7996); - with_select(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Select_with_parensContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Select_no_parensContext select_no_parens() { - return getRuleContext(Select_no_parensContext.class,0); - } - public With_selectContext with_select() { - return getRuleContext(With_selectContext.class,0); - } - public Order_byContext order_by() { - return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); - } - public Fetch_next_clauseContext fetch_next_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { - return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); - } - public Select_with_parensContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_with_parens; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_with_parens(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_with_parens(this); - } - } - - public final Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() throws RecognitionException { - Select_with_parensContext _localctx = new Select_with_parensContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 770, RULE_select_with_parens); - int _la; - try { - setState(8016); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,791,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(7999); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8002); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case SELECT: - case LeftParen: - case SELECT_HINT_BEGIN: - { - setState(8000); - select_no_parens(); - } - break; - case WITH: - { - setState(8001); - with_select(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(8005); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ORDER) { - { - setState(8004); - order_by(); - } - } - - setState(8008); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { - { - setState(8007); - fetch_next_clause(); - } - } - - setState(8010); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8012); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8013); - select_with_parens(); - setState(8014); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Select_no_parensContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Select_clauseContext select_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Select_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Select_clause_setContext select_clause_set() { - return getRuleContext(Select_clause_setContext.class,0); - } - public Select_no_parensContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_no_parens; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_no_parens(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_no_parens(this); - } - } - - public final Select_no_parensContext select_no_parens() throws RecognitionException { - Select_no_parensContext _localctx = new Select_no_parensContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 772, RULE_select_no_parens); - try { - setState(8020); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,792,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8018); - select_clause(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8019); - select_clause_set(0); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Select_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Simple_selectContext simple_select() { - return getRuleContext(Simple_selectContext.class,0); - } - public Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext select_with_hierarchical_query() { - return getRuleContext(Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext.class,0); - } - public Select_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Select_clauseContext select_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Select_clauseContext _localctx = new Select_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 774, RULE_select_clause); - try { - setState(8024); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,793,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8022); - simple_select(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8023); - select_with_hierarchical_query(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Select_clause_setContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Select_clause_set_leftContext select_clause_set_left() { - return getRuleContext(Select_clause_set_leftContext.class,0); - } - public Set_typeContext set_type() { - return getRuleContext(Set_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Select_clause_set_rightContext select_clause_set_right() { - return getRuleContext(Select_clause_set_rightContext.class,0); - } - public Select_clause_setContext select_clause_set() { - return getRuleContext(Select_clause_setContext.class,0); - } - public Select_clause_setContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_clause_set; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_clause_set(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_clause_set(this); - } - } - - public final Select_clause_setContext select_clause_set() throws RecognitionException { - return select_clause_set(0); - } - - private Select_clause_setContext select_clause_set(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Select_clause_setContext _localctx = new Select_clause_setContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Select_clause_setContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 776; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 776, RULE_select_clause_set, _p); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - { - setState(8027); - select_clause_set_left(); - setState(8028); - set_type(); - setState(8029); - select_clause_set_right(); - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(8037); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,794,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - { - _localctx = new Select_clause_setContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_select_clause_set); - setState(8031); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 2))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 2)"); - setState(8032); - set_type(); - setState(8033); - select_clause_set_right(); - } - } - } - setState(8039); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,794,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Select_clause_set_rightContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Simple_selectContext simple_select() { - return getRuleContext(Simple_selectContext.class,0); - } - public Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext select_with_hierarchical_query() { - return getRuleContext(Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext.class,0); - } - public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { - return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); - } - public Select_clause_set_rightContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_clause_set_right; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_clause_set_right(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_clause_set_right(this); - } - } - - public final Select_clause_set_rightContext select_clause_set_right() throws RecognitionException { - Select_clause_set_rightContext _localctx = new Select_clause_set_rightContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 778, RULE_select_clause_set_right); - try { - setState(8043); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,795,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8040); - simple_select(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8041); - select_with_hierarchical_query(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(8042); - select_with_parens(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Select_clause_set_leftContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Select_clause_set_rightContext select_clause_set_right() { - return getRuleContext(Select_clause_set_rightContext.class,0); - } - public Select_clause_set_leftContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_clause_set_left; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_clause_set_left(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_clause_set_left(this); - } - } - - public final Select_clause_set_leftContext select_clause_set_left() throws RecognitionException { - Select_clause_set_leftContext _localctx = new Select_clause_set_leftContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 780, RULE_select_clause_set_left); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8045); - select_clause_set_right(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Select_with_opt_hintContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SELECT() { return getToken(OBParser.SELECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode SELECT_HINT_BEGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.SELECT_HINT_BEGIN, 0); } - public Hint_list_with_endContext hint_list_with_end() { - return getRuleContext(Hint_list_with_endContext.class,0); - } - public Select_with_opt_hintContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_with_opt_hint; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_with_opt_hint(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_with_opt_hint(this); - } - } - - public final Select_with_opt_hintContext select_with_opt_hint() throws RecognitionException { - Select_with_opt_hintContext _localctx = new Select_with_opt_hintContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 782, RULE_select_with_opt_hint); - try { - setState(8050); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case SELECT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8047); - match(SELECT); - } - break; - case SELECT_HINT_BEGIN: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8048); - match(SELECT_HINT_BEGIN); - setState(8049); - hint_list_with_end(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Update_with_opt_hintContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode UPDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode UPDATE_HINT_BEGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATE_HINT_BEGIN, 0); } - public Hint_list_with_endContext hint_list_with_end() { - return getRuleContext(Hint_list_with_endContext.class,0); - } - public Update_with_opt_hintContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_update_with_opt_hint; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUpdate_with_opt_hint(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUpdate_with_opt_hint(this); - } - } - - public final Update_with_opt_hintContext update_with_opt_hint() throws RecognitionException { - Update_with_opt_hintContext _localctx = new Update_with_opt_hintContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 784, RULE_update_with_opt_hint); - try { - setState(8055); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case UPDATE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8052); - match(UPDATE); - } - break; - case UPDATE_HINT_BEGIN: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8053); - match(UPDATE_HINT_BEGIN); - setState(8054); - hint_list_with_end(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Delete_with_opt_hintContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DELETE_HINT_BEGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE_HINT_BEGIN, 0); } - public Hint_list_with_endContext hint_list_with_end() { - return getRuleContext(Hint_list_with_endContext.class,0); - } - public Delete_with_opt_hintContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_delete_with_opt_hint; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDelete_with_opt_hint(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDelete_with_opt_hint(this); - } - } - - public final Delete_with_opt_hintContext delete_with_opt_hint() throws RecognitionException { - Delete_with_opt_hintContext _localctx = new Delete_with_opt_hintContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 786, RULE_delete_with_opt_hint); - try { - setState(8060); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case DELETE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8057); - match(DELETE); - } - break; - case DELETE_HINT_BEGIN: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8058); - match(DELETE_HINT_BEGIN); - setState(8059); - hint_list_with_end(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Simple_selectContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Select_with_opt_hintContext select_with_opt_hint() { - return getRuleContext(Select_with_opt_hintContext.class,0); - } - public Select_expr_listContext select_expr_list() { - return getRuleContext(Select_expr_listContext.class,0); - } - public Into_optContext into_opt() { - return getRuleContext(Into_optContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FROM() { return getToken(OBParser.FROM, 0); } - public From_listContext from_list() { - return getRuleContext(From_listContext.class,0); - } - public Query_expression_option_listContext query_expression_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Query_expression_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode WHERE() { return getToken(OBParser.WHERE, 0); } - public List expr() { - return getRuleContexts(ExprContext.class); - } - public ExprContext expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode HINT_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode GROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUP, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public Groupby_clauseContext groupby_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Groupby_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode HAVING() { return getToken(OBParser.HAVING, 0); } - public Simple_selectContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_simple_select; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSimple_select(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSimple_select(this); - } - } - - public final Simple_selectContext simple_select() throws RecognitionException { - Simple_selectContext _localctx = new Simple_selectContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 788, RULE_simple_select); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8062); - select_with_opt_hint(); - setState(8064); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,799,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8063); - query_expression_option_list(); - } - break; - } - setState(8066); - select_expr_list(); - setState(8067); - into_opt(); - setState(8068); - match(FROM); - setState(8069); - from_list(); - setState(8075); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,800,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(8070); - match(WHERE); - setState(8071); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(8072); - match(WHERE); - setState(8073); - match(HINT_VALUE); - setState(8074); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - } - setState(8094); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,801,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(8077); - match(GROUP); - setState(8078); - match(BY); - setState(8079); - groupby_clause(); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(8080); - match(HAVING); - setState(8081); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - case 3: - { - { - setState(8082); - match(GROUP); - setState(8083); - match(BY); - setState(8084); - groupby_clause(); - setState(8085); - match(HAVING); - setState(8086); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - case 4: - { - { - setState(8088); - match(HAVING); - setState(8089); - expr(0); - setState(8090); - match(GROUP); - setState(8091); - match(BY); - setState(8092); - groupby_clause(); - } - } - break; - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Select_with_opt_hintContext select_with_opt_hint() { - return getRuleContext(Select_with_opt_hintContext.class,0); - } - public Select_expr_listContext select_expr_list() { - return getRuleContext(Select_expr_listContext.class,0); - } - public Into_optContext into_opt() { - return getRuleContext(Into_optContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FROM() { return getToken(OBParser.FROM, 0); } - public From_listContext from_list() { - return getRuleContext(From_listContext.class,0); - } - public Start_withContext start_with() { - return getRuleContext(Start_withContext.class,0); - } - public Connect_byContext connect_by() { - return getRuleContext(Connect_byContext.class,0); - } - public Query_expression_option_listContext query_expression_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Query_expression_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode WHERE() { return getToken(OBParser.WHERE, 0); } - public List expr() { - return getRuleContexts(ExprContext.class); - } - public ExprContext expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode HINT_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode GROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUP, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public Groupby_clauseContext groupby_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Groupby_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode HAVING() { return getToken(OBParser.HAVING, 0); } - public Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_with_hierarchical_query; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_with_hierarchical_query(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_with_hierarchical_query(this); - } - } - - public final Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext select_with_hierarchical_query() throws RecognitionException { - Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext _localctx = new Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 790, RULE_select_with_hierarchical_query); - try { - setState(8170); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,809,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8096); - select_with_opt_hint(); - setState(8098); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,802,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8097); - query_expression_option_list(); - } - break; - } - setState(8100); - select_expr_list(); - setState(8101); - into_opt(); - setState(8102); - match(FROM); - setState(8103); - from_list(); - setState(8109); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,803,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(8104); - match(WHERE); - setState(8105); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(8106); - match(WHERE); - setState(8107); - match(HINT_VALUE); - setState(8108); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - } - setState(8111); - start_with(); - setState(8112); - connect_by(); - setState(8130); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,804,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(8113); - match(GROUP); - setState(8114); - match(BY); - setState(8115); - groupby_clause(); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(8116); - match(HAVING); - setState(8117); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - case 3: - { - { - setState(8118); - match(GROUP); - setState(8119); - match(BY); - setState(8120); - groupby_clause(); - setState(8121); - match(HAVING); - setState(8122); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - case 4: - { - { - setState(8124); - match(HAVING); - setState(8125); - expr(0); - setState(8126); - match(GROUP); - setState(8127); - match(BY); - setState(8128); - groupby_clause(); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8132); - select_with_opt_hint(); - setState(8134); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,805,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8133); - query_expression_option_list(); - } - break; - } - setState(8136); - select_expr_list(); - setState(8137); - into_opt(); - setState(8138); - match(FROM); - setState(8139); - from_list(); - setState(8145); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,806,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(8140); - match(WHERE); - setState(8141); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(8142); - match(WHERE); - setState(8143); - match(HINT_VALUE); - setState(8144); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - } - setState(8147); - connect_by(); - setState(8149); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,807,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8148); - start_with(); - } - break; - } - setState(8168); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,808,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(8151); - match(GROUP); - setState(8152); - match(BY); - setState(8153); - groupby_clause(); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(8154); - match(HAVING); - setState(8155); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - case 3: - { - { - setState(8156); - match(GROUP); - setState(8157); - match(BY); - setState(8158); - groupby_clause(); - setState(8159); - match(HAVING); - setState(8160); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - case 4: - { - { - setState(8162); - match(HAVING); - setState(8163); - expr(0); - setState(8164); - match(GROUP); - setState(8165); - match(BY); - setState(8166); - groupby_clause(); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Start_withContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode START() { return getToken(OBParser.START, 0); } - public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } - public ExprContext expr() { - return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); - } - public Start_withContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_start_with; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterStart_with(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitStart_with(this); - } - } - - public final Start_withContext start_with() throws RecognitionException { - Start_withContext _localctx = new Start_withContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 792, RULE_start_with); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8172); - match(START); - setState(8173); - match(WITH); - setState(8174); - expr(0); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Fetch_next_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode OFFSET() { return getToken(OBParser.OFFSET, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ROW() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWS, 0); } - public Fetch_nextContext fetch_next() { - return getRuleContext(Fetch_nextContext.class,0); - } - public Fetch_next_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_fetch_next_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFetch_next_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFetch_next_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Fetch_next_clauseContext fetch_next_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Fetch_next_clauseContext _localctx = new Fetch_next_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 794, RULE_fetch_next_clause); - int _la; - try { - setState(8183); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case OFFSET: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8176); - match(OFFSET); - setState(8177); - bit_expr(0); - setState(8178); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ROW || _la==ROWS) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(8180); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FETCH) { - { - setState(8179); - fetch_next(); - } - } - - } - break; - case FETCH: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8182); - fetch_next(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Fetch_nextContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Fetch_next_countContext fetch_next_count() { - return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_countContext.class,0); - } - public Fetch_next_percentContext fetch_next_percent() { - return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_percentContext.class,0); - } - public Fetch_nextContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_fetch_next; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFetch_next(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFetch_next(this); - } - } - - public final Fetch_nextContext fetch_next() throws RecognitionException { - Fetch_nextContext _localctx = new Fetch_nextContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 796, RULE_fetch_next); - try { - setState(8187); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,812,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8185); - fetch_next_count(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8186); - fetch_next_percent(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Fetch_next_countContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Fetch_next_exprContext fetch_next_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.ONLY, 0); } - public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIES() { return getToken(OBParser.TIES, 0); } - public Fetch_next_countContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_fetch_next_count; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFetch_next_count(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFetch_next_count(this); - } - } - - public final Fetch_next_countContext fetch_next_count() throws RecognitionException { - Fetch_next_countContext _localctx = new Fetch_next_countContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 798, RULE_fetch_next_count); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8189); - fetch_next_expr(); - setState(8193); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ONLY: - { - setState(8190); - match(ONLY); - } - break; - case WITH: - { - setState(8191); - match(WITH); - setState(8192); - match(TIES); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Fetch_next_percentContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Fetch_next_percent_exprContext fetch_next_percent_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_percent_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.ONLY, 0); } - public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIES() { return getToken(OBParser.TIES, 0); } - public Fetch_next_percentContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_fetch_next_percent; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFetch_next_percent(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFetch_next_percent(this); - } - } - - public final Fetch_next_percentContext fetch_next_percent() throws RecognitionException { - Fetch_next_percentContext _localctx = new Fetch_next_percentContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 800, RULE_fetch_next_percent); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8195); - fetch_next_percent_expr(); - setState(8199); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ONLY: - { - setState(8196); - match(ONLY); - } - break; - case WITH: - { - setState(8197); - match(WITH); - setState(8198); - match(TIES); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Fetch_next_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode FETCH() { return getToken(OBParser.FETCH, 0); } - public TerminalNode FIRST() { return getToken(OBParser.FIRST, 0); } - public TerminalNode NEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.NEXT, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROW() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWS, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Fetch_next_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_fetch_next_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFetch_next_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFetch_next_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Fetch_next_exprContext fetch_next_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Fetch_next_exprContext _localctx = new Fetch_next_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 802, RULE_fetch_next_expr); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8201); - match(FETCH); - setState(8202); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==FIRST || _la==NEXT) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(8204); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,815,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8203); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - } - setState(8206); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ROW || _la==ROWS) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Fetch_next_percent_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode FETCH() { return getToken(OBParser.FETCH, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PERCENT() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode FIRST() { return getToken(OBParser.FIRST, 0); } - public TerminalNode NEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.NEXT, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROW() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWS, 0); } - public Fetch_next_percent_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_fetch_next_percent_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFetch_next_percent_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFetch_next_percent_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Fetch_next_percent_exprContext fetch_next_percent_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Fetch_next_percent_exprContext _localctx = new Fetch_next_percent_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 804, RULE_fetch_next_percent_expr); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8208); - match(FETCH); - setState(8209); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==FIRST || _la==NEXT) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(8210); - bit_expr(0); - setState(8211); - match(PERCENT); - setState(8212); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ROW || _la==ROWS) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Connect_byContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CONNECT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public ExprContext expr() { - return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NOCYCLE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOCYCLE, 0); } - public Connect_byContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_connect_by; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterConnect_by(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitConnect_by(this); - } - } - - public final Connect_byContext connect_by() throws RecognitionException { - Connect_byContext _localctx = new Connect_byContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 806, RULE_connect_by); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8214); - match(CONNECT); - setState(8215); - match(BY); - setState(8217); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,816,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8216); - match(NOCYCLE); - } - break; - } - setState(8219); - expr(0); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Set_type_unionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode UNION() { return getToken(OBParser.UNION, 0); } - public Set_type_unionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_type_union; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_type_union(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_type_union(this); - } - } - - public final Set_type_unionContext set_type_union() throws RecognitionException { - Set_type_unionContext _localctx = new Set_type_unionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 808, RULE_set_type_union); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8221); - match(UNION); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Set_type_otherContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTERSECT() { return getToken(OBParser.INTERSECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode MINUS() { return getToken(OBParser.MINUS, 0); } - public Set_type_otherContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_type_other; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_type_other(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_type_other(this); - } - } - - public final Set_type_otherContext set_type_other() throws RecognitionException { - Set_type_otherContext _localctx = new Set_type_otherContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 810, RULE_set_type_other); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8223); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==INTERSECT || _la==MINUS) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Set_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Set_type_unionContext set_type_union() { - return getRuleContext(Set_type_unionContext.class,0); - } - public Set_expression_optionContext set_expression_option() { - return getRuleContext(Set_expression_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Set_type_otherContext set_type_other() { - return getRuleContext(Set_type_otherContext.class,0); - } - public Set_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_type(this); - } - } - - public final Set_typeContext set_type() throws RecognitionException { - Set_typeContext _localctx = new Set_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 812, RULE_set_type); - try { - setState(8229); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case UNION: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8225); - set_type_union(); - setState(8226); - set_expression_option(); - } - break; - case INTERSECT: - case MINUS: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8228); - set_type_other(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Set_expression_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public Set_expression_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_expression_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_expression_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_expression_option(this); - } - } - - public final Set_expression_optionContext set_expression_option() throws RecognitionException { - Set_expression_optionContext _localctx = new Set_expression_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 814, RULE_set_expression_option); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8232); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ALL) { - { - setState(8231); - match(ALL); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_whereContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode WHERE() { return getToken(OBParser.WHERE, 0); } - public ExprContext expr() { - return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode HINT_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_VALUE, 0); } - public Opt_whereContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_where; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_where(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_where(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_whereContext opt_where() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_whereContext _localctx = new Opt_whereContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 816, RULE_opt_where); - try { - setState(8240); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case EOF: - case TO: - case RETURN: - case RETURNING: - case LOG: - case DELIMITER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8234); - empty(); - } - break; - case WHERE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8235); - match(WHERE); - setState(8237); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,819,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8236); - match(HINT_VALUE); - } - break; - } - setState(8239); - expr(0); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_where_extensionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Opt_whereContext opt_where() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_whereContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode WHERE() { return getToken(OBParser.WHERE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CURRENT() { return getToken(OBParser.CURRENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode OF() { return getToken(OBParser.OF, 0); } - public Obj_access_refContext obj_access_ref() { - return getRuleContext(Obj_access_refContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_where_extensionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_where_extension; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_where_extension(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_where_extension(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_where_extensionContext opt_where_extension() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_where_extensionContext _localctx = new Opt_where_extensionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 818, RULE_opt_where_extension); - try { - setState(8247); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,821,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8242); - opt_where(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8243); - match(WHERE); - setState(8244); - match(CURRENT); - setState(8245); - match(OF); - setState(8246); - obj_access_ref(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Into_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } - public Into_var_listContext into_var_list() { - return getRuleContext(Into_var_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode BULK() { return getToken(OBParser.BULK, 0); } - public TerminalNode COLLECT() { return getToken(OBParser.COLLECT, 0); } - public Into_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_into_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInto_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInto_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Into_clauseContext into_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Into_clauseContext _localctx = new Into_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 820, RULE_into_clause); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8251); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==BULK) { - { - setState(8249); - match(BULK); - setState(8250); - match(COLLECT); - } - } - - setState(8253); - match(INTO); - setState(8254); - into_var_list(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Into_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } - public TerminalNode OUTFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTFILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public File_partition_optContext file_partition_opt() { - return getRuleContext(File_partition_optContext.class,0); - } - public Field_optContext field_opt() { - return getRuleContext(Field_optContext.class,0); - } - public Line_optContext line_opt() { - return getRuleContext(Line_optContext.class,0); - } - public File_optContext file_opt() { - return getRuleContext(File_optContext.class,0); - } - public Charset_keyContext charset_key() { - return getRuleContext(Charset_keyContext.class,0); - } - public Charset_nameContext charset_name() { - return getRuleContext(Charset_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode DUMPFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.DUMPFILE, 0); } - public Into_clauseContext into_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Into_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Into_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_into_opt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInto_opt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInto_opt(this); - } - } - - public final Into_optContext into_opt() throws RecognitionException { - Into_optContext _localctx = new Into_optContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 822, RULE_into_opt); - int _la; - try { - setState(8274); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,824,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8256); - match(INTO); - setState(8257); - match(OUTFILE); - setState(8258); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(8259); - file_partition_opt(); - setState(8263); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CHARACTER || _la==CHARSET) { - { - setState(8260); - charset_key(); - setState(8261); - charset_name(); - } - } - - setState(8265); - field_opt(); - setState(8266); - line_opt(); - setState(8267); - file_opt(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8269); - match(INTO); - setState(8270); - match(DUMPFILE); - setState(8271); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(8272); - into_clause(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(8273); - empty(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Into_var_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List into_var() { - return getRuleContexts(Into_varContext.class); - } - public Into_varContext into_var(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Into_varContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Into_var_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_into_var_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInto_var_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInto_var_list(this); - } - } - - public final Into_var_listContext into_var_list() throws RecognitionException { - Into_var_listContext _localctx = new Into_var_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 824, RULE_into_var_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8276); - into_var(); - setState(8281); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(8277); - match(Comma); - setState(8278); - into_var(); - } - } - setState(8283); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Into_varContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } - public Obj_access_ref_normalContext obj_access_ref_normal() { - return getRuleContext(Obj_access_ref_normalContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode QUESTIONMARK() { return getToken(OBParser.QUESTIONMARK, 0); } - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Into_varContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_into_var; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInto_var(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInto_var(this); - } - } - - public final Into_varContext into_var() throws RecognitionException { - Into_varContext _localctx = new Into_varContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 826, RULE_into_var); - try { - setState(8291); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,826,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8284); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8285); - obj_access_ref_normal(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(8286); - match(QUESTIONMARK); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(8287); - if (!(this.is_pl_parse_)) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "this.is_pl_parse_"); - setState(8288); - match(QUESTIONMARK); - setState(8289); - match(Dot); - setState(8290); - column_name(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Field_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Columns_or_fieldsContext columns_or_fields() { - return getRuleContext(Columns_or_fieldsContext.class,0); - } - public Field_term_listContext field_term_list() { - return getRuleContext(Field_term_listContext.class,0); - } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Field_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_field_opt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterField_opt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitField_opt(this); - } - } - - public final Field_optContext field_opt() throws RecognitionException { - Field_optContext _localctx = new Field_optContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 828, RULE_field_opt); - try { - setState(8297); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case COLUMNS: - case FIELDS: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8293); - columns_or_fields(); - setState(8294); - field_term_list(); - } - break; - case EOF: - case SINGLE: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case FROM: - case SET: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case REJECT: - case IGNORE: - case LOGFILE: - case LeftParen: - case DELIMITER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8296); - empty(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Field_term_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List field_term() { - return getRuleContexts(Field_termContext.class); - } - public Field_termContext field_term(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Field_termContext.class,i); - } - public Field_term_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_field_term_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterField_term_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitField_term_list(this); - } - } - - public final Field_term_listContext field_term_list() throws RecognitionException { - Field_term_listContext _localctx = new Field_term_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 830, RULE_field_term_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8300); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - do { - { - { - setState(8299); - field_term(); - } - } - setState(8302); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } while ( _la==ENCLOSED || _la==ESCAPED || _la==OPTIONALLY || _la==TERMINATED ); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Field_termContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ESCAPED() { return getToken(OBParser.ESCAPED, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENCLOSED() { return getToken(OBParser.ENCLOSED, 0); } - public TerminalNode TERMINATED() { return getToken(OBParser.TERMINATED, 0); } - public TerminalNode OPTIONALLY() { return getToken(OBParser.OPTIONALLY, 0); } - public Field_termContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_field_term; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterField_term(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitField_term(this); - } - } - - public final Field_termContext field_term() throws RecognitionException { - Field_termContext _localctx = new Field_termContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 832, RULE_field_term); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8312); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ENCLOSED: - case OPTIONALLY: - case TERMINATED: - { - setState(8309); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ENCLOSED: - case OPTIONALLY: - { - setState(8305); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==OPTIONALLY) { - { - setState(8304); - match(OPTIONALLY); - } - } - - setState(8307); - match(ENCLOSED); - } - break; - case TERMINATED: - { - setState(8308); - match(TERMINATED); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case ESCAPED: - { - setState(8311); - match(ESCAPED); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(8314); - match(BY); - setState(8315); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class File_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public File_option_listContext file_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(File_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public File_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_file_opt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFile_opt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFile_opt(this); - } - } - - public final File_optContext file_opt() throws RecognitionException { - File_optContext _localctx = new File_optContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 834, RULE_file_opt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8318); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << SINGLE) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE))) != 0)) { - { - setState(8317); - file_option_list(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class File_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List file_option() { - return getRuleContexts(File_optionContext.class); - } - public File_optionContext file_option(int i) { - return getRuleContext(File_optionContext.class,i); - } - public File_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_file_option_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFile_option_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFile_option_list(this); - } - } - - public final File_option_listContext file_option_list() throws RecognitionException { - File_option_listContext _localctx = new File_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 836, RULE_file_option_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8321); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - do { - { - { - setState(8320); - file_option(); - } - } - setState(8323); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } while ( (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << SINGLE) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE))) != 0) ); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class File_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SINGLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SINGLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode BOOL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX_FILE_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_FILE_SIZE, 0); } - public File_size_constContext file_size_const() { - return getRuleContext(File_size_constContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode BUFFER_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.BUFFER_SIZE, 0); } - public File_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_file_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFile_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFile_option(this); - } - } - - public final File_optionContext file_option() throws RecognitionException { - File_optionContext _localctx = new File_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 838, RULE_file_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(8340); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case SINGLE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8325); - match(SINGLE); - setState(8327); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(8326); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(8329); - match(BOOL_VALUE); - } - break; - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8330); - match(MAX_FILE_SIZE); - setState(8332); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(8331); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(8334); - file_size_const(); - } - break; - case BUFFER_SIZE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(8335); - match(BUFFER_SIZE); - setState(8337); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(8336); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(8339); - file_size_const(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class File_partition_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public File_partition_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_file_partition_opt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFile_partition_opt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFile_partition_opt(this); - } - } - - public final File_partition_optContext file_partition_opt() throws RecognitionException { - File_partition_optContext _localctx = new File_partition_optContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 840, RULE_file_partition_opt); - try { - setState(8346); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case SINGLE: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case FROM: - case CHARACTER: - case LINES: - case COLUMNS: - case FIELDS: - case CHARSET: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8342); - empty(); - } - break; - case PARTITION: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8343); - match(PARTITION); - setState(8344); - match(BY); - setState(8345); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class File_size_constContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public File_size_constContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_file_size_const; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFile_size_const(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFile_size_const(this); - } - } - - public final File_size_constContext file_size_const() throws RecognitionException { - File_size_constContext _localctx = new File_size_constContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 842, RULE_file_size_const); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8348); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==INTNUM || _la==STRING_VALUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Line_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LINES() { return getToken(OBParser.LINES, 0); } - public Line_term_listContext line_term_list() { - return getRuleContext(Line_term_listContext.class,0); - } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Line_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_line_opt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLine_opt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLine_opt(this); - } - } - - public final Line_optContext line_opt() throws RecognitionException { - Line_optContext _localctx = new Line_optContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 844, RULE_line_opt); - try { - setState(8353); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case LINES: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8350); - match(LINES); - setState(8351); - line_term_list(); - } - break; - case EOF: - case SINGLE: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case FROM: - case SET: - case BADFILE: - case REJECT: - case IGNORE: - case LOGFILE: - case LeftParen: - case DELIMITER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8352); - empty(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Line_term_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List line_term() { - return getRuleContexts(Line_termContext.class); - } - public Line_termContext line_term(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Line_termContext.class,i); - } - public Line_term_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_line_term_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLine_term_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLine_term_list(this); - } - } - - public final Line_term_listContext line_term_list() throws RecognitionException { - Line_term_listContext _localctx = new Line_term_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 846, RULE_line_term_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8356); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - do { - { - { - setState(8355); - line_term(); - } - } - setState(8358); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } while ( _la==STARTING || _la==TERMINATED ); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Line_termContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode STARTING() { return getToken(OBParser.STARTING, 0); } - public TerminalNode TERMINATED() { return getToken(OBParser.TERMINATED, 0); } - public Line_termContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_line_term; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLine_term(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLine_term(this); - } - } - - public final Line_termContext line_term() throws RecognitionException { - Line_termContext _localctx = new Line_termContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 848, RULE_line_term); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8360); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==STARTING || _la==TERMINATED) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(8361); - match(BY); - setState(8362); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Hint_list_with_endContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode HINT_END() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_END, 0); } - public Hint_optionsContext hint_options() { - return getRuleContext(Hint_optionsContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_hint_listContext opt_hint_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_hint_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Hint_list_with_endContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hint_list_with_end; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHint_list_with_end(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHint_list_with_end(this); - } - } - - public final Hint_list_with_endContext hint_list_with_end() throws RecognitionException { - Hint_list_with_endContext _localctx = new Hint_list_with_endContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 850, RULE_hint_list_with_end); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8369); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,841,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8364); - hint_options(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(8365); - opt_hint_list(0); - setState(8366); - match(Comma); - setState(8367); - hint_options(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(8371); - match(HINT_END); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_hint_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Hint_optionsContext hint_options() { - return getRuleContext(Hint_optionsContext.class,0); - } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_hint_listContext opt_hint_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_hint_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Opt_hint_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_hint_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_hint_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_hint_list(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_hint_listContext opt_hint_list() throws RecognitionException { - return opt_hint_list(0); - } - - private Opt_hint_listContext opt_hint_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Opt_hint_listContext _localctx = new Opt_hint_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Opt_hint_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 852; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 852, RULE_opt_hint_list, _p); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8376); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,842,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8374); - hint_options(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(8375); - empty(); - } - break; - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(8383); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,843,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - { - _localctx = new Opt_hint_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_opt_hint_list); - setState(8378); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); - setState(8379); - match(Comma); - setState(8380); - hint_options(); - } - } - } - setState(8385); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,843,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Hint_optionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List hint_option() { - return getRuleContexts(Hint_optionContext.class); - } - public Hint_optionContext hint_option(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Hint_optionContext.class,i); - } - public Hint_optionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hint_options; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHint_options(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHint_options(this); - } - } - - public final Hint_optionsContext hint_options() throws RecognitionException { - Hint_optionsContext _localctx = new Hint_optionsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 854, RULE_hint_options); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8387); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = 1; - do { - switch (_alt) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(8386); - hint_option(); - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(8389); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,844,_ctx); - } while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Name_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Name_listContext name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Name_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_name_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterName_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitName_list(this); - } - } - - public final Name_listContext name_list() throws RecognitionException { - return name_list(0); - } - - private Name_listContext name_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Name_listContext _localctx = new Name_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Name_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 856; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 856, RULE_name_list, _p); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - { - setState(8392); - relation_name(); - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(8401); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,846,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - setState(8399); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,845,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - _localctx = new Name_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_name_list); - setState(8394); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 2))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 2)"); - setState(8395); - relation_name(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - _localctx = new Name_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_name_list); - setState(8396); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); - setState(8397); - match(Comma); - setState(8398); - relation_name(); - } - break; - } - } - } - setState(8403); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,846,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Hint_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NO_REWRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_REWRITE, 0); } - public TerminalNode READ_CONSISTENCY() { return getToken(OBParser.READ_CONSISTENCY, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Consistency_levelContext consistency_level() { - return getRuleContext(Consistency_levelContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode INDEX_HINT() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX_HINT, 0); } - public Qb_name_optionContext qb_name_option() { - return getRuleContext(Qb_name_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Relation_factor_in_hintContext relation_factor_in_hint() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hintContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public TerminalNode QUERY_TIMEOUT() { return getToken(OBParser.QUERY_TIMEOUT, 0); } - public List INTNUM() { return getTokens(OBParser.INTNUM); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, i); - } - public TerminalNode FROZEN_VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.FROZEN_VERSION, 0); } - public TerminalNode TOPK() { return getToken(OBParser.TOPK, 0); } - public TerminalNode HOTSPOT() { return getToken(OBParser.HOTSPOT, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOG_LEVEL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOG_LEVEL, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LEADING_HINT() { return getToken(OBParser.LEADING_HINT, 0); } - public Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext.class,0); - } - public Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_hint_list() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ORDERED() { return getToken(OBParser.ORDERED, 0); } - public TerminalNode FULL_HINT() { return getToken(OBParser.FULL_HINT, 0); } - public TerminalNode USE_PLAN_CACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_PLAN_CACHE, 0); } - public Use_plan_cache_typeContext use_plan_cache_type() { - return getRuleContext(Use_plan_cache_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode USE_MERGE() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_MERGE, 0); } - public Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NO_USE_MERGE() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_USE_MERGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode USE_HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_HASH, 0); } - public TerminalNode NO_USE_HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_USE_HASH, 0); } - public TerminalNode USE_NL() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_NL, 0); } - public TerminalNode NO_USE_NL() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_USE_NL, 0); } - public TerminalNode USE_BNL() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_BNL, 0); } - public TerminalNode NO_USE_BNL() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_USE_BNL, 0); } - public TerminalNode USE_NL_MATERIALIZATION() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_NL_MATERIALIZATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode NO_USE_NL_MATERIALIZATION() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_USE_NL_MATERIALIZATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode USE_HASH_AGGREGATION() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_HASH_AGGREGATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode NO_USE_HASH_AGGREGATION() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_USE_HASH_AGGREGATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode MERGE_HINT() { return getToken(OBParser.MERGE_HINT, 0); } - public TerminalNode NO_MERGE_HINT() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_MERGE_HINT, 0); } - public TerminalNode NO_EXPAND() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_EXPAND, 0); } - public TerminalNode USE_CONCAT() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_CONCAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNNEST() { return getToken(OBParser.UNNEST, 0); } - public TerminalNode NO_UNNEST() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_UNNEST, 0); } - public TerminalNode PLACE_GROUP_BY() { return getToken(OBParser.PLACE_GROUP_BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode NO_PLACE_GROUP_BY() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_PLACE_GROUP_BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode NO_PRED_DEDUCE() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_PRED_DEDUCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode USE_JIT() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_JIT, 0); } - public Use_jit_typeContext use_jit_type() { - return getRuleContext(Use_jit_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NO_USE_JIT() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_USE_JIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode USE_LATE_MATERIALIZATION() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_LATE_MATERIALIZATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode NO_USE_LATE_MATERIALIZATION() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_USE_LATE_MATERIALIZATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRACE_LOG() { return getToken(OBParser.TRACE_LOG, 0); } - public TerminalNode STAT() { return getToken(OBParser.STAT, 0); } - public Tracing_num_listContext tracing_num_list() { - return getRuleContext(Tracing_num_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TRACING() { return getToken(OBParser.TRACING, 0); } - public TerminalNode DOP() { return getToken(OBParser.DOP, 0); } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public TerminalNode USE_PX() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_PX, 0); } - public TerminalNode NO_USE_PX() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_USE_PX, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRANS_PARAM() { return getToken(OBParser.TRANS_PARAM, 0); } - public Trans_param_nameContext trans_param_name() { - return getRuleContext(Trans_param_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Trans_param_valueContext trans_param_value() { - return getRuleContext(Trans_param_valueContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PX_JOIN_FILTER() { return getToken(OBParser.PX_JOIN_FILTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode NO_PX_JOIN_FILTER() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_PX_JOIN_FILTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode FORCE_REFRESH_LOCATION_CACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE_REFRESH_LOCATION_CACHE, 0); } - public TerminalNode QB_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.QB_NAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX_CONCURRENT() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_CONCURRENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode PARALLEL() { return getToken(OBParser.PARALLEL, 0); } - public TerminalNode NO_PARALLEL() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_PARALLEL, 0); } - public TerminalNode MONITOR() { return getToken(OBParser.MONITOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode PQ_DISTRIBUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.PQ_DISTRIBUTE, 0); } - public Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext relation_factor_in_pq_hint() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext.class,0); - } - public List distribute_method() { - return getRuleContexts(Distribute_methodContext.class); - } - public Distribute_methodContext distribute_method(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Distribute_methodContext.class,i); - } - public Opt_commaContext opt_comma() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_commaContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PQ_MAP() { return getToken(OBParser.PQ_MAP, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOAD_BATCH_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.LOAD_BATCH_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode EOF() { return getToken(OBParser.EOF, 0); } - public TerminalNode PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR() { return getToken(OBParser.PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENABLE_PARALLEL_DML() { return getToken(OBParser.ENABLE_PARALLEL_DML, 0); } - public TerminalNode DISABLE_PARALLEL_DML() { return getToken(OBParser.DISABLE_PARALLEL_DML, 0); } - public TerminalNode INLINE() { return getToken(OBParser.INLINE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MATERIALIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.MATERIALIZE, 0); } - public Hint_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_hint_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHint_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHint_option(this); - } - } - - public final Hint_optionContext hint_option() throws RecognitionException { - Hint_optionContext _localctx = new Hint_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 858, RULE_hint_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(8695); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,861,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8404); - match(NO_REWRITE); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8405); - match(READ_CONSISTENCY); - setState(8406); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8407); - consistency_level(); - setState(8408); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(8410); - match(INDEX_HINT); - setState(8411); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8412); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8413); - relation_factor_in_hint(); - setState(8414); - match(NAME_OB); - setState(8415); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(8417); - match(QUERY_TIMEOUT); - setState(8418); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8419); - match(INTNUM); - setState(8420); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(8421); - match(FROZEN_VERSION); - setState(8422); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8423); - match(INTNUM); - setState(8424); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(8425); - match(TOPK); - setState(8426); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8427); - match(INTNUM); - setState(8428); - match(INTNUM); - setState(8429); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(8430); - match(HOTSPOT); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(8431); - match(LOG_LEVEL); - setState(8432); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8433); - match(NAME_OB); - setState(8434); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(8435); - match(LOG_LEVEL); - setState(8436); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8437); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(8438); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 10: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(8439); - match(LEADING_HINT); - setState(8440); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8441); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8442); - relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry(); - setState(8443); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 11: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); - { - setState(8445); - match(LEADING_HINT); - setState(8446); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8447); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8448); - relation_factor_in_hint_list(); - setState(8449); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 12: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); - { - setState(8451); - match(ORDERED); - } - break; - case 13: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); - { - setState(8452); - match(FULL_HINT); - setState(8453); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8454); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8455); - relation_factor_in_hint(); - setState(8456); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 14: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); - { - setState(8458); - match(USE_PLAN_CACHE); - setState(8459); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8460); - use_plan_cache_type(); - setState(8461); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 15: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); - { - setState(8463); - match(USE_MERGE); - setState(8464); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8465); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8466); - relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); - setState(8467); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 16: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); - { - setState(8469); - match(NO_USE_MERGE); - setState(8470); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8471); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8472); - relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); - setState(8473); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 17: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); - { - setState(8475); - match(USE_HASH); - setState(8476); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8477); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8478); - relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); - setState(8479); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 18: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); - { - setState(8481); - match(NO_USE_HASH); - setState(8482); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8483); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8484); - relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); - setState(8485); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 19: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); - { - setState(8487); - match(USE_NL); - setState(8488); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8489); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8490); - relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); - setState(8491); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 20: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 20); - { - setState(8493); - match(NO_USE_NL); - setState(8494); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8495); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8496); - relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); - setState(8497); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 21: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 21); - { - setState(8499); - match(USE_BNL); - setState(8500); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8501); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8502); - relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); - setState(8503); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 22: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 22); - { - setState(8505); - match(NO_USE_BNL); - setState(8506); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8507); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8508); - relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); - setState(8509); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 23: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 23); - { - setState(8511); - match(USE_NL_MATERIALIZATION); - setState(8512); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8513); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8514); - relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); - setState(8515); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 24: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 24); - { - setState(8517); - match(NO_USE_NL_MATERIALIZATION); - setState(8518); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8519); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8520); - relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); - setState(8521); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 25: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 25); - { - setState(8523); - match(USE_HASH_AGGREGATION); - } - break; - case 26: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 26); - { - setState(8524); - match(NO_USE_HASH_AGGREGATION); - } - break; - case 27: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 27); - { - setState(8525); - match(MERGE_HINT); - setState(8530); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,847,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8526); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8527); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8528); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 28: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 28); - { - setState(8532); - match(NO_MERGE_HINT); - setState(8537); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,848,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8533); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8534); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8535); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 29: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 29); - { - setState(8539); - match(NO_EXPAND); - setState(8544); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,849,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8540); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8541); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8542); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 30: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 30); - { - setState(8546); - match(USE_CONCAT); - setState(8551); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,850,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8547); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8548); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8549); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 31: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 31); - { - setState(8553); - match(UNNEST); - setState(8558); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,851,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8554); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8555); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8556); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 32: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 32); - { - setState(8560); - match(NO_UNNEST); - setState(8565); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,852,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8561); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8562); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8563); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 33: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 33); - { - setState(8567); - match(PLACE_GROUP_BY); - setState(8572); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,853,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8568); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8569); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8570); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 34: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 34); - { - setState(8574); - match(NO_PLACE_GROUP_BY); - setState(8579); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,854,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8575); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8576); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8577); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 35: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 35); - { - setState(8581); - match(NO_PRED_DEDUCE); - setState(8586); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,855,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8582); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8583); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8584); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 36: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 36); - { - setState(8588); - match(USE_JIT); - setState(8589); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8590); - use_jit_type(); - setState(8591); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 37: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 37); - { - setState(8593); - match(NO_USE_JIT); - } - break; - case 38: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 38); - { - setState(8594); - match(USE_LATE_MATERIALIZATION); - } - break; - case 39: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 39); - { - setState(8595); - match(NO_USE_LATE_MATERIALIZATION); - } - break; - case 40: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 40); - { - setState(8596); - match(TRACE_LOG); - } - break; - case 41: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 41); - { - setState(8597); - match(STAT); - setState(8598); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8599); - tracing_num_list(); - setState(8600); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 42: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 42); - { - setState(8602); - match(TRACING); - setState(8603); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8604); - tracing_num_list(); - setState(8605); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 43: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 43); - { - setState(8607); - match(DOP); - setState(8608); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8609); - match(INTNUM); - setState(8610); - match(Comma); - setState(8611); - match(INTNUM); - setState(8612); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 44: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 44); - { - setState(8613); - match(USE_PX); - } - break; - case 45: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 45); - { - setState(8614); - match(NO_USE_PX); - } - break; - case 46: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 46); - { - setState(8615); - match(TRANS_PARAM); - setState(8616); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8617); - trans_param_name(); - setState(8619); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Comma) { - { - setState(8618); - match(Comma); - } - } - - setState(8621); - trans_param_value(); - setState(8622); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 47: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 47); - { - setState(8624); - match(PX_JOIN_FILTER); - setState(8625); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8626); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8627); - relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); - setState(8628); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 48: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 48); - { - setState(8630); - match(NO_PX_JOIN_FILTER); - setState(8631); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8632); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8633); - relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); - setState(8634); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 49: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 49); - { - setState(8636); - match(FORCE_REFRESH_LOCATION_CACHE); - } - break; - case 50: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 50); - { - setState(8637); - match(QB_NAME); - setState(8638); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8639); - match(NAME_OB); - setState(8640); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 51: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 51); - { - setState(8641); - match(MAX_CONCURRENT); - setState(8642); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8643); - match(INTNUM); - setState(8644); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 52: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 52); - { - setState(8645); - match(PARALLEL); - setState(8646); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8647); - match(INTNUM); - setState(8648); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 53: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 53); - { - setState(8649); - match(NO_PARALLEL); - } - break; - case 54: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 54); - { - setState(8650); - match(MONITOR); - } - break; - case 55: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 55); - { - setState(8651); - match(PQ_DISTRIBUTE); - setState(8652); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8653); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8654); - relation_factor_in_pq_hint(); - setState(8656); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Comma) { - { - setState(8655); - match(Comma); - } - } - - setState(8658); - distribute_method(); - setState(8662); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ALL || _la==PARTITION || _la==RANGE || _la==LIST || _la==HASH || _la==LOCAL || _la==BC2HOST || _la==NONE || _la==RANDOM || _la==BASIC || _la==Comma || _la==RANDOM_LOCAL || _la==BROADCAST) { - { - setState(8659); - opt_comma(); - setState(8660); - distribute_method(); - } - } - - setState(8664); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 56: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 56); - { - setState(8666); - match(PQ_MAP); - setState(8667); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8668); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8669); - relation_factor_in_hint(); - setState(8670); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 57: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 57); - { - setState(8672); - match(LOAD_BATCH_SIZE); - setState(8673); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8674); - match(INTNUM); - setState(8675); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 58: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 58); - { - setState(8676); - match(NAME_OB); - } - break; - case 59: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 59); - { - setState(8677); - match(EOF); - } - break; - case 60: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 60); - { - setState(8678); - match(PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR); - } - break; - case 61: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 61); - { - setState(8679); - match(ENABLE_PARALLEL_DML); - } - break; - case 62: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 62); - { - setState(8680); - match(DISABLE_PARALLEL_DML); - } - break; - case 63: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 63); - { - setState(8681); - match(INLINE); - setState(8686); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,859,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8682); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8683); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8684); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 64: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 64); - { - setState(8688); - match(MATERIALIZE); - setState(8693); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,860,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8689); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8690); - qb_name_option(); - setState(8691); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Distribute_methodContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public TerminalNode NONE() { return getToken(OBParser.NONE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode RANDOM() { return getToken(OBParser.RANDOM, 0); } - public TerminalNode RANDOM_LOCAL() { return getToken(OBParser.RANDOM_LOCAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.HASH, 0); } - public TerminalNode BROADCAST() { return getToken(OBParser.BROADCAST, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOCAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode BC2HOST() { return getToken(OBParser.BC2HOST, 0); } - public TerminalNode RANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.RANGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.LIST, 0); } - public TerminalNode BASIC() { return getToken(OBParser.BASIC, 0); } - public Distribute_methodContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_distribute_method; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDistribute_method(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDistribute_method(this); - } - } - - public final Distribute_methodContext distribute_method() throws RecognitionException { - Distribute_methodContext _localctx = new Distribute_methodContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 860, RULE_distribute_method); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8697); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==PARTITION || _la==RANGE || _la==LIST || _la==HASH || _la==LOCAL || _la==BC2HOST || _la==NONE || _la==RANDOM || _la==BASIC || _la==RANDOM_LOCAL || _la==BROADCAST) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Consistency_levelContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode WEAK() { return getToken(OBParser.WEAK, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRONG() { return getToken(OBParser.STRONG, 0); } - public TerminalNode FROZEN() { return getToken(OBParser.FROZEN, 0); } - public Consistency_levelContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_consistency_level; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterConsistency_level(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitConsistency_level(this); - } - } - - public final Consistency_levelContext consistency_level() throws RecognitionException { - Consistency_levelContext _localctx = new Consistency_levelContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 862, RULE_consistency_level); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8699); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(((((_la - 391)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 391)) & ((1L << (STRONG - 391)) | (1L << (WEAK - 391)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 391)))) != 0)) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Use_plan_cache_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NONE() { return getToken(OBParser.NONE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public Use_plan_cache_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_use_plan_cache_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUse_plan_cache_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUse_plan_cache_type(this); - } - } - - public final Use_plan_cache_typeContext use_plan_cache_type() throws RecognitionException { - Use_plan_cache_typeContext _localctx = new Use_plan_cache_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 864, RULE_use_plan_cache_type); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8701); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==DEFAULT || _la==NONE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Use_jit_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode AUTO() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTO, 0); } - public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } - public Use_jit_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_use_jit_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUse_jit_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUse_jit_type(this); - } - } - - public final Use_jit_typeContext use_jit_type() throws RecognitionException { - Use_jit_typeContext _localctx = new Use_jit_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 866, RULE_use_jit_type); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8703); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==FORCE || _la==AUTO) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class For_updateContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode UPDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode OF() { return getToken(OBParser.OF, 0); } - public Column_listContext column_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NOWAIT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOWAIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode WAIT() { return getToken(OBParser.WAIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode DECIMAL_VAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL_VAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode R_SKIP() { return getToken(OBParser.R_SKIP, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOCKED() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCKED, 0); } - public For_updateContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_for_update; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFor_update(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFor_update(this); - } - } - - public final For_updateContext for_update() throws RecognitionException { - For_updateContext _localctx = new For_updateContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 868, RULE_for_update); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8705); - match(FOR); - setState(8706); - match(UPDATE); - setState(8709); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==OF) { - { - setState(8707); - match(OF); - setState(8708); - column_list(); - } - } - - setState(8718); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,863,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(8711); - match(WAIT); - setState(8712); - match(DECIMAL_VAL); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(8713); - match(WAIT); - setState(8714); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - break; - case 3: - { - setState(8715); - match(NOWAIT); - } - break; - case 4: - { - { - setState(8716); - match(R_SKIP); - setState(8717); - match(LOCKED); - } - } - break; - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Parameterized_trimContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List bit_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode BOTH() { return getToken(OBParser.BOTH, 0); } - public TerminalNode FROM() { return getToken(OBParser.FROM, 0); } - public TerminalNode LEADING() { return getToken(OBParser.LEADING, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRAILING() { return getToken(OBParser.TRAILING, 0); } - public Parameterized_trimContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_parameterized_trim; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterParameterized_trim(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitParameterized_trim(this); - } - } - - public final Parameterized_trimContext parameterized_trim() throws RecognitionException { - Parameterized_trimContext _localctx = new Parameterized_trimContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 870, RULE_parameterized_trim); - int _la; - try { - setState(8738); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,867,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8722); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,864,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8720); - match(BOTH); - setState(8721); - match(FROM); - } - break; - } - setState(8724); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8726); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,865,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8725); - match(BOTH); - } - break; - } - setState(8728); - bit_expr(0); - setState(8729); - match(FROM); - setState(8730); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(8732); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==LEADING || _la==TRAILING) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(8734); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,866,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8733); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - } - setState(8736); - match(FROM); - setState(8737); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Groupby_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Groupby_element_listContext groupby_element_list() { - return getRuleContext(Groupby_element_listContext.class,0); - } - public Groupby_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_groupby_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGroupby_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGroupby_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Groupby_clauseContext groupby_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Groupby_clauseContext _localctx = new Groupby_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 872, RULE_groupby_clause); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8740); - groupby_element_list(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Groupby_element_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List groupby_element() { - return getRuleContexts(Groupby_elementContext.class); - } - public Groupby_elementContext groupby_element(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Groupby_elementContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Groupby_element_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_groupby_element_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGroupby_element_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGroupby_element_list(this); - } - } - - public final Groupby_element_listContext groupby_element_list() throws RecognitionException { - Groupby_element_listContext _localctx = new Groupby_element_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 874, RULE_groupby_element_list); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8742); - groupby_element(); - setState(8747); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,868,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - { - { - setState(8743); - match(Comma); - setState(8744); - groupby_element(); - } - } - } - setState(8749); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,868,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Groupby_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Group_by_exprContext group_by_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Group_by_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Rollup_clauseContext rollup_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Rollup_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Cube_clauseContext cube_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Cube_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Grouping_sets_clauseContext grouping_sets_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Grouping_sets_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Groupby_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_groupby_element; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGroupby_element(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGroupby_element(this); - } - } - - public final Groupby_elementContext groupby_element() throws RecognitionException { - Groupby_elementContext _localctx = new Groupby_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 876, RULE_groupby_element); - try { - setState(8756); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,869,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8750); - group_by_expr(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8751); - rollup_clause(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(8752); - cube_clause(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(8753); - grouping_sets_clause(); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(8754); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8755); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Group_by_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Group_by_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_group_by_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGroup_by_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGroup_by_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Group_by_exprContext group_by_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Group_by_exprContext _localctx = new Group_by_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 878, RULE_group_by_expr); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8758); - bit_expr(0); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Rollup_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ROLLUP() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLLUP, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Group_by_expr_listContext group_by_expr_list() { - return getRuleContext(Group_by_expr_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Rollup_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_rollup_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRollup_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRollup_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Rollup_clauseContext rollup_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Rollup_clauseContext _localctx = new Rollup_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 880, RULE_rollup_clause); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8760); - match(ROLLUP); - setState(8761); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8762); - group_by_expr_list(); - setState(8763); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Cube_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CUBE() { return getToken(OBParser.CUBE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Group_by_expr_listContext group_by_expr_list() { - return getRuleContext(Group_by_expr_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Cube_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cube_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCube_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCube_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Cube_clauseContext cube_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Cube_clauseContext _localctx = new Cube_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 882, RULE_cube_clause); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8765); - match(CUBE); - setState(8766); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8767); - group_by_expr_list(); - setState(8768); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Group_by_expr_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List group_by_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Group_by_exprContext.class); - } - public Group_by_exprContext group_by_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Group_by_exprContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Group_by_expr_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_group_by_expr_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGroup_by_expr_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGroup_by_expr_list(this); - } - } - - public final Group_by_expr_listContext group_by_expr_list() throws RecognitionException { - Group_by_expr_listContext _localctx = new Group_by_expr_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 884, RULE_group_by_expr_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8770); - group_by_expr(); - setState(8775); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(8771); - match(Comma); - setState(8772); - group_by_expr(); - } - } - setState(8777); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Grouping_sets_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode GROUPING() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUPING, 0); } - public TerminalNode SETS() { return getToken(OBParser.SETS, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Grouping_sets_listContext grouping_sets_list() { - return getRuleContext(Grouping_sets_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Grouping_sets_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_grouping_sets_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGrouping_sets_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGrouping_sets_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Grouping_sets_clauseContext grouping_sets_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Grouping_sets_clauseContext _localctx = new Grouping_sets_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 886, RULE_grouping_sets_clause); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8778); - match(GROUPING); - setState(8779); - match(SETS); - setState(8780); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8781); - grouping_sets_list(); - setState(8782); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Grouping_sets_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List grouping_sets() { - return getRuleContexts(Grouping_setsContext.class); - } - public Grouping_setsContext grouping_sets(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Grouping_setsContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Grouping_sets_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_grouping_sets_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGrouping_sets_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGrouping_sets_list(this); - } - } - - public final Grouping_sets_listContext grouping_sets_list() throws RecognitionException { - Grouping_sets_listContext _localctx = new Grouping_sets_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 888, RULE_grouping_sets_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8784); - grouping_sets(); - setState(8789); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(8785); - match(Comma); - setState(8786); - grouping_sets(); - } - } - setState(8791); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Grouping_setsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Group_by_exprContext group_by_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Group_by_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Rollup_clauseContext rollup_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Rollup_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Cube_clauseContext cube_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Cube_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Grouping_setsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_grouping_sets; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGrouping_sets(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGrouping_sets(this); - } - } - - public final Grouping_setsContext grouping_sets() throws RecognitionException { - Grouping_setsContext _localctx = new Grouping_setsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 890, RULE_grouping_sets); - try { - setState(8797); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,872,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8792); - group_by_expr(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8793); - rollup_clause(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(8794); - cube_clause(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(8795); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8796); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Order_byContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ORDER() { return getToken(OBParser.ORDER, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public Sort_listContext sort_list() { - return getRuleContext(Sort_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode SIBLINGS() { return getToken(OBParser.SIBLINGS, 0); } - public Order_byContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_order_by; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOrder_by(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOrder_by(this); - } - } - - public final Order_byContext order_by() throws RecognitionException { - Order_byContext _localctx = new Order_byContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 892, RULE_order_by); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8799); - match(ORDER); - setState(8801); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SIBLINGS) { - { - setState(8800); - match(SIBLINGS); - } - } - - setState(8803); - match(BY); - setState(8804); - sort_list(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Sort_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List sort_key() { - return getRuleContexts(Sort_keyContext.class); - } - public Sort_keyContext sort_key(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Sort_keyContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Sort_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sort_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSort_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSort_list(this); - } - } - - public final Sort_listContext sort_list() throws RecognitionException { - Sort_listContext _localctx = new Sort_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 894, RULE_sort_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8806); - sort_key(); - setState(8811); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(8807); - match(Comma); - setState(8808); - sort_key(); - } - } - setState(8813); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Sort_keyContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_asc_descContext opt_asc_desc() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_asc_descContext.class,0); - } - public Sort_keyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sort_key; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSort_key(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSort_key(this); - } - } - - public final Sort_keyContext sort_key() throws RecognitionException { - Sort_keyContext _localctx = new Sort_keyContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 896, RULE_sort_key); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8814); - bit_expr(0); - setState(8815); - opt_asc_desc(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_null_posContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NULLS() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLS, 0); } - public TerminalNode LAST() { return getToken(OBParser.LAST, 0); } - public TerminalNode FIRST() { return getToken(OBParser.FIRST, 0); } - public Opt_null_posContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_null_pos; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_null_pos(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_null_pos(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_null_posContext opt_null_pos() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_null_posContext _localctx = new Opt_null_posContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 898, RULE_opt_null_pos); - try { - setState(8822); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,875,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8817); - empty(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8818); - match(NULLS); - setState(8819); - match(LAST); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(8820); - match(NULLS); - setState(8821); - match(FIRST); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_ascending_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ASC() { return getToken(OBParser.ASC, 0); } - public TerminalNode DESC() { return getToken(OBParser.DESC, 0); } - public Opt_ascending_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_ascending_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_ascending_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_ascending_type(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_ascending_typeContext opt_ascending_type() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_ascending_typeContext _localctx = new Opt_ascending_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 900, RULE_opt_ascending_type); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8825); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ASC || _la==DESC) { - { - setState(8824); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ASC || _la==DESC) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_asc_descContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Opt_ascending_typeContext opt_ascending_type() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_ascending_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_null_posContext opt_null_pos() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_null_posContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_asc_descContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_asc_desc; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_asc_desc(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_asc_desc(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_asc_descContext opt_asc_desc() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_asc_descContext _localctx = new Opt_asc_descContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 902, RULE_opt_asc_desc); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8827); - opt_ascending_type(); - setState(8828); - opt_null_pos(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Query_expression_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List query_expression_option() { - return getRuleContexts(Query_expression_optionContext.class); - } - public Query_expression_optionContext query_expression_option(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Query_expression_optionContext.class,i); - } - public Query_expression_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_query_expression_option_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterQuery_expression_option_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitQuery_expression_option_list(this); - } - } - - public final Query_expression_option_listContext query_expression_option_list() throws RecognitionException { - Query_expression_option_listContext _localctx = new Query_expression_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 904, RULE_query_expression_option_list); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8830); - query_expression_option(); - setState(8832); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,877,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8831); - query_expression_option(); - } - break; - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Query_expression_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public TerminalNode DISTINCT() { return getToken(OBParser.DISTINCT, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, 0); } - public Query_expression_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_query_expression_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterQuery_expression_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitQuery_expression_option(this); - } - } - - public final Query_expression_optionContext query_expression_option() throws RecognitionException { - Query_expression_optionContext _localctx = new Query_expression_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 906, RULE_query_expression_option); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8834); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==DISTINCT || _la==UNIQUE || _la==SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class ProjectionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } - public Column_labelContext column_label() { - return getRuleContext(Column_labelContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Star() { return getToken(OBParser.Star, 0); } - public ProjectionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_projection; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterProjection(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitProjection(this); - } - } - - public final ProjectionContext projection() throws RecognitionException { - ProjectionContext _localctx = new ProjectionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 908, RULE_projection); - try { - setState(8845); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,880,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8836); - bit_expr(0); - setState(8842); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case AS: - { - setState(8837); - match(AS); - setState(8838); - column_label(); - } - break; - case EOF: - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case FROM: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case INTO: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case TO: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case Comma: - case DELIMITER: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - { - setState(8840); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,878,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8839); - column_label(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8844); - match(Star); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_asContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } - public Opt_asContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_as; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_as(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_as(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_asContext opt_as() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_asContext _localctx = new Opt_asContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 910, RULE_opt_as); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8848); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==AS) { - { - setState(8847); - match(AS); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Select_expr_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List projection() { - return getRuleContexts(ProjectionContext.class); - } - public ProjectionContext projection(int i) { - return getRuleContext(ProjectionContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Select_expr_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_expr_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_expr_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_expr_list(this); - } - } - - public final Select_expr_listContext select_expr_list() throws RecognitionException { - Select_expr_listContext _localctx = new Select_expr_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 912, RULE_select_expr_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8850); - projection(); - setState(8855); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(8851); - match(Comma); - setState(8852); - projection(); - } - } - setState(8857); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class From_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Table_referencesContext table_references() { - return getRuleContext(Table_referencesContext.class,0); - } - public From_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_from_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFrom_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFrom_list(this); - } - } - - public final From_listContext from_list() throws RecognitionException { - From_listContext _localctx = new From_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 914, RULE_from_list); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8858); - table_references(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Table_referencesContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List table_reference() { - return getRuleContexts(Table_referenceContext.class); - } - public Table_referenceContext table_reference(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Table_referenceContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Table_referencesContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_references; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_references(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_references(this); - } - } - - public final Table_referencesContext table_references() throws RecognitionException { - Table_referencesContext _localctx = new Table_referencesContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 916, RULE_table_references); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8860); - table_reference(); - setState(8865); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,883,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - { - { - setState(8861); - match(Comma); - setState(8862); - table_reference(); - } - } - } - setState(8867); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,883,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Table_referenceContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Table_factorContext table_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Table_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Joined_tableContext joined_table() { - return getRuleContext(Joined_tableContext.class,0); - } - public Table_referenceContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_reference; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_reference(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_reference(this); - } - } - - public final Table_referenceContext table_reference() throws RecognitionException { - Table_referenceContext _localctx = new Table_referenceContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 918, RULE_table_reference); - try { - setState(8870); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,884,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8868); - table_factor(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8869); - joined_table(0); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Table_factorContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Tbl_nameContext tbl_name() { - return getRuleContext(Tbl_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Table_subqueryContext table_subquery() { - return getRuleContext(Table_subqueryContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LATERAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LATERAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Table_referenceContext table_reference() { - return getRuleContext(Table_referenceContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } - public Select_no_parensContext select_no_parens() { - return getRuleContext(Select_no_parensContext.class,0); - } - public Simple_exprContext simple_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Simple_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Select_functionContext select_function() { - return getRuleContext(Select_functionContext.class,0); - } - public Json_table_exprContext json_table_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Json_table_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } - public Xml_table_exprContext xml_table_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Xml_table_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Table_factorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_factor; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_factor(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_factor(this); - } - } - - public final Table_factorContext table_factor() throws RecognitionException { - Table_factorContext _localctx = new Table_factorContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 920, RULE_table_factor); - int _la; - try { - setState(8909); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,893,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8872); - tbl_name(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8874); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LATERAL) { - { - setState(8873); - match(LATERAL); - } - } - - setState(8876); - table_subquery(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(8877); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8878); - table_reference(); - setState(8879); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(8881); - match(TABLE); - setState(8882); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8885); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,886,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8883); - select_no_parens(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(8884); - simple_expr(0); - } - break; - } - setState(8887); - match(RightParen); - setState(8889); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,887,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8888); - relation_name(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(8891); - select_function(); - setState(8893); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,888,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8892); - relation_name(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(8895); - json_table_expr(); - setState(8900); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,890,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8897); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==AS) { - { - setState(8896); - match(AS); - } - } - - setState(8899); - relation_name(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(8902); - xml_table_expr(); - setState(8907); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,892,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8904); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==AS) { - { - setState(8903); - match(AS); - } - } - - setState(8906); - relation_name(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Select_functionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Access_func_exprContext access_func_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Access_func_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Database_factorContext database_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Database_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public Select_functionContext select_function() { - return getRuleContext(Select_functionContext.class,0); - } - public Select_functionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_select_function; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSelect_function(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSelect_function(this); - } - } - - public final Select_functionContext select_function() throws RecognitionException { - Select_functionContext _localctx = new Select_functionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 922, RULE_select_function); - try { - setState(8916); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,894,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8911); - access_func_expr(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8912); - database_factor(); - setState(8913); - match(Dot); - setState(8914); - select_function(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Tbl_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Sample_clauseContext sample_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Sample_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public SeedContext seed() { - return getRuleContext(SeedContext.class,0); - } - public Use_partitionContext use_partition() { - return getRuleContext(Use_partitionContext.class,0); - } - public Use_flashbackContext use_flashback() { - return getRuleContext(Use_flashbackContext.class,0); - } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Transpose_clauseContext transpose_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Transpose_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Dual_tableContext dual_table() { - return getRuleContext(Dual_tableContext.class,0); - } - public Tbl_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tbl_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTbl_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTbl_name(this); - } - } - - public final Tbl_nameContext tbl_name() throws RecognitionException { - Tbl_nameContext _localctx = new Tbl_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 924, RULE_tbl_name); - try { - setState(8957); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,905,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8918); - relation_factor(); - setState(8920); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,895,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8919); - use_partition(); - } - break; - } - setState(8928); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,897,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8922); - sample_clause(); - setState(8923); - seed(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(8926); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,896,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8925); - sample_clause(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - setState(8931); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,898,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8930); - use_flashback(); - } - break; - } - setState(8934); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,899,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8933); - relation_name(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8936); - relation_factor(); - setState(8938); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,900,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8937); - use_partition(); - } - break; - } - setState(8946); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,902,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8940); - sample_clause(); - setState(8941); - seed(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(8944); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,901,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8943); - sample_clause(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - setState(8949); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,903,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8948); - relation_name(); - } - break; - } - setState(8951); - transpose_clause(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(8953); - dual_table(); - setState(8955); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,904,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(8954); - relation_name(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Dual_tableContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DUAL, 0); } - public Dual_tableContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dual_table; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDual_table(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDual_table(this); - } - } - - public final Dual_tableContext dual_table() throws RecognitionException { - Dual_tableContext _localctx = new Dual_tableContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 926, RULE_dual_table); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8959); - match(DUAL); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Transpose_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PIVOT() { return getToken(OBParser.PIVOT, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Pivot_aggr_clauseContext pivot_aggr_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Pivot_aggr_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Transpose_for_clauseContext transpose_for_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Transpose_for_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Transpose_in_clauseContext transpose_in_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Transpose_in_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode UNPIVOT() { return getToken(OBParser.UNPIVOT, 0); } - public Unpivot_column_clauseContext unpivot_column_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Unpivot_column_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Unpivot_in_clauseContext unpivot_in_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Unpivot_in_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode EXCLUDE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCLUDE, 0); } - public TerminalNode NULLS() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLS, 0); } - public TerminalNode INCLUDE() { return getToken(OBParser.INCLUDE, 0); } - public Transpose_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_transpose_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTranspose_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTranspose_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Transpose_clauseContext transpose_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Transpose_clauseContext _localctx = new Transpose_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 928, RULE_transpose_clause); - try { - setState(9003); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,908,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(8961); - match(PIVOT); - setState(8962); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8963); - pivot_aggr_clause(); - setState(8964); - transpose_for_clause(); - setState(8965); - transpose_in_clause(); - setState(8966); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(8968); - match(PIVOT); - setState(8969); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8970); - pivot_aggr_clause(); - setState(8971); - transpose_for_clause(); - setState(8972); - transpose_in_clause(); - setState(8973); - match(RightParen); - setState(8974); - relation_name(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(8976); - match(UNPIVOT); - setState(8981); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case EXCLUDE: - { - { - setState(8977); - match(EXCLUDE); - setState(8978); - match(NULLS); - } - } - break; - case INCLUDE: - { - { - setState(8979); - match(INCLUDE); - setState(8980); - match(NULLS); - } - } - break; - case LeftParen: - break; - default: - break; - } - setState(8983); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8984); - unpivot_column_clause(); - setState(8985); - transpose_for_clause(); - setState(8986); - unpivot_in_clause(); - setState(8987); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(8989); - match(UNPIVOT); - setState(8994); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case EXCLUDE: - { - { - setState(8990); - match(EXCLUDE); - setState(8991); - match(NULLS); - } - } - break; - case INCLUDE: - { - { - setState(8992); - match(INCLUDE); - setState(8993); - match(NULLS); - } - } - break; - case LeftParen: - break; - default: - break; - } - setState(8996); - match(LeftParen); - setState(8997); - unpivot_column_clause(); - setState(8998); - transpose_for_clause(); - setState(8999); - unpivot_in_clause(); - setState(9000); - match(RightParen); - setState(9001); - relation_name(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Pivot_aggr_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List pivot_single_aggr_clause() { - return getRuleContexts(Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext.class); - } - public Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext pivot_single_aggr_clause(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Pivot_aggr_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_pivot_aggr_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPivot_aggr_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPivot_aggr_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Pivot_aggr_clauseContext pivot_aggr_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Pivot_aggr_clauseContext _localctx = new Pivot_aggr_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 930, RULE_pivot_aggr_clause); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9005); - pivot_single_aggr_clause(); - setState(9010); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(9006); - match(Comma); - setState(9007); - pivot_single_aggr_clause(); - } - } - setState(9012); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Aggregate_functionContext aggregate_function() { - return getRuleContext(Aggregate_functionContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_asContext opt_as() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_asContext.class,0); - } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Access_func_expr_countContext access_func_expr_count() { - return getRuleContext(Access_func_expr_countContext.class,0); - } - public Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_pivot_single_aggr_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPivot_single_aggr_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPivot_single_aggr_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext pivot_single_aggr_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext _localctx = new Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 932, RULE_pivot_single_aggr_clause); - int _la; - try { - setState(9025); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case MAX: - case STDDEV: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case LISTAGG: - case SUM: - case MIN: - case VARIANCE: - case WM_CONCAT: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case REGR_COUNT: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case REGR_SYY: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case XMLAGG: - case REGR_R2: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case WMSYS: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case COVAR_POP: - case MEDIAN: - case STDDEV_POP: - case AVG: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case CUME_DIST: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case CORR: - case VAR_SAMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9013); - aggregate_function(); - setState(9017); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (AS - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { - { - setState(9014); - opt_as(); - setState(9015); - relation_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - case COUNT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9019); - access_func_expr_count(); - setState(9023); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (AS - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { - { - setState(9020); - opt_as(); - setState(9021); - relation_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Transpose_for_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Transpose_for_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_transpose_for_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTranspose_for_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTranspose_for_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Transpose_for_clauseContext transpose_for_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Transpose_for_clauseContext _localctx = new Transpose_for_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 934, RULE_transpose_for_clause); - try { - setState(9034); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,913,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9027); - match(FOR); - setState(9028); - column_name(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9029); - match(FOR); - setState(9030); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9031); - column_name_list(); - setState(9032); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Transpose_in_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode IN() { return getToken(OBParser.IN, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Transpose_in_argsContext transpose_in_args() { - return getRuleContext(Transpose_in_argsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Transpose_in_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_transpose_in_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTranspose_in_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTranspose_in_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Transpose_in_clauseContext transpose_in_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Transpose_in_clauseContext _localctx = new Transpose_in_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 936, RULE_transpose_in_clause); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9036); - match(IN); - setState(9037); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9038); - transpose_in_args(); - setState(9039); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Transpose_in_argsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List transpose_in_arg() { - return getRuleContexts(Transpose_in_argContext.class); - } - public Transpose_in_argContext transpose_in_arg(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Transpose_in_argContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Transpose_in_argsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_transpose_in_args; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTranspose_in_args(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTranspose_in_args(this); - } - } - - public final Transpose_in_argsContext transpose_in_args() throws RecognitionException { - Transpose_in_argsContext _localctx = new Transpose_in_argsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 938, RULE_transpose_in_args); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9041); - transpose_in_arg(); - setState(9046); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(9042); - match(Comma); - setState(9043); - transpose_in_arg(); - } - } - setState(9048); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Transpose_in_argContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Transpose_in_argContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_transpose_in_arg; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTranspose_in_arg(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTranspose_in_arg(this); - } - } - - public final Transpose_in_argContext transpose_in_arg() throws RecognitionException { - Transpose_in_argContext _localctx = new Transpose_in_argContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 940, RULE_transpose_in_arg); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9049); - bit_expr(0); - setState(9055); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case AS: - { - setState(9050); - match(AS); - setState(9051); - relation_name(); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case Comma: - case RightParen: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - { - setState(9053); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { - { - setState(9052); - relation_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Unpivot_column_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Unpivot_column_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unpivot_column_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUnpivot_column_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUnpivot_column_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Unpivot_column_clauseContext unpivot_column_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Unpivot_column_clauseContext _localctx = new Unpivot_column_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 942, RULE_unpivot_column_clause); - try { - setState(9062); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ROWID: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9057); - column_name(); - } - break; - case LeftParen: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9058); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9059); - column_name_list(); - setState(9060); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Unpivot_in_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode IN() { return getToken(OBParser.IN, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Unpivot_in_argsContext unpivot_in_args() { - return getRuleContext(Unpivot_in_argsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Unpivot_in_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unpivot_in_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUnpivot_in_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUnpivot_in_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Unpivot_in_clauseContext unpivot_in_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Unpivot_in_clauseContext _localctx = new Unpivot_in_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 944, RULE_unpivot_in_clause); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9064); - match(IN); - setState(9065); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9066); - unpivot_in_args(); - setState(9067); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Unpivot_in_argsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List unpivot_in_arg() { - return getRuleContexts(Unpivot_in_argContext.class); - } - public Unpivot_in_argContext unpivot_in_arg(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Unpivot_in_argContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Unpivot_in_argsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unpivot_in_args; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUnpivot_in_args(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUnpivot_in_args(this); - } - } - - public final Unpivot_in_argsContext unpivot_in_args() throws RecognitionException { - Unpivot_in_argsContext _localctx = new Unpivot_in_argsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 946, RULE_unpivot_in_args); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9069); - unpivot_in_arg(); - setState(9074); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(9070); - match(Comma); - setState(9071); - unpivot_in_arg(); - } - } - setState(9076); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Unpivot_in_argContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Unpivot_column_clauseContext unpivot_column_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Unpivot_column_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Unpivot_in_argContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unpivot_in_arg; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUnpivot_in_arg(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUnpivot_in_arg(this); - } - } - - public final Unpivot_in_argContext unpivot_in_arg() throws RecognitionException { - Unpivot_in_argContext _localctx = new Unpivot_in_argContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 948, RULE_unpivot_in_arg); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9077); - unpivot_column_clause(); - setState(9080); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==AS) { - { - setState(9078); - match(AS); - setState(9079); - bit_expr(0); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Dml_table_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Use_partitionContext use_partition() { - return getRuleContext(Use_partitionContext.class,0); - } - public Dml_table_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dml_table_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDml_table_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDml_table_name(this); - } - } - - public final Dml_table_nameContext dml_table_name() throws RecognitionException { - Dml_table_nameContext _localctx = new Dml_table_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 950, RULE_dml_table_name); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9082); - relation_factor(); - setState(9084); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,920,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(9083); - use_partition(); - } - break; - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public With_check_optionContext with_check_option() { - return getRuleContext(With_check_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Fetch_next_clauseContext fetch_next_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Order_byContext order_by() { - return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); - } - public Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_order_by_fetch_with_check_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOrder_by_fetch_with_check_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOrder_by_fetch_with_check_option(this); - } - } - - public final Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext order_by_fetch_with_check_option() throws RecognitionException { - Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext _localctx = new Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 952, RULE_order_by_fetch_with_check_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(9098); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case WITH: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9086); - with_check_option(); - } - break; - case FETCH: - case OFFSET: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9087); - fetch_next_clause(); - setState(9089); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH) { - { - setState(9088); - with_check_option(); - } - } - - } - break; - case ORDER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(9091); - order_by(); - setState(9093); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { - { - setState(9092); - fetch_next_clause(); - } - } - - setState(9096); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH) { - { - setState(9095); - with_check_option(); - } - } - - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Insert_table_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Dml_table_nameContext dml_table_name() { - return getRuleContext(Dml_table_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { - return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public SubqueryContext subquery() { - return getRuleContext(SubqueryContext.class,0); - } - public Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext order_by_fetch_with_check_option() { - return getRuleContext(Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Insert_table_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_insert_table_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInsert_table_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInsert_table_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Insert_table_clauseContext insert_table_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Insert_table_clauseContext _localctx = new Insert_table_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 954, RULE_insert_table_clause); - try { - setState(9115); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,928,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9100); - dml_table_name(); - setState(9102); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,925,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(9101); - relation_name(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9104); - select_with_parens(); - setState(9106); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,926,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(9105); - relation_name(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(9108); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9109); - subquery(); - setState(9110); - order_by_fetch_with_check_option(); - setState(9111); - match(RightParen); - setState(9113); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,927,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(9112); - relation_name(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Dml_table_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Dml_table_nameContext dml_table_name() { - return getRuleContext(Dml_table_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.ONLY, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { - return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); - } - public SubqueryContext subquery() { - return getRuleContext(SubqueryContext.class,0); - } - public Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext order_by_fetch_with_check_option() { - return getRuleContext(Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Dml_table_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dml_table_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDml_table_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDml_table_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Dml_table_clauseContext dml_table_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Dml_table_clauseContext _localctx = new Dml_table_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 956, RULE_dml_table_clause); - int _la; - try { - setState(9139); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,933,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9117); - dml_table_name(); - setState(9119); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { - { - setState(9118); - relation_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9121); - match(ONLY); - setState(9122); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9123); - dml_table_name(); - setState(9124); - match(RightParen); - setState(9126); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { - { - setState(9125); - relation_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(9128); - select_with_parens(); - setState(9130); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { - { - setState(9129); - relation_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(9132); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9133); - subquery(); - setState(9134); - order_by_fetch_with_check_option(); - setState(9135); - match(RightParen); - setState(9137); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { - { - setState(9136); - relation_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class SeedContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SEED() { return getToken(OBParser.SEED, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public SeedContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_seed; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSeed(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSeed(this); - } - } - - public final SeedContext seed() throws RecognitionException { - SeedContext _localctx = new SeedContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 958, RULE_seed); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9141); - match(SEED); - setState(9142); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9143); - match(INTNUM); - setState(9144); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Sample_percentContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode DECIMAL_VAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL_VAL, 0); } - public Sample_percentContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sample_percent; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSample_percent(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSample_percent(this); - } - } - - public final Sample_percentContext sample_percent() throws RecognitionException { - Sample_percentContext _localctx = new Sample_percentContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 960, RULE_sample_percent); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9146); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==INTNUM || _la==DECIMAL_VAL) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Sample_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SAMPLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SAMPLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Sample_percentContext sample_percent() { - return getRuleContext(Sample_percentContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode BLOCK() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOCK, 0); } - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public TerminalNode BASE() { return getToken(OBParser.BASE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INCR() { return getToken(OBParser.INCR, 0); } - public Sample_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sample_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSample_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSample_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Sample_clauseContext sample_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Sample_clauseContext _localctx = new Sample_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 962, RULE_sample_clause); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9148); - match(SAMPLE); - setState(9150); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==BLOCK) { - { - setState(9149); - match(BLOCK); - } - } - - setState(9153); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ALL || _la==INCR || _la==BASE) { - { - setState(9152); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==INCR || _la==BASE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - - setState(9155); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9156); - sample_percent(); - setState(9157); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Table_subqueryContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { - return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); - } - public Use_flashbackContext use_flashback() { - return getRuleContext(Use_flashbackContext.class,0); - } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Transpose_clauseContext transpose_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Transpose_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public SubqueryContext subquery() { - return getRuleContext(SubqueryContext.class,0); - } - public Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext order_by_fetch_with_check_option() { - return getRuleContext(Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Table_subqueryContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_table_subquery; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTable_subquery(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTable_subquery(this); - } - } - - public final Table_subqueryContext table_subquery() throws RecognitionException { - Table_subqueryContext _localctx = new Table_subqueryContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 964, RULE_table_subquery); - try { - setState(9182); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,942,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9159); - select_with_parens(); - setState(9161); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,936,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(9160); - use_flashback(); - } - break; - } - setState(9164); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,937,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(9163); - relation_name(); - } - break; - } - setState(9167); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,938,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(9166); - transpose_clause(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9169); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9170); - subquery(); - setState(9171); - order_by_fetch_with_check_option(); - setState(9172); - match(RightParen); - setState(9174); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,939,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(9173); - use_flashback(); - } - break; - } - setState(9177); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,940,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(9176); - relation_name(); - } - break; - } - setState(9180); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,941,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(9179); - transpose_clause(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Use_partitionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Name_listContext name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUBPARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITION, 0); } - public External_table_partitionsContext external_table_partitions() { - return getRuleContext(External_table_partitionsContext.class,0); - } - public Use_partitionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_use_partition; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUse_partition(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUse_partition(this); - } - } - - public final Use_partitionContext use_partition() throws RecognitionException { - Use_partitionContext _localctx = new Use_partitionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 966, RULE_use_partition); - int _la; - try { - setState(9194); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,943,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9184); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==PARTITION || _la==SUBPARTITION) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(9185); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9186); - name_list(0); - setState(9187); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9189); - match(PARTITION); - setState(9190); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9191); - external_table_partitions(0); - setState(9192); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class External_table_partitionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public External_table_partitionContext external_table_partition() { - return getRuleContext(External_table_partitionContext.class,0); - } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public External_table_partitionsContext external_table_partitions() { - return getRuleContext(External_table_partitionsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public External_table_partitionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_external_table_partitions; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExternal_table_partitions(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExternal_table_partitions(this); - } - } - - public final External_table_partitionsContext external_table_partitions() throws RecognitionException { - return external_table_partitions(0); - } - - private External_table_partitionsContext external_table_partitions(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - External_table_partitionsContext _localctx = new External_table_partitionsContext(_ctx, _parentState); - External_table_partitionsContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 968; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 968, RULE_external_table_partitions, _p); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9199); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,944,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(9197); - external_table_partition(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(9198); - empty(); - } - break; - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(9206); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,945,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - { - _localctx = new External_table_partitionsContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_external_table_partitions); - setState(9201); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); - setState(9202); - match(Comma); - setState(9203); - external_table_partition(); - } - } - } - setState(9208); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,945,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class External_table_partitionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Expr_constContext expr_const() { - return getRuleContext(Expr_constContext.class,0); - } - public External_table_partitionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_external_table_partition; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExternal_table_partition(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExternal_table_partition(this); - } - } - - public final External_table_partitionContext external_table_partition() throws RecognitionException { - External_table_partitionContext _localctx = new External_table_partitionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 970, RULE_external_table_partition); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9209); - relation_name(); - setState(9210); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(9211); - expr_const(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Use_flashbackContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } - public TerminalNode OF() { return getToken(OBParser.OF, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode SCN() { return getToken(OBParser.SCN, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMESTAMP, 0); } - public Use_flashbackContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_use_flashback; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUse_flashback(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUse_flashback(this); - } - } - - public final Use_flashbackContext use_flashback() throws RecognitionException { - Use_flashbackContext _localctx = new Use_flashbackContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 972, RULE_use_flashback); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9213); - match(AS); - setState(9214); - match(OF); - setState(9215); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==TIMESTAMP || _la==SCN) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(9216); - bit_expr(0); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Relation_factorContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Normal_relation_factorContext normal_relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Normal_relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Dot_relation_factorContext dot_relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Dot_relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Relation_factorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_factor; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_factor(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_factor(this); - } - } - - public final Relation_factorContext relation_factor() throws RecognitionException { - Relation_factorContext _localctx = new Relation_factorContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 974, RULE_relation_factor); - try { - setState(9220); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9218); - normal_relation_factor(); - } - break; - case Dot: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9219); - dot_relation_factor(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Normal_relation_factorContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } - public Opt_reverse_link_flagContext opt_reverse_link_flag() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_reverse_link_flagContext.class,0); - } - public Database_factorContext database_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Database_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public Normal_relation_factorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_normal_relation_factor; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNormal_relation_factor(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNormal_relation_factor(this); - } - } - - public final Normal_relation_factorContext normal_relation_factor() throws RecognitionException { - Normal_relation_factorContext _localctx = new Normal_relation_factorContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 976, RULE_normal_relation_factor); - try { - setState(9234); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,949,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9222); - relation_name(); - setState(9225); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,947,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(9223); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - setState(9224); - opt_reverse_link_flag(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9227); - database_factor(); - setState(9228); - match(Dot); - setState(9229); - relation_name(); - setState(9232); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,948,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(9230); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - setState(9231); - opt_reverse_link_flag(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Dot_relation_factorContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Dot_relation_factorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dot_relation_factor; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDot_relation_factor(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDot_relation_factor(this); - } - } - - public final Dot_relation_factorContext dot_relation_factor() throws RecognitionException { - Dot_relation_factorContext _localctx = new Dot_relation_factorContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 978, RULE_dot_relation_factor); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9236); - match(Dot); - setState(9237); - relation_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_reverse_link_flagContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode Not() { return getToken(OBParser.Not, 0); } - public Opt_reverse_link_flagContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_reverse_link_flag; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_reverse_link_flag(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_reverse_link_flag(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_reverse_link_flagContext opt_reverse_link_flag() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_reverse_link_flagContext _localctx = new Opt_reverse_link_flagContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 980, RULE_opt_reverse_link_flag); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9240); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,950,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(9239); - match(Not); - } - break; - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Relation_factor_in_hintContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Normal_relation_factorContext normal_relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Normal_relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Qb_name_optionContext qb_name_option() { - return getRuleContext(Qb_name_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Relation_factor_in_hintContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_factor_in_hint; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_factor_in_hint(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_factor_in_hint(this); - } - } - - public final Relation_factor_in_hintContext relation_factor_in_hint() throws RecognitionException { - Relation_factor_in_hintContext _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_hintContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 982, RULE_relation_factor_in_hint); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9242); - normal_relation_factor(); - setState(9243); - qb_name_option(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Qb_name_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode At() { return getToken(OBParser.At, 0); } - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Qb_name_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_qb_name_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterQb_name_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitQb_name_option(this); - } - } - - public final Qb_name_optionContext qb_name_option() throws RecognitionException { - Qb_name_optionContext _localctx = new Qb_name_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 984, RULE_qb_name_option); - try { - setState(9248); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,951,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9245); - match(At); - setState(9246); - match(NAME_OB); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9247); - empty(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List relation_factor_in_hint() { - return getRuleContexts(Relation_factor_in_hintContext.class); - } - public Relation_factor_in_hintContext relation_factor_in_hint(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hintContext.class,i); - } - public List relation_sep_option() { - return getRuleContexts(Relation_sep_optionContext.class); - } - public Relation_sep_optionContext relation_sep_option(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Relation_sep_optionContext.class,i); - } - public Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_factor_in_hint_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_factor_in_hint_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_factor_in_hint_list(this); - } - } - - public final Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_hint_list() throws RecognitionException { - Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 986, RULE_relation_factor_in_hint_list); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9250); - relation_factor_in_hint(); - setState(9256); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,952,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - { - { - setState(9251); - relation_sep_option(); - setState(9252); - relation_factor_in_hint(); - } - } - } - setState(9258); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,952,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Relation_sep_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Relation_sep_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_sep_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_sep_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_sep_option(this); - } - } - - public final Relation_sep_optionContext relation_sep_option() throws RecognitionException { - Relation_sep_optionContext _localctx = new Relation_sep_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 988, RULE_relation_sep_option); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9260); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Comma) { - { - setState(9259); - match(Comma); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Relation_factor_in_mv_hint_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List normal_relation_factor() { - return getRuleContexts(Normal_relation_factorContext.class); - } - public Normal_relation_factorContext normal_relation_factor(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Normal_relation_factorContext.class,i); - } - public List relation_sep_option() { - return getRuleContexts(Relation_sep_optionContext.class); - } - public Relation_sep_optionContext relation_sep_option(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Relation_sep_optionContext.class,i); - } - public Relation_factor_in_mv_hint_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_factor_in_mv_hint_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_factor_in_mv_hint_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_factor_in_mv_hint_list(this); - } - } - - public final Relation_factor_in_mv_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_mv_hint_list() throws RecognitionException { - Relation_factor_in_mv_hint_listContext _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_mv_hint_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 990, RULE_relation_factor_in_mv_hint_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9262); - normal_relation_factor(); - setState(9268); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)) | (1L << (Comma - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { - { - { - setState(9263); - relation_sep_option(); - setState(9264); - normal_relation_factor(); - } - } - setState(9270); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_factor_in_hintContext relation_factor_in_hint() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hintContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_hint_list() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_factor_in_pq_hint; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_factor_in_pq_hint(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_factor_in_pq_hint(this); - } - } - - public final Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext relation_factor_in_pq_hint() throws RecognitionException { - Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 992, RULE_relation_factor_in_pq_hint); - try { - setState(9276); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9271); - relation_factor_in_hint(); - } - break; - case LeftParen: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9272); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9273); - relation_factor_in_hint_list(); - setState(9274); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_hint_list() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_factor_in_leading_hint(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_factor_in_leading_hint(this); - } - } - - public final Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext relation_factor_in_leading_hint() throws RecognitionException { - Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 994, RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9278); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9279); - relation_factor_in_hint_list(); - setState(9280); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Tracing_num_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public Relation_sep_optionContext relation_sep_option() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_sep_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Tracing_num_listContext tracing_num_list() { - return getRuleContext(Tracing_num_listContext.class,0); - } - public Tracing_num_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tracing_num_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTracing_num_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTracing_num_list(this); - } - } - - public final Tracing_num_listContext tracing_num_list() throws RecognitionException { - Tracing_num_listContext _localctx = new Tracing_num_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 996, RULE_tracing_num_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9282); - match(INTNUM); - setState(9286); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==INTNUM || _la==Comma) { - { - setState(9283); - relation_sep_option(); - setState(9284); - tracing_num_list(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext relation_factor_in_leading_hint() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public List relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list() { - return getRuleContexts(Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext.class); - } - public Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_hint_list() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext.class,0); - } - public List relation_sep_option() { - return getRuleContexts(Relation_sep_optionContext.class); - } - public Relation_sep_optionContext relation_sep_option(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Relation_sep_optionContext.class,i); - } - public Relation_factor_in_hintContext relation_factor_in_hint() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hintContext.class,0); - } - public Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(this); - } - } - - public final Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list() throws RecognitionException { - return relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(0); - } - - private Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 998; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 998, RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list, _p); - int _la; - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9299); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,958,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(9289); - relation_factor_in_leading_hint(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(9290); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9294); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { - { - setState(9291); - relation_factor_in_hint_list(); - setState(9292); - relation_sep_option(); - } - } - - setState(9296); - relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(0); - setState(9297); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(9317); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,961,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - setState(9315); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,960,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list); - setState(9301); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 2))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 2)"); - setState(9302); - relation_sep_option(); - setState(9305); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - { - setState(9303); - relation_factor_in_hint(); - } - break; - case LeftParen: - { - setState(9304); - relation_factor_in_leading_hint(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list); - setState(9307); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); - setState(9308); - relation_sep_option(); - setState(9309); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9310); - relation_factor_in_hint_list(); - setState(9311); - relation_sep_option(); - setState(9312); - relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(0); - setState(9313); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - } - setState(9319); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,961,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext.class,0); - } - public Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_hint_list() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext.class,0); - } - public Relation_sep_optionContext relation_sep_option() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_sep_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry(this); - } - } - - public final Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry() throws RecognitionException { - Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1000, RULE_relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9323); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { - { - setState(9320); - relation_factor_in_hint_list(); - setState(9321); - relation_sep_option(); - } - } - - setState(9325); - relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(0); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_factor_in_hintContext relation_factor_in_hint() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hintContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_hint_list() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext.class,0); - } - public Relation_sep_optionContext relation_sep_option() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_sep_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(this); - } - } - - public final Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list() throws RecognitionException { - return relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(0); - } - - private Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 1002; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 1002, RULE_relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list, _p); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9333); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - { - setState(9328); - relation_factor_in_hint(); - } - break; - case LeftParen: - { - setState(9329); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9330); - relation_factor_in_hint_list(); - setState(9331); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(9347); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,965,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - setState(9345); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,964,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list); - setState(9335); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 2))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 2)"); - setState(9336); - relation_sep_option(); - setState(9337); - relation_factor_in_hint(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - _localctx = new Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list); - setState(9339); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); - setState(9340); - relation_sep_option(); - setState(9341); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9342); - relation_factor_in_hint_list(); - setState(9343); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - } - setState(9349); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,965,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Coalesce_strategy_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode WO_PULLUP() { return getToken(OBParser.WO_PULLUP, 0); } - public TerminalNode WITH_PULLUP() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH_PULLUP, 0); } - public Coalesce_strategy_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_coalesce_strategy_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCoalesce_strategy_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCoalesce_strategy_list(this); - } - } - - public final Coalesce_strategy_listContext coalesce_strategy_list() throws RecognitionException { - Coalesce_strategy_listContext _localctx = new Coalesce_strategy_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1004, RULE_coalesce_strategy_list); - int _la; - try { - setState(9355); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case WO_PULLUP: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9350); - match(WO_PULLUP); - setState(9352); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH_PULLUP) { - { - setState(9351); - match(WITH_PULLUP); - } - } - - } - break; - case WITH_PULLUP: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9354); - match(WITH_PULLUP); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Join_conditionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public ExprContext expr() { - return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_listContext column_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Join_conditionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_join_condition; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJoin_condition(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJoin_condition(this); - } - } - - public final Join_conditionContext join_condition() throws RecognitionException { - Join_conditionContext _localctx = new Join_conditionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1006, RULE_join_condition); - try { - setState(9364); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ON: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9357); - match(ON); - setState(9358); - expr(0); - } - break; - case USING: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9359); - match(USING); - setState(9360); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9361); - column_list(); - setState(9362); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Joined_tableContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List table_factor() { - return getRuleContexts(Table_factorContext.class); - } - public Table_factorContext table_factor(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Table_factorContext.class,i); - } - public Outer_join_typeContext outer_join_type() { - return getRuleContext(Outer_join_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode JOIN() { return getToken(OBParser.JOIN, 0); } - public Join_conditionContext join_condition() { - return getRuleContext(Join_conditionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public ExprContext expr() { - return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode INNER() { return getToken(OBParser.INNER, 0); } - public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_listContext column_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode CROSS() { return getToken(OBParser.CROSS, 0); } - public Natural_join_typeContext natural_join_type() { - return getRuleContext(Natural_join_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Joined_tableContext joined_table() { - return getRuleContext(Joined_tableContext.class,0); - } - public Joined_tableContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_joined_table; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJoined_table(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJoined_table(this); - } - } - - public final Joined_tableContext joined_table() throws RecognitionException { - return joined_table(0); - } - - private Joined_tableContext joined_table(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Joined_tableContext _localctx = new Joined_tableContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Joined_tableContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 1008; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 1008, RULE_joined_table, _p); - int _la; - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9401); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,972,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(9367); - table_factor(); - setState(9368); - outer_join_type(); - setState(9369); - match(JOIN); - setState(9370); - table_factor(); - setState(9371); - join_condition(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(9373); - table_factor(); - setState(9375); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==INNER) { - { - setState(9374); - match(INNER); - } - } - - setState(9377); - match(JOIN); - setState(9378); - table_factor(); - setState(9379); - match(ON); - setState(9380); - expr(0); - } - break; - case 3: - { - setState(9382); - table_factor(); - setState(9384); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==INNER) { - { - setState(9383); - match(INNER); - } - } - - setState(9386); - match(JOIN); - setState(9387); - table_factor(); - setState(9388); - match(USING); - setState(9389); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9390); - column_list(); - setState(9391); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 4: - { - setState(9393); - table_factor(); - setState(9397); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case CROSS: - { - setState(9394); - match(CROSS); - setState(9395); - match(JOIN); - } - break; - case NATURAL: - { - setState(9396); - natural_join_type(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(9399); - table_factor(); - } - break; - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(9449); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,974,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - setState(9447); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,973,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - _localctx = new Joined_tableContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_joined_table); - setState(9403); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 7))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 7)"); - setState(9404); - natural_join_type(); - setState(9405); - table_factor(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - _localctx = new Joined_tableContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_joined_table); - setState(9407); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 6))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 6)"); - setState(9408); - match(CROSS); - setState(9409); - match(JOIN); - setState(9410); - table_factor(); - } - break; - case 3: - { - _localctx = new Joined_tableContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_joined_table); - setState(9411); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 5))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 5)"); - setState(9412); - outer_join_type(); - setState(9413); - match(JOIN); - setState(9414); - table_factor(); - setState(9415); - join_condition(); - } - break; - case 4: - { - _localctx = new Joined_tableContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_joined_table); - setState(9417); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 4))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 4)"); - setState(9418); - match(JOIN); - setState(9419); - table_factor(); - setState(9420); - match(ON); - setState(9421); - expr(0); - } - break; - case 5: - { - _localctx = new Joined_tableContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_joined_table); - setState(9423); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 3))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 3)"); - setState(9424); - match(INNER); - setState(9425); - match(JOIN); - setState(9426); - table_factor(); - setState(9427); - match(ON); - setState(9428); - expr(0); - } - break; - case 6: - { - _localctx = new Joined_tableContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_joined_table); - setState(9430); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 2))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 2)"); - setState(9431); - match(JOIN); - setState(9432); - table_factor(); - setState(9433); - match(USING); - setState(9434); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9435); - column_list(); - setState(9436); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 7: - { - _localctx = new Joined_tableContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_joined_table); - setState(9438); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); - setState(9439); - match(INNER); - setState(9440); - match(JOIN); - setState(9441); - table_factor(); - setState(9442); - match(USING); - setState(9443); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9444); - column_list(); - setState(9445); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - } - setState(9451); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,974,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Natural_join_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NATURAL() { return getToken(OBParser.NATURAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode JOIN() { return getToken(OBParser.JOIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode INNER() { return getToken(OBParser.INNER, 0); } - public Outer_join_typeContext outer_join_type() { - return getRuleContext(Outer_join_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Natural_join_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_natural_join_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNatural_join_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNatural_join_type(this); - } - } - - public final Natural_join_typeContext natural_join_type() throws RecognitionException { - Natural_join_typeContext _localctx = new Natural_join_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1010, RULE_natural_join_type); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9452); - match(NATURAL); - setState(9457); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case INNER: - { - setState(9453); - match(INNER); - } - break; - case FULL: - case JOIN: - case LEFT: - case RIGHT: - { - setState(9455); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FULL || _la==LEFT || _la==RIGHT) { - { - setState(9454); - outer_join_type(); - } - } - - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(9459); - match(JOIN); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Outer_join_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode FULL() { return getToken(OBParser.FULL, 0); } - public Join_outerContext join_outer() { - return getRuleContext(Join_outerContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LEFT() { return getToken(OBParser.LEFT, 0); } - public TerminalNode RIGHT() { return getToken(OBParser.RIGHT, 0); } - public Outer_join_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_outer_join_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOuter_join_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOuter_join_type(this); - } - } - - public final Outer_join_typeContext outer_join_type() throws RecognitionException { - Outer_join_typeContext _localctx = new Outer_join_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1012, RULE_outer_join_type); - try { - setState(9467); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case FULL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9461); - match(FULL); - setState(9462); - join_outer(); - } - break; - case LEFT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9463); - match(LEFT); - setState(9464); - join_outer(); - } - break; - case RIGHT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(9465); - match(RIGHT); - setState(9466); - join_outer(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Join_outerContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode OUTER() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTER, 0); } - public Join_outerContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_join_outer; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJoin_outer(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJoin_outer(this); - } - } - - public final Join_outerContext join_outer() throws RecognitionException { - Join_outerContext _localctx = new Join_outerContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1014, RULE_join_outer); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9470); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==OUTER) { - { - setState(9469); - match(OUTER); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class With_selectContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public With_clauseContext with_clause() { - return getRuleContext(With_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Select_no_parensContext select_no_parens() { - return getRuleContext(Select_no_parensContext.class,0); - } - public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { - return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); - } - public With_selectContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_with_select; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWith_select(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWith_select(this); - } - } - - public final With_selectContext with_select() throws RecognitionException { - With_selectContext _localctx = new With_selectContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1016, RULE_with_select); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9472); - with_clause(); - setState(9475); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,979,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(9473); - select_no_parens(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(9474); - select_with_parens(); - } - break; - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class With_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } - public TerminalNode RECURSIVE() { return getToken(OBParser.RECURSIVE, 0); } - public Common_table_exprContext common_table_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Common_table_exprContext.class,0); - } - public With_listContext with_list() { - return getRuleContext(With_listContext.class,0); - } - public With_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_with_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWith_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWith_clause(this); - } - } - - public final With_clauseContext with_clause() throws RecognitionException { - With_clauseContext _localctx = new With_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1018, RULE_with_clause); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9477); - match(WITH); - setState(9481); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,980,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(9478); - match(RECURSIVE); - setState(9479); - common_table_expr(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(9480); - with_list(); - } - break; - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class With_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List common_table_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Common_table_exprContext.class); - } - public Common_table_exprContext common_table_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Common_table_exprContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public With_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_with_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWith_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWith_list(this); - } - } - - public final With_listContext with_list() throws RecognitionException { - With_listContext _localctx = new With_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1020, RULE_with_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9483); - common_table_expr(); - setState(9488); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(9484); - match(Comma); - setState(9485); - common_table_expr(); - } - } - setState(9490); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Common_table_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } - public List LeftParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.LeftParen); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, i); - } - public Select_no_parensContext select_no_parens() { - return getRuleContext(Select_no_parensContext.class,0); - } - public List RightParen() { return getTokens(OBParser.RightParen); } - public TerminalNode RightParen(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, i); - } - public List alias_name_list() { - return getRuleContexts(Alias_name_listContext.class); - } - public Alias_name_listContext alias_name_list(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Alias_name_listContext.class,i); - } - public Order_byContext order_by() { - return getRuleContext(Order_byContext.class,0); - } - public Fetch_next_clauseContext fetch_next_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Fetch_next_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode CYCLE() { return getToken(OBParser.CYCLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public Var_nameContext var_name() { - return getRuleContext(Var_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } - public List STRING_VALUE() { return getTokens(OBParser.STRING_VALUE); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, i); - } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public TerminalNode SEARCH() { return getToken(OBParser.SEARCH, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEPTH() { return getToken(OBParser.DEPTH, 0); } - public TerminalNode FIRST() { return getToken(OBParser.FIRST, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public Sort_listContext sort_list() { - return getRuleContext(Sort_listContext.class,0); - } - public Search_set_valueContext search_set_value() { - return getRuleContext(Search_set_valueContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode BREADTH() { return getToken(OBParser.BREADTH, 0); } - public With_selectContext with_select() { - return getRuleContext(With_selectContext.class,0); - } - public Select_with_parensContext select_with_parens() { - return getRuleContext(Select_with_parensContext.class,0); - } - public SubqueryContext subquery() { - return getRuleContext(SubqueryContext.class,0); - } - public Common_table_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_common_table_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCommon_table_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCommon_table_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Common_table_exprContext common_table_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Common_table_exprContext _localctx = new Common_table_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1022, RULE_common_table_expr); - int _la; - try { - setState(9653); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,997,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9491); - relation_name(); - setState(9496); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(9492); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9493); - alias_name_list(); - setState(9494); - match(RightParen); - } - } - - setState(9498); - match(AS); - setState(9499); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9500); - select_no_parens(); - setState(9502); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ORDER) { - { - setState(9501); - order_by(); - } - } - - setState(9505); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { - { - setState(9504); - fetch_next_clause(); - } - } - - setState(9507); - match(RightParen); - setState(9522); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,985,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(9508); - match(SEARCH); - setState(9509); - match(DEPTH); - setState(9510); - match(FIRST); - setState(9511); - match(BY); - setState(9512); - sort_list(); - setState(9513); - search_set_value(); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(9515); - match(SEARCH); - setState(9516); - match(BREADTH); - setState(9517); - match(FIRST); - setState(9518); - match(BY); - setState(9519); - sort_list(); - setState(9520); - search_set_value(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(9533); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CYCLE) { - { - setState(9524); - match(CYCLE); - setState(9525); - alias_name_list(); - setState(9526); - match(SET); - setState(9527); - var_name(); - setState(9528); - match(TO); - setState(9529); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(9530); - match(DEFAULT); - setState(9531); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9535); - relation_name(); - setState(9540); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(9536); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9537); - alias_name_list(); - setState(9538); - match(RightParen); - } - } - - setState(9542); - match(AS); - setState(9543); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9544); - with_select(); - setState(9545); - match(RightParen); - setState(9560); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,988,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(9546); - match(SEARCH); - setState(9547); - match(DEPTH); - setState(9548); - match(FIRST); - setState(9549); - match(BY); - setState(9550); - sort_list(); - setState(9551); - search_set_value(); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(9553); - match(SEARCH); - setState(9554); - match(BREADTH); - setState(9555); - match(FIRST); - setState(9556); - match(BY); - setState(9557); - sort_list(); - setState(9558); - search_set_value(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(9571); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CYCLE) { - { - setState(9562); - match(CYCLE); - setState(9563); - alias_name_list(); - setState(9564); - match(SET); - setState(9565); - var_name(); - setState(9566); - match(TO); - setState(9567); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(9568); - match(DEFAULT); - setState(9569); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(9573); - relation_name(); - setState(9578); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(9574); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9575); - alias_name_list(); - setState(9576); - match(RightParen); - } - } - - setState(9580); - match(AS); - setState(9581); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9582); - select_with_parens(); - setState(9583); - match(RightParen); - setState(9598); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,991,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(9584); - match(SEARCH); - setState(9585); - match(DEPTH); - setState(9586); - match(FIRST); - setState(9587); - match(BY); - setState(9588); - sort_list(); - setState(9589); - search_set_value(); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(9591); - match(SEARCH); - setState(9592); - match(BREADTH); - setState(9593); - match(FIRST); - setState(9594); - match(BY); - setState(9595); - sort_list(); - setState(9596); - search_set_value(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(9609); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CYCLE) { - { - setState(9600); - match(CYCLE); - setState(9601); - alias_name_list(); - setState(9602); - match(SET); - setState(9603); - var_name(); - setState(9604); - match(TO); - setState(9605); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(9606); - match(DEFAULT); - setState(9607); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(9611); - relation_name(); - setState(9616); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(9612); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9613); - alias_name_list(); - setState(9614); - match(RightParen); - } - } - - setState(9618); - match(AS); - setState(9619); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9620); - subquery(); - setState(9621); - order_by(); - setState(9623); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FETCH || _la==OFFSET) { - { - setState(9622); - fetch_next_clause(); - } - } - - setState(9625); - match(RightParen); - setState(9640); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,995,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(9626); - match(SEARCH); - setState(9627); - match(DEPTH); - setState(9628); - match(FIRST); - setState(9629); - match(BY); - setState(9630); - sort_list(); - setState(9631); - search_set_value(); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(9633); - match(SEARCH); - setState(9634); - match(BREADTH); - setState(9635); - match(FIRST); - setState(9636); - match(BY); - setState(9637); - sort_list(); - setState(9638); - search_set_value(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(9651); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CYCLE) { - { - setState(9642); - match(CYCLE); - setState(9643); - alias_name_list(); - setState(9644); - match(SET); - setState(9645); - var_name(); - setState(9646); - match(TO); - setState(9647); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(9648); - match(DEFAULT); - setState(9649); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mv_column_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List column_name_list() { - return getRuleContexts(Column_name_listContext.class); - } - public Column_name_listContext column_name_list(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRIMARY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } - public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } - public Opt_index_optionsContext opt_index_options() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_index_optionsContext.class,0); - } - public Mv_column_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mv_column_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMv_column_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMv_column_list(this); - } - } - - public final Mv_column_listContext mv_column_list() throws RecognitionException { - Mv_column_listContext _localctx = new Mv_column_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1024, RULE_mv_column_list); - try { - setState(9682); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1000,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9655); - column_name_list(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9656); - column_name_list(); - setState(9657); - match(Comma); - setState(9658); - match(PRIMARY); - setState(9659); - match(KEY); - setState(9660); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9661); - column_name_list(); - setState(9662); - match(RightParen); - setState(9668); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,998,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(9663); - match(USING); - setState(9664); - match(INDEX); - setState(9665); - opt_index_options(); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(9666); - match(USING); - setState(9667); - match(INDEX); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(9670); - match(PRIMARY); - setState(9671); - match(KEY); - setState(9672); - match(LeftParen); - setState(9673); - column_name_list(); - setState(9674); - match(RightParen); - setState(9680); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,999,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(9675); - match(USING); - setState(9676); - match(INDEX); - setState(9677); - opt_index_options(); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(9678); - match(USING); - setState(9679); - match(INDEX); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alias_name_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List column_alias_name() { - return getRuleContexts(Column_alias_nameContext.class); - } - public Column_alias_nameContext column_alias_name(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Column_alias_nameContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Alias_name_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alias_name_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlias_name_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlias_name_list(this); - } - } - - public final Alias_name_listContext alias_name_list() throws RecognitionException { - Alias_name_listContext _localctx = new Alias_name_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1026, RULE_alias_name_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9684); - column_alias_name(); - setState(9689); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(9685); - match(Comma); - setState(9686); - column_alias_name(); - } - } - setState(9691); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Column_alias_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Column_alias_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_alias_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_alias_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_alias_name(this); - } - } - - public final Column_alias_nameContext column_alias_name() throws RecognitionException { - Column_alias_nameContext _localctx = new Column_alias_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1028, RULE_column_alias_name); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9692); - column_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Search_set_valueContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public Var_nameContext var_name() { - return getRuleContext(Var_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Search_set_valueContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_search_set_value; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSearch_set_value(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSearch_set_value(this); - } - } - - public final Search_set_valueContext search_set_value() throws RecognitionException { - Search_set_valueContext _localctx = new Search_set_valueContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1030, RULE_search_set_value); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9694); - match(SET); - setState(9695); - var_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Analyze_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ANALYZE() { return getToken(OBParser.ANALYZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Analyze_statistics_clauseContext analyze_statistics_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Analyze_statistics_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Use_partitionContext use_partition() { - return getRuleContext(Use_partitionContext.class,0); - } - public Analyze_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_analyze_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAnalyze_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAnalyze_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Analyze_stmtContext analyze_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Analyze_stmtContext _localctx = new Analyze_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1032, RULE_analyze_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9697); - match(ANALYZE); - setState(9698); - match(TABLE); - setState(9699); - relation_factor(); - setState(9701); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PARTITION || _la==SUBPARTITION) { - { - setState(9700); - use_partition(); - } - } - - setState(9703); - analyze_statistics_clause(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Analyze_statistics_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode COMPUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPUTE, 0); } - public TerminalNode STATISTICS() { return getToken(OBParser.STATISTICS, 0); } - public Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext opt_analyze_for_clause_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ESTIMATE() { return getToken(OBParser.ESTIMATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SAMPLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SAMPLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public Sample_optionContext sample_option() { - return getRuleContext(Sample_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Analyze_statistics_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_analyze_statistics_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAnalyze_statistics_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAnalyze_statistics_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Analyze_statistics_clauseContext analyze_statistics_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Analyze_statistics_clauseContext _localctx = new Analyze_statistics_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1034, RULE_analyze_statistics_clause); - int _la; - try { - setState(9720); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case COMPUTE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9705); - match(COMPUTE); - setState(9706); - match(STATISTICS); - setState(9708); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FOR) { - { - setState(9707); - opt_analyze_for_clause_list(); - } - } - - } - break; - case ESTIMATE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9710); - match(ESTIMATE); - setState(9711); - match(STATISTICS); - setState(9713); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FOR) { - { - setState(9712); - opt_analyze_for_clause_list(); - } - } - - setState(9718); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SAMPLE) { - { - setState(9715); - match(SAMPLE); - setState(9716); - match(INTNUM); - setState(9717); - sample_option(); - } - } - - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext opt_analyze_for_clause_element() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_analyze_for_clause_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_analyze_for_clause_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_analyze_for_clause_list(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext opt_analyze_for_clause_list() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext _localctx = new Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1036, RULE_opt_analyze_for_clause_list); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9722); - opt_analyze_for_clause_element(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } - public For_allContext for_all() { - return getRuleContext(For_allContext.class,0); - } - public For_columnsContext for_columns() { - return getRuleContext(For_columnsContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_analyze_for_clause_element; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_analyze_for_clause_element(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_analyze_for_clause_element(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext opt_analyze_for_clause_element() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext _localctx = new Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1038, RULE_opt_analyze_for_clause_element); - try { - setState(9728); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1007,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9724); - match(FOR); - setState(9725); - match(TABLE); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9726); - for_all(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(9727); - for_columns(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Sample_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWS, 0); } - public TerminalNode PERCENTAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENTAGE, 0); } - public Sample_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sample_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSample_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSample_option(this); - } - } - - public final Sample_optionContext sample_option() throws RecognitionException { - Sample_optionContext _localctx = new Sample_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1040, RULE_sample_option); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9730); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ROWS || _la==PERCENTAGE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_outline_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode OUTLINE() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTLINE, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public List explainable_stmt() { - return getRuleContexts(Explainable_stmtContext.class); - } - public Explainable_stmtContext explainable_stmt(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Explainable_stmtContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode OR() { return getToken(OBParser.OR, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPLACE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLACE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } - public TerminalNode HINT_HINT_BEGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_HINT_BEGIN, 0); } - public Hint_list_with_endContext hint_list_with_end() { - return getRuleContext(Hint_list_with_endContext.class,0); - } - public Create_outline_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_outline_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_outline_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_outline_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Create_outline_stmtContext create_outline_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Create_outline_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_outline_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1042, RULE_create_outline_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(9758); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1011,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9732); - match(CREATE); - setState(9735); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==OR) { - { - setState(9733); - match(OR); - setState(9734); - match(REPLACE); - } - } - - setState(9737); - match(OUTLINE); - setState(9738); - relation_name(); - setState(9739); - match(ON); - setState(9740); - explainable_stmt(); - setState(9743); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TO) { - { - setState(9741); - match(TO); - setState(9742); - explainable_stmt(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9745); - match(CREATE); - setState(9748); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==OR) { - { - setState(9746); - match(OR); - setState(9747); - match(REPLACE); - } - } - - setState(9750); - match(OUTLINE); - setState(9751); - relation_name(); - setState(9752); - match(ON); - setState(9753); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(9754); - match(USING); - setState(9755); - match(HINT_HINT_BEGIN); - setState(9756); - hint_list_with_end(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_outline_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode OUTLINE() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTLINE, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } - public List explainable_stmt() { - return getRuleContexts(Explainable_stmtContext.class); - } - public Explainable_stmtContext explainable_stmt(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Explainable_stmtContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } - public Alter_outline_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_outline_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_outline_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_outline_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_outline_stmtContext alter_outline_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_outline_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_outline_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1044, RULE_alter_outline_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9760); - match(ALTER); - setState(9761); - match(OUTLINE); - setState(9762); - relation_name(); - setState(9763); - match(ADD); - setState(9764); - explainable_stmt(); - setState(9767); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TO) { - { - setState(9765); - match(TO); - setState(9766); - explainable_stmt(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_outline_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode OUTLINE() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTLINE, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_outline_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_outline_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_outline_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_outline_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_outline_stmtContext drop_outline_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_outline_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_outline_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1046, RULE_drop_outline_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9769); - match(DROP); - setState(9770); - match(OUTLINE); - setState(9771); - relation_factor(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Explain_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Explain_or_descContext explain_or_desc() { - return getRuleContext(Explain_or_descContext.class,0); - } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Explainable_stmtContext explainable_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Explainable_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PRETTY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRETTY, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRETTY_COLOR() { return getToken(OBParser.PRETTY_COLOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode BASIC() { return getToken(OBParser.BASIC, 0); } - public TerminalNode OUTLINE() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTLINE, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXTENDED() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTENDED, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXTENDED_NOADDR() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTENDED_NOADDR, 0); } - public TerminalNode PLANREGRESS() { return getToken(OBParser.PLANREGRESS, 0); } - public TerminalNode PARTITIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITIONS, 0); } - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public TerminalNode STATEMENT_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.STATEMENT_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public LiteralContext literal() { - return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FORMAT, 0); } - public Format_nameContext format_name() { - return getRuleContext(Format_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Explain_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_explain_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExplain_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExplain_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Explain_stmtContext explain_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Explain_stmtContext _localctx = new Explain_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1048, RULE_explain_stmt); - try { - setState(9901); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1014,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9773); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9774); - relation_factor(); - setState(9777); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case STRING_VALUE: - { - setState(9775); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ROWID: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - { - setState(9776); - column_name(); - } - break; - case EOF: - case DELIMITER: - break; - default: - break; - } - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9779); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9780); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(9782); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9783); - match(PRETTY); - setState(9784); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(9786); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9787); - match(PRETTY_COLOR); - setState(9788); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(9790); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9791); - match(BASIC); - setState(9792); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(9794); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9795); - match(BASIC); - setState(9796); - match(PRETTY); - setState(9797); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(9799); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9800); - match(BASIC); - setState(9801); - match(PRETTY_COLOR); - setState(9802); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(9804); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9805); - match(OUTLINE); - setState(9806); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(9808); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9809); - match(OUTLINE); - setState(9810); - match(PRETTY); - setState(9811); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 10: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(9813); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9814); - match(OUTLINE); - setState(9815); - match(PRETTY_COLOR); - setState(9816); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 11: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); - { - setState(9818); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9819); - match(EXTENDED); - setState(9820); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 12: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); - { - setState(9822); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9823); - match(EXTENDED); - setState(9824); - match(PRETTY); - setState(9825); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 13: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); - { - setState(9827); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9828); - match(EXTENDED); - setState(9829); - match(PRETTY_COLOR); - setState(9830); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 14: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); - { - setState(9832); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9833); - match(EXTENDED_NOADDR); - setState(9834); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 15: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); - { - setState(9836); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9837); - match(EXTENDED_NOADDR); - setState(9838); - match(PRETTY); - setState(9839); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 16: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); - { - setState(9841); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9842); - match(EXTENDED_NOADDR); - setState(9843); - match(PRETTY_COLOR); - setState(9844); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 17: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); - { - setState(9846); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9847); - match(PLANREGRESS); - setState(9848); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 18: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); - { - setState(9850); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9851); - match(PLANREGRESS); - setState(9852); - match(PRETTY); - setState(9853); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 19: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); - { - setState(9855); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9856); - match(PLANREGRESS); - setState(9857); - match(PRETTY_COLOR); - setState(9858); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 20: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 20); - { - setState(9860); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9861); - match(PARTITIONS); - setState(9862); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 21: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 21); - { - setState(9864); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9865); - match(PARTITIONS); - setState(9866); - match(PRETTY); - setState(9867); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 22: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 22); - { - setState(9869); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9870); - match(PARTITIONS); - setState(9871); - match(PRETTY_COLOR); - setState(9872); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 23: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 23); - { - setState(9874); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9875); - match(SET); - setState(9876); - match(STATEMENT_ID); - setState(9877); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(9878); - literal(); - setState(9879); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 24: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 24); - { - setState(9881); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9882); - match(INTO); - setState(9883); - relation_name(); - setState(9884); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 25: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 25); - { - setState(9886); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9887); - match(INTO); - setState(9888); - relation_name(); - setState(9889); - match(SET); - setState(9890); - match(STATEMENT_ID); - setState(9891); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(9892); - literal(); - setState(9893); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - case 26: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 26); - { - setState(9895); - explain_or_desc(); - setState(9896); - match(FORMAT); - setState(9897); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(9898); - format_name(); - setState(9899); - explainable_stmt(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Explain_or_descContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode EXPLAIN() { return getToken(OBParser.EXPLAIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode DESCRIBE() { return getToken(OBParser.DESCRIBE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DESC() { return getToken(OBParser.DESC, 0); } - public Explain_or_descContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_explain_or_desc; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExplain_or_desc(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExplain_or_desc(this); - } - } - - public final Explain_or_descContext explain_or_desc() throws RecognitionException { - Explain_or_descContext _localctx = new Explain_or_descContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1050, RULE_explain_or_desc); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9903); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==DESC || _la==EXPLAIN || _la==DESCRIBE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Explainable_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Select_stmtContext select_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Select_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Delete_stmtContext delete_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Delete_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Insert_stmtContext insert_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Insert_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Merge_stmtContext merge_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Merge_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Update_stmtContext update_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Update_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Explainable_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_explainable_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExplainable_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExplainable_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Explainable_stmtContext explainable_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Explainable_stmtContext _localctx = new Explainable_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1052, RULE_explainable_stmt); - try { - setState(9910); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case SELECT: - case WITH: - case LeftParen: - case SELECT_HINT_BEGIN: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9905); - select_stmt(); - } - break; - case DELETE: - case DELETE_HINT_BEGIN: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9906); - delete_stmt(); - } - break; - case INSERT: - case INSERT_HINT_BEGIN: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(9907); - insert_stmt(); - } - break; - case MERGE: - case MERGE_HINT_BEGIN: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(9908); - merge_stmt(); - } - break; - case UPDATE: - case UPDATE_HINT_BEGIN: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(9909); - update_stmt(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Format_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode TRADITIONAL() { return getToken(OBParser.TRADITIONAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } - public Format_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_format_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFormat_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFormat_name(this); - } - } - - public final Format_nameContext format_name() throws RecognitionException { - Format_nameContext _localctx = new Format_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1054, RULE_format_name); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9912); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==TRADITIONAL || _la==JSON) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Show_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SHOW() { return getToken(OBParser.SHOW, 0); } - public Columns_or_fieldsContext columns_or_fields() { - return getRuleContext(Columns_or_fieldsContext.class,0); - } - public List from_or_in() { - return getRuleContexts(From_or_inContext.class); - } - public From_or_inContext from_or_in(int i) { - return getRuleContext(From_or_inContext.class,i); - } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FULL() { return getToken(OBParser.FULL, 0); } - public Database_factorContext database_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Database_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LIKE() { return getToken(OBParser.LIKE, 0); } - public List STRING_VALUE() { return getTokens(OBParser.STRING_VALUE); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, i); - } - public TerminalNode ESCAPE() { return getToken(OBParser.ESCAPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode WHERE() { return getToken(OBParser.WHERE, 0); } - public ExprContext expr() { - return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode STATUS() { return getToken(OBParser.STATUS, 0); } - public TerminalNode VARIABLES() { return getToken(OBParser.VARIABLES, 0); } - public TerminalNode GLOBAL() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode SESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOCAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode VIEW() { return getToken(OBParser.VIEW, 0); } - public TerminalNode PROCEDURE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROCEDURE, 0); } - public TerminalNode FUNCTION() { return getToken(OBParser.FUNCTION, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRIGGER() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIGGER, 0); } - public TerminalNode GRANTS() { return getToken(OBParser.GRANTS, 0); } - public Opt_for_grant_userContext opt_for_grant_user() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_for_grant_userContext.class,0); - } - public Charset_keyContext charset_key() { - return getRuleContext(Charset_keyContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TRACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRACE, 0); } - public TerminalNode FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FORMAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode COLLATION() { return getToken(OBParser.COLLATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode PARAMETERS() { return getToken(OBParser.PARAMETERS, 0); } - public Tenant_nameContext tenant_name() { - return getRuleContext(Tenant_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PROCESSLIST() { return getToken(OBParser.PROCESSLIST, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLEGROUPS() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUPS, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRIVILEGES() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIVILEGES, 0); } - public TerminalNode RECYCLEBIN() { return getToken(OBParser.RECYCLEBIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLEGROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUP, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Show_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_show_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterShow_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitShow_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Show_stmtContext show_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Show_stmtContext _localctx = new Show_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1056, RULE_show_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(10083); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1031,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(9914); - match(SHOW); - setState(9916); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FULL) { - { - setState(9915); - match(FULL); - } - } - - setState(9918); - columns_or_fields(); - setState(9919); - from_or_in(); - setState(9920); - relation_factor(); - setState(9924); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FROM || _la==IN) { - { - setState(9921); - from_or_in(); - setState(9922); - database_factor(); - } - } - - setState(9934); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1018,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(9926); - match(LIKE); - setState(9927); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(9928); - match(LIKE); - setState(9929); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(9930); - match(ESCAPE); - setState(9931); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - break; - case 3: - { - { - setState(9932); - match(WHERE); - setState(9933); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(9936); - match(SHOW); - setState(9937); - match(TABLE); - setState(9938); - match(STATUS); - setState(9942); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FROM || _la==IN) { - { - setState(9939); - from_or_in(); - setState(9940); - database_factor(); - } - } - - setState(9952); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1020,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(9944); - match(LIKE); - setState(9945); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(9946); - match(LIKE); - setState(9947); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(9948); - match(ESCAPE); - setState(9949); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - break; - case 3: - { - { - setState(9950); - match(WHERE); - setState(9951); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(9954); - match(SHOW); - setState(9956); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SESSION || _la==GLOBAL || _la==LOCAL) { - { - setState(9955); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==SESSION || _la==GLOBAL || _la==LOCAL) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - - setState(9958); - match(VARIABLES); - setState(9967); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1022,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(9959); - match(LIKE); - setState(9960); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(9961); - match(LIKE); - setState(9962); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(9963); - match(ESCAPE); - setState(9964); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - break; - case 3: - { - { - setState(9965); - match(WHERE); - setState(9966); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(9969); - match(SHOW); - setState(9970); - match(CREATE); - setState(9971); - match(TABLE); - setState(9972); - relation_factor(); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(9973); - match(SHOW); - setState(9974); - match(CREATE); - setState(9975); - match(VIEW); - setState(9976); - relation_factor(); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(9977); - match(SHOW); - setState(9978); - match(CREATE); - setState(9979); - match(PROCEDURE); - setState(9980); - relation_factor(); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(9981); - match(SHOW); - setState(9982); - match(CREATE); - setState(9983); - match(FUNCTION); - setState(9984); - relation_factor(); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(9985); - match(SHOW); - setState(9986); - match(CREATE); - setState(9987); - match(TRIGGER); - setState(9988); - relation_factor(); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(9989); - match(SHOW); - setState(9990); - match(GRANTS); - setState(9991); - opt_for_grant_user(); - } - break; - case 10: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(9992); - match(SHOW); - setState(9993); - charset_key(); - setState(10002); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1023,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(9994); - match(LIKE); - setState(9995); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(9996); - match(LIKE); - setState(9997); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(9998); - match(ESCAPE); - setState(9999); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - break; - case 3: - { - { - setState(10000); - match(WHERE); - setState(10001); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 11: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); - { - setState(10004); - match(SHOW); - setState(10005); - match(TRACE); - setState(10014); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1024,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(10006); - match(LIKE); - setState(10007); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(10008); - match(LIKE); - setState(10009); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(10010); - match(ESCAPE); - setState(10011); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - break; - case 3: - { - { - setState(10012); - match(WHERE); - setState(10013); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 12: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); - { - setState(10016); - match(SHOW); - setState(10017); - match(TRACE); - setState(10018); - match(FORMAT); - setState(10019); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(10020); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(10029); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1025,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(10021); - match(LIKE); - setState(10022); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(10023); - match(LIKE); - setState(10024); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(10025); - match(ESCAPE); - setState(10026); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - break; - case 3: - { - { - setState(10027); - match(WHERE); - setState(10028); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 13: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); - { - setState(10031); - match(SHOW); - setState(10032); - match(COLLATION); - setState(10041); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1026,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(10033); - match(LIKE); - setState(10034); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(10035); - match(LIKE); - setState(10036); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(10037); - match(ESCAPE); - setState(10038); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - break; - case 3: - { - { - setState(10039); - match(WHERE); - setState(10040); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 14: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); - { - setState(10043); - match(SHOW); - setState(10044); - match(PARAMETERS); - setState(10053); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1027,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(10045); - match(LIKE); - setState(10046); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(10047); - match(LIKE); - setState(10048); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(10049); - match(ESCAPE); - setState(10050); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - break; - case 3: - { - { - setState(10051); - match(WHERE); - setState(10052); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - } - setState(10056); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(10055); - tenant_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 15: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); - { - setState(10058); - match(SHOW); - setState(10060); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FULL) { - { - setState(10059); - match(FULL); - } - } - - setState(10062); - match(PROCESSLIST); - } - break; - case 16: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); - { - setState(10063); - match(SHOW); - setState(10064); - match(TABLEGROUPS); - setState(10073); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1030,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(10065); - match(LIKE); - setState(10066); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(10067); - match(LIKE); - setState(10068); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(10069); - match(ESCAPE); - setState(10070); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - break; - case 3: - { - { - setState(10071); - match(WHERE); - setState(10072); - expr(0); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 17: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); - { - setState(10075); - match(SHOW); - setState(10076); - match(PRIVILEGES); - } - break; - case 18: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); - { - setState(10077); - match(SHOW); - setState(10078); - match(RECYCLEBIN); - } - break; - case 19: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); - { - setState(10079); - match(SHOW); - setState(10080); - match(CREATE); - setState(10081); - match(TABLEGROUP); - setState(10082); - relation_name(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_for_grant_userContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Opt_for_userContext opt_for_user() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_for_userContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode CURRENT_USER() { return getToken(OBParser.CURRENT_USER, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Opt_for_grant_userContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_for_grant_user; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_for_grant_user(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_for_grant_user(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_for_grant_userContext opt_for_grant_user() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_for_grant_userContext _localctx = new Opt_for_grant_userContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1058, RULE_opt_for_grant_user); - try { - setState(10090); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1032,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10085); - opt_for_user(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10086); - match(FOR); - setState(10087); - match(CURRENT_USER); - setState(10088); - match(LeftParen); - setState(10089); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Columns_or_fieldsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } - public TerminalNode FIELDS() { return getToken(OBParser.FIELDS, 0); } - public Columns_or_fieldsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_columns_or_fields; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumns_or_fields(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumns_or_fields(this); - } - } - - public final Columns_or_fieldsContext columns_or_fields() throws RecognitionException { - Columns_or_fieldsContext _localctx = new Columns_or_fieldsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1060, RULE_columns_or_fields); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10092); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==COLUMNS || _la==FIELDS) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class From_or_inContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode FROM() { return getToken(OBParser.FROM, 0); } - public TerminalNode IN() { return getToken(OBParser.IN, 0); } - public From_or_inContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_from_or_in; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFrom_or_in(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFrom_or_in(this); - } - } - - public final From_or_inContext from_or_in() throws RecognitionException { - From_or_inContext _localctx = new From_or_inContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1062, RULE_from_or_in); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10094); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==FROM || _la==IN) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Help_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode HELP() { return getToken(OBParser.HELP, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public Help_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_help_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterHelp_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitHelp_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Help_stmtContext help_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Help_stmtContext _localctx = new Help_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1064, RULE_help_stmt); - try { - setState(10100); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1033,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10096); - match(HELP); - setState(10097); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10098); - match(HELP); - setState(10099); - match(NAME_OB); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_user_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode USER() { return getToken(OBParser.USER, 0); } - public User_specificationContext user_specification() { - return getRuleContext(User_specificationContext.class,0); - } - public User_profileContext user_profile() { - return getRuleContext(User_profileContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLESPACE, 0); } - public TablespaceContext tablespace() { - return getRuleContext(TablespaceContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PRIMARY_ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY_ZONE, 0); } - public Opt_equal_markContext opt_equal_mark() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_equal_markContext.class,0); - } - public Primary_zone_nameContext primary_zone_name() { - return getRuleContext(Primary_zone_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Require_specificationContext require_specification() { - return getRuleContext(Require_specificationContext.class,0); - } - public Create_user_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_user_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_user_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_user_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Create_user_stmtContext create_user_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Create_user_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_user_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1066, RULE_create_user_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(10137); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1040,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10102); - match(CREATE); - setState(10103); - match(USER); - setState(10104); - user_specification(); - setState(10106); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PROFILE) { - { - setState(10105); - user_profile(); - } - } - - setState(10111); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DEFAULT) { - { - setState(10108); - match(DEFAULT); - setState(10109); - match(TABLESPACE); - setState(10110); - tablespace(); - } - } - - setState(10117); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PRIMARY_ZONE) { - { - setState(10113); - match(PRIMARY_ZONE); - setState(10114); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(10115); - primary_zone_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10119); - match(CREATE); - setState(10120); - match(USER); - setState(10121); - user_specification(); - setState(10122); - require_specification(); - setState(10124); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PROFILE) { - { - setState(10123); - user_profile(); - } - } - - setState(10129); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DEFAULT) { - { - setState(10126); - match(DEFAULT); - setState(10127); - match(TABLESPACE); - setState(10128); - tablespace(); - } - } - - setState(10135); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PRIMARY_ZONE) { - { - setState(10131); - match(PRIMARY_ZONE); - setState(10132); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(10133); - primary_zone_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Default_role_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Role_opt_identified_by_listContext role_opt_identified_by_list() { - return getRuleContext(Role_opt_identified_by_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXCEPT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCEPT, 0); } - public Role_listContext role_list() { - return getRuleContext(Role_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NONE() { return getToken(OBParser.NONE, 0); } - public Default_role_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_default_role_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDefault_role_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDefault_role_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Default_role_clauseContext default_role_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Default_role_clauseContext _localctx = new Default_role_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1068, RULE_default_role_clause); - int _la; - try { - setState(10146); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case CONNECT: - case PUBLIC: - case RESOURCE: - case DBA: - case NAME_OB: - case STRING_VALUE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10139); - role_opt_identified_by_list(); - } - break; - case ALL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10140); - match(ALL); - setState(10143); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==EXCEPT) { - { - setState(10141); - match(EXCEPT); - setState(10142); - role_list(); - } - } - - } - break; - case NONE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(10145); - match(NONE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_user_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode USER() { return getToken(OBParser.USER, 0); } - public User_with_host_nameContext user_with_host_name() { - return getRuleContext(User_with_host_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLE, 0); } - public Default_role_clauseContext default_role_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Default_role_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PRIMARY_ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY_ZONE, 0); } - public Primary_zone_nameContext primary_zone_name() { - return getRuleContext(Primary_zone_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public List user_list() { - return getRuleContexts(User_listContext.class); - } - public User_listContext user_list(int i) { - return getRuleContext(User_listContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode GRANT() { return getToken(OBParser.GRANT, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONNECT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode THROUGH() { return getToken(OBParser.THROUGH, 0); } - public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } - public Role_listContext role_list() { - return getRuleContext(Role_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXCEPT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCEPT, 0); } - public TerminalNode NO() { return getToken(OBParser.NO, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROLES() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLES, 0); } - public TerminalNode REVOKE() { return getToken(OBParser.REVOKE, 0); } - public Alter_user_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_user_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_user_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_user_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_user_stmtContext alter_user_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_user_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_user_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1070, RULE_alter_user_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(10195); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1045,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10148); - match(ALTER); - setState(10149); - match(USER); - setState(10150); - user_with_host_name(); - setState(10151); - match(DEFAULT); - setState(10152); - match(ROLE); - setState(10153); - default_role_clause(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10155); - match(ALTER); - setState(10156); - match(USER); - setState(10157); - user_with_host_name(); - setState(10158); - match(PRIMARY_ZONE); - setState(10160); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(10159); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(10162); - primary_zone_name(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(10164); - match(ALTER); - setState(10165); - match(USER); - setState(10166); - user_list(); - setState(10167); - match(GRANT); - setState(10168); - match(CONNECT); - setState(10169); - match(THROUGH); - setState(10170); - user_list(); - setState(10185); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1044,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(10171); - match(WITH); - setState(10172); - match(ROLE); - setState(10173); - role_list(); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(10174); - match(WITH); - setState(10175); - match(ROLE); - setState(10176); - match(ALL); - setState(10177); - match(EXCEPT); - setState(10178); - role_list(); - } - } - break; - case 3: - { - { - setState(10179); - match(WITH); - setState(10180); - match(NO); - setState(10181); - match(ROLE); - } - } - break; - case 4: - { - { - setState(10182); - match(WITH); - setState(10183); - match(NO); - setState(10184); - match(ROLES); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(10187); - match(ALTER); - setState(10188); - match(USER); - setState(10189); - user_list(); - setState(10190); - match(REVOKE); - setState(10191); - match(CONNECT); - setState(10192); - match(THROUGH); - setState(10193); - user_list(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_user_profile_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode USER() { return getToken(OBParser.USER, 0); } - public User_with_host_nameContext user_with_host_name() { - return getRuleContext(User_with_host_nameContext.class,0); - } - public User_profileContext user_profile() { - return getRuleContext(User_profileContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_user_profile_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_user_profile_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_user_profile_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_user_profile_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_user_profile_stmtContext alter_user_profile_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_user_profile_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_user_profile_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1072, RULE_alter_user_profile_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10197); - match(ALTER); - setState(10198); - match(USER); - setState(10199); - user_with_host_name(); - setState(10200); - user_profile(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_role_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLE, 0); } - public RoleContext role() { - return getRuleContext(RoleContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } - public TerminalNode IDENTIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTIFIED, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public PasswordContext password() { - return getRuleContext(PasswordContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } - public Alter_role_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_role_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_role_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_role_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_role_stmtContext alter_role_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_role_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_role_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1074, RULE_alter_role_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(10224); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1047,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10202); - match(ALTER); - setState(10203); - match(ROLE); - setState(10204); - role(); - setState(10207); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==NOT) { - { - setState(10205); - match(NOT); - setState(10206); - match(IDENTIFIED); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10209); - match(ALTER); - setState(10210); - match(ROLE); - setState(10211); - role(); - setState(10212); - match(IDENTIFIED); - setState(10213); - match(BY); - setState(10214); - password(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(10216); - match(ALTER); - setState(10217); - match(ROLE); - setState(10218); - role(); - setState(10219); - match(IDENTIFIED); - setState(10220); - match(BY); - setState(10221); - match(VALUES); - setState(10222); - password(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class User_specificationContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public UserContext user() { - return getRuleContext(UserContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode IDENTIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTIFIED, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public PasswordContext password() { - return getRuleContext(PasswordContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } - public User_specificationContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_user_specification; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUser_specification(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUser_specification(this); - } - } - - public final User_specificationContext user_specification() throws RecognitionException { - User_specificationContext _localctx = new User_specificationContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1076, RULE_user_specification); - int _la; - try { - setState(10243); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1050,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10226); - user(); - setState(10228); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { - { - setState(10227); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - } - } - - setState(10230); - match(IDENTIFIED); - setState(10231); - match(BY); - setState(10232); - password(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10234); - user(); - setState(10236); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { - { - setState(10235); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - } - } - - setState(10238); - match(IDENTIFIED); - setState(10239); - match(BY); - setState(10240); - match(VALUES); - setState(10241); - password(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Require_specificationContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode REQUIRE() { return getToken(OBParser.REQUIRE, 0); } - public TerminalNode NONE() { return getToken(OBParser.NONE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SSL() { return getToken(OBParser.SSL, 0); } - public TerminalNode X509() { return getToken(OBParser.X509, 0); } - public Tls_option_listContext tls_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Tls_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public Require_specificationContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_require_specification; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRequire_specification(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRequire_specification(this); - } - } - - public final Require_specificationContext require_specification() throws RecognitionException { - Require_specificationContext _localctx = new Require_specificationContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1078, RULE_require_specification); - try { - setState(10253); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1051,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10245); - match(REQUIRE); - setState(10246); - match(NONE); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10247); - match(REQUIRE); - setState(10248); - match(SSL); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(10249); - match(REQUIRE); - setState(10250); - match(X509); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(10251); - match(REQUIRE); - setState(10252); - tls_option_list(0); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Tls_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Tls_optionContext tls_option() { - return getRuleContext(Tls_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Tls_option_listContext tls_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Tls_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode AND() { return getToken(OBParser.AND, 0); } - public Tls_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tls_option_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTls_option_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTls_option_list(this); - } - } - - public final Tls_option_listContext tls_option_list() throws RecognitionException { - return tls_option_list(0); - } - - private Tls_option_listContext tls_option_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Tls_option_listContext _localctx = new Tls_option_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Tls_option_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 1080; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 1080, RULE_tls_option_list, _p); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - { - setState(10256); - tls_option(); - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(10265); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1053,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - setState(10263); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1052,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - _localctx = new Tls_option_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_tls_option_list); - setState(10258); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 2))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 2)"); - setState(10259); - tls_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - _localctx = new Tls_option_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_tls_option_list); - setState(10260); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); - setState(10261); - match(AND); - setState(10262); - tls_option(); - } - break; - } - } - } - setState(10267); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1053,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Tls_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CIPHER() { return getToken(OBParser.CIPHER, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ISSUER() { return getToken(OBParser.ISSUER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUBJECT() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBJECT, 0); } - public Tls_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tls_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTls_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTls_option(this); - } - } - - public final Tls_optionContext tls_option() throws RecognitionException { - Tls_optionContext _localctx = new Tls_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1082, RULE_tls_option); - try { - setState(10274); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case CIPHER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10268); - match(CIPHER); - setState(10269); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case ISSUER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10270); - match(ISSUER); - setState(10271); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case SUBJECT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(10272); - match(SUBJECT); - setState(10273); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Grant_userContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public UserContext user() { - return getRuleContext(UserContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONNECT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESOURCE() { return getToken(OBParser.RESOURCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PUBLIC() { return getToken(OBParser.PUBLIC, 0); } - public Grant_userContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_grant_user; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGrant_user(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGrant_user(this); - } - } - - public final Grant_userContext grant_user() throws RecognitionException { - Grant_userContext _localctx = new Grant_userContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1084, RULE_grant_user); - int _la; - try { - setState(10283); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case STRING_VALUE: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10276); - user(); - setState(10278); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { - { - setState(10277); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - } - } - - } - break; - case CONNECT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10280); - match(CONNECT); - } - break; - case RESOURCE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(10281); - match(RESOURCE); - } - break; - case PUBLIC: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(10282); - match(PUBLIC); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Grant_user_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List grant_user() { - return getRuleContexts(Grant_userContext.class); - } - public Grant_userContext grant_user(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Grant_userContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Grant_user_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_grant_user_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGrant_user_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGrant_user_list(this); - } - } - - public final Grant_user_listContext grant_user_list() throws RecognitionException { - Grant_user_listContext _localctx = new Grant_user_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1086, RULE_grant_user_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10285); - grant_user(); - setState(10290); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(10286); - match(Comma); - setState(10287); - grant_user(); - } - } - setState(10292); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class UserContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { - return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); - } - public UserContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_user; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUser(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUser(this); - } - } - - public final UserContext user() throws RecognitionException { - UserContext _localctx = new UserContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1088, RULE_user); - try { - setState(10296); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case STRING_VALUE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10293); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case NAME_OB: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10294); - match(NAME_OB); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(10295); - unreserved_keyword(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_host_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } - public Opt_host_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_host_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_host_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_host_name(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_host_nameContext opt_host_name() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_host_nameContext _localctx = new Opt_host_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1090, RULE_opt_host_name); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10299); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { - { - setState(10298); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class User_with_host_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public UserContext user() { - return getRuleContext(UserContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONNECT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESOURCE() { return getToken(OBParser.RESOURCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PUBLIC() { return getToken(OBParser.PUBLIC, 0); } - public User_with_host_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_user_with_host_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUser_with_host_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUser_with_host_name(this); - } - } - - public final User_with_host_nameContext user_with_host_name() throws RecognitionException { - User_with_host_nameContext _localctx = new User_with_host_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1092, RULE_user_with_host_name); - int _la; - try { - setState(10308); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case STRING_VALUE: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10301); - user(); - setState(10303); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { - { - setState(10302); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - } - } - - } - break; - case CONNECT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10305); - match(CONNECT); - } - break; - case RESOURCE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(10306); - match(RESOURCE); - } - break; - case PUBLIC: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(10307); - match(PUBLIC); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class PasswordContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { - return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); - } - public PasswordContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_password; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPassword(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPassword(this); - } - } - - public final PasswordContext password() throws RecognitionException { - PasswordContext _localctx = new PasswordContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1094, RULE_password); - try { - setState(10313); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case INTNUM: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10310); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case NAME_OB: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10311); - match(NAME_OB); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(10312); - unreserved_keyword(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Password_strContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public Password_strContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_password_str; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPassword_str(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPassword_str(this); - } - } - - public final Password_strContext password_str() throws RecognitionException { - Password_strContext _localctx = new Password_strContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1096, RULE_password_str); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10315); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_user_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode USER() { return getToken(OBParser.USER, 0); } - public User_listContext user_list() { - return getRuleContext(User_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode CASCADE() { return getToken(OBParser.CASCADE, 0); } - public Drop_user_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_user_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_user_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_user_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_user_stmtContext drop_user_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_user_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_user_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1098, RULE_drop_user_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10317); - match(DROP); - setState(10318); - match(USER); - setState(10319); - user_list(); - setState(10321); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CASCADE) { - { - setState(10320); - match(CASCADE); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class User_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List user_with_host_name() { - return getRuleContexts(User_with_host_nameContext.class); - } - public User_with_host_nameContext user_with_host_name(int i) { - return getRuleContext(User_with_host_nameContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public User_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_user_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUser_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUser_list(this); - } - } - - public final User_listContext user_list() throws RecognitionException { - User_listContext _localctx = new User_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1100, RULE_user_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10323); - user_with_host_name(); - setState(10328); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(10324); - match(Comma); - setState(10325); - user_with_host_name(); - } - } - setState(10330); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Set_password_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public List PASSWORD() { return getTokens(OBParser.PASSWORD); } - public TerminalNode PASSWORD(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD, i); - } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Password_strContext password_str() { - return getRuleContext(Password_strContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } - public UserContext user() { - return getRuleContext(UserContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public PasswordContext password() { - return getRuleContext(PasswordContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode USER() { return getToken(OBParser.USER, 0); } - public User_with_host_nameContext user_with_host_name() { - return getRuleContext(User_with_host_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode IDENTIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTIFIED, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } - public Require_specificationContext require_specification() { - return getRuleContext(Require_specificationContext.class,0); - } - public Set_password_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_password_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_password_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_password_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Set_password_stmtContext set_password_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Set_password_stmtContext _localctx = new Set_password_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1102, RULE_set_password_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(10386); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1067,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10331); - match(SET); - setState(10332); - match(PASSWORD); - setState(10333); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(10334); - password_str(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10335); - match(SET); - setState(10336); - match(PASSWORD); - setState(10337); - match(FOR); - setState(10338); - user(); - setState(10340); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { - { - setState(10339); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - } - } - - setState(10342); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(10343); - password_str(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(10345); - match(SET); - setState(10346); - match(PASSWORD); - setState(10347); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(10348); - match(PASSWORD); - setState(10349); - match(LeftParen); - setState(10350); - password(); - setState(10351); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(10353); - match(SET); - setState(10354); - match(PASSWORD); - setState(10355); - match(FOR); - setState(10356); - user(); - setState(10358); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==USER_VARIABLE) { - { - setState(10357); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - } - } - - setState(10360); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(10361); - match(PASSWORD); - setState(10362); - match(LeftParen); - setState(10363); - password(); - setState(10364); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(10366); - match(ALTER); - setState(10367); - match(USER); - setState(10368); - user_with_host_name(); - setState(10369); - match(IDENTIFIED); - setState(10370); - match(BY); - setState(10371); - password(); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(10373); - match(ALTER); - setState(10374); - match(USER); - setState(10375); - user_with_host_name(); - setState(10376); - match(IDENTIFIED); - setState(10377); - match(BY); - setState(10378); - match(VALUES); - setState(10379); - password_str(); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(10381); - match(ALTER); - setState(10382); - match(USER); - setState(10383); - user_with_host_name(); - setState(10384); - require_specification(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_for_userContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } - public UserContext user() { - return getRuleContext(UserContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_host_nameContext opt_host_name() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_host_nameContext.class,0); - } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_for_userContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_for_user; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_for_user(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_for_user(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_for_userContext opt_for_user() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_for_userContext _localctx = new Opt_for_userContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1104, RULE_opt_for_user); - try { - setState(10393); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case FOR: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10388); - match(FOR); - setState(10389); - user(); - setState(10390); - opt_host_name(); - } - break; - case EOF: - case DELIMITER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10392); - empty(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Lock_user_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode USER() { return getToken(OBParser.USER, 0); } - public User_listContext user_list() { - return getRuleContext(User_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ACCOUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCOUNT, 0); } - public Lock_spec_mysql57Context lock_spec_mysql57() { - return getRuleContext(Lock_spec_mysql57Context.class,0); - } - public Lock_user_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lock_user_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLock_user_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLock_user_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Lock_user_stmtContext lock_user_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Lock_user_stmtContext _localctx = new Lock_user_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1106, RULE_lock_user_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10395); - match(ALTER); - setState(10396); - match(USER); - setState(10397); - user_list(); - setState(10398); - match(ACCOUNT); - setState(10399); - lock_spec_mysql57(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Lock_spec_mysql57Context extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LOCK() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCK, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNLOCK() { return getToken(OBParser.UNLOCK, 0); } - public Lock_spec_mysql57Context(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lock_spec_mysql57; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLock_spec_mysql57(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLock_spec_mysql57(this); - } - } - - public final Lock_spec_mysql57Context lock_spec_mysql57() throws RecognitionException { - Lock_spec_mysql57Context _localctx = new Lock_spec_mysql57Context(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1108, RULE_lock_spec_mysql57); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10401); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==LOCK || _la==UNLOCK) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Lock_tables_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LOCK_() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCK_, 0); } - public Table_or_tablesContext table_or_tables() { - return getRuleContext(Table_or_tablesContext.class,0); - } - public Lock_table_listContext lock_table_list() { - return getRuleContext(Lock_table_listContext.class,0); - } - public Lock_tables_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lock_tables_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLock_tables_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLock_tables_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Lock_tables_stmtContext lock_tables_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Lock_tables_stmtContext _localctx = new Lock_tables_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1110, RULE_lock_tables_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10403); - match(LOCK_); - setState(10404); - table_or_tables(); - setState(10405); - lock_table_list(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Lock_table_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LOCK() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCK, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } - public Lock_table_factorsContext lock_table_factors() { - return getRuleContext(Lock_table_factorsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode IN() { return getToken(OBParser.IN, 0); } - public Lock_modeContext lock_mode() { - return getRuleContext(Lock_modeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode MODE() { return getToken(OBParser.MODE, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOWAIT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOWAIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode WAIT() { return getToken(OBParser.WAIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public Lock_table_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lock_table_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLock_table_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLock_table_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Lock_table_stmtContext lock_table_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Lock_table_stmtContext _localctx = new Lock_table_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1112, RULE_lock_table_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10407); - match(LOCK); - setState(10408); - match(TABLE); - setState(10409); - lock_table_factors(); - setState(10410); - match(IN); - setState(10411); - lock_mode(); - setState(10412); - match(MODE); - setState(10416); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case WAIT: - { - { - setState(10413); - match(WAIT); - setState(10414); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - break; - case NOWAIT: - { - setState(10415); - match(NOWAIT); - } - break; - case EOF: - case DELIMITER: - break; - default: - break; - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Lock_table_factorsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List lock_table_factor() { - return getRuleContexts(Lock_table_factorContext.class); - } - public Lock_table_factorContext lock_table_factor(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Lock_table_factorContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Lock_table_factorsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lock_table_factors; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLock_table_factors(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLock_table_factors(this); - } - } - - public final Lock_table_factorsContext lock_table_factors() throws RecognitionException { - Lock_table_factorsContext _localctx = new Lock_table_factorsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1114, RULE_lock_table_factors); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10418); - lock_table_factor(); - setState(10423); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(10419); - match(Comma); - setState(10420); - lock_table_factor(); - } - } - setState(10425); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Lock_table_factorContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Use_partitionContext use_partition() { - return getRuleContext(Use_partitionContext.class,0); - } - public Lock_table_factorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lock_table_factor; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLock_table_factor(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLock_table_factor(this); - } - } - - public final Lock_table_factorContext lock_table_factor() throws RecognitionException { - Lock_table_factorContext _localctx = new Lock_table_factorContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1116, RULE_lock_table_factor); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10426); - relation_factor(); - setState(10428); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PARTITION || _la==SUBPARTITION) { - { - setState(10427); - use_partition(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Lock_modeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode EXCLUSIVE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCLUSIVE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROW() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW, 0); } - public TerminalNode SHARE() { return getToken(OBParser.SHARE, 0); } - public TerminalNode UPDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATE, 0); } - public Lock_modeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lock_mode; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLock_mode(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLock_mode(this); - } - } - - public final Lock_modeContext lock_mode() throws RecognitionException { - Lock_modeContext _localctx = new Lock_modeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1118, RULE_lock_mode); - int _la; - try { - setState(10442); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1074,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10433); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ROW: - { - setState(10430); - match(ROW); - } - break; - case SHARE: - { - setState(10431); - match(SHARE); - setState(10432); - match(ROW); - } - break; - case EXCLUSIVE: - break; - default: - break; - } - setState(10435); - match(EXCLUSIVE); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10437); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ROW) { - { - setState(10436); - match(ROW); - } - } - - setState(10439); - match(SHARE); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(10440); - match(SHARE); - setState(10441); - match(UPDATE); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Unlock_tables_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode UNLOCK() { return getToken(OBParser.UNLOCK, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLES() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLES, 0); } - public Unlock_tables_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unlock_tables_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUnlock_tables_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUnlock_tables_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Unlock_tables_stmtContext unlock_tables_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Unlock_tables_stmtContext _localctx = new Unlock_tables_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1120, RULE_unlock_tables_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10444); - match(UNLOCK); - setState(10445); - match(TABLES); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Lock_table_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List lock_table() { - return getRuleContexts(Lock_tableContext.class); - } - public Lock_tableContext lock_table(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Lock_tableContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Lock_table_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lock_table_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLock_table_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLock_table_list(this); - } - } - - public final Lock_table_listContext lock_table_list() throws RecognitionException { - Lock_table_listContext _localctx = new Lock_table_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1122, RULE_lock_table_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10447); - lock_table(); - setState(10452); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(10448); - match(Comma); - setState(10449); - lock_table(); - } - } - setState(10454); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_context_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONTEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTEXT, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } - public Context_package_nameContext context_package_name() { - return getRuleContext(Context_package_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Context_optionContext context_option() { - return getRuleContext(Context_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode OR() { return getToken(OBParser.OR, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPLACE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLACE, 0); } - public Create_context_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_context_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_context_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_context_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Create_context_stmtContext create_context_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Create_context_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_context_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1124, RULE_create_context_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10455); - match(CREATE); - setState(10458); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==OR) { - { - setState(10456); - match(OR); - setState(10457); - match(REPLACE); - } - } - - setState(10460); - match(CONTEXT); - setState(10461); - relation_name(); - setState(10462); - match(USING); - setState(10463); - context_package_name(); - setState(10464); - context_option(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Context_package_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List relation_name() { - return getRuleContexts(Relation_nameContext.class); - } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public Context_package_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_context_package_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterContext_package_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitContext_package_name(this); - } - } - - public final Context_package_nameContext context_package_name() throws RecognitionException { - Context_package_nameContext _localctx = new Context_package_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1126, RULE_context_package_name); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10466); - relation_name(); - setState(10469); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Dot) { - { - setState(10467); - match(Dot); - setState(10468); - relation_name(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Lock_tableContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Lock_typeContext lock_type() { - return getRuleContext(Lock_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Lock_tableContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lock_table; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLock_table(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLock_table(this); - } - } - - public final Lock_tableContext lock_table() throws RecognitionException { - Lock_tableContext _localctx = new Lock_tableContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1128, RULE_lock_table); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10471); - relation_factor(); - setState(10477); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case AS: - { - setState(10472); - match(AS); - setState(10473); - relation_name(); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - { - setState(10475); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1078,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(10474); - relation_name(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(10479); - lock_type(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Context_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ACCESSED() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESSED, 0); } - public TerminalNode GLOBALLY() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBALLY, 0); } - public TerminalNode INITIALIZED() { return getToken(OBParser.INITIALIZED, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXTERNALLY() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTERNALLY, 0); } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Context_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_context_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterContext_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitContext_option(this); - } - } - - public final Context_optionContext context_option() throws RecognitionException { - Context_optionContext _localctx = new Context_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1130, RULE_context_option); - try { - setState(10488); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1080,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10481); - match(ACCESSED); - setState(10482); - match(GLOBALLY); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10483); - match(INITIALIZED); - setState(10484); - match(GLOBALLY); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(10485); - match(INITIALIZED); - setState(10486); - match(EXTERNALLY); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(10487); - empty(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Lock_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode READ() { return getToken(OBParser.READ, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOCAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode WRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.WRITE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOW_PRIORITY() { return getToken(OBParser.LOW_PRIORITY, 0); } - public Lock_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_lock_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLock_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLock_type(this); - } - } - - public final Lock_typeContext lock_type() throws RecognitionException { - Lock_typeContext _localctx = new Lock_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1132, RULE_lock_type); - int _la; - try { - setState(10497); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case READ: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10490); - match(READ); - setState(10492); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LOCAL) { - { - setState(10491); - match(LOCAL); - } - } - - } - break; - case WRITE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10494); - match(WRITE); - } - break; - case LOW_PRIORITY: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(10495); - match(LOW_PRIORITY); - setState(10496); - match(WRITE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_context_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONTEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTEXT, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_context_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_context_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_context_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_context_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_context_stmtContext drop_context_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_context_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_context_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1134, RULE_drop_context_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10499); - match(DROP); - setState(10500); - match(CONTEXT); - setState(10501); - relation_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_sequence_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SEQUENCE, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Sequence_option_listContext sequence_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Sequence_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public Create_sequence_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_sequence_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_sequence_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_sequence_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Create_sequence_stmtContext create_sequence_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Create_sequence_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_sequence_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1136, RULE_create_sequence_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10503); - match(CREATE); - setState(10504); - match(SEQUENCE); - setState(10505); - relation_factor(); - setState(10507); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (((((_la - 122)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 122)) & ((1L << (INCREMENT - 122)) | (1L << (ORDER - 122)) | (1L << (START - 122)))) != 0) || _la==CYCLE || _la==MAXVALUE || _la==NOCYCLE || _la==MINVALUE || _la==NOMINVALUE || _la==CACHE || _la==NOMAXVALUE || _la==RESTART || _la==NOCACHE || _la==NOORDER) { - { - setState(10506); - sequence_option_list(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Sequence_option_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List sequence_option() { - return getRuleContexts(Sequence_optionContext.class); - } - public Sequence_optionContext sequence_option(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Sequence_optionContext.class,i); - } - public Sequence_option_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sequence_option_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSequence_option_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSequence_option_list(this); - } - } - - public final Sequence_option_listContext sequence_option_list() throws RecognitionException { - Sequence_option_listContext _localctx = new Sequence_option_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1138, RULE_sequence_option_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10510); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - do { - { - { - setState(10509); - sequence_option(); - } - } - setState(10512); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } while ( ((((_la - 122)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 122)) & ((1L << (INCREMENT - 122)) | (1L << (ORDER - 122)) | (1L << (START - 122)))) != 0) || _la==CYCLE || _la==MAXVALUE || _la==NOCYCLE || _la==MINVALUE || _la==NOMINVALUE || _la==CACHE || _la==NOMAXVALUE || _la==RESTART || _la==NOCACHE || _la==NOORDER ); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Sequence_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Simple_numContext simple_num() { - return getRuleContext(Simple_numContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode INCREMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.INCREMENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAXVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXVALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MINVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.MINVALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode START() { return getToken(OBParser.START, 0); } - public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOMAXVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOMAXVALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOMINVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOMINVALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CYCLE() { return getToken(OBParser.CYCLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOCYCLE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOCYCLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.CACHE, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOCACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOCACHE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ORDER() { return getToken(OBParser.ORDER, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOORDER() { return getToken(OBParser.NOORDER, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESTART() { return getToken(OBParser.RESTART, 0); } - public Sequence_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sequence_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSequence_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSequence_option(this); - } - } - - public final Sequence_optionContext sequence_option() throws RecognitionException { - Sequence_optionContext _localctx = new Sequence_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1140, RULE_sequence_option); - try { - setState(10536); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case INCREMENT: - case MAXVALUE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10517); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case INCREMENT: - { - setState(10514); - match(INCREMENT); - setState(10515); - match(BY); - } - break; - case MAXVALUE: - { - setState(10516); - match(MAXVALUE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(10519); - simple_num(); - } - break; - case START: - case MINVALUE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10523); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case MINVALUE: - { - setState(10520); - match(MINVALUE); - } - break; - case START: - { - setState(10521); - match(START); - setState(10522); - match(WITH); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(10525); - simple_num(); - } - break; - case NOMAXVALUE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(10526); - match(NOMAXVALUE); - } - break; - case NOMINVALUE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(10527); - match(NOMINVALUE); - } - break; - case CYCLE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(10528); - match(CYCLE); - } - break; - case NOCYCLE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(10529); - match(NOCYCLE); - } - break; - case CACHE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(10530); - match(CACHE); - setState(10531); - simple_num(); - } - break; - case NOCACHE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(10532); - match(NOCACHE); - } - break; - case ORDER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(10533); - match(ORDER); - } - break; - case NOORDER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(10534); - match(NOORDER); - } - break; - case RESTART: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); - { - setState(10535); - match(RESTART); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Simple_numContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode Plus() { return getToken(OBParser.Plus, 0); } - public TerminalNode Minus() { return getToken(OBParser.Minus, 0); } - public TerminalNode DECIMAL_VAL() { return getToken(OBParser.DECIMAL_VAL, 0); } - public Simple_numContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_simple_num; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSimple_num(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSimple_num(this); - } - } - - public final Simple_numContext simple_num() throws RecognitionException { - Simple_numContext _localctx = new Simple_numContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1142, RULE_simple_num); - int _la; - try { - setState(10550); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1090,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10539); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Plus) { - { - setState(10538); - match(Plus); - } - } - - setState(10541); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10542); - match(Minus); - setState(10543); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(10545); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Plus) { - { - setState(10544); - match(Plus); - } - } - - setState(10547); - match(DECIMAL_VAL); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(10548); - match(Minus); - setState(10549); - match(DECIMAL_VAL); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_sequence_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode SEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SEQUENCE, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_sequence_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_sequence_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_sequence_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_sequence_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_sequence_stmtContext drop_sequence_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_sequence_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_sequence_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1144, RULE_drop_sequence_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10552); - match(DROP); - setState(10553); - match(SEQUENCE); - setState(10554); - relation_factor(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_sequence_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SEQUENCE, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Sequence_option_listContext sequence_option_list() { - return getRuleContext(Sequence_option_listContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_sequence_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_sequence_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_sequence_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_sequence_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_sequence_stmtContext alter_sequence_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_sequence_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_sequence_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1146, RULE_alter_sequence_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10556); - match(ALTER); - setState(10557); - match(SEQUENCE); - setState(10558); - relation_factor(); - setState(10560); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (((((_la - 122)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 122)) & ((1L << (INCREMENT - 122)) | (1L << (ORDER - 122)) | (1L << (START - 122)))) != 0) || _la==CYCLE || _la==MAXVALUE || _la==NOCYCLE || _la==MINVALUE || _la==NOMINVALUE || _la==CACHE || _la==NOMAXVALUE || _la==RESTART || _la==NOCACHE || _la==NOORDER) { - { - setState(10559); - sequence_option_list(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_dblink_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATABASE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LINK() { return getToken(OBParser.LINK, 0); } - public DblinkContext dblink() { - return getRuleContext(DblinkContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode CONNECT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } - public List user() { - return getRuleContexts(UserContext.class); - } - public UserContext user(int i) { - return getRuleContext(UserContext.class,i); - } - public List tenant() { - return getRuleContexts(TenantContext.class); - } - public TenantContext tenant(int i) { - return getRuleContext(TenantContext.class,i); - } - public List IDENTIFIED() { return getTokens(OBParser.IDENTIFIED); } - public TerminalNode IDENTIFIED(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.IDENTIFIED, i); - } - public List BY() { return getTokens(OBParser.BY); } - public TerminalNode BY(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.BY, i); - } - public List password() { - return getRuleContexts(PasswordContext.class); - } - public PasswordContext password(int i) { - return getRuleContext(PasswordContext.class,i); - } - public List ip_port() { - return getRuleContexts(Ip_portContext.class); - } - public Ip_portContext ip_port(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Ip_portContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public TerminalNode CLUSTER() { return getToken(OBParser.CLUSTER, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode MY_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.MY_NAME, 0); } - public Opt_clusterContext opt_cluster() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_clusterContext.class,0); - } - public Create_dblink_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_dblink_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_dblink_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_dblink_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Create_dblink_stmtContext create_dblink_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Create_dblink_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_dblink_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1148, RULE_create_dblink_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10562); - match(CREATE); - setState(10563); - match(DATABASE); - setState(10564); - match(LINK); - setState(10565); - dblink(); - setState(10566); - match(CONNECT); - setState(10567); - match(TO); - setState(10568); - user(); - setState(10569); - tenant(); - setState(10570); - match(IDENTIFIED); - setState(10571); - match(BY); - setState(10572); - password(); - setState(10574); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==NAME_OB) { - { - setState(10573); - match(NAME_OB); - } - } - - setState(10576); - ip_port(); - setState(10579); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CLUSTER) { - { - setState(10577); - match(CLUSTER); - setState(10578); - relation_name(); - } - } - - setState(10590); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==MY_NAME) { - { - setState(10581); - match(MY_NAME); - setState(10582); - user(); - setState(10583); - tenant(); - setState(10584); - match(IDENTIFIED); - setState(10585); - match(BY); - setState(10586); - password(); - setState(10587); - ip_port(); - setState(10588); - opt_cluster(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_dblink_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATABASE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LINK() { return getToken(OBParser.LINK, 0); } - public DblinkContext dblink() { - return getRuleContext(DblinkContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_dblink_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_dblink_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_dblink_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_dblink_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_dblink_stmtContext drop_dblink_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_dblink_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_dblink_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1150, RULE_drop_dblink_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10592); - match(DROP); - setState(10593); - match(DATABASE); - setState(10594); - match(LINK); - setState(10595); - dblink(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class DblinkContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public DblinkContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_dblink; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDblink(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDblink(this); - } - } - - public final DblinkContext dblink() throws RecognitionException { - DblinkContext _localctx = new DblinkContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1152, RULE_dblink); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10597); - relation_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class TenantContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } - public TenantContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tenant; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTenant(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTenant(this); - } - } - - public final TenantContext tenant() throws RecognitionException { - TenantContext _localctx = new TenantContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1154, RULE_tenant); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10599); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_clusterContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CLUSTER() { return getToken(OBParser.CLUSTER, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_clusterContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_cluster; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_cluster(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_cluster(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_clusterContext opt_cluster() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_clusterContext _localctx = new Opt_clusterContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1156, RULE_opt_cluster); - try { - setState(10604); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case CLUSTER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10601); - match(CLUSTER); - setState(10602); - relation_name(); - } - break; - case EOF: - case DELIMITER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10603); - empty(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Begin_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode BEGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.BEGIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode HINT_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode WORK() { return getToken(OBParser.WORK, 0); } - public TerminalNode START() { return getToken(OBParser.START, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRANSACTION() { return getToken(OBParser.TRANSACTION, 0); } - public Transaction_access_modeContext transaction_access_mode() { - return getRuleContext(Transaction_access_modeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONSISTENT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSISTENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode SNAPSHOT() { return getToken(OBParser.SNAPSHOT, 0); } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Begin_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_begin_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterBegin_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitBegin_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Begin_stmtContext begin_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Begin_stmtContext _localctx = new Begin_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1158, RULE_begin_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(10635); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case BEGIN: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10606); - match(BEGIN); - setState(10608); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==HINT_VALUE) { - { - setState(10607); - match(HINT_VALUE); - } - } - - setState(10611); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WORK) { - { - setState(10610); - match(WORK); - } - } - - } - break; - case START: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10613); - match(START); - setState(10615); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==HINT_VALUE) { - { - setState(10614); - match(HINT_VALUE); - } - } - - setState(10617); - match(TRANSACTION); - setState(10633); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1099,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(10618); - match(WITH); - setState(10619); - match(CONSISTENT); - setState(10620); - match(SNAPSHOT); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(10621); - transaction_access_mode(); - } - break; - case 3: - { - { - setState(10622); - match(WITH); - setState(10623); - match(CONSISTENT); - setState(10624); - match(SNAPSHOT); - setState(10625); - match(Comma); - setState(10626); - transaction_access_mode(); - } - } - break; - case 4: - { - { - setState(10627); - transaction_access_mode(); - setState(10628); - match(Comma); - setState(10629); - match(WITH); - setState(10630); - match(CONSISTENT); - setState(10631); - match(SNAPSHOT); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Commit_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode COMMIT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode HINT_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode WORK() { return getToken(OBParser.WORK, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public Commit_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_commit_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCommit_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCommit_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Commit_stmtContext commit_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Commit_stmtContext _localctx = new Commit_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1160, RULE_commit_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(10653); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1105,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10637); - match(COMMIT); - setState(10639); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==HINT_VALUE) { - { - setState(10638); - match(HINT_VALUE); - } - } - - setState(10642); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WORK) { - { - setState(10641); - match(WORK); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10644); - match(COMMIT); - setState(10646); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==HINT_VALUE) { - { - setState(10645); - match(HINT_VALUE); - } - } - - setState(10649); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WORK) { - { - setState(10648); - match(WORK); - } - } - - setState(10651); - match(COMMENT); - setState(10652); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Rollback_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ROLLBACK() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLLBACK, 0); } - public TerminalNode WORK() { return getToken(OBParser.WORK, 0); } - public TerminalNode HINT_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.HINT_VALUE, 0); } - public Rollback_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_rollback_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRollback_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRollback_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Rollback_stmtContext rollback_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Rollback_stmtContext _localctx = new Rollback_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1162, RULE_rollback_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(10664); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1108,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10655); - match(ROLLBACK); - setState(10657); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WORK) { - { - setState(10656); - match(WORK); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10659); - match(ROLLBACK); - setState(10660); - match(HINT_VALUE); - setState(10662); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WORK) { - { - setState(10661); - match(WORK); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Kill_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode KILL() { return getToken(OBParser.KILL, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode QUERY() { return getToken(OBParser.QUERY, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONNECTION() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECTION, 0); } - public Kill_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_kill_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterKill_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitKill_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Kill_stmtContext kill_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Kill_stmtContext _localctx = new Kill_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1164, RULE_kill_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10666); - match(KILL); - setState(10671); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1110,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(10668); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1109,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(10667); - match(CONNECTION); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(10670); - match(QUERY); - } - break; - } - setState(10673); - bit_expr(0); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_role_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLE, 0); } - public RoleContext role() { - return getRuleContext(RoleContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } - public TerminalNode IDENTIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTIFIED, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public PasswordContext password() { - return getRuleContext(PasswordContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } - public Create_role_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_role_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_role_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_role_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Create_role_stmtContext create_role_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Create_role_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_role_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1166, RULE_create_role_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(10697); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1112,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10675); - match(CREATE); - setState(10676); - match(ROLE); - setState(10677); - role(); - setState(10680); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==NOT) { - { - setState(10678); - match(NOT); - setState(10679); - match(IDENTIFIED); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10682); - match(CREATE); - setState(10683); - match(ROLE); - setState(10684); - role(); - setState(10685); - match(IDENTIFIED); - setState(10686); - match(BY); - setState(10687); - password(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(10689); - match(CREATE); - setState(10690); - match(ROLE); - setState(10691); - role(); - setState(10692); - match(IDENTIFIED); - setState(10693); - match(BY); - setState(10694); - match(VALUES); - setState(10695); - password(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Role_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List role() { - return getRuleContexts(RoleContext.class); - } - public RoleContext role(int i) { - return getRuleContext(RoleContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Role_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_role_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRole_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRole_list(this); - } - } - - public final Role_listContext role_list() throws RecognitionException { - Role_listContext _localctx = new Role_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1168, RULE_role_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10699); - role(); - setState(10704); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(10700); - match(Comma); - setState(10701); - role(); - } - } - setState(10706); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class RoleContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public TerminalNode DBA() { return getToken(OBParser.DBA, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESOURCE() { return getToken(OBParser.RESOURCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONNECT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode PUBLIC() { return getToken(OBParser.PUBLIC, 0); } - public RoleContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_role; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRole(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRole(this); - } - } - - public final RoleContext role() throws RecognitionException { - RoleContext _localctx = new RoleContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1170, RULE_role); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10707); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==CONNECT || _la==PUBLIC || _la==RESOURCE || _la==DBA || _la==NAME_OB || _la==STRING_VALUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_role_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLE, 0); } - public RoleContext role() { - return getRuleContext(RoleContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_role_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_role_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_role_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_role_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_role_stmtContext drop_role_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_role_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_role_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1172, RULE_drop_role_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10709); - match(DROP); - setState(10710); - match(ROLE); - setState(10711); - role(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Set_role_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLE, 0); } - public Default_role_clauseContext default_role_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Default_role_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Set_role_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_role_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_role_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_role_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Set_role_stmtContext set_role_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Set_role_stmtContext _localctx = new Set_role_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1174, RULE_set_role_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10713); - match(SET); - setState(10714); - match(ROLE); - setState(10715); - default_role_clause(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Role_opt_identified_by_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List role_opt_identified_by() { - return getRuleContexts(Role_opt_identified_byContext.class); - } - public Role_opt_identified_byContext role_opt_identified_by(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Role_opt_identified_byContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Role_opt_identified_by_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_role_opt_identified_by_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRole_opt_identified_by_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRole_opt_identified_by_list(this); - } - } - - public final Role_opt_identified_by_listContext role_opt_identified_by_list() throws RecognitionException { - Role_opt_identified_by_listContext _localctx = new Role_opt_identified_by_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1176, RULE_role_opt_identified_by_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10717); - role_opt_identified_by(); - setState(10722); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(10718); - match(Comma); - setState(10719); - role_opt_identified_by(); - } - } - setState(10724); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Role_opt_identified_byContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public RoleContext role() { - return getRuleContext(RoleContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode IDENTIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTIFIED, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public PasswordContext password() { - return getRuleContext(PasswordContext.class,0); - } - public Role_opt_identified_byContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_role_opt_identified_by; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRole_opt_identified_by(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRole_opt_identified_by(this); - } - } - - public final Role_opt_identified_byContext role_opt_identified_by() throws RecognitionException { - Role_opt_identified_byContext _localctx = new Role_opt_identified_byContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1178, RULE_role_opt_identified_by); - try { - setState(10731); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1115,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10725); - role(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10726); - role(); - setState(10727); - match(IDENTIFIED); - setState(10728); - match(BY); - setState(10729); - password(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Sys_and_obj_privContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Priv_typeContext priv_type() { - return getRuleContext(Priv_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PROCEDURE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROCEDURE, 0); } - public TerminalNode VIEW() { return getToken(OBParser.VIEW, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION, 0); } - public TerminalNode ANY() { return getToken(OBParser.ANY, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXEMPT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXEMPT, 0); } - public TerminalNode POLICY() { return getToken(OBParser.POLICY, 0); } - public TerminalNode ACCESS() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESS, 0); } - public TerminalNode REDACTION() { return getToken(OBParser.REDACTION, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYSDBA() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSDBA, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYSOPER() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSOPER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYSBACKUP() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSBACKUP, 0); } - public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } - public TerminalNode FLASHBACK() { return getToken(OBParser.FLASHBACK, 0); } - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode BACKUP() { return getToken(OBParser.BACKUP, 0); } - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOCK() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCK, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode SELECT() { return getToken(OBParser.SELECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode INSERT() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERT, 0); } - public TerminalNode UPDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode GRANT() { return getToken(OBParser.GRANT, 0); } - public TerminalNode AUDIT() { return getToken(OBParser.AUDIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRIVILEGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIVILEGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode OBJECT() { return getToken(OBParser.OBJECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } - public TerminalNode TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.TYPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PROFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROFILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DICTIONARY() { return getToken(OBParser.DICTIONARY, 0); } - public TerminalNode SEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SEQUENCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRIGGER() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIGGER, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXECUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXECUTE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYNONYM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYNONYM, 0); } - public TerminalNode PUBLIC() { return getToken(OBParser.PUBLIC, 0); } - public TerminalNode OUTLINE() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTLINE, 0); } - public TerminalNode USER() { return getToken(OBParser.USER, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNDER() { return getToken(OBParser.UNDER, 0); } - public TerminalNode PURGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PURGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DBA_RECYCLEBIN() { return getToken(OBParser.DBA_RECYCLEBIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYSKM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSKM, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONTEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTEXT, 0); } - public TerminalNode DIRECTORY() { return getToken(OBParser.DIRECTORY, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLESPACE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATABASE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LINK() { return getToken(OBParser.LINK, 0); } - public TerminalNode SHOW() { return getToken(OBParser.SHOW, 0); } - public TerminalNode PROCESS() { return getToken(OBParser.PROCESS, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYSTEM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEBUG() { return getToken(OBParser.DEBUG, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONNECT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECT, 0); } - public Sys_and_obj_privContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sys_and_obj_priv; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSys_and_obj_priv(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSys_and_obj_priv(this); - } - } - - public final Sys_and_obj_privContext sys_and_obj_priv() throws RecognitionException { - Sys_and_obj_privContext _localctx = new Sys_and_obj_privContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1180, RULE_sys_and_obj_priv); - int _la; - try { - setState(10912); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1148,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10733); - priv_type(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10734); - match(CREATE); - setState(10746); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1119,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(10740); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ANY: - case TABLE: - { - setState(10736); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ANY) { - { - setState(10735); - match(ANY); - } - } - - setState(10738); - match(TABLE); - } - break; - case SESSION: - { - setState(10739); - match(SESSION); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(10743); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ANY) { - { - setState(10742); - match(ANY); - } - } - - setState(10745); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==VIEW || _la==PROCEDURE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(10748); - match(EXEMPT); - setState(10749); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ACCESS || _la==REDACTION) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(10750); - match(POLICY); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(10751); - match(SYSDBA); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(10752); - match(SYSOPER); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(10753); - match(SYSBACKUP); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(10765); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ALTER: - case COMMENT: - case DROP: - case INSERT: - case LOCK: - case SELECT: - case UPDATE: - case BACKUP: - { - setState(10762); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ALTER: - case DROP: - case LOCK: - case BACKUP: - { - setState(10756); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ALTER: - case BACKUP: - { - setState(10754); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALTER || _la==BACKUP) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - case DROP: - case LOCK: - { - setState(10755); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==DROP || _la==LOCK) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case COMMENT: - case INSERT: - case SELECT: - case UPDATE: - { - setState(10760); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case COMMENT: - case SELECT: - { - setState(10758); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==COMMENT || _la==SELECT) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - case INSERT: - case UPDATE: - { - setState(10759); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==INSERT || _la==UPDATE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case DELETE: - case FLASHBACK: - { - setState(10764); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==DELETE || _la==FLASHBACK) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(10767); - match(ANY); - setState(10768); - match(TABLE); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(10776); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ALTER: - case GRANT: - { - setState(10769); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALTER || _la==GRANT) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(10770); - match(ANY); - } - break; - case CREATE: - case DROP: - { - setState(10774); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case CREATE: - { - setState(10771); - match(CREATE); - } - break; - case DROP: - { - setState(10772); - match(DROP); - setState(10773); - match(ANY); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(10778); - match(ROLE); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(10779); - match(AUDIT); - setState(10780); - match(ANY); - } - break; - case 10: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(10781); - match(GRANT); - setState(10782); - match(ANY); - setState(10784); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==OBJECT) { - { - setState(10783); - match(OBJECT); - } - } - - setState(10786); - match(PRIVILEGE); - } - break; - case 11: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); - { - setState(10787); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALTER || _la==CREATE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(10788); - match(ANY); - setState(10789); - match(INDEX); - } - break; - case 12: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); - { - setState(10790); - match(DROP); - setState(10798); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1128,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(10794); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ANY: - { - setState(10791); - match(ANY); - setState(10792); - match(TYPE); - } - break; - case PROFILE: - { - setState(10793); - match(PROFILE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(10796); - match(ANY); - setState(10797); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==INDEX || _la==VIEW) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 13: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); - { - setState(10800); - match(SELECT); - setState(10801); - match(ANY); - setState(10802); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==SEQUENCE || _la==DICTIONARY) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - case 14: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); - { - setState(10803); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALTER || _la==DROP) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(10804); - match(ANY); - setState(10807); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case PROCEDURE: - case SEQUENCE: - { - setState(10805); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==PROCEDURE || _la==SEQUENCE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - case TRIGGER: - { - setState(10806); - match(TRIGGER); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case 15: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); - { - setState(10809); - match(EXECUTE); - setState(10810); - match(ANY); - setState(10811); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==PROCEDURE || _la==TYPE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - case 16: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); - { - setState(10812); - match(CREATE); - setState(10827); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1134,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(10818); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ANY: - case TYPE: - { - setState(10814); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ANY) { - { - setState(10813); - match(ANY); - } - } - - setState(10816); - match(TYPE); - } - break; - case PROFILE: - { - setState(10817); - match(PROFILE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(10824); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ANY: - case SYNONYM: - { - setState(10821); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ANY) { - { - setState(10820); - match(ANY); - } - } - - } - break; - case PUBLIC: - { - setState(10823); - match(PUBLIC); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(10826); - match(SYNONYM); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 17: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); - { - setState(10829); - match(DROP); - setState(10837); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1136,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(10833); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ANY: - { - setState(10830); - match(ANY); - setState(10831); - match(OUTLINE); - } - break; - case USER: - { - setState(10832); - match(USER); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(10835); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ANY || _la==PUBLIC) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(10836); - match(SYNONYM); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 18: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); - { - setState(10839); - match(CREATE); - setState(10849); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1139,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(10843); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ANY: - { - setState(10840); - match(ANY); - setState(10841); - match(OUTLINE); - } - break; - case USER: - { - setState(10842); - match(USER); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(10846); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ANY) { - { - setState(10845); - match(ANY); - } - } - - setState(10848); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==TRIGGER || _la==SEQUENCE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 19: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); - { - setState(10851); - match(ALTER); - setState(10855); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ANY: - { - setState(10852); - match(ANY); - setState(10853); - match(TYPE); - } - break; - case PROFILE: - { - setState(10854); - match(PROFILE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case 20: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 20); - { - setState(10857); - match(ALTER); - setState(10861); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ANY: - { - setState(10858); - match(ANY); - setState(10859); - match(OUTLINE); - } - break; - case USER: - { - setState(10860); - match(USER); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case 21: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 21); - { - setState(10863); - match(UNDER); - setState(10864); - match(ANY); - setState(10865); - match(TYPE); - } - break; - case 22: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 22); - { - setState(10866); - match(PURGE); - setState(10867); - match(DBA_RECYCLEBIN); - } - break; - case 23: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 23); - { - setState(10868); - match(SYSKM); - } - break; - case 24: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 24); - { - setState(10869); - match(CREATE); - setState(10877); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1143,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(10873); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ANY: - { - setState(10870); - match(ANY); - setState(10871); - match(DIRECTORY); - } - break; - case TABLESPACE: - { - setState(10872); - match(TABLESPACE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(10875); - match(ANY); - setState(10876); - match(CONTEXT); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 25: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 25); - { - setState(10879); - match(ALTER); - setState(10880); - match(TABLESPACE); - } - break; - case 26: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 26); - { - setState(10881); - match(DROP); - setState(10889); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case DATABASE: - case TABLESPACE: - { - setState(10885); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case DATABASE: - { - setState(10882); - match(DATABASE); - setState(10883); - match(LINK); - } - break; - case TABLESPACE: - { - setState(10884); - match(TABLESPACE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case ANY: - { - setState(10887); - match(ANY); - setState(10888); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==CONTEXT || _la==DIRECTORY) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case 27: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 27); - { - setState(10891); - match(SHOW); - setState(10892); - match(PROCESS); - } - break; - case 28: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 28); - { - setState(10893); - match(ALTER); - setState(10894); - match(SYSTEM); - } - break; - case 29: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 29); - { - setState(10895); - match(CREATE); - setState(10897); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PUBLIC) { - { - setState(10896); - match(PUBLIC); - } - } - - setState(10899); - match(DATABASE); - setState(10900); - match(LINK); - } - break; - case 30: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 30); - { - setState(10904); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ALTER: - { - setState(10901); - match(ALTER); - } - break; - case DEBUG: - { - setState(10902); - match(DEBUG); - setState(10903); - match(CONNECT); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(10906); - match(SESSION); - } - break; - case 31: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 31); - { - setState(10907); - match(ALTER); - setState(10908); - match(DATABASE); - } - break; - case 32: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 32); - { - setState(10909); - match(DEBUG); - setState(10910); - match(ANY); - setState(10911); - match(PROCEDURE); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Grant_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List GRANT() { return getTokens(OBParser.GRANT); } - public TerminalNode GRANT(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.GRANT, i); - } - public Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list() { - return getRuleContext(Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public Obj_clauseContext obj_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Obj_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } - public Grant_user_listContext grant_user_list() { - return getRuleContext(Grant_user_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } - public TerminalNode OPTION() { return getToken(OBParser.OPTION, 0); } - public Grant_system_privilegesContext grant_system_privileges() { - return getRuleContext(Grant_system_privilegesContext.class,0); - } - public Grant_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_grant_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGrant_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGrant_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Grant_stmtContext grant_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Grant_stmtContext _localctx = new Grant_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1182, RULE_grant_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(10927); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1150,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10914); - match(GRANT); - setState(10915); - role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list(); - setState(10916); - match(ON); - setState(10917); - obj_clause(); - setState(10918); - match(TO); - setState(10919); - grant_user_list(); - setState(10923); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH) { - { - setState(10920); - match(WITH); - setState(10921); - match(GRANT); - setState(10922); - match(OPTION); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10925); - match(GRANT); - setState(10926); - grant_system_privileges(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Grant_system_privilegesContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list() { - return getRuleContext(Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } - public Grantee_clauseContext grantee_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Grantee_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } - public TerminalNode ADMIN() { return getToken(OBParser.ADMIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode OPTION() { return getToken(OBParser.OPTION, 0); } - public Grant_system_privilegesContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_grant_system_privileges; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGrant_system_privileges(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGrant_system_privileges(this); - } - } - - public final Grant_system_privilegesContext grant_system_privileges() throws RecognitionException { - Grant_system_privilegesContext _localctx = new Grant_system_privilegesContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1184, RULE_grant_system_privileges); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10929); - role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list(); - setState(10930); - match(TO); - setState(10931); - grantee_clause(); - setState(10935); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH) { - { - setState(10932); - match(WITH); - setState(10933); - match(ADMIN); - setState(10934); - match(OPTION); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Grantee_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Grant_user_listContext grant_user_list() { - return getRuleContext(Grant_user_listContext.class,0); - } - public Grant_userContext grant_user() { - return getRuleContext(Grant_userContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode IDENTIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTIFIED, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public PasswordContext password() { - return getRuleContext(PasswordContext.class,0); - } - public Grantee_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_grantee_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterGrantee_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitGrantee_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Grantee_clauseContext grantee_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Grantee_clauseContext _localctx = new Grantee_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1186, RULE_grantee_clause); - try { - setState(10943); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1152,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10937); - grant_user_list(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10938); - grant_user(); - setState(10939); - match(IDENTIFIED); - setState(10940); - match(BY); - setState(10941); - password(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List role_sys_obj_all_col_priv() { - return getRuleContexts(Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext.class); - } - public Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext role_sys_obj_all_col_priv(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list(this); - } - } - - public final Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list() throws RecognitionException { - Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext _localctx = new Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1188, RULE_role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10945); - role_sys_obj_all_col_priv(); - setState(10950); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(10946); - match(Comma); - setState(10947); - role_sys_obj_all_col_priv(); - } - } - setState(10952); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public RoleContext role() { - return getRuleContext(RoleContext.class,0); - } - public Sys_and_obj_privContext sys_and_obj_priv() { - return getRuleContext(Sys_and_obj_privContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_listContext column_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRIVILEGES() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIVILEGES, 0); } - public Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_role_sys_obj_all_col_priv; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv(this); - } - } - - public final Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext role_sys_obj_all_col_priv() throws RecognitionException { - Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext _localctx = new Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1190, RULE_role_sys_obj_all_col_priv); - int _la; - try { - setState(10971); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case CONNECT: - case PUBLIC: - case RESOURCE: - case DBA: - case NAME_OB: - case STRING_VALUE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10953); - role(); - } - break; - case ALTER: - case AUDIT: - case COMMENT: - case CREATE: - case DELETE: - case DROP: - case FILE_KEY: - case GRANT: - case INDEX: - case INSERT: - case LOCK: - case SELECT: - case UPDATE: - case PURGE: - case READ: - case REFERENCES: - case WRITE: - case SYSKM: - case SYSOPER: - case USAGE: - case PROCESS: - case SHOW: - case SYSDBA: - case SUPER: - case SYSBACKUP: - case FLASHBACK: - case EXEMPT: - case BACKUP: - case DEBUG: - case UNDER: - case EXECUTE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10954); - sys_and_obj_priv(); - setState(10959); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(10955); - match(LeftParen); - setState(10956); - column_list(); - setState(10957); - match(RightParen); - } - } - - } - break; - case ALL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(10961); - match(ALL); - setState(10963); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PRIVILEGES) { - { - setState(10962); - match(PRIVILEGES); - } - } - - setState(10969); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(10965); - match(LeftParen); - setState(10966); - column_list(); - setState(10967); - match(RightParen); - } - } - - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Priv_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode GRANT() { return getToken(OBParser.GRANT, 0); } - public TerminalNode OPTION() { return getToken(OBParser.OPTION, 0); } - public TerminalNode INSERT() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERT, 0); } - public TerminalNode UPDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SELECT() { return getToken(OBParser.SELECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } - public TerminalNode SHOW() { return getToken(OBParser.SHOW, 0); } - public TerminalNode VIEW() { return getToken(OBParser.VIEW, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATABASES() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASES, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUPER() { return getToken(OBParser.SUPER, 0); } - public TerminalNode PROCESS() { return getToken(OBParser.PROCESS, 0); } - public TerminalNode USAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.USAGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode REFERENCES() { return getToken(OBParser.REFERENCES, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXECUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXECUTE, 0); } - public TerminalNode FLASHBACK() { return getToken(OBParser.FLASHBACK, 0); } - public TerminalNode READ() { return getToken(OBParser.READ, 0); } - public TerminalNode WRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.WRITE, 0); } - public TerminalNode FILE_KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.FILE_KEY, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEBUG() { return getToken(OBParser.DEBUG, 0); } - public Priv_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_priv_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPriv_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPriv_type(this); - } - } - - public final Priv_typeContext priv_type() throws RecognitionException { - Priv_typeContext _localctx = new Priv_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1192, RULE_priv_type); - try { - setState(10997); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1158,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10973); - match(ALTER); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(10974); - match(CREATE); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(10975); - match(DELETE); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(10976); - match(DROP); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(10977); - match(GRANT); - setState(10978); - match(OPTION); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(10979); - match(INSERT); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(10980); - match(UPDATE); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(10981); - match(SELECT); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(10982); - match(INDEX); - } - break; - case 10: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(10983); - match(SHOW); - setState(10984); - match(VIEW); - } - break; - case 11: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); - { - setState(10985); - match(SHOW); - setState(10986); - match(DATABASES); - } - break; - case 12: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); - { - setState(10987); - match(SUPER); - } - break; - case 13: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); - { - setState(10988); - match(PROCESS); - } - break; - case 14: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); - { - setState(10989); - match(USAGE); - } - break; - case 15: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); - { - setState(10990); - match(REFERENCES); - } - break; - case 16: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); - { - setState(10991); - match(EXECUTE); - } - break; - case 17: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); - { - setState(10992); - match(FLASHBACK); - } - break; - case 18: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); - { - setState(10993); - match(READ); - } - break; - case 19: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); - { - setState(10994); - match(WRITE); - } - break; - case 20: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 20); - { - setState(10995); - match(FILE_KEY); - } - break; - case 21: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 21); - { - setState(10996); - match(DEBUG); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Obj_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List Star() { return getTokens(OBParser.Star); } - public TerminalNode Star(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Star, i); - } - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public List relation_name() { - return getRuleContexts(Relation_nameContext.class); - } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode DIRECTORY() { return getToken(OBParser.DIRECTORY, 0); } - public Obj_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_obj_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterObj_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitObj_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Obj_clauseContext obj_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Obj_clauseContext _localctx = new Obj_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1194, RULE_obj_clause); - int _la; - try { - setState(11014); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1162,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(10999); - match(Star); - setState(11002); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Dot) { - { - setState(11000); - match(Dot); - setState(11001); - match(Star); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11004); - relation_name(); - setState(11005); - match(Dot); - setState(11008); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case Star: - { - setState(11006); - match(Star); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - { - setState(11007); - relation_name(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(11011); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1161,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(11010); - match(DIRECTORY); - } - break; - } - setState(11013); - relation_name(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Revoke_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode REVOKE() { return getToken(OBParser.REVOKE, 0); } - public Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list() { - return getRuleContext(Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public Obj_clauseContext obj_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Obj_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FROM() { return getToken(OBParser.FROM, 0); } - public User_listContext user_list() { - return getRuleContext(User_listContext.class,0); - } - public Grantee_clauseContext grantee_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Grantee_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Revoke_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_revoke_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRevoke_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRevoke_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Revoke_stmtContext revoke_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Revoke_stmtContext _localctx = new Revoke_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1196, RULE_revoke_stmt); - try { - setState(11028); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1163,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11016); - match(REVOKE); - setState(11017); - role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list(); - setState(11018); - match(ON); - setState(11019); - obj_clause(); - setState(11020); - match(FROM); - setState(11021); - user_list(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11023); - match(REVOKE); - setState(11024); - role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list(); - setState(11025); - match(FROM); - setState(11026); - grantee_clause(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Prepare_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PREPARE() { return getToken(OBParser.PREPARE, 0); } - public Stmt_nameContext stmt_name() { - return getRuleContext(Stmt_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FROM() { return getToken(OBParser.FROM, 0); } - public Preparable_stmtContext preparable_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Preparable_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Prepare_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_prepare_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPrepare_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPrepare_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Prepare_stmtContext prepare_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Prepare_stmtContext _localctx = new Prepare_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1198, RULE_prepare_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11030); - match(PREPARE); - setState(11031); - stmt_name(); - setState(11032); - match(FROM); - setState(11033); - preparable_stmt(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Stmt_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_labelContext column_label() { - return getRuleContext(Column_labelContext.class,0); - } - public Stmt_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_stmt_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterStmt_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitStmt_name(this); - } - } - - public final Stmt_nameContext stmt_name() throws RecognitionException { - Stmt_nameContext _localctx = new Stmt_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1200, RULE_stmt_name); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11035); - column_label(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Preparable_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Select_stmtContext select_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Select_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Insert_stmtContext insert_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Insert_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Merge_stmtContext merge_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Merge_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Update_stmtContext update_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Update_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Delete_stmtContext delete_stmt() { - return getRuleContext(Delete_stmtContext.class,0); - } - public Preparable_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_preparable_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPreparable_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPreparable_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Preparable_stmtContext preparable_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Preparable_stmtContext _localctx = new Preparable_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1202, RULE_preparable_stmt); - try { - setState(11042); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case SELECT: - case WITH: - case LeftParen: - case SELECT_HINT_BEGIN: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11037); - select_stmt(); - } - break; - case INSERT: - case INSERT_HINT_BEGIN: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11038); - insert_stmt(); - } - break; - case MERGE: - case MERGE_HINT_BEGIN: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(11039); - merge_stmt(); - } - break; - case UPDATE: - case UPDATE_HINT_BEGIN: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(11040); - update_stmt(); - } - break; - case DELETE: - case DELETE_HINT_BEGIN: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(11041); - delete_stmt(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Variable_set_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public Var_and_val_listContext var_and_val_list() { - return getRuleContext(Var_and_val_listContext.class,0); - } - public Variable_set_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_variable_set_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterVariable_set_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitVariable_set_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Variable_set_stmtContext variable_set_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Variable_set_stmtContext _localctx = new Variable_set_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1204, RULE_variable_set_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11044); - match(SET); - setState(11045); - var_and_val_list(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Sys_var_and_val_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List sys_var_and_val() { - return getRuleContexts(Sys_var_and_valContext.class); - } - public Sys_var_and_valContext sys_var_and_val(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Sys_var_and_valContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Sys_var_and_val_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sys_var_and_val_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSys_var_and_val_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSys_var_and_val_list(this); - } - } - - public final Sys_var_and_val_listContext sys_var_and_val_list() throws RecognitionException { - Sys_var_and_val_listContext _localctx = new Sys_var_and_val_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1206, RULE_sys_var_and_val_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11047); - sys_var_and_val(); - setState(11052); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(11048); - match(Comma); - setState(11049); - sys_var_and_val(); - } - } - setState(11054); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Var_and_val_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List var_and_val() { - return getRuleContexts(Var_and_valContext.class); - } - public Var_and_valContext var_and_val(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Var_and_valContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Var_and_val_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_var_and_val_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterVar_and_val_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitVar_and_val_list(this); - } - } - - public final Var_and_val_listContext var_and_val_list() throws RecognitionException { - Var_and_val_listContext _localctx = new Var_and_val_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1208, RULE_var_and_val_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11055); - var_and_val(); - setState(11060); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(11056); - match(Comma); - setState(11057); - var_and_val(); - } - } - setState(11062); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Set_expr_or_defaultContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public Set_expr_or_defaultContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_expr_or_default; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_expr_or_default(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_expr_or_default(this); - } - } - - public final Set_expr_or_defaultContext set_expr_or_default() throws RecognitionException { - Set_expr_or_defaultContext _localctx = new Set_expr_or_defaultContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1210, RULE_set_expr_or_default); - try { - setState(11066); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1167,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11063); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11064); - match(ON); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(11065); - match(DEFAULT); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Var_and_valContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Set_var_opContext set_var_op() { - return getRuleContext(Set_var_opContext.class,0); - } - public To_or_eqContext to_or_eq() { - return getRuleContext(To_or_eqContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR() { return getToken(OBParser.PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR, 0); } - public Sys_var_and_valContext sys_var_and_val() { - return getRuleContext(Sys_var_and_valContext.class,0); - } - public Set_expr_or_defaultContext set_expr_or_default() { - return getRuleContext(Set_expr_or_defaultContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode SYSTEM_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM_VARIABLE, 0); } - public Scope_or_scope_aliasContext scope_or_scope_alias() { - return getRuleContext(Scope_or_scope_aliasContext.class,0); - } - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NAMES() { return getToken(OBParser.NAMES, 0); } - public Charset_name_or_defaultContext charset_name_or_default() { - return getRuleContext(Charset_name_or_defaultContext.class,0); - } - public CollationContext collation() { - return getRuleContext(CollationContext.class,0); - } - public Charset_keyContext charset_key() { - return getRuleContext(Charset_keyContext.class,0); - } - public Var_and_valContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_var_and_val; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterVar_and_val(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitVar_and_val(this); - } - } - - public final Var_and_valContext var_and_val() throws RecognitionException { - Var_and_valContext _localctx = new Var_and_valContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1212, RULE_var_and_val); - int _la; - try { - setState(11097); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1171,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11068); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - setState(11071); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case SET_VAR: - { - setState(11069); - set_var_op(); - } - break; - case TO: - case COMP_EQ: - { - setState(11070); - to_or_eq(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(11073); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11075); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - setState(11076); - to_or_eq(); - setState(11077); - match(PARSER_SYNTAX_ERROR); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(11079); - sys_var_and_val(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(11084); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case SYSTEM_VARIABLE: - { - setState(11080); - match(SYSTEM_VARIABLE); - } - break; - case SESSION: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case GLOBAL: - { - setState(11081); - scope_or_scope_alias(); - setState(11082); - column_name(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(11086); - to_or_eq(); - setState(11087); - set_expr_or_default(); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(11089); - match(NAMES); - setState(11090); - charset_name_or_default(); - setState(11092); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COLLATE) { - { - setState(11091); - collation(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(11094); - charset_key(); - setState(11095); - charset_name_or_default(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Sys_var_and_valContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Obj_access_ref_normalContext obj_access_ref_normal() { - return getRuleContext(Obj_access_ref_normalContext.class,0); - } - public To_or_eqContext to_or_eq() { - return getRuleContext(To_or_eqContext.class,0); - } - public Set_expr_or_defaultContext set_expr_or_default() { - return getRuleContext(Set_expr_or_defaultContext.class,0); - } - public Sys_var_and_valContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sys_var_and_val; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSys_var_and_val(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSys_var_and_val(this); - } - } - - public final Sys_var_and_valContext sys_var_and_val() throws RecognitionException { - Sys_var_and_valContext _localctx = new Sys_var_and_valContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1214, RULE_sys_var_and_val); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11099); - obj_access_ref_normal(); - setState(11100); - to_or_eq(); - setState(11101); - set_expr_or_default(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Scope_or_scope_aliasContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode GLOBAL() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode SESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION, 0); } - public TerminalNode GLOBAL_ALIAS() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL_ALIAS, 0); } - public TerminalNode Dot() { return getToken(OBParser.Dot, 0); } - public TerminalNode SESSION_ALIAS() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION_ALIAS, 0); } - public Scope_or_scope_aliasContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_scope_or_scope_alias; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterScope_or_scope_alias(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitScope_or_scope_alias(this); - } - } - - public final Scope_or_scope_aliasContext scope_or_scope_alias() throws RecognitionException { - Scope_or_scope_aliasContext _localctx = new Scope_or_scope_aliasContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1216, RULE_scope_or_scope_alias); - try { - setState(11109); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case GLOBAL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11103); - match(GLOBAL); - } - break; - case SESSION: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11104); - match(SESSION); - } - break; - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(11105); - match(GLOBAL_ALIAS); - setState(11106); - match(Dot); - } - break; - case SESSION_ALIAS: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(11107); - match(SESSION_ALIAS); - setState(11108); - match(Dot); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class To_or_eqContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public To_or_eqContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_to_or_eq; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTo_or_eq(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTo_or_eq(this); - } - } - - public final To_or_eqContext to_or_eq() throws RecognitionException { - To_or_eqContext _localctx = new To_or_eqContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1218, RULE_to_or_eq); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11111); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==TO || _la==COMP_EQ) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Set_var_opContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SET_VAR() { return getToken(OBParser.SET_VAR, 0); } - public Set_var_opContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_var_op; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_var_op(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_var_op(this); - } - } - - public final Set_var_opContext set_var_op() throws RecognitionException { - Set_var_opContext _localctx = new Set_var_opContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1220, RULE_set_var_op); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11113); - match(SET_VAR); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class ArgumentContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode USER_VARIABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_VARIABLE, 0); } - public ArgumentContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_argument; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterArgument(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitArgument(this); - } - } - - public final ArgumentContext argument() throws RecognitionException { - ArgumentContext _localctx = new ArgumentContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1222, RULE_argument); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11115); - match(USER_VARIABLE); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Execute_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode EXECUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXECUTE, 0); } - public Stmt_nameContext stmt_name() { - return getRuleContext(Stmt_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } - public Argument_listContext argument_list() { - return getRuleContext(Argument_listContext.class,0); - } - public Execute_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_execute_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExecute_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExecute_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Execute_stmtContext execute_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Execute_stmtContext _localctx = new Execute_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1224, RULE_execute_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11117); - match(EXECUTE); - setState(11118); - stmt_name(); - setState(11121); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==USING) { - { - setState(11119); - match(USING); - setState(11120); - argument_list(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Argument_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List argument() { - return getRuleContexts(ArgumentContext.class); - } - public ArgumentContext argument(int i) { - return getRuleContext(ArgumentContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Argument_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_argument_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterArgument_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitArgument_list(this); - } - } - - public final Argument_listContext argument_list() throws RecognitionException { - Argument_listContext _localctx = new Argument_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1226, RULE_argument_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11123); - argument(); - setState(11128); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(11124); - match(Comma); - setState(11125); - argument(); - } - } - setState(11130); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Deallocate_or_dropContext deallocate_or_drop() { - return getRuleContext(Deallocate_or_dropContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PREPARE() { return getToken(OBParser.PREPARE, 0); } - public Stmt_nameContext stmt_name() { - return getRuleContext(Stmt_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_deallocate_prepare_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDeallocate_prepare_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDeallocate_prepare_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext deallocate_prepare_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext _localctx = new Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1228, RULE_deallocate_prepare_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11131); - deallocate_or_drop(); - setState(11132); - match(PREPARE); - setState(11133); - stmt_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Deallocate_or_dropContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DEALLOCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.DEALLOCATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public Deallocate_or_dropContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_deallocate_or_drop; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDeallocate_or_drop(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDeallocate_or_drop(this); - } - } - - public final Deallocate_or_dropContext deallocate_or_drop() throws RecognitionException { - Deallocate_or_dropContext _localctx = new Deallocate_or_dropContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1230, RULE_deallocate_or_drop); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11135); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==DROP || _la==DEALLOCATE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Call_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CALL() { return getToken(OBParser.CALL, 0); } - public Routine_access_nameContext routine_access_name() { - return getRuleContext(Routine_access_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Call_param_listContext call_param_list() { - return getRuleContext(Call_param_listContext.class,0); - } - public Call_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_call_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCall_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCall_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Call_stmtContext call_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Call_stmtContext _localctx = new Call_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1232, RULE_call_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11137); - match(CALL); - setState(11138); - routine_access_name(); - setState(11140); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(11139); - call_param_list(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Call_param_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Func_param_listContext func_param_list() { - return getRuleContext(Func_param_listContext.class,0); - } - public Call_param_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_call_param_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCall_param_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCall_param_list(this); - } - } - - public final Call_param_listContext call_param_list() throws RecognitionException { - Call_param_listContext _localctx = new Call_param_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1234, RULE_call_param_list); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11142); - match(LeftParen); - setState(11144); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1176,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(11143); - func_param_list(); - } - break; - } - setState(11146); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Routine_access_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List var_name() { - return getRuleContexts(Var_nameContext.class); - } - public Var_nameContext var_name(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Var_nameContext.class,i); - } - public List Dot() { return getTokens(OBParser.Dot); } - public TerminalNode Dot(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Dot, i); - } - public Routine_nameContext routine_name() { - return getRuleContext(Routine_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Routine_access_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_routine_access_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRoutine_access_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRoutine_access_name(this); - } - } - - public final Routine_access_nameContext routine_access_name() throws RecognitionException { - Routine_access_nameContext _localctx = new Routine_access_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1236, RULE_routine_access_name); - try { - setState(11158); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1178,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11148); - var_name(); - setState(11149); - match(Dot); - setState(11153); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1177,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(11150); - var_name(); - setState(11151); - match(Dot); - } - break; - } - setState(11155); - routine_name(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11157); - routine_name(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Routine_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext oracle_unreserved_keyword() { - return getRuleContext(Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); - } - public Unreserved_keyword_normalContext unreserved_keyword_normal() { - return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keyword_normalContext.class,0); - } - public Aggregate_function_keywordContext aggregate_function_keyword() { - return getRuleContext(Aggregate_function_keywordContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public TerminalNode MODIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.MODIFY, 0); } - public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } - public Routine_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_routine_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRoutine_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRoutine_name(this); - } - } - - public final Routine_nameContext routine_name() throws RecognitionException { - Routine_nameContext _localctx = new Routine_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1238, RULE_routine_name); - try { - setState(11168); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NAME_OB: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11160); - match(NAME_OB); - } - break; - case REAL: - case ANALYZE: - case BEFORE: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case CYCLE: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DATABASE: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case FORCE: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case MAXVALUE: - case NOCYCLE: - case NUMERIC: - case PROCEDURE: - case READ: - case REFERENCES: - case SCHEMA: - case SQL: - case SQLSTATE: - case USE: - case USING: - case WHEN: - case WRITE: - case EXCEPT: - case GROUPS: - case MINVALUE: - case STOP: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case TRUNCATE: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case ADMIN: - case DISABLE: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case SEQUENCE: - case GO: - case PCTUSED: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case EXTERNALLY: - case FLUSH: - case DOP: - case OPTIMAL: - case GOTO: - case TRANSACTION: - case BECOME: - case OFF: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case DATAFILE: - case LAYER: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case EXTENT: - case SWITCH: - case BODY: - case ROLLBACK: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case OLD: - case RECOVER: - case CONTROLFILE: - case ROLES: - case KEY: - case TEMPORARY: - case SNAPSHOT: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case QUOTA: - case NEXT: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case SECTION: - case PLAN: - case INSTANCE: - case FUNCTION: - case INITIALIZED: - case SEGMENT: - case OWN: - case PCTINCREASE: - case INCLUDING: - case ENABLE: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case INT: - case MAXTRANS: - case COMMIT: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case FREELIST: - case STORAGE: - case CANCEL: - case BEGIN: - case FREELISTS: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case FOUND: - case CACHE: - case END: - case SOME: - case MANUAL: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case FORTRAN: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case COMPILE: - case NEW: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ALLOCATE: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case RESETLOGS: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TABLESPACE: - case MODULE: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case PLI: - case PROFILE: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case INDICATOR: - case UNLIMITED: - case UNDER: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case MANAGE: - case NOCACHE: - case FOREIGN: - case MINEXTENTS: - case ESCAPE: - case NONE: - case LISTS: - case DISMOUNT: - case WORK: - case NOSORT: - case EXECUTE: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case ONLY: - case TRACING: - case MOUNT: - case BLOCK: - case ACCESSED: - case CONTENTS: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11161); - oracle_unreserved_keyword(); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASES: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHILE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case INVOKER: - case DEPTH: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case LESS: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case GROUPING: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case SLOW: - case OPTIONS: - case UPDATING: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case MAX_SIZE: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case TEMPLATE: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESUME: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case SIMPLE: - case VARIABLES: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case MUTEX: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case DESCRIBE: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case PASSWORD: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case NORELY: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case DAY: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case RECURSIVE: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(11162); - unreserved_keyword_normal(); - } - break; - case NTH_VALUE: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case MAX: - case STDDEV: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case LISTAGG: - case SUM: - case MIN: - case VARIANCE: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case WM_CONCAT: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case REGR_COUNT: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case REGR_SYY: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case REGR_R2: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case LAG: - case LAST_VALUE: - case COVAR_POP: - case MEDIAN: - case STDDEV_POP: - case AVG: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case CUME_DIST: - case LEAD: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case NTILE: - case CORR: - case VAR_SAMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(11163); - aggregate_function_keyword(); - } - break; - case ADD: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(11164); - match(ADD); - } - break; - case SET: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(11165); - match(SET); - } - break; - case MODIFY: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(11166); - match(MODIFY); - } - break; - case DELETE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(11167); - match(DELETE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Truncate_table_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode TRUNCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRUNCATE, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } - public Truncate_table_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_truncate_table_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTruncate_table_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTruncate_table_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Truncate_table_stmtContext truncate_table_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Truncate_table_stmtContext _localctx = new Truncate_table_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1240, RULE_truncate_table_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11170); - match(TRUNCATE); - setState(11172); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TABLE) { - { - setState(11171); - match(TABLE); - } - } - - setState(11174); - relation_factor(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Rename_table_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode RENAME() { return getToken(OBParser.RENAME, 0); } - public Rename_table_actionsContext rename_table_actions() { - return getRuleContext(Rename_table_actionsContext.class,0); - } - public Rename_table_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_rename_table_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRename_table_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRename_table_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Rename_table_stmtContext rename_table_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Rename_table_stmtContext _localctx = new Rename_table_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1242, RULE_rename_table_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11176); - match(RENAME); - setState(11177); - rename_table_actions(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Rename_table_actionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Rename_table_actionContext rename_table_action() { - return getRuleContext(Rename_table_actionContext.class,0); - } - public Rename_table_actionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_rename_table_actions; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRename_table_actions(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRename_table_actions(this); - } - } - - public final Rename_table_actionsContext rename_table_actions() throws RecognitionException { - Rename_table_actionsContext _localctx = new Rename_table_actionsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1244, RULE_rename_table_actions); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11179); - rename_table_action(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Rename_table_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List relation_factor() { - return getRuleContexts(Relation_factorContext.class); - } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } - public Rename_table_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_rename_table_action; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRename_table_action(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRename_table_action(this); - } - } - - public final Rename_table_actionContext rename_table_action() throws RecognitionException { - Rename_table_actionContext _localctx = new Rename_table_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1246, RULE_rename_table_action); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11181); - relation_factor(); - setState(11182); - match(TO); - setState(11183); - relation_factor(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_index_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_index_actionsContext alter_index_actions() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_index_actionsContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_index_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_index_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_index_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_index_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_index_stmtContext alter_index_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_index_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_index_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1248, RULE_alter_index_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11185); - match(ALTER); - setState(11186); - match(INDEX); - setState(11187); - relation_factor(); - setState(11188); - alter_index_actions(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_index_actionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Alter_index_actionContext alter_index_action() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_index_actionContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_index_actionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_index_actions; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_index_actions(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_index_actions(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_index_actionsContext alter_index_actions() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_index_actionsContext _localctx = new Alter_index_actionsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1250, RULE_alter_index_actions); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11190); - alter_index_action(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_index_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Alter_index_option_oracleContext alter_index_option_oracle() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_index_option_oracleContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_index_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_index_action; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_index_action(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_index_action(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_index_actionContext alter_index_action() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_index_actionContext _localctx = new Alter_index_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1252, RULE_alter_index_action); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11192); - alter_index_option_oracle(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_index_option_oracleContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode RENAME() { return getToken(OBParser.RENAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } - public Index_nameContext index_name() { - return getRuleContext(Index_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Parallel_optionContext parallel_option() { - return getRuleContext(Parallel_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TABLESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLESPACE, 0); } - public TablespaceContext tablespace() { - return getRuleContext(TablespaceContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_index_option_oracleContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_index_option_oracle; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_index_option_oracle(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_index_option_oracle(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_index_option_oracleContext alter_index_option_oracle() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_index_option_oracleContext _localctx = new Alter_index_option_oracleContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1254, RULE_alter_index_option_oracle); - try { - setState(11200); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case RENAME: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11194); - match(RENAME); - setState(11195); - match(TO); - setState(11196); - index_name(); - } - break; - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11197); - parallel_option(); - } - break; - case TABLESPACE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(11198); - match(TABLESPACE); - setState(11199); - tablespace(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_table_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_table_actionsContext alter_table_actions() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_table_actionsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode EXTERNAL() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTERNAL, 0); } - public Alter_column_group_optionContext alter_column_group_option() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_column_group_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext add_external_table_partition_actions() { - return getRuleContext(Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOCATION() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public Alter_table_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_table_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_table_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_table_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_table_stmtContext alter_table_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_table_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_table_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1256, RULE_alter_table_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(11236); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1183,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11202); - match(ALTER); - setState(11204); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==EXTERNAL) { - { - setState(11203); - match(EXTERNAL); - } - } - - setState(11206); - match(TABLE); - setState(11207); - relation_factor(); - setState(11208); - alter_table_actions(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11210); - match(ALTER); - setState(11211); - match(TABLE); - setState(11212); - relation_factor(); - setState(11213); - alter_column_group_option(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(11215); - match(ALTER); - setState(11216); - match(EXTERNAL); - setState(11217); - match(TABLE); - setState(11218); - relation_factor(); - setState(11219); - match(ADD); - setState(11220); - match(PARTITION); - setState(11221); - match(LeftParen); - setState(11222); - add_external_table_partition_actions(0); - setState(11223); - match(RightParen); - setState(11224); - match(LOCATION); - setState(11225); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(11227); - match(ALTER); - setState(11228); - match(EXTERNAL); - setState(11229); - match(TABLE); - setState(11230); - relation_factor(); - setState(11231); - match(DROP); - setState(11232); - match(PARTITION); - setState(11233); - match(LOCATION); - setState(11234); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Add_external_table_partition_actionContext add_external_table_partition_action() { - return getRuleContext(Add_external_table_partition_actionContext.class,0); - } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext add_external_table_partition_actions() { - return getRuleContext(Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_add_external_table_partition_actions; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAdd_external_table_partition_actions(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAdd_external_table_partition_actions(this); - } - } - - public final Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext add_external_table_partition_actions() throws RecognitionException { - return add_external_table_partition_actions(0); - } - - private Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext add_external_table_partition_actions(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext _localctx = new Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 1258; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 1258, RULE_add_external_table_partition_actions, _p); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11241); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1184,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(11239); - add_external_table_partition_action(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(11240); - empty(); - } - break; - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(11248); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1185,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - { - _localctx = new Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_add_external_table_partition_actions); - setState(11243); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); - setState(11244); - match(Comma); - setState(11245); - add_external_table_partition_action(); - } - } - } - setState(11250); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1185,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Add_external_table_partition_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Expr_constContext expr_const() { - return getRuleContext(Expr_constContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Add_external_table_partition_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_add_external_table_partition_action; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAdd_external_table_partition_action(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAdd_external_table_partition_action(this); - } - } - - public final Add_external_table_partition_actionContext add_external_table_partition_action() throws RecognitionException { - Add_external_table_partition_actionContext _localctx = new Add_external_table_partition_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1260, RULE_add_external_table_partition_action); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11251); - column_name(); - setState(11253); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(11252); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(11255); - expr_const(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_table_actionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List alter_table_action() { - return getRuleContexts(Alter_table_actionContext.class); - } - public Alter_table_actionContext alter_table_action(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Alter_table_actionContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Alter_table_actionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_table_actions; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_table_actions(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_table_actions(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_table_actionsContext alter_table_actions() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_table_actionsContext _localctx = new Alter_table_actionsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1262, RULE_alter_table_actions); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11257); - alter_table_action(); - setState(11262); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(11258); - match(Comma); - setState(11259); - alter_table_action(); - } - } - setState(11264); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_table_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext table_option_list_space_seperated() { - return getRuleContext(Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTERVAL() { return getToken(OBParser.INTERVAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_alter_compress_optionContext opt_alter_compress_option() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_alter_compress_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_column_optionContext alter_column_option() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_column_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_tablegroup_optionContext alter_tablegroup_option() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_tablegroup_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RENAME() { return getToken(OBParser.RENAME, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } - public Alter_index_optionContext alter_index_option() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_index_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_partition_optionContext alter_partition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_partition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Modify_partition_infoContext modify_partition_info() { - return getRuleContext(Modify_partition_infoContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONSTRAINT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSTRAINT, 0); } - public Constraint_nameContext constraint_name() { - return getRuleContext(Constraint_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Enable_optionContext enable_option() { - return getRuleContext(Enable_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRIGGERS() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIGGERS, 0); } - public TerminalNode REFRESH() { return getToken(OBParser.REFRESH, 0); } - public Alter_table_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_table_action; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_table_action(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_table_action(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_table_actionContext alter_table_action() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_table_actionContext _localctx = new Alter_table_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1264, RULE_alter_table_action); - int _la; - try { - setState(11294); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1190,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11265); - table_option_list_space_seperated(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11266); - match(SET); - setState(11267); - table_option_list_space_seperated(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(11268); - match(SET); - setState(11269); - match(INTERVAL); - setState(11270); - match(LeftParen); - setState(11272); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1188,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(11271); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - } - setState(11274); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(11275); - opt_alter_compress_option(); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(11276); - alter_column_option(); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(11277); - alter_tablegroup_option(); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(11278); - match(RENAME); - setState(11280); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TO) { - { - setState(11279); - match(TO); - } - } - - setState(11282); - relation_factor(); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(11283); - alter_index_option(); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(11284); - alter_partition_option(); - } - break; - case 10: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(11285); - modify_partition_info(); - } - break; - case 11: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); - { - setState(11286); - match(DROP); - setState(11287); - match(CONSTRAINT); - setState(11288); - constraint_name(); - } - break; - case 12: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); - { - setState(11289); - enable_option(); - setState(11290); - match(ALL); - setState(11291); - match(TRIGGERS); - } - break; - case 13: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); - { - setState(11293); - match(REFRESH); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_partition_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public Drop_partition_name_listContext drop_partition_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Drop_partition_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUBPARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode UPDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode GLOBAL() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode INDEXES() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEXES, 0); } - public TerminalNode RENAME() { return getToken(OBParser.RENAME, 0); } - public List relation_name() { - return getRuleContexts(Relation_nameContext.class); - } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } - public Add_range_or_list_partitionContext add_range_or_list_partition() { - return getRuleContext(Add_range_or_list_partitionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode SPLIT() { return getToken(OBParser.SPLIT, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Split_actionsContext split_actions() { - return getRuleContext(Split_actionsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TRUNCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRUNCATE, 0); } - public Name_listContext name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode MODIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.MODIFY, 0); } - public Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext add_range_or_list_subpartition() { - return getRuleContext(Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode EXCHANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCHANGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INCLUDING() { return getToken(OBParser.INCLUDING, 0); } - public TerminalNode WITHOUT() { return getToken(OBParser.WITHOUT, 0); } - public TerminalNode VALIDATION() { return getToken(OBParser.VALIDATION, 0); } - public Alter_partition_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_partition_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_partition_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_partition_option(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_partition_optionContext alter_partition_option() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_partition_optionContext _localctx = new Alter_partition_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1266, RULE_alter_partition_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(11344); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1191,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11296); - match(DROP); - setState(11297); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==PARTITION || _la==SUBPARTITION) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(11298); - drop_partition_name_list(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11299); - match(DROP); - setState(11300); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==PARTITION || _la==SUBPARTITION) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(11301); - drop_partition_name_list(); - setState(11302); - match(UPDATE); - setState(11303); - match(GLOBAL); - setState(11304); - match(INDEXES); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(11306); - match(RENAME); - setState(11307); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==PARTITION || _la==SUBPARTITION) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(11308); - relation_name(); - setState(11309); - match(TO); - setState(11310); - relation_name(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(11312); - add_range_or_list_partition(); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(11313); - match(SPLIT); - setState(11314); - match(PARTITION); - setState(11315); - relation_factor(); - setState(11316); - split_actions(); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(11318); - match(TRUNCATE); - setState(11319); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==PARTITION || _la==SUBPARTITION) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(11320); - name_list(0); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(11321); - match(TRUNCATE); - setState(11322); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==PARTITION || _la==SUBPARTITION) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(11323); - name_list(0); - setState(11324); - match(UPDATE); - setState(11325); - match(GLOBAL); - setState(11326); - match(INDEXES); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(11328); - match(MODIFY); - setState(11329); - match(PARTITION); - setState(11330); - relation_factor(); - setState(11331); - add_range_or_list_subpartition(); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(11333); - match(EXCHANGE); - setState(11334); - match(PARTITION); - setState(11335); - relation_name(); - setState(11336); - match(WITH); - setState(11337); - match(TABLE); - setState(11338); - relation_factor(); - setState(11339); - match(INCLUDING); - setState(11340); - match(INDEXES); - setState(11341); - match(WITHOUT); - setState(11342); - match(VALIDATION); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_partition_name_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Name_listContext name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Drop_partition_name_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_partition_name_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_partition_name_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_partition_name_list(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_partition_name_listContext drop_partition_name_list() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_partition_name_listContext _localctx = new Drop_partition_name_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1268, RULE_drop_partition_name_list); - try { - setState(11351); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11346); - name_list(0); - } - break; - case LeftParen: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11347); - match(LeftParen); - setState(11348); - name_list(0); - setState(11349); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Split_actionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode VALUES() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUES, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public List_exprContext list_expr() { - return getRuleContext(List_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Modify_special_partitionContext modify_special_partition() { - return getRuleContext(Modify_special_partitionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode AT() { return getToken(OBParser.AT, 0); } - public Range_expr_listContext range_expr_list() { - return getRuleContext(Range_expr_listContext.class,0); - } - public Split_range_partitionContext split_range_partition() { - return getRuleContext(Split_range_partitionContext.class,0); - } - public Split_list_partitionContext split_list_partition() { - return getRuleContext(Split_list_partitionContext.class,0); - } - public Split_actionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_split_actions; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSplit_actions(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSplit_actions(this); - } - } - - public final Split_actionsContext split_actions() throws RecognitionException { - Split_actionsContext _localctx = new Split_actionsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1270, RULE_split_actions); - try { - setState(11367); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1193,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11353); - match(VALUES); - setState(11354); - match(LeftParen); - setState(11355); - list_expr(); - setState(11356); - match(RightParen); - setState(11357); - modify_special_partition(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11359); - match(AT); - setState(11360); - match(LeftParen); - setState(11361); - range_expr_list(); - setState(11362); - match(RightParen); - setState(11363); - modify_special_partition(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(11365); - split_range_partition(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(11366); - split_list_partition(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Add_range_or_list_partitionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } - public Range_partition_listContext range_partition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Range_partition_listContext.class,0); - } - public List_partition_listContext list_partition_list() { - return getRuleContext(List_partition_listContext.class,0); - } - public Add_range_or_list_partitionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_add_range_or_list_partition; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAdd_range_or_list_partition(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAdd_range_or_list_partition(this); - } - } - - public final Add_range_or_list_partitionContext add_range_or_list_partition() throws RecognitionException { - Add_range_or_list_partitionContext _localctx = new Add_range_or_list_partitionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1272, RULE_add_range_or_list_partition); - try { - setState(11373); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1194,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11369); - match(ADD); - setState(11370); - range_partition_list(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11371); - match(ADD); - setState(11372); - list_partition_list(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } - public Range_subpartition_listContext range_subpartition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Range_subpartition_listContext.class,0); - } - public List_subpartition_listContext list_subpartition_list() { - return getRuleContext(List_subpartition_listContext.class,0); - } - public Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_add_range_or_list_subpartition; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAdd_range_or_list_subpartition(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAdd_range_or_list_subpartition(this); - } - } - - public final Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext add_range_or_list_subpartition() throws RecognitionException { - Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext _localctx = new Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1274, RULE_add_range_or_list_subpartition); - try { - setState(11379); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1195,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11375); - match(ADD); - setState(11376); - range_subpartition_list(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11377); - match(ADD); - setState(11378); - list_subpartition_list(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Modify_special_partitionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } - public Opt_special_partition_listContext opt_special_partition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_special_partition_listContext.class,0); - } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Modify_special_partitionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_modify_special_partition; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterModify_special_partition(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitModify_special_partition(this); - } - } - - public final Modify_special_partitionContext modify_special_partition() throws RecognitionException { - Modify_special_partitionContext _localctx = new Modify_special_partitionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1276, RULE_modify_special_partition); - try { - setState(11384); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case INTO: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11381); - match(INTO); - setState(11382); - opt_special_partition_list(); - } - break; - case EOF: - case Comma: - case DELIMITER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11383); - empty(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Split_range_partitionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } - public Opt_range_partition_listContext opt_range_partition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_range_partition_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Range_partition_listContext range_partition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Range_partition_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Special_partition_listContext special_partition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Special_partition_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Split_range_partitionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_split_range_partition; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSplit_range_partition(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSplit_range_partition(this); - } - } - - public final Split_range_partitionContext split_range_partition() throws RecognitionException { - Split_range_partitionContext _localctx = new Split_range_partitionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1278, RULE_split_range_partition); - try { - setState(11395); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1197,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11386); - match(INTO); - setState(11387); - opt_range_partition_list(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11388); - match(INTO); - setState(11389); - match(LeftParen); - setState(11390); - range_partition_list(); - setState(11391); - match(Comma); - setState(11392); - special_partition_list(); - setState(11393); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Split_list_partitionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INTO() { return getToken(OBParser.INTO, 0); } - public Opt_list_partition_listContext opt_list_partition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_list_partition_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public List_partition_listContext list_partition_list() { - return getRuleContext(List_partition_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Special_partition_listContext special_partition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Special_partition_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Split_list_partitionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_split_list_partition; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSplit_list_partition(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSplit_list_partition(this); - } - } - - public final Split_list_partitionContext split_list_partition() throws RecognitionException { - Split_list_partitionContext _localctx = new Split_list_partitionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1280, RULE_split_list_partition); - try { - setState(11406); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1198,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11397); - match(INTO); - setState(11398); - opt_list_partition_list(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11399); - match(INTO); - setState(11400); - match(LeftParen); - setState(11401); - list_partition_list(); - setState(11402); - match(Comma); - setState(11403); - special_partition_list(); - setState(11404); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Modify_partition_infoContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode MODIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.MODIFY, 0); } - public Hash_partition_optionContext hash_partition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Hash_partition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public List_partition_optionContext list_partition_option() { - return getRuleContext(List_partition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Range_partition_optionContext range_partition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Range_partition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Modify_partition_infoContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_modify_partition_info; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterModify_partition_info(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitModify_partition_info(this); - } - } - - public final Modify_partition_infoContext modify_partition_info() throws RecognitionException { - Modify_partition_infoContext _localctx = new Modify_partition_infoContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1282, RULE_modify_partition_info); - try { - setState(11414); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1199,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11408); - match(MODIFY); - setState(11409); - hash_partition_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11410); - match(MODIFY); - setState(11411); - list_partition_option(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(11412); - match(MODIFY); - setState(11413); - range_partition_option(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Tg_modify_partition_infoContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode MODIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.MODIFY, 0); } - public Tg_hash_partition_optionContext tg_hash_partition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Tg_hash_partition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Tg_range_partition_optionContext tg_range_partition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Tg_range_partition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Tg_list_partition_optionContext tg_list_partition_option() { - return getRuleContext(Tg_list_partition_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Tg_modify_partition_infoContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tg_modify_partition_info; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTg_modify_partition_info(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTg_modify_partition_info(this); - } - } - - public final Tg_modify_partition_infoContext tg_modify_partition_info() throws RecognitionException { - Tg_modify_partition_infoContext _localctx = new Tg_modify_partition_infoContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1284, RULE_tg_modify_partition_info); - try { - setState(11422); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1200,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11416); - match(MODIFY); - setState(11417); - tg_hash_partition_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11418); - match(MODIFY); - setState(11419); - tg_range_partition_option(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(11420); - match(MODIFY); - setState(11421); - tg_list_partition_option(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_index_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } - public Out_of_line_constraintContext out_of_line_constraint() { - return getRuleContext(Out_of_line_constraintContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } - public Index_nameContext index_name() { - return getRuleContext(Index_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Visibility_optionContext visibility_option() { - return getRuleContext(Visibility_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRIMARY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } - public TerminalNode MODIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.MODIFY, 0); } - public Out_of_line_primary_indexContext out_of_line_primary_index() { - return getRuleContext(Out_of_line_primary_indexContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode CONSTRAINT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSTRAINT, 0); } - public Constraint_nameContext constraint_name() { - return getRuleContext(Constraint_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Enable_optionContext enable_option() { - return getRuleContext(Enable_optionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RELY() { return getToken(OBParser.RELY, 0); } - public TerminalNode NORELY() { return getToken(OBParser.NORELY, 0); } - public TerminalNode VALIDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.VALIDATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOVALIDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOVALIDATE, 0); } - public Alter_index_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_index_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_index_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_index_option(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_index_optionContext alter_index_option() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_index_optionContext _localctx = new Alter_index_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1286, RULE_alter_index_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(11460); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1205,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11424); - match(ADD); - setState(11425); - out_of_line_constraint(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11426); - match(ADD); - setState(11427); - match(LeftParen); - setState(11428); - out_of_line_constraint(); - setState(11429); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(11431); - match(ALTER); - setState(11432); - match(INDEX); - setState(11433); - index_name(); - setState(11434); - visibility_option(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(11436); - match(DROP); - setState(11437); - match(PRIMARY); - setState(11438); - match(KEY); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(11439); - match(MODIFY); - setState(11440); - out_of_line_primary_index(false); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(11441); - match(MODIFY); - setState(11442); - match(CONSTRAINT); - setState(11443); - constraint_name(); - setState(11445); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==RELY || _la==NORELY) { - { - setState(11444); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==RELY || _la==NORELY) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - - setState(11448); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DISABLE || _la==ENABLE) { - { - setState(11447); - enable_option(); - } - } - - setState(11451); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==VALIDATE || _la==NOVALIDATE) { - { - setState(11450); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==VALIDATE || _la==NOVALIDATE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(11453); - enable_option(); - setState(11455); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==VALIDATE || _la==NOVALIDATE) { - { - setState(11454); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==VALIDATE || _la==NOVALIDATE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - - setState(11457); - match(CONSTRAINT); - setState(11458); - constraint_name(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Visibility_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode VISIBLE() { return getToken(OBParser.VISIBLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INVISIBLE() { return getToken(OBParser.INVISIBLE, 0); } - public Visibility_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_visibility_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterVisibility_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitVisibility_option(this); - } - } - - public final Visibility_optionContext visibility_option() throws RecognitionException { - Visibility_optionContext _localctx = new Visibility_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1288, RULE_visibility_option); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11462); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==VISIBLE || _la==INVISIBLE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_column_group_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode COLUMN() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN, 0); } - public TerminalNode GROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUP, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_group_listContext column_group_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_group_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public Alter_column_group_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_column_group_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_column_group_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_column_group_option(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_column_group_optionContext alter_column_group_option() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_column_group_optionContext _localctx = new Alter_column_group_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1290, RULE_alter_column_group_option); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11464); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ADD || _la==DROP) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(11465); - match(COLUMN); - setState(11466); - match(GROUP); - setState(11467); - match(LeftParen); - setState(11468); - column_group_list(); - setState(11469); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_column_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } - public Column_definitionContext column_definition() { - return getRuleContext(Column_definitionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_definition_listContext column_definition_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_definition_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode COLUMN() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN, 0); } - public Column_definition_refContext column_definition_ref() { - return getRuleContext(Column_definition_refContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode CASCADE() { return getToken(OBParser.CASCADE, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESTRICT() { return getToken(OBParser.RESTRICT, 0); } - public Column_listContext column_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RENAME() { return getToken(OBParser.RENAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode MODIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.MODIFY, 0); } - public Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext column_definition_opt_datatype() { - return getRuleContext(Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext.class,0); - } - public Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext column_definition_opt_datatype_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_column_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_column_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_column_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_column_option(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_column_optionContext alter_column_option() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_column_optionContext _localctx = new Alter_column_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1292, RULE_alter_column_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(11502); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1207,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11471); - match(ADD); - setState(11472); - column_definition(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11473); - match(ADD); - setState(11474); - match(LeftParen); - setState(11475); - column_definition_list(); - setState(11476); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(11478); - match(DROP); - setState(11479); - match(COLUMN); - setState(11480); - column_definition_ref(); - setState(11482); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CASCADE || _la==RESTRICT) { - { - setState(11481); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==CASCADE || _la==RESTRICT) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(11484); - match(DROP); - setState(11485); - match(LeftParen); - setState(11486); - column_list(); - setState(11487); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(11489); - match(RENAME); - setState(11490); - match(COLUMN); - setState(11491); - column_definition_ref(); - setState(11492); - match(TO); - setState(11493); - column_name(); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(11495); - match(MODIFY); - setState(11496); - column_definition_opt_datatype(); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(11497); - match(MODIFY); - setState(11498); - match(LeftParen); - setState(11499); - column_definition_opt_datatype_list(); - setState(11500); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_tablegroup_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLEGROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUP, 0); } - public Alter_tablegroup_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_tablegroup_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_tablegroup_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_tablegroup_option(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_tablegroup_optionContext alter_tablegroup_option() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_tablegroup_optionContext _localctx = new Alter_tablegroup_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1294, RULE_alter_tablegroup_option); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11504); - match(DROP); - setState(11505); - match(TABLEGROUP); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Flashback_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode FLASHBACK() { return getToken(OBParser.FLASHBACK, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } - public Relation_factorsContext relation_factors() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorsContext.class,0); - } - public List TO() { return getTokens(OBParser.TO); } - public TerminalNode TO(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.TO, i); - } - public TerminalNode BEFORE() { return getToken(OBParser.BEFORE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode RENAME() { return getToken(OBParser.RENAME, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Database_keyContext database_key() { - return getRuleContext(Database_keyContext.class,0); - } - public List database_factor() { - return getRuleContexts(Database_factorContext.class); - } - public Database_factorContext database_factor(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Database_factorContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } - public List relation_name() { - return getRuleContexts(Relation_nameContext.class); - } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode TIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMESTAMP, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode SCN() { return getToken(OBParser.SCN, 0); } - public Flashback_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_flashback_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFlashback_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFlashback_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Flashback_stmtContext flashback_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Flashback_stmtContext _localctx = new Flashback_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1296, RULE_flashback_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(11554); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1211,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11507); - match(FLASHBACK); - setState(11508); - match(TABLE); - setState(11509); - relation_factors(); - setState(11510); - match(TO); - setState(11511); - match(BEFORE); - setState(11512); - match(DROP); - setState(11516); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==RENAME) { - { - setState(11513); - match(RENAME); - setState(11514); - match(TO); - setState(11515); - relation_factor(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11518); - match(FLASHBACK); - setState(11519); - database_key(); - setState(11520); - database_factor(); - setState(11521); - match(TO); - setState(11522); - match(BEFORE); - setState(11523); - match(DROP); - setState(11527); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==RENAME) { - { - setState(11524); - match(RENAME); - setState(11525); - match(TO); - setState(11526); - database_factor(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(11529); - match(FLASHBACK); - setState(11530); - match(TENANT); - setState(11531); - relation_name(); - setState(11532); - match(TO); - setState(11533); - match(BEFORE); - setState(11534); - match(DROP); - setState(11538); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==RENAME) { - { - setState(11535); - match(RENAME); - setState(11536); - match(TO); - setState(11537); - relation_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(11540); - match(FLASHBACK); - setState(11541); - match(TABLE); - setState(11542); - relation_factors(); - setState(11543); - match(TO); - setState(11544); - match(TIMESTAMP); - setState(11545); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(11547); - match(FLASHBACK); - setState(11548); - match(TABLE); - setState(11549); - relation_factors(); - setState(11550); - match(TO); - setState(11551); - match(SCN); - setState(11552); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Relation_factorsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List relation_factor() { - return getRuleContexts(Relation_factorContext.class); - } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Relation_factorsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_factors; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_factors(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_factors(this); - } - } - - public final Relation_factorsContext relation_factors() throws RecognitionException { - Relation_factorsContext _localctx = new Relation_factorsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1298, RULE_relation_factors); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11556); - relation_factor(); - setState(11561); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(11557); - match(Comma); - setState(11558); - relation_factor(); - } - } - setState(11563); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Purge_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PURGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PURGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode RECYCLEBIN() { return getToken(OBParser.RECYCLEBIN, 0); } - public Database_keyContext database_key() { - return getRuleContext(Database_keyContext.class,0); - } - public Database_factorContext database_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Database_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Purge_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_purge_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPurge_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPurge_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Purge_stmtContext purge_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Purge_stmtContext _localctx = new Purge_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1300, RULE_purge_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11564); - match(PURGE); - setState(11577); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case INDEX: - case TABLE: - case DATABASE: - case SCHEMA: - case RECYCLEBIN: - { - setState(11573); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case INDEX: - case TABLE: - { - setState(11565); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==INDEX || _la==TABLE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(11566); - relation_factor(); - } - break; - case DATABASE: - case SCHEMA: - case RECYCLEBIN: - { - setState(11571); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case RECYCLEBIN: - { - setState(11567); - match(RECYCLEBIN); - } - break; - case DATABASE: - case SCHEMA: - { - setState(11568); - database_key(); - setState(11569); - database_factor(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case TENANT: - { - setState(11575); - match(TENANT); - setState(11576); - relation_name(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Shrink_space_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } - public Relation_factorContext relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode SHRINK() { return getToken(OBParser.SHRINK, 0); } - public TerminalNode SPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.SPACE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Shrink_space_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_shrink_space_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterShrink_space_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitShrink_space_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Shrink_space_stmtContext shrink_space_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Shrink_space_stmtContext _localctx = new Shrink_space_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1302, RULE_shrink_space_stmt); - try { - setState(11593); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1217,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11579); - match(ALTER); - setState(11580); - match(TABLE); - setState(11581); - relation_factor(); - setState(11582); - match(SHRINK); - setState(11583); - match(SPACE); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11585); - match(ALTER); - setState(11586); - match(TENANT); - setState(11589); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ALL: - { - setState(11587); - match(ALL); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - { - setState(11588); - relation_name(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(11591); - match(SHRINK); - setState(11592); - match(SPACE); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Audit_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Audit_or_noauditContext audit_or_noaudit() { - return getRuleContext(Audit_or_noauditContext.class,0); - } - public Audit_clauseContext audit_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Audit_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Audit_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_audit_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAudit_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAudit_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Audit_stmtContext audit_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Audit_stmtContext _localctx = new Audit_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1304, RULE_audit_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11595); - audit_or_noaudit(); - setState(11596); - audit_clause(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Audit_or_noauditContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode AUDIT() { return getToken(OBParser.AUDIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOAUDIT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOAUDIT, 0); } - public Audit_or_noauditContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_audit_or_noaudit; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAudit_or_noaudit(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAudit_or_noaudit(this); - } - } - - public final Audit_or_noauditContext audit_or_noaudit() throws RecognitionException { - Audit_or_noauditContext _localctx = new Audit_or_noauditContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1306, RULE_audit_or_noaudit); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11598); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==AUDIT || _la==NOAUDIT) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Audit_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Audit_operation_clauseContext audit_operation_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Audit_operation_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Op_audit_tail_clauseContext op_audit_tail_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Op_audit_tail_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Auditing_by_user_clauseContext auditing_by_user_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Auditing_by_user_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Auditing_on_clauseContext auditing_on_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Auditing_on_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Audit_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_audit_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAudit_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAudit_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Audit_clauseContext audit_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Audit_clauseContext _localctx = new Audit_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1308, RULE_audit_clause); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11600); - audit_operation_clause(); - setState(11605); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1219,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(11601); - auditing_by_user_clause(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(11603); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ON) { - { - setState(11602); - auditing_on_clause(); - } - } - - } - break; - } - setState(11607); - op_audit_tail_clause(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Audit_operation_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Audit_all_shortcut_listContext audit_all_shortcut_list() { - return getRuleContext(Audit_all_shortcut_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public TerminalNode STATEMENTS() { return getToken(OBParser.STATEMENTS, 0); } - public Audit_operation_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_audit_operation_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAudit_operation_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAudit_operation_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Audit_operation_clauseContext audit_operation_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Audit_operation_clauseContext _localctx = new Audit_operation_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1310, RULE_audit_operation_clause); - int _la; - try { - setState(11614); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ALTER: - case AUDIT: - case CLUSTER: - case COMMENT: - case DELETE: - case GRANT: - case INDEX: - case INSERT: - case NOT: - case PUBLIC: - case RENAME: - case SELECT: - case SESSION: - case SYNONYM: - case TABLE: - case TRIGGER: - case UPDATE: - case USER: - case VIEW: - case DATABASE: - case PROCEDURE: - case ROLE: - case SEQUENCE: - case CONTEXT: - case DIRECTORY: - case SYSTEM: - case OUTLINE: - case FLASHBACK: - case TABLESPACE: - case PROFILE: - case TYPE: - case MATERIALIZED: - case EXECUTE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11609); - audit_all_shortcut_list(); - } - break; - case ALL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11610); - match(ALL); - setState(11612); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==STATEMENTS) { - { - setState(11611); - match(STATEMENTS); - } - } - - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Audit_all_shortcut_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List audit_all_shortcut() { - return getRuleContexts(Audit_all_shortcutContext.class); - } - public Audit_all_shortcutContext audit_all_shortcut(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Audit_all_shortcutContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Audit_all_shortcut_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_audit_all_shortcut_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAudit_all_shortcut_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAudit_all_shortcut_list(this); - } - } - - public final Audit_all_shortcut_listContext audit_all_shortcut_list() throws RecognitionException { - Audit_all_shortcut_listContext _localctx = new Audit_all_shortcut_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1312, RULE_audit_all_shortcut_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11616); - audit_all_shortcut(); - setState(11621); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(11617); - match(Comma); - setState(11618); - audit_all_shortcut(); - } - } - setState(11623); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Auditing_on_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public Normal_relation_factorContext normal_relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Normal_relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public Auditing_on_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_auditing_on_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAuditing_on_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAuditing_on_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Auditing_on_clauseContext auditing_on_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Auditing_on_clauseContext _localctx = new Auditing_on_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1314, RULE_auditing_on_clause); - try { - setState(11628); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1223,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11624); - match(ON); - setState(11625); - normal_relation_factor(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11626); - match(ON); - setState(11627); - match(DEFAULT); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Auditing_by_user_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public User_listContext user_list() { - return getRuleContext(User_listContext.class,0); - } - public Auditing_by_user_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_auditing_by_user_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAuditing_by_user_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAuditing_by_user_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Auditing_by_user_clauseContext auditing_by_user_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Auditing_by_user_clauseContext _localctx = new Auditing_by_user_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1316, RULE_auditing_by_user_clause); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11630); - match(BY); - setState(11631); - user_list(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Op_audit_tail_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Audit_by_session_access_optionContext audit_by_session_access_option() { - return getRuleContext(Audit_by_session_access_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Audit_whenever_optionContext audit_whenever_option() { - return getRuleContext(Audit_whenever_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Op_audit_tail_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_op_audit_tail_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOp_audit_tail_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOp_audit_tail_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Op_audit_tail_clauseContext op_audit_tail_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Op_audit_tail_clauseContext _localctx = new Op_audit_tail_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1318, RULE_op_audit_tail_clause); - int _la; - try { - setState(11639); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case EOF: - case DELIMITER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11633); - empty(); - } - break; - case BY: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11634); - audit_by_session_access_option(); - setState(11636); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WHENEVER) { - { - setState(11635); - audit_whenever_option(); - } - } - - } - break; - case WHENEVER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(11638); - audit_whenever_option(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Audit_by_session_access_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode ACCESS() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESS, 0); } - public Audit_by_session_access_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_audit_by_session_access_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAudit_by_session_access_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAudit_by_session_access_option(this); - } - } - - public final Audit_by_session_access_optionContext audit_by_session_access_option() throws RecognitionException { - Audit_by_session_access_optionContext _localctx = new Audit_by_session_access_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1320, RULE_audit_by_session_access_option); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11641); - match(BY); - setState(11642); - match(ACCESS); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Audit_whenever_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode WHENEVER() { return getToken(OBParser.WHENEVER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUCCESSFUL() { return getToken(OBParser.SUCCESSFUL, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } - public Audit_whenever_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_audit_whenever_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAudit_whenever_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAudit_whenever_option(this); - } - } - - public final Audit_whenever_optionContext audit_whenever_option() throws RecognitionException { - Audit_whenever_optionContext _localctx = new Audit_whenever_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1322, RULE_audit_whenever_option); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11644); - match(WHENEVER); - setState(11646); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==NOT) { - { - setState(11645); - match(NOT); - } - } - - setState(11648); - match(SUCCESSFUL); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Audit_all_shortcutContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYSTEM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM, 0); } - public TerminalNode CLUSTER() { return getToken(OBParser.CLUSTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONTEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTEXT, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATABASE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LINK() { return getToken(OBParser.LINK, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYNONYM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYNONYM, 0); } - public TerminalNode PUBLIC() { return getToken(OBParser.PUBLIC, 0); } - public TerminalNode DIRECTORY() { return getToken(OBParser.DIRECTORY, 0); } - public TerminalNode VIEW() { return getToken(OBParser.VIEW, 0); } - public TerminalNode MATERIALIZED() { return getToken(OBParser.MATERIALIZED, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOT, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXISTS() { return getToken(OBParser.EXISTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode OUTLINE() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTLINE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PROCEDURE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROCEDURE, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXECUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXECUTE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PROFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROFILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SEQUENCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION, 0); } - public TerminalNode AUDIT() { return getToken(OBParser.AUDIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode GRANT() { return getToken(OBParser.GRANT, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLESPACE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRIGGER() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIGGER, 0); } - public TerminalNode TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.TYPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode USER() { return getToken(OBParser.USER, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INSERT() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERT, 0); } - public TerminalNode SELECT() { return getToken(OBParser.SELECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode UPDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode FLASHBACK() { return getToken(OBParser.FLASHBACK, 0); } - public TerminalNode INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX, 0); } - public TerminalNode RENAME() { return getToken(OBParser.RENAME, 0); } - public Audit_all_shortcutContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_audit_all_shortcut; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAudit_all_shortcut(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAudit_all_shortcut(this); - } - } - - public final Audit_all_shortcutContext audit_all_shortcut() throws RecognitionException { - Audit_all_shortcutContext _localctx = new Audit_all_shortcutContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1324, RULE_audit_all_shortcut); - int _la; - try { - setState(11734); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1242,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11650); - match(ALTER); - setState(11652); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SYSTEM) { - { - setState(11651); - match(SYSTEM); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11654); - match(CLUSTER); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(11655); - match(CONTEXT); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(11657); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PUBLIC) { - { - setState(11656); - match(PUBLIC); - } - } - - setState(11662); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case DATABASE: - { - setState(11659); - match(DATABASE); - setState(11660); - match(LINK); - } - break; - case SYNONYM: - { - setState(11661); - match(SYNONYM); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(11664); - match(DIRECTORY); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(11666); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==MATERIALIZED) { - { - setState(11665); - match(MATERIALIZED); - } - } - - setState(11668); - match(VIEW); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(11669); - match(NOT); - setState(11670); - match(EXISTS); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(11671); - match(OUTLINE); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(11673); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==EXECUTE) { - { - setState(11672); - match(EXECUTE); - } - } - - setState(11675); - match(PROCEDURE); - } - break; - case 10: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(11676); - match(PROFILE); - } - break; - case 11: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); - { - setState(11677); - match(ROLE); - } - break; - case 12: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); - { - setState(11679); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ALTER) { - { - setState(11678); - match(ALTER); - } - } - - setState(11681); - match(SEQUENCE); - } - break; - case 13: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); - { - setState(11682); - match(SESSION); - } - break; - case 14: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); - { - setState(11684); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SYSTEM) { - { - setState(11683); - match(SYSTEM); - } - } - - setState(11686); - match(AUDIT); - } - break; - case 15: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); - { - setState(11688); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SYSTEM) { - { - setState(11687); - match(SYSTEM); - } - } - - setState(11690); - match(GRANT); - } - break; - case 16: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); - { - setState(11692); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ALTER) { - { - setState(11691); - match(ALTER); - } - } - - setState(11694); - match(TABLE); - } - break; - case 17: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); - { - setState(11695); - match(TABLESPACE); - } - break; - case 18: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); - { - setState(11696); - match(TRIGGER); - } - break; - case 19: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); - { - setState(11698); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==GRANT) { - { - setState(11697); - match(GRANT); - } - } - - setState(11700); - match(TYPE); - } - break; - case 20: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 20); - { - setState(11701); - match(USER); - } - break; - case 21: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 21); - { - setState(11702); - match(COMMENT); - setState(11704); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TABLE) { - { - setState(11703); - match(TABLE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 22: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 22); - { - setState(11706); - match(DELETE); - setState(11708); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TABLE) { - { - setState(11707); - match(TABLE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 23: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 23); - { - setState(11710); - match(GRANT); - setState(11711); - match(PROCEDURE); - } - break; - case 24: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 24); - { - setState(11712); - match(GRANT); - setState(11713); - match(SEQUENCE); - } - break; - case 25: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 25); - { - setState(11714); - match(GRANT); - setState(11715); - match(TABLE); - } - break; - case 26: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 26); - { - setState(11716); - match(INSERT); - setState(11718); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TABLE) { - { - setState(11717); - match(TABLE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 27: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 27); - { - setState(11720); - match(SELECT); - setState(11722); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SEQUENCE) { - { - setState(11721); - match(SEQUENCE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 28: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 28); - { - setState(11724); - match(SELECT); - setState(11725); - match(TABLE); - } - break; - case 29: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 29); - { - setState(11726); - match(UPDATE); - setState(11728); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TABLE) { - { - setState(11727); - match(TABLE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 30: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 30); - { - setState(11730); - match(EXECUTE); - } - break; - case 31: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 31); - { - setState(11731); - match(FLASHBACK); - } - break; - case 32: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 32); - { - setState(11732); - match(INDEX); - } - break; - case 33: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 33); - { - setState(11733); - match(RENAME); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_system_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List ALTER() { return getTokens(OBParser.ALTER); } - public TerminalNode ALTER(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, i); - } - public TerminalNode SYSTEM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM, 0); } - public TerminalNode BOOTSTRAP() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOTSTRAP, 0); } - public Server_info_listContext server_info_list() { - return getRuleContext(Server_info_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode CLUSTER() { return getToken(OBParser.CLUSTER, 0); } - public Partition_roleContext partition_role() { - return getRuleContext(Partition_roleContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PRIMARY_ROOTSERVICE_LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY_ROOTSERVICE_LIST, 0); } - public List STRING_VALUE() { return getTokens(OBParser.STRING_VALUE); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, i); - } - public TerminalNode FLUSH() { return getToken(OBParser.FLUSH, 0); } - public Cache_type_or_stringContext cache_type_or_string() { - return getRuleContext(Cache_type_or_stringContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode CACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.CACHE, 0); } - public Flush_scopeContext flush_scope() { - return getRuleContext(Flush_scopeContext.class,0); - } - public Namespace_exprContext namespace_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Namespace_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode KVCACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.KVCACHE, 0); } - public Tenant_nameContext tenant_name() { - return getRuleContext(Tenant_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Cache_nameContext cache_name() { - return getRuleContext(Cache_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode SS_MICRO_CACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.SS_MICRO_CACHE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ILOGCACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.ILOGCACHE, 0); } - public File_idContext file_id() { - return getRuleContext(File_idContext.class,0); - } - public List PLAN() { return getTokens(OBParser.PLAN); } - public TerminalNode PLAN(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.PLAN, i); - } - public TerminalNode BASELINE() { return getToken(OBParser.BASELINE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public Baseline_asgn_factorContext baseline_asgn_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Baseline_asgn_factorContext.class,0); - } - public Sql_id_exprContext sql_id_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Sql_id_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Baseline_id_exprContext baseline_id_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Baseline_id_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LOAD() { return getToken(OBParser.LOAD, 0); } - public TerminalNode FROM() { return getToken(OBParser.FROM, 0); } - public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } - public List COMP_EQ() { return getTokens(OBParser.COMP_EQ); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, i); - } - public Tenant_name_listContext tenant_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Tenant_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode SWITCH() { return getToken(OBParser.SWITCH, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPLICA() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICA, 0); } - public Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext partition_id_or_server_or_zone() { - return getRuleContext(Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ROOTSERVICE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROOTSERVICE, 0); } - public Server_or_zoneContext server_or_zone() { - return getRuleContext(Server_or_zoneContext.class,0); - } - public List alter_or_change_or_modify() { - return getRuleContexts(Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext.class); - } - public Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext alter_or_change_or_modify(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext.class,i); - } - public Partition_id_descContext partition_id_desc() { - return getRuleContext(Partition_id_descContext.class,0); - } - public Ip_portContext ip_port() { - return getRuleContext(Ip_portContext.class,0); - } - public Change_actionsContext change_actions() { - return getRuleContext(Change_actionsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode CREATE_TIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE_TIMESTAMP, 0); } - public List opt_equal_mark() { - return getRuleContexts(Opt_equal_markContext.class); - } - public Opt_equal_markContext opt_equal_mark(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Opt_equal_markContext.class,i); - } - public List INTNUM() { return getTokens(OBParser.INTNUM); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, i); - } - public Zone_descContext zone_desc() { - return getRuleContext(Zone_descContext.class,0); - } - public Migrate_actionContext migrate_action() { - return getRuleContext(Migrate_actionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode SOURCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SOURCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DESTINATION() { return getToken(OBParser.DESTINATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPORT() { return getToken(OBParser.REPORT, 0); } - public TerminalNode RECYCLE() { return getToken(OBParser.RECYCLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode START() { return getToken(OBParser.START, 0); } - public TerminalNode MERGE() { return getToken(OBParser.MERGE, 0); } - public Suspend_or_resumeContext suspend_or_resume() { - return getRuleContext(Suspend_or_resumeContext.class,0); - } - public Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context tenant_list_tuple_v2() { - return getRuleContext(Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode CLEAR() { return getToken(OBParser.CLEAR, 0); } - public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } - public TerminalNode CANCEL() { return getToken(OBParser.CANCEL, 0); } - public Cancel_task_typeContext cancel_task_type() { - return getRuleContext(Cancel_task_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TASK() { return getToken(OBParser.TASK, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAJOR() { return getToken(OBParser.MAJOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode FREEZE() { return getToken(OBParser.FREEZE, 0); } - public Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext opt_tablet_id_no_empty() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode REBUILD() { return getToken(OBParser.REBUILD, 0); } - public TerminalNode COLUMN() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN, 0); } - public TerminalNode GROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUP, 0); } - public Tenant_list_tupleContext tenant_list_tuple() { - return getRuleContext(Tenant_list_tupleContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_tablet_idContext opt_tablet_id() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_tablet_idContext.class,0); - } - public LsContext ls() { - return getRuleContext(LsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode CHECKPOINT() { return getToken(OBParser.CHECKPOINT, 0); } - public TerminalNode MINOR() { return getToken(OBParser.MINOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode SERVER() { return getToken(OBParser.SERVER, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Server_listContext server_list() { - return getRuleContext(Server_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode ARCHIVELOG() { return getToken(OBParser.ARCHIVELOG, 0); } - public TerminalNode DESCRIPTION() { return getToken(OBParser.DESCRIPTION, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOARCHIVELOG() { return getToken(OBParser.NOARCHIVELOG, 0); } - public TerminalNode BACKUP() { return getToken(OBParser.BACKUP, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATABASE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } - public TerminalNode INCREMENTAL() { return getToken(OBParser.INCREMENTAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode PLUS() { return getToken(OBParser.PLUS, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENCRYPTED() { return getToken(OBParser.ENCRYPTED, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST, 0); } - public Opt_path_infoContext opt_path_info() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_path_infoContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ACCESS_INFO() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESS_INFO, 0); } - public TerminalNode ATTRIBUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.ATTRIBUTE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENCRYPTION() { return getToken(OBParser.ENCRYPTION, 0); } - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public TerminalNode IDENTIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTIFIED, 0); } - public TerminalNode ONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.ONLY, 0); } - public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } - public Policy_nameContext policy_name() { - return getRuleContext(Policy_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RECOVERY_WINDOW() { return getToken(OBParser.RECOVERY_WINDOW, 0); } - public TerminalNode REDUNDANCY() { return getToken(OBParser.REDUNDANCY, 0); } - public TerminalNode BACKUP_COPIES() { return getToken(OBParser.BACKUP_COPIES, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROOTTABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROOTTABLE, 0); } - public Server_actionContext server_action() { - return getRuleContext(Server_actionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE, 0); } - public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,0); - } - public Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext add_or_alter_zone_options() { - return getRuleContext(Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext.class,0); - } - public Zone_actionContext zone_action() { - return getRuleContext(Zone_actionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode REFRESH() { return getToken(OBParser.REFRESH, 0); } - public TerminalNode SCHEMA() { return getToken(OBParser.SCHEMA, 0); } - public TerminalNode SET_TP() { return getToken(OBParser.SET_TP, 0); } - public Alter_system_settp_actionsContext alter_system_settp_actions() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_system_settp_actionsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LOCATION() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode REMOVE() { return getToken(OBParser.REMOVE, 0); } - public TerminalNode BALANCE() { return getToken(OBParser.BALANCE, 0); } - public Zone_listContext zone_list() { - return getRuleContext(Zone_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.TYPE, 0); } - public Balance_task_typeContext balance_task_type() { - return getRuleContext(Balance_task_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RELOAD() { return getToken(OBParser.RELOAD, 0); } - public TerminalNode GTS() { return getToken(OBParser.GTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNIT() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode MIGRATE() { return getToken(OBParser.MIGRATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPLICA_TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICA_TYPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATA_SOURCE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATA_SOURCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode MODIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.MODIFY, 0); } - public TerminalNode TASK_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TASK_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode UPGRADE() { return getToken(OBParser.UPGRADE, 0); } - public TerminalNode VIRTUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.VIRTUAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode RUN() { return getToken(OBParser.RUN, 0); } - public TerminalNode JOB() { return getToken(OBParser.JOB, 0); } - public Upgrade_actionContext upgrade_action() { - return getRuleContext(Upgrade_actionContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TIME_ZONE_INFO() { return getToken(OBParser.TIME_ZONE_INFO, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ENABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL, 0); } - public TerminalNode THROTTLE() { return getToken(OBParser.THROTTLE, 0); } - public Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext opt_sql_throttle_using_cond() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRIORITY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIORITY, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_LE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_LE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DISABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.DISABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DISK() { return getToken(OBParser.DISK, 0); } - public TerminalNode VALID() { return getToken(OBParser.VALID, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLES() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLES, 0); } - public TerminalNode IN() { return getToken(OBParser.IN, 0); } - public TerminalNode SESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION, 0); } - public Alter_system_set_clause_listContext alter_system_set_clause_list() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_system_set_clause_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode KILL() { return getToken(OBParser.KILL, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode IMMEDIATE() { return getToken(OBParser.IMMEDIATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESET() { return getToken(OBParser.RESET, 0); } - public Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext alter_system_reset_clause_list() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_system_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_system_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_system_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_system_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_system_stmtContext alter_system_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_system_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_system_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1326, RULE_alter_system_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(12488); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1328,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(11736); - match(ALTER); - setState(11737); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11738); - match(BOOTSTRAP); - setState(11741); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CLUSTER) { - { - setState(11739); - match(CLUSTER); - setState(11740); - partition_role(); - } - } - - setState(11743); - server_info_list(); - setState(11746); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PRIMARY_ROOTSERVICE_LIST) { - { - setState(11744); - match(PRIMARY_ROOTSERVICE_LIST); - setState(11745); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(11748); - match(ALTER); - setState(11749); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11750); - match(FLUSH); - setState(11751); - cache_type_or_string(); - setState(11752); - match(CACHE); - setState(11754); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==NAMESPACE) { - { - setState(11753); - namespace_expr(); - } - } - - setState(11756); - flush_scope(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(11758); - match(ALTER); - setState(11759); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11760); - match(FLUSH); - setState(11761); - match(KVCACHE); - setState(11763); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(11762); - tenant_name(); - } - } - - setState(11766); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CACHE) { - { - setState(11765); - cache_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(11768); - match(ALTER); - setState(11769); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11770); - match(FLUSH); - setState(11771); - match(SS_MICRO_CACHE); - setState(11773); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(11772); - tenant_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(11775); - match(ALTER); - setState(11776); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11777); - match(FLUSH); - setState(11778); - match(ILOGCACHE); - setState(11780); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FILE_ID) { - { - setState(11779); - file_id(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(11782); - match(ALTER); - setState(11783); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11784); - match(ALTER); - setState(11785); - match(PLAN); - setState(11786); - match(BASELINE); - setState(11788); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(11787); - tenant_name(); - } - } - - setState(11791); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SQL_ID) { - { - setState(11790); - sql_id_expr(); - } - } - - setState(11794); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==BASELINE_ID) { - { - setState(11793); - baseline_id_expr(); - } - } - - setState(11796); - match(SET); - setState(11797); - baseline_asgn_factor(); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(11798); - match(ALTER); - setState(11799); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11800); - match(LOAD); - setState(11801); - match(PLAN); - setState(11802); - match(BASELINE); - setState(11803); - match(FROM); - setState(11804); - match(PLAN); - setState(11805); - match(CACHE); - setState(11809); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(11806); - match(TENANT); - setState(11807); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(11808); - tenant_name_list(); - } - } - - setState(11812); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SQL_ID) { - { - setState(11811); - sql_id_expr(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(11814); - match(ALTER); - setState(11815); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11816); - match(SWITCH); - setState(11817); - match(REPLICA); - setState(11818); - partition_role(); - setState(11819); - partition_id_or_server_or_zone(); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(11821); - match(ALTER); - setState(11822); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11823); - match(SWITCH); - setState(11824); - match(ROOTSERVICE); - setState(11825); - partition_role(); - setState(11826); - server_or_zone(); - } - break; - case 10: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 10); - { - setState(11828); - match(ALTER); - setState(11829); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11830); - alter_or_change_or_modify(); - setState(11831); - match(REPLICA); - setState(11832); - partition_id_desc(); - setState(11833); - ip_port(); - setState(11834); - alter_or_change_or_modify(); - setState(11835); - change_actions(); - setState(11837); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FORCE) { - { - setState(11836); - match(FORCE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 11: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 11); - { - setState(11839); - match(ALTER); - setState(11840); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11841); - match(DROP); - setState(11842); - match(REPLICA); - setState(11843); - partition_id_desc(); - setState(11844); - ip_port(); - setState(11849); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CREATE_TIMESTAMP) { - { - setState(11845); - match(CREATE_TIMESTAMP); - setState(11846); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(11847); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - - setState(11852); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ZONE) { - { - setState(11851); - zone_desc(); - } - } - - setState(11855); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FORCE) { - { - setState(11854); - match(FORCE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 12: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 12); - { - setState(11857); - match(ALTER); - setState(11858); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11859); - migrate_action(); - setState(11860); - match(REPLICA); - setState(11861); - partition_id_desc(); - setState(11862); - match(SOURCE); - setState(11864); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(11863); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(11866); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(11867); - match(DESTINATION); - setState(11869); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(11868); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(11871); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(11873); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FORCE) { - { - setState(11872); - match(FORCE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 13: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 13); - { - setState(11875); - match(ALTER); - setState(11876); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11877); - match(REPORT); - setState(11878); - match(REPLICA); - setState(11880); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==HOST || _la==SERVER || _la==ZONE) { - { - setState(11879); - server_or_zone(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 14: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 14); - { - setState(11882); - match(ALTER); - setState(11883); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11884); - match(RECYCLE); - setState(11885); - match(REPLICA); - setState(11887); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==HOST || _la==SERVER || _la==ZONE) { - { - setState(11886); - server_or_zone(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 15: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 15); - { - setState(11889); - match(ALTER); - setState(11890); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11891); - match(START); - setState(11892); - match(MERGE); - setState(11893); - zone_desc(); - } - break; - case 16: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 16); - { - setState(11894); - match(ALTER); - setState(11895); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11896); - suspend_or_resume(); - setState(11897); - match(MERGE); - setState(11899); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(11898); - tenant_list_tuple_v2(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 17: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 17); - { - setState(11901); - match(ALTER); - setState(11902); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11903); - match(CLEAR); - setState(11904); - match(MERGE); - setState(11905); - match(ERROR_P); - setState(11907); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(11906); - tenant_list_tuple_v2(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 18: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 18); - { - setState(11909); - match(ALTER); - setState(11910); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11911); - match(CANCEL); - setState(11912); - cancel_task_type(); - setState(11913); - match(TASK); - setState(11914); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case 19: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 19); - { - setState(11916); - match(ALTER); - setState(11917); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11918); - match(MAJOR); - setState(11919); - match(FREEZE); - setState(11928); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1266,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(11920); - tenant_list_tuple(); - setState(11921); - opt_tablet_id(); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(11923); - tenant_list_tuple(); - setState(11924); - ls(); - setState(11925); - opt_tablet_id(); - } - } - break; - case 3: - { - setState(11927); - opt_tablet_id_no_empty(); - } - break; - } - setState(11933); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==REBUILD) { - { - setState(11930); - match(REBUILD); - setState(11931); - match(COLUMN); - setState(11932); - match(GROUP); - } - } - - } - break; - case 20: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 20); - { - setState(11935); - match(ALTER); - setState(11936); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11937); - match(CHECKPOINT); - } - break; - case 21: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 21); - { - setState(11938); - match(ALTER); - setState(11939); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11940); - match(MINOR); - setState(11941); - match(FREEZE); - setState(11950); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1268,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(11942); - tenant_list_tuple(); - setState(11943); - opt_tablet_id(); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(11945); - tenant_list_tuple(); - setState(11946); - ls(); - setState(11947); - opt_tablet_id(); - } - } - break; - case 3: - { - setState(11949); - opt_tablet_id_no_empty(); - } - break; - } - setState(11958); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SERVER) { - { - setState(11952); - match(SERVER); - setState(11953); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(11954); - match(LeftParen); - setState(11955); - server_list(); - setState(11956); - match(RightParen); - } - } - - setState(11961); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ZONE) { - { - setState(11960); - zone_desc(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 22: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 22); - { - setState(11963); - match(ALTER); - setState(11964); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11965); - match(ARCHIVELOG); - setState(11970); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(11966); - match(TENANT); - setState(11967); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(11968); - tenant_name_list(); - } - } - - setState(11976); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DESCRIPTION) { - { - setState(11972); - match(DESCRIPTION); - setState(11973); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(11974); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 23: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 23); - { - setState(11978); - match(ALTER); - setState(11979); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11980); - match(NOARCHIVELOG); - setState(11985); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(11981); - match(TENANT); - setState(11982); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(11983); - tenant_name_list(); - } - } - - setState(11991); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DESCRIPTION) { - { - setState(11987); - match(DESCRIPTION); - setState(11988); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(11989); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 24: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 24); - { - setState(11993); - match(ALTER); - setState(11994); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(11995); - match(BACKUP); - setState(11996); - match(DATABASE); - setState(12001); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TO) { - { - setState(11997); - match(TO); - setState(11998); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(11999); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - setState(12007); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DESCRIPTION) { - { - setState(12003); - match(DESCRIPTION); - setState(12004); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12005); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 25: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 25); - { - setState(12009); - match(ALTER); - setState(12010); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12011); - match(BACKUP); - setState(12012); - match(INCREMENTAL); - setState(12013); - match(DATABASE); - setState(12018); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TO) { - { - setState(12014); - match(TO); - setState(12015); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12016); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - setState(12024); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DESCRIPTION) { - { - setState(12020); - match(DESCRIPTION); - setState(12021); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12022); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 26: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 26); - { - setState(12026); - match(ALTER); - setState(12027); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12028); - match(BACKUP); - setState(12029); - match(DATABASE); - setState(12034); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TO) { - { - setState(12030); - match(TO); - setState(12031); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12032); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - setState(12036); - match(PLUS); - setState(12037); - match(ARCHIVELOG); - setState(12042); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DESCRIPTION) { - { - setState(12038); - match(DESCRIPTION); - setState(12039); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12040); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 27: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 27); - { - setState(12044); - match(ALTER); - setState(12045); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12046); - match(BACKUP); - setState(12047); - match(INCREMENTAL); - setState(12048); - match(DATABASE); - setState(12053); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TO) { - { - setState(12049); - match(TO); - setState(12050); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12051); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - setState(12055); - match(PLUS); - setState(12056); - match(ARCHIVELOG); - setState(12061); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DESCRIPTION) { - { - setState(12057); - match(DESCRIPTION); - setState(12058); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12059); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 28: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 28); - { - setState(12063); - match(ALTER); - setState(12064); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12065); - match(BACKUP); - setState(12066); - match(KEY); - setState(12071); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TO) { - { - setState(12067); - match(TO); - setState(12068); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12069); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - setState(12076); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ENCRYPTED) { - { - setState(12073); - match(ENCRYPTED); - setState(12074); - match(BY); - setState(12075); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 29: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 29); - { - setState(12078); - match(ALTER); - setState(12079); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12080); - alter_or_change_or_modify(); - setState(12081); - match(EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST); - setState(12082); - opt_path_info(); - setState(12084); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SET) { - { - setState(12083); - match(SET); - } - } - - setState(12090); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ACCESS_INFO) { - { - setState(12086); - match(ACCESS_INFO); - setState(12087); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12088); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - setState(12096); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ATTRIBUTE) { - { - setState(12092); - match(ATTRIBUTE); - setState(12093); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12094); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 30: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 30); - { - setState(12098); - match(ALTER); - setState(12099); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12100); - match(CANCEL); - setState(12101); - match(BACKUP); - setState(12106); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(12102); - match(TENANT); - setState(12103); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12104); - tenant_name_list(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 31: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 31); - { - setState(12108); - match(SET); - setState(12109); - match(ENCRYPTION); - setState(12110); - match(ON); - setState(12111); - match(IDENTIFIED); - setState(12112); - match(BY); - setState(12113); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(12114); - match(ONLY); - } - break; - case 32: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 32); - { - setState(12115); - match(ALTER); - setState(12116); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12117); - match(CANCEL); - setState(12118); - match(DELETE); - setState(12119); - match(BACKUP); - setState(12124); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(12120); - match(TENANT); - setState(12121); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12122); - tenant_name_list(); - } - } - - setState(12130); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DESCRIPTION) { - { - setState(12126); - match(DESCRIPTION); - setState(12127); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12128); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 33: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 33); - { - setState(12132); - match(ALTER); - setState(12133); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12134); - match(ADD); - setState(12135); - match(DELETE); - setState(12136); - match(BACKUP); - setState(12137); - policy_name(); - setState(12142); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==RECOVERY_WINDOW) { - { - setState(12138); - match(RECOVERY_WINDOW); - setState(12139); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12140); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - setState(12148); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==REDUNDANCY) { - { - setState(12144); - match(REDUNDANCY); - setState(12145); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12146); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - - setState(12154); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==BACKUP_COPIES) { - { - setState(12150); - match(BACKUP_COPIES); - setState(12151); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12152); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - - setState(12160); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(12156); - match(TENANT); - setState(12157); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12158); - tenant_name_list(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 34: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 34); - { - setState(12162); - match(ALTER); - setState(12163); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12164); - match(DROP); - setState(12165); - match(DELETE); - setState(12166); - match(BACKUP); - setState(12167); - policy_name(); - setState(12172); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(12168); - match(TENANT); - setState(12169); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12170); - tenant_name_list(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 35: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 35); - { - setState(12174); - match(ALTER); - setState(12175); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12176); - match(CLEAR); - setState(12177); - match(ROOTTABLE); - setState(12179); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(12178); - tenant_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 36: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 36); - { - setState(12181); - match(ALTER); - setState(12182); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12183); - server_action(); - setState(12184); - match(SERVER); - setState(12185); - server_list(); - setState(12187); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ZONE) { - { - setState(12186); - zone_desc(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 37: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 37); - { - setState(12189); - match(ALTER); - setState(12190); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12191); - match(ADD); - setState(12192); - match(ZONE); - setState(12193); - relation_name_or_string(); - setState(12194); - add_or_alter_zone_options(0); - } - break; - case 38: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 38); - { - setState(12196); - match(ALTER); - setState(12197); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12198); - zone_action(); - setState(12199); - match(ZONE); - setState(12200); - relation_name_or_string(); - } - break; - case 39: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 39); - { - setState(12202); - match(ALTER); - setState(12203); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12204); - alter_or_change_or_modify(); - setState(12205); - match(ZONE); - setState(12206); - relation_name_or_string(); - setState(12208); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1298,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(12207); - match(SET); - } - break; - } - setState(12210); - add_or_alter_zone_options(0); - } - break; - case 40: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 40); - { - setState(12212); - match(ALTER); - setState(12213); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12214); - match(REFRESH); - setState(12215); - match(SCHEMA); - setState(12217); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==HOST || _la==SERVER || _la==ZONE) { - { - setState(12216); - server_or_zone(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 41: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 41); - { - setState(12219); - match(ALTER); - setState(12220); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12221); - match(SET_TP); - setState(12222); - alter_system_settp_actions(0); - } - break; - case 42: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 42); - { - setState(12223); - match(ALTER); - setState(12224); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12225); - match(CLEAR); - setState(12226); - match(LOCATION); - setState(12227); - match(CACHE); - setState(12229); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==HOST || _la==SERVER || _la==ZONE) { - { - setState(12228); - server_or_zone(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 43: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 43); - { - setState(12231); - match(ALTER); - setState(12232); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12233); - match(REMOVE); - setState(12234); - match(BALANCE); - setState(12235); - match(TASK); - setState(12239); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(12236); - match(TENANT); - setState(12237); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(12238); - tenant_name_list(); - } - } - - setState(12244); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ZONE) { - { - setState(12241); - match(ZONE); - setState(12242); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(12243); - zone_list(); - } - } - - setState(12250); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TYPE) { - { - setState(12246); - match(TYPE); - setState(12247); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12248); - balance_task_type(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 44: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 44); - { - setState(12252); - match(ALTER); - setState(12253); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12254); - match(RELOAD); - setState(12255); - match(GTS); - } - break; - case 45: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 45); - { - setState(12256); - match(ALTER); - setState(12257); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12258); - match(RELOAD); - setState(12259); - match(UNIT); - } - break; - case 46: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 46); - { - setState(12260); - match(ALTER); - setState(12261); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12262); - match(RELOAD); - setState(12263); - match(SERVER); - } - break; - case 47: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 47); - { - setState(12264); - match(ALTER); - setState(12265); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12266); - match(RELOAD); - setState(12267); - match(ZONE); - } - break; - case 48: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 48); - { - setState(12268); - match(ALTER); - setState(12269); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12270); - match(MIGRATE); - setState(12271); - match(UNIT); - setState(12273); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12272); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12275); - match(INTNUM); - setState(12276); - match(DESTINATION); - setState(12278); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12277); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12280); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case 49: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 49); - { - setState(12281); - match(ALTER); - setState(12282); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12283); - match(CANCEL); - setState(12284); - match(MIGRATE); - setState(12285); - match(UNIT); - setState(12286); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case 50: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 50); - { - setState(12287); - match(ALTER); - setState(12288); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12289); - match(ADD); - setState(12290); - match(REPLICA); - setState(12291); - ls(); - setState(12292); - match(SERVER); - setState(12294); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12293); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12296); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(12297); - match(REPLICA_TYPE); - setState(12299); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12298); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12301); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(12306); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DATA_SOURCE) { - { - setState(12302); - match(DATA_SOURCE); - setState(12303); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12304); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - setState(12312); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) { - { - setState(12308); - match(PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM); - setState(12309); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12310); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - - setState(12315); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(12314); - tenant_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 51: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 51); - { - setState(12317); - match(ALTER); - setState(12318); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12319); - match(REMOVE); - setState(12320); - match(REPLICA); - setState(12321); - ls(); - setState(12322); - match(SERVER); - setState(12324); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12323); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12326); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(12331); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) { - { - setState(12327); - match(PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM); - setState(12328); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12329); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - - setState(12334); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(12333); - tenant_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 52: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 52); - { - setState(12336); - match(ALTER); - setState(12337); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12338); - match(MIGRATE); - setState(12339); - match(REPLICA); - setState(12340); - ls(); - setState(12341); - match(SOURCE); - setState(12343); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12342); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12345); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(12346); - match(DESTINATION); - setState(12348); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12347); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12350); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(12355); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DATA_SOURCE) { - { - setState(12351); - match(DATA_SOURCE); - setState(12352); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12353); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - setState(12358); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(12357); - tenant_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 53: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 53); - { - setState(12360); - match(ALTER); - setState(12361); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12362); - match(MODIFY); - setState(12363); - match(REPLICA); - setState(12364); - ls(); - setState(12365); - match(SERVER); - setState(12367); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12366); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12369); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(12370); - match(REPLICA_TYPE); - setState(12372); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12371); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12374); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(12379); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) { - { - setState(12375); - match(PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM); - setState(12376); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12377); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - - setState(12382); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(12381); - tenant_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 54: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 54); - { - setState(12384); - match(ALTER); - setState(12385); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12386); - match(MODIFY); - setState(12387); - ls(); - setState(12388); - match(PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM); - setState(12390); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12389); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12392); - match(INTNUM); - setState(12394); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(12393); - tenant_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 55: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 55); - { - setState(12396); - match(ALTER); - setState(12397); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12398); - match(CANCEL); - setState(12399); - match(REPLICA); - setState(12400); - match(TASK); - setState(12401); - match(TASK_ID); - setState(12403); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12402); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12405); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(12407); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(12406); - tenant_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 56: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 56); - { - setState(12409); - match(ALTER); - setState(12410); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12411); - match(UPGRADE); - setState(12412); - match(VIRTUAL); - setState(12413); - match(SCHEMA); - } - break; - case 57: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 57); - { - setState(12414); - match(ALTER); - setState(12415); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12416); - match(RUN); - setState(12417); - match(JOB); - setState(12418); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(12420); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==HOST || _la==SERVER || _la==ZONE) { - { - setState(12419); - server_or_zone(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 58: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 58); - { - setState(12422); - match(ALTER); - setState(12423); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12424); - upgrade_action(); - setState(12425); - match(UPGRADE); - } - break; - case 59: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 59); - { - setState(12427); - match(ALTER); - setState(12428); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12429); - match(REFRESH); - setState(12430); - match(TIME_ZONE_INFO); - } - break; - case 60: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 60); - { - setState(12431); - match(ALTER); - setState(12432); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12433); - match(ENABLE); - setState(12434); - match(SQL); - setState(12435); - match(THROTTLE); - setState(12440); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FOR) { - { - setState(12436); - match(FOR); - setState(12437); - match(PRIORITY); - setState(12438); - match(COMP_LE); - setState(12439); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - - setState(12442); - opt_sql_throttle_using_cond(); - } - break; - case 61: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 61); - { - setState(12443); - match(ALTER); - setState(12444); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12445); - match(DISABLE); - setState(12446); - match(SQL); - setState(12447); - match(THROTTLE); - } - break; - case 62: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 62); - { - setState(12448); - match(ALTER); - setState(12449); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12450); - match(SET); - setState(12451); - match(DISK); - setState(12452); - match(VALID); - setState(12453); - ip_port(); - } - break; - case 63: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 63); - { - setState(12454); - match(ALTER); - setState(12455); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12456); - match(DROP); - setState(12457); - match(TABLES); - setState(12458); - match(IN); - setState(12459); - match(SESSION); - setState(12460); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case 64: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 64); - { - setState(12461); - match(ALTER); - setState(12462); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12463); - match(REFRESH); - setState(12464); - match(TABLES); - setState(12465); - match(IN); - setState(12466); - match(SESSION); - setState(12467); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case 65: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 65); - { - setState(12468); - match(ALTER); - setState(12469); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12470); - match(SET); - setState(12471); - alter_system_set_clause_list(); - } - break; - case 66: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 66); - { - setState(12472); - match(ALTER); - setState(12473); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12474); - match(KILL); - setState(12475); - match(SESSION); - setState(12476); - bit_expr(0); - setState(12477); - match(IMMEDIATE); - } - break; - case 67: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 67); - { - setState(12479); - match(ALTER); - setState(12480); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12481); - match(KILL); - setState(12482); - match(SESSION); - setState(12483); - bit_expr(0); - } - break; - case 68: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 68); - { - setState(12484); - match(ALTER); - setState(12485); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(12486); - match(RESET); - setState(12487); - alter_system_reset_clause_list(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } - public Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext sql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics() { - return getRuleContext(Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_sql_throttle_using_cond; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_sql_throttle_using_cond(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_sql_throttle_using_cond(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext opt_sql_throttle_using_cond() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext _localctx = new Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1328, RULE_opt_sql_throttle_using_cond); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12490); - match(USING); - setState(12491); - sql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Sql_throttle_metricContext sql_throttle_metric() { - return getRuleContext(Sql_throttle_metricContext.class,0); - } - public Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext sql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics() { - return getRuleContext(Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext.class,0); - } - public Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics(this); - } - } - - public final Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext sql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics() throws RecognitionException { - Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext _localctx = new Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1330, RULE_sql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12493); - sql_throttle_metric(); - setState(12495); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==QUEUE_TIME || _la==IO || _la==RT || _la==CPU || _la==LOGICAL_READS || _la==NETWORK) { - { - setState(12494); - sql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Sql_throttle_metricContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Int_or_decimalContext int_or_decimal() { - return getRuleContext(Int_or_decimalContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode CPU() { return getToken(OBParser.CPU, 0); } - public TerminalNode RT() { return getToken(OBParser.RT, 0); } - public TerminalNode NETWORK() { return getToken(OBParser.NETWORK, 0); } - public TerminalNode QUEUE_TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.QUEUE_TIME, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode IO() { return getToken(OBParser.IO, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOGICAL_READS() { return getToken(OBParser.LOGICAL_READS, 0); } - public Sql_throttle_metricContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sql_throttle_metric; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSql_throttle_metric(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSql_throttle_metric(this); - } - } - - public final Sql_throttle_metricContext sql_throttle_metric() throws RecognitionException { - Sql_throttle_metricContext _localctx = new Sql_throttle_metricContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1332, RULE_sql_throttle_metric); - int _la; - try { - setState(12506); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUEUE_TIME: - case RT: - case CPU: - case NETWORK: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12499); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case RT: - case CPU: - { - setState(12497); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==RT || _la==CPU) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - case QUEUE_TIME: - case NETWORK: - { - setState(12498); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==QUEUE_TIME || _la==NETWORK) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(12501); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(12502); - int_or_decimal(); - } - break; - case IO: - case LOGICAL_READS: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(12503); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==IO || _la==LOGICAL_READS) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(12504); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(12505); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_system_set_clause_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List alter_system_set_clause() { - return getRuleContexts(Alter_system_set_clauseContext.class); - } - public Alter_system_set_clauseContext alter_system_set_clause(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Alter_system_set_clauseContext.class,i); - } - public Alter_system_set_clause_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_system_set_clause_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_system_set_clause_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_system_set_clause_list(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_system_set_clause_listContext alter_system_set_clause_list() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_system_set_clause_listContext _localctx = new Alter_system_set_clause_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1334, RULE_alter_system_set_clause_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12509); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - do { - { - { - setState(12508); - alter_system_set_clause(); - } - } - setState(12511); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } while ( (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || _la==A_ || _la==NAME_OB ); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_system_set_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Set_system_parameter_clauseContext set_system_parameter_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Set_system_parameter_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_system_set_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_system_set_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_system_set_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_system_set_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_system_set_clauseContext alter_system_set_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_system_set_clauseContext _localctx = new Alter_system_set_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1336, RULE_alter_system_set_clause); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12513); - set_system_parameter_clause(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List alter_system_reset_clause() { - return getRuleContexts(Alter_system_reset_clauseContext.class); - } - public Alter_system_reset_clauseContext alter_system_reset_clause(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Alter_system_reset_clauseContext.class,i); - } - public Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_system_reset_clause_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_system_reset_clause_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_system_reset_clause_list(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext alter_system_reset_clause_list() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext _localctx = new Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1338, RULE_alter_system_reset_clause_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12516); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - do { - { - { - setState(12515); - alter_system_reset_clause(); - } - } - setState(12518); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } while ( (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || _la==A_ || _la==NAME_OB ); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_system_reset_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext reset_system_parameter_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_system_reset_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_system_reset_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_system_reset_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_system_reset_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_system_reset_clauseContext alter_system_reset_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_system_reset_clauseContext _localctx = new Alter_system_reset_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1340, RULE_alter_system_reset_clause); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12520); - reset_system_parameter_clause(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Set_system_parameter_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Var_nameContext var_name() { - return getRuleContext(Var_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Conf_exprContext conf_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Conf_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Set_system_parameter_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_system_parameter_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_system_parameter_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_system_parameter_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Set_system_parameter_clauseContext set_system_parameter_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Set_system_parameter_clauseContext _localctx = new Set_system_parameter_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1342, RULE_set_system_parameter_clause); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12522); - var_name(); - setState(12523); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(12524); - conf_expr(0); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Var_nameContext var_name() { - return getRuleContext(Var_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_reset_system_parameter_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterReset_system_parameter_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitReset_system_parameter_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext reset_system_parameter_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext _localctx = new Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1344, RULE_reset_system_parameter_clause); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12526); - var_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Cache_type_or_stringContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Cache_typeContext cache_type() { - return getRuleContext(Cache_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public Cache_type_or_stringContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cache_type_or_string; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCache_type_or_string(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCache_type_or_string(this); - } - } - - public final Cache_type_or_stringContext cache_type_or_string() throws RecognitionException { - Cache_type_or_stringContext _localctx = new Cache_type_or_stringContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1346, RULE_cache_type_or_string); - try { - setState(12530); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ALL: - case ROW: - case LIB: - case SCHEMA: - case LOCATION: - case PLAN: - case CLOG: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case BLOCK: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12528); - cache_type(); - } - break; - case NAME_OB: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(12529); - match(NAME_OB); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Cache_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOCATION() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode CLOG() { return getToken(OBParser.CLOG, 0); } - public TerminalNode ILOG() { return getToken(OBParser.ILOG, 0); } - public TerminalNode COLUMN_STAT() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN_STAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode BLOCK_INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOCK_INDEX, 0); } - public TerminalNode BLOCK() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOCK, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROW() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW, 0); } - public TerminalNode BLOOM_FILTER() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOOM_FILTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SCHEMA() { return getToken(OBParser.SCHEMA, 0); } - public TerminalNode PLAN() { return getToken(OBParser.PLAN, 0); } - public TerminalNode LIB() { return getToken(OBParser.LIB, 0); } - public Cache_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cache_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCache_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCache_type(this); - } - } - - public final Cache_typeContext cache_type() throws RecognitionException { - Cache_typeContext _localctx = new Cache_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1348, RULE_cache_type); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12532); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==ROW || _la==LIB || _la==SCHEMA || _la==LOCATION || _la==PLAN || _la==CLOG || ((((_la - 1010)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1010)) & ((1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 1010)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 1010)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1010)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1010)))) != 0) || _la==BLOCK) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Balance_task_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode AUTO() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTO, 0); } - public TerminalNode MANUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.MANUAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public Balance_task_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_balance_task_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterBalance_task_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitBalance_task_type(this); - } - } - - public final Balance_task_typeContext balance_task_type() throws RecognitionException { - Balance_task_typeContext _localctx = new Balance_task_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1350, RULE_balance_task_type); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12534); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALL || _la==MANUAL || _la==AUTO) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Tenant_list_tupleContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Tenant_name_listContext tenant_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Tenant_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Tenant_list_tupleContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tenant_list_tuple; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTenant_list_tuple(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTenant_list_tuple(this); - } - } - - public final Tenant_list_tupleContext tenant_list_tuple() throws RecognitionException { - Tenant_list_tupleContext _localctx = new Tenant_list_tupleContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1352, RULE_tenant_list_tuple); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12536); - match(TENANT); - setState(12538); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12537); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12540); - match(LeftParen); - setState(12541); - tenant_name_list(); - setState(12542); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } - public Tenant_name_listContext tenant_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Tenant_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tenant_list_tuple_v2; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTenant_list_tuple_v2(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTenant_list_tuple_v2(this); - } - } - - public final Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context tenant_list_tuple_v2() throws RecognitionException { - Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context _localctx = new Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1354, RULE_tenant_list_tuple_v2); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12544); - match(TENANT); - setState(12546); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12545); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12548); - tenant_name_list(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Tenant_name_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List relation_name_or_string() { - return getRuleContexts(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class); - } - public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Tenant_name_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tenant_name_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTenant_name_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTenant_name_list(this); - } - } - - public final Tenant_name_listContext tenant_name_list() throws RecognitionException { - Tenant_name_listContext _localctx = new Tenant_name_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1356, RULE_tenant_name_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12550); - relation_name_or_string(); - setState(12555); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(12551); - match(Comma); - setState(12552); - relation_name_or_string(); - } - } - setState(12557); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_path_infoContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PATH() { return getToken(OBParser.PATH, 0); } - public Opt_equal_markContext opt_equal_mark() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_equal_markContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public Opt_path_infoContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_path_info; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_path_info(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_path_info(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_path_infoContext opt_path_info() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_path_infoContext _localctx = new Opt_path_infoContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1358, RULE_opt_path_info); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12558); - match(PATH); - setState(12559); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(12560); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Policy_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode POLICY() { return getToken(OBParser.POLICY, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Policy_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_policy_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPolicy_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPolicy_name(this); - } - } - - public final Policy_nameContext policy_name() throws RecognitionException { - Policy_nameContext _localctx = new Policy_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1360, RULE_policy_name); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12562); - match(POLICY); - setState(12564); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12563); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12566); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Flush_scopeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode GLOBAL() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL, 0); } - public Flush_scopeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_flush_scope; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFlush_scope(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFlush_scope(this); - } - } - - public final Flush_scopeContext flush_scope() throws RecognitionException { - Flush_scopeContext _localctx = new Flush_scopeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1362, RULE_flush_scope); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12569); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==GLOBAL) { - { - setState(12568); - match(GLOBAL); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Server_info_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List server_info() { - return getRuleContexts(Server_infoContext.class); - } - public Server_infoContext server_info(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Server_infoContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Server_info_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_server_info_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterServer_info_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitServer_info_list(this); - } - } - - public final Server_info_listContext server_info_list() throws RecognitionException { - Server_info_listContext _localctx = new Server_info_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1364, RULE_server_info_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12571); - server_info(); - setState(12576); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(12572); - match(Comma); - setState(12573); - server_info(); - } - } - setState(12578); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Server_infoContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode REGION() { return getToken(OBParser.REGION, 0); } - public List relation_name_or_string() { - return getRuleContexts(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class); - } - public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SERVER() { return getToken(OBParser.SERVER, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public List COMP_EQ() { return getTokens(OBParser.COMP_EQ); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, i); - } - public Server_infoContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_server_info; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterServer_info(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitServer_info(this); - } - } - - public final Server_infoContext server_info() throws RecognitionException { - Server_infoContext _localctx = new Server_infoContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1366, RULE_server_info); - int _la; - try { - setState(12606); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case REGION: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12579); - match(REGION); - setState(12581); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12580); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12583); - relation_name_or_string(); - setState(12584); - match(ZONE); - setState(12586); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12585); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12588); - relation_name_or_string(); - setState(12589); - match(SERVER); - setState(12591); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12590); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12593); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case ZONE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(12595); - match(ZONE); - setState(12597); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12596); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12599); - relation_name_or_string(); - setState(12600); - match(SERVER); - setState(12602); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12601); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12604); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Server_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.ADD, 0); } - public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CANCEL() { return getToken(OBParser.CANCEL, 0); } - public TerminalNode START() { return getToken(OBParser.START, 0); } - public TerminalNode STOP() { return getToken(OBParser.STOP, 0); } - public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } - public Server_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_server_action; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterServer_action(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitServer_action(this); - } - } - - public final Server_actionContext server_action() throws RecognitionException { - Server_actionContext _localctx = new Server_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1368, RULE_server_action); - int _la; - try { - setState(12618); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ADD: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12608); - match(ADD); - } - break; - case DELETE: - case CANCEL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(12610); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==CANCEL) { - { - setState(12609); - match(CANCEL); - } - } - - setState(12612); - match(DELETE); - } - break; - case START: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(12613); - match(START); - } - break; - case FORCE: - case STOP: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(12615); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FORCE) { - { - setState(12614); - match(FORCE); - } - } - - setState(12617); - match(STOP); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Server_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List STRING_VALUE() { return getTokens(OBParser.STRING_VALUE); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Server_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_server_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterServer_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitServer_list(this); - } - } - - public final Server_listContext server_list() throws RecognitionException { - Server_listContext _localctx = new Server_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1370, RULE_server_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12620); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(12625); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(12621); - match(Comma); - setState(12622); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - setState(12627); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Zone_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } - public TerminalNode START() { return getToken(OBParser.START, 0); } - public TerminalNode STOP() { return getToken(OBParser.STOP, 0); } - public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } - public Zone_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_zone_action; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterZone_action(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitZone_action(this); - } - } - - public final Zone_actionContext zone_action() throws RecognitionException { - Zone_actionContext _localctx = new Zone_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1372, RULE_zone_action); - int _la; - try { - setState(12634); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case DELETE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12628); - match(DELETE); - } - break; - case START: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(12629); - match(START); - } - break; - case FORCE: - case STOP: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(12631); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FORCE) { - { - setState(12630); - match(FORCE); - } - } - - setState(12633); - match(STOP); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Ip_portContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SERVER() { return getToken(OBParser.SERVER, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode HOST() { return getToken(OBParser.HOST, 0); } - public Ip_portContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_ip_port; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterIp_port(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitIp_port(this); - } - } - - public final Ip_portContext ip_port() throws RecognitionException { - Ip_portContext _localctx = new Ip_portContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1374, RULE_ip_port); - int _la; - try { - setState(12643); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case SERVER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12636); - match(SERVER); - setState(12638); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12637); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12640); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case HOST: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(12641); - match(HOST); - setState(12642); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Zone_descContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE, 0); } - public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Zone_descContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_zone_desc; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterZone_desc(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitZone_desc(this); - } - } - - public final Zone_descContext zone_desc() throws RecognitionException { - Zone_descContext _localctx = new Zone_descContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1376, RULE_zone_desc); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12645); - match(ZONE); - setState(12647); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12646); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12649); - relation_name_or_string(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Server_or_zoneContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Ip_portContext ip_port() { - return getRuleContext(Ip_portContext.class,0); - } - public Zone_descContext zone_desc() { - return getRuleContext(Zone_descContext.class,0); - } - public Server_or_zoneContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_server_or_zone; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterServer_or_zone(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitServer_or_zone(this); - } - } - - public final Server_or_zoneContext server_or_zone() throws RecognitionException { - Server_or_zoneContext _localctx = new Server_or_zoneContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1378, RULE_server_or_zone); - try { - setState(12653); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case HOST: - case SERVER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12651); - ip_port(); - } - break; - case ZONE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(12652); - zone_desc(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode REGION() { return getToken(OBParser.REGION, 0); } - public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode IDC() { return getToken(OBParser.IDC, 0); } - public TerminalNode ZONE_TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE_TYPE, 0); } - public Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_add_or_alter_zone_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAdd_or_alter_zone_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAdd_or_alter_zone_option(this); - } - } - - public final Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext add_or_alter_zone_option() throws RecognitionException { - Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext _localctx = new Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1380, RULE_add_or_alter_zone_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(12670); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case REGION: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12655); - match(REGION); - setState(12657); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12656); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12659); - relation_name_or_string(); - } - break; - case IDC: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(12660); - match(IDC); - setState(12662); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12661); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12664); - relation_name_or_string(); - } - break; - case ZONE_TYPE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(12665); - match(ZONE_TYPE); - setState(12667); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12666); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12669); - relation_name_or_string(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext add_or_alter_zone_option() { - return getRuleContext(Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext.class,0); - } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext add_or_alter_zone_options() { - return getRuleContext(Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_add_or_alter_zone_options; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAdd_or_alter_zone_options(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAdd_or_alter_zone_options(this); - } - } - - public final Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext add_or_alter_zone_options() throws RecognitionException { - return add_or_alter_zone_options(0); - } - - private Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext add_or_alter_zone_options(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext _localctx = new Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 1382; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 1382, RULE_add_or_alter_zone_options, _p); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12675); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1361,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(12673); - add_or_alter_zone_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(12674); - empty(); - } - break; - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(12682); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1362,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - { - _localctx = new Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_add_or_alter_zone_options); - setState(12677); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); - setState(12678); - match(Comma); - setState(12679); - add_or_alter_zone_option(); - } - } - } - setState(12684); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1362,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode CHANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.CHANGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MODIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.MODIFY, 0); } - public Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_or_change_or_modify; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_or_change_or_modify(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_or_change_or_modify(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext alter_or_change_or_modify() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext _localctx = new Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1384, RULE_alter_or_change_or_modify); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12685); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ALTER || _la==MODIFY || _la==CHANGE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class LsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LS() { return getToken(OBParser.LS, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public LsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_ls; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterLs(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitLs(this); - } - } - - public final LsContext ls() throws RecognitionException { - LsContext _localctx = new LsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1386, RULE_ls); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12687); - match(LS); - setState(12689); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12688); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12691); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Partition_id_descContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PARTITION_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Partition_id_descContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_partition_id_desc; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPartition_id_desc(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPartition_id_desc(this); - } - } - - public final Partition_id_descContext partition_id_desc() throws RecognitionException { - Partition_id_descContext _localctx = new Partition_id_descContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1388, RULE_partition_id_desc); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12693); - match(PARTITION_ID); - setState(12695); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12694); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12697); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Partition_id_descContext partition_id_desc() { - return getRuleContext(Partition_id_descContext.class,0); - } - public Ip_portContext ip_port() { - return getRuleContext(Ip_portContext.class,0); - } - public Tenant_nameContext tenant_name() { - return getRuleContext(Tenant_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Zone_descContext zone_desc() { - return getRuleContext(Zone_descContext.class,0); - } - public Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_partition_id_or_server_or_zone; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPartition_id_or_server_or_zone(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPartition_id_or_server_or_zone(this); - } - } - - public final Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext partition_id_or_server_or_zone() throws RecognitionException { - Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext _localctx = new Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1390, RULE_partition_id_or_server_or_zone); - int _la; - try { - setState(12710); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case PARTITION_ID: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12699); - partition_id_desc(); - setState(12700); - ip_port(); - } - break; - case HOST: - case SERVER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(12702); - ip_port(); - setState(12704); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(12703); - tenant_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - case ZONE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(12706); - zone_desc(); - setState(12708); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(12707); - tenant_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Migrate_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode MOVE() { return getToken(OBParser.MOVE, 0); } - public TerminalNode COPY() { return getToken(OBParser.COPY, 0); } - public Migrate_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_migrate_action; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMigrate_action(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMigrate_action(this); - } - } - - public final Migrate_actionContext migrate_action() throws RecognitionException { - Migrate_actionContext _localctx = new Migrate_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1392, RULE_migrate_action); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12712); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==MOVE || _la==COPY) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Change_actionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Change_actionContext change_action() { - return getRuleContext(Change_actionContext.class,0); - } - public Change_actionsContext change_actions() { - return getRuleContext(Change_actionsContext.class,0); - } - public Change_actionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_change_actions; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterChange_actions(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitChange_actions(this); - } - } - - public final Change_actionsContext change_actions() throws RecognitionException { - Change_actionsContext _localctx = new Change_actionsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1394, RULE_change_actions); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12714); - change_action(); - setState(12716); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==MEMSTORE_PERCENT || _la==REPLICA_TYPE) { - { - setState(12715); - change_actions(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Change_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Replica_typeContext replica_type() { - return getRuleContext(Replica_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Memstore_percentContext memstore_percent() { - return getRuleContext(Memstore_percentContext.class,0); - } - public Change_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_change_action; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterChange_action(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitChange_action(this); - } - } - - public final Change_actionContext change_action() throws RecognitionException { - Change_actionContext _localctx = new Change_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1396, RULE_change_action); - try { - setState(12720); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case REPLICA_TYPE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12718); - replica_type(); - } - break; - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(12719); - memstore_percent(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Replica_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode REPLICA_TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICA_TYPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Replica_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_replica_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterReplica_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitReplica_type(this); - } - } - - public final Replica_typeContext replica_type() throws RecognitionException { - Replica_typeContext _localctx = new Replica_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1398, RULE_replica_type); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12722); - match(REPLICA_TYPE); - setState(12724); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12723); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12726); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Memstore_percentContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode MEMSTORE_PERCENT() { return getToken(OBParser.MEMSTORE_PERCENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Memstore_percentContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_memstore_percent; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMemstore_percent(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMemstore_percent(this); - } - } - - public final Memstore_percentContext memstore_percent() throws RecognitionException { - Memstore_percentContext _localctx = new Memstore_percentContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1400, RULE_memstore_percent); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12728); - match(MEMSTORE_PERCENT); - setState(12730); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12729); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12732); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Suspend_or_resumeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SUSPEND() { return getToken(OBParser.SUSPEND, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESUME() { return getToken(OBParser.RESUME, 0); } - public Suspend_or_resumeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_suspend_or_resume; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSuspend_or_resume(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSuspend_or_resume(this); - } - } - - public final Suspend_or_resumeContext suspend_or_resume() throws RecognitionException { - Suspend_or_resumeContext _localctx = new Suspend_or_resumeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1402, RULE_suspend_or_resume); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12734); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==SUSPEND || _la==RESUME) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Baseline_id_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode BASELINE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.BASELINE_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Baseline_id_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_baseline_id_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterBaseline_id_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitBaseline_id_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Baseline_id_exprContext baseline_id_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Baseline_id_exprContext _localctx = new Baseline_id_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1404, RULE_baseline_id_expr); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12736); - match(BASELINE_ID); - setState(12738); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12737); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12740); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Sql_id_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SQL_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Sql_id_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sql_id_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSql_id_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSql_id_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Sql_id_exprContext sql_id_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Sql_id_exprContext _localctx = new Sql_id_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1406, RULE_sql_id_expr); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12742); - match(SQL_ID); - setState(12744); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12743); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12746); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Baseline_asgn_factorContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public LiteralContext literal() { - return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); - } - public Baseline_asgn_factorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_baseline_asgn_factor; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterBaseline_asgn_factor(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitBaseline_asgn_factor(this); - } - } - - public final Baseline_asgn_factorContext baseline_asgn_factor() throws RecognitionException { - Baseline_asgn_factorContext _localctx = new Baseline_asgn_factorContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1408, RULE_baseline_asgn_factor); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12748); - column_name(); - setState(12749); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(12750); - literal(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Tenant_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } - public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Tenant_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tenant_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTenant_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTenant_name(this); - } - } - - public final Tenant_nameContext tenant_name() throws RecognitionException { - Tenant_nameContext _localctx = new Tenant_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1410, RULE_tenant_name); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12752); - match(TENANT); - setState(12754); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12753); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12756); - relation_name_or_string(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Namespace_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NAMESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.NAMESPACE, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Namespace_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_namespace_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterNamespace_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitNamespace_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Namespace_exprContext namespace_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Namespace_exprContext _localctx = new Namespace_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1412, RULE_namespace_expr); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12758); - match(NAMESPACE); - setState(12760); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12759); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12762); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Cache_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.CACHE, 0); } - public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Cache_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cache_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCache_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCache_name(this); - } - } - - public final Cache_nameContext cache_name() throws RecognitionException { - Cache_nameContext _localctx = new Cache_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1414, RULE_cache_name); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12764); - match(CACHE); - setState(12766); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12765); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12768); - relation_name_or_string(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class File_idContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode FILE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.FILE_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public File_idContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_file_id; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFile_id(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFile_id(this); - } - } - - public final File_idContext file_id() throws RecognitionException { - File_idContext _localctx = new File_idContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1416, RULE_file_id); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12770); - match(FILE_ID); - setState(12772); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12771); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12774); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Cancel_task_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode MIGRATION() { return getToken(OBParser.MIGRATION, 0); } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Cancel_task_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cancel_task_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCancel_task_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCancel_task_type(this); - } - } - - public final Cancel_task_typeContext cancel_task_type() throws RecognitionException { - Cancel_task_typeContext _localctx = new Cancel_task_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1418, RULE_cancel_task_type); - try { - setState(12779); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case PARTITION: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12776); - match(PARTITION); - setState(12777); - match(MIGRATION); - } - break; - case TASK: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(12778); - empty(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_system_settp_actionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Settp_optionContext settp_option() { - return getRuleContext(Settp_optionContext.class,0); - } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_system_settp_actionsContext alter_system_settp_actions() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_system_settp_actionsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Alter_system_settp_actionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_system_settp_actions; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_system_settp_actions(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_system_settp_actions(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_system_settp_actionsContext alter_system_settp_actions() throws RecognitionException { - return alter_system_settp_actions(0); - } - - private Alter_system_settp_actionsContext alter_system_settp_actions(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Alter_system_settp_actionsContext _localctx = new Alter_system_settp_actionsContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Alter_system_settp_actionsContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 1420; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 1420, RULE_alter_system_settp_actions, _p); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12784); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1379,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(12782); - settp_option(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(12783); - empty(); - } - break; - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(12791); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1380,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - { - _localctx = new Alter_system_settp_actionsContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_alter_system_settp_actions); - setState(12786); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); - setState(12787); - match(Comma); - setState(12788); - settp_option(); - } - } - } - setState(12793); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1380,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Settp_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode TP_NO() { return getToken(OBParser.TP_NO, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public TerminalNode TP_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.TP_NAME, 0); } - public Relation_name_or_stringContext relation_name_or_string() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_name_or_stringContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode OCCUR() { return getToken(OBParser.OCCUR, 0); } - public TerminalNode FREQUENCY() { return getToken(OBParser.FREQUENCY, 0); } - public TerminalNode ERROR_CODE() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_CODE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MATCH() { return getToken(OBParser.MATCH, 0); } - public Settp_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_settp_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSettp_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSettp_option(this); - } - } - - public final Settp_optionContext settp_option() throws RecognitionException { - Settp_optionContext _localctx = new Settp_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1422, RULE_settp_option); - int _la; - try { - setState(12824); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case TP_NO: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12794); - match(TP_NO); - setState(12796); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12795); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12798); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case TP_NAME: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(12799); - match(TP_NAME); - setState(12801); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12800); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12803); - relation_name_or_string(); - } - break; - case OCCUR: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(12804); - match(OCCUR); - setState(12806); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12805); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12808); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case FREQUENCY: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(12809); - match(FREQUENCY); - setState(12811); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12810); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12813); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case ERROR_CODE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(12814); - match(ERROR_CODE); - setState(12816); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12815); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12818); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case MATCH: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(12819); - match(MATCH); - setState(12821); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(12820); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(12823); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Partition_roleContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LEADER() { return getToken(OBParser.LEADER, 0); } - public TerminalNode FOLLOWER() { return getToken(OBParser.FOLLOWER, 0); } - public Partition_roleContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_partition_role; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPartition_role(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPartition_role(this); - } - } - - public final Partition_roleContext partition_role() throws RecognitionException { - Partition_roleContext _localctx = new Partition_roleContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1424, RULE_partition_role); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12826); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==FOLLOWER || _la==LEADER) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Upgrade_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode BEGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.BEGIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode END() { return getToken(OBParser.END, 0); } - public Upgrade_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_upgrade_action; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUpgrade_action(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUpgrade_action(this); - } - } - - public final Upgrade_actionContext upgrade_action() throws RecognitionException { - Upgrade_actionContext _localctx = new Upgrade_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1426, RULE_upgrade_action); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12828); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==BEGIN || _la==END) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_session_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION, 0); } - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public TerminalNode CURRENT_SCHEMA() { return getToken(OBParser.CURRENT_SCHEMA, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Current_schemaContext current_schema() { - return getRuleContext(Current_schemaContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ISOLATION_LEVEL() { return getToken(OBParser.ISOLATION_LEVEL, 0); } - public Session_isolation_levelContext session_isolation_level() { - return getRuleContext(Session_isolation_levelContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_session_set_clauseContext alter_session_set_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_session_set_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } - public Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext var_name_of_forced_module() { - return getRuleContext(Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PARALLEL() { return getToken(OBParser.PARALLEL, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public Switch_optionContext switch_option() { - return getRuleContext(Switch_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Var_name_of_moduleContext var_name_of_module() { - return getRuleContext(Var_name_of_moduleContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_session_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_session_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_session_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_session_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_session_stmtContext alter_session_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_session_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_session_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1428, RULE_alter_session_stmt); - try { - setState(12858); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1388,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12830); - match(ALTER); - setState(12831); - match(SESSION); - setState(12832); - match(SET); - setState(12833); - match(CURRENT_SCHEMA); - setState(12834); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(12835); - current_schema(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(12836); - match(ALTER); - setState(12837); - match(SESSION); - setState(12838); - match(SET); - setState(12839); - match(ISOLATION_LEVEL); - setState(12840); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(12841); - session_isolation_level(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(12842); - match(ALTER); - setState(12843); - match(SESSION); - setState(12844); - match(SET); - setState(12845); - alter_session_set_clause(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(12846); - match(ALTER); - setState(12847); - match(SESSION); - setState(12848); - match(FORCE); - setState(12849); - var_name_of_forced_module(); - setState(12850); - match(PARALLEL); - setState(12851); - match(INTNUM); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(12853); - match(ALTER); - setState(12854); - match(SESSION); - setState(12855); - switch_option(); - setState(12856); - var_name_of_module(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PARALLEL() { return getToken(OBParser.PARALLEL, 0); } - public TerminalNode DML() { return getToken(OBParser.DML, 0); } - public TerminalNode QUERY() { return getToken(OBParser.QUERY, 0); } - public TerminalNode DDL() { return getToken(OBParser.DDL, 0); } - public Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_var_name_of_forced_module; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterVar_name_of_forced_module(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitVar_name_of_forced_module(this); - } - } - - public final Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext var_name_of_forced_module() throws RecognitionException { - Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext _localctx = new Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1430, RULE_var_name_of_forced_module); - try { - setState(12866); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1389,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12860); - match(PARALLEL); - setState(12861); - match(DML); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(12862); - match(PARALLEL); - setState(12863); - match(QUERY); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(12864); - match(PARALLEL); - setState(12865); - match(DDL); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Var_name_of_moduleContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PARALLEL() { return getToken(OBParser.PARALLEL, 0); } - public TerminalNode DML() { return getToken(OBParser.DML, 0); } - public TerminalNode QUERY() { return getToken(OBParser.QUERY, 0); } - public TerminalNode DDL() { return getToken(OBParser.DDL, 0); } - public Var_name_of_moduleContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_var_name_of_module; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterVar_name_of_module(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitVar_name_of_module(this); - } - } - - public final Var_name_of_moduleContext var_name_of_module() throws RecognitionException { - Var_name_of_moduleContext _localctx = new Var_name_of_moduleContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1432, RULE_var_name_of_module); - try { - setState(12874); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1390,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12868); - match(PARALLEL); - setState(12869); - match(DML); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(12870); - match(PARALLEL); - setState(12871); - match(QUERY); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(12872); - match(PARALLEL); - setState(12873); - match(DDL); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Switch_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ENABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ENABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DISABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.DISABLE, 0); } - public Switch_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_switch_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSwitch_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSwitch_option(this); - } - } - - public final Switch_optionContext switch_option() throws RecognitionException { - Switch_optionContext _localctx = new Switch_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1434, RULE_switch_option); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12876); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==DISABLE || _la==ENABLE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Session_isolation_levelContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Isolation_levelContext isolation_level() { - return getRuleContext(Isolation_levelContext.class,0); - } - public Session_isolation_levelContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_session_isolation_level; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSession_isolation_level(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSession_isolation_level(this); - } - } - - public final Session_isolation_levelContext session_isolation_level() throws RecognitionException { - Session_isolation_levelContext _localctx = new Session_isolation_levelContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1436, RULE_session_isolation_level); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12878); - isolation_level(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_session_set_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext set_system_parameter_clause_list() { - return getRuleContext(Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_session_set_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_session_set_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_session_set_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_session_set_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_session_set_clauseContext alter_session_set_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_session_set_clauseContext _localctx = new Alter_session_set_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1438, RULE_alter_session_set_clause); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12880); - set_system_parameter_clause_list(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List set_system_parameter_clause() { - return getRuleContexts(Set_system_parameter_clauseContext.class); - } - public Set_system_parameter_clauseContext set_system_parameter_clause(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Set_system_parameter_clauseContext.class,i); - } - public Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_system_parameter_clause_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_system_parameter_clause_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_system_parameter_clause_list(this); - } - } - - public final Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext set_system_parameter_clause_list() throws RecognitionException { - Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext _localctx = new Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1440, RULE_set_system_parameter_clause_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12883); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - do { - { - { - setState(12882); - set_system_parameter_clause(); - } - } - setState(12885); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } while ( (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || _la==A_ || _la==NAME_OB ); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Current_schemaContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Current_schemaContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_current_schema; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCurrent_schema(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCurrent_schema(this); - } - } - - public final Current_schemaContext current_schema() throws RecognitionException { - Current_schemaContext _localctx = new Current_schemaContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1442, RULE_current_schema); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12887); - relation_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Set_comment_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode COMMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE, 0); } - public Normal_relation_factorContext normal_relation_factor() { - return getRuleContext(Normal_relation_factorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode IS() { return getToken(OBParser.IS, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode COLUMN() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN, 0); } - public Column_definition_refContext column_definition_ref() { - return getRuleContext(Column_definition_refContext.class,0); - } - public Set_comment_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_comment_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_comment_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_comment_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Set_comment_stmtContext set_comment_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Set_comment_stmtContext _localctx = new Set_comment_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1444, RULE_set_comment_stmt); - try { - setState(12903); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1392,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12889); - match(COMMENT); - setState(12890); - match(ON); - setState(12891); - match(TABLE); - setState(12892); - normal_relation_factor(); - setState(12893); - match(IS); - setState(12894); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(12896); - match(COMMENT); - setState(12897); - match(ON); - setState(12898); - match(COLUMN); - setState(12899); - column_definition_ref(); - setState(12900); - match(IS); - setState(12901); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_tablespace_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLESPACE, 0); } - public TablespaceContext tablespace() { - return getRuleContext(TablespaceContext.class,0); - } - public Permanent_tablespaceContext permanent_tablespace() { - return getRuleContext(Permanent_tablespaceContext.class,0); - } - public Create_tablespace_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_tablespace_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_tablespace_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_tablespace_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Create_tablespace_stmtContext create_tablespace_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Create_tablespace_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_tablespace_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1446, RULE_create_tablespace_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12905); - match(CREATE); - setState(12906); - match(TABLESPACE); - setState(12907); - tablespace(); - setState(12908); - permanent_tablespace(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_tablespace_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLESPACE, 0); } - public TablespaceContext tablespace() { - return getRuleContext(TablespaceContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_tablespace_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_tablespace_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_tablespace_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_tablespace_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_tablespace_stmtContext drop_tablespace_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_tablespace_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_tablespace_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1448, RULE_drop_tablespace_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12910); - match(DROP); - setState(12911); - match(TABLESPACE); - setState(12912); - tablespace(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class TablespaceContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public TablespaceContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_tablespace; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTablespace(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTablespace(this); - } - } - - public final TablespaceContext tablespace() throws RecognitionException { - TablespaceContext _localctx = new TablespaceContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1450, RULE_tablespace); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12914); - match(NAME_OB); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_tablespace_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLESPACE, 0); } - public TablespaceContext tablespace() { - return getRuleContext(TablespaceContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_tablespace_actionsContext alter_tablespace_actions() { - return getRuleContext(Alter_tablespace_actionsContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_tablespace_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_tablespace_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_tablespace_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_tablespace_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_tablespace_stmtContext alter_tablespace_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_tablespace_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_tablespace_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1452, RULE_alter_tablespace_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12916); - match(ALTER); - setState(12917); - match(TABLESPACE); - setState(12918); - tablespace(); - setState(12919); - alter_tablespace_actions(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_tablespace_actionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List alter_tablespace_action() { - return getRuleContexts(Alter_tablespace_actionContext.class); - } - public Alter_tablespace_actionContext alter_tablespace_action(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Alter_tablespace_actionContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Alter_tablespace_actionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_tablespace_actions; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_tablespace_actions(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_tablespace_actions(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_tablespace_actionsContext alter_tablespace_actions() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_tablespace_actionsContext _localctx = new Alter_tablespace_actionsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1454, RULE_alter_tablespace_actions); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12921); - alter_tablespace_action(); - setState(12924); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Comma) { - { - setState(12922); - match(Comma); - setState(12923); - alter_tablespace_action(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_tablespace_actionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Permanent_tablespace_optionContext permanent_tablespace_option() { - return getRuleContext(Permanent_tablespace_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_tablespace_actionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_tablespace_action; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_tablespace_action(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_tablespace_action(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_tablespace_actionContext alter_tablespace_action() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_tablespace_actionContext _localctx = new Alter_tablespace_actionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1456, RULE_alter_tablespace_action); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12926); - permanent_tablespace_option(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Permanent_tablespaceContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext permanent_tablespace_options() { - return getRuleContext(Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext.class,0); - } - public Permanent_tablespaceContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_permanent_tablespace; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPermanent_tablespace(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPermanent_tablespace(this); - } - } - - public final Permanent_tablespaceContext permanent_tablespace() throws RecognitionException { - Permanent_tablespaceContext _localctx = new Permanent_tablespaceContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1458, RULE_permanent_tablespace); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12929); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ENCRYPTION) { - { - setState(12928); - permanent_tablespace_options(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List permanent_tablespace_option() { - return getRuleContexts(Permanent_tablespace_optionContext.class); - } - public Permanent_tablespace_optionContext permanent_tablespace_option(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Permanent_tablespace_optionContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_permanent_tablespace_options; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPermanent_tablespace_options(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPermanent_tablespace_options(this); - } - } - - public final Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext permanent_tablespace_options() throws RecognitionException { - Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext _localctx = new Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1460, RULE_permanent_tablespace_options); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12931); - permanent_tablespace_option(); - setState(12936); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(12932); - match(Comma); - setState(12933); - permanent_tablespace_option(); - } - } - setState(12938); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Permanent_tablespace_optionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ENCRYPTION() { return getToken(OBParser.ENCRYPTION, 0); } - public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public Permanent_tablespace_optionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_permanent_tablespace_option; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPermanent_tablespace_option(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPermanent_tablespace_option(this); - } - } - - public final Permanent_tablespace_optionContext permanent_tablespace_option() throws RecognitionException { - Permanent_tablespace_optionContext _localctx = new Permanent_tablespace_optionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1462, RULE_permanent_tablespace_option); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12939); - match(ENCRYPTION); - setState(12940); - match(USING); - setState(12941); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_profile_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PROFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROFILE, 0); } - public Profile_nameContext profile_name() { - return getRuleContext(Profile_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LIMIT() { return getToken(OBParser.LIMIT, 0); } - public Password_parametersContext password_parameters() { - return getRuleContext(Password_parametersContext.class,0); - } - public Create_profile_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_profile_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_profile_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_profile_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Create_profile_stmtContext create_profile_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Create_profile_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_profile_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1464, RULE_create_profile_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12943); - match(CREATE); - setState(12944); - match(PROFILE); - setState(12945); - profile_name(); - setState(12946); - match(LIMIT); - setState(12947); - password_parameters(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Alter_profile_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode PROFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROFILE, 0); } - public Profile_nameContext profile_name() { - return getRuleContext(Profile_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LIMIT() { return getToken(OBParser.LIMIT, 0); } - public Password_parametersContext password_parameters() { - return getRuleContext(Password_parametersContext.class,0); - } - public Alter_profile_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_alter_profile_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAlter_profile_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAlter_profile_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Alter_profile_stmtContext alter_profile_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Alter_profile_stmtContext _localctx = new Alter_profile_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1466, RULE_alter_profile_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12949); - match(ALTER); - setState(12950); - match(PROFILE); - setState(12951); - profile_name(); - setState(12952); - match(LIMIT); - setState(12953); - password_parameters(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Drop_profile_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DROP() { return getToken(OBParser.DROP, 0); } - public TerminalNode PROFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROFILE, 0); } - public Profile_nameContext profile_name() { - return getRuleContext(Profile_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Drop_profile_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_drop_profile_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDrop_profile_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDrop_profile_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Drop_profile_stmtContext drop_profile_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Drop_profile_stmtContext _localctx = new Drop_profile_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1468, RULE_drop_profile_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12955); - match(DROP); - setState(12956); - match(PROFILE); - setState(12957); - profile_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Profile_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { - return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public Profile_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_profile_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterProfile_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitProfile_name(this); - } - } - - public final Profile_nameContext profile_name() throws RecognitionException { - Profile_nameContext _localctx = new Profile_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1470, RULE_profile_name); - try { - setState(12962); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NAME_OB: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12959); - match(NAME_OB); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(12960); - unreserved_keyword(); - } - break; - case DEFAULT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(12961); - match(DEFAULT); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Password_parametersContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List password_parameter() { - return getRuleContexts(Password_parameterContext.class); - } - public Password_parameterContext password_parameter(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Password_parameterContext.class,i); - } - public Password_parametersContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_password_parameters; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPassword_parameters(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPassword_parameters(this); - } - } - - public final Password_parametersContext password_parameters() throws RecognitionException { - Password_parametersContext _localctx = new Password_parametersContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1472, RULE_password_parameters); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12965); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - do { - { - { - setState(12964); - password_parameter(); - } - } - setState(12967); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } while ( _la==FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS || _la==PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME || _la==PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME || _la==PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION || _la==PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME ); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Password_parameterContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Password_parameter_typeContext password_parameter_type() { - return getRuleContext(Password_parameter_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Password_parameter_valueContext password_parameter_value() { - return getRuleContext(Password_parameter_valueContext.class,0); - } - public Password_parameterContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_password_parameter; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPassword_parameter(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPassword_parameter(this); - } - } - - public final Password_parameterContext password_parameter() throws RecognitionException { - Password_parameterContext _localctx = new Password_parameterContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1474, RULE_password_parameter); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12969); - password_parameter_type(); - setState(12970); - password_parameter_value(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Verify_function_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } - public Verify_function_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_verify_function_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterVerify_function_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitVerify_function_name(this); - } - } - - public final Verify_function_nameContext verify_function_name() throws RecognitionException { - Verify_function_nameContext _localctx = new Verify_function_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1476, RULE_verify_function_name); - try { - setState(12974); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12972); - relation_name(); - } - break; - case NULLX: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(12973); - match(NULLX); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Password_parameter_valueContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Number_literalContext number_literal() { - return getRuleContext(Number_literalContext.class,0); - } - public Verify_function_nameContext verify_function_name() { - return getRuleContext(Verify_function_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public Password_parameter_valueContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_password_parameter_value; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPassword_parameter_value(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPassword_parameter_value(this); - } - } - - public final Password_parameter_valueContext password_parameter_value() throws RecognitionException { - Password_parameter_valueContext _localctx = new Password_parameter_valueContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1478, RULE_password_parameter_value); - try { - setState(12979); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case INTNUM: - case DECIMAL_VAL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12976); - number_literal(); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case NULLX: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(12977); - verify_function_name(); - } - break; - case DEFAULT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(12978); - match(DEFAULT); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Password_parameter_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS() { return getToken(OBParser.FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME, 0); } - public TerminalNode PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION, 0); } - public TerminalNode PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME, 0); } - public TerminalNode PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME, 0); } - public Password_parameter_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_password_parameter_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPassword_parameter_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPassword_parameter_type(this); - } - } - - public final Password_parameter_typeContext password_parameter_type() throws RecognitionException { - Password_parameter_typeContext _localctx = new Password_parameter_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1480, RULE_password_parameter_type); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12981); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS || _la==PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME || _la==PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME || _la==PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION || _la==PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class User_profileContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PROFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROFILE, 0); } - public Profile_nameContext profile_name() { - return getRuleContext(Profile_nameContext.class,0); - } - public User_profileContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_user_profile; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUser_profile(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUser_profile(this); - } - } - - public final User_profileContext user_profile() throws RecognitionException { - User_profileContext _localctx = new User_profileContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1482, RULE_user_profile); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12983); - match(PROFILE); - setState(12984); - profile_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Method_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Method_listContext method_list() { - return getRuleContext(Method_listContext.class,0); - } - public Method_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_method_opt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMethod_opt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMethod_opt(this); - } - } - - public final Method_optContext method_opt() throws RecognitionException { - Method_optContext _localctx = new Method_optContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1484, RULE_method_opt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12986); - method_list(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Method_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List method() { - return getRuleContexts(MethodContext.class); - } - public MethodContext method(int i) { - return getRuleContext(MethodContext.class,i); - } - public Method_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_method_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMethod_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMethod_list(this); - } - } - - public final Method_listContext method_list() throws RecognitionException { - Method_listContext _localctx = new Method_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1486, RULE_method_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12989); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - do { - { - { - setState(12988); - method(); - } - } - setState(12991); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } while ( _la==FOR ); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class MethodContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public For_allContext for_all() { - return getRuleContext(For_allContext.class,0); - } - public For_columnsContext for_columns() { - return getRuleContext(For_columnsContext.class,0); - } - public MethodContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_method; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMethod(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMethod(this); - } - } - - public final MethodContext method() throws RecognitionException { - MethodContext _localctx = new MethodContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1488, RULE_method); - try { - setState(12995); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1401,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12993); - for_all(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(12994); - for_columns(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class For_allContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } - public Size_clauseContext size_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Size_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode INDEXED() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEXED, 0); } - public TerminalNode HIDDEN_() { return getToken(OBParser.HIDDEN_, 0); } - public For_allContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_for_all; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFor_all(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFor_all(this); - } - } - - public final For_allContext for_all() throws RecognitionException { - For_allContext _localctx = new For_allContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1490, RULE_for_all); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(12997); - match(FOR); - setState(12998); - match(ALL); - setState(13000); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==INDEXED || _la==HIDDEN_) { - { - setState(12999); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==INDEXED || _la==HIDDEN_) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - - setState(13002); - match(COLUMNS); - setState(13004); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==SIZE) { - { - setState(13003); - size_clause(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Size_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode AUTO() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTO, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPEAT() { return getToken(OBParser.REPEAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode SKEWONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.SKEWONLY, 0); } - public Number_literalContext number_literal() { - return getRuleContext(Number_literalContext.class,0); - } - public Size_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_size_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSize_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSize_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Size_clauseContext size_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Size_clauseContext _localctx = new Size_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1492, RULE_size_clause); - try { - setState(13014); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1404,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13006); - match(SIZE); - setState(13007); - match(AUTO); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13008); - match(SIZE); - setState(13009); - match(REPEAT); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13010); - match(SIZE); - setState(13011); - match(SKEWONLY); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(13012); - match(SIZE); - setState(13013); - number_literal(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class For_columnsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } - public For_columns_listContext for_columns_list() { - return getRuleContext(For_columns_listContext.class,0); - } - public For_columnsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_for_columns; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFor_columns(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFor_columns(this); - } - } - - public final For_columnsContext for_columns() throws RecognitionException { - For_columnsContext _localctx = new For_columnsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1494, RULE_for_columns); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13016); - match(FOR); - setState(13017); - match(COLUMNS); - setState(13019); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1405,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(13018); - for_columns_list(0); - } - break; - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class For_columns_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public For_columns_itemContext for_columns_item() { - return getRuleContext(For_columns_itemContext.class,0); - } - public For_columns_listContext for_columns_list() { - return getRuleContext(For_columns_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public For_columns_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_for_columns_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFor_columns_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFor_columns_list(this); - } - } - - public final For_columns_listContext for_columns_list() throws RecognitionException { - return for_columns_list(0); - } - - private For_columns_listContext for_columns_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - For_columns_listContext _localctx = new For_columns_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); - For_columns_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 1496; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 1496, RULE_for_columns_list, _p); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - { - setState(13022); - for_columns_item(); - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(13031); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1407,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - setState(13029); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1406,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - _localctx = new For_columns_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_for_columns_list); - setState(13024); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 2))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 2)"); - setState(13025); - for_columns_item(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - _localctx = new For_columns_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_for_columns_list); - setState(13026); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); - setState(13027); - match(Comma); - setState(13028); - for_columns_item(); - } - break; - } - } - } - setState(13033); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1407,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class For_columns_itemContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_clauseContext column_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Column_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Size_clauseContext size_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Size_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public For_columns_itemContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_for_columns_item; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFor_columns_item(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFor_columns_item(this); - } - } - - public final For_columns_itemContext for_columns_item() throws RecognitionException { - For_columns_itemContext _localctx = new For_columns_itemContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1498, RULE_for_columns_item); - try { - setState(13039); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ROWID: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case LeftParen: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13034); - column_clause(); - setState(13036); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1408,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(13035); - size_clause(); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case SIZE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13038); - size_clause(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Column_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public ExtensionContext extension() { - return getRuleContext(ExtensionContext.class,0); - } - public Column_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Column_clauseContext column_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Column_clauseContext _localctx = new Column_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1500, RULE_column_clause); - try { - setState(13043); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ROWID: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13041); - column_name(); - } - break; - case LeftParen: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13042); - extension(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class ExtensionContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Column_name_listContext column_name_list() { - return getRuleContext(Column_name_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public ExtensionContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_extension; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExtension(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExtension(this); - } - } - - public final ExtensionContext extension() throws RecognitionException { - ExtensionContext _localctx = new ExtensionContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1502, RULE_extension); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13045); - match(LeftParen); - setState(13046); - column_name_list(); - setState(13047); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Set_names_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public TerminalNode NAMES() { return getToken(OBParser.NAMES, 0); } - public Charset_name_or_defaultContext charset_name_or_default() { - return getRuleContext(Charset_name_or_defaultContext.class,0); - } - public CollationContext collation() { - return getRuleContext(CollationContext.class,0); - } - public Set_names_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_names_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_names_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_names_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Set_names_stmtContext set_names_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Set_names_stmtContext _localctx = new Set_names_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1504, RULE_set_names_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13049); - match(SET); - setState(13050); - match(NAMES); - setState(13051); - charset_name_or_default(); - setState(13053); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COLLATE) { - { - setState(13052); - collation(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Set_charset_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public Charset_keyContext charset_key() { - return getRuleContext(Charset_keyContext.class,0); - } - public Charset_name_or_defaultContext charset_name_or_default() { - return getRuleContext(Charset_name_or_defaultContext.class,0); - } - public Set_charset_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_charset_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_charset_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_charset_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Set_charset_stmtContext set_charset_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Set_charset_stmtContext _localctx = new Set_charset_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1506, RULE_set_charset_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13055); - match(SET); - setState(13056); - charset_key(); - setState(13057); - charset_name_or_default(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Set_transaction_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SET() { return getToken(OBParser.SET, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRANSACTION() { return getToken(OBParser.TRANSACTION, 0); } - public Transaction_characteristicsContext transaction_characteristics() { - return getRuleContext(Transaction_characteristicsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LOCAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode SESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION, 0); } - public TerminalNode GLOBAL() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL, 0); } - public Set_transaction_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_set_transaction_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSet_transaction_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSet_transaction_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Set_transaction_stmtContext set_transaction_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Set_transaction_stmtContext _localctx = new Set_transaction_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1508, RULE_set_transaction_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13059); - match(SET); - setState(13067); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case SESSION: - case TRANSACTION: - case GLOBAL: - { - setState(13064); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case TRANSACTION: - case GLOBAL: - { - setState(13061); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==GLOBAL) { - { - setState(13060); - match(GLOBAL); - } - } - - } - break; - case SESSION: - { - setState(13063); - match(SESSION); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case LOCAL: - { - setState(13066); - match(LOCAL); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(13069); - match(TRANSACTION); - setState(13070); - transaction_characteristics(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Transaction_characteristicsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Transaction_access_modeContext transaction_access_mode() { - return getRuleContext(Transaction_access_modeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ISOLATION() { return getToken(OBParser.ISOLATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode LEVEL() { return getToken(OBParser.LEVEL, 0); } - public Isolation_levelContext isolation_level() { - return getRuleContext(Isolation_levelContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Transaction_characteristicsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_transaction_characteristics; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTransaction_characteristics(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTransaction_characteristics(this); - } - } - - public final Transaction_characteristicsContext transaction_characteristics() throws RecognitionException { - Transaction_characteristicsContext _localctx = new Transaction_characteristicsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1510, RULE_transaction_characteristics); - int _la; - try { - setState(13087); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1416,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13072); - transaction_access_mode(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13076); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==READ) { - { - setState(13073); - transaction_access_mode(); - setState(13074); - match(Comma); - } - } - - setState(13078); - match(ISOLATION); - setState(13079); - match(LEVEL); - setState(13080); - isolation_level(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13081); - match(ISOLATION); - setState(13082); - match(LEVEL); - setState(13083); - isolation_level(); - setState(13084); - match(Comma); - setState(13085); - transaction_access_mode(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Transaction_access_modeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode READ() { return getToken(OBParser.READ, 0); } - public TerminalNode ONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.ONLY, 0); } - public TerminalNode WRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.WRITE, 0); } - public Transaction_access_modeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_transaction_access_mode; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTransaction_access_mode(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTransaction_access_mode(this); - } - } - - public final Transaction_access_modeContext transaction_access_mode() throws RecognitionException { - Transaction_access_modeContext _localctx = new Transaction_access_modeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1512, RULE_transaction_access_mode); - try { - setState(13093); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1417,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13089); - match(READ); - setState(13090); - match(ONLY); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13091); - match(READ); - setState(13092); - match(WRITE); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Isolation_levelContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode READ() { return getToken(OBParser.READ, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNCOMMITTED() { return getToken(OBParser.UNCOMMITTED, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMMITTED() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMITTED, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPEATABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPEATABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SERIALIZABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SERIALIZABLE, 0); } - public Isolation_levelContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_isolation_level; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterIsolation_level(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitIsolation_level(this); - } - } - - public final Isolation_levelContext isolation_level() throws RecognitionException { - Isolation_levelContext _localctx = new Isolation_levelContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1514, RULE_isolation_level); - try { - setState(13102); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1418,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13095); - match(READ); - setState(13096); - match(UNCOMMITTED); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13097); - match(READ); - setState(13098); - match(COMMITTED); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13099); - match(REPEATABLE); - setState(13100); - match(READ); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(13101); - match(SERIALIZABLE); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Switchover_tenant_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYSTEM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM, 0); } - public Switchover_clauseContext switchover_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Switchover_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode VERIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.VERIFY, 0); } - public Switchover_tenant_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_switchover_tenant_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSwitchover_tenant_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSwitchover_tenant_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Switchover_tenant_stmtContext switchover_tenant_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Switchover_tenant_stmtContext _localctx = new Switchover_tenant_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1516, RULE_switchover_tenant_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13104); - match(ALTER); - setState(13105); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(13106); - switchover_clause(); - setState(13108); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==VERIFY) { - { - setState(13107); - match(VERIFY); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Switchover_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ACTIVATE() { return getToken(OBParser.ACTIVATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode STANDBY() { return getToken(OBParser.STANDBY, 0); } - public Tenant_nameContext tenant_name() { - return getRuleContext(Tenant_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode SWITCHOVER() { return getToken(OBParser.SWITCHOVER, 0); } - public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRIMARY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY, 0); } - public Switchover_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_switchover_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSwitchover_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSwitchover_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Switchover_clauseContext switchover_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Switchover_clauseContext _localctx = new Switchover_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1518, RULE_switchover_clause); - int _la; - try { - setState(13127); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1423,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13110); - match(ACTIVATE); - setState(13111); - match(STANDBY); - setState(13113); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(13112); - tenant_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13115); - match(SWITCHOVER); - setState(13116); - match(TO); - setState(13117); - match(PRIMARY); - setState(13119); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(13118); - tenant_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13121); - match(SWITCHOVER); - setState(13122); - match(TO); - setState(13123); - match(STANDBY); - setState(13125); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(13124); - tenant_name(); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Recover_tenant_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYSTEM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM, 0); } - public TerminalNode RECOVER() { return getToken(OBParser.RECOVER, 0); } - public TerminalNode STANDBY() { return getToken(OBParser.STANDBY, 0); } - public Recover_point_clauseContext recover_point_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Recover_point_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Tenant_nameContext tenant_name() { - return getRuleContext(Tenant_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Recover_tenant_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_recover_tenant_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRecover_tenant_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRecover_tenant_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Recover_tenant_stmtContext recover_tenant_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Recover_tenant_stmtContext _localctx = new Recover_tenant_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1520, RULE_recover_tenant_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13129); - match(ALTER); - setState(13130); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(13131); - match(RECOVER); - setState(13132); - match(STANDBY); - setState(13134); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(13133); - tenant_name(); - } - } - - setState(13136); - recover_point_clause(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Recover_point_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode UNTIL() { return getToken(OBParser.UNTIL, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.TIME, 0); } - public Opt_equal_markContext opt_equal_mark() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_equal_markContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SCN() { return getToken(OBParser.SCN, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNLIMITED() { return getToken(OBParser.UNLIMITED, 0); } - public TerminalNode CANCEL() { return getToken(OBParser.CANCEL, 0); } - public Recover_point_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_recover_point_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRecover_point_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRecover_point_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Recover_point_clauseContext recover_point_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Recover_point_clauseContext _localctx = new Recover_point_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1522, RULE_recover_point_clause); - try { - setState(13153); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1426,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13148); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1425,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(13138); - match(UNTIL); - setState(13139); - match(TIME); - setState(13140); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(13141); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(13143); - match(UNTIL); - setState(13144); - match(SCN); - setState(13145); - opt_equal_mark(); - setState(13146); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13150); - match(UNTIL); - setState(13151); - match(UNLIMITED); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13152); - match(CANCEL); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Transfer_partition_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYSTEM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM, 0); } - public Transfer_partition_clauseContext transfer_partition_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Transfer_partition_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Tenant_nameContext tenant_name() { - return getRuleContext(Tenant_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Transfer_partition_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_transfer_partition_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTransfer_partition_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTransfer_partition_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Transfer_partition_stmtContext transfer_partition_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Transfer_partition_stmtContext _localctx = new Transfer_partition_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1524, RULE_transfer_partition_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13155); - match(ALTER); - setState(13156); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(13157); - transfer_partition_clause(); - setState(13159); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(13158); - tenant_name(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Transfer_partition_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode TRANSFER() { return getToken(OBParser.TRANSFER, 0); } - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public Part_infoContext part_info() { - return getRuleContext(Part_infoContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } - public TerminalNode LS() { return getToken(OBParser.LS, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM() { return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, 0); } - public Transfer_partition_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_transfer_partition_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTransfer_partition_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTransfer_partition_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Transfer_partition_clauseContext transfer_partition_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Transfer_partition_clauseContext _localctx = new Transfer_partition_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1526, RULE_transfer_partition_clause); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13161); - match(TRANSFER); - setState(13162); - match(PARTITION); - setState(13163); - part_info(); - setState(13164); - match(TO); - setState(13165); - match(LS); - setState(13166); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Part_infoContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode TABLE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE_ID, 0); } - public List INTNUM() { return getTokens(OBParser.INTNUM); } - public TerminalNode INTNUM(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.INTNUM, i); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public TerminalNode OBJECT_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.OBJECT_ID, 0); } - public List COMP_EQ() { return getTokens(OBParser.COMP_EQ); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, i); - } - public Part_infoContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_part_info; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPart_info(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPart_info(this); - } - } - - public final Part_infoContext part_info() throws RecognitionException { - Part_infoContext _localctx = new Part_infoContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1528, RULE_part_info); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13168); - match(TABLE_ID); - setState(13170); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(13169); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(13172); - match(INTNUM); - setState(13173); - match(Comma); - setState(13174); - match(OBJECT_ID); - setState(13176); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COMP_EQ) { - { - setState(13175); - match(COMP_EQ); - } - } - - setState(13178); - match(INTNUM); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Cancel_transfer_partition_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Part_infoContext part_info() { - return getRuleContext(Part_infoContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ALL() { return getToken(OBParser.ALL, 0); } - public Cancel_transfer_partition_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_cancel_transfer_partition_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCancel_transfer_partition_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCancel_transfer_partition_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Cancel_transfer_partition_clauseContext cancel_transfer_partition_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Cancel_transfer_partition_clauseContext _localctx = new Cancel_transfer_partition_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1530, RULE_cancel_transfer_partition_clause); - try { - setState(13182); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case TABLE_ID: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13180); - part_info(); - } - break; - case ALL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13181); - match(ALL); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Service_name_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ALTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ALTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYSTEM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM, 0); } - public Service_opContext service_op() { - return getRuleContext(Service_opContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode SERVICE() { return getToken(OBParser.SERVICE, 0); } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Tenant_nameContext tenant_name() { - return getRuleContext(Tenant_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Service_name_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_service_name_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterService_name_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitService_name_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Service_name_stmtContext service_name_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Service_name_stmtContext _localctx = new Service_name_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1532, RULE_service_name_stmt); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13184); - match(ALTER); - setState(13185); - match(SYSTEM); - setState(13186); - service_op(); - setState(13187); - match(SERVICE); - setState(13188); - relation_name(); - setState(13190); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TENANT) { - { - setState(13189); - tenant_name(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Service_opContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CREATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DELETE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETE, 0); } - public TerminalNode START() { return getToken(OBParser.START, 0); } - public TerminalNode STOP() { return getToken(OBParser.STOP, 0); } - public Service_opContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_service_op; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterService_op(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitService_op(this); - } - } - - public final Service_opContext service_op() throws RecognitionException { - Service_opContext _localctx = new Service_opContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1534, RULE_service_op); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13192); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==CREATE || _la==DELETE || _la==START || _la==STOP) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Create_savepoint_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode SAVEPOINT() { return getToken(OBParser.SAVEPOINT, 0); } - public Var_nameContext var_name() { - return getRuleContext(Var_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Create_savepoint_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_create_savepoint_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterCreate_savepoint_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitCreate_savepoint_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Create_savepoint_stmtContext create_savepoint_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Create_savepoint_stmtContext _localctx = new Create_savepoint_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1536, RULE_create_savepoint_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13194); - match(SAVEPOINT); - setState(13195); - var_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ROLLBACK() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLLBACK, 0); } - public TerminalNode TO() { return getToken(OBParser.TO, 0); } - public Var_nameContext var_name() { - return getRuleContext(Var_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode WORK() { return getToken(OBParser.WORK, 0); } - public TerminalNode SAVEPOINT() { return getToken(OBParser.SAVEPOINT, 0); } - public Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_rollback_savepoint_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRollback_savepoint_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRollback_savepoint_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext rollback_savepoint_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext _localctx = new Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1538, RULE_rollback_savepoint_stmt); - int _la; - try { - setState(13207); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1433,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13197); - match(ROLLBACK); - setState(13199); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WORK) { - { - setState(13198); - match(WORK); - } - } - - setState(13201); - match(TO); - setState(13202); - var_name(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13203); - match(ROLLBACK); - setState(13204); - match(TO); - setState(13205); - match(SAVEPOINT); - setState(13206); - var_name(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Var_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext oracle_unreserved_keyword() { - return getRuleContext(Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); - } - public Unreserved_keyword_normalContext unreserved_keyword_normal() { - return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keyword_normalContext.class,0); - } - public Aggregate_function_keywordContext aggregate_function_keyword() { - return getRuleContext(Aggregate_function_keywordContext.class,0); - } - public Var_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_var_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterVar_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitVar_name(this); - } - } - - public final Var_nameContext var_name() throws RecognitionException { - Var_nameContext _localctx = new Var_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1540, RULE_var_name); - try { - setState(13213); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NAME_OB: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13209); - match(NAME_OB); - } - break; - case REAL: - case ANALYZE: - case BEFORE: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case CYCLE: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DATABASE: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case FORCE: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case MAXVALUE: - case NOCYCLE: - case NUMERIC: - case PROCEDURE: - case READ: - case REFERENCES: - case SCHEMA: - case SQL: - case SQLSTATE: - case USE: - case USING: - case WHEN: - case WRITE: - case EXCEPT: - case GROUPS: - case MINVALUE: - case STOP: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case TRUNCATE: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case ADMIN: - case DISABLE: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case SEQUENCE: - case GO: - case PCTUSED: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case EXTERNALLY: - case FLUSH: - case DOP: - case OPTIMAL: - case GOTO: - case TRANSACTION: - case BECOME: - case OFF: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case DATAFILE: - case LAYER: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case EXTENT: - case SWITCH: - case BODY: - case ROLLBACK: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case OLD: - case RECOVER: - case CONTROLFILE: - case ROLES: - case KEY: - case TEMPORARY: - case SNAPSHOT: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case QUOTA: - case NEXT: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case SECTION: - case PLAN: - case INSTANCE: - case FUNCTION: - case INITIALIZED: - case SEGMENT: - case OWN: - case PCTINCREASE: - case INCLUDING: - case ENABLE: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case INT: - case MAXTRANS: - case COMMIT: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case FREELIST: - case STORAGE: - case CANCEL: - case BEGIN: - case FREELISTS: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case FOUND: - case CACHE: - case END: - case SOME: - case MANUAL: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case FORTRAN: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case COMPILE: - case NEW: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ALLOCATE: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case RESETLOGS: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TABLESPACE: - case MODULE: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case PLI: - case PROFILE: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case INDICATOR: - case UNLIMITED: - case UNDER: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case MANAGE: - case NOCACHE: - case FOREIGN: - case MINEXTENTS: - case ESCAPE: - case NONE: - case LISTS: - case DISMOUNT: - case WORK: - case NOSORT: - case EXECUTE: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case ONLY: - case TRACING: - case MOUNT: - case BLOCK: - case ACCESSED: - case CONTENTS: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13210); - oracle_unreserved_keyword(); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASES: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHILE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case INVOKER: - case DEPTH: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case LESS: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case GROUPING: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case SLOW: - case OPTIONS: - case UPDATING: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case MAX_SIZE: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case TEMPLATE: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESUME: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case SIMPLE: - case VARIABLES: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case MUTEX: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case DESCRIBE: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case PASSWORD: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case NORELY: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case DAY: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case RECURSIVE: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13211); - unreserved_keyword_normal(); - } - break; - case NTH_VALUE: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case MAX: - case STDDEV: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case LISTAGG: - case SUM: - case MIN: - case VARIANCE: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case WM_CONCAT: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case REGR_COUNT: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case REGR_SYY: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case REGR_R2: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case LAG: - case LAST_VALUE: - case COVAR_POP: - case MEDIAN: - case STDDEV_POP: - case AVG: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case CUME_DIST: - case LEAD: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case NTILE: - case CORR: - case VAR_SAMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(13212); - aggregate_function_keyword(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Column_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { - return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ROWID() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWID, 0); } - public Column_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_name(this); - } - } - - public final Column_nameContext column_name() throws RecognitionException { - Column_nameContext _localctx = new Column_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1542, RULE_column_name); - try { - setState(13218); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NAME_OB: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13215); - match(NAME_OB); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13216); - unreserved_keyword(); - } - break; - case ROWID: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13217); - match(ROWID); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Relation_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { - return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); - } - public Relation_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_relation_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRelation_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRelation_name(this); - } - } - - public final Relation_nameContext relation_name() throws RecognitionException { - Relation_nameContext _localctx = new Relation_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1544, RULE_relation_name); - try { - setState(13222); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NAME_OB: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13220); - match(NAME_OB); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13221); - unreserved_keyword(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Exists_function_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode EXISTS() { return getToken(OBParser.EXISTS, 0); } - public Exists_function_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_exists_function_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterExists_function_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitExists_function_name(this); - } - } - - public final Exists_function_nameContext exists_function_name() throws RecognitionException { - Exists_function_nameContext _localctx = new Exists_function_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1546, RULE_exists_function_name); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13224); - match(EXISTS); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Function_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext oracle_unreserved_keyword() { - return getRuleContext(Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); - } - public Unreserved_keyword_normalContext unreserved_keyword_normal() { - return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keyword_normalContext.class,0); - } - public Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext oracle_pl_non_reserved_words() { - return getRuleContext(Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PRIOR() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode RANDOM() { return getToken(OBParser.RANDOM, 0); } - public Function_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_function_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterFunction_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitFunction_name(this); - } - } - - public final Function_nameContext function_name() throws RecognitionException { - Function_nameContext _localctx = new Function_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1548, RULE_function_name); - try { - setState(13232); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NAME_OB: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13226); - match(NAME_OB); - } - break; - case REAL: - case ANALYZE: - case BEFORE: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case CYCLE: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DATABASE: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case FORCE: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case MAXVALUE: - case NOCYCLE: - case NUMERIC: - case PROCEDURE: - case READ: - case REFERENCES: - case SCHEMA: - case SQL: - case SQLSTATE: - case USE: - case USING: - case WHEN: - case WRITE: - case EXCEPT: - case GROUPS: - case MINVALUE: - case STOP: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case TRUNCATE: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case ADMIN: - case DISABLE: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case SEQUENCE: - case GO: - case PCTUSED: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case EXTERNALLY: - case FLUSH: - case DOP: - case OPTIMAL: - case GOTO: - case TRANSACTION: - case BECOME: - case OFF: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case DATAFILE: - case LAYER: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case EXTENT: - case SWITCH: - case BODY: - case ROLLBACK: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case OLD: - case RECOVER: - case CONTROLFILE: - case ROLES: - case KEY: - case TEMPORARY: - case SNAPSHOT: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case QUOTA: - case NEXT: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case SECTION: - case PLAN: - case INSTANCE: - case FUNCTION: - case INITIALIZED: - case SEGMENT: - case OWN: - case PCTINCREASE: - case INCLUDING: - case ENABLE: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case INT: - case MAXTRANS: - case COMMIT: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case FREELIST: - case STORAGE: - case CANCEL: - case BEGIN: - case FREELISTS: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case FOUND: - case CACHE: - case END: - case SOME: - case MANUAL: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case FORTRAN: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case COMPILE: - case NEW: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ALLOCATE: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case RESETLOGS: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TABLESPACE: - case MODULE: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case PLI: - case PROFILE: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case INDICATOR: - case UNLIMITED: - case UNDER: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case MANAGE: - case NOCACHE: - case FOREIGN: - case MINEXTENTS: - case ESCAPE: - case NONE: - case LISTS: - case DISMOUNT: - case WORK: - case NOSORT: - case EXECUTE: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case ONLY: - case TRACING: - case MOUNT: - case BLOCK: - case ACCESSED: - case CONTENTS: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13227); - oracle_unreserved_keyword(); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASES: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHILE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case INVOKER: - case DEPTH: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case LESS: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case GROUPING: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case SLOW: - case OPTIONS: - case UPDATING: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case MAX_SIZE: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case TEMPLATE: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESUME: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case SIMPLE: - case VARIABLES: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case MUTEX: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case DESCRIBE: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case PASSWORD: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case NORELY: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case DAY: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case RECURSIVE: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13228); - unreserved_keyword_normal(); - } - break; - case ACCESS: - case ADD: - case AUDIT: - case CHAR: - case COLUMN: - case COMMENT: - case CURRENT: - case DATE: - case DECIMAL: - case FILE_KEY: - case FLOAT: - case IMMEDIATE: - case INCREMENT: - case INITIAL_: - case INTEGER: - case LONG: - case MAXEXTENTS: - case MODIFY: - case NOAUDIT: - case NOTFOUND: - case NUMBER: - case OFFLINE: - case ONLINE: - case PCTFREE: - case PRIVILEGES: - case RAW: - case RENAME: - case ROW: - case ROWLABEL: - case ROWS: - case SESSION: - case SET: - case SMALLINT: - case SUCCESSFUL: - case SYNONYM: - case TRIGGER: - case VALIDATE: - case VARCHAR: - case VARCHAR2: - case WHENEVER: - case DUAL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(13229); - oracle_pl_non_reserved_words(); - } - break; - case PRIOR: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(13230); - match(PRIOR); - } - break; - case RANDOM: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(13231); - match(RANDOM); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Column_labelContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { - return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); - } - public Column_labelContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_column_label; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterColumn_label(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitColumn_label(this); - } - } - - public final Column_labelContext column_label() throws RecognitionException { - Column_labelContext _localctx = new Column_labelContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1550, RULE_column_label); - try { - setState(13236); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NAME_OB: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13234); - match(NAME_OB); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13235); - unreserved_keyword(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Keystore_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() { - return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); - } - public Keystore_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_keystore_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterKeystore_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitKeystore_name(this); - } - } - - public final Keystore_nameContext keystore_name() throws RecognitionException { - Keystore_nameContext _localctx = new Keystore_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1552, RULE_keystore_name); - try { - setState(13240); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NAME_OB: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13238); - match(NAME_OB); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13239); - unreserved_keyword(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Date_unitContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode YEAR() { return getToken(OBParser.YEAR, 0); } - public TerminalNode MONTH() { return getToken(OBParser.MONTH, 0); } - public TerminalNode DAY() { return getToken(OBParser.DAY, 0); } - public TerminalNode HOUR() { return getToken(OBParser.HOUR, 0); } - public TerminalNode MINUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.MINUTE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.SECOND, 0); } - public Date_unitContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_date_unit; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDate_unit(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDate_unit(this); - } - } - - public final Date_unitContext date_unit() throws RecognitionException { - Date_unitContext _localctx = new Date_unitContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1554, RULE_date_unit); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13242); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==YEAR || _la==SECOND || ((((_la - 986)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 986)) & ((1L << (MINUTE - 986)) | (1L << (HOUR - 986)) | (1L << (MONTH - 986)))) != 0) || _la==DAY) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Timezone_unitContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode TIMEZONE_HOUR() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMEZONE_HOUR, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIMEZONE_MINUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMEZONE_MINUTE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIMEZONE_REGION() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMEZONE_REGION, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIMEZONE_ABBR() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMEZONE_ABBR, 0); } - public Timezone_unitContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_timezone_unit; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterTimezone_unit(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitTimezone_unit(this); - } - } - - public final Timezone_unitContext timezone_unit() throws RecognitionException { - Timezone_unitContext _localctx = new Timezone_unitContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1556, RULE_timezone_unit); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13244); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(((((_la - 369)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 369)) & ((1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 369)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 369)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 369)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 369)))) != 0)) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Date_unit_for_extractContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Date_unitContext date_unit() { - return getRuleContext(Date_unitContext.class,0); - } - public Timezone_unitContext timezone_unit() { - return getRuleContext(Timezone_unitContext.class,0); - } - public Date_unit_for_extractContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_date_unit_for_extract; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDate_unit_for_extract(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDate_unit_for_extract(this); - } - } - - public final Date_unit_for_extractContext date_unit_for_extract() throws RecognitionException { - Date_unit_for_extractContext _localctx = new Date_unit_for_extractContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1558, RULE_date_unit_for_extract); - try { - setState(13248); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case YEAR: - case SECOND: - case MINUTE: - case HOUR: - case MONTH: - case DAY: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13246); - date_unit(); - } - break; - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13247); - timezone_unit(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_mergepatch_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode JSON_MERGEPATCH() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_MERGEPATCH, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public List bit_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Opt_json_mergepatchContext opt_json_mergepatch() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_json_mergepatchContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Js_mp_return_clauseContext js_mp_return_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Js_mp_return_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext json_mergepatch_on_error() { - return getRuleContext(Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext.class,0); - } - public Json_mergepatch_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_mergepatch_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_mergepatch_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_mergepatch_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Json_mergepatch_exprContext json_mergepatch_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Json_mergepatch_exprContext _localctx = new Json_mergepatch_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1560, RULE_json_mergepatch_expr); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13250); - match(JSON_MERGEPATCH); - setState(13251); - match(LeftParen); - setState(13252); - bit_expr(0); - setState(13253); - match(Comma); - setState(13254); - bit_expr(0); - setState(13256); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==RETURNING) { - { - setState(13255); - js_mp_return_clause(); - } - } - - setState(13258); - opt_json_mergepatch(); - setState(13260); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P) { - { - setState(13259); - json_mergepatch_on_error(); - } - } - - setState(13262); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public List ERROR_P() { return getTokens(OBParser.ERROR_P); } - public TerminalNode ERROR_P(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, i); - } - public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } - public Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_mergepatch_on_error; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_mergepatch_on_error(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_mergepatch_on_error(this); - } - } - - public final Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext json_mergepatch_on_error() throws RecognitionException { - Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext _localctx = new Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1562, RULE_json_mergepatch_on_error); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13264); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(13265); - match(ON); - setState(13266); - match(ERROR_P); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_json_mergepatchContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ASCII() { return getToken(OBParser.ASCII, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRETTY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRETTY, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRUNCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRUNCATE, 0); } - public Opt_json_mergepatchContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_json_mergepatch; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_json_mergepatch(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_json_mergepatch(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_json_mergepatchContext opt_json_mergepatch() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_json_mergepatchContext _localctx = new Opt_json_mergepatchContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1564, RULE_opt_json_mergepatch); - int _la; - try { - setState(13292); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1449,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13269); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ASCII) { - { - setState(13268); - match(ASCII); - } - } - - setState(13272); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PRETTY) { - { - setState(13271); - match(PRETTY); - } - } - - setState(13275); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TRUNCATE) { - { - setState(13274); - match(TRUNCATE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13277); - match(PRETTY); - setState(13278); - match(ASCII); - setState(13280); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TRUNCATE) { - { - setState(13279); - match(TRUNCATE); - } - } - - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13282); - match(TRUNCATE); - setState(13284); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ASCII) { - { - setState(13283); - match(ASCII); - } - } - - setState(13286); - match(PRETTY); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(13287); - match(TRUNCATE); - setState(13289); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PRETTY) { - { - setState(13288); - match(PRETTY); - } - } - - setState(13291); - match(ASCII); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Js_mp_return_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode RETURNING() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNING, 0); } - public Js_return_typeContext js_return_type() { - return getRuleContext(Js_return_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Js_mp_return_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_mp_return_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_mp_return_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_mp_return_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Js_mp_return_clauseContext js_mp_return_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Js_mp_return_clauseContext _localctx = new Js_mp_return_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1566, RULE_js_mp_return_clause); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13294); - match(RETURNING); - setState(13295); - js_return_type(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_array_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode JSON_ARRAY() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_ARRAY, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Json_array_contentContext json_array_content() { - return getRuleContext(Json_array_contentContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftBracket() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftBracket, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightBracket() { return getToken(OBParser.RightBracket, 0); } - public Json_array_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_array_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_array_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_array_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Json_array_exprContext json_array_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Json_array_exprContext _localctx = new Json_array_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1568, RULE_json_array_expr); - try { - setState(13308); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case JSON_ARRAY: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13297); - match(JSON_ARRAY); - setState(13298); - match(LeftParen); - setState(13300); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1450,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(13299); - json_array_content(); - } - break; - } - setState(13302); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case JSON: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13303); - match(JSON); - setState(13304); - match(LeftBracket); - setState(13305); - json_array_content(); - setState(13306); - match(RightBracket); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_array_contentContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Js_array_elesContext js_array_eles() { - return getRuleContext(Js_array_elesContext.class,0); - } - public Json_array_on_nullContext json_array_on_null() { - return getRuleContext(Json_array_on_nullContext.class,0); - } - public Js_array_return_clauseContext js_array_return_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Js_array_return_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode STRICT() { return getToken(OBParser.STRICT, 0); } - public Json_array_contentContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_array_content; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_array_content(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_array_content(this); - } - } - - public final Json_array_contentContext json_array_content() throws RecognitionException { - Json_array_contentContext _localctx = new Json_array_contentContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1570, RULE_json_array_content); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13310); - js_array_eles(); - setState(13312); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ABSENT || _la==NULLX) { - { - setState(13311); - json_array_on_null(); - } - } - - setState(13315); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==RETURNING) { - { - setState(13314); - js_array_return_clause(); - } - } - - setState(13318); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==STRICT) { - { - setState(13317); - match(STRICT); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_array_on_nullContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public List NULLX() { return getTokens(OBParser.NULLX); } - public TerminalNode NULLX(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, i); - } - public TerminalNode ABSENT() { return getToken(OBParser.ABSENT, 0); } - public Json_array_on_nullContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_array_on_null; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_array_on_null(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_array_on_null(this); - } - } - - public final Json_array_on_nullContext json_array_on_null() throws RecognitionException { - Json_array_on_nullContext _localctx = new Json_array_on_nullContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1572, RULE_json_array_on_null); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13320); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ABSENT || _la==NULLX) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(13321); - match(ON); - setState(13322); - match(NULLX); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Js_array_elesContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List js_array_ele() { - return getRuleContexts(Js_array_eleContext.class); - } - public Js_array_eleContext js_array_ele(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Js_array_eleContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Js_array_elesContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_array_eles; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_array_eles(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_array_eles(this); - } - } - - public final Js_array_elesContext js_array_eles() throws RecognitionException { - Js_array_elesContext _localctx = new Js_array_elesContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1574, RULE_js_array_eles); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13324); - js_array_ele(); - setState(13329); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(13325); - match(Comma); - setState(13326); - js_array_ele(); - } - } - setState(13331); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Js_array_eleContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FORMAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } - public Js_array_eleContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_array_ele; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_array_ele(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_array_ele(this); - } - } - - public final Js_array_eleContext js_array_ele() throws RecognitionException { - Js_array_eleContext _localctx = new Js_array_eleContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1576, RULE_js_array_ele); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13332); - bit_expr(0); - setState(13335); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FORMAT) { - { - setState(13333); - match(FORMAT); - setState(13334); - match(JSON); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Js_array_return_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode RETURNING() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNING, 0); } - public Js_return_typeContext js_return_type() { - return getRuleContext(Js_return_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Js_array_return_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_array_return_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_array_return_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_array_return_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Js_array_return_clauseContext js_array_return_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Js_array_return_clauseContext _localctx = new Js_array_return_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1578, RULE_js_array_return_clause); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13337); - match(RETURNING); - setState(13338); - js_return_type(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_value_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode JSON_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Js_doc_exprContext js_doc_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Js_doc_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Js_literalContext js_literal() { - return getRuleContext(Js_literalContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext opt_js_value_returning_type() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRUNCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRUNCATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ASCII() { return getToken(OBParser.ASCII, 0); } - public Json_value_on_optContext json_value_on_opt() { - return getRuleContext(Json_value_on_optContext.class,0); - } - public Json_value_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_value_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_value_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_value_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Json_value_exprContext json_value_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Json_value_exprContext _localctx = new Json_value_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1580, RULE_json_value_expr); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13340); - match(JSON_VALUE); - setState(13341); - match(LeftParen); - setState(13342); - js_doc_expr(); - setState(13343); - match(Comma); - setState(13344); - js_literal(); - setState(13345); - opt_js_value_returning_type(); - setState(13347); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TRUNCATE) { - { - setState(13346); - match(TRUNCATE); - } - } - - setState(13350); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ASCII) { - { - setState(13349); - match(ASCII); - } - } - - setState(13353); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DEFAULT || _la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P || _la==IGNORE) { - { - setState(13352); - json_value_on_opt(); - } - } - - setState(13355); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_equal_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode JSON_EQUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_EQUAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Func_param_listContext func_param_list() { - return getRuleContext(Func_param_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Json_equal_optionContext json_equal_option() { - return getRuleContext(Json_equal_optionContext.class,0); - } - public Json_equal_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_equal_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_equal_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_equal_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Json_equal_exprContext json_equal_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Json_equal_exprContext _localctx = new Json_equal_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1582, RULE_json_equal_expr); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13357); - match(JSON_EQUAL); - setState(13358); - match(LeftParen); - setState(13359); - func_param_list(); - setState(13361); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ERROR_P || _la==BOOL_VALUE) { - { - setState(13360); - json_equal_option(); - } - } - - setState(13363); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_value_on_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Json_value_on_emptyContext json_value_on_empty() { - return getRuleContext(Json_value_on_emptyContext.class,0); - } - public Json_value_on_errorContext json_value_on_error() { - return getRuleContext(Json_value_on_errorContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_on_mismatchsContext opt_on_mismatchs() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_on_mismatchsContext.class,0); - } - public Json_value_on_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_value_on_opt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_value_on_opt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_value_on_opt(this); - } - } - - public final Json_value_on_optContext json_value_on_opt() throws RecognitionException { - Json_value_on_optContext _localctx = new Json_value_on_optContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1584, RULE_json_value_on_opt); - try { - setState(13388); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1461,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13365); - json_value_on_empty(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13366); - json_value_on_error(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13367); - json_value_on_empty(); - setState(13368); - json_value_on_error(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(13370); - json_value_on_error(); - setState(13371); - json_value_on_empty(); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(13373); - opt_on_mismatchs(); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(13374); - json_value_on_empty(); - setState(13375); - opt_on_mismatchs(); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(13377); - json_value_on_error(); - setState(13378); - opt_on_mismatchs(); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(13380); - json_value_on_empty(); - setState(13381); - json_value_on_error(); - setState(13382); - opt_on_mismatchs(); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(13384); - json_value_on_error(); - setState(13385); - json_value_on_empty(); - setState(13386); - opt_on_mismatchs(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Js_doc_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FORMAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } - public Js_doc_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_doc_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_doc_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_doc_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Js_doc_exprContext js_doc_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Js_doc_exprContext _localctx = new Js_doc_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1586, RULE_js_doc_expr); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13390); - bit_expr(0); - setState(13393); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FORMAT) { - { - setState(13391); - match(FORMAT); - setState(13392); - match(JSON); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode RETURNING() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNING, 0); } - public TerminalNode NCHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.NCHAR, 0); } - public Nstring_length_iContext nstring_length_i() { - return getRuleContext(Nstring_length_iContext.class,0); - } - public Js_value_return_typeContext js_value_return_type() { - return getRuleContext(Js_value_return_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NVARCHAR2() { return getToken(OBParser.NVARCHAR2, 0); } - public TerminalNode CHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.CHAR, 0); } - public String_length_iContext string_length_i() { - return getRuleContext(String_length_iContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode BINARY() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY, 0); } - public TerminalNode RAW() { return getToken(OBParser.RAW, 0); } - public Js_return_default_typeContext js_return_default_type() { - return getRuleContext(Js_return_default_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_js_value_returning_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_js_value_returning_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_js_value_returning_type(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext opt_js_value_returning_type() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext _localctx = new Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1588, RULE_opt_js_value_returning_type); - int _la; - try { - setState(13414); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1466,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13395); - match(RETURNING); - setState(13399); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case NCHAR: - { - setState(13396); - match(NCHAR); - setState(13397); - nstring_length_i(); - } - break; - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CLOB: - case DATE: - case NUMBER: - case VARCHAR: - case VARCHAR2: - case INTERVAL: - case TIMESTAMP: - { - setState(13398); - js_value_return_type(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13401); - match(RETURNING); - setState(13402); - match(NVARCHAR2); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13403); - match(RETURNING); - setState(13404); - match(CHAR); - setState(13406); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(13405); - string_length_i(); - } - } - - setState(13409); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==BINARY) { - { - setState(13408); - match(BINARY); - } - } - - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(13411); - match(RETURNING); - setState(13412); - match(RAW); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(13413); - js_return_default_type(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_value_on_emptyContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Json_value_on_empty_responseContext json_value_on_empty_response() { - return getRuleContext(Json_value_on_empty_responseContext.class,0); - } - public Json_value_on_emptyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_value_on_empty; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_value_on_empty(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_value_on_empty(this); - } - } - - public final Json_value_on_emptyContext json_value_on_empty() throws RecognitionException { - Json_value_on_emptyContext _localctx = new Json_value_on_emptyContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1590, RULE_json_value_on_empty); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13416); - json_value_on_empty_response(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_value_on_empty_responseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public TerminalNode EMPTY() { return getToken(OBParser.EMPTY, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public Signed_literalContext signed_literal() { - return getRuleContext(Signed_literalContext.class,0); - } - public Json_value_on_responseContext json_value_on_response() { - return getRuleContext(Json_value_on_responseContext.class,0); - } - public Json_value_on_empty_responseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_value_on_empty_response; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_value_on_empty_response(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_value_on_empty_response(this); - } - } - - public final Json_value_on_empty_responseContext json_value_on_empty_response() throws RecognitionException { - Json_value_on_empty_responseContext _localctx = new Json_value_on_empty_responseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1592, RULE_json_value_on_empty_response); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13421); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case DEFAULT: - { - setState(13418); - match(DEFAULT); - setState(13419); - signed_literal(); - } - break; - case NULLX: - case ERROR_P: - { - setState(13420); - json_value_on_response(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(13423); - match(ON); - setState(13424); - match(EMPTY); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_value_on_errorContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Json_value_on_error_responseContext json_value_on_error_response() { - return getRuleContext(Json_value_on_error_responseContext.class,0); - } - public Json_value_on_errorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_value_on_error; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_value_on_error(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_value_on_error(this); - } - } - - public final Json_value_on_errorContext json_value_on_error() throws RecognitionException { - Json_value_on_errorContext _localctx = new Json_value_on_errorContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1594, RULE_json_value_on_error); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13426); - json_value_on_error_response(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_value_on_error_responseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public Signed_literalContext signed_literal() { - return getRuleContext(Signed_literalContext.class,0); - } - public Json_value_on_responseContext json_value_on_response() { - return getRuleContext(Json_value_on_responseContext.class,0); - } - public Json_value_on_error_responseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_value_on_error_response; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_value_on_error_response(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_value_on_error_response(this); - } - } - - public final Json_value_on_error_responseContext json_value_on_error_response() throws RecognitionException { - Json_value_on_error_responseContext _localctx = new Json_value_on_error_responseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1596, RULE_json_value_on_error_response); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13431); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case DEFAULT: - { - setState(13428); - match(DEFAULT); - setState(13429); - signed_literal(); - } - break; - case NULLX: - case ERROR_P: - { - setState(13430); - json_value_on_response(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(13433); - match(ON); - setState(13434); - match(ERROR_P); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_on_mismatchsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List opt_on_mismatch() { - return getRuleContexts(Opt_on_mismatchContext.class); - } - public Opt_on_mismatchContext opt_on_mismatch(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Opt_on_mismatchContext.class,i); - } - public Opt_on_mismatchsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_on_mismatchs; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_on_mismatchs(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_on_mismatchs(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_on_mismatchsContext opt_on_mismatchs() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_on_mismatchsContext _localctx = new Opt_on_mismatchsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1598, RULE_opt_on_mismatchs); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13437); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - do { - { - { - setState(13436); - opt_on_mismatch(); - } - } - setState(13439); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } while ( _la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P || _la==IGNORE ); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_on_mismatchContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public TerminalNode MISMATCH() { return getToken(OBParser.MISMATCH, 0); } - public TerminalNode IGNORE() { return getToken(OBParser.IGNORE, 0); } - public Json_value_on_responseContext json_value_on_response() { - return getRuleContext(Json_value_on_responseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Mismatch_type_listContext mismatch_type_list() { - return getRuleContext(Mismatch_type_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Opt_on_mismatchContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_on_mismatch; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_on_mismatch(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_on_mismatch(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_on_mismatchContext opt_on_mismatch() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_on_mismatchContext _localctx = new Opt_on_mismatchContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1600, RULE_opt_on_mismatch); - try { - setState(13457); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1472,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13443); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case IGNORE: - { - setState(13441); - match(IGNORE); - } - break; - case NULLX: - case ERROR_P: - { - setState(13442); - json_value_on_response(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(13445); - match(ON); - setState(13446); - match(MISMATCH); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13449); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case IGNORE: - { - setState(13447); - match(IGNORE); - } - break; - case NULLX: - case ERROR_P: - { - setState(13448); - json_value_on_response(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(13451); - match(ON); - setState(13452); - match(MISMATCH); - setState(13453); - match(LeftParen); - setState(13454); - mismatch_type_list(); - setState(13455); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_value_on_responseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } - public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } - public Json_value_on_responseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_value_on_response; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_value_on_response(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_value_on_response(this); - } - } - - public final Json_value_on_responseContext json_value_on_response() throws RecognitionException { - Json_value_on_responseContext _localctx = new Json_value_on_responseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1602, RULE_json_value_on_response); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13459); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mismatch_type_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List mismatch_type() { - return getRuleContexts(Mismatch_typeContext.class); - } - public Mismatch_typeContext mismatch_type(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Mismatch_typeContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Mismatch_type_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mismatch_type_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMismatch_type_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMismatch_type_list(this); - } - } - - public final Mismatch_type_listContext mismatch_type_list() throws RecognitionException { - Mismatch_type_listContext _localctx = new Mismatch_type_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1604, RULE_mismatch_type_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13461); - mismatch_type(); - setState(13466); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(13462); - match(Comma); - setState(13463); - mismatch_type(); - } - } - setState(13468); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Mismatch_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode MISSING() { return getToken(OBParser.MISSING, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATA() { return getToken(OBParser.DATA, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXTRA() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTRA, 0); } - public TerminalNode TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.TYPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Mismatch_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_mismatch_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterMismatch_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitMismatch_type(this); - } - } - - public final Mismatch_typeContext mismatch_type() throws RecognitionException { - Mismatch_typeContext _localctx = new Mismatch_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1606, RULE_mismatch_type); - try { - setState(13476); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case MISSING: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13469); - match(MISSING); - setState(13470); - match(DATA); - } - break; - case EXTRA: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13471); - match(EXTRA); - setState(13472); - match(DATA); - } - break; - case TYPE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13473); - match(TYPE); - setState(13474); - match(ERROR_P); - } - break; - case Comma: - case RightParen: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(13475); - empty(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_exists_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode JSON_EXISTS() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_EXISTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Js_doc_exprContext js_doc_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Js_doc_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public LiteralContext literal() { - return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Opt_json_existContext opt_json_exist() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_json_existContext.class,0); - } - public Json_exists_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_exists_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_exists_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_exists_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Json_exists_exprContext json_exists_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Json_exists_exprContext _localctx = new Json_exists_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1608, RULE_json_exists_expr); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13478); - match(JSON_EXISTS); - setState(13479); - match(LeftParen); - setState(13480); - js_doc_expr(); - setState(13481); - match(Comma); - setState(13482); - literal(); - setState(13484); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PASSING || _la==ERROR_P || _la==BOOL_VALUE) { - { - setState(13483); - opt_json_exist(); - } - } - - setState(13486); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_json_existContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PASSING() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSING, 0); } - public Passing_elementsContext passing_elements() { - return getRuleContext(Passing_elementsContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_json_existContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_json_exist; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_json_exist(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_json_exist(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_json_existContext opt_json_exist() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_json_existContext _localctx = new Opt_json_existContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1610, RULE_opt_json_exist); - int _la; - try { - setState(13494); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case PASSING: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13488); - match(PASSING); - setState(13489); - passing_elements(); - setState(13491); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ERROR_P || _la==BOOL_VALUE) { - { - setState(13490); - opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty(); - } - } - - } - break; - case ERROR_P: - case BOOL_VALUE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13493); - opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Passing_elementsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List passing_context() { - return getRuleContexts(Passing_contextContext.class); - } - public Passing_contextContext passing_context(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Passing_contextContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Passing_elementsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_passing_elements; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPassing_elements(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPassing_elements(this); - } - } - - public final Passing_elementsContext passing_elements() throws RecognitionException { - Passing_elementsContext _localctx = new Passing_elementsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1612, RULE_passing_elements); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13496); - passing_context(); - setState(13501); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(13497); - match(Comma); - setState(13498); - passing_context(); - } - } - setState(13503); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Passing_contextContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } - public Sql_var_nameContext sql_var_name() { - return getRuleContext(Sql_var_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Passing_contextContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_passing_context; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterPassing_context(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitPassing_context(this); - } - } - - public final Passing_contextContext passing_context() throws RecognitionException { - Passing_contextContext _localctx = new Passing_contextContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1614, RULE_passing_context); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13504); - bit_expr(0); - setState(13505); - match(AS); - setState(13506); - sql_var_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Sql_var_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NAME_OB() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME_OB, 0); } - public Sql_var_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_sql_var_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSql_var_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSql_var_name(this); - } - } - - public final Sql_var_nameContext sql_var_name() throws RecognitionException { - Sql_var_nameContext _localctx = new Sql_var_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1616, RULE_sql_var_name); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13508); - match(NAME_OB); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Json_exists_on_errorContext json_exists_on_error() { - return getRuleContext(Json_exists_on_errorContext.class,0); - } - public Json_exists_on_emptyContext json_exists_on_empty() { - return getRuleContext(Json_exists_on_emptyContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext _localctx = new Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1618, RULE_opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty); - int _la; - try { - setState(13515); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1480,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13510); - json_exists_on_error(); - setState(13512); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ERROR_P || _la==BOOL_VALUE) { - { - setState(13511); - json_exists_on_empty(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13514); - json_exists_on_empty(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_exists_on_errorContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Json_exists_response_typeContext json_exists_response_type() { - return getRuleContext(Json_exists_response_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } - public Json_exists_on_errorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_exists_on_error; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_exists_on_error(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_exists_on_error(this); - } - } - - public final Json_exists_on_errorContext json_exists_on_error() throws RecognitionException { - Json_exists_on_errorContext _localctx = new Json_exists_on_errorContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1620, RULE_json_exists_on_error); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13517); - json_exists_response_type(); - setState(13518); - match(ON); - setState(13519); - match(ERROR_P); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_exists_on_emptyContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Json_exists_response_typeContext json_exists_response_type() { - return getRuleContext(Json_exists_response_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public TerminalNode EMPTY() { return getToken(OBParser.EMPTY, 0); } - public Json_exists_on_emptyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_exists_on_empty; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_exists_on_empty(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_exists_on_empty(this); - } - } - - public final Json_exists_on_emptyContext json_exists_on_empty() throws RecognitionException { - Json_exists_on_emptyContext _localctx = new Json_exists_on_emptyContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1622, RULE_json_exists_on_empty); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13521); - json_exists_response_type(); - setState(13522); - match(ON); - setState(13523); - match(EMPTY); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_exists_response_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode BOOL_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } - public Json_exists_response_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_exists_response_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_exists_response_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_exists_response_type(this); - } - } - - public final Json_exists_response_typeContext json_exists_response_type() throws RecognitionException { - Json_exists_response_typeContext _localctx = new Json_exists_response_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1624, RULE_json_exists_response_type); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13525); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ERROR_P || _la==BOOL_VALUE) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_query_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode JSON_QUERY() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_QUERY, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Js_doc_exprContext js_doc_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Js_doc_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Js_literalContext js_literal() { - return getRuleContext(Js_literalContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RETURNING() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNING, 0); } - public Js_query_return_typeContext js_query_return_type() { - return getRuleContext(Js_query_return_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TRUNCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRUNCATE, 0); } - public Scalars_optContext scalars_opt() { - return getRuleContext(Scalars_optContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode PRETTY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRETTY, 0); } - public TerminalNode ASCII() { return getToken(OBParser.ASCII, 0); } - public Wrapper_optsContext wrapper_opts() { - return getRuleContext(Wrapper_optsContext.class,0); - } - public Json_query_on_optContext json_query_on_opt() { - return getRuleContext(Json_query_on_optContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode MULTIVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.MULTIVALUE, 0); } - public Json_query_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_query_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_query_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_query_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Json_query_exprContext json_query_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Json_query_exprContext _localctx = new Json_query_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1626, RULE_json_query_expr); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13527); - match(JSON_QUERY); - setState(13528); - match(LeftParen); - setState(13529); - js_doc_expr(); - setState(13530); - match(Comma); - setState(13531); - js_literal(); - setState(13534); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==RETURNING) { - { - setState(13532); - match(RETURNING); - setState(13533); - js_query_return_type(); - } - } - - setState(13537); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TRUNCATE) { - { - setState(13536); - match(TRUNCATE); - } - } - - setState(13540); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ALLOW || _la==DISALLOW) { - { - setState(13539); - scalars_opt(); - } - } - - setState(13543); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PRETTY) { - { - setState(13542); - match(PRETTY); - } - } - - setState(13546); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ASCII) { - { - setState(13545); - match(ASCII); - } - } - - setState(13549); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH || _la==WITHOUT) { - { - setState(13548); - wrapper_opts(); - } - } - - setState(13552); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DOT || _la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P || _la==EMPTY) { - { - setState(13551); - json_query_on_opt(); - } - } - - setState(13555); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==MULTIVALUE) { - { - setState(13554); - match(MULTIVALUE); - } - } - - setState(13557); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_query_on_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public On_empty_queryContext on_empty_query() { - return getRuleContext(On_empty_queryContext.class,0); - } - public On_error_queryContext on_error_query() { - return getRuleContext(On_error_queryContext.class,0); - } - public On_mismatch_queryContext on_mismatch_query() { - return getRuleContext(On_mismatch_queryContext.class,0); - } - public Json_query_on_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_query_on_opt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_query_on_opt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_query_on_opt(this); - } - } - - public final Json_query_on_optContext json_query_on_opt() throws RecognitionException { - Json_query_on_optContext _localctx = new Json_query_on_optContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1628, RULE_json_query_on_opt); - try { - setState(13582); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1489,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13559); - on_empty_query(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13560); - on_error_query(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13561); - on_mismatch_query(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(13562); - on_error_query(); - setState(13563); - on_empty_query(); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(13565); - on_empty_query(); - setState(13566); - on_error_query(); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(13568); - on_error_query(); - setState(13569); - on_mismatch_query(); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(13571); - on_empty_query(); - setState(13572); - on_mismatch_query(); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(13574); - on_error_query(); - setState(13575); - on_empty_query(); - setState(13576); - on_mismatch_query(); - } - break; - case 9: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 9); - { - setState(13578); - on_empty_query(); - setState(13579); - on_error_query(); - setState(13580); - on_mismatch_query(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Wrapper_optsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode WITHOUT() { return getToken(OBParser.WITHOUT, 0); } - public TerminalNode WRAPPER() { return getToken(OBParser.WRAPPER, 0); } - public TerminalNode ARRAY() { return getToken(OBParser.ARRAY, 0); } - public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNCONDITIONAL() { return getToken(OBParser.UNCONDITIONAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONDITIONAL() { return getToken(OBParser.CONDITIONAL, 0); } - public Wrapper_optsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_wrapper_opts; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterWrapper_opts(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitWrapper_opts(this); - } - } - - public final Wrapper_optsContext wrapper_opts() throws RecognitionException { - Wrapper_optsContext _localctx = new Wrapper_optsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1630, RULE_wrapper_opts); - try { - setState(13608); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1490,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13584); - match(WITHOUT); - setState(13585); - match(WRAPPER); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13586); - match(WITHOUT); - setState(13587); - match(ARRAY); - setState(13588); - match(WRAPPER); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13589); - match(WITH); - setState(13590); - match(WRAPPER); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(13591); - match(WITH); - setState(13592); - match(ARRAY); - setState(13593); - match(WRAPPER); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(13594); - match(WITH); - setState(13595); - match(UNCONDITIONAL); - setState(13596); - match(WRAPPER); - } - break; - case 6: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(13597); - match(WITH); - setState(13598); - match(CONDITIONAL); - setState(13599); - match(WRAPPER); - } - break; - case 7: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 7); - { - setState(13600); - match(WITH); - setState(13601); - match(UNCONDITIONAL); - setState(13602); - match(ARRAY); - setState(13603); - match(WRAPPER); - } - break; - case 8: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 8); - { - setState(13604); - match(WITH); - setState(13605); - match(CONDITIONAL); - setState(13606); - match(ARRAY); - setState(13607); - match(WRAPPER); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Js_query_return_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Js_value_return_typeContext js_value_return_type() { - return getRuleContext(Js_value_return_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode BLOB() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOB, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } - public Js_query_return_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_query_return_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_query_return_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_query_return_type(this); - } - } - - public final Js_query_return_typeContext js_query_return_type() throws RecognitionException { - Js_query_return_typeContext _localctx = new Js_query_return_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1632, RULE_js_query_return_type); - try { - setState(13613); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CLOB: - case DATE: - case NUMBER: - case VARCHAR: - case VARCHAR2: - case INTERVAL: - case TIMESTAMP: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13610); - js_value_return_type(); - } - break; - case BLOB: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13611); - match(BLOB); - } - break; - case JSON: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13612); - match(JSON); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class On_mismatch_queryContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public TerminalNode MISMATCH() { return getToken(OBParser.MISMATCH, 0); } - public TerminalNode DOT() { return getToken(OBParser.DOT, 0); } - public Opt_response_queryContext opt_response_query() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_response_queryContext.class,0); - } - public On_mismatch_queryContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_on_mismatch_query; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOn_mismatch_query(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOn_mismatch_query(this); - } - } - - public final On_mismatch_queryContext on_mismatch_query() throws RecognitionException { - On_mismatch_queryContext _localctx = new On_mismatch_queryContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1634, RULE_on_mismatch_query); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13617); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case DOT: - { - setState(13615); - match(DOT); - } - break; - case NULLX: - case ERROR_P: - { - setState(13616); - opt_response_query(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(13619); - match(ON); - setState(13620); - match(MISMATCH); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class On_error_queryContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext opt_response_query_on_empty_error() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } - public On_error_queryContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_on_error_query; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOn_error_query(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOn_error_query(this); - } - } - - public final On_error_queryContext on_error_query() throws RecognitionException { - On_error_queryContext _localctx = new On_error_queryContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1636, RULE_on_error_query); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13622); - opt_response_query_on_empty_error(); - setState(13623); - match(ON); - setState(13624); - match(ERROR_P); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class On_empty_queryContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext opt_response_query_on_empty_error() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public TerminalNode EMPTY() { return getToken(OBParser.EMPTY, 0); } - public On_empty_queryContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_on_empty_query; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOn_empty_query(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOn_empty_query(this); - } - } - - public final On_empty_queryContext on_empty_query() throws RecognitionException { - On_empty_queryContext _localctx = new On_empty_queryContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1638, RULE_on_empty_query); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13626); - opt_response_query_on_empty_error(); - setState(13627); - match(ON); - setState(13628); - match(EMPTY); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode EMPTY() { return getToken(OBParser.EMPTY, 0); } - public TerminalNode ARRAY() { return getToken(OBParser.ARRAY, 0); } - public TerminalNode OBJECT() { return getToken(OBParser.OBJECT, 0); } - public Opt_response_queryContext opt_response_query() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_response_queryContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_response_query_on_empty_error; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_response_query_on_empty_error(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_response_query_on_empty_error(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext opt_response_query_on_empty_error() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext _localctx = new Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1640, RULE_opt_response_query_on_empty_error); - int _la; - try { - setState(13637); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1494,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13630); - match(EMPTY); - setState(13632); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ARRAY) { - { - setState(13631); - match(ARRAY); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13634); - match(EMPTY); - setState(13635); - match(OBJECT); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13636); - opt_response_query(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_response_queryContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } - public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } - public Opt_response_queryContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_response_query; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_response_query(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_response_query(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_response_queryContext opt_response_query() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_response_queryContext _localctx = new Opt_response_queryContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1642, RULE_opt_response_query); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13639); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xml_table_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode XMLTABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLTABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Opt_xml_table_nsContext opt_xml_table_ns() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_xml_table_nsContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Opt_xml_table_pathContext opt_xml_table_path() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_xml_table_pathContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext opt_xml_passing_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_sequence_by_refContext opt_sequence_by_ref() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_sequence_by_refContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_columns_clauseContext opt_columns_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_columns_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Xml_table_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_table_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_table_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_table_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Xml_table_exprContext xml_table_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Xml_table_exprContext _localctx = new Xml_table_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1644, RULE_xml_table_expr); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13641); - match(XMLTABLE); - setState(13642); - match(LeftParen); - setState(13646); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==XMLNAMESPACES) { - { - setState(13643); - opt_xml_table_ns(); - setState(13644); - match(Comma); - } - } - - setState(13649); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PATH || _la==STRING_VALUE) { - { - setState(13648); - opt_xml_table_path(); - } - } - - setState(13652); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PASSING) { - { - setState(13651); - opt_xml_passing_clause(); - } - } - - setState(13655); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==RETURNING) { - { - setState(13654); - opt_sequence_by_ref(); - } - } - - setState(13658); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==COLUMNS) { - { - setState(13657); - opt_columns_clause(); - } - } - - setState(13660); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_columns_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } - public Xml_table_columns_listContext xml_table_columns_list() { - return getRuleContext(Xml_table_columns_listContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_columns_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_columns_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_columns_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_columns_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_columns_clauseContext opt_columns_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_columns_clauseContext _localctx = new Opt_columns_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1646, RULE_opt_columns_clause); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13662); - match(COLUMNS); - setState(13663); - xml_table_columns_list(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_sequence_by_refContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode RETURNING() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNING, 0); } - public TerminalNode SEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SEQUENCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode REF() { return getToken(OBParser.REF, 0); } - public Opt_sequence_by_refContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_sequence_by_ref; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_sequence_by_ref(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_sequence_by_ref(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_sequence_by_refContext opt_sequence_by_ref() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_sequence_by_refContext _localctx = new Opt_sequence_by_refContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1648, RULE_opt_sequence_by_ref); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13665); - match(RETURNING); - setState(13666); - match(SEQUENCE); - setState(13667); - match(BY); - setState(13668); - match(REF); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PASSING() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSING, 0); } - public Simple_exprContext simple_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Simple_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUE, 0); } - public Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_xml_passing_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_xml_passing_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_xml_passing_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext opt_xml_passing_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext _localctx = new Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1650, RULE_opt_xml_passing_clause); - try { - setState(13676); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1500,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13670); - match(PASSING); - setState(13671); - simple_expr(0); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13672); - match(PASSING); - setState(13673); - match(BY); - setState(13674); - match(VALUE); - setState(13675); - simple_expr(0); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_xml_table_pathContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PATH() { return getToken(OBParser.PATH, 0); } - public Complex_string_literalContext complex_string_literal() { - return getRuleContext(Complex_string_literalContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_xml_table_pathContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_xml_table_path; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_xml_table_path(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_xml_table_path(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_xml_table_pathContext opt_xml_table_path() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_xml_table_pathContext _localctx = new Opt_xml_table_pathContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1652, RULE_opt_xml_table_path); - try { - setState(13681); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case PATH: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13678); - match(PATH); - setState(13679); - complex_string_literal(); - } - break; - case STRING_VALUE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13680); - complex_string_literal(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_xml_table_nsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode XMLNAMESPACES() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLNAMESPACES, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Xml_ns_listContext xml_ns_list() { - return getRuleContext(Xml_ns_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Opt_xml_table_nsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_xml_table_ns; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_xml_table_ns(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_xml_table_ns(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_xml_table_nsContext opt_xml_table_ns() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_xml_table_nsContext _localctx = new Opt_xml_table_nsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1654, RULE_opt_xml_table_ns); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13683); - match(XMLNAMESPACES); - setState(13684); - match(LeftParen); - setState(13685); - xml_ns_list(); - setState(13686); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xml_ns_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List xml_ns() { - return getRuleContexts(Xml_nsContext.class); - } - public Xml_nsContext xml_ns(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Xml_nsContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Xml_ns_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_ns_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_ns_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_ns_list(this); - } - } - - public final Xml_ns_listContext xml_ns_list() throws RecognitionException { - Xml_ns_listContext _localctx = new Xml_ns_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1656, RULE_xml_ns_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13688); - xml_ns(); - setState(13693); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(13689); - match(Comma); - setState(13690); - xml_ns(); - } - } - setState(13695); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xml_nsContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } - public Xml_identifierContext xml_identifier() { - return getRuleContext(Xml_identifierContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public Xml_nsContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_ns; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_ns(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_ns(this); - } - } - - public final Xml_nsContext xml_ns() throws RecognitionException { - Xml_nsContext _localctx = new Xml_nsContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1658, RULE_xml_ns); - try { - setState(13701); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case STRING_VALUE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13696); - match(STRING_VALUE); - setState(13697); - match(AS); - setState(13698); - xml_identifier(); - } - break; - case DEFAULT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13699); - match(DEFAULT); - setState(13700); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xml_identifierContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Xml_identifierContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_identifier; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_identifier(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_identifier(this); - } - } - - public final Xml_identifierContext xml_identifier() throws RecognitionException { - Xml_identifierContext _localctx = new Xml_identifierContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1660, RULE_xml_identifier); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13703); - relation_name(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xml_table_columns_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List xml_table_column() { - return getRuleContexts(Xml_table_columnContext.class); - } - public Xml_table_columnContext xml_table_column(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Xml_table_columnContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Xml_table_columns_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_table_columns_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_table_columns_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_table_columns_list(this); - } - } - - public final Xml_table_columns_listContext xml_table_columns_list() throws RecognitionException { - Xml_table_columns_listContext _localctx = new Xml_table_columns_listContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1662, RULE_xml_table_columns_list); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13705); - xml_table_column(); - setState(13710); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(13706); - match(Comma); - setState(13707); - xml_table_column(); - } - } - setState(13712); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xml_table_columnContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext xml_table_ordinality_column_def() { - return getRuleContext(Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext.class,0); - } - public Xml_table_value_column_defContext xml_table_value_column_def() { - return getRuleContext(Xml_table_value_column_defContext.class,0); - } - public Xml_table_query_column_defContext xml_table_query_column_def() { - return getRuleContext(Xml_table_query_column_defContext.class,0); - } - public Xml_table_columnContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_table_column; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_table_column(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_table_column(this); - } - } - - public final Xml_table_columnContext xml_table_column() throws RecognitionException { - Xml_table_columnContext _localctx = new Xml_table_columnContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1664, RULE_xml_table_column); - try { - setState(13716); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1505,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13713); - xml_table_ordinality_column_def(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13714); - xml_table_value_column_def(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13715); - xml_table_query_column_def(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode ORDINALITY() { return getToken(OBParser.ORDINALITY, 0); } - public Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_table_ordinality_column_def; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_table_ordinality_column_def(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_table_ordinality_column_def(this); - } - } - - public final Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext xml_table_ordinality_column_def() throws RecognitionException { - Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext _localctx = new Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1666, RULE_xml_table_ordinality_column_def); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13718); - column_name(); - setState(13719); - match(FOR); - setState(13720); - match(ORDINALITY); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xml_table_value_column_defContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Cast_data_typeContext cast_data_type() { - return getRuleContext(Cast_data_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_xml_table_pathContext opt_xml_table_path() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_xml_table_pathContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext opt_xml_table_default_value() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext.class,0); - } - public Xml_table_value_column_defContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_table_value_column_def; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_table_value_column_def(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_table_value_column_def(this); - } - } - - public final Xml_table_value_column_defContext xml_table_value_column_def() throws RecognitionException { - Xml_table_value_column_defContext _localctx = new Xml_table_value_column_defContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1668, RULE_xml_table_value_column_def); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13722); - column_name(); - setState(13724); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1506,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(13723); - cast_data_type(); - } - break; - } - setState(13727); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PATH || _la==STRING_VALUE) { - { - setState(13726); - opt_xml_table_path(); - } - } - - setState(13730); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DEFAULT) { - { - setState(13729); - opt_xml_table_default_value(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xml_table_query_column_defContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode XMLTYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLTYPE, 0); } - public Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_xml_table_pathContext opt_xml_table_path() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_xml_table_pathContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext opt_xml_table_default_value() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext.class,0); - } - public Xml_table_query_column_defContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_table_query_column_def; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_table_query_column_def(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_table_query_column_def(this); - } - } - - public final Xml_table_query_column_defContext xml_table_query_column_def() throws RecognitionException { - Xml_table_query_column_defContext _localctx = new Xml_table_query_column_defContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1670, RULE_xml_table_query_column_def); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13732); - column_name(); - setState(13733); - match(XMLTYPE); - setState(13735); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(13734); - opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket(); - } - } - - setState(13738); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PATH || _la==STRING_VALUE) { - { - setState(13737); - opt_xml_table_path(); - } - } - - setState(13741); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DEFAULT) { - { - setState(13740); - opt_xml_table_default_value(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode SEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SEQUENCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode BY() { return getToken(OBParser.BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode REF() { return getToken(OBParser.REF, 0); } - public Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext _localctx = new Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1672, RULE_opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13743); - match(LeftParen); - setState(13744); - match(SEQUENCE); - setState(13745); - match(RightParen); - setState(13746); - match(BY); - setState(13747); - match(REF); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_xml_table_default_value; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_xml_table_default_value(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_xml_table_default_value(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext opt_xml_table_default_value() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext _localctx = new Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1674, RULE_opt_xml_table_default_value); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13749); - match(DEFAULT); - setState(13750); - bit_expr(0); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Json_table_on_errorContext json_table_on_error() { - return getRuleContext(Json_table_on_errorContext.class,0); - } - public Json_table_on_emptyContext json_table_on_empty() { - return getRuleContext(Json_table_on_emptyContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_json_table_on_error_on_empty; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_json_table_on_error_on_empty(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_json_table_on_error_on_empty(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext opt_json_table_on_error_on_empty() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext _localctx = new Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1676, RULE_opt_json_table_on_error_on_empty); - try { - setState(13757); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1512,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13752); - json_table_on_error(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13753); - json_table_on_empty(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13754); - json_table_on_error(); - setState(13755); - json_table_on_empty(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_table_columns_def_optContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Json_table_columns_defContext json_table_columns_def() { - return getRuleContext(Json_table_columns_defContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Json_table_columns_def_optContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_columns_def_opt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_columns_def_opt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_columns_def_opt(this); - } - } - - public final Json_table_columns_def_optContext json_table_columns_def_opt() throws RecognitionException { - Json_table_columns_def_optContext _localctx = new Json_table_columns_def_optContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1678, RULE_json_table_columns_def_opt); - try { - setState(13764); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ROWID: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13759); - json_table_columns_def(); - } - break; - case LeftParen: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13760); - match(LeftParen); - setState(13761); - json_table_columns_def(); - setState(13762); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_table_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode JSON_TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_TABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Js_doc_exprContext js_doc_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Js_doc_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } - public Json_table_columns_def_optContext json_table_columns_def_opt() { - return getRuleContext(Json_table_columns_def_optContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public LiteralContext literal() { - return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext opt_json_table_on_error_on_empty() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext.class,0); - } - public Json_table_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Json_table_exprContext json_table_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Json_table_exprContext _localctx = new Json_table_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1680, RULE_json_table_expr); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13766); - match(JSON_TABLE); - setState(13767); - match(LeftParen); - setState(13768); - js_doc_expr(); - setState(13771); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Comma) { - { - setState(13769); - match(Comma); - setState(13770); - literal(); - } - } - - setState(13774); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DEFAULT || _la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P) { - { - setState(13773); - opt_json_table_on_error_on_empty(); - } - } - - setState(13776); - match(COLUMNS); - setState(13777); - json_table_columns_def_opt(); - setState(13778); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_table_columns_defContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List json_table_column_def() { - return getRuleContexts(Json_table_column_defContext.class); - } - public Json_table_column_defContext json_table_column_def(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Json_table_column_defContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Json_table_columns_defContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_columns_def; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_columns_def(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_columns_def(this); - } - } - - public final Json_table_columns_defContext json_table_columns_def() throws RecognitionException { - Json_table_columns_defContext _localctx = new Json_table_columns_defContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1682, RULE_json_table_columns_def); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13780); - json_table_column_def(); - setState(13785); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(13781); - match(Comma); - setState(13782); - json_table_column_def(); - } - } - setState(13787); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_table_column_defContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext json_table_ordinality_column_def() { - return getRuleContext(Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext.class,0); - } - public Json_table_exists_column_defContext json_table_exists_column_def() { - return getRuleContext(Json_table_exists_column_defContext.class,0); - } - public Json_table_query_column_defContext json_table_query_column_def() { - return getRuleContext(Json_table_query_column_defContext.class,0); - } - public Json_table_value_column_defContext json_table_value_column_def() { - return getRuleContext(Json_table_value_column_defContext.class,0); - } - public Json_table_nested_column_defContext json_table_nested_column_def() { - return getRuleContext(Json_table_nested_column_defContext.class,0); - } - public Json_table_column_defContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_column_def; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_column_def(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_column_def(this); - } - } - - public final Json_table_column_defContext json_table_column_def() throws RecognitionException { - Json_table_column_defContext _localctx = new Json_table_column_defContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1684, RULE_json_table_column_def); - try { - setState(13793); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1517,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13788); - json_table_ordinality_column_def(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13789); - json_table_exists_column_def(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13790); - json_table_query_column_def(); - } - break; - case 4: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(13791); - json_table_value_column_def(); - } - break; - case 5: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(13792); - json_table_nested_column_def(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FOR() { return getToken(OBParser.FOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode ORDINALITY() { return getToken(OBParser.ORDINALITY, 0); } - public Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_ordinality_column_def; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_ordinality_column_def(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_ordinality_column_def(this); - } - } - - public final Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext json_table_ordinality_column_def() throws RecognitionException { - Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext _localctx = new Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1686, RULE_json_table_ordinality_column_def); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13795); - column_name(); - setState(13796); - match(FOR); - setState(13797); - match(ORDINALITY); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_table_column_def_pathContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode PATH() { return getToken(OBParser.PATH, 0); } - public LiteralContext literal() { - return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); - } - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Dot_notation_pathContext dot_notation_path() { - return getRuleContext(Dot_notation_pathContext.class,0); - } - public Json_table_column_def_pathContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_column_def_path; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_column_def_path(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_column_def_path(this); - } - } - - public final Json_table_column_def_pathContext json_table_column_def_path() throws RecognitionException { - Json_table_column_def_pathContext _localctx = new Json_table_column_def_pathContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1688, RULE_json_table_column_def_path); - try { - setState(13807); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1518,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13799); - match(PATH); - setState(13800); - literal(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13801); - match(PATH); - setState(13802); - column_name(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13803); - match(PATH); - setState(13804); - column_name(); - setState(13805); - dot_notation_path(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_table_exists_column_defContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_jt_value_typeContext opt_jt_value_type() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_jt_value_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode EXISTS() { return getToken(OBParser.EXISTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRUNCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRUNCATE, 0); } - public Json_table_column_def_pathContext json_table_column_def_path() { - return getRuleContext(Json_table_column_def_pathContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ASIS() { return getToken(OBParser.ASIS, 0); } - public Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext.class,0); - } - public Json_table_exists_column_defContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_exists_column_def; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_exists_column_def(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_exists_column_def(this); - } - } - - public final Json_table_exists_column_defContext json_table_exists_column_def() throws RecognitionException { - Json_table_exists_column_defContext _localctx = new Json_table_exists_column_defContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1690, RULE_json_table_exists_column_def); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13809); - column_name(); - setState(13810); - opt_jt_value_type(); - setState(13812); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TRUNCATE) { - { - setState(13811); - match(TRUNCATE); - } - } - - setState(13814); - match(EXISTS); - setState(13816); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PATH) { - { - setState(13815); - json_table_column_def_path(); - } - } - - setState(13819); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ASIS) { - { - setState(13818); - match(ASIS); - } - } - - setState(13822); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ERROR_P || _la==BOOL_VALUE) { - { - setState(13821); - opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_table_query_column_defContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_jt_query_typeContext opt_jt_query_type() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_jt_query_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FORMAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRUNCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRUNCATE, 0); } - public Scalars_optContext scalars_opt() { - return getRuleContext(Scalars_optContext.class,0); - } - public Wrapper_optsContext wrapper_opts() { - return getRuleContext(Wrapper_optsContext.class,0); - } - public Json_table_column_def_pathContext json_table_column_def_path() { - return getRuleContext(Json_table_column_def_pathContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ASIS() { return getToken(OBParser.ASIS, 0); } - public Json_query_on_optContext json_query_on_opt() { - return getRuleContext(Json_query_on_optContext.class,0); - } - public Json_table_query_column_defContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_query_column_def; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_query_column_def(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_query_column_def(this); - } - } - - public final Json_table_query_column_defContext json_table_query_column_def() throws RecognitionException { - Json_table_query_column_defContext _localctx = new Json_table_query_column_defContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1692, RULE_json_table_query_column_def); - int _la; - try { - setState(13863); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1534,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13824); - column_name(); - setState(13825); - opt_jt_query_type(); - setState(13826); - match(FORMAT); - setState(13827); - match(JSON); - setState(13829); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TRUNCATE) { - { - setState(13828); - match(TRUNCATE); - } - } - - setState(13832); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ALLOW || _la==DISALLOW) { - { - setState(13831); - scalars_opt(); - } - } - - setState(13835); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH || _la==WITHOUT) { - { - setState(13834); - wrapper_opts(); - } - } - - setState(13838); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PATH) { - { - setState(13837); - json_table_column_def_path(); - } - } - - setState(13841); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ASIS) { - { - setState(13840); - match(ASIS); - } - } - - setState(13844); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DOT || _la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P || _la==EMPTY) { - { - setState(13843); - json_query_on_opt(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13846); - column_name(); - setState(13847); - match(JSON); - setState(13849); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ALLOW || _la==DISALLOW) { - { - setState(13848); - scalars_opt(); - } - } - - setState(13852); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH || _la==WITHOUT) { - { - setState(13851); - wrapper_opts(); - } - } - - setState(13855); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PATH) { - { - setState(13854); - json_table_column_def_path(); - } - } - - setState(13858); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ASIS) { - { - setState(13857); - match(ASIS); - } - } - - setState(13861); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DOT || _la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P || _la==EMPTY) { - { - setState(13860); - json_query_on_opt(); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_table_value_column_defContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_jt_value_typeContext opt_jt_value_type() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_jt_value_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode TRUNCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRUNCATE, 0); } - public Json_table_column_def_pathContext json_table_column_def_path() { - return getRuleContext(Json_table_column_def_pathContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ASIS() { return getToken(OBParser.ASIS, 0); } - public Json_value_on_optContext json_value_on_opt() { - return getRuleContext(Json_value_on_optContext.class,0); - } - public Json_table_value_column_defContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_value_column_def; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_value_column_def(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_value_column_def(this); - } - } - - public final Json_table_value_column_defContext json_table_value_column_def() throws RecognitionException { - Json_table_value_column_defContext _localctx = new Json_table_value_column_defContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1694, RULE_json_table_value_column_def); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13865); - column_name(); - setState(13866); - opt_jt_value_type(); - setState(13868); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==TRUNCATE) { - { - setState(13867); - match(TRUNCATE); - } - } - - setState(13871); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==PATH) { - { - setState(13870); - json_table_column_def_path(); - } - } - - setState(13874); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ASIS) { - { - setState(13873); - match(ASIS); - } - } - - setState(13877); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==DEFAULT || _la==NULLX || _la==ERROR_P || _la==IGNORE) { - { - setState(13876); - json_value_on_opt(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_table_nested_column_defContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode NESTED() { return getToken(OBParser.NESTED, 0); } - public TerminalNode PATH() { return getToken(OBParser.PATH, 0); } - public LiteralContext literal() { - return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Json_table_columns_defContext json_table_columns_def() { - return getRuleContext(Json_table_columns_defContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Json_table_nested_column_defContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_nested_column_def; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_nested_column_def(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_nested_column_def(this); - } - } - - public final Json_table_nested_column_defContext json_table_nested_column_def() throws RecognitionException { - Json_table_nested_column_defContext _localctx = new Json_table_nested_column_defContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1696, RULE_json_table_nested_column_def); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13879); - match(NESTED); - setState(13880); - match(PATH); - setState(13881); - literal(); - setState(13882); - match(COLUMNS); - setState(13883); - match(LeftParen); - setState(13884); - json_table_columns_def(); - setState(13885); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_jt_query_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Js_return_typeContext js_return_type() { - return getRuleContext(Js_return_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Js_return_default_typeContext js_return_default_type() { - return getRuleContext(Js_return_default_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_jt_query_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_jt_query_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_jt_query_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_jt_query_type(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_jt_query_typeContext opt_jt_query_type() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_jt_query_typeContext _localctx = new Opt_jt_query_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1698, RULE_opt_jt_query_type); - try { - setState(13889); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case BLOB: - case CLOB: - case VARCHAR: - case VARCHAR2: - case JSON: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13887); - js_return_type(); - } - break; - case FORMAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13888); - js_return_default_type(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_jt_value_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Js_value_return_typeContext js_value_return_type() { - return getRuleContext(Js_value_return_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Int_type_iContext int_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Int_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode CHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.CHAR, 0); } - public String_length_iContext string_length_i() { - return getRuleContext(String_length_iContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode BINARY() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY, 0); } - public TerminalNode NVARCHAR2() { return getToken(OBParser.NVARCHAR2, 0); } - public Nstring_length_iContext nstring_length_i() { - return getRuleContext(Nstring_length_iContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NCHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.NCHAR, 0); } - public Js_return_default_typeContext js_return_default_type() { - return getRuleContext(Js_return_default_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_jt_value_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_jt_value_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_jt_value_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_jt_value_type(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_jt_value_typeContext opt_jt_value_type() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_jt_value_typeContext _localctx = new Opt_jt_value_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1700, RULE_opt_jt_value_type); - int _la; - try { - setState(13905); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CLOB: - case DATE: - case NUMBER: - case VARCHAR: - case VARCHAR2: - case INTERVAL: - case TIMESTAMP: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13891); - js_value_return_type(); - } - break; - case INTEGER: - case SMALLINT: - case INT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13892); - int_type_i(); - } - break; - case CHAR: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13893); - match(CHAR); - setState(13895); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(13894); - string_length_i(); - } - } - - setState(13898); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==BINARY) { - { - setState(13897); - match(BINARY); - } - } - - } - break; - case NVARCHAR2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(13900); - match(NVARCHAR2); - setState(13901); - nstring_length_i(); - } - break; - case NCHAR: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(13902); - match(NCHAR); - setState(13903); - nstring_length_i(); - } - break; - case DEFAULT: - case EXISTS: - case NULLX: - case TRUNCATE: - case ERROR_P: - case IGNORE: - case PATH: - case ASIS: - case Comma: - case RightParen: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(13904); - js_return_default_type(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Js_value_return_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Datetime_type_iContext datetime_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Datetime_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Timestamp_type_iContext timestamp_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Timestamp_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NUMBER() { return getToken(OBParser.NUMBER, 0); } - public Number_precisionContext number_precision() { - return getRuleContext(Number_precisionContext.class,0); - } - public Double_type_iContext double_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Double_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Interval_type_iContext interval_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Interval_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public Js_return_text_typeContext js_return_text_type() { - return getRuleContext(Js_return_text_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Js_value_return_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_value_return_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_value_return_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_value_return_type(this); - } - } - - public final Js_value_return_typeContext js_value_return_type() throws RecognitionException { - Js_value_return_typeContext _localctx = new Js_value_return_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1702, RULE_js_value_return_type); - int _la; - try { - setState(13916); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case DATE: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13907); - datetime_type_i(); - } - break; - case TIMESTAMP: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13908); - timestamp_type_i(); - } - break; - case NUMBER: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13909); - match(NUMBER); - setState(13911); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==LeftParen) { - { - setState(13910); - number_precision(); - } - } - - } - break; - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(13913); - double_type_i(); - } - break; - case INTERVAL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(13914); - interval_type_i(); - } - break; - case CLOB: - case VARCHAR: - case VARCHAR2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(13915); - js_return_text_type(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Js_return_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode BLOB() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOB, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } - public Js_return_text_typeContext js_return_text_type() { - return getRuleContext(Js_return_text_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Js_return_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_return_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_return_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_return_type(this); - } - } - - public final Js_return_typeContext js_return_type() throws RecognitionException { - Js_return_typeContext _localctx = new Js_return_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1704, RULE_js_return_type); - try { - setState(13921); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case BLOB: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13918); - match(BLOB); - } - break; - case JSON: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13919); - match(JSON); - } - break; - case CLOB: - case VARCHAR: - case VARCHAR2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13920); - js_return_text_type(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Js_return_default_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Js_return_default_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_return_default_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_return_default_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_return_default_type(this); - } - } - - public final Js_return_default_typeContext js_return_default_type() throws RecognitionException { - Js_return_default_typeContext _localctx = new Js_return_default_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1706, RULE_js_return_default_type); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13923); - empty(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Js_return_text_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode CLOB() { return getToken(OBParser.CLOB, 0); } - public Varchar_type_iContext varchar_type_i() { - return getRuleContext(Varchar_type_iContext.class,0); - } - public String_length_iContext string_length_i() { - return getRuleContext(String_length_iContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode BINARY() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY, 0); } - public Js_return_text_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_return_text_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_return_text_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_return_text_type(this); - } - } - - public final Js_return_text_typeContext js_return_text_type() throws RecognitionException { - Js_return_text_typeContext _localctx = new Js_return_text_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1708, RULE_js_return_text_type); - int _la; - try { - setState(13932); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1547,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13925); - match(CLOB); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13926); - varchar_type_i(); - setState(13927); - string_length_i(); - setState(13929); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==BINARY) { - { - setState(13928); - match(BINARY); - } - } - - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13931); - varchar_type_i(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_table_on_responseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } - public TerminalNode NULLX() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT, 0); } - public Signed_literalContext signed_literal() { - return getRuleContext(Signed_literalContext.class,0); - } - public Json_table_on_responseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_on_response; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_on_response(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_on_response(this); - } - } - - public final Json_table_on_responseContext json_table_on_response() throws RecognitionException { - Json_table_on_responseContext _localctx = new Json_table_on_responseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1710, RULE_json_table_on_response); - try { - setState(13938); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ERROR_P: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13934); - match(ERROR_P); - } - break; - case NULLX: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13935); - match(NULLX); - } - break; - case DEFAULT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13936); - match(DEFAULT); - setState(13937); - signed_literal(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_table_on_errorContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Json_table_on_responseContext json_table_on_response() { - return getRuleContext(Json_table_on_responseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } - public Json_table_on_errorContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_on_error; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_on_error(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_on_error(this); - } - } - - public final Json_table_on_errorContext json_table_on_error() throws RecognitionException { - Json_table_on_errorContext _localctx = new Json_table_on_errorContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1712, RULE_json_table_on_error); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13940); - json_table_on_response(); - setState(13941); - match(ON); - setState(13942); - match(ERROR_P); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_table_on_emptyContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Json_table_on_responseContext json_table_on_response() { - return getRuleContext(Json_table_on_responseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public TerminalNode EMPTY() { return getToken(OBParser.EMPTY, 0); } - public Json_table_on_emptyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_table_on_empty; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_table_on_empty(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_table_on_empty(this); - } - } - - public final Json_table_on_emptyContext json_table_on_empty() throws RecognitionException { - Json_table_on_emptyContext _localctx = new Json_table_on_emptyContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1714, RULE_json_table_on_empty); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13944); - json_table_on_response(); - setState(13945); - match(ON); - setState(13946); - match(EMPTY); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_object_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode JSON_OBJECT() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_OBJECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Opt_json_object_contentContext opt_json_object_content() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_json_object_contentContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftBrace() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftBrace, 0); } - public TerminalNode RightBrace() { return getToken(OBParser.RightBrace, 0); } - public Json_object_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_object_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_object_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_object_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Json_object_exprContext json_object_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Json_object_exprContext _localctx = new Json_object_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1716, RULE_json_object_expr); - try { - setState(13958); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case JSON_OBJECT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13948); - match(JSON_OBJECT); - setState(13949); - match(LeftParen); - setState(13950); - opt_json_object_content(); - setState(13951); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case JSON: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13953); - match(JSON); - setState(13954); - match(LeftBrace); - setState(13955); - opt_json_object_content(); - setState(13956); - match(RightBrace); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_json_object_contentContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Opt_json_object_clauseContext opt_json_object_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_json_object_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Entry_opContext entry_op() { - return getRuleContext(Entry_opContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode STRICT() { return getToken(OBParser.STRICT, 0); } - public Json_obj_unique_keyContext json_obj_unique_key() { - return getRuleContext(Json_obj_unique_keyContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_json_object_contentContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_json_object_content; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_json_object_content(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_json_object_content(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_json_object_contentContext opt_json_object_content() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_json_object_contentContext _localctx = new Opt_json_object_contentContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1718, RULE_opt_json_object_content); - int _la; - try { - setState(13973); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1553,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13961); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1550,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(13960); - entry_op(); - } - break; - } - setState(13963); - opt_json_object_clause(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13964); - entry_op(); - setState(13965); - match(STRICT); - setState(13967); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH) { - { - setState(13966); - json_obj_unique_key(); - } - } - - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(13970); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1552,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(13969); - entry_op(); - } - break; - } - setState(13972); - json_obj_unique_key(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_json_object_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Js_on_nullContext js_on_null() { - return getRuleContext(Js_on_nullContext.class,0); - } - public Json_obj_returning_typeContext json_obj_returning_type() { - return getRuleContext(Json_obj_returning_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode STRICT() { return getToken(OBParser.STRICT, 0); } - public Json_obj_unique_keyContext json_obj_unique_key() { - return getRuleContext(Json_obj_unique_keyContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_json_object_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_json_object_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_json_object_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_json_object_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_json_object_clauseContext opt_json_object_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Opt_json_object_clauseContext _localctx = new Opt_json_object_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1720, RULE_opt_json_object_clause); - int _la; - try { - setState(13989); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case RightBrace: - case RightParen: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13975); - empty(); - } - break; - case ABSENT: - case NULLX: - case RETURNING: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13981); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case ABSENT: - case NULLX: - { - setState(13976); - js_on_null(); - setState(13978); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==RETURNING) { - { - setState(13977); - json_obj_returning_type(); - } - } - - } - break; - case RETURNING: - { - setState(13980); - json_obj_returning_type(); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - setState(13984); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==STRICT) { - { - setState(13983); - match(STRICT); - } - } - - setState(13987); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WITH) { - { - setState(13986); - json_obj_unique_key(); - } - } - - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Entry_opContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode Star() { return getToken(OBParser.Star, 0); } - public Entry_setContext entry_set() { - return getRuleContext(Entry_setContext.class,0); - } - public Entry_opContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_entry_op; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterEntry_op(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitEntry_op(this); - } - } - - public final Entry_opContext entry_op() throws RecognitionException { - Entry_opContext _localctx = new Entry_opContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1722, RULE_entry_op); - try { - setState(13993); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1559,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13991); - match(Star); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(13992); - entry_set(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Entry_setContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List entry_obj() { - return getRuleContexts(Entry_objContext.class); - } - public Entry_objContext entry_obj(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Entry_objContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Entry_setContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_entry_set; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterEntry_set(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitEntry_set(this); - } - } - - public final Entry_setContext entry_set() throws RecognitionException { - Entry_setContext _localctx = new Entry_setContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1724, RULE_entry_set); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(13995); - entry_obj(); - setState(14000); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(13996); - match(Comma); - setState(13997); - entry_obj(); - } - } - setState(14002); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Entry_objContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Regular_entry_objContext regular_entry_obj() { - return getRuleContext(Regular_entry_objContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FORMAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } - public Entry_objContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_entry_obj; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterEntry_obj(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitEntry_obj(this); - } - } - - public final Entry_objContext entry_obj() throws RecognitionException { - Entry_objContext _localctx = new Entry_objContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1726, RULE_entry_obj); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14003); - regular_entry_obj(); - setState(14006); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==FORMAT) { - { - setState(14004); - match(FORMAT); - setState(14005); - match(JSON); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Regular_entry_objContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode JSON_OBJECT_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_OBJECT_VALUE, 0); } - public List json_obj_literal_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Json_obj_literal_exprContext.class); - } - public Json_obj_literal_exprContext json_obj_literal_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Json_obj_literal_exprContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } - public TerminalNode Colon() { return getToken(OBParser.Colon, 0); } - public Regular_entry_objContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_regular_entry_obj; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterRegular_entry_obj(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitRegular_entry_obj(this); - } - } - - public final Regular_entry_objContext regular_entry_obj() throws RecognitionException { - Regular_entry_objContext _localctx = new Regular_entry_objContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1728, RULE_regular_entry_obj); - int _la; - try { - setState(14021); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1564,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14008); - match(JSON_OBJECT_VALUE); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(14010); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1562,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(14009); - match(KEY); - } - break; - } - setState(14012); - json_obj_literal_expr(); - setState(14013); - match(VALUE); - setState(14014); - json_obj_literal_expr(); - } - break; - case 3: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(14016); - json_obj_literal_expr(); - setState(14019); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Colon) { - { - setState(14017); - match(Colon); - setState(14018); - json_obj_literal_expr(); - } - } - - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_obj_literal_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Json_obj_literal_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_obj_literal_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_obj_literal_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_obj_literal_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Json_obj_literal_exprContext json_obj_literal_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Json_obj_literal_exprContext _localctx = new Json_obj_literal_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1730, RULE_json_obj_literal_expr); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14023); - bit_expr(0); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Js_on_nullContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ON() { return getToken(OBParser.ON, 0); } - public List NULLX() { return getTokens(OBParser.NULLX); } - public TerminalNode NULLX(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.NULLX, i); - } - public TerminalNode ABSENT() { return getToken(OBParser.ABSENT, 0); } - public Js_on_nullContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_js_on_null; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJs_on_null(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJs_on_null(this); - } - } - - public final Js_on_nullContext js_on_null() throws RecognitionException { - Js_on_nullContext _localctx = new Js_on_nullContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1732, RULE_js_on_null); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14025); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==ABSENT || _la==NULLX) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - setState(14026); - match(ON); - setState(14027); - match(NULLX); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_obj_returning_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode RETURNING() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNING, 0); } - public Js_return_typeContext js_return_type() { - return getRuleContext(Js_return_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Json_obj_returning_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_obj_returning_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_obj_returning_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_obj_returning_type(this); - } - } - - public final Json_obj_returning_typeContext json_obj_returning_type() throws RecognitionException { - Json_obj_returning_typeContext _localctx = new Json_obj_returning_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1734, RULE_json_obj_returning_type); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14029); - match(RETURNING); - setState(14030); - js_return_type(); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Json_obj_unique_keyContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode WITH() { return getToken(OBParser.WITH, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNIQUE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIQUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEYS() { return getToken(OBParser.KEYS, 0); } - public Json_obj_unique_keyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_json_obj_unique_key; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterJson_obj_unique_key(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitJson_obj_unique_key(this); - } - } - - public final Json_obj_unique_keyContext json_obj_unique_key() throws RecognitionException { - Json_obj_unique_keyContext _localctx = new Json_obj_unique_keyContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1736, RULE_json_obj_unique_key); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14032); - match(WITH); - setState(14033); - match(UNIQUE); - setState(14034); - match(KEYS); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Opt_skip_index_type_listContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public EmptyContext empty() { - return getRuleContext(EmptyContext.class,0); - } - public Skip_index_typeContext skip_index_type() { - return getRuleContext(Skip_index_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Opt_skip_index_type_listContext opt_skip_index_type_list() { - return getRuleContext(Opt_skip_index_type_listContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Opt_skip_index_type_listContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_opt_skip_index_type_list; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOpt_skip_index_type_list(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOpt_skip_index_type_list(this); - } - } - - public final Opt_skip_index_type_listContext opt_skip_index_type_list() throws RecognitionException { - return opt_skip_index_type_list(0); - } - - private Opt_skip_index_type_listContext opt_skip_index_type_list(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Opt_skip_index_type_listContext _localctx = new Opt_skip_index_type_listContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Opt_skip_index_type_listContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 1738; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 1738, RULE_opt_skip_index_type_list, _p); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14039); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1565,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(14037); - empty(); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(14038); - skip_index_type(); - } - break; - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(14046); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1566,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - { - _localctx = new Opt_skip_index_type_listContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_opt_skip_index_type_list); - setState(14041); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); - setState(14042); - match(Comma); - setState(14043); - skip_index_type(); - } - } - } - setState(14048); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1566,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Skip_index_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode MIN_MAX() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN_MAX, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUM() { return getToken(OBParser.SUM, 0); } - public Skip_index_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_skip_index_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterSkip_index_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitSkip_index_type(this); - } - } - - public final Skip_index_typeContext skip_index_type() throws RecognitionException { - Skip_index_typeContext _localctx = new Skip_index_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1740, RULE_skip_index_type); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14049); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==SUM || _la==MIN_MAX) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xmlparse_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode XMLPARSE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLPARSE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Xml_doc_typeContext xml_doc_type() { - return getRuleContext(Xml_doc_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Xml_textContext xml_text() { - return getRuleContext(Xml_textContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode WELLFORMED() { return getToken(OBParser.WELLFORMED, 0); } - public Xmlparse_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xmlparse_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXmlparse_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXmlparse_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Xmlparse_exprContext xmlparse_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Xmlparse_exprContext _localctx = new Xmlparse_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1742, RULE_xmlparse_expr); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14051); - match(XMLPARSE); - setState(14052); - match(LeftParen); - setState(14053); - xml_doc_type(); - setState(14054); - xml_text(); - setState(14056); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==WELLFORMED) { - { - setState(14055); - match(WELLFORMED); - } - } - - setState(14058); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xml_textContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Xml_textContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_text; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_text(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_text(this); - } - } - - public final Xml_textContext xml_text() throws RecognitionException { - Xml_textContext _localctx = new Xml_textContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1744, RULE_xml_text); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14060); - bit_expr(0); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xml_doc_typeContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DOCUMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.DOCUMENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONTENT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTENT, 0); } - public Xml_doc_typeContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_doc_type; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_doc_type(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_doc_type(this); - } - } - - public final Xml_doc_typeContext xml_doc_type() throws RecognitionException { - Xml_doc_typeContext _localctx = new Xml_doc_typeContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1746, RULE_xml_doc_type); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14062); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==DOCUMENT || _la==CONTENT) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xml_element_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode XMLELEMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLELEMENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Xml_tagContext xml_tag() { - return getRuleContext(Xml_tagContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Xml_attributes_exprContext xml_attributes_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Xml_attributes_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Xml_value_clauseContext xml_value_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Xml_value_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Xml_element_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_element_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_element_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_element_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Xml_element_exprContext xml_element_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Xml_element_exprContext _localctx = new Xml_element_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1748, RULE_xml_element_expr); - int _la; - try { - setState(14085); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1570,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14064); - match(XMLELEMENT); - setState(14065); - match(LeftParen); - setState(14066); - xml_tag(); - setState(14069); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Comma) { - { - setState(14067); - match(Comma); - setState(14068); - xml_attributes_expr(); - } - } - - setState(14071); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(14073); - match(XMLELEMENT); - setState(14074); - match(LeftParen); - setState(14075); - xml_tag(); - setState(14076); - match(Comma); - setState(14080); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1569,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(14077); - xml_attributes_expr(); - setState(14078); - match(Comma); - } - break; - } - setState(14082); - xml_value_clause(); - setState(14083); - match(RightParen); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xml_tagContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Element_nameContext element_name() { - return getRuleContext(Element_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ENTITYESCAPING() { return getToken(OBParser.ENTITYESCAPING, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOENTITYESCAPING() { return getToken(OBParser.NOENTITYESCAPING, 0); } - public Xml_tagContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_tag; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_tag(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_tag(this); - } - } - - public final Xml_tagContext xml_tag() throws RecognitionException { - Xml_tagContext _localctx = new Xml_tagContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1750, RULE_xml_tag); - try { - setState(14093); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1572,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14088); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1571,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(14087); - match(ENTITYESCAPING); - } - break; - } - setState(14090); - element_name(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(14091); - match(NOENTITYESCAPING); - setState(14092); - element_name(); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Evalname_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Simple_exprContext simple_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Simple_exprContext.class,0); - } - public List evalname_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Evalname_exprContext.class); - } - public Evalname_exprContext evalname_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Evalname_exprContext.class,i); - } - public TerminalNode CNNOP() { return getToken(OBParser.CNNOP, 0); } - public Evalname_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_evalname_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterEvalname_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitEvalname_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Evalname_exprContext evalname_expr() throws RecognitionException { - return evalname_expr(0); - } - - private Evalname_exprContext evalname_expr(int _p) throws RecognitionException { - ParserRuleContext _parentctx = _ctx; - int _parentState = getState(); - Evalname_exprContext _localctx = new Evalname_exprContext(_ctx, _parentState); - Evalname_exprContext _prevctx = _localctx; - int _startState = 1752; - enterRecursionRule(_localctx, 1752, RULE_evalname_expr, _p); - try { - int _alt; - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - { - setState(14096); - simple_expr(0); - } - _ctx.stop = _input.LT(-1); - setState(14103); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1573,_ctx); - while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { - if ( _alt==1 ) { - if ( _parseListeners!=null ) triggerExitRuleEvent(); - _prevctx = _localctx; - { - { - _localctx = new Evalname_exprContext(_parentctx, _parentState); - pushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_evalname_expr); - setState(14098); - if (!(precpred(_ctx, 1))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "precpred(_ctx, 1)"); - setState(14099); - match(CNNOP); - setState(14100); - evalname_expr(2); - } - } - } - setState(14105); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _alt = getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1573,_ctx); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - unrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Element_nameContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Column_nameContext column_name() { - return getRuleContext(Column_nameContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode EVALNAME() { return getToken(OBParser.EVALNAME, 0); } - public Evalname_exprContext evalname_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Evalname_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Element_nameContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_element_name; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterElement_name(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitElement_name(this); - } - } - - public final Element_nameContext element_name() throws RecognitionException { - Element_nameContext _localctx = new Element_nameContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1754, RULE_element_name); - try { - setState(14112); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1575,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14107); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1574,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(14106); - match(NAME); - } - break; - } - setState(14109); - column_name(); - } - break; - case 2: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(14110); - match(EVALNAME); - setState(14111); - evalname_expr(0); - } - break; - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xml_value_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public List xml_value() { - return getRuleContexts(Xml_valueContext.class); - } - public Xml_valueContext xml_value(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Xml_valueContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public Xml_value_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_value_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_value_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_value_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Xml_value_clauseContext xml_value_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Xml_value_clauseContext _localctx = new Xml_value_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1756, RULE_xml_value_clause); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14114); - xml_value(); - setState(14119); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - while (_la==Comma) { - { - { - setState(14115); - match(Comma); - setState(14116); - xml_value(); - } - } - setState(14121); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xml_valueContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } - public Column_labelContext column_label() { - return getRuleContext(Column_labelContext.class,0); - } - public Xml_valueContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_value; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_value(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_value(this); - } - } - - public final Xml_valueContext xml_value() throws RecognitionException { - Xml_valueContext _localctx = new Xml_valueContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1758, RULE_xml_value); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14122); - bit_expr(0); - setState(14128); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case AS: - { - setState(14123); - match(AS); - setState(14124); - column_label(); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case REAL: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ANALYZE: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BEFORE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CYCLE: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASE: - case DATABASES: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FORCE: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MAXVALUE: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NOCYCLE: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case NUMERIC: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PROCEDURE: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REFERENCES: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMA: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQL: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLSTATE: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case USE: - case USING: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHEN: - case WHILE: - case WRITE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case EXCEPT: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case GROUPS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case MINVALUE: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STOP: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case NTH_VALUE: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case TRUNCATE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case ADMIN: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case DISABLE: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case SEQUENCE: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case GO: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case PCTUSED: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case EXTERNALLY: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case FLUSH: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case DOP: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case OPTIMAL: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case GOTO: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case MAX: - case TRANSACTION: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case BECOME: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case OFF: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case STDDEV: - case DATAFILE: - case INVOKER: - case LAYER: - case DEPTH: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case EXTENT: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case SWITCH: - case LESS: - case BODY: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case ROLLBACK: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case GROUPING: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case OLD: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case RECOVER: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case CONTROLFILE: - case LISTAGG: - case SLOW: - case SUM: - case OPTIONS: - case MIN: - case ROLES: - case UPDATING: - case KEY: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case TEMPORARY: - case VARIANCE: - case SNAPSHOT: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case WM_CONCAT: - case MAX_SIZE: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case QUOTA: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case REGR_COUNT: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case NEXT: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case SECTION: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case PLAN: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case INSTANCE: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case FUNCTION: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REGR_SYY: - case INITIALIZED: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case SEGMENT: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case OWN: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case PCTINCREASE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case TEMPLATE: - case INCLUDING: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case ENABLE: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case RESUME: - case INT: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case MAXTRANS: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case COMMIT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case FREELIST: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case STORAGE: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case CLIENT_VERSION: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case REGR_R2: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case CANCEL: - case SIMPLE: - case BEGIN: - case VARIABLES: - case FREELISTS: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case FOUND: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case CACHE: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case END: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case SOME: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case MANUAL: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case FORTRAN: - case MUTEX: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case LAG: - case NEW: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case ALLOCATE: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case RESETLOGS: - case DESCRIBE: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case TABLESPACE: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case MODULE: - case PASSWORD: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case PLI: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case PROFILE: - case NORELY: - case LAST_VALUE: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case INDICATOR: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case COVAR_POP: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case MEDIAN: - case UNLIMITED: - case STDDEV_POP: - case UNDER: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case MANAGE: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case NOCACHE: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case AVG: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case FOREIGN: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case MINEXTENTS: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case ESCAPE: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case NONE: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LISTS: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case DISMOUNT: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case WORK: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case CUME_DIST: - case NOSORT: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case EXECUTE: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case DAY: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case LEAD: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case RECURSIVE: - case ONLY: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case TRACING: - case NTILE: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case MOUNT: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case BLOCK: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case CORR: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case ACCESSED: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case VAR_SAMP: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENTS: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - case LNNVL: - case Comma: - case RightParen: - case A_: - case NAME_OB: - case LOG_LEVEL: - case STAT: - { - setState(14126); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << QUOTA_NAME) | (1L << INDEXTYPE) | (1L << STSTOKEN) | (1L << REWRITE) | (1L << PARTITION_TYPE) | (1L << TASK_ID) | (1L << COMPUTATION) | (1L << AUTO_REFRESH) | (1L << SINGLE) | (1L << MDSYS) | (1L << SPATIAL_CELLID) | (1L << COMPRESSION_CODE) | (1L << MULTIVALUE) | (1L << SERVICE) | (1L << DATA_SOURCE) | (1L << PROJECT_NAME) | (1L << ENDPOINT) | (1L << BUFFER_SIZE) | (1L << PROPERTIES) | (1L << ATTRIBUTE) | (1L << USER_SPECIFIED) | (1L << THROUGH) | (1L << SPATIAL_INDEX) | (1L << ACCESS_INFO) | (1L << VALIDATION) | (1L << SUM_OPNSIZE) | (1L << ACCESSKEY) | (1L << MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED) | (1L << ACCESSTYPE) | (1L << EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST) | (1L << OVERWRITE) | (1L << SPATIAL_MBR) | (1L << LAST_REFRESH_SCN) | (1L << SDO_RELATE) | (1L << MAX_FILE_SIZE) | (1L << SRID) | (1L << SS_MICRO_CACHE) | (1L << PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM) | (1L << ACCESSID) | (1L << M_SIZE) | (1L << E_SIZE) | (1L << T_SIZE) | (1L << K_SIZE) | (1L << G_SIZE) | (1L << P_SIZE) | (1L << HIDE) | (1L << DEFAULTS) | (1L << OBJECT_ID))) != 0) || ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 64)) & ((1L << (NAMESPACE - 64)) | (1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 64)) | (1L << (VALUE - 64)) | (1L << (BLOB - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 64)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 64)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 64)) | (1L << (CLOB - 64)) | (1L << (DOT - 64)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 64)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 64)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 64)) | (1L << (PASSING - 64)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (HOST - 64)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 64)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 64)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 64)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 64)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 131)) & ((1L << (ORDINALITY - 131)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 131)) | (1L << (NOWAIT - 131)) | (1L << (MISSING - 131)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 131)) | (1L << (REAL - 131)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 131)) | (1L << (SETS - 131)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 131)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 131)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 202)) & ((1L << (REDUNDANCY - 202)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 202)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 202)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 202)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 202)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 202)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 202)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 202)) | (1L << (ASENSITIVE - 202)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 202)) | (1L << (BINARY - 202)) | (1L << (BOTH - 202)) | (1L << (BULK - 202)) | (1L << (CALL - 202)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 202)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 202)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 202)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 202)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 202)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 202)) | (1L << (CROSS - 202)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 202)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 202)) | (1L << (CURSOR - 202)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 202)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 202)) | (1L << (DEC - 202)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 202)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 202)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 202)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 202)) | (1L << (EACH - 202)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 202)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 202)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 202)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 202)) | (1L << (EXIT - 202)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 202)) | (1L << (FETCH - 202)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 202)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 202)) | (1L << (FORCE - 202)) | (1L << (FULL - 202)) | (1L << (GET - 202)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 202)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 202)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 202)) | (1L << (ID - 202)) | (1L << (IF - 202)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 202)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 266)) & ((1L << (INNER - 266)) | (1L << (INFILE - 266)) | (1L << (INOUT - 266)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 266)) | (1L << (INT1 - 266)) | (1L << (INT2 - 266)) | (1L << (LIB - 266)) | (1L << (INT3 - 266)) | (1L << (INT4 - 266)) | (1L << (INT8 - 266)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 266)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 266)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 266)) | (1L << (JOIN - 266)) | (1L << (KEYS - 266)) | (1L << (KILL - 266)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 266)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 266)) | (1L << (LEADING - 266)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 266)) | (1L << (LEFT - 266)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 266)) | (1L << (LINES - 266)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 266)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 266)) | (1L << (LOAD - 266)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 266)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 266)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (LOOP - 266)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 266)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 266)) | (1L << (MATCH - 266)) | (1L << (MAXVALUE - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 266)) | (1L << (MERGE - 266)) | (1L << (REJECT - 266)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 266)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 266)) | (1L << (MOD - 266)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 266)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 266)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 266)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 266)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 266)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 266)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 266)) | (1L << (OUT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTER - 266)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 266)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 266)) | (1L << (PARSER - 266)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 266)) | (1L << (PURGE - 266)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 266)) | (1L << (RANGE - 266)) | (1L << (PLUS - 266)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 330)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 330)) & ((1L << (READ - 330)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (READS - 330)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 330)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 330)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 330)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 330)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 330)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (RESTRICT - 330)) | (1L << (RETURN - 330)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 330)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 330)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 330)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 330)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 330)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 330)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 330)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 330)) | (1L << (SQL - 330)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 330)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 330)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 330)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 330)) | (1L << (SSL - 330)) | (1L << (STARTING - 330)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 330)) | (1L << (STORED - 330)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 330)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 330)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 330)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 330)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 330)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 330)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 330)) | (1L << (UNDO - 330)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 330)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 330)) | (1L << (USE - 330)) | (1L << (USING - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 330)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 330)) | (1L << (VARYING - 330)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 330)) | (1L << (WHEN - 330)) | (1L << (WHILE - 330)) | (1L << (WRITE - 330)) | (1L << (XOR - 330)) | (1L << (X509 - 330)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 330)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 330)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 330)) | (1L << (STRONG - 330)) | (1L << (WEAK - 330)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 330)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 394)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 394)) & ((1L << (EXCEPT - 394)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 394)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 394)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 394)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 394)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 394)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 394)) | (1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 394)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 394)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 394)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 394)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 394)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 394)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 394)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 394)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 394)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 394)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 394)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 394)) | (1L << (YEAR - 394)) | (1L << (STOP - 394)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 394)) | (1L << (AT - 394)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 394)) | (1L << (POOL - 394)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 394)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 394)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 394)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 394)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 394)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 394)) | (1L << (ROLE - 394)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 394)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 394)) | (1L << (NTH_VALUE - 394)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 394)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 394)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 394)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 394)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 394)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 394)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 394)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 394)) | (1L << (DIV - 394)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 394)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 394)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 394)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 394)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 394)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 394)) | (1L << (FAST - 394)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 394)) | (1L << (TRUNCATE - 394)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 394)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 394)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 394)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 458)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 458)) & ((1L << (PRIORITY - 458)) | (1L << (DO - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 458)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 458)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 458)) | (1L << (UROWID - 458)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 458)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR_CS - 458)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 458)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 458)) | (1L << (STRICT - 458)) | (1L << (PORT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 458)) | (1L << (EXEC - 458)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 458)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 458)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 458)) | (1L << (LIST - 458)) | (1L << (ROOT - 458)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 458)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 458)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 458)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 458)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 458)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 458)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 458)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 458)) | (1L << (LS - 458)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 458)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 458)) | (1L << (DML - 458)) | (1L << (GO - 458)) | (1L << (ROW_NUMBER - 458)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 458)) | (1L << (BIT - 458)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 458)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 458)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 458)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 458)) | (1L << (ACTION - 458)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 458)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 458)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 458)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 458)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 458)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 458)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 458)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 458)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 458)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 458)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 458)) | (1L << (EVERY - 458)) | (1L << (BYTE - 458)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 458)) | (1L << (FLUSH - 458)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 458)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 458)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 522)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 522)) & ((1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 522)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 522)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 522)) | (1L << (DOP - 522)) | (1L << (IO - 522)) | (1L << (BTREE - 522)) | (1L << (HASH - 522)) | (1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 522)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 522)) | (1L << (OLTP - 522)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 522)) | (1L << (GOTO - 522)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER - 522)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 522)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 522)) | (1L << (MAX - 522)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 522)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 522)) | (1L << (BECOME - 522)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 522)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 522)) | (1L << (OFF - 522)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 522)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 522)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 522)) | (1L << (QUICK - 522)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 522)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 522)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 522)) | (1L << (USAGE - 522)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 522)) | (1L << (WAIT - 522)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 522)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 522)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 522)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 522)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 522)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 522)) | (1L << (FIRST - 522)) | (1L << (TABLET - 522)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 522)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 522)) | (1L << (TABLES - 522)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 522)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 522)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 522)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 522)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 522)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 522)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 522)) | (1L << (LAYER - 522)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 522)) | (1L << (THREAD - 522)) | (1L << (TRIGGERS - 522)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 522)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 586)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 586)) & ((1L << (RESET - 586)) | (1L << (EVENT - 586)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 586)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 586)) | (1L << (STATUS - 586)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 586)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 586)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 586)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 586)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 586)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 586)) | (1L << (FILEX - 586)) | (1L << (UNIT - 586)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 586)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 586)) | (1L << (LESS - 586)) | (1L << (BODY - 586)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 586)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 586)) | (1L << (NO - 586)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 586)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 586)) | (1L << (TIES - 586)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 586)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 586)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 586)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 586)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 586)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 586)) | (1L << (SHARED - 586)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 586)) | (1L << (DUMP - 586)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 586)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 586)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 586)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 586)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 586)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 586)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 586)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 586)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 586)) | (1L << (SECOND - 586)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 586)) | (1L << (POINT - 586)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 586)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 586)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 586)) | (1L << (OLD - 586)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 586)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 586)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 586)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 586)) | (1L << (POSITION - 586)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 586)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 586)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 586)) | (1L << (PREV - 586)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 586)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 586)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 586)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 650)) | (1L << (SLOW - 650)) | (1L << (SUM - 650)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 650)) | (1L << (MIN - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (RT - 650)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 650)) | (1L << (ONE - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 650)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 650)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 650)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 650)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 650)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 650)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 650)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 650)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 650)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 650)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 650)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 650)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 650)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 650)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 650)) | (1L << (IDC - 650)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 650)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 650)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 650)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (WM_CONCAT - 650)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 650)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 650)) | (1L << (PAGE - 650)) | (1L << (NAME - 650)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 650)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 650)) | (1L << (LAST - 650)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 650)) | (1L << (DELAY - 650)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 650)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 650)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 650)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 650)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 650)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 714)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 714)) & ((1L << (SIGNED - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER - 714)) | (1L << (NEXT - 714)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 714)) | (1L << (ENDS - 714)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 714)) | (1L << (SHOW - 714)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 714)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 714)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 714)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 714)) | (1L << (XA - 714)) | (1L << (TIME - 714)) | (1L << (REUSE - 714)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 714)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 714)) | (1L << (BOOL - 714)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 714)) | (1L << (SECTION - 714)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 714)) | (1L << (VALID - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 714)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 714)) | (1L << (PLAN - 714)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 714)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 714)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 714)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 714)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 714)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 714)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 714)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 714)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 714)) | (1L << (CAST - 714)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 714)) | (1L << (RELY - 714)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 714)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 714)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 714)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 714)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 714)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXX - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 714)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 714)) | (1L << (COUNT - 714)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 714)) | (1L << (TREAT - 714)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 714)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 714)) | (1L << (NAMES - 714)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 714)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 714)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 714)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 714)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 714)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 714)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 714)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 714)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 778)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 778)) & ((1L << (SUBMULTISET - 778)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 778)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 778)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 778)) | (1L << (OWN - 778)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 778)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 778)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 778)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 778)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 778)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 778)) | (1L << (REPEATABLE - 778)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 778)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (ZONE - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 778)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 778)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 778)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 778)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 778)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 778)) | (1L << (KEEP - 778)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 778)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 778)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 778)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 778)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 778)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 778)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 778)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 778)) | (1L << (MINOR - 778)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 778)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 778)) | (1L << (RESUME - 778)) | (1L << (INT - 778)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 778)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 778)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 778)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 778)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 778)) | (1L << (SUPER - 778)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 778)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 778)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 778)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 778)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 778)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 778)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 778)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 778)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 778)) | (1L << (MOVE - 778)) | (1L << (XML - 778)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 778)) | (1L << (IPC - 778)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 778)) | (1L << (PATH - 778)) | (1L << (TRIM - 778)) | (1L << (RANK - 778)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 778)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 842)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 842)) & ((1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 842)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 842)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 842)) | (1L << (CLOG - 842)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 842)) | (1L << (STORAGE - 842)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 842)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 842)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 842)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 842)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 842)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 842)) | (1L << (CLIENT_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 842)) | (1L << (DELETING - 842)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 842)) | (1L << (CUBE - 842)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 842)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 842)) | (1L << (POLICY - 842)) | (1L << (QUERY - 842)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 842)) | (1L << (SPACE - 842)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 842)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 842)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 842)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 842)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 842)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 842)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 842)) | (1L << (INCR - 842)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 842)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 842)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 842)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 842)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 842)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 842)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 842)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 842)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 842)) | (1L << (ASCII - 842)) | (1L << (INFO - 842)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 842)) | (1L << (TYPES - 842)) | (1L << (LEADER - 842)) | (1L << (FOUND - 842)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 842)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 842)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 842)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 842)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 842)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 842)) | (1L << (FIXED - 842)) | (1L << (CACHE - 842)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 842)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 842)) | (1L << (END - 842)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 842)) | (1L << (ASIS - 842)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 906)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 906)) & ((1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 906)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 906)) | (1L << (JSON - 906)) | (1L << (SOME - 906)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 906)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 906)) | (1L << (MANUAL - 906)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 906)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 906)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 906)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (VERSION - 906)) | (1L << (INDENT - 906)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 906)) | (1L << (OVER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 906)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 906)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 906)) | (1L << (SONAME - 906)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 906)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 906)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 906)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 906)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 906)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 906)) | (1L << (GTS - 906)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 906)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 906)) | (1L << (TEXT - 906)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 906)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 906)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 906)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 906)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 906)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 906)) | (1L << (PERCENT_RANK - 906)) | (1L << (ENUM - 906)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 906)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 906)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 906)) | (1L << (REGION - 906)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 906)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 906)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 906)) | (1L << (NDB - 906)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 906)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 906)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 906)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 906)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 906)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 906)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 906)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 906)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 906)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 906)) | (1L << (LAG - 906)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 970)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 970)) & ((1L << (NEW - 970)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 970)) | (1L << (HIGH - 970)) | (1L << (LAX - 970)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 970)) | (1L << (THAN - 970)) | (1L << (CPU - 970)) | (1L << (LOGS - 970)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 970)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 970)) | (1L << (BACKUP - 970)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 970)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 970)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 970)) | (1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 970)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 970)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 970)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 970)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 970)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 970)) | (1L << (TASK - 970)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 970)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 970)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 970)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 970)) | (1L << (AUTO - 970)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 970)) | (1L << (MODULE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 970)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 970)) | (1L << (SORT - 970)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 970)) | (1L << (DISK - 970)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 970)) | (1L << (HOUR - 970)) | (1L << (REF - 970)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 970)) | (1L << (PLI - 970)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 970)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 970)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 970)) | (1L << (PHASE - 970)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 970)) | (1L << (NORELY - 970)) | (1L << (LAST_VALUE - 970)) | (1L << (RESTART - 970)) | (1L << (TRACE - 970)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 970)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 970)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 970)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 970)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 970)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 970)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 970)) | (1L << (CODE - 970)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 970)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 970)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 970)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 970)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 970)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1035)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1035)) & ((1L << (CLEAN - 1035)) | (1L << (NESTED - 1035)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 1035)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 1035)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 1035)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 1035)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 1035)) | (1L << (MONTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NEVER - 1035)) | (1L << (AFTER - 1035)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1035)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 1035)) | (1L << (SET_TP - 1035)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1035)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1035)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1035)) | (1L << (META - 1035)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1035)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1035)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1035)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1035)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1035)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1035)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1035)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1035)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1035)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1035)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1035)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1035)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1035)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1035)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1035)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (SEED - 1035)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1035)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1035)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1035)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1035)) | (1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1035)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1035)) | (1L << (RUN - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1035)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1035)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1035)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1035)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1035)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1035)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1035)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1035)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1035)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1035)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1035)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1099)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1099)) & ((1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1099)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1099)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1099)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1099)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1099)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1099)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1099)) | (1L << (AVG - 1099)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1099)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1099)) | (1L << (NOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1099)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1099)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1099)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (BASE - 1099)) | (1L << (FOREIGN - 1099)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1099)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1099)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1099)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1099)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1099)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1099)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1099)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1099)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1099)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1099)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1099)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1099)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1099)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1099)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1099)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1099)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1099)) | (1L << (NONE - 1099)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1099)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1099)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1099)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1099)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1099)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1099)) | (1L << (LOG - 1099)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1099)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1099)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1099)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1099)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1099)) | (1L << (LOW - 1099)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1099)) | (1L << (WORK - 1099)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1099)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1099)) | (1L << (CUME_DIST - 1099)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1099)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1099)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1099)) | (1L << (STORING - 1099)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1163)) & ((1L << (IMPORT - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1163)) | (1L << (HELP - 1163)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1163)) | (1L << (COPY - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1163)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1163)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1163)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1163)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1163)) | (1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1163)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1163)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (DAY - 1163)) | (1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1163)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1163)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (DBA - 1163)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1163)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1163)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1163)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1163)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1163)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1163)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1163)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1163)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1163)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1163)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1163)) | (1L << (JOB - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1163)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1163)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1163)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1163)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1163)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1163)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1163)) | (1L << (CORR - 1163)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1163)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1163)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1163)) | (1L << (DATA - 1163)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1163)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1163)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1163)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1163)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1163)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1163)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT - 1163)) | (1L << (DDL - 1163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1227)) & ((1L << (BASIC - 1227)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1227)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1227)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1227)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1227)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1227)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1227)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1227)) | (1L << (LINK - 1227)) | (1L << (WEEK - 1227)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1227)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1227)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1227)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1227)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1227)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1227)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1227)) | (1L << (INITRANS - 1227)) | (1L << (SCN - 1227)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1227)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1300)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1300)) & ((1L << (A_ - 1300)) | (1L << (NAME_OB - 1300)) | (1L << (LOG_LEVEL - 1300)) | (1L << (STAT - 1300)))) != 0)) { - { - setState(14125); - column_label(); - } - } - - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xml_attributes_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode XMLATTRIBUTES() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLATTRIBUTES, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext xml_attributes_value_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOENTITYESCAPING() { return getToken(OBParser.NOENTITYESCAPING, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOSCHEMACHECK() { return getToken(OBParser.NOSCHEMACHECK, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENTITYESCAPING() { return getToken(OBParser.ENTITYESCAPING, 0); } - public TerminalNode SCHEMACHECK() { return getToken(OBParser.SCHEMACHECK, 0); } - public Xml_attributes_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_attributes_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_attributes_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_attributes_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Xml_attributes_exprContext xml_attributes_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Xml_attributes_exprContext _localctx = new Xml_attributes_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1760, RULE_xml_attributes_expr); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14130); - match(XMLATTRIBUTES); - setState(14131); - match(LeftParen); - setState(14136); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1580,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(14133); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1579,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(14132); - match(ENTITYESCAPING); - } - break; - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(14135); - match(NOENTITYESCAPING); - } - break; - } - setState(14142); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1582,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(14138); - match(NOSCHEMACHECK); - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(14140); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1581,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - setState(14139); - match(SCHEMACHECK); - } - break; - } - } - break; - } - setState(14144); - xml_attributes_value_clause(); - setState(14145); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Xml_attributes_valueContext xml_attributes_value() { - return getRuleContext(Xml_attributes_valueContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode Comma() { return getToken(OBParser.Comma, 0); } - public Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext xml_attributes_value_clause() { - return getRuleContext(Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext.class,0); - } - public Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_attributes_value_clause; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_attributes_value_clause(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_attributes_value_clause(this); - } - } - - public final Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext xml_attributes_value_clause() throws RecognitionException { - Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext _localctx = new Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1762, RULE_xml_attributes_value_clause); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14147); - xml_attributes_value(); - setState(14150); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Comma) { - { - setState(14148); - match(Comma); - setState(14149); - xml_attributes_value_clause(); - } - } - - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Attributes_name_valueContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Attributes_name_valueContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_attributes_name_value; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAttributes_name_value(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAttributes_name_value(this); - } - } - - public final Attributes_name_valueContext attributes_name_value() throws RecognitionException { - Attributes_name_valueContext _localctx = new Attributes_name_valueContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1764, RULE_attributes_name_value); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14152); - bit_expr(0); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xml_attributes_valueContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Attributes_name_valueContext attributes_name_value() { - return getRuleContext(Attributes_name_valueContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } - public TerminalNode EVALNAME() { return getToken(OBParser.EVALNAME, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public Relation_nameContext relation_name() { - return getRuleContext(Relation_nameContext.class,0); - } - public Xml_attributes_valueContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_attributes_value; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_attributes_value(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_attributes_value(this); - } - } - - public final Xml_attributes_valueContext xml_attributes_value() throws RecognitionException { - Xml_attributes_valueContext _localctx = new Xml_attributes_valueContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1766, RULE_xml_attributes_value); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14154); - attributes_name_value(); - setState(14160); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1584,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(14155); - match(AS); - setState(14156); - match(EVALNAME); - setState(14157); - bit_expr(0); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - { - setState(14158); - match(AS); - setState(14159); - relation_name(); - } - } - break; - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xml_sequence_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode XMLSEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLSEQUENCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Xml_sequence_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_sequence_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_sequence_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_sequence_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Xml_sequence_exprContext xml_sequence_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Xml_sequence_exprContext _localctx = new Xml_sequence_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1768, RULE_xml_sequence_expr); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14162); - match(XMLSEQUENCE); - setState(14163); - match(LeftParen); - setState(14164); - bit_expr(0); - setState(14165); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Insert_child_xmlContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode INSERTCHILDXML() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERTCHILDXML, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public List bit_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Insert_child_xmlContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_insert_child_xml; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterInsert_child_xml(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitInsert_child_xml(this); - } - } - - public final Insert_child_xmlContext insert_child_xml() throws RecognitionException { - Insert_child_xmlContext _localctx = new Insert_child_xmlContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1770, RULE_insert_child_xml); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14167); - match(INSERTCHILDXML); - setState(14168); - match(LeftParen); - setState(14169); - bit_expr(0); - setState(14170); - match(Comma); - setState(14171); - bit_expr(0); - setState(14172); - match(Comma); - setState(14173); - bit_expr(0); - setState(14174); - match(Comma); - setState(14175); - bit_expr(0); - setState(14178); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Comma) { - { - setState(14176); - match(Comma); - setState(14177); - bit_expr(0); - } - } - - setState(14180); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Delete_xmlContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode DELETEXML() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETEXML, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public List bit_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Delete_xmlContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_delete_xml; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterDelete_xml(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitDelete_xml(this); - } - } - - public final Delete_xmlContext delete_xml() throws RecognitionException { - Delete_xmlContext _localctx = new Delete_xmlContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1772, RULE_delete_xml); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14182); - match(DELETEXML); - setState(14183); - match(LeftParen); - setState(14184); - bit_expr(0); - setState(14185); - match(Comma); - setState(14186); - bit_expr(0); - setState(14189); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Comma) { - { - setState(14187); - match(Comma); - setState(14188); - bit_expr(0); - } - } - - setState(14191); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xml_extract_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode EXTRACT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTRACT, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public List bit_expr() { - return getRuleContexts(Bit_exprContext.class); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr(int i) { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,i); - } - public List Comma() { return getTokens(OBParser.Comma); } - public TerminalNode Comma(int i) { - return getToken(OBParser.Comma, i); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public LiteralContext literal() { - return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); - } - public Xml_extract_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xml_extract_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXml_extract_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXml_extract_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Xml_extract_exprContext xml_extract_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Xml_extract_exprContext _localctx = new Xml_extract_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1774, RULE_xml_extract_expr); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14193); - match(EXTRACT); - setState(14194); - match(LeftParen); - setState(14195); - bit_expr(0); - setState(14196); - match(Comma); - setState(14197); - bit_expr(0); - setState(14200); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==Comma) { - { - setState(14198); - match(Comma); - setState(14199); - literal(); - } - } - - setState(14202); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xmlcast_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode XMLCAST() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLCAST, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } - public Cast_data_typeContext cast_data_type() { - return getRuleContext(Cast_data_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public Xmlcast_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xmlcast_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXmlcast_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXmlcast_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Xmlcast_exprContext xmlcast_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Xmlcast_exprContext _localctx = new Xmlcast_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1776, RULE_xmlcast_expr); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14204); - match(XMLCAST); - setState(14205); - match(LeftParen); - setState(14206); - bit_expr(0); - setState(14207); - match(AS); - setState(14208); - cast_data_type(); - setState(14209); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Xmlserialize_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode XMLSERIALIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLSERIALIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LeftParen() { return getToken(OBParser.LeftParen, 0); } - public Xml_doc_typeContext xml_doc_type() { - return getRuleContext(Xml_doc_typeContext.class,0); - } - public Bit_exprContext bit_expr() { - return getRuleContext(Bit_exprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode RightParen() { return getToken(OBParser.RightParen, 0); } - public TerminalNode AS() { return getToken(OBParser.AS, 0); } - public Cast_data_typeContext cast_data_type() { - return getRuleContext(Cast_data_typeContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode ENCODING() { return getToken(OBParser.ENCODING, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRING_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.STRING_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.VERSION, 0); } - public LiteralContext literal() { - return getRuleContext(LiteralContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode INDENT() { return getToken(OBParser.INDENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode NO() { return getToken(OBParser.NO, 0); } - public TerminalNode SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMP_EQ() { return getToken(OBParser.COMP_EQ, 0); } - public Signed_int_numContext signed_int_num() { - return getRuleContext(Signed_int_numContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode HIDE() { return getToken(OBParser.HIDE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEFAULTS() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode SHOW() { return getToken(OBParser.SHOW, 0); } - public Xmlserialize_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_xmlserialize_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterXmlserialize_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitXmlserialize_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Xmlserialize_exprContext xmlserialize_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Xmlserialize_exprContext _localctx = new Xmlserialize_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1778, RULE_xmlserialize_expr); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14211); - match(XMLSERIALIZE); - setState(14212); - match(LeftParen); - setState(14213); - xml_doc_type(); - setState(14214); - bit_expr(0); - setState(14217); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==AS) { - { - setState(14215); - match(AS); - setState(14216); - cast_data_type(); - } - } - - setState(14221); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==ENCODING) { - { - setState(14219); - match(ENCODING); - setState(14220); - match(STRING_VALUE); - } - } - - setState(14225); - _errHandler.sync(this); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if (_la==VERSION) { - { - setState(14223); - match(VERSION); - setState(14224); - literal(); - } - } - - setState(14234); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch ( getInterpreter().adaptivePredict(_input,1591,_ctx) ) { - case 1: - { - { - setState(14227); - match(NO); - setState(14228); - match(INDENT); - } - } - break; - case 2: - { - setState(14229); - match(INDENT); - } - break; - case 3: - { - { - setState(14230); - match(INDENT); - setState(14231); - match(SIZE); - setState(14232); - match(COMP_EQ); - setState(14233); - signed_int_num(); - } - } - break; - } - setState(14240); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case HIDE: - { - { - setState(14236); - match(HIDE); - setState(14237); - match(DEFAULTS); - } - } - break; - case SHOW: - { - { - setState(14238); - match(SHOW); - setState(14239); - match(DEFAULTS); - } - } - break; - case RightParen: - break; - default: - break; - } - setState(14242); - match(RightParen); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Unreserved_keywordContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext oracle_unreserved_keyword() { - return getRuleContext(Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext.class,0); - } - public Unreserved_keyword_normalContext unreserved_keyword_normal() { - return getRuleContext(Unreserved_keyword_normalContext.class,0); - } - public Aggregate_function_keywordContext aggregate_function_keyword() { - return getRuleContext(Aggregate_function_keywordContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode STAT() { return getToken(OBParser.STAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOG_LEVEL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOG_LEVEL, 0); } - public TerminalNode CLIENT_VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.CLIENT_VERSION, 0); } - public Unreserved_keywordContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unreserved_keyword; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUnreserved_keyword(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUnreserved_keyword(this); - } - } - - public final Unreserved_keywordContext unreserved_keyword() throws RecognitionException { - Unreserved_keywordContext _localctx = new Unreserved_keywordContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1780, RULE_unreserved_keyword); - try { - setState(14250); - _errHandler.sync(this); - switch (_input.LA(1)) { - case REAL: - case ANALYZE: - case BEFORE: - case CASCADE: - case CHANGE: - case CHARACTER: - case CONSTRAINT: - case CONTINUE: - case CYCLE: - case CURSOR: - case STATEMENT: - case DATABASE: - case DEC: - case DECLARE: - case DOUBLE: - case EACH: - case EXPLAIN: - case FETCH: - case FORCE: - case LANGUAGE: - case LATERAL: - case MAXVALUE: - case NOCYCLE: - case NUMERIC: - case PROCEDURE: - case READ: - case REFERENCES: - case SCHEMA: - case SQL: - case SQLSTATE: - case USE: - case USING: - case WHEN: - case WRITE: - case EXCEPT: - case GROUPS: - case MINVALUE: - case STOP: - case PACKAGE_KEY: - case MAXLOGMEMBERS: - case PRECISION: - case ROLE: - case TRUNCATE: - case EXCEPTIONS: - case ADMIN: - case DISABLE: - case MAXDATAFILES: - case EXEC: - case SEQUENCE: - case GO: - case PCTUSED: - case MAXLOGFILES: - case EXTERNALLY: - case FLUSH: - case DOP: - case OPTIMAL: - case GOTO: - case TRANSACTION: - case BECOME: - case OFF: - case PRIVATE: - case TABLES: - case DATAFILE: - case LAYER: - case THREAD: - case TRIGGERS: - case EXTENT: - case SWITCH: - case BODY: - case ROLLBACK: - case SHARED: - case EXTERNAL: - case DUMP: - case PRIMARY: - case ARCHIVELOG: - case OLD: - case RECOVER: - case CONTROLFILE: - case ROLES: - case KEY: - case TEMPORARY: - case SNAPSHOT: - case STATISTICS: - case COBOL: - case ARCHIVE: - case CONSTRAINTS: - case NOARCHIVELOG: - case QUOTA: - case NEXT: - case TIME: - case REUSE: - case NOMINVALUE: - case SECTION: - case PLAN: - case INSTANCE: - case FUNCTION: - case INITIALIZED: - case SEGMENT: - case OWN: - case PCTINCREASE: - case INCLUDING: - case ENABLE: - case RESTRICTED: - case GLOBALLY: - case INT: - case MAXTRANS: - case COMMIT: - case SAVEPOINT: - case UNTIL: - case FREELIST: - case STORAGE: - case CANCEL: - case BEGIN: - case FREELISTS: - case SYSTEM: - case SQLERROR: - case FOUND: - case CACHE: - case END: - case SOME: - case MANUAL: - case NOMAXVALUE: - case FORTRAN: - case PARALLEL: - case NOPARALLEL: - case COMPILE: - case NEW: - case BACKUP: - case LOGFILE: - case ALLOCATE: - case MAXLOGHISTORY: - case RESETLOGS: - case NORESETLOGS: - case TABLESPACE: - case MODULE: - case SQLCODE: - case SORT: - case PLI: - case PROFILE: - case AFTER: - case MAXINSTANCES: - case CLOSE: - case INDICATOR: - case UNLIMITED: - case UNDER: - case OPEN: - case REFERENCING: - case MANAGE: - case NOCACHE: - case FOREIGN: - case MINEXTENTS: - case ESCAPE: - case NONE: - case LISTS: - case DISMOUNT: - case WORK: - case NOSORT: - case EXECUTE: - case NOORDER: - case CHECKPOINT: - case AUTHORIZATION: - case DBA: - case EVENTS: - case ONLY: - case TRACING: - case MOUNT: - case BLOCK: - case ACCESSED: - case CONTENTS: - case STATEMENT_ID: - case LINK: - case INITRANS: - case SCN: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14244); - oracle_unreserved_keyword(); - } - break; - case QUOTA_NAME: - case INDEXTYPE: - case STSTOKEN: - case REWRITE: - case PARTITION_TYPE: - case TASK_ID: - case COMPUTATION: - case AUTO_REFRESH: - case SINGLE: - case MDSYS: - case SPATIAL_CELLID: - case COMPRESSION_CODE: - case MULTIVALUE: - case SERVICE: - case DATA_SOURCE: - case PROJECT_NAME: - case ENDPOINT: - case BUFFER_SIZE: - case PROPERTIES: - case ATTRIBUTE: - case USER_SPECIFIED: - case THROUGH: - case SPATIAL_INDEX: - case ACCESS_INFO: - case VALIDATION: - case SUM_OPNSIZE: - case ACCESSKEY: - case MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED: - case ACCESSTYPE: - case EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST: - case OVERWRITE: - case SPATIAL_MBR: - case LAST_REFRESH_SCN: - case SDO_RELATE: - case MAX_FILE_SIZE: - case SRID: - case SS_MICRO_CACHE: - case PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM: - case ACCESSID: - case M_SIZE: - case E_SIZE: - case T_SIZE: - case K_SIZE: - case G_SIZE: - case P_SIZE: - case HIDE: - case DEFAULTS: - case OBJECT_ID: - case NAMESPACE: - case XMLATTRIBUTES: - case VALUE: - case BLOB: - case BINARY_DOUBLE: - case BINARY_FLOAT: - case CIPHER: - case CLOB: - case DOT: - case MULTISET: - case JSON_ARRAYAGG: - case ARRAY: - case JSON_ARRAY: - case JSON_EMPTY: - case PASSING: - case EXCLUDE: - case HOST: - case ABSENT: - case SYNCHRONOUS: - case INCLUDE: - case FIELD_DELIMITER: - case ORDINALITY: - case ISSUER: - case NOWAIT: - case MISSING: - case PIVOT: - case ACTIVATE: - case SETS: - case SYSTIMESTAMP: - case UNPIVOT: - case REDUNDANCY: - case STANDBY: - case WITHOUT: - case WITHIN: - case ACCESSIBLE: - case AGAINST: - case ALWAYS: - case ASENSITIVE: - case BINARY: - case BOTH: - case BULK: - case CALL: - case COLLATE: - case COLLECT: - case CROSS: - case CURRENT_DATE: - case CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: - case CURRENT_USER: - case DAY_HOUR: - case DAY_MICROSECOND: - case DAY_MINUTE: - case DAY_SECOND: - case DATABASES: - case DELAYED: - case DISTINCTROW: - case ENCLOSED: - case ELSEIF: - case ESCAPED: - case ALLOW: - case EXIT: - case EVALNAME: - case FLOAT4: - case FLOAT8: - case FULL: - case GET: - case GENERATED: - case HIGH_PRIORITY: - case HOUR_MICROSECOND: - case HOUR_MINUTE: - case HOUR_SECOND: - case ID: - case IF: - case IFIGNORE: - case INNER: - case INFILE: - case INOUT: - case INSENSITIVE: - case INT1: - case INT2: - case LIB: - case INT3: - case INT4: - case INT8: - case INTERVAL: - case IO_AFTER_GTIDS: - case IO_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case ITERATE: - case JOIN: - case KEYS: - case KILL: - case LEADING: - case LEAVE: - case LEFT: - case LINEAR: - case LINES: - case BADFILE: - case LOG_DISK_SIZE: - case LOAD: - case LOCALTIMESTAMP: - case LONGBLOB: - case SWITCHOVER: - case LONGTEXT: - case LOOP: - case LOW_PRIORITY: - case MASTER_BIND: - case MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: - case MATCH: - case MEDIUMBLOB: - case MEDIUMINT: - case MERGE: - case REJECT: - case MEDIUMTEXT: - case MIDDLEINT: - case MINUTE_MICROSECOND: - case MINUTE_SECOND: - case MOD: - case MODIFIES: - case MOVEMENT: - case NATURAL: - case NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG: - case OPTIMIZE: - case OPTIONALLY: - case OUT: - case OUTER: - case IOPS_WEIGHT: - case OUTFILE: - case PARSER: - case PURGE: - case PARTITION: - case RANGE: - case PLUS: - case READ_WRITE: - case READS: - case RELEASE: - case REPLACE: - case REPEAT: - case REQUIRE: - case RESIGNAL: - case RESTRICT: - case RETURN: - case RIGHT: - case SCALARS: - case SECOND_MICROSECOND: - case SCHEMAS: - case SEPARATOR: - case SENSITIVE: - case SIGNAL: - case SPATIAL: - case SPECIFIC: - case SQLEXCEPTION: - case SQLWARNING: - case SQL_BIG_RESULT: - case SQL_SMALL_RESULT: - case SEARCH: - case SSL: - case STARTING: - case STATEMENTS: - case STORED: - case STRAIGHT_JOIN: - case TERMINATED: - case TINYBLOB: - case TINYTEXT: - case TABLEGROUP: - case TRAILING: - case TIMEZONE_HOUR: - case TIMEZONE_MINUTE: - case TIMEZONE_REGION: - case TIMEZONE_ABBR: - case UNDO: - case UNLOCK: - case LINE_DELIMITER: - case UTC_DATE: - case UTC_TIMESTAMP: - case VARYING: - case VIRTUAL: - case WHILE: - case XOR: - case X509: - case YEAR_MONTH: - case ZEROFILL: - case GLOBAL_ALIAS: - case SESSION_ALIAS: - case STRONG: - case WEAK: - case FROZEN: - case ISNULL: - case RETURNING: - case ISOPEN: - case ROWCOUNT: - case BULK_ROWCOUNT: - case ERROR_INDEX: - case BULK_EXCEPTIONS: - case PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR: - case COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL: - case DATA_TABLE_ID: - case WARNINGS: - case CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE: - case FORMAT: - case EXTRA: - case EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL: - case UNINSTALL: - case UNDOFILE: - case MASTER_SSL_CA: - case YEAR: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION: - case AT: - case RELAY_LOG_POS: - case POOL: - case ZONE_TYPE: - case LOCATION: - case WEIGHT_STRING: - case CHANGED: - case MASTER_SSL_CAPATH: - case JSON_QUERY: - case REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION: - case SERIAL: - case REDACTION: - case QUEUE_TIME: - case PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM: - case TABLET_MAX_SIZE: - case ILOGCACHE: - case AUTHORS: - case MIGRATE: - case DIV: - case CONSISTENT: - case SUSPEND: - case SYSKM: - case REMOTE_OSS: - case SECURITY: - case SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER: - case FAST: - case KEYSTORE: - case CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA: - case MASTER_SSL_CERT: - case TABLE_NAME: - case PRIORITY: - case DO: - case MASTER_RETRY_COUNT: - case REPLICA: - case UROWID: - case CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF: - case NCHAR_CS: - case OLD_KEY: - case STRICT: - case PORT: - case NOVALIDATE: - case REBUILD: - case FOLLOWER: - case LIST: - case ROOT: - case REDOFILE: - case MASTER_SERVER_ID: - case NCHAR: - case KEY_BLOCK_SIZE: - case NOLOGGING: - case PRETTY: - case PRETTY_COLOR: - case COLUMNS: - case LS: - case MIGRATION: - case SUBPARTITION: - case DML: - case COMPRESSION: - case BIT: - case SAMPLE: - case UNLOCKED: - case CLASS_ORIGIN: - case ACTION: - case REDUNDANT: - case UPGRADE: - case TEMPTABLE: - case RECYCLEBIN: - case PROFILES: - case ERRORS: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN: - case LEAVES: - case UNDEFINED: - case EVERY: - case BYTE: - case SHARDING: - case MIN_ROWS: - case ERROR_P: - case MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS: - case FIELDS: - case MAX_CPU: - case LOCKED: - case IO: - case BTREE: - case HASH: - case OLTP: - case SYSOPER: - case COLLATION: - case MASTER: - case ENCRYPTION: - case INSERTING: - case SQL_TSI_MONTH: - case IGNORE: - case MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR: - case MIN_IOPS: - case NVARCHAR: - case PAUSE: - case QUICK: - case DUPLICATE: - case XMLTYPE: - case XMLTABLE: - case XMLNAMESPACES: - case SDO_GEOMETRY: - case USAGE: - case FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY: - case WAIT: - case DES_KEY_FILE: - case ENGINES: - case RETURNS: - case MASTER_USER: - case SOCKET: - case SIBLINGS: - case MASTER_DELAY: - case FILE_ID: - case FIRST: - case TABLET: - case CLIENT: - case ENGINE_: - case EXCLUDING: - case TRADITIONAL: - case BOOTSTRAP: - case INVOKER: - case DEPTH: - case COLUMN_NAME: - case RESET: - case EVENT: - case COALESCE: - case RESPECT: - case STATUS: - case UNBOUNDED: - case WRAPPER: - case TIMESTAMP: - case PARTITIONS: - case SUBSTR: - case FILEX: - case UNIT: - case DEMAND: - case LESS: - case DIAGNOSTICS: - case REDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case NO: - case MAJOR: - case ACTIVE: - case TIES: - case ROUTINE: - case FOLLOWING: - case READ_ONLY: - case MEMBER: - case PARTITION_ID: - case GROUPING: - case MATCHED: - case MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR: - case ASYNCHRONOUS: - case FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS: - case ENCODING: - case SECOND: - case UNKNOWN: - case POINT: - case MEMSTORE_PERCENT: - case POLYGON: - case ORA_ROWSCN: - case TABLE_ID: - case CONTEXT: - case FINAL_COUNT: - case MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY: - case POSITION: - case DISCARD: - case PATTERN: - case RECOVERY_WINDOW: - case PREV: - case PROCESS: - case DEALLOCATE: - case OLD_PASSWORD: - case SLOW: - case OPTIONS: - case UPDATING: - case RT: - case RELOAD: - case ONE: - case DELAY_KEY_WRITE: - case ORIG_DEFAULT: - case INDEXED: - case RLIKE: - case SQL_TSI_HOUR: - case TIMESTAMPDIFF: - case RESTORE: - case OFFSET: - case JSON_EXISTS: - case SERVER_TYPE: - case COMMITTED: - case PERCENT: - case SUBJECT: - case DBTIMEZONE: - case INDEXES: - case FREEZE: - case SCOPE: - case IDC: - case SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH: - case ONE_SHOT: - case ACCOUNT: - case LOCALITY: - case REVERSE: - case CLUSTER_ID: - case MAX_SIZE: - case PAGE: - case NAME: - case ADMINISTER: - case ROW_COUNT: - case LAST: - case LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM: - case DELAY: - case SUBDATE: - case INCREMENTAL: - case VERIFY: - case CONTAINS: - case GENERAL: - case VISIBLE: - case SIGNED: - case SERVER: - case GLOBAL: - case ENDS: - case ROOTSERVICE_LIST: - case SHOW: - case SHUTDOWN: - case VERBOSE: - case JSON_EQUAL: - case CLUSTER_NAME: - case MASTER_PORT: - case MYSQL_ERRNO: - case XA: - case DATETIME: - case BOOL: - case DIRECTORY: - case VALID: - case MASTER_SSL_KEY: - case MASTER_PASSWORD: - case MULTIPOLYGON: - case USE_BLOOM_FILTER: - case LOCAL: - case CONSTRAINT_CATALOG: - case DICTIONARY: - case SYSDBA: - case EXCHANGE: - case GRANTS: - case CAST: - case SERVER_PORT: - case SQL_CACHE: - case MAX_USED_PART_ID: - case RELY: - case NAN_VALUE: - case INVISIBLE: - case BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY: - case SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW: - case TREAT: - case TYPENAME: - case MY_NAME: - case NAMES: - case MAX_ROWS: - case ISOLATION: - case REPLICATION: - case REMOVE: - case STATS_AUTO_RECALC: - case CONSISTENT_MODE: - case SUBMULTISET: - case UNCOMMITTED: - case CURRENT_SCHEMA: - case NO_WAIT: - case BACKUP_COPIES: - case UNIT_NUM: - case PERCENTAGE: - case MAX_IOPS: - case SPFILE: - case REPEATABLE: - case COMPLETION: - case ROOTTABLE: - case ZONE: - case TEMPLATE: - case DATE_SUB: - case EXPIRE_INFO: - case EXPIRE: - case KEEP: - case HOSTS: - case SCHEMA_NAME: - case SHRINK: - case EXPANSION: - case REORGANIZE: - case TRIM_SPACE: - case BLOCK_SIZE: - case INNER_PARSE: - case MINOR: - case RESUME: - case COMPLETE: - case STATS_PERSISTENT: - case NODEGROUP: - case PARTITIONING: - case SUPER: - case JSON_OBJECT: - case DETERMINISTIC: - case NVARCHAR2: - case MEMTABLE: - case CHARSET: - case MOVE: - case XML: - case PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME: - case IPC: - case MIN_MAX: - case PATH: - case TRIM: - case DEFAULT_AUTH: - case EXTENT_SIZE: - case BINLOG: - case CLOG: - case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: - case MEDIUM: - case XMLPARSE: - case WELLFORMED: - case DOCUMENT: - case XMLAGG: - case USE_FRM: - case MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD: - case DELETING: - case SUBPARTITIONS: - case CUBE: - case BALANCE: - case POLICY: - case QUERY: - case THROTTLE: - case SQL_TSI_QUARTER: - case SPACE: - case REPAIR: - case MASTER_SSL_CIPHER: - case KEY_VERSION: - case CATALOG_NAME: - case NDBCLUSTER: - case CONNECTION: - case COMPACT: - case INCR: - case SIMPLE: - case VARIABLES: - case SQL_TSI_WEEK: - case ROOTSERVICE: - case PLUGIN_DIR: - case ASCII: - case INFO: - case SQL_THREAD: - case SKIP_HEADER: - case TYPES: - case LEADER: - case EXTRACT: - case INSERTCHILDXML: - case DELETEXML: - case XMLSEQUENCE: - case XMLCAST: - case XMLSERIALIZE: - case FIXED: - case RETURNED_SQLSTATE: - case SKIP_INDEX: - case PRESERVE: - case ASIS: - case SQL_BUFFER_RESULT: - case LOCK_: - case JSON: - case INDEX_TABLE_ID: - case FREQUENCY: - case LOCKS: - case SYSBACKUP: - case GEOMETRY: - case STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION: - case VERSION: - case INDENT: - case ISOLATION_LEVEL: - case OVER: - case MAX_SESSION_NUM: - case USER_RESOURCES: - case DESTINATION: - case SONAME: - case OUTLINE: - case MASTER_LOG_FILE: - case WMSYS: - case ESTIMATE: - case SLAVE: - case GTS: - case SKIP_BLANK_LINES: - case EXPORT: - case TEXT: - case AVG_ROW_LENGTH: - case FLASHBACK: - case SESSION_USER: - case TABLEGROUPS: - case REPLICA_TYPE: - case AGGREGATE: - case ENUM: - case TRANSFER: - case NATIONAL: - case RECYCLE: - case REGION: - case MUTEX: - case NDB: - case SYSTEM_USER: - case MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR: - case R_SKIP: - case CONCURRENT: - case DUMPFILE: - case COMPRESSED: - case LINESTRING: - case EXEMPT: - case DYNAMIC: - case CHAIN: - case BASELINE_ID: - case HIGH: - case LAX: - case SQL_TSI_YEAR: - case THAN: - case CPU: - case LOGS: - case SERIALIZABLE: - case DBA_RECYCLEBIN: - case ROW_FORMAT: - case SET_MASTER_CLUSTER: - case MINUTE: - case SWAPS: - case DESCRIBE: - case TASK: - case IO_THREAD: - case PARAMETERS: - case OBJECT: - case AUTO: - case REGEXP_LIKE: - case PASSWORD: - case MESSAGE_TEXT: - case DISK: - case FAULTS: - case HOUR: - case REF: - case REFRESH: - case COLUMN_STAT: - case UNIT_GROUP: - case ERROR_CODE: - case UPDATEXML: - case PHASE: - case NORELY: - case RESTART: - case TRACE: - case LOGICAL_READS: - case MANAGEMENT: - case DATE_ADD: - case BLOCK_INDEX: - case DEBUG: - case SERVER_IP: - case SESSIONTIMEZONE: - case CODE: - case PLUGINS: - case ADDDATE: - case PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME: - case TRANSLATE: - case COLUMN_FORMAT: - case CLEAN: - case NESTED: - case MASTER_SSL: - case CLEAR: - case SORTKEY: - case CHECKSUM: - case INSTALL: - case MONTH: - case NEVER: - case JSON_OBJECTAGG: - case SET_TP: - case OWNER: - case BLOOM_FILTER: - case ILOG: - case META: - case PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION: - case IDENTITY: - case STARTS: - case PLANREGRESS: - case AUTOEXTEND_SIZE: - case TABLET_ID: - case SOURCE: - case IGNORE_SERVER_IDS: - case REPLICA_NUM: - case BINDING: - case MICROSECOND: - case UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE: - case EXTENDED_NOADDR: - case JSON_MERGEPATCH: - case SPLIT: - case BASELINE: - case MEMORY: - case SEED: - case DESCRIPTION: - case RTREE: - case RUN: - case SQL_AFTER_GTIDS: - case SQL_TSI_DAY: - case RELAY_THREAD: - case BREADTH: - case DISALLOW: - case PRIVILEGE: - case UNUSUAL: - case RELAYLOG: - case SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS: - case PRIMARY_ZONE: - case TABLE_CHECKSUM: - case ZONE_LIST: - case DATABASE_ID: - case TP_NO: - case NETWORK: - case HIDDEN_: - case BOOLEAN: - case MULTILINESTRING: - case NOW: - case PROXY: - case DUPLICATE_SCOPE: - case STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES: - case TABLET_SIZE: - case BASE: - case KVCACHE: - case RELAY: - case CONTRIBUTORS: - case MEMORY_SIZE: - case EMPTY: - case PARTIAL: - case REPORT: - case MASTER_AUTO_POSITION: - case CALC_PARTITION_ID: - case TP_NAME: - case SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS: - case EFFECTIVE: - case SQL_TSI_MINUTE: - case UNICODE: - case QUARTER: - case ANALYSE: - case DEFINER: - case PROCESSLIST: - case TYPE: - case CHAR_CS: - case INSERT_METHOD: - case EXTENDED: - case LOG: - case TIME_ZONE_INFO: - case TIMESTAMPADD: - case BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY: - case GET_FORMAT: - case LOW: - case PREPARE: - case MATERIALIZED: - case HANDLER: - case INITIAL_SIZE: - case RELAY_LOG_FILE: - case STORING: - case IMPORT: - case MIN_MEMORY: - case HELP: - case CREATE_TIMESTAMP: - case COMPUTE: - case SOUNDS: - case TABLE_MODE: - case COPY: - case SQL_NO_CACHE: - case MISMATCH: - case PRECEDING: - case SWITCHES: - case PACK_KEYS: - case ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID: - case SQL_ID: - case DAY: - case JSON_TABLE: - case JSON_VALUE: - case RECURSIVE: - case TABLEGROUP_ID: - case GROUP_ID: - case GROUPING_ID: - case MASTER_SSL_CRL: - case RESOURCE_POOL_LIST: - case NULL_IF_EXETERNAL: - case SKEWONLY: - case SCHEDULE: - case JOB: - case MASTER_LOG_POS: - case SUBCLASS_ORIGIN: - case MULTIPOINT: - case INFINITE_VALUE: - case SQL_TSI_SECOND: - case ROLLUP: - case MIN_CPU: - case OCCUR: - case DATA: - case BINARY_FLOAT_NAN: - case MASTER_HOST: - case PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME: - case ALGORITHM: - case CONSTRAINT_NAME: - case LIMIT: - case DDL: - case BASIC: - case DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP: - case CONTENT: - case XMLELEMENT: - case ENTITYESCAPING: - case EXTRACTVALUE: - case NOENTITYESCAPING: - case NOSCHEMACHECK: - case SCHEMACHECK: - case WEEK: - case UNCONDITIONAL: - case CONDITIONAL: - case NULLS: - case MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH: - case CASCADED: - case PLUGIN: - case ENCRYPTED: - case TENANT: - case LNNVL: - case A_: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); - { - setState(14245); - unreserved_keyword_normal(); - } - break; - case NTH_VALUE: - case ROW_NUMBER: - case REGR_INTERCEPT: - case MAX: - case STDDEV: - case REGR_SLOPE: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS: - case LISTAGG: - case SUM: - case MIN: - case VARIANCE: - case RATIO_TO_REPORT: - case WM_CONCAT: - case COVAR_SAMP: - case REGR_COUNT: - case PERCENTILE_CONT: - case STDDEV_SAMP: - case HYBRID_HIST: - case REGR_SXX: - case REGR_SXY: - case DENSE_RANK: - case COUNT: - case REGR_SYY: - case REGR_AVGY: - case REGR_AVGX: - case RANK: - case VAR_POP: - case REGR_R2: - case PERCENTILE_DISC: - case PERCENT_RANK: - case LAG: - case LAST_VALUE: - case COVAR_POP: - case MEDIAN: - case STDDEV_POP: - case AVG: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE: - case FIRST_VALUE: - case CUME_DIST: - case LEAD: - case TOP_K_FRE_HIST: - case NTILE: - case CORR: - case VAR_SAMP: - case APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); - { - setState(14246); - aggregate_function_keyword(); - } - break; - case STAT: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4); - { - setState(14247); - match(STAT); - } - break; - case LOG_LEVEL: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 5); - { - setState(14248); - match(LOG_LEVEL); - } - break; - case CLIENT_VERSION: - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 6); - { - setState(14249); - match(CLIENT_VERSION); - } - break; - default: - throw new NoViableAltException(this); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Aggregate_function_keywordContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.COUNT, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX, 0); } - public TerminalNode MIN() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUM() { return getToken(OBParser.SUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode AVG() { return getToken(OBParser.AVG, 0); } - public TerminalNode APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT, 0); } - public TerminalNode APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS, 0); } - public TerminalNode APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE() { return getToken(OBParser.APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MEDIAN() { return getToken(OBParser.MEDIAN, 0); } - public TerminalNode STDDEV() { return getToken(OBParser.STDDEV, 0); } - public TerminalNode VARIANCE() { return getToken(OBParser.VARIANCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode STDDEV_POP() { return getToken(OBParser.STDDEV_POP, 0); } - public TerminalNode STDDEV_SAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.STDDEV_SAMP, 0); } - public TerminalNode LISTAGG() { return getToken(OBParser.LISTAGG, 0); } - public TerminalNode RANK() { return getToken(OBParser.RANK, 0); } - public TerminalNode DENSE_RANK() { return getToken(OBParser.DENSE_RANK, 0); } - public TerminalNode PERCENT_RANK() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENT_RANK, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROW_NUMBER() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW_NUMBER, 0); } - public TerminalNode NTILE() { return getToken(OBParser.NTILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CUME_DIST() { return getToken(OBParser.CUME_DIST, 0); } - public TerminalNode FIRST_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.FIRST_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LAST_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.LAST_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LEAD() { return getToken(OBParser.LEAD, 0); } - public TerminalNode LAG() { return getToken(OBParser.LAG, 0); } - public TerminalNode NTH_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.NTH_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode RATIO_TO_REPORT() { return getToken(OBParser.RATIO_TO_REPORT, 0); } - public TerminalNode CORR() { return getToken(OBParser.CORR, 0); } - public TerminalNode COVAR_POP() { return getToken(OBParser.COVAR_POP, 0); } - public TerminalNode COVAR_SAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.COVAR_SAMP, 0); } - public TerminalNode VAR_POP() { return getToken(OBParser.VAR_POP, 0); } - public TerminalNode VAR_SAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.VAR_SAMP, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_SLOPE() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SLOPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_INTERCEPT() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_INTERCEPT, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_COUNT, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_R2() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_R2, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_AVGX() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_AVGX, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_AVGY() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_AVGY, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_SXX() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SXX, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_SYY() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SYY, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGR_SXY() { return getToken(OBParser.REGR_SXY, 0); } - public TerminalNode PERCENTILE_CONT() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENTILE_CONT, 0); } - public TerminalNode PERCENTILE_DISC() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENTILE_DISC, 0); } - public TerminalNode WM_CONCAT() { return getToken(OBParser.WM_CONCAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode TOP_K_FRE_HIST() { return getToken(OBParser.TOP_K_FRE_HIST, 0); } - public TerminalNode HYBRID_HIST() { return getToken(OBParser.HYBRID_HIST, 0); } - public Aggregate_function_keywordContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_aggregate_function_keyword; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterAggregate_function_keyword(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitAggregate_function_keyword(this); - } - } - - public final Aggregate_function_keywordContext aggregate_function_keyword() throws RecognitionException { - Aggregate_function_keywordContext _localctx = new Aggregate_function_keywordContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1782, RULE_aggregate_function_keyword); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14252); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(_la==NTH_VALUE || _la==ROW_NUMBER || ((((_la - 531)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 531)) & ((1L << (REGR_INTERCEPT - 531)) | (1L << (MAX - 531)) | (1L << (STDDEV - 531)) | (1L << (REGR_SLOPE - 531)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 620)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 620)) & ((1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS - 620)) | (1L << (LISTAGG - 620)) | (1L << (SUM - 620)) | (1L << (MIN - 620)) | (1L << (VARIANCE - 620)) | (1L << (RATIO_TO_REPORT - 620)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 696)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 696)) & ((1L << (WM_CONCAT - 696)) | (1L << (COVAR_SAMP - 696)) | (1L << (REGR_COUNT - 696)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_CONT - 696)) | (1L << (STDDEV_SAMP - 696)) | (1L << (HYBRID_HIST - 696)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 760)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 760)) & ((1L << (REGR_SXX - 760)) | (1L << (REGR_SXY - 760)) | (1L << (DENSE_RANK - 760)) | (1L << (COUNT - 760)) | (1L << (REGR_SYY - 760)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGY - 760)) | (1L << (REGR_AVGX - 760)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 840)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 840)) & ((1L << (RANK - 840)) | (1L << (VAR_POP - 840)) | (1L << (REGR_R2 - 840)) | (1L << (PERCENTILE_DISC - 840)))) != 0) || _la==PERCENT_RANK || _la==LAG || ((((_la - 1018)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1018)) & ((1L << (LAST_VALUE - 1018)) | (1L << (COVAR_POP - 1018)) | (1L << (MEDIAN - 1018)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1083)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1083)) & ((1L << (STDDEV_POP - 1083)) | (1L << (AVG - 1083)) | (1L << (APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_SYNOPSIS_MERGE - 1083)) | (1L << (FIRST_VALUE - 1083)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1158)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1158)) & ((1L << (CUME_DIST - 1158)) | (1L << (LEAD - 1158)) | (1L << (TOP_K_FRE_HIST - 1158)) | (1L << (NTILE - 1158)) | (1L << (CORR - 1158)) | (1L << (VAR_SAMP - 1158)))) != 0) || _la==APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ACCESSED() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESSED, 0); } - public TerminalNode ADMIN() { return getToken(OBParser.ADMIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode AFTER() { return getToken(OBParser.AFTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode ALLOCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.ALLOCATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ANALYZE() { return getToken(OBParser.ANALYZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ARCHIVE() { return getToken(OBParser.ARCHIVE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ARCHIVELOG() { return getToken(OBParser.ARCHIVELOG, 0); } - public TerminalNode AUTHORIZATION() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTHORIZATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode BACKUP() { return getToken(OBParser.BACKUP, 0); } - public TerminalNode BECOME() { return getToken(OBParser.BECOME, 0); } - public TerminalNode BEFORE() { return getToken(OBParser.BEFORE, 0); } - public TerminalNode BEGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.BEGIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode BLOCK() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOCK, 0); } - public TerminalNode BODY() { return getToken(OBParser.BODY, 0); } - public TerminalNode CACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.CACHE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CANCEL() { return getToken(OBParser.CANCEL, 0); } - public TerminalNode CASCADE() { return getToken(OBParser.CASCADE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CHANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.CHANGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CHARACTER() { return getToken(OBParser.CHARACTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode CHECKPOINT() { return getToken(OBParser.CHECKPOINT, 0); } - public TerminalNode CLOSE() { return getToken(OBParser.CLOSE, 0); } - public TerminalNode COBOL() { return getToken(OBParser.COBOL, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMMIT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMPILE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONSTRAINT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSTRAINT, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONSTRAINTS() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSTRAINTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONTENTS() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTENTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONTINUE() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTINUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONTROLFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTROLFILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CURSOR() { return getToken(OBParser.CURSOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode CYCLE() { return getToken(OBParser.CYCLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATABASE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATAFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATAFILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DBA() { return getToken(OBParser.DBA, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEC() { return getToken(OBParser.DEC, 0); } - public TerminalNode DECLARE() { return getToken(OBParser.DECLARE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DISABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.DISABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DISMOUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.DISMOUNT, 0); } - public TerminalNode DOP() { return getToken(OBParser.DOP, 0); } - public TerminalNode DOUBLE() { return getToken(OBParser.DOUBLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DUMP() { return getToken(OBParser.DUMP, 0); } - public TerminalNode EACH() { return getToken(OBParser.EACH, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ENABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode END() { return getToken(OBParser.END, 0); } - public TerminalNode ESCAPE() { return getToken(OBParser.ESCAPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode EVENTS() { return getToken(OBParser.EVENTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXCEPT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCEPT, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXCEPTIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCEPTIONS, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXEC() { return getToken(OBParser.EXEC, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXECUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXECUTE, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXPLAIN() { return getToken(OBParser.EXPLAIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXTENT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXTERNAL() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTERNAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXTERNALLY() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTERNALLY, 0); } - public TerminalNode FETCH() { return getToken(OBParser.FETCH, 0); } - public TerminalNode FLUSH() { return getToken(OBParser.FLUSH, 0); } - public TerminalNode FORCE() { return getToken(OBParser.FORCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode FOREIGN() { return getToken(OBParser.FOREIGN, 0); } - public TerminalNode FORTRAN() { return getToken(OBParser.FORTRAN, 0); } - public TerminalNode FOUND() { return getToken(OBParser.FOUND, 0); } - public TerminalNode FREELIST() { return getToken(OBParser.FREELIST, 0); } - public TerminalNode FREELISTS() { return getToken(OBParser.FREELISTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode FUNCTION() { return getToken(OBParser.FUNCTION, 0); } - public TerminalNode GLOBALLY() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBALLY, 0); } - public TerminalNode GO() { return getToken(OBParser.GO, 0); } - public TerminalNode GOTO() { return getToken(OBParser.GOTO, 0); } - public TerminalNode GROUPS() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUPS, 0); } - public TerminalNode INCLUDING() { return getToken(OBParser.INCLUDING, 0); } - public TerminalNode INDICATOR() { return getToken(OBParser.INDICATOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode INITIALIZED() { return getToken(OBParser.INITIALIZED, 0); } - public TerminalNode INITRANS() { return getToken(OBParser.INITRANS, 0); } - public TerminalNode INSTANCE() { return getToken(OBParser.INSTANCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INT() { return getToken(OBParser.INT, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY, 0); } - public TerminalNode LATERAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LATERAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode LANGUAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.LANGUAGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LAYER() { return getToken(OBParser.LAYER, 0); } - public TerminalNode LINK() { return getToken(OBParser.LINK, 0); } - public TerminalNode LISTS() { return getToken(OBParser.LISTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOGFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.LOGFILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MANAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.MANAGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MANUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.MANUAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAXDATAFILES() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXDATAFILES, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAXINSTANCES() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXINSTANCES, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAXLOGFILES() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXLOGFILES, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAXLOGHISTORY() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXLOGHISTORY, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAXLOGMEMBERS() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXLOGMEMBERS, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAXTRANS() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXTRANS, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAXVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.MAXVALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MINEXTENTS() { return getToken(OBParser.MINEXTENTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode MINVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.MINVALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MODULE() { return getToken(OBParser.MODULE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MOUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.MOUNT, 0); } - public TerminalNode NEW() { return getToken(OBParser.NEW, 0); } - public TerminalNode NEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.NEXT, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOARCHIVELOG() { return getToken(OBParser.NOARCHIVELOG, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOCACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOCACHE, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOCYCLE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOCYCLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOMAXVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOMAXVALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOMINVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOMINVALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode NONE() { return getToken(OBParser.NONE, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOORDER() { return getToken(OBParser.NOORDER, 0); } - public TerminalNode NORESETLOGS() { return getToken(OBParser.NORESETLOGS, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOSORT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOSORT, 0); } - public TerminalNode NUMERIC() { return getToken(OBParser.NUMERIC, 0); } - public TerminalNode OFF() { return getToken(OBParser.OFF, 0); } - public TerminalNode OLD() { return getToken(OBParser.OLD, 0); } - public TerminalNode ONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.ONLY, 0); } - public TerminalNode OPEN() { return getToken(OBParser.OPEN, 0); } - public TerminalNode OPTIMAL() { return getToken(OBParser.OPTIMAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode OWN() { return getToken(OBParser.OWN, 0); } - public TerminalNode PACKAGE_KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.PACKAGE_KEY, 0); } - public TerminalNode PARALLEL() { return getToken(OBParser.PARALLEL, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOPARALLEL() { return getToken(OBParser.NOPARALLEL, 0); } - public TerminalNode PCTINCREASE() { return getToken(OBParser.PCTINCREASE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PCTUSED() { return getToken(OBParser.PCTUSED, 0); } - public TerminalNode PLAN() { return getToken(OBParser.PLAN, 0); } - public TerminalNode PLI() { return getToken(OBParser.PLI, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRECISION() { return getToken(OBParser.PRECISION, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRIMARY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRIVATE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIVATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PROCEDURE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROCEDURE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PROFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.PROFILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode QUOTA() { return getToken(OBParser.QUOTA, 0); } - public TerminalNode READ() { return getToken(OBParser.READ, 0); } - public TerminalNode REAL() { return getToken(OBParser.REAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode RECOVER() { return getToken(OBParser.RECOVER, 0); } - public TerminalNode REFERENCES() { return getToken(OBParser.REFERENCES, 0); } - public TerminalNode REFERENCING() { return getToken(OBParser.REFERENCING, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESETLOGS() { return getToken(OBParser.RESETLOGS, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESTRICTED() { return getToken(OBParser.RESTRICTED, 0); } - public TerminalNode REUSE() { return getToken(OBParser.REUSE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROLES() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLES, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROLLBACK() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLLBACK, 0); } - public TerminalNode SAVEPOINT() { return getToken(OBParser.SAVEPOINT, 0); } - public TerminalNode SCHEMA() { return getToken(OBParser.SCHEMA, 0); } - public TerminalNode SCN() { return getToken(OBParser.SCN, 0); } - public TerminalNode SECTION() { return getToken(OBParser.SECTION, 0); } - public TerminalNode SEGMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.SEGMENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode SEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SEQUENCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SHARED() { return getToken(OBParser.SHARED, 0); } - public TerminalNode SNAPSHOT() { return getToken(OBParser.SNAPSHOT, 0); } - public TerminalNode SOME() { return getToken(OBParser.SOME, 0); } - public TerminalNode SORT() { return getToken(OBParser.SORT, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQLCODE() { return getToken(OBParser.SQLCODE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQLERROR() { return getToken(OBParser.SQLERROR, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQLSTATE() { return getToken(OBParser.SQLSTATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode STATEMENT_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.STATEMENT_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode STATEMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.STATEMENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode STATISTICS() { return getToken(OBParser.STATISTICS, 0); } - public TerminalNode STOP() { return getToken(OBParser.STOP, 0); } - public TerminalNode STORAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.STORAGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SWITCH() { return getToken(OBParser.SWITCH, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYSTEM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLES() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLES, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLESPACE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TEMPORARY() { return getToken(OBParser.TEMPORARY, 0); } - public TerminalNode THREAD() { return getToken(OBParser.THREAD, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.TIME, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRACING() { return getToken(OBParser.TRACING, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRANSACTION() { return getToken(OBParser.TRANSACTION, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRIGGERS() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIGGERS, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRUNCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRUNCATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNDER() { return getToken(OBParser.UNDER, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNLIMITED() { return getToken(OBParser.UNLIMITED, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNTIL() { return getToken(OBParser.UNTIL, 0); } - public TerminalNode USE() { return getToken(OBParser.USE, 0); } - public TerminalNode USING() { return getToken(OBParser.USING, 0); } - public TerminalNode WHEN() { return getToken(OBParser.WHEN, 0); } - public TerminalNode WORK() { return getToken(OBParser.WORK, 0); } - public TerminalNode WRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.WRITE, 0); } - public Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_oracle_unreserved_keyword; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterOracle_unreserved_keyword(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitOracle_unreserved_keyword(this); - } - } - - public final Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext oracle_unreserved_keyword() throws RecognitionException { - Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext _localctx = new Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1784, RULE_oracle_unreserved_keyword); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14254); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(((((_la - 163)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 163)) & ((1L << (REAL - 163)) | (1L << (ANALYZE - 163)) | (1L << (BEFORE - 163)) | (1L << (CASCADE - 163)) | (1L << (CHANGE - 163)) | (1L << (CHARACTER - 163)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT - 163)) | (1L << (CONTINUE - 163)) | (1L << (CYCLE - 163)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 230)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 230)) & ((1L << (CURSOR - 230)) | (1L << (STATEMENT - 230)) | (1L << (DATABASE - 230)) | (1L << (DEC - 230)) | (1L << (DECLARE - 230)) | (1L << (DOUBLE - 230)) | (1L << (EACH - 230)) | (1L << (EXPLAIN - 230)) | (1L << (FETCH - 230)) | (1L << (FORCE - 230)) | (1L << (LANGUAGE - 230)) | (1L << (LATERAL - 230)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 302)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 302)) & ((1L << (MAXVALUE - 302)) | (1L << (NOCYCLE - 302)) | (1L << (NUMERIC - 302)) | (1L << (PROCEDURE - 302)) | (1L << (READ - 302)) | (1L << (REFERENCES - 302)) | (1L << (SCHEMA - 302)) | (1L << (SQL - 302)) | (1L << (SQLSTATE - 302)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 376)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 376)) & ((1L << (USE - 376)) | (1L << (USING - 376)) | (1L << (WHEN - 376)) | (1L << (WRITE - 376)) | (1L << (EXCEPT - 376)) | (1L << (GROUPS - 376)) | (1L << (MINVALUE - 376)) | (1L << (STOP - 376)) | (1L << (PACKAGE_KEY - 376)) | (1L << (MAXLOGMEMBERS - 376)) | (1L << (PRECISION - 376)) | (1L << (ROLE - 376)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 454)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 454)) & ((1L << (TRUNCATE - 454)) | (1L << (EXCEPTIONS - 454)) | (1L << (ADMIN - 454)) | (1L << (DISABLE - 454)) | (1L << (MAXDATAFILES - 454)) | (1L << (EXEC - 454)) | (1L << (SEQUENCE - 454)) | (1L << (GO - 454)) | (1L << (PCTUSED - 454)) | (1L << (MAXLOGFILES - 454)) | (1L << (EXTERNALLY - 454)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 519)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 519)) & ((1L << (FLUSH - 519)) | (1L << (DOP - 519)) | (1L << (OPTIMAL - 519)) | (1L << (GOTO - 519)) | (1L << (TRANSACTION - 519)) | (1L << (BECOME - 519)) | (1L << (OFF - 519)) | (1L << (PRIVATE - 519)) | (1L << (TABLES - 519)) | (1L << (DATAFILE - 519)) | (1L << (LAYER - 519)) | (1L << (THREAD - 519)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 583)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 583)) & ((1L << (TRIGGERS - 583)) | (1L << (EXTENT - 583)) | (1L << (SWITCH - 583)) | (1L << (BODY - 583)) | (1L << (ROLLBACK - 583)) | (1L << (SHARED - 583)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL - 583)) | (1L << (DUMP - 583)) | (1L << (PRIMARY - 583)) | (1L << (ARCHIVELOG - 583)) | (1L << (OLD - 583)) | (1L << (RECOVER - 583)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 650)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 650)) & ((1L << (CONTROLFILE - 650)) | (1L << (ROLES - 650)) | (1L << (KEY - 650)) | (1L << (TEMPORARY - 650)) | (1L << (SNAPSHOT - 650)) | (1L << (STATISTICS - 650)) | (1L << (COBOL - 650)) | (1L << (ARCHIVE - 650)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINTS - 650)) | (1L << (NOARCHIVELOG - 650)) | (1L << (QUOTA - 650)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 716)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 716)) & ((1L << (NEXT - 716)) | (1L << (TIME - 716)) | (1L << (REUSE - 716)) | (1L << (NOMINVALUE - 716)) | (1L << (SECTION - 716)) | (1L << (PLAN - 716)) | (1L << (INSTANCE - 716)) | (1L << (FUNCTION - 716)) | (1L << (INITIALIZED - 716)) | (1L << (SEGMENT - 716)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 783)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 783)) & ((1L << (OWN - 783)) | (1L << (PCTINCREASE - 783)) | (1L << (INCLUDING - 783)) | (1L << (ENABLE - 783)) | (1L << (RESTRICTED - 783)) | (1L << (GLOBALLY - 783)) | (1L << (INT - 783)) | (1L << (MAXTRANS - 783)) | (1L << (COMMIT - 783)) | (1L << (SAVEPOINT - 783)) | (1L << (UNTIL - 783)) | (1L << (FREELIST - 783)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 847)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 847)) & ((1L << (STORAGE - 847)) | (1L << (CANCEL - 847)) | (1L << (BEGIN - 847)) | (1L << (FREELISTS - 847)) | (1L << (SYSTEM - 847)) | (1L << (SQLERROR - 847)) | (1L << (FOUND - 847)) | (1L << (CACHE - 847)) | (1L << (END - 847)) | (1L << (SOME - 847)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 913)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 913)) & ((1L << (MANUAL - 913)) | (1L << (NOMAXVALUE - 913)) | (1L << (FORTRAN - 913)) | (1L << (PARALLEL - 913)) | (1L << (NOPARALLEL - 913)) | (1L << (COMPILE - 913)) | (1L << (NEW - 913)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 980)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 980)) & ((1L << (BACKUP - 980)) | (1L << (LOGFILE - 980)) | (1L << (ALLOCATE - 980)) | (1L << (MAXLOGHISTORY - 980)) | (1L << (RESETLOGS - 980)) | (1L << (NORESETLOGS - 980)) | (1L << (TABLESPACE - 980)) | (1L << (MODULE - 980)) | (1L << (SQLCODE - 980)) | (1L << (SORT - 980)) | (1L << (PLI - 980)) | (1L << (PROFILE - 980)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1044)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1044)) & ((1L << (AFTER - 1044)) | (1L << (MAXINSTANCES - 1044)) | (1L << (CLOSE - 1044)) | (1L << (INDICATOR - 1044)) | (1L << (UNLIMITED - 1044)) | (1L << (UNDER - 1044)) | (1L << (OPEN - 1044)) | (1L << (REFERENCING - 1044)) | (1L << (MANAGE - 1044)) | (1L << (NOCACHE - 1044)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1119)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1119)) & ((1L << (FOREIGN - 1119)) | (1L << (MINEXTENTS - 1119)) | (1L << (ESCAPE - 1119)) | (1L << (NONE - 1119)) | (1L << (LISTS - 1119)) | (1L << (DISMOUNT - 1119)) | (1L << (WORK - 1119)) | (1L << (NOSORT - 1119)) | (1L << (EXECUTE - 1119)) | (1L << (NOORDER - 1119)) | (1L << (CHECKPOINT - 1119)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1183)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1183)) & ((1L << (AUTHORIZATION - 1183)) | (1L << (DBA - 1183)) | (1L << (EVENTS - 1183)) | (1L << (ONLY - 1183)) | (1L << (TRACING - 1183)) | (1L << (MOUNT - 1183)) | (1L << (BLOCK - 1183)) | (1L << (ACCESSED - 1183)) | (1L << (CONTENTS - 1183)) | (1L << (STATEMENT_ID - 1183)) | (1L << (LINK - 1183)))) != 0) || _la==INITRANS || _la==SCN) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Unreserved_keyword_normalContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public TerminalNode ACCESS_INFO() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESS_INFO, 0); } - public TerminalNode ACCOUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCOUNT, 0); } - public TerminalNode ABSENT() { return getToken(OBParser.ABSENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode ACCESSIBLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESSIBLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ACCESSID() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESSID, 0); } - public TerminalNode ACCESSKEY() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESSKEY, 0); } - public TerminalNode ACCESSTYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.ACCESSTYPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ACTION() { return getToken(OBParser.ACTION, 0); } - public TerminalNode ACTIVE() { return getToken(OBParser.ACTIVE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ACTIVATE() { return getToken(OBParser.ACTIVATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ADDDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.ADDDATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ADMINISTER() { return getToken(OBParser.ADMINISTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode AGGREGATE() { return getToken(OBParser.AGGREGATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode AGAINST() { return getToken(OBParser.AGAINST, 0); } - public TerminalNode ALGORITHM() { return getToken(OBParser.ALGORITHM, 0); } - public TerminalNode ALLOW() { return getToken(OBParser.ALLOW, 0); } - public TerminalNode ALWAYS() { return getToken(OBParser.ALWAYS, 0); } - public TerminalNode ANALYSE() { return getToken(OBParser.ANALYSE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ARRAY() { return getToken(OBParser.ARRAY, 0); } - public TerminalNode ASCII() { return getToken(OBParser.ASCII, 0); } - public TerminalNode ASENSITIVE() { return getToken(OBParser.ASENSITIVE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ASIS() { return getToken(OBParser.ASIS, 0); } - public TerminalNode ASYNCHRONOUS() { return getToken(OBParser.ASYNCHRONOUS, 0); } - public TerminalNode AT() { return getToken(OBParser.AT, 0); } - public TerminalNode ATTRIBUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.ATTRIBUTE, 0); } - public TerminalNode AUTHORS() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTHORS, 0); } - public TerminalNode AUTO() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTO, 0); } - public TerminalNode AUTOEXTEND_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTOEXTEND_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode AUTO_REFRESH() { return getToken(OBParser.AUTO_REFRESH, 0); } - public TerminalNode AVG_ROW_LENGTH() { return getToken(OBParser.AVG_ROW_LENGTH, 0); } - public TerminalNode BACKUP_COPIES() { return getToken(OBParser.BACKUP_COPIES, 0); } - public TerminalNode BADFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.BADFILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode BASE() { return getToken(OBParser.BASE, 0); } - public TerminalNode BASELINE() { return getToken(OBParser.BASELINE, 0); } - public TerminalNode BASELINE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.BASELINE_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode BASIC() { return getToken(OBParser.BASIC, 0); } - public TerminalNode BALANCE() { return getToken(OBParser.BALANCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode BINARY() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY, 0); } - public TerminalNode BINARY_DOUBLE() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY_DOUBLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY, 0); } - public TerminalNode BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN, 0); } - public TerminalNode BINARY_FLOAT() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY_FLOAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY, 0); } - public TerminalNode BINARY_FLOAT_NAN() { return getToken(OBParser.BINARY_FLOAT_NAN, 0); } - public TerminalNode BINDING() { return getToken(OBParser.BINDING, 0); } - public TerminalNode SHARDING() { return getToken(OBParser.SHARDING, 0); } - public TerminalNode BINLOG() { return getToken(OBParser.BINLOG, 0); } - public TerminalNode BIT() { return getToken(OBParser.BIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode BLOB() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOB, 0); } - public TerminalNode BLOCK_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOCK_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode BLOCK_INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOCK_INDEX, 0); } - public TerminalNode BLOOM_FILTER() { return getToken(OBParser.BLOOM_FILTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode BOOL() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOL, 0); } - public TerminalNode BOOLEAN() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOLEAN, 0); } - public TerminalNode BOOTSTRAP() { return getToken(OBParser.BOOTSTRAP, 0); } - public TerminalNode BOTH() { return getToken(OBParser.BOTH, 0); } - public TerminalNode BTREE() { return getToken(OBParser.BTREE, 0); } - public TerminalNode BUFFER_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.BUFFER_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode BULK() { return getToken(OBParser.BULK, 0); } - public TerminalNode BULK_EXCEPTIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.BULK_EXCEPTIONS, 0); } - public TerminalNode BULK_ROWCOUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.BULK_ROWCOUNT, 0); } - public TerminalNode BYTE() { return getToken(OBParser.BYTE, 0); } - public TerminalNode BREADTH() { return getToken(OBParser.BREADTH, 0); } - public TerminalNode CALC_PARTITION_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.CALC_PARTITION_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode CALL() { return getToken(OBParser.CALL, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMPLETE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPLETE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CASCADED() { return getToken(OBParser.CASCADED, 0); } - public TerminalNode CAST() { return getToken(OBParser.CAST, 0); } - public TerminalNode CATALOG_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.CATALOG_NAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONTENT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode CHAIN() { return getToken(OBParser.CHAIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode CHANGED() { return getToken(OBParser.CHANGED, 0); } - public TerminalNode CHARSET() { return getToken(OBParser.CHARSET, 0); } - public TerminalNode CHAR_CS() { return getToken(OBParser.CHAR_CS, 0); } - public TerminalNode CHECKSUM() { return getToken(OBParser.CHECKSUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode CIPHER() { return getToken(OBParser.CIPHER, 0); } - public TerminalNode CLASS_ORIGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.CLASS_ORIGIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode CLEAN() { return getToken(OBParser.CLEAN, 0); } - public TerminalNode CLEAR() { return getToken(OBParser.CLEAR, 0); } - public TerminalNode CLIENT() { return getToken(OBParser.CLIENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode CLOB() { return getToken(OBParser.CLOB, 0); } - public TerminalNode CLOG() { return getToken(OBParser.CLOG, 0); } - public TerminalNode CLUSTER_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.CLUSTER_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode CLUSTER_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.CLUSTER_NAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode COALESCE() { return getToken(OBParser.COALESCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CODE() { return getToken(OBParser.CODE, 0); } - public TerminalNode COLLATE() { return getToken(OBParser.COLLATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode COLLATION() { return getToken(OBParser.COLLATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode COLLECT() { return getToken(OBParser.COLLECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode COLUMN_FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN_FORMAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode COLUMN_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN_NAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL, 0); } - public TerminalNode COLUMN_STAT() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMN_STAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode COLUMNS() { return getToken(OBParser.COLUMNS, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMMITTED() { return getToken(OBParser.COMMITTED, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMPACT() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPACT, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMPLETION() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPLETION, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMPRESSED() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPRESSED, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMPRESSION() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPRESSION, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMPRESSION_CODE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPRESSION_CODE, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMPUTATION() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPUTATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode COMPUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.COMPUTE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONCURRENT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONCURRENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONDITIONAL() { return getToken(OBParser.CONDITIONAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONNECTION() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECTION, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF() { return getToken(OBParser.CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONSISTENT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSISTENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONSISTENT_MODE() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSISTENT_MODE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONSTRAINT_CATALOG() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONSTRAINT_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSTRAINT_NAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA() { return getToken(OBParser.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONTAINS() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTAINS, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONTEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTEXT, 0); } - public TerminalNode CONTRIBUTORS() { return getToken(OBParser.CONTRIBUTORS, 0); } - public TerminalNode COPY() { return getToken(OBParser.COPY, 0); } - public TerminalNode CPU() { return getToken(OBParser.CPU, 0); } - public TerminalNode CREATE_TIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.CREATE_TIMESTAMP, 0); } - public TerminalNode CROSS() { return getToken(OBParser.CROSS, 0); } - public TerminalNode CUBE() { return getToken(OBParser.CUBE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CURRENT_USER() { return getToken(OBParser.CURRENT_USER, 0); } - public TerminalNode CURRENT_SCHEMA() { return getToken(OBParser.CURRENT_SCHEMA, 0); } - public TerminalNode CURRENT_DATE() { return getToken(OBParser.CURRENT_DATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATA() { return getToken(OBParser.DATA, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATABASES() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASES, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATABASE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.DATABASE_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATA_TABLE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.DATA_TABLE_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATA_SOURCE() { return getToken(OBParser.DATA_SOURCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATE_ADD() { return getToken(OBParser.DATE_ADD, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATE_SUB() { return getToken(OBParser.DATE_SUB, 0); } - public TerminalNode DATETIME() { return getToken(OBParser.DATETIME, 0); } - public TerminalNode DAY() { return getToken(OBParser.DAY, 0); } - public TerminalNode DAY_HOUR() { return getToken(OBParser.DAY_HOUR, 0); } - public TerminalNode DAY_MICROSECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.DAY_MICROSECOND, 0); } - public TerminalNode DAY_MINUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.DAY_MINUTE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DAY_SECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.DAY_SECOND, 0); } - public TerminalNode DBA_RECYCLEBIN() { return getToken(OBParser.DBA_RECYCLEBIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode DBTIMEZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.DBTIMEZONE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEALLOCATE() { return getToken(OBParser.DEALLOCATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEFAULTS() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT_AUTH() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT_AUTH, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEFINER() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFINER, 0); } - public TerminalNode DELAY() { return getToken(OBParser.DELAY, 0); } - public TerminalNode DELAYED() { return getToken(OBParser.DELAYED, 0); } - public TerminalNode DELAY_KEY_WRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.DELAY_KEY_WRITE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DELETEXML() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETEXML, 0); } - public TerminalNode DELETING() { return getToken(OBParser.DELETING, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEPTH() { return getToken(OBParser.DEPTH, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEMAND() { return getToken(OBParser.DEMAND, 0); } - public TerminalNode DESCRIPTION() { return getToken(OBParser.DESCRIPTION, 0); } - public TerminalNode DES_KEY_FILE() { return getToken(OBParser.DES_KEY_FILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DESCRIBE() { return getToken(OBParser.DESCRIBE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DESTINATION() { return getToken(OBParser.DESTINATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode DETERMINISTIC() { return getToken(OBParser.DETERMINISTIC, 0); } - public TerminalNode DIAGNOSTICS() { return getToken(OBParser.DIAGNOSTICS, 0); } - public TerminalNode DICTIONARY() { return getToken(OBParser.DICTIONARY, 0); } - public TerminalNode DIRECTORY() { return getToken(OBParser.DIRECTORY, 0); } - public TerminalNode DISALLOW() { return getToken(OBParser.DISALLOW, 0); } - public TerminalNode DISCARD() { return getToken(OBParser.DISCARD, 0); } - public TerminalNode DISK() { return getToken(OBParser.DISK, 0); } - public TerminalNode DML() { return getToken(OBParser.DML, 0); } - public TerminalNode DDL() { return getToken(OBParser.DDL, 0); } - public TerminalNode DISTINCTROW() { return getToken(OBParser.DISTINCTROW, 0); } - public TerminalNode DIV() { return getToken(OBParser.DIV, 0); } - public TerminalNode DO() { return getToken(OBParser.DO, 0); } - public TerminalNode DOT() { return getToken(OBParser.DOT, 0); } - public TerminalNode DOCUMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.DOCUMENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode DUMPFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.DUMPFILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DUPLICATE() { return getToken(OBParser.DUPLICATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DUPLICATE_SCOPE() { return getToken(OBParser.DUPLICATE_SCOPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode DYNAMIC() { return getToken(OBParser.DYNAMIC, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP, 0); } - public TerminalNode DEBUG() { return getToken(OBParser.DEBUG, 0); } - public TerminalNode E_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.E_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode EFFECTIVE() { return getToken(OBParser.EFFECTIVE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ELSEIF() { return getToken(OBParser.ELSEIF, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENCLOSED() { return getToken(OBParser.ENCLOSED, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENCODING() { return getToken(OBParser.ENCODING, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENCRYPTED() { return getToken(OBParser.ENCRYPTED, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENCRYPTION() { return getToken(OBParser.ENCRYPTION, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENDS() { return getToken(OBParser.ENDS, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENDPOINT() { return getToken(OBParser.ENDPOINT, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENGINE_() { return getToken(OBParser.ENGINE_, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENGINES() { return getToken(OBParser.ENGINES, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENUM() { return getToken(OBParser.ENUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode ERROR_CODE() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_CODE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ERROR_P() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_P, 0); } - public TerminalNode ERROR_INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.ERROR_INDEX, 0); } - public TerminalNode ERRORS() { return getToken(OBParser.ERRORS, 0); } - public TerminalNode ESCAPED() { return getToken(OBParser.ESCAPED, 0); } - public TerminalNode ESTIMATE() { return getToken(OBParser.ESTIMATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode EVENT() { return getToken(OBParser.EVENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode EVERY() { return getToken(OBParser.EVERY, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXCHANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCHANGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXCLUDE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCLUDE, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXCLUDING() { return getToken(OBParser.EXCLUDING, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXEMPT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXEMPT, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXIT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXPANSION() { return getToken(OBParser.EXPANSION, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXPIRE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXPIRE, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXPIRE_INFO() { return getToken(OBParser.EXPIRE_INFO, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXPORT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXPORT, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXTENDED() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTENDED, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXTENDED_NOADDR() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTENDED_NOADDR, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID() { return getToken(OBParser.ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXTENT_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTENT_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXTRA() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTRA, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXTRACT() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTRACT, 0); } - public TerminalNode EVALNAME() { return getToken(OBParser.EVALNAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode ENTITYESCAPING() { return getToken(OBParser.ENTITYESCAPING, 0); } - public TerminalNode EXTRACTVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.EXTRACTVALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS() { return getToken(OBParser.FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode FAST() { return getToken(OBParser.FAST, 0); } - public TerminalNode FAULTS() { return getToken(OBParser.FAULTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode FIELDS() { return getToken(OBParser.FIELDS, 0); } - public TerminalNode FIELD_DELIMITER() { return getToken(OBParser.FIELD_DELIMITER, 0); } - public TerminalNode FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY() { return getToken(OBParser.FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY, 0); } - public TerminalNode SKIP_HEADER() { return getToken(OBParser.SKIP_HEADER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SKIP_BLANK_LINES() { return getToken(OBParser.SKIP_BLANK_LINES, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRIM_SPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIM_SPACE, 0); } - public TerminalNode NULL_IF_EXETERNAL() { return getToken(OBParser.NULL_IF_EXETERNAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode NEVER() { return getToken(OBParser.NEVER, 0); } - public TerminalNode EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL() { return getToken(OBParser.EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL, 0); } - public TerminalNode FILE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.FILE_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode FILEX() { return getToken(OBParser.FILEX, 0); } - public TerminalNode FINAL_COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.FINAL_COUNT, 0); } - public TerminalNode FIRST() { return getToken(OBParser.FIRST, 0); } - public TerminalNode FIXED() { return getToken(OBParser.FIXED, 0); } - public TerminalNode FLASHBACK() { return getToken(OBParser.FLASHBACK, 0); } - public TerminalNode FLOAT4() { return getToken(OBParser.FLOAT4, 0); } - public TerminalNode FLOAT8() { return getToken(OBParser.FLOAT8, 0); } - public TerminalNode FOLLOWER() { return getToken(OBParser.FOLLOWER, 0); } - public TerminalNode FOLLOWING() { return getToken(OBParser.FOLLOWING, 0); } - public TerminalNode FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.FORMAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode FREEZE() { return getToken(OBParser.FREEZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode FREQUENCY() { return getToken(OBParser.FREQUENCY, 0); } - public TerminalNode FROZEN() { return getToken(OBParser.FROZEN, 0); } - public TerminalNode FULL() { return getToken(OBParser.FULL, 0); } - public TerminalNode G_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.G_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode GENERAL() { return getToken(OBParser.GENERAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode GENERATED() { return getToken(OBParser.GENERATED, 0); } - public TerminalNode GEOMETRY() { return getToken(OBParser.GEOMETRY, 0); } - public TerminalNode GEOMETRYCOLLECTION() { return getToken(OBParser.GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, 0); } - public TerminalNode GET() { return getToken(OBParser.GET, 0); } - public TerminalNode GET_FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.GET_FORMAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode GLOBAL() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode GLOBAL_ALIAS() { return getToken(OBParser.GLOBAL_ALIAS, 0); } - public TerminalNode GRANTS() { return getToken(OBParser.GRANTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode GROUP_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUP_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode GROUPING() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUPING, 0); } - public TerminalNode GROUPING_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.GROUPING_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode GTS() { return getToken(OBParser.GTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode HANDLER() { return getToken(OBParser.HANDLER, 0); } - public TerminalNode HASH() { return getToken(OBParser.HASH, 0); } - public TerminalNode HELP() { return getToken(OBParser.HELP, 0); } - public TerminalNode HIDE() { return getToken(OBParser.HIDE, 0); } - public TerminalNode HIGH() { return getToken(OBParser.HIGH, 0); } - public TerminalNode HIGH_PRIORITY() { return getToken(OBParser.HIGH_PRIORITY, 0); } - public TerminalNode HOUR_MICROSECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.HOUR_MICROSECOND, 0); } - public TerminalNode HOUR_MINUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.HOUR_MINUTE, 0); } - public TerminalNode HOUR_SECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.HOUR_SECOND, 0); } - public TerminalNode HOST() { return getToken(OBParser.HOST, 0); } - public TerminalNode HOSTS() { return getToken(OBParser.HOSTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode HOUR() { return getToken(OBParser.HOUR, 0); } - public TerminalNode ID() { return getToken(OBParser.ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode IDC() { return getToken(OBParser.IDC, 0); } - public TerminalNode IDENTITY() { return getToken(OBParser.IDENTITY, 0); } - public TerminalNode IF() { return getToken(OBParser.IF, 0); } - public TerminalNode IFIGNORE() { return getToken(OBParser.IFIGNORE, 0); } - public TerminalNode IGNORE() { return getToken(OBParser.IGNORE, 0); } - public TerminalNode IGNORE_SERVER_IDS() { return getToken(OBParser.IGNORE_SERVER_IDS, 0); } - public TerminalNode ILOG() { return getToken(OBParser.ILOG, 0); } - public TerminalNode ILOGCACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.ILOGCACHE, 0); } - public TerminalNode IMPORT() { return getToken(OBParser.IMPORT, 0); } - public TerminalNode INDENT() { return getToken(OBParser.INDENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode INDEXES() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEXES, 0); } - public TerminalNode INDEXTYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEXTYPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INDEX_TABLE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEX_TABLE_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode INCR() { return getToken(OBParser.INCR, 0); } - public TerminalNode INCLUDE() { return getToken(OBParser.INCLUDE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INCREMENTAL() { return getToken(OBParser.INCREMENTAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode INFO() { return getToken(OBParser.INFO, 0); } - public TerminalNode INFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.INFILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INFINITE_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.INFINITE_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INITIAL_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.INITIAL_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INNER() { return getToken(OBParser.INNER, 0); } - public TerminalNode INNER_PARSE() { return getToken(OBParser.INNER_PARSE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INOUT() { return getToken(OBParser.INOUT, 0); } - public TerminalNode INSENSITIVE() { return getToken(OBParser.INSENSITIVE, 0); } - public TerminalNode INSERTCHILDXML() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERTCHILDXML, 0); } - public TerminalNode INSERTING() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERTING, 0); } - public TerminalNode INSERT_METHOD() { return getToken(OBParser.INSERT_METHOD, 0); } - public TerminalNode INSTALL() { return getToken(OBParser.INSTALL, 0); } - public TerminalNode INT1() { return getToken(OBParser.INT1, 0); } - public TerminalNode INT2() { return getToken(OBParser.INT2, 0); } - public TerminalNode INT3() { return getToken(OBParser.INT3, 0); } - public TerminalNode INT4() { return getToken(OBParser.INT4, 0); } - public TerminalNode INT8() { return getToken(OBParser.INT8, 0); } - public TerminalNode INTERVAL() { return getToken(OBParser.INTERVAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode INVOKER() { return getToken(OBParser.INVOKER, 0); } - public TerminalNode IO() { return getToken(OBParser.IO, 0); } - public TerminalNode IOPS_WEIGHT() { return getToken(OBParser.IOPS_WEIGHT, 0); } - public TerminalNode IO_AFTER_GTIDS() { return getToken(OBParser.IO_AFTER_GTIDS, 0); } - public TerminalNode IO_BEFORE_GTIDS() { return getToken(OBParser.IO_BEFORE_GTIDS, 0); } - public TerminalNode IO_THREAD() { return getToken(OBParser.IO_THREAD, 0); } - public TerminalNode IPC() { return getToken(OBParser.IPC, 0); } - public TerminalNode ISNULL() { return getToken(OBParser.ISNULL, 0); } - public TerminalNode ISOLATION() { return getToken(OBParser.ISOLATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode ISSUER() { return getToken(OBParser.ISSUER, 0); } - public TerminalNode ITERATE() { return getToken(OBParser.ITERATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode JOB() { return getToken(OBParser.JOB, 0); } - public TerminalNode JOIN() { return getToken(OBParser.JOIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON_ARRAY() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_ARRAY, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON_EMPTY() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_EMPTY, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON_EQUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_EQUAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON_TABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_TABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON_QUERY() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_QUERY, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON_EXISTS() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_EXISTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON_MERGEPATCH() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_MERGEPATCH, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON_ARRAYAGG() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_ARRAYAGG, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON_OBJECTAGG() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_OBJECTAGG, 0); } - public TerminalNode JSON_OBJECT() { return getToken(OBParser.JSON_OBJECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode K_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.K_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEY_BLOCK_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY_BLOCK_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEYS() { return getToken(OBParser.KEYS, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEYSTORE() { return getToken(OBParser.KEYSTORE, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEY_VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.KEY_VERSION, 0); } - public TerminalNode KILL() { return getToken(OBParser.KILL, 0); } - public TerminalNode KEEP() { return getToken(OBParser.KEEP, 0); } - public TerminalNode KVCACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.KVCACHE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LAST() { return getToken(OBParser.LAST, 0); } - public TerminalNode LAST_REFRESH_SCN() { return getToken(OBParser.LAST_REFRESH_SCN, 0); } - public TerminalNode LAX() { return getToken(OBParser.LAX, 0); } - public TerminalNode LEADER() { return getToken(OBParser.LEADER, 0); } - public TerminalNode LEADING() { return getToken(OBParser.LEADING, 0); } - public TerminalNode LEAVE() { return getToken(OBParser.LEAVE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LEAVES() { return getToken(OBParser.LEAVES, 0); } - public TerminalNode LEFT() { return getToken(OBParser.LEFT, 0); } - public TerminalNode LESS() { return getToken(OBParser.LESS, 0); } - public TerminalNode LIMIT() { return getToken(OBParser.LIMIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode LINEAR() { return getToken(OBParser.LINEAR, 0); } - public TerminalNode LINES() { return getToken(OBParser.LINES, 0); } - public TerminalNode LINESTRING() { return getToken(OBParser.LINESTRING, 0); } - public TerminalNode LINE_DELIMITER() { return getToken(OBParser.LINE_DELIMITER, 0); } - public TerminalNode LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.LIST, 0); } - public TerminalNode LNNVL() { return getToken(OBParser.LNNVL, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOAD() { return getToken(OBParser.LOAD, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOCAL() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOCALITY() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCALITY, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOCALTIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCALTIMESTAMP, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOCK_() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCK_, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOCKED() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCKED, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOCKS() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCKS, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOG() { return getToken(OBParser.LOG, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOGS() { return getToken(OBParser.LOGS, 0); } - public TerminalNode LONGBLOB() { return getToken(OBParser.LONGBLOB, 0); } - public TerminalNode LONGTEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.LONGTEXT, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOOP() { return getToken(OBParser.LOOP, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOW() { return getToken(OBParser.LOW, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOW_PRIORITY() { return getToken(OBParser.LOW_PRIORITY, 0); } - public TerminalNode LS() { return getToken(OBParser.LS, 0); } - public TerminalNode ISOPEN() { return getToken(OBParser.ISOPEN, 0); } - public TerminalNode ISOLATION_LEVEL() { return getToken(OBParser.ISOLATION_LEVEL, 0); } - public TerminalNode M_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.M_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAJOR() { return getToken(OBParser.MAJOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode MANAGEMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.MANAGEMENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_AUTO_POSITION() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_AUTO_POSITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_BIND() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_BIND, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_DELAY() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_DELAY, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_HOST() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_HOST, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_LOG_FILE() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_LOG_FILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_LOG_POS() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_LOG_POS, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_PASSWORD() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_PASSWORD, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_PORT() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_PORT, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_RETRY_COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_RETRY_COUNT, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_SERVER_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_SERVER_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_SSL() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_SSL, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_SSL_CA() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_SSL_CA, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_SSL_CAPATH() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_SSL_CAPATH, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_SSL_CERT() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_SSL_CERT, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_SSL_CIPHER() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_SSL_CIPHER, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_SSL_CRL() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_SSL_CRL, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_SSL_KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_SSL_KEY, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT, 0); } - public TerminalNode MASTER_USER() { return getToken(OBParser.MASTER_USER, 0); } - public TerminalNode MATCH() { return getToken(OBParser.MATCH, 0); } - public TerminalNode MATCHED() { return getToken(OBParser.MATCHED, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX_CPU() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_CPU, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX_FILE_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_FILE_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOG_DISK_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.LOG_DISK_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX_IOPS() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_IOPS, 0); } - public TerminalNode MEMORY_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.MEMORY_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX_ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_ROWS, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX_SESSION_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_SESSION_NUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX_USED_PART_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_USED_PART_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS, 0); } - public TerminalNode MDSYS() { return getToken(OBParser.MDSYS, 0); } - public TerminalNode MEDIUM() { return getToken(OBParser.MEDIUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode MEDIUMBLOB() { return getToken(OBParser.MEDIUMBLOB, 0); } - public TerminalNode MEDIUMINT() { return getToken(OBParser.MEDIUMINT, 0); } - public TerminalNode MEDIUMTEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.MEDIUMTEXT, 0); } - public TerminalNode MEMORY() { return getToken(OBParser.MEMORY, 0); } - public TerminalNode MEMSTORE_PERCENT() { return getToken(OBParser.MEMSTORE_PERCENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode MEMTABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.MEMTABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MERGE() { return getToken(OBParser.MERGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MESSAGE_TEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.MESSAGE_TEXT, 0); } - public TerminalNode META() { return getToken(OBParser.META, 0); } - public TerminalNode MICROSECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.MICROSECOND, 0); } - public TerminalNode MIDDLEINT() { return getToken(OBParser.MIDDLEINT, 0); } - public TerminalNode MIGRATE() { return getToken(OBParser.MIGRATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MIGRATION() { return getToken(OBParser.MIGRATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode MIN_CPU() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN_CPU, 0); } - public TerminalNode MIN_IOPS() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN_IOPS, 0); } - public TerminalNode MIN_MAX() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN_MAX, 0); } - public TerminalNode MIN_MEMORY() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN_MEMORY, 0); } - public TerminalNode MINOR() { return getToken(OBParser.MINOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode MIN_ROWS() { return getToken(OBParser.MIN_ROWS, 0); } - public TerminalNode MINUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.MINUTE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MINUTE_MICROSECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.MINUTE_MICROSECOND, 0); } - public TerminalNode MINUTE_SECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.MINUTE_SECOND, 0); } - public TerminalNode MISMATCH() { return getToken(OBParser.MISMATCH, 0); } - public TerminalNode MISSING() { return getToken(OBParser.MISSING, 0); } - public TerminalNode MOD() { return getToken(OBParser.MOD, 0); } - public TerminalNode MODIFIES() { return getToken(OBParser.MODIFIES, 0); } - public TerminalNode MONTH() { return getToken(OBParser.MONTH, 0); } - public TerminalNode MOVE() { return getToken(OBParser.MOVE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MOVEMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.MOVEMENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode MULTILINESTRING() { return getToken(OBParser.MULTILINESTRING, 0); } - public TerminalNode MULTIPOINT() { return getToken(OBParser.MULTIPOINT, 0); } - public TerminalNode MULTIPOLYGON() { return getToken(OBParser.MULTIPOLYGON, 0); } - public TerminalNode MULTIVALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.MULTIVALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MULTISET() { return getToken(OBParser.MULTISET, 0); } - public TerminalNode MUTEX() { return getToken(OBParser.MUTEX, 0); } - public TerminalNode MYSQL_ERRNO() { return getToken(OBParser.MYSQL_ERRNO, 0); } - public TerminalNode MY_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.MY_NAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.NAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode NAMES() { return getToken(OBParser.NAMES, 0); } - public TerminalNode NAN_VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.NAN_VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode NATIONAL() { return getToken(OBParser.NATIONAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode NATURAL() { return getToken(OBParser.NATURAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode NCHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.NCHAR, 0); } - public TerminalNode NCHAR_CS() { return getToken(OBParser.NCHAR_CS, 0); } - public TerminalNode NDB() { return getToken(OBParser.NDB, 0); } - public TerminalNode NDBCLUSTER() { return getToken(OBParser.NDBCLUSTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode NESTED() { return getToken(OBParser.NESTED, 0); } - public TerminalNode NO() { return getToken(OBParser.NO, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOENTITYESCAPING() { return getToken(OBParser.NOENTITYESCAPING, 0); } - public TerminalNode NODEGROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.NODEGROUP, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOLOGGING() { return getToken(OBParser.NOLOGGING, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOSCHEMACHECK() { return getToken(OBParser.NOSCHEMACHECK, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOW() { return getToken(OBParser.NOW, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOWAIT() { return getToken(OBParser.NOWAIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode NO_WAIT() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_WAIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG() { return getToken(OBParser.NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG, 0); } - public TerminalNode NULLS() { return getToken(OBParser.NULLS, 0); } - public TerminalNode NVARCHAR() { return getToken(OBParser.NVARCHAR, 0); } - public TerminalNode NVARCHAR2() { return getToken(OBParser.NVARCHAR2, 0); } - public TerminalNode OBJECT() { return getToken(OBParser.OBJECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode OCCUR() { return getToken(OBParser.OCCUR, 0); } - public TerminalNode ORDINALITY() { return getToken(OBParser.ORDINALITY, 0); } - public TerminalNode OFFSET() { return getToken(OBParser.OFFSET, 0); } - public TerminalNode OLD_PASSWORD() { return getToken(OBParser.OLD_PASSWORD, 0); } - public TerminalNode OLD_KEY() { return getToken(OBParser.OLD_KEY, 0); } - public TerminalNode OLTP() { return getToken(OBParser.OLTP, 0); } - public TerminalNode OVER() { return getToken(OBParser.OVER, 0); } - public TerminalNode ONE() { return getToken(OBParser.ONE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ONE_SHOT() { return getToken(OBParser.ONE_SHOT, 0); } - public TerminalNode OPTIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.OPTIONS, 0); } - public TerminalNode OPTIMIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.OPTIMIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode OPTIONALLY() { return getToken(OBParser.OPTIONALLY, 0); } - public TerminalNode ORA_ROWSCN() { return getToken(OBParser.ORA_ROWSCN, 0); } - public TerminalNode ORIG_DEFAULT() { return getToken(OBParser.ORIG_DEFAULT, 0); } - public TerminalNode OUT() { return getToken(OBParser.OUT, 0); } - public TerminalNode OUTER() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode OUTFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTFILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode OUTLINE() { return getToken(OBParser.OUTLINE, 0); } - public TerminalNode OWNER() { return getToken(OBParser.OWNER, 0); } - public TerminalNode P_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.P_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PACK_KEYS() { return getToken(OBParser.PACK_KEYS, 0); } - public TerminalNode PAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PAGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PARAMETERS() { return getToken(OBParser.PARAMETERS, 0); } - public TerminalNode PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR() { return getToken(OBParser.PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode PARSER() { return getToken(OBParser.PARSER, 0); } - public TerminalNode PARTIAL() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTIAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode PARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode PARTITION_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode PARTITIONING() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITIONING, 0); } - public TerminalNode PARTITIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITIONS, 0); } - public TerminalNode PARTITION_TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.PARTITION_TYPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PASSING() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSING, 0); } - public TerminalNode PASSWORD() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD, 0); } - public TerminalNode PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME, 0); } - public TerminalNode PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME, 0); } - public TerminalNode PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME, 0); } - public TerminalNode PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION() { return getToken(OBParser.PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION, 0); } - public TerminalNode PATH() { return getToken(OBParser.PATH, 0); } - public TerminalNode PATTERN() { return getToken(OBParser.PATTERN, 0); } - public TerminalNode PAUSE() { return getToken(OBParser.PAUSE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode PERCENTAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENTAGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PHASE() { return getToken(OBParser.PHASE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PLANREGRESS() { return getToken(OBParser.PLANREGRESS, 0); } - public TerminalNode PLUGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.PLUGIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode PLUGIN_DIR() { return getToken(OBParser.PLUGIN_DIR, 0); } - public TerminalNode PLUGINS() { return getToken(OBParser.PLUGINS, 0); } - public TerminalNode PLUS() { return getToken(OBParser.PLUS, 0); } - public TerminalNode PIVOT() { return getToken(OBParser.PIVOT, 0); } - public TerminalNode POINT() { return getToken(OBParser.POINT, 0); } - public TerminalNode POLICY() { return getToken(OBParser.POLICY, 0); } - public TerminalNode POLYGON() { return getToken(OBParser.POLYGON, 0); } - public TerminalNode POOL() { return getToken(OBParser.POOL, 0); } - public TerminalNode PORT() { return getToken(OBParser.PORT, 0); } - public TerminalNode POSITION() { return getToken(OBParser.POSITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRECEDING() { return getToken(OBParser.PRECEDING, 0); } - public TerminalNode PREPARE() { return getToken(OBParser.PREPARE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRESERVE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRESERVE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRETTY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRETTY, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRETTY_COLOR() { return getToken(OBParser.PRETTY_COLOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode PREV() { return getToken(OBParser.PREV, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRIMARY_ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIMARY_ZONE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRIVILEGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIVILEGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PROCESS() { return getToken(OBParser.PROCESS, 0); } - public TerminalNode PROCESSLIST() { return getToken(OBParser.PROCESSLIST, 0); } - public TerminalNode PROFILES() { return getToken(OBParser.PROFILES, 0); } - public TerminalNode PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode PROJECT_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.PROJECT_NAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode PROPERTIES() { return getToken(OBParser.PROPERTIES, 0); } - public TerminalNode PROXY() { return getToken(OBParser.PROXY, 0); } - public TerminalNode PURGE() { return getToken(OBParser.PURGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode QUARTER() { return getToken(OBParser.QUARTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode QUERY() { return getToken(OBParser.QUERY, 0); } - public TerminalNode QUICK() { return getToken(OBParser.QUICK, 0); } - public TerminalNode RANGE() { return getToken(OBParser.RANGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode READ_WRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.READ_WRITE, 0); } - public TerminalNode READS() { return getToken(OBParser.READS, 0); } - public TerminalNode READ_ONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.READ_ONLY, 0); } - public TerminalNode REBUILD() { return getToken(OBParser.REBUILD, 0); } - public TerminalNode RECOVERY_WINDOW() { return getToken(OBParser.RECOVERY_WINDOW, 0); } - public TerminalNode RECURSIVE() { return getToken(OBParser.RECURSIVE, 0); } - public TerminalNode RECYCLE() { return getToken(OBParser.RECYCLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode RECYCLEBIN() { return getToken(OBParser.RECYCLEBIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode REDACTION() { return getToken(OBParser.REDACTION, 0); } - public TerminalNode REDO_BUFFER_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.REDO_BUFFER_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode REDOFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.REDOFILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode REDUNDANCY() { return getToken(OBParser.REDUNDANCY, 0); } - public TerminalNode REDUNDANT() { return getToken(OBParser.REDUNDANT, 0); } - public TerminalNode REF() { return getToken(OBParser.REF, 0); } - public TerminalNode REFRESH() { return getToken(OBParser.REFRESH, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGEXP_LIKE() { return getToken(OBParser.REGEXP_LIKE, 0); } - public TerminalNode REGION() { return getToken(OBParser.REGION, 0); } - public TerminalNode REJECT() { return getToken(OBParser.REJECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode RELAY() { return getToken(OBParser.RELAY, 0); } - public TerminalNode RELAYLOG() { return getToken(OBParser.RELAYLOG, 0); } - public TerminalNode RELAY_LOG_FILE() { return getToken(OBParser.RELAY_LOG_FILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode RELAY_LOG_POS() { return getToken(OBParser.RELAY_LOG_POS, 0); } - public TerminalNode RELAY_THREAD() { return getToken(OBParser.RELAY_THREAD, 0); } - public TerminalNode RELEASE() { return getToken(OBParser.RELEASE, 0); } - public TerminalNode RELOAD() { return getToken(OBParser.RELOAD, 0); } - public TerminalNode REMOVE() { return getToken(OBParser.REMOVE, 0); } - public TerminalNode REORGANIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.REORGANIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPAIR() { return getToken(OBParser.REPAIR, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPEAT() { return getToken(OBParser.REPEAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPEATABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPEATABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPLACE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLACE, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPLICA() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICA, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPLICA_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICA_NUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPLICA_TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICA_TYPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPLICATION() { return getToken(OBParser.REPLICATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode REPORT() { return getToken(OBParser.REPORT, 0); } - public TerminalNode REQUIRE() { return getToken(OBParser.REQUIRE, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESET() { return getToken(OBParser.RESET, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESIGNAL() { return getToken(OBParser.RESIGNAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESOURCE_POOL_LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.RESOURCE_POOL_LIST, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESPECT() { return getToken(OBParser.RESPECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESTART() { return getToken(OBParser.RESTART, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESTORE() { return getToken(OBParser.RESTORE, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESTRICT() { return getToken(OBParser.RESTRICT, 0); } - public TerminalNode RESUME() { return getToken(OBParser.RESUME, 0); } - public TerminalNode RETURN() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURN, 0); } - public TerminalNode RETURNED_SQLSTATE() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNED_SQLSTATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode RETURNING() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNING, 0); } - public TerminalNode RETURNS() { return getToken(OBParser.RETURNS, 0); } - public TerminalNode REVERSE() { return getToken(OBParser.REVERSE, 0); } - public TerminalNode REWRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.REWRITE, 0); } - public TerminalNode REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION, 0); } - public TerminalNode REMOTE_OSS() { return getToken(OBParser.REMOTE_OSS, 0); } - public TerminalNode RLIKE() { return getToken(OBParser.RLIKE, 0); } - public TerminalNode RIGHT() { return getToken(OBParser.RIGHT, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROLLUP() { return getToken(OBParser.ROLLUP, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROOT() { return getToken(OBParser.ROOT, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROOTTABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROOTTABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROOTSERVICE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROOTSERVICE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROOTSERVICE_LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.ROOTSERVICE_LIST, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROUTINE() { return getToken(OBParser.ROUTINE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROWCOUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.ROWCOUNT, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROW_COUNT() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW_COUNT, 0); } - public TerminalNode ROW_FORMAT() { return getToken(OBParser.ROW_FORMAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode RTREE() { return getToken(OBParser.RTREE, 0); } - public TerminalNode RUN() { return getToken(OBParser.RUN, 0); } - public TerminalNode SAMPLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SAMPLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SCALARS() { return getToken(OBParser.SCALARS, 0); } - public TerminalNode SCHEDULE() { return getToken(OBParser.SCHEDULE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SCHEMACHECK() { return getToken(OBParser.SCHEMACHECK, 0); } - public TerminalNode SCHEMAS() { return getToken(OBParser.SCHEMAS, 0); } - public TerminalNode SCHEMA_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.SCHEMA_NAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode SCOPE() { return getToken(OBParser.SCOPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SDO_GEOMETRY() { return getToken(OBParser.SDO_GEOMETRY, 0); } - public TerminalNode SDO_RELATE() { return getToken(OBParser.SDO_RELATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SEARCH() { return getToken(OBParser.SEARCH, 0); } - public TerminalNode SECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.SECOND, 0); } - public TerminalNode SECOND_MICROSECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.SECOND_MICROSECOND, 0); } - public TerminalNode SECURITY() { return getToken(OBParser.SECURITY, 0); } - public TerminalNode SEED() { return getToken(OBParser.SEED, 0); } - public TerminalNode SENSITIVE() { return getToken(OBParser.SENSITIVE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SEPARATOR() { return getToken(OBParser.SEPARATOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode SERIAL() { return getToken(OBParser.SERIAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode SERIALIZABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SERIALIZABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SERVER() { return getToken(OBParser.SERVER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SERVER_IP() { return getToken(OBParser.SERVER_IP, 0); } - public TerminalNode SERVER_PORT() { return getToken(OBParser.SERVER_PORT, 0); } - public TerminalNode SERVER_TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.SERVER_TYPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SESSION_ALIAS() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION_ALIAS, 0); } - public TerminalNode SESSION_USER() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSION_USER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SESSIONTIMEZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.SESSIONTIMEZONE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SET_MASTER_CLUSTER() { return getToken(OBParser.SET_MASTER_CLUSTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER() { return getToken(OBParser.SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SET_TP() { return getToken(OBParser.SET_TP, 0); } - public TerminalNode SETS() { return getToken(OBParser.SETS, 0); } - public TerminalNode SHRINK() { return getToken(OBParser.SHRINK, 0); } - public TerminalNode SHOW() { return getToken(OBParser.SHOW, 0); } - public TerminalNode SHUTDOWN() { return getToken(OBParser.SHUTDOWN, 0); } - public TerminalNode SIBLINGS() { return getToken(OBParser.SIBLINGS, 0); } - public TerminalNode SIGNAL() { return getToken(OBParser.SIGNAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode SIGNED() { return getToken(OBParser.SIGNED, 0); } - public TerminalNode SIMPLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SIMPLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SINGLE() { return getToken(OBParser.SINGLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode R_SKIP() { return getToken(OBParser.R_SKIP, 0); } - public TerminalNode SKIP_INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.SKIP_INDEX, 0); } - public TerminalNode SLAVE() { return getToken(OBParser.SLAVE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SLOW() { return getToken(OBParser.SLOW, 0); } - public TerminalNode SOCKET() { return getToken(OBParser.SOCKET, 0); } - public TerminalNode SONAME() { return getToken(OBParser.SONAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode SORTKEY() { return getToken(OBParser.SORTKEY, 0); } - public TerminalNode SOUNDS() { return getToken(OBParser.SOUNDS, 0); } - public TerminalNode SOURCE() { return getToken(OBParser.SOURCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.SPACE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SPATIAL() { return getToken(OBParser.SPATIAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode SPATIAL_CELLID() { return getToken(OBParser.SPATIAL_CELLID, 0); } - public TerminalNode SPATIAL_INDEX() { return getToken(OBParser.SPATIAL_INDEX, 0); } - public TerminalNode SPATIAL_MBR() { return getToken(OBParser.SPATIAL_MBR, 0); } - public TerminalNode SPECIFIC() { return getToken(OBParser.SPECIFIC, 0); } - public TerminalNode SPFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.SPFILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SPLIT() { return getToken(OBParser.SPLIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQLEXCEPTION() { return getToken(OBParser.SQLEXCEPTION, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQLWARNING() { return getToken(OBParser.SQLWARNING, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL_BIG_RESULT() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_BIG_RESULT, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL_SMALL_RESULT() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_SMALL_RESULT, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL_AFTER_GTIDS() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_AFTER_GTIDS, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL_BUFFER_RESULT() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_BUFFER_RESULT, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL_CACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_CACHE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL_NO_CACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_NO_CACHE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL_THREAD() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_THREAD, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL_TSI_DAY() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_TSI_DAY, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL_TSI_HOUR() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_TSI_HOUR, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL_TSI_MINUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_TSI_MINUTE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL_TSI_MONTH() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_TSI_MONTH, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL_TSI_QUARTER() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_TSI_QUARTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL_TSI_SECOND() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_TSI_SECOND, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL_TSI_WEEK() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_TSI_WEEK, 0); } - public TerminalNode SQL_TSI_YEAR() { return getToken(OBParser.SQL_TSI_YEAR, 0); } - public TerminalNode SRID() { return getToken(OBParser.SRID, 0); } - public TerminalNode SSL() { return getToken(OBParser.SSL, 0); } - public TerminalNode SS_MICRO_CACHE() { return getToken(OBParser.SS_MICRO_CACHE, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRAIGHT_JOIN() { return getToken(OBParser.STRAIGHT_JOIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode STARTING() { return getToken(OBParser.STARTING, 0); } - public TerminalNode STARTS() { return getToken(OBParser.STARTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode STATS_AUTO_RECALC() { return getToken(OBParser.STATS_AUTO_RECALC, 0); } - public TerminalNode STATS_PERSISTENT() { return getToken(OBParser.STATS_PERSISTENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES() { return getToken(OBParser.STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES, 0); } - public TerminalNode STATUS() { return getToken(OBParser.STATUS, 0); } - public TerminalNode STATEMENTS() { return getToken(OBParser.STATEMENTS, 0); } - public TerminalNode STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION, 0); } - public TerminalNode STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION, 0); } - public TerminalNode STORED() { return getToken(OBParser.STORED, 0); } - public TerminalNode STORING() { return getToken(OBParser.STORING, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRICT() { return getToken(OBParser.STRICT, 0); } - public TerminalNode STRONG() { return getToken(OBParser.STRONG, 0); } - public TerminalNode STANDBY() { return getToken(OBParser.STANDBY, 0); } - public TerminalNode STSTOKEN() { return getToken(OBParser.STSTOKEN, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUBCLASS_ORIGIN() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBCLASS_ORIGIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUBDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBDATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUBJECT() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBJECT, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUBPARTITION() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITION, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUBPARTITIONS() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBPARTITIONS, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUBSTR() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBSTR, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUPER() { return getToken(OBParser.SUPER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUSPEND() { return getToken(OBParser.SUSPEND, 0); } - public TerminalNode SWAPS() { return getToken(OBParser.SWAPS, 0); } - public TerminalNode SWITCHES() { return getToken(OBParser.SWITCHES, 0); } - public TerminalNode SWITCHOVER() { return getToken(OBParser.SWITCHOVER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYNCHRONOUS() { return getToken(OBParser.SYNCHRONOUS, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYSTEM_USER() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTEM_USER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYSTIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSTIMESTAMP, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYSBACKUP() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSBACKUP, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYSDBA() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSDBA, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYSKM() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSKM, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYSOPER() { return getToken(OBParser.SYSOPER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH() { return getToken(OBParser.SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH, 0); } - public TerminalNode T_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.T_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLEGROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUP, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLE_CHECKSUM() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE_CHECKSUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLE_MODE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE_MODE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLEGROUPS() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUPS, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLEGROUP_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLEGROUP_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLE_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLE_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLE_NAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLET() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLET, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLET_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLET_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLET_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLET_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TABLET_MAX_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.TABLET_MAX_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TASK() { return getToken(OBParser.TASK, 0); } - public TerminalNode TASK_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.TASK_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode TEMPLATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TEMPLATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TEMPTABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.TEMPTABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TENANT() { return getToken(OBParser.TENANT, 0); } - public TerminalNode TERMINATED() { return getToken(OBParser.TERMINATED, 0); } - public TerminalNode TEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.TEXT, 0); } - public TerminalNode THAN() { return getToken(OBParser.THAN, 0); } - public TerminalNode THROUGH() { return getToken(OBParser.THROUGH, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMESTAMP, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIMESTAMPADD() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMESTAMPADD, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIMESTAMPDIFF() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMESTAMPDIFF, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIMEZONE_ABBR() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMEZONE_ABBR, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIMEZONE_HOUR() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMEZONE_HOUR, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIMEZONE_MINUTE() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMEZONE_MINUTE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIMEZONE_REGION() { return getToken(OBParser.TIMEZONE_REGION, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIME_ZONE_INFO() { return getToken(OBParser.TIME_ZONE_INFO, 0); } - public TerminalNode TINYBLOB() { return getToken(OBParser.TINYBLOB, 0); } - public TerminalNode TINYTEXT() { return getToken(OBParser.TINYTEXT, 0); } - public TerminalNode TP_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.TP_NAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode TP_NO() { return getToken(OBParser.TP_NO, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRACE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRACE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRADITIONAL() { return getToken(OBParser.TRADITIONAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRAILING() { return getToken(OBParser.TRAILING, 0); } - public TerminalNode TREAT() { return getToken(OBParser.TREAT, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRIM() { return getToken(OBParser.TRIM, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRANSLATE() { return getToken(OBParser.TRANSLATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.TYPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode TYPENAME() { return getToken(OBParser.TYPENAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode TYPES() { return getToken(OBParser.TYPES, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNCOMMITTED() { return getToken(OBParser.UNCOMMITTED, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNCONDITIONAL() { return getToken(OBParser.UNCONDITIONAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNDEFINED() { return getToken(OBParser.UNDEFINED, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNDO() { return getToken(OBParser.UNDO, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNDOFILE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNDOFILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNICODE() { return getToken(OBParser.UNICODE, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNKNOWN() { return getToken(OBParser.UNKNOWN, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNINSTALL() { return getToken(OBParser.UNINSTALL, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNIT() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNIT_GROUP() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT_GROUP, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNIT_NUM() { return getToken(OBParser.UNIT_NUM, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNLOCK() { return getToken(OBParser.UNLOCK, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNLOCKED() { return getToken(OBParser.UNLOCKED, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNUSUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.UNUSUAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNPIVOT() { return getToken(OBParser.UNPIVOT, 0); } - public TerminalNode UPDATING() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATING, 0); } - public TerminalNode UPDATEXML() { return getToken(OBParser.UPDATEXML, 0); } - public TerminalNode UPGRADE() { return getToken(OBParser.UPGRADE, 0); } - public TerminalNode UROWID() { return getToken(OBParser.UROWID, 0); } - public TerminalNode USAGE() { return getToken(OBParser.USAGE, 0); } - public TerminalNode USER_SPECIFIED() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_SPECIFIED, 0); } - public TerminalNode USE_BLOOM_FILTER() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_BLOOM_FILTER, 0); } - public TerminalNode USE_FRM() { return getToken(OBParser.USE_FRM, 0); } - public TerminalNode USER_RESOURCES() { return getToken(OBParser.USER_RESOURCES, 0); } - public TerminalNode UTC_DATE() { return getToken(OBParser.UTC_DATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode UTC_TIMESTAMP() { return getToken(OBParser.UTC_TIMESTAMP, 0); } - public TerminalNode UNBOUNDED() { return getToken(OBParser.UNBOUNDED, 0); } - public TerminalNode VALID() { return getToken(OBParser.VALID, 0); } - public TerminalNode VARIABLES() { return getToken(OBParser.VARIABLES, 0); } - public TerminalNode VALUE() { return getToken(OBParser.VALUE, 0); } - public TerminalNode VERBOSE() { return getToken(OBParser.VERBOSE, 0); } - public TerminalNode VERSION() { return getToken(OBParser.VERSION, 0); } - public TerminalNode MATERIALIZED() { return getToken(OBParser.MATERIALIZED, 0); } - public TerminalNode WAIT() { return getToken(OBParser.WAIT, 0); } - public TerminalNode WARNINGS() { return getToken(OBParser.WARNINGS, 0); } - public TerminalNode WEEK() { return getToken(OBParser.WEEK, 0); } - public TerminalNode WEIGHT_STRING() { return getToken(OBParser.WEIGHT_STRING, 0); } - public TerminalNode WITHOUT() { return getToken(OBParser.WITHOUT, 0); } - public TerminalNode WMSYS() { return getToken(OBParser.WMSYS, 0); } - public TerminalNode WRAPPER() { return getToken(OBParser.WRAPPER, 0); } - public TerminalNode X509() { return getToken(OBParser.X509, 0); } - public TerminalNode XA() { return getToken(OBParser.XA, 0); } - public TerminalNode XML() { return getToken(OBParser.XML, 0); } - public TerminalNode YEAR() { return getToken(OBParser.YEAR, 0); } - public TerminalNode ZONE() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE, 0); } - public TerminalNode ZONE_LIST() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE_LIST, 0); } - public TerminalNode ZONE_TYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.ZONE_TYPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOCATION() { return getToken(OBParser.LOCATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode VARYING() { return getToken(OBParser.VARYING, 0); } - public TerminalNode VIRTUAL() { return getToken(OBParser.VIRTUAL, 0); } - public TerminalNode VISIBLE() { return getToken(OBParser.VISIBLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode VERIFY() { return getToken(OBParser.VERIFY, 0); } - public TerminalNode INVISIBLE() { return getToken(OBParser.INVISIBLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode RELY() { return getToken(OBParser.RELY, 0); } - public TerminalNode NORELY() { return getToken(OBParser.NORELY, 0); } - public TerminalNode NOVALIDATE() { return getToken(OBParser.NOVALIDATE, 0); } - public TerminalNode WITHIN() { return getToken(OBParser.WITHIN, 0); } - public TerminalNode WEAK() { return getToken(OBParser.WEAK, 0); } - public TerminalNode WELLFORMED() { return getToken(OBParser.WELLFORMED, 0); } - public TerminalNode WHILE() { return getToken(OBParser.WHILE, 0); } - public TerminalNode XMLAGG() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLAGG, 0); } - public TerminalNode XMLPARSE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLPARSE, 0); } - public TerminalNode XOR() { return getToken(OBParser.XOR, 0); } - public TerminalNode XMLELEMENT() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLELEMENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode XMLATTRIBUTES() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLATTRIBUTES, 0); } - public TerminalNode XMLNAMESPACES() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLNAMESPACES, 0); } - public TerminalNode XMLSEQUENCE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLSEQUENCE, 0); } - public TerminalNode XMLSERIALIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLSERIALIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode XMLTABLE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLTABLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode XMLTYPE() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLTYPE, 0); } - public TerminalNode XMLCAST() { return getToken(OBParser.XMLCAST, 0); } - public TerminalNode YEAR_MONTH() { return getToken(OBParser.YEAR_MONTH, 0); } - public TerminalNode ZEROFILL() { return getToken(OBParser.ZEROFILL, 0); } - public TerminalNode PERCENT() { return getToken(OBParser.PERCENT, 0); } - public TerminalNode TIES() { return getToken(OBParser.TIES, 0); } - public TerminalNode MEMBER() { return getToken(OBParser.MEMBER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUBMULTISET() { return getToken(OBParser.SUBMULTISET, 0); } - public TerminalNode EMPTY() { return getToken(OBParser.EMPTY, 0); } - public TerminalNode A_() { return getToken(OBParser.A_, 0); } - public TerminalNode THROTTLE() { return getToken(OBParser.THROTTLE, 0); } - public TerminalNode PRIORITY() { return getToken(OBParser.PRIORITY, 0); } - public TerminalNode RT() { return getToken(OBParser.RT, 0); } - public TerminalNode NETWORK() { return getToken(OBParser.NETWORK, 0); } - public TerminalNode LOGICAL_READS() { return getToken(OBParser.LOGICAL_READS, 0); } - public TerminalNode QUEUE_TIME() { return getToken(OBParser.QUEUE_TIME, 0); } - public TerminalNode QUOTA_NAME() { return getToken(OBParser.QUOTA_NAME, 0); } - public TerminalNode HIDDEN_() { return getToken(OBParser.HIDDEN_, 0); } - public TerminalNode INDEXED() { return getToken(OBParser.INDEXED, 0); } - public TerminalNode SKEWONLY() { return getToken(OBParser.SKEWONLY, 0); } - public TerminalNode NAMESPACE() { return getToken(OBParser.NAMESPACE, 0); } - public TerminalNode LIB() { return getToken(OBParser.LIB, 0); } - public TerminalNode OBJECT_ID() { return getToken(OBParser.OBJECT_ID, 0); } - public TerminalNode TRANSFER() { return getToken(OBParser.TRANSFER, 0); } - public TerminalNode SUM_OPNSIZE() { return getToken(OBParser.SUM_OPNSIZE, 0); } - public TerminalNode VALIDATION() { return getToken(OBParser.VALIDATION, 0); } - public TerminalNode OVERWRITE() { return getToken(OBParser.OVERWRITE, 0); } - public TerminalNode SERVICE() { return getToken(OBParser.SERVICE, 0); } - public TerminalNode MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED() { return getToken(OBParser.MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED, 0); } - public Unreserved_keyword_normalContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_unreserved_keyword_normal; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterUnreserved_keyword_normal(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitUnreserved_keyword_normal(this); - } - } - - public final Unreserved_keyword_normalContext unreserved_keyword_normal() throws RecognitionException { - Unreserved_keyword_normalContext _localctx = new Unreserved_keyword_normalContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1786, RULE_unreserved_keyword_normal); - int _la; - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14256); - _la = _input.LA(1); - if ( !(((((_la - 1)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1)) & ((1L << (QUOTA_NAME - 1)) | (1L << (INDEXTYPE - 1)) | (1L << (STSTOKEN - 1)) | (1L << (REWRITE - 1)) | (1L << (PARTITION_TYPE - 1)) | (1L << (TASK_ID - 1)) | (1L << (COMPUTATION - 1)) | (1L << (AUTO_REFRESH - 1)) | (1L << (SINGLE - 1)) | (1L << (MDSYS - 1)) | (1L << (SPATIAL_CELLID - 1)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION_CODE - 1)) | (1L << (MULTIVALUE - 1)) | (1L << (SERVICE - 1)) | (1L << (DATA_SOURCE - 1)) | (1L << (PROJECT_NAME - 1)) | (1L << (ENDPOINT - 1)) | (1L << (BUFFER_SIZE - 1)) | (1L << (PROPERTIES - 1)) | (1L << (ATTRIBUTE - 1)) | (1L << (USER_SPECIFIED - 1)) | (1L << (THROUGH - 1)) | (1L << (SPATIAL_INDEX - 1)) | (1L << (ACCESS_INFO - 1)) | (1L << (VALIDATION - 1)) | (1L << (SUM_OPNSIZE - 1)) | (1L << (ACCESSKEY - 1)) | (1L << (MICRO_INDEX_CLUSTERED - 1)) | (1L << (ACCESSTYPE - 1)) | (1L << (EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DEST - 1)) | (1L << (OVERWRITE - 1)) | (1L << (SPATIAL_MBR - 1)) | (1L << (LAST_REFRESH_SCN - 1)) | (1L << (SDO_RELATE - 1)) | (1L << (MAX_FILE_SIZE - 1)) | (1L << (SRID - 1)) | (1L << (SS_MICRO_CACHE - 1)) | (1L << (PAXOS_REPLICA_NUM - 1)) | (1L << (ACCESSID - 1)) | (1L << (M_SIZE - 1)) | (1L << (E_SIZE - 1)) | (1L << (T_SIZE - 1)) | (1L << (K_SIZE - 1)) | (1L << (G_SIZE - 1)) | (1L << (P_SIZE - 1)) | (1L << (HIDE - 1)) | (1L << (DEFAULTS - 1)) | (1L << (OBJECT_ID - 1)) | (1L << (NAMESPACE - 1)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 71)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 71)) & ((1L << (XMLATTRIBUTES - 71)) | (1L << (VALUE - 71)) | (1L << (BLOB - 71)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE - 71)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT - 71)) | (1L << (CIPHER - 71)) | (1L << (CLOB - 71)) | (1L << (DOT - 71)) | (1L << (MULTISET - 71)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAYAGG - 71)) | (1L << (ARRAY - 71)) | (1L << (JSON_ARRAY - 71)) | (1L << (JSON_EMPTY - 71)) | (1L << (PASSING - 71)) | (1L << (EXCLUDE - 71)) | (1L << (HOST - 71)) | (1L << (ABSENT - 71)) | (1L << (SYNCHRONOUS - 71)) | (1L << (INCLUDE - 71)) | (1L << (FIELD_DELIMITER - 71)) | (1L << (ORDINALITY - 71)) | (1L << (ISSUER - 71)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 146)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 146)) & ((1L << (NOWAIT - 146)) | (1L << (MISSING - 146)) | (1L << (PIVOT - 146)) | (1L << (ACTIVATE - 146)) | (1L << (SETS - 146)) | (1L << (SYSTIMESTAMP - 146)) | (1L << (UNPIVOT - 146)) | (1L << (REDUNDANCY - 146)) | (1L << (STANDBY - 146)) | (1L << (WITHOUT - 146)) | (1L << (WITHIN - 146)) | (1L << (ACCESSIBLE - 146)) | (1L << (AGAINST - 146)) | (1L << (ALWAYS - 146)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 211)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 211)) & ((1L << (ASENSITIVE - 211)) | (1L << (BINARY - 211)) | (1L << (BOTH - 211)) | (1L << (BULK - 211)) | (1L << (CALL - 211)) | (1L << (COLLATE - 211)) | (1L << (COLLECT - 211)) | (1L << (CROSS - 211)) | (1L << (CURRENT_DATE - 211)) | (1L << (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 211)) | (1L << (CURRENT_USER - 211)) | (1L << (DAY_HOUR - 211)) | (1L << (DAY_MICROSECOND - 211)) | (1L << (DAY_MINUTE - 211)) | (1L << (DAY_SECOND - 211)) | (1L << (DATABASES - 211)) | (1L << (DELAYED - 211)) | (1L << (DISTINCTROW - 211)) | (1L << (ENCLOSED - 211)) | (1L << (ELSEIF - 211)) | (1L << (ESCAPED - 211)) | (1L << (ALLOW - 211)) | (1L << (EXIT - 211)) | (1L << (EVALNAME - 211)) | (1L << (FLOAT4 - 211)) | (1L << (FLOAT8 - 211)) | (1L << (FULL - 211)) | (1L << (GET - 211)) | (1L << (GENERATED - 211)) | (1L << (HIGH_PRIORITY - 211)) | (1L << (HOUR_MICROSECOND - 211)) | (1L << (HOUR_MINUTE - 211)) | (1L << (HOUR_SECOND - 211)) | (1L << (ID - 211)) | (1L << (IF - 211)) | (1L << (IFIGNORE - 211)) | (1L << (INNER - 211)) | (1L << (INFILE - 211)) | (1L << (INOUT - 211)) | (1L << (INSENSITIVE - 211)) | (1L << (INT1 - 211)) | (1L << (INT2 - 211)) | (1L << (LIB - 211)) | (1L << (INT3 - 211)) | (1L << (INT4 - 211)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 275)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 275)) & ((1L << (INT8 - 275)) | (1L << (INTERVAL - 275)) | (1L << (IO_AFTER_GTIDS - 275)) | (1L << (IO_BEFORE_GTIDS - 275)) | (1L << (ITERATE - 275)) | (1L << (JOIN - 275)) | (1L << (KEYS - 275)) | (1L << (KILL - 275)) | (1L << (LEADING - 275)) | (1L << (LEAVE - 275)) | (1L << (LEFT - 275)) | (1L << (LINEAR - 275)) | (1L << (LINES - 275)) | (1L << (BADFILE - 275)) | (1L << (LOG_DISK_SIZE - 275)) | (1L << (LOAD - 275)) | (1L << (LOCALTIMESTAMP - 275)) | (1L << (LONGBLOB - 275)) | (1L << (SWITCHOVER - 275)) | (1L << (LONGTEXT - 275)) | (1L << (LOOP - 275)) | (1L << (LOW_PRIORITY - 275)) | (1L << (MASTER_BIND - 275)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT - 275)) | (1L << (MATCH - 275)) | (1L << (MEDIUMBLOB - 275)) | (1L << (MEDIUMINT - 275)) | (1L << (MERGE - 275)) | (1L << (REJECT - 275)) | (1L << (MEDIUMTEXT - 275)) | (1L << (MIDDLEINT - 275)) | (1L << (MINUTE_MICROSECOND - 275)) | (1L << (MINUTE_SECOND - 275)) | (1L << (MOD - 275)) | (1L << (MODIFIES - 275)) | (1L << (MOVEMENT - 275)) | (1L << (NATURAL - 275)) | (1L << (NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG - 275)) | (1L << (OPTIMIZE - 275)) | (1L << (OPTIONALLY - 275)) | (1L << (OUT - 275)) | (1L << (OUTER - 275)) | (1L << (IOPS_WEIGHT - 275)) | (1L << (OUTFILE - 275)) | (1L << (PARSER - 275)) | (1L << (PURGE - 275)) | (1L << (PARTITION - 275)) | (1L << (RANGE - 275)) | (1L << (PLUS - 275)) | (1L << (READ_WRITE - 275)) | (1L << (READS - 275)) | (1L << (RELEASE - 275)) | (1L << (REPLACE - 275)) | (1L << (REPEAT - 275)) | (1L << (REQUIRE - 275)) | (1L << (RESIGNAL - 275)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 339)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 339)) & ((1L << (RESTRICT - 339)) | (1L << (RETURN - 339)) | (1L << (RIGHT - 339)) | (1L << (SCALARS - 339)) | (1L << (SECOND_MICROSECOND - 339)) | (1L << (SCHEMAS - 339)) | (1L << (SEPARATOR - 339)) | (1L << (SENSITIVE - 339)) | (1L << (SIGNAL - 339)) | (1L << (SPATIAL - 339)) | (1L << (SPECIFIC - 339)) | (1L << (SQLEXCEPTION - 339)) | (1L << (SQLWARNING - 339)) | (1L << (SQL_BIG_RESULT - 339)) | (1L << (SQL_SMALL_RESULT - 339)) | (1L << (SEARCH - 339)) | (1L << (SSL - 339)) | (1L << (STARTING - 339)) | (1L << (STATEMENTS - 339)) | (1L << (STORED - 339)) | (1L << (STRAIGHT_JOIN - 339)) | (1L << (TERMINATED - 339)) | (1L << (TINYBLOB - 339)) | (1L << (TINYTEXT - 339)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP - 339)) | (1L << (TRAILING - 339)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_HOUR - 339)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_MINUTE - 339)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_REGION - 339)) | (1L << (TIMEZONE_ABBR - 339)) | (1L << (UNDO - 339)) | (1L << (UNLOCK - 339)) | (1L << (LINE_DELIMITER - 339)) | (1L << (UTC_DATE - 339)) | (1L << (UTC_TIMESTAMP - 339)) | (1L << (VARYING - 339)) | (1L << (VIRTUAL - 339)) | (1L << (WHILE - 339)) | (1L << (XOR - 339)) | (1L << (X509 - 339)) | (1L << (YEAR_MONTH - 339)) | (1L << (ZEROFILL - 339)) | (1L << (GLOBAL_ALIAS - 339)) | (1L << (SESSION_ALIAS - 339)) | (1L << (STRONG - 339)) | (1L << (WEAK - 339)) | (1L << (FROZEN - 339)) | (1L << (ISNULL - 339)) | (1L << (RETURNING - 339)) | (1L << (ISOPEN - 339)) | (1L << (ROWCOUNT - 339)) | (1L << (BULK_ROWCOUNT - 339)) | (1L << (ERROR_INDEX - 339)) | (1L << (BULK_EXCEPTIONS - 339)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 403)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 403)) & ((1L << (PARAM_ASSIGN_OPERATOR - 403)) | (1L << (COLUMN_OUTER_JOIN_SYMBOL - 403)) | (1L << (DATA_TABLE_ID - 403)) | (1L << (WARNINGS - 403)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE - 403)) | (1L << (FORMAT - 403)) | (1L << (EXTRA - 403)) | (1L << (EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL - 403)) | (1L << (UNINSTALL - 403)) | (1L << (UNDOFILE - 403)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CA - 403)) | (1L << (YEAR - 403)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_WORK_VERSION - 403)) | (1L << (AT - 403)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_POS - 403)) | (1L << (POOL - 403)) | (1L << (ZONE_TYPE - 403)) | (1L << (LOCATION - 403)) | (1L << (WEIGHT_STRING - 403)) | (1L << (CHANGED - 403)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CAPATH - 403)) | (1L << (JSON_QUERY - 403)) | (1L << (REWRITE_MERGE_VERSION - 403)) | (1L << (SERIAL - 403)) | (1L << (REDACTION - 403)) | (1L << (QUEUE_TIME - 403)) | (1L << (PROGRESSIVE_MERGE_NUM - 403)) | (1L << (TABLET_MAX_SIZE - 403)) | (1L << (ILOGCACHE - 403)) | (1L << (AUTHORS - 403)) | (1L << (MIGRATE - 403)) | (1L << (DIV - 403)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT - 403)) | (1L << (SUSPEND - 403)) | (1L << (SYSKM - 403)) | (1L << (REMOTE_OSS - 403)) | (1L << (SECURITY - 403)) | (1L << (SET_SLAVE_CLUSTER - 403)) | (1L << (FAST - 403)) | (1L << (KEYSTORE - 403)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA - 403)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CERT - 403)) | (1L << (TABLE_NAME - 403)) | (1L << (PRIORITY - 403)) | (1L << (DO - 403)) | (1L << (MASTER_RETRY_COUNT - 403)) | (1L << (REPLICA - 403)) | (1L << (UROWID - 403)) | (1L << (CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF - 403)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 467)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 467)) & ((1L << (NCHAR_CS - 467)) | (1L << (OLD_KEY - 467)) | (1L << (STRICT - 467)) | (1L << (PORT - 467)) | (1L << (NOVALIDATE - 467)) | (1L << (REBUILD - 467)) | (1L << (FOLLOWER - 467)) | (1L << (LIST - 467)) | (1L << (ROOT - 467)) | (1L << (REDOFILE - 467)) | (1L << (MASTER_SERVER_ID - 467)) | (1L << (NCHAR - 467)) | (1L << (KEY_BLOCK_SIZE - 467)) | (1L << (NOLOGGING - 467)) | (1L << (PRETTY - 467)) | (1L << (PRETTY_COLOR - 467)) | (1L << (COLUMNS - 467)) | (1L << (LS - 467)) | (1L << (MIGRATION - 467)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITION - 467)) | (1L << (DML - 467)) | (1L << (COMPRESSION - 467)) | (1L << (BIT - 467)) | (1L << (SAMPLE - 467)) | (1L << (UNLOCKED - 467)) | (1L << (CLASS_ORIGIN - 467)) | (1L << (ACTION - 467)) | (1L << (REDUNDANT - 467)) | (1L << (UPGRADE - 467)) | (1L << (TEMPTABLE - 467)) | (1L << (RECYCLEBIN - 467)) | (1L << (PROFILES - 467)) | (1L << (ERRORS - 467)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN - 467)) | (1L << (LEAVES - 467)) | (1L << (UNDEFINED - 467)) | (1L << (EVERY - 467)) | (1L << (BYTE - 467)) | (1L << (SHARDING - 467)) | (1L << (MIN_ROWS - 467)) | (1L << (ERROR_P - 467)) | (1L << (MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS - 467)) | (1L << (FIELDS - 467)) | (1L << (MAX_CPU - 467)) | (1L << (LOCKED - 467)) | (1L << (IO - 467)) | (1L << (BTREE - 467)) | (1L << (HASH - 467)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 534)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 534)) & ((1L << (OLTP - 534)) | (1L << (SYSOPER - 534)) | (1L << (COLLATION - 534)) | (1L << (MASTER - 534)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTION - 534)) | (1L << (INSERTING - 534)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MONTH - 534)) | (1L << (IGNORE - 534)) | (1L << (MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR - 534)) | (1L << (MIN_IOPS - 534)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR - 534)) | (1L << (PAUSE - 534)) | (1L << (QUICK - 534)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE - 534)) | (1L << (XMLTYPE - 534)) | (1L << (XMLTABLE - 534)) | (1L << (XMLNAMESPACES - 534)) | (1L << (SDO_GEOMETRY - 534)) | (1L << (USAGE - 534)) | (1L << (FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY - 534)) | (1L << (WAIT - 534)) | (1L << (DES_KEY_FILE - 534)) | (1L << (ENGINES - 534)) | (1L << (RETURNS - 534)) | (1L << (MASTER_USER - 534)) | (1L << (SOCKET - 534)) | (1L << (SIBLINGS - 534)) | (1L << (MASTER_DELAY - 534)) | (1L << (FILE_ID - 534)) | (1L << (FIRST - 534)) | (1L << (TABLET - 534)) | (1L << (CLIENT - 534)) | (1L << (ENGINE_ - 534)) | (1L << (EXCLUDING - 534)) | (1L << (TRADITIONAL - 534)) | (1L << (BOOTSTRAP - 534)) | (1L << (INVOKER - 534)) | (1L << (DEPTH - 534)) | (1L << (COLUMN_NAME - 534)) | (1L << (RESET - 534)) | (1L << (EVENT - 534)) | (1L << (COALESCE - 534)) | (1L << (RESPECT - 534)) | (1L << (STATUS - 534)) | (1L << (UNBOUNDED - 534)) | (1L << (WRAPPER - 534)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMP - 534)) | (1L << (PARTITIONS - 534)) | (1L << (SUBSTR - 534)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 598)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 598)) & ((1L << (FILEX - 598)) | (1L << (UNIT - 598)) | (1L << (DEMAND - 598)) | (1L << (LESS - 598)) | (1L << (DIAGNOSTICS - 598)) | (1L << (REDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 598)) | (1L << (NO - 598)) | (1L << (MAJOR - 598)) | (1L << (ACTIVE - 598)) | (1L << (TIES - 598)) | (1L << (ROUTINE - 598)) | (1L << (FOLLOWING - 598)) | (1L << (READ_ONLY - 598)) | (1L << (MEMBER - 598)) | (1L << (PARTITION_ID - 598)) | (1L << (GROUPING - 598)) | (1L << (MATCHED - 598)) | (1L << (MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR - 598)) | (1L << (ASYNCHRONOUS - 598)) | (1L << (FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS - 598)) | (1L << (ENCODING - 598)) | (1L << (SECOND - 598)) | (1L << (UNKNOWN - 598)) | (1L << (POINT - 598)) | (1L << (MEMSTORE_PERCENT - 598)) | (1L << (POLYGON - 598)) | (1L << (ORA_ROWSCN - 598)) | (1L << (TABLE_ID - 598)) | (1L << (CONTEXT - 598)) | (1L << (FINAL_COUNT - 598)) | (1L << (MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY - 598)) | (1L << (POSITION - 598)) | (1L << (DISCARD - 598)) | (1L << (PATTERN - 598)) | (1L << (RECOVERY_WINDOW - 598)) | (1L << (PREV - 598)) | (1L << (PROCESS - 598)) | (1L << (DEALLOCATE - 598)) | (1L << (OLD_PASSWORD - 598)) | (1L << (SLOW - 598)) | (1L << (OPTIONS - 598)) | (1L << (UPDATING - 598)) | (1L << (RT - 598)) | (1L << (RELOAD - 598)) | (1L << (ONE - 598)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 662)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 662)) & ((1L << (DELAY_KEY_WRITE - 662)) | (1L << (ORIG_DEFAULT - 662)) | (1L << (INDEXED - 662)) | (1L << (RLIKE - 662)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_HOUR - 662)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPDIFF - 662)) | (1L << (RESTORE - 662)) | (1L << (OFFSET - 662)) | (1L << (JSON_EXISTS - 662)) | (1L << (SERVER_TYPE - 662)) | (1L << (COMMITTED - 662)) | (1L << (PERCENT - 662)) | (1L << (SUBJECT - 662)) | (1L << (DBTIMEZONE - 662)) | (1L << (INDEXES - 662)) | (1L << (FREEZE - 662)) | (1L << (SCOPE - 662)) | (1L << (IDC - 662)) | (1L << (SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH - 662)) | (1L << (ONE_SHOT - 662)) | (1L << (ACCOUNT - 662)) | (1L << (LOCALITY - 662)) | (1L << (REVERSE - 662)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_ID - 662)) | (1L << (MAX_SIZE - 662)) | (1L << (PAGE - 662)) | (1L << (NAME - 662)) | (1L << (ADMINISTER - 662)) | (1L << (ROW_COUNT - 662)) | (1L << (LAST - 662)) | (1L << (LOGONLY_REPLICA_NUM - 662)) | (1L << (DELAY - 662)) | (1L << (SUBDATE - 662)) | (1L << (INCREMENTAL - 662)) | (1L << (VERIFY - 662)) | (1L << (CONTAINS - 662)) | (1L << (GENERAL - 662)) | (1L << (VISIBLE - 662)) | (1L << (SIGNED - 662)) | (1L << (SERVER - 662)) | (1L << (GLOBAL - 662)) | (1L << (ENDS - 662)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE_LIST - 662)) | (1L << (SHOW - 662)) | (1L << (SHUTDOWN - 662)) | (1L << (VERBOSE - 662)) | (1L << (JSON_EQUAL - 662)) | (1L << (CLUSTER_NAME - 662)) | (1L << (MASTER_PORT - 662)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 726)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 726)) & ((1L << (MYSQL_ERRNO - 726)) | (1L << (XA - 726)) | (1L << (DATETIME - 726)) | (1L << (BOOL - 726)) | (1L << (DIRECTORY - 726)) | (1L << (VALID - 726)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_KEY - 726)) | (1L << (MASTER_PASSWORD - 726)) | (1L << (MULTIPOLYGON - 726)) | (1L << (USE_BLOOM_FILTER - 726)) | (1L << (LOCAL - 726)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_CATALOG - 726)) | (1L << (DICTIONARY - 726)) | (1L << (SYSDBA - 726)) | (1L << (EXCHANGE - 726)) | (1L << (GRANTS - 726)) | (1L << (CAST - 726)) | (1L << (SERVER_PORT - 726)) | (1L << (SQL_CACHE - 726)) | (1L << (MAX_USED_PART_ID - 726)) | (1L << (RELY - 726)) | (1L << (NAN_VALUE - 726)) | (1L << (INVISIBLE - 726)) | (1L << (BINARY_DOUBLE_INFINITY - 726)) | (1L << (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROW - 726)) | (1L << (TREAT - 726)) | (1L << (TYPENAME - 726)) | (1L << (MY_NAME - 726)) | (1L << (NAMES - 726)) | (1L << (MAX_ROWS - 726)) | (1L << (ISOLATION - 726)) | (1L << (REPLICATION - 726)) | (1L << (REMOVE - 726)) | (1L << (STATS_AUTO_RECALC - 726)) | (1L << (CONSISTENT_MODE - 726)) | (1L << (SUBMULTISET - 726)) | (1L << (UNCOMMITTED - 726)) | (1L << (CURRENT_SCHEMA - 726)) | (1L << (NO_WAIT - 726)) | (1L << (BACKUP_COPIES - 726)) | (1L << (UNIT_NUM - 726)) | (1L << (PERCENTAGE - 726)) | (1L << (MAX_IOPS - 726)) | (1L << (SPFILE - 726)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 790)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 790)) & ((1L << (REPEATABLE - 790)) | (1L << (COMPLETION - 790)) | (1L << (ROOTTABLE - 790)) | (1L << (ZONE - 790)) | (1L << (TEMPLATE - 790)) | (1L << (DATE_SUB - 790)) | (1L << (EXPIRE_INFO - 790)) | (1L << (EXPIRE - 790)) | (1L << (KEEP - 790)) | (1L << (HOSTS - 790)) | (1L << (SCHEMA_NAME - 790)) | (1L << (SHRINK - 790)) | (1L << (EXPANSION - 790)) | (1L << (REORGANIZE - 790)) | (1L << (TRIM_SPACE - 790)) | (1L << (BLOCK_SIZE - 790)) | (1L << (INNER_PARSE - 790)) | (1L << (MINOR - 790)) | (1L << (RESUME - 790)) | (1L << (COMPLETE - 790)) | (1L << (STATS_PERSISTENT - 790)) | (1L << (NODEGROUP - 790)) | (1L << (PARTITIONING - 790)) | (1L << (SUPER - 790)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECT - 790)) | (1L << (DETERMINISTIC - 790)) | (1L << (NVARCHAR2 - 790)) | (1L << (MEMTABLE - 790)) | (1L << (CHARSET - 790)) | (1L << (MOVE - 790)) | (1L << (XML - 790)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - 790)) | (1L << (IPC - 790)) | (1L << (MIN_MAX - 790)) | (1L << (PATH - 790)) | (1L << (TRIM - 790)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_AUTH - 790)) | (1L << (EXTENT_SIZE - 790)) | (1L << (BINLOG - 790)) | (1L << (CLOG - 790)) | (1L << (GEOMETRYCOLLECTION - 790)) | (1L << (MEDIUM - 790)) | (1L << (XMLPARSE - 790)) | (1L << (WELLFORMED - 790)) | (1L << (DOCUMENT - 790)) | (1L << (XMLAGG - 790)) | (1L << (USE_FRM - 790)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 855)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 855)) & ((1L << (MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD - 855)) | (1L << (DELETING - 855)) | (1L << (SUBPARTITIONS - 855)) | (1L << (CUBE - 855)) | (1L << (BALANCE - 855)) | (1L << (POLICY - 855)) | (1L << (QUERY - 855)) | (1L << (THROTTLE - 855)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_QUARTER - 855)) | (1L << (SPACE - 855)) | (1L << (REPAIR - 855)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CIPHER - 855)) | (1L << (KEY_VERSION - 855)) | (1L << (CATALOG_NAME - 855)) | (1L << (NDBCLUSTER - 855)) | (1L << (CONNECTION - 855)) | (1L << (COMPACT - 855)) | (1L << (INCR - 855)) | (1L << (SIMPLE - 855)) | (1L << (VARIABLES - 855)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_WEEK - 855)) | (1L << (ROOTSERVICE - 855)) | (1L << (PLUGIN_DIR - 855)) | (1L << (ASCII - 855)) | (1L << (INFO - 855)) | (1L << (SQL_THREAD - 855)) | (1L << (SKIP_HEADER - 855)) | (1L << (TYPES - 855)) | (1L << (LEADER - 855)) | (1L << (EXTRACT - 855)) | (1L << (INSERTCHILDXML - 855)) | (1L << (DELETEXML - 855)) | (1L << (XMLSEQUENCE - 855)) | (1L << (XMLCAST - 855)) | (1L << (XMLSERIALIZE - 855)) | (1L << (FIXED - 855)) | (1L << (RETURNED_SQLSTATE - 855)) | (1L << (SKIP_INDEX - 855)) | (1L << (PRESERVE - 855)) | (1L << (ASIS - 855)) | (1L << (SQL_BUFFER_RESULT - 855)) | (1L << (LOCK_ - 855)) | (1L << (JSON - 855)) | (1L << (INDEX_TABLE_ID - 855)) | (1L << (FREQUENCY - 855)) | (1L << (LOCKS - 855)) | (1L << (SYSBACKUP - 855)) | (1L << (GEOMETRY - 855)) | (1L << (STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION - 855)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 919)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 919)) & ((1L << (VERSION - 919)) | (1L << (INDENT - 919)) | (1L << (ISOLATION_LEVEL - 919)) | (1L << (OVER - 919)) | (1L << (MAX_SESSION_NUM - 919)) | (1L << (USER_RESOURCES - 919)) | (1L << (DESTINATION - 919)) | (1L << (SONAME - 919)) | (1L << (OUTLINE - 919)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_FILE - 919)) | (1L << (WMSYS - 919)) | (1L << (ESTIMATE - 919)) | (1L << (SLAVE - 919)) | (1L << (GTS - 919)) | (1L << (SKIP_BLANK_LINES - 919)) | (1L << (EXPORT - 919)) | (1L << (TEXT - 919)) | (1L << (AVG_ROW_LENGTH - 919)) | (1L << (FLASHBACK - 919)) | (1L << (SESSION_USER - 919)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUPS - 919)) | (1L << (REPLICA_TYPE - 919)) | (1L << (AGGREGATE - 919)) | (1L << (ENUM - 919)) | (1L << (TRANSFER - 919)) | (1L << (NATIONAL - 919)) | (1L << (RECYCLE - 919)) | (1L << (REGION - 919)) | (1L << (MUTEX - 919)) | (1L << (NDB - 919)) | (1L << (SYSTEM_USER - 919)) | (1L << (MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR - 919)) | (1L << (R_SKIP - 919)) | (1L << (CONCURRENT - 919)) | (1L << (DUMPFILE - 919)) | (1L << (COMPRESSED - 919)) | (1L << (LINESTRING - 919)) | (1L << (EXEMPT - 919)) | (1L << (DYNAMIC - 919)) | (1L << (CHAIN - 919)) | (1L << (BASELINE_ID - 919)) | (1L << (HIGH - 919)) | (1L << (LAX - 919)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_YEAR - 919)) | (1L << (THAN - 919)) | (1L << (CPU - 919)) | (1L << (LOGS - 919)) | (1L << (SERIALIZABLE - 919)) | (1L << (DBA_RECYCLEBIN - 919)) | (1L << (ROW_FORMAT - 919)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 984)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 984)) & ((1L << (SET_MASTER_CLUSTER - 984)) | (1L << (MINUTE - 984)) | (1L << (SWAPS - 984)) | (1L << (DESCRIBE - 984)) | (1L << (TASK - 984)) | (1L << (IO_THREAD - 984)) | (1L << (PARAMETERS - 984)) | (1L << (OBJECT - 984)) | (1L << (AUTO - 984)) | (1L << (REGEXP_LIKE - 984)) | (1L << (PASSWORD - 984)) | (1L << (MESSAGE_TEXT - 984)) | (1L << (DISK - 984)) | (1L << (FAULTS - 984)) | (1L << (HOUR - 984)) | (1L << (REF - 984)) | (1L << (REFRESH - 984)) | (1L << (COLUMN_STAT - 984)) | (1L << (UNIT_GROUP - 984)) | (1L << (ERROR_CODE - 984)) | (1L << (UPDATEXML - 984)) | (1L << (PHASE - 984)) | (1L << (NORELY - 984)) | (1L << (RESTART - 984)) | (1L << (TRACE - 984)) | (1L << (LOGICAL_READS - 984)) | (1L << (MANAGEMENT - 984)) | (1L << (DATE_ADD - 984)) | (1L << (BLOCK_INDEX - 984)) | (1L << (DEBUG - 984)) | (1L << (SERVER_IP - 984)) | (1L << (SESSIONTIMEZONE - 984)) | (1L << (CODE - 984)) | (1L << (PLUGINS - 984)) | (1L << (ADDDATE - 984)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME - 984)) | (1L << (TRANSLATE - 984)) | (1L << (COLUMN_FORMAT - 984)) | (1L << (CLEAN - 984)) | (1L << (NESTED - 984)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL - 984)) | (1L << (CLEAR - 984)) | (1L << (SORTKEY - 984)) | (1L << (CHECKSUM - 984)) | (1L << (INSTALL - 984)) | (1L << (MONTH - 984)) | (1L << (NEVER - 984)) | (1L << (JSON_OBJECTAGG - 984)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1048)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1048)) & ((1L << (SET_TP - 1048)) | (1L << (OWNER - 1048)) | (1L << (BLOOM_FILTER - 1048)) | (1L << (ILOG - 1048)) | (1L << (META - 1048)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION - 1048)) | (1L << (IDENTITY - 1048)) | (1L << (STARTS - 1048)) | (1L << (PLANREGRESS - 1048)) | (1L << (AUTOEXTEND_SIZE - 1048)) | (1L << (TABLET_ID - 1048)) | (1L << (SOURCE - 1048)) | (1L << (IGNORE_SERVER_IDS - 1048)) | (1L << (REPLICA_NUM - 1048)) | (1L << (BINDING - 1048)) | (1L << (MICROSECOND - 1048)) | (1L << (UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE - 1048)) | (1L << (EXTENDED_NOADDR - 1048)) | (1L << (JSON_MERGEPATCH - 1048)) | (1L << (SPLIT - 1048)) | (1L << (BASELINE - 1048)) | (1L << (MEMORY - 1048)) | (1L << (SEED - 1048)) | (1L << (DESCRIPTION - 1048)) | (1L << (RTREE - 1048)) | (1L << (RUN - 1048)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_GTIDS - 1048)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_DAY - 1048)) | (1L << (RELAY_THREAD - 1048)) | (1L << (BREADTH - 1048)) | (1L << (DISALLOW - 1048)) | (1L << (PRIVILEGE - 1048)) | (1L << (UNUSUAL - 1048)) | (1L << (RELAYLOG - 1048)) | (1L << (SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS - 1048)) | (1L << (PRIMARY_ZONE - 1048)) | (1L << (TABLE_CHECKSUM - 1048)) | (1L << (ZONE_LIST - 1048)) | (1L << (DATABASE_ID - 1048)) | (1L << (TP_NO - 1048)) | (1L << (NETWORK - 1048)) | (1L << (HIDDEN_ - 1048)) | (1L << (BOOLEAN - 1048)) | (1L << (MULTILINESTRING - 1048)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1113)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1113)) & ((1L << (NOW - 1113)) | (1L << (PROXY - 1113)) | (1L << (DUPLICATE_SCOPE - 1113)) | (1L << (STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES - 1113)) | (1L << (TABLET_SIZE - 1113)) | (1L << (BASE - 1113)) | (1L << (KVCACHE - 1113)) | (1L << (RELAY - 1113)) | (1L << (CONTRIBUTORS - 1113)) | (1L << (MEMORY_SIZE - 1113)) | (1L << (EMPTY - 1113)) | (1L << (PARTIAL - 1113)) | (1L << (REPORT - 1113)) | (1L << (MASTER_AUTO_POSITION - 1113)) | (1L << (CALC_PARTITION_ID - 1113)) | (1L << (TP_NAME - 1113)) | (1L << (SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS - 1113)) | (1L << (EFFECTIVE - 1113)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_MINUTE - 1113)) | (1L << (UNICODE - 1113)) | (1L << (QUARTER - 1113)) | (1L << (ANALYSE - 1113)) | (1L << (DEFINER - 1113)) | (1L << (PROCESSLIST - 1113)) | (1L << (TYPE - 1113)) | (1L << (CHAR_CS - 1113)) | (1L << (INSERT_METHOD - 1113)) | (1L << (EXTENDED - 1113)) | (1L << (LOG - 1113)) | (1L << (TIME_ZONE_INFO - 1113)) | (1L << (TIMESTAMPADD - 1113)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_INFINITY - 1113)) | (1L << (GET_FORMAT - 1113)) | (1L << (LOW - 1113)) | (1L << (PREPARE - 1113)) | (1L << (MATERIALIZED - 1113)) | (1L << (HANDLER - 1113)) | (1L << (INITIAL_SIZE - 1113)) | (1L << (RELAY_LOG_FILE - 1113)) | (1L << (STORING - 1113)) | (1L << (IMPORT - 1113)) | (1L << (MIN_MEMORY - 1113)) | (1L << (HELP - 1113)) | (1L << (CREATE_TIMESTAMP - 1113)) | (1L << (COMPUTE - 1113)) | (1L << (SOUNDS - 1113)) | (1L << (TABLE_MODE - 1113)) | (1L << (COPY - 1113)) | (1L << (SQL_NO_CACHE - 1113)) | (1L << (MISMATCH - 1113)) | (1L << (PRECEDING - 1113)) | (1L << (SWITCHES - 1113)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1177)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1177)) & ((1L << (PACK_KEYS - 1177)) | (1L << (ENABLE_EXTENDED_ROWID - 1177)) | (1L << (SQL_ID - 1177)) | (1L << (DAY - 1177)) | (1L << (JSON_TABLE - 1177)) | (1L << (JSON_VALUE - 1177)) | (1L << (RECURSIVE - 1177)) | (1L << (TABLEGROUP_ID - 1177)) | (1L << (GROUP_ID - 1177)) | (1L << (GROUPING_ID - 1177)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRL - 1177)) | (1L << (RESOURCE_POOL_LIST - 1177)) | (1L << (NULL_IF_EXETERNAL - 1177)) | (1L << (SKEWONLY - 1177)) | (1L << (SCHEDULE - 1177)) | (1L << (JOB - 1177)) | (1L << (MASTER_LOG_POS - 1177)) | (1L << (SUBCLASS_ORIGIN - 1177)) | (1L << (MULTIPOINT - 1177)) | (1L << (INFINITE_VALUE - 1177)) | (1L << (SQL_TSI_SECOND - 1177)) | (1L << (ROLLUP - 1177)) | (1L << (MIN_CPU - 1177)) | (1L << (OCCUR - 1177)) | (1L << (DATA - 1177)) | (1L << (BINARY_FLOAT_NAN - 1177)) | (1L << (MASTER_HOST - 1177)) | (1L << (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME - 1177)) | (1L << (ALGORITHM - 1177)) | (1L << (CONSTRAINT_NAME - 1177)) | (1L << (LIMIT - 1177)) | (1L << (DDL - 1177)) | (1L << (BASIC - 1177)) | (1L << (DEFAULT_TABLEGROUP - 1177)) | (1L << (CONTENT - 1177)) | (1L << (XMLELEMENT - 1177)) | (1L << (ENTITYESCAPING - 1177)) | (1L << (EXTRACTVALUE - 1177)) | (1L << (NOENTITYESCAPING - 1177)) | (1L << (NOSCHEMACHECK - 1177)) | (1L << (SCHEMACHECK - 1177)))) != 0) || ((((_la - 1241)) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << (_la - 1241)) & ((1L << (WEEK - 1241)) | (1L << (UNCONDITIONAL - 1241)) | (1L << (CONDITIONAL - 1241)) | (1L << (NULLS - 1241)) | (1L << (MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH - 1241)) | (1L << (CASCADED - 1241)) | (1L << (PLUGIN - 1241)) | (1L << (ENCRYPTED - 1241)) | (1L << (TENANT - 1241)) | (1L << (LNNVL - 1241)) | (1L << (A_ - 1241)))) != 0)) ) { - _errHandler.recoverInline(this); - } - else { - if ( _input.LA(1)==Token.EOF ) matchedEOF = true; - _errHandler.reportMatch(this); - consume(); - } - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class EmptyContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public EmptyContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_empty; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterEmpty(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitEmpty(this); - } - } - - public final EmptyContext empty() throws RecognitionException { - EmptyContext _localctx = new EmptyContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1788, RULE_empty); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Forward_exprContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public ExprContext expr() { - return getRuleContext(ExprContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode EOF() { return getToken(OBParser.EOF, 0); } - public Forward_exprContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_forward_expr; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterForward_expr(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitForward_expr(this); - } - } - - public final Forward_exprContext forward_expr() throws RecognitionException { - Forward_exprContext _localctx = new Forward_exprContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1790, RULE_forward_expr); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14260); - expr(0); - setState(14261); - match(EOF); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public static class Forward_sql_stmtContext extends ParserRuleContext { - public StmtContext stmt() { - return getRuleContext(StmtContext.class,0); - } - public TerminalNode EOF() { return getToken(OBParser.EOF, 0); } - public Forward_sql_stmtContext(ParserRuleContext parent, int invokingState) { - super(parent, invokingState); - } - @Override public int getRuleIndex() { return RULE_forward_sql_stmt; } - @Override - public void enterRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).enterForward_sql_stmt(this); - } - @Override - public void exitRule(ParseTreeListener listener) { - if ( listener instanceof OBParserListener ) ((OBParserListener)listener).exitForward_sql_stmt(this); - } - } - - public final Forward_sql_stmtContext forward_sql_stmt() throws RecognitionException { - Forward_sql_stmtContext _localctx = new Forward_sql_stmtContext(_ctx, getState()); - enterRule(_localctx, 1792, RULE_forward_sql_stmt); - try { - enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); - { - setState(14263); - stmt(); - setState(14264); - match(EOF); - } - } - catch (RecognitionException re) { - _localctx.exception = re; - _errHandler.reportError(this, re); - _errHandler.recover(this, re); - } - finally { - exitRule(); - } - return _localctx; - } - - public boolean sempred(RuleContext _localctx, int ruleIndex, int predIndex) { - switch (ruleIndex) { - case 26: - return bit_expr_sempred((Bit_exprContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 27: - return conf_expr_sempred((Conf_exprContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 30: - return simple_expr_sempred((Simple_exprContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 52: - return table_element_access_list_sempred((Table_element_access_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 54: - return expr_sempred((ExprContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 97: - return bool_pri_in_pl_func_sempred((Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 111: - return opt_resource_unit_option_list_sempred((Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 113: - return opt_create_resource_pool_option_list_sempred((Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 121: - return opt_tenant_option_list_sempred((Opt_tenant_option_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 168: - return out_of_line_index_state_sempred((Out_of_line_index_stateContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 176: - return opt_generated_column_attribute_list_sempred((Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 193: - return character_type_i_sempred((Character_type_iContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 218: - return opt_column_attribute_list_sempred((Opt_column_attribute_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 375: - return insert_vals_list_sempred((Insert_vals_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 388: - return select_clause_set_sempred((Select_clause_setContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 413: - return into_var_sempred((Into_varContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 426: - return opt_hint_list_sempred((Opt_hint_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 428: - return name_list_sempred((Name_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 484: - return external_table_partitions_sempred((External_table_partitionsContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 499: - return relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_sempred((Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 501: - return relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list_sempred((Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 504: - return joined_table_sempred((Joined_tableContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 540: - return tls_option_list_sempred((Tls_option_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 629: - return add_external_table_partition_actions_sempred((Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 691: - return add_or_alter_zone_options_sempred((Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 710: - return alter_system_settp_actions_sempred((Alter_system_settp_actionsContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 748: - return for_columns_list_sempred((For_columns_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 869: - return opt_skip_index_type_list_sempred((Opt_skip_index_type_listContext)_localctx, predIndex); - case 876: - return evalname_expr_sempred((Evalname_exprContext)_localctx, predIndex); - } - return true; - } - private boolean bit_expr_sempred(Bit_exprContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 0: - return precpred(_ctx, 12); - case 1: - return precpred(_ctx, 11); - case 2: - return precpred(_ctx, 10); - case 3: - return precpred(_ctx, 9); - case 4: - return precpred(_ctx, 8); - case 5: - return precpred(_ctx, 7); - case 6: - return precpred(_ctx, 5); - case 7: - return precpred(_ctx, 4); - case 8: - return precpred(_ctx, 3); - case 9: - return precpred(_ctx, 6); - } - return true; - } - private boolean conf_expr_sempred(Conf_exprContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 10: - return precpred(_ctx, 1); - } - return true; - } - private boolean simple_expr_sempred(Simple_exprContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 11: - return this.is_pl_parse_; - case 12: - return precpred(_ctx, 23); - } - return true; - } - private boolean table_element_access_list_sempred(Table_element_access_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 13: - return precpred(_ctx, 1); - } - return true; - } - private boolean expr_sempred(ExprContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 14: - return precpred(_ctx, 1); - } - return true; - } - private boolean bool_pri_in_pl_func_sempred(Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 15: - return precpred(_ctx, 1); - } - return true; - } - private boolean opt_resource_unit_option_list_sempred(Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 16: - return precpred(_ctx, 1); - } - return true; - } - private boolean opt_create_resource_pool_option_list_sempred(Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 17: - return precpred(_ctx, 1); - } - return true; - } - private boolean opt_tenant_option_list_sempred(Opt_tenant_option_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 18: - return precpred(_ctx, 1); - } - return true; - } - private boolean out_of_line_index_state_sempred(Out_of_line_index_stateContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 19: - return !_localctx.using_idx_flag; - case 20: - return _localctx.using_idx_flag; - } - return true; - } - private boolean opt_generated_column_attribute_list_sempred(Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 21: - return precpred(_ctx, 2); - } - return true; - } - private boolean character_type_i_sempred(Character_type_iContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 22: - return _localctx.in_cast_data_type; - } - return true; - } - private boolean opt_column_attribute_list_sempred(Opt_column_attribute_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 23: - return precpred(_ctx, 2); - } - return true; - } - private boolean insert_vals_list_sempred(Insert_vals_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 24: - return precpred(_ctx, 1); - } - return true; - } - private boolean select_clause_set_sempred(Select_clause_setContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 25: - return precpred(_ctx, 2); - } - return true; - } - private boolean into_var_sempred(Into_varContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 26: - return this.is_pl_parse_; - } - return true; - } - private boolean opt_hint_list_sempred(Opt_hint_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 27: - return precpred(_ctx, 1); - } - return true; - } - private boolean name_list_sempred(Name_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 28: - return precpred(_ctx, 2); - case 29: - return precpred(_ctx, 1); - } - return true; - } - private boolean external_table_partitions_sempred(External_table_partitionsContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 30: - return precpred(_ctx, 1); - } - return true; - } - private boolean relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_sempred(Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 31: - return precpred(_ctx, 2); - case 32: - return precpred(_ctx, 1); - } - return true; - } - private boolean relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list_sempred(Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 33: - return precpred(_ctx, 2); - case 34: - return precpred(_ctx, 1); - } - return true; - } - private boolean joined_table_sempred(Joined_tableContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 35: - return precpred(_ctx, 7); - case 36: - return precpred(_ctx, 6); - case 37: - return precpred(_ctx, 5); - case 38: - return precpred(_ctx, 4); - case 39: - return precpred(_ctx, 3); - case 40: - return precpred(_ctx, 2); - case 41: - return precpred(_ctx, 1); - } - return true; - } - private boolean tls_option_list_sempred(Tls_option_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 42: - return precpred(_ctx, 2); - case 43: - return precpred(_ctx, 1); - } - return true; - } - private boolean add_external_table_partition_actions_sempred(Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 44: - return precpred(_ctx, 1); - } - return true; - } - private boolean add_or_alter_zone_options_sempred(Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 45: - return precpred(_ctx, 1); - } - return true; - } - private boolean alter_system_settp_actions_sempred(Alter_system_settp_actionsContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 46: - return precpred(_ctx, 1); - } - return true; - } - private boolean for_columns_list_sempred(For_columns_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 47: - return precpred(_ctx, 2); - case 48: - return precpred(_ctx, 1); - } - return true; - } - private boolean opt_skip_index_type_list_sempred(Opt_skip_index_type_listContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 49: - return precpred(_ctx, 1); - } - return true; - } - private boolean evalname_expr_sempred(Evalname_exprContext _localctx, int predIndex) { - switch (predIndex) { - case 50: - return precpred(_ctx, 1); - } - return true; - } - - private static final int _serializedATNSegments = 6; - private static final String _serializedATNSegment0 = - "\3\u608b\ua72a\u8133\ub9ed\u417c\u3be7\u7786\u5964\3\u0555\u37bd\4\2\t"+ - "\2\4\3\t\3\4\4\t\4\4\5\t\5\4\6\t\6\4\7\t\7\4\b\t\b\4\t\t\t\4\n\t\n\4\13"+ - "\t\13\4\f\t\f\4\r\t\r\4\16\t\16\4\17\t\17\4\20\t\20\4\21\t\21\4\22\t\22"+ - "\4\23\t\23\4\24\t\24\4\25\t\25\4\26\t\26\4\27\t\27\4\30\t\30\4\31\t\31"+ - "\4\32\t\32\4\33\t\33\4\34\t\34\4\35\t\35\4\36\t\36\4\37\t\37\4 \t \4!"+ - "\t!\4\"\t\"\4#\t#\4$\t$\4%\t%\4&\t&\4\'\t\'\4(\t(\4)\t)\4*\t*\4+\t+\4"+ - ",\t,\4-\t-\4.\t.\4/\t/\4\60\t\60\4\61\t\61\4\62\t\62\4\63\t\63\4\64\t"+ - "\64\4\65\t\65\4\66\t\66\4\67\t\67\48\t8\49\t9\4:\t:\4;\t;\4<\t<\4=\t="+ - "\4>\t>\4?\t?\4@\t@\4A\tA\4B\tB\4C\tC\4D\tD\4E\tE\4F\tF\4G\tG\4H\tH\4I"+ - "\tI\4J\tJ\4K\tK\4L\tL\4M\tM\4N\tN\4O\tO\4P\tP\4Q\tQ\4R\tR\4S\tS\4T\tT"+ - "\4U\tU\4V\tV\4W\tW\4X\tX\4Y\tY\4Z\tZ\4[\t[\4\\\t\\\4]\t]\4^\t^\4_\t_\4"+ - "`\t`\4a\ta\4b\tb\4c\tc\4d\td\4e\te\4f\tf\4g\tg\4h\th\4i\ti\4j\tj\4k\t"+ - "k\4l\tl\4m\tm\4n\tn\4o\to\4p\tp\4q\tq\4r\tr\4s\ts\4t\tt\4u\tu\4v\tv\4"+ - "w\tw\4x\tx\4y\ty\4z\tz\4{\t{\4|\t|\4}\t}\4~\t~\4\177\t\177\4\u0080\t\u0080"+ - "\4\u0081\t\u0081\4\u0082\t\u0082\4\u0083\t\u0083\4\u0084\t\u0084\4\u0085"+ - "\t\u0085\4\u0086\t\u0086\4\u0087\t\u0087\4\u0088\t\u0088\4\u0089\t\u0089"+ - "\4\u008a\t\u008a\4\u008b\t\u008b\4\u008c\t\u008c\4\u008d\t\u008d\4\u008e"+ - "\t\u008e\4\u008f\t\u008f\4\u0090\t\u0090\4\u0091\t\u0091\4\u0092\t\u0092"+ - "\4\u0093\t\u0093\4\u0094\t\u0094\4\u0095\t\u0095\4\u0096\t\u0096\4\u0097"+ - "\t\u0097\4\u0098\t\u0098\4\u0099\t\u0099\4\u009a\t\u009a\4\u009b\t\u009b"+ - "\4\u009c\t\u009c\4\u009d\t\u009d\4\u009e\t\u009e\4\u009f\t\u009f\4\u00a0"+ - "\t\u00a0\4\u00a1\t\u00a1\4\u00a2\t\u00a2\4\u00a3\t\u00a3\4\u00a4\t\u00a4"+ - "\4\u00a5\t\u00a5\4\u00a6\t\u00a6\4\u00a7\t\u00a7\4\u00a8\t\u00a8\4\u00a9"+ - "\t\u00a9\4\u00aa\t\u00aa\4\u00ab\t\u00ab\4\u00ac\t\u00ac\4\u00ad\t\u00ad"+ - "\4\u00ae\t\u00ae\4\u00af\t\u00af\4\u00b0\t\u00b0\4\u00b1\t\u00b1\4\u00b2"+ - "\t\u00b2\4\u00b3\t\u00b3\4\u00b4\t\u00b4\4\u00b5\t\u00b5\4\u00b6\t\u00b6"+ - "\4\u00b7\t\u00b7\4\u00b8\t\u00b8\4\u00b9\t\u00b9\4\u00ba\t\u00ba\4\u00bb"+ - "\t\u00bb\4\u00bc\t\u00bc\4\u00bd\t\u00bd\4\u00be\t\u00be\4\u00bf\t\u00bf"+ - "\4\u00c0\t\u00c0\4\u00c1\t\u00c1\4\u00c2\t\u00c2\4\u00c3\t\u00c3\4\u00c4"+ - "\t\u00c4\4\u00c5\t\u00c5\4\u00c6\t\u00c6\4\u00c7\t\u00c7\4\u00c8\t\u00c8"+ - "\4\u00c9\t\u00c9\4\u00ca\t\u00ca\4\u00cb\t\u00cb\4\u00cc\t\u00cc\4\u00cd"+ - "\t\u00cd\4\u00ce\t\u00ce\4\u00cf\t\u00cf\4\u00d0\t\u00d0\4\u00d1\t\u00d1"+ - "\4\u00d2\t\u00d2\4\u00d3\t\u00d3\4\u00d4\t\u00d4\4\u00d5\t\u00d5\4\u00d6"+ - "\t\u00d6\4\u00d7\t\u00d7\4\u00d8\t\u00d8\4\u00d9\t\u00d9\4\u00da\t\u00da"+ - "\4\u00db\t\u00db\4\u00dc\t\u00dc\4\u00dd\t\u00dd\4\u00de\t\u00de\4\u00df"+ - "\t\u00df\4\u00e0\t\u00e0\4\u00e1\t\u00e1\4\u00e2\t\u00e2\4\u00e3\t\u00e3"+ - "\4\u00e4\t\u00e4\4\u00e5\t\u00e5\4\u00e6\t\u00e6\4\u00e7\t\u00e7\4\u00e8"+ - "\t\u00e8\4\u00e9\t\u00e9\4\u00ea\t\u00ea\4\u00eb\t\u00eb\4\u00ec\t\u00ec"+ - "\4\u00ed\t\u00ed\4\u00ee\t\u00ee\4\u00ef\t\u00ef\4\u00f0\t\u00f0\4\u00f1"+ - "\t\u00f1\4\u00f2\t\u00f2\4\u00f3\t\u00f3\4\u00f4\t\u00f4\4\u00f5\t\u00f5"+ - "\4\u00f6\t\u00f6\4\u00f7\t\u00f7\4\u00f8\t\u00f8\4\u00f9\t\u00f9\4\u00fa"+ - "\t\u00fa\4\u00fb\t\u00fb\4\u00fc\t\u00fc\4\u00fd\t\u00fd\4\u00fe\t\u00fe"+ - "\4\u00ff\t\u00ff\4\u0100\t\u0100\4\u0101\t\u0101\4\u0102\t\u0102\4\u0103"+ - "\t\u0103\4\u0104\t\u0104\4\u0105\t\u0105\4\u0106\t\u0106\4\u0107\t\u0107"+ - "\4\u0108\t\u0108\4\u0109\t\u0109\4\u010a\t\u010a\4\u010b\t\u010b\4\u010c"+ - "\t\u010c\4\u010d\t\u010d\4\u010e\t\u010e\4\u010f\t\u010f\4\u0110\t\u0110"+ - "\4\u0111\t\u0111\4\u0112\t\u0112\4\u0113\t\u0113\4\u0114\t\u0114\4\u0115"+ - "\t\u0115\4\u0116\t\u0116\4\u0117\t\u0117\4\u0118\t\u0118\4\u0119\t\u0119"+ - "\4\u011a\t\u011a\4\u011b\t\u011b\4\u011c\t\u011c\4\u011d\t\u011d\4\u011e"+ - "\t\u011e\4\u011f\t\u011f\4\u0120\t\u0120\4\u0121\t\u0121\4\u0122\t\u0122"+ - "\4\u0123\t\u0123\4\u0124\t\u0124\4\u0125\t\u0125\4\u0126\t\u0126\4\u0127"+ - "\t\u0127\4\u0128\t\u0128\4\u0129\t\u0129\4\u012a\t\u012a\4\u012b\t\u012b"+ - "\4\u012c\t\u012c\4\u012d\t\u012d\4\u012e\t\u012e\4\u012f\t\u012f\4\u0130"+ - "\t\u0130\4\u0131\t\u0131\4\u0132\t\u0132\4\u0133\t\u0133\4\u0134\t\u0134"+ - "\4\u0135\t\u0135\4\u0136\t\u0136\4\u0137\t\u0137\4\u0138\t\u0138\4\u0139"+ - "\t\u0139\4\u013a\t\u013a\4\u013b\t\u013b\4\u013c\t\u013c\4\u013d\t\u013d"+ - "\4\u013e\t\u013e\4\u013f\t\u013f\4\u0140\t\u0140\4\u0141\t\u0141\4\u0142"+ - "\t\u0142\4\u0143\t\u0143\4\u0144\t\u0144\4\u0145\t\u0145\4\u0146\t\u0146"+ - "\4\u0147\t\u0147\4\u0148\t\u0148\4\u0149\t\u0149\4\u014a\t\u014a\4\u014b"+ - "\t\u014b\4\u014c\t\u014c\4\u014d\t\u014d\4\u014e\t\u014e\4\u014f\t\u014f"+ - "\4\u0150\t\u0150\4\u0151\t\u0151\4\u0152\t\u0152\4\u0153\t\u0153\4\u0154"+ - "\t\u0154\4\u0155\t\u0155\4\u0156\t\u0156\4\u0157\t\u0157\4\u0158\t\u0158"+ - "\4\u0159\t\u0159\4\u015a\t\u015a\4\u015b\t\u015b\4\u015c\t\u015c\4\u015d"+ - "\t\u015d\4\u015e\t\u015e\4\u015f\t\u015f\4\u0160\t\u0160\4\u0161\t\u0161"+ - "\4\u0162\t\u0162\4\u0163\t\u0163\4\u0164\t\u0164\4\u0165\t\u0165\4\u0166"+ - "\t\u0166\4\u0167\t\u0167\4\u0168\t\u0168\4\u0169\t\u0169\4\u016a\t\u016a"+ - "\4\u016b\t\u016b\4\u016c\t\u016c\4\u016d\t\u016d\4\u016e\t\u016e\4\u016f"+ - "\t\u016f\4\u0170\t\u0170\4\u0171\t\u0171\4\u0172\t\u0172\4\u0173\t\u0173"+ - "\4\u0174\t\u0174\4\u0175\t\u0175\4\u0176\t\u0176\4\u0177\t\u0177\4\u0178"+ - "\t\u0178\4\u0179\t\u0179\4\u017a\t\u017a\4\u017b\t\u017b\4\u017c\t\u017c"+ - "\4\u017d\t\u017d\4\u017e\t\u017e\4\u017f\t\u017f\4\u0180\t\u0180\4\u0181"+ - "\t\u0181\4\u0182\t\u0182\4\u0183\t\u0183\4\u0184\t\u0184\4\u0185\t\u0185"+ - "\4\u0186\t\u0186\4\u0187\t\u0187\4\u0188\t\u0188\4\u0189\t\u0189\4\u018a"+ - "\t\u018a\4\u018b\t\u018b\4\u018c\t\u018c\4\u018d\t\u018d\4\u018e\t\u018e"+ - "\4\u018f\t\u018f\4\u0190\t\u0190\4\u0191\t\u0191\4\u0192\t\u0192\4\u0193"+ - "\t\u0193\4\u0194\t\u0194\4\u0195\t\u0195\4\u0196\t\u0196\4\u0197\t\u0197"+ - "\4\u0198\t\u0198\4\u0199\t\u0199\4\u019a\t\u019a\4\u019b\t\u019b\4\u019c"+ - "\t\u019c\4\u019d\t\u019d\4\u019e\t\u019e\4\u019f\t\u019f\4\u01a0\t\u01a0"+ - "\4\u01a1\t\u01a1\4\u01a2\t\u01a2\4\u01a3\t\u01a3\4\u01a4\t\u01a4\4\u01a5"+ - "\t\u01a5\4\u01a6\t\u01a6\4\u01a7\t\u01a7\4\u01a8\t\u01a8\4\u01a9\t\u01a9"+ - "\4\u01aa\t\u01aa\4\u01ab\t\u01ab\4\u01ac\t\u01ac\4\u01ad\t\u01ad\4\u01ae"+ - "\t\u01ae\4\u01af\t\u01af\4\u01b0\t\u01b0\4\u01b1\t\u01b1\4\u01b2\t\u01b2"+ - "\4\u01b3\t\u01b3\4\u01b4\t\u01b4\4\u01b5\t\u01b5\4\u01b6\t\u01b6\4\u01b7"+ - "\t\u01b7\4\u01b8\t\u01b8\4\u01b9\t\u01b9\4\u01ba\t\u01ba\4\u01bb\t\u01bb"+ - "\4\u01bc\t\u01bc\4\u01bd\t\u01bd\4\u01be\t\u01be\4\u01bf\t\u01bf\4\u01c0"+ - "\t\u01c0\4\u01c1\t\u01c1\4\u01c2\t\u01c2\4\u01c3\t\u01c3\4\u01c4\t\u01c4"+ - "\4\u01c5\t\u01c5\4\u01c6\t\u01c6\4\u01c7\t\u01c7\4\u01c8\t\u01c8\4\u01c9"+ - "\t\u01c9\4\u01ca\t\u01ca\4\u01cb\t\u01cb\4\u01cc\t\u01cc\4\u01cd\t\u01cd"+ - "\4\u01ce\t\u01ce\4\u01cf\t\u01cf\4\u01d0\t\u01d0\4\u01d1\t\u01d1\4\u01d2"+ - "\t\u01d2\4\u01d3\t\u01d3\4\u01d4\t\u01d4\4\u01d5\t\u01d5\4\u01d6\t\u01d6"+ - "\4\u01d7\t\u01d7\4\u01d8\t\u01d8\4\u01d9\t\u01d9\4\u01da\t\u01da\4\u01db"+ - "\t\u01db\4\u01dc\t\u01dc\4\u01dd\t\u01dd\4\u01de\t\u01de\4\u01df\t\u01df"+ - "\4\u01e0\t\u01e0\4\u01e1\t\u01e1\4\u01e2\t\u01e2\4\u01e3\t\u01e3\4\u01e4"+ - "\t\u01e4\4\u01e5\t\u01e5\4\u01e6\t\u01e6\4\u01e7\t\u01e7\4\u01e8\t\u01e8"+ - "\4\u01e9\t\u01e9\4\u01ea\t\u01ea\4\u01eb\t\u01eb\4\u01ec\t\u01ec\4\u01ed"+ - "\t\u01ed\4\u01ee\t\u01ee\4\u01ef\t\u01ef\4\u01f0\t\u01f0\4\u01f1\t\u01f1"+ - "\4\u01f2\t\u01f2\4\u01f3\t\u01f3\4\u01f4\t\u01f4\4\u01f5\t\u01f5\4\u01f6"+ - "\t\u01f6\4\u01f7\t\u01f7\4\u01f8\t\u01f8\4\u01f9\t\u01f9\4\u01fa\t\u01fa"+ - "\4\u01fb\t\u01fb\4\u01fc\t\u01fc\4\u01fd\t\u01fd\4\u01fe\t\u01fe\4\u01ff"+ - "\t\u01ff\4\u0200\t\u0200\4\u0201\t\u0201\4\u0202\t\u0202\4\u0203\t\u0203"+ - "\4\u0204\t\u0204\4\u0205\t\u0205\4\u0206\t\u0206\4\u0207\t\u0207\4\u0208"+ - "\t\u0208\4\u0209\t\u0209\4\u020a\t\u020a\4\u020b\t\u020b\4\u020c\t\u020c"+ - "\4\u020d\t\u020d\4\u020e\t\u020e\4\u020f\t\u020f\4\u0210\t\u0210\4\u0211"+ - "\t\u0211\4\u0212\t\u0212\4\u0213\t\u0213\4\u0214\t\u0214\4\u0215\t\u0215"+ - "\4\u0216\t\u0216\4\u0217\t\u0217\4\u0218\t\u0218\4\u0219\t\u0219\4\u021a"+ - "\t\u021a\4\u021b\t\u021b\4\u021c\t\u021c\4\u021d\t\u021d\4\u021e\t\u021e"+ - "\4\u021f\t\u021f\4\u0220\t\u0220\4\u0221\t\u0221\4\u0222\t\u0222\4\u0223"+ - "\t\u0223\4\u0224\t\u0224\4\u0225\t\u0225\4\u0226\t\u0226\4\u0227\t\u0227"+ - "\4\u0228\t\u0228\4\u0229\t\u0229\4\u022a\t\u022a\4\u022b\t\u022b\4\u022c"+ - "\t\u022c\4\u022d\t\u022d\4\u022e\t\u022e\4\u022f\t\u022f\4\u0230\t\u0230"+ - "\4\u0231\t\u0231\4\u0232\t\u0232\4\u0233\t\u0233\4\u0234\t\u0234\4\u0235"+ - "\t\u0235\4\u0236\t\u0236\4\u0237\t\u0237\4\u0238\t\u0238\4\u0239\t\u0239"+ - "\4\u023a\t\u023a\4\u023b\t\u023b\4\u023c\t\u023c\4\u023d\t\u023d\4\u023e"+ - "\t\u023e\4\u023f\t\u023f\4\u0240\t\u0240\4\u0241\t\u0241\4\u0242\t\u0242"+ - "\4\u0243\t\u0243\4\u0244\t\u0244\4\u0245\t\u0245\4\u0246\t\u0246\4\u0247"+ - "\t\u0247\4\u0248\t\u0248\4\u0249\t\u0249\4\u024a\t\u024a\4\u024b\t\u024b"+ - "\4\u024c\t\u024c\4\u024d\t\u024d\4\u024e\t\u024e\4\u024f\t\u024f\4\u0250"+ - "\t\u0250\4\u0251\t\u0251\4\u0252\t\u0252\4\u0253\t\u0253\4\u0254\t\u0254"+ - "\4\u0255\t\u0255\4\u0256\t\u0256\4\u0257\t\u0257\4\u0258\t\u0258\4\u0259"+ - "\t\u0259\4\u025a\t\u025a\4\u025b\t\u025b\4\u025c\t\u025c\4\u025d\t\u025d"+ - "\4\u025e\t\u025e\4\u025f\t\u025f\4\u0260\t\u0260\4\u0261\t\u0261\4\u0262"+ - "\t\u0262\4\u0263\t\u0263\4\u0264\t\u0264\4\u0265\t\u0265\4\u0266\t\u0266"+ - "\4\u0267\t\u0267\4\u0268\t\u0268\4\u0269\t\u0269\4\u026a\t\u026a\4\u026b"+ - "\t\u026b\4\u026c\t\u026c\4\u026d\t\u026d\4\u026e\t\u026e\4\u026f\t\u026f"+ - "\4\u0270\t\u0270\4\u0271\t\u0271\4\u0272\t\u0272\4\u0273\t\u0273\4\u0274"+ - "\t\u0274\4\u0275\t\u0275\4\u0276\t\u0276\4\u0277\t\u0277\4\u0278\t\u0278"+ - "\4\u0279\t\u0279\4\u027a\t\u027a\4\u027b\t\u027b\4\u027c\t\u027c\4\u027d"+ - "\t\u027d\4\u027e\t\u027e\4\u027f\t\u027f\4\u0280\t\u0280\4\u0281\t\u0281"+ - "\4\u0282\t\u0282\4\u0283\t\u0283\4\u0284\t\u0284\4\u0285\t\u0285\4\u0286"+ - "\t\u0286\4\u0287\t\u0287\4\u0288\t\u0288\4\u0289\t\u0289\4\u028a\t\u028a"+ - "\4\u028b\t\u028b\4\u028c\t\u028c\4\u028d\t\u028d\4\u028e\t\u028e\4\u028f"+ - "\t\u028f\4\u0290\t\u0290\4\u0291\t\u0291\4\u0292\t\u0292\4\u0293\t\u0293"+ - "\4\u0294\t\u0294\4\u0295\t\u0295\4\u0296\t\u0296\4\u0297\t\u0297\4\u0298"+ - "\t\u0298\4\u0299\t\u0299\4\u029a\t\u029a\4\u029b\t\u029b\4\u029c\t\u029c"+ - "\4\u029d\t\u029d\4\u029e\t\u029e\4\u029f\t\u029f\4\u02a0\t\u02a0\4\u02a1"+ - "\t\u02a1\4\u02a2\t\u02a2\4\u02a3\t\u02a3\4\u02a4\t\u02a4\4\u02a5\t\u02a5"+ - "\4\u02a6\t\u02a6\4\u02a7\t\u02a7\4\u02a8\t\u02a8\4\u02a9\t\u02a9\4\u02aa"+ - "\t\u02aa\4\u02ab\t\u02ab\4\u02ac\t\u02ac\4\u02ad\t\u02ad\4\u02ae\t\u02ae"+ - "\4\u02af\t\u02af\4\u02b0\t\u02b0\4\u02b1\t\u02b1\4\u02b2\t\u02b2\4\u02b3"+ - "\t\u02b3\4\u02b4\t\u02b4\4\u02b5\t\u02b5\4\u02b6\t\u02b6\4\u02b7\t\u02b7"+ - "\4\u02b8\t\u02b8\4\u02b9\t\u02b9\4\u02ba\t\u02ba\4\u02bb\t\u02bb\4\u02bc"+ - "\t\u02bc\4\u02bd\t\u02bd\4\u02be\t\u02be\4\u02bf\t\u02bf\4\u02c0\t\u02c0"+ - "\4\u02c1\t\u02c1\4\u02c2\t\u02c2\4\u02c3\t\u02c3\4\u02c4\t\u02c4\4\u02c5"+ - "\t\u02c5\4\u02c6\t\u02c6\4\u02c7\t\u02c7\4\u02c8\t\u02c8\4\u02c9\t\u02c9"+ - "\4\u02ca\t\u02ca\4\u02cb\t\u02cb\4\u02cc\t\u02cc\4\u02cd\t\u02cd\4\u02ce"+ - "\t\u02ce\4\u02cf\t\u02cf\4\u02d0\t\u02d0\4\u02d1\t\u02d1\4\u02d2\t\u02d2"+ - "\4\u02d3\t\u02d3\4\u02d4\t\u02d4\4\u02d5\t\u02d5\4\u02d6\t\u02d6\4\u02d7"+ - "\t\u02d7\4\u02d8\t\u02d8\4\u02d9\t\u02d9\4\u02da\t\u02da\4\u02db\t\u02db"+ - "\4\u02dc\t\u02dc\4\u02dd\t\u02dd\4\u02de\t\u02de\4\u02df\t\u02df\4\u02e0"+ - "\t\u02e0\4\u02e1\t\u02e1\4\u02e2\t\u02e2\4\u02e3\t\u02e3\4\u02e4\t\u02e4"+ - "\4\u02e5\t\u02e5\4\u02e6\t\u02e6\4\u02e7\t\u02e7\4\u02e8\t\u02e8\4\u02e9"+ - 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"\3\u00b2\3\u00b2\3\u00b2\3\u00b2\7\u00b2\u16f4\n\u00b2\f\u00b2\16\u00b2"+ - "\u16f7\13\u00b2\3\u00b3\5\u00b3\u16fa\n\u00b3\3\u00b3\3\u00b3\3\u00b3"+ - "\3\u00b3\5\u00b3\u1700\n\u00b3\3\u00b3\3\u00b3\3\u00b3\3\u00b3\5\u00b3"+ - "\u1706\n\u00b3\3\u00b3\3\u00b3\3\u00b3\3\u00b3\3\u00b3\3\u00b3\3\u00b3"+ - "\5\u00b3\u170f\n\u00b3\3\u00b3\3\u00b3\3\u00b3\3\u00b3\3\u00b3\3\u00b3"+ - "\3\u00b3\3\u00b3\5\u00b3\u1719\n\u00b3\3\u00b4\3\u00b4\3\u00b5\3\u00b5"+ - "\3\u00b5\5\u00b5\u1720\n\u00b5\3\u00b5\3\u00b5\3\u00b5\3\u00b5\3\u00b5"+ - "\3\u00b5\3\u00b5\5\u00b5\u1729\n\u00b5\3\u00b6\3\u00b6\3\u00b6\7\u00b6"+ - "\u172e\n\u00b6\f\u00b6\16\u00b6\u1731\13\u00b6\3\u00b7\3\u00b7\3\u00b7"+ - "\7\u00b7\u1736\n\u00b7\f\u00b7\16\u00b7\u1739\13\u00b7\3\u00b8\3\u00b8"+ - "\3\u00b8\7\u00b8\u173e\n\u00b8\f\u00b8\16\u00b8\u1741\13\u00b8\3\u00b9"+ - "\3\u00b9\3\u00ba\3\u00ba\3\u00ba\3\u00ba\3\u00ba\3\u00ba\3\u00ba\3\u00ba"+ - "\3\u00ba\3\u00ba\3\u00ba\5\u00ba\u1750\n\u00ba\3\u00bb\3\u00bb\3\u00bb"+ - "\5\u00bb\u1755\n\u00bb\3\u00bc\3\u00bc\3\u00bc\5\u00bc\u175a\n\u00bc\3"+ - "\u00bd\3\u00bd\3\u00be\3\u00be\3\u00be\5\u00be\u1761\n\u00be\3\u00be\3"+ - "\u00be\3\u00bf\3\u00bf\3\u00c0\3\u00c0\3\u00c0\3\u00c0\3\u00c0\3\u00c0"+ - "\3\u00c0\3\u00c0\3\u00c0\3\u00c0\5\u00c0\u1771\n\u00c0\3\u00c0\5\u00c0"+ - "\u1774\n\u00c0\3\u00c0\3\u00c0\3\u00c0\3\u00c0\3\u00c0\3\u00c0\3\u00c0"+ - "\5\u00c0\u177d\n\u00c0\3\u00c1\3\u00c1\3\u00c1\3\u00c1\3\u00c1\3\u00c1"+ - "\5\u00c1\u1785\n\u00c1\3\u00c2\3\u00c2\3\u00c2\3\u00c2\5\u00c2\u178b\n"+ - "\u00c2\3\u00c2\3\u00c2\5\u00c2\u178f\n\u00c2\5\u00c2\u1791\n\u00c2\3\u00c3"+ - "\3\u00c3\5\u00c3\u1795\n\u00c3\3\u00c3\5\u00c3\u1798\n\u00c3\3\u00c3\3"+ - "\u00c3\5\u00c3\u179c\n\u00c3\3\u00c3\5\u00c3\u179f\n\u00c3\3\u00c3\3\u00c3"+ - "\3\u00c3\5\u00c3\u17a4\n\u00c3\3\u00c3\3\u00c3\3\u00c3\3\u00c3\3\u00c3"+ - "\3\u00c3\3\u00c3\5\u00c3\u17ad\n\u00c3\3\u00c4\3\u00c4\5\u00c4\u17b1\n"+ - "\u00c4\3\u00c4\3\u00c4\5\u00c4\u17b5\n\u00c4\5\u00c4\u17b7\n\u00c4\3\u00c5"+ - "\3\u00c5\3\u00c5\5\u00c5\u17bc\n\u00c5\3\u00c5\3\u00c5\3\u00c5\3\u00c5"+ - "\3\u00c5\5\u00c5\u17c3\n\u00c5\3\u00c5\3\u00c5\3\u00c5\5\u00c5\u17c8\n"+ - "\u00c5\5\u00c5\u17ca\n\u00c5\3\u00c6\3\u00c6\5\u00c6\u17ce\n\u00c6\3\u00c6"+ - "\3\u00c6\5\u00c6\u17d2\n\u00c6\3\u00c6\3\u00c6\5\u00c6\u17d6\n\u00c6\3"+ - "\u00c6\3\u00c6\5\u00c6\u17da\n\u00c6\5\u00c6\u17dc\n\u00c6\3\u00c7\3\u00c7"+ - "\5\u00c7\u17e0\n\u00c7\3\u00c7\3\u00c7\5\u00c7\u17e4\n\u00c7\3\u00c7\3"+ - "\u00c7\3\u00c7\3\u00c7\3\u00c7\5\u00c7\u17eb\n\u00c7\3\u00c7\3\u00c7\3"+ - "\u00c7\3\u00c7\5\u00c7\u17f1\n\u00c7\3\u00c8\3\u00c8\3\u00c8\3\u00c8\3"+ - "\u00c8\3\u00c8\3\u00c8\3\u00c8\5\u00c8\u17fb\n\u00c8\3\u00c9\3\u00c9\3"+ - "\u00ca\3\u00ca\3\u00cb\3\u00cb\3\u00cc\3\u00cc\3\u00cd\3\u00cd\3\u00cd"+ - "\5\u00cd\u1808\n\u00cd\3\u00cd\3\u00cd\5\u00cd\u180c\n\u00cd\3\u00cd\5"+ - "\u00cd\u180f\n\u00cd\3\u00cd\3\u00cd\3\u00ce\5\u00ce\u1814\n\u00ce\3\u00ce"+ - "\3\u00ce\3\u00cf\3\u00cf\3\u00d0\3\u00d0\3\u00d1\3\u00d1\3\u00d1\3\u00d1"+ - "\3\u00d2\3\u00d2\3\u00d2\5\u00d2\u1823\n\u00d2\3\u00d2\3\u00d2\3\u00d3"+ - "\3\u00d3\3\u00d3\3\u00d3\3\u00d4\3\u00d4\3\u00d5\3\u00d5\3\u00d6\3\u00d6"+ - "\3\u00d7\3\u00d7\3\u00d8\3\u00d8\3\u00d9\3\u00d9\3\u00da\3\u00da\5\u00da"+ - "\u1839\n\u00da\3\u00db\3\u00db\3\u00db\3\u00dc\3\u00dc\3\u00dc\3\u00dc"+ - "\3\u00dc\7\u00dc\u1843\n\u00dc\f\u00dc\16\u00dc\u1846\13\u00dc\3\u00dd"+ - "\5\u00dd\u1849\n\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\5\u00dd\u184f\n"+ - "\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\5\u00dd\u1857\n"+ - "\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\5\u00dd\u185c\n\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\3"+ - "\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\5\u00dd\u1864\n\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\3"+ - "\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\5\u00dd\u186d\n\u00dd\3\u00dd\3"+ - "\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd\3\u00dd"+ - "\5\u00dd\u1879\n\u00dd\3\u00dd\5\u00dd\u187c\n\u00dd\3\u00de\3\u00de\5"+ - "\u00de\u1880\n\u00de\3\u00df\3\u00df\3\u00df\3\u00df\3\u00df\5\u00df\u1887"+ - "\n\u00df\3\u00e0\3\u00e0\3\u00e0\3\u00e0\3\u00e0\5\u00e0\u188e\n\u00e0"+ - "\3\u00e1\3\u00e1\3\u00e1\3\u00e1\3\u00e1\5\u00e1\u1895\n\u00e1\3\u00e2"+ - "\5\u00e2\u1898\n\u00e2\3\u00e3\3\u00e3\5\u00e3\u189c\n\u00e3\3\u00e4\3"+ - "\u00e4\3\u00e4\3\u00e4\3\u00e4\5\u00e4\u18a3\n\u00e4\3\u00e5\3\u00e5\3"+ - "\u00e5\5\u00e5\u18a8\n\u00e5\3\u00e6\3\u00e6\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3"+ - "\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\5\u00e7\u18b4\n\u00e7\3\u00e7\3"+ - "\u00e7\3\u00e7\5\u00e7\u18b9\n\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\5\u00e7\u18be"+ - "\n\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\5\u00e7\u18c2\n\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\5\u00e7"+ - "\u18c6\n\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\5\u00e7"+ - "\u18ce\n\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\5\u00e7\u18d3\n\u00e7\3\u00e7\3"+ - "\u00e7\3\u00e7\5\u00e7\u18d8\n\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\5\u00e7\u18dd"+ - "\n\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\5\u00e7\u18e3\n\u00e7\3\u00e7"+ - "\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\5\u00e7\u18e8\n\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\5\u00e7"+ - "\u18ed\n\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\5\u00e7\u18f3\n\u00e7\3"+ - "\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\5\u00e7\u18f8\n\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\5"+ - "\u00e7\u18fd\n\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3\u00e7\3"+ - 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"\u03c4\u03c6\u03c8\u03ca\u03cc\u03ce\u03d0\u03d2\u03d4\u03d6\u03d8\u03da"+ - "\u03dc\u03de\u03e0\u03e2\u03e4\u03e6\u03e8\u03ea\u03ec\u03ee\u03f0\u03f2"+ - "\u03f4\u03f6\u03f8\u03fa\u03fc\u03fe\u0400\u0402\u0404\u0406\u0408\u040a"+ - "\u040c\u040e\u0410\u0412\u0414\u0416\u0418\u041a\u041c\u041e\u0420\u0422"+ - "\u0424\u0426\u0428\u042a\u042c\u042e\u0430\u0432\u0434\u0436\u0438\u043a"+ - "\u043c\u043e\u0440\u0442\u0444\u0446\u0448\u044a\u044c\u044e\u0450\u0452"+ - "\u0454\u0456\u0458\u045a\u045c\u045e\u0460\u0462\u0464\u0466\u0468\u046a"+ - "\u046c\u046e\u0470\u0472\u0474\u0476\u0478\u047a\u047c\u047e\u0480\u0482"+ - "\u0484\u0486\u0488\u048a\u048c\u048e\u0490\u0492\u0494\u0496\u0498\u049a"+ - "\u049c\u049e\u04a0\u04a2\u04a4\u04a6\u04a8\u04aa\u04ac\u04ae\u04b0\u04b2"+ - "\u04b4\u04b6\u04b8\u04ba\u04bc\u04be\u04c0\u04c2\u04c4\u04c6\u04c8\u04ca"+ - "\u04cc\u04ce\u04d0\u04d2\u04d4\u04d6\u04d8\u04da\u04dc\u04de\u04e0\u04e2"+ - "\u04e4\u04e6\u04e8\u04ea\u04ec\u04ee\u04f0\u04f2\u04f4\u04f6\u04f8\u04fa"+ - "\u04fc\u04fe\u0500\u0502\u0504\u0506\u0508\u050a\u050c\u050e\u0510\u0512"+ - "\u0514\u0516\u0518\u051a\u051c\u051e\u0520\u0522\u0524\u0526\u0528\u052a"+ - "\u052c\u052e\u0530\u0532\u0534\u0536\u0538\u053a\u053c\u053e\u0540\u0542"+ - "\u0544\u0546\u0548\u054a\u054c\u054e\u0550\u0552\u0554\u0556\u0558\u055a"+ - "\u055c\u055e\u0560\u0562\u0564\u0566\u0568\u056a\u056c\u056e\u0570\u0572"+ - "\u0574\u0576\u0578\u057a\u057c\u057e\u0580\u0582\u0584\u0586\u0588\u058a"+ - "\u058c\u058e\u0590\u0592\u0594\u0596\u0598\u059a\u059c\u059e\u05a0\u05a2"+ - "\u05a4\u05a6\u05a8\u05aa\u05ac\u05ae\u05b0\u05b2\u05b4\u05b6\u05b8\u05ba"+ - "\u05bc\u05be\u05c0\u05c2\u05c4\u05c6\u05c8\u05ca\u05cc\u05ce\u05d0\u05d2"+ - "\u05d4\u05d6\u05d8\u05da\u05dc\u05de\u05e0\u05e2\u05e4\u05e6\u05e8\u05ea"+ - "\u05ec\u05ee\u05f0\u05f2\u05f4\u05f6\u05f8\u05fa\u05fc\u05fe\u0600\u0602"+ - "\u0604\u0606\u0608\u060a\u060c\u060e\u0610\u0612\u0614\u0616\u0618\u061a"+ - "\u061c\u061e\u0620\u0622\u0624\u0626\u0628\u062a\u062c\u062e\u0630\u0632"+ - "\u0634\u0636\u0638\u063a\u063c\u063e\u0640\u0642\u0644\u0646\u0648\u064a"+ - "\u064c\u064e\u0650\u0652\u0654\u0656\u0658\u065a\u065c\u065e\u0660\u0662"+ - "\u0664\u0666\u0668\u066a\u066c\u066e\u0670\u0672\u0674\u0676\u0678\u067a"+ - "\u067c\u067e\u0680\u0682\u0684\u0686\u0688\u068a\u068c\u068e\u0690\u0692"+ - "\u0694\u0696\u0698\u069a\u069c\u069e\u06a0\u06a2\u06a4\u06a6\u06a8\u06aa"+ - "\u06ac\u06ae\u06b0\u06b2\u06b4\u06b6\u06b8\u06ba\u06bc\u06be\u06c0\u06c2"+ - "\u06c4\u06c6\u06c8\u06ca\u06cc\u06ce\u06d0\u06d2\u06d4\u06d6\u06d8\u06da"+ - "\u06dc\u06de\u06e0\u06e2\u06e4\u06e6\u06e8\u06ea\u06ec\u06ee\u06f0\u06f2"+ - "\u06f4\u06f6\u06f8\u06fa\u06fc\u06fe\u0700\u0702\2\u0087\4\2\u00c5\u00c5"+ - "\u0101\u0101!\2>>@@JJRRWX\\^opzz||\177\177\u0082\u0082\u008b\u008c\u008f"+ - "\u0090\u0093\u0093\u0097\u0097\u0099\u0099\u009b\u009b\u009f\u009f\u00a2"+ - "\u00a2\u00a4\u00a4\u00a6\u00a6\u00a9\u00a9\u00ab\u00ab\u00ae\u00ae\u00b1"+ - "\u00b2\u00b6\u00b8\u00be\u00be\u00c5\u00c5\u00c7\u00c8\u00ca\u00ca\u00f5"+ - 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"\u1718\3\2\2\2\u0166\u171a\3\2\2\2\u0168\u1728\3\2\2\2\u016a\u172a\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u016c\u1732\3\2\2\2\u016e\u173a\3\2\2\2\u0170\u1742\3\2\2\2\u0172"+ - "\u174f\3\2\2\2\u0174\u1754\3\2\2\2\u0176\u1756\3\2\2\2\u0178\u175b\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u017a\u1760\3\2\2\2\u017c\u1764\3\2\2\2\u017e\u177c\3\2\2\2\u0180"+ - "\u1784\3\2\2\2\u0182\u1790\3\2\2\2\u0184\u17ac\3\2\2\2\u0186\u17b6\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0188\u17c9\3\2\2\2\u018a\u17db\3\2\2\2\u018c\u17f0\3\2\2\2\u018e"+ - "\u17fa\3\2\2\2\u0190\u17fc\3\2\2\2\u0192\u17fe\3\2\2\2\u0194\u1800\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0196\u1802\3\2\2\2\u0198\u1804\3\2\2\2\u019a\u1813\3\2\2\2\u019c"+ - "\u1817\3\2\2\2\u019e\u1819\3\2\2\2\u01a0\u181b\3\2\2\2\u01a2\u181f\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u01a4\u1826\3\2\2\2\u01a6\u182a\3\2\2\2\u01a8\u182c\3\2\2\2\u01aa"+ - "\u182e\3\2\2\2\u01ac\u1830\3\2\2\2\u01ae\u1832\3\2\2\2\u01b0\u1834\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u01b2\u1838\3\2\2\2\u01b4\u183a\3\2\2\2\u01b6\u183d\3\2\2\2\u01b8"+ - "\u187b\3\2\2\2\u01ba\u187f\3\2\2\2\u01bc\u1886\3\2\2\2\u01be\u188d\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u01c0\u1894\3\2\2\2\u01c2\u1897\3\2\2\2\u01c4\u1899\3\2\2\2\u01c6"+ - "\u18a2\3\2\2\2\u01c8\u18a7\3\2\2\2\u01ca\u18a9\3\2\2\2\u01cc\u193e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u01ce\u1946\3\2\2\2\u01d0\u1949\3\2\2\2\u01d2\u1955\3\2\2\2\u01d4"+ - "\u1957\3\2\2\2\u01d6\u195b\3\2\2\2\u01d8\u195d\3\2\2\2\u01da\u1961\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u01dc\u1964\3\2\2\2\u01de\u196a\3\2\2\2\u01e0\u196c\3\2\2\2\u01e2"+ - "\u1972\3\2\2\2\u01e4\u1982\3\2\2\2\u01e6\u1984\3\2\2\2\u01e8\u198c\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u01ea\u1993\3\2\2\2\u01ec\u1995\3\2\2\2\u01ee\u1997\3\2\2\2\u01f0"+ - "\u19a0\3\2\2\2\u01f2\u19a2\3\2\2\2\u01f4\u19bf\3\2\2\2\u01f6\u19c1\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u01f8\u19cc\3\2\2\2\u01fa\u19da\3\2\2\2\u01fc\u19e1\3\2\2\2\u01fe"+ - "\u1a01\3\2\2\2\u0200\u1a1b\3\2\2\2\u0202\u1a1d\3\2\2\2\u0204\u1a2a\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0206\u1a2c\3\2\2\2\u0208\u1a34\3\2\2\2\u020a\u1a42\3\2\2\2\u020c"+ - "\u1a46\3\2\2\2\u020e\u1a53\3\2\2\2\u0210\u1a74\3\2\2\2\u0212\u1a76\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0214\u1a7a\3\2\2\2\u0216\u1a9d\3\2\2\2\u0218\u1aa2\3\2\2\2\u021a"+ - "\u1aa4\3\2\2\2\u021c\u1aa8\3\2\2\2\u021e\u1ab0\3\2\2\2\u0220\u1ab5\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0222\u1ab9\3\2\2\2\u0224\u1ac1\3\2\2\2\u0226\u1aca\3\2\2\2\u0228"+ - "\u1ace\3\2\2\2\u022a\u1ad6\3\2\2\2\u022c\u1add\3\2\2\2\u022e\u1ae4\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0230\u1aed\3\2\2\2\u0232\u1b03\3\2\2\2\u0234\u1b05\3\2\2\2\u0236"+ - "\u1b09\3\2\2\2\u0238\u1b1c\3\2\2\2\u023a\u1b1e\3\2\2\2\u023c\u1b22\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u023e\u1b32\3\2\2\2\u0240\u1b34\3\2\2\2\u0242\u1b36\3\2\2\2\u0244"+ - "\u1b49\3\2\2\2\u0246\u1b4b\3\2\2\2\u0248\u1b55\3\2\2\2\u024a\u1b61\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u024c\u1b85\3\2\2\2\u024e\u1ba4\3\2\2\2\u0250\u1ba6\3\2\2\2\u0252"+ - "\u1bb6\3\2\2\2\u0254\u1bb9\3\2\2\2\u0256\u1bbb\3\2\2\2\u0258\u1bd2\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u025a\u1bd7\3\2\2\2\u025c\u1bf5\3\2\2\2\u025e\u1bf7\3\2\2\2\u0260"+ - "\u1c02\3\2\2\2\u0262\u1c19\3\2\2\2\u0264\u1c1b\3\2\2\2\u0266\u1c24\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0268\u1c47\3\2\2\2\u026a\u1c49\3\2\2\2\u026c\u1c52\3\2\2\2\u026e"+ - "\u1c60\3\2\2\2\u0270\u1c62\3\2\2\2\u0272\u1c7d\3\2\2\2\u0274\u1cb9\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0276\u1cbb\3\2\2\2\u0278\u1cc4\3\2\2\2\u027a\u1cc9\3\2\2\2\u027c"+ - "\u1ccb\3\2\2\2\u027e\u1ccd\3\2\2\2\u0280\u1ccf\3\2\2\2\u0282\u1cd6\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0284\u1cdb\3\2\2\2\u0286\u1cdd\3\2\2\2\u0288\u1ce9\3\2\2\2\u028a"+ - "\u1ceb\3\2\2\2\u028c\u1cef\3\2\2\2\u028e\u1cf6\3\2\2\2\u0290\u1cf8\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0292\u1d2a\3\2\2\2\u0294\u1d2c\3\2\2\2\u0296\u1d2e\3\2\2\2\u0298"+ - "\u1d31\3\2\2\2\u029a\u1d33\3\2\2\2\u029c\u1d3b\3\2\2\2\u029e\u1d41\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u02a0\u1d44\3\2\2\2\u02a2\u1d6f\3\2\2\2\u02a4\u1d75\3\2\2\2\u02a6"+ - "\u1d77\3\2\2\2\u02a8\u1d8f\3\2\2\2\u02aa\u1d95\3\2\2\2\u02ac\u1d97\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u02ae\u1d9b\3\2\2\2\u02b0\u1d9d\3\2\2\2\u02b2\u1da6\3\2\2\2\u02b4"+ - "\u1dae\3\2\2\2\u02b6\u1db0\3\2\2\2\u02b8\u1db5\3\2\2\2\u02ba\u1db7\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u02bc\u1dbe\3\2\2\2\u02be\u1dc1\3\2\2\2\u02c0\u1dc7\3\2\2\2\u02c2"+ - "\u1dcc\3\2\2\2\u02c4\u1dce\3\2\2\2\u02c6\u1dd5\3\2\2\2\u02c8\u1ddf\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u02ca\u1de1\3\2\2\2\u02cc\u1deb\3\2\2\2\u02ce\u1df3\3\2\2\2\u02d0"+ - "\u1e00\3\2\2\2\u02d2\u1e07\3\2\2\2\u02d4\u1e0c\3\2\2\2\u02d6\u1e12\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u02d8\u1e34\3\2\2\2\u02da\u1e47\3\2\2\2\u02dc\u1e4a\3\2\2\2\u02de"+ - "\u1e67\3\2\2\2\u02e0\u1e6a\3\2\2\2\u02e2\u1e72\3\2\2\2\u02e4\u1e76\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u02e6\u1e86\3\2\2\2\u02e8\u1e89\3\2\2\2\u02ea\u1e8b\3\2\2\2\u02ec"+ - "\u1e96\3\2\2\2\u02ee\u1e98\3\2\2\2\u02f0\u1ea0\3\2\2\2\u02f2\u1eb0\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u02f4\u1eba\3\2\2\2\u02f6\u1ebf\3\2\2\2\u02f8\u1edd\3\2\2\2\u02fa"+ - "\u1edf\3\2\2\2\u02fc\u1ef1\3\2\2\2\u02fe\u1f1d\3\2\2\2\u0300\u1f3a\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0302\u1f3f\3\2\2\2\u0304\u1f52\3\2\2\2\u0306\u1f56\3\2\2\2\u0308"+ - "\u1f5a\3\2\2\2\u030a\u1f5c\3\2\2\2\u030c\u1f6d\3\2\2\2\u030e\u1f6f\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0310\u1f74\3\2\2\2\u0312\u1f79\3\2\2\2\u0314\u1f7e\3\2\2\2\u0316"+ - "\u1f80\3\2\2\2\u0318\u1fec\3\2\2\2\u031a\u1fee\3\2\2\2\u031c\u1ff9\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u031e\u1ffd\3\2\2\2\u0320\u1fff\3\2\2\2\u0322\u2005\3\2\2\2\u0324"+ - "\u200b\3\2\2\2\u0326\u2012\3\2\2\2\u0328\u2018\3\2\2\2\u032a\u201f\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u032c\u2021\3\2\2\2\u032e\u2027\3\2\2\2\u0330\u202a\3\2\2\2\u0332"+ - "\u2032\3\2\2\2\u0334\u2039\3\2\2\2\u0336\u203d\3\2\2\2\u0338\u2054\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u033a\u2056\3\2\2\2\u033c\u2065\3\2\2\2\u033e\u206b\3\2\2\2\u0340"+ - "\u206e\3\2\2\2\u0342\u207a\3\2\2\2\u0344\u2080\3\2\2\2\u0346\u2083\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0348\u2096\3\2\2\2\u034a\u209c\3\2\2\2\u034c\u209e\3\2\2\2\u034e"+ - "\u20a3\3\2\2\2\u0350\u20a6\3\2\2\2\u0352\u20aa\3\2\2\2\u0354\u20b3\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0356\u20ba\3\2\2\2\u0358\u20c5\3\2\2\2\u035a\u20c9\3\2\2\2\u035c"+ - "\u21f9\3\2\2\2\u035e\u21fb\3\2\2\2\u0360\u21fd\3\2\2\2\u0362\u21ff\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0364\u2201\3\2\2\2\u0366\u2203\3\2\2\2\u0368\u2224\3\2\2\2\u036a"+ - "\u2226\3\2\2\2\u036c\u2228\3\2\2\2\u036e\u2236\3\2\2\2\u0370\u2238\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0372\u223a\3\2\2\2\u0374\u223f\3\2\2\2\u0376\u2244\3\2\2\2\u0378"+ - "\u224c\3\2\2\2\u037a\u2252\3\2\2\2\u037c\u225f\3\2\2\2\u037e\u2261\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0380\u2268\3\2\2\2\u0382\u2270\3\2\2\2\u0384\u2278\3\2\2\2\u0386"+ - "\u227b\3\2\2\2\u0388\u227d\3\2\2\2\u038a\u2280\3\2\2\2\u038c\u2284\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u038e\u228f\3\2\2\2\u0390\u2292\3\2\2\2\u0392\u2294\3\2\2\2\u0394"+ - "\u229c\3\2\2\2\u0396\u229e\3\2\2\2\u0398\u22a8\3\2\2\2\u039a\u22cf\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u039c\u22d6\3\2\2\2\u039e\u22ff\3\2\2\2\u03a0\u2301\3\2\2\2\u03a2"+ - "\u232d\3\2\2\2\u03a4\u232f\3\2\2\2\u03a6\u2343\3\2\2\2\u03a8\u234c\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u03aa\u234e\3\2\2\2\u03ac\u2353\3\2\2\2\u03ae\u235b\3\2\2\2\u03b0"+ - "\u2368\3\2\2\2\u03b2\u236a\3\2\2\2\u03b4\u236f\3\2\2\2\u03b6\u2377\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u03b8\u237c\3\2\2\2\u03ba\u238c\3\2\2\2\u03bc\u239d\3\2\2\2\u03be"+ - "\u23b5\3\2\2\2\u03c0\u23b7\3\2\2\2\u03c2\u23bc\3\2\2\2\u03c4\u23be\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u03c6\u23e0\3\2\2\2\u03c8\u23ec\3\2\2\2\u03ca\u23f1\3\2\2\2\u03cc"+ - "\u23fb\3\2\2\2\u03ce\u23ff\3\2\2\2\u03d0\u2406\3\2\2\2\u03d2\u2414\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u03d4\u2416\3\2\2\2\u03d6\u241a\3\2\2\2\u03d8\u241c\3\2\2\2\u03da"+ - "\u2422\3\2\2\2\u03dc\u2424\3\2\2\2\u03de\u242e\3\2\2\2\u03e0\u2430\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u03e2\u243e\3\2\2\2\u03e4\u2440\3\2\2\2\u03e6\u2444\3\2\2\2\u03e8"+ - "\u2455\3\2\2\2\u03ea\u246d\3\2\2\2\u03ec\u2477\3\2\2\2\u03ee\u248d\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u03f0\u2496\3\2\2\2\u03f2\u24bb\3\2\2\2\u03f4\u24ee\3\2\2\2\u03f6"+ - "\u24fd\3\2\2\2\u03f8\u2500\3\2\2\2\u03fa\u2502\3\2\2\2\u03fc\u2507\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u03fe\u250d\3\2\2\2\u0400\u25b7\3\2\2\2\u0402\u25d4\3\2\2\2\u0404"+ - "\u25d6\3\2\2\2\u0406\u25de\3\2\2\2\u0408\u25e0\3\2\2\2\u040a\u25e3\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u040c\u25fa\3\2\2\2\u040e\u25fc\3\2\2\2\u0410\u2602\3\2\2\2\u0412"+ - "\u2604\3\2\2\2\u0414\u2620\3\2\2\2\u0416\u2622\3\2\2\2\u0418\u262b\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u041a\u26af\3\2\2\2\u041c\u26b1\3\2\2\2\u041e\u26b8\3\2\2\2\u0420"+ - "\u26ba\3\2\2\2\u0422\u2765\3\2\2\2\u0424\u276c\3\2\2\2\u0426\u276e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0428\u2770\3\2\2\2\u042a\u2776\3\2\2\2\u042c\u279b\3\2\2\2\u042e"+ - "\u27a4\3\2\2\2\u0430\u27d5\3\2\2\2\u0432\u27d7\3\2\2\2\u0434\u27f2\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0436\u2805\3\2\2\2\u0438\u280f\3\2\2\2\u043a\u2811\3\2\2\2\u043c"+ - "\u2824\3\2\2\2\u043e\u282d\3\2\2\2\u0440\u282f\3\2\2\2\u0442\u283a\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0444\u283d\3\2\2\2\u0446\u2846\3\2\2\2\u0448\u284b\3\2\2\2\u044a"+ - "\u284d\3\2\2\2\u044c\u284f\3\2\2\2\u044e\u2855\3\2\2\2\u0450\u2894\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0452\u289b\3\2\2\2\u0454\u289d\3\2\2\2\u0456\u28a3\3\2\2\2\u0458"+ - "\u28a5\3\2\2\2\u045a\u28a9\3\2\2\2\u045c\u28b4\3\2\2\2\u045e\u28bc\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0460\u28cc\3\2\2\2\u0462\u28ce\3\2\2\2\u0464\u28d1\3\2\2\2\u0466"+ - "\u28d9\3\2\2\2\u0468\u28e4\3\2\2\2\u046a\u28e9\3\2\2\2\u046c\u28fa\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u046e\u2903\3\2\2\2\u0470\u2905\3\2\2\2\u0472\u2909\3\2\2\2\u0474"+ - "\u2910\3\2\2\2\u0476\u292a\3\2\2\2\u0478\u2938\3\2\2\2\u047a\u293a\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u047c\u293e\3\2\2\2\u047e\u2944\3\2\2\2\u0480\u2962\3\2\2\2\u0482"+ - "\u2967\3\2\2\2\u0484\u2969\3\2\2\2\u0486\u296e\3\2\2\2\u0488\u298d\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u048a\u299f\3\2\2\2\u048c\u29aa\3\2\2\2\u048e\u29ac\3\2\2\2\u0490"+ - "\u29cb\3\2\2\2\u0492\u29cd\3\2\2\2\u0494\u29d5\3\2\2\2\u0496\u29d7\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0498\u29db\3\2\2\2\u049a\u29df\3\2\2\2\u049c\u29ed\3\2\2\2\u049e"+ - "\u2aa2\3\2\2\2\u04a0\u2ab1\3\2\2\2\u04a2\u2ab3\3\2\2\2\u04a4\u2ac1\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u04a6\u2ac3\3\2\2\2\u04a8\u2add\3\2\2\2\u04aa\u2af7\3\2\2\2\u04ac"+ - "\u2b08\3\2\2\2\u04ae\u2b16\3\2\2\2\u04b0\u2b18\3\2\2\2\u04b2\u2b1d\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u04b4\u2b24\3\2\2\2\u04b6\u2b26\3\2\2\2\u04b8\u2b29\3\2\2\2\u04ba"+ - "\u2b31\3\2\2\2\u04bc\u2b3c\3\2\2\2\u04be\u2b5b\3\2\2\2\u04c0\u2b5d\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u04c2\u2b67\3\2\2\2\u04c4\u2b69\3\2\2\2\u04c6\u2b6b\3\2\2\2\u04c8"+ - "\u2b6d\3\2\2\2\u04ca\u2b6f\3\2\2\2\u04cc\u2b75\3\2\2\2\u04ce\u2b7d\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u04d0\u2b81\3\2\2\2\u04d2\u2b83\3\2\2\2\u04d4\u2b88\3\2\2\2\u04d6"+ - "\u2b98\3\2\2\2\u04d8\u2ba2\3\2\2\2\u04da\u2ba4\3\2\2\2\u04dc\u2baa\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u04de\u2bad\3\2\2\2\u04e0\u2baf\3\2\2\2\u04e2\u2bb3\3\2\2\2\u04e4"+ - "\u2bb8\3\2\2\2\u04e6\u2bba\3\2\2\2\u04e8\u2bc2\3\2\2\2\u04ea\u2be6\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u04ec\u2beb\3\2\2\2\u04ee\u2bf5\3\2\2\2\u04f0\u2bfb\3\2\2\2\u04f2"+ - "\u2c20\3\2\2\2\u04f4\u2c52\3\2\2\2\u04f6\u2c59\3\2\2\2\u04f8\u2c69\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u04fa\u2c6f\3\2\2\2\u04fc\u2c75\3\2\2\2\u04fe\u2c7a\3\2\2\2\u0500"+ - "\u2c85\3\2\2\2\u0502\u2c90\3\2\2\2\u0504\u2c98\3\2\2\2\u0506\u2ca0\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0508\u2cc6\3\2\2\2\u050a\u2cc8\3\2\2\2\u050c\u2cca\3\2\2\2\u050e"+ - "\u2cf0\3\2\2\2\u0510\u2cf2\3\2\2\2\u0512\u2d24\3\2\2\2\u0514\u2d26\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0516\u2d2e\3\2\2\2\u0518\u2d4b\3\2\2\2\u051a\u2d4d\3\2\2\2\u051c"+ - "\u2d50\3\2\2\2\u051e\u2d52\3\2\2\2\u0520\u2d60\3\2\2\2\u0522\u2d62\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0524\u2d6e\3\2\2\2\u0526\u2d70\3\2\2\2\u0528\u2d79\3\2\2\2\u052a"+ - "\u2d7b\3\2\2\2\u052c\u2d7e\3\2\2\2\u052e\u2dd8\3\2\2\2\u0530\u30ca\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0532\u30cc\3\2\2\2\u0534\u30cf\3\2\2\2\u0536\u30dc\3\2\2\2\u0538"+ - "\u30df\3\2\2\2\u053a\u30e3\3\2\2\2\u053c\u30e6\3\2\2\2\u053e\u30ea\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0540\u30ec\3\2\2\2\u0542\u30f0\3\2\2\2\u0544\u30f4\3\2\2\2\u0546"+ - "\u30f6\3\2\2\2\u0548\u30f8\3\2\2\2\u054a\u30fa\3\2\2\2\u054c\u3102\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u054e\u3108\3\2\2\2\u0550\u3110\3\2\2\2\u0552\u3114\3\2\2\2\u0554"+ - "\u311b\3\2\2\2\u0556\u311d\3\2\2\2\u0558\u3140\3\2\2\2\u055a\u314c\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u055c\u314e\3\2\2\2\u055e\u315c\3\2\2\2\u0560\u3165\3\2\2\2\u0562"+ - "\u3167\3\2\2\2\u0564\u316f\3\2\2\2\u0566\u3180\3\2\2\2\u0568\u3185\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u056a\u318f\3\2\2\2\u056c\u3191\3\2\2\2\u056e\u3197\3\2\2\2\u0570"+ - "\u31a8\3\2\2\2\u0572\u31aa\3\2\2\2\u0574\u31ac\3\2\2\2\u0576\u31b2\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0578\u31b4\3\2\2\2\u057a\u31ba\3\2\2\2\u057c\u31c0\3\2\2\2\u057e"+ - "\u31c2\3\2\2\2\u0580\u31c8\3\2\2\2\u0582\u31ce\3\2\2\2\u0584\u31d2\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0586\u31d8\3\2\2\2\u0588\u31de\3\2\2\2\u058a\u31e4\3\2\2\2\u058c"+ - "\u31ed\3\2\2\2\u058e\u31f2\3\2\2\2\u0590\u321a\3\2\2\2\u0592\u321c\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0594\u321e\3\2\2\2\u0596\u323c\3\2\2\2\u0598\u3244\3\2\2\2\u059a"+ - "\u324c\3\2\2\2\u059c\u324e\3\2\2\2\u059e\u3250\3\2\2\2\u05a0\u3252\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u05a2\u3255\3\2\2\2\u05a4\u3259\3\2\2\2\u05a6\u3269\3\2\2\2\u05a8"+ - "\u326b\3\2\2\2\u05aa\u3270\3\2\2\2\u05ac\u3274\3\2\2\2\u05ae\u3276\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u05b0\u327b\3\2\2\2\u05b2\u3280\3\2\2\2\u05b4\u3283\3\2\2\2\u05b6"+ - "\u3285\3\2\2\2\u05b8\u328d\3\2\2\2\u05ba\u3291\3\2\2\2\u05bc\u3297\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u05be\u329d\3\2\2\2\u05c0\u32a4\3\2\2\2\u05c2\u32a7\3\2\2\2\u05c4"+ - "\u32ab\3\2\2\2\u05c6\u32b0\3\2\2\2\u05c8\u32b5\3\2\2\2\u05ca\u32b7\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u05cc\u32b9\3\2\2\2\u05ce\u32bc\3\2\2\2\u05d0\u32bf\3\2\2\2\u05d2"+ - "\u32c5\3\2\2\2\u05d4\u32c7\3\2\2\2\u05d6\u32d8\3\2\2\2\u05d8\u32da\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u05da\u32df\3\2\2\2\u05dc\u32f1\3\2\2\2\u05de\u32f5\3\2\2\2\u05e0"+ - "\u32f7\3\2\2\2\u05e2\u32fb\3\2\2\2\u05e4\u3301\3\2\2\2\u05e6\u3305\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u05e8\u3321\3\2\2\2\u05ea\u3327\3\2\2\2\u05ec\u3330\3\2\2\2\u05ee"+ - "\u3332\3\2\2\2\u05f0\u3349\3\2\2\2\u05f2\u334b\3\2\2\2\u05f4\u3363\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u05f6\u3365\3\2\2\2\u05f8\u336b\3\2\2\2\u05fa\u3372\3\2\2\2\u05fc"+ - "\u3380\3\2\2\2\u05fe\u3382\3\2\2\2\u0600\u338a\3\2\2\2\u0602\u338c\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0604\u3399\3\2\2\2\u0606\u339f\3\2\2\2\u0608\u33a4\3\2\2\2\u060a"+ - "\u33a8\3\2\2\2\u060c\u33aa\3\2\2\2\u060e\u33b2\3\2\2\2\u0610\u33b6\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0612\u33ba\3\2\2\2\u0614\u33bc\3\2\2\2\u0616\u33be\3\2\2\2\u0618"+ - "\u33c2\3\2\2\2\u061a\u33c4\3\2\2\2\u061c\u33d2\3\2\2\2\u061e\u33ee\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0620\u33f0\3\2\2\2\u0622\u33fe\3\2\2\2\u0624\u3400\3\2\2\2\u0626"+ - "\u340a\3\2\2\2\u0628\u340e\3\2\2\2\u062a\u3416\3\2\2\2\u062c\u341b\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u062e\u341e\3\2\2\2\u0630\u342f\3\2\2\2\u0632\u344e\3\2\2\2\u0634"+ - "\u3450\3\2\2\2\u0636\u3468\3\2\2\2\u0638\u346a\3\2\2\2\u063a\u346f\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u063c\u3474\3\2\2\2\u063e\u3479\3\2\2\2\u0640\u347f\3\2\2\2\u0642"+ - "\u3493\3\2\2\2\u0644\u3495\3\2\2\2\u0646\u3497\3\2\2\2\u0648\u34a6\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u064a\u34a8\3\2\2\2\u064c\u34b8\3\2\2\2\u064e\u34ba\3\2\2\2\u0650"+ - "\u34c2\3\2\2\2\u0652\u34c6\3\2\2\2\u0654\u34cd\3\2\2\2\u0656\u34cf\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0658\u34d3\3\2\2\2\u065a\u34d7\3\2\2\2\u065c\u34d9\3\2\2\2\u065e"+ - "\u3510\3\2\2\2\u0660\u352a\3\2\2\2\u0662\u352f\3\2\2\2\u0664\u3533\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0666\u3538\3\2\2\2\u0668\u353c\3\2\2\2\u066a\u3547\3\2\2\2\u066c"+ - "\u3549\3\2\2\2\u066e\u354b\3\2\2\2\u0670\u3560\3\2\2\2\u0672\u3563\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0674\u356e\3\2\2\2\u0676\u3573\3\2\2\2\u0678\u3575\3\2\2\2\u067a"+ - "\u357a\3\2\2\2\u067c\u3587\3\2\2\2\u067e\u3589\3\2\2\2\u0680\u358b\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0682\u3596\3\2\2\2\u0684\u3598\3\2\2\2\u0686\u359c\3\2\2\2\u0688"+ - "\u35a6\3\2\2\2\u068a\u35b1\3\2\2\2\u068c\u35b7\3\2\2\2\u068e\u35bf\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0690\u35c6\3\2\2\2\u0692\u35c8\3\2\2\2\u0694\u35d6\3\2\2\2\u0696"+ - "\u35e3\3\2\2\2\u0698\u35e5\3\2\2\2\u069a\u35f1\3\2\2\2\u069c\u35f3\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u069e\u3629\3\2\2\2\u06a0\u362b\3\2\2\2\u06a2\u3639\3\2\2\2\u06a4"+ - "\u3643\3\2\2\2\u06a6\u3653\3\2\2\2\u06a8\u365e\3\2\2\2\u06aa\u3663\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u06ac\u3665\3\2\2\2\u06ae\u366e\3\2\2\2\u06b0\u3674\3\2\2\2\u06b2"+ - "\u3676\3\2\2\2\u06b4\u367a\3\2\2\2\u06b6\u3688\3\2\2\2\u06b8\u3697\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u06ba\u36a7\3\2\2\2\u06bc\u36ab\3\2\2\2\u06be\u36ad\3\2\2\2\u06c0"+ - "\u36b5\3\2\2\2\u06c2\u36c7\3\2\2\2\u06c4\u36c9\3\2\2\2\u06c6\u36cb\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u06c8\u36cf\3\2\2\2\u06ca\u36d2\3\2\2\2\u06cc\u36d9\3\2\2\2\u06ce"+ - "\u36e3\3\2\2\2\u06d0\u36e5\3\2\2\2\u06d2\u36ee\3\2\2\2\u06d4\u36f0\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u06d6\u3707\3\2\2\2\u06d8\u370f\3\2\2\2\u06da\u3711\3\2\2\2\u06dc"+ - "\u3722\3\2\2\2\u06de\u3724\3\2\2\2\u06e0\u372c\3\2\2\2\u06e2\u3734\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u06e4\u3745\3\2\2\2\u06e6\u374a\3\2\2\2\u06e8\u374c\3\2\2\2\u06ea"+ - "\u3754\3\2\2\2\u06ec\u3759\3\2\2\2\u06ee\u3768\3\2\2\2\u06f0\u3773\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u06f2\u377e\3\2\2\2\u06f4\u3785\3\2\2\2\u06f6\u37ac\3\2\2\2\u06f8"+ - "\u37ae\3\2\2\2\u06fa\u37b0\3\2\2\2\u06fc\u37b2\3\2\2\2\u06fe\u37b4\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0700\u37b6\3\2\2\2\u0702\u37b9\3\2\2\2\u0704\u0705\5\4\3\2\u0705"+ - "\3\3\2\2\2\u0706\u0711\7\2\2\3\u0707\u0711\7\u0501\2\2\u0708\u0709\5\6"+ - "\4\2\u0709\u070a\7\2\2\3\u070a\u0711\3\2\2\2\u070b\u070c\5\6\4\2\u070c"+ - "\u070e\7\u0501\2\2\u070d\u070f\7\2\2\3\u070e\u070d\3\2\2\2\u070e\u070f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u070f\u0711\3\2\2\2\u0710\u0706\3\2\2\2\u0710\u0707\3\2\2\2\u0710"+ - "\u0708\3\2\2\2\u0710\u070b\3\2\2\2\u0711\5\3\2\2\2\u0712\u077b\5\u0300"+ - "\u0181\2\u0713\u077b\5\u02d0\u0169\2\u0714\u077b\5\u02f8\u017d\2\u0715"+ - "\u077b\5\u0140\u00a1\2\u0716\u077b\5\u0110\u0089\2\u0717\u077b\5\u00d6"+ - "l\2\u0718\u077b\5\u00d4k\2\u0719\u077b\5\u02c6\u0164\2\u071a\u077b\5\u02ca"+ - "\u0166\2\u071b\u077b\5\u041a\u020e\2\u071c\u077b\5\u0414\u020b\2\u071d"+ - "\u077b\5\u0416\u020c\2\u071e\u077b\5\u0418\u020d\2\u071f\u077b\5\u0422"+ - "\u0212\2\u0720\u077b\5\u04b0\u0259\2\u0721\u077b\5\u04b6\u025c\2\u0722"+ - "\u077b\5\u04ca\u0266\2\u0723\u077b\5\u04d2\u026a\2\u0724\u077b\5\u04ea"+ - "\u0276\2\u0725\u077b\5\u04e2\u0272\2\u0726\u077b\5\u0530\u0299\2\u0727"+ - "\u077b\5\u051a\u028e\2\u0728\u077b\5\u04ce\u0268\2\u0729\u077b\5\u042c"+ - "\u0217\2\u072a\u077b\5\u0430\u0219\2\u072b\u077b\5\u0432\u021a\2\u072c"+ - "\u077b\5\u044c\u0227\2\u072d\u077b\5\u0450\u0229\2\u072e\u077b\5\u0454"+ - "\u022b\2\u072f\u077b\5\u04a0\u0251\2\u0730\u077b\5\u04ae\u0258\2\u0731"+ - "\u077b\5\u0488\u0245\2\u0732\u077b\5\u048a\u0246\2\u0733\u077b\5\u048c"+ - "\u0247\2\u0734\u077b\5\u0292\u014a\2\u0735\u077b\5\u02ce\u0168\2\u0736"+ - "\u077b\5\u048e\u0248\2\u0737\u077b\5\u02a6\u0154\2\u0738\u077b\5\u02c4"+ - "\u0163\2\u0739\u077b\5\u042a\u0216\2\u073a\u077b\5\u0270\u0139\2\u073b"+ - "\u077b\5\u0272\u013a\2\u073c\u077b\5\u00f2z\2\u073d\u077b\5\u00fc\177"+ - "\2\u073e\u077b\5\u00fe\u0080\2\u073f\u077b\5\u0100\u0081\2\u0740\u077b"+ - "\5\u0102\u0082\2\u0741\u077b\5\u00dep\2\u0742\u077b\5\u00eex\2\u0743\u077b"+ - "\5\u00f0y\2\u0744\u077b\5\u05e2\u02f2\2\u0745\u077b\5\u05e4\u02f3\2\u0746"+ - "\u077b\5\u025e\u0130\2\u0747\u077b\5\u0260\u0131\2\u0748\u077b\5\u0262"+ - "\u0132\2\u0749\u077b\5\u04dc\u026f\2\u074a\u077b\5\u04da\u026e\2\u074b"+ - "\u077b\5\u05e6\u02f4\2\u074c\u077b\5\u0128\u0095\2\u074d\u077b\5\u012e"+ - "\u0098\2\u074e\u077b\5\u0134\u009b\2\u074f\u077b\5\u013a\u009e\2\u0750"+ - "\u077b\5\u013c\u009f\2\u0751\u077b\5\u013e\u00a0\2\u0752\u077b\5\u05a8"+ - "\u02d5\2\u0753\u077b\5\u05aa\u02d6\2\u0754\u077b\5\u05ae\u02d8\2\u0755"+ - "\u077b\5\u0602\u0302\2\u0756\u077b\5\u0604\u0303\2\u0757\u077b\5\u0458"+ - "\u022d\2\u0758\u077b\5\u045a\u022e\2\u0759\u077b\5\u0462\u0232\2\u075a"+ - "\u077b\5\u0512\u028a\2\u075b\u077b\5\u0516\u028c\2\u075c\u077b\5\u0472"+ - "\u023a\2\u075d\u077b\5\u047c\u023f\2\u075e\u077b\5\u047a\u023e\2\u075f"+ - "\u077b\5\u0596\u02cc\2\u0760\u077b\5\u040a\u0206\2\u0761\u077b\5\u05a6"+ - "\u02d4\2\u0762\u077b\5\22\n\2\u0763\u077b\5\u0518\u028d\2\u0764\u077b"+ - "\5\u0114\u008b\2\u0765\u077b\5\u047e\u0240\2\u0766\u077b\5\u0480\u0241"+ - "\2\u0767\u077b\5\u0490\u0249\2\u0768\u077b\5\u0496\u024c\2\u0769\u077b"+ - "\5\u0434\u021b\2\u076a\u077b\5\u0498\u024d\2\u076b\u077b\5\u05ba\u02de"+ - "\2\u076c\u077b\5\u05bc\u02df\2\u076d\u077b\5\u05be\u02e0\2\u076e\u077b"+ - "\5\u05ce\u02e8\2\u076f\u077b\5\b\5\2\u0770\u077b\5\n\6\2\u0771\u077b\5"+ - "\f\7\2\u0772\u077b\5\16\b\2\u0773\u077b\5\20\t\2\u0774\u077b\5\u0466\u0234"+ - "\2\u0775\u077b\5\u0470\u0239\2\u0776\u077b\5\u05ee\u02f8\2\u0777\u077b"+ - "\5\u05f2\u02fa\2\u0778\u077b\5\u05f6\u02fc\2\u0779\u077b\5\u05fe\u0300"+ - "\2\u077a\u0712\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0713\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0714\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0715"+ - 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"\2\2\u077a\u0778\3\2\2\2\u077a\u0779\3\2\2\2\u077b\7\3\2\2\2\u077c\u077d"+ - "\7d\2\2\u077d\u077f\7\u01a8\2\2\u077e\u0780\7\u025e\2\2\u077f\u077e\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u077f\u0780\3\2\2\2\u0780\u0781\3\2\2\2\u0781\u0782\5\u03d0\u01e9"+ - "\2\u0782\t\3\2\2\2\u0783\u0784\7d\2\2\u0784\u0787\7\u0147\2\2\u0785\u0786"+ - "\7\u010a\2\2\u0786\u0788\7m\2\2\u0787\u0785\3\2\2\2\u0787\u0788\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u0788\u0789\3\2\2\2\u0789\u078a\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u078a\13\3\2\2\2\u078b"+ - "\u078c\7d\2\2\u078c\u078f\7\u02f6\2\2\u078d\u078e\7\u010a\2\2\u078e\u0790"+ - "\7m\2\2\u078f\u078d\3\2\2\2\u078f\u0790\3\2\2\2\u0790\u0791\3\2\2\2\u0791"+ - "\u0792\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u0792\r\3\2\2\2\u0793\u0794\7d\2\2\u0794\u0795"+ - "\7\u00be\2\2\u0795\u0796\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u0796\17\3\2\2\2\u0797\u0798"+ - "\7d\2\2\u0798\u079a\7\u0478\2\2\u0799\u079b\7\u025e\2\2\u079a\u0799\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u079a\u079b\3\2\2\2\u079b\u079c\3\2\2\2\u079c\u079e\5\u03d0\u01e9"+ - "\2\u079d\u079f\t\2\2\2\u079e\u079d\3\2\2\2\u079e\u079f\3\2\2\2\u079f\21"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u07a0\u07a1\7\u01cd\2\2\u07a1\u07a2\5n8\2\u07a2\23\3\2\2\2\u07a3"+ - "\u07a8\5\66\34\2\u07a4\u07a5\7\u04f2\2\2\u07a5\u07a7\5\66\34\2\u07a6\u07a4"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u07a7\u07aa\3\2\2\2\u07a8\u07a6\3\2\2\2\u07a8\u07a9\3\2\2\2\u07a9"+ - "\25\3\2\2\2\u07aa\u07a8\3\2\2\2\u07ab\u07b0\5\u0608\u0305\2\u07ac\u07b0"+ - "\7\u0088\2\2\u07ad\u07b0\7\u00ad\2\2\u07ae\u07b0\5\30\r\2\u07af\u07ab"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u07af\u07ac\3\2\2\2\u07af\u07ad\3\2\2\2\u07af\u07ae\3\2\2\2\u07b0"+ - "\27\3\2\2\2\u07b1\u07b2\t\3\2\2\u07b2\31\3\2\2\2\u07b3\u07b4\7\u0518\2"+ - "\2\u07b4\33\3\2\2\2\u07b5\u07b6\5\36\20\2\u07b6\35\3\2\2\2\u07b7\u07c0"+ - "\5\32\16\2\u07b8\u07c0\7\u04ef\2\2\u07b9\u07c0\7\u0201\2\2\u07ba\u07c0"+ - "\7\u04e7\2\2\u07bb\u07c0\7\u0213\2\2\u07bc\u07c0\7\u04e8\2\2\u07bd\u07c0"+ - "\7\u0095\2\2\u07be\u07c0\7\u04f0\2\2\u07bf\u07b7\3\2\2\2\u07bf\u07b8\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u07bf\u07b9\3\2\2\2\u07bf\u07ba\3\2\2\2\u07bf\u07bb\3\2\2\2\u07bf"+ - "\u07bc\3\2\2\2\u07bf\u07bd\3\2\2\2\u07bf\u07be\3\2\2\2\u07c0\37\3\2\2"+ - 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"\u0aea\u0aeb\7\u04f8\2\2\u0aeb\u0aec\5\u0082B\2\u0aec\u0aed\7\u04ff\2"+ - "\2\u0aed\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0aee\u0aef\7\u0291\2\2\u0aef\u0af1\7\u04f8\2\2"+ - "\u0af0\u0af2\t\24\2\2\u0af1\u0af0\3\2\2\2\u0af1\u0af2\3\2\2\2\u0af2\u0af3"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0af3\u0af4\5\66\34\2\u0af4\u0af5\7\u04ff\2\2\u0af5\u0af6\7\u039c"+ - "\2\2\u0af6\u0af7\7\u04f8\2\2\u0af7\u0af8\5\u0082B\2\u0af8\u0af9\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u0af9\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0afa\u0afb\7\u0458\2\2\u0afb\u0afd\7\u04f8\2"+ - "\2\u0afc\u0afe\t\24\2\2\u0afd\u0afc\3\2\2\2\u0afd\u0afe\3\2\2\2\u0afe"+ - "\u0aff\3\2\2\2\u0aff\u0b00\5\66\34\2\u0b00\u0b01\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b01\u0b02"+ - "\7\u039c\2\2\u0b02\u0b03\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b03\u0b04\5\u0082B\2\u0b04\u0b05"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b05\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b06\u0b07\7\u043b\2\2\u0b07\u0b09\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u0b08\u0b0a\t\24\2\2\u0b09\u0b08\3\2\2\2\u0b09\u0b0a\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u0b0a\u0b0b\3\2\2\2\u0b0b\u0b0c\5\66\34\2\u0b0c\u0b0d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b0d"+ - "\u0b0e\7\u039c\2\2\u0b0e\u0b0f\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b0f\u0b10\5\u0082B\2\u0b10"+ - "\u0b11\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b11\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b12\u0b13\7\u0243\2\2\u0b13\u0b15"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b14\u0b16\t\24\2\2\u0b15\u0b14\3\2\2\2\u0b15\u0b16\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0b16\u0b17\3\2\2\2\u0b17\u0b18\5\66\34\2\u0b18\u0b19\7\u04ff\2\2"+ - "\u0b19\u0b1a\7\u039c\2\2\u0b1a\u0b1b\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b1b\u0b1c\5\u0082B"+ - "\2\u0b1c\u0b1d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b1d\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b1e\u0b1f\7\u02a1\2\2"+ - "\u0b1f\u0b21\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b20\u0b22\t\24\2\2\u0b21\u0b20\3\2\2\2\u0b21"+ - "\u0b22\3\2\2\2\u0b22\u0b23\3\2\2\2\u0b23\u0b24\5\66\34\2\u0b24\u0b25\7"+ - "\u04ff\2\2\u0b25\u0b26\7\u039c\2\2\u0b26\u0b27\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b27\u0b28"+ - "\5\u0082B\2\u0b28\u0b29\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b29\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b2a\u0b2b\7"+ - "\u043d\2\2\u0b2b\u0b2d\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b2c\u0b2e\t\24\2\2\u0b2d\u0b2c\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u0b2d\u0b2e\3\2\2\2\u0b2e\u0b2f\3\2\2\2\u0b2f\u0b30\5\66\34\2\u0b30"+ - "\u0b31\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b31\u0b32\7\u039c\2\2\u0b32\u0b33\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b33"+ - "\u0b34\5\u0082B\2\u0b34\u0b35\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b35\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b36\u0b37"+ - "\7\u02e7\2\2\u0b37\u0b39\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b38\u0b3a\t\24\2\2\u0b39\u0b38"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0b39\u0b3a\3\2\2\2\u0b3a\u0b3b\3\2\2\2\u0b3b\u0b3c\5\66\34\2"+ - "\u0b3c\u0b3d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b3d\u0b3e\7\u039c\2\2\u0b3e\u0b3f\7\u04f8\2"+ - "\2\u0b3f\u0b40\5\u0082B\2\u0b40\u0b41\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b41\u0dbe\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u0b42\u0b43\7\u028d\2\2\u0b43\u0b45\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b44\u0b46\t\24\2\2"+ - "\u0b45\u0b44\3\2\2\2\u0b45\u0b46\3\2\2\2\u0b46\u0b47\3\2\2\2\u0b47\u0b48"+ - "\5\24\13\2\u0b48\u0b49\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b49\u0b4a\7\u00d0\2\2\u0b4a\u0b4b"+ - "\7t\2\2\u0b4b\u0b4c\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b4c\u0b4d\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0b4d\u0b4e"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b4e\u0b4f\7\u039c\2\2\u0b4f\u0b50\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b50\u0b51"+ - "\5\u0082B\2\u0b51\u0b52\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b52\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b53\u0b54\7"+ - "\u028d\2\2\u0b54\u0b56\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b55\u0b57\t\24\2\2\u0b56\u0b55\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u0b56\u0b57\3\2\2\2\u0b57\u0b58\3\2\2\2\u0b58\u0b59\5\24\13\2\u0b59"+ - "\u0b5a\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b5a\u0b5b\7\u039c\2\2\u0b5b\u0b5c\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b5c"+ - "\u0b5d\5\u0082B\2\u0b5d\u0b5e\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b5e\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b5f\u0b60"+ - "\7\u034a\2\2\u0b60\u0b61\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b61\u0b62\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b62\u0b63"+ - "\7\u039c\2\2\u0b63\u0b64\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b64\u0b65\5\u0082B\2\u0b65\u0b66"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b66\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b67\u0b68\7\u02fc\2\2\u0b68\u0b69\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u0b69\u0b6a\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b6a\u0b6b\7\u039c\2\2\u0b6b\u0b6c"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b6c\u0b6d\5\u0082B\2\u0b6d\u0b6e\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b6e\u0dbe"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0b6f\u0b70\7\u03b1\2\2\u0b70\u0b71\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b71\u0b72\7"+ - "\u04ff\2\2\u0b72\u0b73\7\u039c\2\2\u0b73\u0b74\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b74\u0b75"+ - "\5\u0082B\2\u0b75\u0b76\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b76\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b77\u0b78\7"+ - "\u01f1\2\2\u0b78\u0b79\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b79\u0b7a\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b7a\u0b7b"+ - "\7\u039c\2\2\u0b7b\u0b7c\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b7c\u0b7d\5\u0082B\2\u0b7d\u0b7e"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b7e\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b7f\u0b80\7\u04b0\2\2\u0b80\u0b81\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u0b81\u0b82\5\66\34\2\u0b82\u0b83\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b83\u0b84\7"+ - "\u039c\2\2\u0b84\u0b85\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b85\u0b86\5\u0082B\2\u0b86\u0b87"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b87\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b88\u0b89\7\u0488\2\2\u0b89\u0b8a\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u0b8a\u0b8b\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b8b\u0b8c\7\u039c\2\2\u0b8c\u0b8d"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b8d\u0b8e\5\u0082B\2\u0b8e\u0b8f\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b8f\u0dbe"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0b90\u0b91\7\u0470\2\2\u0b91\u0b92\5~@\2\u0b92\u0b93\7\u039c"+ - "\2\2\u0b93\u0b94\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b94\u0b95\5\u0082B\2\u0b95\u0b96\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u0b96\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b97\u0b98\7\u03fc\2\2\u0b98\u0b99\5~@\2\u0b99"+ - "\u0b9a\7\u039c\2\2\u0b9a\u0b9b\7\u04f8\2\2\u0b9b\u0b9c\5\u0082B\2\u0b9c"+ - "\u0b9d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0b9d\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0b9e\u0b9f\7\u04a2\2\2\u0b9f\u0ba0"+ - "\5\u0080A\2\u0ba0\u0ba1\7\u039c\2\2\u0ba1\u0ba2\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ba2\u0ba3"+ - "\5\u0082B\2\u0ba3\u0ba4\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ba4\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0ba5\u0ba6\7"+ - "\u03cb\2\2\u0ba6\u0ba7\5\u0080A\2\u0ba7\u0ba8\7\u039c\2\2\u0ba8\u0ba9"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ba9\u0baa\5\u0082B\2\u0baa\u0bab\7\u04ff\2\2\u0bab\u0dbe"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0bac\u0bad\7\u01b6\2\2\u0bad\u0bae\7\u04f8\2\2\u0bae\u0baf\5"+ - "\66\34\2\u0baf\u0bb0\7\u04f2\2\2\u0bb0\u0bb1\5\66\34\2\u0bb1\u0bb4\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u0bb2\u0bb3\7r\2\2\u0bb3\u0bb5\5z>\2\u0bb4\u0bb2\3\2\2\2\u0bb4\u0bb5"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0bb5\u0bb9\3\2\2\2\u0bb6\u0bb7\5|?\2\u0bb7\u0bb8\7\u04de\2\2"+ - "\u0bb8\u0bba\3\2\2\2\u0bb9\u0bb6\3\2\2\2\u0bb9\u0bba\3\2\2\2\u0bba\u0bbb"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0bbb\u0bbc\7\u039c\2\2\u0bbc\u0bbd\7\u04f8\2\2\u0bbd\u0bbe\5"+ - "\u0082B\2\u0bbe\u0bbf\7\u04ff\2\2\u0bbf\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0bc0\u0bc1\7\u02a9"+ - "\2\2\u0bc1\u0bc3\7\u04f8\2\2\u0bc2\u0bc4\t\24\2\2\u0bc3\u0bc2\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u0bc3\u0bc4\3\2\2\2\u0bc4\u0bc5\3\2\2\2\u0bc5\u0bc6\5\66\34\2\u0bc6\u0bc7"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0bc7\u0bc8\7\u039c\2\2\u0bc8\u0bc9\7\u04f8\2\2\u0bc9\u0bca"+ - "\5\u0082B\2\u0bca\u0bcb\7\u04ff\2\2\u0bcb\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0bcc\u0bcd\7"+ - "\u04bf\2\2\u0bcd\u0bcf\7\u04f8\2\2\u0bce\u0bd0\t\24\2\2\u0bcf\u0bce\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u0bcf\u0bd0\3\2\2\2\u0bd0\u0bd1\3\2\2\2\u0bd1\u0bd2\5\66\34\2\u0bd2"+ - "\u0bd3\7\u04f2\2\2\u0bd3\u0bd4\5\66\34\2\u0bd4\u0bd5\7\u04ff\2\2\u0bd5"+ - "\u0bd6\7\u039c\2\2\u0bd6\u0bd7\7\u04f8\2\2\u0bd7\u0bd8\5\u0082B\2\u0bd8"+ - "\u0bd9\7\u04ff\2\2\u0bd9\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0bda\u0bdb\7\u0437\2\2\u0bdb\u0bdd"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0bdc\u0bde\t\24\2\2\u0bdd\u0bdc\3\2\2\2\u0bdd\u0bde\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0bde\u0bdf\3\2\2\2\u0bdf\u0be0\5\66\34\2\u0be0\u0be1\7\u04f2\2\2"+ - "\u0be1\u0be2\5\66\34\2\u0be2\u0be3\7\u04ff\2\2\u0be3\u0be4\7\u039c\2\2"+ - "\u0be4\u0be5\7\u04f8\2\2\u0be5\u0be6\5\u0082B\2\u0be6\u0be7\7\u04ff\2"+ - "\2\u0be7\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0be8\u0be9\7\u02bc\2\2\u0be9\u0beb\7\u04f8\2\2"+ - "\u0bea\u0bec\t\24\2\2\u0beb\u0bea\3\2\2\2\u0beb\u0bec\3\2\2\2\u0bec\u0bed"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0bed\u0bee\5\66\34\2\u0bee\u0bef\7\u04f2\2\2\u0bef\u0bf0\5\66"+ - "\34\2\u0bf0\u0bf1\7\u04ff\2\2\u0bf1\u0bf2\7\u039c\2\2\u0bf2\u0bf3\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u0bf3\u0bf4\5\u0082B\2\u0bf4\u0bf5\7\u04ff\2\2\u0bf5\u0dbe\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u0bf6\u0bf7\7\u034b\2\2\u0bf7\u0bf9\7\u04f8\2\2\u0bf8\u0bfa\t\24\2"+ - "\2\u0bf9\u0bf8\3\2\2\2\u0bf9\u0bfa\3\2\2\2\u0bfa\u0bfb\3\2\2\2\u0bfb\u0bfc"+ - "\5\66\34\2\u0bfc\u0bfd\7\u04ff\2\2\u0bfd\u0bfe\7\u039c\2\2\u0bfe\u0bff"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0bff\u0c00\5\u0082B\2\u0c00\u0c01\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c01\u0dbe"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0c02\u0c03\7\u04c7\2\2\u0c03\u0c05\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c04\u0c06\t"+ - "\24\2\2\u0c05\u0c04\3\2\2\2\u0c05\u0c06\3\2\2\2\u0c06\u0c07\3\2\2\2\u0c07"+ - "\u0c08\5\66\34\2\u0c08\u0c09\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c09\u0c0a\7\u039c\2\2\u0c0a"+ - "\u0c0b\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c0b\u0c0c\5\u0082B\2\u0c0c\u0c0d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c0d"+ - "\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0c0e\u0c0f\7\u0252\2\2\u0c0f\u0c11\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c10\u0c12"+ - "\t\24\2\2\u0c11\u0c10\3\2\2\2\u0c11\u0c12\3\2\2\2\u0c12\u0c13\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u0c13\u0c14\5\66\34\2\u0c14\u0c15\7\u04f2\2\2\u0c15\u0c16\5\66\34\2\u0c16"+ - "\u0c17\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c17\u0c18\7\u039c\2\2\u0c18\u0c19\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c19"+ - "\u0c1a\5\u0082B\2\u0c1a\u0c1b\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c1b\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0c1c\u0c1d"+ - "\7\u0215\2\2\u0c1d\u0c1f\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c1e\u0c20\t\24\2\2\u0c1f\u0c1e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0c1f\u0c20\3\2\2\2\u0c20\u0c21\3\2\2\2\u0c21\u0c22\5\66\34\2"+ - "\u0c22\u0c23\7\u04f2\2\2\u0c23\u0c24\5\66\34\2\u0c24\u0c25\7\u04ff\2\2"+ - "\u0c25\u0c26\7\u039c\2\2\u0c26\u0c27\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c27\u0c28\5\u0082B"+ - "\2\u0c28\u0c29\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c29\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0c2a\u0c2b\7\u02cb\2\2"+ - "\u0c2b\u0c2d\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c2c\u0c2e\t\24\2\2\u0c2d\u0c2c\3\2\2\2\u0c2d"+ - "\u0c2e\3\2\2\2\u0c2e\u0c2f\3\2\2\2\u0c2f\u0c30\5\66\34\2\u0c30\u0c31\7"+ - "\u04f2\2\2\u0c31\u0c32\5\66\34\2\u0c32\u0c33\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c33\u0c34\7"+ - "\u039c\2\2\u0c34\u0c35\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c35\u0c36\5\u0082B\2\u0c36\u0c37"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c37\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0c38\u0c39\7\u035d\2\2\u0c39\u0c3b\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u0c3a\u0c3c\t\24\2\2\u0c3b\u0c3a\3\2\2\2\u0c3b\u0c3c\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u0c3c\u0c3d\3\2\2\2\u0c3d\u0c3e\5\66\34\2\u0c3e\u0c3f\7\u04f2\2\2\u0c3f"+ - "\u0c40\5\66\34\2\u0c40\u0c41\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c41\u0c42\7\u039c\2\2\u0c42"+ - "\u0c43\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c43\u0c44\5\u0082B\2\u0c44\u0c45\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c45"+ - "\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0c46\u0c47\7\u031e\2\2\u0c47\u0c49\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c48\u0c4a"+ - "\t\24\2\2\u0c49\u0c48\3\2\2\2\u0c49\u0c4a\3\2\2\2\u0c4a\u0c4b\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u0c4b\u0c4c\5\66\34\2\u0c4c\u0c4d\7\u04f2\2\2\u0c4d\u0c4e\5\66\34\2\u0c4e"+ - "\u0c4f\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c4f\u0c50\7\u039c\2\2\u0c50\u0c51\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c51"+ - "\u0c52\5\u0082B\2\u0c52\u0c53\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c53\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0c54\u0c55"+ - "\7\u031d\2\2\u0c55\u0c57\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c56\u0c58\t\24\2\2\u0c57\u0c56"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0c57\u0c58\3\2\2\2\u0c58\u0c59\3\2\2\2\u0c59\u0c5a\5\66\34\2"+ - "\u0c5a\u0c5b\7\u04f2\2\2\u0c5b\u0c5c\5\66\34\2\u0c5c\u0c5d\7\u04ff\2\2"+ - "\u0c5d\u0c5e\7\u039c\2\2\u0c5e\u0c5f\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c5f\u0c60\5\u0082B"+ - "\2\u0c60\u0c61\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c61\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0c62\u0c63\7\u02fa\2\2"+ - "\u0c63\u0c65\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c64\u0c66\t\24\2\2\u0c65\u0c64\3\2\2\2\u0c65"+ - "\u0c66\3\2\2\2\u0c66\u0c67\3\2\2\2\u0c67\u0c68\5\66\34\2\u0c68\u0c69\7"+ - "\u04f2\2\2\u0c69\u0c6a\5\66\34\2\u0c6a\u0c6b\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c6b\u0c6c\7"+ - "\u039c\2\2\u0c6c\u0c6d\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c6d\u0c6e\5\u0082B\2\u0c6e\u0c6f"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c6f\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0c70\u0c71\7\u0307\2\2\u0c71\u0c73\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u0c72\u0c74\t\24\2\2\u0c73\u0c72\3\2\2\2\u0c73\u0c74\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u0c74\u0c75\3\2\2\2\u0c75\u0c76\5\66\34\2\u0c76\u0c77\7\u04f2\2\2\u0c77"+ - "\u0c78\5\66\34\2\u0c78\u0c79\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c79\u0c7a\7\u039c\2\2\u0c7a"+ - "\u0c7b\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c7b\u0c7c\5\u0082B\2\u0c7c\u0c7d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c7d"+ - "\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0c7e\u0c7f\7\u02fb\2\2\u0c7f\u0c81\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c80\u0c82"+ - "\t\24\2\2\u0c81\u0c80\3\2\2\2\u0c81\u0c82\3\2\2\2\u0c82\u0c83\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u0c83\u0c84\5\66\34\2\u0c84\u0c85\7\u04f2\2\2\u0c85\u0c86\5\66\34\2\u0c86"+ - "\u0c87\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c87\u0c88\7\u039c\2\2\u0c88\u0c89\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c89"+ - "\u0c8a\5\u0082B\2\u0c8a\u0c8b\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c8b\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0c8c\u0c8d"+ - "\7\u021f\2\2\u0c8d\u0c8f\7\u04f8\2\2\u0c8e\u0c90\t\24\2\2\u0c8f\u0c8e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0c8f\u0c90\3\2\2\2\u0c90\u0c91\3\2\2\2\u0c91\u0c92\5\66\34\2"+ - "\u0c92\u0c93\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c93\u0c94\7\u0324\2\2\u0c94\u0c95\7\u04f8\2"+ - "\2\u0c95\u0c96\7\u02fc\2\2\u0c96\u0c97\5z>\2\u0c97\u0c98\5\u037e\u01c0"+ - "\2\u0c98\u0c99\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c99\u0c9a\7\u039c\2\2\u0c9a\u0c9b\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u0c9b\u0c9c\5\u0082B\2\u0c9c\u0c9d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0c9d\u0dbe\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u0c9e\u0c9f\7\u0291\2\2\u0c9f\u0ca1\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ca0\u0ca2\t\24\2"+ - "\2\u0ca1\u0ca0\3\2\2\2\u0ca1\u0ca2\3\2\2\2\u0ca2\u0ca3\3\2\2\2\u0ca3\u0ca4"+ - "\5\66\34\2\u0ca4\u0ca5\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ca5\u0ca6\7\u0324\2\2\u0ca6\u0ca7"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ca7\u0ca8\7\u02fc\2\2\u0ca8\u0ca9\5z>\2\u0ca9\u0caa\5\u037e"+ - "\u01c0\2\u0caa\u0cab\7\u04ff\2\2\u0cab\u0cac\7\u039c\2\2\u0cac\u0cad\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u0cad\u0cae\5\u0082B\2\u0cae\u0caf\7\u04ff\2\2\u0caf\u0dbe"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0cb0\u0cb1\7\u028f\2\2\u0cb1\u0cb3\7\u04f8\2\2\u0cb2\u0cb4\t"+ - "\24\2\2\u0cb3\u0cb2\3\2\2\2\u0cb3\u0cb4\3\2\2\2\u0cb4\u0cb5\3\2\2\2\u0cb5"+ - "\u0cb6\5\66\34\2\u0cb6\u0cb7\7\u04ff\2\2\u0cb7\u0cb8\7\u0324\2\2\u0cb8"+ - "\u0cb9\7\u04f8\2\2\u0cb9\u0cba\7\u02fc\2\2\u0cba\u0cbb\5z>\2\u0cbb\u0cbc"+ - "\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0cbc\u0cbd\7\u04ff\2\2\u0cbd\u0cbe\7\u039c\2\2\u0cbe"+ - "\u0cbf\7\u04f8\2\2\u0cbf\u0cc0\5\u0082B\2\u0cc0\u0cc1\7\u04ff\2\2\u0cc1"+ - "\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0cc2\u0cc3\7\u02fd\2\2\u0cc3\u0cc5\7\u04f8\2\2\u0cc4\u0cc6"+ - "\7C\2\2\u0cc5\u0cc4\3\2\2\2\u0cc5\u0cc6\3\2\2\2\u0cc6\u0cc7\3\2\2\2\u0cc7"+ - "\u0cc8\7\u04f6\2\2\u0cc8\u0cc9\7\u04ff\2\2\u0cc9\u0cca\7\u0324\2\2\u0cca"+ - "\u0ccb\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ccb\u0ccc\7\u02fc\2\2\u0ccc\u0ccd\5z>\2\u0ccd\u0cce"+ - "\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0cce\u0ccf\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ccf\u0cd0\7\u039c\2\2\u0cd0"+ - "\u0cd1\7\u04f8\2\2\u0cd1\u0cd2\5\u0082B\2\u0cd2\u0cd3\7\u04ff\2\2\u0cd3"+ - "\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0cd4\u0cd5\7\u02fd\2\2\u0cd5\u0cd7\7\u04f8\2\2\u0cd6\u0cd8"+ - "\7C\2\2\u0cd7\u0cd6\3\2\2\2\u0cd7\u0cd8\3\2\2\2\u0cd8\u0cd9\3\2\2\2\u0cd9"+ - "\u0cda\5\66\34\2\u0cda\u0cdb\7\u04ff\2\2\u0cdb\u0cdc\7\u0324\2\2\u0cdc"+ - "\u0cdd\7\u04f8\2\2\u0cdd\u0cde\7\u02fc\2\2\u0cde\u0cdf\5z>\2\u0cdf\u0ce0"+ - "\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0ce0\u0ce1\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ce1\u0ce2\7\u039c\2\2\u0ce2"+ - "\u0ce3\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ce3\u0ce4\5\u0082B\2\u0ce4\u0ce5\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ce5"+ - "\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0ce6\u0ce7\7\u0458\2\2\u0ce7\u0ce9\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ce8\u0cea"+ - "\t\24\2\2\u0ce9\u0ce8\3\2\2\2\u0ce9\u0cea\3\2\2\2\u0cea\u0ceb\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u0ceb\u0cec\5\66\34\2\u0cec\u0ced\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ced\u0cee\7\u0324\2\2"+ - "\u0cee\u0cef\7\u04f8\2\2\u0cef\u0cf0\7\u02fc\2\2\u0cf0\u0cf1\5z>\2\u0cf1"+ - "\u0cf2\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0cf2\u0cf3\7\u04ff\2\2\u0cf3\u0cf4\7\u039c\2\2"+ - "\u0cf4\u0cf5\7\u04f8\2\2\u0cf5\u0cf6\5\u0082B\2\u0cf6\u0cf7\7\u04ff\2"+ - "\2\u0cf7\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0cf8\u0cf9\7\u02a1\2\2\u0cf9\u0cfb\7\u04f8\2\2"+ - "\u0cfa\u0cfc\t\24\2\2\u0cfb\u0cfa\3\2\2\2\u0cfb\u0cfc\3\2\2\2\u0cfc\u0cfd"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0cfd\u0cfe\5\66\34\2\u0cfe\u0cff\7\u04ff\2\2\u0cff\u0d00\7\u0324"+ - "\2\2\u0d00\u0d01\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d01\u0d02\7\u02fc\2\2\u0d02\u0d03\5z>\2"+ - "\u0d03\u0d04\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0d04\u0d05\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d05\u0d06\7\u039c"+ - "\2\2\u0d06\u0d07\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d07\u0d08\5\u0082B\2\u0d08\u0d09\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u0d09\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0d0a\u0d0b\7\u0243\2\2\u0d0b\u0d0d\7\u04f8\2"+ - "\2\u0d0c\u0d0e\t\24\2\2\u0d0d\u0d0c\3\2\2\2\u0d0d\u0d0e\3\2\2\2\u0d0e"+ - "\u0d0f\3\2\2\2\u0d0f\u0d10\5\66\34\2\u0d10\u0d11\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d11\u0d12"+ - "\7\u0324\2\2\u0d12\u0d13\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d13\u0d14\7\u02fc\2\2\u0d14\u0d15"+ - "\5z>\2\u0d15\u0d16\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0d16\u0d17\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d17\u0d18"+ - "\7\u039c\2\2\u0d18\u0d19\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d19\u0d1a\5\u0082B\2\u0d1a\u0d1b"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d1b\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0d1c\u0d1d\7\u02e1\2\2\u0d1d\u0d1f\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u0d1e\u0d20\t\24\2\2\u0d1f\u0d1e\3\2\2\2\u0d1f\u0d20\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u0d20\u0d21\3\2\2\2\u0d21\u0d22\5\24\13\2\u0d22\u0d23\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d23"+ - "\u0d24\7\u00d0\2\2\u0d24\u0d25\7t\2\2\u0d25\u0d26\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d26\u0d27"+ - "\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0d27\u0d28\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d28\u0d29\7\u039c\2\2\u0d29"+ - "\u0d2a\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d2a\u0d2b\5\u0082B\2\u0d2b\u0d2c\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d2c"+ - "\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0d2d\u0d2e\7\u0381\2\2\u0d2e\u0d30\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d2f\u0d31"+ - "\t\24\2\2\u0d30\u0d2f\3\2\2\2\u0d30\u0d31\3\2\2\2\u0d31\u0d32\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u0d32\u0d33\5\24\13\2\u0d33\u0d34\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d34\u0d35\7\u00d0\2\2"+ - "\u0d35\u0d36\7t\2\2\u0d36\u0d37\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d37\u0d38\5\u037e\u01c0"+ - "\2\u0d38\u0d39\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d39\u0d3a\7\u039c\2\2\u0d3a\u0d3b\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u0d3b\u0d3c\5\u0082B\2\u0d3c\u0d3d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d3d\u0dbe\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u0d3e\u0d3f\7\u02ba\2\2\u0d3f\u0d41\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d40\u0d42\t\24\2"+ - "\2\u0d41\u0d40\3\2\2\2\u0d41\u0d42\3\2\2\2\u0d42\u0d43\3\2\2\2\u0d43\u0d44"+ - "\5\66\34\2\u0d44\u0d45\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d45\u0d46\7\u039c\2\2\u0d46\u0d47"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d47\u0d48\5\u0082B\2\u0d48\u0d49\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d49\u0dbe"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0d4a\u0d4b\7\u03a3\2\2\u0d4b\u0d4c\7\u04fd\2\2\u0d4c\u0d4d\7"+ - "\u02ba\2\2\u0d4d\u0d4f\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d4e\u0d50\t\24\2\2\u0d4f\u0d4e\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u0d4f\u0d50\3\2\2\2\u0d50\u0d51\3\2\2\2\u0d51\u0d52\5\66\34\2\u0d52"+ - "\u0d53\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d53\u0d54\7\u039c\2\2\u0d54\u0d55\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d55"+ - "\u0d56\5\u0082B\2\u0d56\u0d57\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d57\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0d58\u0d59"+ - "\7\u02ba\2\2\u0d59\u0d5b\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d5a\u0d5c\t\24\2\2\u0d5b\u0d5a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0d5b\u0d5c\3\2\2\2\u0d5c\u0d5d\3\2\2\2\u0d5d\u0d5e\5\66\34\2"+ - "\u0d5e\u0d5f\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d5f\u0d60\7\u0324\2\2\u0d60\u0d61\7\u04f8\2"+ - "\2\u0d61\u0d62\7\u02fc\2\2\u0d62\u0d63\5z>\2\u0d63\u0d64\5\u037e\u01c0"+ - "\2\u0d64\u0d65\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d65\u0d66\7\u039c\2\2\u0d66\u0d67\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u0d67\u0d68\5\u0082B\2\u0d68\u0d69\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d69\u0dbe\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u0d6a\u0d6b\7\u03a3\2\2\u0d6b\u0d6c\7\u04fd\2\2\u0d6c\u0d6d\7\u02ba"+ - "\2\2\u0d6d\u0d6f\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d6e\u0d70\t\24\2\2\u0d6f\u0d6e\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u0d6f\u0d70\3\2\2\2\u0d70\u0d71\3\2\2\2\u0d71\u0d72\5\66\34\2\u0d72\u0d73"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d73\u0d74\7\u0324\2\2\u0d74\u0d75\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d75\u0d76"+ - "\7\u02fc\2\2\u0d76\u0d77\5z>\2\u0d77\u0d78\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0d78\u0d79"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d79\u0d7a\7\u039c\2\2\u0d7a\u0d7b\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d7b\u0d7c"+ - "\5\u0082B\2\u0d7c\u0d7d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d7d\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0d7e\u0d7f\7"+ - "\u04ac\2\2\u0d7f\u0d80\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d80\u0d81\5\66\34\2\u0d81\u0d82\7"+ - "\u04f2\2\2\u0d82\u0d83\5\66\34\2\u0d83\u0d84\7\u04f2\2\2\u0d84\u0d85\5"+ - "\66\34\2\u0d85\u0d86\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d86\u0d87\7\u039c\2\2\u0d87\u0d88\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u0d88\u0d89\5\u0082B\2\u0d89\u0d8a\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d8a\u0dbe"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0d8b\u0d8c\7\u02f5\2\2\u0d8c\u0d8d\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d8d\u0d8e\5"+ - "\66\34\2\u0d8e\u0d8f\7\u04f2\2\2\u0d8f\u0d90\5\66\34\2\u0d90\u0d91\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u0d91\u0d92\7\u039c\2\2\u0d92\u0d93\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d93\u0d94\5\u0082"+ - "B\2\u0d94\u0d95\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d95\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0d96\u0d97\5\u060e\u0308"+ - "\2\u0d97\u0d98\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d98\u0d99\5\u00bc_\2\u0d99\u0d9a\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u0d9a\u0d9b\7\u039c\2\2\u0d9b\u0d9c\7\u04f8\2\2\u0d9c\u0d9d\5\u0082"+ - "B\2\u0d9d\u0d9e\7\u04ff\2\2\u0d9e\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0d9f\u0da0\5\u060e\u0308"+ - "\2\u0da0\u0da1\7\u04f8\2\2\u0da1\u0da2\7C\2\2\u0da2\u0da3\5\u00bc_\2\u0da3"+ - "\u0da4\7\u04ff\2\2\u0da4\u0da5\7\u039c\2\2\u0da5\u0da6\7\u04f8\2\2\u0da6"+ - "\u0da7\5\u0082B\2\u0da7\u0da8\7\u04ff\2\2\u0da8\u0dbe\3\2\2\2\u0da9\u0daa"+ - "\5\u060e\u0308\2\u0daa\u0dab\7\u04f8\2\2\u0dab\u0dac\7b\2\2\u0dac\u0dad"+ - "\5\u00bc_\2\u0dad\u0dae\7\u04ff\2\2\u0dae\u0daf\7\u039c\2\2\u0daf\u0db0"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0db0\u0db1\5\u0082B\2\u0db1\u0db2\7\u04ff\2\2\u0db2\u0dbe"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0db3\u0db4\5\u060e\u0308\2\u0db4\u0db5\7\u04f8\2\2\u0db5\u0db6"+ - "\7\u00c1\2\2\u0db6\u0db7\5\u00bc_\2\u0db7\u0db8\7\u04ff\2\2\u0db8\u0db9"+ - 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"\3\2\2\2\u0e2a\u0e29\3\2\2\2\u0e2b\u0099\3\2\2\2\u0e2c\u0e35\5\u06d0\u0369"+ - "\2\u0e2d\u0e35\5\u06d6\u036c\2\u0e2e\u0e35\5\u06f0\u0379\2\u0e2f\u0e35"+ - "\5\u06ee\u0378\2\u0e30\u0e35\5\u06ec\u0377\2\u0e31\u0e35\5\u06f4\u037b"+ - "\2\u0e32\u0e35\5\u06f2\u037a\2\u0e33\u0e35\5\u06ea\u0376\2\u0e34\u0e2c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0e34\u0e2d\3\2\2\2\u0e34\u0e2e\3\2\2\2\u0e34\u0e2f\3\2\2\2\u0e34"+ - "\u0e30\3\2\2\2\u0e34\u0e31\3\2\2\2\u0e34\u0e32\3\2\2\2\u0e34\u0e33\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0e35\u009b\3\2\2\2\u0e36\u0e45\5\u009eP\2\u0e37\u0e45\5\u00a0Q\2"+ - "\u0e38\u0e45\5\u00a4S\2\u0e39\u0e45\5\u00a6T\2\u0e3a\u0e45\5\u00a8U\2"+ - "\u0e3b\u0e45\5\u00aaV\2\u0e3c\u0e45\5@!\2\u0e3d\u0e41\5\u009aN\2\u0e3e"+ - "\u0e3f\7\u04fd\2\2\u0e3f\u0e42\5f\64\2\u0e40\u0e42\5j\66\2\u0e41\u0e3e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0e41\u0e40\3\2\2\2\u0e41\u0e42\3\2\2\2\u0e42\u0e45\3\2\2\2\u0e43"+ - "\u0e45\5B\"\2\u0e44\u0e36\3\2\2\2\u0e44\u0e37\3\2\2\2\u0e44\u0e38\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0e44\u0e39\3\2\2\2\u0e44\u0e3a\3\2\2\2\u0e44\u0e3b\3\2\2\2\u0e44"+ - "\u0e3c\3\2\2\2\u0e44\u0e3d\3\2\2\2\u0e44\u0e43\3\2\2\2\u0e45\u009d\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0e46\u0e47\7\u0139\2\2\u0e47\u0e48\7\u04f8\2\2\u0e48\u0e49\5\66"+ - "\34\2\u0e49\u0e4a\7\u04f2\2\2\u0e4a\u0e4b\5\66\34\2\u0e4b\u0e4c\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u0e4c\u009f\3\2\2\2\u0e4d\u0e4e\7\u0349\2\2\u0e4e\u0e4f\7\u04f8\2"+ - "\2\u0e4f\u0e50\5\u0368\u01b5\2\u0e50\u0e51\7\u04ff\2\2\u0e51\u0e68\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0e52\u0e53\7\u0376\2\2\u0e53\u0e54\7\u04f8\2\2\u0e54\u0e55\5\66"+ - "\34\2\u0e55\u0e56\7\u04ff\2\2\u0e56\u0e68\3\2\2\2\u0e57\u0e58\7\u040a"+ - "\2\2\u0e58\u0e59\7\u04f8\2\2\u0e59\u0e5a\5\66\34\2\u0e5a\u0e5b\7\u017b"+ - "\2\2\u0e5b\u0e5c\5\u00a2R\2\u0e5c\u0e5d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0e5d\u0e68\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u0e5e\u0e5f\7\u040a\2\2\u0e5f\u0e60\7\u04f8\2\2\u0e60\u0e61\5\66\34"+ - "\2\u0e61\u0e62\7\u04f2\2\2\u0e62\u0e63\5\66\34\2\u0e63\u0e64\7\u04f2\2"+ - "\2\u0e64\u0e65\5\66\34\2\u0e65\u0e66\7\u04ff\2\2\u0e66\u0e68\3\2\2\2\u0e67"+ - "\u0e4d\3\2\2\2\u0e67\u0e52\3\2\2\2\u0e67\u0e57\3\2\2\2\u0e67\u0e5e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0e68\u00a1\3\2\2\2\u0e69\u0e6a\t\31\2\2\u0e6a\u00a3\3\2\2\2\u0e6b"+ - "\u0e6c\7\u037e\2\2\u0e6c\u0e6d\7\u04f8\2\2\u0e6d\u0e6e\5\u0618\u030d\2"+ - "\u0e6e\u0e6f\7r\2\2\u0e6f\u0e70\5\66\34\2\u0e70\u0e71\7\u04ff\2\2\u0e71"+ - "\u00a5\3\2\2\2\u0e72\u0e73\7\u02ef\2\2\u0e73\u0e74\7\u04f8\2\2\u0e74\u0e75"+ - "\5\66\34\2\u0e75\u0e76\7G\2\2\u0e76\u0e77\5\u0172\u00ba\2\u0e77\u0e78"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0e78\u0e81\3\2\2\2\u0e79\u0e7a\7\u02ff\2\2\u0e7a\u0e7b\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u0e7b\u0e7c\5\66\34\2\u0e7c\u0e7d\7G\2\2\u0e7d\u0e7e\5\u0174"+ - "\u00bb\2\u0e7e\u0e7f\7\u04ff\2\2\u0e7f\u0e81\3\2\2\2\u0e80\u0e72\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u0e80\u0e79\3\2\2\2\u0e81\u00a7\3\2\2\2\u0e82\u0e83\7\u02b1\2\2\u0e83"+ - "\u0e84\7\u04f8\2\2\u0e84\u0e85\5\66\34\2\u0e85\u0e86\7\u04f2\2\2\u0e86"+ - "\u0e87\5\66\34\2\u0e87\u0e88\7\u04ff\2\2\u0e88\u00a9\3\2\2\2\u0e89\u0e8a"+ - "\t\32\2\2\u0e8a\u00ab\3\2\2\2\u0e8b\u0e8c\7\u04cb\2\2\u0e8c\u0e8e\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u0e8d\u0e8f\7b\2\2\u0e8e\u0e8d\3\2\2\2\u0e8e\u0e8f\3\2\2\2\u0e8f"+ - "\u0e90\3\2\2\2\u0e90\u0e91\5\24\13\2\u0e91\u0e92\7\u04ff\2\2\u0e92\u10c0"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0e93\u0e94\7\u026e\2\2\u0e94\u0e95\7\u04f8\2\2\u0e95\u0e96\5"+ - "\24\13\2\u0e96\u0e97\7\u04ff\2\2\u0e97\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0e98\u0e99\7\u045a"+ - "\2\2\u0e99\u0e9a\7\u04f8\2\2\u0e9a\u0e9b\5\66\34\2\u0e9b\u0e9c\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u0e9c\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0e9d\u0e9e\7\u028f\2\2\u0e9e\u0ea0\7\u04f8\2"+ - "\2\u0e9f\u0ea1\t\24\2\2\u0ea0\u0e9f\3\2\2\2\u0ea0\u0ea1\3\2\2\2\u0ea1"+ - "\u0ea2\3\2\2\2\u0ea2\u0ea3\5\66\34\2\u0ea3\u0ea4\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ea4\u10c0"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0ea5\u0ea6\7\u021f\2\2\u0ea6\u0ea8\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ea7\u0ea9\t"+ - "\24\2\2\u0ea8\u0ea7\3\2\2\2\u0ea8\u0ea9\3\2\2\2\u0ea9\u0eaa\3\2\2\2\u0eaa"+ - "\u0eab\5\66\34\2\u0eab\u0eac\7\u04ff\2\2\u0eac\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0ead\u0eae"+ - "\7\u0291\2\2\u0eae\u0eb0\7\u04f8\2\2\u0eaf\u0eb1\t\24\2\2\u0eb0\u0eaf"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0eb0\u0eb1\3\2\2\2\u0eb1\u0eb2\3\2\2\2\u0eb2\u0eb3\5\66\34\2"+ - "\u0eb3\u0eb4\7\u04ff\2\2\u0eb4\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0eb5\u0eb6\7\u0458\2\2\u0eb6"+ - "\u0eb8\7\u04f8\2\2\u0eb7\u0eb9\t\24\2\2\u0eb8\u0eb7\3\2\2\2\u0eb8\u0eb9"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0eb9\u0eba\3\2\2\2\u0eba\u0ebb\5\66\34\2\u0ebb\u0ebc\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u0ebc\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0ebd\u0ebe\7f\2\2\u0ebe\u0ec0\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ebf"+ - "\u0ec1\t\24\2\2\u0ec0\u0ebf\3\2\2\2\u0ec0\u0ec1\3\2\2\2\u0ec1\u0ec2\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u0ec2\u0ec5\5\66\34\2\u0ec3\u0ec4\7\u019c\2\2\u0ec4\u0ec6\7\u038e"+ - "\2\2\u0ec5\u0ec3\3\2\2\2\u0ec5\u0ec6\3\2\2\2\u0ec6\u0ec8\3\2\2\2\u0ec7"+ - "\u0ec9\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0ec8\u0ec7\3\2\2\2\u0ec8\u0ec9\3\2\2\2\u0ec9\u0ecb"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0eca\u0ecc\5\u00aeX\2\u0ecb\u0eca\3\2\2\2\u0ecb\u0ecc\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u0ecc\u0ece\3\2\2\2\u0ecd\u0ecf\5\u00b0Y\2\u0ece\u0ecd\3\2\2\2\u0ece"+ - "\u0ecf\3\2\2\2\u0ecf\u0ed1\3\2\2\2\u0ed0\u0ed2\7\u01d8\2\2\u0ed1\u0ed0"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0ed1\u0ed2\3\2\2\2\u0ed2\u0ed3\3\2\2\2\u0ed3\u0ed4\7\u04ff\2"+ - "\2\u0ed4\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0ed5\u0ed6\7\u0419\2\2\u0ed6\u0ed8\7\u04f8\2\2"+ - "\u0ed7\u0ed9\7\u0294\2\2\u0ed8\u0ed7\3\2\2\2\u0ed8\u0ed9\3\2\2\2\u0ed9"+ - "\u0eda\3\2\2\2\u0eda\u0edb\5\66\34\2\u0edb\u0edc\7L\2\2\u0edc\u0edf\5"+ - "\66\34\2\u0edd\u0ede\7\u019c\2\2\u0ede\u0ee0\7\u038e\2\2\u0edf\u0edd\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u0edf\u0ee0\3\2\2\2\u0ee0\u0ee2\3\2\2\2\u0ee1\u0ee3\5\u00aeX\2"+ - "\u0ee2\u0ee1\3\2\2\2\u0ee2\u0ee3\3\2\2\2\u0ee3\u0ee5\3\2\2\2\u0ee4\u0ee6"+ - "\5\u00b0Y\2\u0ee5\u0ee4\3\2\2\2\u0ee5\u0ee6\3\2\2\2\u0ee6\u0ee8\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u0ee7\u0ee9\7\u01d8\2\2\u0ee8\u0ee7\3\2\2\2\u0ee8\u0ee9\3\2\2\2\u0ee9"+ - "\u0eeb\3\2\2\2\u0eea\u0eec\5\u06ca\u0366\2\u0eeb\u0eea\3\2\2\2\u0eeb\u0eec"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0eec\u0eed\3\2\2\2\u0eed\u0eee\7\u04ff\2\2\u0eee\u10c0\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u0eef\u0ef0\7\u0419\2\2\u0ef0\u0ef1\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ef1\u0ef2\5\66\34"+ - "\2\u0ef2\u0ef3\7\u04f2\2\2\u0ef3\u0ef6\5\66\34\2\u0ef4\u0ef5\7\u019c\2"+ - "\2\u0ef5\u0ef7\7\u038e\2\2\u0ef6\u0ef4\3\2\2\2\u0ef6\u0ef7\3\2\2\2\u0ef7"+ - "\u0ef9\3\2\2\2\u0ef8\u0efa\5\u00aeX\2\u0ef9\u0ef8\3\2\2\2\u0ef9\u0efa"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0efa\u0efc\3\2\2\2\u0efb\u0efd\5\u00b0Y\2\u0efc\u0efb\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u0efc\u0efd\3\2\2\2\u0efd\u0eff\3\2\2\2\u0efe\u0f00\7\u01d8\2\2\u0eff"+ - "\u0efe\3\2\2\2\u0eff\u0f00\3\2\2\2\u0f00\u0f02\3\2\2\2\u0f01\u0f03\5\u06ca"+ - "\u0366\2\u0f02\u0f01\3\2\2\2\u0f02\u0f03\3\2\2\2\u0f03\u0f04\3\2\2\2\u0f04"+ - "\u0f05\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f05\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f06\u0f07\7\u043b\2\2\u0f07\u0f09"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f08\u0f0a\t\24\2\2\u0f09\u0f08\3\2\2\2\u0f09\u0f0a\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0f0a\u0f0b\3\2\2\2\u0f0b\u0f0c\5\66\34\2\u0f0c\u0f0d\7\u04ff\2\2"+ - "\u0f0d\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f0e\u0f0f\7\u0243\2\2\u0f0f\u0f11\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f10"+ - "\u0f12\t\24\2\2\u0f11\u0f10\3\2\2\2\u0f11\u0f12\3\2\2\2\u0f12\u0f13\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u0f13\u0f14\5\66\34\2\u0f14\u0f15\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f15\u10c0\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u0f16\u0f17\7\u02a1\2\2\u0f17\u0f19\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f18\u0f1a\t\24\2"+ - "\2\u0f19\u0f18\3\2\2\2\u0f19\u0f1a\3\2\2\2\u0f1a\u0f1b\3\2\2\2\u0f1b\u0f1c"+ - "\5\66\34\2\u0f1c\u0f1d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f1d\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f1e\u0f1f\7\u043d"+ - "\2\2\u0f1f\u0f21\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f20\u0f22\t\24\2\2\u0f21\u0f20\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u0f21\u0f22\3\2\2\2\u0f22\u0f23\3\2\2\2\u0f23\u0f24\5\66\34\2\u0f24\u0f25"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f25\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f26\u0f27\7\u02e7\2\2\u0f27\u0f29\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u0f28\u0f2a\t\24\2\2\u0f29\u0f28\3\2\2\2\u0f29\u0f2a\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u0f2a\u0f2b\3\2\2\2\u0f2b\u0f2c\5\66\34\2\u0f2c\u0f2d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f2d"+ - "\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f2e\u0f2f\7\u026f\2\2\u0f2f\u0f30\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f30\u0f31"+ - "\5\66\34\2\u0f31\u0f32\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f32\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f33\u0f34\7\u028d"+ - "\2\2\u0f34\u0f36\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f35\u0f37\t\24\2\2\u0f36\u0f35\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u0f36\u0f37\3\2\2\2\u0f37\u0f38\3\2\2\2\u0f38\u0f39\5\24\13\2\u0f39\u0f3a"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f3a\u0f3b\7\u00d0\2\2\u0f3b\u0f3c\7t\2\2\u0f3c\u0f3d\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u0f3d\u0f3e\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0f3e\u0f3f\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f3f\u10c0"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0f40\u0f41\7\u028d\2\2\u0f41\u0f43\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f42\u0f44\t"+ - "\24\2\2\u0f43\u0f42\3\2\2\2\u0f43\u0f44\3\2\2\2\u0f44\u0f45\3\2\2\2\u0f45"+ - "\u0f46\5\24\13\2\u0f46\u0f47\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f47\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f48\u0f49"+ - "\7\u04bf\2\2\u0f49\u0f4b\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f4a\u0f4c\t\24\2\2\u0f4b\u0f4a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0f4b\u0f4c\3\2\2\2\u0f4c\u0f4d\3\2\2\2\u0f4d\u0f4e\5\66\34\2"+ - "\u0f4e\u0f4f\7\u04f2\2\2\u0f4f\u0f50\5\66\34\2\u0f50\u0f51\7\u04ff\2\2"+ - "\u0f51\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f52\u0f53\7\u0437\2\2\u0f53\u0f55\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f54"+ - "\u0f56\t\24\2\2\u0f55\u0f54\3\2\2\2\u0f55\u0f56\3\2\2\2\u0f56\u0f57\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u0f57\u0f58\5\66\34\2\u0f58\u0f59\7\u04f2\2\2\u0f59\u0f5a\5\66"+ - "\34\2\u0f5a\u0f5b\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f5b\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f5c\u0f5d\7\u02bc"+ - "\2\2\u0f5d\u0f5f\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f5e\u0f60\t\24\2\2\u0f5f\u0f5e\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u0f5f\u0f60\3\2\2\2\u0f60\u0f61\3\2\2\2\u0f61\u0f62\5\66\34\2\u0f62\u0f63"+ - "\7\u04f2\2\2\u0f63\u0f64\5\66\34\2\u0f64\u0f65\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f65\u10c0"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0f66\u0f67\7\u034b\2\2\u0f67\u0f69\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f68\u0f6a\t"+ - "\24\2\2\u0f69\u0f68\3\2\2\2\u0f69\u0f6a\3\2\2\2\u0f6a\u0f6b\3\2\2\2\u0f6b"+ - "\u0f6c\5\66\34\2\u0f6c\u0f6d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f6d\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f6e\u0f6f"+ - "\7\u04c7\2\2\u0f6f\u0f71\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f70\u0f72\t\24\2\2\u0f71\u0f70"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0f71\u0f72\3\2\2\2\u0f72\u0f73\3\2\2\2\u0f73\u0f74\5\66\34\2"+ - "\u0f74\u0f75\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f75\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f76\u0f77\7\u0252\2\2\u0f77"+ - "\u0f79\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f78\u0f7a\t\24\2\2\u0f79\u0f78\3\2\2\2\u0f79\u0f7a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0f7a\u0f7b\3\2\2\2\u0f7b\u0f7c\5\66\34\2\u0f7c\u0f7d\7\u04f2"+ - "\2\2\u0f7d\u0f7e\5\66\34\2\u0f7e\u0f7f\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f7f\u10c0\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u0f80\u0f81\7\u0215\2\2\u0f81\u0f83\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f82\u0f84\t\24\2\2"+ - "\u0f83\u0f82\3\2\2\2\u0f83\u0f84\3\2\2\2\u0f84\u0f85\3\2\2\2\u0f85\u0f86"+ - "\5\66\34\2\u0f86\u0f87\7\u04f2\2\2\u0f87\u0f88\5\66\34\2\u0f88\u0f89\7"+ - "\u04ff\2\2\u0f89\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f8a\u0f8b\7\u02cb\2\2\u0f8b\u0f8d\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u0f8c\u0f8e\t\24\2\2\u0f8d\u0f8c\3\2\2\2\u0f8d\u0f8e\3\2\2\2\u0f8e"+ - "\u0f8f\3\2\2\2\u0f8f\u0f90\5\66\34\2\u0f90\u0f91\7\u04f2\2\2\u0f91\u0f92"+ - "\5\66\34\2\u0f92\u0f93\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f93\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0f94\u0f95\7\u035d"+ - "\2\2\u0f95\u0f97\7\u04f8\2\2\u0f96\u0f98\t\24\2\2\u0f97\u0f96\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u0f97\u0f98\3\2\2\2\u0f98\u0f99\3\2\2\2\u0f99\u0f9a\5\66\34\2\u0f9a\u0f9b"+ - "\7\u04f2\2\2\u0f9b\u0f9c\5\66\34\2\u0f9c\u0f9d\7\u04ff\2\2\u0f9d\u10c0"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0f9e\u0f9f\7\u031e\2\2\u0f9f\u0fa1\7\u04f8\2\2\u0fa0\u0fa2\t"+ - "\24\2\2\u0fa1\u0fa0\3\2\2\2\u0fa1\u0fa2\3\2\2\2\u0fa2\u0fa3\3\2\2\2\u0fa3"+ - "\u0fa4\5\66\34\2\u0fa4\u0fa5\7\u04f2\2\2\u0fa5\u0fa6\5\66\34\2\u0fa6\u0fa7"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u0fa7\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0fa8\u0fa9\7\u031d\2\2\u0fa9\u0fab\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u0faa\u0fac\t\24\2\2\u0fab\u0faa\3\2\2\2\u0fab\u0fac\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u0fac\u0fad\3\2\2\2\u0fad\u0fae\5\66\34\2\u0fae\u0faf\7\u04f2\2\2\u0faf"+ - "\u0fb0\5\66\34\2\u0fb0\u0fb1\7\u04ff\2\2\u0fb1\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0fb2\u0fb3"+ - "\7\u02fa\2\2\u0fb3\u0fb5\7\u04f8\2\2\u0fb4\u0fb6\t\24\2\2\u0fb5\u0fb4"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0fb5\u0fb6\3\2\2\2\u0fb6\u0fb7\3\2\2\2\u0fb7\u0fb8\5\66\34\2"+ - "\u0fb8\u0fb9\7\u04f2\2\2\u0fb9\u0fba\5\66\34\2\u0fba\u0fbb\7\u04ff\2\2"+ - "\u0fbb\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0fbc\u0fbd\7\u0307\2\2\u0fbd\u0fbf\7\u04f8\2\2\u0fbe"+ - "\u0fc0\t\24\2\2\u0fbf\u0fbe\3\2\2\2\u0fbf\u0fc0\3\2\2\2\u0fc0\u0fc1\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u0fc1\u0fc2\5\66\34\2\u0fc2\u0fc3\7\u04f2\2\2\u0fc3\u0fc4\5\66"+ - "\34\2\u0fc4\u0fc5\7\u04ff\2\2\u0fc5\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0fc6\u0fc7\7\u02fb"+ - "\2\2\u0fc7\u0fc9\7\u04f8\2\2\u0fc8\u0fca\t\24\2\2\u0fc9\u0fc8\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u0fc9\u0fca\3\2\2\2\u0fca\u0fcb\3\2\2\2\u0fcb\u0fcc\5\66\34\2\u0fcc\u0fcd"+ - "\7\u04f2\2\2\u0fcd\u0fce\5\66\34\2\u0fce\u0fcf\7\u04ff\2\2\u0fcf\u10c0"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u0fd0\u0fd1\7\u034a\2\2\u0fd1\u0fd3\7\u04f8\2\2\u0fd2\u0fd4\t"+ - "\24\2\2\u0fd3\u0fd2\3\2\2\2\u0fd3\u0fd4\3\2\2\2\u0fd4\u0fd5\3\2\2\2\u0fd5"+ - "\u0fd6\5\24\13\2\u0fd6\u0fd7\7\u04ff\2\2\u0fd7\u0fd8\7\u00d0\2\2\u0fd8"+ - "\u0fd9\7t\2\2\u0fd9\u0fda\7\u04f8\2\2\u0fda\u0fdb\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0fdb"+ - "\u0fdc\7\u04ff\2\2\u0fdc\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0fdd\u0fde\7\u03b1\2\2\u0fde\u0fe0"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u0fdf\u0fe1\t\24\2\2\u0fe0\u0fdf\3\2\2\2\u0fe0\u0fe1\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u0fe1\u0fe2\3\2\2\2\u0fe2\u0fe3\5\24\13\2\u0fe3\u0fe4\7\u04ff\2\2"+ - "\u0fe4\u0fe5\7\u00d0\2\2\u0fe5\u0fe6\7t\2\2\u0fe6\u0fe7\7\u04f8\2\2\u0fe7"+ - "\u0fe8\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0fe8\u0fe9\7\u04ff\2\2\u0fe9\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0fea"+ - "\u0feb\7\u02fc\2\2\u0feb\u0fed\7\u04f8\2\2\u0fec\u0fee\t\24\2\2\u0fed"+ - "\u0fec\3\2\2\2\u0fed\u0fee\3\2\2\2\u0fee\u0fef\3\2\2\2\u0fef\u0ff0\5\24"+ - "\13\2\u0ff0\u0ff1\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ff1\u0ff2\7\u00d0\2\2\u0ff2\u0ff3\7t\2"+ - "\2\u0ff3\u0ff4\7\u04f8\2\2\u0ff4\u0ff5\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u0ff5\u0ff6\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u0ff6\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u0ff7\u0ff8\7\u0488\2\2\u0ff8\u0ffa\7\u04f8\2"+ - "\2\u0ff9\u0ffb\t\24\2\2\u0ffa\u0ff9\3\2\2\2\u0ffa\u0ffb\3\2\2\2\u0ffb"+ - "\u0ffc\3\2\2\2\u0ffc\u0ffd\5\24\13\2\u0ffd\u0ffe\7\u04ff\2\2\u0ffe\u0fff"+ - "\7\u00d0\2\2\u0fff\u1000\7t\2\2\u1000\u1001\7\u04f8\2\2\u1001\u1002\5"+ - "\u037e\u01c0\2\u1002\u1003\7\u04ff\2\2\u1003\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u1004\u1005"+ - "\7\u02e1\2\2\u1005\u1007\7\u04f8\2\2\u1006\u1008\t\24\2\2\u1007\u1006"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1007\u1008\3\2\2\2\u1008\u1009\3\2\2\2\u1009\u100a\5\24\13\2"+ - "\u100a\u100b\7\u04ff\2\2\u100b\u100c\7\u00d0\2\2\u100c\u100d\7t\2\2\u100d"+ - "\u100e\7\u04f8\2\2\u100e\u100f\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u100f\u1010\7\u04ff\2\2"+ - "\u1010\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u1011\u1012\7\u0381\2\2\u1012\u1014\7\u04f8\2\2\u1013"+ - "\u1015\t\24\2\2\u1014\u1013\3\2\2\2\u1014\u1015\3\2\2\2\u1015\u1016\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1016\u1017\5\24\13\2\u1017\u1018\7\u04ff\2\2\u1018\u1019\7\u00d0"+ - "\2\2\u1019\u101a\7t\2\2\u101a\u101b\7\u04f8\2\2\u101b\u101c\5\u037e\u01c0"+ - "\2\u101c\u101d\7\u04ff\2\2\u101d\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u101e\u101f\7\u021f\2\2"+ - "\u101f\u1021\7\u04f8\2\2\u1020\u1022\t\24\2\2\u1021\u1020\3\2\2\2\u1021"+ - "\u1022\3\2\2\2\u1022\u1023\3\2\2\2\u1023\u1024\5\66\34\2\u1024\u1025\7"+ - "\u04ff\2\2\u1025\u1026\7\u0324\2\2\u1026\u1027\7\u04f8\2\2\u1027\u1028"+ - "\7\u02fc\2\2\u1028\u1029\5z>\2\u1029\u102a\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u102a\u102b"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u102b\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u102c\u102d\7\u0291\2\2\u102d\u102f\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u102e\u1030\t\24\2\2\u102f\u102e\3\2\2\2\u102f\u1030\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u1030\u1031\3\2\2\2\u1031\u1032\5\66\34\2\u1032\u1033\7\u04ff\2\2\u1033"+ - "\u1034\7\u0324\2\2\u1034\u1035\7\u04f8\2\2\u1035\u1036\7\u02fc\2\2\u1036"+ - "\u1037\5z>\2\u1037\u1038\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1038\u1039\7\u04ff\2\2\u1039"+ - "\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u103a\u103b\7\u028f\2\2\u103b\u103d\7\u04f8\2\2\u103c\u103e"+ - "\t\24\2\2\u103d\u103c\3\2\2\2\u103d\u103e\3\2\2\2\u103e\u103f\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u103f\u1040\5\66\34\2\u1040\u1041\7\u04ff\2\2\u1041\u1042\7\u0324\2\2"+ - "\u1042\u1043\7\u04f8\2\2\u1043\u1044\7\u02fc\2\2\u1044\u1045\5z>\2\u1045"+ - "\u1046\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1046\u1047\7\u04ff\2\2\u1047\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u1048"+ - "\u1049\7\u0458\2\2\u1049\u104b\7\u04f8\2\2\u104a\u104c\t\24\2\2\u104b"+ - "\u104a\3\2\2\2\u104b\u104c\3\2\2\2\u104c\u104d\3\2\2\2\u104d\u104e\5\66"+ - "\34\2\u104e\u104f\7\u04ff\2\2\u104f\u1050\7\u0324\2\2\u1050\u1051\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u1051\u1052\7\u02fc\2\2\u1052\u1053\5z>\2\u1053\u1054\5\u037e\u01c0"+ - "\2\u1054\u1055\7\u04ff\2\2\u1055\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u1056\u1057\7\u02a1\2\2"+ - "\u1057\u1059\7\u04f8\2\2\u1058\u105a\t\24\2\2\u1059\u1058\3\2\2\2\u1059"+ - "\u105a\3\2\2\2\u105a\u105b\3\2\2\2\u105b\u105c\5\66\34\2\u105c\u105d\7"+ - "\u04ff\2\2\u105d\u105e\7\u0324\2\2\u105e\u105f\7\u04f8\2\2\u105f\u1060"+ - "\7\u02fc\2\2\u1060\u1061\5z>\2\u1061\u1062\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1062\u1063"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u1063\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u1064\u1065\7\u0243\2\2\u1065\u1067\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u1066\u1068\t\24\2\2\u1067\u1066\3\2\2\2\u1067\u1068\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u1068\u1069\3\2\2\2\u1069\u106a\5\66\34\2\u106a\u106b\7\u04ff\2\2\u106b"+ - "\u106c\7\u0324\2\2\u106c\u106d\7\u04f8\2\2\u106d\u106e\7\u02fc\2\2\u106e"+ - "\u106f\5z>\2\u106f\u1070\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1070\u1071\7\u04ff\2\2\u1071"+ - "\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u1072\u1073\7\u02ba\2\2\u1073\u1075\7\u04f8\2\2\u1074\u1076"+ - "\t\24\2\2\u1075\u1074\3\2\2\2\u1075\u1076\3\2\2\2\u1076\u1077\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1077\u1078\5\66\34\2\u1078\u1079\7\u04ff\2\2\u1079\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u107a"+ - "\u107b\7\u03a3\2\2\u107b\u107c\7\u04fd\2\2\u107c\u107d\7\u02ba\2\2\u107d"+ - "\u107f\7\u04f8\2\2\u107e\u1080\t\24\2\2\u107f\u107e\3\2\2\2\u107f\u1080"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1080\u1081\3\2\2\2\u1081\u1082\5\66\34\2\u1082\u1083\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u1083\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u1084\u1085\7\u02ba\2\2\u1085\u1087\7\u04f8\2"+ - "\2\u1086\u1088\t\24\2\2\u1087\u1086\3\2\2\2\u1087\u1088\3\2\2\2\u1088"+ - "\u1089\3\2\2\2\u1089\u108a\5\66\34\2\u108a\u108b\7\u04ff\2\2\u108b\u108c"+ - "\7\u0324\2\2\u108c\u108d\7\u04f8\2\2\u108d\u108e\7\u02fc\2\2\u108e\u108f"+ - "\5z>\2\u108f\u1090\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1090\u1091\7\u04ff\2\2\u1091\u10c0"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1092\u1093\7\u03a3\2\2\u1093\u1094\7\u04fd\2\2\u1094\u1095\7"+ - "\u02ba\2\2\u1095\u1097\7\u04f8\2\2\u1096\u1098\t\24\2\2\u1097\u1096\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1097\u1098\3\2\2\2\u1098\u1099\3\2\2\2\u1099\u109a\5\66\34\2\u109a"+ - "\u109b\7\u04ff\2\2\u109b\u109c\7\u0324\2\2\u109c\u109d\7\u04f8\2\2\u109d"+ - "\u109e\7\u02fc\2\2\u109e\u109f\5z>\2\u109f\u10a0\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u10a0"+ - "\u10a1\7\u04ff\2\2\u10a1\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u10a2\u10a3\7\u04ac\2\2\u10a3\u10a4"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u10a4\u10a5\5\66\34\2\u10a5\u10a6\7\u04f2\2\2\u10a6\u10a7"+ - "\5\66\34\2\u10a7\u10a8\7\u04f2\2\2\u10a8\u10a9\5\66\34\2\u10a9\u10aa\7"+ - "\u04ff\2\2\u10aa\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u10ab\u10ac\7\u02f5\2\2\u10ac\u10ad\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u10ad\u10ae\5\66\34\2\u10ae\u10af\7\u04f2\2\2\u10af\u10b0\5\66\34"+ - "\2\u10b0\u10b1\7\u04ff\2\2\u10b1\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u10b2\u10b3\7\u0356\2\2"+ - "\u10b3\u10b4\7\u04f8\2\2\u10b4\u10b6\5> \2\u10b5\u10b7\5\u037e\u01c0\2"+ - "\u10b6\u10b5\3\2\2\2\u10b6\u10b7\3\2\2\2\u10b7\u10b8\3\2\2\2\u10b8\u10b9"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u10b9\u10c0\3\2\2\2\u10ba\u10bb\7#\2\2\u10bb\u10bc\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u10bc\u10bd\5\66\34\2\u10bd\u10be\7\u04ff\2\2\u10be\u10c0\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u10bf\u0e8b\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0e93\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0e98\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0e9d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0ea5\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0ead\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0eb5\3\2\2\2\u10bf"+ - "\u0ebd\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0ed5\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0eef\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f06\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u10bf\u0f0e\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f16\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f1e\3\2\2\2\u10bf"+ - "\u0f26\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f2e\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f33\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f40\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u10bf\u0f48\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f52\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f5c\3\2\2\2\u10bf"+ - "\u0f66\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f6e\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f76\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f80\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u10bf\u0f8a\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f94\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0f9e\3\2\2\2\u10bf"+ - "\u0fa8\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0fb2\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0fbc\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0fc6\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u10bf\u0fd0\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0fdd\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u0fea\3\2\2\2\u10bf"+ - "\u0ff7\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u1004\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u1011\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u101e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u10bf\u102c\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u103a\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u1048\3\2\2\2\u10bf"+ - "\u1056\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u1064\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u1072\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u107a\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u10bf\u1084\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u1092\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u10a2\3\2\2\2\u10bf"+ - "\u10ab\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u10b2\3\2\2\2\u10bf\u10ba\3\2\2\2\u10c0\u00ad\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u10c1\u10c2\t\33\2\2\u10c2\u10c3\7\u009a\2\2\u10c3\u10c4\7\u0095"+ - "\2\2\u10c4\u00af\3\2\2\2\u10c5\u10c6\7\u018e\2\2\u10c6\u10ca\5\u06aa\u0356"+ - "\2\u10c7\u10c8\7\u018e\2\2\u10c8\u10ca\5\u00b2Z\2\u10c9\u10c5\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u10c9\u10c7\3\2\2\2\u10ca\u00b1\3\2\2\2\u10cb\u10cc\7\u00a4\2\2\u10cc"+ - "\u10cd\7\u04f8\2\2\u10cd\u10ce\5\u0170\u00b9\2\u10ce\u10cf\7\u04ff\2\2"+ - "\u10cf\u10d6\3\2\2\2\u10d0\u10d6\7\u00a4\2\2\u10d1\u10d3\7\u033e\2\2\u10d2"+ - "\u10d4\5\u01a0\u00d1\2\u10d3\u10d2\3\2\2\2\u10d3\u10d4\3\2\2\2\u10d4\u10d6"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u10d5\u10cb\3\2\2\2\u10d5\u10d0\3\2\2\2\u10d5\u10d1\3\2\2\2\u10d6"+ - "\u00b3\3\2\2\2\u10d7\u10da\t\34\2\2\u10d8\u10da\t\35\2\2\u10d9\u10d7\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u10d9\u10d8\3\2\2\2\u10da\u10dd\3\2\2\2\u10db\u10dd\7\u0414\2\2"+ - "\u10dc\u10d9\3\2\2\2\u10dc\u10db\3\2\2\2\u10dd\u10de\3\2\2\2\u10de\u10df"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u10df\u10e0\5\66\34\2\u10e0\u10e1\7\u04ff\2\2\u10e1\u110f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u10e2\u110f\5\u00c6d\2\u10e3\u10e4\7\u0080\2\2\u10e4\u10e5\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u10e5\u10e6\5\66\34\2\u10e6\u10e7\7\u04f2\2\2\u10e7\u10e8\5"+ - "\66\34\2\u10e8\u10e9\7\u04f2\2\2\u10e9\u10ea\5\66\34\2\u10ea\u10eb\7\u04f2"+ - "\2\2\u10eb\u10ec\5\66\34\2\u10ec\u10ed\7\u04ff\2\2\u10ed\u110f\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u10ee\u10ef\t\36\2\2\u10ef\u10f0\7\u04f8\2\2\u10f0\u10f1\5\66\34\2\u10f1"+ - "\u10f2\7\u04f2\2\2\u10f2\u10f3\5\66\34\2\u10f3\u10f4\7\u04ff\2\2\u10f4"+ - "\u110f\3\2\2\2\u10f5\u10f6\7\u0282\2\2\u10f6\u10f7\7\u04f8\2\2\u10f7\u10f8"+ - "\5\66\34\2\u10f8\u10f9\7{\2\2\u10f9\u10fa\5\66\34\2\u10fa\u10fb\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u10fb\u110f\3\2\2\2\u10fc\u10fd\t\37\2\2\u10fd\u10fe\7\u04f8\2\2"+ - "\u10fe\u10ff\5\u0168\u00b5\2\u10ff\u1100\7\u04ff\2\2\u1100\u110f\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u1101\u1102\7\u046c\2\2\u1102\u1103\7\u04f8\2\2\u1103\u1104\5\66\34"+ - "\2\u1104\u1105\7\u04f2\2\2\u1105\u1106\5\66\34\2\u1106\u1107\7\u04f2\2"+ - "\2\u1107\u1108\5\66\34\2\u1108\u1109\7\u04ff\2\2\u1109\u110f\3\2\2\2\u110a"+ - "\u110b\7,\2\2\u110b\u110c\7\u04f8\2\2\u110c\u110d\7\u04e7\2\2\u110d\u110f"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u110e\u10dc\3\2\2\2\u110e\u10e2\3\2\2\2\u110e\u10e3\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u110e\u10ee\3\2\2\2\u110e\u10f5\3\2\2\2\u110e\u10fc\3\2\2\2\u110e\u1101"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u110e\u110a\3\2\2\2\u110f\u00b5\3\2\2\2\u1110\u1111\7\u02fd\2"+ - "\2\u1111\u1113\7\u04f8\2\2\u1112\u1114\7C\2\2\u1113\u1112\3\2\2\2\u1113"+ - "\u1114\3\2\2\2\u1114\u1115\3\2\2\2\u1115\u1116\7\u04f6\2\2\u1116\u1148"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u1117\u1118\7\u02fd\2\2\u1118\u111a\7\u04f8\2\2\u1119\u111b"+ - "\7C\2\2\u111a\u1119\3\2\2\2\u111a\u111b\3\2\2\2\u111b\u111c\3\2\2\2\u111c"+ - "\u111d\5\66\34\2\u111d\u111e\7\u04ff\2\2\u111e\u1148\3\2\2\2\u111f\u1120"+ - "\7\u02fd\2\2\u1120\u1121\7\u04f8\2\2\u1121\u1122\7b\2\2\u1122\u1123\5"+ - "\66\34\2\u1123\u1124\7\u04ff\2\2\u1124\u1148\3\2\2\2\u1125\u1126\7\u02fd"+ - "\2\2\u1126\u1127\7\u04f8\2\2\u1127\u1128\7\u00c1\2\2\u1128\u1129\5\66"+ - "\34\2\u1129\u112a\7\u04ff\2\2\u112a\u1148\3\2\2\2\u112b\u112c\7\u02fd"+ - "\2\2\u112c\u112e\7\u04f8\2\2\u112d\u112f\7C\2\2\u112e\u112d\3\2\2\2\u112e"+ - "\u112f\3\2\2\2\u112f\u1130\3\2\2\2\u1130\u1131\7\u04f6\2\2\u1131\u1132"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u1132\u1133\7\u0324\2\2\u1133\u1134\7\u04f8\2\2\u1134\u1135"+ - "\7\u02fc\2\2\u1135\u1136\5z>\2\u1136\u1137\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1137\u1138"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u1138\u1148\3\2\2\2\u1139\u113a\7\u02fd\2\2\u113a\u113c\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u113b\u113d\7C\2\2\u113c\u113b\3\2\2\2\u113c\u113d\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u113d\u113e\3\2\2\2\u113e\u113f\5\66\34\2\u113f\u1140\7\u04ff\2\2\u1140"+ - "\u1141\7\u0324\2\2\u1141\u1142\7\u04f8\2\2\u1142\u1143\7\u02fc\2\2\u1143"+ - "\u1144\5z>\2\u1144\u1145\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1145\u1146\7\u04ff\2\2\u1146"+ - "\u1148\3\2\2\2\u1147\u1110\3\2\2\2\u1147\u1117\3\2\2\2\u1147\u111f\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1147\u1125\3\2\2\2\u1147\u112b\3\2\2\2\u1147\u1139\3\2\2\2\u1148"+ - "\u00b7\3\2\2\2\u1149\u118c\5\u00b6\\\2\u114a\u114b\5\u060e\u0308\2\u114b"+ - "\u114c\7\u04f8\2\2\u114c\u114d\7\u04ff\2\2\u114d\u118c\3\2\2\2\u114e\u114f"+ - "\5\u060e\u0308\2\u114f\u1150\7\u04f8\2\2\u1150\u1151\5\u00bc_\2\u1151"+ - "\u1152\7\u04ff\2\2\u1152\u118c\3\2\2\2\u1153\u1154\7\u03cc\2\2\u1154\u1155"+ - "\7\u0517\2\2\u1155\u1156\7\u04f8\2\2\u1156\u118c\7\u04ff\2\2\u1157\u1158"+ - "\7\u03cc\2\2\u1158\u1159\7\u0517\2\2\u1159\u115a\7\u04f8\2\2\u115a\u115b"+ - "\5\u00bc_\2\u115b\u115c\7\u04ff\2\2\u115c\u118c\3\2\2\2\u115d\u115e\5"+ - "\u060e\u0308\2\u115e\u115f\7\u04f8\2\2\u115f\u1160\5\u00bc_\2\u1160\u1161"+ - "\5\u064c\u0327\2\u1161\u1162\7\u04ff\2\2\u1162\u118c\3\2\2\2\u1163\u1164"+ - "\5\u060e\u0308\2\u1164\u1165\7\u04f8\2\2\u1165\u1166\5\u00bc_\2\u1166"+ - "\u1167\5\60\31\2\u1167\u1168\7\u04ff\2\2\u1168\u118c\3\2\2\2\u1169\u116a"+ - "\5\u06f8\u037d\2\u116a\u116b\7\u04f8\2\2\u116b\u116c\7\u04ff\2\2\u116c"+ - "\u118c\3\2\2\2\u116d\u116e\5\u06f8\u037d\2\u116e\u116f\7\u04f8\2\2\u116f"+ - "\u1170\5\u00bc_\2\u1170\u1171\7\u04ff\2\2\u1171\u118c\3\2\2\2\u1172\u1173"+ - "\5\u060e\u0308\2\u1173\u1174\7\u04f8\2\2\u1174\u1175\7C\2\2\u1175\u1176"+ - "\5\u00bc_\2\u1176\u1177\7\u04ff\2\2\u1177\u118c\3\2\2\2\u1178\u1179\5"+ - "\u060e\u0308\2\u1179\u117a\7\u04f8\2\2\u117a\u117b\7b\2\2\u117b\u117c"+ - "\5\u00bc_\2\u117c\u117d\7\u04ff\2\2\u117d\u118c\3\2\2\2\u117e\u117f\5"+ - "\u060e\u0308\2\u117f\u1180\7\u04f8\2\2\u1180\u1181\7\u00c1\2\2\u1181\u1182"+ - "\5\u00bc_\2\u1182\u1183\7\u04ff\2\2\u1183\u118c\3\2\2\2\u1184\u1185\5"+ - "\u060c\u0307\2\u1185\u1187\7\u04f8\2\2\u1186\u1188\5\u00bc_\2\u1187\u1186"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1187\u1188\3\2\2\2\u1188\u1189\3\2\2\2\u1189\u118a\7\u04ff\2"+ - "\2\u118a\u118c\3\2\2\2\u118b\u1149\3\2\2\2\u118b\u114a\3\2\2\2\u118b\u114e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u118b\u1153\3\2\2\2\u118b\u1157\3\2\2\2\u118b\u115d\3\2\2\2\u118b"+ - "\u1163\3\2\2\2\u118b\u1169\3\2\2\2\u118b\u116d\3\2\2\2\u118b\u1172\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u118b\u1178\3\2\2\2\u118b\u117e\3\2\2\2\u118b\u1184\3\2\2\2\u118c"+ - "\u00b9\3\2\2\2\u118d\u118e\5\26\f\2\u118e\u118f\7\u0512\2\2\u118f\u1191"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u1190\u1192\5\u00bc_\2\u1191\u1190\3\2\2\2\u1191\u1192\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1192\u1193\3\2\2\2\u1193\u1194\7\u04ff\2\2\u1194\u11ac\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1195\u1196\5\26\f\2\u1196\u1197\7\u04fd\2\2\u1197\u1198\5\26\f\2\u1198"+ - "\u1199\7\u0512\2\2\u1199\u119b\7\u04f8\2\2\u119a\u119c\5\u00bc_\2\u119b"+ - "\u119a\3\2\2\2\u119b\u119c\3\2\2\2\u119c\u119d\3\2\2\2\u119d\u119e\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u119e\u11ac\3\2\2\2\u119f\u11a0\5\26\f\2\u11a0\u11a1\7\u04fd\2\2"+ - "\u11a1\u11a2\5\26\f\2\u11a2\u11a3\7\u04fd\2\2\u11a3\u11a4\5\26\f\2\u11a4"+ - "\u11a5\7\u0512\2\2\u11a5\u11a7\7\u04f8\2\2\u11a6\u11a8\5\u00bc_\2\u11a7"+ - "\u11a6\3\2\2\2\u11a7\u11a8\3\2\2\2\u11a8\u11a9\3\2\2\2\u11a9\u11aa\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u11aa\u11ac\3\2\2\2\u11ab\u118d\3\2\2\2\u11ab\u1195\3\2\2\2\u11ab"+ - "\u119f\3\2\2\2\u11ac\u00bb\3\2\2\2\u11ad\u11b2\5\u00be`\2\u11ae\u11af"+ - "\7\u04f2\2\2\u11af\u11b1\5\u00be`\2\u11b0\u11ae\3\2\2\2\u11b1\u11b4\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u11b2\u11b0\3\2\2\2\u11b2\u11b3\3\2\2\2\u11b3\u00bd\3\2\2\2\u11b4"+ - "\u11b2\3\2\2\2\u11b5\u11b9\5\u00c0a\2\u11b6\u11b9\5\66\34\2\u11b7\u11b9"+ - "\5\u00c4c\2\u11b8\u11b5\3\2\2\2\u11b8\u11b6\3\2\2\2\u11b8\u11b7\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u11b9\u00bf\3\2\2\2\u11ba\u11bb\5\u00c2b\2\u11bb\u11be\7\u0195\2\2"+ - "\u11bc\u11bf\5\66\34\2\u11bd\u11bf\5\u00c4c\2\u11be\u11bc\3\2\2\2\u11be"+ - "\u11bd\3\2\2\2\u11bf\u00c1\3\2\2\2\u11c0\u11c3\5\u0606\u0304\2\u11c1\u11c3"+ - "\5\30\r\2\u11c2\u11c0\3\2\2\2\u11c2\u11c1\3\2\2\2\u11c3\u00c3\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u11c4\u11c5\bc\1\2\u11c5\u11cd\5&\24\2\u11c6\u11c7\7\u0092\2\2\u11c7"+ - "\u11cd\5\u00c4c\5\u11c8\u11c9\7\u04f8\2\2\u11c9\u11ca\5\u00c4c\2\u11ca"+ - "\u11cb\7\u04ff\2\2\u11cb\u11cd\3\2\2\2\u11cc\u11c4\3\2\2\2\u11cc\u11c6"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u11cc\u11c8\3\2\2\2\u11cd\u11d3\3\2\2\2\u11ce\u11cf\f\3\2\2\u11cf"+ - "\u11d0\t\22\2\2\u11d0\u11d2\5\u00c4c\4\u11d1\u11ce\3\2\2\2\u11d2\u11d5"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u11d3\u11d1\3\2\2\2\u11d3\u11d4\3\2\2\2\u11d4\u00c5\3\2\2\2\u11d5"+ - 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"\3\2\2\2\u1222\u1227\5\u00dco\2\u1223\u1224\7\u04f2\2\2\u1224\u1226\5"+ - "\u00dco\2\u1225\u1223\3\2\2\2\u1226\u1229\3\2\2\2\u1227\u1225\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1227\u1228\3\2\2\2\u1228\u00db\3\2\2\2\u1229\u1227\3\2\2\2\u122a\u122b"+ - "\5\u0168\u00b5\2\u122b\u122c\7\u0504\2\2\u122c\u122d\5\u02f4\u017b\2\u122d"+ - "\u123d\3\2\2\2\u122e\u122f\7\u04f8\2\2\u122f\u1230\5\u02ee\u0178\2\u1230"+ - "\u1231\7\u04ff\2\2\u1231\u1232\7\u0504\2\2\u1232\u1233\7\u04f8\2\2\u1233"+ - "\u1235\5\u0302\u0182\2\u1234\u1236\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1235\u1234\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1235\u1236\3\2\2\2\u1236\u1238\3\2\2\2\u1237\u1239\5\u031c\u018f\2\u1238"+ - "\u1237\3\2\2\2\u1238\u1239\3\2\2\2\u1239\u123a\3\2\2\2\u123a\u123b\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u123b\u123d\3\2\2\2\u123c\u122a\3\2\2\2\u123c\u122e\3\2\2\2\u123d"+ - "\u00dd\3\2\2\2\u123e\u123f\7[\2\2\u123f\u1240\7\u00a7\2\2\u1240\u1241"+ - "\7\u0259\2\2\u1241\u1247\5\u060a\u0306\2\u1242\u1248\5\u00e2r\2\u1243"+ - "\u1244\5\u00e0q\2\u1244\u1245\7\u04f2\2\2\u1245\u1246\5\u00e2r\2\u1246"+ - 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"\7\u0504\2\2\u126a\u1269\3\2\2\2\u126a\u126b\3\2\2\2\u126b\u126c\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u126c\u129b\5$\23\2\u126d\u126f\7\u048e\2\2\u126e\u1270\7\u0504\2\2"+ - "\u126f\u126e\3\2\2\2\u126f\u1270\3\2\2\2\u1270\u1271\3\2\2\2\u1271\u129b"+ - "\5$\23\2\u1272\u1274\7\u020e\2\2\u1273\u1275\7\u0504\2\2\u1274\u1273\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1274\u1275\3\2\2\2\u1275\u1276\3\2\2\2\u1276\u129b\5$\23\2\u1277"+ - "\u1279\7\u040c\2\2\u1278\u127a\7\u0504\2\2\u1279\u1278\3\2\2\2\u1279\u127a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u127a\u127b\3\2\2\2\u127b\u129b\5$\23\2\u127c\u127e\7\u0466\2"+ - "\2\u127d\u127f\7\u0504\2\2\u127e\u127d\3\2\2\2\u127e\u127f\3\2\2\2\u127f"+ - "\u1280\3\2\2\2\u1280\u129b\5$\23\2\u1281\u1283\7\u0316\2\2\u1282\u1284"+ - "\7\u0504\2\2\u1283\u1282\3\2\2\2\u1283\u1284\3\2\2\2\u1284\u1285\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u1285\u129b\5$\23\2\u1286\u1288\7\u01f4\2\2\u1287\u1289\7\u0504\2\2"+ - "\u1288\u1287\3\2\2\2\u1288\u1289\3\2\2\2\u1289\u128a\3\2\2\2\u128a\u129b"+ - "\5$\23\2\u128b\u128d\7\u039d\2\2\u128c\u128e\7\u0504\2\2\u128d\u128c\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u128d\u128e\3\2\2\2\u128e\u128f\3\2\2\2\u128f\u129b\5$\23\2\u1290"+ - "\u1292\7\u0144\2\2\u1291\u1293\7\u0504\2\2\u1292\u1291\3\2\2\2\u1292\u1293"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1293\u1294\3\2\2\2\u1294\u129b\5$\23\2\u1295\u1297\7\u0125\2"+ - "\2\u1296\u1298\7\u0504\2\2\u1297\u1296\3\2\2\2\u1297\u1298\3\2\2\2\u1298"+ - "\u1299\3\2\2\2\u1299\u129b\5$\23\2\u129a\u1263\3\2\2\2\u129a\u1268\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u129a\u126d\3\2\2\2\u129a\u1272\3\2\2\2\u129a\u1277\3\2\2\2\u129a"+ - "\u127c\3\2\2\2\u129a\u1281\3\2\2\2\u129a\u1286\3\2\2\2\u129a\u128b\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u129a\u1290\3\2\2\2\u129a\u1295\3\2\2\2\u129b\u00e3\3\2\2\2\u129c"+ - "\u129d\bs\1\2\u129d\u12a0\5\u00e6t\2\u129e\u12a0\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u129f"+ - "\u129c\3\2\2\2\u129f\u129e\3\2\2\2\u12a0\u12a6\3\2\2\2\u12a1\u12a2\f\3"+ - "\2\2\u12a2\u12a3\7\u04f2\2\2\u12a3\u12a5\5\u00e6t\2\u12a4\u12a1\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u12a5\u12a8\3\2\2\2\u12a6\u12a4\3\2\2\2\u12a6\u12a7\3\2\2\2\u12a7\u00e5"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u12a8\u12a6\3\2\2\2\u12a9\u12ab\7\u0259\2\2\u12aa\u12ac\7\u0504"+ - 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"\2\2\2\u1629\u1669\3\2\2\2\u162a\u162b\5\u0168\u00b5\2\u162b\u162d\5\u017e"+ - "\u00c0\2\u162c\u162e\5\u050a\u0286\2\u162d\u162c\3\2\2\2\u162d\u162e\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u162e\u1630\3\2\2\2\u162f\u1631\5\u01b6\u00dc\2\u1630\u162f\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1630\u1631\3\2\2\2\u1631\u1669\3\2\2\2\u1632\u1634\5\u0168\u00b5"+ - "\2\u1633\u1635\5\u050a\u0286\2\u1634\u1633\3\2\2\2\u1634\u1635\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1635\u1638\3\2\2\2\u1636\u1637\7\u0104\2\2\u1637\u1639\5\u015e\u00b0"+ - "\2\u1638\u1636\3\2\2\2\u1638\u1639\3\2\2\2\u1639\u163a\3\2\2\2\u163a\u163b"+ - "\7G\2\2\u163b\u163c\7\u04f8\2\2\u163c\u163d\5\66\34\2\u163d\u163f\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u163e\u1640\7\u017f\2\2\u163f\u163e\3\2\2\2\u163f\u1640\3\2\2\2\u1640"+ - "\u1642\3\2\2\2\u1641\u1643\5\u0162\u00b2\2\u1642\u1641\3\2\2\2\u1642\u1643"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1643\u1669\3\2\2\2\u1644\u1645\5\u0168\u00b5\2\u1645\u1647\5"+ - "\u017e\u00c0\2\u1646\u1648\5\u050a\u0286\2\u1647\u1646\3\2\2\2\u1647\u1648"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1648\u164b\3\2\2\2\u1649\u164a\7\u0104\2\2\u164a\u164c\5\u015e"+ - 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"\2\2\u1669\u0149\3\2\2\2\u166a\u166c\7~\2\2\u166b\u166d\5\u02a4\u0153"+ - "\2\u166c\u166b\3\2\2\2\u166c\u166d\3\2\2\2\u166d\u166e\3\2\2\2\u166e\u166f"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u166f\u1670\5\u029a\u014e\2\u1670\u1672\7\u04ff\2\2\u1671"+ - "\u1673\5\u02a0\u0151\2\u1672\u1671\3\2\2\2\u1672\u1673\3\2\2\2\u1673\u1680"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1674\u1675\7~\2\2\u1675\u1677\5\u0294\u014b\2\u1676\u1678\5"+ - "\u02a4\u0153\2\u1677\u1676\3\2\2\2\u1677\u1678\3\2\2\2\u1678\u1679\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1679\u167a\7\u04f8\2\2\u167a\u167b\5\u029a\u014e\2\u167b\u167d\7"+ - "\u04ff\2\2\u167c\u167e\5\u02a0\u0151\2\u167d\u167c\3\2\2\2\u167d\u167e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u167e\u1680\3\2\2\2\u167f\u166a\3\2\2\2\u167f\u1674\3\2\2\2\u1680"+ - "\u014b\3\2\2\2\u1681\u1683\5\u0296\u014c\2\u1682\u1681\3\2\2\2\u1682\u1683"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1683\u1684\3\2\2\2\u1684\u169e\5\u0150\u00a9\2\u1685\u1687\5"+ - "\u0296\u014c\2\u1686\u1685\3\2\2\2\u1686\u1687\3\2\2\2\u1687\u1688\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1688\u169e\5\u014e\u00a8\2\u1689\u168b\5\u0296\u014c\2\u168a\u1689"+ - 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"\3\u16af\u16b7\5\u02a0\u0151\2\u16b0\u16b1\6\u00aa\26\3\u16b1\u16b2\7"+ - "\u017b\2\2\u16b2\u16b4\7~\2\2\u16b3\u16b5\5\u02a0\u0151\2\u16b4\u16b3"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u16b4\u16b5\3\2\2\2\u16b5\u16b7\3\2\2\2\u16b6\u16ae\3\2\2\2\u16b6"+ - "\u16b0\3\2\2\2\u16b7\u0153\3\2\2\2\u16b8\u16ba\t(\2\2\u16b9\u16b8\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u16b9\u16ba\3\2\2\2\u16ba\u16c0\3\2\2\2\u16bb\u16bc\7\u017b\2\2\u16bc"+ - "\u16bd\7~\2\2\u16bd\u16c1\5\u02a0\u0151\2\u16be\u16bf\7\u017b\2\2\u16bf"+ - "\u16c1\7~\2\2\u16c0\u16bb\3\2\2\2\u16c0\u16be\3\2\2\2\u16c0\u16c1\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u16c1\u16c3\3\2\2\2\u16c2\u16c4\5\u0156\u00ac\2\u16c3\u16c2\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u16c3\u16c4\3\2\2\2\u16c4\u16c6\3\2\2\2\u16c5\u16c7\t)\2\2\u16c6\u16c5"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u16c6\u16c7\3\2\2\2\u16c7\u0155\3\2\2\2\u16c8\u16c9\t*\2\2\u16c9"+ - "\u0157\3\2\2\2\u16ca\u16cb\7\u0150\2\2\u16cb\u16cc\5\u03d2\u01ea\2\u16cc"+ - "\u16cd\7\u04f8\2\2\u16cd\u16ce\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u16ce\u16d0\7\u04ff\2\2"+ - "\u16cf\u16d1\5\u015a\u00ae\2\u16d0\u16cf\3\2\2\2\u16d0\u16d1\3\2\2\2\u16d1"+ - 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"\2\u17b0\u17af\3\2\2\2\u17b0\u17b1\3\2\2\2\u17b1\u17b7\3\2\2\2\u17b2\u17b4"+ - "\7\u00aa\2\2\u17b3\u17b5\5\u01a4\u00d3\2\u17b4\u17b3\3\2\2\2\u17b4\u17b5"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u17b5\u17b7\3\2\2\2\u17b6\u17ae\3\2\2\2\u17b6\u17b2\3\2\2\2\u17b7"+ - "\u0187\3\2\2\2\u17b8\u17b9\7\u0116\2\2\u17b9\u17bb\7\u01a3\2\2\u17ba\u17bc"+ - "\5\u018e\u00c8\2\u17bb\u17ba\3\2\2\2\u17bb\u17bc\3\2\2\2\u17bc\u17bd\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u17bd\u17be\7\u00bd\2\2\u17be\u17ca\7\u0414\2\2\u17bf\u17c0\7\u0116"+ - "\2\2\u17c0\u17c2\7\u04a0\2\2\u17c1\u17c3\5\u018e\u00c8\2\u17c2\u17c1\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u17c2\u17c3\3\2\2\2\u17c3\u17c4\3\2\2\2\u17c4\u17c5\7\u00bd\2\2"+ - "\u17c5\u17c7\7\u0277\2\2\u17c6\u17c8\5\u018e\u00c8\2\u17c7\u17c6\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u17c7\u17c8\3\2\2\2\u17c8\u17ca\3\2\2\2\u17c9\u17b8\3\2\2\2\u17c9\u17bf"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u17ca\u0189\3\2\2\2\u17cb\u17cd\7\u0097\2\2\u17cc\u17ce\5\u0198"+ - "\u00cd\2\u17cd\u17cc\3\2\2\2\u17cd\u17ce\3\2\2\2\u17ce\u17dc\3\2\2\2\u17cf"+ - "\u17d1\7\u013f\2\2\u17d0\u17d2\5\u0198\u00cd\2\u17d1\u17d0\3\2\2\2\u17d1"+ - "\u17d2\3\2\2\2\u17d2\u17dc\3\2\2\2\u17d3\u17d5\7^\2\2\u17d4\u17d6\5\u0198"+ - "\u00cd\2\u17d5\u17d4\3\2\2\2\u17d5\u17d6\3\2\2\2\u17d6\u17dc\3\2\2\2\u17d7"+ - "\u17d9\7\u00f0\2\2\u17d8\u17da\5\u0198\u00cd\2\u17d9\u17d8\3\2\2\2\u17d9"+ - "\u17da\3\2\2\2\u17da\u17dc\3\2\2\2\u17db\u17cb\3\2\2\2\u17db\u17cf\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u17db\u17d3\3\2\2\2\u17db\u17d7\3\2\2\2\u17dc\u018b\3\2\2\2\u17dd"+ - "\u17df\7\u0254\2\2\u17de\u17e0\5\u018e\u00c8\2\u17df\u17de\3\2\2\2\u17df"+ - "\u17e0\3\2\2\2\u17e0\u17f1\3\2\2\2\u17e1\u17e3\7\u0254\2\2\u17e2\u17e4"+ - "\5\u018e\u00c8\2\u17e3\u17e2\3\2\2\2\u17e3\u17e4\3\2\2\2\u17e4\u17e5\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u17e5\u17e6\7\u00cd\2\2\u17e6\u17e7\7\u02da\2\2\u17e7\u17f1\7\u031c"+ - "\2\2\u17e8\u17ea\7\u0254\2\2\u17e9\u17eb\5\u018e\u00c8\2\u17ea\u17e9\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u17ea\u17eb\3\2\2\2\u17eb\u17ec\3\2\2\2\u17ec\u17ed\7\u00cd\2\2"+ - "\u17ed\u17ee\7\u02e9\2\2\u17ee\u17ef\7\u02da\2\2\u17ef\u17f1\7\u031c\2"+ - "\2\u17f0\u17dd\3\2\2\2\u17f0\u17e1\3\2\2\2\u17f0\u17e8\3\2\2\2\u17f1\u018d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u17f2\u17f3\7\u04f8\2\2\u17f3\u17f4\5\u019c\u00cf\2\u17f4\u17f5"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u17f5\u17fb\3\2\2\2\u17f6\u17f7\7\u04f8\2\2\u17f7\u17f8\5"+ - "\u019e\u00d0\2\u17f8\u17f9\7\u04ff\2\2\u17f9\u17fb\3\2\2\2\u17fa\u17f2"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u17fa\u17f6\3\2\2\2\u17fb\u018f\3\2\2\2\u17fc\u17fd\t+\2\2\u17fd"+ - "\u0191\3\2\2\2\u17fe\u17ff\t,\2\2\u17ff\u0193\3\2\2\2\u1800\u1801\t-\2"+ - "\2\u1801\u0195\3\2\2\2\u1802\u1803\7]\2\2\u1803\u0197\3\2\2\2\u1804\u180e"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u1805\u1808\7\u04f6\2\2\u1806\u1808\5\u019a\u00ce\2\u1807"+ - "\u1805\3\2\2\2\u1807\u1806\3\2\2\2\u1808\u180b\3\2\2\2\u1809\u180a\7\u04f2"+ - "\2\2\u180a\u180c\5\u019a\u00ce\2\u180b\u1809\3\2\2\2\u180b\u180c\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u180c\u180f\3\2\2\2\u180d\u180f\5\u019e\u00d0\2\u180e\u1807\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u180e\u180d\3\2\2\2\u180f\u1810\3\2\2\2\u1810\u1811\7\u04ff\2\2\u1811"+ - "\u0199\3\2\2\2\u1812\u1814\7\u04f9\2\2\u1813\u1812\3\2\2\2\u1813\u1814"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1814\u1815\3\2\2\2\u1815\u1816\7\u04e7\2\2\u1816\u019b\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u1817\u1818\7\u04e7\2\2\u1818\u019d\3\2\2\2\u1819\u181a\7\u04e8\2\2"+ - "\u181a\u019f\3\2\2\2\u181b\u181c\7\u04f8\2\2\u181c\u181d\5\u0170\u00b9"+ - "\2\u181d\u181e\7\u04ff\2\2\u181e\u01a1\3\2\2\2\u181f\u1820\7\u04f8\2\2"+ - "\u1820\u1822\5\u0170\u00b9\2\u1821\u1823\t.\2\2\u1822\u1821\3\2\2\2\u1822"+ - "\u1823\3\2\2\2\u1823\u1824\3\2\2\2\u1824\u1825\7\u04ff\2\2\u1825\u01a3"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1826\u1827\7\u04f8\2\2\u1827\u1828\7\u04e7\2\2\u1828\u1829\7"+ - "\u04ff\2\2\u1829\u01a5\3\2\2\2\u182a\u182b\t/\2\2\u182b\u01a7\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u182c\u182d\7\u0518\2\2\u182d\u01a9\3\2\2\2\u182e\u182f\t\60\2\2\u182f"+ - "\u01ab\3\2\2\2\u1830\u1831\7\u0518\2\2\u1831\u01ad\3\2\2\2\u1832\u1833"+ - "\t\60\2\2\u1833\u01af\3\2\2\2\u1834\u1835\t\61\2\2\u1835\u01b1\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1836\u1839\5\u01b0\u00d9\2\u1837\u1839\7_\2\2\u1838\u1836\3\2\2\2\u1838"+ - "\u1837\3\2\2\2\u1839\u01b3\3\2\2\2\u183a\u183b\7\u00e1\2\2\u183b\u183c"+ - "\5\u01a6\u00d4\2\u183c\u01b5\3\2\2\2\u183d\u183e\b\u00dc\1\2\u183e\u183f"+ - "\5\u01b8\u00dd\2\u183f\u1844\3\2\2\2\u1840\u1841\f\4\2\2\u1841\u1843\5"+ - "\u01b8\u00dd\2\u1842\u1840\3\2\2\2\u1843\u1846\3\2\2\2\u1844\u1842\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1844\u1845\3\2\2\2\u1845\u01b7\3\2\2\2\u1846\u1844\3\2\2\2\u1847"+ - "\u1849\5\u0296\u014c\2\u1848\u1847\3\2\2\2\u1848\u1849\3\2\2\2\u1849\u184a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u184a\u184b\7\u0092\2\2\u184b\u184c\7\u0095\2\2\u184c\u187c\5"+ - "\u0154\u00ab\2\u184d\u184f\5\u0296\u014c\2\u184e\u184d\3\2\2\2\u184e\u184f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u184f\u1850\3\2\2\2\u1850\u187c\7\u0095\2\2\u1851\u1852\7_\2"+ - "\2\u1852\u187c\5\66\34\2\u1853\u1854\7\u0299\2\2\u1854\u187c\5\u01ba\u00de"+ - "\2\u1855\u1857\5\u0296\u014c\2\u1856\u1855\3\2\2\2\u1856\u1857\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1857\u1858\3\2\2\2\u1858\u1859\7\u0270\2\2\u1859\u187c\7\u0294\2\2\u185a"+ - "\u185c\5\u0296\u014c\2\u185b\u185a\3\2\2\2\u185b\u185c\3\2\2\2\u185c\u185d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u185d\u187c\7\u00c1\2\2\u185e\u185f\7\u0109\2\2\u185f\u187c\7"+ - "\u04e7\2\2\u1860\u1861\7\61\2\2\u1861\u187c\7\u04e7\2\2\u1862\u1864\5"+ - "\u0296\u014c\2\u1863\u1862\3\2\2\2\u1863\u1864\3\2\2\2\u1864\u1865\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1865\u1866\7S\2\2\u1866\u1867\7\u04f8\2\2\u1867\u1868\5n8\2\u1868"+ - "\u1869\7\u04ff\2\2\u1869\u186a\5\u0154\u00ab\2\u186a\u187c\3\2\2\2\u186b"+ - "\u186d\5\u0296\u014c\2\u186c\u186b\3\2\2\2\u186c\u186d\3\2\2\2\u186d\u186e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u186e\u186f\5\u0158\u00ad\2\u186f\u1870\5\u0154\u00ab\2\u1870"+ - "\u187c\3\2\2\2\u1871\u1872\7\u0388\2\2\u1872\u1878\7\u04f8\2\2\u1873\u1879"+ - "\5\u06ce\u0368\2\u1874\u1875\5\u06cc\u0367\2\u1875\u1876\7\u04f2\2\2\u1876"+ - "\u1877\5\u06ce\u0368\2\u1877\u1879\3\2\2\2\u1878\u1873\3\2\2\2\u1878\u1874"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1878\u1879\3\2\2\2\u1879\u187a\3\2\2\2\u187a\u187c\7\u04ff\2"+ - "\2\u187b\u1848\3\2\2\2\u187b\u184e\3\2\2\2\u187b\u1851\3\2\2\2\u187b\u1853"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u187b\u1856\3\2\2\2\u187b\u185b\3\2\2\2\u187b\u185e\3\2\2\2\u187b"+ - "\u1860\3\2\2\2\u187b\u1863\3\2\2\2\u187b\u186c\3\2\2\2\u187b\u1871\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u187c\u01b9\3\2\2\2\u187d\u1880\5\u01bc\u00df\2\u187e\u1880\5\u01be"+ - "\u00e0\2\u187f\u187d\3\2\2\2\u187f\u187e\3\2\2\2\u1880\u01bb\3\2\2\2\u1881"+ - "\u1882\7\u04f8\2\2\u1882\u1883\5\u01bc\u00df\2\u1883\u1884\7\u04ff\2\2"+ - "\u1884\u1887\3\2\2\2\u1885\u1887\5\u00c6d\2\u1886\u1881\3\2\2\2\u1886"+ - "\u1885\3\2\2\2\u1887\u01bd\3\2\2\2\u1888\u1889\7\u04f8\2\2\u1889\u188a"+ - "\5\u01be\u00e0\2\u188a\u188b\7\u04ff\2\2\u188b\u188e\3\2\2\2\u188c\u188e"+ - "\5\u01c0\u00e1\2\u188d\u1888\3\2\2\2\u188d\u188c\3\2\2\2\u188e\u01bf\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u188f\u1895\5\36\20\2\u1890\u1891\7\u04f3\2\2\u1891\u1895\5 \21"+ - "\2\u1892\u1893\7\u04f9\2\2\u1893\u1895\5 \21\2\u1894\u188f\3\2\2\2\u1894"+ - "\u1890\3\2\2\2\u1894\u1892\3\2\2\2\u1895\u01c1\3\2\2\2\u1896\u1898\7\u04f2"+ - "\2\2\u1897\u1896\3\2\2\2\u1897\u1898\3\2\2\2\u1898\u01c3\3\2\2\2\u1899"+ - "\u189b\5\u01cc\u00e7\2\u189a\u189c\5\u01c4\u00e3\2\u189b\u189a\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u189b\u189c\3\2\2\2\u189c\u01c5\3\2\2\2\u189d\u18a3\5\u01c4\u00e3\2\u189e"+ - "\u189f\5\u01cc\u00e7\2\u189f\u18a0\7\u04f2\2\2\u18a0\u18a1\5\u01c6\u00e4"+ - "\2\u18a1\u18a3\3\2\2\2\u18a2\u189d\3\2\2\2\u18a2\u189e\3\2\2\2\u18a3\u01c7"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u18a4\u18a8\7_\2\2\u18a5\u18a8\7\u0492\2\2\u18a6\u18a8\5\u01da"+ - "\u00ee\2\u18a7\u18a4\3\2\2\2\u18a7\u18a5\3\2\2\2\u18a7\u18a6\3\2\2\2\u18a8"+ - "\u01c9\3\2\2\2\u18a9\u18aa\t\62\2\2\u18aa\u01cb\3\2\2\2\u18ab\u18ac\7"+ - "\u0411\2\2\u18ac\u18ad\7\u04f8\2\2\u18ad\u18ae\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u18ae\u18af"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u18af\u193f\3\2\2\2\u18b0\u193f\5\u01ce\u00e8\2\u18b1\u18b3"+ - "\7\u0494\2\2\u18b2\u18b4\7\u0504\2\2\u18b3\u18b2\3\2\2\2\u18b3\u18b4\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u18b4\u18b5\3\2\2\2\u18b5\u193f\7\u0518\2\2\u18b6\u18b8\7\u045d"+ - "\2\2\u18b7\u18b9\7\u0504\2\2\u18b8\u18b7\3\2\2\2\u18b8\u18b9\3\2\2\2\u18b9"+ - "\u18ba\3\2\2\2\u18ba\u193f\7\u0518\2\2\u18bb\u18bd\7\u02b4\2\2\u18bc\u18be"+ - "\7\u0504\2\2\u18bd\u18bc\3\2\2\2\u18bd\u18be\3\2\2\2\u18be\u18bf\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u18bf\u18c1\5\u01ca\u00e6\2\u18c0\u18c2\7\u0101\2\2\u18c1\u18c0\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u18c1\u18c2\3\2\2\2\u18c2\u193f\3\2\2\2\u18c3\u18c5\7\u0322\2\2\u18c4"+ - "\u18c6\7\u0504\2\2\u18c5\u18c4\3\2\2\2\u18c5\u18c6\3\2\2\2\u18c6\u18c7"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u18c7\u18c8\7\u04f8\2\2\u18c8\u18c9\5\66\34\2\u18c9\u18ca\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u18ca\u193f\3\2\2\2\u18cb\u18cd\7\u01ba\2\2\u18cc\u18ce\7\u0504\2"+ - "\2\u18cd\u18cc\3\2\2\2\u18cd\u18ce\3\2\2\2\u18ce\u18cf\3\2\2\2\u18cf\u193f"+ - "\7\u04e7\2\2\u18d0\u18d2\7\u032c\2\2\u18d1\u18d3\7\u0504\2\2\u18d2\u18d1"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u18d2\u18d3\3\2\2\2\u18d3\u18d4\3\2\2\2\u18d4\u193f\7\u04e7\2"+ - "\2\u18d5\u18d7\7\u027e\2\2\u18d6\u18d8\7\u0504\2\2\u18d7\u18d6\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u18d7\u18d8\3\2\2\2\u18d8\u18d9\3\2\2\2\u18d9\u193f\7\u04e7\2\2\u18da"+ - "\u18dc\7\u042c\2\2\u18db\u18dd\7\u0504\2\2\u18dc\u18db\3\2\2\2\u18dc\u18dd"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u18dd\u18de\3\2\2\2\u18de\u193f\7\u04e7\2\2\u18df\u193f\5\u0252"+ - "\u012a\2\u18e0\u18e2\7\u02e8\2\2\u18e1\u18e3\7\u0504\2\2\u18e2\u18e1\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u18e2\u18e3\3\2\2\2\u18e3\u18e4\3\2\2\2\u18e4\u193f\7\u04e9\2\2"+ - "\u18e5\u18e7\7\u044f\2\2\u18e6\u18e8\7\u0504\2\2\u18e7\u18e6\3\2\2\2\u18e7"+ - "\u18e8\3\2\2\2\u18e8\u18e9\3\2\2\2\u18e9\u193f\5\u01c8\u00e5\2\u18ea\u18ec"+ - "\7\u0171\2\2\u18eb\u18ed\7\u0504\2\2\u18ec\u18eb\3\2\2\2\u18ec\u18ed\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u18ed\u18ee\3\2\2\2\u18ee\u193f\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u18ef\u193f\5\u010e"+ - "\u0088\2\u18f0\u18f2\7\u023f\2\2\u18f1\u18f3\7\u0504\2\2\u18f2\u18f1\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u18f2\u18f3\3\2\2\2\u18f3\u18f4\3\2\2\2\u18f4\u193f\5\u01da\u00ee"+ - "\2\u18f5\u18f7\7\u045f\2\2\u18f6\u18f8\7\u0504\2\2\u18f7\u18f6\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u18f7\u18f8\3\2\2\2\u18f8\u18f9\3\2\2\2\u18f9\u193f\7\u04e7\2\2\u18fa"+ - "\u18fc\7\u02f2\2\2\u18fb\u18fd\7\u0504\2\2\u18fc\u18fb\3\2\2\2\u18fc\u18fd"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u18fd\u18fe\3\2\2\2\u18fe\u193f\7\u04e7\2\2\u18ff\u1900\7\u0325"+ - "\2\2\u1900\u1901\7\u00a9\2\2\u1901\u193f\7\u013b\2\2\u1902\u1903\7\u01d7"+ - "\2\2\u1903\u1904\7\u00a9\2\2\u1904\u193f\7\u013b\2\2\u1905\u1907\7\u049c"+ - "\2\2\u1906\u1908\7\u0504\2\2\u1907\u1906\3\2\2\2\u1907\u1908\3\2\2\2\u1908"+ - "\u1909\3\2\2\2\u1909\u193f\7\u04e9\2\2\u190a\u193f\5\u0232\u011a\2\u190b"+ - "\u190d\7\u01ad\2\2\u190c\u190e\7\u0504\2\2\u190d\u190c\3\2\2\2\u190d\u190e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u190e\u190f\3\2\2\2\u190f\u193f\7\u0518\2\2\u1910\u1912\7\u019c"+ - "\2\2\u1911\u1913\7\u0504\2\2\u1912\u1911\3\2\2\2\u1912\u1913\3\2\2\2\u1913"+ - "\u1914\3\2\2\2\u1914\u1915\7\u04f8\2\2\u1915\u1916\5\u025a\u012e\2\u1916"+ - "\u1917\7\u04ff\2\2\u1917\u193f\3\2\2\2\u1918\u191a\7\33\2\2\u1919\u191b"+ - "\7\u0504\2\2\u191a\u1919\3\2\2\2\u191a\u191b\3\2\2\2\u191b\u191c\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u191c\u191d\7\u04f8\2\2\u191d\u191e\5\u0256\u012c\2\u191e\u191f\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u191f\u193f\3\2\2\2\u1920\u1922\7\u0284\2\2\u1921\u1923\7\u0504\2"+ - "\2\u1922\u1921\3\2\2\2\u1922\u1923\3\2\2\2\u1923\u1924\3\2\2\2\u1924\u193f"+ - "\7\u0518\2\2\u1925\u1927\7\n\2\2\u1926\u1928\7\u0504\2\2\u1927\u1926\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1927\u1928\3\2\2\2\u1928\u1929\3\2\2\2\u1929\u193f\7\35\2\2\u192a"+ - "\u192c\7%\2\2\u192b\u192d\7\u0504\2\2\u192c\u192b\3\2\2\2\u192c\u192d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u192d\u192e\3\2\2\2\u192e\u193f\7\u04e9\2\2\u192f\u1931\7\r\2"+ - "\2\u1930\u1932\7\u0504\2\2\u1931\u1930\3\2\2\2\u1931\u1932\3\2\2\2\u1932"+ - "\u1933\3\2\2\2\u1933\u193f\7\u0225\2\2\u1934\u1936\7\r\2\2\u1935\u1937"+ - "\7\u0504\2\2\u1936\u1935\3\2\2\2\u1936\u1937\3\2\2\2\u1937\u1938\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u1938\u193f\7z\2\2\u1939\u193b\7\r\2\2\u193a\u193c\7\u0504\2\2\u193b"+ - "\u193a\3\2\2\2\u193b\u193c\3\2\2\2\u193c\u193d\3\2\2\2\u193d\u193f\7\u0116"+ - "\2\2\u193e\u18ab\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18b0\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18b1\3\2\2\2\u193e"+ - "\u18b6\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18bb\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18c3\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18cb\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u193e\u18d0\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18d5\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18da\3\2\2\2\u193e"+ - "\u18df\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18e0\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18e5\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18ea\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u193e\u18ef\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18f0\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18f5\3\2\2\2\u193e"+ - "\u18fa\3\2\2\2\u193e\u18ff\3\2\2\2\u193e\u1902\3\2\2\2\u193e\u1905\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u193e\u190a\3\2\2\2\u193e\u190b\3\2\2\2\u193e\u1910\3\2\2\2\u193e"+ - "\u1918\3\2\2\2\u193e\u1920\3\2\2\2\u193e\u1925\3\2\2\2\u193e\u192a\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u193e\u192f\3\2\2\2\u193e\u1934\3\2\2\2\u193e\u1939\3\2\2\2\u193f"+ - "\u01cd\3\2\2\2\u1940\u1942\7\u03ba\2\2\u1941\u1943\7\u0504\2\2\u1942\u1941"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1942\u1943\3\2\2\2\u1943\u1944\3\2\2\2\u1944\u1947\7\u04e7\2"+ - "\2\u1945\u1947\7\u03bb\2\2\u1946\u1940\3\2\2\2\u1946\u1945\3\2\2\2\u1947"+ - "\u01cf\3\2\2\2\u1948\u194a\5\u01d2\u00ea\2\u1949\u1948\3\2\2\2\u194a\u194b"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u194b\u1949\3\2\2\2\u194b\u194c\3\2\2\2\u194c\u01d1\3\2\2\2\u194d"+ - "\u194e\7\177\2\2\u194e\u1956\5\u01d4\u00eb\2\u194f\u1950\7\u02ce\2\2\u1950"+ - "\u1956\5\u01d4\u00eb\2\u1951\u1952\7\u0464\2\2\u1952\u1956\7\u04e7\2\2"+ - "\u1953\u1954\7\u008c\2\2\u1954\u1956\5\u01d6\u00ec\2\u1955\u194d\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u1955\u194f\3\2\2\2\u1955\u1951\3\2\2\2\u1955\u1953\3\2\2\2\u1956\u01d3"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1957\u1959\7\u04e7\2\2\u1958\u195a\5\u01d8\u00ed\2\u1959\u1958"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1959\u195a\3\2\2\2\u195a\u01d5\3\2\2\2\u195b\u195c\t\63\2\2"+ - "\u195c\u01d7\3\2\2\2\u195d\u195e\t\64\2\2\u195e\u01d9\3\2\2\2\u195f\u1962"+ - "\5\u060a\u0306\2\u1960\u1962\7\u0518\2\2\u1961\u195f\3\2\2\2\u1961\u1960"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1962\u01db\3\2\2\2\u1963\u1965\7\u0504\2\2\u1964\u1963\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u1964\u1965\3\2\2\2\u1965\u01dd\3\2\2\2\u1966\u196b\5\u01f2\u00fa\2"+ - "\u1967\u196b\5\u01f8\u00fd\2\u1968\u196b\5\u01f6\u00fc\2\u1969\u196b\5"+ - "\u01e0\u00f1\2\u196a\u1966\3\2\2\2\u196a\u1967\3\2\2\2\u196a\u1968\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u196a\u1969\3\2\2\2\u196b\u01df\3\2\2\2\u196c\u196d\7\u0149\2\2\u196d"+ - "\u196e\7O\2\2\u196e\u196f\7\u04f8\2\2\u196f\u1970\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u1970"+ - "\u1971\7\u04ff\2\2\u1971\u01e1\3\2\2\2\u1972\u1973\5\u01ec\u00f7\2\u1973"+ - "\u1974\7\u0149\2\2\u1974\u1975\7\u00b5\2\2\u1975\u1976\5\u01ea\u00f6\2"+ - "\u1976\u1977\7\u0256\2\2\u1977\u1978\7\u03e7\2\2\u1978\u01e3\3\2\2\2\u1979"+ - "\u197a\7C\2\2\u197a\u1983\7\u01ea\2\2\u197b\u197c\7\u00f6\2\2\u197c\u1983"+ - "\7W\2\2\u197d\u197e\5\u060a\u0306\2\u197e\u197f\7\u04f8\2\2\u197f\u1980"+ - "\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u1980\u1981\7\u04ff\2\2\u1981\u1983\3\2\2\2\u1982\u1979"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1982\u197b\3\2\2\2\u1982\u197d\3\2\2\2\u1983\u01e5\3\2\2\2\u1984"+ - "\u1989\5\u01e4\u00f3\2\u1985\u1986\7\u04f2\2\2\u1986\u1988\5\u01e4\u00f3"+ - "\2\u1987\u1985\3\2\2\2\u1988\u198b\3\2\2\2\u1989\u1987\3\2\2\2\u1989\u198a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u198a\u01e7\3\2\2\2\u198b\u1989\3\2\2\2\u198c\u198d\7;\2\2\u198d"+ - "\u198e\7\u04f8\2\2\u198e\u198f\5\u01e6\u00f4\2\u198f\u1990\7\u04ff\2\2"+ - "\u1990\u01e9\3\2\2\2\u1991\u1994\5$\23\2\u1992\u1994\7\u03e7\2\2\u1993"+ - "\u1991\3\2\2\2\u1993\u1992\3\2\2\2\u1994\u01eb\3\2\2\2\u1995\u1996\5\u01ee"+ - "\u00f8\2\u1996\u01ed\3\2\2\2\u1997\u1998\7\u0149\2\2\u1998\u1999\7O\2"+ - "\2\u1999\u199a\7\u014a\2\2\u199a\u199c\7\u04f8\2\2\u199b\u199d\5\u016e"+ - "\u00b8\2\u199c\u199b\3\2\2\2\u199c\u199d\3\2\2\2\u199d\u199e\3\2\2\2\u199e"+ - "\u199f\7\u04ff\2\2\u199f\u01ef\3\2\2\2\u19a0\u19a1\5\u01de\u00f0\2\u19a1"+ - "\u01f1\3\2\2\2\u19a2\u19a3\7\u0149\2\2\u19a3\u19a4\7O\2\2\u19a4\u19a5"+ - "\7\u0214\2\2\u19a5\u19a6\7\u04f8\2\2\u19a6\u19a7\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u19a7"+ - "\u19a9\7\u04ff\2\2\u19a8\u19aa\5\u01fc\u00ff\2\u19a9\u19a8\3\2\2\2\u19a9"+ - "\u19aa\3\2\2\2\u19aa\u19ad\3\2\2\2\u19ab\u19ac\7\u0256\2\2\u19ac\u19ae"+ - "\7\u04e7\2\2\u19ad\u19ab\3\2\2\2\u19ad\u19ae\3\2\2\2\u19ae\u19b3\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u19af\u19b0\7\u04f8\2\2\u19b0\u19b1\5\u0206\u0104\2\u19b1\u19b2\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u19b2\u19b4\3\2\2\2\u19b3\u19af\3\2\2\2\u19b3\u19b4\3\2\2\2\u19b4"+ - "\u19b6\3\2\2\2\u19b5\u19b7\5\u01f4\u00fb\2\u19b6\u19b5\3\2\2\2\u19b6\u19b7"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u19b7\u01f3\3\2\2\2\u19b8\u19b9\7\u03e6\2\2\u19b9\u19c0\5\u05ac"+ - "\u02d7\2\u19ba\u19c0\5\u0252\u012a\2\u19bb\u19bc\7\u03e6\2\2\u19bc\u19bd"+ - "\5\u05ac\u02d7\2\u19bd\u19be\5\u0252\u012a\2\u19be\u19c0\3\2\2\2\u19bf"+ - "\u19b8\3\2\2\2\u19bf\u19ba\3\2\2\2\u19bf\u19bb\3\2\2\2\u19c0\u01f5\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u19c1\u19c2\7\u0149\2\2\u19c2\u19c3\7O\2\2\u19c3\u19c4\7\u01df\2"+ - "\2\u19c4\u19c5\7\u04f8\2\2\u19c5\u19c6\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u19c6\u19c8\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u19c7\u19c9\5\u01fc\u00ff\2\u19c8\u19c7\3\2\2\2\u19c8\u19c9\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u19c9\u19ca\3\2\2\2\u19ca\u19cb\5\u0212\u010a\2\u19cb\u01f7\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u19cc\u19cd\7\u0149\2\2\u19cd\u19ce\7O\2\2\u19ce\u19cf\7\u014a\2\2\u19cf"+ - "\u19d0\7\u04f8\2\2\u19d0\u19d1\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u19d1\u19d3\7\u04ff\2\2"+ - "\u19d2\u19d4\5\u01fa\u00fe\2\u19d3\u19d2\3\2\2\2\u19d3\u19d4\3\2\2\2\u19d4"+ - "\u19d6\3\2\2\2\u19d5\u19d7\5\u01fc\u00ff\2\u19d6\u19d5\3\2\2\2\u19d6\u19d7"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u19d7\u19d8\3\2\2\2\u19d8\u19d9\5\u020a\u0106\2\u19d9\u01f9\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u19da\u19db\7\u0116\2\2\u19db\u19dc\7\u04f8\2\2\u19dc\u19dd\5\66"+ - "\34\2\u19dd\u19de\7\u04ff\2\2\u19de\u01fb\3\2\2\2\u19df\u19e2\5\u01fe"+ - "\u0100\2\u19e0\u19e2\5\u0200\u0101\2\u19e1\u19df\3\2\2\2\u19e1\u19e0\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u19e2\u01fd\3\2\2\2\u19e3\u19e4\7\u01ed\2\2\u19e4\u19e5\7O\2\2"+ - "\u19e5\u19e6\7\u0214\2\2\u19e6\u19e7\7\u04f8\2\2\u19e7\u19e8\5\u016e\u00b8"+ - "\2\u19e8\u19e9\7\u04ff\2\2\u19e9\u19ea\7\u01ed\2\2\u19ea\u19eb\7\u031f"+ - "\2\2\u19eb\u19ec\5\u021a\u010e\2\u19ec\u1a02\3\2\2\2\u19ed\u19ee\7\u01ed"+ - "\2\2\u19ee\u19ef\7O\2\2\u19ef\u19f0\7\u014a\2\2\u19f0\u19f1\7\u04f8\2"+ - "\2\u19f1\u19f2\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u19f2\u19f3\7\u04ff\2\2\u19f3\u19f4\7\u01ed"+ - "\2\2\u19f4\u19f5\7\u031f\2\2\u19f5\u19f6\5\u0220\u0111\2\u19f6\u1a02\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u19f7\u19f8\7\u01ed\2\2\u19f8\u19f9\7O\2\2\u19f9\u19fa\7\u01df"+ - "\2\2\u19fa\u19fb\7\u04f8\2\2\u19fb\u19fc\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u19fc\u19fd\7"+ - "\u04ff\2\2\u19fd\u19fe\7\u01ed\2\2\u19fe\u19ff\7\u031f\2\2\u19ff\u1a00"+ - "\5\u0226\u0114\2\u1a00\u1a02\3\2\2\2\u1a01\u19e3\3\2\2\2\u1a01\u19ed\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1a01\u19f7\3\2\2\2\u1a02\u01ff\3\2\2\2\u1a03\u1a04\7\u01ed\2\2"+ - "\u1a04\u1a05\7O\2\2\u1a05\u1a06\7\u0214\2\2\u1a06\u1a07\7\u04f8\2\2\u1a07"+ - "\u1a08\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u1a08\u1a0b\7\u04ff\2\2\u1a09\u1a0a\7\u035b\2\2"+ - "\u1a0a\u1a0c\5\u0240\u0121\2\u1a0b\u1a09\3\2\2\2\u1a0b\u1a0c\3\2\2\2\u1a0c"+ - "\u1a1c\3\2\2\2\u1a0d\u1a0e\7\u01ed\2\2\u1a0e\u1a0f\7O\2\2\u1a0f\u1a10"+ - "\7\u014a\2\2\u1a10\u1a11\7\u04f8\2\2\u1a11\u1a12\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u1a12"+ - "\u1a13\7\u04ff\2\2\u1a13\u1a1c\3\2\2\2\u1a14\u1a15\7\u01ed\2\2\u1a15\u1a16"+ - "\7O\2\2\u1a16\u1a17\7\u01df\2\2\u1a17\u1a18\7\u04f8\2\2\u1a18\u1a19\5"+ - "\u016e\u00b8\2\u1a19\u1a1a\7\u04ff\2\2\u1a1a\u1a1c\3\2\2\2\u1a1b\u1a03"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1a1b\u1a0d\3\2\2\2\u1a1b\u1a14\3\2\2\2\u1a1c\u0201\3\2\2\2\u1a1d"+ - "\u1a22\5\u0204\u0103\2\u1a1e\u1a1f\7\u04f2\2\2\u1a1f\u1a21\5\u0204\u0103"+ - "\2\u1a20\u1a1e\3\2\2\2\u1a21\u1a24\3\2\2\2\u1a22\u1a20\3\2\2\2\u1a22\u1a23"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1a23\u0203\3\2\2\2\u1a24\u1a22\3\2\2\2\u1a25\u1a2b\5\u0608\u0305"+ - "\2\u1a26\u1a27\7\u04f8\2\2\u1a27\u1a28\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u1a28\u1a29\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u1a29\u1a2b\3\2\2\2\u1a2a\u1a25\3\2\2\2\u1a2a\u1a26\3\2\2\2\u1a2b"+ - "\u0205\3\2\2\2\u1a2c\u1a31\5\u0208\u0105\2\u1a2d\u1a2e\7\u04f2\2\2\u1a2e"+ - "\u1a30\5\u0208\u0105\2\u1a2f\u1a2d\3\2\2\2\u1a30\u1a33\3\2\2\2\u1a31\u1a2f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1a31\u1a32\3\2\2\2\u1a32\u0207\3\2\2\2\u1a33\u1a31\3\2\2\2\u1a34"+ - "\u1a36\7\u0149\2\2\u1a35\u1a37\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1a36\u1a35\3\2\2\2\u1a36"+ - "\u1a37\3\2\2\2\u1a37\u1a3a\3\2\2\2\u1a38\u1a39\7\u0109\2\2\u1a39\u1a3b"+ - "\7\u04e7\2\2\u1a3a\u1a38\3\2\2\2\u1a3a\u1a3b\3\2\2\2\u1a3b\u1a3d\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u1a3c\u1a3e\5\u01f4\u00fb\2\u1a3d\u1a3c\3\2\2\2\u1a3d\u1a3e\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1a3e\u1a40\3\2\2\2\u1a3f\u1a41\5\u0218\u010d\2\u1a40\u1a3f\3\2\2\2\u1a40"+ - "\u1a41\3\2\2\2\u1a41\u0209\3\2\2\2\u1a42\u1a43\7\u04f8\2\2\u1a43\u1a44"+ - "\5\u020c\u0107\2\u1a44\u1a45\7\u04ff\2\2\u1a45\u020b\3\2\2\2\u1a46\u1a4b"+ - "\5\u0210\u0109\2\u1a47\u1a48\7\u04f2\2\2\u1a48\u1a4a\5\u0210\u0109\2\u1a49"+ - "\u1a47\3\2\2\2\u1a4a\u1a4d\3\2\2\2\u1a4b\u1a49\3\2\2\2\u1a4b\u1a4c\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1a4c\u020d\3\2\2\2\u1a4d\u1a4b\3\2\2\2\u1a4e\u1a54\5\u0230\u0119"+ - "\2\u1a4f\u1a54\5\u0252\u012a\2\u1a50\u1a51\5\u0230\u0119\2\u1a51\u1a52"+ - "\5\u0252\u012a\2\u1a52\u1a54\3\2\2\2\u1a53\u1a4e\3\2\2\2\u1a53\u1a4f\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1a53\u1a50\3\2\2\2\u1a54\u020f\3\2\2\2\u1a55\u1a56\7\u0149\2\2"+ - "\u1a56\u1a57\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1a57\u1a58\7\u00c6\2\2\u1a58\u1a59\7\u025d"+ - "\2\2\u1a59\u1a5a\7\u03d1\2\2\u1a5a\u1a5d\5\u023a\u011e\2\u1a5b\u1a5c\7"+ - "\u0109\2\2\u1a5c\u1a5e\7\u04e7\2\2\u1a5d\u1a5b\3\2\2\2\u1a5d\u1a5e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1a5e\u1a60\3\2\2\2\u1a5f\u1a61\5\u020e\u0108\2\u1a60\u1a5f\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u1a60\u1a61\3\2\2\2\u1a61\u1a63\3\2\2\2\u1a62\u1a64\5\u0218\u010d\2"+ - "\u1a63\u1a62\3\2\2\2\u1a63\u1a64\3\2\2\2\u1a64\u1a75\3\2\2\2\u1a65\u1a66"+ - "\7\u0149\2\2\u1a66\u1a67\7\u00c6\2\2\u1a67\u1a68\7\u025d\2\2\u1a68\u1a69"+ - "\7\u03d1\2\2\u1a69\u1a6c\5\u023a\u011e\2\u1a6a\u1a6b\7\u0109\2\2\u1a6b"+ - "\u1a6d\7\u04e7\2\2\u1a6c\u1a6a\3\2\2\2\u1a6c\u1a6d\3\2\2\2\u1a6d\u1a6f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1a6e\u1a70\5\u020e\u0108\2\u1a6f\u1a6e\3\2\2\2\u1a6f\u1a70\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1a70\u1a72\3\2\2\2\u1a71\u1a73\5\u0218\u010d\2\u1a72\u1a71\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1a72\u1a73\3\2\2\2\u1a73\u1a75\3\2\2\2\u1a74\u1a55\3\2\2\2\u1a74"+ - "\u1a65\3\2\2\2\u1a75\u0211\3\2\2\2\u1a76\u1a77\7\u04f8\2\2\u1a77\u1a78"+ - "\5\u0214\u010b\2\u1a78\u1a79\7\u04ff\2\2\u1a79\u0213\3\2\2\2\u1a7a\u1a7f"+ - "\5\u0216\u010c\2\u1a7b\u1a7c\7\u04f2\2\2\u1a7c\u1a7e\5\u0216\u010c\2\u1a7d"+ - "\u1a7b\3\2\2\2\u1a7e\u1a81\3\2\2\2\u1a7f\u1a7d\3\2\2\2\u1a7f\u1a80\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1a80\u0215\3\2\2\2\u1a81\u1a7f\3\2\2\2\u1a82\u1a83\7\u0149\2\2\u1a83"+ - "\u1a84\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1a84\u1a85\7\u00c6\2\2\u1a85\u1a88\5\u022c\u0117"+ - "\2\u1a86\u1a87\7\u0109\2\2\u1a87\u1a89\7\u04e7\2\2\u1a88\u1a86\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1a88\u1a89\3\2\2\2\u1a89\u1a8b\3\2\2\2\u1a8a\u1a8c\5\u020e\u0108\2\u1a8b"+ - "\u1a8a\3\2\2\2\u1a8b\u1a8c\3\2\2\2\u1a8c\u1a8e\3\2\2\2\u1a8d\u1a8f\5\u0218"+ - "\u010d\2\u1a8e\u1a8d\3\2\2\2\u1a8e\u1a8f\3\2\2\2\u1a8f\u1a9e\3\2\2\2\u1a90"+ - "\u1a91\7\u0149\2\2\u1a91\u1a92\7\u00c6\2\2\u1a92\u1a95\5\u022c\u0117\2"+ - "\u1a93\u1a94\7\u0109\2\2\u1a94\u1a96\7\u04e7\2\2\u1a95\u1a93\3\2\2\2\u1a95"+ - "\u1a96\3\2\2\2\u1a96\u1a98\3\2\2\2\u1a97\u1a99\5\u020e\u0108\2\u1a98\u1a97"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1a98\u1a99\3\2\2\2\u1a99\u1a9b\3\2\2\2\u1a9a\u1a9c\5\u0218\u010d"+ - "\2\u1a9b\u1a9a\3\2\2\2\u1a9b\u1a9c\3\2\2\2\u1a9c\u1a9e\3\2\2\2\u1a9d\u1a82"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1a9d\u1a90\3\2\2\2\u1a9e\u0217\3\2\2\2\u1a9f\u1aa3\5\u021a\u010e"+ - "\2\u1aa0\u1aa3\5\u0220\u0111\2\u1aa1\u1aa3\5\u0226\u0114\2\u1aa2\u1a9f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1aa2\u1aa0\3\2\2\2\u1aa2\u1aa1\3\2\2\2\u1aa3\u0219\3\2\2\2\u1aa4"+ - "\u1aa5\7\u04f8\2\2\u1aa5\u1aa6\5\u021c\u010f\2\u1aa6\u1aa7\7\u04ff\2\2"+ - "\u1aa7\u021b\3\2\2\2\u1aa8\u1aad\5\u021e\u0110\2\u1aa9\u1aaa\7\u04f2\2"+ - "\2\u1aaa\u1aac\5\u021e\u0110\2\u1aab\u1aa9\3\2\2\2\u1aac\u1aaf\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1aad\u1aab\3\2\2\2\u1aad\u1aae\3\2\2\2\u1aae\u021d\3\2\2\2\u1aaf\u1aad"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1ab0\u1ab1\7\u01ed\2\2\u1ab1\u1ab3\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1ab2\u1ab4"+ - "\5\u0230\u0119\2\u1ab3\u1ab2\3\2\2\2\u1ab3\u1ab4\3\2\2\2\u1ab4\u021f\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1ab5\u1ab6\7\u04f8\2\2\u1ab6\u1ab7\5\u0222\u0112\2\u1ab7\u1ab8"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u1ab8\u0221\3\2\2\2\u1ab9\u1abe\5\u0224\u0113\2\u1aba\u1abb"+ - "\7\u04f2\2\2\u1abb\u1abd\5\u0224\u0113\2\u1abc\u1aba\3\2\2\2\u1abd\u1ac0"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1abe\u1abc\3\2\2\2\u1abe\u1abf\3\2\2\2\u1abf\u0223\3\2\2\2\u1ac0"+ - "\u1abe\3\2\2\2\u1ac1\u1ac2\7\u01ed\2\2\u1ac2\u1ac3\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1ac3"+ - "\u1ac4\7\u00c6\2\2\u1ac4\u1ac5\7\u025d\2\2\u1ac5\u1ac6\7\u03d1\2\2\u1ac6"+ - "\u1ac8\5\u023a\u011e\2\u1ac7\u1ac9\5\u0230\u0119\2\u1ac8\u1ac7\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1ac8\u1ac9\3\2\2\2\u1ac9\u0225\3\2\2\2\u1aca\u1acb\7\u04f8\2\2\u1acb"+ - "\u1acc\5\u0228\u0115\2\u1acc\u1acd\7\u04ff\2\2\u1acd\u0227\3\2\2\2\u1ace"+ - "\u1ad3\5\u022a\u0116\2\u1acf\u1ad0\7\u04f2\2\2\u1ad0\u1ad2\5\u022a\u0116"+ - "\2\u1ad1\u1acf\3\2\2\2\u1ad2\u1ad5\3\2\2\2\u1ad3\u1ad1\3\2\2\2\u1ad3\u1ad4"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1ad4\u0229\3\2\2\2\u1ad5\u1ad3\3\2\2\2\u1ad6\u1ad7\7\u01ed\2"+ - "\2\u1ad7\u1ad8\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1ad8\u1ad9\7\u00c6\2\2\u1ad9\u1adb\5\u022c"+ - "\u0117\2\u1ada\u1adc\5\u0230\u0119\2\u1adb\u1ada\3\2\2\2\u1adb\u1adc\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1adc\u022b\3\2\2\2\u1add\u1ae0\7\u04f8\2\2\u1ade\u1ae1\7_\2\2"+ - "\u1adf\u1ae1\5\u022e\u0118\2\u1ae0\u1ade\3\2\2\2\u1ae0\u1adf\3\2\2\2\u1ae1"+ - "\u1ae2\3\2\2\2\u1ae2\u1ae3\7\u04ff\2\2\u1ae3\u022d\3\2\2\2\u1ae4\u1ae9"+ - "\5\66\34\2\u1ae5\u1ae6\7\u04f2\2\2\u1ae6\u1ae8\5\66\34\2\u1ae7\u1ae5\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1ae8\u1aeb\3\2\2\2\u1ae9\u1ae7\3\2\2\2\u1ae9\u1aea\3\2\2\2\u1aea"+ - "\u022f\3\2\2\2\u1aeb\u1ae9\3\2\2\2\u1aec\u1aee\5\u0232\u011a\2\u1aed\u1aec"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1aee\u1aef\3\2\2\2\u1aef\u1aed\3\2\2\2\u1aef\u1af0\3\2\2\2\u1af0"+ - "\u0231\3\2\2\2\u1af1\u1af3\7\u009f\2\2\u1af2\u1af4\7\u0504\2\2\u1af3\u1af2"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1af3\u1af4\3\2\2\2\u1af4\u1af5\3\2\2\2\u1af5\u1b04\7\u04e7\2"+ - "\2\u1af6\u1af7\7\u01f6\2\2\u1af7\u1b04\7\u04e7\2\2\u1af8\u1af9\7\u04e4"+ - "\2\2\u1af9\u1b04\7\u04e7\2\2\u1afa\u1afb\7\u0337\2\2\u1afb\u1b04\7\u04e7"+ - "\2\2\u1afc\u1afd\7\u0351\2\2\u1afd\u1afe\7\u04f8\2\2\u1afe\u1aff\5\u01d0"+ - "\u00e9\2\u1aff\u1b00\7\u04ff\2\2\u1b00\u1b04\3\2\2\2\u1b01\u1b02\7\u03e6"+ - "\2\2\u1b02\u1b04\5\u05ac\u02d7\2\u1b03\u1af1\3\2\2\2\u1b03\u1af6\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u1b03\u1af8\3\2\2\2\u1b03\u1afa\3\2\2\2\u1b03\u1afc\3\2\2\2\u1b03\u1b01"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1b04\u0233\3\2\2\2\u1b05\u1b06\7\u04f8\2\2\u1b06\u1b07\5\u0236"+ - "\u011c\2\u1b07\u1b08\7\u04ff\2\2\u1b08\u0235\3\2\2\2\u1b09\u1b0e\5\u0238"+ - "\u011d\2\u1b0a\u1b0b\7\u04f2\2\2\u1b0b\u1b0d\5\u0238\u011d\2\u1b0c\u1b0a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1b0d\u1b10\3\2\2\2\u1b0e\u1b0c\3\2\2\2\u1b0e\u1b0f\3\2\2\2\u1b0f"+ - "\u0237\3\2\2\2\u1b10\u1b0e\3\2\2\2\u1b11\u1b14\7\u0149\2\2\u1b12\u1b13"+ - "\7\u0109\2\2\u1b13\u1b15\7\u04e7\2\2\u1b14\u1b12\3\2\2\2\u1b14\u1b15\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1b15\u1b1d\3\2\2\2\u1b16\u1b17\7\u0149\2\2\u1b17\u1b1a\5\u03d0"+ - "\u01e9\2\u1b18\u1b19\7\u0109\2\2\u1b19\u1b1b\7\u04e7\2\2\u1b1a\u1b18\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1b1a\u1b1b\3\2\2\2\u1b1b\u1b1d\3\2\2\2\u1b1c\u1b11\3\2\2\2\u1b1c"+ - "\u1b16\3\2\2\2\u1b1d\u0239\3\2\2\2\u1b1e\u1b1f\7\u04f8\2\2\u1b1f\u1b20"+ - "\5\u023c\u011f\2\u1b20\u1b21\7\u04ff\2\2\u1b21\u023b\3\2\2\2\u1b22\u1b27"+ - "\5\u023e\u0120\2\u1b23\u1b24\7\u04f2\2\2\u1b24\u1b26\5\u023e\u0120\2\u1b25"+ - "\u1b23\3\2\2\2\u1b26\u1b29\3\2\2\2\u1b27\u1b25\3\2\2\2\u1b27\u1b28\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1b28\u023d\3\2\2\2\u1b29\u1b27\3\2\2\2\u1b2a\u1b2c\7\u04f3\2\2\u1b2b"+ - "\u1b2a\3\2\2\2\u1b2b\u1b2c\3\2\2\2\u1b2c\u1b2d\3\2\2\2\u1b2d\u1b33\5\36"+ - "\20\2\u1b2e\u1b2f\7\u04f9\2\2\u1b2f\u1b33\5\36\20\2\u1b30\u1b33\5\u00b8"+ - "]\2\u1b31\u1b33\7\u0130\2\2\u1b32\u1b2b\3\2\2\2\u1b32\u1b2e\3\2\2\2\u1b32"+ - 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"\7\u01df\2\2\u1b58\u1b5a\7\u01ea\2\2\u1b59\u1b58\3\2\2\2\u1b59\u1b5a\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1b5a\u1b5b\3\2\2\2\u1b5b\u1b5c\7\u04e7\2\2\u1b5c\u1b5d\5\u024a"+ - "\u0126\2\u1b5d\u1b5e\5\u0212\u010a\2\u1b5e\u0249\3\2\2\2\u1b5f\u1b62\5"+ - "\u024c\u0127\2\u1b60\u1b62\5\u024e\u0128\2\u1b61\u1b5f\3\2\2\2\u1b61\u1b60"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1b62\u024b\3\2\2\2\u1b63\u1b64\7\u01ed\2\2\u1b64\u1b65\7O\2"+ - "\2\u1b65\u1b67\7\u014a\2\2\u1b66\u1b68\7\u01ea\2\2\u1b67\u1b66\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1b67\u1b68\3\2\2\2\u1b68\u1b69\3\2\2\2\u1b69\u1b6a\7\u04e7\2\2\u1b6a"+ - "\u1b6b\7\u01ed\2\2\u1b6b\u1b6c\7\u031f\2\2\u1b6c\u1b86\5\u0220\u0111\2"+ - "\u1b6d\u1b6e\7\u01ed\2\2\u1b6e\u1b6f\7O\2\2\u1b6f\u1b70\7\u0214\2\2\u1b70"+ - "\u1b71\7\u01ed\2\2\u1b71\u1b72\7\u031f\2\2\u1b72\u1b86\5\u0240\u0121\2"+ - "\u1b73\u1b74\7\u01ed\2\2\u1b74\u1b75\7O\2\2\u1b75\u1b76\7\u0214\2\2\u1b76"+ - "\u1b77\7\u04e7\2\2\u1b77\u1b78\7\u01ed\2\2\u1b78\u1b79\7\u031f\2\2\u1b79"+ - "\u1b86\5\u0240\u0121\2\u1b7a\u1b7b\7\u01ed\2\2\u1b7b\u1b7c\7O\2\2\u1b7c"+ - "\u1b7e\7\u01df\2\2\u1b7d\u1b7f\7\u01ea\2\2\u1b7e\u1b7d\3\2\2\2\u1b7e\u1b7f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1b7f\u1b80\3\2\2\2\u1b80\u1b81\7\u04e7\2\2\u1b81\u1b82\7\u01ed"+ - "\2\2\u1b82\u1b83\7\u031f\2\2\u1b83\u1b86\5\u0226\u0114\2\u1b84\u1b86\5"+ - "\u06fe\u0380\2\u1b85\u1b63\3\2\2\2\u1b85\u1b6d\3\2\2\2\u1b85\u1b73\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1b85\u1b7a\3\2\2\2\u1b85\u1b84\3\2\2\2\u1b86\u024d\3\2\2\2\u1b87"+ - "\u1b88\7\u01ed\2\2\u1b88\u1b89\7O\2\2\u1b89\u1b8c\7\u0214\2\2\u1b8a\u1b8b"+ - "\7\u035b\2\2\u1b8b\u1b8d\5\u0240\u0121\2\u1b8c\u1b8a\3\2\2\2\u1b8c\u1b8d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1b8d\u1ba5\3\2\2\2\u1b8e\u1b8f\7\u01ed\2\2\u1b8f\u1b90\7O\2"+ - "\2\u1b90\u1b91\7\u0214\2\2\u1b91\u1b94\7\u04e7\2\2\u1b92\u1b93\7\u035b"+ - "\2\2\u1b93\u1b95\5\u0240\u0121\2\u1b94\u1b92\3\2\2\2\u1b94\u1b95\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u1b95\u1ba5\3\2\2\2\u1b96\u1b97\7\u01ed\2\2\u1b97\u1b98\7O\2\2\u1b98"+ - "\u1b9a\7\u014a\2\2\u1b99\u1b9b\7\u01ea\2\2\u1b9a\u1b99\3\2\2\2\u1b9a\u1b9b"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1b9b\u1b9c\3\2\2\2\u1b9c\u1ba5\7\u04e7\2\2\u1b9d\u1b9e\7\u01ed"+ - "\2\2\u1b9e\u1b9f\7O\2\2\u1b9f\u1ba1\7\u01df\2\2\u1ba0\u1ba2\7\u01ea\2"+ - "\2\u1ba1\u1ba0\3\2\2\2\u1ba1\u1ba2\3\2\2\2\u1ba2\u1ba3\3\2\2\2\u1ba3\u1ba5"+ - "\7\u04e7\2\2\u1ba4\u1b87\3\2\2\2\u1ba4\u1b8e\3\2\2\2\u1ba4\u1b96\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u1ba4\u1b9d\3\2\2\2\u1ba5\u024f\3\2\2\2\u1ba6\u1ba7\7\u0342\2\2\u1ba7"+ - "\u1ba8\5\u0252\u012a\2\u1ba8\u0251\3\2\2\2\u1ba9\u1bb7\7\u0091\2\2\u1baa"+ - "\u1bb4\7Y\2\2\u1bab\u1bb5\7\u04cd\2\2\u1bac\u1bad\7q\2\2\u1bad\u1bb5\7"+ - "\u0218\2\2\u1bae\u1baf\7q\2\2\u1baf\u1bb0\7\u0360\2\2\u1bb0\u1bb5\5\u0254"+ - "\u012b\2\u1bb1\u1bb2\7q\2\2\u1bb2\u1bb3\7\u02b5\2\2\u1bb3\u1bb5\5\u0254"+ - "\u012b\2\u1bb4\u1bab\3\2\2\2\u1bb4\u1bac\3\2\2\2\u1bb4\u1bae\3\2\2\2\u1bb4"+ - "\u1bb1\3\2\2\2\u1bb4\u1bb5\3\2\2\2\u1bb5\u1bb7\3\2\2\2\u1bb6\u1ba9\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1bb6\u1baa\3\2\2\2\u1bb7\u0253\3\2\2\2\u1bb8\u1bba\t\65\2\2\u1bb9"+ - "\u1bb8\3\2\2\2\u1bb9\u1bba\3\2\2\2\u1bba\u0255\3\2\2\2\u1bbb\u1bc1\5\u0258"+ - "\u012d\2\u1bbc\u1bbd\5\u01c2\u00e2\2\u1bbd\u1bbe\5\u0258\u012d\2\u1bbe"+ - "\u1bc0\3\2\2\2\u1bbf\u1bbc\3\2\2\2\u1bc0\u1bc3\3\2\2\2\u1bc1\u1bbf\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1bc1\u1bc2\3\2\2\2\u1bc2\u0257\3\2\2\2\u1bc3\u1bc1\3\2\2\2\u1bc4"+ - "\u1bc7\t\66\2\2\u1bc5\u1bc7\t\67\2\2\u1bc6\u1bc4\3\2\2\2\u1bc6\u1bc5\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1bc7\u1bcd\3\2\2\2\u1bc8\u1bcb\t8\2\2\u1bc9\u1bcb\t9\2\2\u1bca"+ - "\u1bc8\3\2\2\2\u1bca\u1bc9\3\2\2\2\u1bcb\u1bcd\3\2\2\2\u1bcc\u1bc6\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1bcc\u1bca\3\2\2\2\u1bcd\u1bd3\3\2\2\2\u1bce\u1bd1\t:\2\2\u1bcf"+ - "\u1bd1\7\u01cb\2\2\u1bd0\u1bce\3\2\2\2\u1bd0\u1bcf\3\2\2\2\u1bd1\u1bd3"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1bd2\u1bcc\3\2\2\2\u1bd2\u1bd0\3\2\2\2\u1bd3\u1bd4\3\2\2\2\u1bd4"+ - "\u1bd5\7\u0504\2\2\u1bd5\u1bd6\7\u0518\2\2\u1bd6\u0259\3\2\2\2\u1bd7\u1bdd"+ - "\5\u025c\u012f\2\u1bd8\u1bd9\5\u01c2\u00e2\2\u1bd9\u1bda\5\u025c\u012f"+ - "\2\u1bda\u1bdc\3\2\2\2\u1bdb\u1bd8\3\2\2\2\u1bdc\u1bdf\3\2\2\2\u1bdd\u1bdb"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1bdd\u1bde\3\2\2\2\u1bde\u025b\3\2\2\2\u1bdf\u1bdd\3\2\2\2\u1be0"+ - "\u1be1\t;\2\2\u1be1\u1be2\7\u0504\2\2\u1be2\u1bf6\7\u0518\2\2\u1be3\u1be4"+ - 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"\3\2\2\2\u1c29\u1c2a\3\2\2\2\u1c2a\u1c2c\5\u01ca\u00e6\2\u1c2b\u1c2d\7"+ - "\u0101\2\2\u1c2c\u1c2b\3\2\2\2\u1c2c\u1c2d\3\2\2\2\u1c2d\u1c48\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1c2e\u1c30\7\u044f\2\2\u1c2f\u1c31\7\u0504\2\2\u1c30\u1c2f\3\2\2\2\u1c30"+ - "\u1c31\3\2\2\2\u1c31\u1c32\3\2\2\2\u1c32\u1c48\5\u01c8\u00e5\2\u1c33\u1c35"+ - "\7\u04a9\2\2\u1c34\u1c36\7\u0504\2\2\u1c35\u1c34\3\2\2\2\u1c35\u1c36\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1c36\u1c37\3\2\2\2\u1c37\u1c48\7\u04e7\2\2\u1c38\u1c3a\7\u042e"+ - "\2\2\u1c39\u1c3b\7\u0504\2\2\u1c3a\u1c39\3\2\2\2\u1c3a\u1c3b\3\2\2\2\u1c3b"+ - "\u1c3c\3\2\2\2\u1c3c\u1c48\7\u04e9\2\2\u1c3d\u1c3f\7\u0208\2\2\u1c3e\u1c40"+ - "\7\u0504\2\2\u1c3f\u1c3e\3\2\2\2\u1c3f\u1c40\3\2\2\2\u1c40\u1c41\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u1c41\u1c48\7\u0518\2\2\u1c42\u1c44\7\u02f2\2\2\u1c43\u1c45\7\u0504"+ - "\2\2\u1c44\u1c43\3\2\2\2\u1c44\u1c45\3\2\2\2\u1c45\u1c46\3\2\2\2\u1c46"+ - "\u1c48\7\u04e7\2\2\u1c47\u1c26\3\2\2\2\u1c47\u1c2e\3\2\2\2\u1c47\u1c33"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1c47\u1c38\3\2\2\2\u1c47\u1c3d\3\2\2\2\u1c47\u1c42\3\2\2\2\u1c48"+ - 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"\3\2\2\2\u1cf8\u1cf9\7\u0425\2\2\u1cf9\u1cfa\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u1cfa\u1cfb"+ - "\7\u04e7\2\2\u1cfb\u0291\3\2\2\2\u1cfc\u1cfe\7[\2\2\u1cfd\u1cff\7\u00c1"+ - "\2\2\u1cfe\u1cfd\3\2\2\2\u1cfe\u1cff\3\2\2\2\u1cff\u1d00\3\2\2\2\u1d00"+ - "\u1d01\7~\2\2\u1d01\u1d03\5\u03d2\u01ea\2\u1d02\u1d04\5\u02a4\u0153\2"+ - "\u1d03\u1d02\3\2\2\2\u1d03\u1d04\3\2\2\2\u1d04\u1d05\3\2\2\2\u1d05\u1d06"+ - "\7\u009a\2\2\u1d06\u1d07\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1d07\u1d08\7\u04f8\2\2\u1d08"+ - "\u1d09\5\u029a\u014e\2\u1d09\u1d0b\7\u04ff\2\2\u1d0a\u1d0c\5\u02a0\u0151"+ - "\2\u1d0b\u1d0a\3\2\2\2\u1d0b\u1d0c\3\2\2\2\u1d0c\u1d0f\3\2\2\2\u1d0d\u1d10"+ - "\5\u01f0\u00f9\2\u1d0e\u1d10\5\u01e2\u00f2\2\u1d0f\u1d0d\3\2\2\2\u1d0f"+ - "\u1d0e\3\2\2\2\u1d0f\u1d10\3\2\2\2\u1d10\u1d12\3\2\2\2\u1d11\u1d13\5\u01e8"+ - "\u00f5\2\u1d12\u1d11\3\2\2\2\u1d12\u1d13\3\2\2\2\u1d13\u1d2b\3\2\2\2\u1d14"+ - "\u1d16\7[\2\2\u1d15\u1d17\7\u00c1\2\2\u1d16\u1d15\3\2\2\2\u1d16\u1d17"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1d17\u1d18\3\2\2\2\u1d18\u1d19\7~\2\2\u1d19\u1d1b\5\u03d2\u01ea"+ - "\2\u1d1a\u1d1c\5\u02a4\u0153\2\u1d1b\u1d1a\3\2\2\2\u1d1b\u1d1c\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1d1c\u1d1d\3\2\2\2\u1d1d\u1d1e\7\u009a\2\2\u1d1e\u1d1f\5\u03d0\u01e9"+ - "\2\u1d1f\u1d20\7\u04f8\2\2\u1d20\u1d21\5\u029a\u014e\2\u1d21\u1d22\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u1d22\u1d23\7\6\2\2\u1d23\u1d24\7\u0086\2\2\u1d24\u1d25\7\17\2\2"+ - "\u1d25\u1d26\7\u04fd\2\2\u1d26\u1d28\7\37\2\2\u1d27\u1d29\5\u02a0\u0151"+ - "\2\u1d28\u1d27\3\2\2\2\u1d28\u1d29\3\2\2\2\u1d29\u1d2b\3\2\2\2\u1d2a\u1cfc"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1d2a\u1d14\3\2\2\2\u1d2b\u0293\3\2\2\2\u1d2c\u1d2d\5\u060a\u0306"+ - "\2\u1d2d\u0295\3\2\2\2\u1d2e\u1d2f\7\u00df\2\2\u1d2f\u1d30\5\u0298\u014d"+ - "\2\u1d30\u0297\3\2\2\2\u1d31\u1d32\5\u060a\u0306\2\u1d32\u0299\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1d33\u1d38\5\u029c\u014f\2\u1d34\u1d35\7\u04f2\2\2\u1d35\u1d37\5\u029c"+ - "\u014f\2\u1d36\u1d34\3\2\2\2\u1d37\u1d3a\3\2\2\2\u1d38\u1d36\3\2\2\2\u1d38"+ - "\u1d39\3\2\2\2\u1d39\u029b\3\2\2\2\u1d3a\u1d38\3\2\2\2\u1d3b\u1d3c\5\u029e"+ - "\u0150\2\u1d3c\u1d3f\5\u0388\u01c5\2\u1d3d\u1d3e\7\u0109\2\2\u1d3e\u1d40"+ - 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"\u1dc2\3\2\2\2\u1dc2\u02bf\3\2\2\2\u1dc3\u1dc8\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u1dc4\u1dc5"+ - "\7\u00af\2\2\u1dc5\u1dc6\7\u00cd\2\2\u1dc6\u1dc8\5\66\34\2\u1dc7\u1dc3"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1dc7\u1dc4\3\2\2\2\u1dc8\u02c1\3\2\2\2\u1dc9\u1dcd\5\u06fe\u0380"+ - "\2\u1dca\u1dcb\7\u02ce\2\2\u1dcb\u1dcd\5\66\34\2\u1dcc\u1dc9\3\2\2\2\u1dcc"+ - "\u1dca\3\2\2\2\u1dcd\u02c3\3\2\2\2\u1dce\u1dcf\7d\2\2\u1dcf\u1dd0\7\u0486"+ - "\2\2\u1dd0\u1dd1\7\u00c9\2\2\u1dd1\u1dd2\7\u047d\2\2\u1dd2\u1dd3\7\u009a"+ - "\2\2\u1dd3\u1dd4\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1dd4\u02c5\3\2\2\2\u1dd5\u1dd6\7d\2"+ - "\2\u1dd6\u1dd7\7\u00bb\2\2\u1dd7\u1dda\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1dd8\u1dd9\7\u00db"+ - "\2\2\u1dd9\u1ddb\7\u02b6\2\2\u1dda\u1dd8\3\2\2\2\u1dda\u1ddb\3\2\2\2\u1ddb"+ - "\u1ddd\3\2\2\2\u1ddc\u1dde\7\u0148\2\2\u1ddd\u1ddc\3\2\2\2\u1ddd\u1dde"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1dde\u02c7\3\2\2\2\u1ddf\u1de0\tB\2\2\u1de0\u02c9\3\2\2\2\u1de1"+ - "\u1de3\7d\2\2\u1de2\u1de4\7\u0486\2\2\u1de3\u1de2\3\2\2\2\u1de3\u1de4"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1de4\u1de5\3\2\2\2\u1de5\u1de6\7\u00c9\2\2\u1de6\u1de9\5\u03d0"+ - "\u01e9\2\u1de7\u1de8\7\u00db\2\2\u1de8\u1dea\7\u02b6\2\2\u1de9\u1de7\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1de9\u1dea\3\2\2\2\u1dea\u02cb\3\2\2\2\u1deb\u1df0\5\u03d0\u01e9"+ - "\2\u1dec\u1ded\7\u04f2\2\2\u1ded\u1def\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1dee\u1dec\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1def\u1df2\3\2\2\2\u1df0\u1dee\3\2\2\2\u1df0\u1df1\3\2\2\2\u1df1"+ - "\u02cd\3\2\2\2\u1df2\u1df0\3\2\2\2\u1df3\u1df4\7d\2\2\u1df4\u1df5\7~\2"+ - "\2\u1df5\u1df8\5\u060a\u0306\2\u1df6\u1df7\7\u04fd\2\2\u1df7\u1df9\5\u060a"+ - "\u0306\2\u1df8\u1df6\3\2\2\2\u1df8\u1df9\3\2\2\2\u1df9\u02cf\3\2\2\2\u1dfa"+ - "\u1dfb\5\u02ec\u0177\2\u1dfb\u1dfc\5\u02d8\u016d\2\u1dfc\u1e01\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1dfd\u1dfe\5\u02ec\u0177\2\u1dfe\u1dff\5\u02da\u016e\2\u1dff\u1e01\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1e00\u1dfa\3\2\2\2\u1e00\u1dfd\3\2\2\2\u1e01\u02d1\3\2\2\2\u1e02"+ - "\u1e08\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u1e03\u1e04\7\u04f8\2\2\u1e04\u1e05\5> \2\u1e05"+ - "\u1e06\7\u04ff\2\2\u1e06\u1e08\3\2\2\2\u1e07\u1e02\3\2\2\2\u1e07\u1e03"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1e08\u02d3\3\2\2\2\u1e09\u1e0d\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u1e0a\u1e0b\7"+ - "\u0084\2\2\u1e0b\u1e0d\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u1e0c\u1e09\3\2\2\2\u1e0c\u1e0a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1e0d\u02d5\3\2\2\2\u1e0e\u1e13\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u1e0f\u1e10\7"+ - "\u0134\2\2\u1e10\u1e11\7\u04ca\2\2\u1e11\u1e13\t\63\2\2\u1e12\u1e0e\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1e12\u1e0f\3\2\2\2\u1e13\u02d7\3\2\2\2\u1e14\u1e15\7\u0084\2\2"+ - "\u1e15\u1e17\5\u03bc\u01df\2\u1e16\u1e18\7\u01e6\2\2\u1e17\u1e16\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u1e17\u1e18\3\2\2\2\u1e18\u1e19\3\2\2\2\u1e19\u1e1a\7\u04f8\2\2\u1e1a"+ - "\u1e1b\5\u02ee\u0178\2\u1e1b\u1e1c\7\u04ff\2\2\u1e1c\u1e1e\5\u02e6\u0174"+ - "\2\u1e1d\u1e1f\5\u00ceh\2\u1e1e\u1e1d\3\2\2\2\u1e1e\u1e1f\3\2\2\2\u1e1f"+ - "\u1e35\3\2\2\2\u1e20\u1e21\7\u0084\2\2\u1e21\u1e23\5\u03bc\u01df\2\u1e22"+ - "\u1e24\7\u01e6\2\2\u1e23\u1e22\3\2\2\2\u1e23\u1e24\3\2\2\2\u1e24\u1e25"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1e25\u1e26\7\u04f8\2\2\u1e26\u1e27\7\u04ff\2\2\u1e27\u1e29\5"+ - "\u02e6\u0174\2\u1e28\u1e2a\5\u00ceh\2\u1e29\u1e28\3\2\2\2\u1e29\u1e2a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1e2a\u1e35\3\2\2\2\u1e2b\u1e2c\7\u0084\2\2\u1e2c\u1e2e\5\u03bc"+ - "\u01df\2\u1e2d\u1e2f\7\u01e6\2\2\u1e2e\u1e2d\3\2\2\2\u1e2e\u1e2f\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u1e2f\u1e30\3\2\2\2\u1e30\u1e32\5\u02e6\u0174\2\u1e31\u1e33\5\u00ce"+ - "h\2\u1e32\u1e31\3\2\2\2\u1e32\u1e33\3\2\2\2\u1e33\u1e35\3\2\2\2\u1e34"+ - "\u1e14\3\2\2\2\u1e34\u1e20\3\2\2\2\u1e34\u1e2b\3\2\2\2\u1e35\u02d9\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1e36\u1e37\7C\2\2\u1e37\u1e38\5\u02dc\u016f\2\u1e38\u1e3a\5\u0302"+ - "\u0182\2\u1e39\u1e3b\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1e3a\u1e39\3\2\2\2\u1e3a\u1e3b\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1e3b\u1e3d\3\2\2\2\u1e3c\u1e3e\5\u031c\u018f\2\u1e3d\u1e3c\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1e3d\u1e3e\3\2\2\2\u1e3e\u1e48\3\2\2\2\u1e3f\u1e40\5\u02e0\u0171"+ - "\2\u1e40\u1e42\5\u0302\u0182\2\u1e41\u1e43\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1e42\u1e41"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1e42\u1e43\3\2\2\2\u1e43\u1e45\3\2\2\2\u1e44\u1e46\5\u031c\u018f"+ - "\2\u1e45\u1e44\3\2\2\2\u1e45\u1e46\3\2\2\2\u1e46\u1e48\3\2\2\2\u1e47\u1e36"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1e47\u1e3f\3\2\2\2\u1e48\u02db\3\2\2\2\u1e49\u1e4b\5\u02de\u0170"+ - "\2\u1e4a\u1e49\3\2\2\2\u1e4b\u1e4c\3\2\2\2\u1e4c\u1e4a\3\2\2\2\u1e4c\u1e4d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1e4d\u02dd\3\2\2\2\u1e4e\u1e4f\7\u0084\2\2\u1e4f\u1e68\5\u03b8"+ - "\u01dd\2\u1e50\u1e51\7\u0084\2\2\u1e51\u1e52\5\u03b8\u01dd\2\u1e52\u1e53"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u1e53\u1e54\5\u02ee\u0178\2\u1e54\u1e55\7\u04ff\2\2\u1e55"+ - "\u1e68\3\2\2\2\u1e56\u1e57\7\u0084\2\2\u1e57\u1e58\5\u03b8\u01dd\2\u1e58"+ - "\u1e59\7\u00c6\2\2\u1e59\u1e5a\7\u04f8\2\2\u1e5a\u1e5b\5\u02f2\u017a\2"+ - "\u1e5b\u1e5c\7\u04ff\2\2\u1e5c\u1e68\3\2\2\2\u1e5d\u1e5e\7\u0084\2\2\u1e5e"+ - "\u1e5f\5\u03b8\u01dd\2\u1e5f\u1e60\7\u04f8\2\2\u1e60\u1e61\5\u02ee\u0178"+ - "\2\u1e61\u1e62\7\u04ff\2\2\u1e62\u1e63\7\u00c6\2\2\u1e63\u1e64\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u1e64\u1e65\5\u02f2\u017a\2\u1e65\u1e66\7\u04ff\2\2\u1e66\u1e68\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1e67\u1e4e\3\2\2\2\u1e67\u1e50\3\2\2\2\u1e67\u1e56\3\2\2\2\u1e67"+ - "\u1e5d\3\2\2\2\u1e68\u02df\3\2\2\2\u1e69\u1e6b\tC\2\2\u1e6a\u1e69\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1e6a\u1e6b\3\2\2\2\u1e6b\u1e6c\3\2\2\2\u1e6c\u1e6f\5\u02e2\u0172"+ - "\2\u1e6d\u1e6e\7k\2\2\u1e6e\u1e70\5\u02dc\u016f\2\u1e6f\u1e6d\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1e6f\u1e70\3\2\2\2\u1e70\u02e1\3\2\2\2\u1e71\u1e73\5\u02e4\u0173\2\u1e72"+ - "\u1e71\3\2\2\2\u1e73\u1e74\3\2\2\2\u1e74\u1e72\3\2\2\2\u1e74\u1e75\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1e75\u02e3\3\2\2\2\u1e76\u1e77\7\u0180\2\2\u1e77\u1e78\5n8\2\u1e78"+ - "\u1e79\7\u00bc\2\2\u1e79\u1e7a\5\u02dc\u016f\2\u1e7a\u02e5\3\2\2\2\u1e7b"+ - "\u1e7c\7\u00c6\2\2\u1e7c\u1e87\5\u02f0\u0179\2\u1e7d\u1e7e\7\u00c6\2\2"+ - "\u1e7e\u1e87\5f\64\2\u1e7f\u1e81\5\u0302\u0182\2\u1e80\u1e82\5\u037e\u01c0"+ - "\2\u1e81\u1e80\3\2\2\2\u1e81\u1e82\3\2\2\2\u1e82\u1e84\3\2\2\2\u1e83\u1e85"+ - "\5\u031c\u018f\2\u1e84\u1e83\3\2\2\2\u1e84\u1e85\3\2\2\2\u1e85\u1e87\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1e86\u1e7b\3\2\2\2\u1e86\u1e7d\3\2\2\2\u1e86\u1e7f\3\2\2\2\u1e87"+ - "\u02e7\3\2\2\2\u1e88\u1e8a\5\u0336\u019c\2\u1e89\u1e88\3\2\2\2\u1e89\u1e8a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1e8a\u02e9\3\2\2\2\u1e8b\u1e90\5\u038e\u01c8\2\u1e8c\u1e8d\7"+ - "\u04f2\2\2\u1e8d\u1e8f\5\u038e\u01c8\2\u1e8e\u1e8c\3\2\2\2\u1e8f\u1e92"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1e90\u1e8e\3\2\2\2\u1e90\u1e91\3\2\2\2\u1e91\u02eb\3\2\2\2\u1e92"+ - "\u1e90\3\2\2\2\u1e93\u1e97\7\u0080\2\2\u1e94\u1e95\7\u051d\2\2\u1e95\u1e97"+ - "\5\u0354\u01ab\2\u1e96\u1e93\3\2\2\2\u1e96\u1e94\3\2\2\2\u1e97\u02ed\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1e98\u1e9d\5\u0168\u00b5\2\u1e99\u1e9a\7\u04f2\2\2\u1e9a\u1e9c"+ - "\5\u0168\u00b5\2\u1e9b\u1e99\3\2\2\2\u1e9c\u1e9f\3\2\2\2\u1e9d\u1e9b\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1e9d\u1e9e\3\2\2\2\u1e9e\u02ef\3\2\2\2\u1e9f\u1e9d\3\2\2\2\u1ea0"+ - "\u1ea1\b\u0179\1\2\u1ea1\u1ea2\7\u04f8\2\2\u1ea2\u1ea3\5\u02f2\u017a\2"+ - "\u1ea3\u1ea4\7\u04ff\2\2\u1ea4\u1ead\3\2\2\2\u1ea5\u1ea6\f\3\2\2\u1ea6"+ - "\u1ea7\7\u04f2\2\2\u1ea7\u1ea8\7\u04f8\2\2\u1ea8\u1ea9\5\u02f2\u017a\2"+ - "\u1ea9\u1eaa\7\u04ff\2\2\u1eaa\u1eac\3\2\2\2\u1eab\u1ea5\3\2\2\2\u1eac"+ - "\u1eaf\3\2\2\2\u1ead\u1eab\3\2\2\2\u1ead\u1eae\3\2\2\2\u1eae\u02f1\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1eaf\u1ead\3\2\2\2\u1eb0\u1eb5\5\u02f4\u017b\2\u1eb1\u1eb2\7\u04f2"+ - "\2\2\u1eb2\u1eb4\5\u02f4\u017b\2\u1eb3\u1eb1\3\2\2\2\u1eb4\u1eb7\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u1eb5\u1eb3\3\2\2\2\u1eb5\u1eb6\3\2\2\2\u1eb6\u02f3\3\2\2\2\u1eb7\u1eb5"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1eb8\u1ebb\5\66\34\2\u1eb9\u1ebb\7_\2\2\u1eba\u1eb8\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1eba\u1eb9\3\2\2\2\u1ebb\u02f5\3\2\2\2\u1ebc\u1ec0\7\u0133\2\2\u1ebd"+ - "\u1ebe\7\u051e\2\2\u1ebe\u1ec0\5\u0354\u01ab\2\u1ebf\u1ebc\3\2\2\2\u1ebf"+ - "\u1ebd\3\2\2\2\u1ec0\u02f7\3\2\2\2\u1ec1\u1ec2\5\u02f6\u017c\2\u1ec2\u1ec3"+ - "\7\u0084\2\2\u1ec3\u1ec4\5\u02fe\u0180\2\u1ec4\u1ec5\7\u017b\2\2\u1ec5"+ - "\u1ec6\5\u02fe\u0180\2\u1ec6\u1ec7\7\u009a\2\2\u1ec7\u1ec8\7\u04f8\2\2"+ - "\u1ec8\u1ec9\5n8\2\u1ec9\u1ecb\7\u04ff\2\2\u1eca\u1ecc\5\u02fa\u017e\2"+ - "\u1ecb\u1eca\3\2\2\2\u1ecb\u1ecc\3\2\2\2\u1ecc\u1ecd\3\2\2\2\u1ecd\u1ece"+ - "\5\u02fc\u017f\2\u1ece\u1ede\3\2\2\2\u1ecf\u1ed0\5\u02f6\u017c\2\u1ed0"+ - "\u1ed1\7\u0084\2\2\u1ed1\u1ed2\5\u02fe\u0180\2\u1ed2\u1ed3\7\u017b\2\2"+ - "\u1ed3\u1ed4\5\u02fe\u0180\2\u1ed4\u1ed5\7\u009a\2\2\u1ed5\u1ed6\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u1ed6\u1ed7\5n8\2\u1ed7\u1ed9\7\u04ff\2\2\u1ed8\u1eda\5\u02fc\u017f"+ - "\2\u1ed9\u1ed8\3\2\2\2\u1ed9\u1eda\3\2\2\2\u1eda\u1edb\3\2\2\2\u1edb\u1edc"+ - "\5\u02fa\u017e\2\u1edc\u1ede\3\2\2\2\u1edd\u1ec1\3\2\2\2\u1edd\u1ecf\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1ede\u02f9\3\2\2\2\u1edf\u1ee0\7\u0180\2\2\u1ee0\u1ee1\7\u0272"+ - "\2\2\u1ee1\u1ee2\7\u00bc\2\2\u1ee2\u1ee3\7\u00c3\2\2\u1ee3\u1ee4\7\u00b2"+ - "\2\2\u1ee4\u1eea\5\u00d8m\2\u1ee5\u1ee6\7\u00cb\2\2\u1ee6\u1eeb\5n8\2"+ - "\u1ee7\u1ee8\7\u00cb\2\2\u1ee8\u1ee9\7\u04f1\2\2\u1ee9\u1eeb\5n8\2\u1eea"+ - "\u1ee5\3\2\2\2\u1eea\u1ee7\3\2\2\2\u1eea\u1eeb\3\2\2\2\u1eeb\u1eef\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1eec\u1eed\7`\2\2\u1eed\u1eee\7\u00cb\2\2\u1eee\u1ef0\5n8\2\u1eef"+ - "\u1eec\3\2\2\2\u1eef\u1ef0\3\2\2\2\u1ef0\u02fb\3\2\2\2\u1ef1\u1ef2\7\u0180"+ - "\2\2\u1ef2\u1ef3\7\u0092\2\2\u1ef3\u1ef4\7\u0272\2\2\u1ef4\u1ef5\7\u00bc"+ - "\2\2\u1ef5\u1efa\7\u0080\2\2\u1ef6\u1ef7\7\u04f8\2\2\u1ef7\u1ef8\5\u02ee"+ - "\u0178\2\u1ef8\u1ef9\7\u04ff\2\2\u1ef9\u1efb\3\2\2\2\u1efa\u1ef6\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u1efa\u1efb\3\2\2\2\u1efb\u1efc\3\2\2\2\u1efc\u1efd\7\u00c6\2\2\u1efd"+ - "\u1efe\7\u04f8\2\2\u1efe\u1eff\5\u02f2\u017a\2\u1eff\u1f05\7\u04ff\2\2"+ - "\u1f00\u1f01\7\u00cb\2\2\u1f01\u1f06\5n8\2\u1f02\u1f03\7\u00cb\2\2\u1f03"+ - "\u1f04\7\u04f1\2\2\u1f04\u1f06\5n8\2\u1f05\u1f00\3\2\2\2\u1f05\u1f02\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1f05\u1f06\3\2\2\2\u1f06\u02fd\3\2\2\2\u1f07\u1f09\5\u03d0\u01e9"+ - "\2\u1f08\u1f0a\5\u060a\u0306\2\u1f09\u1f08\3\2\2\2\u1f09\u1f0a\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1f0a\u1f1e\3\2\2\2\u1f0b\u1f0d\5\u0304\u0183\2\u1f0c\u1f0e\5\u060a\u0306"+ - "\2\u1f0d\u1f0c\3\2\2\2\u1f0d\u1f0e\3\2\2\2\u1f0e\u1f1e\3\2\2\2\u1f0f\u1f10"+ - "\7\u00bb\2\2\u1f10\u1f13\7\u04f8\2\2\u1f11\u1f14\5\u0306\u0184\2\u1f12"+ - "\u1f14\5> \2\u1f13\u1f11\3\2\2\2\u1f13\u1f12\3\2\2\2\u1f14\u1f15\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u1f15\u1f17\7\u04ff\2\2\u1f16\u1f18\5\u060a\u0306\2\u1f17\u1f16\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1f17\u1f18\3\2\2\2\u1f18\u1f1e\3\2\2\2\u1f19\u1f1b\5\u03a0\u01d1"+ - "\2\u1f1a\u1f1c\5\u060a\u0306\2\u1f1b\u1f1a\3\2\2\2\u1f1b\u1f1c\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1f1c\u1f1e\3\2\2\2\u1f1d\u1f07\3\2\2\2\u1f1d\u1f0b\3\2\2\2\u1f1d\u1f0f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1f1d\u1f19\3\2\2\2\u1f1e\u02ff\3\2\2\2\u1f1f\u1f21\5\u0302\u0182"+ - "\2\u1f20\u1f22\5\u031c\u018f\2\u1f21\u1f20\3\2\2\2\u1f21\u1f22\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1f22\u1f3b\3\2\2\2\u1f23\u1f24\5\u0302\u0182\2\u1f24\u1f25\5\u0366\u01b4"+ - "\2\u1f25\u1f3b\3\2\2\2\u1f26\u1f27\5\u0302\u0182\2\u1f27\u1f28\5\u031e"+ - "\u0190\2\u1f28\u1f29\5\u0366\u01b4\2\u1f29\u1f3b\3\2\2\2\u1f2a\u1f2b\5"+ - "\u0302\u0182\2\u1f2b\u1f2d\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1f2c\u1f2e\5\u031c\u018f\2"+ - "\u1f2d\u1f2c\3\2\2\2\u1f2d\u1f2e\3\2\2\2\u1f2e\u1f3b\3\2\2\2\u1f2f\u1f30"+ - "\5\u0302\u0182\2\u1f30\u1f32\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1f31\u1f33\5\u031c\u018f"+ - "\2\u1f32\u1f31\3\2\2\2\u1f32\u1f33\3\2\2\2\u1f33\u1f34\3\2\2\2\u1f34\u1f35"+ - "\5\u0366\u01b4\2\u1f35\u1f3b\3\2\2\2\u1f36\u1f37\5\u0302\u0182\2\u1f37"+ - "\u1f38\5\u0366\u01b4\2\u1f38\u1f39\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1f39\u1f3b\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1f3a\u1f1f\3\2\2\2\u1f3a\u1f23\3\2\2\2\u1f3a\u1f26\3\2\2\2\u1f3a\u1f2a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1f3a\u1f2f\3\2\2\2\u1f3a\u1f36\3\2\2\2\u1f3b\u0301\3\2\2\2\u1f3c"+ - "\u1f40\5\u0306\u0184\2\u1f3d\u1f40\5\u0304\u0183\2\u1f3e\u1f40\5\u03fa"+ - "\u01fe\2\u1f3f\u1f3c\3\2\2\2\u1f3f\u1f3d\3\2\2\2\u1f3f\u1f3e\3\2\2\2\u1f40"+ - "\u0303\3\2\2\2\u1f41\u1f44\7\u04f8\2\2\u1f42\u1f45\5\u0306\u0184\2\u1f43"+ - "\u1f45\5\u03fa\u01fe\2\u1f44\u1f42\3\2\2\2\u1f44\u1f43\3\2\2\2\u1f45\u1f47"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1f46\u1f48\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u1f47\u1f46\3\2\2\2\u1f47\u1f48\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1f48\u1f4a\3\2\2\2\u1f49\u1f4b\5\u031c\u018f\2\u1f4a\u1f49\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1f4a\u1f4b\3\2\2\2\u1f4b\u1f4c\3\2\2\2\u1f4c\u1f4d\7\u04ff\2\2\u1f4d"+ - "\u1f53\3\2\2\2\u1f4e\u1f4f\7\u04f8\2\2\u1f4f\u1f50\5\u0304\u0183\2\u1f50"+ - "\u1f51\7\u04ff\2\2\u1f51\u1f53\3\2\2\2\u1f52\u1f41\3\2\2\2\u1f52\u1f4e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1f53\u0305\3\2\2\2\u1f54\u1f57\5\u0308\u0185\2\u1f55\u1f57\5"+ - "\u030a\u0186\2\u1f56\u1f54\3\2\2\2\u1f56\u1f55\3\2\2\2\u1f57\u0307\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1f58\u1f5b\5\u0316\u018c\2\u1f59\u1f5b\5\u0318\u018d\2\u1f5a\u1f58"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1f5a\u1f59\3\2\2\2\u1f5b\u0309\3\2\2\2\u1f5c\u1f5d\b\u0186\1"+ - "\2\u1f5d\u1f5e\5\u030e\u0188\2\u1f5e\u1f5f\5\u032e\u0198\2\u1f5f\u1f60"+ - "\5\u030c\u0187\2\u1f60\u1f67\3\2\2\2\u1f61\u1f62\f\4\2\2\u1f62\u1f63\5"+ - "\u032e\u0198\2\u1f63\u1f64\5\u030c\u0187\2\u1f64\u1f66\3\2\2\2\u1f65\u1f61"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1f66\u1f69\3\2\2\2\u1f67\u1f65\3\2\2\2\u1f67\u1f68\3\2\2\2\u1f68"+ - "\u030b\3\2\2\2\u1f69\u1f67\3\2\2\2\u1f6a\u1f6e\5\u0316\u018c\2\u1f6b\u1f6e"+ - "\5\u0318\u018d\2\u1f6c\u1f6e\5\u0304\u0183\2\u1f6d\u1f6a\3\2\2\2\u1f6d"+ - "\u1f6b\3\2\2\2\u1f6d\u1f6c\3\2\2\2\u1f6e\u030d\3\2\2\2\u1f6f\u1f70\5\u030c"+ - "\u0187\2\u1f70\u030f\3\2\2\2\u1f71\u1f75\7\u00b0\2\2\u1f72\u1f73\7\u051f"+ - "\2\2\u1f73\u1f75\5\u0354\u01ab\2\u1f74\u1f71\3\2\2\2\u1f74\u1f72\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u1f75\u0311\3\2\2\2\u1f76\u1f7a\7\u00c3\2\2\u1f77\u1f78\7\u0520\2\2"+ - "\u1f78\u1f7a\5\u0354\u01ab\2\u1f79\u1f76\3\2\2\2\u1f79\u1f77\3\2\2\2\u1f7a"+ - "\u0313\3\2\2\2\u1f7b\u1f7f\7`\2\2\u1f7c\u1f7d\7\u0521\2\2\u1f7d\u1f7f"+ - "\5\u0354\u01ab\2\u1f7e\u1f7b\3\2\2\2\u1f7e\u1f7c\3\2\2\2\u1f7f\u0315\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1f80\u1f82\5\u0310\u0189\2\u1f81\u1f83\5\u038a\u01c6\2\u1f82\u1f81"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1f82\u1f83\3\2\2\2\u1f83\u1f84\3\2\2\2\u1f84\u1f85\5\u0392\u01ca"+ - "\2\u1f85\u1f86\5\u0338\u019d\2\u1f86\u1f87\7r\2\2\u1f87\u1f8d\5\u0394"+ - "\u01cb\2\u1f88\u1f89\7\u00cb\2\2\u1f89\u1f8e\5n8\2\u1f8a\u1f8b\7\u00cb"+ - "\2\2\u1f8b\u1f8c\7\u04f1\2\2\u1f8c\u1f8e\5n8\2\u1f8d\u1f88\3\2\2\2\u1f8d"+ - "\u1f8a\3\2\2\2\u1f8d\u1f8e\3\2\2\2\u1f8e\u1fa0\3\2\2\2\u1f8f\u1f90\7t"+ - "\2\2\u1f90\u1f91\7O\2\2\u1f91\u1fa1\5\u036a\u01b6\2\u1f92\u1f93\7u\2\2"+ - "\u1f93\u1fa1\5n8\2\u1f94\u1f95\7t\2\2\u1f95\u1f96\7O\2\2\u1f96\u1f97\5"+ - "\u036a\u01b6\2\u1f97\u1f98\7u\2\2\u1f98\u1f99\5n8\2\u1f99\u1fa1\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u1f9a\u1f9b\7u\2\2\u1f9b\u1f9c\5n8\2\u1f9c\u1f9d\7t\2\2\u1f9d\u1f9e"+ - "\7O\2\2\u1f9e\u1f9f\5\u036a\u01b6\2\u1f9f\u1fa1\3\2\2\2\u1fa0\u1f8f\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1fa0\u1f92\3\2\2\2\u1fa0\u1f94\3\2\2\2\u1fa0\u1f9a\3\2\2\2\u1fa0"+ - "\u1fa1\3\2\2\2\u1fa1\u0317\3\2\2\2\u1fa2\u1fa4\5\u0310\u0189\2\u1fa3\u1fa5"+ - "\5\u038a\u01c6\2\u1fa4\u1fa3\3\2\2\2\u1fa4\u1fa5\3\2\2\2\u1fa5\u1fa6\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u1fa6\u1fa7\5\u0392\u01ca\2\u1fa7\u1fa8\5\u0338\u019d\2\u1fa8\u1fa9"+ - "\7r\2\2\u1fa9\u1faf\5\u0394\u01cb\2\u1faa\u1fab\7\u00cb\2\2\u1fab\u1fb0"+ - "\5n8\2\u1fac\u1fad\7\u00cb\2\2\u1fad\u1fae\7\u04f1\2\2\u1fae\u1fb0\5n"+ - "8\2\u1faf\u1faa\3\2\2\2\u1faf\u1fac\3\2\2\2\u1faf\u1fb0\3\2\2\2\u1fb0"+ - "\u1fb1\3\2\2\2\u1fb1\u1fb2\5\u031a\u018e\2\u1fb2\u1fc4\5\u0328\u0195\2"+ - "\u1fb3\u1fb4\7t\2\2\u1fb4\u1fb5\7O\2\2\u1fb5\u1fc5\5\u036a\u01b6\2\u1fb6"+ - "\u1fb7\7u\2\2\u1fb7\u1fc5\5n8\2\u1fb8\u1fb9\7t\2\2\u1fb9\u1fba\7O\2\2"+ - "\u1fba\u1fbb\5\u036a\u01b6\2\u1fbb\u1fbc\7u\2\2\u1fbc\u1fbd\5n8\2\u1fbd"+ - "\u1fc5\3\2\2\2\u1fbe\u1fbf\7u\2\2\u1fbf\u1fc0\5n8\2\u1fc0\u1fc1\7t\2\2"+ - "\u1fc1\u1fc2\7O\2\2\u1fc2\u1fc3\5\u036a\u01b6\2\u1fc3\u1fc5\3\2\2\2\u1fc4"+ - "\u1fb3\3\2\2\2\u1fc4\u1fb6\3\2\2\2\u1fc4\u1fb8\3\2\2\2\u1fc4\u1fbe\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1fc4\u1fc5\3\2\2\2\u1fc5\u1fed\3\2\2\2\u1fc6\u1fc8\5\u0310\u0189"+ - "\2\u1fc7\u1fc9\5\u038a\u01c6\2\u1fc8\u1fc7\3\2\2\2\u1fc8\u1fc9\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u1fc9\u1fca\3\2\2\2\u1fca\u1fcb\5\u0392\u01ca\2\u1fcb\u1fcc\5\u0338\u019d"+ - "\2\u1fcc\u1fcd\7r\2\2\u1fcd\u1fd3\5\u0394\u01cb\2\u1fce\u1fcf\7\u00cb"+ - "\2\2\u1fcf\u1fd4\5n8\2\u1fd0\u1fd1\7\u00cb\2\2\u1fd1\u1fd2\7\u04f1\2\2"+ - "\u1fd2\u1fd4\5n8\2\u1fd3\u1fce\3\2\2\2\u1fd3\u1fd0\3\2\2\2\u1fd3\u1fd4"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1fd4\u1fd5\3\2\2\2\u1fd5\u1fd7\5\u0328\u0195\2\u1fd6\u1fd8\5"+ - "\u031a\u018e\2\u1fd7\u1fd6\3\2\2\2\u1fd7\u1fd8\3\2\2\2\u1fd8\u1fea\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1fd9\u1fda\7t\2\2\u1fda\u1fdb\7O\2\2\u1fdb\u1feb\5\u036a\u01b6\2"+ - "\u1fdc\u1fdd\7u\2\2\u1fdd\u1feb\5n8\2\u1fde\u1fdf\7t\2\2\u1fdf\u1fe0\7"+ - "O\2\2\u1fe0\u1fe1\5\u036a\u01b6\2\u1fe1\u1fe2\7u\2\2\u1fe2\u1fe3\5n8\2"+ - "\u1fe3\u1feb\3\2\2\2\u1fe4\u1fe5\7u\2\2\u1fe5\u1fe6\5n8\2\u1fe6\u1fe7"+ - "\7t\2\2\u1fe7\u1fe8\7O\2\2\u1fe8\u1fe9\5\u036a\u01b6\2\u1fe9\u1feb\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1fea\u1fd9\3\2\2\2\u1fea\u1fdc\3\2\2\2\u1fea\u1fde\3\2\2\2\u1fea"+ - "\u1fe4\3\2\2\2\u1fea\u1feb\3\2\2\2\u1feb\u1fed\3\2\2\2\u1fec\u1fa2\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u1fec\u1fc6\3\2\2\2\u1fed\u0319\3\2\2\2\u1fee\u1fef\7\u00af\2\2\u1fef"+ - "\u1ff0\7\u00cd\2\2\u1ff0\u1ff1\5n8\2\u1ff1\u031b\3\2\2\2\u1ff2\u1ff3\7"+ - "\u029f\2\2\u1ff3\u1ff4\5\66\34\2\u1ff4\u1ff6\tD\2\2\u1ff5\u1ff7\5\u031e"+ - "\u0190\2\u1ff6\u1ff5\3\2\2\2\u1ff6\u1ff7\3\2\2\2\u1ff7\u1ffa\3\2\2\2\u1ff8"+ - "\u1ffa\5\u031e\u0190\2\u1ff9\u1ff2\3\2\2\2\u1ff9\u1ff8\3\2\2\2\u1ffa\u031d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u1ffb\u1ffe\5\u0320\u0191\2\u1ffc\u1ffe\5\u0322\u0192\2\u1ffd"+ - "\u1ffb\3\2\2\2\u1ffd\u1ffc\3\2\2\2\u1ffe\u031f\3\2\2\2\u1fff\u2003\5\u0324"+ - "\u0193\2\u2000\u2004\7\u04a8\2\2\u2001\u2002\7\u00cd\2\2\u2002\u2004\7"+ - "\u0264\2\2\u2003\u2000\3\2\2\2\u2003\u2001\3\2\2\2\u2004\u0321\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2005\u2009\5\u0326\u0194\2\u2006\u200a\7\u04a8\2\2\u2007\u2008\7\u00cd"+ - "\2\2\u2008\u200a\7\u0264\2\2\u2009\u2006\3\2\2\2\u2009\u2007\3\2\2\2\u200a"+ - "\u0323\3\2\2\2\u200b\u200c\7\u00fd\2\2\u200c\u200e\tE\2\2\u200d\u200f"+ - "\5\66\34\2\u200e\u200d\3\2\2\2\u200e\u200f\3\2\2\2\u200f\u2010\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2010\u2011\tD\2\2\u2011\u0325\3\2\2\2\u2012\u2013\7\u00fd\2\2\u2013"+ - "\u2014\tE\2\2\u2014\u2015\5\66\34\2\u2015\u2016\7\u02a8\2\2\u2016\u2017"+ - "\tD\2\2\u2017\u0327\3\2\2\2\u2018\u2019\7Z\2\2\u2019\u201b\7O\2\2\u201a"+ - "\u201c\7\u013d\2\2\u201b\u201a\3\2\2\2\u201b\u201c\3\2\2\2\u201c\u201d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u201d\u201e\5n8\2\u201e\u0329\3\2\2\2\u201f\u2020\7\u00c0\2\2"+ - "\u2020\u032b\3\2\2\2\u2021\u2022\tF\2\2\u2022\u032d\3\2\2\2\u2023\u2024"+ - "\5\u032a\u0196\2\u2024\u2025\5\u0330\u0199\2\u2025\u2028\3\2\2\2\u2026"+ - "\u2028\5\u032c\u0197\2\u2027\u2023\3\2\2\2\u2027\u2026\3\2\2\2\u2028\u032f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2029\u202b\7C\2\2\u202a\u2029\3\2\2\2\u202a\u202b\3\2\2\2\u202b"+ - "\u0331\3\2\2\2\u202c\u2033\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u202d\u202f\7\u00cb\2\2\u202e"+ - "\u2030\7\u04f1\2\2\u202f\u202e\3\2\2\2\u202f\u2030\3\2\2\2\u2030\u2031"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2031\u2033\5n8\2\u2032\u202c\3\2\2\2\u2032\u202d\3\2\2\2\u2033"+ - "\u0333\3\2\2\2\u2034\u203a\5\u0332\u019a\2\u2035\u2036\7\u00cb\2\2\u2036"+ - "\u2037\7\\\2\2\u2037\u2038\7\u0098\2\2\u2038\u203a\5V,\2\u2039\u2034\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2039\u2035\3\2\2\2\u203a\u0335\3\2\2\2\u203b\u203c\7\u00d9\2\2"+ - "\u203c\u203e\7\u00e2\2\2\u203d\u203b\3\2\2\2\u203d\u203e\3\2\2\2\u203e"+ - "\u203f\3\2\2\2\u203f\u2040\7\u0084\2\2\u2040\u2041\5\u033a\u019e\2\u2041"+ - "\u0337\3\2\2\2\u2042\u2043\7\u0084\2\2\u2043\u2044\7\u0145\2\2\u2044\u2045"+ - "\7\u0518\2\2\u2045\u2049\5\u034a\u01a6\2\u2046\u2047\5\u010a\u0086\2\u2047"+ - "\u2048\5\u01b0\u00d9\2\u2048\u204a\3\2\2\2\u2049\u2046\3\2\2\2\u2049\u204a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u204a\u204b\3\2\2\2\u204b\u204c\5\u033e\u01a0\2\u204c\u204d\5"+ - "\u034e\u01a8\2\u204d\u204e\5\u0344\u01a3\2\u204e\u2055\3\2\2\2\u204f\u2050"+ - "\7\u0084\2\2\u2050\u2051\7\u03c3\2\2\u2051\u2055\7\u0518\2\2\u2052\u2055"+ - "\5\u0336\u019c\2\u2053\u2055\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u2054\u2042\3\2\2\2\u2054"+ - "\u204f\3\2\2\2\u2054\u2052\3\2\2\2\u2054\u2053\3\2\2\2\u2055\u0339\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2056\u205b\5\u033c\u019f\2\u2057\u2058\7\u04f2\2\2\u2058\u205a\5"+ - "\u033c\u019f\2\u2059\u2057\3\2\2\2\u205a\u205d\3\2\2\2\u205b\u2059\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u205b\u205c\3\2\2\2\u205c\u033b\3\2\2\2\u205d\u205b\3\2\2\2\u205e"+ - "\u2066\7\u0512\2\2\u205f\u2066\5f\64\2\u2060\u2066\7\u0510\2\2\u2061\u2062"+ - "\6\u019f\34\2\u2062\u2063\7\u0510\2\2\u2063\u2064\7\u04fd\2\2\u2064\u2066"+ - "\5\u0608\u0305\2\u2065\u205e\3\2\2\2\u2065\u205f\3\2\2\2\u2065\u2060\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2065\u2061\3\2\2\2\u2066\u033d\3\2\2\2\u2067\u2068\5\u0426\u0214"+ - "\2\u2068\u2069\5\u0340\u01a1\2\u2069\u206c\3\2\2\2\u206a\u206c\5\u06fe"+ - "\u0380\2\u206b\u2067\3\2\2\2\u206b\u206a\3\2\2\2\u206c\u033f\3\2\2\2\u206d"+ - "\u206f\5\u0342\u01a2\2\u206e\u206d\3\2\2\2\u206f\u2070\3\2\2\2\u2070\u206e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2070\u2071\3\2\2\2\u2071\u0341\3\2\2\2\u2072\u2074\7\u0141\2"+ - "\2\u2073\u2072\3\2\2\2\u2073\u2074\3\2\2\2\u2074\u2075\3\2\2\2\u2075\u2078"+ - "\7\u00f7\2\2\u2076\u2078\7\u016e\2\2\u2077\u2073\3\2\2\2\u2077\u2076\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2078\u207b\3\2\2\2\u2079\u207b\7\u00f9\2\2\u207a\u2077\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u207a\u2079\3\2\2\2\u207b\u207c\3\2\2\2\u207c\u207d\7O\2\2\u207d\u207e"+ - "\7\u0518\2\2\u207e\u0343\3\2\2\2\u207f\u2081\5\u0346\u01a4\2\u2080\u207f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2080\u2081\3\2\2\2\u2081\u0345\3\2\2\2\u2082\u2084\5\u0348\u01a5"+ - "\2\u2083\u2082\3\2\2\2\u2084\u2085\3\2\2\2\u2085\u2083\3\2\2\2\u2085\u2086"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2086\u0347\3\2\2\2\u2087\u2089\7\16\2\2\u2088\u208a\7\u0504"+ - "\2\2\u2089\u2088\3\2\2\2\u2089\u208a\3\2\2\2\u208a\u208b\3\2\2\2\u208b"+ - 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"\2\u20af\u20b0\5\u0356\u01ac\2\u20b0\u20b1\7\u04f2\2\2\u20b1\u20b2\5\u0358"+ - "\u01ad\2\u20b2\u20b4\3\2\2\2\u20b3\u20ae\3\2\2\2\u20b3\u20af\3\2\2\2\u20b3"+ - "\u20b4\3\2\2\2\u20b4\u20b5\3\2\2\2\u20b5\u20b6\7\u0522\2\2\u20b6\u0355"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u20b7\u20b8\b\u01ac\1\2\u20b8\u20bb\5\u0358\u01ad\2\u20b9\u20bb"+ - "\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u20ba\u20b7\3\2\2\2\u20ba\u20b9\3\2\2\2\u20bb\u20c1\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u20bc\u20bd\f\3\2\2\u20bd\u20be\7\u04f2\2\2\u20be\u20c0\5\u0358"+ - "\u01ad\2\u20bf\u20bc\3\2\2\2\u20c0\u20c3\3\2\2\2\u20c1\u20bf\3\2\2\2\u20c1"+ - "\u20c2\3\2\2\2\u20c2\u0357\3\2\2\2\u20c3\u20c1\3\2\2\2\u20c4\u20c6\5\u035c"+ - "\u01af\2\u20c5\u20c4\3\2\2\2\u20c6\u20c7\3\2\2\2\u20c7\u20c5\3\2\2\2\u20c7"+ - "\u20c8\3\2\2\2\u20c8\u0359\3\2\2\2\u20c9\u20ca\b\u01ae\1\2\u20ca\u20cb"+ - "\5\u060a\u0306\2\u20cb\u20d3\3\2\2\2\u20cc\u20cd\f\4\2\2\u20cd\u20d2\5"+ - "\u060a\u0306\2\u20ce\u20cf\f\3\2\2\u20cf\u20d0\7\u04f2\2\2\u20d0\u20d2"+ - "\5\u060a\u0306\2\u20d1\u20cc\3\2\2\2\u20d1\u20ce\3\2\2\2\u20d2\u20d5\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u20d3\u20d1\3\2\2\2\u20d3\u20d4\3\2\2\2\u20d4\u035b\3\2\2\2\u20d5"+ - "\u20d3\3\2\2\2\u20d6\u21fa\7\u0523\2\2\u20d7\u20d8\7\u0524\2\2\u20d8\u20d9"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u20d9\u20da\5\u0360\u01b1\2\u20da\u20db\7\u04ff\2\2\u20db"+ - "\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u20dc\u20dd\7\u0525\2\2\u20dd\u20de\7\u04f8\2\2\u20de\u20df"+ - "\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u20df\u20e0\5\u03d8\u01ed\2\u20e0\u20e1\7\u0517\2\2\u20e1"+ - "\u20e2\7\u04ff\2\2\u20e2\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u20e3\u20e4\7\u0526\2\2\u20e4\u20e5"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u20e5\u20e6\7\u04e7\2\2\u20e6\u21fa\7\u04ff\2\2\u20e7\u20e8"+ - "\7\u0527\2\2\u20e8\u20e9\7\u04f8\2\2\u20e9\u20ea\7\u04e7\2\2\u20ea\u21fa"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u20eb\u20ec\7\u0528\2\2\u20ec\u20ed\7\u04f8\2\2\u20ed\u20ee"+ - "\7\u04e7\2\2\u20ee\u20ef\7\u04e7\2\2\u20ef\u21fa\7\u04ff\2\2\u20f0\u21fa"+ - "\7\u0529\2\2\u20f1\u20f2\7\u052a\2\2\u20f2\u20f3\7\u04f8\2\2\u20f3\u20f4"+ - "\7\u0517\2\2\u20f4\u21fa\7\u04ff\2\2\u20f5\u20f6\7\u052a\2\2\u20f6\u20f7"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u20f7\u20f8\7\u0518\2\2\u20f8\u21fa\7\u04ff\2\2\u20f9\u20fa"+ - "\7\u052b\2\2\u20fa\u20fb\7\u04f8\2\2\u20fb\u20fc\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u20fc"+ - "\u20fd\5\u03ea\u01f6\2\u20fd\u20fe\7\u04ff\2\2\u20fe\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u20ff"+ - "\u2100\7\u052b\2\2\u2100\u2101\7\u04f8\2\2\u2101\u2102\5\u03da\u01ee\2"+ - "\u2102\u2103\5\u03dc\u01ef\2\u2103\u2104\7\u04ff\2\2\u2104\u21fa\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2105\u21fa\7\u052c\2\2\u2106\u2107\7\u052d\2\2\u2107\u2108\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u2108\u2109\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u2109\u210a\5\u03d8\u01ed\2\u210a\u210b"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u210b\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u210c\u210d\7\u052e\2\2\u210d\u210e\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u210e\u210f\5\u0362\u01b2\2\u210f\u2110\7\u04ff\2\2\u2110\u21fa"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2111\u2112\7\u052f\2\2\u2112\u2113\7\u04f8\2\2\u2113\u2114\5"+ - "\u03da\u01ee\2\u2114\u2115\5\u03ec\u01f7\2\u2115\u2116\7\u04ff\2\2\u2116"+ - "\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u2117\u2118\7\u0530\2\2\u2118\u2119\7\u04f8\2\2\u2119\u211a"+ - "\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u211a\u211b\5\u03ec\u01f7\2\u211b\u211c\7\u04ff\2\2\u211c"+ - "\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u211d\u211e\7\u0531\2\2\u211e\u211f\7\u04f8\2\2\u211f\u2120"+ - "\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u2120\u2121\5\u03ec\u01f7\2\u2121\u2122\7\u04ff\2\2\u2122"+ - "\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u2123\u2124\7\u0532\2\2\u2124\u2125\7\u04f8\2\2\u2125\u2126"+ - "\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u2126\u2127\5\u03ec\u01f7\2\u2127\u2128\7\u04ff\2\2\u2128"+ - "\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u2129\u212a\7\u0533\2\2\u212a\u212b\7\u04f8\2\2\u212b\u212c"+ - "\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u212c\u212d\5\u03ec\u01f7\2\u212d\u212e\7\u04ff\2\2\u212e"+ - "\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u212f\u2130\7\u0534\2\2\u2130\u2131\7\u04f8\2\2\u2131\u2132"+ - "\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u2132\u2133\5\u03ec\u01f7\2\u2133\u2134\7\u04ff\2\2\u2134"+ - "\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u2135\u2136\7\u0535\2\2\u2136\u2137\7\u04f8\2\2\u2137\u2138"+ - "\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u2138\u2139\5\u03ec\u01f7\2\u2139\u213a\7\u04ff\2\2\u213a"+ - "\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u213b\u213c\7\u0536\2\2\u213c\u213d\7\u04f8\2\2\u213d\u213e"+ - "\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u213e\u213f\5\u03ec\u01f7\2\u213f\u2140\7\u04ff\2\2\u2140"+ - "\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u2141\u2142\7\u0537\2\2\u2142\u2143\7\u04f8\2\2\u2143\u2144"+ - "\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u2144\u2145\5\u03ec\u01f7\2\u2145\u2146\7\u04ff\2\2\u2146"+ - 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"\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u216b\u2170\7\u053f\2\2\u216c\u216d\7\u04f8\2\2\u216d\u216e"+ - "\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u216e\u216f\7\u04ff\2\2\u216f\u2171\3\2\2\2\u2170\u216c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2170\u2171\3\2\2\2\u2171\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u2172\u2177\7\u0540\2"+ - "\2\u2173\u2174\7\u04f8\2\2\u2174\u2175\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u2175\u2176\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u2176\u2178\3\2\2\2\u2177\u2173\3\2\2\2\u2177\u2178\3\2\2\2\u2178"+ - "\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u2179\u217e\7\u0541\2\2\u217a\u217b\7\u04f8\2\2\u217b\u217c"+ - "\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u217c\u217d\7\u04ff\2\2\u217d\u217f\3\2\2\2\u217e\u217a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u217e\u217f\3\2\2\2\u217f\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u2180\u2185\7\u0542\2"+ - "\2\u2181\u2182\7\u04f8\2\2\u2182\u2183\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u2183\u2184\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u2184\u2186\3\2\2\2\u2185\u2181\3\2\2\2\u2185\u2186\3\2\2\2\u2186"+ - "\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u2187\u218c\7\u0543\2\2\u2188\u2189\7\u04f8\2\2\u2189\u218a"+ - "\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u218a\u218b\7\u04ff\2\2\u218b\u218d\3\2\2\2\u218c\u2188"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u218c\u218d\3\2\2\2\u218d\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u218e\u218f\7\u0544\2"+ - 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"\2\2\u21da\u21db\7\u04ff\2\2\u21db\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u21dc\u21dd\7\u0392\2"+ - "\2\u21dd\u21de\7\u04f8\2\2\u21de\u21df\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u21df\u21e0\5\u03d8"+ - "\u01ed\2\u21e0\u21e1\7\u04ff\2\2\u21e1\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u21e2\u21e3\7\u0552"+ - "\2\2\u21e3\u21e4\7\u04f8\2\2\u21e4\u21e5\7\u04e7\2\2\u21e5\u21fa\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u21e6\u21fa\7\u0517\2\2\u21e7\u21fa\7\2\2\3\u21e8\u21fa\7\u0513\2"+ - "\2\u21e9\u21fa\7\u024b\2\2\u21ea\u21fa\7\u01a6\2\2\u21eb\u21f0\7\u04b4"+ - "\2\2\u21ec\u21ed\7\u04f8\2\2\u21ed\u21ee\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u21ee\u21ef\7"+ - "\u04ff\2\2\u21ef\u21f1\3\2\2\2\u21f0\u21ec\3\2\2\2\u21f0\u21f1\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u21f1\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u21f2\u21f7\7\u03b7\2\2\u21f3\u21f4\7\u04f8\2\2\u21f4"+ - "\u21f5\5\u03da\u01ee\2\u21f5\u21f6\7\u04ff\2\2\u21f6\u21f8\3\2\2\2\u21f7"+ - "\u21f3\3\2\2\2\u21f7\u21f8\3\2\2\2\u21f8\u21fa\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u20d6\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u21f9\u20d7\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u20dc\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u20e3\3\2\2\2\u21f9"+ - "\u20e7\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u20eb\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u20f0\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u20f1\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u21f9\u20f5\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u20f9\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u20ff\3\2\2\2\u21f9"+ - "\u2105\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u2106\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u210c\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u2111\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u21f9\u2117\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u211d\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u2123\3\2\2\2\u21f9"+ - "\u2129\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u212f\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u2135\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u213b\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u21f9\u2141\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u2147\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u214d\3\2\2\2\u21f9"+ - "\u214e\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u214f\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u2156\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u215d\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u21f9\u2164\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u216b\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u2172\3\2\2\2\u21f9"+ - "\u2179\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u2180\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u2187\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u218e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u21f9\u2193\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u2194\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u2195\3\2\2\2\u21f9"+ - "\u2196\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u2197\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u219c\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u21a1\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u21f9\u21a7\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u21a8\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u21a9\3\2\2\2\u21f9"+ - "\u21b2\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u21b8\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u21be\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u21bf\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u21f9\u21c3\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u21c7\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u21cb\3\2\2\2\u21f9"+ - "\u21cc\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u21cd\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u21dc\3\2\2\2\u21f9\u21e2\3\2"+ - 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"\3\2\2\2\u2218\u2219\3\2\2\2\u2219\u221a\3\2\2\2\u221a\u221b\5\66\34\2"+ - "\u221b\u221c\7r\2\2\u221c\u221d\5\66\34\2\u221d\u2225\3\2\2\2\u221e\u2220"+ - "\tL\2\2\u221f\u2221\5\66\34\2\u2220\u221f\3\2\2\2\u2220\u2221\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2221\u2222\3\2\2\2\u2222\u2223\7r\2\2\u2223\u2225\5\66\34\2\u2224\u2214"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2224\u2218\3\2\2\2\u2224\u221e\3\2\2\2\u2225\u0369\3\2\2\2\u2226"+ - "\u2227\5\u036c\u01b7\2\u2227\u036b\3\2\2\2\u2228\u222d\5\u036e\u01b8\2"+ - "\u2229\u222a\7\u04f2\2\2\u222a\u222c\5\u036e\u01b8\2\u222b\u2229\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u222c\u222f\3\2\2\2\u222d\u222b\3\2\2\2\u222d\u222e\3\2\2\2\u222e\u036d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u222f\u222d\3\2\2\2\u2230\u2237\5\u0370\u01b9\2\u2231\u2237\5"+ - "\u0372\u01ba\2\u2232\u2237\5\u0374\u01bb\2\u2233\u2237\5\u0378\u01bd\2"+ - "\u2234\u2235\7\u04f8\2\2\u2235\u2237\7\u04ff\2\2\u2236\u2230\3\2\2\2\u2236"+ - "\u2231\3\2\2\2\u2236\u2232\3\2\2\2\u2236\u2233\3\2\2\2\u2236\u2234\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2237\u036f\3\2\2\2\u2238\u2239\5\66\34\2\u2239\u0371\3\2\2\2\u223a"+ - "\u223b\7\u04be\2\2\u223b\u223c\7\u04f8\2\2\u223c\u223d\5\u0376\u01bc\2"+ - "\u223d\u223e\7\u04ff\2\2\u223e\u0373\3\2\2\2\u223f\u2240\7\u035c\2\2\u2240"+ - "\u2241\7\u04f8\2\2\u2241\u2242\5\u0376\u01bc\2\u2242\u2243\7\u04ff\2\2"+ - "\u2243\u0375\3\2\2\2\u2244\u2249\5\u0370\u01b9\2\u2245\u2246\7\u04f2\2"+ - "\2\u2246\u2248\5\u0370\u01b9\2\u2247\u2245\3\2\2\2\u2248\u224b\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2249\u2247\3\2\2\2\u2249\u224a\3\2\2\2\u224a\u0377\3\2\2\2\u224b\u2249"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u224c\u224d\7\u026f\2\2\u224d\u224e\7\u00b3\2\2\u224e\u224f\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u224f\u2250\5\u037a\u01be\2\u2250\u2251\7\u04ff\2\2\u2251\u0379"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2252\u2257\5\u037c\u01bf\2\u2253\u2254\7\u04f2\2\2\u2254\u2256"+ - "\5\u037c\u01bf\2\u2255\u2253\3\2\2\2\u2256\u2259\3\2\2\2\u2257\u2255\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2257\u2258\3\2\2\2\u2258\u037b\3\2\2\2\u2259\u2257\3\2\2\2\u225a"+ - "\u2260\5\u0370\u01b9\2\u225b\u2260\5\u0372\u01ba\2\u225c\u2260\5\u0374"+ - "\u01bb\2\u225d\u225e\7\u04f8\2\2\u225e\u2260\7\u04ff\2\2\u225f\u225a\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u225f\u225b\3\2\2\2\u225f\u225c\3\2\2\2\u225f\u225d\3\2\2\2\u2260"+ - "\u037d\3\2\2\2\u2261\u2263\7\u009e\2\2\u2262\u2264\7\u0237\2\2\u2263\u2262"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2263\u2264\3\2\2\2\u2264\u2265\3\2\2\2\u2265\u2266\7O\2\2\u2266"+ - "\u2267\5\u0380\u01c1\2\u2267\u037f\3\2\2\2\u2268\u226d\5\u0382\u01c2\2"+ - "\u2269\u226a\7\u04f2\2\2\u226a\u226c\5\u0382\u01c2\2\u226b\u2269\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u226c\u226f\3\2\2\2\u226d\u226b\3\2\2\2\u226d\u226e\3\2\2\2\u226e\u0381"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u226f\u226d\3\2\2\2\u2270\u2271\5\66\34\2\u2271\u2272\5\u0388"+ - "\u01c5\2\u2272\u0383\3\2\2\2\u2273\u2279\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u2274\u2275\7"+ - "\u04de\2\2\u2275\u2279\7\u02c1\2\2\u2276\u2277\7\u04de\2\2\u2277\u2279"+ - "\7\u023a\2\2\u2278\u2273\3\2\2\2\u2278\u2274\3\2\2\2\u2278\u2276\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2279\u0385\3\2\2\2\u227a\u227c\tM\2\2\u227b\u227a\3\2\2\2\u227b\u227c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u227c\u0387\3\2\2\2\u227d\u227e\5\u0386\u01c4\2\u227e\u227f\5"+ - "\u0384\u01c3\2\u227f\u0389\3\2\2\2\u2280\u2282\5\u038c\u01c7\2\u2281\u2283"+ - "\5\u038c\u01c7\2\u2282\u2281\3\2\2\2\u2282\u2283\3\2\2\2\u2283\u038b\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2284\u2285\tN\2\2\u2285\u038d\3\2\2\2\u2286\u228c\5\66\34\2\u2287"+ - "\u2288\7G\2\2\u2288\u228d\5\u0610\u0309\2\u2289\u228b\5\u0610\u0309\2"+ - "\u228a\u2289\3\2\2\2\u228a\u228b\3\2\2\2\u228b\u228d\3\2\2\2\u228c\u2287"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u228c\u228a\3\2\2\2\u228d\u2290\3\2\2\2\u228e\u2290\7\u04f6\2"+ - "\2\u228f\u2286\3\2\2\2\u228f\u228e\3\2\2\2\u2290\u038f\3\2\2\2\u2291\u2293"+ - "\7G\2\2\u2292\u2291\3\2\2\2\u2292\u2293\3\2\2\2\u2293\u0391\3\2\2\2\u2294"+ - "\u2299\5\u038e\u01c8\2\u2295\u2296\7\u04f2\2\2\u2296\u2298\5\u038e\u01c8"+ - "\2\u2297\u2295\3\2\2\2\u2298\u229b\3\2\2\2\u2299\u2297\3\2\2\2\u2299\u229a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u229a\u0393\3\2\2\2\u229b\u2299\3\2\2\2\u229c\u229d\5\u0396\u01cc"+ - "\2\u229d\u0395\3\2\2\2\u229e\u22a3\5\u0398\u01cd\2\u229f\u22a0\7\u04f2"+ - "\2\2\u22a0\u22a2\5\u0398\u01cd\2\u22a1\u229f\3\2\2\2\u22a2\u22a5\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u22a3\u22a1\3\2\2\2\u22a3\u22a4\3\2\2\2\u22a4\u0397\3\2\2\2\u22a5\u22a3"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u22a6\u22a9\5\u039a\u01ce\2\u22a7\u22a9\5\u03f2\u01fa\2\u22a8"+ - "\u22a6\3\2\2\2\u22a8\u22a7\3\2\2\2\u22a9\u0399\3\2\2\2\u22aa\u22d0\5\u039e"+ - "\u01d0\2\u22ab\u22ad\7\u011e\2\2\u22ac\u22ab\3\2\2\2\u22ac\u22ad\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u22ad\u22ae\3\2\2\2\u22ae\u22d0\5\u03c6\u01e4\2\u22af\u22b0\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u22b0\u22b1\5\u0398\u01cd\2\u22b1\u22b2\7\u04ff\2\2\u22b2\u22d0\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u22b3\u22b4\7\u00bb\2\2\u22b4\u22b7\7\u04f8\2\2\u22b5\u22b8\5\u0306"+ - "\u0184\2\u22b6\u22b8\5> \2\u22b7\u22b5\3\2\2\2\u22b7\u22b6\3\2\2\2\u22b8"+ - "\u22b9\3\2\2\2\u22b9\u22bb\7\u04ff\2\2\u22ba\u22bc\5\u060a\u0306\2\u22bb"+ - "\u22ba\3\2\2\2\u22bb\u22bc\3\2\2\2\u22bc\u22d0\3\2\2\2\u22bd\u22bf\5\u039c"+ - "\u01cf\2\u22be\u22c0\5\u060a\u0306\2\u22bf\u22be\3\2\2\2\u22bf\u22c0\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u22c0\u22d0\3\2\2\2\u22c1\u22c6\5\u0692\u034a\2\u22c2\u22c4\7G"+ - "\2\2\u22c3\u22c2\3\2\2\2\u22c3\u22c4\3\2\2\2\u22c4\u22c5\3\2\2\2\u22c5"+ - "\u22c7\5\u060a\u0306\2\u22c6\u22c3\3\2\2\2\u22c6\u22c7\3\2\2\2\u22c7\u22d0"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u22c8\u22cd\5\u066e\u0338\2\u22c9\u22cb\7G\2\2\u22ca\u22c9\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u22ca\u22cb\3\2\2\2\u22cb\u22cc\3\2\2\2\u22cc\u22ce\5\u060a\u0306"+ - "\2\u22cd\u22ca\3\2\2\2\u22cd\u22ce\3\2\2\2\u22ce\u22d0\3\2\2\2\u22cf\u22aa"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u22cf\u22ac\3\2\2\2\u22cf\u22af\3\2\2\2\u22cf\u22b3\3\2\2\2\u22cf"+ - "\u22bd\3\2\2\2\u22cf\u22c1\3\2\2\2\u22cf\u22c8\3\2\2\2\u22d0\u039b\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u22d1\u22d7\5\u00b8]\2\u22d2\u22d3\5\u0106\u0084\2\u22d3\u22d4\7"+ - "\u04fd\2\2\u22d4\u22d5\5\u039c\u01cf\2\u22d5\u22d7\3\2\2\2\u22d6\u22d1"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u22d6\u22d2\3\2\2\2\u22d7\u039d\3\2\2\2\u22d8\u22da\5\u03d0\u01e9"+ - "\2\u22d9\u22db\5\u03c8\u01e5\2\u22da\u22d9\3\2\2\2\u22da\u22db\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u22db\u22e2\3\2\2\2\u22dc\u22dd\5\u03c4\u01e3\2\u22dd\u22de\5\u03c0\u01e1"+ - "\2\u22de\u22e3\3\2\2\2\u22df\u22e1\5\u03c4\u01e3\2\u22e0\u22df\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u22e0\u22e1\3\2\2\2\u22e1\u22e3\3\2\2\2\u22e2\u22dc\3\2\2\2\u22e2\u22e0"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u22e3\u22e5\3\2\2\2\u22e4\u22e6\5\u03ce\u01e8\2\u22e5\u22e4\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u22e5\u22e6\3\2\2\2\u22e6\u22e8\3\2\2\2\u22e7\u22e9\5\u060a\u0306"+ - "\2\u22e8\u22e7\3\2\2\2\u22e8\u22e9\3\2\2\2\u22e9\u2300\3\2\2\2\u22ea\u22ec"+ - "\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u22eb\u22ed\5\u03c8\u01e5\2\u22ec\u22eb\3\2\2\2\u22ec"+ - "\u22ed\3\2\2\2\u22ed\u22f4\3\2\2\2\u22ee\u22ef\5\u03c4\u01e3\2\u22ef\u22f0"+ - "\5\u03c0\u01e1\2\u22f0\u22f5\3\2\2\2\u22f1\u22f3\5\u03c4\u01e3\2\u22f2"+ - "\u22f1\3\2\2\2\u22f2\u22f3\3\2\2\2\u22f3\u22f5\3\2\2\2\u22f4\u22ee\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u22f4\u22f2\3\2\2\2\u22f5\u22f7\3\2\2\2\u22f6\u22f8\5\u060a\u0306"+ - "\2\u22f7\u22f6\3\2\2\2\u22f7\u22f8\3\2\2\2\u22f8\u22f9\3\2\2\2\u22f9\u22fa"+ - "\5\u03a2\u01d2\2\u22fa\u2300\3\2\2\2\u22fb\u22fd\5\u03a0\u01d1\2\u22fc"+ - "\u22fe\5\u060a\u0306\2\u22fd\u22fc\3\2\2\2\u22fd\u22fe\3\2\2\2\u22fe\u2300"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u22ff\u22d8\3\2\2\2\u22ff\u22ea\3\2\2\2\u22ff\u22fb\3\2\2\2\u2300"+ - "\u039f\3\2\2\2\u2301\u2302\7\u00f5\2\2\u2302\u03a1\3\2\2\2\u2303\u2304"+ - "\7\u00a0\2\2\u2304\u2305\7\u04f8\2\2\u2305\u2306\5\u03a4\u01d3\2\u2306"+ - "\u2307\5\u03a8\u01d5\2\u2307\u2308\5\u03aa\u01d6\2\u2308\u2309\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u2309\u232e\3\2\2\2\u230a\u230b\7\u00a0\2\2\u230b\u230c\7\u04f8\2"+ - "\2\u230c\u230d\5\u03a4\u01d3\2\u230d\u230e\5\u03a8\u01d5\2\u230e\u230f"+ - "\5\u03aa\u01d6\2\u230f\u2310\7\u04ff\2\2\u2310\u2311\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2311"+ - "\u232e\3\2\2\2\u2312\u2317\7\u00c2\2\2\u2313\u2314\7n\2\2\u2314\u2318"+ - "\7\u04de\2\2\u2315\u2316\7}\2\2\u2316\u2318\7\u04de\2\2\u2317\u2313\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2317\u2315\3\2\2\2\u2317\u2318\3\2\2\2\u2318\u2319\3\2\2\2\u2319"+ - "\u231a\7\u04f8\2\2\u231a\u231b\5\u03b0\u01d9\2\u231b\u231c\5\u03a8\u01d5"+ - "\2\u231c\u231d\5\u03b2\u01da\2\u231d\u231e\7\u04ff\2\2\u231e\u232e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u231f\u2324\7\u00c2\2\2\u2320\u2321\7n\2\2\u2321\u2325\7\u04de\2"+ - "\2\u2322\u2323\7}\2\2\u2323\u2325\7\u04de\2\2\u2324\u2320\3\2\2\2\u2324"+ - "\u2322\3\2\2\2\u2324\u2325\3\2\2\2\u2325\u2326\3\2\2\2\u2326\u2327\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u2327\u2328\5\u03b0\u01d9\2\u2328\u2329\5\u03a8\u01d5\2\u2329\u232a"+ - "\5\u03b2\u01da\2\u232a\u232b\7\u04ff\2\2\u232b\u232c\5\u060a\u0306\2\u232c"+ - "\u232e\3\2\2\2\u232d\u2303\3\2\2\2\u232d\u230a\3\2\2\2\u232d\u2312\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u232d\u231f\3\2\2\2\u232e\u03a3\3\2\2\2\u232f\u2334\5\u03a6\u01d4"+ - "\2\u2330\u2331\7\u04f2\2\2\u2331\u2333\5\u03a6\u01d4\2\u2332\u2330\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2333\u2336\3\2\2\2\u2334\u2332\3\2\2\2\u2334\u2335\3\2\2\2\u2335"+ - "\u03a5\3\2\2\2\u2336\u2334\3\2\2\2\u2337\u233b\5\u00acW\2\u2338\u2339"+ - "\5\u0390\u01c9\2\u2339\u233a\5\u060a\u0306\2\u233a\u233c\3\2\2\2\u233b"+ - "\u2338\3\2\2\2\u233b\u233c\3\2\2\2\u233c\u2344\3\2\2\2\u233d\u2341\5\u00b6"+ - "\\\2\u233e\u233f\5\u0390\u01c9\2\u233f\u2340\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2340\u2342"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2341\u233e\3\2\2\2\u2341\u2342\3\2\2\2\u2342\u2344\3\2\2\2\u2343"+ - "\u2337\3\2\2\2\u2343\u233d\3\2\2\2\u2344\u03a7\3\2\2\2\u2345\u2346\7q"+ - "\2\2\u2346\u234d\5\u0608\u0305\2\u2347\u2348\7q\2\2\u2348\u2349\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u2349\u234a\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u234a\u234b\7\u04ff\2\2\u234b\u234d\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u234c\u2345\3\2\2\2\u234c\u2347\3\2\2\2\u234d\u03a9\3\2\2\2\u234e"+ - "\u234f\7{\2\2\u234f\u2350\7\u04f8\2\2\u2350\u2351\5\u03ac\u01d7\2\u2351"+ - "\u2352\7\u04ff\2\2\u2352\u03ab\3\2\2\2\u2353\u2358\5\u03ae\u01d8\2\u2354"+ - "\u2355\7\u04f2\2\2\u2355\u2357\5\u03ae\u01d8\2\u2356\u2354\3\2\2\2\u2357"+ - "\u235a\3\2\2\2\u2358\u2356\3\2\2\2\u2358\u2359\3\2\2\2\u2359\u03ad\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u235a\u2358\3\2\2\2\u235b\u2361\5\66\34\2\u235c\u235d\7G\2\2\u235d"+ - "\u2362\5\u060a\u0306\2\u235e\u2360\5\u060a\u0306\2\u235f\u235e\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u235f\u2360\3\2\2\2\u2360\u2362\3\2\2\2\u2361\u235c\3\2\2\2\u2361\u235f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2362\u03af\3\2\2\2\u2363\u2369\5\u0608\u0305\2\u2364\u2365\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u2365\u2366\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u2366\u2367\7\u04ff\2\2\u2367\u2369"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2368\u2363\3\2\2\2\u2368\u2364\3\2\2\2\u2369\u03b1\3\2\2\2\u236a"+ - "\u236b\7{\2\2\u236b\u236c\7\u04f8\2\2\u236c\u236d\5\u03b4\u01db\2\u236d"+ - "\u236e\7\u04ff\2\2\u236e\u03b3\3\2\2\2\u236f\u2374\5\u03b6\u01dc\2\u2370"+ - "\u2371\7\u04f2\2\2\u2371\u2373\5\u03b6\u01dc\2\u2372\u2370\3\2\2\2\u2373"+ - "\u2376\3\2\2\2\u2374\u2372\3\2\2\2\u2374\u2375\3\2\2\2\u2375\u03b5\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2376\u2374\3\2\2\2\u2377\u237a\5\u03b0\u01d9\2\u2378\u2379\7G\2"+ - "\2\u2379\u237b\5\66\34\2\u237a\u2378\3\2\2\2\u237a\u237b\3\2\2\2\u237b"+ - "\u03b7\3\2\2\2\u237c\u237e\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u237d\u237f\5\u03c8\u01e5\2"+ - "\u237e\u237d\3\2\2\2\u237e\u237f\3\2\2\2\u237f\u03b9\3\2\2\2\u2380\u238d"+ - "\5\u028a\u0146\2\u2381\u2383\5\u031c\u018f\2\u2382\u2384\5\u028a\u0146"+ - "\2\u2383\u2382\3\2\2\2\u2383\u2384\3\2\2\2\u2384\u238d\3\2\2\2\u2385\u2387"+ - "\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u2386\u2388\5\u031c\u018f\2\u2387\u2386\3\2\2\2\u2387"+ - "\u2388\3\2\2\2\u2388\u238a\3\2\2\2\u2389\u238b\5\u028a\u0146\2\u238a\u2389"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u238a\u238b\3\2\2\2\u238b\u238d\3\2\2\2\u238c\u2380\3\2\2\2\u238c"+ - "\u2381\3\2\2\2\u238c\u2385\3\2\2\2\u238d\u03bb\3\2\2\2\u238e\u2390\5\u03b8"+ - "\u01dd\2\u238f\u2391\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2390\u238f\3\2\2\2\u2390\u2391\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2391\u239e\3\2\2\2\u2392\u2394\5\u0304\u0183\2\u2393\u2395\5\u060a"+ - "\u0306\2\u2394\u2393\3\2\2\2\u2394\u2395\3\2\2\2\u2395\u239e\3\2\2\2\u2396"+ - "\u2397\7\u04f8\2\2\u2397\u2398\5\u0302\u0182\2\u2398\u2399\5\u03ba\u01de"+ - "\2\u2399\u239b\7\u04ff\2\2\u239a\u239c\5\u060a\u0306\2\u239b\u239a\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u239b\u239c\3\2\2\2\u239c\u239e\3\2\2\2\u239d\u238e\3\2\2\2\u239d"+ - "\u2392\3\2\2\2\u239d\u2396\3\2\2\2\u239e\u03bd\3\2\2\2\u239f\u23a1\5\u03b8"+ - "\u01dd\2\u23a0\u23a2\5\u060a\u0306\2\u23a1\u23a0\3\2\2\2\u23a1\u23a2\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u23a2\u23b6\3\2\2\2\u23a3\u23a4\7\u04a8\2\2\u23a4\u23a5\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u23a5\u23a6\5\u03b8\u01dd\2\u23a6\u23a8\7\u04ff\2\2\u23a7\u23a9\5"+ - "\u060a\u0306\2\u23a8\u23a7\3\2\2\2\u23a8\u23a9\3\2\2\2\u23a9\u23b6\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u23aa\u23ac\5\u0304\u0183\2\u23ab\u23ad\5\u060a\u0306\2\u23ac\u23ab"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u23ac\u23ad\3\2\2\2\u23ad\u23b6\3\2\2\2\u23ae\u23af\7\u04f8\2"+ - "\2\u23af\u23b0\5\u0302\u0182\2\u23b0\u23b1\5\u03ba\u01de\2\u23b1\u23b3"+ - 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"\7\u04f8\2\2\u23d4\u23d5\5\u0302\u0182\2\u23d5\u23d6\5\u03ba\u01de\2\u23d6"+ - "\u23d8\7\u04ff\2\2\u23d7\u23d9\5\u03ce\u01e8\2\u23d8\u23d7\3\2\2\2\u23d8"+ - "\u23d9\3\2\2\2\u23d9\u23db\3\2\2\2\u23da\u23dc\5\u060a\u0306\2\u23db\u23da"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u23db\u23dc\3\2\2\2\u23dc\u23de\3\2\2\2\u23dd\u23df\5\u03a2\u01d2"+ - "\2\u23de\u23dd\3\2\2\2\u23de\u23df\3\2\2\2\u23df\u23e1\3\2\2\2\u23e0\u23c9"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u23e0\u23d3\3\2\2\2\u23e1\u03c7\3\2\2\2\u23e2\u23e3\tP\2\2\u23e3"+ - "\u23e4\7\u04f8\2\2\u23e4\u23e5\5\u035a\u01ae\2\u23e5\u23e6\7\u04ff\2\2"+ - "\u23e6\u23ed\3\2\2\2\u23e7\u23e8\7\u0149\2\2\u23e8\u23e9\7\u04f8\2\2\u23e9"+ - "\u23ea\5\u03ca\u01e6\2\u23ea\u23eb\7\u04ff\2\2\u23eb\u23ed\3\2\2\2\u23ec"+ - "\u23e2\3\2\2\2\u23ec\u23e7\3\2\2\2\u23ed\u03c9\3\2\2\2\u23ee\u23ef\b\u01e6"+ - "\1\2\u23ef\u23f2\5\u03cc\u01e7\2\u23f0\u23f2\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u23f1\u23ee"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u23f1\u23f0\3\2\2\2\u23f2\u23f8\3\2\2\2\u23f3\u23f4\f\3\2\2\u23f4"+ - "\u23f5\7\u04f2\2\2\u23f5\u23f7\5\u03cc\u01e7\2\u23f6\u23f3\3\2\2\2\u23f7"+ - "\u23fa\3\2\2\2\u23f8\u23f6\3\2\2\2\u23f8\u23f9\3\2\2\2\u23f9\u03cb\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u23fa\u23f8\3\2\2\2\u23fb\u23fc\5\u060a\u0306\2\u23fc\u23fd\7\u0504"+ - "\2\2\u23fd\u23fe\5\"\22\2\u23fe\u03cd\3\2\2\2\u23ff\u2400\7G\2\2\u2400"+ - "\u2401\7\u0098\2\2\u2401\u2402\tQ\2\2\u2402\u2403\5\66\34\2\u2403\u03cf"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2404\u2407\5\u03d2\u01ea\2\u2405\u2407\5\u03d4\u01eb\2\u2406"+ - "\u2404\3\2\2\2\u2406\u2405\3\2\2\2\u2407\u03d1\3\2\2\2\u2408\u240b\5\u060a"+ - "\u0306\2\u2409\u240a\7\u0512\2\2\u240a\u240c\5\u03d6\u01ec\2\u240b\u2409"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u240b\u240c\3\2\2\2\u240c\u2415\3\2\2\2\u240d\u240e\5\u0106\u0084"+ - "\2\u240e\u240f\7\u04fd\2\2\u240f\u2412\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2410\u2411\7\u0512"+ - "\2\2\u2411\u2413\5\u03d6\u01ec\2\u2412\u2410\3\2\2\2\u2412\u2413\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2413\u2415\3\2\2\2\u2414\u2408\3\2\2\2\u2414\u240d\3\2\2\2\u2415\u03d3"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2416\u2417\7\u04fd\2\2\u2417\u2418\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2418\u03d5"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2419\u241b\7\u04f7\2\2\u241a\u2419\3\2\2\2\u241a\u241b\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u241b\u03d7\3\2\2\2\u241c\u241d\5\u03d2\u01ea\2\u241d\u241e\5\u03da"+ - "\u01ee\2\u241e\u03d9\3\2\2\2\u241f\u2420\7\u04ea\2\2\u2420\u2423\7\u0517"+ - "\2\2\u2421\u2423\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u2422\u241f\3\2\2\2\u2422\u2421\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2423\u03db\3\2\2\2\u2424\u242a\5\u03d8\u01ed\2\u2425\u2426\5\u03de"+ - "\u01f0\2\u2426\u2427\5\u03d8\u01ed\2\u2427\u2429\3\2\2\2\u2428\u2425\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2429\u242c\3\2\2\2\u242a\u2428\3\2\2\2\u242a\u242b\3\2\2\2\u242b"+ - "\u03dd\3\2\2\2\u242c\u242a\3\2\2\2\u242d\u242f\7\u04f2\2\2\u242e\u242d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u242e\u242f\3\2\2\2\u242f\u03df\3\2\2\2\u2430\u2436\5\u03d2\u01ea"+ - "\2\u2431\u2432\5\u03de\u01f0\2\u2432\u2433\5\u03d2\u01ea\2\u2433\u2435"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2434\u2431\3\2\2\2\u2435\u2438\3\2\2\2\u2436\u2434\3\2\2\2\u2436"+ - "\u2437\3\2\2\2\u2437\u03e1\3\2\2\2\u2438\u2436\3\2\2\2\u2439\u243f\5\u03d8"+ - "\u01ed\2\u243a\u243b\7\u04f8\2\2\u243b\u243c\5\u03dc\u01ef\2\u243c\u243d"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u243d\u243f\3\2\2\2\u243e\u2439\3\2\2\2\u243e\u243a\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u243f\u03e3\3\2\2\2\u2440\u2441\7\u04f8\2\2\u2441\u2442\5\u03dc\u01ef"+ - "\2\u2442\u2443\7\u04ff\2\2\u2443\u03e5\3\2\2\2\u2444\u2448\7\u04e7\2\2"+ - "\u2445\u2446\5\u03de\u01f0\2\u2446\u2447\5\u03e6\u01f4\2\u2447\u2449\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2448\u2445\3\2\2\2\u2448\u2449\3\2\2\2\u2449\u03e7\3\2\2\2\u244a"+ - "\u244b\b\u01f5\1\2\u244b\u2456\5\u03e4\u01f3\2\u244c\u2450\7\u04f8\2\2"+ - "\u244d\u244e\5\u03dc\u01ef\2\u244e\u244f\5\u03de\u01f0\2\u244f\u2451\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2450\u244d\3\2\2\2\u2450\u2451\3\2\2\2\u2451\u2452\3\2\2\2\u2452"+ - "\u2453\5\u03e8\u01f5\2\u2453\u2454\7\u04ff\2\2\u2454\u2456\3\2\2\2\u2455"+ - "\u244a\3\2\2\2\u2455\u244c\3\2\2\2\u2456\u2467\3\2\2\2\u2457\u2458\f\4"+ - "\2\2\u2458\u245b\5\u03de\u01f0\2\u2459\u245c\5\u03d8\u01ed\2\u245a\u245c"+ - "\5\u03e4\u01f3\2\u245b\u2459\3\2\2\2\u245b\u245a\3\2\2\2\u245c\u2466\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u245d\u245e\f\3\2\2\u245e\u245f\5\u03de\u01f0\2\u245f\u2460\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u2460\u2461\5\u03dc\u01ef\2\u2461\u2462\5\u03de\u01f0\2\u2462\u2463"+ - "\5\u03e8\u01f5\2\u2463\u2464\7\u04ff\2\2\u2464\u2466\3\2\2\2\u2465\u2457"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2465\u245d\3\2\2\2\u2466\u2469\3\2\2\2\u2467\u2465\3\2\2\2\u2467"+ - "\u2468\3\2\2\2\u2468\u03e9\3\2\2\2\u2469\u2467\3\2\2\2\u246a\u246b\5\u03dc"+ - "\u01ef\2\u246b\u246c\5\u03de\u01f0\2\u246c\u246e\3\2\2\2\u246d\u246a\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u246d\u246e\3\2\2\2\u246e\u246f\3\2\2\2\u246f\u2470\5\u03e8\u01f5"+ - "\2\u2470\u03eb\3\2\2\2\u2471\u2472\b\u01f7\1\2\u2472\u2478\5\u03d8\u01ed"+ - "\2\u2473\u2474\7\u04f8\2\2\u2474\u2475\5\u03dc\u01ef\2\u2475\u2476\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u2476\u2478\3\2\2\2\u2477\u2471\3\2\2\2\u2477\u2473\3\2\2\2\u2478"+ - "\u2485\3\2\2\2\u2479\u247a\f\4\2\2\u247a\u247b\5\u03de\u01f0\2\u247b\u247c"+ - "\5\u03d8\u01ed\2\u247c\u2484\3\2\2\2\u247d\u247e\f\3\2\2\u247e\u247f\5"+ - "\u03de\u01f0\2\u247f\u2480\7\u04f8\2\2\u2480\u2481\5\u03dc\u01ef\2\u2481"+ - "\u2482\7\u04ff\2\2\u2482\u2484\3\2\2\2\u2483\u2479\3\2\2\2\u2483\u247d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2484\u2487\3\2\2\2\u2485\u2483\3\2\2\2\u2485\u2486\3\2\2\2\u2486"+ - 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"\u24ab\3\2\2\2\u24ab\u24ac\3\2\2\2\u24ac\u24ad\7\u011a\2\2\u24ad\u24ae"+ - "\5\u039a\u01ce\2\u24ae\u24af\7\u017b\2\2\u24af\u24b0\7\u04f8\2\2\u24b0"+ - "\u24b1\5\u02ee\u0178\2\u24b1\u24b2\7\u04ff\2\2\u24b2\u24bc\3\2\2\2\u24b3"+ - "\u24b7\5\u039a\u01ce\2\u24b4\u24b5\7\u00e3\2\2\u24b5\u24b8\7\u011a\2\2"+ - "\u24b6\u24b8\5\u03f4\u01fb\2\u24b7\u24b4\3\2\2\2\u24b7\u24b6\3\2\2\2\u24b8"+ - "\u24b9\3\2\2\2\u24b9\u24ba\5\u039a\u01ce\2\u24ba\u24bc\3\2\2\2\u24bb\u2498"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u24bb\u249f\3\2\2\2\u24bb\u24a8\3\2\2\2\u24bb\u24b3\3\2\2\2\u24bc"+ - "\u24eb\3\2\2\2\u24bd\u24be\f\t\2\2\u24be\u24bf\5\u03f4\u01fb\2\u24bf\u24c0"+ - "\5\u039a\u01ce\2\u24c0\u24ea\3\2\2\2\u24c1\u24c2\f\b\2\2\u24c2\u24c3\7"+ - "\u00e3\2\2\u24c3\u24c4\7\u011a\2\2\u24c4\u24ea\5\u039a\u01ce\2\u24c5\u24c6"+ - "\f\7\2\2\u24c6\u24c7\5\u03f6\u01fc\2\u24c7\u24c8\7\u011a\2\2\u24c8\u24c9"+ - "\5\u039a\u01ce\2\u24c9\u24ca\5\u03f0\u01f9\2\u24ca\u24ea\3\2\2\2\u24cb"+ - "\u24cc\f\6\2\2\u24cc\u24cd\7\u011a\2\2\u24cd\u24ce\5\u039a\u01ce\2\u24ce"+ - "\u24cf\7\u009a\2\2\u24cf\u24d0\5n8\2\u24d0\u24ea\3\2\2\2\u24d1\u24d2\f"+ - "\5\2\2\u24d2\u24d3\7\u010c\2\2\u24d3\u24d4\7\u011a\2\2\u24d4\u24d5\5\u039a"+ - "\u01ce\2\u24d5\u24d6\7\u009a\2\2\u24d6\u24d7\5n8\2\u24d7\u24ea\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u24d8\u24d9\f\4\2\2\u24d9\u24da\7\u011a\2\2\u24da\u24db\5\u039a\u01ce"+ - "\2\u24db\u24dc\7\u017b\2\2\u24dc\u24dd\7\u04f8\2\2\u24dd\u24de\5\u02ee"+ - "\u0178\2\u24de\u24df\7\u04ff\2\2\u24df\u24ea\3\2\2\2\u24e0\u24e1\f\3\2"+ - "\2\u24e1\u24e2\7\u010c\2\2\u24e2\u24e3\7\u011a\2\2\u24e3\u24e4\5\u039a"+ - "\u01ce\2\u24e4\u24e5\7\u017b\2\2\u24e5\u24e6\7\u04f8\2\2\u24e6\u24e7\5"+ - "\u02ee\u0178\2\u24e7\u24e8\7\u04ff\2\2\u24e8\u24ea\3\2\2\2\u24e9\u24bd"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u24e9\u24c1\3\2\2\2\u24e9\u24c5\3\2\2\2\u24e9\u24cb\3\2\2\2\u24e9"+ - "\u24d1\3\2\2\2\u24e9\u24d8\3\2\2\2\u24e9\u24e0\3\2\2\2\u24ea\u24ed\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u24eb\u24e9\3\2\2\2\u24eb\u24ec\3\2\2\2\u24ec\u03f3\3\2\2\2\u24ed"+ - "\u24eb\3\2\2\2\u24ee\u24f3\7\u013c\2\2\u24ef\u24f4\7\u010c\2\2\u24f0\u24f2"+ - 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"\3\2\2\2\u2512\u2513\3\2\2\2\u2513\u03ff\3\2\2\2\u2514\u2512\3\2\2\2\u2515"+ - "\u251a\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2516\u2517\7\u04f8\2\2\u2517\u2518\5\u0404\u0203"+ - "\2\u2518\u2519\7\u04ff\2\2\u2519\u251b\3\2\2\2\u251a\u2516\3\2\2\2\u251a"+ - "\u251b\3\2\2\2\u251b\u251c\3\2\2\2\u251c\u251d\7G\2\2\u251d\u251e\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u251e\u2520\5\u0306\u0184\2\u251f\u2521\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u2520\u251f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2520\u2521\3\2\2\2\u2521\u2523\3\2\2\2\u2522\u2524\5\u031c\u018f"+ - "\2\u2523\u2522\3\2\2\2\u2523\u2524\3\2\2\2\u2524\u2525\3\2\2\2\u2525\u2534"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u2526\u2527\7\u0168\2\2\u2527\u2528\7\u0247\2\2\u2528\u2529"+ - "\7\u023a\2\2\u2529\u252a\7O\2\2\u252a\u252b\5\u0380\u01c1\2\u252b\u252c"+ - "\5\u0408\u0205\2\u252c\u2535\3\2\2\2\u252d\u252e\7\u0168\2\2\u252e\u252f"+ - "\7\u0446\2\2\u252f\u2530\7\u023a\2\2\u2530\u2531\7O\2\2\u2531\u2532\5"+ - "\u0380\u01c1\2\u2532\u2533\5\u0408\u0205\2\u2533\u2535\3\2\2\2\u2534\u2526"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2534\u252d\3\2\2\2\u2534\u2535\3\2\2\2\u2535\u253f\3\2\2\2\u2536"+ - "\u2537\7\u00e4\2\2\u2537\u2538\5\u0404\u0203\2\u2538\u2539\7\u00b2\2\2"+ - "\u2539\u253a\5\u0606\u0304\2\u253a\u253b\7\u00bd\2\2\u253b\u253c\7\u0518"+ - "\2\2\u253c\u253d\7_\2\2\u253d\u253e\7\u0518\2\2\u253e\u2540\3\2\2\2\u253f"+ - "\u2536\3\2\2\2\u253f\u2540\3\2\2\2\u2540\u25b8\3\2\2\2\u2541\u2546\5\u060a"+ - "\u0306\2\u2542\u2543\7\u04f8\2\2\u2543\u2544\5\u0404\u0203\2\u2544\u2545"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u2545\u2547\3\2\2\2\u2546\u2542\3\2\2\2\u2546\u2547\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2547\u2548\3\2\2\2\u2548\u2549\7G\2\2\u2549\u254a\7\u04f8\2\2\u254a"+ - "\u254b\5\u03fa\u01fe\2\u254b\u255a\7\u04ff\2\2\u254c\u254d\7\u0168\2\2"+ - "\u254d\u254e\7\u0247\2\2\u254e\u254f\7\u023a\2\2\u254f\u2550\7O\2\2\u2550"+ - "\u2551\5\u0380\u01c1\2\u2551\u2552\5\u0408\u0205\2\u2552\u255b\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2553\u2554\7\u0168\2\2\u2554\u2555\7\u0446\2\2\u2555\u2556\7\u023a\2"+ - "\2\u2556\u2557\7O\2\2\u2557\u2558\5\u0380\u01c1\2\u2558\u2559\5\u0408"+ - "\u0205\2\u2559\u255b\3\2\2\2\u255a\u254c\3\2\2\2\u255a\u2553\3\2\2\2\u255a"+ - "\u255b\3\2\2\2\u255b\u2565\3\2\2\2\u255c\u255d\7\u00e4\2\2\u255d\u255e"+ - "\5\u0404\u0203\2\u255e\u255f\7\u00b2\2\2\u255f\u2560\5\u0606\u0304\2\u2560"+ - "\u2561\7\u00bd\2\2\u2561\u2562\7\u0518\2\2\u2562\u2563\7_\2\2\u2563\u2564"+ - "\7\u0518\2\2\u2564\u2566\3\2\2\2\u2565\u255c\3\2\2\2\u2565\u2566\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2566\u25b8\3\2\2\2\u2567\u256c\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2568\u2569\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u2569\u256a\5\u0404\u0203\2\u256a\u256b\7\u04ff\2\2\u256b\u256d\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u256c\u2568\3\2\2\2\u256c\u256d\3\2\2\2\u256d\u256e\3\2\2\2\u256e"+ - "\u256f\7G\2\2\u256f\u2570\7\u04f8\2\2\u2570\u2571\5\u0304\u0183\2\u2571"+ - "\u2580\7\u04ff\2\2\u2572\u2573\7\u0168\2\2\u2573\u2574\7\u0247\2\2\u2574"+ - "\u2575\7\u023a\2\2\u2575\u2576\7O\2\2\u2576\u2577\5\u0380\u01c1\2\u2577"+ - "\u2578\5\u0408\u0205\2\u2578\u2581\3\2\2\2\u2579\u257a\7\u0168\2\2\u257a"+ - "\u257b\7\u0446\2\2\u257b\u257c\7\u023a\2\2\u257c\u257d\7O\2\2\u257d\u257e"+ - "\5\u0380\u01c1\2\u257e\u257f\5\u0408\u0205\2\u257f\u2581\3\2\2\2\u2580"+ - "\u2572\3\2\2\2\u2580\u2579\3\2\2\2\u2580\u2581\3\2\2\2\u2581\u258b\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2582\u2583\7\u00e4\2\2\u2583\u2584\5\u0404\u0203\2\u2584\u2585\7"+ - "\u00b2\2\2\u2585\u2586\5\u0606\u0304\2\u2586\u2587\7\u00bd\2\2\u2587\u2588"+ - "\7\u0518\2\2\u2588\u2589\7_\2\2\u2589\u258a\7\u0518\2\2\u258a\u258c\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u258b\u2582\3\2\2\2\u258b\u258c\3\2\2\2\u258c\u25b8\3\2\2\2\u258d"+ - "\u2592\5\u060a\u0306\2\u258e\u258f\7\u04f8\2\2\u258f\u2590\5\u0404\u0203"+ - "\2\u2590\u2591\7\u04ff\2\2\u2591\u2593\3\2\2\2\u2592\u258e\3\2\2\2\u2592"+ - "\u2593\3\2\2\2\u2593\u2594\3\2\2\2\u2594\u2595\7G\2\2\u2595\u2596\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u2596\u2597\5\u0302\u0182\2\u2597\u2599\5\u037e\u01c0\2\u2598\u259a"+ - "\5\u031c\u018f\2\u2599\u2598\3\2\2\2\u2599\u259a\3\2\2\2\u259a\u259b\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u259b\u25aa\7\u04ff\2\2\u259c\u259d\7\u0168\2\2\u259d\u259e\7\u0247"+ - "\2\2\u259e\u259f\7\u023a\2\2\u259f\u25a0\7O\2\2\u25a0\u25a1\5\u0380\u01c1"+ - "\2\u25a1\u25a2\5\u0408\u0205\2\u25a2\u25ab\3\2\2\2\u25a3\u25a4\7\u0168"+ - "\2\2\u25a4\u25a5\7\u0446\2\2\u25a5\u25a6\7\u023a\2\2\u25a6\u25a7\7O\2"+ - "\2\u25a7\u25a8\5\u0380\u01c1\2\u25a8\u25a9\5\u0408\u0205\2\u25a9\u25ab"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u25aa\u259c\3\2\2\2\u25aa\u25a3\3\2\2\2\u25aa\u25ab\3\2\2\2\u25ab"+ - "\u25b5\3\2\2\2\u25ac\u25ad\7\u00e4\2\2\u25ad\u25ae\5\u0404\u0203\2\u25ae"+ - "\u25af\7\u00b2\2\2\u25af\u25b0\5\u0606\u0304\2\u25b0\u25b1\7\u00bd\2\2"+ - "\u25b1\u25b2\7\u0518\2\2\u25b2\u25b3\7_\2\2\u25b3\u25b4\7\u0518\2\2\u25b4"+ - "\u25b6\3\2\2\2\u25b5\u25ac\3\2\2\2\u25b5\u25b6\3\2\2\2\u25b6\u25b8\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u25b7\u2515\3\2\2\2\u25b7\u2541\3\2\2\2\u25b7\u2567\3\2\2\2\u25b7"+ - "\u258d\3\2\2\2\u25b8\u0401\3\2\2\2\u25b9\u25d5\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u25ba\u25bb"+ - "\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u25bb\u25bc\7\u04f2\2\2\u25bc\u25bd\7\u0270\2\2\u25bd"+ - "\u25be\7\u0294\2\2\u25be\u25bf\7\u04f8\2\2\u25bf\u25c0\5\u016e\u00b8\2"+ - "\u25c0\u25c6\7\u04ff\2\2\u25c1\u25c2\7\u017b\2\2\u25c2\u25c3\7~\2\2\u25c3"+ - "\u25c7\5\u02a0\u0151\2\u25c4\u25c5\7\u017b\2\2\u25c5\u25c7\7~\2\2\u25c6"+ - "\u25c1\3\2\2\2\u25c6\u25c4\3\2\2\2\u25c6\u25c7\3\2\2\2\u25c7\u25d5\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u25c8\u25c9\7\u0270\2\2\u25c9\u25ca\7\u0294\2\2\u25ca\u25cb\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u25cb\u25cc\5\u016e\u00b8\2\u25cc\u25d2\7\u04ff\2\2\u25cd\u25ce\7"+ - "\u017b\2\2\u25ce\u25cf\7~\2\2\u25cf\u25d3\5\u02a0\u0151\2\u25d0\u25d1"+ - "\7\u017b\2\2\u25d1\u25d3\7~\2\2\u25d2\u25cd\3\2\2\2\u25d2\u25d0\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u25d2\u25d3\3\2\2\2\u25d3\u25d5\3\2\2\2\u25d4\u25b9\3\2\2\2\u25d4\u25ba"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u25d4\u25c8\3\2\2\2\u25d5\u0403\3\2\2\2\u25d6\u25db\5\u0406\u0204"+ - "\2\u25d7\u25d8\7\u04f2\2\2\u25d8\u25da\5\u0406\u0204\2\u25d9\u25d7\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u25da\u25dd\3\2\2\2\u25db\u25d9\3\2\2\2\u25db\u25dc\3\2\2\2\u25dc"+ - "\u0405\3\2\2\2\u25dd\u25db\3\2\2\2\u25de\u25df\5\u0608\u0305\2\u25df\u0407"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u25e0\u25e1\7\u00b2\2\2\u25e1\u25e2\5\u0606\u0304\2\u25e2\u0409"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u25e3\u25e4\7\u00d4\2\2\u25e4\u25e5\7\u00bb\2\2\u25e5\u25e7\5"+ - "\u03d0\u01e9\2\u25e6\u25e8\5\u03c8\u01e5\2\u25e7\u25e6\3\2\2\2\u25e7\u25e8"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u25e8\u25e9\3\2\2\2\u25e9\u25ea\5\u040c\u0207\2\u25ea\u040b\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u25eb\u25ec\7\u0491\2\2\u25ec\u25ee\7\u02a4\2\2\u25ed\u25ef\5\u040e"+ - "\u0208\2\u25ee\u25ed\3\2\2\2\u25ee\u25ef\3\2\2\2\u25ef\u25fb\3\2\2\2\u25f0"+ - "\u25f1\7\u03a5\2\2\u25f1\u25f3\7\u02a4\2\2\u25f2\u25f4\5\u040e\u0208\2"+ - "\u25f3\u25f2\3\2\2\2\u25f3\u25f4\3\2\2\2\u25f4\u25f8\3\2\2\2\u25f5\u25f6"+ - "\7\u01f5\2\2\u25f6\u25f7\7\u04e7\2\2\u25f7\u25f9\5\u0412\u020a\2\u25f8"+ - "\u25f5\3\2\2\2\u25f8\u25f9\3\2\2\2\u25f9\u25fb\3\2\2\2\u25fa\u25eb\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u25fa\u25f0\3\2\2\2\u25fb\u040d\3\2\2\2\u25fc\u25fd\5\u0410\u0209"+ - "\2\u25fd\u040f\3\2\2\2\u25fe\u25ff\7q\2\2\u25ff\u2603\7\u00bb\2\2\u2600"+ - "\u2603\5\u05d4\u02eb\2\u2601\u2603\5\u05d8\u02ed\2\u2602\u25fe\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2602\u2600\3\2\2\2\u2602\u2601\3\2\2\2\u2603\u0411\3\2\2\2\u2604\u2605"+ - "\tR\2\2\u2605\u0413\3\2\2\2\u2606\u2609\7[\2\2\u2607\u2608\7\u009d\2\2"+ - "\u2608\u260a\7\u0151\2\2\u2609\u2607\3\2\2\2\u2609\u260a\3\2\2\2\u260a"+ - "\u260b\3\2\2\2\u260b\u260c\7\u03a1\2\2\u260c\u260d\5\u060a\u0306\2\u260d"+ - "\u260e\7\u009a\2\2\u260e\u2611\5\u041e\u0210\2\u260f\u2610\7\u00bd\2\2"+ - "\u2610\u2612\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2611\u260f\3\2\2\2\u2611\u2612\3\2\2\2\u2612"+ - "\u2621\3\2\2\2\u2613\u2616\7[\2\2\u2614\u2615\7\u009d\2\2\u2615\u2617"+ - "\7\u0151\2\2\u2616\u2614\3\2\2\2\u2616\u2617\3\2\2\2\u2617\u2618\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2618\u2619\7\u03a1\2\2\u2619\u261a\5\u060a\u0306\2\u261a\u261b\7\u009a"+ - "\2\2\u261b\u261c\7\u0518\2\2\u261c\u261d\7\u017b\2\2\u261d\u261e\7\u0555"+ - "\2\2\u261e\u261f\5\u0354\u01ab\2\u261f\u2621\3\2\2\2\u2620\u2606\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2620\u2613\3\2\2\2\u2621\u0415\3\2\2\2\u2622\u2623\7D\2\2\u2623\u2624"+ - "\7\u03a1\2\2\u2624\u2625\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2625\u2626\7@\2\2\u2626\u2629"+ - "\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2627\u2628\7\u00bd\2\2\u2628\u262a\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2629"+ - "\u2627\3\2\2\2\u2629\u262a\3\2\2\2\u262a\u0417\3\2\2\2\u262b\u262c\7d"+ - "\2\2\u262c\u262d\7\u03a1\2\2\u262d\u262e\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u262e\u0419\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u262f\u2630\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2630\u2633\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2631\u2634"+ - "\7\u0518\2\2\u2632\u2634\5\u0608\u0305\2\u2633\u2631\3\2\2\2\u2633\u2632"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2633\u2634\3\2\2\2\u2634\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2635\u2636\5\u041c\u020f"+ - "\2\u2636\u2637\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2637\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2638\u2639\5\u041c"+ - "\u020f\2\u2639\u263a\7\u01e8\2\2\u263a\u263b\5\u041e\u0210\2\u263b\u26b0"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u263c\u263d\5\u041c\u020f\2\u263d\u263e\7\u01e9\2\2\u263e\u263f"+ - "\5\u041e\u0210\2\u263f\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2640\u2641\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2641"+ - "\u2642\7\u04cd\2\2\u2642\u2643\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2643\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2644"+ - "\u2645\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2645\u2646\7\u04cd\2\2\u2646\u2647\7\u01e8\2\2"+ - "\u2647\u2648\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2648\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2649\u264a\5\u041c\u020f"+ - "\2\u264a\u264b\7\u04cd\2\2\u264b\u264c\7\u01e9\2\2\u264c\u264d\5\u041e"+ - "\u0210\2\u264d\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u264e\u264f\5\u041c\u020f\2\u264f\u2650\7"+ - "\u03a1\2\2\u2650\u2651\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2651\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2652\u2653"+ - "\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2653\u2654\7\u03a1\2\2\u2654\u2655\7\u01e8\2\2\u2655"+ - "\u2656\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2656\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2657\u2658\5\u041c\u020f\2"+ - "\u2658\u2659\7\u03a1\2\2\u2659\u265a\7\u01e9\2\2\u265a\u265b\5\u041e\u0210"+ - "\2\u265b\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u265c\u265d\5\u041c\u020f\2\u265d\u265e\7\u047b"+ - "\2\2\u265e\u265f\5\u041e\u0210\2\u265f\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2660\u2661\5\u041c"+ - "\u020f\2\u2661\u2662\7\u047b\2\2\u2662\u2663\7\u01e8\2\2\u2663\u2664\5"+ - "\u041e\u0210\2\u2664\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2665\u2666\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2666\u2667"+ - "\7\u047b\2\2\u2667\u2668\7\u01e9\2\2\u2668\u2669\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2669"+ - "\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u266a\u266b\5\u041c\u020f\2\u266b\u266c\7\u0432\2\2\u266c"+ - "\u266d\5\u041e\u0210\2\u266d\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u266e\u266f\5\u041c\u020f\2"+ - "\u266f\u2670\7\u0432\2\2\u2670\u2671\7\u01e8\2\2\u2671\u2672\5\u041e\u0210"+ - "\2\u2672\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2673\u2674\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2674\u2675\7\u0432"+ - "\2\2\u2675\u2676\7\u01e9\2\2\u2676\u2677\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2677\u26b0\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2678\u2679\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2679\u267a\7\u0423\2\2\u267a\u267b"+ - "\5\u041e\u0210\2\u267b\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u267c\u267d\5\u041c\u020f\2\u267d"+ - "\u267e\7\u0423\2\2\u267e\u267f\7\u01e8\2\2\u267f\u2680\5\u041e\u0210\2"+ - "\u2680\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2681\u2682\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2682\u2683\7\u0423\2"+ - "\2\u2683\u2684\7\u01e9\2\2\u2684\u2685\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2685\u26b0\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2686\u2687\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2687\u2688\7\u0256\2\2\u2688\u2689\5"+ - "\u041e\u0210\2\u2689\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u268a\u268b\5\u041c\u020f\2\u268b\u268c"+ - "\7\u0256\2\2\u268c\u268d\7\u01e8\2\2\u268d\u268e\5\u041e\u0210\2\u268e"+ - "\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u268f\u2690\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2690\u2691\7\u0256\2\2\u2691"+ - "\u2692\7\u01e9\2\2\u2692\u2693\5\u041e\u0210\2\u2693\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u2694"+ - "\u2695\5\u041c\u020f\2\u2695\u2696\7\u00b2\2\2\u2696\u2697\7\u04d8\2\2"+ - "\u2697\u2698\7\u0504\2\2\u2698\u2699\5\36\20\2\u2699\u269a\5\u041e\u0210"+ - "\2\u269a\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u269b\u269c\5\u041c\u020f\2\u269c\u269d\7\u0084"+ - "\2\2\u269d\u269e\5\u060a\u0306\2\u269e\u269f\5\u041e\u0210\2\u269f\u26b0"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u26a0\u26a1\5\u041c\u020f\2\u26a1\u26a2\7\u0084\2\2\u26a2\u26a3"+ - "\5\u060a\u0306\2\u26a3\u26a4\7\u00b2\2\2\u26a4\u26a5\7\u04d8\2\2\u26a5"+ - "\u26a6\7\u0504\2\2\u26a6\u26a7\5\36\20\2\u26a7\u26a8\5\u041e\u0210\2\u26a8"+ - "\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u26a9\u26aa\5\u041c\u020f\2\u26aa\u26ab\7\u019c\2\2\u26ab"+ - "\u26ac\7\u0504\2\2\u26ac\u26ad\5\u0420\u0211\2\u26ad\u26ae\5\u041e\u0210"+ - "\2\u26ae\u26b0\3\2\2\2\u26af\u262f\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2635\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2638"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u26af\u263c\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2640\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2644\3\2\2\2\u26af"+ - "\u2649\3\2\2\2\u26af\u264e\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2652\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2657\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u26af\u265c\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2660\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2665\3\2\2\2\u26af"+ - "\u266a\3\2\2\2\u26af\u266e\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2673\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2678\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u26af\u267c\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2681\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2686\3\2\2\2\u26af"+ - "\u268a\3\2\2\2\u26af\u268f\3\2\2\2\u26af\u2694\3\2\2\2\u26af\u269b\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u26af\u26a0\3\2\2\2\u26af\u26a9\3\2\2\2\u26b0\u041b\3\2\2\2\u26b1"+ - "\u26b2\tS\2\2\u26b2\u041d\3\2\2\2\u26b3\u26b9\5\u0300\u0181\2\u26b4\u26b9"+ - "\5\u00d4k\2\u26b5\u26b9\5\u02d0\u0169\2\u26b6\u26b9\5\u02f8\u017d\2\u26b7"+ - "\u26b9\5\u00d6l\2\u26b8\u26b3\3\2\2\2\u26b8\u26b4\3\2\2\2\u26b8\u26b5"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u26b8\u26b6\3\2\2\2\u26b8\u26b7\3\2\2\2\u26b9\u041f\3\2\2\2\u26ba"+ - "\u26bb\tT\2\2\u26bb\u0421\3\2\2\2\u26bc\u26be\7\u02d2\2\2\u26bd\u26bf"+ - "\7\u0102\2\2\u26be\u26bd\3\2\2\2\u26be\u26bf\3\2\2\2\u26bf\u26c0\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u26c0\u26c1\5\u0426\u0214\2\u26c1\u26c2\5\u0428\u0215\2\u26c2\u26c6"+ - "\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u26c3\u26c4\5\u0428\u0215\2\u26c4\u26c5\5\u0106\u0084"+ - "\2\u26c5\u26c7\3\2\2\2\u26c6\u26c3\3\2\2\2\u26c6\u26c7\3\2\2\2\u26c7\u26d0"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u26c8\u26c9\7\u0089\2\2\u26c9\u26d1\7\u0518\2\2\u26ca\u26cb\7"+ - "\u0089\2\2\u26cb\u26cc\7\u0518\2\2\u26cc\u26cd\7\u046a\2\2\u26cd\u26d1"+ - "\7\u0518\2\2\u26ce\u26cf\7\u00cb\2\2\u26cf\u26d1\5n8\2\u26d0\u26c8\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u26d0\u26ca\3\2\2\2\u26d0\u26ce\3\2\2\2\u26d0\u26d1\3\2\2\2\u26d1"+ - "\u2766\3\2\2\2\u26d2\u26d3\7\u02d2\2\2\u26d3\u26d4\7\u00bb\2\2\u26d4\u26d8"+ - "\7\u0250\2\2\u26d5\u26d6\5\u0428\u0215\2\u26d6\u26d7\5\u0106\u0084\2\u26d7"+ - "\u26d9\3\2\2\2\u26d8\u26d5\3\2\2\2\u26d8\u26d9\3\2\2\2\u26d9\u26e2\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u26da\u26db\7\u0089\2\2\u26db\u26e3\7\u0518\2\2\u26dc\u26dd\7\u0089"+ - "\2\2\u26dd\u26de\7\u0518\2\2\u26de\u26df\7\u046a\2\2\u26df\u26e3\7\u0518"+ - "\2\2\u26e0\u26e1\7\u00cb\2\2\u26e1\u26e3\5n8\2\u26e2\u26da\3\2\2\2\u26e2"+ - "\u26dc\3\2\2\2\u26e2\u26e0\3\2\2\2\u26e2\u26e3\3\2\2\2\u26e3\u2766\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u26e4\u26e6\7\u02d2\2\2\u26e5\u26e7\tU\2\2\u26e6\u26e5\3\2\2\2\u26e6"+ - "\u26e7\3\2\2\2\u26e7\u26e8\3\2\2\2\u26e8\u26f1\7\u036f\2\2\u26e9\u26ea"+ - "\7\u0089\2\2\u26ea\u26f2\7\u0518\2\2\u26eb\u26ec\7\u0089\2\2\u26ec\u26ed"+ - "\7\u0518\2\2\u26ed\u26ee\7\u046a\2\2\u26ee\u26f2\7\u0518\2\2\u26ef\u26f0"+ - "\7\u00cb\2\2\u26f0\u26f2\5n8\2\u26f1\u26e9\3\2\2\2\u26f1\u26eb\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u26f1\u26ef\3\2\2\2\u26f1\u26f2\3\2\2\2\u26f2\u2766\3\2\2\2\u26f3\u26f4"+ - "\7\u02d2\2\2\u26f4\u26f5\7[\2\2\u26f5\u26f6\7\u00bb\2\2\u26f6\u2766\5"+ - "\u03d0\u01e9\2\u26f7\u26f8\7\u02d2\2\2\u26f8\u26f9\7[\2\2\u26f9\u26fa"+ - "\7\u00c9\2\2\u26fa\u2766\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u26fb\u26fc\7\u02d2\2\2\u26fc"+ - "\u26fd\7[\2\2\u26fd\u26fe\7\u0147\2\2\u26fe\u2766\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u26ff"+ - "\u2700\7\u02d2\2\2\u2700\u2701\7[\2\2\u2701\u2702\7\u02f6\2\2\u2702\u2766"+ - "\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2703\u2704\7\u02d2\2\2\u2704\u2705\7[\2\2\u2705\u2706"+ - "\7\u00be\2\2\u2706\u2766\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2707\u2708\7\u02d2\2\2\u2708"+ - "\u2709\7\u02ee\2\2\u2709\u2766\5\u0424\u0213\2\u270a\u270b\7\u02d2\2\2"+ - "\u270b\u2714\5\u010a\u0086\2\u270c\u270d\7\u0089\2\2\u270d\u2715\7\u0518"+ - "\2\2\u270e\u270f\7\u0089\2\2\u270f\u2710\7\u0518\2\2\u2710\u2711\7\u046a"+ - "\2\2\u2711\u2715\7\u0518\2\2\u2712\u2713\7\u00cb\2\2\u2713\u2715\5n8\2"+ - "\u2714\u270c\3\2\2\2\u2714\u270e\3\2\2\2\u2714\u2712\3\2\2\2\u2714\u2715"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2715\u2766\3\2\2\2\u2716\u2717\7\u02d2\2\2\u2717\u2720\7\u03fe"+ - "\2\2\u2718\u2719\7\u0089\2\2\u2719\u2721\7\u0518\2\2\u271a\u271b\7\u0089"+ - "\2\2\u271b\u271c\7\u0518\2\2\u271c\u271d\7\u046a\2\2\u271d\u2721\7\u0518"+ - "\2\2\u271e\u271f\7\u00cb\2\2\u271f\u2721\5n8\2\u2720\u2718\3\2\2\2\u2720"+ - "\u271a\3\2\2\2\u2720\u271e\3\2\2\2\u2720\u2721\3\2\2\2\u2721\u2766\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2722\u2723\7\u02d2\2\2\u2723\u2724\7\u03fe\2\2\u2724\u2725\7\u019c"+ - "\2\2\u2725\u2726\7\u0504\2\2\u2726\u272f\7\u0518\2\2\u2727\u2728\7\u0089"+ - "\2\2\u2728\u2730\7\u0518\2\2\u2729\u272a\7\u0089\2\2\u272a\u272b\7\u0518"+ - "\2\2\u272b\u272c\7\u046a\2\2\u272c\u2730\7\u0518\2\2\u272d\u272e\7\u00cb"+ - "\2\2\u272e\u2730\5n8\2\u272f\u2727\3\2\2\2\u272f\u2729\3\2\2\2\u272f\u272d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u272f\u2730\3\2\2\2\u2730\u2766\3\2\2\2\u2731\u2732\7\u02d2\2"+ - "\2\u2732\u273b\7\u021b\2\2\u2733\u2734\7\u0089\2\2\u2734\u273c\7\u0518"+ - "\2\2\u2735\u2736\7\u0089\2\2\u2736\u2737\7\u0518\2\2\u2737\u2738\7\u046a"+ - "\2\2\u2738\u273c\7\u0518\2\2\u2739\u273a\7\u00cb\2\2\u273a\u273c\5n8\2"+ - "\u273b\u2733\3\2\2\2\u273b\u2735\3\2\2\2\u273b\u2739\3\2\2\2\u273b\u273c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u273c\u2766\3\2\2\2\u273d\u273e\7\u02d2\2\2\u273e\u2747\7\u03e4"+ - "\2\2\u273f\u2740\7\u0089\2\2\u2740\u2748\7\u0518\2\2\u2741\u2742\7\u0089"+ - "\2\2\u2742\u2743\7\u0518\2\2\u2743\u2744\7\u046a\2\2\u2744\u2748\7\u0518"+ - "\2\2\u2745\u2746\7\u00cb\2\2\u2746\u2748\5n8\2\u2747\u273f\3\2\2\2\u2747"+ - "\u2741\3\2\2\2\u2747\u2745\3\2\2\2\u2747\u2748\3\2\2\2\u2748\u274a\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2749\u274b\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u274a\u2749\3\2\2\2\u274a\u274b\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u274b\u2766\3\2\2\2\u274c\u274e\7\u02d2\2\2\u274d\u274f\7\u0102\2\2"+ - "\u274e\u274d\3\2\2\2\u274e\u274f\3\2\2\2\u274f\u2750\3\2\2\2\u2750\u2766"+ - "\7\u0477\2\2\u2751\u2752\7\u02d2\2\2\u2752\u275b\7\u03ae\2\2\u2753\u2754"+ - "\7\u0089\2\2\u2754\u275c\7\u0518\2\2\u2755\u2756\7\u0089\2\2\u2756\u2757"+ - "\7\u0518\2\2\u2757\u2758\7\u046a\2\2\u2758\u275c\7\u0518\2\2\u2759\u275a"+ - "\7\u00cb\2\2\u275a\u275c\5n8\2\u275b\u2753\3\2\2\2\u275b\u2755\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u275b\u2759\3\2\2\2\u275b\u275c\3\2\2\2\u275c\u2766\3\2\2\2\u275d\u275e"+ - "\7\u02d2\2\2\u275e\u2766\7\u00a2\2\2\u275f\u2760\7\u02d2\2\2\u2760\u2766"+ - "\7\u01ff\2\2\u2761\u2762\7\u02d2\2\2\u2762\u2763\7[\2\2\u2763\u2764\7"+ - "\u0171\2\2\u2764\u2766\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2765\u26bc\3\2\2\2\u2765\u26d2"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2765\u26e4\3\2\2\2\u2765\u26f3\3\2\2\2\u2765\u26f7\3\2\2\2\u2765"+ - "\u26fb\3\2\2\2\u2765\u26ff\3\2\2\2\u2765\u2703\3\2\2\2\u2765\u2707\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2765\u270a\3\2\2\2\u2765\u2716\3\2\2\2\u2765\u2722\3\2\2\2\u2765"+ - "\u2731\3\2\2\2\u2765\u273d\3\2\2\2\u2765\u274c\3\2\2\2\u2765\u2751\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2765\u275d\3\2\2\2\u2765\u275f\3\2\2\2\u2765\u2761\3\2\2\2\u2766"+ - "\u0423\3\2\2\2\u2767\u276d\5\u0452\u022a\2\u2768\u2769\7q\2\2\u2769\u276a"+ - "\7\u00e7\2\2\u276a\u276b\7\u04f8\2\2\u276b\u276d\7\u04ff\2\2\u276c\u2767"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u276c\u2768\3\2\2\2\u276d\u0425\3\2\2\2\u276e\u276f\tV\2\2\u276f"+ - "\u0427\3\2\2\2\u2770\u2771\tW\2\2\u2771\u0429\3\2\2\2\u2772\u2773\7\u048f"+ - "\2\2\u2773\u2777\7\u0518\2\2\u2774\u2775\7\u048f\2\2\u2775\u2777\7\u0517"+ - "\2\2\u2776\u2772\3\2\2\2\u2776\u2774\3\2\2\2\u2777\u042b\3\2\2\2\u2778"+ - "\u2779\7[\2\2\u2779\u277a\7\u00c4\2\2\u277a\u277c\5\u0436\u021c\2\u277b"+ - "\u277d\5\u05cc\u02e7\2\u277c\u277b\3\2\2\2\u277c\u277d\3\2\2\2\u277d\u2781"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u277e\u277f\7_\2\2\u277f\u2780\7\u03e6\2\2\u2780\u2782\5\u05ac"+ - "\u02d7\2\u2781\u277e\3\2\2\2\u2781\u2782\3\2\2\2\u2782\u2787\3\2\2\2\u2783"+ - "\u2784\7\u044f\2\2\u2784\u2785\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2785\u2786\5\u01c8\u00e5"+ - "\2\u2786\u2788\3\2\2\2\u2787\u2783\3\2\2\2\u2787\u2788\3\2\2\2\u2788\u279c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2789\u278a\7[\2\2\u278a\u278b\7\u00c4\2\2\u278b\u278c\5\u0436"+ - "\u021c\2\u278c\u278e\5\u0438\u021d\2\u278d\u278f\5\u05cc\u02e7\2\u278e"+ - "\u278d\3\2\2\2\u278e\u278f\3\2\2\2\u278f\u2793\3\2\2\2\u2790\u2791\7_"+ - "\2\2\u2791\u2792\7\u03e6\2\2\u2792\u2794\5\u05ac\u02d7\2\u2793\u2790\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2793\u2794\3\2\2\2\u2794\u2799\3\2\2\2\u2795\u2796\7\u044f\2\2"+ - "\u2796\u2797\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2797\u2798\5\u01c8\u00e5\2\u2798\u279a\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2799\u2795\3\2\2\2\u2799\u279a\3\2\2\2\u279a\u279c\3\2\2\2\u279b"+ - "\u2778\3\2\2\2\u279b\u2789\3\2\2\2\u279c\u042d\3\2\2\2\u279d\u27a5\5\u049a"+ - "\u024e\2\u279e\u27a1\7C\2\2\u279f\u27a0\7\u018c\2\2\u27a0\u27a2\5\u0492"+ - "\u024a\2\u27a1\u279f\3\2\2\2\u27a1\u27a2\3\2\2\2\u27a2\u27a5\3\2\2\2\u27a3"+ - "\u27a5\7\u0476\2\2\u27a4\u279d\3\2\2\2\u27a4\u279e\3\2\2\2\u27a4\u27a3"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u27a5\u042f\3\2\2\2\u27a6\u27a7\7D\2\2\u27a7\u27a8\7\u00c4\2"+ - "\2\u27a8\u27a9\5\u0446\u0224\2\u27a9\u27aa\7_\2\2\u27aa\u27ab\7\u01b3"+ - "\2\2\u27ab\u27ac\5\u042e\u0218\2\u27ac\u27d6\3\2\2\2\u27ad\u27ae\7D\2"+ - "\2\u27ae\u27af\7\u00c4\2\2\u27af\u27b0\5\u0446\u0224\2\u27b0\u27b2\7\u044f"+ - "\2\2\u27b1\u27b3\7\u0504\2\2\u27b2\u27b1\3\2\2\2\u27b2\u27b3\3\2\2\2\u27b3"+ - "\u27b4\3\2\2\2\u27b4\u27b5\5\u01c8\u00e5\2\u27b5\u27d6\3\2\2\2\u27b6\u27b7"+ - "\7D\2\2\u27b7\u27b8\7\u00c4\2\2\u27b8\u27b9\5\u044e\u0228\2\u27b9\u27ba"+ - "\7s\2\2\u27ba\u27bb\7Z\2\2\u27bb\u27bc\7\36\2\2\u27bc\u27cb\5\u044e\u0228"+ - "\2\u27bd\u27be\7\u00cd\2\2\u27be\u27bf\7\u01b3\2\2\u27bf\u27cc\5\u0492"+ - "\u024a\2\u27c0\u27c1\7\u00cd\2\2\u27c1\u27c2\7\u01b3\2\2\u27c2\u27c3\7"+ - "C\2\2\u27c3\u27c4\7\u018c\2\2\u27c4\u27cc\5\u0492\u024a\2\u27c5\u27c6"+ - "\7\u00cd\2\2\u27c6\u27c7\7\u0261\2\2\u27c7\u27cc\7\u01b3\2\2\u27c8\u27c9"+ - "\7\u00cd\2\2\u27c9\u27ca\7\u0261\2\2\u27ca\u27cc\7\u0292\2\2\u27cb\u27bd"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u27cb\u27c0\3\2\2\2\u27cb\u27c5\3\2\2\2\u27cb\u27c8\3\2\2\2\u27cb"+ - "\u27cc\3\2\2\2\u27cc\u27d6\3\2\2\2\u27cd\u27ce\7D\2\2\u27ce\u27cf\7\u00c4"+ - "\2\2\u27cf\u27d0\5\u044e\u0228\2\u27d0\u27d1\7\u00a8\2\2\u27d1\u27d2\7"+ - "Z\2\2\u27d2\u27d3\7\36\2\2\u27d3\u27d4\5\u044e\u0228\2\u27d4\u27d6\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u27d5\u27a6\3\2\2\2\u27d5\u27ad\3\2\2\2\u27d5\u27b6\3\2\2\2\u27d5"+ - "\u27cd\3\2\2\2\u27d6\u0431\3\2\2\2\u27d7\u27d8\7D\2\2\u27d8\u27d9\7\u00c4"+ - "\2\2\u27d9\u27da\5\u0446\u0224\2\u27da\u27db\5\u05cc\u02e7\2\u27db\u0433"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u27dc\u27dd\7D\2\2\u27dd\u27de\7\u01b3\2\2\u27de\u27e1\5\u0494"+ - "\u024b\2\u27df\u27e0\7\u0092\2\2\u27e0\u27e2\7x\2\2\u27e1\u27df\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u27e1\u27e2\3\2\2\2\u27e2\u27f3\3\2\2\2\u27e3\u27e4\7D\2\2\u27e4\u27e5"+ - "\7\u01b3\2\2\u27e5\u27e6\5\u0494\u024b\2\u27e6\u27e7\7x\2\2\u27e7\u27e8"+ - "\7O\2\2\u27e8\u27e9\5\u0448\u0225\2\u27e9\u27f3\3\2\2\2\u27ea\u27eb\7"+ - "D\2\2\u27eb\u27ec\7\u01b3\2\2\u27ec\u27ed\5\u0494\u024b\2\u27ed\u27ee"+ - "\7x\2\2\u27ee\u27ef\7O\2\2\u27ef\u27f0\7\u00c6\2\2\u27f0\u27f1\5\u0448"+ - "\u0225\2\u27f1\u27f3\3\2\2\2\u27f2\u27dc\3\2\2\2\u27f2\u27e3\3\2\2\2\u27f2"+ - "\u27ea\3\2\2\2\u27f3\u0435\3\2\2\2\u27f4\u27f6\5\u0442\u0222\2\u27f5\u27f7"+ - "\7\u0512\2\2\u27f6\u27f5\3\2\2\2\u27f6\u27f7\3\2\2\2\u27f7\u27f8\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u27f8\u27f9\7x\2\2\u27f9\u27fa\7O\2\2\u27fa\u27fb\5\u0448\u0225\2\u27fb"+ - "\u2806\3\2\2\2\u27fc\u27fe\5\u0442\u0222\2\u27fd\u27ff\7\u0512\2\2\u27fe"+ - "\u27fd\3\2\2\2\u27fe\u27ff\3\2\2\2\u27ff\u2800\3\2\2\2\u2800\u2801\7x"+ - "\2\2\u2801\u2802\7O\2\2\u2802\u2803\7\u00c6\2\2\u2803\u2804\5\u0448\u0225"+ - "\2\u2804\u2806\3\2\2\2\u2805\u27f4\3\2\2\2\u2805\u27fc\3\2\2\2\u2806\u0437"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2807\u2808\7\u0153\2\2\u2808\u2810\7\u0476\2\2\u2809\u280a\7"+ - "\u0153\2\2\u280a\u2810\7\u0169\2\2\u280b\u280c\7\u0153\2\2\u280c\u2810"+ - "\7\u0184\2\2\u280d\u280e\7\u0153\2\2\u280e\u2810\5\u043a\u021e\2\u280f"+ - "\u2807\3\2\2\2\u280f\u2809\3\2\2\2\u280f\u280b\3\2\2\2\u280f\u280d\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2810\u0439\3\2\2\2\u2811\u2812\b\u021e\1\2\u2812\u2813\5\u043c\u021f"+ - "\2\u2813\u281b\3\2\2\2\u2814\u2815\f\4\2\2\u2815\u281a\5\u043c\u021f\2"+ - "\u2816\u2817\f\3\2\2\u2817\u2818\7E\2\2\u2818\u281a\5\u043c\u021f\2\u2819"+ - "\u2814\3\2\2\2\u2819\u2816\3\2\2\2\u281a\u281d\3\2\2\2\u281b\u2819\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u281b\u281c\3\2\2\2\u281c\u043b\3\2\2\2\u281d\u281b\3\2\2\2\u281e"+ - "\u281f\7T\2\2\u281f\u2825\7\u0518\2\2\u2820\u2821\7\u0087\2\2\u2821\u2825"+ - "\7\u0518\2\2\u2822\u2823\7\u02aa\2\2\u2823\u2825\7\u0518\2\2\u2824\u281e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2824\u2820\3\2\2\2\u2824\u2822\3\2\2\2\u2825\u043d\3\2\2\2\u2826"+ - "\u2828\5\u0442\u0222\2\u2827\u2829\7\u0512\2\2\u2828\u2827\3\2\2\2\u2828"+ - "\u2829\3\2\2\2\u2829\u282e\3\2\2\2\u282a\u282e\7Z\2\2\u282b\u282e\7\u00a7"+ - "\2\2\u282c\u282e\7\u00a3\2\2\u282d\u2826\3\2\2\2\u282d\u282a\3\2\2\2\u282d"+ - "\u282b\3\2\2\2\u282d\u282c\3\2\2\2\u282e\u043f\3\2\2\2\u282f\u2834\5\u043e"+ - "\u0220\2\u2830\u2831\7\u04f2\2\2\u2831\u2833\5\u043e\u0220\2\u2832\u2830"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2833\u2836\3\2\2\2\u2834\u2832\3\2\2\2\u2834\u2835\3\2\2\2\u2835"+ - "\u0441\3\2\2\2\u2836\u2834\3\2\2\2\u2837\u283b\7\u0518\2\2\u2838\u283b"+ - "\7\u0517\2\2\u2839\u283b\5\u06f6\u037c\2\u283a\u2837\3\2\2\2\u283a\u2838"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u283a\u2839\3\2\2\2\u283b\u0443\3\2\2\2\u283c\u283e\7\u0512\2"+ - "\2\u283d\u283c\3\2\2\2\u283d\u283e\3\2\2\2\u283e\u0445\3\2\2\2\u283f\u2841"+ - "\5\u0442\u0222\2\u2840\u2842\7\u0512\2\2\u2841\u2840\3\2\2\2\u2841\u2842"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2842\u2847\3\2\2\2\u2843\u2847\7Z\2\2\u2844\u2847\7\u00a7\2"+ - "\2\u2845\u2847\7\u00a3\2\2\u2846\u283f\3\2\2\2\u2846\u2843\3\2\2\2\u2846"+ - "\u2844\3\2\2\2\u2846\u2845\3\2\2\2\u2847\u0447\3\2\2\2\u2848\u284c\7\u04e7"+ - "\2\2\u2849\u284c\7\u0517\2\2\u284a\u284c\5\u06f6\u037c\2\u284b\u2848\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u284b\u2849\3\2\2\2\u284b\u284a\3\2\2\2\u284c\u0449\3\2\2\2\u284d"+ - "\u284e\7\u0518\2\2\u284e\u044b\3\2\2\2\u284f\u2850\7d\2\2\u2850\u2851"+ - "\7\u00c4\2\2\u2851\u2853\5\u044e\u0228\2\u2852\u2854\7\u00db\2\2\u2853"+ - "\u2852\3\2\2\2\u2853\u2854\3\2\2\2\u2854\u044d\3\2\2\2\u2855\u285a\5\u0446"+ - "\u0224\2\u2856\u2857\7\u04f2\2\2\u2857\u2859\5\u0446\u0224\2\u2858\u2856"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2859\u285c\3\2\2\2\u285a\u2858\3\2\2\2\u285a\u285b\3\2\2\2\u285b"+ - "\u044f\3\2\2\2\u285c\u285a\3\2\2\2\u285d\u285e\7\u00b2\2\2\u285e\u285f"+ - "\7\u03ea\2\2\u285f\u2860\7\u0504\2\2\u2860\u2895\5\u044a\u0226\2\u2861"+ - "\u2862\7\u00b2\2\2\u2862\u2863\7\u03ea\2\2\u2863\u2864\7q\2\2\u2864\u2866"+ - "\5\u0442\u0222\2\u2865\u2867\7\u0512\2\2\u2866\u2865\3\2\2\2\u2866\u2867"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2867\u2868\3\2\2\2\u2868\u2869\7\u0504\2\2\u2869\u286a\5\u044a"+ - "\u0226\2\u286a\u2895\3\2\2\2\u286b\u286c\7\u00b2\2\2\u286c\u286d\7\u03ea"+ - "\2\2\u286d\u286e\7\u0504\2\2\u286e\u286f\7\u03ea\2\2\u286f\u2870\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u2870\u2871\5\u0448\u0225\2\u2871\u2872\7\u04ff\2\2\u2872\u2895\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2873\u2874\7\u00b2\2\2\u2874\u2875\7\u03ea\2\2\u2875\u2876\7q"+ - "\2\2\u2876\u2878\5\u0442\u0222\2\u2877\u2879\7\u0512\2\2\u2878\u2877\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2878\u2879\3\2\2\2\u2879\u287a\3\2\2\2\u287a\u287b\7\u0504\2\2"+ - "\u287b\u287c\7\u03ea\2\2\u287c\u287d\7\u04f8\2\2\u287d\u287e\5\u0448\u0225"+ - "\2\u287e\u287f\7\u04ff\2\2\u287f\u2895\3\2\2\2\u2880\u2881\7D\2\2\u2881"+ - "\u2882\7\u00c4\2\2\u2882\u2883\5\u0446\u0224\2\u2883\u2884\7x\2\2\u2884"+ - "\u2885\7O\2\2\u2885\u2886\5\u0448\u0225\2\u2886\u2895\3\2\2\2\u2887\u2888"+ - "\7D\2\2\u2888\u2889\7\u00c4\2\2\u2889\u288a\5\u0446\u0224\2\u288a\u288b"+ - "\7x\2\2\u288b\u288c\7O\2\2\u288c\u288d\7\u00c6\2\2\u288d\u288e\5\u044a"+ - "\u0226\2\u288e\u2895\3\2\2\2\u288f\u2890\7D\2\2\u2890\u2891\7\u00c4\2"+ - "\2\u2891\u2892\5\u0446\u0224\2\u2892\u2893\5\u0438\u021d\2\u2893\u2895"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2894\u285d\3\2\2\2\u2894\u2861\3\2\2\2\u2894\u286b\3\2\2\2\u2894"+ - "\u2873\3\2\2\2\u2894\u2880\3\2\2\2\u2894\u2887\3\2\2\2\u2894\u288f\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2895\u0451\3\2\2\2\u2896\u2897\7q\2\2\u2897\u2898\5\u0442\u0222"+ - "\2\u2898\u2899\5\u0444\u0223\2\u2899\u289c\3\2\2\2\u289a\u289c\5\u06fe"+ - "\u0380\2\u289b\u2896\3\2\2\2\u289b\u289a\3\2\2\2\u289c\u0453\3\2\2\2\u289d"+ - "\u289e\7D\2\2\u289e\u289f\7\u00c4\2\2\u289f\u28a0\5\u044e\u0228\2\u28a0"+ - "\u28a1\7\u02b3\2\2\u28a1\u28a2\5\u0456\u022c\2\u28a2\u0455\3\2\2\2\u28a3"+ - "\u28a4\tX\2\2\u28a4\u0457\3\2\2\2\u28a5\u28a6\7\u038d\2\2\u28a6\u28a7"+ - "\5\u02c8\u0165\2\u28a7\u28a8\5\u0464\u0233\2\u28a8\u0459\3\2\2\2\u28a9"+ - "\u28aa\7\u008a\2\2\u28aa\u28ab\7\u00bb\2\2\u28ab\u28ac\5\u045c\u022f\2"+ - "\u28ac\u28ad\7{\2\2\u28ad\u28ae\5\u0460\u0231\2\u28ae\u28b2\7\u008e\2"+ - "\2\u28af\u28b0\7\u0231\2\2\u28b0\u28b3\7\u04e7\2\2\u28b1\u28b3\7\u0094"+ - "\2\2\u28b2\u28af\3\2\2\2\u28b2\u28b1\3\2\2\2\u28b2\u28b3\3\2\2\2\u28b3"+ - "\u045b\3\2\2\2\u28b4\u28b9\5\u045e\u0230\2\u28b5\u28b6\7\u04f2\2\2\u28b6"+ - "\u28b8\5\u045e\u0230\2\u28b7\u28b5\3\2\2\2\u28b8\u28bb\3\2\2\2\u28b9\u28b7"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u28b9\u28ba\3\2\2\2\u28ba\u045d\3\2\2\2\u28bb\u28b9\3\2\2\2\u28bc"+ - "\u28be\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u28bd\u28bf\5\u03c8\u01e5\2\u28be\u28bd\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u28be\u28bf\3\2\2\2\u28bf\u045f\3\2\2\2\u28c0\u28c4\7\u00a9\2\2\u28c1"+ - "\u28c2\7\u00b4\2\2\u28c2\u28c4\7\u00a9\2\2\u28c3\u28c0\3\2\2\2\u28c3\u28c1"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u28c3\u28c4\3\2\2\2\u28c4\u28c5\3\2\2\2\u28c5\u28cd\7l\2\2\u28c6"+ - "\u28c8\7\u00a9\2\2\u28c7\u28c6\3\2\2\2\u28c7\u28c8\3\2\2\2\u28c8\u28c9"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u28c9\u28cd\7\u00b4\2\2\u28ca\u28cb\7\u00b4\2\2\u28cb\u28cd\7"+ - "\u00c3\2\2\u28cc\u28c3\3\2\2\2\u28cc\u28c7\3\2\2\2\u28cc\u28ca\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u28cd\u0461\3\2\2\2\u28ce\u28cf\7\u0178\2\2\u28cf\u28d0\7\u023e\2\2\u28d0"+ - "\u0463\3\2\2\2\u28d1\u28d6\5\u046a\u0236\2\u28d2\u28d3\7\u04f2\2\2\u28d3"+ - "\u28d5\5\u046a\u0236\2\u28d4\u28d2\3\2\2\2\u28d5\u28d8\3\2\2\2\u28d6\u28d4"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u28d6\u28d7\3\2\2\2\u28d7\u0465\3\2\2\2\u28d8\u28d6\3\2\2\2\u28d9"+ - "\u28dc\7[\2\2\u28da\u28db\7\u009d\2\2\u28db\u28dd\7\u0151\2\2\u28dc\u28da"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u28dc\u28dd\3\2\2\2\u28dd\u28de\3\2\2\2\u28de\u28df\7\u027f\2"+ - "\2\u28df\u28e0\5\u060a\u0306\2\u28e0\u28e1\7\u017b\2\2\u28e1\u28e2\5\u0468"+ - "\u0235\2\u28e2\u28e3\5\u046c\u0237\2\u28e3\u0467\3\2\2\2\u28e4\u28e7\5"+ - "\u060a\u0306\2\u28e5\u28e6\7\u04fd\2\2\u28e6\u28e8\5\u060a\u0306\2\u28e7"+ - "\u28e5\3\2\2\2\u28e7\u28e8\3\2\2\2\u28e8\u0469\3\2\2\2\u28e9\u28ef\5\u03d0"+ - "\u01e9\2\u28ea\u28eb\7G\2\2\u28eb\u28f0\5\u060a\u0306\2\u28ec\u28ee\5"+ - "\u060a\u0306\2\u28ed\u28ec\3\2\2\2\u28ed\u28ee\3\2\2\2\u28ee\u28f0\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u28ef\u28ea\3\2\2\2\u28ef\u28ed\3\2\2\2\u28f0\u28f1\3\2\2\2\u28f1"+ - "\u28f2\5\u046e\u0238\2\u28f2\u046b\3\2\2\2\u28f3\u28f4\7\u04c2\2\2\u28f4"+ - "\u28fb\7\u0330\2\2\u28f5\u28f6\7\u0308\2\2\u28f6\u28fb\7\u0330\2\2\u28f7"+ - "\u28f8\7\u0308\2\2\u28f8\u28fb\7\u01fe\2\2\u28f9\u28fb\5\u06fe\u0380\2"+ - "\u28fa\u28f3\3\2\2\2\u28fa\u28f5\3\2\2\2\u28fa\u28f7\3\2\2\2\u28fa\u28f9"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u28fb\u046d\3\2\2\2\u28fc\u28fe\7\u014c\2\2\u28fd\u28ff\7\u02e9"+ - "\2\2\u28fe\u28fd\3\2\2\2\u28fe\u28ff\3\2\2\2\u28ff\u2904\3\2\2\2\u2900"+ - "\u2904\7\u0182\2\2\u2901\u2902\7\u012c\2\2\u2902\u2904\7\u0182\2\2\u2903"+ - "\u28fc\3\2\2\2\u2903\u2900\3\2\2\2\u2903\u2901\3\2\2\2\u2904\u046f\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2905\u2906\7d\2\2\u2906\u2907\7\u027f\2\2\u2907\u2908\5\u060a\u0306"+ - "\2\u2908\u0471\3\2\2\2\u2909\u290a\7[\2\2\u290a\u290b\7\u01e7\2\2\u290b"+ - "\u290d\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u290c\u290e\5\u0474\u023b\2\u290d\u290c\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u290d\u290e\3\2\2\2\u290e\u0473\3\2\2\2\u290f\u2911\5\u0476\u023c\2\u2910"+ - "\u290f\3\2\2\2\u2911\u2912\3\2\2\2\u2912\u2910\3\2\2\2\u2912\u2913\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2913\u0475\3\2\2\2\u2914\u2915\7|\2\2\u2915\u2918\7O\2\2\u2916\u2918"+ - "\7\u0130\2\2\u2917\u2914\3\2\2\2\u2917\u2916\3\2\2\2\u2918\u2919\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2919\u292b\5\u0478\u023d\2\u291a\u291e\7\u019d\2\2\u291b\u291c\7\u00af"+ - "\2\2\u291c\u291e\7\u00cd\2\2\u291d\u291a\3\2\2\2\u291d\u291b\3\2\2\2\u291e"+ - "\u291f\3\2\2\2\u291f\u292b\5\u0478\u023d\2\u2920\u292b\7\u03a4\2\2\u2921"+ - "\u292b\7\u02dc\2\2\u2922\u292b\7\u00e4\2\2\u2923\u292b\7\u013d\2\2\u2924"+ - "\u2925\7\u0386\2\2\u2925\u292b\5\u0478\u023d\2\u2926\u292b\7\u0447\2\2"+ - "\u2927\u292b\7\u009e\2\2\u2928\u292b\7\u049e\2\2\u2929\u292b\7\u03fd\2"+ - "\2\u292a\u2917\3\2\2\2\u292a\u291d\3\2\2\2\u292a\u2920\3\2\2\2\u292a\u2921"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u292a\u2922\3\2\2\2\u292a\u2923\3\2\2\2\u292a\u2924\3\2\2\2\u292a"+ - "\u2926\3\2\2\2\u292a\u2927\3\2\2\2\u292a\u2928\3\2\2\2\u292a\u2929\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u292b\u0477\3\2\2\2\u292c\u292e\7\u04f3\2\2\u292d\u292c\3\2\2\2\u292d"+ - "\u292e\3\2\2\2\u292e\u292f\3\2\2\2\u292f\u2939\7\u04e7\2\2\u2930\u2931"+ - "\7\u04f9\2\2\u2931\u2939\7\u04e7\2\2\u2932\u2934\7\u04f3\2\2\u2933\u2932"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2933\u2934\3\2\2\2\u2934\u2935\3\2\2\2\u2935\u2939\7\u04e8\2"+ - "\2\u2936\u2937\7\u04f9\2\2\u2937\u2939\7\u04e8\2\2\u2938\u292d\3\2\2\2"+ - 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"O\2\2\u295c\u295d\5\u0448\u0225\2\u295d\u295e\5\u0560\u02b1\2\u295e\u295f"+ - "\5\u0486\u0244\2\u295f\u2961\3\2\2\2\u2960\u2957\3\2\2\2\u2960\u2961\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2961\u047f\3\2\2\2\u2962\u2963\7d\2\2\u2963\u2964\7\u00ee\2\2"+ - "\u2964\u2965\7\u04da\2\2\u2965\u2966\5\u0482\u0242\2\u2966\u0481\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2967\u2968\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2968\u0483\3\2\2\2\u2969\u296a\7\u0512"+ - "\2\2\u296a\u0485\3\2\2\2\u296b\u296c\7V\2\2\u296c\u296f\5\u060a\u0306"+ - "\2\u296d\u296f\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u296e\u296b\3\2\2\2\u296e\u296d\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u296f\u0487\3\2\2\2\u2970\u2972\7\u036e\2\2\u2971\u2973\7\u04f1\2\2\u2972"+ - "\u2971\3\2\2\2\u2972\u2973\3\2\2\2\u2973\u2975\3\2\2\2\u2974\u2976\7\u0485"+ - "\2\2\u2975\u2974\3\2\2\2\u2975\u2976\3\2\2\2\u2976\u298e\3\2\2\2\u2977"+ - "\u2979\7\u00af\2\2\u2978\u297a\7\u04f1\2\2\u2979\u2978\3\2\2\2\u2979\u297a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u297a\u297b\3\2\2\2\u297b\u298b\7\u0220\2\2\u297c\u297d\7\u00cd"+ - "\2\2\u297d\u297e\7\u01c0\2\2\u297e\u298c\7\u02a2\2\2\u297f\u298c\5\u05ea"+ - "\u02f6\2\u2980\u2981\7\u00cd\2\2\u2981\u2982\7\u01c0\2\2\u2982\u2983\7"+ - "\u02a2\2\2\u2983\u2984\7\u04f2\2\2\u2984\u298c\5\u05ea\u02f6\2\u2985\u2986"+ - "\5\u05ea\u02f6\2\u2986\u2987\7\u04f2\2\2\u2987\u2988\7\u00cd\2\2\u2988"+ - "\u2989\7\u01c0\2\2\u2989\u298a\7\u02a2\2\2\u298a\u298c\3\2\2\2\u298b\u297c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u298b\u297f\3\2\2\2\u298b\u2980\3\2\2\2\u298b\u2985\3\2\2\2\u298b"+ - "\u298c\3\2\2\2\u298c\u298e\3\2\2\2\u298d\u2970\3\2\2\2\u298d\u2977\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u298e\u0489\3\2\2\2\u298f\u2991\7\u033a\2\2\u2990\u2992\7\u04f1\2"+ - "\2\u2991\u2990\3\2\2\2\u2991\u2992\3\2\2\2\u2992\u2994\3\2\2\2\u2993\u2995"+ - "\7\u0485\2\2\u2994\u2993\3\2\2\2\u2994\u2995\3\2\2\2\u2995\u29a0\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2996\u2998\7\u033a\2\2\u2997\u2999\7\u04f1\2\2\u2998\u2997\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2998\u2999\3\2\2\2\u2999\u299b\3\2\2\2\u299a\u299c\7\u0485\2\2\u299b"+ - "\u299a\3\2\2\2\u299b\u299c\3\2\2\2\u299c\u299d\3\2\2\2\u299d\u299e\7X"+ - "\2\2\u299e\u29a0\7\u0518\2\2\u299f\u298f\3\2\2\2\u299f\u2996\3\2\2\2\u29a0"+ - 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"\u2a61\3\2\2\2\u2a61\u2a62\3\2\2\2\u2a62\u2a64\ti\2\2\u2a63\u2a5d\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2a63\u2a60\3\2\2\2\u2a64\u2aa3\3\2\2\2\u2a65\u2a69\7D\2\2\u2a66"+ - "\u2a67\7F\2\2\u2a67\u2a6a\7\u0478\2\2\u2a68\u2a6a\7\u03fa\2\2\u2a69\u2a66"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2a69\u2a68\3\2\2\2\u2a6a\u2aa3\3\2\2\2\u2a6b\u2a6f\7D\2\2\u2a6c"+ - "\u2a6d\7F\2\2\u2a6d\u2a70\7\u03a1\2\2\u2a6e\u2a70\7\u00c4\2\2\u2a6f\u2a6c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2a6f\u2a6e\3\2\2\2\u2a70\u2aa3\3\2\2\2\u2a71\u2a72\7\u043e\2"+ - "\2\u2a72\u2a73\7F\2\2\u2a73\u2aa3\7\u0478\2\2\u2a74\u2a75\7\u0148\2\2"+ - "\u2a75\u2aa3\7\u03d5\2\2\u2a76\u2aa3\7\u01c2\2\2\u2a77\u2a7f\7[\2\2\u2a78"+ - "\u2a79\7F\2\2\u2a79\u2a7c\7\u02df\2\2\u2a7a\u2a7c\7\u03e6\2\2\u2a7b\u2a78"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2a7b\u2a7a\3\2\2\2\u2a7c\u2a80\3\2\2\2\u2a7d\u2a7e\7F\2\2\u2a7e"+ - "\u2a80\7\u027f\2\2\u2a7f\u2a7b\3\2\2\2\u2a7f\u2a7d\3\2\2\2\u2a80\u2aa3"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2a81\u2a82\7D\2\2\u2a82\u2aa3\7\u03e6\2\2\u2a83\u2a8b\7d\2\2"+ - "\u2a84\u2a85\7\u00ee\2\2\u2a85\u2a88\7\u04da\2\2\u2a86\u2a88\7\u03e6\2"+ - "\2\u2a87\u2a84\3\2\2\2\u2a87\u2a86\3\2\2\2\u2a88\u2a8c\3\2\2\2\u2a89\u2a8a"+ - "\7F\2\2\u2a8a\u2a8c\tj\2\2\u2a8b\u2a87\3\2\2\2\u2a8b\u2a89\3\2\2\2\u2a8c"+ - "\u2aa3\3\2\2\2\u2a8d\u2a8e\7\u02d2\2\2\u2a8e\u2aa3\7\u0288\2\2\u2a8f\u2a90"+ - "\7D\2\2\u2a90\u2aa3\7\u0372\2\2\u2a91\u2a93\7[\2\2\u2a92\u2a94\7\u00a3"+ - "\2\2\u2a93\u2a92\3\2\2\2\u2a93\u2a94\3\2\2\2\u2a94\u2a95\3\2\2\2\u2a95"+ - "\u2a96\7\u00ee\2\2\u2a96\u2aa3\7\u04da\2\2\u2a97\u2a9b\7D\2\2\u2a98\u2a99"+ - "\7\u0403\2\2\u2a99\u2a9b\7Z\2\2\u2a9a\u2a97\3\2\2\2\u2a9a\u2a98\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2a9b\u2a9c\3\2\2\2\u2a9c\u2aa3\7\u00b1\2\2\u2a9d\u2a9e\7D\2\2\u2a9e"+ - "\u2aa3\7\u00ee\2\2\u2a9f\u2aa0\7\u0403\2\2\u2aa0\u2aa1\7F\2\2\u2aa1\u2aa3"+ - "\7\u0147\2\2\u2aa2\u29ef\3\2\2\2\u2aa2\u29f0\3\2\2\2\u2aa2\u29fe\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2aa2\u2a01\3\2\2\2\u2aa2\u2a02\3\2\2\2\u2aa2\u2a03\3\2\2\2\u2aa2\u2a0f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2aa2\u2a1a\3\2\2\2\u2aa2\u2a1d\3\2\2\2\u2aa2\u2a1f\3\2\2\2\u2aa2"+ - "\u2a25\3\2\2\2\u2aa2\u2a28\3\2\2\2\u2aa2\u2a32\3\2\2\2\u2aa2\u2a35\3\2"+ - 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"\7\u0484\2\2\u2b19\u2b1a\5\u04b2\u025a\2\u2b1a\u2b1b\7r\2\2\u2b1b\u2b1c"+ - "\5\u04b4\u025b\2\u2b1c\u04b1\3\2\2\2\u2b1d\u2b1e\5\u0610\u0309\2\u2b1e"+ - "\u04b3\3\2\2\2\u2b1f\u2b25\5\u0300\u0181\2\u2b20\u2b25\5\u02d0\u0169\2"+ - "\u2b21\u2b25\5\u02f8\u017d\2\u2b22\u2b25\5\u00d6l\2\u2b23\u2b25\5\u00d4"+ - "k\2\u2b24\u2b1f\3\2\2\2\u2b24\u2b20\3\2\2\2\u2b24\u2b21\3\2\2\2\u2b24"+ - "\u2b22\3\2\2\2\u2b24\u2b23\3\2\2\2\u2b25\u04b5\3\2\2\2\u2b26\u2b27\7\u00b2"+ - "\2\2\u2b27\u2b28\5\u04ba\u025e\2\u2b28\u04b7\3\2\2\2\u2b29\u2b2e\5\u04c0"+ - "\u0261\2\u2b2a\u2b2b\7\u04f2\2\2\u2b2b\u2b2d\5\u04c0\u0261\2\u2b2c\u2b2a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2b2d\u2b30\3\2\2\2\u2b2e\u2b2c\3\2\2\2\u2b2e\u2b2f\3\2\2\2\u2b2f"+ - "\u04b9\3\2\2\2\u2b30\u2b2e\3\2\2\2\u2b31\u2b36\5\u04be\u0260\2\u2b32\u2b33"+ - "\7\u04f2\2\2\u2b33\u2b35\5\u04be\u0260\2\u2b34\u2b32\3\2\2\2\u2b35\u2b38"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2b36\u2b34\3\2\2\2\u2b36\u2b37\3\2\2\2\u2b37\u04bb\3\2\2\2\u2b38"+ - "\u2b36\3\2\2\2\u2b39\u2b3d\5\66\34\2\u2b3a\u2b3d\7\u009a\2\2\u2b3b\u2b3d"+ - "\7_\2\2\u2b3c\u2b39\3\2\2\2\u2b3c\u2b3a\3\2\2\2\u2b3c\u2b3b\3\2\2\2\u2b3d"+ - "\u04bd\3\2\2\2\u2b3e\u2b41\7\u0512\2\2\u2b3f\u2b42\5\u04c6\u0264\2\u2b40"+ - "\u2b42\5\u04c4\u0263\2\u2b41\u2b3f\3\2\2\2\u2b41\u2b40\3\2\2\2\u2b42\u2b43"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2b43\u2b44\5\66\34\2\u2b44\u2b5c\3\2\2\2\u2b45\u2b46\7\u0512"+ - "\2\2\u2b46\u2b47\5\u04c4\u0263\2\u2b47\u2b48\7\u0513\2\2\u2b48\u2b5c\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2b49\u2b5c\5\u04c0\u0261\2\u2b4a\u2b4f\7\u0511\2\2\u2b4b\u2b4c"+ - "\5\u04c2\u0262\2\u2b4c\u2b4d\5\u0608\u0305\2\u2b4d\u2b4f\3\2\2\2\u2b4e"+ - "\u2b4a\3\2\2\2\u2b4e\u2b4b\3\2\2\2\u2b4f\u2b50\3\2\2\2\u2b50\u2b51\5\u04c4"+ - "\u0263\2\u2b51\u2b52\5\u04bc\u025f\2\u2b52\u2b5c\3\2\2\2\u2b53\u2b54\7"+ - "\u0302\2\2\u2b54\u2b56\5\u01b2\u00da\2\u2b55\u2b57\5\u01b4\u00db\2\u2b56"+ - "\u2b55\3\2\2\2\u2b56\u2b57\3\2\2\2\u2b57\u2b5c\3\2\2\2\u2b58\u2b59\5\u010a"+ - "\u0086\2\u2b59\u2b5a\5\u01b2\u00da\2\u2b5a\u2b5c\3\2\2\2\u2b5b\u2b3e\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2b5b\u2b45\3\2\2\2\u2b5b\u2b49\3\2\2\2\u2b5b\u2b4e\3\2\2\2\u2b5b"+ - "\u2b53\3\2\2\2\u2b5b\u2b58\3\2\2\2\u2b5c\u04bf\3\2\2\2\u2b5d\u2b5e\5f"+ - "\64\2\u2b5e\u2b5f\5\u04c4\u0263\2\u2b5f\u2b60\5\u04bc\u025f\2\u2b60\u04c1"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2b61\u2b68\7\u02cf\2\2\u2b62\u2b68\7\u00b1\2\2\u2b63\u2b64\7"+ - "\u0187\2\2\u2b64\u2b68\7\u04fd\2\2\u2b65\u2b66\7\u0188\2\2\u2b66\u2b68"+ - "\7\u04fd\2\2\u2b67\u2b61\3\2\2\2\u2b67\u2b62\3\2\2\2\u2b67\u2b63\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2b67\u2b65\3\2\2\2\u2b68\u04c3\3\2\2\2\u2b69\u2b6a\tk\2\2\u2b6a\u04c5"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2b6b\u2b6c\7\u0506\2\2\u2b6c\u04c7\3\2\2\2\u2b6d\u2b6e\7\u0512"+ - "\2\2\u2b6e\u04c9\3\2\2\2\u2b6f\u2b70\7\u0498\2\2\u2b70\u2b73\5\u04b2\u025a"+ - "\2\u2b71\u2b72\7\u017b\2\2\u2b72\u2b74\5\u04cc\u0267\2\u2b73\u2b71\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2b73\u2b74\3\2\2\2\u2b74\u04cb\3\2\2\2\u2b75\u2b7a\5\u04c8\u0265"+ - "\2\u2b76\u2b77\7\u04f2\2\2\u2b77\u2b79\5\u04c8\u0265\2\u2b78\u2b76\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2b79\u2b7c\3\2\2\2\u2b7a\u2b78\3\2\2\2\u2b7a\u2b7b\3\2\2\2\u2b7b"+ - "\u04cd\3\2\2\2\u2b7c\u2b7a\3\2\2\2\u2b7d\u2b7e\5\u04d0\u0269\2\u2b7e\u2b7f"+ - "\7\u0484\2\2\u2b7f\u2b80\5\u04b2\u025a\2\u2b80\u04cf\3\2\2\2\u2b81\u2b82"+ - "\tl\2\2\u2b82\u04d1\3\2\2\2\u2b83\u2b84\7\u00da\2\2\u2b84\u2b86\5\u04d6"+ - "\u026c\2\u2b85\u2b87\5\u04d4\u026b\2\u2b86\u2b85\3\2\2\2\u2b86\u2b87\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2b87\u04d3\3\2\2\2\u2b88\u2b8a\7\u04f8\2\2\u2b89\u2b8b\5\u00bc"+ - "_\2\u2b8a\u2b89\3\2\2\2\u2b8a\u2b8b\3\2\2\2\u2b8b\u2b8c\3\2\2\2\u2b8c"+ - "\u2b8d\7\u04ff\2\2\u2b8d\u04d5\3\2\2\2\u2b8e\u2b8f\5\u0606\u0304\2\u2b8f"+ - "\u2b93\7\u04fd\2\2\u2b90\u2b91\5\u0606\u0304\2\u2b91\u2b92\7\u04fd\2\2"+ - "\u2b92\u2b94\3\2\2\2\u2b93\u2b90\3\2\2\2\u2b93\u2b94\3\2\2\2\u2b94\u2b95"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2b95\u2b96\5\u04d8\u026d\2\u2b96\u2b99\3\2\2\2\u2b97\u2b99\5"+ - "\u04d8\u026d\2\u2b98\u2b8e\3\2\2\2\u2b98\u2b97\3\2\2\2\u2b99\u04d7\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2b9a\u2ba3\7\u0517\2\2\u2b9b\u2ba3\5\u06fa\u037e\2\u2b9c\u2ba3\5"+ - "\u06fc\u037f\2\u2b9d\u2ba3\5\u06f8\u037d\2\u2b9e\u2ba3\7@\2\2\u2b9f\u2ba3"+ - "\7\u00b2\2\2\u2ba0\u2ba3\7\u008f\2\2\u2ba1\u2ba3\7`\2\2\u2ba2\u2b9a\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2ba2\u2b9b\3\2\2\2\u2ba2\u2b9c\3\2\2\2\u2ba2\u2b9d\3\2\2\2\u2ba2"+ - "\u2b9e\3\2\2\2\u2ba2\u2b9f\3\2\2\2\u2ba2\u2ba0\3\2\2\2\u2ba2\u2ba1\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2ba3\u04d9\3\2\2\2\u2ba4\u2ba6\7\u01c8\2\2\u2ba5\u2ba7\7\u00bb\2"+ - "\2\u2ba6\u2ba5\3\2\2\2\u2ba6\u2ba7\3\2\2\2\u2ba7\u2ba8\3\2\2\2\u2ba8\u2ba9"+ - "\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2ba9\u04db\3\2\2\2\u2baa\u2bab\7\u00a6\2\2\u2bab\u2bac"+ - "\5\u04de\u0270\2\u2bac\u04dd\3\2\2\2\u2bad\u2bae\5\u04e0\u0271\2\u2bae"+ - "\u04df\3\2\2\2\u2baf\u2bb0\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2bb0\u2bb1\7\u00bd\2\2\u2bb1"+ - "\u2bb2\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2bb2\u04e1\3\2\2\2\u2bb3\u2bb4\7D\2\2\u2bb4\u2bb5"+ - "\7~\2\2\u2bb5\u2bb6\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2bb6\u2bb7\5\u04e4\u0273\2\u2bb7"+ - "\u04e3\3\2\2\2\u2bb8\u2bb9\5\u04e6\u0274\2\u2bb9\u04e5\3\2\2\2\u2bba\u2bbb"+ - "\5\u04e8\u0275\2\u2bbb\u04e7\3\2\2\2\u2bbc\u2bbd\7\u00a6\2\2\u2bbd\u2bbe"+ - "\7\u00bd\2\2\u2bbe\u2bc3\5\u0294\u014b\2\u2bbf\u2bc3\5\u01ce\u00e8\2\u2bc0"+ - "\u2bc1\7\u03e6\2\2\u2bc1\u2bc3\5\u05ac\u02d7\2\u2bc2\u2bbc\3\2\2\2\u2bc2"+ - "\u2bbf\3\2\2\2\u2bc2\u2bc0\3\2\2\2\u2bc3\u04e9\3\2\2\2\u2bc4\u2bc6\7D"+ - "\2\2\u2bc5\u2bc7\7\u026c\2\2\u2bc6\u2bc5\3\2\2\2\u2bc6\u2bc7\3\2\2\2\u2bc7"+ - "\u2bc8\3\2\2\2\u2bc8\u2bc9\7\u00bb\2\2\u2bc9\u2bca\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2bca"+ - "\u2bcb\5\u04f0\u0279\2\u2bcb\u2be7\3\2\2\2\u2bcc\u2bcd\7D\2\2\u2bcd\u2bce"+ - "\7\u00bb\2\2\u2bce\u2bcf\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2bcf\u2bd0\5\u050c\u0287\2\u2bd0"+ - "\u2be7\3\2\2\2\u2bd1\u2bd2\7D\2\2\u2bd2\u2bd3\7\u026c\2\2\u2bd3\u2bd4"+ - "\7\u00bb\2\2\u2bd4\u2bd5\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2bd5\u2bd6\7@\2\2\u2bd6\u2bd7"+ - "\7\u0149\2\2\u2bd7\u2bd8\7\u04f8\2\2\u2bd8\u2bd9\5\u04ec\u0277\2\u2bd9"+ - "\u2bda\7\u04ff\2\2\u2bda\u2bdb\7\u01ad\2\2\u2bdb\u2bdc\7\u0518\2\2\u2bdc"+ - "\u2be7\3\2\2\2\u2bdd\u2bde\7D\2\2\u2bde\u2bdf\7\u026c\2\2\u2bdf\u2be0"+ - "\7\u00bb\2\2\u2be0\u2be1\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2be1\u2be2\7d\2\2\u2be2\u2be3"+ - "\7\u0149\2\2\u2be3\u2be4\7\u01ad\2\2\u2be4\u2be5\7\u0518\2\2\u2be5\u2be7"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2be6\u2bc4\3\2\2\2\u2be6\u2bcc\3\2\2\2\u2be6\u2bd1\3\2\2\2\u2be6"+ - "\u2bdd\3\2\2\2\u2be7\u04eb\3\2\2\2\u2be8\u2be9\b\u0277\1\2\u2be9\u2bec"+ - "\5\u04ee\u0278\2\u2bea\u2bec\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u2beb\u2be8\3\2\2\2\u2beb"+ - "\u2bea\3\2\2\2\u2bec\u2bf2\3\2\2\2\u2bed\u2bee\f\3\2\2\u2bee\u2bef\7\u04f2"+ - "\2\2\u2bef\u2bf1\5\u04ee\u0278\2\u2bf0\u2bed\3\2\2\2\u2bf1\u2bf4\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2bf2\u2bf0\3\2\2\2\u2bf2\u2bf3\3\2\2\2\u2bf3\u04ed\3\2\2\2\u2bf4\u2bf2"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2bf5\u2bf7\5\u0608\u0305\2\u2bf6\u2bf8\7\u0504\2\2\u2bf7\u2bf6"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2bf7\u2bf8\3\2\2\2\u2bf8\u2bf9\3\2\2\2\u2bf9\u2bfa\5\"\22\2"+ - "\u2bfa\u04ef\3\2\2\2\u2bfb\u2c00\5\u04f2\u027a\2\u2bfc\u2bfd\7\u04f2\2"+ - "\2\u2bfd\u2bff\5\u04f2\u027a\2\u2bfe\u2bfc\3\2\2\2\u2bff\u2c02\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2c00\u2bfe\3\2\2\2\u2c00\u2c01\3\2\2\2\u2c01\u04f1\3\2\2\2\u2c02\u2c00"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2c03\u2c21\5\u01c4\u00e3\2\u2c04\u2c05\7\u00b2\2\2\u2c05\u2c21"+ - "\5\u01c4\u00e3\2\u2c06\u2c07\7\u00b2\2\2\u2c07\u2c08\7\u0116\2\2\u2c08"+ - "\u2c0a\7\u04f8\2\2\u2c09\u2c0b\5\66\34\2\u2c0a\u2c09\3\2\2\2\u2c0a\u2c0b"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2c0b\u2c0c\3\2\2\2\u2c0c\u2c21\7\u04ff\2\2\u2c0d\u2c21\5\u0250"+ - "\u0129\2\u2c0e\u2c21\5\u050e\u0288\2\u2c0f\u2c21\5\u0510\u0289\2\u2c10"+ - "\u2c12\7\u00a6\2\2\u2c11\u2c13\7\u00bd\2\2\u2c12\u2c11\3\2\2\2\u2c12\u2c13"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2c13\u2c14\3\2\2\2\u2c14\u2c21\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2c15\u2c21\5"+ - "\u0508\u0285\2\u2c16\u2c21\5\u04f4\u027b\2\u2c17\u2c21\5\u0504\u0283\2"+ - "\u2c18\u2c19\7d\2\2\u2c19\u2c1a\7\u00df\2\2\u2c1a\u2c21\5\u0298\u014d"+ - "\2\u2c1b\u2c1c\5\u0156\u00ac\2\u2c1c\u2c1d\7C\2\2\u2c1d\u2c1e\7\u0249"+ - "\2\2\u2c1e\u2c21\3\2\2\2\u2c1f\u2c21\7\u03f3\2\2\u2c20\u2c03\3\2\2\2\u2c20"+ - "\u2c04\3\2\2\2\u2c20\u2c06\3\2\2\2\u2c20\u2c0d\3\2\2\2\u2c20\u2c0e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2c20\u2c0f\3\2\2\2\u2c20\u2c10\3\2\2\2\u2c20\u2c15\3\2\2\2\u2c20"+ - "\u2c16\3\2\2\2\u2c20\u2c17\3\2\2\2\u2c20\u2c18\3\2\2\2\u2c20\u2c1b\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2c20\u2c1f\3\2\2\2\u2c21\u04f3\3\2\2\2\u2c22\u2c23\7d\2\2\u2c23"+ - "\u2c24\tP\2\2\u2c24\u2c53\5\u04f6\u027c\2\u2c25\u2c26\7d\2\2\u2c26\u2c27"+ - "\tP\2\2\u2c27\u2c28\5\u04f6\u027c\2\u2c28\u2c29\7\u00c3\2\2\u2c29\u2c2a"+ - "\7\u02cf\2\2\u2c2a\u2c2b\7\u02ac\2\2\u2c2b\u2c53\3\2\2\2\u2c2c\u2c2d\7"+ - "\u00a6\2\2\u2c2d\u2c2e\tP\2\2\u2c2e\u2c2f\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2c2f\u2c30"+ - "\7\u00bd\2\2\u2c30\u2c31\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2c31\u2c53\3\2\2\2\u2c32\u2c53"+ - "\5\u04fa\u027e\2\u2c33\u2c34\7\u0434\2\2\u2c34\u2c35\7\u0149\2\2\u2c35"+ - "\u2c36\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2c36\u2c37\5\u04f8\u027d\2\u2c37\u2c53\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2c38\u2c39\7\u01c8\2\2\u2c39\u2c3a\tP\2\2\u2c3a\u2c53\5\u035a\u01ae"+ - "\2\u2c3b\u2c3c\7\u01c8\2\2\u2c3c\u2c3d\tP\2\2\u2c3d\u2c3e\5\u035a\u01ae"+ - "\2\u2c3e\u2c3f\7\u00c3\2\2\u2c3f\u2c40\7\u02cf\2\2\u2c40\u2c41\7\u02ac"+ - "\2\2\u2c41\u2c53\3\2\2\2\u2c42\u2c43\7\u008f\2\2\u2c43\u2c44\7\u0149\2"+ - "\2\u2c44\u2c45\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2c45\u2c46\5\u04fc\u027f\2\u2c46\u2c53"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2c47\u2c48\7\u02ed\2\2\u2c48\u2c49\7\u0149\2\2\u2c49\u2c4a\5"+ - "\u060a\u0306\2\u2c4a\u2c4b\7\u00cd\2\2\u2c4b\u2c4c\7\u00bb\2\2\u2c4c\u2c4d"+ - "\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2c4d\u2c4e\7\u0320\2\2\u2c4e\u2c4f\7\u02ac\2\2\u2c4f"+ - "\u2c50\7\u00cf\2\2\u2c50\u2c51\7!\2\2\u2c51\u2c53\3\2\2\2\u2c52\u2c22"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2c52\u2c25\3\2\2\2\u2c52\u2c2c\3\2\2\2\u2c52\u2c32\3\2\2\2\u2c52"+ - "\u2c33\3\2\2\2\u2c52\u2c38\3\2\2\2\u2c52\u2c3b\3\2\2\2\u2c52\u2c42\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2c52\u2c47\3\2\2\2\u2c53\u04f5\3\2\2\2\u2c54\u2c5a\5\u035a\u01ae"+ - "\2\u2c55\u2c56\7\u04f8\2\2\u2c56\u2c57\5\u035a\u01ae\2\u2c57\u2c58\7\u04ff"+ - "\2\2\u2c58\u2c5a\3\2\2\2\u2c59\u2c54\3\2\2\2\u2c59\u2c55\3\2\2\2\u2c5a"+ - "\u04f7\3\2\2\2\u2c5b\u2c5c\7\u00c6\2\2\u2c5c\u2c5d\7\u04f8\2\2\u2c5d\u2c5e"+ - "\5\u022e\u0118\2\u2c5e\u2c5f\7\u04ff\2\2\u2c5f\u2c60\5\u04fe\u0280\2\u2c60"+ - "\u2c6a\3\2\2\2\u2c61\u2c62\7\u01a9\2\2\u2c62\u2c63\7\u04f8\2\2\u2c63\u2c64"+ - "\5\u023c\u011f\2\u2c64\u2c65\7\u04ff\2\2\u2c65\u2c66\5\u04fe\u0280\2\u2c66"+ - "\u2c6a\3\2\2\2\u2c67\u2c6a\5\u0500\u0281\2\u2c68\u2c6a\5\u0502\u0282\2"+ - "\u2c69\u2c5b\3\2\2\2\u2c69\u2c61\3\2\2\2\u2c69\u2c67\3\2\2\2\u2c69\u2c68"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2c6a\u04f9\3\2\2\2\u2c6b\u2c6c\7@\2\2\u2c6c\u2c70\5\u020c\u0107"+ - "\2\u2c6d\u2c6e\7@\2\2\u2c6e\u2c70\5\u0214\u010b\2\u2c6f\u2c6b\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2c6f\u2c6d\3\2\2\2\u2c70\u04fb\3\2\2\2\u2c71\u2c72\7@\2\2\u2c72\u2c76"+ - "\5\u0222\u0112\2\u2c73\u2c74\7@\2\2\u2c74\u2c76\5\u0228\u0115\2\u2c75"+ - "\u2c71\3\2\2\2\u2c75\u2c73\3\2\2\2\u2c76\u04fd\3\2\2\2\u2c77\u2c78\7\u0084"+ - "\2\2\u2c78\u2c7b\5\u0234\u011b\2\u2c79\u2c7b\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u2c7a\u2c77"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2c7a\u2c79\3\2\2\2\u2c7b\u04ff\3\2\2\2\u2c7c\u2c7d\7\u0084\2"+ - "\2\u2c7d\u2c86\5\u020a\u0106\2\u2c7e\u2c7f\7\u0084\2\2\u2c7f\u2c80\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u2c80\u2c81\5\u020c\u0107\2\u2c81\u2c82\7\u04f2\2\2\u2c82\u2c83\5"+ - "\u0236\u011c\2\u2c83\u2c84\7\u04ff\2\2\u2c84\u2c86\3\2\2\2\u2c85\u2c7c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2c85\u2c7e\3\2\2\2\u2c86\u0501\3\2\2\2\u2c87\u2c88\7\u0084\2"+ - "\2\u2c88\u2c91\5\u0212\u010a\2\u2c89\u2c8a\7\u0084\2\2\u2c8a\u2c8b\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u2c8b\u2c8c\5\u0214\u010b\2\u2c8c\u2c8d\7\u04f2\2\2\u2c8d\u2c8e\5"+ - "\u0236\u011c\2\u2c8e\u2c8f\7\u04ff\2\2\u2c8f\u2c91\3\2\2\2\u2c90\u2c87"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2c90\u2c89\3\2\2\2\u2c91\u0503\3\2\2\2\u2c92\u2c93\7\u008f\2"+ - "\2\u2c93\u2c99\5\u01f2\u00fa\2\u2c94\u2c95\7\u008f\2\2\u2c95\u2c99\5\u01f6"+ - "\u00fc\2\u2c96\u2c97\7\u008f\2\2\u2c97\u2c99\5\u01f8\u00fd\2\u2c98\u2c92"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2c98\u2c94\3\2\2\2\u2c98\u2c96\3\2\2\2\u2c99\u0505\3\2\2\2\u2c9a"+ - "\u2c9b\7\u008f\2\2\u2c9b\u2ca1\5\u0244\u0123\2\u2c9c\u2c9d\7\u008f\2\2"+ - "\u2c9d\u2ca1\5\u0246\u0124\2\u2c9e\u2c9f\7\u008f\2\2\u2c9f\u2ca1\5\u0248"+ - "\u0125\2\u2ca0\u2c9a\3\2\2\2\u2ca0\u2c9c\3\2\2\2\u2ca0\u2c9e\3\2\2\2\u2ca1"+ - "\u0507\3\2\2\2\u2ca2\u2ca3\7@\2\2\u2ca3\u2cc7\5\u014c\u00a7\2\u2ca4\u2ca5"+ - "\7@\2\2\u2ca5\u2ca6\7\u04f8\2\2\u2ca6\u2ca7\5\u014c\u00a7\2\u2ca7\u2ca8"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u2ca8\u2cc7\3\2\2\2\u2ca9\u2caa\7D\2\2\u2caa\u2cab\7~\2\2"+ - "\u2cab\u2cac\5\u0294\u014b\2\u2cac\u2cad\5\u050a\u0286\2\u2cad\u2cc7\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2cae\u2caf\7d\2\2\u2caf\u2cb0\7\u0270\2\2\u2cb0\u2cc7\7\u0294"+ - "\2\2\u2cb1\u2cb2\7\u008f\2\2\u2cb2\u2cc7\5\u014e\u00a8\2\u2cb3\u2cb4\7"+ - "\u008f\2\2\u2cb4\u2cb5\7\u00df\2\2\u2cb5\u2cb7\5\u0298\u014d\2\u2cb6\u2cb8"+ - "\t(\2\2\u2cb7\u2cb6\3\2\2\2\u2cb7\u2cb8\3\2\2\2\u2cb8\u2cba\3\2\2\2\u2cb9"+ - "\u2cbb\5\u0156\u00ac\2\u2cba\u2cb9\3\2\2\2\u2cba\u2cbb\3\2\2\2\u2cbb\u2cbd"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2cbc\u2cbe\t)\2\2\u2cbd\u2cbc\3\2\2\2\u2cbd\u2cbe\3\2\2\2\u2cbe"+ - "\u2cc7\3\2\2\2\u2cbf\u2cc1\5\u0156\u00ac\2\u2cc0\u2cc2\t)\2\2\u2cc1\u2cc0"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2cc1\u2cc2\3\2\2\2\u2cc2\u2cc3\3\2\2\2\u2cc3\u2cc4\7\u00df\2"+ - "\2\u2cc4\u2cc5\5\u0298\u014d\2\u2cc5\u2cc7\3\2\2\2\u2cc6\u2ca2\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2cc6\u2ca4\3\2\2\2\u2cc6\u2ca9\3\2\2\2\u2cc6\u2cae\3\2\2\2\u2cc6\u2cb1"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2cc6\u2cb3\3\2\2\2\u2cc6\u2cbf\3\2\2\2\u2cc7\u0509\3\2\2\2\u2cc8"+ - "\u2cc9\tm\2\2\u2cc9\u050b\3\2\2\2\u2cca\u2ccb\tn\2\2\u2ccb\u2ccc\7W\2"+ - "\2\u2ccc\u2ccd\7t\2\2\u2ccd\u2cce\7\u04f8\2\2\u2cce\u2ccf\5\u01e6\u00f4"+ - "\2\u2ccf\u2cd0\7\u04ff\2\2\u2cd0\u050d\3\2\2\2\u2cd1\u2cd2\7@\2\2\u2cd2"+ - "\u2cf1\5\u0146\u00a4\2\u2cd3\u2cd4\7@\2\2\u2cd4\u2cd5\7\u04f8\2\2\u2cd5"+ - "\u2cd6\5\u016a\u00b6\2\u2cd6\u2cd7\7\u04ff\2\2\u2cd7\u2cf1\3\2\2\2\u2cd8"+ - "\u2cd9\7d\2\2\u2cd9\u2cda\7W\2\2\u2cda\u2cdc\5\u0168\u00b5\2\u2cdb\u2cdd"+ - "\to\2\2\u2cdc\u2cdb\3\2\2\2\u2cdc\u2cdd\3\2\2\2\u2cdd\u2cf1\3\2\2\2\u2cde"+ - "\u2cdf\7d\2\2\u2cdf\u2ce0\7\u04f8\2\2\u2ce0\u2ce1\5\u02ee\u0178\2\u2ce1"+ - "\u2ce2\7\u04ff\2\2\u2ce2\u2cf1\3\2\2\2\u2ce3\u2ce4\7\u00a6\2\2\u2ce4\u2ce5"+ - "\7W\2\2\u2ce5\u2ce6\5\u0168\u00b5\2\u2ce6\u2ce7\7\u00bd\2\2\u2ce7\u2ce8"+ - "\5\u0608\u0305\2\u2ce8\u2cf1\3\2\2\2\u2ce9\u2cea\7\u008f\2\2\u2cea\u2cf1"+ - "\5\u0148\u00a5\2\u2ceb\u2cec\7\u008f\2\2\u2cec\u2ced\7\u04f8\2\2\u2ced"+ - "\u2cee\5\u016c\u00b7\2\u2cee\u2cef\7\u04ff\2\2\u2cef\u2cf1\3\2\2\2\u2cf0"+ - "\u2cd1\3\2\2\2\u2cf0\u2cd3\3\2\2\2\u2cf0\u2cd8\3\2\2\2\u2cf0\u2cde\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2cf0\u2ce3\3\2\2\2\u2cf0\u2ce9\3\2\2\2\u2cf0\u2ceb\3\2\2\2\u2cf1"+ - "\u050f\3\2\2\2\u2cf2\u2cf3\7d\2\2\u2cf3\u2cf4\7\u0171\2\2\u2cf4\u0511"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2cf5\u2cf6\7\u03ac\2\2\u2cf6\u2cf7\7\u00bb\2\2\u2cf7\u2cf8\5"+ - "\u0514\u028b\2\u2cf8\u2cf9\7\u00bd\2\2\u2cf9\u2cfa\7\u00d6\2\2\u2cfa\u2cfe"+ - "\7d\2\2\u2cfb\u2cfc\7\u00a6\2\2\u2cfc\u2cfd\7\u00bd\2\2\u2cfd\u2cff"; - private static final String _serializedATNSegment5 = - "\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2cfe\u2cfb\3\2\2\2\u2cfe\u2cff\3\2\2\2\u2cff\u2d25\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2d00\u2d01\7\u03ac\2\2\u2d01\u2d02\5\u0104\u0083\2\u2d02\u2d03"+ - "\5\u0106\u0084\2\u2d03\u2d04\7\u00bd\2\2\u2d04\u2d05\7\u00d6\2\2\u2d05"+ - "\u2d09\7d\2\2\u2d06\u2d07\7\u00a6\2\2\u2d07\u2d08\7\u00bd\2\2\u2d08\u2d0a"+ - "\5\u0106\u0084\2\u2d09\u2d06\3\2\2\2\u2d09\u2d0a\3\2\2\2\u2d0a\u2d25\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2d0b\u2d0c\7\u03ac\2\2\u2d0c\u2d0d\7\u04e3\2\2\u2d0d\u2d0e\5\u060a"+ - "\u0306\2\u2d0e\u2d0f\7\u00bd\2\2\u2d0f\u2d10\7\u00d6\2\2\u2d10\u2d14\7"+ - "d\2\2\u2d11\u2d12\7\u00a6\2\2\u2d12\u2d13\7\u00bd\2\2\u2d13\u2d15\5\u060a"+ - "\u0306\2\u2d14\u2d11\3\2\2\2\u2d14\u2d15\3\2\2\2\u2d15\u2d25\3\2\2\2\u2d16"+ - "\u2d17\7\u03ac\2\2\u2d17\u2d18\7\u00bb\2\2\u2d18\u2d19\5\u0514\u028b\2"+ - "\u2d19\u2d1a\7\u00bd\2\2\u2d1a\u2d1b\7\u0254\2\2\u2d1b\u2d1c\5\66\34\2"+ - "\u2d1c\u2d25\3\2\2\2\u2d1d\u2d1e\7\u03ac\2\2\u2d1e\u2d1f\7\u00bb\2\2\u2d1f"+ - "\u2d20\5\u0514\u028b\2\u2d20\u2d21\7\u00bd\2\2\u2d21\u2d22\7\u04e5\2\2"+ - "\u2d22\u2d23\5\66\34\2\u2d23\u2d25\3\2\2\2\u2d24\u2cf5\3\2\2\2\u2d24\u2d00"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2d24\u2d0b\3\2\2\2\u2d24\u2d16\3\2\2\2\u2d24\u2d1d\3\2\2\2\u2d25"+ - "\u0513\3\2\2\2\u2d26\u2d2b\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2d27\u2d28\7\u04f2\2\2\u2d28"+ - "\u2d2a\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2d29\u2d27\3\2\2\2\u2d2a\u2d2d\3\2\2\2\u2d2b\u2d29"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2d2b\u2d2c\3\2\2\2\u2d2c\u0515\3\2\2\2\u2d2d\u2d2b\3\2\2\2\u2d2e"+ - "\u2d3b\7\u0148\2\2\u2d2f\u2d30\tp\2\2\u2d30\u2d38\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2d31"+ - "\u2d36\7\u01ff\2\2\u2d32\u2d33\5\u0104\u0083\2\u2d33\u2d34\5\u0106\u0084"+ - "\2\u2d34\u2d36\3\2\2\2\u2d35\u2d31\3\2\2\2\u2d35\u2d32\3\2\2\2\u2d36\u2d38"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2d37\u2d2f\3\2\2\2\u2d37\u2d35\3\2\2\2\u2d38\u2d3c\3\2\2\2\u2d39"+ - "\u2d3a\7\u04e3\2\2\u2d3a\u2d3c\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2d3b\u2d37\3\2\2\2\u2d3b"+ - "\u2d39\3\2\2\2\u2d3c\u0517\3\2\2\2\u2d3d\u2d3e\7D\2\2\u2d3e\u2d3f\7\u00bb"+ - "\2\2\u2d3f\u2d40\5\u03d0\u01e9\2\u2d40\u2d41\7\u0328\2\2\u2d41\u2d42\7"+ - "\u0363\2\2\u2d42\u2d4c\3\2\2\2\u2d43\u2d44\7D\2\2\u2d44\u2d47\7\u04e3"+ - "\2\2\u2d45\u2d48\7C\2\2\u2d46\u2d48\5\u060a\u0306\2\u2d47\u2d45\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2d47\u2d46\3\2\2\2\u2d48\u2d49\3\2\2\2\u2d49\u2d4a\7\u0328\2\2\u2d4a"+ - "\u2d4c\7\u0363\2\2\u2d4b\u2d3d\3\2\2\2\u2d4b\u2d43\3\2\2\2\u2d4c\u0519"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2d4d\u2d4e\5\u051c\u028f\2\u2d4e\u2d4f\5\u051e\u0290\2\u2d4f"+ - "\u051b\3\2\2\2\u2d50\u2d51\tq\2\2\u2d51\u051d\3\2\2\2\u2d52\u2d57\5\u0520"+ - "\u0291\2\u2d53\u2d58\5\u0526\u0294\2\u2d54\u2d56\5\u0524\u0293\2\u2d55"+ - "\u2d54\3\2\2\2\u2d55\u2d56\3\2\2\2\u2d56\u2d58\3\2\2\2\u2d57\u2d53\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2d57\u2d55\3\2\2\2\u2d58\u2d59\3\2\2\2\u2d59\u2d5a\5\u0528\u0295"+ - "\2\u2d5a\u051f\3\2\2\2\u2d5b\u2d61\5\u0522\u0292\2\u2d5c\u2d5e\7C\2\2"+ - "\u2d5d\u2d5f\7\u016b\2\2\u2d5e\u2d5d\3\2\2\2\u2d5e\u2d5f\3\2\2\2\u2d5f"+ - "\u2d61\3\2\2\2\u2d60\u2d5b\3\2\2\2\u2d60\u2d5c\3\2\2\2\u2d61\u0521\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2d62\u2d67\5\u052e\u0298\2\u2d63\u2d64\7\u04f2\2\2\u2d64\u2d66\5"+ - "\u052e\u0298\2\u2d65\u2d63\3\2\2\2\u2d66\u2d69\3\2\2\2\u2d67\u2d65\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2d67\u2d68\3\2\2\2\u2d68\u0523\3\2\2\2\u2d69\u2d67\3\2\2\2\u2d6a"+ - "\u2d6b\7\u009a\2\2\u2d6b\u2d6f\5\u03d2\u01ea\2\u2d6c\u2d6d\7\u009a\2\2"+ - "\u2d6d\u2d6f\7_\2\2\u2d6e\u2d6a\3\2\2\2\u2d6e\u2d6c\3\2\2\2\u2d6f\u0525"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2d70\u2d71\7O\2\2\u2d71\u2d72\5\u044e\u0228\2\u2d72\u0527\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2d73\u2d7a\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u2d74\u2d76\5\u052a\u0296\2\u2d75\u2d77"+ - "\5\u052c\u0297\2\u2d76\u2d75\3\2\2\2\u2d76\u2d77\3\2\2\2\u2d77\u2d7a\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2d78\u2d7a\5\u052c\u0297\2\u2d79\u2d73\3\2\2\2\u2d79\u2d74\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2d79\u2d78\3\2\2\2\u2d7a\u0529\3\2\2\2\u2d7b\u2d7c\7O\2\2\u2d7c"+ - "\u2d7d\7>\2\2\u2d7d\u052b\3\2\2\2\u2d7e\u2d80\7\u00ca\2\2\u2d7f\u2d81"+ - "\7\u0092\2\2\u2d80\u2d7f\3\2\2\2\u2d80\u2d81\3\2\2\2\u2d81\u2d82\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2d82\u2d83\7\u00b7\2\2\u2d83\u052d\3\2\2\2\u2d84\u2d86\7D\2\2\u2d85"+ - "\u2d87\7\u0372\2\2\u2d86\u2d85\3\2\2\2\u2d86\u2d87\3\2\2\2\u2d87\u2dd9"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2d88\u2dd9\7V\2\2\u2d89\u2dd9\7\u027f\2\2\u2d8a\u2d8c\7\u00a3"+ - "\2\2\u2d8b\u2d8a\3\2\2\2\u2d8b\u2d8c\3\2\2\2\u2d8c\u2d90\3\2\2\2\u2d8d"+ - "\u2d8e\7\u00ee\2\2\u2d8e\u2d91\7\u04da\2\2\u2d8f\u2d91\7\u00b8\2\2\u2d90"+ - "\u2d8d\3\2\2\2\u2d90\u2d8f\3\2\2\2\u2d91\u2dd9\3\2\2\2\u2d92\u2dd9\7\u02df"+ - "\2\2\u2d93\u2d95\7\u0486\2\2\u2d94\u2d93\3\2\2\2\u2d94\u2d95\3\2\2\2\u2d95"+ - "\u2d96\3\2\2\2\u2d96\u2dd9\7\u00c9\2\2\u2d97\u2d98\7\u0092\2\2\u2d98\u2dd9"+ - "\7m\2\2\u2d99\u2dd9\7\u03a1\2\2\u2d9a\u2d9c\7\u0498\2\2\u2d9b\u2d9a\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2d9b\u2d9c\3\2\2\2\u2d9c\u2d9d\3\2\2\2\u2d9d\u2dd9\7\u0147\2\2"+ - "\u2d9e\u2dd9\7\u03fa\2\2\u2d9f\u2dd9\7\u01b3\2\2\u2da0\u2da2\7D\2\2\u2da1"+ - "\u2da0\3\2\2\2\u2da1\u2da2\3\2\2\2\u2da2\u2da3\3\2\2\2\u2da3\u2dd9\7\u01e7"+ - "\2\2\u2da4\u2dd9\7\u00b1\2\2\u2da5\u2da7\7\u0372\2\2\u2da6\u2da5\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2da6\u2da7\3\2\2\2\u2da7\u2da8\3\2\2\2\u2da8\u2dd9\7J\2\2\u2da9\u2dab"+ - "\7\u0372\2\2\u2daa\u2da9\3\2\2\2\u2daa\u2dab\3\2\2\2\u2dab\u2dac\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2dac\u2dd9\7s\2\2\u2dad\u2daf\7D\2\2\u2dae\u2dad\3\2\2\2\u2dae\u2daf"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2daf\u2db0\3\2\2\2\u2db0\u2dd9\7\u00bb\2\2\u2db1\u2dd9\7\u03e6"+ - "\2\2\u2db2\u2dd9\7\u00be\2\2\u2db3\u2db5\7s\2\2\u2db4\u2db3\3\2\2\2\u2db4"+ - "\u2db5\3\2\2\2\u2db5\u2db6\3\2\2\2\u2db6\u2dd9\7\u0478\2\2\u2db7\u2dd9"+ - "\7\u00c4\2\2\u2db8\u2dba\7X\2\2\u2db9\u2dbb\7\u00bb\2\2\u2dba\u2db9\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2dba\u2dbb\3\2\2\2\u2dbb\u2dd9\3\2\2\2\u2dbc\u2dbe\7`\2\2\u2dbd"+ - "\u2dbf\7\u00bb\2\2\u2dbe\u2dbd\3\2\2\2\u2dbe\u2dbf\3\2\2\2\u2dbf\u2dd9"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2dc0\u2dc1\7s\2\2\u2dc1\u2dd9\7\u0147\2\2\u2dc2\u2dc3\7s\2\2"+ - "\u2dc3\u2dd9\7\u01e7\2\2\u2dc4\u2dc5\7s\2\2\u2dc5\u2dd9\7\u00bb\2\2\u2dc6"+ - "\u2dc8\7\u0080\2\2\u2dc7\u2dc9\7\u00bb\2\2\u2dc8\u2dc7\3\2\2\2\u2dc8\u2dc9"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2dc9\u2dd9\3\2\2\2\u2dca\u2dcc\7\u00b0\2\2\u2dcb\u2dcd\7\u01e7"+ - "\2\2\u2dcc\u2dcb\3\2\2\2\u2dcc\u2dcd\3\2\2\2\u2dcd\u2dd9\3\2\2\2\u2dce"+ - "\u2dcf\7\u00b0\2\2\u2dcf\u2dd9\7\u00bb\2\2\u2dd0\u2dd2\7\u00c3\2\2\u2dd1"+ - "\u2dd3\7\u00bb\2\2\u2dd2\u2dd1\3\2\2\2\u2dd2\u2dd3\3\2\2\2\u2dd3\u2dd9"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2dd4\u2dd9\7\u0498\2\2\u2dd5\u2dd9\7\u03ac\2\2\u2dd6\u2dd9\7"+ - "~\2\2\u2dd7\u2dd9\7\u00a6\2\2\u2dd8\u2d84\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2d88\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2dd8\u2d89\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2d8b\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2d92\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2d94"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2d97\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2d99\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2d9b\3\2\2\2\u2dd8"+ - "\u2d9e\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2d9f\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2da1\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2da4\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2dd8\u2da6\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2daa\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2dae\3\2\2\2\u2dd8"+ - "\u2db1\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2db2\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2db4\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2db7\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2dd8\u2db8\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2dbc\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2dc0\3\2\2\2\u2dd8"+ - "\u2dc2\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2dc4\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2dc6\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2dca\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2dd8\u2dce\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2dd0\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2dd4\3\2\2\2\u2dd8"+ - "\u2dd5\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2dd6\3\2\2\2\u2dd8\u2dd7\3\2\2\2\u2dd9\u052f\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2dda\u2ddb\7D\2\2\u2ddb\u2ddc\7\u0372\2\2\u2ddc\u2ddf\7\u0242\2"+ - "\2\u2ddd\u2dde\7V\2\2\u2dde\u2de0\5\u0592\u02ca\2\u2ddf\u2ddd\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2ddf\u2de0\3\2\2\2\u2de0\u2de1\3\2\2\2\u2de1\u2de4\5\u0556\u02ac\2\u2de2"+ - "\u2de3\7\u044a\2\2\u2de3\u2de5\7\u0518\2\2\u2de4\u2de2\3\2\2\2\u2de4\u2de5"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2de5\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2de6\u2de7\7D\2\2\u2de7\u2de8\7\u0372\2"+ - "\2\u2de8\u2de9\7\u0209\2\2\u2de9\u2dea\5\u0544\u02a3\2\u2dea\u2dec\7\u0386"+ - "\2\2\u2deb\u2ded\5\u0586\u02c4\2\u2dec\u2deb\3\2\2\2\u2dec\u2ded\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2ded\u2dee\3\2\2\2\u2dee\u2def\5\u0554\u02ab\2\u2def\u30cb\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2df0\u2df1\7D\2\2\u2df1\u2df2\7\u0372\2\2\u2df2\u2df3\7\u0209\2\2\u2df3"+ - "\u2df5\7\u0462\2\2\u2df4\u2df6\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u2df5\u2df4\3\2\2\2\u2df5"+ - "\u2df6\3\2\2\2\u2df6\u2df8\3\2\2\2\u2df7\u2df9\5\u0588\u02c5\2\u2df8\u2df7"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2df8\u2df9\3\2\2\2\u2df9\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2dfa\u2dfb\7D\2\2\u2dfb"+ - "\u2dfc\7\u0372\2\2\u2dfc\u2dfd\7\u0209\2\2\u2dfd\u2dff\7\62\2\2\u2dfe"+ - "\u2e00\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u2dff\u2dfe\3\2\2\2\u2dff\u2e00\3\2\2\2\u2e00\u30cb"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2e01\u2e02\7D\2\2\u2e02\u2e03\7\u0372\2\2\u2e03\u2e04\7\u0209"+ - "\2\2\u2e04\u2e06\7\u01bc\2\2\u2e05\u2e07\5\u058a\u02c6\2\u2e06\u2e05\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2e06\u2e07\3\2\2\2\u2e07\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2e08\u2e09\7D\2\2\u2e09"+ - "\u2e0a\7\u0372\2\2\u2e0a\u2e0b\7D\2\2\u2e0b\u2e0c\7\u02e5\2\2\u2e0c\u2e0e"+ - "\7\u0435\2\2\u2e0d\u2e0f\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u2e0e\u2e0d\3\2\2\2\u2e0e\u2e0f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2e0f\u2e11\3\2\2\2\u2e10\u2e12\5\u0580\u02c1\2\u2e11\u2e10\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2e11\u2e12\3\2\2\2\u2e12\u2e14\3\2\2\2\u2e13\u2e15\5\u057e\u02c0"+ - "\2\u2e14\u2e13\3\2\2\2\u2e14\u2e15\3\2\2\2\u2e15\u2e16\3\2\2\2\u2e16\u2e17"+ - "\7\u00b2\2\2\u2e17\u30cb\5\u0582\u02c2\2\u2e18\u2e19\7D\2\2\u2e19\u2e1a"+ - "\7\u0372\2\2\u2e1a\u2e1b\7\u0126\2\2\u2e1b\u2e1c\7\u02e5\2\2\u2e1c\u2e1d"+ - "\7\u0435\2\2\u2e1d\u2e1e\7r\2\2\u2e1e\u2e1f\7\u02e5\2\2\u2e1f\u2e23\7"+ - "\u0386\2\2\u2e20\u2e21\7\u04e3\2\2\u2e21\u2e22\7\u0504\2\2\u2e22\u2e24"+ - "\5\u054e\u02a8\2\u2e23\u2e20\3\2\2\2\u2e23\u2e24\3\2\2\2\u2e24\u2e26\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2e25\u2e27\5\u0580\u02c1\2\u2e26\u2e25\3\2\2\2\u2e26\u2e27\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2e27\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2e28\u2e29\7D\2\2\u2e29\u2e2a\7\u0372\2\2\u2e2a"+ - "\u2e2b\7\u025c\2\2\u2e2b\u2e2c\7\u01d0\2\2\u2e2c\u2e2d\5\u0592\u02ca\2"+ - "\u2e2d\u2e2e\5\u0570\u02b9\2\u2e2e\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2e2f\u2e30\7D\2\2\u2e30"+ - "\u2e31\7\u0372\2\2\u2e31\u2e32\7\u025c\2\2\u2e32\u2e33\7\u0374\2\2\u2e33"+ - "\u2e34\5\u0592\u02ca\2\u2e34\u2e35\5\u0564\u02b3\2\u2e35\u30cb\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2e36\u2e37\7D\2\2\u2e37\u2e38\7\u0372\2\2\u2e38\u2e39\5\u056a\u02b6"+ - "\2\u2e39\u2e3a\7\u01d0\2\2\u2e3a\u2e3b\5\u056e\u02b8\2\u2e3b\u2e3c\5\u0560"+ - "\u02b1\2\u2e3c\u2e3d\5\u056a\u02b6\2\u2e3d\u2e3f\5\u0574\u02bb\2\u2e3e"+ - "\u2e40\7\u0101\2\2\u2e3f\u2e3e\3\2\2\2\u2e3f\u2e40\3\2\2\2\u2e40\u30cb"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2e41\u2e42\7D\2\2\u2e42\u2e43\7\u0372\2\2\u2e43\u2e44\7d\2\2"+ - "\u2e44\u2e45\7\u01d0\2\2\u2e45\u2e46\5\u056e\u02b8\2\u2e46\u2e4b\5\u0560"+ - "\u02b1\2\u2e47\u2e48\7\u0490\2\2\u2e48\u2e49\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2e49\u2e4a"+ - "\7\u04e7\2\2\u2e4a\u2e4c\3\2\2\2\u2e4b\u2e47\3\2\2\2\u2e4b\u2e4c\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2e4c\u2e4e\3\2\2\2\u2e4d\u2e4f\5\u0562\u02b2\2\u2e4e\u2e4d\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2e4e\u2e4f\3\2\2\2\u2e4f\u2e51\3\2\2\2\u2e50\u2e52\7\u0101\2\2\u2e51"+ - "\u2e50\3\2\2\2\u2e51\u2e52\3\2\2\2\u2e52\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2e53\u2e54\7D"+ - "\2\2\u2e54\u2e55\7\u0372\2\2\u2e55\u2e56\5\u0572\u02ba\2\u2e56\u2e57\7"+ - "\u01d0\2\2\u2e57\u2e58\5\u056e\u02b8\2\u2e58\u2e5a\7\u0428\2\2\u2e59\u2e5b"+ - "\7\u0504\2\2\u2e5a\u2e59\3\2\2\2\u2e5a\u2e5b\3\2\2\2\u2e5b\u2e5c\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2e5c\u2e5d\7\u0518\2\2\u2e5d\u2e5f\7\u039f\2\2\u2e5e\u2e60\7\u0504"+ - "\2\2\u2e5f\u2e5e\3\2\2\2\u2e5f\u2e60\3\2\2\2\u2e60\u2e61\3\2\2\2\u2e61"+ - "\u2e63\7\u0518\2\2\u2e62\u2e64\7\u0101\2\2\u2e63\u2e62\3\2\2\2\u2e63\u2e64"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2e64\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2e65\u2e66\7D\2\2\u2e66\u2e67\7\u0372\2"+ - "\2\u2e67\u2e68\7\u0469\2\2\u2e68\u2e6a\7\u01d0\2\2\u2e69\u2e6b\5\u0564"+ - "\u02b3\2\u2e6a\u2e69\3\2\2\2\u2e6a\u2e6b\3\2\2\2\u2e6b\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2e6c"+ - "\u2e6d\7D\2\2\u2e6d\u2e6e\7\u0372\2\2\u2e6e\u2e6f\7\u03b5\2\2\u2e6f\u2e71"+ - "\7\u01d0\2\2\u2e70\u2e72\5\u0564\u02b3\2\u2e71\u2e70\3\2\2\2\u2e71\u2e72"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2e72\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2e73\u2e74\7D\2\2\u2e74\u2e75\7\u0372\2"+ - "\2\u2e75\u2e76\7\u00af\2\2\u2e76\u2e77\7\u0133\2\2\u2e77\u30cb\5\u0562"+ - "\u02b2\2\u2e78\u2e79\7D\2\2\u2e79\u2e7a\7\u0372\2\2\u2e7a\u2e7b\5\u057c"+ - "\u02bf\2\u2e7b\u2e7d\7\u0133\2\2\u2e7c\u2e7e\5\u054c\u02a7\2\u2e7d\u2e7c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2e7d\u2e7e\3\2\2\2\u2e7e\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2e7f\u2e80\7D\2\2\u2e80"+ - "\u2e81\7\u0372\2\2\u2e81\u2e82\7\u0410\2\2\u2e82\u2e83\7\u0133\2\2\u2e83"+ - "\u2e85\7\u020b\2\2\u2e84\u2e86\5\u054c\u02a7\2\u2e85\u2e84\3\2\2\2\u2e85"+ - "\u2e86\3\2\2\2\u2e86\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2e87\u2e88\7D\2\2\u2e88\u2e89\7\u0372"+ - "\2\2\u2e89\u2e8a\7\u036c\2\2\u2e8a\u2e8b\5\u058c\u02c7\2\u2e8b\u2e8c\7"+ - "\u03e1\2\2\u2e8c\u2e8d\7\u0518\2\2\u2e8d\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2e8e\u2e8f\7D"+ - "\2\2\u2e8f\u2e90\7\u0372\2\2\u2e90\u2e91\7\u0262\2\2\u2e91\u2e9a\7\u02ad"+ - "\2\2\u2e92\u2e93\5\u054a\u02a6\2\u2e93\u2e94\5\u028e\u0148\2\u2e94\u2e9b"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2e95\u2e96\5\u054a\u02a6\2\u2e96\u2e97\5\u056c\u02b7\2\u2e97"+ - "\u2e98\5\u028e\u0148\2\u2e98\u2e9b\3\2\2\2\u2e99\u2e9b\5\u0290\u0149\2"+ - "\u2e9a\u2e92\3\2\2\2\u2e9a\u2e95\3\2\2\2\u2e9a\u2e99\3\2\2\2\u2e9a\u2e9b"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2e9b\u2e9f\3\2\2\2\u2e9c\u2e9d\7\u01dd\2\2\u2e9d\u2e9e\7W\2"+ - "\2\u2e9e\u2ea0\7t\2\2\u2e9f\u2e9c\3\2\2\2\u2e9f\u2ea0\3\2\2\2\u2ea0\u30cb"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2ea1\u2ea2\7D\2\2\u2ea2\u2ea3\7\u0372\2\2\u2ea3\u30cb\7\u049f"+ - "\2\2\u2ea4\u2ea5\7D\2\2\u2ea5\u2ea6\7\u0372\2\2\u2ea6\u2ea7\7\u032e\2"+ - "\2\u2ea7\u2eb0\7\u02ad\2\2\u2ea8\u2ea9\5\u054a\u02a6\2\u2ea9\u2eaa\5\u028e"+ - "\u0148\2\u2eaa\u2eb1\3\2\2\2\u2eab\u2eac\5\u054a\u02a6\2\u2eac\u2ead\5"+ - "\u056c\u02b7\2\u2ead\u2eae\5\u028e\u0148\2\u2eae\u2eb1\3\2\2\2\u2eaf\u2eb1"+ - "\5\u0290\u0149\2\u2eb0\u2ea8\3\2\2\2\u2eb0\u2eab\3\2\2\2\u2eb0\u2eaf\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2eb0\u2eb1\3\2\2\2\u2eb1\u2eb8\3\2\2\2\u2eb2\u2eb3\7\u02cd\2\2"+ - "\u2eb3\u2eb4\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2eb4\u2eb5\7\u04f8\2\2\u2eb5\u2eb6\5\u055c"+ - "\u02af\2\u2eb6\u2eb7\7\u04ff\2\2\u2eb7\u2eb9\3\2\2\2\u2eb8\u2eb2\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2eb8\u2eb9\3\2\2\2\u2eb9\u2ebb\3\2\2\2\u2eba\u2ebc\5\u0562\u02b2\2"+ - "\u2ebb\u2eba\3\2\2\2\u2ebb\u2ebc\3\2\2\2\u2ebc\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2ebd\u2ebe"+ - "\7D\2\2\u2ebe\u2ebf\7\u0372\2\2\u2ebf\u2ec4\7\u0271\2\2\u2ec0\u2ec1\7"+ - "\u04e3\2\2\u2ec1\u2ec2\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2ec2\u2ec3\5\u054e\u02a8\2\u2ec3"+ - "\u2ec5\3\2\2\2\u2ec4\u2ec0\3\2\2\2\u2ec4\u2ec5\3\2\2\2\u2ec5\u2eca\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2ec6\u2ec7\7\u0439\2\2\u2ec7\u2ec8\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2ec8\u2ec9\7"+ - "\u0518\2\2\u2ec9\u2ecb\3\2\2\2\u2eca\u2ec6\3\2\2\2\u2eca\u2ecb\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2ecb\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2ecc\u2ecd\7D\2\2\u2ecd\u2ece\7\u0372\2\2\u2ece"+ - "\u2ed3\7\u02b9\2\2\u2ecf\u2ed0\7\u04e3\2\2\u2ed0\u2ed1\5\u01dc\u00ef\2"+ - "\u2ed1\u2ed2\5\u054e\u02a8\2\u2ed2\u2ed4\3\2\2\2\u2ed3\u2ecf\3\2\2\2\u2ed3"+ - "\u2ed4\3\2\2\2\u2ed4\u2ed9\3\2\2\2\u2ed5\u2ed6\7\u0439\2\2\u2ed6\u2ed7"+ - "\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2ed7\u2ed8\7\u0518\2\2\u2ed8\u2eda\3\2\2\2\u2ed9\u2ed5"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2ed9\u2eda\3\2\2\2\u2eda\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2edb\u2edc\7D\2\2\u2edc"+ - "\u2edd\7\u0372\2\2\u2edd\u2ede\7\u03d6\2\2\u2ede\u2ee3\7\u00ee\2\2\u2edf"+ - "\u2ee0\7\u00bd\2\2\u2ee0\u2ee1\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2ee1\u2ee2\7\u0518\2\2"+ - "\u2ee2\u2ee4\3\2\2\2\u2ee3\u2edf\3\2\2\2\u2ee3\u2ee4\3\2\2\2\u2ee4\u2ee9"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2ee5\u2ee6\7\u0439\2\2\u2ee6\u2ee7\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2ee7\u2ee8"+ - "\7\u0518\2\2\u2ee8\u2eea\3\2\2\2\u2ee9\u2ee5\3\2\2\2\u2ee9\u2eea\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2eea\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2eeb\u2eec\7D\2\2\u2eec\u2eed\7\u0372\2\2\u2eed"+ - "\u2eee\7\u03d6\2\2\u2eee\u2eef\7\u02c5\2\2\u2eef\u2ef4\7\u00ee\2\2\u2ef0"+ - "\u2ef1\7\u00bd\2\2\u2ef1\u2ef2\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2ef2\u2ef3\7\u0518\2\2"+ - "\u2ef3\u2ef5\3\2\2\2\u2ef4\u2ef0\3\2\2\2\u2ef4\u2ef5\3\2\2\2\u2ef5\u2efa"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2ef6\u2ef7\7\u0439\2\2\u2ef7\u2ef8\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2ef8\u2ef9"+ - "\7\u0518\2\2\u2ef9\u2efb\3\2\2\2\u2efa\u2ef6\3\2\2\2\u2efa\u2efb\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2efb\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2efc\u2efd\7D\2\2\u2efd\u2efe\7\u0372\2\2\u2efe"+ - "\u2eff\7\u03d6\2\2\u2eff\u2f04\7\u00ee\2\2\u2f00\u2f01\7\u00bd\2\2\u2f01"+ - "\u2f02\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f02\u2f03\7\u0518\2\2\u2f03\u2f05\3\2\2\2\u2f04"+ - "\u2f00\3\2\2\2\u2f04\u2f05\3\2\2\2\u2f05\u2f06\3\2\2\2\u2f06\u2f07\7\u014b"+ - "\2\2\u2f07\u2f0c\7\u0271\2\2\u2f08\u2f09\7\u0439\2\2\u2f09\u2f0a\5\u01dc"+ - "\u00ef\2\u2f0a\u2f0b\7\u0518\2\2\u2f0b\u2f0d\3\2\2\2\u2f0c\u2f08\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2f0c\u2f0d\3\2\2\2\u2f0d\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2f0e\u2f0f\7D\2\2\u2f0f\u2f10"+ - "\7\u0372\2\2\u2f10\u2f11\7\u03d6\2\2\u2f11\u2f12\7\u02c5\2\2\u2f12\u2f17"+ - "\7\u00ee\2\2\u2f13\u2f14\7\u00bd\2\2\u2f14\u2f15\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f15"+ - "\u2f16\7\u0518\2\2\u2f16\u2f18\3\2\2\2\u2f17\u2f13\3\2\2\2\u2f17\u2f18"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2f18\u2f19\3\2\2\2\u2f19\u2f1a\7\u014b\2\2\u2f1a\u2f1f\7\u0271"+ - "\2\2\u2f1b\u2f1c\7\u0439\2\2\u2f1c\u2f1d\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f1d\u2f1e\7"+ - "\u0518\2\2\u2f1e\u2f20\3\2\2\2\u2f1f\u2f1b\3\2\2\2\u2f1f\u2f20\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2f20\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2f21\u2f22\7D\2\2\u2f22\u2f23\7\u0372\2\2\u2f23"+ - "\u2f24\7\u03d6\2\2\u2f24\u2f29\7\u0294\2\2\u2f25\u2f26\7\u00bd\2\2\u2f26"+ - "\u2f27\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f27\u2f28\7\u0518\2\2\u2f28\u2f2a\3\2\2\2\u2f29"+ - "\u2f25\3\2\2\2\u2f29\u2f2a\3\2\2\2\u2f2a\u2f2e\3\2\2\2\u2f2b\u2f2c\7\u04e2"+ - "\2\2\u2f2c\u2f2d\7O\2\2\u2f2d\u2f2f\7\u0518\2\2\u2f2e\u2f2b\3\2\2\2\u2f2e"+ - "\u2f2f\3\2\2\2\u2f2f\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2f30\u2f31\7D\2\2\u2f31\u2f32\7\u0372"+ - "\2\2\u2f32\u2f33\5\u056a\u02b6\2\u2f33\u2f34\7(\2\2\u2f34\u2f36\5\u0550"+ - "\u02a9\2\u2f35\u2f37\7\u00b2\2\2\u2f36\u2f35\3\2\2\2\u2f36\u2f37\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2f37\u2f3c\3\2\2\2\u2f38\u2f39\7 \2\2\u2f39\u2f3a\5\u01dc\u00ef\2"+ - "\u2f3a\u2f3b\7\u0518\2\2\u2f3b\u2f3d\3\2\2\2\u2f3c\u2f38\3\2\2\2\u2f3c"+ - "\u2f3d\3\2\2\2\u2f3d\u2f42\3\2\2\2\u2f3e\u2f3f\7\34\2\2\u2f3f\u2f40\5"+ - "\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f40\u2f41\7\u0518\2\2\u2f41\u2f43\3\2\2\2\u2f42\u2f3e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2f42\u2f43\3\2\2\2\u2f43\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2f44\u2f45\7D\2\2\u2f45"+ - "\u2f46\7\u0372\2\2\u2f46\u2f47\7\u036c\2\2\u2f47\u2f4c\7\u03d6\2\2\u2f48"+ - "\u2f49\7\u04e3\2\2\u2f49\u2f4a\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f4a\u2f4b\5\u054e\u02a8"+ - "\2\u2f4b\u2f4d\3\2\2\2\u2f4c\u2f48\3\2\2\2\u2f4c\u2f4d\3\2\2\2\u2f4d\u30cb"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2f4e\u2f4f\7\u00b2\2\2\u2f4f\u2f50\7\u021d\2\2\u2f50\u2f51\7"+ - "\u009a\2\2\u2f51\u2f52\7x\2\2\u2f52\u2f53\7O\2\2\u2f53\u2f54\7\u0518\2"+ - "\2\u2f54\u30cb\7\u04a8\2\2\u2f55\u2f56\7D\2\2\u2f56\u2f57\7\u0372\2\2"+ - "\u2f57\u2f58\7\u036c\2\2\u2f58\u2f59\7`\2\2\u2f59\u2f5e\7\u03d6\2\2\u2f5a"+ - "\u2f5b\7\u04e3\2\2\u2f5b\u2f5c\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f5c\u2f5d\5\u054e\u02a8"+ - "\2\u2f5d\u2f5f\3\2\2\2\u2f5e\u2f5a\3\2\2\2\u2f5e\u2f5f\3\2\2\2\u2f5f\u2f64"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2f60\u2f61\7\u0439\2\2\u2f61\u2f62\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f62\u2f63"+ - "\7\u0518\2\2\u2f63\u2f65\3\2\2\2\u2f64\u2f60\3\2\2\2\u2f64\u2f65\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2f65\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2f66\u2f67\7D\2\2\u2f67\u2f68\7\u0372\2\2\u2f68"+ - "\u2f69\7@\2\2\u2f69\u2f6a\7`\2\2\u2f6a\u2f6b\7\u03d6\2\2\u2f6b\u2f70\5"+ - "\u0552\u02aa\2\u2f6c\u2f6d\7\u0285\2\2\u2f6d\u2f6e\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f6e"+ - "\u2f6f\7\u0518\2\2\u2f6f\u2f71\3\2\2\2\u2f70\u2f6c\3\2\2\2\u2f70\u2f71"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2f71\u2f76\3\2\2\2\u2f72\u2f73\7\u00cc\2\2\u2f73\u2f74\5\u01dc"+ - "\u00ef\2\u2f74\u2f75\7\u04e7\2\2\u2f75\u2f77\3\2\2\2\u2f76\u2f72\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2f76\u2f77\3\2\2\2\u2f77\u2f7c\3\2\2\2\u2f78\u2f79\7\u0313\2\2\u2f79"+ - "\u2f7a\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f7a\u2f7b\7\u04e7\2\2\u2f7b\u2f7d\3\2\2\2\u2f7c"+ - "\u2f78\3\2\2\2\u2f7c\u2f7d\3\2\2\2\u2f7d\u2f82\3\2\2\2\u2f7e\u2f7f\7\u04e3"+ - "\2\2\u2f7f\u2f80\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f80\u2f81\5\u054e\u02a8\2\u2f81\u2f83"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2f82\u2f7e\3\2\2\2\u2f82\u2f83\3\2\2\2\u2f83\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2f84"+ - "\u2f85\7D\2\2\u2f85\u2f86\7\u0372\2\2\u2f86\u2f87\7d\2\2\u2f87\u2f88\7"+ - "`\2\2\u2f88\u2f89\7\u03d6\2\2\u2f89\u2f8e\5\u0552\u02aa\2\u2f8a\u2f8b"+ - "\7\u04e3\2\2\u2f8b\u2f8c\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2f8c\u2f8d\5\u054e\u02a8\2\u2f8d"+ - "\u2f8f\3\2\2\2\u2f8e\u2f8a\3\2\2\2\u2f8e\u2f8f\3\2\2\2\u2f8f\u30cb\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2f90\u2f91\7D\2\2\u2f91\u2f92\7\u0372\2\2\u2f92\u2f93\7\u0410\2"+ - "\2\u2f93\u2f95\7\u031b\2\2\u2f94\u2f96\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u2f95\u2f94\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u2f95\u2f96\3\2\2\2\u2f96\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2f97\u2f98\7D\2\2\u2f98"+ - "\u2f99\7\u0372\2\2\u2f99\u2f9a\5\u055a\u02ae\2\u2f9a\u2f9b\7\u02cd\2\2"+ - "\u2f9b\u2f9d\5\u055c\u02af\2\u2f9c\u2f9e\5\u0562\u02b2\2\u2f9d\u2f9c\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2f9d\u2f9e\3\2\2\2\u2f9e\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2f9f\u2fa0\7D\2\2\u2fa0"+ - "\u2fa1\7\u0372\2\2\u2fa1\u2fa2\7@\2\2\u2fa2\u2fa3\7\u031c\2\2\u2fa3\u2fa4"+ - "\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u2fa4\u2fa5\5\u0568\u02b5\2\u2fa5\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2fa6"+ - "\u2fa7\7D\2\2\u2fa7\u2fa8\7\u0372\2\2\u2fa8\u2fa9\5\u055e\u02b0\2\u2fa9"+ - "\u2faa\7\u031c\2\2\u2faa\u2fab\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u2fab\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2fac"+ - "\u2fad\7D\2\2\u2fad\u2fae\7\u0372\2\2\u2fae\u2faf\5\u056a\u02b6\2\u2faf"+ - "\u2fb0\7\u031c\2\2\u2fb0\u2fb2\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u2fb1\u2fb3\7\u00b2\2\2"+ - "\u2fb2\u2fb1\3\2\2\2\u2fb2\u2fb3\3\2\2\2\u2fb3\u2fb4\3\2\2\2\u2fb4\u2fb5"+ - "\5\u0568\u02b5\2\u2fb5\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2fb6\u2fb7\7D\2\2\u2fb7\u2fb8\7"+ - "\u0372\2\2\u2fb8\u2fb9\7\u03f3\2\2\u2fb9\u2fbb\7\u015a\2\2\u2fba\u2fbc"+ - "\5\u0564\u02b3\2\u2fbb\u2fba\3\2\2\2\u2fbb\u2fbc\3\2\2\2\u2fbc\u30cb\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u2fbd\u2fbe\7D\2\2\u2fbe\u2fbf\7\u0372\2\2\u2fbf\u2fc0\7\u041a"+ - "\2\2\u2fc0\u30cb\5\u058e\u02c8\2\u2fc1\u2fc2\7D\2\2\u2fc2\u2fc3\7\u0372"+ - "\2\2\u2fc3\u2fc4\7\u0410\2\2\u2fc4\u2fc5\7\u01ad\2\2\u2fc5\u2fc7\7\u0386"+ - "\2\2\u2fc6\u2fc8\5\u0564\u02b3\2\u2fc7\u2fc6\3\2\2\2\u2fc7\u2fc8\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u2fc8\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2fc9\u2fca\7D\2\2\u2fca\u2fcb\7\u0372\2\2\u2fcb"+ - "\u2fcc\7\u0309\2\2\u2fcc\u2fcd\7\u035e\2\2\u2fcd\u2fd1\7\u03e1\2\2\u2fce"+ - "\u2fcf\7\u04e3\2\2\u2fcf\u2fd0\7\u0504\2\2\u2fd0\u2fd2\5\u054e\u02a8\2"+ - "\u2fd1\u2fce\3\2\2\2\u2fd1\u2fd2\3\2\2\2\u2fd2\u2fd6\3\2\2\2\u2fd3\u2fd4"+ - "\7\u031c\2\2\u2fd4\u2fd5\7\u0504\2\2\u2fd5\u2fd7\5\u00f8}\2\u2fd6\u2fd3"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2fd6\u2fd7\3\2\2\2\u2fd7\u2fdc\3\2\2\2\u2fd8\u2fd9\7\u0478\2"+ - "\2\u2fd9\u2fda\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u2fda\u2fdb\5\u0548\u02a5\2\u2fdb\u2fdd"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2fdc\u2fd8\3\2\2\2\u2fdc\u2fdd\3\2\2\2\u2fdd\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u2fde"+ - "\u2fdf\7D\2\2\u2fdf\u2fe0\7\u0372\2\2\u2fe0\u2fe1\7\u0296\2\2\u2fe1\u30cb"+ - "\7\u03a7\2\2\u2fe2\u2fe3\7D\2\2\u2fe3\u2fe4\7\u0372\2\2\u2fe4\u2fe5\7"+ - "\u0296\2\2\u2fe5\u30cb\7\u0259\2\2\u2fe6\u2fe7\7D\2\2\u2fe7\u2fe8\7\u0372"+ - "\2\2\u2fe8\u2fe9\7\u0296\2\2\u2fe9\u30cb\7\u02cd\2\2\u2fea\u2feb\7D\2"+ - "\2\u2feb\u2fec\7\u0372\2\2\u2fec\u2fed\7\u0296\2\2\u2fed\u30cb\7\u031c"+ - "\2\2\u2fee\u2fef\7D\2\2\u2fef\u2ff0\7\u0372\2\2\u2ff0\u2ff1\7\u01be\2"+ - "\2\u2ff1\u2ff3\7\u0259\2\2\u2ff2\u2ff4\7\u0504\2\2\u2ff3\u2ff2\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u2ff3\u2ff4\3\2\2\2\u2ff4\u2ff5\3\2\2\2\u2ff5\u2ff6\7\u04e7\2\2\u2ff6"+ - "\u2ff8\7\u039f\2\2\u2ff7\u2ff9\7\u0504\2\2\u2ff8\u2ff7\3\2\2\2\u2ff8\u2ff9"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u2ff9\u2ffa\3\2\2\2\u2ffa\u30cb\7\u0518\2\2\u2ffb\u2ffc\7D\2"+ - "\2\u2ffc\u2ffd\7\u0372\2\2\u2ffd\u2ffe\7\u036c\2\2\u2ffe\u2fff\7\u01be"+ - "\2\2\u2fff\u3000\7\u0259\2\2\u3000\u30cb\7\u04e7\2\2\u3001\u3002\7D\2"+ - "\2\u3002\u3003\7\u0372\2\2\u3003\u3004\7@\2\2\u3004\u3005\7\u01d0\2\2"+ - "\u3005\u3006\5\u056c\u02b7\2\u3006\u3008\7\u02cd\2\2\u3007\u3009\7\u0504"+ - "\2\2\u3008\u3007\3\2\2\2\u3008\u3009\3\2\2\2\u3009\u300a\3\2\2\2\u300a"+ - "\u300b\7\u0518\2\2\u300b\u300d\7\u03af\2\2\u300c\u300e\7\u0504\2\2\u300d"+ - "\u300c\3\2\2\2\u300d\u300e\3\2\2\2\u300e\u300f\3\2\2\2\u300f\u3014\7\u0518"+ - "\2\2\u3010\u3011\7\27\2\2\u3011\u3012\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u3012\u3013\7\u0518"+ - "\2\2\u3013\u3015\3\2\2\2\u3014\u3010\3\2\2\2\u3014\u3015\3\2\2\2\u3015"+ - "\u301a\3\2\2\2\u3016\u3017\7\63\2\2\u3017\u3018\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u3018"+ - "\u3019\7\u04e7\2\2\u3019\u301b\3\2\2\2\u301a\u3016\3\2\2\2\u301a\u301b"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u301b\u301d\3\2\2\2\u301c\u301e\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u301d\u301c\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u301d\u301e\3\2\2\2\u301e\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u301f\u3020\7D\2\2\u3020"+ - "\u3021\7\u0372\2\2\u3021\u3022\7\u0309\2\2\u3022\u3023\7\u01d0\2\2\u3023"+ - "\u3024\5\u056c\u02b7\2\u3024\u3026\7\u02cd\2\2\u3025\u3027\7\u0504\2\2"+ - "\u3026\u3025\3\2\2\2\u3026\u3027\3\2\2\2\u3027\u3028\3\2\2\2\u3028\u302d"+ - "\7\u0518\2\2\u3029\u302a\7\63\2\2\u302a\u302b\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u302b\u302c"+ - "\7\u04e7\2\2\u302c\u302e\3\2\2\2\u302d\u3029\3\2\2\2\u302d\u302e\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u302e\u3030\3\2\2\2\u302f\u3031\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u3030\u302f\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3030\u3031\3\2\2\2\u3031\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u3032\u3033\7D\2\2\u3033\u3034"+ - "\7\u0372\2\2\u3034\u3035\7\u01be\2\2\u3035\u3036\7\u01d0\2\2\u3036\u3037"+ - "\5\u056c\u02b7\2\u3037\u3039\7\u0428\2\2\u3038\u303a\7\u0504\2\2\u3039"+ - "\u3038\3\2\2\2\u3039\u303a\3\2\2\2\u303a\u303b\3\2\2\2\u303b\u303c\7\u0518"+ - "\2\2\u303c\u303e\7\u039f\2\2\u303d\u303f\7\u0504\2\2\u303e\u303d\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u303e\u303f\3\2\2\2\u303f\u3040\3\2\2\2\u3040\u3045\7\u0518\2\2\u3041"+ - "\u3042\7\27\2\2\u3042\u3043\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u3043\u3044\7\u0518\2\2\u3044"+ - "\u3046\3\2\2\2\u3045\u3041\3\2\2\2\u3045\u3046\3\2\2\2\u3046\u3048\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3047\u3049\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u3048\u3047\3\2\2\2\u3048\u3049\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3049\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u304a\u304b\7D\2\2\u304b\u304c\7\u0372\2\2\u304c"+ - "\u304d\7\u008f\2\2\u304d\u304e\7\u01d0\2\2\u304e\u304f\5\u056c\u02b7\2"+ - "\u304f\u3051\7\u02cd\2\2\u3050\u3052\7\u0504\2\2\u3051\u3050\3\2\2\2\u3051"+ - "\u3052\3\2\2\2\u3052\u3053\3\2\2\2\u3053\u3054\7\u0518\2\2\u3054\u3056"+ - "\7\u03af\2\2\u3055\u3057\7\u0504\2\2\u3056\u3055\3\2\2\2\u3056\u3057\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3057\u3058\3\2\2\2\u3058\u305d\7\u0518\2\2\u3059\u305a\7\63\2"+ - "\2\u305a\u305b\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u305b\u305c\7\u04e7\2\2\u305c\u305e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u305d\u3059\3\2\2\2\u305d\u305e\3\2\2\2\u305e\u3060\3\2\2\2\u305f"+ - "\u3061\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u3060\u305f\3\2\2\2\u3060\u3061\3\2\2\2\u3061\u30cb"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3062\u3063\7D\2\2\u3063\u3064\7\u0372\2\2\u3064\u3065\7\u008f"+ - "\2\2\u3065\u3066\5\u056c\u02b7\2\u3066\u3068\7\63\2\2\u3067\u3069\7\u0504"+ - "\2\2\u3068\u3067\3\2\2\2\u3068\u3069\3\2\2\2\u3069\u306a\3\2\2\2\u306a"+ - "\u306c\7\u04e7\2\2\u306b\u306d\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u306c\u306b\3\2\2\2\u306c"+ - "\u306d\3\2\2\2\u306d\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u306e\u306f\7D\2\2\u306f\u3070\7\u0372"+ - "\2\2\u3070\u3071\7\u036c\2\2\u3071\u3072\7\u01d0\2\2\u3072\u3073\7\u03e1"+ - "\2\2\u3073\u3075\7\13\2\2\u3074\u3076\7\u0504\2\2\u3075\u3074\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3075\u3076\3\2\2\2\u3076\u3077\3\2\2\2\u3077\u3079\7\u0518\2\2\u3078"+ - "\u307a\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u3079\u3078\3\2\2\2\u3079\u307a\3\2\2\2\u307a\u30cb"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u307b\u307c\7D\2\2\u307c\u307d\7\u0372\2\2\u307d\u307e\7\u01fc"+ - "\2\2\u307e\u307f\7\u017f\2\2\u307f\u30cb\7\u015a\2\2\u3080\u3081\7D\2"+ - "\2\u3081\u3082\7\u0372\2\2\u3082\u3083\7\u043f\2\2\u3083\u3084\7\u04b7"+ - "\2\2\u3084\u3086\7\u0518\2\2\u3085\u3087\5\u0564\u02b3\2\u3086\u3085\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3086\u3087\3\2\2\2\u3087\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u3088\u3089\7D\2\2\u3089"+ - "\u308a\7\u0372\2\2\u308a\u308b\5\u0594\u02cb\2\u308b\u308c\7\u01fc\2\2"+ - "\u308c\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u308d\u308e\7D\2\2\u308e\u308f\7\u0372\2\2\u308f"+ - "\u3090\7\u03f3\2\2\u3090\u30cb\7\u047e\2\2\u3091\u3092\7D\2\2\u3092\u3093"+ - "\7\u0372\2\2\u3093\u3094\7\u0325\2\2\u3094\u3095\7\u0161\2\2\u3095\u309a"+ - "\7\u0361\2\2\u3096\u3097\7q\2\2\u3097\u3098\7\u01cc\2\2\u3098\u3099\7"+ - "\u0509\2\2\u3099\u309b\7\u04e7\2\2\u309a\u3096\3\2\2\2\u309a\u309b\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u309b\u309c\3\2\2\2\u309c\u30cb\5\u0532\u029a\2\u309d\u309e\7D\2"+ - "\2\u309e\u309f\7\u0372\2\2\u309f\u30a0\7\u01d7\2\2\u30a0\u30a1\7\u0161"+ - "\2\2\u30a1\u30cb\7\u0361\2\2\u30a2\u30a3\7D\2\2\u30a3\u30a4\7\u0372\2"+ - "\2\u30a4\u30a5\7\u00b2\2\2\u30a5\u30a6\7\u03ef\2\2\u30a6\u30a7\7\u02e2"+ - "\2\2\u30a7\u30cb\5\u0560\u02b1\2\u30a8\u30a9\7D\2\2\u30a9\u30aa\7\u0372"+ - "\2\2\u30aa\u30ab\7d\2\2\u30ab\u30ac\7\u023e\2\2\u30ac\u30ad\7{\2\2\u30ad"+ - "\u30ae\7\u00b1\2\2\u30ae\u30cb\7\u04e7\2\2\u30af\u30b0\7D\2\2\u30b0\u30b1"+ - "\7\u0372\2\2\u30b1\u30b2\7\u03f3\2\2\u30b2\u30b3\7\u023e\2\2\u30b3\u30b4"+ - "\7{\2\2\u30b4\u30b5\7\u00b1\2\2\u30b5\u30cb\7\u04e7\2\2\u30b6\u30b7\7"+ - "D\2\2\u30b7\u30b8\7\u0372\2\2\u30b8\u30b9\7\u00b2\2\2\u30b9\u30cb\5\u0538"+ - "\u029d\2\u30ba\u30bb\7D\2\2\u30bb\u30bc\7\u0372\2\2\u30bc\u30bd\7\u011c"+ - "\2\2\u30bd\u30be\7\u00b1\2\2\u30be\u30bf\5\66\34\2\u30bf\u30c0\7z\2\2"+ - "\u30c0\u30cb\3\2\2\2\u30c1\u30c2\7D\2\2\u30c2\u30c3\7\u0372\2\2\u30c3"+ - "\u30c4\7\u011c\2\2\u30c4\u30c5\7\u00b1\2\2\u30c5\u30cb\5\66\34\2\u30c6"+ - "\u30c7\7D\2\2\u30c7\u30c8\7\u0372\2\2\u30c8\u30c9\7\u024c\2\2\u30c9\u30cb"+ - "\5\u053c\u029f\2\u30ca\u2dda\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2de6\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2df0\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u30ca\u2dfa\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e01\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e08\3\2\2\2\u30ca"+ - "\u2e18\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e28\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e2f\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e36\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u30ca\u2e41\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e53\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e65\3\2\2\2\u30ca"+ - "\u2e6c\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e73\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e78\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e7f\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u30ca\u2e87\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2e8e\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2ea1\3\2\2\2\u30ca"+ - "\u2ea4\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2ebd\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2ecc\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2edb\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u30ca\u2eeb\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2efc\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2f0e\3\2\2\2\u30ca"+ - "\u2f21\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2f30\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2f44\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2f4e\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u30ca\u2f55\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2f66\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2f84\3\2\2\2\u30ca"+ - "\u2f90\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2f97\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2f9f\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2fa6\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u30ca\u2fac\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2fb6\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2fbd\3\2\2\2\u30ca"+ - "\u2fc1\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2fc9\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2fde\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2fe2\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u30ca\u2fe6\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2fea\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u2fee\3\2\2\2\u30ca"+ - "\u2ffb\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u3001\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u301f\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u3032\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u30ca\u304a\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u3062\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u306e\3\2\2\2\u30ca"+ - "\u307b\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u3080\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u3088\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u308d\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u30ca\u3091\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u309d\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u30a2\3\2\2\2\u30ca"+ - "\u30a8\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u30af\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u30b6\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u30ba\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u30ca\u30c1\3\2\2\2\u30ca\u30c6\3\2\2\2\u30cb\u0531\3\2\2\2\u30cc"+ - "\u30cd\7\u017b\2\2\u30cd\u30ce\5\u0534\u029b\2\u30ce\u0533\3\2\2\2\u30cf"+ - "\u30d1\5\u0536\u029c\2\u30d0\u30d2\5\u0534\u029b\2\u30d1\u30d0\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u30d1\u30d2\3\2\2\2\u30d2\u0535\3\2\2\2\u30d3\u30d6\tr\2\2\u30d4\u30d6"+ - "\ts\2\2\u30d5\u30d3\3\2\2\2\u30d5\u30d4\3\2\2\2\u30d6\u30d7\3\2\2\2\u30d7"+ - "\u30d8\7\u0504\2\2\u30d8\u30dd\5\u0242\u0122\2\u30d9\u30da\tt\2\2\u30da"+ - "\u30db\7\u0504\2\2\u30db\u30dd\7\u04e7\2\2\u30dc\u30d5\3\2\2\2\u30dc\u30d9"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u30dd\u0537\3\2\2\2\u30de\u30e0\5\u053a\u029e\2\u30df\u30de\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u30e0\u30e1\3\2\2\2\u30e1\u30df\3\2\2\2\u30e1\u30e2\3\2\2\2\u30e2"+ - "\u0539\3\2\2\2\u30e3\u30e4\5\u0540\u02a1\2\u30e4\u053b\3\2\2\2\u30e5\u30e7"+ - "\5\u053e\u02a0\2\u30e6\u30e5\3\2\2\2\u30e7\u30e8\3\2\2\2\u30e8\u30e6\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u30e8\u30e9\3\2\2\2\u30e9\u053d\3\2\2\2\u30ea\u30eb\5\u0542\u02a2"+ - "\2\u30eb\u053f\3\2\2\2\u30ec\u30ed\5\u0606\u0304\2\u30ed\u30ee\7\u0504"+ - "\2\2\u30ee\u30ef\58\35\2\u30ef\u0541\3\2\2\2\u30f0\u30f1\5\u0606\u0304"+ - "\2\u30f1\u0543\3\2\2\2\u30f2\u30f5\5\u0546\u02a4\2\u30f3\u30f5\7\u0517"+ - "\2\2\u30f4\u30f2\3\2\2\2\u30f4\u30f3\3\2\2\2\u30f5\u0545\3\2\2\2\u30f6"+ - "\u30f7\tu\2\2\u30f7\u0547\3\2\2\2\u30f8\u30f9\tv\2\2\u30f9\u0549\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u30fa\u30fc\7\u04e3\2\2\u30fb\u30fd\7\u0504\2\2\u30fc\u30fb\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u30fc\u30fd\3\2\2\2\u30fd\u30fe\3\2\2\2\u30fe\u30ff\7\u04f8\2\2\u30ff"+ - "\u3100\5\u054e\u02a8\2\u3100\u3101\7\u04ff\2\2\u3101\u054b\3\2\2\2\u3102"+ - "\u3104\7\u04e3\2\2\u3103\u3105\7\u0504\2\2\u3104\u3103\3\2\2\2\u3104\u3105"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3105\u3106\3\2\2\2\u3106\u3107\5\u054e\u02a8\2\u3107\u054d\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3108\u310d\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u3109\u310a\7\u04f2\2\2\u310a\u310c"+ - "\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u310b\u3109\3\2\2\2\u310c\u310f\3\2\2\2\u310d\u310b\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u310d\u310e\3\2\2\2\u310e\u054f\3\2\2\2\u310f\u310d\3\2\2\2\u3110"+ - "\u3111\7\u0347\2\2\u3111\u3112\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u3112\u3113\7\u0518\2\2"+ - "\u3113\u0551\3\2\2\2\u3114\u3116\7\u035f\2\2\u3115\u3117\7\u0504\2\2\u3116"+ - "\u3115\3\2\2\2\u3116\u3117\3\2\2\2\u3117\u3118\3\2\2\2\u3118\u3119\7\u0518"+ - "\2\2\u3119\u0553\3\2\2\2\u311a\u311c\7\u02cf\2\2\u311b\u311a\3\2\2\2\u311b"+ - "\u311c\3\2\2\2\u311c\u0555\3\2\2\2\u311d\u3122\5\u0558\u02ad\2\u311e\u311f"+ - "\7\u04f2\2\2\u311f\u3121\5\u0558\u02ad\2\u3120\u311e\3\2\2\2\u3121\u3124"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3122\u3120\3\2\2\2\u3122\u3123\3\2\2\2\u3123\u0557\3\2\2\2\u3124"+ - "\u3122\3\2\2\2\u3125\u3127\7\u03b6\2\2\u3126\u3128\7\u0504\2\2\u3127\u3126"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3127\u3128\3\2\2\2\u3128\u3129\3\2\2\2\u3129\u312a\5\u01da\u00ee"+ - "\2\u312a\u312c\7\u031c\2\2\u312b\u312d\7\u0504\2\2\u312c\u312b\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u312c\u312d\3\2\2\2\u312d\u312e\3\2\2\2\u312e\u312f\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u312f"+ - "\u3131\7\u02cd\2\2\u3130\u3132\7\u0504\2\2\u3131\u3130\3\2\2\2\u3131\u3132"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3132\u3133\3\2\2\2\u3133\u3134\7\u0518\2\2\u3134\u3141\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3135\u3137\7\u031c\2\2\u3136\u3138\7\u0504\2\2\u3137\u3136\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3137\u3138\3\2\2\2\u3138\u3139\3\2\2\2\u3139\u313a\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u313a"+ - "\u313c\7\u02cd\2\2\u313b\u313d\7\u0504\2\2\u313c\u313b\3\2\2\2\u313c\u313d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u313d\u313e\3\2\2\2\u313e\u313f\7\u0518\2\2\u313f\u3141\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3140\u3125\3\2\2\2\u3140\u3135\3\2\2\2\u3141\u0559\3\2\2\2\u3142\u314d"+ - "\7@\2\2\u3143\u3145\7\u036c\2\2\u3144\u3143\3\2\2\2\u3144\u3145\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3145\u3146\3\2\2\2\u3146\u314d\7`\2\2\u3147\u314d\7\u00af\2\2\u3148"+ - "\u314a\7\u0101\2\2\u3149\u3148\3\2\2\2\u3149\u314a\3\2\2\2\u314a\u314b"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u314b\u314d\7\u01a4\2\2\u314c\u3142\3\2\2\2\u314c\u3144\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u314c\u3147\3\2\2\2\u314c\u3149\3\2\2\2\u314d\u055b\3\2\2\2\u314e\u3153"+ - "\7\u0518\2\2\u314f\u3150\7\u04f2\2\2\u3150\u3152\7\u0518\2\2\u3151\u314f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3152\u3155\3\2\2\2\u3153\u3151\3\2\2\2\u3153\u3154\3\2\2\2\u3154"+ - "\u055d\3\2\2\2\u3155\u3153\3\2\2\2\u3156\u315d\7`\2\2\u3157\u315d\7\u00af"+ - "\2\2\u3158\u315a\7\u0101\2\2\u3159\u3158\3\2\2\2\u3159\u315a\3\2\2\2\u315a"+ - "\u315b\3\2\2\2\u315b\u315d\7\u01a4\2\2\u315c\u3156\3\2\2\2\u315c\u3157"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u315c\u3159\3\2\2\2\u315d\u055f\3\2\2\2\u315e\u3160\7\u02cd\2"+ - "\2\u315f\u3161\7\u0504\2\2\u3160\u315f\3\2\2\2\u3160\u3161\3\2\2\2\u3161"+ - "\u3162\3\2\2\2\u3162\u3166\7\u0518\2\2\u3163\u3164\7v\2\2\u3164\u3166"+ - "\7\u0518\2\2\u3165\u315e\3\2\2\2\u3165\u3163\3\2\2\2\u3166\u0561\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3167\u3169\7\u031c\2\2\u3168\u316a\7\u0504\2\2\u3169\u3168\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3169\u316a\3\2\2\2\u316a\u316b\3\2\2\2\u316b\u316c\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u316c"+ - "\u0563\3\2\2\2\u316d\u3170\5\u0560\u02b1\2\u316e\u3170\5\u0562\u02b2\2"+ - "\u316f\u316d\3\2\2\2\u316f\u316e\3\2\2\2\u3170\u0565\3\2\2\2\u3171\u3173"+ - "\7\u03b6\2\2\u3172\u3174\7\u0504\2\2\u3173\u3172\3\2\2\2\u3173\u3174\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3174\u3175\3\2\2\2\u3175\u3181\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u3176\u3178\7\u02b0"+ - "\2\2\u3177\u3179\7\u0504\2\2\u3178\u3177\3\2\2\2\u3178\u3179\3\2\2\2\u3179"+ - "\u317a\3\2\2\2\u317a\u3181\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u317b\u317d\7\u01ac\2\2\u317c"+ - "\u317e\7\u0504\2\2\u317d\u317c\3\2\2\2\u317d\u317e\3\2\2\2\u317e\u317f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u317f\u3181\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u3180\u3171\3\2\2\2\u3180\u3176\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3180\u317b\3\2\2\2\u3181\u0567\3\2\2\2\u3182\u3183\b\u02b5\1\2"+ - "\u3183\u3186\5\u0566\u02b4\2\u3184\u3186\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u3185\u3182\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3185\u3184\3\2\2\2\u3186\u318c\3\2\2\2\u3187\u3188\f\3\2\2\u3188"+ - "\u3189\7\u04f2\2\2\u3189\u318b\5\u0566\u02b4\2\u318a\u3187\3\2\2\2\u318b"+ - "\u318e\3\2\2\2\u318c\u318a\3\2\2\2\u318c\u318d\3\2\2\2\u318d\u0569\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u318e\u318c\3\2\2\2\u318f\u3190\tw\2\2\u3190\u056b\3\2\2\2\u3191"+ - "\u3193\7\u01eb\2\2\u3192\u3194\7\u0504\2\2\u3193\u3192\3\2\2\2\u3193\u3194"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3194\u3195\3\2\2\2\u3195\u3196\7\u04e7\2\2\u3196\u056d\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3197\u3199\7\u026a\2\2\u3198\u319a\7\u0504\2\2\u3199\u3198\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3199\u319a\3\2\2\2\u319a\u319b\3\2\2\2\u319b\u319c\7\u0518\2\2\u319c"+ - "\u056f\3\2\2\2\u319d\u319e\5\u056e\u02b8\2\u319e\u319f\5\u0560\u02b1\2"+ - "\u319f\u31a9\3\2\2\2\u31a0\u31a2\5\u0560\u02b1\2\u31a1\u31a3\5\u0584\u02c3"+ - "\2\u31a2\u31a1\3\2\2\2\u31a2\u31a3\3\2\2\2\u31a3\u31a9\3\2\2\2\u31a4\u31a6"+ - 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"\7\u0504\2\2\u31ca\u31c9\3\2\2\2\u31ca\u31cb\3\2\2\2\u31cb\u31cc\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u31cc\u31cd\7\u0518\2\2\u31cd\u0581\3\2\2\2\u31ce\u31cf\5\u0608\u0305"+ - "\2\u31cf\u31d0\7\u0504\2\2\u31d0\u31d1\5\36\20\2\u31d1\u0583\3\2\2\2\u31d2"+ - "\u31d4\7\u04e3\2\2\u31d3\u31d5\7\u0504\2\2\u31d4\u31d3\3\2\2\2\u31d4\u31d5"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u31d5\u31d6\3\2\2\2\u31d6\u31d7\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u31d7\u0585\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u31d8\u31da\7B\2\2\u31d9\u31db\7\u0504\2\2\u31da\u31d9\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u31da\u31db\3\2\2\2\u31db\u31dc\3\2\2\2\u31dc\u31dd\7\u0518\2\2\u31dd"+ - "\u0587\3\2\2\2\u31de\u31e0\7\u0386\2\2\u31df\u31e1\7\u0504\2\2\u31e0\u31df"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u31e0\u31e1\3\2\2\2\u31e1\u31e2\3\2\2\2\u31e2\u31e3\5\u01da\u00ee"+ - "\2\u31e3\u0589\3\2\2\2\u31e4\u31e6\7\u0239\2\2\u31e5\u31e7\7\u0504\2\2"+ - "\u31e6\u31e5\3\2\2\2\u31e6\u31e7\3\2\2\2\u31e7\u31e8\3\2\2\2\u31e8\u31e9"+ - "\7\u04e7\2\2\u31e9\u058b\3\2\2\2\u31ea\u31eb\7\u0149\2\2\u31eb\u31ee\7"+ - "\u01ec\2\2\u31ec\u31ee\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u31ed\u31ea\3\2\2\2\u31ed\u31ec"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u31ee\u058d\3\2\2\2\u31ef\u31f0\b\u02c8\1\2\u31f0\u31f3\5\u0590"+ - "\u02c9\2\u31f1\u31f3\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u31f2\u31ef\3\2\2\2\u31f2\u31f1\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u31f3\u31f9\3\2\2\2\u31f4\u31f5\f\3\2\2\u31f5\u31f6\7\u04f2\2\2"+ - "\u31f6\u31f8\5\u0590\u02c9\2\u31f7\u31f4\3\2\2\2\u31f8\u31fb\3\2\2\2\u31f9"+ - "\u31f7\3\2\2\2\u31f9\u31fa\3\2\2\2\u31fa\u058f\3\2\2\2\u31fb\u31f9\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u31fc\u31fe\7\u0453\2\2\u31fd\u31ff\7\u0504\2\2\u31fe\u31fd\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u31fe\u31ff\3\2\2\2\u31ff\u3200\3\2\2\2\u3200\u321b\7\u04e7\2\2\u3201"+ - "\u3203\7\u046d\2\2\u3202\u3204\7\u0504\2\2\u3203\u3202\3\2\2\2\u3203\u3204"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3204\u3205\3\2\2\2\u3205\u321b\5\u01da\u00ee\2\u3206\u3208\7"+ - "\u04c1\2\2\u3207\u3209\7\u0504\2\2\u3208\u3207\3\2\2\2\u3208\u3209\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3209\u320a\3\2\2\2\u320a\u321b\7\u04e7\2\2\u320b\u320d\7\u0391\2"+ - "\2\u320c\u320e\7\u0504\2\2\u320d\u320c\3\2\2\2\u320d\u320e\3\2\2\2\u320e"+ - "\u320f\3\2\2\2\u320f\u321b\7\u04e7\2\2\u3210\u3212\7\u03f7\2\2\u3211\u3213"+ - "\7\u0504\2\2\u3212\u3211\3\2\2\2\u3212\u3213\3\2\2\2\u3213\u3214\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3214\u321b\7\u04e7\2\2\u3215\u3217\7\u012f\2\2\u3216\u3218\7\u0504"+ - "\2\2\u3217\u3216\3\2\2\2\u3217\u3218\3\2\2\2\u3218\u3219\3\2\2\2\u3219"+ - "\u321b\7\u04e7\2\2\u321a\u31fc\3\2\2\2\u321a\u3201\3\2\2\2\u321a\u3206"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u321a\u320b\3\2\2\2\u321a\u3210\3\2\2\2\u321a\u3215\3\2\2\2\u321b"+ - "\u0591\3\2\2\2\u321c\u321d\tz\2\2\u321d\u0593\3\2\2\2\u321e\u321f\t{\2"+ - "\2\u321f\u0595\3\2\2\2\u3220\u3221\7D\2\2\u3221\u3222\7\u00b1\2\2\u3222"+ - "\u3223\7\u00b2\2\2\u3223\u3224\7\u0310\2\2\u3224\u3225\7\u0504\2\2\u3225"+ - "\u323d\5\u05a4\u02d3\2\u3226\u3227\7D\2\2\u3227\u3228\7\u00b1\2\2\u3228"+ - "\u3229\7\u00b2\2\2\u3229\u322a\7\u039b\2\2\u322a\u322b\7\u0504\2\2\u322b"+ - "\u323d\5\u059e\u02d0\2\u322c\u322d\7D\2\2\u322d\u322e\7\u00b1\2\2\u322e"+ - "\u322f\7\u00b2\2\2\u322f\u323d\5\u05a0\u02d1\2\u3230\u3231\7D\2\2\u3231"+ - "\u3232\7\u00b1\2\2\u3232\u3233\7\u0101\2\2\u3233\u3234\5\u0598\u02cd\2"+ - "\u3234\u3235\7\u03ba\2\2\u3235\u3236\7\u04e7\2\2\u3236\u323d\3\2\2\2\u3237"+ - "\u3238\7D\2\2\u3238\u3239\7\u00b1\2\2\u3239\u323a\5\u059c\u02cf\2\u323a"+ - "\u323b\5\u059a\u02ce\2\u323b\u323d\3\2\2\2\u323c\u3220\3\2\2\2\u323c\u3226"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u323c\u322c\3\2\2\2\u323c\u3230\3\2\2\2\u323c\u3237\3\2\2\2\u323d"+ - "\u0597\3\2\2\2\u323e\u323f\7\u03ba\2\2\u323f\u3245\7\u01ee\2\2\u3240\u3241"+ - "\7\u03ba\2\2\u3241\u3245\7\u0360\2\2\u3242\u3243\7\u03ba\2\2\u3243\u3245"+ - "\7\u04cc\2\2\u3244\u323e\3\2\2\2\u3244\u3240\3\2\2\2\u3244\u3242\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3245\u0599\3\2\2\2\u3246\u3247\7\u03ba\2\2\u3247\u324d\7\u01ee\2\2"+ - "\u3248\u3249\7\u03ba\2\2\u3249\u324d\7\u0360\2\2\u324a\u324b\7\u03ba\2"+ - "\2\u324b\u324d\7\u04cc\2\2\u324c\u3246\3\2\2\2\u324c\u3248\3\2\2\2\u324c"+ - "\u324a\3\2\2\2\u324d\u059b\3\2\2\2\u324e\u324f\t*\2\2\u324f\u059d\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3250\u3251\5\u05ec\u02f7\2\u3251\u059f\3\2\2\2\u3252\u3253\5\u05a2"+ - "\u02d2\2\u3253\u05a1\3\2\2\2\u3254\u3256\5\u0540\u02a1\2\u3255\u3254\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3256\u3257\3\2\2\2\u3257\u3255\3\2\2\2\u3257\u3258\3\2\2\2\u3258"+ - "\u05a3\3\2\2\2\u3259\u325a\5\u060a\u0306\2\u325a\u05a5\3\2\2\2\u325b\u325c"+ - "\7X\2\2\u325c\u325d\7\u009a\2\2\u325d\u325e\7\u00bb\2\2\u325e\u325f\5"+ - "\u03d2\u01ea\2\u325f\u3260\7\u0086\2\2\u3260\u3261\7\u0518\2\2\u3261\u326a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3262\u3263\7X\2\2\u3263\u3264\7\u009a\2\2\u3264\u3265\7W\2\2"+ - "\u3265\u3266\5\u0168\u00b5\2\u3266\u3267\7\u0086\2\2\u3267\u3268\7\u0518"+ - "\2\2\u3268\u326a\3\2\2\2\u3269\u325b\3\2\2\2\u3269\u3262\3\2\2\2\u326a"+ - "\u05a7\3\2\2\2\u326b\u326c\7[\2\2\u326c\u326d\7\u03e6\2\2\u326d\u326e"+ - "\5\u05ac\u02d7\2\u326e\u326f\5\u05b4\u02db\2\u326f\u05a9\3\2\2\2\u3270"+ - "\u3271\7d\2\2\u3271\u3272\7\u03e6\2\2\u3272\u3273\5\u05ac\u02d7\2\u3273"+ - "\u05ab\3\2\2\2\u3274\u3275\7\u0517\2\2\u3275\u05ad\3\2\2\2\u3276\u3277"+ - "\7D\2\2\u3277\u3278\7\u03e6\2\2\u3278\u3279\5\u05ac\u02d7\2\u3279\u327a"+ - "\5\u05b0\u02d9\2\u327a\u05af\3\2\2\2\u327b\u327e\5\u05b2\u02da\2\u327c"+ - "\u327d\7\u04f2\2\2\u327d\u327f\5\u05b2\u02da\2\u327e\u327c\3\2\2\2\u327e"+ - "\u327f\3\2\2\2\u327f\u05b1\3\2\2\2\u3280\u3281\5\u05b8\u02dd\2\u3281\u05b3"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3282\u3284\5\u05b6\u02dc\2\u3283\u3282\3\2\2\2\u3283\u3284\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3284\u05b5\3\2\2\2\u3285\u328a\5\u05b8\u02dd\2\u3286\u3287\7\u04f2"+ - "\2\2\u3287\u3289\5\u05b8\u02dd\2\u3288\u3286\3\2\2\2\u3289\u328c\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u328a\u3288\3\2\2\2\u328a\u328b\3\2\2\2\u328b\u05b7\3\2\2\2\u328c\u328a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u328d\u328e\7\u021d\2\2\u328e\u328f\7\u017b\2\2\u328f\u3290\7"+ - "\u0518\2\2\u3290\u05b9\3\2\2\2\u3291\u3292\7[\2\2\u3292\u3293\7\u03fa"+ - "\2\2\u3293\u3294\5\u05c0\u02e1\2\u3294\u3295\7\u04ca\2\2\u3295\u3296\5"+ - "\u05c2\u02e2\2\u3296\u05bb\3\2\2\2\u3297\u3298\7D\2\2\u3298\u3299\7\u03fa"+ - "\2\2\u3299\u329a\5\u05c0\u02e1\2\u329a\u329b\7\u04ca\2\2\u329b\u329c\5"+ - "\u05c2\u02e2\2\u329c\u05bd\3\2\2\2\u329d\u329e\7d\2\2\u329e\u329f\7\u03fa"+ - "\2\2\u329f\u32a0\5\u05c0\u02e1\2\u32a0\u05bf\3\2\2\2\u32a1\u32a5\7\u0517"+ - "\2\2\u32a2\u32a5\5\u06f6\u037c\2\u32a3\u32a5\7_\2\2\u32a4\u32a1\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u32a4\u32a2\3\2\2\2\u32a4\u32a3\3\2\2\2\u32a5\u05c1\3\2\2\2\u32a6\u32a8"+ - "\5\u05c4\u02e3\2\u32a7\u32a6\3\2\2\2\u32a8\u32a9\3\2\2\2\u32a9\u32a7\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u32a9\u32aa\3\2\2\2\u32aa\u05c3\3\2\2\2\u32ab\u32ac\5\u05ca\u02e6"+ - "\2\u32ac\u32ad\5\u05c8\u02e5\2\u32ad\u05c5\3\2\2\2\u32ae\u32b1\5\u060a"+ - "\u0306\2\u32af\u32b1\7\u0095\2\2\u32b0\u32ae\3\2\2\2\u32b0\u32af\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u32b1\u05c7\3\2\2\2\u32b2\u32b6\5 \21\2\u32b3\u32b6\5\u05c6\u02e4\2"+ - "\u32b4\u32b6\7_\2\2\u32b5\u32b2\3\2\2\2\u32b5\u32b3\3\2\2\2\u32b5\u32b4"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u32b6\u05c9\3\2\2\2\u32b7\u32b8\t|\2\2\u32b8\u05cb\3\2\2\2\u32b9"+ - "\u32ba\7\u03fa\2\2\u32ba\u32bb\5\u05c0\u02e1\2\u32bb\u05cd\3\2\2\2\u32bc"+ - "\u32bd\5\u05d0\u02e9\2\u32bd\u05cf\3\2\2\2\u32be\u32c0\5\u05d2\u02ea\2"+ - "\u32bf\u32be\3\2\2\2\u32c0\u32c1\3\2\2\2\u32c1\u32bf\3\2\2\2\u32c1\u32c2"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u32c2\u05d1\3\2\2\2\u32c3\u32c6\5\u05d4\u02eb\2\u32c4\u32c6\5"+ - "\u05d8\u02ed\2\u32c5\u32c3\3\2\2\2\u32c5\u32c4\3\2\2\2\u32c6\u05d3\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u32c7\u32c8\7q\2\2\u32c8\u32ca\7C\2\2\u32c9\u32cb\t}\2\2\u32ca\u32c9"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u32ca\u32cb\3\2\2\2\u32cb\u32cc\3\2\2\2\u32cc\u32ce\7\u01ea\2"+ - "\2\u32cd\u32cf\5\u05d6\u02ec\2\u32ce\u32cd\3\2\2\2\u32ce\u32cf\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u32cf\u05d5\3\2\2\2\u32d0\u32d1\7\u00b5\2\2\u32d1\u32d9\7\u03e7\2\2\u32d2"+ - "\u32d3\7\u00b5\2\2\u32d3\u32d9\7\u0152\2\2\u32d4\u32d5\7\u00b5\2\2\u32d5"+ - "\u32d9\7\u04b2\2\2\u32d6\u32d7\7\u00b5\2\2\u32d7\u32d9\5 \21\2\u32d8\u32d0"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u32d8\u32d2\3\2\2\2\u32d8\u32d4\3\2\2\2\u32d8\u32d6\3\2\2\2\u32d9"+ - "\u05d7\3\2\2\2\u32da\u32db\7q\2\2\u32db\u32dd\7\u01ea\2\2\u32dc\u32de"+ - "\5\u05da\u02ee\2\u32dd\u32dc\3\2\2\2\u32dd\u32de\3\2\2\2\u32de\u05d9\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u32df\u32e0\b\u02ee\1\2\u32e0\u32e1\5\u05dc\u02ef\2\u32e1\u32e9"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u32e2\u32e3\f\4\2\2\u32e3\u32e8\5\u05dc\u02ef\2\u32e4\u32e5\f"+ - "\3\2\2\u32e5\u32e6\7\u04f2\2\2\u32e6\u32e8\5\u05dc\u02ef\2\u32e7\u32e2"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u32e7\u32e4\3\2\2\2\u32e8\u32eb\3\2\2\2\u32e9\u32e7\3\2\2\2\u32e9"+ - "\u32ea\3\2\2\2\u32ea\u05db\3\2\2\2\u32eb\u32e9\3\2\2\2\u32ec\u32ee\5\u05de"+ - "\u02f0\2\u32ed\u32ef\5\u05d6\u02ec\2\u32ee\u32ed\3\2\2\2\u32ee\u32ef\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u32ef\u32f2\3\2\2\2\u32f0\u32f2\5\u05d6\u02ec\2\u32f1\u32ec\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u32f1\u32f0\3\2\2\2\u32f2\u05dd\3\2\2\2\u32f3\u32f6\5\u0608\u0305"+ - "\2\u32f4\u32f6\5\u05e0\u02f1\2\u32f5\u32f3\3\2\2\2\u32f5\u32f4\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u32f6\u05df\3\2\2\2\u32f7\u32f8\7\u04f8\2\2\u32f8\u32f9\5\u016e\u00b8"+ - "\2\u32f9\u32fa\7\u04ff\2\2\u32fa\u05e1\3\2\2\2\u32fb\u32fc\7\u00b2\2\2"+ - "\u32fc\u32fd\7\u0302\2\2\u32fd\u32ff\5\u01b2\u00da\2\u32fe\u3300\5\u01b4"+ - "\u00db\2\u32ff\u32fe\3\2\2\2\u32ff\u3300\3\2\2\2\u3300\u05e3\3\2\2\2\u3301"+ - "\u3302\7\u00b2\2\2\u3302\u3303\5\u010a\u0086\2\u3303\u3304\5\u01b2\u00da"+ - "\2\u3304\u05e5\3\2\2\2\u3305\u330d\7\u00b2\2\2\u3306\u3308\7\u02cf\2\2"+ - "\u3307\u3306\3\2\2\2\u3307\u3308\3\2\2\2\u3308\u330b\3\2\2\2\u3309\u330b"+ - "\7\u00b1\2\2\u330a\u3307\3\2\2\2\u330a\u3309\3\2\2\2\u330b\u330e\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u330c\u330e\7\u02e9\2\2\u330d\u330a\3\2\2\2\u330d\u330c\3\2\2\2\u330e"+ - "\u330f\3\2\2\2\u330f\u3310\7\u0220\2\2\u3310\u3311\5\u05e8\u02f5\2\u3311"+ - "\u05e7\3\2\2\2\u3312\u3322\5\u05ea\u02f6\2\u3313\u3314\5\u05ea\u02f6\2"+ - "\u3314\u3315\7\u04f2\2\2\u3315\u3317\3\2\2\2\u3316\u3313\3\2\2\2\u3316"+ - "\u3317\3\2\2\2\u3317\u3318\3\2\2\2\u3318\u3319\7\u0305\2\2\u3319\u331a"+ - "\7\u0088\2\2\u331a\u3322\5\u05ec\u02f7\2\u331b\u331c\7\u0305\2\2\u331c"+ - "\u331d\7\u0088\2\2\u331d\u331e\5\u05ec\u02f7\2\u331e\u331f\7\u04f2\2\2"+ - "\u331f\u3320\5\u05ea\u02f6\2\u3320\u3322\3\2\2\2\u3321\u3312\3\2\2\2\u3321"+ - "\u3316\3\2\2\2\u3321\u331b\3\2\2\2\u3322\u05e9\3\2\2\2\u3323\u3324\7\u014c"+ - "\2\2\u3324\u3328\7\u04a8\2\2\u3325\u3326\7\u014c\2\2\u3326\u3328\7\u0182"+ - "\2\2\u3327\u3323\3\2\2\2\u3327\u3325\3\2\2\2\u3328\u05eb\3\2\2\2\u3329"+ - "\u332a\7\u014c\2\2\u332a\u3331\7\u030f\2\2\u332b\u332c\7\u014c\2\2\u332c"+ - "\u3331\7\u02a7\2\2\u332d\u332e\7\u0318\2\2\u332e\u3331\7\u014c\2\2\u332f"+ - "\u3331\7\u03d4\2\2\u3330\u3329\3\2\2\2\u3330\u332b\3\2\2\2\u3330\u332d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3330\u332f\3\2\2\2\u3331\u05ed\3\2\2\2\u3332\u3333\7D\2\2\u3333"+ - "\u3334\7\u0372\2\2\u3334\u3336\5\u05f0\u02f9\2\u3335\u3337\7\u02c7\2\2"+ - "\u3336\u3335\3\2\2\2\u3336\u3337\3\2\2\2\u3337\u05ef\3\2\2\2\u3338\u3339"+ - "\7\u00ac\2\2\u3339\u333b\7\u00ce\2\2\u333a\u333c\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u333b"+ - "\u333a\3\2\2\2\u333b\u333c\3\2\2\2\u333c\u334a\3\2\2\2\u333d\u333e\7\u0129"+ - "\2\2\u333e\u333f\7\u00bd\2\2\u333f\u3341\7\u0270\2\2\u3340\u3342\5\u0584"+ - "\u02c3\2\u3341\u3340\3\2\2\2\u3341\u3342\3\2\2\2\u3342\u334a\3\2\2\2\u3343"+ - "\u3344\7\u0129\2\2\u3344\u3345\7\u00bd\2\2\u3345\u3347\7\u00ce\2\2\u3346"+ - "\u3348\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u3347\u3346\3\2\2\2\u3347\u3348\3\2\2\2\u3348\u334a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3349\u3338\3\2\2\2\u3349\u333d\3\2\2\2\u3349\u3343\3\2\2\2\u334a"+ - "\u05f1\3\2\2\2\u334b\u334c\7D\2\2\u334c\u334d\7\u0372\2\2\u334d\u334e"+ - "\7\u0286\2\2\u334e\u3350\7\u00ce\2\2\u334f\u3351\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u3350"+ - "\u334f\3\2\2\2\u3350\u3351\3\2\2\2\u3351\u3352\3\2\2\2\u3352\u3353\5\u05f4"+ - "\u02fb\2\u3353\u05f3\3\2\2\2\u3354\u3355\7\u033d\2\2\u3355\u3356\7\u02da"+ - "\2\2\u3356\u3357\5\u01dc\u00ef\2\u3357\u3358\7\u0518\2\2\u3358\u335f\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3359\u335a\7\u033d\2\2\u335a\u335b\7\u04e5\2\2\u335b\u335c\5\u01dc"+ - "\u00ef\2\u335c\u335d\7\u04e7\2\2\u335d\u335f\3\2\2\2\u335e\u3354\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u335e\u3359\3\2\2\2\u335e\u335f\3\2\2\2\u335f\u3364\3\2\2\2\u3360\u3361"+ - "\7\u033d\2\2\u3361\u3364\7\u043c\2\2\u3362\u3364\7\u036c\2\2\u3363\u335e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3363\u3360\3\2\2\2\u3363\u3362\3\2\2\2\u3364\u05f5\3\2\2\2\u3365"+ - "\u3366\7D\2\2\u3366\u3367\7\u0372\2\2\u3367\u3369\5\u05f8\u02fd\2\u3368"+ - "\u336a\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u3369\u3368\3\2\2\2\u3369\u336a\3\2\2\2\u336a\u05f7"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u336b\u336c\7\u03b3\2\2\u336c\u336d\7\u0149\2\2\u336d\u336e\5"+ - "\u05fa\u02fe\2\u336e\u336f\7\u00bd\2\2\u336f\u3370\7\u01eb\2\2\u3370\u3371"+ - "\7\u04e7\2\2\u3371\u05f9\3\2\2\2\u3372\u3374\7\u027e\2\2\u3373\u3375\7"+ - "\u0504\2\2\u3374\u3373\3\2\2\2\u3374\u3375\3\2\2\2\u3375\u3376\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3376\u3377\7\u04e7\2\2\u3377\u3378\7\u04f2\2\2\u3378\u337a\7?\2\2\u3379"+ - "\u337b\7\u0504\2\2\u337a\u3379\3\2\2\2\u337a\u337b\3\2\2\2\u337b\u337c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u337c\u337d\7\u04e7\2\2\u337d\u05fb\3\2\2\2\u337e\u3381\5\u05fa"+ - "\u02fe\2\u337f\u3381\7C\2\2\u3380\u337e\3\2\2\2\u3380\u337f\3\2\2\2\u3381"+ - "\u05fd\3\2\2\2\u3382\u3383\7D\2\2\u3383\u3384\7\u0372\2\2\u3384\u3385"+ - "\5\u0600\u0301\2\u3385\u3386\7\26\2\2\u3386\u3388\5\u060a\u0306\2\u3387"+ - "\u3389\5\u0584\u02c3\2\u3388\u3387\3\2\2\2\u3388\u3389\3\2\2\2\u3389\u05ff"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u338a\u338b\t~\2\2\u338b\u0601\3\2\2\2\u338c\u338d\7\u033c\2"+ - "\2\u338d\u338e\5\u0606\u0304\2\u338e\u0603\3\2\2\2\u338f\u3391\7\u0266"+ - "\2\2\u3390\u3392\7\u0485\2\2\u3391\u3390\3\2\2\2\u3391\u3392\3\2\2\2\u3392"+ - "\u3393\3\2\2\2\u3393\u3394\7\u00bd\2\2\u3394\u339a\5\u0606\u0304\2\u3395"+ - 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"\2\2\u33fa\u33fb\7\u04eb\2\2\u33fb\u33fc\5\u0624\u0313\2\u33fc\u33fd\7"+ - "\u04ed\2\2\u33fd\u33ff\3\2\2\2\u33fe\u33f3\3\2\2\2\u33fe\u33f9\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u33ff\u0623\3\2\2\2\u3400\u3402\5\u0628\u0315\2\u3401\u3403\5\u0626\u0314"+ - "\2\u3402\u3401\3\2\2\2\u3402\u3403\3\2\2\2\u3403\u3405\3\2\2\2\u3404\u3406"+ - "\5\u062c\u0317\2\u3405\u3404\3\2\2\2\u3405\u3406\3\2\2\2\u3406\u3408\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3407\u3409\7\u01d8\2\2\u3408\u3407\3\2\2\2\u3408\u3409\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3409\u0625\3\2\2\2\u340a\u340b\t\33\2\2\u340b\u340c\7\u009a\2\2\u340c"+ - "\u340d\7\u0095\2\2\u340d\u0627\3\2\2\2\u340e\u3413\5\u062a\u0316\2\u340f"+ - "\u3410\7\u04f2\2\2\u3410\u3412\5\u062a\u0316\2\u3411\u340f\3\2\2\2\u3412"+ - "\u3415\3\2\2\2\u3413\u3411\3\2\2\2\u3413\u3414\3\2\2\2\u3414\u0629\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3415\u3413\3\2\2\2\u3416\u3419\5\66\34\2\u3417\u3418\7\u019c\2\2"+ - "\u3418\u341a\7\u038e\2\2\u3419\u3417\3\2\2\2\u3419\u341a\3\2\2\2\u341a"+ - "\u062b\3\2\2\2\u341b\u341c\7\u018e\2\2\u341c\u341d\5\u06aa\u0356\2\u341d"+ - 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"\u3463\3\2\2\2\u3462\u3464\7\u00d7\2\2\u3463\u3462\3\2\2\2\u3463\u3464"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3464\u3469\3\2\2\2\u3465\u3466\7\u018e\2\2\u3466\u3469\7\u00a4"+ - "\2\2\u3467\u3469\5\u06ac\u0357\2\u3468\u3455\3\2\2\2\u3468\u345b\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3468\u345d\3\2\2\2\u3468\u3465\3\2\2\2\u3468\u3467\3\2\2\2\u3469\u0637"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u346a\u346b\5\u063a\u031e\2\u346b\u0639\3\2\2\2\u346c\u346d\7"+ - "_\2\2\u346d\u3470\5\u01c0\u00e1\2\u346e\u3470\5\u0644\u0323\2\u346f\u346c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u346f\u346e\3\2\2\2\u3470\u3471\3\2\2\2\u3471\u3472\7\u009a\2"+ - "\2\u3472\u3473\7\u0467\2\2\u3473\u063b\3\2\2\2\u3474\u3475\5\u063e\u0320"+ - "\2\u3475\u063d\3\2\2\2\u3476\u3477\7_\2\2\u3477\u347a\5\u01c0\u00e1\2"+ - "\u3478\u347a\5\u0644\u0323\2\u3479\u3476\3\2\2\2\u3479\u3478\3\2\2\2\u347a"+ - "\u347b\3\2\2\2\u347b\u347c\7\u009a\2\2\u347c\u347d\7\u020b\2\2\u347d\u063f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u347e\u3480\5\u0642\u0322\2\u347f\u347e\3\2\2\2\u3480\u3481\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3481\u347f\3\2\2\2\u3481\u3482\3\2\2\2\u3482\u0641\3\2\2\2\u3483"+ - "\u3486\7\u0223\2\2\u3484\u3486\5\u0644\u0323\2\u3485\u3483\3\2\2\2\u3485"+ - "\u3484\3\2\2\2\u3486\u3487\3\2\2\2\u3487\u3488\7\u009a\2\2\u3488\u3494"+ - "\7\u0497\2\2\u3489\u348c\7\u0223\2\2\u348a\u348c\5\u0644\u0323\2\u348b"+ - "\u3489\3\2\2\2\u348b\u348a\3\2\2\2\u348c\u348d\3\2\2\2\u348d\u348e\7\u009a"+ - "\2\2\u348e\u348f\7\u0497\2\2\u348f\u3490\7\u04f8\2\2\u3490\u3491\5\u0646"+ - "\u0324\2\u3491\u3492\7\u04ff\2\2\u3492\u3494\3\2\2\2\u3493\u3485\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3493\u348b\3\2\2\2\u3494\u0643\3\2\2\2\u3495\u3496\t\u0081\2\2\u3496"+ - "\u0645\3\2\2\2\u3497\u349c\5\u0648\u0325\2\u3498\u3499\7\u04f2\2\2\u3499"+ - "\u349b\5\u0648\u0325\2\u349a\u3498\3\2\2\2\u349b\u349e\3\2\2\2\u349c\u349a"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u349c\u349d\3\2\2\2\u349d\u0647\3\2\2\2\u349e\u349c\3\2\2\2\u349f"+ - "\u34a0\7\u0096\2\2\u34a0\u34a7\7\u04c3\2\2\u34a1\u34a2\7\u019e\2\2\u34a2"+ - "\u34a7\7\u04c3\2\2\u34a3\u34a4\7\u0478\2\2\u34a4\u34a7\7\u020b\2\2\u34a5"+ - "\u34a7\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u34a6\u349f\3\2\2\2\u34a6\u34a1\3\2\2\2\u34a6\u34a3"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u34a6\u34a5\3\2\2\2\u34a7\u0649\3\2\2\2\u34a8\u34a9\7\u02a3\2"+ - "\2\u34a9\u34aa\7\u04f8\2\2\u34aa\u34ab\5\u0634\u031b\2\u34ab\u34ac\7\u04f2"+ - "\2\2\u34ac\u34ae\5\36\20\2\u34ad\u34af\5\u064c\u0327\2\u34ae\u34ad\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u34ae\u34af\3\2\2\2\u34af\u34b0\3\2\2\2\u34b0\u34b1\7\u04ff\2\2\u34b1"+ - "\u064b\3\2\2\2\u34b2\u34b3\7j\2\2\u34b3\u34b5\5\u064e\u0328\2\u34b4\u34b6"+ - "\5\u0654\u032b\2\u34b5\u34b4\3\2\2\2\u34b5\u34b6\3\2\2\2\u34b6\u34b9\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u34b7\u34b9\5\u0654\u032b\2\u34b8\u34b2\3\2\2\2\u34b8\u34b7\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u34b9\u064d\3\2\2\2\u34ba\u34bf\5\u0650\u0329\2\u34bb\u34bc\7\u04f2"+ - "\2\2\u34bc\u34be\5\u0650\u0329\2\u34bd\u34bb\3\2\2\2\u34be\u34c1\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u34bf\u34bd\3\2\2\2\u34bf\u34c0\3\2\2\2\u34c0\u064f\3\2\2\2\u34c1\u34bf"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u34c2\u34c3\5\66\34\2\u34c3\u34c4\7G\2\2\u34c4\u34c5\5\u0652"+ - "\u032a\2\u34c5\u0651\3\2\2\2\u34c6\u34c7\7\u0517\2\2\u34c7\u0653\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u34c8\u34ca\5\u0656\u032c\2\u34c9\u34cb\5\u0658\u032d\2\u34ca\u34c9"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u34ca\u34cb\3\2\2\2\u34cb\u34ce\3\2\2\2\u34cc\u34ce\5\u0658\u032d"+ - "\2\u34cd\u34c8\3\2\2\2\u34cd\u34cc\3\2\2\2\u34ce\u0655\3\2\2\2\u34cf\u34d0"+ - "\5\u065a\u032e\2\u34d0\u34d1\7\u009a\2\2\u34d1\u34d2\7\u020b\2\2\u34d2"+ - "\u0657\3\2\2\2\u34d3\u34d4\5\u065a\u032e\2\u34d4\u34d5\7\u009a\2\2\u34d5"+ - "\u34d6\7\u0467\2\2\u34d6\u0659\3\2\2\2\u34d7\u34d8\t\13\2\2\u34d8\u065b"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u34d9\u34da\7\u01b4\2\2\u34da\u34db\7\u04f8\2\2\u34db\u34dc\5"+ - "\u0634\u031b\2\u34dc\u34dd\7\u04f2\2\2\u34dd\u34e0\5\34\17\2\u34de\u34df"+ - "\7\u018e\2\2\u34df\u34e1\5\u0662\u0332\2\u34e0\u34de\3\2\2\2\u34e0\u34e1"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u34e1\u34e3\3\2\2\2\u34e2\u34e4\7\u01c8\2\2\u34e3\u34e2\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u34e3\u34e4\3\2\2\2\u34e4\u34e6\3\2\2\2\u34e5\u34e7\5,\27\2\u34e6\u34e5"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u34e6\u34e7\3\2\2\2\u34e7\u34e9\3\2\2\2\u34e8\u34ea\7\u01e8\2"+ - "\2\u34e9\u34e8\3\2\2\2\u34e9\u34ea\3\2\2\2\u34ea\u34ec\3\2\2\2\u34eb\u34ed"+ - "\7\u0376\2\2\u34ec\u34eb\3\2\2\2\u34ec\u34ed\3\2\2\2\u34ed\u34ef\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u34ee\u34f0\5\u0660\u0331\2\u34ef\u34ee\3\2\2\2\u34ef\u34f0\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u34f0\u34f2\3\2\2\2\u34f1\u34f3\5\u065e\u0330\2\u34f2\u34f1\3\2\2\2\u34f2"+ - "\u34f3\3\2\2\2\u34f3\u34f5\3\2\2\2\u34f4\u34f6\7\25\2\2\u34f5\u34f4\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u34f5\u34f6\3\2\2\2\u34f6\u34f7\3\2\2\2\u34f7\u34f8\7\u04ff\2\2"+ - "\u34f8\u065d\3\2\2\2\u34f9\u3511\5\u0668\u0335\2\u34fa\u3511\5\u0666\u0334"+ - "\2\u34fb\u3511\5\u0664\u0333\2\u34fc\u34fd\5\u0666\u0334\2\u34fd\u34fe"+ - "\5\u0668\u0335\2\u34fe\u3511\3\2\2\2\u34ff\u3500\5\u0668\u0335\2\u3500"+ - "\u3501\5\u0666\u0334\2\u3501\u3511\3\2\2\2\u3502\u3503\5\u0666\u0334\2"+ - "\u3503\u3504\5\u0664\u0333\2\u3504\u3511\3\2\2\2\u3505\u3506\5\u0668\u0335"+ - "\2\u3506\u3507\5\u0664\u0333\2\u3507\u3511\3\2\2\2\u3508\u3509\5\u0666"+ - "\u0334\2\u3509\u350a\5\u0668\u0335\2\u350a\u350b\5\u0664\u0333\2\u350b"+ - "\u3511\3\2\2\2\u350c\u350d\5\u0668\u0335\2\u350d\u350e\5\u0666\u0334\2"+ - "\u350e\u350f\5\u0664\u0333\2\u350f\u3511\3\2\2\2\u3510\u34f9\3\2\2\2\u3510"+ - "\u34fa\3\2\2\2\u3510\u34fb\3\2\2\2\u3510\u34fc\3\2\2\2\u3510\u34ff\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3510\u3502\3\2\2\2\u3510\u3505\3\2\2\2\u3510\u3508\3\2\2\2\u3510"+ - "\u350c\3\2\2\2\u3511\u065f\3\2\2\2\u3512\u3513\7\u00cf\2\2\u3513\u352b"+ - "\7\u0253\2\2\u3514\u3515\7\u00cf\2\2\u3515\u3516\7g\2\2\u3516\u352b\7"+ - "\u0253\2\2\u3517\u3518\7\u00cd\2\2\u3518\u352b\7\u0253\2\2\u3519\u351a"+ - "\7\u00cd\2\2\u351a\u351b\7g\2\2\u351b\u352b\7\u0253\2\2\u351c\u351d\7"+ - "\u00cd\2\2\u351d\u351e\7\u04dc\2\2\u351e\u352b\7\u0253\2\2\u351f\u3520"+ - "\7\u00cd\2\2\u3520\u3521\7\u04dd\2\2\u3521\u352b\7\u0253\2\2\u3522\u3523"+ - "\7\u00cd\2\2\u3523\u3524\7\u04dc\2\2\u3524\u3525\7g\2\2\u3525\u352b\7"+ - "\u0253\2\2\u3526\u3527\7\u00cd\2\2\u3527\u3528\7\u04dd\2\2\u3528\u3529"+ - "\7g\2\2\u3529\u352b\7\u0253\2\2\u352a\u3512\3\2\2\2\u352a\u3514\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u352a\u3517\3\2\2\2\u352a\u3519\3\2\2\2\u352a\u351c\3\2\2\2\u352a\u351f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u352a\u3522\3\2\2\2\u352a\u3526\3\2\2\2\u352b\u0661\3\2\2\2\u352c"+ - "\u3530\5\u06a8\u0355\2\u352d\u3530\7N\2\2\u352e\u3530\7\u038e\2\2\u352f"+ - "\u352c\3\2\2\2\u352f\u352d\3\2\2\2\u352f\u352e\3\2\2\2\u3530\u0663\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3531\u3534\7c\2\2\u3532\u3534\5\u066c\u0337\2\u3533\u3531\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3533\u3532\3\2\2\2\u3534\u3535\3\2\2\2\u3535\u3536\7\u009a\2\2\u3536"+ - "\u3537\7\u0497\2\2\u3537\u0665\3\2\2\2\u3538\u3539\5\u066a\u0336\2\u3539"+ - "\u353a\7\u009a\2\2\u353a\u353b\7\u020b\2\2\u353b\u0667\3\2\2\2\u353c\u353d"+ - "\5\u066a\u0336\2\u353d\u353e\7\u009a\2\2\u353e\u353f\7\u0467\2\2\u353f"+ - "\u0669\3\2\2\2\u3540\u3542\7\u0467\2\2\u3541\u3543\7g\2\2\u3542\u3541"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3542\u3543\3\2\2\2\u3543\u3548\3\2\2\2\u3544\u3545\7\u0467\2"+ - "\2\u3545\u3548\7\u03e5\2\2\u3546\u3548\5\u066c\u0337\2\u3547\u3540\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3547\u3544\3\2\2\2\u3547\u3546\3\2\2\2\u3548\u066b\3\2\2\2\u3549"+ - "\u354a\t\u0081\2\2\u354a\u066d\3\2\2\2\u354b\u354c\7\u022c\2\2\u354c\u3550"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u354d\u354e\5\u0678\u033d\2\u354e\u354f\7\u04f2\2\2\u354f"+ - "\u3551\3\2\2\2\u3550\u354d\3\2\2\2\u3550\u3551\3\2\2\2\u3551\u3553\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3552\u3554\5\u0676\u033c\2\u3553\u3552\3\2\2\2\u3553\u3554\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3554\u3556\3\2\2\2\u3555\u3557\5\u0674\u033b\2\u3556\u3555\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3556\u3557\3\2\2\2\u3557\u3559\3\2\2\2\u3558\u355a\5\u0672\u033a\2\u3559"+ - "\u3558\3\2\2\2\u3559\u355a\3\2\2\2\u355a\u355c\3\2\2\2\u355b\u355d\5\u0670"+ - "\u0339\2\u355c\u355b\3\2\2\2\u355c\u355d\3\2\2\2\u355d\u355e\3\2\2\2\u355e"+ - "\u355f\7\u04ff\2\2\u355f\u066f\3\2\2\2\u3560\u3561\7\u01ea\2\2\u3561\u3562"+ - "\5\u0680\u0341\2\u3562\u0671\3\2\2\2\u3563\u3564\7\u018e\2\2\u3564\u3565"+ - "\7\u01e7\2\2\u3565\u3566\7O\2\2\u3566\u3567\7\u03f2\2\2\u3567\u0673\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3568\u3569\7j\2\2\u3569\u356f\5> \2\u356a\u356b\7j\2\2\u356b\u356c"+ - "\7O\2\2\u356c\u356d\7L\2\2\u356d\u356f\5> \2\u356e\u3568\3\2\2\2\u356e"+ - "\u356a\3\2\2\2\u356f\u0675\3\2\2\2\u3570\u3571\7\u0347\2\2\u3571\u3574"+ - "\5\32\16\2\u3572\u3574\5\32\16\2\u3573\u3570\3\2\2\2\u3573\u3572\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3574\u0677\3\2\2\2\u3575\u3576\7\u022d\2\2\u3576\u3577\7\u04f8\2\2"+ - "\u3577\u3578\5\u067a\u033e\2\u3578\u3579\7\u04ff\2\2\u3579\u0679\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u357a\u357f\5\u067c\u033f\2\u357b\u357c\7\u04f2\2\2\u357c\u357e\5\u067c"+ - "\u033f\2\u357d\u357b\3\2\2\2\u357e\u3581\3\2\2\2\u357f\u357d\3\2\2\2\u357f"+ - "\u3580\3\2\2\2\u3580\u067b\3\2\2\2\u3581\u357f\3\2\2\2\u3582\u3583\7\u0518"+ - "\2\2\u3583\u3584\7G\2\2\u3584\u3588\5\u067e\u0340\2\u3585\u3586\7_\2\2"+ - "\u3586\u3588\7\u0518\2\2\u3587\u3582\3\2\2\2\u3587\u3585\3\2\2\2\u3588"+ - "\u067d\3\2\2\2\u3589\u358a\5\u060a\u0306\2\u358a\u067f\3\2\2\2\u358b\u3590"+ - "\5\u0682\u0342\2\u358c\u358d\7\u04f2\2\2\u358d\u358f\5\u0682\u0342\2\u358e"+ - "\u358c\3\2\2\2\u358f\u3592\3\2\2\2\u3590\u358e\3\2\2\2\u3590\u3591\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3591\u0681\3\2\2\2\u3592\u3590\3\2\2\2\u3593\u3597\5\u0684\u0343"+ - "\2\u3594\u3597\5\u0686\u0344\2\u3595\u3597\5\u0688\u0345\2\u3596\u3593"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3596\u3594\3\2\2\2\u3596\u3595\3\2\2\2\u3597\u0683\3\2\2\2\u3598"+ - "\u3599\5\u0608\u0305\2\u3599\u359a\7q\2\2\u359a\u359b\7\u0085\2\2\u359b"+ - "\u0685\3\2\2\2\u359c\u359e\5\u0608\u0305\2\u359d\u359f\5\u0172\u00ba\2"+ - "\u359e\u359d\3\2\2\2\u359e\u359f\3\2\2\2\u359f\u35a1\3\2\2\2\u35a0\u35a2"+ - "\5\u0676\u033c\2\u35a1\u35a0\3\2\2\2\u35a1\u35a2\3\2\2\2\u35a2\u35a4\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u35a3\u35a5\5\u068c\u0347\2\u35a4\u35a3\3\2\2\2\u35a4\u35a5\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u35a5\u0687\3\2\2\2\u35a6\u35a7\5\u0608\u0305\2\u35a7\u35a9\7\u022b"+ - "\2\2\u35a8\u35aa\5\u068a\u0346\2\u35a9\u35a8\3\2\2\2\u35a9\u35aa\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u35aa\u35ac\3\2\2\2\u35ab\u35ad\5\u0676\u033c\2\u35ac\u35ab\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u35ac\u35ad\3\2\2\2\u35ad\u35af\3\2\2\2\u35ae\u35b0\5\u068c\u0347\2\u35af"+ - "\u35ae\3\2\2\2\u35af\u35b0\3\2\2\2\u35b0\u0689\3\2\2\2\u35b1\u35b2\7\u04f8"+ - "\2\2\u35b2\u35b3\7\u01e7\2\2\u35b3\u35b4\7\u04ff\2\2\u35b4\u35b5\7O\2"+ - "\2\u35b5\u35b6\7\u03f2\2\2\u35b6\u068b\3\2\2\2\u35b7\u35b8\7_\2\2\u35b8"+ - "\u35b9\5\66\34\2\u35b9\u068d\3\2\2\2\u35ba\u35c0\5\u06b2\u035a\2\u35bb"+ - "\u35c0\5\u06b4\u035b\2\u35bc\u35bd\5\u06b2\u035a\2\u35bd\u35be\5\u06b4"+ - "\u035b\2\u35be\u35c0\3\2\2\2\u35bf\u35ba\3\2\2\2\u35bf\u35bb\3\2\2\2\u35bf"+ - "\u35bc\3\2\2\2\u35c0\u068f\3\2\2\2\u35c1\u35c7\5\u0694\u034b\2\u35c2\u35c3"+ - "\7\u04f8\2\2\u35c3\u35c4\5\u0694\u034b\2\u35c4\u35c5\7\u04ff\2\2\u35c5"+ - "\u35c7\3\2\2\2\u35c6\u35c1\3\2\2\2\u35c6\u35c2\3\2\2\2\u35c7\u0691\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u35c8\u35c9\7\u04a3\2\2\u35c9\u35ca\7\u04f8\2\2\u35ca\u35cd\5\u0634"+ - "\u031b\2\u35cb\u35cc\7\u04f2\2\2\u35cc\u35ce\5\36\20\2\u35cd\u35cb\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u35cd\u35ce\3\2\2\2\u35ce\u35d0\3\2\2\2\u35cf\u35d1\5\u068e\u0348"+ - "\2\u35d0\u35cf\3\2\2\2\u35d0\u35d1\3\2\2\2\u35d1\u35d2\3\2\2\2\u35d2\u35d3"+ - "\7\u01ea\2\2\u35d3\u35d4\5\u0690\u0349\2\u35d4\u35d5\7\u04ff\2\2\u35d5"+ - "\u0693\3\2\2\2\u35d6\u35db\5\u0696\u034c\2\u35d7\u35d8\7\u04f2\2\2\u35d8"+ - "\u35da\5\u0696\u034c\2\u35d9\u35d7\3\2\2\2\u35da\u35dd\3\2\2\2\u35db\u35d9"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u35db\u35dc\3\2\2\2\u35dc\u0695\3\2\2\2\u35dd\u35db\3\2\2\2\u35de"+ - "\u35e4\5\u0698\u034d\2\u35df\u35e4\5\u069c\u034f\2\u35e0\u35e4\5\u069e"+ - "\u0350\2\u35e1\u35e4\5\u06a0\u0351\2\u35e2\u35e4\5\u06a2\u0352\2\u35e3"+ - "\u35de\3\2\2\2\u35e3\u35df\3\2\2\2\u35e3\u35e0\3\2\2\2\u35e3\u35e1\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u35e3\u35e2\3\2\2\2\u35e4\u0697\3\2\2\2\u35e5\u35e6\5\u0608\u0305"+ - "\2\u35e6\u35e7\7q\2\2\u35e7\u35e8\7\u0085\2\2\u35e8\u0699\3\2\2\2\u35e9"+ - "\u35ea\7\u0347\2\2\u35ea\u35f2\5\36\20\2\u35eb\u35ec\7\u0347\2\2\u35ec"+ - "\u35f2\5\u0608\u0305\2\u35ed\u35ee\7\u0347\2\2\u35ee\u35ef\5\u0608\u0305"+ - "\2\u35ef\u35f0\5X-\2\u35f0\u35f2\3\2\2\2\u35f1\u35e9\3\2\2\2\u35f1\u35eb"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u35f1\u35ed\3\2\2\2\u35f2\u069b\3\2\2\2\u35f3\u35f4\5\u0608\u0305"+ - "\2\u35f4\u35f6\5\u06a6\u0354\2\u35f5\u35f7\7\u01c8\2\2\u35f6\u35f5\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u35f6\u35f7\3\2\2\2\u35f7\u35f8\3\2\2\2\u35f8\u35fa\7m\2\2\u35f9"+ - "\u35fb\5\u069a\u034e\2\u35fa\u35f9\3\2\2\2\u35fa\u35fb\3\2\2\2\u35fb\u35fd"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u35fc\u35fe\7\u038b\2\2\u35fd\u35fc\3\2\2\2\u35fd\u35fe\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u35fe\u3600\3\2\2\2\u35ff\u3601\5\u0654\u032b\2\u3600\u35ff\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3600\u3601\3\2\2\2\u3601\u069d\3\2\2\2\u3602\u3603\5\u0608\u0305\2\u3603"+ - "\u3604\5\u06a4\u0353\2\u3604\u3605\7\u019c\2\2\u3605\u3607\7\u038e\2\2"+ - "\u3606\u3608\7\u01c8\2\2\u3607\u3606\3\2\2\2\u3607\u3608\3\2\2\2\u3608"+ - "\u360a\3\2\2\2\u3609\u360b\5,\27\2\u360a\u3609\3\2\2\2\u360a\u360b\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u360b\u360d\3\2\2\2\u360c\u360e\5\u0660\u0331\2\u360d\u360c\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u360d\u360e\3\2\2\2\u360e\u3610\3\2\2\2\u360f\u3611\5\u069a\u034e\2"+ - "\u3610\u360f\3\2\2\2\u3610\u3611\3\2\2\2\u3611\u3613\3\2\2\2\u3612\u3614"+ - "\7\u038b\2\2\u3613\u3612\3\2\2\2\u3613\u3614\3\2\2\2\u3614\u3616\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3615\u3617\5\u065e\u0330\2\u3616\u3615\3\2\2\2\u3616\u3617\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3617\u362a\3\2\2\2\u3618\u3619\5\u0608\u0305\2\u3619\u361b\7\u038e\2"+ - "\2\u361a\u361c\5,\27\2\u361b\u361a\3\2\2\2\u361b\u361c\3\2\2\2\u361c\u361e"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u361d\u361f\5\u0660\u0331\2\u361e\u361d\3\2\2\2\u361e\u361f\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u361f\u3621\3\2\2\2\u3620\u3622\5\u069a\u034e\2\u3621\u3620\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3621\u3622\3\2\2\2\u3622\u3624\3\2\2\2\u3623\u3625\7\u038b\2\2\u3624"+ - "\u3623\3\2\2\2\u3624\u3625\3\2\2\2\u3625\u3627\3\2\2\2\u3626\u3628\5\u065e"+ - "\u0330\2\u3627\u3626\3\2\2\2\u3627\u3628\3\2\2\2\u3628\u362a\3\2\2\2\u3629"+ - "\u3602\3\2\2\2\u3629\u3618\3\2\2\2\u362a\u069f\3\2\2\2\u362b\u362c\5\u0608"+ - "\u0305\2\u362c\u362e\5\u06a6\u0354\2\u362d\u362f\7\u01c8\2\2\u362e\u362d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u362e\u362f\3\2\2\2\u362f\u3631\3\2\2\2\u3630\u3632\5\u069a\u034e"+ - "\2\u3631\u3630\3\2\2\2\u3631\u3632\3\2\2\2\u3632\u3634\3\2\2\2\u3633\u3635"+ - "\7\u038b\2\2\u3634\u3633\3\2\2\2\u3634\u3635\3\2\2\2\u3635\u3637\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u3636\u3638\5\u0632\u031a\2\u3637\u3636\3\2\2\2\u3637\u3638\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3638\u06a1\3\2\2\2\u3639\u363a\7\u040e\2\2\u363a\u363b\7\u0347\2\2\u363b"+ - "\u363c\5\36\20\2\u363c\u363d\7\u01ea\2\2\u363d\u363e\7\u04f8\2\2\u363e"+ - "\u363f\5\u0694\u034b\2\u363f\u3640\7\u04ff\2\2\u3640\u06a3\3\2\2\2\u3641"+ - "\u3644\5\u06aa\u0356\2\u3642\u3644\5\u06ac\u0357\2\u3643\u3641\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3643\u3642\3\2\2\2\u3644\u06a5\3\2\2\2\u3645\u3654\5\u06a8\u0355\2\u3646"+ - "\u3654\5\u0190\u00c9\2\u3647\u3649\7R\2\2\u3648\u364a\5\u01a2\u00d2\2"+ - "\u3649\u3648\3\2\2\2\u3649\u364a\3\2\2\2\u364a\u364c\3\2\2\2\u364b\u364d"+ - "\7\u00d7\2\2\u364c\u364b\3\2\2\2\u364c\u364d\3\2\2\2\u364d\u3654\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u364e\u364f\7\u033e\2\2\u364f\u3654\5\u01a0\u00d1\2\u3650\u3651\7\u01e4"+ - "\2\2\u3651\u3654\5\u01a0\u00d1\2\u3652\u3654\5\u06ac\u0357\2\u3653\u3645"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3653\u3646\3\2\2\2\u3653\u3647\3\2\2\2\u3653\u364e\3\2\2\2\u3653"+ - "\u3650\3\2\2\2\u3653\u3652\3\2\2\2\u3654\u06a7\3\2\2\2\u3655\u365f\5\u0196"+ - "\u00cc\2\u3656\u365f\5\u018c\u00c7\2\u3657\u3659\7\u0097\2\2\u3658\u365a"+ - "\5\u0198\u00cd\2\u3659\u3658\3\2\2\2\u3659\u365a\3\2\2\2\u365a\u365f\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u365b\u365f\5\u0194\u00cb\2\u365c\u365f\5\u0188\u00c5\2\u365d\u365f"+ - "\5\u06ae\u0358\2\u365e\u3655\3\2\2\2\u365e\u3656\3\2\2\2\u365e\u3657\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u365e\u365b\3\2\2\2\u365e\u365c\3\2\2\2\u365e\u365d\3\2\2\2\u365f"+ - "\u06a9\3\2\2\2\u3660\u3664\7N\2\2\u3661\u3664\7\u038e\2\2\u3662\u3664"+ - "\5\u06ae\u0358\2\u3663\u3660\3\2\2\2\u3663\u3661\3\2\2\2\u3663\u3662\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3664\u06ab\3\2\2\2\u3665\u3666\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u3666\u06ad\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3667\u366f\7U\2\2\u3668\u3669\5\u0192\u00ca\2\u3669\u366b\5\u01a2"+ - "\u00d2\2\u366a\u366c\7\u00d7\2\2\u366b\u366a\3\2\2\2\u366b\u366c\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u366c\u366f\3\2\2\2\u366d\u366f\5\u0192\u00ca\2\u366e\u3667\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u366e\u3668\3\2\2\2\u366e\u366d\3\2\2\2\u366f\u06af\3\2\2\2\u3670\u3675"+ - "\7\u020b\2\2\u3671\u3675\7\u0095\2\2\u3672\u3673\7_\2\2\u3673\u3675\5"+ - "\u01c0\u00e1\2\u3674\u3670\3\2\2\2\u3674\u3671\3\2\2\2\u3674\u3672\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u3675\u06b1\3\2\2\2\u3676\u3677\5\u06b0\u0359\2\u3677\u3678\7\u009a"+ - "\2\2\u3678\u3679\7\u020b\2\2\u3679\u06b3\3\2\2\2\u367a\u367b\5\u06b0\u0359"+ - "\2\u367b\u367c\7\u009a\2\2\u367c\u367d\7\u0467\2\2\u367d\u06b5\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u367e\u367f\7\u0339\2\2\u367f\u3680\7\u04f8\2\2\u3680\u3681\5\u06b8\u035d"+ - "\2\u3681\u3682\7\u04ff\2\2\u3682\u3689\3\2\2\2\u3683\u3684\7\u038e\2\2"+ - "\u3684\u3685\7\u04ec\2\2\u3685\u3686\5\u06b8\u035d\2\u3686\u3687\7\u04ee"+ - "\2\2\u3687\u3689\3\2\2\2\u3688\u367e\3\2\2\2\u3688\u3683\3\2\2\2\u3689"+ - "\u06b7\3\2\2\2\u368a\u368c\5\u06bc\u035f\2\u368b\u368a\3\2\2\2\u368b\u368c"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u368c\u368d\3\2\2\2\u368d\u3698\5\u06ba\u035e\2\u368e\u368f\5"+ - "\u06bc\u035f\2\u368f\u3691\7\u01d8\2\2\u3690\u3692\5\u06ca\u0366\2\u3691"+ - "\u3690\3\2\2\2\u3691\u3692\3\2\2\2\u3692\u3698\3\2\2\2\u3693\u3695\5\u06bc"+ - "\u035f\2\u3694\u3693\3\2\2\2\u3694\u3695\3\2\2\2\u3695\u3696\3\2\2\2\u3696"+ - "\u3698\5\u06ca\u0366\2\u3697\u368b\3\2\2\2\u3697\u368e\3\2\2\2\u3697\u3694"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3698\u06b9\3\2\2\2\u3699\u36a8\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u369a\u369c\5"+ - "\u06c6\u0364\2\u369b\u369d\5\u06c8\u0365\2\u369c\u369b\3\2\2\2\u369c\u369d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u369d\u36a0\3\2\2\2\u369e\u36a0\5\u06c8\u0365\2\u369f\u369a\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u369f\u369e\3\2\2\2\u36a0\u36a2\3\2\2\2\u36a1\u36a3\7\u01d8\2\2"+ - "\u36a2\u36a1\3\2\2\2\u36a2\u36a3\3\2\2\2\u36a3\u36a5\3\2\2\2\u36a4\u36a6"+ - "\5\u06ca\u0366\2\u36a5\u36a4\3\2\2\2\u36a5\u36a6\3\2\2\2\u36a6\u36a8\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u36a7\u3699\3\2\2\2\u36a7\u369f\3\2\2\2\u36a8\u06bb\3\2\2\2\u36a9"+ - "\u36ac\7\u04f6\2\2\u36aa\u36ac\5\u06be\u0360\2\u36ab\u36a9\3\2\2\2\u36ab"+ - "\u36aa\3\2\2\2\u36ac\u06bd\3\2\2\2\u36ad\u36b2\5\u06c0\u0361\2\u36ae\u36af"+ - "\7\u04f2\2\2\u36af\u36b1\5\u06c0\u0361\2\u36b0\u36ae\3\2\2\2\u36b1\u36b4"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u36b2\u36b0\3\2\2\2\u36b2\u36b3\3\2\2\2\u36b3\u06bf\3\2\2\2\u36b4"+ - "\u36b2\3\2\2\2\u36b5\u36b8\5\u06c2\u0362\2\u36b6\u36b7\7\u019c\2\2\u36b7"+ - "\u36b9\7\u038e\2\2\u36b8\u36b6\3\2\2\2\u36b8\u36b9\3\2\2\2\u36b9\u06c1"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u36ba\u36c8\7K\2\2\u36bb\u36bd\7\u0294\2\2\u36bc\u36bb\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u36bc\u36bd\3\2\2\2\u36bd\u36be\3\2\2\2\u36be\u36bf\5\u06c4\u0363\2"+ - "\u36bf\u36c0\7L\2\2\u36c0\u36c1\5\u06c4\u0363\2\u36c1\u36c8\3\2\2\2\u36c2"+ - "\u36c5\5\u06c4\u0363\2\u36c3\u36c4\7\u04fc\2\2\u36c4\u36c6\5\u06c4\u0363"+ - "\2\u36c5\u36c3\3\2\2\2\u36c5\u36c6\3\2\2\2\u36c6\u36c8\3\2\2\2\u36c7\u36ba"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u36c7\u36bc\3\2\2\2\u36c7\u36c2\3\2\2\2\u36c8\u06c3\3\2\2\2\u36c9"+ - "\u36ca\5\66\34\2\u36ca\u06c5\3\2\2\2\u36cb\u36cc\t\33\2\2\u36cc\u36cd"+ - "\7\u009a\2\2\u36cd\u36ce\7\u0095\2\2\u36ce\u06c7\3\2\2\2\u36cf\u36d0\7"+ - "\u018e\2\2\u36d0\u36d1\5\u06aa\u0356\2\u36d1\u06c9\3\2\2\2\u36d2\u36d3"+ - "\7\u00cd\2\2\u36d3\u36d4\7\u00c1\2\2\u36d4\u36d5\7\u011b\2\2\u36d5\u06cb"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u36d6\u36d7\b\u0367\1\2\u36d7\u36da\5\u06fe\u0380\2\u36d8\u36da"+ - "\5\u06ce\u0368\2\u36d9\u36d6\3\2\2\2\u36d9\u36d8\3\2\2\2\u36da\u36e0\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u36db\u36dc\f\3\2\2\u36dc\u36dd\7\u04f2\2\2\u36dd\u36df\5\u06ce"+ - "\u0368\2\u36de\u36db\3\2\2\2\u36df\u36e2\3\2\2\2\u36e0\u36de\3\2\2\2\u36e0"+ - "\u36e1\3\2\2\2\u36e1\u06cd\3\2\2\2\u36e2\u36e0\3\2\2\2\u36e3\u36e4\t\u0082"+ - "\2\2\u36e4\u06cf\3\2\2\2\u36e5\u36e6\7\u0353\2\2\u36e6\u36e7\7\u04f8\2"+ - "\2\u36e7\u36e8\5\u06d4\u036b\2\u36e8\u36ea\5\u06d2\u036a\2\u36e9\u36eb"+ - "\7\u0354\2\2\u36ea\u36e9\3\2\2\2\u36ea\u36eb\3\2\2\2\u36eb\u36ec\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u36ec\u36ed\7\u04ff\2\2\u36ed\u06d1\3\2\2\2\u36ee\u36ef\5\66\34\2\u36ef"+ - "\u06d3\3\2\2\2\u36f0\u36f1\t\u0083\2\2\u36f1\u06d5\3\2\2\2\u36f2\u36f3"+ - "\7\u04d1\2\2\u36f3\u36f4\7\u04f8\2\2\u36f4\u36f7\5\u06d8\u036d\2\u36f5"+ - "\u36f6\7\u04f2\2\2\u36f6\u36f8\5\u06e2\u0372\2\u36f7\u36f5\3\2\2\2\u36f7"+ - "\u36f8\3\2\2\2\u36f8\u36f9\3\2\2\2\u36f9\u36fa\7\u04ff\2\2\u36fa\u3708"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u36fb\u36fc\7\u04d1\2\2\u36fc\u36fd\7\u04f8\2\2\u36fd\u36fe\5"+ - "\u06d8\u036d\2\u36fe\u3702\7\u04f2\2\2\u36ff\u3700\5\u06e2\u0372\2\u3700"+ - "\u3701\7\u04f2\2\2\u3701\u3703\3\2\2\2\u3702\u36ff\3\2\2\2\u3702\u3703"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3703\u3704\3\2\2\2\u3704\u3705\5\u06de\u0370\2\u3705\u3706\7"+ - "\u04ff\2\2\u3706\u3708\3\2\2\2\u3707\u36f2\3\2\2\2\u3707\u36fb\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3708\u06d7\3\2\2\2\u3709\u370b\7\u04d2\2\2\u370a\u3709\3\2\2\2\u370a"+ - "\u370b\3\2\2\2\u370b\u370c\3\2\2\2\u370c\u3710\5\u06dc\u036f\2\u370d\u370e"+ - "\7\u04d4\2\2\u370e\u3710\5\u06dc\u036f\2\u370f\u370a\3\2\2\2\u370f\u370d"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3710\u06d9\3\2\2\2\u3711\u3712\b\u036e\1\2\u3712\u3713\5> \2"+ - "\u3713\u3719\3\2\2\2\u3714\u3715\f\3\2\2\u3715\u3716\7\u0502\2\2\u3716"+ - "\u3718\5\u06da\u036e\4\u3717\u3714\3\2\2\2\u3718\u371b\3\2\2\2\u3719\u3717"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3719\u371a\3\2\2\2\u371a\u06db\3\2\2\2\u371b\u3719\3\2\2\2\u371c"+ - "\u371e\7\u02be\2\2\u371d\u371c\3\2\2\2\u371d\u371e\3\2\2\2\u371e\u371f"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u371f\u3723\5\u0608\u0305\2\u3720\u3721\7\u00fe\2\2\u3721\u3723"+ - "\5\u06da\u036e\2\u3722\u371d\3\2\2\2\u3722\u3720\3\2\2\2\u3723\u06dd\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3724\u3729\5\u06e0\u0371\2\u3725\u3726\7\u04f2\2\2\u3726\u3728"+ - "\5\u06e0\u0371\2\u3727\u3725\3\2\2\2\u3728\u372b\3\2\2\2\u3729\u3727\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3729\u372a\3\2\2\2\u372a\u06df\3\2\2\2\u372b\u3729\3\2\2\2\u372c"+ - "\u3732\5\66\34\2\u372d\u372e\7G\2\2\u372e\u3733\5\u0610\u0309\2\u372f"+ - "\u3731\5\u0610\u0309\2\u3730\u372f\3\2\2\2\u3730\u3731\3\2\2\2\u3731\u3733"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3732\u372d\3\2\2\2\u3732\u3730\3\2\2\2\u3733\u06e1\3\2\2\2\u3734"+ - "\u3735\7I\2\2\u3735\u373a\7\u04f8\2\2\u3736\u3738\7\u04d2\2\2\u3737\u3736"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u3737\u3738\3\2\2\2\u3738\u373b\3\2\2\2\u3739\u373b\7\u04d4\2"+ - "\2\u373a\u3737\3\2\2\2\u373a\u3739\3\2\2\2\u373b\u3740\3\2\2\2\u373c\u3741"+ - "\7\u04d5\2\2\u373d\u373f\7\u04d6\2\2\u373e\u373d\3\2\2\2\u373e\u373f\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u373f\u3741\3\2\2\2\u3740\u373c\3\2\2\2\u3740\u373e\3\2\2\2\u3741"+ - "\u3742\3\2\2\2\u3742\u3743\5\u06e4\u0373\2\u3743\u3744\7\u04ff\2\2\u3744"+ - "\u06e3\3\2\2\2\u3745\u3748\5\u06e8\u0375\2\u3746\u3747\7\u04f2\2\2\u3747"+ - "\u3749\5\u06e4\u0373\2\u3748\u3746\3\2\2\2\u3748\u3749\3\2\2\2\u3749\u06e5"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u374a\u374b\5\66\34\2\u374b\u06e7\3\2\2\2\u374c\u3752\5\u06e6"+ - "\u0374\2\u374d\u374e\7G\2\2\u374e\u374f\7\u00fe\2\2\u374f\u3753\5\66\34"+ - "\2\u3750\u3751\7G\2\2\u3751\u3753\5\u060a\u0306\2\u3752\u374d\3\2\2\2"+ - "\u3752\u3750\3\2\2\2\u3752\u3753\3\2\2\2\u3753\u06e9\3\2\2\2\u3754\u3755"+ - "\7\u0382\2\2\u3755\u3756\7\u04f8\2\2\u3756\u3757\5\66\34\2\u3757\u3758"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u3758\u06eb\3\2\2\2\u3759\u375a\7\u037f\2\2\u375a\u375b\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u375b\u375c\5\66\34\2\u375c\u375d\7\u04f2\2\2\u375d\u375e\5"+ - "\66\34\2\u375e\u375f\7\u04f2\2\2\u375f\u3760\5\66\34\2\u3760\u3761\7\u04f2"+ - "\2\2\u3761\u3764\5\66\34\2\u3762\u3763\7\u04f2\2\2\u3763\u3765\5\66\34"+ - "\2\u3764\u3762\3\2\2\2\u3764\u3765\3\2\2\2\u3765\u3766\3\2\2\2\u3766\u3767"+ - "\7\u04ff\2\2\u3767\u06ed\3\2\2\2\u3768\u3769\7\u0380\2\2\u3769\u376a\7"+ - "\u04f8\2\2\u376a\u376b\5\66\34\2\u376b\u376c\7\u04f2\2\2\u376c\u376f\5"+ - "\66\34\2\u376d\u376e\7\u04f2\2\2\u376e\u3770\5\66\34\2\u376f\u376d\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u376f\u3770\3\2\2\2\u3770\u3771\3\2\2\2\u3771\u3772\7\u04ff\2\2\u3772"+ - "\u06ef\3\2\2\2\u3773\u3774\7\u037e\2\2\u3774\u3775\7\u04f8\2\2\u3775\u3776"+ - "\5\66\34\2\u3776\u3777\7\u04f2\2\2\u3777\u377a\5\66\34\2\u3778\u3779\7"+ - "\u04f2\2\2\u3779\u377b\5\36\20\2\u377a\u3778\3\2\2\2\u377a\u377b\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u377b\u377c\3\2\2\2\u377c\u377d\7\u04ff\2\2\u377d\u06f1\3\2\2\2\u377e"+ - "\u377f\7\u0383\2\2\u377f\u3780\7\u04f8\2\2\u3780\u3781\5\66\34\2\u3781"+ - "\u3782\7G\2\2\u3782\u3783\5\u0172\u00ba\2\u3783\u3784\7\u04ff\2\2\u3784"+ - "\u06f3\3\2\2\2\u3785\u3786\7\u0384\2\2\u3786\u3787\7\u04f8\2\2\u3787\u3788"+ - "\5\u06d4\u036b\2\u3788\u378b\5\66\34\2\u3789\u378a\7G\2\2\u378a\u378c"+ - "\5\u0172\u00ba\2\u378b\u3789\3\2\2\2\u378b\u378c\3\2\2\2\u378c\u378f\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u378d\u378e\7\u0276\2\2\u378e\u3790\7\u0518\2\2\u378f\u378d\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u378f\u3790\3\2\2\2\u3790\u3793\3\2\2\2\u3791\u3792\7\u0399\2\2\u3792"+ - "\u3794\5\36\20\2\u3793\u3791\3\2\2\2\u3793\u3794\3\2\2\2\u3794\u379c\3"+ - "\2\2\2\u3795\u3796\7\u0261\2\2\u3796\u379d\7\u039a\2\2\u3797\u379d\7\u039a"+ - "\2\2\u3798\u3799\7\u039a\2\2\u3799\u379a\7\u00b5\2\2\u379a\u379b\7\u0504"+ - "\2\2\u379b\u379d\5\u019a\u00ce\2\u379c\u3795\3\2\2\2\u379c\u3797\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u379c\u3798\3\2\2\2\u379c\u379d\3\2\2\2\u379d\u37a2\3\2\2\2\u379e\u379f"+ - "\7<\2\2\u379f\u37a3\7=\2\2\u37a0\u37a1\7\u02d2\2\2\u37a1\u37a3\7=\2\2"+ - "\u37a2\u379e\3\2\2\2\u37a2\u37a0\3\2\2\2\u37a2\u37a3\3\2\2\2\u37a3\u37a4"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u37a4\u37a5\7\u04ff\2\2\u37a5\u06f5\3\2\2\2\u37a6\u37ad\5\u06fa"+ - "\u037e\2\u37a7\u37ad\5\u06fc\u037f\2\u37a8\u37ad\5\u06f8\u037d\2\u37a9"+ - "\u37ad\7\u0549\2\2\u37aa\u37ad\7\u052a\2\2\u37ab\u37ad\7\u0358\2\2\u37ac"+ - "\u37a6\3\2\2\2\u37ac\u37a7\3\2\2\2\u37ac\u37a8\3\2\2\2\u37ac\u37a9\3\2"+ - "\2\2\u37ac\u37aa\3\2\2\2\u37ac\u37ab\3\2\2\2\u37ad\u06f7\3\2\2\2\u37ae"+ - "\u37af\t\u0084\2\2\u37af\u06f9\3\2\2\2\u37b0\u37b1\t\u0085\2\2\u37b1\u06fb"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u37b2\u37b3\t\u0086\2\2\u37b3\u06fd\3\2\2\2\u37b4\u37b5\3\2\2"+ - "\2\u37b5\u06ff\3\2\2\2\u37b6\u37b7\5n8\2\u37b7\u37b8\7\2\2\3\u37b8\u0701"+ - "\3\2\2\2\u37b9\u37ba\5\6\4\2\u37ba\u37bb\7\2\2\3\u37bb\u0703\3\2\2\2\u063c"+ - "\u070e\u0710\u077a\u077f\u0787\u078f\u079a\u079e\u07a8\u07af\u07bf\u07c9"+ - "\u07cf\u07d4\u07dd\u07e2\u07e6\u07eb\u07ef\u07f7\u07fb\u07ff\u0802\u0807"+ - "\u0809\u080b\u080e\u0810\u0817\u0819\u081c\u0820\u0824\u0827\u0829\u082b"+ - "\u0830\u0834\u0838\u083a\u083e\u0840\u0846\u0849\u0850\u085a\u085d\u0865"+ - "\u0869\u0871\u087d\u0882\u0890\u0898\u08a9\u08b0\u08b9\u08bf\u08cb\u08d0"+ - "\u08d8\u08df\u08e7\u08ff\u0904\u091d\u0929\u092b\u0931\u0938\u093e\u0943"+ - "\u0968\u098f\u0995\u09a0\u09a5\u09cb\u09d1\u09d4\u09dc\u09e3\u09e7\u0a01"+ - "\u0a0c\u0a11\u0a14\u0a1b\u0a21\u0a2c\u0a32\u0a37\u0a3d\u0a42\u0a48\u0a4d"+ - "\u0a53\u0a55\u0a58\u0a5d\u0a6b\u0a75\u0a7d\u0a84\u0a92\u0a97\u0a9c\u0aa8"+ - "\u0ad9\u0ae5\u0af1\u0afd\u0b09\u0b15\u0b21\u0b2d\u0b39\u0b45\u0b56\u0bb4"+ - "\u0bb9\u0bc3\u0bcf\u0bdd\u0beb\u0bf9\u0c05\u0c11\u0c1f\u0c2d\u0c3b\u0c49"+ - "\u0c57\u0c65\u0c73\u0c81\u0c8f\u0ca1\u0cb3\u0cc5\u0cd7\u0ce9\u0cfb\u0d0d"+ - "\u0d1f\u0d30\u0d41\u0d4f\u0d5b\u0d6f\u0dbd\u0dcf\u0dd1\u0de7\u0de9\u0dee"+ - "\u0df1\u0df4\u0e01\u0e0c\u0e11\u0e1b\u0e25\u0e2a\u0e34\u0e41\u0e44\u0e67"+ - "\u0e80\u0e8e\u0ea0\u0ea8\u0eb0\u0eb8\u0ec0\u0ec5\u0ec8\u0ecb\u0ece\u0ed1"+ - "\u0ed8\u0edf\u0ee2\u0ee5\u0ee8\u0eeb\u0ef6\u0ef9\u0efc\u0eff\u0f02\u0f09"+ - "\u0f11\u0f19\u0f21\u0f29\u0f36\u0f43\u0f4b\u0f55\u0f5f\u0f69\u0f71\u0f79"+ - "\u0f83\u0f8d\u0f97\u0fa1\u0fab\u0fb5\u0fbf\u0fc9\u0fd3\u0fe0\u0fed\u0ffa"+ - "\u1007\u1014\u1021\u102f\u103d\u104b\u1059\u1067\u1075\u107f\u1087\u1097"+ - "\u10b6\u10bf\u10c9\u10d3\u10d5\u10d9\u10dc\u110e\u1113\u111a\u112e\u113c"+ - "\u1147\u1187\u118b\u1191\u119b\u11a7\u11ab\u11b2\u11b8\u11be\u11c2\u11cc"+ - "\u11d3\u11d9\u11de\u11ec\u11f3\u1204\u120d\u1210\u1212\u121a\u1220\u1227"+ - "\u1235\u1238\u123c\u1247\u1252\u1254\u1259\u1260\u1265\u126a\u126f\u1274"+ - "\u1279\u127e\u1283\u1288\u128d\u1292\u1297\u129a\u129f\u12a6\u12ab\u12b0"+ - "\u12b5\u12bd\u12c0\u12c7\u12cf\u12d4\u12d9\u12e3\u12e7\u12ed\u12f8\u1320"+ - "\u132a\u132c\u133b\u1344\u1349\u1350\u1355\u135a\u135e\u1362\u1367\u136c"+ - "\u1371\u1376\u137b\u1383\u138b\u1392\u1398\u139b\u13a3\u13ab\u13b2\u13b9"+ - "\u13bd\u13c4\u13db\u13e0\u13e3\u13e7\u13ed\u13f2\u13f9\u13fc\u1402\u1407"+ - "\u140a\u1412\u1417\u1420\u1425\u142c\u1434\u1438\u143b\u143f\u1444\u144e"+ - "\u1453\u145a\u1462\u1466\u1469\u146b\u1471\u1475\u147e\u1483\u148a\u1493"+ - "\u1497\u149d\u14a2\u14a5\u14aa\u14ad\u14b5\u14ba\u14bd\u14c7\u14cc\u14cf"+ - "\u14d9\u14de\u14e1\u14ed\u14ef\u14f3\u14f7\u14fb\u1500\u1504\u150b\u150d"+ - "\u1513\u151a\u151f\u1528\u154d\u1551\u1556\u1560\u1564\u1567\u1573\u1577"+ - "\u157a\u1580\u1583\u158c\u158f\u1595\u1598\u15a0\u15a6\u15a9\u15b0\u15b6"+ - "\u15b9\u15bb\u15c2\u15c8\u15cd\u15d0\u15d5\u15d9\u15e0\u15e3\u15e7\u15eb"+ - "\u15f2\u15f5\u15fa\u15fe\u1603\u1606\u160a\u160d\u1611\u1615\u161a\u161d"+ - "\u161f\u1623\u1628\u162d\u1630\u1634\u1638\u163f\u1642\u1647\u164b\u1652"+ - "\u1655\u165a\u165e\u1663\u1666\u1668\u166c\u1672\u1677\u167d\u167f\u1682"+ - "\u1686\u168a\u1695\u169d\u16a5\u16ac\u16b4\u16b6\u16b9\u16c0\u16c3\u16c6"+ - "\u16d0\u16d5\u16d7\u16e0\u16e7\u16ec\u16f5\u16f9\u16ff\u1705\u170e\u1718"+ - "\u171f\u1728\u172f\u1737\u173f\u174f\u1754\u1759\u1760\u1770\u1773\u177c"+ - "\u1784\u178a\u178e\u1790\u1794\u1797\u179b\u179e\u17a3\u17ac\u17b0\u17b4"+ - "\u17b6\u17bb\u17c2\u17c7\u17c9\u17cd\u17d1\u17d5\u17d9\u17db\u17df\u17e3"+ - "\u17ea\u17f0\u17fa\u1807\u180b\u180e\u1813\u1822\u1838\u1844\u1848\u184e"+ - "\u1856\u185b\u1863\u186c\u1878\u187b\u187f\u1886\u188d\u1894\u1897\u189b"+ - "\u18a2\u18a7\u18b3\u18b8\u18bd\u18c1\u18c5\u18cd\u18d2\u18d7\u18dc\u18e2"+ - "\u18e7\u18ec\u18f2\u18f7\u18fc\u1907\u190d\u1912\u191a\u1922\u1927\u192c"+ - "\u1931\u1936\u193b\u193e\u1942\u1946\u194b\u1955\u1959\u1961\u1964\u196a"+ - "\u1982\u1989\u1993\u199c\u19a9\u19ad\u19b3\u19b6\u19bf\u19c8\u19d3\u19d6"+ - "\u19e1\u1a01\u1a0b\u1a1b\u1a22\u1a2a\u1a31\u1a36\u1a3a\u1a3d\u1a40\u1a4b"+ - "\u1a53\u1a5d\u1a60\u1a63\u1a6c\u1a6f\u1a72\u1a74\u1a7f\u1a88\u1a8b\u1a8e"+ - "\u1a95\u1a98\u1a9b\u1a9d\u1aa2\u1aad\u1ab3\u1abe\u1ac8\u1ad3\u1adb\u1ae0"+ - "\u1ae9\u1aef\u1af3\u1b03\u1b0e\u1b14\u1b1a\u1b1c\u1b27\u1b2b\u1b32\u1b3e"+ - "\u1b47\u1b49\u1b4f\u1b59\u1b61\u1b67\u1b7e\u1b85\u1b8c\u1b94\u1b9a\u1ba1"+ - "\u1ba4\u1bb4\u1bb6\u1bb9\u1bc1\u1bc6\u1bca\u1bcc\u1bd0\u1bd2\u1bdd\u1bf5"+ - "\u1bfb\u1c00\u1c0b\u1c14\u1c17\u1c19\u1c1d\u1c24\u1c28\u1c2c\u1c30\u1c35"+ - "\u1c3a\u1c3f\u1c44\u1c47\u1c4e\u1c52\u1c58\u1c5d\u1c60\u1c65\u1c6a\u1c72"+ - "\u1c77\u1c85\u1c88\u1c8c\u1c93\u1cb9\u1cc4\u1cc9\u1cd6\u1cdb\u1cdf\u1ce2"+ - "\u1ce9\u1cf6\u1cfe\u1d03\u1d0b\u1d0f\u1d12\u1d16\u1d1b\u1d28\u1d2a\u1d38"+ - "\u1d3f\u1d46\u1d4c\u1d5f\u1d64\u1d69\u1d6f\u1d75\u1d7e\u1d82\u1d88\u1d8c"+ - "\u1d91\u1d95\u1d9b\u1da0\u1da6\u1dab\u1dae\u1db3\u1dbe\u1dc1\u1dc7\u1dcc"+ - "\u1dda\u1ddd\u1de3\u1de9\u1df0\u1df8\u1e00\u1e07\u1e0c\u1e12\u1e17\u1e1e"+ - "\u1e23\u1e29\u1e2e\u1e32\u1e34\u1e3a\u1e3d\u1e42\u1e45\u1e47\u1e4c\u1e67"+ - "\u1e6a\u1e6f\u1e74\u1e81\u1e84\u1e86\u1e89\u1e90\u1e96\u1e9d\u1ead\u1eb5"+ - "\u1eba\u1ebf\u1ecb\u1ed9\u1edd\u1eea\u1eef\u1efa\u1f05\u1f09\u1f0d\u1f13"+ - "\u1f17\u1f1b\u1f1d\u1f21\u1f2d\u1f32\u1f3a\u1f3f\u1f44\u1f47\u1f4a\u1f52"+ - "\u1f56\u1f5a\u1f67\u1f6d\u1f74\u1f79\u1f7e\u1f82\u1f8d\u1fa0\u1fa4\u1faf"+ - "\u1fc4\u1fc8\u1fd3\u1fd7\u1fea\u1fec\u1ff6\u1ff9\u1ffd\u2003\u2009\u200e"+ - "\u201b\u2027\u202a\u202f\u2032\u2039\u203d\u2049\u2054\u205b\u2065\u206b"+ - "\u2070\u2073\u2077\u207a\u2080\u2085\u2089\u208e\u2093\u2096\u209c\u20a3"+ - "\u20a8\u20b3\u20ba\u20c1\u20c7\u20d1\u20d3\u2154\u215b\u2162\u2169\u2170"+ - "\u2177\u217e\u2185\u218c\u21ad\u21d2\u21d8\u21f0\u21f7\u21f9\u2207\u2210"+ - "\u2214\u2218\u2220\u2224\u222d\u2236\u2249\u2257\u225f\u2263\u226d\u2278"+ - "\u227b\u2282\u228a\u228c\u228f\u2292\u2299\u22a3\u22a8\u22ac\u22b7\u22bb"+ - "\u22bf\u22c3\u22c6\u22ca\u22cd\u22cf\u22d6\u22da\u22e0\u22e2\u22e5\u22e8"+ - "\u22ec\u22f2\u22f4\u22f7\u22fd\u22ff\u2317\u2324\u232d\u2334\u233b\u2341"+ - "\u2343\u234c\u2358\u235f\u2361\u2368\u2374\u237a\u237e\u2383\u2387\u238a"+ - "\u238c\u2390\u2394\u239b\u239d\u23a1\u23a8\u23ac\u23b3\u23b5\u23c0\u23c3"+ - "\u23cb\u23ce\u23d1\u23d8\u23db\u23de\u23e0\u23ec\u23f1\u23f8\u2406\u240b"+ - "\u2412\u2414\u241a\u2422\u242a\u242e\u2436\u243e\u2448\u2450\u2455\u245b"+ - "\u2465\u2467\u246d\u2477\u2483\u2485\u248a\u248d\u2496\u24a1\u24aa\u24b7"+ - "\u24bb\u24e9\u24eb\u24f1\u24f3\u24fd\u2500\u2505\u250b\u2512\u251a\u2520"+ - "\u2523\u2534\u253f\u2546\u255a\u2565\u256c\u2580\u258b\u2592\u2599\u25aa"+ - "\u25b5\u25b7\u25c6\u25d2\u25d4\u25db\u25e7\u25ee\u25f3\u25f8\u25fa\u2602"+ - "\u2609\u2611\u2616\u2620\u2629\u2633\u26af\u26b8\u26be\u26c6\u26d0\u26d8"+ - "\u26e2\u26e6\u26f1\u2714\u2720\u272f\u273b\u2747\u274a\u274e\u275b\u2765"+ - "\u276c\u2776\u277c\u2781\u2787\u278e\u2793\u2799\u279b\u27a1\u27a4\u27b2"+ - "\u27cb\u27d5\u27e1\u27f2\u27f6\u27fe\u2805\u280f\u2819\u281b\u2824\u2828"+ - "\u282d\u2834\u283a\u283d\u2841\u2846\u284b\u2853\u285a\u2866\u2878\u2894"+ - "\u289b\u28b2\u28b9\u28be\u28c3\u28c7\u28cc\u28d6\u28dc\u28e7\u28ed\u28ef"+ - "\u28fa\u28fe\u2903\u290d\u2912\u2917\u291d\u292a\u292d\u2933\u2938\u2942"+ - "\u2950\u2955\u2960\u296e\u2972\u2975\u2979\u298b\u298d\u2991\u2994\u2998"+ - "\u299b\u299f\u29a3\u29a8\u29aa\u29ae\u29b1\u29ba\u29cb\u29d2\u29e4\u29ed"+ - "\u29f2\u29f6\u29f9\u29fc\u2a06\u2a0a\u2a0c\u2a0f\u2a18\u2a1a\u2a22\u2a2c"+ - "\u2a30\u2a39\u2a40\u2a44\u2a47\u2a4a\u2a4d\u2a53\u2a57\u2a5d\u2a60\u2a63"+ - "\u2a69\u2a6f\u2a7b\u2a7f\u2a87\u2a8b\u2a93\u2a9a\u2aa2\u2aad\u2ab1\u2ab9"+ - "\u2ac1\u2ac8\u2ad1\u2ad5\u2adb\u2add\u2af7\u2afc\u2b02\u2b05\u2b08\u2b16"+ - "\u2b24\u2b2e\u2b36\u2b3c\u2b41\u2b4e\u2b56\u2b5b\u2b67\u2b73\u2b7a\u2b86"+ - "\u2b8a\u2b93\u2b98\u2ba2\u2ba6\u2bc2\u2bc6\u2be6\u2beb\u2bf2\u2bf7\u2c00"+ - "\u2c0a\u2c12\u2c20\u2c52\u2c59\u2c69\u2c6f\u2c75\u2c7a\u2c85\u2c90\u2c98"+ - "\u2ca0\u2cb7\u2cba\u2cbd\u2cc1\u2cc6\u2cdc\u2cf0\u2cfe\u2d09\u2d14\u2d24"+ - "\u2d2b\u2d35\u2d37\u2d3b\u2d47\u2d4b\u2d55\u2d57\u2d5e\u2d60\u2d67\u2d6e"+ - "\u2d76\u2d79\u2d80\u2d86\u2d8b\u2d90\u2d94\u2d9b\u2da1\u2da6\u2daa\u2dae"+ - "\u2db4\u2dba\u2dbe\u2dc8\u2dcc\u2dd2\u2dd8\u2ddf\u2de4\u2dec\u2df5\u2df8"+ - "\u2dff\u2e06\u2e0e\u2e11\u2e14\u2e23\u2e26\u2e3f\u2e4b\u2e4e\u2e51\u2e5a"+ - "\u2e5f\u2e63\u2e6a\u2e71\u2e7d\u2e85\u2e9a\u2e9f\u2eb0\u2eb8\u2ebb\u2ec4"+ - "\u2eca\u2ed3\u2ed9\u2ee3\u2ee9\u2ef4\u2efa\u2f04\u2f0c\u2f17\u2f1f\u2f29"+ - "\u2f2e\u2f36\u2f3c\u2f42\u2f4c\u2f5e\u2f64\u2f70\u2f76\u2f7c\u2f82\u2f8e"+ - "\u2f95\u2f9d\u2fb2\u2fbb\u2fc7\u2fd1\u2fd6\u2fdc\u2ff3\u2ff8\u3008\u300d"+ - "\u3014\u301a\u301d\u3026\u302d\u3030\u3039\u303e\u3045\u3048\u3051\u3056"+ - "\u305d\u3060\u3068\u306c\u3075\u3079\u3086\u309a\u30ca\u30d1\u30d5\u30dc"+ - "\u30e1\u30e8\u30f4\u30fc\u3104\u310d\u3116\u311b\u3122\u3127\u312c\u3131"+ - "\u3137\u313c\u3140\u3144\u3149\u314c\u3153\u3159\u315c\u3160\u3165\u3169"+ - "\u316f\u3173\u3178\u317d\u3180\u3185\u318c\u3193\u3199\u31a2\u31a6\u31a8"+ - "\u31ae\u31b2\u31b6\u31bc\u31c4\u31ca\u31d4\u31da\u31e0\u31e6\u31ed\u31f2"+ - "\u31f9\u31fe\u3203\u3208\u320d\u3212\u3217\u321a\u323c\u3244\u324c\u3257"+ - "\u3269\u327e\u3283\u328a\u32a4\u32a9\u32b0\u32b5\u32c1\u32c5\u32ca\u32ce"+ - "\u32d8\u32dd\u32e7\u32e9\u32ee\u32f1\u32f5\u32ff\u3307\u330a\u330d\u3316"+ - "\u3321\u3327\u3330\u3336\u333b\u3341\u3347\u3349\u3350\u335e\u3363\u3369"+ - "\u3374\u337a\u3380\u3388\u3391\u3399\u339f\u33a4\u33a8\u33b2\u33b6\u33ba"+ - "\u33c2\u33ca\u33ce\u33d7\u33da\u33dd\u33e2\u33e6\u33eb\u33ee\u33f6\u33fe"+ - "\u3402\u3405\u3408\u3413\u3419\u3425\u3428\u342b\u3433\u344e\u3453\u3459"+ - "\u3460\u3463\u3468\u346f\u3479\u3481\u3485\u348b\u3493\u349c\u34a6\u34ae"+ - "\u34b5\u34b8\u34bf\u34ca\u34cd\u34e0\u34e3\u34e6\u34e9\u34ec\u34ef\u34f2"+ - "\u34f5\u3510\u352a\u352f\u3533\u3542\u3547\u3550\u3553\u3556\u3559\u355c"+ - "\u356e\u3573\u357f\u3587\u3590\u3596\u359e\u35a1\u35a4\u35a9\u35ac\u35af"+ - "\u35bf\u35c6\u35cd\u35d0\u35db\u35e3\u35f1\u35f6\u35fa\u35fd\u3600\u3607"+ - "\u360a\u360d\u3610\u3613\u3616\u361b\u361e\u3621\u3624\u3627\u3629\u362e"+ - "\u3631\u3634\u3637\u3643\u3649\u364c\u3653\u3659\u365e\u3663\u366b\u366e"+ - "\u3674\u3688\u368b\u3691\u3694\u3697\u369c\u369f\u36a2\u36a5\u36a7\u36ab"+ - "\u36b2\u36b8\u36bc\u36c5\u36c7\u36d9\u36e0\u36ea\u36f7\u3702\u3707\u370a"+ - "\u370f\u3719\u371d\u3722\u3729\u3730\u3732\u3737\u373a\u373e\u3740\u3748"+ - "\u3752\u3764\u376f\u377a\u378b\u378f\u3793\u379c\u37a2\u37ac"; - public static final String _serializedATN = Utils.join( - new String[] { - _serializedATNSegment0, - _serializedATNSegment1, - _serializedATNSegment2, - _serializedATNSegment3, - _serializedATNSegment4, - _serializedATNSegment5 - }, - "" - ); - public static final ATN _ATN = - new ATNDeserializer().deserialize(_serializedATN.toCharArray()); - static { - _decisionToDFA = new DFA[_ATN.getNumberOfDecisions()]; - for (int i = 0; i < _ATN.getNumberOfDecisions(); i++) { - _decisionToDFA[i] = new DFA(_ATN.getDecisionState(i), i); - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ deleted file mode 100644 index 9617ced4dd..0000000000 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10802 +0,0 @@ -// Generated from OBParser.g4 by ANTLR 4.9.1 - -import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext; -import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ErrorNode; -import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.TerminalNode; - -/** - * This class provides an empty implementation of {@link OBParserListener}, - * which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset - * of the available methods. - */ -public class OBParserBaseListener implements OBParserListener { - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSql_stmt(OBParser.Sql_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSql_stmt(OBParser.Sql_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterStmt_list(OBParser.Stmt_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitStmt_list(OBParser.Stmt_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterStmt(OBParser.StmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitStmt(OBParser.StmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_package_stmt(OBParser.Drop_package_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_package_stmt(OBParser.Drop_package_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_procedure_stmt(OBParser.Drop_procedure_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_procedure_stmt(OBParser.Drop_procedure_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_function_stmt(OBParser.Drop_function_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_function_stmt(OBParser.Drop_function_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_trigger_stmt(OBParser.Drop_trigger_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_trigger_stmt(OBParser.Drop_trigger_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_type_stmt(OBParser.Drop_type_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_type_stmt(OBParser.Drop_type_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPl_expr_stmt(OBParser.Pl_expr_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPl_expr_stmt(OBParser.Pl_expr_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterExpr_list(OBParser.Expr_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitExpr_list(OBParser.Expr_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterColumn_ref(OBParser.Column_refContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitColumn_ref(OBParser.Column_refContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOracle_pl_non_reserved_words(OBParser.Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOracle_pl_non_reserved_words(OBParser.Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterComplex_string_literal(OBParser.Complex_string_literalContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitComplex_string_literal(OBParser.Complex_string_literalContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJs_literal(OBParser.Js_literalContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJs_literal(OBParser.Js_literalContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLiteral(OBParser.LiteralContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLiteral(OBParser.LiteralContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterNumber_literal(OBParser.Number_literalContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitNumber_literal(OBParser.Number_literalContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterExpr_const(OBParser.Expr_constContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitExpr_const(OBParser.Expr_constContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterConf_const(OBParser.Conf_constContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitConf_const(OBParser.Conf_constContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterBool_pri(OBParser.Bool_priContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitBool_pri(OBParser.Bool_priContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterIs_json_constrain(OBParser.Is_json_constrainContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitIs_json_constrain(OBParser.Is_json_constrainContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterStrict_opt(OBParser.Strict_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitStrict_opt(OBParser.Strict_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterScalars_opt(OBParser.Scalars_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitScalars_opt(OBParser.Scalars_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUnique_keys_opt(OBParser.Unique_keys_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUnique_keys_opt(OBParser.Unique_keys_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_equal_option(OBParser.Json_equal_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_equal_option(OBParser.Json_equal_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPredicate(OBParser.PredicateContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPredicate(OBParser.PredicateContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCollection_predicate_expr(OBParser.Collection_predicate_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCollection_predicate_expr(OBParser.Collection_predicate_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterBit_expr(OBParser.Bit_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitBit_expr(OBParser.Bit_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterConf_expr(OBParser.Conf_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitConf_expr(OBParser.Conf_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterIs_nan_inf_value(OBParser.Is_nan_inf_valueContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitIs_nan_inf_value(OBParser.Is_nan_inf_valueContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUnary_expr(OBParser.Unary_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUnary_expr(OBParser.Unary_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSimple_expr(OBParser.Simple_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSimple_expr(OBParser.Simple_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_function(OBParser.Json_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_function(OBParser.Json_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterGis_function(OBParser.Gis_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitGis_function(OBParser.Gis_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSpatial_cellid_expr(OBParser.Spatial_cellid_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSpatial_cellid_expr(OBParser.Spatial_cellid_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSpatial_mbr_expr(OBParser.Spatial_mbr_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSpatial_mbr_expr(OBParser.Spatial_mbr_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSdo_relate_expr(OBParser.Sdo_relate_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSdo_relate_expr(OBParser.Sdo_relate_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCommon_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Common_cursor_attributeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCommon_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Common_cursor_attributeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterImplicit_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Implicit_cursor_attributeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitImplicit_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Implicit_cursor_attributeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterExplicit_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Explicit_cursor_attributeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitExplicit_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Explicit_cursor_attributeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCursor_attribute_expr(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCursor_attribute_expr(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterObj_access_ref(OBParser.Obj_access_refContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitObj_access_ref(OBParser.Obj_access_refContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDot_notation_path(OBParser.Dot_notation_pathContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDot_notation_path(OBParser.Dot_notation_pathContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDot_notation_path_obj_access_ref(OBParser.Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDot_notation_path_obj_access_ref(OBParser.Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPath_param_array(OBParser.Path_param_arrayContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPath_param_array(OBParser.Path_param_arrayContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPath_param_list(OBParser.Path_param_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPath_param_list(OBParser.Path_param_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPath_param(OBParser.Path_paramContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPath_param(OBParser.Path_paramContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDot_notation_fun_sys(OBParser.Dot_notation_fun_sysContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDot_notation_fun_sys(OBParser.Dot_notation_fun_sysContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDot_notation_fun(OBParser.Dot_notation_funContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDot_notation_fun(OBParser.Dot_notation_funContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterObj_access_ref_normal(OBParser.Obj_access_ref_normalContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitObj_access_ref_normal(OBParser.Obj_access_ref_normalContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFunc_access_ref(OBParser.Func_access_refContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFunc_access_ref(OBParser.Func_access_refContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTable_element_access_list(OBParser.Table_element_access_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTable_element_access_list(OBParser.Table_element_access_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTable_index(OBParser.Table_indexContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTable_index(OBParser.Table_indexContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterExpr(OBParser.ExprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitExpr(OBParser.ExprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterNot(OBParser.NotContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitNot(OBParser.NotContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSub_query_flag(OBParser.Sub_query_flagContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSub_query_flag(OBParser.Sub_query_flagContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterIn_expr(OBParser.In_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitIn_expr(OBParser.In_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCase_expr(OBParser.Case_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCase_expr(OBParser.Case_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterWindow_function(OBParser.Window_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitWindow_function(OBParser.Window_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFirst_or_last(OBParser.First_or_lastContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFirst_or_last(OBParser.First_or_lastContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRespect_or_ignore(OBParser.Respect_or_ignoreContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRespect_or_ignore(OBParser.Respect_or_ignoreContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterWin_fun_first_last_params(OBParser.Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitWin_fun_first_last_params(OBParser.Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterWin_fun_lead_lag_params(OBParser.Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitWin_fun_lead_lag_params(OBParser.Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterGeneralized_window_clause(OBParser.Generalized_window_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitGeneralized_window_clause(OBParser.Generalized_window_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterWin_rows_or_range(OBParser.Win_rows_or_rangeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitWin_rows_or_range(OBParser.Win_rows_or_rangeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterWin_preceding_or_following(OBParser.Win_preceding_or_followingContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitWin_preceding_or_following(OBParser.Win_preceding_or_followingContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterWin_interval(OBParser.Win_intervalContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitWin_interval(OBParser.Win_intervalContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterWin_bounding(OBParser.Win_boundingContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitWin_bounding(OBParser.Win_boundingContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterWin_window(OBParser.Win_windowContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitWin_window(OBParser.Win_windowContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSimple_when_clause_list(OBParser.Simple_when_clause_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSimple_when_clause_list(OBParser.Simple_when_clause_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSimple_when_clause(OBParser.Simple_when_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSimple_when_clause(OBParser.Simple_when_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterBool_when_clause_list(OBParser.Bool_when_clause_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitBool_when_clause_list(OBParser.Bool_when_clause_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterBool_when_clause(OBParser.Bool_when_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitBool_when_clause(OBParser.Bool_when_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCase_default(OBParser.Case_defaultContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCase_default(OBParser.Case_defaultContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSql_function(OBParser.Sql_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSql_function(OBParser.Sql_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXml_function(OBParser.Xml_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXml_function(OBParser.Xml_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSingle_row_function(OBParser.Single_row_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSingle_row_function(OBParser.Single_row_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterNumeric_function(OBParser.Numeric_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitNumeric_function(OBParser.Numeric_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCharacter_function(OBParser.Character_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCharacter_function(OBParser.Character_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTranslate_charset(OBParser.Translate_charsetContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTranslate_charset(OBParser.Translate_charsetContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterExtract_function(OBParser.Extract_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitExtract_function(OBParser.Extract_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterConversion_function(OBParser.Conversion_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitConversion_function(OBParser.Conversion_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterHierarchical_function(OBParser.Hierarchical_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitHierarchical_function(OBParser.Hierarchical_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterEnvironment_id_function(OBParser.Environment_id_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitEnvironment_id_function(OBParser.Environment_id_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAggregate_function(OBParser.Aggregate_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAggregate_function(OBParser.Aggregate_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJs_agg_on_null(OBParser.Js_agg_on_nullContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJs_agg_on_null(OBParser.Js_agg_on_nullContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJs_agg_returning_type_opt(OBParser.Js_agg_returning_type_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJs_agg_returning_type_opt(OBParser.Js_agg_returning_type_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJs_agg_returning_type(OBParser.Js_agg_returning_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJs_agg_returning_type(OBParser.Js_agg_returning_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSpecial_func_expr(OBParser.Special_func_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSpecial_func_expr(OBParser.Special_func_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAccess_func_expr_count(OBParser.Access_func_expr_countContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAccess_func_expr_count(OBParser.Access_func_expr_countContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAccess_func_expr(OBParser.Access_func_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAccess_func_expr(OBParser.Access_func_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDblink_func_expr(OBParser.Dblink_func_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDblink_func_expr(OBParser.Dblink_func_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFunc_param_list(OBParser.Func_param_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFunc_param_list(OBParser.Func_param_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFunc_param(OBParser.Func_paramContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFunc_param(OBParser.Func_paramContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFunc_param_with_assign(OBParser.Func_param_with_assignContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFunc_param_with_assign(OBParser.Func_param_with_assignContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPl_var_name(OBParser.Pl_var_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPl_var_name(OBParser.Pl_var_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterBool_pri_in_pl_func(OBParser.Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitBool_pri_in_pl_func(OBParser.Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCur_timestamp_func(OBParser.Cur_timestamp_funcContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCur_timestamp_func(OBParser.Cur_timestamp_funcContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUpdating_func(OBParser.Updating_funcContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUpdating_func(OBParser.Updating_funcContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUpdating_params(OBParser.Updating_paramsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUpdating_params(OBParser.Updating_paramsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSubstr_params(OBParser.Substr_paramsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSubstr_params(OBParser.Substr_paramsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterReturning_log_error_clause(OBParser.Returning_log_error_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitReturning_log_error_clause(OBParser.Returning_log_error_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterReturning_clause(OBParser.Returning_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitReturning_clause(OBParser.Returning_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLog_error_clause(OBParser.Log_error_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLog_error_clause(OBParser.Log_error_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDelete_stmt(OBParser.Delete_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDelete_stmt(OBParser.Delete_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUpdate_stmt(OBParser.Update_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUpdate_stmt(OBParser.Update_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUpdate_asgn_list(OBParser.Update_asgn_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUpdate_asgn_list(OBParser.Update_asgn_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterNormal_asgn_list(OBParser.Normal_asgn_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitNormal_asgn_list(OBParser.Normal_asgn_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUpdate_asgn_factor(OBParser.Update_asgn_factorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUpdate_asgn_factor(OBParser.Update_asgn_factorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_resource_stmt(OBParser.Create_resource_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_resource_stmt(OBParser.Create_resource_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_resource_unit_option_list(OBParser.Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_resource_unit_option_list(OBParser.Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterResource_unit_option(OBParser.Resource_unit_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitResource_unit_option(OBParser.Resource_unit_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_create_resource_pool_option_list(OBParser.Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_create_resource_pool_option_list(OBParser.Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_resource_pool_option(OBParser.Create_resource_pool_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_resource_pool_option(OBParser.Create_resource_pool_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_resource_pool_option_list(OBParser.Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_resource_pool_option_list(OBParser.Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterId_list(OBParser.Id_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitId_list(OBParser.Id_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_resource_pool_option(OBParser.Alter_resource_pool_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_resource_pool_option(OBParser.Alter_resource_pool_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_resource_stmt(OBParser.Alter_resource_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_resource_stmt(OBParser.Alter_resource_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_resource_stmt(OBParser.Drop_resource_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_resource_stmt(OBParser.Drop_resource_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Create_tenant_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Create_tenant_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_tenant_option_list(OBParser.Opt_tenant_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_tenant_option_list(OBParser.Opt_tenant_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTenant_option(OBParser.Tenant_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTenant_option(OBParser.Tenant_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterZone_list(OBParser.Zone_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitZone_list(OBParser.Zone_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterResource_pool_list(OBParser.Resource_pool_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitResource_pool_list(OBParser.Resource_pool_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tenant_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tenant_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tenant_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tenant_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_restore_point_stmt(OBParser.Create_restore_point_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_restore_point_stmt(OBParser.Create_restore_point_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_restore_point_stmt(OBParser.Drop_restore_point_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_restore_point_stmt(OBParser.Drop_restore_point_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDatabase_key(OBParser.Database_keyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDatabase_key(OBParser.Database_keyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDatabase_factor(OBParser.Database_factorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDatabase_factor(OBParser.Database_factorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDatabase_option_list(OBParser.Database_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDatabase_option_list(OBParser.Database_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCharset_key(OBParser.Charset_keyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCharset_key(OBParser.Charset_keyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDatabase_option(OBParser.Database_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDatabase_option(OBParser.Database_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRead_only_or_write(OBParser.Read_only_or_writeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRead_only_or_write(OBParser.Read_only_or_writeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_database_stmt(OBParser.Alter_database_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_database_stmt(OBParser.Alter_database_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDatabase_name(OBParser.Database_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDatabase_name(OBParser.Database_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLoad_data_stmt(OBParser.Load_data_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLoad_data_stmt(OBParser.Load_data_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLoad_data_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Load_data_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLoad_data_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Load_data_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCompression_name(OBParser.Compression_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCompression_name(OBParser.Compression_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLines_or_rows(OBParser.Lines_or_rowsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLines_or_rows(OBParser.Lines_or_rowsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterField_or_vars_list(OBParser.Field_or_vars_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitField_or_vars_list(OBParser.Field_or_vars_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterField_or_vars(OBParser.Field_or_varsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitField_or_vars(OBParser.Field_or_varsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLoad_set_list(OBParser.Load_set_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLoad_set_list(OBParser.Load_set_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLoad_set_element(OBParser.Load_set_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLoad_set_element(OBParser.Load_set_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLoad_data_extended_option_list(OBParser.Load_data_extended_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLoad_data_extended_option_list(OBParser.Load_data_extended_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLoad_data_extended_option(OBParser.Load_data_extended_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLoad_data_extended_option(OBParser.Load_data_extended_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_synonym_stmt(OBParser.Create_synonym_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_synonym_stmt(OBParser.Create_synonym_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSynonym_name(OBParser.Synonym_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSynonym_name(OBParser.Synonym_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSynonym_object(OBParser.Synonym_objectContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSynonym_object(OBParser.Synonym_objectContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_synonym_stmt(OBParser.Drop_synonym_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_synonym_stmt(OBParser.Drop_synonym_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSpecial_table_type(OBParser.Special_table_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSpecial_table_type(OBParser.Special_table_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOn_commit_option(OBParser.On_commit_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOn_commit_option(OBParser.On_commit_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_directory_stmt(OBParser.Create_directory_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_directory_stmt(OBParser.Create_directory_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDirectory_name(OBParser.Directory_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDirectory_name(OBParser.Directory_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDirectory_path(OBParser.Directory_pathContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDirectory_path(OBParser.Directory_pathContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_directory_stmt(OBParser.Drop_directory_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_directory_stmt(OBParser.Drop_directory_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_keystore_stmt(OBParser.Create_keystore_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_keystore_stmt(OBParser.Create_keystore_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_keystore_stmt(OBParser.Alter_keystore_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_keystore_stmt(OBParser.Alter_keystore_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_table_stmt(OBParser.Create_table_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_table_stmt(OBParser.Create_table_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTable_element_list(OBParser.Table_element_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTable_element_list(OBParser.Table_element_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTable_element(OBParser.Table_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTable_element(OBParser.Table_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterColumn_definition(OBParser.Column_definitionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitColumn_definition(OBParser.Column_definitionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterColumn_definition_opt_datatype(OBParser.Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitColumn_definition_opt_datatype(OBParser.Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOut_of_line_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_indexContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOut_of_line_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_indexContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOut_of_line_constraint(OBParser.Out_of_line_constraintContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOut_of_line_constraint(OBParser.Out_of_line_constraintContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOut_of_line_primary_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_primary_indexContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOut_of_line_primary_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_primary_indexContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOut_of_line_unique_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_unique_indexContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOut_of_line_unique_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_unique_indexContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOut_of_line_index_state(OBParser.Out_of_line_index_stateContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOut_of_line_index_state(OBParser.Out_of_line_index_stateContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterConstraint_state(OBParser.Constraint_stateContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitConstraint_state(OBParser.Constraint_stateContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterEnable_option(OBParser.Enable_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitEnable_option(OBParser.Enable_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterReferences_clause(OBParser.References_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitReferences_clause(OBParser.References_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterReference_option(OBParser.Reference_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitReference_option(OBParser.Reference_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterReference_action(OBParser.Reference_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitReference_action(OBParser.Reference_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_generated_option_list(OBParser.Opt_generated_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_generated_option_list(OBParser.Opt_generated_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_generated_identity_option(OBParser.Opt_generated_identity_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_generated_identity_option(OBParser.Opt_generated_identity_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_generated_column_attribute_list(OBParser.Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_generated_column_attribute_list(OBParser.Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterGenerated_column_attribute(OBParser.Generated_column_attributeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitGenerated_column_attribute(OBParser.Generated_column_attributeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_identity_attribute(OBParser.Opt_identity_attributeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_identity_attribute(OBParser.Opt_identity_attributeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterColumn_definition_ref(OBParser.Column_definition_refContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitColumn_definition_ref(OBParser.Column_definition_refContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterColumn_definition_list(OBParser.Column_definition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitColumn_definition_list(OBParser.Column_definition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterColumn_definition_opt_datatype_list(OBParser.Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitColumn_definition_opt_datatype_list(OBParser.Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterColumn_name_list(OBParser.Column_name_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitColumn_name_list(OBParser.Column_name_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterZero_suffix_intnum(OBParser.Zero_suffix_intnumContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitZero_suffix_intnum(OBParser.Zero_suffix_intnumContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCast_data_type(OBParser.Cast_data_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCast_data_type(OBParser.Cast_data_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTreat_data_type(OBParser.Treat_data_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTreat_data_type(OBParser.Treat_data_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterObj_access_ref_cast(OBParser.Obj_access_ref_castContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitObj_access_ref_cast(OBParser.Obj_access_ref_castContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterValue_or_type_name(OBParser.Value_or_type_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitValue_or_type_name(OBParser.Value_or_type_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUdt_type_i(OBParser.Udt_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUdt_type_i(OBParser.Udt_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterType_name(OBParser.Type_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitType_name(OBParser.Type_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterData_type(OBParser.Data_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitData_type(OBParser.Data_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterBinary_type_i(OBParser.Binary_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitBinary_type_i(OBParser.Binary_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFloat_type_i(OBParser.Float_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFloat_type_i(OBParser.Float_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCharacter_type_i(OBParser.Character_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCharacter_type_i(OBParser.Character_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRowid_type_i(OBParser.Rowid_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRowid_type_i(OBParser.Rowid_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterInterval_type_i(OBParser.Interval_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitInterval_type_i(OBParser.Interval_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterNumber_type_i(OBParser.Number_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitNumber_type_i(OBParser.Number_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTimestamp_type_i(OBParser.Timestamp_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTimestamp_type_i(OBParser.Timestamp_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterData_type_precision(OBParser.Data_type_precisionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitData_type_precision(OBParser.Data_type_precisionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterInt_type_i(OBParser.Int_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitInt_type_i(OBParser.Int_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterVarchar_type_i(OBParser.Varchar_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitVarchar_type_i(OBParser.Varchar_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDouble_type_i(OBParser.Double_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDouble_type_i(OBParser.Double_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDatetime_type_i(OBParser.Datetime_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDatetime_type_i(OBParser.Datetime_type_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterNumber_precision(OBParser.Number_precisionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitNumber_precision(OBParser.Number_precisionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSigned_int_num(OBParser.Signed_int_numContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSigned_int_num(OBParser.Signed_int_numContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPrecision_int_num(OBParser.Precision_int_numContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPrecision_int_num(OBParser.Precision_int_numContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPrecision_decimal_num(OBParser.Precision_decimal_numContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPrecision_decimal_num(OBParser.Precision_decimal_numContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterNstring_length_i(OBParser.Nstring_length_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitNstring_length_i(OBParser.Nstring_length_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterString_length_i(OBParser.String_length_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitString_length_i(OBParser.String_length_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUrowid_length_i(OBParser.Urowid_length_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUrowid_length_i(OBParser.Urowid_length_iContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCollation_name(OBParser.Collation_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCollation_name(OBParser.Collation_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTrans_param_name(OBParser.Trans_param_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTrans_param_name(OBParser.Trans_param_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTrans_param_value(OBParser.Trans_param_valueContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTrans_param_value(OBParser.Trans_param_valueContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDblink_info_param_name(OBParser.Dblink_info_param_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDblink_info_param_name(OBParser.Dblink_info_param_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDblink_info_param_value(OBParser.Dblink_info_param_valueContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDblink_info_param_value(OBParser.Dblink_info_param_valueContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCharset_name(OBParser.Charset_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCharset_name(OBParser.Charset_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCharset_name_or_default(OBParser.Charset_name_or_defaultContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCharset_name_or_default(OBParser.Charset_name_or_defaultContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCollation(OBParser.CollationContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCollation(OBParser.CollationContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_column_attribute_list(OBParser.Opt_column_attribute_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_column_attribute_list(OBParser.Opt_column_attribute_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterColumn_attribute(OBParser.Column_attributeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitColumn_attribute(OBParser.Column_attributeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterNow_or_signed_literal(OBParser.Now_or_signed_literalContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitNow_or_signed_literal(OBParser.Now_or_signed_literalContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCur_timestamp_func_params(OBParser.Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCur_timestamp_func_params(OBParser.Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSigned_literal_params(OBParser.Signed_literal_paramsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSigned_literal_params(OBParser.Signed_literal_paramsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSigned_literal(OBParser.Signed_literalContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSigned_literal(OBParser.Signed_literalContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_comma(OBParser.Opt_commaContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_comma(OBParser.Opt_commaContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTable_option_list_space_seperated(OBParser.Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTable_option_list_space_seperated(OBParser.Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTable_option_list(OBParser.Table_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTable_option_list(OBParser.Table_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPrimary_zone_name(OBParser.Primary_zone_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPrimary_zone_name(OBParser.Primary_zone_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLocality_name(OBParser.Locality_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLocality_name(OBParser.Locality_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTable_option(OBParser.Table_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTable_option(OBParser.Table_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterParallel_option(OBParser.Parallel_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitParallel_option(OBParser.Parallel_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterStorage_options_list(OBParser.Storage_options_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitStorage_options_list(OBParser.Storage_options_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterStorage_option(OBParser.Storage_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitStorage_option(OBParser.Storage_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSize_option(OBParser.Size_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSize_option(OBParser.Size_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterInt_or_unlimited(OBParser.Int_or_unlimitedContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitInt_or_unlimited(OBParser.Int_or_unlimitedContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUnit_of_size(OBParser.Unit_of_sizeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUnit_of_size(OBParser.Unit_of_sizeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRelation_name_or_string(OBParser.Relation_name_or_stringContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRelation_name_or_string(OBParser.Relation_name_or_stringContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_equal_mark(OBParser.Opt_equal_markContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_equal_mark(OBParser.Opt_equal_markContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPartition_option_inner(OBParser.Partition_option_innerContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPartition_option_inner(OBParser.Partition_option_innerContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterExternal_table_partition_option(OBParser.External_table_partition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitExternal_table_partition_option(OBParser.External_table_partition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAuto_partition_option(OBParser.Auto_partition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAuto_partition_option(OBParser.Auto_partition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterColumn_group_element(OBParser.Column_group_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitColumn_group_element(OBParser.Column_group_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterColumn_group_list(OBParser.Column_group_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitColumn_group_list(OBParser.Column_group_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterWith_column_group(OBParser.With_column_groupContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitWith_column_group(OBParser.With_column_groupContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPartition_size(OBParser.Partition_sizeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPartition_size(OBParser.Partition_sizeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAuto_partition_type(OBParser.Auto_partition_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAuto_partition_type(OBParser.Auto_partition_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAuto_range_type(OBParser.Auto_range_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAuto_range_type(OBParser.Auto_range_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPartition_option(OBParser.Partition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPartition_option(OBParser.Partition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterHash_partition_option(OBParser.Hash_partition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitHash_partition_option(OBParser.Hash_partition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterHash_partition_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitHash_partition_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterList_partition_option(OBParser.List_partition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitList_partition_option(OBParser.List_partition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRange_partition_option(OBParser.Range_partition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRange_partition_option(OBParser.Range_partition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterInterval_option(OBParser.Interval_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitInterval_option(OBParser.Interval_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSubpartition_option(OBParser.Subpartition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSubpartition_option(OBParser.Subpartition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSubpartition_template_option(OBParser.Subpartition_template_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSubpartition_template_option(OBParser.Subpartition_template_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSubpartition_individual_option(OBParser.Subpartition_individual_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSubpartition_individual_option(OBParser.Subpartition_individual_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAux_column_list(OBParser.Aux_column_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAux_column_list(OBParser.Aux_column_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterVertical_column_name(OBParser.Vertical_column_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitVertical_column_name(OBParser.Vertical_column_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterHash_partition_list(OBParser.Hash_partition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitHash_partition_list(OBParser.Hash_partition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterHash_partition_element(OBParser.Hash_partition_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitHash_partition_element(OBParser.Hash_partition_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_range_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_range_partition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_range_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_range_partition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRange_partition_list(OBParser.Range_partition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRange_partition_list(OBParser.Range_partition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPartition_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Partition_attributes_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPartition_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Partition_attributes_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRange_partition_element(OBParser.Range_partition_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRange_partition_element(OBParser.Range_partition_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_list_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_list_partition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_list_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_list_partition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterList_partition_list(OBParser.List_partition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitList_partition_list(OBParser.List_partition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterList_partition_element(OBParser.List_partition_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitList_partition_element(OBParser.List_partition_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSubpartition_list(OBParser.Subpartition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSubpartition_list(OBParser.Subpartition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_hash_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_hash_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterHash_subpartition_list(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitHash_subpartition_list(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterHash_subpartition_element(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitHash_subpartition_element(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_range_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_range_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_range_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_range_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRange_subpartition_list(OBParser.Range_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRange_subpartition_list(OBParser.Range_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRange_subpartition_element(OBParser.Range_subpartition_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRange_subpartition_element(OBParser.Range_subpartition_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_list_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_list_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_list_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_list_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterList_subpartition_list(OBParser.List_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitList_subpartition_list(OBParser.List_subpartition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterList_subpartition_element(OBParser.List_subpartition_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitList_subpartition_element(OBParser.List_subpartition_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterList_partition_expr(OBParser.List_partition_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitList_partition_expr(OBParser.List_partition_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterList_expr(OBParser.List_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitList_expr(OBParser.List_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPhysical_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Physical_attributes_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPhysical_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Physical_attributes_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPhysical_attributes_option(OBParser.Physical_attributes_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPhysical_attributes_option(OBParser.Physical_attributes_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_special_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_special_partition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_special_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_special_partition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSpecial_partition_list(OBParser.Special_partition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSpecial_partition_list(OBParser.Special_partition_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSpecial_partition_define(OBParser.Special_partition_defineContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSpecial_partition_define(OBParser.Special_partition_defineContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRange_partition_expr(OBParser.Range_partition_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRange_partition_expr(OBParser.Range_partition_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRange_expr_list(OBParser.Range_expr_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRange_expr_list(OBParser.Range_expr_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRange_expr(OBParser.Range_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRange_expr(OBParser.Range_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterHash_subpartition_quantity(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_quantityContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitHash_subpartition_quantity(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_quantityContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterInt_or_decimal(OBParser.Int_or_decimalContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitInt_or_decimal(OBParser.Int_or_decimalContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTg_hash_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_hash_partition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTg_hash_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_hash_partition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTg_range_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_range_partition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTg_range_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_range_partition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTg_list_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_list_partition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTg_list_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_list_partition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTg_subpartition_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTg_subpartition_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTg_subpartition_template_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTg_subpartition_template_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTg_subpartition_individual_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTg_subpartition_individual_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_alter_compress_option(OBParser.Opt_alter_compress_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_alter_compress_option(OBParser.Opt_alter_compress_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCompress_option(OBParser.Compress_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCompress_option(OBParser.Compress_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_compress_level(OBParser.Opt_compress_levelContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_compress_level(OBParser.Opt_compress_levelContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterExternal_properties_list(OBParser.External_properties_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitExternal_properties_list(OBParser.External_properties_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterExternal_properties(OBParser.External_propertiesContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitExternal_properties(OBParser.External_propertiesContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterExternal_file_format_list(OBParser.External_file_format_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitExternal_file_format_list(OBParser.External_file_format_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterExternal_file_format(OBParser.External_file_formatContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitExternal_file_format(OBParser.External_file_formatContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Create_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Create_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTablegroup_option_list_space_seperated(OBParser.Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTablegroup_option_list_space_seperated(OBParser.Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTablegroup_option_list(OBParser.Tablegroup_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTablegroup_option_list(OBParser.Tablegroup_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTablegroup_option(OBParser.Tablegroup_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTablegroup_option(OBParser.Tablegroup_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_tablegroup_actions(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_tablegroup_actions(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_tablegroup_action(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_tablegroup_action(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDefault_tablegroup(OBParser.Default_tablegroupContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDefault_tablegroup(OBParser.Default_tablegroupContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_view_stmt(OBParser.Create_view_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_view_stmt(OBParser.Create_view_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_mview_stmt(OBParser.Create_mview_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_mview_stmt(OBParser.Create_mview_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_mview_opts(OBParser.Create_mview_optsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_mview_opts(OBParser.Create_mview_optsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMview_enable_disable(OBParser.Mview_enable_disableContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMview_enable_disable(OBParser.Mview_enable_disableContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMview_refresh_opt(OBParser.Mview_refresh_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMview_refresh_opt(OBParser.Mview_refresh_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMv_refresh_on_clause(OBParser.Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMv_refresh_on_clause(OBParser.Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMv_refresh_method(OBParser.Mv_refresh_methodContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMv_refresh_method(OBParser.Mv_refresh_methodContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMv_refresh_mode(OBParser.Mv_refresh_modeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMv_refresh_mode(OBParser.Mv_refresh_modeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMv_refresh_interval(OBParser.Mv_refresh_intervalContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMv_refresh_interval(OBParser.Mv_refresh_intervalContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMv_start_clause(OBParser.Mv_start_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMv_start_clause(OBParser.Mv_start_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMv_next_clause(OBParser.Mv_next_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMv_next_clause(OBParser.Mv_next_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterView_subquery(OBParser.View_subqueryContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitView_subquery(OBParser.View_subqueryContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterView_with_opt(OBParser.View_with_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitView_with_opt(OBParser.View_with_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterWith_check_option(OBParser.With_check_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitWith_check_option(OBParser.With_check_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterView_name(OBParser.View_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitView_name(OBParser.View_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_tablet_id(OBParser.Opt_tablet_idContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_tablet_id(OBParser.Opt_tablet_idContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_tablet_id_no_empty(OBParser.Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_tablet_id_no_empty(OBParser.Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_index_stmt(OBParser.Create_index_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_index_stmt(OBParser.Create_index_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterIndex_name(OBParser.Index_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitIndex_name(OBParser.Index_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterConstraint_and_name(OBParser.Constraint_and_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitConstraint_and_name(OBParser.Constraint_and_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterConstraint_name(OBParser.Constraint_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitConstraint_name(OBParser.Constraint_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSort_column_list(OBParser.Sort_column_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSort_column_list(OBParser.Sort_column_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSort_column_key(OBParser.Sort_column_keyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSort_column_key(OBParser.Sort_column_keyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterIndex_expr(OBParser.Index_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitIndex_expr(OBParser.Index_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_index_options(OBParser.Opt_index_optionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_index_options(OBParser.Opt_index_optionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterIndex_option(OBParser.Index_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitIndex_option(OBParser.Index_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterIndex_using_algorithm(OBParser.Index_using_algorithmContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitIndex_using_algorithm(OBParser.Index_using_algorithmContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_mlog_stmt(OBParser.Create_mlog_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_mlog_stmt(OBParser.Create_mlog_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_mlog_options(OBParser.Opt_mlog_optionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_mlog_options(OBParser.Opt_mlog_optionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMlog_option(OBParser.Mlog_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMlog_option(OBParser.Mlog_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMlog_with_values(OBParser.Mlog_with_valuesContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMlog_with_values(OBParser.Mlog_with_valuesContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMlog_with_special_columns(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_columnsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMlog_with_special_columns(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_columnsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMlog_with_special_column_list(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_column_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMlog_with_special_column_list(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_column_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMlog_with_special_column(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_columnContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMlog_with_special_column(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_columnContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMlog_with_reference_columns(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMlog_with_reference_columns(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMlog_with_reference_column_list(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMlog_with_reference_column_list(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMlog_with_reference_column(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_columnContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMlog_with_reference_column(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_columnContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMlog_including_or_excluding(OBParser.Mlog_including_or_excludingContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMlog_including_or_excluding(OBParser.Mlog_including_or_excludingContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMlog_purge_values(OBParser.Mlog_purge_valuesContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMlog_purge_values(OBParser.Mlog_purge_valuesContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async(OBParser.Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async(OBParser.Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMlog_purge_start(OBParser.Mlog_purge_startContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMlog_purge_start(OBParser.Mlog_purge_startContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMlog_purge_next(OBParser.Mlog_purge_nextContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMlog_purge_next(OBParser.Mlog_purge_nextContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_mlog_stmt(OBParser.Drop_mlog_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_mlog_stmt(OBParser.Drop_mlog_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_table_stmt(OBParser.Drop_table_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_table_stmt(OBParser.Drop_table_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTable_or_tables(OBParser.Table_or_tablesContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTable_or_tables(OBParser.Table_or_tablesContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_view_stmt(OBParser.Drop_view_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_view_stmt(OBParser.Drop_view_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTable_list(OBParser.Table_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTable_list(OBParser.Table_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_index_stmt(OBParser.Drop_index_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_index_stmt(OBParser.Drop_index_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterInsert_stmt(OBParser.Insert_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitInsert_stmt(OBParser.Insert_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_simple_expression(OBParser.Opt_simple_expressionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_simple_expression(OBParser.Opt_simple_expressionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterInto_err_log_caluse(OBParser.Into_err_log_caluseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitInto_err_log_caluse(OBParser.Into_err_log_caluseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterReject_limit(OBParser.Reject_limitContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitReject_limit(OBParser.Reject_limitContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSingle_table_insert(OBParser.Single_table_insertContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSingle_table_insert(OBParser.Single_table_insertContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMulti_table_insert(OBParser.Multi_table_insertContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMulti_table_insert(OBParser.Multi_table_insertContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterInsert_table_clause_list(OBParser.Insert_table_clause_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitInsert_table_clause_list(OBParser.Insert_table_clause_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterInsert_single_table_clause(OBParser.Insert_single_table_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitInsert_single_table_clause(OBParser.Insert_single_table_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterConditional_insert_clause(OBParser.Conditional_insert_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitConditional_insert_clause(OBParser.Conditional_insert_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCondition_insert_clause_list(OBParser.Condition_insert_clause_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCondition_insert_clause_list(OBParser.Condition_insert_clause_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCondition_insert_clause(OBParser.Condition_insert_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCondition_insert_clause(OBParser.Condition_insert_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterValues_clause(OBParser.Values_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitValues_clause(OBParser.Values_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_into_clause(OBParser.Opt_into_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_into_clause(OBParser.Opt_into_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterReturning_exprs(OBParser.Returning_exprsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitReturning_exprs(OBParser.Returning_exprsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterInsert_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Insert_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitInsert_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Insert_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterColumn_list(OBParser.Column_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitColumn_list(OBParser.Column_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterInsert_vals_list(OBParser.Insert_vals_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitInsert_vals_list(OBParser.Insert_vals_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterInsert_vals(OBParser.Insert_valsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitInsert_vals(OBParser.Insert_valsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterExpr_or_default(OBParser.Expr_or_defaultContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitExpr_or_default(OBParser.Expr_or_defaultContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMerge_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Merge_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMerge_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Merge_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMerge_stmt(OBParser.Merge_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMerge_stmt(OBParser.Merge_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMerge_update_clause(OBParser.Merge_update_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMerge_update_clause(OBParser.Merge_update_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMerge_insert_clause(OBParser.Merge_insert_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMerge_insert_clause(OBParser.Merge_insert_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSource_relation_factor(OBParser.Source_relation_factorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSource_relation_factor(OBParser.Source_relation_factorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSelect_stmt(OBParser.Select_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSelect_stmt(OBParser.Select_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSubquery(OBParser.SubqueryContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSubquery(OBParser.SubqueryContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSelect_with_parens(OBParser.Select_with_parensContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSelect_with_parens(OBParser.Select_with_parensContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSelect_no_parens(OBParser.Select_no_parensContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSelect_no_parens(OBParser.Select_no_parensContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSelect_clause(OBParser.Select_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSelect_clause(OBParser.Select_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSelect_clause_set(OBParser.Select_clause_setContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSelect_clause_set(OBParser.Select_clause_setContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSelect_clause_set_right(OBParser.Select_clause_set_rightContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSelect_clause_set_right(OBParser.Select_clause_set_rightContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSelect_clause_set_left(OBParser.Select_clause_set_leftContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSelect_clause_set_left(OBParser.Select_clause_set_leftContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSelect_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Select_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSelect_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Select_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUpdate_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Update_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUpdate_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Update_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDelete_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Delete_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDelete_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Delete_with_opt_hintContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSimple_select(OBParser.Simple_selectContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSimple_select(OBParser.Simple_selectContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSelect_with_hierarchical_query(OBParser.Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSelect_with_hierarchical_query(OBParser.Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterStart_with(OBParser.Start_withContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitStart_with(OBParser.Start_withContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFetch_next_clause(OBParser.Fetch_next_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFetch_next_clause(OBParser.Fetch_next_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFetch_next(OBParser.Fetch_nextContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFetch_next(OBParser.Fetch_nextContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFetch_next_count(OBParser.Fetch_next_countContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFetch_next_count(OBParser.Fetch_next_countContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFetch_next_percent(OBParser.Fetch_next_percentContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFetch_next_percent(OBParser.Fetch_next_percentContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFetch_next_expr(OBParser.Fetch_next_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFetch_next_expr(OBParser.Fetch_next_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFetch_next_percent_expr(OBParser.Fetch_next_percent_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFetch_next_percent_expr(OBParser.Fetch_next_percent_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterConnect_by(OBParser.Connect_byContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitConnect_by(OBParser.Connect_byContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSet_type_union(OBParser.Set_type_unionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSet_type_union(OBParser.Set_type_unionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSet_type_other(OBParser.Set_type_otherContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSet_type_other(OBParser.Set_type_otherContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSet_type(OBParser.Set_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSet_type(OBParser.Set_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSet_expression_option(OBParser.Set_expression_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSet_expression_option(OBParser.Set_expression_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_where(OBParser.Opt_whereContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_where(OBParser.Opt_whereContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_where_extension(OBParser.Opt_where_extensionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_where_extension(OBParser.Opt_where_extensionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterInto_clause(OBParser.Into_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitInto_clause(OBParser.Into_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterInto_opt(OBParser.Into_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitInto_opt(OBParser.Into_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterInto_var_list(OBParser.Into_var_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitInto_var_list(OBParser.Into_var_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterInto_var(OBParser.Into_varContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitInto_var(OBParser.Into_varContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterField_opt(OBParser.Field_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitField_opt(OBParser.Field_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterField_term_list(OBParser.Field_term_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitField_term_list(OBParser.Field_term_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterField_term(OBParser.Field_termContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitField_term(OBParser.Field_termContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFile_opt(OBParser.File_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFile_opt(OBParser.File_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFile_option_list(OBParser.File_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFile_option_list(OBParser.File_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFile_option(OBParser.File_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFile_option(OBParser.File_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFile_partition_opt(OBParser.File_partition_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFile_partition_opt(OBParser.File_partition_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFile_size_const(OBParser.File_size_constContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFile_size_const(OBParser.File_size_constContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLine_opt(OBParser.Line_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLine_opt(OBParser.Line_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLine_term_list(OBParser.Line_term_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLine_term_list(OBParser.Line_term_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLine_term(OBParser.Line_termContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLine_term(OBParser.Line_termContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterHint_list_with_end(OBParser.Hint_list_with_endContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitHint_list_with_end(OBParser.Hint_list_with_endContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_hint_list(OBParser.Opt_hint_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_hint_list(OBParser.Opt_hint_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterHint_options(OBParser.Hint_optionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitHint_options(OBParser.Hint_optionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterName_list(OBParser.Name_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitName_list(OBParser.Name_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterHint_option(OBParser.Hint_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitHint_option(OBParser.Hint_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDistribute_method(OBParser.Distribute_methodContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDistribute_method(OBParser.Distribute_methodContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterConsistency_level(OBParser.Consistency_levelContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitConsistency_level(OBParser.Consistency_levelContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUse_plan_cache_type(OBParser.Use_plan_cache_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUse_plan_cache_type(OBParser.Use_plan_cache_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUse_jit_type(OBParser.Use_jit_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUse_jit_type(OBParser.Use_jit_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFor_update(OBParser.For_updateContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFor_update(OBParser.For_updateContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterParameterized_trim(OBParser.Parameterized_trimContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitParameterized_trim(OBParser.Parameterized_trimContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterGroupby_clause(OBParser.Groupby_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitGroupby_clause(OBParser.Groupby_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterGroupby_element_list(OBParser.Groupby_element_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitGroupby_element_list(OBParser.Groupby_element_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterGroupby_element(OBParser.Groupby_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitGroupby_element(OBParser.Groupby_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterGroup_by_expr(OBParser.Group_by_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitGroup_by_expr(OBParser.Group_by_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRollup_clause(OBParser.Rollup_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRollup_clause(OBParser.Rollup_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCube_clause(OBParser.Cube_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCube_clause(OBParser.Cube_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterGroup_by_expr_list(OBParser.Group_by_expr_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitGroup_by_expr_list(OBParser.Group_by_expr_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterGrouping_sets_clause(OBParser.Grouping_sets_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitGrouping_sets_clause(OBParser.Grouping_sets_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterGrouping_sets_list(OBParser.Grouping_sets_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitGrouping_sets_list(OBParser.Grouping_sets_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterGrouping_sets(OBParser.Grouping_setsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitGrouping_sets(OBParser.Grouping_setsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOrder_by(OBParser.Order_byContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOrder_by(OBParser.Order_byContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSort_list(OBParser.Sort_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSort_list(OBParser.Sort_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSort_key(OBParser.Sort_keyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSort_key(OBParser.Sort_keyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_null_pos(OBParser.Opt_null_posContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_null_pos(OBParser.Opt_null_posContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_ascending_type(OBParser.Opt_ascending_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_ascending_type(OBParser.Opt_ascending_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_asc_desc(OBParser.Opt_asc_descContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_asc_desc(OBParser.Opt_asc_descContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterQuery_expression_option_list(OBParser.Query_expression_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitQuery_expression_option_list(OBParser.Query_expression_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterQuery_expression_option(OBParser.Query_expression_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitQuery_expression_option(OBParser.Query_expression_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterProjection(OBParser.ProjectionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitProjection(OBParser.ProjectionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_as(OBParser.Opt_asContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_as(OBParser.Opt_asContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSelect_expr_list(OBParser.Select_expr_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSelect_expr_list(OBParser.Select_expr_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFrom_list(OBParser.From_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFrom_list(OBParser.From_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTable_references(OBParser.Table_referencesContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTable_references(OBParser.Table_referencesContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTable_reference(OBParser.Table_referenceContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTable_reference(OBParser.Table_referenceContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTable_factor(OBParser.Table_factorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTable_factor(OBParser.Table_factorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSelect_function(OBParser.Select_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSelect_function(OBParser.Select_functionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTbl_name(OBParser.Tbl_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTbl_name(OBParser.Tbl_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDual_table(OBParser.Dual_tableContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDual_table(OBParser.Dual_tableContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTranspose_clause(OBParser.Transpose_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTranspose_clause(OBParser.Transpose_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPivot_aggr_clause(OBParser.Pivot_aggr_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPivot_aggr_clause(OBParser.Pivot_aggr_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPivot_single_aggr_clause(OBParser.Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPivot_single_aggr_clause(OBParser.Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTranspose_for_clause(OBParser.Transpose_for_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTranspose_for_clause(OBParser.Transpose_for_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTranspose_in_clause(OBParser.Transpose_in_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTranspose_in_clause(OBParser.Transpose_in_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTranspose_in_args(OBParser.Transpose_in_argsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTranspose_in_args(OBParser.Transpose_in_argsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTranspose_in_arg(OBParser.Transpose_in_argContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTranspose_in_arg(OBParser.Transpose_in_argContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUnpivot_column_clause(OBParser.Unpivot_column_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUnpivot_column_clause(OBParser.Unpivot_column_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUnpivot_in_clause(OBParser.Unpivot_in_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUnpivot_in_clause(OBParser.Unpivot_in_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUnpivot_in_args(OBParser.Unpivot_in_argsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUnpivot_in_args(OBParser.Unpivot_in_argsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUnpivot_in_arg(OBParser.Unpivot_in_argContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUnpivot_in_arg(OBParser.Unpivot_in_argContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDml_table_name(OBParser.Dml_table_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDml_table_name(OBParser.Dml_table_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOrder_by_fetch_with_check_option(OBParser.Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOrder_by_fetch_with_check_option(OBParser.Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterInsert_table_clause(OBParser.Insert_table_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitInsert_table_clause(OBParser.Insert_table_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDml_table_clause(OBParser.Dml_table_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDml_table_clause(OBParser.Dml_table_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSeed(OBParser.SeedContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSeed(OBParser.SeedContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSample_percent(OBParser.Sample_percentContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSample_percent(OBParser.Sample_percentContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSample_clause(OBParser.Sample_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSample_clause(OBParser.Sample_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTable_subquery(OBParser.Table_subqueryContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTable_subquery(OBParser.Table_subqueryContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUse_partition(OBParser.Use_partitionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUse_partition(OBParser.Use_partitionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterExternal_table_partitions(OBParser.External_table_partitionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitExternal_table_partitions(OBParser.External_table_partitionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterExternal_table_partition(OBParser.External_table_partitionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitExternal_table_partition(OBParser.External_table_partitionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUse_flashback(OBParser.Use_flashbackContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUse_flashback(OBParser.Use_flashbackContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRelation_factor(OBParser.Relation_factorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRelation_factor(OBParser.Relation_factorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterNormal_relation_factor(OBParser.Normal_relation_factorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitNormal_relation_factor(OBParser.Normal_relation_factorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDot_relation_factor(OBParser.Dot_relation_factorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDot_relation_factor(OBParser.Dot_relation_factorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_reverse_link_flag(OBParser.Opt_reverse_link_flagContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_reverse_link_flag(OBParser.Opt_reverse_link_flagContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRelation_factor_in_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_hintContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRelation_factor_in_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_hintContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterQb_name_option(OBParser.Qb_name_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitQb_name_option(OBParser.Qb_name_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRelation_factor_in_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRelation_factor_in_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRelation_sep_option(OBParser.Relation_sep_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRelation_sep_option(OBParser.Relation_sep_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRelation_factor_in_mv_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_mv_hint_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRelation_factor_in_mv_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_mv_hint_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRelation_factor_in_pq_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRelation_factor_in_pq_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRelation_factor_in_leading_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRelation_factor_in_leading_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTracing_num_list(OBParser.Tracing_num_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTracing_num_list(OBParser.Tracing_num_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRelation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRelation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCoalesce_strategy_list(OBParser.Coalesce_strategy_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCoalesce_strategy_list(OBParser.Coalesce_strategy_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJoin_condition(OBParser.Join_conditionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJoin_condition(OBParser.Join_conditionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJoined_table(OBParser.Joined_tableContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJoined_table(OBParser.Joined_tableContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterNatural_join_type(OBParser.Natural_join_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitNatural_join_type(OBParser.Natural_join_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOuter_join_type(OBParser.Outer_join_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOuter_join_type(OBParser.Outer_join_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJoin_outer(OBParser.Join_outerContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJoin_outer(OBParser.Join_outerContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterWith_select(OBParser.With_selectContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitWith_select(OBParser.With_selectContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterWith_clause(OBParser.With_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitWith_clause(OBParser.With_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterWith_list(OBParser.With_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitWith_list(OBParser.With_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCommon_table_expr(OBParser.Common_table_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCommon_table_expr(OBParser.Common_table_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMv_column_list(OBParser.Mv_column_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMv_column_list(OBParser.Mv_column_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlias_name_list(OBParser.Alias_name_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlias_name_list(OBParser.Alias_name_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterColumn_alias_name(OBParser.Column_alias_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitColumn_alias_name(OBParser.Column_alias_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSearch_set_value(OBParser.Search_set_valueContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSearch_set_value(OBParser.Search_set_valueContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAnalyze_stmt(OBParser.Analyze_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAnalyze_stmt(OBParser.Analyze_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAnalyze_statistics_clause(OBParser.Analyze_statistics_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAnalyze_statistics_clause(OBParser.Analyze_statistics_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_analyze_for_clause_list(OBParser.Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_analyze_for_clause_list(OBParser.Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_analyze_for_clause_element(OBParser.Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_analyze_for_clause_element(OBParser.Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSample_option(OBParser.Sample_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSample_option(OBParser.Sample_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_outline_stmt(OBParser.Create_outline_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_outline_stmt(OBParser.Create_outline_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_outline_stmt(OBParser.Alter_outline_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_outline_stmt(OBParser.Alter_outline_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_outline_stmt(OBParser.Drop_outline_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_outline_stmt(OBParser.Drop_outline_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterExplain_stmt(OBParser.Explain_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitExplain_stmt(OBParser.Explain_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterExplain_or_desc(OBParser.Explain_or_descContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitExplain_or_desc(OBParser.Explain_or_descContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterExplainable_stmt(OBParser.Explainable_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitExplainable_stmt(OBParser.Explainable_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFormat_name(OBParser.Format_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFormat_name(OBParser.Format_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterShow_stmt(OBParser.Show_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitShow_stmt(OBParser.Show_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_for_grant_user(OBParser.Opt_for_grant_userContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_for_grant_user(OBParser.Opt_for_grant_userContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterColumns_or_fields(OBParser.Columns_or_fieldsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitColumns_or_fields(OBParser.Columns_or_fieldsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFrom_or_in(OBParser.From_or_inContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFrom_or_in(OBParser.From_or_inContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterHelp_stmt(OBParser.Help_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitHelp_stmt(OBParser.Help_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_user_stmt(OBParser.Create_user_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_user_stmt(OBParser.Create_user_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDefault_role_clause(OBParser.Default_role_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDefault_role_clause(OBParser.Default_role_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_user_stmt(OBParser.Alter_user_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_user_stmt(OBParser.Alter_user_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_user_profile_stmt(OBParser.Alter_user_profile_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_user_profile_stmt(OBParser.Alter_user_profile_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_role_stmt(OBParser.Alter_role_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_role_stmt(OBParser.Alter_role_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUser_specification(OBParser.User_specificationContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUser_specification(OBParser.User_specificationContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRequire_specification(OBParser.Require_specificationContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRequire_specification(OBParser.Require_specificationContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTls_option_list(OBParser.Tls_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTls_option_list(OBParser.Tls_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTls_option(OBParser.Tls_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTls_option(OBParser.Tls_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterGrant_user(OBParser.Grant_userContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitGrant_user(OBParser.Grant_userContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterGrant_user_list(OBParser.Grant_user_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitGrant_user_list(OBParser.Grant_user_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUser(OBParser.UserContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUser(OBParser.UserContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_host_name(OBParser.Opt_host_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_host_name(OBParser.Opt_host_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUser_with_host_name(OBParser.User_with_host_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUser_with_host_name(OBParser.User_with_host_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPassword(OBParser.PasswordContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPassword(OBParser.PasswordContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPassword_str(OBParser.Password_strContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPassword_str(OBParser.Password_strContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_user_stmt(OBParser.Drop_user_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_user_stmt(OBParser.Drop_user_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUser_list(OBParser.User_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUser_list(OBParser.User_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSet_password_stmt(OBParser.Set_password_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSet_password_stmt(OBParser.Set_password_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_for_user(OBParser.Opt_for_userContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_for_user(OBParser.Opt_for_userContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLock_user_stmt(OBParser.Lock_user_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLock_user_stmt(OBParser.Lock_user_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLock_spec_mysql57(OBParser.Lock_spec_mysql57Context ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLock_spec_mysql57(OBParser.Lock_spec_mysql57Context ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLock_tables_stmt(OBParser.Lock_tables_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLock_tables_stmt(OBParser.Lock_tables_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLock_table_stmt(OBParser.Lock_table_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLock_table_stmt(OBParser.Lock_table_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLock_table_factors(OBParser.Lock_table_factorsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLock_table_factors(OBParser.Lock_table_factorsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLock_table_factor(OBParser.Lock_table_factorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLock_table_factor(OBParser.Lock_table_factorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLock_mode(OBParser.Lock_modeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLock_mode(OBParser.Lock_modeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUnlock_tables_stmt(OBParser.Unlock_tables_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUnlock_tables_stmt(OBParser.Unlock_tables_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLock_table_list(OBParser.Lock_table_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLock_table_list(OBParser.Lock_table_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_context_stmt(OBParser.Create_context_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_context_stmt(OBParser.Create_context_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterContext_package_name(OBParser.Context_package_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitContext_package_name(OBParser.Context_package_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLock_table(OBParser.Lock_tableContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLock_table(OBParser.Lock_tableContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterContext_option(OBParser.Context_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitContext_option(OBParser.Context_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLock_type(OBParser.Lock_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLock_type(OBParser.Lock_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_context_stmt(OBParser.Drop_context_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_context_stmt(OBParser.Drop_context_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Create_sequence_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Create_sequence_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSequence_option_list(OBParser.Sequence_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSequence_option_list(OBParser.Sequence_option_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSequence_option(OBParser.Sequence_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSequence_option(OBParser.Sequence_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSimple_num(OBParser.Simple_numContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSimple_num(OBParser.Simple_numContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Drop_sequence_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Drop_sequence_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Alter_sequence_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Alter_sequence_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_dblink_stmt(OBParser.Create_dblink_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_dblink_stmt(OBParser.Create_dblink_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_dblink_stmt(OBParser.Drop_dblink_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_dblink_stmt(OBParser.Drop_dblink_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDblink(OBParser.DblinkContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDblink(OBParser.DblinkContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTenant(OBParser.TenantContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTenant(OBParser.TenantContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_cluster(OBParser.Opt_clusterContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_cluster(OBParser.Opt_clusterContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterBegin_stmt(OBParser.Begin_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitBegin_stmt(OBParser.Begin_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCommit_stmt(OBParser.Commit_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCommit_stmt(OBParser.Commit_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRollback_stmt(OBParser.Rollback_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRollback_stmt(OBParser.Rollback_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterKill_stmt(OBParser.Kill_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitKill_stmt(OBParser.Kill_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_role_stmt(OBParser.Create_role_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_role_stmt(OBParser.Create_role_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRole_list(OBParser.Role_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRole_list(OBParser.Role_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRole(OBParser.RoleContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRole(OBParser.RoleContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_role_stmt(OBParser.Drop_role_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_role_stmt(OBParser.Drop_role_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSet_role_stmt(OBParser.Set_role_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSet_role_stmt(OBParser.Set_role_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRole_opt_identified_by_list(OBParser.Role_opt_identified_by_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRole_opt_identified_by_list(OBParser.Role_opt_identified_by_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRole_opt_identified_by(OBParser.Role_opt_identified_byContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRole_opt_identified_by(OBParser.Role_opt_identified_byContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSys_and_obj_priv(OBParser.Sys_and_obj_privContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSys_and_obj_priv(OBParser.Sys_and_obj_privContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterGrant_stmt(OBParser.Grant_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitGrant_stmt(OBParser.Grant_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterGrant_system_privileges(OBParser.Grant_system_privilegesContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitGrant_system_privileges(OBParser.Grant_system_privilegesContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterGrantee_clause(OBParser.Grantee_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitGrantee_clause(OBParser.Grantee_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list(OBParser.Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list(OBParser.Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv(OBParser.Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv(OBParser.Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPriv_type(OBParser.Priv_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPriv_type(OBParser.Priv_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterObj_clause(OBParser.Obj_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitObj_clause(OBParser.Obj_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRevoke_stmt(OBParser.Revoke_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRevoke_stmt(OBParser.Revoke_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPrepare_stmt(OBParser.Prepare_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPrepare_stmt(OBParser.Prepare_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterStmt_name(OBParser.Stmt_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitStmt_name(OBParser.Stmt_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPreparable_stmt(OBParser.Preparable_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPreparable_stmt(OBParser.Preparable_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterVariable_set_stmt(OBParser.Variable_set_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitVariable_set_stmt(OBParser.Variable_set_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSys_var_and_val_list(OBParser.Sys_var_and_val_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSys_var_and_val_list(OBParser.Sys_var_and_val_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterVar_and_val_list(OBParser.Var_and_val_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitVar_and_val_list(OBParser.Var_and_val_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSet_expr_or_default(OBParser.Set_expr_or_defaultContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSet_expr_or_default(OBParser.Set_expr_or_defaultContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterVar_and_val(OBParser.Var_and_valContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitVar_and_val(OBParser.Var_and_valContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSys_var_and_val(OBParser.Sys_var_and_valContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSys_var_and_val(OBParser.Sys_var_and_valContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterScope_or_scope_alias(OBParser.Scope_or_scope_aliasContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitScope_or_scope_alias(OBParser.Scope_or_scope_aliasContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTo_or_eq(OBParser.To_or_eqContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTo_or_eq(OBParser.To_or_eqContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSet_var_op(OBParser.Set_var_opContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSet_var_op(OBParser.Set_var_opContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterArgument(OBParser.ArgumentContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitArgument(OBParser.ArgumentContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterExecute_stmt(OBParser.Execute_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitExecute_stmt(OBParser.Execute_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterArgument_list(OBParser.Argument_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitArgument_list(OBParser.Argument_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDeallocate_prepare_stmt(OBParser.Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDeallocate_prepare_stmt(OBParser.Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDeallocate_or_drop(OBParser.Deallocate_or_dropContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDeallocate_or_drop(OBParser.Deallocate_or_dropContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCall_stmt(OBParser.Call_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCall_stmt(OBParser.Call_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCall_param_list(OBParser.Call_param_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCall_param_list(OBParser.Call_param_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRoutine_access_name(OBParser.Routine_access_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRoutine_access_name(OBParser.Routine_access_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRoutine_name(OBParser.Routine_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRoutine_name(OBParser.Routine_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTruncate_table_stmt(OBParser.Truncate_table_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTruncate_table_stmt(OBParser.Truncate_table_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRename_table_stmt(OBParser.Rename_table_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRename_table_stmt(OBParser.Rename_table_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRename_table_actions(OBParser.Rename_table_actionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRename_table_actions(OBParser.Rename_table_actionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRename_table_action(OBParser.Rename_table_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRename_table_action(OBParser.Rename_table_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_index_stmt(OBParser.Alter_index_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_index_stmt(OBParser.Alter_index_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_index_actions(OBParser.Alter_index_actionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_index_actions(OBParser.Alter_index_actionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_index_action(OBParser.Alter_index_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_index_action(OBParser.Alter_index_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_index_option_oracle(OBParser.Alter_index_option_oracleContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_index_option_oracle(OBParser.Alter_index_option_oracleContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_table_stmt(OBParser.Alter_table_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_table_stmt(OBParser.Alter_table_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAdd_external_table_partition_actions(OBParser.Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAdd_external_table_partition_actions(OBParser.Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAdd_external_table_partition_action(OBParser.Add_external_table_partition_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAdd_external_table_partition_action(OBParser.Add_external_table_partition_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_table_actions(OBParser.Alter_table_actionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_table_actions(OBParser.Alter_table_actionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_table_action(OBParser.Alter_table_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_table_action(OBParser.Alter_table_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_partition_option(OBParser.Alter_partition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_partition_option(OBParser.Alter_partition_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_partition_name_list(OBParser.Drop_partition_name_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_partition_name_list(OBParser.Drop_partition_name_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSplit_actions(OBParser.Split_actionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSplit_actions(OBParser.Split_actionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAdd_range_or_list_partition(OBParser.Add_range_or_list_partitionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAdd_range_or_list_partition(OBParser.Add_range_or_list_partitionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAdd_range_or_list_subpartition(OBParser.Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAdd_range_or_list_subpartition(OBParser.Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterModify_special_partition(OBParser.Modify_special_partitionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitModify_special_partition(OBParser.Modify_special_partitionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSplit_range_partition(OBParser.Split_range_partitionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSplit_range_partition(OBParser.Split_range_partitionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSplit_list_partition(OBParser.Split_list_partitionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSplit_list_partition(OBParser.Split_list_partitionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterModify_partition_info(OBParser.Modify_partition_infoContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitModify_partition_info(OBParser.Modify_partition_infoContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTg_modify_partition_info(OBParser.Tg_modify_partition_infoContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTg_modify_partition_info(OBParser.Tg_modify_partition_infoContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_index_option(OBParser.Alter_index_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_index_option(OBParser.Alter_index_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterVisibility_option(OBParser.Visibility_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitVisibility_option(OBParser.Visibility_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_column_group_option(OBParser.Alter_column_group_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_column_group_option(OBParser.Alter_column_group_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_column_option(OBParser.Alter_column_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_column_option(OBParser.Alter_column_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_tablegroup_option(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_tablegroup_option(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFlashback_stmt(OBParser.Flashback_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFlashback_stmt(OBParser.Flashback_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRelation_factors(OBParser.Relation_factorsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRelation_factors(OBParser.Relation_factorsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPurge_stmt(OBParser.Purge_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPurge_stmt(OBParser.Purge_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterShrink_space_stmt(OBParser.Shrink_space_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitShrink_space_stmt(OBParser.Shrink_space_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAudit_stmt(OBParser.Audit_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAudit_stmt(OBParser.Audit_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAudit_or_noaudit(OBParser.Audit_or_noauditContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAudit_or_noaudit(OBParser.Audit_or_noauditContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAudit_clause(OBParser.Audit_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAudit_clause(OBParser.Audit_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAudit_operation_clause(OBParser.Audit_operation_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAudit_operation_clause(OBParser.Audit_operation_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAudit_all_shortcut_list(OBParser.Audit_all_shortcut_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAudit_all_shortcut_list(OBParser.Audit_all_shortcut_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAuditing_on_clause(OBParser.Auditing_on_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAuditing_on_clause(OBParser.Auditing_on_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAuditing_by_user_clause(OBParser.Auditing_by_user_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAuditing_by_user_clause(OBParser.Auditing_by_user_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOp_audit_tail_clause(OBParser.Op_audit_tail_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOp_audit_tail_clause(OBParser.Op_audit_tail_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAudit_by_session_access_option(OBParser.Audit_by_session_access_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAudit_by_session_access_option(OBParser.Audit_by_session_access_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAudit_whenever_option(OBParser.Audit_whenever_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAudit_whenever_option(OBParser.Audit_whenever_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAudit_all_shortcut(OBParser.Audit_all_shortcutContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAudit_all_shortcut(OBParser.Audit_all_shortcutContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_system_stmt(OBParser.Alter_system_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_system_stmt(OBParser.Alter_system_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_sql_throttle_using_cond(OBParser.Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_sql_throttle_using_cond(OBParser.Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics(OBParser.Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics(OBParser.Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSql_throttle_metric(OBParser.Sql_throttle_metricContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSql_throttle_metric(OBParser.Sql_throttle_metricContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_system_set_clause_list(OBParser.Alter_system_set_clause_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_system_set_clause_list(OBParser.Alter_system_set_clause_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_system_set_clause(OBParser.Alter_system_set_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_system_set_clause(OBParser.Alter_system_set_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_system_reset_clause_list(OBParser.Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_system_reset_clause_list(OBParser.Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_system_reset_clause(OBParser.Alter_system_reset_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_system_reset_clause(OBParser.Alter_system_reset_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSet_system_parameter_clause(OBParser.Set_system_parameter_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSet_system_parameter_clause(OBParser.Set_system_parameter_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterReset_system_parameter_clause(OBParser.Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitReset_system_parameter_clause(OBParser.Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCache_type_or_string(OBParser.Cache_type_or_stringContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCache_type_or_string(OBParser.Cache_type_or_stringContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCache_type(OBParser.Cache_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCache_type(OBParser.Cache_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterBalance_task_type(OBParser.Balance_task_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitBalance_task_type(OBParser.Balance_task_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTenant_list_tuple(OBParser.Tenant_list_tupleContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTenant_list_tuple(OBParser.Tenant_list_tupleContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTenant_list_tuple_v2(OBParser.Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTenant_list_tuple_v2(OBParser.Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTenant_name_list(OBParser.Tenant_name_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTenant_name_list(OBParser.Tenant_name_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_path_info(OBParser.Opt_path_infoContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_path_info(OBParser.Opt_path_infoContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPolicy_name(OBParser.Policy_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPolicy_name(OBParser.Policy_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFlush_scope(OBParser.Flush_scopeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFlush_scope(OBParser.Flush_scopeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterServer_info_list(OBParser.Server_info_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitServer_info_list(OBParser.Server_info_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterServer_info(OBParser.Server_infoContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitServer_info(OBParser.Server_infoContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterServer_action(OBParser.Server_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitServer_action(OBParser.Server_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterServer_list(OBParser.Server_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitServer_list(OBParser.Server_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterZone_action(OBParser.Zone_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitZone_action(OBParser.Zone_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterIp_port(OBParser.Ip_portContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitIp_port(OBParser.Ip_portContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterZone_desc(OBParser.Zone_descContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitZone_desc(OBParser.Zone_descContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterServer_or_zone(OBParser.Server_or_zoneContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitServer_or_zone(OBParser.Server_or_zoneContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAdd_or_alter_zone_option(OBParser.Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAdd_or_alter_zone_option(OBParser.Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAdd_or_alter_zone_options(OBParser.Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAdd_or_alter_zone_options(OBParser.Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_or_change_or_modify(OBParser.Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_or_change_or_modify(OBParser.Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterLs(OBParser.LsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitLs(OBParser.LsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPartition_id_desc(OBParser.Partition_id_descContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPartition_id_desc(OBParser.Partition_id_descContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPartition_id_or_server_or_zone(OBParser.Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPartition_id_or_server_or_zone(OBParser.Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMigrate_action(OBParser.Migrate_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMigrate_action(OBParser.Migrate_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterChange_actions(OBParser.Change_actionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitChange_actions(OBParser.Change_actionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterChange_action(OBParser.Change_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitChange_action(OBParser.Change_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterReplica_type(OBParser.Replica_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitReplica_type(OBParser.Replica_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMemstore_percent(OBParser.Memstore_percentContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMemstore_percent(OBParser.Memstore_percentContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSuspend_or_resume(OBParser.Suspend_or_resumeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSuspend_or_resume(OBParser.Suspend_or_resumeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterBaseline_id_expr(OBParser.Baseline_id_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitBaseline_id_expr(OBParser.Baseline_id_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSql_id_expr(OBParser.Sql_id_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSql_id_expr(OBParser.Sql_id_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterBaseline_asgn_factor(OBParser.Baseline_asgn_factorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitBaseline_asgn_factor(OBParser.Baseline_asgn_factorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTenant_name(OBParser.Tenant_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTenant_name(OBParser.Tenant_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterNamespace_expr(OBParser.Namespace_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitNamespace_expr(OBParser.Namespace_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCache_name(OBParser.Cache_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCache_name(OBParser.Cache_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFile_id(OBParser.File_idContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFile_id(OBParser.File_idContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCancel_task_type(OBParser.Cancel_task_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCancel_task_type(OBParser.Cancel_task_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_system_settp_actions(OBParser.Alter_system_settp_actionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_system_settp_actions(OBParser.Alter_system_settp_actionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSettp_option(OBParser.Settp_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSettp_option(OBParser.Settp_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPartition_role(OBParser.Partition_roleContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPartition_role(OBParser.Partition_roleContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUpgrade_action(OBParser.Upgrade_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUpgrade_action(OBParser.Upgrade_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_session_stmt(OBParser.Alter_session_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_session_stmt(OBParser.Alter_session_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterVar_name_of_forced_module(OBParser.Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitVar_name_of_forced_module(OBParser.Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterVar_name_of_module(OBParser.Var_name_of_moduleContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitVar_name_of_module(OBParser.Var_name_of_moduleContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSwitch_option(OBParser.Switch_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSwitch_option(OBParser.Switch_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSession_isolation_level(OBParser.Session_isolation_levelContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSession_isolation_level(OBParser.Session_isolation_levelContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_session_set_clause(OBParser.Alter_session_set_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_session_set_clause(OBParser.Alter_session_set_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSet_system_parameter_clause_list(OBParser.Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSet_system_parameter_clause_list(OBParser.Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCurrent_schema(OBParser.Current_schemaContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCurrent_schema(OBParser.Current_schemaContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSet_comment_stmt(OBParser.Set_comment_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSet_comment_stmt(OBParser.Set_comment_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Create_tablespace_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Create_tablespace_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tablespace_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tablespace_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTablespace(OBParser.TablespaceContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTablespace(OBParser.TablespaceContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_tablespace_actions(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_actionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_tablespace_actions(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_actionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_tablespace_action(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_tablespace_action(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_actionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPermanent_tablespace(OBParser.Permanent_tablespaceContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPermanent_tablespace(OBParser.Permanent_tablespaceContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPermanent_tablespace_options(OBParser.Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPermanent_tablespace_options(OBParser.Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPermanent_tablespace_option(OBParser.Permanent_tablespace_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPermanent_tablespace_option(OBParser.Permanent_tablespace_optionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_profile_stmt(OBParser.Create_profile_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_profile_stmt(OBParser.Create_profile_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAlter_profile_stmt(OBParser.Alter_profile_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAlter_profile_stmt(OBParser.Alter_profile_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDrop_profile_stmt(OBParser.Drop_profile_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDrop_profile_stmt(OBParser.Drop_profile_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterProfile_name(OBParser.Profile_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitProfile_name(OBParser.Profile_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPassword_parameters(OBParser.Password_parametersContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPassword_parameters(OBParser.Password_parametersContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPassword_parameter(OBParser.Password_parameterContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPassword_parameter(OBParser.Password_parameterContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterVerify_function_name(OBParser.Verify_function_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitVerify_function_name(OBParser.Verify_function_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPassword_parameter_value(OBParser.Password_parameter_valueContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPassword_parameter_value(OBParser.Password_parameter_valueContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPassword_parameter_type(OBParser.Password_parameter_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPassword_parameter_type(OBParser.Password_parameter_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUser_profile(OBParser.User_profileContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUser_profile(OBParser.User_profileContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMethod_opt(OBParser.Method_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMethod_opt(OBParser.Method_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMethod_list(OBParser.Method_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMethod_list(OBParser.Method_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMethod(OBParser.MethodContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMethod(OBParser.MethodContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFor_all(OBParser.For_allContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFor_all(OBParser.For_allContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSize_clause(OBParser.Size_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSize_clause(OBParser.Size_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFor_columns(OBParser.For_columnsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFor_columns(OBParser.For_columnsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFor_columns_list(OBParser.For_columns_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFor_columns_list(OBParser.For_columns_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFor_columns_item(OBParser.For_columns_itemContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFor_columns_item(OBParser.For_columns_itemContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterColumn_clause(OBParser.Column_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitColumn_clause(OBParser.Column_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterExtension(OBParser.ExtensionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitExtension(OBParser.ExtensionContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSet_names_stmt(OBParser.Set_names_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSet_names_stmt(OBParser.Set_names_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSet_charset_stmt(OBParser.Set_charset_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSet_charset_stmt(OBParser.Set_charset_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSet_transaction_stmt(OBParser.Set_transaction_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSet_transaction_stmt(OBParser.Set_transaction_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTransaction_characteristics(OBParser.Transaction_characteristicsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTransaction_characteristics(OBParser.Transaction_characteristicsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTransaction_access_mode(OBParser.Transaction_access_modeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTransaction_access_mode(OBParser.Transaction_access_modeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterIsolation_level(OBParser.Isolation_levelContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitIsolation_level(OBParser.Isolation_levelContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSwitchover_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Switchover_tenant_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSwitchover_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Switchover_tenant_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSwitchover_clause(OBParser.Switchover_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSwitchover_clause(OBParser.Switchover_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRecover_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Recover_tenant_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRecover_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Recover_tenant_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRecover_point_clause(OBParser.Recover_point_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRecover_point_clause(OBParser.Recover_point_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTransfer_partition_stmt(OBParser.Transfer_partition_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTransfer_partition_stmt(OBParser.Transfer_partition_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTransfer_partition_clause(OBParser.Transfer_partition_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTransfer_partition_clause(OBParser.Transfer_partition_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPart_info(OBParser.Part_infoContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPart_info(OBParser.Part_infoContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCancel_transfer_partition_clause(OBParser.Cancel_transfer_partition_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCancel_transfer_partition_clause(OBParser.Cancel_transfer_partition_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterService_name_stmt(OBParser.Service_name_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitService_name_stmt(OBParser.Service_name_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterService_op(OBParser.Service_opContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitService_op(OBParser.Service_opContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterCreate_savepoint_stmt(OBParser.Create_savepoint_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitCreate_savepoint_stmt(OBParser.Create_savepoint_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRollback_savepoint_stmt(OBParser.Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRollback_savepoint_stmt(OBParser.Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterVar_name(OBParser.Var_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitVar_name(OBParser.Var_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterColumn_name(OBParser.Column_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitColumn_name(OBParser.Column_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRelation_name(OBParser.Relation_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRelation_name(OBParser.Relation_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterExists_function_name(OBParser.Exists_function_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitExists_function_name(OBParser.Exists_function_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterFunction_name(OBParser.Function_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitFunction_name(OBParser.Function_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterColumn_label(OBParser.Column_labelContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitColumn_label(OBParser.Column_labelContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterKeystore_name(OBParser.Keystore_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitKeystore_name(OBParser.Keystore_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDate_unit(OBParser.Date_unitContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDate_unit(OBParser.Date_unitContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterTimezone_unit(OBParser.Timezone_unitContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitTimezone_unit(OBParser.Timezone_unitContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDate_unit_for_extract(OBParser.Date_unit_for_extractContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDate_unit_for_extract(OBParser.Date_unit_for_extractContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_mergepatch_expr(OBParser.Json_mergepatch_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_mergepatch_expr(OBParser.Json_mergepatch_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_mergepatch_on_error(OBParser.Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_mergepatch_on_error(OBParser.Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_json_mergepatch(OBParser.Opt_json_mergepatchContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_json_mergepatch(OBParser.Opt_json_mergepatchContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJs_mp_return_clause(OBParser.Js_mp_return_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJs_mp_return_clause(OBParser.Js_mp_return_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_array_expr(OBParser.Json_array_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_array_expr(OBParser.Json_array_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_array_content(OBParser.Json_array_contentContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_array_content(OBParser.Json_array_contentContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_array_on_null(OBParser.Json_array_on_nullContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_array_on_null(OBParser.Json_array_on_nullContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJs_array_eles(OBParser.Js_array_elesContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJs_array_eles(OBParser.Js_array_elesContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJs_array_ele(OBParser.Js_array_eleContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJs_array_ele(OBParser.Js_array_eleContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJs_array_return_clause(OBParser.Js_array_return_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJs_array_return_clause(OBParser.Js_array_return_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_value_expr(OBParser.Json_value_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_value_expr(OBParser.Json_value_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_equal_expr(OBParser.Json_equal_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_equal_expr(OBParser.Json_equal_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_value_on_opt(OBParser.Json_value_on_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_value_on_opt(OBParser.Json_value_on_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJs_doc_expr(OBParser.Js_doc_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJs_doc_expr(OBParser.Js_doc_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_js_value_returning_type(OBParser.Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_js_value_returning_type(OBParser.Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_value_on_empty(OBParser.Json_value_on_emptyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_value_on_empty(OBParser.Json_value_on_emptyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_value_on_empty_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_empty_responseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_value_on_empty_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_empty_responseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_value_on_error(OBParser.Json_value_on_errorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_value_on_error(OBParser.Json_value_on_errorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_value_on_error_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_error_responseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_value_on_error_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_error_responseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_on_mismatchs(OBParser.Opt_on_mismatchsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_on_mismatchs(OBParser.Opt_on_mismatchsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_on_mismatch(OBParser.Opt_on_mismatchContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_on_mismatch(OBParser.Opt_on_mismatchContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_value_on_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_responseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_value_on_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_responseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMismatch_type_list(OBParser.Mismatch_type_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMismatch_type_list(OBParser.Mismatch_type_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterMismatch_type(OBParser.Mismatch_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitMismatch_type(OBParser.Mismatch_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_exists_expr(OBParser.Json_exists_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_exists_expr(OBParser.Json_exists_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_json_exist(OBParser.Opt_json_existContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_json_exist(OBParser.Opt_json_existContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPassing_elements(OBParser.Passing_elementsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPassing_elements(OBParser.Passing_elementsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterPassing_context(OBParser.Passing_contextContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitPassing_context(OBParser.Passing_contextContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSql_var_name(OBParser.Sql_var_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSql_var_name(OBParser.Sql_var_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty(OBParser.Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty(OBParser.Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_exists_on_error(OBParser.Json_exists_on_errorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_exists_on_error(OBParser.Json_exists_on_errorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_exists_on_empty(OBParser.Json_exists_on_emptyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_exists_on_empty(OBParser.Json_exists_on_emptyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_exists_response_type(OBParser.Json_exists_response_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_exists_response_type(OBParser.Json_exists_response_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_query_expr(OBParser.Json_query_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_query_expr(OBParser.Json_query_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_query_on_opt(OBParser.Json_query_on_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_query_on_opt(OBParser.Json_query_on_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterWrapper_opts(OBParser.Wrapper_optsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitWrapper_opts(OBParser.Wrapper_optsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJs_query_return_type(OBParser.Js_query_return_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJs_query_return_type(OBParser.Js_query_return_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOn_mismatch_query(OBParser.On_mismatch_queryContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOn_mismatch_query(OBParser.On_mismatch_queryContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOn_error_query(OBParser.On_error_queryContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOn_error_query(OBParser.On_error_queryContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOn_empty_query(OBParser.On_empty_queryContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOn_empty_query(OBParser.On_empty_queryContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_response_query_on_empty_error(OBParser.Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_response_query_on_empty_error(OBParser.Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_response_query(OBParser.Opt_response_queryContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_response_query(OBParser.Opt_response_queryContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXml_table_expr(OBParser.Xml_table_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXml_table_expr(OBParser.Xml_table_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_columns_clause(OBParser.Opt_columns_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_columns_clause(OBParser.Opt_columns_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_sequence_by_ref(OBParser.Opt_sequence_by_refContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_sequence_by_ref(OBParser.Opt_sequence_by_refContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_xml_passing_clause(OBParser.Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_xml_passing_clause(OBParser.Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_xml_table_path(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_pathContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_xml_table_path(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_pathContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_xml_table_ns(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_nsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_xml_table_ns(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_nsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXml_ns_list(OBParser.Xml_ns_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXml_ns_list(OBParser.Xml_ns_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXml_ns(OBParser.Xml_nsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXml_ns(OBParser.Xml_nsContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXml_identifier(OBParser.Xml_identifierContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXml_identifier(OBParser.Xml_identifierContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXml_table_columns_list(OBParser.Xml_table_columns_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXml_table_columns_list(OBParser.Xml_table_columns_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXml_table_column(OBParser.Xml_table_columnContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXml_table_column(OBParser.Xml_table_columnContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXml_table_ordinality_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXml_table_ordinality_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXml_table_value_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_value_column_defContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXml_table_value_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_value_column_defContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXml_table_query_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_query_column_defContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXml_table_query_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_query_column_defContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket(OBParser.Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket(OBParser.Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_xml_table_default_value(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_xml_table_default_value(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_json_table_on_error_on_empty(OBParser.Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_json_table_on_error_on_empty(OBParser.Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_table_columns_def_opt(OBParser.Json_table_columns_def_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_table_columns_def_opt(OBParser.Json_table_columns_def_optContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_table_expr(OBParser.Json_table_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_table_expr(OBParser.Json_table_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_table_columns_def(OBParser.Json_table_columns_defContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_table_columns_def(OBParser.Json_table_columns_defContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_table_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_column_defContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_table_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_column_defContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_table_ordinality_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_table_ordinality_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_table_column_def_path(OBParser.Json_table_column_def_pathContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_table_column_def_path(OBParser.Json_table_column_def_pathContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_table_exists_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_exists_column_defContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_table_exists_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_exists_column_defContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_table_query_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_query_column_defContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_table_query_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_query_column_defContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_table_value_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_value_column_defContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_table_value_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_value_column_defContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_table_nested_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_nested_column_defContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_table_nested_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_nested_column_defContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_jt_query_type(OBParser.Opt_jt_query_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_jt_query_type(OBParser.Opt_jt_query_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_jt_value_type(OBParser.Opt_jt_value_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_jt_value_type(OBParser.Opt_jt_value_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJs_value_return_type(OBParser.Js_value_return_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJs_value_return_type(OBParser.Js_value_return_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJs_return_type(OBParser.Js_return_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJs_return_type(OBParser.Js_return_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJs_return_default_type(OBParser.Js_return_default_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJs_return_default_type(OBParser.Js_return_default_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJs_return_text_type(OBParser.Js_return_text_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJs_return_text_type(OBParser.Js_return_text_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_table_on_response(OBParser.Json_table_on_responseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_table_on_response(OBParser.Json_table_on_responseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_table_on_error(OBParser.Json_table_on_errorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_table_on_error(OBParser.Json_table_on_errorContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_table_on_empty(OBParser.Json_table_on_emptyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_table_on_empty(OBParser.Json_table_on_emptyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_object_expr(OBParser.Json_object_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_object_expr(OBParser.Json_object_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_json_object_content(OBParser.Opt_json_object_contentContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_json_object_content(OBParser.Opt_json_object_contentContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_json_object_clause(OBParser.Opt_json_object_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_json_object_clause(OBParser.Opt_json_object_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterEntry_op(OBParser.Entry_opContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitEntry_op(OBParser.Entry_opContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterEntry_set(OBParser.Entry_setContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitEntry_set(OBParser.Entry_setContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterEntry_obj(OBParser.Entry_objContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitEntry_obj(OBParser.Entry_objContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterRegular_entry_obj(OBParser.Regular_entry_objContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitRegular_entry_obj(OBParser.Regular_entry_objContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_obj_literal_expr(OBParser.Json_obj_literal_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_obj_literal_expr(OBParser.Json_obj_literal_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJs_on_null(OBParser.Js_on_nullContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJs_on_null(OBParser.Js_on_nullContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_obj_returning_type(OBParser.Json_obj_returning_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_obj_returning_type(OBParser.Json_obj_returning_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterJson_obj_unique_key(OBParser.Json_obj_unique_keyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitJson_obj_unique_key(OBParser.Json_obj_unique_keyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOpt_skip_index_type_list(OBParser.Opt_skip_index_type_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOpt_skip_index_type_list(OBParser.Opt_skip_index_type_listContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterSkip_index_type(OBParser.Skip_index_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitSkip_index_type(OBParser.Skip_index_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXmlparse_expr(OBParser.Xmlparse_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXmlparse_expr(OBParser.Xmlparse_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXml_text(OBParser.Xml_textContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXml_text(OBParser.Xml_textContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXml_doc_type(OBParser.Xml_doc_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXml_doc_type(OBParser.Xml_doc_typeContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXml_element_expr(OBParser.Xml_element_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXml_element_expr(OBParser.Xml_element_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXml_tag(OBParser.Xml_tagContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXml_tag(OBParser.Xml_tagContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterEvalname_expr(OBParser.Evalname_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitEvalname_expr(OBParser.Evalname_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterElement_name(OBParser.Element_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitElement_name(OBParser.Element_nameContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXml_value_clause(OBParser.Xml_value_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXml_value_clause(OBParser.Xml_value_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXml_value(OBParser.Xml_valueContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXml_value(OBParser.Xml_valueContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXml_attributes_expr(OBParser.Xml_attributes_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXml_attributes_expr(OBParser.Xml_attributes_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXml_attributes_value_clause(OBParser.Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXml_attributes_value_clause(OBParser.Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAttributes_name_value(OBParser.Attributes_name_valueContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAttributes_name_value(OBParser.Attributes_name_valueContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXml_attributes_value(OBParser.Xml_attributes_valueContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXml_attributes_value(OBParser.Xml_attributes_valueContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXml_sequence_expr(OBParser.Xml_sequence_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXml_sequence_expr(OBParser.Xml_sequence_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterInsert_child_xml(OBParser.Insert_child_xmlContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitInsert_child_xml(OBParser.Insert_child_xmlContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterDelete_xml(OBParser.Delete_xmlContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitDelete_xml(OBParser.Delete_xmlContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXml_extract_expr(OBParser.Xml_extract_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXml_extract_expr(OBParser.Xml_extract_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXmlcast_expr(OBParser.Xmlcast_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXmlcast_expr(OBParser.Xmlcast_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterXmlserialize_expr(OBParser.Xmlserialize_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitXmlserialize_expr(OBParser.Xmlserialize_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUnreserved_keyword(OBParser.Unreserved_keywordContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUnreserved_keyword(OBParser.Unreserved_keywordContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterAggregate_function_keyword(OBParser.Aggregate_function_keywordContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitAggregate_function_keyword(OBParser.Aggregate_function_keywordContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterOracle_unreserved_keyword(OBParser.Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitOracle_unreserved_keyword(OBParser.Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterUnreserved_keyword_normal(OBParser.Unreserved_keyword_normalContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitUnreserved_keyword_normal(OBParser.Unreserved_keyword_normalContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterEmpty(OBParser.EmptyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitEmpty(OBParser.EmptyContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterForward_expr(OBParser.Forward_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitForward_expr(OBParser.Forward_exprContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterForward_sql_stmt(OBParser.Forward_sql_stmtContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitForward_sql_stmt(OBParser.Forward_sql_stmtContext ctx) { } - - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void enterEveryRule(ParserRuleContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void exitEveryRule(ParserRuleContext ctx) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void visitTerminal(TerminalNode node) { } - /** - * {@inheritDoc} - * - *

The default implementation does nothing.

- */ - @Override public void visitErrorNode(ErrorNode node) { } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ deleted file mode 100644 index 253a2efdf6..0000000000 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8979 +0,0 @@ -// Generated from OBParser.g4 by ANTLR 4.9.1 -import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeListener; - -/** - * This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by - * {@link OBParser}. - */ -public interface OBParserListener extends ParseTreeListener { - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSql_stmt(OBParser.Sql_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSql_stmt(OBParser.Sql_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#stmt_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterStmt_list(OBParser.Stmt_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#stmt_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitStmt_list(OBParser.Stmt_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterStmt(OBParser.StmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitStmt(OBParser.StmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_package_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_package_stmt(OBParser.Drop_package_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_package_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_package_stmt(OBParser.Drop_package_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_procedure_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_procedure_stmt(OBParser.Drop_procedure_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_procedure_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_procedure_stmt(OBParser.Drop_procedure_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_function_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_function_stmt(OBParser.Drop_function_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_function_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_function_stmt(OBParser.Drop_function_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_trigger_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_trigger_stmt(OBParser.Drop_trigger_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_trigger_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_trigger_stmt(OBParser.Drop_trigger_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_type_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_type_stmt(OBParser.Drop_type_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_type_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_type_stmt(OBParser.Drop_type_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#pl_expr_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPl_expr_stmt(OBParser.Pl_expr_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#pl_expr_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPl_expr_stmt(OBParser.Pl_expr_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#expr_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterExpr_list(OBParser.Expr_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#expr_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitExpr_list(OBParser.Expr_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_ref}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterColumn_ref(OBParser.Column_refContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_ref}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitColumn_ref(OBParser.Column_refContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#oracle_pl_non_reserved_words}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOracle_pl_non_reserved_words(OBParser.Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#oracle_pl_non_reserved_words}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOracle_pl_non_reserved_words(OBParser.Oracle_pl_non_reserved_wordsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#complex_string_literal}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterComplex_string_literal(OBParser.Complex_string_literalContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#complex_string_literal}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitComplex_string_literal(OBParser.Complex_string_literalContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_literal}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJs_literal(OBParser.Js_literalContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_literal}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJs_literal(OBParser.Js_literalContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#literal}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLiteral(OBParser.LiteralContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#literal}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLiteral(OBParser.LiteralContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#number_literal}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterNumber_literal(OBParser.Number_literalContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#number_literal}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitNumber_literal(OBParser.Number_literalContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#expr_const}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterExpr_const(OBParser.Expr_constContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#expr_const}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitExpr_const(OBParser.Expr_constContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#conf_const}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterConf_const(OBParser.Conf_constContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#conf_const}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitConf_const(OBParser.Conf_constContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#bool_pri}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterBool_pri(OBParser.Bool_priContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#bool_pri}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitBool_pri(OBParser.Bool_priContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#is_json_constrain}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterIs_json_constrain(OBParser.Is_json_constrainContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#is_json_constrain}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitIs_json_constrain(OBParser.Is_json_constrainContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#strict_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterStrict_opt(OBParser.Strict_optContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#strict_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitStrict_opt(OBParser.Strict_optContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#scalars_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterScalars_opt(OBParser.Scalars_optContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#scalars_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitScalars_opt(OBParser.Scalars_optContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unique_keys_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUnique_keys_opt(OBParser.Unique_keys_optContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unique_keys_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUnique_keys_opt(OBParser.Unique_keys_optContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_equal_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_equal_option(OBParser.Json_equal_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_equal_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_equal_option(OBParser.Json_equal_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#predicate}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPredicate(OBParser.PredicateContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#predicate}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPredicate(OBParser.PredicateContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#collection_predicate_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCollection_predicate_expr(OBParser.Collection_predicate_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#collection_predicate_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCollection_predicate_expr(OBParser.Collection_predicate_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#bit_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterBit_expr(OBParser.Bit_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#bit_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitBit_expr(OBParser.Bit_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#conf_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterConf_expr(OBParser.Conf_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#conf_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitConf_expr(OBParser.Conf_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#is_nan_inf_value}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterIs_nan_inf_value(OBParser.Is_nan_inf_valueContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#is_nan_inf_value}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitIs_nan_inf_value(OBParser.Is_nan_inf_valueContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unary_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUnary_expr(OBParser.Unary_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unary_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUnary_expr(OBParser.Unary_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#simple_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSimple_expr(OBParser.Simple_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#simple_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSimple_expr(OBParser.Simple_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_function(OBParser.Json_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_function(OBParser.Json_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#gis_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterGis_function(OBParser.Gis_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#gis_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitGis_function(OBParser.Gis_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#spatial_cellid_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSpatial_cellid_expr(OBParser.Spatial_cellid_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#spatial_cellid_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSpatial_cellid_expr(OBParser.Spatial_cellid_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#spatial_mbr_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSpatial_mbr_expr(OBParser.Spatial_mbr_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#spatial_mbr_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSpatial_mbr_expr(OBParser.Spatial_mbr_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sdo_relate_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSdo_relate_expr(OBParser.Sdo_relate_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sdo_relate_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSdo_relate_expr(OBParser.Sdo_relate_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#common_cursor_attribute}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCommon_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Common_cursor_attributeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#common_cursor_attribute}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCommon_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Common_cursor_attributeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCursor_attribute_bulk_rowcount(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_bulk_rowcountContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCursor_attribute_bulk_exceptions(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_bulk_exceptionsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#implicit_cursor_attribute}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterImplicit_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Implicit_cursor_attributeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#implicit_cursor_attribute}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitImplicit_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Implicit_cursor_attributeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#explicit_cursor_attribute}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterExplicit_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Explicit_cursor_attributeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#explicit_cursor_attribute}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitExplicit_cursor_attribute(OBParser.Explicit_cursor_attributeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cursor_attribute_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCursor_attribute_expr(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cursor_attribute_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCursor_attribute_expr(OBParser.Cursor_attribute_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#obj_access_ref}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterObj_access_ref(OBParser.Obj_access_refContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#obj_access_ref}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitObj_access_ref(OBParser.Obj_access_refContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dot_notation_path}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDot_notation_path(OBParser.Dot_notation_pathContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dot_notation_path}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDot_notation_path(OBParser.Dot_notation_pathContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dot_notation_path_obj_access_ref}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDot_notation_path_obj_access_ref(OBParser.Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dot_notation_path_obj_access_ref}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDot_notation_path_obj_access_ref(OBParser.Dot_notation_path_obj_access_refContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#path_param_array}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPath_param_array(OBParser.Path_param_arrayContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#path_param_array}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPath_param_array(OBParser.Path_param_arrayContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#path_param_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPath_param_list(OBParser.Path_param_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#path_param_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPath_param_list(OBParser.Path_param_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#path_param}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPath_param(OBParser.Path_paramContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#path_param}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPath_param(OBParser.Path_paramContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dot_notation_fun_sys}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDot_notation_fun_sys(OBParser.Dot_notation_fun_sysContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dot_notation_fun_sys}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDot_notation_fun_sys(OBParser.Dot_notation_fun_sysContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dot_notation_fun}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDot_notation_fun(OBParser.Dot_notation_funContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dot_notation_fun}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDot_notation_fun(OBParser.Dot_notation_funContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#obj_access_ref_normal}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterObj_access_ref_normal(OBParser.Obj_access_ref_normalContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#obj_access_ref_normal}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitObj_access_ref_normal(OBParser.Obj_access_ref_normalContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#func_access_ref}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFunc_access_ref(OBParser.Func_access_refContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#func_access_ref}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFunc_access_ref(OBParser.Func_access_refContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_element_access_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTable_element_access_list(OBParser.Table_element_access_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_element_access_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTable_element_access_list(OBParser.Table_element_access_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_index}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTable_index(OBParser.Table_indexContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_index}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTable_index(OBParser.Table_indexContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterExpr(OBParser.ExprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitExpr(OBParser.ExprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#not}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterNot(OBParser.NotContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#not}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitNot(OBParser.NotContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sub_query_flag}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSub_query_flag(OBParser.Sub_query_flagContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sub_query_flag}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSub_query_flag(OBParser.Sub_query_flagContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#in_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterIn_expr(OBParser.In_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#in_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitIn_expr(OBParser.In_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#case_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCase_expr(OBParser.Case_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#case_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCase_expr(OBParser.Case_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#window_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterWindow_function(OBParser.Window_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#window_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitWindow_function(OBParser.Window_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#first_or_last}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFirst_or_last(OBParser.First_or_lastContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#first_or_last}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFirst_or_last(OBParser.First_or_lastContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#respect_or_ignore}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRespect_or_ignore(OBParser.Respect_or_ignoreContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#respect_or_ignore}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRespect_or_ignore(OBParser.Respect_or_ignoreContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_fun_first_last_params}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterWin_fun_first_last_params(OBParser.Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_fun_first_last_params}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitWin_fun_first_last_params(OBParser.Win_fun_first_last_paramsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_fun_lead_lag_params}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterWin_fun_lead_lag_params(OBParser.Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_fun_lead_lag_params}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitWin_fun_lead_lag_params(OBParser.Win_fun_lead_lag_paramsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#generalized_window_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterGeneralized_window_clause(OBParser.Generalized_window_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#generalized_window_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitGeneralized_window_clause(OBParser.Generalized_window_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_rows_or_range}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterWin_rows_or_range(OBParser.Win_rows_or_rangeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_rows_or_range}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitWin_rows_or_range(OBParser.Win_rows_or_rangeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_preceding_or_following}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterWin_preceding_or_following(OBParser.Win_preceding_or_followingContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_preceding_or_following}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitWin_preceding_or_following(OBParser.Win_preceding_or_followingContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_interval}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterWin_interval(OBParser.Win_intervalContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_interval}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitWin_interval(OBParser.Win_intervalContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_bounding}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterWin_bounding(OBParser.Win_boundingContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_bounding}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitWin_bounding(OBParser.Win_boundingContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_window}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterWin_window(OBParser.Win_windowContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#win_window}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitWin_window(OBParser.Win_windowContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#simple_when_clause_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSimple_when_clause_list(OBParser.Simple_when_clause_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#simple_when_clause_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSimple_when_clause_list(OBParser.Simple_when_clause_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#simple_when_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSimple_when_clause(OBParser.Simple_when_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#simple_when_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSimple_when_clause(OBParser.Simple_when_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#bool_when_clause_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterBool_when_clause_list(OBParser.Bool_when_clause_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#bool_when_clause_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitBool_when_clause_list(OBParser.Bool_when_clause_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#bool_when_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterBool_when_clause(OBParser.Bool_when_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#bool_when_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitBool_when_clause(OBParser.Bool_when_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#case_default}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCase_default(OBParser.Case_defaultContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#case_default}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCase_default(OBParser.Case_defaultContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSql_function(OBParser.Sql_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSql_function(OBParser.Sql_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXml_function(OBParser.Xml_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXml_function(OBParser.Xml_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#single_row_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSingle_row_function(OBParser.Single_row_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#single_row_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSingle_row_function(OBParser.Single_row_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#numeric_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterNumeric_function(OBParser.Numeric_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#numeric_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitNumeric_function(OBParser.Numeric_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#character_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCharacter_function(OBParser.Character_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#character_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCharacter_function(OBParser.Character_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#translate_charset}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTranslate_charset(OBParser.Translate_charsetContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#translate_charset}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTranslate_charset(OBParser.Translate_charsetContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#extract_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterExtract_function(OBParser.Extract_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#extract_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitExtract_function(OBParser.Extract_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#conversion_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterConversion_function(OBParser.Conversion_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#conversion_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitConversion_function(OBParser.Conversion_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hierarchical_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterHierarchical_function(OBParser.Hierarchical_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hierarchical_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitHierarchical_function(OBParser.Hierarchical_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#environment_id_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterEnvironment_id_function(OBParser.Environment_id_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#environment_id_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitEnvironment_id_function(OBParser.Environment_id_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#aggregate_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAggregate_function(OBParser.Aggregate_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#aggregate_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAggregate_function(OBParser.Aggregate_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_agg_on_null}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJs_agg_on_null(OBParser.Js_agg_on_nullContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_agg_on_null}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJs_agg_on_null(OBParser.Js_agg_on_nullContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_agg_returning_type_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJs_agg_returning_type_opt(OBParser.Js_agg_returning_type_optContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_agg_returning_type_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJs_agg_returning_type_opt(OBParser.Js_agg_returning_type_optContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_agg_returning_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJs_agg_returning_type(OBParser.Js_agg_returning_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_agg_returning_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJs_agg_returning_type(OBParser.Js_agg_returning_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#special_func_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSpecial_func_expr(OBParser.Special_func_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#special_func_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSpecial_func_expr(OBParser.Special_func_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#access_func_expr_count}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAccess_func_expr_count(OBParser.Access_func_expr_countContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#access_func_expr_count}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAccess_func_expr_count(OBParser.Access_func_expr_countContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#access_func_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAccess_func_expr(OBParser.Access_func_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#access_func_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAccess_func_expr(OBParser.Access_func_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dblink_func_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDblink_func_expr(OBParser.Dblink_func_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dblink_func_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDblink_func_expr(OBParser.Dblink_func_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#func_param_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFunc_param_list(OBParser.Func_param_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#func_param_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFunc_param_list(OBParser.Func_param_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#func_param}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFunc_param(OBParser.Func_paramContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#func_param}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFunc_param(OBParser.Func_paramContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#func_param_with_assign}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFunc_param_with_assign(OBParser.Func_param_with_assignContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#func_param_with_assign}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFunc_param_with_assign(OBParser.Func_param_with_assignContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#pl_var_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPl_var_name(OBParser.Pl_var_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#pl_var_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPl_var_name(OBParser.Pl_var_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#bool_pri_in_pl_func}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterBool_pri_in_pl_func(OBParser.Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#bool_pri_in_pl_func}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitBool_pri_in_pl_func(OBParser.Bool_pri_in_pl_funcContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cur_timestamp_func}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCur_timestamp_func(OBParser.Cur_timestamp_funcContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cur_timestamp_func}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCur_timestamp_func(OBParser.Cur_timestamp_funcContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#updating_func}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUpdating_func(OBParser.Updating_funcContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#updating_func}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUpdating_func(OBParser.Updating_funcContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#updating_params}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUpdating_params(OBParser.Updating_paramsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#updating_params}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUpdating_params(OBParser.Updating_paramsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#substr_params}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSubstr_params(OBParser.Substr_paramsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#substr_params}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSubstr_params(OBParser.Substr_paramsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#returning_log_error_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterReturning_log_error_clause(OBParser.Returning_log_error_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#returning_log_error_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitReturning_log_error_clause(OBParser.Returning_log_error_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#returning_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterReturning_clause(OBParser.Returning_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#returning_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitReturning_clause(OBParser.Returning_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#log_error_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLog_error_clause(OBParser.Log_error_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#log_error_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLog_error_clause(OBParser.Log_error_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#delete_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDelete_stmt(OBParser.Delete_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#delete_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDelete_stmt(OBParser.Delete_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#update_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUpdate_stmt(OBParser.Update_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#update_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUpdate_stmt(OBParser.Update_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#update_asgn_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUpdate_asgn_list(OBParser.Update_asgn_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#update_asgn_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUpdate_asgn_list(OBParser.Update_asgn_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#normal_asgn_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterNormal_asgn_list(OBParser.Normal_asgn_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#normal_asgn_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitNormal_asgn_list(OBParser.Normal_asgn_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#update_asgn_factor}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUpdate_asgn_factor(OBParser.Update_asgn_factorContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#update_asgn_factor}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUpdate_asgn_factor(OBParser.Update_asgn_factorContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_resource_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_resource_stmt(OBParser.Create_resource_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_resource_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_resource_stmt(OBParser.Create_resource_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_resource_unit_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_resource_unit_option_list(OBParser.Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_resource_unit_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_resource_unit_option_list(OBParser.Opt_resource_unit_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#resource_unit_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterResource_unit_option(OBParser.Resource_unit_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#resource_unit_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitResource_unit_option(OBParser.Resource_unit_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_create_resource_pool_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_create_resource_pool_option_list(OBParser.Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_create_resource_pool_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_create_resource_pool_option_list(OBParser.Opt_create_resource_pool_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_resource_pool_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_resource_pool_option(OBParser.Create_resource_pool_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_resource_pool_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_resource_pool_option(OBParser.Create_resource_pool_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_resource_pool_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_resource_pool_option_list(OBParser.Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_resource_pool_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_resource_pool_option_list(OBParser.Alter_resource_pool_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#id_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterId_list(OBParser.Id_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#id_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitId_list(OBParser.Id_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_resource_pool_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_resource_pool_option(OBParser.Alter_resource_pool_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_resource_pool_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_resource_pool_option(OBParser.Alter_resource_pool_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_resource_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_resource_stmt(OBParser.Alter_resource_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_resource_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_resource_stmt(OBParser.Alter_resource_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_resource_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_resource_stmt(OBParser.Drop_resource_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_resource_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_resource_stmt(OBParser.Drop_resource_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_tenant_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Create_tenant_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_tenant_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Create_tenant_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_tenant_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_tenant_option_list(OBParser.Opt_tenant_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_tenant_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_tenant_option_list(OBParser.Opt_tenant_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTenant_option(OBParser.Tenant_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTenant_option(OBParser.Tenant_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#zone_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterZone_list(OBParser.Zone_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#zone_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitZone_list(OBParser.Zone_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#resource_pool_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterResource_pool_list(OBParser.Resource_pool_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#resource_pool_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitResource_pool_list(OBParser.Resource_pool_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tenant_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tenant_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tenant_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tenant_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_tenant_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tenant_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_tenant_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tenant_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_restore_point_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_restore_point_stmt(OBParser.Create_restore_point_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_restore_point_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_restore_point_stmt(OBParser.Create_restore_point_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_restore_point_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_restore_point_stmt(OBParser.Drop_restore_point_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_restore_point_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_restore_point_stmt(OBParser.Drop_restore_point_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#database_key}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDatabase_key(OBParser.Database_keyContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#database_key}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDatabase_key(OBParser.Database_keyContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#database_factor}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDatabase_factor(OBParser.Database_factorContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#database_factor}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDatabase_factor(OBParser.Database_factorContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#database_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDatabase_option_list(OBParser.Database_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#database_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDatabase_option_list(OBParser.Database_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#charset_key}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCharset_key(OBParser.Charset_keyContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#charset_key}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCharset_key(OBParser.Charset_keyContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#database_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDatabase_option(OBParser.Database_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#database_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDatabase_option(OBParser.Database_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#read_only_or_write}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRead_only_or_write(OBParser.Read_only_or_writeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#read_only_or_write}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRead_only_or_write(OBParser.Read_only_or_writeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_database_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_database_stmt(OBParser.Alter_database_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_database_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_database_stmt(OBParser.Alter_database_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#database_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDatabase_name(OBParser.Database_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#database_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDatabase_name(OBParser.Database_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_data_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLoad_data_stmt(OBParser.Load_data_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_data_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLoad_data_stmt(OBParser.Load_data_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_data_with_opt_hint}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLoad_data_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Load_data_with_opt_hintContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_data_with_opt_hint}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLoad_data_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Load_data_with_opt_hintContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#compression_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCompression_name(OBParser.Compression_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#compression_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCompression_name(OBParser.Compression_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lines_or_rows}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLines_or_rows(OBParser.Lines_or_rowsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lines_or_rows}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLines_or_rows(OBParser.Lines_or_rowsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#field_or_vars_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterField_or_vars_list(OBParser.Field_or_vars_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#field_or_vars_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitField_or_vars_list(OBParser.Field_or_vars_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#field_or_vars}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterField_or_vars(OBParser.Field_or_varsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#field_or_vars}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitField_or_vars(OBParser.Field_or_varsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_set_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLoad_set_list(OBParser.Load_set_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_set_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLoad_set_list(OBParser.Load_set_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_set_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLoad_set_element(OBParser.Load_set_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_set_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLoad_set_element(OBParser.Load_set_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_data_extended_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLoad_data_extended_option_list(OBParser.Load_data_extended_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_data_extended_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLoad_data_extended_option_list(OBParser.Load_data_extended_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_data_extended_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLoad_data_extended_option(OBParser.Load_data_extended_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#load_data_extended_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLoad_data_extended_option(OBParser.Load_data_extended_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_synonym_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_synonym_stmt(OBParser.Create_synonym_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_synonym_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_synonym_stmt(OBParser.Create_synonym_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#synonym_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSynonym_name(OBParser.Synonym_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#synonym_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSynonym_name(OBParser.Synonym_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#synonym_object}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSynonym_object(OBParser.Synonym_objectContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#synonym_object}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSynonym_object(OBParser.Synonym_objectContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_synonym_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_synonym_stmt(OBParser.Drop_synonym_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_synonym_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_synonym_stmt(OBParser.Drop_synonym_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#special_table_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSpecial_table_type(OBParser.Special_table_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#special_table_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSpecial_table_type(OBParser.Special_table_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#on_commit_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOn_commit_option(OBParser.On_commit_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#on_commit_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOn_commit_option(OBParser.On_commit_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_directory_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_directory_stmt(OBParser.Create_directory_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_directory_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_directory_stmt(OBParser.Create_directory_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#directory_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDirectory_name(OBParser.Directory_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#directory_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDirectory_name(OBParser.Directory_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#directory_path}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDirectory_path(OBParser.Directory_pathContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#directory_path}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDirectory_path(OBParser.Directory_pathContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_directory_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_directory_stmt(OBParser.Drop_directory_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_directory_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_directory_stmt(OBParser.Drop_directory_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_keystore_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_keystore_stmt(OBParser.Create_keystore_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_keystore_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_keystore_stmt(OBParser.Create_keystore_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_keystore_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_keystore_stmt(OBParser.Alter_keystore_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_keystore_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_keystore_stmt(OBParser.Alter_keystore_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_table_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_table_stmt(OBParser.Create_table_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_table_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_table_stmt(OBParser.Create_table_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_element_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTable_element_list(OBParser.Table_element_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_element_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTable_element_list(OBParser.Table_element_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTable_element(OBParser.Table_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTable_element(OBParser.Table_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_definition}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterColumn_definition(OBParser.Column_definitionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_definition}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitColumn_definition(OBParser.Column_definitionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_definition_opt_datatype}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterColumn_definition_opt_datatype(OBParser.Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_definition_opt_datatype}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitColumn_definition_opt_datatype(OBParser.Column_definition_opt_datatypeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#out_of_line_index}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOut_of_line_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_indexContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#out_of_line_index}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOut_of_line_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_indexContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#out_of_line_constraint}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOut_of_line_constraint(OBParser.Out_of_line_constraintContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#out_of_line_constraint}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOut_of_line_constraint(OBParser.Out_of_line_constraintContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#out_of_line_primary_index}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOut_of_line_primary_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_primary_indexContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#out_of_line_primary_index}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOut_of_line_primary_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_primary_indexContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#out_of_line_unique_index}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOut_of_line_unique_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_unique_indexContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#out_of_line_unique_index}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOut_of_line_unique_index(OBParser.Out_of_line_unique_indexContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#out_of_line_index_state}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOut_of_line_index_state(OBParser.Out_of_line_index_stateContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#out_of_line_index_state}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOut_of_line_index_state(OBParser.Out_of_line_index_stateContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#constraint_state}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterConstraint_state(OBParser.Constraint_stateContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#constraint_state}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitConstraint_state(OBParser.Constraint_stateContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#enable_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterEnable_option(OBParser.Enable_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#enable_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitEnable_option(OBParser.Enable_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#references_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterReferences_clause(OBParser.References_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#references_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitReferences_clause(OBParser.References_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#reference_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterReference_option(OBParser.Reference_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#reference_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitReference_option(OBParser.Reference_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#reference_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterReference_action(OBParser.Reference_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#reference_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitReference_action(OBParser.Reference_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_generated_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_generated_option_list(OBParser.Opt_generated_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_generated_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_generated_option_list(OBParser.Opt_generated_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_generated_identity_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_generated_identity_option(OBParser.Opt_generated_identity_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_generated_identity_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_generated_identity_option(OBParser.Opt_generated_identity_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_generated_column_attribute_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_generated_column_attribute_list(OBParser.Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_generated_column_attribute_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_generated_column_attribute_list(OBParser.Opt_generated_column_attribute_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#generated_column_attribute}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterGenerated_column_attribute(OBParser.Generated_column_attributeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#generated_column_attribute}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitGenerated_column_attribute(OBParser.Generated_column_attributeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_identity_attribute}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_identity_attribute(OBParser.Opt_identity_attributeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_identity_attribute}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_identity_attribute(OBParser.Opt_identity_attributeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_definition_ref}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterColumn_definition_ref(OBParser.Column_definition_refContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_definition_ref}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitColumn_definition_ref(OBParser.Column_definition_refContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_definition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterColumn_definition_list(OBParser.Column_definition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_definition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitColumn_definition_list(OBParser.Column_definition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_definition_opt_datatype_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterColumn_definition_opt_datatype_list(OBParser.Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_definition_opt_datatype_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitColumn_definition_opt_datatype_list(OBParser.Column_definition_opt_datatype_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_name_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterColumn_name_list(OBParser.Column_name_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_name_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitColumn_name_list(OBParser.Column_name_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#zero_suffix_intnum}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterZero_suffix_intnum(OBParser.Zero_suffix_intnumContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#zero_suffix_intnum}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitZero_suffix_intnum(OBParser.Zero_suffix_intnumContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cast_data_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCast_data_type(OBParser.Cast_data_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cast_data_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCast_data_type(OBParser.Cast_data_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#treat_data_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTreat_data_type(OBParser.Treat_data_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#treat_data_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTreat_data_type(OBParser.Treat_data_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#obj_access_ref_cast}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterObj_access_ref_cast(OBParser.Obj_access_ref_castContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#obj_access_ref_cast}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitObj_access_ref_cast(OBParser.Obj_access_ref_castContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#value_or_type_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterValue_or_type_name(OBParser.Value_or_type_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#value_or_type_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitValue_or_type_name(OBParser.Value_or_type_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#udt_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUdt_type_i(OBParser.Udt_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#udt_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUdt_type_i(OBParser.Udt_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#type_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterType_name(OBParser.Type_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#type_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitType_name(OBParser.Type_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#data_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterData_type(OBParser.Data_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#data_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitData_type(OBParser.Data_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#binary_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterBinary_type_i(OBParser.Binary_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#binary_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitBinary_type_i(OBParser.Binary_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#float_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFloat_type_i(OBParser.Float_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#float_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFloat_type_i(OBParser.Float_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#character_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCharacter_type_i(OBParser.Character_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#character_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCharacter_type_i(OBParser.Character_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rowid_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRowid_type_i(OBParser.Rowid_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rowid_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRowid_type_i(OBParser.Rowid_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#interval_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterInterval_type_i(OBParser.Interval_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#interval_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitInterval_type_i(OBParser.Interval_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#number_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterNumber_type_i(OBParser.Number_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#number_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitNumber_type_i(OBParser.Number_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#timestamp_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTimestamp_type_i(OBParser.Timestamp_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#timestamp_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTimestamp_type_i(OBParser.Timestamp_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#data_type_precision}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterData_type_precision(OBParser.Data_type_precisionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#data_type_precision}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitData_type_precision(OBParser.Data_type_precisionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#int_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterInt_type_i(OBParser.Int_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#int_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitInt_type_i(OBParser.Int_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#varchar_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterVarchar_type_i(OBParser.Varchar_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#varchar_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitVarchar_type_i(OBParser.Varchar_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#double_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDouble_type_i(OBParser.Double_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#double_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDouble_type_i(OBParser.Double_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#datetime_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDatetime_type_i(OBParser.Datetime_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#datetime_type_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDatetime_type_i(OBParser.Datetime_type_iContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#number_precision}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterNumber_precision(OBParser.Number_precisionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#number_precision}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitNumber_precision(OBParser.Number_precisionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#signed_int_num}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSigned_int_num(OBParser.Signed_int_numContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#signed_int_num}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSigned_int_num(OBParser.Signed_int_numContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#precision_int_num}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPrecision_int_num(OBParser.Precision_int_numContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#precision_int_num}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPrecision_int_num(OBParser.Precision_int_numContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#precision_decimal_num}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPrecision_decimal_num(OBParser.Precision_decimal_numContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#precision_decimal_num}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPrecision_decimal_num(OBParser.Precision_decimal_numContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#nstring_length_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterNstring_length_i(OBParser.Nstring_length_iContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#nstring_length_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitNstring_length_i(OBParser.Nstring_length_iContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#string_length_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterString_length_i(OBParser.String_length_iContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#string_length_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitString_length_i(OBParser.String_length_iContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#urowid_length_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUrowid_length_i(OBParser.Urowid_length_iContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#urowid_length_i}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUrowid_length_i(OBParser.Urowid_length_iContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#collation_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCollation_name(OBParser.Collation_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#collation_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCollation_name(OBParser.Collation_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#trans_param_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTrans_param_name(OBParser.Trans_param_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#trans_param_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTrans_param_name(OBParser.Trans_param_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#trans_param_value}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTrans_param_value(OBParser.Trans_param_valueContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#trans_param_value}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTrans_param_value(OBParser.Trans_param_valueContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dblink_info_param_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDblink_info_param_name(OBParser.Dblink_info_param_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dblink_info_param_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDblink_info_param_name(OBParser.Dblink_info_param_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dblink_info_param_value}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDblink_info_param_value(OBParser.Dblink_info_param_valueContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dblink_info_param_value}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDblink_info_param_value(OBParser.Dblink_info_param_valueContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#charset_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCharset_name(OBParser.Charset_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#charset_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCharset_name(OBParser.Charset_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#charset_name_or_default}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCharset_name_or_default(OBParser.Charset_name_or_defaultContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#charset_name_or_default}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCharset_name_or_default(OBParser.Charset_name_or_defaultContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#collation}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCollation(OBParser.CollationContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#collation}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCollation(OBParser.CollationContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_column_attribute_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_column_attribute_list(OBParser.Opt_column_attribute_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_column_attribute_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_column_attribute_list(OBParser.Opt_column_attribute_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_attribute}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterColumn_attribute(OBParser.Column_attributeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_attribute}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitColumn_attribute(OBParser.Column_attributeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#now_or_signed_literal}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterNow_or_signed_literal(OBParser.Now_or_signed_literalContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#now_or_signed_literal}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitNow_or_signed_literal(OBParser.Now_or_signed_literalContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cur_timestamp_func_params}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCur_timestamp_func_params(OBParser.Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cur_timestamp_func_params}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCur_timestamp_func_params(OBParser.Cur_timestamp_func_paramsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#signed_literal_params}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSigned_literal_params(OBParser.Signed_literal_paramsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#signed_literal_params}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSigned_literal_params(OBParser.Signed_literal_paramsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#signed_literal}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSigned_literal(OBParser.Signed_literalContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#signed_literal}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSigned_literal(OBParser.Signed_literalContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_comma}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_comma(OBParser.Opt_commaContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_comma}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_comma(OBParser.Opt_commaContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_option_list_space_seperated}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTable_option_list_space_seperated(OBParser.Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_option_list_space_seperated}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTable_option_list_space_seperated(OBParser.Table_option_list_space_seperatedContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTable_option_list(OBParser.Table_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTable_option_list(OBParser.Table_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#primary_zone_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPrimary_zone_name(OBParser.Primary_zone_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#primary_zone_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPrimary_zone_name(OBParser.Primary_zone_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#locality_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLocality_name(OBParser.Locality_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#locality_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLocality_name(OBParser.Locality_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTable_option(OBParser.Table_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTable_option(OBParser.Table_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#parallel_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterParallel_option(OBParser.Parallel_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#parallel_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitParallel_option(OBParser.Parallel_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#storage_options_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterStorage_options_list(OBParser.Storage_options_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#storage_options_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitStorage_options_list(OBParser.Storage_options_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#storage_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterStorage_option(OBParser.Storage_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#storage_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitStorage_option(OBParser.Storage_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#size_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSize_option(OBParser.Size_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#size_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSize_option(OBParser.Size_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#int_or_unlimited}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterInt_or_unlimited(OBParser.Int_or_unlimitedContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#int_or_unlimited}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitInt_or_unlimited(OBParser.Int_or_unlimitedContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unit_of_size}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUnit_of_size(OBParser.Unit_of_sizeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unit_of_size}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUnit_of_size(OBParser.Unit_of_sizeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_name_or_string}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRelation_name_or_string(OBParser.Relation_name_or_stringContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_name_or_string}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRelation_name_or_string(OBParser.Relation_name_or_stringContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_equal_mark}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_equal_mark(OBParser.Opt_equal_markContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_equal_mark}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_equal_mark(OBParser.Opt_equal_markContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_option_inner}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPartition_option_inner(OBParser.Partition_option_innerContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_option_inner}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPartition_option_inner(OBParser.Partition_option_innerContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_table_partition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterExternal_table_partition_option(OBParser.External_table_partition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_table_partition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitExternal_table_partition_option(OBParser.External_table_partition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#auto_partition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAuto_partition_option(OBParser.Auto_partition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#auto_partition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAuto_partition_option(OBParser.Auto_partition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_group_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterColumn_group_element(OBParser.Column_group_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_group_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitColumn_group_element(OBParser.Column_group_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_group_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterColumn_group_list(OBParser.Column_group_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_group_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitColumn_group_list(OBParser.Column_group_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#with_column_group}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterWith_column_group(OBParser.With_column_groupContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#with_column_group}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitWith_column_group(OBParser.With_column_groupContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_size}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPartition_size(OBParser.Partition_sizeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_size}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPartition_size(OBParser.Partition_sizeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#auto_partition_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAuto_partition_type(OBParser.Auto_partition_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#auto_partition_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAuto_partition_type(OBParser.Auto_partition_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#auto_range_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAuto_range_type(OBParser.Auto_range_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#auto_range_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAuto_range_type(OBParser.Auto_range_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPartition_option(OBParser.Partition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPartition_option(OBParser.Partition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_partition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterHash_partition_option(OBParser.Hash_partition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_partition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitHash_partition_option(OBParser.Hash_partition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_partition_attributes_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterHash_partition_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_partition_attributes_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitHash_partition_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Hash_partition_attributes_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_partition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterList_partition_option(OBParser.List_partition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_partition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitList_partition_option(OBParser.List_partition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_partition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRange_partition_option(OBParser.Range_partition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_partition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRange_partition_option(OBParser.Range_partition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#interval_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterInterval_option(OBParser.Interval_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#interval_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitInterval_option(OBParser.Interval_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#subpartition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSubpartition_option(OBParser.Subpartition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#subpartition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSubpartition_option(OBParser.Subpartition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#subpartition_template_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSubpartition_template_option(OBParser.Subpartition_template_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#subpartition_template_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSubpartition_template_option(OBParser.Subpartition_template_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#subpartition_individual_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSubpartition_individual_option(OBParser.Subpartition_individual_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#subpartition_individual_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSubpartition_individual_option(OBParser.Subpartition_individual_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#aux_column_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAux_column_list(OBParser.Aux_column_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#aux_column_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAux_column_list(OBParser.Aux_column_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#vertical_column_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterVertical_column_name(OBParser.Vertical_column_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#vertical_column_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitVertical_column_name(OBParser.Vertical_column_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_partition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterHash_partition_list(OBParser.Hash_partition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_partition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitHash_partition_list(OBParser.Hash_partition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_partition_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterHash_partition_element(OBParser.Hash_partition_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_partition_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitHash_partition_element(OBParser.Hash_partition_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_range_partition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_range_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_range_partition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_range_partition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_range_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_range_partition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_partition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRange_partition_list(OBParser.Range_partition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_partition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRange_partition_list(OBParser.Range_partition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_attributes_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPartition_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Partition_attributes_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_attributes_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPartition_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Partition_attributes_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_partition_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRange_partition_element(OBParser.Range_partition_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_partition_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRange_partition_element(OBParser.Range_partition_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_list_partition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_list_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_list_partition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_list_partition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_list_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_list_partition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_partition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterList_partition_list(OBParser.List_partition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_partition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitList_partition_list(OBParser.List_partition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_partition_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterList_partition_element(OBParser.List_partition_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_partition_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitList_partition_element(OBParser.List_partition_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#subpartition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSubpartition_list(OBParser.Subpartition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#subpartition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSubpartition_list(OBParser.Subpartition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_hash_subpartition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_hash_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_hash_subpartition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_hash_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_hash_subpartition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_subpartition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterHash_subpartition_list(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_subpartition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitHash_subpartition_list(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_subpartition_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterHash_subpartition_element(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_subpartition_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitHash_subpartition_element(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_range_subpartition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_range_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_range_subpartition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_range_subpartition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_range_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_range_subpartition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_subpartition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRange_subpartition_list(OBParser.Range_subpartition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_subpartition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRange_subpartition_list(OBParser.Range_subpartition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_subpartition_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRange_subpartition_element(OBParser.Range_subpartition_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_subpartition_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRange_subpartition_element(OBParser.Range_subpartition_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_list_subpartition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_list_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_list_subpartition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_list_subpartition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_list_subpartition_list(OBParser.Opt_list_subpartition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_subpartition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterList_subpartition_list(OBParser.List_subpartition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_subpartition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitList_subpartition_list(OBParser.List_subpartition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_subpartition_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterList_subpartition_element(OBParser.List_subpartition_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_subpartition_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitList_subpartition_element(OBParser.List_subpartition_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_partition_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterList_partition_expr(OBParser.List_partition_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_partition_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitList_partition_expr(OBParser.List_partition_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterList_expr(OBParser.List_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#list_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitList_expr(OBParser.List_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#physical_attributes_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPhysical_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Physical_attributes_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#physical_attributes_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPhysical_attributes_option_list(OBParser.Physical_attributes_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#physical_attributes_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPhysical_attributes_option(OBParser.Physical_attributes_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#physical_attributes_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPhysical_attributes_option(OBParser.Physical_attributes_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_special_partition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_special_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_special_partition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_special_partition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_special_partition_list(OBParser.Opt_special_partition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#special_partition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSpecial_partition_list(OBParser.Special_partition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#special_partition_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSpecial_partition_list(OBParser.Special_partition_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#special_partition_define}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSpecial_partition_define(OBParser.Special_partition_defineContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#special_partition_define}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSpecial_partition_define(OBParser.Special_partition_defineContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_partition_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRange_partition_expr(OBParser.Range_partition_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_partition_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRange_partition_expr(OBParser.Range_partition_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_expr_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRange_expr_list(OBParser.Range_expr_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_expr_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRange_expr_list(OBParser.Range_expr_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRange_expr(OBParser.Range_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#range_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRange_expr(OBParser.Range_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_subpartition_quantity}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterHash_subpartition_quantity(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_quantityContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hash_subpartition_quantity}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitHash_subpartition_quantity(OBParser.Hash_subpartition_quantityContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#int_or_decimal}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterInt_or_decimal(OBParser.Int_or_decimalContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#int_or_decimal}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitInt_or_decimal(OBParser.Int_or_decimalContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_hash_partition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTg_hash_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_hash_partition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_hash_partition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTg_hash_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_hash_partition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_range_partition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTg_range_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_range_partition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_range_partition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTg_range_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_range_partition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_list_partition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTg_list_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_list_partition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_list_partition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTg_list_partition_option(OBParser.Tg_list_partition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_subpartition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTg_subpartition_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_subpartition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTg_subpartition_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_subpartition_template_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTg_subpartition_template_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_subpartition_template_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTg_subpartition_template_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_template_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_subpartition_individual_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTg_subpartition_individual_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_subpartition_individual_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTg_subpartition_individual_option(OBParser.Tg_subpartition_individual_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_alter_compress_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_alter_compress_option(OBParser.Opt_alter_compress_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_alter_compress_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_alter_compress_option(OBParser.Opt_alter_compress_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#compress_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCompress_option(OBParser.Compress_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#compress_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCompress_option(OBParser.Compress_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_compress_level}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_compress_level(OBParser.Opt_compress_levelContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_compress_level}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_compress_level(OBParser.Opt_compress_levelContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_properties_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterExternal_properties_list(OBParser.External_properties_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_properties_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitExternal_properties_list(OBParser.External_properties_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_properties}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterExternal_properties(OBParser.External_propertiesContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_properties}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitExternal_properties(OBParser.External_propertiesContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_file_format_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterExternal_file_format_list(OBParser.External_file_format_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_file_format_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitExternal_file_format_list(OBParser.External_file_format_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_file_format}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterExternal_file_format(OBParser.External_file_formatContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_file_format}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitExternal_file_format(OBParser.External_file_formatContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_tablegroup_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Create_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_tablegroup_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Create_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_tablegroup_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_tablegroup_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablegroup_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablegroup_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_tablegroup_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTablegroup_option_list_space_seperated(OBParser.Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tablegroup_option_list_space_seperated}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTablegroup_option_list_space_seperated(OBParser.Tablegroup_option_list_space_seperatedContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tablegroup_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTablegroup_option_list(OBParser.Tablegroup_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tablegroup_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTablegroup_option_list(OBParser.Tablegroup_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tablegroup_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTablegroup_option(OBParser.Tablegroup_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tablegroup_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTablegroup_option(OBParser.Tablegroup_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablegroup_actions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_tablegroup_actions(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablegroup_actions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_tablegroup_actions(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_actionsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablegroup_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_tablegroup_action(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablegroup_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_tablegroup_action(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#default_tablegroup}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDefault_tablegroup(OBParser.Default_tablegroupContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#default_tablegroup}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDefault_tablegroup(OBParser.Default_tablegroupContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_view_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_view_stmt(OBParser.Create_view_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_view_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_view_stmt(OBParser.Create_view_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_mview_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_mview_stmt(OBParser.Create_mview_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_mview_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_mview_stmt(OBParser.Create_mview_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_mview_opts}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_mview_opts(OBParser.Create_mview_optsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_mview_opts}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_mview_opts(OBParser.Create_mview_optsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mview_enable_disable}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMview_enable_disable(OBParser.Mview_enable_disableContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mview_enable_disable}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMview_enable_disable(OBParser.Mview_enable_disableContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mview_refresh_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMview_refresh_opt(OBParser.Mview_refresh_optContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mview_refresh_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMview_refresh_opt(OBParser.Mview_refresh_optContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_refresh_on_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMv_refresh_on_clause(OBParser.Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_refresh_on_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMv_refresh_on_clause(OBParser.Mv_refresh_on_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_refresh_method}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMv_refresh_method(OBParser.Mv_refresh_methodContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_refresh_method}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMv_refresh_method(OBParser.Mv_refresh_methodContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_refresh_mode}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMv_refresh_mode(OBParser.Mv_refresh_modeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_refresh_mode}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMv_refresh_mode(OBParser.Mv_refresh_modeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_refresh_interval}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMv_refresh_interval(OBParser.Mv_refresh_intervalContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_refresh_interval}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMv_refresh_interval(OBParser.Mv_refresh_intervalContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_start_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMv_start_clause(OBParser.Mv_start_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_start_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMv_start_clause(OBParser.Mv_start_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_next_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMv_next_clause(OBParser.Mv_next_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_next_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMv_next_clause(OBParser.Mv_next_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#view_subquery}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterView_subquery(OBParser.View_subqueryContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#view_subquery}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitView_subquery(OBParser.View_subqueryContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#view_with_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterView_with_opt(OBParser.View_with_optContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#view_with_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitView_with_opt(OBParser.View_with_optContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#with_check_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterWith_check_option(OBParser.With_check_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#with_check_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitWith_check_option(OBParser.With_check_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#view_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterView_name(OBParser.View_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#view_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitView_name(OBParser.View_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_tablet_id}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_tablet_id(OBParser.Opt_tablet_idContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_tablet_id}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_tablet_id(OBParser.Opt_tablet_idContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_tablet_id_no_empty}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_tablet_id_no_empty(OBParser.Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_tablet_id_no_empty}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_tablet_id_no_empty(OBParser.Opt_tablet_id_no_emptyContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_index_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_index_stmt(OBParser.Create_index_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_index_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_index_stmt(OBParser.Create_index_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#index_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterIndex_name(OBParser.Index_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#index_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitIndex_name(OBParser.Index_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#constraint_and_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterConstraint_and_name(OBParser.Constraint_and_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#constraint_and_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitConstraint_and_name(OBParser.Constraint_and_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#constraint_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterConstraint_name(OBParser.Constraint_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#constraint_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitConstraint_name(OBParser.Constraint_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sort_column_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSort_column_list(OBParser.Sort_column_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sort_column_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSort_column_list(OBParser.Sort_column_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sort_column_key}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSort_column_key(OBParser.Sort_column_keyContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sort_column_key}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSort_column_key(OBParser.Sort_column_keyContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#index_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterIndex_expr(OBParser.Index_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#index_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitIndex_expr(OBParser.Index_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_index_options}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_index_options(OBParser.Opt_index_optionsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_index_options}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_index_options(OBParser.Opt_index_optionsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#index_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterIndex_option(OBParser.Index_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#index_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitIndex_option(OBParser.Index_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#index_using_algorithm}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterIndex_using_algorithm(OBParser.Index_using_algorithmContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#index_using_algorithm}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitIndex_using_algorithm(OBParser.Index_using_algorithmContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_mlog_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_mlog_stmt(OBParser.Create_mlog_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_mlog_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_mlog_stmt(OBParser.Create_mlog_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_mlog_options}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_mlog_options(OBParser.Opt_mlog_optionsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_mlog_options}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_mlog_options(OBParser.Opt_mlog_optionsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMlog_option(OBParser.Mlog_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMlog_option(OBParser.Mlog_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_values}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMlog_with_values(OBParser.Mlog_with_valuesContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_values}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMlog_with_values(OBParser.Mlog_with_valuesContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_special_columns}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMlog_with_special_columns(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_columnsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_special_columns}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMlog_with_special_columns(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_columnsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_special_column_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMlog_with_special_column_list(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_column_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_special_column_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMlog_with_special_column_list(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_column_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_special_column}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMlog_with_special_column(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_columnContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_special_column}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMlog_with_special_column(OBParser.Mlog_with_special_columnContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_reference_columns}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMlog_with_reference_columns(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_reference_columns}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMlog_with_reference_columns(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_columnsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_reference_column_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMlog_with_reference_column_list(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_reference_column_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMlog_with_reference_column_list(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_column_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_reference_column}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMlog_with_reference_column(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_columnContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_with_reference_column}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMlog_with_reference_column(OBParser.Mlog_with_reference_columnContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_including_or_excluding}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMlog_including_or_excluding(OBParser.Mlog_including_or_excludingContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_including_or_excluding}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMlog_including_or_excluding(OBParser.Mlog_including_or_excludingContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_purge_values}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMlog_purge_values(OBParser.Mlog_purge_valuesContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_purge_values}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMlog_purge_values(OBParser.Mlog_purge_valuesContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async(OBParser.Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_async(OBParser.Mlog_purge_immediate_sync_or_asyncContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_purge_start}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMlog_purge_start(OBParser.Mlog_purge_startContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_purge_start}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMlog_purge_start(OBParser.Mlog_purge_startContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_purge_next}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMlog_purge_next(OBParser.Mlog_purge_nextContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mlog_purge_next}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMlog_purge_next(OBParser.Mlog_purge_nextContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_mlog_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_mlog_stmt(OBParser.Drop_mlog_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_mlog_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_mlog_stmt(OBParser.Drop_mlog_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_table_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_table_stmt(OBParser.Drop_table_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_table_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_table_stmt(OBParser.Drop_table_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_or_tables}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTable_or_tables(OBParser.Table_or_tablesContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_or_tables}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTable_or_tables(OBParser.Table_or_tablesContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_view_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_view_stmt(OBParser.Drop_view_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_view_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_view_stmt(OBParser.Drop_view_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTable_list(OBParser.Table_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTable_list(OBParser.Table_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_index_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_index_stmt(OBParser.Drop_index_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_index_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_index_stmt(OBParser.Drop_index_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterInsert_stmt(OBParser.Insert_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitInsert_stmt(OBParser.Insert_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_simple_expression}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_simple_expression(OBParser.Opt_simple_expressionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_simple_expression}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_simple_expression(OBParser.Opt_simple_expressionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#into_err_log_caluse}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterInto_err_log_caluse(OBParser.Into_err_log_caluseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#into_err_log_caluse}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitInto_err_log_caluse(OBParser.Into_err_log_caluseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#reject_limit}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterReject_limit(OBParser.Reject_limitContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#reject_limit}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitReject_limit(OBParser.Reject_limitContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#single_table_insert}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSingle_table_insert(OBParser.Single_table_insertContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#single_table_insert}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSingle_table_insert(OBParser.Single_table_insertContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#multi_table_insert}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMulti_table_insert(OBParser.Multi_table_insertContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#multi_table_insert}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMulti_table_insert(OBParser.Multi_table_insertContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_table_clause_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterInsert_table_clause_list(OBParser.Insert_table_clause_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_table_clause_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitInsert_table_clause_list(OBParser.Insert_table_clause_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_single_table_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterInsert_single_table_clause(OBParser.Insert_single_table_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_single_table_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitInsert_single_table_clause(OBParser.Insert_single_table_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#conditional_insert_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterConditional_insert_clause(OBParser.Conditional_insert_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#conditional_insert_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitConditional_insert_clause(OBParser.Conditional_insert_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#condition_insert_clause_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCondition_insert_clause_list(OBParser.Condition_insert_clause_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#condition_insert_clause_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCondition_insert_clause_list(OBParser.Condition_insert_clause_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#condition_insert_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCondition_insert_clause(OBParser.Condition_insert_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#condition_insert_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCondition_insert_clause(OBParser.Condition_insert_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#values_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterValues_clause(OBParser.Values_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#values_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitValues_clause(OBParser.Values_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_into_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_into_clause(OBParser.Opt_into_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_into_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_into_clause(OBParser.Opt_into_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#returning_exprs}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterReturning_exprs(OBParser.Returning_exprsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#returning_exprs}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitReturning_exprs(OBParser.Returning_exprsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_with_opt_hint}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterInsert_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Insert_with_opt_hintContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_with_opt_hint}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitInsert_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Insert_with_opt_hintContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterColumn_list(OBParser.Column_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitColumn_list(OBParser.Column_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_vals_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterInsert_vals_list(OBParser.Insert_vals_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_vals_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitInsert_vals_list(OBParser.Insert_vals_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_vals}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterInsert_vals(OBParser.Insert_valsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_vals}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitInsert_vals(OBParser.Insert_valsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#expr_or_default}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterExpr_or_default(OBParser.Expr_or_defaultContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#expr_or_default}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitExpr_or_default(OBParser.Expr_or_defaultContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#merge_with_opt_hint}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMerge_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Merge_with_opt_hintContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#merge_with_opt_hint}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMerge_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Merge_with_opt_hintContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#merge_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMerge_stmt(OBParser.Merge_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#merge_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMerge_stmt(OBParser.Merge_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#merge_update_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMerge_update_clause(OBParser.Merge_update_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#merge_update_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMerge_update_clause(OBParser.Merge_update_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#merge_insert_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMerge_insert_clause(OBParser.Merge_insert_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#merge_insert_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMerge_insert_clause(OBParser.Merge_insert_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#source_relation_factor}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSource_relation_factor(OBParser.Source_relation_factorContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#source_relation_factor}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSource_relation_factor(OBParser.Source_relation_factorContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSelect_stmt(OBParser.Select_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSelect_stmt(OBParser.Select_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#subquery}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSubquery(OBParser.SubqueryContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#subquery}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSubquery(OBParser.SubqueryContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_with_parens}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSelect_with_parens(OBParser.Select_with_parensContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_with_parens}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSelect_with_parens(OBParser.Select_with_parensContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_no_parens}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSelect_no_parens(OBParser.Select_no_parensContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_no_parens}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSelect_no_parens(OBParser.Select_no_parensContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSelect_clause(OBParser.Select_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSelect_clause(OBParser.Select_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_clause_set}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSelect_clause_set(OBParser.Select_clause_setContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_clause_set}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSelect_clause_set(OBParser.Select_clause_setContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_clause_set_right}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSelect_clause_set_right(OBParser.Select_clause_set_rightContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_clause_set_right}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSelect_clause_set_right(OBParser.Select_clause_set_rightContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_clause_set_left}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSelect_clause_set_left(OBParser.Select_clause_set_leftContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_clause_set_left}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSelect_clause_set_left(OBParser.Select_clause_set_leftContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_with_opt_hint}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSelect_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Select_with_opt_hintContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_with_opt_hint}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSelect_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Select_with_opt_hintContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#update_with_opt_hint}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUpdate_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Update_with_opt_hintContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#update_with_opt_hint}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUpdate_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Update_with_opt_hintContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#delete_with_opt_hint}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDelete_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Delete_with_opt_hintContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#delete_with_opt_hint}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDelete_with_opt_hint(OBParser.Delete_with_opt_hintContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#simple_select}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSimple_select(OBParser.Simple_selectContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#simple_select}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSimple_select(OBParser.Simple_selectContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_with_hierarchical_query}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSelect_with_hierarchical_query(OBParser.Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_with_hierarchical_query}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSelect_with_hierarchical_query(OBParser.Select_with_hierarchical_queryContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#start_with}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterStart_with(OBParser.Start_withContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#start_with}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitStart_with(OBParser.Start_withContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFetch_next_clause(OBParser.Fetch_next_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFetch_next_clause(OBParser.Fetch_next_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFetch_next(OBParser.Fetch_nextContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFetch_next(OBParser.Fetch_nextContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next_count}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFetch_next_count(OBParser.Fetch_next_countContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next_count}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFetch_next_count(OBParser.Fetch_next_countContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next_percent}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFetch_next_percent(OBParser.Fetch_next_percentContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next_percent}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFetch_next_percent(OBParser.Fetch_next_percentContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFetch_next_expr(OBParser.Fetch_next_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFetch_next_expr(OBParser.Fetch_next_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next_percent_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFetch_next_percent_expr(OBParser.Fetch_next_percent_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#fetch_next_percent_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFetch_next_percent_expr(OBParser.Fetch_next_percent_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#connect_by}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterConnect_by(OBParser.Connect_byContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#connect_by}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitConnect_by(OBParser.Connect_byContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_type_union}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSet_type_union(OBParser.Set_type_unionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_type_union}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSet_type_union(OBParser.Set_type_unionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_type_other}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSet_type_other(OBParser.Set_type_otherContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_type_other}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSet_type_other(OBParser.Set_type_otherContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSet_type(OBParser.Set_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSet_type(OBParser.Set_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_expression_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSet_expression_option(OBParser.Set_expression_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_expression_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSet_expression_option(OBParser.Set_expression_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_where}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_where(OBParser.Opt_whereContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_where}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_where(OBParser.Opt_whereContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_where_extension}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_where_extension(OBParser.Opt_where_extensionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_where_extension}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_where_extension(OBParser.Opt_where_extensionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#into_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterInto_clause(OBParser.Into_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#into_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitInto_clause(OBParser.Into_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#into_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterInto_opt(OBParser.Into_optContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#into_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitInto_opt(OBParser.Into_optContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#into_var_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterInto_var_list(OBParser.Into_var_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#into_var_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitInto_var_list(OBParser.Into_var_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#into_var}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterInto_var(OBParser.Into_varContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#into_var}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitInto_var(OBParser.Into_varContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#field_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterField_opt(OBParser.Field_optContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#field_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitField_opt(OBParser.Field_optContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#field_term_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterField_term_list(OBParser.Field_term_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#field_term_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitField_term_list(OBParser.Field_term_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#field_term}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterField_term(OBParser.Field_termContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#field_term}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitField_term(OBParser.Field_termContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFile_opt(OBParser.File_optContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFile_opt(OBParser.File_optContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFile_option_list(OBParser.File_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFile_option_list(OBParser.File_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFile_option(OBParser.File_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFile_option(OBParser.File_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_partition_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFile_partition_opt(OBParser.File_partition_optContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_partition_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFile_partition_opt(OBParser.File_partition_optContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_size_const}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFile_size_const(OBParser.File_size_constContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_size_const}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFile_size_const(OBParser.File_size_constContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#line_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLine_opt(OBParser.Line_optContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#line_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLine_opt(OBParser.Line_optContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#line_term_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLine_term_list(OBParser.Line_term_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#line_term_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLine_term_list(OBParser.Line_term_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#line_term}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLine_term(OBParser.Line_termContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#line_term}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLine_term(OBParser.Line_termContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hint_list_with_end}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterHint_list_with_end(OBParser.Hint_list_with_endContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hint_list_with_end}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitHint_list_with_end(OBParser.Hint_list_with_endContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_hint_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_hint_list(OBParser.Opt_hint_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_hint_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_hint_list(OBParser.Opt_hint_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hint_options}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterHint_options(OBParser.Hint_optionsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hint_options}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitHint_options(OBParser.Hint_optionsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#name_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterName_list(OBParser.Name_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#name_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitName_list(OBParser.Name_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hint_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterHint_option(OBParser.Hint_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#hint_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitHint_option(OBParser.Hint_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#distribute_method}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDistribute_method(OBParser.Distribute_methodContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#distribute_method}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDistribute_method(OBParser.Distribute_methodContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#consistency_level}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterConsistency_level(OBParser.Consistency_levelContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#consistency_level}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitConsistency_level(OBParser.Consistency_levelContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#use_plan_cache_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUse_plan_cache_type(OBParser.Use_plan_cache_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#use_plan_cache_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUse_plan_cache_type(OBParser.Use_plan_cache_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#use_jit_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUse_jit_type(OBParser.Use_jit_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#use_jit_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUse_jit_type(OBParser.Use_jit_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#for_update}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFor_update(OBParser.For_updateContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#for_update}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFor_update(OBParser.For_updateContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#parameterized_trim}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterParameterized_trim(OBParser.Parameterized_trimContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#parameterized_trim}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitParameterized_trim(OBParser.Parameterized_trimContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#groupby_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterGroupby_clause(OBParser.Groupby_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#groupby_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitGroupby_clause(OBParser.Groupby_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#groupby_element_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterGroupby_element_list(OBParser.Groupby_element_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#groupby_element_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitGroupby_element_list(OBParser.Groupby_element_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#groupby_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterGroupby_element(OBParser.Groupby_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#groupby_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitGroupby_element(OBParser.Groupby_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#group_by_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterGroup_by_expr(OBParser.Group_by_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#group_by_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitGroup_by_expr(OBParser.Group_by_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rollup_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRollup_clause(OBParser.Rollup_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rollup_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRollup_clause(OBParser.Rollup_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cube_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCube_clause(OBParser.Cube_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cube_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCube_clause(OBParser.Cube_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#group_by_expr_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterGroup_by_expr_list(OBParser.Group_by_expr_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#group_by_expr_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitGroup_by_expr_list(OBParser.Group_by_expr_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grouping_sets_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterGrouping_sets_clause(OBParser.Grouping_sets_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grouping_sets_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitGrouping_sets_clause(OBParser.Grouping_sets_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grouping_sets_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterGrouping_sets_list(OBParser.Grouping_sets_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grouping_sets_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitGrouping_sets_list(OBParser.Grouping_sets_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grouping_sets}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterGrouping_sets(OBParser.Grouping_setsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grouping_sets}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitGrouping_sets(OBParser.Grouping_setsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#order_by}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOrder_by(OBParser.Order_byContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#order_by}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOrder_by(OBParser.Order_byContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sort_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSort_list(OBParser.Sort_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sort_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSort_list(OBParser.Sort_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sort_key}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSort_key(OBParser.Sort_keyContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sort_key}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSort_key(OBParser.Sort_keyContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_null_pos}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_null_pos(OBParser.Opt_null_posContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_null_pos}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_null_pos(OBParser.Opt_null_posContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_ascending_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_ascending_type(OBParser.Opt_ascending_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_ascending_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_ascending_type(OBParser.Opt_ascending_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_asc_desc}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_asc_desc(OBParser.Opt_asc_descContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_asc_desc}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_asc_desc(OBParser.Opt_asc_descContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#query_expression_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterQuery_expression_option_list(OBParser.Query_expression_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#query_expression_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitQuery_expression_option_list(OBParser.Query_expression_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#query_expression_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterQuery_expression_option(OBParser.Query_expression_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#query_expression_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitQuery_expression_option(OBParser.Query_expression_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#projection}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterProjection(OBParser.ProjectionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#projection}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitProjection(OBParser.ProjectionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_as}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_as(OBParser.Opt_asContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_as}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_as(OBParser.Opt_asContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_expr_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSelect_expr_list(OBParser.Select_expr_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_expr_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSelect_expr_list(OBParser.Select_expr_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#from_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFrom_list(OBParser.From_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#from_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFrom_list(OBParser.From_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_references}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTable_references(OBParser.Table_referencesContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_references}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTable_references(OBParser.Table_referencesContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_reference}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTable_reference(OBParser.Table_referenceContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_reference}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTable_reference(OBParser.Table_referenceContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_factor}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTable_factor(OBParser.Table_factorContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_factor}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTable_factor(OBParser.Table_factorContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSelect_function(OBParser.Select_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#select_function}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSelect_function(OBParser.Select_functionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tbl_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTbl_name(OBParser.Tbl_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tbl_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTbl_name(OBParser.Tbl_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dual_table}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDual_table(OBParser.Dual_tableContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dual_table}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDual_table(OBParser.Dual_tableContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transpose_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTranspose_clause(OBParser.Transpose_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transpose_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTranspose_clause(OBParser.Transpose_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#pivot_aggr_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPivot_aggr_clause(OBParser.Pivot_aggr_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#pivot_aggr_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPivot_aggr_clause(OBParser.Pivot_aggr_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#pivot_single_aggr_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPivot_single_aggr_clause(OBParser.Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#pivot_single_aggr_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPivot_single_aggr_clause(OBParser.Pivot_single_aggr_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transpose_for_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTranspose_for_clause(OBParser.Transpose_for_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transpose_for_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTranspose_for_clause(OBParser.Transpose_for_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transpose_in_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTranspose_in_clause(OBParser.Transpose_in_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transpose_in_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTranspose_in_clause(OBParser.Transpose_in_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transpose_in_args}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTranspose_in_args(OBParser.Transpose_in_argsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transpose_in_args}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTranspose_in_args(OBParser.Transpose_in_argsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transpose_in_arg}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTranspose_in_arg(OBParser.Transpose_in_argContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transpose_in_arg}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTranspose_in_arg(OBParser.Transpose_in_argContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unpivot_column_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUnpivot_column_clause(OBParser.Unpivot_column_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unpivot_column_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUnpivot_column_clause(OBParser.Unpivot_column_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unpivot_in_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUnpivot_in_clause(OBParser.Unpivot_in_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unpivot_in_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUnpivot_in_clause(OBParser.Unpivot_in_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unpivot_in_args}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUnpivot_in_args(OBParser.Unpivot_in_argsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unpivot_in_args}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUnpivot_in_args(OBParser.Unpivot_in_argsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unpivot_in_arg}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUnpivot_in_arg(OBParser.Unpivot_in_argContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unpivot_in_arg}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUnpivot_in_arg(OBParser.Unpivot_in_argContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dml_table_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDml_table_name(OBParser.Dml_table_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dml_table_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDml_table_name(OBParser.Dml_table_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#order_by_fetch_with_check_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOrder_by_fetch_with_check_option(OBParser.Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#order_by_fetch_with_check_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOrder_by_fetch_with_check_option(OBParser.Order_by_fetch_with_check_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_table_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterInsert_table_clause(OBParser.Insert_table_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_table_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitInsert_table_clause(OBParser.Insert_table_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dml_table_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDml_table_clause(OBParser.Dml_table_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dml_table_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDml_table_clause(OBParser.Dml_table_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#seed}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSeed(OBParser.SeedContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#seed}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSeed(OBParser.SeedContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sample_percent}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSample_percent(OBParser.Sample_percentContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sample_percent}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSample_percent(OBParser.Sample_percentContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sample_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSample_clause(OBParser.Sample_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sample_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSample_clause(OBParser.Sample_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_subquery}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTable_subquery(OBParser.Table_subqueryContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#table_subquery}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTable_subquery(OBParser.Table_subqueryContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#use_partition}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUse_partition(OBParser.Use_partitionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#use_partition}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUse_partition(OBParser.Use_partitionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_table_partitions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterExternal_table_partitions(OBParser.External_table_partitionsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_table_partitions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitExternal_table_partitions(OBParser.External_table_partitionsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_table_partition}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterExternal_table_partition(OBParser.External_table_partitionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#external_table_partition}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitExternal_table_partition(OBParser.External_table_partitionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#use_flashback}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUse_flashback(OBParser.Use_flashbackContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#use_flashback}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUse_flashback(OBParser.Use_flashbackContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRelation_factor(OBParser.Relation_factorContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRelation_factor(OBParser.Relation_factorContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#normal_relation_factor}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterNormal_relation_factor(OBParser.Normal_relation_factorContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#normal_relation_factor}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitNormal_relation_factor(OBParser.Normal_relation_factorContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dot_relation_factor}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDot_relation_factor(OBParser.Dot_relation_factorContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dot_relation_factor}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDot_relation_factor(OBParser.Dot_relation_factorContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_reverse_link_flag}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_reverse_link_flag(OBParser.Opt_reverse_link_flagContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_reverse_link_flag}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_reverse_link_flag(OBParser.Opt_reverse_link_flagContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_hint}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRelation_factor_in_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_hintContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_hint}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRelation_factor_in_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_hintContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#qb_name_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterQb_name_option(OBParser.Qb_name_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#qb_name_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitQb_name_option(OBParser.Qb_name_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_hint_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRelation_factor_in_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_hint_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRelation_factor_in_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_hint_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_sep_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRelation_sep_option(OBParser.Relation_sep_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_sep_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRelation_sep_option(OBParser.Relation_sep_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_mv_hint_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRelation_factor_in_mv_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_mv_hint_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_mv_hint_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRelation_factor_in_mv_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_mv_hint_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_pq_hint}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRelation_factor_in_pq_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_pq_hint}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRelation_factor_in_pq_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_pq_hintContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_leading_hint}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRelation_factor_in_leading_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_leading_hint}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRelation_factor_in_leading_hint(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hintContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tracing_num_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTracing_num_list(OBParser.Tracing_num_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tracing_num_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTracing_num_list(OBParser.Tracing_num_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRelation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entry(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_leading_hint_list_entryContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRelation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRelation_factor_in_use_join_hint_list(OBParser.Relation_factor_in_use_join_hint_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#coalesce_strategy_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCoalesce_strategy_list(OBParser.Coalesce_strategy_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#coalesce_strategy_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCoalesce_strategy_list(OBParser.Coalesce_strategy_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#join_condition}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJoin_condition(OBParser.Join_conditionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#join_condition}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJoin_condition(OBParser.Join_conditionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#joined_table}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJoined_table(OBParser.Joined_tableContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#joined_table}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJoined_table(OBParser.Joined_tableContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#natural_join_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterNatural_join_type(OBParser.Natural_join_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#natural_join_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitNatural_join_type(OBParser.Natural_join_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#outer_join_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOuter_join_type(OBParser.Outer_join_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#outer_join_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOuter_join_type(OBParser.Outer_join_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#join_outer}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJoin_outer(OBParser.Join_outerContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#join_outer}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJoin_outer(OBParser.Join_outerContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#with_select}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterWith_select(OBParser.With_selectContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#with_select}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitWith_select(OBParser.With_selectContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#with_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterWith_clause(OBParser.With_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#with_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitWith_clause(OBParser.With_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#with_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterWith_list(OBParser.With_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#with_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitWith_list(OBParser.With_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#common_table_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCommon_table_expr(OBParser.Common_table_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#common_table_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCommon_table_expr(OBParser.Common_table_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_column_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMv_column_list(OBParser.Mv_column_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mv_column_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMv_column_list(OBParser.Mv_column_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alias_name_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlias_name_list(OBParser.Alias_name_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alias_name_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlias_name_list(OBParser.Alias_name_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_alias_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterColumn_alias_name(OBParser.Column_alias_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_alias_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitColumn_alias_name(OBParser.Column_alias_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#search_set_value}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSearch_set_value(OBParser.Search_set_valueContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#search_set_value}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSearch_set_value(OBParser.Search_set_valueContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#analyze_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAnalyze_stmt(OBParser.Analyze_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#analyze_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAnalyze_stmt(OBParser.Analyze_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#analyze_statistics_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAnalyze_statistics_clause(OBParser.Analyze_statistics_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#analyze_statistics_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAnalyze_statistics_clause(OBParser.Analyze_statistics_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_analyze_for_clause_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_analyze_for_clause_list(OBParser.Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_analyze_for_clause_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_analyze_for_clause_list(OBParser.Opt_analyze_for_clause_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_analyze_for_clause_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_analyze_for_clause_element(OBParser.Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_analyze_for_clause_element}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_analyze_for_clause_element(OBParser.Opt_analyze_for_clause_elementContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sample_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSample_option(OBParser.Sample_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sample_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSample_option(OBParser.Sample_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_outline_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_outline_stmt(OBParser.Create_outline_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_outline_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_outline_stmt(OBParser.Create_outline_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_outline_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_outline_stmt(OBParser.Alter_outline_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_outline_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_outline_stmt(OBParser.Alter_outline_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_outline_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_outline_stmt(OBParser.Drop_outline_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_outline_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_outline_stmt(OBParser.Drop_outline_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#explain_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterExplain_stmt(OBParser.Explain_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#explain_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitExplain_stmt(OBParser.Explain_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#explain_or_desc}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterExplain_or_desc(OBParser.Explain_or_descContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#explain_or_desc}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitExplain_or_desc(OBParser.Explain_or_descContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#explainable_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterExplainable_stmt(OBParser.Explainable_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#explainable_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitExplainable_stmt(OBParser.Explainable_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#format_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFormat_name(OBParser.Format_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#format_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFormat_name(OBParser.Format_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#show_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterShow_stmt(OBParser.Show_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#show_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitShow_stmt(OBParser.Show_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_for_grant_user}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_for_grant_user(OBParser.Opt_for_grant_userContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_for_grant_user}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_for_grant_user(OBParser.Opt_for_grant_userContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#columns_or_fields}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterColumns_or_fields(OBParser.Columns_or_fieldsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#columns_or_fields}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitColumns_or_fields(OBParser.Columns_or_fieldsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#from_or_in}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFrom_or_in(OBParser.From_or_inContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#from_or_in}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFrom_or_in(OBParser.From_or_inContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#help_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterHelp_stmt(OBParser.Help_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#help_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitHelp_stmt(OBParser.Help_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_user_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_user_stmt(OBParser.Create_user_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_user_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_user_stmt(OBParser.Create_user_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#default_role_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDefault_role_clause(OBParser.Default_role_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#default_role_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDefault_role_clause(OBParser.Default_role_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_user_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_user_stmt(OBParser.Alter_user_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_user_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_user_stmt(OBParser.Alter_user_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_user_profile_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_user_profile_stmt(OBParser.Alter_user_profile_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_user_profile_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_user_profile_stmt(OBParser.Alter_user_profile_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_role_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_role_stmt(OBParser.Alter_role_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_role_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_role_stmt(OBParser.Alter_role_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#user_specification}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUser_specification(OBParser.User_specificationContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#user_specification}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUser_specification(OBParser.User_specificationContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#require_specification}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRequire_specification(OBParser.Require_specificationContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#require_specification}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRequire_specification(OBParser.Require_specificationContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tls_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTls_option_list(OBParser.Tls_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tls_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTls_option_list(OBParser.Tls_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tls_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTls_option(OBParser.Tls_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tls_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTls_option(OBParser.Tls_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grant_user}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterGrant_user(OBParser.Grant_userContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grant_user}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitGrant_user(OBParser.Grant_userContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grant_user_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterGrant_user_list(OBParser.Grant_user_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grant_user_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitGrant_user_list(OBParser.Grant_user_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#user}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUser(OBParser.UserContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#user}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUser(OBParser.UserContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_host_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_host_name(OBParser.Opt_host_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_host_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_host_name(OBParser.Opt_host_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#user_with_host_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUser_with_host_name(OBParser.User_with_host_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#user_with_host_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUser_with_host_name(OBParser.User_with_host_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPassword(OBParser.PasswordContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPassword(OBParser.PasswordContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password_str}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPassword_str(OBParser.Password_strContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password_str}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPassword_str(OBParser.Password_strContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_user_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_user_stmt(OBParser.Drop_user_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_user_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_user_stmt(OBParser.Drop_user_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#user_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUser_list(OBParser.User_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#user_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUser_list(OBParser.User_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_password_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSet_password_stmt(OBParser.Set_password_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_password_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSet_password_stmt(OBParser.Set_password_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_for_user}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_for_user(OBParser.Opt_for_userContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_for_user}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_for_user(OBParser.Opt_for_userContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_user_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLock_user_stmt(OBParser.Lock_user_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_user_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLock_user_stmt(OBParser.Lock_user_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_spec_mysql57}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLock_spec_mysql57(OBParser.Lock_spec_mysql57Context ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_spec_mysql57}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLock_spec_mysql57(OBParser.Lock_spec_mysql57Context ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_tables_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLock_tables_stmt(OBParser.Lock_tables_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_tables_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLock_tables_stmt(OBParser.Lock_tables_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_table_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLock_table_stmt(OBParser.Lock_table_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_table_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLock_table_stmt(OBParser.Lock_table_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_table_factors}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLock_table_factors(OBParser.Lock_table_factorsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_table_factors}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLock_table_factors(OBParser.Lock_table_factorsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_table_factor}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLock_table_factor(OBParser.Lock_table_factorContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_table_factor}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLock_table_factor(OBParser.Lock_table_factorContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_mode}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLock_mode(OBParser.Lock_modeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_mode}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLock_mode(OBParser.Lock_modeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unlock_tables_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUnlock_tables_stmt(OBParser.Unlock_tables_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unlock_tables_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUnlock_tables_stmt(OBParser.Unlock_tables_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_table_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLock_table_list(OBParser.Lock_table_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_table_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLock_table_list(OBParser.Lock_table_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_context_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_context_stmt(OBParser.Create_context_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_context_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_context_stmt(OBParser.Create_context_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#context_package_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterContext_package_name(OBParser.Context_package_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#context_package_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitContext_package_name(OBParser.Context_package_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_table}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLock_table(OBParser.Lock_tableContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_table}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLock_table(OBParser.Lock_tableContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#context_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterContext_option(OBParser.Context_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#context_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitContext_option(OBParser.Context_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLock_type(OBParser.Lock_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#lock_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLock_type(OBParser.Lock_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_context_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_context_stmt(OBParser.Drop_context_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_context_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_context_stmt(OBParser.Drop_context_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_sequence_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Create_sequence_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_sequence_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Create_sequence_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sequence_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSequence_option_list(OBParser.Sequence_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sequence_option_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSequence_option_list(OBParser.Sequence_option_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sequence_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSequence_option(OBParser.Sequence_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sequence_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSequence_option(OBParser.Sequence_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#simple_num}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSimple_num(OBParser.Simple_numContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#simple_num}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSimple_num(OBParser.Simple_numContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_sequence_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Drop_sequence_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_sequence_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Drop_sequence_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_sequence_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Alter_sequence_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_sequence_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_sequence_stmt(OBParser.Alter_sequence_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_dblink_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_dblink_stmt(OBParser.Create_dblink_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_dblink_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_dblink_stmt(OBParser.Create_dblink_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_dblink_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_dblink_stmt(OBParser.Drop_dblink_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_dblink_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_dblink_stmt(OBParser.Drop_dblink_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dblink}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDblink(OBParser.DblinkContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#dblink}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDblink(OBParser.DblinkContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTenant(OBParser.TenantContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTenant(OBParser.TenantContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_cluster}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_cluster(OBParser.Opt_clusterContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_cluster}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_cluster(OBParser.Opt_clusterContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#begin_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterBegin_stmt(OBParser.Begin_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#begin_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitBegin_stmt(OBParser.Begin_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#commit_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCommit_stmt(OBParser.Commit_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#commit_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCommit_stmt(OBParser.Commit_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rollback_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRollback_stmt(OBParser.Rollback_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rollback_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRollback_stmt(OBParser.Rollback_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#kill_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterKill_stmt(OBParser.Kill_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#kill_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitKill_stmt(OBParser.Kill_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_role_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_role_stmt(OBParser.Create_role_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_role_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_role_stmt(OBParser.Create_role_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRole_list(OBParser.Role_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRole_list(OBParser.Role_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRole(OBParser.RoleContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRole(OBParser.RoleContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_role_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_role_stmt(OBParser.Drop_role_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_role_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_role_stmt(OBParser.Drop_role_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_role_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSet_role_stmt(OBParser.Set_role_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_role_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSet_role_stmt(OBParser.Set_role_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role_opt_identified_by_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRole_opt_identified_by_list(OBParser.Role_opt_identified_by_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role_opt_identified_by_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRole_opt_identified_by_list(OBParser.Role_opt_identified_by_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role_opt_identified_by}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRole_opt_identified_by(OBParser.Role_opt_identified_byContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role_opt_identified_by}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRole_opt_identified_by(OBParser.Role_opt_identified_byContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sys_and_obj_priv}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSys_and_obj_priv(OBParser.Sys_and_obj_privContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sys_and_obj_priv}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSys_and_obj_priv(OBParser.Sys_and_obj_privContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grant_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterGrant_stmt(OBParser.Grant_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grant_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitGrant_stmt(OBParser.Grant_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grant_system_privileges}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterGrant_system_privileges(OBParser.Grant_system_privilegesContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grant_system_privileges}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitGrant_system_privileges(OBParser.Grant_system_privilegesContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grantee_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterGrantee_clause(OBParser.Grantee_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#grantee_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitGrantee_clause(OBParser.Grantee_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list(OBParser.Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv_list(OBParser.Role_sys_obj_all_col_priv_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role_sys_obj_all_col_priv}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv(OBParser.Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#role_sys_obj_all_col_priv}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRole_sys_obj_all_col_priv(OBParser.Role_sys_obj_all_col_privContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#priv_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPriv_type(OBParser.Priv_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#priv_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPriv_type(OBParser.Priv_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#obj_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterObj_clause(OBParser.Obj_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#obj_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitObj_clause(OBParser.Obj_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#revoke_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRevoke_stmt(OBParser.Revoke_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#revoke_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRevoke_stmt(OBParser.Revoke_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#prepare_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPrepare_stmt(OBParser.Prepare_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#prepare_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPrepare_stmt(OBParser.Prepare_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#stmt_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterStmt_name(OBParser.Stmt_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#stmt_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitStmt_name(OBParser.Stmt_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#preparable_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPreparable_stmt(OBParser.Preparable_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#preparable_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPreparable_stmt(OBParser.Preparable_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#variable_set_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterVariable_set_stmt(OBParser.Variable_set_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#variable_set_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitVariable_set_stmt(OBParser.Variable_set_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sys_var_and_val_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSys_var_and_val_list(OBParser.Sys_var_and_val_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sys_var_and_val_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSys_var_and_val_list(OBParser.Sys_var_and_val_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#var_and_val_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterVar_and_val_list(OBParser.Var_and_val_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#var_and_val_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitVar_and_val_list(OBParser.Var_and_val_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_expr_or_default}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSet_expr_or_default(OBParser.Set_expr_or_defaultContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_expr_or_default}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSet_expr_or_default(OBParser.Set_expr_or_defaultContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#var_and_val}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterVar_and_val(OBParser.Var_and_valContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#var_and_val}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitVar_and_val(OBParser.Var_and_valContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sys_var_and_val}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSys_var_and_val(OBParser.Sys_var_and_valContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sys_var_and_val}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSys_var_and_val(OBParser.Sys_var_and_valContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#scope_or_scope_alias}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterScope_or_scope_alias(OBParser.Scope_or_scope_aliasContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#scope_or_scope_alias}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitScope_or_scope_alias(OBParser.Scope_or_scope_aliasContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#to_or_eq}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTo_or_eq(OBParser.To_or_eqContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#to_or_eq}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTo_or_eq(OBParser.To_or_eqContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_var_op}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSet_var_op(OBParser.Set_var_opContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_var_op}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSet_var_op(OBParser.Set_var_opContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#argument}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterArgument(OBParser.ArgumentContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#argument}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitArgument(OBParser.ArgumentContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#execute_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterExecute_stmt(OBParser.Execute_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#execute_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitExecute_stmt(OBParser.Execute_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#argument_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterArgument_list(OBParser.Argument_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#argument_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitArgument_list(OBParser.Argument_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#deallocate_prepare_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDeallocate_prepare_stmt(OBParser.Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#deallocate_prepare_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDeallocate_prepare_stmt(OBParser.Deallocate_prepare_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#deallocate_or_drop}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDeallocate_or_drop(OBParser.Deallocate_or_dropContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#deallocate_or_drop}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDeallocate_or_drop(OBParser.Deallocate_or_dropContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#call_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCall_stmt(OBParser.Call_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#call_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCall_stmt(OBParser.Call_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#call_param_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCall_param_list(OBParser.Call_param_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#call_param_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCall_param_list(OBParser.Call_param_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#routine_access_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRoutine_access_name(OBParser.Routine_access_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#routine_access_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRoutine_access_name(OBParser.Routine_access_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#routine_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRoutine_name(OBParser.Routine_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#routine_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRoutine_name(OBParser.Routine_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#truncate_table_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTruncate_table_stmt(OBParser.Truncate_table_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#truncate_table_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTruncate_table_stmt(OBParser.Truncate_table_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rename_table_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRename_table_stmt(OBParser.Rename_table_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rename_table_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRename_table_stmt(OBParser.Rename_table_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rename_table_actions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRename_table_actions(OBParser.Rename_table_actionsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rename_table_actions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRename_table_actions(OBParser.Rename_table_actionsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rename_table_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRename_table_action(OBParser.Rename_table_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rename_table_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRename_table_action(OBParser.Rename_table_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_index_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_index_stmt(OBParser.Alter_index_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_index_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_index_stmt(OBParser.Alter_index_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_index_actions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_index_actions(OBParser.Alter_index_actionsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_index_actions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_index_actions(OBParser.Alter_index_actionsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_index_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_index_action(OBParser.Alter_index_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_index_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_index_action(OBParser.Alter_index_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_index_option_oracle}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_index_option_oracle(OBParser.Alter_index_option_oracleContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_index_option_oracle}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_index_option_oracle(OBParser.Alter_index_option_oracleContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_table_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_table_stmt(OBParser.Alter_table_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_table_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_table_stmt(OBParser.Alter_table_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_external_table_partition_actions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAdd_external_table_partition_actions(OBParser.Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_external_table_partition_actions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAdd_external_table_partition_actions(OBParser.Add_external_table_partition_actionsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_external_table_partition_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAdd_external_table_partition_action(OBParser.Add_external_table_partition_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_external_table_partition_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAdd_external_table_partition_action(OBParser.Add_external_table_partition_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_table_actions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_table_actions(OBParser.Alter_table_actionsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_table_actions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_table_actions(OBParser.Alter_table_actionsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_table_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_table_action(OBParser.Alter_table_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_table_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_table_action(OBParser.Alter_table_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_partition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_partition_option(OBParser.Alter_partition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_partition_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_partition_option(OBParser.Alter_partition_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_partition_name_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_partition_name_list(OBParser.Drop_partition_name_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_partition_name_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_partition_name_list(OBParser.Drop_partition_name_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#split_actions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSplit_actions(OBParser.Split_actionsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#split_actions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSplit_actions(OBParser.Split_actionsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_range_or_list_partition}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAdd_range_or_list_partition(OBParser.Add_range_or_list_partitionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_range_or_list_partition}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAdd_range_or_list_partition(OBParser.Add_range_or_list_partitionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_range_or_list_subpartition}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAdd_range_or_list_subpartition(OBParser.Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_range_or_list_subpartition}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAdd_range_or_list_subpartition(OBParser.Add_range_or_list_subpartitionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#modify_special_partition}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterModify_special_partition(OBParser.Modify_special_partitionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#modify_special_partition}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitModify_special_partition(OBParser.Modify_special_partitionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#split_range_partition}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSplit_range_partition(OBParser.Split_range_partitionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#split_range_partition}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSplit_range_partition(OBParser.Split_range_partitionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#split_list_partition}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSplit_list_partition(OBParser.Split_list_partitionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#split_list_partition}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSplit_list_partition(OBParser.Split_list_partitionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#modify_partition_info}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterModify_partition_info(OBParser.Modify_partition_infoContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#modify_partition_info}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitModify_partition_info(OBParser.Modify_partition_infoContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_modify_partition_info}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTg_modify_partition_info(OBParser.Tg_modify_partition_infoContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tg_modify_partition_info}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTg_modify_partition_info(OBParser.Tg_modify_partition_infoContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_index_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_index_option(OBParser.Alter_index_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_index_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_index_option(OBParser.Alter_index_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#visibility_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterVisibility_option(OBParser.Visibility_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#visibility_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitVisibility_option(OBParser.Visibility_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_column_group_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_column_group_option(OBParser.Alter_column_group_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_column_group_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_column_group_option(OBParser.Alter_column_group_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_column_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_column_option(OBParser.Alter_column_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_column_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_column_option(OBParser.Alter_column_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablegroup_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_tablegroup_option(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablegroup_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_tablegroup_option(OBParser.Alter_tablegroup_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#flashback_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFlashback_stmt(OBParser.Flashback_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#flashback_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFlashback_stmt(OBParser.Flashback_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factors}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRelation_factors(OBParser.Relation_factorsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_factors}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRelation_factors(OBParser.Relation_factorsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#purge_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPurge_stmt(OBParser.Purge_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#purge_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPurge_stmt(OBParser.Purge_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#shrink_space_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterShrink_space_stmt(OBParser.Shrink_space_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#shrink_space_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitShrink_space_stmt(OBParser.Shrink_space_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAudit_stmt(OBParser.Audit_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAudit_stmt(OBParser.Audit_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_or_noaudit}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAudit_or_noaudit(OBParser.Audit_or_noauditContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_or_noaudit}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAudit_or_noaudit(OBParser.Audit_or_noauditContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAudit_clause(OBParser.Audit_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAudit_clause(OBParser.Audit_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_operation_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAudit_operation_clause(OBParser.Audit_operation_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_operation_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAudit_operation_clause(OBParser.Audit_operation_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_all_shortcut_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAudit_all_shortcut_list(OBParser.Audit_all_shortcut_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_all_shortcut_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAudit_all_shortcut_list(OBParser.Audit_all_shortcut_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#auditing_on_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAuditing_on_clause(OBParser.Auditing_on_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#auditing_on_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAuditing_on_clause(OBParser.Auditing_on_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#auditing_by_user_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAuditing_by_user_clause(OBParser.Auditing_by_user_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#auditing_by_user_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAuditing_by_user_clause(OBParser.Auditing_by_user_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#op_audit_tail_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOp_audit_tail_clause(OBParser.Op_audit_tail_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#op_audit_tail_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOp_audit_tail_clause(OBParser.Op_audit_tail_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_by_session_access_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAudit_by_session_access_option(OBParser.Audit_by_session_access_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_by_session_access_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAudit_by_session_access_option(OBParser.Audit_by_session_access_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_whenever_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAudit_whenever_option(OBParser.Audit_whenever_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_whenever_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAudit_whenever_option(OBParser.Audit_whenever_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_all_shortcut}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAudit_all_shortcut(OBParser.Audit_all_shortcutContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#audit_all_shortcut}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAudit_all_shortcut(OBParser.Audit_all_shortcutContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_system_stmt(OBParser.Alter_system_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_system_stmt(OBParser.Alter_system_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_sql_throttle_using_cond}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_sql_throttle_using_cond(OBParser.Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_sql_throttle_using_cond}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_sql_throttle_using_cond(OBParser.Opt_sql_throttle_using_condContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics(OBParser.Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSql_throttle_one_or_more_metrics(OBParser.Sql_throttle_one_or_more_metricsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_throttle_metric}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSql_throttle_metric(OBParser.Sql_throttle_metricContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_throttle_metric}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSql_throttle_metric(OBParser.Sql_throttle_metricContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_set_clause_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_system_set_clause_list(OBParser.Alter_system_set_clause_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_set_clause_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_system_set_clause_list(OBParser.Alter_system_set_clause_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_set_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_system_set_clause(OBParser.Alter_system_set_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_set_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_system_set_clause(OBParser.Alter_system_set_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_reset_clause_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_system_reset_clause_list(OBParser.Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_reset_clause_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_system_reset_clause_list(OBParser.Alter_system_reset_clause_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_reset_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_system_reset_clause(OBParser.Alter_system_reset_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_reset_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_system_reset_clause(OBParser.Alter_system_reset_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_system_parameter_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSet_system_parameter_clause(OBParser.Set_system_parameter_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_system_parameter_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSet_system_parameter_clause(OBParser.Set_system_parameter_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#reset_system_parameter_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterReset_system_parameter_clause(OBParser.Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#reset_system_parameter_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitReset_system_parameter_clause(OBParser.Reset_system_parameter_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cache_type_or_string}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCache_type_or_string(OBParser.Cache_type_or_stringContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cache_type_or_string}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCache_type_or_string(OBParser.Cache_type_or_stringContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cache_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCache_type(OBParser.Cache_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cache_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCache_type(OBParser.Cache_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#balance_task_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterBalance_task_type(OBParser.Balance_task_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#balance_task_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitBalance_task_type(OBParser.Balance_task_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant_list_tuple}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTenant_list_tuple(OBParser.Tenant_list_tupleContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant_list_tuple}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTenant_list_tuple(OBParser.Tenant_list_tupleContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant_list_tuple_v2}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTenant_list_tuple_v2(OBParser.Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant_list_tuple_v2}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTenant_list_tuple_v2(OBParser.Tenant_list_tuple_v2Context ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant_name_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTenant_name_list(OBParser.Tenant_name_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant_name_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTenant_name_list(OBParser.Tenant_name_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_path_info}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_path_info(OBParser.Opt_path_infoContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_path_info}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_path_info(OBParser.Opt_path_infoContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#policy_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPolicy_name(OBParser.Policy_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#policy_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPolicy_name(OBParser.Policy_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#flush_scope}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFlush_scope(OBParser.Flush_scopeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#flush_scope}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFlush_scope(OBParser.Flush_scopeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#server_info_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterServer_info_list(OBParser.Server_info_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#server_info_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitServer_info_list(OBParser.Server_info_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#server_info}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterServer_info(OBParser.Server_infoContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#server_info}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitServer_info(OBParser.Server_infoContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#server_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterServer_action(OBParser.Server_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#server_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitServer_action(OBParser.Server_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#server_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterServer_list(OBParser.Server_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#server_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitServer_list(OBParser.Server_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#zone_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterZone_action(OBParser.Zone_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#zone_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitZone_action(OBParser.Zone_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#ip_port}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterIp_port(OBParser.Ip_portContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#ip_port}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitIp_port(OBParser.Ip_portContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#zone_desc}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterZone_desc(OBParser.Zone_descContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#zone_desc}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitZone_desc(OBParser.Zone_descContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#server_or_zone}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterServer_or_zone(OBParser.Server_or_zoneContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#server_or_zone}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitServer_or_zone(OBParser.Server_or_zoneContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_or_alter_zone_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAdd_or_alter_zone_option(OBParser.Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_or_alter_zone_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAdd_or_alter_zone_option(OBParser.Add_or_alter_zone_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_or_alter_zone_options}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAdd_or_alter_zone_options(OBParser.Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#add_or_alter_zone_options}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAdd_or_alter_zone_options(OBParser.Add_or_alter_zone_optionsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_or_change_or_modify}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_or_change_or_modify(OBParser.Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_or_change_or_modify}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_or_change_or_modify(OBParser.Alter_or_change_or_modifyContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#ls}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterLs(OBParser.LsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#ls}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitLs(OBParser.LsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_id_desc}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPartition_id_desc(OBParser.Partition_id_descContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_id_desc}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPartition_id_desc(OBParser.Partition_id_descContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_id_or_server_or_zone}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPartition_id_or_server_or_zone(OBParser.Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_id_or_server_or_zone}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPartition_id_or_server_or_zone(OBParser.Partition_id_or_server_or_zoneContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#migrate_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMigrate_action(OBParser.Migrate_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#migrate_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMigrate_action(OBParser.Migrate_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#change_actions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterChange_actions(OBParser.Change_actionsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#change_actions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitChange_actions(OBParser.Change_actionsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#change_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterChange_action(OBParser.Change_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#change_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitChange_action(OBParser.Change_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#replica_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterReplica_type(OBParser.Replica_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#replica_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitReplica_type(OBParser.Replica_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#memstore_percent}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMemstore_percent(OBParser.Memstore_percentContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#memstore_percent}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMemstore_percent(OBParser.Memstore_percentContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#suspend_or_resume}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSuspend_or_resume(OBParser.Suspend_or_resumeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#suspend_or_resume}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSuspend_or_resume(OBParser.Suspend_or_resumeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#baseline_id_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterBaseline_id_expr(OBParser.Baseline_id_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#baseline_id_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitBaseline_id_expr(OBParser.Baseline_id_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_id_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSql_id_expr(OBParser.Sql_id_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_id_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSql_id_expr(OBParser.Sql_id_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#baseline_asgn_factor}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterBaseline_asgn_factor(OBParser.Baseline_asgn_factorContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#baseline_asgn_factor}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitBaseline_asgn_factor(OBParser.Baseline_asgn_factorContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTenant_name(OBParser.Tenant_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tenant_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTenant_name(OBParser.Tenant_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#namespace_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterNamespace_expr(OBParser.Namespace_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#namespace_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitNamespace_expr(OBParser.Namespace_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cache_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCache_name(OBParser.Cache_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cache_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCache_name(OBParser.Cache_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_id}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFile_id(OBParser.File_idContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#file_id}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFile_id(OBParser.File_idContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cancel_task_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCancel_task_type(OBParser.Cancel_task_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cancel_task_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCancel_task_type(OBParser.Cancel_task_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_settp_actions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_system_settp_actions(OBParser.Alter_system_settp_actionsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_system_settp_actions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_system_settp_actions(OBParser.Alter_system_settp_actionsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#settp_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSettp_option(OBParser.Settp_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#settp_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSettp_option(OBParser.Settp_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_role}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPartition_role(OBParser.Partition_roleContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#partition_role}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPartition_role(OBParser.Partition_roleContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#upgrade_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUpgrade_action(OBParser.Upgrade_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#upgrade_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUpgrade_action(OBParser.Upgrade_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_session_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_session_stmt(OBParser.Alter_session_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_session_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_session_stmt(OBParser.Alter_session_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#var_name_of_forced_module}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterVar_name_of_forced_module(OBParser.Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#var_name_of_forced_module}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitVar_name_of_forced_module(OBParser.Var_name_of_forced_moduleContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#var_name_of_module}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterVar_name_of_module(OBParser.Var_name_of_moduleContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#var_name_of_module}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitVar_name_of_module(OBParser.Var_name_of_moduleContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#switch_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSwitch_option(OBParser.Switch_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#switch_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSwitch_option(OBParser.Switch_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#session_isolation_level}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSession_isolation_level(OBParser.Session_isolation_levelContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#session_isolation_level}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSession_isolation_level(OBParser.Session_isolation_levelContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_session_set_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_session_set_clause(OBParser.Alter_session_set_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_session_set_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_session_set_clause(OBParser.Alter_session_set_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_system_parameter_clause_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSet_system_parameter_clause_list(OBParser.Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_system_parameter_clause_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSet_system_parameter_clause_list(OBParser.Set_system_parameter_clause_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#current_schema}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCurrent_schema(OBParser.Current_schemaContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#current_schema}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCurrent_schema(OBParser.Current_schemaContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_comment_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSet_comment_stmt(OBParser.Set_comment_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_comment_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSet_comment_stmt(OBParser.Set_comment_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_tablespace_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Create_tablespace_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_tablespace_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Create_tablespace_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_tablespace_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tablespace_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_tablespace_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Drop_tablespace_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tablespace}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTablespace(OBParser.TablespaceContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#tablespace}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTablespace(OBParser.TablespaceContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablespace_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablespace_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_tablespace_stmt(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablespace_actions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_tablespace_actions(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_actionsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablespace_actions}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_tablespace_actions(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_actionsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablespace_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_tablespace_action(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_tablespace_action}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_tablespace_action(OBParser.Alter_tablespace_actionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#permanent_tablespace}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPermanent_tablespace(OBParser.Permanent_tablespaceContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#permanent_tablespace}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPermanent_tablespace(OBParser.Permanent_tablespaceContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#permanent_tablespace_options}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPermanent_tablespace_options(OBParser.Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#permanent_tablespace_options}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPermanent_tablespace_options(OBParser.Permanent_tablespace_optionsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#permanent_tablespace_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPermanent_tablespace_option(OBParser.Permanent_tablespace_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#permanent_tablespace_option}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPermanent_tablespace_option(OBParser.Permanent_tablespace_optionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_profile_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_profile_stmt(OBParser.Create_profile_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_profile_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_profile_stmt(OBParser.Create_profile_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_profile_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAlter_profile_stmt(OBParser.Alter_profile_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#alter_profile_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAlter_profile_stmt(OBParser.Alter_profile_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_profile_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDrop_profile_stmt(OBParser.Drop_profile_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#drop_profile_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDrop_profile_stmt(OBParser.Drop_profile_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#profile_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterProfile_name(OBParser.Profile_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#profile_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitProfile_name(OBParser.Profile_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password_parameters}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPassword_parameters(OBParser.Password_parametersContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password_parameters}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPassword_parameters(OBParser.Password_parametersContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password_parameter}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPassword_parameter(OBParser.Password_parameterContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password_parameter}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPassword_parameter(OBParser.Password_parameterContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#verify_function_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterVerify_function_name(OBParser.Verify_function_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#verify_function_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitVerify_function_name(OBParser.Verify_function_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password_parameter_value}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPassword_parameter_value(OBParser.Password_parameter_valueContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password_parameter_value}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPassword_parameter_value(OBParser.Password_parameter_valueContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password_parameter_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPassword_parameter_type(OBParser.Password_parameter_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#password_parameter_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPassword_parameter_type(OBParser.Password_parameter_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#user_profile}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUser_profile(OBParser.User_profileContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#user_profile}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUser_profile(OBParser.User_profileContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#method_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMethod_opt(OBParser.Method_optContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#method_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMethod_opt(OBParser.Method_optContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#method_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMethod_list(OBParser.Method_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#method_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMethod_list(OBParser.Method_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#method}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMethod(OBParser.MethodContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#method}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMethod(OBParser.MethodContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#for_all}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFor_all(OBParser.For_allContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#for_all}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFor_all(OBParser.For_allContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#size_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSize_clause(OBParser.Size_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#size_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSize_clause(OBParser.Size_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#for_columns}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFor_columns(OBParser.For_columnsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#for_columns}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFor_columns(OBParser.For_columnsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#for_columns_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFor_columns_list(OBParser.For_columns_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#for_columns_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFor_columns_list(OBParser.For_columns_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#for_columns_item}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFor_columns_item(OBParser.For_columns_itemContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#for_columns_item}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFor_columns_item(OBParser.For_columns_itemContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterColumn_clause(OBParser.Column_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitColumn_clause(OBParser.Column_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#extension}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterExtension(OBParser.ExtensionContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#extension}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitExtension(OBParser.ExtensionContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_names_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSet_names_stmt(OBParser.Set_names_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_names_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSet_names_stmt(OBParser.Set_names_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_charset_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSet_charset_stmt(OBParser.Set_charset_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_charset_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSet_charset_stmt(OBParser.Set_charset_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_transaction_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSet_transaction_stmt(OBParser.Set_transaction_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#set_transaction_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSet_transaction_stmt(OBParser.Set_transaction_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transaction_characteristics}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTransaction_characteristics(OBParser.Transaction_characteristicsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transaction_characteristics}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTransaction_characteristics(OBParser.Transaction_characteristicsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transaction_access_mode}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTransaction_access_mode(OBParser.Transaction_access_modeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transaction_access_mode}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTransaction_access_mode(OBParser.Transaction_access_modeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#isolation_level}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterIsolation_level(OBParser.Isolation_levelContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#isolation_level}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitIsolation_level(OBParser.Isolation_levelContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#switchover_tenant_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSwitchover_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Switchover_tenant_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#switchover_tenant_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSwitchover_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Switchover_tenant_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#switchover_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSwitchover_clause(OBParser.Switchover_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#switchover_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSwitchover_clause(OBParser.Switchover_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#recover_tenant_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRecover_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Recover_tenant_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#recover_tenant_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRecover_tenant_stmt(OBParser.Recover_tenant_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#recover_point_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRecover_point_clause(OBParser.Recover_point_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#recover_point_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRecover_point_clause(OBParser.Recover_point_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transfer_partition_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTransfer_partition_stmt(OBParser.Transfer_partition_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transfer_partition_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTransfer_partition_stmt(OBParser.Transfer_partition_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transfer_partition_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTransfer_partition_clause(OBParser.Transfer_partition_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#transfer_partition_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTransfer_partition_clause(OBParser.Transfer_partition_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#part_info}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPart_info(OBParser.Part_infoContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#part_info}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPart_info(OBParser.Part_infoContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cancel_transfer_partition_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCancel_transfer_partition_clause(OBParser.Cancel_transfer_partition_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#cancel_transfer_partition_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCancel_transfer_partition_clause(OBParser.Cancel_transfer_partition_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#service_name_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterService_name_stmt(OBParser.Service_name_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#service_name_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitService_name_stmt(OBParser.Service_name_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#service_op}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterService_op(OBParser.Service_opContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#service_op}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitService_op(OBParser.Service_opContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_savepoint_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterCreate_savepoint_stmt(OBParser.Create_savepoint_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#create_savepoint_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitCreate_savepoint_stmt(OBParser.Create_savepoint_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rollback_savepoint_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRollback_savepoint_stmt(OBParser.Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#rollback_savepoint_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRollback_savepoint_stmt(OBParser.Rollback_savepoint_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#var_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterVar_name(OBParser.Var_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#var_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitVar_name(OBParser.Var_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterColumn_name(OBParser.Column_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitColumn_name(OBParser.Column_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRelation_name(OBParser.Relation_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#relation_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRelation_name(OBParser.Relation_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#exists_function_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterExists_function_name(OBParser.Exists_function_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#exists_function_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitExists_function_name(OBParser.Exists_function_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#function_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterFunction_name(OBParser.Function_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#function_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitFunction_name(OBParser.Function_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_label}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterColumn_label(OBParser.Column_labelContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#column_label}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitColumn_label(OBParser.Column_labelContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#keystore_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterKeystore_name(OBParser.Keystore_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#keystore_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitKeystore_name(OBParser.Keystore_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#date_unit}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDate_unit(OBParser.Date_unitContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#date_unit}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDate_unit(OBParser.Date_unitContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#timezone_unit}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterTimezone_unit(OBParser.Timezone_unitContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#timezone_unit}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitTimezone_unit(OBParser.Timezone_unitContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#date_unit_for_extract}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDate_unit_for_extract(OBParser.Date_unit_for_extractContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#date_unit_for_extract}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDate_unit_for_extract(OBParser.Date_unit_for_extractContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_mergepatch_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_mergepatch_expr(OBParser.Json_mergepatch_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_mergepatch_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_mergepatch_expr(OBParser.Json_mergepatch_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_mergepatch_on_error}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_mergepatch_on_error(OBParser.Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_mergepatch_on_error}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_mergepatch_on_error(OBParser.Json_mergepatch_on_errorContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_mergepatch}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_json_mergepatch(OBParser.Opt_json_mergepatchContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_mergepatch}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_json_mergepatch(OBParser.Opt_json_mergepatchContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_mp_return_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJs_mp_return_clause(OBParser.Js_mp_return_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_mp_return_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJs_mp_return_clause(OBParser.Js_mp_return_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_array_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_array_expr(OBParser.Json_array_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_array_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_array_expr(OBParser.Json_array_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_array_content}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_array_content(OBParser.Json_array_contentContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_array_content}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_array_content(OBParser.Json_array_contentContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_array_on_null}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_array_on_null(OBParser.Json_array_on_nullContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_array_on_null}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_array_on_null(OBParser.Json_array_on_nullContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_array_eles}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJs_array_eles(OBParser.Js_array_elesContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_array_eles}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJs_array_eles(OBParser.Js_array_elesContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_array_ele}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJs_array_ele(OBParser.Js_array_eleContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_array_ele}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJs_array_ele(OBParser.Js_array_eleContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_array_return_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJs_array_return_clause(OBParser.Js_array_return_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_array_return_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJs_array_return_clause(OBParser.Js_array_return_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_value_expr(OBParser.Json_value_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_value_expr(OBParser.Json_value_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_equal_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_equal_expr(OBParser.Json_equal_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_equal_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_equal_expr(OBParser.Json_equal_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_value_on_opt(OBParser.Json_value_on_optContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_value_on_opt(OBParser.Json_value_on_optContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_doc_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJs_doc_expr(OBParser.Js_doc_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_doc_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJs_doc_expr(OBParser.Js_doc_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_js_value_returning_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_js_value_returning_type(OBParser.Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_js_value_returning_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_js_value_returning_type(OBParser.Opt_js_value_returning_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_empty}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_value_on_empty(OBParser.Json_value_on_emptyContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_empty}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_value_on_empty(OBParser.Json_value_on_emptyContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_empty_response}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_value_on_empty_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_empty_responseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_empty_response}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_value_on_empty_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_empty_responseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_error}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_value_on_error(OBParser.Json_value_on_errorContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_error}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_value_on_error(OBParser.Json_value_on_errorContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_error_response}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_value_on_error_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_error_responseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_error_response}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_value_on_error_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_error_responseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_on_mismatchs}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_on_mismatchs(OBParser.Opt_on_mismatchsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_on_mismatchs}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_on_mismatchs(OBParser.Opt_on_mismatchsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_on_mismatch}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_on_mismatch(OBParser.Opt_on_mismatchContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_on_mismatch}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_on_mismatch(OBParser.Opt_on_mismatchContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_response}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_value_on_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_responseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_value_on_response}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_value_on_response(OBParser.Json_value_on_responseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mismatch_type_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMismatch_type_list(OBParser.Mismatch_type_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mismatch_type_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMismatch_type_list(OBParser.Mismatch_type_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mismatch_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterMismatch_type(OBParser.Mismatch_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#mismatch_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitMismatch_type(OBParser.Mismatch_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_exists_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_exists_expr(OBParser.Json_exists_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_exists_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_exists_expr(OBParser.Json_exists_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_exist}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_json_exist(OBParser.Opt_json_existContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_exist}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_json_exist(OBParser.Opt_json_existContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#passing_elements}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPassing_elements(OBParser.Passing_elementsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#passing_elements}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPassing_elements(OBParser.Passing_elementsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#passing_context}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterPassing_context(OBParser.Passing_contextContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#passing_context}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitPassing_context(OBParser.Passing_contextContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_var_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSql_var_name(OBParser.Sql_var_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#sql_var_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSql_var_name(OBParser.Sql_var_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty(OBParser.Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_json_exists_on_error_on_empty(OBParser.Opt_json_exists_on_error_on_emptyContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_exists_on_error}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_exists_on_error(OBParser.Json_exists_on_errorContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_exists_on_error}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_exists_on_error(OBParser.Json_exists_on_errorContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_exists_on_empty}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_exists_on_empty(OBParser.Json_exists_on_emptyContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_exists_on_empty}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_exists_on_empty(OBParser.Json_exists_on_emptyContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_exists_response_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_exists_response_type(OBParser.Json_exists_response_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_exists_response_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_exists_response_type(OBParser.Json_exists_response_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_query_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_query_expr(OBParser.Json_query_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_query_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_query_expr(OBParser.Json_query_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_query_on_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_query_on_opt(OBParser.Json_query_on_optContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_query_on_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_query_on_opt(OBParser.Json_query_on_optContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#wrapper_opts}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterWrapper_opts(OBParser.Wrapper_optsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#wrapper_opts}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitWrapper_opts(OBParser.Wrapper_optsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_query_return_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJs_query_return_type(OBParser.Js_query_return_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_query_return_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJs_query_return_type(OBParser.Js_query_return_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#on_mismatch_query}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOn_mismatch_query(OBParser.On_mismatch_queryContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#on_mismatch_query}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOn_mismatch_query(OBParser.On_mismatch_queryContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#on_error_query}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOn_error_query(OBParser.On_error_queryContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#on_error_query}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOn_error_query(OBParser.On_error_queryContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#on_empty_query}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOn_empty_query(OBParser.On_empty_queryContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#on_empty_query}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOn_empty_query(OBParser.On_empty_queryContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_response_query_on_empty_error}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_response_query_on_empty_error(OBParser.Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_response_query_on_empty_error}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_response_query_on_empty_error(OBParser.Opt_response_query_on_empty_errorContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_response_query}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_response_query(OBParser.Opt_response_queryContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_response_query}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_response_query(OBParser.Opt_response_queryContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXml_table_expr(OBParser.Xml_table_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXml_table_expr(OBParser.Xml_table_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_columns_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_columns_clause(OBParser.Opt_columns_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_columns_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_columns_clause(OBParser.Opt_columns_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_sequence_by_ref}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_sequence_by_ref(OBParser.Opt_sequence_by_refContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_sequence_by_ref}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_sequence_by_ref(OBParser.Opt_sequence_by_refContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_xml_passing_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_xml_passing_clause(OBParser.Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_xml_passing_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_xml_passing_clause(OBParser.Opt_xml_passing_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_xml_table_path}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_xml_table_path(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_pathContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_xml_table_path}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_xml_table_path(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_pathContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_xml_table_ns}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_xml_table_ns(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_nsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_xml_table_ns}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_xml_table_ns(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_nsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_ns_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXml_ns_list(OBParser.Xml_ns_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_ns_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXml_ns_list(OBParser.Xml_ns_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_ns}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXml_ns(OBParser.Xml_nsContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_ns}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXml_ns(OBParser.Xml_nsContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_identifier}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXml_identifier(OBParser.Xml_identifierContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_identifier}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXml_identifier(OBParser.Xml_identifierContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_columns_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXml_table_columns_list(OBParser.Xml_table_columns_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_columns_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXml_table_columns_list(OBParser.Xml_table_columns_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_column}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXml_table_column(OBParser.Xml_table_columnContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_column}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXml_table_column(OBParser.Xml_table_columnContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_ordinality_column_def}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXml_table_ordinality_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_ordinality_column_def}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXml_table_ordinality_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_ordinality_column_defContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_value_column_def}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXml_table_value_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_value_column_defContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_value_column_def}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXml_table_value_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_value_column_defContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_query_column_def}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXml_table_query_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_query_column_defContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_table_query_column_def}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXml_table_query_column_def(OBParser.Xml_table_query_column_defContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket(OBParser.Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_seq_by_ref_with_bracket(OBParser.Opt_seq_by_ref_with_bracketContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_xml_table_default_value}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_xml_table_default_value(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_xml_table_default_value}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_xml_table_default_value(OBParser.Opt_xml_table_default_valueContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_table_on_error_on_empty}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_json_table_on_error_on_empty(OBParser.Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_table_on_error_on_empty}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_json_table_on_error_on_empty(OBParser.Opt_json_table_on_error_on_emptyContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_columns_def_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_table_columns_def_opt(OBParser.Json_table_columns_def_optContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_columns_def_opt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_table_columns_def_opt(OBParser.Json_table_columns_def_optContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_table_expr(OBParser.Json_table_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_table_expr(OBParser.Json_table_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_columns_def}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_table_columns_def(OBParser.Json_table_columns_defContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_columns_def}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_table_columns_def(OBParser.Json_table_columns_defContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_column_def}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_table_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_column_defContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_column_def}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_table_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_column_defContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_ordinality_column_def}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_table_ordinality_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_ordinality_column_def}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_table_ordinality_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_ordinality_column_defContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_column_def_path}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_table_column_def_path(OBParser.Json_table_column_def_pathContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_column_def_path}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_table_column_def_path(OBParser.Json_table_column_def_pathContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_exists_column_def}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_table_exists_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_exists_column_defContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_exists_column_def}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_table_exists_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_exists_column_defContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_query_column_def}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_table_query_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_query_column_defContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_query_column_def}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_table_query_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_query_column_defContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_value_column_def}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_table_value_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_value_column_defContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_value_column_def}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_table_value_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_value_column_defContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_nested_column_def}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_table_nested_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_nested_column_defContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_nested_column_def}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_table_nested_column_def(OBParser.Json_table_nested_column_defContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_jt_query_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_jt_query_type(OBParser.Opt_jt_query_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_jt_query_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_jt_query_type(OBParser.Opt_jt_query_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_jt_value_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_jt_value_type(OBParser.Opt_jt_value_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_jt_value_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_jt_value_type(OBParser.Opt_jt_value_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_value_return_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJs_value_return_type(OBParser.Js_value_return_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_value_return_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJs_value_return_type(OBParser.Js_value_return_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_return_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJs_return_type(OBParser.Js_return_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_return_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJs_return_type(OBParser.Js_return_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_return_default_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJs_return_default_type(OBParser.Js_return_default_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_return_default_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJs_return_default_type(OBParser.Js_return_default_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_return_text_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJs_return_text_type(OBParser.Js_return_text_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_return_text_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJs_return_text_type(OBParser.Js_return_text_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_on_response}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_table_on_response(OBParser.Json_table_on_responseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_on_response}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_table_on_response(OBParser.Json_table_on_responseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_on_error}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_table_on_error(OBParser.Json_table_on_errorContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_on_error}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_table_on_error(OBParser.Json_table_on_errorContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_on_empty}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_table_on_empty(OBParser.Json_table_on_emptyContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_table_on_empty}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_table_on_empty(OBParser.Json_table_on_emptyContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_object_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_object_expr(OBParser.Json_object_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_object_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_object_expr(OBParser.Json_object_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_object_content}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_json_object_content(OBParser.Opt_json_object_contentContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_object_content}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_json_object_content(OBParser.Opt_json_object_contentContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_object_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_json_object_clause(OBParser.Opt_json_object_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_json_object_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_json_object_clause(OBParser.Opt_json_object_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#entry_op}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterEntry_op(OBParser.Entry_opContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#entry_op}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitEntry_op(OBParser.Entry_opContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#entry_set}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterEntry_set(OBParser.Entry_setContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#entry_set}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitEntry_set(OBParser.Entry_setContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#entry_obj}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterEntry_obj(OBParser.Entry_objContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#entry_obj}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitEntry_obj(OBParser.Entry_objContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#regular_entry_obj}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterRegular_entry_obj(OBParser.Regular_entry_objContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#regular_entry_obj}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitRegular_entry_obj(OBParser.Regular_entry_objContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_obj_literal_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_obj_literal_expr(OBParser.Json_obj_literal_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_obj_literal_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_obj_literal_expr(OBParser.Json_obj_literal_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_on_null}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJs_on_null(OBParser.Js_on_nullContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#js_on_null}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJs_on_null(OBParser.Js_on_nullContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_obj_returning_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_obj_returning_type(OBParser.Json_obj_returning_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_obj_returning_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_obj_returning_type(OBParser.Json_obj_returning_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_obj_unique_key}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterJson_obj_unique_key(OBParser.Json_obj_unique_keyContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#json_obj_unique_key}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitJson_obj_unique_key(OBParser.Json_obj_unique_keyContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_skip_index_type_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOpt_skip_index_type_list(OBParser.Opt_skip_index_type_listContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#opt_skip_index_type_list}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOpt_skip_index_type_list(OBParser.Opt_skip_index_type_listContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#skip_index_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterSkip_index_type(OBParser.Skip_index_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#skip_index_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitSkip_index_type(OBParser.Skip_index_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xmlparse_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXmlparse_expr(OBParser.Xmlparse_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xmlparse_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXmlparse_expr(OBParser.Xmlparse_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_text}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXml_text(OBParser.Xml_textContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_text}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXml_text(OBParser.Xml_textContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_doc_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXml_doc_type(OBParser.Xml_doc_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_doc_type}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXml_doc_type(OBParser.Xml_doc_typeContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_element_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXml_element_expr(OBParser.Xml_element_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_element_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXml_element_expr(OBParser.Xml_element_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_tag}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXml_tag(OBParser.Xml_tagContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_tag}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXml_tag(OBParser.Xml_tagContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#evalname_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterEvalname_expr(OBParser.Evalname_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#evalname_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitEvalname_expr(OBParser.Evalname_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#element_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterElement_name(OBParser.Element_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#element_name}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitElement_name(OBParser.Element_nameContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_value_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXml_value_clause(OBParser.Xml_value_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_value_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXml_value_clause(OBParser.Xml_value_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_value}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXml_value(OBParser.Xml_valueContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_value}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXml_value(OBParser.Xml_valueContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_attributes_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXml_attributes_expr(OBParser.Xml_attributes_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_attributes_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXml_attributes_expr(OBParser.Xml_attributes_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_attributes_value_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXml_attributes_value_clause(OBParser.Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_attributes_value_clause}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXml_attributes_value_clause(OBParser.Xml_attributes_value_clauseContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#attributes_name_value}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAttributes_name_value(OBParser.Attributes_name_valueContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#attributes_name_value}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAttributes_name_value(OBParser.Attributes_name_valueContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_attributes_value}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXml_attributes_value(OBParser.Xml_attributes_valueContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_attributes_value}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXml_attributes_value(OBParser.Xml_attributes_valueContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_sequence_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXml_sequence_expr(OBParser.Xml_sequence_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_sequence_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXml_sequence_expr(OBParser.Xml_sequence_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_child_xml}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterInsert_child_xml(OBParser.Insert_child_xmlContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#insert_child_xml}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitInsert_child_xml(OBParser.Insert_child_xmlContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#delete_xml}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterDelete_xml(OBParser.Delete_xmlContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#delete_xml}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitDelete_xml(OBParser.Delete_xmlContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_extract_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXml_extract_expr(OBParser.Xml_extract_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xml_extract_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXml_extract_expr(OBParser.Xml_extract_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xmlcast_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXmlcast_expr(OBParser.Xmlcast_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xmlcast_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXmlcast_expr(OBParser.Xmlcast_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xmlserialize_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterXmlserialize_expr(OBParser.Xmlserialize_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#xmlserialize_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitXmlserialize_expr(OBParser.Xmlserialize_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unreserved_keyword}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUnreserved_keyword(OBParser.Unreserved_keywordContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unreserved_keyword}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUnreserved_keyword(OBParser.Unreserved_keywordContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#aggregate_function_keyword}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterAggregate_function_keyword(OBParser.Aggregate_function_keywordContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#aggregate_function_keyword}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitAggregate_function_keyword(OBParser.Aggregate_function_keywordContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#oracle_unreserved_keyword}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterOracle_unreserved_keyword(OBParser.Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#oracle_unreserved_keyword}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitOracle_unreserved_keyword(OBParser.Oracle_unreserved_keywordContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unreserved_keyword_normal}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterUnreserved_keyword_normal(OBParser.Unreserved_keyword_normalContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#unreserved_keyword_normal}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitUnreserved_keyword_normal(OBParser.Unreserved_keyword_normalContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#empty}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterEmpty(OBParser.EmptyContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#empty}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitEmpty(OBParser.EmptyContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#forward_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterForward_expr(OBParser.Forward_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#forward_expr}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitForward_expr(OBParser.Forward_exprContext ctx); - /** - * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#forward_sql_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void enterForward_sql_stmt(OBParser.Forward_sql_stmtContext ctx); - /** - * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link OBParser#forward_sql_stmt}. - * @param ctx the parse tree - */ - void exitForward_sql_stmt(OBParser.Forward_sql_stmtContext ctx); -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ index 9199d2e76b..7fddcceb7e 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ @@ -191,6 +191,21 @@ public void generate_withColumnGroup_customGroup_succeed() { Assert.assertEquals(expect, actual); } + @Test + public void generate_CreateVectorIndex_Succeed() { + StatementFactory factory = new MySQLCreateIndexFactory( + getCreateIdxContext("create vector index vec_idx1 on t_vec(c2) with (distance=l2, type=hnsw);")); + CreateIndex actual = factory.generate(); + + CreateIndex expected = new CreateIndex(new RelationFactor("vec_idx1"), + new RelationFactor("t_vec"), Arrays.asList( + new SortColumn(new ColumnReference(null, null, "c2")))); + expected.setIndexOptions(new IndexOptions()); + expected.setVector(true); + + Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); + } + private Create_index_stmtContext getCreateIdxContext(String expr) { OBLexer lexer = new OBLexer(CharStreams.fromString(expr)); CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ index 77ca20c4c6..ea75a845e5 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ @@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ import; import; import; +import; import; +import; /** * Test cases for {@link MySQLDataTypeFactoryTest} @@ -294,6 +296,33 @@ public void generate_set_generateSucceed() { Assert.assertEquals(expect, actual); } + @Test + public void generate_VectorType_Succeed() { + StatementFactory factory = new MySQLDataTypeFactory(getDataTypeContext("vector(12)")); + DataType actual = factory.generate(); + + DataType expect = new VectorType("vector", 12); + Assert.assertEquals(expect, actual); + } + + @Test + public void generate_RoaringbitmapType_Succeed() { + StatementFactory factory = new MySQLDataTypeFactory(getDataTypeContext("roaringbitmap")); + DataType actual = factory.generate(); + + DataType expect = new GeneralDataType("roaringbitmap", null); + Assert.assertEquals(expect, actual); + } + + @Test + public void generate_ArrayType_Succeed() { + StatementFactory factory = new MySQLDataTypeFactory(getDataTypeContext("array(varchar(32))")); + DataType actual = factory.generate(); + CharacterType characterType = new CharacterType("varchar", new BigDecimal("32")); + DataType expect = new ArrayType(characterType); + Assert.assertEquals(expect, actual); + } + private Data_typeContext getDataTypeContext(String type) { OBLexer lexer = new OBLexer(CharStreams.fromString(type)); CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ index 7caa9a6fb1..10c2d35020 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ @@ -17,9 +17,11 @@ import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; +import; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.BailErrorStrategy; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStreams; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream; @@ -1415,6 +1417,50 @@ public void generate_condition_generateCaseWhenSucceed() { Assert.assertEquals(expect, actual); } + @Test + public void generate_vectorDistanceExpr_Succeed() { + ExprContext context = getExprContext("VECTOR_DISTANCE(vector1, vector2)"); + StatementFactory factory = new MySQLExpressionFactory(context); + Expression actual = factory.generate(); + + List params = new ArrayList<>(); + params.add(new ExpressionParam(new ColumnReference(null, null, "vector1"))); + params.add(new ExpressionParam(new ColumnReference(null, null, "vector2"))); + FunctionCall expected = new FunctionCall("VECTOR_DISTANCE", params); + Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); + } + + @Test + public void generate_ArrayExpr_1_Succeed() { + ExprContext context = getExprContext("\"hel\" = ANY([\"hello\", \"hi\"])"); + StatementFactory factory = new MySQLExpressionFactory(context); + Expression actual = factory.generate(); + ConstExpression left = new ConstExpression("\"hel\""); + CollectionExpression right = new CollectionExpression(); + ArrayExpression arrayExpression = new ArrayExpression(Arrays.asList(new ConstExpression("\"hello\""), new ConstExpression("\"hi\""))); + right.addExpression(arrayExpression); + CompoundExpression expected = new CompoundExpression(left, right, Operator.EQ); + Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); + } + + @Test + public void generate_ArrayExpr_2_Succeed() { + ExprContext context = getExprContext("[3,4] = ANY([[1,2],[3,4]])"); + StatementFactory factory = new MySQLExpressionFactory(context); + Expression actual = factory.generate(); + ArrayExpression left = new ArrayExpression(Arrays.asList(new ConstExpression("3"), new ConstExpression("4"))); + CollectionExpression right = new CollectionExpression(); + ArrayExpression arrayExpression1 = + new ArrayExpression(Arrays.asList(new ConstExpression("1"), new ConstExpression("2"))); + ArrayExpression arrayExpression2 = + new ArrayExpression(Arrays.asList(new ConstExpression("3"), new ConstExpression("4"))); + ArrayExpression arrayExpression = new ArrayExpression(Arrays.asList(arrayExpression1, arrayExpression2)); + right.addExpression(arrayExpression); + CompoundExpression expected = new CompoundExpression(left, right, Operator.EQ); + Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); + } + + private ExprContext getExprContext(String expr) { OBLexer lexer = new OBLexer(CharStreams.fromString(expr)); CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ index d88d67ea49..d0f5ef3fc5 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ @@ -1110,6 +1110,18 @@ public void generate_uniqueIndexWithColumnGroup_allColumns_succeed() { Assert.assertEquals(expect, actual); } + + @Test + public void generate_outOfLineIndexVectorIndex_succeed() { + StatementFactory factory = new MySQLTableElementFactory( + getTableElementContext("vector index idx1(c2) with (distance=L2, type=hnsw)")); + TableElement actual = factory.generate(); + OutOfLineIndex expected = new OutOfLineIndex("idx1", + Collections.singletonList(new SortColumn(new ColumnReference(null, null, "c2")))); + expected.setIndexOptions(new IndexOptions()); + Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); + } + private Table_elementContext getTableElementContext(String str) { OBLexer lexer = new OBLexer(CharStreams.fromString(str)); CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); From 8f6704fa5c5f53c5cd0660d5c87e3564abea613f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MarkPotato777 Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 10:23:15 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 07/11] add unit test cases --- .../adapter/ | 31 +++++++++ .../adapter/ | 67 ++++++++++++++++++- .../adapter/ | 19 ++++++ 3 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ index ea75a845e5..63fbf7a2d8 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ @@ -323,6 +323,37 @@ public void generate_ArrayType_Succeed() { Assert.assertEquals(expect, actual); } + + @Test + public void generate_ArrayTypePGCompatible_Succeed() { + StatementFactory factory = new MySQLDataTypeFactory(getDataTypeContext("varchar(32)[]")); + DataType actual = factory.generate(); + CharacterType characterType = new CharacterType("varchar", new BigDecimal("32")); + DataType expect = new ArrayType(characterType); + Assert.assertEquals(expect, actual); + } + + @Test + public void generate_ArrayTypeNestedPGCompatible_Succeed() { + StatementFactory factory = new MySQLDataTypeFactory(getDataTypeContext("array(array(varchar(32)))")); + DataType actual = factory.generate(); + CharacterType characterType = new CharacterType("varchar", new BigDecimal("32")); + ArrayType nested = new ArrayType(characterType); + DataType expect = new ArrayType(nested); + Assert.assertEquals(expect, actual); + } + + @Test + public void generate_ArrayTypePGNested_Succeed() { + StatementFactory factory = new MySQLDataTypeFactory(getDataTypeContext("varchar(32)[][]")); + DataType actual = factory.generate(); + CharacterType characterType = new CharacterType("varchar", new BigDecimal("32")); + ArrayType nested = new ArrayType(characterType); + DataType expect = new ArrayType(nested); + Assert.assertEquals(expect, actual); + } + + private Data_typeContext getDataTypeContext(String type) { OBLexer lexer = new OBLexer(CharStreams.fromString(type)); CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ index 10c2d35020..efc57eca86 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ @@ -1431,7 +1431,7 @@ public void generate_vectorDistanceExpr_Succeed() { } @Test - public void generate_ArrayExpr_1_Succeed() { + public void generate_AnyArrayExpr_1_Succeed() { ExprContext context = getExprContext("\"hel\" = ANY([\"hello\", \"hi\"])"); StatementFactory factory = new MySQLExpressionFactory(context); Expression actual = factory.generate(); @@ -1444,7 +1444,7 @@ public void generate_ArrayExpr_1_Succeed() { } @Test - public void generate_ArrayExpr_2_Succeed() { + public void generate_AnyArrayExpr_2_Succeed() { ExprContext context = getExprContext("[3,4] = ANY([[1,2],[3,4]])"); StatementFactory factory = new MySQLExpressionFactory(context); Expression actual = factory.generate(); @@ -1460,6 +1460,69 @@ public void generate_ArrayExpr_2_Succeed() { Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } + @Test + public void generate_AnyArrayExprNested_Succeed() { + ExprContext context = getExprContext("[\"are You?\"] = ANY([[\"hello\", \"world\"], [\"hi\", \"what\"], [\"are you?\"]]);"); + StatementFactory factory = new MySQLExpressionFactory(context); + Expression actual = factory.generate(); + ArrayExpression left = new ArrayExpression(Arrays.asList(new ConstExpression("\"are You?\""))); + CollectionExpression right = new CollectionExpression(); + ArrayExpression arrayExpression1 = + new ArrayExpression(Arrays.asList(new ConstExpression("\"hello\""), new ConstExpression("\"world\""))); + ArrayExpression arrayExpression2 = + new ArrayExpression(Arrays.asList(new ConstExpression("\"hi\""), new ConstExpression("\"what\""))); + ArrayExpression arrayExpression3 = + new ArrayExpression(Arrays.asList(new ConstExpression("\"are you?\""))); + ArrayExpression arrayExpression = new ArrayExpression(Arrays.asList(arrayExpression1, arrayExpression2, arrayExpression3)); + right.addExpression(arrayExpression); + CompoundExpression expected = new CompoundExpression(left, right, Operator.EQ); + Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); + } + + @Test + public void generate_ArrayExpr_1_Succeed() { + ExprContext context = getExprContext("(array(1,2,3))"); + StatementFactory factory = new MySQLExpressionFactory(context); + Expression actual = factory.generate(); + ArrayExpression expected = + new ArrayExpression(Arrays.asList(new ConstExpression("1"), new ConstExpression("2"), new ConstExpression("3"))); + Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); + } + + @Test + public void generate_ArrayExpr_2_Succeed() { + ExprContext context = getExprContext("([1,2,3])"); + StatementFactory factory = new MySQLExpressionFactory(context); + Expression actual = factory.generate(); + ArrayExpression expected = + new ArrayExpression(Arrays.asList(new ConstExpression("1"), new ConstExpression("2"), new ConstExpression("3"))); + Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); + } + + @Test + public void generate_ArrayExpr_3_Succeed() { + ExprContext context = getExprContext("(\"[1,2,3]\")"); + StatementFactory factory = new MySQLExpressionFactory(context); + Expression actual = factory.generate(); + ConstExpression expected = new ConstExpression("\"[1,2,3]\""); + Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); + } + + @Test + public void generate_ArrayContains_Succeed() { + ExprContext context = getExprContext("array_contains([1,2,3], 2);"); + StatementFactory factory = new MySQLExpressionFactory(context); + Expression actual = factory.generate(); + List params = new ArrayList<>(); + ArrayExpression arrayExpression = new ArrayExpression(Arrays.asList(new ConstExpression("1"), new ConstExpression("2"), new ConstExpression("3"))); + ConstExpression constExpression = new ConstExpression("2"); + params.add(new ExpressionParam(arrayExpression)); + params.add(new ExpressionParam(constExpression)); + FunctionCall expected = new FunctionCall("array_contains", params); + Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); + } + + private ExprContext getExprContext(String expr) { OBLexer lexer = new OBLexer(CharStreams.fromString(expr)); diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ index 7de37ce190..23432074e4 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; +import; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.BailErrorStrategy; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStreams; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream; @@ -651,6 +652,24 @@ public void generate_parentSelectWithClause_generateSelectSucceed() { Assert.assertEquals(expect, actual); } + @Test + public void generate_SelectArray_Succeed() { + Select_stmtContext context = getSelectContext("select [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]];"); + StatementFactory factory = new MySQLSelectFactory(context); Select actual = factory.generate(); - ArrayExpression expression1 = new ArrayExpression(Arrays.asList(new ConstExpression("1"), new ConstExpression("2"))); - ArrayExpression expression2 = new ArrayExpression(Arrays.asList(new ConstExpression("3"), new ConstExpression("4"))); - ArrayExpression expression3 = new ArrayExpression(Arrays.asList(new ConstExpression("5"), new ConstExpression("6"))); + ArrayExpression expression1 = + new ArrayExpression(Arrays.asList(new ConstExpression("1"), new ConstExpression("2"))); + ArrayExpression expression2 = + new ArrayExpression(Arrays.asList(new ConstExpression("3"), new ConstExpression("4"))); + ArrayExpression expression3 = + new ArrayExpression(Arrays.asList(new ConstExpression("5"), new ConstExpression("6"))); ArrayExpression column = new ArrayExpression(Arrays.asList(expression1, expression2, expression3)); Projection projection = new Projection(column, null); From 6982700cc86addf337ad53083cf2fe78190ee433 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MarkPotato777 Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 11:21:47 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 09/11] pmd --- .../src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBParser.g4 | 11 +++-------- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBParser.g4 b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBParser.g4 index 3e86ff8e58..48d25f17cd 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBParser.g4 +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/main/resources/oboracle/sql/OBParser.g4 @@ -343,12 +343,6 @@ bit_expr | BOOL_VALUE ; -conf_expr - : unary_expr - | BOOL_VALUE - | conf_expr (CNNOP|Div|MOD|Minus|Plus|Star) conf_expr - ; - is_nan_inf_value : NAN_VALUE | INFINITE_VALUE @@ -879,7 +873,8 @@ updating_func ; updating_params - : bit_expr + : STRING_VALUE + | pl_var_name ; substr_params @@ -4058,7 +4053,7 @@ alter_system_reset_clause ; set_system_parameter_clause - : var_name COMP_EQ conf_expr + : var_name COMP_EQ bit_expr ; reset_system_parameter_clause From 64675c3e06b2a43c4bbe1fde284a74faa55304b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MarkPotato777 Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 19:23:29 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 10/11] fix ut --- .../tools/sqlparser/adapter/ | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ index d0f5ef3fc5..d11b8a92e8 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/tools/sqlparser/adapter/ @@ -1119,6 +1119,7 @@ public void generate_outOfLineIndexVectorIndex_succeed() { OutOfLineIndex expected = new OutOfLineIndex("idx1", Collections.singletonList(new SortColumn(new ColumnReference(null, null, "c2")))); expected.setIndexOptions(new IndexOptions()); + expected.setVector(true); Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual); } From f106d44f97d252446e7f5a7f1b6450ab1f07e065 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MarkPotato777 Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2024 10:46:43 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 11/11] upgrade ob-sql-parser version --- libs/db-browser/pom.xml | 2 +- libs/ob-sql-parser/pom.xml | 2 +- pom.xml | 2 +- 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/libs/db-browser/pom.xml b/libs/db-browser/pom.xml index 6c8c0ee483..43c32942cb 100644 --- a/libs/db-browser/pom.xml +++ b/libs/db-browser/pom.xml @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ 4.4 2.18.0 1.2.83 - 1.3.1 + 1.3.2 1.4 2.4.12 ${project.basedir} diff --git a/libs/ob-sql-parser/pom.xml b/libs/ob-sql-parser/pom.xml index 5bea7962fd..83af85c192 100644 --- a/libs/ob-sql-parser/pom.xml +++ b/libs/ob-sql-parser/pom.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ 4.0.0 com.oceanbase ob-sql-parser - 1.3.1 + 1.3.2 ob-sql-parser diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml index 9529b999ef..1bbb366309 100644 --- a/pom.xml +++ b/pom.xml @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ 4.10.0 2.10.0 1.2.0 - 1.3.1 + 1.3.2 3.10.0 1.64 2.0.0